S. D. Bernafdi A s \ o c i r r et ' ro l n s \ o ro l \ 4 a l h e n i a l i c( sR e r i r e d l .J.r i.rfl
1965) FART r ( PART U (1966-1975) , PAR.Trrr (1976-1981)
trN BlInrrntttlt\ \ t'nrtnn
PARI ll (1966 l9'15) l9ll I ) PART lll ( l9-76_
,1 l3l 21t
Pit III hl\ n'' hrd nL ,..frri.i Prr L II io rlitir rr.\.n r"' . t r h l n L r L . L . t s l r r t ( r . . n r L r ht r \ . \ r ' l ' . . r d i d ! . rf! r(h.,. .r rlrr umbslJ rin.ft" i\ \r 'n r'r , i . r o t r x b l tr . ! . ! t 0 r 5 ! r l r r t I r ' r f i r | ' B L h 'l ! ' r f l r r i ! t t r r 1 e r o d i . r u . l rL b ri r ; i h t . r l a i . , . i . $ i n ( h e h n r r * ' P a i r ) F ' r ' l r m f l r ' I'irr l li lll f n r r i \ . t r \ rl I t l ' . d or ] r d . . l r h . n r i l ' . r ' d r t l ( d r r $ ' l l)\ r r.sir \. \\ (i..Jniri iI hr\ l'rrlr!'mio-s trr\ u b.nrbLithiitr \lrrlf"P0bl:hreLo |,rJ/.,r/!a(r!,\. ' r h r r I J f L r " r r r h r i r ' B lur Ihr r,iirrrL nrth.d' fl r\iiq L l lll n . t r r n n t r n t r r i ! I r r r t t L $ ! n $ . Jn L l i . t . n r r : r r r \ ' i r ! " r n b r ' l rl l r r L r r i d 1 l d r h \ . \ r . n ! r t B r b l n r ! r i I h ! N n ! b eI D s ' l r n$ u ' ! ' r f r t r n o r i l t i r l l L r l d .t r i t i . n 6 n o d t ' a t l t l rlit.,! riJ o $gint.rt rn!L i.lorh{) in rnrLrnr! I h . * r l r d r . l l h i ! D l b l n r g r a n hJr! f n s ( l r . F 3 { I h t r r } } t n r ! ' o n n N n r r t n . r i L L r(:h . r ! ! . d . . l t r o u L . f ! i n ! t o . r a r h o . a r i . \ L i t \ $ : \ . ,'. '''l
It (r966lr'r5) PARI'I l l ( 1 9 7 6 l 9 l j l )
lll 211
P:eface. BibliograPltY
Bibliography"" Supplementary
List of MathematicalJournals ' '
PaPers. ExpositorY T o p i cR e f e r e n c e. .3. . . . Co. recltons
" " '
l0r 113 116 117 I JL
tg'l-t o:::it;:,?li.:rl, T;; 1694references Thisbibliographvcontains
lTh*:l,f ::^:"""-"i"1*,:$L ;rm; H:t.*li. lil,**t"'"T'fr iilnu#f llrn,t*il";'ffi and ,ao.,r,r, Iecturenotes'
l*:'l*i'lill"iil'ili; ::i"#ru':'Ji:i::"+i,l*l;".xi::i::ifu ::iffi:*i*h*nui:I $i;;'i *"; t,TxJrff i{:i,::ilffi 'ror"uoo'"*imately the rematr 1400 papers' while ,nu,n' .
uo tiurioe'upt'v Tlfjii:l#;1::l;l':n::*:fi[:l:i]'i:' 'itiinttt or ll'lt"' titles the word univalent t'""i"t" oroximately736 of them
classof Horvever'*unl:"lttll]: irr the multivalent(or their equivalents) not specifically pJpt" *ttot"'fitle-s-,1ot and schlichtfunction' utt tontutntJ'in iunttiont'!o:*:1' tuntttons' are referto them,'utnu"vp"uifi-ttut theorems.in thesethreeclasses pu'f; rnuny ttut positive of funciions in the classof *tif ft"o*t' into theorems easilytransformed,a'sts
not ;rc lre '"1'::l'-:).:".n''h'."hle "n":::'lli::':,i trrebibriographv analvtic from tontuin
"tit:1;:t-lltt dealingpnmarilv*'itf' uniuatlntv' aremadeby nianywritersof sp"cific'references *nicn to iunctiontheory wereobtit'sunnorlingl references paperson schlichttunctron;'il;;; ii t:nltt-n]'.fl"ctionsand intainedfrom the UlUtrograpli"''tip"ptt' Bieberco"ifitlntt ' -fuUcr-p-olynomials' c'un'tyof treatments clude
i "JuirJ.i, l'",.: ::1,fi:T? ;*;l:li*r;,"$i;:#i.,'111, ;*' orsoruproperties rorms' ;ti'on,roepritz l?li'iilil'XilriiTiLlilffi ;;;;;' tion,nf theclifferential
rl.tttlrXli'jll orthogonaltraJectorres' ,i.ti""ii"., tott"ricalderivative' theory tt"ier who is f amiliarwith the quadraticdif ferentialib'rnt ift" ' toplcs of these therele''r-ancy recognize '""dily *'rr functions alent of unir. in the iitriogtuptty [52J]appeared Thc earliestpupt' ri'*tiln"rtt *"the l"r, 1965(withthesingie latest the o";.rr;;;.";.; and 1902, vear * veart96o) Koebe'spaper[688]' oi [i ii] *iiich exception "o;;;;'i; givingthefirstactualresultln in 1907'rsgtntt"lt:]"*utaetias published functtons' of univalent ihe theor,r' in beenreviewed tttitjjt 'rtt bibliography papers flve' fur Mathematik ivlostoi the ;rr ttt" z*tialblatt the Nlathernatictlntu'"o (FM)' and rotittrtti'tt derMathematik (Zbl) or in the Jahrbuch"il;;; theendof each "ii'il'"t 'iti'-1"ii* ondpownu'n.ii) iherotume ::!:'^:!3!,.* reviewnumbers' " rsOrefcrences^lacking referenceof tnt upp'o*tiluteiy technical aslecturenotes,dissertations, mostof themmay oecrassifieri recemtoo or papersnot vetpublished' colloquiums' ;;;;;;.,;it"otrts, in the Reviews' iv puLtitt.,tfor inclusion followsthe tu.9 A "suppremen'^"';i;;;;;;li" of "^Trences "j someof the more recently a iist intiuJJ' uno bibhograpnv rnain
erero"uii'r"'rtit::^i.li::":;l;:lT :'"TTffi'.';..andtwentv-one, APProximatelYone years during the
Reviews prblished ences were locatedin 'nt''U"ttt' were hun'jred and forty-two references 1940-1964,volumes f-ZS' f*o le31-1953' in tr'" z""rariiatto"uri'ita d1nl:.:f:'vears Iocated lcca-'edin were eighty-one-refueilces volumts l-102' One n'"atta and 3l-63'
il;;;;;-t published theJahrbuch
mathematical A volume-by-volumesearchwas made of twenty-two A list of public' journut, *t i.t are readil; availableio the American is contain functionswhich they itr.r. jou.nut, and the paperson schlicht 'vhich are devoted foffo*ing thi: is a list of erpository papers of "1r.". ; puri,o u generalsurvcvcf th: developmentof ihc thcJrv ;;;i1;;; univalentand p-valentfunctions' hove been The vorious resultsin the theory of schlichtfuncticns those into sixty-eighl topics.Eoch tttptcis followed by a list of -rlrjrrlnrrt clossified thol pertoining to inthe bibtiogrophy that contain information the in the topic. M,reover, tt the end of each reference ..bihliograpb' topics the indicaling nimbers enclosedin brackets are topic re.j'erences whichorediscussedin|hereference.Thefoirowingtwoexai',rplesillustratethe principal use of the bibliog:aphy' conjecExa,npieI . Reference[363]tists"A proof of the Bieberbach Schiffer' M' and Garabedian ture for the fourth coefficient," by P' R paper may be The notation MR 17-24 indicatesthat a review of this page24.The numbersin iound in the MathematicalReviews,volume 17, paper containsinformation U.u.f.." 19, 17, . . , 541indicatethat the Functions)'topic regardingtopic T9 (Meiomorphic Urrivalent(p-va^lent) Bounds for the iiz tco!fn.i.nt Bounds), . . . ' topic T54 (Coefficients Class(S)). funcironrple 2. The reader rvho is interestedin close-to-conver ll29' 282'656' ' ' Al43l tions rvill iind thit topic, T5. The references be found, respectiveindicatethat informatiorrregardingthis topic may T G Erzohi' W' tV, in tft. pape:sby e. Sietecldand Z' Le*andowski' bv the letj. suffridg.. Numbersin brackets.preceded ii;pi";, .'. . , r. indicatereferenceto the SupplementaryBibliography' Theclassificationoftheva;iouspirpersintotopicswasbasedona (of the full-length reading of approxirnately five hundred reprints (b'icl) abstractsor the of pup..rj, and in mosl caseson a reading we emphasizethat the i."i.*i. Therefore, in fairnessto the authors' of the papers' classificationsdo not inciicatethe completescope paperpublished It is difficult in a work of this natureto coverevery it is felt that this on the subject of schlicirt functions' However' the publicationsin this iitriogrupiti does include a major portion of field. the aid givenme by.n.rygraduatestudents I gratefullyacknowledge me !'"ilh someof the GeralJBierman and Victor Stanioniswho assisted ambiguousreferences' numeroustasks of filing, tracking down certian a n d t h e t r a n s l a t i o n o f s o m e f o r e i g n p a p e r s . T h e r e p l i e s t o m y take requests gratifying and I for renrints from numerousauthors were indeed
I owe many this opportunity to extend to them my heartfelt thanks. library thanksilso to the most cooperativepersonnelof the mathematics To New York Univerat the Courant Instituteof MathematicalSciences. and Science sity I am indebted for the financial aid given me by the Arts FinalResearchFund that helpedpay the cost of typing the manuscript. ly,Iwishtoexpressmysincereappreciationtothechairmanofmy graciouslyin clepartment,ProfessorF. A. Ficken, who cooperatedmost and convearianging my teachingscheduleso as to give me sufficient nientlntervalsof time to enableme to completethis bibliography' S. D. Bernardi May 1966
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCHLICHT FUNCTIONS (PART I) J' GakugeiTokushimaUniv' l. Abe, H- A noteon subordinotion' MR 19-401'Ul Nat. Sci.Math 7(1956),47-51' d-omoin'Sugaku a ring-shaped 2. Abe, H. on conformalmannilslf 20-664P' 10' 18' 481 ,2s';;' tiupu"tttl MR 8(1956/s?) J' GakugeiTokushimaUniv' '3. Abe, H. On p-vaienifunctions' 16' 17' 19] 14' a(iqizl, 33-40.MR 20-i05' [9' in on annulus' Kodai Math 4. Abe, H. on 'o^'-oiotytic iunction' 1 0 ' l 3 ' 1 5 '4 8 ' 6 6 1 4 5R' 2 0 - 5 4 4 ' f 2 ' 6 ' S e mR ' e p .1 0 ( 1 9 5 8 ) , 3 8 - M in an urtnulus'Math' Japon' 5. Abe, H. On uniiitent functions 13',15', 17' 25' 2'7' 48' 58] , zs-ig. N',rnzi-zs3' l9', 5(1958/59) d'unefonctionholomorphe N' i)' rc cercled'univalence 6. Abramesco, deuxzerosd'une eqrntion petite distance,entre plus la sur (x) et f [43] 834-836'Zbr4-10' Sti' Paris194(1932)' .f (x) = /. C.R' ;tlO' holomorphe d-'une fonctio^n N' Surle cercled'univalence 7. Abramesco, d'une equation zeros cleux petite distanceentre f (x) et sur la pius Zbl 9-76' 49-s4' --l. Rt;;:"6i"' r'aut'Palermo58(1934)' f (x) t43l
zur Theorieder konformen Abbildung g. Ahlfors,L. (Jntersuchungen Sci' Fenn' A' l(1930)' No' 9 und der gonrcnFunktioien' ActaSoc' FM 56-984. [s9] Picard. c'R. g. Ahlfors, L. Su) une generalisationdu theoremede ' Acad. Sci. Paris lg4(f%D,245-246' Zbl3-407 l59l lemma.Trans.Amer. Math. 10. Ahlfors,L. An exteision'ofschwarz's 371 S o c . 4 3 ( 1 9 3 8 )3,5 9 - 3 6 4Z' b l l 8 - 4 1 0 ' U 9 ' Duke tr{ath' J' l4(194'l)' 11. Ahlfor s, L. BoundedAnatytic Functions. 1-ll. MR 9-24-[37'60] and extremalproblemson com12. Ahlfor s,L. Opei nieminn surfaces 24(1950)' 100-134' pact subregions. Comment' Math' Helvet' MRi2-90. [59i Notes' Oklahoma A'and 13. Ahlfor s, L. Conformal mopping' Lecture , 9 5 1 .[ 5 9 ] M. College1 14.Ahlfors,L.Developmentofthetheoryofconfcrmdlmappingand R i e m a n n s u r f a c e s t | t r o u g h a c e n t u r y . C o n t r i b u t i o n s ! o t h e tMR heoryof No' 30 (1953)'3-13' Riemannsurfaces.a.nn' of Math' Stud'' 1 4 - 1 0 5 0[.5 e ] York' lg53' 247' MR 14-85?' 15. Ahlfors, L. Complex Analysrs'New
t5el 16.Ahlfors,L,ExtremalProblemeinderfunktionenTheorle.Ann. N / i R\ 9 - 8 4 5 ' 1 2 4 ) A c a d . s c i . F e n n .S e r .A . I . N o . 2 4 9 1 ( 1 9 5 8 ) , 9 ' l'7AlJfors,L.;Beurling,A'Invariantsconformesetproblemesextremoux.DixiemeCo-ngresdesMath.scandlnaves'(1946),341-351.
MR e-23.[5e] l S . A h l f o r s , L ' ; B e u r l i n g , A . C o n f o ; . m o l i n v a r i g n t s . a n12-17l' dfunction. t59l Acra Math. g:itqso), l0l-129. MR theoreticnut-sets. Invarianls. constructicn and lg. Ahlfors, L.; Beurling, A. confoimol of a Symposium ; Applications of conlormal Maps, Proceedings Appl' Math' Ser' No' 18' 243-245.Nat. Bureau of Standards' W a s h . ,1 9 5 2 .N I R 1 4 - 8 6 1 '[ 5 9 ] 20.Ahlfors,L.iGrunsky,H.UberdieBlockscheKonstante.Math.Z. 42(1937\,o7t-673' FM 63-300' U9l theorem' Kodai Math Sern' 21. Aikaw a, 3. On extensionof Sciwarz's R e p . 1 9 5 2 ( 1 9 5 2 ) , 1 0 4 - 1 0M6R' l 5 - 2 1 0 ' [ 3 7 ] univalenceof regular func22. Aksentev,L. A. Sufficient conditlonsfor tions.rzu.vvss.uceu,..Zaved.Matematrka(1958),No.3(4)'3-7. (Russian)MR 26-278' [4] 2 3 . A k s c r r t ' e v , L . A . E l e m e n t c r y c r i t e r i a f o r u n i v u l e n cMaiemhtika eintermsof Ucebn', Zaved' boundory charocteristics'lzv' Vyss'
Zbl 96-55'l!'6:r0' 621 No. Oitr),3-8'(Russian) (1959),
(1959)'Nc' 4(i 1)' 3 8' (RusIzv. Vyss.Ucebn'Saved'Matematika 231 sian) MR 24A-37 ' 14, 16' ^, partial ---l:^t sums o,,nc /r of powerserrcs' of 25. Aksent'ev,L. ;' d''the'uniialence Izv.V yss.U ce un' At' ed' lviatem atikuit' qOO) ' No' 5( 18) ' 12-15'( R us 43) stnl fvfn 74A-153' 14' 20' 23' dani' (Jnivalentuoiio'ion of the pro{iie of s A. L. Aksent'ev, 26. ptoUlemam Teorii Funkcii Issledovanija po Souremen-ny* Gosvdarstv' Izdat'Fiz-Mat' ttt*tnnogo' 335-340' Kompleksnoro MR23A-52'[4] Lit.. l{oscow,1950'(Rusiian) 2 ? . A k s e n i ' e v , L ' l - ' - O n t n ' u n i v a Vyss' l e n c eZaved' o f t h eIviatematika s o l u t i o n o j(196!)' theinverse Izv' hydromechonics' of problem MR 25-611'[59].' -- ; ^ No.4(23),3-7' (Russran) for star-likeness bounds for coi"'exitycnti 2g. Aleksandrov,i.'n. on SSSR Nauk Akad' and regula' fn a iincte'Dokl' functionsuniuotnni 20-161' [6' 10' 11' l2]' MR go:-90s'(Russian) (N.S.)116(195;t, 2 g .A l e ksa n d ro v,|,.,A.Conditionsfor convexity' the'tnit circlc' univalentinoft|teimageregnn by functio" -zaved. mapping under "g'io'and (1958),No. 6(7),3-6' (Rustrtatematita u.Jun. Izv. V,uss. sian;Mn ?3A-731'[10' 12' 35] 3 0 .A l e ksa n cro v,|.A.onthestar - shopedchor ocler lfthemVyss. appi ngs of o,i' ,ntuotentin thecircle.Izv. a comainbyfunctionsregular MR (tgsg)'No' 4(ll)' 9-15' (Russian) Ucebn.zu"'a' iutematika
on of soyefunctionats definition of Domains A. r. ,,. T;t-T;fL", Issledovaniya rrgulorin a -cir.cle. o7iunctionsunivalent'ond" the class Kompleksnogo Funkcii Teorii po Sou"'ntnnyrn ero!f9111n [6' l0' '12'291 Peremennor;"i'*;tti"n) MR 22A(r)-965' and fi' f'ncti'onsunivalent V/rriationatiroiiemo A' I' Fiz' 32. Aleksandrov, AftuJ' Nauk Armjan' SSRSeT' star-shapedin the circle' rt"' Z--f9'-inutsian'Armenlansummary) Mat. Nauk 14(1961)'No' 4' MR25-426.[6, 1?,29,36] values ^ the functionol "of 33. AleksanO,ou,L' A' Boundary univalent if nobmgryh'(functions J : J(f, f,.f' ,7) on tn"to"q6iel17-3i' (Russian) MR 26-744' in a circle-iiuirst<' Mat' z'
v' Extremalpropertiesof star-like v' '4('l96ii,' Oernikov' A'; I. fiJ-3]rdrov, ,-. ' (Russian)MR 241-267 Z" Mat' mappings.'Si^Ui"ft' zs-izto.[2,6, 10,24'29'39'491 Mat. SbornikN'S' 26(68) (Jnivalent ioiorontt y. on E. 35. Alenicyn, (1 9 s0 ),5 7 -7 4.MR 11- 589'ul p-volentin'lh''meon' Mat' Sbornik 36. Alenicyn,Y' E' On functfoni 14'27'331
tz-agl'[e' N.s.27(6eii'iojzss'-zgo't'{ir
of univ'qlent 37. Alenicyn,Y. E. on the estimationof the coefficients functions.Mat.SbornikN'S'28(70)(1951)'401-406'i\IR13-610' ll7 , 45, 521 3 8 . A l e n i c y n , Y . E . o n u n i v a l e n t f u n c t i o n s i n m u t t i p l y c o n niUR ecteddomains.Dokl. Akad. Nauk sssR (N'S.) 102(1955),861-863' t7-25.122,3ll 39.Aienicyn,Y.E'.onunivalentfunctionsinmultiptl|Connecteddo. rnains.Mat.Sb.N.S.39(81)(1956),315_336.(Russian)\1R18-292.
, 2,601 u 5 ,1 9 2
of univalent and 40. Alenicyn, Y. E. A contributittn to the theory sssR (N'S') functions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Bieberbach-Eitenberg 247-24g.(Russian)lviR l8-293' tl5 ' 26' 34' 491 109(1956), 4l.Alenicyn,Y.E.onfunctionswithoutCommonvaluesondtheouter Dokl. Akad. Nauk boundary of the rioinain of valueso1 a functicn. ) ,0 5 5 - 1 0 5 7M' R 2 0 - 6 & ' [ 1 5 ' 2 6 ' 1 4 ] s s s R ( N . s . ) 1 1 5 ( 1 9 5 71 42.Alenicyn,Y'F,.Ottfunctions,pithoutcommonvaluesgndtheouter |l/^at' Sb' N'S' boundary of the dlmain of volues of a function' ) R 2 0 - 1 0 7 4 '1 2 6 l 4 6 ( 8 8 )( 1 9 5 8 ) 3, 7 3 - 3 8 8 (' R u s s i a nM 43.Alenicyn,Y.E.Anextensionoftheprincipleofsubordinationto multiptyconnectedregions.Dokl.Akad.NaukSssRl26(1959)' 231-234'(Russian)MR 22A(l)-126' U' 371 anil''apo zl4. Aienicyn,Y. E. FUnctionswithOutcotnmon values.155lsflsr S o u r e m e n n y m P r o b l e m a m T e o r i i F u n c k c i i K o m p l e k s t960' nogoPeremenMR -Mat' Lit'' Moscos' nogo, 34-38.Gosodarstv'Izdat' Fix' 2 2 A ( l ) - 1 8 9 9[.2 6 , 3 4 ] 45.Alenicyn,Y.p'.So^'extremalpropertiesoffunctionsrnultiralent inmultipll'connecteddomoins'Dckl'Akad'NarrkSSSRl46(1962)' 60] 267-269.(Russian)MR 26-743' [14' 17' 27' 33' 46.Alenicyn,Y.E'ontherangesofsystemsofcoefficientsoffunctions representableasasumofstiettjesintegrals.VestnikLeningrad Univ'|7(1962),No.7,25_1|.(Russian.Englishsur-nmar})MR 2 5 - 4 2 6 . 1 21 , 3,23,291 4 7 . A l e n i c y n , Y . E . ; H a r ' i n s o n , S . Y . T h e r o d i u s o f p - v a l e n c e f o r(N'S') bounded Mat' Sb' domains. connected multiply in analyticfunctions 60i 52(94)(1960), 653-657.(Russian)MR 2zA(l)-,1628' [4j' 4S.Alenitzyn,G.onthecoefficientsofp.valentfunctions.Rec.Nlath. English sum(Mat. Sbornik)N.S. 10(52),lg42)' 51-58' (Russian' m a r Y )M R 4 - l 3 8 [ 1 4 , l : , 1 7, 5 0 , 6 5 1 4g.Alenitzyn,G.Onlhecoefficientsof,,schlicht''fuitctions.Rec. Math.(Mat.Sbornik)N'S'15(57)'(1944)'131-138'(Russian' 45' 52' 67] Englishsummary)MR 7-54') [15' 17' 39'
5 0 . A l e r , i r z y n , G ' O n t h e l o c a l l yrurs-r n i vji."eussian. alentfunctio n s ' ] e 1summarv) ''Math'(Mat' English
(1946), N.S.18(60), Sbornik)
Rec'Math'(N{at'Sborp'.'',1t"!t^'unctioiis' rneon xtlJ;;t ,,. MR 9-23'[27'33] unit nik)N.s. zo
e53) be'Ark'Mat'2(1 nsiunt orKoe o c h e rc ;t]) !1,' l' f: ,, . f;5]1,; -on-: or propertie-s extreme of some extension ;:?), ii-iti Len,- ff,"t;,l,JA Vestnik
fitt,,ctions. to no.n-Schiicht Schlichtfunctions in a ring Englishsummarv) (Russiarr'
rngraduniv' i;69;bt' NJ' rl
de sur testransformees t$'tl Quetques.th|orDmes X.LSiti;tl: C' ,r. reeles' R' a" iinctions tlplly':unt
Fourieret sur lescoeffici'nt' 1?'5l' 36] su-sqi 'l/in rg-sis'-[6'13' Acad.Sci'Paris 2M(1g57)' de Taylorde certainesc/asses coeffirirlnu, lei Sur K. i. 56. Artemiadis, p"tit ZA+tfeSll'ltl-l l5' MR 19-22' defonction''C' n' Atad' Sci'
de M' s' d'un theoreme Gtndrotisation K' N' ,r. ll;,.k,131',
,r. f;lirt;ilri''u
etteurapptications deFourier iransform'ees K. sur tes jijrt*ent d'ordrep' Ann' sci'
reeles ,y ouxsericset sur les fonciion, zbl 89-53'U3l 269-318' 74. EcoleNorm' Sup'III' Ser' ti6!z)'inolyticf,tnctionin itscircleof )'ni oln' 5g. Arwin, A. rh;;o'rron intrgrot 48-395'[59] i $ -t'q1 - "* conversenc'' enn' M ath' 23' -d;;l-iz) of valu'e's of analyticfuncV: dn-"iioln 60. Ainevic,I' Ya; Ulina' G' ti o n sre p re sentedbyastiettj"' tni' s' a' VestnikLeningr adU ni v '
- ,291 6' 13' 23' 1 ?- 59g' 12' Bull' 8 1 -9 4 MR . J'unctions' dr';;;;;es of univalent p. on H. fraction"t Arkins, 61. MR 8-326'll5' 421 q46)1060-1064' Amer. fufutt''Jot' SZtf konvexenkon62. Aumann, Georg' Die uit.tetiini*"""'ung'bei 80-82'MR 2-S3' [s9] tvtath'Z' +O(rq+o) formen An"oiii'i^'in' bei konvexenkonai' st)rri)-nver'zerrung 63. Aumann, Georg. IJber Akad' Wiss' 1948 s' -e' NIu't'' Nut' Ki' Baver' ealAiii"s' formcn ft4n t1- 507'U0' 291 ,' ..- :.,^tnntes 3 0 3 -308' (1 9 4 9 ), untvate' dansle ce r c l e localement les Satr fonctions R' Ballieu, 64. 4r3-4rs' zbr r8-r43' [15'68] 20;t;38t' Paris sci' Acad' uniteC.R'
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r s a I 1 5 .1 7, 2 3 ' ilr-:;l:il1 runctions ,,o,r,ke , rnu,,i"uni ;))t,,ir";il1\t), 84_e5. -Fiz' (3) E' Deformatton
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i!, zl, 53,651
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Rec'Math' Futiktionen' s.chtichten l*'!"'n)he-orie.der German ,nr. [xg,f (Russian' 383-388' (NIat.suorniliN' i' iC-420939)' MR 1-308'[1' 15' 16-'24f i-nmma'Y) (Mat' Sbornik) '"iiite^punitioien Rec'Math' ii'"i G' Gcluzin, 393. Germansummarv)MR Gussian' 277-J!a' (1940)' 8(50) N. S. , 7, i9' 33' 531 Rec' 2 -1 8 5 Ig . , 1 4't)Oi' .1 der schlichtenFunktionen' ioeffizienten C' German 394. Gciuzir', rz6+) (1943)'40-47' (Russian' Math. (Mat' iu"*ttl ti' s' -i"5-91' [15' 17' 54' 68] ,rr**uiv) MR Rec' Math' der '''iti'n*n Funktionen' rniori'e 'i' G' sumGoluzin, German 395. 48-55'(Russian' (1943)'
(Mat.sirornirl)-x izt1il 58]
maty)MR 5-93' [9' l5' functions' of derivatetol!::d'd (Russian' 396. Goluzin, G' Someestimatesd iitsel (1945),295-306. Rec.Math. (Mat. Sbornik)| 6ll 22' 50' *r_1-202' itt' i+' 15' t7' English,"ti'irl Rec' Math' theo;vii^"':'it'nt {yy'ti:n's' L'nglish 397. Goluzin, c. oi'ttte (Russian' s 141097Qio-sl' tet-ttg' (Mat. suornit<-)"N' 58' 68] su mma rYMR ) ?- 515'[9' 15' ond sintilar protbre^;;iirreth'eodory-Fei'r the G,.'-on zin, Golu 39g. N' s' 18(60)(1946)'213-226' sbJintki Mat' rt'r"tt'' problems.ntt' S-22' [59] (Russian'U"tliti summary)MR for schlichtconform aistortion"tirori^i the on c.(1946)' 3gg. Golu,in, SUtrnik)N' S' 18(60)' representsi"' ntf' Math' On"' 379-3g0.(Russian'Englisht""t*"tJnu*g-sl+'ll5'29'45'67'681 of univatent th;;;;;'t and ccefficients 400. Golurin, i]oi"aitirti", s4'' 36' fu n cti o n s'i l' M;th' M atst"ttir lN' s' 1i( ( 1946) ' 183202 l5' 17'M' 8' e' [6'61) nip i:iis'
;;;]i'h;;marv) (Russian' tol,lll, the theorvof conform G' Method of variationsin *r. N" S' 19(61)(1946)' ntt' Math' M;; iUo*it) representsnon' MR 8-325'[24] Englishsummarv; 203-236'in"ssi"t' meanof bounded fo' "';;;;;i;i'i (Russian' 402.Goluzin,G' Estimates "::'y':! 87pp' Trav.fnrt. tntuttfi .f.ioff 18(1946), themodulu.s. MR 8-573't59l ^t:, Englishsummary) 4o3.Goluzin,G.InteriorProblems}in,Theory.ofschlichtFunctions. Transl.byT.C.Doyle,e..clj.t'".ff.,,andD.C.Spencer.office
Wash. D.C., 1947. 138. MR of Naval Research,Navy Dept., 8-57s. [44] 4 0 4 . G o l u z i n , G ' M e t h o d o f v a r i o t i o n s i n t h e t h eN. o r l ' o f c o n f o(1947), rm Math. (Mat. Sbornik) S. 21(63) representatior"ll..Rec. 2 4 ' , 2 9 '5, 8 i 8 3 - 1 1 7 .M R 9 - 4 2 1 ' [ 9 , l 5 ' 1 9 ' 4 0 5 . G o l u z i n , G . M e t h o d - o f v a r i a t i o n s . i n c : oEnglish n f o r m a lsummary) m o p p i n g .MR tll.Mat. (Russian' Sb.. N. S. 21(194?)'l19-130'
9-42r.1241 z i 0 6 .Go l u zi n ,G.S o me co ,ler ingtheor em ' sinthetheor yofanalyticfunc [14' MR 10-21' (1948),353-3i2. 22(64) s. N. suornik tions.rnrut. Mat. Sbornik of univotent {!n:ti?:s. 17' 42' +oz. Slrrzin, G. on thecoefficients r r nirr o- tgo' i3' ,9' ,15' , , ,54' 581 ) 9 4 8 ),3 ? 3- 380' N . s.2 2 (6 4 (1 4 0 8 . G o l u z i n , G ' O n d i s t o r t i o n t h e o r e S' m s23(65) a n d t h(1948)' e c o e f353-360' ficientsof N' univalent functions'Mat' Sbornik 58' 681 , 1. 9 ,1 5 ,l '7,24' 25' 39' 54' , MR 1 0 -6 0 2'Some Izv' Akad' analyti:.*n:':ons' inequalities foi 409. Goluzin,G' 3(1949)'10i-105'(Russian' Naukfazatr'lSR 60' Ser'tvtat'tvtett' MR 13-639'[3' 17] KazakstrmmarY) 4l0.GcluzinG.on.meunvalues.Mat.SbornikN.S.25(67)(1949)' 3 0 7 -3 1 4MR - l 1 -3 3 9 '[3' t+] of the theoryo,funivalentfunctions' 411. Goluzin,G. somequestions MR 13-123 111pp' (Russian) Trudv tnlat.inst' Sieklov'2'7(1949)' Mat. sbornik for boundedfunctions. +rz. Hluzin, G. someestimates , l? ' ,20' 21' 22' ,30' MR ll- 426'[2' ,10'15' ) 9 5 0 ),7 - 18' N . s.2 6 (6 8(1 Mat' SbornikN' S' 27(69) +r:' 8}"zin' G' on tvpicallvreolfrtnctions' 15',17'-45'51' 52' 661 (1950),zot-itg'NAn rz-+qo'[3' 13', 4 l 4 . G o l u z i n , G . o n s u b o r d i n a t e u n i v aNauk lentfu n c t i oIr{oscou' ns.Trud yMat.Inst. MR SSSR'' atue' Steklov38i;;;i; ;8-7r' izdzt' 1 3 - 7 3 3I .l ] Mat. SbornikN' univarent functions. of theory the on i. Golurin, 4i5. M R l3- 63e'[15'24' 68] s. 2 8 (7 0i)i q l i l ' 3 5 1 - 35d' N' univarent iunctions.Mat' Sbornik 416. Goluzin,G. on thetheoryof , 53'58'661 , ,39' M R li 223' ig'13'15'24' (R u ssian) s.2 9 (7 1(1 ) 9 5 1 )' 4 l T . G o l u z i n , G . o n n a j o r a n t s o f s u b o r d i n a(Russian) t . e a n a lMR y t i c13-223' functions.|. 209-224' 29(1:)trqsil' S' N' Sbornik Mat.
rv, M11, mapping' in conformot method 418.hl3;ft,t31 variationat ?A',26',s81 15' tr-+s+'[9', +s\-+sa'uh' (1951)' N. s. 29(71) Sbornik
of functions parametric representation -29QD 419. Goluzirr, G. On the (1951)'469-476'MR N' S' univalentin a ring' Mat' Sbornik 13-930.123,24i analyticfunctions' ll' of -s,ttbordinate 420. Goluzin. G. O" ^oio'otion (i951)' 593-602'MR ll-454' Ui Mat. Sbornil
tN' s'igrtl951)'72r-72:3' exal. NuutSSSR Dokladv 1 4 l, 7, 5 4 1
4 2 2 . G o l u z i i i , G . A v a r i q i i o n a i n t e r h o d i n t hSer' ethe o r y oNat'k f a n a' l y23(1952)' tic.functions, Mat' 144' Leningrad Gos' Univ ' Uc' Zap' 1 3' 1 5 ' 2 3 ' 2 4 ' 5 8 1 8 5 - 1 0 1 .f v f n f Z - f 0 7 0 '1 2 '6 ' 9 ' 61 Amer' Math' Soc' TranslationNo' 423. Gtlluzin, G' On nreanialues' ( 1 9 5 2 ) l, 0 P P ' M R 1 3 - 6 3 9 '[ 3 ] 4 2 4 . G o l u z i n , G ' G e o m e t r i c t h e o r y o f f u n c t i o n t o { - 1 ' : ^ p l e x v[4] ariable' pp' (Russian)YR'15-112' GITTL' Moscow,(1952)'S+O 438 pp' Funitiontheorie. Berlin, 1957, Geo'm-etrische G. Goluzin, 425. M P . 1 9 - 7 3 5 .[ 5 9 ] 4 2 6 . G o l u z i n , G . o n a v a r i a t i o n q l m e t h o d i n t h e t h e o r MR y o . f23A-332. onalyticfunc. (2) l8(19611',|^'4. tions,e'.,. ruru.t'.soc. Transl. g ' 1 3 , L 5, 2 3 ' 2 4 ' 5 8 1 'A t r a n s l a t i o no f 4 2 2 1 26 ,, 4 2 ? . G o l u z i n z , E . G ' o n t v p i c a l l y r e a l"17(1962)' f u n c t i o n No' s w i t7' h f 62-70' i x e d s e(Russian' condcoefUniv' Leningrad' ficient.Vestnik 15' 661 Englishsummary)MR 25-426' tl3' 4 2 8 . G o o d * u n , n . w . o n s o m e d e t e r m i n a n t s r175-192' e l a | e d t MR o p - v9-421' a l e n t f14' unc63(1948)' Soc' Math' Amer' tions.Trans' 14,16, 17,42,501 4 2 g . G o o d m a n , A . W . N o t e o n r e g i o n s o m i t t e d b y ul 0n-i 6 va l e' [n1t 8f u' 1n9c]t i o n s . 01 B u l l . A m e r ' M a t h ' S o c ' 5 5 ( 1 9 + ! D ' X l - l q g ' Y R p-valentes.c. R' desfonctions 430. Good-ar,, A. il . sur rescoefficie:ns -g}'16'10'14'17' Acad.Sci'Paris228(lg4g)'1917-1918'fufnf: 36,38.39,501 ,N. on the schwarz-christoffelrransformaiionand 431. Good*un, a. p - v a l e n t f u n c t i o n s ' T r a n s ' e * . ' . M a t h . S o c . 6 8 ( 1 96530' ),6,42't,645- 2] 2 3 . 3 6 ' ,3 8 ' ? ? ' , 4 2 '5 0 ' , M R l 1 - 5 0 8 .[ 6 , 1 0 , 1 4 , 1 5 ' t i ' n ' , 432"Goodman,A.W.Typicolly-reatlunctionswtth^lssisnedzeros.Proc. *i il-11,it''tu'17'5Il itrgsri'zig-tv.' ruru*.r.'soi' ,A,mer. boundary points- Proc. Amer. 433. Goodman, A. w. Inoccesstble
' [6' 10] NIR 14-367 Math.so". iiiqsz),742-7s0'
4 3 4 . G o o d m a n , A . W , T h e r o t u t i o n t h e o r e m f o r s t a rM l i kRe 1 u4 n -i v7a3l9e'n[ 6t f9' u' n c S o c 4 ( 1 9 5 3 ) , 2 i 8 ' 2 8 6 . M a t h . A m e r . tions.proc. 1 5 , 4 9 ,5 8 , 6 3 1
Amer' Math' boundedfunctions' Trans435. Goodman,A' W ' Almost 1 7 ' 1 8 ; 2 7' 3 4 1 S o c .7 8 ( l g S S l8, Z - 9 7 'M R 1 6 - 6 8 . 5U' 5 ' in the typical'lyieul and mer,omorphic 436. Goodman,A. w. Functions 92-105'MR 17-724' Soc' 81(1956)' unit circle''l-'an''Amer' Math' 66] . [ 9 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 7 ,2 3 ' 5 1 , curves' Uniu'olent functions and nonanalytic 437. Goodrnun, ,i.--w.10] 598-601'MR' l'9-260'[4' 6' Proc. Amer' Math' Soc' 8(1957)' .for multivalentfunctions' 43g. Goodman, A.^il-. varia'ion formulas 129-148'MR 2O-5M' [14' 16' 'r'-coc rA-rner. Math. Soc. 89(.1958), I r d'rrJ' rrrrvr
2c1"aman, pointsfor an anarytic A. w. variaiionof the branch +:g. 8)'2i7-284'MR 20-969' Math' Soc'89(195 Amer' function.ftat'' fo'-y:i::t'n'fur;ctions' *0. 3:f"aman, A' W' on variationfctrmulas MR 2u-969'124'421 285-294' 89(195d)' Soc' Trans.Amer. Mth' functions' o-fo *-u!'lu,alent 441. Good*un, A' W ' On thecritical'paints 20-969' [14' 16' MR ZIS-109. Trans.Amer.Marh.Soc.89(19Sii1, mappingonto certaincurvilinelr 442'olnd*un, '\' W' Conformal 20-26'MR 13(196C)' Univ' Nac' TucumanRett'Ser'l' polygons' 26-743.16,241 4 4 3 . G o o d , n u n , A . , w . A n a l y t i c f u n c t i o n60-64' s t h o tMR26-63' t a k e v a l u U' e s il0l naconvex Sot' t+(tgO3)' region.p'ot'nrntr' tvtattr' univalent func' On regionsomitt-'-d 'b/ 444. Good.nun,e' W', ntittt' E ' l9l g3- 88.MR l5- 579.17,18, ti o n s.Ir.ca n a d .J. Ma th.ztr q:a] 4 4 5 . G o o d m a n , A ' W ' , ; R o b e t t ' o n ' Vq i ' S ' A c l a s s oMR f n t 12-6ql u l t i v o' l[6' entfuncAmer'Math' Sot' fO(f 5D' 127-136' tions.Trans' 1 0 ,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1 7 , 3 9 , 4 25' 0 ' 5 l l 4 4 6 .Gco d **,n .,p .,o n th e Bloch- Landauconstantfor schlichtfuncU' 191 tions.Bull'Amer'Math' Soc'S(tq+|D'234-239'l'irR6-262' ^oint*iitque, 1924.FM 50-150'[591 4i7. Goursat,E. iou* d,anolyse 4 . l s.Gra d ,A .T h e re g i o n o fvaluesoftheder iuative^ofoschlichtfunclg8-202'MR 11-503' 36(1950)' fion.Proc.Nat'Acad'Sci'u's't' functionswhich D. s. on theanaryticcontinuat.ion^of 44g.8::""^srein, ma p th e u p p e rh a l fp l aneinto' itself.J.Math.Ana!..Appl.1( 1960) ' ni-tez. MR23A-6lu'[59] theirApplications' U'; Szegti'G' ToeplitzForys-and 450. Grenander, 20-223'159lr pp'MR Univ. of Calif' Press'Berkelei tgsg'zqs i'i4"s' Trans' Amer' Math' Soc' 451. Gronwall,T. On a theor'^ ii (1912),M5-468'FM 43-321'[59i
represent'ation'Arrn' of on conformol rema:ks Some "45-672' T' 452. Gronwall, 18' 19'221
[9' ^iu' -ts), tz-t6' FM Marh.tzl rotigr4 conforme' representation to ieformationdansla 453.Gronwall,T' i'+g-zsz'iu+o-ls:' [10'15'64' c. R. Acad.stilp"'i'"l62(1916)' conforme dansla repr\sentation 454.8l"nwall, T. sur la d,formaticn 162(1916)' C' n' ecad' Sci'Paris reitrictives' sousdescondittions : r o - r r g .F M 4 6 - 5 5 6u' 0 ' 1 5 1 th.esecond in conform'clmapping^w|rcn 4)5 Gronwall,r. o, distcrtron volue' Nar" hasan assigned coefficient i'Jlil'i *opping funciion47-324' [e'15'58'681
Proc.siiitoj,iinJoz'.Frvr Acad.
