BaSK Biotechnology Biotechnology impinges on everyone-'s lives. It is one oftlle maJor rechnologies oftbe twenty..first century. les huge, wide-r.mging, multhlisdplinaTY activities ¡nelude recombiIlanr ONA: techniques, doning 3ud geoetics, and the application ofmicrobiology to the production ofgoods as prosak as bread, beer, cheese and antibiotics. Jt continue$ tO revolutionise 1:realnlents ofmany diseases, and is used lo provide clea.n tedlnologie5 and todeal with environmental probJems. Basic Blo:t'chtwlogyis a textbook. thal gives aJuU accouDtofthecu.r rentstate of biotechnology, providing!he ~ader with iruight, inspiratlon and instruction. The fundamental aspects lhat Uflderpin biotechnoiogy are explained through examples fiom me pbarmaceutical, food and environmental industries. Olapters on the public pen::eption ofbiot.echnology and the business aud economics of the subject are <"l150 Included. The book is esse.Drial reading' fue all students and teachen ofbiotechnology and applied microbiology, and forreseuchers in the many blotl!Chnology industries.
Basic Biotechnology
eó'ed by
Calin Ratledge and Bj0rn Kristiansen Univefsiry a(Hul!, UK
Europeon Siorechoo/ogists, Norwoy
www.k-t- dra .com
!'UH/Srum BY
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The Edlnburgb Building, Cambridg-t'CB2 2RU, UK -'10 West 20tb Strert. NewYork. NY l 00II-4 211. USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakl eigh. VlC3166, Australia Ru1zdeAlan::6n 13, 28014 Madrid. SpaiD Dock House, nle W:tlerfront, Cape TO\\.'D 8001. SOulhAfric~ brtp :lfWww·cambridge. org
o Cambridge University ('ress 2001 Thi¡; bwk is In copyrigbt.Subjec Lte .t.1tulOry eJIcc ption iltId to the provtsloru: ohelevant coll&ffi>e li~ns¡ng agreemenlt . no teproducti o!l of any part m ay (ake place withoul Ihe writtfn pe~ion ofCambridge Univ=;ity Press. f'irsl pub lis hed 2001 Re-prinled2001 Printcd in th/!; Uniled KingdOlIl al the Unil'!'ulty PI"eI'5. Cambridge
ISBN O 52\ no7:/¡ 2 ISBN O 521 779170 p;lpe1'back
Contents 01 c()f)trlburors ""fa"
page xi
Part I Fundamenab and principies Publlc perceptfon ofblotec:hnology JOHN E. SMITl-t 1.1 1.2 1.3 lA
Introductlon Public il.warenc$S oC genetic engineering Regulatary requirl!mencs - saretyof ge.netically ellgineered fuods Labelling-howfarsho\Jldilgo? 1.5 Policy maldng 1.6 Areas ofsignificantpublic concem 1.7 Condusions 1.8 Further reading
Biochemistry and physiolo¡y 01 crowth and metaboli5m COLlN RATLEDGE 2.1 Introducrion 2.2 Metabolisrn 2.3 Catabolic pathways 2'< Gluconeogenesis 2.5 Energy production in aerobic m.iCJ'OoOrg;¡.nisros 2.6 Anaerobicmetabolism 2.7 Biosyntbesis 2.8 Control of m etabolic processes 29 Efficiency of microbial growtb
2.10 Further readJng
Stoichiometry and kinetics of mlcroblaJ growth from a thermodynamk perspective I IHEIJNEN 3.1 3.2 33 3.4 3.5
Nomendature lntroduction Stoichiometty ca1colations s ro lchiomell:)l pred.ictions based on Gibbs enl!l"8Y dissipation Growth kinetics froma tbermodynamic point(lfview Further readlng
Genome management and anatysis: prokaryotes COUN R. HARWOOD and ANIL W IPAT 4.1 4~
... '.3
.., 4.8
4.10 4.11
lntroduction Bactmal chromosomes and natural gene transrer What i5 geoeru: eogineering and what is it used fuI'? The: bask tool5 of genetic engineering Coning vectors and librarie5 Analysis of genomeslproteomes Analysis ofgeoe expression 8ngineering genes and optimising productll Production ofheterologous prodUClS In rllko analysis orbacterial genomes Purther reading
3 3 4 7 10 11
12 16 16 17 17
18 21
2. 32
43 45
"•• 52 56
" "
59 5.
•• 76 81
83 87
89 91
5 Genetlc engineering: yea.st5 and filamentOU5 fungi 95 DA\IlD B. ARa-tER. DONAlD A MACKENZIEand DAVID J. JEENES 5.1 5.2 5.3 SA 5.5 5.6
Glossary lnrroduction Introducing DNA intO fungi (fungal uansformiltion) Gene c10ning Cene structure.organisation;wd expression SpedaJ m etbodologies Biotechno logical applications offungi Furtber reading
Mlcrobial proce!lS kinetics
Nomendature 6.1 6.2
6.3 6.4
Bloructor design 7.1 7:1. 7.3 704 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8
9.5 9.6 9.7
9,8 9.9 9.10
116 119 120
126 127 127 128 130
141 14'
151 152 153
162 164
"8 171
Nomeodatlire Introduction
The man transfur srep!
175 177 183 185 180
Mass lransfer equatioru Determining the volumerrk In3SS tr.msfercoeffidents The efl'ect o(scale on mass tr.IQ SreT Further reading
Downstream processlng In blotechnolosy RAJNI HATTI·ICAUL and BO MATIIA550N !U 9.2 9.3
Nomecdature IntroductioD Bioreactorconfigurations BioreactordHign teatures Desigo fo r steril e opera tion Photobioreacton He3t transfer Shear effects in culture Purrher readios
Mass transfer 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.<4 8.5 8.6
lntrodU CtiOD
Kine tic modelling ofcell growth Mass bala nces fur ideal bioreilctors FUj"[her re¡¡diog
95 97
In troductlon
Downstrea.m prol:esslng: a muldstage Oper.ldon SoHd-liquid separation
Rele;ueofinuaccllularcomponents ConcMuation ofbiologiciI] products PulificatiorL by chromatogra phy PnxIUCI funuuladoll Monitoring ofdownstream processing Process in tegradon Further reading
Measurement and control NomencJature 10.1 lntroduction
188 193
195 204 207 209
210 211
213 2'13 214
10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10..8 10.9
Process economlcs BJ0 RN KRIsnANSENRAJNI tu Introduction 11.2 Tbe startingpoint 11.3 Cost e.1:imóltH n.4 Process design 11.5 DesigTI exercise. 11 .6 Cap¡tal costs estimates 11.7 Oper.lting cosu estimllte5 11.8 The costs case - ro build or not ro build 11.9 Further reading
Part 11 12
StructuJ'e OrpnX"eS5 models Kinetic Tate expreulons AdV3nc~ mode.lliugcollliideratiollS I'rocen supemsion and co ntrol Open·loop con trol Closed·Joop con trol Condusioo FUl1her read ing
Practical 8Jlpllcations
The business 01 blotechnology WI LLlAM BAlNS and CHRJS EVAN$ l2.1 Introductlon 12.2 What i5 biorechnoloQ' used for? 12.3 Biotechnology companies. tb eir care and nurturing 12.4 ln~onent in biotechnology 12.5 WhD needs management? 12.6 Patento; and biorechnology 12.7 Condusion: jumping the feoce 12.8 Punherreading
1) Amino acids L EGGEUNG, W PFEFFERLE and H. SAHM 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13..9 13.10 13.11 13.12
Introduction CommericaJ l15eofatuinoadds Prodllction methods and 10015 L-Glutamate l-Lyslne L-1hrronine
215 216 222
"a 230 231 23.
"" 239 23' 240 240
242 2....
247 247 250
252 253 255
255 255 26()
26S 275 278
279 281 281
285 289 2'"
L·PhenylaJaJ.1ine L'Tryptophan
Outlook. Acknowledgements Furtherreading
Organic adds CHRISTIAN P. KUBICEK 14.1 lntroduction 14.2 CitrJc add 14.3 Gluconic acid 14.4 Lactic acld 14..5 Other acids 14.6 Furtber reading
29' 302 302 305 305
317 319 32<
Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates.pofytaccharldesand lipids AUSTAIRJ. ANDERSON andJAMESP.WYNN 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Microb¡al polyhydroxyalhnoates 15.3 Microbial polysaccharides 15.4 Microbl.1..llipids 15.5 Further readiog
Antibiotics 16.1
16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7
16.8 16.9 16.10
16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16
Baker's yeast SVEN·OLOF ENfORS 17.1 17.1 17.3 17.4
17.5 17.6 17.7
DAVIDALOWE Jntroduction Biosynthesis 5traln improw:ment Genetic mgineering AnaIysis Culture preservarlon and aseptic.propagatioo 5cale-up Fermentadon hnicillim Cephalosporins New fJ-Jactam technologies Aminoglycoside.s Macrolides Economics Good Ma.nufac[uring Practices Furtherreading Nomenclature lntroduction Mediurnfor baker'syeastproduction Aerobicethanol formationandconsumption Ihe fed-batch technique used ro control ethanoJ proc:luction Industrial process control PrOCe5S outline Furtberre
Production of enqmes DAVID A LOWE 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Enzymes from
325 325 325 333 339 348 349 349
35 1 351 35<1
354 354 355 356 361
367 368 370
373 373 37' 375 377 377
378 380 381
384 386 387 389
391 391 393 395 396
400 40' 403
'0' 40. 407 408
19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7
CJ¡jr;¡J building blocl3 for synthesis
Reductions and oxidCLtiOns Use of enzymes in sugar chemistry Use ofenzymes to make aminoacids and peptides Further reading
419 422 426 428
Recombinant proteins o( high value GEORG-B. KRESSE 20.1 Applications ofhigh-value proteins 20.2 Analytical enzymes 20.3 Therapeutic protei..n.s 20.4 Regulatory a.spectS aftherapeutic proteiru: 20.5 Outlook to the future ofprotein therapies 20,6 Funherread!ng
Mammallan cen culture
429 430 436 446
446 447
"'" L HAGGSTROM 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.S 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9
lntroductioll Mammalian teU Ilnes and their characteristia COInmerical products Proteinglycosyliltion Media fot [he cultivation ofmammalian cells Mel.4lbolism Large-scale cultivatíon ofmammalian cells Genetic engineerlng ofmammalian (!!lis Further readiu.g
Blotransformatlons JOAQU1M M.S. CABRAl lntrodunion 22.2 Biocatalyst selection 22.3 Bioca.talyst irnmobilisatioll and performancr 22.4 [mmobilised enzyme reactDrs 22.5 Bioca.talysis in non
4SO 452
'SS 458
46' 468 470 ' 7J
'71 473 475
'"'91 500 SOl
Immunochemic::al applications M1KE CLARK Glossary 23.1 lntroduction 23.2 Ann'body S!:n.lcture :md functions 23.3 Antibody prorein fragments 23.4 Autibodyaffinity 23.5 Antibody spec:i.ficity 2.3.6 lmmu.nlsation and productioo ofpol~ onal :rntisen 23.7 Monoclonal antibodies 23.8 Anrlbodyengineecing 23.9 Combinatorial and phage display librarles :D.IO In vUm uses ofrecombioant3nd monoclODaJ antibodies 23_11 rn viw usesofrecombiuant and mOnodonal antibodies 23. l2 Furrher
S03 503 506 506
Environmental applications and Wll1.Y VERSTRAETE 24..1 lntroduction 24..2 Tteatment ofwaste water
5 10
512 513 SI. 517 518 520 522 526 529
24.3 24.4 24,S 24.6
Digestion of org;¡.nicslun ies TreallIlent ofsolid wastes Treatmen! ofwastegases Soil rcmediiltion 24.7 Treatmenlofgl'oundwarer 24.8 Furtherreading
540 54' 545
554 557
Department of Bio Logica1 Sciences UniversiLy ofHull HuI!
¡nni tut fiir Biotechnologie
0-52425 Jülich Germ:my
ForschungszentrumJülich CmbH PO Bax1913
Kjemisk InstituU
~partment of Biochemistr'y and Siotechnology RoyallDstitute ofTechno1ogy 5-100 +4 Stockholm
7034 Trondheim Norway DAVID B. ARCHER
School ofLife and Environmenral
UniVt'l'Sity of Notringham UniversilY Park Noningbam NG7ZRD.UK
Merlin Biosciences LuI 12 StJames's Square loodon SVV1Y
Wl l llAM SAINS MuLin Biosciences Ltd
12 5tJames's Square Lendon SW1Y4RB.UK
laboratorio de Eugi!nharia Bioquimica Instituto Superior Te<;hn \CO 1000 Lisboa
Department ofBiochemistry and Biotet!hnology Royallnstitute ofTedmology 5-100 44StDCkholm Sweden COLIN P.. HAP.WOOD o.-p;'!.rtm~ t
The Medica! S¡;: hool University ofNewcastle Frarnlingron Place N~tle
lnstitllte ofTedlnology and EngiDeering Massey Universily Private Bagl1 222 Palmerston Nortb NewZealand HIKE CLARK
Immunology nivision Dep3rtruentoFPathology UniversityofCambridge CAmbridge CB21Q,P.UK
upon Tyne NEZ4.HH.UK
Deparonenr of Biotechno logy Centre for Chemistry md Chemic3.1
Engineerlng LUlld Universlty PO Box 124 5-2.21 00 Lund
J. J. HEIJNE N Delft: University ofTechnoLogy
Departme.nt ofSiochemical Engineering julianaLaall 67 Nl-2628 BC Delft TheNetherlands
InstitUlc ofFood Resc.urll Norwich Research Park Colney. Norwich
DepartmerttofChemical Engineering Unlversity ofWaterloo Waterloo. Ootario N2L 3Gl Canada
R& D Biotechnology
Institutc fur Biotecbnology Danish University ofTechnolog)'
Boehringer-Mannheim GmbH Werk Penzberg Nonnenwald 2 1>-82372 Penzberg Germany
DK 2800Lyngby
Gist-brocó1c\es NV
European Biotf.'Ch.nologist5 Gluppeveien 15 N-t6H. Fredrlkstad
2600 MA Delft lbe Netberlilllds
Depanment ofMicrobial Biochemistry lnstitute ofBiochem.ical Technology Get reidemarkt9/l72 \Tienna a-1060 Austria
Biotedmologie Deguna-Hüls AG PFllt2 0-33788 Halle
Department ofBiological Sciences UruVl!nity ofHull
Brlstol·Myen Co. Industrial Division
PO Bax4755
Syracuse NY 13221, USA A . LÜBBERT
lnstiWt ffir Bioverfahreostechnik und Reaktionstechnik Martin Luther UniV{:rsital Halle Wirtenberg o.06099lialle{Saalc Gl!Tmany
Insrirut für Biotechnologie Forscbung5zentrumJütich GmbH PO Bollt913 1).52-425 jülich GcrOlany R. SIMUTlS
Control Departrnent Kaunas Technical UniVl'fiity Kaunas lilhuania
Institute ofFood Research Norwich Research Park Colney. Norwich NR47UA,UK
Depanment ofBiotechnology CentIY (or Chemistry and Otcmical Engíneer:ing Lund Unirersity PO Boxl24 S-221 00 Lund Sweden
OWS DokNoord4 B90DOGenl BeJgium
J. P. VAN OIJK EN Uepartment ofMicrobiOlogy and Enzymology De.lft Univers.ity ofTech nology Julian alaan 67A. NI. 2628 se Dclft The Nethedands
DeparonenrofMicrobiology The Medica! School Uruversiry of Newcastle Fra.mlingtolLPlace Newcastle upon 1'yne NE24HH, UK
Labora toyYofMicrobiaJEcology UnivemtyofGen t Gen t Belgium N. VR1E ZEN
CentnrorB. V. PO Box 251
NL 2300AG Leiden The Ne th erlan ds
Departmem or BioJogical Sciellces UniversityofHull Hull HU67RX.UK
Preface Ir is sorne 14 years slnce the firstedition ofthis bookappeared. Mucil has happened ro biotcchnology in these illtCrvening years. Recombinant
DNA technology which wasjustbeginniog in rhe mid-1980s is now Olle ofthe major cornerstoncs ofmodern biotechnology. Deve.lopments in this area have radically a1tered our cancepes ofhealth-care with che arrival of numerous products that were untJü 20 years ago. Such is me pace ofbiotcchnology tbat ¡l can be antidpated in the Da! 14 years that evt'n greater developmenrs will oecur thanks [Q such programmes as the Human Genome Project which will open up opportunities fortreatnlentof dIseases atthe individuallevel. AH such advances lhough relyon rhe 31'plication ofbasic koowledge and tbe appredation ofhow ro trans-Iate thatknowJedge into produces matcan be produced safely and as cheapJy as possible. The funda.w.emals ofbiotechnology remain. as always. pmduction ofgoods and scrvkestbatan" needed and can be provided with safety and reasonabte costo Biotechnology is notjust ahouLrecombinant DNA, of cloning and geneties: ir is equally aOOm producing more prosaic materials. Uke citl'ic aeid. beer. wine. bread. fermented foods such as cheese and yoghurts. antibiotics and the like. Ir i~ also ¡¡OOut providing de;;)n techo nolo&)' fol' a new miUennium; ofproviding means ofwaste disposal. of dealing: with rnvironmental probLems. It is, in short. one of me lWO major I.eChnologies ofthe tweOl)'-firstTcrttury mal will sustain gt'ówth and dcvelopmf.'llt in countries throughout the world IUL' several decades to come. Ir will continue to improve the standard ofal1 our Uves, from improved merucal treatments, through.its effects on foods and food supply and into rhe environment. No aspect of our lives will be unat: fected by biotechnology. This book has been writtcn to provide an ove.rview ofmany of me fundamental OlSpects lhal underpin a D biotechnology and to provide eXOlmples ofhow tbese principies are pUlintD operatioll: from the srarting substrateorfeedstock rnrough to thelinal producto Because biotech· nology is 1l0W such a huge. ttlulti·evcrything activity we have not been able ro include every single topi<.:. eVéL'y single product 01' process: for thm an encyclopedia would havc bccn neederl. lnstead we have attempted to provide a ma.instream acco\lnt of the curre.nt state of biotechnology that. we hope, wiLI provide the reader with insighl inspiratloD and instructioD inthe skills a nd arts ofthe subject, Sinte the ficst edition ofthis book. wesadlyhavc ro record me death ofour colleagueand friend,Johu Bu'Lock, whose perspicacity had led ro the firse erlition ofthis book be.ingwrittf.'ll_John. at the time ofhis death in 1996, was already beginning to plan this semncl edition and it has beena privilege for us tohave been able to continue in his footsteps tosee it through ¡mo print.John was an il1spiring figure in biorechnology fur mallyofus and ir is ro tbe memoryofa finescientist, dcdicatecl bioternnologist allrl a remarkabLe man (hat we dedicate this book to JOB.
Part I Fundamentals and principies
Chapter I
Public perception of biotechnology John E. Smith lntroducliOll PubLic awareness of genetic engineering Itfgulatory requiremenrs - safetyofgenetically engioeered foeds Labelliog - how f;rrshould it g01 Policy lIliIking Areas ofsígnlficant public concern Condusions Furthec reading
Biotech.nology can be viewed as a grou p of useful, enabling technologies with wide and divene applications in industry, comroerce and the environment. Historic:aUy, biotechnology evolved as an artisanal skiU rather than a science, exemplified in tbe manufacture ofbeers. wines. cheeses Ctc. where the techniques ofrnanufacture were we1 1understood but the molecular mechanisms went unknown. in more recent times. with the advances in tbe understanding DE microbíology and biochemistry, all of these empirically derived processcs bave become better understood and as él result improved. The traditional biotechnology products h3ve now been added to with antibiotics. vaccines, monodonal antibodies and many others. me production ofwhich has been optimised by improved fermentation procedures and novel downstream processing. Tt is clearthat biotechnologyhas its roots in tbedistantpastand has large, highly profitable, modern industrial outlets of great value ro society. e.g. the fermentation. biopharmaceutical and food industries. Why then. has thcre been SUcll public awareness and mncem of this subjecl in reCt~n( years? The main reasons must be associated with rhe rapid advances in moLecular biology. in particular, recombinant ONA (rONA) technology. which is now giving biosdentists a remarkable undersranding and control over bioJogicaJ processes. By these techruques ir is increasing)y possible to dil:ectIy manipulate the heritable material of cells between different lypt'.s of organisms. creating new
combinationsofcharacters and funcuons not previously aeruevable by traditional breeding methods. Itis moS[ probable that this rDNA teehnoLogyorgenetieengineeTIng will be the most revolutionary tedtnology in the firstpaTtortbe twe.Dtyfirst century. Genetic engineering will be increasingly viewed as a branch ofmodern menee which wiU bave profound impacts OD medicine, eontributing to tbe diagnosis and cure of hereditary defects and serious ruseases. the development ofnew biopharmaceutical drugs and vaccines tor human and animal use, tbe modification of microorganisms. plants and farmed animals for improved and tailored food production and to increased opportunities forenvironmental remediation and proteetion. In plant and animal breeding, the new teehnologies are much raster and have loweT costs than the traditional metbods ofselcctive breeding. Furthermore. tbe desired modifications caIl be achieved in fewer generatioos. llllprovements to plant yields for nutritional content eould result in significant inerease in om ability ro feed an ever·increasing world population (8 billion before the year 2025) at.a reduce
1.2 I Public awareness 01 genetic engineering However, genetic engineering is sw-prisingly being subjected to a massivc leve! of criticism frem a deeply suspicious publico While [he American public seem to have agreater acceptance ofme potentials of genetic engineering. in Emope the technology appears to amuse deep unease among many consumers. Consumers demonstrate coneern abour 'unknowo' health risks, possible deleterious effects on the envirooment and lhe ' ullllaturalness' oftransfening genes between uorelated spedes. Also for many people there is an inereasingconcern about me ever.growing influence of technology in their lives ando in sorne instances. an unjustified mistrustofscientists. While genetic engineering is aD irnmensely compLicated subject, not easily explained in lay terms, that does not mean that it must remain. in decision·making terms. only in tbe control of the scientist. indusrrialist or politician. A Royal Society report in 1985 on 'Public Understanding ofSdence·. finished with the following stateme.nt: 'Our moS[ direct and useful message must be to the scientists themselves -
learn to ~ommunicate with the publi ~. be willing to do so and consider ic your duty to do so!' Thel'e is no doubt tbat many ofthe public 01' consumers are interest.ed in the science of genetic engineering but are uoable ro understand me complexity of this subject. Furthermore. genetic engineering and its myriad ofimplic.ations musrnot be beyond debate. Public attitudes to genetic engineering will infiuence i15 evolu· tion and marketplact': applicatioDs.ltis importantfor public confidence for everyone to recognise (induding scientisu) thar a1l sd eoce is fallible - esperially complex biological sdences. All too often press aod TV repom on genetíc engineering present tbe dlscoverie!i as absolute ce..· tainties when this is rarely me case. Whatthen mustbedone toadvance public understandingofgenetic engineering in the cont.ext of biotechnology? What does the public oeed ro know aod how can (his be achieved to emure that rhe many undoubted benefits thar trus technology can bring to manlcind do not suffer the same fate as (he food irradiatíon debacle in the OK in rhe early 1990s? While garnma·irradiation offoods was demonstrated to be a safc and effldent method [O kill patbogenic bacteria, itwas not accepted by tbe lay publjc following the Chernobyl disaster, sincemostwere unable to differentiate: het'Neen me pTOCess of irradlatíon and radioactivity. Effcctive communication about tbe benefits and risks ofgenetic engineering will depend on understandjng the underJying concems of (he public together with any foreseeable technical risks. Over recentyeaI"S tbe..e bave beco many efforts made ro gauge the public awareness ofbiotecbnology by questionna.ires. Eurobarometers and Consensus Conferences. Early studies rughlighted public artitudes to!he application ofgenetic manipuladon to a wide range ofscenarlos (rabie 1.1). While medical applications were more generally a.cceprable others sucb as the manipulation of animal aod hmnan genomes were: highly unacceptable. Eurobarometer surveys revealed a broad spectrum of opinions t bat were influenced by na.t ionality, religion, knowledgeofthe subjec( aod how the technology will be applied (Box 1.1). A major contriburory factor is the plurality ofbeliefs and viewpoints thar are held explicitly or implicitly abau!. the moral and religious status of Natu ..e and what out relationshjp with it sbould be. Do we view Nature. in the. context of man's dependency on plants and animals, as perfect and complete derived by natural means ofreproduction and rherefore not to be taropered with by 'unnatura l' methods. or do we set': it as a source of raw material fu .. tbe benefit of mankind? For centuñes now man has beeo indirectly mampulating tbe genomes of plants and animals by guided matings primarily to enhance desired characteristics. In this way, food plants and animals bear little resemblance ro their predecessors. In essence, such cbanges have been driven by the needs a od demands of tbepublic or consumer, and have beeo readily accepted bythem. 1n the tradiriooal methods that have been used. tbe changes are made at tbe level of tbt': whole organism, selection is made for a desired phenotype and tbe genetic cbanges are often poorly characterised and QCcur together witb othe[: possibly undesired gent':tic changes. The oew
Microbial production af bio-plastics Cell fusian ta improve crops Culing diseases such as cancer Extensron of shelf life oftomatoes Oeaning up ait slicks Oetoxifying Irtdu$trial waste Anti-b!ood-dotting enzymes produced by rats Medical research Making medicines Making crops to grow in the Third World Mastitis-resistant Ct::/INS by genetic modification of CO'HS Producing disease-resistant CIUps Chymosin production by micro-organisms Improving crop yields Using viruses to attack crop pests Improving milI< yields Cloning prize cattJe O1anging human physical appearance Producing hybrid animals Biological warfare
91 81 71 71 65 65 65 59 57 54 52 46 43 39 23 22 72 45 4.5 1.9
6 10 17 11 20 10 14 13 26 25 16 29 30 31 26 30 18 9.5 12 2.7
3 10 9.5 19 13 13 11 15 13 19 31 23 17 29 49 47 72 84
82 95
m ethods. in contrasto enable genetic material (O be modified ilt the celo lular and m olecular level, are more precise and accurntc. and consequently produce beUer charactetistics and more predicrable results while still rctaining (be aims ofthe cJassical breeder. A great many sucb. cbanges can and will be done within species giving better and faster results tbanby traditional breedingmethods.
Regulatory requirements - safety of genetically engineered foods
Much debate is now taking place on rIle safety aod emital aspects of geneticalIy moditied organisms (GMOs) and their products destined for public consumption. Can such products with 'unnatural' gene changes lead to unforescen problems roc present and future gener.ations? The safetyofthehuman foorl su pply is ofcritical importance to most nations and all foods mould be fit forconsumption Le. not injurious to health or contaminated. When foods oc food ingredients are derived from GMOs tbey mustbe seen to be as safe as. orsafer tban, their tradi· rional counterparts. The concept oC subrtantial equivalence is widely applied in the detennination ofsafety by comparison with analogous CODVl!ntional roed products rogetherwitb intended use and exposure. \Vhen substantial equivalence can be shown then norrnaJly no further safety consideratiOIlS are necessary. \-Vhen substantial equivalence is DOl dearly established tbe points of differcnce murt be subjected lo fu.n:her scrutiny. When sucb novel produc{s aTe moving ioto the marl-..-etplace tbe con· sumer must be assul'ed oftheir qllality aod safety. Thus tbere must be tnxicological alld Jlutritiona l guidance in the cvolution ofnovel food s and ingredients to bighlight any potential risks whic:h can tben be dea lt: with appropriately. Safery assessmcnt of novel foods and food ingredients must satisf}r!he producer, the manufucturel'. Che legislator ana Che consumeroThe approach should b e in line witb accepted scientiJk considerations, the r:esuJts of the safet)' assessment muse be reprodu· cible a nd acceptable to the responsíble health authorities and tbc outcome mllstsarisfy una convince thc consuffier! A comprehensive regulatory framework is now in p lace within tbe EU with the aim to pr'otet:t human health and the environrnent from adverse activities involving GMOs. 'l'here a re two Directives providing horizontal controls i.e. (1) contained use and (2) delibera te release of GMOs. Thecontained use ofGMOs isregulated under theHealtb and Safety al Work Acr through the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations which a re administered by the Hea lth and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK. The HSE receives advice from the Advisory Com.mittee 011 Genetic Modification. These Regulations, wbich implemen t Dh'eCtive 90/219/EEC. covet tbe use ofaU GMOs in contai llment and will incorporate GMOs used to produce food addirives oc processing aids. AH programmes must carry out detailed lisk assessmenrs witb
spedal emphasis 00 the organism thar is being modified aud the effect ofthe modificatioo. Anydeliberate release otGMOs into theenvironment is regulated io the UK by the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations, which are made under the Environmental Profection Aa and implement EC Directive 90{220IEC. Such regulations will cover the release into me environment ofGMOs foc experimental purposes (Le. field trials) and the marketing of GMOs. Current examples could inelude the growingofGM food crop planes orthe marketingofGM soya beans for food processing. AU ex:perimentall'elease trials must havegovernment apPfO\r.lI and the applicant must províde detailed assessment of the risk of harro ro human he.alth andjor the environrnent. AH applications and tbe risk assessmentsare scrotinised by the AdvisoryCommiU~ on Releases ioto the Environment which is largcly m .. de up otindependent experts-who tbeo advise tbe Ministers . The Ee Novel Foods Regulation (258/97) carne inro effect in May ]997 and reprcsents a mandatory EC-wide pre-market approval process forall novel foods. TIIe reguJatioll defines a nowl foad as one that has llot previously been coruumed ro a signific:mt degree within the EU. A partof their regulations will include foad containing or consistingofGMOs as defined in Directive 90/220and food produced byGMOs but notcontaining GMOs in the final producto In tbeUK the safetyof all novel foods including genetically modified foods is assessed by t be independent Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) wbkh has largely followed the approach developed by the WHO and OEDe in assessing the safety ofnovel food s. The ACNFP has encouraged openness in 311 ofits dcalings. pubUshing agendas. reports oi assessments and annual reports. a Newsle.tter and saoo a ComnlÍtree Website. By such means it llopes ro dispe1 any misgivings mat may be harboured by memben of the publk. The ultimare decisions are nor influenced by industrial pressurc and are based entirely on safety factors. Thereis undoubtedly going ro be a steady increase in the range ofGM foods coming to tbe market in the US and in Europe (rabIe 1.2). A comprehensive HU regulatory framework covering GMOs is now firrnly established and the specific legislarion now in force will ensure the safety ofCM foods. In aU ofthe foregoing. the risk assessments ofGMO products ere. have beeo made by experts and judged on the basis of safety to the consumer. However, ir must be recogni5ed thar subject experts define risk in a narrow technical way. whereas the publicor consumerwitboutsufficientknowledgegeneraUy displays a wider, more complex view ofrisk tbatincorporates vaJue-ladeo considerntions 5uch as unfamiliarity, cato astrophic patential and controllability. Furtbermore, the public, in general. will almost atways ove.restimate risks associated with technologkal hazards such as genetic engineering and underestimate risks associated with 'lifestyle' hazards such as driving cars. smoking. drinking, fatty foods etc. Ir is puz:.r:ling ro note that food-related technoJogies
Tomato Soya beans Tomato Potato Tomato
Modirted ripening Glyphosate tolerance Modified ripening Insect resistance Modifled ripening
Zeneca Plant Science Monsanto Ca, Monsanto·Co. Monsanto Ca. DNA Plant Technology
Cotton Tomato Squash Corton Oilseed rape
Bromoxynil tolerance Delayed ripening Vir1Js resistance Insect resistance Glyphosate tolerance
Calgene Calgene
Asgrow Seed Co.
Cotton Maize Oilseed rape Maize Oilseed rape
Glyphosphate tolerance Insect I"esistance High laurate - oil Glufosinate tolerance Glufosinate tolerance
Monsanto Co. Ciba Geigy Corp. Calgene Agrfvo Ine. Agrf vo Ine.
Maize Oílseed rape Maize Petato Maize
Male sterile Male sterileJfertility restorer Insed re5istance Insed resistance Insect resistance
Plant Genetic Systems Plarrt Genetic Systems Northrup King Monsanto Ca. Monsanto Ca.
Maize Cotton Maize Tomato Soy,
Insed resistance. glyphosate tolerance Sulpnonyiurea tolerance Glufosinate tolerance Modified ripening High aleic acid content of oH
Monsanto Ca. Du Pont Dekalb Genetic; Corp. Agritope Ine. Du Pont
Maize Maize
Herbicide tolerance Herbicidetolerance and ¡nsed resistance Herbicide tolerance and ¡nsed resistance Male sterile
Monsanta Ca. Monsanto Ca. Calgene BejoZaden
Cenon Chicory
rend to be perceived as high i.n risk relative to benefitwhen compare
Monsarlto Co. Monsanto Co.
1.4 I Labelling - how far should it gol Perbaps the most maten tiou! issue related to foods derived fro m genetic engineering is to what extent should chey be labelled. nlC' purpose oflabellinga food product is lO providesufficientinfonnation and advice. accurately and clearly, to allow consumers to select praducrs according ro their needs, to store and prepare them carreed)' and la consume tbeOl wiUl safety. With respeet to the principie oflabclling. infonnation should be accurate. t ruthful. suffidentlydctaiJed. not m isleading and above all understandable. Labelling ofa productwill only be relevane iftbe con sumer is ablt' to understand (he information printed 011 the labels. The Food a nd Drug Administration of tbe USA considers thar labelling should n othe based on the way a particular pl'oduct is obtained. Thisis, orshould be, a part ofno rmal approval for agricultural practice orindustrial processes. and j f approved. then JabeUing should be unnecessary. whkh i5 the COmIDon pTactice for rnost food products. lt c.lDbe argued th
necessicated by the nero to produce food fOT an ever increasing world population . Let U5 nor delude ourselves. Without the add ition of this technology te tbearmouryofthe plant breedermere wlll be serious and indeed calamitous food shorrages especially in the developing world. Ir aH aspects of genetic modificaDon must be recognised and recorded ir can only lead ro unacceptably complex labelting criteria. Consumer rights. now recognised by all member s{ares in the EU. involve a righr to information and irs corollary. a duty [o infonn. As a consequence.labeIling should be meaningfu1 bU( appropriare.
1.5 I Policy making Policy making on generic engineering throughout lbe industrial wodd ísstrongIy influeDced by thevaried interests ofg!M!mments. indusoy. academics and environmental groups. After almosr two decades of discussions, the dominant issue still is wbether government regulations should depe.nd on the characteristics ofthe products modified by rDNA lechnique or on tbe tet::hnique of rDNA. For rhose who support tbe product-based rcgulations. the new tedmiques couId be considered as an extension and refinement ofmoreconvenUonal or tradicional breroing appro ach~ . As a result they would expec[ [he new products to be treated in a way similar to products created by conventional technoJogy. In contrast, t here are those who profess tbar tbe regulation of me genetic modiflcation process could be viewed as a new biotechnology and as an undeveloped scienee abour which there is little knowledge and working expericnce. In this way tbe process is sufHciendy different and distinct from conventional techniques and should demand unique regu latory rules. As with other techniques. the genetic engineering debatecould also preve ro bea critica1 testingground for effoI1s te insert into geverrunenmI policies socio-economic and sociocultu1'a.l measures - the so-called 'fourth diterion '.!he advocates ofthis approach consider that measures ofefficacy, quality and safety are. alone, iruufficient ro judge the polentiall'isk associated witb sucb new techniques and tbeir prodUC1S and to these rheywould addsocial and moral considerations. These new approach~ are h aving a significan! impact on the pace of agricultural and environmental applieatiolls of genetic engineering. In contrast, biomedical applications have progressed relatively rapidly. MilIions of people throughout the world have accepted and benefited from diagnostics. Drugs provided by the new biotechnology companies ioduae the GM produc[s erythropoietin. for kidneydialysis patieOt5. aod lnsulin.for diabetics. whilediagnostics developed by geneticengineering in particular keep dangerous pathogens. such as l:UV and hepatitis viruses . out ofthe blood supplies. Those activists who oppose gcnetically engineered products have studiouslykept clear ofthese successful areas ofapplication.ln agriculture there has been conceru..'() opposition by the activists against CM bovine somatotropin (BST) bu[ almost total silence 00 che chymosin enl.yOle used to dot milk in cheese
production, which now dairns abaut 40-15% ofthe US market. MiUions of calves are now no Jonger required for trus process.lndeed. tbe success ofCM ehymosin has been applauded by animalrights activisu. How far the fourth critedon will infIuence saenee policy a nd, in particuln. genedc engineering in the malcing or agricultural and environmental poliaes are now at important cross·roads. While there is ~at need ro mercase the seienee Iiteracy of the pubUc in general. a wellinformed public must stiU rely heavily on independent experts foc the evaluadon ofsophisticared technieal i¡¡sues.
1.6 I Areas of signiflcant public concern 1.6.1 Antibiotic resistance marker genes Antibiotie 'marker' genes are used to identify and select cells wbkh have been suecessfully modified following a genetie modiflcation process. By the use of such genes, cclls which have been successfully modifled ean growin the presenceofthe particular antibiatic. The rnost commonly used antibiarle resistance m.a.rker genes in GM plants conter resiSl:ance to kanamycin or hygromycin while for GM bacteria the ampi· cillin resistanee market gene is more ofren used. Could such antibiotic resistanee genes be transferred from a consumed CM plant or micro· organism into the human gut microflora and so ¡ncrease antibiotic resistance in rhe human population? Bacterial resistance to commonly used antibiotics can nowbe found throughout the world and ir ismost probable thar this incidence is the result of rhe transfer of resistance genes bet:ween bacteria followed by che selective pressures imposed by the use ofantibiotics. To date it has not been possibJe to demonstrat.e the transfer of antibiotic resistance from a marker gene in a consumed GM plant ro micro-organisms nonn ally present in the gut ofhumans and other animals. HOwe~T, a potential does exist and should llOt be ¡gnored. TIleAdvisoryCornminl'Con Novel Foodsand Processes (ACNFP) in the UK has recomm.endec! [hat antibíotic resistance marlrers should be eliminatec! from all GM foods and micro-organisms that will be con· sumed Uve. Researchers developing GMOs for food should develop and use alternatives to antibiotic resistance markers andjor employ metbods to jettison tbose used in developing the early transgenic celIs. By foUowing cbis adviee. publk canceen over this facet of genetic engineering should be eliminated. The recent and heated conuoversy over the Ciba.ccigy transgt'nic com revolved around the presence ofa non· functional IHactamase (an enzyme that can inaetivate penicillin) sequence. While the risk oftransfer of ,8-laetamase DNA to gut microflon..-wouJd indeed be vanishingly small, it has been a massive publicity winner for those opposed ro GMOs. How easily it couId have been avoided wjrh a Hule foresight by the company.
1.6.2 Transfer of allergies Food allergies arise when the irnrnune systemresponds ro spedHc al1ergens which are usually g1yeoproteins in the food. 'l'his is now a major
ooncem espcdaliywith respect ro the peanuland othe. nuts and severe anaphylactic reactions are not uncommon. Consequently, labelling of fuod products with re:spect to tbe presence of peanut, is now widcly practised. Thus. itbecomes essential with GM foods to that transo fer of allergens does llot occur from donor species to recipient spedes. Oearly, this is a complex process and one which 3ll producers ofGMOs are nowfu1Jy alerted ro and due comideration is beinggiven.Therehave been no recorded examples of new allergies by the process of recombinanl DNA technology. Many databases mat can identify proteins that could be problematic if inserted inoo food materials a re now increas· ingIy available.
1.6.3 Pollen transfer from GM plantS Ihe possibility of gene transfer fram transgenic crop plants lO compatible wild relatives has been given seriaus examination. Could pest or berbicide resistance incorporared inm transgenic plants be transferred meo otber dosely related plants and incl'ease their ' weediness'7 Under normal conditions, gene tr.msfer by way of pollen even berween close reJ.atives is exceprionally rare and there is litrle hard evidence that this will be different with transgenic plants. HOWeYer, released cransgenic plants will be routinely monitored to continue me already extensive validation that has Qccurred. The possible presence of toxk recombi· nane proleins in honey (which may cantain about 2% pallen) has been sbown to havc no relevance.
1.6.4 Social. moral and ethicaJ issues associated with GMOs lnitial concerns about- GMOs were. perceived basically on safety issues but more rccently social, moral and ethical issues have become part of me deosion'maJdng process. The control ofGM crop plants and their seeds by multinational agrodlemical companies and tbeir nced to rerover the high mvesonent costscould imply thatonly high technologyfarmers will be able ro meet tbe full costs. CM seeds are normaUy made rterile to prevent further propagation by farmen. However, tbis is normal practice by se.ed como panies where (he seeds used commercially are F¡ hybrids which do nat bree
engineered bovlne growth hormone (BST) may wcll cause severe difficulty for small farmers in USAand the EU. While tbis developmenrbas gane tbrough quite successt'ully in the USA there is a moratorium currently in operation in the EU. It must be expecred tha[ many aspects of this new genetic tec.hnology. partirularly when applied to agriculture and food production, could welllead to decreases ín e.mploymentwith an ensuing> in poverty in deveJoping economies. Different value judgements come into operation to re:concile theadvantages to society against the disadvantage5. The deve10ped nations muS[ endeavour to assist me developing oations botb technically a nd financially [O be par[ of this agriculture revolutioo. To what extenttbis is nowhappening is variable and is sad thatpublic awareness ofruch issues is seldom voiced by the western activists against genetic engineering. Ir is in the aTea of animal transgenics tbar publie awareness and roncero is most regularly expressed. Transgenic animals are those incorpol'
;¡ge of hurna n organs for essential transplants. Th e maill CODcerns have been possi blc trarnfer ofpigviruses to humans in the Iight o(the BSE sean:, Also the qut$tion ofbreeding pígs for this purpose as opposed to rhe accepted current practice for eating purposes does genera te ethical concenlS for some.l (5) Biomarkers for detecting environmentalpollution using trans· genic nematodes would appearto be a wortbwhile activity. (6) Tl-ansgenic animals can be used as models for human genetic diseases with the ultimare aim to develop new drugs or gene-the.rapy O"eatments. While many people. see Che aims oftbese studjes to be ofsignlficant value to mankind otben express genuine coocerns for animal we1fare, and wheCher wc havc the right to indu1ge in modifying ao animal genome ro human advantage. Central (O pubHc cOt\cem is a strongfecling of 'unnaturalness' in aansferringhumangenes inta animals with the newtransgenic animal containing copies of [he original human gene. Ir is difficult for the avuage layperson to comprehend thatwhile the transgene has hUUlan origin and structure ir.. is no[ its immedíate sourcc. In the pTOCess of genetic manipulation, gcncs canDot be directly transporred froro the donorto the redpientbllt rnllst progress through a complicated series of in \litrD c1onings. lo Chis manner a series of amplification steps are GlJ"ried out in which the original gene is copied manytimes during dIe wbole process such fhat the original genetic material is dilutcd 10". !bus the original DNA is not directly uscd. but rather. simila r DNA is synthesised ;utificiaUy. Secause the transgenic organ does not contain me actual human gene bu! on1y ao artificial created copy afthe gene, molecuJarblologists widely accept t he status ofChe transgene to be tbat i!IO'>y of thenew org:m.ism. It is tbe ir view that genes fuLfi] thcir biologial role only by the ir activitywithin the environment ofthe ccll and an organismo lbeissueofanimal rights is highlyeontentious - do they have intrinsic rights or nor? Sorne wou ld assign equal moral worth to sentient ;;u:rlmals as to humans. but wbere do you draw che line? A sub-committee of the Advisory Committec on Novel Foods and ?rocesses (ACNFP) considered sorne ofthe ma in ethical conceras arising from Che food use ofcertain transgenic organs and prepared the followfugexclus ions: (1) Transfer of genes from animals whose fLesh is forbidden for use Z5 food by certain religiou s groups to animals which they normally mnsume (e.g. pig genes into sheep)v.rould offend mostJews and l!cslims. (2) While transfer ofhuman genes to foad animals (e.g. transfer of die buman gene fur Factor IX, a protein involyed in blood cJotting, into sbeep) is acceptable for pharmaceuDcal and medical purposeS. the Zilimals should not, U poll slaughter, e nte r the food main. (31 Transfer of animal genes into food pla nts (e.g. for vaccine proé!ction) is acceptable forphannaceutical and medkal purposes but pbnr remains should n ot tben enter the animal a nd hwnan foad
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ehain as theywould be anathema tovegetacians and especially vegans.
(4) Use oforganisms containing human genes as animal feed (e.g. micro-organismsmodifled ro produce pharmaceutical human proteins ruch as insulin). Clase eonsultation wjth a wide range ofre1igious fuims strongly suggested lhat there were no overwheJming objections to necessitate an absolute ban on tbe use of food prodUClS containing copy genes oC human origino(Ibis was particularly notlceable when the conce pt of the copy gene was understood.)The report, however. strongly advocared tha( the.insertion ofethicallysensitiwgenes into food organis ms bediscouraged espedally when alternative approaches were available. lf transgenic organisms conraining copy genes that are unacceptable to specific groups of che papulatioo rubject (O religious dierary restrictions were lO be presenr in sorne foods, ir should be rompulsory (hat rum foods were c1early labelled .
1.7 I Conclusions The safety and impact ofgenetically modified organisms continues ro be addressed by scientific research. Baste research into the natwe of genes, how Chey work and how they can be ttansferred between organisms has served to underpin the developm ent of rhe rechnology of genetic modificabon, [n tbis way. basic. informarion about the behaviOUT of genes and of GMOs will be builr up and used to address th.e concr:rns about the overall safety of GMOs and thciT impact on the environment.
1.8 I Further reading Frewer, L1. & ShqJherd, R. (1995). Ethical concems and risk perceptions associated wi t h different appllcationJ orgenetic engineering: intcTrelationship with the. pe~ved need for regulalion orlhe technology.Agric. Hu m. V
The Royal Socicty Statement (1998~ Genetitally MQdlfird Plan ts.for Food U~. Pp. 1-16.
Biochemistry and physiology of growth and metabolism Cotin Ratledge lnnoduction Metabolism Catabolic pathways Cluconeogenesis Energy .production in aerobic micrlXlrganisms Anaerobic merabolism Biosynthesis
Control ofmetabolic processes Efficiency ofmicrobial growth Further rcading
I Introduction
lhe FirstLaw ofBiology (iflhere was one) could be: The purpoSt ofa microOrganism fs to make another micro-orgonísm, In sorne cases biotechnologists. who seek to exploit che ollCl"Oorganismo may wish lhis to happen as frequently and as as possible; in other words tbey wish to have as many micro-organism s ovailable at che end afthe process as possible.ln othercases. where (he product is not tbe organjsm i tse Lf. the biotechnologisr must manipu· latcit in such a wayrhar the primary goal ofrhe microbe is diverted.A5 lhe micro-organism [hen smves to OVf'rcome these restraints on in reproductive capacity. ir produces the product which Che biotechnologist. desires. The growth ofthe organism and its various products are tberefore intimately linked byvirtue ofits metabolismo In writing this chapter. 1have notattempted ro explain the strucrure ofthe maia microbial cells: t he bacteria, theyeasts, the fungi and t he microalgae. These are avai labJe in most biology textbooks and tlJese mould be consu1ted if there a re uncertainties a bout cell structures. However, biology textOOüks rarely explain the chemistry that goes on in the living cell (Le. their biochemistry) in simple cenos but. as rhe biochemistry oftbe cell is fundamental to the exploitation afthe organism, ir is impartanr ro be acquainted with rhe basic systems thar microbial cells use ro achieve th~ ir multiplication.
Anabo lism Anaboli sm
Catabc lism
Reduced end products
Reducing powar
Reducing power
Pro eMSeS of caubolism (dez!'3datioo) and anabclism (blo~yntt.e:sis) linkcd 10 . nergy proóuctlon 1M provl,joo 01 reckKln¡ power. (a) AMeroblc metl.boIbm; o"phof =oxldativtl phOfPhorylation (see SKtlon 2.5); (b) Anlltl"Obtc metabol>sm.
The bjochernístry of the eell is therefore described as an aecount of the chemical changes which oecur within él eell as itgrows and multiplies to beoome two eclls. The physiology of [he eell. however. goes beyond the biochemistr}' of the tell as this term extends che simple aecount ofthe f10w ofcarbon. and the changes which cernrra other elemcnts. by describing how (hese processes relate te the whole growth process itself. The biochcmical changes therefore are to be seen ocrurring in the three
I Metabolism
2.2.1 Sorne definltions Metabolism is a matrh!: of two c10sely iDte rünked but divergent activo ities (see Fig. 2.1). Anabolic pr0ce5ses are c.oncerned with the buildingupofceU m aterials. not only the major cell ronstituents (protcin. nudeic acids. Iipids. carbohydr.ates. etc.) but also the intermediate prerursors ofthese materials- amino acids. purine :md pyrimidioes. fatty adds. various sugars and sugar phosphates. Anabolism concems processes which are endothermk overall (they 'require energy'). They 31so invariably r equire a source of rcducing power which rnust come by t he degradation of the substrate (or feedstock). The compensating exothermicity is provided by various catabolic ('energy·yielding·) processes. The degradation of carbohydrates, s ueh as
sucrose or gl ucose. uJtimarely to give COl and water, is the principal eXIr tbermic process whereby 'energy generation' is accomplisbed. During tbis process reducing power nceded ror the subsequent anabolic pn> cesses is also generated. The same cODsideratiofls. however, apply to aU substances that use
me eell. We can also distinguish between organisms which ca.rry out their metabolism aerobkally. using O] from the airo and those tbatare able to dothis anaerobically. thatis. witbourO r Theoverall reaction ofreduced carbon compounds witb 2 , to givewater and COl' is a highlyexothermic process: an aerobic organism can therefore balance a relatively smaller useofits substrates for catabolism ro sustain a gjven leve.! ofanaboLismo that ¡s, ofgrowth (see Fig. 2.1 a). Substrate tlOmsformatio ns for anaerobic organisms are essentiaUy disproport:i.onations, with a relatively low 'energy yield'. so tbat a larger proportion ofthe substrate has to be used eatabolicaJly to sustain a given level ofanabolism (Fig. 2.1b). The difference can be illustrated with an organism 5uch as yeast. Saccharomyces cereviSiae , wbicb is a facultative anaerobe - that is, ir can exist either aerobicaUy or anaerobically. Transforming glucase at the same rate, aerobic yeast gives COl' watfi and a relatively high yield of new yeast. whercas the yeaS! grown anaerobically has lawer yield of energy and reducing powet. Consequently. fewercells caDbe made tban under aerobic conditions. A1so it is nat possible (or the eeUs. in the abseneeof0l' (O ox.idise aIl the reducing power that is generated during catabolism oConsequentIy, sutplus earbon intermediares (in the case of . yeast it is pyruvic acid) are redueed in arder to recyde the reductants '(see Fig. 2.2) and, in thecast oryeast. cthanol is the product. Overall. this process can be described by the simple reaction:
X+ NAOH -+Xl4 + NAD't'
Reduced carbon metabolite o r H20
I C.. '~n liubstrntc ICmHnOpNQ) Nitroge" source
SOl·tetc. 020r surplus carbon metabolites
Thermodyl'wnk IMbnce
wb~re X ¡S3
metaboliteand NADH is tbereductant, and NAD·· is its oxid¡sed form (see Fig. 2.3a, bJ. NAO stands for nicotillamide ade.nine di· nucleotide; NADH is therefore reduced NAD. There is abo the phosphorylated form of NAD+, NAD phos:phate designated as NADP+. TltiJ; can aIso be reduced lO NADPH and it can also functiou as a reduc· tant but u sually in anabolic reactions of me cell, wbereas NADH is usually involved in the degradative reactLoos. All four forros (NAD+, NAOP". NADH and NAOPH) occur in both aerobic as well as anaerobic ceUs: in tbe former (ells re-oxidation of NADH can ocror with 0 2' but mis cannor take place in the a naerobe, hence the need for the altemative re-oxidation scrategy (see Section 2.6). A ce:U that grows obviouslyuses carbon but manyother elemen ts are needed to make up the final composition ofthe cell. These will inelude nitrogen, oxygen - wbich may come from the air if the organism is growing aerobically (otberwise the 0 2 musí come from a rearrangement oflhe molecules in which the organism is growing, or e.ven water ilSclf) - togetherwitb other elemellls sucb as r. Mg H , S {as SOr). Pías PO! - ) and an array of minor ions S"uch as Fe H , Zn H , Mn1-t , etc. The: dynamics ofthe sysrem are set out in Fig. 2.2.
2.2.2 Catabolism and energy
(a) NAD '· /NADP+ (olddlsed): (b) NADH / NADPH (rrduc:e d). ln NAD ~ ~nd NADH, R = H: In NADf>'" and NAOPH,
The necessary linkage between catabolism and anabolism depends upon making t he catabolic processes 'drive' the syn.t hesis of reactive reagents, few in numbC!r, whicb in tum are used to 'drive' the full range of anabolic reactions. These key intermediates, of which the most important is adenosine triphospbare, ATP (Fig. 2.4), have what biologists t/!'TIU a 'high-energy bond': inATP itis the anhydride linkage in tbe pyrophospbate residue. Directly or indirectly the potential energy released by splitting chis bond is used fur the bond.forming steps in ana.bolic 5yn· t heses. Molecules such as ATP then provide me 'energycurrency' ofme cell . Wben ATP is used in a biosynthetic reaction ¡tgenerates ADP{adenosine diphosphare) or occasionally AMP (adenosine monophosphate) as the hydro1ysis product: A+B +ATP~AB +AD P + Pt
or A+B+ATP -+ AB+AMP+PP¡
(where A and B are botll carbon metabolites of the ceH and Pi'" morganic pnosphate, and pPJ "" inorganic P}'rophosphate). ADP, whlch still possesses a 'hjgh-energy bond', can aIso be used to produce ATP by the adenylate kinase reaction: ADP + ADP-+ ATP + AMP Phosphorylation reactions. which are very (ommon in living ceUs, usually occur through the mediation of ATP:
o 11
- e -OH + Al'P -+-C - O-P - OH + ADP
The phosphorylated product is usual1y more reactive (in arre of sevual ways) than the original compourrd.
2.3 I Catabolic pathways 2.3.1 General considerations of glucose degradation
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f ¡ t
The purpose of breaking down a substr.lte is to provide the microOIganiSDlS with: • building units fur the synthesis of new cells: • energy. prinopaUy in the forro ofATE, by which to syntbesise new bon4,s,and newcompounds: • reducingpower, which is main1y as reduced NAD (i.e. NADH) or reduce
donatlng encr¡)'. the ")'-bond Is hydrolyHd alld the :ava!lab~ enereY 1, used tO maleo a new bond In I molceule. Ade005¡ne dlphosphate (AOp) b wlthout the Iuc photpho group Ind adenoslne iUOIIOphospNte Is witl"lout the I&st fWO pho$pho
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con .... .,/"'otc.
""''''''0''.''- Polysac:charide$ ¿"
Phenylalanlno. Iyrosine,
~-- S";nÓ- --'G"do,, , :-Cysteine. mothionine
NAD. etc. -tryptophan, p-hydroxyoonroate
Porphyrim tnc.
Aespiratory .........
Stori\ge lipida
Glyeerol - ~Membrane
Folle acld _
= =
= =::AJanlne
Va line, ¡eucine
= =: : Fatty &Cids. lipids, PHB, polyketldes
Mey¡¡lonato, !taroid!, carotenoids
Glut8mate, glutamine- Argini prolin,
Folie acid
Anabalic P'othway, (synmesls) and lhe centnl ~th-rs. Only me main DIo5)'flrhu15 rouUt~, and tlIelr maln COOlllCDOf\t with o.aboVc
Pilthways:are $hown, aY 11'1 h\gJIly slmplifled ~ions. ConnKtJgns through 'energy' (ATP) ilnd 'redox' (NAO·, NADP ') metaboVsm a!"ld throu¡h die metabo~.\Ill cA nitrogen, etc., are al omltted. (PHB
=pcty.,8-r.yd,.~j)(ybutyra~; p= phos.pooVOUp). The nIM principal pr«ursors ~ in the lihade
and tetrose (Col) phosphates. This is the pentase pbosphate patb sometirnes referred te as a 'shunf or as the hexost' monophosp pathway (see fig. 2.7). Thepurpose ofthis pathway is rwo-fold: to PI"( C~ and C4 unirs for biosynthesis (see Hg. 2.5) a nd .1.lso to provide NA furbiosyntheris. Although the EMP pathway and the pentose phosphare (PP) patl botb use glucose 6-phosphate. the extent to which each mute ope. depends Lugelyon what the cell is doing. During tlle most active ! ofceD growth. botb patbways operate in the approximare ratio 2: tbe EMP pathway over tbe PP pathway. Howev&, as growth sJows d the biosynthetic capacity of the cel1 also slQV.Is down and less N,Il and C5 and C4 sugarphospbat"es are needed so tbat tbe ratio betwee pathways nowmoves ro 10:1 or even to 20:1. Ir is therefore apparent mat metabolic pathways are control systems capable ofconsiderable refinement to meet tbe eh anging 1 ofthe eell. '!ltis is discussed lacu (see Section 2.8). Although lhe EMP and PP pathways are found in mon n organisms, a few bacteria have an alternative pathway to the fe patbway. This is the Enrner-Doudoroff pathway (see Fig. 2.8) ... occurs in pseudomonads and re1ated bacteria. Tbe pentose phos· pathway though soll operares in these bacteria as the En Doudoroffpathway does notgenerate C, and C4
2.3.2 The tricarboxylic acid cycle lbe. degradation of glucose. by whatever route or routes. invariably leads to the formation ofpyruvic acid: CH3 .CO.COOH. The fate ofpyruvate is diffe:rent in aerobic organisms aud anaerobic ones. ln aerobic sys~ms. pyruvate is decarboxylated (i.e. loses C0 2J and i5 simultaneously activated in r.he chemical sense. to acetylcocnzymeA (abbreviated as acetyl-CoA) in a complex reaction also involving NAD+: pyruvate+ CoA + NAD+ ---t acetyl-CoA +C0 2 + NADH This reaction is cataIysed bYPYf1lvate ddtydrogtttast'. (lbe fate ofpyruvate
in anaerobic cells is described latero) Acel:yl-CoA. by virrue ofit being a thioester. is highIy reactive. It is capable oC generating a large number of intermediates but iu principal though Dot sale tate is to be progressively oxidised through a cyelic series ofrcactions knOWD as the citrJc acid cyde. TIris is also known as the tricarboxyUc acid cyde or me Krebs cycle after its discoverer. The reacrions ofthe amc acid cyde are shown in Fig. 2.9. This cyele fulfils two essentiaJ functions: • it provides key intennediates fur biosynthetic reactions (sec Fig. 2.5), principal ofwhich are 2-oxoglutarate (to make glutamate and r.henceglutamine, arginine and Qroline), succinate (to make porphyrins) and QXaloacetl'l.te (to make aspartate and the aspartate famUy of amino acids - see Chapter 13): • to produce energy from me complete oxidationofaceryl-CoA to COz and Hp. (1bis process is desmbed in detall in Scction 2.5.) However tbe citric acid cycle canDOt fulfil either funcD oll exdusively: ifintermediates are removed fur biosynthesis. then sorne energy production must be sacrificed: if all the acelyl-COA is oxidised to CO 2 and RzO there wUl be no intermediates left for biosynr.hesis. Consequently. the cycle runs as a balance between the two objectives. Pyruvate, commg from glucose, provides the input and the cyele p~ vides [he output in fue way of energy and biosynthetic precursors (see Fig. 2.10). In meeting its twin objectives. the cyc1e cannot entirely replenish the ¡uitial oxaloacetate [hat is needed as a priming reactant tO makecitrate as sorne ofthe inrermediates must inevitably be used for biosynthetic purposes.. (lftheywerenotsoused. there would be no poillt in the cydejust producingenergy as this could nor then be used in any
f= AOP
Glucosa &·phosph8te
®! Fructo68 6·phosphate
Fructose 1.6-bisphosphate
OHA-P...- G3-P
P'yNAD ®f--NADH l,3-dlphospho-glycerate
' - -ATP
3-pllosphog Ivcerate
® .
Embden--MlI)'erhof-Pa~ p;ithw~y
of IIy~ysb. O~nll:
Glueose + 2 NAD + + 2 ADP + 2P, ..... 2 p)'T1JVlte + 2 NADH + lATP TIlo reacrions In! catalysed by:
(1) hexokinase, (2) gIucosM~bate iromerze, (3) pho$phofructokln:ue. (-4) aldolale. (5) ulose phosphate l5omerue, (6) gtrceraldehyde--J-phOspllate dehyd~ •. (7) 3-phc~glycerate kio
®! PhO'PhO'"f=o IPY'O:::: @ Pyruvate
5-P U6-P
.,",on.,,~ RIb"o," '-P
EPi:'~'1 \ om."w Ribose 5-P
Xylulose 5-P
T'' ' ' '/{
Glycor¡"ldehyde 3-P
Sedoheptulose 7-P
T"n"/dO/'~ Fructose6-P
Erythrose 4-P
fructose 6-P
Glycereldehyde 3-P
Ttw. pentoH pho~te cyde (toexose monophosphue slwnt). Th~ number.d emymes are; (1) & dehyG'osenas., (lJ pl'losphacluconaa'I$ft; summar)' ~.nx stoldliometry wnen fruCWs. 6-pho~le b recyded to IkicO$e 6-phosphale by:llll,~; glyeeraldehyde l-pnosphale an Ño be reqclcd by revur'Se glycolysis (Fl¡. 16). WIth MI r~fin(the pathway function5 as a llenM'UOf"of NAOPH. bUt!he ,~nsaJdolaH and tnnIb!olue roctions abo permlt sugat Illten:onvel'$im'15 whlch are us~ in o!her ways.
Ne' reodkwl: glucose+ATP+ lo NAQP+ .... gtycenldehyde 3-P+ADP+ 6 NAOPH
(Afrt ",maYal of~ and C. ,usarE lar bIosyntheril wllI dimJnhh me nqdiflg?fOCHJ and thus!he yield oif NAOPH wiJI 6ecntase..) sensible manner as tbere can be no biosynthesis witbout precursors.) It is therefore essenti ... 1for t here to be a seoond pathway by which oxaloacetate can be formed a nd this arises principally by fue carboxylation of pyruvate: pyruvate+ COl + ATP -+ oxaloacetate + ADP+ PI 'Ibis reaction is carne
fono citrate). tbe concentration of acetyI-CoA will faH; pyruvate carboxylase will tben slaw down but. as pyruvate dehydrogenase still operares as befure. more acetyl-CoA will be produeed. In this way nol only will time add synthesis always eontinue, but [he two reaetions leading [o me precursors of cirrate will always be balaneed (see Fig. 2.11).lbis type oC reamon catalysed by pyruvate carboxylase is rekrred to as an aBapletoticreaction. meaning 'replenishing'_
2.3.3 The glyoxylace by-pass lor growth on C, compounds Ifan organism grows on a c:" compound, OE on a farty acid. hydrocarbon m any substrate fuat is degraded primarily into e 2 units (5ee Section 23-4), the tricarboxylic acid cycle i5 insufficientto accountfor It5 metaboIism. Acetyl-CoA can be generated directly from aeetate, ifthis is being as:ed as carbon source, or from a el compound more reduced than ~te, Le. acetaldehyde or ethanol: NAO'"
~HsOH~ CI\CHO~CH3COO-~ aceryl-CoA ethanol
acetaldehyde (ethanal)
acetic acid
1he manner in which acetate units are converted to C4 compounds 5!i::nawn as the glyoxylate by-pass (see Fig. 2.12) fur which tw'O enzymes
aiditional ro tbose ofthe tricarboxylic acid cycle are needed: isocitrate: f!est and ma!ate synthast. The former enzyme cleaves isocitrate mto succli:!are and glyoxylate. The latter enzyme rhen uses a second acetyl-COA if)zdd te the gIyoxylate to give malate. 80th theseenzymesare ' induced' (chal is they are synthesised ooly wben the spedfic signal is given - see Sel:rion 2.8.4) when micro-organisms are grown on el compounds . The a::rivity ofborb e nzymesincreases by sorne 20 to 50 times under such growth conditions. The glyoxylate by-pass docs nor supplant the operatil:moftbe tricarboxyLic acid cyde; fer example 2-oxoglutarate will stUI iEre ro be produced (from isocitrate) in arder to supply glutamate for ~ syntbesis etc. Succin;¡¡te. the oeber producr from isocitl'ate Iyase. __:JI be metabolised as before toyield maJa te, and tbence oxaJoacetate. l31!3 tbrough the Eeactions oftbe glyoxaJate cyde, the C4 compounds Gil now be produced frem C units and are tben available fur synthesis l fIÉ an ceU metabolites (see Fig. 2.5). Their convenion into sugars is *'t:;¡¡jJed in Section 2.4 .
2..3.-4 Carbon sources other than glucose ~compound
that is used by a micro-organism and can feed ioto any afme intermediates of glycolysis. 01' even the citric acid cyde. can be Simdled by the orgaaism witb its existing complement of enzymes. 6I:M~ a great many other substrares can be handled by micro~ms . 1n other words. aU natural compounds are capable ofdegra.eation and me majority of this degradative capacity is found in iiii!f::robia1 systems. The application ofmicro-org.misms as 'waste dispos;¡! units' is therefore paramounr aDd this activity forms aD intrlnsic
f==m ADP
Glucose 6-phos phale
f==NAD P
NADPH 6-phosphogluconate
G)f'-H~ 2-tet0-3-deo)fy-6-phDSl)l1ogluconale
l____...... Pyluvate Entner--Doudoroff
pathwly. Thls rometimes repbcl$ ttH! Embd~n--Meyerhof--Paml$
pathway (see Rg. 2.6) in sorne psaudomonads an d re!¡ued baaeri.l. Numbered enzyrna 11,..: (1) pllruphoglucon:lte ~dntDlR. (2) 11 speclflC .!doIase. Gtycenldehyde J-pho:\'~ (G3p) b c.onverted to pyruvate by ÜMI re:levant enzymes- gfven In Al. 2.6.
-' :¡
e o• ¡¡, ~
!-< ~
...¡ ~ ~
--C0"'''-\--.--'~--_Citrate CoA ® IV H,o
cis·A,co nilrate
H,o --1®
®r- H,o
FAOH =l (j) FAO
yf= 0)
NAOH Suee¡nv~CoA
TIre trkarboxyUc "lcld cyc:le.. (ATP I AOP rmy replace GTP I GOP In rcacdon 7. The 0VI!r;1I ~don \s: Icef)'l·CoA + 3 NAO+ +fAO.¡. GDP(AOp) ~ 2 C01+coenzymeA + 3 NAOH + FADH' + GTP(ATP) Tñe n~ered stepsarg catalysed by: (1) drrate symhas e. (2. J) aconitasl!. (4) Is oc:itr.lte dehydl'QgellaSll. (5) 2-oxogll,lC;QmuI delTtdl"\'ltl!r>Ue, (6) weclnatl! thiolmase, (7) succinate dehydn),ena$(!, (8) fumara se. (9) rmbte dehyd~nue.
3AOP + 3P,
Oiagr;mmaric preunutioll 01 1M role ~ el IIIfI U"h:.lrt>o~ytic add cyde: to prod!.Jtl! Intl!rmedllte~ lnd Me!X)' (ATP).
Citrie aeid cyele
pan of cnvironmeo ral biotedtnology which is {'xpJaineu in detall in OJ.apter24 . To illustrate this diversity, the exa.mple of microbial degradation of fanyacids will be collsidered. The ability ofmicro.arg;misms to growon oils and fats is widespread. The difference betweeo 3D Di! and a fue is wherher one is liquid or salid at ambient temperatures: mey are both chemically the same, that is chey are fatty acyl triesters of glyceroL:
wbere o. m and p are rypically 14 or 16: me long alkyl chain maybe saturated as indicated ormay ooeor more double bonds givingunsat· unted. ur polyun satttrated . fauy aeyl groups. TIle oils, when added to microbiaJ cull'ures, are initially hydrolysed by aUpase enzyme into ils constituent f.J.tty acids and glycerol. The latter is then metaboLised byconversioo lO gIycel'3Jde hyde 3·phosphate (ree Fig_ 2.6). The fany acids are raken iota the ceU aod immediately converted into their coenzyme A thioesters. The fatty acyl-CoA esters are degraded in a cyclic sequcnce of reactious (sce Fig. 2.13) in which the
($Ce A¡. 2. 10), are ( 1) isocltr.ate
trasO! and (2) malatB synthue. ~
~S""i"," 1
Malate ~
Oxaloacelate _ _ ATP
Hcw ceH ensures equal wpplies of onIoacetaU (OAA) and acetyl-CoA (AcCoA) for citric acld biosynt~esls . Tht activily of pyruvate urboxytUt (2) Is nimubttd by acetyl-CoA fOl'med by ~1"UY2[e ¿dYydrogen:ue ( 1)
The ¡Iyoxylate by-pm.. Th e acklitlonal reactloos. beyond tho~ 01 me trlarboxrl;( acl¿ cyde
• Acetyl-CoA
I Cf!,O.OCíCH,I,-CH,
CHO.OC-{ CH2)m-C~
Pyru vate
Aop .-/l - Phospnonnolpyruvate
_ _ ...J
~cheme ¡ llO shows oow che bypass functions lO permit rugar formatlon from acetyl-CoA. wim lhe ad~ ruetlo n (1) pOO~hoeno lpyruvat.e
arboxykl nne. folowed by nlVemd IIyc~s (d. Fi,. 2. 1'1).
28- 1_ RATlfOGE " ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
,8-0xldaticll\ cyde of
f8try acid
"., K"~:oA "~r\.. En:r:yom.s are:
huy K)'I-CoA I)'nthetaw. (2) fauy ~·CoA oxidase (In yeast ~nd ~II) Wnkl d 'Q tbvirl. I;)r' htt)' K)'l-CoA dehydrogenaJ.ln ~t.erit ~nked to FA[); (3) 1.1. W1OrJ-CoA hy~QSIII (;¡Isa km>wn ZJ crotona¡e): (1) 3.hydroxyac:y\-
ATP= t m H-S-COA
1---- RCH';~~:: lo, ti"",,) t ' - FAOH, {or flavin-I·M
oxaacyl-CoA thio'ue. The new
0r H~
htty K)'1-CoA rheo re
® t ' - CH3.CO-S.CoA
i_________ R.Ca-S-CoA new fatty 8cyr·CoA
fatty acyl chain is prOgTesriveJy shortened by 10$.5 oftwo e atoros. Thes 3toms are loS{ as acetyI.coA units. Thi5 is known as the /J-ox.idaUo cyde as the in¡tia1 attack on tbe fatty aeyl chaio is at the p. (or 3-) PO! tion. Each turo of the cycle produces a shorter fany acyl-COA ester whic then repeats the seque.nce ofthe four reactions until, finaUy. a C.. fat aeyl group C... (butyTyl-CoA) is produced which tben gives rise to ho acetyJ.coA units. For unsaturaled fatty acids some adjuscment in the position of c:: double bond may be needed [O ensure tbat itis in the right position al configuration for it to be attaclced bytbe second enzyme ofthe cyde, t hydratase(see Fig. 2.13). The degradation offatty acids ¡mera tes the energy as heat ratl chan metabolically us.ableenergy in the form of ATP. lltis is bycoupli the reoxidation ofFADH1(see fig . 2.13) to 0 1 which produces H ~O~. T is thendeaved by an enzyme, catalase, ro give HP and !-201 wiili the eration of considerable beato Thus micro-organisms growing on f. acids and related matmals, sucb as long chain alkanes, invariably f erateconsiderable amountsofheat.
I Gluconeogenesis
When an organisrn grows on a C; or Cl compound, or a material whose metabolism win produce su ch compounds, at or below the metabolic ~I of pyrl1vate (fur example. aceta te, ethanol,lactate or fatry acids), it is necessary for the organism to synthesise various sugars to fuJfll its metabolic needs. This is tenned gluconcogenesis. Though mostofthe reactions in the glycolytic parhways (se.!: Figs. 2.5 and 2.6) are reversible. mase caralysed by pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase are not and it 1; necessary for me ceIJ to orcumvenl them. As phosphoenolpyruvate cannot be formed from pyruvate (rhere ~ though, a fcw exceptions). oxaloacetate is used as the precursor: oxaIoacetate + ATP --+ phosphoenolpyruvate + C0 2 + ATP 1lris reaction is catalysed by phosphoenolpyru\'ate carboxyhnase which is ii!e key enzym e of gluconeogenesis. (The formation of oxaJoacetate has ~dy been rusc\lssed in relarion [O acetare metabolism, in SectiOD :!..3.3.) For growth on lactate, or pyruvate ¡tself. rhe lactate would be midised to pynlvale: ~CH(OH).COOH +
pyruvate will be carboxylated to oxaloacetate using pyruvate carlxJxylase: ~.CO.COOH
+ C0',l + ATP --+ COOH.CI·l:t.CQ,COOH + ADP + p¡
lile oxaloacetate is then conYel'tffl lo phosphoenolpyruvate (see abOYe). The net reaction for growtb inlactate is therefore:
lact:are+ NA01- + ZATP ~ phosphoenolpyruvate + NADH + 2ADP + >P, The irreversibility of the second gIycolytic enzyme. phosphofTuclO' (producing frucrose 1.6-bisphosphate). is circumvented by t he aaioD of¡ructose btsphosphatQ.n:: Üi!ia5e
fructose 1.6-bisphl>sphate + El:t0 ~ fructose 6-phosphate + Pi ñom'this point. hexose sugars can be forroed by the reversal ofglyand <; and C" s ugars can now be formed vi.. [he pentose phospiir¡:s:E: pathway (Hg, 2.7). Gtucose itself is not aD end-product of ~neogenesis' bU{ glucose &phosphate is used for the synthesis of ~
waU constituents and a large variet:y of extracellular and storage Fig. 2.1-4).
~arides (see
I Energy production in aerobic micro-organisms
• Stas a1ready been ex:plained how. iD the metabolism oC glucose (Figs 2.6md 2.7)and in.the tricarboxylic acid cyde (Fig, 2.9). oxidation ofthe ~ merabolic intermediates is linked to rbe red uction ofa limited
-." ,- --~--------------------Acetyl-CoA I
¡ O,,-aloacetale
ATP ~ (2¡
ADP-~-CCh Phosphoeno lpyruvllte r
¡ FruC10~
l ,6-bisphosphate
p,~(4) Fructose 6-phosphate (6)
Glucosa 6-phosphate r
phosphat8 cyc\tI
(es Bfld C6 sugars) pofys8CCharides etc.
G\uconeogel\l!Sls lequence. from a SUbslr.!.le ac:eqt-CoA mis Is convcrted ( 1) by me reac:tlollJ of me glyoxylate by1"Ut (see Al- 2. 12) to = 'oac:et;lle:illd th
NADPH + 3ADP + 3P¡ + ~z -. NADP~' + 3ATP + H;eQ
NADH + 3ADP + 3Pi + ~Ol -. NAO I + 3ATP + H20 FADH+2ADP+2P¡+ YzO~-t FAD + 2ATP + HP
phosphoenolpyruY:ite by
phosphoenl>lpyruva« car-boxykinase (2). nls i$ ~rted by che rtvened glycolytic sequence ef erlZ)'me< (l)
¡ntofructD~ 1.6-blsphos phate (see
abo F"1g. 2.6) vffljdl is therJ hydroly,ed -...fth me n!leas. of
lno rganic ph05pN te (P¡) by fructes",-I .6-bisphospha~1 e
number of ro-factors (NAO+, NADP-¡'. FAD) produdng the correspon ing reduced forms (NADH. NADPH and PADHz). The reducing power I these products is released by a complex reaction seque.nce which, i aerobic systems, is linleed eventually to reduction of aonospheric e This pro<:e~s is Icnown as oxidative phosphorylation and me sequen! of that are used to convey the hydrogen ious and e Lectron eventuaUy ro bc.. coupled te 0 1 to form H20. is referred ro as tbe ele toon transpon chain. The function of the electron-O'ansport-coupl;¡ phosphorylation (ETP) is the synthesis of ATP_Ue elecll'on transpo chain. together witb A1P syntht'rase, forros n multi
Th e produce is thero homeri~ to
glucose 6-phosphate lS) whi ch aIl
men be red loto me reac:rJom mme peritos. phosphate padlway (Rg. 2.7) o( usedferthe bIosynthlSisof c:~' envelope poIysaccharido!s.
One can tberefore describe Lhe ATP yie.ld, ineach case:, as being 3 and 2, respect'i"...cly. These are sometimes referred to as the: P/O rati wruch is lhe amounl of ATP gained frorn the reductiOIl of IhO~ to ti; and involves the trallSport oftwo electrons. The yields of ATP per mole of glucose m etabolised by t Emlxlen-Meyel'hofpathway (Fig. 2.6) and from the resulting pyruva metaboli.sed by rhe reactions of tbe tricarboxylic acid cycle: (Hg. 2.9) ; summarised in TabJe:2.1 . As can be seen. the vastméÚorityof Anisg. erated with the reactions oftbe electron transport chain coupled to I reactions ofthe citric arid cyc.le.
Succinate dehydrogenasa (FADjFADHt)
* F,"?( F,-· x ",e
""""~OX. F'.S;(R'd""d:X: l~
NADH d h d e y rogenijse
Red. Fe-S
Ubiqulnonecytochrome ¡: redu¡:tase
h oc romas
s, +8:) Fe'·
Fe l -
Succinale dehydrogenase (FADjFAOH2)
¡ Reduced
NAOH dehydrogenase
. Menaqulnone
Red. Fe·S
l Cy1ochmm , b556
cyt:~~ome bS58
I - - - CYloch¡Ome
ATP - - cyt1:me d
ElecTJ"Oll-t" .,1$por¡.coup led phmphorylnlon (m) Jynem of: (a) miwcoond,;a 11"" lb) Er:oIi. Notallltw! electr"on ~n arriel"$. ln
lhe E. col! JyUllm, me eliKuor> tnlMpO(t chain diviCc and elllctrom;wd protons cm iIow tllroulh bom me deSCTbed. The $¡teS of phospho.-yladon 01 AOP to ATP ar. onIy Imlications ~ the actual fonna!ion of ATP is carl"ied out
~ATP $)'fltha~es that are driven by
( / __ nH'
'- -3"··~
me physlcal mO'lt!menc of prot.lm thrgtJ&h the membrwte (see ~ho Fig. 2.161.
Electron tran spon chain AOP+ PI
Thecouplng m.charlÍsm of ET? The elec.lrOn transportcaml!l"s (tee Fil. 2. 1S)
arll locatlld wlthln a Il1l! As thll redllcW1t (AHJ Is oxidited, mis seu upa fTJO"VefTIeIlt 01 protonli throllgh the. membranll. The$e protoN are then pUfT'olXjd back acro" ene membr¡¡ne driving the ATP sym~ 1! Ima cauplin,ADP with PI [O JÍ""t! ATP.
MolesATP prodLJced per
mole hexose
Glycolysis (gluco$e (O pyruYare): Net yield ofATP =2 mol NADH=2molx3 PyI1N(l(C
2" 6
ro oce!yl-ú:>A: NADH= I mol x3(x2 for 2pyruvate)
TricorboxyJic add cyc/e: NADH = 3 mol )( 3 (x 2 for '2 acetyl-CoA) FADH2 = I mol x 2 (x 2 fo r 2 acetyl·CoA) ATP= I mol (x2foracetyl-CoA}
18 4 '2 38
r.'0lIt: • Under ~n.:u.rob;c c<>n
phosphurylation'. $ee SKt1nn 2.6.1).
2.6 I Anaerobic mecabolism 2.6.1 General concepts Under anaerobk conditions, the process of oxidative phospborylation cannot occor, and the ceH is deprived ofiu principal way of generating energy. Under such circumstances energy must be provided from the very process of degrnding the original substcate. TIlls process, kncwn as mbstrate Level phospborylation, yields only abour 8% or the energy that can be produce
X + NADH -+ XHl + NAO" Golya Httle ofthe reducing power per se ¡s needed for !.ynthesis ofnew ceUs. Gonst'quently. tht' reducing equivalents react with tbe accumulated carbon intermediates to reduce them in tbeir tum (Fig. 2.1b). The only enetgy that is then available to the cell is that whicb comes from ATP fonued during the anaerobic degradation nf the sübstTate. Examples nf substra.te-Ievel phosphOIylation are gi~n in Table 2.2. This process of anaerobic catabolism occurs not only In microorganisms, but m ay occur in higher animals too: an example would be
Reaction cataJysed
l . Phosphoglycerol kinase
I ,3-bisphosphoglycerate + ADP ~ 3.phosphogly<erate + ATP
Wldespread, 5ee Fig. 26
2 Pyruvate kioase
phosphoenolpyruvate + AOP -Jo pyruvate + ATP
Widespread. see Flg. 2.6
3. Acetate kjnase
acetyl phosphate + ADP ~ acetate + ATP
4. Butyrate kinase
but)ryt phosphate + ADP ~ butyrate + ATP
E.g. ef1terobacteria on allantoin
5. Carbamate kinase
carbarnoyl phosphate + ADP -Jo carbamate + ATP
E.g. dostridia en arginine
6. Formyl-tetr.Jhydrofolate synthetase
N,o.rormyl-H 4 folate + ADP + p¡ -Jo formate + H4 rolate + ATP
E.g. clostridia on xanthine
RATLEDGE '.._34_.L...... _ _ __ __ __
_ __
_ __
the accumul ation of.lactic acid i n musde fusue during byper-activity of an athlete. In micro-organisms we can see a whole range of redueed carOOn compounds being accumulated. by organisms growing allacrot>. ically. Examples may abo inelude lactie acid itself(produced by laetic bacteria), but would ¡nelude short ehain fatty acids such as butyric or propioruc acids, and aleohoIs such as butano!, propano! 3nd ethano! (see Fig. 2.17).Some orga.rnsms, such as me methanogenic.bacteria, may go even further and produce, as the comple:tely reduced end-product. methane (notshown in Fig. 2.17). It is important ro poinr out that pyruvate. produced by che glycolytíc pathway (Fig. 2.6). will still enter the tricarboxylic acid cyclewhich muse continue. aC lean in part ro provideessential precursors furbiosynthesiso pnnopally 2-oxoglutarate. and oxaloacerate. but not to p roduce energy. The NADH produced in the cyde cannor be converted inro ATP as the cells have no supply ofO~ to drive oxidative phosphorylarion; however in certain bacteria there are terminal electron acceptors other than 0 2 which are capable of being eou pled m to the E1l' system (Fig. 2.15) and which will allow the fOl'mat'ion of ATP ro take place. This indudes microbes tbat can use nitrate (which is reduced to nirrite). nitrite (rccluced to NH~ or in sorne cases N 2 in a proeessJcnown as denitriftcation), COl (reduced to merhane by metbanogens) or su1phate (reduced to HlS by rulphare reducing bacteria) as alternatives [O 01. ln all cases. although theyield of A'IPis less than occurs in aerobic systems. ir is muc.h greater than obtained by substrate-Ievel phosphorylation alonc.
2.6.2 Products of anaerobic metabolism Figure 2_17 summarises sorne ofthe maln reactioos leading to the for-
mation ofreduccd end-products in anaerobic micro-organisms. The major products are: • glycerol. produced byyeasts when the conversion ofpyruvate to ethanol is bloeked; • lactic add, forrned by lactic acid bacteria; • formic acid, formelnd sometimes purines. Metbane(notshown in Fig. 2.17) is pcrhaps me ultimare redueed ca.l·bon compound and is produeed by highIy specialised An:hatMcteria by eleavage ofacelate to ca} and CH~ or in sorne cases by red.uction ofCO, .
2Py'+"'HE-_L_ _""''''''''''''' .-'!-
OKaloacetate _ _ _
~1t~r-Su CcinYI-COA
¡x, Acetoacetyl-CoA
- - --1 R
" '- - - CoA, CO~ Butyryl·COA
~";~""a:.""'i!1il""j,, " ""~·
memanal (CH30H). etbana l ( C~CH 10H) 01" fonnic acid {HCOOH) a1l in me presence of~ gas.
I Biosynthesis
The provision of energy (AIP). re ducing power (NADH and NADPH) and ;a variety of monomeric precursors (see Fig. 2.5) from the degradation of .2 substrate provides the cell with lhe neeessary means oC regenerating iiself. The cel! undertakes roe biosynthesis oCtbe macromolerules of me cell~ nudeic acids (DNA and RNA). proteins (for enzymes and other functions).lípids for membr.mes and polysaccbarides as eomponents of me ce11 envclope. from fuese simple buiJding blocks. As rnanyofthe bio-syntbetic patbways are eOYere<:! elsewhere in this book (e.g. Chapten; 13. 'K and 15) tbeseneed Dot be detailed bere. However, a distinetion needs m be drawn between primary metabotisrn and secondary metabolism as [bese have considerable imporrance fur formation of bioteclmologi· al products.
2.7.1 Primary r:netabolism Prlmary metabolism occurs during baJanced growth , sometimes mown as the tropophase, of tbe organism in which all nutrients needed by the ceH are provided in excess in the medium (see Eig. 2.18). Undef such conditions the celli grow at an exponential rate in keeping witb theirmodeofreproduction. The ceJl s wiU have optimum contents al all the vadous macromolecules of [he cel! - DNA, RNA. proteins. ipids etc. - but tbeir proportions willchange as growth progresses and dlen sJows down. Evenroaliy. though. tbe ceO must run out of sorne nutrient even if ¡bis is only 01.' and eoruequently me growtb rate slows and eventually
Produ cn gl anaerobic metabolllm in vario u$ micro. o r&aolsms. ReaC'tiofl$ le;Jdinl 10 th! fec)'dng of NADH l /'l! indiqlte
glYen in the wded bolees. mar 0«11' sklt ly o, in ¡roups acc:ordln, (O the orpnism.
ceases. However, metabolism does notcease. lbe onIy time that rnetabolism completcly ceases is when the ceU dies: thus as 10flg as tbe cell retams viabiJity it is able 10 carry out sorne metabollc processes ando converscly and most imponantly, ¡fthe cell wishes to remain alive it rnust carry out a modicum ofmetabolism.
2.7.2 Secondary metabolism The need for the cell to keep a flux (or flow) of carbon going through it when active multiplication has ceased requires that tbe cell diverls its core metabolites into products other than the primary ones which arl! OO! needed in the S3meabundance. Sorne maintenaoce ofvital ccmponents. though, mus! be car[ied out: k.ey proteins rnunbe replaced as all proteios undergo tumover; ONA must be repaired. RNA maintainedetc. Consequently, sorne primary metabolism must continue but the cell nowswitches into a secondary mode ofmetabolism (sce Fig. 2.18). These secondary products then begin to arise sometimes as storage products within the ceH (e.g. poly-,&hydroxybueyrate or triacylglycerols - sce Chapter 15). sometirnes as increased amounts ofprimary metabolites (5uch as organic acids. see Chapter 14), but sometimes llew products are synthesised which are llOt normaUy present in any great abundance during the baJanced phase-ofgrowth. These secondary metabolites can be ofconsiderable biotechnologi. cal importance as many ofthem are biologically active notonlywithin the producing cell but also in othercel1s and therefoTe some may act as autibiotics. As the rangeofsecondary metabolites vacies almostwith the species ofoTganisrn being studied, this phase ofunbalanced metabolism has beco referred ro as lhe idiophase in cont:r.tsttD fue tropophase phase of growth. The secondary metabolites are usually synthesised from unwanted tnonomers lbat are still produce
Whatever is the reason for the profusion ofsecondary metabolites. their properties make them sorne of the most exploited biotechIlologicaJ products ofaU time.
1i8 ~
e " "' ~
"' -
MicrubAlgrowth: prlm;¡ryand 5K01ldary mt'tJboIic
tropoPhase,~·-tI~·~--i dloPha se ----;o
...... , ..
, ~
limit ing'\ nutrient ...
B~ .ot
I \
phases. ln the initii!1 pha~e (babnced growili=~) all nutrMnU are kl e~ When one nutrMAt (not arlJon) G consumed (- - ) cell gvwth ( - -) s~ down ~d J«ondilry mr.aboite(5) (- - - - _o) are fol'm4td in the idiophue.
./ secondar y ./ metabolite
.../ "
\ I !' '.1 /" '. ./
t ime
Formadon of !.eConebry metabolil$! from ¡cet}i-
CoA. The .$eCOIIcDry mnabclites are showo tri lhe slladed ttxts.
There can be considl!rab!. onl"latlon In s uu~ of sorne of mese mllltabollte5.
Mevalonate (Cd
~co, Isopren e units (es)
----1ij~. Mi~ ií·!i~
2.8 I Control of metabolic processes 2,8.1 Metabolic flux
Tmnscnpt"on ma g ene Mosse oger RNA (mA NA)
Atlach ea 10 11
ric.osome mRNA .. rlbo.ome
Tra"s/a¡IOtI 01 mfl.NA
(ccde. for ,m¡!'Io acids 10 be .clded logetlteo- In conlKl
PnMein I IduHsed .$howing how DNA C\n elther be
repliuted to "", nI!'" DNA (for new ce l! synthesls) or be ¡ran¡tribed Into meUflnxer P.NA (mRNA) chal is decoelld (or tTatlw.ted) by It becomllll 3.ttached ro a ribotome whlch moo ITlilkes ¡¡ proteln rnolecule by 1.qoentiat .addition or amino aelc:fs. Thu$ lbe original sequen« oí b,u as ¡ long
the ONA tlhe gene)" flrst conven:ed to a correspcndlng sequence ofbau~, (mRNA) mat ¡¡:/YQS r!se f.O
a I'\(!W proteln; see also
Ch;¡pter 4, Flg. 4.1.
The concept of metabolic flux (or flow) has been developed th¡ attempts to describe iIunatbematical (ertnS the1
2.8,2 Nucrienc uptake
Control of cell metabolism begins by th e cel! regulating its uptake ( nutrients. MeS! nutrients, apart" from oxygen ¡¡nd a very few carho compounds, are {ak.eo up by specific:transport mechanisms so that tht maybeeoneen tra ted within the cell from dUute sol utionsoutside. Suc 'active' transport systems require an input ofenergy. The processes al controllable so that o nce the amount of nutnent tak.en into the cel] he reached a given concentratioD. further unnecessary (or even demmel tal) uptake can be stopped. (This is abo discussed in Sectioo 2.8.5 o catabalite repression.) In sorne cases the rate atwhich a earoon sourel
such as takenup inta the cell may be the limiting process for growth oftbewhole cell and themore should receive particular attenrion when evaluating potential bottle-necks to increased productivity ofa bioprocess.
2.8.3 Compartmentalism A simple form of metabolic control is the use of compartments, or
organelles, within the ccll wherein separate pools ofmetabolites can be roaintained. An obvious example is the mitochondrion of tbe eukaryodc ce.U which separates (amongstothers) the tricarbaxyl:ic acid cycle reactions from reactians in the cytoplasm. Anothe.r would be the biosynthesis of tatty acids which occurs in tbe cyroplasm of eukaryotic cells whereas the degradanon offatty acids (see Fig. 2. l3) ocrurs in the peroxisome organeUe. Separating [be two sets ofenzymes prevents any (aroman interDlediate being recyded in a futile manner. Qther organeUes (vacuoles, the nudeus, peroxisomes, etc.) are simHarly used to control other reacrions ofthe cen. Bacteria, bowever. do Dot have such compartments witbin tbeir celIs and therefore must rely on other means of metabolk control.
2_8A Control of enzyme synthesis Many enzymes within 3 ceU are present constitutively; that is. they are there under al1 growth conditioI1.'l. Other enzymes only 'appear' when nl'eded : e.g. isocitrate lyase aftbe glyoxylate by-pass (see Fig. 2.12) wben the cell grows on a C; substrate. This is termoo induction of enzyme synthesis. Conversely enzymes can 'disappear' w hen they are no looger requieed: for example, enzymes for histidine biosyntltesis stop being produced ifthere is sufflciem externa] histidine avaiJable lO satisfy the needs ofthe ccl1. 'Ihis is (emted reprt'ssion: when thegraruüous supplyofthe compound has gone, the enzymes for syntbesis of the material 'reappear' ; their synlhesis is de-repressed. The key to both induction and repressian is that the genes codingfor the synthesis ofthe proteíns bythe processes of transcription (see Fig. 2.20) are either switched on (indu etion) or off(repl'ession) according to the metabolite~ present (or absent) in the cell. These processes are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2.21.
2.8.5 Catabolic repression This type ofmetabolic control is an extensioo ofthe ideas already set out with respect to enzyme ¡nduchon and repression, being brought ahaut by external nutnenlS added (Q tbe microbial culture. 'Ole term catabolite repression refers 10 seveJ.;:¡ ] general phenomena seen, for example. wben a micro-organism is able to select, from MO or more different carbon sources simulraneously presented to it, tbat substrate which it (Irefers lO utilise. For example, a micro-organism presented with both glucose and lactose may ignore the lactase until it has con· sumed all the glucose. This scquential utilisation oftwo substrates is referred ro as diauxic growtb. Simila r selection may cernr ror the choice ofa nitrogen source ifmorc than one is availablc. The advantage ro tbe cell is tbat it can use the compound which provides it with
o· 00 • •
2. • e
o· ¡¡D
¡TmM"t'"" ~
O ~ w ~ O
• O
•, o
"2 lE
1ha attached protei"
~tiv e
No binding 10 ONA. possible
StrucUlrlll genes IlOt exprossad as signal from the operator geno Is not given dUlI 10 the presence of
'Switch 00' signal
O ~ w ~ O
••e •
" , ~
. ~j
J\f\J' m"NA, J\f\J' mRNA ~ JV\F" mANAl
Proteína produced
Con1rol of enzylT\ol! s)'TlI:htik thl'Ol.lgh re,gul;atlon of DNA I!Kpression. (a> Represslon: In the absence of any Indudng molecuhl the mes$t1'lser RNA (mRNA) from the reJUlatory gelMl produces a pl'O'te lo tN.t binds te an 'oper.Itor' ¡ _ funher down dl4t
ONA mo!ecllle. As a resultofthis binding. tM
openuor gene ¡~
Inact/vated ~nd no signal is given te allow the strUcwl'lll genes (tlut
WCluld makllcdve enzymes) te be eXprased. (b) InductiO!1: in me presellCe
ot ~n Induclrlg molecule.
tlw. protein arlslllffrom me "'g"blo')' , _ 1, now no 'on&er able ce bllld te> d'M>~r g~. Consequently, me openlotor 'switche,' Qfl the 1171.JCt:UraJ cenes and active prou:ins (enI)'mes) are
now made.
the most useful substrate ror production of energy aod provision of metabolites. The mechanisms by which catabolite repression is acl1ieved varies from organism to organismoA simple caseis with E. colt where control is exerted via 3n effector moLecule, cyclic AMP (cAMP). (lo cAMP (he single phospho groupofAMP-see Fig. 2,4 - bridges across IToro the 3' -hydroxy group ofnoose to tbe 5'·hydroxy group, tbereby forming acydicdiphosphoester.) cAMP interacts with a specific protein. catabolite activator protein(CAP;! (also known as the CRP "" catabolite receptorprotcin), and the cAMP-CAP comple>: binds to DNA causing the genes that follow afier (ordownstream of) the binding site to be tl'anscribed (see Ag. 2.22). Tbese genes may tben be used to syntbesise new proteins for uptake and metabolism ofthe next substrate (e.g. lactose if [he cells aregrowing on a glucoseflactose mixture).1his positive system ofgenetic conl:l'ol is the reverseofthe negativecoDl:I'ol systern described in Fig. 2.21. The key molerule is Lherefore cAMP. As long as gluoose or its catabolites are present, cAMP is not formed as ilS syntbesising enzyrne (adeny· 1a1'e cydase) is inhibited by these catabolites and thtlS Jactase uptake and metabolism cannotoccur. The catabolites therefore repress the syn· tbesis ofnewenzymes. Thc repression is removed when the catabolites disappear- i.e. a11 the gtucose has been consumcd.
2.8.6 Modification o( enzyme activiey Once an enzyme has been syntbesised, its activity can be modulated by a variety ofmeans.
Catabo!lI:. rep!'Msion.
•e • D
Inhlblted by gJucose m81aboJites
~ cAMP --- ATP
AM:M~ ~
_~" _ v_V_V
"" mRNA') Proteins
~ mRNA, -~mRNAa
Th. stn.I(tur;a1 gen6anl therefore 'swI~
off' (I.e .• ~mud);u Ion¡ as ~a o r lu c:ar:aboliles anI pruefll. Sevenl operoru. may respond 10 the cAt1P-CAP slf:naL
) .
Th. mech;r,nism lhown ís medj¡ted by cyOlC AMP (cAMP). An operon Is <:ontTOl1ed by the oparatorxene beln, 3ctiv¡¡ted by a complex fol.llld batw..n a protein (tIM cataboJi~ acdvator proteln, CAP) and cyc.Jlc AMP (cAHP). cAMPbOflty formed wheo gIucose 15 ablento
Post-transcriptional mod16cations This process is so-called becauseit occurs afterthe enzyme has be:en syntbesised. ¡,e. after its fonnation bytranscription (see Fig. 2,20). Enzymes maybe moclified from one fono to anotber, oneform being active and rhe.other inactive or less active: E¡.rnWI H EjlJlao:ttw)
This process ofactivatingor inactivating an cnzyIDe is camed outby an entirely separate enzyme which has nothing to do wilh ca talysing rhe reaction thatthe original en:zyme will be ¡nvolved with. ~ common way ofachieving this converslon is by phosphorylation of the enzyme using a new enzyme - a proteill kina~. These protcin kinases. of wh.ich rhere can be maoy. usually react with only ene enzyme and thus are highly specific, They add a phospho group (from ATP) to a specific hydroxyl group (normalIy a serioe rcsidue) on the enzymc, Tbe activared enzyme may be:either the phospborylate(l form or its de-phosphorylated formo The de-phosphorylation will be carned out by a specific phosphatase enzyme. The activities of the protein mase and the phosphatase will be obviously controlled by other (acron within the cell aud will work according lO the metabolic status ofthe ce1 1. 'There are otber mechanisms of altering the activities ofspedfic proteins by tbe attachmenr (or removal) of a simple molecule ro a particular amino add residue in an enzyme. but the addition of a phospho group isby far the mosrcommon,
Aetion of effect.ors The second way in which an enzyme's activitycan be controlled is by its response to vanous effectors. (Effe<:tors can .lct positively. Le. are promoters, or neg.ltively, Le. are inhibitors.) An example is che process known as feedback inhibition. HeTe. in a sequence ofbiosyothesis A~B~C-+D~E
the end product. E, may be able to inhibit the 6rst enzyme of the sequence {converting Ato BJ. Tbis will only occur wheo sufficient E has beeo produeed bythecell for itsimmediate requirements and therefore no further carbon need be channelled down this pathway. AJ¡, the ceTI contlnues to grow itwiU consume the accumulated E and thus diminish theamountofitin circuladon. ThU$, as Eis withdrawo forthe ccll's own needs. t he inhibitoryeffect will be withdrawn and the conversion of Ato B will recommence with the further symhesis ofE then oerurring [O match the ce1l's requirements. Th1S process will .lIso occur ifthe end-product, E. is added ro m e growth medium ofthe organismo Here, as the product is now supplied gratuitously, the cell h as no nero to 'waste' ies resources syntbesising E so the pathway is now inhibited.ln addition to che feedback inhibition. a high concemr.ation of the endproduct can also lcad to the repression of tbe enzymes for the entire pathway; mus mere is a 'qukk' response mode to ahigh concentration of the end-product .1lising: [he initiaJ enzyme of the pathway is inhibited and there is no flux ofcarbon along che patbway; and then mere is a longer-term response whereby all the enzymes ueeded fur the pathway stop being syntbesised by repression (see above) ar tbe DNA level as they are surplus to requiremffit and theircontinued synthesis wouJd be a waste ofvaluable amino acid precursors. This process can. of course, be quite complicated should the pathway not be linear as depicted above bu[ be a branchiQg pathway witb multi· ple-end products. This is ofparticular importante in the biosynthesis of amino acids several ofwhich (such as phenylalanine, tyrosine aDd tryptophan) share a comlllon iDirial patbway. This is disrussed in greater detaiJ in Chapter 13.
2,8. 7 Degradation of enzyrnes Enzymes are not particularly stable molecules and may be quicldy and irreve.rsibly destto~. Their half-lives are veryvanable; they may be as shon as a few minutes or as long as several days. Although the syntbe· ses ofenzymes can be regulated at the genetic level (see Section 2.8.41, once an en2yme has been synthesised it can rem.lm functioDal foc some time. If the envllonme.nral conditions change abruptIy, it may not sufflce forthe syntbesis oftheenzyme to be 'switched off', i.e. repressed: the cel! may need ro inactivate the enzyme so as to avoid needless. or even pe.rhaps deJeterious. metabolic activity. This may be by feedback inhibition (Section 2.8.6). Additionally, under nitrogen-limited eond" tions, when a ceU becomes deplered of nitrogen and tben ceases tu
G ¡=ul
Methylomonos sp. Methylomonas sp. Candido utilis Klebsiella pneumonioe
Escherichio coli' Hefr-odlOl
Molar growth yield (g organism dry 'Nt. per g-mol substrate)
1.46 1.38
17.s 16.6 3 1.2 50.4
95.0 25.8
1.32 0.36
90 21 81
1.26 0.29 1. 13
KJebsiella pneumonioe Pseuoomonas sp. Camida uti/is
173 52.2 23.5 21.6
120 0.87 0.98
Yarrowia (Condida) lipolytiCCl
aerobic anaerobic Socchoromyces cerevisioe: aerobic anaerobic Penici/lium d1rysogenum KJebsiel/a pneumonioe
proteases. that are proteolytic enzymes, may be activated to copies of enZ)'lnes so that the amino acids therein can É'reDged and used for the biosynthesis ofnew enzymes [hat may be 53111 essential. Thus, enzymes may be 'turned over' mote rapidly than Sil2j'0CCllr by simple denaturation.
~e surplus
Carbon conversion coefficient (g organism dry wt pero g suhstr
I Efficiency of microbial growth
"!iirre-owerall efficiency of microbial growth is discussed in serict thermo~c temlS in Chapter 3. Tt is usually expressed in terms aftbe yield &É a!ls fonned per unit weight of carbon suhstrate consurned. The ~ growth yield, Ys. is the cell yield (dry weight) per mole ofsubSi::Gre, while the carban conversion coeffirient, which allows more ..."n";inngful comparisons berween substrates of different molecular the cell yield per gram ofsubstrate carbono A particular feature in Table 2.3 is the lower growth yields attained 'iIiiIen facultative organisms are rransferred from aerobic to anaerobic amditions. a phenomenon which is obviously connected with ea:reased enecgy production under these conditions. Empirical1y, the growth yield of a micro--organism wiU depend on ;;:;;;arry factors: (t) The namee ofthe cacbon source.
(2) The pathways of substrate rntabolism. (3) Any supplementaryprovisionofcomplex substrares (obviating the nero for some anabolic pathways ro operare). (4) Energy requirements for assimilating othernutrients especially nitrogeo. (S) Varyin.g efficiencies of ATP-generatiog reaclions. (6) Presence ofinbibitory substrates, advene ionic balance. or other medium components imposing extra demands 00 transpon systems. (7) Tbe physiological nace ofthe organism: nearly al1 microorganisms modify their developrnent according to the external environment. and me different processes (e.g. primal)' aod secondary metabolism) will enrail different mass and energybalances. In conrinuous culture systems, in which the growth rate and nutritional status of the ceLls are controUed (see Chaprers 3 and 6), furtber facrors can be identified : (8) The nature ofthe limiting substrate: carbon·1imited growth is afien more 'effident' than. ror example, nitrogen-limited growth, in which catabolism of excess carben substrate may follow mutes which are energetically 'wasreful' (bowever useful they may be ro the biotechnologist!). (9) The pennirted growth tate: wbereas thegrowth rate is decreased , tbe propartion ofrhe substrate going towards maintaining the celIs increases, thereby diminishing the amountofsubrtrate that can go to other producrs. As a final faclOr governing aU aspects of mlcrobial performances, one might usefully add: (10) The competence ofehe microbiologist'.
2. 10
I Further reading
Hames, B. D. and Hooper, N. M. (ZOOO). Instan! No/es: Biochemistry. 2nd edn. Bios: Scientific Publishe:rs, Oxford. Lengeler,J. W.. Drews, G. and Schlegel. H., eds (1999). Biologyo{tht Prokat)lltes.
Blackwell Science, Oxford. Nicklin,J .. Graeme-Cook, K.. Paget, T. and KiUington, R.(1999).lnstantNolts: Microbiology. Bio5 Scientific Publuhers, Oxford. Madigan, M. T_ Ma:rtinJco.J. M. and parker.J.(2000J. BiologyofMimHlrE'Jnisms, 9th Editlon. Prentice-HaU InternadonaL(UIQ Ltd, London.
Chapter 3
Stoichiometryand kinetics of microbial growth from a thermodynamic perspective J.J. Heijnen Nomenclamre
[ntroduction Stoichiomeuy cakuJations Stoichiometl'Y predictions based 011 Gibbs energy dissipilDon
Growth kinetics from a Ihermodynamic point ofview Furth~Teading
No me nclatu re maximal growth yield ofbiomass (X) on C-mol X per Cmol S substrate(S) or electron donor (O) maintenance coefficient of rompound j Cmo! i per C-mol Xh maximum specific growth rafe h-' mol¡-\ affinicyconstant yleJd ofbiomass (X) on compound i C-mol X per mol i reactor specific convenion rnte of mol i m - 1 per h compoundi el concentradoD molim- l V liquid volume ofreactor m' JI. specific growth rate h- ' tili¡ stand.m! ('m balpyofformarion kJ mol - \ aC¡ standard Gibbs energy offormation kJmoJ - 1 - ó.C""r Gibbs energy ofcatabolism ~r Cmol kJ per (q mol organic elcct:ron donor OT per mol of inorganíc e lectron donor biomass speciftc convenion rafe of mol j pee Cmol Xh compound i y degsuofreduction X biomass GmoJ y:u
Quantieative infoemation on microbia J growth is needed in many fec· meneation a nd biological waste treatmefltprocesses. growth
Growth represented as
i coupled anabo~smlcaabclism.
Electron donor (O)
BiomU9 (X) CHUlOo.sNo,
electron 8cceptor IAI Glbbs
Oxldised dono r
• reduced accepto r
C-sourco, N·source H2D, HCOi". H'
i..s quantified usingwell known parameters such as ma"imum biomass yield on substrate S (also caBed electron donar D) (Y~iI.'( or Y~). maintenance requirementsfor substrate S or electton donor D (nls or mol, Mmu' K, and a threshold concentration of the electron donor. A practical problem is that the valueS for these parameters vary by one ro two orders ofmagnitude, depending on the growth systems being consi dered. Su ch growth systems are generally characterised (Fig. 3.1) by their electron donor and electron acreptor. their C-source and N-source. In additionin eachgrowth system HCO;, HP and H" are involved.A practical point i5 that rnany micro-organi5m5 have similar elemental compositions. as illustrated in Fig. allows the use of a nandard biornass cornposition, in case tbis informationi5 notavaib..ble. However it is always preferable ro detennine tbis, using elemenral an.a.lysis. For practical purposes it is important to k:now the complete sooichiomerry of growth. ln fennentation processes DotOnJy is che biomass yield from the substrate (Ysx orYex ) importam. bu[so are theoxygen requirement. COl production and beat production in order lO design an process. TherefOre. me.thods of stoichlomerry calrulation are offundamental value. ln addition, the estima tion ofgrowth stoichiometry for arbitrary growth systems is relevant, for e.xample in biological wasre treatment. ln tbe past decades. many metbods have beel} proposed to estimaregrowth parame{f'rs for arbitr.u:y growth systems.
3.2 I Stoichiometry calculations 3.2. 1 Definition of the growth system A roicrobial growth system is convenilmtly represented as an overall reaction equarjon lFig. 3.2) where 1 C-mol of biornass is fonned and which takes ¡noo account the role ofN--source. HP, HCO;-. Hi". electron dona r and electron acceptor (ouple. In addition it is indicated that heat and Gibbs energy are also involved . Ofie C mol ofbiomass is the.amount wbich contains l2g' of carbon which usually amounts to about 25g of dry matter. knowing that the biomass carbon content is about45%. For microbial growth energy must be genera{f'd 00 enable the CODstruction of the complex biomass molecules frOID simple cacbon compounds. This energy is generated in a redox reacdon between t he electroD donor and electron acceptor. The pro per measure of energy spent in growtb
_ -'- electroll donor - _'_ t1lectrOIl acceptor + 1C - mol biomass + .1... 1tJ haat YI)¡(
' o,
I C-moIQf biomau. YI)(Is dIe yiekl I C-mol X on I C-rnol of
U Gibbs energy + (, .. ) N·souree + (... ) HlO + ( •.. ) HCOi + (... ) H'
compo~ i; ( .... ) ~ ~speclf1td
processes is DOC the: released heat but Gibbs energy. beca use Gibbs energy (~G) combines [he heat relate
3.2.2 Measuring yields It: is stressed that stoicbiometric yield coeffidents ;¡re ratios of conver·
sionrates (rx is given as e·mol X m- 3 reactor per h. ti in mol i m - 3 peth).
y . {)( ri
These tates are ca1culated fram measurements in experirnents which may be either batch, cantinuous or fed batch cultures. using correct mass balances. TIte mose frequentIy rncasured gtowth stoichiometric coeffident is the bíomass yield on substrate (or e1ectron donor ) Ysx (or Ypx)' In a constant volurne batch culture (O indicating tUne O), y ~ will be: (3.2a)
In a chemostat. where inputand o utflow cates are equa!, a similar equa· tion holds . wher-e ~ = Oand ~ is r-eplaced by the concentratioo ~ of the incoming substrilte. If volume variations Decur. more complex relations can be derived from rhe mass balances.Forbatch reactorswith variable volume V. WE':get:
3.2.3 Maintenance effect lnitiaUy Ysr was inteoouced by Monod as a constant. However aftee the introduction of the chemostat, cultivanon of micro-organisrns undE':t growtb cates showed thar Ysx was dependent 00 the specific growth rate Jl.. The.proposed explanatían is basE':d on the maineenance concept (Herbert-Pict). ln this concept it is assumed that maintenaace of cellular functioIlS requires thE': expenditure of Gibbs E': nergy (ror restoring leaky gradienrs, protein degradation. erc). 1his Gibbs energy is produced by the catabolism ofa certain amountofelectron donor (= substrate). lfthis maintenance tate is ms or Irry e·mol substrate per C-mol X'h, the following equation holds 1 1 m,
- =~ +-
Gene ... 1stoich lornetrlc
nlpresenQtion of t he fonn3 don of
unknown stoichlometrlt compounds.
Dependtrn:e of biomass yleId Yu on sptelfic ¡rowth r.J.te (maintenance efl'ect), m,ls me
substnte maWltenill10Ct coefficlent.
r;-1s the mu.ima.1 biomus ylt!ld
0.5 Ys:;"
on sulmnote.
