Writing an ANSIC Program his dl
basic input/output functions of C. Gelling information into and oul of a
values and the usc of c."prcssions and assignments to change the value of a variable. The chapter also includes a discussion of the whi le statement. An example is presented to show how a whi 1e statement provides for repclitive action. Throughout this chapter and throughout the text many examples arc given. Included arc many complete programs, whjch orten arc dissected. This allows the reader to see in detail how ead construct works. Topics that are introduced in this chapter arc seen again in later chapters, with more detailed explanation where appropriate. This spiral approach to learning emphasizes ideas and tcchniqucs esseOlial for the C progranuner. Each chapter ends with a section ca!led "t.lovlng to CH." C++ is largely a superset of C. By learning C++ you are also learning the kernel language of C. A follow-on book, C (or c++ Programmers. second edition. by Ira Pohl, teaches the rest of c++ that is not found here. Also, most chaplers ha\"e exercises that are based on Java programs. Java is partly based on C. lIow('\,er, unlike C++, some C concepts do not work in Java or have a difI'erent meaning. In(reasingly, people (oming to programming in C have started from a Java background, such as that found in the c..:ompanion volume, .Java by Disseclion. by Ira Pohl and Charlie McDowell. The modern progranuner needs to be comfortable in all threc C-based lan~uagcs.
Chapter I •
2 r~_
Writing an ANSI C Program
Getting Ready to Program
Programs arc written to instruct machines to carry out specific tasks or to solve specific problems. A step-h}-step procedure that accomplishes a desired task is called an algoril/HI1. Thus projotramming is the activity of communicating algorithms to computers. \\ee arc all used 10 giving instructions 10 someone in English and having that person carry out the instructions. The programming process is analogolls, exccpt thilt machines h,1\C no tnler
Spccify the task. 2 Discover an algoritlun for its solulion. 3 Code the algorithm in C. -I Test the code. A computer is a digital elcctronic machine composed of three main components: processor. memor), and inpul/output devices. The processor is also called the cerltral processing tlnit, or CPU. The processor carries out instrucllons Ihat arc stored in the memor}. Along with the instructions, data is also stored in memory. The processor typically is instructed to manipulale the data in some desired fashion. Inpul/output devices take information from agents cxlernalto the machine and provide mformalion to those agcnts. Input devices are t)'picall} terminal keyboards, disk drives, and tape drivcs. Output devices are t}pically terminal screens, printers, disk drives, and tape drivcs. The physical makeup of a machine can be quite complicated, but the user need not be concerned with the details. The oper· ating s)stcm on a m
ce pgm.c
1.2 •
A Firsr Program
where pgm.c is the name of a file tllat contains a program. If there are no errors in pgm.c, this command produces an executable f'i/e-one that can be run, or executed. Although we think of this as compiling the program, what actualJy happens is more complicated. In Chapter 14, "Software Tools," we discuss the compilation process in more detail. Here, we just want to mention the basics. When we compile a simple program, three separate actions occur: first the preprocessor is invoked, then the compiler, and finally the loader. The preprocessor modifies a copy of the source code by includin~ other files and by making other changes. (In Section 1.5, "The Use of #define and #include," on page 13, we discuss the preprocessor fUflher.) The compiler then translates this into objeci code, wruch the loader then uses to produce the final executable file. A file that contains object code is called an object rile. Object files, unlike source files, usually are not read by humans. When we speak of compiling a program, we really mean invoking the preprocessor, the compiler, and the loader. For a simple program this is all done with a single command. After the programmer writes a program, it has to be compiled and tested. If modifications arc needed, the source code bas to be edited again. Thus part of the programming process consists of the q'c1e
When the programmer is satisfied with the program performance, the cycle ends.
w _ /;"~
A First Program
A first task for anyone learning to program is to print on the screen. Let us begin by writing Ihe Kernighan and Ritchie program that prints Ihe phrase "Hello, world!~ on the screen. The complete program is
/* The traditional first program in honor of Dennis Ritchie who invented C at Bell Labs in 1972
#include <stdio.h> int mainCvoid) (
printf("Hell0, world!\n");
return 0; }
Chapter I
Writing an ANSI C Program
Using the text editor, the prop,rammef types this into of a file name should be mnemonic. Let
file ending in.c The choice
suppose hello.c is the name of the file in which the program h"s been \vrillen. When this program is wmpiled and exC'cllted, it prints on the screen LIS
Hello, world!
The Most Popular Phrase in Computer
Programming-the Rest of the Story.
1.2 •
A First Program
Dissection of the hello Program •
/* The traditional first program in honor of Dennis Ritchie who invented C at Bell Labs in 1972 ",/
These three lines arc a c..:ommenL Text that is brac..:keted b} the starling Sl mbol pair and the ending symbol pair'" / is ignored b}' the compiler. It serves as documentation for the human reader of the program.
#include <stdio.h>
Lines that begin with a # are <.:a]Jcd preprocessing dire(·fives. Ther cOlllmunicate with the preprocessor. This #include direclhe causes the preprocessor 10 include a copy of lhe standard header file sldio.h at this point in the c..:ode. This header file is provided b} the C system. The angle brackets around <stdio.h> indicate that this file is tu be found in the "usual place," which is system-dependent. We have included file bec..:ause it contains information about the printfO function. •
int main(void)
Everr program has a function named mai n. where execution begins. The parentheses foUowing mai n indicate 10 the compiler that it is a funClion. The keyword i nt declares the rei urn type 10 be integer valued. The keyword voi d indicates the function takes no arguments.
A left brace begins Ihe body of each function. A corresponding: righl brace must end the function. Our sl}lje is to place these braces on separale tines at
the left margin. Bn.lccs arc also used •
group statcml'nts togcther.
The C system conlains a standard library of functions Ihat enn be used in programs. This is a function from the Jibraf) lhat prints on the screen. We included the header file srdio.h bcc;'llise it provides certain information to thc compiler about the function printf()-namel}, its function prototype. (Fun<:lion prototypes arc discussed in Section -1.-1, UFlInction Prutotypes," on page 131.)
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
printf("Hello, world!\n");
This is the ruoclion priotfO being called, or invoked, with a single argument-namely, lhe siring "Hello, world!\n"
A string constant in C is a series of characters surrounded by double quotes. This string is an argument to the function pr;ntfO, which controls what is to be printed. The two characters \0 at the end of the string (read "backslash n") represent a single character called newline. [t is a nonprinting character and its dlce! is to advance the cursor on the screen to the beginning of the next line. Notice thaI Ihis line eods with a semicolon. All declarations and statements in C end wilh a semicolon. •
return 0;
The integer value zero is returned b~' ma; n () to the operating system. Zero means the program completed successfully. Nonzero values are used to tell the operaling system that mai n 0 has been unsuccessful.
This right brace matches the left brace above and ends the function mainO.
The function printfO acts to continuously print across the screen. It moves 10 a new line when a newline character is read. The screen is a two-dimensional display that prints from IeI'! to right and top to bottom. To be readable, output must appear properly spLlccd on the screcn. Let us rewrite our program to make use of two printfO statements. Although the program looks diJlerenl, its output is the same. #include <stdio,h> int main(void) {
printf("Hello, "); printf("world!\n"); return 0; }
Notice th"t the string used as an argument 10 the first pri ntfO statement ends with
1.3 •
Variables, Expressions, and Assignments
#include <stdio.h> int rnain(void) (
printf("Hello, world!\n"); printf("Hello, universe!\n"); retu rn 0; }
When we execute this program, the following appears on the screen: Hello, world! Hello, universe! i\"otice that the two pri ntfO statements in the body of rnai nO could be replaced by the single statement pri ntf("He 11 0, worl d! \nHe" 0, uni verse! \n") ; The availability of useful functions like printfO in the stand'.lfd library is a powerful feature of C. Although teclmicall~J the standard library is not part of the C language, it is part of the C system. Because the functions in Ihe standard library are available wherever a C system is found, programmers routinely use them.
Variables, Expressions, and Assignments (Jur first program illustrated the usc of pri ntfO for output. In our next program we want to illustrate the usc of variables to manipulate integer values. Variables arc used to store values. Because different kinds of variables are used to store dif· ferent kinds of data, the type of each variable must be specified. To illustrate our ideas, we write a program based on the wreck of the ship flesperus. This calamity at sea, which was made famous in a poem by Ilenry Wadsworth Longfellow, occurrt'd off the reef of Norman's Woe ncar Glollct'ster, ~'lassachusetts, in IR19. The waters off the reef are about 7 fathoms deep. In the program we convert this depl h 10 other units of measure. Ilere is Ihe algorithm that our program uses. Algorithm for the Hesperus
Assign the number of fathoms to a variablt'. L Convert fathoms to feet ,md store in a variable. :1 Convert feet 10 inches (lnd store in a variable.
4 Print lhe dil"["erent units of measure neatly on the screen.
Chapter I
Writing an ANSI C Program
In writing the C code, we have to choose an appropriatc SCi of \ariablcs. In this case IIllcgcr \ari'lbles arc a nalUral choke, We h
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
i nt
inches, feet, fathoms;
fathoms = 7; feet = 6 * fathoms; inches = 12 * feet; pr; ntf("Wreck of the Hesperus: \n"); printf("Its depth at sea in different: units:\n"); printf(" %d fathoms\n", fathoms); printf(" %d feet\n". feet); printf(" %d inches\n", inches); return 0; )
\\ hell \\C compile this program and run it, here is what appears on the screen:
Wreck of the Hesperus: Its depth at sea in different units: 7 fathoms 42 feet 504 inches
Dissection of the depth Program •
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
inches. feet. fathoms;
The nrst line within the bod} of the function mainO i:- a declaration. The variables inches, feet, and fathoms arc declared lO be of type i nt. one of the fundamental types in C. A \ ariable of type i nt can lake on integer values. All variables In a program must be dl.'t:larl-d before Ule} can be used. Dcrlaralions, as well as statemcnls. end with a semicolon.
Variables. Expressions. and Assignments
This is an assignment statement. The equal sign = is the basic assignment operator in C. The value of the expression on the right side of the = symbol is assigned to the variable on the left side. Here, the constant expression on the right side is 7. That value is assigned to the variable fathoms. •
feet = 6 * fathoms; inches = 12 * feet;
These are assignment statemenls. Because 1 fathom is equ
pri ntf("
%d fathoms\n", fathoms);
This pri ntfO statement has two arguments: %d fathoms\n"
Note that they arc separated by a COlllina. The first argument in a printfO function is always a string, called the control string. In this example the control string contains the conversion specification %d. A conversion specification is also called a format. The format %d causes the value of the expression in the second
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Progmm
preprocessing direcI ives
int main(void) { declararions
swtemenls }
At the tOp of the file we might have preprocessing directives such as Hi ncl ude lines. In lhe body of mai nO. lhe declarations must come before the statements. The declarations tell the compiler what kind of data can be stored in each of the variables. This enables the compiler to set aside the appropriate amount of memo ory to hold the data. We have already seen the use of integer data. Shortl}', we discuss character data and floating data. The statements in the program carry out Ihe desired computations and display information on the screen. A variable name, also called an identifIer, consists of a sequence of lellers, digits. and underscores. but it may not begin with a digit. Identifiers should be chosen to reneet their use in the program. In this way the}' serve as documentation, making the program more readable. After variables have been declared, lhey can be assigned values and used in expressions. Certain ke}'\\lords, also called reserved words. cannot be used by the programmer as names of variables. E.xamples of keywords are char, into and float. In Chapter ~. "Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System," we present a table of all the keywords. Other names are known to the C system and normally would not be redefined by the programmer. The name printf is an example. Because it is the name of a function in the standard library, it usually isn't used as the name of a variable. E.xpressions typically are found on the right side of assignment operators and as arguments to functions. The simplest expressions arc just constants, such as 6 and 12. which were both used in the previous program. The name of a variable alone can be considered an expression, and meaningful combinations of operators with variables and constants are also expressions. Among the Illany operators in C arc the binary arithmetic operalors, +
used for addition. subtraction. multiplication, division, and modulus. respectively. These arc called binary operators because they act on two operands. as in the expression a + b
Here, the operator + is actinR on the two operands a and b. An expression such as this has a value that depends on the values of a and b. For c.xample. if a has value I and b has value 2, the expression a + b has value 3.
Variables, Expressions, and Assignments
In C. an integer expression divided by another integer expression yields an integer value. Any fractional part is discarded. Thus 1/2 has value 0, 7/2 has value 3, 18/4 has value 4, and 29/5 has value 5. Division by zero is not allowed. If a and bare i nt variables and one (or both) of them is negative, the value of alb is system-dependent (see exercise 5 on page ::IS). Most beginning programmers art;' nOl familiar with the modulus operator %. As we shall see, it has many uses in programming. The expression a%b yields the remainder after a is divided by b. For example, because 5 divided by 3 is I with a remainder of 2, the expression 5%3 has value 2. In a similar fashion, 7%4 has value 3,12%6 has value 0, 19%5 has value 4, and 33%7 has value 5. rn the expression a%b the value of b cannol be zero, because this would lead to division by zero. The modulus operator can act only on integer expressions, whereas all the other arithmetic operators can act on both integer and floating expressions. As with the division operator, if either operand of the modulus operator is negative, the value of the operation is system-dependent (see exercise .5 on page 35). The keyword char stands for "character." Variables and constants of type char are used to manipulate characters. Constants of type char are written within single quotes, as in 'A' and '1' and' +' . Here is a simple example. #include <stdio.h> i nt mai n(vo; d) {
c = 'A'; pri ntf("%c\n", c); return 0;
/* the letter A is printed */
The output of this program is the leiter A followed by a newline character. First the variable c is declared to be of type char. Then c is assigned the value' A'. Finally, the pri ntfO statement causes printing to occur. Notice that the control string in the argument list for pri ntfO contains the format %c. This causes the variable c in,the second argument to be printed in the formal of a character. In ANSI C, there are thrce floating types: float, double, and long double. They are used to manipulate real numbers, also called {1anling numbers or {laating-point numbers. Floating constants sLlch as 1.069, 0.003, and 7.0 are all of type double, not float. We express this idea by saying that double is the working floating type in C. A constant of type float is creatcd by adding an F sut't'ix, as in 1.069F. Similarly, a constant of type long double is created by adding an L suffix, as in -7. 0L. Note carefully that the floating constant 7.0 and; nt constant 7 are different. Although their com:eptual values are the srune, their types are different, causing them to be stored differently in a macmne. The technical details concerning float and daub 1e are discussed in Chapter 6, "The Fundamenlal Datu Types."
Chapter 1 •
Wrifing an ANSI C Program
Lei us next give a simple illustration of the use of floating-point constants and variables in a program.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
x, y;
x == 1.0; Y 2.0; pr; ntf("The sum of x and y is %f. \n", x + y); return 0; ::0
The output of this program is
The sum of x and y is 3.000000. First the variables x and yare declared to be of type float. Then x and y aTe assigned the floating values 1.0 and 2.0, respectively. It is no problem that these constants are of type daub 1e and the variables are of type float. Floating types can be freely mixed in expressions and assignments. The control string in the first argument to pr; ntfO contains the format %f. This causes the value of the expression x + y in the second argument to be printed in the format of a floating number with six digits to the right of the decimal point. The division of floating values works as expected. For example, the floating expression 7.0/2.0 has 3.5 for its value. Tn contrast, the i nt expression 7/2 has the value 3 because, with integer division, any remainder is discarded. In a noating expression, division by zero is either disallowed or results in a value that is nol a number (see exercise 11 on page 37). The modulus operator % works with integer expressions only. If x and yare variables of type float or daub 1e, an expression such as x % y is not allowed. Typically, an assignment statement is composed of a variable on the left side followed by an equal sign = followed by an expression on the right side. The expression can be simple or complicaled and can contain function calls. Constants and ordinary expressions are not allowed on the left side of an =. We can write
b + c;
but nol
a + b = c; 2 (;
/*assignment to this expression not allowed*/ /*assignment to (onstant is not allowed*/
1.5 •
The Use of#de{ine and #include
When variables are declared, they may also be initialized. For example, consider the declarations char
i nt
'A' ; 1;
The variable c is declared to be of type char, and its value is initialized to 'A'. The variable i is declared to be of type i nt, and its value is initialized to 1. As another example of initialization, the depth program can be rewritten as follows: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
inches, feet, fathoms;; 7;
6 * fathoms;
Whether a variable is initialized depends on its intended use in a program. Typically, coostants or constant expressions are Llsed to initialize a variable. We could hilVc writlcn i nt
inches, feet, fathoms
3 + 4;
but not int
inches, feet
6 * fathoms, fathoms;; 7;
The variable fathoms cannot be used before it has been declared; the C language does not have Io.ok-ahead capability. In exercise Gon page 35, we point out a situation where it makes sense to use a constant expression as an initializer.
The Use of #defi"e ..:a::"::d=-::#..:i-=:"..:c"l..:"..:d..:e
When the C compiler is invoked, the preprocessor does its work first. Just before compilation takes place, the preprocessor modifies the source code being passed to the compiler. For example, files may be included, and specified character strings in the source code may be changed into other specified strings. The lines in a program that give commands to the preprocessor are called preprocessing directives, and they begin with a pound sign, #. A common programming style is 10 write the # at the left margin.
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
We have already used the preprocessing directive
#include <stdio.h> This scheme supports the use of standard libraries that are portable across system:'>. Such code is reusable and easily maintained. With a preprocessing directive of the form #i nel ude
the preprocessor looks for the file only in standiJrd places. In UNIX systems, the standard header files such as stdio.h, math.h. string.h. and stdlib.h are typically found in /usr/include. In gcoeral, \vhere the standard header files are stored is system-dependent. Another form of the #i ncl ude facility is given by #include "filename"
Tills causes the preprocessor to replace the line ''lith a copy of the contents of the named l'i!e. A search for the file is made first in the current directory and then in other system-dependenl places. There is no restriction on what an include file can contain. In particular, it can contain other preprocessing directives that are, in turn, expanded by the preprocessor. Some examples of #defi ne directives: #defi ne #defi ne
100 3.14159
If the~e preprocessing directives occur
printf("PI == %f", 3.14159);
Because the identifier PI is replaced everywhere by 3 .14159, it is called a symbolic cuns/ant. The use of symbolic constants in a prOgTiJm makes it more readable. More importantly, if a constant has been defined symbolically by the #def; ne facility and then used throughout a program, it can easily be changed later, if necessary. For example, if we write #define
The Use of primfO and scanfO
then usc LIMIT throughout thousands of lines of code to symbolically represent the constant 100, it is easy to change the code later. If we want 10 redefine the symbolic constant LIMIT from 100 to 10000, all we h
This automatically updates all the code; to upd
The Use of printfO and scanfO
The function pri ntfO is used for printing form
where controLstring is a string that may contain conversion specifications, or for~ mats. A conversion specification begins with a % character and ends with
The Use of printfO As we have already seen, the format %d is used to print the value of an cxpression as a decimal integer. In a similar fashion, %c is used to print the value of an expression as a character, %f is used to print the value of a 110
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
The arguments to pri ntfO are separated by commas. In this example there are six arguments: "Get set: %5 %d %f %c%c\n"
The first argument is the control string. The formats in the control string are matched ''lith the other arguments. In this example Ihe%s corresponds to "one", the %d corresponds to 2, the %f corresponds to 3.33, the first %c corresponds 10 'G' , and the second %c corresponds to '0'. Each format in a control string specifies how the value of its corresponding argument is to be printed. When executed, the above printfO statement causes
Get set: one 2 3.330000 GO to be printed. Sometimes it is convenient to write a long pri ntfO statement on more than one line. Here is an example that illustrates how we can do this: pri ntfC"%s%s\n", "Thi s statement wi 11 pri nt • "just one very long line of text on the screen."); The following table describes how the conversion characters in formats affect Ihelr corresponding arguments. printfO conversion characters Conversion character
How the corresponding argument is printed
as as as as in as
e f
a character a decimal lnteger a no,lIing-point number in stientific nutatiun a /loaring-point number the e-formal or f-formal, whichever is shorter a string
When an argument is printed, the place where it is printed is called its field and the number of characters in its field is called its field width. The field \'t'idth can be specified in a format as an integer occurring between the % and the conversion character. Thus the statement printfC"%c%3c%7c\n", 'A', 'B', 'C'); prints
1.6 •
The Use of primfO and scanfO
First the A is printed. Then Ihe B is printcd in a fjcld of three characters; because the B requires only one space, the olher IWO spaces are blanks. Then the C is printed in a field of seven characters; becausc the C requires only one space, the other six spaces are blanks. For noating values, we can conlrollhe precision, as well as the field widlh. The precision is the number of decimal digits printed to the right of the decimal point. In a format of the form, the field width is specified by m, and the precision is specified by n. With a format of the form ?Gmf, only the field width is specified. With a format of the form, only the precision is specified. The following statements illustrate these ideas: printf("Some numbers: %.If%.2f%.3f\n'', 1.0, 2.0, 3.0); printfC"More numbers:%7.If%7.2f%7.3f\n", 4.0,5.0,6.0); Here is the output: Some numbers: 1.02.00 3.000 More numbers: 4.0 5.00 6.000 To understand the output, you have to count the spaces carefully. The pri ntfO function allows the programmer to prinl neatly on the screen. Nonetheless, getting printout to look right can be very tedious. The Use of scanfO
The function scanfO is analogous to the function pri ntfO but is used for input rather than output. Its first argumenl is a control string with formats that correspond to the various W
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
think of it as a decimal integer, but the program receives it as a sequence of char~ acters. The scanfO function Gill be used 10 convert strings of decimal digits, such as 123, into integer values and stofe them in the appropriate place, The following table describes the effeus of the conversion characters in Formats used wilh the function scanfO,
scanfO conversion Conversion character
How characters in the input stream are converted
character decimal integer Boating-point number (float) noating-point number (daubl e) tloating--point number (1ong daub' e)
f If
Caution: With printfO, the %f format is used to print either a float: or a dou-
b1 e. With scanfO, the %f format is used 10 read in a float. and %If is used to read in a double. (We will you again about this later in Section 1.10. "Common Programming Errors," on page 26.) Let us write a program in which the user is prompted to input her initials fol· lowed by her age. We use the scanfO function to read the input characters typed on the keyboard. to convert them to appropriate values. and to store lhe values at specified addresses. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
char int
first, middle. last; age;
printf("Input your three initials and your age: "); scanf("%c%c%c%d", &first, &middle, &last, &age); printf("\nGreetings %c.%c.%c. %s %d.\n", first, middle, last, "Next year your age will be", age + 1); return 0; }
Notice carefully that the arguments passed tn scanfO are "%c%c%c%d"
&fi rst
&1 ast
1.6 •
The Use of primfO and scanfO
The First argument is the control string. Each format in the COnlrol string corresponds to one of the remaining arguments. More explicilly, the First format is a %c, and il corresponds to &fi rst, which is the !"irs! argument following the control string; the second format is a %c, and it (()ff(.'sponds to &middle, which is the second argument following the control string; and so forth. Afler the cotHrol string. all the arguments passed to scanfO must be addresses. The address oper· ator & applied to a variable yields its address. Suppose we execute the preceding program and input CSO and 19 when prompted. Here is what appears on Ihe screen: Input your three initials and your age: C.B.O. Next year your age will be 20.
19 Greetings
When reading in numbers. scanfO skips white space (blanks, newHnes. and tabs). but when reading in a charaCler, white space is not skipped. Thus the pro· gram does not run correctly with the input CB O. Instead, the third character is read in as a blank, a perrectly good character, and then scanfO attempts to interpret the character 0 as a decimal integer, causing the program to misbehove. The preceding prognlln is not robust. After all. if the user is asked to trpc in initials, the program should accept white space between them. This can easily be done in C with the help of string variables. a topic that we cover in Chapter 10. ~Strings and Pointers." In our next program we use a #define preprocessing directive to define a symbolic constant. Then we use scanfO to read in a value from the keyboard and pri ntfO to print on the screen. In this program we arc particularly concerned with the %1 f and %f formats. Hi ncl ude <stdio.h> Hdefine PI 3.141592653589793 int mainCvoid) (
pri ntf("\n%s\n\n%s", "This program computes the area of a circle.". "Input the radi us: ") ; scanfC"%lf", &radius); pri ntfC"\n%s\n%s%. 2I'%s%. 2f%s%. 2f\n%s%. Sf\n\n" , "Area PI" radi us ... radi us", , PI. " ,. ", radi us, " ,. ", radi us, " ". PI" radius" radius); return 0; }
Chapter I
Writing an ANSI C Program
Suppose we execute this program and input 2 . 333 when prompted. Tben the following appears on the screen: This program computes the area of a circle. Input the radius: 2.333 Area - PI * radius * radius = 3.14 * 2.33 * 2.33 • 17.09934 A manual calculation shows that ].14 x 2.33 x 2.33 equals 17.046746. which does not agree with the result printed by our program. The reason for this is that PI and radius are printed with only Iwo digits to the right of the decimal point, whereas their values in memory have morc precision. Note carefully Ihat we used a %If format in the control siring lha! reads in a double in the callw scanfO. If we change lhe type of the variable radius from double to float, we mUSI change the %If 10 %f; no change would be necessary in the control string used in the call 10 pri ntfO. The 1 f in Ihe format %1 f slands for "long noat." In traditional C. the type long float was s)'nonymous wilh double. In ANSI C, the type long float does nOI <Xist allhough some impkmentalions still accepl i1. Another difference betvveen pri otfO and scanfO concerns the i nt value returned by each of these functions. When pri ntfO is called, the number of characters printed is returned, whereas when scanfO is called, the number of successful conversions is returned. In Section 1.8, wProblem Solving: Computing Sums," on page 23, we iIIuSlrale a typical use of Ihe value returned by scanfO. Although programmers rarely usc Ihe value returned by printfO, il ceflainl)' is easy to do so (sec cxerdse L8 on page 39). For complele details concerning printfO, 5canfO, and related funclions, see Chapter 13, ~Input/Output and Files."
~~ The while Statement Statements in a program are normally executed one after another. This is called sequential {1ow of control. C provides the whi 1e statement 10 perform a repetitive action instead of a sequential flow of conlrol. Counting, adding, searching. sorting, and other tasks oflen involve doing something over and over. In this section we illustrate how a whi 1e statement can be used to perform a repetitive action. In so doing. we also reilerale many of the olher ideas already presented in Ihis chapler. The follOWing program uses a while statement to add the consecutive integers from I to 10. In the dissection Ihal follows, we explain how the whi 1e statement works.
1.7 •
The while Statement
'include <stdio.h> int mainCvoid) (
= 1,
sum. 0;
while Ci <= 10) { sum = sum ..- i; i = i ..- 1; }
printfC"Sum return 0;
%d\n", sum);
Dissection of the add_ten Program •
i = 1, sum
i nt
The variables i and sum arc declared to be of type i nt and are initialized to 1 and 0, respectively. •
while (i <~ 10) { sum sum + i; i
i + 1;
I This whole construct is a whi 1e statement, or whi 1e loop. First the expression i <= 10 is evaluated. One reads this as "i is less than or equal to 10." Because the current value of i is I, the e;"1Jression is true, causing execution of the statements between the braces { and }. The variable sum is assigned the old value of sum plus the value of i. Because the old value of sum is 0 and i is I, sum is assigned the value 1. The variable i is assigned the old value of i plus 1. Because the old value of i is I, i is assigned the value 2. We have now gone through the loop once. Now the program reevaluates the expres· sian i <= 10. Because i has the value 2, the expression is still true, causing execution of the loop again. At the end of the second time through the loop, the value of sum is I + 2, and i is 3. Because i <= 10 is still !rue, the loop is executed again. At the end of the third time through, the value of sum is I + 2 + 3, and the value of i is -I. This process continues until; has the value II, when expression i <= 10 is false. When this happens, the body of the loop is skipped, and the next statement after the whi 1e statement is executed. •
%d\n", sum);
This pri ntfO sTalement causes Sum = 55 to be printed.
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
A whi 1e loop has the general form whi 1 e (e,'\:pression) Sialellleni
where .'.Ialemenf can be a single statement or a group of stalements enclosed between Ihe braces { and }. A group of statements enclosed in braces is called ,1 compound statement In C, It compound statement can go anywhere Ihat a statemenl can go.
Problem Solving: Computing Sums
Programming is problem solving with the help of a computer. Many problems require the lise of a particular problem-solving pattern, or technique, to arrive at their solution. In the following program we usc ileralion to solve our problem. Iteration is repealed action. Computers arc champion Hera tars. readily performing tens of millions of repetitions quickly and rapidly. We want to write a program that repeatedly adds numbers that are typed in by the user. Here is our algorithm to accomplish this. Algorithm for Com utin
Initialize the 1\....0 variables cnt and sum. 2 Prompt the user for input. 3 Repeatedly read in daTa, increment cnt, and add to sum. 4 Finally, print the values of cnt and sum. The whi 1e statement is one of three kinds of constructs provided in C to per· form iterative actions. In our solution, we usc the value returned by scanfO to control the action of a whi 1e statement. This allows the user of the program to type in arbitrary amount of data. In the dissection that follows, we explain the mechanisms in detail.
1.8 •
Problem Solving: Computing Sums
/* Sums are computed. */ #include <stdio.h> int mainCvoid) {
int float
0.0, x;
printfC"The sum of your numbers will be computed\n\n"); printf("Input some numbers: "); while (scanf("%f", &x) = 1) { cnt=cnt+I; sum=sum+x; }
printf("\n%s%Sd\n%s%12f\n\n", "Count:", cnt," return 0;
Sum:", sum);
Dissection of the find_sum Program •
scanf("%f", &x) == 1
The symbols == represent the equal operator. An expression such as a = b teslS 10 sec whether the value of a is cquallo the value of b. If it is, the.n the c.xpression is tnle; if MI, the expression is false. For example, 1 = 1 is true, and 2 == 3 is false. The scanfO function is being used to read in characters typed by the user, to convert those characters to a value of type float, and to place the value at the address of x. If scanfO is successful in doing Ihi~, one successful conversion has been made, and the value I is returned by the funclion. If, for some reason, the conver~ion process fails, the valuc 0 is returned; if no more data is available, the value -1 is returned. Thus the expression scanf("%f", &x) == 1 tests 10 sec Whether scanfO succeeded in its task. If it did, the c.'\"J}ression is true; otherwise, it is (alse. •
while (scanf("%f", &x) z= 1) {
cnt cnt + 1; sum=sum+x; }
We can think of this as
Chapter I •
Writing an ANSI C Program
while CscanfC) succeeds in making a conversion) { As long as lhe expression scanf("~f". &x) : : 1 is true. lhe body of tbe while loop is executed repeatedly. Each time throuJ.:h the loop, scanfO reads in characlers, converts them to a number, and places lhe value of the number al the address of x. Then cnt is assigned the old valuc of cnt plus 1. and sum is assigned the old value of sum plus x. Thlls cnt keeps a count of the numbers entered so far, and sum keeps a running tOlal of those numbers. When docs the process SlOP'? Either of two things can happen. rirst, the user may type in something lhal (annot be converted 10 a float. Suppose, for eXilmple, a letter is typed instC
pri ntfC"\n%s%5d\n%s%12f\n\n", "Count:", cnt,"
Sum:", sum);
Suppose lhis program is executed and lhe numbers 1.1
arc entered, followed by a newline and an end-of-file sign,,!. Here is what appears on the screen: The sum of your numbers will be computed Input some numbers: Count: Sum:
If you carerully count spaces, yOll will see that the value of cnt has been printed in a field of Five characters and that sum has been printed in a field of 12 characters. This was causcd by the %5d and %12f fontl
1.9 •
~~ Style A good codin~ style is essential to the art of programming. It facilitates the reading, writing, and maintenance of programs. A ~ood style uses while space and comments so that the code is easier to read and understand, and is visually attractive. The proper usc of indentallon is crucial, as il indicates to the reader the intended flow of control. For example, in the construct whi 1e (expression) statement the indentation of statement indicates that its execution is under tht control of the whi 1e loop. Another impOrlanl stylistic point is to choose names for variables that convey their use in the program to further aid understanding. A good style a\ aids error-prone coding habits. In this text we arc following the Bell Labs industrial programming style. In column 1 we place all #includes. Hdefi nl's, mai n()s, and braces {and} that begin and end the body of mai nO. #include <stdio.h> 'include <stdlib.h> #defi ne
"let's get started."
int main(void) { }
The declarations and statements in the body of rnai nO are indented three spaces. This Visually highlights the beginning and end or the function body. TI,ere is one blank line follOWing the #i ncl udes, one follOWing the 'defi nl's, and one between the declarations and statements in the body of mainO. An indcntalion of two. three. four. five. or eight spaces is common. \Vc usc three spaces. \'I'hatever is chosen as an indentation should be used consistently. To heighten readability. we put a blank space on each side of the binary operators. Some programmers do not bother with this. but it is part of the Belll.abs style. There is no single agreed upon "good style." As we proceed through this text, we often point oul alternate styles. Once you choose a style. you should usc it consistently. Good habits reinforce good programming. Caution: Beginnin~ programmers sometimes think they should dream up their own distinctive coding st~'le. This should be avoided. The preferred strategy is to choose a style th
Chapter I
Writing an ANSI C Progmm
~~mmonProgramming Errors- When you firsl slart programming, you make many frusrraring simple errors. One
such error is 10 leave off a dosing double quote character to mark the end of a string. \Vhcn the compiler sees the first ", it starts collceling allihe characters that follow as a string. If the dosing· is nol prcs('nl, the string conlinucs to fhe next line, causing the compiler 10 complain. Error mcssaJ.:es var)' from one com-
anolher. Here is one possibility:
Unterminated string or character constant Another common error is 10 misspell a variable name or forgel to declare it. Compilers readily catch this kind of error and properly inform you of wbal is wrong. However. if you misspell the name of a function, such as prinfO inslead of pri ntfO, the compHer informs yOll that the function cannot be found. If you do not notice that the error message refers to pri nf instead of pri ntf, you may be quite mystified (see c.,xercise 4 on page :i4). Even elemenlary errors, such as forgellinl-: 10 place a semicolon al Ihe end of a statement or leaVing off a dosing brace, can result in r
scanf("%d%d", a, b);
instead of
scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
your compiler probably docs not catch the error. Instead, you arc more likely to gel a run~timc error that is difficult to debug.
1.1 I
System Considerations
In this section we discuss a number of topics that arc system-dependent. We begin with the mechanics of writing and running a C program. Writing and Running a C Program
The precise steps you have to follow to create a file containing C code and to compile and execute it depend on three things: the operating system, the text editor, and the compiler. However, in all cases the general procedure is the same. We first describe in some detail how it is done in a UNIX environment. Then we discuss how it is done in an MS-DOS environment. [n the discussion that follows we use the cc command to invoke the C compiler. In reality, however, the command depends on the compiler that is being used. For example. if \\le were using the command line version of the Borland C compiler. we would usc the command bee instead of cc. (For a list of C compilers. see the table in Section 14.3, ~The C Compiler," on page 475.) Steps for Writing and Running a C Program
Using an editor, create iI texl fite-say pgm.c-that contains a C program. The name of the file must end with .C, indicating that the file contains C source code. For example. to usc the vi editor on a UNIX syslcm, we would give the command vi pgm.C
To use an editor, the programmer must know the appropriate commands for inserling and modifying text. 2 Compile the program. This can be done with the command cc pgm.c
The cccommand invokes the preprocessor, the compiler, and the loader in tum. The preprocessor modifies a copy of Ihe source code according to the preprocessinj:t directives and produces what is called a frans/ation unit. The compiler translates the translation unit into object code_ If there are errors, the programmer must start again at step I, editing the source file. Errors
Chapter I
Wriring on ANSI C Program
that occur at this stage arc called synlax errors or compile·time errors. 11' there arc no errors, the loader uses the objeCl code produced by the cumpiler, along with object code obtained from various libraries provided by the system, to create the executable file a.out. The program is now ready to be executed. 3 Execule the program. This is done with the command a.out
Typically, the program completes execution, and a syslem prompt reappears on the screen. Any errors that occur during execution arc called runtime errors. If. for some reason, the program needs to be changed, the programmer must start again al step]. If we compile a differenl program, the file a.out is overwritten and its contents losl. If the contents of the executable file a.ou' arc to be saved, the file must be moved or renamed. Suppose we give the command cc hef/o.c
This causes execulable code to be wrilten automalically into a.oul. To save this fiJe, we can give the command mv a.Our hello
This moves a.olllio hello. ow the program can be executed with the command hello
In UNIX, it is common praclice 10 give the executable file the same name as the corresponding source file, excepl 10 drop the .c suffix. If we wish, we can use the -0 oplion to direct the output of the cc commtlnd. For example, the command cc
-0 hello hel/o.c
causes the execulable output from cc to be wrilleo directly into hello, leaving intact whatever is in a.out. Different kinds of errors can occur in a program. Syntax errors are caught by the compiler, whereas run-time errors manifest themselves only during program execution. For example, if an attempt to divide by zero is encoded into a program, a run-time error may occur when the program is executed (see c.xcrcises 10 and 11 on page 37). An error message produced by a run-lime error is not very helpful for finding the trouble. Let us now consider the f\'IS-DOS environment. Here, some other lext editor would most likely be used. Some C systems, such as Borland C, have both a command line environment and an integrated envirolllnenl. The integrated environ·
System Considerations
ment includes both the text editor and the compiler. In 1\15·D05, the executable output produced br a C compiler is usually written to a file that has the same name as the source file, but with the extension .exe insteiJd ol'.l'. Suppose, for example, we arc using the command line environment in Rorland C. If \ve give the command bee hello.e
then the executable code is written to hello.exe. To execute the program, we give the command hello.exe
or, equivalentlr, hello
To invoke the program, we do not need to type the .cxc extension. If we wish to rename this file, we can use the rename command.
Interrupting a Program
The user mar WiJnt to interrupt, or kill, a program that is running. For example, Ihe program mar be in an infinite loop. (In an interactive environment it is nol necessarilr wrong to use an infinite loop in a program.) Throughout this text we assume that the user knows how 10 interrupt a progriJlll. In MS-DOS and in UNIX, a control-c is commonlr used to effect an interrupt. On some systems a speciiJI key, such as delete or rubout, is used. r-,-1ake sure yOll know hO\v to interrupt a program on your system.
Typing an End-ot-File Signal
When a program is t<Jking its input I"rom the kerboiJrd, it may be neceSSiJrr to type an end-of-file signal for the program to work properly. [n UNIX, this is done b}' typing i.l carriage return followed by i.l control-d. In MS-DOS, i.l control-z is typed instead (sec exercise 19 on page 39).
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
Redirection of the Input and the Output
f\.'lany operating systems, including MS-DOS and UNIX, can redirect the input and output. To understand how tlLis works, first consider the UNIX command is
This command causes a list of files and directories to be written to the screen. (The comparable command in !viS-DOS is dir.l Now consider the command Is > temp
The symbol> causes the operating syslem to redirect the output of the command to the file temp. (In MS-DOS, the file name needs an extension.) What was written 10 the screen before is now "''Titten to the file temp. Our next program is called dbLoUf. It can be used with redirection of both the input and the output. The program reads characters from the standard input file. which is normally connected to the keyboard, and writes each character twice to the standard oUlpul file, which is normally connected to the screen. #include <stdio.h> i nt rnai n(voi d) {
while (scanf("%c", &c) pri ntf("%c". c); pri ntf("%c", c);
1) {
return 0; }
If we compile the program and put the executable code in the file dbLoUI, then, using redirection, we can invoke this program in any of four ways: dbLout dbLout < infife dbLout > utfile dbLout < infile > outfile Used in this context, the symbols < and> can be thought of as arrows (see exercise 19 on page 39). Some commands are not meant to be used with redirection. For example, the Is command does not read characters from the keyboard. Therefore, it makes no sense to redirect the input to the Is command; because it does nol lake keyboard input, there is nothing to redirect.
~ ~ Moving toC .::cc+cc+_ _ ~'fost C programs run wilhout chang-e on a c++ compiler. So, by learning C, you arc already learning C++. This section introduces C++ style I/O. Whereas sfdio.1J is used in the C++ community, the c++ I/O library is ;oslream.h.
1* hello program 1n C++. using iostream 10. Note the use of endl to create a newline.
'include int main(void) { cout « "Hello. world!" « endl; return 0; 111his is optional }
The identifier cout represenls the screen. The insertion operator« is used to place the string literal "Hello, world!" into thc output stream. The I/O manipulator endl acls to nush the output and moves to a new linc. In C++ programs it is appropriate to omit return 0 because it is implicitly inserted in the program. The next program computes the greatest common divisor of two integers. The integers are input from the keyboard.
1* Greatest common divisor program.·1 #include
int main(void) {
m, n, r;
cout « "\nPROGRAM Ccd C++"; cout « "\nEnter two integers: "; c; n » m » n; cout « "\nCCD(" « m « « n « while (n != 0) {
") :::
r = m % n;
m "" n; n
cout «m«
The ident"ifier cin is the standard input stream normall}'
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
sian is intuilive and simpler than a corresponding use of scanfO. A key feature of tlus library is that formats are unnecessary. Input and output using iostream.h is type-safe.
r~Summary •
An algorithm is a computational procedure consisting of elementary steps. Programming is the art of communicating algorithms to computers.
A simple program consists of preprocessing directives and the function rna; nO. The body of the function is made up of declarations and statements written between the braces { and }. All variables must be declared. The declarations must occur before the statements.
The simplest expressions consist of just a constant, a variable, or a function call. In general, expressions consist' of combinations of operators and ot'her expressions. Most' expressions have values. The assignment operator = is used to assign the value of an expression to a variable.
\Vhen a variable is declared, it may also be initialized. Typically, constants or constant expressions arc used as initializers.
When source code is compUed, the preprocessor docs ils work firsl. lines that begin with a # are called preprocessing directives. The programmer uses preprocessing directives to give commands to the preprocessor. Typically, the #i nel ude and #defi ne directives are placed at the top of the file. A #defi ne directive affects onJy the lines in the file that occur after it.
A preprocessing- directive of the fOfm #define
causes the preprocessor to change every occurrence of identifier to repJucemenLslring before compilation takes place. •
[n traditional C, the # that begins a preprocessing directive must begin in column I. In ANSI C, the # can be preceded by blanks and tabs.
The pri ntfO function in the standard library is used for output. The arguments to this function consist of a control string followed by other arguments. The control string consists of ordinary text intennixed with conversion specifications, or formats. The ordinary text is simply printed, whereas a I'Of-
mat causes the value of an associated argument 10 be printed according to the instructions embodied in the format. A format begins with a % and ends with a conversion character. •
The scanfO function in the standard library is used for inpul. It is analogous to pri ntfO. Both functions take a variable number of arguments, the first one being a control string. For pri ntf(), the other arguments are expressions and for scanfO, they are addresses. The expression &v has as its value the address of v.
Statements are ordlnarlly executed sequentially. The special Ilow-of-control statements, such as a whi 1e statement, can .iller 'he sequential execution of a program.
Write on the screen the words she sells sea shells by the seashore (a) all on one line. (b) on seven lines, and (c) inside a box. 2 Here is part of a program that begins by having the user input three integers: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
a, b, c, sum;
printf("Input three integers:
Complete the program so that when the user ('Xecutes it and types in 2, 3, and 7, this is what appears on the screen: Input three integers; 2 3 7 Twice the sum of your integers plus 7 is 31
Chaprer 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
3 The following program writes a large letter Ion the screen: #include <stdio.h> #defi ne
int main(void) (
i nt
i '"' 0;
printfC"\n\nIIIIIII\n"); while Ci < HEIGHT) { pri ntf(" III\n"); i
i + 1;
pri ntfC"IIIIIII\n\n\n"); return 0; }
Execute this program so you understand its effect. Write a similar program that prints a large letter C on the screen. 4 The purpose of this exercise is to help you become familiar with some of the
error messages produced by your compiler. You can expect some error messages to be helpful and others to be less so. FirSI check 10 see that the foUowing pro~ram compiles wit h no error messages: #include <stdio.h> int mainCvoid) (
a = 1, b • 2, c '"' 3;
prinf("Some output: return 0;
%d %d %d\n", a, b,
Now introduce each of the folloWing programming errors in turn, compile the program, and record the error messages generated: Change the first comma in the declaration to a semicolon. Change pri ntf to pr; nf. Remove the second" in the control string. Replace the list a, b, c by a, b, C, cRemove the semicolon at the end of Ihe pri ntfO statement. Remove the dosing brace.
5 In this exercise we want to investigate how the operators I and % work with negative integer operands. If a and b arc of type i nt and either a or b is nCj:{ative, the value of alb is system-dependent. For example, 71-2 has value -3 on some machines and -4 on others. Also, the sign of a%b is system-dependent, but on all ANSI C systems it is guaranteed that (a I b) • b + a % b
has the value
What happens on your system? Write an interactive program that contains the following code: int
a, b;
printf("Input two nonzero integers: "); scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); pri ntf("%s%4d\n%s%4d\n%s%4d\n%s%4d\n%s%4d\n" , " a :", a, b ",,", b, a/b.",a/b, a % b ",", a % b, "ANSI check " (a I b) * b + a % b a); 6 Write an interactive program that asks the user to input the length and width of a rectangular lawn. The dimensions should be in }'ards. Your program should compute the area of the lawn in square yards, square feet, and square inches (and in square meters, too, if }'OU are ambitious). I~int all the information neatly on the screen. Use the following declaration: int
cv_factor. 36 * 36; I*conversion:sq in per yrd */
An equivalent declaration is
/* conversion: sq in per yrd */
but because most people know that there arc 36 inches in a yard, the first dec· laration is preferable. One can tell at a glance that the right conversion factor is being used. Caution: IJ your lawn is large and you arc working on a small machine. you may not gel the right number of square inches, even though you wrme a COffect program. There are limitations on the size of an integer thai can be stored in an i nt (see Chapter G, "The Fundamental Data Types").
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
7 lIere is part of an interactive program that computes the value of some coins. The user is asked to input the number of half dollars, quarters, dimes, and so on. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
i nt:
h, q,
I" /" /" !" /"
number number number number number
of of of of of
half dollars quarters dimes nickels pennies
"/ "/ "/ "/
pri ntf("Val ue of your change will be computed. \n\n"); printf("How many half dollars do you have? "); scanf("%d", &h); printf("How many quarters do you have? "); scanf("%d", &q); Complete The program, causing it to print out rclevill1t information. For example, you may want to creale output that looks like this: You entered:
0 3 2 17 1 The value of your
half dollars quarters dimes nickels pennies 23 coins is equivalent to 181 pennies.
Notice that penni es is plural, not sin~ular as iT should be. After you It'arn
line of the output looks like this: The value of your 23 coins is $1.81 Ili/1/; Ded'lre value to be a variable of type float, and use the format %.2f in your pri ntfO statement.
9 The function scanfO returns the number of successful conversions as an i nt. Consider the statement printf("%d\n", scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c));
When this statement is executed, an integer is printed. What are the possible values for the integer? E.xplain. Hint: Write a test program and execute it using redirection. If )'OU do not usc redirection, input and output can be intermixed on the screen and cause confusion. When scanfO receives an cnd·of·fiIe sig' nal, the value -I is returned. to The purpose of this exercise is to find out what happens on your system when
a run-time error occurs. Try the following code: int a = 1, b = 0; printf("Division by zero: %d\n", a / b); On a UNIX system you might gel a core dump. ThaI is, the system might create a file named core that contains information about the state of your program just before it ended abnormally. This file is not meant to be read by humans. A debugger can usc the core dump to give you information about what your program was doing when it aborted. (00 not leave core dumps lying around. Because they are rather large. they eat up valuable disk space.) lIOn some s)'stems, dividing by a floating zero does nOI resuJt in a run-time error. On other systems it docs. Tr)' the following code: double x ~ 1.0, Y = -1.O, z printf("Oivision by zero: %f
0.0; %f\n", x / z. y / z);
Whal happens on your system? If lnf or NaN gets printed, you can think of the value as "infinit)'" Of Ynol a numbef_" 12 Except for a printfO stalement, the following program is complete. It uses
integer division and the modulus operatof to convert seconds to minutes and seconds.
/* Convert seconds to minutes and seconds. */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
input_value. minutes. seconds;
printf("Input the number of seconds: scanf("%d". &i npucva1ue); minutes z input_value / 60; seconds = input_value % 60; printf( ..... ); f\' return 0; }
") ;
Chaprer 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
Complete the program by writing an appropriate printfO statemenl. For example, if J 23 is entered after the prompt, the program miKht print the line
123 seconds is equivalent to 2 minutes and 3 seconds 13 r-,'lodify the program that you completed in the previous exercise so thaI seconds arc converted to hours, minules, and seconds. For example, if 7384 is entered after the prom pI , }'our program might print the line
7384 seconds is equivalent to 2 hours, 3 minutes and 4 seconds 14 Repetitive action is essential to most programs. Therefore, a programmer
must know precisely how a while loop works. Study the following code in detail, wriling down whal you think will be printed. Then write a lest program 10 check your answer. int
1, sum
while (i < 10) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; printf("sum = %d
%d\n", sum, i);
15 Do two variations of the program you wrote in Ihe previous exercise. For the
first variation, the linc sum
sum + i;
should be replaced by sum
sum + 2 + i;
For the second varia!ion, the line should be replaced by sum
(sum / 3) + (i * i);
16 How Is an end-of-file signal entered at tbe kcyboard on }'our system? Experiment with the {ind_slIm program to see that the program terminates when an inappropriate character or an end-of-file signal is typed. What happens when the program is executed and no numbers arc entered? 17 Unlike integer aritlmletic, floatinR arithmetic need nol be exact. Very small errors can occur in computations with floating data. Moreover, the errors are system-dependent. ortcn this is of no concern to the user. With the data that we used as input for thc find_sum program, the sum had an error in the sixth
decimal place. Modify the program so that the variable sum is a double instead of a float. Because a double usually (but not always; sec Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Data Types'" represents real numbers more accuratel)'
than a float does, the result may be more accurate with the same iopul. Cbeck to sec if Ihis is the case on your machine. L8 In ANSI C, the printf() function returns the number of characters printed as
an into To sec how this works, wrile a smull program containing the follOWing lines:
int cnt.; cnt = printf("abc\n"); pr; ntf("%d\n", cnt);
What integer is printed'! Replace the string "abc\n" by the following string:
"\tMontana!\n\n\tIt really is big sky country!\n\n" Now what imegcr is primed? Write down your answer, then run your program to verify it. llint: Do nol forget that newlines and tabs are counted too. 19 As with many new ideas, you can best underst.tnd redircrtion by experimenting with it. Write the program dbLout that we presented in the se<:tion ~Redi rection of the Input and the Output: on page 30, in a file named dbLout.c. After you have compiled and executed the program so that you understand its effects, try the following commands: dbLout < dbLout.c dbLout < dbLout.c > temp
Tile following command is of special interest: dbLout > temp
This command causes characters thaI are Iyped in at the keyboard to be written 10 the file temp, prOVided you type an end-of-file signal when }'OU me fin· ished. What happens if instead of typing an end-of-file signal, you type a control-c 10 kHlthc program"! 20 In trus exercise we want to use the dbLoUl program used in the prior exercise. First give Ihe conunand dbLour
Chapter 1 •
Writing an ANSI C Program
then type in abc followed by a carriage return. \Vhat is printed on the screen depends on how your operating system is configLUed. Normally, the operating system waits for a complete line to be typed in before processing the characters. If this is the case, you can see aabbcc printed on the next line on the screen. If UNIX is available to you, give the command stty
Now the operating system reads each character as il is typed. Try the command dbLout again, and type in abc followed by a carriage return. What appears on the screen? Explain. Hint: Characters typed on the keyboard an.' normally echoed on the screen. You may want to experiment further by giving the command
which turns off the echoing. \Vhen should give the command
are finished with this exercise, you
stty -cbreak echo to rdurn the operating system to ils normal slate. Caution: With echoing turned off, you cannot see \vhat you arc doing! 21 C++: Recode the Hesperus program in Section 1.3, "Variables, Lxpressions, and Assignments," on page 8. to usc couto 22 C++: Write a general program that takes as an input the depth in fathoms and converts it to feet and inches. 21 C++: Improve the previous program by writing it as a loop that continues to take variolls inputs until a negative number is entered. 24 C++: Write a program that illustrates the Iype-safety of C++ I/O. Code a program Ihat inputs and outputs both integers and doubles. Then see what happens when you input a value such as 2.99 to an integer variable and to a double variable. Output both v<.lriables. Wh,lI is printed?
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
this chilpter we explain the lexical elements of the C programming
language. C is
language. Like other langunges, it has an alphabet and
rules for putting together words and punctuation to make corn:,cl, or legal, programs. These rules are the synlax of the language. The program thal checks on the legality of C coele is called the compiler. [I' there arc errors, the compiler prints error messages and stops. If there arc no errors, then the source coele is legi.ll and the compiler translates it into object code, vdl.ich in turn is used by the loader to produce
\Vhell the compiler is invoked, the preprocessor does its \\'ork first. For that reason \vc can think or the preprocessor as being built into the compiler. On some systems this is actually the case, whereas on others the preprocessor is separate. This is of no concern to us in this chapter. \Ve have 10 be aware, hovvever, that we can get error messages from the preprocessor as well as from the compiler (see exercise 24 on page 74). ThrouMhout this chapter, \\'e use the term compiler in the sense that, conceptually, the preprocessor is built into the compiler. A C program is a sequence of ch,lraClers that is converted by C complier to objeCl code, which in turn is converted to a targe! language on a particular machine. On most systems the targeL language is a form of nl<\chine language that can be run or interpreted. For this to happen, the program must be syntactkally correct. The compiler first collects the characters of the program inlo lokens, which can be thought of as the basic vocabulary of the langu'lge. In ANSI C, there are six kinds of tokens: keywords, identifiers, const,lIlts, string constants, operators, and punctuators. The compiler checks that the tokens C
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
The programmer should strive to write code that is understandable by other programmers as well. A key part in doing this is producing well-commented code with meaningful identifier names. In this chapter we illustrate these concepts.
~~ Characters and Lexical Eleme..n..t,.s
A C program is first constructed by the programmer as a sequence of characters; these are shown in the following table.
Characters that can be used in a program lowercase letters abc z uppercase letters ABC Z digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 other characters + - * / = ( ) { } [ ] < > ' " ! @ # S % &_ I A - \ ,,:? white space characters blank, newline, fab, etc.
Characters and Lexical Elements
These characters are collected by the compiler into syntactic units called tokens. Let us look at a simple program and informally pick out some of' its tokens before we go on to a strict definition of C syntax.
/* Read in two scores and pri nt thei r sum. *1 #include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
pri ntf("Input two scores as integers: "); scanf("%d%d", &score_l, &score_2); sum = score_l + score_2; printf("%d + %d = %d\n", score_l, score_2, sum); return 0; }
~ ~,
Lexical Dissection of the sum Program •
1* Read in two scores and print their sum. *1
Comments are delimited by /* and *1. The complier first replaces each commen! with a single blank. Thereafter, the compiler either disregards white space or uses it to separate tokens. •
#include <stdio.h>
This is a preprocessing directive that causes the standard header file sfdio.h to be included. We have included it because it contains the function prototypes for pri ntfO and scanfO. A function prototype is a kind of declaration. The compiler needs function prototypes to do its work. •
int main(void) {
The compiler groups these characters into four kinds of tokens. The funCI ion name mai n is an identifier, and the parentheses 0 immediately following main are an operator. They tell the compiler that main is a function. The characters, {and; are punctuators; i nt is a keyword; score_l, score_2, and sum are identifiers.
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements. Operators. and the C System
The compiler uses the white space between i nt and score_l to distinguish the two tokens. We cannot write intscore_l, score_2, sum; /*wrong: white space necessary */ On the other hand, the white space following a comma is superfluous. We could have written
but not
The compiler would consider score_lscore_2sum an identifier. •
printf("Input two scores as integers: scanf("%d%d", &score_l, &score_2);
The names pri ntf and scanf are identifiers, and the parentheses following them tell the compiler that they are functions. After the compiler has trans~ lated the C code, the loader attempts to create an executable rile. If the code for pri ntfO and scanfO has not been supplied by the programmer, it is taken from the standard library. A programmer normally would not redefine these idenUl"iers. A series of characters enclosed in double quotes is a string constant, as in "Input two scores as integers: The compiler treats this as a single token and provides space in memory to store the string. The character &in &score_l and &score_2 is the address operator. The compiler treats it as a token. Even though the characters & and a are adjacent to each other, the compiler treats each as a separate token. We could have written 0'
but not &score_2 score_l&, &score_2
'/ The comma is a punctuator.
/* the comma is missing */ /* & requires operand on the right
2.2 •
The characters = and + are operators. White space here is ignored, so we couJd have written
but not s
If we had done so, each letter on this line would have been treated by the compiler as a separate identifier. Because not all of these identifiers have been declared, the compiler would complain. Even if they were declared, the expression s u isn't legal. The compiler either ignores white space or uses it to separate elements of the Ian· guage. The programmer uses white space 10 provide more legible code. To the compiler, program text is implicitly a single stream of characters, but to the human reader it is a two-dimensional tableau.
Comments are arbitrary strings of symbols placed between the delimiters /* and */. Comments are not tokens. The complier changes each comment into a single blank character. Thus comments are not part of the executable program. We have already seen examples sllch as
/* a comment */
/*** another comment ***/
Another example is
fO o o
A comment can be written in this fashion to set it off from the surrounding code.
The following illustrates one style that gives prominence to comments:
Chaprer 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
/ ••••••• ********************** * If you wish, you can *
put comments ina box.
***************** •••****** •••/
Comments arc used by the programmer as a documentation aid. The aim of documentation is to explain c1curly how the program works and how it is to be used. Sometimes a (ommcnl conlains an informal argument demonstrating the correctness of the program. Comments should be written Simultaneously with program texl. Some pro· grammers insert comments as a lasl step, but there are two problems with this. The first is that once the program is running, the tendency is either to omit or abbreviate the comments. The second is that ideally the (omments should serve as running commentary. indicating program structure and contributing to program clarity and correctness. They cannot do this if they are inserted IJfter the coding is finished.
Keywords are explicitly reserved words that have a strict meaning as individual tokens in C. They cannOI be redefined or used in other contexts. Keywords
auto break case char canst continue default
double else enum extern float
if i nt
long register return short
signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union
unsigned void volatile while
Some implementations may have additional keywords. These vary from one implementation, or system, to another. As an c.xample. here arc somc of the additional keywords in Borland C. Additional keywords for Borland C
Compared to other major languages, C has only a small number of keywords. Ada, for example, has 63 keywords. It is a charactcrisUc or C that it docs a lot with relatjvely few special symbols ancl keywords.
2.4 •
~JIm Identifiers An identifier is a loken that is composed of a sequence of letters, digits, and the special character _ which is called an underscore. A letter or underscore must be the first character of an identifier. In most implementations of C the lower- and uppercase letters arc treated as distinct. It is good programming practice to choose identifiers that have mnemonic significance so thai the)' contribute to the readability and documentation of the program. Some examples of identifiers arc k
_id iamanidentifierl so_am_i but not
not#me 10Lsouth -pl us
/* special character # not allowed *1 /* must not start with a digit *1 1* do not mistake - for _ *1
Identifiers are created to give unique names to various objects in a program. Ke}'\\!ords can be thought of as identifiers that are reserved to have special meaning in the C language. Identifiers such as scanf and printf arc already known to the C system as input/output functions in the standard library. These names normally would not be redefined. The identifier rnai n is special, in that C programs always begin execution at the function called main. One major difference among operating systems and C compiJers is the length of discriminated identifiers. On some older systems, an identifier with more than eight characters is accepted, but onl)' the first eight characters arc used. The remaining characters arc simply disregarded. On such a system, for example, the variable namcs and
are considered the same. In ANSI C, at least the first 31 characters of an identifier are discriminated. folany C systems discrimjnalc more (see S(."Ction 2.15, "System Considerations," on page 67). Good programming style requires the programmer to choose names that arc meaningful. If you were to write a program to figure out various taxes, you might have identil1crs such as tax_rate, pri ce, and tax, so that {he statement tax
price * tax_rate;
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
would have an obvious meaning. The underscore is used to create a single identifier from what would normally be a string of words separated by spaces. ~'leaning fulness and avoiding confusion go hand in hand with readability to constitute the main guidelines for a good programming style. Caution: Identifiers that begin with an underscore can conflict with system names. Only systems programmers should use such identifiers. As an example, consider the identifier _ i ab, which is often defined as the name of an array of structures in stdio.h. If a prograrruner tries 10 use _ i ab for some other purpose, the compiler may complain, or the program may misbehave. Applications programmers are best advised to lise identil"iers that do not begin with an underscore. Furthermore, using two consecutive underscores in any position in an identifier is restricted to system usc.
~~ Constants
As we have seen in some simple introductory programs, C manipulates various kinds of values. Whole numbers like 0 and 17 are examples of integer constants, and fractional numbers like 1. 0 and 3.14159 are examples of Iloating constants. Like most languages, C treats integer and floating constants dillerently. In Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Dala Types," we discuss in detail how C understands numbers. ,Also, there arc character constants such as 'a', 'b and' + Character constants are writlen between single quotes, and, as we shall see in Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Data Types," they are closely related to integers. Some character constants are of a special kind, such as the newline character, written \n' . The backslash is the escape character, and we think of \n as "escaping the usual meaning of n." Even though \n is written with the two characters \ and n, it represents a single character called newline. In addition to the constants that we have already discussed, there are eoumeralion constants in C. \Ve discuss these along with the keyword enum in Chapter 7, "Enumeration Types and typedef." Integer constants, floating constants, character constants, and enumeration constants are all collected by the compiler as tokens. Because of implementation limits, constants that are syntactically expressible may not be available on a particular machine. For example, an integer may be too large to be slored in a machine word. Decimal integers arc finite strings of decimal digits. Because C prOVides octal and hexadecimal integers as \vell as decimal integers, we have to be careful to distinguish between the different kinds of integers. For example, 17 is a decimal inte· ger constant, 017 is an octal integer constant, and 0x17 is a hexadecimal integer constant. (See Chapter G, "The Fundamenlal Data Types," for further discussion.) Also, negative constant integers like -33 arc considered constant expressions. Some examples of constant decimal integers are I,
2.6 •
String Constants
o 77
/* t.oo 1arge for the machi ne? */
but nol
/* an integer */ /* a const.ant expression */ /* a floating constant */
0123 -49 123.0
AlthouKh we have used integ('r constanlS such as 144 and noating constants such as 39.7, Their meaning in Terms of type, along with details concerning m('I11' or) requirements and machine accuracy, is complicat('d enough to require a thorough discussion. We do this in Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Data Types."
String Constaccn.ctccs_ _
sequence of characters enclosed in a pair of double quole marks, such as "abc", is a string constant, or a string literal. 11 is collected by the compiler as a single token. In Chapter 10, "Strings and Pointers," we see thai string constants arc stored by Ihe compiler as arrays of characters. String constants are always treated differenlly from characler constants. For example, "a" and' a' are nol the same. NOic that a double quote mark" is just one character, not two. If the character" itself is 10 occur in a string constant, it must be preceded by a backs lash character \. If the character \ is 10 occur in a string constant, it too must be preceded by a backslash. Some examples of string constants arc
"a string of text"
/* the null string */ /* a string of blank characters */ a b + c; /* nothing is executed */ /" this is not a comment */ " "
"a string with double quotes \" within" "a single backslash \\ is in this string"
but not
/* "this is not a string" */ "and neither is thi s"
Character sequences that wouJd have meaning if outside a string constant arc just a sequence of characlers when surrounded by double quotes. In the previous examples, on(' strin~ contains what appears to be the statemenT a '" b + c; but because it occurs inside double quotes, it is explicitly this s('qucnce of charaCTers.
Chapter 2 •
Le.xical Elements, Operators, and the C Sysrem
Two string constants that arc separated only b}' white space arc concatenated by the compiler into a single sl rin~. Thus "abc" "def"
is equivalent to
String constants are treated by the compiler as tokens. As with other constants, the compiler provides the space in memory 10 store string constants. We emphasize thjs point again in Chapler 10, "Strings and Pointers."
Operators and Punctuators
In C. there arc many special characters with particular meanings. Examples include the arithmetic operators
which stand for lhe usual arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus, respec1ively. Recall that in mathematics the value of a modulus b is obtained by taking th(' r('mainder after diViding a by b. Thus, for example, 5%3 has the vaJue 2, and 7%2 has the value I. (For a discussion of % with negaLive operands. see Chapter I. "Writing an ANSI C Program," and particularly exercise 5 on page 35.) In a program, operators can be used to separat(' identifiers. Although typically we put white space around binary operators to heighten readability, this is not required.
/* this is the expression a plus b */ /* this is a 3-character identifier */
Some symbols have meanings that depend on context. For example, consider lhe % symbol in the two statements pri ntf ("%d " , a);
== b % 7;
The first % s}'mbol is the start of a conversion specification, or format, whereas Lhe second % symbol represents the modulus operator_
Examples of punctuators include parentheses, braces, commas, and semicolons. Consider lhe following code: int main(void) {
int a == 17
a, b
2, c
(b + c);
Precedence and Associativity of Operators
The parentheses inunediately following mai n are treated as an operator. They tell the complier that mai n is the name of a function. Arter this, the symbols { , : ( and) arc punctuators. Operators and punctualQrs arc collected b}' the compiler as tokens, and along with white space, they serve to separate lan~uage clements. Some special characters arc used in many contexts, and the context itself can determine which LIse is intended. For example, parentheses arc sometimes used to indicate a funclion name; at Olher times they are llsed as punctuators. Another example is given by the expressions Ha
a + b
a ... = b
All of these expressions usc ... as a character, but ...... is a single operator, as is .....,. Having the meaning of a symbol depend on context makes for a small symbol set and a terse language.
Precedence and Associativity of Operators
Operators have rules of precedence and associativity that determine precisely how expressions are evaluated. Because expressions inside parentheses are evaluated first, parentheses can be used to clarify or change fhe order in which operations are performed. Consider the expression 1 ... 2 ... 3
In C, the operator'" has higher precedence than +, causing the multiplication to be performed first, followed by the addition. Hence the value of the expression is 7_ An equivalent expression is 1 ... (2 ... 3)
On Ihe olher hand, because expressions Inside parentheses are evaluated first, the expression (1 + 2) ... 3
is different; its value is 9. Now consider the expressions
1 ... 2 - 3 ... 4 - 5
is equivalent to
(((1 + 2) - 3) + 4) - 5
Because the binary operators + and - have the same precedence, the associalivit}' rule "left to right" is used to determine how it is evaluated. This means the operations arc performed from left to right. Thus the}' are equivalent e..xpressions.
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements. Operators. and the C System
The following table gives the rules of precedence and associativity for some of the operators of C. In addition to the operators we have already seen, the table includes operators that are discussed later in this chapter. Operator precedence and associativity Associativity
0 + (unary)
- (unary)
• •
++ (post{iv.)
++ (prefix)
left to right
right to left left to right left 10 right
right to left
, 2.9 •
Increment and Decrement Operators
All the operators on a given line, such as "', I, and %, have equal precedence with respect to onc another, but have higher precedence than all the operators that occur on the lines below them. The associativity rule for all the operators on a given line appears on the right side of the table.
Whenever we introduce new operators, we give their rules of precedence and associativity, and often we encapsulate the information by augmenting this table. These rules are essential information for every C programmer. In addition 10 the binary plus. which represents add ilion, there is a unary plus; both are represented by a plus sign. The same is true for the mjnus sign. The unary plus was introduced with ANSI C; there is no unary plus in traditional C, only unary minus. From the preceding table we sec that the unary operators have higher precedence than binary plus and mjnus. In the expression -a"'b-c the first minus sign is unary, and the second binary. Using the rules of prece· dence, we see that
a) '" b) - c
Is an equivalent expression.
~J8.1111 Increment and Decrement Operato::r-=s,-_ The increment operator ++ and decrement operator -- are unary operators with the same precedence as the unary plus and minus, and they associate from right to left. Both ++ and -- can be applied 10 variables bUI not 10 constants or ordinary expressions. Moreover, the operators can occur in either prefix or postfix position, with different results. Some examples are Hi
cnt-but not 777++
++(a '" b - 1)
/'" constants cannot be incremented "'/ /'" cannot increment ordinary expressions "'/
Each of the expressions ++i and i++ has a value; moreover, each causes the stored value of i in memory 10 be incremenled by I. The expression ++i causes the stored value of i to be incremented first, with the expression then taking as
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
its value the new stored value of i. In contrast, the expression i ++ has as its value the current value of i; then the stored value of i is incremented. The following code illustrates the situation: a, b, C = 0; f ++C; ( ~I;" ... I S~""~I... D.... ",~ 1''1'_ ",(J)'..\ l>\, t, 0'1<-( ,~ c++; b \;,\ ,.1 L J h~", dl
i nt
= b =
I~\ h•.\\t.'5 Jp
tt'- t;1
In a similar fashion, --i causes the stored value of i in memory to be decremented by I first, with the expression then taking this new stored value as its value; with i --, the value of the expression is the current value of i, and then the stored value of i in memory is decremented by 1. Note carefully that ++ and -- cause the value of a variable in memory to be changed. The operator +, on the other hand, does not do this. An expression such as a + b has a value that, when evaluated, leaves the values of the variables a and b unchanged. These ideas are expressed by saying that the operators Hand -have il side effect; not only do these operators yield a value, but they also change the stored value of a variable in memory (see exercise 20 on page 73). In some cases we can use ++ in either prefix or postfix position with the same resull. For example, each of the statements 1 ++;
is equivalent to i
+ 1;
In simple situations, one can consider ++ and -- as operators that provide concise
notation for increment ing and decrementing a variable. In other situations, careful attention musl be paid as to whether prefix or postfix position is desired. Prefix operators are the preferred style, as they are less prone 10 misuse. Declarations and initializations ; nt
1, b • 2. c
• ,
a a
3, d • 4;
Equivalent expression
b I c
(a • b)
b %c + 1
((a'b)%c) + 1 ((++ a) , b) (c
++ a*b-c--
b * ++ d
I c ~
(( ~ b)
~~ )
(++ d))
1 17
2.10 •
Assignmenl Operators
Assignment Operators
To change the villue of a variable, we have alreildy used assignment statements such as a
b + c;
Unlike other langllages. C lreats = as an operator. Its precedence is lower than all the operators we have discussed so far. and its associativity is right 10 lert. In this section we explain in detail the significance of this. To undersland = as an operator. let us first consider + for the sake of comparison. The binary operator + takes two operands. as in the expression a + b. The value of the expression is the sum of the values of a and b. By comparison, a sim· pIe assignment expression is of the form variable = righcside
where righcside is ilself an expression. Notice that a semicolon placed at the end would have made this an assignment statement. The assignment operator = has the two operands variable and righCside. The value of righcside is assigned to variable. and that becomes the value of the assignment expression as a whole. To illustrate this, consider the statements b
a = b + c; where the variables are all of type into By making use of assignment expressions, we can condense this to a : Cb • 2) + Cc = 3);
The assignment expression b = 2 assigns the value 2 to the variable h, and the assignment expression itself takes on this value. Similarly, the assignment expres· sion c .. 3 assigns the value 3 10 the variable c. and the assignment expression itself takes on this value. Finally, the values of the two assignment expressions are added, and the resulting value is assigned to a. Although this example is artificial, there are many situations in which assignment occurs n<.lturally as parI of an expression. A frequently occurrin~ situation is multiple assignment. Consider the statement a
b = c
Because the operator = associates from right to left, an equivalent statement is
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements. Operators, and the C System
a = (b = (c = 0)); First c is assigncd the value 0, and the expression c = 0 has value O. Then b is assigned the valuc 0, and the expression b = (c = 0) has value O. Finally, a is assigned the value 0, and Ihc expression a = (b = (c = 0» has value O. t\lany languages do nol use assi~nmcnt in such an elaborale \Va}. C is different in Ihis r('sp('cl. In addition 10 =, there arc oth('r assignment operators, such as +: and -=. An expression such as
adds 2 to the old value of k lind assign the result [0 k, and the expression as a whole has thaI value. The same task is accomplished by the expression k += 2
Th(' following lable contains all Ihe assignment operaLors.