y?!p:::in theunitcircte' r' A;;;;* t'\|tt yli' tositive .i55.Gronwall, [2] gzr-zl;:fi122. FM 4s-403. Ann.of r'rutn.z':jr Ann' mappings'
andconformal of series 45?.Gron*uil,rl irm mation ' zbl3-55'[59] of Math.llir-q3zl,101-1r7 Funktionen'It''Ih' anaiytischer singutorrtatrn ire ii;;; w. , 458.Gross ' FM 46-512'[49] Math.u- P;;'tik zqtrqrll' 3-47 in der Umgebung
Ftnktionen analytischer 459. Gross,W ' Zum V"ialten 2(1918)'242 294'l59l singularerSi't't'n' Math' Z' Abbilk.onformen a*trr*)ti'robleme_de-r cinige r la" H. 460. Grtitzr.rr, 800928)'iol-ye ' FM 54-378'[15]Abbildung. LeipztgBerichte ntt"kotprobleme der konformen 461. Grdtz,,n, i7 ii'r einige gotrgjg)' 4g7-502' FM 54-378'[15] dung.ll' LeipzigBerichte bei schlichtennicht konformen verzerrung ai, u ri.'JE Grotzr.n, 462. Erweiterung einedamit"zusommenhangende -5C7'FM Abbilduttg" 503 ileticrtte 80(1928), "i'n'r ces picardschensatzes. l-riprii berschtichterkonformerAbbityber die verzer.rung -rr. Lt;;:;J:t-l schlichter Bereiche. Leipzig dung mehrfach zusamm, nniiie;ni,, 55-793'[24] verichtesitigzgl, 38-50'FM Abbildung unendlich vielfach konforme 464. Grotzrrn,'ji.--0i* z u J o m m e n h a n g e n d e r s c n t i c n ,g.richte i e r B i r e31(1929), i c h e _ m5i1-86' t e n dFM lichvieleri Haufungsrandkomponenten.j.iorit
Abbitkonformer beischtic-hter hberdieverzerruns
dungmehrfachzusamm'nno-ni'iaerschlic'hter'Bereiche'II'Leipl24l FM 55-7e4' zignerictrti]ituiinl'2r7-2.2r' Aboild_er ,konformen 466. Grirtzsch,H. hber ein v"rioiio)liroblemeFM 56-298' [591 251-263' dung.LeipzigBerichte82.(1930)' AbbilkonJ'ormen der. parattrtui'iiiinrorem 46.7.Grotzsch,H. zum reiche' e B r g d e n e nhiin un' nati' n-ui' i o']"u' o* ^ e dung sch''l i'i' "1'
185-200'Zbl3-14' U6' 601 LeipzigBerichte.33(1931)' bei schlichterkonformer 468. Griitzr.tt, ff' Ua') ai'' Verschiebung Berichte' (1931)' pp Leipzig Abbildung rriti-rhru Bereiche' 254-279.zbl3-261' u9, 601 konformerAbbil' H' 0i" ai' Verzirrungbeischlichter 469. Grotzsch, Bereiche'III' Leipschlichter zusammenhangeider dungmerhJ.ach 283-297'[60] zig ierichte 83(1.931)' bei schlichterkonformer 470. Grotzsch,Ft. Vori'Extemarpiotjrme Abbildungscntr,nterBereiche.Leipz\gBerichte34(1932),3-1I4.2b| 5 -6 8 .[1 9 '6 0 ] der konfornter 471. Griiizsch, Hl 1ber das Parallelschlitztheorem Abbildune"hti'h"'Bereiche'LeipzigBerichte84(1932)'15-36' zbl5-68- u9, 57,601 kcnformer ii'Oer aie Verschiebungbei schlichter ^'rnirrnrc, 472. Grotzsch,tl' 84(1932)' Berichte Bereiche:.II. Leipzig Abbitdung Zbl6-17l' [29' 60] 269-2'.78. konforrnenAbbilderschlichten H. (iberdie Geometrie 4.13. Grotzsch, Wiss'' Phys'-Math'Kl' (1933)' dung. S,t'gsUet'Preuss'Akad' 6s4-67| . Zbl 1 -3r2. I24j derschlicntenkonformen Abbil' 474. Grotzr.t, ff ' tii" aiL Geometrie V''i;s''Fhys'-Math'Kl' (l 933)' Presuss-'-Akad' Sirzgsber' dung.Il. 893-q08.zblS-319.u5' 491 der konformen i*ii v"t'hiebungsltrobleme 4'75.Grotzrcn,i'" ii" Kl' Pt'ys'-Niath' Wiss'' Abbitdung' Sitzgsber'P"u"' eUO-' (1 9 3 3 ),8 7 -1 0F0M . 5 9- 349'[24] beischlichterkonH. Die werte desDoppelverhaltnisses (1933)'87-100' 4j6. Grotzsch, Ak;;' wiss' Sitzgsber' former eaiiti"s' Preuss' zbr1-?r4.lsgl Satzes' eines Bieberbaclischen . Grotzsch,H' Verallgemeinerung 477 FM 59-351't60l ^ Math. ver. a3(r9i3),r43-^145. Jber.Deursch. g' Jber' o)r t aii k ttrfo r men-A bbil Cun F lo,che,,r 47g. Gr
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einzur konflrmenAbbildung Abschotzungen Neue H' Grtrnsky, 482. u n d me h rfa ch zusam m enhangender Ber eiche,Schr .Inst.Angew . q5-t+0.zbl 5-362. [9, l5 , 22, 60,6ll g.ri. r 1(1932), Math.univ. Lemma' Math' '^'nalogazttm Schwarzschen it' EiruP,e ;i83. -" " ' Grrrr,sk;r, zbl6- 262' l37i o n n . t6 g (tq r:),190- 196' zur konformenAbbildung'Jber' 484. Grunsky,H' ZweiBen;crkurigen D e u t s c h . M a t h ' V e r ' 4 3 ( 1 9 3 3 ) ' l ' A b t ' l 4 O - 3 ' Z b obbildende l8-119'tll'15'681 ftir ylti1ht Xieffizi)nt'nibedinsungen tt' siv, Grun 465. istt%g), 29-6r. zbl 22-l5l ' meromcrpnepu,,iironcn. Math.2. [4 ,9 , 5 3 ] Abbildungendie gewisseGebiets486. Grunsky, H . iJber konforme I. Math. Z. Funktionentransformieren. inii^rntaie funktionen "ol MR 19-538'[59] (tgsl), 129-132. als ier Uniformisierungstheorie Crurdaufsabe nii, 4g?. Grunsky,H. 139(1959/60)'204-216' MR Extremalproblem'Math' Ann' . \u,49\ 22A(l)-805 4 8 8 . G r u n w a l d , G . ; T u r 6 n , P . ( J b e r d e n236-240'-FM B l o c h s c h e63-300' n S a t z .U9l ActaLitt.Sci. Sect'Sci'Math' 8(1937)' 'E' Univ.,Szeged, J' LondonMath' meansoi po*" series' Cesdro 489. Gwilliam,A' 248-253'Zbl 13-68'[3] Soc.10(1935), meqnsof power series'-ll'Proc' Londo^] a9O.Gwilliam,e' E" Cesdro zbl 13-68'[3] ^i." 40(t935),345-352' Math. so.. its. Paris,1910,FM desVoriations. 491. Hadamard, frqin, ,ui l, Calcul 4t-432.Isgl mappings-proc. Amer. Nlath' 4g2. Ha\mo,D. T. A note on convex M R 18- 411'14'9' 10' 3ll S o c.7 (1 965),423- 428' 4g3.Hamdi,o.UberstarkschiichteAbbitdungdesEinheitkreises. U n i ve rsi te d ,Istanbul.FacultedesSciences.RecueiideM em oi r es Commemorant!aPosedelaPremierePierredesNouveauxlnstituts Istanbul'(1948)'3g-M' MR 10-524'14' de Ia FacultedesSciences 17,191 494.HardY,G.H'AtheoremconcerningTaylor'sseries'Quart"I' FM 44-476'[59] Math. 44(19i3),147-160' 4 9 5 . H a r d y , G . H - ' T h e m e a n v o l u e o f t h e m o d u l u s' -FM of.ananalyticfunc269-277 45-1331' ("2) t4(1915), soc. proc.London Math. tion. v'ith series concerning +qo. Hi".ay,G.H.; Littlewood'J'E' A theorem Meddl' Kobenhavn applications to the theory of functions'- 42' 501 '7 (1 g 2 5 ),No' +, 16pp' FM 5l- 272' ll4' 17' 18' concerningCesaro 497. Hardy, G.'ff'; f-iitfewood' J' E' Theorem meansofpowerseries'Proc.LondonMath.soc.(2)36(1934)'
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born6es' L6dzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe' fonctions univalentes Wydawnictwo Naukowe' Prace Wydziata III, No' 53 Panstwowe 22' 61lJ L6d2, tq5g. SOPP' MR 26-62' ll5' conformal mapping' Trans' Amer' 592. Jenkins,J.A. Sime problemsin 13-341'lz4l Marh. Soc. 67(19+sj,lzt-lsO' MR differentiatsin tr,iply-connected 5g3. Jenkins, J.A.'iorrtil* quadratic l-3' MR 12-400'[59] domains.Ann. or Math' 53(1951)' J. London Math. Soc' 594. Jenkins, l.e. on a theorem o.f'spencer. - R 1 3 - 3 3 8[' 5 9 ] 2 5 ( 1 9 5 13 ) ,1 3 - 3 1 6M of Gorusin .Amer. J. Math. 595. Jenkins, J.A. on an inequariiy 4 3 '4 , 5 ' ,5 8 ] . R 1 2 - 8 1 6 '[ 9 ' 1 5 ' 1 6 ' ,2 0 ' , 7 3 ( 1 9 5 1 )1, 8 1 - 1 8 5M i'So*' prohlems in conformal 596. Jenkins, J.A. Remut'ks on 147-151'MR 13-642' mapping." Proc' Amer' Math' Soc' 3(1952)'
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t5el 5 g 8 . J e n k i n s , J . A . o n v a l u e s o m i t t e d b y u n i v o l e n t f241 unction's.Amer.J' 16' 19' ' N1ath.75(1953),406-408'MR 14-96'7 ll' 599.Jenkins,J.A.Symn'elrizationresultsforsom econforrnaiinMP' l5-ll5' Il)' l7' v a r i a n t sA . m e r ' J ' M a t h ' 7 5 ( 1 9 5 3 )5' 1 0 - 5 2 2 ' 24,54,681 6 0 0 . J e n k i n s , J . A . S o m e r e s u l t s r e l a t e d t o e x t r e m a t t e n g t No' h ' C o30' nirib'to of Math' Studies theory of Riemannsurfaces'87-94'Ann' (1953)'MR 15-115'[24] PrincetonUniv' Press,Princeton'N'J' 6 0 l . J e r r k i n s , J . A . V a r i o u s r e m a r k s o n u n i v a l e n t f u n1c7t i o n s . P r o'c . ' R 1 5 - 1 1 4[' 9 ' ' 2 4 ' 2 5 ' 2 7 A m e r .M a t h . S o c '( 1 9 5 3 )5' 9 5 - 5 9 9M
of the traiectories of a 602. Jenkins. J.A. Ori the local structure Soc' 5(1954)'357-362' q uariratic different ial' Proc. Amer. Math. MR 15-941.[24] (2) of Gronv'sll' Ann' of Math' 603. Jenkins, J.A. On o problem 490-504.MR 15-785'[24] , , 59(1954), J. 2l(1954)' Math. Duke kolbina. of note 6M. Jenkins,J.A. A recent
rss-r62.MR 15-694'[26]
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F T I N C T I O N S( P A R T I ) B I B L I O G R A F H YO F S C H L I C H T
J. LondonMath' Soc' ienkins,I.A. on u lemmaof R.Huron. 609. ""MR l7- 251'[59] 3 O(t9 5 53),8 2 -384. ,itultt in thetheoryof symmetriza60g. Jenkins,J.A. some tmiqueness i15' viR' 16-460'[59] tion. Ann Math. (2) 5i(l955)' 105 functions'Trans' J.e'7 n )i"u^"entially meanp-valent 610. Jenkins, i\4R 17-143'[?' i7' 33] Amer. Math. Soc'79(1955)'42?-428' II Trans'Amer' 6ll. Jenkins,J.A. Oi SirirrL;cih.Eitenbergfunctions 341 5 1R5 1 ' 6 - 6 8 4U' ' M a t h .S o c . 7 8 ( 1 9 5 5 ) , 5 1 0 - M Math' Soc' London of Keogh' J' 612. Jenkins,J'A" O; a result M R 18- 12f i7 ' ,221 3 1 (1 9 5 63),9 1 -399. on boundarydistortion' Trans' 613. Jenkiri", J'A' Sarnethssrems ' I'7'2?'' 621 MR 17-956 Amer.Mattr'Soc'81(1956)'477-5W' of spencer.Ann. of Math.65(1957), 614. Jenkins,J.A. on a conjecture MR 19-25'u4, 16' 19'24'33) 405-410. canonical moppingsfor multiply' 615. Jenkins, i'A' Some new MR l8-568' ao'no'fn''Ann' Math' 65(1957)'179-195' connected t60l of certainq'!l:ot-:tremal meirics' 616. Jenkins,J.A' On the existence MR 19-845'[59] Ann. of Math' 66(1957)'440-453' 6t?.Jenkins,J.e'On-acanonicalconformalmappilgofJ'L'Walsh' T r a n s . a r n . r . M a t h ' S o c ' 3 8 ( l 9 s A i ' z o z - 2 i 3 ' M R Mappings' 19-538'124'60l and Conformal Functions Univalent J.A. Jenkins, 618. (1958)'MR 20-543'I44i Springer-Verlag-Berlin functions' o"r 619. Jenkins,J.A' On certain coefficients -uniualeil AnalytlcFunctions,l59-194'PiincetonUniv'Press'Princeton' ' [9' 17',24',25'54f N.J., 1960.MR 22A(2)-1377 in conformalmapping.ll620. Jeqkins,J.A, on wirgnted ditortron ' 124,29'461 linoisl. tvtattr.4(1960t,28-37.MR 22A(l)-807coefficients' Ann' with real 621. Jenkinr,r.n.-ot) univatentfunctions [15' 19' 24'391 of Math. (zi;r(rqoo), 1-15'MR 22A(2)-964' of the trajectoriesof a 522. Jenkinr, ri. on t'n, grobatstructure J' of Math' 4(i950)' positivequoa'oti' difierential' Illinois -4}s-4r2. MR 23A-330.[59] and itsopplications. 623. Jenkins,J.A. Thegeneralcoefficienttheorem colloq. Function (Internat.. contributions to function theory T h e o ry,B ombay,l960) ' pp' Llt- Zig"I' atalnstituteofFun dam engolnuuv,'ibao.MR 26-1002.19,17, 24,25) tal Researcrr, generatcoefficierutheorem' 624. Jenkins,J.A. An extensionof the Trans.Amer.Math.Soc.g5(1960),387-407.MR22A(2)_|37,7.19, 1 7, 2 4 , 2 5 1 univolentfunctions' II' 625. jenkins. J.A. on certaincoefficientsof
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ziitz)-2093'[13', 299-304'rvrn J. Math.13(1961), 6 2 7 . J e n k i n s , J . A . o , n ' t h e s c h l i c h t B t o c h c o22' n s 341 tont.J.Math'Mech. ' certsinapplicalzi'-n+' MR 23A-332'tl5' 19', l0(1961), and theorem coefficiint 62g.Jenkinr,J.a. ihr- ,rnrrol l-g' MR 24A-371' l24l
68(1962)' tions.Bull'Amer' Math' Soc' meromorof Goodman-con'cerning 629. ienkins, J'A' On o coniecture ' MR 25-27 Math' J' 9(1962)' univoint fun''tion'' tUitf igan phic '24!-3',70. 42] [9, 13, 16' !7 ,25' tb the generaicoefficient theorent' 630. Jenkins, J.A. An uddendum 26-980't241 Trans. orn.,. Math' Soc" 107(19$\'125-l/8'yR on Riemannsur' Topologicalmethods 631. Jenki.,,, f 'n'; Mot"' M' to the theory of ps.uiohar*oni. functions. contributions faces. Riemannsurfaces.Ann.ofMath.Stud.No.30(1953),111-139. MR l5-210.[59] the levelcurves Curvefamilies n\ to11t,t7 632. Jenkins,J 'A'; Morse' M' ofapseudoha'monicfunction'"At'uMath'91(1954)'l-42'MR
' Ann' or troiectories D'F'Hvperettiptic ,rr. i:;??,1;,t]?l',spencer'
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F I I.
i i. I
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domains.J.LondonMath.Soc.2g(i9s4),|2|-|23.MR16_302.[6' 7 , 1 0 ,3 5 ] schlichtfunctions'J' London 664. Keogh,F.R' A propertyof bounded l5-862' I7'221 Math so.. zq(iqs+),rzq-:g?"MR 665.Keogh,F.R.Sometheorems0nggt|orrilalmappingofbounrled star-shopedrlomains.Proc.LondonMath.Soc.(3)9(1959)' MR 22A(l)-295'16'7' 22',231 481-491. of G'M' A'st'ingtienedform of a theorem -2. 666. Keogh,F'R'; Peterson' ittigsg)' 31-35'MR 23A-371'[59] tviener.vr"itt. Berlin,1923.FM uo* Toporogie. 667. Kerekjario,B. von vorresungen 4e-3e6.[5e] 668.Kimu.a,K'ontheunivalencyandm ultivglencyofananolytic pi'V''-Math' S6c'Japan(3) l?(1937)'241-245'FM function'p'ot' 61-293.[4, 14] Zahienfolgen'Math' Z' 22(1925)' 569. Knopp,K' Mehrfachmonotome ' 9] 7 5 -8 5 l.''M 5 1 -1 ? 8[5 F' theoryof functions'Trans' by 670. Knopp, K'-nrc'"ni' o1 tn' rqSZ' io?y?:,?Ol48-308'[59] Bagemihl.New York: DoverCo' - DoverPubl' ' Representations 67I . Kober , H.^D-ictiinoryof conformal pp' M R 14- 156'[59] In c.,N e *'v" 'i '-,N 'Y '; Ig52' 208 Poren' ier Abschnittegewisser 572. Kchori, e. tie, aie Schlich.theitl4(1931)''251-262' Zbl5-250' n' zreihen.Mem- Coll' Sci' fyoio konvexeAbbitdung'Mem' coll' sci' 6?3 I1;;3; ,lt],. U" sternigeund 10', ', 12',16',20] ,267-278'iat s-loz' l6', KvotoA l5(1932) "\
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6' zti-iit' zbts-362'14' Univ.A 15(1?;;", rI Mem.coli' Abbitdung. ki,rurx, rna uiiirrur^ir 451 675.Kobori,A. iwi-tzo' t9',t9l,tr'20'39' r27-r3:.'' 16(1933) ' a Kvoto Sci. -1 6 7 6 . K o b o r i , A ' Z i i i a ' i ' ' i b er'ot" r d i e -n' ) biiir s c hgl4)' n i t t eI 7d1e r86' s c izbl t l i c9h-36r' t e n P16' oten' sa' ioill t*' n.r"l ihe e zr Jap'J' ivlath'13(1e36)' Ktusse yo::o.':nzreihen' ,'k''';!" 36'631 6??.i:;;: rs''17""20" zbt\;'-;;;'-ii' o' 10'11' 12' analy4e-60. t)es iutti'oten"'di'n' famitte fonctions[6'14' 678. Kobori, A' S" to zbt2o-r42' rszrsq' r+irljsi
i'np'ecaa'rap' fiques.p'ot'
Soc' 321 -"- I^' ranrtinnr mu, multivalenfes' Proc' Phys'-Math' les Sur fonctions A' 6f9. Kobori, 3 7e' [14'15'i7' 50'65]
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- ^ n d i ^ , , o sur < , t r lun tn th\orbme de M(Jne'-remarque
J' Math' zgO'iiii'iz-34'MR Havman'Japan
U' 14'17' 23A-'71r'
v'A' zmorovic' ty:::K",( univaknt of ctass a on *.r' 686.f;.1,11 Dopovidi;i.;;.Nu.rtur.ruin.-nsd(rqsq),1060-1063'(UkrainQ\-tozl ' ll7 ' 23' 281 ian. Russian'English'u**u'it'i-rvrn'zze in thecircle' Uspehi of uni'roirnt-yunrtion, 6g7. Kocur, M .F. on a crass Mat.Naukr'7(1962)'N"'4(l;;;;lsl-rso'(Russian)MR26-62'[4'
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Abbildung' 692. Koebe. P. Abhandlungenzur Theorie der konformen tsereiche IV. Abbildung mehrfach zusammenhangenderschlicter 46-545' FM 305-3M. Acta Math. 4l(1918), auf Schlitzbereiche.
160l Abbilduns. derkonformen zur Theorie 693.ko.ur, p. Abhandlungen auf v. Abbildung mehrfachr,rro**.nhangender schlicterBcreiche 198-236' FM Schlitzbereiche(Fortsetzung).Math' Z' 2(1918)'
46-546. [60] Lemma und einigedamit zu'om694. Koebe,i. 1At, dusSchwarzsche der Potentialtheorie und menhangendeungleichheitsbeziehungen -2i | . I37l Funktio nentheorie. Math. z. 6(1920), 52-84. Ft:l 47
69s.K n l b i n a , L . l . C o n f o r m a l m a p p i n g s o f t h e u n ' i t c i r c l e o n n o n -
No' 5' overlopping tJomains. Vest-nik Leningradskogo Univ' (1955),37-43.(Russian)IviR 17-26' [59] conformal mapping' 696. Kolbina, L. l. some extremal prcblems in DckladyAkad.NaukSSSR(N'S')84(1952),865-868'MR14-35'
DokladY 697. Kolbina, L. l. On the theorY of univalent functions. 14-35.[9, 15, Akad. Nauk SSSR(N.S.) 84(1952)'tt27-1130.MR 581 of p-valent classes 698. Kolbina, L. l. on distortion theoremsfor certain functions.VestnikLeningradUniv'II'No'7'(1956)'71-76'IviR l 7 - 1 0 7 0 .[ 1 4 , 1. 5 ,6 5 ] Proc. Imp' '\cad' 699. Komatu, Y. Ubeireiien Satzvon Herrrt Lowner. Tokyo 16(1940),512-514.MR 2-276' [59] j'be, eine Verschiirfungdes LtiwnerschenHilfssotzes' 700. Komatu, Y. MR 7-286' 17'22'24' Froc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 18(1942),354-359'
Abbllcung vott 701. Komatu, Y. (lntersuchungeniiber konforme zweifachzusgmmenhangendencebieten.Proc.Phys..Math.Soc. l-42' MR' 7-514' [591 Japan(3) 125(1943), '(Jntersuchungen i)ber koiiforme Abbildung vot't 702. Komatu, Y. Phys' -Math Soc' zweifoch zusamtnenhangendenGebieten' Proc' Japan25 (3rd series),(19r3), l-42' MR 7-514' [59]
und ihre analytischerFunktionen Darstellungen Einlge Y' Komatu, Acad'Tokvo
Proc'Imp' Anwendune'n 'ioittgu), oif ronfolrylduiitiuis' 10'231 ito-s+i'MR 7-287'12'
fur conA'pproximati^onsverfahren otttetnierendes Ein Y' 704. Konratu, auf einenKrcisring'Proc' ein'* Rinis'ebiete eOOitiu'n[''o" forme r1-34I' t59l by JapanAcad'liitgis)' I46-.15s'-r'ln conformal'representation cn'thetneo'yii i;;' Y Komatu, 705. Imp' Acad:Jokyo 2l(1945)' functions'I'-II' Pt;' meromorph'ic ^in- [9' 17' i9] NaP'l1-170' 259-2'77,0e46;,"i-a-is+' ttnalytischen eineiii Kreis:inge der '/06. Komatu, Y ' Darstetluttgen Abbildung f?'.!?:me ""f MR Funktionen nebstden Anwend-ungen i. vrattr.tq(tg+5),203-215' potogonoiringgebiete.l"pu" uber
rlng'Math' a c'ircutar stit-mappins conformat !'f on nt .Tfl^ri:t+ 124'60) lt:giii'iq-??' M,R10-186' Japonicae fiir konipproximationsverfahren Proc' ?0g. Koma tu,.I .'Ein a'liernierendes auf einel'Kreisring' ni1fseatete 'on'in'* "1il+sl forme Abb'l;';';; gisi, rqe-155 [60] *:
A."d.';a Japan
l-:'41' representationby y' i;;' the tr'en') of con'formal 269709. Komatu, "; Japan Acad' 2l(1945)' I' II"'it;;' meromorphicfunctions' 15'17'19'25'53]
MRii-rzo'[e' 277(rsse),iii-ia+Og4e)' Abbitdung zweifach zusam-
710.Komatu, i '- 2"; konformen lv]-y'^:-t"t' JapanAcad' ri"'[i' I' Gebiete' menhangender 2r(1945),zis'-zgs'296-307'i:i-llq'3'72-3'7'7'401-406'(1949)'
,,,. Yi:l;l6i:
'fllnoo^'ntat in thetheorvof equatio:: differentiat
conformatmapping'Proc'J;;;;;ozs(rq+q)'No'1'1-10'MR 'J;R',]Jo'^'s Kodai theorem' anda distortio'n constant ?12.l(2;,f":;jti. l5' 58] lz-il'irgjol'Ml r2-2s0'[9' doMath.Sem'Rep'(1950)' )-ippiis 9f yulttotvconnected ,ii y. confor^ot oi ?13.Komatu, i" zo-lt' rrln rl-234'I'241 JapanAcad''?6(i'5til'Ni mains.Proc' ?l4.Komatu,y.Acoefficien,proiir^'forfunct!2ns,univalentinanang-i,.MR 18-292. u6, 17, Repl'*iid6, s.m. Marh. nurus.Kodai Laurentseries' coeffilil1l' the on Y' i1s. 18,]*"1u, .! ^'!p:^('l:::'' KodaiMath'Sem'Rep'gttg';'i+;-+s'Mnig-+0a'[9'13'16't't' 5riil*"tu, comainwithconvexor Y' on conformalmappineo{a 9(1957)'105-139'MR zro. ft'f"tttlStrn' ntp' stsr-like boundary'Kodai - :a:,.^ lg-94g. [6, 10, 15, 23' 63' &l TlT.Koma,u,y.onanalyticyunciionswithpositiverealportinacircle'
! MR 20-665' 12'7' 181 I Kodai Math Sem.Rep' 10(1958)'64-83' l Tlg.Komatu,Y.Onanalyticfunctionswithpositiverealpartinsnon' 1 2 ' 7 2 0 6 6 5 ' t M R ) '4 - 1 m ' n u l u s . K o d aM i a t h . S e m 'R e p ' 1 0 ( 1 9 5 8 8 lT 1 8 ,4 8 1 719.Komatu,Y'onconvolutionofpowerseries.KodaiMath.Sem' ' R 2 l - 3 8 8 ' 1 2 '4 ' 6 ' 1 0 ' 4 7 1 P - e p .l 9 ( 1 9 5 8 ) 1, 4 1 - 1 4 4M
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I r
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Ann' Polon' 7(,4. '- ' Krzvz,J. on "i)iirc^ "{l' y?'iel' li5, 24'681 s:-eo.MR 25-611' within the fomiQ of radiis of close-to-convexity
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romskii or coerriciens' the^probtem MR (Russian)
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NauksssR(N's')107(195'6)'1#ioi' of the ^u-::y:'oJ
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schlicfu fun' and coefficientsof theorems tion Di'to' r7 4 788. Kung, S' l-:"ic' MP-1?-142'lr5' '
ltrq53;'ii Math'S:nica tions'Ac.u
o^d.. thonrpratson symmetric schlichtfuncticns'
is,54t T8e(ung tt't ilr:'J;\t-tiz ,{{{r':#i s,,'iXii
?g0.Kung,s..o,ciefficientso;',i,|*iuo},ntfunctions.ActaMath.Sini 541 8;-103'MR 17-142'u7', 4(1954), Acta Math' Sin functions-' sections,or.rritirn, 7g1. Kung, s. rn, [9' 16'20'43]
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'{*t ,'nr,
runctions tl,;;;i'?':r?;'}'t'o' tl:!:i 3{^schticht I 19-738' zzg-z+e'MR
tti' s"#"iiigssi' theorems' Distoriion 1 7 , 4 2 , 4 9 '5 4 ' 6 8 1
lll' Acta Math' schlicht functions' coefficientasthe lf ?94. Kung, S' Ott Sinica6(1956),4g0-49g.(Chinese.Englishsummary)MR20-544. II' Acta Math' l4?.1 schlicht functions' ttf coeificients the ?9:. Kung, S' Ort Sinica6(1956)'115-125'(Chinese'Englishsummarv)MRi8-121' conforme' U7, 49.l. -. o..- .,a. nnn
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'"'iii;,if:::,,";tf irrii,.'ix:i,:i:;::lry:,T:::",:f&
I ;f;;;ri;"i:::"l!:i'Xit:t+tW.trf K:|{i; Kuroda, 7e8.
' Derermino",o'lu7ri,'inr."p"f.f ' nftua' NaukSSSR 799.Kuz'mina'G'V qnalYtical-J, a cerain classof
t431 ,'i 20-161' ttrli.iitil ii-is+' r"rR of unintence-of 1N.s.)
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(Russian) zs-31 Kuz'mll;f 801. i,giit, X,^j;'i!ji'.9ii:5.;"t; Z,A-254' llgl
Abt' ' '-)^liifschen Prinzip' Mitt' Georg'
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1 's - ] 5 ? M a t hz' ' 5 8 ( 1 e 5r3, 1
58,67'.681 3 1 , 3 9 , 4 3 , 4 5 ,5 4 ,
'n fur die bienqhe
j;i,I";i;r';:':t^::f.*:#'itin'ii'zgz-zg *"i:,'i!,'iri*;, t34l ZZntZ)-2094' (Chinese'German'u**u'oi-ft'fn s 0 6 . L a i , w . o n a c o n j e c t u r r : i o ' ; ; ; ; ; ; i " r atun t m zo-217 i s t b o u' nl34l dedfutic-
t '1'nu';'''f3-iios' Sinica tions'sci'
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t 6 - 2 r 7U . l
des fonction's 821. Lavrentieff (Lavrentiev),M. A. Sur la continuit| 215-217' Zbl 4(1936), univolentes.C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS N. S. 16-169.l22,60l Su'"Erelques --822. Lat'rentieff (L,avrenticv),M. A'; Chepeleff' V' M' propri6t6s dis fonctions univalentes.Mat' Sb. 44(1937),fl9-326'
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de schitd th\orDmes sur tes reniarques ' Quetques f3;1,1i'l;'ll'' 850. )'*otenles' Ann' Univ' Mariae
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dr F U N C T I O N S( P A R T I ) B I B L I O G R A P H YO F S C H L I C H T
univalentes Z' Sur certain-esclassesde fonctions 853. Lewandowski, d a n s d e c e r c l e , - u n i t i . A n n . U n i v . M a r i a e - C u r MR i e S k22A(2\-DA0' lodowskaSect.A
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699-iC2' N a u k S S S R( N ' S ' ) 9 2 ( 1 9 5 3 ) ' M-' S' Meromorphic close-to-convex 859. Libera, R' i't ioUtttson' 2 4 A - 3 7 0 '[ 4 ' M a t h J ' 8 { 1 9 6 1 )1' 6 5 - t 7 5 'M R functions.n4itftOun 5 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 7 , 2 5 ,3 8 , 3 9 ] 3 6 0 . L i n d e l d f , E . M e m o i r e s u r c e r t a i n e spropri6t6s i n e g t i t \ s dnouvelles . a n s l a t hde ^ oces riedes et sur quelques fonctions mtonogines Acta Soc' d'un point iingulier essentiel' fonctionsaans tZ voisinage S c i .F e n n .3 5 ( 1 9 0 8 )N, o ' 7 ' [ 5 9 ] Amer. Math. Mon. g6l. Linis, v. xor, fn univarentfunctions. . R l6-809' [39] 6 2 ( 1 9 5 5 )1, 0 e - 1 1 0M Proc' inequalitieiln-tnt thecryof functions' On g62. Littlewood,J.8.. ' 5l-247 13' 421 481-519:'lY London Math' Soc' (2)' 23(1925)' of schlichtfunction;' Quart' 863. Little*ooa, J.' ;. O; lhe coeffic'ients 16' l7 ' 42' 45' 521 J. Math. qir-91[], v^-20' zbl 18-261'U' the Tieory of Functiorls' Oxford 864. Littlewood, J' E' Lectu"' on 6-261' l44l Univ. P.ers, 19M,243 pp' MR odd schlichtfuncg65. Little*ooo,'r.-r,.;'palev,R. E. A proof that an Soc' 7(1932)' Math' f' london tion hasbotmded coefficients' 1 6 7 - 9Z . bl 5-18'117,45,521 8 6 6 . L i u , L i - C h u a n . S o m e i n e q u a l i t i e s d e r i v e d f r o m fSinica u n d a m7(1957)' entallentActa Math' schlicht fun'ctions' mo concerning l'7 '22'25 '3Ol English'umma'y; MR 2l-25'' lg ' 313'326.(Chinese' in th.eunit circle. Acta 867. Liu, Li_ch;;;. Bounied schrichtfunctions (Cnint"' English summarv) MR Math. Sinica 7(1957)' 439-450' 2 l - 2 6 . I 1 5 , 2 2 , 2 4 ,6 1 7
Potenzreihen.Monatshefte 868. Lochs, G. Zur Abschutzungschlichter 191 F . M a t h . 3 8 ( 1 9 3 1 )3, 7 7 - 3 8 0F' M 5 7 - 4 0 3 'U 7 ' of Hadamard ,E' On some compositions 'analytic 869. Loewner, C.; Netanyahu Math' Soc' fu-nctions' Bull' Amer' rype in ctosre,of Lowner' also See 42' 47]' 65(1959),284-2S6'MR 21-1350'[16' 23' S T 0 . L o h i n , I . F . R e m a r k s o n e s t i o m t e s f o r r e g u l a r f u - n c1t5! 1' ,1n7s'',3M4a1t ' S b o r 10' n i k N . S . 2 4 ( 6 ; )( 1 9 4 9 )u, 9 - 2 6 2 ' M R l 1 - 3 3 9 ' U ' g71. Lohwater, A l'. rne ixceptionalvaluesof meromorphicfunctions. Colloq'Math.7(1959),89-93'MR22A(1)-455'[591 mapping of o Jordan 872. Lohwater, A. J.; Piranian, G' Conformal regionwhoseboundaryhaspositivetwo.dimensionalmeasure. 14-262' 162l Michigan Math. J ' l, (1942)' 1-4' MR g73. Lohwater,A. J.; pi:anian, G. On the derivativeof a univalentfunction.Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.4(1953),591_594.\4R15_ ||4.|62] W' The derivativeof a 874. Lohwater, A. J'; Piranian' G'; Rudin' schlichtfunciton.Math.Scand.3(1955),103-106.MR17_249[4,62] examplein conformal mapping' 875. Lohwater, A. J.; Seidel, N' An MR 9-420' [62] Duke Math. J. l-5(1948),137-143' of w" * pw = 0' Pac' J' 875. London, D. On thterrio, of the solution N4ath.12(1962),979-e9r'[4' 31] modutus of n-volencefor analytic 877. Loomis, L. H,.,The radius and functionswhosefirstn_|derivativesvanish atapomt,Bull.Amer. ' R l-308' [4' 14' 19'72'37'431 M a t h . S o . . + ( f q a 0 ) , 4 9 6 - 5 0 1M 8Ts.Loomis,L.H.Thedecompositionofmeromorphicfunctionsinto rationalfunctionsofunivolentfunctions.Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 5 0 ( 1 9 4 1 )l ,- 1 4 , M R 3 - 7 8 ' [ 5 9 ] 879.Loomis,L'H.Onaninequalityofseideland\ltllsh'Bull'Amer' 221 ' lvlath. Soc. 48(1942),908-911' MR 5-37 ll4' die Verzerrungbei konformen 880. Lowner, K. IJnters'uchungeni)ber < l. Leipzig Berichte Abbirdungen des Einheitskreiseslzl 6 9 ( 1 9 1 7 )8,9 - 1 0 6 .I ' M 4 6 - i 5 6 ' U 5 l Abbiidung des ggl. Liiwner, K. 1be:rExtremumsdtie iei der konforrnen 65-17'FM 17-325' Ausseren desEinheitkreises'Math' Z' 3(lglg)' [ 9 , 1 0 , 1 5 , 1 9 ,2 7 , 5 8 ,& l Abbildungen gg2. L6wner, K. rJntrirrrhungen i)berschrichtekonforme 49-714' I' N1ath'Ann' 89(1932)'103-l2l' FM desEinheitskreises'
u 5 , 1 7 ,2 3 , 2 4 , 4 2 1 rotationin theunitcircle' gg3.Lozovit*, v. c. Finctionswithbounded Do p o vi d i A ka d .N a u kUkr ainRSR( 1960) ,1584-20' 1588.( 231 Ukr ainian. ' 14' 17' 23A-177 gngfith MR summaries) *nJ Russian in the gg4. Lozovik,v. c.bn o classof functionswhichare univalent
(P'\RT D
Zaved'Matematika(1963)' . (Russian)Izv' Vyss' Ucebn' unit ci,,;/e 23' 641
U0' 15' 17' No. 2(33),ol-ig' Mn 26-9-80' if thtefunction exp z'\'o rodiuso; unr'otoni' ' te ' ig' MR 22A- i629'l28l 885. Luke, Y. L' fhe e xp (-f')4 r i tu nl.' ' Math 3( i96i) ' functionsin dissertations on univ'alent results 886. Lye, Su-cin'Some se"tion of the deportmentof written by studentsin the anals:ts;is mathematicsi-ntitei'{orth.WestUniversity.Advancementin}"{ath. MR 20-1074'l$l (Chinese) 3(1957),325-334' ,iot, derivitiie hasq positivereal gg7. MacG:egor,T. H. Funciions MR 25-797'll' part.Tran ' A*;;' Math' Soc'1C4(1962't'532-537' , ,411561 lg' ,20' 21' to , t2 ,15, 17,- 1.8' 2, 4, 5, 8 8 8 . M a c G"r e g o r ' r . r r . C o e f f i c i e n t eMs R tim a t 734' e s f o[6' r s9' t al0' r l i kl'e7' m36' applngs. 2710( 1963) ' 277ZSL J' Ma th ' Mi ch .
3r;;:3;!!;rit].H. of functions for srartike of convexitv rcli1s rhe 88r. MR 27-60'[2' Soc'14(1963)'71-76'
order1/2' Pioc'Rrnt'' Idath' 6, 10, 11- 12,23, 431 analytic rodiusof univat'!:t^:! certuin 890. MacGregor"T' i{' The MR p;;..--Amer. Math. Soc. r4(r963), 5t4-s20. functions. "76-1210. 12,4, 6' 10, I 1' 121 unalytic radiusof univalen''':^o/'"'tain The i{' i' MacGregor, 891. 521-524'MR 14(1963)' tt. proc. Amer. tutat'. Soc. functions. " 2 6 - 1 2 1 1 . 1 2 , 4 ,160, ,l 1 ' 1 2 1 8 9 2 . N { a c l n t y r e , A . J . T w o t h e o r e m s o n s c h17' l i c19' h t J68] unctioits'J.London 13- 2' 7r[15' ' Ma th .so .. i Jti oS6) ,7- r l' zbl 536-540' 2.44(1938), th'eorem.vrattr. 8g3.Mactntvre,i.'j. oi' uocit's zbl 19-419.u9l '\N inequalities W' ' Someelementary Rogosinskl' i'; 894. NIaclntvr.,'A' 1-3' MR NotesNo. 35(1945), irtfunciton';'r;;y.uiinuurgtr ruru,tr.
in the Probtems w' w ' Extrly.um ,rr. filil;,|1]., o. i.; Rososinski, MR Math' 82(1950)'275-325'
Acta theory of analyticfunctions' 12-89.[59] analytic problems in certarnc:hssesof 896. Maksimov, Y' D' Extremal 1041-1044' Nuak SSSR0'l'S') 100(1955)' functions''Oofti'Akad' 15 ( R u s s i a nf)' A n f O - S f O ' [ 5 ' 6 ' 1 0 ' ' 2 3 ' 6 3 ' ' ' 6 4 ] " e-starlikemultilocally y. gg7. Maksimov, D. on locatly'r-ronirr and 965t.tuut.SSSR(N.S) 103(1955)' valent\unliton,,. Dokl. Akad. y] ' 0 ' 1 1 ' 1 2 ' , 1 5 ' , 2 3 . ' 6 3 'certain 9 6 7 .M R 1 7 - 3 5 7 ' [ 5 , 6 1 of classes of ggg. Maksimov, y. D. Boundsfoitii'rortticients Nuuft SSSR110(1956)'507-510' analvtictun'iiin'' Dokl' etui'
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38] ' ' 6 ' 10'17' 36' ( R u ssi a nZ)b l 7 4 -5 6[5 convex structuralformulafor of Y';:E";;nsion -tie Maksimov, 899. circularregion'Dokl' multipty"ioiected a Transl' ni,I'nr'to univalent 136(di;' 284-287-"(Russian( Akad. Nauk $;* (N's') 601 vrn zze(z)-1376'[23' SovietMath. :;;'kl''t' 55-58' potiioi'iott' Canad'Math' Bull' M' A' 7''-i"n"lity for -eftie-l), 900. '"" Malik, os-eg' MR 26-742'[591 univolentes' '3y1':ou" sur lesfoncfions S' Quetque' Mandelbrojt, 901. 'zitg-zrc[3'13'l?' 3e'
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i i I
l I
I I i
n' Some extrema'l 903. Marchenko,-e' u n i v l l e n t f u n ' ' t ' i o n ' ' L e n i n g r a d - 5 " t ' U " i " ' 421 IJc'Zap'144Ser'Mat'
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'*',t"l1r1li;tll,t'r. ,*.
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univalentanalyticfunctiotts'Ann'Polon'Math'7(1?60)'135-140' [9, 17' 25'39i MR 22A(1)-295' for the ondsuffici'ent J' On tne necessary 'conditions 925. Mioduszewski, p 'alLnt in'the usuclanciin the univat'"iL'l be to analvticfu';;;;;^ pofon' Math' 7(1960)' 127-133'MR generolized'-'"n'"'e""' 27 331 22A(l)-295.14,g, 14' 17' 22' 25' ', of multiplyconnected 926. Mitjuu, t. i '' u'ivalent 'onfo'iot-^opping' RSR (1961),158-160' rlomains.DopovidiAkad. Nuut u[rain. MR 234-618' [60] (Ukrainianl-d*'iu"' English'u-matie') conon univalent of sometheorems 927. N{itjuk,l. P' A generalization Akad' Nauk co:l:ect;ddomains'Dopovidi formal mapsof doubty Ukrain.RSR(1961),1115-lila.rut."inian.RussianandEnglish MR 24A-495'160l summaries) 9 2 8 .Mi tj u k,l 'P 'Quelquesappticatfonsdupr incipedelasym'etr i s oti on' (R u ssi a n .Fr enchandRoum un*i*' .,.- ar ies) .Bul.Inst.P ol i tehn.