ExperimeoralJy y sx is rueasured in a chemostat under different speciflc growth mIes 1-/-. From the obtained Ysx and 1-/- values, one calrulates. llsingEqn(3.3). thf" modeJ parameters y~a:< and m,. Figure 3.3 shows how Y5X depends on Ik. Fot high valUe5 of JL. ysx approaches the value ofthe model paramf"tf"[ For low p. values Ysx drops signiticantly. becoming Y.! Y for p.=m.Y~. For mOSl conventiooal processes, itcan be shown that at nonual growth temperatures theeffectofmaintenanceonyield can be neglected ror 1-/- > O.OSh- ' . This means that in batch cultures ducing exponencial growth (where p.= JLmll<) YSJ("'Y~' However. in me fed-batch processes (whic.b are tbe nmm in most industrial processes). where I-/-
3.2.4 Conservatlon principies to calculate thefull stoichiometry of growth .Figure 3.2 shows [bar besides YSl( (or YDxl. there are many mOfe stoicbiometnc coe.fficients. Fortunately tbese nero 110t be detel'mined experimenralIy. !he applicatiol1 of conservation principIes often allows all otber coefflcients to be calculated if a single roefficient(Y sx) is measured.TItis calculation is most easUy explained in an example. Example: Use ol conservation principles in calcnlation of all stoichiometric coeffide.nts An aerobic micro-organismgroW5 on oxaJateusingNH¡ as N-source. The following overall reaction equatioo (according to Fig. 3.2) can be written based 00 1 vmol biomass bcing produce<'! witb a biomass yield on oxalate ofYDI"" t/5.815 e-mol biomass per mol oxalate -5.815
CP¡- + IlNH; + bll+ +cR20 + d0 2+ eHCO;- + lCH,.. Oo.,NI,1.2
There are five unknown stoichiometric coeffidents for which serva tion constcaints can be furrnlllated . C-conservation H-conservation Oronservation N·amservation Chacge
-11.63+e+l::0 4a+b+Zc+Je+ 1.8=0 -23.26 + c + 2d +3e+O.5=O
a+O.2=0 + 11.63 + a+b-e=O
Solving gives the full 5toichiometry.
-5 .815 C10!- + O.2NH: + O.8H'~ - 1.85701 -S.42Hp+ lCH.u0o,.,Na.z + lO.63HCO; Thus \Ve see that yNI: = 1/1_857 C-m ol XI mol 0 1 , Abo Yo:'" 1110.53 C-mol X/ mol HCO;. For mis overall equation o ne can . using AHr and AG values from rhennodynamic tables(Table3.1). also calculate tbe( - AHR)and (- dG Il). which then provide I ~HX aud l{Yex'
3_2.5 Balance of degree of reduction The applicaüon ofthe conservarion constraints is sn-aightforward. A usdu..l short cut of such calculations is to apply a degree of red uctíon balance (Roe1s, 19831_ The degrce of reduction tsymbol y) is defined for each compound and is a stoichiometric quantity, defined in sucb a way mat its value is zero for tbe referem.:e compounds H10. H~ . HCOl . 50:-_ NO;, Fe3 jo, N-source. The ')"value fol' each compound is found by calculating the redox ha lfreaction which eonverts the compound into the pl'evious defined rcfenmcechemicals anda numbel' ofelectrons. yfoJlowsas rhenumbel' of produced c1ectrons per Cmol fol' o rganic a nd per mol for inorganic compounds_ For e)(ample. thedegree ofreducrioDofOl fo l1ows from the redox ha lf re:'lction 02 + 4H+ -} 2H20 - 4e- , and -y = - 4. For glucose, the redox- half reactioll is C6H l~06 + 12H~0 --t 6HCO J + 30H+ + 2.-¡ c- and -y= 24/6=4. Using thc redoxhalf.reactions thc y-values fur atoms and eharge can also be calrulated (Table 3.2). For e..'lCample for the carbon atom one ohtains C + 3HP .....¡.HC0i' + SH"t- + 4e- and a value of ;, : 4 is found fol' carbono Similarly va lues for H, O. 5. N, + a ne! - charge are found (Table 3.2). Ir should be noted Lbauhe nitrogen atom in the biomassand in the N-source for growth has a degree of .reduction, whicb depend5 on the N-source used for gl'owth. This is needed ro ensure thar t he molecular degree ofreduction ofN-source becomes O. Forexample usingTable 3.2 the degree of reductíon for NH: follows as - 3 + 4 - 1 = O. 'Ihe degree of reduction ofa molerule (Table 3.1) represents the amount ofele<:trons becoming available from that molecule upon oxidation to the refe rence compounds. Fororganic molecules, its value i5 usua Uy normalised pe!' C-mole, fur inorganic molecules its value is per mole. Table 3.1 shows rhat for organic mol e<'U les the value range from Oro 8. For biomass (standard compasition) it follows tbat 'Y~ =4 .2 (1 X4 + 1.8 X 1 -0.5 X 2 0.2 X 3) forNtr; as a N-SOUl'ce and"x : 5.8 for NOJ as a N-somee. Because electrons are conserved, it Is possible to calculate the balance of degree ofredl.lcrion as shown in me following example. Example: Application oCthe balance oC degree o Creduction Consider the previous example of aerobic growth o n oxaIate. Calculationofthe degree ofreduction (using rabIe 3.2) ofl molecule oC oxalate (C.p!- ) gives y = 2 X 4 + 4 X(- 2)+ (+2) = 2.
Compound name
Biomass Water Btcarborlate
CH I e0o.sNcl
W 0,
ca, (g) 0, (g)
H,o HCO¡
0xalate 2 Carbon monoxide FormateGlyoxylateTartrate1-
Malonate 1-
C]Hpl -
Fumarate 1Malate'-
C,H~O, c,H,o¡ C~Hi O.. -
Succinate 1GluconateFormaldehyde
""eme Dihydroxy acetone LaclateGlucose Mannrtol Glycerol ProptOnate -
Ethylene ~",oI
- 445. 18
- 517,18 -91 7.22 - 9426 1 -488.52 -36 1.08 -33050 - 180 - 35263 -317 - 322 - 175.39 -1 8 1.75 - 175.8 1 + 60
C4H40~ .
C6H 11O" C6H I.O~
C)HaOJ C3Hs0 1_ C,H,O, C~H801
Propartechol Butanediol Methanol
C)Ha02 C4 H 1OO2 CH40
Propanol n-Alkane (1)
C)H80 CI~Hn
N, (g)
N, NO;
Nitrite ion Nitrate ion Il"on ll Iron 111
S H,O]
C. H]Ol
- 67 - 237,1 8 -586,85 - 394.359 - 39 ,87
CH,0 C,H,o,-
k! mo!-I
-674,04 -1 37. 15 - 335 - 468.6 -1 0 10 - 700 - 604.2 1 - 845,08 - 1168.34 -474.63 -690,2) - 1154 -1 3054 -369.4 1
Ethane (g) Methane (g)
N0 3-
f e)-
l1If kj mol- I -9 1 -286 - 692 -394,1 O
- 82' - 111 - ' 10
-m -843 -1 5 15. -596
- 900 -486
- 687 - 1264 -676
- 535
- 32 89 -50.75
- 246 -288 - 33 1 - 439 - 104 - 85 -75
° - 37.2 °
° ° - 107
- 24
- 11 1.34 -78.87 -4.6
- 133
-173 - 87
Degr€e of reductlon
4.2 (N-source NH4"') O
°OO -4 +-1 +2 +2 +2 +2.5 + 2.67 +3 +-3 f-3
+-3.33 +350 +3.67 +. +4
+ 5.33 +. +4 +4,33 +4.67 +4.67 +5 +5 +5 + 5.33 + 5,50 +6
+6 +6 + 6.13 +6.66 +7 +8 +2 +8 +1 0 +2 O +1
Compound name
Sulphur Hydrogen sulphide (g) Sulphide ion Sulphate ion Thiosulphate ion Ammonium
S, 0 11 -
.ó. G,~1
kJ mol- I
O -3356 + 12.0S - 744.63 -5 13.2 - 79.37
O -20 -17 -909 - 608 - 133
e s
+ I charge - I charge N In blomass and In N-$ource
J1H? kJ mol- 1
4 6
5 -1
+1 -3" O' 5'
.. 1o, < ~1;1.t" lO diff~renl N=tU'CH. be-!ns ¡a) l'i'H;-: ¡b) /'1,:1'" /'10;.
The 'Y value for biomass. (NH! as a N-source) foUows as 1 x 4 + 1.8 x 1 + 0.5 (-2) +0.2 (-3) = 4.2. Similarly. the degreeofreduction OfOl will be - 4. for me olher com· pounds y=O. e..g. for HCO:;- y = 1 x 1 + 1 x 4 + 3 X(- 2) + 1 =0 aud for NH: the valueof y = ~3 +4-1 =0. TIris gives foc tbe degree ofreduction balance: - 5.8.:15 X 2 ~ 4d+4 .2 =0_ seco that in mis balaDl_"'e oniy tbe smic:b.iometric coefficienrs ofsu!> strate (or eJectron donar). me electron acceptor and biomass occur. TIlis gives d = -1.857. being identical lo the full solution ofeonservatiOD eODstraims obtained before_ The other coefficients follow from appücation of (be regular conservauon constraints. i.c. the N-soutce coefficient fl"Om the N-balance. me HCO; from the C-balance etc. From me example severa! po¡nts mu!íI: be stressed: • the balance ofdegree of reduction specifies atways a linear relation between the stoichiometric coeffi.cients ofelectron donor, electron acceptorand biornass, making this relation extremclyuseful in prarnce; • the bala nce ofdegree ofreduction is not a newconstraint. it bjusta l>uirable combinatio," oftheC. H. N charge conservation constraints.
Degree of reduction
+6 +8 +8 O +8 +8
Other useful applications of me conservatiotl constraims are outlined in tbe references and indude: • selection ofthe yield measuremenlS wbicb provide the least errors i.n tbe calculated otber yields (dlle ro e rror propagation in the meas' uremcuts); • improvementoftbe elTon in all yie1ds by measuring more than the minimal required yields (measurementredundnncy allowing data reconciliation); • use ofredundant measurements to investigate l he occurrence of systematicmeasure.ment errors 01" errors i.n the system definidon (e.g. a product has been forgatteo).
Stoichiometry predictions based on Gibbs energy dissipation
A number cf methods have previously been proposed to estimate biomass yields fl'ox) from corre.1atioDS. Aparticularly sitnple but useful and recent method has been the thermodynamically based approach using Gibbs energy dissipation per unit biomass (l(YGX) in kJ perC-mol X. This is a stoichiometric quantity which can ¡similar to che. biomass yie.ld YDX on e.lectron donor as in Eqn j3.3)1be written as
_1_ = _'_ + me Yex
mG is the biomass specific rate of Gibbs energy dissipation fur maincenance purposes in kJ per C-mol X h and y~ is me maximal bioOlasS yield on Gibbs energy in Cmol X kJ- l. Eqn (3.4) show$ that the Gibbs eneTg)' dissipation contams a growth and a mainte.nance ted termo Simple correlations have becn propased for 1{yGX' and for me (see Further reading. Section 3.5). Thcse correlations cover a wide IdIlge of microbiat growth systems and temperatures (heterotrophic. autotrophic. aerobic, anaerobic, den.itrifying growth systems on a wide rangeorC·sources. gTOwth systems with and withoutre.versed electron
transport - RE'I).
3.3. 1 Correlation for maintenance Gibbs energy The following corre1ati on has becn fouud to be valid for maintenance .
Gibbs cnergy Illc=4.sexp [
(! -.)_)]
690.00 8.314 T
(3.5) 298 This correlation holds for a temperature range of5 to 7S OC. for aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It does not depend an tbe C-source or electron donor OT acceptOr being applied and only shows a significaD[ ~m perature effec[. This IOglcal beca use maintenance only involves Gibbs enerID'. irrespective ofthe electron dOllorfacceptor combination which provides this Gibbs energy.
3.3.2 Carrelatian far Gibbs energy needed far grawth For the growth-rela ted Gibbs energy requiremenr lfYGf. the following correlations can be used: Por her.erotrophic Ol" autotrophic growth witbour RET: 1 Yg';" = 200 + 18(6 - c)U + exp[({3.8 - 'Y.)2r l ~{3.6 + OAc)[
Por autotropbic growth requiring reversed dectron transporl : 1 """iiii=3500 Ye<
(3 .6b)
Eqn (3.6a1 shows thar l fY(;'X" fur heterotrophic growth is mainly determined by lile carbon·source used. This C-source i5 characreri5ed by ils degree of reduction. 'Y.> and (he number of C-atoms {parameter el per mole ofe·saurce. Eqn (3.6a) shows that lfYr.x ranges between about 200 and 1000 kJ af Gibbs energy requirement per Cmol biomass dependenr on the e source use
Example: Occurrence ofREf in autotrophic growth Consider the aUlotrophic aerobic microbial growtb using Fel+/FeJ + as electron donar. HCO:; is the C-source. This allows tbe foUowing biomass formation reaction te be drawn up where HCO:; is reduced using the donar elfftrons: HC03" + 4.2 Fe H
+ 0.2 NH,t + 5H+~ 1 CHUOO~II,j. +4.2 FeH + 2.5
H,D UsingTable3.1 one can calculare lhat AG~J = +454 kJ. Clearly. for lhe eJectron donor Fc~ -t-fFfi1-r REI is needed and Eqn (3.6b) applies.
3.3.3 Stolchiometry prediction using [he Gibbs cnergy correlations 111e correlations found ror m G and 1fY'G:' in Eqns (3.5. 3.6a, 3.Gb) Lan easily be used to estimare. fOT each microbial growth system, the como plete stoichiometry ofthe growth equation as a fimction of: • the C-source applied; • the electron donorJacceptor combination; • growth rate and teroperature. It has been shown thar for a wide rangeofmicrobial growth systems me estimation of YDX is possible in a l-ange of O.oJ ro 1 Gmol X per C-mol donar with a relative accuracyof ahout 10 to 15% (see Furtber reading. Section 3.5). 111e calculation of the complete stokhiomerry is best shown using un exarople. Example; Estimation of growth stoichiometry using the Gibbs eoergy correlations Consider the aerobic autotrophic growth oí a mkro-o.rganísm using Fel"" ro Fel+ as electron donar at SO gC. agrowth ra(e ofO.Olh- J , using NH; ' as N-source and growing al pH = 1.5. Ir is required ro calculate the complete growtb SloichiometIy. The folJowmg stoichiometric equation can be specified:
+aHCO; +bNH; + cHp+d02 +eFe H + 1 CH,.lPo.,No.z+JF¡:l-t- +gH'"
+ lfYal( Gibbs energy.
We can specifY six consewation constramts and one Gibbs energy balance ro calculare the seven (a to g) unknown stoichiometric coeffi· cients. Using Eqn(3.4) lfYcxfoUows from the correlarions (knowingthat RET is ¡nvolved, tbat p.=0.01 h- ¡ :l.nd thal r=323 K) as: . 38.84
1fYcx = 3500 + - - = 7384. kJ/C- molX
The- six conservanon constraints and the Gibbs energy balance (using 6G~"-va.lues froro Table 3.1) are as follows: C
a + l : : 1t O 3a+c+Zd+0.5=0 - 4d+e + 4.2=0
IrOI1·conselva tion N-conservation Charge-conservation
~+f"" O
b+O.2=O -a+b+2~+3f+g=0
Gibbs energy balance (- 586.85)11 + (- 79 .37)b +(- 237.18)c + (-78.87)e + ( -67) + (- 4.6lf+ (- 8.541g+ 7384 = O Iris noted thar forH t ~Cri s recalculated from pH =7(in Table3.1) te pH = 1.5 (ch ange from - 38 .87 to - S.54 kJ molH tl Also the balance of degree ofl'eduction has been used as a canstraint (:replacing theH-constraintl. After solving {he six equations ane obtains the complete stoichiomercy.
3.3.4 Algebraic relations to calculate stoichiometry Because al1 the stoichiomerric coeffidents are, through the conselVation conmaints, relatcd ro llYGX ' one can derive also algebraic relations, between lfY.x:and l/YC;X' For che biornass yield on electron donor yDX the following relatiOll is obtained as an cxample (see for additional relatioas Further reading, Section 3.5):
( - AG",,) 1 /Ycx + 1'~/"tn( 6.Gc..d
6.GCA1. is rhe Gibbs energy of the catabolic reaction of 1 C-mol organic electron donar or of 1 mol inorganic e1ectron donor in kJ per {C}-mol donar. 'Y~ and 1'u are che degree of reduction for biomass and e Lettron donar (per moL or C·mol). For the previous example the catabolic reaction of 1 mol dectron donor is Fe2 1• + y~ 0 1 + H+ ---t Fel+ + Y,¡ Hp. Using thevalues of6.Gru1in TabLeJ.l , and usingforH+ theaGfvalueatpH= 1.5 of -8.54 kJ/moL leads to 6.CCAT = - 35.78 kJ per mol FeZ' . In addirion 1" = 4.2. 'YI) = 1 and l JYc;x = 7384 kJ per C-mol X giving Yox = 0_0047 Cmol X
per mol fe2+. showing thar the stoichiome tric coe.fficiente in tbe previous example equals 215mol Fe~'" perCmoL X. Eqn (J.7) sbows that • YDX increases byperboLically with increasing Gibbs ene[gy productiOD in catabolism (- aG~T)' Thís explains why anaerobic growth systems (with low (- .ó.CC\:l'rvalues) have lower Yox values as aerobic systems . • Yox is higher for systems with lower lfYGX·values (as found for high specific growth cate p..lowtemperarure, favoulOlble C·source arrd the absence ofRET); • YDX depends byperbolically ODIL lsubstitute l{Ycx usingEqn (304)] due to maintenance effects in agreement with Eqn (3.3) ; • Yox has a theoretical maximallimit from me 2nd Jawoflhermodynamics (because according to tbe 2nd law 1{YGX has a theoretica.1 minimaJ value ofO kJ perC-mol X) of 1'r/ Yx'
3.3.5 Heat aspects Finally the aspect ofheat merits sorne thougbts. l /YHX (=kJ beat per C-mol X) follows by calculating (- aH:) of the
e zo
... e
? 2
complete stoichiometricgrowth equation where 1 e-mol biomass is produced using MI¡'values from Table 3.1. Sorne relevant remarks: • For aerobicheterotrophic growth heat production is closely related to O[uptake. where 1 mol 02 =450 kJheat; • There are microbial growthsystems where hearuptake (not praduction) can be calculated to occm; • An example is the growth of methanogenic bacteria which split acerate to CH4 and CO 2 .
3.3.6 Limitation of the yield prediction using the thermodynamic approach The presented method provides Ysx-estimates where the biochemical details of metabolismo characteristic for eam micro-organism, are neglected. This is the attractive aspect of this method, beca use this knowledge is ofren not available. However one should always realise rhat differences in biochemistry are relevant. For example. ethanol fer· mentatioo from glucose 15 performed by Saccharomyccs cerevisiaewith Ysx measured [O be around 0.15 Cmol X per Cmo] glucose. A similar Ysx value ls also obtained using the above methad. However Zymomonas mobilis al50 performs the ethanoLfermentation butwith aYsx = 0.07 "Ole clifference is caused by a different biochemical pathway (glycolysis versus Entner-Doudoroff route, see Chapler 2). This example shows that, ifthevalue ofthe estimated Ysx deviates strongly from a measured Ysx ' o ne might expect that an unusual, perhaps new, biochemical pathwayis be.ingusf'd in catabolism (or anabolism). 0
Growth kinetics from a thermodynamic point ofview
Growth kinetics are generallycharacterised by the two parameters J.I.",n and K.o Iris known thatK, values can bevery different, dependent on the occurrence ofpassive diffusion, facilitated transporror active. transport for the transfer of electron donor (substrate) iuto me micrQ-Organism. A general thermodynamic correlation for K, is therefore not possible. Also for P-max a very wide range (0.001 to 1 h - I ) ofvalues is found, depending on the microorganism and cultivation conditionso However, itwould Seem reasonable to expect that a low maximal spf'cific rate of Gibbs energy production from catabolism leads to a lower rnaximal spe<:ific growth rateo Using thi5 concept of e.nergy limitation one can derive thf' following expressions for the maximal specific rate ofGibbs energy production q~ (kJ per Gmol X h). (3.8)
This relatioo is base
• A temperature effect 00 this rate accordiog ro anArrhenius relacon witb an energy of activation of690oo J per mol (equivalent to the tate doubling for every 10 "C inccease in temperaturel. R is tbe gas· constant (equal to 8.314 J per mol K): • The maximum rate ofC3rabolieGibbs energyproduction q~"" is then [he rate ofelectron transpoct multiplied by(~.6..Gc:.uIi'D) ' which 1S the cataoolk e nergy release pe.reLectron in tbe electron donor/acceptor reaction. Equating che maximal rate of catabolic Gibbs energy production (Eqn 3.8) to the Gibbs energy oeeded for growth under maximal growth rate coodition (being equal to the sum of IJ.J~;n. and maintt'nance beiog equal [04.5 x tempera ture coIT«tion,see Eqn (3.S))gives tben tbeP,mu' valne(io h - I ) according ro Eqn (3.9):
IJ( 1-'.......
6CCAT) I')'¡) ~ 4.5J f'X [ 1 fY~;l P
(!- ~~)l
69000 R T
Eqn (3.9) can be shown toprovide rea.~onab l e estimates of JLm ....·values for a wide varieeyofmicro-organisms (e.g. nitrifiers, methallogeos, heterotrophie aerobes). A final aspect to be discussed is the occurrenee ofso
3.5 I Further reading Baltley, E. H. (1987). Energttlcs ofMicrobial Growth.John Wiley and Sons, CJ:¡kht'.!ltu. He.ijnen.].j. and van DiJken.J. P. (1992). In search ora thf'l"lllodynamlc descrip-
tion ofbiomass yie1ds for the chemotrophic growth oflllicroorganism s. Blotechnol. Bioeng. 39. 833-858. Ht'ijnen,J.J.. van LDosdrecht. M. C. M. and Tijhuis. L. ('1992). A black bol! mathl!'"" matical.nlodel to caleulate aUID- and heterotrophic biomass yields based on
Gi bbs e.cergy dissipation. Biottrhnol. Bioeng. 40, 1139-1154. Roels.J. A. (1983). En<'Tgfficsand Kint'tio" in Biotahnology. Elsevier. NewYodt.. Tijhuis. L., vac Loo5drecht. M. C. M. ¡¡nd Heijnen.J. J . (1993). A [hermodynaml· cally based correlation formaintenam:e Gibbs energy requiremt'nts in aerobic and illlaerobic chemotrophic growth. Blokthnol. Bioeng. 42, 509-519.
van de r Heijden, R. T. J. M., Heijnen, J.]', Hellinga, c., Romcln. B. and lUybt>ll. K. Ch. A. M. (1994).linearconstraintTelatiamin biochemkalreartian systems: 1. Classif'iration ofthe calCU1.1bility and the balanceabilityof conver· sioll rateo .lI!o r~ch7l ol. Bloe-ng. 43. 3~ 10. van der Heijde n, R. T.J. M.. Romein, B.. Heijnen,J.J .. Remnga. C. and Luyben. K. CtL A. M. (199-4). Linearconstraint relations in biochemical reartion systems: Ji. Diagnosis and estimation of g~ errars. B!orechnoL Biorng. 43. 11-20. van der Hcijden, R. T. J. M.. Romein, B" Heijnen,j.J.. Rellinga. C. and Luyben. K. Ch. A. M. (1994). Linearconstraint reJatiOTU in biochemicall?lct:ion systems: 10. Sequen tial application of data reconciliation for sensitive defection ofsystematic enoTS. BiotertlTlol. Bioeng. 44. 7Bl-791. von Storkar, U. a nd MatisOD, 1, W. (19B9), The use of cal onmeny in biotechnol· ogy.t\d.... Blocru-m. E"8 . .lIlotechnol. 40, 93- 136. Westerboff. H. V. and va n Dam , K. (1987). MlJSaiC NOTl~'1uilibrium Thermodynam ics and rhc Control of8ioJoglcaJ Fm CTlergyTrUTlSdlóC!:wTI. El$evier. Amsterdam.
Genome management and analysis: prokaryotes Colin R. Harwood and Anil Wipat lntroduction
Bacterial c.hromosomes and natural gene transfer What is genetic engineering and what is ¡tused for? The bas ic OOols oC gene tic engineeriog Ooning and tibraries Analysis o f genomes/proteomes AnaJysis ofgene e..''{pression Engineering genes and optlmising products Proouction of hetl':rolagolls produC'(s In sl1ico analysis ofbacterial genomes Further rt'ading
4.1 I Introduction Gene manipu latioo is nowadays a eore technology u sed for a wide variety ofresearch and industrial applkations. In addition to representing an exttemely powerful analytical too1, it cm be used ro: (i) ¡ncrease the yield (ami quality) of existing products (proteins. me tabolites or even whole ceDs): (ii) improve che characteristics of exining products (e.g. proteio e ng ineering); (iü ) produce existing prodUCES by new routes (e.g. patbway en ginecring): and (iv) deve10p novel produces Dor previously found in Natuce. ln this chapte.r we assume a knowlcdge in the
reader of the basic structure and properties ofnudeic acids , m e organisatiOll of the genetic information into genes and operons amJ the mechanisms by which bacteria transcribe and translate this encoded infurmation f Ol" the synthesis ofproteim (see abo Chapter 2).
Bacterial chromosomes and natural gene transfer 4.2. 1 Bacterial chromosomes Chromosomes are tbe principal repositories of the ceU's genetic information, m e sire of gen e clq'ression and the vehide of inherita nce. The
Genetic. element
Size range
Transposons Plasmids Prophages
800 bp te 30 kbp I kbp to ISOkbp
3 kbp
Bacterial c.hromosomes
''''' bp.
nlJcleolid~_ lx!sc
300 I
pair(s): k. lhouu nd ; M. minian; !ll. nuclemide(S) .
teno cruomosome, meaning dark-straining body, was originally applied to the structures visualised in eukaryotie organisms by light mieroseopy. This tcnn has now been extended to deseribe me physical struetures thar enrode the genetic (hereditary) info[mation io aU ol'ganisms. lbe (erm genome is used in the more abstraet St'n5e to refer to the sum total of (he genetic informatian of an organismo The tenn nucleoid is applied ro a physical entity tha( can be isolated from a bacterial cell and mat contains the chromosomc in association with other eomponents including RNA and proteio. In addition to tbe main enromosome, other discrete types of replicating genetie material have been identified in bacterial cells, indudíng transposable genetk elements (transposons), plasmids and proviruses. The usual size ranges of me various genetic eJements found inside bacteria! cells are shown in Table 4..1_ The genetic material of bacteria consirts of double-stranded (ds) DNA. The nudeotide bases are usualJy unmodified excepting for the addition ofmetityl residues tbat fundion to: (i) identifY the 'oJd' (con· served) DNA strand foUowing replicarian; (n) protect the DNA from the acnon of specific nudcases; and (iül synchronise certain cell cycle events. Many viruses also use dsDNA as tite genetic inforrnation (e.g. T-phages and lambda). while others havc single-stranded (ss) DNA {e,g. <\lX174 and M13I, ssRNA (e.g. MS2) or dsRNA (e.g. rotoviruses). Microbial chromosomes rangc insize overseveral ol'ders of magnitude and vary in number, compositioll and ropology [rabIe 4.2). Ge:nome sizes tend (O refiel,..'t tbe organism's structural eomplcxity and JiCe style_ Obligare bacterial parasites, such as Myroplasma genítalium (S80 kbp), tend to have sOlall genomes, while bacteria witb complex Jife cydes, such as MyXOCOCCII5 xanthlls (9.45 Mbp). tend to have Iargc: genomes. The genomes of many eubacterial. archaeal and simple eukaryotic micro·mganisms have been completely scquenced. The chromosame af Escherilhla roli is typical ofmany eubacteria . It weighs S femtigrams (SX 10- 15 g), is 1100 ¡.un in length and its 4.6 Mbp ofDNA codes ror about 4400 proteins_ The chromosome has a single ser of genes (excepting for those eneoding ribosomaJ RNA). At least 90% or the DNA encodes proteins/polypeptides whilf' Lhe remaining 10% is use
Number Size
MS2 <j> X 174
bacteriophage bacteriophage bacteriophage bacteriophage eubacterium eubacteril.m eubacterium eubacterium eubacterium euoocterium eubactenum archaea
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
lambda T4 M ycoplosmo geniwlium Borre/io burgdOt(eri
Campylobocter lelunJ Rhodobaclff sphaerOldes Bacillus sub61is Esch erichio wli
Myxococcus xonthus Methanococrus jonnaschii An:haeog/obus fUlgidus arcnaea Schizosoccharomyces pombe eukaryote
Socchoromyces cerevisioe
3.6 knt S.4 knt 485 kbp 174 kbp S80kbp lA Mbp 1.7 Mbp 3.0 Mbp + 0.9 Mbp 4.2 t1bp 4.6 Mbp 9.45 Mbp
1.66 Mbp 1
Nucleicacid Topology ssRNA ssDNA dsDNA dsDNA dsO NA dsO NA dsD NA dsDNA dsDNA dsDNA dsDNA dsDNA dsONA
2.8 Mbp 3.5. 4.6 and 5.7 Mbp, dsDNA total I 8.8 Mbp 0.2 to 2.2 Mbp, total dsDNA 12.43 Mbp
drcular linear linear linear circular linear circular 2 x circular circular circular ND
circular circular linear linear
ND. n"t dotnrn l!l€d: dsoHA. double-nrandw ONA; ."ONA. singJe.m:mded ONA; bp. nucJ~O\"td e biLSt ra.!r(s): M. million: nL
t , thou!:md.
function . Genes of re.lared function are often. but nOl always. dustered rogemer 00 tlle chromosome. Proteio roding sequences cao be on either strand ofthe DNA. although there is a preference for an orienta· tion in the dire<:tion in wblch tbe DNA is replicated. Gene expression involves two distinct. highly co-ordinated processes. The ONA is firSlly transcribed by the enzyme.RNA polymerase into messe.nger (m)RNA, 3n lLDsrable molecular species the time taken for halfof the RNA ro be d egraded) thatare m,easured in minutes. Even as tbey are being transcribed. ribosomes Oarge nucleoprotein complexes) attnch ro spedfic sites on the mRNA, tbe ribosome binding sites , and translate the en coded inrOl'mation inro a linearpolypeptide. To enable bacterial cells (O regulate gene expTession, the DNA is organised into transcri p· rional unilS 01' operonswitb di.stinct control sequences and transcriptional and translational start and stop points (Fig. 4.1l. The E. roli chromosome repLicates by a bi-directional mode &om rile origin of replicaDon (oriq ro the terminus (teyq, primarily using lhe enzyme DNA polymerase m (Fig. 4.2). The rate ofreplieation (at 37 0q is abou ! 800 bases persecond. and consequeo dy ir takes approximately 40 minutes to replicare the entire chromosome. Sine!! E. cofj ean divide by binary fission into two similarly sized cells every 20 minutes when growing on highly nutritious culture media, tb e chromosome of a single cell mayhave multiple sires ofreplication .
Schemaclc dia&r=' IHustnrJn& me. k.y c.omponents al ¡¡ bacterJaI ~ron. The ¡¡~tl'ator and reprenor blnding~¡te$ are cofltrol tites at whido!.he frequency of trnn5~ripllon Initi.ttion are concrolled. Altl\ough
$lOP ~odon1.. ¡¡!"Id ribosome
bindlnt sites ClIn be r~01ed in the DNA ~u.mce, chey are only functlonal In themRNA
IJ" t ~
RNA polyrnoraso Repressor binding sita (operatorl
Transc:riptian tar7nmor
DNA~==Jlííí¡¡¡¡ll'Jl=liim~l=liilriiígl!!Ü= ! Activator
blndlng sila mRNA-
~ • Start codon
Polypept ide A
a¡¡" Polypeplide
... Stop codon • Ribosome binding site
The bl...:llre ctkmal
replkatien oF!he oocrerial
c.hromosorne. Repfi~tIon is Inltlat.d at the erigin 01 .-.plication
(orlC) ~nd i5 completed Jt me
u:rmlnlIs (terC). (:al In slow growll1g celh (doubling time:> 60 mm), each side of the c.hnJmCHOme has JUSI one repllu.tlon forle or slte of ONA synltletl:$. (h) In rapidIy ¡row'''l
Aepllcation fork
cell$ (doub~ng tilT"l'e - 20 mln). a n_ round ofrnplicadon Is iMllted befare che prev\ous Orle has (b)
rnadJed che ttrminus. Con~equendy.
ud! side<Jt" tI1.
chn:Jn1O$l)fIIe has
repliCillion fork.
INn ont
¡gr-:. - O - § O § § @- ao - - @ o @ @
4.2.2 Mechanisms of gene transfer lbe abi lity to engineer ebanges ro the cbaracrenstics of a bactenum dates back ro 1928 and lhe experiments ofGriffith. on the mode ofiofection ofStreptococcus pfleumoniM_Griffitb ohserved that ofthe two colonial morphologies exhibited by tbe:se bactcría on salid media, rougb and smooth, only the laner was ahle to cause: infection in mice. The rough and smoorh characterisrics (pbenotypes) were due to the
absence or presence. respectively. of a polysaccharide capsule that enables the bacrerium to avoid the bost's immune response, Griffith was able to show tb 150 kb) have been found in rcprcsentati\'cs of a numberofbacterial genera, induding Agro bacterfu m. Pseudomonas a nd Sn-epronlyces. Plasmids may account for between ">0.1 to about 4% of !:beir host'S genorype. although in race cases thismay be as rugh as 20%. Plasmids such as tbe F plasmid ofE colí tbatconferfertilil;Yon thcir hostcells are referred to as conjugative plasmids. Bacteria l conjugation involves (he tr:ansferofDNA from a donor to a
Sthematic ditgr.lm Dlustrar~
Plesmid ONA
me r-pHcation an
Con;ugatlve plasmid
conjvgatlon. (a) The<:ell onvelopes of donor 100 retip)lIrll , eal, make
oril; conjugal transfer origfn
c:onu« md thelr cytop lasms ar. Joined by ¡ tr¡nÚocatlon pare.
c:onjugation-specific tr.Inmr orl¡in. orlT, inleracu wh:h mis port. (b) ~ pbsmld repliQw from ollTby a mode thndlrecu Orle oflfle orl¡inal itnmds of tts ONA lnto me redP; Mt, wherea compl ementar)' $(nnd is liynthesised. n.e omer ~ nnrod of thto! pb.lmld remall'\s lo dae donO!' whre It lOO has a complementar)' Slnmd syntl'ltilsed.
Q (b)
,~I-_ DNA
Re cipient ..
DNA polymerase
redpient 001 (Fig. 4.3). Usually this is plasmid DNA. although o<;cas1onal1y it is a pan of the donor's chrolUosomal ONA thaLis trausferred to the redpient. The machinery involved is almost exclusivcly encoded by the conjugative plasmid, tbe main exception being the enzymes involvoo in DNA transfer replicanoo. The transferred DNA is always in a single-stl.mded form and me complementary strand is synthesised in the recipienr. The tr.msfer ofhost chromosomaJ genes usually occurs at ~uencies that are very much lower than that of plasmids. although sorne plasmids are exceptional in bcing able to mobilise host chrOffiOS
the basis of cloning vectors. the mob genes are usually omined as a requirement ofeontainment regulations designed toavoid the dissemi· nation oftbe cloned genes to wild·type populations. Althougb transfer between bacteria! cells is rhe most common type of conjugation. conjugative transfer between bacteria and fungi 3Dd between bacteria and plants has .lIso becn demonstrated.ln the larrer case. strains of Agnlbacterlum tumefaciens with large (> 200 kbp) tUillour' inducing (Ti) plasmids can transfer part of their plasmid DNA - the socalle
What is genetic engineering and what is it used
for? Ihe al:lility ro manipulate and analyse DNA using genetic enginee.ring rechniques (recombinanr DNA technology) was foreseen in tbe mid 19605 and carne tofruition in the early 1970s. The technology. which is still developing rapidly, evolved from a series of basic studies in the interrelated disciplines of biochemistr)' and microbial genetics. Key amongst these was the elucidanoo ofme molecular basis ofbacreriaJ renrietioo and modificadon systems I:ly Wemer Arber that SUb5equently provided enzymes for cutting ONA ar precise locations (target sites). These restriction endonudeases (restriction enzymes) were quick:1yexploited for the anal}'llis and manipulation ofDNA molecules from a variety of sou.:rces. From these relatively modest beginnings . techniques fur manipulating and analysing both types ofnudeic acid (ONA and RNAI have become remarkably powerful arul sensitive ... ided by the developmentofkey technologies such as DNA sequencing, oligonucleotide synthesis and che polyme rase chain reaction fPCR). A( the sametime. the provisionofchemica!s. reagents and equipment ro facilitate this technology has become a mulri-million doUar industry. The advent ofrecombinant DNA (echnologies led to (he realisation thatDNAeould be analysed to aresolution thiltwas unimaginable only a few years before and consequently rhe genomes of almost any organ· ism. prokaryore. archaea 01' euk.uyote. could be manipulated to di:rect the synthesis ofbiological producrs thar were nonnaliy onIy produced
~ ..
• • • • • • • Passenger DNA
Sc.htrnatic di3gnm
iUustratlng tIle buic concept of
genetlc enzinHr;"" using
I paullnlf!r DNA.
Digestie n el pa5S enger
l igatioo of YeCterlO pa!lSooger
I DNA wilh a restrldie n 1 endonucll.asa IhM , generale& overtulOgs
Uneliriaallon of vector DNA w;th the urne rllstric\¡on
&noon llcleue USQd 10 digest Ihe paue nger DNA
Recambina"! vecto r wilh clon&d pa5Setlger ONA
by othcrorganisrns. This technology, illusU"ated in Fig.4.4. has nor only facilita te
4.4 I The basic tools of genetic engineering lbe techniques for isolating. I.:utting and joining molecules of DNA, developed in the cady 19705. bave provided (he foundations of OUT current technology foT e ngineeling and analysing nucleic acids. Tbese. allow fragments ofONA from virtually any org;:¡nism to be a bacterium by inserting rhem into a vector (carl)'ing) molecule lhat is stably maintained in tbe bacteria] hos!.
4.4. 1 Isolation and purification of nudeic acids Biochemical techniq ues for preparing Iarge qua n tities of re lati\'ely pure nucleic acids from mkrobia] ce.lls are an essentiaJ prerequisite (or in vifmgene technology. The firsrstepin the ¡solarion of nucleic acids is!he mechanical Or e nzymatic disruptioD of the eeU ro release the intracellular components {bar indude the Ducleic acids. Once re1eased from the eell, the nudeic acids mustbe purified from o thercellular componen.r:s such as pl'oteins and polysaeeharides [O provide a substrate of appropriate purüy for nudeie aeid modifYing em:ymcs. '!be released nudeie adds are recovered using a combina non oftec.hniques induding centrifugation . electrophoresis. adsorption to inert insoluble substrare Ol" by precipitation with non-aqueous solvents.
4.4.2 Cutting DNA molecules Thc abiJity ca cut molecules oto NA. ei lher randomly or atspedfic target sites. is a requirement for Ulany reco mbinant DNA temnlques. DNA may be deaved using mechanical or enzymatic methods. Mechanical shearingresulr.s in thegene.rationofrandom DNAfl'agmenn which are onen lLsed for tbegeneration ofgenornic libraries (Section 4.5.5). When DNA molccules are mechanically sbeared ie is not possible to ¡solat,.. a specific fragment containing, for exalllpLe. a particular gene or operon. ll contrast, when che DNA is cutuslng restriction endonucleases whicb recognise and cleave sped.fic target base sequences in double-stlOmded (ds)DNA, specmcfragmems can be isolatcd. Restnction endonucleases cut the pbosphodiester bac:kbone ofboth strands ofthe DNA to generate 3'-OH and 5'-P0 4 [crrniDi. Several hUlldred restrictiOll endonudt.'ases have been isoLatcd frOID a wide vatiety of microbial spedes, and thf'ir numbf'rs continuc to grow. Different dasses of restriction codonucleases witb distinct biocbemical properties have beeo identifled. witb the type n enzyme:s being themain dass used for genetic engineering purposes. Resu'iction endonucJeases are named according to the species from which they were originaliy isolated; enzymes isolated from liaemopllilus f!lflucnzae are designated Hin, those fi:orn 1!aci1!us f!!!!)'IDlfq ue[adens, &1m etc. Whenmore tban one type of enzyme is isolated from a particular strain 01' species, tbe strain and isolation number(in roIDan nurncrals) are added to the name. Thus the three restrictioo endonudeases isolated from H. strain Rd are designated Hi1!dl, Hind ll and HindIII. The targetrecognition sequences (restriction.sites) oftype II restriction enzymes are usuallysbort. typically four lo six b
4..4,) Joining ONA f.-agments DNA molccuJes with either bLunt ends 01' with compatible (cohesive) ove.rlapping ends maybejoined logether il! \litro using specific 'joining e nzym es' called DNA ligases. These enz)'mes catalyse tbe fonnation of phO$phodiester bonds becwt'en 3'OH groups a.l the terminus of orre strand. Wilh the 5'PO" te.-minus of another mando The DNA ligase encoded by bacterioph age T4 is universaJly used for joining DNA
ft.ewlc;don endonucleue d.,3Vlgot 01 moll'CuleJ of DNA It ~C target Jro:J te genlffilU!)' or 5' overhangs (QW! or blunt
S'~ 3'
3,.gwMiS'- 3'1i"~"'''' ·'<''""''''s'
EcoRI cuts asymmetrically leaving 5' overhangs
Pst I cuts asymmetrlcally leavlng 3' overhangs
s'at'í• • •b 3',,~5'
s'NA'II3' 3'.lls'
Eco RV cuts symmetrlcally leaving blunt ends
Recognition site
BamHI EcoRl EcoRU Ha€1II
Badllus amy/oliquefadens H Escherichia coli RY I 3 Escherichia coli R245 Hoemophilus aegypfius Hoemophi/us in{luenzae Rd KJebsiella pneumomoe NOOJrdia o(Jtid;s-cUVlorum
Sou3A Smal
StaphylococOJS (JureU5 3A Serroua marr:escem
Providencia sruoroi
litUo:<; ~ wrillen in parcnlhelle..indinfe a.lrernative p¡'rmis~ibJ~ ba.\cs in !.he ~gnilinn sequt'.nce. St!<.lu~nc.~an Wriltl!n frnm S' In3' Qn Que !tr~ nd onJywilh!he poinlof c1NVOijie Indh:a(ed by 0111 arrow.
molecules with both blu nt-ended orcohesive ends. T4 DNA ligaseactivity requires ATP as a cofacoor to form an enzyme-AMP interm.ediary complex.. Ittben bimls to tbeexposed 3'OH and 5' P04 ends oftbeinteracting DNA molecules ro create the covale nt phospbodiesrer bond (Fig. 4.6).
Ligation reactioru usually involve joining a fragment ofpassenger DNA (that is [he piece ofnew DNA 00 be 'carned') to a vectormolecule
5' tnd
3' end
3' end
5' ene
3' end
)' end
l iga. . . AMP l igase
::;~~ T40NA ligase 3' end
5' and
J' end
(Fig. 4.4). To increase [he probabilityofthevector attaching [O passenger DNA rather than to itlielf or another vector molecule, tbe molar ratio (Le. number rarher than mass of DNA) of passenger to vector DNA is usually about 10.An alternative strategy is to use a phosphatase (e.g. calf intestinal pbosphatase or ClP) to remove phosphate groups from the S'PO. ends ofthe linearised vector DNA. Since this phosphategroup is essentia l for joining the two ends oftbe vector togethec. redrcularisation is imposiiible. However, when passenger DNA is presento it can provide the S'P0 4 ends for ligation to the 3'OH ends ofthe vector. Thls generates a drruIar molecule with single gaps in each ofies nucleotide strands that are separated by the length of the passcnger ONA. This structure is stable enough te be transformed into a doning host where repan sysU"ms will seal the gaps.
4,4.4 The polyrnerase chain reaction (PCR) and its uses Since its introduction in the mid 19805. the polyrnerasechain I"eac.tion (PCR) has had a major impact on recombinanr DNA technology. PCR facilitares th.e: amplificabon of virtual1y any rragmenf af ONA from aboutO.2 (040 kbp insize.&cause the amplificabon reacdon iscyclical and (he concentradon ofDNA doubles al each eyde, rhe fOral amount of DNA in the reaction increases exponential1y; [he theoretical yield from each originaJ templare molerule. is abour 1~ after 20 cycles. and abour 109 molecules alter 30 cyeles. PCR requires a thermostable DNA polymerase, template DNA, a pair of oligonueleotide primersand a complete setofdeaxynuc1eotide triphosphates (i.e. dATP. dcrP, dGTP and dTfP) substrates. Oligonudeotide primees for PCR are synrhesised chemically to be complementary to sequences whieh fiank the region to be amplified and are usually about 20 nucleotides in length. The primen are designed to bind (anneal) speci:fically to the opposite strands ofrhe template molecule. in sueh a way that their 3' ends faee tbe region f.O be amplified. It is the oC the primer annealing reaetion which ensures thar the PCR amplifies the appropriare region of the template
phosphodil!!"Ster badlbone d tile ONAmd a covaIent bond ~!he exposed ] 'OH VId S·PO.groUjK olll!!illm sideofthe
DNA. Akeyfeat1l.ré ofthe PCR is thatthe entire DNAampli1kation reaction is carried out in n single tube containing enzyme, template, primers alld ~ubstrates. Each cycle of amplificaDon therefure involves annealiug. exteruion and denaturation reactions, eat"h brougbt about atdifferent temperarures (Hg. 4.7). Since the di.ssociation reaction may occur at temperatUTeS as bigb as 95·C. and mere may be as many as 35 cydes in a single PCR. a bigb1y thcl'mostable DNA po]ymerase is a basic requirement for PCR. Taq polymerase. isoLate
4.4.5 Transformation and other gene transfer methods The ability to introduce foreignDNAinto a bacterial cell host l¡es at the very heart ofrecombinant ONA technology. Transformation , in which the exogenous DNA is taken up by the host cell , is the most widely applied gene transfer tedmique fur doning purposes. While some bacteda natutaJ transformation systems others, such as é. colí. require chernlcal pre-treatment to make tbem competen t for me uptake ofDNA. Although transformation is usuaUy efficient enough for most cloningpul'poses. there are sorne procedures. such as tbe generationof genomic librarles. for whic.h transformation is not efficient enough. ln [hese cases ili s posslble to cin.:umvent the transformation pl'ocedul'e by packaging Lbe recombinant DNA into virus particJes ín vitro {Section
The pol)'lTler.&se chaln tNetion. sl'Klwmgt;t,. cydiGI nawre of the annea~ng, i ynthesl$ and denaturadon react!on~ wh!ch a~ Cllrrled outalllDmaticaDy In a dedlcated thermoqding (PCR) machlne.
SI8p 3: DNA synthesls (Primer ext8nsion)
~: !"o;L>.~.." i
, . .",;, . i.¡¡¡¡¡ Cyeras repealed 20-35 times leading 10 exponential doubling 01 the terget sequenee
4.5.2). More. recenrly ithas been discovered tbat bacteria are ableta ralee up DNA when given a high voltage pulse. In this process, called electroporation. mixtures of ce11s and exogenous DNA are subjected to a brief (typicallyofmillisecond duration) electric pulse ofup to 2500 volts. The high field strength induces pores to [onn in the ceH membrane, pennitting the entry of the negative1y charged DNA that is itself mobilised by the electncal gradient. In many cases electroporation is more effic.ient than transfonllation and sorne types of bacteria may only be transformed by this procedure.
4.4.6 Selection and screening of recombinants Mter most doning procedures it is necessary to scteen the resulring clones to ¡solate tbose carrying the required gene er fragmentofDNA. At the simplest leve! this may be done by selecting bacterial transformants tbar contain a copy ofthe vector. This is achieved by incorporating an antibiotic-resistance marker gene into tbe vector so that onIy transformed bacteria which have received a copy of the vector are able to grow on medi a containing the a ppropriate antibiotic. More advanced systems have been developed to allow the discrimination of t[ansiormants containing a vector with ar without a cloned inserto These systems indude the use of gene disrllption methods which result in the loss of a particular trait uponinsertion offoreign DNA (Section 4.5.]). Cones containing a specific gene or fragment can be identified directly by selection techniques 01" indirectly by restriction e.ndonuclease rnapping, PCR or hybridisation techniques. If the target gene is expressed. irs presence may be se.lected by compleme.ntation of a defeet in the cloning host (e.g. restoration ofthe ability to utilise a particular substra.te or to growin the absence of ill1 otherwise esse.ntiaJ nutrient). ln the case of restricrion mapping, plasmid DNA extracted from él. number of representative dones is digested with specific restriction endonucleases. Only dones containing the required gene ar DNA fragmentwill generate the correet pa ttern ofbands after agarose gel electro· phoresis. Restriction mapping is onIy feasible if the target clones are likely to occur at a high freqllency amongst the poplIlation to be screened. Diagnostic PCR, using oligonuc1eotide pLimers speciñc to the targetDNA sequence. may also be used ro identifYclones containing tbe required gene or DNA fragmento Since PCR may be used directly on unprocessed samples of colorues, it is feasible to test many more clones. Ifthe target DNAis likely to accur at a low frequencyin a population of clones, as would be the case with a genomic library (Section 4.5), a large number of clones need to be screened. In tbis case the methoq of choice is hybridisation of the bacteria colony that grows from a single cel! (ar in the case ofphage vectors. the. viral plaque). Colany ar plaque hybridisation makes use of1abelled nuc1eic add probes (DNA or RNA) that are able to detect the presence ofspecific DNA sequences within individual colonies oL.plaques. Biomass from individual transformant colorues or plaques is transfereed to a membrane ontowhichdenatured DNA, released by breaking the cells apen, will bind. The membrane is then e.xposed to a lahelled peohe (Section 4.4...7) which binds specifically
to the immobilised target DNA, revealing me idenlity of (alonies or plaques containingthe appropriate doned DNA.
4,4,7 Nucleic aeid probes and hybridisation Nucleie acid probes are osed to detect specific target DNA molecules. The soluble probe binds (Le. hybridises) to the targetDNA thatis immobilised anta a nylon or nitrocellu1ose membrane. Hybridisation is used for a variety ofbiotechnological applications induding lhe detection of cloned DNA (Section 4 .4.6), analysis of gelletic org-.misation and the diagnosis ofgenetic diseases. Althougb nucleicacid hybl'idisarion techo niques are used in a wide variety ofcontexts, the same basic principIes apply. Nudeic add hybridisatioD exploits the ability of single-stranded probe nudeic acid (DNA or RNAI to anneal lO complementary single· sll'anded target sequences lDNA or RNA) within a population of non· complementary nudeic aod molerules. The original technique, reterred to as Soutbern blotting afrer its inventor, Ed Southern, involved the size separation ofl'eSO'iction endonuclease digested fragments of DNA by gel electrophoresis. and their transfer by blotting onto nitroceUulose membranes. 111e probe nudeic acidjs applied as an aqueous solution ando under appropriate hybridisa· tion conditions. binds ro immobilised target ONA. lbe loeation of bOlmd probe nucleic acid on the membrane is indieated by tbe presence of a readily and sensitively detecte
transcriptthat is complemenraryto the targetnucleic acid.As with the labelling ofONA. radiolabellcd nudeotides or nucleotide analogues are incorporated during the synthesis reaction.
4.4.8 DNA sequencing DNA sequencing is one ofthe mast important afthe techniques ¡¡vailable fortbe identification, analysis iI1ld dicected manipula nao ofDNA. Knowledge oftbe DNA sequences oftarger DNA molecules and doning vecmrs is fundamental to (be construction of advanced bactenal protein production sys tems. It aIso facilitates fue design of specific probes or primers and the productioll ofcompurergenerated tr.lllscription and restriction maps. The Maxam and Gilbcrt method for DNA sequcncing uses chemical reagents to bring abour the base-spccific deavage oC me DNA. Although still used for a limited number of applications, che mically based technique has generally been.replaced by tbe elegant cbajnterminator rnethod developed by Sanget and colleagues in 1977. The Sanger pro<.'e dure exploits the ability ofa variantofE. roli ONA polymerase J (the so-called Klenow fragment) to synthesise a complementary strand of DNA from a single-stranded UNA template, incorporating both the naturaL deoxynudeotides and 2',3'-dideoxynudeDtide analogues. Dideoxynudeotides lack a hydroxyl group at the 3' position and are therefore Dot able to act as a substrare for further chaio elongarion. Their incorpomtion therefOre terminares me syntbesis of the DNA stl'and in question. A specific oligonudeotide primer, used fO initiate me chain elongatioll process, determines the start point ror aU of m e newly synthesised DNA molecules. DNA polymernse synrnesises DNA from a single-stranded template in the presence orall rOlLT deoxynucleotide triphosphate substrates (dATP, dCfP. dGTP, dTI'P), one of wruch is radiolabelled ( reactions are carned out io fOUT rubes exceptingthateach rube also includes, at a lowerconcentration, one of rhe fOUT possible dideoxynucleotide ttiphosphate aoalogues (ddATP. ddCfP. ddG'IP, dd'ITP). When tbe appropriate relative concentratioilS ofnonnal and dideoxy nucleotides are used . newly synthesised DNA strands will be terminated 3t every possible base position and a ser of fragments of al1 possibJe le ngths will be generate
AA a\llOndlo~ of pare of l ONA nquentinggel ~rated by me Saoger cNm ttrmhmlon meehod. The I~ne$ l~ la"lIed acuordill¡ lO nud.otIdu al whlch mey l~ urmlnaeed. namely: A. aden!ne; C.
e T
Directlon of elec1rophoresis
e e
g~ 4.4.9 Site-directed mutagenesis Site-direcred muragenesis. the specific replacement ofnudeotides in a sequeoce afONA. is use
c)'ulllne; G. ¡uanlne; T. mymine. Tht sequen,e 5pedfied by die gel ¡, ~hown to the Ieft: of thc gel.
HAR-WOQO AND WIPAT is transformed iDtoE._~repair ofthe mismarches by the bost's mismatch repairsystemsis~byuseofa mutant(e.g. mutS) tha r is defective in this function. Aft:i5' ~ eac.h strand will forro a double-stranded molecu1e without mimla.lI:bes and mese will segl'egate into separate daughter cells. One molecuJewill oontain the mutations introduced by tbe oligonudeotides. whilst the other wm be ideDtieal to the original plasmid_Cells harbouring plasmids with the desired mUlation are selected byvirtue oftheir newly aequired 3mpidlIin resistance phenotype.
4.5 I Cloning vectors and libraries A c:loning vector is a molecule ofDNA into which passenger DNA can be cloned to allow it ro be replicated inside a bacteriaLhost cell. The vector and passenger ONA are covalently joined by ligation (Sel.-tion 4.4 .3). CJoning vectors have four basic characteristics: (i) they must be easily introduced into the hon bactenum by O'ansformation 01', after in vilro paekaging, by phage infection; (ii) chey must be able ro replicate in me host bacterium. prefel'd,bly so thar the number of copies oftbe vector \CQpy-number) exceeds that ofme host chromosome by between SO and 200; (jii) they shouId contain unique sites for the action of a varietyof .restriction endonucleases; and (iv) tbey should encode a means for selecting 01' screening host celis that contain a copy of the vector, Cloning vectors are derived from narurally oa:urring DNA moleculcs, such as plasmids and phages, which are capable ofrepLicating indepeIl"" dently of me host chromosome. A wide variety of cloning vectors llas been deveJoped for specific applicatloru and these are briefly descnbed below.
4.5.1 General purpose plasmid vectors General purpose plasmid vectors are designe
Polylinlter multiple --:::::::~¡¡;;_ ~/aC~/ Clonlng sita
pUC19 2686 bp
Multiple cloning site:
,~ ,
~qt\lunc.G.\GL'1'CCG'l'.I.('Ct" GO" G ·,~~~~ ~",,~ ... t =t>¡~(C
C-Sg, rP, aV~lArgPraA."<; luL""TM,S"",A '~Cv.AI . HlsLauS""P,aTh,lleM",-N
The generdl purpose plasmid doning vector pUCI9 i~ ~ member of the pUC ~erie~ of plasmid vectors. The pUC vectors haV'e been genernted h1 p;¡lrs that differ only with respect to thelr multlple donlng slte whlch are located In opposite orlentadon. allowlng the pusenger DNA to be located in aitherthe same dirllCtlon or opposed to me trnnscrfpdon ofthe /acZ'gene. The arrows on the 1ocZ', ampldllin reslstance (Ap) and repllcatio" protein (Ori) genes Indicate me dlrectlon of transc:ription. The sequence of ¡he multiple. doning site (capit:¡r,ls) and adjacent (Iower ClUe) sequences are
fJ-galactosidase. IfX-gal is induded in the selective agarplates, transformanteolonies are blue in the case oC a vector withno inserte
4.5.2 Bacteriophage and cosmid vectors Bactel'iophage lambda (A), which infects E. eoli. has provided the basis for the most mmmon1y used phage vectors. Lambda has been of greatest value for doning relativeJy large fragments (> 10 kbp) thar are nor easily doned by general-purpose plasmid vectoes. Lambda has a linear dsDNA genome of approximate1y 48.5 kbp in sizewith short 12-base pair singlestranded 5' projections at eam end to facilitate its circularisation in E. colí. The site generated bythe eirculansationreaction is known as the cos site (cohesive ends). In the deve10pment oflambda doning-vcetors, llonessential genes have been removed to provide space for the inserti.o n of DNA fragments ofup to 23 kbp in size. Additionally, because the phag!:' genome is only circularising upon infection afthe host. lambda vectors can be supplicd as separate 'left' alld 'right' arlllii. Each arm has an appropriare restriction endonudease site at one of its ends and the recombinant DNA is cloned between the anns (Fig. 4.10). The transformation oflambda molecules intoE. coli is relatively inefficient and this has led [O the development of in vitTo phage packaging systerns tor the efficicnt de1ivery ofrecombillant lambda genomes into their bacterial hosts. Cosmid vectol'S combine the advantages of cloning in a plasmid vector (e.g. ease of cloning and propagation) with the high effidency of delivery and cloning capacity of a phage vector. Cosmids are plasmids which have a copyofthe ros site llormally found 011 the lambda gellome.
together wlth restr1ction endonucle~se urget slte5 and transrated amlno acid,.
I Simplifled map of b.lct4!lriophage lambda silOwing the left Jnd righl al'TllS 3M mi noneuenual ct!JIlr.l1 region thlt 15 c mltled rrom Iambd3_band tlcn.,g ve<
Ta il
DNA synthesis genes Non·essential genes B.g.lntegration Regulatory l ysi s genes genes alld immunity
cohesive end
"'" '''''
Right cohesive Righ1 a"" e nd
Thc prese:nceoftbecos siteel1ables [hese plasmids (O be: used in conjune= tion witb a lambda iJl \/itro pack
4.5.3 Bacterial artificial chromosomes Bacteria! artiñcial chromosomes (pBACs whcre 'p' refers tO have becn developed for c1ol1ing vt':ry large (> SO kbp) sequences ofDNA. BACvectors are usu allybased on che F ofE. mil and are able to accept DNA inserrs as largeas 300 kbp. pBACs are maintained as single copy plasmids in E. eoli, excluding the reptication of more dlan one pBAC in tbesame hostcell. Ord~ pBAClibrariesofbactcrialgenomes maybeconstrtlcted in wruch theentiregenome sequence is represented by a series of dones with overlapping ¡nserl!.
4.5.4 Spedal purpose vectors In add itioll to the vectors described aboYe. a range ofspedal purpose vcctors have been developed and are described briefly below. E:c:press Loh vettOTS Expression vectors are designed to achieve high level , controlled expreso sion ofa targetgene with resultingproductionofa protein productat concentl'ations as high as 40% total cellularprotein. Expressioll vectors often incorporate a system that .adds an. affinity tag to the protein to facilitate ies purification by affinity chromatograpby. .Expression vectors are mostly plasmid-based and ofien use the tight1y controlled and highly efficientphage 1'7 RNA po1yrnerase gene expression sysrelll. The targetgene is doned downstream ofthe transcriptional (promoter) a nd rranslational (ribasome binding site) control signili derived from T7. The ve<:fOr is transformed into an E. rol! host with a chromosomany located gene encoding tbe17 RNApolymerase. Switching the polymerase gene on leads ro high·level synthesis ofthe target gent'_ Ifthe urget gene is not fused lo an affinity tag. the protein m ust be purified l1sing expensive me thodologies. However. a numberof affioity tag systems have been developed in recen[ years tbat provide for highly speciflc purification prorocols. A varicty oftags have been used, inel uding a rag of six histidjlle residucs (6 X His) that binds ro nickeL TIte
CIontld proteln Add ceU lyS8.1111C GIU101hlone Sepharo.!le
CIeave rusIcm p!CI~
wíth slte-<sped"'- Pfol6Me {11wtwnbin Ot Factor)(.al
Analyse by SOS·PAGE lo check purlty
'5il. lha of ¡Iucuhione S-tnamferue (GST)
Callad eluale
¡u dfinlo/tlIlI for rhe purificatlon of protein~ The targer protein is syntheslsed u an N·termilUl fwion w GST. The producer ceh are Iysed and me Clrget prntelnlGST fU$lonll"3pped on i Gkn.othione Sepharos. columr\ After elltem lve wuhlng, the target pro!t'lln 1$ r~ased fmm the column by addlng i proteiSe th~t cluve~ tite targe( prottln from m. GST molet)'.
ligand is attached lO an insoluble resin and the tOlgged fusian protein recovered by passing tbrough a cbrornatographic column containing (he resin·bollnd ligand (Fig. 4.11). The boulld fusion proreinis e1uted as a virtually pOfe protein and me affiniry tag removed by trcatrnent with a chemica l or by digestion with a prorease.
Propertlel or ~ se<:retiQn "..ctor. (a) Str v(nre of ..
typic.J.1 EcoII slp (Clr leader) peptide requlr.d tcl target a proteln acrou the cytopl3$nlK: membraNl.. (b) Organi$;ltio" of a se
slgl\alloquence. (e} Secreti(1Il vector ..... ith m. ONA leqUef'oCe of
lal Signal paptide sirueture (-25 rasldues);
N "eH."i!:h~= l!il"''''¡¡¡;·¡¡·'f''!IIIIIII!IIl!!III....IIIil.IIII!!1i11ii1iI!llIlll• •__ e N·d ornillO
Potilil/&Iy·t:hllrlled IImino 8ckls (erginine er Iysine). (2- '6 <",s¡dues)
Hydrophoblc amioo acid! forming lI·he/leal strul:"l.ure (>8 residuul
LeS!! hydrophobie. wilh . 19nal peptid ase re.::ogni,ion site ( ~ 8 rlsl tloosJ
lb) Socretion vector: lnéuc ibh'l promoter
che tilrgetproteio1 fu~ed ....fram. dowNlream el ,lgnal
---Ciimm;,';-i_ _llIIlHe.-
l equence.
."lst' nc8gl'lnll
Rtlpllcatiern o rigin
Secretion lIac1or wi\h insert: -Yi¡i IlIl1 WVUZUII
largal gene MC¡uence fus ed in·frame with thlt s ign ai sequence
Secretion Veclors Currently most systems for the production of TeCombinant protcins lead to the in tracdluLar acrumulation ofthe productoHoweyec, mm· cellular accumulation can ¡ead to lower production levels, protein aggregation, proteoJy5is and perm¡¡nent 105s or biologicaJ activity (Section 4.9.41. T.his can sometimes be oven:ome by 5ecrcting the target protein diIeclly into the cuJture medium since secrete
Single-str.mded phage and phagemid vectors It is sometimes necessary to generate single-stranded DNA, partirularly for DNA sequencing and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. Mcssingdeveloped a series ofvectors based on bacteriophage M13 ,
4.5.5 Genomic and gene libraries Agenomic übrary is a collecrion ofrecombinant dones containing, at a tbeoretical level, representatives of aU of the genes encoded by (he genome of a particular organismo ln practice, the best tbat can be achieved is a library wirh a high p robability (usually >95%) rhat a par· ticular gene will be represented. Libraries are produced by 'shotgun d orung' randomly generated DNA fragments into a suitable c10ning vector. These fragmenls may be generated by mechanical shearing or by enzymatic digestion. Librarie!l may also be genera ted using copy DNA which has been synthesised from the mRNA ofa partirular tissue or organism using the enzyme revel"Se transcriptase.
4.6 I Analysis 01 genomes/proteomes The genetic infOI:mation oC a bacterial cell is physical1y located on i[5 chromosome{s). The physical organisalion ofbacterial cbromosomes has recendy been shown [O be more variable (han was previousJy supposed. a nd both linear andcircularchl"omosomes have ~nrecognised as a remlt oCthe a.pplication of physical mapping techniques such as pulsed-field ge1 clectrophore.sis (PFGE).
111_1(l rlg ln
Tite phag~mld 15 a p1asmid ~ecr(>r u5ed for lhe generation of sl ngl,.. slrlInded DNA m ole~ules. C.ns contil(ning tlle ph~g¡¡mld:ml Infected wtth an fl 'helper· phag. tnat stim ulales the fl replkation orIgg, 10 gener;ue nO NA mal Í$ us.embled ¡nto phage partide'l and reluse r:l from me b;Jttl'!rium. Two venlons of p8!uewipt. me (-t-) or (- ) derivat.lves. ;¡JSow for rq¡lleadon of elmer the po$iti-..e o r nep~ nnnd;& required. T3 and T7 promolen either ~de ofth e pBlue~cript
doning sÍle allow me
tJn¡l~" !n.nded
DNA 10 be ll'ied as
a substr¡m~ from In v/tro RNA syn~sls
utlng tl1e cognate RNA pol)'l11erase and NTP rubstntes. An am plcillin resistil nce gene (A¡.) Is used to selecl for and 10 rrntintil;n me phag.mld In E.ccH.
ANDWIPAT .•' _82_LHARWOOD -_ _ __ __ __ __
_ _ _ __ _ __
4.6. 1 DNA fingerprintinglphysical mappinglpulsed-field gel
electrophoresis Priortowhole.genome sequencing, various physical mapping methods were developed to determine tbe physical structure of bat.1:eriaJ genom es and detennIDe relatedness between individual baClerial str".uns. The latter is usefu1 fur strain identificat"ion and epidem..iologieal studies. Physical maps ofthe cllromosome can be COllstrueted by useofPFGE, a method developed specifkally to resolve very large (30 to 2000 kbp) fragments ofDNA To avoid mechanical sllearing, the DNAis extracred dlrectly from bacterial r.:ells in agarose blocks and, whcn required, digested fn sltu with restriction endonuc1eases thar cleave rhe genome sequenees infrequently (e.g. 10 to 30 times) . Tbe agarose block i..s tben incorporated into a slab ofagarose and subjccted to 3n oscillating eleerrie field. Separation is based on the time taken for rhe individ ual molecu1es of ONA to re-oricmate in the modulatillg electric field; larger molecules taking looger than smaller molecules. The various fragmClUS are aligned using ti vadety ofstrategies that ¡nelude digesting the ONA with ty,.'o rarc-cuttingenzymes, hybridisation between fragments isolared from separare digests and transformatian af pudfied tragm en ts into mutams wilh specific lesioos. Genome fingerprinting methods have been developed for examino illg tbe relat.ionships between strains for epidern.iological studics (e.g. monitoring· outbreaks oí" disease) or heterogeneity in naturdl populatioos. Tbe bandingpatternsgcucrated by restnctio n endonudeases (e..g. rcstricrion Ji usi ng s pcd6c or random o Ligonudeotide primees (e.g. r.rndom omplified polymorphic DNA OT RAPD)cau citber be used diagnostically Oi fur rcvealing relationships benveeD strains.
4.6.2 Analysis of the proteome The tenn proteome has been
proteil1s are ~aled by reacting (probing) with an antiserum wokh ¡s theo detected using asecondary antibody or pro be. The currcnl system ofchoice for analysing che proteome invoIves a combination of two-dimensiona.l polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DPGE) and polypeptide micro-sequencillg or mass spectTometry techo niques. 2-0PCE fadlimtes the separation ofhundreds ofpolypeptides extracted fr0111 whole <ells. Polypeptides are initiaUy sepaTated in the firsrdimension on irnmobilised pHgradientgels on the basis ofthe-irpL These gels are tben separatcd in the second direcdon by SOS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in which tbe rateof migration is pdmaríly based on tbeir size. The rates ofmigration of polypeptides in the (wo dimensiollS are extrcmcly reproducible. Individual JXllypeptides caD be detecte
Analysis of ge ne expression
Promoten influence the frequenc:y of transcriptioD iniba.tion rathe.r than me rue oftranscription. and strongpromoters bave a high affinity for RNA polymerase binding. A comparison of a number of E. coH promoters has loo ro the recognJtion of a consensus promoter seqll~ce: S' -TATAAT-J ' .cenrred around 10nudeotides up.streamof(prior to) the transcriptiol1 ¡niriarlon site (- lO regian) aDd 5 '-TI'GACA-3', located about 35 nudeotides upstream (- 35 region). The strongcstpromoters are mese which show tite closest identities ro [his sequence. Additionally. the spaang between tbe - 10 and -35 regions is impor· tant the optima! being 17 nucleotides. The ability te analyse gene expression is an important prerequisite for optimising the biotechno· logieal potcntial ofbacreria and many highly sensitive and precise techo niques have been developed ror this purposc.
4.7. 1 Analysis o( messenger (m)RNA transcripts 1hree methods are used for the analysis of mRNA u-aflScripts: Nortbem
blotting. S1-nudease mapping and p.ri.mer extension analysis. The lauer two techniques have tbe potential to identif}r the transcription ¡nidaDon sitcs. Northern blotting involves lhe separation ofrnRNA species by cleclrOpboresis ttlrough agarose Ol" polyacrylamide. Formam.ide. urea or other dcnatur.mts are indudOO (O avoid the sjngle-stranded molecuIes fonning secoDdary strucrures (e.g. duplexes. loops) that might affect Lheirmobility. The separated mRNA species are transferred to activated
l'1ipf>lng 01 tl"al'lstrlptlon Inltlarlnn poinl$ u51ng
mRNA Í!5 hybrid~d lO
a dflMWred ONA rr'alrnent th;¡.t has been bbelled at iu 5'...end. The ONA fra¡rrterlt is cho~en 50 mat la S' ·.,.d b Intel'nal to the t:lrxet mRNA. whUfI th,l' -eod extenm beyond da putativa mRNA St3rt
Gene 2
Gene 1
Hybridlse extracted mRNA
transcripts 10 a deneluroo, 5'-laba lled, ONA Irll9mont
;;... _e:
polnf. Thll RNAJDNA hybrid moleal~
hu sift&le-stnnded
UQnsiOlU Úlatal"O!. d~raded by
1M sln¡le-smond-:;pecific anivity of
S I nuc!e¡¡s-e. TheJ'-endofthe DNA l~lIlnt is ootennlned by r unning II o n .. denaturing gel ¡pinst a DNA sequencll8 of me ongml fngmem geoer.J.ted by me Mu;¡¡m;aml Gilbert chernial d~'Bge
,, , ,,, ,,
,,, ,,,
,. product on a denaturing
T polyaerylamlde gel
nylon membranes by blotting and theu covalentlycross-linked. Specific mRNA species are detected by hybridisation (Section 4.4.7), using labelled oligonucleotide. DNA or RNA pro bes. The use ofmarkers wilh different mo!eLwar sizes allows the sizes af specific transcripts to be estimated whkh provides ciLles as ro the organisation ofthe transcripriona! unit from which rhe transcriprwas syntbesisro. Sl-nudease and primer extension analyses facilitate the identificarion ofthe 5' -prime eods ofmRNA transcripts or the processed products of primary transcripts, In rhe case of Sl-mapping (Fig. 4.14), mRNA is hybridised [O a speciflc spedes of ssDNA that overlaps tbe start afthe targct !r.lnscl"Ípt. Tbe resu!ting RNAfDNA hybrid malecule has an overll'lpofDNAat theJ'-end thatisdigested bythe singl~strand specific Sl-nuc1ease. The size ofilie processed ssDNA molecule, which is labelled al ¡u unmodified 5'-end, is determined by denaturing polyacrylamide gel elecrropboresis using a ONA sequence ladder as molecular size markcr. ID the case of primer extension analysis (Fig. 4.15). a 5' -end la belled oligonudeotide, hybridising about 60-100 nucleatides downstream ol' the predicted tr.:mscription initiation rite. is used to prime the synth esis of a ONA copy of the mRNA tr.mscript, using the enzyme reve rse tl"atlscriprase. Syntbesis ofthe complementary DNA strand terminales at me 5'-end of the transcriPl, ro genera te a prodUL1: of defined length. Again can be sized using a ONA sequence ladder. geneI
Gene 1
Gene 2 Riiid
, t
1/ __ J
Reverse transcrlptase S'-Iebelled primer
Primer extensiOll an.alysls ola specifK: mRNA transcrlpt. An oIigonucleotide prilTlflr, radlobbelled I t iu 5 ' -ell d, ~
ilnnt!aled to extracted mRNA
about 60-100 nudeoddes down stntam ofthe putative trallKript sun polnt. Revene ~Klipase (1111 RNA-dependent ONA poIym~) alld d~oxyribonlldeotide uipho:sphaU!
(dNTP) subnn~es are added, anrl copy (cl ONA 5Ynthesis Í'litiated.
cONA synthesls termblates at the 5 ' IInd olthe rnRNA transcripr aOO tI-H! ,tu of tlle run-off cO NA prodUCt Is determined o n a sequenclng gel (Ianes I ar.d 2 o n
GA fe
e G T A
_ _
Denaturing polyacrylamide
me &el) uslog 11 DNA sequence iadder cenerl ted with the same primer as I molerulu me nurker.
Tllls IUOWStÍle pretise nucJeotide II whk:h
me trans<:Tllt wu
Inltiate-d 10 be iden'tified. Prlmet-
extenslon anal)'$1s Í$ semI-
q ullltltative. lnd the ~trength of ¡ignal lrom each pri!Ml" extefl$ion reaWOIl ~ecu the amount o fthespedfoc; mRNA. The reutlons can also bol UHd to c;ompare lhe Stre1'1¡th of adjlcent
4.7.2 Gene fusion rechnology One of the most powerful and widely used techniques for analysing gene express ion is reporter gene technology. Reportee genes are generally used when tbe gene oroperon under investigation does nor encode an easily assayed prodUCL Fusion to 11 reportergene lhereforeallows the fuctors controlling gene expression to be identified. In recenr years, gene fusion technology h as been developed to facilitate tbe study of target gene expression a r the singte-cclllevel, aUowing visualisation of popu lation heterogenei ty, sites ofsynthesis and che location ofspecific protein s within the cell. Theuseofrepocrergene recbnology iovotvcs three main variables:(i) tbe type offusion comtructed (j.e. transcriptionat oc translational); (ii) the type ofreporter gene used; and (iii) the methods of detection (e.g. enzymc. immuno- or cytor.:hemical assay). Types ofgene fusion Reportee genes caD- be fused as either transcriptional oc tr.mslational fu sions (Fig. 4.16). In the case of a tr-anscriptiooal fu sion. tbe reportee gene is clone
Consuuction á reporter gene fuslons. Ina cranscriptional fw.ion me reponer gene Is transcribed from tf¡e tólrget gerMI prometer, buc is lated from fu own ribosome bindrng sin:. In ~ translatlonal fu~. the reporcer ~ne lada iu own rlbosome bindlng sJte and Is fUSl::d In fi-ame Wfth the targetgene ~ne 1). Tht: product or chis fuslon event 15;¡ UU!Cued protein I fU$ed tO a complete ropy ofthe fu:;ion gene proceln. TTE, Innscrlpcion termlnatkm elemeru.
Target operon: Promoter ONA mRNA
Gene 2
Gene 1
b i
9#+ rbs2
Protoin 2
Protein 1 Transcriptional fusion: Reporter gene
I ••u !
Truncated protein 1
Reportar protein
Protein 2
T¡anslotionol fuslon:
Protaln 1/reporter prom!n fusion
Pro tein 2
In the case of a trans..lational fusion (Fig. 4.16). the reportff gene is fused in Che same. codoo .reading frame as me large[ gene so tbat when me [argel gene is transcribed and translatcd, tbe pcoduct is a hybrid protein consin ing. fo.r example. of a portion of the target protein at me N·tenninus and tbe emire reporter at tbe C-tennmus. The length of the target protein depends on the type. of analysis. lf roe purpose is simply (O understand mechanisms controlling synthesis. me portion of target may be as little as 10 amino acid residues. However, if the purpose is to identi1Y the ce1lular location of the target protein. virtually all oft:he target proteln may be requiTed lo be fused to the Teporter pt"Olein. Reporter genes A variety of reporter genes have been developed tOí particular applicalions and most can be adapted for use in a wide. range of bacterial
spedes. These inelude ch.romoge.nk reporters (e.g.E. coli lacZ. encoding ~alactosidilse) that are detecte
(e.g. JuxAB. encodlng luciferase which catalyses a light-emitting reaetion 01' gfp, encoding a grcen fluorescent protein) that are detecte<1 by spectrometry, luminometry 01' videolphoto-microscopy. Hybridlsation array technology The genes being transcribed by a bacteritun at any particular time are referre
I Engineering genes and optimising product5
Many cornmercially important biotechnoJogical processes have beeu developed usmg micro-orgarusms found in the environment. These include. traditional p_roce5ses 5Uth as the producLion of milk products (e.g. yoghurt production by Lacrococcuscasei). the synthesisoforganic solvents (e.g. acetone production byOIlS!ridium Qcetobllfylirum), and [he production of enzymes for domestic and industrial C3.t
4.8.1 Protein and pathway engineering A well studied example of enzyme o ptimisaLion is that ofsubtilisin. an albline protease ¡solatOO from Rsubnlis and c10serelatives fe.g . Rlichenifonnis, B. stearotherlflopl.i1l1s) and used asa stain remover in the detergent industry, Subtili5in i5 used ln95% ofwashing detergent fonnulatiolls a.nd allows prorein stains to be re moved mote effective1y and a tlower temperatures dlan are usually needed for laundry processing. The ideal requirements far such an cnzymc are stability up to 70 ~ C and wi thin the pH range 8- 11. resistance te non-ioruc detergenrs and oxidising reagents such as hydrogcll peroxide. and the absence o( metal ion require ments. Based on an exte.ns ive knowledge of its catalytic activity a nd Lhree-di01ensional structure, subtilisin was engineereerby
site-directcd mu tagenesis (Section 4.4.9) to produce variant enzymeS with combmations ofthese improved charactenstics. An alternative approach bas beco used to improve tbe enzymatic characteristics ofBaciUu5 a-amylases. In this case natural recombina tion was used to generate fun ctionaI hybrid amylases from genes encodlng c10sely related enzymes from B. arnylolfquejacic!lts, B. licheniformis and B. stearothermophilus. Tbe genes ror tbese enzymeswece doned in pair-wise combinations and then aUowed toundergoroundsofreciproca.l recom· bination. TIlis a population of cells witb a. large numbcr of hybrid a-amyJases, which were then screened for ceUs produdng amyJases witb improved catalytic oc structucal characteristics. More recently, k.nowledge: ofthe tJu-ee.dimenslonal structure of tbese amylases. togetherwith information on (he relationship between structure and fundional cha.racteristics such as thermostabiliry, has enabJed more directed approoches to be used. These have induded [he use oC PCR gene splidng techniques ror the construction of spcci.tic hybrid a-amyJases. Comparative DNA and proteinsequence studies have demonstra ted the importance of recombination of blocks of sequence rather than point mutation alone in m e evolueon of protein structure. These studies have loo to the development ofmolecular techniques such as DNA shuffiing or sexual PCR 10 facilitate the rapid evolution of proteins_ The principIe involves mixing randomly fragmented DNA encoding dosely reJated genes and then using PCR (Section 4.4.4) to reassembJe tbem into fulllength fragments, witb the individual fragments acting as primen. The PCR produces are used to generate a tibrary (Section 4.5) of chimaeric. genes foc lhe se.lection of proteins with modified or improved characterisr-ics.Ihis system hasbeen used to generate a variant of an E (oli ,B-galactosidase with a 6()"fold increase in specitic activity for sugar that is normally a poor substrate fo. this enzyme and a variant of the green fluorescent protein (Section 4.7.2) with a 45-foId increase in f1uore scent signa!. Bacteria produce a number of compounds mat, if syntherised at suitabl e concentrations, represent commercially viable products. Traditional1y. bacteria tbat make a significant amount ofa potentially commercial product can bedirected to synthesise larger amounts. This may be acrueved by randomly mutageuising a population of the target organismo and screening fo. mut:mts producing higbe.r concentrations ol the product, or by doning the synthetíc genes together and placing them under the l'Ontrol of efficient transcription and transIation signals. While there are examples chat testifY to the success of such approaches (e.g. antibiotic production. syuthesis of amino acids), recentJy more ratioual approaches have becn made by engineering merabolic pathways_ either to increase. productivicy or to direct syntbesis towards specjfic products.
4.9 I Production of heterologous products Traditionally, genetic techniques have been applied by indllstry to increase the.production ofnaturaJ products such as enzy:mes, antibiotics and vitamins. Dnly a limited numberofprotein prodllcts wereproduced commercia1ly. and these were produced using existing technologies frorn their natural hosts (e.g. proteases frorn Badnus species j. Specific genes can now be ¡sola red from.virtua Uy any biological material and c10ned lnto a bacteri um or other host system. However, cloning a gene does not, pe.r. se, eru;ure its expression, nor does expression ensure the biological activity ofits producto Many factors need to be considered to ensure commercially viable leve1s of prodllction and biological activity. FoI example, the choice ofhosr/vector systems determines both the strategy used fur thedoning and expression, and these in tUIn can affect the quantity and fidelity ofthe product.ln sorne cases itis nor possible lo use a bacterial system to produce a biologicallyactive product or one that is acceptable for phannaceuticaJ purposes.lnstead hostfvector systerru based on higher organisms. fuI example mammalian or insect cell culture systems. may be used.
4.9.1 Host systems and their relative advantages Prior tú tbe 1970s, the only methods fur obtaining proteiru or polypeptides for analysis or fm: therapeutic purposes were to ¡solate them frOID natural sources or, in a limited number of cases (e.g. bioactive peptides). to synthesise the-m chemically. Recombinant DNA technology opened up the possibility rodone the gene responsible fur a particular product and to produce it in unlimited amounts in a bacterium sllch as E. eolio Initially, the only eukaryotic genes that couId be doned were those encoding products that were already available in re1atively large amounts and that hao very sensitive assays (e.g. insulin, human growth honnone. inteñeron). This was because it was necessary to have extensive information about theiI amino acid seqllence. and proteinsequenc· ing techniques available al that time required relatively large amounts oftbe purified protein. Current teehnical improvements permitalmost any characterised protein to be doned, either directlyvia copy DNA syn' tbesis from mRNA extracted from biological material, or indirectly by gene synthesis. Although recombinant rechnology was developed in bacteria! systems. it has been increasingly expanded into a range of eukaryotic organisms, using a wide variety ofinteresting and novel technologies (see Chapter S). However, from an ~onomic point ofview. bacteria are still the organisms of choice because ofthe case with which theycan be genetically manipulated, their rapid growth rate and relatively simple nutritional requirements. Proteins derived from recombinant technology are expected to mee! the same exacting standards as conventionally produced drugs; particularly with respect ro product potency, purity and identity. Sensitive analytical techniques are used ID cbaIacterise the products,
with particular attentiOll being paid to undesirable biologiC'al activities such as adverse immunogenic and allergenic react.ions. It is therefore me exacting requirements of regulatory authorities, sucb as tbe US Food and Drug Administr.ition (FDA), for increasingly .mthenti c phormacological produc.:ts that has led producers to switch from ba<:terial to eukaryotic systems ror the production of certain products. These requirements haY(' been driven by the increasing sensitivity ofanalyti· cal teclmiques suro as high perfonnance liquid chromatogr
4.9.2 Transcription The c10ning ofa DNA fragment encoding a protein ofinlerest is not in itself sufficient to ensure its expression. lnstead, lbe cJouing strategy has to include me inclusion oí seqllences designed 10 express the ONA atan appropriate timeand level in the host bacterium. Transcription is facilitated by cloning thl! targct gene. downsn'e
4.9.3 Transl.tion The effldent translation ofmRNA n.mscripts requires the incorporaoon of an efficient ribosome binding sire (RBS), located about 5 bp upstream of (prior to) the translational start codon. The structure of Che RBS tend5 to vary frorn bacterium to bacterium acccrding to the sequ ences at che 3'OE{ end cfthe 16S ribosomal (r)RNA that interact wito the mRNA The genetic code is degenerate. that is many amino acids are specified by more than one codon (triplet ef nucleotide bases). Codeus t hat sped1y the same amino acid are said to be synenyroous but are not nocessarily used with similar ftequencies. ln facr. mon bacterial spedes exhibit preferences in their use ef codons, partic ularly for highJy expressed genes. Variations in CodOD usage are, in partoa refJection of the %GC oontent of the organism's DNA. with favoured codous correspondiog to che organism's most abundant transfer (t)RNA spec.ies. Since most codous a re recognised. by specific aminoacyl tRNA molerules. the use of non-favoured codons results in a reduction in me rate of translaoon and an increase in the mis-incorporation of amino acids above that of me normal error rate oí aboue 1 in 3000 amino acids. Codon bias can be determined by calculating the Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU) ofincj.ividual codens: RSCU "" ohserved number orrimes a particular codon is used expccted number ifall codons are used with equa J freqllency therefore: ifRSCU equals 1. fue codon is used without bias ifRSCU is Jess [han 1, the CodOD is 'non-favoured ' ifRSCU is lno/l: chan 1 thecodon is ' favoured '. Gene syn tbesis technology alIows genes to be conrtructed so as te optimise the codon usage ofilie host producer strain. The signiflcance of codon usage was dernQnstrated in srudies on the production of interleukin-2 (lL-2) by E. coH. When (he native IL·2 gene (399 hp) was analysed for 115 coden u sage only 43%ofthe codons were .favoured' byE. mil. When an altern.ative copy ofme [L·2 gene was generated by gene synthesis , it was possible to adjust the codon usage such that 85% ofthecodons coro responded to those faVOllred by E. col!. When the twOvel'5iOllS were d oned and ex:pressed in E. coli on identical vectOTS. despite tbeir producing identical amounts ofmRNA, e.ight times more biologicaUy active 11-2 was produced.from tbe syn thetic gene as wi th thenative gene.
4.9.4 Formation of indusion bodies Many .recombinam proteins. particuJarly when produced al high conccn(rations, are unable te fold properly witrun lhe producingcell and instead associate with each other te fel'm large protein aggregates referred to as indusion bodies. lnc1usion bodies are particu1arJy oomm on in bacteria expressing mamrnalian proteins. The proteins in inclusion bodies can vary frOID a native-like state mat are easilydissociatoo. to completeJy misfolded molecules t bat are dissociated onIyunder
highly denaturing conditions. 111e size, stat.e and aggregation deDsity of indus ions are affected by the characteristics of the recombirunt protein itself and factors lhat affect ccll physiology (e.g. growth rateo temperature. culture medium etc.). In sorne cases aggregation can be prevente
4. 10
I In si/ico analysis of bacterial genomes
The availability of e.mire genome sequences fuI' a significant num ber of micro-organisms apeos up new approaches Cal the anaJysis oCbacreria. and the rapidly expanding field ofbioinformatics has the potential to reveal relevant and novel insights on bacterial evolution and gene tunetion, lt has the potential te provide a nswers ro long-standing questions celari ng toevolutionary mecbanisms and (O the relatiollships bel:Ween gene order a nd function . One of the mast significant advances in metbods for studying and analysingmicro-org;rnisms has come about through the availability of powcrful personal computers which, togetherwith the developmentof the inrernet, provides researchers with access to powerful bioinformatkal mols, Bioinformatics, often retened to as jn silfco analysis, nicely complements In Vivo and in vitro methodologi es. An ultimare goal ís to model rhe bebaviour ofwhole organisms, including asptttsof theirevo-lutíon. Although nor currently a subsotute for in vivo and in \litro experimenration, bioinformatics has already demonstrated jts potential [O direct rhe focu s of more tradicional approaches. Severa l rypes ofcomputerprogram are avaUable for analysing bacterial genome sequences. These ¡nelude prognms thata ttempt to identify protein-encoding genes. sequence signals slIch as ribosomc binding sites, promoters and protein. binding sites, a nd rclatioruhips ro previously sequeneed DNA oC whatever somec. Programs thar attempt ro identifY protein-e.ncoding genes translate t he consensus DNA sequence in a1l sixreadingframes and then anaJyse tbe resultingdata forthe presE'nce oflongstretches ofamina acid-e.ncodingcodons, uninterrupted by tcnnination codons. These so-called open t'eading fuunes (ORF) are usuaUy at least 60 aminoacids long, burmay be several thousand amina adds in lengtb. The more advanced prOgr.'lms for predicting protein roding genes are ab!e te search for the presence oC ribosome binding
sites locared immediately upstl'e3m ofa purative srarr codon and even to idenrify potential DNA sequencing errors that generare frame-shift mutations. Once purative prateins have been identified. orher bioinformarical t001s can be used to derermine their relationships to previousJy identified proteins OT putative proteins. A prerequisire for this type of analysis is rhe availability of data libraries which act as repositories of l."11tJ'eDtly available DNA and prorein sequem;es. The databases can be routinely accessed via the internet. using programs such as FASTA and BLASf that provide a list of DNA sequence.s and proteins. sbowing bomology to alt oc part oftlte query sequence. The rnternetis a1so a souree of molecular biological tools tltat facilitate a wide r.mge of analyses including the identificatioll of putative transmembrane domains. secondarystructures and the signa! peptides of secretory pl'Oteins.
4.1 1
Further reading
Davies.J. E. and ~ain. A. L (1999). Manual o/Industrial Mirrobi%gy amI
Hlotichnology. 2nd Editíon. American Society foe Microbiology, Washington OC. Glazer. A N. and Nikaldo. H. {1995). MiCTObill! Hiotechnology: r'llndamentuls oJ Jl.l'p!itd Mlcrobl%gy. W. H. Freeman and Company. NcwYQrk. Lewin. B. (2000). Gt'It~ VJ1. Oxford University Press. Ox:ford. Old. R. W. and Prlmrose. S.a. (1994 ). Pr1nc1pl~ ofGcnt Manipuladon: AA lruroductian toGcnetic E"gincmng. 5th I:dition. 8lackwcl1 Scientific
Publicatiolls. Oxford .
Snyder. L. and Champoess. w'(1997). Mo!rcularCeuma oJj'Bacwria. American Society fur Microbiology. Washi ngton Oc.
Chapter 5
Genetic engineering: yeasts and filamentous fungi David B. Archer, Donald A. MacKenzie and David J. Jeenes Glossary IntroductiOll
Introduong ONAimu fungi (fungal transform:uiun) Gcnedoni ng Gene SI1'UCIUrt", organisatioll alld e.xpres.s ion Spccial llle[hOdolugies Biotechnologit:al apptications offungi rurther rt"ading
Auxotrophic lllufauon A mutation in a gene t.hat confkr.; the requiremcnt fur a g rowth factor lO bt! ru pplied ratber than syntheslsed by the organism./\ gene that complemears this auxotr0IJltic mutation is o ne that can ¡'etu ro lbe o rg
lactarl· cONA Single-stralldcd DNA with oomplemf' sequence to mes.senger RNA (mRNA). synthesiscd ift vHm. DoubJe-strandcd cDNA can then be madc. dJNA libraries containdouble'sm nded cONA molecul!!!;, e¡¡eh ofwhich forms partofa. vector. The cOllection of cDNA molet:ules. eac.h in a separate ~ctor. fuTl11S rhe cDNA Iibrary. Cbaperone A protein wruch aJlSlsb th e folding ofanothcr protein. ChromarLn A highly organised Lum plex of proteio and DNA Otromosome A discrele unit ofDNA (containing many gt!DeS) and Differe ntspecies ha"e diffcreDt nu mbers ofchmillosom cs (See Table 5.1). Complem~lalJon Theabilityofa gene w<:on\lel' a mUGlDI ph.enotype [O wild-type. Cosmid Pl:JSmlcJ containing sequences (phage lambda (OS sites) which permit packaging (}f the plasmid into tb e pruteinaceous phagC' coat. Cross-o\-er SC''' homologous recolllbination. Dimorpllism Ability to exlst as rwo structuro.llly distinctforms. Endoplasruic rctiru1um (ER) Inn·aceUuln.r memhrane stnlcum' in eukaryotes forming (he carJy par! oftlIe protcin secretory p
Expression A Il"rm used 10 descdbe the process ofproteln syntbesis from a
&='. Expression cassette AnarnngememorDNA which pennlls m e transcription ora gt!n<." for protein production. Le. ind udd 3 prom otu. tbeopco reading frame and a tr.msaiptionaJ termloalor. Gene A reg:i01l ofDNA wllicb is [ranscribeOratlon ofthe entire plasmid ¡uto a chro lllosome. A d oubJe cross-over employs a linea.riscc\ ONA lDolecule and leads ro t h e replacement ofa chromos,omal gen e by a gClle wim sequecce similarity to the chromosomal gene atthe cross-over regioos. Intron A segment ofRNA which is eJidsed before the mRNA is translate
Open readlngframe(ORF) St:retc::h orrodoos uninterrupted by stop cooon3. Origlo (tln) The site oflniliation ofDNArcplica.lion. Phmo~ Pro~ rties le.g. biochemicalor phy¡;ioLogical) ofan organism wh.ich are de termincd by the genotype. Plasm.1d DNA rno!cculc mar replicates independentlyofthe chrornosomes. Plotdy The n\.lmbc.r ofcolDple te sen ofchrarnosom es in a cell. e.g. haploid (1). diploid (2), polyploid (> 2). Polymerase chaiu reaction{pcR) A procedore for =pont!lltlal ampllficadon of DN .... fragmenn (see Fig. 4.7). P.romoler TIle region ofDNA upstream (Le. S') ofa gene which rontains signa!s fOf initiating and regulating tr.Illsoiptiou afthe gene. Protoplasts CeUs frOID which the cell wall has becn removed by the action of carbohydl'llse enzymes. These ceUs are bounded by me plasma membrane and are osmoticaJly fragile. Recombination The exchan¡;e ofDN.... beN."eeD two DNAmolecules a r the incorpol'lldon of one DNA molecuJe inm anotber. e.g. be~1l [he ch romosome and introduced DNA. Rl!sllictlon enzyme Enzyme which deaves ar or oear a specific, sbort ONA seguence (restrictiol1 site/_ Shuttle ftCtOr A vector tbatcan replicate iodependently in mo re than one type of organism. e.g. can 'shutlle' betweeo a bac[eflum and a ~ast.
Sonthern blotting DNA fragments ilre separated according ro size bye1ectrophoresis. tr.msrerred to a membrane and probed with a labelle
Transform ..tion (genetlc) The uprakl"! and stable inrorporatioo ofexogenous DNA..illto 3 cell. Vector A DNA molecule (usually .. plasmid) used for transferring DNA Intll 30 org:mism. WOd-rype Strain of 3n organism notdeUberately mut:alf'd or modified by genetic milnipulation. The tenn can also ~ uscd to describe the phenot:ype ohuch a strain.
5. 1 I Introduction Fungi are eukaryotes cJassified as eirher yeasts orfilamentous fungi pri· marily by lheir predominant form oC growth in culture. Those spedes which are normally unicellular are theyeasts 3nd thus su perficia lly distillguished from their filiLmeotous rclativ~. This distinctioQ, is Dar always adhered to by the organisms themselves as several are able to grow in both forms and are called dirnorphic{Fig_ 5.1). More discriminatory genotypíc methods are nowenabling a more soundly based classifi.. cation of the fungi but rhe substantial similarities between yeasts and filamentDus fungí enable us to treat them [ogether in one chapter. Despíte the arities. their differences.have given rise toa wide diver.. sity oCbiotechnological appti cations which is increasing as the number ofdifferent spccies examined rises and as theirexploitation is extended by genetic engineering. In dlapter. we focus 00 rhe molecular biology involved in genetic engineering offungi and describe appllcations ofthe fungi as hosts for the production of proteins e.ncoded by introduced foreign genes. Many oftheexperimentaJ approaches adopted in [bis workhave been described in the preceding chapter (Chapter 4) with prokaryores and are essentially the same-with fungi. Their desc.riptions are Dot repeated here except where differences between bacteria 3nd fungi requireaiterations to me prorocols. Differences arise primarily be:cause fungi are larg~ in both size and~nome rhan bact~ta and the organts· ing principies for many of tbeir cellular functions are typical oC complex bigber organisms rather than simple bacterial cells. ThU5. fungi have defined membrane-OOund nudei containing severa! chromosomes and other membrane-bound organel1es including a membranous intra-ceUular system called rhe endoplasmic reticulum
Plw.1I (OIltr.ut micnJgraph 01 (a) lhe yt::as t
SacchQromyces c~ (b) t he yeut (aboYe r i3ht) and hyphal (balow right) lorou of Yarmwoo ¡;poiytlca, (,) brighl field mlcrogrijlh ol lhe fibme:noou. fungul Asperginus nIget grown on a cllllophane, (d) differelltlal imenerence contras! micro¡raph of prntoplnt formatian from AsPetE¡:fuslliduJans.
Notll!he brantNng ofhyph)fl. Bar markers '" IO¡un. Cs,
(nexual): H. hyph;t:
P. protoplut. Micrographs a tD c
are courtesy ci Linda andJame!. Barnl!tt.
(ERJ ioto which protcins are transported tor targetingeither to theccll exterior or to other sub-cellular organel.lcs. Fungal ceU w,¡¡jls do not contain peptidoglycan which is found only in bacteria. Rather, their waUs are compose
Organism Soccharomyces cerevisiae Schaosoccharomyces pombe Condida orbiccms
Numberof Genome chromosomes size (MW web sit~ 16
12. 1
Neurosporo crossa
Aspergillus nidulans
http://genome-www.stanford.edulsaccharomyces,umn.edulCandida.html candida/lndex.html http://gene.genetJcs.ugaedu
• Ilapl <>id &Cll r¡m~ oompkm"nl ",
in fungi is muffilarger tban thatin prokaryotes (c.f. 4.7 Mb - tbat is 4,' million nucleotide bases in length - for EschericMa coli). This is due to fungi having more genes and more DNA which does not code for pro· teins, eitherwithin genes (as introns) or as 'spacer' DNA between genes. Bacteria economise on non
Introducing DNA into fungí (fungal transformation)
5.2.1 Background The lirst fungal transformation experiments in the enrIy 1970s were perlormed by traruferring chromosomal ONA fragmen ts frem wild· type strains in to mutan lhosts whieh had a specifie growth requiremenc for an amino acid or nudeotlde base (examples of auxotropbic mutants), Successful transformad on relied on converting che fu ngaJ cells into protoplasu (Fig. S.ld) bydigesting away m e cell wall(a major barrier to ONA uptake) with carbobydrase enzyme mi.xtu.res before introducing lhe transforming DNA. Transfonnants (Quid then be selected by th.eir ability to growwithoul supplcmentation for (he auxotrophie requirement due to the activity of the wild-type gene, a process Itnown as genetic complementation. The fate ofthe transformin g DNA in thecell could noc be studied in grear detail until the ¡¡d~n [ ofmore sophisticated molecular techniques in the late 19705 and early 19805 when it was subsequently shown that the DNA in these early experj· ments had imegrated by genetic recomblllation into tbe fungaJ chromosomes. SubsequentJy, transformarlon me.thods were developed for theyeast Sacchal"omycescerevislae usingsbuttle vecton wh.ich could be propagated as intact pJasmids, without chrom050mal integration, in botb E. coH and yeast, Manipulation ofthese plasmids and 'bulking up' the amount of ve<:tor DNA were more effectively performed in E. coli prior ro their introdllction into yeast. Similar ve.ctO[$ have been designed fu r the uansfo[mation offilamentous fungi but in most cases the introduced DNA integrates jnto tbe fungal chromosomes rathcr than replieating as ti plasmid. Transformarion was accomplished flrs[ in genetically well· characterised organisms such as S. cerevfslae, Ncurospora crassa and AspngirlllS nldulans because [hese fungi. had been studied extensi~ly in che laboratory and a numbetofsuitable auxotrophic mutants and their correspondingwild·type genes were avaiJable. Methorls are now continually being modified or arlapted far more biotechnologicalIy importanr fungi in which genetie systems may be less we1\ defined. [n cases wherc auxotrophic complementation of industrial strains is 1l0t fcas ible. othe.r sclection markers such as resistance to an autibiotic can be used in me t:rausformation.
5.2.2 Transformation protocols For the transformation of many filam entous fungi, the method of ehojee still relies on conveniog the fungal myceliwn into protoplasts which are prepare
Typical transformatlon protocol U!;ing protoplasts dll!l'Í\led from a filamentou~ fungus.. FoUowing harverting, me filtered mycelium is resuspended in a buffer containlng an ~motic ~tab~i~er ,uch as :¡orbital or KCI ro pr"event protoplans fmm burning. The ,electlveagar can either be a
Inoculate wilh fungal spores
IncuIJate tor 16-24 h
minimal medium (lacking che
Remove cell walls with carbohydrase emyme for 1-2 h
requlred growth suppl\lment which 15 now supplied by me activlt)' of me Introduced gene) or it can contaln an antibiotic. For anclbioti<: se lectioo, che tr.msfOl"mants are nonnally allowed to regener.ate
Wash protoplasls wilh buffer containing osmotic stabilser
their cell waJls and
prole]n befo,,"
being challenged with tlle antibiotic. PEG , pol)'elhylene
glycol. Add plasmid DNA, Ca 2• ions and PEG
Plate on to selective ager containing osmotic stabiliser Allow cell wall regeneration then pick off indi v idual transforman! colonies
Control (minus ONA)
Thus. mere is a need ro have effective selection methods ro obtain thase eells eontaining the introduced DNA Transformation frequencies. in teI:lI1S of the number of transfunnants obtained per microgram of vector DNA added, can val}' significantly depending on the organism and ttansformation protocol used, Since the first reports of fungal transformation, various modifications to this basic method have been described wrnch improve ttansformation frequencies by orders of magnitude. Alrl'Tnative methods whieh obviate the need far protop1ast fonnation. such as the lithiuDl acetatefyeastwhole eell method, electroporarion of germinating spores or biolistic transformation of fungal mycetia, have had varied success but these suffer from the limitations of suitable host range and the need fuI' specialised equipment in sorne cases.Alist ofrransformation methods is given in Table 5.2.
5.2.3 Transfonnation vectors Transformation veetors can be designed to introduce DNA which either integra tes inro the recipient organism's genome (integrative transformation) orean be maintained as a plasmid.lntegrative transformation is med toinsertDNAeither atsite(s) in the chromosome which showsignifieant sequence similarity ro a regian on the plasmid (integratian by
H¡n~~~:~ai.ff#i~~t~~~m?K~H~b~fmmW~mImj¡mHHnfmi~~mgg1¡;~!mmmHm~g!¡m~m~im¡HH~mmHmUnIm~mgmH¡m¡Hfili Method 0 1' trea1ment
Examples of fungi transformed
TransfonT1ation frequency ~
Socchamrnyr:es cereviSioe, PichiQ poswris
1Q2- 1 ~
Most widely used method but frequellcies genera11y lowerwith fl lamentous fungi
Aspergillus ntdulans. A. niger. T,ichodermo reesei, MULGrorOnel'oides Protoplasts Electroporation< S. cerevlsioe, A. rliger, r rcesei Whole cells Electroporation S. cerevtsiae, A. niger. A oryzae, Neurospcra crasso W hole cells liAcd/PEG S. cerevisioe, Yorrowio ¡ipolyuca
lOO_ ID)
Protoplasts PEGb/Ca~
Can be as effident as the PEG/CaCl1 method
Forfijamentous fungi, best resutts- are obtained using germinating conidiospores witt1 weakened cell walJs
10'- 10'
Only applicable to a few yeast species and
effective with flIalllentous fungi
Whole cells Biolistics" Protoplasts Agroborterium 0'
S. cerevisine. A nidulans, N.crossa, Trkhoderma h[Jrzjorlum S. cerevrsrae, Asp€rgillus owamori, T.reesei. N.crossa
lOO-l O)
Most effective with Intact yeast cells or conidiospores but myceJium can also be used
102-1 ()'Ig
Equally effectNe with protoplasts or conidiospores bU! transformation frequency is specieHIependent
""""'ole cells ¡'¡!neJ;
• b;pkS$l!
high vollage el«lric fi~ld. • UrbJum Uf'ta.!t'. , Shr>ol!ng DNA-
Stylls.d yeoad-f. coli ,hume expresslol'l vector $Ilowin¡ origi~s orONA
yeas! ori
• E. (;011
homologous recombination) or randomly al one oc more locations (ecropic intcgl'dtion). Yeast shuttle vectors contain genes whicb aHow tor their selection in botb bacterial and yeast cells. The:y also comain bacterial ,mel yeast origins of replication (orI). sequE'nces which are essential for the iniriation ofplasmid DNA replication in borh organiffilS. A styüsed yeast shuttle vector which is capable of replication witbout intcgratioo inm the ycast chromosorncs (exU'achromosornal vceroe) or which can be speci.flcal ly targeted iuto a region of a chromosorne (intcgrativevecroe) is iIIustcated in Fig. 5.3. In order to flnd those cclJs which are 'rransfurmed ' , ¡,e. contain tbe introduced DNA, the transformation vector is designed to comain a gene which confers a selec::tabJe characteristic on the transformed cells. Thesc'selection markc!rs' faU into three maingroups. Pirst, a numberof genes from ....1Id·type fungi bave been doned which comptement auxotrophic growth rcquirements. as already explained. In many cases. genes hom one fungus are able [O complcment tbe appropriate muta· tions in a diffcrent fungus (het~rologous transformation). Howeve:r. for sorne fungi , only theie own genes are able to complement mutations (homologolls transformation). If the required auxotrophic mutant is not available. a second C]
replicatlon (on) eiVl~r
in ye;¡st or E. eoIi. selectIon muirers and clonlng ~ite A for IIlsenll1g the gene to be el<prened. For t¡rgeted Integrarlon or the pla~m¡d In lo ~ cnromosome. a DNA sequence from !he rlbosom31 RNA-encod!ng reglan (rDNA) could be: tndude.:! in me vector. Slte El In thl~ rDNA seq~erJc e 15 ~ ,..striction ~¡te requl re d to convart the Ye(;tor from,¡ drcula<" molecule w a lineu one which increues the effic!tllC)' of ON" hnegrnrion by homolOjOUs r.combinauol'l inlO -me rONA region af me chromosome. which function
I (}4
carbon or nitrogen sources which the host strain would no! normal1y be able ro use. A good example is the acetamidase gene (amdS) ofA. "td",lans which aUows growth of the red pient strain on acetamide or acrylam ¡de as sale nirrogensource. This marker has been introduced inm a number of.Aspergtllus and Trfchoderma spp. and is particularly useful in generar· ing ttansronnants which contain multiple copies of the integrated vector. lnyeast, p lasmid vectors are maintained witbin tbecell provided fue transfonnants are grown under selective conditions, e.g. in me presence of an antibiotic. When me se1ective pressute is removed. plasmids can be lost relatively rapidly from the eelli because there is no advan· tage to the eells in maintainlng a plasmid. Al! plasmids ñlUstcontain an on' which can be derived eirher from naturally occurring plasmids or from ehromosomal DNA sequences. Vectors with al] ori from one yeast can normaUy function in a variety oC different yeast hosts, albeir nor always wim the same degl'ee oC efficiency. Plasmid vectors can be presenr al up to 200 copies per ceH and rhus provide a simple system for increasing tbe number of copies of me introduced genes. This ofien leads to higher yields of rhe prorein encoded by tbe introduced gene. The disadvantage is thalselecrtve pressure is normally required lO avoid significant plasmid 1055, i.e. maintaining me desired characreristic can be a problem. particularly in S. rerevislae. Conversely, in otber yeasts, suro as KIuyveromyces ¡actú, sorne extrachTOmo50mal vectOI"S are campar· atively stable.without rhe need rorcontinuous selection. lnregralion oC the plasmid roto the yeasr genome brings enhanced stabilitybut lower numbers ofthe intrOduced gene. One wayofachiev· ing trus in S. cerevtstae has been ro target tbe plasmid ro ribosomal DNA sequences{rONAI (which can be presentar about 150 tandemlyrepeated copies per genome). (ncorpor.!tion ofr.DNAsequences into a vector (Fig. 5.3) enhances integration ofthar plasmid into tlle chromosomal rONA regíon by recombination of homologous sequences, especialIy when lhe vector has been linearised in tbe rDNA regian. Tbe number ofgene copies can be increased by placingthe gene used Cor selection under the transcriptional control of weak, or weakened. promotecs. This approach encourag-es tbe sclection of multiple gene copies through selection pressure for a critica! leve] of gene producto This approach is used togemer with rUNA targering to obtain high numbers onnregra,ted gene copies. Vectol's thar integrate inlO tbe chromosomes have severalimportant uses in the molecular manipulation offungi. In addition ro increasing lhe number of copies of a particular gene in a chromosome, they can also be used lo disruptor replace il desired gene. In S. cerevístae, the use oC'replacemenr cassette' vecton has permitted rhe deletian of each oC the.6000 or so genes identified by the Yeast Genome SequencingProject lO test {he functionofeachgene in thecell. Eachcassette. which consists of a kanamycin {G418) selec:tion gene tlanked at each errd by $hoct regíons oC gene-spedficsequence, is released from me vector bycuning with a restriction enzyme. Homologous recombination between the ends oftbe cassette and me target gene in tbe chromosome leads to the
gene A chromosome
replacement cassette
le p
doubJe cross-over
~ cbromosome
lacking gene A
m p
Citone deletion in S.cereviOOe wing liltl kal1anl)'d" «(118) 'n!placement auette', The assene (01\11:1:ts of rI'>I'llwlamyd n (G 418)-resistance gene (Kan) under the control of a runla! prornotet (P) and short !link;"g sequences ofonly about 40 bp (O) whlch corrtipClnd 10 !he ends oftMl:ene lO be deleted. A doubl. o:roJ~r by homologou1retOlTlblnation between tht..SOl endsand me chrorTlOSOIl"OfI ~d:s 10 lhe
deletlon of d-..gene. At th e tron·OYer 11tU, cJvumo$OlNl ONA molKule$al""ll broken en¡ymlc.1l/y ¡nd DNA $tr;lnd, ei'!d\arJ&ed with mat ofthe ¡ncomin¡ cassette ONA viii DNA repair mechani$m whlch re-joins me DNA molecules_ BecaU5e many genes I I""Il essentiaJ ror surviYlll, gene deleooo is flrst arded OUt in dlploid ceh wheNl on/yone of lile [WO copies o/ th.gene is deleted. Y~diploid tr.ansformoonu COI"Iulni ng Ihe dele'".ed
gene ue seletttd on moolum contailllnll the ;votiblotic G418, which is more effective
specific deletion of that gene (Fig. 5.4). In these srudies, individual genes. or groups of genes. were deleted from the yeast and c.hanges in phenotype were thenlooked for.ln this way, a particular gene might be associated with a particularfunctionalthough, in practice. thede1etion ofagene does notalways give.a detectable phenotype. Tbe majorityofvectors used for tr.a.nsforming filameotous fungi rely on random, integranon events which occur at a rclative.lylowfrequency in mosteases_Qne approach (O increase tr.msformation &equendes has been theuseofRestriction lillzyme-Mediated Integrarion (REMI). ID th~ method, the plasmid DNA is added to ,he ce.lls alongwith a restriction en2yme (see Cbaprer 4) which cuts once in the vector. Under rbese con· ditions. the DNA is rnrgNed to the corresponding restriction sires in rhe genome. Wirh standard integrati\'e transformation in filam entous fungi . the vector is fOlUld predominan Uy as multiple copies at one or more sites in the genomebur with REM1 the proportion ofsillgle copies ar severa) different sires is increased (Ag. 5.5). Tbe extent ro whicb an introduced gene is able to lead to production ofthe protejn ir encodes is affected by its site ofinregrationin the hosr's genome. Therefore. methods have been developed to target genes to
cbromosome E
single cross~ove r
circular plasmid
circular plasmid
+ restriction cnzyme cutting at sile E
OT more copies orthe vector integrated per sHe
predomioantly 1 copy orIbe vector integrated per site E
Random pl:umid nr.esration inlO dW!I chrornoscm., offlbmenmus fungl. (a) Random (<II by cunIng al the same restriction lite a!lcws imegrarion of t he entire pblmid ilt Sllvtl~ chrom
Targeted integr;¡don al
di, Pf1G Iocus (eocoding orQtidine-
S' -pllO$JlM,.!! deorboxylne ) In DWIlmOrl. The hozt m-;¡In of A. awumQri contl.;ns il mugnt (non_functiooal) ~rG gene c:onferringa growth requlrement fo r urldine. The P"iln~format\on ~tor cont;lins il norHunttional pyrGwith a mutatlOl1 in a differem: pan: ofme gEne. By a Sin,1e homologous recombln;¡¡tiOll ~ent (::ro l ingle CI"OSJl-Q'fer) (a). the emlre 1/OCtOf" is inle,... wd al the pyIC Iocus aOO " functional pyrC gene is r:;r-ealed (b). The cron-9Yer.!!Yeflt Involves brel!k¡,g\! and re-jolnJlg oí DNA mofecules both in the yector and chromo~ome by a DNA rep~rr !TIe<:han-l:!5m similar to that O~lllned in Fig. 5.4. FlrIgaI transtQrmants are 1el.!!aed by their ablliq (O grow wimout the need lor add~d urldin.!! In me gmwth medium. As~$
lb) py", •
double mlJtation (Inactlve)
wHd-type gellE! (fUl1ctional)
spccific chromosomaJ locatiol\S thar ensure good express ion. Que me thod for gene targeting. developed in AspergiUus spp., celies on transfonniog a strain which has oue muration in a particular gene with an integrative plasmirl which c.:ontaios t]le same gene with a diff'erel1t mUnltion. A functiona] gene will only be fonne
I Gene cloning
TIte success with wbich Fungal genes are isolared and charaeterised is still beavily dependent on the species being studied. Seve.ral different approacbes bave been a.dopted lo ove:rcome problems presented by genetically poor1y characterised. butbiorechnologkaLly useful, fungi. The use of mutant stra.ins has been the cornerstone of fungal gene doning.ln this approach, mutant strains are transformed to the wildtype phenotype by introduction ofONA and, when that DNA contains only one gene, ir identiJies the function ofthe gene. Other options are 1l0W available which exploit the rapidJy expanding amount of gene sequence infonnation available in gene darabases aJthough a funetional assessment of ;¡ clone
lir1Nrised vector
Ibl ch r olTlO'JOfl'lt'
gene X
are B
Spetlfit gen!! deletlon In f~~ment~ funll. Upstreml (5 ' ) and down5tr'Um (l') reglons of a~ le¡¡5t I kb In Jlze, Immedlalfllyadjacllnt te thII chromowmal ¡en. to be deleted (gene X). Incorponl\e
enE)'me ¡nvolved in allinlne blolynthesis. The plasmld whldl is normaHya drrulu molecule of DNA 1, conven.ed lO alinear OM; ti)' C).¡tting witll a rero1ction eN)'me tlu.t (un the plllnld once. Thl$line¡¡rl!ied .-ec10l" ISlnen InI/lSlom'l6d ¡nto 111 «¡B mutan! stl"illn. A double homol0g0u5 rec;ombination IM!nt (doublll tnn,s-over. as oudinad In Flg. S.") in the S' and 3' regions (iI) repbteS gt!~e X;n medlromo5Ol'ne with me OIJa ,electioo mlrlc~ (b). FunpJ tr;vufOrmlnl.S are selected lYt melr abiHtyto ero« wIttIout me n~ ror added ll'linine In lhe &"lWlh med¡u",.