Assignment operators /
AlIth('se opcralors havc the same precedcnc(', and th('yall ha\'e right-lO-le[( associativity. The scmanlics is specified b}'
which is cquiviJlcnt
with the exception that if variable is itself an expression, it is evaluated only once. When dealing with arrays, this is all important techniGl1 point (see exercise 15 on page ]]]). NOle carefully thaI an assiAlllllent expression such as
j *= k + 3
is equivahml 10
j = j
(k + 3)
ralher Ihan
The follo'i\ing table illustrates how assignmcnt expressions are e\'aluated.
. 2.11
An Example: Computing Powers of 2
Declarations and initializations lnt
i = 1, j
2, k • 3, m • 4;
Equivalent expression
Equivalent expression
i += j + k
m+ I
j '= k
(j + k)
j '= (k
+ I) )
. (; (j . (j • (k +
k)) (m + I)))
Value 6
Even though assignmf'llt stalcmCnis sometimes resemble mathematical equations, the 1\\0 notions afe distincl and should not be confused. The mathematical
I I ,
equation X+
2 = 0
does not become an assignment statement when you type
x+ 2
/1t wrong'" /
The left side of the equal sign is an expression, not a variable. and this expression may not be aSSigned a value. Now consider the assignment statement
I ,
x '" x + 1; The current valuc of x is assigned the old value of x plus I. If the old value of x is 2, the valLIe of x after execution of the statement is 3. Observe thaI as a mat hematieal cqualion.
x + 1
is meaningless; after subtracting: x from both sides of the equation, we obtain
Although the)' look alike. the assignment operator in C and the equal siRn in mathematics arc not comparable.
To illustrate some of the ideas presented in this chapter. we write a program that prints on a tine some pmvers of 2. I[ere is the pro~ram:
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elemenrs, Operators, and rhe C Sysrem
/* Some powers of 2 are printed. */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
while (++exponent <= 10) pri ntf("%5d", power_of_two *= 2); pri ntf(,,\n"); return 0; )
The oulput of the program is 2
~ ~,
Dissection of the pow_of-Z Program •
/* Some powers of 2 are printed. */
Programs often begin with a comment that explains the intent or the use of the program. If the program is large, the comment may be extensive. The compHer treats comments as while space. •
#include <stdio.h>
The header file sldio.h contains the function prototype for the pri ntfO function. This is a kind of declaration for pri ntfO. The compiler needs it to work correClly. •
i nt
exponent = 0, power_of_two
The variables exponent and power_of_two are declared to be of type i nt. They are initializ:ed to 0 and 1, respectively. •
while (++exponent <= 10)
As long as the value of the expression ++exponent is less than or equal to J 0, the body of the whi 1e loop is executed. The first time through the loop the expression ++exponent has the value J; the second lime through the loop ++exponent has the value 2; and so forth. Thus the body of the loop is executed 10 times.
2.12 •
The C System
ph ntfC"%Sd". power_of_ two *.. 2);
The body of the whi le loop consiSlS of this state-menl. The string constant "%Sd" is passed as the first argument 10 the pri ntfO function. The string contains the rormat %5d, which indicates that the value or the expression power_of_two *=- 2 is to be printed as a decimal with field lenKth S.
This assignment expression is equivalent
which causes the old value of power_of_two to be multiplied by 2 and the rcsulling valliC to be assigned to power_of_two. The value assigned to power_of_ two is the value of the assignment expression as a whole. The first time through the loop, the old value of power_oLtwo is I, and the new value is 2; the second time through the loop, the old value of power_of_two is 2, and the new value is 4, and so forth.
w.-:w "_,_T=he=C'-"'Sy,,s"'l::e:"m""-
The C system consists of the C language, the preprocessor, the compiler, the library, and other tools useful to the programmer, such as edilors and debuggers. [n this section we discuss the preprocessor and the library. For details about functions in the standard library, sec Appendix A. "The Standard Library."
The Preprocessor
Unes that begin wilh a 1/ are called preprocessing directives. These lines communi· cate wilh the preprocessor. In traditional C. preprocessing directives were required to begin in column I. In ANSI C, this restriction has been removed. Although a 1/ may be preceded on a line by white space, it is still a common programming style. to Slarl preprocessing directives in column 1. We have already made usc of preprocessing directivcs such as #include <stdio.h>
I/define PI 3.14159
Another form of the #include facility is given by
Ii ne 1ude "filename"
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
This causes the preprocessor to replace the line with a copy of the contents of the named file. A search for the file is made first in the current directory and then in other system-dependent places. With a preprocessing directive of the form
#; ncl ude the preprocessor looks for the file only in the "other places" and not in the currenl directory. Be<:ause #i ncl ude directives commonly occur at the beginning of the program, the include files that they refer 10 are called header files, and. h is used 10 end the file name. This is a convention, not a preprocessor requirement. There is
no restriction on what an include file can contain. In particular, it can contain other preprocessing directives Ihat are expanded by the preprocessor in turn. Although files of any type may be included, it is considered poor programming style to include files that contain code for function definitions (see Chapter S, "Character Processing"). On UNIX syslems the standard header files such as stdio.h are typica]]y found in the directory /usr/il1dude. On Borland systems they mighl be found in the directory \bc\include. In general, the location of the standard #i nel ude files is system-dependent. All 01" these files are readable, and programmers, for a variety of reasons, have occasion to read them. One of the primary uses of header files is to provide function prototypes. For example, stdio.h contains the following lines: int int
printf(const char *format, scanf(const char *format,
); );
These are the function prototypes for the printfO and scanfO functions in the standard library. Houghly speaking, a function prototype tells the compiler the types of the argumenls that get passed to the function and the type of the value that gets returned by the function. Before we can understand the function prototypes for printfO and scanfO, we need to learn about the function definition mechanism, pointers, and type qualifiers. These ideas are presented in later chapleI'S. The main point that we are making here is that header files are often included because they contain the function prototypes of functions that are being used. The compiler needs Ihe function prototypes to do its work correctly.
The Standard library The standard library contains many useful functions thaI add considerable power and nexibility to the C system. Many of the functions are used extensively by all C programmers, whereas other functions are used more selectively. Most program· mel's become acquainted with functions in the standard library on a need-to-know basis.
2.12 •
Programmers usually arc not concerned about the location on the system of the standard library, because the library contains compiled code that is unreadable 10 humans. It can happen that the standard library is made up of more than one file. The mathematics library, for example, is cOllCcptually part of the standard library, but it typically exists in a separate nte. Whatever the <':ilse, the system knows where to find the code that corresponds to functions from the sl<mdard library, such as printfO and scanfO, that Ihe programmer has used. lIowever, e"en though the system provides the code, it is the responsibility of the programmer to provide the function prototype. This is usually accomplished by indudin~ appropriate header files. Caution: Do not mistake header files for the libraries themselvcs. The standard library contains object code of functions that have already bcen compiled. The standard header files do not contain compiled codc. To illustrate the use of a function in the Slandard library, lei LIS show how randO can be used to generate some randomly distributed integers. In later chapters we have occasion to usc randO to fill arrays and srrings for testing purposes. Here, we lise it 10 prim some integers on the screen. j*Printing random numbers. */ 'include <stdio.h> 'include <stdlib.h> int main(void) {
i nt
i, n;
printf("\n%s\n%s", "Some randomly distributed integers will be printed.", "How many do you want to see? "); scanf("%d", &11); for (i .. 0; i < n; ++i) { i f (; % 6 •• 0) pr; ntf("\n"); printf("%9d", randO); }
printf("\n") ; return 0; }
Suppose we execulC Ihe appears on the screen:
and type 11 when prompted. Here is what
Some randomly distributed integers will be printed. How many do you want to see? 11
16838 23010
5758 7419
10113 16212
17515 4086
31051 2749
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
Dissection of the prn_rand Program •
#include <stdio.h> #include <strllib.h>
These header files are included because of the function prototypes they contain. In particular, the runction prototype
is in tells the compiler thaI randO is a filllction that takes no arguments and returns an i ot value. Rather than include stdlib.h, we could just as vveU supply Ihis line ourselves, either at the top of the file or as a declaration inside mainO.
printf("\n%s\n%s", "Some randoml y eli stri buted integers wi 11 be pr; nted.", "How many do you want to see? scanf("%d", &n);
A prompt to the user is printed on the screen. The characters typed in by the user arc received by scanfO. converted into the format of a decimal integer. and placcd at the address of n. •
for (i
0; i < n; ++i) {
This is a for loop. It is equivalent to i = 0; while (i < n) {
++1; }
Another way to write this program would be to initialize i to zcro and then use the construct while (i++ < n) { }
NOll' carefully that i++ < n is different from ++i < n (see exercise 10 on
page 71).
,. 2.13 •
i f (i % 6
printf("\n") ;
The operator == is the Wis {'qual 10" opcralOr. If exprl and expr2 arc Iwo expressions with the same value, the expression exprl == expr2 is true; otherwise it isfalse. In ChapleT 4. "Functions and Structured Programming," we sec that == has lower precedence than %. Thus is equivalent to
(i % 6) •• 0
The dfect of Ihis is thai starling with the first lime through the loop, and every sL\:th lime thereafter, the expression as a whole is true. Whenever the expression is fme, a newline character is printed. •
pr; ntf("%9d", randO);
Every time through the loop, the value returned by the call to candO is printed in the format of a decimal integer. The width of the field where the integer is printed is 9 characlers.
~~yle Each of the statements ++i;
increments the stored value of 1 in memory by I. No use is made of the value of the expression; only lhe side effect of the operator ++ is being used. In this simple examplc, it is a mattcr of personal tastc whether ++i or 1++ is used. We prefer prefix operators. As part of a more c;omplicated expression, only one of ++1 or ; H may be appropriate. The two expressions do not have thc same value. A correct slyle strives for code lhat is readable. AJlhough the slatement
(y = 2) +
is both correct and concise, it is not as readable as y ,. 2;
z ::c 3; x ,.. y + z; It is important not 10 condense code jus I for the sake of using Icss space. Readability is an attribute thai should nOI be sacrificed. If we want to add 7 10 the variable a, we can wrile either
Chapter 2
a +'" 7;
Lexical Elemenrs, Operators, and the C System
a '" a + 7;
Although the choice i:'> largely a matter of taste, profe:'>:'>ional programmers definitely favor the fin'l. Commenting style i:'> crucial to program readability. There is no one correct style. Comments, properly used, allow others to understand both what the program does and how it works. Both individuals and organizations should adopt and consistently stay with a given commenting style. Style becomes habit, and good habits reinforce good programming practice. Comments should occur at the top of the program and at the head of major structural groupings "'itmn the source code. SharI comments should occur to the right of individual slatements when the effect of the statement is not obvious. The lead comment should be visually set off and should include information such as the name of the organization, the programmer's name, the date, and the purpose of the program.
" •
Organization: Programmer: Date:
SOCRATIC SOLUTIONS (Trade Mark) Constance B. Diligent 19 April 1993
Birthday greetings
*/ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
pri ntf("\nHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! \n\n"); return 0; }
Although in practice the overcommenting of code almost never occurs, comments, nevertheless, should not cluller the program. Comments should illuminate what the program is doing. For example,
tax", price * rate;
1* sales tax formula *1
gives im;ight into the program, but
tax", price * rate;
1* multiply price by rate *1
is redundant and therefore useil'ss. It is very important to choose identifiers that describe their ov·m use and thereby avoid extraneous commenting.
Common Programming Errors
~~ Common Programming Errors
The programming errors discussed in this section arc chiefly syntaClic. These errors arc caught by the compiler, and in general they keep the compiler from producing an executable output file. Consider the foUowing code contained in the me exmpL I.c. Because the code is not syntactically correct, error and warning messages is produced when we compile H. The exact form of the messages vary from one compiler 10 another, bUI in general the content of Ihe messages is similar. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
1, b
2, C
x = a + b;
pri ntf("x return 0;
%d\n", x);
Suppose we compile this program on a Borland C system, using the bee command. Here are some of the messages that arc produced: Error EXMPL_l.( 7: Undefined symbol 'x' in function main Warni ng EXMPL_l. C 9: 'c' is assi gned a value that is never used Warning EXMPL_l.C 9: 'b' is assigned a value that ;s never used The name of the fHe containing the code is listed, along with the line number in which the error occurs. The integrated environment te highUghts the line Ihe error occurs in, so that the programmer can immediately use the editor Lo correct that line. The error is easily understood; namely, x is used but not declared. The first warning message is appropriate but the second is not. It is a spurious warning that is the result of an earlier problem-namely, x being undeclared. Let us consider another example. Unless you are an experienced programmer, }'OU might not see the errors at first glance.
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
i nt
1* a, b, and c will be used
to illustrate arithmetic/* a=C4*b+S* c) I 6 printf("a = %d b = %d return 0;
%d\n", a, b, c) ;
Again, a raft of mes:'>ages arc produced by the compiler, some of them spurious. Error EXMPL_2 12: Unexpected end of file in comment started on line 5 in function main Error EXMPL_2 13: Compound statement missing} in function main Warning EXMPL_2 13: 'c' is assigned a value that is never used in function main \Vhat has happened is that the comment starting on line 5 is never closed. The first error message indicates this. Note that because the compiler was unable to find a closing} to end the program, the line numbering in the messages is spurious. AJso, a spurious warning about c is produced. Compilers frequently produce this type of mi:'>leading advice. AulOmalic error delection by the compiler is no substitute for great <:are in program preparation. Arter the programmer fixes one error, the compiler may uncover other. This would happen in the pre<:eding program be<:ause a semicolon is missing at Ihe end of the line preceding the pri ntfO statement. Most <:ompilers have options that spedfy the kinds of warnings they produ<:e. As a general ruk, the warning level should be set as high as possible. Consider Ihe follOWing code: #include <stdio.h> mainCvoid) {
printf("Try me!\n"); return 0; }
BCG.lUse the option -w scts the highest warning level for the Borland <:ompiler, we give lhe command
The follOWing warning is produ<:ed:
2.15 •
System Considerations
Warning TRY_ME.C 6: Function should return a value in functi on rnai n This warning disappears if we mainO
void main(void)
This lells lhe compiler that mainO is a function that l
":_,-",SLY",s.::te.::m",--C=o.::"",s.::id=-e::.r:..:a.::t"io=",,,s_ _ ANSI C has both a unary minus and unary plus, butlraditional C has only a unary minus. If you are writing portable code that has 10 run on a traditional compiler as well as on an ANSI C compiler, you should not use the unary plus opera lor. The floating type long double is not available in traditional C. Because the type is new to ANSI C, many compilers treat a double and a long double the same way. With lime, this should change. One major difference among operating systems and C compilers is the length of discriminated identifiers, both internal and external. E.xamples of internal identifiers arc macro names and ordinary variables. On some systems an internal identifier with more than eight characters is accepted, but only the first eight characters are used. The remaining characters are simply disregarded. On such a system, for example. the roUowing variable names are considered the same. and
Typical examples of external identifiers arc the names of functions in the standard library, such as printf and scanf, and the names of files. In l\IS·OOS, file names arc restricted to eight characters plus a three-letter extension. On a given system, a programmer learns the length of discriminated identifiers by experimenting. reading the manual, or asking someone. This is nof a problem. On the olher hand, if a programmer is wriling C code to run on a speclrum of systems, the limitations of all the systems must be known and respected. In ANSI C, the compiler must discriminate among at least 31 characters of all internal identifier, and the system as a whole must discriminate among at least six characters of an external identifier. Many systems discriminate more.
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
Moving to C++
c++ has a rest'of-Hn<~ comment symbol II. This is an improvement over C's brackeled comment symbols, as it is less erro-prone and more convenient.
liThe circumference and area of a circle. II II II
Cottage Consultants - lMP V 2.3
const double pi
3.14159; Ilpi to 6 significant digits
C++ alJows declarations 10 be intermixed with exenllable statements. We con· tinue Ihis example. #include
/Istandard C++ 10 library
int mainO {
while (true) { Ilinfinite loop - control-C exits; true is a bool cout « "\nENTER radi us: "; I Iprompt double r; IIC++ allows declarations inside block cin » r; Ilinput double diam = 2 * r; Ildeclare and initialize cout « "\nDiameter;; «diam; cout « "\nArea = " « pi .. r * r; cout « "\nCi rcumference = " « pi .. diam« endl; }
return 0;
Ilthis may be omitted; return 0 is understood
By allowing declarations to be intermixed with executable statements, c++ lets you place the declaration next to the first usc of a variable. This can avoid initialiLation errors. C++ has approxlmi.llc1y twice the number of keywords of C. Although legal, it is poor practice to lise C++ keywords as identifiers in C programs. Some of the keywords C++ uses arc: pri vate, pub1i c. and protected for data hiding; catch, try, and throw for exceplion handling; new and delete for memory management; and class and template for defming data types.
Tokens are the basic syntactic units of C. The)' include keywords, identifiers, constants, string constants, operators, and punctuators. White space. along with operators and punctuators, can serve to separate tokens. For this reason, white space, operators, and punctuators are collectively called separators. White space, other than serving to separate tokens, is i~n()r('d by the compiler.
Comments arc enclosed by the bracket pair /* and */ and are treated as white space by the compiler. They arc critical for good program documentation. Comments should assist the reader to both usc and understand the program.
A keyword, also called a reserved word, has a strict meaning. There are 32 keywords in C. They cannot be redefined.
Identifiers arc tokens that the programmer uses chiefly to name variables and functions. They begin with a letter or underscore and are chosen to be meaningful to the human reader.
Some identifiers are already known to the system because they arc the names of functions in the standard library. These include the input/output functions scanfO and printfO and mathematical functions such as sqrtO, sinO, cosO, and tanO.
Constants include various kinds of integer and Iloating constants, character constants such as 'a' and '#', and string constants such as "abc". AU constants are collected by the compiler as tokens.
String constants such as "deep bl ue sea" arc arbitrary sequences or characters, including white space characters, that arc placed inside double quotes. A string const,mt is stored as an array of characters, but it is collected by the compiler as a single token. The compiler provides the space in memory needed to store a string constant. Character constants and string constants arc treated differently. For example, 'x' and "x" are nol the same.
Operators and punctuators are numerous in C. The parentheses following rna; n 0 are an operator; they tell the compiler that rnai n is a function. The parentheses in the expression a * (b + c) arc punctuators. Tile operations inside the parentheses arc done first.
In C, the rules of precedence and associativit)' for operators determine how an expression gets evaluated. The programmer needs to know them.
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
The increment oper
The operators ++ and -- can be used in both prefix and postfix position, possibly \vith different effects. The expression ++; causes; to be incremenled in memory, and the new value of; is the value of the expression. The expression ; ++ has as its value the current value of ;, and then; is incremented in memory.
In C, Ihe assignment symbol is an operator. An expression such as a = b + c assigns the value of b + c to a, and the expression as a whole takes on this value. AJthough the assigrunent operator in C and the equal sign in mathematics look alike, they are not comparable.
Many useful functions are available in the standard library. \Vhen a library function is used, the corresponding function prototype cao be obt
1 Is rna; 0 a key...."ord? Explain. 2 List five keywords aod explain their use. 3 Give examples of three types of tokens. 4 Which of the following are not identifiers and why? 3; d
00_9 0
ooe i aren't
me to-2
star*it xYshouldI
__yes int
5 Design a standard form of introductory comment that gives a reader information about who wrote the program and wh~'. 6 Take a symbol such as + and illustrate the different ways it C
/* This is an attempt /* to nest */ a comment. */
8 Write an interactive program thai converts pounds and ounces 10 kilograms and grams. Use symbolic constams that are defined before mainO. 9 This question illustrates one place where white space around operators is important. Because both + and ++ are operators, the expression a+++b can be interpreted as either a++ + b
a + ++b
depending on how the plus symbols are grouped. Normall)'. the first two pluses would be grouped and passed to the compiler to sec if this were syntactically correct. Write a short program to sec which interpretation is made by your compiler. 10 For the IXJw_of_2program in S('(tion 2.11, "An Example: Computing POWNS of 2," on page 58, explain what the effecl would be if Ihe expression ++i were changed 10 i++. 11 Study' he follOWing code and write down what you think it prints. Then wrile a tesl program to check your answers.
a, b = 0, e = 0; i nt a • ++b + ++c; printf("%cJ %d %cJ\n". a, a • b++ + c++; pri ntf("%d %d %d\n" , a, a • ++b + c++; printf("%d %d %d\n". a, a • b-- + --c; pri ntf("%d %d %d\n". a,
b, e) ; b, e) ; b, e) ; b, e) ;
12 What is the effect in the following statemcnL if some, or all, of the parentheses arc removed? Explain. x _ (y
= 2)
+ (z • 3);
13 First complete the entries in the table Ihat follows. After you have done Ihis, write a program to check that the values you enlered are correct.
Chapter 2 •
Lexica' Elements, Operators, and the C System
Ded..r..tions .. nd initi..lizations
i nt
2, b ' -3, c • 5, d • -7, e
= II,
f • -3;
Equivalent expression
a / b / c
(a / b) / c
7 + c
7 + «c * (-- d)) / e)
-- d / e
a %- b + c + 1
39 / - ++ e
29 % c
a +_ b +- c+-1+2 7 - + ++ a % (3 + f)
error, why?
J 4 !.:onsider the following code:
in< a , 1, b ' 2, a += b += C += 7;
Write an equivalent statemenl Ihal is fully parenthesized. What are the values of the variables a, b, and c? First write down )our ans\\er; then write a test program to check it. 15 A good programming style is crucial to Ihe human reader, even though the
compiler sees only a stream of characlers. Consider Ihe following program: int main(void ){float qx,
tt;printf("gimme 3"
);scanf ("%f%f %f" ,&qx,&zz ,&tt); pri ntf("averagei s=%f" ,(qx+t:t:+zz)/3. 0); return 0;}
Allhough lhe code is not very readable, it should wmpilc and execut('. T('sl il to sec if il does. Then completely rewrile the program. Usc whil(' space and comments to make it more readable and well documented. Hin/.· Indude a header file and choose new identifiers to replace qx, ZZ, and tt. 16 The inlegers produced b)' the function randO all fall within the interval [0, nl, where n is system-dependent. In ANSI C, the value for n is given by the symbolic constant RAND_MAX, which is defined in the standard header file stdlib.h. Of course, an incomplete A 51 C system may rail to make this symbolic constant available. Is it available on )'our s)'sl('m? Write a pr0l-:ram to find out.
17 The function rand 0 returns values in the intervaJlO, RANDJo\AXI (see the previous exercise). If we declare the variable medi an and initialize it to have the value RAND_MAX/2, then randO returns a value that is sometimes larger than medi an and sometimes smaller. On average, however, there should be as many values that arc larger as there are values that are smaller than the median. Test Ihis h)'pothesis. Write a program Ihal calls randO, say 500 times. inside a for loop, increments the variable plus_cnt every time randO returns a value larger lhan median, and increments the variable minus_cnt every time randO returns a value less than median. Each time througll lhe for loop, prinl outlhe value of the difference of plus-cnt and minus-cnt. This difference should oscillate near zero. Docs it? 18 Rewrite the prtl_rand program in Section 2.12, "The Standard Library," on page Gl, so that Ihe integers prinled are in Ihe interval fO, 1001. IJinl: Use the modulus operator. How many numbers do yOLl have to print before you sec the value] DO'! (If you do not see H, you have done something wrong.) 19 Rewrite the prtlJand program lO make use of the construct while Ci++
n) {
After you ~et your program running and understand its effects, rewrite the program, changing i++
Now the program behaves differently. To compensate for this, rewrite the body of the whi 1e loop so the program behaves exactly as it did before. 20 The value of an expression such as ++a + a++ Is system-dependent. Tllis is because the side eflecls of the increment operator ++ Gill lake place at differ-
ent times. This is both a strength of C, because compilers can do what is natural at the machine level, and a weakness, because such an expression is system-dependent and the expression has different values on different machines_ £"pericnccd C programmers recognize expressions such as Ibis to be pOlenlially dangerous and do not use (hem. Experiment with your machine 10 see what value is produced b)' ++a + a++ after a has been initialized to zero. Does your compiler warn )'Oll that the expression is dangerous?
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
21 libraries on a UNIX system typically end in .Q, which is mnemonic for "archive." Libraries in MS-DOS typically end in .lib. See if you can find the standard C libraries on your system. These libraries are not readable. On a UNIX system you can give a command such as ar c jlibjlibc.a
to see all the titles of the objects in the library. 22 In both ANSI C and traditional C. a backslash at the end of a line in a string constant has the effect of continuing it to the next line. For example:
"by using a backslash at the end of the line \ a string can be extended from one line to the next" Write a program thaluses this construct. Many screens have 80 characters per line. What happens if you try to print a string with more than 80 characters? 23 In ANSI C. a backslash at the end of any line is supposed to have the effect of continuing it 10 the next line. This can be expected to work in string constant's and macro definitions on any C compHer, either ANSI or traditional (s('e the previous exercise). However, not all ANSI C compilers support thjs in a more general way. After all, except in macro definitions, this construct gets little use. Does your C compiler support this in a general way? Try the following:
include rnai\ nO
pri nt\ f("Wi 11 thi s \ work?\n"); }
24 \Vhen you invoke the compiler, the system first invokes the preprocessor. In this exercise we want to deliberately make a preprocessing error, just to see what happens. Try the following program: #incl <stdixx.h> i nt mai nevoi d) {
pri ntf("Try me. \n"); return 0; }
What happens if you change #i ncl to #i ncl ude?
, •
25 C++: RecOOl' the program for computing powers of two in CH. 26 c++; Rewrite the pnLrand program so that the integers printed arc in the interval 10. MI. Make the integer M an input to the program that is prompted for and input using ci n.
27 Java: Here is a program to compute the afca of a rectangle:
II numbers from the keyboard //Java by Dissection: page 27 import tio.*; II use the package t;o
class $impleInput { public static void main (String[] args) { int width, height, area; System.out.println("type two integers for" + " the width and height of a box");
width =; height ~; area ~ width * height; System.out.print("The area ;s ");
System.out.println(area); } }
Convcrt this program to C. Note how scanfO is used in place of the method readlntO found in the package ti~. The method readlntO was developed for Java by Dissecrion [Q provide simplc tcrminal inpu1/output. One advantage of Java is that there is no need for format control in pri nt1nO. Thus Java I/O is typesafe. In C. lhe programmer has to be very careful when writing format control strings for both printfO and scanfO.
Chapter 2 •
Lexical Elements, Operators, and the C System
28 A further advantage of Java is that this program produces the same answer regardless of what machine the code is run on. Java types are machine-independent. C types arc system-dependcot and may vary across difl"erent machines. This is especially important when using Ooating types such as doub1e. The above code can be changed to be double as follows: import tic ...... ;
II use the package tio
class SimpleInputDouble { public static void main (String[] args) { double width, height, area; System.out.println("type two integers for" + " the width and height of a box");
width =; height =; area = width"'" height; 5ystem.out.print("The area is "); System.out.println(area); }
Write this program in C. See if the Java and C program give the same results on the machine you use.
- ---
Control tatements in a program are normally executed one after another. This is called sequential {Jow o{ control. Often we want to alter the sequential flow of control to provide for a choice of action or the repetition of an action. \Ve can use if, if-else, and switch statements to select among alternative actions and whil e, for, and do statements 10 achieve iterative actions. We explain these flow-or-control constructs in this chapter. We start .....ith a discussion of the relational, equality, and logical operators. We also discuss the compound statement, which is used to group together statements that are to be treated as a wut.
Here are the operators most often used to affect flow of control. Relational, equality, and logical operators
Relational operators Equality operators
logical operators
less than greater than less than or equal to greater than or equal
< > <= >=
equal to not equal to (unary) negation logical and logical 0'J
We begin with a thorough discussion of them. These operators are used in expressions that we think of as being true or false. We explain how true and false are implement cd in C.
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
Just like other operators. the relational, equality, and logical operators have rules of precedence and associativity that determine precisely how expressions involving these operators are evaluated. These rules are shmvn in the foUo",ing table. Operator precedence and associativity Associativity
+ (unary)
-- (postfix) (prefix) -- (prefix)
++ (posr{i>;)
- (unary)
• <
left to right left to right leI"! to right right to left
II ?:
right to left left to right left to right left to right
&& :In /
left to right
, (comma operator)
right to left len to right
The! operator is unary. All the olher relational, equality, and logical operators
r~~ ~j~
Relational Operat~~~_and Expressions
The relalional operators <
are all binary. They e
,. 3.2 •
Relational Operators and Expressions
a < 3 -1.1 >= (2.2 *x+3.3) a < b < C /* syntactically correct, but confusing */
but not
a a
/* out of order */ /* space not allowed *1 /* this is a shift expression *1
=< b < = b
Consider a relational expression such as a < b. If a is less Ihan b, then the eXI )ressian has the; ot v
a - b < 0
(a - b) < 0
The usual arithmetic conversions occur in relational expressions (see Chapt er 6. ~The Fundamental Data Types"). tel a and b be arbitrary arithmelic expressions. The following table sh ows how the value of a - b determines the values of relational c.xpressions. Values of relational expressions
a - b
a < b
a > b
a <= b
zero negalivc
>= b
The following table illustrates the use of the rulcs of precedence and ass oelativity to evaluate relational expressions. Declarations and lnitializations
i nt double
x -
y -
Equivalent expression
i < j
i < (j - k) «- i) + (5 *
(x - y) <- «j
i + 5 x - y <:
j >- k + 1
- k
x + k + 7 < y / k
>: (k + 1)
k) - 1)
I k)
+ k) + 7) < (y
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
/.;~,-c:E:.:q"u"a::.l:.:i",tY,-,O=pc:e",r=a",to=r5=--ca="",d=--cE=xC'P::.r,-e::.5,,5"i:.:O:.:""'5=-__ The equality operators == and! = are binary operators that act on expressions. They }ield either the i nt value 0 or the i nt value 1. Some examples are ch == 'A' count != -2 x + y __ 2 * z - 5 but not
/* an assignment expression */ /* space not allowed */
a = b a="'b-l (x+y)",l44
/* syntax error: equivalent to (x+y)=(!44) */
Intuitively, an equality expression such as a == b is either true or false. More precisely, if a is equal to b, a "'''' b yields the i nt value 1 (true); othenvise it yields the i nt value 0 (false). Note that an equivalent expression is a - b == 0. This is what is implemented at the machine level. The expression a ! = b U1ustrates the use of the "not equal to" operalOr. It is evaluated in a similar fashion, except that the test here is for inequality rather than for equality. The operator semantics is given by the following table. Values of equality expressions
a -- b
zero nonzero
!'" b
The next table shows how the rules of precedence and associathity are used to evaluate some expressions with equality operators. Declarations and initializations i - I, j _ 2, k
; nt
- 3; Equivalent expression
, -i
!= j
i + j + k ==
-- ;
!- ;
( (i + j) + k)
Value 0
(( - 2)
+ (- k) )
3.4 •
Logical Operators and Expressions
7"~1 Operators and E:;;x"p:;;r-=e:;;s:;;s:;;i-=o:;;":;;s'-
The logical operator! is unary, and the logical operators && and II are binary. Each of operators, whc.n applied 10 expressions, yields either the i nt value 0 or the i nt value I. Logical negation can be applied to an expression of arithmetic or pointer type. If an expression has a zero value, its negaLion yields the i nt value I. If the expression has a nonzero value, ils negaLion yields the i nt value 0_ Some examples arc !" (x + 7.7) t (a < b I I c < d) bUI
"a !'"
/* out of order */ /* !: ;5 the token for "not equal" operator */
The follO\ving table gives the semantics of the! operator.
Values of negation expressions
• zero nonzero
Allhough logical negalion is a very simple operator, there is one subtlely. The operator! in C is unlike the not operator in ordinary logic. If s is a logical Slate' ment, then llOt
(nm S) = s
whereas in C the value of ! ! 5, for example, is 1. Because! associates from right 10 left, as do all other unary operators, the e:.:pression !! 5
is equivalent to
and! (! 5) is equivalent to ! (0), which has the value I. The following table shows how some expressions with logical negation are evaluated.
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
Declarations and initializations i nt i = 7. i = 7 .•
- i)
! (i
+ 1
! i
(, + 3.3)
+ 1
! Y
0.O, yo; 999.9;
Equivalent expression ( ! (i ((! i)
- i))
+ 1
- i)
+ 1
(' (, + 3.3) ) ( ! ,) • (! (! y) )
1 1
The binary logical operators && and I I also aet on expressions and yield either the i nt value a or the i nt value I. Some examples afe a && b
a II b ! (a < b) && c 3 && (-2 * a + 7) but not a&&
a I I b a & b &b
1* one operand missing *1
Ix extra space not allowed *1 1* this is a bitwise operation *1 1* the address of b *1
The operalor semantics are shown in the followinR lable.
Values of bitwise expressions
II b
a &&b
This table, although completely accurate, does not reflect the way programmers usually think when dealing with logical expressions. Even experienced programmers think in terms of truth values, as shown in the following lable.
Logical Operators and Expressions
Truth table for &It and II
a "" b
a II b
The precedence of && is higher than II, bUI both operators arc of lower precedence than all unary, arithmetic, and relational operators. Their associativity is left to right. The next table shows how the rules of precedence and associativity are used to compute the value of some logical expressions. Declarations and iniUalizations i nt
3. j ,i .= 0.O,
3. k '" 3; y '" 2.3;
Equivalent expression
; UjU-k
II iU-j - 3
&& j) II
U- k
(; && (j - 3) )
Value 1 0
i <jU-x
(i < j) U- (x < y)
i < j II , < y
(i < j) II (, < y)
Short-Circuit Evaluation
With expressions thaI contain the operands or && and II, the evaluation process stops as soon as lhe outcome true or false is known. This is called short-circuit ('valuation. It is an important property of these operators. Suppose exprl and expr2 are expressions, and exprl has value z;cro. In the evaluation of the IOKical expression expr1 && expr2
the evaJuation of expr2 docs not occur because Ihe vaJue of the logical expression as a whole is already determined to be O. Similarly, if expr I has a nonzero value, then in the evaluation of exprl
II e."ipr2
Chapter 3 •
of Control
the evaluation of expr2 does not occur because the value of the logical expression as a whole is already determined to be I. Short-circuit evaluation is illustrated in the following code:
, ] ; i nt ; = 2 && (j = 2) ; pri ntf("%d %d\n" , ; (; = 0) && (j = 3) ; pri ntf("%d %d\n" , ; ; = 0 II (j = 4) ; pri ntf("%d %d\n", (; = 2) II (j = 5) ; pri ntf("%d %d\n" ,
j) ;
r r r
/" 2
, j) ; , j) ;
,, ,,
2 ;s printed
2 ;s pri nted
pri nted "/
4 ;s pri nted
Here is a simple example of how short-circuit evaluation might be used. Suppose we wanl to do a calculation that depends on certain condilions: if (x >= 0.0
&& sqrt(x)
7.7) {
/* do something */ If the value of x is negative, the square root of x is not taken (see exercise 20 on page 118).
A compound statement is a series of declarations and statements surrounded by braces. The chief use of the compound statement is to group statements into an executable unit. When declarations come at the beginning of a compound statement, it is called a block (see Chapter 8, "Functions, Pointers, and Storage Classes"). In C. wherever it is syntactically correct to place a statement, it is also syntactically correct to place a compound statement. A compound statement is itself a statement. An example of a compound statement is {
b = 2 ,.
} }
Note that in this example there is a compound statement \vithin a compound statement. An important use of the compound statement is to achieve the desired flow of control in if, i f-el se, whi 1e, for, do, and switch statements.
3.7 •
The if and if-else Statements
The Empty Statement
The empty statement is written as a single semicolon. It is useful where a stalement is needed syntactically but no action is required semantically. As we shall sec, this is sometimes useful in flow-of-control constructs such as i f-e 1 se and for statements. An expression followed by a semicolon is called an expression Slarernenl. The empty statement is a speciaJ case of the expression statement. Some examples of expression statements are
a '"' b; a + b + c;
printf("%d\n". a);
1* 1* 1* 1*
an assignment statement wi legal, but no useful work done an empty statement *1 a function call *1
The if and if-else Statements
The general form of an if statemenl is if (expr) statement
If expr is nonzero (Erue), then stmement is executed; otherwise s'alemen' is skipped, and contTol passes to the neXl statement. In the example if (grade >= 90) printf("Congratulations!\n"); printf("Your grade is %d. \n", grade);
a congratulatory message is printed only when the value of grade is greater than or equal to 90. The second pri ntfO is always executed. Usually, the expression in an if statement is a relational, equality, or logical ex-pression, but an expression from any domain is permissible_ Some other examples of i f statements are if (y != 0.0) x 1= y; if (a < b && b < c) {
d:a+b+c; printf("Everythi og is in order. \n");
l but not
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
b == a area = a * a;
/* parentheses missing */
Where appropriate, compound statements should be used to group a series of statements under the control of a single if expression. The following code consists of two if statements: i f (j < k) min = j; if (j < k) printf("j is smaller than k\n");
The code can be written in a more crficient and more understandable way by using a single if statement vvith a compound statement for its body. if (j < k) { min = j; printf("j is smaller than k\n"); }
The i f-e 1 se statement is closely related to the if statement. It has a general form given by if (expr) sfafementl
else sfatement2
If expr is nonzero, then statementl is executed and sfafement2 is skipped; if expr is zero, then sfafementl is skipped and slalemen/2 is executed. In both cases control then passes to the next statemenl. Consider the code i f (x < y) mi n = x; else mi n = y; printf("Min value
%d\n", min);
If x < y is true, then mi n is aSSigned Ihe value of x; if it is false, mi n is assigned the value of y. Control then passes to the pri ntfO statement. Here is another example of an i f-el se construct: if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ++lc_cnt; else { ++other_cnt; printf("%c is not a lowercase letter\n", c); }
,. 3.7
The if and if·else Statements
but not
if(a! .. b) { a +: 1; b += 2; } ;
else c *= 3;
1* syntax error *1
The s}'nlax error occurs because the semicolon following the right brace creates an empty statement, and consequently the else has nowhere 10 attach. Because an if statement is itself a statement, it can be used. as the statement part of another if statement. Consider the code if (a
== 1)
i f (b == 2)
pr; ntfC"***\n"); This is of the form
if (a "'. 1)
statement where slalemenf is the following if statement:
if (b •• 2) printf("*"'*\n") ;
In a similar fashion, an i f-e 1se statement can be used as the statement part of another i f statement. Consider. for e;~ample. if (a •• 1) if(b==2)
pr; ntfC"*"""\n"); e1 se
printf{"###\n") ;
ow we are faced with a semantic difficulty. This code illustrates the "dangling elsc" problem: It is not clear what the else part is associated with. Do not be fooled by the format of the code. As far as the machine is concerned, the following code is equivalent: if (a == 1) if (b ~ 2) printf("***\n") ;
else printf("tIIt\n") ;
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
The rule is that an else attaches to the nearest if. Thus the code is correctly formalted
where statement is the i f-e 1se statement if (b == 2) pri ntf("*''<*\n''); else printf("###\n") ;
To illustrate the use of the if and if-else statements, we write an interactive program that finds the minimum of three values entered at the keyboard. /* Find the minimum of three values. */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
x, y, Z, min;
printf("Input three integers: "); scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y. &z); if(x
Dissection of the frnd_min Program •
#include <stdio.h>
The header file stdio.h is supplied by the system. \·\le have included it because it contains the function prototypes for printfO and scanfO . •
printf("Input three integers:
In an interactive environment, the program must prompt the user for input.
3.8 •
The while Statement
scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &z);
The library function scanfO is used 10 read in three integer values that arc stored at the addresses of x, y, and z. respectively. •
if (x < y) min'" x; else min y;
This whole construcl is a single i f-e 1 se statcmcnl. The valucs of x and yare compared. If x is less than y, then mi n is assigned the value of x; if x is not less than y, then mi n is assigned the value of y. •
i f (z < mi n)
This is an if statement. A l:heck is made to sec if the value of z is less than the value of mi n. If it is, then mi n is assigned Ihe value of z; olherwise, the value of mi n is left unchanged.
The while Statement
Repelilion of aclion is one reason we rely on computers. When there arc large amounts of data, it is very convenient 10 have cont rol mechanisms lhal repealedly execute sped fie statements. In C, the whi le, for, and do statements provide for repel ili"e aet ion. Allhough we have already used the whi 1e statement, or whi 1e loop, in many examples, we now want In explain precisely how this iterative mechanism works. Consider a construction of the form while (expr) statement lIexl Slalement
First e"pr is evaluaLed. II' it is nonzero (true), then statement is execuLed, ancl control is passed back to the beginning of the whi 1e loop. The effect of this is to have the body of the whi 1e loop, namel} statemenl, executed repeatedly until expr is zero «(alse). At that point, control passes to flexl statement. An example is while (i <= 10) { sum +'"' i; ++1 ;
} i':'I' t
' •
, 90
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
Assume that just before Ihis loop the value of i is I and the value of sum is O. Then the effect of the loop is to repeatedly increment the value of sum by the current value of ; and then to increment; by I, as shown in the following table.
Values during while loop execution Number of times through the loop
Value of sum
o+ o+ o+
second third
1 1 + 2 1 + 2 + 3
Afler the body of the loop has been executed 10 times, the value of i is I I, and the value of the expression i <: 10 is 0 ((alse). Thus the bod}' of the loop is nOI
executed, and control passes to ne\:/ Sfafemetl/. When the while loop is cxi1l.>d. the value of sum is 55. Note again that a compound statement is used to group statements together, with the compound statement itself syntactically representing" single st
Problem Solving: Finding Maximum Value.=s
Programmers often have to find an item with a particular properly in a collection of items. Wc illustrate such a task by finding the maximum value of some real numbers entered interactivcly at the keyboard. Our program makes use of i f and whi 1e statements.
/* Find the maximum of n real values. */ #include <stdio.h>
i.1v.v...f th5t'!llpJ
int mainCvoid) (
int float
cnt=0,n; max, x;
pri ntf("The maxi mum va 1ue wi 11 be computed. \n") ; pri ntf("How many numbers do you wi sh to enter? "); scanf("%d", &n); while (n <= 0) { printfC"\nERROR: Positive integer required. \n\n"); printfC"How many numbers do you wish to enter? "); scanfC"%d" &n); I
3.9 •
Problem Solving: Finding Maximum Values
printfC"\nEnter %d real numbers: scanfC"%f", &x); max = x; while C++cnt < n) { scanfC"%f", &x); i f Cmax < x) max. x;
", n);
printf("\nMaximum value: return 0;
%g\n", max);
let us suppose we execute this program and enter .5 afler the First prompt. If, after the second prompt, we cnter 1.0.1, -3, 2.2, 7.07000, and S, this is what appears on the screen:
The maximum value will be computed. How many numbers do you wish to enter?
Enter 5 real numbers: Maximum value: 7.07
Dissection of the find_max Program •
int float
cnt 0, n; max, x; E
The variables cnt and n arc declared to be of type i nt, i.lnd the variables max and x are declared to be of Iype float. We usc cnt as a counler. •
printfC"The maximum value will be computed.\n");
A line of lext is printed explaining the purpose of the program. This is an
important documentation aid. The prOgTam, in cffcu, is documenting output. This is good programming style. •
printfC"How many numbers do you wish to enter? scanfC"%d", &0);
The user is prompted to input an illteger. Then tile function scanfO is used to slore Ihe value of the integer entered by the user at Ihe address of n.
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
while (n <= 0) { pri ntf("\nERROR: Positive integer requi red. \n\n"); printf("How many numbers do you wish to enter? "); scanf("%d", &n); )
If n is negative or zero, the value of the expression n <'" 0 is 1 (true), causing the body of the whi 1 e loop to be executed. An error message and another prompt are printed, and a new value is stored at the address of n. As long as the user enters nonpositive numbers, the body of the loop is repeatedly executed. This whi 1 e loop provides the program with some inpul error correction capability. Other input errors, such as typing the letter a instead of a digit, still cause the program to fail. For more robust error correction, we need to look at the actual characters typed by the user. To do this we need character processing tools and strings (see Chapter 5, "Character Processing," and Chapter 10, "Strings and Pointers") . •
printf("\nEnter %d real numbers: scanf("%f", &x); max", x;
The user is prompted to input n real numbers. The scanfO function uses the format %f to convert the input stream characters to a floating-point number and 10 store its value at the address of x. The variable max is assigned the value of x. •
while (++cnt < n) { scanf("%f", &x); i f (max < x) max", x; )
Before we enter this loop, we have already picked up one value for x. We counl it by incrementing cnt as we enter the loop. The first time through the loop, the expression ++cnt has the value 1, the variable n has value 5, and the expression ++cnt < n has the value 1 (true). Each time through the loop, we pick up another value for x and test to see if it is larger than the current value for max. If it is, we assign x to max. Control then passes back to the top of the loop, vvhere cnt is incremented and a test is made to see if we need 10 get more values. The body of a whi 1e statement is a single statement, in this case a compound statement. The compound statement aids flow of control by grouping several statements to be executed as a unit.
3.10 •
printfC"\nMaximum value:
The for Statement
%g\n", max);
We print the value of max wilh the %g format. Notice thai 7.07000 was entered at the keyboard but 7.07 was printed. The %g form"lt does not print extraneous zeros.
The for sti.Hement,like the while st
scmanlicnlly equivalent to
while Cexpr2) { statement e:>ipr3; ) nexf sfatemenf
provided that expr:! is present, and that no conti nue slatement is in the body of the for loop. From our understanding of the whi 1e statement. we sec that the semantics of the for statemenl is the following: First e:llpr] is evaluated; lnJicall}, exprl is used to initialize the loop. Then expr2 is evaluated; if it is nonzero (true), then statement is executed, expr3 is evaluated, and control passes back to the beginning of the for loop again, excepllhal evaluation of exprl is skipped_ Typi· cally, expr2 is a logic
but not
Vtl.;f..,,\Chapter 3 •
(,f"NII' ~
for (i
Flow of Control
~t~r sc\11k'Y)L
t.r sar.J)
/* semicolons are needed */ '\ /II hL ~k 1,1'i'/,Ao;v/, (lffUu..u
0, i < n, i += 3)
sum += i; Any or all of the expressions in a for statement can be missing, but the two semicolons must remain. If expr I is missing, no initialization step is performed as part of the for loop. The code 1
= 1;
sum = 0; for ( ; i <= 10; Hi) sum += i; computes the stun of the integers from J to la, and so does the code = 1-, sum = 0; for ( ; i <= 10 sum += i++;
When expr2 is missing, the rule is that the test is always /rue. Thus the for loop in the code i
sum = 0; L for ( , , ) ( sum += 1++; pri ntf("%d\n", sum); }
is an infinite loop. A for statement can be used as the statement part of an if, i f-el se, whi le, or another for statement. Consider, for example, the conSlruction for ( ) for ( ) for ( ..... ) statement This construction as a whole is a single for statement. Its statement part is another for statement, which in turn has, as its statement part, yet another for statement. In many situations, program control can be accomplished by Llsing either a whi le or for statement; Ihe choice is often a matter of taste. One major advantage of a for loop is that control and indexing can both be kept right at the lOp. Nesting the loops can facilitate the reading of code. The program in the next section illustrates Ihis.
, 3.\ 1 •
Problem Solving: Combinatorics
7~oblem Solving: Combinatorics We want to consider a problem thai com('s from the domain of combinatorics, the art of enumerating combinations and permutations. The problem is to list all triples of nonnegative integers that add up to a given number, such as 7. Here is a program thai does this.
/* Fi nd tri pl es of integers that add up to N. • /
'include <stdio.h> #define
int main(void) {
0, i, j, k, n;
for (i "" 0; i <= N; ++i) for (j = 0; j <= N; Hj) for (k = 0; k <= N; ++k) if (i + j + k .E N) { ++cnt;
pr; ntf("%3d%3d%3d\n", i, j, k); }
printfC"\n(ount; %d\n", ent); return 0;
l When we execute this program, here is some of the output that appears on the screen:
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3
7 6
6 6 7
1 0 0
5 4
Count: 36
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
Dissection of the add_to_n Program •
#defi ne
We use the symbolic constant N so we can morc easily experiment with the program.
for (i
0; i <= N; ++i)
The outermost for loop has for its statement part a for loop, which in turn has for its statement part another for loop. Instead, we could have ""'Titten
for (i
= 0;
i <= N; ++i) {
However, because the body of' Ihis for statement is another for statement, the braces are not necessary. •
for (j = 0; j <= N; ++j) for (k 0; k <= N; ++k)
This is the statement part, or body, of the outermost for loop. For each outermost value of i, all values of j \vithin the inner loop get cycled through. For each value of j, all values of k !''lithin the innermost loop get cycled through. This is similar to an odometer, where the lower digilS are first cycled through before a higher digit is changed. •
if (i + j + k == N) { ++cnt; pri ntf("%3d%3d%3d\n", i, J, k); )
This is the bodr or the innermost loop. A check is made to see if 1 + ] + k = N. II' they do, ent is incremented and the triple of integers is printed.
3.12 •
W....-nI t"~
Problem Solving: Boolean Variables
Problem Solving: Boolean Variables
Boolean algebra plays a major role in the design of computer circuits. In this alge· bra all variables have onJy the vaJues 0 or I. Transistors and memory technologies implement zero-one vaJue schemes with currents, voltages, and magnetic orientations. Frequently, the cir(llit designer has a function in mind and needs to check whether for all possible zero·one inputS the output has the desired behavior. We use int variables bl, b2, ... , bS to represent five boolean variables. They are allowed 10 take on onJy the values 0 and I. A boolean function of these variables is onc that returns only 0 or I. A typical example of a boolean function is the majorit)1 function: it returns I if a majority of the variables have value I, and 0 othenvise. We want to create a table of values for the functions
bl II bJ II b5
bl && b2 II b4 && b5
and for the majority function. Recall thaI logical expressions always have the i nt value 0 or I.
/* Print a table of values for some boolean functions. */ 'include <stdio.h> int mainCvoid) (
int bl, b2, b3, b4, bS; /* boolean variables */ int cnt = 0; printfC"\n%Ss%Ss%Ss%Ss%Ss%Ss%7s%7s%11s\n\n". /* headings */ "ent". "bl", "b2", "b3", "b4", "bS". "fctl", "fct2", "majority"); for Cbl = 0; bl <= 1; ++bl) for Cb2 = 0; b2 <= 1; ++b2) for Cb3 = 0; b3 <= 1; ++b3) for Cb4 = 0; b4 <= 1; ++b4) for CbS = 0; bS <= 1; ++bS) pri ntfC"%Sd%Sd%Sd%Sd%Sd%Sd%6d%7d%9d\n", ++cnt, bI, b2. b3, b4, bS,
bl I I bJ II bS. bl && b2 II b4 && b5. bi + b2 + b3 + b4 + bS >= 3); printfC"\n") ; return 0; }
This program illuslr
Chapter 3 •
Cnt 1 2
o o
o o o
Flow of Conrrol
o o
o o 1
o 1 o
o 1
o o
o o o
The Comma Operator
The comma operator has the lowest precedence of all the operators in C. It is a binary operator with expressions as operands, and it associates from left 10 right. In a comma expression of the form exprl , expr2 exprl is evaluated first, then expr2. The comma expression as a whole has the value and type of its righl operand. An example is
a=0,b=1 If b has been declared an i nt, this comma expression has value 1 and type i nt. The comma operator is sometimes used in for statements. It allows multiple initializations and multiple processing or indices. For example, the code for (sum = 0, i = 1; i <= n; ++i) sum += i; can be used to compute the sum of lhe integers from 1 to n. Carrying this idea further, we can stuff the entire body of the for loop inside the for parentheses. The previous code could be rewritten as for (sum = 0, i = 1; i <= n; sum += i, ++i) but nol as for (sum
0, i = 1; i <= n; ++i, sum += i)
In lhe comma expression ++i, sum += i the expression ++i is evaluated first, and its incremented value is then added to sum.
, 3.14
The do Statemen{
Some cx:amples of comma expressions are given in the following table. Declarations and initializations
i,i,k:3; x _ 3.3;
Expression i = 1, j
k !_ 7.
Equivalent expression
2, ++ k + 1 x • 2.0 + 1
I), (j = 2», «++ k) + 1) (k != 7), «(++ x) • 2.0) + 1) =
MOSI commas in programs do not represent comma operators. For example. the commas used 10 separate expressions in argument lists of functions or within initializcr Usts arc not comma operators. If a comma operator is to be used in these places, the comma expression in which it DenlfS must be enclosed in parentheses.
The do Statement
The do slal{'menl can be considered a variant of the whi 1e statement. Instead of making its test at the top of the loop, it makes il at the bollom. An example is do { sum+".i;
scanf("%d". &i); }while(i>0); Consider a consrruetion of the form do
while (expr); next sla'ement
First, statement is executed, and expr is evaluated. If the value of expr is nonzero (Irue), then control passes back to the beginning of the do statement, and the pro-
cess repeals Itself. When expr is zero (false), then conlrol passes to next statemenl. As an example, suppose we want 10 read in an integer and want to insist thnt the integer be positive. The following code does the job:
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
do {
printf("Input a positive integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); if (error = (n <= 0)) printf("\nERROR: Negative value not allowed!\n\n"); } while (error); As long as a non positive integer is entered, the user is notified with a request for a positive integ-er. Control exils the loop only after a positive integer has been entered.
~~~~__ ~oto Statement The goto statement is considered a harmful construct in most accounts of modern programming methodology. It «lUSeS an unconditional jump 10 a labeled statement somewhere in the current function. Thus it can undermine all the useful structure provided by other flow-of-control mechanisms (if, if-else, for, whi 1e, do, and swi teh). Because a goto jumps to a labeled st<Jtement, we need to discuss this can· struct first. A labeled statement is of the form
label: stalement where label is an identifier. Some examples of labeled statements are bye: exit(l); L444: a == b + c;
bugl: bug2: bug3: printf("bug found\n");
/* multiple labels */
but not 333: a
b + c;
/* 333 is not an identifier */
Label identifiers have their own name space. This means that the same identifier can be used both for a label and a variable. This practice, however, is considered bad progr
,. 3.15 •
The gOla Stotemenr
An example would be 90to error;
error: { printf("An error has occurred - bye!\n"); ex;tel) ;
I Both the goto statement and its corresponding labeled Slalement must be in the body of the same function. Here is a more specific piece of code that makes use of a goto: while (scanf("%lf", &x) if ex < 0.0)
1) {
goto negative_alert;
%f\n", x, sqrt(x), sqrt(2 '* x));
I negative_a 1ert: if (x < 0.0) printf("Negat;ve value encountered!\n");
Thls code can be rewritten in a nwnbcr of ways without using a goto. Here is one way: whi 1 e (scanf("'" f", &x) 1 && x >'" 0.0) printfC""f %f %f\n", X, sqrt(x), sqrt(2 if < 0.0) pri ntf("Negati ve value encountered! \n") ; KZ
'* x»;
In general, goto should be avoided. It is a primitive method of altering the flow of contra!, which is unnecessary in a richly structured language. Labeled statements and gatos are the hallmark of incremental patchwork program design. A programmer who modifies a program by adding gatos to additional code frag· ments soon makes the program incomprehensible. When should a goto be used? A simple answer is never. indeed. one cannot go wrong by following this advice. However, in some rare instances, which should be carefully documented, a gata can make the program significantly more efficient. In other cases it can simplify the flow of control. This may occur, for example, if we arc in a deeply nested inner loop and we want program control to jump to the outermost level of the function.
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
The break and continue Statements _----------~-~-~._ ...••... ~ •... ~_._._._~_..
Two special statements, break;
interrupt the normal flow of control. The break statement causes an exit from the innermost enclosing loop or swi teh statement (discussed in the next section). In the following exampiC', a test for a negative argument is made, and if the test is true, a break statement is used to pass control to the statement immediately following the loop. while (1) { scanf("%l f", &x); if < 0.0)
1* exit loop if x is negative */
printf("%f\n", sqrt(x); )
/* break jumps to here */ This is
while (cnt < n) { scanf("%lf", &x); if (x > -0.01 && x < +0.01) continue; /* disregard small values */ ++cnt; sum += x; /* continue transfers control here to begin next iteration */ )
The conti nue statement may only occur inside for, whi 1e, and do loops. As the examples show, conti nue transfers contralto the end of the current iteration, whereas break terminates the loop. In the presence of a conti nue statement, a for loop of the form for Cexprl; expr2; expr3) { Slalements continue; more statement" )
is equivalent to
3.17 •
The swirch Sraremenr
while (expr2) { stalements gata next; more statemeflls next: expr3; }
which is different from expr I;
whi 1e (e.'l:pr2) { statements continue; more staleme,,'s expr3; }
see exercise 25 on page 119 for a convenient way
test this.
The swi tch Statement "-'----
The swi teh is a multiway conditional statement generalizing thC' ; f-el se state·
men\. The following is a typical example of a swi teh statement: swi teh (va 1) ( case 1: ++a_cnt; break; case 2: case 3: ++b_cnt; break; default: ++other_cnt; )
Nmicc that thc body of the sw; tch statement in the example is a compound state· menl. Thjs is so in all but the most degenerate situations. The controlling expres· sion in the parentheses following the keyword switch must b(' of integ('r type (sec Chapter G, "The Fundamental Data Types"). In the example, it is just thC' ; nt variable va1. After the expression is evaluated, mntrol jumps to the appropriate case label. The constant integral expressions following the case labels must all be unique. T}'Pically, the last statement before the next case or defaul t label is a break statement If there Is no break statement, execution Mfalls through" to the
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
next statement in the succeeding case. r-,'lissing break statements ofe 0 frequent cause 01' error in switch statements. There may be at most one default label in a swi tch. Typically, it occurs last although it can occur anywhere. The key,vords case and defaul t conno\ occur outside of a swi tch. The Effect of a swi teh
expfession found in step I. If a Illotch is nol found, go to the default label; if there is no default label, teflninate the switch. 3 Terminate the swi tch \vhen
now-of.control stalements such as if, for, whi le, and sw; teh statements can be nested will"tin themselves and \\ithin one
else if (expr2) statemenl2
else if (expd) statement3
else if (exprN) sfatementN
else default statement next statement
3.19 •
The Conditional Operator
This whole giant construction, except for next statement, is a single i f-el se statement. Suppose, for example, that exprl and expr2 arc both zero (false) and that exprJ is nonzero (Irue). In lrus case, sratemenll and statement2 are skipped, and statement] is execuled; then control passes to next statemenf. No other intervening statement is executed. II' we suppose that all of the expressions arc zero, only default Slalemenl is executed. In some circumstances the execution of a defaull starement is nOl wanted. In this case a construction such as the pfl.'Ceding would be used, e..xcept Ihat the lWO lines else default statemenf would not appear. Programming tip: If you place the more likely cases at the top of this giant if-else construct, }'our code will be more efficient because fewer e.xpressions arc computed before control passes beyond the construct.
The conditional operator?: is unusual because it is a ternary operator. It takes three e..xpressions as operands. The general form of a conditional expression is exprf ? expr2 ; exprJ
First, exprJ is evaluated. If it is nonzero ({rue), then expr2 is evalualed, and that is the value of the conditional expression as a whole. If exprJ is zero (false), then exprJ is evaluated, and thai is the value of the conditional expression as a whole. Thus a conditional expression can be used to do Ihe work of an if-else statement. Consider, for example, the code if (y < z) x y; else
The effect of the code is to assign to x the minimwll of y and z. Trus also can be accomplished b}' writing x '" (y < z) ? y : z;
The parentheses arc nol necessary because the precedence of Ihe conditional operator is just above assignment. Nonetheless, they help 10 make clear what is being tested for. The type of Lhe conditional expression
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
exprl ? expr2 : expr3 is determined by both expr2 and exprJ. If they are of different types, the usual conversion rules are applied (see Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Data Types"). Note carefully that the type of the conditional expression docs not depend on which of the two expre.ssions, expr2 or exprJ, is evaluated. The conditional operator?: has precedence just above the assignment operators, and il associates from right to lert. The ncxt table illustrates how conditional expressions are evaluated. Declarations and initializations
"7.07;b = 2;
ax •_
int double
Equivalent expression
a -- b ? a - 1
b +
(a .._
b) ? Ca . 1)
Cb + 1)
doub le
3 .•
a . b a . b
? x
< • ? >
a + b a + b
CCa . b) CCa . b)
< .) ?
x . (a + b)
> .)
Ca + b)
~ ~~--'-'-"-=-----Style Throughout this text we lise the Bell Labs industrial progranuninK slyle. This style embodies four key features. Bell Labs Industrial Programming Style J Follow the nonnal rules of English, where possible, such as putting a space
after a comma. 2
one space on each side of a binary operator to heighten readability.
3 Indent code in a consistent fashion to indicate the now of control. 4 Place braces as indicaled in the foHowing cxample: for (1
0; i < n; ++i) {
The placement of braces to reflect now of control is crudatto good programming style. The st"tements in the body of the loop are indented three spaces, "nd the closing brace} is lined up directly under the for. The indentation serves to visually set off those statements making up the body of the loop. The placement of
3.20 •
II 107
the for above the} serves 10 visually mark the beginning and end, respectively, of the loop. A variation of Ihis style would be to choose a different indentation, such as two, four, five, or eight spaces. Another programming style is 10 place beginning and ending braces in the same column. Here is an example: while Ci < 10) { }
This is somet'imes called student style. Which style you use is a maHer of taste, and (to some extent) the power of the editor being used. Programmers who use the Bell Labs style lend 10 use a powerful editor that can easily find mal ching braces or parentheses, can indent multiple lines of code as a unit, has an autoindent feature, and so fonh. For example, the emacs and vi editors in UNIX have these features. If the body of a loop is a single statement, braces are not necessary. Nonethe· less, as a matter of style, some programmers always use braces. while Ci < 10) { a single Sfafement }
This is an acceptable practice. The executable code produced by the <.:ompiler is just as efficient with or without Ihe extraneous braces. Because in C, only a small percentage of loops tend to be do loops, it is considered good programming style to use braces even when they are not needed. The braces in the construct do { a single statement
} while C···· .); make it easier for the reader to realize this is a do statement rather than a whi 1e statement followed by an empty statement. In many situations, either a while loop or a for loop can be used. However, if it makes sense to keep control and indexing visible at the top, then a for loop should be used. Otherwise, the choice is a malleI' of personal taste. The following style for nested i f-e 1se statements is not recommended and, in facl, is seldom used:
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
1* wrong style *1 statement else if (expr2) statemenr2 else if (expr3) statement3 else if (expr3) stalement3
if (exprl)
Any variation of this style that causes the nested if~else statements to march across the screen is unacceptable because long chains run out of space. The horizontal space across the screen is a scarce resource.
~~.mmon Progr.amming Err..:o,"r.:::s,----__ We discuss a nwnber of common programming errors. The first one concerns the confusion between the two expressions a
Although they are visually similar, they are radically different in function. The expression a == b is a test for equality, whereas a = b is an assignment expression. One of the more common programming mistakes is 10 code something like i f (k
Common Programming Errors
instead of if (k == 1)
Because its value is 1, the assignment expression k '"' 1 is always true. Some compilers give a warning about this; others do not. Without a warning, such an error can be quite difficult to find. Note that if we write if (1 = k)
then the compiler certainly warns us about the efror. It is not legal to assign a value to a constant. For this reason, some programmers routinely write tests of the form constant == expr
This guards against the error of writing = instead of ==. A disadvantage of this style is that it does not conform to the way we ordinarily think-namely, "If k is equal to 1, tben ...." The second common programming error occurs when an expression that controls an iterative statement causes an unwanted infinite loop. Care should be taken to avoid this difficulty. For example, consider the code printf("Input an integer:
scanf("%d", &n); while (--n) { }
The intent is for a positive integer to be entered, its value to be stored at the address of n, and the body of the whi 1 e loop to be executed repeatedly until the value of the expression --n is eventually zero. However, if a negative integer is assigned to n inadvertently, the loop becomes infinite. To guard against this possibility, the programmer should instead code while (--n > 0) { }
A third common programming error involves the use of an unwanted semicolon after an if, whi 1 e, or for. Consider, for example, for (i = 1; i <= 10; Hi); sum += i;
Chapter 3 •
I 10
Flow of Control
This code does not behave as expected because the semicolon al the end of the first line creates an unwanted null statement. The code is equivalent 10 for (;
1; ; <= 10; ++;)
sum += ;;
which clearly is not \\'hat the programmer intended. This type of bug can be very difficult to find. Next, we want 10 discuss how the misuse of relational operators can lead to an unexpected result. Recall that in mathematics the expression 2 < k < 7 means that k is greater than 2 and less than 7. We can also consider this as an assertion about k that is either true or (alse, depending on the value of k. For example, if k is 8, the asserUon is (alse. In contrast to this, consider the following code: ; nt ;f
k = 8; (2 < k < 7)
pr; ntf("true"); else pr; ntf("fal se");
/* true ;s printed! */
The reason Ihat the expression is true is straightforward. Because relalional operators associate from left to righi, is equivalent
(2 < k) < 7
Because 2 < k is true, its value is I. Thus (2 < k) < 7
is equivalent to
1 < 7
which is obviously true. The correct way to write a test for both 2 < k and k < 7 is 2
which is equivalent to
(2 < k) && (k < 7)
because < has higher precedence than &&. The expression as a whole is true if and only if both operands or && are true. Our final common programming error involves a test for equality that is beyond the accuracy of most machines. Here Is a program that illustrates this:
I' 3.22 •
System Considerations
/* An equality test that fails. */
linclude <stdio.h> int main(void) {
sum", 0.0. x;
for ex
0.0; x != 9.9; x += 0.1) {
trouble! */
sum += x;
%5d\n", ++ent);
} pr;ntf("sum = %f\n", sum); return 0; )
Mathematically. if x Slarts at zero and is incremented by 0.1 repeated I}'. il evc.ntually takes on the value 9.9. The intent of the programmer is for program conlrol to exit the for loop when that happens. However, if the lest x = 9.9 is beyond the accuracy of the machine. the expression x ! '" 9.9 is always !rue, and the program goes into an infinite loop. The programmer must remember that on any machine, floating arithmetic. unlike integer arithmetic, is not exact. To fix the problem, we can write x <= 9.9 rather than x !. 9.9 (sec c.xcrcise 27 on page 120).
A good programming style is to use a relational expression. if appropriale, rather than an equalily expression to conlrol a loop or an if or i f-e 1se statement. In general. Ihis style produces code that is more robust
r ~ System Considerations Both the hardware and the operating syslem determine how numbers are represented in Ihe machine. We want to discuss a problem that arises because floating numbers cannot be represented with infinite precision. Sometimes this can cause unexpected resulls. In mathematics, the relation x < x + y
is eqUivalent to
Mathematicall}', if Yis positive. both of these relations are logically true. CompUlationall}'. if x is a noating variable with a large value, such as 7 x IOn, and y is a floating variable with a small value, such as 0.001, then the relational expression
Chapter 3 •
\ 12
Flow of Control
x + y
may be false, even though mathematically it is true. An equivalent expression is (x - (x + y)) < 0.0
and it is this expression that the machine implements. if, in terms of machine accuracy, the values of x and x + yare equal, the expression yields the int value o (see exercise 6 on page 116). Next, we want to discuss infinite loops. They sometimes occur inadvertently, but in an interactive environment the programmer may want to deliberately use an infinite loop. if so, the user has to interrupt the program to stop it. What must be typed to interrupt a program is system·dependent. In both MS-DOS and UNIX, a control-c is typically used to terminate a program. However, other operating sys· tcms may do it differently. Two conventional styles for an infinite loop are while (1) { }
and for (;
) {
Let us suppose a programmer wishes to experiment. Rather than running a program over and over, it may be more convenient to put the essential code into an infinite loop. For example: pri ntf("Sums from 1 to n wi 11 be computed. \n\n"); for ( ; ; ) { printf("Input n: "); scanf("%d", &n); sum = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) sum += i; printf("sum = %d\n\n", sum); }
3.23 •
Mov;ng to C++
Moving 10 c++
Statement types and now of control remain the same in C++. One extension thai has already been mentioned is that declarations are statements in C++ and can be intermLxed with executable statements. This is especially common in loop constructions. for (int i = I, sum sum += i;
In Ihls for statement, the declaration and initialization of sum and i are given. The variables sum and i continue to exist in the remainder of the block, just as they would have if declared at the beginning of mai nO. ANSI C++ now allows a boolean type bool, so that boolean expressions may now evaluate to true and false. The type boo1 is a break \vith C tradition. Over the years, many schemes have been used to achieve a boolean type, such as typedef int boolean; #defi ne true 1 Idefi ne false 0 or enum boolean { false. true }; The use of the bool type removes these inconsistencies. Examples of declara· tions are bool my_turn = false. your_true; bool' p = &my_turn; The bool type becomes the type returned by relational. logical. and equality expressions. The bool constants true and false are promotable to 1 and 0, respectively. Nonzero values are assignmenl convertible to true and zero is assignment convertible to false.
Relational, equalily, and logical expressions have the i nt value 0 or 1. These expressions are used chieO}' to test data to affect flow of control.
The relational, equality, and logical operators are binary, except the negation operator!, which is unary. A negation expression such as ! a has the i nt value 0 or I. Usually, the values of ! ! a and a are different.
, 114
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
The grouping constfilCl { ..... } is a compound statement. It allows enclosed statements to be treated as a single unit.
An; f statement provides a means of choosing whether or not 10 execute a statement. An i f-el se statement provides a means of choosing which of two statements is executed. The else part of an ;f~e'se statement associates with the nearest available if. This resolves the "dangling else" problem.
One reason we use computers is
repeatedly perform certain actions. The
whi 1(', for, and do statements provide looping mechanisms in C. The body of
a whi 1 e or for statement is executed zero or more limes. The body of a do statement is executed one or more times. •
The programmer ohcn has to choose between using a for or a whi 1e statement. Where clarity dictates that both the control and the indexing be kept visible at the top of the loop, the for stalement is the natural choice.
The comma operator is occasionally useful in for statemenlS. Of all the operators in C, it has the lowest priority.
The four statemenl types goto
cause an unconditional transfer of the flow of control. Except for the use of break statements in a swi teh, their use should be mi.n.imized. •
Avoid gatos; they are considered harmful to good programming.
The swi tch statement proVides a multiway condilional branch. It is useful when dealing with a large number of special cases. Typically, the break Slate' ment is needed for tile proper functioning 01" a swi teh.
~ Exercises Give equivalent logical expressions without using negation. ! (a !(a !(a ! (a
> b) <= b
&& e <= d)
+ 1 __ b + 1) < 1 II b < 2 && c < 3)
I' •
I I5
2 Complete the following table. Oedarations and inilializations
ax -_ 1. b - 2. c 1.0;
- 3-
Equivalent expression
b && c < d
a < ! b II
, ,a
a + b < ! c + c a - x II b * c
b / a
] Write a program that contains the loop while (scanf("lf", &salary) ..... 1) { }
Within the body of the whi 1 e loop, compute a 23 pefcent federal wilhholding tax and a 7 percenl stale withholding tax and print these values along with a corresponding salary. Accumulate the sums of all salaries and taxes printed. Print thcse sums after the program exits the whi 1e loop. 4 What is prinled whcn the following code executes?
a x
i nt:
printf("%d print:f("%d print:f("%d printf("%d J
1, b: 2, C = 3;
= 3.3,
= 5.5;
%d\n", ! a+b/c, %d\n", a == -b + %d\n", !!x < a + %d\n" tall b ==
!a + b / c); c, a * b> c == a); b + C, !!x + !! !y); x && y, ! ex II !y));
Suppose a programmer is working on a problem that requires special action if the int variable k has value 7. Consider the following code: while (k k
7) {
1* do something *1 1* finished, exit the loop *1
ContraSI this with lhe following code:
Chapter 3 •
of Control
if (k • 7) {
/* do something */ }
Both pieces of code are logically wrong. The run-time effect of one of them is so striking that the error is easy to spot, whereas the other has a subtle effect that is much harder to spot. Explain. 6 The following code is system-dependent. Nonetheless, most machines produce an answer that is logically incorrect. First explain what logically should be printed. Then test the code on your machine to see what actually is printed. double x ~ 1e+33. y = 0.001; pri ntf("%d\n", x + y > x - y);
What happens if you assign the value 1000 to y? Or 1 million? The point of this exercise is to emphasize that floating-point arithmetic need not approximate mathematics very well. 7 What is printed? Explain.
i=7,j=7; i nt i f (i . . 1) i f (j . . 2) printf("%d\n" , i = i + j ) ; else pri ntf("%d\n". i = i - j); pri ntf("%d\n", i);
8 The syntax error in the following piece of code does not really show up on the line indicated. Run a test program with this piece of code in it to find out which line is nagged with a syntax eITor. Explain why. while (++i < LIMIT) do { j = 2 * i + 3; pri ntf("j = %d\n", j);
/* syntax error */
/* Many other languages require "do", but not C. */ 9 ln the following code assume that the values of i and j are not changed in the body of the loop. Can the code ever lead to an infinite loop? Explain. printf("Input two integers: "); scanf("%d%d", &i, &j); while (i * j < 0 && ++i != 7 && ]++ != /* do something */ }
9) {
, •
I I7
10 Write a program that reads in an integer value for n and then sums the integers from n to 2 '* n if n is nonnegative, or from 2 * n to n if n is negative. Write the code in two versions: onc using only for loops and the other using only whi 1 e loops. II Until interrupted, the following code prints True forever! on the screen repeatedly. (in M$-DOS and UNIX, type a control-c to effect an interrupt.) whil e (1) printf(" True forever! ");
Write a simple program that accomplishes the same thing, but instead of a while statement. usc a for statement that has as its body an empty statement. 12 We have already explained that while (1) { }
is an infmitc loop. What does the following code do? If you are not Quite sure, try it. Thai is, create a program containing these lines and run it. while C-33.777) printfC"run forever, if you can"); 13 Let a and b be arithmetic expressions. We want to establish that
!= b
is equivalent to
lea :'"' b)
Do this by completing the rollowing table. Values of arithmetic expressions • - b
a != b
a == b
! Ca -- b)
zero nonzero 14 Run the program find_max and enter I when prompted. You see on the screen Enter 1 real numbers: This is. or course, improper English. Change the program so that number is printed ir n has the value I, and numbers is printed othen-vise.