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Drustvo. HrvatskoprirJdoslovno MR 14-32'[59] summarv) (1952)'f q-Zj' Gt'bo-Croatian'-French du th\orime de Ia contrattion 931. Mocanu,p.'+:;;;,i.irslisdtion Acad.R' P' Romine'Fil' s desfonctionsun:ivlalentes. dansla classe 303-3t2'MR 2l-1064' l24l Cluj. Stud' e;';' il"t' 8(1957)' n du t h6ori me de contr acti on io gi rZroi.irot 932. Mocan", . f. ;r;']),r" C a n s l o c" l o s s e d e s f o n c t i o " u n ' ' ' o l ' n MR l e s ' 2lA c 1064' a d ' R '16' P'R mine'Fil' 7'ol5' l4g159' 9 (1958) : c l uj . stu d " i ttt'n ru t' des danslo classe derecouvrement th'eorbme un sur T' P' nrr. fi;:;*,1u, f o n c t i o n s u ' ^ i ' o t " ' " ' G a z ' V f u tand ' f i ' ' SRussian e r ' A ( Nsummaries) ' S ' ) 1 0 ( 6 3 )MR (1958)' FrenJ (Roumanian' 4't3-47'7'
utrivatentes' desfoncticns rtestettnritt nro.i?"3"i;ltJlT. surresrayon.Cftl Stucl' Celc' Mat' ll(1960)' Acad. R' P' Romine' Fil' MR Hu"i-u"'"nd French sumrnaries) (Roumanian' 33'7-34L 7 6 - 7 M . [ 6 , 1 1, 1 6 , 4 2 7 univclentes'Studia tiaora^, sur lesfonctions g35. Mocanu, p. i.'i, U n i v . B a b e s - B o l y a i S e r ' f V f u t t t ' - p t t y t ' ( 1 9MR 6 0 )26-216' ' N o ' l ' 9 1241 1-95' summaries) nu"iun unO-f"*tt (Roumania=n' dons la classede fonctions II 936. Mocarr, ;:';.*;-pria^*r"rrtrr*ot Fil' cluj' Stud' cerc' Mat' R";i;; univalentes'Acacl' R' P' MR nuttiu" and French sumnaries) (196C),qg-iOe' (Roumanian'
2ltl;\#; [il'F' rnivatente'Akad' wetensch' sur tesfo-nctions 93?. 221 826-832' Zbl28-401" ll9 ' Amsterdam, Proc' 45(1942)' normalesde fonctions unall'ti' g3g. Montel, p. Legonssur lesry*iit^ 192?'FM 53-303' [59] queset t'uu oipticdtiort.s'Paris' ou multivalentes. sur tesfon.,',ro,, univalentes 939. Montel, P. LiEons Zbl 6-351' [44] Gauthier-Vill;t' Paris' lg33' locale' C' F-' acad' p. Sur l'univalenceor'ta iuttiuaienie lvlontel, 940. 681 t0't1:^11'
' zbt^r;zoiirbiol'57e-581 Sci.Paris divistes'J' p^rloiiiZtliart-diff6rences
94r. Montel,p. sur querqu^ tl_t07.u0, |4,491 ott Math.PuresAppl.(9)16(19;;;;,i]i_zzt.'zvi localeiitent univslentes g42. Montet, p.
les Joict'ions
I s
tt t
t !
a f
(3), 54(1937)'39-54' Ann. Sci. 6cole Norm. Sup. multivalentes. FM 63-290.u4' 431 locales' ou demultivalence g43. Montel,p. sr,, irrtiins casd,univalence 'O"O-237 ' I'l1i Mathemati.uCiu:' f 4(1938)'190-195' methodsin the theoryoJfuncM' Top'olog;cul H;;;, M.; Morse, 944. tionsofacomplexvariable'II'Ann'ofMath'(2\46(1945\' IUR 8-21. [59] 625-6('6. funcof meromo;'phic Deformationclasses 945. Morse,M.; Heins,M' Math' Acta to inteiior transforrnritions. fionsond their cxienslons M R 8- 507'[s9] 7 g (rg 4 7 \,5 1- 103. conformal mappings' Simorr Stevin 946. ''-' Mullencler, P' On some MR lo-o7 ' [16',32] 26(1949),136-1'42' coniormal muppings' Simon Stevin 947. Mullender, P' On some ' 30(1954), 44-47'(Dutch)MR l5-787 l32l angentihertkreisformiger Abbitdung 948. Mu'er, M. zi lonpimen z. +j(tqrg)' 628-636'zbl l7-408' [59] Gebiete.rrroitt. in der Theorieder r-.'^7irr-iinigr'extremal Gr^ssen g4g. t"{yrb Ser' A' I' No' "rg, Funktionen'Atn'Acad' Sci' Fenn' meromorphen 461 '. , 284(1960),9 pp'..MR23A-55'U9' konformen schlichten der I'inea)isierung die iO" i'' 950. N'yrberg,P' Abbildung'n'Ant'Acad'Sci'Fennicae'Ser'A'I'lr4ath'-Phys' , p p ' ( 1 9 5 3 ) ' M R1 4 - 8 6 1[ '4 9 ] N o . 1 4 58 l der konin der Theorie Verzerrungssatz p'i''iiii a'n Myrb.rg, 951. A' N' R' 60' AF Finsia Vet' Soc'Forh formeneAiiiauns' Ofvers' 19'68] , 7 (1 9 1 7 -1 812. ) , FM 46- 551'[9' 15' , 9 5 2 . N a b e t a n i , K ' s o m e r e m a r k s o n a t h e o r e m c o n cAcad' e r n i n Jap' gstor-shaped o7 an analyticfunction' llo:'-'t*O' representatiun 10',12',16] 10(1934),Sit-sio. zbl lr-r2o' [3' 6' g 5 3 .N a b e ta n i ,K.Som einequalities- onmodutiofanalyticfunc ti ons . TohokuMath'J'41(1935)'lO9-124'Zbl12-212'U'3'6'10'13' .ng 1 5 ,4 5 , 6 -7 ,64,66,67i of concernl the sections theorems some on Remarks K. 954. Nabetani, FM 41(1936)'329-336' power ,rrir. i, tt' Tohoku Math' J' 62-366.[3' 20] certain'power series'Tohoku 955. Nabetani,K' On multivalencyof Zbl 14-23'Il4l Math. J. 4l(1936),402-405' in ine theory of conformal 956. Nabetani,K. On Study'sti'o"* 406-410'FM Toi'oku Math' J' 41(1935-36)' rcpresentatio'n' 6 2 -3 7 4[], . 6, 10,37] Math' Sem'Rep' No' 5-6 957. Nagu.a,S. ioA"'' polynomials'Kodai ( 1 9 4 9 )5,- 6 .M R 1 1 - 7 1 8u' 7 ' 5 3 1
II' Kodai Math' Sem' Rep' 1950 958. Nagura,S. Faber'spolynomials' ' 1 r 7 , 5 3 ,5 4 1 ( 1 9 ; o ) ,l 5 - 1 6 ' M R 1 2 - 3 2 7 theorems in the theory of 959. Nagura, S.; Komatu, Y ' Distortion l(1950)' 25-33' MR 12-490' scltlichrfurrtiin'' Nagoya-Math' J' [ 1 5 , 2 4 ,6 8 ] g60.Nakashima,K.Noteonsubordinotion'Mem'Fal'Sci'Eng'Wasedauniv. 16(1952),ll9-122' MR 14-549'Ul Rev. Fac. Sci. g61. Nazim, T. A. uL,r, arn Koebeschenverzerntngssatz. ' R 1 2 - 1 6 '[ 1 9 ] , 1 3 - 1 1 8M U n i v . I s t a n b u (l A ) l 5 ( 1 9 5 0 ) 1 vsleurs moyennesd'une foncrion 962. Neha ri, Z. Jni iroiri6t6' des 208(1939)'1785-1787'Zbl onalytique.C. {' Acad' Sc^' Paris
par les fonctions g53. Nehar\, z. sur la d\formation de la frontiire univalentesconvexes.C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris20g(1939)'781_783. M R 1 - 1 1 2 .[ 4 , 1 0 , 1 5 ,6 4 ] Schworzlemmo' Duke Math' J' 964. Nehar\, Z. A generalizctionof 37] l 4 i l g 4 7 ) , 1 0 3 5 - 1 0 4 9M. R 9 - 3 4 0 ' [ l ' l 9 ' born'eesdons g65. Neha,i, z. u* in6gatit6danslo ti'eoriedesfonctions 224(1941)'1093-1095'\IR un onnenu.C' R' Acad' Sci' Paris 8 - 5 0 8 .U 5 , 2 2 , 6 l ) o.l Qnol.t'ric g66. Nehari, z. Tn' 'itipric moclularfunction and o ^closs 69(19'{7)' Nlathof J. by Hurwitz. Amer. functions J'irstconsidered 70-86. MR 8-454. [59] certain Pro7erties of possessing 967. Nehari, Z. On anolyticfunctions (2) 50(1948),120-136'lvIR univalence'Proc' London Math' Soc. 9 - 5 ' 7 6 [. 1 , 1 9 , 2 2 , 4 5 ] 9 6 8 ' N e h a r i , Z . A n a l y t i c f u n c t i o n s p o s s e s s i n g a p o s i t i v e601 realporl.Duke
37 Math.l. rs0q4si,ioll-to+2'MR l0-29C'12'9' '
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Proc'Amer'Math'Soc' of univatence' nrt. '" " l{:,liri',21t'o^' criteria [4'311 MR 16-232' 700-704' itrgs4), and'lineardifferentialequaticns. functions 982. Nehar\, Z. Lj;ntivalent vu'iuUle'49-60'Univ' of Michigan ct*prt* u oi Fu;t;' of Lect. r 6 - 1 0 9 3[ '4 ' 3 l ] P r e s sn, n n e ' u o " t g s s 'M n n-iriy:r::, functions' Duke coefficien'ti ttie 7,.'o,t r\, Neha 983. [e' t'7'2s] MR"tl6-e16'
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in a muttiptv func't'ions of muttivatent Daig' Sect' A
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propertiesin matrix 1025. Ozaki. S.; Kashiwagi,S'; Tsuboi, T' Some ' sp(tce.Sci. Rep.tot
J. Reine und 1038. Peschl,E. Zur Theorieder schlichtenFunktionen. AngewandteMath.lT6(1936),61-94'Zbl16-35'16'17'24'29' 39,541 ttb' 1039. Peschl,E. ]ber die Bilder von S!':rn7ereiclrcnein uilgenieiner
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Abbldungkreisrdrmiger rheorie f1;l:%:;1" 1016. 9'lj:,"r"rmen FM 45-671'[31] P;it';; Rend':z(rqi+)' 34r-34" Bereiche.
analytischerFunktionen' beschriinkunrgen 1047.pick, G. Jil, ai' welchedurchvorgegebenepuntiioiswertebewirktwerden.Math. FM 46-4'74'l59l Ann. 7?(1916),'7-23' i"irrrrungssatz' Leipzig Ber' Koebesch.en aen pick, ul'ir G. 104g. 6 8 (1 9 1 6s8), 64'FM 46- 550'u5l l 0 4 g . P i c k , G . i o i r a i e k o n f o r r n i A b b i t d u n gGebiet' e m e s KWien' r e i s e s Ber' aufein b'eschranktes zugleich und schlichtes rv +e-ss3' 122'49ll 2'47-263' 126(1917), Leipzig t'o'to)i"n Abbildung' Ber' 1050.Pick, G' Zur schtichten 3-8' FM 55-789'{60l 81(1929), Ber' Sachs'Ges' Korbeschen'verzerrungssatz. den pick ,c.0i', 1051. 61' 681 Ma th . n o ( t%t) ,6l- 94' u5' .22' 1052.Pinnev.e,.A.onanoteofGalbraithandGreen.Bull.Amer. 10-39 .tt'l Math. sot' :+trq 48)' 527' MR ,Dokl' reelleFunktionenim Kreisring' typisch t)ber E' L' Pir, 1053' zbr's2-8t' (Russian) gztibijl, 6ss-7}2.
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** t7-33s'[591 +ii-qssl'1225-1252' witterrueie
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t t? i I
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Following is a list of twenty-two mathematicaljournals and paperson refer to schlichtfunctionswhich they contain. Numberswithin brackets ((A" indicate t1e main bibliography; numbers precededby the letter referencesto the SupplementaryDibliography' Acta Mathemoiiro,vol. l-113 (1882-1965)[18, 293, 508, 632, 648, 692, 840, 895, 945, I I 88, 1441,14801. American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 22-86 (1900-1964)[595' 5 9 8 , 5 9 g ,9 6 6 ,g 7 0 , 9 7 5 , 9 8 0 ,1 0 8 5, 1 1 4 2 ,1 1 4 6 , 1 2 5 01, 2 5 3 , 1 2 5 41, 2 7 2 , , 1 4 8 ,A 1 6 6 1 . 1 3 3 0 ,1 4 9 2 A Annals of Mathematics,vol. 8-81 (1906-1965, series2) 152,59, 215, 224,360,364,452,456,457,545,593,603,609, 614,615, 616,621,633, 1147,ll4g, 1150,1153,1156,1207,1262,1327' 534, 944, 1060,ll*, 1373,1476,A162l. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol ' 1- 19
(1957-1965) [205, 266,3M, 3461. 7-7 | Bultetin cf the American Mathematicol society, vol' ( 1 9 0 0 - 1 9 6t5o)t , s + ,8 8 ,1 6 6 ,1 g 1 , 2 7,72 7 8 ,3 3 3, 3 4 7, 4 2 9 , 4 4 65, 3 6 ,6 2 8 ' , 1 4'1 1 1 4 31' ,1 4 5 ' , , 1 4 01 6 3 5 ,7 5 0 ,8 6 9 ,8 7 7 , 8 7 gg, 7 l , g 7 7 , 1 0 5 21, 1 0 9 1 1 3 6 11 4 6 l ' 1 1 4,81 1 5 2 ,1 1 5 51, 1 6,8l l 7 l , l z 0 4 , 1 2 5 5 , 1 2 5 7 , 1 2 7193, 3 1 , ' 1 4 6 3A, 1 9 ,A 5 4 ,A 1 5 4 ,A 1 5 5 1 . [91, 169, vol. I -17(1949-1965) CanadianJournalof Mathemotics, 1 7 2M , , 6 2 6 , 1 1 5 81. 1 6,1l 2 l 4 l . [l 1, 90' 92, 103, . l-?2 (1935-1965) Journal,,u'ol DukeMathematical , 1 0 l,l 1 , 1 6 l , 2 | 9 , 2 4 8 , 3 0,13 2 0 , 3 2 9 , 3 3 6 , 3 5 8 , 3 8 0 , , 091 , 081 1041 , 0 51 1 1 2 0l'l 5 l ' 5 2 g , 5 3 16,M , 7 5 5 , 8 7 5g,0 4 , , 9 l l9, 6 4 , 9 6 8 , 9 8130, 3 41, 1 0 7 , 1243,1249, 1154,1159,1170, 1209,1210,1212,1223,1233,1234,1236, 1274-1362,1433,1473,A.9l, A92,Al57l. 1620,622, Illinois Journaloj Mathematics,vol. l-9 (1957-1965) 753,1478,A48,A611. Pureset Appliqu'es, vol' 2-44 (1923Journal de Mathematiques 1965)[366,941,1443]Mathematik(formerlycrelle "Iournslfilr die reineund angewandte 1424'1425'142'6],' [581,1038,1416, vol.122-217(1900-1965) Jorrrnal), qnd Apptications,vol' l-11 ,Iournal of MathematicalAnalysis ( 1 9 6 C - 1 9 6l M 5 )9 , l 2 8 l l . sociery,vol.l-40 (1926-1965) of Journal theLondonMathematiccl 519' g 5, 3, 1 6 ,3 2 5 , 3 2 6 , 3 3' 374 0 ' , 4 8 9 ' , [ 8 5 ,I 1 3 , 2 1 1 , 2 1 6 , 2 1 7 , ? , 2 8 ,32M 974',1035' 521,522,5g4,608,612,662,663,6&, i54,817, 865' 892' , A26,A33' A42,A51' 1041,1073,1089,1102,1103,1186,1323,1335 A 8 5 ,A 9 8 1 . 194,116, 123' Annalen,vol. 53-158(1900-1965) Mothematische , 0 9 '1 0 3 7 ' 1 7 3 , 1 7 4 , 1 8158, ,71 8 9 ,! g 1, ) 2 3 , 2 g 4 , 4 8 34, 8 7, 5 4 1 , 6 9 08, 8 2 9 1040,1M7,1059,1080,1088,1278,1333,1360,14441' 120,62, ll8, 162' zeitschrift,vol. 1-88(1930-1965) Mothematische 53',2' 486' 523',528', 45),485, 300,302,?03,-324,341,342, 153,274,280, 893',916',919', 549,666,659,693,694,8M,809,810,812,8M,845,881' 1 3 5 , 1 3 61, t 7 7 ,1 1 8 0l,l 8 i , 1 3 4 0 , '31 3 5 41' ' 3 5 9 ' 9 4 8 ,1 0 4 31, 0 7 11, 1 3 4 1 1417,1436,1438 , 1439,1467,A1141' 1233,255' vol. l-12 (1952-1965) of Matheniatics, Journat Michigan i012', 1070' 1068, 1067, 1066 9g4, , 629,656,657 ,859, 872,888,914, t 0 7 4 , 1 1 0 6l ,l , l 2 , 1 1 6 7A, l l , A 3 4 ,A 8 l , A 9 6 ,A l 1 6 , A 1 2 6 1 ' 3!5' Pacific Journa!of Mathematics,vol. l-14 (195l-1964) [279' 1300', 5 5 1 ,7 5 2 , E 7 6 , 9 1150, 6 3 , 1 0 7I61.0 4 ,I I 1 7 , 1 1 2 2 , 1 1 6 I21, 5 3' 1 2 6 9 ' 1 3 0 7A, l 4 9 J . vol' I-16 Proceedingsof the American Mathematicalsociety,
271'288',335',432',433'434',437', U57,160,17l,l81' 264', (i950-1965) M 3 , 4 9 2 , 5 0 9 , 5 3 0 , 5 5glz,gsr 2 , 5 5 3 , 5 8 0 , 5 g 6986', ' , 5 g1118' 7 ' , 6 1119', 0 1 ' , 6ll57 0 2 ' ', 6ltf!y''', 07',815',873',889' ' 984'985', g90,891, 913,gl'l,918, 1427 ', 1435', 1423', 1403' 1414', 1398', 1257,1276', 1175,12i1,1265,1266, All8' Al3ll' 1 + l t , ' , 4 7 2\,4 7 7 , 1 4 7 9A,3 o , society'vol' 1-54series2 of theLondonMathen;ot'ical Praceedings 495', 3 s ( 1 9 5 1 - 1 9 6 [53)3 4 ,3 3 8 ,3 3 9 , 4 9 0 ' ( 1 g 0 3 - l g 5 l xr i o r .i - r 5 , s e r i eg6i 1309',1325', ', 1248', 1075',1187',1247 4g7 ,5M, 512,665,846,862, ',
'"'9\nuarterlv.lournal oJtv\t!t".t:'.i::'":t:',-.to;liltlli"li33 ,i?tJJt 2 (1950(rqlo-1949);vol. l-16, oxtord series
vol. I -z0,oxfordseriesr 1965)tl95, 196,3l'l, 494,498,8631' vol. 1-6 (1900-i965)[81' 179'831' SovietMathernatics-Doktady, t l 1 4 ,A 1 2 0 1 . society,vol. l-l18 of the AmericanMathematicar Trsnsactions ( 1 9 0 0 - 1 9 6 5 ) u 0 , 8 9 , 9 3 , 2 ? ! ' 2 4 g ' 2 g g ' , 3 1610', 8 ' 3 56ll' 7 ' , 3613', 6 1 '617 4 2',8624', ',431',435',436' 606', 5g2',605; 57g' 438, 43g,440,411,445,451" g 7 3 ,g 7 g '1 0 1 3 i' 1 , 6 0 ' 1 1 6 5 1' ,1 5 '5, l l 7 2 ' 1 1 7 4 ' , 6 2 5 , 6 3 0E, l 4 , 8 7 8 ,8 8 7 , 1468' nzl' 1322'1332'1415' 1464'1466', 1280,1282:, 1206,1215,12',73, A52,A551. society,vol. 1-31' of the ArnericanNtathematicar Traitsrstions 426'826'828'A88]' [371' 3'73'375'376'423' 2 (1955-1963) series
Following is a list of publicaticns which are devotedwholly or in part to a general survey of the development of the theory of univalent and p-valent functions. Nunrbersin bracketsrefer to the main bibliography. Numbers precededby the ieiter "A" refer te the SupplementaryBibliography. An asteriskindicatesa particularly comprehensivesource. 1.239 (Chapter8); lj00 (pp. 198-212);86abp. 163-185,205-226\; 1 2 5( p p . 7 i - 8 3 ) ; 1 0 6 4( v o l . 2 , C h a p t e r2 1 ; 4 0 3 * ;l 3 3 l * ; 1 2 4 0 * ; l M ; 9 7 8( C h a p t e r5 ) ; t 2 4 l ; 1 2 6 ( C h a p t e r5 ) ; s 1 4 ;5 l i * ; 6 1 8 * ; 5 3 7 (vol. 2, Chapters17, l8); 1305 4ll; 886; 939; A24; A5l; Al15; Ai63 (Chapter6)l
closely topics dearing directly with or Following is a list of sixty-eight p-valent functions. Following each relatedto the thecry cf univJint urro resurtspertainingto that topic' topic is a list of referenceswhich contain numbcrs refer to the rnain bibliography; Numbers v,,ithin brackets (. A' ' refer to the SupprementaryBibriography' The precededby the letter . . . , T68 for purposesof referencc' topics are numberedTl, T2, ff, a containsso many referencesthat Topic Tl5 (Distortion Theorems) T65' T64' T56, T58' T61'-T63' breakdownof T15 is given iV fopics of ropic T17 (coefficient T66, T67 and T6g. Similarlvi u bieakdown T54' T36, T38, T50, T51, T52' and Bounds)is givenby T21,Ti5"T30, conT44 (Sur'ey Articles) should be The referencesgiven under iopi. the other topics. sulted in connectio' with any of
T l . The Principle of Subordination. u , 35, 43,87, 100,102, 111, 130,132, 134,139,140, 212,231,320, 3 6 7 ,3 8 2 ,3 9 2 ,4 1 4 ,4 1 7 ,4 2 0 ,M 3 , M 6 , 5 0 3 ,5 9 8 ,6 0 5 ,6 l l , 6 7 7 , 6 8 5 , , &, 7 4 3 , 8 0 2 8, 3 6 ,8 3 8 ,8 5 5 ,8 5 6 ,8 6 3 ,8 7 0 ,8 8 7 ,9 1 0 ,9 5 3 ,9 5 6 , 9 6 0 9 9 6 7 , 1 0 6 8 ,1 0 7 1 ,1 0 7 2 ,1 0 8 8 ,l l l 7 , 1 1 4 4 ,1 1 6 3 ,1 1 6 5 ,1 1 7 4 ,1 1 7 9 , l l 8 l , 1 1 8 5 ,1 1 8 6 ,1 1 8 7 ,l 2 M , 1 2 7 8 ,1 2 9 0 ,1 2 9 1 ,1 2 9 3 ,1 3 1 9 ,1 3 4 1 , , 14, A15, A126, Al28l 1 3 6 6 , 1 3 8 2 , 1 4 7 71,4 8 0 ,1 4 9 4 A -F^
Functians af Posiiive Real Part. 14,34, 46, 60, 108,186,196,226,233,268,272,315,350,380, 412, 426,456,519, 526,528,530, 577,703,7 17,7 18,7 19,720,721,887, , 8 8 ,9 9 6 ,1 0 0 0 ,1 0 4 1 ,1 0 9 9 ,1 1 0 5 , 8 8 9 ,8 9 0 ,8 9 1 ,9 1 3 ,9 6 8 ,9 7 4 , 9 8 5 9 1 1 4 0 ,1 1 4 2 ,1 1 4 4 ,1 1 4 7 ,1 1 5 1 ,1 1 5 4 ,1 1 6 6 ,1 1 6 7 , 1 1 7 71, 1 7 8 ,1 1 8 0 , 1 1 8 1 ,1 1 8 7 , l 4 M , 1 4 1 7 ,1 4 7 7 , , 1 2 1 3 ,1 2 7 8 ,1 3 2 0 ,1 3 4 0 ,1 3 6 1 ,1 4 0 1 , 5161 , 5 1 8 , 1 5 2 4A,l , A 3 1 , A 3 3 , A 7 l , A 7 2 , A 7 3 ,A 7 8 , 1 / 8 5 ,1 5 0 4 1 A91, A92, A94, A126, Al27, Al39l
T 3 . Integral Means. 1 7 9 8 6 , 8 8 , 1 3 5 ,1 3 9 ,1 4 5 ,1 4 7 , 1 4 8 ,1 5 2 ,l E l , 1 8 4 ,1 9 6 , 2 3 0 , 2 9 4 30rJ,305,328,337,338,339,378,407,409,410,413,417,423,489, 4 9 0 ,4 9 5 ,4 9 8 ,5 1l , 5 1 9 ,7 4 7 ,7 4 8 ,7 4 9 ,7 ) 2 , 8 3 1 ,8 3 2 ,8 3 3 ,8 3 4 ,8 3 5 , 8 4 6 , 8 6 2 , 8 9 4 ,9 0 1 , 9 5 2 , 9 5 3 , 9 5 4 , 1 0 6 9 ,1 0 7 1 ,1 0 7 2 ,1 0 8 2 ,l l l 7 , 1 1 1 8 ,1 1 4 3 ,l l 4 r ' , 1 1 4 6 ,1 1 5 0 ,1 1 5 1 , 1 1 7 1 ,1 1 8 6 ,1 1 8 7 ,1 2 7 8 ,1 2 8 0 ' 1300,1322,1323,1325,1335,1338,1356,1391, 1425,1471,477, A1171 T4. Sufficient Conditions fcr Uuivalency (p-valency). 1 2 2 ,2 3 , 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6 , 5 2 ,7 7 , 1 0 8 ,i 2 l , 1 5 1 ,l 7 l , 1 7 2 ,1 7 5 ,1 7 6 ,1 7 9 , 18C,I 82, 183,205, 2ll, 217,227,211,255,259,289,295,296,297' 3 2 7 ,J 3 5 , 3 3 6 , 3 5 0 ,3 5 4 , 4 2 1 , 4 2 4+, 2 8 , 4 3 74, 8 5 , 4 9 2 , 4 9 3 , 5 0 05,3 0 , 5 4 2 ,5 5 4 ,6 5 2 , 6 5 56, 5 6 ,6 6 8 ,6 7 2 ,6 7 4 , 6 8 7, 7 1 9 , 7 4 3 , 7 4 6 , 8 4 88, 5 0 , 38 , 7 ,8 9 0 ,8 9 1 ,9 1 1 ,9 1 2 , 9 1 7 , 9 1 89,2 5 , 9 4 0 , 8 5 9 ,8 7 4 , 8 7 6 , 8 7 7 , 8 8 8 9 6 3 , 9 7 1 , 9 8 1 9, 8 2 ,9 8 4 , 9 9 7 ,1 0 0 1 ,1 0 0 6 ,1 0 0 7 ,1 0 1 0 ,1 0 1 1 ,1 0 1 9 ' 1020, 1021,1023,1025,1027.1029,1036,1058,1063,1071,10'72, 1 0 9 0 ,1 0 9 4 ,1 0 9 5 ,1 1 0 5 ,1 1 0 6 ,1 1 0 7 ,1 1 0 8 ,l l l 0 , 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 2 ,l l i , . 4 , l l # , i 1 4 5 , 1 1 5 6 ,1 1 6 0 ,1 1 6 2 ,1 1 6 6 ,1 1 7 6 ,1 2 1 8 ,1 2 2 0 ,1 2 2 2 ,1 2 3 1 , 1266,1267, 1273,t286, 1301,1310, l3l7 , 1337,1338, 1362,1365' i367, 1371,1372,1398,1399, 1412,1428,1429,1432,1434,1435, 1485, l4gl, 149't,1508,1509,l.slO, 1519, 152A,1522,1523,Al0,
A30,A35,A31A38,A80'A81',A90'A91',A93',A100',A117' A140',A1431 A12l Al ze, ttz7, A133'A135', (and generalizations)' T5. Ciose-toConvexFunciicns 11 | 28,9 7 ' 8 9 8 ' 9 2 2 ' 1 1 2 9 , 2 8 2 , b 5 6 , 6 8 7 , 7 6 5 ' 17 16 06 5' 81, 5110'681,5140' 8715, 19 0' 8881, 71'1809|,6 1 0 0 51, 0 0 71, 0 7| , | 0 7 2 ,| 0 7 5 , 1131,1132-1218,1352,1435'15]-0',1520'1522',t523',A33',A78' A9l,Ag2,A93,Al04,A117'A123',A127',A135',A140',A1431 generalizations)' T6. StarlikeFunctions(and 92',97',98', 52' 55' 60'-7.1',80',8l' 82'-8]',90', 34, 32, l' 3 28,30, 23, 14, 99,108,109,111,119,'128''tlz'134'137',142',156',157'216'21'l' 235,242,243,247,255,258'260',261^',274',282',257'',301',336',352', 430',43r',433',43'!'437'442'4r'5', 426'', 4l'7,izz' 4C0, 385, 381, 353, 673' 659'66r'663'665'
481,500,5i9,55r,ssz',s;,;sr{, 91?:,6s3, 846'853',856' 731', 733', 1??',723', lg', 1 16" 8"1 67 67'1, 6, 6'.7 5, 6i 4, 67 932',934',952', 909',gl7',91-8',
9O8; 888,889,890,891,895, 89;'898;ggg:1000', 1004'1005' 1001',J003' gge'998', 953,956,985,986,990; 1 0 2 1 , 1 0 2 2 , 1 0 3 8 , 1 0 4 2 , 1 0 6 3 ' 1 0 1 : ^I 1 - '0, 170'1,' 1 7 02'8',,11102743l' l',,4120' 7 5 ' , 1 0 ? 6 " ' 0 7 9 ' , 0 9 ; ;1 0 9 5 r' r 9 l ' , i 1 0 6 ' 1 0 8 3 1, 0 9 01, 0 9 1 1 1 1 6 41' ,1 6 6 1' ,1 6 71' ,1 7 5 ' , 1 ,1 5 41, 1 5 61; 1 5 91; 1 6 91' 1 6 3 ' , 1144,1153 1 1 8 7 , 1 2 0 9 , | 2 | 2 , | 2 | 4 , , | 2 | 5 . , | 2 | 7 , | 21360', | 8 , 1 2 1 9 , | 2 2 1 , | 2 3 1',l , | 2 6 5 , 1352',', 1365'1366'1367 1319', 1339' 1311" 1278, , 1266,1267 1 3 7 0 , 1 3 7 4 , 1 3 9 8 , 1 4 1 4 ' 1 4 2 6 ' t 4 2 7 ' 114520 961 ',,5104731,75' ,11841,3581' 9 , 1' m 0 ' , 1 4 / l l 9 ' , 1505' t s o + , r s o l , 1 5 0 i , t 4 g g , t4g4, 1495, A35' A37'A38' A45', A26',A3'2', 1524,A2, A4,All, iiz' eis ' A98',A102', A86', l 2 l ' A87',491', A92',-A93', A l 3 5 ' A41A48,A71, A78,-Ati'' A , 13l' A133, A 1 2 6 'A 1 2 7A A 1 0 4 ,A 1 0 6A 1 1 7 ,A i 2 0 , A 1 3 8 ,A 1 4 1 ,A 1 6 8 l
InvolvingArc-Length' T7. Relations 720' [ 2 , 8 0 , 8 1 , 8 2 , 8 6 , 8 8 ' 1 4 5 eoie', ' 1 5 2 ' 1 9 4664', ' 2 g665',700' 4'3N:37 4 17'718' 1'346'3 50'366' -;02'oiz' en' 545,610, 9Ui', 444,519, ', 1072'1073',1075' ',796, 909',g32',i062',1071 B2O'887, 767 , ' ,l l ' , ' , 5 1 7A 1 4 1 01 ' , 4 3 5 1' ,4 8 7 1 , 1 4 ,61 2 3 0 ' t 2 5 3 ' 1 1 j 4 7 ' , 1 1 3 01 , 1 4 31 A131',Al4U A25,A33, A40, A88' Ag4'A96', I - la" ll' T8. Boundsfo, l\on+t A94] 521'1075',1368', [56, I 46, 149,l5A,24l'
T9. Meromorphicunivalent(p-valent)Functions. ' 09' 1 4 ! ,1 5 5 ,1 7 6 '1 8 3 2 [ 3 , 5 , 3 6 ,7 3 ,7 4 , 7 5 , 7 6 , 8 18, 2 , 1 1 6 ,I 1 7 , 372, 368, 363,364, 2|5, 2|6, 234,235,264,277,230,285,307,335, 4 1 8 '4 2 6 ' 3 8 1 ,3 8 3 ,3 8 7 ,3 9 0 ,3 g 3 , 3 9 53, 9 7, 4 0 0 ,4 0 4 ,4 0 7, 4 0 8 ,4 1 6 ' 595',601', 579; 482,485,492,507,508,54y', 434,436,452,455,481, 625,629,682,697,705,709,7|2, 7|5, 72|, 722,73|, 6|9, 623,624., 80 04 7 ,,8 5 9 ,8 6 6 ,8 8 1 ,8 8 8 ,9 2 1 ' 9 2 4 ' , 9 2 5 ' , 732,734,741,7R2,7g1,8 1020,1071,1072,1076' g7g,983, 935,986,987,996,1009, 951,971, , 1 2 8l,L & , i i 6 6 , 1 1 6 71, 1 7 6l,l i g , l l 8 4 ' 1 0 7 81, 0 8 31, 1 1 31, 1 2 5 1 1255' 1189,1214,1215,l2lg, 1228,1246,1249,1250,1253,1254, 1 1 3 3 3 , 390, 1 3 3 2 , 1 ,3 0 4 1, 3 0 6 1, 3 1 3 i,3 1 6 , 1 2 5 9t,2 8 3 ,1 3 0 2 , 1 3 0 3 1490, 1392,1397,1414,1416,1434,1451,1452,1459,1476,1481, 1518' ' l 5 l 7 1 5 1 4 , l 4 g l , 1 4 9 9 , 1 5 0 2 , 1 5 0135,0 41, 5 0 51, 5 0 61, 5 1 3 , A4, A30,A35,A50,A59,A60, A62,A89, A92,A101,A106'A107', , 1 2 2 ,A 1 4 64, 1 5 9 1 A 1 1 7 ,A 1 1 9 ,A 1 2 0 A (andgeneralizations) T10. ConvexFunctio,,ns 8 2 ,8 7 ,9 0 , 1 0 8 '1 0 9 '1 1 1 ' 1 2 , 4 , 2 3 , 2 8 , 2 9 , 3 1 , 3 4 , 5 2 , 68 30 ,,8 1 , 262,274, 295,296, l 18, 132,|34, |42, l 89,2|7, 243,247,255,,261r, , 3 3 ,4 3 7 ' , 8 3 ,4 1 2 ,4 3 0 ,4 3 1 4 3 0 1 ,3 3 5 ;n 6 : , 3 3 g3, 3 g J, 4 g , 3 5 53,9 1 3 660' M3, 4/t5,453,454,4g2,546,550,552,564,570,636,642,659, 73l-, 7 )5, 723, 722, 7 |9, 66!, 663,673,674,675, 676,677,703,7|6, 8 , 90, 91' , 8 7 ,8 8 8 ,8 8 9 8 7 5 : ^ , 7 6 : r , 7 6 2 ,,786476 , 8 5 98, 7 0 ,8 8 1 ,8 8 4 8 , lo32' 956.953,988,997,1cc5 909,g4l, g52,953, 896,8g7,898, 1091' 1 0 3 31, 0 3,71 0 4 2 , 1 0 6 31,0 7 01, 0 7,11 0 7 3 ,1 0 8 31, 0 8 81, 0 9 0 , 1 0 9 51, 1 0 11, 1 0,7l l 2 g , 1 1 4 2 ,l l 4 r ' ' , l 1 6 01, 1 6 31, 1 6 61, 1 8 7 , 1 2 0 9 ' , 1299' 1217,!21g, 1222,12-2g,1231,1265,1267,1278,1289,1292, 1438' 13t7,I 340,I 341,I 365, 1366,I 3?0,1412,1429,1434,\437, 1524', 1523, 1459,1477,148l, 1494,1515,1517, 1518,1519,1520, A93' Al, Al 5, A26,A35,A3?,A38, A65, A67' A71,A9l ' A92' A134', A126' Ag4,A95, A98, A107,A108,A117,A120,Al23' A137A , 1 4 1 ,A 1 4 3, A l M , A 1 5 8 ,A 1 6 4 l Tl I . RaCiiof Starlikeness. 368,369,381'396'48i.'500'502'673'675' [28,i 73,'ti4,742,243. 889,890,891,89?'908'909',914', 676,677,682,747,748,74g,854, 1370, 915,g,28,g34,g75,ggg,|042,1090,L2|7,|2|9, |267,|367, A l 3 8 i , 4 8 ,4 6 3 , A 7 7 ,A 9 4 ,A 1 0 4 ,A l z T ' i 3 9 S ,A 3 2 , A 4 1A T12. Radii of ConvexitY.