'expression donlng' is a convenient and efficient approach mar
is based on the introduction into ycast of a new metabolk artivity detfX':table by a simple plate assay. We describe [he basic principies involved in these and other strategies below.
5.3. 1 Mutant ¡soladon The complementarion of defined rnutants remajos [he most effective means for isolating genes ofknown funcrion although me generation ofsuch mutants remains a problem formany fungi ofinteresC. Phys¡c~ chemical mutagens. e.g. UV or nitrosoguanidine. are soH che most commonmeans forgenerating fuogal mutantswhich mayo on occasion, be charactensed quicldy when simple growth tests are avai1able. Because mutatioos i.n othergenes in a biosynthetic pathway can confcr the same growth requircmcnt. the mutaot 1S tested for its ability to metabolise different sl1bstrates to confirm the precise location of the mutation. A disadvantage of physicO
M.utlnt cell
Plasrnid with wild-type gene
, Compkoment:'lclon of 3 muumpne 'a· in I cell wfth liIl eOfTMpOl\diog wlld.typt gene 'A' on a pbsrnid. ~ represt!IlG me ml.!t:.lntgelle ','Ind c::::J repreleflU wIId-type gene 'A'. The prese nee oIpne. JI, withln the
Ph, notype:
DO growtb
,ell, either n 3 plnmid or llltegr3ted [nto th. chrornosome. alJows growth, ebromMfl'" ,1
• Pbenotype:
OA growth
A f-
methods where the nccd for a defined genetic background is paramauot, Fragrnents of DNA. tcrmed ttansposons. with the ability to move from ane site to another within the ban genome occur natura.lly in many spec:ies and can be used for chis purpose_ The transposon Ty is used in tbis way ¡nS. cerevisiae a.nd similar elements have been identified in Schiwsaccharomyces, Candfdo albicans, YorroWÍa lipolytica and Pichia membranaefaciens although these bave not yet been.furthcr developed as g~tic teols, Otber insertional io.activation systems are a.vaila ble and ¡nelude re.striction enzyme-mediated integradon (REMI). as alreadydescribed in Section 5.2.J, Ofnecessity, mutants must provide an easily assayed phenotype SO that large numbers of colonies can be quickly tened. Screening for me productionofextracellularproducts provides a simple and rapid means to do this, Agar plates containing substrates which. fur example. allow ll\e detection ofdearing zones orcolour changes are frequendy used to ¡solare genes encodingtbose extracellular enzymes associated witb the saprophytic lifestyle oí many filamentous fungi , TIlus, agar pIares coo.taining starch as the sole carbo n source can be used [O testfor the production ofamylases . Oftcn.specific strategies can be employed lO ¡solare particular dasses of mutant. For example. the location of a protein within a c:t'llcan beexploi[ed:ifan essential protein is normaUy located in the cytoplasm buthas been geneticaliy engineered to contain signals which will divert ittbrough the secretory pathway [O [he outside ofthe eell, then mutants in (he secretory patbway which prevent this occurríng can be selccted for,
5,3.2 Mutant compl ementatíon DNAfragmencs which represent the emire genome ofan organism can be doned iuto a vector to produce a papuJadon of ONA mo]ecuJes
Ilolatlon of ¡
,en<¡ by
Motllnt (';('11
eo mplemcntatlo n of a definecl mL!~t
In a f~:lIT1ernQoJ$ fungU$.
~ repre~cnu me rnutant gene 'a' .lId c:::::l rep~~Cf1u the wlld·f)'lIe gene 'A' fOUl'ld I~ genomk ONA ( ), repr~enu me f",n&ll ori¡in _ of replbdOfl (01'1) Ofl lhe plumid. Recombin,ulon between me ~nornle DNA and!he pbumid rewlts In an Iloslllble In!ter¡llIn(t! of
+ intcgnrtioll
.~A~ 1
c:J rttombinatioa
A~ A
the wlld·type: gene 'A' which causes seaored (01011)' morphology. I,e. growth o(cu r$ Ylhere the pbsmid 11 present b UI 1, preventod wh~n puu. ofthe (oIony lose ~he pbsmid. The plismld cOI,g,ining gene 'A' COIn be recOVli!red kom lhe calonjes shawlng secta red gr'OWlh.
Colony morp hoJogy: eveo growth
settored growth
termed u library. ComplementatioD ofdefineia¡: andA . nidulalls. wbich can be nansformed at high frcquem.y (Fig. 5.8). Al ternatively. sorne gene produces are sufficiently welJ conselVed across specics boundaries tbat [hey wiU function in a bacterial background. Thus. a number of fuoga l genes have beco isolated Vla complemen tation of E. co¡'¡ mutantS although transformation offungal bosts rernains thc nonu. The surest route ro assess gene function rcl icson tbein tegtation ofa singLecopyoflhe genc in qucstion iOlo [he fimgal host DNA. Many yearu. such as S. cert'V'isiae, a nd sorne fitamenrous fungi al10w thc introduction ofa gene on a circu· lar DNA molecule (plasmid) which can bE' pre.sent al several copies ¡>er cel!.ln sorne cases. allows closelyrelated (but not identica 1) genes to [ the muration and can therefore provide a misleading pictul'e ofthe gene's function. Plasmids which replicate extrachromosornally are much less comm.on in filamentous fungi t han in yeam. Despitc tbis. sucb ve<:tOI'S can sti1l be exploited to idt!Iltify funga l genes wruch are able lo complement specific lllu tations (Fig. 5,9). For example. ifanA 11idulans mutant is transformed with a mixture oCa plasmid. containingonly a bacteria! se1et.1Íon marker and a funga l orl, aud linear genomic DNA isolated from tbe fungus undel' study, two distinctdasses ofuansformant a re obtained. TIle first shows a stable. wild-type phcllotype on plates resulting fram direct integl'iltion ofrhe complementing DNA mm meA. 11¡du· 1ans chromosomes. The second dass of transformant sh ows uneven growth wlthin colonies on pIares wh ere ccrtain scctors of eam colony appeill' wild-typc whilst other sectol'$ display lhe mUlam phcnotype. 'sectorcd' morpboJogy results from recom bination betwee.n the two source DNAs produdng .plasmids which carry the complementing
geuebutwltich can be lost during the process ofcell division. Extractio n of tbe total DNA from su ch Ullstable A nidul,ms colonies, and transforrnationintof. eoli, pennj ts the isolation aftbe plasmicl s containüIg the rungal DNA fragment which complem ented che original A nidulans mutation. Advantages ofthc.method are that itjs rapid and it is nOl necessary to construct a library of individual genes from m e total DNA of tbe fungoso
5_3.3 Gene isoladon by the polymerase chain reaction Extensive use of tbe po lymerase chain rearnon (PCR. (see Fig. 4.7) is now mOlde to isolate many specific genes. This approach requires profetnS with rhe same function ro have been identified in other orgOlrnsms and for the gene sequent.:es ro be available in a DNA sequellCE' data.base (e.g. 0 0 the intemet)_ Alignment of tbe protein sequences eucodecl by these genes Olg<¡instone anotber can then be med to identifY highly con· serve
'Nested primer'· PCR. Redundant primer mike~ (00 and
==--------- 3' ~
Genomic DNA template
5' 3'
...,..-- 5'
® 1_Primary peA reaction
Prlmary peA reaction product
S' - - - - - - - - - - 3 ' 3'
5' ~
2. Secondary peA reaction
Secondary peR reaction product
Probe library
Pcssible mechanlsm for
me down-~gulation of proteln
productio n by 'antlsense ' RNA tr.msc ripu. Open bO)(es represent me urget gene X cloned In elther oftwo o rlentiltlons md flan~d by promoter (P) and terminater (T) sequences. Transcription provides seme and ¡¡ntlsense mRNA molecules (both with polyA talls) depending on me orlent:atlon of me gene ~btive to me promot.el'. TI>ese two complemenW'y RNA moIecules blnd together ro form iI.
J} s'
AMA Sensa mRNA
........ ··.. ··..... AAAA
Antisense mRNA 3'
Duple x RNA
duplex RNA Formation of duplex RNA in the nudeus reduces me amount of m3tun- mRNA available IOr translatJon in che cytoplasm.
which is espedally useful when tbe gene in question is essential fOI" growth. is to decrease the amount ofa protein produced within cells_ TIüs uses a process known as 'antisense' in which a messenger KNA (mRNA) sequence complementary to the sense roRNA interferes with [he production afthe protein encoded by the targetgene fFig. 5.11). This. approach is becoming more commonIy used fol' the functi:onal assess· ment of daned genes inyeasts and filamentous fungi altbough it has not a1ways proved successful.
Fungal transformllnta
• • • •
! Grow mycallll
from p~rlfled funpi tranifol"rnllnl colonIas on agar
iOCKuI.ued ¡nlO gTOWth medium Wl
mlerowe plates. Mtr 16-24 Il growm. funpl mycella aJ'& v~sfl!ml!d from lile orltlnal microtitnl pbte toa n_ platll PUrifyIO..-.g Ia~_
~ lnCIc\II3Ie miGrotitre ~"1.
0000 00 000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 00000 00 00000
1 Cen wall digestion
Screenil:g fun,gal
UIDsrormanu by PCR. Sporu
3. Tf1ifl5I" myaIIi. ¡rIlO T....." ,,*_p/III" 4 ....lId ceII ..... -
00 0000000000 000000000000 00000 00000 00 00000 0000000 000000000000 0000 0000 0000 0000000 0 0000 000 000 000000
So Heat 111 95 'C 11. Ncot .safl"l9i11 to SIIIlIe en ice
u.. wpetna.tanI as temDIIl'.. IoI I'CR
peR frllgmenb
5.3.4 PCR and lungi In addition [O its use i.n the ¡solation of genes, PCR is also cornrnonly used in so·eening for the outcome of specific DNA manipulations in many systems, For sorne filamentous fun gi. howcver, the cell wall has proved a substantial barrier to obtaining DNA ofsufficient quantity or purity for la rge seale screening by PCR.. A prococol has now been deve1oped in which fungal colonies a re gro\'ffi in Liquid culture inmicrotitre plates and their cell walls removed by em;ymic digestion to release profOpla.sts. The 'hot' dcnaturing Sfcp ofthe PCR cyde Iyses the protopla.sts providing DNA w hich can be used to screen for the presence oC speciflc DNA fragments (Hg. 5.12). Other protocols, which use mycelia , spores or celli and incorporate a short heuting step to burst thc cells prior lO PCRampli6cation. work weIl with many fungal species.
conulnlnca KC!lcitnu buffer and iIll enzyrne whicll di;geus _y lhe funga! all....-¿lIls adele!! ro COfl'I\!f"t l Ome: orme celb 10 protoplun.. After I h n37· C. 5-IO¡LIcl
illptlmatólnt 1$ u.ken ~d che DNA
whkh ir ~ber.lted from me re1ultl", protopbru by hutins: am u 3 ternpbte In th. PCR.
5.3.5 Heterologous gene probes A third s1l
5.3.6 Database and linkage-based methods for gene ¡solado n Finally. two otber strategies may be u sed for gene isolarion. Th~ firse. termed synteny, relies upon rhe fact that even wbere there are significant c1ifferences between Che ONA sequences of genes from different species. gene linkages may be physicallymainrainoo. Thus. ifin arganism X. genes A ¡¡nd B are neighboul's 011 che same chromosome then. if the same case pertains in me fungal system. screening for gene B may allow one ro isolategene A. The main requirementfol'sucb a method to work is a detan~d genome map ofthe model ol'garusm (X). A number of genomes are currently being sequenced and maps established which should provide a basis for this approach (rabIe 5.1). The S. cerevisiae genome sequence is already complete, that of S. pombe is expected to be finished shortly. aud those ofe. ulbicans. N. crassa.Aspt'Tgmus ful11¡gatu.~ and A. /lídu/ans are aH ullder way. An alrernative approach employs partial complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries which can be made from fungal RNA samples using readily available cDNA sYllthesis kits. These cDNAs are termed Bxpressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) since thcycomprise the ends of rran~ scribed sequences. '#hen allied to
5.3.7 Expression cloning The life style of fungi means mat they secrete l1igb concentralions of protein. many of which have applicarion in a variety of industries. A quid: and effective method. tcl:med expression doning. has recently been developed ro isolate genes e ncoding extr.1cellular enzymes (Fig. 5.13). In this method. thefungus isgrown underconditionsexpected to induce expression oftbe GUget gene(s). and the mRNA is extracted and used te construct a cDNA library in R eoli. This Library is tbeo usc:d to
Expres$jon doN"g. from c~lwres seClllting a range ri PrQtelns are dOl"lfld ¡nto a yeaft expruslon vector Clpabl e (J f ~li1:.ltingln E. cok DNA molec:~lel I'rom E. cm tr.ltlSfonnants pooll!d belO<"e ~ DNAs
Fungal culture
' . ANA ~
2. cONAsyntl"l6!till
, . """' " !
4 . E. cailr.lnltormtlion
E. coJllibmry
P!asmld DNA ex!tllctlcn
6. Yeas! trans/otm¡¡11on
7. RepIca platng
Veast screenlng
8. P!ur
Cloned fungal cONA
transform S. Ct'm'tsiat and the tr.msformants are grown on media cbal provide a simple assay for the new1y acquired enzyrne activity. Otber yeasthosts such as Y. lIpolytica. K. !acns, Plchfa ungusta (formerly Ranse!1111a polymorpha) and S. pambe may be prefen'ed rOL" the u-dllsfonnalion ¡¡tep. The effectiveness of this system has bcen demonstrated by its use ro done genes encoding over 150 fungal enzymes induding arabinanases. endoglucanases. galactan
trilndo rmlll8 yeast (5.cete
an;J:)'$ for the re levant enzymic anlvl\ies..
5.4 I Gene structure, organisation and expression In general, transcriptional signals Ut genes (rom higher organisms are
more compLex (han those found in bacteria! syste ms. Within fungi, gene organisation shares many common reaturesacross a wide number of genera. The three rn3in organisationa! units in fungal genes can be split up imo tbose signals which (a) control the switching on OT offoe gene transcription (promoters), (b)concroJ tbe termination oftranscripdon (terminaton) and (c)control che necessary excision ofintrons fram
mRNA UnJike their bacrerial councerparts, ñmgal promoters can extend a substantial distance (> 1 kb) upstream (Le. 5' ) of che transcriptional start point (rsp). EarJy cloningexperiments in S. certVÍ5iae suggesred tbat native S, cerellfsiae promoten: were required for the expression offoreign genes a!though s\lbsequent experiments have shown that sorne promoten from otheryeasts. e.g. K. lactis. can also ftmction in S. cert"visiae. ln filarnentous fungi. promoters tend to function '\'Iell within their own genus but are less predictable in more distantlyrelated species. Promoters can generaUy be defined as either constitutive, Le. they are switched on permanently. orinducible. i.e. contain elements which allow them ro be swhcbed on or offin a regulated fashioD.ln both types oi promoter, one 01' more tsp can existo Seqnences in the promoter region define both the tsp and the binding sites for regulatory proteins. TA-rich regions, known as TAIA-bo~s. are often involved in Mtermining the tsp and abo ma.intaining a basallevcl oftransCliption.An illustration of their function is provided by the S. cerevisiae JUS4 promoter where transcnption can occur either witb 01' withont a TATA-box (the HIS4 gene encodes h.istiruno! dehydrogenase involvcd in histidine biosynthesis); high tr;mscription levels are only observed from rhe lliS4 promoter containing a TATA-bol{. However, thel'e are alJio strong yeast promoters whkh lack a TATA-box. Since many yeast and filamentous fungal promoters do not contain this sequence, other motifs, such as the pyrimidine-rich tr.acts (Cf-boxes) found in fiLamentOlls fungal prOmoteTS, ean perfarm me same function. These sequences can be used to desl."¡bewbatis essentiaUy a 'core' promoter.AthiJ:d sequence, CUAT, is also aften associated with eore promoter function. Rowever. mast (> 95%) S. cen:risiae genes appear not ro require CCAAT-boxes for function althoughthis motifisknown tofunction in A.1'IiduJolls. [tshould be stressed that in the majority of fungal promotet'S mat have been ¡solated, the funcrlonal significance DI sequences identified in rhem has uot been detennined and therefore remains uuclear. With a constitutive promoter, the basal level of transcription is determined by me binding to the 'core promoter' ofa proteio cornplex which eontains RNA polymerase and tbe so
Allcaline pH ====,..=== Plflsma me mbrana
Slgnal transdoction pathwav
¡ PACC Inactive
Activation o f 'alkllllne' genes represslon of 'aeid' genes Rqulatlon aftnn.Kriptioll by pH In flbmentous ftr,gi. The externa! pH b Jonsed by ceUs aOO leadsi ro cm.nges in lenr expreulon . In fungi, the tn.nKnpdoo of genes whleh e ncode proteln~ chat ~ re necenary for survivaJ lt aJka~r.e pH IJ mtodlate d by ~ tran5Crlptlon factor (PAC e). Alkalinu pH IJ 5en$ed and luds, through a sign...J tran'lducVon pathwzy. te Úle deavage ofan In~ctlve form of PACC to produce the active formoThe :KI:rv::ued PACC :Stimulates the cranserlptlon of a;enes lead ing te unI)'mes such as ab!¡lle phmph;nase matare ac:tive at akallne pH (·a1kalint!' genes) and repreu es the tliln)("riptioo of ·xid' genes. T he uunc:r.ted I'oITll of PACe ICtiv.:rms by bindltl¡ t.o ia tar¡el promoters nw nquence S'-GCCARG·)' (where R=G or A).
sequen ces (UAS or URS). These UASfURS sequences bind regulatory proteins which are theught to stabilise (er Mstabilise), either directly or indirectly, t he transcriptional complex bound ro tbe cOte promoter thus elevatingjdecreas ing the r.ate. oftranscriptional initiation. Regulatory sequences whkh control expression of an inducible prÜ" moter m.ayoften be faund in promoten afseveral genes thaL encade prÜ" teins of unlinked function . all of whic.h are controlled by a single regularory protein. Such a network ofco-regulilted genes may respond to physiological parameters affecting che cell such as pIi , carbon or nitrogen sou rce. For example, in the filamentous fungus A. nidull1llS, a protein (termed PACqwhich binds ro a specific sequence in (he promoten of genes encoding pH-respousive proteins has been identified (Flg. 5.14). When the ambíent pH is allcaline, PACe is activared by a protease ro a form whic.h per.mits expression of a wide. range of alkalineexpressedgenes le.g. isopenicillin N synthase) and represses many genes normaUy expressed under acid condirions (e.g. acid phosphatases). Similarly. i.n S. crrevisw and sorne f..1uyvm¡myces spp., Lhe DNA-binding protei.n . MIGlp, binds in a glucose-depe.ndent fushion te GC·1ich regioos (GGboxes) of many promote.rS ofgenes llvolved in carbon $Ourc:e utilisa· {ion. MIGl p forms a complex with orbe r proteins lhar represses tr.mscnption of genes required for me catabolism of carbon sources whic.h are less efficient in producing energy than glucose and related sugars, a process known as carhan catabolite repression.ln filamentous fungi, suc:h asA. nidulalls and Trichodmna rcesei. a perfonned bythe CREA snd CRE·1 proteins, respectively. whic:h bind to GCboleeS in the promoten¡ ofgenes involved in carbon catabolismo Another Iletwork of genes, w hose control is mediated by the re:gulatory protein
11 8
AREAinA. nldulalls(NIT2 iaN. ct'assa).is that involved in the synthesis of enzymes for nítrogen catabolismo In the presence oC the preferred simpLe nitrogen sources, arumonium and glutamine. genes responsible for breaking down complex nitroge.n sources are switched off. In addition to tbese regulatory systemsofbroad specificitycovering networks of genes, th el'e are aJso control mecbanisms spedftc tO a particular metabolic pathway. Thus. the positive regulatory protein, co-ordinates !:be expression ofar leaS[ 25 differentgenes responsibte for tbe synthesis afthe funga l torin. aOatoxin. AlI these genes exarnined so fM contain a specific sequence in their promoters to which the AFlR protein binds and activates transcription.Although in this instance the genes are dustered on a smaU regioo of Dne chromosome, thel'e is no known requ.!rement for genes which are cOtability is increased. Most yeast genes lack tbe sequence AATAAA associated with polyadenylation in higher cuhryotes although two otber motifs bave been associated with tenninator function:a TTITIATmotifwhich functions oruyiDoneorientation, and a tripartite signal based 00 a TAG ..rr·rich).:rA(T}G1'..{AT-rich)..TIT sequence which can function in eitherorientation. rtseems likelythata number ofsignaIs are used totcnnínate transcription in S. cenvisiae. The genes oí higher organisms also differ from thei.r bacteria] cou ntcrparts through the presence of introns which mus( be exased from the rnRNA before ir is translated into protein; a pl'ocess known as spUdng. S. cerevisiae and filamentous fungal genes sbow considerable differences with regard to the presence and nature oftheil'introns. The majority of S. cerevi.siae genes lack introns altogcther and those thar do contain introns often contain only one. Genes from filamentous fungi. and those of S. pombe. afien have several inttons. usually betwffn 50- 100 bp in size. The fuer that the introduction offilamenrous fungal genes into S. cerevisiae results in incorrect splicing suggests tIlat the splicing me
}--------------------dSONA (b)
1!5.~~~----------------- dsONA (a) Yoast two-hybrid srstem base!! Oll me GAl4p tnnsa1ption rnctol'". Thls proteln tont;1ins regions fQr DNA-bJnding (D B) ¡nd fer tn.nscripdoo acdvadon (A D) Ind 15 IllvolVld In ~w, u:hing on gal ~c tQSe utHlsatkm in S.cerevisiae. P. GAL4p-lctivltlld run promour: Te, cran~criptio n cornplex including the RNA
DB, che GA l 4p
ONA.blndln¡ .-.gJon fl,lSlId rn S, the 'b;tit' protein of known nmctioo; PR, the 'prey' proteln undllf.nudy er ThfI prnducu of a cONA &bnu')' tu sed to AD. the GAl4p acdvatlon rt¡jO!'\; UAS. ups~m actlva tiOll ~eqUerK:e requJred rOl' inltiadon of
traI'IKrlptIon lt che prcmot.e r; dsDNA, dovble·m'anded DNA. Ó:prenJon of the reporu!r g_, e.l. me lDcZ 1_ encod iog ¡3-gala(twidase, is $wltrned onlf ch e AO and OB rqlQfl1 of!he GAI..:4p transcrlption actívator a", brought togetll4lr thrO\.lgh Im.eracuon ofthe 'Míe' and ' prey' protl!'w,s. (b) Ye~t one-hybrid synem whlch is liso bued on che GAl 4p tr.lIIlcripoon mctOr. TE, target.elernent (DNA se(;juence), norrmly COll$U'UcteóU al lean mrH reput:ed copies: AD.De, me GAl4p acdvatioo ~glon flAed lO ONA-bindlll8 proleln of IntI!res1: or to the producu from a cONA Wbrary: !Xhll!' bbel~ogu In (1). Expnmlon of die reponer cene (e.g. 1ocZ) is switdloo on If the pu~tiY'll
OS re&Jon binds [O che TEs.
5.5 I Special methodologies 5.5.1 Yeast !Wo-hybr¡d system This genetic-based assay was developed in S. íerevfsiar: ro rest whether protcins ofinterestinteract within the cell (Fig, 5.1 5a). The method can be used either ro study two proteins whose genes have already been ¡solated or, more impot:tantly, to identifY genes from a cDNA librarywhose gene products wiil interactwith a known protein ofinterest, termed the 'bait' protcin. The two-hybrid assay reHes on t he faer tbat most eukar· yotie transcription factors are single proteins which contain rcgiollS involved either in promotcl' ONA·binding or traDscription initiation. A common. system used is based on the GAl.4p transcription activator protein which regulates ga lactose utilisatioD in S. rerr:'IIsiae. Typica11y, the 'reportee' gene, whose expression is measured in the yeast transfor· ma..nts, is tbe loa gene which encocles ¡3-galactosidase, an easily measured enzyme activiry. Positive interactiODS between the proteins under
srudy result in an Increased production of ,&galacrosidase compared wilh nega tive controls, This Oexible syslem cao be used to investigate interactions between proteins frolO any organism but once a positive result has been obrained, me interaction in quesdon mustbe verified biochemicaUy, nte two-hybrid system is now commerdalIy available io a number ofdifferent kits.
5.5,2 Yeast one-hybrid system !he one-hybrid system was developed from the two-hybrid version to identify genes which encode protelns recognising Icnown spedflcDNA sequences, such as trnnscription fac:tors which regulate gene expression or proteins which bind to other 5equences such as DNA replication origins(Fig.5.15b). Positiveclones whic:h show increased 'reporter' gene activity are analysed by searches through DNA databases for sequence identity to k:nown DNA-binding proteins and tbeir functional activity verified by prorein-ONA binding assays_
5.5.3 Cosmids and artificial chromosomes W¡th the development ofvectors which can carry large fragments oí c:bromosomaJ DNA. up to 50 kb in size.itis now possible to clone entice fungal pathways, provided all the genes are clustered in one region of
the genome, and to transfer these ioto another organism, Cosmid vedors have been ronstructed which can be propagatedinE. cali oc in filamentous fungi. like other vectors. these DNA molecules can be designed ro either integrare ioto me chromosome or replicate extrachromosomally when introduced into the fungus. Cosmids with overlapping inserts have been used ro clone tbe entUe pamway fm aflaroxin/slerigmatocystin biosynthesis. a total of at least 25 coregulated genes. from a number of Asprrgillus spp. In another case, a rosmid containing tbe tbree structural genes for penicillin biosynthesis from Penidllium dl1ysogenutn has been integrated inlo me chromosornes of nigcr aud N, crasia, both of which then gained the ability to syntbesise penicillin_ Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) are now abo available for cloning largeDNAfragments. These are large linear molecule5 up t0620 kb in size and can be considered to behave as smalI chromosomes . Problems ofYACs[ability have loo to thedevdopmentofalternative bac· terial artificial chromosome systems (BAes) but YACs still prove useful in severaJ applications. They bave been used ro analyse foreign gene expression in marnmalian ceD lines and also in whole animals. YAes have also been used to study chromosome damage in higber ceUs, to map ESTs in the genome and ro clone large DNA fragments for genome sequencingprojeds.
I Biotechnological applications offungi
Genetic of yeasts and flJamentous fungi is now commonly used roc investigating aspects of tbeir biological functioll and also fOf
Filamentous fungusa
Sacchoromyc:e.s cerevisiae
Aganrus bisporus Fusonl.Jm I'enenotum
Beer. wine
Saccharomyces cereYisioe
Bread, wine
Soccharomyces cerevisiae
Preservative (beer)
Sacchoromyces cerevisioe
F1avours (e.g. lactone s. Foods. beverages peptides. terpenoids)
Socchoromyces cerevisioe Pichio gui/liermondii Sporobolomyces odorus
Po lyunS
Crypwcoccus curvotus
Organic acids (e.g. crtric, gluconic, ltaconic)
Yorrowio IipoJytica Preservatives. food ingredients. ehemieal synthesis
Antibiotics (e.g, penicillin.
Aspergillus niger Aspergillus terreus
PenidlJium chrysogenum. Aeremonium dwysogenum Pen¡ólUum griseo{Ulvum Aspergil/us tamorii
Homologous e nzymes Fo od processing. (e .g. amyiases. paper production. cellulases, proteases) detergents
Moroereila alpioo MUCO(GndneUo~
cephalospom, po lyketides)
Heterologous proteÍlls
Trit:hoderma viride Gibberello (ujikuroi Mueor dra"ne/loides Phycomyces bkJr.esleeanus
Foods. therapeutics
KJuyveromyces loais
Socchoromyces ceretisioe Kluyyeromyces loeUs P!chIO paston·s Pichio ongtJSto Yorrowia lipolytico
' Main ~ocly
constructing strains for particular biorechnological a pplications. Altho ugh genetic engineering is well developed. foc on1y a few species, the technology can normalIy be deve.loped [oc m ost species provided suffident effort is expended . Sorne of the commercial1y important products and species are Table 5.3. Each producr is a target for improved production using genetical1y modified str.rins: this is most advanced in the production ofenzymes and antibiotics. The use ofyeastS" and filamentous fungi to produce heterologous proteins. I.e. proteins .not naturalIy produced from that species and encoded by a gene derived from another organism, serves as a convenie.nt ta pie roc a comparative discwsion. is because both yeasts and filamentous fungi are used as hosts foc heterologous proteio production. the tec.hnology has advanced sufficie.ntly foc com.m.ercial use aud
Aspergi/lus spp. Rhizopus spp. Trichodenno spp. Aspergillus niger Aspergillus oryzoe Aspergillus nidu/ans Tridloderma reesei
researc.h is still active in order to improve the systems . To be effective. a production system must deliver sufficient yields (whether it be for commercial viability or ro provide research material) oftbe rarget protein and the protein must be.authentic in its properties, te. the same as, or dose ro, thoseofthe protein from its natural source.
5.6. 1 Protein production: che importance of secretion Most of tbe commerciaUy available enzymes are secreted from their soun:e organisms although sorne important enzymes are extracted front cell biomass. lbe main advant
5.6.2 Heterologous proteíns from yeasts Sacmaromyces cert'V1siae is widely used in the produetion of bread and alcohol. and is regarded as safe. Gene transfer and gene regulationl expression have been extensively studied in S. certvisiae and its widespread familiarity makes it a superficiaUy attractive host organism for
heteroJogous protein production. A largc number of different h eterologous proteins have be en prodm:e
a hydrophobic core) of the signal sequence. beterologous, homologous and syntheticsignal sequeoces baw been cxamined with many working effectively. It has become more common tO ¡nelude a short 'pro-sequence' after the signal sequence aud before the N'lerminus ofthe target protein. Pro--sequences are naturallypresent in many secreted homologous proteins and can aid folding. In S. rerevísiae. the signal sequence .md pro-sequence ofthe secreted a-mating factor prorein i.s ofren employed. This pro-sequence ends in a dibasic pai.r of amino adds.lysine-argin..ine. aud an endopeptidase that is loc3red in the Golgi body (an orgauelJe in [he secre lDry pathway) c1eaves after the Iysine-arginine ro release matllrc Urget protein with its correct N·terminal sequence. TIlls endopeptidasE" is caUed KEX2 in S. ctm'islae and equivaleD[ enzymes are found in o ther yeasts and flJamentous fungi. Many heterologous protcins are produced at yields which are [00 low (ror commercial viabillty oc for experimental purposes) or are struc· tural ly and functionalJydifferenr from theauthenticprorein. Yeasts are no differenr in this regard ro other expression systems and modifica· tions ro the standard procedures have been pursued in. order to overo come tbe difficulties. The use ofvectors which replicate at high copy number can titrate o ut tbe ne<essary mmscription facrors so that tbey be<:ome limiting. This OCCllrs in S. rLrtVisiae with the galactose-inducible GALl promoter. lncreasing the exp.ression ofthe assodated regulatory protein (GAL4p) overcomes tbis titration effect. Manyofrhe lirnitations leading to lowsecreted yields are posHranslational and relate ro the secretot}' pathway oc to proteolytic degrada· tion. Thus, protease-deficient mutants have l>een examined and o conversely, enhancemen t of the specific. proteolytic activities of [he signal peptidase and KEX2 protease havc aIso becn examined. Each approac.h has shown sorne promise witbout wholly ~rcoming !:he bottle-necks to highyields. Folding ofproteins duringsecretion occurs within the ER and is assisted by residentchaperone proteins. Other proteins, tenned foldases, aOO cataJyse folding by the focmation of disul· phide bonds within tbe ER. Up-regulated express io n of foldases and chaperones.has increased the secreted yield ofsome. hut not aH, heterologaus proteins from S. cerevisiae. Mutagenesis oC strains has been used ro increase secreted protein yields and in a few cases mutations have been locaJised to panicular genes. Mutanons thar afIeet aU aspeclS, induding transcription. proteoIysis. secretion and glycosylation, have bee.n recorded. Although mutagenesiswillcontinue to be used as a tool ror improvingyields, manyrnutations are recessive and no[easily incorporated ifito polyploid commercial strains which have multiple copies ofeaeh chromosome. Thus targeted gene manipulations provide a como plementary and valuable approach.
5.6.3 Hetero logous proteins from filamentous fungi Typical fullgal e.xpression vectors are not disslmilar to those descnbed already for yeast. As discussed in Section 5.2.3. the main dif· ference i5 thatautonomous replication is Ilotnormally an option with
commercial fil.amentol1S fungi and a U YeCto rs , with the exception of sorne used fue reseaTch porposes. are designed ro in tegrate iota tbe fungal genome. As with yeast inregration vectors. genomic integranon of the DNA brings added. though not nec:essarily complete. stability but sorne uncertainty about the levels of gcne expressioll expecred a nd a limit to the number of gene copies that can be integrated. From a pracncal standpoint. a fungaJ transformation produces transformed strains which differ in their level ofheterologous protein produce
(a} En1.y o, na8cant protein in10 t ha ER iumen BiP: ehapa ra ll e Irat"lsioc:on ) ribosomll eytos o l
(b ) An'sted protein 'olding in t he ER lum en p< o-sequenclI
Cr-í~ COOH~
G ~
(e) Endopeptld... In tIMo I.t. PC•• tory pathll\lIlY
(001,,0 .nd .'!aa.. o,
ca,rla. p.otl!Ó n and /"utterolollO'ls prou!n 10
tha c" l osteril>l'"
cK~T C?OOH~ •
FoIdlng and proCeJ$ln&
of ffcre10ry l'ullon pIO{eÍll$In flIunenlOU$ '~ (a)
Entry of
JUs(ent polypepdde Imo the tumen oIthe e~opWm!c reticulum lE"R).
n. sI¡nal s.qllel"lCt whkh d lreca erTll'y of!h. polypepdde is by slgnal pcpcld.ase so th:.Ic ma emar¡ln¡ poIypepudc wlthln malllmen IlW me slpl SllqUiIn". SIP Is m ~bI.r1d~l1t chaperone wlchil me IUll1en whtch 11 nroclated wich nrly prot.eln fQldtn, e-.n:nt$ , Other chaperones
an d foldues (lee tElxt) are also preient. (b) Fokl ing of!he fuI!· length fu$ion proce~, within the ER. (e) The rus Ion proceln is
withln til . Golgl body by a lpeclfl(
peptldan (KEX2I n S.cereviJioe) to release me hetw-otogous prote;n tO m e ceUextMlo r fOIIowl"g tnnsport of me prot eln by membra.r.e·boun d ycsJ.t:1e5 (el).
a1ready c1ear tb3t. as wirh ycast expression, severa} factors can conspire to present a bottle-neck and l llat their relative importance depends on the heterologous protein. Foreign genes which use CodOllS Ilotcommon in fungi , the presence of sec¡uences which destabilise mRNA, differences in the protein folding/secretOlY pathway and the abuodance of protcases aO contribttte ro me observed bottlenecks. lo addition, although hyperglycosylation of heterologous proteins Is not such a problem with1i.1amentous fungi as it is with S. cerevisiae, it can still be a difficulty. In addioon. [he patterns of gIycosylation diffcr from those seen in mammalian ceJls wh ich could be importa nt for therapeutic protein production. TIte glycan su-uctures in fungaJ glycoproteillS are being analysed aod the genes tbat enrode enzytDes respons ible fur gIyc3n assembly are being doncd, providing the possibilil)' in che fuorre of manipuladng glycan synthesis. The essential details ofthe secretory pathway in filamentous fun gi appearto be qualjtativelyverysimilar ro those in theyeastsystem whích has becn studied more exrensively. Sorne of the genes that encode chaperones aud foldases have -been d oncd, as have genes that encocle proteins lnvolved in vesicular traosport.Although successful manipulation o( the protein sec.retory pathwayusrng these genes has notyetbeen reported, the nccessary rools to do so are becoming available.
5.7 I Further reading Atuubel. F. M_ Brent. R., Kingston. R. E.. Mool'e, D. D.. Seidman.J. e .• Smith,J_A. and Sttuhl. K. (1995). CllrrmtE'roI(l(.l,¡'S in Molmslnr f:liology. John W iJey, New
York, Broda, P" Oliver, S, G. aud Sinu, P_ F. G. (1.993). The cuknl)'tlllC Cfflcttw:Organisution ¡HIt! Rlgulatioll. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Gel lissen, e, and HoUcubcrg, C. P. (1997). Application of ycasts in gene expresslcn studies: a comparison ofS[J[charomycts cercvisiac, HanuIJu la polymorpha and f(!uyveromym: lactis - a review. Gm~ 190. 87- 97. Gow, N.A. R. and Gadd. G.M. (eds.) (1995). The Growing Funsus. Olapman and Hall, London . Kinghorn,j.R. and Tumer, G. (eds.) (1992). J\pplied Molf'CU larCenalCJ 01 FilatlU'ntollsFungi. Blackie Academic!lr Profusional. GlilsgtJW. I.uban.J. 31ld GoEr, S.I'. (1995). The.ycasl lwo-bybrid s~te m for studying proteinprorein inter.1roolls. Cun: apill. Biotl'dlnol. 6, 59- 64. Oliver, R. P. and Scb weizer, M. (eds.). (1999). MoIcculur FlIngtll Diolug)'. Cambridge
Universiry Press. Cambridge. Wolf. 1<.. (ed.J (1996). NmH:ollW'T!tiornd Yearo 111 BiotooutOlogy. Sprini,oer-Verlag, Berlin.
Chapter 6
Microbial process kinetics Jens Nielsen NomenclatUN Introduction Kinetic mode1ling of cell growth
Mass balances for ideal bioreactors Further reading
COllstant in de:fined by Eqn (6.62)
B e " ' "O c... ' .., D Dcdt f.e~-
aGd ~
K,. Kl
K, m, p.
r¡ r" r, T 14 V
collcentration (g \- , or moles 1- 1 ) COllcelltration of a substrate essential fur grCJWth (g ¡- 1 or moles ¡-1) ¡nitial concentratian afthe limiting substrate (g 1- 1 or moles 1 ~'1) concentration ofa growth enhancing 5Ubstrate (g 1- 1 or moles ¡-1) conccntration (g 1- 1 Dr molesl-') dilution rate (h -1) critical dilution Tate (h- ') activt! funn afthe ellzyme inactive forms oftheenzyme activation energyofthe growth process (kJ mole-I) flowI
flow rate o,u t ofthe bioreactor (1 h- ') change in free energy (XJ moJe-') inhibitlon constant (g g ' l) dissociatlon <:onstant dissociation '-"Orutant saturation coeffident (g 1. 1or moles ¡-I) maintenance coefficient (g g ¡'h) productivity (g 1- 1·hor moles 1-1.h) specific rates (g g-' -h or moles g-l'l1 j specific productionrare (g g-l'h or moles g-I'h) spedfic substrate.uptakerate (g g-lf¡ or moles g-I·n) tempenture (K) time(h) doubling time (h) volume (1)
bio.m ass co[lc~trnLion (g ¡- I). yif!ld L'Ol'.fIlcientspecifylng the 3mount ofl produce yield cocJ:ficicntspecifying the 3mollnt ofproduct fonned per unit bioma5s formed (g g- ') Y...ur yield roeffl.cie.n l specifying the. a mountof All' consume(!r unit biomass formed (g g- I)
SubscripLS t growthcnhancingcompound SUbStT3te o r produce e.ssential growth compound o initia] conditions substra lc x biomass p product Supe.rn:riprs
Greek letlers a.f3 cOó!fficients in equalion 6.11 6.G,¡
free enerxY change spttifir gl'owlh mteofthe total biomass (g g- "lLorsimply b- 1) I'inu maximum specljir growth rote of[he rotal biomns (gg-l'b 01' simply b- I) p.
Quantitative desc:ription of cellular processes is an indispensable tool in the design offennentation proc:esses . The cwo most importantquantitative design parameters. yield and productivity, are quantitative measures that specify how the cells convert the substrates to the producto The yield specmes the amount of product obtained from the substrate, and it is ofpartirularimportance when the rawmaterial costs make up a large fraction ofthe total costs, as exemplifled in the produc:· tion of solvents. antibiotics . alcohol. and other primary rnetabolites, The productivity specifies the rate af product formation, and is partic· ularlyimportant when the capital investments play an important role. such as in a growmg market where there is an increasing demand for producing the product by a given capadty(or factory). These two design parameters can easily be derived from experimental data but, what ts more difficult to predlct. is how theychange with che operating condi· dons. e.g. if the mediurn c:omposition c:hanges or the temperature changes. To do this it is necl!:Ssaryto set up a rnathematical model.
A modells a setofre1ationships between the variables in rhe system being studied. These relationships ate normally expressed in the form of mathematical equations. but they may also be specmed as logic expressioos lar c3use/eff'ect relationships) which are used in che opera· bon ofa process . The variables ¡nelude any property mat are ofimportance fol' the process, suc.h as me agitaban mte, [he feed rateo pH. temperature. concentrations of substrates. metabolic produces and biomass, and the stateorthe biomass - ofien represented by {he caneentration of a set ofkey intracellular compounds. To set up a malhematical mode! it is necessary to specüy a control volume wherein aJl the variables ofinterest are taken ro be uniformo For fermentadon processes the control votume is typic:ally the whoLe bioreactor, but fu, large bioreactors the medium may be nonhomogeneous due to mixing problems and hereitis necessary to divide fue bioreactor into several control volumes. When me control volume is tbe whole bioreactor ir may either be of constant volume or ir may changewith time depending on the operation ofthe bioprDCess. When fue controL volume has been defined . a set ofbalance equatioos can be spedfied for the valiables of interest. These balance equa· tions speci:fy how material is flowing in amI out of the control volume materiaL is converted withjn the control volume. Rate equa· tions (or kinetic expressions) specify the convenion ofmarerialwithin the control volume. They may be anything from a simple empirical corretation mar specifies rhe product formatlon rate as a function of me medium composition to a complex model mat accounts for all the major cellular reactioos involved in the conversion ofthesubsuates to rhe producto Independentafthe model structure. the process ofdefining a quantirative description of a fennentation process involves a number of steps.assbown in Fig_6.1. A key aspect in setting up a model is to specify the model complex¡ty_ This depends on what rhe model is going to be used rOl' (see Secrion 6.2.1)_ Specificatioo of the model complexity invoLves defining the numhe,ofreactions tobeconsidered io che modelo and specification oí' tbesroichiomerry for these reactions . When the mode! complexity has been specified. mtes afrhe cellular reactions considered in the model are described with.mathematical expressions, Le. the rates are specified as functions af the variables: namely rhe concentrarion of me substrates (and in sorne cases the metabolic praducts). These functions are normally referred to as kinetic expressions. since rhey specify the kioetics ofthe reactions considered in che model. !bis is an important step in the overall modellingcyde ando in many cases. differentkinetic expressions have to be examined befare a satisfaclory model is obtained. The next step in tbe modelling process is ro combine the kinetics of the cellular reactions wim a model for the reactor in whicb the ceUular process occurs. Such a model specifies how the concentradons of substrates. biomass, and metabolic products ch.ange wirh time. and what fiows in and out ofme bioreactor. These bioreactor models are
Specify mooel complexily Sel uptkioellQ
&~'~IPlinces mass
Rtdenne model compkxity
Simu[a1.~ ferm~nlllliDn proces ~
Dlffenlllt ueps In fermematlon prcx:esse5.
nonnally represented in terms of simple mass balances over the whole reactor, bu! more detalle« reactor models may also be applied, if inbomogeneityofthe medium is likely toplay él role. Thecombination of the kinetic and the reactor model makes up a complete matbematical description ofthe fermentation process and this model can be used la simulate the profile ofthedifferentvanables ofthe process, e.g. the sul> strate and producr concentrations. However, before this can be done ir is necessary to assign values to the par.uneters of tbe mnde!' Sorne of these pararneters are operaring par.uneters. which are dependent on bow me process is operated. e.g. the volumetric flow in and out oftlle bioreactor. whereas otbers are kinetic parameters which are 3ssooated with !he cellular sysrem . To assign values tu these parametcu ir is necessary to compare model simulations witb experimental data and herebyestiman.' a parameter setthatgives the bestfltofthe model tothe experimental data. This is referred to as paramete.r estimation. The evaluation oftbe fitofthe modellO the experimental data can be done by simple visuaJ inspection ofthe fit. but gener.illy it is preferential to use a more rationaJ procedure, such as minimising the s um ofsquared eITOl'S between the fiodel and the experime ntal data. ln the fullowing wewill consider tbe two different elements o.eeded for setting up a bioprocess modeJ , na melykinet ic modelling and mass balances. This wilIlead to a description ofdifferenr types ofbioreactor operation. and bereby simple design probtems can be illustrated. Even thOllgh parameter estimation is an imporrantstep in theoverall modelling cycle. we will notconsider tbis, since the tools available for this are extensively described elsewhere.
Kinetic modelling 01 cell growth
All researcbets in life saences use madels when resuhs froro individual experiments are in lerpreted aod when results froro several different expe.riments are compared wü.,h the aim ofsetting up a rondel m a r may explain the differeot observations. During rhe last 10 years: rhere has been a revolution in experimental tecbniques applied in life sciences. and this has made possible (ar more detailed modellingofcellularproct'sses. Furthermore. theavailabilityofpowerful computers h as made it possible to salve complex: nume rical problems with a reasonable computational time; l'Ven complex mar.hcmaticalmodels for biological pro· cesses can be handled and experimentallyverified. However, often such detailed (or mechanistic) models are oflittle use in tbedesign ofa binprocess. whereas they mainly serve a purpose in fundamental research ofbiological phenomena.ln t bis presentation we wiII fucus on models which are usefuJ fordesign ofbiop rocesses, bur in order to givean ove.cview ofthe different mathematicaJ models applied to describe biologj· cal processes we start the presentation of kinetic models witb a discussion of model comptexity.
StructurillO al !he eell 'aval
Unstructured No n-segre9ll t ed
Slructured Non·segrngated
Unstructurad Segregated
Structured Seg¡egaled
6.2. 1 Model structure and model complexity BioJogical processes are per se ex:tremely complex. CeIL growth and metabolite formation are the remlt ofa very large- number of ce!lular reactiOllS ¡¡nd cvcnts like gene express ion, translation of m.RNA iuto functional protejns. further processing of proteins into functional enzyrnes 01" structural proteins. and !K'Cjuencesofbiochemical reactions leading to building blocks needed for synthesis ofcellularcomponenbi (see Chapre.r 2). lt is cJear that a t:Ompleu" descriptioll of 311 these reactions and events cannor possibly be incJudcdin a mathemalical model.ln fennen· tation processcs, wheTe there is a large populanoo of cells. nonhomogeneity of the cells with respect to activity and function may add funher to the complcxity. In setting up fe rmentation models lumping ofcelJular reactions and e...-ents is therefore always done but the detall leveI considered in che model. i.e. the degree of lumping, dcpends on the aim ofthc mode.lling. Fermentation mode1s ca n roughly be divided' iota fout groups depending on the detaillevel induded in the mode l. see Fig. 6.2. The simplest description is the so-
Oiffl!l'1!flll}'PeS of model eomple.IClty. wim Increa1ng compll!J!.ity going from me upper leh comer l
Genenl representatkm of celluiar llrowth and prnduct formalioo. Viaa luge number al Jou,¡ce.ularbiochemical reJCDons. $\Ibstn~ J rE: <:oowen:OO Inro meubolic prodUC:l$. ag. emano!. 3CeUte, I~ct¡)te, orpe.nic.lllln (and other $E:co;md;vy rrw!l.lIoolites), exCr-¡celk.Jlar macromolf!Cules, •. g. I ,ecreted ~~. a heterologous protein. or a polysaccharide, an
Sobsltates- .....
Inlr.lceUular biuchcmj(aJ reaclions
}-_. . Extracellular macromorecult:~
Biomass As simple as pússible bm not simpler, This TuJe impües that the basic mecho
anisms always should be induded and that the madel strtlctuTe depc.nds Qn the airo afthe modeUing C'XerclSe.
6.2.2 Definitions of rates and yield coefficienrs Befare we [um [O describing different unStnlClured models, a few defi.. nilions are needed. Figure 6.3 is a representatioR ofthe overall conversion ofsubstrates into metabolic products and biamass components (oI' (Otal biomass). Ihe r.rtes ofsubstrate cons umption can be determined d~ring a fermentatian process by measuring the concentration ofthese substrates in memedium. Similarly. the tates afformationofmetabol ic products and biomass can be deletmined from measutements of [he corresponding concentrations. It is th erefore possible to detennine what flows into the total pool of cells and whatflows out ofthis pool. The inflow ofa substrate is nannally referred to as the substrate uptakerate and tbe outOow ofa metabolic product is normaUy referred to as the p,r oduct fonnatioo rateoProm me directtueasuJ'ements ofthe concen1:rations. ane ahtains Sa. Often it is convellient lO noI'malise che rates witb respect lO the amount ofbiomass presento since the rates hereby easily can be compared between fermentation experiments. even when the amountofbiamass changes. Such normal¡sed rates are referred to as specific tates, and t hese are often represented as r¡. where che subscript indicates whether it is a substrate (s) oI' a metabolic product (P). The specificgrowth rateofthe total biomass ís also a very important variable. and it is generatly designated /L. The specific growt.h l'ate is relaree! ro the doubling time ttl (b) oftbe biomass through:
In 2
The doubling time td is equal (O the generation time rar a cell . ¡.e. [he lengthofa cell cyde for u¡úcellular organisms. which is frequentlyused by life scientists to quantify the rate ofccll growt.h. The speciftcrates. ar the flow in and out ofthe cell. are very impor· tant design paramcters since they are related to the productivity of the celL Thus , the specific productivity of a given met.abolite directIy indicates the capacity of tile cells ro synthesise uds metabalite. FuI'thennore. iftbesped.fic raCe is multiplied by lhe biomass concentra· tion in tbe bioreactor one obtains the volu.meni.c productivity. or the capacity of tbe biomass papulation per reactor volume. In simple IUnetic models the speci1ic rates are specified as runctions oC the vari-
ables in tbe system, e.g. the 5ubstrate coneentratioo!!. In more complex models where tbe rates ofthe intracellular reactiODs are spedfied as functions ofthe variables in the ~ys(em, me substrate uptake rates aad productformation rates are given as funcnons ofthe intraeeUular reaetion mtes. Another dass oC very important design parameren; are the yield coefficients, which qu:mtify the amount of substr.lte re<:overed in biornass and the merabotic products. The yield coefficients are ghre n as ratios ofthe specific rates, e.g. fm the yicld ofbiomass on a substrate: y
-~ T,
and similarly fortheyie1d ofa metabolicproduct on a substrate: (6.3)
The yie..ld cocl'fidents are clearly determined by how the carron in tbe substrate is distributed among the different eellular pathways Cow.m1s me end products ofthe catabolkandanabolic mutes. TIlese parameters can be considered as 3n overall determination ofmetabolicfluxes, a key aspeet in modern physiologica.l studies where methods te quantify intraeellular, metabolic Ouxes have become 3n important tool in defining tbe activity of the different pathways within the complete. metabolicnetwork. ln me production oflow-value added products, e.g. etbanol, antibiotics, amino acids and baker's ye;, ir is generally of utmost importance to optimise tbe yield oC product on the substrate and tbe targ('( is lheruore to direct as much carban as possible tawards the product and minimíse tbe earbon Oow to by-products (including biomass in metabolite production processes). [n this process tbe yield coefficient is the most important design parameler, baro for chatacterising different mutants and fol' characterising different fermentation schemes . Far aerobie processes the yield of CO2 from 0 %is ofien used to charaeterise rhe metabolism ofthe cells. This yield coefficient is tO as [he respiratory quotient (RQ). with complete respiration me RQis clase te I whereas ifa metabolite is focrned it dcviates fraro 1 (see also Section 6.2.4). Theyield coeffidents arealways given with a double index !hat indicates (he direction of!he. eonversion. i.e. the yie.ld for the conversion of substrate to biornass (s~~) has the index sx. Thus. the yield coeffideut y In spedfies the amountofsubstrate oonverted pe.r unit biomass foerned and , sinlilarly, tbe yield coefticient. YIIp' specifies che amountofproduet forme
6.2.3 Black box model, The simplest mathematieal present3tion oC ceU growth is the so-called black box. mode!, wbere al! the celluJar reacuons are lumped into a single overall reactiolL This implies thut theyield ofbiomass on !he substtate (as well as tbe. yield of 0111 otber compounds consumed and
. ' ¡l-. n
oltl1. ~oncltfltr.ltlon
of the IImltln¡ Wlm:ntll, s. when the MMod modells applltd.
1.0 0.8 -
-SO' _ 0.6 Q
.g 0.4 .~ 0.2 ID
ooC----CsL----c,~ O ----~'~ S ----~2·0 Subsllate concenlratlon
produced by theceJls) is constant. Consequently the specific ~ubstrate uptake rate can b(' specified as a funetian afthe ~eciflc growth rate of the biomass, simply by rewritingEqn (6.2)! (6.4)
Similarly, thespedfic uptakerolte ofother substrates, such as O2 , and the formation rate of metabolic prodllCts are proportional to t he specific growth rate. In tbe blackbox modelothe lOnetics reduces to a descrip.. tion of the specific growth rate a.s a functiOll of tlle varjables in tbe system . ln the most simplemodel description. ir is assumed that tbe re is ooly one Iimiting substrate, typicaUy che (arban souree. and the specifkgrowth rate is therefore specified as a ñ.lllction ofthe concentradon oftros substrate only. A ve.rygeneral observation for ceUgrowth on a single limitingsubmate is thatatlow substrate concentrations (c,1the specifk growth rate, p, is pl'Opol'tional with e" but roc increasing concentrations thcrc is an upper value for the specific gtowth rateoThis verbal presentation can be descl'ibed witb many diffel'cnt mathematical models, but the Olost often applied is the Monod model. which sta tes that: (6.5)
K. is the substrate concentration at which the specific growth rate is 0.5 and is sometimes interprete
K, (mg 1- 1)
Aspergillus oryzae Escherichia col! KJebsjello pneumonioe Aerobocter oerogenes KJebsiello oxytoco
Penicilll-um chrysogenum Socchoromyces cef'evisioe
Glucose Glucose Glucose Glycerol Glucose Arabinose Frudose Glucase Glucose
Kinetic expres"¡on
5 4 9 9
10 50 10 4 180
Tessier Moser Contois
l' ~' ( s 2K rr,al<2J(," ,
{ t"'"rm>( "
e, ~2K¡
Logistic law
Contais ldnetics, an influence of the biomass eoncentration, x, is induded. i,e. at high biomass concenttations there i.s an inhibition of cell growth.1t is unlikely that the biomass concentration as such inhibits cell growth but there may well be 3n indireeteffect, e.g. the tormation of an inhibitory compound by the biomass or high biamass concentI-ations may glve a very viscous medium that results in mass trarufer problems. Similarly the Logistic Law expresses a negative inf1uenee ofthe biomass concentration on the specificgrowth rateo These different expressions clear1y demonstrate tbe empirical nature of these kinetic models. and it is therefore futile to discuss which model is to be preferred. sinee. they are 3U simply data fitters. and Qne shauld simply choose the madel that gives the best deseriptian afthe system beiug studied. All tbe kinetic eXQressians presented in Table 6.2 assume that there is anly ane limiting substrate. but afien more than one subsrrate
concentratioh lnOueuces rhe specific growth rateo In these situations, complex interactioos can occur which are difficulc to model wirh unstructured models unless many adjustable parameters are included. SeveraJ different multiparameter. unstructured models fOf growth on multiple substrates have been proposed where it is often difficulr te dis· ringuish between whether a second substrate is growth enhancing 01' limiting growth. A general metic expression thar accounes for both types ofsubstrates is: • =
(1 + L.: ~ -~~j,~-;-) rr JA.u,.x,J ' •.1 ¡ c¡i.e + K~j
! c•. j
+ K..j
The presence of growth-enhancing substrates increases tbe specific growth rate whel'eas the essential substrates are necessaryfor growth to take place. A special case ofEqn (6.6) is the growth in tbe presence oftwo essential substrates. el,! and e•.2:
J.LUI:ax.I IJ-IllU. :.l C.,lCs.:.!
(C,.I + KI~c•.2 + K,)
Jfbotb substrates are ar concenrrations where tbe specific growth rate for eaeh substrate reaches 90% ofits maximum value. Le. ' ..,=0 .9 K,. then tbe total rate ofgrowth is limited to 81%ofthe maximum possible vaJue. TItis is hal'dly pra<:tical and several altematives [O Eqn (6.7) have therefore been proposed. and one ofthese is:
" . (,... <",)
Jl-mu = mm "-1 + KI 'c..2 + K1
Growth on two 01' more substrates chat may substitute each other, e.g. glucoSf' and laClose. cannot be describe
Po""",c~ f14 + c. + X.
and forinhibition by a rnetabolic product:
~ ---'+ plKt
P - ~DWtc.+X. 1
Equilrions (6.9) and (6.10) may be a useful way ofinduding product or substrate inhibition in a simple model . Extension ofthe Monod rnodel with additional terms or factors should. howevcr. be done witb sorne resrr.aintsince the result may be a modeJ with a large number ofpararn· eters hut oflittle value outside the range in which rhe experiments were made.
6.2.4 Linear rate equations In the black box modelaUthe yield coefficients are taken to be constanL This implies that all the cellular reactions are lumped jnto a single, QVerall growth reaction where subsO"ate is conver~ ro biomass. A requiremencfor this assumption is thar the re is a constant distnouoon of (luxes through al! the differenr cellular pathW
sperific substr
The marntenance coefficients qu antity tbe rate of substr.a te consumptioll for cellu}ar maintenance, and it is normally given as a constant. In principIe, this gives cise ro a contlict since this may resu lt in substrate con· sumption even when the substratí'. concentr
wruch shows tbat Y,,,, decreases at Low specific growth rates where an increasing fraction of the suhstrate is used ro meet the maintenance
• ') (g,,
m, (g,,"h)
AspergilJlJ.5 awamori
1.92 1.67 2.00 2.27 2.27 21 7 1.85
0.0 16 0.020 0.031 0.057 0.063 0.02 1 0.0 15 0.OB9
AspergiJ/us nidu!ans Candida uti!is Escherlchia coli KJebsiello aerogenes Penicillium r::hrysogenurn SocdJQromyr::es cerev!siae Aerobacter oeragenes Boci!lus megatarium KJebsielJa aerogenes
1.79 1.67
}.1 3
requirements ofthe cen. For la.rge specific growth rates tbeyield coefficient approaches the reciprocal ofY:"". ie. Y", becomes equal to Y~. This cOn'esponds to!he situation where the maintenance substrateconsumption betomes negligible compared with the substr'tion fur biomass growth, and Eqn (6.12.) can be approximated with Eqn (6.4 ). !>espite its simple structure che linear GIre equation (6.12) o[Pict is found to hold for many difIerent species, and Thble 6 .3 compiles true yield coeftidents and maintenance coefficients for various microbial spooes. !he empicically derived, linear coITelations are veryuseful to correlate growth data, especially in steady smb" continuolls cultures where linear correlations similar to Eqn (6_U) are found for mos! of the important specific rates. The remarkabLe robustness and general validity of the Linear oorrelations indicares tbat they have a fundamemal basis and t his basis is likely to be the continuous supply and consumption of ATP, sincc these two pTOCCSSCS are tightly coupled in all ce.lls. Thus. m e role oC the energy producing substrate is to provide ATP lo drive both the biosyntbetic and polymerisation react:ions of tbe cell and the different mamtenance processes accO[ding ro the linear re1ationship: (6.14)
which is a formal a nalogue to the linear correlation ofPict. and states [bal (he ATP being produced is balanced by its oonsumption for growth and ror maintcnancc. lftheATP yield on theenergy-prodllcing sllbstrate is coostant, Le, r...TI' is proportional to r" ir is quite obvious thatEqn (6.14) can be used lo derive rhe litlCar correlation Eqn (6.12), y .....TP used in Eqn (6.14) is <1 true yicLd coeffident but it is normally specified without the superscript 'true', Witb the linear rate equations che cellular reactions can be 5truc-
tured ¡nto severnI individual reactions. ll1is cOllcept can. in principIe. be extended tocons:ider individual reactions fordifferentceUular pathways, as i1Justrated in me SonnJeimer alld Kappcli mode1 ror bakeú yeast (see
there may be a mixed m e taboli5nl with both respiranon an.d fermentation being active. At ltigh glucose uptake rates there is a limitation in the respirarory pathway which results in an overflow metabolism towards ethanol. The point atwhich the glllcose lIprake rate initiates ferrnentative metabolism is often referred to as the critical glucose uptake rateo and this is dependent on the oxygen concentration in the bioreactor. Thus. at low dissolvcd oxygen concentrarions [he critical glucose uptakf rate is Jowc.r than at high dissolved oxygen concentrations {and cJearly :¡{ anaerobic conditions there is only ferruentative mctabolism corresponding to the critical g1ucose uptake rate being zero).A model for lbis fcnnentation process can be found in Chapter 17.
6,2_5 Effect of temperature and pH The reaction temperature and the pH afthe growth mcdium ill:e other process condhions with a bealing on the growth kinetics. Ir is normally desued to keep both ofthese variables constanr (and at rhcir optimal values) throughouttbe cultivation process, hCllce lhey areoften called cuJture paramelers ro distinguish them from other variables s uch as reacrant concenrrntions, stiTri ng rareooxygen su pply rate etc. which change dralllaticaUy fram tbe start to fue end ofa cultivation. The influence oftemperature and pH on individual 001 processes can be very difrerent. and since the growth process is tbe result ofmany enzymatic proc:esses the influence ofbotb variables (or culture paramerers) on the overaU bioreacOon is quite complex. The influence oftemperarure on the maximum specific growth rate of a micrÜ"Organism is similar to thut observed for the activity of an enzyme: un ¡ncrease wl th in(reasing temperature up to a cl!rtam point where protrln de.naturation starts, and a tupid decreasc bcyond this temperature. FottempC'ídtures belowtbe onsetof protein denaturatian me ma..'l'imum spedOc growth rate increases in ruuch Ute same way as foc
~m.~ =Aexp(-~)
Assuming tbar tbe proteins a re temp~ture denatured by a reversible cbemical reaclian witb free energy change .ó.Gd. and thar denatured proteins are i.nal-tlve one may propase (Roels. 1983) an expression for ~nl'u:
A exp( - E, /Rll J.'=x '"
1 + B exp( - AGd IRT)
Figure 6.5 is a typical AIrbenius plor (reciprocalofrbe absolure remperature on the absassa and log J.l. on tbe ordinate) for Ii. eoli. The lin ear portian of lbe curve betw~n approximately 294 and 300_5 K is accurateJy represented by Bqn {6.27) while the shacp bend and rapid deo:ease
The Influel\Ct 01 temperature Oll the m3xlmum Jpeclfic VOwth race of EKherk;hfa ,g¡¡ SIr. {el Growth on a glLKO$erich medlum: (11) ¡rowr.h on ~
•e ~
gNCO$e-mlnlrml medlum. The IInes
are ealculated \U1n8 the mod~ In Eqr¡ (6.18} with che pu;ameters: ~ - SSk,lmole- '. AG. '"" 550 kj
0.1 '.1
mole-',A - I Olllh- ' ,B= ].O 10'10,
~ ,., ,. ,..
1000/T t1/KI The ¡"nueoce a r pH on th tnaximum specilic growth rate of 1M r~;unentous r~us Aspet¡olllus Otyt
0.2 0.1
'g o
5 pH
oí JJ.. forT > 312K ("" 39 "C) sbows lhe influence afthe denominatorterm inEqn (6.16).
The influence of pH on [he cellular activity is determined bythe seositiviry of the individual enzymes to changes in tbe pR. Enzymes are nonnaliy onIy active within a c..'ettain pH range, and the toml enzyme activity ofthe ceU is therefore a complex functlon ofrhe environmental pH. As 3D example. we sball consider the influence of pH on a single enzyme which is taken to represent the ceH activity. The enzyme is assumed to in th)'ec forms: (6.17)
where e- is taJeen to be the active form of the enzyme while the rvro otber fOl'ms
1 + [H +IfK, + .!(2!IH+ )
and rhe enzyme activity is taken to bek = k~t'- . Ifthe cel! activity is determined by the activity ofthe enzyme considered above the maxJmum growth tate will be: 1
Although the dependence of cen activity 00 pH cannot possibly be explained by thissimple modeLit is. however.found thatEqn 16.19) gives an adequate: fit for m;¡ny m.kro-orgarusrns. and Fig_ 6.6 shows fitofthe modeJ for sorne data ofthe .fiJamentous fungus~rgillusoryzat.
General rep.ttS«lt.1.tIon of ¡ bloreactor wtth ;r,ddluon crffresh, nerllll m&dium and removal of sp<ellt medlum . el, Js the concenuadon of me rm compoUlld (typkaH)' ¡¡ sulntl"!) ¡n [1If¡ f"d and dls che cOt1cenuadon ofthe rth compound in me spent medium. ne b1Or'eactcr Is ;usumed tO be verywell mlxed (or ideal), whereby the concenll"i.tion of t¡¡eh compound In tIle spent medKlm betome~ IdllntiCil I to iu concentr2t1on In me blortactor. ln sm~1I voIume blOrtKtorS « 50 1) (intluding ~hake f1asks) this can 1_1'.I1y be achi_d throu¡h aer:!ldon and ¡glCldon. ln Ilrger bloreactOl~ there mi)'. howeY
6.3 I Mass balances fo r ideal bio reacto rs The Jast step in modelJing offermentation processes is to combine the kinetic modeJ witha model forthc bioreactor. A bioreac:tormodcl isnormal1y represented by a set ofdynamic mass balances foc the substrates, me metabolic prod ucts and the biomass, whicb describes the change in time ofme concentration ofthese stal:e: variables. lbe bioreac[Qr may be any type of device ranging from a test tube or a shake tlask to a wellinstrumented bioreactoc. Figure 6.7 is a general representatioo of a bioreactor. The feed is normally assumed tO be ste.rile.. Le. me biomass concenll"auon in me feed is zero. The bioreactoc m ay be operated in three dlfferent modes: • batch, w O, i.e. (be volume is constant; • fed-batdl (or semi-batch), where F> Oand FQU ( = O. Le. me volume ¡ncreases. The mass balances for the different bioreactor modes can all be c1erived from a set of general mass balances, and we therefore start to consider tbese general balances.
6.3.1 General mass balance equations The basis for derivation of the general dynamic mass balances is [he mass balanceequation: Accumulated=Nct fonnation rate + ln - Out
The term AccumuJated specifies the rate of change of a compound in the. bioreactor, such as the..rate ofincre.ase in me biomass ooncentratioll
du ring J. batch fermenlaDon . For subsrrates. tbe tenn Net formatlon r.ate is given by a substrate uptake rate (tha.t js regarded as neg-dtive being tbe withdrnwal ofcarbon from tbe system), whereas for metabolic products and biomass tlús tenn is given by the fonnation rate ofthese variables , TIIe tenn In represents the flowofthe compoundinro t he bio· reactor and the te.rm Out tbe fl ow of tbe compound out from the bio· reactor. For the ith substráte. which is added to the bioreactorvia the feed and is consu med by the ceOs presen t in the bioreactor, the mass baJancc is: d{coJV ) - - - ""' -'r xV+Fcf-F
_ 'J
The first term in Eqn (6.21) is the accumulation term, the second term accounts foc su bstrate cOll5umption (or net farm ation), the (hird tClm accounts foc the ¡nlet, and the last rerm aCCOlmts for rhe oudet. Rearrangement ofEqn (6.21) givcs; dc,j
F ,
(Fout 1~
Tt=-r"ix+V'·j- V .+Vdt¡'· j
Since for a fed-batch reaLtor: dV dr
and PO Dl = O the term within tbe parentheses becomes equal to the socalled dilUtiO D rate given by: F
(6 .24)
Fo!' both a continllOUS and a batch reactor, che volume is constant. i.e. dV¡dt=O. and F=F"u,' and also foI' mese bioreactor m odes tbe term witbin tbe parentheses becomes equal to che diLucion cate. Eqn (6.24) thetefore reduces to Lbe mass balance (6.25) foI' any type of operatioo . dco.l _ _ f d~ - T~x + Dfc'J - 'I~)
The first tenn on the righthand sideofEqn (6,25) is thevolumetric mte ofsubstrate collSumpdon, whicll is given as the product ofthe specmc tate of substrate consumptioll and the biomass concentration. The second term acrounts for the addition..and re moval of substr.1te from the bioreacror. Oynamic mass balanl'es for the metabolic products are derived in analogy with those fo! me substrate5 and ralces tbe form:
~ = -T .x +D(cf -e ) dt '.' p.! p.!
where the first term on the right hand side is thl! volumetric formation r.Ltf oftbe ¡th metabolic pl·oduct. Normally the meraboLic products are Dot present in thesterile feed (O the biorcactor and c:¡is therefore ofien zero.
With sterile feed me man balance for the total biomass is:
-- =~V-F
which in analogy with thesubstrate balance can be rewritten as: dx - :(,,- D)x dI
6.3.2 The batch reactor This is the classical operation ofthe bioreactor thac is use
-=IJ..)C~t= {)) = ;( dt' II
-de =- rlt'c( r=o)=c•.0 r' •
According ro these mass balances the biomass concentranon will increase and the substrare concentration will decrease until its coneentradon reOlches 'lero and_growth stops_ Assuming Manod kinetics, tlle mass balances for biamass and rhe lirniting substrate can be rearrangcd into one first-ordel' differentiaJ equation in [he bio1ll3SS concentration a.nd an algebraic equation relating the substr.Jte concentratioD to tlle biomass concentl'arion. The algebraic equanon is given by: (6.31)
and the saludan to the dlffe.rential equationfor [he biomass concentration i5 given by: P. n=r
- (1 + c"o +K.Y.,.}Io) In (X) XII
- - K,- -In 1 +- Cl,lI
+ Y~,X()
Using these equations [he profLles oftbe biomass and the glucosc con· centrations dllring a typkal batch culture are easily derived. as shown in Fig, 6,8. Since the substraJe cOn<:entration is zero at the end ofthe culo tivation the overall yield ofbiomass on the substrate can be fOllnd from: {6.33) C.,O
Simulatioo of the bloman and g!U(o~" conClll1traoon durlng a batch cultur". The slmuiadon ha, becn camed out U'Qlg the MOIlod modei wjth /ot.",. .. 0.5 h- J• K, = 0.05 ,1- 1• and Yu; =
1.S' 6
•• •E
0.1 o ¡¡; 0.01
Time th)
NormaUy xI) <::x linaJ '
6.3.3 The chemoscat A typlcal operationofthe continuous bioreactor is tlle scx:alled chernastat, where the added ll1ediurn is designed such that there is a single lim.iting substrate. This allows for controlled variarion in the specific growth rate ofthe biomass. Byvaryingthe feed flow rate to the bioreactor, the environmental conditions can be varied and thereby valuable infonnation concemmg tbeinfluence afme environrne ncaJ conditions on tlle cellular phYslologycan be obtained. For industrial applicadons. rhe continuous bioreactor is atO'active since the pl"Oductivity may be higb . Howeve r, often me titre. l.e. the product concentration, is lower than what can be obtained in the fed-batcb reactor. Furthermorc. it is ra.rely used in industrial processessince ir is sensitive to contaminarian. e_g. via the feed stream, and to tbe appear.mceofspontaneously formed mutants that may out-compete the production ¡¡train. Oth~examples ofcontinuous oper.ltion besides the chemostat are the pH·stat, where tbe feed flow Is adj usted to maintain fuE' pH constant in the bioTc3ctar,
and tbe turbidostat where tbe.feed flow is adjusred ro maintain (he biomass conce.ntration at aconstantlevel. Frem tbe biornass mass balance (6.40). ir iseasilyseen that in a steady state continuous reactor tbe specific growth mte equals the diluoon rate: p,=D
Thus, byvarying tltedilution rate(ortbe feed fiow .rate) in aconnnuous culture differe nl speciftc growth rafes can be obtained. TIris a1lows derailed physiologic
which uponcombinatioo wilh Eqn (6.34)and rhedefinition oftheyield coefficient directly gives: [6.36)
Thus, theyield coefficientcanbe determined from mearurementofthe biomass aod the substrate.concentrutions in the bioreactor.From measurements of the substrate concentration aud the biornass concentra· non al steady rute the specific glucose uptake rute can easily be calculated using Eqn (6.35). and similarly th e specific rates ofproduct formation can be determine
DK, Pm",, -D
lbus, [he coucentration of [he limiting substrate ¡ wilh the dilution rateoWhen substrate concentration becomes equal ro che substra te concentration in tbe feed the dilution rate attaios in maximum value, which is often called [he critical dilution rate:
c:ri, -
Pm..~cr + ~
When the dilution tate becomes equa! to 01' larger thao this va tue the biolUass i5 washed out of the bioreaclor. Equation (6.38) c1early shows thar the steady slate c.hemostat is well suited to study the influence of che substrate concentranon on the cenuJar function , e.g. produce formation, si nce by changing tbe dilution tate it is possible to change the substrate concentration as the on1y variable. Furtbennore, it i5 possible to study the influence of differe.nt limiting substratts on lhe ceHular physiology, e.g. glucose and arnmonia.
Besides quantification ofthe Monod parameters the chem ostat is weU suitcd to determine tne maintenance coefflcienc. Since the dilution rate equals che speciflc growth rateo combination ofEqn (6.13) and (6.36) gives : D
,'( - YV'i'"D + m.,(ci- c,)
which shows ehat che biomass concentration decreases at low speci.fic growth rates, where the subsu-ate consumption for maintenanc:e is significant compared with ehar for growth. At high specific growth rates (high dilution rates) Ulaintenance is negligible and the yield coefficien.t becomes equal to the truc yield coeffident, see Fig. 6.10. Since IL =D ar steady state, Eqn (6.12) expresses that there is a linear re Jatio n between the specific substrate uptake l'ate and the dilution rateo In this linea r relationship the true yield coefficient and th e mamrenance coeffidenr caneasily be estimated using linear regression. For proouction ofbiomass. e.g. baker's yeast or single ceU protein. and growth-related products the chemostar is verywell suited since ir is possible ro maintain a high prOd\1Ctivity over very long periods o( oper' arion. The productivity ofbiomass is given by:
ando in Fig. 6.9, (he productivity is shown ilS a function ofche dihltion rare.By inserting the expression fur the biomass conCentraDOn (6.40) in Eqll {6.41 1, with Eqn (6.38) il15erted fuI' the substra(e concentration. it is possible to calcnlate che dilution rates which give che maximum productivity. lf chere is no maintena nce, ¡.e. m~ =0, the opümal dilution [ate is giwn by: D"I'" =
~mn(1 - ~G; KJ
is imponant to emphasise thar this optirnum ooly holds for Monod kinetics without mamtenance. Wben maintenance is induded finding tbe optimum dilutioo rate will involve solving iI third-degree polynomial. This polynomiaL will have one saludon in me possible range of diludon Tates. However. instead ofsolvingihe tbird-degree polynomiaJ it is generally e:asie:r to find m e solution numerically. [t
6.3.4 The fed -batch reac.tor l1lis operaDou is probably the most cerumon operariou in industrial proce5ses. sínce it aJlows for control ofthe environmental conditions, e.g. mainraining tbe glucose concentration at a certain level; it also enables formatiOIl of very higb titre5 (up to several hundred gr.uns per litre ofsomemecabolites). whicb is ofimporcance forsubsequentdownstre
10 -
Oilution rate (h -\) GrowU\ of KJcbslda pMa/morllof (AerobCicter C1t!/Qfent$) in a chemmt3t wIth glycllrol as rlMollmlting ~ubs'tl'ale. TIle blomau concentratlon (.) decrus~ at low rli luti on r:l1:ftl; ¿ue tO ~ m::o.lnterl3nCe met:lbollsm, and when Eh .. dilullo n r:ate3ppro3cnes the crtdcal vJlue me bklmul concentr~t¡OIl decreale~ r.tpid ly. Thellycerol concentntion (.A) increases dowly al low dilu tlon rates. but when the dllutlon rate ~pproathe$!he critical ~alue it incruseJ mpldly. Th e IIne$ are modelsimul3tioru U$ing!he Monod model wI'th malntenance, and wltil pan.meter ~lue l: e: '" 10 &1- 1: /l""" = 1.0 h- I; ". =-0.0 1 It 1 1'0 ; m," 0.08 ,,-l. h; Y.":,, "" 1.70 11- ' . The broken Wne i~ the produt.tMty accorrli ng to
Eqn (6.41 ).
tbefeed is a very concentTllted solution , and the fee
V d'
and ifDis lo be keptconstant there needs tO bean exponencially inacasing ~ed fl ow ro the bioreactor. Iftbeyield coefficient is CODstant combination ofthe mass balances for the biomass and the substrate gives: (6.44)
orsincep.=Y.. r.
di' -
y.(<( - ~»
Th.rough combination witb Eqn (6.43) this differendal equalion can easily be solve
where xo' eJ.o and Vodefine the biomass conce.ntration , the substrate con· centration and tbe reactorvolume at the startofthe fed-batch process. As mentioned aboYe the substrate conc~tration in tbe feed e~ is normally very high and much higher than both the iniria1 substrate
concentration and the substrate concentratíon during tbe process (C.), Furthermore, a very high c! means that Y is larger than [be biomass concentration, both initiaUy and during the proeess. Consequently the ¡nerease in volume can be kept low even when tbere is a very largc increase in the biomass concentration. If there is an exponential feed f10\\' to che bioreaetor there will be substantial biomass growth a nd, SLnce the biomass concentration ¡ncreases, this may lead to limitations in Che O}supply. The feed Oow is therefore t:ypically increased untillimitations in tbe O} supply set in and thereafter tbe feed flow 1s kept constant. lhis wiU give a decreasing specific growth rateo However, since the biomass concentration nor~ mally will.increase. the volumetric uptake rdtc ofsubstrates (induding oxygen) may be kept approxirnately constant. From the above it 15 dear {bat mere may be many different feeding strategies in a fed·batch process and optimisation ofthe operaDon is a complex problem tbat is difficult te solve empiricaUy; and, even when a very good process Olodel i5 available. calculation of the optimal feeding strategy i5 a complex optimisation problem, In an emprncal search fOT rhe oprimal feeding policy the two most obvious criteria are : (1) keep the concentration of {he liruitingsub5trateconstant. and (2) kcep the volumetric growth rate oftbe biomass (or uptakeof a given substrate) constant. A constant volumetric growth rate (or uprake of a given subsn-ate) is applied if there are limitanoos in the supply of oxygeD or in heat removal. A COD5tant concentration of the timiting substrate is often applied ifthe substrate inhibits producr formation, and tbe chosen concentration therefore depends on tbedegree ofinhibition and thedesire te maintain a certaingrowth ofthe cells. The required feeding profile to maintam a constan t 5ubstrate concentration c•.ocorrespondlng to a constant specific growth rate iJ.o is quite simple to derive:. From Eqn (6.27)
withFOU/ = O,
Tt=J.I.oXV oc
Since me: substrate cont:t!Iltration is constant the 5ubstrate balance gives: (6,49) 0,
Finally, the biomass concentration I'(t) is obtained from Eqn (6046) with.
c. = (,.o:
:!lE "" Xo
+ axoei'tlI
~.s 80 t<. e o
''= "O 60 O,
(.). me bloreaetOl'
yolume (_ ). ilnd me l'eed tIowl'iltt (A ) rOl" iI fed·batch ructor opel'ilted wim iI constant wbstratll concencl'ildon. The yleld
speelflc growth I'iItI! ~Q;5 0.0211 - 1• ¡lid the !ubstraU! concentrarlon I.n
e o
coefflclent Y" Is 0.5, mI! cOl1st:¡nt
o ' 40 oo ~ o.~ .~
the~ ,: ls400kg
E o 20 o •
The blorTQSS
, 20
m- l. Tlle
$ubstn~ concew.ndon 15 assurned
tO be much leS! !han é,. The Inltlal biomass concentntion; O\I'Id the Inltlill bloreactor voJume are alcen
O lOO 120
Time (h)
to b!!! 10 kgm-1andSOm1• respectively
wbere (6.51 )
The bioreactor volume is given by: V ....... =l - QX +ax t"Ot V o
Figure 6.10 illustrates typical profiJes for the biomass concentration. the bioreactor volume and the feed tJow rafe during a fed-batch process with constant substrate concentration. Fed-batch processing is applied to pl'Ocesses where control ofculrure condítioos is required. m
6.4 I Further readi ng Herbert. D. (1959). Sorne principies of cantinuou s culture. RtCCTÚ- PTOg. MkTobfo!. 7. 381 - 396. Monod. J.(194l). R«hm:htS$&Ir la Crolssana lks Cultures B!lcurlmf1C5. Hennallll er Cie, Pzris. Monad. J .. Wyman.j. and Changeux.j.-P.(1965).). MuL8 tol.12:88-118 Nielsen,J. and VilladseD.). {1994). BioTC'amon Engtllt mn.1; Principle•. Plenum Preu, NewYork. Pirt, S.J. (1965). The malntena.nce energy ofb:u::teria in growing cUltureS. Proc. Rvyql SoCo I.ondon. Sm
a B 163. 224-231.
RoeJs. j. A. (1983). fnergctfa ond Kinmcrill Biotechllulogy, Elrevier Biomed.ical Press, Amsterdam. Sonnleirnl!l", B. and Klippeli, O . (1986). Growtb ofSIU(lu¡rum)Us reTtvbit\c.> js con· trolled by its lintited I"C!spiratory capaciry. Biortch nal, mOt"n,g. 28.927-937. Nil"lsen.J . a.nd Aristodou. A. (1998). Mem!:Jollc Eng intering. Srephanopoulos. Pr1l1clpl~s und MethodoJogla. Academic Press. San Diego.
Chapter 7
Bioreactor design Yusuf Chist i and Murr ay Moo -Young Nomendacure 1ntroduction
Bioreactor configurations Biort-ilctor de~ign tea tu res Design fOI sterile operation
Photobioreactors Heat trailifer Shear effects in culture Further reading
Roman lener.! cross"5fftional area oftht' downcomer (m') AH .uea for heat transfer (m") A, [[oss-section;¡! area afilie mer (m") a paramctef in equaüon (7.8) (-) A~
ClP clean-in-place
specific heat capacity ofthe broth tI kg-!."C) dimensionJess constant (- ) cilaracteristic Jength dimension (m) di diameter ortbe impeller (m) d p partide dlameter (m) dr d iameter ofbubble COlUffill DI tan1:: (m) d", rermenterwall thic:kness (m) R energy dissipation rate per unit mass offl uid Ukg 1) Gr Grashofnumber(-) gravitational acceleration (m s ' 2) K jacket side fuul ing film heat trausfer coefficien tO rn - 2 ."Q film heat transfer coefficient fur the cooling water fil m o n thejacket side Uro - o."C) hL height of gas·free liquid (ro) 110 broth film heat transfur coefficient m-1."q lo: paramelM"inequation (7.8) (m-1) Impeller-dependenrconstant(- ) lc.r thermal conductivityofthe cullure brothO m-I."e¡ 1.:", thermal conductivity ofthe fermenter.waU U m-I.0C)
mean length afilie energy dissipating Huid eddy (m) N rotadonal speed oftbe Impeller (S-I) Nu Nu!sel t"Ilumber(-) 11' Ilaw behaviour indexofa 8uid (- ) f' powerinputingas.freestateffi Po power input in presenceofgas01 Po pawernumber(- ) l'r Pralldtl number (- ) Q volum(o: flow [".lte ofg¡¡s tmJ s-') <4. heat.transfer r;¡te Os 1)
Reynolds number(- )
impeUer Reynolds nUlnber (- ) SG sigbr glaS3 R ~,
4T temperature difference (oC) superficial gas velocity based on che total cross-sectional area ofthe vesseJ {ms 1) Ue , rruperfidal velodty ofgas i.n ruer (m S- I)
UU orer.dl beaTtr::losfer coefficientO m- l.oq Vl ~"Uperficial UC)uld ~locity{rus- I I Vt volumeofliquidin there.u:tor(m 3)
Greek lerten
roefficient ofvolumetric expansiOll (ro' kg-I ."q average shear tate (s-') Y"""", maxiInum sbear fati! (S- I) et volume franion ofliquid (- ) j,Lt vis¡:osityofliquid (kgm - 1·s)
J.L.., IJ,....
viscosityofwarer{kgm-1 ·s) viscosity ofliquid at wall temperaturc (kg m- l·s) de.nsity of]iquid orslurry (kg m l )
shearstress (N m-2 )
7. 1
Introducti on
BioreacwtS, or [ennenten, are the core of any biotechnology-based produrnon process be it for vaccines. proteins. organic acids. amino acids, anttl>iotics. enzymatic or microbiaJ biotransformatioDs, bioremediation and biodegradation, and microbial inoculantsfor use as biofertilisers . Biocatalysts. micrQ-(Jrganisms. anima l 01" plant celIs. are produced iIlld maincained in bioreactors. A production faci Jity typically bas a train ofbioreactors ranging fram 20 litres to 250 m 3 _ Stilllarger ~ssels are encounrered in cerra¡o processes. In a grea t majority ofprocesses, the reactors are operare
sterility considerations, vessel design and surfuce finishes, clean-inplace issues, and aspects ofbioreactor performance are ofien coromon to bioreactoI'll_ The bioreactor types used extensively are the airlift, stirred tankand bubble column bioreactor_
7.2 I Bioreactor configurations 7.2. 1 Stirred tank reactors
Stirred tank bioreactors consist of a cyJindric-dl vessel with a motordriven central sbaft thatsupports one or more agitators. The shaftmay enter through the top oc the botlorn of the Teactor vessel. A typical stirred tankreactoris showninFig. 7.1. Microbial culturevessels are generally provided with four baffles projecting into the vessel from tbe walli to prevent swirling and vortexing afthe tluid. The baffle width is Ylo oc Yu of the tank diameter. The aspect ratio (Le. height-to-diameter ratio) of the vessel is 3-5, except in animal ceU culture applications where aspect ratios do not normally exceed 2. OCten. the animal cell culture vessels are unbaffled (especially small-scale reactocs) to reduce turbulen<.Oe thar may damage the cells. The number of impeUers depends on che aspect ratio. The bottom impeller is located at a distance abont % afthe tank diameter aboye the bottom of the tank. Additional impelleI'll are spaced approximately 1.2 impeller diameter distance aparto The impeller diameter is about ~ ofthe vessel diameter fue gas dispersion impellers sueh as Rnshton dise turbines and concave bladed impellers (Fig. 7.2). Larger bydrofoil impellers (Eig. 7.2)with diametecs oí 0.5 to 0.6 times the tank diameter are especially effective bulk mixers (,)
o--!-c>-1r i(npaller sparger-\t::::tlt--.Y
L ..
A stirred tank
Sorne commonly usad imP<"!hm: (al Rusllron disc wrbine;
(b) n(:i\ve bladed wrbine: (e) 3 hydrofoil impeller; and (d) prop0ller.
a marine
and are used in fur highly viscous mycelial broth~. Animal cell culture ve~sels typically cmploy a single,large diameter. low-shear impellcr sucb as a marine propeller (Hg. 7.2). Gas is sparged into the reactor Uquid belm" tbe. bottom impeller using a perforated pipe ring sparger with a ring diameter that is sUghtly smalle r tha.n that of the. impcller. Alternatively. a single hole spargermay be used. in animal or plant cell culture applications. the impeller speed generally does nor exceed about 120 rpm in vessels larger than abour 50 litreS. Higher stirring rates are employed in microbial culture. except with rnycelial and filamentous cultures where tbe impeller tip spe.ed (ie. 3.143 X impellerdiameter X speed ofrotation) does notin general exceed 7.6 m S- l. Eve.n lower speeds have been documented to damage certain mycelialfungi. The superficiaLaeration velodty(i.e. the volume flmvrate ofgas divided by the cross·sectional area ofthe vcssel) instirred vessels must remain below tbe value needed to f100d !he impeller. (An impeller is flooded when it receives more gas [bao ir can effective1y disperse.) A floocled impeller is a. poor mixer. Superficial aetation velocities do not generally exceed 0_05 m S- l.
" • , o' 0 0 O
o o o
o o
o '0
• • •
• o
• • •
o o
7.2.2 Bubble columns
• • •
Mi A bubbl. colulTY1.
• o
A bubble column bioreac.tor is shown 00 Pig. 7.3. Usually. the column is cylindrical with an aspecr ratio of 4- 6 (height-tcxliameter). Gas is sparged at tbe base ofthe columo through perforated pipes. perforatcd plates. 01' sin te red glass 01' metal micro-porous spargers. 02 transfer. mixing and other performance factors are iniluenced munIy bythe gas Oow rate and the rheoLogical properties of the fluid. Internal devices sud as horizontal p('rforated plates. vertical baffles and corrugated sheet packi.ngs may be placed in the vessel to improve mass transfer and rnodify the basic.:design. The colum n diameterdoes not affect its behaviourso long as the diameterexreeds 0.1 m. Oue exception is the axial mixing performance. Por a given gas tlow rateo the Illixing improves witll increasingvessel diameter. Mass and heat transfer and the prevailing shear rale ¡ncrease as gas fiow rate is increa.sed.. (n bubbLe colurnos the maximum aetation vclocity does not usually exceed 0.1 m S- l. The liquid flow cate does not iniluence tbe gas-liquid mass transfer coeffidentso long as the superficialliquid veloc.ityremaim below 0.1 m S-l.
7.2.3 Airlift bioreactors In airlitt bioreactors. the fluid volume of the vessel is divided into two interconnccted rones by means ofa baffle or draft tube as shown inFig. 7.4. Onty one of [he two zones is sparged with air or other gas. The sparged ZOlle is knowTl as tbe riser; the zone that receives no gasis the downcomer. The bulk density of the gas-liquid dispersion in the gassparged J:iser tends to be lower than the oulk density in the downcomer. consequen tly me dispcnion f10ws up in lhe riser ZQne and down.flow occurs in che downcomer. Sometimes the riser and the downcomer are 1WO separate vertical pipes (hat are the top and the botrom to form an externa} circulation loop. Far optimal gas-liquid mass transfer performance. the Liser-rooowncomer CToss-sectional
A1r1lh blorUCtOI'1:
(O O)
(a) drm-tube Intemalloop configumklll: (b) a ~pHt cyllnder
óevlce; ancl (e) an e~ma1 loQP 5)"«1 11\.
o 0o 00 o o
o 00
! ~
Ri se'8
°o f - - On.ft 0
0 o
O O o O o O 00 O
O o O
0¡~C-Uq"1d flQW
o o O
! ~
O"W Baffle
o O O
I o
o o
o o
f4 f-< O
area ralio should be between 1.8 and 4.3. External-loop airlift reactors are less common in commercial processes te the interna.lloop designs. TIte imernalloop configuration may be eitber a concentrie dr.út-rube device or a split cylinder. Airlift bioreactors are highly energy-efficient relative to stin'ed fermenten, yet t he productivitics of both types are comparable. Being espedaI1y suited to shear-sensirive cultures. airlift devices are afien e mployed in largc-scalc manufacture of biophannaceutkal proteins obtained from fragUe animal ceUs. Heat and ma$s transfer capabilitie.s of airlift reactors are at least as good as those of otber systems. and airlift reactors are more effective in ruspending solids than are bubble columns. AJI performance characteristics ofairlift bioreactors are linked ultima tely ro gas injetuon rate and the resulting rare ofliquid circulation. In genera.!. the Jale ofliqui d circulation increases wíth the square root of tbe heiglH of the airlift device. Consequently. the reactors are designed with high aspcct ranos. Because the liquid circulanoo is drive n by [he gas hold-up difl'ere ol..1i': be.tween the riser and the clowncomer. ci.rculatiou is en11allced if tbere is little or no gas in the down· com er. Al] the gas in the downcomer comes fram being entrained in with che liquid as it ftows into the downcomer from the riser near the top of the reaCf.Or. Various designs of gas-liquid separ.!tors are sorne{imes used in m e head zone ro reduce oreliminate the gas carry-overto m e downcomer. Re1ative lo a reactOr without a gas-liquid separ.Jtor. illstallation ofa suitably designed separ.Jmrwilla lways enhance liquid circulatiOD. i.e. the merease
>-l ¡r¡
'" ;;'"
A flvidbed bed
I biofe;JttOf".
SenUng ~"
Fluidised biocBllIlyst
• • • • •• • • • • • •
th;;m compensate for any additional resistance to flow due to the separator.
7.2.4 Fluidised beds F1uidised bed bioreactors are suited to reactions involving: a fluidsuspended particulate biocataLyst such as me hnmobilised enzyme and ceU partides or microbial fiocs.An up-Oowing stream oftiquid is used to suspend or 'f1uidise' che solids as in Fig. 7.5. Geometrically, che reactor is similar [o a bubble column except that the top section is expandec1 to reduce che superficial velocity of the Ouidising liquid ro a level below titat nceded [O keep tbe solids in suspe.nsioll. COllsequently, the solids sedimentin the expanded zone and drop back into (he narrower reactor column beJow; hence. the solids are retained in the reactor whereas the liquid flows out. A liquid fluidised hed may be spa:rged with air orsome O[her gas to produce a gas-liquid-solid Huid bed. lftbe solid partides are too light. tbey may have to be artificially weighted. for example by embedding stainless steel balls in aD otherwise Iig ht solid matrix. A high density of solids improves solid- liquid mass tt"ansfer by increasing the re[ative velocity belWCen the phases. Denser solids are also easier [O sediment
but me densi(}' should not be too high relative to that ofme Iiquid . or fluidisation wilJ be difficu)t. Liquid Ouidised beds tend ro be fuirly quiescem but introduction of a gas subsrantially e nhances turbuJence and agitanan. Even withrclatively Iight partides. the superfidal liquid velocity needE'd to suspend mE' soJids may be so high that the liquid lE'avE's tbE' reactor much too quickly, i.E'. thesoLid- liquid contact time is insufficient for tbe reaction. ln mis case. me Iiquid may have to be recycLed to eruure a suffidently longcumularive contact time with the biocatalyst. The minimumfluid¡sacian velocity - t.e. the superficial liquid velocity needed to just suspend the solids from a settled state - depends on severa! factors. induding the density difference between (he phases. the dia.meter of the particles. and theviscosity ofthc liquido
7.2.5 Packed bed columns A bed of solid parricles, usually with conflning walls, a packed be
matrix ofsolids tharrnay be porous or a homogeneous non-porcus gel. The solids may be particles of compressible polymeric Or more rigid materiaL A fluid conraining nutrienr.s flows continuously through the bed to provide the needs of the immobilised bioca.talyst. Metabolites and products are released into the fluid and removed in the outflow. The flow may be upward or rlownward . bur downflow under graviry is the norm. Ifthe fluid Oows up the bed. the maximum flowvelocity is limited because the velocity cannot exceed the minimum fiuidisation velocity orthe bed will fluidise. The depth of the bed is limited by several (actors. including the density and fue compressibility of the solids, rhe need {O mainrain a certaifl minimal leve! of a critical nutrient. such as O~, through the entire depth. and the fI.ow rate mal is needed Cor a given -pressuredrop. For a given void volume (Le. solids-fi·cc volume fraction of che bed) che gravity-driven.flow rate tbrough the bed dedmes as thedepth ofthe bed toereases. Nutrienrs and substrates are depLeted as lhe fluid moves down the bed. Conversely. cODcentraUODS of metabolites and products iucrease. Thus. tbe environmem of a packe
• "l,
t u
A pacbd bed
¡ biore.:lctor.
7.3 I Biore.ctor design fe.tures
19 21
." , ==,F~'
A typical b ioreaetC>r.
( 1) reactO r vessel; (2) jacket;
(J) insubtlon; (-4) ~roud: (S) itloa.olum COmfleOon; (6) polU for pH, temperawreand dlnc>lved oxygM senSOrl; (T} aglt>ltor; (8) gas sp~rger: (9) mer.hanlal ~a!s; (10) n1d ucitlg gurbole: (11 ) mexor; (12) harvest nozzle; (13) Jadoot connecdoM 5;; ( 14) u mple ,.., I~ wlth ltl!am
co nnecrion; (IS) 51g1lt glass: ( 16) connecliom ror a<:id, ¡11eaI¡ and antifoam chtmkals; ( 17) air ¡nlec (18) remcwa.ble top; (19) medium o r leed oouJe: (20) ,Ir exm.ust nouJe; (2 1)
(several); (22) foam breal(U; (2.1) sigile glm With nght (OOt shown) an d Stllam connccllon:
(24) rupl~ dlsc nonte ,
lrrespective of the speci6c bioreactor configuranon use
The reactor vessel is invariably j3.cketcd. In the absence of especial requirements. the jacket is designed ro the same speci fica tions as the vesscl. !he jacketis covered with chloride-free fibreglass insulacion lhat i5 fu lly cnclose
7.4 I Design for sterHe operation Mast oommercia! fermentation processes are mouo-cultures. To establish and maintain aseptic conditions are vital for the success ofthese processes. Hence, a bioreactormustbe sterilised priortoinoculation and contaruÍnation during operation must be prevented. Contamination during culture i5 a common cause of process failuIe.
7A.I Sterilisation-in-place A bioreactor iatended fOT in sih.l sterilisation requires a complex arrangement ofpipework. valves. aod filters to e.nable iniual sterilisation aod maintenance ofsterility. A typicaJ arrangentent for in situ sterilisarion is shown in Pig. 7.8. Recause almost all biopharmaceutical production processes involve aeration. the figure ¡neludes aerarion and exhauSl groups that must also be sterilised. 111e air ¡olet and exhaust Unes have in sítu steam·sterilisable gas filters. Typic:a1ly. hydrophobic membrane cartridge filtcrs are used. These filters are rated for rcmoving partides down to 0.45 ¡.¡.m or E"ven 0.1 ¡..Lm. Often lhe gas screams have two filler cartridges in series; with the first seIVing to prorect the final filter. A good system is designed so that tbe different sections can be stcrilised mdependently of any of rhe others. thus steriHsation of any section durmg fermentation can be carned out i.f. and when. requrred. Saturated dean steam (1.1-1.4 bargauge) is lIsed for sterilisaUon. The air inlet and exh:mst groups are sterilised first, and then. in a second step, tbe bioreactor. The system is designed so that che filters. valvcs and the assodated pipe-work reach sterili$ation temperature (- 121 °C) very quic.:kly (-1 minute). and are held at the temperature Cor the required time l25-30 minutes). Apartfrom theharvestvalve, allothervalvessbown in Fig. 7.8sho uld eithe.r be diaphragm orpinch valves.The harvestvah-e is usually a pistan valve witb a metal beLlows se<:lJed stcm. The valve doses fiush with the internal sucfuce of the bioreactor and tbere js an unobstructed flow
A biore:actor with alr
inlet and ewustgroups arranged
elean steam
_ ~" Fllter Exhaust
for In-place sterillsadon wlth
.. (
g1885 .......
Thermody namfc
s-t ¡~
____----- valve Product
st!l3m trap
k, candBnsatf Waste
path through thevalve body. The valves maybt': operated manually, but pneumatic operation under automatic control is more efficient aud reproducible. '!be bioreactor is sterilised either filled with the mffiium orwitbout.Empty sterilisatiou is the norro in cell culture applications where the media are invariably heat sensiti~. In this case. filter sterilisation is osed to srerilise themedium. Proper closing aud opening sequence ofthe various valves is important for attaining sterility aud I?Teventing recontaminatiOIl from the adjacent non-sterile areas. Once the sterilising steam supply is shutoff, the bioreador is immediately pressurised with sterile ah' through tbe air inletfilter so that any leakage from tbe outside to the sterile vessel is prevented. In bioreactors with stirrer 01' foam breaker shaft penetrations. the shaft seals require. suitable. piping and valves for steam ste.rilisation and maintenance of a sterile barrier fluid betwee.n the·('ontents of the fennenter and the outside.
7.4.2 Clean-in-place considerations Industrialbioreactors and much ofthe other processing equipment are deaned in-p11ce using automated methods. Automation ensures consistency of c1eaning and reduces down-time (Le. unproductive time of a machine). Attaining an acceptable state of cleanliness is essential to prevent contamination and IToss-contamination of biophannaceuticals and tbod products. An effective and trouble-free cleaning capability requires atlention to design ofthe bioreactors and the dean-iD-place (ClP) systems.At any given time a plant may have. several bioreactors at differentstages ofprocessing and some emptyreactors which need ro be cleaned along with any associated transfer piping. The CIP devices and procedures must be matched to the speci.fic configuranon ofthe biareactor and to the ferme.ntation process to emure satisfactory cleaning. GeneraUy, a bioreactorwhich has processed hybridoma or othe1' animal ceU cu.lture broth is far easier to dean than one whic.h has processed broths oí Srreptomyces or rnycelial fungi such as PenidUium.
e,P ,.
~. ~",: ...Air ¡"1m
CIP s pray 0011 - I rem ovable)
CIP IIquid Transferl1ne
el P return
Design aspects To ensute removal of solid particles and avoid sedimentation. the minimum fiowvelocity through piping sh ould be 1.5 rn 5- 1. but ahigh~ value of2.0 m 5 - 1 ¡s preferred. ln addition , the piping should be free of dead spaces as much as possible; ifunavoidable, the depth ofthe dead zone must be less than twopipe diam eters te ensure adequate deaning using CIP tcch.niqucs. OnJy valves with a metal·bel1ows-sealed mm . or diaphragm and pinch valves are recommended as all othervalves carry a significant risk of contaminating reactors with accumulated debris during the final rinse cycle. For adequatecleaning. the ClPsolutions are sprayed into the reactor through one or more removable. static or dynamic.spray baBs. ordynamic spray nozzles (see Fig. 7.9). In addition. the piping fo!" air exhaust. which 15 upstream oftbe exhal1st gas fiI{er, and the air ínlet piping. shouLd also receive the deaning 5OJutions. For deaning with jet spray. pressuI't$ of 308 ro 377 kPa (absolure) are optimal Permanently installed spray heads are no( reconunended for bioreactors because oi potential difficulties with steriJisation, These devices must be inserted into the reactor through one of [be ports on the head plate. Ofien. the spray heads are designed to spray the upper one-third ofthe cankand the falling liquid film inigates the remaining sw:face. For bioreactors for parente!"al (inject:able) products and othcr biopharmaceuticals. potable quality deionised water i8 recomlnended for all pre-rinsing and detergent fonnulations. Pre-rinse should be on a once-through basis witbout reciI"culation. A five minute pre-rinse is usually sufficient for bacterial, yeast and animal ceH culture reactors. Following pre-rinse. 1% (wfv) NaOH ar 75-80 ~C should be circulared through the equipmentso tharall productcontactsurfaccs are exposed ro this solution for 15-20 minutes. TIte alkali should be discaroed afterwaros. Dilution. contarnmation withsoil and microbial spores that can survive for long periods aud los5 of quality definition of che starting material far the Dcxt deaning. are sorne ofthe arguments against l'e-use of c1caning chemicals. A deionised or reverse osmosis water rinse al 25- 35 oC is used to remove all alkalifrom the system. Process equipment
DeI..... ry 01 me dean-In(ClP) Ilqulds. [O tN bioreactor. The fIow of CIP rolutions is '~nted throu¡h the tnnsfer in
16 1
fur ptoducts mar are injected into the body mUS! nndergo a final wash with hot water-for-injection grade water. This erunres that 0111 residual water compl1es with rhe requisite quality standards. In mechanically agitated bioreactors. the spr.Jyofd eaning solutions may be unable to achieve proper deaning of m e agüators, magnetic couplings. mecha nical seals and the lower partions of baffLes. Therefore, filIing afthe vessel ro at (east above thelevel ofthe lowerrnost hnpeHer and agitation at impeller Reynolds numbers (see Se¡;tion 7.6) of lOL IQ8$ is recommended during pre-rinse. alkaJi recirculalion and the final rinse. Agitation for 2- 3 minutes is. sufficient ro dislodgc adhe.ring dirt or sollo These recommcndations assurne thar re'H.:tDrs are being deaned in·place sooo afte.r use and caking ofdirt b.ts nor occurrcd.
7.5 I Photobioreactors Cenain micro-a1gae and cyanobacteria provide imponant chemicals. such as as.talGlnthin and ,B
I'hotoblcreactars lor (a) com:inuous run wbu!ar IoXlp: (b) a ~olar I'flcelver Ill3de of multiple paraJlel wbes: (e) helkal wound rubular loop: (d) fin panel configuration. Coofigo..ntion (a) and (b) mar be moomed vertically, or paraHel ro the ground. mono-cult~re:
1 ¡
•• tst
~ te)
, ,.