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
15 Suppose you detest even integers but love odd ones. Modify the find_max pro-
gram so that all variables are of type i nt and only odd integers are processed. Of course, you have to explain all of this to the user \ia appropriate pri ntfO st,lIements. 16 \Vhat happens when you run the following code on your system? If it does not
run correctly, change it so that it does. double
sum == 0.0, x;
printf("%Ss%1Ss\n", "Value", "Running sum"); pri ntf("%Ss%1Ss\nn, " ", "----------- "); for (x = 0.0; x != 9.9; x += 0.1) { /*test not robust*/ sum += x; pri ntf("%S .1f%1S .If\n'', x, sum); )
17 Beginning progranuners sometimes mix up the order of the expressions used
to control a for loop. In the following code an altempt is being made to sum the integers from 1 to S. \Vhal is the effect of mixing up the expressions? First, simulatc what happens manually, and then write a test program to find out if you were correct. int 1, sum = 0; for (i == 1; Hi; i <== 5) sum = %d\n", i, sum += i); pri ntf(ni = %d ] 8 Wrile an interactive program that asks the user to supply three integers k, m, and n, with k being greater than 1. Your program should compute the sum of all the integers between m and n that are divisible by k. 19 C++: \Vrite the previous exercise as a C++ program.
20 This exercise gives you practice with short-circuit evaluation. int
0, b
x == 0 && (a = printf("%d %d x = 777 I I (a printf("%d %d
0, x;
%d\n", a, b, x); == ++b); %d\n", a, b, x);
\Vhat is printed'? First .....'fite down your answers, and then write a test program to check them. 21 C++: \Vrite the previous exercise as a C++ program.
, •
22 Complete the following table. Declarations and initializations
a _ I, b • 2,
C ::::
Equivalent expression
(a && b) && c
a&& b II c a II b &&c a II a +:
! c + 4
&& c . - ! 5
23 The semantics of logical expressions implies that the order of cvalua lion is critical in some computations. Which of the following expressions is most likely to be the correct one? b.plain. (a)
if (ex !.. 0.0) && «z
if «(z - x) / x
'* x
x) /
x <
< 2.0) && (x != 0.0))
24 A lruth lable for a boolean function is a table consisting of all possible values for its variables and the corresponding values of the boolean function ilself. Previously, we created a truth table for the majority function and Iwo other functions (see Section 3.12, ~Problem Solving: Boolean Variables," on pag'e 97). Create separate lrulh t
!(!bl II b2) && ('b3 II b4 )
Use the letters T and F in your truth tables to represent true and false, r('spectively. Hint: Usc a #defi ne preprocessing directive to define a BOOlEX . Then write your program to operate on an arbitrary BOOlEX. 25 Here is a simple way to test the effect of a continue statement in the bodyof a for loop. What is printed'! for (putchar('l'); putchar('2'); putchar('3')) { putchar('4'); continue; putchar(' 5'); }
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
26 The mathematical operatlon mi n (x, y) can be represented by the conditional expression (x < y) ? x : y
In a similar fashion, using only conditional expressions, describe the mathematical operations min(x, y, z)
max(x, y, z, w)
27 Does the non robust equality test program given in Section 3.21, "Common Programming Errors," on page III, result in an infinite loop on your machine? If so, modify the program as suggested and execute it. Does it produce an answer that is dose to being mathematically correct? If x == 9.9 is never Irue
as x is incremented in the loop, then perhaps the answer is off by an amount approximately equal to 0.]. 28 In a comma expression of the form expr.l , expr2 exprJ is evaluated first, then expr2, and the comma expression as a \vhole has
the value and type of its right operand. An example of a comma expression is a=1,b=2 11' b has been declared to be an int, then the value of this comma expression
is 2 and its type is i nt:. Here is a for loop that prints a column of even integers and a column of odd integers. Which commas are comma operators and which are not? Rewrite the code so that no comma operators are used. int
i, j;
for (i = 0, j '" 1; i < LIMIT; i += 2, j += 2) pri ntf("%12d%12d\n", i, j); 29 C++: C++ now allows a boolean type. This can be simulated on a compiler that has not yet implemented this type ,..ith integer constants. canst int true", 1; canst int false = 0; The output stalement cout «
(expression) ? "true\t"
, •
prints a boolean valu<,_ Write a program using this form
12 1
or I/O Lo answer exer-
cise 20 on page I 18. 30 The rollowing Java program (ampules an average or an unspecified number or doubles. The program uscs the sentinel value 0 (0 slOP a loop thal is accumulating the read-in doubles. Convert it to C.
II - compute average of input values Dissection page 74.
import tia. *;
public class Average { public static void main(Str;ng[] args) { daub1e numbe r; int count = 0;
double runningTotal
II initialization before first loop iteration System.out.printlnC"Type some numbers. "the last one being 0");
while (number != 0) { runningTotal = runningTotal + number; count = count + 1; II prepare for next iteration number =; }
System.out.printC"The average of the "); System.out.printCcount); System.out.printC" numbers is ");;ntln(runn;ngTotal/count); }
As with other .lava programs that arc like simple C programs, there is a mainO mCLhod sluing inside a class. The programs differ chien)' in their usc of different I/O schemes.
Chapter 3 •
Flow of Control
31 The following Java program shm\'s some additional difference between Java ;md C. Convert itt n C.
~ example of break and continue IIJava by Dissection page 80 import tio.*;
class BreakContinue { public static void main(String[] args) { int n; while (true) { Iiseemingly an infinite loop System.out.print("Enter a positive integer "); System. out. pri nt("or 0 to exi t: "); n =; if (n == 0) break; II exit loop if n lS 0 if (n < 0) continue; Ilwrong value System.out.print("squareroot of " + n); System.out.println(" = " +Math.sqrt(n»; Ilcontinue land here at end of current iteration }
Ilbreak lands here System.out.println("a zero was entered"); } }
A difference between C and Java is thaI Java has a boolean type. The control expression of an if or whi 1e stalement is a boolean expression. This means that a mistake like "if (n = 0)" is caught syntactically by the Java compiler. The compiler in Java complains that this is an i nt expression and cannot be used as the test expression for an if. [n C, this is not a syntax error because it means assign 0 10 nand rC'lurn the value 0, meaning (alse. In addilion, the goto is nol allowed in Java. It is allowed in C but is strongly discouraged as bad praUice.
Functions and Structured Programming fruClIIred programming is a problcm-sol"in~ strategy and a programming methodology that includes the following IwO guidelines:
Structured Programming Guidelines
I The now or control in a program should be as simple as possible. 2 The conSlruclion of a program should embody top-down design.
Top·down design. also rererred to as stepwise refincment, consists of repealedly dccomposin~ a problem into smillier problems. Eventually, one has a colle(lion of small problems or tasks, each of which can be casily coded. The function construct in C is llsed 10 write code lhal solves the small problems lhat result from this decomposition. These functions arc COI11bined inlo other funclions and ultimatdy used in rna; nO to solve lhe original problem. The function mech,lIlism is provided in C 10 perform distinci programming tasks. Some functions, such as pr;ntfO and scanfO, are providcd by lhe system; 01 hers can be written by the programmer. We illustrate structured programming and lop-dawn design in Ihis chapler, but firsl we wallt la describe lhe function mechanism.
Function Invocation
A program is made up of one ar more functions, one of them bcin~ mainO. Program execution always begins wilh mainO. When program control encounters a function name followcd b}' parentheses, the function is called, or invoked. Trus means lhat pro~ram control passes to lhe funclion. Aflcr the function does ils work. program control is passed back 10 the calling environment, where program execution continues. As a simple example. consider the following program, which prints a mes::>age:
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
#inelude <stdio.h> void
1* fet prototype *1
i nt mai n(voi d) {
1* fct invocation *1 }
void prn_message(void)
1* fet definition *1
pri ntf("A message for you: "); printf("Have a nice day!\n"); }
AI the top of the file we have the #i ncl ude preprocessing directive followed by the function prototype for prn_messageO. The function prototype tells the compiler that this function takes no arguments and returns no values to the calling environment. Execl/tion begins in mainO. When program control encounters prn_messageO, the function is called, or invoked, and program control is passed to it. After the two pri ntfO statements in prn_message 0 have been executed, program control passes back to the calling environment, which in this example is in mai nO. Because there is no more work to be done in mainO, the program ends. Although our function prn~messageO does not relurn a value to the calling environment, many functions, as we shall see, do relurn a value.
Function Definition
The C code that describes what a function does is called the function definition. It has Ihe follmving general form: type
{unction_name ( parameter type list)
declarations statements
Everything before the first brace comprises the header of the function definition, and everything benveen the two braces comprises the body of the function definition. The type of the function is the type 01" the value returned by the function. If nothing is returned, the keyVolOrd voi d is used. The parameter type Jist describes the number and types of the arguments that are passed into the function when it is invoked. If no arguments are passed in, the keyword voi d is used.
Function Deffnirion
The parameters in the parameter type list are identifiers and can be used wHhin the body of the function. Sometimes the parameters in a function definition are called formal parameters to emphasize their role as placeholders for actual values that are passed to the function when it is called. Upon flwc!ion invocation, the value of the argument corresponding 10 a formal parameter is llsed within the body of the executing function. To illustrate these ideas, let us rewrite the program given in Section 4.1, "Function Invocation," on page 124, so that the fltnction prn_messageD has a formal parameter. The parameter is used to spedry how many limes the message is printed. #include <stdio.h> void
prn_message(int k);
int main(void) (
printf("%s" , "There is a message for you. \n" "How many times do you want to see it? scanf("%d", &how_many); prn_message(how_many); return 0;
void prn-message(int no_of_messages) (
i nt
i .
• printf("Here is the message:\n"); for (i • 0; i < no_of_messages; ++i) printf(" Have a nice day!\n");
Chapter 4
Functions and Structured Programming
Dissection of the message Program •
#include <stdio.h>
The standard header file stdio.h contains the function prototypes for printfO and scanfO. We included this file because we are using these funel ions. A function prototype is a kind of function definition. To do its job properly, the compiler needs to know the number and type of arguments that are passed into a function and the type of the value returned by the function. The function prototype provides this information. •
k); is the function prototype for the function prn_messageO. The function type is voi ct, which tells the compiler thai the function does not return a value. The parameter list is int no_oLmessages, which tells the compiler lhalthe function takes a single argument of type into •
int main(void) { }
This is the function definition for mainO. The first line is the header to the function definition, and the lines benveen fhe two braces constitute the body of the function definition. Usually, the programmer does not supply a function prototype for mai nO. •
pri ntf("%s", "There is a message for you. \n" "How many ti mes do you want to see it? scanf("%d". &how_many);
") ;
The call 10 pri ntfO prompts the user to input an integer. The call to scanfO reads the characters typed by the user, converls those characters to a decimal value, and places the value at the address of how_many.
This statement causes the function prn_messageO to be called, or invoked. The value of how_many is passed as an argument to the function.
The return Statement
void prn-message(int no_of_messages) { }
This is the function deFinilion for prn_messageO. The First line is the header of the function definition. Because the function does not return a value to the callin~ environment, the type of the function is voi d. The identifier no_of_messages is a parameter Ihat is declared 10 be of type i nt. One can think of the parameter no_of_messages as representing the value of the actual argumem that is passed to the function when it is called. A call to this function occurred in mainO in the statement
In mai nO, suppose that the value of how_many is 2. When program control passes to prn_messageO, the variable no_of_messages has Ihis value. •
void prn_message(int no_of_messages) {
i .
printf("Here is the message:\n"); for (i • 0; i < no_of_messages; ++i) printf(" Have a nice day!\n"); }
The code between the two braces conslitutes the body of the function definition for prn_messageO. If we think of no_oLmessages as having the value 2, the message is primed twice. When program control reaches the end of the function, control is passed back 10 the calling environment. Notice that parameters and local variables used in one function definition have no relalion to those in another. For example, if the variable i had been used in malnO. it would have had no relationship to the variable 1 in prnJlessageO.
r ~ The return Stat::e::m=e::"::t:-
When a return statement is executed, program comrol is immediately passed back to the calling environment; if an expression follows the keyword return, lhe value of the expression is returned to the calling environment as well. Thjs value is com'erled. if necessary, to the tfpc of the function, as specified in the header to the function definition. A return statement has one of the following IwO forms:
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
return; return expression; Some examples are return; return 77; return ++a; return (a + b + c); You can enclose the expression being returned in parentheses, and if the expression is complicated, it is considered good programming practice to do so. There can be zero or more retu rn statements in a function. If there is no return statement, control is passed back to the calling environment when the closing brace of the body is encountered. This is called "falling off the end." To illustrate the use of retu rn statemenTs, let us write a program that computes the minimum or two infegers. #include <stdio.h> int
min(int a, int b);
int main(void) (
j, k, minimum;
pri ntf("Input two integers: "); scanf("%d%d", &j, &k); minimum = min(j, k); printf("\nOf the two values %d and %d. "the minumum is %d.\n\n", j, k, minimum); return 0; }
int min(int a, int b) {
if (a < b) return a; else return b; }
4.3 •
The return Statement
Dissection of the minimum Program
#include <stdio.h> int
min(int a, int b);
We include the system header file sldio.h because it contains the function prototypes for printfO and scanfO. In addition 10 printfO and scanfO, our program uses the function mi nO, which we write ourselves. The function prototype for minO helps the compHer do its work. •
int main(void) {
j, k, minimum;
printf("Input two integers: scanfC"%d%d", &j, &k);
The variables j, k, and mi ni mum arc declared to be of type i nt. The user is asked to input IWO integers. The function scanfO is used to store the values in j and k. •
min(j, k);
The values of j and k are passed as arguments to minO. The function minO returns a value, which is assigned to mi nimum. •
pri ntf("\nOf the two values %d and %d, " "the minumum is %d.\n\n", j, k, minimum);
The values of j, k, and minimum are prinled out. •
int min(int a, int b)
This is the header of the function definition for mi n O. The return type of the function is i nt. This means the value returned from within the function is converted, if necessary, to an i nt before it is returned to the calling environmenl. The parameter list int a, int b declares a and b to be of type i nt. The parameters is used in the body of the function definition.
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
int min(int a, int b) {
i f (a < b) return a; else return b; }
The code between the braces constitutes the body of the function definition for minO. If the value of a is less than the value of b. the value of a is returned to the calling environment; otherwise the value of b is returned. Even small functions such as mi nO provide useful structuring to the code. If we want to modify our program so the maximum value is also computed, we can use a function maxO to do so. We have to put its function prototype at the top of the file, call the function as appropriate in mainO, and write its function definition at the boltom of the fLle. Here is the function definition: int max(int a, int b) {
if (a > b) return a; else return b; }
\Vc have designed mi n 0 and maxO to work with integer values. If we want these functions to work with values of type double. we must rewrite the functions. We rewrite mi nO and leave the rewriling of max 0 as an e.xcrcise. ($<.'(' exercise 9 on page 165.) Instead of a and b, we use the parameters x and y, which is common praclice when dealing with floats and doubles.
double min(double x, double y) {
Even though a function rClUIns a value, a program docs not need to use it. while ( ..... ) { getcharO; c = getcharO; }
/* get a char, do nothing with it */ /. c will be processed ./
Funcrion Prorotypes
Function Prototypes
Functions should be declared before they are used. A 51 C provides for a nc\.... function declaration s}'ntax called the rune/ion Pl"OtOlype. A function prolOtype tells the compiler the number and type of arg:umenls 'hal arc 10 be passed 10 the function and fhe type of the v,lIue that is to be r('{llmed by the function. An example is double
sqrt(double) ;
This tells the compiler that sqrtO is a function that takes a single argument of type double and returns a double. The general form of a funclion protolype is given by type {unction_name ( parametC/" type list )
The parameter type list is typically a comma-separated list of types. Identifiers arc oplional: they do not affecllhe prototype. For example. the function prototype void f(char c, int i);
is equivalent to
void f(char, int);
Identifiers such as c and i thaI occur in parameter type lis IS in function prototypes are nol used by the complier. Their purpose is to provide documentation to the programmer and other readers of the code. The keyword voi d is used if a function takes no arguments. Also, the keyword voi d is used if no value is returned by the funClion.
, Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
If a function lakes a variable number of arguments, then the ellipsis ( ... ) is used. Sec, for example, the function prototype for printfO in the standard header file s/dio.h. rUllction prototypes allow the compiler 10 check the code more thoroughly, Also, values passed to functions are coerced. where necessary. For example, if the funt.:lio!l prototype for sqrtO has been specified. the function call sqrt(4) yields the correct value. Because the compiler knows that sqrtO takes a double, the i nt value 4 is promoted to a daub 1e and the correct value is returned (see exercise 2 on page 163). In traditional C. parameter type lists are not allowed in function declaralions. For example. the function declaration of sqrtO is given by double sqrtO;
/* traditional C style */
With this declaration, the function caU sqrt(4) does not yield the correct value. Even though ANSI C compilers accept tradillonal style funclion declarations, function prototypes are much preferred.
Top-Down D:.:e:::s:.:i,,9"'n,
Imagine that we have to analyze company data that is represented by a file of integers. As we read each integer, we want to print out the count, the integer, the sum of all the integers seen up to this point, the minimum integer seen up to this point, and the maximum integer seen up to this point. In addition to this, suppose a banner must be printed at the top of the page and that all the information must be neatly printed in columns under appropriate headings. To construct dus pro, gram, we use a lOp-down designer that can decompose the problem into the fol[owin~ subproblems: Decomposing the Running Sum Program
Print a banner. 2 Print the headings over the columns, 3 Read the data and print it neatly in columns. Each of these subproblems can be coded directly as functions. Then these functions can be used in rna; n 0 to solve the overall problem_ ole that by designing the code this way, we can add other functions to analyze the data without affecting the program structure.
4.5 •
Top-Down Design
#include <stdio.h> void void void int int
prn_banner(void); prn_headings(void); read_and_prn_data(void); min(int a, int b); max(int a, int b);
int: main(void) {
prn_bannerO; prn_headingsO; read_and_prn_data(); ret:urn 0; }
This illustrates, in a very simple way, the idea of top-down design. The programmer thinks of the tasks to be performed and codes each task as a function. If a particular task is campUcated, then it can be subdivided into smaller tasks, each coded as a function_ An additional benefit is that the program as a whole is more readable and self-documenting. Coding the individual funt.:tions is straightforward. We put them all in the same file after mai nO. The first function contains a single pri nt:fO statement. void prn_banner(void) {
"********************************************\n", "", RUNNING SUMS, MINIMUMS, AND MAXIMUMS *\n", "* ********* ********** ********* ********* ******\n") ;
The nexl function writes headings over colunms. The format %5s is used to print a string in five spaces, and the format %12s is used four rimes to print four strings, each in 12 spaces. void prn_headings(void) {
printf("%Ss%12s%12s%12s%12s\n\n", "Count", "Item", "Sum", "Minimum", "Maximum"); }
Most of the work is done in read_and_prn_dataO. We dissect this function to show in detail how it works. In the c'{ercises, you arc asked to input data from the keyboard and see whal happens when }'OU enter invalid data (see exercise 3 on page 163).
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
void read_and_prn_data(void) {
0, item, sum, smallest, biggest;
if (scanf("%d", &i tern) == 1) { ++count; sum = smallest = biggest = item; pri ntf("%Sd%12d%12d%12d%12d\n", count, item, sum, smallest, biggest); whil e (scanf("%d", &i tern) == 1) { ++count; sum += item; smallest = min(item, smallest); biggest = max(item, biggest); pri ntf("%Sd%12d%12d%12d%12d\n", count, item, sum, smallest, biggest); } }
else pri ntf("No data was input - bye! \n\n"); }
Suppose this program is compiled and the executable code is put into the file named rulcsums. If we execute the program and enter data directly from the keyboard, we get Ihe echoing of input characters and the output of the program intermixed on the screen. To prevent this problem, we create a file called data containing the follO\ving integers:
Now we give the comllliJnd
This redirects the input to the program from the keyboard to the file.Here is what is printed on the screen: ********************************************
1 2 3 4 5 6
19 23 -7 29
19 42 35 64 53 70
19 19 -7 -7
19 23 23 29 29 29
-11 -11
4.5 •
Top·Down Design
Dissection of the read_and_prn_dataO Function int
count = 0, item. sum, smallest, biggest;
The header of the function definition is the single line before the brace. Because the function docs not return a value, its type is void. The function takes no nrguments. In the body of the function deJinition. the local variables count. i tern, sum, sma 11 est, and bi 9gest are declared 10 be of type i nt:. The variable count is initialized to zero. The value of the variable i tern is taken from the input stream. The vulues of the variables sum, smallest,
if CscanfC"%d", &i tern) = 1) { ++count; sum z smallest z biggest = item; pri ntfC"%5d%12d%12d%12d%12d\nn, count, item, sum, smallest, biggest); }
el se pri ntf("No data was input - bye! \n\nn); The function scanfO returns the number of successful conversions made. Here scanfO is atlempting 10 read characters from the standard input stream (keyboard), convert lhem to a decimal integer, and store Ihe result al the address of i tern. If this conversion process is successful. the (';",pression scanfC"%d", &item) == 1 is true, and the body of Ihe if statemcnI is executed. That is, count is incremented; the variables sum, smallest, and biggest is assign cd the value of item; and these values are printed oul in appropriate columns. Notice that the formats in the pri ntfO statement arc similar to those found in prn_headingsO. If scanfO is unsuccessful in its conversion ,,"empt, Ihe else pari of lhe if-else slalemenl is executed. The conversion process can fail for two reasons. First, there mighl be an inapproprialc character, for example a letter x, before any digits occur in the input slream. Because scanfO cannot convert the character x to a decimal integer, the value returned by scanfO is O. Second, thcre may be no characters at al1 in the input stream, or onl}' while space characters. Because scanfO skips whitc space, it would come lo the end of lhe file. When lhe end-of-file mark is read, scanfO returns the valuc EOF. This value, although system-dependent, is Iypically - J.
Chapter 4
Functions and Structured Programming
while (scanf("%d", &item) == 1) { ++count; sum += item; smallest = min(item, smallest); biggest = max(item, biggest); pri ntf("%5d%12d%12d%12d%12d\n", count, item, sum , small est, bi ggest) ; }
After the first integer has been obtained from the input stream, we use scanfO in this whi 1e loop to find others. Each time a successful conversion is m<Jde by scanfO, the body of this while loop is executed. This causes count to be incremented by 1, sum to be incremented by the wrrent value of item, smallest to be assigned the minimum of the current v<Jlues of item and small est, bi ggest to be assig-ned the maximum of the current values of item and bi ggest, and all of these values to be printed in the appropriate columns. Eventually, scanfO encounters an inappropriate character in the input stre<Jm or come to the end of the file. In either case, scanfO returns a value different from 1, causing- prog-ram control to exit from the whi 1e loop.
Program Correctness: The assertO Macro
r~rogram Correctness: The assertO Macro ANSI C provides the assertO macro in the standard header file asserr.h. This macro can be used to ensure that the value of an expression is what the programmer expects if to be. Suppose we are writing a critical function f(i nt a lint b) and we want to be sure the arguments passed into the function satisfy certain conditions-for example, a must be positive and b must lie in the inlerval [7. Ill. Suppose also that the valuc returned by the function must be greater than 3.
#include double feint a, int b) {
assert(a> 0); assert(b >= 7 && b <= 11);
1* precondition *1 1* precondition *1
assert(x >= 3.0);
1* postcondition xl
return x; }
If an assertion fails, the system print's out a message and abort the program. The assertion assert(a > 0) is called a precondition because it tests that the inputs are suitable for the flmction to work correctly. The assertion assert(x >= 3.0) is called a postcondition because it tests a relationship that must hold if the function did its work correctly. Assertions are easy to write, add robustness to the code, and help other readers of the code understand its intent. They help guarantee Lhal functions behave as expected. Moreover, assertions help the programmer think about correctness. This discipline is beneficial in and of itself. Asserrions are not restricted in placement \0 the beginning and ending statements of a function, but this placement is natural. The use of assertions is good progranuning methodology. Note that if the macro NDEBUG is defined where assert.h is included, then all assertions are ignored. This allows the programmer 10 use assertions freely during program development, and effectively disc
.I' 138
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
Function Declarations from the Compiler's Viewpoint To the wrnpiler, function declarations arc generated in various ways: by function
invocation, by function definition, and by explicit function declarations and function prototypes. If a function call, say f(x), is encountered before any declaration. definition, or protolype for it occurs, the compiler assumes a default declaration of the form i nt fO;
Nothing is assumed about the parameter list for the function. Now suppose the following function definition occurs first: int f(x)
/* traditional C style *1
This prOVides both declaration and definition to the compiler. Again, however, nothing is assumed about the parameter list. It is the programmer's responsibility to pass only a single ar~.u menl of type double a~ an argument to fO_ A funcUon call such a~ f(l) can be expected to fail because I is of type i nt, not daub 1 e. Now suppose we use, instead, an ANSI C style definition.
int f(dauble x)
/* ANSI C style */
The compiler now knows about the parameter list as well. In this case a funclion call such as fel) can be expected to work properly. When an i nt is passed as an argument, it is converted to a doubl e. A function prototype is a special case of a function declaration. A good programming style is to give either the funclion definition (ANSI C style) or the funclion prototype or both before a function is used. A major reason to include standard header files is that they contain function prototypes.
limitations Function definitions and prototypes have certain limitations. The function storage class specifier, if present, can be either extern or static, but not both; auto and regi s ter cannot be used (see Section 8.6, "The Storage Class static," on page 278). The types "array of ... ~ and "function returning ..." cannot be returned by a
4.8 •
Problem Solving; Random Numbers
function. However, a pointer representing an array or a function can be returned (see Chapter 9, "Arrays and Poinlers"). The only storage class specifier that can occur in the parameter type list is regi ster. Parameters cannot be initialized.
Problem Solving: Random Numbers
Random numbers have many uses in computers. One use is to serve as data to test code; another use is to simulate a real-world event that involves a probability. The method of simulation is an important problem-solving technique. Programs that use random number functions 10 generate probabilities are called Monte Carlo simulations. The Monte Carlo technique can be applied to many problems that otherwise would have no possibility of solution. A random number generator is a function thai returns integers that appear to be randomly distributed in some interval 0 to n, where n is system-dependent. The function rand 0 in the standard library is provided to do this. let us write a progr #inc1ude <std1ib.h> int int void
max(int a, int b); min(int a, int b); prn_random_numbers(int k);
int main(void) {
i nt
pri ntf("Some random numbers wi 11 be pri nted. \n"); printf("How many would you like to see? "); scanf("%d", &n); prn_random_numbers(n); return 0; )
Because the function prototype for randO is in the standard header file stdlib.h, we have included it at the top of the file. The user is asked how many random numbers are wanted. The function scanfO is used to convert the characters typed at the keyboard to a decimal inte· ger and to store the value at the address of n. The value of n is passed as an arb'llment to the function prn_random_numbersO. In the remainder of the rile, we write the function definitions for max(), minO, and prn_random_numbersO. We have already discussed max() and minC)o Here is the function prnJandom_numbers():
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
void prn_random_numbers(int k) {
i, r, biggest, smallest;
r = biggest = smallest = rand(); pri ntf("\n%7d", r); for (i = 1; i < k; ++i) { i f (i % 7
pri ntfC"\n"); r '" randO; biggest = max(r, biggest); smallest = miner, smallest); pri ntf("%7d", r); }
pri ntf("\n\n%s%5d\n%s%5d\n%s%5d\n\n" , " Count:" k, "Maximum: ,biggest, "Minimum: ", smallest); }
We want to dissect this function definition, but before we do so, let us see what the output of the program looks like. Suppose we run this program and input 23 when prompted. Here is what appears on the screen:
Some random numbers will be printed. How many would you like to see? 23 5758
16838 7419 32225
16212 17543
23 Count: Maximum: 32225 Minimum: 2749
10113 4086 25089
17515 2749 21183
31051 12767 25137
9084 25566
Problem Solving; Random Numbers
Dissection of the prnJandom_numbersO Function •
void prn_random_numbersCint k) {
i, r, biggest. smallest;
The variable k is a parameter that is declared to be an i nt. The local variables ;, r, hi ggest, and small est are all declared to be of type; nt.
r = biggest = smallest = rand(); pr; ntf("\n%7d". r);
The function rand () from the standard library is used 10 gC'llerate a random number. That number is assigned to the variables r, biggest, and smallest. The function pr; ntfO is used to print the value of r in seven spaces as a decimal integer.
for (;
1; ; < k; ++i) {
; f (; % 7
printf("\n") ;
This for loop is used to print the remaining random numbers. Because one random number has already been printed, the variable i at the top of the loop is initialized to 1 rather than 0. Whenever i is divisible by 7 (the values 7, 14,21, ...), the expression i%7==0
controlling the if statcment is true, causing a ncwline character to be printed. The cffect of this is to print at most seven random numbers on each line.
.I' 142
Chapter 4
Functions and Structured Programming
7 ~ _ An Alternate Style for Function Definition Orde,"-_ If we wanl 10 write a program in a single file. we usually put any #i nel udes and #defi nes al the top of the file, other program elements such as enumeration types (see Chapler 7, "Enumeration Types and typedef') and structure types (se(' Chapter 12, "Structures and ADTs") next, and then a list of function prototypes. At the bottom 01" the file, we write Lhe function definition for rna; nO followed by all the other function definitions. This is the order \ve used in our random program in Section 4.8. "Problem Solving: Random Numbers," on page I j9.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> list of function prototypes
int main(void) { }
int max(int a, int b) { }
int m;n(int a, int b) { }
void prn_random_numbers(int k) { }
Because function definitions also serve as function prototypes, an alternate style is to remove the list of function prototypes and put the function definition 01' any function that is called before the function definition of its caller. In particular, mainO goes last in the file. Let us illustrate this alternate style by reordering the clements in our random program.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int max(int a, int b) { }
4.10 •
Developing a Large Program
int min(int: a, int: b) {
void prn_random_numbers(int: k) { )
int: main(void) { )
Because max 0 and mi nO are called by prnJandom_numbers 0, they must come first, and because prn_random_numbersO is called by mai n(), we must put mai nO last. If we Wish, we can interchange max 0 and mi n 0 (see exercise I I on page 1(6). Although we favor the top-down style that puts mai n 0 first, we occasionally usc this alternate style as well.
Developing a large Program
Typically, a large program is written in a separate directory as a collection of.h and.c files, with each .C file containing one or more function definitions. Each.c file can be recompiled as needed, saving time for both the programmer and the machine. We discuss this further in Chapter 14, "Software Tools," where we dis· cuss libraries and the use of make. Let us suppose we are developing a large program called pgm. At the top of each of our .C files we put the line 'include "pgm.h" When the preprocessor encounters this directive, it looks first in the current directory for the file pgm.h. If there is such a file, it is included. II' not, the preprocessor looks in other system-dependent places for the file. If the file pgm.h cannot be found, the preprocessor issues an error message and compilation stops. Our header I'ile pgm.h may contain #i nel udes, #defi nes, declarations of enu· meration types, declarations of structure types, other programming constructs, and a list of l'unClion prototypes at the bottom. Thus pgm.h contains program elements that arc appropriate for our program as a whole. Because 'he header rue pgm.h occurs at the top of each.c file, it acts as the "glue" that binds our program together.
7 144
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Strucwred Programming
Create a .h file that is included in all the
#;ne1 udes #defines list of ret prototypes
main.e ~ #include "pgm.h"
'include "pgm.h"
prn.c .. #include "pgm.h"
\Ve show a very simple example of how this works. We mite our program in a separate directory. It consists of a .h file and three.c files. Typically, the name of the directory and the name of the program are the same. Here is our program: In file pgrn.h:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> N
void void void
fctl(int k); fct2(void); prn_info(char *);
In file main.c:
#include "pgm.h" int main(void) {
char int
ans; k,n=N;
printf("\n%s", "Thi 5 program does not do very much.\n" "Do you want more information? It) ; scanfC" %c", &ans);
'I I
4.10 •
Developing a Lorge Program
putchar(' \n');
if Cans :::=: 'y' II ans """ 'V') prn_ i nfo("pgm");
for (k = 0; k fct1(k) ;
n; ++k)
pr; ntf("Bye! \n\n"); return 0; }
In file fet.c: #include "pgm.h"
void fctl(int n) { ; nt
i ,.
printf("Hello from fetIO\n");
for (; = 0; i < n; ++i) fct20 ; }
vo; d fct2 (vo; d) (
printf("Hello from fct20\n"); }
In file prn.c: #include "pgm.h"
void prn_infoCchar *pgrn_name) (
pr; ntf("%s\n", "Usage: pgm\n"
"\n" "This program illustrates how one can write\n" "a program in more than one file. In this\n" "example, we have a single .h file that is\n" "included at the top of our three .c files.\n" "Thus the .h file acts as the \"glue\"\n" "that binds the program together. \n" "\n" "Note that the functions fetlO and fct20\n" "when called only say \"hello. \" When writing\n" "a serious program, the programmer sometimes\n" "does this in a first working version\n" "of the code.\n"); }
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
Note thai we used the type char * (pointer to char) in the funclion prototype for prn_ i nfoO. (We discuss pointers and strings in Chapter 10, '"Strings and Pointers.") We compile the program with the command
pgm main.c fctc prn.c
The compiler creates the executable file 179m along with three.a files which correspond to.c files. In MS-DOS. they arc .ab) files. The.a files are called object files. For further discussion about these object files and how the compiler can usc them, see Section 14.2, '"The C Compiler," on page ·HS.
In the next section we write a more interesting multirile program. For another example of a program written in many files, see Section 7.3, "An Example: The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors," on page 24G. If you h
After you have made a connection, yOll can log in and change directory (cd) to cseng/au/hars, and then cd to keJley_pohl. and then look around. A large program
is much easier to investigate if you have the source code. Then you can print out whatever is of interest and, with the help of a debugger, you can step through the program if you wish to do so (sec Seclion 14.7, '"The Use of dbx," on page 486).
What Constitutes a Large Program?
For an individual. a large program might consist of just a few hundred lines of code. Which lines are counted? Usually all the lines in any READ_ME lUes
4. I I
A Simulation: The Game of Heads or Taifs
at least one), the .h files, the .r mes, and the make(ile. (See section 14.8, "The Use of make," on page 488.) In UNIX. the word count utitity wc can be used to do this: we READ_ME .... h .... e makefile
In industry, programs are typically wrillen by teams of programmers, and a large program might be consider('d anrthing over 100,000 lin('s. The style of writing a program in its own directory as a collection of.h and .c files works well for any serious program, whether it is large or small, and all expe' rienced programmers follow this style. To become proficient in the style, the pro· gram mer has to learn how to use make or some similar tool (see Sect ion J 4.8, ~Thc Usc of make," on page 488).
To provide another example of the use of functions, we implement a computer game that simulates the children's game of calling heads or tails. In this game the first child tosses a coin, and the second child calls heads or tails. If the second child guesses the outcome correctl)', he wins; otherwise he loses. The game can be played repeatedly, with a count kept of the number of wins and losses. The machine uses randO to simulate tossing a coin. This is a simple form of Monte Carlo simulation. If the integer returned by randO is even, it is considered heads, and if it is odd, it is considered tails. The program begins by printing instructions to th(' player. These instructions contain some of the design considerations for the program. After each 1055 of the coin, a report of thc outcome is prinled. Al the conclusion of the program, a final report is printcd. We write our program in its own directory. The program consists of <.l .11 me and fiYC' .C files. Top-down design reveals the need for a number of functions. Each function is short, makinH the overall program casy to reac!.
#include <stdio.h> *include <stdlib.h> #defi ne int void void void void void int
get_call_from_user(void); play(int how_many); prn_finaLreport(int win, int lose, int how_many); prn_instructions(void); reporLa_win(int coin); reporLa_loss(int coin); toss(void);
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
In file main.c:
#i ncl ude "heads_or_tai 1s. h" int main(void) (
char int
ans; no_of_plays;
printf("\n" "THE GAME OF HEADS OR TAILS\n" "\n"
"Do you want instructions? "); scanf(" %c", &ans); putchar(' \n') ; i f (ans == 'y' II ans == 'Y') prn_instructions(); pri ntf("How many times do you want to pl ay? scanf("%d", & no_oLplays); putchar(' \n'); play( no_of_plays); return 0;
In file get.c:
#include "heads_or_tails.h" int get_call_from_user(void) {
1* 0 = heads, 1 = tails *1
do ( printf("Call it: "); i f (scanf("%d", &guess) != 1) { pri ntf("\nSORRY: Severe input error - bye! \n\n"); exi t (1) ; }
if (guess != 0 && guess != 1) { printf("\n%s\n\n", "ERROR: Type 0 for heads, 1 for tails."); }
} while (guess != 0 return guess; }
&& guess != 1);
4.\ \
A Simulation: The Game of Heads or Tails
In file play.c:
#include "heads_or_tails.h"
/* machine tosses, user calls */
void play(int how_many) {
coin, i, lose
0, win
for (i = 0; i < how_many; ++i) { coin ~ tossO; if (get_call_from_user() coin) { ++win; report_a~win(coin);
else { ++lose; report_a_loss(coin); } }
prn_final_report(win, lose, how_many); }
i nt toss(void) {
return (randO % 2);
/' 0
heads, 1
tails */
} In file prn.c:
#include "heads-or_tails.h" void prn_instructions(void) {
pri ntf("%s\n", "This is the game of calling heads or tails.\n" "I will flip a coin; you call it. If you\n" "call it correctly, you win; otherwise,\n" "I win.\n" "\n" "As I toss the (simulated) coin, I will\n" "tell you to \"call it.\" To call heads,\n" "type 0; to call tails, type l.\n" "\n"); }
Chapter 4
Functions and Srructured Programming
void prn_finaLreport(int win, int lose, int how_many) (
pri ntf("\n%s\n%s%3d\n%s%3d\n%s%3d\n\n" , "FINAL REPORT:", " Number of games that you won; Number of games that you lost: Total number of games:
win, lose, how_many);
There arc only a few new ideas in this program. In the funcLion definition for prn_ins truetions 0, the formal %5 is used in the pri ntfO statement to print a strinK argument that consists of a number of constant strings separated by white space. These constant strings arc concatenated by the compiler into a single sl ring. Notice thaI \" call i t\" is part of the string argument. When a double quote is contained as a character within a siring, it must be preceded by the escape character \ to prevent the string from ending prematurely. In the next chapt('r we see other examples of the escape mechanism. The body of the function toss 0 consists of a single statement. The value being returned is the value of thc expression randO % 2 Recall lhat a modulus expression of the form a % b has the value of the remaindcr artcr b is divided into a. For example, 4 % 2 has the value 0, and 5 % 2 has the value I. Thus randO % 2 has the value if the integer returned by randO is even and 1 if the integer returned by randO is odd. The user of this pro}.:ram has to type 0 for heads and 1 for tails. A better strategy would be to type the Jetter h for heads and I for tails, but we need the ideas presented in Chapter 5. ~Character Processing,n to do Ihis (sec exercise lion page
~..mEI. Invocation a ...n.,dc.Ca=... II-'-b"'y'---'V.,a"lu...e"-
A funclion is invoked by writing Hs name and an appropriate list of arguments within parentheses. Typically, these arguments maTch in number and type the parameters in the parameter list in the function definition. All arguments arc passed call-by·value. This means that each argument is evaluated, and its value is used locally in place of the corr('spondjng fomlal parameter. Thus if a variable is passed to a function, the stored value of that variable in the callin~ envirOlUnent is not changed. Let us wrile an elementary program that clearly ilIUSlrates Ihe concepl of call· by·value.
, Recursion
4.13 •
'include <stdio.h> int
compute_sume;nt n)j
int main(void) (
n:: 3. sum;
/* 3 is printed */
printfC"%d\n", n);
/* 3 ;s printed */ /* 6 ;s printed */
printfC"%d\n". n);
printf("%d\n", sum); return 0; }
/* sum lots from 1 to n */
;nt compute_sum(;nt n) {
sum = 0;
for ( , n > e; --n) sum +- n', printf("%d\n" , n) ;
return sum;
rna; nO, n ;s unchanged '/
r e
;s prj nted '/
Even though n is passed to compute_sumO. and the value of n in the body of thai function is changed, the value of n in the calling environment remains unchanged. In Chapter 8, wFunctions, Pointers, and Storage Classes, we explain how to accomplish the effect of call-by-rcCercnce. It is a way to pass addresses (references) of variables to a function that then allows the body of the function lO make changes to the values of variables in the calling environment. R
Chapter 4
Functions and Srructured Programming
#;nclude <std;o.h> void
r_prn_message(;nt k);
; nt ma; n(vo; d) {
pr;ntf("%s" , "There; s a message for you. \n" "How many times do you want to see it? scanf("%d", &how_many); pr;ntf("Here ;s the message:\n"); r_prn_message(how_many); return 0;
void r_prn_message(;nt k) {
i f (k > 0) (
pr;ntf(" Have a nice day!\n") ; /* recu rs; ve fct call */ 1) ; r_prn_message(k }
The function r _prn_messageO is recursive because it calls itself. In both recursion and iteration, a computation is repeated until a terminating condition occurs.
In the preceding program, Ihe terminating condition is k <; 0. If the integer argument k to the function r _prn_messageO is positivc, a Line is printed and the funclion is called recursively with the argumcnt k - 1. Bccause the argumcnt goes down by I \vith each function call, the recursion is gUiJrantceclto termintlte. The beginning programmer can easily make mistakes using recursion, tlncl we illustrate onc type of error in Section ..... 15, "Common Programming Errors," on page 155. For a discussion of indirect recursion, see exercise 7 on page In·.. Recursion is an important concept in more advanced proj.{rams. Sec Chapter II, "Recursion," for further discussion.
Breaking a problem into small subproblems that arc then coded as functions is criliciJllo good progriJlllming style. To be easi!} readable, a function should be al most a page of code. Where the purpose of a function is nOI lransparent from the choice of identifier names, funClions should be commented. Each parameter should also be an identifier that clearly indicates its own purpose, or else a comment is needed. The order in which function definitions occur in a file is not important. It is usually a matter of taste whether one writes mai nO followed by the other function definitions, or vice versa. If a funclion is invoked and its deffnilion occurs in another file, or later in the S
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
Common Programming Errors A common error is to assume that a function is changing the value of a variable. Because the function mechanism in C is striclly call-by-value, it is not possible to change the value of a variable in the calling environment b} invoking a function wilh the variable as an argumenl. If fO is a function and v is a variable, then the statement fly) ; cannol change the value of v in the calling environment. However. if fO returns a value, then the statement v'"' fey);
can change the value of v. In ANSI C, mainO is supposed to return an integer value to the host environment, or operating system. Typically, the programmer writes int main(void) (
return 0; )
Some compilers accept Ihe use or void as the function type, along with the omission of a return statement. void main(void)
/* non ANSI C style */
/* no return statement */ )
Although a parlicular compiler may be happ}' with this, it is technically wrong, and this style is not acceptable to other ANSI C compilers. In mainO, the programmer causes an integer value to be returned to the host environment by writing either return expr;
exit( expr );
These two statements arc equivalent in mainO. but in any other function Their effects are different. A call to exitO from within any function causes the program to terminate and a value to be returned to the host environment. The value returned is called the exit sta/lis or program status. By convention, i\ zero
II 4.15
Common Programming Errors
exit status indicates successful program termination, \vhereas a nonzero exit status indicates an abnormal or unusual situation (see Section 1\.13, "Leaving the Program,~ on page 5S 0, The lack of function prototypes can cause run-lime efrors that are hard to detect. Tradilional C was considered unsuitable for novice programmers because the function parameter mechanism did not provide the safety of type checking. Consider the following program:
/* Pri nt a table of square roots. * / #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> double
/* traditional C style */
int mainO {
i nt
i ,.
for (i = 1; i < 20; ++i) printf("%Sd:%7.3f\n", i, sqrt(i)); return 0; )
What is printed is compiler-dependent. Some compilers output the l'alloy.,rjng: 1: 2: J:
0.000 0.000 0.000
In this example, when the i ot value i is passed 10 the sqrt 0 function, it is not converted to a double, which is what the function expects. This causes incorrect values to be printed. In ANSI C, the function prototype for sqrtO is provided in math.h as
sqrt(double) ;
If we use this prototype in place of the traditional C declaration, the value of any integer expression pa:'ised as an argument to sq rt 0 is converted to a double, and the program output is more meaningful. Many C practitioners consider this improvement in the type-safety of the parameter-passing mechanism to be the single most important advantage of ANSI C over traditional C. It is easy to incorrectly write the terminating condition for a recursive function. This type of error often \cads to an infinite recursion. \Vhen this happens, the user can usually (but not always) kill the program by typing a control-c. Here
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
is an example of a simple program that does not terminate properly. Caution: On some MS-DOS systems, if you execute this program, you may have to reboot the system to stop the program. #include <stdia.h> i nt rnai n(vai d) {
if (++caunt < 77) { pri ntf(" The universe is ever expaning! rnai nO;
") ;
return 0; }
With each recursive call to rnai nO, a new local variable count is initialized to zero; hence the stopping condition ++count >= 7 is never reached. One way to correct the problem is to use the declaration static int
count = 0;
A stati c variable is not reinitialized when the function is called again, and the variable keeps its value from one function invocation to the next (see Section 8.6, "The Storage Class static," on page 278).
System Considerations
A call to randO produces a value in the interval [0, RAND_MAX], where RAND_MAX is a symbolic constant given in stdlib.h. Because RAND_MAX typically has the relatively small value 32767, the function randO is not useful for many scientific applications. Most C systems on UNIX machines provide the programmer with the rand48 family of random number generators, so-called because 48-bit arithmetic is used to generate the numbers. The function drand480, for example, can be used to produce randomly distributed doubles in the range 10, II, and 1 rand480 can be used to produce randomly distributed integers in the range 10, 2 31 - 1]. Typically, the function prototypes for this family of functions are in stdlib.h. To find out more about pseudo random number generators, consult the book Numerical Recipes in Cby \'\lilBam Press et al. (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1992), pages 274-328.
4.16 •
Sysfem ConSiderations
It is impOrlant to confibrure your compiler so thai all warnings are turned on. Suppose we arc using the command line version of Borland C in an MS·DOS enviroomenl. When we give I he command
bee -w pgm.c
the option ~W turns on all warnings. In particular, if pgm.e is missing one or more function prolotypes, the compiler tells us. \Ve call configure bee so that it is invoked automatically with the -w option by placing -IV in the rile turboc.efg in the director}' where bcc.exe exists. Similarly. the integrated environment for Borland C can be configured so that all warnin~s are automaticall}' turned on. (Sec the Borland C manuals.) To undersland the value of having warnings. ITr the follo\\ ing program: 'include <stdio.h> int mainCvoid) (
printfC"%d\n". f(2»; pr; ntf("%d\n". f(2. 0»; return 0;
1* 7 is printed *1 1* 1 is printed *1
int fCint n) {
return (3
n + 1);
What is printed by this program is syslem-dcpendenl. We have shown what is printed on our Borland C system. ANSI C is compatible with traditional C. Because Iraditional C docs not have function prorotyping, if we write a program \vithoul prototypes on an ANSr C system, actual arguments are passed into functions "as is," which means \vithoul type checking or conversion. In the preceding program, when the constant 2.0, which is a double, is passed to fO. no conversion lakes place. This causes an error because an int is expected inside fO. If we place the function prototype int
just above rnai nO. Ihe compiler converlS the value of any arithmetic expression passed 10 fO 10 an i nt. The type·safety feature of function protot}'ping in A 51 C is ver}' powerful, bUI the programmer must consistently use protot}'PCS 10 reap the benefits.
Chaprer4 _
Functions and Structured Programming
~.:I6LMoving to C++
C++ adds a large number of ideas and constructs that extend the usefulness and efficiency of functions. We discuss three such ideas: inline functions, default arguments, cmd function overloading. A function can he modified by placing the keyword inline in fronl of the function return type. If possible, such a function is compiled inline, thus avoiding
function call and function return overhead. This is similar to C's use of the preprocessor for #defi ne macros with argumenls (see Section B.2, "The Use of #define," on page 50b). Here is a simple macro:
(ex) * ex) * ex))
After this macro has been defined, double x
x, y
/* C style macro */
can use it Ihe same way we use a function:
/* x has value 8 */
In modern programming methodology, the use of macros vvith arguments is considered nonrobust and therefore should be avoided or at least minimized. (See Appendix B, "The Preprocessor," for more on this topic.) In contrast, the use of inline functions in C++ is considered good programming practice. Here is how the cubeO function would be written as an inllne function: inline double cube(double x) { return x * x * x; } Short inllne functions are typically wrilten on one line, as we have done here. There are several reasons to prefer inline functions to macros. In general, inlining is safer because type and scope rules are enforced by the compiler. Macros, on the other hand, are implemented by using text substitution via the preprocessor, and the preprocessor does not "know" C. In C++, functions can have ddault arguments. This effect is achieved by assigning a default value to a formal parameter in a function prototype. However, if this is done, any other parameters 10 the right must also be given default values. A default value is usually an appropriate constant that occurs frequently when the function is called. The following program illustrates the mechanism:
4.17 •
II Illustrate default values for a function. 'include i nt
sum(i nt a, int b • 2, int c
3) ;
II default values
int main(void) (
cout « }
« « «
"sumO) "sum(3, 5) • "sumO, 5 , 7) •
sumO) « « sumO, 5) sumO, 5 , 7) «
"\0" "\n";
int sum(int a, int b, i nt c) {
return a + b + c; }
When sumO) is invoked, control passes to the funclion with the parameter a having value 3 and the parameters band c having their default values of 2 and 3, rcspeclively. Thus the value 8 is returned and printed. SimiJarly, when sumO,S) is invoked, a has value 3, b has value S. and c has its default value of 3. causing the value II to be returned and printed. If we wish, we can rewrite lhis program so the funclion definition serves as the funClion prototype.
II Illustrate default arguments for a function . • include int sum(;nt a = 1, i nt b
2, i nt c
II fct def
return a + b + c; }
;nt main(void) (
cout «
"sumO « "sumO) « "sumO, 5) " « "sumO, 5 , 7) • «
sumO sumO) sumO, 5) sumO, 5 , 7)
« « « «
"\n" "\n" "\n" "\n";
If a parameter in a function prototype is assigned a default value, then aJl the remaining parameters in the Ust must also be assigned default values. The parameter itself need not be present. Some examples are
Chapter 4 •
int char float float
Functions and Structured Programming
feint a = 1. int b = 2. char c = 'A'); g(char, float = 0.0. double d = 3.14); h(int i, int j, float. float, int = 0); k(int = 0. int, into float f = 3.579);
ok ok ok
[n C++, two or more functions or operators can have the same name. \Vhen this occurs, the funclion or operator is said to be overloaded. We discuss function overloading here and leave our discussion of operator overloading Lo Section 15.3, "Overloading," on page 508. In the following program we overload the function maxO: In file find_max.h:
#include i nt
max(int a, int b); max(double x, double y);
In file main.c:
#include "find_max.h" int main(void) {
a, b; x, y;
i nt double
cout « "Enter <wo integers a and b: " ., ci n » a » b; cout « "Enter <wo doubles x and y: "., ci n » X » y; cout « "max(a, b) « max (a, b) « cout « "max(x, y) « max (x , y) «
an int\n"; a double\n";
In file max.c:
#include "find_max.h" i nt {
max(int a, int b)
II int version
return ((a> b) ? a : b); }
max(double x, double y)
return ((x> }
? x : y);
II double version
By signature we mean the number and types of argumems that arc passed to a function. The compiler uses the function name and signature to choose one of the overloaded fum.':lions; thus, for example, because the signature for the function caU max(a. b) matches the function definition for
max(int, lot);
that is the function that is invoked.
Function Prototypes in C++
C++, funclion prototypes are required, and the use of void in the parameter type list in both function prototypes and function definitions is optional. Thus, for example, in c++
int fO
is equivalent to
int f(void)
Note carefully that this idea is in conflict with Ihe construcl as used in either traditional C and ANSI C. In both traditional C and ANSI C, a function declaration such as lnt fO;
means thal fO rakes an unknown number of argumenls. in traditional C, VOl dis not a kcy\vord and cannot be used as a type in a parameter Jist in a funclion declaration or definition. In ANSI C, the programmer is advised 10 usc funclion prolO~".,s.
~ Summary •
Structured programming is a problem solving strategy and a programming methodology that strives for simple flow of conlrol and uses top-down design.
Top-down design, also referred to as stepwise refinement, consists of repeatedly decomposing a problem inlo smaller problems.
A long program should be written as a coUection of functions, each onc being
no longer than, say, a page. Each funelion should capture some small task 01" the overall problem.
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
In the body of a funClion, the compiler recognizes a name followed by parentheses, such as prn_messageO or min(x, y), as a call to a function.
A programmer creates a function by writing a function definition, which consists 01' a header and a body. The header consists of the type returned by the funClion, the function name, and a comma-separated list of declarations of parameters enclosed by parentheses. The body consists of declarations and statements enclosed by braces.
When a function is caUed, program control is passed to the function. When a return statement is executed, or the end of the function is reached, control is passed back to the calling e.nvironment. If a retu rn statement contains an expression, the value of the expression is passed back lO the calling environment as well.
A fU!lclion prototype mechanism exists in ANSI C but not in lraditional C. A
function prototype has the following general form: type tunC/ion_name ( parameter type list ) ;
The type is the type returned by the function. The parameter type list is typically a comma-separated list of types. If a function has no parameters, the keyword void is used. A function protot}rpc allows the compiler to enforce l}'pe compatibility when the function is called. •
In a function prototype an identifier may follow each of the types in the parameter type list. For example, the two function prototypes int f(int a, float b);
int f(int. float);
arc equivalent. The complier does not need the parameter identifiers, only the types of the parameters. However, the paramclers themselves may provide further documentation for the human reader. •
In C, all arguments arc passt.>d call-by-vaJue_ This means that when a variable is passed as an argument to a function, its value remains unchanged in the calling environment.
Although all C systems provide the funclion randO, for serious work, other random number generators may be more appropriate.
All functions in C can be used recursively. That is, any funcUon can call itself, either direcrly or indirectly.
,;.a '~ Exercises Rewrite the message program so that its output is Message for you:
Have a nice day! Have a nice day! Have a nice day!
2 Write a funclion squareO tbat takes an integer and return its square, and a funclion cubeO that takes an integer and return its cube. Use )'our squareO and cubeO functions to write the functions quarticO and quinticO. which return the fourth and fifth powers of an integer. respectively. Use your functions to write a program that prints a table 01" powers of integers from J to 25. The output of your program should look like this:
2 3
1 4
1 8
------1 16 81
32 243
3 Execute the program run....sums and enter data directly from the keyboard. When you are finished entering data. type an end-of-file signal (sec Section 1.11, "Typing an End-of·File Signal," on page 29). What happens if you enter a letter instead of a number? 4 The program pmJand does not work correctly if the user types in 0 when asked for the number of random numbers desired. Correct the program so Ihat it works correctly for this case. 5 Consider the for loop in the funclion prnJandom_numbersO that begins
for (i
= 1; i < k; ++i) { i f (i % 7 = 0)
pr; ntf("\n"); Suppose we rewrite the first line as follows: for (i = 2; i <= k; Hi) {
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
Are the same number of random numbers printed? This modification causes the formal of the output to change. Try it and see. Make a further program modification in the body of the for loop to have the output I"ormalled correctly. 6 Run the prnJand program three times to print out, say, 100 randomly distributed integers. Observe Ihal Ihe same list of numbers is printed each time. For many applications, this is nOI desirable. ~'lodify the prnJand program by using srandO to seed the random number generator. The first few lines of your program should look like this: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include int main(void) {
i, n, seed;
seed = time(NULL); srand(seed) ; printf("\n%s" , "Some randomly distributed" "i ntegers wi 11 be pri nted. \n" "How many do you want to see?
The function call time(NULL) returns the number of elapsed seconds since J January 1970 (see Appendix A, "The Standard Ubrary"). We Slore this value in the variable seed, and then we use the function call srand(seed) 10 seed the random number generator. Repeated calls to randO eventually generate all the integers in the interval 10, RAND_MAXI, but in a mixed-up order. The value used to seed the random number generator determines at what point in the mixed-up order the function rand 0 starts 10 generate nwnbers. If we use the value produced by timeO as a seed, then whenever we run the program, the seed is different, causing a different set of numbers to be produced. Run this program repeatedly. You should see a different set of numbers printed each time. Do you? 7 In the previous exercise, \ve suggested the code seed = time(NULL); srand(seed); In place of these two lines, most programmers would write srand(time(NULL));
Make this change to your program, then compile and execute it to see if it behaves the same as before. (It should.) 8 Investigate how to write your own random number generator. There are many ways to do it. rf you are not concerned with stafistical reliability, theD the task is easy (but you have to look it up). Understanding the theory of a random number genera lOr can be much more difficult than INTi ling the code for it. 9 In Section 4.3, "The return Statement," on page 128, we INTole an interactive program that computes the minimum of two integers. Rewrite the code to work with type double. After you have tested your program and are satisfied that it works correctly, modify it to find the minimum and maximum of four numbers.
10 Let no be a given positive integer. For if nj is even, then
nj ... I
if ni is odd, then n if
i;. I = 3n
0,1,2, ... define
/2 + 1
is 1, the sequence ends
Numbers that are generated this way are called hailstones. Write a program that generates some hailstones. Your program should usc the function void
hailstones(int n);
to compute and print the sequence generated by n. The output of your program might look as follows: Hailstones generated by 77: 77 44 26 16
232 22 13 8
116 11 40 4
Number of hailstones generated:
58 34 20 2
29 17 10 1
88 52 5
You might find that aU the sequences you generate are finite. Whether this is true in general is slill an open question. Hint: Usc variables 01' type long instead of i nt if the program misbehaves. (See Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Data Types.")
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
II If you write a program in a single me with main() first, a list of function prototypes can occur in the file just before main(). If you write a program in more than one rile, a list of function prototypes can occur at the bottom of the.h file. Function prototypes, provided they arc consistent, can be repeated. Add the following list of function prototypes to the program you wrote in the prevIous exercise: void void void void
hailstones(int); hailstones(int k); hailstones(int n); hailstones(int nn);
Your compiler should be happy. Is it? 12 Write a program that prints out the first n primes, where n is input by the user. When }'OU execute your program, here is an example of what you should see printed on Ihe screen:
PRIMES WIll BE PRINTED. How many do you want to see?
3: S:
S 7 11
2S: 26:
2998: 2999:
97 27431 27437 27449
Write your program in its own directory in three nics: primes.h, main.e, and is_prime.c. Here is some of the program: In rile primes.b:
#include <stdio.h> 'include <stdlib.h> int
iLprime(int n);
In file is_primc.c:
#include "primes.h" int is_prime(int n) {
k, limit;
i f (n 2) return 1; if (n % 2 •• 0) return 0; limit=nj2; for (k = 3; k <= limit; k += 2) if (n % k •• 0) return 0;
return 1; }
E,xplain how i s_pri meO works. Hint: Do some examples by hand. Complete
the program by wriling mainO in main.c. There arc 168 primes that are less than 1000. Does your program conrirm this? lIow many primes arc there that are less than IO,OOO'?
13 Write a variation of 'he program you wrote in the previous exercise by h
PRIMES WILL BE PRINTED. How many do you want to see? Beginning at what index? 700:
701, 702,
5281 5297
14 (Advanced) In 1792, the German mathematician and astronomer Karl Friedrich Gauss, at the age or IS, conjectured what is now known as the Prime Number T1,eorem: Lei n(,~ represenl the number or primes less than or equal to x. Then n(x) is asymptotic to x!(og(x); that is, the limit or the quotient n(x)! (x/log(x)) goes to I as x goes to infinity. Modify the program yOll wrote in exercise 12 of this chapter, to investigate this limit. The output from your program might look like this:
-'i 68
Chapter 4
FunCfions and StruCfured Programming
PRIME NUMBER THEOREM: I (x I 10g(x)) : 1
(pi (x) -> inf
where pi(x) is the number of primes less than or equal to x. How many primes do you want to consider? pi ex)
pi(x) I (x 110g(x))
1000 2000 3000
168 303 430
1.160502886868999 1.151536722620625
2961 3000
1.118993938566849 1.116989873919079
You can observe that Ihe convergence is very slow. For lhat reason) ou shouJd lei ,'l; slep by 500 or 1000 inslead of b) I, except on the last line, where you should lei x have lhe valuc thai corresponds 10 the number of primes requested. 15 In 17-l2, Goldbach made (he following conjccture: Every even integer greater than 6 is lhe sum of two odd primes. So far, Ihis conjecture has been neither proved nor disprm cd. Computers havc been used e.xtensh'ely to tesl Ihe conjecture. bUI no counterexample has e\{:r been found. Wrile a program that proves lhal the conjeclure is truc for all the even integers bel ween lhe symbolic constants BEGIN ,md EJ\lD, For example, if you wrile #defi ne #define
700 1100
then the OLlIPLlt of your program might look like lhls:
GOLDBACH'S CONJECTURE: Every even number n > 6 is the sum of two odd primes: 700 17 + 702 = 11 + 704 = 3 +
1098 • 1100 •
683 691 701
5 + 1093 3 + 1097
Ilinr: Use the funclion iLprimeO given in exercise 12 of this chapter.
, 16
[n this exercise we want to modify a program that uses the random number generator randO to simulate tossing a coin repeatedly. Here is the program:
#include <stdio.h> #;nclude <stdlib.h> #include
/* for timeO */
int main(void) {
0, count_tails
0, i, n, val;
/* seed the rand. no. generator */
printf("\n%s" , "SIMULATED COIN TOSSING:\n" "How many times?
if (scanf("%d", &n) != 1) { pri ntf("INPUT ERROR: Bye! \n\n"); exite!); }
if (n < 1) { pri ntf(" Bye! \n\n") ; exi t(l); }
for (i
0; i < n; ++i) {
val = rand() % 2; (val == 1) ? ++count_heads : ++cQunt_tails; i f (i % 10 == 0) putchar (' \n ') ; printf("%7s", (val == 1) ? "heads" : "tails"); }
pri ntf("\n\n%s%d\n%s%d\n\n", "Number of heads: ", count_heads, "Number of tails: ", counLtails); return 0; }
Note the use of the conditional operator?: (see Section 3.19, "The Conditional Operator," on page lOS). Also, note that the format%7s is used to print a string in a field of seven characters. What happens if you change the format to %155? Without the call to 5 rand 0, the program produces the same output every lime you run il. What happens if you move lhe call to 5randO so it is the first statement in (he body of the for loop? Explain why the behavior of the program is so strikingly different. (Were you surprised?) The correct programming practice is to seed the random number generator only once in a program.
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
17 In the following pro!,'Tam, mai nO is recursive because mai nO calls fO, fO calls gO, and gO calls mainO. #include <stdio.h> void void
f(void); g(void);
int main(void) {
static int
count = 0;
printf("Hello from mainO\n"); if (++count <= 2) fO; return 0; }
void f(void) {
printf("Hello from fO\n"); gO; }
void g(void) {
printf("Hello from gO\n"); mainO; }
This is an example of indirect recursion. First write down what you think is printed, then execute the program to check. Next, change the if statement in rnai nO to the following: if (++cQunt <= 2) { fO; gO; }
Again, first write down what you think is printed, then execute the pro!,'Tam to check. Caution: Even though the change to the program was very minor, it is now much more difficult to see what is printed. 18 C++: Rewrite the programs in the previous exercise using cout instead of pri ntf(). When execuled, the programs should behave as they did before.
19 c++: Write a set of overloaded pri ntO functions that prinl values 'v\ith a nice message. Here is an example:
void print(double x) {
cout «
"double x = " « x «
Do this for at \cast three types and test that they work. 20 Java: In Java, all functions are also known as methods. They must reside in a
class. In C functions are global or external, residing in a file. In C, compilation works by compiling the contents of files. In Java, compilation works by compiling classes (of course, the classes are inside files as well). C functions are somewhat akin to Java static methods.
II method parameter use - Java by Dissection page 98. class Message2 { public static void main(String[] args) { System. out. pr; ntl n("HELLO DEBRA! ") ; pr;ntMessage(5); Ilactual argument ;s 5 System. out. pr; nt1n("Goodbye. ") ; }
static void printMessage(int howManyT;mes) { Ilformal parameter is howManyT;mes System.out.println("A message for you: "); for (;nt ; = 0; i < howManyT;mes; ;++) System.out.println("Have a nice day!\n"); }
Rewrite this program in C. Change the code to accept as input the number of times the message should be printed. If you know how, also change the program so it asks for the name to be printed out, and test it by inputting "LAURA".
Chapter 4 •
Functions and Structured Programming
21 .lava: Here is a simple recursion in Java. \Vhat function is being computed? Convert it to a C function thaI is recursive. Convert it to a C function that is iterative. Which runs more efficiently on your machine-the recursion or the Heration?
class RecursionExercise { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int ; = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.println(recurse(i»; }
static long recurse(long n) { i f Cn
else return 2 • recurse(n - 1); } }
Notice that C and Java both have a long type for extra large integers. On your machine. is the range of long for C and Java the same? Remember, C has system-dependent representations for its basic types.
Character Processing n this chapter \v(' introduce some of the basic ide
The type char is one of the fundamental types of the C language. Constants and variables of this type are used to represent charauers. Each character is stored in a machine in one byte. We assume throughout that a byte is composed of eight bits and is capable of storing 21\ or 256, distinct values. \;,,'hell a character is stored in a byte, the contents of that byte can be thought of as either a character or as a small integer. Although 256 distinct values can be stored in a byte, only a subset of these values represent actual printing characters. These include tile 100vercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, punctuation, and special characters such as +, ,'t, and %. The
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
character set also includes the white space characters: blank, tab, and newline. Examples of nonprinting characters are newline and the alert character, or bell. We illustrate the use of the bel! in this chapter. A character constant is written between single quotes, as in a 'b', or c A typical declaration for a variable of type char is I
I •
Character variables can be initialized, as in the example
'A', c2
'B', c3
• ><' ;
A character is slored in memory in ooe byte according to a specific encoding. Most machines use either ASCII or EBCDIC character codes. In the discussion that foUmvs \'/e use the ASCII code. For any other code, the numbers arc different, but the ideas are analogoLis. A table of the ASCII code appears in Appendix E, "ASCII Character Codes." In C, a charactC'r is considered to have the integer value corresponding to its ASCII encoding. Some examples are given in the following table. Some character constants and their integer ASCII values lowercase
ASCII value
ASCII value
... .. , ...
ASCII value
ASCII value
2' 5.
Observe Ihat there is no particular relationship between the value of the character constant representing a digit and the digit's intrinsic integer value. That is, the value of '7' is not 7. The fact that the values of . a', 'b', 'c', and so forlh occur in order is an important property that facilitates the sorting of characters, words, lines, and more, into lexicographical order. In the functions pr; ntfO and scanfO, a %c is used to designate Ihe character format. For example, the statement pr; ntf("%c", 'a r);
/* a ;s printed */
causes the character constant' a' to be printed in character format. Similarly,
printfC"%c%c%c" , 'A', 'B', 'C');
The Data Type char
/* ABC is printed */
causes ABC to be printed. Constants and variables of type char can be treated as small integers. The statement printfC"%d",
a ');
/* 97 is printed */
causes the value of the character constant 'a' to be printed in the format of a decimal integer. Thus 97 is printed. On the other hand. the statement printfC"%c", 97);
/* a is printed */
causes the value of the decimal integer constant 97 to be printed in the format of a character. Thus a is printed.
Some nonprinting and hard-to-print characters require an escape sequence. For example, the newline character is written as \n' in a program, and even though it is being described by the two characters \ and n, it represents a single I
J' 176
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
ASCII character. The backslash character \ is also c
Integer Written in C
\a \\
13 34 12 9 1.
carriage fdurn double quote formfccd horizontal tab newline null character single quote vertical tab
\f \t \n \0 \' \v
The double quote character" has to be escaped if it is used as a character in a string. Otherwise it \vould pn::"maturely terminate the string. An example is
"ABC" is pr; nted
'* /
Howcver, inside single quotes one could write '" although' \'" accepted. In general, escaping ,10 ordinary character has no effect. I,
is also
Inside a string, the single quote is just an ordinary character:
/* 'ABC' is printed */
, 5.2 •
The Use of getcharO and putchar()
Another way La write a character cansI.WI is by means of a one', IWo-. or
three-octal-digit escape sequence, as in '\007'. This is the alert character \a, or the audible bell. It can be written also as '\07' or \7 but not as •7 I
I ,
I •
w t . __ _ The Use of getcharO and putcharO The system proVides getcharO and puteharO for ,he input and aulpul of characters. These arc macros defined in sldio.h. To read a character from the key· board. getcharO is used; to wrile a character to the screen, putcharO is used. For example. a program that prints the line
She sells sea shells by the seashore. on the screen call be written as follows:
#include <stdio.h> ; nt rna; n (va; d) (
putchar(' 5 '); putchar('h'); putchar(' e') ; putcharC ');
putchar(' e'); putchar(' . '); putchar('\n'); return 0; }
Of course, this is a tedious way to acwmplish the task; using a pri ntfO statement would be mu(h easier. In the next program, getcharO gets a chara<;tl'r from the input stream (keyboard) and assigns it to the variable c. Then putcharO is used to print the character twice all the screen.
..Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
while (1) (
getchar 0 ;
putchar(c) ;
putchar(c); } return 0;
Note that the variable c is of type char. In the next version of this program, we change this. Also, because 1 is nonzero, as an expression it is always true. Thus the construct while (1) { }
is an infinite loop. The only way to stop this program is with an interrupt, which on our syslem is effecled by typing a control-c. FaT a number of reasons, the preceding program is not really acceptable. Let us rewrite il and call1he new version dbLout.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
; ot
while «c
= getchar())
putchar(c) ;
putchar(c); } return 0; }
EO F) {
, The Use of gerchar() and purchar()
5.2 •
Dissection of the dhLout Program
#include <stdio.h>
Unes that begin with a # are preprocessing directives. These lines communicate with the preprocessor. A preprocessing directive of the form Ii ncl ude
causes the preprocessor 10 include.a copy of the named file into the source code at that point before passing the code 10 the wmpilcr. The angle brackets around stdi o. h lell the system to look for this file in the "usual place," which is system-dependent. The file sldio.h is a standard header file supplied wilh C systems and is l}tpically included in funClions Ihal usc certain standard inpul!outpul constructs. One line of this header file is
( -1)
The idenlificr EOF is mnemonic for "cnd-or-file," What is actually used to signal an end·or-file mark is system-dependent. Although the i nt value -I is often used, different systems can have different values. By including the file srdio.h and lIsing the symbolic constant EOF, we have made the program portable: The source file can be moved to a system and run with no changes. •
The variable c has been declared in the program as an i nt rather than a char. Whatever is used to signal the cnd of a file, it cannot be a value that represents a character. Because c is an i nt, it can hold all possible characlcr values, as well as the special value EOF. Although one usually thinks of a char as a very shari i nt type, one can also think of an i nt as a very long char lype. •
= getchar(»
EOF) {
The c:'{pression (c
= getchar(»
!: EOF
is composed of t \\'0 parts. The subcxpression
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
c '" getcharO gets a value from the keyboard and assigns it to the variable c, and the value of the subexpression takes on thai value as well. The symbol != represents the "not equal to" opera lor. As long as thc value of the subexpression c = getcharO is nol equal to EOF, the body of the whi le loop is executed. To exil the loop, we have to ('nter an end-or-file signal at Ihe keyboard. Then the operating syslem tells getcharO thai the end of the file has been rcached, which in turn causes getcharO to return EOF. How an cnd-or-file value is enlered at the keyboard is system-dependent. In UNIX, it is usually entered by typing a carriage return followed by a conlrol-d. In MS-DOS, the user types a contTol-z instead. (c
geLchar()) !. EOF
The parentheses around the subexpression c • getcharO arc necessary. Suppose we had typed c
getchar() != EOF
Because of operator precedence, this is equivalent to c
(getcharO != EOF)
This ~ets a character from the input stream, tests lO sec if it is equal to EOF, and assigns the result of the tesl (either 0 or 1) to the variable c (sec exercise lOon page 200). This program can also be wrillen as a simple recursion. In most cases, elemenlar)'
whi 1 e loops are easily replaced by simple (ecursion, where Ihe whi 1 e loops lest is used to terminale the recursion. #include <stdio.h> void dbl_out(int c) {
if ((c != EOF) { putchar(c) ; putchar(c); dbl_out(getchar()) } }
, 5.3.
int main(void) (
dbl_out(getchar(»; return 0; }
,~t_L.....::.A"n'-.":E,..x.. a"m"'p"'l"e::.:-=Ca=p,..i.l.a=li."z..e
Characters have an underlying integer-valued rcpresentalion that on most C systems is the numeric value of their 7-bit ASCII represent ali on. For example, the character constant a t has value 97. If one thinks of as small integers, then arithmetic on characters makes sense. Because the values of the letters in both the lower- and uppercase alphabet occur in order. the expression' a' -+ 1 bas the value 'b ' , 'b' -+ 1 has the value '(',and 'Z' - 'A' has the value 25. Moreover, 'A' - a' has a value that is the same as 'B' - . b', which is the same as 'e' - 'c', and so on. Because of this. if the variable c has the value of a lowercase letter, then the expression c + 'A' - a has the value of the corre· sponding uppercase leiter. These ideas are incorporated into the next program, which capitalizes all lowercase letters and doubles the newline characters. I
1* Capitalize lowercase letters and double space. */ 'include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
= getcharO) != EOF) if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
while (c
putchar(c + 'A' - 'a'); else if (c == '\n') { putchar(' \n'); putchar(' \n'); )
else putchar(c); return 0; )
r Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
Dissection of the caps Program •
while «C. getchar(»
The macro getchar() gels a character and assigns it to the variable c. As long as the value of c is not EOF, the body of the while loop is executed. •
&& c <= 'z') putchar(c + 'A' - 'a');
if ('a' <- c
Be<:ause of operator precedence, the expressions 'a' <= C
c <= 'z'
('a' <= c)
(c <= 'Zl)
are equivalent. The symbols <= represent the operator "less than or equal to." The subcxprcssion . a' <= c tesls to sec if the value' a' is less than or equal to the value of c. The subcxpression c <= r z' tests to see if the value of c is less than or equal to the value' z·. The symbols && represent the "logical and" operator. If both subcxprcssions are true, then the expression 'a' <= C
c <= 'z'
is true; otherwise H is false. Thus the expression as a whole is true if and only if c is a lowercase leHer. If the expression is true, then the statement putchar(c + 'A'
is executed, causing the corresponding uppercase )e1(er to be printed.
else if (c
== '\n') {
putchar(' \n'); putchar(' \n');
The symbols == represent the ~is equal fo" operator. If c is not a lowercase leHer, a test is made to sec if it is equal to a newline character. If it is, two newline characlers are printed.
putchar(c) ;
If Ihe value of cis nOI a lowercase leller and it is not a newline character, then the character corresponding 10 the value of c is printed. An else is always associated with Ihe immediately preceding if.
5.3 •
An Example: Capitalize
Although the caps program is portable to any Ascn machine, it docs not work as expected on an EBCDIC machine. The reason for this is that the uppercase letters arc not all contiguous in the EBCDIC code. Here is a version of the caps program that can be expected 10 work on all machines: j. Capitalize lowercase letters and double space. */
#include <stdio.h> #include ;nt ma;n(void) {
; nt
while «c '" getcharO) !:o EOF) if (;slower(c» putchar(toupper(c»; else if (c == '\n') { putchar('\n'); putchar('\n'); )
else putchar(c) ; return 0; )
~ Dissection of the Portable caps Program •
#include <stdio.h> #include
The rue ccype.h,
C system. This file contains the macros and prototypes of functions that are often lIsed when processing characters. A macro is code that is expanded by the preprocessor. In Appendix B, "The Preprocessor," we explain in detail how macros work. For the purposes of this chapter, we treat the macros in crype.h as if they were functions. Although there are technical differences bet\\'een a macro and a function, they arc used in a similar fashion. The program cops uses; slowerO and toupperO. Because ctype.h contains the macro definHion for; slowerO and the function prototype for toupperO. this header file is included.
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
while ((c =' getcharO) != EOF) i f (islowerCc))
putchar(toupper(c)); A character is fead from the input stream and assigned to c. As long as the value of c is not EOF, thc body of the whi 1e loop is executed. The macro islowerO is defined in ctype.h.l!' c is a lowercase letter, then islower(c) has a nonzero valuc; otherwise it has the value O. The function prototype for toupperO is given in ctype.h. The function itself is provided by the standard library. If c is a lowercase letter, then toupper(c) has the value of the corresponding uppercase lettef. Therefore, the if statement has the effect of testing to sec whether c has the value or a lo\vercase letter. If it does, the corresponding uppercase leller is wrillcn on the screen. Note carefully that the stored value of c itself is nol changed by invoking isupper(c) or toupper(c). A novice C programmer need not know exactly how the m
The Macros in ctype.h
The system proVides a standard header file ('type.h, whkh contains a set of macros that are used to lest characlers and a set of function prototypes that are used to converl characters. They are made accessible by the preprocessing directive #include The macros in the following table are used to test characters. These macros all take an argument of type i nt, and they return an i nt value that is either nonzero (true) or zero (raise).
5.5 •
Problem Solvmg: Repearing Characters
Character macros Macro
Nonzero (true) is returned if
isalpha(c) isupper(c) islower(c) isdigit.(c) isalnum(c) isxdigit(c) isspace(c) ispunet(c) isprint(c) isgraph(c) iscntrl (c) isascii(c)
c is a leiter c is all uppercase letter c is a lowercase ICller c is a digil c is a IcHer or di~il c is a hexadecimal digit c is a while space charaCler c is a punclUation characler c is a prinlable character c is printable. but not a space c is a cunlml ch"racter c is an ASCII code
[n lhe next lable we list the functions toupperO and tolowerO. which arc in the standard library, and lhe macro toasci i O. The macro and the prototypes fnr the two functions arc in clyVC.1I. The functions and the macro ead take an i nt and return an i nt. I\ote carcrull) that the value of c stored in memory is not changed. Character macros and functions
Function or macro
toupper(c) tolower(c) toasci i (c)
c from lowercase to uppercase Chan~es c from uppercase 10 10werCilse Chan~cs c 10 ASCII code
Problem Solving: Repeating Characters
The usc of a function wilh proper parameterization is a very powerful problemsolving idea. It is an aspect of generalization. Frequently. onc can solve a particular problem in a simple special casc. An example might be a necd (Q prim Ihe lctter C three times. printf("%c%c%c", 'C, 'C, 'C'); NoW, if we nced 10 print four Cs or six bs, then we need a different solution. 8)' parameterizing both the character to be printed and the number of times to print it, \ve solve a far more general problem. We write a function to do this:
, Chapter 5 •
I 86
Character Processing
repeat(char c. ;nt
Once our function is wriUen and the code is correct, we may reuse the funclion for many purposes. Indeed. many of the standard library functions were developed as useful general operations that commonly occur. In the program dbLoUl, on page 178, we showed how every character rcad in can be printed oul twicc. Here we want to generalize that simple idea by "'Tiling a function that prints oul a given character how_many times.
void repeat(char c, int how_many)
i ;
i nt:
= 0; ; < putchar(c) :
for (i }
Notice Ihal the variable c is declared as a char, not an into Because a lest for EOF is not made in Ihis function, there is no need 10 declare c an ; nt. Suppose we invoke the funclion with the statement repeat('B' - 1,2);
The arguments of this function call are' B' - 1 and 2. The respective values of these arguments are passed and associated with lhe formal parameters of the function. The effect of the function caU is to print the letler A two times. Here is a mainO function that can be used to test repeatO:
#include #include <stdio.h> void repeat(char, int); i nt mai n(voi d) {
i ;
const char
'\a', c
repeat('B' 1, 2); putchar(' '); for (i '" 0; i < 10; ++i) { repeat(c + i, 1); putchar(' '); }
repeat(alert, 100); putchar(' \n'); return 0; )
'A' ;
5.6 •
Problem Solving: Counting Words
Note that we have used the type specifier const to indicate that the variables alert and c cannot be changcd. When \\'c compile the prog:ram and run it, here is what we sec on the screen:
The function repeatO can be used to draw simple finures on the screen. In exercise 8 on page 199, we show how to use repeatO to draw a triangle and leave as an e:lI:ercise the problem of drawing a diamond.
Problem Solving: Counting Words
Many computations arc repetitive, and sometimes the repetition is based on counting. An example would be a recipe that says, UStir for 40 seconds." Here we count up to 40. Sometimes the repetition waits for some condition to change. An example would be a recipe that says, ~Slir until browned." In problem solving, looking for a special characteristic that logically ends the computation is an important method. In character processing, we often look for the end-of-file con· dHion. Suppose we want 10 count the number of words being input al Ihe keyboard. Again, top-down design leads us to brc'lk the problem into small pieces. To do this. \\'e need to know the definition of a word, and we need to know when to end our task. For our purposes, we assume that words arc separated by white space. Thus any word is a contiguous string of non-wh.ite space characters. As usual, we end the processing of characlers when we encounter the end-of-file sentinel. The heart of our program is a function, found_next_wordO, that deleels a word. We explain this function in some detail. #include <stdio.h> #include int found_next_word(void); int main(void) {
whi le (found_nexLwordO = 1) ++word_count; printf("Number of words = %d\n\n", word_count); return 0; )
, Chapler 5 •
Character Processing
int found_next_wordCvoid) {
while (isspace(c = getchar())) 1* skip white space */ • if (c ! = EOF) { 1* found a word it/ while «c "" getcharO) != EOF M !isspace(c» 1* skip all except EOF and white space */ return 1; )
return 0; }
Dissection of the word_count Program •
i nt
The i ot variable word_count is initialized to zero.
while Cfound_next_word() == 1) ++word_count;
As long as the function found_nexLwordO returns the value 1, the body of the whi 1e loop is executed, causing word_count 10 be indexed.
printf("Number of words = %d\n\n", word_count);
JUSl before exiting the program, we print out the number of words found.
This is the beginning of the funelion definition for found_nexLwordO. The function has no parameters in its parameter lis!. In the body of the function, the i nt variable c is declared. Although we arc going to usc c to take on character values, we declare c as an i nt, not a char. Eventually, c holds the special value EOF, and on some systems that value may not fit in a char.
5.6 •
Probfem Solving: Counting Words
while (isspace(c = getchar(») /* skip whi~e space */
A character is read from the input stream and assigned to c. The value of the subexprcssion c : getcharO takes on Ihis valuc as well. As long as this value is not a white space character, the body of the whi 1e loop is executed. However, the bod}' of the whi le loop is just the empty statement. Thus the effecl of the whi le loop is to skip white spncc. Notice that the empty state· mcnt is clearly display('d on a lin(' by itself. Good programming praUic(' requires this. If we had wrill('n while (isspace(c
the visibility of the empty statement would be reduced. •
if (c 1: EOF) { /* found a word */ while «c = getchar(» !: EOF && !isspace(c» ; /* skip all except EOF and white space */ return 1; )
After white space has been skipped, the value of c is either EOF or the rJrst "lcller" of a word. If the value of c is not EOF, then a word has been found. The I('SI expression in the whil e loop consists of three parIs. Firsl, a character is rcad from the input stream and assigned to C, and the subexpression c '"' getcharO takes on the value of c as wcll. A test is then made to sec if that value is EOF. If it is, the body of the whi 1e loop is not executed, and con· trol passes to thc n('xt statement. If the value is not EOF, a test is made to sec if the value is a white space chnracter. If it is, the body of Ihc whi le loop is not executed, and control passes to the next statement. If the value is no! a white space character, the bod}' of the whi le loop is executed. Howevcr, the body is just the empty statement. Thus the effect of this whi le lonp is to skip evcrythIng excepl EOF and whit(' spac(' charactcrs; that is, the word that has been found has now been skipped. •
return 1;
Aftcr a word has been found and skipped, the value I is rehlmed. •
return 0;
If a word was nol found, then the valuc 0 is returned.
, 190
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
~.tAm Style Simple character v<.lriables are often given the identifier c, or idenlifiers starting with C, such as c1, c2, and (3. Professional C programmers tend to be terse. It is oflen clearer to use eh, chr, or even eh_var as an identifier for a char variablC'. functions and macros that do character manipulalion frequently have char as part of their name. or the name ends with the IcUcr c. Examples arc getcharO and putcharO, and, as we shall sec in Chapter 13, "Input/Output and Files," getcO and puteO. The choice of identifiers for the macros in ctype.h is inslructhe. Those macros that answer a true/false question, such as isalphaO and i supperO. aU have names that slart with; s. Those functions with prototypes in ,type. Ii that change a character value. such as t.oupperO, all have names that start with to. The proper choice of identifier names is crucial to readability and documentation. For charactcr-processing tasks, we can usc either getcharO or scanfO to read characters. Similarl}', we can usc either putcharO or print.fO to write characters. In many instances the choice is a matter of personal tastc. However, il" a great deal of Chara(lCr processing is being done, then the use of getcharO and putcharO, along with the standard header file sldio.h, (an result in fasler (Ode because getcharO and putcharO arc implemented as macros in srdio.h. As we shall see in Appendix B, "The Preprocessor," macros arc a code-substitution mechanism that can be used to amid a function call. One difference between puteharO and printfO is that putcharO returns the value of the character wrilten to the output stream as an i nt, whereas pri ntfO returns Ihe nllmber of characters printed. This may dictate the use of putcharO. A common C programming practice is to perform both an assignment and a test in the expression that controls a whi 1 e or for loop; one most often sees this done in code Llsed to process characters. For example, the code
while ((c = getcharO) != EO F) { }
uses this idiom. In contrast to this, we could write
= getcharO; while (c != EOF) {
c = getchar 0 ; }
II 5.8. CommonProgrommingfrrors
but now, if the body of the loop is long, the last stalement, which affects the control of the loop, is a long way from the test expression. On the other hand, a construct such as while (isspace(c = getchar())) /* skip white space */ can just as well be written
c = getcharO; while (isspace(c)) c == getcharO; Here the body of the loop is very short~so short, in facl, thai if we put all the control at the top, the body of the loop is empty. \Vhich form you sec is largely a malter of taste.
Common Programming Errors
We have already explained that if a program uses a v,triable to rcad in characters and to test for the value EOF, the variable should be an int, not a char. This is, in part, a portability consideration. Some C systems cannol detect EOF as an end-offile signal if the value is assigned to a variable of type char instead of i nt. Try the following code: char
/* wrong */
while «c = getcharO) != EOF) putchar(c); This mayor may not work on your system. Even if it docs, do not usc a char when testing for EOF. You may not be porting your code loday, but if you keep program' ming, you arc likely do so in the future. Suppose we have text nIes that arc double- or triplc-spaced, and our task is to copy the files, excepl Ihat multiple occurrences of newlines aTe to be reduced 10 a single newline. For example, we want to be able to change a double-spaced file into one that is single-spaced. Here is a program that docs this:
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
;* Copy stdin to stdout, except single space only. */ #;nclude <stdio.h> in!. main(void) {
lasec .. '\0';
while «c
= getchar(» != EOF) { if (c = '\n') { if (1a5t_( != '\n')
else putchar(c) ; 1a5t_(
} return 0; }
At the start of this program, the variable lasec is initinllzcd to the null character, but thereafter that variable holds the last character read from the input
stream (keyboard). There is nothing special about the usc of the null character here. we just need to inilialize lasec with some character other lhan a newline character. Two comlllon errors can be made in this prag-ram. Suppose we had typed
i f (c
'\n') {
using = instead of ==. Because the expression c = '\n' is always true, lhe else part is never excculed, and the program fails badl}'_ Another error would have occurred if we had typed if (c == '\n') if (lasec != '\n') putchar(c) ;
else putchar(c) ;
The indentation shows the logic we wanl, but nol whal we arc actually gelling. Because an else statement always allaches to the nearest preceding if, the preceding code is equivalent to i f (c = '\n') if (lasec != '\n') putchar(c) ; else putchar(c) ;
, 5.9 •
System Considerations
and this is clearly in error. The programmer musl always remember that the compiler sees only a stream of characters.
System Considerations We have disl:usscd rcdirccling the standard input and QulPUI (sec Seclion 1.11,
"Redirection of the Input and the Output," on page 30). You should review that malenal and try redirection with Ihe caps program. Create a file called inpuf and put some text in it. Then try the follOWing commands: caps
cops < input caps> output caps < input > output Most operating systems have a command that copies one rile to anolhcr. In M$DOS, the conummd is copy, in UNIX, it is cpo The following program <.:an be consid-
ered a simple version of such II command:
'include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
while «c : getchar()) !: EOF) putchar(c) ; return 0; }
If we compile this program and put the executable code in my_copy, then ,he command
my_copy < infile > out(ile
copies the contents of in/lfe to OIItIi/e. If c has the value of a lowercase letter, then toupper(c) returns the valuc of the corresponding uppercase' letter. The ANSI C standard stalcs that if c docs not have the value of a lowercase letter, then toupper(c) should retllrn as its value the value of the argument unchanged. Thus, to change all [owcn.:asC' [ellcrs to uppercase, we could usC' the code
«c :
while getcharO) !: EOF) putchar(toupper(c));
l' 194
Chapter' 5 •
Character Processing
However, in many older C systems, toupperO is implemented as a macro, and the preceding code fails badly. On those systems an explicit test of c must be made: while «c • getcharO) != EOF) i f (islower(c»
/. traditional C code
putchar(toupper(c»; else putchar(c) ; Similar remarks hold for tolowerO. Many C systems provide the macros _ touppe rO and _to' owerO for more efficient character processing. These macros. if they exist, are provided in clype.h. Here is
while «c = getcharO) != EOF)
Cislower(c» putchar(_toupper(c»; else putchar(c);
Note. however, that many C systems. both traditional and ANSI, do not support _toupperO and _tolowerO. Warning: If you arc trying to write portable code, use toupperO and tolowerO cautiously. Some organizalions usc traditional C. some use ANSI C, and some are somewhere in between. All compilers treat a char as a small integer. On most systems, but not all, the default range of values for a char is from - I 28 to 127. Many compilers provide an opLion 10 change Ihe range of values to go from 0 10 255 instead_ This option could be useful for minimizing the amount of disk space required to store a lot of data. If all your numbers are in the range 0 to 255, a program compiled with this option can manipulate the data and slore it as chars instead of i nts. As we see in Chapter G, ~Thc Fundamental Data Types," a char is stored in less space than an int.
c++ oulput is inserted into an object of type ostream, declared in the header file ioslream.h. An operator « is overloaded in this class to perform oUlput conversions from standard types. The overloaded left-shift operator is called the insertion or pullO operator. The operalor is left-associative and returns a value of type ostream&. The standard output ostream corresponding to stdout is cout, and the standard output ostream corresponding to stderr is cerro The effect of executing a simple output statement such as cout«
5.10 •
is 10 first print to the screen a string of four characters. followed by an appropriate representation for the output of x, followed by a new line. The represenWtion depends on which overloaded version of « is invoked. The class ostream comains public members. such as ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream&
operator«(int i); operator«(long i); operator«(double x); operator«(char c); operator«(const char· s); put(char c); write(const char· P, int n); flush();
The member function put outputs lhe charaCler representation of c; wri te outputs the string of length n pointed at by p; flush forces the stream to be written. Because these arc member fUJlctions, they can be used as follows: cout.putCA');
Iioutput A
char· str = "ABCDEFGHI"; cout,write(str + 2, 3); cout. fl ushC);
Iioutput CDE Ilwrite contents of buffered stream
The put to operator « produces by default the minimulll number of characters needed 10 represent the ompuL As a consequent.:e, output can be confusing, as seen in the following example: int cout cout cout
i=8,j-9; «i«j; « i « « « "i= ,. « i «
,. j=
Ilconfused: prints 89 Ilbetter: prints 8 9 «j;
Ilbest: i= 8 j= 9
Two schemes that we have used to properly space outpul are (1) to have strin~s separating output values and (2) to usc \n and \t to creale newline characters and tabbing. We can also usc manipulators in the stream output to control output formailing. A manipulator is a value or function that has a speci;.\l efreet on the stream it operates 011. A simple example of a manipulator is endl defined in ioslream.h It outputs a newline and !lushes the ostream.
x :: 1; cout «
= "
x «
This immediately prints the Une
Chapter 5 •
Characcer Processing
Another manipulator. flush, flushes the ostream, as in
cout «
.. «
This has almost the same effecl as the previous example, but docs nol advance 10 a newline. The manipulators dec, hex, and oct can be used to change integer bases. The default is base len. TIle conversion base remains set until expIJcitly changed
//Using different bases in integer I/O. Hinclude <;ostream.h> i ot rna; n(vo; d) (
i = 10, j :: 16, k '" 24;
cout « ; « '\t' « j « '\t' « k « end'; cout « oct « ; « '\t' « j « '\t' « k « end'; cout « hex « i « '\t' « j « '\t' « k « end'; cout «
"Enter 3 integers, e.g. 11 11 12a" «
cin » ; » hex » j » k; cout « dec « i « '\t' «
j «
'\t' «
k «
The resulting output is
10 12 a
16 20 10
24 30 18
Enter 3 integers, e.g. 11 11 12a
The reason the final1ine of output is 11 followed by 17 is that the second 1 l in the input \Vas interpreted as a hexadecimal, to + l. The preceding manipulators arc found in iostream.h. Other manipulators are found in iOl7lcll'lip.h. ror example, setw(i nt wi dth) is a manipulator that changes the default field width for the next formatted I/O operation to the value of its nrgulllm!. This value reverts back to Ihe default. The foUm\'ing table brieny lists the standard manipulators, Lhc runction of each, and where each is defined.
--------~i~ •
c++ I/O manipulators Manipulator
output newline and flush output null in siring flush the output use dcdmal
ends fl ush
dec hex oct .s setw(i nt) setfi 11 (i nt)
setbase(int) setprec;s;on(int) setiosflagsClong) resetiosflags(long)
use hexadecimal
use octal skip white space on input set field width set fill character
sct base formal
File iostream.h
iosrream.h iosfream.h
iostream.h ioslream.h roslreamh ios/reum.h
romanip.h iomanip.h ioman/p.h iomanip.h
set floaring-poinl pre<..ision set format bits
reset format bils
~ Slimmary •
A char is slored in onc byte according to its ASCII encoding, and is considered to have the corresponding integer value. For example, the value of the character constant' a' is 97.
There arc nonprinting characters. Examples are the alert character, or audible bell, '\a'. and the newline character' \n' . The newline character is used extensively to format output.
Basic input/output for characters is accomplished rcadiJy with the macros getcharO and putcharO. These macros are defined in the standard header file stdio.h and, in most respects, may be treated as functions.
When using cert'ain input/output constructs, the system header file sldio.h should be included. This is done with the preprocessing directive
'include <stdio.h> •
When doing character input, it is frequent)' necessary to tesl for the end-offile mark. This is accomplished by using the symbolic con Slant EOF in a program. The symbolic constant EOF is defined in the system header file .'lldia.h. On most systems, the value of EOF is -I.
~ 98 •
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
A number of system-supplied macros and functions test or convert character values. The macros and the prototypes of these funclions are made available by including the system header file (1ype.ll.
~. Exercises 1 Write a program using putcharO and getcharO that reads characters from the keyboard and writes to the screen. Every letter that is read should be written three times and followed by a newline. Any newline Ihal is read should be di~Hegarded. All other characters should just be copied to the screen.
a program using getcharO thai reads characters from the standard input stream (keyboard) until the sentinel character # is encountered. The program should counl Ihe number of occurrences of the letters a, b. and c.
2 \Vrite
3 Change the program in the previous excrcise so that characters are rcad until EOF is cncountcred. Use redirection to test the program.
a program that reads charactcrs from Ihe keyboard and writes to the screen. Writc all vowels as uppercase letters and all nonvowels as lowercase letters. Hint: Write a function i svowel 0 lhal tests whether or not a character is a vowel. You can reuse your code in exercise L2 on page 200.
4 Write
or Ihe characters backspace, newline, space, and tab, whjch arc considered prinlable'! Take as lhe aUlhorily in this mailer the macro isprintO in clype.h.
6 Write a program that formats text files so that most lines contain approximately N characters. Start with the preprocessing directive
Count lhc characters as they are wrillen. As long as the count is less than N, chanKc any newline charaCler to a space. When the count is N or more, "Tite any white space character as a newline and change the count to zero. If we assume that mOSI words contain fewer lhan 10 characlers. then the effecl of the program is to write lines containing bClween Nand N + 10 characlers. Typists usually follow such an a1gorithm_ Compile your program and put the executable output in the file reformat. Use redirection to test the program by Ki\ing the conul1and
reformat < text
Of course, yOli can get dlfrerent length lines by changing the value of the symbolic constant N. 7 Write a program that indents all the lines in a te....:t file. Each line should be preceded by N blank spaces, where N is a symbolic conslant.
8 The function repeatO can be used 10 draw slmplc figures on your screen. For e.xample. the foUowing program draws a ITianglc: #include #include <stdio,h> #define
void repeat(char. int); int main(void) {
char int
c _ 'X'; ; .,
for (i 1; i < N; i += 2) { repeat(c, i); put.ehar('\n'); =0
return 0; }
Compile and run this program so that you understand i1s crrects. Write a similar program that prints a diamond in the middle 01" your screen. 9 One difference between putcharO and printfO is that putcharO returns the value of the character written to the output slream as an i nt, whereas pri ntfO returns the number of characters printed. What is printed by the following code"
for (putchar('0'); putchar('l'); putchar('2'» putchar (' 3 r) ; Does the following make sense? E.xplain. pri ntf("%c%c%c\n", putchar(' A'), putchar(' B'). putchar(' C'));
" 200
Chapter 5 •
Character Processing
10 To copy the standard input file to the standard output file, a progranuner can usc t he following loop: while ((c = getchar()) != EO F) putchar(c) ; Suppose that, by mistake, the inner parenlheses arc len out, causing the loop to be written instead as whi 1e (c = getchar () ! = EOF) putchar(c) ; Write a test program 10 see what the effect is. If the input fUe has n characters, arc n characters written to the output file'? Explain. II The game of calling heads or taiLs requires the user to input 0 for heads and I for tails (see Section 4.11, "A Simulation: The Game of Heads or Tails," 00 page 147). Rewrite the prowam so that the user must input h for heads aod I for tails. /-lint: You can use %c with scanf() to read in characters typed by the user, but you have to deal with white space char try_me.c
The code in Iry_me.c should compile and execute with the same effects as pgm.c. Does it'? Try your progrmn on a number of }'our.c files. On averag-e, \vhat is the reduClion in space achieved by crunch, expressed as a percent? To answer this question, write a simple routine thal counts the number of charac~ ters in a file.
II '
14 Mosl s)'stcms have "pretty printing" utiIilies lhal take crunched or poorly laid out C programs and transform them into a more fC
Note that there arc lWO blanks just before the B, whereas thereafter all the blanks occur singly. E:...1Jlain why. 16 e++: Rewrite the caps progriiln (sec Section 5.3. ~An E"amp[e: Capitalize," on page J 8 J) in C++ .md if possible usc a recursion to replace the whi 1e loop. 17 e++: Using the hex manipulator write a program that prints aU the characters with their hexadecimal representations. 18 Java: Here is a simple Java program that reads ten characters from the keyboard. Convert the program to C.
import tio. "'; import; public class TestChar { public static void main (String args[]) throws IOExcepti on (
System.out.println("Read a Char:"); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int c =; System.out.println(c + .. in char" + (char)c); } }
In Java, char is represented as a 2-by!e type capable of storing 16 bits. This can be used to represent all the major in! crnational alphabets. C uses l·byte ASCII code to represent only the standard American alphabet and kc~}'board characters.
The Fundamental Data Types
e begin this chapter with a brief discussion of declarations and expressions. Then we give a detailed explanation for each of the fundamental data types, pa}'ing panicular attention 10 hm\ C treals characters as slnalJ integers. In ('.xpressions wUh operands of differenll)'PCS, certain implicit conversions occur. We ('.xpl;:lin the rules for conv('fsion and we discuss the cast operalOr, which forces cxplkit conversion.
w.r_ •_ /..-:a-
Declarations and Expressions
Variables and constants arc the objetls a program manipulates. In C. all variables must be declared before the)' can be llsed. Declarations serve two purposes. First. they lell the compiler 10 set aside an appropriate amount of space in memory 10 hold values associated with variables, and second, the}' enable the compiler to instruct the machine to perform specified operations correctly. In the expression a + b, the opcri.llor + is being applied to Iwo variables. The addition the machine does as a result of appl}/ing the + operator to variables of type i nt is different from the addition that results from applying the + operator to variables of type float. Of course, the programmer need not be concerned Ihilt Ihe two + opera. tions
J" 204
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
C provides several fundamental types, many of which we have already seen. For all of them, we need to discuss limitations on what can be stored. Fundamental data types: long form
char signed short int unsigned short int float
signed char signed int unsigned int double
unsigned char signed long int unsigned long int long double
The types shown in the table are all ke)'\vords; they may not be used as names of variables. Other data lypes, such as arrays and pointers, are derived from the fun· damental types (see Chapter 9, "Arrays and Pointers"). Usually, the keyword signed is not used. For example, signed int is equivalent La i nt, and because shorter names are easier 10 lype, i nt is typically used. The type char, however, is spedal in this regard (see the next section). Also, the keywords short int, long int, and unsigned int may be, and usually are, shortened to just short, long, and unsigned, respectively. The keyword signed by itself is equivalent to i nt, but it is seldom used in this context. All these conventions give us a new list 01" fundamental data types. Fundamental data types
char short unsigned short float
signed char int unsigned double
unsigned char long unsigned long long double
The fundamental types call be grouped according to functionality. The integral types are those types that can be used to hold integer values; the floating types are those that can be used to hold re"l values. They are all arithmetic types. Fundamental types grouped by functionality
Integral types
Floating lypes Arithmetic types
char signed char short i nt unsigned short unsigned rToat double Integra/types + Floating types
unsigned char long unsigned long long double
, 6.3 •
Characters and the Data Type char
These collective names arc a convenience. For e.xample, in Chapter 9, "Arrays and Pointers," when we discuss arra)'s. we explain that onJy integral expressions arc allowed as subscripts, meaning that expressions involving integral types arc allowed.
~~ Characters and the Data Ttpe char
In C. variables of any integral type can be used 10 represent characters. in particular, both char and int variables arc used for this purpose. As we saw in Chapter 5. ~Characler Processing," when a variable is used 10 read in characters and a leSI must be made for EOF, the viJriablc should be of type int, not char. Constants such as 'a and r +' that we think of as characters arc 01" type; nt. not of type char. There arc no constants of type char. Recall that characters arc treated as small integers and. conversely. small integers arc treated as characters. In particular, any lntegral expression can be printed either in the format of a character or an integer. I
char c = 'a' ; i nt i = 65; printf("%c", c + 1) ; pri ntf("%d", c + 2) ; printf("%c" • i + 3);
I" I" I"
'a' has ASCII encoding 97 "I 65 is ASCII encoding for 'A' b is printed "I /" 99 is printed "I /" o is printed "I
In C. each char is stored in one b}'IC of memory. On almOSl all machines. a bYle is composed of eight hils. Lei us see how a char is slored in memory at the bit level. Consider the declaration
We can think of C sLOred in one byte of memory as
Here, each box represents a bi!, and the bits are numbered beginning with the least significant bi!. The bils making up a byte arc either on or off, and these slales are represented by I and 0, respectively. This leads us to think of each byte in memory as a slring of eighl binary digits. Strlngs of binary digits arc also called bit strings. We can Ihink of the variable c SlOred In memory as Ihe bit strlng 01100001
J' 206
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
r.'1orc generally, each machine word can be thought of as a string of binary digits grouped into bytes.
A string of binary digits is interpreted as a binary number. Before we describe how this is done, recall hmv strings of decimal dig-its are interpreted as decimal numbers. Consider, for example, lhe decimal number 10,753. Ils value is given by
Morc generally, a decimal positional nwnbcf is written in the form
where cach d j is a decimal digit. It has the value
A binary, or base two, positional number is written in the form
where cach b i is a binary digit, either 0 or 1. It has the valuC' b n X 2/l + b 11-1 x
+ ..
Now leI us consider the value for c again. " was stored in a bytc as 011 DUO aI. This binary number has the value IxI 6 + Ix 2 5 + 0x2 4 + 0x2 3 + 0x2 2 + 0x2 1 + lx2 1
which is 64 + 32 + 1, Of 97 in decimal notation. ANSI C provides the three types char, signed char, and unsigned char. Typically, the type char is equivalcnlto either signed char or unsigned char, depending on the compiler. Each of the three char types is stored in one byte, which can hold 256 distinct values. For a signed char, the values go from -128 to 1'2.7. For an unsigned char, the values go from 0 to 233.
The data type i nt is the principal working type of the C language. This type, along with lhe olher integ-ral types, such as char, short:, and long, is designed for working with the integer values that can be represented on a machine. In mathematics Ihe natural numbers are 0,1,2,3, ..., and these numbers, along with their negatives, comprise the integefs. On a machine, only a finite pOI'· tion of these integers is representable for a given imegrallype.
The Data Type int
Typically, an i nt is stored in a machine word, Some computers use a machine word of two bytes (16 bits); others use a machine word of four b)'leS (32 bils). There are other possibilities, but many machines fall within these two classes. Personal computers, for example, use 2-byte words; 4-bytc words arc used by highend personal compUlers and workstations made by Apollo, Hewletl-Packard, Nc.xt, Silicon Graphics, Sun, and others. Also, many kinds of mainframes have 4-b) te machine words. Because the word size varies from one machine to another, the number of distinci values an i nt can hold is machine~dependent. Suppose we
If, on the other hand, we are using computer Ihat has 2·bytc words, Ihen an int can take on only 2 16 distinct states. Again, half of ,hese Slates are lIsed to represent negative integers, and half arc used to represent nonnegative integers: _2 15 , _2 15 +1, ... "
, -3, -3, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, , .... , ZH_1
Let Nmi n_ i nt represent the smallest integer that can be. slOre.d in a,n. ~ nt, an~ let Nm
with the end points of the range being machine·dcpendenL The typical situation is as follows:
On machines with 4-byte words: =
-1 =- +2147483647
~2 billion +2 billion
On machines with 2-b)'lc words: 15
"-in- int = _2 15 N.a.x int = +2 - 1
= +32767
-3211lOusand +32thousand
On any machine the following code is symaclically correCl:
.J' Chapter 6 •
The. Fundamental Data Type5
/. 2 billion */
int main(void) {
a. b
= BIG.
/* out of range? */
I-Iowe\'er, al fun-lime the variable a may be assigned a.n incorrect value. The logical value or the expression b + cis 4 billion, which probably is greater lhan Nmacint. [1' it is, the addition causes whal is called an integer over{1olV. Typically, when an intcl4cr overflow occurs, the program continucs to run, but with log-ically incorrect results. For this f(:"ason, the programmer must strive al all times to kccp the values of integer expressions wilhin the proper range. In addition to decimal inlcgcr constants, there arc hexadecimal integer con-
slanls, such itS 0xla. and oClal integer constants, such as 0377. l\.lany C program· mers have no particular need for hexadecimal and octal numbers, but all programmers have 10 know that inle~ers thal begin wilh a leading zero are not decimal inte~crs. For example, 11 and 011 do not have the same value.
r v_, ,,~
The Integral Types short, long, and unsigned
In C. the data lype i nt is considered the ~nalural" or "usu,lI" type for working with integers. The olher integral types, such as char, short, and long, arc intended for more specialized usc. The data lype short, for e:'\ample. mighl be used when slorage is a concern. The compiler may provide less storage for a short than for an i nt although it is not required to do so. In a similar fashion, the type long might be used when large integer values are needed. The compiler may provide more slorage for along than for an i nt, although it is not required to do so. Typically, a short is stored in two bytes, and a long is stored in four bytes. Thus on machines with 4-byte words. the size of an i nt is the S
15 Nlllin short = _2 15 Nmall_short = +2
-32768 .. -3211IOu,wl/1d - 1 = +32767 .. +32 rllOusand
.I' 6.5 •
The Integral Typer short, long, and unsIgned
If bi 9 is a variable of type long, then the range of values lhat big can take on is given by
31 Nmin - long"" _2 31 '" -2147483648 • -2 billion Nlla__long '" +2 -1 '" +2147483647 • +2lJillion
A variable of type uns; gned is stored in the same number of b}1CS as an ; nt. Howc\cr, as the name implies, the intcJ.:er values stored have no sign. Typically, variables of I}rpc ; nt and uns; gned an: stored in a machine word. If u is a variable of type unsigned, then the range of values u (all take on is given by
2wordsize - 1
The l}pical situation is as follows: On machines with -I-byte words Nma)ullsigned
2 32 - 1 '" +4294967295 '" +4 billion
On machines with 2-bY1C words: N-.ax_unsigned '" 2 32 - 1 = +65535 .. +6.5 thousand
Arithmetic on unsigned variables is pcrf'ormcdmodulo 2wordsi/l' (sec exercise 17 on page 236). Suffixes can be appended to an inte~er constant to spedf') its type. The 1)'Pe of an unsuffL"ed inleger constanl is either i nt, long, or uns; gned long, The system chooses the first of these I)'pes Ihal can represent the value. For example, on machines with 2-byte words, the constant 32000 is of type; nt, but 33000 is of type long. Combining long and unsigned Suffix
U 1 0' l ul or UL
unsigned long unsigned long
37U 37l 37UL
u 0'
J' Chapter 6
The Fundamental Data Types
~~ Floating Types ANSI C provides the three floating t}rpcs: float. double, and long double. Variables of this type can hold real values such as 0.00 I, 2.0, and 3.14159. A suffix can be appended to a floating constant 10 specify ils type. Any unsurfixcd floating constant is of type double. Unlike other languages, the working floating type in C is double, not float. Combining float and unsigned
f or F
1 0' l
long double
Integers are representable as lloaling constants, but they must be wrillen with a decimal point. For example, the constants 1. 0 and 2.0 are both 01' l}rpe daub 1e, whereas the constant 3 is an ; nt. In addition to the ordinary decimal notalion for floating constants, there is an exponential notation, as in the example 1. 234567e5. This corresponds to the scientific notation 1.234567 x 105. Recaillhat 1.234567 x lOs"" 1.234567 x 10 x lOx lOx 10 x 10 .234567 x 100000 = 123456.7 (decimal point shifted nve places)
= ]
In a similar fashion, the number 1. 234567e-3 calls for shifting the decimal point three places 10 Ihe left to obtain Ihe equivalent constant 0.001234567. Now we wanl 10 carefully describe lhe exponential nolation. After we give the precise rules, we show some examples. A lloaling constanl such as 333. 77777e22 may not conlain any embedded blanks or spedal characters. Each parI of the constant is given a name. Floating·point constant parts for 333. 7777e-22 Integer
A noating constant may contain an integer part, a decimal point, a fractional part, and an exponential part. A noating conSlant must contain either a decimal point or an exponential part or both. If a decimal point is present, either an integer part
6.6 •
The Floating Types
21 I
or fractional part or both mUSl be present. If no decimal point is present, then there must be an integer part along with an exponential part. Some examples of noaling constants arc 3.14159
314.15ge-2F 000 1.
/* of type float w/ /* equivalent to 0.0 */ /* equivalent to 1.O, but harder to read *1
but not
3.14,159 314159
.00 -3.14159
/* comma not allowed *1 /v decimal point or exponent part needed *1 /* integer or fractional part needed */ 1* this ;s floating constant expression *1
T)'pically. a C compiler prOVides morc slOragc for a variable of type double than for onc of type float. although it is not required to do so. On most machines
where each d, is a decimal digit; the first digit, d" is positive; and -38 S "s +38. The representation of a float value in a machine is actually in base two, not base ten, butlhc ideas as presented give the correct flavor. A double on many machines has an approximate precision of IS si/-:nificant figures and approximate range of 10- 308 to 10+ 30 1:1, This means that a positive double value is represented in the machine in the following form (approximately):
where each d, is a decimal digit; the first digit, d. is positive; and -308 Suppose x is a variable of type double. Then the statement
n ~ +308.
l' 21 2
Chapter 6
The Fundamental Data Types
/* 20 significant digits */
resuJts in)( being assigned a value lhal is stored in the form (approximately): 0.123451234512345 x 10+ 3
(IS significant digits)
The main points you must be aware of are (1) not all real numbers arc representable. and (2) floating arithmetic operations, unlike the integer arithmetic operations, need nOl be exact. For small computations this is usually of no concern. For vcry large computations, such as numerically solving a large system of ordinary different ial equations, a good understanding of rounding effects, scaling, and so on may be necessary. This is the domi:lin of numerical analysis.
~~ The sizeof Operator C provides the unary operator si zeof to find the number of bytes needed to store an object. It has the same precedence and associativity as aU the other unary operators. An expression of the form si zeof(objecl) returns an integer that represents the number of bytes needed to store the object in memory. An object can be a t}rpc such as int or float:. or it can be an expression such as a + b. or it can be an arra}' or structure t}'Pe. The following program uses this operator. On a given machine. it provides precise information about the storage requirements for the fundamental types.
/* Compute the size of some fundamental types.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
printf("Size of some fundamental types computed. \n\n"); pri ntf(" char :%3d byte \n". si zeof(char)) ; pri ntf(" short :%3d bytes\n". si zeof(short)) ; printf(" int:%3d bytes\n". sizeof(int)); pri ntf(" 10ng:%3d bytes\n". sizeof(long)); printf(" unsigned:%3d bytes\n" , sizeof(unsigned)); pri ntf(" float:%3d bytes\n" , sizeof(float)); pri ntf(" double:%3d bytes\n" , sizeof(double)); printf("long double:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(long double)); return 0; }
6.8 •
Marhemalical Functions
Because the C language is nexible in its storage requirements for the fundamental types, Ihe situation can vary from one machine to another. However, it is guaran~ teed that sizeof(char) 1 s;zeof(short) S sizeof(int) S sizeof(long) sizeof(signed) = sizeof(unsigned) = sizeof(int) sizeof(float) s sizeof(double) $ sizeof(long double) Moreover. all the signed and unsigned versions of each of the integral types are guaranteed to have the same sizc. ) as if it were a function. However, Ihis Notice that we wrote si zeof( ... is not so-it is an operator. If sizeof is being applied to a type, then parentheses arc required; otherwise they arc optional. For e:'
sizeof a + b + 7.7
arc equlvalenl expressions. The lype of the value returned by the operator is typically unsigned. This is ~wstem·dependenl.
~athematical Functions There are no built-in mathematical functions in C. Functions such as sqrtO
are available in the mathematics library, which is conceptually part of the standard library. In traditional C systems, the mathematics library is often considered to be separate. On such systems the -1m option or some other option may be needed to compile a program thaI uses mathematical functions (sec Section 6.13, MSystem Considerations," on page 228). All of the preceding functions e.xcept the power function, pawO, take a single argument of type double and return a value of l)'Pe double. The power function lakes two arguments of type daub 1e and returns a value of type doub 1e. Our next program iIlustrales the use of sqrtO and powO. The program asks the user to input a value for x, and then prints il out, along with the square root of.\: and the value of.\: raised to the x POW{'f.
Chaprer 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) {
printf("\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n" , "The square root of x and x rai sed", "to the x power wi 11 be computed.", "---");
while (1) { 1* do it. forever *1 printf("Input x: "); scanf("%l f", &x); if (x >= 0.0) pri ntf("\n%1Ss%22 . 15e\n%15s%22 .15e\n%15s%22 .15e\n\n", x = " ,x, "sqrt(x) '" ", sqrt(x), "pow(x, x) = ", pow(x, x)); else pri ntf("\n$orry, number must be nonnegative. \n\n");
return 0; }
If wc exccutc the program and enter 2 whcn prompted, here is whal appears on the scrcen: The square root of x and x raised to the x power will be computed. Input x:
x • 2.0000000000000000+000 sqrt(x) 1.414213562373095e+000 pow(x, x) : 4.0000000000000000+000 Input x:
6.8 •
Mathemarical Functions
Dissection of the sqrLpow Program •
#include <stdio.h> #include
Thes(' header files contain function prototyp('s. In particular. mOlh.h contains the prototypes for the functions in th(' mathematics library. As an alternative to including math.h, wc can suppl}' our own function prototypes: double
sqrt(double), pow(double, double);
This declaration can be placed in th(' file above mainO or in the bod}' of mai nO itself. •
while (1) {
1* do it forever *1
Because any nonzero value is considered to be true, the expression 1 creates an infinite whi 1e loop. The user is expet:tcd to input values repeatedly and to interrupt the program when finished. •
scanf("%lf", &x);
The format %1 f is used in the control string because x is a daub 1 e. A common error is to usc %f instead of%lf. Notice Ihat we typed 2 to illustrate the usc of this program. We could have typed 2.0. 2e0, or 0. 2el; the function call scanf("%lf", &x) would have convened each or these to the same doub1e. In C. source code 2 and 2.0 are different The first is of type i nt. and the second is of type double. The input stream that is read by scanfO is not source code. so the rules for source code do not apply. When scanfO reads in a daub1e, the number 2 is jusl as good as the number 2 .0 (sec Sec· tion 13.2, "Conversion Specifications," on page 436). •
i f (x >= 0.0)
Because lhc square rool function is defined only for nonnegalivc numbers, a test is made to ensure that (he value of x is nonnegative. A call such as sqrt( -1. 0) causes a run·lime error (sec exercise 19 on page 236).
J' Chapter 6
The Fundamenral Data Types
pri ntfC"\n%15s%22 .15e\n%15s%22 .1Se\n%lSs%22 .15e\n\n", " x == ,x, "sqrt(x) == ", sqrt(x),
"pow(x, x) = ", pow(x, x));
Notice that wC' arc printing daubl e values in the format %22 .15e. This results in one place to the left of the decimal point and 15 places to the right, 16 significant places in all. On our machine, only n places arc valid, where n is betwC'cn 15 and 16. n is variable because of the conversion from binary to decimal. You can ask for lots of decimal places to be printed, but you should nol believe all that you read.
Conversions and Casts - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------An arithmetic expression such as x + y has both a value and a type. For example, if both x and y have type; nt, then the expression x + y also has type i nt:. But if both x and y have type short, then x + y is of type int:, not short. This is because in any expression, a short is always promoted, or converted, to an i nt. In this section \ve want to give the precise rules for conversions.
The Integral Promotions A char or short, either si gned or unsi gned, or an enumeration type can be used in any expression where an i nt or unsi gned i nt may be used (see Chapter 7, "Enumerat ion Types and typedef"). If all the values of the original type can be rep· resenLec! by an i nt, the value is ((lllverted to all i nt; othernise it is converted to an unsi gned i nt. This is called an integral promolion. Here is all example: char
pri ntf("%c\n", c); The char variable c occurs by itself as an argument to printf(). However, because an integral promotion takes place, the type of the expression c is i nt, not char.
6.9 •
Conversions and Casts
The Usual Arithmetic Conversions
Arithmetic conversions can occur when the operands of a binary operator arc evaluated. Suppose that i is oil int and f is a float. In the expression i + f, 'he operand i is promoted to il float and the expression i + f as a whole hos type float. The rules governing this are called the usual arithmelic coM\'crsions. Usual Arithmetic Conversions
1 If either operond is of t}1l(, long double, the other operand is converted 10 long double. 2 Otherv.ise, if either operand is of type doubl e, the other operand is converted to doub 1e. 3 Otherwisl', if either operand is of t}l)e float, the other operand is conwrted to float. 4 OtherWise, the integral promotions are performed on both operands, and the folJowing rules are applied: A [I' I:'ither operand is of type unsigned long, the other operand is converted to unsigned long. B OtherWise, if one operand has type long and the other has type unsi gned, then one of 1\\'0 possibilities occurs: If a long can represent all the values of an unsigned, then the oper<:md 01' type unsi gned is converted to long. If a long cannot represent all the values of an unsi gned, then both of the operands are converted to unsigned long.
01 her\'dse, if either oper<.md has type long, the other operand is
converted to long. o
Othen\ise, if either operand has type unsigned, the other operand is converted to unsi gned.
Otherwise, both oper<.mds have type i nt.
This process goes under various names: automatic conversion, implicit conversion, coercion, promotion, or Widening. The idea of automatic conversions is shown in the follOWing declarations and mixed expressions, with their corresponding types.
, 218
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Dala Types
char c;
short s;
unsigned u;
unsigned long ul; long double 1d;
double d;
int i; float f;
c - s / ;
i nt
• •
• s •
2.0 - ;
7 7
c + 3
c + 5.0
ld + c
d + s
; / 1
- ; - ; u1
unsigned float
unsigned long
long double unsigned long
In addition to aUlOmaLic conversions in mixed expressions, an automatic con-
version can occur across an assignment. For
d '" i
causes the value 01" i, which is all int, to be (onvcrlcd to a double and then assigned lO d; double is the type of the expression as a whole. A promotion or widening such as d ,. i is usually well behaved. but a narrowing or demotion
such as i ,., d can lose information. Here, the fractional parI of d is discarded. Precisely what happens in each case is system-dependent.
In addition to implicil c:;onversions, which can occur across assignments and in mixed expressions, there arc explidl wnversions (ailed casf.... If i is an i nt, then
(double) i casls the value of i so the expression has Type doubl e. The variable i itself remains unchanged. CaSIS can be applied 10 c.xpressions. Some examples are (1ong) CA' + 1.0) ~ (float) «int) y + 1) (double) (x ~ 77)
hut not
(double) x
It equivalent to
«double) x)
77, error *1
6.10 •
P"oblem Solving: Computing Inrerest
The cast operator (type) is a unary operator having the same precedence and rightto-left associativily itS Olher unary operators. Thus the cxpression (float) i + 3
is equivalent
((float) i) + 3
because the cast opemlOr (type) has higher precedence than +.
r~ Problem Solving: Computing Interest Evcryone is familiar wilh putting monc~' into a savings account to e,un interest. In the business world many transactions and agTcemcnlS involve the borrowing and lending of money with interesl. To illustrate some of the ideas presented in this chapler, wc show how to compute interest Ihal is compounded yearly. In exercise 12 on page 234. we indicate how to compute interest compounded quartcrl~ and daily. Suppose thaI we put IJdollars into a savings account that pays 7 percenl interest compounded yeurly. Al the end of the first year we have P, our original principal, plus 7 percenl of P, lhe earned inlerest. Because 7 percenl of Pis 0.07 x P. we have in our savings account P+ 0.07
X ,)
or equivalenlly
1.07 x P
Al lhe end of every year, 10 find lhe amount in our savings account, we take lhe amounl that we Slarled wilh at lhc bCj.(inning of the rem and multiply it by 1.07. Thus we have
J' Chaprer 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
at the end of the first year at the end of the second year at the end of the trurd year
1.07 x P 1.07 x ( 1.07 x P) 1.07 x ( 1.07 2 x PI
or or
I.Oi~ x P 1.07 3 x P
al the end of the nth year
1.07 x ( 1.07 n-J x p)
1.07/1 x P
We want 10 use these ideas to write an interactive program 10 compute interest that is compounded )'carly. Values corresponding to principal, interest raIl', and number of years are supplied by the user. Our top-down design of this program is to print instructions, read in values. compute the interest, and print out the results. Following Ihis structured design, we write the program (a consist of mainO and the three functions prn_instructionsO, computeO, and prnJesultsO. Let us suppose these functions aTC all in the file interesl.c. AI the lOp of the file we put our #include line, the function prototypes, and mainO.
/* Compute interest compounded yearly. */ 'include <stdio.h> double void void
compute(double p, double r, int n); prn_instructions(void); prn_results(double a, double p, double r, int n);
int main(void) (
double double double int
amount; principal; rate; nyears;
/* principal ~ interest */ /* beginning amount in dollars */ /* example: 7% corresponds to 0.07 */ /* number of years */
prn_instructions(); for ( ; ; ) ( printf("Input three items: "); scanf("%l f%l f%d", &pri nci pal, &rate, &nyears); amount = compute(principal, rate, nyears); prn_results(amount, principal, rate, nyears); }
return 0; }
Notice that we wrote the function prototypes ncar the top of the file outside of mainO. Although we could have wrillen them inside mainO, they are typically written outside, or in an included .h file. The remaining function definitions follow mai nO in this same file.
6. I 0 •
Problem Solving: Computing Interesr
void prn_instructions(void) {
printf("%s" •
"This program computes interest compounded yearly. \n" "Input principal, interest, and no. of years.\n" "For $1000 at 5.5% for 17 years here is example:\n\n" "Example input: 1000 5.5 17\0\0"); }
Before we show the code for the rest of the program, it is helpful to sec what the program docs. Suppose we execute the program and input 1000.00. 7.7, and 20 when prompted. Here is what appears on the screen:
This program computes interest compounded yearly. Input principal, interest, and no. of years.
For S1000 at 5.5% for 17 years here is example: Example input:
Input three items: Interes t rate: Time period:
20 years
Beginning principal: Interest accrued: Total amount:
1000.00 2869.68 3869.68
In rnai nO, the value returned by the function call computeO is assigned to the variable amount. This value represents the principal and interest at the end of the period. The computation of this value is al the heart of the program.
double compute(double principal, double rate, int nyears) {
; nt double
i ,.
rate *= 0.01; j* example: convert 7% to 0.07 'ltj for (i = 0; i < nyears; ++i) amount *= 1.0 + rate; return amount; }
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental DatQ Types
Dissection of the compute() Function •
double compute(double principal, double rate, int nyears) {
;; amount: principal;
The first double tells the compiler that this function returns a value of that type. The parameter list contains three identifiers: two doubles and an into In the body of the funClion we initialize amount 10 pr; nei pal, the amount of money with which we began the computation.
rate *; 0.01;
/. example: convert 7% to 0.07 */
or the three values entered b}' the user, the middle one, 7, indicates that 7 percent is to be used in the calculation. This value is stored as a daub 1e in
the variable rate in mainO. and then rate is passed as an argument to computeO. nlis statement comerlS the value of rate to 0.07, which is whal we need in our algorithm. Nole thm rate in mainO is not changed by Ihis SlalCmcm. II is only a copy of rate Lhal is used in computeO. •
for (i = 0; ; < nyears; Hi) amount *= 1.0 + rate;
If rate has valuc 1).07, then 1.0 + rate has value 1.07. and every lime throu~h the loop, amount is multiplied by 1.07. Recause amount was initialized to pri nei pa1, Ihe first time through the loop, amount has the value 1.07 times Ihe ,·atue of pri nei pa 1; the second time through the loop, its value is 1.072 times the value of pri nei pa 1; and so forlh. At the end of the loop its valuc is 1.07nr l'3rs limes the value of pri nei pa1. •
return amount;
The vnlue of the vtlritlblc amount is returned to the calling environment.
~inallr, back in mai n (), we want 10 print the resulls of our computation on Ihe screen. \\e pass the relevant variables as arguments to the prn_resul tsO function and call il.
6.10 •
Problem Solving: Computing Interest
void prnJesults(double a, double p, double r, int n) {
- p;
/* amount - principal */
printf("\n%s%g%c\n%s%d%s\n\n", "Interest rate: ", r, 'X', " Time period: ", n, .. years"); pri ntf("%s%9. 2f\n%s%9. 2f\n%s%9. 2f\n\n" , "Beginning principal:", p, " Interest accrued:", interest, Total amount:", a); }
Notice that we used the formal %g 10 suppress the printing of extraneous zeros, and %9. 2f 10 align numbers on Ihe screen. Next, we wanl to show how 10 simplify our program by making usc of powO in the mathematical library. This function lakes as arguments two expressions of type double and returns a value of type double. A function call such as pow(x, y) computes the value of x raised to the y power. Here is how we modify our program. Because powO takes the place of camputeO. we discard the code making up the function definition for computeO, as well as its function prototype near the lop of the file. To get the function prototype for powO, we G.1Il add the line #include <math.h> Alternatively, we can supply the funclion prototype ourselves. double
pow(double, double);
Finally, we replace the statement amount
= compute(principal,
rate, nyears);
\\ith the statCl11cnlS rate *= 0.01; amount = pow(1.0 + rate, (double) nyears) * principal; Noticc that nyears has been cast 10 a double. With the use of function prolOtyping, this cast is llot necessary; any int value passed lO powO is aUlOmalica.lly converted to a double. If, howcver, we arc using a traditional C compiler in which funclion protot}'Ping is not available, lhen the cast is essential.
J' 224
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental DatD Types
A common probrramming style IS \0 usc the identifiers i, j, k. m, and n as variables of type i nt, and to usc identiriers such as x, y, and z as floating variables. This naming convention is loosely applied in mathematics, and hisl0riGllly, some carly progT,lInming languages assumed 1hal u variable name beginning \vith i through n
was an
type by default. This style is still acceptable in simple situ,\lions,
such as using i .IS a counler in a for or whi 1e loop. [n more complicated situa-
tions, howc\ cr, yOli should use "<'mabie names thaI describe their use or purpose. Some programmers dislike the deliberate lise of infinilc loops. IIow('"er, if a program is meam to be used ani) interacti\'cl), the practice is acccptable. In our program lhal compules accrued interesl in Seclion (i I0, ~Problem Sol\'ing: Computing Inlcrest," all page 22J, \\e llsed the followlll~ construc!: for ( ; ; ) { pri ntf("Input three i terns: "); scanf("%lf%lf%d", &principal, &rate, &nyears);
, "
6.12 •
Common Programming Errors
The intem here is for the user to input data int~raclively. The user docs this repeatcdl) until he or she is finished, at \,hich time an interrupl signal musl be typed «onlrol-c on our system). Advantages of Ihis coding 51) Ie arc that it is simple, and !he reader of the code sees immcdialcl)' that sOlllclhing is being done repeatedl)' until an interrupl occurs. A disadvanlage of this style is Ihat on some s)stems, redirecting the input to the program docs not work (sec exercise J() on page 23~). It is easy 10 adopt another. more conservathe sl)le. Here we can wri!e instead printf("Input three items: "); while (scanf("%lf%lf%d", &principal, &rate. &nyears) ~= 3) { printf("Input three items:
Now the inleracthe user (an either interrupt the program as before or end the prog-r= 0.0
is equivalent 10
x >= 0
Konetheless. the usc of the first expression is considered good progr
is preferable to
1 / 3.0
Again, due to automatic conversion, the values of both expressions arc the same. I-Iowever, because in the first expression both the numer
Common Programming Errors On machines with 2·by!c words, the problem of integer overflow can occur easily. It is the responsibiliT)' or the programmer to keep vailles within proper bounds. The typc long should be used for inte~er \alues larger than 32,000. In a pri ntfO or scanfO slatcmcnT. a formal such as X.d, which is appropriate for an into m
.I' 226
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
version character d stands for long. Similarly, when using a short, the format %hd should be used. [n Ims context the modifier h preceding the conversion character stands for shorr.
Lei us show a specific C'xample that illustrates what can go wrong. \Ve assume thut we are on a machine with 2-byte words. ; nt
a "" 1. b
pr; ntf("%d\n", a + b + c);
1* error: -31759 is pr; oted '1
The expression a + b + C is of type i nt, and on machines with 2-byte words the logical value ::n,77? is too large to be stored in an i nt. One way to fix this code is to write
1, b
1776, C
printf("%ld\n", (long) a + b + c);
1* 33777 is printed */
Because of operator precedence, the two expressions (long) a + b + c
(((long) a) + b) + c
are equivalent. First, a is cas I 10 lype long. This causes the other summands to be promoted to type long and t.:auses the expression (long) a + b + c as a whole to be of type long. Finally, the %1 d format is used to print the value of the expression. Note carefully that using the Xd formal v','Quld have caused a wrong value 10 be printed. In a similar fashion, when using scanfO to read values into along, the format %1 d should be used. \Vith printfO, the programmer can use the format Xf 10 output either a float or a double. However, with scanfO, the format%f must be used to input a float, and the formal %1 f must be used to input a double. This dicholOmy is confusing to beginning programmers. If the wrong format is used, unexpected results occur. Typically, a C system provides no indicalion of the error (sec exercise 2 on page 231). Using imeger t.:onstants in what is meant to be a J10ating expression can produce unintended results. AJthough the expressions 1/2 and 1. 0/2.0 look similar, the first is an i nt having value zero, whereas the second is a doubl e having value 0.). To minimize the chance of using the first expression in a situation in \vhich the second is correct, get into the habit of coding J10ating constants in floating expressions. If, for example, the variable x is a float, and you want to assign zero as its value, it is better to code x = 0.0 rather than x = 0.
6.13 •
System Considerafions
Another common programming error is to pass an argument of the wrong type to a function. Consider, for example. the funclion callsqrt:(4). If the programmer has provided a protot)'Pe for the sqrtO function, the compiler auto· matically converts the int value 410 a double, andlhe function call GlUS~S no difficulty. If the programmer has nol provided a ftmclion prototype. the program runs but with logically incorrect results. Tradilional C s)stems do nol have the function prototype mechanism. On these s)stems. the programmer should \\fite sqrt(4.0)
sqrt((double) 4)
A good programming style is 10 provide prototypes for all funclions. This helps the compiJer to guard against the error of invoking a fllnclion wilh inappro· priate arguments. On machines with 2-byte words, a cast is sometimes nceded 10 make a constant expression bchave properly. Here is an example: long
(long) 2 * 3 *S * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17;
Without the casl. this initialization has unexpected behavior.
Throughout this chapter we havc explained what normally happens on machines with 2· and -t-byte words. Howcver, the nolion of a machine having either 2- or-t· byte words is somewhat difficult to pin down. Intel produces a Pentium chip (hat is commonly used as the (PU in personal compulers. These (;omputers arc oflen called "Pentium machines." In any case. the chip has a -l-byte word; ho\\CVCf, if the operating syslem on thc machine is MS-DOS, it mar act as if it has a 2-b)'le word. If this happens, then the operating system is not using the full power of the CPU. The same machine with the UNIX operating system on it acts as a 4-bytc machine. Thc computing world has been slowly corning to agreement on how f10aling values should be represented in machines. In this regard, Ihe ANSI (committec suggests that the recommendalions in thc document IEEE Standard (or Binary Floating-Poinl Aril hmelic (ANSI/IEEE Std 754- 1985) be followed. On most machines that usc this standard, a double has an approximate precision of IS significanl figures and an approximate range of 10- 308 to lO-t308. Another effect of this standard is that division b) zero, or tf)ing 10 deal with numbers Olliside the range of a double. does not necessarily result in a run·lime error. Instead,
.I' 228
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
Some C S}SlCmS still treat the mathematics library as separate from the standard libra!). On these systems, the loader may not be able to find the object code corresponding to a mathematical function such as sqrt 0 unJess you lell it where to look. On Iniln} older UNLX systems. the option -1m is needed. For example.
cc pgm.c -1m Note the unusual placement of the option. This is because it is for the loader, nol the compiler. Rccallihal the cccommand invokes first the preprocessor, then the compiler, and finally the loader. On all C systems, the types short. int, and long are equivalent to signed short, signed int, and signed long, respectively. With respeci to the type char, however, the situation is system-dependent. A char can be equivalent to either a si gned or unsigned char. The type long double is a new addition to the C language. Some C systems treat il as a double; others provide extended precision. In Turbo C. a long double is stored in ten byles. On a Sun workstation, a long double is stored in I (j bytes, providing approximalely 33 significant digits of precision. The absolule \alue function absO is provided in the standard library. Howe\'er, it takes an int argument and returns an int value_ This means it is nOlthe function that corresponds to the usual mathematical operation of taking the abso· lute value of a real number. The corrett function for this use is fabsO, the noating-point absolute value function. It is in the standard library. and its function protoL) pe is in math.h. C is a general-purpose language, but il is also suited for writing opcraling system code. Syslem programmers frequently have 10 deal with the explicit representaLion of values stored in a b)'le or a word. Hccause hexadecimal and octal integers are useful for these purposes, the)' were included as part of the C lan~uage. 1-10\\1. ever. we do not make explicit use of them in Ihis text.
Moving to C++ C++ allows user-defined types lo be used as if they were native lypes. A 1400d illuslration of this is the type complex provided by comple;l(.h: //Roots of quadratic equations. #include #include
int main(void) {
complex zl, 22; double a o b o Co discriminant; (out « "ENTER A B C from Ax*x + Bx + C . n .0 dn » a » b » c-o di sed m; nant = b • b 4· a • c-o i f (discriminant> 0.0) { zl " (b + sqrt(discriminant» / (2 • a) ; sqrt(discriminant» / (2 • a) ; z2 = (b ~
else i f (discriminant =3 0.0) zl = z2 : b / ( 2 • a);
else { zl (b + sqrtC-discriminant» z2 = (b - sqrt(-discriminant» )
cout « «
/ (2 / (2
• •
"ROOTS in complex terms are ." « z2 « endl;
a) ;
a); z1 «
In this program complex and double variables are mixed seamlessl)'. Such mLxing allows C programming to be readily extended into many new domains without burdening the general programming community with learning or using alllhe additional types.
"~ ~Jj
The compiler needs to know the type and value of con~lanls, variables, and expressions; this information allows it lO set aside thc right amount of space in memory to hold values and to issue the correct kind of instructions to the machine to carry oul specified operations.
The fundamental data types are char, short, int, long, unsigned versions of these, and three noating types. The type char is a i-byte integral t}'pe mostly used for representing characters.
The t}'pe i nt is designed to be the "natural" or "working" integral type. The other integral types such as short, long, and unsigned arc provided for more specialized situations.
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
Three lIoating types-float, double, and long double-arc provided to represent real numbers. Typically, a float is stored in four bytcs and a double in eight. Unlike integer arithmetic, noating arithmetic is not always exact. The type double, not float, is the "working" type.
The type long doubl e is available in ANSI C but not in traditional C. On some C systems, a long double is implemented as a double; on other systcms, a long double provides more precision than a daub 1e.
The unary operator sizeof Gin be used to find the number of bytes nceded to store a type or the value of an expression. The expression si zeof(i nt) has the valLlc 2 on machines with 2·bytc words and has the value 4 on machincs with 4-byte words.
In ANSI C, the mathematical libr
~'lost of the functions in the mathematical library take a single org:ument of type double and return a value of type doubl e. The function powO is an exception. It takes two arguments of type double and returns a value of type double.
Automatic conversions occur in mLxed expressions and across an equal sign. Casts can be used to force explicit conversions.
Integer constants beginning with 0x and 0 designate hexadecimal and octal integers, respectively.
Suffixes can be Llscd to explicitly spedfy the type of a constant. For example, 3U is of type unsigned and 7 .0F is of type float..
Not all real numbers are machine-representable; there are too many of them. Thus the numbers (hal are available on a machine have a "graininess" to Ihelll. As an example of Ihis, [he code double double
x y
123.45123451234512345; 123.45123451234512300; /* last two digits different */ %.17f\n", x, y);
causes two identical numbers to be printed. I [0\'1 many ZcfOS must be at the end of the Initiallzer for y (0 have diflcrenl numbers printed'! Explain your answer. 2 Iflhe number 3.777 is truncaled 10 two decimal places, it becomes 3.77, bUI if it is rounded to two plal.:es, it becomes 3.78. Write a test program to find oul whether pri ntfO truncates or rounds when printing a float or doubl e with a fractional parI. 3 If you usc a library function and do not declare it, the compiler assumes thaI
the function returns an int value by defaul!. (This idea was discussed in Chapter 4, "Functions and Structured Programming.") Consider the follOWing code: double
cos (double) , x, y;
/* sine) not declared */
whlle (1) { printf("Input a number: "); seanf("%lf", &x); y = s;n(x) * s;n(x) + cas (x) * eos(x); pr; ntf("\n%s%.15g\n%s%.15e\n\n" , "x = ", x, "sin(x) .. sin(x) + eas(l() .. eas(l() '"
This code. wh<:,n correctly wrillen, illustrates the mathemalical fact thaI sin 2 (x) + eos 2 (x)
for all x real
Note that the function prototype for sinO is missing. E'o:cculc the code with lhe correl.:! decliuntion so you underSland its proper effecls. Then experiment to sec what the effcct is when the sinO funclion is not declared. Docs your compiler complain? 11 should.
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Doto Types
4 Using the %f format with scanfO to read in
pri ntfC"Input a number: ") ; scanfC"%f". &x); /* error: wrong format */ printfC"\nHere it is: %f\n". x); 5 Write a program 111"1 prints a t"ble of trigonometric values for sinO, cosO, and tanO. The angles in your table should go from zero 10 It in 20 steps. 6 If }'our machine Slores an int in lwo b}1CS. run the following program and
explain its outpul. If your machine stores an int in four bytes. change the value of the symbolic constant BIG to 2000000000 before running the program. /ldefi ne
/* 32 thousand is big? */
int mainCvoid) {
i nt unsigned
u = BIG + BIG;
pri nt f C"\n%s%d\n%s%d\n%s%u\n%s%u\n\n" • "i with %d format is" i, "u with %d format is u, "i with %u format is i, "u wi th %u format is u); return 0; }
7 The following titble shows how many bytes are required on mosl machines lo slore some of the fundamentallypes. What are the appropriate values for your machine'! Execute the program presented in Section 6.7. "The sizeof OperalOr,n on page 212, and complete the table.
• Fundamental type
Memo ry requi red on mach ines with 4·byte words
Memory required on machines with 2-byte words
I byte
I bytc
2 bytes
2 bytcs
; nt
4 byte s
2 byh.'S
4 byte s
2 b}/tes
4 byte s
-I bylt's
4 bytl.' S
-I bytes
8 byte s
Memory required on your machine
8 Before lhe age of camp uters, it was common 10 make tables of square roots, sines, cosines, and so forth. WriLe a program thal makes a table of square roots and fourth roots of the integers from I to 100. Your table should look like this: Integer
Square root
Fourth root
2 3 4
l. 000000000e+00 l. 414213562e+00 1- 732050808e+00 2. 000000000e+00
1. 000000000e+00 1.189207115e+00 1. 316074013e+00 1.414213562e+00
Hint:The fourth rool of a number is just the square root of its square root. 9 The program in this exc>rcise needs to be slUdied carefully. 'include <stdio.h > int main(void) (
1* mystery? */
pr;ntf("Why is 21 + 31 equal to %d?\n". 21 + 31) ; return 0; )
Here is the output from t he program: Why is 21 + 31 eq ua1 to S? Can you deduce thl.' rna r ar>.