128,29,31,173,174,241368,502,673,676,677,747'765',848', , 8 9 ,8 9 0 ,8 9 1 ,8 9 7 , 9 | 4 , 9 1 59,2 8 , 9 5 2 , 9 7 0 , 9 7 5 , 9 8 9 , 8 4 g , 8 5 08,8 7 8 g g 7 , 1 0 0 61,0 9 0 ,l c g z ,l l 3 l , 1 1 6 6 ,1 1 6 7 , 1 2 1 7 , 1 2 1 9 , 1 212296, 5 , Aii7. | 2 6 6 ,| 3 7 0 ,| 3 7 5 ,| 4 2 8 , A 3 2 ,A 4 7 ,A 9 1 r ,A 9 2 ,A 9 4 ,A 1 0 4 , Ar27l Functions T13. TypicallY-Real 1 6 8 |,6 9 , 1 7 03. 3 5 , 3 - | 2 , [ 4 ,5 , 4 6 . 5 55, 7 ,5 8 ,6 0 ,1 0 9 l, l 1 , 1 3 | ,| 6 ' 1 , 416.422,426,427,432,436,445,580, 607,526,629' 371, 375, 41,3, 7 L 5 .7 5 : ^ , 8 M8, 5 8 ,9 0 1 ,9 1 3 ,9 5 3 ,9 9 5 ,| 0 2 2 ,1 0 3t , 1 0 5 3 1, 1 2 0 , 1 1 2 11 1 4 0 ,1 1 4 2l,l # ' , l l 4 7, 1 1 4 91, 1 5 2I, i 5 5 , 1 1 5 6I, t 5 7 ,I 1 5 8 , 1159,1160,||62,1|77,1i80,|2t2,i337,|427,|43|,|476,A|, A7, A4l, A68, A73,A87,A9ll T 14. p-valentFunctions [ 3 , 3 6 , 4 5 , 4 8 , 8 9 , 9 0 , 9 2 , 1 3 5 , 1 3 5 , 1 4 0 , 1 4 1 , | M ' 1 4 6 '3 157'197', , 48, 53, 2 0 8 ,2 4 2 , 2 4 6 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 8 , 2 6 | , 2 8 2 , 32 08 58 ,,3 2 5 , 3 3 03,3 6 3 428,430,43|,438, 3E9,396,406,410, 373,376,388, 356,367,368, 678,679, 507,508,5|2, 574,575, 576,6|4, 644,668, 44I, 445,505, 8 7 7 6 8 0 ,6 8 1 ,6 8 2 , 6 8 36,8 4 ,6 8 5 ,6 9 8 ,7 3 7, 7 5 9 , 7 6 0 , 8 1 6 , , 8 7 9 , 9 2 3 , g25,94]^,g42,,955, 1001'1003,1004,1006,1019,1020,|02|, |022, 1159, 1 0 2 3 , 1 0 2 4 , 1 016190, 11, 1 4 81, 1 5 01, 1 5 11, 1 5 31, 1 5 41, 1 5 8 , 1428, 1210,1215,l2lg, 1220,1221,1231,1250,t371,1372,1427, Al36l Al34' 1429,1434,1435,l49g' 1500,A37,A38,A45, T 15. Distortion Theorems , 8 , 4 9 ,6 1 ,& , 6 5 , 6 8 , 7 0 , 7 1 , 7 2 , 7 6 , 9121' 8 l' 2 l ' [ 4 ,5 , 3 9 , 4 0 ,4 1 4 , 5 6 |, 5 7 , 1 7 0l,9 ! . ,| 9 7 , 2 0 9 , 2 3 1 , 2 3 4 , 2 4 2 , l 3 l , | 4 | , | 4 2 , 1 4 8 1, 5 5 1 28]l,282,306, 246,247 , 255, 256,257, 258,25g,260,261,262,263, ' , 8 7' , ' ' 8 5 3' 8 6 3 3 2 5 , 3 5 3 ; 3 5 5 , 3 35 6 6, , 3 6 7 , 3 6 9 , 3 7 5 , 3 7 6 ,3388313 4a4,407 ,408,412, 396,397 ,399,400, 3gg,3gg;3g0,3g2,3g4,3g5, 455', 413,4r5,416,418,42'6,427,431,,434,435,436,453'454', 557 5M, 532, ,558, 505,507,519, 474,481,482,484,500, 460,46:^, 627, 626, 62|, 599,605, 595, 591, 590, 559,560,570,573,577,585, 709', 698', 697 687' 684, ' 677 ,679,680,682,683, 641,644,659,661, 7 6l' 7 7 lL,7n:, 7rc:,7 23,7 24,7 25,7 33,737,7 42,749,758'759' 60' 833'834'835',846', 808,826,828, 7g3,804, 762,763,764,766,788, gg0, g5g,g67,970, 881,882,884,887,892,896, g4g,g50;g52,g53, 953,959,963,965' 908,909,916,921,932,g4O,943,951, 8g7,906; 1071', 989,1006,1008,1030,t032,lM3, 1048,1051,1053,1057,
1072,1073,1076,1083,1095 , 1097,1098,I l0l , 1102,1103,I108, 51 05 , 11, 1 5 4 , 1 1 4 3 , l l 4 / ,1 1 4 61, 1 4 7 , 1 1 4 9 , 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 , 1 1 2 01, 1 2 5 , 1 ,1 8 91, l 9 l, 1 2 1 9 , 1 2 2 2l ,z M , 1 2 5 5 , 1 2 6 61 ,2 6 7 , 1 1 7 21, 1 7 3 , 1 1 7 5 1 2 8 01, 2 8,81 2 9 9 , 1 3 0 81,3 1 31, 3 1 61, 3 2 0 , 1 3 2 7 , 1 3 31 23 ,3 31, 3 4 0 , 69 , 7 ,1 4 1 6 1, 4 2 5 , 1 3 4 71, 3 4 8 , 1 3 7 4 , 1 3 7153,9 01, 3 9 2 , 1 3 9 5 , 1 3 9t 3 1499, r4r'/J,1456,1463,1481,1494,1496, 1426,1427,1435,1439, A 3 8 , A4l, 75 , , A 6 , A 2 5 ,A 3 l , A 3 5 , A 3 7 , 1 5 0 01, 5 1 01, 5 1 3 , 1 5 1A , 1 3 8 ,A 1 4 6 , A 6 5 , A 6 7 ,A 7 l , A 7 8 , A 7 9 ,A 9 4 ,A 1 1 7 ,A l 2 l , A 1 3 0A Ai59j Problems,OpenQuestions. Tlb. Conjecttlres, , ,333' 1 3 , 2 4l,l 0 , 1 3 8 ,1 4 6 ,l 5 l , 1 5 2 ,1 6 l , 1 7 2 ,1 8 4 , 2 7 8 , 3 031M 467, 512, 5I 6' 441, 445, 438, 432, 428, 431, 392, 339,346,360,364, 5I 8, 5I 9, 523,595,598,614,629,639,640,642,643,645,673, 674, , 51, , 3 4 ,8 3 5 ,8 4 9 8 , 6 7 , 7 8 17, 9 1 ,8 1 2 8 , 4 97 , 367 6825 , 8 47, 1 4 ,7 1 3 7 1055, 1063, 986,1035, 855,863,869,903,906,934,946,952,984, 1 1 8 6 , l z l D1, 2 1 4 , 1 3 0 16 3, 1 2 , 1 1 6 7 1 , 1 6 9 , 1 l 4 l 1131, ,11M,1159, 1346,1390,1410,1412,1425,1426, 1327,1329,1332, 1325,1326, 1433,1477,1490,1504,l5l5 , 1522,A7 , A25, A32,A33, A80, A106,Al40i Tl7 . CoefficientBounds [ 3 , 5, 3 2 , 3 7 ,4 5 ,4 8 , 5 5 5, 6 ,6 7 , 6 9 , 7 0 , 7 2 , 7 59, 2 ,i 0 3 , 1 0 7 ,l l 7 , , 0 5 , 2 0 6 , 2 0 i , 2 0281, 5 , 2 1 6 , 1 2 3 , 1 3 51,3 8 , 1 4 71,5 0 ,1 7 0 , 1 8 41,9 4 2 217,226,235,241,242,255, 256,257,259,261,263,264,269,27l, 271,294,304,305,328,329,349,355,363,364,365,370,372,374, 375, 376, 37g, 388,389,393.J94,396,407,408,dog,412,413,421, 428,430,431,432,415,436,M5, 493,505,509,5I 1, 512,5I 9, 521, , 8 6 ,5 8 7 5 , 01' , 996 5 5 2 , 5 5 4 , 5 6 2 , 5 6566,7 , 5 6 85,7 6 , 5 7 7 , 5 8508, 3 5 605,6I 0, tiI 9, 623,624,625,529,638, 639,640,645,65I . 651,660, 686,68'/,7C5,709,7 14,715,727,728, 661,677,679,682,684,685, , 9 5 , 8 M ,8 1 2 , 8 3 3 ' , 4 97, 5 5 , 7 8 87, 8 9 , 7 9 07,9 3 7 , 417 , 427 7377 , 407 868,870,882,883' 866, 865, 863, 859, 834,835,842,843,844,846, 983,984, 901,906,w7,924,925,957,958, 884,887,888,892,898, 1022, 1020, 1019, 1018, 1009, 996, 995, 985,986,987,989,990, 1030,1038,1069,l07l ,1072,1073,i075,1076,l08l' lo'23,1a24, 1 0 9 7 , 1 0 9l8l 0, l , 1 1 0 51, 1 0 61, 1 0 71, 1 0 8l,l 2 9 , l 1 3 l , 1 1 3 2 ,l l 4 0 ' ' , 1 4 61, 1 4 71, 1 4 8 , 1 1 4 9 , 1 1 5l 105, l, 1 1 5 2 , I l 4 l , 1 1 4 2 ,1 1 4 3 , l l 4 y 1 1 1 1 5 9 , 1 8 61, 1 8 7 ,1 1 8 91, 1 9 0 ,1 1 9 21,1 9 3, 1 1 9 4 , 1 1 5 8 , 1 1 5 41, 1 5 5 , 1213,1214, 1201,12A3,l2l2, 1195,1196,1197,1198,1199,120C,,
lzw, 1246,1249,1250,1259,1267, 1215,l2lg, 1222,1233,123^., | 3 2 9 ,| 3 3 2 , | 2 8 4 ,| 2 g 3 ,| 2 9 6 , 1 3 0 81,3 0,9! 3 | 7 , | 3 2 2 ,\ 3 2 5 ,| 3 2 7 , , 7 7 ,l 3 8 l ' 1 3 8 21' 3 9 2 ' 1 3 3 31, 3 3 g1, 3 4 0 ;r 3 4 g , 1 3 6, 1g3 7 4 , 1 3 7 5t 3 1 4 3 5l'M 8 ' i 3 9 4 ,1 3 9,5 i 4 l z ' .l 4 ' / 5 , 1 4 2 6 , 1 4 2 17 4, 3 01, 4 3 11, 4 3'3 i499, | 4 4 9 , 1 4 5 01,4 5,1| 4 5 2 ,| 4 5 3 ,1 4 5 4 , 1 4,5|54 6 3 ,| 4 7 9 , 1 4 9 0 , A58', 1504,1506,1509,1513,1514,A4,A7' A25'A46', 1502,1503, A65,A86,Ag2,Ag4,Al0l,A106,A11i'A117'A119',A135' A 1 3 8 ,A 1 4 0 ,A 1 4 6 1 T18. RelaiionsinvolvingArea' 23L, 236,237, 250,277, 285, 350, 12,75,97, 137, 152,184,217' 7 2 0 , 7 5 87, 6 7 ,8 8 7 ' 417,429,435, 444,452, 496,6 8 7 ,7 1 7 . 7 1 8 , 1463,1487,A5, A6, l 0 ? 3, 1 0 7 6 ,l l l 7 , 1 1 8 9 ,1 2 8 0 '1324,1325, A l l , A 3 3, A 9 4 ,A 9 6 ,A l 3 l l T19. CoveringTheorems'
[ 3 , 1 0 , 2 0 , 3 9 , 5 3 , 7 3 , 7 4 , 7 5 , 7 9 , 9 7 , 9 8 , 9 92'3140' 0 1 '0,'3 ' l0 l 67' 1 2 0 ' , , 2' 17 00 1 ' 2' 1 71 , 9 32' 1 8 ' 1 2 2 , 1 2 4 , 1 3 7 , 1 3 g , 114401, , 1 5 81,8 4 1 309,310,348,360,384,3gr,3g3,4M,406'429'M4',4y';6',452',468', 598',614',621', 550', 524'538' 507,509, 493,505, 470,471,479,488, 6 2 7 , 6 4 2 , 6 4 7 , 6 8 5 , 7 0 5 , 7 0 9 , 7 6 1 , 7 6 2 , 7 5 8 ' 7 ' . 7 2 ' , 7893' 74',801',8M',8C7' 887',892', 881', 877 868' ', 852,853, 849, 846, 822,830, 810,813, 9 1 6 , g 3 3 , g 3 7 ' g 4 g , 9 5 1 , 9 6 1 , 9 6 4 , 9 6 7 ' 9 8 4 ' 1 0 1 1 ' 1102?1' ,04,' , 1 0 8 5 ' , 1 1 1 9 ' 1 1 8 71, 1 8 9 , | | 2 3 , 1 1 2 81, 1 5 41, 1 6 81, 1 7 c|,| 7 g , 1 1 8 41, 1 8 6 , 1319', 1289'l2g2' 1293'1295', 1277,1276;,1280, 1216,1265,1266, 1421', ' l4l8' 1419',1420', 1340;1358 ,1402, 1407 1324,1326,1327, A25' 1515' 1483' 1423,1424,1437,l#,g:,1462,1463,1467,1474, A36,A39,A83,A86,A91,Ag4,A95,A98'A99',A1021 T20. Partisl Sums,CesdroSums' 1 2 5 , 1 1 1 , 2 7 4 , 2 g 3 , 2 g 5 , 2 9 6 , 3 0 1 , 3 5 0 ' 355915''63, 357'4,6' 43182'6,'4513'2, ' 5 5 7 ' , 5 5 8 ' 5 5 9 , 5 6 0 , 5 6 1 , 5 6 4 , 556657, , 5 6 85,7 0 , 5 7 2 ' 5 7 5 ' , 6 5 3 , 6 7 2 , 6 7 3 , 6 7 5 , 6 7 6 , 6 7 7 , 7 3 3 , 7 g 1 ' 8 8 3 ' 8 8 7 ' , 9 2| |27' 7 , 9, 5 4 ' , 9 9 8 ' , 1 1 5 6|,| 6 2 , 1 0 0 51, 0 9 51, 0 9 91, 1 0 4r,r r : , | | 4 4 , 1 1 4 51, 1 5 3 , ' 3 6 11, 3 6,5| 3 6 7 ,1 3 7 01, 3 8'9| 4 7 9 , 1 1 9,1| 2 | 7 , | 2 | g , i 3 t z , t 3 6 0 1 t495, Al22l Resl Part' T2l. coefficientBoundsfor Functionsof Positive 1226,412,519,887,985,1144,1147'1151'1154',A3U
T22. BoundedFunctions' [38,39,78,79,116,173,174'191',193',1g4',198',201',203',2m', 242,254,255,261,272,2g0'2g3'3?|7',330',369',378',379',396'412' ' 88' 5865 ' 875 : q3l ' 4 5 2 , 4 g 2 , 5 0551,9 ,f i z : , 5 3 85; 4 3 , 5 1 3 , 5 7 4 , 5 8 743',758', 662',664',665'700', 3; 62'7'639'641-', 589,590,591, 612,61 7',879', 8',7 867', 821',826',869', 7 7 59,7 60,7 61,'t62,',|68"7 69'77 L','T', gg'l 1009', 1049'1051' g25,g37,965, 96'7,g'72,n;'g77'g7g',988', ', , 2 0 '1, 1 2 2 ' , 1 1 0 31' ,1 1 51' 1 1 6I' 1 1 0 6 11 0 7 ,31 0 9 1 1 0 9 81; 0 9 91' 1 0 ? ' 1 2 0 51, 2 1 01, 2 2 1 , 1191 l l w , 1 1 7 2 , 1 1,7l l3g 2 " i r s + , 1 1 8 6 , , 1 2 0 ! ' | 2 2 9 , 1 2 3 0 , | 2 3 4 , | 2 , | 8 , , 1 2 8 0 , | 2 g 5 -1, 31 7390,71,31831003' 98, 3 11'331900, |' 3 | 2 , 1 3 1 3 ' , 3 4 g1; 3 6,11 3 7 7 '1 3 7 '8 1 3 1 5l,3 l g , t 3 4 3 1 Al', A23',A25', 1516',1519', 1439,1455,1456,148;, Ui8:7'1482', A26,A33,A58,A59,-A60'A70'A73',A117',A128',A1301 T23.RepresentationTheorems,structuralFormulas. 1 2 4 , 2 5 , 4 6 , 6 0 , 9 2 , 1 7 0 , 2 5 6 , 2 5 7 , 2 1 8659',6-60', ' , 2 6 2 ' , 665', 3 1 7686', ' , 3 1703' 9'353'355',3',72' 577'626-'65I', 4lg,422,426,436,5lt,540' 1073' 889',896',897',899',995', ii6,723,858,869,88i, 883'884' 1076,t120,1225'1140'1142''ll#,'1147'1156'1162'1165'1177' 1180,|374,|375,|377,,1381,|4|4,|4g4,1501,1510,1517,1520, A136l 1 5 2 4R, t o , 'A 3 3 ,A 7 5 ,A 9 1 ' A 1 3 5' T21. VariationqlMethods ',205',2}6', [ 1 6 , 3 4 , 6 9 , 7 1 , 7 5 , 7 6 , 7 7 ' 7 8 364'366' ' 1 5 1 ' 1 937 8 'l', 137 g 3' g ' 37 , 26' ( n377' ' Z C390' / 363, 23g,267,2'l2, 27g, 352"366, m', 439', 408, 415'416'418:4lg' 422', !25',438',554',592' 392,401,4fi4,405, 551',552',553', 487',505', 44!,M2, 463,465,4;t" 475' 476:' 623', 624',625', 6-21', 606' 614'617"619' 620', 598,500,601, 602,603; 7 ll',7 13',722', 707', &3'651' 685;696:',700', 6?9, 640,641"' 628,630, 778',779', 7&', 773' 777', 7 55'7 59'7 6'',7 63', 7 24,7 35,7 36,7 39,7 54:' goi gio',857;867', 882', '928',929' '828', 784,787,824,825,g)e"827 l11,6 5 ' ; ;,; , 1 0 0 8 , 1 0 3 0i,o l s ' | | 2 0 , | 7 2 2 . , 1 1 41237 9 3 1 , 9 3 59, 3 5 , 9 5 9 1234,1235,1236, ' 1233', t\72, i205, t207,li08 t214,n2," 1256', 1253', 1219',1251', n47" 1248', 1238 ,1242, 1243,1245,1246' 1308' t307' lzg8, iiso," t251 1285"1289,129,7' 1257,125'd,1251 t385' 1374,ll]le' 1377,i379'_1330,1384' 130g,1314,1332,t34.1', | 5 0 2 , 1 5 0 51, 5 1 31, 5 1 4A, 1 ' 1 3 9 0|,3 9 2 , 1 4 0 5t ,+ t 3 , 1 4 5 5 1, 4 8,i aioe A109',A1lu',Al18' Ar+i' A2, A58, A76,A89'Ag7'Al03' A 1 4 5 ,A l 6 8 l
FuncMeromorphic univarent (p-valent) Tz5. coefficient Bounds for tions. 15,215,216,235,264,27i'363'3t'1'372'408'601'619'623'624' 625,629,6t2,709,'141,804'859'866'g24',g25',979',983',985'986', 9 8 7 , 9 9 6 , 1 0 2 0 , 1 0 7 1 , 1 0 7 2 ' 1 0 7 6 ' 1 2 1 4 ' , 1 2 1 5 ' 1 12 53034' 1,1254066''1 2 5 9 ' , |49g,|502,1503, | 3 3 2 , 1 3 3 3, | 3 9 2 , 1 4 5 1, t q s 2 ,1 4 9 0 , 1 5 1 3, A 4 , A g 2 ,A 1 0 6 , A 1 1 9 ' A 1 4 6 1 no (Functionswirosedorr'ain of valueshave T26. tJnrelatedF'trctions Pointsin common)' s79',12851' 4 1 8 ,604,696,77g,82g,830,832,976, [ 4 0 ,4 1, 4 2 , 4 4 ,
T27. Areq Principte(and generalizations)' [5,36,45,51,83,105,107,117'139',141',155',183',205'277'280' 363,4,35,478,509,576,_601,646,682,728,804,831:8.J2,846,881' g25,1C09.1082,1187,!lg2'1193'1194',1195',1198'1267',1286' , l3g4' A62'A1001 1323,1327 , 1332,1333 (suchas Besselfunctions)' Functiorzs T28. univqlenceof special [161,171,1'72,200,201,213'243'321',34g'535',536',540'541', 542,652,686,738,748,750'751'752',753',885',916',917',1109' 1110,1112,1147,1161,1176'1398'lML'1478',1511',1512',A48', A1251 valuesof functionals)' of variabitity(of coefficients; T2g. Regions 1 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 3 , 3 4 , 4 6 , 6 0 , 6 3 , 7 8 ' r1', l7-'13 3 ' , 7163', 7 07' ,65', 1 77882', ' , Z7H ',287',399' 84', 723', 60 62'0', 5i, 55;,590', 404,M8,472, 523,5 8 2 6 , 8 2 8 , 8 3 0 , g 7 g , 1 0 3 , 8 , 1 1 1 4 , | | 2 5 ,A3', | 2 0 5A9', , ! 2 0A32', 7 , | 2A78', 25,t2?5,|239' 1502', 1454', 1413 138t, ' 1374, 1261,1340, A 1 0 8 ,A 1 1 3 ,A l 2 4 l Functions' T30. CoefficientBoundsfor Bounded 1 1 9 4 , 2 5 5 , 2 6 1 , 3 7 g , 4 1 2 , 5 8 3 A1171 '586'587'866',979',1073',1097',1098', 1144,tzot, 1309,1455,A25'A58' = 0' DifferentialEquationw" + pw Derivative-The T31. schwarzian [38,89,90,91,1'71,172,193'335'336',4g2',536',728'786',8M',
8 ' , 1 6 , g ' 1 1 , 9 8 0 , 9 8 1 , 9 8 2 ' 1 0 4 6 ' 1 0A5185' 101'A,6106' 5, 1'A216656' 1 ,1267',1273',1364', A149', A 1 4 8 ' a s s ' A 5 4 , A 5 2 , A 5 3 , ^2g, T32.UnivalentPolynomials_RemakSeries_HurwitzClass. 152,175,177,!7g,18-0-'l8l'202',210',242',330'533',651'678',848', 8 4 9 , 8 5 0 , 9 4 6 , g 4 ' 7 , 1 0 0 1 ' 1 0 0 2 ' , 1 0A66l 03',1004'1036',1067'1124'1139' A47', A36', L4g6' 1301 ' 1267, 1145, 1266, Functions(andgeneraiizations)' T33. Mean-valent (36,45,51,138,14!'145'146'147',360',3g3',50:'507',512',521', 522,610,614,756,'786'7g2'g25',1009'r00q',1322',1325'1326', 1328,13301 132'1, Functions(f(z)f?') + l)' T34. Bieberbach-Eilenberg , 1 16' ,2 7' ,7 3 7' ,8 0 5 '8, 0 6 ' , 3 1 9 '4 ^ 3 r6' 0 5 ' 6 l l ' 7 4 4 , , 2 2 8 , 2 7 5 ' 4 l , [40, A60al 8 3 3 ,8 3 4 ,8 3 5 ,8 7 0 ,1 1 8 61' 2 8 8 ' , T35. Curvature,Level Curves
95' 533' 6 6 r , 6 6 3 ,7 3 1 , 7 3 2 , 7 3 4 ' - ] A1411 l2g,l0g, 247,255,?91' 1521' tM4. 1462,l5\7, i o : r , 1 1 0 41,1 3 8 , 1 2' 2l 273 l ' l4r; ,
StarlikeFunctions' T36. CoefficientBoundsfor 1 3 2 , 5 5 , 9 2 , 2 1 ' 1 , 2 3 5 ' ? 5 51071 ' 2 6',11',01i', ' 4 0 01073', ' , 4 3 01075 ' , 4 3' 11076', ' 5 5 21105' ',67'.1',846'888' 1022', 996' 986,990, 898,985, l 3 l 7' 1 2 6 7 ' l l ! 7 : i r s + ' 1 1 5 9 l' 2 l 5 ' 1 1 0 61, 1 0 71, 1 0.8l l 4 2 ' l l w ' , A91l 1427,1433,l44g,1504'15C6' Lemma(andgeneraliza'tions) T37. schwarZ's ' 14' 5 '?, 8 '5' ,8 i ' 6 9 4 8 l g l ' 3 2 0 ' 3 6 9 ' , a 8 1 l 0 ' 2 ' 1 , 2 1 , 4 3 , 8 ? , ? 8 ' [ 1 0 ,I g.r.r,956,964,96g,giz,ro'gg,lllg,'tlrg,ll82,1l83'1278'1341' 13661 ConvexFunctions' T38. CoefficientBoundsfor 1131' 1 2 1 7 , 2 3 5 , 2 5 5 , 2 6 1 ' - 3 4 91 '130555r-1435''A65 -'i'4o , 3o0' l' l,0473'11' ,1505'82l 'l ,2696' 0 ' 6 8 7 ' 8 5 9 ' , 8 8 8 ' 8 9 8 ,1 0 7,11 0 7 2 , 1 0 1 ; t' b z s ' A1401 , Ag2'All7' t142,ll4, 1222,-l3li 1340' 1132, on amplitudes' coefficients(restrictions T39. speciarconditionson the
realcoefficients)' moduli,g&PS, 134,49,71,103,105,208,211,241'242',280'283'284'295',296' z g i , 3 2 g , 3 6 4 , 3 7 5 , 3 8 1 , 3 8 3 , 4 0 8g52',853 ' 4 1 6 ' 4 3859' 0 ' , 4861' 3 1 '888' , M 5901' ',562',563',566' ' 5, i28,'/98,804, 60j, 621,638,64i,C,'7 9?A,986,gg7,1020,1036,1038'1071',1120',1i33'1149'1152' 1 1 5 5 , 1 1 5 6 , 1 1 5 ? , 1 1 5 9 , 1 1 8 7 , 1 2 0 0 ' l 2 l l l' 41l232' 41 '4132061' ,54'3112'7 5 ' 1 2 E 4 ' l g, o ' l 3 8 l ' 1 4 0 3 ' 1 3 0 11, 3 0 ,9l i q g " 1 3 6 2 ' , 1 3 6r 8 Ag4',A98',All6j lML, 1497,A2l, xzz, A47,A86' T40. StarlikeIn OneDirection' 1430' ll42' t147,1166,1212,lzli , 1427, 1108, 1022,1028, [660, 1 4 3 3A, 1 2 1 1 T4i. ConvexIn OneDirection'
ll2g, ,301, 660,911'1022,I 105, 1522,Al 17,A1341 t235,238,257 1428, , i tse, llsi, 1160,1162,1212,1337
ConiectureI a"I T42. Bieberbach , 8 42' 0 5' , 2 0 7' ,2 4 2 '2, 4 6 ' a',5 7 , 7 7 , 8 1 , ! 1 7' 1 1 9 'I 2 2 ' 1 161,72,73,7 5I1' 495', 440',M5', ', 428',431', 363,373,38i' 407 247,267 ,268,269,' 788',793 , 73;' nd' 73g' ?80',?81', , 643,651 5l'l, 521,629,639 888' 869'882' "794', 862,863, g0g,g09,g33,g34,835,844,846:,852,,853, 1146' 1143 ', \129' 1142', 990;lw\', r1-06-', 903,906, g07,-934,984, 1187,1234,1245,1247,1248,1250'1255,',-1280',1317',t329',1349', 1368,1369,1374,137q1380,1425',1450',1479',1490'A7',Al7' Al05l nrt , A64,A76,A85,A91, A101' (p-valency)' T43. Radiusof Schlichtness i6,i,25'17'1'22't751!76'179'180'182'240'242'256'259'263' 3 3 0 , 3 4 8 , 3 5 1 , 3 5 4 , 5 0 0 , 5 0 2 ' 5 4 0 ' , 5 5682', 7 ' 5 5 8',' 7 , 552', 6 0791 ' , 5' -799 6 7'' , 5 6 3 ' 5 6 4 ' , 5 6 6 ' , 672',', 7-33 &l ',651; 637 ,Llg' 572,595, 568,570, ', 1000', gig' gqz',g70', 88;' 901' 916', ?75',997 800,804, 877,887, 1 0 0 9 , | 0 2 4 , 1 0 3 5 , 1 1 1 3 , , 1 1 3 9 , 1 1 55671 3,|221,1280,|3|2,|367,1369, ' A92' Al22' 1495,ti9g"A4E, A68, A'11 Articles' TM. SurveY 8 8 6 ,9 3 9 ' 403, 4ll' 514',115' 5 3 7, 6 1 8 , 8 6 4 , 23g, 126, 125, [1M, A ? A ,A 5 l , A 1 1 5 ,A 1 6 3 1400', g78,106;,!240,1241,1305'1331', (ChaPter6)l
T45. Odd Univslent Functions. 295, 296, 3M, 363, 137,49, 70, 75, 184, 207,208, 241,242, 268, 3 6 5 ,3 7 4 , ' 3 g g4,1 3 , 5 1 95, 5 7 , 5 6 15, 6 5 ,5 9 5 ,6 2 5 ,6 3 7 , 6 3 86, 4 1 ,6 7 5 , 72g, 733, 731,804, 812, 8M, 846,863,865, 888, 953, 967, 1022, 10811 , 1 4 0 ,1 1 4 ,1l l 4 7 , l l 4 g , 1 1 9 0 ,1 1 9 2 1, 1 9 3 , 1 1 9 4 , 1 1 9151, 9 8 , 1200,1233,1325,1340,1368,1370,1426,14501 T46. Angular Derivative, SphericalDerivative, Invariant Derivative. 6 4 7 ,6 4 8 , 6 5 0 , t 1 9 3, 2 5 0 , 2 5 1 , 2 5 2 , 3 0 83, 1 1 , 3 1 2 , 3 1 3 ,5 2 8 ,6 2 0 , 1278,1330, t409, 1410,1436,1438, 725,839, g4g, 1008, lw, 1445,1446,14g7,l1bi, 1469,A20, A72, A73, A162, A167l T47. Convolution (Faltung)of Functions 985, 1031,1063, u43, 145,22g, 230,278, 198,518,7 19,721,869, , l 1 , A 1 4 3 , A 1 4 4 ,A 1 6 0 ,A 1 6 4 1 1071 , 1 1 5 7 , 1 1 6 4 ,1 2 7 0 ,1 4 7 7A T48. SchlichtIn An Annulus. 1 24 , , 5 , 5 4 ,2 3 1 ,2 5 5 ,2 6 5 ,2 6 6 ,3 4 6 ,5 4 9 ,7 \ 4 , 7 1 8 , 1054,1432,1518,A2, A34,A40l
7 8 4 ,9 2 1 ,1 0 5 3 '
T4g. SpecialGeometry of the Mapping (such as k-fold symmetry)' 234,255,260,261' 133,34.40, 56, 57, 78, 106, 123,133,I 38, 221, 301,305,3C6,322,352,367,383,434,458,474,179,480,487,546, 562,566,570,572,573,577,578,579,580,587,588,589,ffi7, 625' 7 32,7 34,770, 778, 77g, 7 89,7 93, 795,7 96, 8 I 6, 8M, 932', 654,660, 941,950,976, g9g,1002,1M2,1043, 1049,1062,l07l , 1072,1093' , 4 f , i 61,4 3 0 ' 1 1 3 0 ,1 1 5 1 ,1 1 5 8 , 1 2 1 6 , l 2 l g , 1 2 . 1 5 , 1 3 4 51 ,3 8 1 , l ? 8 2 1 1 5 1 7 , A 7 4 , A 1 4 7 ,A l 5 8 l 1431 , I M g , 1 4 8 2 , 1 4 8 4 , 1 4 8 61, 4 9 4 , 1 4 9, 8 T50. coefficient Bcunds for p-valent Functions. | 4 8 , 9 2 , 1 3 52, 5 5, 2 6 | 3 0 5, 3 7 6 , 3 8 8 ,3 8 9 ,3 9 6 , 4 2 8 , 4 3 0 , 4 3 | , 4 4 5 , 4 9 6 , 5 0 5 ,5 7 6 ,5 7 g , 6 8 2 ,6 8 4 ,1 0 1 9 ,1 0 2 0 ,1 0 2 4 ,1 1 5 0 ,l l 5 l , l t 5 4 ' 1 1 5 8 ,i 1 5 9 , 1 2 1 5 , 1 4 2 7 ) T5l. Coefficient Boundsfor Typically-RealFunctions. 715,9Ci, 995', [55, l7O, 31), 374, 375, 413, 432, 436, 44i5,580, 1022,I140, ll4r' , ll47 , 1i49, 1152,I 158,I159. 1431, A^71
Odd UnivatentFunctions'
T52. CoefficientBoundsfor 374,ql3' 5l?' 363,365, 304, 242' 241', 208, 84,207, I 11?9' 137,49,70, n4t, ll47, 1152, 1 0 8 1irad, ' l o 2 2 ' 8 6 5 , g M , 8 4 6 , 8 6 3 , bli, 1325,1368,1426,14501 1 2 o o 1233" ' 1tgi,11931 , 1 9 41, 1 9 51, 1 9 8 ' Grunsky T53. Faber Polynomials'
95'l', 571', 363',393',!16',485',554-', '569', 205,234,261, |342, |332, [141, ?61' |272,1286, t'zsg, l,zso,.|25s, 958.|02g,|24.7,1248, l4l5,l4gl,A27'A23'A55'A62'A69'Alt)O'Al14'Al42l
T 5 4 . C o e f f i c i e n t B o u n d s f o r t h e C l a1' s swith ( S ) ( t h e c=l a s0'' ^f o'(0) | f u n=c t i!o' n s " f ( z ) /(0) < in i le univalent and regular 1 7 2 , 7 5 . 1 0 7 , 1 ! ' 7 , 1 8 4 ' 2 0 5 ' 2 0 6 ' , 2 4 1 , '568'12?' , 2 4 2 ' 2 6619' ? ' , T651 ^ \ ' ,'654' 329',363',364' 407'qoi'iit' 51i '5-?l'567' 8'3'3' 365,394,400, 834',846'906' 7g3' 804'
- , ' 1 1 478g 4 , |loo'', 727 1190' ,728,7 40,755,i 6;"2g8', l l 4 6 ^ _ i i s o1, 1 5 41, 1 5 5 1' 1 8 9 ' 1 0 7 5 g 0 . 7 , g 51g0, 3 g , ' 2 0 31' 2 3 3 ' l' \ 2 1 ' r 1 9 8 '1 1 9 91' 2 0 0 1 l l 9 t 6 1 1 9 5 , 1 1 9 4 , lrgz,t193, 1381'1396' 137',7', rJz;"ills '13'!',137s'', "475', t234. 1250,1284, A46',A111',Al 19', 11431 l'479 ' A5:i' 145?, 1426,1450,
Fractions' T55. Continued 1 0 3 5A' 4 9 l t 9 1 3, 9 1 4 , 9 1 59,\ 6 ' T56.DistortionT.heoremsforFunctionsofPositiveRealPart. A31' A94] 1154'1320', [887, 1144,1147, T5T.UnivalencyoverRegionaotherthantheL]nitCircle [ 5 0 , 4 7 1 , 1 0 5 9 , 1 1 5 0 ' 1 2 ! 2A42', ' l 2 ]A1311 -1','1302',1303',1304',1363',1398', 1488,1489,Al8' A40' 148',7, (Jnivalent(p-valent)FuncMeromorphic Theorems for T5g. Distortion tions' 1 5 , ' t 3 , 7 4 , ' , l 5 , 7 6 ' 1 5 5 ' 2 0 9 ' ;44',595', 3 8 ? : 3 9 0697 ' , 3'709 9 5 '',712', , 3 9 ' ,8M', 7 : 4 0881', 0'404',407',408' 455 ',481',422,426'ili' 1333' 416,418, 1332', 1316' 131-3'' 1076,rosl' llzi', 118-;',nss', 921,1071, A1591 17 ' A35' Al ' A146' 148| ' ;;;; '-1513 1390' 1397,
T59. Relsted Results from Analytic Function Theory. 8 4 '8 5 '96' [ 8 , 9 , 1 2 ,1 3 , 1 41, 5 , 1 71, 8 ,1 g , 2 7 , 5 9 , 6 2 , 6 6 ' ' 9 3 ' 9146' 9551 66' ' 1 6 3 1 6 0 , 1 6 2 , , l & ' l l 2 , l 1 3 , l l . 4 , l 1 5 1, 2 7, 1 5 3 ,I 5 4 , 1 5 9 , 2 2 5, 2 2 4 , 2 2 3 , , 22, , 9 0 |, 9 2 ,| g 5 ,2 | 0 , 2 | 4 ,2 | 9 , 2 2 0 2 , 881 1 8 5 ,1 8 7 1 232,2M, 245,248,24g,273, 276, 286,287,291,292,298,299,302, 332,334,340,343,3M, 345, 303,3|4,316,319,323,324,326,331, , 7 , M 9 ' 4 5 0 ' 4 5 1 '4 5 7 ' , 6 1 ,3 6 2 , 3 9 8n,2 , 4 2 5M 3 4 7 , 3 5 7 , 3 5385, 9 3 504,506'510'513' 464,466,486,4gl, 494,497,499,501, 45g,462:, , 8 2 .5 9 3 , , 4 8 , 5 5 55,5 6 5 , 2 g , 5 3 15,3 4 , 5 3 55,3 9 ,5 4 7 5 , 275 5205 , 255 649,657 ' 658' 632,633,634,635, 5g4,5g7 ,608,609,616,622,631, 695,699,701'702'7A4'706' 666,667,669,670, 671,688,689,690, ' 37', , 8 3 , 8 1 ,8 1 7 ,8 1 8 ,8 1 9 ,8 2 3 8 7 2 6 ,n 0 : ,7 4 A , 7 4 57,7 1 , 7 7 57,7 6 7 938' 871,878,895,900,9M, 905,920,930, 840,841,845,847,860, ggl, 1014, 101 3, 1012, 994, 992, g44,g4S:,948, 962,966,969,973, 1 0 4 5 , l M 7 , 1 0 5 21, 0 5 61, 0 6 0 , 1 0 4 0 , 1 0 3 9 , 1 0 1 5t,o i z , t 0 2 6 , 1 0 3 4 . 1084,1086,1087,1089,1096,1100, 1061,1065,1066,1074,1077, n34, 1135,1136,1137,1188,1204,1206,1223,1226, llll, 1126:, 1282' 1252,1261,1262,1264,1268,1269,1271, 1274,1277,1281, 1351' | 2 8 7, 1 ' 2 9 4| 2, ,g 7 ,1 3 1 11, 3 1 81, 3 2 | ,| 3 3 4 ,1 3 3 6|,3 M , 1 3 5 0 , 1 3 9 31, 4 1 1|I4, 2 2 ,| M i , 1 3 5,3| 3 5 4 . , 1 3,5 15 3 5 71, 3 5 9|,3 7 3 ,1 3 8 8 , , 7 0 ,| 4 7 2 ,| 4 7 3 , | # B , | 4 5 7 ,1 4 5 81, 4 6 0|,4 5 : - |, 4 6 5 ,| 4 6 6 , 1 4 6 8| 4 A50' | 4 1 5 ,| 4 g 2 ,| 4 g 3 , 1 5 2 5|,5 2 6 ,A 1 3 ,A 1 6 ,A l 9 , A 4 3 ,A M , A 154, A 1 5 3 , , I l 3 , A | 2 9 ,A | 3 2 , A 5 7 ,A 6 l , A 6 3 ,A 3 2 ,A ^ 8 4A, 1 1 2 A , 1 5 7 ,A 1 6 1 1 A i 5 5 ,A 1 5 6 A Domains' T60. UnivalentFunctionsin Multipty-Connected ' 72', 4 6 9 '4 7 0 '4 7 1 4 [ 1 ] , 3 9 , 4 5 , 4 7 , 2 7 7 , 3 2 0 , 3 7 7 , 3 8476,7 , 4 6 8 , 7 54, |0, 7 708, 473, 482,502,596,615, 6|7,691, 692,693,707, 477, g 2 7 , 9 6 39, 7 7 , 1 0 5 01' 0 7 81' ,0 8 0 ' , 7 6 9 , 8 1 58, 2 1 , 8 5 78,9 9 ,9 1 9 ,9 2 6 , , 1434,l4&', i08E, 1127,1128 , 1254,1298,1316,1343,1386,1387 A6, A40,A61,A151,Ll52l for BoundedFunctions' T61. DistortionTheorems 5 7 3 , 5 8 55, 9 0 ,5 9 1 ,& | ' 1 2 4 2 , 2 5 53,6 9 , 3 9 64,| 2 , 4 8 2 , 5 0 55, 3 2 , ||M, 7 5 8 ,7 5 g , 7 6 0 , 8 2 6 , 8 6976,5 , 1 0 5, 1| c 9 7 ,1 0 9 8|,| 0 2 , 1 1 0,3 1172,11913 , i 3 ,1 3 4 81, 3 9 0 \, 4 5 6 ,A 2 5 ,A l 3 0 l T62. BoundaryBehavictrof univalentFunctionsg, 3I 8, 341'342'346',348', [23,178, 221,236,237,253,27 308,3!7,
5 1 1 , 5 2 2 , 6 1 3 , 6 5 5 , 7 0 0 , 7 5 7 ' , 81280' 7 2 ' , 81343' ? 3 ' 81408' 7 4 ' , 8i410' 7 5 ' ,1486' !044',1079',1115', l27g' 1r16, llz4,l l43, 1146,lnz: A8l generalizaStarlike Fttnctions(inciuding for Tkeorenis Tb3. Drsrcrtion tions of starlikeness)'
6-1',7 ' 353'356,431,134,661, ,26A1?61',282', 157,255,258 142, 1154, 192, , ll4y' , ll4'7, 10]6'1108 1071 ' 1073', 896,-8g;,953, 716,853, A37' A38' A ?1 , A 9 1 ,A 1 2 1 1 l4g4' 1267,1340, 142:7,l'Ui}'
T64. Distortion Thet'remsfor tions of convexitY)'
C onvex Functions
(includir'g general\za-
661' 356,383,431,453':19' 355, 261, 255, 247 e63' ?9?' u 18, 142, , ;;i; 884;8e6,8s7,eoe'es3'A65 766' 762' jt6, 76r, iz3, ' ;8r,' 1510' ;;6, t43s' 148l, 1494, 144' r o l i , 1 0 9 51, 1 0 8 ,11 31 , 1 A67,A78,All7l
p-valent Functions' T55. Distortion Theoremsfor 75 60 85 '733'','73 1 4 8 , g 2 , 1 5 ? , 1 g ' 7 , 2 4 6 ' 2 5 5 ' 2 5 8 ' , 2 6 . :6 2 8 32 ''6, 8 34 7 '56'9, 3 6' ,36',7'3'76',, ';tt' 3 8 8 , 3 8 9 ,4 1 i , 5 0 5 ' 5 0 1 : ; M ' e w ' € 8 0A38l 1435', A37' 115C,rrsr',-l'154,1427' T66.DistortionTheoremsforTypicalty-RealFunctions. [4,170,375,413,415'427',436'626',858',953',1053',!125',1144', ll47 , ll4g, 1427,A41l odd univalent Functions' T67. Distortion Theoremsfor 1340',14261 557'733'804"953' 1147', 75,3gg,519' ?0, [49, the C/ass(S)' T68. Distortion Theoremsfor 383' 234',246',2!',281'306', 142:156', 71,'75,79,118' 68, 507' 500', 164,65,
415',453',115'484' 400', 394,ly)j,-igg', 19;', 828'833' 385,386,390, 826',', 7g3:'q04' 7ll"1za"74z|;l',zae', 599" g5g 557 ,558,559, ' 989'1006' gggg\z' 940'951 1 852';;;'g0o' 846, 834,835, 118e'r22s' rrl?:-1175', 11s+', n4',6;,1t.t^g' n;;, , 1008,1030,1051 11431 " 1426', 1425', 1339 1280, ,l3'14'1375'1396',
Corrections in the bibriographyindicatingdupliFollowing is a rist of references cationsor translationsof the samepapers'
Reference 389 426 476 559 565 s66 568 702 708 806 850 1145 r260 i292 1497
Reference 388 422 475 558 561 :62 567 70r 7M 805 848
rr43 I258 1289 2lr
ce 287: Erzohi should be Ezrohi Notes (a) R.eferen is sarneauthor as Lowner' K . Co)Reference869: Loewner, C.
CONTENTS Preface BibliograPhY Topic References' 1966 T a b l el . R e f e r e n c e s P r i o r t o f : 1 t Year 1976 Table 2. Refertnttt in
t34 137 254 270
27r 27r P:!ltthtg*1tJ"":il;; Referen-ct: :' :'': . : . : : : : 27r rablel. Numitt "r (MR)Numbers Review
;ili:i. #r"iTddiil; vratt'. Correcilons
of univalent (Schlicht)funcThe first extensivebibliography in the field 1966.It is titled Bibliography tions was publisheciby this *rit., in May lviaihematicalSciences,New of schlicht Functions [courant Institute oi 41-019' IMM 351 (1966) York University, TechnicalReport I'lo' NRO to it as BibliograpiryI. Bibliix* 157pp.; MR i4 #zg4gj. w; shall rcfer the years 1907 (when the ogiaphy I connins i6g4 referencescovering the year 1965' and infirst substantialresultswere published)through papersappeared in 220mathemacludesthe work of 570 aurhorswhose of Schlichtfunctionsare' tical journais. Ttre variousresultsin the theory and cross-indexlistingsare in BiblicgraphyI, classifiedinto 6g subtopics Thus, eachsubtopicis followed given betweenreferencesand subtopics' 'ro that subtopic' and conversely' by a list of those referencespertaining subtopics dealt with in that forowing each referenceis a list of those reference.
to. Brbliograp'y i by individual reception The favorabre _given and industrial sutdcnts,oniu.rJiv iiuiuties, graduate mathematicians, *riter tt continuethe Oaborious) researchlaboratoriesencoururJ,his andcatarogr,ring the periodicflow rrurrTir.afion topic rea,.ling, effo'ts have collection, th: past tc,, yeais.These d,rring papers research of schlicht of new of the pr.r.ni Bibliography culminatedwith the publication as BibliographyII' we refer srrbslq,rently part which to II, of 523 Functions, refer.n..=rtothe publications 1563 contalns II Bibliography journalsandpublistring in 200mathernatical apeareci have which authors England'Germany'France' lnitr. u.s.e., tne ioviet Union, many symccmpanies other countries.It includes many in and China, technical Japan, dissertations,abstracts, univalent posiums, colioquiums,"o,,g,.,,.,, of f,ool,, dealing*i'tt the-theory reports,t..trrr.Ior.r, and o1^ *ole and mlltiply-connected (Schlicht)and multival.n, .uoping, 1966through r975' somepapers vJurr in domains.This survey.ou.rr-rrr. and which were not includedthe tieo rhe to v"i prior pubrished publishedin in Tabrer. Somepapers riri.a now y are i Bibriograpt
havebeen functions v.u' rs76"'.jlT11J;l:1lti;; theory of schricht sixty-eight
The first in BibliographyII, into nil:ll,uuiopits' I' The additionalsubclassifred, sameasin Bibli;;;aphy place9utof thesesubtt,picsaretrre or emphai, ittut rravetaKen deverop-.nr, n.* topicsreflect listingsareglven I, cross-index Bibliography o;i" years. ilexamples ing the our,'i* rt.,,, ittt rouowingtwo ,uuiopi.r. and references between of the Bibliography' of Schlicht lustratcthe principaluse firt';'Juau*ard products tiiot f Refer.n.. S' Examplel. by Ruscheweyh' ;;;;lt"' p6lya-Sctoenberg Math' functionsand the commen'+-' rhis r. ;;; is to paper andshe'-Smar, "nn.{i.^jii:i{':::,11i t:"tt*.of this 11_1-13:..A p"L.r s1\, year 4g, Helv.,votume (MR) of the AmericanMathenraticai nl"i.*, Niathematical 2' 4' in be found rhelnrr*bt's in bracketsll' olgt. * revi.* 4g, subSociety,Volume .onrui"u inrotmationregarding 6al indicatethat ,iri, pup., tovicsr t J4 inrerestedin Bieberbach-Eilenberg ]oi;;;.;].T;T : as T34' The will find;;i; subtopiclisted regarding relared.r"*.rl (or funcrions thatinformation rg,'.".-.', r493rinoi.ut" is a paper by bracketedreferences in i.r.l.-n* t9r rvhich iouna be may this subtopic paperby volgnec' fi+gil wtricnis a . ' ';tft"ntt A" Dov' Aharonov, I. A. into subtopicswasbased rcferences various the of the The crassification r.r'-rengthpapers),and for reprints tor reading on a deta'ed "i'g5
reviews' or of their(brief) abstractsor remainingreferenceson a reading authors' Therefore' in fairnessto the (in a few cases)from the titles ""rv' complete the do not alwaysindicate we emphasizeitru, the crassifications
eshavei:'::i::-': :l::1TT.j",:, enc " "1 ::Jl;ri#:T rhererer fall simply did not ?;; infornration or the contents
either to lack of avaitable the ninety subtopics' within the fixeOframework of T h e r e f e r e n c e s i n c l u d e | 5 2 a b s t r a c t s . S o perhaps m e o f t h under e s e w ea rdifenever published been have may others pubrishedin fu', have appeared while others are too recentto co-authorship, or titre ferent no Math' Review(MR) numhers' in full. Abstracts,of course''have have referenceswhich ate not abstracts One hundred and thirtylt*o notes, dissertatutuny of them are recture no Math. Review numbers'. published' or too reports' papers not yet special anO technicat tions, in the Reviews' recently puUtisttedfor inclusion published nature to cover everypaper It is difficult in a work of this omissions are functions' Reasons for on the subject of Schlicht ingo*.uer, it is felt that this bibliographydoes numerousand varied. yearsfollowing p*blications during the ten cluclea major portion of the
sutdents' theaidgivenmebv twograduate mein "totti;#o.lJ,,i; acknowledge assisted who Elmasriuriaur. AnthonyDiNardo, looking up MR' Mr. Mohammed papers' of
hundreds locating lournals, photocfoyi"s clerical tasks' referencesand nulnerous other Igivemanythanksalstltothemostcooperativepersonnelofthead. of library of the courant Insfitute of mirably stocked mathematicsyork university, and to the Director New at Sciences Mathematicar my sincere plsfsssor Peter Lax' Finally' I wish to-express the Institute, of south w. Goodman of the university e. Professor to appreciation cemplete this during the past ten years to Florida who encouragedme brbliograPhY' S. D' Bernardi March 1977
l.Abe,H.onmeromorphicandcircumferentially-y:onunivalent function,.l.Math.Soc.lupun16(1964),1+z-lsl;MR31#238.7.|9,
in ctass of theBazitevic Functions A. . L Aksent,ev, o z. i^;Ji;,3i]u. ;
thediscandinanannulus.(Russian)D o k ! . lDokl' k l d N a15(1974)' ukSSSr 50 $+eg. [SovietMath' 2t4(1g74),24t-244;MR
,. f;,1?;
andreat-vatued comptex between A controst
Taytorseries.J.Austral.Math.Soc.l8(1vi+1,458-460;MR51 of power series(Ruson convotutions theorems certain f:,ij;,"rl] -. fuut uzSSRSer' Fiz'-Mat' Akad. Summarv).-tzv. sian.uzbek 10' 22' 471 no' 5' 5-lit ftf* 33 #5902'lI' Nauk9(1965), conformsl of the *ri,i of uniylleil qurrrion, certain H. 5. Acilov, mappings.(Russian.UzbekSummary)Izv.Aiad.NaukUzSSRSer. no' 5' 3-9; MR 34 #2848't4l Fiz.-Mat.Nauk 10(19d;
on an areally mean p-valent function' 6. Aharonov, Dov. A remark IsraelJ. Math' 6(1968)'I19-120' [33] Haymon. of Cartwright, Spencerand 7. Aharonov, Dov . The theoremgig)' ' #4377 t33l MR 3e
Math'soc iiliir J. London
\?-1t6;conditionfor univalence g. Aharonov,Dov. A *rr;;;;;; and,sufficient ofomeromorphicfunction.o,,t..Math.J.36(1969),599_604;MR 3 ,U 4 0# 2 8 6 5 . 1 4 , 9 of o theoremof Jenkins'Math' g. Aharonov,Dov. A generalization 34'861 ' ze\t.r rotiqiql, zt8-zz2;MR40#325'127
' [531 i:e -839;MR 4r #3725' 7s(l96e), Func*ons. Bull., . on BieberbachE,enberg
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1 0 5 . B a j p a i , S . K . ; S i l v i a , E v e l y n -lg73), M o n cAbstract e r t a i n c 701-30-17' l a s s e s o f apg' nalyticft 20(Jan. e.r.,i.s. tirtris.Notices
"'o R,t l :'';.:::o'f:{,:"#:#': $.t;.lli'*'i'""""u' t"it'llt, 106. Amer' Math' Soc' Proc' ' of ,ri"ilrit function'
starlikeness 11' l2l fufn45 #3687't5' 6' 10' 32(1972),153-160; l0T.Balasubrahmany"*,''Lakshminarasimhan,T.v.onsome
of functions analytic in the unit disc. Notices Amer. Math. classes Soc. 22, no. 7, November 1975;Abstract 75T-B251,p. A-712. 12,
108. Baranova, V. A. An estimatefor the coefficient cq of univalent 12 (1972), functions depending on | .r l . (Russian) Mat. Zametki Mn 47 #5245.14, 127-130.IMath Notes l2(r972), 510-512(1923)];
109. Baronov&,V. A.; Lebedev,N.A. On a lemma o-fG.M' Golozin' (Russian)Zap. Naucn. Sem.Leningrad.Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. MR 5l #10609't68l (LOMI) 44(1974),7-16,186; 110. Baranov?,V . Y . Paramet:ic representationof functions with shtft symmetry. (Russian)Theory of optimal processes(Russian), pp' 54-63.Akad. Nruk Ukrain. SSR Inst. Kibernet., Kiev, 1972;MR
1li. Barnard, Roger W. On quasi-starlikefunctions. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 21, January I 974, Abstract 7 ll-30-22, p. A- 123. 122,
ll1. Barnard, Roger W. On bounded univalentfunctions whoseronges containafixed disk.Notices.A.M.S., vol. 19, no. l, issueno' 135, Januarylg72 (Abstract691-30-7),p. A-112' [6' l6] 113. Barnard, R. w. on a coefficient:nequalityfor starl,kefunctions. MR 50 #4924.[5, 6, 41, Proc. Amer. Math. Scc.47(1975),429-430; 5 4 ,7 5 , 7 9 1 ll4. Barnard, R. w. on the radius of starlikeness of Qfi' .for "f uni,talenf.Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.53 (l 975),385-390.[6, I U; MR 52 #3497. l15. Barnard, R.W. A variationaltechniquefor boundedsrarlikefunct i o n s .c a n a d . J . M a t h . 2 7 ( 1 9 7 5 ) , 3 3 7 - 3 4 7M; R 5 l # 8 3 9 3 . 1 6 , 2 2 ,
115. Barnard, R.W . On the radius of univalenceof the imagesof linear cpe;"atorson the classs. Notices Amer. Math. soc. 23, Janrtary '/31-30-16,p. .\-101. 113,471 1976,Abstract ll7. Barnard, R. w.; Lewis, J. L . A counterexampleto the two thirds conjecture. Proc. Amer. Math.Soc. 4l(l 973), 525-529: MR 48 #4290.[6, 12, 16, l9l I 18. BarnarJ, Rogcr; Lewis, John L. Coefficient boundsfor some ,325-331.[6' of starlikefutictions. Pacific J Math.56(1975) clc,sses 361;MR 52 #730 of 119. Barr, Alv;,n F. The radit-tsof univalence of certain classes analyticfunctions. Nofices,A.M.S., vol. 18, no. 7, issueno' 133' Nuvembe; l97l (Abstract689-816),p. 1056' [6, l1' 43]
Trudy of certoinfunctions.(R.us;ian) 120. Basevic,B. v. Theunivaience 37 MR 137-143; Tomsk. Gos. Univ. ser. Meh.-Mat.rgg(i966), #2e64.IsTl of certainfunctions.I, II. (Russian) g. v. Theunivarence 1^2r.Basevic, TrudyTomsk.Gos.Univ.Ser.Meh.-Mat.200(1968),3_13;ibid. 14-19;MR 42 #480'[28' 60] 200(1968), polynomial' Math' T. On the radiusoJ'univaleiceof a lZZ. Baggcize, Z e i t . l 0 5 ( 1 9 6 8 ) , 2 g g _ 3 0 0 ; M R 3 7 t | 2 9 5 8 . | 3 7 ' 4 3 eJ | certainclasses analytic of univsrence the on . rz3. Baggiize,'Ttirkin MR' 39 J. Lcndon Math. soc. (2) I (1969),140-un; 1-t:nctions. # 5 7 8 1t .l l , 1 2 , 3 2 1 polynomials'compositioMath' , T. on the univalenceof 124.Baggcize zzl97o), 245-252;MR 42 #481' i4' 321 l 2 5 . B a g g c i z e , f . , F r a n k , J : L ' ; K e o g h ' F ' R ' O4ln c#1983. o n v e x u nlc, iva lentfunc20, U' MR tions.can.J. Math. zz(iglg),123-127; 221 T.; Keogh,F. R. TheHardy classof a spirallikefunction 126.BaEgoze, 26(1970)'266-269;MR and itsderivative.Proc.Amer. lvlattr'scc' 4 1 # 8 6 8 0t.3, 4 , 6 , 3 6 , 6 2 , 6 3 1 the coefficientsof bounded . Bavrin, I. I. Someestimatesfor 127 holomorphicfunctions.(Russian)Dokl.Akad.NaukSSSR16l (1965),jor-soe; MR 30 #4928'[22' 301 of univalentfunc' lz8. Bazilevid,J. E. on i*persion of goefficients MR 33 Mat. sb. N.S.) 68(li0) (1965),549-56C; tions.(Russian) #267.[9, 45] of regularfunctionsand l2g. Bazilevi[,I. E. A criterionfor univalence fordi'spersionoftheircoefficients.(R ussian)'Mat.Sb.(N.S.) [4',54' 621 74(lrOiti 967),t33-146;MR 36 #2',t90' criterion to thearticle"On a univolence l30. Bazilevi6,I. E. Supplem'ent coefficients"' the dispcrsionof their for regularfunctiorts and MR 44 #5441'[4' no.4, pp. 626-630; Math. ussR-sb., t3(19T1), 22,231 generalequations for 131. Bazilevich,I. E.; Dziubifiski,I. Lowner's Polon' Bull' Acad' quasi-a-starlike functions. (Russiansummary) 823-831;MR 49 2l(1973), sci. Ser.Sci.Math. Astronom.Phys. #5331.[6, 24, 631 of the coefficientsof 132.Bazilevid,I. E.; Lebediv,N' A' Dispersion functionswhich(Irep.vqlentinthemean.(Russian)Mat.Sb.(N.S.) MR 33 #7516'[331 71(113)(l 966),227-235; und quasikonform Differentialgleichung 133. Becker,J. Ldwnersche J' Reine Angew' Math' fortsetzbare schlichte Funktionen'
255(lg72),23-+3;MR 45 #8828'U ' 4' 241 und schlicht-heitskri' r34. Becker,J. L,wnerscheDifferenttitgtetchung 49 ffi197' [1' 9' 24' 58 terien Math. Ann. 202(lgill,32l-335; MR 681 schrichterFunktionen. ." ' ,,e homilomorphe o rrtu u tl tu l P rtc 'Fortsetz.ung ober Dgr n B e c k e r' JJ.. u rr\at\ 1 I 135. i".'.u.r, oo' 538(1973)'ll Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Seie. I. Mathematica,
p p . ; M R 4 9 # 9 1 9 6[.l ' 3 U (tngteichung fiir quasikon' 136. Becker,lorrr.rr. iulr' ttnl Golutinsche '!31(1973)' 177schlichfeFunktionen'Math' Z' form fortsetzbare 182;MR 49 #7440.U, 9, 531 which . Behan,D. F. Constantmuttiplesof a holomorphicfunction 137 A'tvi'S' Notices' ore subordinateto that finction' Abstract: 1 7 ( 1 9 7 0P) P , .1 8 6 - 1 8 7U' l OfLa; Sla'lkowska,Janina' A certain area I 38. Beresniervicz-Rajca, ZeszytyNauk' theorem.(Polish.Russiinand Englishsummaries)' 127-l4l; MR 5l Politech. slask. Mat.-Fiz. zeszfi 24(1974), #10608. [34,861 of subordinatefunctions. Duke r39. Bernardi,s. D. speciat crasses [1' l0' 20' 47' 64' 851 55-67;MR 32 #585?'' Math. J. 33(1966), courant In140. Bernardi,s. D. Bibiiographyof schtichtfunctions' Sciences,New York University' Tech' stitute of tv{athematical + l57pp'; MR 34 ReportNo. NRM1-019,IMM35I(1966)IX ? -t, ^-^^ -F-^ra Trans. univalent functions. siarrike and l4l. Bernardi,s. D. convex 38 MR pp.429-46; Amer. Math. Soc.,vol. 135,January,|969, 6, l 0 ' 8 5 1 #1243.12,5 of certainanalyticfunc' l4z. Bernardi,S. D. The,idiu, of univalence MR 40 #4433' tions.Proc. Amer. Math. soc. 24(1970),312-318; 1 2 , 56 , , 1 0 , 1 2 , 4 3 , 7 3 , 8 28' 5 I of the uni.tdisk'NoticesA' 143.Bernardi,s. D. univalentconvexmaps M.S.,vol.|7,no.Z,issueno.!20,Feb.1970(Abstract70T.B54)' p . 4 4 1 . 1 4 , 5 , 61, 0 ,! 9 , 3 8 '5 4 1 of the unit circle' I I ' . Bernardi, s. D. (Jnivalentconvex inaps 144 no' l2l, April' 1970 Notices,A. M. S., vo!. 17, no. 3, isiue 64] (Abstract70T-B77)p' 566' [4' 5' 6' 10' 19' 38' unit circle' III ' the of mops 145. Bernardi,s. D. (Jnivalenteonvex |9i| (.Abstracf' nc. 130,.iung A. M. S.,vol. 18,no.4, issue Notices, 7 1 T - t s 1 1 3P) ,. 6 4 0 '1 4 ,5 , 6 ' l 0 ' 1 9 ' 3 8 ' 6 4 1 andstsrlikenessof certain 146.Bernardi,s. D. Theradiusof univalence Soc.' vol' 20' of anatyticfunctioni. Nctices,Amer. Math. classes I I , 43] no. 3, April tgll iAbrtru.t 73T-B135, A-332).[6, #2849. l44l
positive functions of proc. theoremsfcr dt,stortiun "convex New D. s. r4j . Bernardi, functions. to univatent rear pai t qna appiicaiioi, ' 12'10',1l ' 20' #10223 50 tg; Mn il+1,113-t 45(1 Soc. Math. Amer. 56,641
, . , ^ rbccnts - ! ^ ^ n , n sur
ies nluJ(
dans Ia
143. Rielechi,A' Q'uelques.rtsultcts thioriedesfonctionsholornorplres.Colloq.Math.,vol.ll,Fasc. 2(lg&), l4l-145' ul .- c,,* certaines , . Z' mtes desfonctrtQJorr' Sur ^, Leandowski' Bielecri,-A'; l4g. '' vol' 9' Fasc' te cercleunit6' Colloq' Math dans holomorpltes tiens
deronctions d'unectasse coerricients des ?';?ij;,|'It'y"' r50.3\i?3il; ZeszytyNauk dcns !,on,,ou circulaire. et univalentes ar,.alytiques #2858'[39' praceM;. No. i o9A), l3-16; MR 34 Jagie[o. univ. 481 of typicallyreal W' E ' On thecoefficients Kirwan' G'; K' Binmore, ' u3 ',23', 151. 39#7087 I. 36t1969),455-46i;MR i"{ath. b*. functioir. 5l' 621
by ; of domains hounded
+si+zes -88t, non tsz 877 rt, x;,?,",i##"'#tr:;"fil.riri w;i, tJ] g n rr f-nnfn
I 53. Hi.;t'*',
tions mappin m e r o e g h t n i r v e o c .' . : !"^i^:'I :','!.t.ff,n'
o n t o d o m a i n s b o u n d e d b y q u a s i - , i p. , , l e s . N o t i c e s491 ,Amer.Math.Soc. 731-30-20, A-102.t19, 23, January|916,el,,,u c:t danslesclasses rn module in domqine uroio-rotioi F. 154. Bogowski, " d e f o n c t i o n s a o , n 6 e . s p o u r t e spoton'm i . n o rSci' a n t e56r' s f QSci' ) e H Math' '.@nglishand A.19.' i"ir. summari.ri Russian 221 35:38;MR 50 #2478'lr ' Astronom.Phvs' ziogiil' subordination n'; stunt t'*::::^l:t' de 155. Bogowski,F.; luuror,rti"'F' modulespour certqinesclasses fonci6 inasoiiii, et en domaine Mariaecuriecercle'iita' Ann' Univ' le dans hotomc,rphes tions #37s9'U' 6' 101 r); MR.46
de la c/ass subordination en domaine dons le cas des minorantes Mariae CurieHo. (polish and Russian summaries)Ann. Univ. #11466'Il] 48 (1973); MR SklodowskaSect. A25 (1971),15-25 concerning 159. Bogucki, Zbigniew. On o theorem of M' Biernacki Univ' Ann' summaries) subordinatefunctions. (Polishand Russian 41 (1970); MR Mariae curie-sklodowskaSect.A 19(1965),5-10
#7081. tll
univalent 160. Bogucki, Z.; Waniurski, J. On the minorant setsfor Sect. A, vols. functions. Ann. univ. Mariae curie-sklodowska, pp. 33-38. t6,29j; lvIR s2 #722 22/23/24 (1968/1969/1970), of M' Bier' 16l. Bogucki, Zbigniew; Waniurski, Jozef. On a theorem SUIIIRussian nackt concerning convex maiorants. (Polish and A 19(1965)' maries) Ann. univ. Mariae curie-sklodowska Sect. 1 1 - 1 5 ( 1 9 7 0M ) ;R 4 | # 7 C 8 2I'l ' l 0 ] growth of subordinate 162. Bogucki, Z.; Waniurski, J. The relotive 357-354;MR 45 #8816'[1, 6, functions.Mich. Math. J. l8(1971), 10, I 8, 62]l whose 163. Bogucki, Z.;Waniurski, J . On boundedspiral-likefunctions Sci' Math' values,orT a fixed disk. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci' ser' #3760.|6, 46 MR Astronom.Phys.,19(l97|), no. ! l, pp. 983-988; 1 9 ,3 6 , 6 3 1 o-f subordinate 164. Bogucki, Z; Waniurski, J. The location of z''roes radius of maiorization. B.11. functionts and irs infruence on the l9(1971)'no' Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. sci. Math. Asti:onorr.PhyS', 11, PP. 989-996;MR 46 #3776'tU growth of subordinate 165. Bogucki, z.; waniurski, J . on the relative Ann' Univ' Mariae functions. (Polish and Russian summaries) MR 49 curie-Sklodowska Sect. A 22-24(1968/70),29-32(1972); #5332.[1, 6, 10] whose values 166. Bogucki, Z.; Waniurski, J . On univolentfunctions Sect' A covera fixed disk. Ann. uniu. Marlae curie-Sklodowska 22-24(1968/70), 39-44(1972). [6, I 0, 221 property of the Koebe 167. Bombieri, Enrico. On the local maximum MR 36 #1635'124,42'541 function Invent. Math. 4(l 967),26-67; detta funzione di 16g. Bombieri, Enroci. sulla seconda variozione (3)22(1967),25-37; Kcebe.@ngiishsummary)Boll. un. Mat. ltal .