, ,"
circuJated through thc solar receiver by a variety ofmethods. including centrifugaJ pumps. positive displacement mono pumps , Archimedean screws and airlift devices. Airlift pumps penorm well. have no mechanicalparts. are eaS}' to operate asepticaUy and are suited ro shcal' semi· uve apptications. Thc flow in a solar receiver [ube or panel sbould be turl>ulent enough ro aid periodk movement of cells fram the deeper peorly lit intenorto the regiolls-ncarcrthewalh_ GeneraUy. a minimum Reynolds number value of 104 is recommended. While turbulence is needed (O improve radiallllÍXing. too much turbuJence can be harmfuJ. Tbe veJoc· ity everywhere shouJd be sufficienI (O prE'Vt'm sedlmentation of cells. Typicallinear veJocities through receiver tubes [end ro be 0.3-0.5 m S- l. Bccause of the need tu m adequate sun light penetratian. a tubular solar receiver canno[ be scaled up bysimply increasing [he tube diametel~ The diameter should not exceed 6 cm. although this constraim may be relaxed somewba t bydeploying specially designed sratic mixers rhatimprove radial mixinginside the tube. Without themixers, reducing !he tulle di<:Jmeter from 6 cm to 5 cm and further to 2 cm noticeably improves culture performanCE'. light penecration cfepends on biomass density, cellu)ac morpbology and pigmentation, and absorption chacacteristics ofthe ccl1-free culture medium. Photobioreactors a re normalIy operated in continuo us lllode. Micro' algae grow slowly; the doubling time ofChiort'Ua pyrtrloicloSt'l is approximatcly 9 hours. Conscquently, the dilution rare is kepr low; about one culture volume pe:r day. confined ro daylight hours . Although the biomass grows only during daylight, certain products are produced predomi nantly dunng' the dark hatirs. Biomass prodmTIvity of outdoor cultures is generaUy less than 2 g l ' l'day, ofien no more tball 1.5 g I- CuJture is generally carried out at 22-37 ac. During
dayUghthours. thesolarreceivertubes need ro becooled toprevenr temo perature [ise to damaging levels. A solar receiver is more amenable to scaJe-up by increasing che length of a contínuous run tube; bowever. tbe maximum permissible length should nor exceed 50-100 m because the pltorosynthetically generare
7.6 I Heattransfer All fermentations generate heat; in submerged cultures. lO- SO MJ m.- 3
ofthe heatoutput typically comes from microbial activity. Heat production is especially large when the biomass is growing rapidly in highdensity fermentations and when reduced c.lrbon sources suro as hydrocarbons and rnethanol are oseo as 5ubstrate. Themetabolic heat generation rate in kJ l-l·h 15 typicalIy about 12% ofthe 01 consumption tate expressed in mmol 0ll- l·h. Heat removal in large vesscls bccomes difficult as the heat generation rate approaches 20 MJ m - J. corresponding to a n 0l consumption rate orabout S kgm-3.h.ln addition [O metabolic heat mecharncal agitanon ofLhe broth produces up to 50 MJ m-l. In ait driven ferment~. a1l e:nergy input due to gassing is eventuaUy dissipated as heat. Consequently. a fermemer must be cooled to prevent temperatute rue and damage te culture.As the scaleofopt'r.ltion increases, heat transfer and no[ 01 mass transfer hecomes (be limiting process in bioreactors because the available surface area rOl" cooling decreases as Lhe fermenter volume increases. Thmperature is controlled by heating or cooling through external j ackees and internal coils. Lcss frequently. additional double walled baffles, draft tubes or heatexchangecs locared ¡nside the fermentation vcsse! are needcd to provide suEfkient heat transfer su:rfuce aTea. TIle rate ofheat removaJ. Q.¡, i5 related to (he surface area,J\•. avail· able for heatexchange and (he mean temperature difference. tJ.T. thus, (7.1)
The overall heat transfer coe.fficient, UH' is the inverse of!be overall resistance. to heat transfel". During cooIing, heat flows from the broth side to the roolin gwat~ in a jacketOl"coolingcoil. TIletransferring heat
t - - - Jacket
--1--- Cooting water
1'-----11--- Water
film (1'hl l
A+i-----t--- deposils Fouli ng (1/h¡)
Broth film l1ih.,)
water Direction ----'Lb~-f1fL. of heat tran sfer
---11--- - - - - --
Fermenter wa lt (dwfk..,)
eocounters several resistances in senes as illustrated in Fíg. 7.11 : the thin sta'goant film of broth on tbe [mide wall of tbe fennenter ; the ml."tal wal l ofthe fermenterorcooling coil; scaleor 'fouLing' de posits on the cooling water side; and a thin S[agnant fibn of the cooling fluid 00 the jacket side of the fennenter waU. These individuaJ resistances are related to t he overall resistance as folJows: 1
OYer311 resislanct"
broth lilm
+ vessel waJl n!
h, foul1ng fl.lm resistanct"
(7.2) water film resistance
'Ihe film heat tTansfer coefficient is infIuenced by llumerous fac..:tors, inc1uding (he density and the viscosity of the Huid, tbel'mal conduc tivity and heat capacity, the velodty offlow a l' sorne otber rneasure of tu 1'bulence (e.g. power input. gas flow rateoete.). and the geornetry of the bioreactor. 111e manyvariables that affectheat transfer can be grouped into a few 'dimens ionless numbers' to. greatly simplifY the study and description ofthose effects. The groups relevant to heat transrer a nd the corresponding fluid dynamics (e.g. Ulrbulence) are as fo110W5: totaJ beat tr.msfer Nu (Nusselt number)= condu~üve bea[ tra.nsfer
Pr(Prandtlnumber) -
momenrum diffusivity h iffu' . termal d SlVlty
inertia I force PlVId Re fReynolds number) : . , VlSCOUS orce ¡.LL
' ~a~ti~o~n force Gr (Grashof number) - -~gr~'7_"~'r VlSCOUS force
In these equations. d is a charaC'teristic length (e.g. diamerer oftube or impeller). The above noted dimcü5ionless groups expl'CSS (he relative significance of the various factors infiuencing a given situatÍon. The value ofthe Nusselr number rells us about the relative magnitudes oí total bcat transfer and that transferred by conduction alone. Ihe Grashofnumber is importanr in situations where 60w is produced by density differences thar may tbcmselves ~generared by thermal gmdientS (hence me!ll'f3 in [he Grashof Dumber). The Reynolds number is employed indcscribing fluid motion in situations where fol'ccd con Ve(:· tion [$ predominant. Correlatioru fur estimating thc film heat rransfe!' coefficient, h", are often briven in rerlllS ofthese dimensionless graups. Equations for quantifying the heat transfer resistances of tbe fouling films and films of heating and cooling fluids are disclISsed in readily availablc process engineering handbooks. Suitable corrclations fuI" cstimating the heat tcansfcrcoeffidem. h D• for m e film ofLiquid OI culture broth in various (:onfigurations ofbioreactors are summarisoo in Table 7. 1, Note thar me couelatíons given for mrred ve.55e1s utilise a Rcynolds number thar has becn deflned in terms of the tip speect ofrhe impelJer. lo somecases, the correlations in Table 7.1 require the rhermal conductivity. "-r. and the specific heat capacity. Cp ' ofthc ferrnentalion broth for estimation of the heat tró\nsfer cocffici.ent. For most bl'oths. the va lu e~ ofthase paramerers are close ro those ofwater. The film coefficielltgencrally illcreases with increasing turbuJence. gas flow ratc, 3nd the agitation power input. lbe roeffident typically declines with increasingviscosity ofthe culture broth. The geome nyof tbe bioreactor affccts the film heat trnnsfer cocfficient mainIy by illflu· cncing the degree of turbulence 01' related parameters such as the induced liquid cirrulation rate in airlift vessc1s. lo bubble columns the film coeffil.'ient i~ independent ofthe column diameter so long as che diamerer excecds abour 0.1 m. SimUarly, in bubble columns the ho value is nor affcc:ted by the height ofthe gas-free fluid . 111e value ot'h" mereases with increasing superficial gas velocity, 01: power input. bu t onJy up ro a veladt)' of abour 0.1 m s l. Furthennore. for jdenticaJ specificpowerinputs. bubble columru and stirred vessels providequite similarvalues ofthe hcat transfer coefficient. on heat [rarufer in airlift reactors is sparse. Equations developed fu r bubble columns fTable 7.1) may be used to provide a low estimateofh" in aidiftvessels when the induced liquid circulatiOll ratcs are small. Undel' other conditions, the coefficient in airlift reactors can be more than two-fold greater rhall in a bubble column. When liquid flow velocity does Dot exceed abaut 0.015 m S- l . [he film hcat transfer coefficient is largely independent ofliquid velocity: however, for higher liquid velodties hn increases with Iiquid velocity as follows: (7.7)
A large amoune ofpublished datais available on heat rrarufer in verti· cal two-phase Oows. Sorne oi' this information may be applicable to airlift reactors provided tha[. the fluid properties, gas hold·up and rclative velocities ofthe two phases are idenrical in rhe airlift and the
. ·iiiiik;~;¿i'~w.áiaiá~aihlmb~~;f#~OO~~~t:i~~tiji.i!ñ~~¡~iW~:.@iis!~~rm!i!~~ . ..H~,lt~H#¡¿¡tH , .m ·'! · t~· .. ¡;"'liffl "r.¡'·" ... • ...... ....... "::·![""t··¡" ·h .• •• " ....... . ....... 'P In~ \ ...... . U ..... :::¡: .• • _.. .. :, ' . ·,:m.,:fH~~i¡Hgñi;.·imi,~m, •• • ..... ........ ¡~mnml~¡H¡mn , .. .. ¡
Bioreactor configuration
t. Stirred tanks (coiI5)
(",w)"" = 0,87 (dl NP )"" (Ck",), r
2. Stin-ed tanks Uacketed)
h: (':::r ~036(d:1J r(1;)1
3. Bubble columns
ho = 939 I U~(::r3S
4. Bubble columm.
S. Airlift vessels
For cooling coils; Ne'Ntonian tluids
Forjacketed vessels: Newtonian fluids
Newtonian broths
10- 1
~~ O.I (U&.. (~)').¡
",-("UG h
Newtonian broths
~ 87 IOU" n (A,)", (~)-'-' Gt
Ne'vV!:onlan brcths
{draft-tube sparged)
0.78- 5.27 mPa s: Q,008 S UGr ::::; 0. 16 m S- I; 1.20. The hovaried frcm 600 to
O.25 $ A/Ad ~
1400W m-2. oC 6. Airlift vessels (annulus sparged)
A ) -'" Uo.m. h = 13340 ( 1 +2 " A, G
7. Fluidised beds (gas-liquid-solid)
k-r{I -Eu
h"dp6 L
Air----'"l,ldter: 0.0 1~ UG :S 0.04 m s- I;Ad/Ar = 0.241 and 0.452
O.044[ dpULPl C;¡J.4.]C.18 + lO (~1)C, ' 7 JJ.t.(I- F.L) k l
A Hproperties are forthe Ilquid phase
vertical rwo-phase ftow device, Fungal mycelia-like solids may enhan,ce or reduce heat transfer depending 00 hydrodynamic moditions in the airlift device. Whereas in .microbial fermentations tbe temperature control tolerances are fairly narrow, animal cell cultures demalld even more dosely controlled temperature regimens. TypicaUy, cells are cultu red O1t37 == 0.2 °C.1he cells generate Httle heatand tbe heat produeed by agitation is aIso small. In addition, the almostwater-like consistency of eeU culture broths means that beat transfer is relatively easy; howeve.r. the temperature differences betweeo tbe heating/eooling sumce and the broth must remain small, aI: the cells maybe damaged .
Shear effects in culture
Shear rate is a measure ofspatial variation in local velocities in a fluid. Ceu dam01ge in a moving fluid is sometimes associ01ted with the magoitude afthe prevailingshear rateo But the shearrate in the re.latively turbulent environment afmOSI bioreactors is neither easily defined nor easUy measured. Mareover, the shear rate varies -with location within the vessel. Attempts have becn made to ch01racterise an average shear rale or a maximum shetlr rate in various types ofbioreactors.ln bubble columns an average sbear mte: has been defined as a function of the superfidalgas velodty as foll ows: (7.8)
where the parameter el equals 1.0 in mosteases, but the k value has been reported variously as 1000. 2800, SOOO m- I , e tc. Equation (7.8) has been appliedalso loairliftbioreactol's using tbesuperfidal gas velodty in the riser zone as a correlating paramete.r; howe.ver, thar usage is ineorrect. A more ruitable form ofthe equation fur airliftreactors is
y; - -
1 + '" A,
Depending on lhe value of l: equations such as (7.8) illld (7.9) produce: wildlydifferenlvalues ofthe supposed shear rate. ln addition. the equatioos fail to take jnto account the momentum transfer capability, Le. the density and rhe viscosity, of tbe fluid . 80th of these will influence thesb~rate.
An average shear rate in stirred fermentcrs is given bythe equation:
( '"
).~n- ll
'Y=k - I 3n+ 1
whert" n, the flow index ofa fluid, equals 1.0 ror a Newtonian liquid such as water and thick glucose syrup. Sorne typical lc¡ values are: 11-13 ror 6-bladed disc turbines, 10-13 for paddJe impeUers, - 10 for propellers, and - 30 fur hetical ríbbon impellers. The maximum she:ar rate on a Rushton dise turbine in Newtonian fluidshas bee:n expressed as:
= 3.3N u d -
i J.I.f..
Equation (?ll.applie.swhe:n 100 s (NtP¡pJ,uJ s 29000. Tt also applies to non-Newtonian fluids if 1\ js takenas the zero she:arviscosity. Theshear rate can be conve:rte:d to a paramete:r known as sbear stress T, wbere (7.12)
The: susce:ptibility ofsorne animal cells to she:ar stress levels has been characterised in wel1.ctefined laminar fiow environments. Another method ofdeciding whether the turbulence in a Hu id could potendally damage a suspended biocatal~[ is base:d on comparing the dime nsi ons ofthecell 01" the biocatalyst ftocwitb me Le:ngth scale aftbe fluid e
e =(:rtE-II~
In most cases. aH. the energy input te the fluid is dissipated in fluid eddies and Eequals the rate ofenergy input. Methods fur calculadngthe energyinput rate in the principal kinds ofbioreactors are noted in Sox ?.l. Equarion (?13) applies to isocropically turbulent f1ujd, Le. one in wh1ch the size ofthe pnrnary eddies generatect by the turbu]c Dce pro· ducing mechanismis a.thousand·fold ormore compared to the size of the enecgydissipating micro~ddies. The size ofthe micro-eddíes is cal· culate
smaU as 200 Jlffi in diameter a re suspended in me cul fluid to support adherent cells olllhe sunace oftbe carrier, inter-panicJe colli· sions are genETally infrequent under the conditions that are typicaUy employed. However, [be size ofthe fl uid eddies in micro<arrier culture systems may be similar to al' smaller than the dímensio ns o f the cal'" riers; henee, the adhering ceUs may experience cu rbule nce-re.La ted darnage. Freely suspended animal cells are generaUy roo smaU ro be damaged by fluid turbulent:e levels that are typically employcd in cell culture b ioreactors.ln micro-carri erCUlttlre. sh ear stress Jevels as low as 0.25 N m- 2 may interfere with the initial attachment ofcell s o n micrO"
Further reading
Cbisti. Y. (1999). Shenr senSitivity. ln li'ncyclopeclia o!BIOpT'QC('SS 1'rchnology: Fennrntalion, BIOCGtalyrfs, uncl Ri()~epllrarion, Vol. 5 (M. C. Flickinger and S. W. DrL'W, eds.), pp. 2379- 2406.John Wi ley, NewYork, Cbisti, Y. (1999). SoUd SubsU'iHe fernumtati ons. enzyme production, fooot. In cncydopl!Ji¡¡ o!BflJpruce.~s TerhnoJogy: Ferm~ntatjOIl, Blocarlllysis, ¡¡na BI05epamtiou. Vol. S (M. C. Flickinger and S. W. Drew. eds.), pp. 2446-2462.
Wi\ey. New York. Chisti. Y. and Moo-Young. M.(1999). Fermentation technology, bioprOCí!'ssing.
scalt-Up and manufacture. In Dloleduwlogy: The Scimce IInd the Husiness.2nd Ed{ticm{V. Mases. R.l:. capo> and D. G. Springham, 005.). pp. 177- 222. Harwood Acaderuic Publ i1; tl(~rs. NC'W York. Doran, p, M. (1995). Bioprows Engillct'rlttg Prllldples. Academk Press. London. Grima, E. M., Fernández, F. G. A.. Camacho. F. G. ;lnd Chis[i. Y. (1999). Photobiore¡tctors: ligbt rr:gimt>, mas! trans(er, and sCilleup.]. Bioti!chnoL 70, 231 -247. LyderseTl. B. K.. D' Elia. N. A. and fllelsoll. K. L (ed s.)(l~). Hiopl'Oce.u Engineering: SyslrnlJ. F.quipmenr tina J-(¡cllitiu. John Wiley. Ncw York.
Van't Riel. K.and Tramper. j. (1991). Bane Bioro'actorlkstgn . Mareel Dekkff. New York.
Mass transfer HenkJ. Noorman No mendature Introductíon Tite mass tra nsfer steps Mass transfer equiltions Determining tbe vo]u metdc mass tr.1Rsfer coefficienls The effect ofscall' on mass ttansfer Furthe'r reading
- 1Nomenclature Rom= a inrertacial arca per unit ¡¡quid volume a' interfacial area per unit total rcardan valume e e,
(gas plus liquid) conte.ntration in liquid phase concenlr.ltion al ¡,quid side ofinterface sarur:l.tion ('" equi.l ibrium) concentratiol1 in liquld pbast' (= p/ffJ
CI d D D H
biomass concentrarion liqllid film lhicknes$ düfusion coeffici entor etTectivt' diffilSiviry impellerdiameter HC!nrycoeffldenl
H v liquJd hl1:lght
molar mass flux
molar lllilSS fiux across gaJi film JI molar ma5S flux ilcroSS liquid film k mass transfer coeffident k, gas film mass transfer coefficient. "1 liquid film mass transfur coeffident kla volllmetricmass transfetcoefficient K OYel'all nl.:lSS transfu coeffident K
m m1 s ·1 m barm' mol ~ 1
mol m- 2,s mol m ~J ,s mol m- ~ · s ms- I ms- I ms- L 1S~1
ms- l
COllsistcncy index
power law index N impeUer rotational speed OTR OJ transfer r
moLm kgm'
mol m · ·s
p Po
pressllre referlo'nce prcssure (= 1 bar) Pi pre!iSU1'e atgas sidc ofinterfdce P¡" inletg'"dS pressure Pool outletgas pressun~ l'
1', q
bar (N rn !) bu
power input power input by stirrer
bac bac W W
consumption T
molm l .:s
time ·l~.
ta.nk diametcr
.'< VII
distanct! supedicialgasvelocity
VI gasvolume VI liquid volume
m m
m, m' rn'
power law index
t': !hcar rate
hQld-uporvoid franian
dynamicviscosity referl'.nce.dynamicviscosity A liquid phase densi ty
,-o kgm l·S kgm l·S kgm '
Dimenslonless Dumbers P" impellerpowerllumber Re Reynolds numbe r
8. 1 I Introduction In a bioreaction process. substJ:ates are consumed ¡¡nd products are formed by action of a micro-organism, 01' cata1ytic parts oforganisms,
[or example enzymes. Typical substrates for a living cell are tamon sources 5uch as sugar and oil . nitrogen soueces such as a mmonia and amino acids. and clectron acceptorssuch asOlOeroducrs can be all kinds of org-.mic compounds. biomass a nd COl' For an optimaJ rate of reaelion. rhe rnicro-organisrn. the academic researcher or the industrial process engineer should sel'. to it that transfer of suostrates te the enzyme or ceH surfacc (Oí the site of reaerlon ¡nside the ceU) and removal of products away from rhe enzyme or organism is as rapid as possible. and prefcrably notrate-limiting. Usuallythistransferinvolves a chain or mass transfer steps as shown in Fig. B.~ The slowest ofthese rteps wi U determine me o~r.l.ll mass transfer rateo and its value is lObe cornpared with Che slowest kinetic reaction step in order to find out if mass transfer will affect m e 0YeJ'31l process performance or noto ln this chapter. attenDon will be focused on reactions involviug whole ce lis. ln enzyrnatic biotransformations. cells are abSl'.nt and me number ofmass tramfer steps is decreased, but the same concepts cnn be applicd.
gas bubble or liquid droplat
3 bulk IIquk! _amI""" • 01organlsms
particle ella,n of rN.n transfer stCps for a substrate or nutrltint from a PI bubble.
Ilquid droplet or 'iQlid partido towardi the lite of ruedon Inllde a cel : 1: Transfer (malnly by diffusion) 01 subslnteli from gall.llquid or lolld phale tO the 1~rf.Jce wlth the IIquld wat~r
phaslI; '2: Transport (mgs~ gnen by a cOl11binadon of diffuslon and convec:don) ao:mss a &:hIn. nU:Mr stagnanl.l ayer d wate r phale tht surrounds the rou bubble.llquld droplet ar saTld partK:I ~: 1 : Tran$pO!'t (usually by COIlveCtlon or turbulence) through die bullliquid phase ro a thln layer surroundirlg a single mh:ro-argilllbm ar a ~rtkle (dump.
canier) corltalnlng agroup af orpnlw1S:~: Transpart (dlffusive) mis !ayer 10 tlle cel l s~rbce; S: Trarn.part (paulve by dlfl'u,lan andlor lCtlve wlth a tran§JKlrt ~nzyme) overthe (ell enveIope tO a slte In,ide tlM:> (eU where me reaction [3kes place. NB: Products form!!d take ah!! roverse l"Q~te. pellet.
.l CroSS
8.2 I The mass transfer steps 8.2. 1 Effects of transfer limitations lf one mass transfer step is slowcr than tbe key kinetic reaction step. 1t will limit the formation of a desired product from a se1ected substrate. As a resu lr. [W() effects may be observed. botb with freeJy suspended cells as well as organisms immobi lised inside cell aggregates 01' solid partic1es: • The ovemll J'~actjo" rute Is beluw 01(' thcon:tirol maximum. und the process output is slowcr titan desi~d. This is the case in the formation ofgluconicacid from glucose by the acrobic bacte.rium, Gluconobucter o.\yda ns. Hete, tbe overall reaction rnte is detennined by thc fate O]t which O~ is transferred to tbe Liquid phase. After reLiev· ingthe limitation. rhere is no irreversible effecton this particu lar micl'o-organism. Allothel' example 1S a limited supply of sugac lo immobilised ceJ Is due to slowdiffusion inside an immobilisatlon canier. lbe overaU rate ofproduction is ofren reversibly reduced. However. the:re: are a1so examples ofsystems where me biosynthetic capacity ofa ceH i5 ineversibly damaged afterimposingan 02
transfer Iimitation (e,g, in penidUin fennentation). Such processes are very St!nsitive to mass transfer limitations . • !he selerrivityofthe reacrion is altered. Forexample. 0l serves as an ele<:tron acceptorln the formation ofbaker'syeast from glucose. ln theabsence ofOl the clectrons will bedirected to pyruvate resulting in the formation of ethanol and C01 instead of more yeasL BacUlus subri/is cultures produceacetoin and 2,3-butanediol when devaid of 0l' The ratio of the two products is great1y dependent on the disso lved 0l concentradon. and thus 0 0 the ratio Of02 transfer and 02 consumption.rares. Again. the damage can be either reversible or irreversible.
8.2.2 Transfer between phases 1'he transferofO'J from 3n air bubble ro themicro-organism in an aerobic bioprocess is a re1arively slow transport srep. Oxygen, and other sparingly soluble gases in aqueous solutions !such as bydrocarbons wirb up ro four carbon atoros), may become rapidly depleted when it is consumed. Jfnot replaced at the same high tate t he situation will be d eo-imencal for the micro-organism, Transfe.rofmatl!t:ial over a liquid-liqllid ar liquid-solid boundary is comparable with gas-liquid mass transfer. An example is the growth on higher hydrocarbons (> C61- lbe.oil phaseis present in [he form of smaU droplets and mass uansfe.r resistance is a e tbe side of tbe surroundíng water layer_ Also. the exrnaoge of material between a solid phase (substrate partic1es, parceles tbat coutaio microoTl:fdnisms) and the liquid phase obeys similar principies.
8.2.3 Transfer inside a single phase lnside a gas bubble. oroil dropler lhere is usuallyenough motion to guaraotee a quick transfer of molecules ro the interface with the water pbase. so the resistance is at [he water side ofthe. inrerface. lftbe d istances in tbe bu!k liquid phase to be bridged are rela tively large. a traos' port resistance can occu r in this pbase. $uch a sltuation is t'ncountered in large bioreactorswhere bulk liquid mixing is usually sll~ primal .ln industrial practice. ir is important to reaUse thar one has te live with this potentiaJ Iimitation . The.refore Its effectson the microbial reacrion system sbould be borne in mind during process developmentwotk. Mass tr.msfer Iimilatiolls imide a solid phase can QCcu r within biocaraJyst particles thar contain immobilised micro-organisms. either as a surface biofilm attached to a carricr, or dispersed throughout the carrier material. Alternatively, the micro-organism (usual1y mam en· tous) itselfmay be preseot as a c1ump 01' pellet. A substnlte cntering the particleor pelletmay be consumed so fast th;:¡t nothing enters the inner part of the particle. so that the efficiency of tbe caCalysc is below maximum. Also, che reacrion {llay be slowed down because a toxi<: or inhibiting product cannotmove away quicldy enough.
8.2.4 Transfer across the ce!! enve!ope The mia-u-organism itselfcan also be considered as a separate (solid or liquid) phase_ Transportacross!he ceU envelope (most1y a combinati on
aC1ive transport
facilitated diffusion
free diffusion
of ce11 wall and c:y1:oplasmkmembrane) can be Limited, depending 00 me SLze and physical properties (hydrophobicity, electrical charge) of the molerule and whether me organism is equipped with a specific uanspor[mechanism or DOt. Gencrally (hree mechanisms can be distinguished (Fig. 8.2): • free diffusion; passive transportdown a concentrationgradient; • faci1itared diffusion: as above butspccded up by a ca[rier protein: • active transport: transport by a carrier proteio with inputoffree energy. The diamete:r ofthe microbial cell itselfis very small (arder afmagnitude 1-5 ¡.Lm) so that diffusioo ¡nside tbe cell is more rapid than transportacross tbe cell envelope.Addicionally, in eukaryot1ccells there are inu-acellular organs (vacuoles, mitochondria) which can prescor another tr.,msport barrier. Howeve:r, in quantirative temu this type of transport i5 much more rapid than the consumption rate ¡mide the ceU and will nonnally not limit the ovt!r.Jl1 rate in the chaln of u-ansport steps.
8.3 I Mass transfer equations 8.3, I Fundamental principIes The Pickequañon (8.1a)sta le5 thanhe mass ttansfer,) , ofa componcnt in single pbasewiU be proportional to theconcentrntiongradjent in the direction of tbe transporto The phenomenological expression fOf steady-state mass flux is: J~ -DdC¡dx
Wbenmass transfer in a salid phasc is considered, O is the efJecNve diffusivity. a function of the diffusion coerficient, the porosiry of rhe solid and me shape oftbe channels inside the salid. For the geomeo-y ofa fiar sheetboundary layerwith thidrnessd in a stationaryfluid, the retationship between mass flux and concenu-ation difference, AC, becomes: J~Di!.Cld
D/el is the mass transfer coefficient and the inverse, cljD, can be interprete
. ..... p
bulk Iiq
- -:-.~
"fwo·fllm lheory: mass
These fundamental , buttheoretical. equationscan be used to calculate mass transfer by a diffusion process. A prerequisire is that convective transport ís absent but (bis i5 rarely the case. More afien. a combination ofdiffusion .and convection witb phase transfer is enoountered.Now we h ave the additionaLproblem tbat the veJocity pattern ofthe üquid f10w is not known. Thus. for gas-liquid aud liquid- particle mass transfer in real bioreacto[S a more empirical approach is preferred. f'Or mass transfer between liquid and gas pbases ortiquid and salid phases, the well·known two-film theory (see any standard cheu'llcal cngi· ncering tex:tbook on mass transfcr) can be adopted. Mass flux in both phases must be scpararely described, whereas the over.ill transfer 1S determined bytwosteps in series across rhe film,.as sbown in Fig. 8.3 . Por gas- liquid transfer the mass flux is described by: gas filrn transpon:
J, = k¡:- (p - p¡)
liquid film transpon:
JI = k¡ (C.-q
(8 .4)
The CODcen crations at both sid~s ofthe interface PI and el are notide orical, but.rclated rhrough the Henry coefficient. H: p, =HC¡
In prarnce it is Dat possible to llleasure the interfacial valut's, so ir is bener ro eliminate mese fram Eqns (8.3). (8.4) ¡¡nd (8.5) and wrire the mass flow as a function ofthcconcentrations in both bu1.k phases: (8.6)
where C- (=¡I/Rl is t he saruration v-.llue in the liquid phase. Note titar Eqn (8.6) is oftbe same farol as Eqn ( . (e - e¡ is the OVt'raU driving force nnd the overaU transfer coefficient. K, resules from me sum ofthe transfer resistances: (8 .7)
Often this general equatian cnn be simpliHed as 1l(H kg)< l fkl(i .e. the gas phase film resistance is negligible compare
- q
where a is (he gas-liquid inte.nilcial area per unit liquid voLume. or aTea per unit gas/solid p lus liq uid vo[ume. 0 1" area per umt g ross vessel voJumein the bioreactor. Whendealingwith the transfer ofO¡ from gas to liquid, the l'roduct Ja is usualJy caBed the OTR, Ol" 02 transfer rate. For aIl accurate estimate ofk1d, assumptions must be made on the values of C- (or p) and C. For a labora tory scale bioreactor « 10 litres
fMl Ixmibfe curves of the changl!'l" in Ih~ pal-tla! ~!.Ure
reactor height
•• • ••
in the gas pitase H th~J.¡r bubbles tr.lvel up through J.l'f!acror YeS$~ .
¿,~:"¡'-I~-1r---- P == complex p
". Iinear P (-hydrostatic pressure)
I-_~_+--- p = lag mean p
P = POllt Pin
partial pressure
operating volurnc) the bulk Iiquid pha!ie is assumed tO bt! well·m.ixed and henceCis constant throughout the liquid oHowever. in pilor planrs or prodUCtiOD scale vessels (> 100 lirres) this win nor be the case. and local concentration variations nee
transfur. Detail~ on such texfbooks.
meones can be found iD mosr (bio)chem.ical
8.3.2 Gas-liquid mass transfer in real systems There has been a lotoffocus on 0 a transferfrom the gas phase into [he liquid phase in bioreactor processes. SiDce it is expcrimeDtallyl'ttY difficult ro estimate thevalues ofk1 and a separately, k¡a is ofien treated as a lumped parameter. ln bioprocess engineering literature, one can find a large number of expressions for chis [voluroetric mass transfer) ooeffi. ciento Here. a divisioI1 should be made between the doroinant types of reactors used: bubble columns, alr·lift reactors and $tirred tank reacto1'5 (sec Cbapter 7). In caro case the physical properties of che liquid mayinfluence the magnHudeofmass rransfer.Extremevalucs are given by,
• A llquid which greatly stimulates bubble roalesce nce, i .c. a coalescing liquidoAere mass transfer is pOOrest. • A llquid which suppresses roalescence to a large extent. ¡.e. a nonooatescillg liquido This gives the highest mass transfer rates . In a bubbLe colurno (sec Chapter 7, Section 7.2.2) the gas enters through the sparger orífices. lf the brotn is coalescenc and noo·viscous. e .g. distilled or tap water, the bubbles will rapidly take their equiJíbrium average diamNcrof ca. 6 mm. When the air f10w rate is high enough the vesseJ is operated in the hcterogeneous Oow regime and the hold-up is a funroon of the superficial gas ve10city (:= gas flow per unit crosssedional area of the reactor). corrected for pressure differences (PI! is a reference pressure ofl bar): (8.9)
For lhe mass transfer coef:ficient, the following correJation has beco experimentallyverified: (8.10)
In non-coalescing Ii'luids. e.g. lOl1ic SOIUtiOllS and sorne fermentatioll broths. the bubbles thatoriginate from the spargerwill rise 3nd not mil( with otber bubbles. provided tbat the size is smaller than ca. 6 mm. The interfacial area. and hence "la, will be higher chan when larger bubbles are preseut.lf the bubbles are larger [hey will disperse and take che same equilibrium valllc as in coaleScing liquids. It is noted that in a large bllbbLecoJumn (> 50 mll. the bubbles wiIl significantlyexpand as rhey rise through the reactor beca use ofthedecreasing hydr05taticpresSUTe. This will influencemasstransfer. In Oln air-Uft reactor{Chapter 7. Section 7.2.3). [here ¡53 riser section . in which the spargingofbubbles results in an upward liquid flOW,;1 tap section. where the bubbLes escape from rhe liquido aud a dOWTlcomer section, in which the liquid is .recirculated downward. Although [he riser resemb)es a bubble co)umn. che gas hold·up is lower than predicted by Eqn (8.9) due to the interaruoD with the Uquid f1ow. Correspondingly. "la will be lower, up to ane tbird ofthe bubble rolumn value. Aprecise quantification. howcver, cannot be easily made.
In a stirred tank reactor (Chapter 7. Section 7.2.1) the flow phenomena are determined by the balance between.aeration forces and agitation forces, and large local variations in combination with a number of tlow regime. transitions make a precise quantification ofmass transfer difficult. Sparged gas: is usually rapidly coLlecte
l;a = 0.026 (P JVl·4. (v¡(pofp)o.~
non-coalescing: k¡a =0.002 (PJVI)O.1 (vgpJp) 0.2
In a liquid the influence of aeration is larger than agitanon, while for a non-coalescing liquid the opposite is true. (Nore that me COI"relatioru are independenr ofthe agitator type.) The energy input by agiration is a vital variable in Eqns (8.11), (B.U) and (8.13). The amount of power dr.iWD by a stirrer of diameter D with a rotational speed N is lIsuallyexpressed as:
IB.14) The impeller power number is a function oftbe aerationrate. tbe impeller Reynolds number (= PI N IJl¡ ¡,.t) and the impeller type (see Fig. B.5). When a brotb is aerated, Pa generally falls due ro a growing size ofthe cavities behind the blades. A typical value fer a RushtOll impeller is a factor 0.5, while for a Scaba type (6SRGT] tbere is hardly any drop.
Prochem 10
kWm- 3, wegec:
Bubble column; Egn (8.10):
kl u= 0.05 s-J
Stirred tank;
kl t1=0.14s- 1
Eqn (8 .12):
Assuming (C'"-C)=O.59 mol m- l -0_l0 mol m- l =0.49 mol m- 3 , the bubble colllmn OTR is 0.024 mol m -l·S, whereas for the stirred tankit is
Impelle r RevnQlds numoer, Re Som~
Example The o~ transfer perfonnance oC a stirred tank reactor is generally better than ofa bubble column witb similar geometry and aeration rateoFor a coalescillgliquid ina vessel ofl00 m J reacrion volume. with tankdiameter 3.5 m, aeration rate 1 vvm (or 1.67 Nrn 3 s-1 ), head-space pressure 2 bar, impeller diameteJ: 1.75 m. and powcrinpur per unir volume P/VI = 2
Impeller pOWt!r numbers, Po' as a
function of the Impener Reynolds number. Re. In me turbulent now reglme (Re>4000) in the absence of aeration the value of Po for a sClndard slx-bladed Rushoon turbine Is consumt al Q. 5. ror a 6SRGT I'''pene.- it l. 1;3. 1.7 in<:! for a Prochem agitator it is ca. I .O. ln thelamlnar fIow rflgimfl (Rfl < 1000), thel"flls an inversfl proportionalitywith Re (e.¡. ror a Rushton Impellflr Po" MIRe).
:. IIluurulon of 0 1 tran5l'er In dWereM ru~ors and m~dla ~s a functlon of superfldal en velod!)' uslng Eqns (B. 10), (B. 12) and (B.13). Here It 15 usum,d thatk,O In a bubbl e ,olumn with non-co.\!escent medl¡
ls three times the value of coaJes.cem media.
0.30 0.25
••• • _ •••• -._. SlllTed tank,. non-coalescent
::- 0.20 ..--•• - .... ....... ~ 0.15 • •• ·--
~ ::~ '~--_//-----0.00
._•• , Bubble col umn, non-coalescent StilTedtllnk,.coalescenl
Bubble column. coalescenl 0.06
vg p ,./p (m
S _I )
O.070mol m-J·s. In spiteofthis, bubble columns are frequentlyuscd in bioprocesses. due toother advantages suro as simpleconstruction. eve.n distribution ofshear rate,lowerenergy input, etc. (see abo Fig. 8.6). When bigh concentrations of filamenrous micl'Ú"Organisms are used. the branchecl filaments ofthe mycclium interac.t with each other and fonu larger aggregates which decrease lhe free flow of liqwd. This rcsults in high viscosity and pselldoplastic or elastic brotb behaviour. Similar observations are made when a micro-organism excretes poIymerk subs1ances. such as xantban. The decrease oC maSS transfer ili partIy dlle. to the stimulatiol1.ofbubble coalescence. wbkb ¡eaves large bubbles in the broth. Abo the gas hold-up i5 reporred to be lowcr. As a consequence the interfacial area will be small. In large bioreactors uncler extreme conditions, bubbles of 1 metre diame ter can be obsCI\lcd. Sometlmes thiseffectLs p.1.rtlycompellsated by the simultaneo ous presence ofalarge Dumberofvery smaU bubbles (cliamerer< 1 mm) which llave a long residence time in the broth {15 min or mote). There is a lso ao effect ofvisrosily on kl' Thisis due to a decrease ofliquid velocity and nOl a dirc<:t coosequcncc of the viscóSity itselr. FUrlhermore, jll aerated broths lbe power inputmay be lowered because lbe size ofthe cavities behind me impeUer blades aTe Iarger, This will diminish tbe shear rates and bubble break·up. In rhe üterature, [be complex, combined effecrs are descl'ibed by an extension of Eqns (8.10), (8.U) and (8,13) wirh a factor p.- n. where n usually ranges from 0.5 to 0.9. Por stirred tanks and non-coalcscent media: (8.15)
provided [hOl p. > ¡"¡'o. where 1-1-0:= O.05Pa s. Ifthc broth behaves like a pseudopIastic fluid (viscosity isd ecreased at higher shear rates) or dilatant fluid (viscosityis incre3sed with higher shear rates), an average viscosity can be taken over the reactor:
¡.,¡.= K '5'"- 1
The average sbear ratecan beestimated from : y=lON
(8. 17 )
The parameters K and n in Che rheology model depend on the biomass concentratioo. Typically K is proportional [O C;. with the value of el' r.mging from 1.5 to4. Por pseudoplastic broths n < 1, fordilatant liquids n> 1. whereas for Newmruan media 11 =-1.
llxaOlple A pseudoplastie broth in a bioreactorhas the foUowing properties: e" "" 30 g 1- 1, K= 1, ti =0.4. The stir.rer speed is 3 revolutioru pers. Using Eqn (8.16), che apparent viseosity i5 0 .13 fu s. According to Eqn (8.15), k¡a is reduced to 51 %ofthe value in a lowviscosity broth. Whatwould happen ¡fthe biomass concentration o r [be impeUerspeed doublcd? (AnsWers: with d ouble biomass conC<.'ntration and a = 2, kfl is reduced to 19%: with double impeUer s peed . k.a is.reduced t069%.)
8.3.3 Uquid-solid mass transfer The description of mass transfe l' through a liquid film to orfrom a solid surface is much simpler tItan ror gas-liquid mass tr.msfer. k. is dependent on the liquid{solid propercies. and the value ofthe inlerfadal area can be detennined experi.mentally. Us ually, liquid-salid transfec applies to situaóons where mass transfer and reaction are interacting; a rubstrate is transported tbrough a liquid film to tite surface of a partide whece. micro-organisms are present to consume the substrate. Products formed are transported back th.rougb me ñlm to the bulk liquido These situations are often t"rcated in teITOs of apparent kinetics. Le. the observed rate of rcaetion js desc:ribed with standard kinetic exprcssions, but an efft!ctiwness factor(ranging from Oto 1) is introduced ro describe the penormance ofthe reaedon r.:ompared ro thesame reaction with no transport limitations.
8.3A Mass transfer ins ide a solid partide Wben tIt~ are micro-organisms active insidc apartide or c.:eUuJar aggregate, the tl:anspoTt (by diffusion) within che partides may prese.nt anotlter resistance. lhis situation is fo und in biocatalytic proce5SeS wh en dealing with cclls immobiLised in alginate or porous solid partides. A proper description of this phe nomenon is difficult because tbe kine tics of microbiaJ .reac rions ¡nside [he partide may greatly differ from those witlt free suspended ( d ls, and hence be lLDknown. 'Ibis is due ro altered physiological conditions for the cells. In addition to aD effectiveDess factor foI' external mass mnsfer, an overall effectiveness factor maybe use
Determining the volumetric mass transfer coefficients
Ir one is interested in approrimate kla values, or when measurelllents witb real bioreaction systems are impractical or ceon omi cally not feasibl e. such. as in large bioreactors, model f1 uids can be llsed. lnformatioll is provided from li terature, eitber more tbeoretic.a.l or mo re empíricaJ as described aboYe, 01' a lH.·W series ofexperimenrs can be designed. TIle use of model fluids . su ch as water oI' salt soJutíons, ir ne<:essary witb paper pulp or polymefS addcd to mimic.:vlscoUS broths. gives extremes ofwhat can be expected in real systems , and qllalilati ~ trcnds as a fllnc-[ion of changes. There are a few possibIe mcasuremenr methods:
• Cht111lm /1?act1on method. In order to mimic: a microbial reaction, the transferred component ca n be consumed or produced in a chemiC411 reactíon. f'Or a l nansfer studíes. sulphite can be used, as it rapidly oxidises to sulphate in the presence OfOl and a catalyst. k¡a is found from Eqn (8.8) by measuring the rale ofsulphite conrumption,jal= dCrnlpt.nJdtj and C' (= p/H for 01)' for mostaccurate results, condítious should be st>lectM so thatC equals zero. Altematives for sulphite are glucose in combinanon with the glucose oxidase (01 is coruumed), or él mixtu re ofH l 0 2 and catatase (al is produced). Similarly NaOH solutions can be used to study ca] transfer (Cal rapidly reacts with OH-l. _ Ph}'!ica! replacement m~thod. Consider él gas·sparged liquid in steady sta te, so thal e equals C. The expenment is staned when che mole fraction Of02 in the gas phase is rapidly changed from me steady sta~ to anothervallle. Forexample, the Nl gas in a N2 sparged liquid is replaced by airo Tbenja in Eqn (8.8)equals dCldt and bycontinuollsly measllnng the 0 l concentration in·the liquid, k¡a can be evaluated from [his equation. Another possibitity is a slldden change in pressure ofthe componentto be transfen-ed. This method is usu a liy vt'I)' fast. and a rapidly enough respondingOl electrode is thercl'ore an absolute requiremenr. lfil is required to have real values fork¡a, theoríes. model systemso.t p ublished correlations shouJd uot be used.ln acdvely grO'oVing cultures . ~a can be experimentally determined using the.following metbods: • Suady stare bioreaction method. When using a microbial c:onsuming system in (pseudo) steady state, k¡a can be calculate
from che upwlrd ctlr"'e then the nlue ofkp can be-lCund,
Air off
tla '= (dC/dt - ql/( C· - C)
e q .. dCldt
for example uliing ¡ Io¡lrithmlc plotof (~ -q
Alr on
n . ,lm.. Time
phase romposition will Dot be uniform afier sparging with N1(or [he gas hold-up must be built up again after shutdown ofthe ai,. flow). In any case, a rapid 0 2 electrode is a p,.erequisite for accurate results.
Large bioreat:lor
I The effect of scale on mass transfer
8.5.1 Scale-up In large-scale bioreac[ors. 0l transfer is usually better than in a labora[ory scale orpilotplant reactor. This is due to a larger contribution of the gas phase (higher superficial gas veloclty). and a larger driving force (high headspace pressure and hydrostatic head). Example Consider two geometricaJly similar. ideaUy mixed stirred tankreactors, one ofO.1 m l reaction volume. and one oflOO m 3 , 111e H.jTv ratio is 3,0, and the D{ry ratio 0.5. Scale-up is (arried out according to a constant power input, Prv;. of2kW m- 3 • aconstant relalive air flow rate ofl vvm, and a constantaverage pressure in the broth (determined by [he headspace pressure plus the hydrostatic head) of 2,45 bar. Assuming thar there ¡s no deplerion ofthe gas phase, the followingcomparison is made (coalescent brorh, C"= 0.2-4 mol m- J ar 1 bar, C= 0.10 mol m- J ): 0.1 ml : \1,
pJp= 0.007 ms- I "La = 0 ,046 S- l OTR = 0.022 mol m - l·s
100m3: v. vJp= 0.071 ms- L
=0.145 S-
OTR ::: 0.071 mol m - J·s
What would be tbe OTR ncc for a non-coalescing bl'Oth? (Answer: OTR= 0.07 orO.12 m ol m- 3 ,s, resp.) In a large bioreactor the OTRhas maximum limiLS due to rbe following restr;crlve conditiOn$, • Tbere may be mecha nical construcnon difficulties invery large ferme nten (> 300 01 3), Furthermore, liquid rransport and mixing will become very sJow compared to mass tr.msfer and reaction. and tbus rule tbe overall reac tion raleo Cooling limitations may become more significant. • The average power inputshould notexceed 5 kW m- ~.]fhigher, the mkro-organisms may be mechanicalIy damaged in areaswhere the value is locally much higher: in addition the energy costs and investmenr costs for rhe motorwill become excessively high. • !he pressure corrected superficial airvelocity should be beJow 0.10 m S- l. Compressor costs are restricting, and high gas bold-up will ¡ncrease ar the rost ofbrorhspace. • The head-space pressure has a maximum fue mechanicalreasons_ln addition CO 2 partial pressure will also ¡ncrease. and inbibit growth and production. • The gas pbdse canDor be consídered ídeally mixed. The O}partial presrure will faU as the bubbles travel up through tbe reactor and rhis reduces rhe driving force for mass transfer.
Air liquid now and DI tranger In a large biore:lctor. Most
ofthe 0 1 is transferTed In me region n...artlle impeller. In the circulation loop. Le. me path the brom travels Imm thft lmpeller; Out
into the body 01 th. reactor and back to the mpder. more 0lls consumid than cransferred and tite
0 1 conCf)mraúon wi!! decrease. In a stlr~d t:ank reactor the l!quld circuladon loop can be as long as 10m. Wlth ~ IIquid 'ieloclty of r m 5- 1 che. me~n circulltion timI wiD be 10 seconds. As. a worst
cas.e Istimat. (no tr.msl.r at atI ouuide the impeller re¡ion).ltwlll Clke 10 s befOl'l'- the 0 1 wil become dep!eted In the /uo¡:>. lherefon=, theO l concent~tIon In me bottom Co:!mp;irtmellt sl'lould be JO tllgl'llhalloal OepIetlon. whlch can be 6elrlmentallorthe microbial state and produa.
fonnati<Jll ratl.'s~, No:!t. that Eqn (8.8) prMka thu tllfs wll r.d1lA cM mus trandu ratl blcaUK m. drMng fon:l (C"- q in che boaom part Is Iow as both Cand C will be h1;tl.
lnreactoTs largertban ca. 10m3, the prcx:ess~oruquid transportand mass transfer become comparably slow. Mass transfer and liquid e~-ulatioll willinrerfere, and should be treated togelber.ln a stirred tankreactorwitb one si ngle impe1ler, most or the Oz ttansfer takes place in the impcl1er 1:One. A comp.nison of 0l rransrer in the bubble column and the stirred tank(see example in SectioD 8.3.2) revealed thatoutside the impellerzonf' the OTRmay be only one tbiId ofthc value around (he impeller.The im por· tance ofdrculation loops is described in Fig, 8.8 onprevious page.
8.4.2 Scale-down As illust:r.lted aboye, micro-organisms can experience a continuously ehanging environment when travclling around in a large bioreacLOr. This may giw undesired scale-up effcets. To avoid these problems the large scaJe should be taken as the poi nt of referenee, and the possible effects should be studied by simulado n ofthe large-scale val'iations in a sma U·scale experimental set-up (think big, ael smal1). Limitip.g factors 00 a large $Cale, such as mass transter, are thus sealed down and can be srudied and minimised in a practical and economic way. In reality, scale-down cannot be precise. beca use the large-scale con· ditions are difficult to detennine, and a lso too complex to be fully undcrstood. Several tools are available to find adequate SOIUtiOllS to down·scaling: • Two-compartmentreactor ser-ups ean be used, mirnicking (he two mosti mportantreaetor zones, and recirculation ofbroth between the zones (see Fig. 8.9). The size oftbe two eompartments and the circulation rate are e rioeal. but also the Oow type in e3eh companment, Le. rangingfrom well·mixed ro plug flow. • DeveJopment and (large-scale}verifieation ofsimple or more sophisticated m3thematical How models fuI' me large vesselcan be c3rried ou t, :m d then these used to design t he sealed-down experiment. • Wcll<.haraeterised rnicrobiaJ test systems can be used, in which th~ seDSitivi ty to selel-'ted variations is known. lo the litenlture these approaches have bee.n extensiveJy srudied fuI' tne improvementof01 transrer ñnd substr.lte(feed)mixingin large bioreaetors,
8.6 I Further reading
[J- -El
NITrogen gas
BrOl h
lo- -El
• An eJ(ample of a sma l¡" sale 2-compilrtme nt nlactor set· 1Ji! fer sa.lill:-down ma conditions larse biore3.CtOr. As an altemative, tila N 1 spargedvestel lfl3)' be In plugflowmode (wkh sorne dil; ~on) .
'" me:
B¡¡iley.J. E.. ;lDd OUis, D. F.(1986). BIoch~mklll Engfnurlng Ftmdam
Nielsen,J. and ViUadsen,j. (1994). 8/tmaction lí'ngillt'~rtng Prindpl<'5. Plcnum Pl'ess.NewYork. Nicuow, A. W. (199Oj. Agi.latl)[lj fOT myceli31 fermentations. Trrnds BiotwllloJ . 8, 224- 233.
'van t Rlct. K. aod Tr.r.mper, J. (1991). Dasie tlillrelUtm'Vnign. Marcld Dekker. New York
Chapter 9
Downstream processing in biotechnology Rajni Hatti-Kaul and Bo Mattiasson lntroduction Downstream processing: a multistage operation Sotid- Uquid separadon Release of Incracell ular compOllents Concentrating biological products Purification by chromatography Product formularion Monitoring of downstream processing Process integration Further reading
I Introduction
The ¡solatian aod purificatían of a biotec.hnological product to a form suitable forits ¡atended use is popular1ytermed 'downstream processing' (DSP). rn mosreases this means recovery ota product from él dilute aqueous solution , 'fhe complexity of downstream prlXessing is deterrnined by the required purüy afthe product, in tufn dete,rtnined by its application. The products ofbiotechnology incl\lde whole eeUs, org<mic adds, arnino acids, solvents. antibiotics, industrial e.nzymes, tberapeutic proteiru. vaccines, gums, !!tC.M the products vary greatlyin SlzC and nature, diffcrcnt sepax3tion principIes are required ror tbeir recovery and purificarlon. The lability 0 1· seruitivil}' ofmany of tbe bioproducts, particularly the proteins. (O the environrucntaJ conditions, places further demands on tbe dla ractcristics of the separation processcs usoo ror tbeir prodUcDOU , It is also i.mperative to mil1imise the number of steps and to mamrain hlgh yields in the differentsrages, since rhe ulti· mate result.will be poor ifscvcra11ow-yieJding steps are combined.
Downstream processing: • multistage oper.tion
Many ofthe stcps in DSP are traditional unitprocesses used excensively in chemical industry and have b!!en described lnchemical engineering
liteeature. This chapter is devotro lO DSP processes especially adapted tor biotechnology. The downstream processÍng scheme normally employed for isolationand purificatioo o(biomolecu!escan be divided into the following stages: (1) solid-liquid separ.3tion or clarification (2) concentration (3) purification (4) fonnul ation. Sometimes, as in th~ case of industrial enzymes, the concentralion stage may provide purificatioo sufficieot for the final produCl quaUty, obviating the need foe a separate purifica non srage.A wide range of urot operations is available foreach stage, see Fig. 9.1. ('lbe eeader should be awa re tha! the industrial realityofDSPstarts upstream at the medium preparation stage. as rnany r.lW material s require pretreatmeo[ to remove impurities that would have increased the dcmands on tbe purificaban stages.)
I Solid-liquid separation
Solid-I¡quid separanon is a primary recovery opcration for the separanon ofwhole ceUs from the culture broth. removal ofceU debris, ooUection ofprotein precipitate. ooUection ofinclusion boclies. etc. The unit operations commonly used are centrifuganon and tiltrarlon.. Table 9 .1 lists [he cbaracteristics of sorne. of [he culture beoths used ror production ofbiomolecules. Yeasts and bacteria are usually homogeneous ly suspended in the fermentation broths. Some bacteria may form slime layers depending on tbe strain and fermentadon conditions and [his willlead ro separation problems . PiJamentous fungi are frequenrlycharacterised by a network ofintertwined ftlaments. producingviscous fermentation broths may be difficult to dewater. Under certain conditiollS these fungi wiH form agglom erates caHed ·peUeu', whkh are easy to recover owing lO theu- large size (100-4000 ¡.LfI1).
9.3.1 Filtradon A filter medium constitutes the separating agent. whichIetams che par-
tieles according ro sizewhile aUowing the passage ofrbe Hquid through !he filter. In cake. fUtration , the partieles are retained as a cake on rbe filter medium. Tbe tlow rhrough the filter layers is dependent on the area ofthe filterand flow resistance provided by the filter moo.i um and me cake. Provided the partidesdo not pene.trare me filter medium, the tlow resistance of tbe latler should remaio unchaoged; however tbe cake-Iayer, as ir grows thicker. will provide. increasing resistance. lo many cases ofbiomass separation, the filrer cakes obtained are compressibJe. and tbechanging effectivc pressure difference will influence rhe flow through the ftlter.Exarnples offilter media are perfora ted sintered metal, cloth. symhetic flbres, ceUulose. glass wool. ceramics and syntbetic membranes. Many types of filtratioh equipment are avai1able. Because of
Upstream proooss
procesJlrl(. Dlfferent s~ In the: Ilolatlol\ and ptWlflutlon of dl_
Oownslream process Extra-
celluliH product
Chem ical Enzymatlc
Mechanical Physlcal
Cantrifugation!sedimentation Extraction, fillration EVllporstion, ultrafiltration Adsorptlon, preclpltatlon Ch romatography
Size ( ~m)
Cell debnso Bacterial eells Yeast cells MammaJian eells Plant eells Fungal hyphae Microbial fl oes
CryS1allisation, fre ne drying, SprllY drying. stertlo flltradon
Ix2 7x lO 40x40
100xl00 IxI Ox(marted) IOOx l OO
Density dilference bet>Neen 50Iids and broth (kg m- ' )
0-120" 70 90 70 50 10
Nou:l: • Ce ll dE'bris dell$ity!h.·~nds on compolitinn. e.¡¡r. lipld co nTen to
simplicity of operation a nd low tosts, vacuum filters are frequE'ntly used for clarification oí" fermenta tion broths conta ining 10-40% solids by volume and partides wirll sizes ofO.5-10 ~m . The bestlcnown are rotary drum vacuum fllter and filter press. The former type is commonlyemployed for filtration offilame.ntous fungi and yeast cells . and
is scbematical1y presented in Fig. 9.2. Resides simplicity and effectiveness offiltration . its a t tractive features a re Iow power consumption and
Cost of recovery Highest
< < < < < Lowe"
A rm;u-y drum vacuum f~ter. The
filtralion eI!'!ment
compriSe5 <11 rootin¡ drtJm. malntalned UndN reduc.ed intem;¡J
pressur!'!. partlally immersed In, cank 01 brom. Rotating wlth a speed 010.2.5-5 rpm, t~é dn.tlll
th!'! bloman, me filtr.lte Is
drawn ami che Is depo$ited 011
Feed - -- -,
che drum sume.. The contlfJlJOUS rollltion al ehe dr um 3110ws subsequellt opentlons 0 1 dewJ.teñtg. wuhln¡. and dry;og tu be perlormed on mi cake
prior te lu dls.chargl fronllhe
Filtr;lli on
drum sumce. Deplndlng on lOO propertIes. che blomM5 cake 15 di5char¡:ed by elcNr: knife-,
mili&-, bell_. or roll.r~l$elurge . The dnrms could 1M! ,11111&- or mlAú-comp3r tmlnt ¡¡nd 3rt! often c
2 te) 80 ml.
a (ontained operation. The filter pl'ess is built up of a sequen(c ofperforated plates alternating with hollow frames mountro on suitable supparts. TIle piares are covcred with a filrcr meruum (doth) to creare a series of c1otb·waUed chambers ioto which slurry can be forced under pressure. The sol ids are retamed within thechambers, while the filtrdte discharges iuto holloW$ on the pIare surface, and bence to drain poinlS_ At the end ofthe filtration cycle. the hydrauüc pressure is released and the cake manually removed from the doth. Typical filrer sizes
Cenuifuges.. (a) TIle tubular bowI typot" me simplen sedlll'l-l!notlon centri rugl! used In pilot planu, whlch un be oper.ated botll In ootch o r t.OnUnlJOllS modt, wIth nunt.131 d lKh;¡rge 01 tIt. soUeIs. Hi8~ cen~rilug;¡.l fleld an ba achieYed ow1nx to tu slender shape and small voIame.
(b) TIle multidDmber bowI type is 1. modiflc.atlon el che tubul;¡¡~ type, COlltamlne a numbftr of
cenclntric tubes connected to alto w ligug iIow ofdle p;m:ia.liate leed.. The cwO'lfugal force" illa-e
th, bowl wlm lne result mat the t-mllle$cp~rtide5 are collected in che outermostchamber. An imPOt'tlllnt3pplk.atlon ofthe~ centrifuga¡; i. in the Iractlorntion 01 human blood pruma.. (e) lile dl$c st;ac!(centrifup is u$<.ld widely in blotKhlXllogy. tr Ineorporate~ sep~race
numerous dises (typlcaBy between 30 ~ nd 200) n ~n ~e
0135-- 50'
Upt 0 .......2 mm aparto dlvldln¡ m!'! bowI.,to
seruing zones. The leed Inulrs tIle centrlfuge through a central feed pipe leadlog to me leed dmmbe r at th!'! bouom of (he
uack, SoWt:k $!'!ttle on che kJwer surlacI of IIiIcll disc an d mlgratl !.OW3rd che bowl perlphery. wlllle t~1!I clarified l!qul d moves Inward 3M upw3r d LO re
none end, h;rtiOJ;ll; a length-d¡.,m..,..,.. ... tio of 1 :-4.~nd fittedWith ~ dme-fiuing hellal1crew th.\~ rotaCIIS at a stighdy
dlft"erent spe-ed from me bowI. The 101lds dlpMd on meW311 al lbe bowt 3nd ill'l scr.\ped off h)I the s.crtW and d i«.h:!:rged lrom che Ilarrow efld al me bowl. TIH! ctlltrffuge can 1M! U$fId ror reeds wittl blomau conr.ent of 5-80% vlv.
(. )
Uquid di<;charge
Slurry m
di ~ch a'1lc
--::=-~ di~harge
" ""
,., ,
.-- --- ~.
I j
/ Liquids ¡$ioclwge
1. / j
1;:0 I
1 SI""" io
9.3.2 Centrifugadon In centrifugation tbe removal of solids relies on the density difference
between the pMtides ro be separated and the surrounding medium. Batch centrifugation is commonly applied at a laboratoq¡ scale. Altbough pmviding higb centrifuga) rorces. low processing capacüy limits m e use ofsuch centrifuges on 3n industrial scale, where contin· uow flow centcifuges are the norm. Here. feed ing of tbe slurry and col· lection of the darified soludon is continuous, whilst the deposited soLids can eicher be continuously or intermittendy removed from the ccntl'ifuge, Sorne of che centrifuge cypes used in the isolation of bioproducrs are shown in Fig. 93. TraditionaLly, centrifugadon is used fur I"emoval of microbial cells and olherdiscrete large particles. Tbe super· natantobtained by centrifugarion is not freeofce lls (1()3-1OS ceUs ml- I ). and COSts of maintenance and power consumption are both high . Separatioll ofparticuJate debris from cel! homogenates is quite ¡neffi· den t by centrifugation .
9.3.3 Pretreatment of brotn to facilitate clarification Pretrea tmen t or cond itioning of th e broth by changing the biomass parriele size, the fermentation liquol" viscosity, and the interactions between che biomass partides are sometimes required to ensure effi· cient solid-liquid separation. This implies use ofa filter aid (body-feed) in the broth andfor fOl" l'recoating the filter medium. Filter aids are ¡ncompressible. di,screte particles of higb permeability with size ranging from 2-20 ¡A.m. Filter aids shouId be inert to the broth being treated: [he most frequentIy used are Diatomite (skeletal remains of aquatic plants), Perlite (volcanic rockprocessed ro give expanded struc(ure) and inactive carbon o Agglomeration of individual cells oc ce11-particles ineo large fl ocs. which can be ea.sily separated at low centrifugal forces, is done by the addition offlocculating agents such as polycations, either cellulosic or based on synthetic polymers, inorganic salts or mineral hydrocoUoids. Besides rhe flocculating agent itself, factors like tbe physiologicaJ state of tbe ceUs, the ionie environment, remperature, and naron! of the organism influence f1occulation. Interestingly, cationic filter a.ids also reduce the load of pyrogen, nucleic add and addie prote¡n, which normaJly foul chromatogt'aphy coIurnos.
9.3.4 Flotation In flmadon. panicles areadsorbed on gas bubbles, get trapped in a roarn
layerand can becollected. The gas mayeither be sparged into rhe particulate feed . orveryfine bubbles can ~ generated from dissolved gases by releasing lhe overpressure or by e1ectrolysis. Formation of stable roaro is supportfil by thepreseoceof'coIlector rubstances' such as long chain fatty acids or amines.
9.4 I Release 01 intracellular components The primarygoal for the.first step in a sequence fuc release ofintracellu· lar compounds is to liberare maximum amount of the praduct in a n active state. The inactivating eft"ec.ts ofshear. temperature and proteases need to be borne in mind at tlús stage. 111e choice ofthe disruption methodhas to be mad e emplrically. at the same time taking ÍDlO consid· eration rhe subsequent processing steps.
9.4. 1 Disruption ofmicrobial cells The different straregies m at may be used for rupture of microbial eells ¡ndude breaking the eeUs' ~tructure by mechanical forces. damaging preferentiallythecell wall e.g. bydrying ocenzymatic Iysis, oc lysing pri· marily the membranes e.g, by treatmenr with chemica!! (see Table 9 .2). Mechanical disro pdon of cells is the most common.means of releasing ¡ntcacellular products botb at rhe laboratory and indusuial scale. mtrasonlcation disruplS tbe ceLls by caviration, and is cornmonly uscd ae laboratory seale; removal ofthe heatgenented is difficulton alarger scale. Jndust:r:ial scale d isruprion of microbial cells is achieved by high· pressure homogenisation or by vigorous agitation with abrasives.ln the fonner case, the cell suspension is forced at high pressure tbrough an orifice of narraw intemal dlameter to emerge at acnospberic pressure. The sudden rclease ofpressure crea.tes a shearcapableofdisruptingthecelli.Agitation with glass in bead milis ruprures tbeceUs by a combination of high shear and impact with tbe cetls. The size of the beads varies from 0.2-0.5 mm for bacteria to 0.4-0.7 mm for yeasts.
Microbiol ce1ls Ultrasonication High-pressure homogenisation Agitation with abrasives
Drying Heat shock Osmotic shock Freeze-thaw Organic. so/vents Chaotropic agentsAlkali Detergents Enzymes
Animal rissue Homogenisation
Ptant tissue Mac.eratlon
Freezing and grinding
Recently microfluidisation has beeninrroduced forcf"lJ disintegratiou_ Here, tbe (ell suspens.ion is fed underrngh press ure tllrough a cbamber where it is split into two streams, (O be rurected a( each other at h i~h ve.lodty befare emerging a( atmospheric pressure. Non-mechanica.l disruptioo of cells is possible by pbysil:;al, chemical or enzymatic means. Orying is a applied method ofcell lysis. causiogchanges in tbe structure ofthe celJ \l/aU and making itpossible to subseque.nUy extraet tbe ceU contents in buffer or sale solution. Osmotie shock ruptures the cel l membrane and is particularlyeffective for animal ( ells thal lack a ceU wall. The presence of a ceU wall in the ase ofmicrobial cells may necessiC
9:4.2 H omogenisation of animal/plant tissue Animal cel1s are nonnal1y easy [O break because ofthe absence of eell walIs. A typical procedul1.' fuI' homogenising animal tissue is ro cut it ioto sma!! pleces. suspend in icc-<.:old.homogenisation buffer.and griod in a blender. Plant cells are more resistanr particularlywben they bave tough ceU walls. '[be extract of a fleshy or non-6brous p!ant tissue is prcpared by rapid homogenisation of the material suspended in a partiaUy frozen .suitable buffer in a Waring blendcr pre-cooled to - 20 ..C. The more fibrous material, which is difficull ro macera te, is frozen ó'lnd grouDd ro a dry powder before adding the extraction buffer for hornogenisation. Concentrated buffers with pH values 3round 6.5-7.2 are used io order to neutralise tbe addic materials inc1uding the phenols.
and also contain phcnol scavengers such as polyvinylpyrrolidone IPVP) and/o!" Am.b crlite. a hydropbobic poly5cyrene-b
I Concentration of biological products
Mer separanng rhe eeOs from the whoIe brom othe filtrate contains 85-98% ofwater. wirh the product forming oruy a minar eonstiruent Rcmaving Jarge arnounts ofwatcr is eostiy. re is done in differenr ways: evapoJ
~vapora tion
is a simple. but inmost cases. an energyerofstages {maximum 5even} using rhe vapouJ' of ·ne stage as a heating 50Ul'Ce for the nexr. In falling film evaporamrs, tbe liquld to be concentrated flows .own long tubes and distributes unifonnlyowr lile hearingsurface as thin film_ lbe vapours fiowing in rhe same direction ¡ncrease the .near velocity of the liquido rhcreby improving the heat transfer. .csidence times in the evapOl'ator are in rhe order of minutes. Tbese vaporaton are suited fol' concentrating viscous products (up to 200 lPa), and are frequently used in the fennentation indusrry_ Plateevapratol'S, where the hcaring surface is a pIate as oppo~d ro ;:¡ rube. have relatively large evaporation area in a sITIal! voJ ume, but the posslbility ftreatingvi5cous andsolids-containing fluid s is limited. For higher vis:lsities. forred filmevaporators with rnechanica11y driven liquid films re suitable. in sorne cases producing a dryproduct.1'he residence time
ranges from a few seconds to a few minutes. CentriCugal forced..fUm evaporators a further redurnon ofthe residence time so that even the heat labile subscmces can be concentrated under gentIe conditions. EvapOl:ation takes place ona heated conical rurface or plates over which tbe transport of the liquid takes place through the centrifugal force produccd by the rotating bowL
9.5.2 liquid-liquid extraction Liquid- liquid extraction is applied on a large scale in biotechnology both for concentration and far purification. It involves [he transfer of solute from one liquid phase to another. The efficiency ofan extraction process is governed by the distribution ofsubstances between the two phases, defined by the p.aTtition coeffic:ient K (= concentration of sub-stance in extraet phasefconcentration of su bstance in raffinate phase). A partition coefficient well removed from unity is desirable. TIle physico-chcmical properties oftheproductinfiuence thedemands on a liquid-IiCjuirl extraction process. as illustrated in the following sectioos. Extractlon oflow molecuJar weight products Small lipophilic target molecules are extraeted using a.n organic solvent. whereas for hydrophilic compounds it may be difficult to design an efficient extraction process. Extraction in organicsolventcan be done in one of three ways: Physical extractlon: The compound distributes itself between the two phases according to its physical preference. applies [O nonionising compounds and the extraction isoptirnised by screening for [he solvems thar would lead to a high K value aDd also show a max:imal difference in K for the differentcomponents present in the crude mixture. Dissociative extractiOQ,: Difference in [he dissociation constant of the ionisable compone",S i5 exploi ted tO achieve separation. and these differences are onen large enough to overcome an adverse ratio of par tilion coefficients. Exuaction orpe.nic.ilJin 3nd some other antibiotics are typical for this type ofextraction principie. Reactiveextraction: A carrier, such as an aliphatic amine or a pbospiloroos compound. is added to the organic solvent which forms selective solvatioo bondsorsrokbiometric complexes thar are also insoluble in the aqueous pha5e. Thus, the compouud i5 carned from the aqueous to the orgaruc phase. This type of extraction is advantageou5 fur compounds thar have a high solubility in aqucous medium. e.g. organic 4
3ods. In most cases, cells and orher particulates ilre removed prior to
extraction to avoid the form arion ofemulsions ar the interface. After extraction, the productis recovered from the solventeithel' bydistilling off the product in case of a higb·boiling solvent or disrilling off the solvent when this is low boiling. lf the product is heat st'nsitive. ir is recovered by back-extraction into a new aqueous phase unde.r conditioos different from the firsrextraction. e.g. penicillin 1S extracted into butyl acetate or amyI acetate frem the fennentatioll medium ae pH 2.5-3.0 and back-extracted into aCjueous phosphate buffer atpH 5-7.5.
For hlgh extracLion yields. multi·step extraction in a countercurrent mode is used. which provides abo savings in both solvent and time. Oifferent kinds ofextraction equipment are availabte induding mixer-settlel'S, coIurnns and ceJltrifugal extractors. Tbe latter are often used in exCTaction ofantibiotics and steroids; representative examples beingthe Podbielniak extractor. Delaval contactor and westfalia extraetion-decanter. Superoitical fluid (SCF¡ extraction has beell consjdered as an alternative [echnique to convencional extractioll which has the disadvantageoftoxicity and Hammabilityororganie solvenrs. SCFs are materials thatexistas fluids aboye their critieal teOlperatureand pressnre. re."pec. tively. Many ofthe properties ofSCFs are intermedia te hetween those of gases and liquids; e.g. their diffusivir.y is bigher than those of liquids while viscosity is lower. The atttOlctive feature of SCFs as extraetants 1S that theirsolvent properties are highly sensitive toehanges in both temo peratureand pressure, which provides the opporrunity oftailoring me solvent strength lo a given application. Superc:ri tical COz is most eom· monIy llSed for extrac:tions because ofits r elatively low critieal tempero ature (31.3 oC) and pressure (72.9 bars). Supercritical extraetíon is still rather expensive. though a few large-seale applieatious in the area of fuod processing have demonsrrated the possibility of economicaUy viable operations. By adding a co-solvent such as ethanol. in small amounts. ir is possible to modífY the properties of the system and thereby influence the extraction behaviour. In a typical extraction precESs. the compressed SCF is con meted with che feedstoek to be e,,:tracted in an extraetíon column, and tbe loade
Extnction in a'luaous two-pnas.e system. The components of die twO-pl'we synem are mblf!d dirKtly WldI the cruda hornoge/l3.te. EquiJibradon Is dorMI by ¡ende ml~"r1g alld is foll~d by phase sepoa ....t1on. The protlin prodyct partitioned ro th. top ptwe Is subsequer1tty re( enner by a sec:o nd extr.Ktion nep. where it. i!l u-anderred i¡¡oo a new salt phase. or by d:rect adsorpticll'l O!'l tO a dlromnography matrix. Recyd"'i of TM ph3 Sf! componenu ¡, normally possible, mus rnil1lmlsln¡ th, matcrlll COSts.
CruOe homogenale
+ - - - - . PEG end salt - - -- - - -1
Equilibrium + phase separatlon
Cleaning & recycling
I ! \
LOp pnase (productl
! ! Clennlng & ! rocycling
! I
bottom phase (cell debris, prota ins,
~~_- _ n_,,";"";~''--i
Salt-rich bottom phase
top ph8se
Desalling by utl rafiltllltion
I Recycling
! i i
Retenllte (product)
Permeate salt __ solution
homogenates having high viscosity and heterogeneous distribution of partide sizes. Otber aUractive features ofthe technique are bigh capacity(biomass tovolume ratio) and str.r.igh tforward scale-up. The process is easily adapted ro the extracrlon equipment used for water~rganic solllen[ systems. Figure 9.4 shows a schematic presentation of pl'olcin isolarion and partía] purificaríon in AUS . Por industrial scale separations. PECfsalt systellls are used beca use of their relative]y low costo lnexpensive and biodegradable po]ymers may aIso be considere
Type of membrane
Driving force
Hydrostatic pressure Ap 0.5-2 b.,.
Concentration of bacteria and viruses Harvesfmg of cell" O arincation orrermentation broth
ü p2-I Obar
Fractionation of biomolecules
Desalting Production of enzymes Processing of whey Hyperllltration
.6.p 20- I00 bar
ConcentratJon of pharmaceuticals Production eflactose Part desalination of solutions
~El ectric
fi eld
llpdrtial vapour pressure
Purification of charged small molecules e.g. organic acid" SelectNe removal of solvents (ethanol. pressure acetone-butanol) during fermentation
Puriflcation of solvenls fmm azeotropic mí>..1.ures
Extraction of SITIall molecules from aqueous/organic solutions
interactions between the protein surface and chargedsurfactam . and is thus dependenton pHand ionicstrength.
9.5.3 Membrane flltradon The use of me.mbrane technology for separadon of biomollX'llles aud ['anides and concentration of process fluids has expande
deposi tion of colloidal spedes, adsorption ofmacromolecuJar solutes, precipitanoo of small salutes, etc. on tbe surfat e and in the pores of (he filter leads to a deposition ofa cake which grows in thickness with time, reducing the flow through the filter. Cross-fiow or tangential How liltraCion has now completely replaeed the dead end filtration for harvesting cells on a large sede. Here. a flowofthe fL>ed stream is maintained parallel to the separation sut:fuce, with (he aim tO provide sufficient shear force clase to the membrane surface, thereby preventing particlllace matter from settling on, or within. the membrane scruc· ture. In pr.1ctice, the membranes in cross·flow filtratioo are also rubject (O fouling. but the cake thic:k:ness is Limited to a thin layer as rompared to the dead end mode. Although mast filtrarlon media are relatively merr. the formarlon of gcl layer is inevitable. The probIem of permeate flux reduction can be minimised by optimising the filter selection. operating pressure, Oow properties of feed . and frequent back·flusbing. Microfilrers and ultrafilters are avaiIable in materials sumas ceramies and steel tbat can be aggress ive:ly deaned and srerilised in place. Membranes composed ofpolymerie materials such as polyvinyldifiuoride ¡PVDF) and polyethersulphone (PES) are also used, but are more difficul t to clea n and may require chem icaLrather than steam sterilisati on. Membrane ruten are commonly pIate and frame systems. e mploying eartridge filten within which the membrane is present in a highly folded formal. This gives a large filtradon sumee area in a compact space with no dead spaces. Another fonn is lbe hoUow·fibre system, wh.ich eomprises a bundle ofhoUow capiUaries packed in a tube. TIlc liquid to be filtered is pumped through tlle central eore ofthe hoUow fibres. The permeate passing through (he capillarywalls can be drained as a pe:rmeate from one end of tbe caruidge. while tbe concentrated retentate.emerges from tbe othel' cnd. Membrane adsorbers New micro¡m.acroporous membrane matrices with ion exchange groups and affinity ligands. called membrane adsorbers . have been develaped which bind proteins from the c1arified feed pumped over them.Desorpdoo ofrhe protein is laterperformed using solutions as in chromatogl'aphy(see Section 9.6).A staekofmembranes provides a total surtace area for adsorption equivalent to chromatography gels, giviog similar high resolutioo separatioo as chromarograpic metbods. In membranes, liquid transport is by coovection as opposed to the ditTusional Oow in gels Isee Section 9.6), which increases the speed ofseparation ttemendously. Pervaporation Pcrvaporation is a membrane based process havingpotential for re<:ov· ery and concentratioo ofvolatile products. see Fig. 9.5. The majol' limi· tatioos of the tKhnique fur large-scale work are high en~rgy consumption. insufficient selectivity of the membrane and ditticult process design due te a temperature drop across the membrane.
Relentale Uquid
Vacuum pump
Condcll!w:d pcnnclllC Pervapor.UjOfL The pt'OCeu allows H:p~tion el vobúle prodw:u by a combilRtion of penneation dlrou¡b a membrane and 8YapOI"alion ~cl!ieYe<1 by ¡ Iow preutre on me downsrream slde cf die tntillbrantl. The tnns-membran.e llull: of varlOU$ compooellts in ~ mixwre and lhelr separadon ¡¡ determ!ned by dlfferen(1l$1n thelr vapourp~tJI"e and bythe permubillry oIt/le memmne:; lhe I¡Uer beill' a function of (~) d;fl"u~ion oflhe ccmpooent to be separated throu¡h (he membr:ione Ind (b) membnne thick"eu. Pervaporllliofl membr.mel Cdn be consldered u homogeneotl$ $wolen poIymen, e,g. pol)'-{dmetfTytslloltar.e). Thtt solubilit)' 01 the«Jmponanl in the mernbrme material and the ell:tent to whlcl'llt Is lwollm determllle die dlffusloll ccodIitient. Selectivity ofthe membrln~ I1 iI.I1Odler factor Influencin( me periormance a flhe process.
Perstraction Perstraction is another soprusticated tl'chnique for product concentration and recovery that combines membrane processes and salven! extractian. By using che mem brane as a barrier between an aqueous feed and an organic solvent ir is possible to [ransfer molecules thar partition into the liquid filling the mcmbrane pores, This rcchnology has been used for recovery of hydropbobic substances dur:ing fermenrations. The membrane protects the cells from the toxic or inhibitoIY effects ofthE' extr.lction sotvenl. Depending on the direction of mass transfer. the membranes could be hydrophobic or hydrophilic. The hydrophobic membrnnes. which have pores filled wirh the organic phase. are used to exlr.lct [he non-polar product from the aqueous medium. 10 hydropni1ic membranes tbe pares are filled with a suitable aqueous buffer. which facilitates the removal ofrhe producr from rhe solvent.
9.5.4 Pl"ecipitation Precipitabon is an esta blished separation techn.ique in industryforconcentraban of proteins and polysaccharides. Often it constitu tes the onl y
Addrtion or neutral 5alt
Comments Ino'&lSed hydrophobic interactions between neutral protein mo lecules; salt is removed priorto next purification step (except for hydrophobic interaction chromatography) by dialysis, ultrafiltration or gel f1Itration
Addition o f organic salvent
Acetone , ethanol
Reduced dielectric constant enhances e!ectro statlc interactions between protein molecules: Jow tem perature required fo r o peration
Addition of non-ionic: polymer
Polyethylene glyco l
Reduction in the effective qua.ntity ofwater available for proteln solvation: polyrner has often a stabilising effect o n p rote in ~
Addrdon o f charged polymer
Polyethyleneimine, polyacrylic aad
Complex formation between oppositely
charged mo lecules leads to charge neutralisation and precipltatJon
Increase in temperature
Increased hydrophobic interactions; used for precipitatio n of))eat sensmve proteins
Change in pH
Low solubility of protein al isoelectric po int, eldremes of pH denature and precipitate sensitive proteins
unit ope:ration after solid-liquid separ;Jtion in the recoveryofbulk pro. teins. Prccipiration can also be used to achieve the removal ofund esired by-products such as nudeic acids, pigments and other residual components from a crnde extracto Precipitation is usually carried out in a batch m ode in stirred tm.ks.Aggregates settle to che bottoro oftbe tank, the mother liguor is removl>d and me aggregate slurry is fed [O a centrifuge orafilter_ Precipitation ofproteiruis usually base<:! on a decrease in solubility induced byexternal factors (Table9.4). SaJtsand organic solvents are the precipiu.ting agents commonty employed in industry. TIlese precipitation processes ~re non-specifie in me sense that they exploit the ionie and hydrophobic ¡nte[;letioos, wllich are comrnon [O all proteins. There are a few examples of precipi tations chal are semi-specific, e.g. prorein-carbohydrnte complexes have beell. predpirated by meaos of borax: additions. Selectivity in precipiration has been introduced by use of affInity interactions. Creation of large complexes as a result of affinity interactions. as between antigen aod antibody, i5 one mode of afflnity predpltation. which is used in immunoprecipitation. This concept has becn generalised te sorne arene far selecti~ precipitation ofmultimeric proteins (having more than one binding site 101" a ligand) by using homobifunctional ligands (synthcsised by coupling two ligand moleculcs by a spacer). The modified ligand is ablc te bridge
differentprotcin molecules thereby forming aggregates. The precipitation afthe affinity complexoccurs only at a dcfinite ratio ofthe ligand and the protein. Transition metal ions are able toprccipirate proleins by bonding with m e surface histidine residues, the more tbe res¡dues the casier is the precipitation. With heterobifunctional ligands. whcre Qne functional ity is responsible for the Olffinity binding and thc other is exploitcd for the precipitation, irhecomes possíble to operale affillity precipitarion in a more general mode. The precipitatingcomponentofthe heterobifunc· donal ügand is a 'smart polymer' which responds to minor ehanges in an environmental parametel', e.g. pH. remperaturc. iome strength, etc. by a visi.ble c.bange in solubility. Examples ofsuc.h polymers are chit
Expanrled bed
9.5.5 Adsorption to chromatographic partieles Another sn-aregy often used fur concentrarlng a particular molecule from a erude extract is captunng on high-capaci[}' solid adsorhent par-ticles. Active marcoal was the first reponed adsorbent material for produelconcenn-ation.lon exchange resins have sinee been widely used for initial capturing of low molecular weight pl'oducts and proteins from erude extracts. because oftheirhigh billding Ld.paci[}', theirappli· cabiUly ro harsh c1eaning-in-place (GIP) pTOtocols and tbeir relatively low cost, Syntbl:'.tic adsorbenrs with hydrophobic adsorption rnar.lcterisoes bave also been dcveJoped whic.b can be use
t '.
adsorvtion dlromltDgt'aphy. The
bed of adiOrbent be3ds lo a colurm ls expanded by an Ilpw:!.rd flow of Hquld. A roIbte be
9.6 I Pu rification by chromatography Chromatography is the technique used for high-resolution purificarían. !he components ro be separare
Separation principie
Size-exdusion (gel liltratlon) lon-exchange chromatography Chromatorocusing Hydrophobic interaction chromatography Affinity chromatography Immobilised metal-ion affinity chromatography
Size and shape Net charge Netcharge
C~ent chnornatography
Content of free - SH groups
Hydrophobkity Molecular recognition Metal ion binding
Trade name
Cross-linked dextran Cellulose
Sephadex 'vVhatrnan TM. Cellurlne, 5ephacel. Cellex Sepharose, Sepharose Fast flow Sepharose, Ultrogel, Superase BioGel P
Agarose Cross-linked polyacrylamide Composite of polyacrylamide .lnd dextran Composite of agaroSe and dexlran Composite of agaro)e and polyacryjamide Composite of parcus kjeselguhr and agarose Hydroxylated acrylic polymers Hydroxyet hyl methacry!ate polymer Ethyleneglycol-methacr)'late co-polymer Polyacrylamide Porcus silica RJgid organlc polymers Polystyrene/divinyl benzene
s.pnaoryt Supe<dex Ultrogel AcA
Macrosorn KA Trisacryl Spheron Fractogel TSK, Toyopearl
ELJpergn e Spherosil, Accell Mo nobeads, TSK-PW Poros
ueed ro be done by increasing the bed height, aud tbus the problem of bed compressiou ofsoft gels obrained in conventional downward flow ofeluant is ove«:orne.
9,6, I Size-exclusion chromatography This invoLves partitioning of proteins between che stationary liquid heId by pores of rhe gel partic1es and the mobile liquid in the void volume bctween the particles. The gel matrices used for size exclusion
chromatography haVE' .a defined pote size range Co allow small molerules imo the potes whíle rhe larget molecules are excluded and pass through rhe column with the mobile liquido Size-exclusion chromatography is effective only with small sampk volumes (equivalent ta 2-5% ofthe total bed volume), and is thus suitably use
9.6.2 Adsorption chromatography Ln adsorption chroma tography. resolutioll af me macromolecu)es is a surfdcE'-mediated process ¡.e. there is differential adsorption of tbe
moleculcs ar the surrace of me m3trix (see r abie 9.5). The matrices empJoyed are de rivatiscd to con tain covalen tly attached functional groups, which ansorb and sepal:ilte protcins by diffecent mcchanisms.
Ion achange chromatography Ion exch ange d u omatograpby is by far the mostwidely used [echnique becausc ofüs general applicabiliry. good I'c solution and high capadty, Moreover, it is insensitivf.' ro sample volumes and is ohen used in t he initial phase or downstream processing to provide both product purifi· c.ation and volume rcduc.:Oon of the proccss Huid. Compounds are separated according lO the difference in tbeir surface chacges. Hence, pH of tb e medium is one ofthe Olost.impoltaot paramelers (or binding of the target molerule, as itdetermines the effective charge on both tbe (arget molecuJeand the ion exch anger. lonic buund molecules are eluted from the matrix, either by incrcasing the concentr,;¡ttoll ofsalr ions wb.idl compete fOl" tbe same binding sites on lhe ion exchanger, or by changing tbe pH of the eJuan t so thar the rno)ecules lose thcir charges. Displacement chromatography is an aI(ernative mede wherein a more heavily charged molecule is used (O 'displace' rhe bound matct"ial. 1011 excllangcrs are grouped inm anjon exehangel's with positively charged groups like diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) and qU3Cremary amino (Q). and cation exchangers which have negatively charged groups lil:e carboxymethyl (CM) and sulphonatc (S). Hydropbobic interaction e h roma tography Hydrophobic intecaction chromatography (Hlq i5 also a robusto high capacity method. It may be used early with dilure producl streams , lending to conccntratiOll and purification. me i5 analogous to n'verse chromatography (RPC) bur rc.1ies on weak hydrophobic interactions betwt!cn hydrophobic ligands. aHcyl oc aryl side chaios on the gel ma trix and the accessible bydrophobic ami no acids on protein surface_Differences in the content ofthese amiDa add residues can be used for separation of proteins. Binding is perfocm ed in a Illcdium favou ring hydl"ophobic i1ucr.lctions, e.g. a solution ofhigh salt concentraDon. flUtiOD ofbuund material is achievcd by reducing the hydrophobic interacDons, either by lowt!ring the salt conccntration, or the tempcrature, oc by decreasing the polarity oflhe medium {by indu· sion ofsolvents Jike ethylene glycol or cthanol in che buffer). Matrices with different hydrophobic groups like butyl--, octyl- and phenyl- are commercial1yavailable. Affini ty chromatogr-lpby
Molecular recognition rorms the basis ofadsorpnoD and separation by affinity chl'Omamgraphy. One of the react"ants in an 'affinity pair' . the Iigand. is irnmobilised on a salid móltrix aud is used nnder suitable conditions te fish out tbecomple.ment'lfY structure (the ligate). The llinding
Ligand type
Biospedf¡c Iigands Mono-speciflc Receptor Arltibody Hapten Substrate/substrate analogue, Inhibito~
Protein 1ype
Ho rmane
Antigen Ant ibody Enzyme
Group-spedfte Cofactor Lectins Sugar derivatives Protein NG Heparin
Pseudobiospedfrc ligands Triazlne dyes Metal ions Hydrophobic groups
Enzymes Glycoproteins Lectins
Immunoglobulins Coagulation fadors, protein kJnases Dehydrogenases, kinases and other proteim Metal ion binding proteins
Various proteins
is reversible and can be broken by changing the buffer conditions. Potentially, sum methods possess very high resolving power. Table 9.7 shows that a variety ofligands , with specificity for one or a group of proteins, can be used for affinity chromatography. A trend in downstream processing has been to exploit the speeificity of affinity interaetions earlierin theseparation trainso as to reduce the numberofpurification steps; however this puts extra demands on the ligands with respect 10 chemical and biologicalstability. This has led to increased imerest in the use ofpseudobiospecific ligands like dyes and metal iOlls. The chemical coupling procedure for imrnobilisation of a ligand is chosen so as to provide sahsfactoryyields. strong linkage to minimise Ligand leakage during chromatographic operatian. and minimaJ nonspecific interactions with biomolecules. !be adsorbed protein is generallyeluted undeI' conditions that minimise its interactions with the ligand oe.g. by increasing the ionic strength OI' changing the pH ofthe buffer. o. by a free ligand m olecule. In the latter case, a subsequent step would be ro separate the protein from the free ligand.
9.7 I Product formulation The commerrial viability of a biotechnological product is dependcnt on the maintenance of its activity and stability during distribution and storage. Low molecular weight pwduds such as bulk solvcllts. bulk organic acids. etc. are formulated as concentrated solutions afier removing most of the water. 'Nhen high purity is required, smaU
Type o( dryer
Mode of heat transrer
Movement or the product
Belt dryer Fluidised bed dryer Spray·dryer Freeze-dryer Drum-dryer
Convection Convection ConvectJan ConLlct and radiation Contad Convection and corrtact
IntenSNe due to gas fiow Intensi\le due lo gas flow Intensive due to gas flO\o\l None or mechanical
Chamber dryer
Slight mechanical
molecules such as antibiotics, citri.c acid, sodium glutamate etc" are crystalliscd from salution by addition ofsa lts once tbey have reachee! the required degrec ofpurity. Proterns are particularly sensitive ro 1055 ofbioJogical activity during downstream processing and subsequently during storage. TIlis could be due 00 factan; 50ch as Olddatioll. temperature, preseoce of proteases elc. Proteio products are formulated as solutions, suspe:nsions ordry powders. A variety ofnabilising additives ar-e incJuded in me rormulaoons in order to prolong the product shelflife. The choice ola suitable stabiliscr ls done empirically. Among tbe non· specific chemical additives used regularly as stabilisers in proteio formulations are salts (arnmonium sulphate or sodium ch1oride). sugan (mcrose. lactose etc.). polyhydric aleohols (sorbitol, glyccrol etc_) or polymers (polyethylene glycol, bovine serum albumi n etc.). Bulk e nzymes are cornrnonJy sold as concentrared Iiquid ConnulaDom. Il is, howeve:r. often prefe.rred ro dry the product to decrease the volume as weU as the deoaturing reactions thar are enhanced in aqueoUll saludon. Bioproducrs, ofien being sensitive te heat, require gentle drying rnethods. rabIe 9.8 lists sorne of the commonly used dryers. Depending on the mechanjsm oC heat trarufer, these may be broadly classiflcd as contacto. con\lectioo-. and radiation-dryers. Batchwise drying in rnany contact drye rs is facili tated using mecbanically moved layen:. TIte advantage is [he unifono thennal stress exerted 00 the materia l beingdried. bigh throughpu[ and possibUity fur deveJ.. opment of conllnuous processes. A common feature of convertion dryers is thar the movemenr ofthe material to be dried is promoted by a flow of gas. Drying of large stre
Freeze-drying or lyophilisation l'epresents one of the least harsh methods ofprotein drying. IUs used for tbe drying ofpharmaceutical products, diagnostics, foodstuffs, viruses, bacteria etc. The drying principle is based on sublimation ofthe liquid from a frozen material The liquid containing the productisfrozen, ideally to a temperature below its glass tranSjtiOD temperature, and subjected to vacuum in a freezedryer. While maintaining the internal vial temperature still below fue glass transition value, the shelftemperature is increased to <1. temper
Monitoring 01 downstream processing
Therc may be severa! reasons for monitoring a DSP step. Gne such reason is a desire [O k.eep control over tbe presence and concentration ofthe target molecule which , if monitored directly e.g. by using sorne kiod ofa sensor. would enable one to take appropriate.rneasures quickly in tbe event oían unexpected performance. Fw-thermore, when the performance of a process is well established, the signal froro the sensormay be used for control purposes, thereby increasing the level of autornarion. Continuous monitoring of DSP is also desirable in processes dealing with the production ofpharmat:euticals, as a means to facilitate. establishing an improved level of documentation, and hence the approvaJ process. Furthennore, implementation of measuring and control in DSP will increase the reliability conceming reproducibility ofrepeated batches. Frem a practical point ofview, fraetion collection and other aspects of sampling and sample handling can be substantially facilitated by on-line manitoring cornbined with pre-set conditions for collectionjrejection ofthe stream. Sorne ofthe signals that are used for monitoring DSP-e~nts art' listed in Ta.ble 9.9.lrnportant fcatnres when selecting signals for Pl'OCesS monitoring are l'esponse-tinle, selectivity and seruitivity. In process monitoring itis important to carry out the analyses under sterile conditions so that infection ofthe bioproccss does not take plate. An often-nsed method is off-line analyses. Flow injection analysis (FlA) h.1S proven superior in this contextoA small tiquid sample froro the
Measun ng principie
Response time
Commonty used
Molecular síze
No No No No
Enzyme activity
Protein mo nitoring
Needs addition of reagents
Biospecifk binding reaaions
Range of new blnding
F," F,,¡ < lOs
l\leeds additio n of substrate
ruedium to be aoalysed is introduced into a continuous flow ofbuffer. The sample is transported over a biosensor Ot a reaction site and is theo analysed in a flow detector.
9.9 I Process integration Low productivity and the high cost of produdng biomolecuJes in general have bet!tllimiting factors in the devclopment ofbio rechnologka! processes. As the isolarion and purifica non Slage contlibutes substamialIy to this scenano. process integratioo has been suggested as a means to overcome tbese bottlenecks, wherein two or more different processingstages are integrated inro one step. The outcome wou ld be a dccrease in the aumber of necessary steps for the complete process, leading to lower COS[S and higher product reeovery. ¡ntegrating a produet isolation stagewith the fermenration proccss i5 possible for reeove.ry of both small molecules ¡¡nd protei ns. III sitll adsorption ofthe product is a working example. lntegration of e>.:trae· tion in organic solvents with fermentation for in situ reOOVC1'Y of low moleLular weight products has also been investig
inreracríons , into techlliques used for primary separaÚOD, e,g. as in affinity precipitatio!]. membraneaffinity filtr.Jtion etc.
9. 10
Further reading
AlbcrlSSOll. P. A. i 19861. /tlrtition ofCtU f'artidt's i.lnd Mlia(llllm«lIlt-s. 3m editfon. Wilcy In tel'Science. New York. Ascnjo. j. A.. ed. (1990). Separutitm Prounts jlJ lUoUChno.!ogy, Mareel Dekker. New York. IWher. P. A.. CU5sle .·. F.. L alld Hu. \,{·S. (19B8~ BioSé!p(lrilt!om: Downstn:am Procmingfor Hiotechno!oK)'.John wn~, Nt;w York. RUlldr. S.• Cofre. Il A.. Kessler. S. B.• O·Connor. J . L andZale, S.E. (1988). Mcmbrilue bilsed affinity technology for commerdal scale purifieiltiOlU. Biofli'dmoI6. 779-782. pieryan. M. (1986). UltrcjiltTatlon Handbook. TechnomkPubl. Laueastcr. USA. Deutscher. M. P.• ed. (1990). Methods in Rnzymology, Vol. 182. Gl.lide to Protcin I'lIrijicanon. Academic l'ress, San Diegu. Hatti·Ka.ul. R.• ed. (2000).Aq1i~OUS Tlw-Pltase Syst~ms. Mtthods dnd Protocols. Humana Press. New Jersey. Janson.Je. alld Ryd él1. 1... eds. (1998). Protein Purlfimtlnn. Ptindpln. Hlgh Resolution Methods, 11M Arrlicatio!ls.Johl1 Wiley. New York ](au!, R. ilIld Mattiasson, B. (1992). Secondary purlfkation. Bioscp..ltlltion 3. 1-26. Krijgsman,j. (1992). ProdUCf Ru(lVfry in R!O!Jrocess TtdllUllogy. BIOTOL Series Uenkins. R. O.. ed.). Butterworth Heinemann. O"Jord. Lo. T. c.. Baird. M. H. l alld Hanson. C. {1983). fiarnl book ofSolwnt Exlrllrtioo.John Wiley. New York. MaUUrnul'a, M. (1991 ). l'eTSlr.u: tion. I.n F.xlruclit.Oe' Biocllnwrsiolls(Mattiasson , B. and Holst, 0" eds.). 'PP. 9 1- 13 1. Mareel Dekker. N~ York. MaLl:Í.iIssoD. B.• ed. (1999). Expollded Rtd OIrtmUl lllgraph)'. Kluwer Al:ade mic PubUsbers. Donl rechl, NI ~ McCregol'. W. e.. ro. (1986). MemhTQrlt StpllTPfijM.~ in Bin/.t'chnology. MarceJ Dekker, New York. Schmidr·Kastner. G. and Gó lker. C. (1987). Product ret:OVéry In biotedmoLogy. In Fundamental! ofHiot«hnology (Prave.I'., Faust, U" Sittiy. W. and Sukatsch. n. A.. 005.), pp. 279-3Z1. VCH, Weinheim. SCO~5. R. ( 1994~ PYotein Purijication. Principia ami Practire, 3m F.ditltm. Spring~r Verlag, New York. Stephanopoulos. G" oo. (1993). RJotechnology Vol. 3. Rioprorming (Series ediw rs: Rebm. H-J.. Reed, G.. Pühler.A.and Stadler, P.). VCH. Weinheim. Strathman, H. ¡¡ud Gudematsch, W. (1991). Continuous removal ofethanol from bioreactor by pervaporation. In F.xtnlCtive Riflcoltversion.~ (Mattiasson. B. and Holst, O.. eas.), pp. 67-89. Maree] De'k'ker, New York. Street. e .• ed. (1994). HighLy Selecliv~ Separalioll$ in Riot.:chnoJogy. Blackie Academic & Professional. London. Verral! . .M. (1996).Downstrellm Proccssing ofNlltumJ Products.A PrnctlCill Handbook. Joh n Wi]ey & Sons. Cbichester. Walter, H. and johansson, G .• eds. í 1994). Melhods in F.nzymuWID~ ~. 22R. Aqurous fwo..i'hoseS)'stems. Academic Press, S¡Tl Diego.
2 11
Chapter 10
Measurement and control A. Lübbert and R. Simutis Nomeodature Inrroduction Structure of process models Kinetic rateexpressions Advanced modelling considerations Process supervi.sion and control Open-loop control Closed-loop control
Condusion Further reading
ANN r e edil)
concentTation ofa metabolic by·product produced by microorganism s. de1ay time indiv:idual comp onenU ora blochemical reactioD system. (can be Ll!presented by mea ns o freaetion equatioM ~I V",, = O. where lhe component A¡ i5 usuaUy repre$ented by tu suro formula. and J'¡ are t he usual stoichiometriccoeffloenu) artificial neul
concentrarían vector ofthe solution red to the reactor
a A¡
COl evolution tate coefficient matrix ('Element<:omposition·Mattix') r. or F(t) the r.lte al which [he m..:Lterial is red to [he reactor a$ a function af time K-AfB amplirude1'3tio K.¡ inhibition constant fur the inhibitor A K< L'ú ntrollergain kLCI mass transferc()('fficient K, Monod constant KoJ the substrate inhibition constant m mainteniUlce rerm in Eqn 110.28) ni 31110unt afcomponent A¡
n pOl p02' OTR OWR RQ
'1", P RI R.
vectorofamour.ltS of compone.nts diS$Olved 0 1concentratioo in me medium thesolubilityofO¡ 01 trcmsfer rate o~
uptake rate re'"spiratioo coeffident
substnte cousumption rafe time deviatioo m;¡inten;¡nce tenn prodUCTconcentration conVEnioo t a teS absolute O~ t:(msumption rate wcLor ofvolumetric ["¡Ites ofchange afilie amounts oftbe componl"nts being created or consumed duting a process substrdte roncentration res~ns e
ue manipulable variable V, or Vit) \IOlume X biomass concentratian Y, yield roeffidentof component j on componentj L\tI.¡ amount of compcnent j synthesised or consume vector ofme r.ttes by which theamo unts ofrne components change as;) consequenceofthe maS$" transpon acl'OSS the boundarics ofme dornain u. spectfic acetatl' production rate Uf
", if
(T,,¡, w", w~
specific aU!late consumpoo n rate specific growth rolle spccifk productpn:xluaion 1'3te ~ coDStant fur derivative controllel' time corutant fur integral controller stoichiometrlc coeffident spccific substrate upul:e rate critica] speciflc subStrdte up take rale specific O2uptake rd.l e used for maintenallce speci1ic O2 uptake rale used for biom¡¡ss growth
10. 1 I Introduction In industrial production plants, process control is on everybody's agenda whe:n the cost[benefit.ratio ofa process must be improved. It is
de:sirable to guide the process aJong a path. whicb. guarantee.s the process to prod uce the prod uct in such a way thar ir meets predefined quality specifkations. This confumed. the aim is to produce this product at a m inimum of Ca$(. The detennmation of such optimal proct'SS patbs is the essential pan ofapen·loop control The two kt>y eJements of process monitoring and control are: (il measurements bywhich inforUlation aboutthecurrent process state is beillg acquired. and (B) models that dynamically ÍDte rrel.l te tbe various process variables, which are importantwith.respect to the task to be solved . Ofparticular importance are rhose variables by which the
stare afthe process ca(l be described unambiguausly.ll1ese variables. however. are not necessarily the most importam ones from [he practical point' ofview. Ofimmediate practical importance are the variabl es which describe the perfor:mance ofthe process. In arder to gel access to the performance, its relatio nships to the variables which can be measured dh'ectly and to the variables thal can be manipulated are of importance. Thus. modelling for process supetvision and control needs a quantitative definition ofme objectives afme process aud rhe particular task to be solved . For supervision and control applications in industrial environmenu. [be complexity of tbe models muS( be Jeept as low as possible to minimise me expenses ofmanpower needed te maintain them. I( only makes seose to implement complex precess conlTollers, arter it was made sure: that they will work significanlJy better than conventional simpler ones. It is the cost[beneflt-ratio thar is me final c.rirerion (or whether simpleT ormore complex contrallers are used and this must indude me cost ofprovidingthe relevan t man-
po_o lt is of advantage te formula te tbe mulo-dimensional problems of proces5 modellLng, 5upervision and control using a vector representation. TIüs nor only helps to keep tbings dear, buthelps to translate them into modern software mols which are mainly matrix based. The matrix notation \Ised in rhis artide was adapted to software products available on the maTket such as MATLAB OI SOLAB where tbe variable. x, i5 generilly assumed to be a matrix. Vectors and tbe Ul>1JaJ scalar Quantities are.considered matrices ofspecia l dimensions.
I Structure of process models
Process identification is tbe procedure of de\'cloping a process model
from prior knowledge and experimental data. The dassical approach to process modclling is the development ofa mamematical model in the forro of adynamic differe.ntial equation sysrem deriverl from rnechanistic considerations. The prior knowledge usually leads to the structure of a parameterised model. leaving me parameters assooatcd with tbis model structure to be estima ted from process data. However, suirable model structures for sorne parts of the process may not always be known. Then, 'blackbox' ideutification methods that make onJy minimal a.ssumptions about the strucn¡re of these sub-processes aTe al ternatives. The state of a biopTocess is mainly determined by tbe amount, n , (measured in mol) of irs key components. !be vectoT, n , may be composed oftbe amollnts ofthe substr:ate. bromass. productetc_ The basis of a bioproce5s model is a baJance eqllation (bar can describe tbe changes of n as a fllnction of time. Please uotc that bold cbaracters or abbrcviations such as n indicare mal che corresponding quantity is a ve<:tor-vaJued quantity. n "" Ibioouss X; SUbStl'3le S; product P; , .. 1
As it is more convenient [O formulate \bese balance equations in rerms ofconcentr.ations, c. which are related to theamounts , n,ofthecomponenes by c"" n{V, ourgeneral balancemass balance equation reads: dn d(cV) - - - -=RV+cb
¡P is the rate by which the vacious components are transported across the borders of the balance volume, Y, and RY me r:lte at whicb these component 5 are synthesised or consumed within V. In bioproces~es. the rates, lL. are usually non-linear funcci ons ofrhe variol1s components of norc. In the red·batch operational mode, wruch is the usual industrial production mode. the amount of substrate red to the reactor lead! to an increase in thetotal volume so that the volume iu el fis variable. Hence . an additional differentiaJ equation mu~a be speot Cor the (scalar) volume. Y_
- -FI<) dI
After resolving the eql1ation fur the concentration vector. c. we obtain the more convernent form ofthe bal ance. de dt
tP V
dV dt
- =R+-+eor, with dc dt
- =R + -(c - cl . V(t)
A sbart remark is required a baut the balance domain. In n on-lineal' systems, the f'SSential c rite rion for justifying ro represent the con ce otrafion of a particular compone nc. e.g_. m e substTate concentranoo_by a single value. S. is bomogeneily across che regioo over which the balance is drawn. It is possible 10 use the entire culturevolume, V. as the balance volume wh en the bioreactor can be considel'ed to be an ideal stir:red tank reactor. Wb en t his
10.3 I Kinetic rate expressions 10.3. 1 Considerations of scoichiomecry The first pan in Eqn (lO.S), R. describes tbe r.ates ofthe biochemical conversian of the componenrs i.n the system. As tbe products are synthesised from tbe substrates. the dilferent e1ements of c da Ilot change independently [rom each othe r. The interrelatianships are de termined by biochemical stoichiomeuy. The individual components.A r of a biochemical reaction system can be represente
LIV¡AI"'O where tbe components A, are usually represenred by tbeir sum formula. and v¡ are the usual stoichiometric coefficienrs. As elemental analyses sbowed. the components, Al' can be considered lO be mainly composed of a few elements only. Often ir suffices to consider four elements le R o N] only. lfthis 15 a5rumed ro be sufficient, tben tbe individual componenlS can be identified by index VlXtOrs, e.g.: H
Clucose - (O
O 3
O 2
01' 01' 11' 01' 01'
(e 1. 2.
- (O
3. Ammonia= 10 4. Water - (O
- (t
Basic elements consfdtrrd Substmte
Ox""" Nitrogen source
Water Carbon dim:fdt
where l... J' mcaDS [be transposed oftbe row-vector,\ ... 1. Rere and in the following texto the vedor representatian by components is adopted Erom MA11AB. Problellls appear with tbe corresponding represent3tions of biomass and otber complex biapolymers. Here it is straigbtforward ro represent them as moleculeswitb tbe same relati ve composition as the originals, but with the C-index fixed ro 1. e.g. 6. Yeast""11
1.75 038 0.25]'
With this assumption we can write down concrete reaction equations, e.g. ror aerobic yeast (Saccharnmyces cerevislac) production we get: JI,
C, HI2 0 , +
"n N~ + v.. 02~ ,,~C H,.~ 0 1).;18 No.lS + "wH,¡0 +
COl (tO.7)
Using matrix representanon this equatian COlO be refonllulated into a homogeneous linearequañoD system: E ,,= 0
The coe.fficient matrix. E, in literature referred to as tbe 'E1emen[Composition-Matrix', is defined by the index vectors, llsing the ddlnitions in Eqn (10.6): E= r~ Glucose - 02 ~ Ammonia Yeast Waterroll
The problem ofsalving rhe linear Eqn (lO.8l for the stoicbiometric c~ efficienlS vrequires five equations, since ane ofthe Jo'elements, e.g. that for gIucase, can be arbitrarily setta ane. lfthis substratc is chosen as me reference component. tben "s"" 1. Then we can transfonn tbe hornogeneous equation system (10.8) ioto a non-homogeneous one
Ee v= Glucose with the coefficient matrix Be =
I~0 2 -
Am.m.onia YeastWater C0 2l
and, according to Eqns (10.7) the five component yector:
(JO.11) As Eqn (10.101 contains onIy four linear equiltioas and five unknowns,
we nee
II- = -~-
, tan, Re
whicb is equal to the ratio ofthe corresponding consumption or developmenr rates, RI' Far ¡nstaDee. R~ "" CER. tbe CO2 evolution rate and Ro "" OUR, tbe 01 uptake rate tbatare mea su red duringmanyfermenrations, can ofren be assumed ro be proportional. Tbe proportionaliry constant is referrcd to as the RQcoeffident. CER 1I~""RQp~ = OURJI~
Too can be reformulated by a scalar product [RQOOO -l1X 1-'= RQV X 11=0
wbich is a new li.near equation in 11. Henee, tbe row vector. RQV, de.fined in Eqn (lO.14). can be used lo extend tbe coefficienr matrix, Ec' ln the MAnAB representation we get: 110.15)
Correspondingly. we mustalso extend tiJ.e column vector on the right hand side ofEqn (10.10): b = [Substrate:O[
Nowwe have fivc linear equations for rhe flve unknown stoicbiometric coefficients. JI. (10.17)
Equalion (10.17) can now be solved directly lIsing linear algebra. This can be done wirh a single MATLABsta.tement v= ECJfb. From the solulÍon. 1-', we can dete rmine theyields. which are defined as:
y = all¡ ~ MW~ [kg] = v~MW~ ~b
dnb MWb kg
1"0 MW"b kg
Tbis rcquires the molecular weights MW. ofthe spedes ¡nvolved ro be known. The most important yields are the biomass per substrate yield telling how muro biomass is generate
Yxs =
~~: [=]
and the oxygen per biomass yield
Y~= ;:~: [:]
For measurement and control. s(oichiometric relationships are ofien used with adV
10.3.2 Conversion rates While stoichiomemc con sideratiOJl5 provide.i nformarion a bout tb ~ reJ· ative rates by which the different components are cOllsumed or produced, the basic cOl1vcrsion rate expressions, R, are a matter ofkinetics. Sino:, the performance oftbe mkro-organism is central in tbis respecto it is straightforward to discuss conversion Tates perbiomass cOnCellrr.l' tion. These quantities
[T=~ R
With increasing S. uapproaches (T~. At largcr S, q remains constanL Thus, the main idea behind the equation is todescribe the decreaseofu al low values of S, i.e. under substrate-limitingconditiol1s. The cell mannro the suhstrate into several metabolic. patbs. Mathematically, we may express this by tbe differential expression: 1 dS
1 rlS ax
1 OS ap
u =X dt =xax a¡+xap at +qm
. l aS l aS - = - aud - =~ Yg ax y~ ap ldS
po. 1T + - +q Yxs Y", m
u-- - - X dt
which is of high practicaJ value in modellíng for process supetVision alld controL The Monod cquation ofien d ~s not describe substrate degradation acctmltely enough. The n. further mechanisms lllust be taken imo account, e.g. suhrt1" inhibition and inhibition by undesirable
by·producrs. A. TheSE' mecnanisms can be considered by attaching addi· tional factors to the original Monod equation for u: 0'=
Maximal specific uptake rate (capac.'ity)
u ......
x -K.+ S
x- - -
KsI + S
ConventionaJ substrate limitation (erro
Substrate inb.ibition terro
K. lnllibi tion by by·product A +A
x - - .Ka;
The parameters, u max ' K" K.¡ and Ka; must be determined from process data. The formation oE me by-productoA. neros an additiollal kinetic consideration. CeUs are assumed (O be .. ble to Clkeup more substrate than they can ful]y oxidise.ln terms ofthe specific substrate uptake rateS. (1', there is a critica] rateo " ( dI' above which all substrate taken up cannot beoxidised directly. In such situations, tbe cclJ produces el by-product, A, which usually, at leasr .. t higher conceDtrations. acts as an inhibitor. In R. coli this by·product is acerare. while in the yeast Sacdwromyres crrevisfae it is ethanol or in mammalian cells it may be lactate. In the example ofan E. coli model , we may assume that at v > U crlt ' aceta te, A. is generated with the specilic by-product generation rate, ag :
10.25) '
Wheo 0'< <<011' the acetate already fonned. can be consurned by the cells. This occurs when the cODcentration. S, ofthe main substrate drops belowa critical value. The specific by-producl consumption rate, "'c' can also be described by a Monod-like expression:
a~:::: 0uw¡ - - - - --
Ka + A Ka¡+S
for 0' <
0', "1
and lt'c =Oelse
where the repression ofthe by·product consumption bythe substrate. S, is described by the third termo The net speciñc by·product production rate a is obviously the difference
a=a, - oc' When we assume mat no further produce is being synthesised, the spedflc growth rateop., can be detennined, lo order to ke:ep the description as trnnsparent
In thesecond ase, atu> O'crit' tbe cells convertpartofthesubstrateinto biomass with a high biomass/substrate yield, Y:u' a nd use the restofth e
l .~ ~
.3 result lar fed-
30 20
10 ·_"~"""'."H. ___ .. ..____ ._...
_...... _._·_H'-.-~-"H:
" ··......'H I
5 6 Time(h)
- - Weight
• E • J'
'1'1 the up~ I»'rt tlle computed ln¡ectOI'ln lor b jOfl'lUJ. Wbstraf •
b:uch evldv¡don of modified E cnII.
-o-Biom3SS ......H. Substrote ~ Acatate )(10
'--'''- Feedrate )(10 .___ . . _...H . . . ._· . _. . . ..______.____. _. ...--' -----
5 6 Tlme(h)
entire specific substrate cOllsumption Tate with a significantly lower yield, YKS~' Hence we obtain for
U > U cril
Finally, the specific product developmenl rate, "fr. must descrWed. It mostoften primarily depends 00 the sped6c biomass growth rate. lL. in sorne more or less complex relationship, The desired produce may be a recombinant protein. Then. a highly non-linear relationship. sucb as e.g.: w
l+ (~r
may be u sed in the simuJation. The sigmoidal form ofthis rate expression reflects the experience thar lhe cells need sorne growth to start protein produrnon and that there is a final specific production rate limit. 1l"uw' that is asymptotically approached at higner specific growth mtes. IL. The parameters of this expression must be deterntined from experimental data, in particular from p.(t) and 1T{t) estimations discllssed latero With these specific rate expressions, the absolutevolumetMe rate vector. R, can be detennined as:
R=Xlp.. -
a. '!TI
With R. the entire dynamic system is determined. Hence, when the required parameters, kinetic constants and yields can be supplied . we only need tO salve Eqn (10.5). This, once again, i5 very ea5)' when a modern software toollike MATLAB is used. Pigure 10.1 sbows a typjcal result oi a process simulation where
Il'1daC"'Ute. a~ eompaN!d.,.,.;th musur.G claa. clepi cce cl by tlt. symbolJ.ln me Iower p;irt the carre~ncllng feedrat.e (gluc:ose saludon) In.:! cultUN! _ight prom ...! are shown.
t hese model components were used .The kineric bortle neck mechanism is of general use llot only for [he accompanying example of E. col! growth, bu( alsofor most other sysrems ofpractical interest.
10.4 I Advanced modelling considerations 10.4.1 Methods of lean modelling When a rnodcl is (O be used in process optimisation or for on-line process measurcmeut orcontrol , ir must be salvable quickly. ¡ inee [he model evaluation must be frcque ndy repeared. This requi res that the m ode! must be strictly resrricted (O rhose aSpccts thatdirectly influence tbe process performan ce, Rcstrictioo to these mostimportant variables i~ nor the only possibility to reduce the computing time, An important further meaSUl:C is ro identifYvariables that are importanr, but change with much smaller timeconstants in comparison with the keyvariables mbstrate, biomass oc produet concentration, These variables can be assumed [Q be atany time in an equilibrium state with the keyva riables. Hencc. their dyna mic changes nero Ilor be considered sepa.rately. In otherwords. they can be statically related ro cheother stare varjables. ln chis way che numbe.r of diffcrcntial equatioDs can be decreascd and thus the compudug time fo r the simulanoo, All important example is che dissolved 0 2l:onccnrradon . pOr on e of the most importanr variables in aerobic production processcs. Since p02 is irnmediateIy adapting ro rhe biomass gl'owth rate , its rate of change can be neglecred. The specific O) consumpnoo rateo f
(10.31 )
Thc absolule 1 upta ke rate, Ro=OUR = ", X, is balanced by tbe 02-transfer rate OTR, which 15 mostoften modelled by: OTR "" k¡p ( pO~ - pO¡)
Thus, we can combine Eqns (10.31 ) and (10.32) to ger:
p02 =
pO; - OUR,/(kLa);= pO; -
(1-'1'"" + wm}X/(k¡a)
The computadonal advantage (in tenns of the computing time) ofthis approach is flot alone due to the reduce
quasi-collstantleve1. Then. al] tbesubstratefed to tbereactoris ¡mmedi· ately consuml!d by (he cells.