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
lOA program with an infinite loop may not work as expected wilh redirection. Put some real numbers into a file called data, and try the cOllulland sqJoots < data
Now modify the sq_l"Oots program so that the for loop is replaced by a whi 1e loop of the form while (scanf("%lf", &x)
1) {
After yOll get the program to work properly in an interactivc mode, try redirection again. 11 Rewrite the interest program On Section fi.l0, "Problem Solving: Computing
Interesl," on page 220) making usc of the function pow() in the mathematical library. Does the modified program yield the same results as before? \Vhat happells if, in the call to pow(), the variable nyears is not cast as a double"? J 2 Suppose Constance H. DeMogu] has a million dollars to invest. She is thinking of investing the money at 9 percent compounded yearly, or 8.75 percent compounded quarterly, or 8.7 percent compounded daily, for a period of either 10 or 20 years. For each of these investment strategies and periods, what interest will she cam? Write a program that helps yOll to advise her. Hint: Suppose that Pdollars is invested at 8.7S percent compounded quarterly. The amount of principal and interest is given by (J + 0.875/4)4 x P (J + 0.875/4)4x2 x P (J + 0.875/4)4x3 x P
at the end of the first year at the end of the second year at the end of the third year
For PdoJlars invested at 8.7 percent compounded daily, the formulas are simUar, except that 0.0875 is replaced by 0.087, and 4 is replaced by 365. These computations can be carried out by ''/fiting a function such as
I •
double find_accrued_interest( double principal, double rate, /* interest rate */ double c_rate, /* compounding rate: example: with daily compounding, c_rate '" 365.0 *1 double peri od Ii.. in years ··'tl
) {
13 Try the foUmving code:
unsigned long
printf("The biggest integer: %lu\n", a); What is printed and expldin why? It should match one or more of the numbers in the standard header file /imi/s.h on your system. Does it? 14 Occasionally, a programmer needs a power fum.:tion fot' inlegers. Because such a function is so easy to write, it is not usually found in a mdthcmalics library. \.. .' rite the function definition for powerO so Ihal if m and n are inte-
gers and n is nonnegative, the cdl] power(m, n) reI urns m raised to the nth power. Hint: Use the following code: product", 1; for (i '" 1; i :0; n; Hi) product *", m; 15 A variable of type char can be used to store small integer Values. \Vhat happens if a large vdlue is assigned to a char vi:lfiable? Consider the following code:
c '" 256;
1* too big! *1
%d\n", c);
Some compilers warn you thaI the number is 100 big; others do not. What happens on your machine"! Can you guess whdt is printed,?
Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Types
] 6 Consider the following code: char
pr; ntfC" si zeof(c) " %d\n", sizeofCc» ; pri ntf(" si zeof(' a ') " %d\n", sizeof('a'» ; pr;ntf("s;zeof(c 'a') %d\n" , s;zeof(c = 'a'»; pr; ntf("s;zeof(a + b + 7.7) %d\n", sizeof(a + b + 7.7»; First, write down what you think is printed; then execute the code to check your answer. 17 On a 24-hour clock, the zero hour is rnidnight and the 23rd hour is 11 P.M., one hour before midnight. On such a clock, when 1 is added to 23, we do not get 24; instead, we get O. There is no 24. In a similar fashion, 22 + 5 yields 3 because 22 + 2 = O. and 3 more is 3. This is an example of modular arithmetic, or, more precisely, of arithmetic modulo 24. Most machines do modular arithmetic on all the integral types. This is most easily illustrated with the unsigned types. Run the following program and explain what is printed: #include <stdio.h> #include
/* for UINT_MAX */
int main(void) {
int unsigned
i ,. u =
pri ntf("The 1argest unsigned int is %u\n\n", u); for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) printf("%u + %d = %u\n", u, i, u + i); for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) printf("%u i' %d = %u\n", u, i, u * i); return 0; }
18 Let Nm;n_u_long and Nmax_u_long represent the minimum and maximum values that can be stored in an unsi gned long on your system. What are those values'? Hinl: Read the standard header file limits.h. 19 The function call sqrt (-1.0) causes a run-time error. Most compilers provide adequate diagnostics for this error. What diagnostics docs your compiler provide'?
I •
20 When the value of x is too large, the function call pow (x , x) eilher causes a run-time error or exhibits some other peculiar behavior. What is the least integer value for x that makes this happen on your system? \VeUe an interactive program that gets x from the user and then prints x and pow(x, x) on the screen. 21 What is the largest double available on your machine? What happens when you go beyond this value? Experiment by running the following program:
#include <stdio.h> 'include int main(void) (
= 1.0,
= -1.0,
printf("The largest double: printf(" Add a little bit: printf(" Add a lot: DBl_MAX + DBl_MAX); printf(" Division by zero: x / z, y / z); return 0;
= 0.0;
%. 3e\n", DBLMAX); %.3e\n", OBL_MAX + 1.0); %.3e\n", %.3e
Modify the program so thai it also prints out the largest float available on your machine. Is it a lot smaller than the largest double? Hint: Read the header file [1oaf.h on your system.
22 This problem is for those readers who arc familiar with hexadecimal and octal numbers. In a program, an integ<'T written with a leading 0 is an octal number. and an integer wrillen with a leading 0x or 0X is a hexadecimal number. For example. int
077, j
0x77, k
pri ntf("Some numbers :%7d%7d%7d\n", i, j. k); causes the line Some numbers:
to be printed. Just as the conversion character d is used in a format in printfO to priOl a decimal integer, the conversion character x is used to print hexadecimal numbers, and the conversion character 0 is used to print octal numbers. Define a symbolic constant LIMIT and print a table of values containing corresponding decimal, hexadecimal, and octal integers from I lO LIMIT. Hint: Print an appropriate heading and then use
; Chapter 6 •
The Fundamental Data Tvpes
for (; = 0; ; <= LIMIT; ++i) printf("%12d%12x%12o\n", i,
L3 In mathematics, the numbers e and rr are well known; e is the base of the naturallogarithms, and TC is the ralio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference, \Vhich is larger, ell O[ ne '/ This is a standard problem for students in an honors calculus course. However, even if you h
know nothing about calculus, you should be able to answer this question. / fint:
e= 2.7 J 828182845904524
rr '"
24 In Section G.l3, "System Considerations," on Doge 227, we discussed an IEEE recommendation for 11001Iing-poinl arithmetic. Does your mach.ine follow this standard? Try execuling the following code:
pri ntf("x * x
/* on the edge *1
le+308; =
X "
too big? *1
If lnf or NaN is printed, you can think of the value as "infinity" or "not a number." [I' this happens, it is an indication (but not a prool') thaI f'\oating-point arithmetic on your machine follows the IEEE recommendations. 25 C++: Convert the following root l'inder progr(:lm to (:l C++ function: void roots(double a, double b, double c, complex r1, complex r2
Ila*x*x Ilb*x +
II root II root
one two
) ;
2G C++: Add an assert to the end of roots() that checks that the calculation \vas done correctly. Remember that floating-point arithmeUc has roundoff. 27 java: jav
x; Ilokay in Java and C n; Ilokay in C but illegal in Java (double)n; Ilokay in both C and Java
Can yOll list the allowable automatic C conversions and indic
28 Java: Java has a Math class that is a library of standard functions, much like malh.h in C. This library includes a pseudorandom number generator for numbers in the range (0.0 - 1.0). Convert the following Java program to C:
// Print Random numbers in the II range (0.0 - 1.0). Java by Dissection page 107. class RandomPrint { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = 10;
System.out.println("We will print" + n + " random numbers"); printRandomNumbers(n);
static void printRandomNumbers(int k) { for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) System.out.println(Math.random());
} }
4 I
Enumeration Types and typedef
n this chapter we first discuss the enumeration types. These are userdefined types that allow the programmer lo name a finite set togclher with its elements, which are called enumerators. These types are defined and used by the progranunef as the need arises. Next, we discuss the typedef facility, which allows you to give a new name to a type. A common use of this facility is to provide shorter names for enumeration and slructun.' types.
The keyword enum is used to declare enumeration types. It allmvs you to name a finile set and to dcdare identifiers, GIJ]ed enumerators, clements of the set. Consider, for C'xample, the decl'lration
enum day {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat}; ThiS creates the user-defined type enum day. The keyword enum is followed by the tag name day. The enumerators are the identifiers sun, mon, ..., sat. They are constants of type i nt. By default, the first one is given the value 0, and each succeeding one has the next integer value. This declaration is an example of a type specifier. No variables of type enum day have been declared yet. To declare them, we can write enum day
dl. d2;
This declares dl and d2 to be of type enum day. The~' Gill take on ues only the clements (enumerators) in the set. Thus dl=fri; assigns the value fr; to dl, and if (dl
/* do something */
.J' 242
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Types and rypede(
tests whether dl is equal to d2. otc carefully that the type is coum day; the keyword cnurn by itself is not a type. The enumerators can be initialized. Also. we can declare variables directly after the enumerator declaration, if we wish. I-Jere is an example:
cnum suit {clubs
1, diamonds, hearts, spades}
a, b, c;
Because clubs has been initialized to I, diamonds. hearts, and spades have the values 2. 3, and 4, rcspcClively. This declaration consists of lWO parts: The type specifier:
= 1.
eoum suit {clubs
diamonds, hearts, spades}
Variables of tllis type: a, b, c;
Here is another example of initialization:
coum fruit {apple
7, pear, orange _ 3, lemon}
Because the enumerator apple has been initialized to 7, pear has value 8. Simi· larly, because orange has value 3, 1 emon has value 4. Multiple values arc allowed, but the identifiers themselves must be unique. enum veg {beet
17, corn
vege1, vege2;
The tag name need not be present. Consider, for example, enum {fi r
pi ne}
Because there is no tag name, no other variables of type enum {fi r, pi ne} can be declared. In general, one should treat enumerators as progranuner·specified constants and usc them to aid program clarity. If necessary, lhe underlying value of an enumerator can be obtained by using a cast. The variables and enumerators in a function musl all have distinct identifiers.
r",~ / - _ The Use of typedef
C provides lhe typedef facility so that an identifier can be associated with a specific type. A simple example is
7.2 •
The Use ofrypedef
This makes color a type that is synonymous with int, and it I.:an be used in declarations, just as olher types are llsed. For example,
co lor
red, blue, green;
The typedef facilily allows the programmer 10 usc type names that are appropriate for a specific application. Also, the facility helps to cOnlrol complexity \vhen programmers are building- complicated or length~' user-defined types, such as enumeralion types and structure types (sec Chapter 12, "Structures and AlJTs"). We illustrate Ihe usc of the enumeration type by \\Titing a function that computes the next day. As is commonly done, we typedef our enumeration type.
/* Compute the next day. */ enum day {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat}; typedef
enum day
swi tch Cd) { case sun: next_day mon; break; case mon: nexCday tue; break; case sat: next_day break;
return next_day;
Dissection of the find_next_dayO Function •
enum day {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat};
This declaration is an example of a type specifier. It tell.<; the compiler that enum day is the name of a type and lhat sun, mon, ..., sat are the allowable values for variables of this type. No variables of this type have been declared yet. 11 provides a type that can be used later on in the program.
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Types and typede(
enum day
\Ve use the typedef facility to create a new name for our type. As is commonly done. we choose for the name of OUf type the tag name. In ANSI C. the name space for lags is separate from alher names. Thus the compiler understands the difference between the tag name day and the type day. If we remove this typedef from our program, then throughout the remainder of the code, wherever we used the identifier day. we must use cnum day instead.
The header of the function definition for fi nd_nexCdayO lells the complier thai Ihis function takes a single argument of I}'pe day and returns a value of lype day to the calling environment. There is a single declaration in the body of the funclion definition. It tells the compiler that nexcday is a variable of type day. •
swi tch Cd) { case sun: next_day = mon; break;
Recall that only a constant integral expression can be used in a case label. Because enumerators are constants, they can be used in this context. Note that the value assigned to next_day is an enumerator. •
return next_day;
The value next_day, which is of type day, is returned environment.
the calling
The following is another version of this function, which uses a cast to accomplish the same ends:
/'* Compute t.he next day wi th a cast. '* / enum day {sun, mont tue, wed. thu. fri. sat}; typedef
en urn day
day find_next_dayCday d) {
return ((day) (((int) d + 1) % 7)); }
7.3 •
An Example: The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors
Enumeration types can bc used in ordinary expressions as long as type com· patibility is maintained. However, if one uses them as a form of integer type and constantly acccsses their implicit representation, it is belter just to use integer variables instead. The importance of enumeration types Is their self·documenting character, where the enumerators are themselves mnemonic. Furthermore, the~1 force lhe compiler to provide programmer-defined type checking so thai one does not inadvertently mix applcs and diamonds.
1* payroll program ../ ~"Jm
day (SlJnc!ayO, sundayl, sunday2, wednesday, SCltlTdayO, SQturdayl, saturdoy2 )
1._ ',~'(---
An Example: The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors
We illustrate lhe use of enumeration types by writing a program to play the traditional children's game, paper, rock, scissors. In this game each child uses her or his
hand to represent one of the three objects. A nat hand held in a horizontal posi-
tion represents paper, a fist represents rock, and two extended fingers represents scissors. The children face each other and, at the count of three. display their choices. If the choices are the same, the game is a tie. Otherwise, a win is determined by the rules.
; Chapter 7
Enumerafion Types and wpedef
Rules of Pap-er, Rock, Scissors •
PJPcr l,:ovcrs the rock.
• Rock breaks the scissors.
• Scissors cui the paper. We "'rill' this as a multifile program in its own directory, as was discussed In Section -1.11, "A Simulatiun: The Game of lIeads or Tails," on page 1-17. The program consists of one .11 fill' and a number of .c files. Each of the .c files includes the header file at the top. In the header file we put #include directives, declarations for our enullleration Iypes, type definitions, and l'unUion prototypes.
1* The game of paper, rock, scissors. */ #include #include <stdio.h>
'include <stdlib.h> #include
/* /* /* /*
for ;sspace() */ for printf(), etc */
for ralld() and srand() */ for timeO */
enum p_r_s {paper, rock, sci ssors, game, help, instructions, quit}; enum outcome {win, lose, tie. error}; typedef typedef
enum p_r_s enum outcome
outcome void void
compare(p_r_s player_choice, p_r_s machine_choice); prn_final_status(int win~cnt, int lose_cnt); prn~game_status(int win_cnt, int lose_cnt, int tie_cnt);
void void void
prn_help(void); prn_instructions(void); report(outcome result, int *win_cnt_ptr, int *lose_cnt_ptr, int *tie_cnt_ptr); selection_by_machine(void); selection_by_player(void);
do nOI usually add a comment to our #incl ude lines. but here we are trying to
cross-reference for the novice programmer.
7.3 • In
An Example: The Game of Paper; Rock. Scissors
file main.c:
'include "pJ_s.h" int main(void) {
int outcome p_r _s
win_cot = 0, lose_cnt = 0, tie_cnt result; player_choice, machine_choice;
srand(time(NULL»; prn_instructions();
/* seed the random number generator */
while «player_choice = selection_by_player(» != quit) switch (player_choice) { case paper: case rock: case sci ssors: machine_choice = selection_by_machine(); result = compare(player_choice, machine_choice); report(result, &win_cnt, &lose_cnt, &tie_cnt); break; case game: prn_game_status(win_cnt. lose_cnt. tie_cnt); break; case instructions: prn_instructions(); break; case help: prn_helpO; break; defaul t: printf("PROGRAMMER ERROR: (annat get to here!\n\n"); exi t(l); }
prn_game_status(win_cnt, lose_cnt, tie_cnt); prn_final_status(win_cnt, lose_cnt); return 0; }
The first executable statement in mainO is srand(t;me(NULL»; This seeds the random number generator randO. causing it to produce a different sequence of integers each time the program is executed. More explicitly, passing srandO an integer value delermines where randO srarts. The function call t;me(NULL) returns a count or the number or seconds that have elapsed because I January 1970 (the approximate birthday of UNIX)_ BOlh srand() and t; me() are
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Types and rypedef
provided in the standard C library. The function prototype for srandO IS In stdlib,h, and the function prototype for tlmeO is in lime.h. Both of these header files arc provided by the system. Note that we included them in PJ_s.h The next cxecllt
In me prn.c: 'include "PJ_s.h" void prn_final_status(int win_cnt. int lose_cnt) {
if (win_cnt > lose_cnt) printf("(ONGRATULATIONS - You won!\n\n"); else if (win_cnt == lose_cnt) pri ntf("A DRAW - You ti ed! \n\n"); else printf("SORRY - You lost!\n\n"); }
void prn_game_status(int win_cnt, int lose_cnt, int tie_cnt) {
printf("\n%s\n%s%4d\n%s%-4d\n%s%4d\n%s%4d\n\n", "GAME STATUS,".
Win: "win_cnt. Lose: lose_cnt. Tie: tie_cnt, Tota1: " wi n_cnt + lose_cnt + ti e_cnt) ;
void prn_help(void) (
printfC"\n%s\n" • "The following characters can be used for input:\n" " p for paper\n" r for rock\n" s for sci ssors\n" " g pri nt the game status\n" h help, print this list\n" i reprint the instructions\n" q quit this game\n"); )
, I I 7.3
An Example: The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors
void prn_instructions(void) {
printf("\n%s\n" , "PAPER, ROCK, SCISSORS:\n" "\n"
"In this "\n" " p 1S r is s is
game\n" for \"paper\"\n" for \"rock\"\n" for \"scissors\"\n"
"Both the player and the machine will choose one\n" "of p, r, or s. If the two choices are the same,\n" "then the game is a tie. Otherwise:\n"
"\n" "
\"paper covers the rock\" \"rock breaks the scissors\" \"scissors cut the paper\,'
(a win for paper)\n" (a W1n for rock)\n" (a W1n for scissors)\n"
"\n" "There are other allowable inputs:\n" "\n" "
9 h i q
foe foe foe foe
game status help instructions quit
(print number of wins)\n" (print short instructions)\n" (print these instructions)\n" (quit the game)\n"
"\n" "This game is played repeatedly until q is entered. \n" "\n" "Good luck!\n"); }
To play the gamc, both lhe machinc and the player (user) must make selections from among paper, rock, scissors. \\'c write thesc roulines in select.c. In file sclect.c:
#include "PJ_s.h" p_r_s selection_by_machine(void) {
return ((p_r_s) (rand() % 3)); }
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Tvpes and rypede{
P_f_S selection_by_player(void) (
c; player_choice;
char pJ_5
printf("Input p, r, or 5: scanfe" Xc". &c); swi tch (c) { case p':
player_choice: paper; break; case 'r': player_choice: rock;
break; case '5':
break; case 'g': player_choice break;
case . ; ' : pl ayer _choi ce
break; case 'q': player_choice
game; i nst.ruct.ions;
= quit;
break; defaul t:
player_choice = help; break; }
} The machine's selection is cOlllputed by the using the expression randO % 310
produce a randomly distributed integer between 0 ilncl 2. Becilusc the type of the function is P_f_5, the v;:lluc returned is converled to this type, if necessary. \Vc
provided an explicit C,lst to make the code more self-documenting. In selection_by_playerO. we used scanf(" %c". &c);
to pick up a character from the input stream and place it at the address of c. The blank character before the % sign is significant; it GlUSeS scanfO to match optional white space. The effect 01" this is to skip any white sp"lce (sec Section I:-1.2, ~Whitc Space Characters," on page ..136). Observe that all non-white space characters input at the keyboard are processed, most of them through the defaul t case of the swi teh statement.
An Example: The Game of Paper, Rock, Scissors
The value returned by selection_by_playerO depends on what the player types. For example, if the player types the character g, then the enumerator game is returned to the calling environment in mainO, which causes prn_game_statusO to be invoked. In selection_by_playerO, if any character other than while space or p, ", S, g, i, or q is typed, the enumerator help is returned to the calling environment in mai n C), which Then invokes prn_he1pC). Once the player and The machine have made a selecTion, we need to compare the two selection~ to determine the outcome of the game. The following function docs Ihis: In fLle compare.c:
resul t;
if (player_choice ~: machine_choice) return tie; switch Cplayer_choice) { case paper: result = (machine_choice rock)? win lose; break; case rock: result = (machine_choice == scissors) ? win: lose; break; case scissors: result = (machine_choice == paper) ? win: lose; break; default: printfC"PROGIWo'f.1ER ERROR: Unexpected choice!\n\n"); exit(l) ; }
return result; }
The value returned by compareO in mai nO is passed to the function reportO, which reports to the user Ihe result of a round of play and increments as appropriale the number of \vins, losses. and lies.
.I 252
Chapter 7 •
[numeration Types and typedef
In file report.c:
void report(outcome result, int ·win_cnt_ptr, int *lose_cnt_ptr, ;nt *tie_cnt_ptr) {
switch (result) { case win: ++*wi "_coLptr; printfC"%27sYou win.\n", ""); break; case lose: ++*lose_cnt_ptr; printf("%27sYou lose. \0", ""); break;
case tie: ++*tie_cnt_ptr; printfC"%27sA tie. \0", "n);
break; default: pr; otf(" PROGRAMMER ERROR: Unexpected resul t! \o\n") ; ex; t(1); }
We arc now rcady to compile our program. We can do this with either of the following commands: CC -0 p_r_s CC -0 p_Y_S
main.c compare.c pm.c report.c select.c ... c
The second command works only if we are in a directory that contains only the .c files pertaining to Ihis program. Later, after we have learned about the make utility in Section 14.8, "The Use or make," on page 488, we can facilitate program development by using an appropriate makcrHe.
Because enumerators can be mnemonic, their use tends to be self-documenting. Thus the use of enumeration types is considered good programming style. Rather than using a and 1 to distinguish between alternate choices, the programmer can easily use an enumeration type. Some typical examples are
7.4 •
enum enum enum en urn
bool off_on no_yes speed
{false. true}; {off, on}; {no. yes}; {slow, fast};
The use of such constructs makes the code more readable. A declaration such as enum no_yes {no, yes}; tells the compiler that enum no_yes is a user~d('nned I)'pe. II is considered good programming st}'le 10 put such declarations in header riles. (Constructs that allocalc space in memory do nOI belong in a header rile.) Because lag names have their own name space, we can reuse a tag name as a variable or as an enumerator. For example, enum veg {beet, carrot, corn}
/* poor style */
Although Ihis is legal, it is not considered good programming praelice. On I he other hand, it is considered a good programming slyle (0 usc a lag name as a lype derinition Un C++. this is done automatically). An example is typedef
en urn veg {beet, carrot, corn}
This tells the compiler Ihal veg is a typt', we can write veg
/* good style */
type. To declare variables of this
v1, v2;
This practice reduces clutter, especially if there arc a 101 of enumeration Iypes. When using a typedef to create a new nallle for an enumeration type, there are several ways to proceed. We can write the declaration and then Ihe typedef: en urn la_hi {la, hi}; typedef en urn la_hi Or, we can do both sleps al the same time. typedef
enum la_hi {la, hi}
Finally, if we do not plan to refer 10 the type via its tag name, we can dispense 't';ith the tag name and write typedef
enum {lo. hi}
Each of these coding styles is acceptable. Which one is used is a maIler of personal tasle.
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Types and rypedef
~.t8IIl Common Programming Errors The same type definition cannot occur morc than once in a file. Suppose the followjn~ line occurs in your .c me and also in your header file:
en urn {off. on}
[t" you include the header file at the lop of your .c file. the compiler complains. In
this regard. a typedef is not like a #c1ef; ne. The same #defi ne can occur mOTC than once in a me. The order in which you define enumerators in an enumeration type can lead to logical errors. Consider the following code:
#include <stdio.h> en urn {yes, no}
/* poor 11/
int main(void) { i f (;LgoodO)
printf("Hooray! A good condition exists. \n"); else printf("Rats! Another bummer.\n");
The idea here is Ihal the i s_goodO function (hed~s something and returns either yes or no, del)ending on the silualioll. Lei us suppose in the preceding code that yes is rCl"urned. Because yes has the i nt value 0 (false), Ihe string
Another bummer.
is printed, and it is nOl what we intended to happen. We can guard against this kind of error by expLicill)' checkJng the value returned. if (is_good() == yes) /* do something */ As an acldillollal sal"eguard, il is beller to rewrite the typedef as
enum {no, yes}
Now Ihe enumeralor no has value 0
7.6 •
System Considerations
System Consi d erations
System progranUTIers make extensive use of enumeration types. Here is a simple example that comes from a system header file on a Sun machine:
enum fp_precision_type { fp_extended 0, fp_single "" I, fp~double
/* extended precision */
Note that the initialization of the enumerators is superfluous, but it makes the code more readable. In C, enumeration types and i nts can be freely mixed, but it is not considered good programming style. Here is an example:
#include <stdio.h> typedef
enum {no, yes}
int main(void) {
i ,.
i '" val; val", 777;
yes; /* acceptable programming style */ /* poor programming style */
In C++, assigning an i nt to an enumeration Iype is not supposed 10 be aJlO\ved, although many compilers merely issue a warning. If we change the assignment to val to read
val '" (no_yes) 777;
/* use a cast */
the compiler is happy. Although the value assigned to val does not correspond to either no or yes, thiS is not considered an error.
Chapter 7 •
r y_ ~~
Enumeration Types and rypede(
Moving to C++
Enumeration types in C++ are more strong I) typed than those in C. Each type is distinct. AssiJ.;nmem to an enumeration type by some other value is an error (although some compilers treat this only as a warning). Without appropriate casts, a program may not compile. Enumeration tag names in C++ enum color {black, red, blue, green, white. other}; int main(void) {
if (val cout else if cout else cout
"I'''' red) « "Value of red
(val == blue) « "Value of blue «
red «
blue «
"\n"; "\n";
"The color is neither red nor blue.\n";
&'. •
The keyword enum allows the proj.{rammcr tn define enumeration lypes. Consider the declaration enum no_yes {no, yes}; This lells the compiler that enum no_yes is a user-defined type. The word en urn b) itself is not a t)')Je. A declaration such as answer; defines the variable answer 10 be of t)'pe en urn no_yes. It can take as values members of the sct {no, yes}. The members arc called enumerators. They arc conslalllS and havc i n1. v
Enumerators are distinct identifiers chosen for thclr mnemonic significance. Their usc provides a t) pe-checking constraint for the probrrammcr, and selfdocumenlation for the program.
When mixing enumerators or variables of enumer
Because enumerators arc (onstants of type i nt. they can be used in case labels in a swi teh.
One type defi../lilion can be used in another (sec excrdse 8 on shall sec in laler lhapters. this is an important idea.
Systems programmers routinely usc enumeration types. In some inSlanlCS this can interfere with application programs (see exercise 7 on page 259, and exercise 9 on page 260).
In C++. the tag name of an enumeration type is automatic"lly available as an alternative name for the type.
In CH. the t}'PC bool with the literals false and true is built into the system.
259). As we
~. EJCercises _ _ Write ,I function called previous_monthO that returns the previous month. Start wilh the code en urn month {jan typedef
I, feb ......• dec};
enum month
If dec is passed as an arKulllent to the function. jan should be r('(umed. Write another function thaI prints the name of a month. More explicitly. if the enumerator jan is passed as an argument, January should be printed. Write mai n 0 so that it calls }IOllr fun!:t ions and produces a IHbie of all twelve months. each one listed next to Us predecessor month. Caution: When printfO is used. i.I variable of an enumeration type is printed as its implicit integer value. That is. printfC"%d\n". jan); prints Ihe viJluc I. nOI jan.
Chaprer 7 •
Enumeration Types and typedef
2 Write a next-day program for a particular year. The program should take as input two integers-say, 17 and 5, which represent 17 May-and it should print as output 18 May, which is the nexl day. Use enumeration types in the program. Va}' particular attention to the problem of crossing from onc month to the nc,\.1.
3 Write a roulette program. The roulette machine selects a number between 0 and 35 at random. The player can place an odd/even bel or a bet on a particular number. A winning odd/even bel is paid off at 2 10 I, except that all odd! even bets lose if the roulette machine selects O. If the player places a bet on a partkular number and the roulette machine selects it, the player is paid off at ~{5 to I. If you play this game and make $1 bets, how long can yOLi play before yOLi lose S I O? -l Use enumeration types to de line five basic food groups in a balanced meal
program: fish, fruits, grains. meats. and vegetables. For example, enum fish {bass, salmon, shrimp, trout}; enum fruit {apple, peach, pear}; Usc a random number generator to select an item from each food group. Write a function meal () Ihal pi<.:ks an item from each of the groups and prints out a menu. Print 20 randomly generated menus. How many different menus are available? :i In the game of paper. rock, scissors, an outcome Ihal is not a tic is conveyed
to Ihe player by printing You win.
You lose.
Rewrite the program so that messages like 1he following arc printed: You chose paper and I chose rock.
You win.
6 Boolean types arc automatically available in rascal. whereas in C, the pro· grammer must explicilly provide them. Here are two ways 10 do it typedef typedef
enum {true, false} en urn {false, true}
boolean; boolean;
Whjch of these 1>\10 typedefs is preferable? Explain.
7 Some identifiers can cause unexpected dltliculties. Consider the following simple program that uses the enumerator sun: #include <stdio.h> enum day {sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat}; typedef
enum day
int main(void) {
if (val sun) pri ntf("Today is Sunday. \n"); else pri ntf("Today is a worki n9 day. \n"); return 0; =0=
Some C systems on Sun machines automatically define sun
that this is an important idea). Here is a simple program that illustrates this concept: #include <stdio.h> typedef typedef
enum no_yes {no, yes, maybe} no_yes
no_yes; chk_ i Cout;
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Types and lypedef
int main(void) (
char chLicout
c-, ans;
printf("Do you like vegetables? "); scanf(" Xc". &c); if (c == 'n' 11 c 'N') ans = no; else if (c .~ 'y' I I c == 'V') ans = yes; else ans = maybe; swi tch (ans) { case yes: pri ntf("The answer was yes. \n"); case no: printf("The answer was no.\n"); case maybe: printfC"You probably typed a nonsense reply. \n"); default: printf("Impossible to get here.\n"); }
return 0; }
Compile and execute this program on your system. Your compiler should nOI complain. but when you run the program. you may be surprised at what happens. t-Iodify the program so that it behaves in a more appropriate manner. Also. pay attention to the control string %c in the scanfO function call. The blank before the percent sign causes optional white space to be malched. Arter you have modified the program. execute it repealedly, typing various amounts of whHc space before answering yes or no. Do Ihis repeatedly until yOll understand the effects of the program. Then modify the control string by removing the blnnk. Does the progrl.lm act dilTcrently"! 9 In the pre\'ious exercise. enumerators were used in the case labels in the body
of the swi tch. Because the c.xpression in a case label must be a constant integral expression, \\ hat can yOli conclude about enumerators? CouJd you use a SIiHcmcnt such as no=yes=3; in the body of rnai nO? Explain. 10 C++: Rewrite the paper. rock. scissors program in C++. If YOllr system has type-safe casIs, lise them. If YOllr system has the enumeration type boo1 buill in. lise it.
11 C++: Implement a ternary logic evaluator that uses the following: enum ternary_logic {false, maybe, true}; ternary_logic tern_not(ternary_logic v); The function should return false when v is true, t:rue when v is fa 1se, and maybe when v is maybe. The idea is 10 mimic ordinary conversation where the meaning of "Maybe it will rain today" and "Maybe it will not rain today" arc logically equivalent. Code tern_andO. tern_orO. and tern_natO in a consistent manner. 12 The following Java program simulates coin tossing. Convert the program to C. You can usc an enumeration type to simulate the Java boolean type. Java does not have either typedef or an enum type. Java uses classes to build t}'Pes and does not need typedef. Some Java programmers would like Java to be extended to include an enumeration type. - Compute the approximate probability II of n heads in a row by simulating coin tosses. Java by Dissection pages 110-111. class CoinToss { public static void main(String[] args) { IIInput the number of tosses in a row to try for. int numTosses = 4; IIJust use 4 for testing IIInput the number of trials to run. int numTrials = 10000; //Use 10000 for testing /IPerform the specified number of trials int numSuccesses = performTrials(numTosses,numTrials);
IIPrint the results double probability = numSuccesses I (double)numTrials; System.out.println("Probability found in " + numTrials + "is "+ probability); }
Chapter 7 •
Enumeration Types and typedef
return true if numTosses heads are tossed before a tal 1 static boolean isAllHeads(int numTosses) { double outcome; for Cint numHeads c 0; numHeads < numTosses; numHeads++) { II toss the coin outcome = Math.random(); if C outcome < 0.5) return false; II tossed a tai 1 }
return true; }
perform numTrials simulated coin tosses and return the number of successes static int performTrialsCint numTosses, int numTrials) { System.out.printlnC"Monte Carlo" + numTosses + " ina row heads ") ; int numSuccesses = 0; for C;nt trials= 0 ; trials < numTrials; trialsH) II perform one trial if C isAllHeadsCnumTosses)) II trial was a success numSuccesses++; return numSuccesses; }
II tossed all heads
I ,
Functions, Pointers, and Storage Classes hen an expression is passt..'d as an argument 10 a function, a cop~ of the vitlue of the expression is made. and it is the copy. not the original, that is passed 10 the function. This mechanism is known
as calt·by-\'olll€, and it is strictly adhered to in C. Suppose
IS a variable
and fO is a function. If we wrile II '" f(II), then a valuc returned b) the (tineOan can change 1/ in the calling cnvironmcni. Apan from Ihis. Ihe function call f(lI) by itself cannot change v. This is because ani)' a COP} of lhe valuc of II is passed to fO. In olher programming languages, how('''cr, a function call b)' itself can change the value of II in Ihe calling ellvironment. The mechanism Ihal accomplishes this is known as call-by-
reference. It is onen convenient to have functions modify the values of the variables referred to in the argument list. To getlhe effect of call-by-reference in C. we must lise pointers in the parameter list in the funclion definilion and pass ilddresscs of vari'lbles as arguments in the [uneHon calL Before we explain Ihis in detail, however, we need 10 understand how pointers work. In C, pointers have many uses. In this chapter we explain 110w they arc used as ,trgumenls to functions. In the lWO chapters that follow, we explain their usc with arrays and strings. In Chapter 12, "Structures and ADTs," we show how pointers arc used with structures,
W_ . _
Pointer Declaration and Assignment
Poinlers arc used in programs to access memoq and manipulate addresses. We have already sel-'Il the use of
Chapter' 8 •
Funoions, Pointers, and Storage Classes
If v is a variable, then &v is The address, or location, in memory of its sTored value. The address operator & is unary and has the same precedence and right-toleft associativity as the Olher lImlr}' operators. Pointer variables can be declared in programs and then used 10 lake addresses as values. The declaration
i, "'p;
declares i to be of type i nt. and p to be of type "pointer to i nt." The legal range of values ror any pointer always includes the special address 0 and a set of posi· live integers Ihat ;Ire interpreled as machine addresses on a parlicular C system. Typically, the symbolic constant NULL is defined as zero in sldio.h. Some examples of assignment to Ihe poinler p arc p p p
&i; 0; NULL; (i nt oJ 1307;
/'" equivalent to p = 0; "'/ /'" an absolute address in memory */
In the first example we think of p as "referring 10 i," or "pointing lo i," or "containing the address of i." The compiler decides whal address 10 usc to slore the value of the variable i. This varies from machine to machine and may even be differenl for differenl executions on the same machine. The second and third examples show ary to
Addressing and Dereferencing
We want to examine some elementary code and show some diagroms to illustrale what is happening in memory. Let us start \vith the declaralions int a, b; i nt *p; The first declaration IS read as "a is an i nt \ ariable, and b is ;.Ill i nt variable." The second declaration is read as "p is a pointer to i nt \ ariable." Anytime one declares a pointer variable, i1 has an underlying type such as int that it can reference. The declaration of a and b causes the compiler to allocalc memory space for lwo i nts. The declaration of p causes the compiler to allocate memory space for a poinler 10 int.. At this point, the contents of the wriabJes arc garbage because no values have been assigned.
8.2 •
Addressing and Dereferencing
I 4-'-?
We used question marks in the diagram bccause we do nOI know what values are stored in the three variables. After the assignment statements a P
= b = = &a;
have been executed, we have
Nuw we can use the pointer p to access the value stored in a. This is done through the dereference, or indirection, operator *. This operator is unary, and it has the same precedence and rig-ht-to-lefl associativity as the other unary operators. Because p is a pointer, the expression *p has the value of the variable to which p points. The pointer p is said 10 have an address of the i nt variable a. The lerm indirection is taken from machine-I,mguage programming. The direl.:t value of p is a memory location, whereas *p is Ihe induecl value of p-namel~', Ihe value al the memory location stored in p. Consider the statement printf("*p = %d\n", *p);
1* 7 is printed *1
Because p points to a, and a has value 7, the dereferenced valuc of pis 7, and that is what is printed. Now consider *p = 3; printf("a
%d\n", a);
1* 3 is printed *1
The first statement is read, "The object pointed to by p is assigned the value 3." Because p points to a, the stored vallie of a in memory is overwritten with Ihe value 3. Thus, when we print out the value of a, 3 is printed. At this point, this is what we have in memory:
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Pointers, and Storage Classes
p I
Our next statement causes p to point at b. p ; &b;
This time, we draw our diagr,lm differently to show what is happening in memory.
We do not really care about the place in memory where p is stored; our only can· cern is the object to which p is pointing. Now consider the code *p = 2 * *p - a; pri ntf("b = %d\n", b);
/* 11 is printed */
\Ve read the first statement as "The object pointed 10 by p is assigned the value 2 times what p is pointing to minus a," Note that the expression *p on the right side of the assignment is evaluated first. This is because the dereference operator "i< has higher precedence than the binary arithmetic operators.
D Now let us suppose we want to read in a value for a from the keyboard. Although there is no advantage in doing so, we can use the pointer p to accomplish this. p = &a;
printf("Input an integer: "); scanf("%d", p); /* put it at the address of a ., /
,I 8.2 •
Addressing and Dere(erendng
When scanfO is invoked, the ch,lraClers typed at the keyboard are converted to a decimal integer value, and that value is pl,ICed at the address p. We can think of il pointer as an address ilnd an address as a pointer. If we type 77 \vhen prompted, this is what we have in memory:
In simple terms, the dereference operator'!' is the inverse of the ilddress operator &. Consider the following code:
double p = &x; y = *p;
First p is assigned the address of x. Then y is assigned the value of the object pointed to by p. The t\VO statements are equivalent to y
which in turn is equivalent to y '" x;
A pointer variable call be initiillized in a declaration, but the notation is confusing to the beginning progrillnmcr. Here is an example:
a, *p
This declaration tells the compiler that p is a pointer to int and thatlhe initial value of pis &a. Caution: Do not read this as "The object pointed to by p is initialized to the address of a." Also note that
&a, a;
/* wrong */
docs not work. The compLIer must allocate space in memory for a before p can be initialized with its address. The compiler is not allowed to look ilhead. In the following function definition, the parameter p is a pointer to i nt. We can usc it to initialize variables in i\ declmation.
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Poinrers, and Storage Classes
void feint *p) {
a - *p, *q
This declares a to be an int and initializes it to the object p is pointing to; it also declares q 10 be a pointer 10 i nt and initializes it to p. The following table illustrates how some pointer expressions arc evaluated. Be careful to read the pointer initializations correctly. Declarations and initializatlons
i nt double
i x;
1, j
5, *p .. &i, *q • &j, ·r;
Equivalent expression
p """ & i
p " (& i)
P - i + 7
p - (i + 7)
+ + & p
+ (+ (& p))
,.& x
+ + p /
+ q +
+ (, • & j)
•• • P
« (7 (+
= (& x)
/ (. q» + 7 (r - (& j))) +. (. p) (+ p)))
11 15
In ANSI C, the only integer value that can be assigned lO a pointer is the spedal value zero. To assign any other value, a cast must be used. In contrast to this, pointers and integers may be freely mixed in traditional C. In the preceding table we attempted to assign r the value &x. Because r is a pointer to i nt, and the expression &x is of type pointer to doub 1e, this is illegal. Also note that we used the expression 7**pJ·q+7
If instead we had written 7**pj*q+7
j* trouble?
we would have found that the compiler treats Ill' as the start of a comment. This can result in a difficult bug. Let us write a short program that illusrrates the distinction between a pointer value and its de referenced value. Also, we illustrate how the %p format can be used to print pointer values, or addresses.
8.2 •
Addressing and Dereferencing
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) (
i nt
777. *p
= &i;
printf(" Value of i: %d\n", *p); printf("Address of i: %u or %p\n", p, p); return 0; }
Here is the output of this program on our system: Value of i: 777 Address of i: 234880252 or dfffcfc
The actual location of a variable in memory is system-dependent. The operator * takes the value of p to be a memory location and returns the value stored at this location, appropriately interpreted according to the type declaralion of p. \Ve used the %u format to print the address of i as an unsigned decimal integer and %p 10 priot the address of i in a way natural for the system. On our system this is a hexadecimal integer. The %p format is oot available in some traditional C systems. 10 MS-DOS, the %u format does not always work (see exercise 13 on page 298).
Chapter 8
Functions, Pointers, and Storage CfQ5S€S
Pointers to void
In traditional C. pointers of different types arc considered to be assigllll1cl1/-compatible. In ANSI C, however, one pOllllcr can be assigned to another only when the) bolh ha\C the same type, or when one of them is of type pointer to void.
Thus we Glllihink (If void * as a generic pointer type. The following table shows examples of bUlh legal and illegal pointer assignments.
Declarations i nt
double void
*p; *q; *v;
Legal assignments p -
p • (i nt
Illegal assignments p - 1;
v _ q;
(i nt
v - 1; p • q;
'J q;
[n Section 9.9. uDrnamic MCmOf) Allocation," on page 320. we discuss the standard library funclions ca11ocO and malloeD. which pro\'ide drnamk storage allocation for arrays and structures. Because lhe) relurn
*a; calloc(·····);
In traditional C, we would need to usc a cas\.
(int *) ca11ace- .... );
/* traditional C */
In tr
Whenever variables arc passed as arguments to a function, their values are copied to the corresponding function parameters, and the variables themselves arc not changed in the calling environment. This call-by-valuc mechanism is strictly adhered to in C. In trus seelion we describ{' how the addresses of variables can be used as arguments to functions so as to achieve the effect of call-by-reference. For a function to effect call-by-rcference, pointers must be used in the parameter list in the function definition. Then, when the function is called, addresses of variables mLlst be passed as arguments. The function swapO in the following program illustrates these ideas. 'include <stdio.h> void
swap(int *
int *);
int main(void) (
3. b
printf("%d %d\n", a, b); swap(&a, &b); printf("%d %d\n" a, b); return 0; I
/* 3 7 is printed */ /* 7 3 is printed */
Because the addresses of a and b arc passed as aq,'l.l.mcnts to swapO, the function is able to interchange the values of a and b in the calling environment. void swap(int *p, int *q) {
tmp = *p; *p '" *q; *q ,. tmp; )
, Chapter 8 •
Functions. Pointers, and Storage Classes
Dissection of the swap() Function •
void swap(int ·P, int *q) {
The type of the function is void, which means that no value is returned. The two parameters p and q arc of type pointer to i nt. The variable tmp is local 10 this function. We think of it as temporary storage. \-"nen we caHlhis function in main() with &a and &b as argulllents, this is what we have in memory at
this poinl:
trnp .. *p; *p =' *q; *q = tmp;
We read this as follows: The variable tmp is assigned the value of the object pointed 10 by p. The object pointed to by p is to b) q.
the value of the object pointed
The object pointed 10 by q is
Arter these three statements have been executed, here is what we have in memory:
If pointers arc new 10 you, rou should draw a diagram or what is in memory after each statement has been executed (sec exercise 2 on page 296).
8.5 •
Scope Rules
The Effect of CaIl·by·Reference Is Accomplished by
Declaring a function p
The scope of an identifier is the parI of the program lext in which the identifier is known or accessible. This concepl depends on the notion of a block. which is a compound statement with declarations. The basic rule of senping is lhat identifiers are accessible onl}' within the block in which they arc declared. They are unknown outside the boundaries of lhat block. This would be an easy rule 10 follow. excepl lhat programmers. for a varict} of reasons. choose to use thc same identifier in different declarations. We then have the question of which object the identifier refers lO. leI us give a simple example of this Slate of affairs.
/* The Block Scope program. lincl ude <stdio. h>
int main(void) {
int a .. 2 ,. int *p '" &a; pri ntf("%d\n", a) ; {
int a "" 7; printf("%d\n" . a) ; printf("%d\n", il'p); }
printf("%d\n" , Ha); ret.urn 0;
I' I' I' I' I'
r r
outer block a */
'I inner block a 'I 7 printed 'I 2 is pri nted
2 is pri nt.ed*/ back to the outer block 3 is printed 'I
of the
Block Scope Program
int a = 2; int *p = &a;
/* outer block a */
A fUllclion is a block. If you gel confused by the reuse of idl'nlifier a in different blocks, consider rewriting thls code as
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Poimers, ond Storage Closses
int a_outer = 2; int *p = &3_outer; printfC"%d\n", a_outer); So it should be clear that 2 is printed and thai p is pointing at the variable a_outer.
;nt a ::
pr; ntf("%d\n", a) ;
printf("%d\n", *p) ; }
inner block a 'j j' 7 is printed */ j' 2 is pr; nted* / j' back to the outer
block */
The open brace introduc('s an inner block. The identifier a is now declaring an inner block a that is distinct and hides the ouler block a. We can better understand this if we rewrite the code as (
int a_inner = 7; printfC"%d\n". a_inner): printf("%d\n", *p); 1* 2 is printed*/
The pointer variable p is pointing at the variable a_outer. Therefore 2 is printed by the second printfO. Each block introduces ils own nomcnclarure. An outer block name is valid unless an inner block redefines it. If redefined, the outer block name is hidden, or masked, from the inner block. Inner blocks may be nested to arbitrary depths that are determined by system limitations.
Storage Classes Every variable and function in C has two allributes: type and storage class. The four slOrage classes are automatic, external, register, and stalic, with the corresponding keywords
By far the most common storage class for variables is automatic. However, the programmer necds to know about all the storage classes. They all have important uses.
8.6 •
Storage Classes
The Storage Class auto Variables declared wUlun function bodies are b} default automatic. Thus aulOmatic IS the Illost cOlllmon of the four stora~e classes. If a compound statement starts with variable declarations. then these variables can be acted on within the scope of the enclosing compound statement. A compound statement with declarations is called a bfQL'k to distinguish it from one that docs not begin with declara!ions. Declarations of variables within blocks are implicitly or storage class automatic. The keyword auto can be L1sed to explicitly speciry the storage class. An example is auto i nt auto double
a, b,
Because the storage class is automatic by default, the keyword auto is seldom used. When a block is cntered, the system aUocates memor} for the automntic \ariabies. Within that block, Ihese \ariables arc defined and arc considered local 10 Ihe block. When the block is exiled. the system releases the memory that was sct aside for the automatic \ariables. Thus the values of Ihese \'ariables arc lost. If the block is reentered, the s}stcm once again allocates memory, but previous \alues arc unknown. The bod} of'l function definition constitutes a block if it contains declarations. If it docs, then each invocation of the function sets up a new emironmenl.
The Storage Class extern One method of transmilling: information across block$ and functions i$ to usc external variables. When" variable is declmed outside a function, storag:e is permancnlly assigned to it, and its storage class is extern. f\ declaration fot'.m external variable can look identical 10 a declaration for it variable that occurs inside a function or block. Such a variable is considered 10 be global to all functions dedared after it. and upon exit from the block or function, the external vilriablc remains in existence. The follOWing, program iIluslralcs Lhese ideas: 'include <stdio.h> ;nt int
a = 1, b H ....oid);
2, C
3 ,.
/* global variables */ /* function prototype */
ChapterS •
Functions, Pointen, and Storage Classes
int main(void) (
printf("%Jd\n", fO); printf("%3d%3d%3d\n", a, b, c); return 0;
1* 12 is 1* 4 2
printed *1 3 printed *1
int f(void) {
1* 1*
b, c;
a=b=c .. 4', return (a + b + c) ;
band c are local *1 global b, c are masked
Note that we could have written extern int
a .. 1, b
= 2,
c .. 3;
global variables
This use of extern causes some traditional C compilers to complain. Although this use of extern is allowable in ANSI C, it is not required. Variables defined out· side of a function have external storage class even if the keyword extern is not used. Such variables cannot have aUlomatic or register Slorage class. The keyword s ta ti c can be used, but its use is special, as explained in Section 8.7, "Static External Variables," on page 279. The keyword extern is used to tell the compiler, NLook for it elsewhere, either in this fLie or in some other file. Let us rewrite the last program to illustrate a typical usc of the ke)'\Yord extern. ft
#inc1ude <stdio.h> i nt i nt
a=l,b .. 2,c f(void);
int main(void) (
printf("%3d\n", fO); printf("%3d%3d%3d\n", a, b, c); return 0; }
external variables
8.6 •
Storage Classes
In file file2.c:
int f(void) {
extern int a; int b, c;
/* look for it elsewhere */
a = b = c 4', return (a + b + c); }
The two files can be compiled separately. The use of exte rn in the second file tells the compiler that the variable a is defined elsewhere, either in this file or in another. The ability to compile riles separately is important when writing large programs. External variables never disappear. Because they exisl throughout the execution life of the program, they can be used to transmit values across functions. They may, however, be hidden if the identifier is redefined. Another way to conceive of external variables is to think of them as being declared in a block that encompasses the whole program. Information can be passed into a function In two ways: (1) by the use of eXlernal variables and (2) by the usc of the parameter mechanism. Although there arc exceptions, the usc of the parameter mechanism is the preferred method. It tends to lmprove the modularity of the code and reduces the possibility of undesirable side effects. One side effect occurs when a function changes a gJobal variable from within its body ralher than through its parameler Ust. Such a construction is error prone. Correct praCTice is to effect changes to global variables through the parameter and return mechanisms. Adhering to this practice improves modularity and readability, and because changes arc localized, programs arc typically easier to write and maintain. All functions have external storage class. This means we can use the keyword extern in function definitions and function prototypes. For example, extern double
sin(double) ;
is a valid function prototype for the si nO function, and for its function definition we can wrile extern double sin(double x) {
Chapler 8 •
FunctionS. Pomrers. and Storage Classes
The Storage Class regi ster Th~
slorage class reg; ster tells 1he compiler that Ihe associated variables should
be slofed in high-speed m('mor~' registers, provided it is physically and scrmmti-
cally possible. Because resource limitations and semantic constraints sometimes make this impossible. this storage dass defaults 10 automatic whenever the compiler cannot allocale an appropriate physical fegisler. T} pically, the compiler has onl} a few such reglslers available; man} are rcqlllfcd for system usc and cannot
be allocated otherwise. Basically, the usc or storage class regi ster is an allcmpl to improve execu· tion speed. When speed is a concern. the programmer ma}' choose a few variables Ihal arc most frequently accessed and declare them to be of storage class regi ster. Common candidates for such treatment include loop variables and function par
register int for (i
0; i < LIMIT; ++i) {
/* block exit will free the register */
The declaration register i;
is eqUivalent
regi ster i nt i;
If a storage class is specified in a declaralion and the type is abseot, then the type is i nt by default. Note that in our example the relo:ister variable i was declared as close 10 its pl<1I..:1.' of usc as possible. This is to Clllow maximum availability of the physical registers, using lhem only when needed. Alwa~'s remember thal a register dedi.lratioll is taken only as (ldvice 10 the compiler.
The Storage Class static Slatic declarations have (\\0 imp0rlant and dislim.:t uses. The more elementary usc is to allO\\ a local variable 10 relain its previous value when the block is reentered. Thjs is in contrast to ordinary automatic \ariables, which lose Iheir \'alue upon block c'\:it and must be reinilialized. The second and more subtle usc is in cunnection with external declarations. ThiS is discussed in the next section. As an example of the value retention usc of static, we write the outline of a function thai behaves differently, depending on how many times it has been called.
8.7 •
Static External Variables
void f(void) {
static int
cnt :::: 0;
++cnt; if (cnt % 2 -- 0) else
/* do something *( /* do something di fferent *(
The first time the function is invoked, !he variable cnt is initialized to zero. On function eXil, the value of cnt is preserved in memory. Whenever the function is invoked again. cnt is not reinilialized. Inslead, il retains ils previous value from the last time the function was called. The declaration of cnt as a stati c i nt inside of fO keeps it private to fO. If it were declared outside of the funcOon, then other functions could access il, too.
r~atic External Variable_5__ The sC{ond and morc subtle use of stati c is in connl'Ction with external declara· tions. Wilh external constructs, it provides a privacy mechanism that is very important for program modularil}/. By privacy, we mean visibility or scope restric· tions on othenvise accessible variables or functions. At first glance. statit: external variables seem unnecessary. E.xternal variables already retain their values across block and function exit. The difference is that static external variables are scope-restricted external variables. The scope is the remainder of the source flIe in which they are declared. Thus they are unavailable to funcl"ions defined carlier in the file or to functions defined in other riles, even if these functions attempt to use the extern storage class keyword. void f(void) {
/* v is not available here */ }
stati c i nt
/* static external variable */
void g(void) {
/* v can be used here */ )
Let us use this facility to provide a variable lhal is global to a family of functions but at the same time is private to the file. We write two pseudorandom number generators, both of which use the same seed. (The algorithm is based on linear
Chapter 8 •
Functions, and Storage. Classes
congruenl inl methods; see The Arl of Computer Programming, 2nd cd .• vol. 2,
Seminumer;cal Algorithms, by Donald Ervin Knuth. published
in 1981.)
/* A family of pseudo random number generators. */ #defi ne lidefine lidefine /ldefi ne #define
25173 13849 65536 65536.0
static unsigned
/* external. but INITIALSEED; private to this file */
unsigned random(void) {
return seed; }
double probability(void) {
return (seed / FLOATING_MODULUS); }
The function randomO produces an apparently random sequence of integer values between zero and MODULUS. The function probabi 1i ty() produces an appar· enlly random sequence of noaling \'alues between zero and one. Totke that a call to randomO or probabi 1itYO produces a new value of the variable seed that depends on its old value. Because seed is a slatic external variable. it is private 10 this file and its value is preserved between function calls. we can now create functions in other files that invoke lhcse random number generators withoul worrying about side effects. A last usc or stati c is as a storage class specifier ror function definitions and prototypes. This causes the scope of the funclion to be restTictcd. Static functions arc visible only within the file in which they are defined. Unlike ordinary functions, which can be accessed from other files, a stati c function is
/* g() available here, but not in other files */ }
8.9 •
An Example: Processing Characters
static int g(void) { }
Default Initialization
In C, bolh eXlernal variilbles and sialic variables Ihal arc not e.xplicitly inilialized by Ihe programmer are inHialized to zero b}' the s}stem. This includes arrays, stnngs. pointers, structures, and unions. For arra}s and strings, this means that each element is inilialized to zero; for structures and unions, il means Ihat each member is initialized to zero. In contrast 10 thiS. automatic and register variables usually arc not inilialized by the system. This means they Slart \vith garbage values. Although some C systems do initialize automalic variables to zero. Lhis feaLure should nol be relied on. as It makes the wde nonponablc.
An Example: Processing Characters_
A function that uses a return statement can pass back to the calling environment a single value. If more than one value is needed in the calling environment,
addresses must be passed as argumenLs to the function. To illustrate this idea. leI us wrile a program that processes characters in a particular way. Here is \\'hal we want to iH.:cornplish. Character-Processing Goals
• Read characters from the input stream UlltjJ EOF is encountered. • Ch.mge any lowercase letler to an uppercase leiter. • Prinl three words
a line. with a sing/(' space between each word.
• COllnt the number of character~ and Ihe number of
In this proJ.:ram we consider a word to be a sequence of non-white space charac· lers of maximallenglh. Here is mai n(): 'include <stdio.h> 'include 'defi ne int
/* number of words per line */
3 int«
int «);
Chapter 8 •
funaions, Pointers, and Storage Classes
int main(void) {
0, "letters
while «c '" getcharO) != EOF) if (process(&c, &nchars, &nletters)
putchar(c); pr;ntfC"\n%s%5d\n%s%5d\n\n" , "Number of characters:" "Number of letters: ..
nchars, nletters);
return 0; }
The processing of each character takes place in the function processO. Because the vaJues of the variables c. nchars. and nletters arc to be changed in the caLling environment, addresses of these variables are passed as arguments to processO. Notice that c is an int rather than a char. This is because c must eventually lake on the special value EOF, which is not a <.:haracter. Notice also that a character is written to the screen only if process() returns the value I. In this context we think of I as signaling that the character has been appropriately processed and is ready to print. We usc the value 0 to signallhat the character is not to be printed. This case occurs when conliguous white space characters occur. Let liS see how proeess() does its work.
int process(int *p, int *nehars_ptr, int (
st.ati c i nt
ent : 0. last_char
. '..
if CisspaeeClast_char) && isspaceC*p») return 0; if (isalpha(*p» { ++*nletters_ptr; i f (islower(*p» *p = toupper(*p); }
else i f (isspace(*p)) if (++cnt % NWQRD$ :: 0) *p='\n'; else *p = • '; ++*nehars_ptr; lascchar : *p; return 1; }
8.9 •
An Example: Processing Characfers
Bcfore we dissC<:ltl1is funclion, we wanl to show some output from the program. First we compile the progrillll and pUllhe executable code in the file process. Then \\C uC'ale a file called data \\ith the follmv;ng lines in it: by
she sells sea shells the seashore
Notice that we have deliberalely pUI COnliguolis blanks into the file.
if we
giw the command process < data
here IS whal appears on Ihe screen: SHE SEllS SEA SHEllS BY THE
SEASHORE Number of characters: Number of letters:
37 30
~ Dissection of the process () Function
int process(in! *p, int *nchars_ptr, int *nletters_ptr) {
static int
cnt - 0, last_char
, '.
The type of the function is i nt, which means that it returns an i nt value. The paramelers of Ihe function are three pointers to i nt. Allhough we think of p as a poinler to a characler, its dedaratiol1 here should be consistent with its usc in ma i nO. The lo<:al variables cnt and 1as t_eha r are of the storage class stati c. Thus they arc initiaJi/.cd only once, and their values arc retained belween function calls. If lhese voriablcs were of slOragc class auto, they would be reinilialiLed e\cry Illne the function is called. •
The macro isspaceO is defined in clype.II.1t returns a nonzcro value (true) if ils argumenl is a blank, lab, or newline.
Chapter 8 •
FlJnccions, Pointers, and Srorage Classes
&& isspace(*p»
if (isspaceClast_char)
return 0;
[f the lasl character s('cn was a white space character, and the character
pointed to by p is also a white space character, the value 0 is returned to the calling environment. Back in the calling environment-that is, back in rna; nO-when this value is received, the current character is not printed. •
if (isalpha(*p»
{ ++*nletters_ptr; if (islower(*p»
If the character pointed to by p is a letler, then we increment the value of the object pointed to by nletterLptr. If, moreover, the value of the object pointed to by p is a lowercase leiter, then the object pointed to by p is assigned the corresponding uppercase letter. ++*nletters_ptr; Let us consider this statement in some detail. Tbe increment operator ++ and the indirection operator· are both unary and associate from right to leFt. Thus ++(*nletters_ptr); is equivalent to it. What is being incremented is the dereferenced value in the calling environment. Note carefully that the expression ++*nletters_ptr
is not equivalent to
The latter expression is equivalent to *(nletters_ptr++) which causes the current pointer value to be dereferenced and the pointer itself to be incremented. This is an instance of pointer arithmetic.
else if (isspace(*p)) if (++cnt X NWORDS *p '\0'; else 'p •
8.10 •
Function Decfarations and Definitions
If the character pointed to by p is a white space character, then lascchar cannot also be a white SP
++*nchars_ptr; lasLchar = *p; return 1;
First we increment the valuc of the object pointed to by nchars_ptr. Then we assign to last_char the value of the object pointed 10 by p. Finally, we rehirn the value 1 10 the calling environment La indicate that a (haraCler is to be printed.
Function Declarations and Definitions To the compiJer, function declarations arc generated in various ways: by function invocation, by function definition, and by explicit declarations and protOlypes. If a function call such as f(x) is encountered before allY declaration, definition, or prototype for the function occurs, then the compiler assumes a default declaration of the form int
Nothing is assumed about lhc parameter list for the function. Now suppose the following function definition occurs first: int f(x) double x;
/* traditional C style */
This provides both declaration and definition to the compiler. Again, nothing is assumed about the panlmeter list. It is the programmer's responsibilil}' to pass onl}' a single argument of type double. A function call such as f(1) can bl.' expected to fail. Suppose thaI, instead. we lise the following new style definition: int f(double x) {
/* ANSI C style */
, Chapter 8 •
Functions. Pointers, and Storage Closses
The compiler now knows about the parameter list. In this case, if an ; nt is passed as an argumcnI, it is conn·rted appropriillcl) to a daub1e. A function prototype is a special case of a function declaration. A good prostyle is to give either the function dcfinHion (new slyle), Ihe fuorrion prototype, or bOlh before a function is lIsed. A major reason for including standard header riles is lhal thc)' conlain function prototypes. ~ramming
Certain Iimitalions exist for function dcfinilions and prototypes. The function storage class specifier, if present, can be either extern or static, Inll not both; auto and reg; ster cannot be used. The types ""rray of .. ," and "function returning .. ," cannot be returned by a function. llowever, a pointCf representing an array or a function can be returned. The only storage class specifier that can occur in the p
The Type Qualifiers const and volatile
The ANSI committee has added the ke}\\ords const and volatile to the C lan~ua~e. The} arc not available in traditional C. Because the} arc used in declarations to tell the compiler how identifiers can be used, they arc called type qualifiers. Lei us first discuss how canst. IS used. Typically, in a declaration, canst comes after the storage class. if an), bUI before the type. Consider lhe declaration static const int
We read this as Mk is a constant i nt \\ilh Sialic slorage class." Because the type for k has been qualifi<:d by canst, we Gill initialize k. bUl thereafter k cannol be assigned to. incremented. or decremented. Even though a variable has been qualified with const, it slill cannot be used to specify an ana}' size in anothcl' declaration. canst i nt int.
n = 3; v[n];
f* the compiler will complain */
Thus a cons t qualified variable is not cquivalent 10 a s}lnbolic constant. An unqualified pointer should not be assi~ncd the address of a const qu,dified variable. The following code causes lhe compih.·r to complain: canst int i nt
a = 7; *p = &a;
f* the compiler will complain *f
The reason for this is that. because p is an ordinary pointer to i nt, we could usc it laler in an c"pression such as ++*p. 1I0we\'er. lhat would change the stored value or a. \ iolalin~ Ihe concepl lhal a is consl
• 8.12
const int const int
a '" 7; *p '" &a;
then the compiler is happy. The last declaration is read "p is a pointer to a constant i nt and its initial value is the address of a." Nole Ihat p itself is not a consian I. We can assign to il some 01 her address. We may not, however, assign a value to *p. The object poinled to by p should not be modified. Suppose we want p itself to be constant, but not a. This is achieved with Ihe declarations
i nt int * const
a; p '" &a;
\Ve read the last declaration as "p is u constant pointer 10 i nt, and its initial value is the address of a." Thereafter, we may not assign a value 10 p, but \\'e may assign a value to ''"p. NO\v consider const int const int * const
a p
7; &a;
The last declaration tells the compiler that p is a constant poinler to a constant i nt. Neither p nor *p can be assigned 10, incremented, or decremented. In contrast to canst, the t~'pe qualifier va 1 atil e is seldom used. A vo 1 ati 1 e object is one that can be modified in some unspecified way by the hardware. Consider the decluration extern const volatile int The extern means "l.ook for il else\vhen.', eilher in Ihis file or in some other file." The qualifier vol ati 1 e indicates th,lt the object may be aCled on by the hardwure. Because canst is also a qualifier, the object may nol be assigned to, inlTemented, or decremented within Ihe program.
One often finds p, q, and r used as identifiers for pointer variables in a progrmll. This is a nalural convention, with p standing I'or poil1fer, and q and r being the next letters in the alphabet. In a similar fashion pI, p2, ... are also used as identifiers for pointer variables. Other common ways to designate that un identifier is a pointer is 10 prepend p_ to a name, us in p_hi and p_lo, or to append _ptr, as in nchars_ptr. An alternative declaration style for a poinler is char*
which is equivalent
Chapter 8 •
Functions. Pomters, and Storage Cfasses
Some prograllllllers prefer this style because the * is now morc c1osel)' associated with the type being pointed 10. One must bc careful, however, because
P. q. r;
is nol equivalent to
*p, *q,
Instead, II is equivalent 10
*p, q, r;
Our next concern deals with functions that have side effects. Side effects occur when a function call changes the stored value in memOf)' of a variable in the calling environment. A good programming style is to effect such dlangcs by using the return or parameter mechanism. To illustrate, let us fc\vritc our swap program.
#include <stdio.h> int void
/* global variables *1 1* function prototype */
a=3.b:7; swap(void) ;
int main(void) (
printf("%d swapO; printf("%d return 0;
%d\n", a, b);
/* 3
7 is printed */
%d\n", a, b);
/* 7
3 is printed */
We ha,'c Illo\'cd the declaration or a and b outside of mainO, milking these \'
/* very bad programming style */
tmp = a;
a = b; b
The modificiltion of the global variilblcs a and b is a side eHeCI or the function call swapO. With this programming style, lar~c programs can be very difficult to read and maintain. Idcall)', one writes code that is locally intelligible.
8.13 •
W _ ." _ t~
Common Programming Errors
Common Programming Errors
Beginning programmers on en make conceplUal mistakes when pointers. A lypil.:al cxample of this is i nt
I<:'arnin~ 10
Here an altempt is being made to initialize the value of the object pointed to br p. BUllhis is an initializaliun of p ilsell', which is most likel} not what was inlended. Suppose we try to fLx this br writing int
Now Ihere is a more subtle error. C does nOI provide look-ahead capability. AI the point where p is initialized to thc address of i, space for thc variable i has not ycl bl'en idlocatcd. To corn.~cl this, we can write int
Hrst spacc for i is allocated, and i is inilialized 10 3; then space for p is allocated and p is iniliillized 10 the address of ;. When dealing with pointers, the programmer must learn to distinguish t:arefully between a pointer p and its dercferenced value *p. To minimize any chance of confusion, one should usc names for pointer vilriables thaI indicate pointer usage. Here is an example of what 1101 to do. Suppose vI and v2 are noating variables and we want to interchange their values in the calling environment by the function l:aU swap(&vI, &v2). To code swapO, one could write void swap(double *vl, double *v2)
/* poor style */
But now there is confusion. In mainO. the identiriers vI and v2 are used as names ol"variables of rype double, but in swapO. the smne identifiers are used as names of variilblcs of l} pe pointer to daub 1e. II would be much betler tn use p_vI and p_v2. Using names thai dearl} indiGlte pointer usage helps the programmer minimize mistakes and helps olhers who rcad the mde to understand its intent. Of course, not every value is stored in an accessible memory IOciltion. It is useful to keep in mind the following prohibitions.
I 290
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Pointers, and Storage Classes
Constructs not to be pointed at
])0 nOl point al constants
Do not point at ordinary expressions
&(k + 99)
Do not point at regisTer vari
reg; ster
The address operator can be applied to variables and arrilY elements. If a is an <Jrray, then expressions such as &a[0J and &a[i+j+7] make sense (s('e Chapter 9, "Arr,lys
One common use of a block is for debugging purposes. Imagine we are in a section of code where a variable, v, is misbehaving. By inserting a block tempo· rilrUy into the code, we can use local variables that do not interfere with the fest of the program.
/* debugging starts here */
static int
ent. == 0;
pri ntf("""h~ debug: ent
%d\n", ++cnt. v);
The varioble ent is local to the block. [t does notinter!"ere with another variable of the same nome in an outer block. Because its stora~e class is stati e, it retains its old value when the block is reentered. Here, it is being used to count the number of times the block is executed (perhaps we are inside a for loop). \Ve are assuming thot the variable v has been declared in an outer block and is therefore known in this block. We are printing its value for debugging purposes. Later, ofter we have fixed our code, this block becomes extraneous, and we remove it.
System Consideratio_~_~
[n traditional C. integer values can be assigned to 0 pointer, but in ANS[ C. only the special value zero can be assigned to a pointer regardless of the pointer type. Some compilers issue an error message if a nonzero value is assigned to a pointer; other compilers issue only a warning. They ore all supposed to issue an error Illessage, but many ANSI C compilers are used in an environment where both old and new C code must be compiled. Programs that make explicit usc of absolute addresses are frequently nonportable. Different systems have different address sp'H.:es, and they may use their address spaces in noncompaUble \va}'s. If you must write programs with absolute addresses, it is best to use the #defi ne I"acillty to localize any possible systemdependent code.
8.15 •
Moving to C++
Pointer expressions should not be of mixed type. As an example, suppose p is of t}pe pointer to char and q is of type pointer to into Then the assignment expression p = q has mixed pointer t}'Pc. 1\lthough such exprf.'ssions arf.' considcred illegal in ANSI C, many compilers only issue a warning. In Turbo C, for example, \\e get Suspicious pointer conversion in The proper style is 10 use casts. For example, we could wrile p", (char *) q;
When writing portable code, the programmer must heed all compiler warnings bccause what is a warning on one system may be prohibited on another. In ANSI C, the %p format can be used in a pri ntfO statement to print pointer values. TypicaU}, these are hexadecimal numbers. Tltis formal is not available in some traditional C compilers. The preferred pl,ICement of function prolOI}peS is either in a header file that is included or at the top of the file but after the #includes, #defines, and typedefs. This gives the function prototypes file visibilit}/. In ANSI C, function prototypes placed in a block (in the body of a function, for example) arc supposed to ha\'e just the scope of thai block. In tradilionOlI C. function declarations \\l;'re often given file visibilily no mittt~r where they \... ~rc plOlc~d in the file. Some ANSI C compil~rs continue to do this with r~spcct to buth function prowt) pes and function declnrations although it is technically wrong til do so. In some instances this can cause porting difficulties.
Moving to
Reference deciarnlions arc a new fealure or C++. They declare the identifier to be an alternative name, or alias, for an object specified in an initialization of the refcrence, and they allow a simpler form of ca!l·by-reff.'rcncc parameters. ExOlmples
arc ;nt ;nt& double double&
nn = n a[10]; last = a[9];
is alternative name for n
Illast is an alias for a[9]
Declarations of references that arc definitions must be initinlized. lIsuall} to simple variables. The initiali"Ler is;1Il lvalue expression, which gives the variable's locOltion in memory. In these exOlmples, the nOlmes nand nn are aliases I"or each
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Pointers, and Srorage Classes
olher; that is, they refer to the same object. I\-fodifying nn is equivalent to modifying n and vice versa. The name last is an alternative to the single array dement a[9]. These names, once initialized, cannot be changed. When a v
a '" 5; int* p '" &a; int& ref_a a", *p == 7; a==*p+l;
Iideclaration of a
lip points to a Iialias for a
Illvalue in effect a is assigned 7 Ilrvalue 7 added to 1 and a assigned 8
p 1004
-~a I~.7~81
reLa is an alias for a
Notice in the preceding figure that any change to the value of a is eqUivalent to ch,mging ref_a. Such a change allects the derererenced value of p. The pointer
p can be assigned another address ancllose ils association with a. However, a and ref _a are aliases and, within the scope, must rerer 10 the same object. These declarations can be used for call-by-reference arguments, which allows c++ to have call-by-rej"erencc arguments dircctly. This j"c,llure is not available in C; it is similar 10 Pascal var parametcrs. Using this mechanism, the j"unction orderO is recoded as
8.15 •
void order(int& p, int& q) {
temp ... p; p : q; q ., temp; } }
It would be prototype
i. j;
order(i, j); }
Let us use this mechanism to write a function greaterO, which exchanges values if the flfst is greater than the second.
int greater(int& a, int& b) (
if(a>b){ int temp a .. b; b ... temp; return 1;
//exchange =
else return 0; )
Now, if i and j are two i nt variables, greater(i, j) uses the reference to i and the reference to j to exchange, if necessary, their two values.
". 294
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Pointers, and Storage Classes
A pointer variable usually takes as values either NULL or addresses of other variables.
The address open.llor & Ihe indirection, or dereferencing, operator * are unary operalllrs wilh the same pret.:edence and right-to-left associativity as the other unary operators. If v is a variable, Ihen the expression is equivalent III
Remember, however, Ihal if v hiJS storage cliJSS reg; ster, then the operation &v is nol allowed. •
In C, the call-by-vaJue mechanism is strictly adhered to. This means that when an expression occurs as illl argument to a function, a copy of the value of the expression is made, and it is this copy" that is passed to the function. Thus a function call such as fey) by itself carmot change the stored value of v in the calling emlrorunent.
The effect of call-by-rcferellce can be achieved by using pointers, the address operator &, and the clercrerencing operator"'.