MR 35 #6813.124,421 n t i nequ aliti es 169. Bombieri,Enrico. A geometricapproachtu coeffi ae Pisa (3)22(1968)' functions.Ann' ScuolaNorm' Sup. for univalent 317-397;MR 39 #430.124,541 a' for starlikefunctionsof order i1A. Boycl,A. V. Ccefficieniestimates
MR J3 #75|7, |6,22, 1016-1018; 17(1966), Soc. Ma^uh. Proc.Amer. oJ 30,36,491 univalentpolynomials regions for Coefficient . o 36 #39i1 [4' |7,,.Brannan, o. t+(tqoD,Joi-t59; MR rtegree.Mathem";i;; srncll I 29, 321 boundarvrotation' bounded of MF l'i2.Brannan, D' t: ?' fln'tions so. .(;' ro trqog/69)'-339-34?; il;ih. Edinbursh proc. of the
rl tf rctatio'n' boundarv bounded :!'' tJ\'7i B MR 4r #8643' tit lt'i:ffr; Math ff;J'i)'i:: sr.."iirgoe;, sit-izz: l Math' Glasgow Bull.London o:..'un'"ointnyiy'oirott o D' lA|.Brannan, 43 #22M'14'321 powersene , ,t,nroi, 1d-'07, MR pribtr*s for cert.ain or^riitj,ilrii Ken A. D. 1?5.Brannan, i"*pr.x Analvsis(univ' No s;;;;i;T the of proceedings :" Lecture i -T 1"{"t'Muth' l9t' r9T3), ,i'. canterbury, estimat Ser.,No'i2'Cambri'dltu"in''p"'l'iondoo'1974'lM'541 J.; Kirw;;w 'E'9-n{icient c1.,i"[, +7 A.; D. J' Matil' 22(1970)' r.76 Brannan, in'''i''n''^Cioa' star-lit'''' for a (jto"of 6' 9-'l0''25'361 +85;r"rn+i"tsot+' ll'"Z', C t rit*"t'-iw E' on thecoefficit t'"ttt' i' Ann' Acr rota-iion' l'l'l .Brannan'D' A'; bounidary aounae.d problemlor .functior^r'-if.rnu,t.,l"no ' Sn (1973)'t-i8; MR f.iuit ,. e. Sci.Fenn.Ser.
rortvpic'l t, Jl'-"o, 40#74 ;:';i .w t' l^ii;:;:'.'r!!ii'em ,r, f,t"Xi#,' tbitOgl' i53-1S5;MR realfunctions.CfurgoJ'fufurt,'
orboun c/csses s("rt€ on Y IM"th Soc' (2)l(1969)'43t-' ,rn.$1""f;'1t;i'i1:''f':L*' j. London univalentfunctiorr.10',22',-3'6',711 coefficient MR 40 #443l [6' 7' w' E"'Tfe Maclaurin Ki;;' A'; 2 (rt D' 180. Brannan, ionaon Math' Soc'' suli' ;;;';;rs. Bounded convex 22'3ol
uo' ,rn-t?+rt'rn42#6211' w: i"rt" A';-'itt$l D'
growthof the muxlt 805J' 38(1971)' 181.Brannan' functions';"k;tUlttt' univatiitt of modutus
,r, x*flff:T
',i;f,;f,? funcl thesetof-univatent o::':.of }z-ll+',y* 4| #M8.[88
Illin BuIl.Amer.tntattr.t"..?o(,n,oi, io*rtiit suuoiii-ior, L. "natvtic.functions' "i 183.Brickmar, M a t h ' 1 s ( 1 s | r ) ' ; ; ; - ' z ^proitems I ' i u r n 4for 3 #certa.in 2 2 0 sclasses ' t l ' 4 'of 1 0ar' 1 1g4. Brickman,Louis.'i*iriatrnrutt,j;;. ;;;,. functions.Proc.
46 l iittglzl,6T-73; MR
12,6, 23,241
Amer' Math' 185.Brickrnan,Lotris. 6-like analyticfunctions'I' Bull' MR 48 #8769'[4' 6] Soc.79(1973),555-558; points 186. Brickman,Louis. Certainalgebraicfunctions and extreme no. 3,20|_203.t88] of S. MichiganMath. J. 22(|975), D. R. Convexhullsof Wilkeo, H.; T. lg7. Brickman,i.; MacGregor, functions.Trans.Amer' Math' some classical famitieso1univalent ' 6 , 2 3 ,4 2 , 8 8 1 S o c .1 5 6 (9l 7 l t , 9 F l 0 7 ; M R 4 3 # 4 9 4 U T.H.; wilken, D. gutt.nbeck, D. J.; MacGregor, lgg. Brickmatr,L.i conR. Convexhullsandextremepoints of families of star-likeand IVIR vexmappings.Trans.Amer. Math. soc. 185(1973),413-428; 4 9 # 3 1 0 2u. , 6 , l o , 3 6 ,8 8 1 the set of 189. Brickman,-Louis; wilken, D. R. support points of univalentfunctions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 42(1974),523-528; MR 48 #6399.[62,88] 190. Brodovic,M. T. A certainsufficientconditionfor theconformality sumof an arbitrory one-to-onemapping.@nglishand Russian 1974,489-492, maries)DopovidiAkad. Nauk Ukrain.RsR ser. A 572;MR 51 #8388.[4] S' Ann' 191. Bucka,Cz.; Ciozda,K. On a new subclassof the cless ; R 4 9 # 3 1 0 9t.6, 2 3 , 2 9 , 3 6 ^6 3 1 P o l o n .M a t h .2 8 ( 19 7 3 ) , 1 5 3 - l 6 lM Ann' defonctionsunivalenfes' lg2. Bucka,Cz.;Ciozda,K.Surune classe MR 48 #6386.16,23,29,36'631 , 233-238; Polon.Math. 28(1973) power series.II' 193. Buckholtz, J. D. Zeroesof partiat sums of vcl. 16,tto.3, issueno' i13, April, Notices,A.M.S. (Abstract), 1969,P. 5a0.[20] Notices,A' lg4. Burdick,c*y R. on a ratio of a univalentfunction. -30-24,pg. A-109 (Preliminary M. S. 20(Jan.lg73),Abstract701 r e p o r t )[.5 , 6 , 1 0 ,6 3, 6 4 , 7 4 1 of cnalytic lg5. Burstein,r-. H . Extremalproblemsfor certain classes zaved' Matematika1969' functions. (Russian)lzv. vyt*. ucebn. no. 6(85),9-16;MR 40 #Msl' 12,5,6' l0' 241 of l96. Burstein,'r-.rr. on the questioi of confcrmaltransformations the disconto nonoveriippinyregions- (Russian)Mat' Zametki ' t26l 6(1969),4r7-424.MR 40 #5345 - af (o) in a classof lg7. Burstein,L. H. The rootsof theequationf@ -52; reolfunctions. (Russian)Mat. zametki i0(1971),4l-455i' typically '#llggiEnglish Math. Notesl0(19'/1),49 translation: MR 44
u3, - af(qz) in the 198. Burstein,L. H ' The solutron of the eqrntion f(z') zaved' ciassof siar-shapedfunctions. (Russian)Iav. vyss. ucebn'
52 #8398 Mat . 1974,no. 12(l5l), 47-50' t6l; MR slit H , A geometricproperty for certain |gg. Busklein,F.; Waadeland, Noridsk Mat' Ticiskr' mappings. (Norwegian. English summary)
ztigtl), 33-39,Se;MR 49 #549'[491
polyttcn;ialsltmsand univalentcessromeans' 2w. Bustoz,J. Jat:otbi MR 5l #5917'U6,201 proc. Amer.Marh.Soc.50(t97s),zsg-264; uni' Jorm of the I /4 theoremfor 201.Byers,R. B. on a strenthened \valentfunction.s.Notice s , A m e r . M39] ath.Soc.,vol.20,no.3,April A-327)'[19' 1973(Abstract73T-Bi15, subordinattionresultsfor clsssesaf ZOZ.Byers, R. B. Some linela; soc' 47(1975)'143-146univalentfunctiorts.Proc. Amer. Math' MR 5| tia?3[1, 4, 6, l0] (Abstract)'Notices'A' 203.calys, E. G. A classof regutarfunctions' 1 9 6 8p, . 9 1 9 .[ 5 ' 8 5 ] M . S . , v o l . 1 5 ,n o . 6 , i r r r r .n o . 1 0 8 ,o c t o b e r A. M. S.,vol. Notices, of regular flln.ctions. 2M. Calys,E. G. on a class (Abstract). [2, 7, 18,20,211 17,no. 2, issueno. n\:re[. :970 of some and starlrkeness ZCs.Calys,g. C. The radiis of univalence '' 23(197l)'Fasc'4' of regt^larfunctions. compositoMath classes P P .4 6 7 - 4 7 0U. l , 4 3 , 8 2 ' 8 5 1 functionswith tocauyunivsrent 206.Campbeu,D. v. toriii univarent MR 44 Trans.Amer. Math. Scc. |62(|9?1),395-410; derivative'.,s. #4ree.l43l theorems Jor locally 207. campbell,D. I.{. Maiorization-subordination univqlentfunctions.Bull.Amer.Math'Soc.,78(1972)'no'4'pp' ' l 5 3 5 - 5 3 8M; R 4 5 # 8 8 1 7U theorems it. voiorization-subordination Micha 20g. campbell,Douglas 25(19'73)' ' Math II' Canad' J' for locclly univalentfunctioni. 420-425;MR 47 #3669'tll on compactaand locally 2og.Campbell, D. (Jnifornt convergence order' Monatsh' Math' univalent analytic funciions of finite 77(lg7il,2l-23; MR 47 #3664 functions.Israel 2|0.Campbell,D.M,Eventualtyoreollymeanp-valent MR 48 #11480.133,621 J. Math. io(rqz3), 216-236; of a linearcombination ztl. campbell,D. M. The radiusof convexity offunctions....Can.J.Math.25(|973),9E2-985;MR48#6387.
u2,821 theorem proo-fof a uniqueness 212.campbell,D. M. Appticationsa-nd J' Mountain order' Rocky of f or tinear invariont]'mtilies fjlttte Math.4(1g74),ozt-oy;MR50#|0235.tl,10,|2,|9,33,43,54, 62, 68l theorems for rocauy 2r3. Campbelr,D. M. Majorization-subordination
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U3' 231 3, 107-tti; MR 34#2851' of regurarfunctions L. E. on certain crasses 326.Dundudenko, u n i v a l e n t i n o i , l e l t i p s e . ( R u - s s i ' a p33 ] r#5853' z v . y v lt6' ' . U10' c e571 bn.Zaved MR MatematikaI g66,no'Z(Sfl' S8-61; doublyspirolin o ring' (Rusnedhr E. functjgls L. 32i . DunduEenko, MR 36 #3969'[6' 48] 1272-1283; sian)Sibirsk.Mat. 2.v,o967), of analytic{:t:ctio:t-i:,:" classes 3zg.Dundu6enko,L. E. oi some and Englishsummaries) Russian region (Ukrainian' n-connected N{R35 RSRSer.A 1967,109-112; Naul-ukrain. Akad. Dopovidi #3s7. oJfunctionsthatareanalytic L. O . On a certainclass 32g. DunduEenko, andRussian circutardomain(ukr;inian. English irtan n-connected summaries)DopovrdiAkad.NautUkrain.RSRSerA1-972' 398-400 , 475; lviR 46 #5598' t60l Trans. for startikefunctions. coniecture p. Marx the on L. Duren, 330. M R 3 1 . t I , 6 , 1 2 ,1 6 l A m e r .M a t h .S o c .u g ( 1 9 6 5 )3, 3 1 - 3 3 i ; me;omorphicschtichtfunctions' 531 331. Duren, peter L. ciliirienis -o! teq-172;MR 42/16212'19'25' proc.Arner.Math.s;;. zg(lglt), of univalentfunctions of coefficien;ts 332.Drifeo,Perer\,. Estimat;o'n J. London Matl'' soc' (2) 8 theoreiremainder Tauberion by a sr #877' ls4' 621 Arrrer' 0n4;,27g-2E2;MR of univateitfunctions' Notices' 333. Duren, P. L. Coefficients p' A-98' [9' 25' irt-:o-4' Math.soc.23,lunuurv lg76,Absi;ract tii homeo' o' scht'tarzianderivativesand L.; 3q4.lt;rii, .Lehto' morphicextensio,,.R,,n.Acad.Sci.Fenn.(SeriesA)I,vol. 3U mOgiol, l-11; MR 43 #7610'[4' - ? 3 5 . D u r e n , P e t e r t - . ; t u c r , a u g h l iJ., n , R\9(1972), enate.T w o3,- spp t i't m appingsandthe 267-273; tro' Marx conjectur".tutrchiglnvruth. M R 4 6 # 3 7 6 2[.] , 6 , 1 6 ' 1 9 ]
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some classesof 575. Hengartner,w.; Schober,G. Extremepoints for univalentfunctions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc' 185(1973),265-270; M R 4 9 # 5 5 9 .1 4 , 4 1 '8 8 1 of univalentfunc' 576. Hengartner,*.; Schoblr; G. Compoctfamities ' J' 21(1974),205Math tions and their support points. Michigan 2r7 (1975);MR 5l #898.[24' 88] points d'appui des . Hengartner, W.; Schober, G. Propriitds des 57'7 c. R. Acad' Sci Paris famittes compactesdefonctions univolentes. ; 5 l # 8 8 0 't 8 8 l 5 6 r . A . 2 7 9 ( 1 9 7 4 ) , 5 5 1 - 5 5M3R properties of support 578. I{engartn.r, W.; Schober, G. Some new Amer' poin-tsfor compoctfamities of univalentfunctions. Notices p' A-102' [88] Math. Soc. 23, January 1976,Abstract 731-30-18, moxof points counting for function 57g. Herztg, F.; Piranian, G. The proc. Pure Math., vol. ll(1968)' I^r Symposia of modulus. imum 24A-243.[68, 90] 580.Hindma,,h,L.;Volk,B.Schlichtcubesotile|< Math. Monthly, March 1976,'20'l-209'l32l Proc' 581. Holland,F. Somepropertiesof a classof regularfunctions' MR 4l #7084'16,2f,621 Roy. Irish Acad. Sect.A 69, 85-95(1970); relationsfor starlikefunctions'Proc' -A,72(1972), 582. Holland,F. some osymptotic no. 1, pp. 1-16; MR 47 #451' Roy. Irish Acad. sect.
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, 7 4 9 7 .[ ] , 6 , 2 1 ' 3 6 ] n o . 9 , p p . 8 1 1 - 8 1 5 1M; R 4 6 # 2 0 3 0 # of thefunctional lf(")(e)l bound upper the On 630. Jakubowski,Z. J. of univalentfunctions. Commeilt. (n - 2,3,. . .) in some classes Math. PraceMat. 17(1973),65-69;MR 48 #2369.[54, 68] 631. Jakubowski, Z. J. On some properties of extremalfunctions o.f MR Carath\odory.Comment.Math. PraceMat. 17(1973),71-80; 48 #52?. [2, 56] 632. Jakubowski, Z. J. On some special class of regular functions. Math. Balkanica4(! 974),299-300. 633. Janczar, B. The structure of boundary functions in the classes quasi-startikeand quosi-convex.functions. Demonstratio Math. 5 (1973),17-27;MR 48 #2362.[6, 10,241 634. Ja;rczar,B. z"-quasi-convexfunctions. (Polish and Russian summaries) ZeszytyNauk. Politech. L6di* No. 186 Mat. no. 5(1974),
2t-42. UOI
635. Jankovics, Ronalci. Uber Funktionen mit der Eigenschaft Re[ei-lfQ)/z- p\ 5 l # 8 3 9 2 [. 6 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 2 0 1 636. Janowski, W. Sur une certainefamllle de fonctions univalentes. (Russian sunrmar!) Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 36r. Sci. Math. Asrronom.Phys. 13(1965),707-713;MR 35 #4386.124,291 637. Jancwski, tN. A certain famity of univalentfunctions. (Polish. Nauk. Llniv. Lodzk. Nauki lvlat. Przyrod. Frenchsummary)Ze,szyty Ser. II Zeszyt20 Matematyka (1966), 3-41; MR 50 #7498. t29l 638. Janowski, W. Sur une certain famille de fonctions univalentes. Ann. Polon. Math. 18(1966),l7l-203; MR 34 #327.124,29,621 639. Janowski, W. On the radius of starlikeness of some families of regulor funciton.". (Loose Russian summar.') Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 56r. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phvs. 17(1969),503-508; MR 40 #7438.[6, I l] &O Janowski, W. Extremal problems for a fu,tity cf functions with positive real part arid for scme relsred families. (Loose Russian summary)Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 56r. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys' l7(1969),633-637;MR 4l #1986.12, 12,21, 561 of somefamiliesof &1. Janowski,Witold. On the radiusof starlikeness rcgular tunctions.Comment.Math. PraceMat. l4(1970), 137-149; Mk 42 #6208.[6, 1l] &2. Janowski, W. Extremat probtems -for a family of functions with positive i eal part and for sonrerelatedfamilies. Ann. Polon. Math. 159-177;MR 42 #2005.12,6, I I , 12, 13, 19,21,24' 23(1970/71), 40,411
of w. some,extremalproblens for certsin fomilies 643.Janowski, Astronom' Polon' Sci' S€r' Math' analyticfunctions. I. Bull. Acad. #3659' 12' 6' 12' 56' 631 Phys. 2l(1g73), lt-26; MR 47 oJ s'rtte extre;narprubre-msfor cei'tainfamilies 48 644.Janowski, w. MR Math. zgtr 973),297_326; analyticfunction.s.I. Ann. Polon. #6401. 12, 12. 551
. , , . - ^ u n - n t coefficient nnoffirient on normalizationin the general A. Jantes Jenkins, &5. Mathematicians(Stockholm' theorem. Proc. Internat. congr' MR 31 tnsi. Mittag.lef|ler,Djurslrolm,1963; |962), pp.347-350. #328iunctions' III' Trans' Bieberbach-Eilenberg on A. J. Jenkins, u6. "241 lvlR3l #5969'I-26,34'861 Amer.Marh.soc. t tq(iqos),lg5.2l5; 17 of Nehari.Proc.Amer' Math' Soc' ,isult a on A. J. Jenkins, &7. 25' 27'29' 541 (1966),62-66;MR 32 #5865'[9' lg' coeffi' certainextremarproblemsfor the 64g. Jenkins,JamesA. on D'analyseMath' l8(1967)'173cientsof univalentfunctions' J' 184;MR 35 #305l'124'541 inequalityconsidered bY Robertson' &g. Jenkins,JamesA' On on June1968,PP.549-550;MR 37 Proc.Amer.Math' Soc'19'no' 3'
#401.18,42, 541 result in conformal mapping' 650. Jenkins, James A. A uniqueness MR 39 #2958'[7,9' 19] proc. Amer. Math. Soc- zzhgog),324-325; ' Proc' on "puirs" of regularfunctions 651. Jenkins,JamesA. A remark A m e r . M a t h . S o c . 3 l ( 1 9 7 2 ' 1 , 1 1 9 - 1 2 1 ; M R 4 5 # 5slit | 9 .mappings' |26,34,86] of certain ripresentation The A. Ju*., 652. Jerrkins. January|g76' Abstract 731-30-21' l.IoticesAmer. Math. Soc. 23,
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of Ahtforsqnd ' on results K6taro oikawa' A'; James 654.?llurtr, 124,331 MR 45 #5332HaymanIll. J. Math.iitr sng,664-671; the coefficient
maximatityfor 655. Jenkins,J' A'; Ozawa' M' On'llocal 36 #r636a.142,53'541 aa. iltinois J. Math. rrtigiT),5g6-692;MR localmaximalityfor the coefficient 656. Jenkins,J. A.; ozawa, M. on ao.NasovaMath'J'30(196'l)'il-78;MR36#1636b'127'541 657.Juneja,o.P.;tvtog,a,M.L.Ac:lassofunivalentfunctions. NoticesAmer.Math.Soc.zl,Februaryir975,Abstract75T-864, P . A - 3 1 6 -1 2 ,1 2 , 2 1 ,5 6 1 and stqrlikefunctions of order a 658.iuneja,O. P.; Mogra,M' L' On ' Soc. 22, APril l9'15, Abst-ract
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#594. [4' . , - . c ^ ,) ^1'nnDr, symmetrrc j j 4 . Kulshrestha, p. K. Coefficient bounds for k-fold u n i v a l e n t J - u n c t i o n s o f b o u n d e d r o l g t i o i l . N o t ip. ces,A.M.s.,vol.l9, 696-30-7), A-631.[4,9, no.5, issue139,August, 1972(Abstract i !, 1'il Ti5.Kulshrestha,P.K.Distoritonofspirnl-likemappin gs.Proc.Rcy. g73),MR 47 #70|6. [6' 63] 1-5(1 A73, Sect. Irish Acad. s' functions. NoticesA. M' 7i6. Kulshrestha,p. K. BoundecrRobertson 36,63,731 t-szl. [6, 12' 20, August 1g73,Abstra ct7C6-30-5,i. mpapings' jj. . Kulshrestha,p . K. Generalizedconvexity in conformol J.Math.Anal.Appl.43(1g73),44|-449;vrn49#g|821,6,29,69, 83,841 778. Kulshrestha,P.K.Coefficientsforaipho-convexunivalentfuncg74), 341-342;MR 49 #7434' tions. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. SC(l [69, 84]
T T g . K u l s h r e s t h a , P . K . C o e f f i c i e nAnal. t p r o bs+ir t e mg74),205-211; f o r a - c o n v e xMR u n i v51 alent Rationai tvtectr. er.rr. functionr. #878. 123,59, 70' 841 no. T S 0 . K u l s h r e s t h a , P . K . C o e f f i c i e n t p r Math. o b l e m f3l o r(|9-15/"t6), aclassofM o c a3,n u - , Polon. enn. functions. Bazilevic 2 g 1 ' -2 9 9 . i 6 9 , 7 0 , 84]
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Russian summaries)Ann' univ' regular funciions. (Polish and A l8(l 964)' 19-22(1967);MR 38 Mariae curie-SklodowskaSect. #23w. [1, 6 ,321 , problem - ^ - ^ ^ L r ^ a{ n r a lnc< o oi{ for n .class g3l . Lerp.,anCo*r*i , 2.; Nltazga,J . An extremot Sci' S3r' Sci' posiiive"iritpart' Buli' Acad' Polon' functions with pirys. 2l(igzl), 233-240;MR 47 #3668'11,2,24' Math. Asrronom.
s.u1i' e1': .:::( ::': ^:'::,:!,:: !r:# ski, z.; Miazg . luJ*"r oov,, B3z ?: J.de Koebe' (Engtishand Russiansumdetermination desense,itU'tr,
poton. Sci' Sbr' scl' Math' Astronorn'Phys' maries)Bull. Acad. 22(rg74), 663-666;MR s0 #2479' t19l of J'; Szynal' J' On an applicotion 833. Lewandowski, Z'; Miazga' proibtr*s for functions wiilr sakaguchi,s method to extremal coefficients'Buli' Acad' Polon' positivereal part with vanishing Sci.56r.Sci.Math.Astronom.Phv'.zr(1973),241l-2M;MR47 #5248.12r
24, 561
tz^^L^ )n,vtniv.rc fnr un'
8 3 4 . L e w a n d c w s k i , Z , ; M i a Z E & , J . ; S z y nunder al,!.K o e b e d onormalizamqinsforuniMontel's vqlentfunctions with ,il'ro'fficients g i s ) , f a s c .3 , 3 3 3 - 3 3 6t' 6 , l 0 ' 1 9 ' 3 9 ' tion.Ann. polon.Math,30(l all; MR 5I #13210 E. Generatingfunc, Z.; Miller, S.; Zlotkiewicz, 835. Lewsa-ndowski Amer' Math' of univalentfunctions' Proc' tionsfor some classes 691,, S o c .( t o a p p e a r )1' 2 '4 ' 5 ' 6 ' : - - - . : ^ -E / a certarnconE' on ,2.;Reace, M. o'; Zlotkiewicz' 336. Lewandowski Russiansummaries)An' Sti' dition for univalence.(Romanian1nd (N.S.)l18(1965), l |9_|23; ..A1.I. Cuza,,Iasi Sect.Ia Mat. Univ. MR 34 #329.[4, 5, lo, 20] adioint Stankiewicz' Jan' On mutually 837. Lewandowski, Zdzislaw; Ann. (Potish and RussianSummaries) clost.to-convexfunction,s. Univ.Mariaecu,i.-st.lodowskaSect.Alg(1965),47_51(1970); M R 4 l # 5 6 1 1t.l , 5 , 6 , 8 2 1 of Jan' on the region of variability stankiewicz, z.; 838. Lewandowski, logf,(z)forSomeclassesofclose-to-convexfunctions.Ann.Univ. 46 A 20(1966):'45-52(1971);MR Mariae Curie-SklodowskaSect' .sntes modulaires #9322. 15, 29, 49, 74l J ' Les moJor Stankiewicz' Z': , Lewandowski 839. Sci' summary) Bull' Acad' Polon' 6toil6eset l',inclusion.(Russian #2033' 46 19(1g7-l)' 923-929;MR 56r. Sci. Math. Astrcnom. Phys'
yo'o.'::'"^:::y,':t:,,lresfo,nc840.I]l*-oowski, Z.; Stankiewicz''' (Ruisian summary) Bull' Acad' tionset incrusion desdomaines.
E" b--
917-922; polon. sci. 56r. Sci. Math. Astronom.Phys' 19(1971)' MR 46 #2032.lrl setsand Z.;Szynal,J.; Wajler,S' On the covering g4t. ffi;#wski, r rr.,ll A ^aA Bull. Acad'
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2/. N IIP MR 4),2e-34; ";;iiri,""' sci.Math.Astronom. Phvs. 22(re7 ;l;#.'*:ft;.
5 0 # 2 4 7 5 [. 1 , 6 , 1 0 1 of variability o'f g42. Lewandowski, z.; zlotkiewicz, E. or the domain meromorphic' univalentfuncthe secondcoefficientfor a classof Math' Astronom' Phys' tions.Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. S6i. Sci' 24' 291 13(1965) , 2l-25; MR 3l #3593'19' g43. Lewandowski, Z.; Zlotriewicz, E. variational formulse for funct i o n s m e r o m o r p h i c o n d u n i v a l e n t i n t h e u n i t d i s c . ( P o l i s hA andRusCurie-SklodowskaSect' 17 sian summaries)Ann. Univ. Mariae 251 ( 1963), 47 -53(1965);MR 33 #4256' 19' 24' of starlikefuncE' On some classes 8M. Lewandowski,Z.; Zlotkiewicz, 74T-889' Amer. Math. Soc.21, April1974, Abstract tions,.Notices p. A-374.14,61 problem for bi-univalentfunctions' 845. Lewin, M.' on a coefficient 27,53,
u6, 63-68;MR 34#6074. proc.Amer.Marh.soc.18(l9aD, 541 of o certqin :-lassof analytic 846. Lewin, M. Boundsfor functionals 45 Math. So:. 3(1971),329-330;MR functions. Bull. London #7050. 122, 68,721
. r , , : y t - . -^ . i n s o
g47.Lewis,JohnL. on a probremof Gronwaufor Bazileviifunctions. , 23|-242;MR 49 #7432.v0, Trans.Amer. lv{atlr.Soc.195(1974) 801 , ^,? - tt-^^j,n n f suffridgc' lttffrirlsp of g4g. Lewis, John L. An n-speceanologue of a theorem p+rt 4. 385-404.t6] Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)30(1975), Math' soc' g49. Lewis, J. L. Noteon an ori lrngth problem. J. London (2\l'2(1975/7 5), no ' 4 ' 469-474' l7l suborriinatiort theoremsfor som€ 850. Lewis, J. L.; Barnard, R. w. s' 20' August 1973' of univalentfunctions. NoticesA' M' classes
zrr-9210,p' A-486'u ' 6l Abstraci
of afunction analyticin the 851. Li Ti-min' . Influenceof theorgu*'its MR 32 sci. Sinical+(r965),666-678; unit circleon itsuniva"lence. 14,391 canadian J' Math' R. J. univalento-spiralfunctions' Libera, 852. MR 35 #5599'[6' 36] 19(196i) , 449-456; J' Austral' Math' Soc' 853. Libera, Richard J ' Disk-likefunctii;ts' 6' 40',41',49I l1(1e7b) ,251-256;MR 42 #1990'14' 854.Libera,R.Sorrteinequulitiesforboundedunivalentfunctions'
( P o l i s n a n d R u s s i a n s u m m a r i e s ) A n n . U n i v . M a r i a e C53' urieMR 50 #10236'122' Sect.A 26(tgiz), 17-2g(197g; Sklodowska 611 of sonteclasses A. E,.Cn the univalence E55.Libera,R. J.; Lr.lingst'on, ofregularfunctions.Proc.Amer.Math.soc.30(i9,71),327_336; M R 4 4 # 5 4 4 2[ -5 , 6 , 1 0 ,l l , z , 7 3 ' 8 2 ] functionswithpositive g56. Libera,R. J.; Livingston,A. E. Bounded 45 Math. .I. zz(g1)(lgiz) 195-209;MR reut part. Czechoslovak #'t039. 12, ?'Zl
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MR 33#28r1. u9l
regular func981. Mitjuk, I. P . A certsin subordination principle for 189 tions. (Russian)Trudy Tomsk. Gos. univ. Ser. Meh.-Mat' ( 1 9 t t 6 )1, 6 1 - 1 6 7M ; R ] 7 # 4 2 4 4 '[ 1 , 7 , 1 8 ] g82. Mocanu, P. T. Extremal domains in the clossof univalentfuncR' P' tions. (Romanian. Russian and French summaries)Acad. 30 MR 303-313; Romine Fil. Cluj Stud. Cerc- Mat. 12(1961), #4939.124,291 gg3. Mocanu, p. T. On an extremqlproblem relativeto univalentfuncR' P' tions. (Romanian. Russian aird French summaries)Acad. #5868' Ronine Fil Bluj Stud. Cerc.Mat. l4(1963),85-91;MR 33
9 8 - 4N . { o c a n u , P . T . O n the radius of convexity of holorr'orphicfuncUniv. tions. (Romanian. Russian and French summaries)studia MR 30 Babes-BolYaiSer. Math.-Phys. 9(1964),no. 2, 31-33; # 4 9 1 8U . 2,3ll - af(u) in the class of 985. Mocanu, P. T. On the equation f@ MR 32 univalentfunctions. Mathematica(Cluj)6(29)(1964)63-7e;
(Romanian)Stud' 986. Mocanu, P. T. Functions univalent an sectors. Cerc.NIat.i?(1955),925-931;MR34,M7514'57'l gg7. ivlocanu, p. T. Generulizedradii of stariikenessand convexity of Studia analytic functions. (Romanian and Russian summaries) MR 43-50; 2, no. (1966), l1 Ser. Math.-Phys. univ. ga-bes-Bolyai 3 5 # 6 8 1 0[.1 1 , 1 2 , 3 1 1 map988. Mocanu, Petru T. Convexity and starlikenessof conformol #5600' [6' pings. Mathematica (cluj)8(3 lx I 966), 9l-102; MR 35 10,I l, l2l of the exponen989. Mocanu,Petru T. About the radius of starlikeness Univ' tiat function. (Romanian and Russian summaries)Studia 41 MR 35-40; -Phys. 1, no. 14(1969), Babes-BolYaiSer. Math ' #1990.[6, I l, 23]
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l2()?. R.eade,Maxwell O.; Zotkiewicz, Eligiusz, J. On urrivalenifunctions with two preassignedvclues. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1971),539-5M; MR 44 #422.[6, 19,22, 4li lzg4. Reacie,M. O.; Zlotkiewicz. E. J. Cn a tkeorem of Kaczmerski concerningthe equationf(z) - p-f(a). Notices,A. M. S., vol. 18, no. 1, issueno.127, January1971(Abstract682-30-2,Preliminary r e p o r t ) p, . 1 4 4 . [ 6 , 1 0 , l 3 ] 1205 Reade,M. O.; Tlotkiewicz, E. J. Koebe setsfor univalent func' tions with two preassignedvalues. Bull. A. M. S. 77(1971), 103-105;MR 42 #3267.16. 19, 22,24, 4ll 1206. Reade, M. O.; Zotkiewicz, E. On values omitted by univalent 24 functioris with two preassigned values. Compositio Math. MR 47 tf8831.[19,241 t1972),355-358;
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Extrematprobteme--fi)r . Nichttinesre rz4j it;r:llJ,?1,n, Stephan 19-23;MR 5l Z. 142(1975), holomorpheStiettjii,ntrgrole.Math. # 1 0 6 0 6U. 3 , 5 1 ,8 2 1 Proc' . Newcriteriafor univareltfunctions. Stephan r24g.Ruschewehy, g i 5 ) , 1 0 9 - l t i ;M R 5 l # 3 4 1 8t.4 , 6 , 1 0 ,1 6 ' A m e r .M a t h .S o c .+ q t r 3 6 ,3 8 , 6 3 , 6 4 , 6 8 1 productswith apstephan- Duaiityfor l{adamard 1249.Ruscheweyh,
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'l 1
MR 38 #1245'[6' 36] 16(1968) , 5'73-574; of the'functionallot !17|i !: maximum the Cn L. Siewierski, 1331. Math' 22 func:tions'Ann' Polon' of quasi-starlike the classes zil-253; MR 40 #4142'16'361 (1969/701, of meromorH. on the coefficients L.; Smialkowna, 1332.Siewierski, p h i c q u a s i - c o n v e x f u n c t i c n s . A n n . U n i v . M a r i a 167-170; eCurie1970), .22/23/24(|968/|969/ vols A., Sect. Sklodowska, [9, 10,25] MR 51 #10607. functions' Proc' crose-to-convex 1333.Silverman,H. on a' ctaisof lvlR 1972,47i-484; Amer.Math. Soc.,vol. 36, nt .2,December 4 7 / l z c r ' ; 8 . t150, ,1 2 ,1 9 , 7 4 , 7 5 1 . ? of cottv€xmapptnSs' 1334.Silverman,Herb. Linear combinations MR 52 #35M RockyMountainJ. Math. 5(1975),629-631t82l; coefficients ' with negative 1335. Silverman,H. (Jnivalentfunctions ; R 5 l # 5 9 1 0[.4 , 6 , p r o c .A m e r .M a t h .S o c .s i ( r 9 7 5 ) ,r 0 9 - 1 1 6M 6 3 '6 4 '8 8 1 1 0 ,I l , 1 2 , 1 6 1, 9, 2 3 , 3 2 , 3 6 '3 8 '3 9 ' , cf univalentJ'unctionswith two 1336.Silverman,H. Extremepoints f i x e d p o i n t s . N o t i c e s A m e r . M a88J th.Soc.23,January|976, Abstract'l3l-30-7, p' A-99' 16'10' Marie' on the orderof conve'rity 1337.Siiverman,Herb; Silvia,Evetyn s' 20(Jan'1973)'Abstract of a-slarlike functions.NoticesA. M' 701-30-9, Pg' A-106' t69l of M. on linearcombinations 1338.Silverman,H. w.; Silvia,Evelyn report' NoticesAmer' ,onrr* lrnctions of arde:r(3.Preliminary 1975,Abstract iZO-10-2'p' A-118' U0' Math. Soc. Z;2,January 1 1, l2r 82l
. , ,., r . - ^^ t t ^ a n n r A r o l n t t N. spiral-like functions and related 1339. Silverman,H.; Telage, D. A' M' S" vol' 22' with fixed seiond coefficienf' Notices' clssses (Abstract75T-B 124)'p' A-462' lb' no. 4, issueno. 162,June lgli 1 0 ,4 5 1 of close' Extremepoints of a subclass 1340. Silverman,II; Telage,D. N. Math' Soc' 23' January1976' to-corivex functittns. NoticesAmer' 7 4 , 7 5 ,8 8 ] Abstrac7 t 3 1 - 3 0 - 1 4p, . A - 1 0 1 . | 5 . , of ,)ariqtronit ntethod,on certain classes 1341. s'via, Evelyn lvlaric. A houndary rotation' |lotrces Amer' Math' functions of bounded S o c . 2 O ( 1 g 7 3 ) , A b s t r a c t 7 3 T - B 3 0 4 ' p ' A - 6 3 4 ' - 1 2 1 ' 7 l l Proc' spiraitikefunctions. o subciess-of 1342. silvia, Evelyn lVlarie.on 69'831 '
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on chord distortion type problems 13l.l...Sinelnikova, N. I- Certain Trudy Tomsk' Gos' univ' of schtichtfunctions.(Russian)' classes 24',291
' 16', iurnrr #2975 rg+-193i Ser.Meh.-Mat.189(1966), of functicnsregularin rhe ccer'i'icienis c;; p.; s. chandra, Singh, 1345.
theunitcircle.NoticesAmer.Math.Soc.zo(August119.73), ' p' ,\-482' ll l ' 7'll Abstract73T-B193 of q rheoremof strohhdcker' converse 1346.Singh, Ham. A sort of MR 39 ll42Y't12l Ganitargtr 967),13-16; theoremfui ao"ndedconvexschllcht l34,L singh. Ram. ,4 covering l9' no. 2, 67-.i0;MR -?g#5185'[10', 1g(1957), Ganira functions.
t?lrn, of star-tike fun:,::::,::::::1""*:ri Ram.on a crass 1348.