10.4.2 Representations of the kinetic expressions by artificial neural networks In comparison with (he knowlt"dge. behind tbemass balance equéltions. tbe knowle
comparable with me Monad mooel and its derivates. Hence it ls straightfOIward to combine che advantage of ANNs to describe local kinctic derails with the advantage of classical Monod expressions to describe the global rates, R. by using both simultaneously. Because of (he fle.xibility of ANNs in representing complcx non· linear relationships. such networks can nor onlybe used as an alternative cepresenmtion fur R. but also as a means to correct available classical representations fur missing relationships to addicional vario ables. This approach has che advantage to keep and extend the already conventionallyobtained knowledge.
1004.3 Fuzzy expert systems When tbere is already available sorne concrete mlX11anistic k.nowledge about che rote expressions which. bowever, could nol yet be transfonned ioto matbematical expressions , then another altemative ro a mathematical model representation is possible. Thjs is the representation by fuzzy rule syst:ems where tbe dependencies be[W('en the relevant quantities are represented by heuristic-ruleS-(lf-thumb in the form 'lf{conditions) tben (actions)'. TIte variables considered in these rules assume fuzzy 'values' like smaD.large, normal, etc. What is understood by these linguistic terms must be defined individually i.n the context of the particular process quantities. This is done by means ofmembership functions. which are used to describe [O whatextent a concrete measurement value wilJ be considered 'small' or 'Ia.rge'. The fuzzy rules representing heurimc k.nowledge are processed using fuzzy logic operaton. The main advantage offu:z:zy rule sySlems is tbat tbe large amount ofheuristic knowledgc available in practicecan be acovated rOl' measurementand control purposes. This technique is widely applied even in household washing machines. Software for formulating and processing of fuz:zy rules is commerc:ially available in many software packages_ e.g. in the MATLAB package atready mentioned. Ir should be stressed, however. that botb techniques. the ANNs and the fuzzy rule systems. should not replace aLready 3vailable mechanistic.models represented in the fonn ofmathematical equations.1nstead. [hese new techniques should extend ou1' capabilities for representing the processes. A particular difficulty ofbiochemical produc.tion processes i5 that thei1' dynamics change with time. Mechanisms rbar dominare at fue bcginning might not be significant at the end ofthe fermentati on. For example, in batch processes , subsll'ate inhibition is ofimportanceonly at the beginning. while product inhibition might become a problem only at the cnd. This fuct has an immediate consequenceon ident:ifYing process mnde! parameters as model companents that are oí no significanee in a particular pl'ocess phas€. and cannot obviously be identified from data measured in chis phase. In such cases it is straightforward to design the process mode! in a modu1arwayi.e. to divide the process into phases which are model1ed individuaJly. coosidering only those mecho anisms wh.ich activelycODmDute to Che process dynamics in the pbase
StructuI1l of 3 ~ I1yhñd modd In which difleranl ~us ofthe process are modr:lled ¡ep¡irarBly and a fuuy rute lyst~ 1$ apphd to lI1loothly ~itc.h between die modules ofthe
~ Oelay
Reactio n
- --
._" ,"uy
m odell1nlil
Final reacti on
model . The modules pl'Oeen information and knowt~ on differenl tt'VCIs: the fU'lZ)' expen:
r--' --- ---e ---CoUecbon o l .ANN s
Bal.nce equetion.
Welghling 01 ANN,
under considerarion. Then the question appears: how to decide when situations are manging and which ruodel components are ro be activared. For such questions. exper¡enced process engineers usua Uy have heuristic answers. which t1H~y often fonnulate by rules af thumb. Such rules can be formulated and exploited in precess computers by meanS offuzzy rule systems. An example for the structure ofsucb ID approach is skercbed in Fig. 10.2. This exampLe shows (he combination ofsctof ANN modules describing (he rafe expressions . .R. for the individual process phases aud a balance equation into which the rates must fit for the modelling of a production process. A fuzzy expert system sele<:[s lhe kinetic modules in such a way that tbere is a smooth transitian fram ane phase to the next one. A typical result of a simulanon using this kind of model is shown in Hg. 10.3. There are two essential advantages witb respect ro model aecuracy ofthis approach: • The first is that the modules can be moredoselyrelated to the precess properties in tbe corresponding process phases. Consequently they need not be globally applicable and can describe (he particular situation more accurately. • TIte second is tba( the models far the individual proeess phases can be kept smaller and more transparent than the comprehensive model and, as such, theyean be identified with a mueh higher accuracy.
10.4.4 Measurements So far we srressed the modcl structure. An essential step te finaJise the model is te determine che relevant model parameters. lnitial estima tes fur the model pa.rameters can be caken from literature. However, without measureme.nt infonnation it is seldom possible to obtain a process model lhat is accurate enough to monitor and control a
synem procenes heuriW( rulas. me artifidal Ilewoo ncs (ANN) pl"O«SS. dio. record5 and the baJa"t. equations aNl O<'dinary differendat equatlo n S~IIU baSl:!Q
on meo:tu.nbtlt koowledge.
:> o
..: ()
"'"• "o ...J "'" '" O
TYJlIaI elWT1p1e ola re'lllt I'rem ~ yeln cultlv~tion proco= obUin~ witll d1e hybrld modet depltud In Ft¡. 10.1 The uppermcnC:lrYe cempares the melsured and Jlmu llted blomau, X. preflle. then the edunol cencenuaoon and the cerrupcndIng!1lKese prof~u are cempared. At hlgll grcwth ra~ etMnolls developing during the fermenution bllt it Is conwmed agaln ~ ¡ Iater fe rmentatlcn pllase. l ile glucose curve deplcu the typical sllbstrate concelltratlon behavlcur of a red·batch c~lID>atkm: after an Inlti;,1 ~daptation phase, me concentratien 3pprooches 3 sm311, nearly const;lnt v;¡Jue . Mod , model predlction; exp, experimental reslllu.
- - Glucose_mod .. Glucose_exp
JI • 10
I 14
biochemical productioo process, Cousequently, a minimum of exact measurement informatiOll is aJways necessary, how much depends on the problem to be solved, Cenerally, as much m easurement data as pos· sible would be welcome, however, the uumber ofmeasurement devices at a given fermenter is much restnceed for severa! ['easons. With respecc [O bioprocess measuremenes we muse distinguish on· line measurements from offline measurements. The key vadables. such as hiomass , substra[e o r product concencrations, usually cannor di.rectly be measured on·tine since appropriate OJl·line sensors are llot yet available. Measurement data for these quantities are usually provided by off-line analysis of samples from the culrivation broth . There are a number ofoff·line measuremenr eechniques. Biomass c.:ODcentration mues are most oftenmeasured via dry weight measurements, s lIbSD'ates witb enzymatjc analysis lechniques, and producrs by cbrornatograpby or electrophoresis. Fe.. a11 such mea.surements, many anaIysers are commercially available. Common for a11 tbese measu.remenes is chat che sampling ITequency is I¡mitro. al best, ro a rewevents per bOill and tbaC tbe resulting measuremen[ values usuaUy becolDe available after considerable rime delays. ConlOcquently. tht!Se data cannot be used to control the process in a feedback manner. Foron-line measurements the s ituation is quite different. Here. the measu.rement quantities are ma.ínly restricted ro basic pbysical quaoúties. like temperature, culture weight, feed Tates. and a fewbasic concentr.1tions of small molecular entities like pH a.nd pOlo Also. some componentsofthegas in the vent line (e.g. O~. CO 2 , etbanol, etc.) can be monitored. The values of fuese quantities are available on-tine as cootinUOliS signals with no significant time delays. A firsr point to rccognise is that industrial production reactors are ratber sparsely equipped with measurement devices. at least when compared to bioreactors in the laboratory. There are several rcasons for
lhis. Measurement devices are possible sourCt:!S for cODGlmination as their ports malee ·cleaning-in·place· more difficult. Hence. their Ilumber is kept ilS (ow as possible. SecondJy, only very l'eliable and robust m eas u rement devices can be justifioo. wben decisions i.n production environ· meats are based on tbeir values. Furthermore, lÍIe maintenance of che devices and the immediate utilisation of the data are considerable cost factors . There are only a rew meil5uremenlS for which the cosr!bencfit· ratio is tojustify (he investment a nd ope.rating costs, indud· ing the costs thar cao be associated \\,'Íth che risk of contaminatioo, against the bcnellts ofhaving the inrormatiolL TIte possible accuracy of m e measuremenlS may have a considernble influenceon the model StnLCtute and vice versa. This fae( has pl
Mass of the species dissolved in the culturen,. - 1 . ,.gkg I Mass afthe entire system
Co nsequemly, all other volurne related quantities must a lso be redefined, e.g. the fiow rate must be defined as rnass transporred per time unit etc. It is cusromary to speak afweights ra eber than ofmasses. since the corresponding measurements are m ost ofien weight measureme nts. We will use concentrarlons as weight·based quantities in the fol· lowin g disClllisions.
IOA.5 Model validiltion Bcl'are any fnr-reaching dedsion can be bascd 00 a model, it must be: val· idated . In m odel validation we take data from the proccss to test rhe assumption rbat the mode:l describes tbe pl'OCCSS correctly. In o tbel' words, we test wtieche.r the model could have produced the observed dara. Whe:n such tests are perfonned with independent data that were nor used during the roodel development this procedure is known as 'cross vaJldatlon technique'. As th e criterioo for this comparison, o ue usually takes the root mean sQuare (nns) devíation between the test da ta and the corresponding data computed by the mode!. This nns· value can be takcn as the model performance index.
Consider the case that data rerords from 10 individuaL production runs are available fol' model development. TIten, sorne pan ofthe avail· abLc process data e.g. typicaJly only seven records are used for model parameter esdmation, whiJe the rest (test data recoMs) are use<'! for il1dependent compansons with the rnodelling results. Since the credibility attributed ro a modelo rises with the number ofsuccessful appli· cations to process siluations Dar considered during the model develapment. the num ber of test data recards shouid not be too small. However, on the other hand it is nor possible to make this numbervery high. since a sufficiem number of records is requi red to derive a reliable mode!. Hence, a reasonable compromise is required foe dividing the available data into model deveLopment a nd test data sets.Aratio of7 to 3 has proved to be a useful working principie.
I Process supervision and control
Process s upervision or monitoring lncludes any activity tbat is CO[1cerned wilh lhe ability to track the critica! variables that affect the fermentatlon in order ro detect deviations frorn tbe predetermined process patb earlyenough to initiate measures which can compensare ror them, Process control then eotails the use oftllls monitored infor· matioo te make det:isions that afred the process lo sorne desirable W
10.5. 1 Dn-line measurements Sorne ofthe most important quantities witb re:¡pect ro process supervision and control that can be measllred on-line are: temperature. pH. p02' culture weight, feed rates, vessel pressure. as well as the partial pressures of 02 and COl in the off-gas. Consequently, many of these quantlties are measuTed on-Iine in industrial prodllction.reactors . The first two are ofprimary importance and are mort often separately con· trolled. From thepointofviewofprocesssupervi.sion. the measuremenr information they deliver critically depends on the signal-to·noise ratio. provided the measm·es are accurate. Le. the measurement erroes are mainlydue to randomsignal fluctllations al"Ound the true value, al", d is· tortions witbout a significant systematic error. Temper.ature is usually only measul"ed at a single position in the reactor and this is normally done using a pliltinum layer resistant thennometer. pR is most oCten measured by single electrochemical pH elet:trodes. Clark electrodes are most often applied for pOz measuremen.ts. AU tbese probes al·e standard equipment ofbioreactors. To measure the weight of tbe. c:uJture. the entire reactor is usually placed on load c:e.l1s whkh a1low the culture weight te be continuously
monitored. Such measurements are impon.t lnt as me reactorweighl is one of lhe key variables in the models. The feeding rates. which are important since rhey directly influence the reactor weight and chus a U concentrations. are most aEten determine
10.5.2 State estimation The straightforward approach to estimate the current status of afermentation is [O take on·line measuremenrsignals and lO makeuse of the process mode! ro relate tbese signals to tbe key process variables ofprimary interest. i.e. the statelor starus)variables. biomass. substrare. product concentradons etc. The problem of stare estimation is the determination of a parameter while tbe process is running and of knowing m e values of qualltities which essentiaUy describe the state of Che current process froro availabJe on·line measurement data. Severa! difIerent techniques. distinguished by the. quaLíty and tbe amount oí knowledge they use aboutthe particu lar process. are discussed in Iirer· ature. In the foUowing liS(. a n increasing amount ofknowledge is used from (he first to the lasr e.xample ciled: • Filrers (Iow-. high-, and band pass-) eliminare in in most simple approach the noise in the rneasurement data, ie. theyfil teroffthe noise. • Indirectmeasurernents use measurement data to detennine noisefree values ofquantities. wruch cannor be m easured directly, frOID (sta tic) non·linear model relationships between the different quantities involved. • Observen additionally make use ofa dynamic model in arder to estimate the values of non-measurable quantities. • Extended Kalman filrers add.itionally consider infonnation abour tbe uncertainties ofthe model as weU as ofthe measurementdara. • Sequential stare!paramerer estimaron additionally adapt the parameters ofthe process model to the currently observed process data.
10.6 I Open-Ioop control [n open·loop control. the pattern ofthe manipulable: variable. as detec· mincd beforl!hand, is use
perature, pH and vessel pressure, most other manipulable variables in industrial production processes are usuaJly controlled in au open·loop fashion along fixed prNlefined parteros. As everyday practlce shows, tbese parterns most often can be tuned up in such a way tbal the pr~ cesses can be run at a suffident costfbelle6t-rntio_ It requires. however. that the planr.personnel monitors the process and incerferes wben significant distortions
10.7 I Closed-Ioop control Closed-loop control is used to keep tbe running process on the track that has been found desÍTable beforchand despite significant distortions appearing in reality. Variables like pH. temperature. and sornetimes also pOl arcvariablcs that are controlled bymeans ofcloscd·loop or feed-back controllers during cultivation processes. As mentioned. with respect to many key variables in cultivatioD processes such as biomass. specifk growth rate, product concentl'3tion, most industrial processes can be sllccessfully run by open·loop control procedures. Oosed-loop control oC these variables becomes important, wben the accuracy requirements become higher-. Le. when process improverneots can only b~ ohtained by reduclug the fluctuations oftbe process al'Ound the predetermined process control parh. Ln dosed·loop control. the deviations betwcen the actual value of the control variable and its desired set point are used to change the process by appropriatechanges in one Oi more manipulable variables in such a waythat (he deviation becomes smaller.
10.7. 1 Proporcional integral derivatlve (PID) controllers lnstead ofa ma nual reaction 00 a deviatioo between the actual mC
Control mode
(0.9/K) TI,
( I.21K) TI.
Control mode
0.5 Kc.cril
0.45 K,'lJt\ 0.6 K,.oit
" p¿ u P[ l.0
characterised by simple time constants, which can be id entifif'd using f'xperimf'ntal data. In the widely applie
m(tl=K(t:+...!. t edr+ 1"Dde)
1be vast majority of dosed-loop controllen use
determine the three parameters, Ke. T¡ and TD , of tbe PlD ronrroller defined in Eqn (10,35). Therelations are summarised in Table 10.1. Procedure for a controlled proms: When rhe process is already under control. another tuning procedure is required . Here ZiegLer and Nicols proposed experimentally to • find a critical conlroller gain K...crlt in tbe foUowiug way. Firsr (be integral and the differentiaJ part ofthe controller are swilcbed off. Starting with a sm3U value, K.. is tben systematically increased until the control variable depicts a stable osOllanon . • The n. this critkalgain K(.crll and the corresponding periocl"Pc ofthe sustained oscillation are used ro determine the three parameters of me PlD controUu. Table 10.2 shows how to proceed. In the Jiterature. (he two ways ofdeter:mining thecontroller parameters are shown to lead toequivalent results. Example Assume me task is to control the specifk growth rate, /l, in a fed-batch culture ofE.colt to p.. "" ILS(11'Olnl by appropriately changingthe feed rate, F, with a PID controller.ln orderto determine. F. the controllerusesvaLues of IL determined from measured 01 uptake rates. DUR. By rearrangement ofEqn (10.31) we get !'IOtiR)
State estirnation using!he balance Eqn (10.5) delivers the current value forX The PID controUer responds to the deviatio n E
# _-prinl
ilccording ID Eqn (10.351.ltsourpurdelivers rhe ac(ua) feed rate, Eln tbis case, mlt) in Eqn (10.35) must be replaced by Fill. The quality of control crucially depends on tbe controUer parameters. K~. "TI and "To' defined in Eqn (10.35). Assume the Pro conrroller is tuned once at the beginning of (he cultivadon. According ro the Ziegler-Nico(s procedure for uncontroLled processes. the response in tite specifi.c growth rate, }Jo. upon a step change in rhe feed rate, F, is observed and tbe corresponding time constants as weU as the ratio Kare extracted from the response curve (Fig. 10.4). Afier sorne hours offermentation time. the controller performance wilL n o longer be sufficient. As can be seen in Fig, 10,5, the process cannor be keptclose to the pl"e-defined set poiot proftle fOf}Jo . Obviously, after several hours offermentation time tbe PID controller is no longer able to keep the control variable clase to ¡ts set point. This example demonstrates the mostimportant problem with appli.cations ofPID controllers in biochemicaL production processes namely that these processes do change their dynamical behaviour with time. Hence. the controller parameters must be updated continuously. Consequently, the question appears, whether it is possible to re late rhe
- - - -Pdualing signal - - Prucess n¡sponse .
Typlal ~JPOIlS~ j ... telTl'l$
or _
TIme «>",rol variable n a simple proc.ess o ... a
step ebaoge 1... ma ... ip\l~b1t!variable (actuamg slgnal). This graph ~hows how tO ~strnatll! the Una constants of mil! proc:ess mat are n«ded tO wlle a PlO controller ae an ullconrrolled proc:ess. TlN.'! fim: ~ctiOll ob1erved i!; that me response 1, del(I!$,ls not lble te folow m e ;t(tuuinllsiz:nal immediat.lly; Innl1ad it riSfU in a del3)'ld w ay to a leYe~ A. The oolTt!SpOnding lime con sum, T, can be esllmated lrum theaJn,dna "",Iue$ of me Inlb"secu ofthe tangetll thm ugtl turnl~ por ... t of the I'1!lf>Clnu ell~ iU'od ab!ICis!.l and tu p;! raIle l al t lle leve! finally approac:hod by thc rv$pOnse curve_
- P-
- -·¡U...set
- -¡< -- -- ·- ·J.Lset
0.10~.L-'!---'--:4_L-!6:-L-;8~.L-!.'0 Tim e (h)
Mi el
Tim e (h)
RelllJ lt o bralned wlth 3 stan dard PIO controlle r forthe specifK: growth rate oJL. at an E. co/i cu ltivarlo n on glUI;ose , wnere m e contfolle r parameters were determlned In diffef'{!nt phases of the process. The liMt.part crI me figure w.u. obr.ained wim p3.r1metl1rs determined d urillg m e In!tia! of Dne ofthe prmollS runs of the pmten. and the right w\th panmeters determined ooring me end1lhul1 o f olle or!he pnlYious rons o fme proc;ess. AJ, can be 1een partlc:ubrly in tlle right p.!.f'1: where ,,"is strongly osdllatiog. thtI controller Is IlDlmle 10 perronn me expecled task.l\3mely te keep the specific¡rowth rate dose to me set-point pmlile.
Typia t U'sult of 1 PID conrrolllr tor che 5p«1fk: growth
....... /L_se! 0.8
... I&, p.. ..,¡th p.1rnllleler adaptaticn.
The improvtmtnt In (om~rison wilh Itle usual PlO controller. depicted in Ag. 10.5, bccome1 oo...ious. OllCfI apio. the dl1hed c;u ...... 1s 1M sec polnl protile, wh lte [he full !ine deplcu (antroUe<.! ~p«¡(o(.lrt)wth rne. Apart fn;.m
time.\ lround
tIIe "up dr.tngetln
lhe ~
rata con the eI.sirtd level. 0.2 0.1
, lime{h)
changes in the dynamics ofthe process to sorne easy-to-measure quantities. This problem is discussed ncxt.
10.7.2 Adaptive control Adaptive controllers co ntinu ously adjust the parameters ofsimple controllers upon c:hanges of tbe process dynamics d uring lhe running proc:ess. To illustrate how Qne could procced to ;¡dapt th e parameters of a PID controJler for the specific growth rate, m e example disrussed in the last section is continued. Erom experience, the 01 uptake rate(OUR) is known to be 3n impor· tant indicator of changes in tbe bio proeess dynamics. Henee. onc ean try to directly relare the measm ed values ofOUR to the optimal paramcters of the PID controller. Afirstapproachcould be to assume linear relarionships.After some tuning. one can arnve al the foUowingeoncrete se.t oflinea r equations : Kc = 0 .81 + 0 .108 OUR
"T. = o.on - 0.01 OOR T
= 0.019 - O.00240UR v teads to significant improvements ofthe eontroller as can be seen inFig. 1O.6. When (he process dynamics is nor too eomplex it is possible to adapt the controller parameters ro the cbanging dynamics of (he processc$ even with sorne simple blad:-box assumptions . When such simple blaek· box a pproaches do notwork. me process dynamics mustbe considered bym cnns ofan appropriate process model. Then we are speaking abolir modcl-rupported control whiffiis describe
10.7.3 Model predictive control (MPC) There are many difl'erent approaehes lo model-supportcd eontrollen. One particularIy effective example. whkh is conceptually easy a nd easy
to implement. is tbe cODcept of model predirtive controL Model predico tive control . as the name states, uses a mode'''¡'ased prediction of the variable. cc' to be con trolled, to keep the process on tbe desired patb. cd(t). Th(' predictioo aUows to determine beforeband tbe expecred react ionofthe pracess upon an envisaged change in the ma nipulable vario able. uc' From tbe possible changes, the ('ontroner .selecrs the best one and then cbanges th e manipulable variable. u t ' accordingly. It suffices lO restrictthe prediclion ofthe process behaviour to sorne time interval. {t.t + tHl . referred to as the time horlton. As compared (O simple controllers. t he model predictiVl' controlJer does not m~ly determine iu action from a deviation betwee:n the actual value. ce' ofthe control variable and the correspondingdesired value. cd(t). al.a single time instant. t. onIy. bu{ from deviation or tbe entire path segment within the 6nite time horizon (t,f + ~ l from. the desired profile. This deviation can be qua ntifi~ by t he mean square deviation (c,- cd)l) betwcen tbedesired trajecrorycd(t)ofthe control varo iable and tbat(c".it)l to be expected when tbe process is running: with the pre-defined profile segmentu,,(t) ofthe manipuJablevariable within the time hon zon. When tbe time horizon is Dor too long. one can proceed in a very simple way in order to detel:lIline the minimal deviation : a finite set, (6uc,I(t)}. ofpossible chaDges ofthepre-determined pro6.1e of tbe manipulable variables can be tested individuaUy and the best of them can be taken to determine the actual conrrol acrion. A particu1arlysimple change or correction oftbe pre-defined protile. u«t). of the manipulable variable i~ a proportional shift .ó.uc(t) ""& u ,,(t ). lbe behaviour ofthe process witbin lhe time horizon can easUY be SilDulated for a set of constants, a. Thc best of the stmuJated paths Ithat determinOO with (lb) which loo te the least deviation from the desired patb, is theo used to determine [he actual control amon. Since al every time step. tt. weonly need to knowwhatto doattbe nen time step. tH 1• the corrected value control oftb e predefined profile is simply (10.39)
A typical result oblained with a simple model predictive controller is depicted in Fig.l0.7. In the current control engineering Jiterature. several variants of model predictive control algorithms have been . The different approaches may have one or the otber advantage or disadvantage in particular applkatiolls, bowever, rhe essential point to note 1S that tbe modeJ quality is tbe crucial factor ofmodel predictive control in real applications.
I Canelusian
Sophisticated control procedures malee sense particularly in cases where it becomes necessary ro ron theprocess ou(S ides the areas in the state space where stability can be obtained in a natural way. Far example. when.a higher performance can be obt.ained neaJ' sta tes from whicb the process can easily run outofcontrol. a sophisticated control
Modol Predicti'.ft Control Veas! Cultl\etion
TY\)ioJ elQJTlple of
model pmctlve cor.trol applled 10 ¡ yeut eultÍVltlon proccn. Open-
Canlrolled process
15 1
E .2
SOl polnt profllo ActuII model
'"• <;
. _. ,
Tlmlt (hl
I~ ~&d-PI"OCf!oSS
i O5 O
"' '.\o.\".
Set point profilo __ Actual mm!el
Time (h)
procedure makes serue_ln bioreactors such states are often associatcd with process regimes thatare runningdose to process constraints 5uch as maximal reactor 01 transfer capability or maximal reactor cooling capacity. Ln order to make use ofmodem modcl-supported proccss monitoring and control procedul't'S, appropriate software implementations must be availabLe. such implementations can only be based on detailed knowledge about the process. i.e. it must be done in clOSe co-opcration with !:he responsible prOCe5S engineers. In arder la keep che cost/ benefit-ratio of such lmpLementations within reasonable limits. weLlperfomling developmenr tools are required . Essential roe the dcvelopmenr ofmodels and control algorithms are powerful tool boxes. There are onIy a few packages available for chis purpose. most popular are MAlLAB/SlMUUNK and SOLABfSOCOS. Proc('Ss supeMsion and control is important to ensure produce quality in the sense !:hat !:he prod uce meets the quaJity requirements necessary ro sell it profitably. On the other hand. supervision and control aims to guarantee (bar the pracess can be run at minimum cost. The cost/benefit-r.ltio is tbe iron hand thar rules all rhe related activities. Modern model-supported tcchniques allow activarlon of mosl of the available knowledge in oroerto keep the product in the prc-defined quality margins at a minimum of cost. The advantages [O beexpected from proces5supervision andcontrol depend on three main issues : (il_measurement data providing information about the actual state ofthe proccss; (U) a process model thatallows (he relevantprocess quantities ro be related to eaeh otherand , inparticular. to rhe PTOCesS'S performance ; and finaUy, (iii) actuators bywhich the desired values ofthe manipulable quantities can be precisely and
loop optimlndon re,ulted rn the set polnt proflle, deplcted by tlle fun WntJ. Unfortunatelythe gluco'e concentr3t!on In the feed devlates from me lu~ed one. Wlth tlle act~1 feed concenu-atlon, the: process would not run In an optlm.11 way (d:uhed ~ne). The model ~dlctlve conCl"ol1er Is used 10 COlTtCt \he leed rate In sud! ¡ wq mat the dwred proflles are approad!ed. The f)'mbols are the on-Ilnoe enlm.;te(l vAlues of lfM
c()I'IQ"(IlIed pro<:en.
accurately adjusted topre-determined values.AlI rbree components are. subje<:t to etrors and it is essential to takc care that none oftbese e.rrors becorne too large compared with the others. That means, ifthe knmvl· edge about the process is paOt, tben bigh precision measurements cannot be exploited and, henee, do notmake much sense: orwhen me manipulable qu¡mtities GUlIlot be adjusted accurately. a sopbjsticatc:d mOdelljng is a waste of effott.In otherwords ir makes sense to take ca.te oftheweakest elerncntin asetofissues which ofien is che meaSUl"ement data.
10.9 I Further reading LQbbert. Aaud Simut is, R. ("1994), Adequateuse ofmeasuring dala in bioproccss modf1"liJlg and cootrol. T'n:llds Hio!rdmoL 12. 301-31"1. Royce. P. N.(1993). Adiscussioo ofrecentdeveJopmt'ots in ret:m.entation mOllj· toring co ntrol from il practica.J perspective.CriLRev. Biotfchnol. 13 (2).
Schubert.J .. Simu w. R.. Don, M.. Havlik, l. ilnd Lübbert. A (1994). Bioprocess o ptimizatioD and cOlltrol: AppliC
51-68. Sch figcrl. K. {Vol. Ed.) (199'1), MeaJl.lmnent (.III(J Contrvl. Vol. 4 ofBiournnoJogy. 2nd Edlllon. VCH, Weinheim.
Chapter "
Process economics Bj0rn Kristiansen Introduction The starlÍng poinr Cost esrimales
Process design Dt'sign eJ(e.rdse Capital coots estimates Operating costs estimares Tbe costs case - tobuüd ornor ro build Furtber reading
11 . 1 I Introduction Most of the dlapte.n in this book are ('oncerne
tbat much processing understanding will be gained by viewing a process froman economic ratber than scien titic point ofview.
11.2 I The starting point TIle basic assumptions for chis chuptel' are that : • The projectyou are wOl'king on seems so interestingtbatyou haw been asked to prepare a case for building a plant ro produce your producto • TIle technology works as spcdfied. • AH permits (production. effluents .md product approval) will be. or have been, granced. There can be many reasons for wanting [o start producing or ¡ncrease existing production ofa specific product: • The markct is increasing and wiIl absorb anotber X kg (01' tonnes). • Vou have a technology that allows you to compete wim existing producer5. • YOUl' existing process, or that of a rival company, is becomingout of date. • There is a dear trend that a new market is opening up. fur [he production engineer, [here are primarily two issues that must bedealtwith: (1) what will be tbe price ofyour product, and (2) whatwill be tbe productiOll volume. The price is determinM by me coSlofputtiog [Ogelberthe ha rdware to build the plant. coUecred in the capital costs, and the cost of mnning me plant to support the operations, collected ineo me operating costs and what you hope to earn. Both the capital and operating costs are dependent on the scale ofoperntion . The starting point is therefore: How much ofyour productare you goingtoproduce? Having decided this. che rest is re1atively straightforward. There are procedures forc~ ting thedesign. constructingand ope.r.ning a pradoction plant, including steps to ensure that lbe plant becomes profitable, as indic3tM in the furth~ reading listo The listalso contains reFerences to sorne personal computer(PC) based simulation prograrnmes that can be used eo do che ca lculations and design the planto once you havesupplied process details.
I Cost estimates
111e decision to invest wI1l be based on cost estimates for the proposed production process, Withoutthese, no rational decision conc:erning the investmentcan be taken. There are different methods to calculate cost estimations,
Cost of prepanng estimate (€K)
Accuracy required (%)
± 25 to SO ::t20 to 40
Project at R&D stage Details of major equipment units known
IOta30 30 to 70 70 to ISO 150 to 500
Oetailed (Firm)
500to I 000
:tS tolO
Type of estímate Qrder of magnitude Study Preliminary
±15to20 ± lOto J5 W ill decide ¡fthe plant isto be bullt
AII pieces of equipment for production. re<:overy, supply of utilrues induding spares Instrumentarian Installation - equipment, instruments, piping labour for installation land purchase. preparation and buildings Supervi5ion Insurance and tax 5ite preparation Contractor's fee Cantingency
depend on fuctors sllch as the sca le ofthe project. rhe strategic impartance ofthe project, tbe spli t between internal ¡¡nd external elCpcrtise USed etc. The m essage is thnr(a) me nearer the time for invening large sums ofmoneythe stricter the demand for accllracy in COS[ estimations, and (bl estimaring ros ts is expensive. Howe:ver, al! decisions on whether ro ¡nvest will be based 0 11 a cost estima te. There an: two main par ts te rhe costesrimate: capital costs a[ld operating costs. TIte former covers the fabric aríon ofthe complete plan t, induding production units. buildings, preparing the land e tc_ The latter concents the cosr of opeI
11 ,3, I Estimating rhe capital costs Conventionally, the capital com are separated iuto: • Direct, Oí fixed capital, casts - the amollnt of money I'equired fur estabüshing. building and furbishing the plan!.. • Indirect , or warking capital cos t~ - the working capital :required for constructíng the plant (overheads. transport, engineering, taxe~, etc.). Each will have a ntlmbe r ofitems asshown in Table 11 ,2.1bere are many rea50ns for separating the d iTect and indirect costs, tbe most imporranr
2-4 1
Raw rnal erials Utilities Waste treatment Labour (induding training) Supervision f1a intenance Ovemead, Royalties
R&D Cost of sales Site maintenance
Tax and insurance
being tax and duty and control afthe finance.(1bese as pects are beyond tbe scopeofthis chapter; Itercwe are primaruy concemed with the tota l amount of capital required .) Table 11.2 is a non-exclusive Ust of j[ that conmbute. to tIte capital tQsts.
11 .3.2 Operating costs The operating. or manufacturlng. tosts are ..imply a measure of how much money you spend ro produce your producto induding deve lopment work la improve the proces.s as well as t he cost ofmal'keting and selling iL 111C opel'aringcasts are divided into: • ñ..xed tasts - ¡rems rhat are DOt re1ated to the volume of production. Le. taxes. depreciation , overheads . • Variable tosts - I'dated te outpUl byway ofraw materials. ¡abour and energy. Por OUT purposes , the d.ivisíon ioto fueed and variable L'OslS will nor be considered in detail , but fol' profitabiIity analysis, this may be importanto see SectiOll 11.8.1. Items contribllting to (be operating costs are given in Table 11.3. Note tllatall costs related to .ln itero are indudcd. TIlus. the labour cosrs indude salaries, overtime. fringe benetits, holidays. training, sick payoe tc. Ir can al50 indude p bones. office suppLies. professional fces (andJarge expeDsive cars for th esernor executives!). Similarl}'. rawroaterials will include all mediulll ingredients for 0111 growth stages. cbemi· c.lIs for process monitocing and control. anaJysis. gas supplies. catalysts etc. To carry out a cost estimate the production facility. be ¡r an expan · sion ofexisring faci lities or a completely new plant omllst be designcd.
I lA I Process design To get an overview of(he plant. the p rocess has to be designed in terms ofunitprocesses required, essential scrvices and instnlmentation. TIle
total amount produced, togcthcr with cOllcelltration ofproduct in the reaLtorand the productivity, will give the totól! J'cactorvolume , An educated guess wil! givc the numbe.r ofreactors rcquired and will make it possible to fu me sizes and Dumber of the seed and inoclllum vessets. The la tter wil! on]y become important in the more demanding cost esti· mates. lris desirablc to keep the nurnber of reactors as small as possible. In addition, fioro overall engineering considerarions, big is beautiful. The.reason for this is [he foUowing general relationship betweell costs aud reólctor size: ReaLtor costs ce (Reactorvo]umcf·7-(1. ~ Thus, onel00 m l reactorwill be betterthan two 50 IDJ reactors. Ir must be pointedout thatwe will DO[ al .....ays bcin a position toact accorcling to this. Whilst it may be easy to accornmodatc in (be design ofa new plam. factors such as mecapacity ofexistillg plant and utilities wil! b~ more promine.nt when expanding ex:isting plants. ]illowing th e prod llct concentrarion and productivity will aUow you to decide on feed compositioll and energyrequlreroent to supply aH the substrates rcquired. ln the case of aerobic fCl'mentations. you mUSí Irno..... t-he mass transfer charncteristics of lbe reactor to calculare the optimllttl air flow·rate and thus me size ofrhe compressoTS that must be. purchased. Once rhe product has beeD produced ro the desired concen· tration . you mustdedde on th~ leve] ofproducl ¡solarion anel purificól' don required (see Chapter 9). A schcmadc presentadon of rhis procedure is given in Fig. 11.1. A generalised layou t ofa biotedmology plant is given in Fig. 11.2. A major part ofa cost~stimate exercise is to decide which unir processes are best suited to yoUl' particular proce-ss. TI) do chis. you wl11 require processing skiUs desccibed in the otber chapters. Howcver, as there are so many simiJaritiC5 betw(,'('.n diffel'em biotcchnology plants. il is relatively easy to find mformation for an arMr ofmagnitude cost estimate (5ee rabie 11.1 ). 111e real prablems aciJe when acruracy of15% orbelow is necessary. To carry out nn order ofmngnitudc cost estimate yoll require: • Sorne knowLedge of the majorprocessingsteps. • Soml.' k:nowledge of the materiaJ balance. • Sorne knowledge ofthe energy balance. • Some knowledge ofrhe kinetia. 111e estimate is tben obt.ained from : • an analogywith 3D old pnx:ess orcomparing it to similar processes:
• a capital cost estlroate from cos( of rhe major ¡teros of oc process steps: and o • working capital and manufacturing costs from yields. ellergy requirements and costofcapital.
SdMunadc appl'Ou:h to plant dcsign far an o rder of
Declsiol'l poiD1
magnkude (ost-estlmate. Even al mis leve! of ¡ccurte)' h: can be seen
Prodllc:tion W'gCl
Uat input from ma"y aspecu. of plan! operations. indud'ng scientific, engin«til'l¡, u~ and marketing wtil b~ requlred.
Input requited
How lo ob1aill tb~ itlput
Produet cnl\CC1ltrmon
Tota] plOduction will be!let by the market . Tbll concentratioll
aclllevoo in the Til8Ctor !(Id proWcli~ity i~ gu8.l~timated
Decide on lhe Ilrgest reactor volumc in whicb )'00 1:&1'1 glC't tbe
conditions requuw foc opti¡¡IaI
N\m'ber r¡f rea.:tors
1 1
S...bstTlue requir~l SllbslralC prctrutIPCrrt
Process r;coichir¡mc1ry AvailsbWty, cost and quality of the mcdlum ingredknIJ
unit opooIlioNi
IJ lbe bioDlUS 10 be n:hincd or
wasted ? Siu r¡f biowaly51. particles f'roduct ooncentration
Pum)' rcquired
I'ropeóies and cllllncterUtics of the prl'lduGt
Pr"duCl stability Shdf1ifc
Packllging UId storilge
I 1.5 I Design exercise The next step is ro design and cost a real process, asindicated in Fig, 11.1. Tbe proct'S!> we are going to work on is che production of fabulase . an imaginary inuacelJular enzyme used in the fragrance i.ndustry. The goal is lo produce 10 lOnnes per year,
11.5.1 Process details The process details are given in rabie 11.'1. 111e figures are obtained in laboratory and pilot-plant tests . and ir is assumed tbat the technology can be scaled up successfully to prod uction scale. Please note tilar tbere are nodefined VQlume resrrictions for a merely refers to a reacto("volume. wh.ich is trnditionally one oTdcrofmagnitude less than your production vessel, wbatever the volume lhis may be. A pilO[ plant is rhe reactor stage where yOl! tl'y out your laboratory results under (semi) produ ction conditions. If you succeed here. yeu can assume that you can achico."e rhe sarne (and sometimes better) cerolt in tbe production·scaJe reactoes.
Ge nér'allaycut of a
R.w matenaJS
production plan! wi(h unit proce.'J~e.'S and utir.ties. 8iotechoo!ogn>lanu at"f! in general vuy simi lar, (he main difference
being me n:lUlre of!he utalyst,
whether it ~ 3n enzyme or microorganism, Compared ro gel'H!l""3 l chemical planu, biotechnology
Stor~e t4nJ,:
Product isolation
• ¡.--
Production ructor
1 Purificwon
Production goal Product Prooucer micro-organism Main camon source Other nutrients Batch fermentation time DOINn time Number ofbatches peryear Final biomass concentration in the reactor Final fabu lase in the reactor Yield of biomass on glucose OpeI«ting ternrer
plilnu 3re demandlng in term$ of
uti lities and clean liness.
1 rnoculllDl ~~sel
10 tonnes per year Fabulase" Aspergillus oryzae-'> G lucose
Soy-flour, potassium and magnesium salts 120h Bh 61
4Skg m-3 2 kg m- ) 0.36 28 oc:
Not ..: • An inlr.l.cellula.r enzymt' •
• The genes tor fabll la$ewerr found in ~ IMcrel'ium. bllt the l'omp.lnyhas expl'ess~-rhe gelle'! inA.
11.5.2 Calculated process detail, "Reactors
There will be sorne product losses dw:i.ngproductrecavery and purifica(jan. so we will assume thal the total amOllll[ of enzyme produced i.n m e reactor is 12 ronnes (a loss of 20%), Le. 196.7 kg per batch. The numberofbatches arises fmm the total annual operating hours divided by batch processing time (=fennentatioll hours plus downrime). Note that the toral annual operatinghaurs isnot me same as tbe number of hours in a year, as the planr will be shutfor overall maintenance once. a year. W ith the product concentratian given aboye. rbe total liquid valume pe. batch will be 98.4 m 3 . Normally. che Iiquid volume occupies betwee.n 70 aod 80% ofthe reactor volume, and using a reactor oce\lpancy [=(liquid volume/total reactor volume) X 100% I of75%, \Ve get a rcactorvolume of131.1 m J • Thus we need one 130 m l reactor, which is a medium-sized industrial reactor and a stirred tank shouJd sttffice. The seed and inoculum development for mostAspergillus processes is rela· rively srra ightforwarrl. so a 200 litre se€d fenncnter and a 10 m 3 reactor for inoculum prepararion will be adequate. The 200 litre fermenter is inoculated using a 10 litre laboratory fermenterwhic:h, in tum, will be inocutatec\ wirll a 200 mi sh.lke tlask-culture.(However, ifyou wantlo be clcvcrand want ro savemoney and time, you willreduce the number of scale·up steps by. for example, omitting the 200 litre fermenter. This is a level of fine-tuning your proccss whicb we will lea\~ fo1" another occasion.) M"edium preparation Biomass of 4428 kg wiU be produced in each batch. 111;s wi ll require 12295 kgglucose(assum ing a biomass yield factorof0.36), whicb is kept as a syrup in .. bolding tankcontaining one month 's supply, al a concen· trntion of5oo kg m- l. Tbeother ingredients are stored as powders and mustbe mixed mtoa blending tankfor eveJ'y batch. Themedium ingredients are slerilised in a continuous sterilise.r. UtiUties
The consumprion ofsteam, water and elcctricitycan be calculated but this is a deta.i.l beyond the scope of the chapter. Medium sterilisa(jon, aerating and stirring tbe fermenter, and drying rhe product are no.' maIly theprincipal energy
remove rhe process liquor, but we will process the fermenfation broth as ir ¡s. The fust step is to break open the cells to the intracellu· larenzyme. FTodUClpurificadon The enzyme is separated from the cen debris and organelles in a cencri· fu ge aud is theo precipitated from me supernatant solution using an ammonium saJ t. 'Ibis i5 a conventional metbod employed in the enzymc industIy. It renders a productsufficientlypuTe for butk applkation. Further purification will be requirt"d befon' m e e.nzyme. can be appIied in thecasmetics industry. This will ofien require ditTerent techo nologies, all described in Chapter 9, and for the purposes of this example we will assume that we do not have this technology in·hou se, consequent1y we will sell rhe prodllct as the ammonium salr (it is nor unllsllal for fermentadon companies to produce blllk products and leave fina] purificatíon ro speciaJist campanies). Drying
The Dature of the producto tonnage ilnd freeze drying as the best me thod. The plant is shown in Hg. 11.3.
11 .6
application area render
Capital costs estimates
The estimates for the cOlpital costs are given bclow. 'The values have beeo obtained fiom manufac turcrs and the literature. Table 11.5 ilIustrates the.purchase costfor (he majar plantequipmeut itellls. Having bought the equipment. ir musl be shipped. insuTed, and installcd ;)nd connected up in sllitable buildings. This adds substan· tia.lly to the costs, as indic
1 1.7 I Operating costs estimates The main contributing items to the operating casts llave been given in Table 11.3. Raw materlals In mast biotechnology·based production processes, the medium ingredients are majar costfacrors, rangingfrom 10 to60% ofoperating costs. Normally, the carbon SQurce. being tbe onJy bulk ingredient, connibutes 60- 90% oftherawmaterials costs.ln OUT case, wewiU operatewith a refilled glucose price ofl00 € per tonne.
i Q. rGL ta~nk--~-¿",eY,>---' Exil gas Air filter
Other !utrients
Blending tank
0----- ------'
¡:f .
Holding tank
Ammonium sulphate
Salid waste
L ----'~D~;:~~-'----~,~~,~~~~~ LlquJ wasta
Freeze drier
Centrifuge Di",... rn 01 da planl Ior produaion offabulase (dl'1lWn with permlsslon !mm IntellIgen Ine. New }torsey. USA).
Holding tanks Blending tanks Conoouous steriliser Production reactor Seed and inoculum readors Ho mogeniser P~ c i pitation tank Centrifuges
70 100 lL5 2324 240 185 700 335 1100 145 39 1300
Freeze dryer Air fitters Auxillary processing equipment
2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
Total pun:hase costs
e"" (K€)
Equipmenl InstaJlation cost (250% of equipment cost - indudes lnstn.Jmentation) Total di~ct costs Construction expenses (70% of direct costs) Total direct and indirect costs Contingency ( 10% of directand indirect costs)
6663 16658
Total capital costs
2332 1 16325 39646 3964 436 10
Utilities Assumed lO be IO%oftb e production casts. see aboYe. Waste treatment The assu med costs for treatment of Iiquid and salid wastes are 0.001 €Jkg and 0.01 €fkg. respectively. Venting ofgas srreams wHl in dtis case nol involve any cosrs.
Labour costs Te is estimate:d tbat t he 24 operators (three shifts of su and one shift) will be required [O run the plantoworking a 37.5 hourweek witb-4 weeks holiday a year.Additionallabour costs will be supervision (1 0%of operator costs).laboratory (15% ofoperator coses) and mainten ance and social costs (50% oftotallabour costs).
Raw materials Utilities Waste treatmerrt Labour (@20€ per hour) Administration and overheads (40% of Iabour) Depreciation (10% of opital costs) Contingency ( 2% • " ) Insurance (1 % • ) Taxes (2.5% " )
1173 11 2 160 864 436 1 872
436 1090
Total production cosís
Capital costs Start up ( 0 $ (5% of capital costs) Total investment Income rromsales @1700€kg-1
43610 2181
4579 (
Taxes (@ 40%) Netprofrt.
17 192 11 729 5463 2 185 3278
Expected retum on investment
Production costs
Gross profrt
Other COSt5 of sal es. R&D expenses. patent and royaJties (osts mil nOl be included. Thcse items are very product specifit with typical figures of 10%. 5% and 5%ofproduction costs respectiveJy. lhe production cost (or the production of 10 tonnes fabula se per yearisgiven in TablelL7.
I 1.8
The costs case - to build or not to build
To obtain information on which a dedsioll ro build. the p lallt can be based. we w iH carry out a profitability analysis. The results afsuch an analysis based on a plant lifeof15 years is given in TabJe 11.8. ln some texts, lhe tenn 'operating profif is used. This is uscd to describe the proflt generated frem plantoperations and is the same as gross prafit in rabIe 11.8 and does na t ioclude taxes, cose of capital . depreciatíon etc.
.S E .2
Result 01' a COSl
...u. !i}-
I... Salesprice
1 0_ _--"'2_ \Il
I ... Operatlng cosls ' ..... Investmentco~
% change in cost
Tbe expected rate ofreturn on the capital invested helps to decide whether ro invest in the process. For existillg processes. tbe generated cash flow may be a better indication of the. health or tbe company. The cash t10w is obcained by adding money spent o n che depreciabon ofthe plantta the netprofit. Forourplant. the cash tlow will be {in kiloEuros): K€ 3278 Ne.tprofit Depreciarion K€ 4134 Cash flow KE 7412 An expcct'ed retum on investment of16.2%, equivalentto apay-back period of 6.2 yea rs. is relatively low fol' the biotechnological industry and ir is unlikely that our factory will be built. However, the returo is suffidently high nOI lO be discarded irnmediately and is accordingly subjected to a cost sensitivity analysis. Hete, the efTect of changes in important cost parameters . suth as sale plice. invcstment and operating cost, are nudied. The resultof such an analysis is given in Fig. UA.
The figure shows tbat the process is sensitivc to changes in all rnl'ee parameters, although it is more sensitive to changes in rhe sale price and investment( pital)tosts as the slopes ofthese curves are approx· imateJy me same and sreeper than the slope ofthe operating costs. It may be difficult for liS to influence the sale price as this is set by a numher of external factors over wltich we have ¡ittle control and will depe.nd on such things as the number ofplayen; in the mal'ket. the age ofthe market, competing products, etc. Howevcr. the figure shows that a decrease in the in~tment costs will also lead to a higll er fOlCe of retorn, and we will therefore go back ro ourdesign to see ifwe can cut the cosrs without afTecting plaut performance. Thus we must find o ut: • Are all the processing steps required? • Can we alter the capacity ofche units? • Can we reducedowntimes (a cornmOD fault for a first dcsign effOrt is to overestimate the requirect downtime)? • Can we lIse cheaper materials of co nstruction? • Can weuse multi-purpose units? Whilstdoing this we musr I'emembe. that the new plant must give the same performance as before.lfwe can cut the capital costby10%, we wiU get a .etllrn of around 20%.1bc proeess is now beginning to look ralhe. aUractive and will warrant furth er srudy. Ir is at this point that the reader takes overo Good luck!
senmMty an¡lys!s, in whidl the ,ffect of change1 in !mPQrtant con p:trameters ane studled .
11.9 I Further reading AsprnPtus.AqJen Techno[ogy lne. MaJlsachusetu. ISlmulatlon $(lftware.1 Petas, M. S. and TImmerh3us, K. D. (1991). P1anWrdgn and Ecorwmlcsfor Chemiml EnginCC1'S. McCraw·Hllllnt~rnatlonal Editions. Reili Olan. H.. B. (1988).Econarnlo:Anll/y5is ofFurnentatiOl1 PrOCt$ses. CRe Press. Boca Ralon. Rorida. Seide r, W. D.. Seadtt. J. D. and Lewin, D. R. ( l993~ Process Drngn Principles.John Wiley, New 'l'ork..
Superf'roDesi'gntr, lntd.ligen lne. Nl!w Jl!rsey. New York. ISimulat ion software.1 'IUrlon. R.• Baille . R. C. Whiting. W. 8. and ShaeJwitt. j. (1998).Mnlysis, Syn thesis and lk~gn ofChcmicall'n:lassa. p ren tice Halllnternalional Series in th.e Physical and Cbemk al Engi neering Seri es.
Part 11 Practical applicatíons
Chapter 12
The business of biotechnology William Bai ns and Ch r is Evans Introduct ion What is biotedmologyused for?
Biotechnologycompan.ies. thcir care and nurturing Investmenf in biotechnology Who needs management? Patenls and biotechnology Conclusion:jumping rhe fence .Further reading
12. 1 Introduction 1
Biotechnology is the application ofbiOloglcal processes. 'New' biorech· Ilology is when mis 15 driven by systematic knowledge ofbio logical processes. In this cbapter we will di scuss tbe 'new' biotecbnoJogy industry'~ mast specracu1ar commercial maoifestation - rhe 'biotech start-up company' - and what factors contribute to the success and fa.ilure ofthe entreprelleuriaJ application ofme science describe
W hat is biotechnology us~dfor?
As a Sta(t, WE'will lookatwbatthosecompanies do now to sce why those areas have been successfu l and others have not. This section will review bde Oy tbe main areas that 'biorechnology companies' WOl:kin.
12.2. 1 The applications - medicine lhe majarity ofbiorechnology investJnent since the mid 1970s has been in health-care. and speciflcaUy in fue discovery ofnew drugs. An effe<:· d ve new drug can be. sold at good profits ror as long as tbe patent on it
""z .... ú
n !W "
!-< ~
'" ">'"
'" '"
Population (millions): mid 1990s average
Numberof biotechnology companies (1998)
260.5 57 .9
1274 245
80 .9
165 14 1 85 400
Germany France Sweden Rest ofEU aod 5candinavia
57.6 8.7 175.3
Total biotech employees ( 1998)
Total biotech R&D spend (million €)
) 39000
) 19 10
SOurrc: f."rnstnnd YOl/llt' Ellrop~¡¡n Lifr Sdenw 9'). 61'h Anllllill Reporto. F.m.
prevents someone else from selling ir at a lower price. Once a drug comes 'off patent' it can be manufactured as a 'generlc', and profl.r margins on it plurnmet. Patents do not last forever and, ita drugtakes 15 years to develop. a patent wiU onIy protect iu manufacturer from competition for a further 5 years. This means tha! the original inventor ofthe drug must have invented.a new one. e~ five years (idealJy more often). ütbey are to sell high value, higb profitdrugs. Thus disco...eryor invention of new drugs is critical to tbe commercial strategy ofmany big pharrna.ceutical companies. Lo fart. the drug 'super-companies' forrned bythe mergel"s tbatcreated suchcompanies as Glaxo-WeUcome alld Novartis must launch at least three oew drugs each year to keep their competitive position. The maj ority o f tbis book is about the technologies otbioremnology, not abou! tbcir appUcation to drug disrovery, so we will summarise bere how the latler is done. The mortcommonlyused is outlined in Hg. 12.1. A wide rauge of discovery techniques can identifY a molecular targec, aJtbough genomics-based discovery is cUITently considered one of the most powcrful . This 'l:aIget" is a molecular entity wbose activicy is consideced importan! in a disease. TIte rest ot the discovery process then searches for a small molecule compound rbatwill interferewith (he effecrs ofthat target. TIte result is a candidate drug, which is developed ioro the active ingredient of a medidne. This process has a high failure rate - only about 4% of programmes succeed in producing a drug (bat is approved by the regulaton, and probably less than 25% ofthese are profitable. Afid ir is very expensive: a dnlg typically t.akes around $250 million to bring ir to market, and most ofthem fail along the way(these al"esimilarcosts and success rates ro a Hollywood blockbuster film. a oew make of caro or re-laul1ching Pepsi in blue caos). Typical failure tates. times and costs are Usred in Table 12.2. but the realicy i5 even worse man chis, becau5e you llave ro ruoarle¡¡st12 targetdiscovclyprogr.lmmes at $3.5 millioneach to have an even chanee ol getting onedrug at t he end. means that the pnar' maceutical industry spe.nds nearly 20% of its aggregate $20.9 billiolt
Targef discovery
IK ldenlily gflnetic
Idenlify prDlain
Apply knowhldge 10 creatillg teet B5S8V$
of di5
Comblna10rlal dlem istry
'Hislolical' colleetlon
_.r .... ,#"
lead development
\ tJ- 1 ::
ni,," .hroughputl
-.·c.- "
~ !! 2"
fs oS
li . . ~=
I ..
• •
_.r.. ,#
TMI eompcuoc!s lo $olmal modol$ of dil;fl.t,e
bona. varian!s
Modlclnal cnllml!rt.y
'librar{ 01 cnBmicBI~
Mu!llwell pla.e .oohnology RobotlCI
01\1& di$covery pam. A C\Jrn:fI! rnodc:l 01 me dl'tlg
dk~overyproceu. Process Hows m:.m Ieñ: lO righL The process !uruwim genornicrdrlven di5Covery 01 a 'wget' gene, ~nd !lence proteln. ¡no:! with me ¡meratlon of a ¿!verse setofcbemials lrom combillat0ri31 librarlas or from coUettlon$ of dlemiaka.ccumuJated dIJ"ng a oom~ny's hlttor)'. The dwtmicals art1 aSS3)'ll!d lor thelr ability to block (or 50metlmeJ enhll1cl!) the Q/"gCt p!"Qtcin'$ ltrlon lnltially In I high--dlrougllput, us!L1lly biocbemical assay, Bnd In mora complex '~e(1)Od¡rr' unys, usullly ccllulu funcrion IU:I'f5. Thtt re~tis a KI"Nn '\ud'. Thes.a" ~d In wholl! animal diseasl! models. aOO tened for pharmacologicIJ profM!rdcs, rnd 1fnKHury modififld by dlrected med!cinal cbMlistry 10
produce a candidatlll drug.
Stage Tdrget discovery Screening Medicinal chemistry Pre-dinicat development Phase t ctinical trial ?hase ti dinicat triat ?hase lit clinical tria! Total
Ce" (M$)
Time (years)
S 7
65 60 SO
10 10 140 180
$uccess rate (%)
} S
""'= CohllIm 1 ; .tag~ in drusd~ryar:d d<'Wlopmeilt pro<:ns(St'e Figs 12.1 amI 12.1). Col umn 2: US dol1&rs. Columr. 3: Timo! lahn "'" lb'" pbast.. Colu mn 4: typicotl ruccess r~le tor lhal SI.;¡gt' of L.h~ proc~ {or a projlOCt. Swru: figuloes compll\'d by Merlin from ~ra1 pharmac.outiCilll'Omp;¡ny sonr"",. 19':17-1999.
Cllnical development
A <M,""'~'", "lIoO
/, •
"~ "'Oo ~
~_ \
~ - ~ --"~~''''''' ' . Fo~"'.,oo t
Tox;oo\<J gy
-·4 - ~ / Kg
Applicalion fer /Ipel roval (I;lmMke( new drug
Phllo;e 11
?hase I cl¡ rlic.a l - ~ trial.: "lelV In Applicatlorl VOIUnlllre fOI appro .... 1 fm trlals
clinlc",1 Iri .. l8: e"idence lor efflC8Cylrl PI:Ilienls, 8~I¡maleó
PII/I!M) lit A<::cural8
01 c:llrllcal " al Uf ofdrug
~, • "
~rm¡oeokl"" liCS' m&18b Oli "m I
4... 4
Orug dI
path. A CUl"I'Wt model of drug d~JopmenL
Process f10ws from
laft 10 rlghl. Tlle compound is
Iormany tested fot metabollHn, toXIclty, bioavail~b~lty and other pharmKoIogIaI propettie5. tradltlona_y in anim ~Js but Increasingly in In l'itro model usays. Succes:Ju1compoundsue tIleo entered ioto an tsQtatlng seri&! 01 cllnlQI lJials. produ clng 5y}temarJc and e>eteosM! reconb which are ure
penn inio n te market Ihe prod uct as a dru&.
Racord •• clinic.1 result.s
RMordi. ennic.1 r~sulls
Reoords. "'in ieal resulla
1998 R&D expcndi tll1'e on t hings that do not work. They are therefore willing to pay very large Sllms to biotechnology companies thal can provide science or ttrlmology that • enbances the understanding otthe disease (and henee lowcl's the inherent risk in this approaeh); • increases the effkiency ofthe discovcry process talld hence mcans you can do more discovery tor less coS(); • has already been proven in clinical trials to be superior to existing lherapy. This is a continuum of activity from basie biomedical te5earch to commercial drug development. and t.he drug discovcry bioreclmology industry occupies the middle ofthis continuum. Thus sorne companies are essentially applied extensions ofacademicgroups, otbers are indistinguishable from sma11 drug companies . Inbctween are companies provicHng specific rechnologkal skills o]' services, 5Uth as companies providing genomics, combinatolial chem.istry, o. molecular design technology, or companies spccialising in In addition. sorne c:ompanies are see.king to radieally alter the order in wh..ich these steps are done. for exa mple perfonuing aspects orthe conventionaldevelopmen! (Fig, 12.2) as par! ofdiscovery (Fig. 12. 11. Medica! diagnostks bave a quited.ifIerentdynamic. While itishard for ilJl academicresearcher to discover a ncw drug, it is relativE'ly easy to diseover a new diagnosric: 'marker' for the diffcrence between sick al\d hea.l thy people. The limitation on theil' com.mercj¡¡lisation is making them reliableand simple enough to be used on a large $Cale, and idealJy to be performed by automated machinery, thus removing the need for
skillcd assay tet:hnicians. As a result, tbe diagnostics industry is dolllinated by a small number of campanies with powerful marketing and distribution abiJities, u.suaJly aUied {Q their'platform' instrumentarion - Jarge automared instruments rhat can perform a widerange oflestS. Small companies can o nly gain a foothold in tbis market by finding spedalí.st ruches. such as sp«iaJist 'over-tbe-counler' tests (forpregnancy, cholesterol ere.). or unusual medical specialties chal do DOl fit mto tlle rnainstream of diagnosrics. Genomics-drive n drug discovery m ay change this. with drugs bcing increasingly targeted a<:cording ro dJagnostic tests that have been developed.for those d.nlgS (an iclea caUe
12.2.2 The applications - food and agriculture Food and agriculture is m or e importantec:onomicallythanhealth«lre, even in Western countries, and is c\early ofmuc.h greatef concem lO the
test of the world. However these arcas havc not attracted so many biotechnologycompanies, At root, this is because a new food cannotbe sold at $1000 a mea! in tbe same waythar a Lle\V drug can be sold at $1000 a bottle. Food is price sensitive - the highe.- tbe. price. the less you sell. Abovea.certain price, you sell none (price limited). So it is hard to justify expendillg very substantial amountli ofmoneyon developing n t'w food materials beca use tbat money cannot be rt'c1aimed in 3 premium price 00 thefood. Thc main exception is in breeding. Che cost of generating a new strain of plant can be offset botb by saJes of a very large amount of seed·stock and in the premium the fanner can charge foc the resulting produce. or the savings in produaion. lo principie, dle cost of d~lop ing a transgenic erop plant that is resistant lO pests (aD exercise costing tem lO huudreds of millioru of doUars) can be re<:overed by charging extra for the seed - farmers would pay m ore for the seed because m ey \Vould llave to speDd less 00 pesricides. ln practice m ese economk arg uments have prove n hard lo make in many cases. A similar a rgumcnt m akes animal reproduction technologies valuable, eitber in the generatio n of'traDsgenic' animnls oro m ore recently, c10ning tbem. The scientific and cornmcrcial value of such 'clonjng' cxplains sorne of tbe e."citemen t ove.- tbe 1997 announcemenl of'Dolly' the c10ned sheep. Dolly is not.a product in her own rig ht. howcvcr, but a demonstr.ltion of a technology foc makiog tools that tbemselves will end up in products. Product-odentatcd biotechnology in agriculture has been most successful when ir facuses onadded va!ue in tbe final product(r3thel'tllall increased bulk). Typical of food and agricultur.d biotechnology programmes are the use ofgeneticaliy engineered enzymes in food processing (added value can be the developrnent ofmore reliable food f]aVOllr, ful' exarnple), transgeuic fruit and vegetables ro prolong shelf life {rhe Flavr Savr tomato w.:IS the first such product), and bacterial silage additives and nodule stirnulants for legumes toincrease productivity. Even so, the r3W material cost in many coosurner products is a small
fl'action of costs of pack.aging. transport. storage al1d selling: for example, in tbe 'over·the-councer' pregnancy tests, the majority ofthe manufactunng cost lies Dar in the antibodyreagents, but in the plastic casing.And tbjs is ¡tselfa smalJ fractionoftbeoostofstorage and transo pare ofthe pac:kaged tests. So the biotechnological product mus( add excepcional value to be worth deveIoping. 1'wo other areas ofbiotechnology bave bad successful application in pIant sciences. 80th are applications of tbe 'new' biotechnology tovery extensive, estabLisbed 'oId' industries. The first area is in the use of enzymes and, to a lesser extellt, micro-organisms in foad preparntion. The other is in horticulture, where micro-propagation technologies bave now become so wide1y accepted for developing new decorative plant types thar they are mainstream horticultural practice. Gardenel's wilL tolerate levels ofpesticide use and 'crop failure' greatly in excess of tbose allowed a farmer: their 'crop' only has to look pretty. rol' crop plants these techniques have prtJVen onIy occasionally successfuJ in large-scale production , althougb they are partofthe panoply oftechnol· ogies used in plant breedmg,
12.2.3 The applications: other Industries M
industries couJd. in principIe. benetit from biotechnology. The. fabrk and textiles industries are using biotechnology quite su~ scantially. usingenzymes totreat textilesand leather. forexample . The papel' pulp industry is takingup bioteehnology rapidly as a deaner (and henee cheaper) alternative to chemical and mechanical processes. The plastics industry uses the polymers made by micro-organisms, although in prnctice materials som as the poly-hydroxyalkanoates (such as polyhydroxybUlyrclte mi>.'tUres - ·Biopol') havegained only mar· ginal industrial use (see Chapter 15). Otber biomaterials such as xanthan gums (see Chapter 15) are used in sorne specialised industrial applications. but this is rare, and oppor· tunistk, and usuaUy does nat exploit our systematic knowledge ofbiologicaJ systems, but onJy our accidental knowledge oftheir properties and products. This is be
Biotechno1ogy companies. their care and nurturing
The ·biotechnology company' is a company thar is ser up spedfically to tum me science ofbiotechnology into a comrnercial product alld sell tbe result , lt is the sciencc base oftbe company chat is definil1g.ln the next seclion we wiU discuss wbat it ralces to take a biorechnolog}' company hum tbat initial scientiflc idea [Q a Hourishing commercial enterprise.
12.3.1 General rules Successful biOlechnology companies must combine sdentitk creativi ty with m.uketneed_ Sdentific creativity Tbe science in a new biotechnology company gene rally faJJs into 'disrovery' -you havediscovered sometbingwonderful - or'platform techDology' - you can do something wonderful. In either case, l'irst mle science is neffied to found a first-rate company. 8eC.luse living canoot be exactly modelled or predicte-d, genuinely new produces must be created, atleastin part. byexperimental research. This must in turo be basee! on knowledge. creativity, aod rigorous and sysrematic investigatian. the ballmarks af good sdence in .loy contexto We shall rerurn to this tbeme several times belaw, because it is crucial. Caod sdenee is not necessariJy 'Jeading e-dge' sdenee. Research has 'fashions ' and, to an extent. the bjotechnoJogy industry follow$ the fashion because these areas of research or technologies are where senior researchers have chosen to work. But they are oot the only, or eveo the mOSl productive, areas where ereativity can be exercised.Jtcan be 'old sdeoce', carried outl'igorously. Nor. unfortunately, does it necessarily mean science that is captivaringfor the bench scientist to perCorm. However, it must conform to wbar most people would rccognise as sdentific 'good pracrice'. This is raking care that your experiments test your hypotbesis rigorously, and using all the data and knowledge available to put [he results in context. Severa! high-prof11e faUures ofbiotechnologycompanies, notably sorne of rhe ear!y 'products' for the treatment oC sepsis using monodonal antibodies, are llOW recognised as being due to cornpaniespushing poor sdenee in order LO aehieve funding goals. Mar ketneed Science on its own is nor enough. We must sell it to someone - a 'marker'. Bur what is a 'market nc.e d'? A general statement thar, for examplc, 'People want a cure for AIDS' is notuseCuL Which people? Who will pay COf ir? How? How muro? Will your productcure all cases ofAIDS or only sorne? Just as scientific creativit}' CanDot OCL-ur in a vacuum, so market research must research something specific. Biotechnology research and development i$ expensive, so ir is imporrant that a market forthe intended produet is big enougb to give a return on aH the investment needed.
12.3.2 The basic components Tbe markel is the environment in which me company works - ir is not a componenr of me company. Science is a central, critical componenr, but it is not the onIy one. For me biotechnologist, it is lmportant ro remembertbat tbescientistdoes Ilot have to provide a1l oftheother features we will discuss be.low. but someone does. lfthe team initiating a biotechnology prograrnme canDot provide an aspect of the successfuJ commercialisation ofa piece ofscience, meo tbey should [eam up with
26 1
someone e1se who can.1'his ¡s the role that se-ed ventnre companiescan províde, as can ·business angels' - individuals whocan bringtheirown wealth and business experience to a compa ny as joint investors and directors.
12.3.3 People A new company's need fOI" excellent, motivated people who have COIUrnitment as weU as skill and kl10wledge is paramount. Who is going to be the entrepreneur who maltes tbis company happen? It may be the foundingscientists, but tbey are nor going {O do it in an}' spare time 1m from anaeademi cj ob. lr is no! going ro be the sdentific advisory board, who are ther!:: to advise and stlpport the sdentists. It is not going to be thc Board ofDirectors. lt n~s someone to jump \'Iith bath feetinto me seienee and business and makesure that things happen. In Europe the fear offailure has severe1y limited academics' indina· rion ro do this. To a limitec\ extcnt. the USA supports enu·epreneurship even ar the eost offailure - it is seen as meritorious to have 'had a go' and failed. because ü proves motivation and drive, and thescientist who has tried and faíledis unlikelytofuil again in rhesame way, thus increasing the chances of success. In Europe, culturaJ eonservatism means that failure is considcred mofE' significant than effort. People are therefoce oot willing to try for a major suecess if there is a significant risk of faiJure. This cultural barrier is disappearing slowly; the high media protUe ofsuccessful scientific entrepreneul"s is encouraging trus cultu· ral change and an increasing number ofsdentists are 'having a go'. But, in OUT experience, the large majority of researchers who want to sec thcir seiencc commercialised also are unwilling ro jump whol~heart edly into rhar commcrcialisation themselves. Although the central, driving entrepreneur is often a founding sci· entist with a 'goOO idea', it.need Dor be. Packard Ine. were tillned inro a leader in {he ficld oE scientific analytical instrumentation by two business school graduates who, at the start, hew almost no sdcnce atall. Against the background offailures and successes in Europe and the USA in the lasr 10 years. experiencc shows thar both business and scientific sldlls aTe essential for tbe success ofa cornpany, and that iris arare scientist indeed who can both roles. No biotechnology company has been a cornmercial succcss when ORe persoD tried ro combine bodl roles formore than the fust 2-3 years.
12.3.4 Attitudes and culture This 'jump-in-feet·first' approach frem academia requires a major culture change. AC
grarnmes. It is impossible for an academic scientistto be ·redundant'. as by definition what they do is what they are meant to be doing. (Tbey may be incompetent or unfundable, but that is different.) Illdusrrial scientists can most definite1y be redundant in the sense that their sdence, no matter how excellent, 1S no longer needed to achieve the cornpany's aims. This is made more acute by the need for a company ro focus on a small number ofproducts or projects, whiJe ir is wortb an academic group having atleast as many projects as ithas P.hD students. This is not tbe same as tbe.choice between 'blue sky' and 'applied' research. Many companies carry out highly speculative research. and rnuch academicwork in biomedicine is. in essence, applied. Sorne academia believe that these differences make science, in a cornmercial context, less attractive to the scienrist. This old-fashioned viewis 110W notverywidely held because cornmerdal science, andespecialIy conunercial science in a smaH company. can be an e.xtraordinary place to do science for severa! [easons: • the environment is intellectually stimulating; with hard problerns to solve andmany different disciplines being brought to bear to solvethem; • problems (hange fast: • money is not usually a limit in deveJoping excellent science, and state-ofthe artequiprnentand materials are in plentiful supply; • there is a real opportunity far career developrnentinto any ar al! of the areas afscience, technology or business the company is involved with: • mere is the chance of making substantial financia! gain.s from your inventiveness (although not usual1y a large saIary in the shorttcnn in a smaU company).
12.3.5 Strategy Raving faund the people, and the greatscience. you mustdecide what yau are gaing ta do. This is your strategy, what yau meaD to do in the louger termo beyond the e:rigencies of day-to-day research. Tbe srrategy of a company is, of COUl"se. spccific ro that company, butwe can frame the things that the strategyshould addreSS as questions. Sorne key strategic questions fO[ a small company start-up are: • Whar is yourcompany's spedjic aim? 'Cure cancer' is not a reasanablc strategic goal fur a health-care company. • What is yaU!' first product going to be? This Is absoluteIy essential. Out ofthe cornucopia thatyour science conld create, you rnust chose one thing to start with and focus most ofyour energies on thatone. 'Ibis '[ocus' is critica! fur new science-driven companies. This rneans hard choices and itmeans dumping sorne 'pet projects'. • How do you deal with Sl1CC.:-ess? Success in a research progrannhe usua!ly means having to start a developrnent programme. Doyou have the skills or funds to do this71f not, how are you going to get them? • What will yon do next? Afier yOUT injtial research programme has finished (with success or failure), do you have [Q fue an the scientists
or do you have another programme for them to move on ro7 Remember that a company sdence i5 fOCU5ed on a particular problem, not on a discipline or process. Whatever tbose scientists haye to do, itmustfit in with the oyerall aims ofthe companyand the company's competitive advantage (see below). Define whatthe key scientific advantage ofthe company is and hence what the scientists are going to be doing. Do not confuse 'strategy' with ·mission statement'. The latleris a single phrase that encapsula tes what you tllink yon are about but it says nothing aboutwhy, how, orwhatyou are going todo to get there. Sorne people think 'mission statements' are purely public relationship exerases for the company brocbure.
12.3.6 Product vs. service vs. technology A key aspect of your strategy is how your company is going to make money. In the 1980s itwas every biotechnology company's stated dream to become a PIPCO - a 'Pully lntegrated Pharmaceutical Company' . ~ Pfizeror Rache, doing everythingfrom basic discoveryto trucking boxes ofpill5 to doctors. This is veryunrealistic. There are several more realistic goals • Product company. You discover or invent products, talee them as fal" through deYelopment as your funding allows, and then seU ar license them to someone with experience in manufacture, distribu· tion etc. Examples inelude all tbe larger 'firstwave' biotech companies such as Amgen. Celltech and Chiroscience.ln rare cases, these companies may seek to manufacture their own product.ln even rarer ones they may go round doctor's surgeries selling ir. But tbere are probably 400 000 general practitioners in Europe alone. Are you going to personally seU your pills to them all? lfnot, someone must workwith you on that end ofthe business. • 1bols company. You develop tool5 or rechnologies thar help otber people develop products. Examples ofsuch 'toolsets' inelude genomies and combinatoria! chemistry. These are often also ¡,:alled 'teehnologyplatfonn ' companies . • 'Solution providers'. You integrate several tools into one company. This is often aehieved by tbe merger ofrwo or more companies as any one start-up company may be excellent at one technique or approach but"is unlikely to master all the 'tools' tbat a collaborator needs. Mergers and acquisitions are beeomiIlg more cornmon in biotechnology and are an effective way ofwelding a lot of small brilIiantcompanies into one (hopefully briUiant) whole. Ifthis is your goal, you should say so from fue start. Your strategy as to which ofthese companies you wish to emulate will probably change. But you should at least have sorne idea roday as tbe approaches the different companies take to product discovery and development are radically different, and it is that first product that will malee or break you!" new company.
12.3.7 Success Success is hard ro define. lntellectual leaden;hip is not the sarne as company success (witness tbe commercial Stlccess of MutaDt Ninja Turtles and 'Ihe Spice Girls). A strategy mus! be careful to define 'success' io a useful, meaningful way. What is your ultimate goal? (Remember 'cure caneer' or ·enhanee. share.holder value' are too vague to be useful.) What are s ignificant s!eps aloog the W;J;'j. and b.ow wiU you show thatyouhave passed thero to the outside world7 Defining criteria for success is very jmportaot, as iI defines your commercial goals. ano henee sbapes your 5tr.I.tegy in getti ng there. By different eri tena , the biotechnology industry as a whole eithe r hasbeen verysuecessfuI ora dismal failure. Less thao 1 % oftbe firsnier of(almost al] US) biotechnology eompanies have become profitable on the basis ofsales ofproducts. However ove.r 90% are still in existence as active. scienee-based companies. Over 60% wou ld have given their inüial invesrors an lRR of over 10% ('lRR.' is 'Internal Rateor Re turn', a measureofthe financiaJ success ofme investment - see below). Foryour start-up, mese migbt be rather long·term goals. You lOigh t define success in te.rms of milestones along the way. sucb as f1otation on a public smck mar){et, signing a major coI1abora tion wiili a pharmaeeurical company.orenteringyour first productinto Phase 11 cHnkal nials.
12.3.8 Competitive advantage This is a trendy phrasefrom themanagement manualsofthe 1980sthat means mat you can do something better man youe competitors. Wbat is ít tbatyou can do and no-one elseior, more realistica lly, veryfewother people) can do? Whatis it thOlt. ratber than merely being good ato you txcel at? 'ExceUence' is the watchword here. and it may come from one offive reasons. You hold the patent on doiog it. This is a powerful argumento Scientists should always patentan id ea. process or invention that rhey think might be of some use to someone. Tb e patent prohibits anyone elseÍl'om 'practisjng' your patented invendon wilhoutyour agreement. Ir does not physically prevent anyone from copyingyour ¡nvendon. but it makes it illega! to do so. and you can sue the.m ifyou have (he time and money, and it is worth me effort. An example is the patent on poJymerase chaio reaction owned by !iotIman-La Rache. to whom anyone in the world usjng PCR for commercial purposes must paya license fee or Roche will sue t helO. Youhave the [ools necessary to doit. This 15 as good as holding the patent in rhe Sh Ol·t term, as ir rneans that. while someo ne else couId copy your process oc invention in rheory. in practice mey cannot. Examples would be owning .leey ceH lines, gene clones DI' production equipment. This. howevcr, is only a competi tive advantage until your competitors can either duplicate your tools, or filld a way round using th~ . forexample. by building their own pcoduction plant. Agood tool to own is therefore one that i.nherendy canDot be duplicated, like a unique genetic population. You have rhe skills necessary to do it. Early practitioners in the
science ofin vitro fertilisation ",ere in thar position, as are those able to produce dones ofmaromals from adult cel1s roday. This is a powe:cl'ul competitive weapon until someone else learns how to do it. The skills baseofrhissort is sometimes caUed rhe company's 'inteUectual capital'. You bavea lotofresources or money todo it. This is a weaker form of competitive advantage in biotechnology, bec.ause the industly is a knowledge-based one, not a resources base
12.3.9 Competitive intelligence Part ofprovin g (bar you have a compet¡rive advantagds knowing how good you are com pared to how good )'011 have [Q be. This is competitive inteUigenee. Js tberea medica! need thalyou are going to satisfy and is someolle eIse alrcady fil1ing that need? Is that need still going to be there in 10 years' time71bis is a combinatian of finding out what the competition is doing. ¡¡nd what the market is. A surprising number of business proposals we have seen contain no evidence thattheirauthors realise tbar the outsirle world exists. even less that it might cantain competitors.
12.3. 10 T he business plan Much ofthe above goes beyonrl 'strategy' and iuto tactics. Tactical planning should be eanied out by a team of people bringing scientiñc, productdevelapment. business and financial skills, because all ofthese tbings are essential. rile cnd productofthis planning is a detailed plan ofwhat your busuless is going to do - a business plan.. But tbe business plan is a produc' ofplannlng. nor an cnd in itself. No matter how colour·
fuI or typographically creative it is, ir is worthless if the planning bchind iris nor rigorous. During che construction of a business plan, scientists must be av.ran' Lhar nor only will bankers, accountants and the like be teJling tbem what cxpcrimcnts they can and cannot do in the company, but tbat these people actually have a valid and useful viewpoint, and can Shal'peLl alld focus ü company's plan substantially. (Tbe decision on what is and is not good scicnce, though, must rest with the sdentists unless the bankers have post-doctora11aboratory experience. which is rare.) 1'ypically, the stages that this process goes through are summar¡sed below: we have considered seve:r.a1 of them already. • IdentilYmgthe science thar will go into the company, according ro thecrite ria summarised aboye. • Defining whar yO\! are going to do witb that science. This is the first paTt ofthc 'business plan', a documenrthat should literally describe what me business plans ro do. It shouJd inelude consideranoo of • what can thescience rl'allydo? • who is going to do it. and where? • who is going lO manage thero (ie.make stU"e thateverything happe.nsJ? • are [here bits the company cannot do. or it is not sensible to do, and ifsowho is going to do tbem. and h owwill yo u pay tbe.m? • who will own the newintellectual properry? • who will manage lbe development programmes? • what are the key milestones? • IdentifYing the company's competitive advantage. • How will the company be funded , and speciflcally, • howmucb money do you nced ro get started • wi ll you be when that ruas out, and whowill gi~you sorne more then? • Who do you sen your product to, and by implication , wJHlt is your your strategy to generate intellectual propertythatyou sell toanother company. to develop drugs ro Pitase 11 dinical trials and then sell them ro a drug company, to provide a service, or to get a product a11 the Wily to sellingit to a high--street store. These paths take\'e(-ydifferenrskills, and ver)' different amounts ofmoney. and most importantly: • What happe.ns if(wlle.n) ir doesn't work? The tast pointcan be hard forsome scientisrs to accept but it is;} fad thar most science fuils and you have to 3sk what happens to your company then? Ifir is a 'one product company' t hen when the product fOlils, [be companyfuils.and everyoneisout ofajob. Soü is wise ro lookround fur otber technologies yo u can bring in [O the company. lt is possible that, aftera year, half ofthe brilliantscience rhalled [O forrning the company has been abandoned! This should be viewed as evidence of growth and evolution , not failure , providing it has been replaced by someth ing hetter. The whole process boils down [O ide ntitying the shortcst m ute
Fundin¡ lar Europe-m bictechnology stan-ups. X axb:
¡oge cf dewlcpmerl! cf me lechnolcgyof a nfl'W. small bicledmclogy CCrnP.l.I'I)'. Y axis: level of fundin. tlIecompólny u.n
Upecl UI recelve folowing ... venwre capital fundlng raule. The IKMIs ilUSU
'6 o
Second round venture
o .9
First round venture
COn1panlts ... tdifferent stages el technlu.l deveIopmenl.
Inltia l public oHering
Corporate partner
/ 0. 1
principie experlments
Technology base to
Prototypeldrug in Phase J triar
exploit idea Deal wlth largar partner company
between where yon are and where you want to go (but fior raking scientificaUy unjustified short-cuts). w:ith suitableCU1"Üuts for when it does not work. This is why the strategy is important - you ca.nnotdefioe lMshorte:st path ro where you want ro be until you know where tha.[ is.11 al50 sbows tbat in acompanyyou canno[ separare sdence from busines:!: issues. Ibe result ofthis process is a del:ailed planofwhat Lbe business wi1I be doing. why ir w:ill survive ando preferably. flourish ifgiven a certam amountofmoney. This ronns the basis ofan invesnnent proposaJ - )'OII take the plan to a funder. and say '1 propose yeu invest in this companr because it will do tlli$ with the m oney·. The business piaD wiJl almost eertainly be w.rong. Unfocesee& events, from scientjfic breakthroughs 01' failures to stock marb5: crashes, wiU derail yow· e31'efully laid pbns. This sbouJd be expected. even embraced. Bu t ifyou cannot chink through wheI'eyou mighlgoS aU goes weIl. the manees a re thatyou will go nowbel'e.
12.4 I Investment in biotechnology Having deflned what yoUI' campan}' is to do. yon nee:d money to allOlll' you to srart. Very few biotechnology ideas can be realised in a way tms: requil'es no invesnnent. Sometimes the invcstment is 'oniy' a fe.w tem" oftbousands of pounds (oI' do Uars a r e:cus) to make the tirstmaterial}Ul!! can seU. More usually itwilJ take lens 01' hUlldI'eds ofrnillions. VeryfeM: individuals can afford suchsums. so you.must convinee otberpeoplea pUl money iuro your idea. Tbese other people are the investors. Th~ are severa l different types of ¡nvestar depending 00. the stage 'jOf!!!t company is at and tbey wiU fund you in stólges. Figure12.3 illustrates die stages on a typical c:ompany funding path. Understanding this path a.II!.
the motivations ofthe people thatyou will meetalon g its way is important ifyou areto getyoucbiotechnologycompany funded . An investor shouJd nor only be a source of funding. From an early srage. the investor should a150 help yau faund and run the business. lhey should provide help wirh issues such as emplayrnent contracts. lacation, finding funding for expensive equipment, securing the lntel· ledual property and having diseussions lor argumenlS) with a11 rhe orher patties involved suro as university b.'chnology transfer afficers, patent lawyers, and {he mauy researcbers al the rounding ¡nrotutioo who have not had me courage to do this tbemselvcs but now want a pieceoftheactian .A11 this can be pushed on to che business co-tOundet.
12.4. 1 Seed investment An increasingly camman route to developing an idea into a eompany (whicb indudes all the processes we allude
funding. 5eed funding provides enough money to set [he company up, acquire keypatents, negotiate the graceful exitoftbe foundingscien· tists fram their cutTentjob and create a emporate entity. le also pays for planning and writing me business plan, a time cousuming and skill-intensive business, aften in tenm of tb.e investor's time. and invalves hiTiog lawyers, patent agents aud accouDtants. 5uch seed funding is provided by privare. inve.stors (see beJow) al' specialisr. professional seed funding eompanies. which are sti U rarc in Europe. althougb. moreeommon in the USA. There is a general dearth ofseed funding lO take potenti~ 1 companies from ;1 have this great idea ' lO 'TIlis 1S él company you can believe in '. In part this is becausc the risks at thi.s stage are huge and the rewards very u.ncertain. Merlio Ve.nt"ures is the lal'gest dedicated seed funding entel'prise in Europe (as ofmid 1998), and in two years we weTe able to seed only eigbt ofthe hundtros of eompanies rhar probably Ue nascenr in me British research esta!;>. lishment alone.
12.4.2 Prlvate funding for biotechnology Onceyoll havca company it wiU pwbably need substantial amouuts of moneyto pursue its productdevelopmenr goals, Start·up companies are usually fundee! privately. thro\lgh investInent by private transaetions between the eompany and indivjduals or groups of individuals. Typically, such investments are thraugh the issue of newshares, so new investors become shareholdcrs and al] the previaus sbarebolde.¡·s are 'diluted' (i.e. have their share. in the company redueed). Once the eompany exists, ir can ret.:eive more subsrantial funding ro earry out its plans as articulatcd in irs business plan.. This 'first round finance ' (seed rundingdoes not countas real money) comes frorn one of two sources. Private investon 'Dtese are. people with suffkientwealth ta be able: to put substantial amounts (usually at least $250000) inlO the company, rake sorne active
part.rn. he.lping lhe company in financial or commercial fenns ando most importa.ntly. take tbe risk that theywilllose thcir investment.
Venrurecapitalists (Ves) These are people ar (ompanies who specialise in investment in risky propositions, usually early !ftage companjes. They ser up a fund into whic:h people pur their money ¡¡nd tben rhe venture capital 'fund mano agers' ¡nvest thal in higb'risk"\'entures. l'his is exactly anaLogous to the_ in~snnen( trusrs aud funds mat are common savings routes fur the genera] public but wirn far higher risks and, the invcstors hopeo far higher returos. Both types ofinvestor will want to check yOtlr business over for crite· ri01 which ¡ndude tbe peopLeinvolved, their'duediligence' studyon rhe science, the return on investment, exit route., and whetber anyone else iswilling ro fund rhe idea. People Most ve groups wHI invest in people as rnuch as in science. Tbls is because the science on which a company is founded will almost cero tainly go ""rong, and wheo ir does it is the people who will cither put it right or give up. TIle former is preferable. How someone goes about rhis is as mucb a matter of their general experience aod personality as the specincs ofthe programme theywanttogetfunded. 'Good' things in the sdentiflc founders of a company are a demOllsrrated willingness (O c bange fie1d s. leam new expertise. collaborare with people from differ· enrdisciplines, think oflateral things todowhen challcnged. A desire fo make aJot ofmoney is also good and a desire ro be famous is lIsuaLIy had o because it aften ends up as being famaus at tbe expense af the company rather than ro irs benefiL Often a ve will also look fur 'management', speciHcally a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This person wil1 have experience in running a science-based, commerciaJ operation afsome sorr, will be accepted by the scientisrs as thcircompany leadff and js a crediblc persan [Q putin front ofb;Jnkers, accountants and other city professionals. A few ves can perform the roLe of'the suit' themse1ves (Merlin Vcntures can. and does, fo. examp1c), but mosr will not be willing to run tbe day-to-day opel'ations ofthe dozen companics in their porrfolio, alld so will imist on at tease a skeleton managemcnt being in the company from the start. This role can be played by the business angel oc other seed investor. DuediUgence Afier assuring rnemselves lhar the peopLeare at Least potential1y sult· able. rhe VC will carry out an external test ofthe science, by calling up experts. haviog any I?atents checkcd out by lawyers, asking around at meetings and conferences, and chec.king the perceivf!d strength oftbe company's sdenc.:e, tec.hnoLogy and pcople. This isknown as 'due diligencl;!' (after a legal phrase mC01ning in essence '1 have done. whatever 1 can '). Due diligence can vary Croma few chats in a bar lO a fu ll·scale consultanc}' projecr cosring hundrcds ofthousands ofpounds.
The due diJigence proc:ess gives the VC ¡m estimate for how reliable the current science is ;llld what the market might be. UsuaUy this will differ materially from tbe sci~tis;ts' view. It is critical for rhe calcula· tion ofthe 'val ue' afthe company roday, and hence.a calculation ofthe Return on lnvesbnent (ROJ, also sometimes caJ]ed the InternaJ Rat:e. of Retum - IRR). This is the amount ofmoney they wiIl getout COmpOll'ed ro me amount they put in, and is usually expressed as a percen tage annual growth filte (Hice a bank might offe!: 8% to irs savers). ves usually lcok for ROIs of50% per annum or more: this is not greed (or not only greed), butre.fl.ects the factthat this is theROI theywill getifeverything wor.ks - usually, ofcoUl"Se, it does not aod thcygctan ROl ofless than 0% . It is also worthwhile for an entreprenellr to do 'due diligence' on thc ve to see wh<1t they have done for people. in tbe pasto in terms of help w ith, guidance in business and stienrific strategy, buildmg tbe company up soit can cope with its Qwn success and contacts hl the world offinance. Most s¡¡y rhat they can do rhis, altbougb ir is rhe sad truth that few do. Enr l'Ollte
No-one putting money into a start-up blotechnology company expects to be paid back from t:hecompany's profits. at tease for a rninim um of5 years, so tbere must be sorne other 'exit ro ute' bywhich they gel their mOlley back..]bis can be • privately sellingyour share in Ule company ro someone e lse: • getting bought by anocher company (merger or acquisilion being different versions ofa similar process); • f10ating on the stock exchange (when the company is big and stable enough) and so .in effectselJjng your sha res to lile general publico AlI are possiblc for anycompany, ifthey are successfu l, so the question here 1S whe.n will ir happen. The 'when' is critical forcalculation ofROI - a 100%gain in value in 1 year is 100% pe.t annum ROl: a in4 yea:rs is a 50% ROl. even though lbe absolute amount of the lalter is higber. Funding stages
ves uSllallyinvestwhen a company has alrcady gailled sorne seed funds. hOlS dcveloped its business plan, hired a coupl e of people. bur has not got seriously under way. This is lrnown as '61'S! round' or 'fin¡t stage' finance . and is typicallyberween (0.5 miUion and C3 million. This is the riskiest end of venture. capital. Thi s money will typically ta~ a campany
engaged in dmg discovery and devclopment tbrougb 1.5 to 3 years' work, and take rhe science from sorne basic research to a proof of prin· ciple. Then the COUl¡" my will need ro rOlise more money, arranged in a second round finance with companies tbat specialise in that stage of invesnnent. ScCOlld stólge fillallce hOllses tend to lean more heavily on formal due diligence studies. ¡cok for an experienced management tealll lll place, and look [O tbe detailed rimingofwhen theycan floarthe company and so get theiT moncy back. Second roundfund ing usuOllly mises be rween C8 mimon and (15 m.illion.
27 1
What t hey look for in bioc:tdlnololY companies.
Su mmary 01 Ermt ¡ nd Yo~g su ..... ey of the fracdon
Ve nture Capitalist
Mul ti nationa l co rpo ratl pa rtner
Strong petent posltlon Experleroced managemenl
Ca pitallnvestors (Icft) :!Ond Multin3tJ onal parmer compan)' licl!nsln¡ ne¡otIaton (rI,ght) who haVl'l stlttld that speclflc upects of
0 ... 91il'( of SA8 8ulIlnllS s fOCUIi
R&O 1I9"n(l(sh ip
Corpor Ble partnership
bioIOl".tUlolo¡y COIT1p3ny are esset1tiaJ to conslderuion 01
Pletform led lllologies Unlq ue tuchoolOOY Products in researdl
fund,n¡ or colJa bond"C with them ro!5pectlvely. l tngdl ofbar il pruponlonal co ptn:tr.~ who cOfUidl!red lhis asp«t Importlflt.
Products in lale ctl nical Iria l5 Pr oducts on ma rk el Well-de fined ellit rOUIEl
lfall goes well. the compallywill then befloated on a stock exchange in another two or threeyears. This should raise nO-3D million. However it may need a 'top-up' funding t'O get it there - this is termed Mezzanine financing. Altematively, things may go wrong witb the sdence, requir. ing another roulld ofprivate func1in g.
12.4.3 Corporate partners The other main source offunds for yollr new company is other companies , and usually much larger o nes. ll1ese may be dients (Le. one who buy your products) but. in the early days, masr biotech companies h.ave no products. So larger companies may became partners with you in orot!l' to heJpyou develop produc rs. They benefit bea.useyouhave sornethlng (hat can help them innova te. You benefit because [hey provide sk:ills or infrasO'Uctureyou do nothave, such as the problem alluded [Q previously of distributing. afien corporate partners will also fund , organise and perfonn Jater stage dinica l [riaIs (which can be bugely expensive and complica red) as well. In essence a corpmate partner is a combination ofcollaborator and dienr. You gct funds ilnd resources, they get new pl'Ogl'ammes or products. 1l1ere are a huge variety of corpor.;!!e partnersbjp arrangemcnts, from simple purchase of goods ro ouoigbt purchase ofthe company. However the things thar corporate partnets wi Ll look fOT in your company are surprisingly similar ro those a ve willlook for, as illustrated in Eig. 12A. Bear in.mind (har few companies have aU of these however ifyour starr-up has Rone of them. you wiU have sorne problems getting it funde
12.4.4 Grants Occasionally agencies that provide grants to 3cademics ro pe.rfm:m research will also províde grants ro biorechnology comp.anies. However much more common isother types ofgCM!rnmentgraotsupportaimed at such 'SMEs' (Small to Medium-sized Enterprises). TIl e biotechnology
industry is knowledge-based, clean, rapid1y growing, and base
12.4,5 The stock market and biotechnology More established companies can raise moneyfrom the general public by selling shares on a stock market. where suitablyregulated brokel'S trade shares on behalf oftheir clicnts, PubJic funding in chis way has very dif· fel'ent constraints from private funding, It is very closely regulated te stop companies 01' brokers defrauding the publico Shareholders have statutory righrs thatmean mat [hey are the uJti· mate. amiters of the company's future, and many company brochures will talkabout'increasing shareboldervalue' as recognltion thatthese people actuallyown thecompOlny.ln principIe shareholders can fue the board of dir& tors (see below), or demOlnd the company accounts fur its actions, ahhough in practice only major investment.funds, which bold large block.s ofshares, are in a position toexen Olny control over how the company is run,
Stock exchange
New Yor'k-based exchange for specialisl high-techno logy and higher-than-average risk companies, which lists several hundred biotechnology companies fram around the world. The largest stock exchange worlctwide for biotedmology companies.
London Stock
Exchange (LSE)
Main London exchange ('The Stock Exchange' in London) that lists sorne larger companies such as Chirosdence . USlJally companies must have a sales record or have at least 'tINo products in cJinlcal trials lo be allowed to list Q(1 15E
Alternative Investrr1ent (AIM)
London-based attempt te have a market for smaJler companies, in fact trades mostly in very small or ver'y young companies. induding sorne UK biotechnology compan ies
Very new European 'clone' of NASDAQ, has yet to prove itselfbut. promises well. Belgian biotechnology company lnnogenetics was one of the first to list on
EASDAQ Fran kfu rt
Neuer Markt
Nouveau Man:he In order ro get a biotechnologycompany 'Usted · (i.e. llave their nante put on the list ofshares available for trad e), (be company has to demonstrate that it is suitably stabIe. ln the UK this rneans a b'ading ~ord for severaJ years. or h aving at least I:WO products in cUrucal triaJs, o r a numberofother eriteria.Ir also rue:ms having a prospC<'tus that h as becn "crified by lawyers to say that everystateme nt in it is demo nstr-.tbly true . even down ro tbe defin.i tion of chemicaJ or medical rerms. Pan of this pl'Ocess requiresan externaI group ofexperts WTitc;:¡ reporton the company, which in essencesays tbattbey,experts in tbe 6eld, agree Ibat what the company says makes sense - trus is known (unsurprisingly) as 'the experts' l'eport'. Accouncs have to be prescmed 3nd audited. company dite<'tors bave to sign legal fonru thatthey are suitable people, and bave to be cbecked out for past fraud ofrences and so o n _This is a ll to protcct the pubLic frem the worst e.xcesses ofcntrepreneurship. Whenand whereyou Ooatyourcompanyisan arcane art_ The re are many diffecent stock markers that can list a company [rabIe 12.3). and Iisting in marketone doesnotimply listing in any ofthe othen, as they alI have. sLightly different rules and mnstituencíes. Although their enthusiasm for biotechnology mvesnnents waxcs and wanes roughlyin unison , there can be s ubs~tia1 differences. 12.4.6 Valuing b iotech nology companies Public and prívate financing 15 by selling shares in your company. In essellce. you seU a part of the company to sorneone in exchange fur funds . Butwhat are your 5haresworth71fsomeone i5 willing ro give you [4 million, does lhis IlUy 5% ofyour company. 01' 95%7lt depends on whether your company i5 worth ESO million or [42 million. Valuing your company appropriately is therefore important.
The details ofhowa value is placed on a company is beyond rJle scope ofthis summary: • TIlere is no rarional way ofvaluing a starr-upoompany. You llave sorne ideas, sorne patents, sorne people, and no prernises, prooucrs. established programmes or traclc record. The overwhelming objective facroris the chance thatyourcrucial first productwW faiJ, sdentificaliy orcornmercially, and tbis probability is a matterof opinion. Values are dominated by 'fee!' and yourcredibility. • When the company has been in business 3-4 years, ha s 40 employees and two products in tate developmcn1, we can 'guesstimate' its value by working out what the company will be worth when ir reaches its final goal and the chances itw:ill make it there. You!" goal may be to be bought out fOl" $550 million orto generate a stream of Ilew drugs that you will sell ro a big pharmaceutical company. This gives youa final figure, and a gucss far bow long ir will take to get Ihere. You then multiply this by the prabability of achievingit -< 1), divide itby return tl1:1tyoU could llave earned investing the same money in a 'Sare' investment over the samc time (>1). and that is your value. • lfyou are 3. public company, your value is the Ilumbe.r ofourstanding sbares multiplied bywhatever peaple will pay for them . This can lead yoUT oompany to suddenly losing value beca use me share price drops and is me reason that reporters say thatfaHs [n rhe stock market bave 'wiped billions orethe. val"e ofindustry',
12,5 I Who needs management? 'Management' is a word that has come up several times above. Why are investors so keen on manageme nt? The scale of operations of a company is larger [han in a researcb group. A drug discovery and development conlpany can cxpec:t lO grow to 30-50 people in 18 months , toover 100 people in 3 years, a U \"1lrking on essentiaUy the same product or related gl'Oups of producrs. This cannot happen by cbance - ir muS{ be organised.. lcIDust also be focused on a very spec.ific goal. Company funding is based on success Dor on activity. If a line af research is not working someone has to make tbe hard decisions about wbat to do abollt it including. In t'xtremu, firing the sdentists involved. This needs professional managemenr - people who know how te organise atld run a sclentmc programme with suc.h defined goals. Sametimes the scientists can grow iuto this rote. Sometimes they can accept it frOID Oln outsider recruired to me company specifically to manage ir. But filling that role is an absolute condition ofsetting up a company, and campanles withaut effective managementalmost always fait. Somctimes tney take a long time and a lor ofmoney [O fail, which is why investors loak fu r good managcment as pOlrtof the company team: without it. there is a very hlgh probability tha.t their money wiIl be wasted.
1bis imposition ofmanagement is sometimes reseDced by scientists used ro acad emic freedo m. because they feel that they are 'giving up control' oftbcirscience, This is afallacy for three reasons. • They are Dot giving up control of allything - befure tbe oompany was founded (here was nothing [here to control. No-onc 'Y
2.5. 1 Where is management?
Fínrung appropriate managemem is difficult. You need quite different sorts of people at different stages of a company. The senior management, and particulady the ChiefExecutive Officer (CEO). ofa new startup with 10 employees muS[ be able and willing ro do everything. ro do withoU[ formal reporting structures, and to know cverything tbat goes on in the company. The manager ofa publ.ic company of 400 eOlployees musr delegate nearly a11 of tbat and insread control a reporting and cesponsibiüty system thatbas sevt'ral layers betwcen him and the bench soen tist. A company's managemen [becomcs more obvious, m ore structured and includes more prople as [he company grows. As a company grows, the pcoplt:= wbo ran the company very well at one stage have to give way to ones who are competent to run ir in the next. Oue ofthe skilJs ofthe entrepreneurwho starts a small company is toknow when rneir skills should be replaced by someOne suired ro [UJ1 a more m arureol·ganisation. Fhlding people who can perform tbese tasks, aud particularly m e many-sided and cilanging task of run.ning a new start·up compal1y, is hard. As in science, theon lyevidence rhat you can do it ¡SOl 'track record' of havillg done ir bcl'ore. The CEO ls particularly critical. a.s he has overall responsibility fur making the company work. CEOs fur new bi~ techno logycompanies come fm m a vatieey ofbackground s. where thili experience in management. in di rccting science and in relating to the needs and concerns of the board of a company fit them fol' [he role. Academic research does nOl usuallyfit ascientisr fors ucb a role. Neitber does being a managemenrconsultant (criticising how someODe is performing is not the sarne as .performing well yourself). nor does 'experience' of busin ess gained solely through aD MBA (Master5 of Business Ad mi Ilistra tion) course, Critica! tests for a CEO ofa newbiotechnologystart-up cou ld be caeicatured as! • The Natun Test - can tbey read Nature and underst.1nd wha.t they are reading? This is critical, as thc fundamental of the 5tart-up is good science. ('They probablywill nO[ have time to readNature but thar is another problem.) • The LlghtbulbTest - can they(and are they willing to) change the
ligbtbulb ifit blows . i.e. do anythingpractical needed to keep the company running . TIlere maybe no-cme else around to fu it. • The Cae-Herder Test - can (hey canvince a group of disparate seientists lhatwhal the CEO wants mero to do i5 more worthwhile in scieotifie terros than tbe scientists tbought theywanted to do? (He or sbe can (brearen to fire them butthatwill notcapture the ereativi ty and dedicadon ofwhich the best scientists are capable.) • The DeaJ Test - can theCEO go out and make deals thatwill bring rhe compa ny mo ney in return for a small amount ofirs technology of products? Such deals are critical ror funding. but also to show th a! someone e lse has faitb in you. • The SuitTest - can che CEO put 00 a metaphorical (or literal) dark suit and convince investors cha.t he or she is really 00 their side, so their investruent is safe in his or ber hands? These general rnteria apply ro all the senior people in a smaU company. 111e 'head of mole<:l1lar biology' in a start-up may find th ern· selves watching the pilot plant or presenting to an .investment banker who does not know what DNA stands fur; there are few well-definedjob descriptions in such an environment. This is balfthe fun ofit. As well as people who ron rhe companyas a whole. your start·up wiU need more specialistmanagement functions sueh as financial and personnel management. Initially tbese will be provided by som eone ourside tbe company, sucb as the venture capital companybacking che company. 01" by the CEO in bis 'spare time·. As the company devclops. a more specialised. type of manager with less concern ror scicnce and more concern fOl" managementas a process and ski!! in its own rigbt is needed..5cientists should note rhar these people rirt! fzeedld: chey are not hired purely [ O make your life at the bench harder. Without tbem you m.ight wake up one day and find thatthe company has run out ofmoney. 1his brings us into the realm of general management theory and practice, which this chaprer will not discllss furtber. There a re rnany books and COlirses 011 tbis available. sorne of them relevanr [O the unique environmenr of a smaU. science-based company.
12.5.2 Direcoors and others ]n law. every company must bave a Board of Dire<:tots. lbese people do exactly what their name implies - they direct rhe company so mar its value to its sharebolders is maximised. There are stringe.nt 1aws abont wbat company directors can and cannordo in general terros, a nd sorne financial scandals in majar companies tuve ¡nvolved directors abusing their position for their own gaio . The directors sbould add substancial valuc to thecompany. in ternu of contacts. experience. advice and business acurnen . Their role sbould emphatically not bejust 10 rubber 5tarnp what the CEO wants to do al1d for that reason it is considered bad practice for the Chairman oftbe Board to be tbe CEO. Aventure capiralist lookiug to fund a company or a scientist looking to join it at a senior leve1 willlook at the Board ro see wbetb~ they are there as window dressing or whether they will really help the company flourish.
Paralle.l to fue Board, and often answering to it, maS! biotechnology companies have a Scicutific Advisory Board (SAB). Ir should advise [.he CEO and directors on any ~edUlical aspecl mat therompany needs guidance over ando specifically, .provide perspective. contacts and advice on un arcas of science mat might be relevanf to fue company. For example, an agricultural genetics company rnight have ao agrochemicals expert and a fanncr among cheirs.
Patents and biotechnology
Palents are critical to a small company based on knowledge. 'fyou makc a11 invention and it is not patenred, anyone with suirable resources is free to come along and copy it. For a smalJ company, many ofyour competitors will have far greater resaurces tIlan yau do and so can simply take your ideas and use tbe.m tbemselves. Por trus rcason, investors 30d professionalmanagement are very eager to protect your intellectual property(lP}with suirablc legal walls. and ideaUywith patents. The process of patenting in tbe UK is beyond tbis article. ln summary, the scientist, advised bysomeone. who knows the Ianguage and law ofpatenting, has (Q submit ('file') a description oftbe invention to the patent affiee. The offlce' s own examiners tben check mat tbe patenl fulfils the three critical crireria: • Novelty-nO-
meet the eritena aboye. Agood patent agentcan he. very hetpru l in this process and their helpshould bceRcouraged.
I Conclusion: jumping the fence
1bis chapter has ROl becn about 'entrepreneurship', An entrepreneur is someone whocan see a way ro makeaJl [he things we describe aboYe actually happen , and does it. 1be former needs knowledge, breadth of experience and contacts. but rhe latteris me most important, and really can be summed up in three words - Just Do h . Three woros do nor a chapter make, so wc have focuscd on what an entreprencuror business person should do [O create a successful biotechnology business rather than the personal characteristics that make a sdentist into an entrepreneur.Butwithoullhe will to make it happen, noneofthis is relevant. This is why we have returned many times 00 (he nature ofilie people involved rather than a formal process thar willlcad thcm gen tly and inevitably lO success. This is an extremely favourable time in history for new, fast-moving companjes in high tech.nology. lnvesrors, regulators and governments all want to see your small company sucreed. lt is also a time: ofunprecedented technological changc in the tifu socnces, ;md so the environment has never been berter ro build a life-science based company. For all its commercial failings and pubüc misconceprjon. rhe bio~cbnology industrywill continue to be as dynamic and exciting a business sector as aoy in lhe next decade,lt is a superb environment for a scientist to enter, for good science. the potential of substantial reward, and just plain fun.
12.8 I Further reading Glllscr, V. and Hodgson,J. (1998). Before anyone knew the future nature ofbio-
tcchnology. Nature H1oternntll. 16, 239-242. Laluet!llDlaki, R., Michael. A. and Hodgwn, J. (1998). Public biotech: the
oumbcl's. Nature Biotechno!' 16, 425-427. Lee. K. B .. Burrill, S. et a!. (10;}97). Biotnh 97: aJlgnmmt. The- Ekvrnfh Indusuy Annual Rtport. Ernstand Young.
Mott, G. (1998).Accoanllngfor NonAccoantants. 51h Edilj¡)n. Kog-.m Page Ltd., Lendon. Muller, A. et al. (1998). European Lifo SdellCes 98: Continental Shift. Tht FiJih Annual tJ¡~ European I'1ttrepre11eu-rial Life Scfences Indu5try. Ernn and Young. Pressman, D. iUld Ellas. S. (1999).Patenr ItYourself, 7th Editioll. NoJo Press. New
Ernst and Yaung Rí'port on
York. Stacey. R. D.{l996). SfTUteg!c Management and OrganisationaJ Dynamics, 2nd Editlon.
Pitman, Lendon. White, S.. Evans, P.. Mihill. C. and l)'soe, M. (1993). Hinfng the Htadlina: A PradiclIl Guldf 10 ihe Media. British PsychoLogical Society Jlooks, leicestef, UK. Williams. S.f1999). Uoyds TSB Smoll Busínm: Gume, J2th l:'riitlor¡. Pen guin Business, London.
Chapter 13
Amino acids L. Eggeling, W. Pfefferle and H. Sahm Intraduction Commercialllse of amina acids Production methods and too15 L-Glutamate L-Ly:;ine
L-Threonine L-Phenylalanine L-Iryptopban L-As partate Outlook Admowledgements Furthc r reading
The story of amino acid production started in 1908 when the chemist, Dr K. Ikeda, was working on the flavouring components ofkelp. Kelp is traditionally very popular with the Japanese due to the speciBc taste of its preparations. kombu and katsuobushi (Fig. 13.1). Aftee acid hydrolysis and fractionation ofkelp. Or Ikeda discovered that ane specific fraction h e had isolated consisted of glutamic acid which, after neutralisation with caustic soda. developed an entirely n~, delidous taste. Thi5 was the birth of tbe use of monosodium gluramate as a Oavour-enhancing compound . The production of monosodium glutamate(MSG) was soon commercialised by the Ajinomoto company based on its isolation from vegetable proteins such as soy or wheat protein. Since less than 1 kgMSGcould beisolatedfrom 10kgofrawmate:rial me waste fraction was high. The chemical synthesis of D.L-glutamate, which had been partially successful. was also of little use smce the sodium saltoftheo-isomer is tasteless. The breakthrough in the production of MSG was the iSOlatiOD of a specific bacterium by Dr S. Udaka and Dr S. Kinoshita at Kyowa Hakko Kogyo in 1957. They screened for amino-acid-excretingmicrO'Organisms and discovered that mcir isolate. No. 534, grown on a mineral salt
Tite ideogram fur Iwmbu u k appeal"$ on kelp preparations used as a food component. He paintlngwas klndly proVided by Dr T.lkeda (Ajlnomotcl). me grandson of Dr K.lkeda.
med ium excre[ed t.glutamare. ]r SOCIn became apparent thar the. iso-
Ell!cuon mlc:rugr.Jph 01 Cotynebocterium gIuIomicum ~jng me typica. v...shapa two ce!!s as a consequem:e 01 cel' ilimkln.
Th. blrrll represenu t~e
nutr'ltIve valuc of loybean meaL
wh1c:h is flm tirrJted by u methiclnine conten t
The amlno ¡ c id rmrket
lated orgnoism necded biotin and lhat l.-glutamare excretion was triggered by an insuffident supply of biotin. A numbel' of bacteria with similar properties also isolaled. \vhicb are today all known by tbe 5pecies name Coryllcbacrerium gfuramicum (Hg. 13.2). C. gluramicum is a Gram·positive bacterium which can be isolate
13.2 I Commercial use of .mino .cids Amino acids are used for a variery ~f purposes. The food indusuy requirt"S L-glutamate as a Havour enhancer. a nd glycine as a sweetener in juices, for instance (l'able 13.1). The chemical industry requires amino acids as building block.$ for a diversiry of compounds. The pharmaceutical industry l"ffluires the amino adds thcmselves in infus ions in particular the essential amino adds - or in special dietary food.And lastbut not least, a large marketfor amino acids i5 theÚ' use as animal fecd additive. The reason is that rypical fl."E!dstuffs. sucb as soybean meal for pigs. are poar in sorne essenrial amino acids, Iike methioninc. for instance. This is illustrated in Fig. 13.3 where the nutritive value of soybean mea! 1S givcn by the barre] but the use of the total banel is limited by the stave representing methionine. Methionine is added for thisreason, and considerably increases the effectivencss ofthe feed. The addition ofas little as 10 kg metllionine per tonne increases the protein quality of the feedjust as effectively as adding 160 kg soybean meal 01' 56kg fishmeal. The lirst Iimiñng amino acid in fet'd based on cropsand oH seed is usually L·methionine, followed by l-lysine, and L·threonine. Anothee aspcctoffeed supplementation is lhat with a balanced ¡¡mino add content the maDure contains less nitrogen thus reducing enviran· mental pallution. Over me years the demand fOl" amino acids has incl"t"ased drnmatically. The market is growing sreadily by about 5 to 10 percent per year. 'lbus, within 10 years the total market has approximatelydoubled (Fig. 13.4). Sorne amino aCids, such as L-lysine . which is required as a feed additive, display a particularly grcat increase. Tbeworld market for th is amino dad has increused more tban 2D-fold in the past two decades. Other amino adds have appeare
Production scale (tonnes y 1)
Preferred production method
800000 350000 350000 10000 10000 15000 10000 3000 1000 500 500 300 300
L-Glutamic add L-Lysine DJ.-Methionine L-Aspartate l-Phenylalanine l - Threonine Glycine L·Cysteine L-Arginine L-Leucine l-Valine L-Tryptophan L-Isoleucíne
Fermentation Fermentation Chemical synthesis Enzymatic catalysis Fermentatlon FermentatJan Chemical synthesis R.eduction of cystine Fermentatiol1, extractJon Fermentatlol1, extraction Femlentation, extraction W ho le cell process Fermentation, extraction
l00~ 10
T~1rp p~e
~GIY T~r
'M-ltLYS Glu
Flavour enhancer Feed additi ve Feed addftive
kpart;une Aspartarne Feed additive Food additive, sweetener Food additive, pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Pesticides, pharmaceutícal Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical
llle am;no ;¡c;d ~ wItto
Ile Se
Main use
100000 1 000000
Production capacity (tonnes year-') currenr worldwide demand fur the mosr relevantamino adds are given in Table 13.1 ..L--Glutamate continues tooccupy (he top position followed by L-Iysine together w ith D,l.-meth.ionine, while me o rher amina adds traiI behind at a considerable distance. There is a daSe intecaetion between the priees of the amino adds and tbe dynamics ofthe market. More efficient fermentation technologyean provide eheaper products and henee boostdemand. This in rurn will lead to production on a larger scale with a further reduerion of costs. However, sm ee the sUPPly ofsome amino acids, e.g. L-lysine, as a feed adclitive is directly competitive with soybean meal (the natural L-lysine sollree) there are considerable fiuctuations in the amino add demand depcndiog on the erop yie1ds. The amino acids produeed in tb e largestquan tities are also the cheapest (Fig. 13.5). The lowprices in turo dictatc the location oftheproduction plants. The main faetaes governing [he loeation ofproductionplants are the pricc ofthe carbon souree
and the local market. Large l-glutamate production planrs 31'espread aH over the world, with a significant presenee in the Far East, e.g. Tbailal1d and Indonesia. For L-Iysine the situation is different. Sin ee one-third of the world market is in North Ameriea and there is convenient access 00 maize a s a feedstock material for the fermentation process. about onethird ofthe L-Iysine production capacity is locnted rhere. tn almost a ll cases, the companies produciug L-Iysine are associated with the maize milling industry, either as produeers, injointVClltures 01' as suppliers of cheap sugar. 111i5 illustrates che factthatthc conunercia l procluction of amino acids is a vigorous ly growing and ehanging Beld with mOlny g lobal interactions .