To achieve Ihe elTeo ot' call-by-rcl'erence, Ihe programmer must use a pointer as a formal parameter in the header of the function definition. Then Ihe assignment ot' iJ value to the dereferenced pointer in the body of the function can change the value of a viJriahle in Ihe calling environment. When such a function is GIl1ed, illl address is passed as an actual argument.
The four slOriJge classes are auto, extern, reg; ster, and stat; c; auto is the most common. Automatic v
The keyword exte rn means "Look for it elsewhere, either in this file or in some other."
All variables declared outside of functions have external storage class; the keyword extern does not have to be added. These variables may be used throughout lhe program. They can be hidden by redeclaration, but their values CarulOt be destroyed.
All functions have external storage class. The type specifier of a function is i nt unless explicitly declar('d otherwise. The type of the expression in the return statement must be compatib[(' with the type of the function.
Tile storage class regi ster can be used to try to improve execution speed. It is semantically equivalent to aUlomalic.
The storage class stati c is used to preserve exit values of variables. It is also used to restrict the scope of c..xtcrnal identifiers.
Scope rules are the visibility constraints associated with identifiers. The keyword stati c used with external identifiers provides a form of privacy that is vcry important for progr¥I\ modu\arit'Y. Consider the foUoy, code: static void f(int k) { }
static int
a, b, c;
The function fO is known throughout this file bUI in no other. The variables a, b. and c are known only in this file and only below the place where they are declared. •
E,xtcrnal and static variables that arc not c..xplicitly initialized by the programmer are initialized to zero by th(' system.
What is printed by the follOWing code" i nt
5, *p
printf("%p %d %d %d %d\n" , p, *p + 2. H&p, 3**p, **&
Note that we used the %p format to print a pointer value. All A SI C compilers understand this formal. What happens if you change the %p to %d? In UNIX, it probably works, but in MS-DOS, it probably fails. If MS-DOS is available to you, try the %u format as well.
Chapter 8 •
Functions. Pointers, and Storage Classes
2 Consider the following: code:
char char
cl = 'A', c2 *p = &Cl, *q
'B', tmp; &c2;
tmp = *p; *p *q; *q = tmp; Draw a diagram of what is in memorr after each of the declarations and SLatements has been executed.
:3 Consider the code double
*p, *q;
p = 3; q 7 - 5 - 2;
Your compiler should complain about one of these lines but not the other. Explain why. If you use pointers to i nt rather than pointers to daub 1 e, is your compiler any happier? 4 If i and j are i nts, and p and q are pointers to i nt, which of the following assignment expressions are illegal? p = &i *q = &j
p i
&*&i (*&) j
i i
(int) p {'&"'&j
q = &p (*p)++ + *q
5 \Vrite a program with the declaration
a, b,
*p, "'q, *r;
'hal prints out the locations assigned to all these v
void shift(char ·pl, char "p2, char "'p3, char "'p4, char "'p5) (
Test your function b)' calling it five times and printing out, in turn, BCDEA, CDEAB, DEABC, EABCD, and ABCDE. 7 Write a function that orders the slOred values of three characters. Suppose, for example, that c1, c2, and c3 are character variables having the v,IJues 'C', 'B r, and 'D', respectively. Then the function call order_chars(&c1, &c2, &c3) should t::ilUSC the stored values of c1, c2, and c3 to be 'B', 'C', and 'D', respectively. Write a program that tests your func·
tion. 8 The program we wrole 10 process charaUers in Sec lion 8.9, ~An E.... ample: Processing Charactcrs,n on page 281, is short enough that one could do away with the function processO and write all the code in rnai nO. Of course, we did the work in processO to illustrate how pointers can be used. Hewrite the pro~ram using no pointers. 9 In Section CA, "Packing and UnpackinR, n on page 589, we wrote the function unpack O. It can unpack one byte at a time from an i nt. Rewrite the function so il unpacks all the bytes at once. On a machine with 4-byte words, begin your function as follows:
1* Unpack the packed int pinto 4 characters. *1 void unpack(int p, char "'pa, char "'pb, char "'pc, char *pd) {
1* turn on low-order byte *1
Write a program 10 check your function. Your program should usc the bicprintO fun<;lion (sec Section (,3, "Printing an int Bitwise," on page 586). 10 Ilow many bytes arc used by your C system 10 store pointer variables'! Does it take less space to Slore a pointer to char than a poinler to long double? Usc the si zeof operator 10 rind out. Write a progr<:lrn that prints a table of values that shows the number of b)1eS needed to store a pointer to each of the fundamental types.
Chapter 8 •
Functions, Pointers, and Storage Classes
II Because the symbol * represents bolh the indirection operator and Ihe multiplication operator, il is not alwa)'s immediately clear what is intended. Consider the folloWing code: int int
; • 2. j = 4, k = 6; &j, 'r • &k; 'p • &i, 'q
printfC"%d\n" , printfC"%d\n",
• • q • • r) ; p
r) ;
has a conceptual mistake; see if you can spot it.
#include <stdio.h> #define
int main(void) {
printfC"Is this my lucky number? return 0;
%d\n", *p);
Un our system the program produc:;es the follOWing output: Is this my lucky number?
Can you explain this output? 13 Just as there arc palmers to int, there are pointers to pointers to into Write a lesl program the declaration
The identifier q is a pointer to pointer to i nt, and its initial value is the address of p. To test this concept, usc the statement printfC"%d\n%d\n%d\n", q, *q, **q);
to prinl some v,lIues. Docs an expression such as q '"':: &p make sense? Include this c.xpression in }our test program. Caution: If }'ou arc using the "15DOS operating system, you must be careful when printing pointer values. The %p formal can be expected to work, and of course i1 works in UNIX as well. The %u Format works in the small memory model but not in the larger memory models. Try the following code: printf("%p\n%p\n%d\n", q, "'q, """q); printf("---\n") ; printf("%u\n%u\n%u\n", q, *q, "'*q); When rOll c.xamine }our output, you can tell if something is wrong. 14 In this exercise we continue wilh the ideas discussed in the previous exercise.
Consider the code i nt
v:: 7, *p :: &v, **q :: &p;
pri ntf("%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n" , &1/, "'&v, &p, "'&p, *':'&p, &q, "'&q, "''''&q, ':'''''''&q); The output has an interesting pattern. Can rou explain why some of Ihe nwn· bers rcpeat? Notice that wc have used the cOmbination "'& but not &*. Arc there situations in which &* is semantically correct? Caution: In MS-DOS, try replacing all the Xd formats with Xu. If lhal docs nol seem righI, replace all the %d formalS with Xp, cxcept ror the second, fifth, and last. I J E.xtend the ideas presented in the previous exercise by writing a lest program where r is dedared to be a pointer to pointer to pointer to i nt. 16 In ANSI C, al most one storage c1"ss can be specified in il declariltion. What happens when you try lhc following code on your system? #include <stdio.h> static extern int
a '"
int main(void) (
printf("a return 0;
%d\n", a);
The poinl of lhjs cxercise is lhat you want to usc a sIalic cxlcrnal variable, bUl the compiler does not let you declare onc. Whal should }OU do?
Chapter 8 •
Funcrions, Pointers, and Sroyage Classes
17 If you use const. in a dcrlaration and then try to perform an inappropriate initialization or assignment, your compiler complains. Whether it is an error or a warning is system-dependent. Try the following code on your system:
const double double
x ~ 7.7; *p = &x;
/* compiler error or warning?
%9\0". *p);
Rewrite the code keeping const., bUI at the same time make the compiler happy. 18 C++: Redo exercise 6, the circular shift, using reference declarations. 19 C++: Redo the random number generator in Section 8.7, "Static External Variables," on page 280. as an inline C++ function and compare the time it lakes to generate 100,000 random numbers in C as an ordinary function versus in C++ as an inline function. in light of these results. it is often claimed that C++ in many cases is actually more efficient than C. 20 C++: Write a mem_swap(void* x, void* y, size_t n) generic routine. The routine swaps n bytes starting at memory address x with n bytes starting at memory address y. The function should assert that n is a suitable value and that the swap does not occur with an overlap. 21 Java: To call one method from another method in the same class In Java, we wrile the name of the called method and an appropriate list of arguments within parentheses. These arguments must match in number and type the parameters in the parameter list in the method definition. The arguments are passed call-by-va/ue. That is, each argument is evaluated, and its value is used within the called method to initialize the corresponding formal p
30 I
static void swap(int X, i nt y) { i nt temp; System.out.println("x " + x); System. out. pri ntl n("y + y); temp = x; X = y;
y = temp; System. out. pri ntl n ("x System.out.println("y
+ x); " + y);
The output of this program is
Y = 2 x = 2 Y = 1 numOne
numTwo = 2 Note that, although we successfully swapped the values of the formal parameters, x and y, doing so had no effect on the actual arguments, numOne and numTwo. The formal parameters are effectively local variables in the method swapO that have their values initialized with the values of the corresponding actual arguments. Five memory locations are identified in thiS program for storing integers: numOne, numTwo, x, y, and temp. In Java we can't write a method swapO similar to the one presented that actually swaps the values of two primitive type variables passed as parameters. If swapO had actually caused the values in mainO to change, then we would have said that it achieved its result by causing a side effect instead of returning a value. The side effect would have been the changes in the two actual arguments. Any method with a return type of voi d must cause some side effect or else be completely useless. Write a C program that fails in the same way as this Java program.
I , I
and Pointers n ilrray is a sequence of data items that are of the same type, that can be indexed, and that are stored contiguously. Typically, arrays are a data type that is Llsed to represent a lurge number of homogeneous values. The elements of
',~'(--. t~
Programs often usc homogeneous data. For example, if we want to manipulate some grades, \ve might declare int
grade0, gradel, grade2;
However, if the number of grades is large, it is cumbersome to represent and manipulate the data by means of unique identifiers. Instead, we can use an array, which is a derived type. Individual elements of the array arc accessed using a subscript, also caUed an index. The brackets [ J are used to contain the subscripts of an array. To use grade [0], grade[l], and grade[2] in a program, we declare int
where the integer 3 in the declaration represents the size of the array, or the number of elements in the array. The indexing of array elements always starts at 0. is <J characteristic feature of the C language.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Poinrers
A one·dimcnsional array declaration is a type followed by an idcnlificr with a
bracketed constant integral expression. The value of the constant expression, which must be positive, is the size of the array; il specifics the number of clements in the array. To stofe the clements of the array, the compiler assigns an appropriatc amount of memory, starting from a base ilddrcss. To illustrate some of thcsc ideas, lei LIS write a small program thaI rills an array. prints oul values, and Slints Ihe clements of the array.
/*Fill and Print an array. */ #include <stdio.h> #defi ne
int main(void) {
int 'int
for (;
1* allocate space for a[0] to a[4] */
i, sum :: 0; =
/* fill the array */
0; ; < N; ++i)
a[;]=7+;*;; for (i = 0; ; < N; ++i) printf("a[%d] == %d for Ci == 0; i < N; Hi) sum +== a[i];
/* print the array */ i, a[i]);
printfC"\nsum = %d\n", sum); return 0;
/* sum the elements */ /* print the sum */
The outpul of Ihis program is
a[01 = 7 sum = 6S
a[2] • 11
a[3] = 16
= 23
111e arra}' a requires space in melllor}' to store four integer values. Let us sup' pose our machine stores an int in t'our b}'tes. If aC0] is stored at location 1000, then the remaining array elements arc stored successively at locations 1004, 1008,1012, and 1016.
These numbers indicate which array element.
One-Dimensional Arrays
These numbers indicate the value stored in an array element.
Dissection of FilLand_Print Program •
#defi ne
int main(void) {
int int
a[N]; /* allocate space for a[0] to a[4] */ i. sum "" 0;
It Is considered good programming: praclice to define (he size of an array as a symbolic constant. Recause much of the code milY depend on this value. it is convenient 10 be able to change a single #defi ne line to process arra) s of different sizes. Notice how a [N] allocates memory for .5 i nt elements. The variable i is typiCCllly used for an int variable ll1at indexes an array.
for (i "" 0; i < N; ++i)
/* fill the array */
a[i] - 7 + i * i;
This is the critical idiom for processing: all the array elemenlS. The index variable starls with elemenl 0 and proceeds to index value N-L Note il would be wrong 10 usc i <- N. This would lead to accessing alS], an element Ihal is one past the end of the arra)'.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) printf("a[%d] = %d for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
/* print the array */ i, a[i]);
/* sum the elements *1
Again we have the for loop idiom for processing each clemen! in turn.
Arrays may be of storage class automatic, external, static, or constant but not register. As with simple variables, arrays can be initialized within a declaration. An army initializer is a sequence of initializing values written as a brace-enclosed, mmma-separated list. An example is float
{-l.l, 0.2, 33.0, 4.4, 5.05, 0.O, 7.7l;
This initializes x [0] to -1.1, x [1] to 0.2, and so forth. \Vhen a list of initiaJizers is shorter than the number of arr<Jy elements to be initialized, the remaining elements <.Ife initialized to zero. If an external or static array is not initialized, then lhe system initializes <.111 elemenls to zero automatically. Uninitialized automatic and constant
int a[]
{3, 4, 5, 6};
int a[4]
{J, 4, 5, 6J;
Subscripting Assume that a declaration of the form int
i, a[size];
has been made. Then we can \vrite a[i] to access an clement of the array. More generally, we m
I 9.2 •
An Example: Counting Each Letter Separately
is s}'stem-dependcnt and can be quite confusing. One frequent result is that the value of some unrelated variable is returned or modified. Thus lhe programmer must ensure thai all subscripts sta)' within bounds.
In previous chaplers we showed how to count digits, letters, and so on. By using an array, we can easily count the occurrence of each uppercase letter. Here is a program thai does this:
/* Count each uppercase letter separately. *1 'include <stdio.h> 'include
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
int main(void) {
c, i. letter[26];
for (i = 0; i < 26; Hi) /* i oi t array to zero*/ letter[i] = 0; while «c - getchar(» I- EOF) /* count the 1 etters */ i f (isupper(c)) ++1 etter[c - 'A'] ; for (i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { /* print the results */ i f (i % 6 ~ 0) printfC"\n"} ; prj ntf("%4c:%3d", 'A' + i , letter[i]) ; } printfC"'n\n") ;
return 0; }
Among our files is one that contains the current version of this chapter. If we compile the program into cncabc and then give the command cnLabc < chapter9
the following appears on the screen:
A: 75 G: 9 M: 25 s: 73 Y: 11
~ ~,
B: 52 H: 13 N: 44 T: 96
0: 14
1:121 0: 3B
J: 1 P: 243 V: 3
K: 1 Q: 1 W: 17
F: 13 L: 39 R: 37 X: 9
Dissection of the cnLabc Program •
c, i, 1etter[26];
The count for each of the 26 capital letters is stored in the array letter. Remember. the elements of the array are letter[0J, letter[l), ... , letter[2S). Forgetting that array subscripting starts at 0 causes many errors. The variable i is used as a subscript.
An Example: COlJnting Each Letter Separately
9.2 •
for (i • 0; i < 26; ++i) letter[i] = 0;
/* init array to zero*/
Automatic arrays must be explicitly initialized_ This for loop follows a standard pattern for processing all the elements of an array. It is a C programming cliche. The subscripting variable is initialized to O. The termination test is to see if the upper bound is exceeded. •
while «c = getchar()) != EOF) i f (isupper(c)) ++letter[c - 'A'];
/* count the letters */
The library function getcharO is used repeatedly to read a character in the input stream and assign its value to c. The whi 1e loop is exited when the end-of-file sentinel is detected. The macro isupperO from is used to test whether c is an uppercase letter. If it is, then an appropriate element of the array 1etter is incremented. •
++letter[c - 'A'];
This line of code is system-dependent. On ASCII machines the expression c 'A' has the value 0 if c has the value' A', I if c has the value' B', and so forth. Thus the uppercase leiter value of c is mapped into the range of values o to 25. Because brackets have higher precedence lhan ++, an equivalent statement is ++(letter[c - 'A']); Thus we sec that letter[0] is incremented if c has the value' A', letter[l] is incremented if c has the value' B' , and so forth. •
for (i • 0; i < 26; ++i) { /* print the results */ i f (i % 6 == 0) printf("\n printf("%4c:%3d". 'A' + i, lener[i]); tt
The same for loop cliche is used to proccss the array letter. Every sixth time through the loop, a newline is printcd. As i runs from 0 to 25, the expression' A' + i is used to print Athrough z. with the letter followed by a colon and counl.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
~~e Relationship between Arrays and Pointers An array name by itself is an address, or pointer value, and pointers and arrays
is declared,
the compiler must allocate a base address and a sufficient amount of storage to contain all the clements 01" the array. The base address of the array is the initial location in memu!) where the array is stored; it is the address of the t1rst clement (jnde...: 0) of the array. Suppose we write the declaration
#defi ne int
a[N], *p;
and the system (auses memory bylCS numbered 300, :104, 308, ... , 696 10 be the addresses of a[0], a[l], a[2], ... , a[99], reSpel.:lively, with localion :{OO being the base address of a. The twO st<.llcments p =
arc equivalent and would assign 300 to p_ Pointer arithmetic provides an alternative to array indexing. The two statements p =
a + 1;
are equivalent and would assign 30-1 to p. Assuming thaI the elements of a have been assigned values, we can usc the following code 10 SUIll the array. sum = 0;
p <
&a[N]; ++p)
sum += *p; In this loop the pointer variable p is initialized to Ihe base address of the array a. Then Ihe successive values of p arc eqUivalent 10 &a(0], &a(l]. . &a(N-l]. In general, if i is a variable of type into then p + i is the ith offset from the address p. In a similar manner, a + i is the ith offset from the base address of the array a. Here is another \Va} to sum the arra}': sum = 0; for (i 0; i < N; Hi) sum += *(a + i);
I 9.4
Pointer Arithmetic and Element Size
31 I
Just as the expression *(a + i) is equivalent to a[i], so the expression *(p + i) is equivalent to p[i]. Here is a third way to sUlllthe array: p '" a; sum", 0;
for (i
0; i < N; ++i)
sum += p[i];
Although in many wa)s arrays and pointers can be trealed alike. there is one esscnlial dilTerence. Hecausc the array a is a constant pointer and not a variable, expressions such as a
= p
a += 2
We cannot change the address of a.
Pointer Arithmetic and Element Size POinter arithmetic is one of the powerful features of C. If the variable p is a pointer to a particular type, then the expression p + 1 yields the correct machine address for storing or accessing the next variable of that type. Ln a similar fashion. poinler e.xpressions such as p + i and ++p and p += i all make sense. II' p and q arc both pointing to elemenls of an array, then p - q yields the i ot value representing the number of array elements between p and q. Even 1l1ough pointer expressions and arithmetic expressions have a similar appearance, there is a criBcal difference in interpretal..ion between the two types or expressions. The followrng code illustrates the difference:.
linclude <sdtio.h> int main(vaid) {
daub1 e
a[2], *p, *q;
p = &a [0) ; q c p + 1;
1* points at base of array *1 1* equivalent to q = &a[l]; *1
printf("%d\n", q - p); pri ntf("%d\n", (i nt) q - (i nt) p); return 0;
1* 1 is printed *1 1* 8 is printed *1
What is printed by the last statement is system-dependent. On mall}' systems a double is stored in eight bytes. Hence, the diffcr(c.nce be\ween the \'...· 0 machine. addresses \.n\crprctcd as integers is g.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
Passing Arrays to Functions
In a funclion dcJinition, a formal parameter thai is declared as an array is actuaJly
a pointer. \\ hen an arTa} is being passed, its base address is passed call-by-value. The array elements themselvcs arc not copied. As a notational convenience, the compiler allows array bracket nolation to be used in declaring pointers as parametefS. To illustrate this, we write a function that sums the clements of an array of type i nt.
/R n ;s the size of the array wi
int sume;nt a[], int n) {
; ot
S ""
for (i = 0; ; < n; ++i) 5+=a[;];
return 5;
J As part of the header of a function definition, the dcclaralion
is equivalent to
int a[];
; ot 'ira;
On the other hand, as declarations within the body of a function, lhesc are not eqUivalent. The firsl creales a constant poinler (and no storage), whereas the second crc'lIes a pointcr variable. Suppose v has been declared to be an arra)' wilh 100 clemen Is of (rpe into After the clements have been assigned values. we can use the preceding function sumO 10 'Idd various clemen Is of v. The following table illustrates some of Ihe possibIlities. Various ways that sumO might be called Invocation
What gets computed and returned
sum(v. 100J sum (v • 88)
v[0] + vEl] + ..... + v(gg] v[0J + vEl) + . .... + v(S7)
sum(&v[7] • k - 7)
v[7] + v[S] +
sum(v + 7, 2
v[7] + v[S] +
..... . ....
+ v[k - 1] + v[2
k + 6]
The lasl function call illustrates again the use of pointer arithmetic. The base address of v is offset b)' 7, and sumO initializes Ille local poinlcr variable a 10 Illis address. This causes all address calculalions inside the function call to be similarl}' offset.
9.6 •
A Sorting Algorithm: Bubble Sort
Algorithms that order information arc critical to searching large databases. Think of the dictionar}' or the telephone book. in both cases il is relatively easy and convcnient to look up information because the information is sorted in alphabetic. or Ic.xicographic, order. SortinJ.: is a very useful problem-solving technique. Moreover, the question of how 10 sort elTicienlly;s an important area of stud}' in its own right. Efficient sorting algorithms t}rpically require on the order of n log n comparisons to sort an array with n clements. A bubble sari is inefficient because it requires n 2 comparisons; nonetheless, for small arrays, its performance is usuaU}' acceptable. After we present the code for bubbl eO, we illustrate in detail how the function works on a particular array of integers. We use the function swapO. writ· ten in Section 8.-1, "Call-by-Rcference," on page 271. void
swap(int 'II, int 'II);
void bubble(int a[], int n)
I'll n is the size of a[] 'III
i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) for (j = n - 1; i < j; --j) if (a[j-I] > a[j])
swap{&a[j-l), &a[j)); }
Suppose we declnre int
a[]" {7, 3, 66, 3, -5, 22, -77, 2};
and then invoke bubble(a, 8). The following tnble shows tile elements of the ami}' a (] after each pass of the (luter loop.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
Elements of array all after each pass
Unoraerea aala First pass
3 7
6 6 3 7
6 6 3
77 Second pass
Third pass Fourlh pass Fifth pass
Sixth pass
Scvcmh pass
5 3
2 2
6 6 3
5 3
2 2 2
6 3
2 2 6 6
6 6 6
5 -
At the slart of the first pass, a[6] is compared with a [7]. Because the values are in order. they arc not e..xchangcd. Then a[5] is compared with a[6], and be<:ause these values are out of order, the)' arc e.xchanged. Then a [4] is compared with a [5], and so forlh. Adjacent out-or-order valucs arc exchanged. The effect of the first pass is to "bubble" the smallest value in the arra}' iow the element a[0]. In the second pass, a(0] is nOI examined and is therefore left unchanged, while a[6] is compared first with a[7], and so forth. After the second pass, the next to the smallest value is in a[l]. Because each pass bubbles the next smallest element 10 ils appropriate array po!>ition, the algorithm, after n - 1 passes, has put all the elemen!s in order. Notice thai in this example all the element!> have been ordered after the fifth pass. It is po!>siblc to modify the algorithm 10 lerminule earlier by adding a variable that detects if no exchanges arc made in a given pass (sec exer· cise 7 on page 331 l.
Two-Dimensional Arrays
The C language allows arrays of any type. including arrays of arra}'s. With two bracket pairs, we obtain a two·dimensional array. To obtain arrays of hiRhcr dimension, we simply continue to add brackets. With each bracket pair, we add another array dimension.
9.7 •
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Array dimensions Declarations of arrays
; nt
a one-dimensional array
; nt
b[2] [7];
a two-dimensional ,UTa)'
i nt
C[5J [3] [2];
a three-dimensional arrilY
A k-dimensional array has a size for each of its k dimensions. [f we let si represent the size of the array's ith dimension, then lhe decl,tration of the array allocates space for Sj x s2 x .. '. x sk elements. In the preceding table, b has 2 x 7 elements, and c has 5 x 3 x 2 elements. Starting at the base address of the array, all the array elements are stored Contiguously in memory. Even though array elements are stored contiguously one after the other, it is often convenient to think of a two-dimensional array as a rectangular coJlection of elements with rows and columns. For example, if we declare
a[3] [5];
then we can think of the array elemenls arranged as follows:
row I row 2 row]
col 2
col 4
a[O] [0] a [1][0] a [2][0J
col 5
a [0][lJ
a[0] 2] a [1][2] a[2][2J
a[0] [3J a [1][3] a[2][3]
a[0] [4] a[1][4] a[2][4]
a[l] [1] a[2] [1]
To illustrate Ihese ideas, lei us write a program lhat fills a lwo-dinwnsional array, prints oul values, and sums the elements of the array.
#include <stdio.h> #defi ne #defi ne
3 4
/* number of rows */ /* number of columns */
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
i nt. rnai n(voi d) {
arM] [N],
j, sum
for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) a[i][j] = i + j; for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) printf("a[%d][%d] ~ %d printf("\n") ;
1* fill t.he array *1 1* print. array values *1 , i,
for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) 1* sum the array *1 for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) sum += a[iJ [jJ; pri nt.f("\nsum = %d\n\n", sum); return 0; }
The output of this program is a[0] [0] a[l][0] a[2][0]
~ ~
0 1 2
a[0][1] a[l] [1] a[2] [1]
~ ~
1 2 3
a[0][2] a[1][2] a[2] [2]
3 4
a[0][3] a [1][3] a[2] [3]
3 4
[n processing every e!emen! of a multidimensional array, each dimension requires a single for loop. Because of the relationship between arrays and pointers, there are numerous ways to access elements of a two-dimensional array. Expressions equivalent to *(a[i] + j)
at;] (il
(*(a + i)) [jJ *((*(a + i)) + j) *(&a[0J [0J + 5*i + j)
The parentheses are necessary because the brackets [ ] have higher precedence than the indireclion operator *. We can think of a[i] as the ith row of a (counting from 0), and we can think of a [i] [j] as the element in the ith row, jth column of the array (counting from 0). The array name a by itself is equivalent to &a[0]; it is a pointer to an array of five i nt.s. The base address of the array is &a [0] [0], not a. Starling at the base address of the array, the compiler allocates contiguous space for 15 i nt.s. For any array, the mapping between pointer values and array indices is called the sforage mapping function. For the array a, the storage mapping function is specified by noting that
9.7 •
is equivalent to
Two-Dimensional Arrays
*(&a[0][0] + 5*i + j)
When a multidimensional array is a formal parameter in a function definition, all sizes except the first must be specified, so that the compiler can determine the correct storage mapping function. Arter the clements of the
aU [5])
i. j, sum
for (i z 0; i < 3; Hi) for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j) sum +: a(i] [j]; return sum; }
In the header of the function definition, the following parameter declarations arc equivalent: iot a(] (5J
int (*a) [5]
iot a(3][5]
Because of operator precedence. the parentheses arc necessary. The constant 3 acts as a reminder to human readers of the code, but the compiler disregards il. There arc a number of ways 10 inilialize i.\ two-dimensionnl array. The follow· ing three initializ.ations arc equivalent: ;nt int int
a (2][3J a(2J (3] a(J(3J
(l. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6);
ttl, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)); ({l, 2. 3), (4. 5. 6));
If there arc no inner braces, then each 01" the array clcments a[0] [0], a[0)(1], ..., a[l] [2] is initialized in lurn. Note that the indexing is b}' rows. II" there are fewer initializers than clements in the arra}, then the remaining clements are initialized to zero. Lf the first bracket pair is empty, then the compiler
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
takes the size from the llumbl'f of inner brace pairs. AI] sizes except the first must be given explicitly. A dassic use of two-dimensional arra~'s is a matrix of n by n elements. A chessboard can be easily represented as a two-dimensional array.
The pieces could be named using typedefs.
This c1ata structure is an important scientific
~~idimensionalArrays Arrays of dimension higher than two work in a similar fashion. Let how three-dimensional arrays work. If we dedare i nt
a [7][9][2];
the compiler allocates space for 7 x 9 x 2 contiguous i nts. The base address of the array is &a[!3] [0] [0J, ancl the storage mapping function is specified by notLng thai
is equivalent to
*(&a[0J[0][0] + 9*2*; + 2*j + k)
If an expression such as a[i] [j] [k] is used storage mapping function to generate object ment in memory. Although normally it is nOl can lise of storage mapping function direl:lly. ments or the array a:
in a progr"lIn, the compiler uses the code to access the correct array elenecessary to do so, the programmer Hefe is a function that sums the elc-
-I 9.8 •
Multidimensional Arrays
int sum(;nt a[] [9] [2]) {
;,]. k, sum
= 0;
for (; :
0; ; < 7; ++;) = 0; j < 9; ++j) for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
for (j
return sum;
J In the header of the function definition. the folloWing panunetcr declarations arc equiva)cllI: int a[)[9)[2)
int a[7][9)[2)
int (*a)[9][2]
The constant 7 acts as a reminder to human readers of the code, but the compiler disregards it. The other two constants arc needed by the compiler 10 generate the correct Slorage mapping functlon. There arc a number of ways to initialize a mullidirncnsional array. Consider the initialization
a[2] [2) [3) ~ { {{1, 1,0), {2, 0, 0JJ, {{3, 0, 0J, {4, 4, 0JJ };
An equivalent initialization is given by
{{U, I}, {2}}, {O}, {4, 4}}};
If the initializers arc fuJI)' and consistently braced, then wherever there is an insufficient number of initia[izers listed, lhc remaining clements arc initialized 10 zero. In general, if an array of storage class automatic is nol explicitly initialized, then array clements slar! with garbage values. Static and external arrays, however, arc inilialized 10 zero by defaull. Here is a simple way 10 inilialize all arra)' clcments to zcro: int
Chapter 9
Arrays and Pointers
Dynamic Memory Allocation
- - - - - _ .. _ .
C provides call ac () ("contiguous allocation") lind rna 11 oc () ("memory allocation") in the standard library for dynamic memory allocation. The function prototypes are in stdlib.h. Rather than having an array size given by a specific constant in a program, it milY be desirable to allm\' the user 10 input the array size or to obtain the aff<JY size in a computation. A I'unctinn call of the form
ea 11 oc ( n, objecLsi1:c) returns a pointer to enough space in memory to store n objects, each of
objccLsize bytes. Bolh nand objecLsizc should be positive. If the system is unable 10 allocate the requested memory, the pointer value NULL is returned. In ANSI C, the type 5; ze_t is givC'n by a typedef in sid/ib.". Typically, the type is unsigned, but it can vary from one syslem 10 ,mother. This type definition is used in the function prototypes for call oc 0 ond rna11 oc 0; void void
*calloc(size_t, size_t); *malloc(size_t);
Because the return pointer has type void *, it can be assigned to olher poinlers without casting. The storoge set aside by callocO is automalically iniTialized to zero, whcrl'os lhe storage set aside by mall ocO is not iniliali'.ed and therefore starts wit h garboge values. To illustrate the usc of call oc 0, let us I,',Tite a small program thot prompts the user to inpul an array size inleraclively. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) {
int *a, i, n, sum = 0; printf("\n%s" , "An array will be created dynamically. \n\n" "Input an array size n followed by n integers: "); scanf("%d", &n); a = calloc(n, sizeof(int)); /* get space for n ints */ for (i = 0; i < n; Hi) scanf("%d", &a[iJ); for (i = 0; i < n; Hi) sum += a[iJ; free(a); /* free the space */ pri ntf("\n%s%7d\n%s%7d\n\n", " Number of elements:", n, "Sum of the elements:", sum); return 0; }
9.10 •
Nolice thai we im'okcd free(a) 10 release Ihe space allocated by ca110cO back to the s}stem. In this small program, this is not necessary; the space is released when the program exits. The function prototype for freeO is ~ivcll in stellib.11 as void
free(void *ptr);
Space allocated by ca11ocO and rna11oeO remains in use for the duration of the program unless it is explicitly released by the programmer. Space is nol released on function exit. In the preceding program, we allocated space dynamical!} for the array a b} using ea110eO. Here is the line \\e typed: a
= ca110c(n,
1* get space for n ints *1
Inslead of using call oeO, wc could havc used rna 11 oeO. To do so wc would write
a .. malloc(n ,,. s;zeofC;nt»;
1"1' get space for n ints *1
The only difference is lhat mallocO docs not initialize the allocated space to zero. Bec
As the examples in this chapter have shown, it is often desirable to use a symbolic
constant 10 define the size of an am:!}. This constanl allows lhe programmer 10 make a single modification if code is needed to process an arra} of a differenl size. A for loop that is to be used to do ten things repetitively call be written for (i
1; i <= 10; Hi)
or it can be written for (j
fJ; i < IfJ; ui)
Which form is used depends on just wh
J' 322
Chaprer 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
A generally important style consideration is to structure a program so that each clemcmary task is accomplished by its own function. This approach is at the heart of structured programming. However, this can iC'ad to inefficient code when processing arrays. Let us look at a specific C'xample. /* Compute various statistics. */
#include <stdio.h> #defi ne
/* size of the array */
double double
averageCdouble '" *,
*, int); ;nt);
int main(void) {
i nt:
, ,.
a [N] ;
pri ntf("Input %d numbers:
for (i = 0; i
< N; ++i)
scanf("%lf", &a[;]); pr; ntf("\n%s%5d\n%s%7 .1 f\n%s%7 .If\n%s%7 .1f\n\n" , " Array size:", N, "Maximum element:", maximumCa, N), " Average:", average(a, N), Sum:", sum(a, N)); return 0; }
We have written mai n 0 so thal it calls three other functions, each one computing a desired v
i nt double
; ,. max =- a[0];
for (i 0; i < n; ++i) if (max < a[i]) max == a[i]; retu rn max; }
double average(double a[], int n) {
return (sum(a, n) I (double) n); }
I I 9.10 •
double sum(double a[], int n) (
i ,.
i nt double
for (i 0; i < n; Hi) s += a[i]; return s; )
Two of these three functions use a for loop to process the clements of an arrar, and averageO calls sumO to do its work. ror the sake of efficiencr, we could
restructure our program as follows. rirst we rewrite mai nO.
/* Compute various statistics more efficiently. */ #include <stdio.h> #defi ne void
stats(double *
int, double *
double *
double *);
int main(void) {
i nt double
i ; a[N], average, max, sum;
printf("Input %d numbers; ", N); for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) scanf("%lf", &a[i]); stats(a, N, &average, &max, &sum); printf("\n%s%Sd\n%s%7.1f\n%s%7.If\n%s%7.1f\n\n", " Arraysize:",N, "Maximum element:", max, Average:", average, " Sum:", sum); return 0; )
Now we write the function statsO, using a single for loop to compute all the desired values.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
void stats(double a[], int n, double *p_average, double *p_max, double *p_sum) {
i ,.
i nt:
*p_max for (;
= =
1; i < n; ++i) {
*p_sum +:= a[i]; if e*p_max < a[i]) *p_max = a[i]; }
*p_sum I (double) n;
The second version avoids [epeated function call overhead. It calls stats() once in place of the ::3 x N function calls of the first version. This example is so small that dTicieocy is nOI really an issue, but, when code is to be used in a serious \vorking environment, the ideas that we have presented are often relevant. In general, along \vith clarity and correctness, efficiency is an important consideration in progrunlnung.
~~ Common Prc:o"g""r:..:a,"m=m=in,-,g,,-,E,"r:..:rc:0:..:rc:s,---~~~~~~~~ __ Thl' most common programming error with arrays is using a subscript value that
is out of bounds. Suppose 10 is the size of an array a[] of integers. II" we were to \\Tite sum"" 0;
for (i
1; i <= 10; ++i) sum += a[i];
we would get an error. '["he value at the address corresponding to a[10] would be used, but the value in memory at this address would be unpredictable. In many programming languages, when an array of size n is dedared, the cor· responding subscript range is from I to n. It is very important to remember that C uses zero as a lower bound and n - 1 as an upper bound. Bounds checking is an important programming skill 10 cultivate. It is often llseful to manually simulate programs on small arrays before processing vcry large arrays. When the programmer uses dynamic memory allocation, a corrunon prOb'Tam· ming error is to forget to release space. In small programs this usually is not a problem. If, hO\vever, we are in a loop and we repeatedly allocate space, use it, and then forget to release it, the program can fail unexpectedly because no more space is available.
System Considerations
System Considerations
If efficiency is an issue, programmers prefer
malloc(n *" sizeof(sumething)) lnstead of
call oc (n, si zeof(somelhing )) unless the allocated space must be initialized to zero. For most programs, the difference in execution time is nOI noticeable. Space in memory is a limited resource. When ca 11 oc 0 or rna 11 oc () is invoked to allocate space dynamically, the programmer should check that the call succeeded. The following code shows how this can be done with call oc 0:
*"a, n;
/* get n from somewhere */ if ((a = calloc(n, sizeof(int)) == NULL) { printf("\nERROR: callocO failed - bye!\n\n"); exit(l); }
If we are writing a 101 of code and need to call call ocO and rna 11 oc 0 repeatedly, then we write graceful versions of these functions. Here is a graceful version
of cal locO:
/* graceful function */ void *gcalloc(size_t 0, size_t sizeof_something) {
if ((p = calloc(n, sizeof_something)) == NULL) { printf("\nERROR: callocO failed - bye!\n\n"); exit(l); }
return p; }
10 aoy serious coding effort, graceful functions are essential. We see this idea again in Section 13.7, "Using Temporary Files and Graceful Functions," on page 450.
Chapter 9 •
Arravs and Pointers
In C++, rna 11 oeO and free () arc rcpl,lccd by new and delete. These are operators that are in the language. They arc type-safe and (otlvcnienl. The unary operators new and de 1 ete are available to manipulate free store. Free store is a systemprovided memory pool for objcl.:ts whose lifetime is direuly managed by the programmer. The programmer creates the object by using new <Jtld destroys the object by using delete. This is important for dynamic data structures such as lists and trees. In C++, operator new is used in the following forms: new fype-name new Iype-name initializer new (type-name) [n each case there are at [('ast 1\'.'0 effects. First, an
allocated from free slore to contain the named type. Second, the base address of the object is returned as the value of the new expression. The expression is of trpe voi d'~ and can be assigned to any pointer type variable. The operator new returns the value 0 when memory is unav'lilable. The following example uses new: ptr_i; new int(5);
//allocation and initialization
In this code, the pointer to i nt variable ptr_i is assigned the address of the store obtained in allocating an object of type i nt. The location pointed at by ptr_i is initialized to the value 5. This use is nolusual for a simple type such as i nt, in that it is far more convenient and natural to automatically alloc
Moving to C++
//Use of new to dynamically allocate an array. #include int main(void) {
int'" int
data; size;
cout « "\nEnter array si ze; cin » size; data = new int[size]; //allocate an array of ints for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) cout « (data[j] = j) « '\t'; cout « "\n\n"; delete[] data; //deallocate an array data = new int[size]; for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) cout «data[j] « '\t'; return 0; }
Dissection of the dyn_array Program •
int'" i nt
data; size;
cout « "\nEnter array size: cin » size; data = new int[size]; //allocate an array of ints The pointer variable data is used as the base address of a dynamically- allocated array- whose number of elements is the value of size. The user is prompted for the integer·valued si ze. The new operator is used to allocate storage from free store capable of storing an object of type i nt [si ze]. On a system where integers take two byles, this would allocate 2 x size bytes. At this point, data is assigned the base address of this store. •
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) cout « Cdata[j] = j) « '\t';
This statement initializes the values of the data array and prints them.
Chapter 9 •
delete[] data;
Arrays and Pointers
jjdeallocate an array
The operator delete returns the storage associated with the pointer variable
data to frce store. This can be done only \vith objects allocated by new. The bracket form is used because Ihe corresponding: allocation was of an arra~' .
data = new int(s;ze]; for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) cout « data[j] « '\t';
We access frce store again, but this time we do not initialize the data array.
On a typical system, the same memory just returned to frcC' stofe is used, with the old values reappearing. However, there are no guarantC'C's on what values appear in ubjel:ts allocated from frcC' store. Tesl this on your system. The programmer is responsible for properly initialiZing such objects.
~.- Summary •
An array is a sequence of data items that are at' the same type, that can be indexed, and that are stored contiguously. Arr,lys can be used to deal with a large number of homogeneous values. A declaration such as
makes a an array of i nts. The compiler allocates contiguous space in memory for 100 i nts and numbers the elements of a from 0 to 99. •
Elements of the array are <Jccessed by expressions such as a[i]. More generally, we can use a [expr] , where the subscript, or index, expr is an integral expression haVing a nonnegative value that does not overrun the upper bound of a. It is the programmer's responsibility to make sure that an array index stays v.ithin bounds.
\Vhen an array name is passed as an argument to a function, only a copy of the base address of the array is actually passed. In the header to a function definition, the declaration i nt
is equivalent to
i nt
In the header to a function definition, the declaration of a multidimensional array must have all sizes spedl'ied except the first (sec exercise 9 on page 331).
An array can be initialized by assigning an appropriilte-Iength Ii~t of values within braces. If an external or static array is declared but not initialized, all the elements of the array are automatically initialized to zero. Automatic arrays that are not initialized start v.ith garbage values.
Array~ of any type can be created, including arrays of arrays. For example,
a[3e] [Se];
declares a 10 be an array of "array of SO doubles." The elements of a are accessed by expressions such as a [i] [j].
--- ---------1 Explain the following terms:
(a) lowcr hound (b) subscript (c) out of bounds 2 The following array declarations have several errors. Identify each of them.
#defi ne
int main(void) {
int int int
a[SIZE] = (e, Z, 2, 3, 4); b[SIZE - 5]; c[3.0];
3 Write a function that separately sums the even indexed elements and odd indexed elements of an array of doub 1es. Each clemen! of the array <.:ontributes to one of the two sums, depending on whether the index of the element is even or odd. Your function definition should look somcthing like this:
void sum(double i nt double double {
a[], n,
1* n is the size of a[] */
*even_index_sum_ptr, *odd_index_sum_ptr)
IChapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
4 Write a function that computes two sums from tbe elements of an arra}' of integers. Each element of the array contributes to one of the two sums, depending on whether the clement itself is ('vcn or odd. Your Cunction defini-
lion should look somethjng like this:
void sum(int int int int
a[], n, *even_element_sum_ptr. *odd_element_sum_ptr)
5 Modify the en/_abc program in Section 9.2, "An Example: Counting Each Letter
Separately," on page 307, 10 also count each lowercase Jelter separately. 6 This exercise is designed to lesl your understanding of pointer arithmetic. Suppose SIZE is a symbolic constant with value 100. If the declaration is
char int
a[SIZE) , *p
i ;
the compiler allocates 100 bytes of contiguous storage in memory, with the array name a pointing to the basc address of this storaKe. We arc deliberately using an array of chars be<:ause each char is stored in one b}'te. The pointer p is initialized to have the same valuc as a. Now we wanl to fillihe arra}' in a very simple way. for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) a[i]=i; Thc elcmcnts of the array have bccn assigned consecutivc integer values from a to 99. Now consider printf("%d\n", *(p + 3»; printf("%d\n", *(char *)«int *) p + 3»; printf("%d\n", t\'(char *)«double *) p + 3»;
What is primed? The answer 10 this question is system-dependent. Explain why this is so. and explain what would be printed on a machine different from }'our own. Hint: Consider the expression (int*)p+3
Of the two operators that are acting, which has the hiKhcr precedence? Use this information to determine which clement of the array this pointer expression is pointing to. Now consider
(char ",) poinler_expression This casts Ihe pointer expression as a pointer to char. Now consider *(char *) poinler~cxpression How do the two acting- unary operators associale? 7 Write a program Ihat uses the bubbleO function to sort an array of integers.
Write another version of ~'our program, modifying bubbleO so thaI it tenninates after the first pass in which no Iwo elements are interchanged. Time the two versions of your program. Which version is faster'?
8 Write a prog-ram that finds the maximum and minimum elements of a IWodimensional array. Do all of this within mainO. 9 Rewrite the program from the previous exercise, using a function that hilS a
two-dimensional array in its parameter list. Hint: When a multidimensional occurs as a parameter in a header to a function definition, the size for each dimension, except the first, must be specified. The effect of this is to hardwin' Ihe function so 1hat it can be used only for certain arrays. ConSider arra~'
double sum(double a[][5], int m) 1* m is the number of rows *1 {
In this example we specified 5 as the column size of a. This information is needed by the compiler to handle expressions of the form a [i] [j] within the function. \Ve can invoke tlLis function by l ....Tiling sum(a, 3) if a is a 3-by-3 array in the calling environment, or sum(a, 7) if a is a 7-by-s array. In general, we can pass to sumO any n-by-S array. From all of Ihis, you may galher that C does not handle multidimensional arrays gracefully, but thdt is not true. There is more 10 the story but, because it involves a more sophisticated use of pointers, we cannol tell the rest of the story here.
10 Write a program Ihat keeps sales data for ten years by month. The array should have a month index of size J 2. Given this data, compute by sorted order the months of the year for which sales are best.
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
11 There are many known sorting methods. Here is the heart of a simple transpO"sition sort:
0; i
(i •
SIZE; ++;)
for (j = i + 1; j < SIZE; ++j) if (a[i] > aU))
swap(&a[il. &a[j]); Write a program that implements Ihis sort. After your program is working, modify it so thaI all the elements of the array are printed after cach pass of the outer loop. Suppose, for example. that the size of your array is 8 and its starting values are 7
Your program should print the following on the screen: Unordered data:
After pass 1: After pass 2:
-77 -77
66 66 66
3 3
-5 3
22 22
-5 3
2 2 2
12 The output of the program you wrote for the previous exercise illustrated the effects of a particular sorting method acting on a particular array_ In this exercise we want 10 dig a little deeper. Modify the program you wrote for the previous e.:lt:ercise so that every lime two clements are interchanged, the array is written out with the interchanges underlined. With the array of size 8 previ· ously suggested, your program should print the foUowing on the screen: 3
l3 Write a program that reads n integers into an array. then prints on a separate line the value of each distinct element along with the number of limes it occurs. The values should be printed in descending order. Suppose, for example. that you input the values
3 3
5 5
as the clements of your array. Then your program shouJd print
33 3
5 occurs 2 times 3 occurs 3 times -7 occurs 2 times Use your program to invesligate the output of randO. First use randO to create a file-say, rand_ouf-containing 100 random numbers in the range 1 to 10. Recall that this can be done with a for loop of the form for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { printf("%7d". randO % 10 + 1); i f (i % 10 =
printf("\n") ; }
Because we have nOI }'et explained how one writes to a file, see Chapter 13, "Input/Output and Files." Write a small program, call it crJand(for "create random"), and then give the following command to redirect the output:
14 Rewrite the previous program to make use of ca11ocO. Suppose the file rand_out has as its first entry the number of random numbers contained in that file. Write your program to read that first entry inlo a variable named size. Suppose the variable rand_array has been declared as a pointer to into You can dynamically allocate storage by making use of ca11 oc () as follows: rand_array
calloc(size, sizeof(int));
The pointer rand_array can be treated as an array after space has been allocated. For example. to fill Ihe array, you can write for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scanf("%d", &rand_array [i]) ; 15 Recall thai the semantics of the assignment operator += is specified by tbe rule that variable
is equivalent to variable
with the exception that if variable is itself an expression. it is evaluated only once. This means, for example. that a[expr] += 2
as compared to
a[expr] = a[expr] + 2
Chapter 9 •
Arrays and Pointers
need not have the same effects. This is an important technical point. Try the following code: int
a[] • l3. 3.
b[] • l3. 3.
n. n.
a[++i] +'" 2;
= =
b[++j] + 2;
i j
1* perfectly acceptable */ 1* legal, but unacceptable */
for (i 0; i < 3; ++i) printf("a[%d] = %d b[%d] i, a[i], i, be;]);
On most systems, the arrays a[] and b[] end up wilh different values. What is printed on your system? 16 C++: Write a program that performs string reversal using stor;.\gc allocated with new.
char* strrev(char*& 51, const char· 52); //s1 ends up with the reverse of the string 52 //use new to allocate s1 adequate store strlen(s2) + 1 17 C++: WrHe a program Ihat allocates a single dimensional array from free store with user-provided lower and upper bounds. The program should chcrk that the upper bound exceeds the lower bound. If it does nOl, perform an error exit using the asserl.h package as follows:
#include ..... //input lower bound and upper bound assert(ub - lb > 0); 18 C++: The size of Ihis array is (upper bound - lower bound + I) clements. Given a standard C++ array of this many clements, write a function that uses the standard array to initialize the dynamic array. Test this by writing out both arrays before and after initialization in a nicely formatted style. 19 Java: Let's say Ihal we want to find the prime numbers between 2 and 100. To do so, we write code based on the sieve of I;"'ratoslhenes. We allocate a boolean array isPrime of 100 elements. We set each element to true. Starting with element isPrime[2], we usc its index valuc 2 and proceed through the remaining array clements i sPrime [4], i sPrime [6], ... , i sPri me [98]. setting each value to false. Then we go to isPrime[3] and set each dement in cver) third
space to false. We do this until we reach 10 because 10 is the square root of 100 and is sufficient for checking primality in the range 2 through 100. \Vhen we have finished, ani}' those entries thai remain true are primes. of Eratosthenes for Primes up to 100.
II see Java by Dissection page 160
class Primes { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean[] sieve = new boolean[100]; i nt i; System.out.println(" Table of primes to 100. "); for (i = 0; i < 100; iH) sieve[i] = true; for (int j = 2; j < Math.sqrt(100); j++) i f (sieve[j]) crossOut(sieve, j, j + j); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) Ilprint primes if (sieve[i]) System.out.print(" " + i); )
public static void crossOut(boolean[] s, int interval, int start)
for (int i = start; i < s.length; i += interval) s[i] = false; ) )
We can readily generalize Ihis program to an arbitrarily large n. The key is to replace the hard-coded value 100 with a variable n. Convert the preceding program to C using typedef to create a boo1ean type and generalize it to n. Print out a table of the primes up to JOD.
Arrays and Poinrers
20 j;]\'a: Rewrite as C code the following java program, which uses a two-dimensional arra)":
II - simple example of two-dimensional array IIJava by Dissection page 164. class TwoD { public static void main(String[] args) { int[](] data; new int[3][5]; for (int i = 0; i < data. length; i++) { System.out.print("Row" + i + ": "); for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { data(i][j] = i * j; System.out.print(data[i][j] + ", "); }
System.out.println(); } } }
java uses new for allocation \\herc C uses callocO or mallocO. AJso, jav3 automaticall> tracks the size or the dimensions b} using the member length. These make java easier and safer 10 use than C.
and Pointers nC, a sIring is a one-dimensional array of type char. A character in a string can be accessed C'ither as an clement in an arrayal' by making use of a pointer to char. The flexibility this provides makes c.: especially use-
ful in writing string-processing programs. The stand<.lrd library provides many useful string-handling functions.
Although string processing can be viewed as d special casc of array processing, it has characteristics tha! give it a unique flavor. Important 10 thLs is the use of the characrer value \0 to terminate (J string. This chapter indudes a number of example programs that illustrate string- processing ideas. Again, as in Chaptet' 9, "Arrays and Pointers," we see that arrays and pointers are closely related. The type pointer to char is conceptually a string. Our examples illustrate the pointer arithmetic and dercferencing needed to properly process string data.
Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
The End-of-String Sentinel \0
By convention, a string is terminated by the end-of-sIring sentinel \0, or null character. A constant string such as "abc" is stored in memory as four characters, the last one being \0. Thus the length of the string "abc" is 3, but the size of the string is 4. To allocate storage in memory for a string, we could write #define
int main(void) (
Arter storage has been allocated. there arc a number of ways to get character values into the SIring w. First, we could do it character by character, as follows: w[0] = 'A' ; w[l] 'B' ; w[2] 'C' ; w[3] '\0' ;
Notice that we ended the string \vith the null character. Another way to get character values into w is to make use of scanfO. The format %s is used to read in a string. The process can be thought of as ha\'ing three distinct steps. The statement scanf("%s·'. w); first positions the input stream to an initial non-white space character. Second, non-white space characters arc read in and placed in memory beginning at the base address of w. Finally, the process SlOpS when a white space character or EOF is encountered. At that point, a null character is placed in memory to end the string:. Because an array name is a polnter to the base address of the array, the expression w is equivalent to &w[0). Because the size of w is 100. we can enler up to 99 characters on the keyboard and still have the Siring sentinel \0 stored. If more arc entered, we overrun the bounds of w. The sentinel \0 is also called a delimiter. It allows a simple test to detect the end of a string. 11 is useful to think of strings as having a variable length delimited b}' the null character but with a maximum length determined by the size of the srring. The size of a string mUSI include the storage needed for the null character. As with all arrays, the programmer must make sure that string bounds arc not overrun. Note carefully 1hat 'a' and "a" are very different. The first is a character constant, and the second is a string constant. The string" a" is an array of characters with tvvo clements, the firs1 with value' a' and the second with value' \0'.
10.3 •
w.-r.w:., t~
An Example: Have
Nice Day
Initialization of Strings
Recall thal arrays, including character arrays, can be initialized. char
s[]: {'a', 'b', 'c', '\0'};
This declares and stores in a 4-element char array 5 the strin~ abc. There is a second equivalent syntax for initializing character arrays. char
s[] = "abc";
This is exaclly identical in meaning to the first example but is terser and is the preference of most C programmers. In both cases the array is one more than the string length. Thus in this example the size is 4. A pointer 10 char can also be initialized with a constant string, but the inter· pretation is different. Here is an example: char
Recall that an array name by itself is treated as a pointer to the base of the array in memory. A string constant, like all other constants, is stored in memory by the compiler. {The programmer docs not provide space for constants.} Thus" abc" is slored in memory by the compiler. The variable p is being initialized with this poinler value. Thus the difference between initializing an array with a constant string and inHializing a pointer with a conslant SIring is that the array contains the individual characters followed by the null character, whereas the pointer is assigned the address or the constant slring in memory.
Because a string is an ilrray of characters, one way to process a string is 10 use array notation with subscripts. We want to write an interactive program to illustrate Ihis. Our program reads a line of characters typed by the user into a strin~, print the string in reverse order, and then sum the IcHers in the strlng. /. Have a nice day! ./ 'include 'include
<stdio.h> MAX$TRING
Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
int main(void) (
C, name(MAXSTRING]; if sum ~ 0;
pr; ntf("\nHi! What; s your name? "); for (; = 0; (c = getcharO) != '\n'; Hi) { name[i] "" c; if (isalpha(c)) /* sum the letters */ sum += c;
name[i] = '\0'; printf("\n%s%s%s\n%s", "N; ce to meet you ", name. ".". "Your name spe11 ed backward is"); for (--i; ; >= 0; --i) putchar(name[i]); printfC"\n%s%d%s\n\n%s\n", "and the letters in your name sum to
"Have a n; ce day! ") ;
return 0; }
Suppose we execute this program and enter "c. B. Diligent" when prompted. Here is what appears on the screen:
H ' ,,
What ;s your name?
C. B. Diligent
Nice to meet you C. B. Diligent. Your name spelled backward is tnegiliO .B .C and the letters in your name sum to 949. Have a nice day!
~ ~,
Dissection of the nice_day Program •
#include #include
The standard header file srdio,h contains the function prototype for printfO. It also contains the macro definitions for getcharO and putcharO. The standard header file Clype.h contains the macro definition for isalphaO.
10.3 •
An Example: Have a Nice Day
The symbolic constant MAXSTRING is used to set the size of the character array name. We are making the assumption that the user of this program does not type in more than 100 characters. •
char int
c, name [MAXSTRING] ; i,sum:0;
The variable c is of type char. The identifier name is of type "array of char," and its size is MAXSTRING. In C, all array subscripts start at O. Thus name [0], name[l], ... , name [MAXSTRING - 1] are the elements of the array. The variables i and sum are of type i nt; sum is initialized to O. •
What is your name?
This is a prompt to the user. The program now expects a name to be typed in fo(]owed by a carriage return. •
(c: getcharO) !: '\n'
This expression consists of two parts. On the left we have (c : getcharO) Unlike other languages, assignment in C is an operator (see Section 2.10, "Assignment Operators," on page 55). Here, getcharO is being used to read a character from the keyboard and assign it to c. The value of the expression as a whole is the value of whatever is assigned to c. Parentheses are necessary because the order of precedence of the: operator is less than that of the! = operator. Thus c = getcharO J= '\n' is equivalent to c = (getcharO != '\n') which is syntactically correct, but not what we want. •
for (i = 0; (c = getcharO) != '\n'; ++i) { name[i] : c; if (isalpha(c)) /* sum the letters */ sum += c; }
The variable i is initially assigned the value O. Then getcharO gets a character from the keyboard, assigns it to c, and tests to see if it is a newline character. If it is not, the body of Ihe for loop is executed. First, the value of cis assigned to the array element name [i].
, Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
Next, the macro isalphaO is used to determine whether cis
After the for loop is finished, Ihe null character \0 is assigned to the clement name[i]. By convention, all strings end with a null character. Functions that process slrinAs. such as pr;ntfO, usc the null character \0 as an endo"-slrin~ sentinel. We now can lhink of the array name in memory as
10 11
Notil:c that * has been used to indicate that the contents of all the characters beyond \0 in the arm}' arc nol known. •
printf("\n%s%s%s\n%s", "Ni ce to meet you ". name, ".". "Your name spelled backward is ");
The format %5 is used to prmt a string. Here, the array name is one of four string arguments being printed. The elemenls of the array are printed one after another unLiI the end-of·slring sentinel \0 is encountered. The effeci of Ihis slatement is to print on the screen Nice to meet you C. B. Diligent. Your name spelled backward is •
for (--1; i >= 0; --i) putchar(name[l]);
If \\e assume thai ~c. B. Diligenl" followed br a carriage rei urn was typed in, then i has value l-l al the beginning of this for loop. (Do nOl forget to counl from n, not I.) After i has been decremented, Ihe subscripi corresponds 10 the last character of the name that was typed in. Thus the effect of this for loop is to prinl the name on the screen backward.
II 10.4 •
Using Poinrers ro Process a Srring
princf("\n%s%d%s\n\n%s\n", "and the letters in your name sum to "Have a nice day! ");
We print the sum of the letters in the name typed in by the user, and then we print a final message.
In the last section we illustrated string processing with the use of subscripts. In this section we want to use pointers to process a strin~. Also, we want to show how strings can be used as arguments to functions. Let us write a small interactive program that reads into a string a line of char· acters input by the user. Then the program cr('ates a new string and print it. j. Character processing: change a line . •/
#include <stdio.h> #defi ne MAXLINE 100 void read_in(char *); int main(void) (
line[MAXLINE], *change(char *);
pri ntf("\nWhat is your favori te 1i ne? ") ; read_inCline); printf("\n%s\n\n%s\n\n", "Here it is after being changed:", change(line»; return 0; )
After prompting the user, this program uses read_inC) La put characters into line. Then line IS p;:lssed as an argument 10 changeO, which returns a pointer to char. The retuTn('d pointer value is printed by printfO in the format of <'1 string. I-Iere is the function read_ i nO: void read_in(char s[D {
i nt
c, i = 0;
while getchar(» s[i++J • c; sri] = '\0'; )
!= EOF &&
c !=
J' Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
The parameter 5 is of type pointer to char. We could just as weU have written
void read_inCchar *s) {
In the whi 1e loop, successive characters arc taken from the input stream and placed one afler another into the array with base address s. When a o('wlinc character is received. the loop is exited and a null charaCler is put inlo the array (0 act as the cnd-of-slring sentinel. NaUer that this funelian allocates no space. In mainO. space is allocated with the declaration of line. We arc making the assumplion that the user types in fewer than MAXLINE characters. Checking this wilh an asserlion is leh as an exercise (see exercise 6 on page 355). When 1; ne is passed as an ar~umcnt to read_ i nO. a copy of the base address of the array is made, and this value is taken on by the parameter s. The array clements themselves are not copied, but they arc accessible in read_; n () via this base address.
char *changeCconst char *s) {
stat; c char char
new_string[MAXLINE]; *p:: new_string;
*p++::'\t'; for ( ; *s !:: '\0'; ++s) if (*s ::= 'e') *p++ '" 'E'; else if (*s == ') { *p++ '\n'; *p++ '\t'; }
else *p++ ,., *s; *p='\0'; return new_string; }
This function lakes a string and copies il, changing every e to E and replacing c"ery blank wHh a ncwline and a lab. Suppose we run lhe program and type in the line
she sells sea shells after
the prompt Here is what appears on lhe screen:
10.4 •
What is your favorite line?
Using Pointers to Process
she sells sea shells
Here it is after being changed:
shE sElls
We want to explain in some derail how the funclion changeO works.
~ Dissection of the changeO Function •
char ·change(const char
static char char
new_string[MAXLINE] ;
*p : new_string;
The first char '" is the return type of the function and tells the compiler that changeO returns a value of type pointer to char. The parameter 5 and the local variable p arc both declared to be of type pointer 10 char. Because 5 is a parameter in a function header, we could just as well have written
char ·change(const char s[]) {
However. because p is a local variable and not a parameter, a similar dedaralion for p would be wfong. The arn.I)' new_string is declared to have static storage class. and space is allocated for MAXLINE characters. The reason for static rather than automatic is explained following this dissection. The pointer p is initialized to the base address of new_stri ng. •
*p++ = '\t';
This onc line of code is equivalent to *p = '\t'; ++p; The situation is analyzed as follows. Because the oper'ltors '/l and ++ are both unary and associale from right 10 lefl, the expression *p++ is equivalent 10 *(p++). Thus the ++ operator causes p to be incremented. In contrast. the expression (*p)++ would cause the value of whal is pointed 10 by p 10 be incremented, which is something quile different.
Chapter 10 •
Strings and Poinrers
Because Ihe ++ operator occurs on the righl side of prather Ihan the left, p is incremented after the total c.xprcssion ·P++ = ' \t' has been evaluated. Assignmenl is part of the evaluation process, and this causes a lab character to be assigned 10 what is poinled to by p. Because p poinls 10 the base address of new_string, a lab character is assigned to new_string[0]. After p is incremented, p points to new_string[l]. •
for ( ; ·s != '\0'; ++s)
Each lime through the for loop, a test is made 10 see if Ihe value of what is pointed to by s is Ihe end-of-string sentinel. If it is nol, then the body or the for loop is executed
if (·5 == 'e') ·P++ _ 'E';
In the body of the for loop, a tesl is made 10 sec if 5 is poinling 10 the character e. If it is, then the character E is assi~ned to the objeci p is pointing 10, and p is incremented.
else i f C"s
"P++ • "P++ • '\t' ; '\11' ;
Olherw:ise, a leSI is made to see if s is pointing 10 a blank charncter. If il :is, a newline chnracter :is assigned to the object p is point:ing to, then p is incre' menled. Then a tab character is assigned to Ihe object p is pointing 10, and then p is incremented again. •
Finally, if the character to which s is pointing is neither an e nor a bl<1l1k, then lhe object p is pointing to is assigned the value of the object 5 is pointing to, and then p is incremented. The errc(t of this for loop is 10 copy the string passed as an argument 10 changeO inw the string with base address &new_string[l], except Ihat each e is replaced by an E, and each blank is replaced by a new!:ine and a tab. •
When the for loop is e"ited, the objcct pointed to by p is assigned an cnd-orstring sentinel.
10.5 •
Problem Solving: Counting Words
34 7
return new_string;
The arm}' name new_stri ng is returned. An arra}' name by itself is trealed as a pointer to the base of the array in memory. Because new_stri ng is of storage class static, it is preserved in memory on function c'\:il. If new_string were automatic instead or static, the memory allocated to it would
not be preserved on function exit On many systems, this leads to all error that is hard to diagnose. One possibilily is that the memory is overwritten and the final printfO statement in mainO does not work properly.
Problem Solving: Counting Word~s~_
The example in the last section Hlustratcd the usc of pointers and pointer arithmetic to process a string. In this section we want to give another U1ustration of this. We write a function that counts the number of words in a string. For the purposes of this function, a sequence of non·white space characters constitute a word. /* Count the number of words in a string. */ 'include int word_cntCconst char *s) {
cnt:: 0;
while C*s != '\0') { while (isspace(*s)) ++5; if (*5 ! .. '\0') { ++cnt; while (!isspace(*s) ++5;
/'" skip white space "'/
/* found a word */
*s != '\0')
/* skip word */
) )
return cnt; }
This is a typical strillg"-proccssing function. Pointer ,]rithmetic and dercferencing are used to search for various patlerns or characters.
Chapter I 0 •
Strings and Pointers
~~ Arguments to ma;nO C provides for arrays of any I}tpe. including arrays of pointers. Although this is an advanced topic that we do not wish to treat in detail. we need to use arrays of pointers 10 char to write programs that usc command line arguments. Two argu· ments. conventionally called argc and argv. can be used with mai nO to communicate with the operating system. Here is a program that prints its command line arguments:
/* Echo the command line arguments. */ #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc. char *argv[]) [
i nt
i ;
printf("argc • %<:I\n". argc) ; for Ci z 0; i < argc; ++i) pri ntfC"argv[%d] %5\n", i, argv[i)) ; return 0; }
The variable argc provides a count of the command line arguments. The array argv is an array of pointers to char and can be thougbt of as an array of smngs. Because the clement argv [0] ahva}'s contains the name of tbe command itself, tbe vaJue of argc is always I or more. Suppose we compile the preceding program and put the executable code in the file my_echo. If we give the command
the following is printed on the screen: argc = 1 argv[0] '" my_echo Now suppose we give the command my_echo try this
Here is what appears on the screen: argc = 3 argv[0] = my_echo argv[l] = try argv[2] = this
I I 10.7 •
Funerions in the Standard Library
The parameter argv could just as well have been declared as follows: char
It is a pointer to pointer to char that can be thought of as an Jrray of pointers to char, which in turn can be thought of as an array of strings. lotice that we have not allocated any space for the strings on the command line. The system does Ihis for us and passes information to ma; nO via the two arguments argc and arg\'o
r.a_String-Handling Functions in the Standard Library The standard library contains many useful string-handling functions_ They all require that strings passed as arguments be null-lerminated, and they all return either an integer value or a pointer 10 char. The following list describes SOllle of the functions. (All the string-handling functions are described in Appendix A, "The Standard Library.") The function prolOlypes are gIven In the header file string.h. This file should be included when using these string~handling functions. Some String· handling functions in the Standard library
• char *strcat(char *51, const char *52); This function takes two strings as arguments. concatenates them. and puts the resull in 51. The programmer must ensure Ihm 51 poims to enough space to hold the result. The string 51 is returned. • int strcmp(const char *51, const char *s2); Two strings are passed as arguments. An integer is returned thaI is less than. equal to, or greater than zero, depending- on whether sl is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater Ihan 52. • char *strcpy(char *s1, canst char *s2); The string s2 is copied into sluntil \0 is moved. Whatever exists in s1 is overwritten. It is assumed that s1 has enough space 10 hold the result. The value sl is returned. • unsigned strlen(const char *s); A count of Ihe number of characters before \0 is returned. There is nothing special about these functions. They are written In C and arc all Quill.' shorl. Variables in them are often dedared 10 hJve storage class regi ster for faster execution. Here is onc wa}' [he function strlenO could be writ!en:
.I' 350
Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
unsigned strlen(const char *5) {
register int
for ( ; *s != '\0'; ++5) ++n;
return n; }
String-handling functions are illustrated in the next table. Note carefully that it is the programmer's responsibility to allocate sufficient space for strings that are passed as aq~ulllents to functions. Overrunning the bounds of a string is a common programming error.
Declarations and initializations
char st[]
s2 [] =
"beaut; ful bi 9 sky country", "how now brown cow";
strlen(s2 + 8)
strcmp(sl, ,2)
negalive inleyer
What is printed
pri ntf("%s", ,1 + 10);
big sky country
strcpy(sl + 1O, ,2 + 8); strcat(sl,
"$! ") ;
pr; ntf("%s", 51);
beautiful brown cows!
Before using to include the header file slril1g.h. header file contains all the prototypes of the string-handling functions in the standard library.
10.8 •
Two styles of programming can be used to process strings: array notation wifh subscripts or pointers and pointer arithmetic. Although both styles are common, there is a tendency for experienced programmers to favor the use of pointers. Because the null character is always used to delimit a string, it is common programming style fo explicitly test for \0 when processing a string. However, it is not necessary to do so. The alternative is to use the length of the string. As an example of this we could write n '" strlen(s); for (i '" 0; i <'" n; Hi) if (islower(s[i])) sri] '" toupper(s[i]);
to capitalize all the letlers in the string s. This style of string processing is certainly acceptable. Notice, however, that a for loop of the form for (i '" 0; i <'" strlen(s); Hi)
is inefficient. This code causes the length of 5 to be recomputed every lime through the loop. It is sometimes convenient to use a pointer to char to point at a constanl string. As an example of this, consider char
p '" "RICH"; pr;ntf("c. B. DeMogul ;5 %s %s %5!\n", p, p, p);
which is ,m alternative to pr;ntfC"C. B. DeMogul ;5 %5 %s %5!\n", "RICH", "RICH", "RICH"); In this example the repetitive use of p saves a little space. Compilers <JlIocate sep-
arate storage for each constant string, even if one is the same as anal her. Where possible, the programmer should use a function in the standard library rather than code an equivalent routine, even \vhen the spccjaJJy wdcd routine would give a marginal gain in efficienq'. The functions in the standard library are designed to be portable across systems. Although it is considered poor progrilmming practice 10 do so, a pointer to a constant string GUl change the contents of the string on most systems (see exercise 9 on page 35G).
Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
Common Prog_~~m~ing Errors
A common progr,1Il1rning error is overrunning the bounds of a string. As with
other arrays, il is the programmer's responsibility to make sure enough space is allocated for a string. Consider
s[17], *strcpy();
strcpy(s, "Have a nice day!\n");
Here the programmer made a careful (ount of the characters in the string to be copied into s but forgot to allocate space for the null character. Overrunning the bounds of a sIring can easily (Kcur with
In ANSI C, string constants that are separated by zcro or more white space charac· ters an.' concatenated by the compiler into one long- string. Traditional C compU· ers do not support this feature. Here is an example: char
long_string", "A list of words:\n" "\n" " 1 abacus\n" 2 bracelet\n" 3 cafeteria\n"; In this example the advantage is thallhe string embodies the look it has when it is printed. Truclitional C compilers do not support this feature. The standard library contains 17 string-handling functions (see Appendix A, "The Standard Library"). It is considered good programming practice to use these funuions rather than write ~'our own. They enhance portability to other systems although not all the string-handling functions are supported by olcler compilers. The new ANSI C standard has added many I"unctiotls.
I I •
W,';,.-n, I."~ Moving to c++ c++ can also usc null-terminated <.:h
I/changes a's value to lowercase
Strings arc one-dimensional arrays of typt.: char. The null character \0 is used
to deli mil a string. S} stem functions such as pri ntfO work properly only on nuU-tcrmmated strings. •
A function call such as scanfC"%s", w) can be used to read a sequence of non-white space chari.lcters into the string w. Arter all the characters have bcen read in, scanfO automaticall}' ends the string \\ith the null character.
StrmAs rna} be inilialized. An initialization of \he form char IS
taken by the compiJer char
be equjvalent
{'c', 'b', 'd', '\0'};
String processing can be done by using array notation with subscripts and by using pointers and pointer arilhmetic. Bf.'causf.' of this llexibiJity, C is used extensi\,f.'Iy for string processing.
C provides access to the command line arguments b} using the two parameters argc and argv in the function dcfimtion ofmainO. The parameter argc is an i nt; its value is the nunlbcr of command line ar~uments. The parameter argv is an array of pointers to char; il can be thought of as an array of
J> Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
strings. The system places the command line arguments in memory as strings and causes the dements of the arr<Jy argv to point to them. The value of argc is always I or more, and the string pointed to by argv[0] is always the name of the command.
The standard library contains many useful string-handling functions. For example, a fUllclion (<.Ill such as strcmp(sl, 52) can be used to lexicographically compare the strings sl ,md 52.
~~ Exercises Rewrite the nice_day program in Section 10.3, "An Example: Have a Nice Day," on page 339, using pointers and pointer arithmetic throughout.
2 Rewrite the function word_cntC) in Section 10.5, "Problem Solving: Counting \Vords," on page 347, using array notation with subscripts. Write an interaclive program Ihat reads in lines typed by the user, then reports the number of \vords in Ihe line. Your program should allow for long lines. [;'\periment to see \vhat happens when you type in a line that is so long it runs off the screen.