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o cPrtain
| 3 5 2 . S i n g h , R a m . R a d i u s o f c o n v e x i t ft(tqzo), 1 o f p o r t i407-410; g l s u m sMR o f q 43 certa. powerseries.l. nusti. Math. soc. #7616.12,ll, 12,20,21' 56' 731 Rev' of regurarunivarentfunctions' 1353.singh, Ram. sontecrasses MR 43 #2208'[4,5,6' 109-114; Mat. Hisp.-Amer.t+j lotr97-0),
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MR 33#s877. t54l
1366. Sladkowska, Janina. Polynomes quasi-univalentset univolents. et polynomesext:emaux.SoctetasScienVariationselementaries tiarum Lcdziensis,Sect. III, Nr. 64. PanstwoweWydawnictwo Naukowe,Lodz, 1960;MR 33 #258.l32l 1367. Sladkowska, J. Sur les conditions de Grunsky-Nehsri pour ies fonctions univalentes bornees dans le cercle unite. @nglish and Russian summaries)Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math' ; R 5 0 # 4 9 2 8 .[ 4 , 2 2 , 5 3 1 A s t r o n o m .P h y s . 2 l ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 3 0 7 - 3 l l M inequalities 1369. Sladkowska,.Tanina.Coefficient for Shah'sfunctions. Math. 5(1973),l7 l-192; MR 49 #5334.122,2i,34, Demonsrratio
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1496.Vowels,R. E. A note on positive realfunctions.IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory cT-18(1971),383-386;MR 4J?#3429.l2l 1497. waadeland, H. on sn ineqttality of Bernardi. I. Norske vid. 27-33;MR 35 #3053.t19l Selsk.Forh. (Trondheim)39(1966), 149g. waadeland, H. on qn inequality of Bernsrdi. II. Norske vid. Selsk.Forh. (Trondheim)39(1966),34-40;MR 35 #3054.[19] l4gg. waadeland, H. ptaying with a lemma. (Norwegian.Englishsummary) Nordisk Mat. Tidskr. 19(1971),30-38, 60; MR 48 #516 l2l de la clqssedr_{!r:1500. Wajler, Stanislaw.Sur certainessous-classes tions quasi-€toil\es.DemonstratioMath. 8(1975),89-971'MR 51 #5913.[6, 63] (zo)| for 1501.Walczak, s. Estimstion of 17"kdl , lf (zdl, lf(o\ Nauk. Zeszyty functions of classS. (Polish. Russiansummaries) Univ. Lodzk. Nauki Mat. Przyrod.Ser.ll Zeszyt39 Mat. (1971)' 69-73;MR 48 #8776.t68l 1502. walczak, s. Extremat problems in the classof close-to-convex MR 45 #2158'15, functions. Ann. Polon. Math .25(1971),23-38; 23, 24, 74, 751 1503.Walczak,S. The radiusof conformity of some classesof regular MR 46 #9330' functions. Ann. Polon. Math . 27(1973),189-195; [43t 1504. Walczak, S. Typical realfunctiorts in the exterior of the unit cir; R 50 ) ,1 3 - 5 3 1M c/e. Comment.Math. PraceMat' 1 7 ( 1 9 7 3 / 7 4 5 #7534. U3 , 241 ' 1505. Warren, J. Holomorphic functions bounded on a spiral Jan' 1l l, no. (Abstract),Notices,A. M. S., vol. 16, no. l, issue 1969,P. 273. J. Rateof growth of sprial functions. Notices, Amer' warren, 1506. Math. Soc., January1975,Abstract,i20-30-14, p. A-121. 162l 1507. warschawski, s. E. Remarks on the angular derivative.Nagoya Ir{ath.J. +l(1971),l9-32; MR 43 #493.t46i circle' 150A.Watson, ivlartha. On functions thst are bivsleiit in the unit MR 35 #6815.[14' 50] J. AnalyseMath. l7(1966),383-409; des 1509. Wesolowski,A. Relationsentre la subordinationet i'inDgalit€ closse la mociules dans le cas des moiorantes appurtenant o 20 Nn(I, oiq).Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SklodowskaSect. A lvIR 46 #560'1'tll (1966),85-94(1971); des 1510. Wesolowski,A . Cotnmuniqubdesfornntles variationnelleset €toil€es' de fonctions certains resultatsrecusdans les sous-classes lvlariae curieUniv. Ann. (Polish and Russian summaries). MR. 50 #591' 972); SklodorvskaSect. A 22-24(1968/70),193-199(1 [Seerlso MR 46 #3391.[6, 23,24.361
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-.;, f
:. ti1* ti.,1 'Y'1
,r& tl:'iC
summaries)Ann' functions. (Polish ald Russian K-symmetrical Univ.MariaeCurie.SklodowskaSect.A26(1972),79_1010974):' MR 49 #9184.[6, l2l of n-poriesin :on!:,^al mapsof 1539.Zeclek,N{. Thelinear meilSures theunitdisk.J.LondonMath.Soc.(2)6(1973),301-306;tv1R47 #8332.[4, i9] rearfurtctionswith starlikeimages' r540. zhang,Kai-ming. Typicary ActaMath.Sinica8(1958;,12-221Cttintte);translatedaschinese t v l a t h . - A c t a 8 ( l 9 f ' 6 ) , s q q _ o o z ; t v I R 3 6 | | 2 7 9 6Inciian . [ 6 , i 3J', 2cf3 , 6 6 1 univarent of functions" integrars e som tt. M. , r541. ziegref M R 4 1# 3 ' 7 4 3 ' 1 2 ' 4 ' 6 ' M a r h . ,v c l .1 r , n o . 3 ,S e i t . 1 9 6 9 , l 4 s - l 5 l i 10, 56, 851
^ . c ^ ^ - l ^ i - analytic fttnccertainn " t n l t t t i c func' of of storlikeness 1542.z\egler,M. R . The radius ttl I l, t-u_,, . z. t22(ig7l),ist-rs+ . 12,.6, tions.Math containing spirallike 1543. Ziegler^M. R. ,4 ,to* oi'rrgutar functions a n d c l o s e - t o - c o n v e x f u n c t i o n s . T r a n s . A m1 e2 r' 3. m 1 'a3t6h' .6S3o' 7c 3. ,j| 6 6 4' 5' 6' 8' # 5 2 g ' 4 5 1 2 ' M R 5 9 7 0 ; (1g72),pp' a Y ' The radius of starlikenessJor Karunakaran' R.; M. zieglef, 1544. c / a s s o f f u n c t i o n s r e g u l a r i n t h e u l i t d i s c .p. NoticesAmer.Math. ?6T-829, A-277' u 1' 851 Soc. 23, February tiro, Abstract von 'schlichtenFunlctionenmit 1545. z\rfterhof, Peter. Konstruktion u n e n d l i c h v i e l e n F i x p u n k r e t t . ( I t a l i a n a n d E n g l i972); s h s uMR m m a46 ries) 3(1971), 125-134(1 Trieste u,riu. Mar. Ist. Rend. #9331.t10l; MR 52 #840s de certainesfoncE. sur lesdomaines desvaleurs 1546. 7-Lotklewicz t i o n e l l e s d a n s l a c l a s s e U ( p ) . ( P o l i s h a n d R u s sAi a n 18(1964)^ Summaries). sect' curie-sklodowska Mariae Univ. Ann. 12' 24' 581 73-83(1geT; MR 39 #4376'[9' concerningmeromorphicunivslent . 7lotk\ewicz,b. Some rerrtarks 1547 A2l (1967)' Mariae curie-sklodowskaSect' functions. Ann. uni;. 24' 581 n o s . l - 8 , p p ' 5 3 - 6 1 ;M R 4 9 # 3 1 1 8 't 9' ,onirrning close-to-convexfuncl54g . 7f,otklewicz,E,. some remarks Sect'A' vol' 2l (1967)' tions.Ann.univ. Murru. curie-Sklodowska
47-51(1972);MR48#4296'[4'5'12'23'24 '29'!5'82'83'84'85] of var'iqb,ity o-f the ratio f(b)/f(c) 1549. zf,otk\ewicz,E. The regioi the and univalentfunctions in withirt the classof ntil omorphic u n i t d i s c . A n n . u n i v . M a r i a e c u r i e - S k l o d49 o w#s336' s k a ' S19 e c', t24', ' A '291 vols' p. 201-208;MR 22/23/24(1968/tgig1970), o-f of convexityfor starrikefunctions r550. Zmorovid, v . A. on boundsorder a in the circle lzl 1.Mat.Sb.68(110X1965),518_526;MR33#5875.lArner.Math.
20?-213|.[6, 9, l2l Soc.Transl. (2)80(1969), closs of extremalproblems associatedwith V. a A. On 1551. Zmorovid, regularfunctionswithpositiverealpartinthecircle|e|< no. 4, 12-21;MR 33 #5901.[Amer. Ukrain. Mat. Z. 17(1965), 6, 35,491 Math. Soc.Transl.(2)80(1969),215-226.1.12, 1552. Zmorovid, V. A. On certain theoremsof the theory of extremal of analyticfunctions. (Ukrainian. Rusestiamtesin special classes sian and Englishsummaries)Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrain. RSi( 1965,980-984;MR 13 #5874.16,9, l2l 1553. Zmorovid, V . A. On the radius of |-spirality of |-spiral functions in the circle le I maries)DopovidiAkad. Nauk Ukrain. RSR 1965,1262-1265;MR 32 #7738.[6, I ll Si (m) and S, 1554. Zmorovid,V. A. Rolotion theoremsfor the classes (m; a; n) for functions univalentin lzl and English summaries)Dopovidi Akad. Nauk lJkrain. RSR 19661 , 1 1 7 - I l 2 I ;M R 3 4 # 2 8 5 7 . 1 2 , 6 1, 0 , 2 3 , 4 9 1 1555. Zmorovid, V. A. On the boundsof starlikenessand of univalence incertainclassesoffunctionsregularinthecircle|z|< tro. 3,28-39; MR 33 #7525.lAmer. Ukrain. Mat. Z. 18(1966), (2)S0(1969), 227-2421.[6, 11, 43] Maih. Soc. Transl. 1556. Zmorovid,V. A.; Acilov, H. On a classof univalentmappingsof a circularring. (Russian.Uzbek summary)Izv. Akad. Nauk UzSSR tro. 3,17-22; MR 35 #[email protected] Ser.Fiz.-Mat.Nauk 11(1967), 1557. Zmorovid,V. A.; Gudz,L.A. Sometheoremsthat ore connected with A. Marx's conjecture.(Ukrainian. English and Russiansummaries) Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrain. RSR Ser. A 1974, 687-691,764;MR 50 #7501.[6, 13, l6] 1558. Zmorovii, V. A.; Jakubenko,O. A. On certaintheoremsfromthe theory of special classesof functions analytic in a disc. (Ukrainiar^. E,iglish anci Russian sunnmaries)Dopovidi Akad. I'{auk r.Jkrain.RSR Ser.A 1972,4M-407,4io; MR 46 #5599.[5, 10,53J 1559. Zmorovid, V. A.; Jakubenko, O. A. On the theory of extremal properties of special classesof conforntal mappings. (Ukrainian. English and Russiansummaries)Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrain. 9 ;R 4 6 # 9 3 2 5 .[ 5 , j 5 , 4 9 1 R S R S c r .A ( 1 9 7 2 ) , 5 9 7 - 6 0 0 , 6 6 M 1560. Zmorovid,V. A.; Jakubenko,O. A. Bounciedsiarlikefunciionsin the disclzl Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrain. RSR Ser. A(1972),691-693,7&; MR 46 #9327. 16,22, 231 1561. Zmorovid, V. A.; Korobkova, I. K. A certain generalizotionof
Bernqrdi's integral transform. (Ukrainian. English and Russian summaries)Dopovidi Akad. Nauk. Ukrain. RSR Ser. A 1974, 595-597 , 669;MR 50 #10230.[10, 851 1562.Zmorovid, V. A.; Korobkova, I. K. On the theory o"f antlytic functions, with positive real part in the disc. (Russian)Ukrai,r. .12, 551 Mat. 2.26(1974),545-549,575;|vIR 50 #13535 1563. Zmorovid,V. A.; Nikolaeva,R. V. An applicationof Abel's integral equation in the theory of univalentfitnctions. (Ukrainiart. surnmarieslDopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukrain. English and R.ussian RSR Ser. A 1975,no. 5, 3q7-399,473;MR 52 118406'
Following is a list of ninety topics dealing directly with or closely relatedto the theory of univalentand p-valentfunctions.Following each topic is a list of those referencesin this B:blicgraph)' which contain '' reiults perraining-,othat topic. The toplcsare numberedl,'1,T2, T3, BibliT90. The threetopicsTl5, TlT,and r59 are nor beingusedin this ograph;'. Tl. The principte o.fSubordinatio;l(niajorization,quasi-subordination' hull-subcrdination). 136,I 37, 139,148,149', 14,42,43,50,78, 87,99, 125,133,I ?4, 13:, 188' i 5 4 , i 5 5 ,1 5 6 ,1 5 7 ,i 5 8 , l 5 9 , 1 6 1 ,1 6 2 , l & , t 6 5 , l ' 7 6 , 1 7 7 , 1 8 3 , 399,482' 202,207 ,208, 212,213,272,307,330, 335, 340,354,387, 629', 542,544,545,546,548,54g,550.551, 552.503,613, 614,615, 830' 686, 687,694,695,7M,710, 72g, 745,i 54,818,825,827,829, gl2' gM,906, 913' 910, 831, 837,839, 840,8+i, 850,8-59,892,903,
, 1 2 2 , 1 1 2 6 , 1 1 5l l0s ,2 , 1 2 1 9 , 9 1 5 ,g 2 7 ,g 4 2 , 9 5 39, 5 5 ,9 8 1 ,1 1 0 9 1 ,1404, 1224,1226,1250,1254,!322, 1325,1385,1389,1390,1391 , 5 2 6 , 1 5 2 81,5 2 9 1 1 4 0,51 4 0 7 , 1 4 6 71, 5 0 9 1 part (functionalsof positiverealprrrt). Tz. Functionsof poshive Real gl, 1 7 6 ,1 8 4 ,i 9 5 ' 2 0 3 '2, O 4 ' I l 5 , 3 2 ,3 4 ,4 2 ,4 3 , 1 0 7 ,1 4 1 ,1 4 2 ,1 4 7 , 354,376, 224,247,z's+,255,256,257,258,267,268,278, 319, 35,2, , 6 , M 8 ,M 9 , 4 5 0 ,4 5 2 , 4 5 4 , 4 5 45 5, 9 , 4 6 04' 6 2 '4, 6 3 ' , 3 8 7 ,4 ? 7 , 4 4 0M 583,584,585, 571l, 470,47g,487,4g3,4g4,522,523,542,546,551, 640,642,643,il4, 557,664'6o6'667'668'672' 588,627,628,531, , 56' 81 3 ,3 8 , 358 6 8, 1 6 , 8 4 ,7 0 3 , 7 1 6 , 7 1782, 3 , 7 2 8 , 8 2 4 , 8 3 679,68C g o 7 , g | 2 , 9 2 | , 9 2 4 , 9 2 8,950, 8 5 8 ,8 6 9 ,8 7 7 , 8 8 38,8 4 ,8 8 5 ,8 8 6 ,8 8 ? , 105J' 9 6 l , 9 6 4 ,1 0 1 0 ,1 0 1 5 ,1 0 1 6 ,1 0 3 1 ,1 0 3 3 ,1 0 4 9 ,1 0 5 0 ,1 0 5 2 , 1, 1 1 3 , 1 1 0 8 , 0 8 6 1, 0 8 7 1, 0 8 81, 1 0 5 , 1 0 7 6 1, 0 1 71, 0 7 81, 0 8 0 1, 0 8 4 1 1189, 1 1 1 9|,| 2 0 , | i 2 4 , 1 1 3 5t,1 3 9 ,1 1 4 0l,1 4 l , | | 4 4 , 1 1 4 81, 1 8 7 , |,2 8 9 , | 2 8 1 I 1 1 9 ,81 , 2 2 : r| ,2 2 8 ,| 2 3 4 , t 2 4 g ,| 2 5 0 ,| 2 5 3 ,| 2 5 6 ,1 2 5 8 , i295,1296,1298,1299,1320,l35l' 1290,l2g|, 1292,1293,1294, |420, | 3 5 2 , 1 3 5 4| 3 , 5 7 ,1 3 8 11, 3 8 71, 3 8 8|,3 9 7 ,| 4 | 5 , 1 4 1 6|,4 | 9 , 1513, | 4 2 t , | 4 3 7, | 4 4 0 ,| 4 6 3 ,| 4 6 7, | 4 7 2 ,| 4 7 7 ,1 4 8 1|,4 9 6 ,| 4 9 9 , 1 5621 1 5 5 4 ' 1 5 5 1 , 2 ,1 5 4 3 , 15191 , 520,1528,1529,1534 ,1541 T3. Integral Meons. 5l'7, 551' 567', 587', 387 [78, 87, 126,172,274,282,354,386, ,480, 1 1 2 5 ,| 1 2 6 , 7 0 6 , 8 7 4 , 9 5 6 , 1 0 ,2|10 2 7 , 1 0 3 8 ,1 0 3 9 ,1 0 4 0 ,l M 8 , 1 0 5 1 , | 523l. | 2 2 4 , | 2 2 6 , | 2 5 4 , | 3 2 0 , 1 4 3 8 ,| M , | 4 7 3 , | 4 7 6 , 1 4 7 7 , (p-valency); Trans' T4. Sufl^icient(necessary)Conditions for Univalency (J formations Preserving nivalency' [ 5 , 8 , 2 6 , 2 7 , 2 8 , 3 3 , 6 4 , 7 1 , 7 2 , 7 5 , 7 6 , 7 7 , 7 8 , 7 9 , 8 0 ' 1 0 1 ' 110920' ', 1 0 3 ' , 1 8 3 '1 8 5 ' , 1 0 8 , 1 2 4 , 1 2 6 l, 2 g , 1 3 0 ,1 3 3 , 1 4 3 , 1 4 4 , 1 4 5 , 1 7 l , 1 7 4 ' 255' 268' 273', 202, 203, 214, 217, 220, 225, 227, 245, 247, 248,252' 356',370', 281,288,28g,2g0,2g3,2g4,296,303,334,337,352'355' 4 5 1 '4 7 5 '4 7 8 '4, 7 9 ' , 3 9 3 ,3 9 5 , 4 0 7 , 4 0 g , 4 1 04, 1 3 , 4 2 4 , 4 3 6 , 4 3 7 , 4 3 9 ' 687,694, 6 4 8 0 ,4 8 9 , 4 g 5 , 5 4 2 , 5 4 9 , 5 5 2 , 5 5 4 , 5 7 5 , 660015, , 0 8 ,6 5 8 , 8 1 7 ,8 3 5 ,8 3 6 , 6 9 6 ,6 9 7 ,7 0 7 ,7 5 5 ,7 5 6 ,7 5 7 ,7 6 2 ,7 7 3 , 8 0 28, 0 5 ,8 1 5 , 9 1 0 ,9 | 4 , 9 2 8 , 9 0 8 , 8 M , 8 5 1 ,8 5 3 ,8 5 8 ,8 6 8 , 8 7 2 , 8 8 89, 0 0 ,9 0 3 ,9 0 6 , 1 0 0 4 ,1 0 1 1 ,1 0 1 4 , 9 3 3 , 9 4 6 ,9 5 6 , 9 5 8 ,9 6 6 ,9 6 9 ,9 7 1 r , 9 8 69,9 2 , 9 9 9 , 1055'1063' 1054' 1020, toz|[ 1031,1037,1040,1050,1052,1053, ll25' ll37' 1 0 8 6 ,1 0 8 8 ,1 0 9 0 ,1 0 9 5 ,l o g 7 , 1 1 0 0 ,l l l 0 , 1 1 1 3 , 1 1 2 4 , 1250,L259,|260, 1199,|22:^,|222, t223, |225, |228, |23|, |248,
, 2 9 7 ,1 3 0 1 ,1 3 c 4 ,1 3 0 6 ,1 3 0 7 ,1 3 0 8 ,1 3 1 0 ,1 3 1 6 '1 3 1 7 , 1 2 7 4 ,1 2 7 6 1 ,1406,1407,1414, , 3 3 5 ,1 3 5 3 , 1 3 6 71, 3 8 0 ,1 4 0 1 1 3 2 1 , 1 3 2 41, 3 2 7 1 1 4 1 7 , 1 4 2 01,4 3 8 , 1 4 4 31, 4 6 1 , 1 4 6 41, 4 6 9 , 1 4 8 61, 5 2 9 ,1 5 3 6 '1 5 3 9 , 1 5 4 ,11 5 4 3 ,1 5 4 8 1 functions), and Generalizations. T5. Close-to-Convex(linearly qccessible 1 8 1 ,1 9 4 ,1 9 5 , 1 3 4 , 4 4 , 7 88, 0 , 1 0 2 ,1 0 6 ,1 1 3, l 4 l , 1 4 2 ,1 4 3 , 1 4 4 , 1 4 5 , 2C3,2I4, 220,221,227, 248,252,273, 278, 281,292, 340,3 54, 386, 391, 436,440,442,443,446,453,456,46A,480,520,524,526,542, 7 ,0 3 , 7 4 3 , 5 4 3 ,5 4 6 , 5 . 4 85 ,5 0 ,5 5 1 , 5 7 2 , 5 8 86, 1 6 , 6 9 2 , 6 9 3 , 6 9 4 , 6 9 8 8, 6 9 ,9 0 6 . 8 6 7 , 8 6 8 8 6 6 , 8 5 5 , 7 4 7 , 7 4 8 , 8 0 2 , 8 0 38,3 5 ,8 3 6 ,8 3 7 , 8 3 8 , 1051 , 1052, 910, gl2, g28,931 , 943,950,957,999,1004,1006,1040, 1 0 5 3 ,1 0 5 5 ,1 0 5 9 ,1 0 6 0 ,1 0 6 l, 1 0 7 6 , 1 0 8 2 ,1 0 8 4 ,1 0 8 5 ,1 0 8 7 ,1 1 0 9 , , 1 3 9 ,1 1 4 2 ,1 1 4 9 , 1 1 7 81,1 8 0 ,1 1 8 4 ,1 1 9 9 , 1 2 1 9 , 1 1 1 9 ,1 1 2 0 ,1 1 2 4 1 1220,1222,1225,1231,1245,1246,1249,1250,1259,1260,1301' 1 ,4 0 0 , 73 , 3 3 ,1 3 4 0 ,1 3 5 1 ,1 3 5 3 , 1 3 8 2 , 1 3 9 7 1 3 0 4 ,1 3 2 1 , 1 3 2 3 , 1 3 2 1 1401 , 1 4 0 9 ,1 4 4 1 ,1 4 6 9 , 1 5 C 21,5 1 4 ,1 5 2 3 , 1 5 4 31, 5 4 8 ,1 5 5 9 1 T6. StartikeFunctions, Spiral-tike Functicns, and Generslizations. 1 0 1 '1 0 2 ' [ 2 0 ,3 0 , ] 3 , t 4 , 4 2 , 4 3 , 4 4 , 5 1 , 5 4 , 6 6 , 7 0 , 9 1 , 9 2 '9 3 ' 9 9 ' 1 0 3 ,1 0 6 ,l l 2 , 1 1 3 ,l l 4 , 1 1 5 ,l l 7 , 1 1 8 ,l 1 9 , 1 2 6 ,l 3 l , l 4 l , 1 4 2 ,1 4 3 , l M , 1 4 5 ,i 4 6 , 1 5 5 ,1 6 0 ,1 6 2 ,1 6 3 ,1 6 5 ,1 6 6 , 1 7 01, 7 6 , 1 7 9 , 1 8 11,8 4 ' I 85, I 88, I 9 l, I 92, Ig4, 195,I 98, 202,203,214,220,221,225,229, 230,248,253,254,257,268,269,273, 281,29l, 293,3 I 3, 314,319, 326,327,330,335, 340,342,343,344,345,347,348,349,351,352, 354,356,357,377,37g,388,391, 392,394,420,437,438,439,447, 453,455,457,458, 459,460,466,468,475,488, 489, 517, 525,526' , 4 2 ,5 4 3 ,5 M , 5 4 5 ,5 4 6 , 5 5 05, 5 1 , 5 5 2 , 5 5 35, 8 i , 5 8 2 ' 5 2 7 ,5 2 8 , 5 4 0 5 583,586,587,588, 5gg,600,601, 602,603,606, 614,615,616,619' 629,533,635,639,641, 642,543,658 665. 666,688,689, 692,693' 7'16-' 695, 697,703,70),7 12,7 13,726,727,7 45,747,748,7 52,775, 8 4 4 ,8 4 8 ' 7 7 7, 7 9 0 , 7 g 1 , 8 0 2 8 , 0 7 , 8 2 5 ,8 2 6 , 8 3 08, 3 4 ,8 3 5 ,8 3 7, 8 4 1 , 8 5 0 , 8 5 2 , 8 5 38, 5 5 ,8 5 7 ,8 5 8 ,8 6 0 ,8 6 6 ,8 6 8 ,8 7 3 ,8 7 4 , 8 8 28, 8 4 ,8 8 7 ' 92-7 8 8 8 ,8 8 9 ,8 9 1 , 8 9 2 , 8 9 3 ,g M , 9 0 6 , 9 1 2 , 9 1 3 9, 1 5 ,9 1 6 , 9 1 7 ,9 2 5 , g28,930,g41,952,957,966,968,97g,988,989, 99c,991,995,997.', ggg,1002,1009, 1012,1014,1015,1031,1036,1038,1039, I'M3' 1 0 8 3 ,l 0 q 4 ' 1051 , 1 0 5 2 , 1 0 5 3 ,1 0 5 4 ,1 0 7 1 1, 0 7 8 , 1 0 7 9 , 1 0 8 01 ,0 8 1 , 1 0 8 5 ,1 0 8 7 ,1 0 8 8 ,1 0 9 0 ,I 1 0 9 , I 1 1 3 , 1 1 1 9 ,1 1 2 0 ,1 1 2 2 ,1 1 2 3 ,l l ? : ' , 1 1 3 2 , 1 1 3 3 , 1 1 3 14 1, 4 7 , l l 4 g ,1 1 5 0 ,1 1 5 3 ,1 1 7 0 ,1 1 7 l, i \ 7 7 , l l l ? ' 1190,ll9l, 1195, 1203,1204,1205,l2lg, 1221,1224,1225,1226',
1250',1273' 1283' 1294', 1234,1241,1242,1245,1246,1248,!249' | 3 2 5 , | 3 2 7 , 1 3 3 0 ,1 3 3 1 ' | 2 g 7 , 1 3 0 4 ,1 3 1 9 ,| 3 2 0 , | 3 2 | , | 3 2 2 , | 3 2 3 , 1 3 5 3 ,1 3 5 6 ,1 3 5 7 ' 1 3 3 5 ,1 3 3 6 ,1 3 3 9 ,| 3 4 2 , B + q , 1 3 4 8, | 3 4 9 , 1 3 5 0 , 1 - 1 5 0 , | 3 6 2 , 1 3 7 8 , 1 3 8 3 , 1 3 8 4 , 1 3 8 5 , 1 3 8 6 , 1 3 8 7 , 1 3 9 11, |431962, , | 3 9 1 , , 4 0 8 ,| 4 0 9 , | 4 \ 0 , 1 4 1 5 , , | 4 0 2 ,! 4 0 4 ,| 4 0 , 71 1 3 9 8 ,1 4 0 0 ,1 4 0 1 1 4 1 8 , 1 4 1 9 , 1 4 2 0 , 1 4 3 7 , 1 4 4 1 , 1 M 2 , 1 M 4 ' 1 4 6 7 ' , 1 4 6 9 ' 11457221',1 4 7 3 ' , l51l, |5|2, 1514, | 4 7 4 | 4 7 5 , ! 4 , 7 6 |, 4 7 7 , | 4 8 7 , 1 5 0 0 ,1 5 1 0 , 1 5 3 8 ,1 5 4 0 ,1 5 4 1 ,| 5 4 2 , | 5 2 2 , | 5 2 6 , | 5 2 7 , 1 5 2 8 ,1 5 3 3 ,1 5 3 4 ,| 5 3 7 , 15411550,1551,1552,1553,1554'1555'!55?',1558'15601 T7. Length of Imoge Curve' [51,17g,204,225,278,287,310,311'?24'?49',350'376',480',620', 6 5 0 , 6 8 9 , 8 4 9 , 8 6 3 , 8 7 4 , g 5 2 , g 5 7 , g 7 4 ' 9 8 1 ' , 1 0 3 9 ' , 1 0 5 1l$s ',1054',1055' 1320',1392',l44l ', 14r',2', ' 1086, I 128, ll4g, 1180, 1234, 1235' 1477, 1487) TE. CoefficientBoutidsfor I\on*t I
- lont
[81,359,362,376,466,468,609'649'881',945',1040',1047',1153', 1155,1220,15431 T9. Meromorphic (JnivarentFunctions Convex, Close-to-Convex'etc'
1 2 8 '1, 3 4 ' 1, 3 6 '1, 7 6 '2, 3 0 '2, 3 3 ' , 91 [ 1 , 8 , 2 7, 6 8 , 1 1 , 7 2 , ' , 1 8 , , 9 6 , 1 0 4 ' 243,265,27g,282,296,'314,315'316'317',331',333',340',421',129', 441,457,478,489,490',506,524'535'583',621 ',647',650',652',664' 7 51',757',759'764', 149',750', 727' 776:' 722:, 13, i 12, 7 709, 708, 688, 8 5 7 '8, 6 7 ' 8 7 7' , 9 3 49' ,3 5 '9, 3 8 ' , 77|,7g!,796,797,8148 ; 23,842'843' 1076'1078' g3g,g40,gM,950, g5r: g52,g54'966'1002'1035'1043', |0,7g,1080,1081,1083,1094,|||2,1113,1130,1131,1141,1151, 1155,1158,i170,||7|',|234,t241,|242,|243,|261,t278,|289, |2g|,|2g5,|296,|332,1351,|357,1358,|?94,|4|9,|420,|436' 1 4 4 5 , 1 M 6 , 1 4 4 7 , 1 4 4 9 , 1 4 5 0 , 1 4 5 1 ' 1 4 5 2 ' , 1 4 5 3 ' ,1520, 1 4 5 41522' ',1455',1456', l47g' 1519, 1476' 1475, 1472,, 1466:, 1461, 1457,1459, 1535,1536,153i,1546,1547'1549'1550',15521 Tl0.ConvexFunctions(andgeneralizations). 14,20,30,33,34,54,"1!,72'gl'gg'102'106',125',139',141',142' 143.144,145,147,155,161,162'165'166',176',179',180',183',188', |g4,|g5,20,2,2|2,2|4.,22|,227,23|,232,24,7,248,252,254,259,
261,264,266,268,269,272, 273, 29l, 293,324,326,340,342, 3 46, 350,352,354,376,378,386,388,397,399,453,455,457,460,473, 475,479,518,526,542,543,54A,551,552,568,570,619,633,634, 6 8 7 ,6 9 3 ,6 9 5 ,6 9 8 ,7 0 3 ,7 M , 7 1 2 ,7 4 5 ,7 4 8 ,7 9 5 ,8 1 7 ,8 3 4 ,8 3 6 ,g 4 l , 8 5 5 ,8 5 9 ,8 6 6 ,g 6 g ,8 9 l , 8 9 3 ,8 9 5 ,W , 9 0 5 , 9 0 6 ,9 1 0 ,9 1 2 , 9 1 3g, l 5 , 9 2 5 ,9 2 7 , 9 2 8 , 9 5 5 ,9 5 7 , 9 6 8 ,9 8 8 ,9 9 0 ,9 9 1 , 9 9 3 , 9 9 7 , 9 9 9 ,1 0 3 1 , 1 0 3 6 ,1 0 3 8 ,1 0 3 9 ,1 0 4 0 ,1 0 5 0 ,1 0 5 1 ,1 0 5 2 ,1 0 5 3 ,1 0 5 4 ,1 0 5 5 ,1 0 6 1 , 1577,1078,1084,1085,1087,1089,1090,I I 13, 1I lg, I 120, 1122, 1 1 2 1 ,1 1 3 9 ,1 1 8 9 ,1 1 9 0 ,1 2 0 4 ,l 2 l g , 1 2 2 1 , 1 2 2 5 , 1 2 2 61, 2 2 7 , 1 2 3 4 , 1244,1245,1246,1248,1250,1259,1273,1282,1294,1297,l3lg, 1 3 2 0 , 1 3 2 r , 1 3 2 3 , 1 3 3 2 , 1 3 i3333, 5 , 1 3 3 6 ,1 3 3 9 ,1 3 3 9 ,1 3 4 7 ,1 3 5 3 , 1 3 8 5 ,1 3 8 6 ,1 3 9 2 ,1 3 9 6 ,1 3 9 9 , 1 4 0 0l ,4 0 l , l 4 M , 1 4 0 5 , 1 4 0 7 , 1 4 1 2 , 1 4 1 8 , 1 4 2 0 , 1 4 6 9 , 1 4 7 0 , 1 419511, 2 ,1 5 1 4 ,1 5 3 4 1 , 5 4 1 ,1 5 4 5 ,1 5 5 9 , 15611 Tl l. Radiusof Slarlikeness(of various classesof functions). 1 3 0 , 3 2 , 3 4 , 9 1 , 9 2 , 9 4 , 9 51,0 0 ,1 0 3 ,1 0 5 ,1 0 6 ,1 1 4 ,I 1 9 , 1 2 3 ,1 4 5 , 147,205,214,224,229,247,253,254,257,267,287,298,376, 437, 438, 439,447,449.451,453,454,457,458,460,487,497,5 16,522, 5 2 7 , 6 1 96, 3 5 .6 3 9 ,6 4 1 ,& 2 , 6 5 5 ,6 6 6 ,6 6 9 ,6 9 9 ,7 1 4 ,1 2 8 ,8 5 5 .8 6 8 . 8 7 3 , 8 8 2 , 9 8 7 , 9 8 8 , 9 8190, 1 4 1 , 0161 , 0 3 3 , 1 0 7 61,0 7 7 1 , 0 7 8 ,1 0 8 1 , 1 0 8 4 ,1 0 8 7 ,1 0 9 0 ,1 1 2 4 ,1 1 3 4 ,I 1 8 7 ,1 1 8 9 ,1 l 9 E, 1 2 2 7 , 1 2 4 2 ,1 2 5 1 , 1262,1289,1293,1294, 1295,1297,1298,1299,1335,1338,1350, 1352,i357, 1361,1381,1386,1387, 1396,1467, i472, 1487,l5l l, 1526,I 528, I 533, 1542,l5M, I 553, I 5551
Tl2. Radiusof Convexity(of various classesof functicns). [32, 33, 35, 73, 91, 93, lffi, i03, 106,ll7, 123,142,211,212,214, 220,225,239,24i . 255,267,268,289,292,330,3,10,349, 35i, 374, 3 7 6 , 3 7 ,73 8 0 ,3 8 1 ,4 4 0 ,4 4 1 .4 4 2 ,M 3 , M 6 , M 9 , 4 5 1 ,4 > 3 , 4 5 i ,+ 6 0 , 5 2 6 , 5 2 ,75 4 2 , 5 4 4 , 5 7 2 , 6 1 56,1 9 ,6 3 5 ,6 4 0 . 6 4 2&, 3 , f f i , 6 5 7 , 6 5 8 , 6 6 7 , 6 6 87, 0 2 ,7 2 6 ,7 2 7 , 7 6 5 7, 7 6 ,7 9 5 , 8 0 58, 5 5 ,8 5 8 ,8 6 8 ,8 8 2 ,8 8 4 , 895, 887, 888, 889,905, 921, 924, 926,930, 93I , 950, 966, 967, 969, 9 8 4 , 9 8 7 , 9 8 89, 9 0 ,9 9 6 , 1 0 0 2 1, C 0 91, 0 1 0 ,l 0 l 4 , 1 0 1 5 ,1 0 1 8 ,1 0 3 3 , l c 6 l . 1 0 7 9 ,1 0 8 1 1 , 0 8 3 ,1 0 8 4 ,1 c 8 6 ,1 0 9 0 ,| 1 2 4 ,1 1 3 5 ,1 1 3 9 ,I l 4 l , Ll44,l187, I190, I196, I198, 1235,1242,1249,1251,1257,1260, 1289,1291,1292, 1294,1295,1296,1297,1318,1333,1335,1338, 1 3 4 6 , 1 3 4 81,3 4 9 , 1 3 5 0l J, 5 1, 1 3 5 2 , 1 3 5 7 , 1 3 8 11,3 8 6 ,1 3 E 7 , 1 3 9 6 , 1 4 i 6 , 1 4 3 7 ,i 4 6 j , 1 4 7 i . 1 1 7 2 ^1 1 8 7 ,1 5 1 9 , 1 5 2 0 , 1 5 2 '1, t5, 3 3 , 1 5 3 4 , 1 5 3 5 ,1 5 3 8 ,1 5 4 3 , 1 5 4 6 ,1 5 4 8 ,l 5 _ s 01, 5 5 2 1
r ,". 1"s ':
Tl3.Typicolty.rea|Frunctiorrs(andgeneralizations). 1 4 2 , 4 3 , 9 1 , 1 5 1 , 1 7 8 , 1 g 7 , 2 6 7 ' 3702',705', 0 0 ' 3 0 11' , 3 1 9 ' 3819', 2 5 ' ,820' 366',382'4M', i, 628'512'583' 546,55 \?:725' 47l, 521,, 465, g?g'1005'1118' 1148'1204't207'l'224'122i' g2(1', 821, 8'79,904, 15571 , neq' 15M' 1540', , l'247,1258 1236,1237 ond Generalizations' T 14. P-volent(weaklyp-valent), 427' 453, 466,468, 475, 482, 3',77 ' ' 364,36',7 I03 ,246,282,28?, 653, u, , 5 8 '5 5 9 '5 6 2 '564,56i, 599,600, s i l , 5 3 8 ,5 1 ,' 75 4 8 ,5 4 9 ,5 5 0 5 976,977,978, '713,714,797,803, 804,805,807',866',867'E 6 9 , 8 7 8 , loSo'1 0 8 7 1, 1 0 3 1, 1 8 7 1, 1 9 9 , 1c06,rooo,lo3o, 1042,lo44,lo5o' 1398, ', 1375' 1 3 8 0 1, J 8 1, 1 3 9 ' 7 , , 1294,1343, 1373 i226:,n4l , 1255 I5361 1484,1485' 1486' 1 4 8 7 I, 5 0 8 , I 5 2 8 ,
, , 1420 tigg,1 400, 1413
(This topic is not being usec') Tl5. Distortion Theorerts T16. Coniectures,OPenProbletns' 1 1 g , 7 8 , 8 7 , 1 0 2 , 1 1 2 , 1 1 7 ' 1 7 739^5-,398' ' 1 8 7 ' 2 0405' 0 ' , 2 1 4 ' 2459' 1 5 '473', 2 5 2 474', '268',278', {q' 2gg,330,335,336,n;,aM,355' 613', 606', 603', ', 59-1', 550',55'7 542'146^'', ,482, 484"12'+' 475,476,4'77 g + s ' 8 6 8 ' , 8 7' ,18 ' , 7848' 9' , 9 C 4 ' , 819' 6 1 9 , 6 2 0 , 7 0 4 , 7 4 5 , 7 4 6 "8a108r '' ' ll24' 1109'1113 1079', gg2'1020-', 1054', 905,906, 914,956,96;' l z l g ' \ z } a ' l 2 2 l ' 1 2 2 41, 2 2 6 ' 1 1 3 11 1 53 , 1 1 6 4 , 1 l d, l l 7 l , 1 2 0 0 , ', 1304',1320',1323',1325',132'7 1279', 1228,1241,1242,124;"n54' 1 4 0 21' 4 4 41' 4 4 61' 4 7 4 , 1 4 7 9 ' t 3 2 g1, 3 3 51. 3 5 01, 3 5 i ,i l g r , r + o o, 1 5 3 01, 5 5 7 j (This topic is not beingused.) Tl7 . CoeJficientBourrds T18. Area of Image Domain'
6',M 0 , M 6 , 4 8 C ,5 8 3 ,5 8 6 , \72,,2M, 225,261,3I 1' 355',3',7 163,162, 9 8 1 '1, 0 3 9 1, 0 5 1 , 1 0 5 41 ,0 5 5 , '78',7 z g o , , 7 8 9 ,8 6 3 ,8 7 3 ,8 7 4 , 9 7 4 ' 9 7 9 ' 1086,1149,1254,l44l, 14871
values,KoebeSets,Bloch'sconstant). (m\ssed T 1 9 . CoveringTheorems
[1,18,19,20,11'7,143,1M,145,152'153',163'178'201',212',260', 2 6 2 , 2 6 3 , 2 6 6 , 2 g 1 , 3 0 5 , 3 0 6 , 3 1 3 ' 3 3745', 5 ' , 3747', 7 6 748', ' , 3 9790', 1 ' , 4791' 40'493',507',513' 7 ll',7 12', .650;685,686,68',7' 57l, 642,647 793,826,832,834,883,889,891'900',903',g27',958',97',7',978',980