13.3 I Production methods and tools Some amiDo acids are chemkaUy synthesised, such as glyrine. which has no stereochemicaJ centre, 01' D, L-methioni ne. This latter sulphurcODtaining amino add can be added tO fee
Classical strain development However. bacteria do not normally excrete ¡¡mino acids in significant
amounts beca use regulatory mechanisTm control the amina acid syntbesis in an economicaJ way. Therefore. muta.nts haveto begenerated which over-synthesise the respective amino acid. A great number of aminaacid-producing bacteria have been derived by rnutagenesis and screening prograrnmes. Tbis has involved the consecutive application of: • undireceed muragenesis: • sehx:tion {or 3 specific phenorype: • seJection ofthe mutant with [he bese amino acid accumulation. Taking [he best the e.ntireprocedurewas repeated over several addilional ro unds to inercase the productiviry each time, and. eventually. resulced in a n industrial producer (see Table 13.2 as an example). Due to this optimisation over several decades. together with [he accompanying process adaptatioR. exceUent high-performance strains are now availabJe. lbey certainly carry a variety of unknown m utations also decisive fuI' tbeir production propemes. as wiIl become evident frorn the exOlmples described below_
AppHcation of recombinanr techniques In conjunction witb this dassit:al technique fur strain development. recombinant DNA techniques are also applied. They serve
• to '.1ptd ly develop new producees byincreasing limitingenzyme acrivities: • to analyse mechanisms offlux control; • to combine this classical1y obtainedstrains fortheir furmer development.
Intracellular flux analysis An exciting new approach in suain development combining both me genetic and dasskal proceduTe is the reliable quantification of rhe carbon flllxes in me living cell. A great deal of progress has befn made here recently in developing ro a tligh level of sophistication the old ¡sotope labelting technique.. In particular, with uC-NMR spectroscopy the intracellular fluxes \Vece quantified ro extreme high resalution. For instanCI!, in C. glutamicum it has even been possible to quantify the exchange flux rates as are present in tbe pentose phosphate pathway. The method is described in det."lil in ChapteT 2 of trus book. Such flux identiflcations are of majar assistaoce in .selecting the reacbons in che central merabolism ro be modified by genetic e ngineering.
Functional genomics Another tool whose potential is onJy now beingexp!oited is the genome analysis ofproducer strains. The availability oftbe entire sequence of the chromosomes from C. glutamicum and f . colf apens up excicing possibiliries to compare mutants and \O uncover new murations essentia! fur .high overproduction of metabolites. Fur instanee, RNA analysis using chip technologywill make it jX>ssible to dete<:t whether a specific gene is altered in its expression fue producen of different efficiency. New mutations and genes migbt tbus be discovered whkh are nor directlyconcerned with camon fluxes. but t31herwith total cell control, or are involved in energy metabolismo Chjp technology will also make it possible ro use genome analysis as a too! to qualify individual fermentarioos, thus resulting in still furtber improvements and consolidations of the production processes.
I l-Glutamate
As already mentianed. L·gluramare was the first amina acid 10 be produced . Theverysuccessful production sbU exclusivelyuses the original bacterium C. gMamfcum. As metabolic pathways C. glutumícum uses g1ycolysis. the pentase phosphate pathway and [he cirric acid cyde to gen· erate pre<:ursor merabolites and reduced pyTidine nucleocides. However. this bacterium displays a special {eature in [he anaplerotic ceactions of the cilrie acid cycle (Ag. 13.6). Since L-glutamate is directly derive<'! from tt-ketoglurarare, a high capabUity for ceplenishing the cteie acid cycle is. ofcourse, a prerequisite fui high glu&lJDate producrion. Ir was originally assumed tba[ on1y che phosphornolpyruvate caro box:ylase is prese nt as a catboxylating enzyme within the anaplerotic reactions. However. molecul."lr research in dose conjunction wim
'lC-labellingstudies and flux analysis showed matan additional camo>::-
L· glutamate
Sketdl of main reaction$ In C. pm:m;cum connecte
ill'ld al mtlffilnce for L·g.Iltarnó1te proooClion. Abbrevlatlons: PyrDH. pyruvate dehydros.nase: PyrC. pyruvate cillrboxyl~SI!:
pbo:sphoenl)/pyruvau carbox)'lue.
ylating reactioo mus[ be presenl . lbe pursuit of this enzyme activity resulted in [he dctectionofpyruvatecarboxylase activity.l'yrC, and the cloning of its gene. This carboxylase was Ilor rletectecl by rhe original enzyme measurements sincc ir is very unstable in crude extr.lcrs. Irs detectíon ¡'equires an in situ enzymc assay tlsing carcfuUy permeabiliscd celIs. Therefore, C. glutamiCllm has the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PyrDH. shuffting acetyl-CoA ioto tbe citric acid t:yde bur two enzymes supply· ing oxaloacetate: pyruvate carboxylase (PyrC) rogethcr witb a phosphoenolpyruvare c.1rboxylase (pEpc) (Fig. 13.6). The successful c10ning of both genes togetbcr with mutanr studies shoWt.'d rhat botb carboxylases can basically replace each otber to ensure conve.rsion of glucosederlved Cl-units ro oxaloacetatc. This is different fi·omE. eoli. which has exclusively the phosphornolpyruvate cal'boxytase seIVÍng lhis purpose, or Bacillus rubtilis. wbere only che pyruvate carboxylase is presento Since C.gfutamicum possessesboth enzymes. ¡thas anenornlOUS flex:ibi lity Cor replenishing cirricacid cycle intermediates upon theirwithdrawal. 'file reductive amination of Q'·ketoglutarare ro yie.ld L·glutamal:e is caCalyscd by glutamate dehydrogenase. The ellzyme is a mu1timer. each subunithavinga moLerular weightof49100, Jt has a high specificactivicyofl.8mmol min-1'rugprotein, and L·glutamate is presentin theceU in a rather higb concentration of about 150 mM. In the case of other amioo acids, in contrast, the intracellular eoncenrrations are usualIy below 10 mM. The high concentl'ation serves to ensure the supply of L-glutamate direcrJy r~uired for cell syuthesis and al50 for {he supply ofam ino grau ps via nansam ioase reactions Cor a variety ofcell ular reae· rions. As much as 70% ofthe.amino groups in cellmaterialstems from L-glutamare.
13.4. 1 Production strains Por the biotechnological production of1.-g1utamate che intTacellularly synthesised amino aad must' bereleased from the ceU.This is. OfCOltrSe, usually nor the case since the charged L·gluramate is rerained by Lhe cytoplasmic membn1l1e, otberwise che cell would llot be viable. However, as shown by t he spec.ial ci rcumstances in discoverin gC. glutam· lCum , L·glutamatc is alreadycxcreted when biotin is limiting. This strikiug fuer is based on two essential char.\cteristks: • acarrier is presenrmed.i adug the activc excretion ofL-gluramate; • the lipid environment ofrhis canicr lts activity. A ~"Pecific carner is required since otherwise. in addition to tbe charged L-glutamare, otber metabolites and ions WOll1d also leak from rhe ceD. Moreover. only un active exporr enables rhe energy-dependent 'uphiD ' transport of L-glutamate from inside tbe (:e Jl (O.15 M) towards the very high concenrrations obtained in fenncntation brotbs (more chan 1 M). Ho~r, for practical purposes, tbe triggering of active export by the appropriatc molecula r cnvironmenl of tbe cytoplasmic.membr.:me is importanr. The ~wit'ches fortuning (rus enviromnenrand (hus eUciting gluramate export are surprisingly diverse: (i) growth under biotin limi· ration. (ii) addition of loca] anaesthetics. (tU) addition of penicillin, (tv)
additiOI1 of surfactants. (v) use of oleic acid auxorrophs. and (vi) u~e of glycerol auxotrophs. All ofthese means trigger L..glutamate excretion. Althougb.. overall. there are as yet no completely condusive ideas on the molecular changes thus caused. nevertheless in the classical biotin effuct part ofrue caus<1llink to glutamateexcretion js well understood. Biotin is a cofactor ofthe acetyJ.CoA carooxylase. With limitcd supply. the activity of thjs enzyme ¡s thus decreascd and consequencly the farty acid synchesis is diminished. This le3d!; lO 3 decreased avaiJability of pho!ipholipids and agreatlydecreased Iipid toprotein ratio in lbe memo brane as weLl as a change in tbe degree ofsaturation ofthe fany acids. Under I.>iorin limitation the pbospholipid content is drastically decreased ftom 32 ro 17 nmol mg~1 dryweight. and the content ofche llosatlll
13.4.2 Producrion process Ihe most: re1evant fuctors influencing L-glutam;¡te formation are the ammonium concentranoo. the dissolved 02 coneentration and the pH. Although, in total, a Large amount ofammonium is l1&cessaryfor sugar conversion to L-glutam;¡te. ahigh conccntration is inhibitory to growth as well to che production of L-glutamate. Therefore. ammonium is added in a lowconcentration at the beginningofthe ferrnentationand is then added continuously during the course ofr11e fermentation. The oxygen concentration is eontrolled . since under conditions of insufficient oxygen, the production OfL-glutamate is poor and lactic acid as well as succinic acid aecumulates. whereas with 3n excess o.1{fgen supply the amount of a-ketoglutarate as a by·prodllet acc umulat~. A f10w d.iagramoftheprocess ilO shown in Hg. 13.7. Foc the actual fermentanon theproduction suaim are grown in fermenters as large as 500 m l (Fig. 13.8). Afrer precultivation. the onsct of L-glmamate exccetion is controllcd by the addition ofsutfaetants like polyoxyerhylene sorbitan monopalmjtate fT'w'een40). Yiclds of6O-70%
Exhaust air
Ammonium pH control
D~I~n9 station
L Antlloam
Batch steriliser
~ A,m,m, of ,,., ma""ial flo'N in in l-llulal1'laU~ p!'OdU¡;hon planl.
Amino acid production
1 plant 01 Krowa Haklw in Japan ~ right SeYel1 brge eacn 240 m' in s¡ze, suitabl ~ fo r l-glutamate prOOu¡;tioo.
SterUe air
'-r7 Inoculum Une
fermentar Buffer lank
lhowi-lg 011
r1Continuou sleriliser
Sugar lank
Buffer lank
le¡ ¡ IExh
filt~r ~
st air
Production fermentar
r-L, ./ Harvesting tank
l -glutamate, based on theglueoseused, have been reported.Attheend oftbe fermentation [he brotb contains L- glutamate in tbe fOrIn ofits ammoruum salt_ In a typieal downstl'eam process, tbe ecUs are separated and the brotl\ i5 passed through a basic anion exchange l'esin. L-Glutamate anions will be bound to the resin and ammonia will be released. This arnmonia can be recovered via distilJation and ceused in the fermentatioIL Elution i5 performed with NaOH to directly form MSG in rhe.solution and to regenerate the basic a nioo exchangec. Frem me e1uate5, MSG may be crystallised directly foll owed by funhercondiüoning sreps like decolorisation and sieving to yield a food-grade qualüy.
I l-Lysine
The second amiDo acid made exclusívelywitb C. gluramirum, or ies subspedes Úlaofennenrum andftavum. i s L-Iysine. IhecarboDs ofL-Jysine are derived in thecenuOlI metabolis m from pyruvate and axaloacetate (Fig. 13.9).1n contraSt to me special situation with L-gluta mate, where practicaIly only a single reaction represcnts rhe syntbesis pathway, L-Iysine is synthesised via along pathway. Moreover, the first two steps ofL-lysine synthesis are shared wíth Ulat ofthe. other members oftbe aspartate famiJy ofamrn o acids: t-metruonine, L-threonine and L·isoleucine.
... ,
The kinase initiating Iysine synthesis is feedback·inhibited by lysine plus threonine The Brst reaction initiating L-lysine synthesis is eatalysed by aspartate kinase. As i5 typical of an enzyme at (he start of a lengthy synthesis pathway, aspartate kinase is controUed in its catalytic activity. The enzyme i.s in3ctive when L-lysine plus L-threonine togetber are present in exeess. thus providing a feedback signa! (see Chapter 2) concerning the avaiJability of these. two major metabolites of the aspartate family ofamino acids. The mase has an intercsti ng consists of2 O"Subunits of 421 amino acid residues cach, and 2 .o-subunits of 171 amino acid rcsidues. An exciting discovery was thal the amino acid sequence of rhe ,B-subuDÍr is identical to thar in the carboxyterminal part of the Cl'"subunit. The mole<'ular basis is that tbe gene fur the smaller ,&subunit, lysC¡3, is an in-fTame consti tu~[ pan ofthe larger {tsubunit (Fig. 13.10). Thus t\\.'o promoters are prese.nt al (rus locus: one dciving \ysCa expre.ssion. together with that ofthe downstream gene. asd. and onedriving lyiCf1and asd expresSiOIL lbe regulatory featUI"eli of the kinase reside in me ,&subunit. !hus specificaUy altering the jkubunitscructure, or those ofboth subunits together in thcir carboxytenDinal part, results in a kinase which is no longer feedback regulated by t-Iysineplus L-threonine. Wirh 5ueh an insensitive kinase, C. gtutllmimm already excretes sorne l.-lysine, showing the rnther simple (y'pe of flux control in this organismo
L-lysine bicsym:hesli in C. ,Iulc:miwm wnh the rucdoos supplylng Ol\a~t$te and pyru\',ue as prec:unon.. PEP, phosphoeno\pynMte.
ly!'C~ '
j u - ubUrlll
ILys, Ihf -±..>. ~
Active kinase
A ,d
11 Inactive kinase
M'Fi,; The /y¡Úl¡d operoo-01 C. ,!utomlwm ~nd ;¡Jlosteric control or the klr¡ase. T lle second promoter withln /yse results in rorm~tIon of me f3 subunit ~on5tltutinx the reguluory suburOt of die kinue proteil of (l2íi.
\/.IIg ....
~,.. , ,,..
At me beglm1ng of tIle l..fysioo rerm~"t:ltlon use
prevaJls 01 the dehydrogeoue variam olrer UUt orthe sueclllrla1e Irariam. whereu al the end ~h e slKcinylas. varian! "l,Ised almo $t exdw.iVely. Vari arll use 15 In
The synthase limilS flux A further important step offlux control within lysine biosynthesis ¡s,l( the level of aspartate semialdehyde distribution. The dibydrodipicolillate synthase activ:ity competes with the homoserine dehydrogenase forthe aspartare semialdehyde (Fig. 13.9). InC.glutamicum. the synthase is not regulated in iu catalytic activity as is the corresponclingenl.yme in E. eoli, for example . lnsteHcl. in C. g!utamicum it is the amouor oftbe procein whkh directly controLs the flux. This is thus different from the kinase vmere t he catalytic activity is regulated by L-lysine and t hereby controls tbe flux at a constant amount of protein. Graded ove1'expression ofthe syn thase gene, daplt. bas shown tbatwith an ¡ncreasing mnount of synthase a graded flux increase towards L-Iysioe is rbe re;ult. Surprisingly. dapA overexpression also has a second cansequenc.·e: the flux ofaspartate semialdebyde into tbe brancb leading to hom.oserine is already diminished withjust two dopA copies. Oue ro fue shortage ofthe homoserine-derived anlino acids, lhis resuJts io a weak growth limitation which is advantageous fur L-lysine fonnation , smce now more intermediares ofthe central metabolism are used fu r lysine syntbes is jn..~tead for cell proliferation. Lysine synthesls Is split whicb emures proper cell wall formation AremarkabLe feature ofe. glutamicum is its splitpathwayofL·lysine synrhesis. Ar the level of piperideine-2.6-dicarboxylate, Oux is possible eiche r via the 4·step ruccinylase variant or rhe l-step dehydrogenas.e variant (Fig. 13.9). In contrastoE. eolí. forexample , has olJ.!y tbe succiny¡ase variant and Bc:dfius müet'Mns only the dehydrogenase valiant. The flux distribution via both pathways has been quantified in a study using NMR spectroscopy and 11-IJqglucose as the substl'ate. Surprisingly. fue flu x distribution is variable (Fig.13.11). Whereas at the startofthe rultivatiOR abour threi'-<juarters ofthe is made via [be dehydrogenase variant. at the end me newly synthesised L·Jysine is almost exclusively madI" via the succinylase rotl te. There is a mechanistic reason ror this.k kinetic charactensations llave shown, the dehydrogenase has a weak affinity towal'ds its substrare. ammonium, with a K.n of28 mM. Thus at low ammonium concentrations, as are presentat the end of the fermentation, the dehydrogenase cannol contribute to l·lysiue formation.lnstead. flux via the succinylase variant is favoUIed. \'ihere after succinylation of piperideine-2,6-dicarboxyJate, a tIansaminase incorporares the second amino group inm the final [-Iysine molecuJe. The key ro understandiug [his lux uriol1s pathway construction is provided by fue ammo acid D.l.-diaminopimelate. This amino acid is required fur the synthesis of the activatec! muramyl peptide L-AJa-")', [}{;lu-D,L-Dap, which is oneof[he Iink1ng units inlhe peptidog1ycan of the celJ wa11. Upon inactivation of [he succinylase variant, a radical change to the cell morphology bccomes appare-nt w'ith low nit:rogen supply. The cells are elongnted, aud furthermore less resistant to mechanical stress. If ehher the succinylase or the dehydrogenase variant is inactivated, l,-lysine accumulation is reduced ro 40%. Thus
LysE protein
Topology 01 ct1e l·lyslne exponer showlng iB flve membral'!e !.panolng helice13nd additlonal hydrophoblt segn'M!nt. ThfI formaliy dlstJnct$tcp$ ofth e o-ansJocatlon proceu drlven by {he
membr:an-e po~tl~ 1T1i! Induded.
lysine+ both variants together ensure me proper supply ofthe cruciallinking unir D.L.¿iaminopirnelare, as well as a high throughput for L-Iysille furo mation. The split palhway in C. gll.ltamicum is an example oCan impar· tant principie in microbiaJ physiology: patbway variants are generally nor redundant but evolved to provide key metaboütes lInder different environmental conditions. Export of L'lysin e Aroino acid transpon has long been investigated in bacteria but. principally, tbis i5 only their import. In contrast, me molffular basis tOI' amino add export was complerely unknown untill996 since a spedflc expon process appeaTed nonsensical. The breakthrough WitS achieved by the c\oningorthe Jysine exportca.rcier from C. glutamiculII. which at one blow enabled amazing diseoveries conceming the nature and relevanee or a new type of exporter. The L-Iysine carrier, LysE. i5 a comparatively smaJI membrane protein of ZSA Da. It has the transmem brane spanning helices typical ofcan 'icrs, but on1y five ofthem (Fig. 13.12). A sixth hydrophobic segment is located between helixone and thrceand may dip into me membrane or be surfacc localised. Severa! dinincr steps are involved in the translocation mec:hanism. which probably requires the dimerisation ofLysE. These are: (i) rhe loadingofthe nega· tive!y cllarged can'ier with iti substrate L-lysine togetbel' with twQ hydroxyl ions, (ii) substrate translocatioll via tbe membrane, (üi) che release.ofL-lysine and [be accompanying ions at the outsideofthe me and final!y. (iv) the reorientation oftbe carneroTIledJiving force fur me entire rranslocalion process is m e memb:rane pmential. 6.1fr. required for the TeorientabOn ortbe carrier. Acress lo meJysine-exponer gene, ¡)'SE, has also made itpossible to solve the puzz.leas to whyC.glutamicum has such an exporter at al1.1n a lysE deletion mutantsupplied with glucose and 1 mM ofthe dipeptide, Iysyl·alanine, an extraordinarily high intracelLu!ar l.-lysinc concentra· don ofmore than 1 M aceumulates, abolishlng growth ofthe mutant.
Thus. lhe exporrer SeIVeS as a valve [O excrete any6cess int:r.:J,cel.lul:u· L-Iysine that may arise in the natural enviTQnmeut in tbe prese nce of peptides. As in the case ofother bacteria . too, C. glutll:micum has active peptide-uptake systems as well as hydl'olysillg enzymes giving access to [he aminoacids asvaluable builclingblocks. However, C.glllfamicum has no I.-Iysine-degracling activities and rherefore must prevent any pillng up of L-lysine. This also happl'Ils in [he Iysine produeer strains where the biosynthesis parhway is mutatro . As genome projects have now shown. ho mologo us strucrures of t he l-Iysine earrier LysE are presen t in vario us Gram-negative a nd Gram-positive bacteria. Therefore. trus cype oHntraceUula r amLno aad control by 3D expon e r is expected ro be prescnt in other bacteria. IDo. Sine!'. lhe LysE S{ructure is nor shared with other translocators. LysE a]so represenLS a new superfamily oftranslocators , which is probably rclated to its new funetion.
13.5. 1 Production strains
Aminoelhvlcysteine Aminoethyl cystam
Is;a 5lJlp~u.r-cootill ning 3nalo¡:lJa 01 L-Iysl n. ror gene l'1ltlng mutanu d.ra¡lIlltt!d i1l../ysine synt~~sis .
L-Lysine pt'Oducer strains have becn derjved aver the decades by mutage.nesis to give strains excrcting more than 170 g L-lysinc per litre. It is clear lhar these strains can y a long liSl of phenotypic characters to achieve this massive Oux directioning (Tab]e 13.2)_ t he strains are. resistant or sensiriw to sorne a nalogue oflysine. A typica l feature of sorne L-lysine produeers i5 their resistance to lhe Iysine analogue S-(2·aminoethyl)-L
AJ 1511
Al 3424
AEC AlaAEC Ala- CCl ' AEC Ala- CCL' Ml' AEC Ala- CCl' Ml ' fps
AJ3990 AJ 1204
Yield ofL- Lysine (%)
o 16 33 39 43
AF.C'; Jle~!st.lnt !O s-¡p.;¡mlnoetlJyl ~l~l~jM: Ala - , t..u"ninc'l'Cquirinx: cel.': resi5tanl ID a
homoserine dehydrogenase activity to lower the availability of L·thre~ niue ¡mide the cell (Fig.13.9). In tbis way, inhibitionofthe kinaseactivity was abolished and, atthesame time. a favourable growth limi tation was introduced.
13.5.2 Production process The mest commOD Grrbon sources fur t-Iysine fermentation a nd also olher amino acids are molasses (cane or sugeu· beer molassest. high lest molasses (inverted eane molasses)or sucrose and slarch hydrolysares. ln contrast to E. eolL me wild t:ype ofC. glutamícum can utilise both glucose a.nd 5ucrose. There are also production leehnologies available based on acerk acid or ethanol as fee dstocks . In the pasto molasses was mostJy used for productioD since it is a relatively cheap carbon source. However, the utilisation ofmo)asses has sevete disadvantages: • waste is exponed from the sugar company to rhe fennentarion planr and c... uses addition ...l costs rhece; • rhe se...sonaJ avai labili ry ofmolasses c... uses ageing effects in irs quality during storage. Therefore, rhereis a elear re ndency away from molasses lowards reRaed carbon sources such as bydrolysed starcbes. Protitable nin-ogen sources are ammonium sulphate and ammonia (gaseous or ammonia water). The growth facters required are provided from plant proteln bydroly· sates. cornrteep liquor or by the addition of the deHned compounds. A typicaJlysine fermentati on is shown in Fig. 13.14.AftetConsumptiQn of the initial sugar. the substrates are added continuously alld L-Iysine accumulates up te 170 g 1- 1 • Arrtmoni um sulphate provides the counterion to neutralise.theaccumulating basic amino aeid. Therefore, L-lysine is presentin the ferme.ncation broth as its sulphate. As a convention in the literature. lysine is usuaUygiven as lysine.HCl. Oue ro the high sugar con, theconversion yield is a very imporrantcrire.r:ion foc the entire pro· duction process. Technical processes hiIVt' been pubLished with a. yield of45- 50 g Lys.HCI per 100 gcarbon source. Fot me tecovery OfL·lysine, several basically differen t processes have been developed_Three processes are currcntly in use lO supply L·lysin e in a form suitable forfeed purposes: • A crystalline preparabon containing 98.5% L· can be made by ion exchange chromatography. evaporadon and crystallisa· tion .A1sodUect spray-drying ofthe ion excbange eluate is possible. • An alkaline solution ofconcentrated L·lysinecontaining 50% L-Lysine. lt is obtained by biomass separation, evaporation and filtration. • Agranulated Iysine sulphate preparaDon consistingof47% L-Iysine. ltconsists oftheentire fermentationbroth conditioned by spraydrying a nd granulation_ These processes diffe.r in investment costs, IOS5e.S during downstrearning, amouar ofwaste volume, and user friend Hness. Al! this, together with the fermentat ion itself, decides the. success of the entite production process.
TIme cour'Je
l-lyoi"", ilccumul~tion lo a prodUClion plant. There _
of three
phues of growth md l·lysm ¡ccumuladon.
..... '""J
I TIY""nlne I
L-Threonil'\e synmesls
in E. mil. The Ihio ~""'5lndlc~te individual enzyme ~ctivit1f1S, and
eh .. g~ IhtASC co n~(itute an op«'On. Only che reguluion 01 ,~and
em.ymes by I.-dlreonine
lIIld L..fsoleudne is lhown, where
áIe $qu~~ ends pnl
represslOll. and die arrnwhead !nels enZ)'mll actlYily inhiblrloo.
I L-Threonine
The commercial production oft-threonine is possible witb eitllcr E. coH or e gllItamicum muranu_Howt'ver, the production figures of selected E. coli stIains are superior. Thc syntbesis of t-threonine proceeds via a short pathway comprising only five steps (Fig_ 13.15). As already mentioned, the firsrsteps are shared with tharoft-Iysine alld L-metbionine synthesis. Furthermore. t-threoninc is also an intermediate in the L-isoleucine synchesis. naturally requires spedalmetabolic regulation. In e glutamirum trus was solve
13.6.1 Producer strains Based 00 this regulation thete is a dear focus on two major targets fuI' tbe design of a producer suain: the prevention of t-isoleucine fonnation.and stable bigh-level expression ofthrABC. Therefore, in one ofthe first steps of strain developmenc, chromosomal mutations were introduced togivean isoleucine leakystrain(Fig.13.16). Theisoleucine mutation is a l!eIy specific and important one. L-lsoleud ne is required fur growth only at low L-threonine concentrations but. atlligh concenn'ahOOS oft-threonine. growth is independent oft-isolcucine. lbe mutation therefore has several advantageous consequcnces.ln the first place, it prevents an excess formation ofthe undesired byproduct L-isoleucine. Additionally. il prevents the I,·isoleucine-dependent premature tenni· natian of the thrABC transcription due to limiting tRNAUr. A high transcl'iption rate is. of course, required ro have high speci.fic e n zyme activities . Another consequence ofthe isoleudne mutation is more subtle. It relates ro the stabi1i[J oftbe plasmid-containing producer strain in the various precultivation steps_srarting ftom a siug1e done, ¡¡ preculture
is inoculated fo r each production run and is then en!arged in severa! stages. This means that the clone is fermented for about 2S generati ons so that there is a great danger ofthe plasmid containing tbe rhrABC o peron being lost. This would of course be a complete disaster ¡fit hall' pened in the final production stage. in the presence of the isoleucine leaky mutatíon. however. cells that have lost the plasmid now are cleatly disadvantaged when nor suppüed with L·isole Thcir further proliferation is halted. tlte reby stabilising a cuJture where almost al! tbe celIs tbat are growmg contain the plasmid. Furtbe r engi* neeringduring strain evolution involved the introduclion ofresista nce to l-threonine and l-b om oserine. Subsequently, tdh. wh ich encodes rhreonine de hydrogenase, was inactivated thus preventing threonine degradation . To obtain very high activities of the thrABC-encodlng enzymes, the operon was cJoned from a strain whose kinase and dehy· drogenase activities are rcsiSlant to L·threonine inhibition . In addition. the transcription attenuator region W
Wild type
+ Introduciog .
Ihe He - mtJtatio n
+ +
Sélecllng ror 1hr , Hom
lnactlvation of threonine dehydwgenase (tdh)
Overexpression of
/hrABC wi1h pBR322
Ovaraxpression with pRS10
+ Englneering
sugar uptake .
P.el~V3nt S~P$ jr>
I d~•• pm""f,,'"" ,""o fo r L·m reonlne producOOl> $U¡~bI.
iIM:IMn¡ undrr.c:tl ~ mutagef1esis.
Substrate uptake Since the cost of the sugar soun;:e has a decisive influence on !he price ofrhe amino acid produce
gene ;n)(rivatlon and use of different plum;ds.
Mecha nlsms of sug¡r uptake and pho~horyladon In E.
Permeasa ,.o.
eoli. Tr;¡n!loation 15 coupled by ph ~phoryfatie". as js thG case far the pho~hOlJ"ans"rlSe systl!m (1eftand midd1 e). o r ocwrs In sympon. wlth protOllS wlthOUt phosph<:lr yl¡tio n (r1ght). The phosphotnnsfer.uo tn nl! ocadng slJuase (mldd le) shares en e of me phosphoryl u¡nsfer ~ cm;¡Jf\S wim
"'''' "'"""" +
f ructr:lkfnase
a componlm of phmphOU'ansferase tnndocatlng g1uc~e. Pyr. pyruvue; PEP, pho~hoenoJpyt\ffilU!.
the actual trarulocatof comises of a phosphoi'nolpyruvate:: rugar phosphotransferase system (PTS).ln troduction of the ser genes into a glucoseutilising E. coli strain resutrs in fue uptake and phosphorylation of sucrose. Due to subsequent hydrolase and fructokinase activities the SUgal' is then channelled ¡nto the central metabolismo An altemative sucrose utilisation -S}'Stem is provided by the ese regulon ofsome E. eo!! strains.1n [bis case, sucrose is trallslocated by the cscB encoded trans locatar in sympoct wírh protons. Using traDsposition ttle sucroseutilisation capability oC the esr regulon was mtroduced into a glucose-utilising strain. Although originally witbou t uptake of s ucrose. this strain now imponed sucrose at arate of9 pmol min- I'mg dry wt. With the plasmid ~ncoded regulon, the rate obtained was 43 pmol min-I'mg ceU dry w{, which was almost identical ro [hat ofthe strain fronÍ wh.kb the fS<.· regulon had been isolated.
13.6.2 Production process
Eryrhro •• "'phe."""te •
"" j¡ ¡=¡
- ¡ ¡ ;:,:;.... ¡ ¡ C ~t.
TIle fermentation ofthe engineered L·threonine produceris in a simple mineral salts mediuffi with either glucose or sucrose as the substrare with addition of a small amount of a complex medium component Iike yeast extract. After the inoculanon and consumption of the ¡nitially provided sugar. continuous feeding of sugar begins. Additionally, am.moniahas tO be red in the fonnofgasoras NHPH which is regulated via pH controL Thus rhe feeding strategy in the case oC L-threonine fementation is quite easy compared ro L-lysine fermentation where the accumulation ofthe basic product cequires the feeding ofsulphate as the counter·ion. Al the end ofthe fermentation. L·threonine is present inconcentrations ofabout 85 g 1- 1 with a conversionyield ofup to 60 ~ based on the carbon source Wied. 5uch fermentations with high yields show qu..ite low byproduct levels. This is an advaot"age for downstream processing. CrystallisatiOll ofl.-threonine is easy due to tts low solubility (abour 90 g 1- 1 in warer) and the low salr concentration presento A process is desaibed where the cclJs areinitially coaguJated by a heat- oc pH-treatment step. followed by fi1tration. Subsequently. the broth is concentrated and crysrallisation ¡nitiate
13.7 I L-Phenylalanine
Simpllf!ed p;uhw.Jy 01 l.~lanlne synthesis;me!!he
releYant rerulatlon by L-phenybJanln. and L-tyrosi~ (L-t)'r) wlth IMdback ¡;antro! 01 enr:yme ~,dvlty (arl'()Yflle~d ends) and gene repruslon (~uanl ends).
L-Phenylalanine caD be produced with E. coli or C. glutamicum. The patbway foc L-phenylaJanine synthesis is shared in part with that of L-tyrosine and t-tryptophan. These tb.ree aromatic amino acids have in common the conderuation of eI)'thcose 4-pbosphate and phosphOC/wlpyruvate to deoxyarabinoheptulosonate phosphare (DAHP) witb further conversion in sixsteps up to chorismate. L-Pheny1alanine is then finally made in three further steps (Fig. 13.18).1bere are tbree DAHP synthase enzymes m.E. col! encoded byaroF, aroG and aroR. These enzymes playa
key role in HUJ( control. Their regulation of cataJytic activity. in each case by one of me three aromatic amino acids. recalls the specific regulation ot:aspartate kinase in the synthesis of threonine. About 80% of [he [oral DAHP·synrhase activity is contribured by the ar~ncoded enzyme. Increased flux rowards L-phenylalanine can be obtained by OYe.l'6.pression of e.ither aroF or aTOG encoding feedback-resistant enzymes. furlhermore. pheA overexpression is essential. This gene encodes the bifunetional eonsmare mutase-prephenate dehydratase. A second chocismate activity is p~nt as a bifunctional chorismate muta5e-"prephenate dehydrogenase. The pheAencoded enzyme activities are inhibited by L-phenylaJanine and pheA express ion is dependent on the level oftRNA'he.
13.7.1 Production strains Producer strains have a DAHP actlvity thatis resistant to feedback inhibition and wbich is encoded either by aroF or «rOG and a feedbackresistant corismate mutase-prephena~ de:hydIatase. As a rule. m e producers are L-t)'I'osine auxorropltic mutants. There are Yery good reasons fur [rus. one of which is that the enzymes of the common pathway from DAHP to prephenate are no longer regulared byL-tyTOsine and enzyme activities are no longer feedback-inhibited. Another l'eason is that in this way tyrosine accumulation is prevented , whkh would otherwise undoubtedly result as a byproduct srnce there are onIy two additional steps frorn prephenate ro L-tyrosine. An essential aspect is thatdue to theauxotrophy, a beneficia! growth limitation is possible by appropriate ryrosine feeding (see below). In sorne E. colf strains, thc tcmper.J.ture-sensitive d~7 repressor of bacteriophage A has been used together wirh tne AP L promoter to enable inducible cxpression of che keygenes plleA and amF. This enables extreme1y high enzyme activities lO be adjusred sole1y in theactual p roduction runs thus eliminating the inherent problems of strain stability due to the resuldng high metabalite concentradons OI' side activities of the enzymes. ¡tenables the precultivation steps up (O the seed fermenter to be perfoI'med witb low expression of the key genes but in the actual large production fermenrer the genes aTe now induced lo a higb leve] ofexpress ion.
13.7.2 Production process As wltb the other amiDo acids, efferove L·phenylalanine production is
thejoint result ofengineering the cellular metaboJism aud control of the production process. Control is ne<:essary for two reasoos. First. the carbon flux has ro be optimally distributed between the fuur major products of glucose conwrsion, which are l·phenylalauine. biomass. aeetic acid and COl.Thesecond reason is t hat the eellular.physiology is not constant during the course of fermentation. which corre§pond· ingly requires an adaptation of fel'menration control during the process. Figure 13.19 shows the typical time CtLtVe of l-phenylalanine production. The major problem is thatE. col! tends to produce aceticacid which has a strong negative effecton process ef.fkiency. To prevent this. researchers have developed an ingeniou s sugar-feeding strareg}'.whic1i
The rour stages of proouction c.harictenled by diffenmt p/'r)'slo1ogy ~¡jrlng different process control regimes ro the hlghen yields in shorten times... ,
L-p henylll~nlne
Stega 2
fefmer11011on lime
firstcollects on-line data and fluxes sueh as oxygen concentration, $ugar consumption and biomass concentrations. These are then counterbalanced dul'ing the ro control the optimum sugar concentration, The fel..-dingofsugar starts when the cells enter Stage 2 afthe fermentarion where the glucose initially provided has almost been coosumed, The trick is lO prevent too high a glucose concentratioo occurring si l\Ce this would resu]t in acetie aad formatioo ando at tbe same time, to prevent [00 low a glucose concentration since this would resu1r in 3n excess ofCOl evoLution. 'Ihus lhe feeding rate is a compromise where tbe process is ron at the highest possible (eeding rate wmch sbll pr~ vides a sufficiently stIong limitation ro prevent acetk acid excrerion. When me t-tyrosine initially present has been consumed, rbe cells proceed to Stage 3. As already mentioned. almost al1 L-phenyLalanine producers cannor synthesise tyrosine. The L-Iyrosine concentrati(ln selected ar rhe starl oftlle culture rherefore fb:es theminimum amount of biamass n ecessary to efficientIy merabolise the predetermined amount of glucose. In Stage 3, t:he metabotic capacity of the cells decreases which brings abaut a consequenc decrease of the glucose feeding rateo At the {'nd ofStage 3, acetic acid excrecion begins and tbe cells enter Stage 4 where no further L-pbenylalanine accumulation occurs and theprocess is eventuallyterminated. This example ofamino acid producrion shows thatby the sophisticatcd application offeeding strategies with adaptive.control a very high L-phenylalanine concentration can be achieved with a higb yield within 2.5 days. Values of50.8 g pbenylaLanine per litre with a yield of27.5% ofcarboo used have been reported.
13.8 I
L- Tryptophan
L-Trypropban is a h.igh·pIice aromo acid which still has a ratlter low madret volume. Effective production processes are available with
mutants oí" differenr bacteria, including BaCll!us subrí!i5. However, ceUu' lar synthesis is no longer performed due ro originally not rea lised impuri ties in lbe Bnal product used lormedical pllrposes. Theseimpurities arose during the ¡solarion oft·tryptophan from a chemical reaction with traces ofacetaldehyde atlowpH.An alternative proccss is me enzymatic synthesis OfL·tryptophan from preeucsors. The ntrrent enzy· matic production process uses rhe activity of the biosymbetic tryptophan synrhasc (Fig. 13.20). Ihis cnzyme cataJyses the last stcp in the tryprophan syntbesis, wbicll consists in fuct oftwo partial reactions:
Indole 3-glyccrol phosphate .... indole+ glyceraldehydc J-phosphate Indole + L-scl;ne -!l L·tryptophan + HP These separare reactio ns are caralysed by separate subunits of me enzyme: a and 13. The enzyme ofF., coli i5 an ~f32 tetramer, which can be dissociated into CWO a subunits and a {3j suburut. TI1e a subunit cataly· ses me deavage of indole 3-g1ycerol puosphate, whereas the {3~ subuni t catalyses rhe condellsation ofl-serine with indole to form L·tryptophan. Eaeh f3 subunit contains one molecule of covalently bound pyridoxal phosphate, forming a Schiffs base ......¡th L-scrine. Th~ enzym~bound aminoacrylate is attacked when indol e i5 provided from rhe rl'subunit. Buthowdoes indole ger to the {3 subunit? The problcm is thatindole is velyhydrophobicso thatwith frcediffus ion ¡tcan pass through thece.lI membrane and be 10st. The crystal struct\lre of the synthase revealed the ingeniou s solution for solvin,g this problcm . To prevent a 1055 of indole it is channelled within the enzyme prorein. There i5 a 25 A long tunnel from the a 5ubunit. where indole is fonned. to the fJ subuni[ where, as the enzyme-bonnd 3nunoacryLate, L-serinejs ready ro accepr the indole. Furthermore. wirhin lhe native tetcarner borll partial re3etioos are coordinared. Only when L-serinc. as aminoacrylate. is ready ro acceptindole. does indole 3-glyceroJ phospllare conversion oeeu\" attbe f3 suburut. Tryptopban synlhase is thus an example of how an enzyme complex isused as a sophi!>ticated device to handle a reactive and diffu· $ible intermediare within me ceU.
13.8.1 Produccjon from precursors The process ofL-tryptophan production with this enzyme is based onE. ceH celli which have a high tryprophan synthase activity. Thc er, and f3 subunits encodinggenes trpA and trpB, respectively, are locared 00 the crpEDCBA operon which is regulated by repression and attenuation. In theE. coli mutantused, the repressorofthatopcron has been deleted as is partofthe attenuator region togetherwith (he first structural genes oflhe operoo.lnthe resulting strain, about 10% ofrhe total protein is tryptophan synthase with an excess ofthe{J subunit.Although indole i5 Dot the true substrate of the enzyme (see Fig, 13.20). with a sufficiently high eoncentration the enzyntc will reactwith ir. lndole is available from tbe petroch.emical industry as a romparably cheap educt. whereas tbe second educt. L-senne. is recovered from molasses during sugar reftnement using ion exdusion chromatogl'aphy, aud further
TIle ~ryp~ophan
~nth:l5e l1Se5m vivo Indole
).¡lycerol pholphate plus l-scrine. and In the productlon proce$$ indole plus l·5ertne.
ProducdOl"l plal'lt te fractionlte molnsH by Ion· exclusiO'l'l chromawgraptlr. wldl i$oIulon ofl·,erine. AA E. coli mUQnt overexprenln¡ tryptOphan synthue 1$ pre¡rown. Ind subsequently mixed wlth l-ser1r.e plus Indole to convert the-,e $ubnra u~s tO ,.trypwphal'l.
Eeotí mutant
L '/íypI~
$r"fhltse I BiA ..,iIÚ"oaIoo
I Dea:Io!is;¡Iion, IIIrIlbl
ancI aystaIisaIiOn
I DIyIng. s1eYilg ami tilg 001
¡ j
purification steps (Fig.13.21). The rcsulting L-5erine is fed to thc previously cultivated E. ooli cells. and indole is added continuously at a con· cenfration adjusted to 10 1llM. which is controlled on-line. Tbis type of process ensures an almost quantitative conversion of indole to yield L-tryptophall with a space-time yield of abaut 75 g pet litre and day. Fu.rther-processing afthe L-tryptophansolution can be taken from Fig. 13.21 leading ro a pyrogen-free phannaceutical product oftbc highest quality.
13.9 I L·Aspartate
~eoo' +
!f +
H y--.. 1
coa' Fumar~1.I!
ammonlum serve as subsl:rU9$ fOl' the UP¡rtasll.
L-AspactiC acid is widely use
Irnmobilisation method Polyacrylamide Can-ageenan Carrageerran (GA)I' Carrageenan (GA + HA)b
Aspartase activity (UlgceJl,) 18850 56]40 37460 49400
H~ r·l;re
120 70 240 680
, Co Il $lders ¡~ illirial ~ctiviry. d«ay ~()nstanumd <JptTlllÍOII pt'1'jud. I GA - ghnaraldehyde. HA = IleXalll~{hylene diamln...
¡¡,crivity of 10% is present when the enzyme is immobilised in polyacry·
lamide. 5uch a physical confine ment oí' cells in space turne
Relative productiv"Y(%)' 100 174 397 1498
13. 1·0
Although amino acid.') are now among m e c1assical products in biotech·
nology. their constant development means mat processes musr be improved . new processes estabtished and o ur understanding of m e exceptional capabili ties of prod lIcer strains deepened. Just one exa m pie of molecular researro is [he retent discovery of the L-IysillC expon c.lm er. whith opens up ID entiJ'ely new freId in me (llcubolism of amino acids in IxIcteria in general. Moreover. much information has been gathered from strain dC\'elopment in conjunction w ith fermenta· tion tedmology, with the new sciem:e o fllletab olic engineering atthe interface bet\veen tbem. ln fact. amino acid production is an outstanding example of the integration of many dürerent techniques. In [bis way. theearly japanese activi lies On the taste ofkelp ¡aid thefuundalion for rhe continuing verysllccessfuJ and flouri shing production of aro lno acids.
We would like to thank the fullowing for providing mat'erial fur [his artiele: R. Fau rie. Amino GmbH; N. Kato, Kymo Univers:ily: Y. Kawahara. Ajinomoto Ltd.: W. I:euchtenbergcr, C. Thierbath. Degussa AG: S. Rbce, NH1 Bethesd a; T. Shibasa )c:i. Kyowa Hakko Kogyo; T. Tosa., Tanabe Seiyaku .
13. 12
I Further reading
Chibata . I., Tosa. T. and Shibatani T. (1992). lbe industrial pl'oduction of opti. cilll)' al1.i\'(! compounds by immobillz.ed biocatillysts.ln Chirallly In Indumy (ColJins. AN" Sbeldnke, G. N. and Crosby.J., eds.),John Wuey &- Sons. Londo n. Eggeling. L, Morbach. S. iUld S,"\bm. H. (1997). The ftuits of rn ole<:Ulilr physiol· ogy: Engineerill&the L-isolcuC'ine biosyntbl'sis pathway in Carynebaaerlum g1uromicum.]. Blottchnol. 56. 167- 182. Ilggelin¡;. L and Silhm, H. (1999). L.(;lutamate ilud L.lysinc: U'llditional prodllct.s with impctll OUS devl!lopmenrs.App!. Mlmlhiol. RiottdmoL52. 146-153. Hodgson.j. (1994.) Buik anlino ilcid furme.nta tioo: Te<'hnology and romnlOdity tf"dd ing.BioffechnoWgy 12. 152- 155. Jenen. M. S. M.. Follt'ttie. M. T. and Sinskey. A. J. (1994). Metabolk t>ngiu<"ering OfC¡uynebartmumglu tllmiru m. Nfw York .!\.cad. SOenas 121. 12-29. Kat'Jum ata. R. alld Ikeda, M. (1993). Hyperpl'oouction oftryptophan in Corynebactt'rium :sJ.ultImlcum by pilthway eugineering. BiDfrechlll)lo,gy 11 . 801- 800. Kiss, R. D. and Stephanapou los. G. ( 1991). Met~bolic ólctivity con trol a fthe l.lysine fermentatian by restrained growth fed-baldl strategies. Bíort'dmol. Pnlg. 7. 501~509. J(orutant1nov. K. B.. Numo. N.. Seld. T. aud Yoshida. T. (1990). Physiologically
motivated strategies fa! control ofrhe fed ·batch cultivation of recombinililt Escherfchla ,o11 for phenylalanine production,j. Fa-ment. RiCle1'l.!:. 71,350---355. Kr;l.mer. R. (1994..) Secretion ofamino adds by bacteria: Physiology "nd m~dla ni5m. fEMS Microbtol. Rev. 13, 75- 79. Leuchtenbel'ger. W. (1996).Amlnoadds. technical produC1ion and use. In Products ofPritna¡y MetaboJism (Rehm. H.J . and Rced G. 005.). Riole-dmoll'K>' 6. 455-502. ti. K.. Mikola. M. R.. Dl'lIths, K. M" WOl'den. R. M. and Prest,j . W,(l999). JUl. batch fermenter synthesis of3.Jehydroshikimic acid using F.s~rldtja coH. Biouclmol. Blorng. 64. 61- 73. Pcters-Wendisch, P.. Kreutzer. C.. K,alinowski.J .. Pátek. M.. Sahm, H, and Eikmann5, B.j. {'1998).l'yruvale carboxylase from Cmynebacterium gltltamiC'l.lm: Chancterization. expression and inactjvation o fthe ~ gene, MicrulriOlogy. UK 134, 915- 927. Schilling. B. M.. Pfefferle. W.. Bachmann. B., leuchtenberger, W. a nd Dedcwer. W. D.(1999).A spec:ial rea ctol'desigo fo r invt'Stigario l\5 of mixing t ime effe<:ts in a scaled-down industrial L4ysine fed-batch ferme nlation process. Biot«i1noL BiOlTlg:. 64. 599-606.
Vrljic. M.. Sahm.1:l. and Eggeling. L (1996). A new rypeoftransporterwith a new type of ceUular function: L-Iysine expon in Cmynebaa'tnUIJI glu tol mfC'l.lnl. Mot Microbiot 22. 815-826.
Chapter 14
Organic acids Christian P. Kubicek Illtroduction Citrü::add Gluconic acid Lacticacid Other acids Furth er reading
14. 1 I Introduction Various organic adds are accumulated by severa] eukaryotic and prokaryotic mkro-organisms. In anaerobic bacteria, tbeir fonnation is usually a means by which these organiSffi!i regenerate NADH. and their accumulation therefore strictly parallels growth (e.g. lactic aod. propionic ¡cid etc.: sce Chapter 13). In aerobic bacteria and fungi. in contra~t. the act:umulation of organic acids is the resuJt of incomplete substrate oxidation and 1$ usually initiated by an imbalance. in sOlDe essential nutriems, e.g. mineral ¡am. Despite the complc tely different physiological prerequisites ror the formation ofchese products. nodisnnerioo wiU be marle between [hese rwo rypes of prod ucts in this chapter. The organic acids described below are those which are manufacture<.! in large volumes (set: Table 14.1), and mar.ket'ed as relativcly pure cheto.icals or lheir saln.
Kilotonnes annum- I Citrie aCld Gluconic acid Lactie aeid L-Ascorbic acid
400 60
SO 60
t-b C-COOH
I Citric .cid
H¡C-COOH Citric lcid.
Citric ¡¡cid (2-hydroxy-propane-1.2.3-tricarboxylic ¡¡cid; Fig. 14.1) was first disrovered as a ronstitue.nt of lemon.s but is roday known as an intermediare ofthe ubiquirous n-icarboxylic ólcid cycle (see'page 26) and the.refere oo.:urs in almost every living organismo Originally produced from lemeos by an ltallan cartel. tbe di.scovery of its ilccumulation by Aspergillu.s nigrr(then uamed Cltromycts) in the early 1920s lt>d to a rapid developmentof a fermentation processwhich, 15 years later, accOllnted for more thall 95% ofthe world's producrion ofcitric add.
14.2. 1 Microbial strains and biochemica.\ pathways of citric acid accumulation Most of today's citric acid is produced by A. "¡ger. Industrial str.J.ins af this rungus producing citric acid are among the most secretly kept organisms in biotechnology and this predudes a!so the knowledge of the stra tegy used for tbeir isolation d un ngstrain se1ecrion and improvemento Severalmutant isolation p.rocedures. on the other hand. have been reported by academic laboratories. which ¡nelude tokrance against ltigh stlgar concentrations, 2-desoxyglucose. respiratory chain inhibitors, fluoroacetate, low pH and otbers. but the significance of tbese. strategies te the industrial know-how has not been revealed. Other obvious strategies have been focused towards reduction or eliminaban ofby-productformaDoD, such as oxaLic acid and gLuconic acid (see below). In adClition ro Aspergiflus. severaLyeasts have been described which form large amounts of citric acid from n·aLkanes and a1so - albeit in lower yie1ds - .frem glucose. These ¡n elude Caudida ratenula (former C. bmmpti!). C. gullllennol1dii, Yall'oMa Ilpo/yffra, and e tropicaJis. Adisadvantage in the. use of these yeast s is their by·production of isocitric acid in amaunts of up to 50% of the dtric acid fou nd. MUlanr selection has tberefore frequently sought ro select fur mU[3nts with very low aconttase acrivJey (see Figs 2.9 and 14.2), using ruono{luoroaceta(e resistance. as a seLection criterion. The biochemical pathways ofeitric acid formation involve glycolytic catabolism of glucose to two moles ofpyruvate. and tbeir subsequent conversion to the precuIsors of citrate, oxaJoacetate and pyruvate (Fig. 14.2). A key in this process js the u se ofone mole ofpyruvatf' and the CO2 released during the formation ofacetyl-CoA to form oxaloacetate. The importanceoftbis step becomes obvious by a simple calculation: ifthe oxaJoacetate required for biosynthesis of citrate "WOuld have to be formed by one turn of tbe rricarboxylic acid cyde.. two mojes of CO2 would tbereby be lest. and consequentIy only two-rhirds ofme carbon ofglucose- accumulate as citric acid, Le. 0.70 kg kg-l sugar. PracticaJ yields. however, are much ttigher, yet are perfectly consistent with the synthesis of oxaloacetalJ': by an anapJerotic C0:l fixatiOIl (i.e. a reacDoll, nonnally destined ro balance the carbon needed for biosynthetic purposes; oSee page 25) by pyruvate c:arboxylase. In addition, the pyruvafe
:m::.;;~r1 Glucosa
boxylase reaetion has a further importa nt implication in citrie ;Jeid synthesis: unlike in severa! orber eukaryores, pyruvate carboxylase '\. niger is localised in the cytosol, and lhe oxaloacctate is rerore eonverted fwther to malate by cytosolie maJare dehydl"Ogen· (Fig. 14.2), thereby aIso regeneraring 50% of the glycolytkally pro:ed NADH. This pl"Ovision of cytosoJ-ic matate as an 'end-produet' of :olysis is ofutmost importanee lO citric acid overflow because ir is co-substrate of lhe mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid carrier in .a¡-yotes. While the bioc.hemical pathway for citric acid biosynthesis, as Iwn in Fig.14.2, is experimentallywelI supported, the reason fOf aecu· Jatioo of citric acid in molar yields of up to 90% of tbe consumed cose is still DOI fully understood. lo the past, it waslhougbt that i.n· ¡vatioo of an enzyme degradiug dtrate je.g. aconitase or isocirrate Iydrogenase) WQlltd be the key to the accumulation ofcitric acid but ce then saUd evidence for the presence of an intact citric acid cycle ·ing cioie acid fermentation has bee.n presenloo and hence tbese Itanations have been abandoned. More likely, fine regulation afone more of the enzyllles degrading citrare by metabolites may be relett for citoe acid accllmu]atioD. However, equally likely, citrate aecu· ¡Jarion may be the result of enhanced (
Slmplffied met;\bolic Side rDcDonS md intennedlatn no! relevant to ame ¡cid blolym:hesis have ~(l
Sugar concentration Trace metal ion limitatioo
Dissolved oxygen tem ío n pH
Phosphate concentration Ammonium salts
120-250 g ¡- I Mn < 10-8 M Zn < IO- 6- 10-7 M Fe < 10- 4 M > 140mbar 1.6-2.2 0.2- 1.0 g \-1 > 2.0 &,-1 160-240h
14.2.2 Regulation of citric acid accumulation by nutrient parameters While citnc acid can accumulate in extremely high amou nts , this accumulation is only obsCIVed undc.r a variety of rather strictly controUed nutrientcondjtions.ln fact. duringgrowth ofA. níger in standard media for the cultivation offungi. littlc if any citrk acid is accuIDulated. TIte conditiOlls required for optimumyields v:uywith the type offermenta· tion (see below), and are most critical in tite submerged fermeuta.tion process. Optimal conditions ¡¡re given in Table 14.2. ano are e¡cplained below. Suga r type and concentradon The type and conccntration of the carbon sourre js the most crucial par
Blackstrap lT10lasses
Cane molasses Bagassc Starcn Date syrup Apple pomace Carob sugar Cotton waste Whey penneate Brev.tery waste S....teet potato pulp
Pineapple waste water Banana extract
(Hg. 14.3). Onlyvery litUe citrie acid is produced at sugar conccntrations
belowSOgl - l . With respect to the biochernical basis for the relationship between citrlc acid accumulation and suga! concentration, it was shown thal a high sugar concentrntion induces an additional glueose transport system. Ir is beUeved tbat [he increased up[a~ of glucose under eondí· tioos of high sugar stlpply will counteract the inhibition ofhexoki na5e by trehalose &phosphate. Support ofthis theory is obtained from rhe fart that A. niger strains in whicb me gene encoding trehalose &phosphate synthase has been knocked out, now accumuJate citric acid ae an incrcasedl'3te even at l ower sugar ooncentrations.
} ¡
.• >
¡ ~
Medlum &tic.."., CO"",,,Il1 ••tion
" t"-'
Effect of sugar
Trace metal ions The effect oftrace metal nutririan has been known for a long time and had been rhe key [O {he establishment of sua:essful fermentation processes. although the effcct is mucb more pronounced in the submerged fermentation. WhUe all usual trace metal ions (Fe. Zn, en. Mn. Col are essential for A. nigergrowth, sorne ofthem ~ particularly MnH , Fch alld Znl-'- - have to be present in the medium atgrowth-limiting concentTa· tions to give higb dtrlc acid yields. The effect of manganese ions is pa)" ticularly striking, as even eoneentrations as high as 2 ¡,¡,g 1- 1 will decrease add aeeumulation by about 20%. Tbe concenrratian ofmetal ions below which citric acid is acctlmulated in highamounrs is notab~ Jute, however, but depends on their relative proportion to other numcuts. panicularly phosphate. Sinee fuese concentrations of metal ions. whicb affcct citric add production, are easi1y inttoduced into the med.ium by the high coneentrations afthe carbon source, all carbon sow"Ccs to be used in citric acid fennentation bave to be purified free of metal io ns. This can be doneln various ways. e.g. by precipitario n or carion exchange treatment. The latte l' is usually perfonned only with glucose syrups. Purification oE
(Ql\(entratlon ofdu molar dtric
¡ el
ni2ef. erown under
defidentconditions, (b) man¡)M&e wffidell\ (0. 1 mM) condition, . Harker ban "diutt 50 (a) and 250 (o) ¡...M (from II.oebreral.. 1996.J.: wIth perminjon). rnang¡ne~e
3fld under
industrial carbon sourccs such as sugar bt'.et or sugar molasses is even more essenti:Jl. and is mosUy carried out by eomplexati'on with recrocyanide and subsequentprecipitation . which a lso seems ro bave;¡ beneficia] clfect on the citric acid·forming metabolism of A. nig-t!r. Alteroatively. rhe effeet ofrIace metals can be antagonised either bythe addition ofeopper. whictJ bloc.ks ffiangalle5e t ransportinto the mycelia. or by the additiOil nf Lower alcohols or of lipids which may facilitare citrie acid export frOlll tbe eells. Several diffe.rCJl( hypotheses have been offered to explain the bi~ chemical b;¡sis ofthis requircmenlfor trace metal ion limitation but no single convincing explanation can yet be. offeced. The influenee ofmanganese. ions has been most thoroughly studied. The efrectseems to be a multiple one. as it bas been reported that a Jimiting concentration of Mn 2 + lncreases the Oux of carbon lhrough glycolysis, alters the com~ sition of the A. niger plasma membrane, and impairs protein turnover including that ora component of me standard respiratory chain and hence leads te impaired respiratían. A furtber striking effeClofmanga· nese deficiency on several fungi, includingAspergillus spp., is its effeet 00 the morphology ofthe fungus : manganese-deficient grown mycelia are stronglyvacuoJated, highIy branched, eontai n strongJy en thickened cell walls and exhibir a bulbous appearanee (Fig_ 14.4). The attached Further reading list provides more detailec1 information on me existing lüernture in this area. Theinfluence ofothe.r me[a! ions on theaccumulatioD oC ritric acids by Aspergmus spp. is even less clear: sorne workers have daimed;¡ partic· ularly strong influence of Fe3-+ which is, however. not supported by others. Iron limjtation has repeacedly been claimed to lead to an inacti· vation ofaconitase, the enzymecatalysing furtberdegradatlon of citrie acid witbin lhe triearboxylic aeid cyde and wruch eontains covatent1y· bound Fe. However. this assumption has now clearly refuted .
OH Cirríe acid accumulation has been reported to accumulate in significant amounts ooly when me pH is be10w 2.5. Becau se of the pK v3.1ues for dtric acid. a pH ofl .8is aummaticallyreacbed wheu certain amou nts of it accumulate in [he medium in rhe absenee of Olny other buffering agene. and benee there is no problem with tbis point. However. sorne
carbon sources used (e.g. sugar beet molasses) contain a significant amount of several amino adds (parncularly glutamate) whkh srrongly buffer the medium between pH 4 and 5. The [eason fur che requirement ofa low pH is nor dear at the momento butmayberelated to me forma· tion of glucose oxidase, as gluconic add accumulares at me expense of citric 3dd ifthe pH js above 4. Glucose oxidase is induced by high concentrations of glucose a nd strong aerarion in rhe presence oflow con· cenl:rations of other nutrients. Le. conditions which are otherwise typical fardtnc acid fermentarion and will thus inevitably be fonned during the starring of atric acid fermentarion and coovert a sigo nificant .amount of glucose mm gluconlc aeid. However. due to the extraceUular locarion of the enzyme. ir ¡s directly susceptible to the external pH and will be inactivated once thepH decreases below 3.5. Not all straios of A. nlgi!'f show equal1y efficientínduction of glucose oxidase under fermentationconditions and reports on the effectofthe starting pH on me fe.rmentation.yield are thereforevariable. Also. sorne strains acrumulate oxalic acid at a pH > 6, whicbmust be avoided because ofits toxidty. Its formation has been attributed to tbe hydrolysis of oxaloacerate but a possible involvement of the glyoxylic acid cycle under certain conditions has stil l nor been complete1yruled out. Other explanations for the effect of pH have been proposed: one explanation suggests that citrate efflux from thecells may occur by di[· fusian driven by agradient and onlydtrate J - may be transported.lfthis assumption is correct, the low pH would be.rcsponsible for tbe citrate gradient necessary fur transport and consequently less arrate can be secreted a~higher pH values. Another explanation has discussed thal fue effect ofpH may be relate
acid accumuhtion has been s{udied in sorne detail and me assembly of tbe proton-pumping NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase has been shown to be impaired during citric acid accumularion. which may be tbe reason for [he importanee ofthe activityofthe altecnative pathway. Nitrogf'n NitT'Ogf'n sources used in media forcitricacid production haveinduded ammonia salts, nitrates and the potential ammonia source. urea. No one material has bee n shown to be definitely superior to another, as long as itwas guaranteed that the oompounds did not lead lO lUÚavourabLe changes in pH. Advanrages someti mes observed may merely be a measureofthe purityofthecompunds used. lt shouLd benoted thatthe effect of nítroge.n sources is mainly observed in chemically defined mE'dia, as no further nitrogell is necessary when beet malas ses are used as earbon SQurce. Phosphate The concentrarian afthe phosphate source is usually nor criti cal ejtber. However. an apprapriate balance of nitrogen. pnosphate and trace roetals appears to be important far tbe accumularian of citric acid in batch cultures. Thus. under special eonditions 5uth as in eantinuous culture, nitrogen must be limiting for auaining highest dtrie add yields.On the other hand. several authorsbave descríbed that the exogenous adelition of ammonium ions during rime acid fe rmentarion even stimulat:es rit:rate produc tion.
14.2,3 Production processes (ar citric acid Basically there are twO different types offennentations carried out for lhe production of ritrie aad, e.g. the surface process and me submerged process (see Fig_ 14.5). ln addition, sorne dtric acid is also p roduced by salid stale fer:mentations, partieularly in less developed rural areassuch as sorne EastAsian countries. Cimc acid production byyeast is exclusive.lydone by submerged cultivation. Surface feI1llentation is the older and more labour·intensive version of citric acidfermentation, yet ir is still in use. even bysome majar producers oC citrie aeid. The main reasons for this are the IOWE'r power requirements and the higher reproducibility ofthe process due to its lower susceptibility to interference by trace metal ions and variatiol'lS in tbe dissolved 02 tension . The fermentanon is usually carded out in aluminium trdyS. filled witb nutrient medium to a depth ofbetween 50 anrl 200 cm . Spores are distributed aver the su.ITace of the trays, a nd sterilc air(se:rving both as an oxygen supply as well as a cooling aid) is passed over them . Tbe mycelium develops as a eoberent fclt, becoming progrcssivcly m orE' eonvoluted. A final yieLd ofO.7-0.9 g g - I sllpplied sugar isabcained within a period of7 to 15 days. The s ubmerged fermentation process is desirable because of its b.igher effieacy due ro bigher suseeptibility to automatisatioo. YeL me severe influeoceoftrace metal ioos and otherimpurities present in the carbohydrate raw materials and ¡ts d¡sturbance by variations in 0l
Raw material storage Medium pr~rallan
Submerged fermentation
r- Surf..ce fermenl ..ti 'o A;,
l l
Air , utlet
Flow-sheet 01 citric manufactUre by $urlaCI! or submerged proces$ (from R.~hr el al., 1992; with permlssion) ~cid
Al, oulle! Fermen tatian
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~
Myceli\Jm separation
Vapour Calcium citr .. te decomposition I"i==~j~ Sulphuric acid
Cryst.. llisatian
Separation Drying
Mother liquor
supply make it more d ifficult to manage. particularly since the quality ofthe carbohydrate source is variable. Thereare two types offermenters in use: stirred tanks aud aerated tower fermenters. Both types are constructed ofhigh-grade stainless steel and contaln facilities for cooling. Sparging with O~ QCcurs from the base. One ofthe most prominentfeatures ofsubmerged ferment;¡tion is the mycelial developmentwhich shows a characteristic pattern.: the ger· minating spores formstubby. forked and bulbous byphae. which aggregate to small (02-0.5 mm) pellets. which have a firmo smooth surface aud sediment quickly when harvested (see Fig. 14.4). This striking morphology has been shown to be critica! for attaining high yields by submerged fennentation and is dependent on an appropriate nutrient
Cu I ,I ~. '¡ c n
Ilme lhl
TlmetcurJeofil typleal IndunriaJ cltrit acld fann.ntadon showi"g citric ..dd monohydnte (- ), bio~ (---), ~d $U~t ( _._) , Typk:ally. in 2S0-280hour$. 8-12 , 1- 1biomus drywund 110-115,1- 1of citrlc Kid are obtalned from 1<40 g 1- 1 SIICt'QS8.
composidon. Ir is rheN.'fore a convenienr indicator for the progress of fermentation , e.g. by procedures involving microscopy. A final yieló of 0.8-0.9 kgkg- ¡ is obtained after 7 to 10 days (Fig, 14.6). The Japanese wheat bran process accounts (or about 20% of tbe annualcitric acid productionj nJapan. Similar processcs. frequently on a relatively small scale. are aIso carried outin China and Sourh East Asia. The process uses salid 5 from potato starch processing or wheat bran. adj usted to a pH of 4- 5. and with a water content of70- 80%. Addition of several materials such as ct"amylase or the filter cake ora glutamic acid fe:rmentatiOll have prove.n beneficiaL Afrer 5-8 days, [he koji is barveste
(4.2.4 Applications of citric acid Due to its pleasant taste, low toxicity and excellent palatability. citric is widely used in industry ror the preparation offood and sugarcon· fectionery (21% oftotal production) and beverages (45%). Dther major applications are in the pharmaceutical and detergentfcleaning indus· try (8 and 19%. respectively). lt is also able to complex heavy mernl ioos, such ..s iron and copper. ilIld therefore is applied in tbe stabilisation of oils and fats oI' ascorbic acid against metal ion-catalysed oxidation_ ln addition. citric add estersof a wide rangeofalcohols are known andcan be employed as non-toxic plasticisers, Finally. sorne ofits salts bave como mel'cia l importmce. e.g. trisodium atrate as a blood preservative which prevents blood dotting by calaum, or as a stabiliser of emu!sions in the manufacture ofcheese. Today. citric acid is produced in buIk amounts with an estimaterl
worldwide producrion of 400000 tonnes per year, mos[ ofwbich is produced byfermentation with the fungusA. niger. The bu)kofproduction OCCUl'S in Western Europe (41 %) and Nortb America (28%).
I Gluconic .cid
o-Clucono-h-lactone. the simpleS[ of the direct dehydrogenation praducts ofo-glucose. and iu free fo rm - gluconie acid - are produced by a large: variety ofbactelia and fungi , The equilibrium ofthe lactone and [he free add in soludon is dependentoll pH and temperanlre.
14.3, I Biology and biochemistry of gluconic acid accumulation Microbial accumulation ofgluconic acid was first observed in cultures of aceric add bacteria, and a bacterial parasite of olive crees, Pscudomontlssavastanoi. Wicb regard to fungi .gluconic acid forma tion by A. tliger was obselved in 1922. Subsequently. glucoruc aod has been shown to be produced by severa) prokaryotic as wcll as eukaryotic mkro-organisms, such as members ofthe bacterial genera Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Acctobacter and Gluconobacter, as well as species of the funga l gene.raAspergiJlus, Prnicmium and GliocJadium. Bacterial gluconic add formation mainIy occurs by a memhrane· bound o-glucose dehydrogenase, which uses PQQ (pyrroloquinoline qttinone) as a coen~e ("Fig. 14.7a), and converts extracellular glucose into cxtracelluJar g]ucoruc acid. Anocher enzyme, an intracellular NADP-dependent gluoo5e dehydroge nase, does Dot seem ro be involved in gluconic add acc-umulation_ Gluconic add i5 not urually an endproducto bU( will normally be uansported into the ceU and be further caraboLised via the reactions of tbe pentose phosphate pathway, Howeve r, the pentose pbosphate path.way is repressed by extraceUular glucose concentrations > 15 mM and a pH below3.5 (tbe latter also prevenU the formation of2-oxogluconate), aud gluconic aod is therefore accumulated when these conditions are applied . Fungal gluconic add formation is catalysed by the enzyme glucose oxidase. Th e enzyme is extraceUular, ¡,€'. partiaUy cell-wall bound in Penlc1llium spp., but secrete
Gluconic acid
Eruymk rnctio n$ If=aclioa tQ gkKonic ad
addition. A. 1'liger also produces a lacmnase. and thus its producr is almost exdusively gluconic acid . Glucose oxidase is a tetrameric, glyco· sylated tlavoprotein. which uses 02 in its [eaCDon (Fíg. 14.7b). The enzyme is most actively induced by high glucose concentrations. higb aeration and at a pH abolle 4.1t is inactivated below pH 3.0 (see rection 14.2.1). Physiologically, glucose oxidase furmation may be ¡nvolved in the antagonistic readion of A. t!tgt"r against other mkt'{H)rganisms. l'e~"Ulting in glucose withdrawal and fut:matioll ofhydrogen peroxide. To protect itselC against the arising hydrogen peroxide. A. tlfger also secretes multiple forms oC catalase.
14.3.2 Fermentation processes for production of gluconlc acid Several proct'sses Cor the production of glucon.ic acid bave been deve1oped. 0111 ofwbich usecitber A. nigerorG. olridans as producer organisms. Gluconic aad prodUCtiOD wü:hA nigerwas developed in !he 1930s and is ttaditionally achieved by the caldum g)uconate process. This Dame stemsfrom tbe use ofcalcium carbonate for neutralisationofthe fermentation brotb; unless carried out. the decrease in pH would inactivare glucose oxidase and hence stop glucoDic add accumulation. The productionmedium contains up to 120- l5O g 1- \ glucose(most frequently rlerived from com); further increases in tbe glucose concentration are hampered by the limited solubility ofcalciumgluconare. whic:h would precipitate on the mycelia and inhibit 01 - and substrate uptake by the fungus. In the 19505, the solubilityofcalcium gluconate was ¡ncreased by the addition ofOOric add to the Cermeotation solutions. However. the borogluconate formed was found to be deleterious ro the blood vessels of animals. and the producr witbdrawn from the mar.ker. Otber components ofrhe nutrienr rnedium - particularly salts [O supply pbosphorus and nitrogeo - are added in limiting amounts in order to restrict growth ofthe ñtngus. Application ofincreased oxygen pressure has been shown (O be advantageous. which 15 easily understandable by consider:ing the sroichiome{ry of the reacrion (see Fig. 14.7b). ~rmeIlCltions with almost quanritarive yields (corresponding to > 90% 00 a molarbasis) are usuaUy completed in less lhan 24 h. Sodium glueonate has been used as a superior alternative to the ealcium gluconare precess. as it enables the fermentation of even higher glucose concentrations (up to 350 g 1-1).ln this process. [be pH is mainrained close to pH 6.5 by the addition ofNaOH. In other respects, the process is similar to thecalcium glucol1ateprocess. This process has been employed for the developmem of conrinuous fermentations in Japan, whichclaimed the conversion of35% (wJvl glucose solutionswith 95%yicld. Severa! differem bacterial gluconic acid fermentation processes bave been described but only few ofthem are actually performed on an industrial scale_ As alre.ady mentioned, a high glucose concentration (> 15%. wlv) a ud apH below 3.5 are necessary for high yields. Severa! workers havealso shown the possibility to use immobilised eells fo[ g lucoDie acid production.
Methods for product reeovery are similar for both fungal and bacte· rial fermentations but depend on the type of carbon source used and the metbod ofbroth neutralisation. Calcium gluconate is precipitated frOIn hypersaturated solutions in the cold and is subsequently released by adding stoichiometric amounts of solphuric add. By repetition of tbis step, the dear liquid is concentrated to a 50% (wfv) solution ofgluconie add. Sodium gluconate is precipitated by concentration to a 45% (w/V) solution and raising the pH to 7.5. Today. sodillm gluconate is the maio manufactured fOI"lll ofgluconie acid, and hence free gluconic actd and &glueonolactone are prepared from itby ionexchange.As gluconic aod and its lactone are in a pH· and temperature-dependellt equilibrium, eitheror both can beprepared by appropriate adj1l5tment ofthese two conditioDS.
14.3.3 Commercial applications of gluconic acid Gluconic ada is characterisea by an extremely low toxicity, low corrosivity and the ability to form water·soluble complexes with a variety of di· and trivalent metal ions. Gluconic arid is thus exceptionalIy well· suited:foruse in removing calcareous and rust deposits from metals or other surfaces, including milk or beer seale on galvanised iconor stain· less m'el. "Because ofits physiological properties it is used as an additi~ in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries , where it is the pee-ferred carner used in caldum and iron therapy. In severa] food-directed applications , gluconie. add 1.5·Iaetone is advantageous over gluconic arid or gluconate because it enables acidic conditions to be reached gradually over a longer period, e.g. in the preparation of pick1ed goods, curing fresh sausages or leavening during baking. Mixtures of gelatin and sodiuro gluconate are used as sizing agents in the papee industry. Textilemanufacturers employ gluconate fordesizing polyester or poIy· amide fubrics. Concrete manufacturers use 0.02-0.2 wt% ofsodium gluconate ro produce concrete highly resistant to frost and cracking. According to recent estimates, its annual worldwide production is > 60 000 toones.
14.4 I L.ctic .cid Lactic acid (Fig. 14.8) was first isolated fromsour milk in 1798, and subsequently shown to occur in two isomeric forms, Le. L(+) and D(-) isomers, and as a ra.cemic mixture ofthese. The capitalletterprefixed to the names indicate configuration in relation to isomers ofglyceralde-hyde, and the (+) and (-) syrnbols indicate the direction ofrotation ofa plane ofpolarised light. The mixture of ¡somas is called m·lactic ando
14.4.1 Production organisms and biochemical pathways Lactic acid was the first organic acid to be manufactured industrially by5fermentation(arollnd 1880 inMassacllusetts, USA). The biology and biochemistry of lactic acid bacteria have been extensively reviewed. Tradition.al1y, tbey are functionaUy classmed into hetera- and
D (.)
l (+)
m'" ackls.
) and L( +) lactic
homofermentative bacteria, each ol which in tuco can be divided accordingto t beir coccoid or Tod-shaped form .Appli:catiou of molecular genctic tedmiques ro determine che relaredncss of food-associated lactic acid bacteria has resulted in signifkant changes in their ~xo nomic dassification. The lactie acid bacteria assciated with foods now indude species of che genera CarllObacterium, fntcrOeocrus, Lactobaallus. Úlctococrus, I.euronostoc, OCIIOCO«US, Pidiococrus, Srreptococcvs, TdTClgnwcucrus, Vagococcus and WdseHa. The genus Lcctoootillus remams heterogeneous with over 60 spcdes. of which one-third are heterafermentative_ Heterofennentative ¡actic acid bacteria are. invol~ in mostofthe lYPieal ferwentations Icading ro food Oi feed preservatioll and tr.msforrnation. whereas the homofermentative bacteria are used for buIk lactic acid production. Generally, strains opcrating ata higher remperature (45--62 oC) are prcferred. to the laltet, as mis reduces the powcr requirements needed fur medium sterilisation, Lactt)b!J.cilltls spp. (e.g.L delbrueddi) are used with glucose as the carbon SOllrce, whereas1. delbrueckll spp. bulgaricus and 1. hdveti! are ltsed with lacrose-containing media (whe.y). L ddbrueckii spp. Jactis call fenucnt mal tose.. whereas L IlmylopJliJlIs Cóln even fennentstarch. Most lactic acid-producing micro-organisms produce only one ¡somer of lactic acid; however, sorne bacteria, whi ch unfortunatelycan occur as infectíorn during lactic acid fermenr:ation s, are known ro contain racemate.s and are thus able ro convertonc isomcri<: form inco tbe orher. In addition to lactic acid baereria, orher miel'CKlrganisms can produce lactic acid, e.g. Rhizopus nigrirons ;md BadUus CoagulallS. These organisms are llot u.sed for commerc:ial purposes. however. The bioche:m.ieal pathway for lacue acid fonnation by homore.rmentaove ¡Olerle acid bacteria or fungi oc.:curs by catabolism of gllleose or other he.xoses via the glycolytie hexose bisphosphare parhway, and rubsequent regeneratíon ofthe gained NADH by reduction ofpyruvate (see page 35), Consequently. 2 mollactic acid can the.oretica11y be fonn ed from 1 molhexose.resulting i.n a theoreticalyield oh kglacticadd kg- I hexose,
14.4.2 Lactic acid production Although the molecular genetics of lactie acid bacteria are well advanced, stt'aul selection is still carried out in traditional ways. Besid es high yields oflactic acid. industrialstrains are selected particularly for acid tolerance and phage illsensitivity. Raw matel'ials used should meet <.:ertam entena of purity as trus strongly aids me final puriflcation procedure oflactic aad , but tbis depends on the quali ty ofthe brand to be manufacture.d. As lactic acid has a very low selling price. appropriate selection ofthe carbon SOurte is an impartlnt poinL Material! frequentJyused include glurose syrups (e.g. derived from starch hydrolysis), maltose-conta.ining materials, sucrose (e.g. from molasscsl or lactase (whey). Lacticacid is classically produced as its calcium salto Most fermentation protocols in use today are only slight modificatioDs of those
developed in lheearly 1950s. They arecarried outin reaetorvolumes up lO 100 m ' , using the carboo source hetween 120 and 180 g 1-'. and appropriate ooncentratiOlls of nitTogen· and phospbate-containing saJtS a nd micronuments. As laroc acid bacteria display complex nutrieut requirements foI' B-vitamins aud some amino acids , appropriate supplements (crudevegetable materials , sueh as malt sprouts) have to be added. Fermentations are run ae > 45 °Cwitb gentle stirring (lactic acid bacteria are anaerobicorganisms and the introduetion ofOz therefore has to he avoided). The pH is maintained between 5.5 and 6.0 by tbe addition of sterile ealcium carbonate. A5 an alterna tive to neutrallsation with caldurn carbonate , ammoniacan be used. which al so aids in tbe l'ecovery oflaetic acid by esterification (see below). but this resulls in a more expensive process. Due to the COITosive properties of lactie acid, wood oI' concrete were use
14.4.3 Applications tactie acid is a bighly hygroscopic. syrupy liqllid whicb is technically available in variOllS grades, Le. technical grade, food grade. pharmacopoeia grade and plasticgrnde, The properties of tbese grades and theil' respective applications are given in Table 14.4. Recent estimates of the current market voJume oC lactic acid are around 50000 ronnes per annum, 70% ofwhich is from fermentation. and the re mainder from chemical manufacture.
14.5 I Other acids [n addition to citric acid, gluconic acid and lactic acid , a number of othec acids are cornmercially produced by Cennentation in minar
• Scheme tor rKOYt!r y 01
Pure sugar medium
1 Calcium lactete dissolved by heating
Ca lci um s ulphate precipitated
Filtering, concentrating
Heavy metal ions removed with hex8cyanoferrat
Purification by
ion exchange
hydrogen peroxide
potassium perma nganate
treatme nl
14.5. t ftaconic acid eH,
1 H2C.cOOH
Mti!.! ltaconlcacld.
Itacome acid (Fig. 14.10) was originally known as a product of pyrolytic distillation ofcitric acid.ln the 19405, it was fouud that this acid could be produced by AspeTgíllus tetTl'!US in ferrnentation. Chemical1y. it is a srructurally substituted methacrylic acid, and its use the.refore is mainly in the manufacturing of styrene butadiene copolymers, whcre it has 10 compete with similar petrochemistry-derived products. Commercially. itacome acid is produced by strains ofA. trrreus Ol" A
Quality Technical grade
light brown colour
Delirning hides, textile industry. ester manufacture
lron free
Food grade Pharmacopoeia grade
Plastic grade
2D-80% lactic acid Colourless,odourless >80% lactic acid Colourle$s, odovrless >90% lactic add
Food additJve. aciduJant production of sourflour and dough
< O. I%ash
Intestine treatment hygienic preparations. metal ion ¡adates
Lacquers. vamishes. biodegradable polymers
itaconicus. The biochemistry ofiu formarion was controversia] fur sorne time but has now been established to occur by reactions similar to that involved in the accumulation of citric aOd. e.g. carbon cataboljsm via the gIycolytic pathway a nd anaplerotic for mation of oxaloacetate by CO 2 fixation (Fig. 14.11). [n addition - and in contras[ [o A n/gtI' - A. terreus contams a n additional enzymc, aconitate decarboxylase. which forros itaconate from ds-acorutate. As mis reaction is localised jn the cytosol, it has been implied (hat"!\.. Um.>u s transports cis-acooirate, rather than citrate. lO exchange with malate out oC the mitochondria (Fig. 14.11). During fennentation, itaconic acid formation is also accompanied by varying arnounU oC succinic:. citramalic and itatartaric ¡¡cid. Data rurrently avaiJable s ugge~¡[ that t hese are Doe degradation prod· Ucts ofitaconic acid butratherare.formed byocher pathways.
Slmpllfied meabo\ic scheme ofil.aGO!'lIc Kid bIosym:hesls. Side t'UMns i nd IntermedJ;ltM!'IOE,~v..,t to luconlc ¡cid biosyn~515 hive bee n omiu ed.
32 1
The fennentation production of itaconic acid is large1y similar ro that of citric acid. ie it requires an excess of an easily metabolisable carbon S"ou.rce (glucose syrup. erude starch hydrolysates. molassesJ. and a limitarlon in metal ions by the aid of complexation and/or precipitation with hexacyanote rr.l.t or addition of copper (see Secrion 14.2.2). However, [he effect ofpH is different: several workers reported that the pH has ro be maintained betw'c.'.en 2.8 and 3.1. and lower pH values favollr the formation ofitatartanc acid.Yields of85% (wfw) ofthe tbeoretical maximum have been reported to be obtained witbin 5 days ofcultivation at rather higb temperatures (39-4rC). Recovery is usually performed by evaporation. active camon treatment and erystallisationjrecrystallisation. ltacorue acid is sold in two grades: reflned, whic.h is a pale tan to white crystalline salid, and the industrial grade which is darker in colour. The main potential of utilisatiOIl of itaconic acid is rhe manufacture of styrene butadiene co-polymers. and for lattices and paint e-mulsiOlls.
14.5.2 l·Ascorbic ,cid (vilamin C) Ascorbic acid 1s the- officia llUPAC designation forvitamin was discav~ in 1928 by Szent-Gyorgi. IUl mast significant characteristic is its reversibleox:idation lodehydro-L·ascorbicacid(Fig.14.12). with whi<:h i.r fonos a redox system. A number ofenzymes arestimula ted by ascorbic acid . notably Fel-l-<:ontaining dioxygenases and Cu H 90%, and thus tbe finalyictd ofascorbic acid is about
equUI!:wlum wtth deh)'dro-la1(orbk acld. [01 mearn oxIcb.don. [ti) reductlon.
H t~~ HO
Ascorbic acid
101 <-
_ }J:0
Ht~~ O
Dehydro-t-ascorbic acid
gluconlc ecid
2 ke t().l~· guJonlc acrd
Glucose J,
~Glucuronic. acid
I~I ~~ ,
Glucuronolactone :
,, , 2,3:4.6-dj.Q.lsopropytidene-1
-2-ketCH."9utonic acid
ASC~rbi C acid .-f1<>C81~ I I
[Reichstein's lynthesis)
60%. Estimates of eUTrenf industrial production are 60000 tonnes per annum. the bu lk ofwhkh is produced as free ascorbic acid (see p. 426). There have becn severa! attempts ro produ ce ascorbic acid directly by fermen tation but none of these has so fM advanced ro a commercial procesS. Micro-algae oC the genus Chlorl.'lia can directly fonn l·ascorbic acid from glucose. a lthou gh at very low yield. Their ascorbic aeid· enriched bjomass is currently used as an aquarulttlrt' fish feed or additive. As a coruequence. no alternative to che Rcichstein synlhesis has been established yet: however. fuere llave been severa] trials to rednce tile number of organic chemical synthetic steps by microbially produc· ing more appl'Opliare starting subst ances. Th e most successful ones are shown in Fig. 14.13: one possibility is lhe fermentative production of 2·keto-L--gulonic add fro m L-SOrbose wirh & cmus megaterlum or Pselldogluconobacter saccharoketogenes. Yields are iD the range of75- 90%.
14.5.3 Other acids A small number of otbe.r. tricarboxylic acid Lycle-re1ated
Semi·synthetic. pat~S tD Arro~
l ..,noorbic acid
printed In bold Ind'c;¡ut step'. which can be carried out ... el)' or biocata!ytlcally. The rupe<:t;"'1II m icro-organrsm ~ are boxed.
Potential ap plicatlon
Tartaric add Fvma:rie acid
G1uconobaaer ox).'dans
Beverages, drug uses Potyester manufacture L-Aspartate manufacture Beverages. flavour Il-Lactam precursor
Mizopus nlgricans
R. anhizus Aspergillus wenlii Paecdomyces spp. A (umigotus
Malie acid tmns-2,3-Epoxysuecinie acid
Adavatus A niger A oryzae A. wentii
Succinic acid Kojic aeid Gallic acid
Cosmetics. insecticides Blue pigments
fecmentation on an industria l sea le, but are currently unable to compete with the chemical produ crioDs.
Furthe r reading
Kascak. K.. Kominek,1. and Roehr. M. (1996). Lactie acid.lnlliotedm%gy. 2nd edltlml. VD!. 6: Produds I)fPrit1lllry Mdaholism (H.J. Relml and G. Reed, eds.: M. Roehr. volume editor). pp. 294- 306. Verlag Chemie. Weinheim. Roehr. M.. Kubicek, c.p. and Kominek. j. (1992). 1Ildustrial acids and other small lUolecules. LnAspergf!lus: Bi¡)log IInd IndustrialApplicatlons U. W. Bennett:md M.A. !
Chapter 15
Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates, polysaccharides and lipids Alistai r J. Anderson and James P. Wynn
." • . '"
lntroduction Microbial polyhydroxya tkanoates Mkrobia.] polysaccharides Microbial Jipids
o ir
15.1 I Introduction Wh en micro-organisms are provided wirh surplus glucose. QT another saurce of car'bon and energy. they may produce ane or more rnmcellular storage compounds. Sorne yeasts and other fungi accumulate large amounts ofaB. or ' lipid', whereas bacteria morecommonly accumuJate polyhydroxyalkanoates . These storage compounds are both bydrophobic aud can be seen as distinctinclusions wirhin me cel1s. Glycogen
and trehalose are other welllmown examples ofmicrobial storage compounds. Sorne micro-organisms excrete large ameunts ofpolysaccharides into their growth rnedium, and may do so in addirion to accumulating intracelluJar reserve compounds. The synthesis ofthese intracellular and extracellular producrs is promoted when growth is restricted by the avaílability of an essential nutrient other than the carbon source, and can usually occur in the absence of growth. This chapterfocuses on both weU established industrial products and developing areas of commercial interest.
15.2 I Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates 15.2. 1 Introduction Polyhydroxyalkanoates , or PHA, are illtracellular carbon and energy reserve eompounds produced by manybaeteria. They can be isolated by treatmentofthe bacteria with ehlorofonn. PHA.are biodegradable plastieso They are brokendown in soil and water bybacteria and fungi in the
'" ....o
o o
...¡ "l
.., .... Qo
PHAsran ulu In Ra/no.n.iG f llllCptlo. .
environment, in the same way that pla.ntand animal waste isdegraded. Their biodcgrarlability and tbe fact Ihat tbey can be produce
15.2.2 PHA as lipid reserve materials in bacteria Srructure ef PH8. Th~ monomlOr uniu ar-e joined by ester
, ""' In ~l.
PHB acculTMJladon in
batch OJiture.l\ap!d polym.r synthesis commencf' at tIle tIma of Ce.!-Rtion of growth ¿ue te
ntrtrient extl~w.tIon.
PHA are an.alogous in fun ction to the oils alld fats producoo by yeasts and orherfungi.They accumulate asg¡-iUlutes within theceIls. The gran· ules can be seen by phase.:ybutyrate. whích is usu ally known as PHB. lt is a polyestcr composed of3-hydroxybutyrate (3MB) repeatingunits (Fig. 15.2).As a re$lllrofirs highmolecuJacwcight. eYell large amounts ofPH.B ha\'(" little effecton tbe osmotic pressure within che cell. Oxidatíon of PHB ro carbon dioxide and water yields .. large 3mount of energy. For these reasons, PHB is an ideal carbon and energy reserve for bacteria. PHB atld othcr PHA are produce
oxygen. MoS[ bacteria accumulate only a small amounr ofPHB during tbe growth pbase. and the reasons fur mis are discussed below. PHB can also be produced in culture. in which growtb is restticted by the supplyofone essential nutrient. TIte bacteria are thus subjecred ro continuous nutdent Limitation and this allows PHB to be produced in actively grawing bacteria. The amoont ofPHB produced in chernostat culrure decreases al high growth rates beca use metabolism of the carbon SOUTce to support biosynthesis and energy generation takc priority over PH.B synthesis. Bacteria require encrgy even when they are nor growing. for example to maintain concentradon and pH gradients across their cytoplasrnic rn~brane. Degradation ofPHB ( intracellular reserve materiabl such as glycogen) can satisty this maintenance energy requírem.ent and so ajd survivaL Degradarlon of PHB and otber PHA generally requires di.fferent enzymes from those used in is generally assumed that a1l PHA-producing bacteria are abte to degrnde meir PHA bUf (bis is nor established. It is certainly possible to produce recombinant 5tralns matean produce PHB but lack the ability ro degrade it.
_ O-CH-(CHA-C Gene~
structlJn! ot
monomer unlu In PHI\. The m01t commo~
mon0mer"5 foon!! ara l.
hydroxyadds (x = 1) whh a simple )JkyI deN ChÚl. R. Side chaios
1fe brandled oc con:ain an acoll"Atic rint or h.alogen aro "l\Q
15.2.3 PHA composition and properties PIfA are. linear polyeHers composed of hydroxyacid monomers (Fig. 15.4). 3-Hydroxyacid monomers are most eommon ana 3-hydroxyacids with carbon chain lengths from CJ-C,~ have been found in the rangeof PHA produce
?HA composed malnly ofhydroxyadds wlth km! slde dlains. sud! as l-hydl"QX)'OCUrIOate
he~). ara 50ft
Composrtlon of PHA
RDlsfortia eutropha R. eutrop/la
R "'""""" oddovorans Comamonas Akahgenes lmus Pseodomonos oIeovoltJ(ls p. olet.lvorons P. oorugillOso ROOdococrus ruber
3-Hydroxyacid monomers
Other mooorners
.. .. .. O
.. (4HB)
Cubon sourc.:e(s) ~ucose
G ucose +propiomcaód GlU(ose + -l-hydroxybutyric add Gluc.ose + -l-hydroxybutyric. add Sucrose + 3-hydroxypropionic acid O Octanoic acid Nonanoic acid Gluconic ac id
O (4HB)
o •
000 . 0 O
.. principal monomerpresentin PHA O other monorners ~ 'lHB 4-hydroxybutyrate •
XruCUlIl! ofPHBIV. J[
consists of a rllldom seqUl!nCl>of l-hydr-oxybutyrate &lid l_ hydroxyvaJlrate mooomers, and is
therefore desCTbed H a raMom copo1ymer. HaS'!: PHA conta!n two or more different monomers in me
I '
O- CH-CH2- C
O - CH-CH2-
~ C
polymer chain.
glucose plus propionic acid, PHBfV (Fíg. 15,6) is a copolymer of3HB and 3HV monomers. aud its composition can be controlJed by varying the conceutrations ofglucose and propionic acid in the medium during [he polymer accumularíon pltase. PHB is hard and brirde. but rhe incorporarion ofa smaJl propartion of3-hydroxyvaJerate (3HV) monomers inro the polymerchain results in a stronger and more Oexible plastic_Tbis is exploited in the commercia l productionofPHBfV(Secdon 15.2,8), In some cases. bacteria can produce PHA monomers thar are Ilor relared ro the Structure of the carbon sources provided. For example, fluorescenl pseudomonads produce PHA containing 3-hydroxydecanoate from rnany carbon sources and sorne Rhodoroccus and Nocontia species produce PHB{V (Fig. 15.6) containing a bigh proportion of3HV mODomers, again frero 3 varietyot'carbon sources.
15.2.4 Siosynthosis 01PHS Of all the PHA. the biosynthesis of PHB has been studied in grea1;esc detail. In most bacteria. PHB is synrbesisIW from acetyl-CoA in three sreps (Fig. 15.7). 3-Ketothiolase (encoded bygene phM) catalyses the condensation of two molecules of acetyl.coA to produce acetoacetyl-CoA, wbich 15 then reduced by an NADPH-dependenr aceroacyl-CoA reductase (PhbB) te yield R·3·hydroxybutryl-CoA, Addition of 3-hydroxybutyrare (3HB) to rhe growing PHB chain involves PHAsynthase (phbC), an
enzyme associated with me memhrane SUJTDunding PHB granules. lo Ralstonia futTopna, the genes for these enzymes are organised in an operon: phbCAB. The genes have been clonedana expressed in other bactelia and aIso in p lants (see below).
CH3 ·COSCoA Acetyl.coA
15.2.5 Regulation of PHB metabolism The enzymes for PHB biosynthesis are constitutive - tbey are prese.nt even during umestricted growth. This allows irnmediate PHB synthesis as soon as growtJ¡ becomes restricted by the avajlability ofan essential nutnent.ln natUI
CH3·C. ~ . COSCoA
Acetollcdyl·CoA Acotoa-cyf·CoA red1.x:tBS8
I CHa·CH.CH:!.COSCoA X.).HydroIybutyry).COA PHA ')'/lthase
1 °1" CH, I
BiOllyndlesi$ of PHB
Entner DoudCJroff pathway
}.co. Acetyl-CoA
AC.tyl.C~A e CoASH
Ouloacetate TeA
3-Hydroxybutyrate Regulat(on of PHB
" - PHB
PHB biosynthesis and degradation form acyclic prO<'ess (Fig. 15.8). When the organism is deprived ofa carbon and energy sou rce. PHB can be broken down to acetyl-CoA and metabolised via the TCA cycle. The degradation of PHB has been studied in less detail than biosynthesis. PH:R depoIymerase is. like PHA synthase. associated with the granule. NADH is an inhibitor ofthe subsequent oxidation reaction, catalysed by 3-hydroxybucyrate dehydrogenase. This regulatíon will help to preveot futile cydingor simultaneous synthesis aod degradation ofPHB.
15.2.6 B;osynthesls 01 PHBN Certain str."lins of Ralston/a eutTOp/w can produce PHBfV from glucose plus propionic aeid, aod me 3HV monomer is made exclusively frem the latter substrate. Propion..ic aad i5 first activated ro yield propionylCoA: Propionic aeid + CoA +ATP -7 Propiooyl-COA + AMP+ PPi The subsequent reaetions to produce 3HV monomers il.1volve the same three enzymes lIsed in the production of3HB monomers for roe biosynthesis ofPHB, In this case. 3-~tothiolasecatalyses r.hecondensatioo of propionyl.coA with ilcetyl-CoA instead of two molecuJes of acetyl·CoA. The resulting polymer (Fig. 15.6) has 3HB and 3HV monomers jn a random does not contain PHB and PHV as separa te polymers. !be concencrations ofpropionic aad and glucose in rbe mediulU determine the availability of precursors ofthe 3HB and 3HV mODomers and hence che romposition afilie polymer.
15.2.7 Siosynthesis 01 other PHA Pset.!dOf7lOIIns oleovomns produces PHA from organic acids and alkanes. For example, PHA produced from n-octanoic dcid or n-octane contains a high proportion of 3·hydroxyoctanoate. Th.e observation cha.l this organism, when grown on a substl'ate wich a cal"bon chain lengtb oCT!. could produceJ'hydroxyacid monomers contai rüng n·2 or n + 2 carboa. atoms has suggested the invo)vement ofreactions offacry acid degradatiOIl (lffixidation. see Chaprer 2) alld synthesis. respectively. The reactions offuny acid metabolism att"-now known (O have animportantrole in tbe production of3-hydroxyaeids for use in PHA biosynrhesis.
15.2.8 Biopof - a commercial blodegradable plasoc made
IromPHA Although the first published study 00 PHB. by .Lemoigne ofthe lnstitut Pasteur, was in 1926, itwas noruntil the late 1960s that the tirstpatents for production and recovery of tbe polymer were publisbed. lo the 1980s.ICI pIe in [he UKsucceeded in developing both a high·de.nsity fermenbtion process and downstteam processing methods for the recCNery ofPHB and PHB/V without the need fol' costly solvent extractlon. Biop
was a shampoo bonJe sold by \Vena in Ce:nnany. lb€': production of Biopol was continued by Zeneca plc (aD offshoor of the original 10 company) aod the process was subsequently acquired by Monsanto in
the USA. The greatest demand ror biodegradable plastics was for use in packaging and disposable produ(u. but 8fopol was too expensive to (ompere with convendonal non-biodegradable p...stics. and production ccasoo in 1998. Olher compallies have maintained 3n in PHA bU[ oone have, as yer,1.1unched any products aimed, like B/opo!, ar tbe high vo)urnemarket. A glucose-utilising strain of the Gram-negative soil bacterium Ralsrorzill t"Utropha was selected by Iel for lhe produc.tioo ofBiopol. Thefer· meotation was ron as a twcrstage proc.ess (Fig. 15.9): ti biomass productioo phase élnd él polymer accumulation phase. are emploYt!d. The organism is grown in a simple glucose/salts medium and when the phosphate soU1'('cis depleted ar the end ofrhe growth phasc. glucose aod propiooic acid ::u'e fed to the culture \lntil approximately 80% ofme dry wcightofthe bacteria consists ofPHA. Phosphate was chosen as the growth-limiting outrieot becallse it is a relatively expensive nUn1ent compared. for example. with arnmonia and bec.ause surplus pbosphate would substantially increase the cost of emuent treatment of waste from the process. AtconcentTations in excess of1 g 1- 1• propionic acid inhibits poLymer accumulatioo and its concentration must therefore be monitored c:.arefully during tbe polymer accumulation phase. Downstream processinginvolves cell and solubiUsation ofcomponenu other than P.HA... TIte polymer is washed and recovered by centrifuganon. The proportions of3HB and 3HV monomers in Biopol (Hg. 1.5.10) are determined by the relative amounts ofgluoose and propionicacid fed tO tbe culture. It is possible to produce PHBJV conraining \lp lo 30% 3HV uoits but. foc maoy applications, polymers containing around 10% 3HV possess the required cnaracteristics. Masr conventional plastic.s indude plasticis~ [O impeove thcir flexibility and a biodegradable plasticiser was used in Biopolfomlulations. Biopol can be blow-moulded ro produce bottJes and other items. Careful temperature control is essential to minirnise thermal degT3da· tion, but standard industrial equipment foc processing conventional plastics can be used. Biopol.has food contaa approval and can be used to coat caed with a thin. warerprooflayer fOT use in. for e.xample. papee cups and food trays.
15,2.9 Medical appl ¡cat¡ons of PH B PHB is biocompatible and cao be implaoted io the body withoutproducmg a.n imrnune Tesponse. which 1S the cause of 'rejection' of most fore.ign materials by the body. It is slowly degraded to 3-hydroxybutyric acid. which is al ready present in rhe bloodstream. but the rate of degradation of PHB is too low for me plastic to be useful for degradable sutures and orherimplant5 ¡otended to be degraded reasonablyquickly. It can. however, be used for more durable implants, such as bone pIates. and forwound dressings.
Slage 1 Biomass produ ction Glucose Propionl~
SIage2 PHA aCC\.Jmulaoon
8iopd 15 prodocl!d by ) twO-ñilge prtK;QU. u~ng a simple. d ~f1ned
medium containing glucow the prindp~1 caroon WUI"l:e. Whero growth ce:u&s due (O I! 0 1 phosphate ("nd of Sage 1). prop;onic acid and )1
.ddotlon;¡1gllocQ$f! ,....., s~plK!d
lhe (UhurI! (Sta¡el). The lempe .... tllfe. pH and dissolved o ll)'getI COOCtinlnujon 0# ch. $lirred tank reactor are controlled
hOl.lI !he Il!rment:l.tJorl.
)) I
, BropoIls bastdon eo-poIymer PH8N. Tttt poIyrner beccmn mor. f!.x!bl. iS the pmponion of lHV monollH!~ is IncrG5ed. SlnctI lH .... monomen are produced only from propionlC. add.1ht eomposition of the polyrner ean be contrOlled by VlIryIn& !:he amouna of "UCOSfl and propionlc add fed lO me c.ulWr1I durill( ch. PHA :tCCUmulaclon
I '
I '
3HB monomer
3HV monomer (0-30 mol'!.)
PHBfV and other PHA are noto at present, used in medical applications becallse the fate of degradation products is uncertain.
15.2_ 10 Production of PHA by recombinant bacteria It is possible (O express the genes encoding the enzymes required for PHA biosynthesis in Esrnerichia coIi IFig. 15.11) andother bacteria thatdo not produce PHA Jn principie tt would be possible to produce any PHA in auy organism but mere are various ptactical problems. The key genes required forbiosynthcsis ofa polymer must first be identified and donN _The hon organism is partirularly imporr3m for targe-scale production of PHA because ít determines the r.mge oC substrates that can be used. Productivily, maxímum polymer content and the ease of downso-eam processíng are other important consideratioDS_ Thus GT
for operation ofhigh deDsily culture and rctowry ofintraceU ular products is weU established. Escherichia ml! also grows more T
15.2. 1 I Plants as prospective sources of PHA lncreased enviranmental awareness in most developed countries has not been sufficient ro enc:ourage manufacturers to use l'HA.orother biDdegradable plastics, or even to achi eve the recycling af more than a smalI fraction of packaging plast1cs. !he fundamental problem with PHA prod uced by fermentadon is that ir can cost up to ten times as muc.h as c.ornmon petrochemical plasu es. 'Ole use of crop plants to produce PHA is potentially attractive beca use the costs ofproduction oHennentation substrates snd me fermentarion process are replaced by simple a.nd relatively inexpensive cultivation of planrs, making use oC photosynthesis to provide rhe carbon and energy requUed ror polymersynthesis. The first Il'ansgenic plant (Arabidopsis tlwliana) harbouring bacteriaJ genes ror PH1l synthesis was reported in 1992 bu t the quantity ofpolymer present in m e leaves was only 0 .1%. although this has since been improved over a hundredfold.Arabidopslswaschosen beeause ir is a model organism widely llsed for genetic manipularlon studies. Oil-seed plants are particularly attracove candidates for PHB production becauSE' mey aiready make large quantities oC acctyl-coA ror oU biosynthesis. Eukaryotic systems are much more complex than bacteria and there are. probtems to overcome before plant systems are viable alternatives (O fell1lentation. These include the problem ofstunting
15.3 I Microbial polysaccharides 15.3.1 Il'ltroduction llany micro-organisms produ ce substantial amounts oC polysaccbaride when smplus carbon soure!! is available. Some ofthese polysaccharides "",",meúa« within the cell and act as storagc compounds, glycogen a welI-known cxample. Other polyssccharid es. known as exo'::~:~~::~~ {EPS1. are excreted by the ceH and are generally me !'i polysaecharidcs of cornmercial interest. They may Temain
Ao ",
Str.ll~ 01 PsettdomOlKlSmendoci
growong 0:1 a¡ar.
associated with tlle cen. as a capsuleorslime. or simp1y dissolved in the mcdium. TIús depends on vanous factors, incJuding the chemieaJ sttuc· rure ortbe polysaccharide, and how vigorously tbe culture is agiraled. On solid media.large slirny coloIDes may be produced (Fig. 15.12). While sorne mkTobial exopolysaccbarides . orgums as chey are gen· erally known in.industry, are welJ estabLished as commerdal products. they muse compete with plant polysaccharides. sorne of whkh are manufactured on a vast scale and at a low price. Production of mi<.'Tobial exopolysaccharides by fermentatíon can conUouc tbroughout the year. unlike productioD ofplant polysaccharides . and fennentation. if carefully controlled. can yield a very consistent and reliable productoHowever, fermentarion is a relatively costly pwcess. which is nor ideally suitcd ro the manufacture ofcheap products, ('Ven at high volume.
r 5.3.2 General properties
SlTUCrul'e of glucuro roic add. which Is commonly
found In micl'Obl;¡) eJ
Microbial polysaccbarides are,like plantand seaweed polysaecharides. of value because tbeycan be used to modi1Y thc rheology (Le. Oow charo acteristics) ofsolutions. Thcy inercase viscosity and are cornmonly used as thickening, gelling and suspending agents. Sorne polysaccharides, 5uch as dextran and sderaglucan. are neutral and lackionisable groups. Others. such as xanth:m and gellan, are acidk. Acidic polysaccharides. which are of greale.r industrial importance. are polyelectrolyres, and possess carboxyl groups from uranie acids. such as glucuranic acid (Fig 15.13) and/or pyruvate residues. The confonnation (shape) ofpolysaccharide molecules in solution is affected by the ¡onie so-ength (salt concentration). pH and !he concentration of tbe polysaccharide. The acidic polysaccharides are generally more affected by the presence of cations in solution.
->4)-~-o-G lc-( 1 -+4)-~-D-~ lc-( 1->
Pyr I I 46
'" r -
Y ~-o-Man- ( 1-+4) -~- D-G IcA-( 1-+2 )-a-o-Man-6-0-Ac I
Divalent cations can scronggel.
The strUCWre 01 XlIIlthao. The extellt Qf ;H;11[)'b.tion ofthe Il'QnllO$e \l nlt ;J.djacent ro die
Oackbone i5 cornmonly
an be sl&nlfia.ntly lo'HI1I" or Ngher.
polysaccharide chains to produce a
IS.J .J Xanthan Xanthan is produced by the Gram·negative bacterium. XtinrhamaflÜs cnmpesbis. It is the best.-studied and most widely used exopolysaccha· ride.. Xanthan is a largc polyrner. having an M r in excess of ]1)6 daltons. lt ís a branched polymer with a p.(1-+4) linked gluca.n (Le. polyrner of glucose) backbonc with a trisaccharid e sidechain on altemate glucose residues (Fig. 15.14). The pyruvate and acetare content depend on the bacterial strnín. cultm"e conditions and processing of tbe polymer. These substituents do not have a great inflt1ence on the properties ofthe polymer. Xanthan is a polyelectrolyte due to the glucuronic acid l'esidues in the side chains. Despite bcing an acidic polysaccharide. the viscosity of xanthan i5 relative ly independentofthe saltconcentration. xanthan is the m ost ünportant commercia! microbial polysaccha· cide. aud eurre ne production is around 20000 tonnes each ycal'. Kelco, nowpartofMonsalHo, is the principal manufucturer. Xanthan was fiNt used in 1967 and approved forfoad usem tbe United Statcs in 1969. (t is widcly used ful' stabilisation . suspensioD, gelling and viscosity control in the foad industry. These propenies are a lso exploited for W
IS.J.4 Dextran Dextran (Fig. 15.15) is·an a-glucan containingvanous linkages. depend· ing on the producingorganism. It is produced by a wide.varieey ofGram· positive aod Gram·negative bacteria. including Leuconost.Q( mcsenuroides and StreptOCOCCU5 species. Unlike most cxopolysaccharides, which are synthesised within rhe ec11. dextran is produced from sucrase by an extracellular enzyme, dex· transucrose. which aro on sucrose polyrnerising the glucose units and liberating free fructose into the medium. The proper ties of are manipulare
>6)-a-o-Glc-(1 -> >2)-a-o-Glc-(1-> >3)-a-D-Glc-(1-> >4)-a-o-Glc-(1->
St!'\KtU~ of dtxU"al'l. The predominallt 1~11 b a-( 1-+6).
- >3)-P-O:G Ic-(, ....)-p-o-G IcA-( '->4)- P-o-Glc-( , ...)-O<-L-Rha-(
'"'This a1ucose arrie:s D.acetyl and glyceryt reddue5 In
applica.tions, including me prevention ofthrombosisand use in wound dressings to absorb Huid. Sepbadex remains a weU·known gel filtration medium and now have many orber laboratory apJllic..1bons. Dextrans are also used in foodstuffs.
15.3.5 Gellan GeUan (Fig, 15.16) is a linear heteropolysaccharide whose.repeating unit contains two glucose, one glueuronic acid aDd one rhamoose residue. Cellan is aD "adie gel·fonning polysaecharide produced by Pseudomonas elodea. It was developed by Xclro loe, USA. as GeIrite by deacetylation of oativt= geUan gum (by beating at pH IOl. which is partiaUy D-acetylared on one of the two glucose residllcs. The deacetylated prod uct form.s fir:m, brittle ge1s, which have the potential to replace agar and C.1rrageenano GeUan offers various advantages over ag
15.3,6 Scleroglucan Scleroglucan (Fig. 15.17) is a neutral polysaccharidewith a 1 ~3·,I3-g11lcan backboneand branches consistingof a single glucoseresidue arrached in an apparentIy regular sequcnce ro every tbird glllcose unir: in tbe polymercbain. ScJeroglucan is a f\l ngal exopolysaccharide. and is produced by various SclcrtlNum, Sclerotium ro!f)ij and Sc!erotium giuca nicum Me the mos[ important speoes for commercial production ofsderoglucan. Sderoglucéln IS a soluble polysaccharide and is pseudoplastic over a broad pH and (emperaturc rangi!. anó is unaffecred by various salts. It is used to stabilisedrillingrnuds. latex paints. printing inks andseed coa tiogs.
-" )-P-o-Glc-(, ~')-P-o-~Ic-( '.')-P-o-Glc-(, -'
'f .,... p-D-Glc
15.3.7 Curdlan
->3)-f}-O-G Ic-( ,->
.hU StruCtu~
of curdlan.