:J W,i1, a function sea,chO that searches the alphabetk characters In a string. forom among the letters that occur in the string, the function is to find the letler that occurs least often, but at least once, and the letler that occurs most often. Report this information back 10 the calling environment along with the count of the occurrences of the two letters. Your function del"inition should start as follows: void search(char s[], char *p_least, char *p_most, int *p_least_cnt, int *p_most_cnt) {
Treat lmver- and uppercase 1C'llers separatl'1y. f\lake sure you handle gracefuJly the case when there are no leiters in the string. \\'rite a program to test your funClion. 4 \Vrite a function that when invoked as bubble_string(s) causes the characters in the string s to be bubble-sorted. If 5 contains the string "xylophone", then the following statement should cause eh 1noopxy to be printed. printfC%s\n", bubble_string(s));
5 tolodif}' the my_ecJlO program in Section 10.6, ~Passing Arguments to mainO," on page 3-18. so that it has the fallowing effcct. If lhe command line my_echo pacific sea
is typed, the following should b e printed: pacific sea Further modify it so that if the 0 plion -c is present, tile arguments arc prinled in capital letlers. Do not print a llt the arb'lllllelll that contains the option. 6 Make void read_in(char s[] ) in Section IDA. "Using Pointers 10 Process a String." on page 343. more rob IIS1 b}' adding an assertO lhat checks Ihal
MAXLINE characters arc nol execcdcd. 7 Write your own version of the [ibnlry function strncmpO. The funcHon pro-
lotype and a description of how the function behaves arc given in Appcndix A, ~The Standard Library." 8 In this exercise we lise a multi dimensional arra}' of pointers to char. Carnplete the follOWing table. Declarations and initializations char
"defg" . "hi" • "jklmno" . "pqrs tuvw" • "xyz" };
*p(2] (3] • { "abc"
Equivalent expression
p [0][0][0]
Value 'a'
**p[1] **(p[1] + 2) *(*(p + 1) + 1) [7J
(*(*(p + 1) + 1»[7] >(p[l] [2] + 2)
Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
9 On many systems, the value of constant strings can be altered. This is a vel)' bad coding pr int main(void) {
*p, *q;
p = q = " RICH";
printfC"C. B. DeMogul is%s%s%s!\n", p, p, p); *++q 'p'; *++q = '0'; *++q = '0'; *++q = 'r'; printfC"C. B. DeMogul is%s%s%s !\n" , p, p, p); return 0; } Nofe: On some systems this form of constant string alteration is detected and
prohibited. 10 Write un interactive program thut uses scanfO to reud in seven strings input by the user. The program should print lhe seven strings as a list, then sort them alphabetically and print a new list. Use the function strcmpO to assisl in the sorUng of the slrings. Also, usc lhe preprocessing direclive #define
to vvrite your program in such a \vay that it can sort a different number of strings by chunging only this line. 11 (Advullcedl Write a program similar to the one you wrote in the previous exercise that sorts and prints command line arguments. 12 C++: Using stri ng as found in cstring, write a program that counts the number of occurrences of the string "i n" found in an input file tesr.txt.
13 Java: In the following Java program, we have an array of Java strings.
II - uses a string array initializer II Java by Dissection page 176.
class StringArray { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] myStringArray = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six" "seven", "eight", "nine"}; for (int i = 0; i < myStringArray.length; i++) System.out.println(myStringArray[i]); I
Rewrile this as a C program. Java programmers are accustomed to Java handling the storage management issues, so this is more complex in C. In C, you need an array whose elements are pointers to char. 14 Java: In Java, we haw both Stri ng and Stri ngBuffer as forms of unmodifiable and modifiable string types. Rewrite the follOWing as C code:
II - demo some String methods II Java by Dissection pages 193-194
public class StringTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Stri ng strl = "aBeD", str2 = "abed", str3; System.out.println(strl.equals(str2)); System.out.println(strl.length()); System.out.println(strl.charAt(l)); System. out. pri ntl n (strl. compareTo(" aBcE")) ; System. out. pri ntl n (strl. compareTo ("aBee")) ; System.out.println(strl.eompareTo("aBcD")); System.out.println(strl.indexOf('D')); System. out. pri ntl n (strl. i ndexOf("Be")) ; System. out. pri nt1n(strl. i ndexOf("zz")) ; System. out. pri nt 1n (strl. eoncat("efg")) ;
} }
str3 = strl.toLowerCase(); System.out.println(str3); str3 = strl.toUpperCase(); System.out.println(str3); System.out.println(strl); str3 = String.valueOf(123); System. out. pri ntl n(str3. equa1s ("123")) ;
J' Chapter 10 •
Strings and Pointers
This tesl program prinls
false 4 B -1 1
o 3 1
aBcDefg abed
ABCD aBeD true Remember that in Java, the method equals () is used to compare two strings; the calls to method compareToO returns -1 if strl is lexicographically before the parameter; the method i ndexOfO is overloaded to accept either a Str; n9 or a char as a parameter. \Vhen the parameter is a char, the method returns the index of the first position in the string where the character appears. When the parameter is a Stri ng. the method returns the index of the position in the String operated upon (strl in our example) where the parameter String appears. If the parameter String isn't a substring of the String operated upon, the method returns -1. It is besl 10 think of strl + "efg" as shorthand for strl. concatC"efg"). Remember that the Stri ng strl is unaffected by the calls to toLowerCaseO and toUpperCase(). These calls return new String objects that contain the appropriate characters. The method val ueOf() is an example of a dass method; it isn't an instance method nor does it operate on a String object. It is related to the Stri ng class because it can be used to create Stri ng objects and thus is defined in the String class. The method valueOf() is overloaded to accept parameters of any primitive type. In each case, the method returns the Stri n9 representation of the primitive value.
ecuysion is a function invoking itself, either djrect1~' or indirectly.
Some programming tasks are naturally solved with the use of [e(Ufsian. which can be considered an advanced form of flow of control. Recursion is an alternative to iteration. Recursion is explained using some simple example programs. One particularly nice example is a function that dra\vs pallerns on the screen. Another C'xample is the recursive calculalion of string length. Recursion is a progrillllffiing technique lhilt naturally implements the divide-and-conquer problem-solving methodology, a powerful strategy that is explained along with an example of sorting algorithms.
A function is said to be recursive if it calls itself, either directl}' or indirecti}'. In C, all functions can be used recursive]}'. In its simplest form the idea of recursion is straightforward.
#include <stdio.h> void
count_down(int n);
int main(void) {
councdown(l0) ; return 0; )
Chapter I I •
void count_down(int n) {
i f (n) ( pr; ntf("%d !
, n);
cQunt_down(n - 1); }
else pr; ntf("\nBLAST OFF\n"); }
This program prints 10!9!8!7!6
This could have bccn accomplished by using on iterolivc statement enclosing the printf(). What is new here is that counCdownO invokes itself.
Another simple example of a recursive function is the following, which computes the sum of the first n positive integers:
int. sum(int: n) {
i f (n <= 1)
return n; else
return (n
sum(n -
The recursive function sumO is analyzed as illustrated in the following table. First, the base case is considered; then. working out from the base case, the olhe( cases are considered. What sumO returns
Function call sum(l) sumO) sumO) sum(4)
Value returned 1 2 + sum(l) 3 + sumO)
4 + sumO)
2 + 1 3 + 2 + 1 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
Simple recursive routines follow a standard pattern. Typically, there is a base C
Recursive Problem Solving
Recursion is a very powerful problem-solving technique. The key is to identify a general casco A pitfall is to forget 10 reach the base case, which terminates the recursion. When an integer n is passed to sumO, the recursion
In the relll
/* Write a line backward. */ 'include <stdio.h> void
lnt main(void) {
printf("Tnput a line: prn_itO; printf("\n\n"); return 0; )
,P 362
Chapter 1I
void prn_it(void) (
if ((c = getcharO) != '\n') prn_itO; putchar(c) ; )
If the user types in the line si ng a song of si xpence when prompted, then the following appears on the screen: Input a line:
sing a song of sixpence
ecnepxis fa gnos a gnis
Dissection of the wrCbkwd Program •
pri ntf("Input ali ne: prn_itO;
The invocat'ion of the recursive function prn_itO occurs after a prompt to the user. The user writes a line and terminates it by hitting
i f ((c = getcharO) !'" '\n') prn_itO;
As each character is read in, it initiates a new call to prn_ itO. Each c
Only after the newline character is read does anything get written. Each invocation of prn_ itO now prints the value stored in its local variable c. First the newline character is output, then the character just before it, and so on until the first character is output. Thus the input lioe is reversed.
An interesting variation on this theme is to read in a line of \\'ords and print the line b
1 1.1
Recursive Problem Solving
#include #include <5tdio.h> MAXWORD void void
prn_it_by_word(void}; get_word(char *};
int main(void) (
printf("Input a line: prn_it_by_word(); pri ntf(,,\n\n"); return 0:
gecword(w) ; if (w[0] != '\n') prn_it_by_word(); pri ntf("%5 ", w); }
void get_word(char *5) {
static char
if (c = '\n') *s++ = c; else while (!is5pace(c • getchar(») *5++ = c; "'5 = '\0'; }
If Ihe user types deep in the heart of texas when prompted, Ihe following appears on the screen: Input a line:
deep in the heart of texas
texas of heart the in deep Nolice that lhe variable c has storage class stati c, so tl1,1t when a newline char· acter is re(ld in and assigned to c, thaI sentinel value is not be lost on function exit. The initialization of c occurs only when the function gecwordO is invoked for the firsl lime. This is because the siorage class of c is static. On subsequent
Chapler 11
function calls, the value of c is whatever was there when the previous call exited. Because static storage is guaranteed to be initialized to zero, the explicit initIalization of c is not really necessary. Nonetheless, it reminds the reader that the initial value of the variable c is the null character. The next example illustrates a recursive function that manipulates characters in a string. It can casily be re\..'Ji.tten as an equivalcnI iterative function. /* Recursively reverse characters from s[j] to s[k]. */
#include <stdio.h> reverse(char *5, int j, int k); 5wap(char * char *);
void void
int main(void) (
"by the sea, by the beautiful sea";
reverse(phrase, 3. 17); printfC"%s\n", phrase); return 0; )
void reverse(char *s, int j, int k) {
i f (j < k) (
swap(&s[j], &s[k]); reverse(s. ++j, --k); ) )
void swap(char *p, char *q) (
tmp '" *p;
*p .. *q; *q .. tmp; )
Here is the output of our program:
by eht yb ,aes eht beautiful sea Notice that the characters from position 3 to position 17 have been reversed, counting from zero.
I 1.2 •
An Example: Drawing Patterns on the Screen
An Example: Drawing Patterns on the Screen
Elaborate patterns can be drawn on the screen with the use of recursive functions. We illustrate this with a simple example. #include <stdio.h> #defi ne #define #define void void
display(char, int, int); draw(ehar, int);
int rnain(void) {
displ ay(SYMBOL , OFFSET, LENGTH); return 0; }
void display(ehar e, int rn, int n) {
if (n > 0) { draw(' " rn); drawee, n); putehar (' \n') ; display(e, rn + 2, n - 4); }
void draw(char c, int k) {
if (k > 0) { putehar(e) ; drawee, k - 1) ; } }
The function rnai nO calls di sp1ayO, which in turn calls drawO and di sp1ayO. Thus di spl ayO is recursive. The function drawO prints k copies of a character c. We have written Ihis function to be recursive as well. Here is what appears on the screen when we execute this program: ******************* *************** *********** *******
Chapter I I
String Handling Using Recursion
A string consists of contiguous characters in memory, ending with the null character \0. Conceptually, we can think of a string as either the null string, consisting of just the null character, or as a character followed by a siring. This definition of a string describes it as a recursive data structure. We can usc this to code &ome basic string-handling functions recursively. In Chapter 10. "Strings and I)ointers," we showed how the standard library function strlenO could be coded as an iteration. Here we show how it can be coded recursively.
Recursive string length. */ int r_strlen(const char *5)
i f (*5 = '\0') return 0;
else return (l + r _strlen(s + 1)); }
The base case lesls for the empty string and returns if it is found. Tile recur· sian is invoked a.s r _strl en(s + 1), where 5 + 1 is a pointer expression. The expression points onc character further down the string. The elegance of this recur.sive formulalion is paid for in a loss of run-time em· denC}'. II' a string is length k, computing it requires k + L function calls of r _strl enO. An optimizing compiler could avoid this penalty. Strin~ comparison is somewhal more complicated. Here we write a rc(ursi"e "ersion of the standard library function strncmpO. II lexicographically compares at moSI the first n characters of two strings. /* Recursive string n compare. */ int r_strncmp(const char *sl, const char *52, int n) (
i f ('*51 != *52 11 *51 == '\0' II n = 1) return ('*51 - *52); else return (r_strncmp(++s1, ++52, --n)); }
This function looks al Ihe first character of the two strings pointed al by sl and 52. If the two characlers arc different, or if they arc both the null character. or the value of n is 1, then the value returned is the difference between the two characters. Otherwise, the function recurs, incremenUng both string pointers and decremen ling n. The recursion terminates at the first position where the two strings dUrer, or where both or the characters are null. or after al most n - 1 recursions.
• 11.4
The Divide-and-Conquer Methodology
~ h e Divide-and-Conquer Methodology A t>'pical place where recursion is used is in coding a divide-and-conquer algorithm. Such an algorithm divides the problem into smaller pieces, solves each piece either directly or by recursion, and recombines the solution of the parts into the solution of the whole. LeI us usc the divide-and-conquer method to find both the maximum and minimum clement in an array of integers. In 1972 in the article "A Sorling Problem and Its Complexity" (Communications of the ACM. 15, no. 6), one of the authors, Ira Pohl, published the best possible algorithm for this problem. The criterion for ~best" is the least number of comparisons needed. For simplicity, we treat here only the case in which the number of clements in the array is a power of 2. In exercise I J on page 387, we continue our discussion of the algorithm and modify it to remove the power-of-2 restriclion.
best possible m;nmax algorithm - Pohl, 1972 *1
1* I'll'
size of the array a is n; ;t must be a power of 2. *1 code can be rewritten to remove this restriction. *1
void minmax(int a[], int n, int *min_ptr, int *max_ptr) {
mi nl, maxI, min2, max2;
if (n == 2) if (a[0] < a[lJ) { *min_ptr a(0] ; *max_ptr = a(lJ; }
else { *min_ptr *max_ptr
a(lJ; a[0J;
else { minmax(a, n/2, &minI, &maxI); minmax(a + n/2, n/2, &min2, &max2); i f (mi nl < mi n2) *m; n_ptr = mi nl; else *min_ptr = min2; if (max! < max2) *max_ptr max2; else *max_ptr '" maxl; ) )
Chapter I I •
Dissection of the minmaxO Function •
if (n "",. 2)
if (a[0] < all]) {
*min_ptr *max_ptr
else {
*min_ptr trmax_ptr
all]; a [0] ;
This is the base casco The sm,-tllcr of the two elements a[0] and a[l] is assigned to the value pointed to by mi n_ptr, and the larger of the two clcmenls is assil-\Ilcd lO the value pointed to by max_ptr.
else {
minmax(a. n/2, &minI, &max!);
minmax(a + n/2. n/2, &min2, &max2);
This is the divide-ancl-conquer slep. The array a is divided inlo two halves. The first invocalion finds the minimum and the maximum among the clements a[0], ..., a[n/2 - 1]. The second invocation looks for the minimum and maximum among the second half of the elements a[n/2], ... , a [n - 1]. NOle lhal a is a pointer e.xprcssion h'lving the value &a(0] and that a + n/2 is a pointer expression having Ihe value &a [n/2].
if (minI < min2)
*min_ptr else *min_ptr
= min2;
The minimum values fromlhe lWO htllvcs are compared; the sm<.lJler of the two is assigned to the objeci pointed t'O by mi n_ptr, the over"ll minimum.
i f (maxI < max2)
*max_ptr else *max_ptr
max2; maxI;
Simil,lrly, the overall maximum value is assigned to the objecl pointed 10 by
max_ptr. This algorithm has theoretical, as well as practical, implications. Further ideas arc discussed in exercise 10 on page 386. E,"('fcise lion page 387 concerns the removal of lhe powcr·of~2 restriction on Ihe size of the arra) a [].
'1.5 •
All Example: The Towers
of HOlloi
Many algorithms for sortin~ lise the divide-and-conqllcr technique. An espcdally important one is thc sorting algorithm "quicksort"; see A Rook on C by AI Kelley and Ira Pohl (Reading, r.lass.: Addison-Wesle}1, 1998).
W....,. t~
An Example: The Towers of Hanoi
In the game called Towers of lIanoi, there are three towers labeled A, R, and C. The game starts with n disks on tower A. For simplicit}', suppose" is 3. The disks are numbered from 1 to 3, and withollt loss of generality we may assume lhat lhc diaml'1cr of each disk is the same as its number. ThaI is, disk I has diameter 1 (in some unit of measurc), disk 2 has diameter 2, and disk 3 has diameter 3. All three disks start on tower A in Ihe order 1.2,3. The object of the game is to move all the disks on lOwer A to tower C. Only one disk may be moved at a lime. Any of the towers A, 13, or C may be Llsed for the intermediate placemcnt of disks. Arter eadl move, the disks on each of the towers must be in order. Thm is, al no time can a larger disk be placed on a smaller disk.
8 (-
(:--- 'J
Towe.-s of Hanoi
We wrile a program Ihat uses recursion to I>roduce a list of moves Ihat shows how to accomplish the lask of transferring Ihe n disks from tower A to tower C. In addition, al each step we print the configuration of the disks on each lO\\ler. Here is the header file for the prog-ram: In me hanoi.h
'include #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern int
enum no_yes {no. yes};
/v # of moves -It/
I Chapter I I
II The towers wi"
be tagged with 'A', 'S', and '('.
typedef typedef typedef
char int i nt *
typedef typedef
const char enum no_yes
tower_tag; disk; tower; cchr;
void void void
error_exit_wrong_order(tower a, ;nt
is_out_of_order(tower a, int 5Z);
move(int n, tower a, tower b, tower c, int 5Z); ndisks(tawer a, int 5Z); top_index(tower a, int 5Z); wrt(tower a, tower b. tower c, disk d. int 5Z); wrt_tower(tower a, int 5Z);
chk(tower a, tower b, tower (, int 5Z); error_ex;t_cannot_get_here(cchr~place);
; ot
int void void
The global variable ent is used to keep track of the number of moves. NOle thai
we used the type definition facility to create the types t.ower_tag, di sk, t.ower, and so on. A variable of type tower is a pointer to i nt, and after space has been allocated, it can be treated as an array. In
me main.c
#include "hanoi.h" int
of moves *1
number of disks *1
int main(void) {
int int i nt t.ower
i ;
n; sz; a, b, C;
1* size of the arrays ~I 1* the towers of Hanoi *1
n = get_n_from_user(); assert(n > 0); sz :::: n + 1;
II (reate space for towers a, b, and c. II Each tower has space for a tag and n disks. a call0c(sz, sizeof(int»; b ca110c(sz, sizeof(int»; c = calloc(sz, sizeof(int»;
An Example: The Towers of Hanoi
II Tag towers a, b, and c with 'A', 'B', and 'e', respectively. a[0] " 'A' ;
b[0] c[0]
'B' ;
'e' ;
II Start with n disks on tower a. for (i = 1; i < sz; ++i) a[i]=i; II Write the starting picture on the screen. wrt(a, b, c, 0, sz);
II Move n disks from tower A to tower e, II using tower B as an intermediate tower. mave(n, a, b, c, sz); return 0;
1* recur*1
In rna in 0, we first gel n from the user. Suppose n has value 3. Then the arrays
a[], b [], and c [] have size 4, and a [] contain' A I, ], 2, 3. Because call ocO assigns alt its elements value zero, in b [] we have' B', 0, 0, 0, and in c [] we have 'e', 0, 0, O. All the work gets done in the recursive function call move(n, a, b, c, sz) We read this as "move 11 disks from tower A to tower C, using tmver B as an intermediate tower."' AJternativdy, we can lhink of this as "move n disks from tower A through tower B to LOwer C." We wanl 10 explain in detail how the function moveO works, but before we do so, here is the output of the program if we enter 4 when prompted: TOWERS OF HANOI: There are three towers: A, B, and The disks on tower A disk can be moved at must be preserved at or e can be used for
must be moved to tower e. Only one a time, and the order on each tower each step. Any of the towers A, B, intermediate placement of a disk.
The problem starts with n disks on Tower A. Input n: 4
Chapter 11
0, Start: 1, Z, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, S, 9, 1O,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
Move di sk 1 from Move di sk Z from Move disk 1 from Move di sk 3 from Move disk 1 from Move disk Z from Move disk 1 from Move disk 4 from Move disk 1 from Move di sk Z from Move disk 1 from Move disk 3 from Move disk 1 from Move disk Z from Move disk 1 from
A to A to S to A to C to C to A to A to S to S to C to S to A to A to S to
C, C,
S, A,
S, S,
C, C, A' A,
C, C,
1 Z 3 4 Z 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 Z 1 Z 1 Z Z
1 1
Z 1 Z 1 Z Z
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
Z 1 Z 1 Z Z 4 1 4 1 4 4 3 4 3 4 Z 3 4 1 Z 3 4
To save space, the. disks on each tower are vvrittcn from left to right instead of vertically. From this output, we can tell at a glance that a larger disk is never placed on a smaller onc. Notice the symmetry in the output, which shows that the last half of the moves can be deduced from the first half. Symmetry, if it exists, can sometimes be used to improve program execution lime. Fortunately, this is not of concern in the "towers of Hanoi" problem. Let us look at some of the other functions in this program. In me get.c
'include "hanoi.h" int get_n_from_user(void) {
printf("%s", "TOWERS OF HANOI,\n\n"
"There are three towers: A, B, and C.\n\" "The di sks on tower A must be moved to tower C. Only one\n" "disk can be moved at a time. and the order on each tower\n" "must be preserved at each step. Any of the towers A. B.\n" "or C can be used for intermediate placement of a disk.\n" "\n" "The problem starts with n disks on Tower A. \n\n" "Input n: "); if (scanf("Xd", &0) != 1 II n < 1) { printf("\nERROR: Positive integer not found - bye!\n\n"); exit(l); }
printf("\n") ; return n; }
11.5 •
An Example: The Towers of Hanoi
In file move.c
I' 1/ Move n disks from tower a to tower c, II using tower b for temporary storage.11 II CAUTION, /1 The tags for the towers a, b, and c II need not be A, B, and C, respectively. 'I #include "hanoi .h"
void move(;nt n, tower a, tower b, tower c, int
int int di sk
i ,. j ; d'•
chk(a. b, C, 5Z); i f Cn ~~ 1) {
++cnt; i = top_indexCa. 5Z); j = top_;ndex(c, 5Z); assert(i >= 1 && i <= sz - 1); assert(j >= 2 && j <= 5Z); d ~ a[i]; ali] ~ 0; c [j - 1] ~ d; wrt(a, b, c, d, 5Z); }
else { move(n - 1, a. c, b, 5Z); move(l, a, b, c, 5Z); move (n - 1, b, a, C, 5Z);
} }
~ Dissection of the Recursive Function move() ~,
void move(int ", tower a, tower b, tower C, int 5Z)
This is the header to the function definition for move(). Recalilhat in the header file we created the type tower to be synonrmous with "pointer to i nt." Thus we can treat the towers a, b, and c as arrays of type i nt. rn mai nO, where we first call moveO, the tags in the towers a, b, and c are •A', 'B', and 'C', respectively. Note, however, that when moveO calls itself within the body of move (), this association need not hold.
Chapter I I
In the header rile we used the typedef facility to make the type disk synon}'1TIOUS with the lype i nt. Here, we want to lhink of d as a disk on a tower.
chk(a. b. c, SZ);
This funcLion provides help to the programmer during program construclion. It checks that the disks on each of the lOwers are in order; that is, no big disk sits on top of a smaller disk. If an error is found, a message to the user gets
printed on the screen and the program exits. •
i f (n
== 1) ( ++cnt; i = top_indexCa. sz);
j = top_indexCc. sz): assert(i >= 1 && i <= sz - 1); assert(j >= 2 && j <= sz); II" the number of disks 10 be moved is l, we increment the counter, find the lOP index for a[] and c(], and usc assertO to make sure that the indices arc in the expected range. Supposc that sz has value 5 and lhat we have lhe following values in a[] and c[]:
10 a[]: 'C' 10 c[]: 'A'
o o
0 0
1 0
2 4
To find the top index, we disregard the tag and find the index of the first nonzero clement in the array. (Remember 10 counl from zero.) Thus the top index for a[] is 3, and the lop index for e[] is 4. These index, or subscript, values gel used to movc the disk. •
d = a[i];
ali] = 0; c [j - 1] ~ d; wrt(a, b, c, d, sz); }
We assi~n the value of the top disk in tower a[] to d, remove the disk from the lower by assignin~ 0 to a [i], pUI Ihe disk on lower e [] by assigning d 10 c[j - 1], and write a line on the screen that illustrates what we have done.
else { move(n - 1, a, c, b, sz); move(l, a, b, c, sz); move (n - 1, b, a, c, sz); }
An Example: The Towers of Hanoi
This is the recursive part of the algorithm. If n is greater than I, we nrst move n - 1 of the disks from a lhrough c to b, then move one disk from a through b to c, and finally move the n - 1 disks that we previously had moved to b from b through a to c. The net effeci of thesc thrcc movcs is 10 move n disks from a lhrough b to C. Moving a bunch of disks comes down 10 moving jusl one disk repeatedly. Once we get the base case of moving just one disk correct, recursion takes care of the rest. lIere arc the resl of the functions. In file error.c
'lnclude "hanol.h"
pr'intf("%s%s%s\n" , "---\n" "PROGRAMMER ERROR: Cannot. get here: \n"
"\n" "
place, ":\n"
"\n" "Bye!\n"); exit (1) ; }
vOld error_exlcwrong_order(tower a, lnt. sz) (
pr'intf("%s%c%s\n" , "---\n" "ERROR: Tower", a[0], " lS out of order:\n"); wrt._t.ower(a, sz); printf("\n\n"); eXl t(l); }
In file fct.e #lnclude "hanol.h" vOld chk(t.ower a, tower b, tower c, lnt sz) (
lnt int lnt
n1 n2 n3
ndlsks(a, sz); ndlsks(b, sz); ndlsks(c, SZ);
, Chapter 11
assert(nl >~ 0 && 02 >= 0 && 03 >= 0); assert(nl + 02 + 03 == S2 - 1); if (is_out_of_order(a, 5Z) == yes) error_exit_wrong_order(a, 5Z); if (ls_out_of_order(b, 5Z) == yes) error_exit_wrong_order(b. 5Z); if (is_out_of_orderCc, 5Z) == yes) error_exit_wrong_orderCc, 5Z); }
; ot
for (i
= top~index(a,
< S2 -
1; ++;) {
if (a[;] >= a[i + 1]) return yes; }
return no; }
int ndlsks(tower a, int 5Z) { return (52 - top_index (a, 5Z»; }
int top_index(tower a, int {
i .,
for (i
= 1;
i < S2
a[i] -- 0; ++i)
return i;
I In rile wrtc
Ninclude "hanoi.h" void wrt(tower a, tower b, tower c, disk d, int sz) {
cchr· int ; nt
fw. 26; ; ,. t·,
I' field width */ I'
'A' ,
'B' , 0' 'C' */
An Example: The Towers of Hanoi
if (cnt == 0) printf("%5d%-*s", cnt, fw, ": Start:"); else pri ntf("%5d%s%d%s%c%s%c%s" , cnt, ": Move disk", d, " from", a[0], " to
c[0J, ":");
Towers a, b, c need not be named A, B, C, respectively. Find A and print it, then find B and print it,
for (t = 'A'; t <= '('; ++t) { if (a[0] == t) wrt_tower(a, SZ); else if (b[0] == t) wrt_tower(b, sz); else if (c[0] == t) wrt_tower(c, sz); else error_exit_cannot_get_here(fct_name); }
putchar(' \n'); }
void wrt_tower(tower a, int sz) {
int int
1* field width *1
if (a[0] == 'C') pri ntf(" "); for (i = 1; i < sz; fw = (a[i] < 10) if (a[i] == 0) printf("%*s", else printf("%*d",
++i) {
? 2 ; 3; fw, ""); fw, a[iJ);
In wrt(), we use the cilll printf("%5d%-*s", cnt, fw, "; Start: "). The format %-*5 needs to be explained. The minus sign means to left·adjust in the field, ilnd the * means that the integer value that goes here should be taken from the list of corresponding arguments. In this case the * takes its value from fw, the field width. Sec Chapter 13, "lnput/Output and Files," for details about pri ntfO.
, Chapter 11
,, For most common uses of r{'cursion there is a simple. equivalent iterative program. Recursion simplifies the coding by suppressing the need for local variables lhat keep tr
/* n ;s size of a[] */
double average(double a[], int n) {
i f (n ... 1) return a[0];
return «a[1l - 1] + (n - 1)
average(a. n - l»/n);
} In such cases, where the recursion is elementary, there is a simple transformation 10 an iterative form usin~ a whi 1 e or for loop. IJere is the iterative form of
the function
double average(double a[], ;nt n)
/* n ;s size of a[] */
double ; nt:
sum = 0.0;
; ,.
for (; = 0; ; < n; sum += a[i]; return (sum / n);
In this case the iterative form of the function is simpler. It also avoids n - I function calls, where n is the size of the array bein/-t averaged. A common programming style is to choose the iterative version over the r('cursive version of a function if both versions are simple. Nonetheless, many algorithms ar(' commonly coded using recursion. One such algorilhm is "qUicksort." Anothc.r is the greatest common divisor algorithm given in C-.xercisc 8 on page 385.
I'm 11.7
Common Programming Errors
w___ t_L--=C:.:o:.:m=m:.:o.=n:.:P'-'-ro=-g=r=a.:.:m:.:m=i.:.:n"'g'--=E:.:r:.:rO=rs=--
The mOSt common errors in recursive functions lead lO irumile loops. We usc the rerursive definition of (actoriallo illustrate several common pitfalls. For a nonnegative integer n. the factorial of n, wrilten n !, is defined by
or equivalently,
n ((n-l)!)
Thus. for example. 5·4·:3·2·1 = 120. Using- the recursive definition of factorilll, it is easy to write a recursive version of the factorial funclion.
int factorial(int n)
/* recursive version */
if (n <= 1) return 1; e1 se
return (n • factorial(n - 1»;
This code is correct and works properly within the limits of integer precision available on a given system. However, because the numbers n! grow large very fast, the function call factor; a1 Cn) yields a valid result only for a few values of n. On our system, the function call factor; a1 (12) returns a correct vaJue, but if the argument to the function is greater than 12, an incorrect value is returned. This type of programmjng error is common. Functions that arc logicall~' correct can return incorrect values if the logical operations in the body of the function are beyond the integer precision available to the system. Suppose the programmer has incorrectly coded the factorial function, omitting the base case. This leads to an infinite loop. long factorial_forever(long n) (
return Cn • factorial_forever(n - 1»; )
Suppose the base case is coded. but only for n having the value 1. ow the func· tion works properly wilh argument values in the range 1 to 12, but if the function is called with an argument thai is zero or negative, an infinite loop occurs.
Chapter 1 I •
long factor;al_posit;ve(long n) {
if Cn
return 1; else
return Cn • factorial_positiveCn - 1));
Another common error, not specifically lied to the use of recursion, is the incorreel use of the decrement operator. In many recursions a variable, say n, is used to pass an argument of lower value to the function in the recursion stcp. For some algorithms, --n is a correct arb'Umenl; for others it is not. Consider
long factorial_decrement(long n) {
i f Cn <= 1)
return 1; else return Cn • factorial_decrement(--n)); )
In the second return statement we used the expression
n * factorial_decrementC--n) which uses the variable n twice. Because the decrement operator has a side effect when it is applied lO the second ", it may also affect the value of the First n. This type of programming crror is common, especially when rccursive funclions are coded.
~JJIIII System Considerations Recursivc function calls require mcmory for each invocation. Because many invocations arc active althe same timc. the operating system may run out of available memor}'. Obviously, this is more likely to be a problem on small systems than on large ones. Of course, if you are writing code meant to run on many systems, you must know and respect all the system limitations. Let us write a program that shows the depth of recursion that can occur on our Borland C system. The depth varies from one system to another and depends on the recursive function being used. Nonetheless, our experiment gives us some indication of our machine limits. We use the recursive function sumO presented in Section I Ll, "Recursive Problem Solving," on page 360, but modify it to use long intcgers. This modification avoids overllow problems for large values of n. The function call sum(n) activates n nested copies of the function. Thus n lndicates the depth of recursion.
II 1
Moving to C++
/* Test the depth of recursion for sum() */ #include <stdio.h> long sum(long); int main(void) {
n '" 0;
for ( ; ; n +'" 100) printf("recursion test: n, sum(n)); return 0;
%ld\n" ,
long sum (long n) {
if (n <= 1) return n; else return (n + sum(n - 1)); }
Warning: This program may fail Ciltastrophically and require you to reboot the system. Here are the last fC'w lines printed by this program on our system: recursion test: recursion test: recursion test:
n n
= 7900
sum = 31208950 8000 sum == 32004000 %ld sum == %ld
The program fails at this point \vithout returning control to the operating system. This shows that failure occurs after the depth of the recursion exceeds 8000 calls to sumO. The system is allowing very deep recursions to occur before the system limit is reached. Note carefully that it is not the number of recursive calls per se that causes the failure; it is the depth of the recursion-more than 8000Iha! causes the problem.
Recursion in C++ is no different from \vhat it is in C. However, C++ libraries often have an extended precision packilge. The type bi g~ i nt, an unbounded precision integer package, GIn be used by recursions such as factorial () to return correct, arbitrarily large, factorial computations. Of course, there are system limits.
I 382
Chapter I I
]\'lany C++ libraries have an ordered array type lhat can be used to illustrate the dlidcncy or bimlry lookup search. Allhough little different from its expression in C. the following program illustrates the importance of divide-and-conquer algorithms and their rcady expression as recursive algorithms:
//Binary lookup ;n a sorted integer array int bin_lookup(const sorted& keys. int size. int d) {
int index i f (size
0) //failure
return - 1;
index: size - 1 / 2; == d) return index; else if (keys(index] < d) return bin_lookup(keys. size- 1/2, d) else return bin_lookup(&keys[index + 1), size - 1/2, d) if (keys[index]
The fun(lion bi 11_1ookupO works in logarithmic time. Each recursion is guaran-
h.-cd to Clit the remaining search in half. The result is the index of the clement containing value d, or -1 if no such value is found.
A funclion is said to be recurS;\'e if II calls itself, eilher directly or indirectl)'. Recursion is an advanced form of flow of conlrol.
Rcwrsion lypicillly consists of a base cast:.' or cases and a general case. It is important to m,Jkc sure the function terminates.
Any recursive funClion can be written in an equivalcnt iterative form. Due to system overhead in callinK functions, a recursivc function may be less erficient than an equivalent iterative one, but the difference is often vcry slight. When a recursive function is easier to (ode and maintain than an equivalent itcralivc one and the penalt)' is slighl, lhe recursivc form is preferable.
The following program writes BLAST OFF first. Explain its behavior. #include <sLdio.h> void count_down(;nt n) {
if (n) {
counL_down(n - 1); pri ntf("%d! ", n); }
else pri ntf("\nBLAST OFF\n"); }
int main(void) {
counCdown(10); return 0; }
2 Write a recursive function that tests whether a string is a palindrome, which is a strin~ such as "abcba" or "otto" that reads the same in both directions. Write a program that tests }'our function. For comparison. wrile an iterative \'ersion of your program as well. 3 Consider the follo\\ing recursive function. On some s}'stems the function returns correct values; on others it returns incorrect values. Explain why. Write a test program to sec what happens on }our system. int sum(int n) {
i f (n <: 1) return n; else return (n + sum(--n»; }
4 Carefully examine the base case of the recursive function r _strncmpO. Docs the follo\\ing base case also work? Which is more efficient'! E.xplain.
II *51 == '\0' II "'52 return ("'51 - "'52);
i f (*51 !: "'52
'\0' I J n : : 1)
Chapter I I
Wrile a recursive version of the sTandard library function strcmp(). If s1 and 52 arc strings, the function call r _strcmp(sl, 52) should refurn an IntcgC'r vallie Ihat is negative, zero, or positive. depending on whelher s1 is lexicographically less than, equal 10, or ~reatcr than 52. Use main(), given in lhe fol-
lowing code. 1o lest your function. Compile your program and put the executable code in the file test. If infile is a file contamlng many words, then usc the colTunand lesl < in/He 10 leSI your program.
#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> MAXWORD
#defi ne #defi ne
1* max characters in a word */ 1* number of words in array */
30 50
r ~strcmp(char *
char *);
; nt rna; n (voi d) { int ;. j; word[N][~~RD],
/* an array of N words */
temp[MAXWORD]; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) scanf("%s", word[i]); for (i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) for (j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) if (r_strcmp(word[i], word[j]) > 0) { strcpy(temp, word[l]); strcpy(word[i], word[j]); strcpy(word[j], temp); }
for (i = 0; 1 < N; ++i) printf("%s\n", word[i]); return 0; }
5 Write a recursive version of the standard Iibr<'lry funclion strcpyO. If sl and s2 are strings, the function call r _strcpy(s1, s2) should overwrite whatever is in s1 with the contents of 52, and the pointer value of the first argument, namely 51, should be returned. Sec Appcndi..x A, "The Standard Library," for a description of strcpyO. 6 Although il is considered bad programming style to O\crwrite a constant string. we do it in this excn..:isc to emphasize an important point. Consider the two statcml'nts printf("%s\n", strcpy("try this", "and this")); printf("%s\n", strcpy("and", "also this"));
One of these statements works correctly, whereas the other can be expected to cause difficulty. Why? Rewrite the function r _strcpyO that you wrote for the previous exercise so Ihat if Ihe type of error exhibited here occurs, an error message is printed and lhe program stops. Even Ihough the function is recursive, make sure that yOll check for the error onlr once. Note also that some systems do not allow constant sirings 10 be overwriHcn. lIinl: Use a static variable. 7 A function that calls another function, which in turn calls the original function, is said to be corecursive. Note that corecurshe functions occur in pairs. Write a program that counls the number of alphabetic characters in a string and sums the digits in the string. For example. the string "A0is444apple7" has eight alphabetic characters, and the digits in Ihe string sum 10 19. \Vrite a pair of corecursivc functions to help carry out the tasks. Use caunLalphO to count the alphabetic characters, and usc sum_digitO for summing the digits. These two functions should call each other. For comparison, write a noncorecursive function that performs the two tasks in a direct, more natural fashioll. I-lint: If necessary. use stalic variables. 8 The grealest common divisor of two positive integers is the largest integer Ihat is a divisor of bOlh of them. for e:xnll1ple, Gnnd 15 hnvc 3 ns their greatest common divisor, and 15 and 22 have I as their ~reatest common divisor. The followin~ recursive function computes the greatest common divisor of two posithe integers. First wTite a program to test the function; then \vrite and lest an equivalent iterative ,"uncHon. int gcd(int a, int b) {
i f «r = a % b) return b; else
return gcdCb. r); }
9 Write a recursive lookup function 10 search an array in sorted order. Write a program to lest your function. Use randomO to fill an array a[] of size n, and usc bubble_sartO to sort the array. The funclion cailloak_up(v, a, n) should be used to look for the value v in the arra) all. If just one of the clements of the arra)', say a[i], has the value v, then i should be relurned. If two or more of the clements of lhe array ha"e the value v. Ihen the index or any onc of them is an acceptable answer. If none of the clements of the array has the value v, then ~ I should be returned. The base case is to look
, Chaprer I I
"rniddlc element a[n/2]. If this clement has the value v, then n/2 is rClUmed; otherwise recursion is used to look for v in whichever of the foUowing is appropriate: ft
a[0], ...• a[0/2 - 1]
or a[o/Z + 1], ...• a[n - 1]
For example, if the value of v is less than a[o/2]. then v should be looked for in the first part of the array and the appropriate recursion would be
return (1ook_up(v, a, n/2»; 10 The following code can be used 10 test the recursive function m;nmaxO given in Section 11.4, "The Divide-aod-Conquer Methodology," on page 367. The vallie of n is entered inleractively; the funclion ca11 ac () is used to create an array a[] of size n dynamically; the array is filled with randomly distributed integer values; and, finally, the minimum and maximum values of the array arc computed in two ways: recursively, by calling minmaxO, and Iteratively. Because all of this occurs repeatedly inside a loop, we use the standard library function freeO to give the stora~c pointed to by a back to the system al Ihe end of the for loop.
#include <stdio.h> 'include <stdlib.h> void
int, int *
int "');
int main(void) (
"'a, i, n, r_min, r_max, i_min, i_max;
/'" n is the size of a[] "'/ /'" recursive min and max "'/ /* iterative min and max */
pri ntf("Input a power of 2: "); while (scanf("%d", &n) "'''' 1 && n > 0) { a = calloc(n, sizeof(int»; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) a[i] = randO; minmax(a, n, &r_min, &r_max); printf("\n%s%d%9s%d\n" , "recursion: min = ", r_min, "max i_min", i_max = a[0]; for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) { i _mi n (Lmin < a[i]) ? i_max = (i_max> a[i]) ? }
a [i] ; a [i] ;
printf("%s%d%9s%d\n\n", "iteration: min",", i_min, "max '" free(a) ; pri ntf("Input a power of 2: ");
return 0; }
The value of n is the size of the array a [], For each value of n that is a pmver of 2, the minimum and maximum values of the array are computed in two w,lyS: recursively and iterativc!y. Ilow many comparisons are used in each of these computations'! I-lin!: Use manual simulation to find the answer when n takes on values that are powers of 2 of low order. II It is nOT at alJ obvious that the recursive algorithm minmaxO is "best" in the
sense of requiring the least number of comparisons. That there cannot exist a better algorithm is proved in the paper by Ira Pohl cited in Section 11.4, "The Divide-and-Conquer Methodology," on page 3G7. In this exercise we \vant to show how to modify the algorithm so that arrays of any size can be handled. The modified function may not have the property that it is the "best" possible, but nonetheless it is stiJi a very efficient algoritlun. void minmax(int a[], int n, 1* n is a the size of a[] *1 int "min_ptr, int *max_ptr)
minI, maXI, min2, max2;
if (n == 1) *min_ptr '" *max_ptr = a[0]; else { minmax(a, n/2, &minI, &maxI); minmax(a + n/2, n - n/2, &min2, &max2); if (minI < min2) *min_ptr '" minI; else *min_ptr '" min2; if (maxI < max2) *max_ptr max2; else *max_ptr maxI; } }
Wrile a program to test this function. Notice that it is still a divide-and-conquer algorithm and Ihat it handles arrays of all sizes correctly. The base case now occurs when n has value I, [n the best possible algorithm, given in Section 11.4, 'The Divide·and-Conquer l'vlethodology," on page %7, the base case occurs when n has the value 2. The value 2 is, of course, a power of 2. But 1 is
Chaprer 1 I
also a po\\cr of 2. Can the original mi nmax () be modified so that n with value I is the base case and the algorithm still remains "best"? Perhaps the base case \\ilh n having value 2 was used to emphasize the "2'ncss" of the algorithm. After all. when n has value I, the algorithm is not too complicated. There is onc morc minor dewil that needs to be considered. The algorithm in Ihis cxcrdsc uses the argument n - n/2. whereas the comparable argument in the original algorithm is the expression n/2. Explain why.
12 E:..:pcrimcnt with the Towers Hanoi program. How many moves arc required to solve a /-lame that starts with n disks on lower A? If n is G4 and onc disk is moved cill.;h day, how many billions of YCiJrS does it take to move all the disks
lo tower C? 13 (Advanced) Wrill.' a nonrecursive version of the Towers or Hanoi program. 14 (Advanced) A knighL is a chess piece thaL moves in the pattern of an "ell" (L). The chessboard has 6'-1 squares; the knight can make two legal moves if placed at a curner sqllare of the board and eight legal moves if placed in the middle square of the board. Write a function that computes the number of legal mo\es a }..night can make when starting at a specific square on the board. Associate that number with the square. This is called the co,mecrivity of the square as \ iewed by the knight. \\ rite a program that finds and prints the number of legal moves associated with each square on the board. The num· bcrs should be printed as an 8 x 8 arra) corresponding to the 64 squares on a chessbuard, with each number representing the connecth ity of its square. This army is the conneclh it)' of the chessboard as viewed by the kni~hl. 15 (Adv,lnced; sec the 1967 article, "A Method for Finding Hamillonian Paths and Knight's Tours," by Ira Pohl, in ComllJunications or the ACM, 10, no. 7). A knight's tour is a path the knight takes th,lt covers all 64 squares without revisiting ,my square. Warnsdorf's rule stales that to find a knight'S tour, one starts from a (orner square and goes to il square that has not yet been reached and has smallest connectivity. An adjacent square is one the knight can move 10 immediately. When a square is visited, all of the conneClivity numbers of adjacent squares arc decrclllcnted. Employ Warnsdorf's rule 10 find ,1 knight's tour. Print oul an 8 x 8 array corresponding to the chessboard, and in each position print the number of moves it look lhe knight to reach thal square. 16 (Advanced) Poltl's improvement to Warnsdorfs rule was to suggest Ihal tics be broken recurshel) (sec the prcvious exercise). Wamsdorfs nllc is called a heuristic. [t is not guaranteed to work. Still, it is very effident for a combinalo· riall) difficult problem. Sometimes two squares have the samc smallesl connecti\·ily. To break the lie, compute recursively which squarc leads 10 a further smallest connectivity and choose lhat square. On the ordinar)' 8 x 8
chessboard, from any starting square. the Warnsdorf-Pohl rule was always found to work. Implement this heuristic algorithm and run 11 for five different slarting squares, printing each tour. 17 C++: Wrile a recursive function lhat computes Fibonacci numbers, which are
defmed as foUows:
A Fibonacci recursion can Quickly overflow the machine's stack frame. Compare an iterative to a recursive implementation in terms of running time. If it Is available. use bi 9- i nt and produce a table of the first 100 Fibonacci numbers.
18 Java: A method is said to be recursive if it calls itself, either directly or indirectly. In its simplest form the idea of recursion is straightforward. Rewrite the following Java program in C:
II - recursive 900dbye IIJava by Dissection page 124. public class Recur { public static void mainCString[] args) { sayGoodBye(5) ; }
static void sayGoodBye(int n) { if (n < 1) Ilbase case System. out. pri ntl n("######IIII"); else { System.out.println("Say goodbye Gracie."); sayGoodBye(n - 1); Ilrecursion } } }
Structures and ADTs he slnlcture trpc allows the programmer to aggregate components into a single. named variable. A structure has components that arc Indi\liduall~ named. These components are called members. Because the members of a structure can be ofyarious types, the programmer can create aggregates of dala that arc suitable for a problem. Like arrays and paimers, slruClUres are considered a derived I)'pc. In Ihis chapter we show how to declare structures and usc them 10 represent a Variel) of familiar examples, such as a pla}ing card or a student record. Critical to processing structures is accessing their members done \'lith either the member operator ..... or the structure pointer operalor ->. These operators. along with 0 and [], have the highest precedencc_ After these operators arc introduced, we provide a complete table of precedence and associativit}' for all the operators of C. This chapter gives many examples to show how structures arc processed. An example that implements a student record system is J.:iven to show the usc of structures and the accessing of its members. The usc of self·referential structures to create linked lists is expl,lined, nnd the code nccessar}' for the processing of linked lists is presented. These user implementations of a playing card, a student record, and a linked list arc examples of user-defined types, or abstract data types (AUTs).
r,\I:'r_ I.~
Declaring Structures
Structures arc a means of aggrcgating a coUcction of data items of possibly different t}'pes. As a simple example, lei us define a structure that describes a playing card. The spots on a card that represent its numeric value are called pips. A playing card, such as the threc of spades, has a pip value, 3, and a suit value, spades. Structures allow us to group variables together. We (im declare Ihe structure type struct card { int pips; char sui t;
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
to capture the information needed to represent a playing card. In this declaration struct is a keyword, card is the structure tag name, and the variables pi ps and sui t are members of the structure. The variable pi ps takes values from 1 to 13, representing ace to king, and the variable sui t takes vaJues from' c'. 'd', 'h', and's' , represenling clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades.
This declaration creates the derived data type struct card. The declaration can be thought of as a blueprint; it crcatcs the type struct card, but no storage is allocated. The tag name can now be used to declare variables of this type. The declaration struct card
c1, c2;
allocates storage for the identifiers c1 and c2, which are of type struct card. To access the members of c1 and c2, we use the structure member operator ... • . Suppose we want to assign to c1 the values representing the nve of diamonds and to c2 the values representing the queen of spades. To do this we can write
s., c1. pi ps 'd' ; c1. sui t c2.pips '" 12; c2. sui t '" 's' ; A construct of the form
is used il!) i.I variable in the same way ,t simple variable or an clement of an array is used. The member name must be unique within the specified structure. Because the member must always be prefaced or accessed throuMh a unique structure vari· able identifier, there is no confusion between two members having the same name in different structures. An example is struct frui t { char name(15]; int calories; };
Declaring Structures
struct vegetable { char name(lS]; int calories; };
struct frui t struct vegetable
a'• b',
!'laving made these declaral ions. we can access a. ca lori es and b. ca lori es without ambiguity. Within a single declaration, it is possible to create a structure type and declare variables of that type at the same time. An example of this is struct card { int pips; char suit; } c, deck (52] ; The identifier card is the structure tag name. The idenlifier c is declared to be a variable of t}'PC struet: card, and the identifier deck is dedared 10 be an array of' type struct card, Another c-\:ample of this is struct { char int char } 51, s2,
*la5t_name; studenCid; grade; s3;
which declares 51, 52, and 53 to represent three student records, but does not include a tag name for use in later declarations. Suppose we had instead written: struct student { char *la5t_name; int 5tudent_id; char grade; );
This declaration. unlike the previous one, has student as a structure tag name, but no variables of this type are declared. II can be thought of as a blueprint. ow we can write struct student
temp. c1ass(100];
This declares temp and class 10 be of type 5truct student. Only althis point is storage allocated for these variables. The declaration of a structure type by itself does not cause storage to be allocated.
Chapter 12 •
StruClures and ADTs
Accessing a Member
We have already seen the use or the member operator In this section we give additional examples of its use and introduce the structure poinler operalor ->. Suppose we are writing a program called class_info, which generates information about a class of ] 00 siudenis. We can begin by crealing a header file. Note thai we usc the name cUnfo.h 10 conform 10 "15-005 length reslriclions on file names. On syslems withoulthis limilalion, clasLinfo.h would be more mnemonic. W ....
#defi ne
struct student { char *last_name; ;nt student_id; char grade; };
This header file can now be used to share informalion wilh the modules making up Ihe program. Suppose in another rile we write #include "cLinfo.h" ; nt mai n(vo; d) (
struct student
temp, class[CLASS_SIZE);
We can assign values to the members of the structure variable temp by using statements such as temp. grade = 'A'; temp. last_name = "Bushker"; temp.student_id = 590017; Now suppose we waotto count the number of failing students in a given class. To do this, we can write a function that accesses the grade member. Here is a funclion fai 1 0 that counlS the number of r: grad('s in th(' array c1 ass [].
12.2 •
Accessing a Member
/* Count the failing grades. */ 'include "cLinfo.h"
int fail(struct student class(]) {
i. ent - 0;
0; i
for (i
ent += class[i].grade return cnt;
'F' ;
~ Dissection of the fa j 1() Function •
int fail(struct student class[)) (
i, ent
The parameter class is of type Mpointcr to struct 5tudent.~ We can think of it as a one-dimensional arra}' of strUClUrcs. Parameters of any type, including struchlrc types, can be used in hCildcrs (0 funclion definitions. •
for (i
0; i
We arc assuming thaI when this function is called, an array of type struct student and of size CLASS~SIZE is passed as an argument.
ent += class[i].grade
An expression such as this demonstrates how concise C can be. C is operator
rich; to be rluent in its use, the programmer mUSI be careful aboul prece· dence and associativity. This slatement is equivalent to ent += «(class[i)).grade) =2 'F'); The member grade of the jtll clement (counting from zero) of lhe array of structures class is selected. A test is made to sec if it is equal to 'F'. If equality holds, then lhe value of the expression
class[i).grade == 'F' is I, and the value of ent is incremented. If equalilY does nOI hold, then the value ol'lhe expression is 0, and the value of ent remains unchanged. A clearer but more \'erbosc equivalent is
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
if (class[i).grade
return ent;
The number of failing grades is returned to the calling environment. C provides the structure pointer operator -> 10 access the members of a structure via a pointer. This operator is typed on the keyboard as a minus sign followed by a greater than sign. If a pointer variable is assigned the address of a structure, then a member of the slruchlrc can be accessed by a construct of the form
An equivalent construct is given by
The parentheses are necessary here. The operators ~> and ....., along with 0 and []. have the highest precedence and associ'lIc from left 10 right. Because of this, the same construct without parentheses would be equivalent to
In complicated situations the two accessing modes can be combined in complicated wa}'s. The following table iLluslrates lheir use in a straightfonvard manner. Declarations and assignments struct student temp, *p - &temp; temp.grade .. 'A' ; temp.lascname:: "Bushker"; temp.studencid = 590017
Equivalent expression
Conceptual Value
temp. grade
p -> grade
p -> last_name
p -> studencid
p -> studencid
I 12.3
Operator Precedence and Associativity: A Final Look
Operator Precedence and Associativity: A Final look
We now want to display the entire precedence and associativity table for .111 the C operators. The operators"." and -> have been introduced in this chapter. These operators, logClher with 0 and []. have the highest precedence. Associativity
++ (prefix) + (unary)
++ (post(i;,,)
sizeof (type) * (dere(erence)
(prefix) - (unary)
& (address)
-- (postfix)
left to right
lert 10 rig,ht
left to right
left to right left to right
left to right
left to right
left to right
left 10 right right to left
right 10 left
left to right
+ <
IdllO right
(comma operator')
right to len lert to right
The comma operator has the lowest precedence in C. The commas used In declarations and in argument Ii~ts to functions are not comma operators. As we saw in Chapter 6, "The Fundamental Data Types,~ the unary operator sizeof can be used to rind the number of bytes needed to store an object in memory. For example, the value or the expression sizeof(struct card) is the number of bytes needed by the system to store a variable of type struct card. On most s}'stems the type of the expression is uns; gned. Later in this chapter we Set that the sizeof operator is used extensively when creating linked lists. Although the complete table of operators is extensive, some simple rules apply. The primary operators arc function parentheses, subscripting, and the two addressing operatiors for accessing a member of a structure. These four operators are of highest precedence. Unary operators come next, followed b}' the arithmetic operators. Arithmetic operators follow the usual convention-namely, multiplicative operators have higher precedence than additive operators. Assign-
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
mcnts of all kinds are of lowesl precedence. with the exception of the slilllowlier comma opera lOr. A programmer who does not know 'he rules of precedence and associativity in a particular situation should either look the rules up or usc parcntheses.
~~ctures. Functions, and Assignment Traditional C systems allow a pointer 10 a structure type lO be passed as an argument to a function and returned as a value. ANSI C allows structures themselves to be passed as arguments to functions and relurned as values. In this environment, if a and b arc variables of the same slruclure (Y'Pc, the aSSignment expression a = b is allowed. 11 causes each member of a to be assigned the vallie of the corresponding member of b. (See Section 12.15, "S)'stcm Considerations," on page 415, for further remarks.) To illustrate the use of structures with functions, we use the struClUre type struct card. For the rem
Let us \'\-'Tite functions that assign values to a card, extraci Ihe member values of a card, and prinllhe values of a card. We assume thallhe header file card.h has been included wherever needed. void assign_values(struct card *c_ptr, int p, char 5) {
c_ptr ~> pips c_ptr -> suit
= 5;
void extract_values(struct card *c_ptr, int *p_ptr, char *s_ptr) {
cptr -> pips; cptr -> suit; }
These functions access a card by using a pointer 10 a variable of l)'pe struct card. The SlfU((Ure pointer operator -> is used Ihroughout to access lhe required member. Next, lei us write a card·printing routine thai lakes a pointer to struct card and prints its values using extract_valuesO.
Structures, Functions, and Assignment
12.4 •
void prn_values(struct card *cptr) (
i nt
char char
/'" pips value */ /* suit value */
extract_valuesCc_ptr, &p, &s); swi tch (s) { case 'c' : suit_name", "clubs"; break; case 'd' : suit name "diamonds"; break; case 'h' : sui t name "hearts" ; break; case's' : sui Cname "spades"; break; default : suit_name "error"; }
%d of %s\n", p, suicname);
Finally, we want to illustrate how these functions can be used. First, we assign values to a deck of cards, and then as a test we print out the heart suit. void void void
assign_values(struct card *. int, char); prn_valuesCstruct card *); extract_valuesCstruct card *, int *, char *);
int main(void) (
i nt struct card
i ; deck[52] ;
for Ci '" 0; i < 13; ++i) assign_valuesCdeck + i assign_values(deck + i assign_valuesCdeck + i assign_values(deck + i
, i + 1, + 13, + 26, i + 39, i
for (i '" 0; i < 13; Hi) r prn_values(deck + i + 26) ; return 0;
'c') ;
+ 1, 'd') ; + 1, 'h '); + 1, s'); 1
print out the hearts */
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
Notice how this code uses address arithmetic to assiRll and print values for the various suits. Thus the cards in the heart suit arc printed by the statement
prn_values(deck + ; + 26); which is equivalent to
prn_values(&deck[i + 26]); Functions can be designed to work with structures as parameters, rather than with pointers to slruClUrcs. Lei us fcwrile the function extract_valuesO.
void extract_values(struct card
int ·p_ptr. char ·s_ptr) {
c.suit; = c.pips; }
In C. the value of an argument that is passed to a function is copied when the function is invoked. This call-by-value mechanism W
'~-.:'InI /-,J_
Problem Solving: Student Records
In C, structures, pointers, and arrays may be combined 10 create complicated data strUClures. Problem solving is weillly aided by matching a data structure to the information thai is manipulatcd. Usually a real-world object, such as a student, is best described ,IS a set of characteristics. In C, st ruet is an encapsulation mechanism for such a e1ma aggregate. Once aggregated, the object is treated conceptually as a student, instead of as a collection of specific characterisUcs. We start with our previous example 01" struet student, in Sec lion 12.2, "Accessing a Member," on page 394. and develop it into a more comprehenshc data structure for a student record. \\e begin by defining the variOliS types Ill..'t.'d cd. #defi ne 'define
/* number of courses ./
II 12.5
Problem Solving: Student Records
40 I
struct student { char *last_name; int student_id; char grade; };
struct date { short day; char month[10]; short year; );
struct personal { char name[20]; st ruct date bi rthday; ); struct student_data { struct personal p; i nt student_id; char grade [NCOURSES] ;
Notice that stnlct student_data is constructed with nested structures. One of its members is the structure p, which has as one of its members the bi rthday struc('ure. After the declaration struct student_data
has been made, the expression temp.p.birthday.month[0] has as its value the first leiter of the month data is in temp. Struchm.'S such as date and applications. Let us write the function read_dateO struct date. When the funchon is called, passed as an argument to the function.
of !he birthday 01" the student \\'hose personal are often used in database 10 enter data into a variable of type
Ihe address of the variable must be
#include "student.h" void read_date(struct date *d) {
printf("Enter day(int) month(stri ng) year(i nt): "); scanf("%hd%s%hd", &d -> day, d ~> month, &d ~> year);
I Chapter' 2 •
SfruC[ures and ADTs
Dissection of the read_date() Function •
void read_date(struct date *d) (
year(;nt): ");
The parameter d has type ~pointcr 10 struet date." The pr;ntfO slatement prompts the user for informaLion.
&d -> day
This is an address. Because & is of ]owcr precedence than ->, this expression is equivalent to &(d -> day)
First the pointer d is used to access the member day. Then the address operator & is applied 10 this member 10 obtain ils address. •
d -> month
This is an address. The pointer d is used 10 access a mcmber that is an "fray. An array name by itself is a pointer, or address; it points [0 the base address of the array. •
scanfC"%hd%s%hd", &d -> day, d -> month, &d -> year);
The function scanfO is used to read in three vaJues and to store them at appropriate addresses. Recall that in the header file Sludenl.h, the two members day and year of struct date were declared to be of type short. The format %hd is used to convert characters in the standard input stream (keyboard) to a v<\Juc of type short. (The h used to modify the convcrsion character d in the format comes from the second letter in the word short.)
The funcUon read_dateO can be used to read information into a variable of typc struct student_data. For example, the code struct student_data
read_dateC&temp.p.birthday); can be used to place information into the appropriate member of temp. Here is a funel ion to enter grades:
Iniriolizorion of Structures
12.6 •
void read_grades(char g[]) (
; ,.
printf("Enter %d grades: , NCOURSES); for (i '" 0; i < NCOURSES; ++i) scanf(" %c", &g[i]); )
The conlrol siring" %e" is used 10 read in a single non·whHc space charaCler. The blank just before the % malChes optional while space in the input stream. This function could be called to read a list of grades into temp as follows: read_grades(temp.grade); The argument temp. grade is an address (pointer) because it refNs (0 a member of a structure that is an array. and an array name by itself is the base address of the ana)'. Thus, when the function is invoked. it causes the values of temp. grade in the calling environment to be changed. Basically, unclerstanding structures comes down to understanding how to access their members. As a further example, leI us now write a function thaI lakes data stored in the long form in struet student_data and conveIlS it 10 the short form stored in struet student. 'include "student.h" void extract( struet student_data int struct student
*s_data, n, *undergrad)
undergrad -> student_id z s_data -> student_id; undergrad -> last_name = s_data ->; undergrad -> grade", s_data -> grade[n]; )
Initialization of Structures
All external and sIalic variables, including structure variables, that are not explicltly illitialized are automatically initialized by the system to zero. In traditional C. external and static structures can be initiaUzed by the programmer. In ANSI C. we can initialize automatic structures as well. The syntax is similar to that used with arrays. A Slructurc variable can be followed b}' an equal sign = and a lisl of conSlanls conl
I Chapter 12 •
struct card
StruCllJres and ADTs
c = {l2. 's'};
struct frui t
/* the queen of spades */
{"plum", 150};
struct: complex { double real; double imaginary; }
= {
{{1.0, -0,SJ, {l,S, 1.0J, { 0.7. 0,7JJ. {{7.0, -6,S}, {-0,S, 1.0}, {OS.7, 8,0}}, }; /* m[2][] is assigned zeroes */
The Use of typedef In practice. tbe typedef facility is often used to rename a structure type. We sec this in Section 12.9, "Unear Unkcd Usts," on page 407. Let us illustrate the use of typedef by defining a small number of functions that operate on veeton; and matrices.
typedef typedef typedef
double scalar scalar
/* size of all vectors and matrices */ scalar; vector[N] ; matri x [N] [N] ;
We have used the typedef mechanism to create the types scalar, vector, and matrix, which is both self-documenting and conceptually appropriate. OUI programming language has been extended in a natural way to incorporate these new types as a domain. Notice how typedef can be used to build hierarchies of types. For example, we could have written typedef
matrix[N] [N];
in place of typedef
The use of typedef 10 creale type names such as scalar, vector, and matrix allows the programmer to think in terms of the application. ow we are ready to create functions that proVide operations over our domain.
'2.8 •
Self-Referential Srrucrures
void add(vector x, vector y, vector z)
/* x '" y + z */
i nt i;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) xCi] '" y[i] + z[i]; }
scalar dot_product(vector x, vector y) {
int scalar
i .
• sum
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) sum +'" xCi] '* y[i]; retu rn sum; }
void multiply(matrix a, matrix b, matrix c)
/* a=b'*c */
i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) for (j • 0; j < N; ++j) { a[i][j]
for (k '" 0; k
N; ++k)
a[i][j] +- b[i][k] • c[k][j]; }
self-Referential Structures _ In this section we define structures with pointer members that refer La the struc· ture type containing them. These are called sel(-re{erenfial structures. Self-refer-
e.ntial structures often require storage management routines to explicitly obtain and release memory. Let us define a structure with a member field that poinls at the same structure type. We wish 10 do this in order to have an unspecified number of such structures linked together.
struct llst { i nt struct list );
data; '*next;
I Chapfer I 2 •
Structures and ADTs
Each variable of Iype struct 1; st has Iwo members, data and next. The pointer variable next is called a link. Each structure is linked to a succeeding struCt'urc by way of the member next. These structures are conveniently displayed piClorially. with links shown as arrows.
The pointer variable next contains an address of either the location in memo ory of the successor struct 1 ist clement or the special value NULL, which is usually defined in sldio,h as a symbolic constant wilh valLlc 0, The value NUll is used to denote the end of the list. To see how all this works, let us begin with the declaration strue! list
a, b, c;
We wanl to manipulate the structure variables a, b. and c to create a linked list. We begin by performing some assignments on these structures.
"" "" _ '"
2 ,' J; "" c. next "" NULL;
The resull of {his code is described pictoriallr as follows: a
< 1
Next. leI us chain lhe three stru<.:lures together. '" &b; "" &c; These pointer assignments resliH in linking a to b to c.
t ~=:;;;;I-s---tbD::::;;r 1"--:<3=-1 NULLI a
Now 'he links allow us 10 retrieve daTa from successive elements. For example, -> data -> next -> data
has vallie 2 has l'aille 3
I II' 12.9 •
Linear Linked Lists
Linear Linked Lists
A linear linked fist is like a clothesline on which the data structures hang sequenliall}'_ There is a head pointer that addresses the first clement of the list. and each elcmcill points at a successor clement, with the last element having a link value NUll. T}tpically, a linked list is created dynamically. In this section we show how tltis is done. Lei us begin by creating a header file that is included wHh the list processing functions we write in the sections that follow. This header file includes the file stdio.11 because that is where NULL is defined. In file list.h
#include <stdio.h> typedef
/* use char in examples */
struct linked_list { DATA struct linked_list
typedef typedef
struct linked_list ELEMENT *
In the header file Iist.h we used typedef to create names of types lhat are more suggestive of their usc. Nolice that although DATA is simply the t}tpe char, conceptually if could be a more complicated type, such as an array or a structure (see exercise I I on page -l26).
Dynamic Storage Allocation
The declaration of struct 1inked_l i st in fist.h docs not allocate slOrage. II acts as a blueprint for tbe storage that the system allocates later when variables and arrays of this type arc declared. We used the typedef facility to rename the t}tpe as ELEMENT because we wish 10 think of it as an element in our list. What makes scll'-rcferenllill struCllll"e types such as ELEMENT especially useful is that utility functions such as mal1ocO are provided in the standard library to allocate stor· age dynamIcally. If head is a variable of t}tpe LINK. then head
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
obtains from the system a piece of memory adequate 10 store an ELEMENT and
assigns its base address 10 the pointer head. As in the preceding c.xample. a function call 10 mallocO often uses the si zeof operator, which calculates the number of bytes required 10 store a particular object. Suppose we want 10 dynamically create a linear linked list to store the three characters n, e, and w. The foliowinR code does this:
head -> d
'n'; =
This creates a Single element list.
head~ I
A second clemen! is added by the assignments
head -> next = mal1oc(sizeof(ElEMENT)); head -> next -> d = 'e'; head -> next -> next = NUll; Now there is a nyu-clement list.
Finally we add lhe last clement.
head -> next -> next = malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT)); head -> next -> next -> d = 'w'; head -> next -> next -> next = NULL; Now we have a three-clement list pointed at by head and ending with the sentinel value NULL.
head~1 n
12.10 •
List Operations
~J.mJI!1 List Operations The basic operaUons on linear linked Iisls include the following: Basic list Operations
• Creating a list • Counting the elements • Looking up an clement • Inserting
'include "list.h" LINK string_to_list(char s[]) {
if (s[0] == '\0') /* base case */ return NULL; else { head. malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT»; head -> d = s[0]; head -> next = string_to_list(s + 1); return head; } )
I Chapter 12 •
Sryucrures and ADTs
Dissection of the string_ to_l istO Function •
LINK string_to_list(char s[]) {
\Vhcn a string is passed as an argument, a linked list of the characters in the
string is (n'aled. Because a poinler 10 the head or the list is returned, the t}'PC specifier ill the header 10 this funclion definition is LINK.
if (5[0] ~ '\0') return NUll;
/. base case */
When the end-of-string sentinel is detected, NUll is returned, and, as we see, the recursion terminates. The value NULL is also used to mark the end or the linked list.
else { head
If the string s[] is not the null string, then mal1ocO is used to retrieve enough bytes 10 slOrc an object
or type ELEMENT. The paimer variable head
now points at the block of storage provided by mallocO. •
head -> d: 5[0];
The member d or the allocated ElEMENT is assigned the first character in the string s []. •
strin9_to_list(s + 1);
The pointer expression 5 + 1 points to the remainder of the string. The function is called recursively with 5 + 1 as an argument. The pointer memo ber next is assigned the pointer value that is returned by st ri n9_ to_ 1i st(s + 1). This recursive call returns as its value a LINK or, equivalently, a pointer to ELEMENT, which points to the remaining subJist. •
return head;
The function exits with the address of the head of the list.
NOlice once more how recursion has a base case, the creation of the empty list, and a general case, the creation of the remainder of the list.
12.12 •
Insertion and Deletion
~~ Counting and Lookup In this section we "'rHe two more recursive functions that perform list operations. The first is CDuotO; it can be used to count the clements in a list. It involves recurring down the list and terminating when the NULL pointer is found. If the list is empty, the value 0 is returned; otherwise, the number of elt.:ments in the list is rehtrned. /. Count a list recursively. */ 'include "list.h" int count(LINK head) {
if (head == NULL) return 0; else return (1 + count(head
The next funclion searches a list for a particular clement. If the clement is found, a pointer to that elemen' is returned; otherwise the NULL pointer is returned.
/* Lookup c in the list pointed to by head. */ 'include "li5t.h" LINK 10okup(DATA c. LINK head) {
if (head == NULL) return NULL; else if (c == head -> d) return head; else return (lookup(c. head -> next)); )
r~_ Insertion and Del~tion One or the most useful properties of lists is that insertion tak<~s a l'ixed amount of lime once the posilion in the list is found. In conlrasl, if one wished 10 place a value in a large arra)'. retaining all other array values in the same sequential order. the insertion would take, on average, time proportional to the length of the array. The values of all clements of the array that came after the newly inserted value would have to be moved O"er one clement.
I Chapter 12
Srrucrures and ADTs
Let us illustr
After insertion:
Here is a function that accomplishes the task:
/* Inserting an element in a linked list. */
#include "'ist.h" void insert(LINK pI, LINK p2, LINK q) {
pI -> next = q; q -> next = p2;
/* insertion */
Deleting an clement is very simple in a linear linked list. The predecessor of the element to be deleted has its link member assigned the address of the successor to the deleted clement lei us first illustrate the situation befoTe deletion
III 12.12 •
Insertion and Deletion
The next line of code q "" P -> next; causes q to point at the clement that . . . . e want to dc1ele.
q~ A
Now consider the statement p -> next"" q -> next; After this statement is execllted, we have
q~ A
As the diagram shows, the element containing B is no longer accessible and is of no use. Such an inaccessible element is called garbage. Because memory is frequently a critical resource, it is desirable I'hat this storage be returned to the system for later use. This may be done with the standard library function freeO. Using freeO, we write a deletion routine that returns dynamically allocated list storage LO the system.
/* Recursive deletion of a list. */ #include "list.h" void delete_list(LINK head) {
if (head !"" NULL) { delete_list(head free(head); } }
/* release storage */
I Chapter 12
Srrucrures and ADTs
It is ~ood prn~ranllnillg sl}le 10 aggregate r('lilled dala into <1 structure. By declar-
ing a slruCiurc, the programmer can crcalc a data type suitable for a problem. The dcdarallon should hSI each member on its own line. properly indented. 5t ruet automobile {
int daub' e
year; cost;
1* example: buick 1* example: 1983
/* example: 2390.95 *1
II is usually ~ood programminJ.: practice 10 associmc a lag namc with a structure I) pc. II IS com cnienl for bOlh further declarations and documentation. If extensive lISC is going to be made of a structure dcdar
ale 10 usc the typedef facili!) to create a new name for the type. In the (ilSt' of struct automobile. \\c could usc
struct automobile
The ncw type name does not havc 10 be in capitillletters; we could juS! as well have used Car or car. In some styles, fully capitalized identifiers are reserved for prC'prm;essor identifiers. The choice depends on pcrsonal taste. A (Olllmon programming style is to wrile structure dedarations in header nics that can then be included where needed. If ,he declaration of a structure type needs 10 be altered later, it is accomplished b) changing its declaration in the header IiIc. Perhaps latcr we diSl:o\,cr that \\e wanl CAR to have a member describ· ing the horsepower of an automobile. This is easily done b) adding a line such as i nt
example: 225 */
10 the structure declaration in lhe header file.