1020,t021,1023,t024,1025,t026, I104, 1124,1126,tt62,r164, , 301, 1201,1203,1205,1206,1 2 1 2 ,1 2 1 6 ,l2l7 , 1243,1262,t 2 9 2 1 1 3 3 3 , 1 3 31347, 5 , 1348,1 3 7 6 ,1 3 8 4 ,1 3 8 6 ,1 4 0 2 1, 4 1 1 ,t413,1429, l48g 1469 1482, , 1492,1497,1498,1 5 2 7 , 1 5 3 9 1 , T20. Partial Sums(Cesiro sums). [3, 125,139,r47, 193,2m, 2M, 436,442,+47, 448,451,452,540, , 087, 6 3 5 ,6 8 7 , 6 9 06, 9 1 ,7 2 0 , 7 4 6 , 7 5 3 , 8 3 6 , 9 1 0 , 9 1130,6 0 ,1 0 7 6 1 15291 1487 1352, 1323, 125A, n2l, 1222,1,244,1249, , T2l. Coefficient Bounds (relations) -fo, Functions (functionats) of Positwe Real Part of Topic 2 . [15, 107,125,139,147,2M, 436,450,459,462,540,542,571,585, 5 8 8 ,6 2 7 ,6 2 8 ,6 2 9 , 6 3 5 ,6 4 0 ,6 4 2 ,6 5 7 , 7 4 68, 2 4 ,8 6 9 ,8 8 3 ,8 8 5 ,8 8 7 , 9 0 7 , 9 1 0 , 9 1 3 , 1 0 8 6 ,1 0 8 7 ,I 1 8 7 , 1 2 2 2 ,1 2 4 9 ,1 2 5 0 ,1 2 5 6 ,1 2 8 1 , 1323,1352,1415,1467,15i31 T22. BoundedFunctions (functionals). 1 4 , 3 1 , 3 25 , 9 , 9 1 .I I ! , I 1 5 , 1 2 5 ,1 2 7 ,1 3 0 ,1 5 4 ,1 5 6 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 9 , 180, 2 \3 , 236, 237, 238, 265, 216 ,28 I , 295, 297, 305, 306, 307, 30E, 3 0 9 ,3 2 3 , 3 4 1 , 3 5 13,5 3 ,3 5 3 ,3 8 4 ,3 8 5 ,3 8 8 ,4 1 8 .4 3 0 ,4 3 1 , 4 3 2 , 4 3 3 , 134,438,450,453,496,497,507,522,536,588,605,621,622,624, 625,626,661,693,704,732,733,i34, 798,800,801,846,854,856, 883, 891, 895, 904, 919, 927, 936, 937,938, 962, 963, 971, 1050, 1 0 5 2 ,1 0 7 8, 1 0 9 2 ,I 1 2 8 ,1 1 5 5 ,I 1 6 3 , I 1 6 5, 1 1 7 3 ,1 1 8 7 ,1 2 0 1 ,1 2 0 3 , 1205,1209,1210,l2ll, 1229,1233,1242,1249,1251,t253, 1262, 1264,1271,\272, 1275,1276,1277,1290,1296,1298,1306, l40l, 1329,1347, 1354,1356,1357, 1367,1368,1369,1375,1381,"328, 1402,1418,1422,1423,1424,t425, 1426,1427,1443,1473,1477, 1 5 1 6 ,1 5 2 8 ,1 5 1 2 i, 5 6 0 1 T23. RepresentationTheorems(formulas). [ 4 1 , 1 3 0 l, 5 l , 1 7 8 ,1 8 4 .1 8 7 ,l 9 l , 1 9 2 , 2 7 3 , 2 7 82 ,8 8 ,2 9 3 , 3 \ 9 , 3 2 5 , 3 4 0 ,3 4 7 ,3 5 2 , 3 5 53, 8 2 ,4 0 9 ,M 5 , 4 6 5 ,4 6 9 , 4 8 14, 8 3 ,5 1 3 ,. 5 1 65, 4 2 , 5 4 6 , 5 5 15, 8 1 ,5 8 3 ,5 8 5 ,6 6 0 ,6 8 1 ,7 0 7 , 7 7 9 , 8 0 28,0 8 ,8 1 9 ,8 7 2 ,8 7 3 , 874, 879, 892, l0l I , 1012,1014, 1034, 1035, 1039,lM0, 1043, 1 0 8 0 ,1 0 8 3 ,1 0 8 8 ,11 0 5 ,11 0 6 ,l l 1 3 , 111 8 , l l 1 9 , 1 1 2 0 ,1 1 2 3 ,1 1 2 4 , 1125,I 138,I 153, 1207,1234,1256,1273,1327,1335,1342,134?, 1 3 4 8 ,1 3 8 2 ,1 3 8 5 ,1 3 8 6 ,1 3 6 7 ,1 3 9 7 l, 4 S , l 4 0 l , 1 4 1 9 , 1 4 9 11, 5 0 2 , 1 5 1 0 ,l 5 l I , 1 5 2 0 ,1 5 2 7 ,1 5 4 0 ,1 5 4 8, 1 5 5 4 ,1 5 6 0 1
Methods' T?A. Variationai(symmetrization) 55' 56',68',82',83',84',87',89',90', [18,19, 37,42,44,45,46,52,53, i i l . l ! 5 , 1 3 1 , 1 3 3 , 1 3 1 , 1 5 2 , 1 6 7 ' 1 6 8 ' 1 6 9 ' 1 8 4395', ' l ? l ' 2 3 042r', ',235'238' 391',392', 408', 3n:,313'341'342', 250,251,287,288,3U6; 498',500',530',532',569',576', 422,474,425,426,$2:, 434,485'486' 645 648', 651',661', 662',672' 601,601 , 612,626,633;$6:,638' 642:', ', 49,7 52,758, 7 60,769,792,808' 74|, 7 42,,.1 676, 7 03,7 07,7 33,7 34,, 896', 895', 860;875'!78',890',892',!?3'894', 842,843; 813,831,833, gl 98r', 938'gll'95i', g54' >' 976',982', 891,gl4, g20,g23,934"935: l 1 0 5 5 1, 0 5 8i,1 0 5 ,1 t 0 7 , l 0 E , 9 8 5 ,1 0 0 71, 0 i 2 ,1 0 1 3 |, 0, 2 5 , r c i a e . | | | 2 , 1 1 1 3 , 1 1 1 5 , 1 1 2 0 , t | 2 | , | | 2 2 , 1 | 2 3 , 1 112c6', 3 0 , 1!1209 3 1' ,1212', 1138,||,46, 1205 ' 1201' 1l?5' fi73' 1170; 161, i 1150,1152, 1225,1256,1266,1269,1271'1273'1274',1276',1341',13M'1383' 1432,1472,1478,15021 univalentFunc' Bounds(relations)for Meromorphic T25. coefficient 'toPic 9 ' tions of U 7 6 , 2 6 5 , 2 9 6 , 3 1 4 ' 3 1 5 ' 3 1 6 ' 3 3 18'8333g ' 5' C t 64' 3 51'8038' 6014' 174' 616' 4 ' 6 8 8 ' ,1 0 '3, M 7 0 8 ,7 1 2 , 7 4 9 , 7 5l0i t,, 7 6 4 ' 7 7 1 '8 4 3 ' , l4/ts',t 146',15221 1170,1171, 1234,l27g:,n3;',2'l4lg', (imagedomainshaveno common T26. (Jnrelated(di.sioint)Functions values). u5,59,60,88,89,90,196'308'512'514',515'6/'6',651',73t',811', 8I 6, 1019, i 42ll T27, Are,l Principle(and generalizations). 1 g , 6 2 , 2 6 5 , 2 8 2g, 2 , ',589',611' '5, 01250' 1,' 5135431' 3- 5688' 134' ,2538' 7 i +9, 6 , 3 3 8 ' 4 8 1 ' 591416'1 6 4 7 , 6 5 6 , 8 1 0 , 8 l l , a i o ' 8 2 3 '8 4 5 ' , 1480,15241 (suchas Besselfunctions'or of Functions speciat of univalence T28. functionshavingsPecialforms)' I24,25,121,322,469,675'700'701',?88',989'1016',1300',1M7' 1457.1458,14661 T29. RegionofVariabitity(ofcoefficients,orofcertainfunctionals). g2,1g7,237,238',240',242' 146,47,48, 49, 54, 6 8 , 1 6 0 , i ' 7 1 , i g \ , 1470, 47| ,485' 525', 528', 623', 467, 465 , 42g ,430, 2M,314,319,373,
6 3 6 ,6 3 7, 6 3 8 ,6 4 7, 6 6 1 ,6 8 3 ,7 2 5 , 7 3 3 , 7 3 4 , 7 4 1 , 7 4 9, 873787,8 4 2 , 1105, lcp.z,1024,1026,1049,1058, 886,921,936,937,946,982, 1 2 0 8 ,1209, l z 0 / , 1 1 1 4I,l 1 6 , I 1 3 0 ,I 1 4 8 ,1 1 7 3 , 1 1 7 14 1, 9 7 , 1 2 0 2 , 1210,l2ll, 1250,1259,13M, 1350,1355,1370,1371,1379,1382, 1 3 9 41, 4 7 8l,5 l l , 1 51 7 ,1 5 2 11, 5 4 81, 5 4 9 1 T30. Coefficient Bounds (relations)for Bounded Functions of Topic 22. 1127,170,180,281, 305, 306, 309, 358, 431,450, 536,588,624, 5 2 5 , 6 9 3 , 7 3 2 , 8 0 0 ,8 0 1 , 9 0 4 , 9 2 7 , 9 7 1 , 1 0 9 2 ,1 1 5 5 ,! 1 8 7 , 1 2 5 1 , 1271,1272,1275.1276,1277,1306,1328,1329,1368,1402,1418, 1422,1423, 1124,1425,1426,1.532! T3l. SchworzianDerivative, the Differential Equation w" * Qw 0. [8, I 3, 72, 78, I 35,227, 228,2o5,268,274, 334,337,370, 407,495, , 9 7, 9 8 4 , 9 8 7, 1 0 1 4 ,1 0 1 9 , 5 1 2 , 5 5 5 6, 9 6 , 7 6 2 , 7 7 38, \ 1, 8 2 3 , 8 5 8 8 105C,1052,1063,1090,1221,1304,1486,1494,15431 T32. Univalenceof Polynomlals(Schild, Remak, Hurwitz). u 2 2 , l z ' J , 1 2 4 ,1 7 l , 1 7 4 , 2 4 9 , 2 9 4 , 3 7 2 , 4 3 5 , 4 7 31,8 4 , 5 8 0 ,5 8 4 , 593, 659,746,799,830,910,919,929,932,1062,1091,I I 17, l'^45' 1183,1185,1186,1187, 1236,1237,1238,1239,:241, 1242,1252, 1 2 8 5 ,1 3 1 7 ,1 3 3 5 ,1 3 6 6 ,1 4 0 3 ,1 4 0 6 ,1 4 0 8 ,l n 9 , l 4 2 l l T33. Mean-valentFunctions (and generalizations). 86 , 2 , 3 6 4 , 3 6 65, 5 8 ,5 6 0 ,5 6 1 ,5 6 2 , n, 6, 7, 132,210,212,282,353 9 7 6 , 9 7 8 , l M z , 1 0 4 4 , 1 0 4, 5l M 6 , 8 8 0 , 8 8 1 , 6 5 4 , 8 7 8 , 6 5 3 , 5 6 3 ,5 6 5 , 1 0 4 7 ,1 0 5 1 ,11 5 3 ,11 5 5 ,1 3 0 3 ,1 3 0 4 ,1 3 7 6 1 T34 Bieberbach-Ei!enbergFunctions (generalizations and related classes;Grrelferfunctions;Aharonov pairs, etc.) 5 ,0 q ,5 i l , 5 1 2 , 5 1 56, 0 5 , 6 0 8 ' [ 9 , 1 1 ,i 5 , 1 8 ,8 8 , 1 3 8 , 2 6 2 . 3 0 7 , 3 0 8 646,651,1020,1021,11,J0,14931
T35. Curvsiure.LevelCurves. u 8 , 5 4 , 6 5 , 2 3 53, 5 0 ,3 7 4 , 3 7 5 , 3 7 83,8 0 ,3 9 8 ,4 1 2 ,4 7 3 ,4 7 4 , 5 0 E ' 620,659,682,895,9I 8, 921,957,972,973, 991, 520,525,528,539, 8372, ,1 1 0 4 1I,1 0 6 ,l l 2 7 , l 1 3 5 ,I 1 4 3, i 1 4 4 ,1 2 7 31, 2 8 61, 2 8 7 , 1 2 8 1551,lst9rl 1 3 9 J1, 3 9 5 , "171,
of ropic 6' (reretions) for startikeFunctions T36. coefficientBounds 602 [ 7 0 , 1 0 1 , 1 1 8 , 1 2 6 , 1 qSg, 6 3 , 488. 1 7 0 S1S ' 1 7 6S+0,, ' ! 7 g553 ' 1 8 8 ' l 9587 l ' 1'9601 2 ' 2' 5 3 '', 2 8 1 ' 3 4 3 ' , , 4SS :58!; ,458, 347 ,348, 345 , 6 2 9 , 6 5 8 , 5 8 8 , 6 9 3 , 7 1 2 , 7 7 6 , 8 5 2 ' 8|5277'3, 8,18370' 181,8381' ,9?1,M 3 3' ,01,c r O 9 ' , 1 0 8 7 ' 1 1 7,1| 2 4 8 , | | 2 2 , | | 3 2 , 1 1 3,3 | i 1 q , l 1 7 0 , 1418, 1 3 8 7t'+ o z , l 4 1 51, 4 1 6|,4 | 7 , 1 3 3 11, 3 3 51, 3 4 8|,3 4 g , 1 3 5 6 , ' i5431 1467,1510,151I, 1522'1527 Lemma(andgeneralizations)' T37. schwarz's 1186'12541 [388,482,1085, convexFunctionsof TopicI0' (relations) for Bounds T38. coefficient t 1 4 3 , 1 4 4 , 1 4 5 , 2 8 1 , 3 4 6 ' 61470', 9 3 ' 714911 12',867',904',1122'1220'1248' , l4l7' 1418' 1273,1319,1335 (suchas gaps'realness'rnonocoefficients on conditions special T39. tonicitY,etc')' 244'248'364' 237 201,214,236, 150, 53, :2?|'240;2!):24,2' U2, 558'624',625', &g,+ro' +g5'489',46',4gl',4g2'5-42' 834',85I' 373,376,395, 805', 7 84',790', 'llg7 7'91', 7 33,7 34,7 47"7 5l' 7 52',7 83'', 663,684, ' 12'71'12'78' ', 1265 ttry',--tigz' g37 irss ' ,1056, 908, 886, 1305,1313,1314,1118'1335'i359'1439',1478',15251 T40.FunctionswhichareStartikeinoneDirection. ' 13011 1524,642,853,1297 in OneDi;ection' T41. Functionswhichore Convex 8 3 4 '8 5 3 ' , 8 ' , - u L7' ,4 7 ' , 5 4 2 '5 7 1 ' ^ l ? ' , 5 7 56' 2 5 2 4 ' 5 1 3 , 3 N , u13, l2g7' 1301'14191 1235', ,121;'1zzo' 1223' 926,1203,1205 (la" I s n)' Coniecture T42.Bieberbach u 2 , 1 4 , 4 5 , 8 7 , 1 6 7 ' 1 6 8 '424',' 1 8 7 'qis', 3 3 3q2s',485', ' 3 3 6 ' , 35310', 9 ' 550', , - 3 3593', 9 ' , 3594' 40',359',360', 423' 422' 421' 408, 405, 395, 1068' 1067' 1065', gzl' lnz0',1064', 610, 649,655,724'-767'9M', 1200, l ,d i , | 0 g 7 ,1 0 9 81- ,1 0 01, 1 0 1 , | 0 1 4 , 1 0 7 5 1 0 7 3 , 1 0 7 0 , 1069, 1483' t265"1304;1315' 1325'lM' rzrg, tzzl, tz26,1zsoi,l24g' 15081
T43. Radiusof Univalency(p-valency)(of various classesof functions). ',206, 2r2, [30, 3 l, 32, 54, 103, 116, 119, 122, 142, 146,178,205, 437, 438, 436, 428, l, 39 340, 214,224,228,253,256,257,288, 293, ,720448,449,454,460,475,478,482,522,5M, 572,699,702,707 1 0 7 8 ,1 0 8 1 , l 0 ' t 7 , 1 0 7 6 , 1 0 5 2 , 1 0 5 0 , 7 4 6 , 7 5 3 , 8 2 88, 8 2 , 9 1 0 ,1 0 1 6 , 1087,1088, 1094,1163,1189,1198,1227, 1241,1242,1244,1249, 1 2 6 41 , 2 9 8 1, 3 0 4 ,1 3 0 5 ,1 3 0 7 ,1 3 1 4 ,1 3 1 7 , 1 3 1 81,3 8 1 ,1 3 8 8 , l M 7 , 1448,1M9,1450,1451,1452,L453,1454,1455, 1456,1457,1459, 1460,l16i, \462,1453,1485,1503, 1528,L529,1555] T/g. SurveyArticles, Books, Cotlections of Various Papers, Symposiums, BibliograPhies. 371, 1 2 2 , 3 84, 1, 5 7 , 6 1 ,8 5 , E 6 , 1 4 0 ,1 7 5 , 2 1 4 , 2 2 6 , 2 8 02,8 5 , 3 3 3 , 7 9 4 , 948, 4 1 1 , 4 r 4 , 4 6 4 , 4 7 6 , 5 1595,6 ,5 5 7, 5 5 9 ,5 6 3 ,7 8 6 , 7 8 ,77 8 9 , 1017,1082,1162,1167,l168, 1232,1263,1268,1280,1283,1304, 1326,14901 T45. Od(i UnivslentFunctions (classS or classE) , 3 C ) , 3 3 6 , 3 3 9 ,3 8 8 , 4 0 5 ,4 2 6 ,M 9 , 4 5 8 , 5 2 4 , [ 1 2 8 ,2 5 2 , 2 6 9 , 2 9 1 546,747,802, 896, gO4,972,1c20,1040,1155,1200,1325,1339, I 4001 T46. Invariant (angular, sphericcl) Derivative. 1279,507, 876, 894, I 163, 1507J T47. Convolution.(Flrttung) of Functions. Hadamard Product. 926,955' 14, 102,116, I 39, 272,300,302,M, 450, 573,729,9C5, . 5 l , 1 3 2 5 ,l 4 0 l , 1 4 0 9 , 1 5 3 6 j 1 a 3 2 \, 2 4 5 , 1 2 4 6 ,1 2 4 9 , 1 2 5 0l 2 T48. Schticht (or other properties) in an Annulus1008' 12,150, 327, 470, 471, 730, 770, 792,894, 895, 976, 978, 1 5 5 6 1 , 1 4 8 , 1 3 6 4 1, 3 7 3 , 1 3 7 41, 4 2 8 ,1 4 j 4 , 1 4 6 7 , 1 1 3 6 ,1 1 4 7 1 T1g. SpecialGeometry of Map (such as k-fold symmetry). , 5 3 ,1 7 0 , 1 g g , 2 2 1 , 2 4 5 , 2 9 1 , 2 9 5 . 2 9 9 , 3 0381,7 ' I 4 0 ,4 7 , 5 4 , 1 1 0 1 , 2 , 5 1 3 , 5 1 6 ,5 2 1 , 5 3 15, 1 9 ' 3 4 0 ,3 6 3 , 3 9 13, g 4 ,3 g 7 ,4 3 1 ,4 3 2 ,4 3 3 M 6 2 2 ,6 7 3 ,6 9 4 ,7 4 4 ,7 4 5 ,7 4 7 ,7 7 4 , 7 8 1 7, 8 2 , 7 8 58, 3 8 ,8 5 3 ,8 6 5 ,9 0 1 ' 9 0 3 , 9 1 4 , g 3 4 , , 9 3 g5 3, g , 9 4 , g 5 7 , 9 7 4 , 9 g 7 , 1 0 3 41,0 4 0 ,1 0 9 3, 1 1 7 7' , , 5 5 4 ,1 5 5 9 1 1 2 1 3 , 1 2 5 4 , 1 2 5154, 3 5 , 1 4 3 71, 5 3 5 , 1 5 3 71, 5 5 1 1
p-valentFunctionscf Topic 14' T50. coefficient Bounds (reldiioits)for 869, 1103' 15081 1282,550,670,803,807, 866, Tvpicatil'-RealF-unctionscf T51. Coefficient Bounds (reiations)Jor Topic 13. [151,628,819,820,821,9M,1207,1236'1237',12471 odd u riivotent Functions o'f T 52 coeffi,'ient Bounds (relatians)foi' ToPic 45. t405, 426,9M, lL'721 T53.FgberPolynotnigls(Grunskycoefficients). [ 1 0 , 1 3 , 2 9 , 1 3 6 , 2 9 6 , 3 0 4 , 3 0 6 , 3 0 7 ' 3 0 68 0' 350'6,90' 8 3 '36, 11 'l,' ,369137' ',6, 31985' ,' , 3 9 6 ' , 4 0 6 , 4 2,14 2 2 , 4 2 4 , 4 2 5 , 4 8 3 , a g i g , 5 8 9 , 5 9 0 ' 655,676,677,721,737,749,762,768'770'798',811',8r2',814',816', 8 2 4 , 8 4 5 , 8 5 4 , 8 g 7 , g 4 g , 1 0 2 0 , 1 0 6 4 ' 1 C 6 5 ' 1 0 6 7 ' , 1 0 6 l8l'5, 1l ,0 6 9 ' , 1 0 7 0 ' 1 0 9 6 |, 0 9 , 71, 1 0 0 ,| | 2 3 , 1 0 7 3 |, 0 7 4 , 1 0 7 5|,0 g 2 , 1 0 9 3 1, 0 9 5 , , 369, | 2 7 , 7|,3 6 7 ,1 3 6 8 1 1 1 6 0 |, 2 3 0 ,| 2 6 9 ,| 2 7 0 . ! 2 7 2 ,| 2 7 5 ,| 2 7 6 , 1 4 2 3 , 1 4 7 9 , 1 4 9 l55,l 5 l Functions of the Class S" T54. Coefficient Bounds (relations) -for f(z)_-;io,,'+...AnalyticandUnivalentinlzl< [13,14,21,49,6',7,107,108,113'l2g'l5z'1 6 7 ' , 1 6 9 ' 1 ' ,4 7 15 9' ,'2 r 2 ' , 2 4 3 ' n ,2 : , 3 3 3 , 3 3 8 , 3 5 93' 5 0 '3 9 1 '3, 9 5 ' 3, 9 6 ' , 4 0 5 ' , 277,281,306,308 504' 4gl, 4g3' 498' 499' 500' 501' 5A2'503' 422,425,445,485,48;6', 647 623',625',630', ',648',649', 505,506,509,554,589;594,601'611' 6 5 5 , 6 5 6 , 6 7 3 , 6 7 4 , 6 8 5 , 6 9 3 , 7 3 5 ' 7 4 9 ' 7 7 1 ' 8 1 1 ' , 8 2 2 ' , 1068, 829',845',865' ' g03,g04, gl4,g44,looa, rciaL 1056,1064,1065,1066,106'7 1069,1070,1071,|072,|073,|074,1075,1095,1096,|097,1154, , 3 0 6 '1 3 6 5' 1 4 0 2 '1 5 1 8 1 1 1 5 5 ,1 1 5 6 ,1 1 7 0 ,1 2 2 6 ;1, 2 7 0 ,1 2 7 2 1 Functions)'[None] T55. ContinuedFractions(appliedto Schlicht of positiveReal Part of ropic 2' T56. Distortion TheoremsJor Functictns [ 3 3 , 9 1 , 1 4 7 , 2 2 4 , 2 5 6 , 2 6 5 , 2 ' 6 ' , 7 ' 2 6 8 ' 723', 3 7 6 ' 3 8 7 ' , 4 5883', 0 ' 5 2885', 2',523',524', '679''680', 831',833', 542,62'1 ,631, 640,643,644,651 8 8 7 , g | 2 , 9 5 0 , 1 0 5 0 , | 0 7 6 , 1 0 7 8 , 1 0 8 6 , 1 0 8 8 , 1 1 1 9| 3, |5| 7, 2, 103, 18 11 9, 8 ' 1 3 5 ] l |, 3 5 2 , | 2 2 | , | 2 g 0 , | 2 g | , t 2 s 2 , 1 2 9 4 |, 2 g 5 , 1 2 9 8 , | 4 7 . 71, 5 2 8 , 1 5 2 91,5 3 4 , 1 3 9 6 .1 4 1 5 , | 4 | 6 , | 4 | 9 , | 4 2 0 , | 4 4 0 ,| 4 6 , '7 1541 , 1 5 4 2 ,1 5 6 2 1
T57. (JnivalenceOver Regionsother than the Unit Disc. [24, 25, 50, 55, 65, 120,326, 382,390,477, 597,760,986,1284, 1379,t42ll T58. Distortion Theoremsfor Meromorphic Functions of Topic 9. u l , r 3 4 , 4 9 0 ,5 3 5 , 5 9 5 , 7 0 8 , 9 3 4 , 9 3 5 ,9 3 9 , 9 4 0 , 9 5 0 ,9 5 1 , 9 5 2 , , 5 1 9 ,1 5 4 6 , , 4 7 5 ,1 4 7 6 1 , 1 5 8 ,1 2 4 3 ,1 4 1 9 ,1 4 3 6 1 1 1 1 2 1, 11 3 , 1 1 5 5 1
ts47l T59. Related Resultsfrom Analytic Funuion Theorv. [This topic is noi:being used.] T60. Multiply-ConnectedRegions. [ 5 6 , 8 8 , 1 2 1 , 3 2 8 , 3 7 9 , 3 8 39, ' 1 5 ,1 1 4 6 ,1 4 3 1 ,1 4 3 3 ] T6l. Distortion Theoremsfor Bounded Functions of Topic 22. 132,91, 213,236,265,295,297,308,351,3E8,418, 431,432,433, 854,883,891,895,904,1037,1050,1052.1078, 434,453,496,8C6, 1163,1165, 1229,1233,1262,1290,1298,1357,1381,i516, 15281 T62. Boundary Behavior (rate of growth of coefficientsor of functionals). 1 2 6 , 6 6 , 7 4 1, 2 6 ,1 2 9 ,1 5 l , 1 6 2 ,1 8 l , 1 8 9 , 2 1 0 , 2 r 2 , 2 2 1 , 2 3 4 , 2 7 9 , 3 ,5 2 , 3 5 4 , 3 6 13,6 5 ,3 6 7, 3 6 8 , 3 6 9 , 3 9 03, 9 1 ,4 1 5 , 287,332,349,351 4 1 6 , 5 3 85, 5 3 ,5 6 2 , 5 6 6 , 5 6 7 , 5 8 15,8 2 , 5 8 75, 8 8 ,5 9 0 ,5 9 6 ,5 9 8 ,6 2 0 , 6 3 8 ,7 0 5 ,7 9 7 , 8 0 28, 0 5 ,8 5 7 ,8 6 1 ,8 6 3 ,8 / 0 , E 7 1 , 8 7 2 , 8 7 4 . 8 7 6 , 8 9 8 ' 899, 900, 902, 925, 947, 956, 958, 960, 1027, 1029,1037, 1038, 1039,1043, 1046,1085,1099,1102,1124,ll6y',1167,1253,1322, 1434,1437,11i3, 1474,i475, 1476,i506, 15301 T63, Distortion Theoremsfor Starlike Functions cf lopic 6. [30, I 26, 13l, 163,191,I 92, 194,230,253,269,347, 377,388, 458, 4 5 9 ,5 2 4 ,5 4 3 , 5 8 76, 1 6 , 6 1 9&, 3 , 6 5 8 , 7 7 5 , 7 7 6 8, 0 2 , 8 5 78, 5 8 ,8 8 8 ' 9 1 2 ,1 0 0 9 .i c 8 - ? ,i c 8 5 , l i z z . 1 2 4 8 ,1 2 5 0 ,1 2 9 7 , 1 3 0 i .1 3 1 9 ,1 3 2 3 , 1335,1348, 1349,1350,1386,1387, 1416,1419,1474,1475,1500, l 5 l l , 1 5 2 7 , 1 5 3 3 , 1 5 3 71,5 4 3 ,1 5 5 8 1 T&. Di,stortion Theoremsfor Convex Functions of Topic 10. 619' [30, 139, 143,14, 145,147,194.247,252,266,388,479,543,
1250, 7 g 5 , 8 9 1 , 9 0 5 , 9 0 g6 |, 2 , 1 0 5 9 ,1 0 8 5 l, l 1 g , | | 2 0 , | | 2 2 , | 2 4 8 , 1 3 1 9 ,1 3 2 1 , 1 3 2 31, 3 3 5 ,1 3 5 3 ,1 3 8 2 ,1 4 9 1 1 Topic 14' T65. Distorticn Theoremsfor p-valent Functions o-i [ 8 C 3 ,8 0 7 , I 3 7 3 ] of Top;g 13' T66. Distortion Theoremsfor Typicatty-RealFunctions [ i 7 8 , 8 2 0 , 1 c o 5 ,l l l E , 1 2 0 i , 1 5 4 ( ) ] of Topic +5' T67. Distortion Theoremsfor Odd Univalent Functions 1252,368,458, 5241 - z+ S: T68. Distortion Theoremsfor Functions of the Clqss fQ) ezzz+ . . . Analytic and Univalentin lzl 266,2ll, 321,336' 338' 339', 147,74, 109, t34. 212,,222,241, 265, 5 3 5 '5 5 4 ' , 3 7 g , 3 8 33, 9 6 , 4 3 7 , 4 5 84, g 0 ,4 g 3 ,5 2 5 ,5 2 8 ,5 2 9 , 5 3 15' 3 3 ' 8 6 4 ,9 0 5 ,9 | 4 , , 5 7 9 , 5 9 56, 1 3 , 6 2 2 , 6 3 0 6, 7 | , 7 2 4 , 7 3 87, 4 | , 8 2 9 . 8 4 6 , 1 2 0 0 ,| 2 | 3 , 9 5 1 , ) ( , 9 , 1 0 5 0 ,| 0 7 7 , 1 1 1 0 ,1 1 1 9 ,1 1 5 5 ,1 1 5 9 ,1 1 6 3 , 15011 1 2 1 8, 1 2 1 3 , 1 2 4 8 ,1 2 6 7 , 1 2 8 21, ,3 2 2 ,1 4 3 6 ,1 4 3 7 , 1 4 3 9 , 1 4 9 3 ' and T69. u-Convex, ..-Starlike Functions (Mocanu functions) Generalizations. 3 1 8 '3 5 3 '3, 5 5 ' [ 3 3 , 3 5, 9 5 , 9 7 , 9 8 ,l N , 1 0 5 , 2 3 9 , 2 8 9 , 2 9 0 , 2 9 1 , 2 9 3 ' g0 0 ,g ,g 3 5 ,9 5 8 ,9 5 9 , 9 6 1 , 9 6 6 , 9 6 7 , 9 6986' 9 ' 3 5 g ,7 7 7 , 7 i 7 8 , " 1 7 g , 7 g gg7,ggg,ggg,1000,1001, 1002,l00l , 1197,1195,1337' gg0, 996;,, 1342,l4l'7, 14181 T70. Bazitevii Functiores(and generalizations). 6 9 4 , 7 7 9 , 7 8 08' 0 8 '8 4 7' 9 3 1 ' 12,216,2lg,28g,2g0,2g3,353 65 , 8, 1055,1178, 956, 969, gg7, 1003,1004, 1006,1040, 1051,1054, 1 4 4 6 '1 5 1 2 1 l l 7 g , 1 l 8 l , l l g 4 , 1 2 4 6 ,1 3 2 4 , 1 3 5,5l M 3 , l M , T7 | . Functionso-fBoundedBoundary Rotation. g, 288,292,293' 340' 494'7M' ll7, 78, 172, 173, 177, 17 214,286, 965'970' 7 0 6 , 7 0 7 , 7 7 4 , 8 0 2 ,8 0 4 , 8 0 5 , 8 0 9 , 8 6 i , 8 7 5 ' 8 8 2 ' 9 6 0 ' 1 0 5 5 ,1 0 9 0 , 1 0 1 4 ,1 0 3 5 ,1 0 3 6 ,1 0 3 8 ,1 0 3 9 ,1 0 4 0 ,1 0 4 1 ,l M 3 , | 0 4 7 , 1274, 1113 , L l z l , 1 1 2 4 , 1 1 2 5 l,l 9 5 , 1 2 1 4 , 1 2 1 5 , 1 2 2 3 , 1 2 2 5 , 1 2 7 3 ' 1 3 4 1 ,1 3 4 3 ,1 3 4 5 ,1 3 8 8 ,! M 5 , 1 4 6 5 ,l 4 7 l l
T72. Distortion Theorems Involving Coefficients (various classesof functions). I 3 2 , 9 1 ,3 8 8 ,M , 4 4 8 , 4 4 9 , 8 4 6 , 8 8 3 ,8 8 4 ,8 8 7 ,1 0 8 5 ,1 2 5 8 , 1 3 5 7 ,
r4371 (of various classesof functions). T73. Rodiusof Close-to-Convexity l9l, 142,214,221,222, 292, 340, 453,460,699,7 46,776, 802, 855, 858, 1033. 1076,1084,1124,1227,1352,1353,15431 T74. Distortion Theoremsof Close-to-ConvexFunctions of Topic 5. [194, 252, 440, 442,M3, 446,838, 912, 1085,1149,1178,1249, 12ffi, 1323,1327,1333,1340,15021 T75. Coefficient Bounds (relations)Jor Close-to-ConvexFunctions of Topic 5. t 1 1 3, M 0 , M 3 , 4 4 6 ,4 5 6 ,5 2 4 ,5 4 6 , 5 4 8 ,5 8 8 , 6 9 3 , 8 6 7 , 9 1 2 ,1 1 4 9 , 1219,1327,1333,1340,15021 T75. Distortion Theo,'emsfor Functions of Bcunded Boundc,ryRotatiort of Topic 7l. 1 1 7 2 , 2 8 32, 9 3 , 3 4 0 ,7 0 7 , 8 0 2 , 8 0 5 1, 0 1 4 ,1 0 3 5 ,1 0 3 8 ,1 1 2 5 , 1 2 2 3 , 1273,1343,14451 T77. Coefficient Bounrlsfor Functions of Bounded Boundary Rotation of Topic 7l. Ir72, 173, 177,286,288,340, 706,774,802,804,805,875, l0l4' 1035,1036,1038,1047,1090,1125.1223,1273,1274,1345,14/5,
r47ri T78. Distortion Theoremsfor Functions Convex in One Directicn of Topic 41. 1524,57l, 572, 1235,l30l l T7g. Coefficient Bounds for Functions Convex in One Direction of Topic 41. , 2 2 3 ,l 3 0 l l t l L 3 , 5 2 4 , 5 7 1 , 5 7 2 , 6 2 8 , 9 7 21, 2 1 9 ,1 2 2 C 1 T80. Distortion Theoremsfor Bazilevic Functions of Topic 70.
[847, 1006,1051] BazilevicFuncticns of ropic 70' tgr. Coefficient Rounds(rerations)for 1446] [358, 694,956,1006,|M:J, cf {JnivqlerfiFunctions' Tg2. Linear ccmbinations, Products, 1 3 2 . , 3 6 , 9 1 , 1 4 2 , 2 0 5 , 2 1 ! , 2 1 4 , 2 4 8 , 2 6 9 ' 3 58 1'440',446',451',460', 8 5 5 ' , 5 9 ' i,0 1 8 ' ,1 0 3 3 ' , 4 6 8 , 4 7 5 , 4 7.7 5 2 6 ,5 5 ? , , 6 7 8 , 7 1 5 , 7 g 5 , 8 3 ? ' 1355 , \ 3 5 7 ,1 3 6 1 ,1 3 9 6 , 1 0 8 9 ,l 1 0 9 ,| 2 2 7 , | 2 4 1 , | 2 6 4 , | 3 3 4 , 1 3 3 8 , 1400,1469,1526,1536,1542,15481 'Topic (a-starlike) Functions of a-convex Theorems for Distortion Tg3. 69. 1,342,I 5481 1291,293,777, 958, a-CotNex (a-stariike)Functions Tg4. coefficient Bounds (rerations)for of ToPic 69. 1291,358,777,778,77g,780,966,1417'1418'15481 T85. Univalenceof Integrals' 134,71,72,g1,94,95,gg,102,105'139'147',142',203'205'214' 2 2 4 , 2 2 8 , 2 4 8 , 2 5 g , 3 5 7 , ' 5 2 7 , 6 9 7 ' 6 9 8 ' 7 4 6 ' , 8 2 8 ' , 9 0 61' ,395235' ,' , 9 2 8 ' , l 2 3 l ' 1 2 9 7 '1 3 0 1 ' , 1 0 5 0 ,1 0 5 2 ,1 0 5 3 ,I I I 1 , I I 2 4 , l l g g ' 1 2 2 7 ' 1 3 5 5 ,1 5 4 1 , 1 5 M , 1 5 4 8 ,l 5 6 l l (and related classes) Tg6. Distortion Theoremsfor Bieberback-Eilenberg Functions of ToPic 34' 646,651] [ 9 , I 1 , 1 5 , 1 3 8 ,5 0 9 ,5 1 1 , Bieberbach-Eilenberg(ond Tg7. coefficient Bounds (relotions) for Functions of Topic 34' related classes) , 1 1 , 5 1 2 , 6 0 8 1, o 2 U [ 1l , 1 5 ,5 O 9 5 T88. ExtremePoint TheorY' [182,186,187,188,18g,2'73,284'387'500',541',542',s4y'.',545', 546,547,548,550,551,574,575,576'577'578',585',709',807',912' 9 1 3 ,9 1 6 ,g 4 2 , 1 2 4 9 , 1 3 3 51,3 3 6 '1 3 4 0 1
T89. Functions of Bounded Index' [40] , 402, 403, 699, I 187] T90. Entire Functions.
[400, 404, 406, 5'19,699,817' 1029, , 3 1 0 ,1 3 1 l ' 1 3 1 21, 3 1 51, 3 1 61, 3 1 7 1 13071 , 3 0 8 ,1 3 0 9 1
TABLE 1 which Following is a list of those referencesin this bibliography in included rrot were were publishedPrior to the Year 1966and which BibliographYI. Year
1950 1955 1959 I 960
u 4841 u 4851 12551 u059,1060,
r95l 1962 1963 t964
[ 3 4 17, 8 1 ,1 3 2 81, 3 6 61, 5 1 6 1 1782,982,14861 , t{3 ,877,1378J u 4 9 , 1 5 0 , 3 7 2 , 6 2 i6, 4 5 7 758,782,784,785, [ 3 7 ,81 , 2 3 4 , 3 0 03, 1 2 , 4 9 86, 7 0 , 7 3 1 , 7 4 1 , 9 8 3 ,r l l 7 , 1 1 6 91, 2 0 8 1 , 52,759.786,'187, 07 , 67 u , 3 8, 4 5 , 1 4 8 , 2 3 53,1 0 ,3 7 3 , 4 1 4 , 6 5 6 1212,1256, , g o s ,8 7 8 ,9 4 7 , 9 8 49. 8 5 ,1 0 1 1 1, 0 6 1 , 1 1 4 6ll';3, 1257,1380,1427,1436,15461 2',76,31l,330, 374,375', 14,39, 42, 51,58, 66, 127, l-28,236, 68i' 4 1 7 , 4 2 4 , 4 3 6 , 4 6 5 , 4 g g , 55 01 03 , ,5 1 6 ,6 1 5 ,6 3 6 , 6 4 6 , 6 7' 7 837' 684, 716,736,7 53,7 55,788,790,825,826,827,828, 836' 9'.19' 842,843,851,866, 867,87g,903,972,975, 976,977,978' ll3i', i l05, 980,986, 1034,1064,1076,1077,1078,1093,1094, l23l' I l - ? 8 ,I 1 4 9 , 1 1 5 0 ,I l 5 i , 1 1 7 4 ,l l 3 2 ' 1 l 9 E, i 2 0 9 , l 2 l 9 ' L42l' 1419, 1264,lz]t, t2l2:, izig,l28l, 1365,1381, 1392, |487, | 4 2 8 , | 4 2 q 1 4 3 0 ,| 4 4 7 , | 4 4 8 , t + l g , 1 4 5 0 ,l 4 5 l , | 4 5 2 , , 5 5 1 ,t 5 5 2 . 1 5 5 3 1 1 4 8 8 ,1 5 5 0 1
TABLE 2 which Following is a list of those referencesin this bibliography publishedduring the year 1975' $,/ere 3 5 7 , 3 g 7 , 5 4 85, 4 9 , 5 5 05, 7 8 ,5 8 0 ' 5 9 4 ' u 1 6 , 1 5 3, 2 1 6 , 2 ' t 8 , 2 7 2 , 2 g 0 , 3 3 3 , 10|.',1 ! 50' 9 9 ' 6 5 2 , 6 8 05, 9 1 , 7 0 8 , 7 3 g , 8 2 2 , 8 4 9 ,8 i 4 , 9 1 6 , 9 4 3 , 9 6 4 , 9 6 5 ' , 3 4 0 ,1 3 4 3 ,1 4 1 0 ,1 4 3 9 ,i 5 4 4 ) 1 1 8 4 ,1 2 6 2 ,i 3 0 5 , t 3 3 € . 1
TABLE 3 this Following is a listing of the total number of researchPaPersin bibliographywhich were publishedin eachof the given Years. Year
Total Number of PdPers
1966 lvo/ 1968 r969
r970 197|
r972 r973 t9'14 t975
110 107 130 t46 t49 160 166 IM t25
TABLE 4 Followingis a list of Math. Review(MR) numbers(which had not in beenavailableat time of first publication)for someof the References the Bibliography,Part II. Ref. 17
MR# Ref. MR54 #2939 186
MR# Ref. MR53 #5849 332
MR# Ref. MR52 #8407 519
MR53 #5845
53 3297
53 788
52 11029 547
53 I1036
53 3288
57 9950
53 3286
53 11036
54 528
54 7768
56 r2250
53 792
53 801
52 I l03l
52 t4259
54 2946
53 5848
52 l 1030 678
52 1426r
54 5456
54 545I
57 t2837
52 t427|
54 525
53 8427
52 l 1039 720
57 r2839
52 r42s8
53 l iu31
57 3372
54 54s7
54 537
52 ! l02r
53 I1043 776
52 14266 965
52 t1024
52 1262 it027
53 1376 5844
53 l1038 l0l8
52 53 t4263 1270 8409
52 r4265
52 53 r4268 1022 5846
52 t4267 1043
53 3282
54 2943
52 1090 rr025
53 l1037
53 58 1280 22527 1388 3290 l3t8
54 5465
55 1425 r0662
54 5479
53 1465 13549
MR# Ref. MR# Ref. 58 52 849 t4262 I 1 6 6 I 1 0 1 i 3.36 52 54 1358 11026 1 181 859 13057 53 53 1362 5847 I 1 8 3 862 I 1040 52 55 1 1032 1363 1 2 0 8 653 896 56 54 137| s862 554 1250 963
MR# 54 294J
53 1433 8 4 1 0 53 53 8429 1530 11041 52 r42& 53 8408
54 2948
53 3287
56 5857
Reference 385 607 618 692
Reference 384 604
6r7 126
is Todorov' Pavel Notes (a) Reference1094: author Pletneva'T . G . (b) Ezroh;, T. G. is sameauthor as
CONTENTS Preface Bibliography Prior to Year 1976 Table l. References in Year lg82 2. References Table Table 3. Number of ReferencesPublisher!Each Ycar Corrections.
. 275 276 351 352 .,*352 353 .,i.
tc contains1025references Dib'ography of SchlichtFunctions,Part III, (Schlicht)and multivalent publicationsin the theory of analyticunivalent through r981 and is a continuafunctions.part III coversthe ),ears19'76 Parts I' II' describedin tion of Bibliography of Schiicht Functions, earlierpages. and which werenot inSomePapersPublishedPrior to the year 1976 I. Somepaperspublishedir cludedin Parts I, II are now listedin Table numbers(MR) are inthe vear 1982are listedin Table II' Math. Review cluded for most references' Abstractshavebeen Part III differs from Parts I,II in two respects' and cross-indexlistingsare omitted and also no subtopic crassification justified becauseof their included. The omission of abstractsis easily results in the theory of transient value. classification of the various are usedin Part I' 90 subSchlichtfunctionsinto subtopics(68 subtopics and betweenreferences topics are usedin part II) and cross-indexlistings of hundreds task requiring subtopicsis a very valuablebut monumental prior to the publication hours of work-precious time not available deadlinefor Part III. S. D. Bernardi July 1982
BIBLIOGRAPHYOF SCHLICHT FUNCTIONS (Part III) Sect' III 1. Abe, H. On some analyticfunctions. Mem. Ehime univ.
7 (t97|t,tro.4,tff-IQI: MRK lzk77. Engrg.