Curd lan (Fig. 15.18) is a l --t3-tJ-glllcan produced as an exopolysaccharide by A!ct:llIgenes fuecalis varo myxogenes. Similar polysaccbarides are p~ duced by Agrobacterlum radiobacter aod ;'grobactmum rhizogenl's. and RI.izobium mfolif.
- >5)-0:-D-G le-( ' ...4 )-a-o-Glc-( , ...)-a-D-Gle-(
Unlike sclerogluC3n, rurdJan is insoluble in water and forros 3. stronggel on heating ahove SS oC and this gel furmation is irrevenible. Cnrdlan can be a gellingagent in cooked foods and as a support for immobilised enzymes. The properties of enrolan resemble those of the 1~3 -J3-g1ucan, laminarin, which is fouad in many brown algae.
15_3.8 Pullulan PuUu]an (Fig. 15.19) is an ~Iucan with a trisaccharide repearing unit. It is pl'odueed commercialiy using the fungus Aureo/1a.sidellm pllUuluns. The ferm entation is relatively slow (5 days) compared witb the production ofbacterial exopolysaccharides but70%ofthe substrate (glucose) is converted to polysacc.baride. PuDu lan forros strong, resilient H1ms and libres, and can be moulded. The ti lms have a lower permeabiliry to 0 l than cellophane or polypropylene ando being a natural product, the plllluJan i.s biodegradable . Similar polyrners are produced by sorne bacteria.
15.3.9 Alginate Alginate is linear polymer composed of mannuronic ¡nd guluronic acids (Fig. 15.20). lt is produeed by the Gram-negative bacteria A2otobacter vlnelandU and Pseudvmonas species. The bacterial exopolysaC'Ch:ll;de is similar ro algal (seaweed ) alginate, except thatsome ofthe mannuronic acid residues areD-aeetylated. l'he relatiw abundance of mannuronic and guluronic adds and tbe degree of acetylation depends on the organism and growth conditions . Polymers conraining a high mannuronic acid contenr are elastic gels, whereas those wilh a high guluronic acid content adopt a different conformation and are strong. brittle gels. Alginates are not random co-polymers ofmannuronic and guluronic acids, and regions containing a single monomer (Le. -M-M-M-M-M-M- and -G
- >4l1l-o-Mannuronic aCid-(1->
'~HH~ -u~ ..... -· .
- >4)·ct-L-Gulofonlc aC1d'(1 -> I
Alglnat'" ¡, compo$ed
of m~nnuron1c acid;md guluronk acid. Tht. propordom and 'equenceof mese monomers depmd on di", $OUn::e al di", polyme;r.
Blosymhesls of lW1man In XOnlhOI7l0'lOJ r;am~wif. Gl<:, glucO$e: Man, mannose; GlcA.,
glueurcnlc acid: UD? ur ldlne dlphosphate". GDP, f-RnO$lnl dlphosphate", Ac. a(etlt4: AcCc>A, a1:~I- CoA: Pyr, P'fl"UYa~ : PEP, p h01phocnol pynlVll~e: Lpld, Ilpi!! a rrler (J« Re- IS.22).
MiA Strucrure
of me lipld
¡ <;3 rrier (ommcnly Involved In biosyn thesis ofmlcrobial poIysaccharldes.
15.3. 10 Biosynthesis of polysaccharides The biosynthesis of xanthan, shown in Eg. 15.21. Each monomer is asselllbled on a lipid carder (Fig. 15.22). anchored in the cytoplasmic membranc, prior to rr:msfer to the growing polyrner chaio. The lipid carrier is similar, or the same as, the C55 isoprenyI phosphate uSed in the biosynthesis ofpep tidoglycan and lipopolysaccharides in bacterial cell walls. In xanthan biosynthesis, sugar Ilucleotides, for example uridine diphosphare glucose (UDP-glucose). ae! as actlvated precursors , providing the energy fOI" thc formation ofg1ycosidic bonds between adjaccnt monosaccharides. The biosynthesis of moS( exopolysaccharides is essen tially similar ro dlat ofxanthan and differences are beyond the scope of this chapter. Dextl"an sYllthesis ¡s, however, quite differentiU1d is synthesised outside th~ <:dl. A single extracellular enzyme, dextran ~;;ucrase . deaves the disaccharide sucrose to gLucose and fructose, a lld polyrnerises [he gluoosc units ro form dextran.
15.3. 1 1 Production of polysaccharides Mi crobial are produced in batch culture in aera..te:d stirred taok reactoI"S. Polysaccharide synthcsis genernlly cornme nces during growth and continues after cessation of growth. Exc:retion of
polysaccharide íncreases the viscosity of the culture. TIlis limits the
Xanthomonas campeSlrls fermentation
Pasteurisatlon af culture
Alcohol precipitation of polymar
Orying, milling, packing
Prodl,lcnon of
1504. 1 Structure of li pids What are Iipids1 Putsimply the lipids (his chaprcrwill be primarily concerned with (j.e. triacylglycerols) are composed of three futty aóds attached to a rhree carbon (glycerol) backbone (see Fig 15.24). Although al l triacylglycerols share this common strucrure tbeir physical propertiesvary enormously_ from hare! waxy solids ar room rcmperature (fats) to tr.mslucent Liquids (oils).lt is the structurc ofthe fdtty acid molecules (more correctly fatty aeyl chains) attached lO the glycerol backbone that a((ounts for the properties oflipids. The oils that this chapter will focus on art!" the so-called singl e ceJ] oils. Single ceU oils are oils derived from m.icrobial sources, produced on a (ommercial ba.sis, and which are destined for human consumprion.
15.4.2 Fany acid nomenclature The n ami ng offaUy acids can appear (onfusing as in most cases a single fatty acid can be assigned any one ofthree names, depcnding upon the personal preference ofrhe a ut hor. The three names can be thought of as (i) a sysrematic name, (it) a trivial name an d (m) a numencal derignation, The thre~ di Fferent names for sorne common fatty adds and tbe fatty acids that have been developed as single (el] oils are shown in Fig 15.25. The systematic DHmes. although precise. are often long and con· fusing to those unfumilial'wirh lipid chemistty. As a l'esult rhese names
Structl,lr"l;j <;Ir 3 trlaqlgly~erldf
molecul ... : thB gl)'ceryl blc kbooe I~ In~lde thf! shaded boJe.. Au:ached lO mis backbone .~ three f:lltyll.C)'1 residuH cOfll1l.lnlnl ai¡pllatk chalns R" 1\ ¡¡nd R, repecrive!y, whkh may .111 be identinl o r .lll d~~nt.
Fatty llcid structure
Trivial name
Mol&l!ulM slrutlutl
P~ lmilic
CfhlCH,¡ .. COOH
Numeric desi{¡nation
Syslematic nomo H">1adllC~ nalc
acld CH,(CH,).ICH_CH.CH,),¡CH,hCOOH
AII cls-6. 9.12· oct8lr;enoTc Bcid
Arachidonic acid
AlI ci9-5. 8. 11, 1"eiCos81etraaooic
CH,cH,.(CH~CH.C¡'¡') .C¡'¡'COOH
AII cis-ll , 7,10,13,16, 19·docollahe>1aerlOic acid
l"Llnolenic Bci d
. ctO
Overall schftml8 of modifH:ations made to facry ackls after de novo syntllesis. Etongases serve to Increase the f¡¡tty acld chaln length by addltion of ¡¡ el unlt (acetyl-CoA). Desaturases.lndlcated by /l. intrOduce a double bond between two ad)acent e atoms. Onlythe posltlon of tIle first C atom Is given and trus Is indlcated by che number; mus <1.9 means that tIle bond from Catom9toCaoom 10isnowa double bond. lhe huy acld has becorne unsa.tura.ted .
~ elongase .... 9 18:0-18:1(6.9)
.... 12
18:3(..... 9.12, 15)
20:2( .... 8, 11)
20:4( .... 8, 11, 14, 17)
20:3( .... 5.8.11)
l elongase
l elongase
¡áS 20:5(6.5,8,11 ,14.17)
~ elongase 22:5(6.7,10,13,16,19)
22:6(M,7, 10, 13.16.19) n-9 series
n-6 series
n-3 series
are seldom used. In contIast the trivial names are still in common usage, both in scientific and non-scientific circles. Trivial names have the disadvantage of giving no direct information about the chE'nllcal structure ofthe fattyacid. 111e numeric designaríon has the benefit of simplicity. whilst explicitly denotingthe structure ofa fatty acM. In this desigllatioll the number before. the colon (see Fig. 15.25) denotes the number of caroons in the acyI chain whilst thenumher after the colon indicates the number of double bondsin the fatty ando The n-3. n-6 or n-9 in brackets informs the readerwhich series the fatty acid belongs to (see Fig. 15.26) and indicates the position of the last double bond relative to the terminallllethyl group. Once fue positioD ofthe last double bond is fixed the position of a11 the. remaining unsaturations can be deduced (see SeetioD 15.4.4). The numerical designation gives the exael strllc.ture of any srraight chain polyunsaturated fatty acid in a concise aod easily understood formaf.
15.4.3 Fany acids: the building blocks 01 lipids Fany acids can be considered (he primary building blocks oC lipids in the $ame way that amino adeis afe the buildingblocks ofproteins. Fatty adds are usually aliphadc long chain carboxyüc acids [the group of compounds that ¡neludes formic add and ethanolc (acede) acid as its first two me mbersl. Altñough sorne organisms (particulady bacteria) produce fany acids that have branched chains or even contain cyelopro paRe rings. those ofcurrentbioteclmological importance are simple maight chained Catty acids (Fig. lS .25).,Fatty acids syntbesised by eukaryotic micro-organisms !fungi, yeast, algae), wtLich are the only souoces of comm~oa1Ly important single ceU oils to date, normally contain 16 to 24 carbon arams and can possess up to six double bonds. The presence ofdouble bonds in a fatty acid stnlcture, referred ro as unsaturation or desaturation(and therefore rothe farry acid beingan unsaturated farty acid), introduces a 'kink' iota the molecuJe and stops rhe Carry acid packing dose1y to its neigbbouring fany acids in the Upid . This effect on th.ej)acking offatty acids causes unsaturated farry acids to ha ....e lower melting points than saturated fatty adds (farry acids witb no double bonds). The more double bonds introdueed into a fatty acid the lower its melting point. The introduction of double bonds into ratty acids eontaining 18 carbons demonstrates trus. whilst the saturated fatt)' acid, stearic aad (18:0), has a meldng point of65°C, the mono-unsaturated oleie acid (18:1(n-9)) has a melting paiot of13 °C and Ule diunsaturared linoleic acid ((18:2(n-6)) has a melting point of S oC. As a result, polyunsaturat:ed fatty acids (PUFAs) are more fluid al room remperature than diunsatul'atecl fatty acidswhich are in turo more Ouid than mon
\ /
c= c
cis double bOr"ld
15.4.4 Unsaturated fatty acids When fauy acids are synthesised de novu frem acetylCoA and malonylCoA by the enzyme complex fatty aad synthase, chey are saturated . Double bonds are added to saturated farry acids after synthesis by enzymes called ratty acid desaturases. When double bonds are inserted ioto fatty acids tbey are introduced in specific conformarion.In theory, as (he introduroon ofa donble bond 'locks' the Catry aod structure. [he double bonds could be introduced in either a as or trans forru (Fig. 15_27). however. in nature the double bonds in fatty acids are a1most exdusively in the cis formo The position ofthe double bonds and me order oC their ¡nserlion is also high1y ordered (Fig. 15.26). The first double bond is inserted betwt..>en carbons nine and ten in me acyl cbain (carbons numbered from the carboxylic acid group). Subsequent double bonds can be inserted at a number of sites giving rise to rhe. n-3. n-6 and n-9 series offatty acids.ln polyunsaturated fatty acids the double bonds are a1ways metbylene interupted. so that double bonds have a saturated carbon between them (i.e. -CH = CH-CH1-CH = CH-).
(fans do ubio bor"ld Strl.lCture of ciS and ¡ronr double bomb. ~ble bonds 'Iodc' me fatty add 5trlKWre and lead w the eltlnence of cis and Ir<mS I$ome~. Fatty 3tids in biological $ysums ue almost eltclusively t hlt cis ISM\Itr. RI and R:t
rllpNl5enT chaln" In a fatty acld mclatullt on. wl. ponen tohe
Ulrmlnal m. thyl (eH¡) ¡roup whht me omer wll! pouen the tarooqUc. ¡\Cid (COOH) ¡roup.
Aschematk Cell Jipid
represenation of me tlming of Ilpld accumu(¡¡tlon In oleaginou5 micro-
organisms durlng a bau:h cultivatl on.
Glucose in medium
Nitrogen in medium
Time Tropophase
OleaginoU5 yeast
15.4.5 The cellular role of lipid TriacyIglycerols are generally storage compounds. accumulated in eukaryotic cells under conditions of carbon exccss when grawth has ceased due to the exhaustion of some orber essential nutrient. llSUally nitrogen (Fig. 15.28). When produced in substantive amounts, as in sorne micro-orgamsms (termed oleaginous). tbe accumulated oH coalesces to form an ai! droplet(s) which can occupy a significant portian afilie cell volume (see Fig. ]5.29). Stored ttiacylglycerols act as a carbon 5tOfe to maintain cssential metabolic processes in the event of subsequent carbon staIVation. Another sl1ggested function. albeit restricted to marine micro-organisms, is tbatthe accumulation oflarge lipid droplets in the cytosol acts as an aid to buoyancy. Of greater metabolic significance is another class oflipids. the pbospbolipids. Phospholipids diffe! froro triacylglycerols in thatlnstead of three fatty aeyI chains attached to the glycerol backbone they only have
two. The third position. on the.glycerol backbone, is occupied by (as the name suggests) a phospho-group. The phosphcrgroup can be phosphate itself or more commonJy conrains a bydraxyl
nI ~~ !!" r) ~-~3 ~~ ~~ 33 ~~
No,-pol"'.tty "Yl
formlng a hydrophobic core to the phospholipld bilayer charns
Poi" h"d
surface contact wlth 8Queous phase
allgned on in
15.4.6 The biochemistry of oleagin icity 111(' synthesis offatty acid! and their incorporatioll inte triacylglycerols is a process thar differs Lit tle between diffe re nt ceU !)'peS. This process is well documented (scc Fur ther reading) and will De r be describcd in detaiL hete. ]n general fany acids are synthesised by the large muld· enzyme protein, fatty add syn[hase, according ro the overall reaction : acetyl.coA + 7 malonyl-CoA + 14 NADPH -> palmitoyl-CoA (16:0.coA) + 7 CoA-$H + 7 COl + 14 NADP I
o H:C -
C- R,
fh -
1 H"c -
11 O-P -
OH SrruetUl"'e of • phospholf¡id molec ule: X (In be H. elhanol~m¡ne. &erWle.Ioo$llOL dlolne.glycerol f!«(. When lhoe awchltd group Is H m e molecuie;5 phosphtidk: ~Id. the others;Ul! name
SeIf-OI'gllnis:úion ot phospholipid molecules Inro a phospholipid bi¡~r.
Schematie: representatlon ofbior.hemiStry ooderlyingcleaglnldry In mk rocr¡anIsms. EnzymIl!S: l . pyruv;¡,te dehydrogen.ue; 2, dtrate :rynth;l$e; l . accmas.; ... NADH isoc:itnle
dehydrogeoase: 5. AHP de3min¡ase; 6, ATP:citnte tyas.: 7. 3utyl.CoA arboxylue; 8. f¡ttyadd S}"'lhne; 9. mmte dehydrcpn;ue; 10. malle: enzyme
Pyr\Jvate 10
C."" -1 ¡
Acetyl·CoA 7
, Palmitoyl-CoA (16:O-CoA}
MaJonyl-CoA is itself derive
resulr of rhis metabolic 'bonle-neck' !:he intra-mitochondrial concentration ofcitrate (ratherthan isocitnte, as a result ofthe reve.rsibiJity of aconitase) mercases aud stimulates dIe export oC citrate inlo the cytosol.ln tbecytosol, citrate is deaved by ATP:citrate Iyase to produce acetyl-COA ror lipid synthesis and oxaloacetate which is converted ro malare. The malate is decarboxylated toyield pyruvate aud NAOPH m e latterwhichcan then be utiJised by fatty acid syntbase as the necessary redudng power needed for fatty acid biosynthesis, Decarboxylation of malate (and henee the generation of NADPH) is catalysed by malie enzyme. Although malic enzyme is not the only NADPH-generating system in oleaginous Dlicrcrorganisms this enzyme appcars te be intimately associated with the lipogenic pathway as a deflciency of malie enzyme inhibits lipid aecuroulation.
15.4.7 Nutritional importance of polyunsaturated (atty acids (PUFAs) Animals (inel udi ng man) are ca pable ofsyntbesisi ng the saturated fany acid. palmitic acid (16:0). aruI ofcarrying out a wide rangeofsubsequenr
rnodifications including desa[urations and e longadon reactions (see Fig. 15.26). Ncvertheless, a dietaryintake oePUFAs is importantformaintaining human heallh. Tbis is because anirnals are incapable ofearry-
ing out 6.12 and d15 desaturations (see Fig. 15.26) whilst fatty adds possessingdesaturations in [hese positions li .e. the essentialfatty adds linoIcie acid. 18:2(n-{;) and a-linolenic acid, 18:3 (n·3)] are required by tbe body. The need for dietary PUFAs bY'animals i.s due to tbe conversion of cerbio futty adds into the ekosanoids (see Sec.tion 15.4.5). which play key physiologicaJ roles in the control of a wide r.loge ofbodily functions, induding proce5SeS such as bomeostasis and blood dotting. Furtbermore, a range ofhuman diseases appear to be the resultor an inability te desaturate fatty acids, though other factors may also be
involved. Disorders such as rheumatoid arthr.itis, multiple sderosis, schizopbrenia and pre-menstrual syndrome have becn aH reported ro (aH ioto this category, and their symptoms can , in sorne cases. be eleviated byan increased dietaryintake ofPUFAs, At tbe moment. the dietary importanee of polyunsaturated fatty acids is he.eoming apprecia ted botb by governments and the general public. 1n particular the importante of PUFAs in tbe de:velopment of new bom babies is generating m ore interest. Two polyuruaturated fatt)' adds. arachidonie acid 120:4(n-6)] and DHA 122:6(n-3)1 in particular llave been scrongly implicated in the developmenr ofbrain and eye fundioo in new-born infants.
15.4.8 Micro-organisms as 'oil factories' Cornmercial oils (used in'cosmeties and foodstuffs) are usuallyobbined from plants or animals. Han oH from a microbial SOUTee is to be prc; duced on a conunercial scale it must compete witb oils from these 'tra· ditional' sources. As fermentation teC:hnology is apensive single cell oils can only compete with the mosr expensive spedality oils. These are
Relative % (w/w) of fatty acid ir. total cell lipid
16D 18:0 18:1
18,2 1BJ(n-6) 18J(n-3) 204(n-6) 2(;5(n-6) 226(0-3) Other;
16 M ortierella alpino" Crypthecodinium 25 cohnii" Throustochytrium 10 Qureurrf
....ote: • Or!?"f~m U\ro fuI' mmm~rcial pmd\l ~rf .," nf.ingl~ ",,]] ni\.
inevitably the very long chaio polyunsatlll'ated fatty acid rich oils destined forhuman consumption for which no collvenient plant or animal SOUTee current1y exists_ Although plants produce a number of unsarurated fatty acids including the essential fatty acids,linoleic acid 18:2 (cornmon sources being sunflawer and rape seed oils) and a-linolenic acid 18:3(n-6) (eamman SOllrees beingflax and Linseed oils), they do not producevery long chall} polyunsaturated fatty adds (> 18 carbons long)_ In comparison. animals (indudingtish ) are a source of anumberofvery longchain, highly unsaturated fatty acids [up to 22:6(n-3Jl. These fatty adds tend to be prcsent in animal or 6sh oils in rclatively small quantities, however, making processing the oil to enrieh the desired fan)' acid dif:ficult and expensive. Forthermore, fatty adds frorn animal sources are unacceptable to a significant portion of society on moral andfor religious gl·ounds. The possible transfer of disease causing agents (prions) in animal oils and the risk of pollutants persisting in fish oiIs is also a potential problem. Likewise, plant oils have fue porential to contain residues ofthe pesticides and hcrbiddcs uscd in the rultivationofthe oil seed plants. Eukaryotic micnrorganisms have the advantage over ·traditional' sources in that they nor onIy produc:ea wide varietyofPUFAs (the fatty acid profiles ofsome selected micro-organisrns are shown in Tablc 15.2) but also sorne species accumulate large quantities of single PUFAs in theil' ceIllipids which simplifies oi! processrng. Microbially dcrived oils also -present .no problems for the consumer on ethical or religious grounds and, moreover can be essentially gual'anteed to be devoid of unwanted and potentially harmful contaminanrs. Although expensive, fue use offermentation technologyin the production of single cell oils has the advantage that a high degree of control over the process can be maintained.As a result the quantity aud
quality of oil produced can be controUed far more predsely than is possible with oilsfi"om animal and plant sources.
15.4.9 Current applications for single cell oils To date only three PUFAs haYe been produced cornmercially using micro-organisms. Thc firsr single ceU oil was rich in .,...linolenic acid 118:3(n-6)1produced using thE' fungus Murordrtind!oídes, a process developed by rneLipid Research Group at the UniversityofHull, This oi l waS produced in the UK between 1985 and 1990, by] & E Sturge Ud ae Se1by in Yorkshire. in competition with the 'traditional' oil of evenicg primrose. The process was discontinued in the fa~ ofa decreasing price of 18:3(n-6)when alternative agricultural sourcescaIDeonto tbe market in the forro ofstarfloweroil and blackcurrantseedoil The othe.r singleccll oil s, rich in eiroer 20:4(n-6) or 22:6(n-3) continue to be produced como m erciaJly in the absence of any real competition from oils frem rradi· lional SOUl'CeS. Arnchidonic add. 120:4(0-6)1, is produced using the common soil fungus . MOrtierdlaaJpfna. which has thcabilityto accumulate up [O 50% (wfw)ofits Clryweight as Jipid ofwhich as muchas 40% can be 20:4(n-6). Proccsses u sing tbis organism havc been developed by DSM-Gist in tite Netherlands and Zeneca-Roche in me UK although the future ofthese pl'ocesse!i (beyond 2000) 1S uncertain. Docosahexaenoicacid IDHA, 22:6n-3l. is produced commercially by Martek Biosc:iences, Maryland, USA and Omega-Tech (in collaboration with Monsanto). Baulder. Colorado, USA both utilising marine algae. Altbough fish oils are a patenriaJ sourceof22:6(n-3) theycannot be used to obtain chis fatty arid foc inclusion in baby rnilk fonnuJa because fish oi! also contains anotber fany ac:id 20:5(0·31 which cannol be separared from 22:6(n-3) using convemional oil processiog. and which should noe be given to inf;:¡nlS. The marine micrD-
willing- to accepr nutrinonal supplements froro natural1y occurring microbial sources tban from transgenic plants.
15.4,11 Functional roods A recent devclopmem is tbe conceptof 'functional foods'; foodstuffs that oontain ingredients thar are ioduded specificaUy to give the product a (supposed1y) defined bealtb hendir to the consumero Fu octional foods conraining PUFAs 20:4(0-6) and 22:6(n-3) are being produce
Further reading
Carbon. S. E. ('1995). The role orPUFA in inftmt nutrition . 1I1form 6 , 9-40- 946. Doi, Y. (1990). MicrOOial Pvlyertm. VCH, Weinbeim. Gíll, r. & Valivety, R. (1997). Polyunsaturated ratIY adds, pan 1 :Occurr~ce, biological activities and appuciltions. Trt'nds Biot..'Chno/. 15. 401-409. Madison, L. 1.. and Huisman. G. W. (1999).Metabolicenginee.ring of poly(3· hydroxyalkanoates): Frorn DNA to plastic. MicrobIo!. MoL Blo!. Rt.'V. 63, 21 - 53. R.atledge. C. (1997). Microbiallipids. In Biolethno!ogy, Vol. 7(Re:hm, R·J. and Ret!
Chapter 16
Antibiotics David A. Lowe Introductian Biosynthesi.s
Strain improvement Generic engineering Analysis Culture preseIVatioll and aseptic propagation Scale-up
Fermentation Ptmicillins Cephalosporins New ,B-lactam technologies Aminoglycosides Macrolides Ecollomics Gaad Mauufacturing Pra.ctice:; Further readlng
Antihiotics bave changed me world we Uve in. Their wide-sca1e ¡nnoduerio" in the middle oftbe 20th century loo to new standards ofhealth for bilLioos of prople. Many DI the life-tltreatening infechons ofpTeVious centuries are now convenienUy cured by oral medicine. Penicillin was the first major aotibioticfrom a microbiaJ souoce to becornmcrcialised. In acceptance and .mecess led ro the search and identificanon of thO\!sands o f nove.! antibiotics. many ofwhich are now available for therapeutic use.AntibioDcs also have applications as fced additivell , growth srimulants. pesticides and wider agricultural uses. The discovery of major antibiotics, such as penicillin, cephalosporin. streptornycin. terracydine and crythromydns. and their subsequent development, have beeo we.1J documented . Their cornmercial development aver the past SOyears serves as an cxcellent example ofhow the applied research has canaibute
$million Am:ibiotic
7300 2750 1000 800 500
2500 1000 250 11 0 100
Penicillins Macrolides Am in og~cosides
In 1991 world sajes oftherapeutic andbiotics were estimate
Antibiorics sold roday are marle either by total chemical synthesis or by a combinatíon ofmicrobial fermentation and subsequent chemicaJ modification. The. choice i5 ane of simple. economics. The microbial fermentarion produces the basie active Illolecule at relatively low costo and, through chemical modificatíon. the therapeutic effects of the molecule can be.increased. e.g. by increasing stability ro low pH or temperature. widenillg the spectrum of activity. altering tissue distribution, inLTeasing absorption and decreasing excretion. This chapter will disclIss me bioteehnology involved with the mano ufacture of the five majar antibiotic groups: penicillins. cephalosporins. aminoglyeosides, terraeyclines and macrolides. In the develcipment ofal1 tbese antibiotics thereare manycommon approaches. These wiIl be summa:ri5ed first_ Specific examples associated individual amibiotics wiIl be addressed in ¡ater sections.
16.2 I Biosynthesis Knowledge ofthe biosynthetic pathway ofthe antibiotic i5 not necessary for the early empirica! development ofthe fermentation process. However in order to progress in a rational approach sorne of the biosyntbesis is essential. This is particularly important fur inve.stigations into the genetic aod cnzymic regulation. For most oE the important antibiolics the synthetic pathways are known. together with their relevallt enzymes and gene locatiolls, and this detailed knowledge has had a significant impact on the development of improvcd strains and the optimis.a tion of productive fermentations.
16.3 I Strain improvement Tbe increase in the prodl1ction of a specific microbial product such as an antibiotic has several important consequences. Higher concentratioru ofthe antibiotic increase the volumetric productivity (output pcr fermenter), increase the extraetion efficiency, deerease the. proportion ofun.wanted products and make purification easier and, most importantly, reduce the cost afilie produce. Strain improvemcnt programmes involve the forced crcarion of mutations in the DNA material ofthe micro-organism generally using ultraviolet radiation or a chemicaJ mutagen mm as nitrosoguanidine (NTG). The.latter gives betlerresults as it has a higher mutagenic effect compared to kill rate, however, it has to be handled carefully due:its carcinogenicnature. With either treatment, the protocols are optimised to produce a kilI range of 60-90%, whieh gives me highest percentage chance ofsinglepointmutations. Initially, impr()"l,'"{'(j strains can be. selec.ted. empirü::ally by cllDOSing survivingcolonies with minar morphological changes or altered colour prod uction, however well-established strain improveme.nt programmes
Possible eITect
Analogues of amino acids. sugars involved in biosynthesis Antifungal agents e .g. nystrtin Toxic metals e .g. Cu , Cd, Hg Toxic metals Fe, Mn Selenomethionine, ethionine Selenide . methyl selenide Deoxygluc.ose Carboo dioxide High phosphate High salt NitrophenoL azide Polypropylene glycol Water miscible solvents Peroxide
Remove fee dback control A1tered cell wall compositio n increased, permeabllrty Increase in thiols, glutathione Impraved sporvlation Increase in sulphate metabolism Improved cysteine synthesis Reduced glucose regulated feedback Toler
Others Improved tolerance te lew oxygen Sensitivity to chromate, selenate Selection of auxotrophs
Improved metabolism at IOIN dissolve<:l oxygen Increased 5IJlphate uptake RedirKtlon of metaboli:rn
use many selective approaches designed around me known biochemistry of the biosyntbesis o f the antibiotic and the metabolism of the ruicro-organism (Table 16.2). Mutation programmes have rontinued foc over 50 years ;:md have yielded )arge productivity Lncreases and rost reductions fFig. 16.1). The highesr percentage gains ocrurred in the earlier years and 1l0W current stra in selection is subject to the law oC di.minishing returns. Bowever. even though increases oC less than 5% diffirult ro aclrieve rect a naJytically. tbey aredesicable in rerms ofcostreduction and
volumetric capadty increase. To recognise improvements of 5% or less needs the caceful design ofshake-flaskfennentations. with the appro-pr iate ro ntrols and replicares. and the exactingskills ofthe analyst in sample preparation and analyte measucement. Today's screening programmes rely on [he u se of miniaturisation. automation, and high throughput scrcening to pTOCesS the la.rge numbers necessary fO[ the recognition ofsuperior strains. Automationalso decreases pcocedural variabilities seen in sample prepacatioD and dilution. Replication at the shake-flask. re-test s{age is necessary to minimise the inherent variabiliry of [he biological process to provide the confidence in recognising mutants with only smaU percelltage increases in titres. Replication decreases the number of differen t cultures that can be handJed by the system, however, good screening programmes usually have an excess of analytical capacity lO Dleet (hese challenges.
100 1;; o o
ti ~
Relationship of titrll to
o. "O
e 40
•~ ¡=
20 O
Length of developm ent (yea rsl
I Mutation
Aga / piole SeI8Ctive
I D.
Primary shalc.e flask evalua lion
~ Possibltl rocyclo
Socondary shake t1ask evaluation Replicares díff~r~nt media Mufrip/e time poims
Lab fe/menter evaluation
Fed-barch sCiJled·down
production r:ondirion
_---___________1! ______________ --'I
Pilol plan!
Cu lture attrition
c.::..r= =
J-- -¡ evaluation
Rapid recycüug aEthc mutarlan cycles is aften used to compensate for the seleetion of new strains with ooly minor improvements. Thus
severa! minar changes can be built up into a culture at the laboratory leve! befare further evaluation in tbe pilot plant. Good cultures typicaUy show their superioIÍty acrO$S different media culture ronditions and th.rough seale-up (Fig. 16.2). HisooIÍcaJly strain improvement progr.urunes h ave beeo carned out asin-house projects, whkh have the benefitofcootrol and rapid integratian into scale-up and downstream process. However there is an increased trend nowadays to contraet such wark lO third parties: cornpanies that 3J:e specialised in the mu1tiple skills DE culture mutation. selectioD , automated fermentatiOll and analysis usinghigh tbroughput screening. Such companies are always a eOSf= effe<:tive oplioo.
@,.• scale-up.
¡'-_ -I
Inocu lum developmenl
Stnln Improvement
I Genetic engineering
Conventional strain seleroon programmes wiU remain central [O cu1ture improvement. Biotechnology. bowever, has opened up oruer possibilities. Togethc r wirh tbe eluddation of biochemical pathways and rhe ¡solarion of biosyntbetic enzymes. ge.netic engineering techniques can now be used 10 express selected enz}'me5 both in recombiDan( Esdterlchill coff and in the produdng micr(H)rganism _Using kinetic studies and lbe measureme nt of me ra baLic pools. presumptive ratelimiting enzyme steps can be ide ntified in the biosynthesisofsecondary me tabolites such as anribioties. Pharmaceutica] resean:h groups have attempted to strenglhen (hese weak Links by (he introductio n ofadditional copies of th e genei encoding these rate-Iimiting e nzymes_ In other approocbes attempts have been made to add D el..,. enzymes ro produce new m etabolites.
16.5 I Analysis The d eve lopm~nt of rnodern analyrical instruments, i.e. nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). mass spectroscopy (MS), higb perfurmance Jiquid chromatogra phy (HPIC), ea pillary eleetrophoresis (CE). gas-liquid ehrom¡¡tography (GLC) with thcir assodated automated injection systems, multi-faceted detection anrl data handling. have playro an important role in the phannaceutical indusuy. The reprorlucibility, ease of automa non, inerease in sensitivity and accuracy of-Tnultiple analyte derection llave facilirated rhe selection ofimproved strains and the optimisation of fermentation and recovery parameters. and proviaed confidence in the final qualityofthe product.
16.6 I Culture preservation and aseptic propagation Anention has to be given to the correet preservation and conshtcnt propagation ofhigh producing strains. Today's cultures with their long mutation history, increased copy number of certaio genes and possible cecombinant status do have questionable stability. Repeated slant-toslam transfer ofhigh yiclding st:rains can produce sub-populations with lowerproductivitywith !he appearance ofwild type morphology. Storage in liquid N~ is the mostconvenient wayoflong-tenn culture preservadon. Stock cultures are rypicaIly maintained through a master cell b¡¡nk hierarchy, where eachmaster frozen culture, from a stock ofmany such cultures, is used lO make a large number ofworlting stock cultures. In this way, there i5 always a comrnon lineage to start ceHular propagation . P[eparation ofa new master ce1J line is carried oul through single cel] orspore crisolaDon aod each lot rigorouslyevaluated both illshakt... flask aod pilotplant fermentations to confinn supe.riority and stabUity befare the culture is u sed in large $Cale mallufacruring. Considerable
Shake-fi ask
Stirred tank
10-50 mi in 125-500 mi f1asks
10- 100000 litre vessels
Batch only
Batch and feed possible
Limited controls: temperature
Corrtinuous controls: pH, t emperature, dissolved oxygen, pressure
Slow metabolising carbohydrate: lactase. starm
Readlly metabolised carbohydrate: glucose
High initial saits: ammonium, pre<.ursors, stimulators added in large 500ts
Ammonium salts or ammonia added precursors. stimulators added continuously
Arnbient pressure
Pressure at two atmospheres possible
Buffer:. needed to control pH: phosphate or cald um carbonate
No buffer necessary
In-process sampllng difficult
In-process sampling easy and often necessary for feedback control
Volurne decrease by evaporation
Volume increase by sugar feed
Solid growth on side walls
Very unifollTl growth
Anti(oam not needed
Antifoarn often required
Agitation timlted: shaker speed, radial throw, baffied nasks
W ide variety of impellers and baffles to opt¡m i ~ mixing
No control of dissolved oxygen
Dissolved oxygen controlled by aeration, pressure, water addition
•• "'" " ~
care ¡s ta ken to mainta in aseptic conditions throughout ilie build-up ol" culmre. volumes. This is especially critical at the seed stage whcrc tbe cultures arc.growing fast and schcduJed tank transfers occur before full status ofasepsis is known, The. presenct" ofcontaminants late in the fermentation cyde, and e ven in post-harvest work up, is ofconcem due to tbe possibility of introduciog minor impuriries juto the fina l bulk material.lrnpurity profiling by gradient HPLC and MS is now standard practice in the evaluation of E1CW .st:rains. new media componenrs and majar engineering changes. tt is al50 routillely performed on rhe fin al isolated purified product.
16.7 I Scale-up Shake-f]ask media and conditioLlS are selected ro provid e environmenrs as close as possibte to the stirred-tank targe-scate fermentations. This is notalways possible and many compromises have to be takcn (Table 16..3). Agood rclationship betweE'.n shake-fiaskperformance, pilot plantand large-scale fcrmentarions can only be established arter}'Caes of careful comparison. Porential titre increases of5%or Less are nor only difficult to assess in shake-f1ask experimems bul also difficulr to assl!Ss at tbe pilar
"iQ 2:z
Culture build-up tr.I.ln.
,. 12
Fed-batch fermenter Praductlon 25 000-100 000 litres
"• >
" •E
8 Batch fermenter 2500 litres
Batch fermenter 50 litres Banle 1-2lhres
2 Shake flask 100 millilitres fmm frozen vial
Pmductlvity == Y/t + Tank turnaround time
Stirred tank
plant stage where resources are limited and evaluations expensive. lt i.s always desirable tonave new cultures that easily.lit into tlle existing ferme.ntation protocols without furth~ development worl<. However new cultu-res afien have properties that need further development to ~press their full potential. Here the interdisdplinary skills ofthe bioengineers, mio'obiologists and biochemists can prove to be rewarding.
Large-scale antibiotic fermentations are optimised for fast culture growth. early production rates and maximum produetivity. High productivityplants are eharacterised bytheir ability to maximis~the use of al! vesse1s. A train of vessels ofincreasing size allows for tIle rapid buildup ofeell mass, eaeh typically 1-3 day fermentations , with inoculum transfers at 5-100/. (v/v) into!he nextstage. The final stage is run in conditions ro maximise prodllCtivity in terms of amOtffit of antibiotic per unir ff"OllentEI volume pe!: time period (Fig. 16.3). Down time (or turnaround time) for production fennenret'S i.s usually kept at a mini muro by use ofsepiUate continuous media sterilisation, rapid harvesting and tankcleaning. sterilis
Range % (w/v)
Shake-flaskltlnk seed
Glucose/sucroselstarrn Com steep liquor Caldum carbonate Phosphate Ammonium sulphate
3.0-5.0 3.0-5.0 05-1.0 0.1-05
O il
0. 1-0.5 0.2- 1.0 0.5-5.0 5.0-8.0 5.0-8.0 1.0-5.0
Shake-f1ask product.ion
5urch lactose Com steep liquor Pharmamedia Soy fIour O il Ammonium sulphate Calcium caroonate Phosphate MOPS/MES buffers Tank production
Glucose Starch Com steep liquor P1lamwnedia Soy fIour Ammonn,.m sulphate Phosphate O il Comsyrup
0, 1- 1.0 0. 1-05
05-5.0 05- 1.0 OS-I,O 0,1-1.0
0.1-1 .0 OS-I .D
05-5.0 5.0-8.0 1.0-5.0 1.0-5.0 0.5-1 .0 and fed periodically
0. 1- 1.0 1,0andfed cantinuously Fed continuously
Media for celJ mass build-up are designe
Meaia for the production stage are proprietary .. nd have becn developed and fine-tuned over theyears. They are a compromise between cost and performance. The most suirable media are tbose t hatuse inexpensive raw materials in combinations that can maximise productivity. Final stage fennentations are fed-batch, which gives the bioenginee[ the ability to optimjse the fennentation to provide the fine balance
Beefblood Casein hydrolysate Cotton seed fIour (Ptwmamedia) Cottonseed meaJ Com germ meal Com gluten rneal Com steep liquor Com steep liquor (soIid) DistiJlers solubles Fishmeal Fish solubles Lard water solids Linseed meal Meat and booe meal Peanut mea! Rape seed meal Soybean mea! Soybean flour Soybean protein concentrate Whey sollds Whey permeate Whole yeast. brewer's 'vVhole yeast. torula Yeast extract
between conO'ollee.r ofways: physically. e.g. by temperarure. ae ratioo, agitation , pH: or bioche mkally, c.g. by the addition of nutrients, p.recursors, inducers. mateoals Coruse in me initia l batch have to provide both imme-diate utilisable soluble nutrients as well aslonger lasti ng and therefort' less soluble SOllrte:>. lnitial carbon sources are m e least critical as tbey are easily addcd in a soluble form during the Cermcntatio n.. Nitrogen som·ces are more critical as they selVt' as a maio nutrient source throughout dle fermenta tion . Ideal niuogen sources a re dMived from agricultura l sources, howcver ques tions of quality and variability can arise both with scasoru and between seasons (rabIe 16,5). This presents an on·going concern for maintaining reproducible fcrmentations. To a lleviate thls situation severa! diffel'ent IdW m aterials can be used to prevent excess variation. In sorne oftoday's highIy-productive fermentation s the te is no dear separa tion of t he primary (tropophasic) and secondal"Y (idiophasic) stages. This 13d ofdivision generally depends upon the stalc ofthe fermentation technology. In batch type fennentations, clear primary and secondary stages can be seen, however with the use ofcontinuous feed [bese differel1CCS :lIe nor always apparent (Fig. 16.5). To obtain
@,.g ~rlso"
Fed batch
Pro duction
maximum production rates. conditions are created tbat can provide Lapid. early. antibiotic production with continued cell growth. Supplementcd raw materials are soluble and rdpidly utilised . Suitable carbohydrates are sucrose. glucose or enzyme-hydrolysed com syrups. Other carbon sources can be used (Table 16.6). If nccessary they can be supplemented witb soluble n..itrogen from corn S(~p Liquor. Thc ditigent feeding of a soluble. readily utilised carbohydrate such as glucosc can prevent ca tabolic rep.ression (scc Chapter 2), as the concenttation afthe sugar will ;¡Jways be very low. Oil as triacylg.lycerol, can be fard oil. soy oiL, palm ail. pt!anu t oil or r.lpe. seed oil, the final choice often dictated by local availability. OiJ addition has the additional benefir of controlling e,¡cessive foaming and air hold-up. Antifoam s, such as silicone-based products 01' polypropylene glycol. can be u sed to supplement or rep lace oil feeding. It is impol·tant rhat antifoam addition is available on an as-needed basis and nor simplybatclJed iota the surting medium due to the toxic na tureof sorne antifoams. 111e llletaboJism ofthe proreinat:eous nurrients from the complex raw materials can creare foaming, ofien ar unpred.icted
01 b:uch
:!:!irbii1~"t¿n:F17o--:-~~~!::·t.l ·~~}JF.::::!=::~~:=:::~:;!;!:, ::i~:r:! ~:;~~"'''.';~'': .. __ . !,,::~!!~!!'!!?:~h' :!!;::::::::E:iliHmt~!~!::":::':: Beet and cane molasses Glucose Citric add Com syrup incompletely hydrolysed Com s)'rvp fui!)' hydrol)'sed Dextrins Ethanol Glyceror
11altose syrup Methanol St=h Lactose
Cortonseed oíl Lardoil Methyl oleate Palm oil Palm kemel oil Peamrt oíl Rape oil (Canola) $oyoil Tallow
times, thus itis importantto llave automated feed-back control foreffective antifuarn addüion te pl'ovide sufftcient control without excess usage of these agenU . Excess use can cause processing diffitulties on downstreamrecovery. Control offoaming and the minimisation of air hold-up are importan( factors in obtalning the max.imum volumetric outputfrom a fermenrer. Typically. tbe final harves[volumes should be in the range 80-85% ofthe total fermenter capadty. The added volume ofsolublenutrientfeed can varydepcnding lIpon its eoneentration (typically 30-65%). At lower sugar concentldtions early partial harvcsts may be necessary ro decrea5e the merease in broth volurne eaused by t he high volume of fecd addition. This addition of dilute solutions has che added benefir of lowering tbe viscosity of the broth, typica.lly a problem with filamentou s cultures_ EarJy, partial harvests, produce large volumes of dilute anribiotic fur product recovery. With correet handlinghowever. 5uth protocols can be ve.ry productive a5 the maximum produetioll rate of [he fennenta.tioD can be maintained ror longperiods. TIte pB ofthe broth can be controlled to within 0.1 pH uruts by me addition of acid (sulphuric) or base (ammonia or causdc). Often ammorna gas can be added through che ajr i.nput. The pH can abo be controlled by using me culture's own metabolism of sugar. Excess feeding of sugar in some conditions will produce aeetic acid , which will lower the pH, Conversely. a c:utback in the sugar feed-rate can raise [he pH.
•. PressUnI probe
J _DO_ 1.··-Air/aglla\lon
~J •.
1 CcoUng
Lave! proba
• • •
I SugafIOiI
$am !!le AnR!n.!1
C«lIM1INtlO'1 ~
Dissolved 0 1 DO Jevels ;ue critiC
16.9 I Penicillins 16.9. 1 Therapeutic penicillins and antibiotics derived from peniciJlin PenkilHn. and its related ,B-Iactam cephalosporin. are bactericida] antlbiot1cs. Theyinhibit the fonnation ofpeptide cross-linkages in the fina l stages of bacteria! ceU wall synthesis. Penicillin G and V are active
Fennenutlon control
Penicillins "R"
\, tOOH
Amoxici llin
/ cor-CO-
Penicillin G
Penici llin V
'" # o H-
6-AminopeniciUanic acid
against Gram-positive cocei butare readily ¡nactivate
Penidlli.n G and v are fermented produclS from the fungus, PeniciUium chrysogelJum. The bulk ofpcnidllin G and v, howcver. is now used as starting material for the production of the active ,8-1actam nucleus, 6·arninopenicillinanic acid (G·APA). Penkillin G can also be ring-expanded chemically to the cephalosporin nudeus which, after enzyme hydrolysis, yields the active nudeus 7·aminodesacctoxycephalosporanic acid (7·AOCA). 80th ofthese nudei are important bulk products, and
16.9.2 Biochemistry and fermentation Penidllin smin improvement programmes have bee.n in existe nce fOT over so years. By using convention mutanon and selection [he original titres of less than 0.1 rng ml- I have been increased 40().fold . Furthcr gains have been realiscd by media rnodificatton and engineering developments (Fig. 16.9). The. biosynthcsis of this molecule togerher with the biosynthetic enzymes and associated genes are well characterised (Fig. 16.10). Rate limiting stcps in tbe biosyntbesis have been identified and attempts made to inerease the production oflimitiug enzymes by recombinant technology. For example extra genes coding ror <.yclase (prbC) and aeyl transfe:rase (penDE) havc beco inserted into P. chlysogenum. Addition ofthe prl'Cursor molecules, phe.nylacetic acid or phenoxyaeetic aeid, to fermentations of P. chrysogenum produce either penicillin G or penicillin V. respective ly. 'Fo!" optimurn productiou the culture is grOWI\ on a batch mediurn ofcorn steep liquor or soy fiour plus minerals, and fed carbohydrate as a com syrup throughout the cycle. In addition, the precursor and ammonium sulphate are red to maintain critical concentrations ofthese components needed for the biosynthesis ofthe penicillin (Fig. 16.1 t).
16.9.3 Recovery Penicillin is recovered by solvent eX[[action at an acidie pH at temperatures below 10 oC to minimise both chemical and enzymic penicillin breakdown. Solven(S of choice are n-butyl acetate, or methylisobutyl keOOne. Solvent extraction can be done on the wbole broth ¡(Selfor 00 clear filtrares . Depending on me nature ofthe mycetium the solids can
NHR't(~S Cephalosporll\S "R"
"X' H
'----' -'-NH,
H1 N",~ , co-
7-Amlnocephelosporantc acid
O H-
,ro TI! !>! In<:,... g by ~
. tf. j ~
imp'O'Oemel\1 m<>dl~"",i,,~
• N
Yea' Pe~lclgln
7-Aminodes8Celoxy cephelosporanic acid
be removed by stringfilters. pre
PenidWn V is stable to acid and can be precipitated direct1y from dear filtrates ata pH of2.lmpurirjes in th~ penicillin can be removed by dissoJUtiOll ofthe acid in organic solven[ lO allow treatment with activated uces tbe use oforganic solvents, which can llave positive costand environmental impacts, As most oftbe penicillin now3.days i5 use
Penlclllin titre ..... \
Oissolved oxygen
V \\
. ... .\\ '\---f?é.::!:::::S=;;;:;¡:::::::::::j ... -...-._. .....-""_ ...\
Sugar feed rate
rr-'./-:.......--...-.._---.. .......
Arn mo nia N
.. .............. ...J. .
Ti me
" ":r.¡;r.; :f6' 1ili;¡¡,¡,,:,::r,: :"-:;.;;.::;" ,"";¡:¡::: i;;¡,ji¡:: :::;; :;;::0 , : " : : : : : ;; ;::;..... ::: :.i .:., ... -:.~t~:? !:'! ~~:~ : ~~~:~~';7:. .~~ .~ . ~,~~;~ :::!i:~~: ;: : : ; ;;:E 8 lmin¡rtJon of chlorinated and all:ohol soIvents Elimination of solvent rel:overy and sotve nt/odour release Eliminatian o f hazardous chemical reagents Elim ination of liquid nrrrngen for cooling EIImincrtion of hazardoUS" and toxic waste products and their dis po '>al AlI aqueous reactJons. neutral pH and am bient temperatures Good control and monitoring of reaction through pH measlwe ment and adjustment Q uid< removill of o;oluble reaction products from immobilised cataJyst Re-use of immobilised enzyrne catalyst Easy recovery of side chain for re-use Pleasant working environment for aJl personnel Improved product quaJity, less impurities Improved yields and manufacturing capacity Decreased (ost o f manufacture
16.9.4 Production of 6-aminopenicillanic acid Over the last 10 yeaTS the industry has switched from chemical hydrolysis of penicillins to enzym e hydrolysis to decrease cost and anOlio enviraumentaJ benefirs ('rabie 16.7). SpedfLc. immobiLised penicillin amidases bave bccn developed fol' penicillin e and peniciJlin V.bydrolysis. lmmobilised enzyme can be made in-hotlse o. putthased trom third parties. From the. thermadynamic equilibrium o f&APA and the side chain. hydrolysis is sornewhat greater for penidllin V than penid llin G. However penicilün G is a. m ore versatilc prod uct due to its application in rillg expansion owhich partially e xplains its fc rmen tation vol ume d ominance over penicillin V.
Ihe final choice between either proces5 is afien directed by lhe company's own rustoricaJ deveJopmcnt success . In conventional Splitcing rechnology. the penicillin salr is used at 12- 15% (wfv) for enzymjc hydrolysis by tbe appropriate irnmobilised penicillin amidase system.This yields mixtures af&APA and the precur· sOr acid. During the hydTolysis me pH is mai ntJilled between 7- 8 by the addition ofbase. either caustic or ammonium hydroxide. Tbe product 6-APA can be rt'Cowrcd by precipitation al pH 4 in the presence of a water immiscible-solvent rhe convenient removal ofthe precursor acid . lnoperations that have both penicilLin re rmentatian and splining processes. the reCú pre<'ursor can be conveniently recycled.
16. 10
I Cephalosporins
'6. 10. 1 Therapeutic cephalosporins Cephalosporins were dewloped tu overcome t he allergic problems asSÜ' dated with penidllins_They can. however, be modified chemically at. two sites: the 7-amino and the 3-methylenc, to produce a varietyofvery efrective antibiotics. notably cephamandale. cefazolin and cefepime (Fig. 16.8). Cephalosporins are made from cephalosporin C. a fermcnted productofAcn.'mollium chrysogenulf! wruch. a[(er extJ
16. 10.2 Biosynthesis and fermentation TIte earlypart ofthe biosynthesis pathway is shared with penicillin. '!he ccphaJosporin molecule is derive
16. 10.3 Production of7.aminocephalosporanic acid CephaJosporin e is recovered from broth filtrates by a variety ofhydrophobic and ion exchange resins. Thc column chromatograph y is dcsigned to separare cephalosporin e from related intermedia tes and breakdown products. The t;ch frac.tions are either treated with zinc acetate to precipitare the low solubility zinc salt, or with sodium or potassium acetate followed by a water-miscible solvent [O prccipitate che saU complex o lsolated cephalosporin e is efficiently bydrolysed che.mically to 7ACA. Unfortunately. the process uses similar reactants and solven.ts used in the chem.ical hyelrolysis process for peniaUio, wlth [he familiar d.rawbacks of hazardous material handling, solvent me and negative e.nvironmental isslIes. The switch to enzyme hydrolysis has proved to be difficlllt due to the inabili ty to ¡deno fY e.nzymes to directly bydrolyse off the side chain. the unnaturnl D-aminoacid D-a-aminoadipar.e.lndirecr enzyme systems, though, have been developOO which rely on tbe sequeotial use oftwo eozymes (Fig. 16.12). 111e firsl enzyme, a D· oxidase, removes the chinlity of the side chaio by oxid adve dearnination lO produce a keto acid which, in the presence ofthe c.o-produccd peroxide, is conveniently decarboxy¡atoo to che glutaryl side chain. Tbe :yE'asc, Trigonopsis vatiabllis. is a suitable SOlloce of this enzyme. lbe second enzyme was d.iscovered in Pseudomoruu sp. and can directly hydrolyse che glutaryl side cbain to produce 7-ACA. In a similar manner to penicillin hydrolysis these two c.nzymes are now available. from recombinant sources and have been immohiliscd. Mostofthe major industrial producers of7·ACA are DOW switching over to me eluyme proce5s.
16.11 I New ¡3-lactam technologies There is interest in devcloping alternative ways to make [he ce.phalosporin intermediares, 7·ADCA and '-ACA. using the P. chrysogenllm fermentadon. The.availability ofbiosynthetic genes has been usOO to this purpose ro design new biosyntbetic pathways. The expandase enzymes h ave a strict substrate preference fur pen!. cillin N-like molecules aud wiII not expand penicillin ~like molecuJes. It has been dernonstmted. however, [hat adipic acid can serve as the precursor to adipyl-pen!dllin in P. chrysogenutrl , On tbe insertion of the gene. (eJE (expandase from Strepromyres davullgmlS), intoP. chrysogtnum. the transformants prooucro adipyl-6-APA. and adipyl-7-ADCA. Tra ns· [onuants witb the genes ceJEF and cefG (acetylttansferase) produced adipyl-7-ACA ln addition ro me abow (Fig. 16.13). The adip)'1derivatives do have the advanrage ofbeing solvent-f!xtractable and rheir bydrolysjs has been demonstrated using- glutaryl amidases fromPseudomonns 5p.. enzymes known to have sorne affinity for the adipyl side chain. Similady directed synthesis has becn carricd out using carboxyrnetbyl· thiopropionate. a lUoleculeofsimilar structtlre to adipic acid.
M'·Mi; EnzyTTlic "trlrclpls 01
H'N"'.~~'r---f J-~ .= . &S COOH
cephalospo<"in e
1 c:.phalo~n.
o-aminoacid oxidase
oC&Ntc ¡ O
~~ 1"..:._._.~ HO
° 7-aminocephalosporanic acid
The direct fermentatioD of7-ACA h as already been demonstrated by the insertion ofgenes tor [)'aminoacid oxidase from Fl.lSarium solani and fur glutaryl amidase from Pscudomonasdiminuta intoA. chrymgt'num. A more cllallenging objective would be to produce the 7-AOCA Ducleus directly by the expandase working directly on 6-APA or ¡sopenici Wn N.Again ,strictsubsttate prefere nces do not permit this with the c urrent enzymes. Diren 6-APA fermentations have be:en developed. The instability. however, ofthis product, especiaUy in the presenceofCOz' and its poor extractability were major barriers to commercialisation. 00 the other hand, '·ADCAis stable in solutien, does nor reactwitb COl and hasvery low solubility at pH 4. could conceivably be an easier cempound ro recoveT.
P chrysogenum
aoipie acid added
aóipyl-6-APA (cetEF &dded)
.. .. •. . . .. .
adipyl.7 -aminodesacetyl
cepha[osporanic acid ( cefG addod)
. __ .. . _!l9.'
(!'~-f.~~.... _.. . __ .
Pseudomonas amidase
7-ACA or 7·ADCA
I Aminoglycosides
Strcptornycin was tlle first amilloglycoside used for antibionc t11erapy. Its aetivi!)' against Mycoba rterlum tuberculoru initiated the wide-spread introduction of antibiotic treatme nt to combat tuberculosis. Aminogl)'(.'OSides are potent antibiotics aud bavc activity against botll Gram-positive and Gram-neg:ltive bacteria as we ll as against mycobactcria. Unforrunately they can have nephro-{kidney) and oto·toxicities (hearing). aud care has to be ralcen in their use in I:(eatmentofserious infections. Aminoglycosides are bactelicidal and work by binding to the 30S ribosome suhunit whieh prevcntt protein synthesis. There are many aminoglyc:osides in medical use and are aU derived from actinomyt:es spp. FOl" example: stTeptomycin (S. griSL'US), gentami· cin (Micromono5]JOra purpurea), tebramydn (S. tenebnuius), kanamycin (S. kanalllyceticus). sisomidn (M inycesis). Sorne have been modified chemically lO produce derivativas wiUl resistance todinical isolares with acquired re'sistance te earlier aminaglycoside types. Cf particular interest is the use of the hydroxy·-yaminobutyryl side-chaul te give ilnti-pseudomonal activity te amikacin. Thi!; side chain occurs na[Ur:illy in che aminoglycoside butirosin produced by Bc.Idrlus ctrcululIs. Netilinicin is chemically derivcd from sisom· icin . Bacterial resistance OCCUl'S byenzym.icmodific
A11 ring structures ofthese antibiotics are derived from glucose, syn· thesised separatcly and then assembled into the final molecule. Most of the biosyntbetic euzymes and their associated genes llave. beco identified, Many simiJarilies in biosynlhesis have been .'leen actoss me wide variety of aruinoglycosides. In addi tion one cultUt'e can produee a varie!)' of molecuJes , e.g. kanamycin A. B. e or gentamicin el' e!, CI~' ez.,. A. RecombinantDNA tedmiques have been used to produce bybrid aminoglycosides (mutasynthesis), and rnany nove.1 structures have been pmduce
Kanamycin A R=OH R,=H R2 =OH
Amikacin R = OH
Rl =OH y'V
Sisomicin R=H Netilimicin R = CH2CH l
~\~N~ OH
Gen"m;c;n el
R R,
R, ~J
Oxytetracycline TetracycJine
Doxycycline Minocycline
R el H H H N(CH,),
R, CH, eH, eH, CH, H
Due to tbe general basic nature of aminoglycosides. (hey are generally recovered by a combination ofresin colurnn treatments, e.g. weak cationiclRC 50. non-ionic XAD, or alumina. Activated carbon treatment is often necessary alld rhe final product can be precipitated as the sulphat'e salt.
16. 12. 1 Tetracydines Tetracydines were the first group of antibiotics recognised ro have bread spectrum activity. They ael bypreventing Pl'Otein sy.mhesis at the 30S ribosome ¡nteraetien with tRNA. They are use build-up. Novel appLications incl ude activity against Reliwbacter pylori to combar stomach ulcers and as a propbylactic against malaria. Ollorotctracycline and tetracydine are produced by S. aureoJildens, and oxytetracyt:line by S. nmOSU$. Chlorotetracydine production is stimu\ated by chloride ions and retrncyc1ine by bromide ious. The chlorination gene can be deleted making the bacteríum produce onJy tetracydinc. Tetracyclincs have been modified chemicaUy to produce products with improved activity and stability. These indude doxycydine and minocycline lPig. 16.15) The biosynthesis and genetics of retracyelines have been well described . The starting polyketide cbain is firsr cyclised into rhe four ring structure tha[ is then sequentially modi6ed in a specific order. Prom doning studies ofthe biosynthetic enzymes tbe pbenomenon of gene dustering was first I'ecognised. Knowledge of tbe genetics of che producing ocganism has becn a grear asset ro strain improvement. Tetr.:tcycline resistance genes have been identified and mapped . and have played an important role in me build up ofproduct resistaDce in tbe producing culture (which itselfhas 30S ribosomes).
Urtledetail exists foc che industrial fermentatioo ofletracyclines.ln common with other streptomycete fermentations , soy flour. peanut meal or com steep Iiquor are the maio supply of nitrogen in tbe ininal batch mediu m. Com syru ps are used as carbonJeeds throughout the fu· mentation to maincain a balanced control of growth and ptoduct syn· thesis. Ammonium and phosphate have to be maintained a t low concentrations ro achieve successful fermentations. Various methods have been described rOt the recovery oftetracyclines. The antibiotic can beeJt..1ncted into n-butanol Ot methylisobutyL kemne at add or alkaline ronditions. or in the presence of quaternary ammoo.ium compounds. or adsorbcd on lO active catOOn for subsequentselective elution.
16. 13
I Macrolides
Macrolides are a diverse dass ofantibiotics, produced by actin omyces. Macrolides with antibacterial pt operties have in common a 12, 14 or 16 carbon macrocydi c lactone ring, substitutcd with sugar molecules. Larger ring macro lid es. the polyene macrolides. can have lactone rings DE 26-38 caroons. TIlese polyenes ate mainly antifungal. e.g. nystatin illld amphotericin. The non-polyene macrolides are bacteriostatic. They inhibit protein synthesis by reven;ibly binding to t he SOS portian ofthe tibosome. Erythromycin and darithrornycio (chemical derivative oferythromycin) are the mast prescnbed macrolides (Fig. 16.16). They have: a similar activity spectrum to the penicill ins and are usedby penidllinsensitive people te combat Gram·positivl" bacteria. ando in addition, are used against Mycop!asma. Campylobacter; Bordi'rtlla and LegioneUa. Oarithromycin is currently prescribed ro combae Helicobacter pylori. Erythrornycin is a 14 earbon macrolide produced by S. fl')'rhrtllS. Other 14 carbon macroJjdes include oleandomycin rrom S. otltibioticus, pikromycin from S.fdJcus. megalomicin from Micmmonospora illOSitola.. Tylosin is a 16 earban macrolide produced by S. frndiae and is produced industrially fur animal use. The general biosyntbetic patbways and tbeir assooated enzymes and genes have: becn ide ntified for many ofthe macro lides. Acetate, propionate and butyrate are the building blocks of the lac(one ring and glucose is the precursor oC tbe sugar units. Many commonalities have been recognised aud considerable research has been focused 00 che creatioo ofhybrid macrolides using rerombinant techniques.
16. 14
I Economics
Based 00 the quantities of earbon and oitrogen required to ohrain maximum bl'oth titres. the biosynthesis ofsecondary metabalites such as antibiotics is inefflcient. To produce a metabolite at a 3% eoncentralion in the fermentation broth typica1ly requires the utilisation of 20-25% carbohydrate and 3-5% protein.
Erythromycin R", H Clarithromycin A .. CH 3
Raw matenals them~lves contribute 30-45% oftbe final cosroftlte recovered antibiotic. with utilities at 10- 20%, fixf"dcosts, i.e. plant overheads. at 20-30%. Recovery costs can be 20-40% ar a recovery yield of 85% plus . Fixed costs vary depending on the quantity of product pr~ duced and on rjle scale ofoperations. Cornrnercialisation of antibiotics has produced il competitive worldwide madret. The difference be.t\veenmanllfacturing cast and sale price is dependent upon a variety of fluctuating factors. Main factors are the annual volumeofthe operdtion. qUallty oE tecltnology available. local cost of tbe manufactured producto establishment of long-term con· tracts. a nd ClIrreocy ftucruations between the majar developed CQUll' tdes. Manufacnning costs are conOnuaLly being lowered through technical development, improved efficiencies, increases in prodllction volume and i.ncreases in ma.r.ket sbare. far a best case situation . a company should producesufficient mate ria l tOSllpport ¡tsown inte rna! caprive demands for furtber proc:essing to m ore cxpensive products. lt should a]5O have long term comracts lo supply third parly sales prefer· ably tomore than one customer, and hawan active sales force toseU any remaining capaciLy to otberthiTd paTries, 111is is not always thecase as over the last 10 ycars scverallarge pharmaceurical companies in mE': US and Europe have stopped makingpenidllin , Thisbasbeendueto anee
16. 15
I Good Manufacturing Practices
Over balfofal.1antibiotio manufactured today arefor human use. Their extensive use necessitates Chat t he consumer should have confidence that [he product is safe. consistent. dean and pose n o additiQnal adverse health condjtions. Govemment autborities have establisbed a pbiJosophy and guidelines (oensure thar products for human consump-con are made underwell controlled cOllditions. These are referred to as Good ManufaccuringPractices. Regulations and guidelinesare in place to enSUTe that correct procedures are followed tbrougbout the many st:1ges ofproduc( manufacrure. Rigorous roxicology tests and detailed dinkal trials have to be performed before a productca.n be considced for full·scale manufacture. Raw materials have tu meet certain preestablished quality criteria and consisrency. All manufacturing and pilot processes bave to be detalJed as standard operating procedures. All ana1ytical procedul'es have to be validated ro enSllre tbat tbey always givc tl'ue results under a wide variety ofconditions. These procedures
have been established ro ensure that [he produLt manufactured is oh conslseent high quality. Any changes ro a manufacruring process couid resultindifferences in the final productso ilis extremely important te adhere to aU established operadog procedures. Quality chedcs are a1ways perfonned at suitablc stages io the manufucturing process. Tbe puri[}' oC i.nlemlediates and tinal products cannot be cxpected ro be 100". However specific¡¡tious have to bescr to ensurc productuniCormity. The produce should be ofa s highest purity possible at ao est.ab-
Lished accept31lCe leve!. The presence and jdentity of all impurities shouLd be known and shou ld nol exceed set limirs. The mxicityofthese impurities should be known. Analytical procedures should be in place ro ensure [he recognirion and idenlification of any new impurities. To Collow Good Manufa cruring Practices, al] procedures bavc to be dorumented and working copies available for operators to follow. lnstruc tional sheets have lo be !>igned at the completion of each stage and the record s checked by management and rNained as the batch record . These recoros are available to any inspections by Government regulatory bodies. Strict adherence to (hese polides will satisiY thc regulatory authorities, and will ensure confidence in the general public that their medicines are safe.
16. 16
Further reading
Elander, R. P. (1989). Bioprocess technology in..industlial fungi.ln FcrmCTJ!Qtllm l'roo:ss Ot'wlopll'lcnt eifIndu5trial Orgemisms. U. O. Neway, ed.). pp. 169-219. Maree! Delckl!r, Ni! w York. Hersbach, G.J. M.. Van Dl!r Beek. C. P. and Van Dick. P. W. M. (19M). TIle ¡x'nicil· Uns: properties. biosynthesis . and fi'1:mentation.ln HiotechnoloKY oflndustrlal Anfiblo'fa(E.j. Vandamme, ed.). pp. 45-140. Maree! Dekker, NewYol'k. Lowe, O.A. (1986). Manufacture ofpeniciJlim. In Bcta·LactamAnt'lhioNcs for Qinfral U~(S. F. Queener, j.A WebberandS. W. Queener, eds.), pp. 117-161 . Mareel Dekker. New York. Paradkar. A. S.. Jensen. S. .E. and Mosher. R. H. (1997). Comparative genctics and molecular biologyorbeta"lactam biw.ynthesis.ln 1Ilou,hnology of AntChiollcs, 2nd l!ditum (W. R. SlrOhI. ro .). pp. 241-277. Mared Dekker. New York. Queellt'r. S. a nd SchwarlZ. R. W. (1979). Penicillin.s: biosynthetic and se mi· sytl(hctic. [n Eronomic M¡crobiorogy. Vol. 3 (A. H. Rose. 00 ,), pp. 35-122. Academic Prcss. l.ondon. Smith. A. (1985). Ccphalosporins.ln Compreht.'J1sü -e 8iout:hno.logy. VoL 3 (M. MoaYOUllg, oo.), pp. 163-I3S. Pcl'gamon Press, N~ York. Strohl. W. R. ('1997). Lnd ustrial antibiotics: roday ólnd the future. ln f!wteochnology ofAll1ibiotia, 2nd Edition (W. R. Strobl, ed.). pp. 1-47. M;¡rce1Dekker. New York. Vandamme. E.j. (1984). Mtibiouc searcb and production: an overvi.ew. ln IllouchnologoflndustrlaJ Antlbiotict (E.J . V;mdilrnme, ed .), pp. 3-3 1. Marce l
Dekker, New York.
Chapter 17
8aker's yeast Sven-Olof Enfors Nomenclature Introduction
MC!dium fur ba).:er's yeasr production .Aerobic ethanol formation and consumption ll1e fed-batch techniquE' used to control e:thanol production Industrial process control Process outline
Funhcr reading
C, C,
e, OOT
oor F 11
K," K. ,~
'" ""'" q.
'... '.... S I
Nomenclature EtbaDol carbon concentration Sugar carboo concentratlon CeU carban concentratlon Dissolved oxygcn t.e.nsion DOT inequilibrium with gas Substrate fiow rate Convenioo COllstant Oxygen transrer coefficienl Saturadon constant Spedfic rate of ethanol coruumption Spedfic rate o r ethanol production Maintenance coefficient Specific rate of oxygen consumption Specific rate croxygen consumptioll fur sug;rroxidation Spedfic rate ohugar comumplion Specifk mte of sugar ro anaboHsm Specific rnteofethanol con.rumplion wnen over:fIow metabolism seu in Specific rateofsugar 10 aerobic ellergy metabolism Maximum<Js Sugarroncentraóon Tim, VoLumeofmedium Biomass concentrntioD
(kgru- l ) (kgm 3) (kgm J)
(% air saturatioo) (% air saturation) (m3 h- 1) (% air saL kg- l· m J) (h- I ) (kgm - J )
(h-1 ) (h-1 ) (h-IJ (h-') (h-') (h-')
(h-') (h-' )
(h'"' )
Ih -') (kgm-ll (h) tmJ)
Yos y~ Y:w Yxs
YieJd c'oefficient exclusive. maintenallce Coeffidentofoxygen per sugar Yield coefficient of cel15 per ethanol Yield coefficientofcells pe.r oxygell 'úeld coefficientofcells per sugar
Il. JLait
Spédfic growth l
{kgkg- I } (kgkg-IJ {kgkg- I ) (kg~ IJ
(kgkgl) (h- I) (h-l)
17.1 I Introduction The use ofmicro-organisms ro raise me dough for bread making is one ofthe oldest examples ofman 's employrnent ofmicro-organisllls, Bread of this I:ype is known in Egypr from at least 3000 Be. w hen a slave's payment was settled ln units ofbread and beer. This bread was probably r.lised by a mixture ofyeasrand Jactic acid bacteria. bothofwhich wete ingtedienrs in the beer mash and foam mar was used as starter culture for rhe bread production. The yeast used for today's baking, Saccharomyce5 cereYÍslae. does not grow during dough raising conditions and it must therefore be supplied from externa! sources. Unti 1 the middJe of the nineteenth century rhis yeast was obtajned from rhe dis· tiUers and breweries, though the ba.ketdid nor knowwhatkllld ofactive agents was contained in tbe fermentation foam tbal was used . During the nineteentb cenrory the bottom fermenting S. carfberyn· sis(now regaroed as a synonym ofS. Ct'l?visfae) grad ually replaad the top fermenting S. ct!Yevisiae in large parts of Europe and, since !be bouom fe rme ntingyeast was less suitab!e for bread making a shortage ofyeast waS encountered. ln 184.6, t.he sO
Fruetose + Glueose
Fructose Glucose
Upuke and energy metilboliJm ofthe main $l,Iprs utibed by baker~ )'ean. SutrOM! 1, hydrolysed by 1r!Yeru.1e ~o ghJcO'Ie plus 'nlctoJe whith ~ mm aloen
up bythe cel. Malwse ¡, fht tnmported ¡mo the cell and lhen hydrolysed In dle cytOplnm ea ghx:05e. An importal'lt qulllry aspe« o, b.aker'1 )'eUt i1 that !he
a·glueosidsS8 - --=-= ==='---- .",. ",,,,,
malto,e comumptloflgt:nr$ a~ 'l,Ibjected to g!uco,e repfeulon
and me enrymu Involved are very ullJable wh ich mean, tIuot the
----- ,1
NAo.----1 NADH----1 ,
ablUf)' tO utlllse ma!tose 1, variable.
Respiration ATP
fed·batch technique is employed to control the sugar concentration; in other fermentation processes it may be other substrates or miere> nutrients to keep them at conceotrations wbich will pe.rmít optimaJ metabolic activity in tbe cultivated micro-orgarnsms. The uptake and energy metabolism ofthe main sugars utilised by baker'S yeast i5 shown in Fig.17.1. Baker's yeast is composed ofliving cells of aerobicaUy grown S, cerevtsjae.The commerdal producers use valious strain.s ofthis species. They differ from the strains ofS. cerevislae used fol' beer production mainly in rheir panero of utilisation of medium components. The product is cimer deUvered as a dried powder(dryyeast) with about 95% dry weight or as a cake with about 25-29% dryweighí. containing onlywashed cells and residual water. The yeastis used to r.üse Che dough in the baking process and to give special texture and taste to the bTead. Oough raising is caused by the production of CO 2 during alcoholic ferrnentation of sugaTS available io the dough. These sugars are mainly maltose and glucose. produeed from the floor starch by the a-amylase aetivity in the Rour, or sucrose if added by the baker. lbe majn reactioo ofthe dough raising can be considered as anaerobic fermentation ofhexose to C0 2 and ethanol: (17.1) The carbon dioxide i5 entrapped in the dough and causes its exp:m sion. Tbe erhanol, even though it evapora tes in the oven , concributes (O formation ofesters. However, there are rnany other, le5S well characterised, properties of the yeast thar are important for the bread Quality, as evident from tbe difference between yeast fennented bread and bread
produced-with bakingpowder. that aIso evolves COl"Thus, baker's yeast should be considered as a package ofenzymes.ratber thanjustb¡omass. The: composition af lhis e nzyme package is subject ro opti.mJsation by slra m developmenr and control ofthe fermentatioR process.
17.2 I Medium for baker's produceion The stoichiometlyfor production ofbaker's yeast can be summarised as 200 g glucose+ 10 gNHl + 100 g Oz + 7.5 g salts~
100gbiomass+ 140gC02 +70g HP
TIlis results in me following approximateyie1d coefficienls: Yxs "" O.5kgkg-t y ro = 1.0 kg kg-I YJ(N= O.lkgkg- I , 111e production is an aerobic fed·batch process on a medium af motas· ses. aromanía orammoniumsalts. phosphates, vitamins and antifoam. Which specific vitamins and additional sal ts have to be ineluded in rhe medium depends on the strain, (he quality ofthe rugar source (moJasses) and the quality ofthe water. S. cerevislae has a rlemand formany como poncnts. as evident from the complexity of a detined med.ium for its growth (seeTable 17.1). For cornmerdal production. howeve.r, rhe mol..lsses and the process water fur.nish mos[ ofthese components, Molasse5 ofboth sugar cane and sugar beet can be used rol' baker's yeaS( production. 1b.e sugar content of the commen:ial moJasses is 45-50%. A major difference becween che two types of molasses is th3t 5Ugar molasses contains mainly sucrose and Htt1e hiolin, whlle in sugar come rnolasses the sucrose to a large extent has been hydrolysed to glucose plus fructose, aud ir is also richer in biotin. Furthermore, motasses contaius other fermentable sugars and amino acids that are udlised by the cells. A problem with the beet molasses is that 0.5 te 3% oftbe sugar is r.tffinose, a trisaccharide (fructose-glucose-gaIactose) tbat is only partiallyhyd.rolysed by baker's yeast that does not baw a-galactosidase activity. This results in a substantial emuent ofme.libiose ( Brewer's yeas!, on the other band, often.has a-galactosidase activity. a nd doning the gene coding for this enzyme into bake.r's yeast is tberefore aD obvious possibiliry to improve the yield and de<:rease the biological oxygen demand ofthe eff1uents arising in baker's yeast production. Ethanol can be used by S. ctrt'vísfae under aerobic. but not under anaerobic. conditions. (n the baker's process. sorne ethanol is initially produced and tbe process is controlled in such a way tbat tbis ethanoI is later on utilised as cnergysource, as explained in (Fig. 17.2). The main source of nitrogen is ammonia, but most of the am1no acids of the lllolasses ar e also consumed and concribute ro the total nitrogen supply. Tbis uptake of amino acids and other organic COlOpounds from the m olasses i5 important for environmental reasons, since the remaining organlc compounds in the medium contribute ro
Commeroal medium
Defined medium Mammechum(gl 1) Glucose (total feed)
(NH),SO, KH,PO, MgS°4 ,7H}O
lOO 10 5 8
110 lasses (total fero)
NH) aq.
340 0.3
HlO~ (85%)
MgSO~ '7H10
Troce elements (mg r 1) EDTA-Na, CaCl1 '2H 2O FeS0 4,7H2O MnC ~ '2H ,O
úS04 '5H2O
ZnSO~ '7H20 Co C~'6H,20
Na,MoO.2H,O H]BO¡
60 18 12 4 1.2 16 1.2 1.6 4
KJ 1 )
Vitcmins (mg 1Thiamlne·H O Pyridoxine'HO Nicotinic acid o-biotin Ca D-pant othenate Meso-inosito l
4 4 4
0.2 4 lOO
the consider.ilble biologica.1 oxygen de:mand of the effluent process water. The: ammonia coosumption results in pH-decrease sinee one protoo is liber.lted per- NH; ion tha( is oonsumed. This is compensated for by pH regulanoo in which aquCQUS NH 4 0H is used.
I Aerobic ethanol formation and consumption
The main sugar sources in the production medium, glucose and fructose, enter the glycolyticpathway (EMP - see Chapter 2) as visualised in Fig. 17. 1. The fate ofthE' sugarcan be divided lnto (hree majn reactions: • complete oxidation to CO 2 ; • piUtial oxidation to ethano!; • assimilation into the biomass. Under certain conditions , the ethanol may be oonsumed by the cells and used
'00t--___...._____.....____-;'Oo DOT F
.. .. .. .. ..
O ~~----~--~~--~-·~~~~·~~~O
Time (h)
Sirnularlon ola Mur's yll!aSt fermern,::r.don pra~eSl.. loltillly the m~ Inflo ..... n~ (f) is increlUd exponentiaHy ro provlde a glw:m spe
but also in aerobic cultu.res ar high sugar concentration. This aerobic etbanol production is calle
Glucase ÚlI-')
The bonJe. neck mod~1 ilfunroued as Memoo plocs ofthe speclrlt rones ot supr (qJ and oxyg~n (qo.) cOfl!umption. growth (p.) and ethanol production (qq) ¡nd Ulf"d1nlP00n (qJ. ~ long u tlle wpr concentl'atlon incre~s~s at concentratlons below lhe critical y,¡lue, me specific o>
(qo.-). When t~e \.ligar ~oncl!ntralion dednes b.low the critical vllue and il elhanol Is present. me ethanol is ~on!IUmed atl rata mal S1tUr':I.tA!S the resplratloo. keeplng me oxygen ~onsumption nle al !he ma>
sugar concentration is beIow the critica] value. Shortly afterwards the growth abruptly ceases due ro lado: of sugar. Crowth on cthanol aJone requires a biosyntbetic pathway toC;-c;, sub!.tam:eS. which is provided by me s(Kallcd gluconeogenesis and the glyoX)'la te sbunt (sec Chapter 2). Several enzymes ofthese pathways are repressed by glucose catabolite repressiou and their ¡ndurnon ta.kes sorne timewhich resuLts in a so-called diauxic lag of abolltone hOllr becweeo growch 00 glucose and growth on ethanolin batch culture, This lag-is no[ observe
The fed-batch technique used to control ethanol production
Ir-is difficult to reach high concentrations ofbiomass ofS. Crn!vtsiae. in a batch process since tbatwould require a high initial sugar concentra· tion and, due to the overflowmetaboHsm thiswould !"emlt in inhibitory high ethanol concentrations. Furthermore, rhe highgrowth cate would res1.Ilt in ahigh oxygen consumption rate.As industrial bioreactors have quitemodest0 2 transfer capacities in che rangeofl 00 mmoll~l · h _ hig h concenlrations ofbiomass cannor be obtaint!d withoutcontrolling tbe oxygen consumption tate wirh in the range ofthe bioreactor capacity. 80th chese goals, themetabolicconlrol orthe overflow metabolism and che oxygen coruumption ¡-;:¡te control can be achie\'ed through the redbatch technique. There: are no simple analytical saluaons af the mass balance equatians of a red-batch process as in the case of rhe chemostat. Instead. numerical solutions are applied from given initial conditions sueh as concen trations ofbiomass and subso
This substrate is channe1Jed into two main metabolic fluxes used for anabolism and aerobic en~rgy metabolism , respectively. The flux used for anabolism c.m be estimated from ;] carbon mass balanc~ as
qSan = es IQs -qm)Y..."
and rhe flux ro a~robic energy metabolism is obtained as the res!: (17.5)
The growth rate ¡s obtained by subtracting the maintc.nance demand froro the tOtal substrate uptake and muJtiplicarion by che yield coefficient exclusive m aintenance: (17.6)
Since almost al l oxygen consumption is derived from the respil
These speci.6c rates are theo inserted into the corresponding mass balanceequations: dS F dt ~v(S, - S) - q,X
ax F - ~-_·X +"x dt
A fed-batch process is ofien started at the end oi a batch process when Ule dissolved 0 2 concentratioo 15 approaching a limitingvalue. Then a constaot fee
Note that the yield decreased if growth rates above the critical value fur ethano1 formation are selected. The corresponding rugar concentrarion. s, i.s then obtained by rearrangement of rhe Manad mooel :
where Ks is rhe saturation coostant rOl" sugar uptake. l1tis initial substrate concentration can be kept constant by application ofan exponential feed rareo P(t). calculated from : F(r) = Foel'o"ltl
The inirial feed rate, Po' is esnmated (roro:
Fo =s""y' (XVI,
where (XV)O is [he ¡nitia! biomass (kg) and SI is tbe iolel feed sugar concentration (kg m - 3). ln practice, rhe coefficients in this modc1 are not consrantand tberefore the concentra han ofsugarmay not be absolutely slcady. Alag pbase with respect: (O sugar uptake i5 often observed and then the sugar concentranon may initi.uJy rise, but this is later on compensated by an increased growth rate, so eve.ntuaUy the concentratioo stabilises at the control vatue as isvisualised in Hg. 17.2. Exponeotial fee
3 e~
that the O~ consumption ratedoes notdecline until all ethanol has been conrome
17.5 I Industrial process control The process lasts for abonr 15 hours a nd 50-60 g dry ceUs per litre will be reached. Themoculum size is al>out 10% (vJv). Theinitialrate ofsugar feed musrbe low [O avoid accumulation ofsugar and excessiVl" ethanol fonnarioa ilS the critica! vaJue aboye wbich ethanol is prodllced by over.Dow metabolism is only about 100 mgo 1- 1 slIgar (present as glucose and fructosc at a ratio about1 :3 due ro the rupid hydrolysis ofsucrose). To use a constant feed rate then, correl>1>Onding tothe critica} consumption rafe of tbe cells, would make the biomass productivity too low. Thcl·efore the principIe of exponential feed is applied to locrease the sugar feed rate ar the same rate as t he biomass is increasing. In the baker"s yeastprocess, a spedfic growth rate ofapproximately 0.25 h- ! 1Sused dw:ing theexponential pllase, sim:e a higher growth.rate would give too much ethanol by overflow metabolism even thougb the productivitywould be higher. Iftbe feed flow profile is selected ro give a growth rate at or below I-'¡rjt no ethanol is formed and tbe biomass yield would be the m aximal, but the productivi ty ofbiomass wouJd be lowcr. Thus, sel e<:tionoflhe Cee<'! profiJe is a r:ypical optimisadon case between high yield(lowproductivity and lowyield.{high productivity. ln prnc tice, a flow profile thatgiVl!S 3D initial phase with sorne elhanol production . in the mnge of a few grams pe!" litre, is chosen with lhe totaJ ceU mass. henee tbe loss in yield being low. When rhe How tate is held conscanrthe initiaUy fODlled ethanoLis consumed . This is illustrated in Fig, 17.3. 'Iñeeonstantfeed phase can in principlebe extencled ro achievevery high cell com:e.ntrations. In prnctice. however, the proce5s is sropped at abolir 50-60 g dry cclls per line. since accumuJation of nonwetabolisable corupounds frOID the rnolasses reaches inhibitory conrentralions that raise themainrenance energy r equirement ofthe reUs, which means Chut Che net biomass yield per molasses declines if (be proccss is extended , The termination ofa baker'syeast process ineludes critical procedures that aim. at maruring the yeast to give it sui table quali t ics. The mostimportantofthese qualities are the gassing power. Le. rhe rate ofC01prodllctionin the dough, the storage stabilíty. Le. (he r.tte by whkh lhe g:¡ssl ng poWff declines during me noring, and rhe drying resist"ance for yeast intended fur dI"ying. It is .lIso of utmost importan ce lO keepa constantgassingpowe.r from batch robatcb due to the mechnnised bread production. The matul
respect [O its contem ofproreins and carbobydrates. ln particular m e roncenttation of trehaJOS!! wb.ich increases during the maturation pbase, is considered imporrant for tbe storage quality. About 1% oftb e cell'scontentofglycogen + trchalose is degraded perday duringstorage at 4 ~ c. Tre.haJose has furtber been suggested ro function as a protective agent that ¡ncreases thedrying and freezing resiSCance oftheyeast celJs. Enzyme activities are a1so controlled by the feed profiles and nitrogen to sugar ratio duringthe process. The!"e:u a posicive corre..lacion between high protein concentraban and b.igh gassing power but a negative correlation between protein concentration and $torage stability. Thus, control of the protein concentra n on is ane means by which [he manufactu.rer can adjust these properties ofthe product,
17.6 I Process outline The flow scheme ofa baker's yeaSl plan( is illustrated in Fig, 17.4. Eacb productioncompany has its own, special , strain of S. cert'Visiae, preserved under strictly ;!scptic conditions, From this strain, a first inoculum may beproduced and thenstored in frozell state. This inoculum isthenpropagated step-wisely to largel'volumcs: first in an anaerobic fermentation and later, w hen tbe yield becomes important, in aerated fermellters . Thc production stage mostly uses non·agi tated.fermen ten ofthe air'lift orbubble (olumn type. Typical size may be 100-200 rol and several fer· menters may be used in a planto The medium ls nor ful1y sterilised. The process is r1m at pH between 4 and S and the large inocu lum and shol"t fermentatian time, help to prevent a ny contaminating organis ms from taking over. HoweYer, rhe molasses, wbich may contain large quantities of micro-organisms. is sterilised by continuous high·(emper.l.wrelshort·time sterilisation after ruludon a nd standardisation ofthe sugarconcentration. Water and the dissolved medium cornponents are heated by steam under normal pressure. The air for the process ¡s 61tered but fiot with a sterilisatian filter. Thus, che baker's yeas[ product is nor a monoculture butcontains also sorne lactk acid bacteria and may occasionally also contain 'wild yeast' from lhe environment 1( is some times thought that rhese lacric acid bacteria inOuence che leavening process. Since (bey corutirurf' less than 1" of m e total biomass in a typical baker's yeast product. ir is nor likely, however, (har tbey have a measurable effect unless the leavening time is extended. 111e fermentarion time neroed ro complete one fed-batch depends on rhe ratio selected betweell the staning concelltraúon of the yeast and its final concentration, and on thefeed mte which is limited by the cooling or aer.ltion capacity of the reClctor. A typical value can be 15 hours to produce a brotb containing about 50-60 g dry ceUs per litre. The «;:e1l5 are then washed with continuous centrifugal separators connecrcd fur counte r-current Opet3tiOIl. This concentr:ated yeas( cream is then further de-watered in a rotating vacuum filter which provides the
Flow schern ... fer
Feed of molasses and ammonia
Dry yeast
Fluidised bed drying
Counter current centrifugation
Fresh yeast
cornmon yeasr cake with abour 27% dry weight thar i.5 used commeroa1lyas freshyeast.Altematively, thevacuum-filteredyeast cake is subjected to further drying in fiuidised beds to produce dIy yeast powder. The fresh yeast has a shelf life of abont oue month when stored at refrigeraror temperature (about4 oC). The.shelflife is notlim.ited to this value for hygiene reasons, bU( rather because the baking quality declines. Sorne important quality parameters are listed in Box 17.1. Other importantanalyses to control the production areconeentrations ofprotein and carbohydrateinduding b"ehalose and gIycogen. It may appear that.the baker's-yeast process would be a ~rfect candidate fur eontinuous production according to the chemortat principle. Efforts have been made. ro develop a continuotls process but have failed. Therc are two majar difficulties. Firstly, the baker's yeast process is not a completely aseptic -process bU[ contains lactic acid bacteria, sorne other yeasts and endospores, nODe of which can develop dnring the short batch process but they wiIl develop in a continuous process. Thus a continuous process must be absolutely aseptic which mereases the investment.andrunning costs considerably. Secondly, the mauuation
procedut:es. in which both nitrogen. and me molasses feeding are stepped down according to specific schemes, would require a multi-step continuous process which also increases che production costs_ Thus. the fed-batch technique. in whic.h the proportions between the supplies of nitrogen. sugar and 02 can be easi1y controUed. is superior from the qualitycontrol point ofview.
17.7 I Further reading deJong-Gubbels, P., VéIJILolleghem, 1'., Heijnen. s., van Deijken,J. P. and Pronk,]. P. (1995). Regulation ofcarbon metaboli:m1 in c)¡emostat cultures of Saccharom)'t"es cenvisia.e grown on mLxtures ofglucose and ethano!. Yeastll, 407--418.
l'ham. H.• LaTSson. G. and Enfurs, 5.-0. (1998). Growth and energymelabollsm in
Sonnll;'itner, B. and Kappeli, O. (1986). Growrh ofSacrharomyces ceT"!.'V1s!ue 18 conttolled by its limited respiration capadty: Fannulation and verification of a hypothesis. BiotechlloJ. BiocIIg. 28, 927-937.
I Chapter 18
Production of enzymes David A. Lowe Introdllction Enzymes frOID ammal and plant sources Enzyrnes frOID rnicrobial SOUTces Large-scale production fundament als Genetic engineerillg Recovery of enzymes
¡solation ofsoluble enzymes Bnzyme purification Immobilised emymes Legislative and safety aspects Further reading
18. 1 I Introducti on Enzymes have beeo used both directly and indirectIy by mankind for thousands ofyears. Their ¡nirial discovery and use was through serendipitous observations, adoptian and continued adaptation. In general the ellZyme8 themselves were expressed through the use ofli:ve microol'ganisms, fOl" example in the leavening ofbread, ferInentation offruit juices. baring ofleather, al" from erucle tissue extracts, for example the conversian ofmilkto cheese. With hindsight mese early discoverjes are maIVellous examples of the observant and creative nature of OUT early ancestors. Today, enzyrnes have many applications in a w ide variety of aTeas ofwhich the general consurner is unaware. The world market forenzymes is oYer $1.5 billion ilnd is anticipated to double by the-year 2008. There has been a 12% annualincrease in the volume of enzymes rnanufactured in the ¡ast 10 years. Approxirnately 400 companies are cu rrently involved in the manufactu re ofenzymes. 14 ofwhich can be considered to be majorproducers (Table 18.1). In addition. oYer the last five years several new companies have emerged with inteTesting new technologies for enzyme isolarion and production. Sixty per cent of enzyme production OCClIts in Europe, witb 15% in the US and 15% inJapan.ln renns ofdollar usage, the US and Elllopeeach
'''''"t'~''a - '""'!'J! ''~;;¡';:'''' ik'::'"'5'" ..:-!! ·· l........... ¡uJl. · .0;1:: ::" ~OI'~eh"",Ql~ ' UI:wture "':.':~;!l~ ~!f'~::~:"··~~:::: ;, ;.~. - ~: ............ , ••• ~.*"í;:'!';:~_ .. ~ • . :.:. .,: !~~ ••• ·· d~: ...... ··
"""_;;;',-,""'1'1,,--.""''''''',,'"'_""-.,A.mana Pharmaceutical Co.. Japan BiocatalySts Lt d. Wales Enzyme Development Corp" USA Danisco Cultor. Finland DSM·Gist. The Netherlands Meito Sankyo Ca.. Ja¡><1n Nagase Biochemicals, Japan Novo NOl"disk, Denmar-k RhOne-Poulenc, EnglarJd Rohm GmbH, Gerrnany Sankyo Ca.. Japan Shin Nihon o,emical Co.Japan Salvay Enzymes GmbH, Germany Yakutt Biochemical Ca. lapan
45% 34% 11% 3%
Foad Detergents Textiles Leather
Rennet Glucoamylase Alpha-amylase Glucose isomerase Papain Trypsin Other proteases Phytase Pectinase Othecs
25% 20%
16% 15% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 12% Total value == US$ 1.5 billia n
consum e 30 % ofworld outpur. Approximately 75% ofindustrial enzymes are use
Production ofen:tymes has greatly expanded since the 1960s due to
the widespread introduction of fermentation rechnology and more recently from the introduction of genetic cngineering. Recombinant m icro-organisms are now becoming tbe dominant source ror enzymes for a wide variety oftypes. This trend wilI ¡ncrease in tbe futnre due ro the ease ofgenetic manipulation and the wide variety of enzymes available from micro-organisrns found in diverse and extreme environmenu. Many microbial enzymes have becn found and developed to replaceexirting enzymes from animaland plant origino
18. 1. 1 Commercial considerations Curre ntly. enzymes aTe produced from a wide range of biological sources. An approxim.ate breakdown of the SQut(es for bulk enzyme source is;u¡ foUows: filamentou s fungi . 60%: bacteria. 24%; animal , 6%; plant. 4"; yeast, 4 %: streptom)'4:es. 2%. 11rree general approaches can be taken to ¡ncrease market share of bulk enzyme sales: • develop less manufacturing processes to reduce final con and the sale pdces: • identi:fy and develop new enzyrnes from new sourres and seek new applications: • find new uses forexisting en zymes. Many producers prodllce more than one enzyme from the same source. This is because market changes can produce a s.hortage in one type of enzyme and over-production of orher e nzymes. These imbalances can produce price variations. Bulk enzyme producen usuaIly make more t han onegrade ofeozyme with lhe higb. quality foad grade dominating due ro me high production volumes for lhis type ofproduct. Manufatturing processes for enzymes vary a greatdeal and are gavemed by the required quality. applicatioll. cost and market volumc. Bulk cornmodity en~ymes have an inherent low value and therefore necessitate a low cOSt manufacture witb minimal processing. Al the other extreme, high <:ost research and diagnostic enzymes have an expected high quality associated with them and inheTent high manu· facturing cost. Enzymes thatare sold in anoua] volumes ofover 10000 tonnes typically cost $5- 30 per kilogram. Speciality enzylncs with limited anoua! volumes ofles5 than ooe tonne can cost over $50000 per kilogram. and sorne therapeutic enzymes can cast over $5000 per gramo At each extreme the total anIlUal value of tbe enzyme product woutd range fro m S5 [Q $50 miJlion. There are dear differences between companies involved in fine and bulk enzyme ma nufac ture. and companies will specialise in eithcr but nor in both as manufacture of e ither type ínvolve radicalIy different approacbes. as indic.ated in Table 18.4.
I Enzymes from animal and plant sources
lbe early sources of enzymes weTe animal or plant material. lnitially tbeir use was local. However, with me advent ofslaughter houses and
Low unit cost, priced by weight l ow purity. less than 10% proteln Presence of other enzymes Spray dried or concentrated liquld
High unit cos!. priced by enzyme units High purity. greater than 90% enzyme Absence af other enzymes, ortheir act.lvities quantified Lyo philised solid. frozen salid or arnmonium sulphate suspension
Absence of preservatms limited variety available ~ 200
Variety of preservatives used Wide variety available - 2()(X) Wide variety of purification techniques. especially colul'Y\li chromatography No free samples W ide range of quantities
Purification limited to batch steps
Sample available gratis Minlmum order 1- 2 kg
Jack bean (Conavalia ensi(ormis)
Papaya (Carico papayo)
Fig (FiclJs car/ca) Pineapple (Ananas comoslJs) Horseradish (Armoracia rustlcOI1O) Almond (Amygdafus communjs) Wheat (Trrtlcum aeslivum) Barrey (Hordeum vulgore) (Glycine max)
Ficin Brom¡:lain
Diagnostic baJcing. dairy. tanning, meat tendenser. beer haze Mea\: t enderiser Baking (gluten (ompl~ reduction) Diagnostic
Peroxidase Jl-glucosidase Esterase
{J·amylase ,8-amylase
Re",arrh Ester hydro ~s and synthesis Bakjng. ma/tose syrups Baking, mattose syrups
organised agriculcure. increases in sca le were possible. There still aTe many effident e rrzyme rnauufacturing processes reliant on t bese sources. Animal rissue aud organs provide excellent sources for sorne lipases. esterases a nd proteases, th e mest notable of wruch are the rennets, pepsin, trypsin and chymosin. Heneggs centinue: to be a good source fm Iysozyme. CultiVdted plants serve as excellent SQurces o fproteases, forexample bromelain from pineapple, papain from papa.)'3 and ficin from figs (Table 18.5.) Animal sources (e nd to be !Dore variable than p lant sources rrable 18.6). There can besignificantdifferences bctvvee.n tbe type, breed, age, condina n and tife history of animals prior [O slaughter. Agricultural plmts, on rhe otIler hand, cm be culrjva ted spccifically for tbe produc· tian of enzy¡ncs and sorne uniformity of product en.sured. However all craps are at fue m erey ofthe weatber and seasonal, climatic and occa· sionally political events. Crude tissue frem animal and plant sources has ro be stabilised. u sualIy by freezing or drying. prio r to transporta-
Catf, bovine . kid. lamb, porcine
Oiastase (amytase). pre-gastric esterase. IIpase. pepsin. trypsin. r l,ytase, chymosin (rennin). phospholipase
Heneggs Human urine
Lywzyme Urokinase
tion to enable the coUection ofQuantities large enough for cconomical batch handling. There are obvious limitations to rely1ng solely 011 animal secondary produets and agricultura] materials. Orten materials are not always ;¡vailable eonsistently and quantitl es can be limite
18.3 I Enzymes from microbial sources M.icro-organisms are tbe mos[ eonvenient source of enzymes. The numbee and diversity of enzymes is proportional to the number and diversity ofmicro-organisms. Microhes have been collec(oo from envil'Onmemal extremes 5uch as hor springs. r.he aretic, rain forest and deserts. Eacb biologicaJ species has 3ssociated specifie microbes and tberefore the potential spectrum ofenzyme activities islarge. Cenetie engineering techniques have en¡¡bJed (he enzyme indusn-y to ¡ncrease the fennenCltion productivity ofthese enzymes byrnanyorders oC mago nitude. Even the propei'ties of these enzym~ can be altered and improved by pr:otein engineering. Many enzymes are narurally repressed and can only be expressed under certain culture conditions. These enzymes can be both intracellu· lar, typic-.t11y in the case of E. eoil. and extracellular as in Baci!!us species. Comm.ercia1 strains of non-recombinantbacilli and aspergilli are Imown [O produce enzymes up (oa concentradon of20 kg m- l. Recornbinantcultures can also produce enzymes al (hese productivities.
18.3.1 Species-specific enzymes A number of AspergfIItLS strains are prolific producers of many types of enzymes. Duf' W well-developed rermentatLon proccsses. A. niger is airo w:idely used as a host fur expression of rerombinant enzymes (s~ also Chapb.'.r 5). This species is known to produce over 40 different rommer· cial enzymes, the most common ofwhich are shown in Table 18.7. Similar enzymes can also be produced from different mkro-organ· isms, ror example thCl'C are seven different microbial sources fur glueose isomerase and eigbt for u-arnylase (Table 18.8).
U""'" ArnyIogluwsidase Pentosanase Prote"", (l'·amy!ase Phosphalipase Phytase Glucose oxidase Pectlnase
Pectin esterase Cellulase Catalase a -galactosidase Inulinase ,8-glucanase Galactomannase Arabinase
Glucose isomerase
Malted cereals Animal pancreas Asperglllus oryzae Aspergi/lus r1/ger
Actinop/ones m!5.sounen.sis Baci//us coogu/ans Mycoboaerium arWrescens Streptomyces murjns Streptomyces oliVOCeDUS Srreptomyees o/ivochromogens Strepoomyces phoenics Endomyces spp.
Bodllus amyloliquefadens Bbcillus lichenirormis Badllus steorothermophilus Bacillus subti/rs
AAjzopvs oryzea
18.4 I Large-scale production The cultivad on of micro-organlsms is economical on a large scale due ro the use. of inexpensive media and short fenn en ta tion Lydes .· logit:al sta re of the micro-organism in a ferm entad on pl'ocess can be well controll ed and the uniformity of each batch ensured. The harvest can be conveniently scheduled to tit in with t he downstream processing. The choice ofenzyme to be fermented i5 easyto schedule and different enzyme production campaigns ean be plan ned and adjusted {omeet sales dem and s. En~ e. produetivüy ea.n be inereased many-fold by both conven tion al strain improvement and fe nne.ntation process deve]· opme nr and o witb (he additional use of genetic engineering, several orden of magnitude ofimprovement can be realised within a short perlad orrime (one to two ye.ars). Recombjn anr DNA reehniques have also opened up opportunities for the m ass production of enzymes from other microbial cultures, which conveotionally were fastidious growers, req uired expensive media orinducers orwere potential pathogens. Enzymes from extremophiles (growing at!:he extremes oftemperature, salinity, pressm e. aIkalinity) can now be conveniently grown in mesopbilic cultures, yet produce enzyrnes with the beneths oftemperature resistance or high salt tolerance.
18.4.1 Recombinant E.. co/i fermentation Enzymes originating from prokaryote sources can be conveniently produced on a large scale ar high productivities in recombinantE. coli hosts. These fer mentations can be carried out at a 3000 to 60000 litre scale, and do notrequire complex inoculum build up. Atypical fermentation protocol could be as foHows: The E. coli host \Vould harbour a plasmid with the DNAcoding fur the required e nzyme, togetherwith a suitable antibiotic resistance rnarkcr such as a mpidlliu or neomycin, and an inducer such as TAe (codon speciflc (O lactose or isopropyltbiogalactose induction). Satisfactory h igh production can be achieved by a fed-batch fermentation whe:re the ¡nitial batch medium contains components for initial growth e.g. glucose (2%). yeast extract (1 %). phosphate (1%) and otber salts togelher with the chosen antibiotic. After the initial growtb has been esta ~ lished , furtber nutrients are fed at pre-detennined rafes (O provide a readily avaiJable supply ofcarbon and nitrogen . Carbon is conveniently supplied as glucosc. aDd DitrogeD can be eitber ofa complex nacure e.g. yeast extracto casein bydrolysate or roen steep tiquo. (aU provid ing amiDo acids). or as a simple arnmonium salt or urea. GrO\vth on amino acid mixtures provides faster growth aDd enzyme producrjon , howc\'er the use ofsimpler, more ddined nitroge n, aJthough it may require a longer fermentatlon period, can support similar high ceU growth a nd enzyme productivities, Use of define
18.4.2 Fungal fermentatían Punga) bosts. SUdl as AspergiUus and Pusarfum, and the methylotropic yeast. Pirnia. are suitable for t he production ofglycoylared enzymes ie. originatillg frOlll fungaL or animal sources, The enzyme DNA is integrated directly into the chromosornal DNA togetber with a promoter system. lbe I'&ombinant hosts can be fennented in a similar mannerto Donrecombinant cultures a nd high cell density fermentations can easily be obtained using conventional bioengineeri ng approaches. Aspcrgi!1us or FusariUl" hosts can be grown on inexpensive raw materials such as soy fiou. or Pharmamedia with the controlled feeding of com syrups. Yeasts, such as Saccharomyces and Pichfa , can be grown onyeastextractor protein hydrolysates with coro SYTUP feeding. Cultures can be grown to high cell mass using defined media, mus providing alternate less
expensive nut1rents which can bave benefits in downstrcarn proc~sjng. Ferrnentatians are typically for periods of4- B days. Enzyme eJl:pression in excess aflO g 1- 1 havc becn reporree! at the industrial scale. Enzyrnes are usuaUy produced extraceUuJarly which is a hendir as mecbanical ceU breakage is nar nceded.
18.4.3 Microbial enzymes replacing plant enzymes Some industrial enzyrues continue to be extract(>() from bovine which pose the danger of conta mination with bovine spongiform encepha lopathy (BSE). Por example rennin. obtained from the rtomachs ofnewbom calves. continues to be used for cheese making. Ir remains to be seen.whetb.erthis presenlS any health l'isk to consumers. however, recombinantcalfrennin can now be produeed by microbial fermentations. Alternatively. with the convenient isolation cf enzymes from rnicrobial sources. and the use of appropl'iare screening technology, many new anim
Biochemical fundamentals
Microbial enzyme fermentations can be impraved by classical recb· niques similar to those used fur productivity improvements jn anribiotic fermentations . Improvemenrs both at the genctic level and ar the proeess level have led to the deve10pment offermentations capabJe of produdng enzyme up ro 20 kg m -l. An understanding of the genetic regulation of enzyme synthesis {see Chapter 2) bas been very helpfuJ iu selecting fur improved strams alld optimising the fermenta· tion processes. There are many important factors tbatcau influenl..'e the production of enzymes. J 8.5. J Induction Eru:yme synthesis is uormally repressed. a condition that helps con· serve energy from unnecessary proteio synthesis. i.e. me enzyme wiU
only beproduccd in (he presence ofan inducer. normallyits substrate. The level ofinduction can be vclystrong(a more than 100o-fold increase over non-induced conditions) and aets by interfering wirh the control· ling repressOf. Many eatabolie enzymes are inducible. For example: • sucrose is lleeded for invertase production ; • st:arrh for amylase production; • g;:¡lacrosides for {J-ga.laetosidase production. lnsome instances a produc[ or intermediare can aet as ao induc~r: • phenylacetate induces penicillin G arnidasc; • fatty acids induce lipase; • xyiobiose inducesxylanases. ProcIucrinduction is cammon in che synthesis ofextraceIlular enzymes tequired fOf the hydrolysis of large polymers tbatothenvise would nor have the ability to emee the ceJI and cause the induction. Co-enzyrnes can actas indu cers. i.e. pyruvate decarboxylase is induced by tbiamine. in addition lO being efuctive in enzyllle production. induction can be useful in controtling the timing of e nzymc production in the fer· menter. ¡.e. a late rapid induction fur an enzyme that is ullstable under fennentation conditions. Howevcr, in praetice. induction does ofien necessirate the bandJingofexpensive.inducer compounds. which bave ro be sterilised and added aC spedfied times to established fermentarions. To avoid tbese problems regulalOry mutants can be produced in which the inducer dependence has been eliminated and are [bus cal led constitutive mutants.
18.5.2 Feedback repression Enzyme synthesis is also controlLed by feedback repression. This occurs particuiarly in enl.ymesinV{llved in tbe biosynthesis ofsmall molecules where ti)e accumulation ofthe final product can cause the rcpression ofthesynmesisofpartirularenzymes, normaUy the fustenzyroe in the biosynthesis route. Mut3nts lacking feedbac:k Tcpression can be obtained by selccting forcultute$ resistantto the toxiceffects ofan analogue ofthe product or intermediare. Th~e SUlVÍvors have lost [he feedback sensitivity towards the product and its tone mimic. Similar mutan{S can beobtained by isolatingnutritional auxotrophs wherethe culture cannotmake theflnal product, butinstead dcpends on the addi· tion ofthis compoulld for normal growth. The controlled fcedillg ofthis "uuren( willlimit lhe intracellular concentJatlOIlS ro below feedback repression levels.
18.5.3 Nutrient repression Enzyme synthesis can also be controlled by nurrient repression typi· eally by carbono nitrogen. phosphate Of sulphate. Tbese mechaniSffiS existto conserve the production of ullnecessary enzymes. Thus the cell only producES enzymes for the assimilation ofthe most easilyrnetabo· lised or mos1: readily available form of numenl. The best known exampLe is the. control caused by thc presence of glucose w here this carbohydrate- can effectively shut dmvn the production of enzymes involved in the me labolism of other related and non·related
compounds,. Glucose catabalite repression
be very strong and caIl
afien suppress tbe induce!" effect (!lee Chapter 2). Other carbon SQurees. such as lactate.1>yruvate. succmate and citrate, are aJso eifective rcpresSOIS in sorne micro-organisms. Citr.lte can even repress che metabolism ofglucose in some bacteria. Clucase repression can be of major concero in the large-scale cu1ti-
v.. tion of cell mass as il is the mast cost-effective raw material for fermentations. The effects ofglucose caD often be reduced by tbe limited feeding of the Glrbobyrlrate in such a manner (bar maintains practicaUy zera concentrations ofglucase in solution (the fermentatioo procedure fur this is described in Chapter 7). lf this approach fails altemative carbon !laurees can be used.
Clucase catabolite repression can also be solved geneticalIy by selection ofmutmts resutant w thisphenomenon.Mutants can easily be selected from media oontaining glucose and the substrafE' of the required enzyme. e.g. a glucose/aspa ~tate mixture willseJecr for aspa~ tase producers with no glucose repression provided the aspartate is rhe onJy source ofnitrogen. PeniciUio G amidase production in E. cvli bas been increased many-fold by selecting for mutants capable of growth 00 anamide as sole nitrogen source in the presence ofglucose. The resulting hyper-producers are constitutive and not subject to glucose repression. The glucose analogue. 2-deoxyglurose. is a1so a similar afid an effective wayofsclecting fuI' mutants with no glucose repression. NH! is a much utilised source of nitroge.n. lt can however have strong control over the metabolism of many amino acids and other complex sources of nitrogen. TItis can often present problems in largescalc fermentations where botb anunonium salts. amino acids and proreios are used as nitrogen sourCe5. Ammonium salts are ver'} inexpensivesources ofnitrogen compared to amino acidmixtures. but tbe presence oI the latter can ofren lead to rapid vigorous microbial growth. Sorne mutants resistant to nitrogen source repression can be selected by using theammonium anti·metabolite. methylammonium.
18.6 I Genetic engineering The ready availability ofrecombinan[ rechniqut's oYer rhe pasr 10 years has had a profound effed on the microbial production of enzymes. The host E.. rol! is very suitable fur b..igh e.nzyme expressioD provided the enzyme is not glycosylated. BaCíllU5 species are suitable for the produco tion of ex.tracellular non-glycosylated enzymes. Aspcrgillus species are also very prolific producers ofextracellular proteins and.inaddition can produce glycosylnted enzymes. Several properries should be coruidered in the construction of recombinant bacteria suitable for large-scale enzyme producrion. The choiceofhost i$ critical in tbat itshould have a known lineage. have vigo oroos growili. have no auxotrophy and possess no enzyme sysrems that would be undesirable in the final enzyme producto Le. no .&Iactamase
activity in a hon used for tbe productlon of penidUin G amldase. The plasmid construct should be as simple as possible. After synthesis tbe recombinant enzyme can either accumulate in rhe cytoplasm or be transported to tbe periplasm. Over-production of this foreign protein in the cytoplasm can somelimes cause me fonua· tion of indusion bodies. which gener-.iI11y contain the recombinant protein in an unfolded. or wrongly processed. srate. This is often undesírable as ir is difficult, tbough nor impossible, to extract and refold these proreins. Extraction from incJusion bodies i.s onIy cost-effective for rhe production of higb test proteins and enzymes such as insuJin and lissu e plasminogen activator. lt is often more desirable te bave the prorein transponed inro the periplasm. For lhis ro occur.signal orsecr~ tion sequences are required. These are lacate
18.6. 1 Site-directed mutagenesis Enzymes which have known amino acid sequences and three dimensionstructures can be altered bysite-directoo mutagenesis (seeChapter 4). Amino acids in tbe active site or other important areas can be identifled as targclS for cbanging to other amino acids, This can be
40 I
performed easily by changing the specific trinudeotide codons in the enzyme gene and expressing the altered enzyme by conventiooa l cloning. Once the benefici::ll change has becn selected the process can be repeated to Cl"cate further amiDo acid changes in t he enzyme. 'rhe new enzymes are easy to scale-up using rhe same production proccdures developed for theparentwild l)'Pe as these aminoadd changes have no effect on the growth ofthe host or protein expression.Well-known such amino acid changes are increased stability, changed substrate preference, resistance to oxidation, tolerance to solveots and alk.ali, nnd changes in chiral activity.
Recovery of enzymes
Enzyrne recovery and purification are as important to the e-conomics of productionas the fermentation stages. The main challenge in che recov· ery steps is ro rninimise losses in enzyrne activity. Many of the steps employ conventionaLrecovery and purification units that are dl"Scribed in detail in Chapter 9. The foUowing tut will concentrate 00 enzyme· specitl:c issues in the recovery and purificatioo ofenzyrnes.