,~/~ ~~
Common Programming Errors
\\ hen \\ orking \\ ith self-rcferential stnlelures, a ({)Inmon programming error IS to aeees.. the wrong pla((~ in memo!). For example, if a linear linked list is not properl) lerminated by a NULL pointer, some form of unexpected run-time error on:urs. Another common programming error is to mix up the order in the use of typedef. rfll' example, typedef
struct linked_list;
/* wrong */
Ii I
12.15 •
System Considerarions
is incorrecl because the identifier ELEMENT musl follow. nol precede, the struct linked~list type. Nolice also that a typedef constnKllOn is followed by a semicolon. Our last programming error involves the {;olllparison at' two variables of the same struclllre l}'pe-say. a and b. Allhough the assignment expression b
the use of the expression
/* wrong *1
to lest for equality of two structures is not allowed. Because Ihe operators = and arc so visually similar, beginning progralTuners somelimes make this mistake.
w _ t~
System Considerations
C has evolved with time. Traditional C systems allow pointers to structures to be passed as arguments to functions and returned as values. ANSI C compilers also allow structures themselves to be passed as arguments and returned as values. in addition, these compilers allow stmcture assignment. I)rog,rammcrs \\Titin~ code that is meant to be backward-compatible must take into account restrictions lhat may be present in older compilers. Traditional C does not allow the initialization of strUl.:ture variables of storage class automatic. Mainlaining compatibility with older syslems requires that ani} slatic and external structure variables be initiali.-:ed. In database applications. slnlClurcs often have tens. e\'en hundreds. of members. If a slructure is passed as an argument 10 a function, a COP}' of the structure is made when the function is invoked. If the structure is l
'~ :) ' -~ .
Chapter 12 •
Structures and AOTs
Moving to C++
The concept of struct IS augmented in C++ to allow functions 10 be members. The funclion declaration is included in the structure declaration and is invoked by using access methods for Slrucl\Irc members. The functionality required by the struct data type should be directly included in the struct declaration. We illustrate these ideas with code for a stack ADT. The slack is one of the mOSI uscful standard data stru((lIrcs. Il allows insertion and ddClion of data to occur only at a single restricted clement, the top of the slack. This is the las I· infirst-oul (UFOI discipline. Conceptually, it behaves like a pile of trays that pops up or is pushed down when tra}s arc removed or added. The following is a stack with f\IKD pushed on: max_len 1
top 3
T}'pically, a stack allows Ihe operations pUSll, pop, lOp, empEy, and (ull. The push operator places a value on the slack. The pop operalor retrieves and deleles a \allic from the slack. The IOpoperalOr returns the top value from the stack. The empty operator lests if the stack is empty. The (ull operator lests if the stack is full. The slack is a l)1>ical ADT. We \\ish to implement a stack as a C++ data type using struet in its C form. An implementation choice is to usc a fixed-length char array 10 store the contents of the slack. The top of the stack is an integer-valued member named top. The variuus stack operations are implemented as functions, each of' whose argument Iisls includes a pointer to stack parameter. This allows lhe stack to be modified and avoids call~by~vaille copying of the slack.
12.16 •
(-like implementation of type stack.
canst int max_len = 1000; enum boolean { false, true }; enum { EMPTY = -1, FULL: max_len - 1 }; struet stack { char s[max_len]; int top; };
We now l.:odc a set of functions 10 implement standard opcratJons on the stack.
standard set of stack operations.
void reset(stack* stk) {
stk -> top: EMPTY; }
void push(char c. stack* stk) {
stk -> s[++stk -> top] : c; }
char pop(stack* stk) {
return (stk -> s[stk
char top(stack* stk) {
return (stk
bool ean empty(const stack* stk) {
return (boolean(stk -> top :. EMPTY»; )
boolean full(const stack* stk) {
return (boolean(stk -> top )
Chaprer 12 •
Structures and ADTs
Dissection of the stack Functions •
const int max_len = 1000: enum boolean { false, true }; enum { EMPTY = -I, FUll = max_len - 1 }; struct stack {
We declare a new type boolean. In C++, the tag namt;: of an enum type is a new t)fpc. The constant false is initialized to 0, and the cunstant true is initialized to I. The struct dec1ar
void reset(stack* stk) {
This funclion is used for initialization. The member top is assigned the value EMPTY. The particular stack initialized IS an argument passed as an address.
void push(char c, stack* stk) { )
stk -> s[++stk -> top] '" c;
char pop(stack* stk) {
return (stk -> s[stk -> top--]); }
The push operation is implemented
12.16 •
boolean empty(const stack* stk) {
return (boolean(stk -> top == EMPTY)); }
boolean full(const stack* stk) {
return (boolean(stk
top == FULL));
These funClions relurn;\O enumerated type boolean value. Each tests the stack member top for an appropriate condition. For eXillllplc, before calling pushO, the programmer can test that the Slack is not fuJI to ensure Ihal pushO works correctly. These functions do not modif) the stack being pointed at. Therefore we can decl,tre the pointer ar~uments to be canst. In all funclions the stack argument is passed as an address, and the structure pointer operator -> is used to
max_len - 1 };
//operations represented as member functions void reset() { top = EMPTY; } void push(char c) { top++; s[top] = c; } char popO {return s[top--];} char top_of() { return s(top]; } boolean empty() { return (boolean(top == EMPTY)); } boolean full() { return (boolean(top == FULL)); } };
The member functions arc writlen much as 01 her functions. One difference is that they can usc the data mcmber names CIS is. Thus Ihe member functions in stack use top and s in an unqualified manner. When invoked on a particular object 01' type stack, they act on the specified member in that object. The following example ilJustrates these ideas. If two stack variables stack data, operands; arc declared, then
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
data. resetO; operands.reset(); invoke the member function reset, which has the effect of selling both data. top and operands. top to EMPTY. If a poimer 10 stack
stack· ptr_operands = &Operands; is declared, then
ptr_operands -> push('A'); invokes the member function push. which increments operands. top and sels operands. s [top] to 'A'. One last observation: Hccausc of a naming conflict, the member top_of 0 had its name changed from the previous implementation. Member functions that afC defined within the struet arc implicitly Cinline. As a rule. only short, heavily used member functions shouJd be defined within the struet, as is the case for the example jusl given. To define a member funclion outside the struct. the scope resolution operator is used. Let us illustrate by chan~ing the derinilion of push 10 its corresponding function prototype within the struct stack. We write it out fully using the scope resolution operator. In this case lhe function is nUl implicitly inlinc.
struct stack { //data representation char s [max_l en] ; i nt top; enum { EMPTY ~ -1. FUll
max_len - 1 };
//operations represented as member functions void reset() { top EMPTY; } //implicitly inline void push(char c); /Ifunction prototype };
void stack::push(char c)
I/definition not inline
top++; s [top] }
The scope resolution operator: : allows member functions from different struct types to have the S
s, t, u;
12.16 •
Moving roC++
creates three separate stack objects of sizeof(stack) bytes. Each of these variables has its own data members: char int
s[max_len]; top;
A member function is conceptually part of the type. There is no distinct member
function for any of these three stack variables. The concept of struct is augmented in C++ to allow funcUons to have public and private members. Inside a struct, the use of the keyword private followed by a colon restricts the scope of the members that follow this construe!. The private members can be used only by a few categories of functions whose privileges include access to these members. These functions include the member functions of the struct. Other categories of functions that have access is discussed later in Section 15.3, "Overloading," on page 508. \Ve now modify our example of stack to hide its data representation. struct stack { public: void resetO { top", EMPTY; } void push(char c) { top++; s[top] '" c; } char pope) { return s[top--]; } char top_of() { return s[top]; } boolean empty() { return (boolean(top "'= EMPTY»; } boolean full() { return (boolean(top == FULL»; } private: char s[max_len]; int top; enum { EMPTY", -1, FULL", max_len - 1 }; };
We now write mainO to test these operations.
//Reverse a string with a stack. int main(void) {
stack s; char str[40] = {"My name is Don Knuth!"}; i nt i = 0; cout « str « endl; s_reset(); lis. top EMPTY; would be illegal while (str[i]) i f (!s.full0) s.push(str[i++]); while (!s.empty(» Ilprint the reverse cout « s.pop(); cout « endl; )
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
The output from this version of the test program is
My name is Don Knuth! !htunK noD si eman yM As the comment in mainO stales, an:ess to the hidden variable top is controlled. II can be changed by the member function resetO but cannot be accessed directly. Also. notice how the variable s is passed to each member funeHon using the structure member operator form. The struct stack has a private part that contains its data description and a public part that contains member functions to implement stack operations. It is useful to think of the private parI as restricted to the implementor's use and the public part as an interface specificalion that clients may use. The implementor could change the private part without affecting the correctness of a client's use of the slack. type. Hiding data is an important component or object-oriented programming. 11 allows for more easily debugged and maintained code because errors and modifications arc localized. Client programs need only be aware of Lhc type's interface specification.
Classes in C++ arc introduced by the kc}/word class. They are a form of struct whose default privacy specification is private. Thus struct and class can be used interchangeably with the appropriate privacy specification. Many scientific computations require complex numbers. Let us write an ADT for complex numbers. struct complex { public: void assignCdouble r, double i); void printO {cout « real«"+ private: double real, imag;
imag «
} ;
inline void complex::assignCdouble r, double i = 0.0) {
real imag
r', i ,.
Here is its equivalenl class representation:
- - - - - - - - -...I;r •
class complex { public: void assign(double r, double i); void pr;ntO {cout « real « " + "« private: double real. imag;
"; ";}
imag «
;nline void complex: :assign(double r, double i
real r; imag::i; }
Also possible \\ould have been
class complex { double real, imag; public: void assign(double r, double i); void printO {cout « real « " +
imag «
"; ";}
Here we are using the fact that the default access to class members is privale. It is C++ sl)'le 10 prefer class \0 struct unless all members are data members with public access.
r~ary ~
A strucl'llre is an a~regi.ltion of subparts treated as a single variable. The subparts of the slrucltlre are called members.
StrUClurc members are accessed by the member operator ..... and the struchlrc poimer operator ->. If 5 is a structure variable with a member named m, th{'n S.m refers to the value of the member m within s. If p is a pointer thaI points at S, then p -> mand s.m arc equivalent expressions. Both "." and -> h"vc the highesl precedence among C operators.
Struchlres can be members of olher stnlctures. Considerable complexity is possible when nesting stru(lLIres, pointers, and arrays within onc another. Care should be taken that the proper variables arc being accessed.
I 424
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
A self-refcrenlial structure uses a pointer member to address a structure of the same I) pc. Self-referential structures can be used to create a linear linked list. Each clement points to the next clement, except the last, which has the value NULL for its pointer member.
The funClion mallocO is used lO dynamically altocate storilge. It lakes iln argument of lype size_t and returns a pointer to void that is the base address of the allocated storagc. The type si ze_t is an unsigned integer type. It is defined in stdlib.h.
Standard algorithms for list processing arc naturall)' implemented recursivel). Frequentl), thc base case is the detection of the NULL link. The general casc recurs by moving one clement over in the linked list.
Suppose the follOWing Slructure is used to write a dieting program: structure char i nt i nt
food { name[lS]; porti on_wei ght; calories;
What is the tag name of this structure? How would one declare an array meal [10] of this Iype? Let us say Ihat a 4-ounce apple contains 200 calories. How would you assign values 10 Ihe Ihree members of meal [0] to represent such an apple?
2 Write a program lhat counts the number of calorics in a givcn meal. The meal would be stored in the arra)' meal []. The progrrul1 should write eacll course of the meal. 3 Create a structure that can describe a restaurant. II should have members that
include the name, address, average cost, and type of food. Suppose an array of structures representing restaurants has been created. Write a function that prints out all restaurants of a gi\cn food type in order of cost, least cxpensh'c first.
4 The following function is supposed to assign values to ..I playing card, but docs not work as expected. Describe what goes wrong. #include "card.h" struct card
(int char
p, s
I'll pips value I~
suit value *1
cptr -> pi ps c_ptr -> suit return c_ptr;
p; s;
.5 When playinl-: poker and other card games, it is usual 10 arrange a hand 10 reflect its valucs. Wrile a program lhat arranges ilnd prints out a hand of fivc cards in sorted order by pips value. ASSUllle that an ace is highest in vallie. a king is next highest, and so forth.
6 Using the student record example in Seclion 12.2, MAccessing a t\lember," on p,lge 394, write a function that prints the average for each student in a class. Let an A grade have value 4, a B grade have value 3. and so forth.
i Write a funclion that prints out studenl data in order of their dale of birth, oldest first. The original sct of studenl records need not be in any order. 8 Write a function prn_student_dataO thaI prints in a nice format all the information in a variable of type struct studenCdata. 9 Define a strucrure that contains Ihe name of a food, its calories per serving,
its food group (such as meat or fruit), and its cost. \Vrite a program that is able (Q produce
struct husband char int struct wife } a;
name[10]; age; spouse;
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
struct wife {
char int struct husband
name[10]; age; spouse;
} b; II
~lodjfy the header file Iist.h in Section 12.9, "linear Unked Lists," on page 407, by replacing the typedef line with
struct data { char name[l0]; ;nt age; int weight; };
struct data
Write a function create_' i stU that transforms an array of type DATA into a linear linked list. Write another function that counts the number of people above both a given age and a given weight. 12 Given a linear linked list of the type found in the previous exercise. write a function sort_by_ageO that sorts the list by age. Write <mother function sorCby_nameO that sorts the list alphabetically by name. I J \Vrite an iterative version of the function countO that was presented in Section 12.10, "List Operations," on page 41l. 14 \Vrite an insertion function that inserts an element at the first position in the list following an element storing a particular DATA item. You should use lookupO to find the element. If the element is not present, the insertion should oo:.:ur al the end of the list. 15 Explain why the parentheses are necessary in the construct
\Vrite a test program that uses this construct. Does your program compile if the parentheses are removed?
• J(j
[n simple situations a typedef can be replac('d by a #define. SOIll('tlm('s. howc\cr, this can lead to unexp('cted errors. Rewrite the header fiI(' fi.\t.h as foIlO\\s: #include <stdio.h> Ndefine
/* use char in examples */
struct linked_list {
struct linked_list
} ;
Ndefine Ndefine
struct linked_list
After you have done this, check to sec that the functions strin9_to_li stO, (ountO. and 100kupO call all be compiled just as before. The function insertO docs not compile. Explain why and modify Ihe function so tllat il docs. 17 The function insertO. which we wrote in Section 12.12. "Insertion and Deletion.~ on pa~e 412. assumed thal pI and p2 were pointinJ.: to adjacent cle-
ments in a linked list. What happens if pI and p2 arc pointing to clements in the list that arc nol adjacent? 18 On some systems. the following lwo structures arc not slOred in the same number of bytes: 5truct ,1 char char i nt
{ cl; c2;
5truct ,2 char int char
cl; ; ., c2;
The statcment pri ntf("%d\n%d\n", si zeof(5truct 51). 5izeof(5truct 52));
Chapter 12 •
Structures and ADTs
causes system-dependent values 10 be printed. What are the space requirements for these structures on the C systems available to you? On some systems, such as Borland C, byte and word alignment options exist. On such systems, tr~' this wilh both sellings. 19 C++: Recodc the slack example to use a linear linked list instead of an array as an implementation. The operations should remain abstractly the same. LO Java: Javu shares (++'5 lise of class but disl.:ards Cs use of struct. In Java, everything is a class. Because of this, Java is considered a pure objectoriented language. Java lIses garbage colleClion, and Java prograrruners do not use rna 11 oeC) and free (). Furthermore, Java does not have pointers. Instead, class types are refereotialtypes, ond instonces of classes are created using new. Here is an examplt: or implementing the ADT counter. Counter is a type that counts from 0 to 99 and then roll over like a car odometer back to O. Convert the .lava classes LO appropriate C structs and the member functions to functions thaI act on pointers to struct.
II - demonstration IIJava by Dissection pages 200-201
of class Counter
class (ounterTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Counter c1 = new Counter(); Ilcreate a Counter Counter c2 = new Counter(); Ilcreate another; II increment Counter c1; II increment Counter c2; II increment Counter c2 again System.out.println("(ounterl value is " + c1.getO) ; System.out.println("Counter2 value is " + c2 .getO); c1. resetO; System.out.println("Counterl value is " + c1.getO) ; ) )
class Counter { int value; //0 to 99 void reset() { value = 0; } int get() {return value;} Ilcurrent value void click() { value = (value + 1) % 100;) )
" ~
Input/Output and Files
n this chapter we explain how to lise some of the inpul/outpul fune. tions in the standard library, including the functions pri ntfO and scanfO, Although \VC have used these functions throughout this text, many details still need to be explained. We present a number of tables showing the effects of various formats. The standard library prOVides functions related to pr; ntfO and scanfO that can be lIsed for dealing with files and strings; their use is explained heft:'. General file input/output is important in applications in which daw resides in files on disks and tapes. We show how to open files for processing and how to lise a pointer to a file. Some ilpplications nccd temporary files. Examples are given to ilJusl rate their usc.
The pri ntfO function has lwo nice properties that allow it a h.igh level of flexibility. First, a list of arguments of arbitrary length can be printed, and second, the prinling is controlled by simple conversion specifications, or formats. The function printfO delivers its character stream to the standard output file stdout, which is normally connected to lhe screen. The argument list to pri ntfO has two parts: controLstring
In the example printf("she sells %d %s for S%f" , 99, "sea shells", 3.77); we have
controL'l/ring: olher_arguments:
"she sells %d %5 for S%f" 99, "sea shells", 3.77
I' 430
Chapler 13 •
Input/Output and Files
The expressions in other_arguments afC evaluated and converted according to the formats in the control sIring and arc then placed in the output stream. Characters in the control string that arc nOl part of a format are placed directly in the output stream. The % symbol introduces a conversion specil'icaLion, or format. A single conversion specification is a string that begins with % and ends with a conversion character.
printfO conversion characters Conversion
How the corresponding argument is printed
as a character
ct, ;
as a decimal integer as an unsigned decimal integer as ,ill unsigned octal integer as an unsigned hcx
u 0
'. X
e E
9 G 5
The function pr; ntfO returns as an i nt the number of characters printed. In the example
printf("she sells %d %s for S%f" , 99, "sea shells", 3.77);
«Ill match the formats in the control string with their corresponding argu· ments in the argumcnt list.
Corresponding argument
99 "sea shells" 3.77
%s %f
The Output Function printfO
Explicit formatting information may be included in a conversion specification; if it is not, defaults arc used. For example, the format %f with corresponding argument 3.77 results in 3.770000 being printed. By default, the number is printed with six digits to the right of the decimaJ point. Between Ihe % that starts a conversion specification and the conversion char· acter that ends it, the following may appear in order:
What May Appear in the Conversion SpecifJation • Zero or more nag characters that modify the meaning of the conversion specification. These !lag ch
An optional positive integer that specifics the minimum field width of the converted argument. The place where an argument is printed is called its field, and the number of spaces used to print an argument Is I1s field widlh. If the converted argument has fewer characters than the specified field widt h, then it is padded with spaces on the left or right, depending on whether the converted argument is right- or left-adjusted. If the converled argument has more characters than the specified field Width, then the field width is extended to whatev('r is required. If the Integer defining the field width begins with a zero and the argument being printed is righI-adjusted in its field, thcn zeros rather than spaccs arc used for padding.
• An optional precision, which is specified by a period followed by a nonnegative integer. For d, ;, 0, u, x, and X conversions, it specifies the minimum number of digits to be prinled. • For e, E, and f conversions, it specifics the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For g and G wnvcrsions, it specifics the maximum number of significant digits. For an s conversion, it specifies the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string, an optionaJ h or 1, which is a short or long modll1er, respectively. If an h is followed by a d. i. o. u. x, or X convcrsion character, the conversion specification applies 10 a short i nt or uns; gned short i nt argument; if an h is followed by an n convcrsion character, the corresponding argument is a pointer to a short i nt or unsi gned short i nt. if an 1 is followed by a d, i, 0, u, x, or X cOl1\'Cfsion characler, the conversion specification applies to a long i nt or unsigned long int argument; if an 1 is followed by an n conversion character, the corrcsponding argument is a pointer to along i nt or unsi gned long i nt. • An optional L. which is a long modifier. If an L is followed by an e, E, f, g, or G conversion character, the conversion specification applies to a long double argument.
Chapter 13 •
Input/Output and Files
"BOY-OH-BOY. HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW SNOOTY MELVYN HAS GOTTEN SINCE HE CONVERTED TO A DOUBLE?" The Fla Characters in Conversion S ecification • A minus sign. which means the converted argument is 10 be Icfl-"ldjustcd in ils ficld. If there is no minus sign. the convcr!ed argumcni is lO be rightadjusted in its field. • A plus sign, which means a nonncgalhc number that comes from it siJ,:"ned collversion is to have a + prcpenclcd. This works with the coO\'crsion characters d, i, e, E. f, g, and G. AJI negative numbers start with a minus sil.:n.
• A space, which means that a nonnc14,lIivc number Ihat comes from a signed conversion is to have a space prcpcnclcd. This works with lllc conversion charnctcrs d, i, e, E, f, g, and G. If both a space and a + flag arc present. l11e
space nag is ig-nored. • A N, which means the result is converted to all "alternate form" depending on the conversion character. With Ihe conversion character 0, [he N (.lUses a zero 10 be prepended to the octal number being printed. In an x or Xconversion, iI causes 0x or 0X to be prepended to the hexadecimal number being prinled. In a 9 or Gcom ersion, it causes trailing zeros 10 be printed. In an e, E, f, g, or Gconversion, it causes a decimal point to be printed, ('ven with precision O. The behavior is undefined for other col1\ersions. • A zero, which means zeros instead of spaces are used to pad the field. With d, i, 0, u, x, X, e, E, f, g, and G conversion characters, this can result in numbers with leading zeros. An} sign and an}' 0x or 0X that is printed \\ith a number precedes the leading zeros.
The Output Function printfO
m. n; x", 333.7777777;
/* get m and n from somewhere */ printf("x =%*.*f\n", m, n, x);
If the argument correspond inA to 'he fidd width has a negati\'{' value, then i, is taken as a minus flag followed by a positive rield width. If the argument corresponding 10 the precision has
Chapter 13 •
Input/OutpU! and Fifes
Declarations and initializations
c -
'A' , s []
• "Blue moon!"; How it is
Corresponding argument
printed in its f1eld
field width I by dcr
field \\-idlh 2, right-adjusted
" A" "A "
"Blue moon!"
field width 10 by default
"Blue moon'"
more space
"Blue m"
field width 3, left-adjusted
precision G "
"Blue moo
precision 8. !cft-
Examples of formals used 10 print numbers arc given in the next lab Ie. Again we usc double quote characters 10 visually delimit the ficld. They are not printed. Declarations and initializations int double
,i -'"
123; 0.123456789; How it is
printed in its
Corresponding argument
field width 3 by dcf
p,ldded with zeros
%10. Sf %-12.Se
, ,
. .
"1. 23457e-01 .
right-adjusted, uclal Icfl-adjusled, hexadecimal len-adjusted, hc..xadccimal field width 10, precision :. left-adjusted, e-formal
The Input Funcrion scanfO
13.2 •
r~ The Input Function scanfO The function scanfO has two nice proper lies thai allow it l'Iexibility at a high level. The first is that a list of arguments of arbitrary lenglh can be scanned, and the second is that the input is controlled by simple convcrsion specifications, or formats. The function scanfO reads characters from (he standard inpul file stdin. The argument list to scanfO has two parts:
In the c,,,ample char int double
a. b, c. 5[100]; n;
scanf("%c%c%c%d%s%l f", &a, &b, &c, &n, s, &x);
con/roL"1 ring:
"%c%c%c%d%s%l f"
&a, &b, &c, &n,
The arguments following the control string consist of a comma-separated list of pOinter expressions, or addresses. Noll' thai in Ihis example. \\'Tiling &s would be wrong; the expression s by its<.'lf is an address.
Directives in the Control String
The control string for scanfO is composed of Ihree kinds of directive~: ordinary characters, white space, and conversion spccificalions. We wanl 10 discuss each of these in detail.
Ordinary Characters
Characters in the control string other than white space characlers and characters in a com ersion specification arc called ordirlllry characters. Ordinary characters must be matched in the input Slrctlm. llere is tin example: float
scanf("S%f", &amount);
Chapter 13 •
Input/Output and Files
The character S is an ordinary character. An attempt is made to match a S in the input stream. If the match succeeds, then white space, if any, is skipped, and characters that can be converted to a floaling value arc matched. The converled villue arc placed in memory al the address of amount. [n our next example. each of the three characters a, b, and c constitute an ordinary character directive. scanf("abc") ;
First the character a is matched, then the character b, and finally the chartlnec c. If at some point scanfO fails to make a malch, the offending charaCler is left in the Input stream and scanfO returns. If the call to scanfO suneeds. then the characters inmlcdialcly following a. b, and c in the inpul Slream are ready for processinJ.:_
White Space Characters \vltitc space characters in the control strinK that arc not in a conversion specificalion are matched wHh oplional white space in the input Slream. Consider the example
c1, c2, c3;
scanf(" %c %c %e", &cl, &c2, &<3); If lhe input stream contains the letters a, b, and C, with or without leading while space and with or without intervening while space, then a, b, and c arc read into c1, e2, and c3, respectively. A white space directive causes while space, if any. in the input stream to be skipped. Recause of this, the follOWing two statements are equivalent: scanf(" %c %c %c", &cl, &c2, &c3); scanf("\t%c \t %c\n%c", &c1, &c2, &c3); Conversion Specifications
In a control string for scanfO, a conversion specification directive begins with a % and ends with a conversion character. It determines hO\\ characters in lhe input slream arc malched and converted.
13.2 •
The Input Function scanf()
scanfO conversion characters Unmodified conversion character
Characters in the input stream that are matched
c d
any character, including white space an optionally sig:nea aecimal integer an oplionauy signea aecimal, octal, or hcxadecimal integer such as 77, 077, or 0x77 an optionally signed decimal integer an optionally signed octal integer, leading 0 0 not nceded an optionally signee n~);aeccimal integer, x. X leading 0x or ex not allowed e. E. t. 9. G an oplionally signed noating-point number a sequence of non-wnite space characters 5 p wnat is proa':lced ,?y%p in pnntrO, usually an unsigned hexadedmal integer 0. X. l ... J (See 'he next /lIllfe.)
Type of the corresponding argument
char *
int •
unslgned unsigned
tloat • char •
Three conversion characters are of a special nature, and one of these, [ ... ], is not even a character although the construct is treated as such. We discuss these in the next table. Special Unmodified conversion character
scanfO conversion characters
No charilcters in the input stream arc matched. The corresponding argument is a pointer to i nt, into which is printed the number of characters read so far. The conversion specification %% causes a single % character in the input stream to be matched. There is no corresponding arKumcnt. T I.' set of c araclers lnsi I.' the rae 'cls is ea Ie t e scan set. II determines wh..11 is lllatehed aod read io. (See lhe follOWing explanalion.l The (orrcsponding ilrgument is a pointer 10 the base of an array of charactcrs th"lt is large enough to hold the charac· ters thaI arc matched, along \,ith a terminating null character \0 thaI is appended automatictlll},.
Chapter 13 •
Input/Output and Files
Between the % and the Conversion Character There Ma
• An optional 'I< Ihat indicates assignment suppression, followed by an optional integer thai defines a maximum scan width, followed by an optional h, " or l that modifies the conversion character. • The modifiN h, which can precede a d. ;, 0, U, x, or X conversion charaClcr. It indicarcs Ihal the comcrlccl value is to be stored in a short int or in an
unsi gned short; nt. • The modifier 1, which can precede dlher a d, i, 0, U, x, or X cOllversion character or an e, E, f, g, or G conversion character. In Ihc first G1Se i1 indicates that the converted value is to be sLored in a long int or in an unsigned long into [n the second case it indicates lhalthe converled value
is to be stored in a daub1e. • The modifier L, which can precede an e, E, f, g, or Gconversion character. It indicates that the converted \aluc is to be stored in a long double. The ch
Floating numbers in the input stream arc formatted as an optional sign followed br a digit Sll'inn with an optional decimal point, follO\\'ed b~' an optional cxponential part. The exponential part consists of e 01' E, followed by an optional sign, fol· lowed by it digit string. Some examples arc
13.2 • 77
+7.7e1 770.0E-l +0.003
The Input Function scemfO
/* is converted to a floating value */ /* equivalent to 77 */ /* equivalent to 77 */
Remember: The input stream is not C code; different rules apply.
Using the Scan Set
A conversion specification of the form %[string] indicates lhal a special string- is to be read in. The set of characters inside the brackets [] is called the scan set. If the first ch'lracter in the scan set is not a circumflex character II, then the string is to be made up only of the characlers in the scan set. Thus the format %[abc] inputs a string containing only the letters a, b, and c and stops if any olher character appears in the input stream, including a blank. In contrast to this, if the first character in the scan set is a circumflex, then the string is to be made up of all
characters other than those jn the scan set. Thus Ihe forma! %[Aabc] inputs a string terminated by any of a, b, or c but nOI by white space. Consider the code char
scanf("%29[AB \t\n]", store); This reads into the character array store a string containing at most 29 characters. The string consists of the letters A and B and the white space characters blank, tab, and newline. \Vhatever is read into store is terminated with \0. Programmers usually think of a line as a string of characters, including blanks and tabs, thai ends with a newline character. One way to read a line into memory is to use an appropriate scan set. Consider the following code: char
while Cscanf(" %[A\n]", line) printf("%s\n", line);
The effect of this code is to skip any blank lines and to remove leading white space from any other lines. Let us give an explicit example. \Ve first creale a program containing the preceding lines, compile ii, and put the executable code in the file pgm. Then we put the following lines in in(ile: A is for apple and alphabet pie.
Chapler 13 •
Input/Output and Files
When we give the cOlllmand pgm < in(ife > out(ile
here is \\ hat we find in outfile: A is for apple and alphabet pie. In addition to the scanfO fumily of functions, C also provides the funcllons gets 0 and fgets 0 to read lines from a file (sec exercise 0 on page 464).
The Return Value
When seanfO is invoked, an input failure or a matching failure can occur. An inpul failure occurs when Ihere arc no characters in the inpul Slream. When this happens. EOF (lypically. -I) is rClurned. When a malching failure occurs, Ihe olTendinA charaCler is left in the input stre;;lm
A scanfO Example
We want 10 present an example that illustrates some of the capabilit} of the 5canfO function. We describe in detail the mal ching process Ihat occurs with a particul
C, *cntrl_string, save[?], stare[lS]; a, cnt;
entrLstring", "%d , %*5 %% %c %[abc] %*5 %S.s %5"; ent '" scanf(cntrl_5tring, &a, &c, save, store, &store[S]); With the following characters in the input
the value L3 is placed in a; the comma is matched; the string "i gnore_thi s" is ignored; the X. is m'lt<.:hed; the character C is placed in the variilble c; the string "abac" is placed in save[0] through save[4], with the terminating \0 in save[4]; Ihe "us" in abacus is ignored; the slrinJ.\ "read_" is placed in store[0] through store[S], \\ilh the terminating \0 in starerS]; and finally Ihe string
I~ 13.3 •
The Functions sprmrf() ond sscanf()
"in_this"'*" is pl
Type of the corresponding argument
%41 i
• short • long •
• %lu
unsigned long ..,
• %lu
unsigned long
• %1u %l.
unsigned long float
double ..,
long double
What is in the input stream
ab is m
-77 is convened
+0x6 is convened (hcxadecimal)
- is matched, 12 is comerted
+ is matched, -123 is converted
+ -123
+ is matched, 123 is convcned + is matched, error,
+- 123 +7. 2
+7e is converted
7e.2 is converted
-1.23 isconvertcd
1234 is com cried
can read in \\hat pri ntfO \\ ilh %p \\TItcs on nulpul
• •
cannOI be converled
_ _ The Functions sprintfO and sscanfO
The l"unclions sprintfO nnc! sscanfO arc string versions of the functions printfO and scanfO, rcspccli,·cly. Their function prololypes, found in stdio.h,
arc int int
sprintf(char "5, const char "'format, ... ); sscanf(const char "'s. const char ·format • . . . );
The ellipsis indicates 10 the compiler that Ihe function Inkes a varinblc number of argumenls. A statemenl of the form sprintf( .\/rillg, conlroLstring, ollll!r_argumenfs);
Chapter 13 •
Inpur/Ourput and Files
the character arra) sIring. The conventions for con/roLslring and
a/hey_arguments conform to those of pri ntfO. In a similar fashion, a statement of the form
sscanf( string, conlroLsrring, olher_argumcn/!;); rcads from the character array string. Let us look al an example. char char int
in_string[]:: "1 2 3 go"; Qut_string[100] , trnp[100]; a, b, c;
sscanf(ln_string, "%d%d%d%s", &a, &b, &c, tmp); sprintf(oucstring, "%s %s %d%d%d\n", tmp, tmp, a, b, c); printfC"%s", oULstring); This is printed: go go 123 First, the function sscanfO reads Ihree integers and a string from in_string, put ling them into a, b, C, and tmp, respectively. Then the function sprintfO writes to out_string. Finally, we usc printfO to print out_string on the screen. Caulio": It is the programmer's responsibility to provid~ adequate space in memory for thc output of sprintfO.
~..m:rJI_ The Functions fprintfO and fscanfO The functions fpri ntfO and fscanfO arc file versinns of the pri ntfO and scanfO functions, respectively. Before we discuss their usc, we need lo know how C deals with files. The header file sldio.h contains a number of constructs thai pertain to files. Amon~ these is the identifier FILE, which is a struClure type whose members describe the current state of a file. To use files, the programmer necd not know any details concerning the FILE structurc type. Also defined in sfdio.h are thc three file pointers: stdi n, stdout, and stderr. We sometimes refer lO them as l'iles, even though they ,lrc aClually poinlcrs.
13.5 •
Accessing Files
Standard C tiles in stdio.h Written in C
stdin stdout
S!andard input file standard output file
standard error liIe
connected lU the keyboard conm.'£tcd to the screen connected to Ihe scrccn
The header file sldio.II contains function prototypes for many file-handlingfuncTions. Here are the prototypes for fprintfO and fscanfO: int int
fprintf(FIlE *ofp. const char *format fscanf(FIlE *ifp, const char *format,
); );
The ellipsis indicates to the compiler that the funClion lakes a variable number of argulllents. A statement of the form fpri ntf ( file_pt r, CO/1lrOLSI ring. oilier_arguments); wrilcs 10 the file pointed 10 b) file~pfr. The comentions for olher_argllluems conform to those of pri ntfO. In particular, fpri ntf(stdout, ... );
is equiva!enl
printf ... );
[n a similar fashion, a slatemenl of the form
fscanf«(ile_pfr, comroLsfring, OIher_argumems);
reads from the filc poinled to by file_plr. In panicular, fscanf(stdi n, ... );
is equivalent to
scanf( ... ) ;
In Ihe next section we show how to usc fopenO to open files, how 10 use fprintfO and fscanfO to access thcm, and how to usc fcloseO to close mes.
w _ r.~
Accessing Files
Files have several important properties. Thc} havc a name. They must be opened and closed. The} can be wrillen to, or read from, or appended to. Conceptual!) , until a file is opened, nOlhing can be done to it. It is like a closed book. When il is opened. we have access to it at its beg-inning or end. To pren:nt accidental misuse, we tell the system which of the three actiVities-reading, writing, or appending-we perform on a file. When we are finished using the file, we close it.
Chapter 13 •
Inpur/Output and Files
Abstractly. a file can be thought of as a stream of characters. After a file has been opened. the stream can be accessed with me-handling functions in the standatd library. Consider the following code: Ninclude <stdio.h> int main(void) {
sum = 0, val; *ifp. *ofp;
int FILE
ifp ofp
= =
fopenC"my_fi le", "r"); fopenC"outfi le", "w");
/* open for reading */ /* open for writing */
This opens two files in the current directory: myJile for reading and au/file for writing. (The identifier ifp is an acronym for ~infile pointer," and the identifier ofp is an acronym for "outrile pointer.") After a rile has b('cn open('d. the file poinler is used exclusively in all references to the file. Suppose mY_fife contains integers. If we want to sum them and put the result in outfile. we can write while (fscanf(ifp, "%d", &val) = 1) sum +_ val; fprintf(ofp, "The sum is %d. \0". sum); Note that fscanfO, like scanfO. returns the number of succcssful conversions. After we have finished using the files. we can close them by writing fcloseCifp) ; fc1ose(ofp) ; A function call of the form fopen((ife_name, model opens the named file in a particular mode and returns a file pointer. There are a number of pOSSibilities for the mode. Modes for opening files "r" "w"
"a" "rb" "wb"
text file for reading open text file for writing open text file for appending 01X'0
open bin<Jry file for reading open binary file for wriling open binary file for appending
13.6 •
An Example: Double-Spacing a File
Each of these modes can end with a + character. This means the nil.'. is to be opened for both reading and writing; r+. for example, means "open lext file for reading and writing." Trying to open for reading a file that cannot be read. or docs not exist. fails. In this case, fopenO returns a NULL pointer. Opening a file for writin~ causes the file to be created if it docs not exist and overwrit1en if it docs. Opening a !'ill.'. in append mode causes the file to be created if it docs not exist and causes writing to ocwr
fopenC"my_file". "r+");
open for read and
This opens myJile for input first. but both input and output may be performed on the file. However. input may not be directly follO\vcd by output unless the endof-rile mark has been reached or an intervening call to fseekO. fsetposO, or rewi ndO has occurred. Similarly. output may not be direct))' followed by input \\ithout an intervening call 10 ffl ushO. fseekO. fsetposO. or rewi ndO. In the UNIX operating system, there is no distinclion between binar)' and lexl files, ex<.:ept in their conlents; the file mechanism is the sallle for both. In ~IS-DOS and in some other operating systems, there arc diffct'ent file mechanisms fot' each or these file types (sec exercise ~2 on page 4G8). A detailed description of lhe file-handling funclions such as fopenO and fcloseO can be found in Appendix f\. "The Siandard Library." Consult Ihe appendix as necessary to understand ho\\ the vanous funclions arc used.
An Example: Double-Spacing a File
let us illustrate (he lISC of some file-handling t'UJ1(:tions by writing a program In double-space a fill'. In mainO. we open files for rl'ilding and writing that are passed ~IS command line arguments. After the files have been opened, we invoke doub 1e_space 0 10 accomplish the task of double spacing. 'include <stdlo.h> 'include <stdlib.h> void void
double_spaceCFILE prn_infoCchar *);
I Chapter 13
Input/OutPUt and Files
int maineint argc, char **argv) (
·ifp, *ofp;
if (argc ! == 3) { prn_; nfoCa rgv [0]) ; ex;t(l);
ifp = fopen(argv[lJ, "r"); ofp :: fopen(argv[2]. "w");
1* open for reading *1 /* open for writing */
double_space(ifp, ofp); fclose(; fp); fclose(ofp) ; return 0; }
void double_space(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp) {
while «c = getc(ifp»
!. EOF) {
puteCe, ofp); if (c == '\n') pute('\n'. ofp); 1* found newline - duplicate it */ } }
void prn_infoCchar *pgm_name) (
printfC"\n%s%s%s\n\n%s%s\n\n", "Usage: ", pgm_name, " infile outfile" , "The contents of i of; 1e wi 11 be double-spaced "and written to outfile. "); )
Suppose we have compiled this program and put the executable code in the file llbLspace. When we give the command dbLspace fife./ (ilel
the pro~ram reads from (ife I and wrile to fife2. The (OlllenLs of (ife2 arc the same as those of (ile I, except every newline character has been duplicated.
13.6 •
An Example: Double-Spacing a File
Dissection of the dbLspace Program •
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void void
double_space(FILE prn_info(char *);
FILE *);
We have included stdlib.h because it contains the funclion prototype ror exitO. which is used in prn_infoO. The identifier FILE is a structure defined in stdlo.h. To make usc or riles, we do not need to know system implementation detaiJs of how the file mechanism works. The function prolo' type for double_spaceO shows that it takes two file pointers as arl{umenls. •
int main(;nt argc, char **argv) {
*ifp. *ofp;
i f (argc != 3) {
prn_info(argv[0]); ex;t(l); }
The identifiers i fp and ofp arc file pointers. The names are acronyms for "infile pointer" and "out nrc pointer," respectively. The program is designed to access Iwo files enlered as command Hne arguments. If there arc loa few or too many command line arguments, prn_infoO is invoked to print information about the prOKram, and ex; to is invoked to exit the program. By convention, ex; t 0 returns a nonzero value when something has gone wrong_ •
ifp ofp
= =
fopen(argv[l], "r"); fopen(argv[2], "w");
/* open for reading */ /* open for writing */
We can think of argv as an array of strings. The function fopenO is used to open the file named in argv[l] for reading. The pointer value returned by the function is assigned to i fp. In a similar fashion, the rile named in argv[2] is opened for writing. •
double_space(ifp, ofp);
The two file pointers arc passed as arg-uments [0 double_space(), which then docs the work of double spacing. Other functions of this form can be written to perform whatever useful work on files is needed.
Chapter 13
Input/Oufput and FIles
fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp);
The function fcloseO from thc standard library is used to close the rilcs pointed to b} i fp and ofp. •
void double_spaee(FIlE *ifp, FILE *ofp) {
i nt
This is the slart of the function definition for double_spaceO. Thc idcntificr c is an i nt. Although it is used 10 storc characters obtained from ,I file, eventually il is assign('d the valu(' EOF, which is nOI a charact('r. •
while ((e = gete(ifp)) != EOF) { pute(e, ofp); if (e == '\n') pute('\n'. ofp); /* found newline - duplicate it */ }
The macro getcO r('ads a character from the file poinled to by ifp and assigns thc value to c. If the value of c is nol EOF, then putcO writes c into the file pointed to by ofp. [I' c is a newline character, another newline charaClN is wriuen into the file as well. This has the cff('cI of double spacing the output file. This process continues repeatedly until an EOF is encountered. The macros getcO and putcO arc defined in stdia.h. II is good programming style to close nles e;
7~~ ~,~
Using Temporary Files and Graceful Functions
In ANSI C. the programmer can invoke the library function tmpfi leO to crealC a temporar) binar)' file that is rcltlo\Cd when it is closed or on program exi!. The file is open cd for updating with the mode wb+. meaning that thc binary file is opened for bolh wriling and reading. In ~IS'()OS, a binar)' file can also be used as a text file. In UNIX, there is only one mechanism for a file; cxccpl for their contents, binary ancltext filcs arc lhc SLlmc.
13.7 •
Using Temporary Files and Graceful Functions
In this section we want to write an elementary program that illuslr"tes the use of tmpfi 1e O. Our progr
our program dbL will,-caps. Hcre is what we wanl 10 ilccomplish: What the dbl with ca 5 Pr
ram Should Do
• Open il temporary rue in update mode for writing and reading. • Copy Ihe conlents of the first file imo the temporary file, capitillizing an}' lowercase letters. • \Vrile ,t marker line at the bottom of the first file, so Ihal we (
• Copy the contenls of the t('mporary fik 10 rhe bottom of Ihe first !"il(', lher<:'b) doubling Us contems. 'include 'include <stdio.h> 'include <stdlib.h>
*gfopen(char *filename, char *mode);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
i f (argc ! = 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s"s%s\n\n%s%s\n\n", "Usage: ". argv[0]." filename". "The file will be doubled and some" "letters capitalized."); exi t(l); }
fp = gfopen(argv[l], "r+"); l* open for read wri te tmp_fp = tmpfile(); /* open for write read while «c = getc(fp» != EOF) putc(toupper(c). tmp_fp); /* capitalize lowercase fpri ntf(fp. "---\n") ; /* print marker at bottom rewind(tmp_fp) ; /* mv file pas to top while «c ~ getc(tmp_fp» != EOF) /* copy tmp fi 1e putc(c, fp); /* at bottom return 0;
*/ */
*/ */
r I
, 450
Chapter 13 •
Input/Output and Files
/* A graceful version of fopen(). */
FILE *gfopenCchar *fn, char *mode) { FILE
if «fp : fopen(fn, mode» := NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %$ - bye!\n", fn); exit(l) ; }
return fp; }
Before we explain the prORram, lei us see its effe<:ts. Suppose in fiJe apple we have
A is for apple and alphabet pie. , After we give the command
dbLwith_caps apple tbe contents of the file apple arc
A is for apple and alphabet pie.
Dissecrion of rhe dbLwirh_caps Program •
gfopenCargv[l], "r+");
/* open for read write */
\VC ilre using a graceful version of fopenO to open a file for b01l1 reading and \vriting. If, I'Of some rcason, the file cannot be opened. a message is printt':d and the prOWilm exiled. [n (ontrast lo this, wnsider the statcmcnt fp = fopen(argv[l]. "r+");
/* dangerous! */
II", for some reason, argv [1] cannot be opened, fopen 0 returns thc NUll pointer. No warnin~ is printed on the screen telling the user that something is
13.7 •
Using Temporary Files and Craceful Funcrions
tmp_fp; tmpfile();
open for write
ANSI C provides Ihe function tmpfileO (0 open a temporary rilc. The file mode is wb+; rccall lhal it is a binary rile Ihal is opened for both writing and reading. A binary file can also be used as a text file. On program exit, the temporar) rile is remo\ed by Ihe syslem. Consult Appendi;-: A, "The Standard Library," for the funoion prototype and olher details. •
while ((c ; getc(fp)) !; EOF) putc(toupper(c), tmp_fp);
/* capitalize lowercase */
The macros gete 0 and pute 0 are defined in stdio.h. They are used 10 read from aile me and write to another. The function prototype for toupperO is given in ctype.h. If e is a lowercase letler, toupper(e) returns the corresponding uppercase letter; otherwise, it returns c. Caulion: Some ANSI C compilers do not get this righl (hopefully, the) will improve wHh time). You may have 10 write while ((c ; getcCfp)) !; EOF) i f (islower(c)) putc(toupper(c), tmp_fp); else putc(c, tmp_fp); •
fprintf(fp, "---\n");
Bccause we encountered the end·of-file marker in the stream pointed to by fp, we call switch from reading to writing. Ilere, we are writing a marker line that serves to delineate the Iwo parts of the file. •
This causes the I'ile position indiC
See Appendix A, "The SI<:lI1dard Library," for Ihe function protot)'PCS and for an cxplan
while ((c ~ getc(tmp_fp)) != EOF) pute(c, fp);
/* copy TMP file *1 /* at bottom */
Now we arc reading from lhe stream poinU"
, Chapter 13 •
Input/Output and Files
FILE *gfopen(char *fn, char ""mode) (
This is a graceful version
or fopen().
If something goes \\Tong, a message is
printed on the suern and the proJ.\rarn is exited.
Note thai we wrote 10 stderr. In thjs program, we could just as well have wrillen (0 stdout.
in other programs that use this function, there is an advan-
lage 10 writing to stderr (see exercise 13 nn page -tGG).
~JIIl'!I Accessing a File Randomly In <1ddition to accessing one character after another in a file (sequential acccssl, we c
tiolls fseekO and ftc" 0 arc used In access a file randomly. An expression of t he form
ftell( fjlf'_plr) returns the current value of the file position indicator. The value represents the number of bytes from the beginnin~ of the file, counting from zero. Whene\'cr a character is read from the file, the s}su,'m increments the position indicator bl' 1. Technically, the file position indicator is a member of the structure pointed to by (Ue_l1Ir, the file pointer itself docs not point to individual characters in the stream. is a conceptual mistake that many beginning programmers make. The function fseekO takes three arguments: a file poimer. an inle~er offset, and an integer lhal indicates the place in the file from which the offset should be computed.!\ statement of the form fseek( file_plr, offset, place); scts thc me position indicator to a value that represents offset bytes from place. The valuc for place c.m be 0, I, or 2. meaning the beginning of the liIe, the current position. or the end of the file, respectively. Caul ion: The functions fseekO and fte 110 are guaranteed to work properly onJy on binar} files. Ln MS-DOS. if you want to lise these functions, the file should be opened with a binary mode. In UNIX. because there is ani) one file mechanism, an) file mode works. A common exercise is to \\file a file backward. Let us write a prugram that docs this b)' accessing the file randoml).
13.9 •
#include <stdio.h> 'define
int main(void) (
int FILE
c; *ifp;
fprintf(stderr, "\nInput a file name: "); scanf("%s", fi 1 e_name) ; ifp = fopen(file_name. " r b"); 1* ms-dos binary mode */
fseek(ifp, 0, 2); fseek(ifp, -1. 1); while (ftell(ifp) >= 0) { C = getc(ifp); putchar(c); fseek(ifp. -2, 1);
/* move to end of file */ /* back one character */ /* ahead one character */ /* back two characters */
return 0; )
The prompt 10 the user is wriHen to stderr so the program works properly with redirection (sec exercise 13 on page 4GG). We open lhe file with mode rb so the program works in both t-.IS-DOS and UNIX.
r~e - - In ANSI C, dirrerent conversion characters can have the same l.!ffect. When pos~i ble, we use lowercase instead of upperc
If, for some reason, fopen 0 is unable to open the nallled file, the pointer value NUll is returned. We test for this value. and if we find it, we print a mcss
r '
J' 454
Chapter 13
Input/Output and Fifes
Another stylistic issue concerns the indiscriminate opening of files for \\-Titing. If fopen () is used to open a file for wriling that already exists, then the original contents of that file arc dcstro} cd. Hccausc mes arc potentially valuable, the user should be warned if a file already exists. One way 10 do this is to first check to sec if the rile can be opened for rcading. If il can, then the file exists. In Ihis case,the user should be warned (see exercise 10 on page ....65). ~IOSI opcratinA systems allow only a limited number of files to be open at one lime. \Vhen writing a large program, It is essential that programmers keep track of which files arc open. A good programming style is to close a file in the same funelion in which, it was opened.
Common Programming Errors
Beginning programmers sometimes forgel that the file mode is a string, not a character. If you t)'pe ifp = fopen("my_file", 'r');
lIt wrong
}our compiler should at least give yOli a warning. The programmer is well advised to pay attention to all pointer warnings. When usin~ pri ntfO and scanfO, or the file and string versions of these functions, iI is easy to improperl)' match formats in the control string with the argull1cnls that follow for example, double
x; *ifp, "ofp;
fscanfCifp, "%f", &x); fprintfCofp, "x = %If\n'', x);
1* 1*
wrong, use %If instead *1 wrong, use %f instead *1
ror functions in Ihe pri ntfO family, the format "%1 f" docs not exist. rVlany common errors are related La the lise or files. An error Ihat beginning programmers often make is to usc the l'ile name instead of the file pohller. After a file has been opened, the file poinler is 10 be used to access the file, not the file namc. Constructs such as fpri ntf( fife_name, ... ); fclose( fife_,ll/me);
1* 1*
wrong'" I wrong */
can cause unexpeCied run-time errors. I\I0si compilers issue a message warning of suspicious pointer conversion. f\11 such ,,;:\fllings should be heeded.
13.10 •
Common Programming Errors
Some other common errors are opening a rile that is already open, closing a rile that is already closed. wriling to a file that is open for reading. or reading from a file thai is open for writing. What happens in such cases is system-dependent. The compiler cannot catch mistakes of lhis \dnd; it is the prog-rammcr's responsibility to open, lise, and close files properly. Wh('n using the functions fpri ntfO, spri ntfO, fscanfO, and sscanfO, a common programming ('rror is to forget to usc a pointer to FILE or a string, as the case rna) be, as the first argument. fpri ntf("k '" %d\n", k);
/* wrong, file ptr missing */
This is a natural error to make, because the usc of fpri ntfO is very similar to the us(' 01" printfO. Your compiler may warn you, but you may have difficully interpreting what the warning is about. Here is a mistake that can be very hard to find. The difficulty is that the compiler cannot help you at all. char int
msg(100J, wrk(100]; val;
sprintf("%s %d\n" , msg, val);
/* input msg and val */ /* wrong arguments */
Because the programmer has used two strings as the first two argumenls to sprintfO, the compiler is happy, even though these arc th(' wrong strin~s to usc. The proJ,lr,lInmcr's intent was to use sprintfO to write illlo wrl<, which should be the first argul11enllO sprintfO. When porling code (a MS-DOS, there can be subtle problems. In UNIX, because all files are the same, it is common not to usc the binary mode when opening a me. II0we\,('r, the functions fseekO and hellO are guaranteed 10 work properly on binar)' files only. The programmer often lhinks of a file pointer as pointing 10 a SlrCiun or characters, \vruch is certainly an ,lCc('plable mental image. The programmer should nol. however, think or a file pointer as pointing to individual characters in Ihe stream. Thjs is not what happens. Technically, the file pointer points to a structure of type FILE, and the members of the slructure keep track of what is happening in the file. (The programmer need not know the details concerning the structure itself.)
Chapter 13 •
Input/Output and Files
The Function sscanfO Is Different
We first disl:uSS fscanfO and then show how sscanfO is dilTercnr. Here is some codc that we can use to read in non-while space characlers one aher another: char FILE
c; *ifp;
while (fscanf(ifp, " %c", &c)
1) { /* do something */
The file mechanism uses the file position indicator to keep track of lhe current position in the liIe. Bccause of this, cvery time fscanfO is callcd, we get the ncxl character in tbe file. The function sscanfO is different. Suppose 1i ne is a siring, and we "ant to access the non-\\ hite space characters in 1 i ne one after another. The following code fails! whi 1e (sscanf(l i ne, " %c", &c)
1) {
/* do something */ Every time sscanfO is invoked, it accesses 1i ne from the beginnin};:. There is no string position uldicator mechanism lhat keeps track of where we arc in lhe string (sec c;-.:ercise 5 on pa};:e -163). The correct C idiom is to usc a pomler, say p, as follows: for (p = line; *p 1= '\0'; Hop) { if (!isspace(*p)) /* do something */
,~.-nft ~j..lll.l:.m&l
System Considerations
On an} machine. the usc of ca11ocO or ma11ocO 10 drnamicall} allocate memory fails if there is nOI enough memory. Becausc f\IS~[)OS machines often ha\C limited memory. the graceful versions of these functions arc particularly useful in that environment. Files arc a limiled resource. Only FOPEN_MAX files can be open at onc time, inc!udinl-: stdin, stdout. and stderr. The s}mbolic constant FOPEN_MAX is defined in sfdio.h. A typical valuc for FOPEN_MAX is 20 although on sOl11e newer s}'stcms it is 64 or more. In UNIX, there is onl}' one file mechanism, whereas in i\"1S-DOS, there is a dif· ference between blnar}' files and texl files although bOlh c
13.12 •
When a file is opened in append mode, the file position indicator can be repositioned by invoking fseekO or rewindO.ln MS-DOS, what was already in the me cannot be overwrillcn; in UNlX, it can. The need (or desire) 10 deal with larger files of all kinds secms to be increasing. ANSI C added the standard library functions fgetposO and fsetposO to access files that are potentially very large. An implementation can design these functions 10 access files thai arc 100 large to be handled b}' the traditional fUllCtions fte 110 and fseekO. Sec Appendix A, "The Standard Library," for details.
- - - -- -- --
-- --
C systems have stdi n, stdout, and stderr as standard files; in add ilion, systems may define other standard riles, such as stdprn and stdaux. Abstractly, a rile may be thought of as a stream of characters that are processed sequentialJy. Standard files in C Written in C
Connected to
standard input nJe standard output file
stdout stderr stdprn stdaux
standard error nJe standard printer file
screen screen prinlcr
The C++ stream input/output ties the first three of these standard files to do, cout, and cerr, respectively. Typically, C++ ties cpro and caux to their corresponding standard fues stdprn and stdaux. There is also clog, which is a burr~ ered version of cerro Other files can be opened or created by the progrrunmer. We show how to do this in the context or writing a program that double-spaces an ('.xisting ftJe into an existing or new me. The file names are spedfied on the command line and passed into argv. File I/O is handled by including (stream.h. This contains classes ofstream and ifstream for output and input file stream crealion and manipulation. To properly open and manage an ifstream or ofstream related to a system ftJe, you first declare it with an appropriate conSlructor. First we stud}' the ifstream behavior. ifstreamO; ifstream(const char·. int
ios::in,int prot
Chapter I 3 •
Input/Ourpur and Fifes
The constructor of no arguments creates a variable that later is associated with an input file. The constructor of three arguments takes as its first argument the named me. The second argument specifics the file mode and Ihe third is for ftle protection. The !lIe mode arguments arc defined as enumerators in class i os as follows. File mode arguments
;05: :;n
input mode
append mode output mode
;os::out ;os::ate lOS: :nocreate ;05: :trunc
ios: :noreplace
if me exists, open fails
Thus the default for an; fstream is input mode, and thai for an ofstream is output mode. If file opening fails, the stream is put into a bad stale. It can be tested with operator!. Lei us usc this scheme to write i:l simple file-handling program. //A program to double-space a file. //Usage: executable fl f2 //fl must be present and readable //f2 must be writable i f it exists #;nclude #;nclude
//;ncludes iostream.h
void double_space(;fstream& f, ofstream& t) {
while (f.get(e)) { t. put(e); i f (e ='" '\n') t, put(e); } }
13.12 •
Moving ra C++
int maine;nt argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 3) { cout « "\nUsage: " « argv[0] « " infile outfile"« endl; exit(!) ; )
ifstream f_in(argv[l]); ofstream f_out(argv[2]); i f OLin) { cerr « "cannot open" « ex; t(l);
argv[lJ «
argv[2] «
; f (! Lout) { cerr « "cannot open" « ex;t(!); )
~ Dissection of the dbLsp Program •
void double_space(ifstream& f, ofstream&
while (f.get(c» t.putee);
if (c ""'" '\n')
) )
The get member function gets a character from an ; fstream. The put member function puts a character to an ofstream. These functions do nOI ignore while space characters. The newline character is output twice, creating the desired double spacing in the output file.
Chapter I 3 •
; fstream
(nput/Output and Files
Lin (argv [1]) ; Lout(argv[2]) ;
The variable f _; n is used for input. f _out for output. They are used 10 create
corresponding; fstream and ofstream variables. The corresponding canstruetors arc invoked on the names found in argv[] passed through the command line. If the input file opens. the i fstream L; n is constructed cannt~cled to the fHe named in argv[I]. If the output file opens, the of stream f _out is constructed connected 10 the file named in argv [2] . •
i f OLin) { (err « "cannot open" « exi t(l);
argv[l] «
ar9v[2] «
} i f (lLaut) {
cerr « "cannot open" « exit(l) ; }
If the constructors for either f _; nor f _out fail. they relurn a bad state (esled b)' operator!. and then an error exit is executed. At thjs point, f _1 n can be used analogously to ci n, and f _out can be used analogously to couto
The actual double spacing from the input file to the output file occurs here. Other important member functions that arc found in fstream.h include: //opens ifstream file void open(const char"'. int ios: :in. int prot = filebuf::openprot); /Iopens ofstream file void open(const char"', int = ios::out, int prot = filebuf::openprot); void closeO; These functions can be used to open and close appropriate files. If you create a file stream with the default constructor, you normally use openO to associate it \\':ith a file. You can then use closeO to close the file and open another file using the same stream. Additional member functions in other I/O classes allow for a full range of file manipulation.
The functions pri ntfO and scanfO and the related me and string versions of these functions use conversion specifications in a control string to deal wilh a list of argumems of variable length.
The standard header me srdio.h must be included if files arc to be used. It contains the definitions or the identifier FILE (a structure) and the file pointers st.din, stdout. and stderr. It also contains prototypes of many fUe-handling functions and definitions for the macros geteO and puteO.
A file can be thought of as a stream of characters. The stream can be accessed either sequentially or randomly. When a character is read from or written to a file. the file posHion indicator is incrememed by I.
The system opens the three standard files stdin, stdout, and stderr al the beginning of each program. The function pri otfO writes to stdout. The function scanfO reads from stdin. The files stdout and stderr arc usually connected to the screen; stdi 0 is usually connected to the keyboard. Redirec· tion causes the operating system to make other connections.
The programmer can use fopenO and fc1oseO to open and close files, respeClively. After a file has been opened, the file pointer is used to refer to the file.
The macro call getc(ifp) reads the next character from the file pointed to by ifp. Similarly, the macro call putc(c, ofp) writes the value of e in the file pointed to by ofp.
There are many kinds of file-handling errors thaI the compiler cannot catch. An example is trying 10 write to a file that has been opened for reading. It is the programmer's responsibility to open. use. and dose files properly.
Files are a scarce resource. The maximum number of files thal can be open simultaneously is given by the symbolic constant FOPEN_MAX in sfdio.h. For many systems this number is 20 allhough on some newer systems it is 64 or more. It is the programmer's responsibility 10 keep track of which files arc open. On program ('.xit, any open files are closed by the system automatically.
The standard library provides a collection of functions that access a file through its file pointer. For example, the function call fgets(line, MAXLINE, ifp)
I 462
Chapter 13
Inpuf/Output and FIles
rcads the nex! line of characters from the file pointed to •
i fp.
C. the function tmpfileO in the standard libraf} can be used 10 open a temporary file. When a temporary rile is closed, the s)slcm remo\'es It.
\Vrilc a program that uses the directive %[\n] in a control string in a scanfO stalement 10 rcad lines from a rile named on the command linc. Print every other line to stdout. Hinl: Usc a wuntcr and test to sec if it is even or odd. 2 The ((Inversion specification %0 is available in ANSI C but not in traditional C. Can your compiler handle it lOffeclly'l Try Ih(' rollowin~ code:
n1. 02;
printf("try %n me %n \n", &n1, &02); printf("nl
%<1\0", n1. 02);
3 Can we give na~ characters in a conversion specification in an} order? The ANSI C document is not too specific about this point, but it seems that the intent is for any order to be acceptable. See what happens with }our compiler \\hen you tr}' the following code: printf("%0+17d\n". 1); printf("%+017d\n". 1);
4 What is the effect of the following code? char
s [300J ;
while (scanf("%c!t [A\nJ%c!t [\nJ%[I\\nJ%* [\nJ", s) "'''' 1) pri ntf("%s\n", 5);
Put these lines in a pro~ram, compile it, pUI the executable code in pgm. and then give Ihc command pgm < my-file
where the file my-file contains some lines of lexl. Do blank lines III my-file cause problems?
1 1 '1
5 Accessing a string is not like accessing a file. When a me is opened, the file position indicator keeps track of where you are in the file. There is no comparable mechanism for a string. Write a program that contains the following lines and explain what is written in tmpl and tmp2: char i nt FILE
c, s[] = "abc", *p i ; *ofpI, *ofp2;
ofpI fopen("tmpl", "w"); ofp2 fopen("tmp2", "w"); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { sscanf(s, "%c", &c); fprintf(ofpl, "%c", c);
for (i = 0; i < 3; Hi) { sscanf(pH, "%c", &c); fprintf(ofp2, "%c", c);
6 Compile the follO\\ing program and put the executable code into the file fry_me:
Hinclude <stdio.h> int main(Yoid) {
fprintf(stdout, "A is for apple\n"); fprintf(stderr, "and alphabet pie!\n"); return 0; )
Execute the program so yOll understand its effects. What happens when yOLl redirect the output'? Try the t:OrIlmand:
Make sure you read the file temp after you do this. If UNIX is available to you, try the command: lry~me
> & temp
This causes the output that is written to stderr to be redirected, too. Make sure that you look at what is in temp. You may be surprised!
, "
I Chaprer '3
Input/Output and Files
7 Wrile
8 Modify the program }OU wrote in the previous exercise so that the line numbers are righi-adjusted. The following output is nor acceptable:
9 This is line nine. 10 This is line ten. [I' there arc morc than 10 lines but fewer thi.1n 100, the line numbers should be printed using the "%2d" form
nJines /usr/dicr/words > outtile where "fines is the name of your program. E.xamine the lOP and bottom of Dutfl/e, and a few plan's in between, to see if your program worked correctly. (The file is large-do not leave it lying around.) 9 Read about the functions fgetsO and fputsO in Appendix A. Use fgetsO to read lines from a program file named on the command line. If the first nonwhite space characters on the line are I I, then remove the I I characters, along with any blanks and tabs thai immediately precede and follow the II characters, before writing the line (a stdout. All other lines should be written to stdout without change. Hint: Use the follOWing code: char FILE
line[MAXLINE], store[MAXLINE]; ~ifp. stdin;
while (fgets(line, MAXlINE, ifp) != NULL) i f (sscanf(line, " II %[A\n]", store) == 1) { fputs(store, stdout); fputs("\n", stdout); 1* restore the newline *1 }
else fputs(line, stdout); }
iW, •
10 Write a program called wrcrand that crealcs a file of randomly distributed numbers. The file name is to be emcred interactively. Your program should
use three functions. lIere is the first:
void get_info(char *filename, int *n_ptr) (
printf("\n%s\n\n%s" .
"This program creates a file of random numbers .... "How many random numbers would you like?
scanfC"%d", n_ptr); printf("\nln what file would you like them?
scanf("%s", filename); }
The second function to be us('d in )OUf proRram is a ucarcful~ version of fopenO. Its purpose is 10 warn the user if Ihe output rile already exists.
(There arc other ways to do tltis.)
FILE *cfopen(char *filename. char *mode) {
reply[Z]; *fp;
if (strcmp(mode, "WOO) E::: 0 && Cfp = fopenCfilename, "r")) != NUll) { fcloseCfp) ; printfC"\nFile exists. Overwrite it? "); scanfC"%ls", reply); if C*reply != 'y' && *reply != 'Y') { pri ntf("\nBye! \n\n") ; exi tCl); }
fp = gfopenCfilename, mode); return fp; }
The third function is gfopenO, the graceful version of fopenO. We discussed this function in Sec lion 13.7, "Using Temporary Files and Graceful FU/lctions," on page -1.50. /fin/: To write }lour randomly distributed numbers neatl}', usc the following code: for (i = 1; i <~ n; ++i) { fprintf(ofp, "X12d". randO); if Ci % 6 =:a 0 I j i == n) fprintfCofp, "\n"); }
Chapfer 13 •
Input/Output and Files
11 [n this exercise we examine a Iypical usC' of sscanfO. Suppose we arc writing a serious interactive program that asks the user to input a posilive integer. To guard againsl errors we can pick up as a sIring the line typed by the user. Here is one way to process the siring:
line[MAXLINE] ;
error, n;
do (
printf("Input a posltwe integer:
fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin); error,. sscanf(line, "%d", &n) ]'" 1 II n <= 0; if (error) printf("\nERROR: Do it again.\n"); } while (error);
This catches some typing errors, but nol all. If, for example. 23e is typed instead of 233, the error is nOI caught. Modify the code so that if anything other than a digit string surrounded by optional white space is typed, the input is considered to be in error. Use these ideas to rewrile the wrLrand program you wrote in the previous exercise. 12 Our program that double-spaces a file can be invoked with the command dbLspace infj/e outfile But if oUlfile exists, it is overwritten; this is potentially dangerous. Rewrile the program so it writes to stdout instead. Then the program can be invoked with the command dbLspace infile > ourfile This program design is safer. Of all the system commands, only a few arc designed to overwrite a file. After all, nobody likes to lose a file by accident. 13 lI.·lake a further modification to the program dbLspace that }'OU wrote in the previous exercise. Because the program is now intended to be used with redi· rection, it now makes sense to use fpri ntfCstderr, ... )
rather than
printf(. .. )
in the function definition for prn_infoO. Because pr;ntfO writes to stdout, which in rurn is redirected, the user docs not see the information on the screen. The symbol> is used to redirect what is written to stdout. It docs not affeCl stderr. Rewrite your program two ways: with the error message being writlen first to stderr and then to stdout. E.xperiment wilh the two versions, with and without redirection, so you understand the different effects.
14 I\lake a further modifiGJlion to the program dbLspac:e that you wrole in the previous cxercisc. Implement a l:omnwnd line option of the form -11, where n can be 1.2. or 3. If rl is I, then the output should be single-spaced; Ihat is, two or more contiguous newline characters in the inpUI file should be written as a single newline character in the output file. If n is 2. fhe output file should be stricti} double-spaced; that is. one or more contiguous newline characters in the input file should be rewritten as a pair of newline characters in the output file. If II is J. the output file should be triple spaced. 15 Write the function getwords(ifp, k, words) so that il reads k words from the file poinled to by i fp and places them in the string words, separated b~' newlincs. The function should return lhe numbcr of words sun:cssfully rC
17 After three characters have been read from a file, can ungetcO be used to push them back onto the file (see Scclion Al2, "Character Inpllt/Output,~ on pa~e 542)? Write a program to test lhis. 18 Write a program that displays a file on 1!1(' screen 20 Iin('s al a tim('. The input rile should be given as a conunand line argument. The program should display the ne.xt 20 lines aft('r a carriag(' return has been t}'Ped. (This is an ('lementary \ersion of lhe more utility in UNL\.) 19 f\lodify the program you wrOle in the previous exercisc. Your pronram should displa)1 one or 1110re riJ('s given as command line arguments. Also, allow for a command line option of the form -11, where n is a positive integer specifying the number of lines that are to be displayed at one lime. 20 The library function fgetsO can be used to read from a file a linc al .1 time (se(' Section A.12, "Character InpuI/OutpuI," on page 5-10). Write a program called search Ihat searches for patterns. If the command search hello my-file
is given. then the string pall ern llello is searched for in the file /IT),Jile. Any line that contains Ihe pattern is printed. (This program is an elementary version of grC'p.) /lim: Use the following code:
Chapter I 3 •
Input/Output and Fifes
line[MAXLINE], *pattern;
i f (argc != 3) { )
i f «ifp = fopen(argv[21. "r"» = NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nCannot open %5\0\0", argv[2]); exit(l) ; )
pattern = argv[l]; while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, ifp) !E NULL) { i f (strstr(line, pattern) != NULL)
21 Modify the program thai you wrote in the previous exercise. If the command line option -n is prescnt, the line number should be printed as well. 22 In the carly days of MS-DOS. a control-z character embedded in a file was used as an cnd-or-file mark. Although this is not done now, if a file has a control-z in it, and it is opened as a text file for reading, characters beyond the controlz may be inaccessible. \·Vrite a program with the following lines in it:
cntrLz • 26;
; nt
/* decimal value for control-z */
""ifp, *ofp;
ofp = fopen("tmp", "w"); fprintf(ofp, ""5%<:%5\n", "A is for apple", cntrl_z, fclose(ofp); ifp = fopen("tmp", "r while «c = getc(ifp» != EaF) putchar(c) ; fclose(ifp); printf("\n---\n") ; ifp = fopen("tmp", "rb"); while «c = getc(ifp» != EOF) putchar(c); n
and alphabet pie."); /* open as text file */ /* print the file */ /* serves as marker */ I"" open as binary file */ /* print the file */
What is printed? (Docs the program act dirrerently on a UNIX system?) Try the MS-DOS command type tmp
Only the characters before the control-z are printed. How do you know there are more characters in the file? Hint: Try the dir command. Normally, controlz characters are not found in text files, but they ccrtainly can occur in binary filcs. Subtle problems can occur if you open a binary file for processing with mode r instead of rb. 23 Examine the follOWing program carefully. What is printed? #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {
printf("Hello!\n") ; fclose(stdout) ; pri ntf("Goodbye! \n") ; return €I; }
24 C++: Redo exercise 18 on page 467, using C++ file I/O. 25 Java: In the t" Java eXiJmple, we demonstrale how to detect an EOF with the standard Java class BufferedReader. The program opens the file specified on the command line and echoes its contents 10 the console. Rewrite this code as C.
II - echo file contents to the screen IIJava by Dissection page 365. import*; cl ass Echo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
"if (args. 1ength < 1) {"Usage: java Echo filename"); System.exit(e); }
BufferedReader input new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[e])); String line = input.readLine(); while (line != null) { System.out.println(line); line = input.readline(); ) } )