2. Abe. H. On multivalentfunctions in multiply connecteddomains.l. Proc. JapanAcad. 53 (1977),no. 3, 116-ll9; MR 56 #594. 3. Abe, H. On multivalent functions in multiply connecteddomains' lI. Proc.JapanAcad. Ser.A lvIath.Sci.53 (1977),no.2,68-71;MR 58 #6210. 4. Abiarr, A. The coefficients cf the Laurent expansion of analytic -functions.Arch. Math. (tsrno) 13 (1971),no. 2, 65-68' 5. Abian, A. Hurwitz' theorem implies Rouch€'s theorem. J' Math' A n a l . A p p l . 6 l ( 1 9 7 7 )n, o . 1 , 1 1 3 - 1 1 5 . 6. Abian, A.; Johnstotr,E. H. Zeros of partial sums of the Laurent l' seriesof anatyticfunctions. KyungpookMath. J. 2l (1981),no' 87-90. 7 . Abu-Muhanna, Y.; MacGregot, T. H. Variabitity regions for by bounded analytic functions wi;th apptications to families defined
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5 (1971)'Do' Z' 3'79-389' Bull. Inst. Math' Acad' Sinila tvith on stsrtike and convexfunctions K. P. Jain, ?.; o. Ahuja, 16. (2) 3 Bull' MalaysianMath' Soc' missingand negativecoefficienfs' ( 1 9 8 0 ) ,n t . 2 , 9 5 - 1 0 1 ;M R 8 2 d : 3 0 0 1 3 ' value solvabitityof inverseboundary l7 . Aksent'eV,L. A. The u-nivale'tt 4)' (1 Kraev' zadacam vyp' I I 97 problems. (Russian)Trudy sem. 9 - 1 8 ;M R 5 7 # 6 5 2 '
1 8 . A k s e n t , e V , L . A . ( ] n i v q l e n t c h a n g e o f g76),30-39; p o r y g o n a l rMR J.om ins.(Russian) 58a#22522' 13il zadacamvvp. Kraev. Sem. Trudy 1 9 . A k s e n t , e v , L . A . ; G a i d u k , V . N . ; M i k kproblem a , V . P . T h eau regular n i v o l efunc' nt for value boundary inverse the of solvability (Russian)Trudy Sem' Kraev' tion in a doubly connectedregion ' -8; MR 56 #15948 ZaaacamVvp' 12 (lg7 5)' 3 z 0 . A k s e n t , e v , L . A . : K u d r j a s o v , s . N . S o m e c o n dvarue i t i o nproblem s f o r t h efor inverseboundary univarenceof the sorution'ofan Vyp' 6 f1$V Sem' Krle-v' Zadacam a symmetricprofite' tnt"iunl (1969),3_15.Foru,.ui.*olthisitemseeZbl236#76007;MR58
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BT B L T O GR AP H OF Y S C H LIC H T | U N C TION S (P A R T l l l )
A k a < l .N a u k u k r a i n . S S R S e r . A ( 1 9 8 0 ) r, 1 o . 8 , 1 l - 1 4 , 8 6 ; M R 8 l i : 3 0 0 2.1 in the class 13. Gorjainov,v. v.; Gutljanskii,v.I. Extremalproblems coliection(Russiarl),pp. 242-246.lzl,iatherl'latics sv. (R.ussian) ,,Naukova Dumka," Kiev (1976);MR 56 #12244dat. points of ii4. Grassmann,E.; Hengartner,W'; Schober,G' Support Bull' l9 the ciassof close-to-convexfunctions. Canad' Math' (r976), no. 2, 117-179;MR 58 #6202' conforrnal 115. Grassmann,E.; Rekne, J . Calculationo"fsonteextrcntal nrappitigs.SIAMJ.Math.Anal.g(1978),Do.1,87_105. problemsfor ll6. Grassmann,E.: Rokne, J. CalculationoJ extremum (1979), no' 1, univslent func:tions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. l0 850-874;MR 8lc:30024. the moduli of \17. Grinspail, A . Z. The sharpeningof the differenceof probadjacent coefficients of schlicht functions. (Russian)Some of Problems iems in modern function theory (Proc. ccnf . Modern Sci' USSR' GeometricTheory of Functions,Inst. Math., Acad' Sibirsk' ssR Novosibirsk,Lg16)(Russian),pp . 4l-45. Akad. Nauk this item see otdel. Inst. Mat., Novosibirsk(1916).For a reviewof MR 57 RZMAT (1977)#ll 8141. [For the entire collectionsee # 1 5 8 1 : . 1M ; R 58 #22520. of univalent 318. Grinxpan, A.Z. Taylor coefficicntsof cerlain classes of the theory of' functions functionsi;.(Russian)Metric questions MR (Russian),pp. 28-12,153,"Naukova Dumka," Kiev (1980); 829:30027. (Rus319 Grlnxpan,A. Z. Coefficientsof powersof univalentfunctions' sian)Sibirsk.Mat. 2.22 (1981),no. 4, 88-93,230;MR 82i:30023' of areasfor 320. GrinSpan,A. Z; Kolomoiceva, z. D. The ntethod (Russian, English summary) functions without common values. (1979)'vyp'4' Vestnik Lenirrgrad.Univ. Mat. Meh. Astronom 3 1-36, 122;MR 8 1e:30035. jzr. Gronau, D" Eine Be:nerkungzu einerpartiert Differentialgleichung mit den schlichtenFunktionen' von Hornich im zusafti,lt€fihQng Akad' Wiss' Collection in honor of Hans Hornich. Osterreich' 3 , 2 7 - 3 0 ;M R 5 6 M a t h . - N a t u r w i s sK.l . s . - B . I I 1 8 5( l 9 7 6 ) ,n o . I #15906. in Multipb' con322. Grunsky, H. Lectures on Theory of Functions und nected Domsins. Vandenhoeckand R'uprechtin Gottingen Zurich (1978),253 PP.;MR 57 #3365' of functions univalent 323. Gupta, V.P.; Ahmad, Iqbal Certain classes 5 (1977),nc' 2' Sinica in the unit disc.Bull. Inst. Math. Acad.
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Inst' Math'' Acad' Problemsof GeometricTheory of Functions, Akad' Nauk pp. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk, 1976)(Rtrssian), 83-87. (1976)'For a review sssR Sibirsk.otdel. Inst. Mat., Novosibirsk ofthisitcmsceRT\hat|}77#11R153.[FortheentirecollectionSee M R 5 ? # 1 s 8 l 3 . lM R . 5 8 # 2 2 5 2.s multivalentfunclions' 559. Mandik, V. P . ,4realheorentsfor s;'slemsof 1 4 0 8 ;M R ( R u s s i a nS) i b i r s k .M a t . Z . 2 0 ( 1 9 7 9 )n, o . 6 , | 2 7 5 _ ! 2 8 1 , 8 1 a : 3 0 0 1. 3 imageof the unit disk 560. Marcus,M. Somegeometricpropertiesof the (2) 13 (19'76)'no' l' by confoi'trrulmaps. J. London Math. Soc. r77-182;MR' 54 #527. Amer. Math. Monthly, 561. Marderr,M. Much Ado About Nothing. v o l . 8 3 , D o . 1 0 , D e c e m b etr9 7 6 , 7 8 8 - 7 9 8 ' theoremsconnectedwith 562.Martio, o. New methods in injectivity Schwcrzianderivative.lsthscandinavianCongressofMathematiin Math., 11, cians (Aurhus, 1980), pp. 4|1_415, Progress Birkhauser,Boston,Mass', l98l; MR 82k:30025' 563. Marusciac,I . Someestimationsfor strongll'a.m-convexfunctiotts' Math '25 (1930)' (Romaniansummary)Studiauniv. Babes-Boiyai no.2,39-44. in the Hcrdy classHr ' 564. Mateljevic, M . The isoperimetricinequality r)(rqzg),oo. 2, 159-178;MR 82i:30052. Mat. Vesnik3(16)(3 and argument o"f a 565. Mazur, Ryszard.Estimation of the modulus (1976)' nc' 4' quasi-B-starlikefunction Demonstratio Math ' 9 639-64s;MR 55 #3233' in the classof functions 566. Mazur, R. on some extremalproblems zeszyly summa-ries) with bounded rotation (Polish and Russian
MR 5s #z2sc8. Nauk.p;ii;;h. L6d2.rvrat.No. e (re77),77-88;
of cont'exfunclions' (Polish and Russian 567. Mazur, R. On a subclass y6ai. Mat. No' l3 (1981)' summaries)ZeszytyNauk. Politech. 15-20. merontorphic of 568. Mazur, R.; Treska,A. On some classes $-starlike 1l (1978), no' 3' k-symmetricfunctions. Demonstratio Math' 7 3 5 - 7 5 0M ; R 8la:30010' of power D.; Fricke,c. H.; Beyer,w. A. Remainders J. McCall, 569. MR J. Math. Marh. Sci.2 (lg7g),no' 2,239-250; series.Internat. 80i:30003. extremql schlicht 5 7 0 . M c C o Y ,T . L . A partial surface varietion for Soc. 234 (1977),no' 1' I 19-138; functions. Trans. Amer. Math. MR 57 #12841a. variation for extremal 571. McCoY,T. L. Erratum: "A Partial surface
schlichtfunctions." Trans.Amer. Math. Soc.240(1978),393;MR 57 #r284tb. 572. Mclaughlin, R. Two inequalitiesfor starlike functions. Colloq. Math. 34 (1975/76),no. 2,287-292;MR 53 #11039. 573. Merkes,E. P. A coveringtheoremfor odd typically-realfunctions. Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 3 (1980), no. l, 189-192;MR 82c:30008. 574. Merkes, E. P. Psrtial sum subordinatian of univalentfunctions. HoustonJ. Math. 6 (1980),77-83;MR 8lf:30009. 575. Mikka, V. P. The univalentsolvsbility of certaininverseboundary value problems. (Russian)Trudy Sem. Kraev. ZadacamVyp. 9 (1972),200-207.For a reviewof this item seeZbl 299 #30037;MR
5 8# t 7 r 3 r . 576. Mikka, V. P. Two sufficient conditicns for the univalenceof analytic functions. (Russian)Mat. Zametki 19 (1976), no.3, 33r-346M ; R s3 #13547. 577. Milcetich, J. G. A generalextremulproblernfor the classo_fcloseto-convex functions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 225 (1977), 307-323;Ir{R 58 #22509. 578. Milcetich,J. G. Analytic mappingso_frhe unit disk cn a convexdomain. American|4ath. Nl.lnthly84, no. 8 (October1971)(Advanced Problemsand Solutions),p. 663. 579. Milcetich, J. G. Inequality o-f Lo norm,so-fa derivativeof afunction. AmericanMathematicalMonthly 87, no. 9, (November1980) (Solutionsof AdvancedProbleffiS),p. 759. 580. Milin, I. M . *Univalenifunctions und orthonornialsystems.Trans. Math. Monographs,Vol . 49, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. [ . (1977),iv + 202 pp.; MR 55 #651. 581. Milin, I. M. Loose errata: Univalent functionsand orthonormal p. 194.Amer. Math. Soc.,Providence, systems, R. I. (1977);MR 5 5 # 6 5 i , N , { R5 6 # 9 9 3 5 . 582. Iviilin, I. M. A property of logarithmic coe.fficientsof univaleni functions. (Rirssian)Metric questionsof the theory of functions (Russian), pp.86-90, l6l. "Naukova Dumka," Kiev, (1980);MR 82i:3N26. 583. Milin, V. N. [V. I.l A certainfamily of non-univalentJunctions that satisfythe Prawitz areatheorem.(Russian)Sibirsk.Mat. 7.. 11 ( 1 9 7 6 )n , o . 2 , 3 0 4 - 3 1 74 , 7 8 ;M R 5 3 # 1 3 5 " i 8 . 584. Milin, V. I. Estimateof the coefficientsof odd univalentfunctions. (Russian)Metric questionsof the theory of functions(Russian),pp. 78-86, 160, "Naukova Dunika," Kiev, (1980);MR 82i30A25.
of odd univalentfunctions' (Rus585. Milin, V. I. Neighboringcoefficients -157, 231;MR 82i:30021' sian)Sibirsk. Mut . Z . 1z(lqtif l, no . 2, l4g 535.Miller,J.E.convexandstarlikemerotrtorphicfunctions'Proc' MR 81k:3001:' A m e r . M a t h . S o c ' 8 0 ( 1 9 8 0 ) '6 0 7 - 6 1 3 ; properties of alpha587. Miller, s. s. Arclength and subordination (,1974)', no' 1, 93-98; (Cluj) 16(39) convexfunctions.Mathematica MR 53#13540. theory' Edited by San588. Miller, S. S. Prohlemsin contplexfunction (Proc' s 'u 'N ''i ' corrf ' ' State ford s. It{iller. compler analysis (1976),pp. l!?-177' Lectttre univ. New york, Brockport,i.i.y., Vol .36,Dekker,New York, 1978; Notesirt Pureand Appt. tr,tattr., MR 58#11363. 32 of startikefunctions' Ann' Polon' Mat|' 589. Miller, S. S. On a class #3283' (1976),no. 1,77-81' (erratainsert);MR 53 imptying boundedinequarities 5g0. Miller, S. S. ,4 clqssof differeniiatr -649 ' 647 ness.IllinoisJ ' Math' 20 (1976)'no' 4' u'l/' Y' conf" Brockport' s' *complex (Proc' analysis 591. Miller, s. s. of the S.U.N.Y ^/. Y,, 1976) Complex analysis.Proceedings Function Theory held at rhe Brockport conferenceon complex .7 N. Y., June _9, |916. Edited StateUniversityCollegc,Brccliport, in Pure and Applied by Sanford s. Milier. I-ecture Notes Mathematics,Vol.36,MarcelDekker,Inc.,NewYork-Basel, 1978.xii + 117pp' ISBN 0-8247-6725-X' Math' 5 9 2 .M i l l e r , S . s . c o n a ; t i o n- f o r \ f f z l \ < l ' \ z l < l ' A m e r i c a n Monthly,Vol.84,no.3(March|977)(AdvancedProblenrsDepartment),,P. 223. ,,A probiem" -for functions of positi"e real port' 593. Miller, S. S. Amer.Math.Monthly85,flo.3(1978),p.203.(Solution:Same j o u r n a l ,V o l . 8 6 , n o ' 8 , O c t o b e r1 9 7 9 p' ' 7 1 1 ) ' 5 9 4 . M i l l e r , S . S . : M o c a n u , P . T . A l p h a - c o n v e x f u n c tBabes-Bolyai ionsand Studia Univ' derivativesin the Nevanlinna class' Math. 20 (1975),35-40;MR 53 #820' p. order differentialinequalities 595. Miller, S. S.; Mocanu, T. Second inthecomplexplane.J.Math.Anal.Appl.65(1978),no.2, 289-305;MR 80f:30009' T. Differentiat subordinatiortsand 596. Miller, s. S.; Mocanu, P. J' 28 (1981)'no ' 2' l5'7-112' univalentfunctiorzs.MichiganMath' subordirt,teto of 5g7.Miller, S. S.; Mocanu,P .T. On classes functions PuresAppl' 26(1981)' the Koebefuncrion. Rev. RoumaineMath' n o . 1 , 9 5 - 9 9 ;M R 8 2 i : 3 0 0 3 3 ' M. o. JanowskialphQ-Convex 598. Miller, S. S.; Mocanu, P.] Reade,
32 0
functions. (Polish and Russian summaries)Ann. Univ. Mariae Sect.A29 (1975),93-98(1977);MR 56 #8831. CUrie-Sklodowska convex599. Miller, S. S.; Mocanu,P.T.; Reade,M. O. On generalized ity in conformalmappings.II. Rev. RoumaineMath. Pures.Appl. 2l (1976),no. 2, 219-225;lvIR 54 #2938. 600. Miller, S. S.; Mocanu,P.T.; Reade,M. O. On the rsdiuso-falphaconvexity. (Romaniansummary) Studia Univ. Babes-BolyaiMath. 22 ( 1977),3 5-39; MR 55 #8337. 601. Miller, S. S.; Mccanu, P. T.; Read€,M. O. A particularstarlikeintegral operator. (Romanian summary) Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai . Math . 22 (1977),no. 2,'41-47; MR 58 #17067 M. O. Sturlike integral 602. Miller, S. S.; Mocanu, P. T.; Reade, operators. Pacific J. Math . 79 (197E), no. l, 157-168; MR 80g:30008. 603. Miller, S. S.; Mocanu, P. T.; Reade, M. O. The order of starlikenessoJ alpha-convexfunctiorts. Mathematica (Cluj) 20(43) ( 1 9 7 8 )n, o . ! , 2 5 - 3 0 ;l v l R 8 l d : 3 0 0 1 6 . 604. Mii'man, D. A.; Musaev, B. I. The approximatesolution o"f a problem of conformal mapping of nonstarlike dcmains. (Russian, Azerbaijanisumrnary)Azerbaidzan Gos. Univ. Ucen.Zap. (1974), no. 1, VoprosyPrikl. Mat. i Kibernet,60-68;MR 54 #7761. 605. Minda, C. David. The imageof the Ahlforsfunction Proc. Amer. M a t h . S o c .8 3 ( 1 9 8 1 )n, o . 4 , 7 5 1 - 7 5 6 . 606. Minda, C. D.; Rodin, B. Extremal length, extremal regions and quuCraticdifferentiols.Commcnt. Math. Helv. 50 (1975),no. 4, 455-475. 607. Miniowitz, R. On almost boundedfunctions. Trans.Amer. Math. Soc.223 (1976),93-102;MR 55 #&4. 608. Mista, K. Estimatesof the secondand third derivativpin a ciassof functions a multivalentin the mesn. (Polish, Russianand English summaries)Zeszyty Nauk. Politech. Slask. No . 441 Mat .-Fiz. Zeszyt26 0916), 159-174;MR 56 #598. 609. Misia, K. Sur tesin6galit6sbittineaire,sde Grunsky pour les couples de fonctionsqui n'emplietentpas I'une sur I'autre. I. Demonsfiatio M a t h. 1 2 ( 1 9 7 9 )n, o . I , 7 l - 1 0 3 ; M R 8 0 i : 3 C 0 3 1 . 610. Mista, K. Interiorpairs o-fAharonov. (Polish,Russia,rand English s u m m a r i e sZ ) e s z y t yN a u k . P o i i t e c h . S l a s k . M a t . - F i z . N o . 3 4 (1979),137-145;MR 8id:30017. 6l l. Mista, K. Sr,rrlesin|gatitls bilineairesde Grunskypour lescouples dc fonctions qui n'empietent pasi'une sur I'sutre. ll. Demostracio M a t h . i 4 ( 1 9 E 1 )n, o . 1 , 3 3 - 5 8 ;N f R 8 2 i : 3 0 0 1 5 . 612. Mitjuk, I. P. Symmetrization methods, and their application in
lzv - Severo-Kavkaz'Naucn' -iunction theory'.(Russian) s,€otiEt!'ic Nauk. (1976),no. 2, 3_10,l 16; Centravyss. Skoly Ser. EsteStV. MR 55#5R53. ratiuitarfut;ciians. Uiiiv. 613. Mitrinovic, D. s. on trte univalcnceof Frz. (1979)' no. Beograd. publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. 634-677 , 221-227;MR 81i:30028' nonanalyticfunction's 614. Mocanu, P. T . Sta:liknessand convexityfor no' i ,-7'7-83;MR in the unit disc.(Marhematic(cluj) 22(45)(1980), 82i:300I 6 . D. The order of sturlike615. Mocanu, P. T.; Reade,id. o.; Ripeanu' (cluj) 19(42) nessof o Libera integral cperator. Mathematica (1977),no. 1, 67 -73 (1978);MR 58 #22511' (Ripianu, D.) An extremalproblem 616.Mocanu, P. T.; Ripeanu,'D. of a continuum' Romanian-Finnish for the transfinite diameter Bucharest' 1976)' pp' Seminar on complex Analysis (Proc., 1979;MR LecturcNotesirr Math .,743, Springer,Berlin, 323_330, 81c:30043. in the unit disc' I' J' . 617 Mog:a, I\4. I-. On a classof startikefunctions 1-4,159-161(1977);MR Indian Math. soc. (N. s.l +o (1976),no' 58 #6203a. in the unit disc' lI' 618. Mogra, M. L. On a classof starlikefunctions g no. 2, 157-165;MP' 58 Indian J. pure Appl. tvtaitr. (1977), #6203b. 619.Mogra,M.L.onaclassoffunctionswithpositiverealparl.Riv. (l 979);MR 80i:30020' Mat. Univ. parma (4) 4 (rbie), 101-108 estimatesfor starlike 620. Mogra, M. L.; Juneja, O. P. Coefficient Soc. l6 (l 977),no. 3,415_425;MR functions.Bull, Austral.Math. 56 #5860. et lespolyn\mes d'inter521. Montel, P. sur unefcrmula de Darboux polationAnnalidellaR.ScuolaNor'malesuperiorediPisall'vol' I ( 1 9 3 2 )P, P . 3 7 l - 3 8 4 ' a classof analyticfunctions' 622. Moulis', E-J., Jr . The univalenceof Brockport,N. Y ., |976), Complexanalysis(Proc.S.U.N.Y. Conf ., pp.89-g4.LectureNotesinPureandAppl.Math.,Vol.36,Dekker, New York, 1978;MR 58 #62M' Robertsonfunctions' Pacific 623. Moulis, E. J . Generalizationsof thc .T.Math. 81 (1g7g),no' I ' 167-174;MR 81c:30023' vsriationsof analyticfunc624. Murai ,T. on orea integralsand radial (1976), 135-159;MR 54 tionsin the unit disk lugoya Math. J. #10603. bounded Lipschitzfunc6zs. Mustafa, c. The extensiono.f starshaped (1980),no. 1,93-99' tions.Anar. Numer. Theor. Approx. 9
32 2
626. Nasr, M. A. On convexcombinationof certqinanolyticfunctions. IndianJ. PureAppl. Math. 6 (1975),no.4, 337-346;MR 56 #3272. 527. Nasr, M. A. Convex hull and extremepoints of two families of univalentfunctions.Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.Sect.A. 83 (1976),no. 4 , 1 3 8 - 1 4 4M ; R 54#532. 628. Nasr, M. A. On a classof functions with boundedboundory rotat i o n . B u l l . I n s t . M a t h . A c a d . S i n i c a5 ( 1 9 7 7 )n, o . 1 , 2 7 - 3 6 ;M R 5 8 #6214. 629. Nasr. M. A. On the Hardy clqss of certain subclassof Bazilevit function Ann. Polon. Math . 34(1977),no. 3, 265-268; MR 57 #640. 630. Nasr, M. A. On the radius of d.-convexityof certain classesof no. 5, starlikefunctions.Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Sect.A 8-{(1977), 367-378;MR 56 #596. 63I . Nasr, M. A. On Bazilevii functions and generalizedconvexity. lo. 9 , 1279-1281 ; MR Rev.RournaineMath . PuresAppl . 22(1977), 58#22512. 632. Nehari, Zeev. A property of convex conformal maps. J. Analyse 3 ;R 5 5 # 1 2 9 0 1 . M a t h . 3 0 ( 1 9 7 6 ) , 3 9 0 - 3 9M 633. Nehari, Zeev. Univalencecriteria ciependingon the Schwsrziartde-ivative.IllinoisJ. N,iath23t1979),no. 3 ,345-351;MR 80i:30033. 634. Netanyahu,E. Extremalproblems-for schliclit.functionsin the e.r' terior of the unit circle.CanaoianJourn. Math., vol. l7(1965),pp. 335-341. 635. Netanyahu, E. Extemal properties of some classesof univalent functions.Ann. Acad. Sci.Fenn.Ser.A I Math.2 (1976),345-360; MR 57#16569. 536. Netanyahu,E. On the local maxima of the coefficientsof univulent functions. J. AnalyseMath. 30(1976),394-403;MR 56 #3280. 637. Netanyahu,E.; Pinchuk, B. Symmetrizationand extremalbounded (1980); univalentfunctions. i. Anaiyse Matli. 36(1979), i 39"M MR 82a:300i2. 638. Netanyahu,E.; Schiffer, M. On the monotonicity of somefunc' tionals in the famity o.f univalentfunctions. Israel J. Math. 32 (1979),no. I , 11-26;MR EOm:30014. 639. Nevanlinna, R. *Proceedingsof the Rol.fNevanlinna Symposiurn on ComplexAnallsi-". Held at the MathematicalResearchInstitute of the University of Istanbul in Silivri (September20-25, 1976)' Publication of the Mathematical ResearchInstitute, Istanbul, 7' MathematicalResearchInstitute,Universityof Istanbul,Istanbul, 1978.iv * 142 pp.; MR 80e:3C004.
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Mathematica (Cluj) l6(J9) tain clessesof analytic functions' ; R 53 #13542' ( 1 9 7 4 )n, o . I , l + ' 3 - 1 5 7M functions' Romanian-Finnish 672. Pascu,tl. N . Atpha-close-to-convex 1975)'pp'?31(Proc., Br-rcharest' Seminaron Compier Analysis 335,LectureNo-,esln|dath.,143,Springer,Beriin,1979;ivIR. 80j:30021. functions' Studia 6jj. pascu, N. N. Janowski atpha-starlike-ccnnex U n i v . B a b e s . B o l y a i M a r h . 2 l ( 1 9 7 6 ' 1 , 2 3 - 2 7 ; M R 5 3 # , 7 8Bul' 9. rtike functions.(Romanian,Englishsummary) N. ry-sla 674. pa-sc,,r, MR 80j:30c20' g77), 3i--79(1978); univ. BrasovSer. C 19 (1 P' catculuso1"the alpha-starlike 675.Pascu,N.; Podaru, v.; Rotaru' order' (Romanian' German radit,sfor starlik, frrrtions of the betq MR C |g (|97.7),41_a6(197E); Summary)Bul. Univ. Brasov Scr. 80j:30022.
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Sect. A29(1975),99-107(1977);MR 56 MariaeCurie-Sklodowska # 15902. 793. Schild, A.; Silverrnan,H. Some properties of schlichtfunctions with "smell" coefficients. Complex analysis (Proc. S.U.N.Y. , . Y . , 1 9 7 6 )p, p . 1 0 5 - l 1 4 .L e c t u r eN o t e si n P u r e C o n f. , B r o c k p o r tN and Appl. Math., Vol. 36, Dekker, New York, 1978; MR 58
794. Schober,G. *Univalentfunctions-selected topics. Lecture Notes in Mathematics,Vol . 478. Springer-Verlag,Berlin-New York (1975).v + 200 pp. $9.90;MR 58 #22527. 795. Schober, G. Coefficients of inversesof meromorphic univalenr MR f u n c t i o n s .P r o c .A m e r . M a t h . S o c .6 7 ( 1 9 7 7 )n,o . l , l l l - l l 6 ; 56 #t2z5l. 796. Schober, G. Coefficients of inversesof univalentfunctions with quasiconformalextensions.Kodai Math . J. 2(19i9), no. 3, 4ll419;MR 8lb:30C39. 797. Schober,G. Coefficientestimatesfor inversesof Schlichtfunctiotrs. Aspectsof contemporarycomplex analysis(Proc. NATO Adv. Studynst.,Univ. Durham,Durham, 1979),pp. 503-513,Academic Press,London (l180); MR 82j:30021. 798. Schwarz, G. Zur partietlen Differentialgleichung der st'hlichten Funktionen. Collection in honor of Hans Hornich. Osterreich. s .l . S . - B .I I 1 8 5 ( 1 9 7 6r)1, o .l - 3 , 8 9 A k a c i .W t s s .M a t h . - N a t u r w i s K 93;MR 56 #15908. ' 99. Seiler,A. Inegalitesde Grunsky du type Garabedian-Schifferpour despairesdefonctions univalenles.(Englishsummary)C. R. Acad. no. 10, Aii, 4755-A757; MR 54 Sci. Paris Ser. A-B 283(1976), #13064. 800. Sekigawa,i-I. SchwarzianderivativesoJ someconJormulmappmgsno. 3, 309-3i8; MR 80j:30029. Tohoku Math . J. (2)31(1979), 801. Selberg,H. L. rJberdie Potertzreihenmit posiliven Koeffizienten. N o r s k eV i d . S e l s k .S k r . ( T r o n t h e i m () 1 9 7 5 ) n, o . 5 , 6 p p . ; I V I R5 - i #10578. 802. Selljahova,T. N.; Sobolev,V . Y. Thestudy of extremalproperties o_fa classof urtivalentconformal ntappingsof the half-olane onto Someproblemsin modern function theory (Proc' itsetf (R.ussian) Cor:f. Modern Problemsof GeometricTheory ol Functions,Inst' Math., Acad. Sci. USSR, Novosibirsk, 1976)(Russian),pp . 142145.Akad. Nauk SSSRSibirsk.Otdel. Inst. Mat., Novosibirsk' 1976.For a reviewof this item seeRZMat 1977#10 8178. [For the MR 58 #22501. entirecoiiectionseeMR 57 #15813.1;
(Rrrs803. Seretcv,V. G. Harmonic mappings,and univalentfunctions Univ' Naucn' sian) Mathematicalanalysis,No. 2. Kuban. Gos' TrudyVyp.ts0(1974),143-153,166-167;MR55#r29ll' and starlikeiiessof a 8M. Shaffer, D. B. Cn the orrler o-f conve:ir-v J' Math' speciat class of anulytic and meromorphicfunctions' Anal.Appl.64(1978),no'1,216-222;MR57#16564' uitivalentand 805. Shah,s. M. Anal|,ticfttnctioris with somederivatives Naz' Lincei a relateCconjecture. (Italian summary) Atti' Accad' (1977); Rend.cl. Sci.Fis. Mat. Natur. (s) 61 (1976),ilo. 5,344-353 MR. 58 #6236. of 806. Shah,S. M.; Trimble, S' Y' Llnivalenceof derivatives functions (1976),no' 56 deftned DYga7 Power series' II. J. Math. Anal. Appl. | , 28-40. with univalent 807. Shah, s. M.; Trimble, S. Y. Analytic functions MR 82a:30016' derivatives.Indian J. Math. 20 (1978),265-299; of univalentfunctions 808. Shah, S. l.'I.; Trimlrle, S. Y. On the zeros Appl' (4) 121(1979)' Pura Mat. with univalentderivqtives.Ann. 3 0 9 - 3 1 7M ; R 8lc:30027' defined by dif809. Sharma, A.; Tzimbalario, J. Classesof functions Anal. APPI. 61 (197'7)'rlo' 1, ferential inequalitie's.J' Math. 122-135;MR 80j:3CC36' linesr trdns-fcrmqtions 810. Sheil-Small,T . The Hadamardproduct and Math. 34 (1978)' of classesof analytic functions' J' Analvse 204-239(1979);MR 8lb:30023' of g11. Sheil-Small,T. Applicationsof the Hudsmard producl' Aspects Adv' Study Inst'' contemporarycomplex analysis(Proc. NATO AcademicPress' univ. Durham Durham, (lg7g), pp. 515-523 London, 1980;MR 82g:30042' gl2. sheng, G. A simple proo| of Bieberbachconiecturefor sixth coefficient.sci.Sinica23(1980),no.1,1-15;MR8lg:30026' (2) 24 gl3. Sheng,G. On FitzGeratdinequalities.J. London Math' Soc' (1981),no . 2, 227-242; MR 82k:30021' g14. siewierski, L. sharp estimation of the coefficientsof bounded Math ' Rozunivalentfunctions closeto identity. Dissertationes prawy Mat. 86 (1971),149pp'; MR 55 #10661' -o-f g 15. Siewierski,L. The maximum'of thefunctional a, od in clesses summaries) quasi-convexfunctions. (Polish; Russianand English No' 28 (1971)' ZeszytyNauk. Politech. L6d2. No. 134Mechanika
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L.t Smialk6wna, H. Zeszyty Naukowe Politech-niki 816. Siewiersf.i,Lodzkiei, Mat. (1973),PP' 105-124'
817. Silverman,H. Products of starlike and convexfunctions. (Polish and Russiansummaries)Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska , 0 9 - 1 1 6M ; R 57 #608. S e c t .A 2 9 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 1 of a theory of Zmorovic. Complex Applications H. 818. Silverman, analysis(Proc. S.U.N.Y. Conf. , Brockport, N.Y. , 1976), pp. l4l-157. LectureNotesin Pureand Appl. Math., Vol .36, Dekker, N e w Y o r k , 1 9 7 8 ;M R 5 7 # 1 6 5 6 5 . 819. Silvermafl,H . Extremepoints of univaientfunctions with two fixed p o i n t s .T r a n s .A m e r . M a t h " S o c . 2 l 9 ( 1 9 7 6 ) , 3 8 7 - 3 9 5 . of univalentfunc820. Silverman,H. Convexity theoremsfor subclssses tions. Pacific J. Math. 64 (1976),no. I ,253-263; MR 54 #2944. 821. Silverman, H. Subclassesof starlike functions. Rev. Roumaine ; R 809:30009. M a t h . P u r e sA p p l. 2 3 ( 1 9 7 8 )n, o . 7 , 1 0 9 3 - 1 0 9 9M 8'22. Silverman, H. Univalent functions with varying arguments. Houston J. tvlath. 7 (1981),no. 2, 283-287. 823. Silvermatr,H.; Silvia, E. On linear combinationsof convexfunctions of order 9. Rev. Roumaine Pures Appl . 22 (1977),no. 6, 8 5 1 - 8 5 5M ; R 57 #609. 824. Silverman, H.; Silvia, E. Convexfamilies of starlikefunctions. , o . 2 , 2 6 3 - 2 6 8 ;M R 5 8 # l l } t J . H o u s t o nJ . M a t h . 4 ( 1 9 7 8 ) n Prestarlikefunctions with negative E. M. 825. Silverman,H.; Silvia, Internat.J. Math. Math. Sci.2 (1979),no. 3,427-439; coefficie,n/s. MR 80i:30024. 825. Silvermatr,H.; Silvia, E. The influenceof the seconcicoefficienton prestarlike functions. Rocky Mountain J. Math. l0 (1980)' 469-474;MR 8lm:30014. H.; Silvia, E. M. Fixed coefficientsfor subclassesof Silverman, 827. starlikefunctions. Houston J. Math . 7 (1981),129-136. 828. Silverman,H.; Silvia, E. tvi.; Telage,D. N. Locally univaleil funcPacific J. Math.77 (1978),no-2, tions and coefficientdistortio,,ns. 3. 533-539;MR 80a:-l0C)l 82g. Silverman,H.; Sih'ia, E. M.; Telage,D. Convolutionconditions for convexity, stariikenessand spiral-tikeness.Math . Z. 162(19i8), no.2, 125-130;MR 80i:30025. 830. Silverman,H.; Telage,D. N. Spiralfunctions and relatedclasses witit fixed secondcoefficienl. Rocky Mo'rntain J. Math .7 (i977), n o . l , I I l - 1 1 6 ;t l I R 5 6 # 3 2 7 3 . 831. Silvermatr,H.; Telage,D. N . Extremalpropertiesof o subclassoJ no' close-to-convex functions. Rocky Mountain J. Math .7 (1977), 2 , 3 7 1 - 3 7 6 ;M R 5 6 # 3 2 7 4 . e"fciose832. SiivermaD,H.; Telage,D. N . Extremepoints of subclasses
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Sect.;27(1973), l3l-138 Ann. Univ. I\{ariaeCurie-Sklodowska (1975);MR 53 #3285. gg7. Zderkrcwicz,J. Sur lq ccurbure des lignesde niveau dans la classe (Polisli and Ru:sian summaries),\nn. Univ. Mariae Curiel: Sklodowskasect. A 28(l 974), 12l-125(1976);MR 5+ #5454. 998. Zderkiewicz,J. Sur la subordinationdans la classeS*(p) desfonctiortsetoileesd'ordre q. Comment. Math. PraceMat. l9(i976/77), no. 2, 409-414;ivIR 57 #128359gg. Zderkiewicz,J . Sur la courbure de I'image du ralon Cansla classe SZ ciesfoncticns convexestJ'ordre a. Comment. ivlath. PraceMat. l9(1976i77),no. 2, 415-419;MR 57 #12836' 1000. Zderkiewicz,J. Surle rayon de A-convexit/de lafamilleDt. Ann. no. I ,39-42; MR 55 #649' Polon. Math. 34(1977), 1001. Zeheb, E. Root locus techniquesapplied to proving equivalence betweenpositive reolnessconditions.IsraelJ. Tech. l3(1975),no. 4 , 2 ' 1 6 - 2 7 8M ; R .5 4 # 1 0 5 7 7 . 1002. Zemyan,S. M' A minimal outer areaProblem in conformal map' ping. J. AnalyseMath.39(1981),ll-23; MR 82i3A022. 1003. Z\egler,M. R. ,4n extrematprobtem for functions of positive real part with vqnishingcoefficients.(Polish and Russiansummaries) Ann. Univ. lvlariaeCurie-SklodowskaSect. A 30(1976),85-89 (1978);MR 58 #22st8. 1004. Zielinska,A.; Zyskowska,K. On estimationof the eighth coefficient of bounded univalent functions with real coefficients. DemonstratioMath . 12(1979),oo. l, 231-246;MR 80i:30032' 1005. Zmorovid, V. A.; Gudz, L. A. On A. Msrx's conjecturefor the convex hull of the classof func;ions that are star-shapedin the no. 3, 390-393,430; MR disc.(Russian)Ukrain. Mat. Z 28(1976), 55 #650. 1006. ZmoroviE,V. A.; Gudz,L. A. Someextremalestimatesforclasses of normstized univalentfunctions with the secondcoefficient of their Taylor expansionfixeri. (Russian) Mathematics collection (Russian),pp. 68-72. lzdat "Naukova Dumka," Kiev (1976); MR 56 #12249. 1007. Zmorovid,V. A.; Gudz,L. A. The coniectureof A. Marx.for the classofk-tuplysyntmetricstarlikefunctionsinthedisc|z|< (Russian;Englishsummary).Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. sSR Ser. A (l976), no. 7, 587-590,670; MR 55 #3234' 1008. Zmorovtd,V. A.; Gudz, L. A. A parametricmethodfor the solution of extremal problems of the theory of special classesof analyticfunctions. (Russian)Ukrain. Mat. Z' 30(1978),no' 3,
362-367;MR 58 #17070. of univalentfunctions 1009. Zmorovi|, V. A.; Gudz, L. A. Some classes in the disc i"I Mathematicalanalysis and probability theory (Russian),pp. 59-63,210,,'NaukovaDumka," Kiev (1978);MR 8lb:30025. 1010. Zmorovi[, V. A.; Gudz, L. A. On a methodof the theoryof extremsl problems.(Russian;Englishsummary)Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. SSRSer.A (1981),no . 8, 20-22,96. o"fa lCll. ZmoroviE,V. A.; Jakubenko,A. A. A certaingenerolization col(Russian) Mathematics classof u-convexMocanu functions. lection (Russian),pp . 2:4-257. lzdat "Naukova Dumka," Kiev (t976); MR 58 #6208. 1012. ZmoroviE,V. A.; Jakubenko,A. A. (Jakubenko,O. A.) Some sharp estimatesin the classBo@), (Russian;English summary) , o.8,686-689, D o k l . A d a c . N a u k u k r a i n . s s R S e r .A ( 1 9 7 7 ) D 7 63: MR 57 #9956. 1013. Zmorovid, V. A.; Jakubenko,A. A. A generalizationof the Mocanu-Readetheoremon the boundary of a-convexityof a class of starfunctions. (Russian)Mathematicalanalysisand probability theory (Russran),pp. 70-74, 2ll, "Naukova Dumka," Kiev ( 1 9 7 8 )M ; R 8lb:30026. 1014.Zmorovid,V. A.; Jakubenko,A. A. (Jakubenko,O. A.) The boundary of u-convexity of order 7 of classS*(m). (Russian; Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. SSR Ser. A No.3 Englishsur^lmary) (1979),I 55- 168,237; MR 80i:30029. I 0l 5 . Zmorovid, V. A.; Jakubenko, O. A. On the boundary of a-convexityof order I o,f classSilm).(Russian;Englishsummary) Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. SSRSer.A (1981),no. 10,6-9,93' of 1016. ZmoroviE,V. A.; Korcbkova, I. K. On the order of starlikeness convexfunctions o-f order cv.(Russian;English summary)Dokl. Akad. Nauk ukrain. ssR Ser.A (1977),no.7,584-587,669;lr{R 58 #6209. o.fa 1017. Zmorovid,V. A.; Korobkova,I.K. The o'de'of storlikeness q 2. (Russian)Mathematical c/ass of a-convexfunctions for pp. 63-66, 2ll, (Russian), probability theory analysis and "Naukct'a Duinka," Kiev (1978);MR 8li:300'2'r. 1018. Zmorovid,V. A.; Korobkova, I. K. The order oJ sturlikenessof of a-convexfunctions for a ) 0. (Russian) certain subclasses ; R 3Ca:3ft014. U k r a i n .M a t . Z . 3 0 ( 1 9 7 8 )n, o . 4 , 5 3 6 - 5 3 9 , 5 7 3M transformsin integral 1019. ZmoroviE,V. A.; Nixolaeva,R. V. Certain of univalentfunctiottt. (Ukrainian; English and Russian classes
RSR Ser' A (1975)' summaries)DopovicliAkad. Nauk Ukrain' ' n o . I 1 , 9 7 6 - 9 7 8 ,1 0 5 0 ;M R 5 8 # 6 2 0 7 integraltransformsin certain v. R. 1020. Zmorovir, V. A.; i.{ikolaeva, Englishand Russian oi ,uiratent functions. (Ukrainian; classes Ukrain. RsR Ser. A (1975)' summaries)popovidi Akad. Nauk ' n o - I 1 , 9 7 6 - 9 7 8 ,1 0 5 0 ;I U R 5 8 # 6 2 0 7 Y. Integral transformationwith 1021. Zmorovid,v. A.; Nikolaeva, R . l o g a r i t h m i c k e r t r c I s i n s o | n e c l a s s e s o f u n i v a i e (Russian)' n t f u n c t i o pp' ns.(Rusanalysisand prcbabilitytheory sian)Ir4athema.tical 6 6 _ . t 0 , 2 | | , . N a r r k o v a D u m k a , ' ' K i e v ( r 9 7 8 ; M R 8 2a-convex d:30016. v. A' (Pohilevitl Y' o'l rc22. Zmorovi6, v. A.; Pohilevi6, uk'ain' Mat' z' 31(1979)'no' 4' ( (R.ussian) functionsfor cY c. 431-433, 478; MR 8 I e:30026' O. On a-almostconvexfunctions' 1023. Zmorovir,v. A.; Pohilevi6,v . ( R u s s i a n ) U k r a i n ' M a t ' Z ' 3 3 ( 1 9 8 1 ) ' n o ' 5 ' 6 7 0 - 6 7 3(Russian) '718' Bloch functions' problems for Some V. I. 1024.Zuravlev, MR56#15903. Dokl.Akad.NaukSSSR236(|97.7),no.l,2l_22 and reichmilller spaces.(Rusr025. zuravrev,r .ti. univarentfunc;ions sian)Dokl.Akad'IrlaukSSSR250(1980)'no'5'104'7-1050;MR 81b:30085. Table 1 in this Bibliography(Part III) Forowing is a lisr of thosereferences year lg76 anrl which werenot included which werepublishedprior to the (Part II)' in eitherBibliography(Part I) or Bibliography Year Reference 1 4 5 1 4 6 ' , 1 5 2 ' 1 8 1 '8, 3 '1, 8 4 '1 8 5 ' 1 9 ' 7 5 1 g , 6 9 , 8 88, 9 , 9 0 , 9 2 , 1 2 5 , 1 3 3 , ' 1 9 0 , 2 3 8 , 2 7 7 , 2 g 7 , 3 0 5 , 3 4 C 3 6 5 ' 4 2 0 ' , 4 2 5 ' , 4 5 7 ' ,722', 4 6 5 740', '502'510' 66'7 ', 687', 713', 594,598,606, 625"643,650' 666' g4g', 5',12, ', g25' ', 964' 96',7 953',95',7 783, 7g2,'7g4,801,8rl, 853, 908, 9 7l , g 7 2 , 9 7 8 ,1 0 0 1 ,1 0 1 9 ,1 0 2 0 ' 394',466',468' 215'247',364',380', lg'74 12, 17, 51, 67,81,I 66,20l,2ll' 4 ' 7 8 , , 5 0 3 , 5 0 9 , 5 3 1 , 5 3 4 , 5 8 7 , 6 0 4 ' 6 6 5 ' 6 7 1 ' , 6 8 9944', ' , 6 9948', 0',691',712', 911',923' 924', 765,?80, 803, 844, 867"884, 885' 905' 99't. lg-131,49,,218,276,,357,453,697,720'7gl'816',897',996'
1972 l97l 1970 1969 1968 1967 t966 1965 1963 1962 1960 1959 1955 1953 t952 1946 1934 1933 t932 l9z8
263, 405,575, 7 lg, ggI , 904, 970. l l , 2 1 4 , 2 3 4 , 2 6 2 , 3 5 2 ,4 7 1 ,6 5 2 , 7 3 E , 7 3 9g,l 4 . g l 5 . 50, 261, 545,g I 0. 20, 260,439. 494. 437. 347. 5 1 3 ,6 3 4 . 749. 470. 748. 640. 662. 661. 660. 500. rt4. 499. 379, 621. 244.
r9z0 903. t9t4 243. 1913 242.
Table 2 Followingis a list of thosereferences in this Bibliography(Part III) which werepublishedduring the year l9E2: Referenc'es: 52, 1 6 7 , 3 8 3 5, 4 9 , 5 5 16, 9 5 .
Table 3 Followingis a listing of the total number of researchpapersin this Bibliography(Part III) which werepubl:shedin eachof the givenyears.
Year Total Number o-f PaPers r9j6 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
r99 148 r32 r43 130 107
II contains38 references' Notes For the year 1g76,BibiiographyPart a iotal while Belrliographypart IiI contains199references,-for of 237 references'
Corrections (Part III) inFollowing is a list of referencesin this Bibliography dicatingduPlicationsof PaPers: Reference sanleas Reference 989 990 9 101 1020