18.7.1 Recovery of extTacellular enzymes ExtrClcel1uJar enzymes are relatively easy [Q recover and pllrifY. Theycan tepresent a majar portian of tbe total extraceUular protein and often simple cell removal and concentration ofthe active saludon can yie1d enzyme preparations di~tly su.irable fur sorne applicatians. Relatively dean eozyme preparations can be obmined by cultures on simple define
18.7.2 Recovery of intracellular enzymes Por preparatian ofintracellul,uenzymes from animal or plant sources, che tissue has to be. disrupted ta re1ease the enzyme. Dett'rgents or surf.:1ce-active agents may llave to be used to dissociate enzymes that are me mbrane bound. Tissue dcying can be a convenient method of stabil· ising and disrupting animal and plant fusue. Freeze..drying is the least disruptive and avoids pratcin dCgr.ldation. although it is proh.ibitively expensive 00 a large. scale. T~sue cao be airo or vacuum-dried. or SlLlr jected {O water-miscible solvent precipitatia n. Enzyme extraction frOID dried matcrials can be as simple as rehyruatioll in an appropriate buffered solution. Simple freezing can break some fume althougll t.his is nor a convenient mechad forscde-up, Sorne plantand animalrnaterials require tissue homogenisation where rhe tissue i5 shredded and blended by a me-chanical means to break opeo the ce1ls. Once the enzyme has been solubilised, the residual cell debris can be con ven· iently removed by tiltration. Low speed cenrrifug;¡rlon can also be used. In any tissue with fat presento t he removal ofthefatlayer can be problematic for cermjfugation. fany materia l c
solvent extraaian; acetane precipitation is a convenien[ way [O remove pl'otein from lipid materials . As an altemative a water-immiscible solvent, such as hexane, can be use
18.8 I Isol.tion 01 soluble enzymes It ¡s critical to separare the soluble enzyme and efficiently from the. remainillg cell debris. Chilling, use ofaD appropriate buffer, and the presente ofellzyme protectants such as mercaptoethanol may be neces· sary (O stabilise sorne enzyme preparatians. Ofien pratein inhibitors have ro be added to reduce me clestructivc. effect ofproteases. Soluble enzymes can be collectcd by membrane .filtration ar by cenoifugationthe latter has been usoo since che turn ofthe century. It is relativelyeasy to perfor:m at a laboratory scale. where high centrifugal forces can easily be obtained. The same high g forces caunot be auained on large-scale equipment. Large centrifuges are afien constructed from expensive tila nium aUoys ro withstand tbe high g forces, bUl even lhen onJy
moderately high g forces can be obralned. To combat this problero , prorein- and nuc1eoprotein-precipitants, such as polyerhyleneimine. can be added to the ceJl homogena res to f10cculate unwanted materials and aid the settling rimes . Filtration, with the use of filtr;¡,tion aids, such as a diatomaceom earth. can be a convenient way to obtain soluble enzymcs_ ScaJe-up ls easy_ Additives can be used {Q speed up the filtratioD_ Often several precipitating agents can be used lOgether, in order ID reduce subsequent processing steps_ With wasbing, product re
I Enzyme purification
Enzyme purificóltion may be necessary but only ¡fche extra cosc is justified bythe eDl.yme's application_ The scale oftbe purificadon process will dictare che choice ofseparation technology, as sorne are difficulc ro practise on large scale, The sarne separation medium can ofren be used in different techniques. e.g. ion exchange chromatographyis best practised as gradient eJution from columns at me smaller scale, and by batch adsorptioo/elutioD at me larger scale_
18.9.1 Enzyme precipitadon Itis often desirnble to have ao initial batch precipitatioo stage in order to reduce che total volume ofmeenzymesolution. Simple precipitation can be carried out. sequeotiaUy or i.n combination, with ammonium su lphate, sodium sulphace, polyethylencimine aud polyallylamine. 01" organic solvents such as isopropanol, ethanol and acetone_ Streptomycin sulpha te_ polyethyleneimine and omer polyamines can precipitate addic nuclcic. acid and nucleopmteins. Auunonium sul-
phate and organic solvents can selectiv¡;:ly predpitare the enzyme of choice wiili 80-90% activity recovery. Simple precipitation can have tbe additional benefit afprotease removaL The main benefit is theabilityta reduce the tataloperational volume, aften by a facrorof20. This will signiliGlntly reduce lhe valume ofresins and the associated downstream handling used fur further processing. Changes in pH and ternperature can also result in the se.leetive precipitatian and remaval afunwanted enzyrne proteins. liquid-liquid partition witb polyethylene glyeo!, dextrans or polyamines can produce separateliquid phases into wruch desired enzymes can be concentrated. "Ihese treaonents involve tbe use oflarge quantities ofadditives, and reeovery ofthe polymers is desirable fram a eost pointofview, although recyding can reduce the inirial selectivity and yield a eruder separatioo. These methods are easily applied to whole brotbs where the enzyme is soluble, or to extracellular enzymes, as tbe. removal ofthe biomass is avoided.
18.9.2 Separation by chromatography Chromatograpruc separation teehniques c:ommonly used, include ioo exehange, hydrophobic interaction, size exclusion, affinity and dye ligand chromatography. 100 exchange chromatography is the most widely used and can eneompass the use of strong and weak anioD and cation exchaoge, aod phosphate interactioo. Weakly bouud ions are more suitable. for enzyme adsorption as stronger iome charges can denature enzymes due lo extremes ofiocal pH. Enzyme proteins are generally adsorbed at low ionic stre.ngths or at pH values where tbeir total ioDie charge is strong enough ro interaet with the opposite resio eharge. Protcin elntion is e.asily aceomplished by changing the pH or by increasing the ¡onie strength ofthe eluting solution. Sucn resins can be used either as a means to adsorb and selectively elute the desired ellzyme, or by simple adsorption ofunwanted protein materials. Hydropbobic interaetion chromatography uses the surface hydropbobicity ofthe enzyme as the selection property. Protein solutions are loaded 00 the resÍD at high salt concentrations aod enzyme separations OCCUl" when a decreasing salt gradienr is applied to the resino type ofseparation is useful as a follow-up ro arnmonium sulphate precipitation as salt removal is not needed prior ro tbis chromatographic step. Hydrophobic resios are ao.orderofmagnitude more expansive thao ioo e.xchange. cesins. By using these adsorptioo and desorption techniques the volume of rhe enzyme solutioos can be greatly decreased and enzymes of up to 90-95% purity produced. This quality is sufficienr for most specifie enzyme applieations. The chromatograpbic techniques can be chosen ro remove other eontaminating eozymes that wOllld other.wise interfere with the use of the desired enzyme. Further deao up can be aehieved using size ex:dusion chromarography. This, however, is diffieult ro perform on a large seale. It is ofreo oot necessary to purifY an enzyme ro 99%-pl US pllri ty.If greater than 95% purity is reqllired further adsorption/desorption chromatography can be used taking finer and
more selective- curs, and by using shallower eluting gradients. Such techniques do not give high activityyields. a factor thaChas to be taken into consideratioo when making vt:!ry pure enzyme preparations fur sale. Enzyme preparations ofhigh purit:y are generally lyophilised for storage and transporto Polyhydroxy cryoprotectants, buffers. reducing agents and anti-microbial agents can be inc1uded if necessary. Alternatively enzymes can be stabilised as ammonium sulpbate suspensions.
Immobilísed enzymes
Over 95% ofenzymes are so Id in soluble fonns, the majorityofwhic:hare uscd directiyona single use basis, particularlyin the food and ind'1stries. Fo1' cenain applications it is more desirable to bave the enzyme in an immobilised forro so that it can be I'e-used and easily removed from tbe l'caction mixture. This is particuJarly important in the pha rm aceutical indusrry where an enzyme step can have the benefits of ch.i.ral resolution and environmenral positive processing. 1he easy removal ofthe enzyme catalyst ensures !>ener product recove.ry and rninimllm carry oYer of residual enzyme protci n, Generaliy. bulk enzyme manufactUIers do Dot manufacture immobilised is more cost-effective fol' rhese cataJysts to be manufattured in-house usingproprierary supports and immobilisation techniques.
18.10. 1 Immobilisation techniques Tbere is a wide mnge of techniques rOl' enzyrne imrnobilisation. The correc[ choice depends upon the final ap"'plication of [be catalyst; whether the enzyme step is in an aqueous or solvent medium. al the beginning or at the end ofa synthesis or hydrolysis process and tbe type of reactor. Adsorption onto 3n inert support ¡s tbe simplesr l"echnique. however. such support5 do not permit permanent adsorption wh.e.n used in aqueous environme.nts without further modificadon. tipases can be effectively adsorbed ODto hydrophobic supporrs for rcpeated use in non-aqueous Upid systems. Adsorbed enzymes can be permanentiy fued by cross-linlring reactionswith glutaraldehyde treaonent. which canmake them re-usable in aqlleous 50hltiOIlS. Cross-linking with gllltaraldehyde OntO mert supports is a common techniqlle. The choice of inert supportwill dictate the final physical fOl"m oftbe immobiJised catalyst. which in turn must be compatible with the reactor choice. Supports such as ceUulose or diatomaceous eñrth produce a product thar is suitable fur stirred reactor use alld recovery by filtradon. Enzymes adsorbed anta beaded suppol'ts are more suitable fol' coJumn. reactors 01' stirred reactors wheresimple settling is stlfficient [O remove the final reactants from tbe support caralYSl.
18. 10.2 Immobilisation supports Many inertand activated supports are élvailablc fore.nzymeimmobilisation. rnert SlIpports, 5uch as resins, paraus glass beads, cellulose.
gelatin, alginates or chitosans, require chemic:al activation or derivatisation prior to irnmobilisiltion; treatments that can ada substantial costs to the final process_ Howeversome activated supports can produce high enzyme loadingwith a.high retention ofactivity. Many chemically ilctivated supports_ predominately agarose-based. are availabl~ for laboratory research. Their use at the large scale is prohibitive due ro very high costs, with the possible exception of antibody-immunological applications. ChemicalIy activated supports, such as Eupergit, are availabl~at the large scale, and are priced competitively for sorne commerda! applications. Euzymes can also be immobilised at high activity recoveries by simple entrapment where the enzyrne is mixed with a soluble material that can be easily solidified. Suc::h rea<:tions include cel1ulose acetate precipitarían from an organic solvent to an aqueous change, acid to a1kali changeswith chitosan polymers. temp~ture reduction with gelatine, sodium to calcium ion changewith alginates, chemical polymerisation with polyacrylilmides. The resulting entrapped enzyme is in a.fibre or beaded formo Enzymes in these forms have been med industri, ally fue many years for the resolution of amino adds and chira! separations.
18.1 I
Legislative and safety aspects
Although enzymes are natural products and their past use in foad processing genCI
subjected to short-tenn toxicology, however, those from less weLHmown micro-organisms do require extensive testing at least in rodents. Witb the cultivarion of any micro-organism there is always lhe potential dangerofthe inadvertentproducrioll ofa toxic metabolite. The number of known mycotoxins, exotoxins and endotoxins CODtroUes tO grow annually. lbe quanbficatioD of risk assessment associated with chis potential is very difficult. However with controlled fermentations and standardised ex.traction and recovel"y procedures, a1l operated under GMP. these risks can be minimised.ln most food use. enzymes are only added at low levels. typically much lower than a varieeyofother components ofbiological origino In non-food applications such as chemical synthesis and hydrolysis. most em:ymes are used in intermediary 5teps and the rt's-ulting prod· ucts can be subjected ro purification and detailed quality and impurity analysis.ln the rare case where the enzyme is used as the las[ step. ana· Iytical procedures mustensure that any residual enzyme proteio levels med pre-determined minimum levels in tbe final producto All bulk enzyme products rold today come with a detaHed Material Safety Data Sheetwhich o utlines al1 potentia] dangersand describes recomrnended handling procedures f'or using the enz:yme.
18.12 I Further reading Amold. F. H. and Volkov. A. A. (1999). Oirecloo evolution ofbiocatalysts. Cun: Opir¡. CIum. Biol. 3, 54-59.
Atkinson. B. and Mavituna. f. (eds.fl1991). B!rn:hnnial! EngiTleering atld BioterhlWlagy Hatldbook:. 211d Edillon. Stockton Press. NewYork:. BuJlock, C. (1995).lmnl0bili sed Enzymes. Srienct Prog. 78. 119-134.
DarbyShire.). (1981). L.1rge scale enzyme extraetion and rerovery. In Topl'cr itl Enzyme and Fmnenration Bíofec1l11oJogy. Vol. 5. (A. Wlseman. ed.). "pp. 14.7-186. ]ohn Wiley. Nf.'W)'ork. Demain. A. L. (1990). Regulatlon and exploitadon ofenzyme biosyntbesis.ln Mlcrobla! lin.zyrnes and Bíouchllology. 211d &lltion (IN. M. Fogarty and C. T. Kelly. eds.), pp. 331- 368. Elsevier. London. Godfrey. T. and West. S. (eds.) (1996) . Inl1ushial Enzymology. 2nd Edition. Macmillan Press. London. Lowe. D. A. (1992). Fungal enzymes. In HandOOok af ApplkdMyroJogy, Vol. 4 (O. K. Aren. n al .. 005,' pp. 681-706. Marctl.Dek.ker. NewYorl:... Patel. R. N. (ed.) (1999). Stmostlrctiw Biocatalysis. Maree! Dekker. New York. Tanaka, A.. Tosa, T. ;md Kobayashi. T. (OOs.) (1993}. lndlLl"triaJApplicatian af ImmoblliZtd fntym.n, Mareel Dekker, New York.
Zaks. A. and Dodds. D. R. (1998). Biotransformationsin me diseovery and devel· opmem orphnmaceuticals. Cvn: Opin.Drug Dísawtry Dtvtlop. 1. 290-303 .
Chapter 19
Synthesis of chemicals using enzymes Thorleif Anthonsen lntroduclion Hydrolyticenzymes Ch ical building bloclrs fur synthesis Reductioru and oxidations Use of enzymes in sugar chemistl'y Ose of enzymes to make amina adds and peptiMs Furtherreading
19. 1 I Introduction 19.1 . 1 Use of industrial enzymes Enzymic processes have a long traditionin human history. In ancient times brewing ofbeer and makingof wine are examples.lnmore recent years. enzyme catalysis h as played imporrantroles in production offine chemicals and drugs such 3$ vitamin C. amina acids, antibiotics and steroids. The best known examples to rhe public aTe use of enzymes in detergents.lD this case, enzymes arecontained in r.hemarketed product itself. The first 'bio-detergents' appeared in [he mid-l960s and they ron· tained proteases ro dissolve protein stains on dothes. Al present a delergent also contains Hpases and amylases te dissolve rat and starch nains. In arder to restore coIour of cotton thathas been washed several times, cellulases are added, Cellulases are also used to givejeans the so
5uvc;Wr4d ~pue 8 from Coodidaanton"ti(" (CALB) as
displqed by MoIscript:. Ttlls Upas. has che- n1Jl-h)'drol~se fold (a specillc: J.eqUeoce of er·hlllite-s Ind ,8-sU"3l1ds) cJnr.lcte-ris-cic of lipasm of che se-rine-I! II"O'.JP. Thls l pase IS made up of J 17 ¡mIno adels comprising 4625 ¡tom$ which
give-s a molecular 'W1!ight 01 J3 213. CALB IS a relatMlly small
mc5t enz;yme:s h~ve mol&utar welghu twice or ttvee tlmu as ccnt3ms 10 .,.heliclU whkh
may be- se
19. 1.2
Enzymes are proteins, ¡.e. lhey;ue madeofamino acids held together by amide bonds. caJled peptide bonds. An amino group in one amino acid is united w ith a carboxyLic acid in another . nd in thisway a longpeptide chain is fam\ed. The primary structure af a protein is chancterised by che type and arder of amina acids in the peptide ehain. Par!s of [his chalo may rhen be snaped mm heJices a.nd sheets due to hydrogen bonds between electronegative groups likc carbonyl and hydrogen atoms artached to o 01' N atoms. A1though much weaker than the cavalent bonds fonning the primary structllre, several H-honds provide che strength ofthe secondarystructure. When this molecuJe. isfoldEd into a bundle kept together bytovalent-S-S- bonds. foemed from two cyste.ine. residucs in different parts of the chain , H'honds and van der Waal's forces , the catalytically active tertiary structure is formEd. CaWysis takes place in a limitedarea,called che active site ofthe enzyme_ Sorne enzymes need co.factors, such as small organic moleculesor metal iom, for tbeir activicy. These co.tacmrs are regener.ned in tbe tclls and Che ultimate red uced o r oxidised compounds are sugars. 02 3nd other simple molecuJes (sce Seclion 19.4). Figure 19.1 shows the threedimensional structure ofthe backbone oflipase B from Gandida antaretica (CAlB), an enzyme thal in a natural environment can hydrolyse me glycerol ester bonds which build up fato
19. 1_3 Why are enzymes of interest as catalysts In synthesis~ Why use em:yme catalysis in tbe laboratory or in process industry? There are unique advantages that enzymes offer which are difficult to obtain by conventional cata1ysis. First ofall, they havc great seJectivity
and specifl.ciry. No matter how simple the enzyrne-catalysed chemical reaction is, this may be on three levels: chemose!ectivity. regioselectivilyand sl'ercO sclct.'tlvlty and st¡:rcospccifidty. Chemoselectivity is the ability afthe enzyme to direet the catalytic aetion te a specific functiona l group in (he molecule so as rodistinguish between OH or NH. When lhe substrate COntains seve•.l.l funclional groups ofthe same kind, as seen in carbohydrates. [he enzyme is abIe ro carnlyse a regioselective. reamon of one particular OH-group. The stereochemical properties of enzyrues are extremely a ([Tac tive in organ ic synthesis. Enzyrne cata1ysis may be used for production of en3Utiopure chiral molecules eü:her by enantioselec(ive asymmetric synlhesis or (O resolve r.lcemic mixtures (see Section 19.3). The stereochemical properties of enZ}' mes are imponanr bU( so is tbe fael thar enzyrot!S wod uoder miJd conditiolls. The lat"ter is becoming more and more imponan[ as greater demands are: made on che.m ical industly concerning environmental aspects.
19.1 ,4 Classification of enzymes Enzymes are the tools ofbioca.talysis and are dassified and numbered by me Enzyme Comm.ission (EC).lnternational Union ofBi ochem isrry and Molecular Biology. They are divided into six classes aecording to lhe ehemic,,1 reactions they catalyse: (i) ox:ido-reduetases, (ii) transferases, (iü) bydrolases. (iv) Iyases, (v) isomerases and (vi) ligases . 111e classes tbat are currently most used by chemists are oxidoreducta$CS. hydrolases ana aldolases, the latter belo,nging to the Iyases. However. ie still rem
19. 1.5 Importance of enantiopure compounds No maner if a pair of enantiomers (Le. IUolecules tllat are nonsuperimposable mirror images of eam otherJ llave exact1y the same chemical and physical properties, suc.h as melting poiot. boUing paint and spectra and even show tbe same reaccívity in an achiral (see Section 19.3) environment. tbey are. in principIe. totally different compounds when tbey internct with chiraJ molecules. 1l is well known tbal sorne enantiomers may have different odours and lastes. For e.xample. (Sr carvone tastes of cacaway while the (RJ-emmtiomer (astes of spearminL A useful metaphor for interaction of receptors with tbe WTong enantiomer maybc tryingto fi( thc lefthand gloveon to (he righthand. The effect of different enantiomers may be. particularly signifieant fOT drugs. Hencedrugs thatare chiral muse be adminiseered as single enantiomers.
19. 1.6 How do e nzymes work~ Whilst a typical chelll..ical industry process may take place under high pressur~ and temperat ure and at a pH far from neutral . this is certainly not fue case for a biological process. As catalysts. eruymes make a cbemkal prOl:e5S go fuste.r but they do notinOuenee the equilillrium position of a chemicai reaction. The tate of an enzyme-cataJysed reac.tion is
-41 1
Lipase B CaOOlda IIlItllrrliCiJ (CALe) His 224
As¡) 187
Ser lOS
~(--H-N~-H ó
PmdllClt (LaIlVIng .9.ICOha l.
a ke--N-! ---1 )
,o, ""tI-N-1 OxyamOll
T lll r,¡ ned ,a)
intermedia!/! t
Sub&lrate t Acyl donar
~n ~~
---H-N .
'" ....0 .....1
-<. ,Q -----+- ,':.- --H-N~--+l
_ ••
r r
R1 - 0 ".
Substrato 2 (Racemic alcohol)
,l f
o·"",,,, oH-N
"[~Z~:"j'~ ¡ ----4 CALB
Tlltrah edral
AcyI an¿yma
lntermediatll 2
Deta.Ued mechanism of tral1sesterification ofa racemlc mixture of a secondary alcohol wlth a butanok aeyl donor followlng a plng-pong bl-bi mechanism. Substrate I (acyl do nor) enters!.he en-xyrne, formsan acyl em:yme vla tetrahedral Intormediate I Mld apels prnduCt I (me leaving alcohol fn)m me acyl dono r). Then ~ubstrate 2 (~enantiomerr of!:he ~ Icohol m be resolved) react5 with me /leyl enzyme to form anomer tetrahedr~1 intermediate 2. Sub:iequern!y produ<.:tl (me enantiomers of -¡;he produced esten) is libe.-ated.lea~ing the enzyme in Its original form.ln a kinet"k re'>Olul.Km DOe of Ihe enantiomerk alco hol! reacts fasterthan !:he omer te fonn /In Utass of an e enantiomer ef the esten (ldeaUy lInantiopu rt!) The sllCcess of!:he resoludon is expressed by the enantiome rk ratio E, which depend$ on ¡he difl"erence in rree energy of activation o( me twO dianernomeric transitlon states formed whlch In wm is related tO the twQ tetrahedral intermediates.
proportional ro rhe.rate constant (1:) and the conrentrations ofthe r eartants. It is the free elle.rgy of artivatioll, 6,Gt, that decides magnitude of tbe rate constantofa reaction.lfa reaction indudes several steps, it is the stepwith the largest;lQt thatis [he rate determining step ofthe rea.ction. An enzyme-catalysed reaction follows a different mechanism from !hat of a reaction caralysed in a non-enzymic manner. TIte difference in rate ofcatalysed and uncatalysed reaction depends on their difference infree energy of activation (a6,Gl) . A relativelywell understood reamon is hydrolysis of either;¡, peptide or carboxylic ester bond catalysed by a seriue hydrolase, mch as trypsin, chymotrypsin or lipase Bfrom Gandida antarctica. as shown in Fig. 19.2.
Hydrolytic enzymes
Hydrolytic enzymes (Oass 3) are tbe m ostcornmonlyused enzymes in organic chemistry. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, they are easy to use because they do not need co-factors like the oxidoreductases. SecondJy, there is a large number of hydrolytic enzymes available because of their industrial interest. Detergent enzyrnes com-
O(H OCOR (1S,2R)
~ (X0H
+ H
Baker's yeast
H ceOA
~\ A ~
ProdllclfOfl Of I:namlopure compounós u~ng hydrolytlt IllU)'mel (a. b ~nd e) ~nd oxldo-redllCtues (d). 1n (a) a proc.hiral dieslu is trydroly5ed to yield un l:qual amO\6lU 01 enandomenc ClI~ylic .wd¡; in (b) a mew-diUtef b hydroIysed tO yield prtdomlnanc.e (in theory 100%) of ooe emndomer 01 me InOl\Oeste r. Uk, > "-¡ !:he (1 S,2l1¡-ellOlntlomer Is formed to m e ptesl externo Due to me prefef'ef1ee ofthe p,nzyme. k4> kJ and me lower monoeuer (1R.2S) wlR be eonsumed fasl"!. Hcnce both st~ wllI k;.ld w an Increase ofme u ppe1' enantlomerat Ihe monoenlr nage. lr the reOt.her meso-
prise proteases, cellulases. a mylases and lipases. Even if hydrolytic enzymes caralyse ;¡ cb emicaUy si mple reactioD, many important features of cat;¡lysis are still contained such as chemo-. regio. and s ter~ selectivity and specificity.
19.2. 1 Hydrolysis Hydrolytic enzyme.s will hydrolyse estEr, amidc and g1ycoside bonds. They have different substrate sped ficity although many hydrolases can accept a wide [ange af subscrares. Examples of carboxylie esteT hydroIysis aregiven in Fig. 19.3. Carboxyli.cester hydrolases(EC3,1.1)camprise
41 J
Alkoxy par! ----:-- Acyl part
Large H
group Carboxyl esterases and COIrboxyllpases both OKt on carboxylk esters. TfHy differ In the structure of este rs they hydrolyse. Upases work best 01\ subnr.l.tes wfth rel.acively uncomplkated (llOt branched) lerl paru. Estenses on the otIl er halld are not thu spedflc and may accept bulky IcyI groups (R). Moreover. the structur~ of the afkoxy part 15 not so critil:
faste.r re.actinz.
several enzymes of which earboxylesterase (Ee and triacylgly· cerollipase lEC 3.1 .1.3) have been frequenrly used as eata lysts in bioca· talysis. They both aet on earboxylie cstCl"S but thcy differ in me type of esters they hydrolyse (Fig. 19.4.). With the currently avail<1ble esteJ:ases and lipases it maybesummarised that: • both esterases and lipases givc hydrolysis at mild conditions (neutral pH, ambient temperature): . lipases do lIot hydrolyse esters with 'bulky' aeyl groups: • hydrolysis of csters of secondary aleahals is m ore stereospecific. Ofcourse, the complete picrure is more complicated.
19.2.2 Hydrolytic enzymes in organ ic solvents There are several reasons for choosingorganicsolvent as iI. medium for catalysis by hydrolytic enzymes; • better solubilityofsubstrate and produer: • better stability of enzyme (most deactivating processes need water to occur): • simpler removal ofsolvent (mostorganicsolvents have lowerboi ling pointthan water) ; • shift ofequilibrium srncewater is 110[ pl'eSent(syntbcsis takes place instead ofhydrolysis); • easy removal of enzyme afier reaetion since it:is DO[ dissolved. Generally, enzyme catalysis depends on themedium. Propemes ofthe medium. which solvent, co-solvents. theamountofwaterin the system as expressed by the water activity(a...l are importan[ paramerers.lJse of organic solvents in kinetic resolutions is IDscusscd in Section 19.3.3.
19,2. 3 Ester synthesis and transesteritication lt is possible tO catalyse the formationof esters from acid and alcohol by
a hydrolase. However, [he water fOl:med in the reamon (RC02 H + R 'OH = RCOzR' + HPI creates a problem for the equilibrium oftbe reamon and, moreover, the enzym e graduaUy asSOclates with the fonned water and becomes inamve. Then~fore, transesterification is a muchmore frequently use
Chiral building blocks roe synthesis
Chira l building bloeks fOr syn thesis of complicated organic molecules can be provided by three basically different methods: • che mkaJ tr3osformacion of enantiopure natural products: • asyrnmetric synthesis from prochirnl substrates; • resoluDon of ral.""emk mtxtures. Enzymes as ehjl'al caralysts play a role iLl all three methods.ln na.ture. enzymes catalyse production of chiral compounds. Enzymes mayalso catalyse asymmetric synthesis, as well as resalve racemates. \Vhich me thod is chosen in different cases depends 011 severa! factors. like pl'ice ofsraning materials, number ofsynthetic steps, available produc· tion technology. know·how etc.
19.3.1 Asymmetric synthesis Asymmerric synthesis is tbe terro used w hen a prochiral substrate or a meso-substrate: is con verted mro an unequal amoumofchiral product. A prochiralcompound is a compound thatmay be converted in[o a chiral compound in one step_ A IIIC'SO-Compound has sten'Ocentres bllt rhey are organised in such a way that me compound as a whole is achir.a:1. The product of an asymmetric symhesis is characterised by che enantiome rice.'"cess, et. For instance ¡fthe prod uel mixtu re eontains 95%of one enantiomer and 5% ofme other, ee=90%. A raeemic mixture which contai ns 50% af eaeh enantiomer, has ee =O. The thearetieal yield of 100% afon e single enanriomer may be obrained ifall ofthe starting material is con verted into Dne single isomer. If the two possible produets are enantiomers the reaetion is enantioselective. Typica! examples of enzyme-catalysed enantioselective asymmetric synthesis is -reducdon ofa non-symmetrical ketone(Eig.19.3d) orhydrolysis ofa prochiral diesrer (Pig. 19.3a). The starting material may also be a meso compound as in Fig. 19.3b. In asymmetric syntbes is. me enantiomeric excess of the product will be consrant throughout tbe reacrion and ¡twill depend oruyon tbe tl6.ct of the two possible courses of reaction. Reaction between me prochiral substrate nn d the enzyme leads to two diastcreomeric tr.rnsition states with different energy. The difference in free energy ofactivation is re!ared ro tbe ratio oftbe two rate CODstants ofreactions. Ifthe measured ee ofthe produce is 90%, the reladve rateo constill1tfor formation of the isomers is 95{5 = 19 which correspands to ó.ó.ct= 7.3 kJ llloJe- 1 (6.6.(;1= - RTInK= - 8.31441 x 10- ) X298 X 19) This is a smaJl nUlllher as wmpared to the total6.G1 for the reaetioD whicb may be in the order of60-80 kj m ole ' .
19.3.2 Resolution by hydrolysis: irreversible reactions A racemic mi1'turc (rncemate) of a desired building block may be produce
In a resolution process mere are two products cal1ed product and remaining substrate.Botb products can reach very high e nantiomeric excess provided the E'value is high. The enantiomeric excesses are tenned u" and U . ' respectively. and their values depend on the degree ofeonversion c. Botb et'". ti!, and me conversion, c, h.lve values between o and 1. but tbey are sometimes dealtwith in percentages.ln hydrolysis. which is an in'eversible reaction since water is present ar 55 M, the E-v.llue may be calculated from eitIler ee" or ee, and e at one single meas. Ul'ement according to: E
1n[1 - c(l + eep)] In[l c(l ~ep)]
The degree of conversion under mosrcircumstances (equal amounts of enantiomers at the beginning of the reaction, no side reactions) is related to te" and ee, by:
ce, + re"
Hence, another expression may be used ro calculare E:
LnI"rl1 - « ,)1 H
(l't',+ eeJ
In1eep(1 + f'cJ)1 (f'C, + et;)
Ihe advautage ofthis expression i5 that ie does not involvec which may be difficultto measure accurately. As. opposed to ee, aud f'C,. which are relative quantities. e is .ln absolure quantity. The most accurate way. however, is to use a computerpl'ogram te fit many measured data poinlS from several conveísions to ealculated cuJVes fOí differentE-valucs. In a resolution ee oC the substrate fraetioa is zero when fue reaction starts. Provided tbe enantiomeneratioEis high . the product fraetion will have high ee. Forinstanee ifE"" 19 (95 :5). eep will be 90% atilie startofthe reaction. As me reaetion proeecds. the eoneentrations ofthE': enantiomers change and also ce" and te,. Tbe relationship between ceF• ee, and e fuí three different values ofE is shown in Pig. 19.5. Tdeally, ifE is very high lE > 100) both eel'and ce,will bec.1ose to100% at 50% conversion and the reaetion virtually stops. Even reactions with moderate E-values can give the remaining substrare with very high ee praviding that yield can be sacrificed . A resalution tbal proceeds witb E = 12 will bave ef. of 100% at 75~ convenion . However. half ofthe theoretical50% yield islost.
19.3.3 Resoludon In organic solvents: reversible reactions Hydrolytic en%)'J1'la may be use
% Conversion
Enantiomeric exceu 01 product (ee" lullllnM) and nnnalnln¡ substr.ue (ee., linel) n. degree 01conversion calc:~lated for dv'u dlfflrlnt ,,~ I ~¡ 01 lhe en~tiomerit" ",00 E {oran rreversib~ resolutlon, Ideally, ¡fE ts ~'1 hl¡h (E> I 00) both ee. and te, wiB be dos-e to 100% at SO"~sJon Ind the react\on vlrtUally nopl. The ~V5, conven.ion CUNe$ lor the dilJerem E-vaIuet ¡nfer chat ",Is at tu maxlmlJ'Tlln th, begiming oflhe rnlOction white ee,~hes mvdmum at" bllr staC', ThIJ has an mponant conS(!<.¡!IMC8; no matlellKrw Iuw !he etlOOliomerlc 1'I!, Ir Is ~ pMSIbIt lO obt:Jm" weryhigh ee, ptuti!hdo redlKedy;eld Ii tok~. l t It dnr chat.....". fora Iow E· nllU! sum as 12. an te, do5e lO 100% may be achl_d If 25% 01 yleld un ti. sacrlfked. This dilference betwflen ~Iution ,,"d uyrnmettlc ~'1nthesills very Importane. k>r this reuon it mOl)' be easier toobt:ilin the ~maiJlin& ,ubttrate with higber te. s~pled
catiOD or better transesrerification in non-aqueous media (RCOOR. + R.pH = RCOOR;¡ + R,oK) is perfonned. A starting escer ís needed: the acyl donor. RCOO~. lt reacts wim rbe enzyme [Q fonn rhe al:yl enzyme which in rum rearo with the racemic alcohol. che acyl acceptor R;¡OH (see Fig. 19.2). Since the enzyme shows lhe same stereopreferenee no matter hydrolysis or transesterification. eirher tbe ester or the alcohol may be separated as the remaining subrtrate. butwith t he sameconfiguration. Itthe (Srester is me remaining substrate in hydrolysis the (S)alcohol will be the remain ing substrate oftraruesterification (Fig, 19.6). The mat hematical expressions presented in Section 19.3.2 are restriete
PhO~ R
H OH Ph0vX. R
PhO~ S
Remainlng substrate
Tra nsesterification
Acyl donor RC0 2 R1
H OH Ph0vX. R
+ PhO~ S
PhO~ R Product
' . Hydrolysls of iI r¡¡cemlc secl.>fldary este.. or tr.ln~nterlf!Cation 01 the corrulxmdlng ~ondilry alcohol (l·pMnoxy-2·prop3001) wlth ~
PhO~ S
Remaining 5ubslrate
Computer programs fuI' ping-pong bi·bi kinetics, whicb use l'!~va.Jues mcasurcd at severa! degree§ of cODversion, are available.lfboth en::mtiomers can be provided in p~forms , it is also possi.ble to determin'e E and K... from initial rate measurements.
buuoolc acyl dooor ¡nd CALE u
19.3.4 Problems with reversibility
catlllylol. bQV1 yield lhe $ilme e nanll ome r u prodUC:L The p!'OdUC:l of hydrolysjs 1$ ¡he (fI)· alcc:>hol whlle lhe p~u c:t 01 transelolerif'ocation is tno (R)-este<".
A problem with transesterification is roar tbe reactioD will become reversible and the equilibrium constanr will become ili::tportant. TIle emmtiomee tbat reacts fustest in thefurward dll:eCtiOIl will also react l'astestin tbe reverse dirt'crLon.The effectofthis is dearlyinferred in Fig. 19.7 in which the t'e and fe, are calcuJated for a resOIUDOD with E= 50 r alld for three diffel'enf equilibrium constants. As is inferred tbe effect of eeversibility is paruc ularly dramatic fol' the substrate metion. When rbe equilibrium constantis low, forcxample Keq = 0.5, tbeenantiomenc excess reaches a maximum Vdlue at around 45')(. con~rsion and then decreases. The point where deo'ease afee occurs may be shifted towards higher conversion when the acyl donorlsubstrate alcobol is increased. Anomee way wouJd be: [O change tb.e natuee of the alkoxy group of the aey! donar. When the pK~ vaJue oftbe corresponding leaving alcohol is decreased. the reactlon be-comes ¡ess reversLble. Completely irreversible conditions are obtained when vinyl esters are used as acyl donors. M ter reaction the expe.Ued vinyl alcohol immediately tautomerues ta the corresponding aldehyde oe ketone which provide iITeversibility.
19.3.5 Determ ination of enantiomeric excess 111e enantiomencexcess values maybe determined in differentways: • derivatisatian to díastereomers whkh may be separated bychroma· tography 01' NMR: • clliral solvaría n and detectíon afsalvated diastereomeric species by NMR;
f--- --- --- ~~~-~~-"·~~ · t'-- ·----
i' }(.0.5
I·-----++- · ·,- --~----T-··-,--
, ! o
. .,,,
,'.- , ,
' \".,
% Converslon Enantiorneric exo::en of product (eep' fullllnes) and remalnln, subltrate (ee,. nippled li nes) n . de~e of convenlon calculated for E oc SO and three dllferent ~~ibrnm cormants, 10000, J and 0.5. Wlth a IlI"ge Koq the reactlon 1$ .... everslble lIld the pn;>gres$ cUrYlO$look lil«! the examples of Flg. 19. 5. For reaCl.lo"s wlth sma ller K.,¡ val~ a dr.lrnatic effect i$ observed for ee,. The curve reaches a rnlXlmum. a1 the n!2.ction progr'eS5es furcher. tt, is reduud and ~he curve Ilt.'ver reaches 100%as le alw~yl does in cm. Irre .... rslbte cue. The e!fea of reverslblUty If noc U dr;¡matlc 011 fil~. The CUr-il ¿ips down al an urlier oogree of conve rt lon wnen Koq Islo_red. An obvloU1 way lO proued is 10 pum lhe (euuon towards the pl"Odu<:~ ,lde Dy Iocreaslng [he concentratlon of lhe teaCClnt.S.
• direct sep:lT3tion on chiral sration:uy phases ofGLC or HPLC. "[be larter methods are by far the most acrurate and easiest to perform providcd suicablecolwllDS are avaiJable.
I Reductions ~nd oxidations
Oxid ~red uccases (Class
1) are responsible for red lICtiOns and oxidations in nature. As opposed to by"-rolases. their aCDon depends 00 co-factors mainly NAD+INADH or NADP I fNAOPH. When one mole of substrate is reduced, one mole of c~factor is oridised and vice versa with the enzyme reruaining unchanged. Since co-factors are extremely e.xpensivc. they havc to be regenerated in order to assure an eronomicaUy feasible process(see Section 19.4.4), The altemative is to use wb oJeceJls for the reducnon-oxidaDon processes wben the ceUs will take care oI the regeneration process. Fúr example. if growing cells ofbaker's ycast are l'educrng a ketone, it is the sugar in me medium mal is oxidised. The flrst sub
~ S
Re-sida up
Dehydro anase
+ L
Antl Prelog
Priority: 0(1), L{2). 8(3) Ena'll!oselective redllctioli cA non-symmtltrlc.l.lly sulntltuUld kefonU by dehrdroge
19.4.1 Red uctions EnantioseJective rrouction of non-symmetrically substituted ketones by dehydrogenases yields secondar-y aleahols. This reactjon is importantsince it is an asymmctric synthesis capable ofgiving 100% producr. 111c stereocbemical course of the reaction is said te be either according to Pre10g or anti-Prelog rules. see Fig. 19.8.
19.4.2 Oxidations Oxidation of secondary OT primary aleohols by dehydrogenases is usuaIly not performed biocatalytically. TIle reaction destroys a stereocentre, ttis not favouted thermodynnmicnUy and product inhibition is a problem. OnIy in cases where it is necessary to discern between several hydroxy gmups in a lllolecule is ir artractivE'.
19.4.3 Hydroxylation of carbon centres, mono-oxygenases In addition to the dehydrogenases, the oxygenases is a llsefu1 grOllp of
oxido-reductases {rom a synthetic viewpoin t. Oxygellases are very much invol~d in important reactions. TIle mooo-oxygenases insertone ofrhe two oxygen atoms from 02 into the sumtrate while di-oxygenases insert both. The monc-o.."<:ygenases which catalyse a series ofoxidations such as hydroxylations, epoxidations, he teroatom oxidations aud Baeye.rViUi ger oxidations. as shown in Fig. 19.9, depend 00 NADH or NADPR and additional ca·factors, usuaJly Fe or e n . A particuJarly important reaction is tbe dite(:t incorporarion of 0l into D OD-activa~d carbon ('entres. Examples are synthesis ofimporran t steroidal drugs by microbiaI lla-hydroxylation afprogesterone and 7p-hydroxylation oflitbiocholic acid.
I --c-H
'DO R-X::::O
X=N , S, Se, P
(al hyd roxyl atlon of a rbon
He1eroatom oxidalion
Baeyer- ViIIige( oxidation
• H,O
E, (I.-Keto acid CO:z
ce nltu . (b) aromatie hydl'llllylat ion. (e) epoxidatiOl'l of ~Ike nes. (d) hete roato m oxidation and (e) Baeyer-Villigl'lr ollldaúon of
l -Amino acld
catalysfld by
~ ~tOt1e.
A- X
+ NH4~
El Formate dehydrogenase E2 l-Amlno acid dehydrogenase
Fonn¡te dehydrcgenue synemfor regenernrJon of NADH. The pmcess fOl" prodlleDon of l-amino Kid by redllctiw ~minaDon from an .:Hceto ¡ d d is shown on die right..ln d1is proc.ess NADH is eo nsuml!d. lbl! NAO'" prodllCed is ~nerntl!d by convusion of fonnne lO arboa dioxide cat;¡lysed by rormate
19.4.4 Methods for regeneratlon of co-factors When using pure enzymes fur a redoxprocess ir is ofutmost importance ro regenerare the co-factor. The efficiency ofsuch a recyding reaction is measured by the total turnover number, TIN . whicb is the numller of cycles obrained before me co-factor is destroyed. TTN may val)' from 1000 on a laboratoryscale to 100000 on a tecbnical scale. ]bere are several ways ol' regenerating nicotinamide. co-fuctors, which are the most commonly involved in redox processes. To regenerare rbe reduced fonn, NADH. frOID NAD+there are basically four diffe rentways: • non-enzymanc reduction wing sodium dithionite, Na)Sp..; • electromemical or photochemical regeneration: • coupled subsl:rare process using me same enzyme; • coupled enzyme proc::ess using two different enzymes. The enzymatic methods give the highest tumover numbers.1n particular the lasrmethod has had sorne technical success.ln the fOl'mate dehy· drogenase system, cheap forma te i.s converted into COl and NADH is regenerated. as shown in Fig. 19.10. This system has been successfully
applicd in production oft-amino acjds from a-ketoacids in a reactor (see section 19_6.1). By reductive amination catalysed by L-Ieucine dehydrogel13se, a-ketoisocaproic acid was converted into L-Ieucineand theTTN for theco-erlZymewas 80000.1norder te keep the low molecular weigbt ca-factor on the same side oftbe mem brane as the ellzyrne. its moleculaT weighr is increased by covalently binding it lO polyetbylene glycol.
Use of enzymes in sugar chemistry
Carbohydrates, such as triases, Cetroses, pentases, hexoses eCc.. are important naturalmolecules, lbeir biological significOlnce forceU'ccll interaction is ino'easingly understood. The simple carbohydlOltes are tbe building blocks ofoligo-and polysaccharides, Biocatalysis is impar-tant for syntbesis of simple carbohydrates as well as for oligosaccharides_
19.5. 1 Derivatisation of sugars The most characteristic fc"Cure of sugars, chemically speaking, 1S their more 01' lt:ss chemically equivalenr hydrm:y grou ps. Perfonning selective synthetic ttansformatiollS on sugar molecules is therefore always a matter of prote<:tio n ano deprotection steps. Primary hydroxy groups may be critylated, vianal diols may be protected as acetonides. orher OH-groups may be acetylated etc, Afien the wanted reactiOIl has been carried out, Che protecting groups have to be removed. This often leads to long and tedious mutes for synthesis of spccifk carbohydrates. however, sugar chemists bave fordecades talcen this discipline to perfeenon. Nevertbeless, te.mpted by the 3Spect of developing methods Dol needillg PTotection and deprotection steps. enzyme cata lysis has been cxploited. Regioselective acylations have been performed, however, with modesl success, Sugars which are Wical1y hydropbilic.molecules, bave becn dissolved in sol~nts like pyridine and dimethyl tormamide and acylated using hydrolytic enzymes. The selectivity obtained has been mastly similar (O (he sclectivity tbat is easily ohtained by more dassical methods, A drawback is the necessity to use polar, high boiling solvents, such as m ase mentioned aboye, which are difficult to get rid oí. Oue to low solubility ofcarbohydrares in organic solvents and lackof se1e<:r.ivity of reac.:tions. it m:J.y be concluded tha( this strategy Cor use of hydrolytic enzymes in rhe carbohydrate Iletd wiU only have limited value.
19.5.2 Synthesis of sugars from small mo lecules In several recent applications of enzyIDe catalysis, Che substrdtes on which the enzymes art are not the kiud of su bstrotes m at are 'natural' to the enzyme. However. enzyme catalysed synthesis ofhexoses in che labaratary depends solely on enzyrucs actingan n atural or near natural rubstrates, The relevant enzymes belong to t he cJass oflyases specificaUy caUed aMolases (EC 4.1.2 aldehyde--Iyases) since they eaca lyse an
Group I a ldolases
H;t.en, Hs
HO OH H Grcup 11 aldclases
\0 >5
0 ....•. zn 2.
aldol type of C-C bond -fonlling aldol addirioll reaman. The a ldolases most cornmonly join two C·3 units, caBed donor and llCuptor. and (W() new stereocentres are formed withgreat srereoselectivity. Aldolases may be divide
cwo mechu\hml of atdobses. GtClup I emymes from
animals and hI¡htr planu U~ an amino group In the enty~ lO kmn
a Sd'1iffs base Incenntdla!t CCl ac:civacetht aldol dOl'lClrs. Gr~ 11 .nl)'mes "om ICl'fier Clrpnltms. us. ¡ meco! Ion, IJslJ
Ttte four groups {(I). (b). (e). (d») of :;¡ldotase~ accordlng tO thelr donor dependence.
HO~OP0 2.
PRODUCT OHA dependen!
O +
Phosphate aldalase
' 02C
• R
L-Threon in e
utility cannot be compared to the \Vide range ofaldol reactions known in organic dlemicaI synthesis. Thus it may be conclllded thar aldolases may be used for synthesis of: • rare.carbohydrates: • isotopically labelled carbohydrates; • carbohydrdtes with unusual heteroatoms
19.5.3 Synthesis of oligosaccharides '[he enzymes involved in breakdown and huild up of oligo- and polysaccharides in nature are either glycosidases or glycosyl transferases. The first type is a hydrolytic enzyme and mainly catal~es breakdown of oligo- OI: polysacdlarides in natme. They have been found to have onIy limited use as catalysts for huild up of oligosaccharides mainly due to low sohlbility ofcarbohydrates in organic media whidl are necessary to reverse hydrolysis. Ou the other hand, in recentyears there has been tremeudous progress in the use of gIycosyl transferases. Tltis is due to a combination of chaUenging biological problems, productiou of relevant enzymes by molecular biological techniques and skilled organic chemists. Glycosyltransferases are divided into two groups according ID which activated donors ther use fur transfer ofmonosaccharides. 111e Leloir glycosyltransferases utilise eight nudeoside mono- or diphosphate sugars, UDp·Glc, UDP-GlcNAc, UDP-Gal. UDP-G-alNAc, GDP-Man. GDP-Fuc, UDP-GlcUA and CMP-NeuAc. The Non-Le1oir glycosyltraruferases utilise glycosylphosphates as activated donors. Carbohydrate-mediated ceU adhesion is an important event which can be initiared by tissue injury or infection and is involved in metastasiso One such adhesion process is the interaction between the glycoprotein E-selectin and oligosaccharides on the surface of neutrophils
_~- .
)~ Ha
Ac HN 'oH
u2,3-N811lomin,c acid lJam.teI05e
CMP·N-Ace!yll'lell ramirl!e a cld
rF' ~ HO,e
Regene ration of suga r nucleotide CMP· Nollramrnlc ac ld synlherR!Ie
Py"ph~-( phaUlse
HO~OH OH " o O:!. AcHN/ HO
Pyl\lvalo JIInilso
Pnoophoenot pyruvale
NucleosTde mOllophosphare klnase (myoklnase)
AOP~PyruvateATP kinas.
PhoBpho&nol pyruvalo
-------_ .. --_ ... _.--_.--._--- -------- ... _-- ... ----- ... ----- _.--._-- .. ._--_ ... _--- ..
--------- ~ -- --- --- -- --------
TIIe syntkesis cf si.11y1 Lewis X (SLe') (cmprlns mree transfer.ue cau.lysed nep,. ln the fll"st N·~cety llactose 1$ fonned usint pla(l~ lr.msferOlSe and UOP I~laetose. Sblylatlon (N-aC<.ltylnellramlnlc acld) In tila second st.ep by cytldyl mooophosphuA! (CMP~3cerylneuraminlc.N·acetylneunmlnlc acld artd Q2,3-nellramlnlc acld [ransferase is shgwn In me rtgun:, l4'peI'" box. TII. formed trisactfwide js fuc.osylued ¡¡t me GIc J·position in the nexl. nep u!Jngfucosyl uansfl'!r"ase ~nd GO P rucose (re e arTO~ Ñc.osyl unil). Regenerntion ofthe $\lgu nudeadée Is shown in !.he Iower box. CMP Is COlMI!rted in to CTP In twC steps uslng twO dlfferel\l kiIuses.ln me final ste9 CMP-N-acet)'fnellramlnlc iKid Is synmulsed from CTP and N.Ketyloel.nllllnlc. ~dd (slalle ldd) using!.he ¡pproprlate synthetue, Thl!! forme
(white bJood cells). The ligand that E'selectin recognises is me tetra· saccharide sialyll.ewis X (SI.e"). Since Sl.eX competes with white blood cells for binding to E-selectin. [hus inhibiting the adhesion process. it may useful as an anti·inOammatoryand anticancer agent. Non-en"l)'IDic synthesis ofSUr" involves a large numberofprotection and deprotection steps which are not suited for largescaJe..production. However, enzymic processes using transferases have been developed with great 5uccess. Thecrudal factor in order to succeed is regeneration ofthe activated monosaccllarides . Synthesis of SLe~ and related aligosaccharides have been pe.rformed on a large scale (kilograms) using this technology. The synthesis comprises three transferase cataIysed steps. In the first, N-aceryllacrose is forme
oc z
.... . O
O '"
'" ~
'""'" '"
< ()
!-< O ~
'" '" ~
CH20 H
An important !Itp 11'1
che production of vitamln e
(ucorbic acid) fro m glucase 11 me r~ose lectlve Ollidado n af o-¡Iudtol to yie ld l-$orbosa by Acetllboaer q/Inum. Thl$ bl oca~ic p
HO- e H
CH20 H
deve10ped by Reichsu!in asid Gl)ssoe"¡n l'J3 4 ;1 rMpOnsible for me ma ...... lacturll of abatn 50 000 IOfl~es of a~corbic uid flach ~r.
In tht produ alan of
CH2 0 H
consisting of 'rucrrue: clocase: ofiJO sac.cllarldM In die "nía 11:5 1:1. The mixture h1 ¡mpl'O'o'~d $Weetnen since fl'\lClose Is nurlythree times ilS _ t U
isomerase is ustcl to conven: ¡1UCOH Into al' ec¡u)lbrlum milrulre
CH20 H L-Sorbose
5yl'\lp (HFCS), whkh is produced frt:lm com ltilrdl. glUCOI.e
HO-tH I He - OH I HO-C H
o-Glucitol (D-Sorbltol)
!.he $weetener hlgh fr uctose corn
¡ Iucose.
Acelobsr;1~1 xylinum
CH2 0 H D-Glucose
CH20 H o-Fructose
3-pos ition in Che n ext step using fucosy l transferase and GOP- fucose . Regenerarion of CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid is sbown in the lower box. As inferred ir involves a series ofenzymes.lfall a ftb eenzymes are available, the process itselfis notcomplicated.
19.5.4 Other enzyme-catalysed reactio ns on carbohyd rates Some biocatalytic rcactions with sugars (lave treIm~ndous industria l importance. The crucial step in the production ofvitamin e (ascorbic acid) from glucose is the regioselective oxidation ofo-glucitol to Losorbose by Acetobacter xylirwm (Fig. 19.14). 11115 biocatalytic process, developed by Reichstein and G6ssner in 1934, is responsible for the manufacture of 60000 tonnes ofascorbic acid each year{see pp. 322-323). The swcetener, h.igh-fructose (orn syrup (HFCS), is prod uced from com starch which is hydrolysed by a-arnylase au d amyloglu rosidase to gjve a refined glucose syrup. Glurose ¡somerase 15 used to convert glueose intofrucrose(equilibn um m ixture, fructose: glucose :oJigo sae· charides, 42:51:7) since fructose is nearly three times as sweet as glucose(Fig. 19.15).Abou t S million tannes peryear ofglucoseis treated in this way.
Use of enzymes to make amino acids and peptides
19.6. 1 Producdon of amino acids Amina acids m ay be produced by biocatalysis eitber by nsymmetric syntbeS'is or resolution, see Fig. 19.16_
C0 2 H
H·J-A NH2 _>y ~"
EnanUopure (L)-amlno add
~OH • Bi<x;¡¡wytk synUlesIs of am¡~oadds . ¡me.- by asym~tric. syn~ (Iower part offigurl.!) or rl.!Wlu lio~ (uP?« pare offtglJrt). Ad
19.6.2 Peptide synmesis Formatioll of an amide bond (peptide bond) wiU take place ifSubstr.HC!: 2 in Fig. 19.2 is an amine and not an alcohol.lfSubstrate 2 is ao amino acid (acid prote<:ted). reactionscan be continued to form aligo peptides and rhe process will be a kinetica11y controlled aminolysis. lfSubstrate 1 is 3n amino add (aminoprotected) itwillbe.reverse<1 hydrolysis. ifi t is a protected amide or peptide it will be transpeptidation. 80th of the ¡arter methods are thennodynamically controlled. However. synthesis of peptides using biocatalytic method.s (esterase. lipnse or pro(ease) is only of limited impoltauce fur two reasoDS. Synthesis by either ofthe above menrioned biocatalytic rnethods wiU rakc place in low water media and low solubilityofpeptideswith more than two orthree amino
Synthe$is of thalow c:alorie 5weetenar. Asp.artame. which is l methyl estl!r oh dipepdde, A.1p_Phe-OMalnvolvas a
biocatillytk. step. ln t/'Ie To~ proten a.q>artic KId amlno protea.ed by ben1)1ox)'carilonyl Xroup;l ructad wIth two molH of racemic phen~bbn¡nft rrw.thyl emir Q Uolysed by tt.. prouw. thermolysil'l. Tt.. exua mol. al ~r
o Jl
..:OCH n° .X H NHZ
Thermolysin reaclion
rnakM me dlplpt\d.
pl'9tipit:r.w and al'uir IIbtradon of
d'II'I producto tb. tlCtI'a molec:ult 01
pMnyIaIa"1na ¡s racemis..d and
Salt Ihal crystalllses
acids limits tbeir value. Secondly. fuere are well developed non· biocatalytic methods fur peptide syntbesis. For small quantities t he
automated Merrifield method works welL Nevertheless , one processfur synthesis oC the low calorie sweetener. Aspartame. which is a mcchyl ester ofa dipeptide (Asp-Pbe-DMe). lnvolves a biocatalytic step (the TOSQ~ process). Aspartic acid amino protected by benzyloxycarbonyl group. is reacted with two moles of racemic phenylalanine methyl ester ca talysed by the pro tease thennolysin.. Tbe exl:r.l mole of ester ma.J..."eS tbe dipeptide precipitate (Fig. 19.17).
19.7 I Further reading Bornschelll!r. U. T. and Kaz.lauskas. R.l (l999)Hyd rooues in Ofl,'anlc S,Y'Ith esl$. Wiley-Vrn. Weinheim. Faller, K. (2000 •. Biotratuformatiom In Or:;llllk Qwnil;tT)', 4th EdUlon. Springer-
Verlag. Berlin. Fenht. A. (1998). SrruCful\.' and Me,hanism ir¡ Protein Scjrnre. A Cuide taEnzyntt Gala!ysis and Prou!n t'oldlng. W. H. Freeman & Co. NewYork. Palmer, T. (1995). Undmtandlng Enzymes, 4th Edltion. Elli.5 Horwood. RDbem, S. M" Tumer. N.j., Willetll, A. and Tumer, M.. K. {199!'i).lntrodu(t!cn to Blocara!ys ls using 'vVholeI:'m:yrnes Ilnd MiCl'1).{}rgonisms. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Chapter 20
Recombinant proteins of high value Georg-B. Kresse Applicatjoru ofhigh-vahle prou~ins Analytical enzymes Therapeutir proteLnS Regu1atory aspe-cts ofdH,-rapeutic protcim Olldook to tht" future ofprotein therapies Further reading
20.1 [ Applications of high-value proteins Proteins used in industrial enzyme technology. e.g. detergent proteioases orenzymes applied in me food industry. are in mus! cases rather aude preparations a.nd usually mixtures of different enzyml.'S. In con[rast, there are a number of cornmercial applications where higbly purified (and tberefore high-value) proteins are needed. Examples are : • AnaJytical enzymes aud antibodies. Por use in medical diagnostks. food anaIysis, aswelL as biochemical and m olecular biologicaJ analy¡ is (see Section 20.2).
• Enzymes used as toob in genetic engineerlng tttbnology. Gene technology has become possible through me availabilityofhighly purified euzymes sucb as resrriction endonudeases. DNAor RNA polymerases. oudeases and modifying enzymes. Similacly, glycohydcolases and glycosyl rransferases are use
Fu.rthermore, proteins with proven oc supposed biological relevance in pathomechanisms are needed as targets for the search of new ligands (agonists or alltagonists). inrnbirors and for X-r.J.y ar NMR struétur.J.I analysis in order to design nove.l interacting compounds by structureba,sed molecular modelling, Uds requires [he production ofthese proteíns on a rclatively small scalf' (10 lo 100 mg) but ofren with high purity df'pendingon tbe ¡ntended use.
20.2 I Analytical enzymes Enzymes are highly spedfic both in the reactian catalysed as well aJi in their choice ofsubstrates. rnd\:cd. enzymes are, besidcs antibodJes . me most specific rcagents known . The use ofenzymes in analysis. thereforc. offcrs a number ofadvantages compared to cbemical reagents. The reae· tants may either bccome chemically transformcd in che presence of ,m enzyme (it they are substratesj. 0 1' (hey may modulare the enzymatic ¡¡ctivityin a manner related to their<.:oncentration (ifrhey actas activa~ tors 01' inhibitors). Enzymes
20.2.1 Enzymes in diagnostic assays End·po1nr assays In cbis case, the compound to be dNermined (tlle analyte) takes part as thesubstrdte in anenzyme
- - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - ------'-- - --"....
A +OI.¡.2H~O NH
Oetermination of
A~ / ~, . . C01+ H.02
oxidase N --------+
Urie acid
t Start teaction
f-,,--; w ith 8nzyme
Concemr.Itions by an
enzyrmtlc end-pointuu)'. Thll
usayof uric add IJ UJetnoo n of urlc "del in a
JaIf1>Io!. the inlti~ 1 absorbance al
291 nm is measun:d. lhen the enzyme.lJI"ic;¡ff (urate oxidaul).;$ addo!eI. Oxid,¡don ofurlc acid (with 0 1;U the oxlcbnt) oc:nrs unti l aH cM wbstr.lte has befll COIIVf!rte
$ource (original)
Used forthe assay of
Cholesterol oxidase
Nocardia erythropolis or Bre\libocterium sp.
Pseudornonos sp.
Creatine. creat inine
Creatininase j3-Galact.os,idase
Pseudomoncs sp.
Escherichia coIt
Sodium ions: immunoassay marker en.."')'me
Glucose oxidase
Aspergillus n'ger
Glucose-6--phosphate dehydrogenase
leucOflOSCOC mesenreroides
Glucose (indtcatorenzyme)
Yeast or Baúllus sp.
a -Amylase activrt.y
Glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase Hexokinase
Aerococcus viridans
Glucose and other hexoses
Indic.ator enz)/me and immunoassay marker eozyme
Pyruvate oxidase
Pedtococcus sp.
Pyruvate: transaminase actMty
Sarcosine oxidase
PseudomorlOs 5p., Badllus sp.
Urate oxidase (uricase)
Arrhrobocrer protophormtoe
KJebslefla oemgenes
Uric acid Urea
Al! litted I!IltY\llt.,¡ru ~nd co llun~rUal ly ..v:ail:a"J...
Ha OH Glucose 6-phosphate
CH"'OH ®
Hbf-f1 OH
~ OH
Glucose 6-phosphate
6-Phosphogl LlColiate
An example of a coupled enzymatIc assay system using an indicatar enzyme: glurose assay wim hexoklnase and glucose-6-phosphate dchydrogcnase. The determinario n al glucOM! In blood or load materlals comprlses the pho~hory¡ation 01 glucose catalysed b~ yea
reaction lend themselves readily to physical or chemical measurement beca use no detectable signa! is produced. In tbese cases, the primary (called 'auxiliary') reactiún usually is coupled to a stoichiometrically linked 'indicator' reaction (mostly also enzyme-catalysed), with ane of che products of the second reaction being ea.sily detectable. in coupled systems, it is sufficient tú employ an enzyme with narr.ow substrate specificity for only one ofthe reaction steps, because the specificity ofthe whole reaction sequence wilJ depend on the múst speciñc enzyme. This means that in practice, general (i.e. unspecific) inrucatoneactions can be coupled wit houtindividuaJ optimisation lO various specific auxiliary reactions. To reach the endpoint in an appropriate reaction time, enzymes with low F\" values for the analyte subs1:r.ltes are preferred to ensure that the reaction is rapid even at the low substrate concentrations reached when complete conversiol1. is approached. Horseradish peroxidase is a wcll·.known example of an indicator enzyme used in a large number of commercial oxidase-based collpled assays but, in mos! ca~s, this cnzymc is obtained fram a non-recombinant source. An example of a coupled glucose assay which uses recombinant enzymes as the indicatol' enzyme is shown in Eg. 20.2.
Kinetie assays If the substrate conce ntration ISI is mueh smaller than the Miehaelis- Menten consta nt ~ of the enzyme, it follaws fram the Michaelis-Menten equation that the observed reaedon rate becames lineadyproportionaJ to ¡51:
VXI v- - SI Km + ISI whcre v ::: observed reaction ote; Y= theoreticaJ maximal rate with fixed amount of enzyme; ISJ = substrate concentration: Km = MichaeUs-Menten constanL By m onitoring {he reacdon kinetics, eitberby the rateofdisappea .... ance of substrate -dlS)Jdt, or the rate offormadon ofpnxlucr. d¡pydt, cataJysed by a fixed amount of enzyme, the analyte concenrrations can be detennined by meas uring the reaction rafe.. Kinetic assays .. l1ow a drastic rt.-duction ofthe time requíred foc analysis and are less sensidve to interferences than end-point assays. However. for l
The general crlneept of iI
c() nveru the ruMtrate into
product with" eoocUf'Ttll"t "hangll in <JI phy:o¡icochemic;ll p;lnmeter (e.g. heat, ele<:tron tr'
Biocatalyst Tran.sducer
I I Detector
processed by a dete(wr;_ _ .o Peptioo map oh therapeutk protein. The protein (Retep l.u e) wa~ digestec' with highly purlr~d trypslo. ¡ nd me rnultin& p~ptid ~ fragments were s~p~rated b), high-performance IIquld (h rom atograph)'. ElIch peak represents o ne peptlde fngment. ~c~us~ ()l .he deavage specifK:lt)' oftrypsln. aA ~ ~ptldeli (except me e-terminal fragn lntJ are expected ro llave 1)'5:ne or arginine resi due~ at thelr e·tennlnus. The Inc'lvidual peptlde' can be anal)'sed. e.g. by man spectroscopy. and sequenced. (1Ilunraticln courtesy of Dr M.
~~.JJjjJ t" 50 Time (min )
, 100
20.2.2 Enzymes as tools in biochemical analysis Purified e nzymes a re wideJy uSé
Em:yme (source) Proleases
Trypsin (bovine) Chyrnotrypsin (bovine) Endoprateinase Lys-C rrom LysolxJcterc?f1zymogenes Endoproteinase Glu-C (V-S protease) from
Protein fragmentation for sequence analysis. peptide tingerprinting. limited proteolysis of enzymes or ~ceptors to 5tudy structurefun dJon reJationships
5wphylococcus QUfeuS VB
ea,ooxypepu(/a<".,es A B, C. y
e-terminal pro1.ein sequencing
Restriaion proteases Factor Xa (bovlne or human) Enterokmase (bovíne) 19A protease from Neisserio gonorrhoe GJycosidoses Endogly
Processing of recombrnant fu5ion proteins
Carbohydrate and glycoprotein analysis
Dip/ococeus pneumonioe Endoglycosidase F and N-Glycosidase F from FIavobactenum meningoseprkum Endoglycosidase H from Strepwmyces plrcaws Many exoglycosidases
Similariy. a set of gIycohydrolases is used to analyse the carbohydr.lte residue structures ofglycoproteins .A number ofenzymes used for this purpose are Usted in rabie 20.2.
20.2.3 Special requirements tor analytical enzymes Enzymes ro be used Cor analyticaJ applicatioDS ha\'e to satisfy a number of quality criteria concerning: • Specificity - abse.nce of sid e
• Cost. 1111.'. criteria are dependent on each other. Therefol'e tbe choice and qua1ity ofan enzyme mustbe optimised in each case with rcgard to the particularanalytical application.
20.3 I Therapeutic proteins Proteins are part ofnumerous traditional medicines, sueh as snake and bee venom and enzyme preparations but, in most cases, these are ill· defined mixtures. Furtbennore, naturally OCCUITing proteins obtai ned froro animals, plants or micro-organisms as well as !rom tbe human body (blood, urine, placenta or adenohypophysis) have long becn used as drug ingredieJUs. TypicaJ exampLes are porcine msulin, blood coagu· lation facton: vm and IX from human bl00d rractíonation, paucreatin as a digestive aid, oc tbe Ancrod and Batroxobin proreases obtained from snake venoms. Howcver, foreign proteios are immunogenk for human.'> and will give rise to irnmUDe responses if injerted ioto [he bloodstream. This may lead to rapid inactivation and may prevent repeated application ofthe protein drug. Furthermore, the ¡solation of therapeutic protems fromhuman (and animal) f1uids and tissues poses a potendal risk of ilúecting fue patients witb other diseases, for example with liN. The concentration ofphysiologically active protdns in human body fluid.'> or organs 1S very low, necessit3ting the processing of much material for low amounts of productoChemical synthesis ofproteins , although reasible in principIe, is not normally an economic:a1ly viable production method {or protein dl'ugs. So, only througb the advent of gene teehnology has it become possible to produce human proteins in large amounts and high purity. In manycases. recombinant huma.n pro-teins allowed, for the flrst time, a rational therapy with the body's own substances based on knowledge of the causes of disea5e and patbobio-logicaJ mechanisffis, Therapeutic proteins sueh as hormones, growtb and differentiation factor.'>, art in signaIHng while mhers function as biocatalysts or inhibitors. They are used for substitution, amplification , oc i.nh.ibjtion ofphysiological processes. A1though biopharmaceuticaJ sales WOl"ldwide mOlde up just 4% of world prescription drug sales in 1994, it has grown tremendously over tbe pastdecade. At presentmorc (han 60 recombinanr protems.are used in therapy(3 selecDon is given in Table 20.3), and more than 2000tbers are in devdopment, Erythropoictin (EPO), insulin. somatotropin (human growth hormone), granulocyte--colony stimulating fatror (G-CSF), and alpha·interferon are among themost ruccessful drugs and are placee! in the 'top twcnty' on the listofworldw:ide sales ofpharmaceuticals. Analysts expectrhat in the nea.r futore, more than 100 pharmaceuticals based on gene technologywill be on the market.
20,3, 1 Choice of expressíon system Bacteria. yeasr, insect and mammalian cells are tbe most commonly USl'd hosts fin heterologous prorein express ion. A brief overview of the main advantages a nd disadvantages of the various hos! systems refer· ring especialIy ro the use ofthe express ion system.s fortherapeutic pro-teins wiJl be given below,
Year of first
Protein trealed (selection)
Insulin Human gl"O'Nl:h hormone (hGH) Interferon-a!pha Hepdtitis B vacdne Plasminogen activators (aIteplase, reteplase)
Diabetes mellitus Short stature (hGH defidency) Hepatitis. cancers. genital warts Hepatitis B prevention Acute myocardial infarction Anaemia of chronic renal fuilure
Bone marrow transplantation
199 1
Renal cell carcinoma Haemophilia A Relapsing mu!tiple sderosis Cystic fibrosi~ Gaucher's disease Christmas disease Prevention of thrombocytopenia
1992 1992 1993 1994 1994 1997 1997
Erythropoietin tnteneron-garnma Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
1985 1986 1986 1987/ 1996 1989 Chronk granutomatous disease 1990 Neutropenia, bone marrow transplantation 199 1
(G-CSF) Granulocyte-fTl
factor (GM-CSF) Interleukín-2 Coagulation factor VI II Interferon-beta" DNase G lucocerebrosidase Coagulation fador IX
Manyof tb<' pro(efll5 llsrec1
~re cOlUiuercid list¡]
<11 \'lI.rious hnnd. hy me ':un"- or dift'erem phanna ceu[ica l cOlnpanie~,
Mam.malian cclls ln mammalian host cells, such as Chillese hamste r ovary (CHO) ol' baby
hamster kidney {BHK) c eJls, high-levt!1 expression Ifrom 10 to m o re than 100 picogram per d.ay pet cell) oC the recombinant protein can be achit"Ved. Usually, the proteins .are secreted ¡oto me fermentad on medium in ptoperly folded, active form and in.mosrcases, glycosylation and other posHranslatio nal modifications occur in a more or less 'human-like' manner, al though minor differences may exist. Howevel'. deve10pment of a stable ceBUne that exptesses the therapeutic protein atahigh leve! maytake manymonths, and chemanufacturing costs are high, Therefore, che dcveloped technology using CHO, or BHK, cells is today the system$ oC choice for Large-scale production of moditied, e ,g. glycosylated, t herapeutic proteins. especially if correct protein modification is crucial fo l' the therapeutic effect.
Humancells Oneway toensure the identityofthe recombinam protein praduct with the OIiginal human prote in is [O u se human ceU lines as the elCpression system.. lnstead of c10ning a gene Ot ONA sequence codillg for che desited protein inoo me host cel!, it is an interesting ahernative to manipulate not th~ gene itseIf, but its promoter, in order to activate
e.xpression ofthe endogenou5 human gene. This 'gene activation' tecbnology may eventually become a cOlUtnercially advantageous way for rhe Pl'OdUCtiOll of many ther.tpeutic proteins. Insect cells lbe gene coding foc a recombinant protein can be inserled into che gename aftbe baculovUus, AlItographa caHfornica. lt will vc:ry c:fticientIy infect insect cells, and uses their protein synthesis machinery (O produce large amounts ofprotein (up to 500 mg ofpr oteill per litre of culture medium) within two ro three days after infecrion . Therefore, this system is vcr:y srntable to obtain protein rapid1y for feasibility studies. Hawe.ver, post-translational processing differ:s from th e mamo malian ceU systems. and the systcm is notvery sui table for scaling·up. Yeast Ycast and otherfungi are eukaryotíc micro-organisms that are ro utiDeJy cultivated en a large seale. Recombinant proteins a re usually located inside rhe yeast eell. however, it is aIso possible to attach a leader sequen ce in order to induce protf'.in seccf'.tion {see Chapter 5). Wh ereas intraeellular heterologous proteins may aceumulate to g 1- 1 level. secreted proteins usually reach titres of about 10 ro 100 m g 1- 1 • When expressed inyeast, human protcins areco~etly folded and disulphidebridged, but glycosylatiol1. differs signrncantly from the mammalian partem. In most cases. the well-known baker 's yeast (Saccharomyct's caeViSiae) is use
a fair yield and good economics. the bacterial {espedally E. coH) hoS[ sySfem is veryweU suired fur theproduction ofall rhe therapeutic pro-teins that do nor require post-translational processing for in vjvo bioactivity. Transgenic animals and plants 1'ransgenic manipulation means thar a gene ftom one species (the transgene~ is introduced into the germ tioe of another species. either plant or animal. Milk. blood as weU as urine have been proposed for transgenic prmein production, and a number of different protcins have already been produced in this way: some protelos, e.g. milk-produced antithrombin·m and al-antitrypsin. are currently in dinical trials. E.xpression lewls up to 3S g 1- 1 milk.have been reported. suggesting cha.t transgenic dau-y aojm als may provide a cost-effective reute to tbe Iarges'ale manufacture ofbiotherapeutics. However. development times are long beca use the gestatíon penad and the onser ofsexual mauu:it}' of (he animal are rate lim..iting. and mere still a numberof CODcems with respect ro rhe coDsistency of protejo production from diffi-rent 3nimals. Neve.r.theless . transgenic technology represents 3 real challenge for biorechnology. Production from rransgenic plants is potenriaUy a more economicaUy 3ttractive system. faI' large-scale production of recombinant proteins. offe.ring advantages in rhe low cost of growing plants on large acreage, the availability oC natural protein-storage organs, and tbe established practices fOl" h3:rvesting. tronsporting. storing and processing. Al present, the main disadvantages are low accumul3tion levels ofrecombinant proteins. insufficiell( informadon on post-tr.mslational events 3ud limited knowledge of relevant downsrream processing tec.hnology.
20.3.2 Protein folding from inclusion bodies Protcin folding in viero has often been compared to tbe taskofunboiling a.n egg: ro reform the bioJogically active. native protein confonnation ti-om insoluble and ina,tive aggregates. 'naturation' process is
usual1y done in severa.l steps, as shown in.Fig. 20.5. In unfolded proreins. hydrophobic regions tbat would be buried within rhe native globu]arprorein structure are cxposed. These parts of the polypeptide chain lend to induce unspecific aggregation. rhcrcby decrcasing the refoldingyield, see Fig. 20.6. Kinetically, aggrcgation is a bimolecular reactionand therefore concentr.ltíon depe.ndenr. As a consequcnce. prorein naturation usual1y has to be perfol'med at high dilution. and the resulting low protein concentrations and large reactian volumes lead to unfavoura.ble economks rOl" large-scale production. HO\\-'ever, it has been dcmonstr3red rhar a OOITectly folded (chus, hydropbilic) prorein does not interfere witb folding of furrher portions of the same. still unfolded pt'orein. Therefure. if one starts refolding ar a low protf'in concentrarion and 3dds furth er portions of un.folded protein cOlltinuously or. discontinuously to the same mixture only after the initial amount has 3Jready
Protein 'nawratkm' from indu~ion hodies. Re<:ombin~nt protelns overexprosscd in bacterial (eh oft.en are formed as insoluble and misfolded 'inc/LlSion bodies' (1). After (eK Iysis, me indusion bodie$ are collected by (entrifugatlon, washed with buffer to remove soluble (el! componenu (which may a!ready lead [O
fuund its correct conformation, the total protein concentration can be increased st:f'pwise up to economically attractive levels. Ibis process of 'pulse naturation' is commercialIy used m the production ofa plasminogen activator (see Section 20.3.5).
20.3.3 Application, delivery and rargering of rherapeutic proteins Because of their typical substance class properties, proteins genM'ally would byno means be considered 'ideal' therapeutic agents for reasons related tostability and application: 5tability Protems are polypeptides and therefore labile againstheat. extreme pH values and biological degradation. This may Icad to limited shelf-life as weU as short h
> •
pH aud proteases. Therefore, oral application of protein drugs would not result in suffident bioavailability un1ess che protein is iotended to act in the oral cavity itselflas for example Iysozyme, usro ro inhibit bac[erial infectioos in m e mouchcavity) or in the gasrrointestinal tract (e.g. lípases aud amylases. used tosupport food digestion). Proteio therapeuties therefore canDor be given oraUy but have to be injected o. infused ioto the bloodstream . Immunogenicity offoreign prorel.ns Proteins mar are fereign to the human body are immunogenic. Wben injected inm the bloodstream , they may induce the formatiao afanti· bodies and cellular immune response. Furtbermore, proteinsobtained from n atural sources may contain immuoogenic contaminants. This may prevent repeated er prolonged application of the same proteio drug. (1be immunogenicity is desired when proteins are used as vaccines.)
Klrw:tlc eompetltioo between PrQl.eln foldln¡ and ;lnoelaooo. Stef»' (a) md (b) ¡¡re ptodtlctiYe fllTl-oroer 1016"8 steps whereu fleJ'$ (e) Uld (d) ue tlllproduccive Iec:ond or hlpr o.-der usoc:lation processet.. (11unn.doll eO\rte$)' of DI" R. fludolph. Halle. GermUl)t)
One way to decrease immunogenicity of proteins is cht"mical coup1ing to water-soluble polymers. especially to polyethylene glycol. Such 'pegylated ' proreins are in use as therapeutics. for example PEG-adenosine deaminase (PEG-ADA) for treatment of ADA deficiency (SClD severe combined immunodeficieney disease) by slIbstitution of tbe missing enzyme, as well as PEG-asparaginase in tumour thcrapy. It is, hOVt'eV{!r, not easy to ensure praduct homogeneity after chemical modification. and of course producrion costs are increased by the additional chemical modificaoon step. On the other hand recombinant human proteins are expected not to be immunogenic. Depending on theexpression system lIsed, however, proteins may differ from original human proteins in theirpost-tr.mslationalmodification (e.g. glycosylation, processing ofN-rerminlls. etc.).
20.3.4 First-generarion rherapeutic proteins The first-generation oC recombinant therapeutic proteins are. proteio drugs marle with the aid of gene technology. These are identical ro natural human proteins. A few typical examples are listed below.
lnsulin 'Ibis is a panereatichormonewhichhas been used fortreatrnentoftype 1 diabetes sinee 1922 because of its effect in lowering blood glucose levels. Insulin consists of rwo poIypeptide chains connected by disulphide bonds. TheA ehain has 21 amino acid residues and the Bcbain has 30 amino acid residues. Insulin biosynthesis involves proreolytic processing from me single-chain precursor moleeule proinsulin, with rclease ofa connecting (C-)peptide, as illustrated in Fig. 20.7. During me firstdecades ofinsulin ther-dpy. bovine inStilin had to be used. Tn these animal protcins, rhere are sorne amino acid sequence differencesfromhuman insulin thatmay lead ro formation ol' insulin antibodies dUlillg long-term applieation. In the 1970s it became possible to feplace the alanine residue, B30, ofporcine insulin witb a threonine residue by protease-catalysed semisynthesis and, mus, insulin identical to the human molecu.le couId now be produced. However, due ro me growing population of patients needing insulin (about1 in 1000). therewereconcerns thatthesupplyofpordneinsulin might become limited and the porcine or semi..synrhetic .human material bas been replaced by recombinant production of humaninsulin. Several stratf'gies have. been deve10ped to produce recombinant insulin. In the original process described by Genentech. Inc. and Eli Ully. theA and B chains are exprcssed separately inE. roli as fusion proteins with tryptopban synthease or P-gaIactosidase and, after processing by cleaVilge with cyanogen bromide, the two chains are connected by chemical reoxidation. In an alternative Qrocess, the physiological biosynthetic intennediate proinsulin (Fig. 20.7) DI: analogues with shortened connecting peptide sequences are expressed in E. rolf oryeast, and tbe connecting peptide is removed enzymaticaUy.
C-peptlda Prolnsulin
Proteolvtic cleavage
-- s
S A chain
H, N -
@A..,""il®®@c&0OO)(D(bc~)(~)(!)@(0Q'XBJ6')~c)c~)- COOH ,
B chal n
H, N -
' ,I 21
Insuli n
Erythropoietin Erythropoietin (Epoietin alpha and beta, EPO) is a glyt"oprotein of165 amino acid residues. It is fonned in tae foetalliveT and in tbe kidneys of adults. The EPO hormone belongs to che haematopoieticgrowth factors and induces the formarion oferythrocytes from prttursorcells (tenned BFU-E und CRJ-E) in the bone matTOW. Recombi.nanc erythropoietin has to be produced in mammalian cell sy5cems due {O the necessity ofglycosylation (Chinese. hamster ovary (CHO) cells a re used in the eom.m.erdal pr<>Cesses). and is used tberapeutieaUy mainly in renal an;)emia, but aiso in other indications. e.g. in tUIllOur anaernia. Granulocyte-colony stimulating factot(G-CSp) G-CSF belongs, as EPO, to me dass ofbaematopoietic growth fueton. GCSF stimulates proliferation and differentiation ofneutrophil precursor cells to mature granulocytes. It is therefore used as ao adjunct in chemotherapy ofcaneer to treat neutropenia caused by tbe dcstruction ofwhite blood eell5 by the cytotoxic agent. Furthermore, G-CSF is also lIsed in the rreatmenrof myelosuppt"ession afier bone marrow transplantation. chronic neutropenia, acute leukaemia. aplastic anaemia. as well aS to mobilise haematopoietic precursor cells frolD peripheral blood. G-C5F is aglycoprotein containing 174 amino acid residues, Pl'oduets bave been launched which eontam either the glyco5ylated mol&lI le produced fl"om rceombinant CHO cells (Lenograstim) or altematively an ungtycosylated, but the.rapeuticallyequallyeffcctive, form produce
8losynthesi~ ~cld
:and amino
sequence of human pmns.ulin
and imrulin. PrQllIOlytic; ~ the co~ng C-pepdde from \he single-chan pteruf$or, proimltlin. tO re lease (he a,tIve two-
Among the tl.rst-gener.ttion of recombinant therapeutic proteins, rhere
20.3.5 Second-generation therapeutic proteins (muteins) ONA seqllences coding for proteins can nowadays be modified by s iredirected muragenesis so that the amino acid sequenc/! ofrecombinanr proteins can be designed as desired. 'Ibis is known as protei.n engineecing. Mutated proteins obtained in this way are caBed muteiru. The changes may be restricted to isolated amina acid residues (point mutations). butrnay also involve the deletion or insertion oflarger sequence regiorrs, or newly introduced connectian of originaJly unrelated sequences (protein fusions). These rechnologies may off'er a su-ategic rotein properties in a rational way. such as stability. solubility. substrate or receptor binding speci fidty, or pharmacolrinetics. Muteins obtained by rational design have been describro as the second generation ofthe.rapeutic proteins. However. present knowlroge of strucrure-function relationships in proteinsis far from complete. Only in some simple cases has it been possíble to predict the effects ofsequencc changes on observ
Plasm;nogen aetivators
fl _ _ _ _
lnhlbltors of plasmlnogen al;tivalors
Genenl scheme of flbrlnolysk Thkkarr~ (J I de.ll¡nare CiltllytiC aCtMOOn by prouolys i$ whic:h
under tomrol
of pt~ma inhibitOl"~ (.J..). Plu mln
ti .,
-P"'m'n In","""
Flb rln ogen ($OIuble)
Flb ri n _ _ __
(ln&ohJbie erot)
1 Flbrlnogen
RbI'Inopeptlde5 (soluble)
Tissue plasminogen activators Acute myocardiaJ ¡nfaretioo (AMI) is the principa1 cause of deaLhs in most Western hemispbere: countnes. Qne approach to improve treatment of AMI is me use ofthrombolytic enzymcs_ Plasminogen activa· tors catalyse the proteolytic processing of tbe inactive proenzyme plasminogen. which circul ates in che bl00dstream. inm the active pro-teólse plasmin. Plasmin is able ro cleave tbe insoluble fibrin of blood dors into soluble fibrin fragment peptides so that tbe dat is dissolved and [he blood vesse1 is opened. Thereactian scheme is outlilled in Fig. 20.8.
Plasminogen activators (e.g.A1rcplase andReteplase. a mutein with increasd in are usea increasi.ngly as thrombolytic agents in the treatment af AMI. and are aJso used in studies on relatcd disease,> such as stroke or deep veln thrombosis. ;ID
Other second generation recombinant protcin drugs In the near future, much progress is expected in me field ofrecombi· nant immunotoxin$ used in experimental trearmenr of various cancers. These arechem.ical conjugates or recombinant fusian proteins comrructed from a cell-bindingpart (mostly rh e antigen binding parts o( an aotibody), a translocation dornainmediatingtransferthrough the ceU membrane, and;¡ cytotoxic portian. e.g. pl'otein domains from bacterial toxins (such as DiphthcrUi toxin or Pseudomonnsexotoxin)or a chem¡cal cyrota;
20.4 I Regulatory aspeces 01 therapeutic proteins 20.4.1 Development and approval risk Thc taxicity ofprotcins is usually ¡ess severe [han with chemically synthesised substances since [hey have fewerUlldcsirablc sidc-cffcct5 associated with them, due ro thcir specifk physiological roles. As nntural ~ubstances, proteins are neither carcinogenic nor temtogenic. If the principIe of actian has beeo ideorified, devclopment of recombinant human proteins into therapenric agents shoulrl car.ryless risk tllan {'he development of new low-molecular weight drugs. This is true once efficacy has been demonS1rated , i.e. in the later dinical development phases, where tbe main part of development costs arises. Furth{"rmore, aftercompletion ofclinical dcvclopment, innovative protein therapeutics will usually be approved faster for market launch due to interna.tionally agreed common qualitystalldards. In the United States, approval ofbiopharmaceuticals is regulare
20.4.2 Safety 1.n contrast to protl'ins isolated Í1:om buman oc animal, including tr.lD~
ge.n.ic. SOul'ces 01' from pathogenic organisms, e.g. vaccines obrained from bacteria or muses, highly purified and carefully analysed l'E'COJ1lbinant proteins do nat bcar the risk ofcontanllnaoon with allergenic subsGlIlCf:s, patbagenic viruses, e.g. HlV, or prions from Célttle or hum ans ca using newvariant Creutzfeldt-Jakab d isease. For tllls rcasoD, products such as coagulation factors (formerly produced from human blood or plasma), human growth hormane (in [he past obtained from adenohypophysis extracts), 01' hepatitis B vaccines are today manufuctured from recombinant systems.
20.5 I Outlook to che luture 01 protein therapies COllsidering tlte general advanrages and disadvantages ofpLOtein therapeutics, it can be conduded thatthey are notequally attrdctive in al! rherapeutic areas and indications when compared with competing approaches such as low-molccul;n weight chemical substaDl.:es on fue one hand , and gene therapy on the other. Proteill drugs would be especially useful in the following cases: • Inindications where no a[ternarive therapy is available, partic:uLarly forporentiaUy live-thrcatening diseases ~ut:h aS acute myocardial infarcrion, cancel' or viral infections. • For substitution therapy iCessential human proteins are rnissing or inactive, e.g. in ADA deficiency or in coagula non factor deficienc:ies.
• Tomodulate me regulation ofbiotogicat processes such as metabolism. ce1l gcowth. wound benling, etc. OL' to influ ence the ¡mm une system byproteins acting as hormones, growtb facIors. or cyrokines (e.g. imulin. erythropoietin. c.cSF, somatorropin , interfcr ons or interleukins). ln these cases. protein- protein interac:tions have ro be modulated. This may be more effective witb therapeutic proteins as 'n a turE"s own ligands' optimised in the course ofevolu non. than with small chemical substances . • As vacOnes. especialiy against viral infectious diseases. Human proteil1s identical to [he body's own suhstances have become available through the advent of gene technology. Besides lhe 6rstgeneration biothel'apeutics, an incl'easing number of redesigned, second-gcneration pTotein muteins with improved properties are being introduced to the marketplace. Once the pl'eseut problerns oflow transfection and expression effidency have becn solved. it.maybe possible to substitute defecrgt"nes. oradd therapeutic genes. to humancells in vivo so thar (he patiem's body itselfwüJ act as (he manufacturing facility where the synthesis oftherapeutic proteins occurs . ln this sense. gene therapy may represen! the futme third-generation oftherapeutíc pr~ (eim. and may help to approach the final goal ro cure. rather roan (real, disease.
20.6 I Further reading H. u .. Grassl. M. and Bergmeyer.J. (eds.) (1983-t986). AMhods of Enzyma!lcAnuiyru, V()J.l-~1. VCH. W~¡nh~im . Bran~ , j. aoel Volunel, A (1999). rnsulin analogs witb improved pharmakoldn~tic profiles.Adv. Drug Deii~ Ro!\!. 35. 307- 335. BrulDw. A. F. (1993). Remmbinant·DNA-denvcd ins ulin analogues as potenlially us eful therapc utk ilgcnts Trrnds Bio~dmoi 11 ,301-305. B~rgmeyer.
KIegerman, M. E. and Groves. M..j. (1992). l'harmaa".lt'ical Biottdlllology: f-undum.t!lllals and ~nfillil. rnlerpbarm Press. Inc., Buffalo G~, JL. Kopctzki , E.. I.chnert, K. and Dude.!. P. (1994). EDzytues in Diagnostics: Achi{'\'('me.nts and Possibilities ofRffombinant DNA Technology. Qin. Chtm.
40.688- 704 .
Kresse. G.·B. (1995). ArIalytical uses ofcnzymes. 1n HiorMmoWgy.1nd edirion, Vol. 9 (H.:J. Rehm&G. Rred.eds.). pp. 138-163. VerJag Cb.emie. Weinbeim. Nicola. NA.(lm). Guidcbook ro Cytolincs ¡¡ndThdrR«eptors. Oxford University Press.Oxfonl. Perham. R. N. d ill. (1987). I:lUYII'Itf. In UlImoll n's fncJe/o¡miio ofllldU5hial Chemisfry. Vot 1\9. pp. 341- 5)0. AJso I~publis hed 5ep
FASEBJ . 10. 49-56.
Steinbe.rg, F. M. and Raso. J. (1998). Blotedl ph.:'lmIaCcllticals and biotherapy: an overview.j. Pharnt. Phtlr'mI1.Wf.Sd. 1. 48-59.
Chapter 21
Mammalian cell culture N. Vriezen. J. P. van Dijken and L. Haggstrom Inrroduction Mammalian ceH lines a.nd rheLr cha.racreristics CornmerciaL products Protein g lycosylatioll Media fur the cultivation ofmammalian ce.!ls Metabolism Large-scale cu)tivation of mammalian ceUs GE''nE.' tk engineering of mammalian cells Further reading
The cultiva non of marnmalian cells in \litro (e.g. in a bioreactor) has evolved from an empirical art to a modern quantilative scienee si nee 1945. Media and cu1tivation cooditions tbat can suppon viability and proliferation of a large number of different cclJ types from di«erent o rganisms hav!:.' been developed. CeU lineshave bero established from a rangc ofmarnmals, 5uch as humaos , rats. miel:.', hamsters, cats. dogs. monkeys. sheep, cattle and horses, and fram individual organs 5uth as the lung, kidney.liver. skin, Iymph nodes. musdes, ovades , thymus and heart a nd also VulOUS types of cancer. Cell lines from reptiles. tish and insects have aIso been establisbed. Tbe driving force foe deveJopment ofin vitro cultivadon techniques for mammalian cclls was the need for polio vaccine in the 1950s. Vacane production is still a majar application bu t. today. mammalian cell cultures are also used for toxicological and pharmaceuticaJ research. thereby reduang the need for animal testing, and for production of artificial organs. For example, layers of cultured keratinocytes function as artificial skin aud attempts are being made to construct arri· 6cialliver and kidoey units. The most productive application ofmammalian ceU cultures has. however, so tar beeo in che manufacture of proteins for diagnostic and ther.apeutic use.
21 .2 I Mammalian celllines and their characteristics Marnmali a n cells are nonnally part ofan org;rn whcre they differen tiate ro perform specific func tions. When transferred to fn vitro conditions. sorne ceH types wiD ¡¡tay alive witbout multiplying, whilst otheTS will multiply. The ceH types m ost Likely to multiply in vitTo are those which will aIso do so in rhe body. sueh as cancer cel1s. epithe1ial cells a nd fibrobla.sts. A normal diploid ceU Ime has a finite life span. M"ter a certain numbcrofccll divi sions. proliferanon ccascs and thcculturcdies eventually. ContinuOlls (or i.mmortalised) celllines, sucb as cancer cells, have acquired the capacity to grow and multiply for an number of generations like nticro-organisms. A number of o ther changes in physiology and metabolism also followfrom the transfo rmation ofa nonna! ccllline ro a continuously growing onc. For examplc. continuous celllines are easier ro bandle in the JabOt3tory as they ate less dependenton serum and growth.fa ctors (see
Schematk repre!.elltatiofl of che strunure of a
myelol"lll ~elL The ~ell diameter is approximately 12 ~
Smooth endoplasmic reUculum ·
Secrelory veslcle
Rough sndoplasmh::: raticulum
Mammalian cells in culture act as urncellular organisms. Le. tbey grow and multiply by division, as long as nutrients are available in suffident amounts. in suspension culture. the cells assume a spherical shape. with a diameter of7 to 20 )l>ill. The structure ofa typical. undifferentiated eukaryotk ce11 i5 shown in Fig. 21.1. In contrast to microorganisms, the eukaryotic cell is complexo containing a variety of organelles. A further difference of technical significance between animal ceUs on one hand and microbial and plant cells on the other i.s the lack ofa rigid cell wall, whicb makes marnmalian cells vulnerable to changes in osrnolarity, to shear forces, and to damage caused by air bubbles. Examples of mammalian cells used for industrial production are hybridoma. rnyeloma. Chinese hamSler ovary (CHO). and baby hamster kidney(BHK) ceUs. Fusion oflymphocytes aod rnyeloma cells (lymphoid cancer cells) results in artlfidally constructed hybridoma cells. as first descríbed by K6hler and Milstem. In.the hybridoma cell. fea tures ofboth parent cells are combined: the capadty for production oC antibodies stems from me lymphocyte and the proliferative potential from the rnyeloma.. Typical forbybridoma cells is the large potentjal to produce and secrete glycosylated proteins (see Section 21.4). Myeloma cells aré being used as host cells for productioll oí" recombinam protein. in particular recombinant antibodies. as these cells , like the hybridomas, have the capacitY for extensive secretionofproteiru;. CHO cells are the rnvoured industrial cclls for production of recombinant proteins. fur example. Factor VII and Factor VIll (see Section 21.3). Baby hamster kidney(BHK) ce1ls have been used for a long time forvaccine production. an example being the veterinarian vaccine against fuot and mouth disease.
.. 52
PharmaceuticaJ protein
Type of gfycosylation
Tlssue plasminogen acUvator (tPA)
Fibrinolytic agent
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Antianaemic agent (blood doping)
N-linked N- and 0 -linked
Factor VII, VIII. IX and X
Haemophilia, blood clotting agents
N- and O-linked
Follide stimulating hermene (FSH), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)
lnfertility treatment
N- and 0 -linked
Anticancer: immunomodulator: HIV treatrnent
Interferon-alpha (IFN-a)
Anti[an[cr; immvnomodulator
Interferon-beta (IFN-J))
Anticancer ami viral
N· aOO O-tinked N-bnked
Interferon-gamma (IFN-y)
Anticancer agent,
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) Monodonal antibodies
Therapeutic and diagnostic
Commercial products
Produc[s mOlde in bioprocesses witb mammalian cells are mainly glycoprotcins. Table 21 .1 shows some represeutative exa.mples. TIle complexity and costs of mammalian cel! processes dictate that proteio production with mammaJian cells is cconomicalIy viable only fer rugh added-value produces (> USS 106 kg- l). Marnmalian cell protcin products are tberefore mainly pharmaceutical prodll<..""ts . Monodonal antibodies (MAbs) (see also Chapte r 23) are (he best known mammalian ceU culmre products_ The highly specific binding properties of the MAbs can be used in diagnostics lbom medical and veterinary), imaging (cancel" and heart disease), product purification (affinity chroma tography) and as therapeutic agents. Otherpharmaceutical proteins tbat are produced with mammalian cell cultures are aimed at treating cancel', heart diseases. blood diseases Jnd hormonalrlisorders. Thc products liste teios hut do so differently from marnmalian cells (see Chapter 5). The
NeuAc(a2-6)Gal(~ 1-4)GIcNAc(Pl-4) ' " NeuAc(a2-6)Gal(pl-4)GlcNAc(Pl-2)
NeuAc( a2-6)Gal(p 1-4)G IcNAc(Pl -6) NeuAc(a2-6)Gal(Jl1-4)G lcNAc(Jl1-4) NeuAc(a2-3)Gal(p1-4)GIcNAc(Pl -2)
presence and conformation ofthe sugar moiel)' ofa glycoprotein ¡s, in many cases, essential for a functional product as this functionaHty proJongs the half-life in the bloodstream. and diverts the protein te its spedfic location in th~ cell. If this is 50, tbe production organism of choice is ofien a marnmaliancellline. Pbannaceutical proteins that are nOl glycosylated or need not be glycosylated for proper functi OI1. likc ¡nsulin or human growth hor:mone, human serum albumin and hae· moglobin.. may be produced more cosr.effectively with bacteria. yeasts OT filamentous fungi (see Cbapter 20).
I Protein glycosylation
Whereas protein syntbesis is guided by DNA and RNA templa tes. the addition of sugar to a protein is a process without a template, Therefore a large variation in tbe oligosaccharidc structures of glycoproteins can be round. Glycoprote-ins with the same amino acid sequence, but difIero e.nt ol-igosaccharide strucCUfes ¡ue Gllled glycoforms. The oligosaccharidestructure5 are covalently bound lO the protein either at a nitrogen (N-glycosylation)or atan oxygen (Q-glycosylation) atom. These two fonns of gl}'COsylation differ no( ooly in [he position where sugars are artache
ExalTlflle of complu N. Ilnked 8fycosybtion. 11M I rq arfoa indiu.teS!he con. unir af che Ave suglr resldues found In N-linlced glyco-stnJl:tUI"es that are attad!ed ca an asparaginyl residue . G!tNAc. N-acetylslucose amine: Fue, fuco5e: Man. mannose: Gal, g~lactose: NeuAc,sialic Icld.
Endoplasmic reticulum
Simplitled scheme 01 mil N·&fyt.oS)'lulon parhway a/'ld
ucr.tion ola ¡fycoprnreln. A prouin Is synmeslstd 0fI ma rougt'I tndoplumlc reriwlum.l" th. tl'doplasmic relXUl.WTI me NgIyeos)'iadOl'l prtWr10r Glc)Man 9 GkNA, Is transl..-r-.d tQ th. proaoJn. Aftlrtrimmin¡ off (ha precursor, !.he: prottln Is u;uuferred to me ds·Golgl by
vesk;u!artr.lIl1.port.. The ¡Iycortruewn: 1$ trlmm.d and eKtended al the prottlln traversas me Gol¡t tomp!tx fro m cls- f.O trans-GoIgl. Transpon: u.ku place by Ye,lcJes. When me ll'ycostr"Utw re Is tomplllU! thfI glycoproteln rnay be! I!)lCtrete d by WJy of 3 secretlon veslcle mat fuses wlm!.he: ,ell membrane. Symbob U$~ 0 , maMOse: • . GlcNAc.; +,¡ Iu cose: e, galactose; open dlamo nds. f\Kose; el, sialk aad.
Trans-Golgl network $ecretion Theprotein is then transponed to thecis-Golgi compartmentofthe ceH byvesicles that bud offfrom tbe ER.ln the ds-CoLgi, part ofthemannose structure is trimmed off, The proceln travel'ses the Golgi compLex via vesicular transportoDuring progression chrough the medial and trans Layen of the Golgi complex, the galacrose and GLcNAc units of !he oomplextype N-glycosylation are added. Final ly, sialicadd units maybe added in rhe trans-Golgi network. Tbe comple(ed glycoprotein is then transported to its destination. Secretory proteins are released frOIn rhe cell by fusion or the final secrerory vesicle with me cel! mem.brane. O-type glycosylation also takes place during the traflicking of the protein rhrough me GoIgi complex: [he location and reactioas for this process are, however, Jess weJl known. The specific glyoosylation panern dilJers between ce.H lines. Far instance, CHO cells do nor synthesise bisecting N-acetylglucosamine
strnctuTes and mouse celllines are known lo sporadicaUy generate terminal galaetose units (Galo:l--+3Gal ) that are immunogenic in humans. Knowledge on the desired glycan strueture is therefore beneficial in se1ecting a ceU line for production, The glycan structures of gtyeoprotaos may ¡Dfluence lts key characteristics, essential fur the activity ofa phannaceutical productprotein. Forexample. cryth.ropo¡etin aetivity is total1y dependenton tbe presence and structur e ofits glyam moierles while the biological activity ofinterferons and sorne inlerleukins does llot depend on rhe presente of glyeans. The in vivo half-life of a glytoprotein 1S influenced by tbe amount of terminal sialic add which proteclS the proteio against clearanee from tbe bloodstream by hepalo'1'td or macrophages. The glycan structure also inOuenees physiC
2' .5
I Media for the cultivation of mammalian cells
Mammalian cells in thebodyofan organism receive nutrients from lbe blood circulation. (en culture media for the in vlrro propagarloa of marnmalian cells must thercfore supply nutrients similar to those present in the blood strealll.lnitial attempts to grow marnmalian ceUs in vHro ¡nvolved media derived from tomple:< natural sources sllch as c1úckembryos. bIood serum ordots and lymph fluids.Since about 1950, partly defined media. consistingofa great number ofromponents. have been developed (Table 21.2). The basis for ceU culture media is a baI· anced salt solution. Thcse salt solutioos were originally used to create a physiological pH and osmolarity, required formaintainingcell viabi li ty ill \litro. To create conditions promoting proliferation. glucose, amina acids and vitamins were added ro tbe salt solut'ion, according to the requiremurs of the specific tell lineo This developmcnt resulted in various of media formulations. each des:igned for a limite
e e e•
f-< O
..... ..J
Component Amino aods L-alanine L-arginine HCI L-asparagine H20 L-aspartic acid L-cystine L-glutamic acid L-glutamine glycine L-histidine Hel H.p l-isoleucine L-Ieucine L-Iysine l-methionine l-phenylalanine l-proline L-serine L-threonine L-tryptophan l-tyrosine l-vaJine glutathione (red) L-hydroxyproline
Vitamins D-biotin Ca D-panthothenate eholine chloride fo lie acid í-inositol nicotinamide p-aminobenzoic add pyridoxine Hel pyridoxal HO riboflavin thiamine Ha vitarnin B12
Inorganie so/ti. ea02'2H 2O CaNO]'4H 2O
Eagle's MEM
RPMI 1640
200 50 20 50 20 300 10 15
24 292 31 52 52 58 15 32
48 10 36 46
1 1 1 2
SO SO 40" 15 15 20 30 20
S 20 20 1 20 0.2 0.25 3.0 1.0 35 1.0 1
0. 1 1
0.2 1.0 0.005
Ham's FI2
8.91 2 11 15.0 13.3 24.0 14.7 146.2 7.5 1 2 1.0 394 13. 12 36.54 a 4,48 4.96 345 10SI 1 1.91 2.042 5.43 11.7
25 84 284 30 70 75 584 30 42 104.8 104.8 146.2 30
42 95 16 84 93.6
0.007 0.26 13.96 1.32 18.02 0.037
0.013 4 4 4 7.2 4
0.062 0.Q38 0.34 1.36
4 0.4 4 0.013
0.0025 0.83 223
220 6800
100 6000
FeSO~ '7H20
66 40
330 0.076 200 4505
Eagle's MEM
RPMI 1640
Ham's FI2
NaHCO) Na2HPO..·7H 20 NaH¡p0.. ·2H 20
2000 15 12
1176 268
Other components D-glucme HEPES phenol red
141 2000
180 1
sodium pyruvate
11 0
4500 5962 15
sodium selenite
0.01 7
400 1.0 100
1ransfemn soybean lipid lipoie acid linoJeie add
hypoxanthine putrescine' 2 Ha
Eagle, a pioneer in this field with many important articles published duringthe19SOs and 19605.'rmined which amino acids were essentia! (ur mamma lian cells in culture (i.e. amiDa acid! tha[ cannot be synthesised by lhe cells themselves in amounts adequate for growth). EMEM is base
0.2 1 0.084 4.08 0.16
h'3nsferrin (carnee of(ie3t ), selenium (tl'3ce element), fatty adds. dexame thason (an artificial glucocorticoid with growth_promotillg activity in certain cell types) and bovine $erum albumin (protects cells from bubble rlamage and is a carrier of lipids), Trace elements such as zinc. molybde:num and nickcl a re added to sorne media. Serurn-frec media for a variety of celllin es arE' now commerciaJly available.
Mostcu.ltured mammalian c('IIs use both glucose and glutamine as sources of energy and anabolic precursors. rus provides mammalian cells with a certaill flexibilüy. A limitt"rl supply of glucose can be compensated forby an increased consumption ofglutamine alld vice versa. As gluraminealso is a nitrogen sourre for mammalian celIs, glutamine limitation can lead to an increased cons umption of other amino acids 00 compensate for the lower nitrogen intake.
2 1.6. 1 Mecabolic routes for glucose and glutarnine Glucose is mainly metabolised via the glycolytic patbway to (rig. 2 1.4) - see alsoChapter 2. Tbe main fate ofglucose-derived pyruvate is reduction to lacta te. Lactate ¡s excteted and aecumulares in the culture me tbe tricarboxylic acid cyde (TCA cyc1e). A smal) fraeríon (4-8%) of consumed glucose goes via tbe pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) which supplies ribose-5-phospbate for tbe synthesis of nudeotides. as well as reducing equivalellts (NADPH) forbí osyntbesis. ppp ¡s rhe most important partofrhe sugar metabolism for marnmalian eeJls as shown by the fo Uowingexample. Ifglucose ¡s exchanged for [ructoscovery littl e sugar is consume
G/ucose I
,/' r R·5·P
Schematk or gIu(OSt ¡al1d
glutamine catabohm illllWlllruI~ilfl
celll. Compound~ In boId pril1l ¡are COMlMl1cd from or eJl(tI'ettd InlQ
......- GLC-6-P
me medlunl. Abbrevtatlon~ used:
G-6-P; gluc05e-6'pOosphate: Gl C6-p' f,.phO$p/logtucon¡n.e; R-S--f';
rlbose-$.phosphate: OHM dlhydro)()'acetone phOlph3te; PEp. pho,phoenolpyrtJvate: Pyr. pyruvue: l ac.laCQ.te; Ac-CoA, ~ceql.CoA: CI.-KG, (lkewglut::lrate; Su ce-CoA. succnylCoA: OM ox~Joaceu.te; Ab., ala nhle.
I tinn pathwayis the dominant route ofglutaminc metabolism in rapidly growing cultured mamma!i:m cells. 80th glucose-derived and glutamine-derived camon enter the TCA cycle, as acetyl-CoAand a-ketoglutarat.e, respectively(Fig. 21.4). In a complete turn ofthe cyc.le, one molecule of
the merabolic routes [or glucose and gluramine partially overlap with pyruvate being formed from glutamine as well as from glucose. Oxaloacetate is forrned froUl glutamine via reactions ofthe TeA cyc1e and, in no.rmal cells , al50 by carboxylation ofglucose-derived pyruv.ate via pyruvate carboxylase. However, no flux OCCllrs via this enzyme in continualls celllines. Energy, in the form of ATP and rOOucing equivalents, is generated from botb glucose and glutamine.
21 .6.2 Stoichiometry of metabolism and energy yields A description of mammaliao ceO Olerabolisffi as a balance betweeD catabolism and anabolism is complicated by the llseofbotb glucose aod glutamine as encrgy and carbao sources and by tbe utilisation of other amino acids fue botb anabolic and carabolic purposes. Moreovec. che diverse metabolic Cates ofglucose and glutamine have different con sequences for the amounts ofby-products and ellergy pToduced. Glucose may be fermented to lacta te. yielding a theoretical maximum of2 mal ATP and 2 mollactate per mol glucase. A1t:ernatively, gtucose may be complcrely axidised in theTCAcycle, yielding6 COl' 10 NADH, 2ATP. 2 GTP and 2 FADH.l' which at a P/O ratio. of3 for NADHaml 2 fur FADH 2 translates to give a maximum of 38 ATP. Complete oxidatian ofglutamine generates 5 COl' 2 NH; ;md 27 ATP. 111e transamination pathway of the gluta mine metabolism yie1d5 1 NH¡ é1nd 9 An>. together with alanine. and 2 COl' or aspartate and 1 COto depending on the type of transamination reaction.
21 .6.3 Meubolic compartmentation UJ...--e all eukaryotes, marnmaJian ceUs are compartmenred mto arga' nelles(Fig. 21 .1). Differentmetabolic routes are located in differentcompartmenrs. $ome reactiollS b.we a unique location: glycolysis including lactate dehydrogenase are cytoplasmic while the TCA cyde and certain enzymes ofme gluramine metabolism (glutaminase. gluramate dehy' drogenase) are mitochondrial. Metabolic intermedia tes may need to be transpoTced from one compartment to another to be available. for par· ticular rouces. This is especiaUy importantfor!he metabolism ofred ucing equivalcnts, NADH. Large arnaunts ofNADH fornl ed in the cytosol need to be reoxidised. Although a11 the shuttJe systems responsible Cor cransporting NADH ioto rnitochondria (fur subsequen t oxidation in the respirarory system) likety are present in cantinuous ce.1l Unes . theyare abviously not keeping upwith glycolytic NADH production asjudged by the extensive farmation of lacta te. which is a means of regenerating NAD '¡' via cytosalic reduction oC pyruvate. The ttansaminatian reactians witb glutamate aS amino group donar, leading ro aJanine andJor aspartate formabon as end products of rhe glutamlne metabolismo caD-OCCU[ borh in mitocbond ria and in the cyrosoL While transamination of oxaloacetate to aspanate mainly is a mitochondrial even.t, transaminatian ofpyru vate lO alanine takes place botb in me cytosol aud in mitochandria. Purthermore. alanine formation from glutamine requires tbat a four-carbon compound af (he TeA cycle is converced ro a three-carbon g1ycolytic inrermediate. The
involved ellZymes (phosphoen~pyruYa[e l'i'lrboxykinase and malic enzyme) are botll cytOSolic a nd mitocbondrial implicating tbat either substrates or products may nero tO be transported between the COUlpartments. The compartrnentation of metabolism and, the kinetics of metaboHte transport between me compartmenrs probably plays an important role in lhe physiology of mammalian cells. However. the factors chat determine tbe localisation of reacrions that can take place in more than one compOlrtme nt rernains to be established .
21 .6.4 Inhibition by by-produces The metabolic by·produc ts. lacta te and ammonia/ammonium ions. are inhibitory to mammalian ceUs. Alanine is al50 a major merabolic byproduct in many cel! lines but is nor believed to h arro the cells. Ammonia/ammonium. even ar 1 to 5 mM, wltich is easily reache
21 .6.S Causes of overflow meabolism Mammalian cells may excrete up to 90" of the consumed glucose as lactare in siroations where excess glucose is presento This occurs even in complerely aerobic cooditions. Similarly, feeding ceUs excess amounts ofglutamine leads to che accumulation of arnmonia/ammonium ions aud alanine a.nd/or aspartate. An interesting question here is why the cells carry out tbis apparently wasteful [ype ofmerabolisro? However. it must be remembered tna t most cultu red mammalian cells are continuous celllines. Le. they carry mutations thar de-regul:tte the protiferation control. Omer. concomitant geneticchanges. such as 3D increased capacity for glucose aud ammo acid consumptioo. affect the energy me tabolism af m e ceUs. Rapidly proliferatingnormal celis. e.g. cells from the i.mmune sysfem or intestinal celIs. have rhesame type of metaboljsm. Therefore, it has been suggested that this feature . Le. a b.igb Hux in the major metabolic pathways, is necessary for supporting a high growth rate, OO[ in terms of quantity of energy or precursors bu[ for increasing the sensitivüy of the pathways to arising demands fur precursormetabolites. Limiting thesupplyofglu cose. as for example in a chemoSfator a red batch cultul·C. decreases to tal lactate production and the apparcnt yield of lact.a re frall glucose (Y~ol.tJ and ¡ncreases the reUntar yield
coefficient forglucose {Y.•.l.1hls indicates that under glucose lim..iration a larger part orme glucose consumed is lIsed fur oxidatioll and biosyn. thesis, s.imilar to observations with micro-organisms. Limicing the amouO( ofglutamine fed to a culture likewise c\ecreases the amouots of ammoniuOl aed amino adds that are.formed.lfboth glutamine a ed g lucose are kept limiting (as with a double-limited . too-batch culture) lile production oi lactate and ammoniafammonium ions can be decreased simultaneously. Thus. Limiting one or both ofthe two major substl'ates forces the cellular metabolism ro become more efficient. Hence, understanding the interactions berween glucose: and glu tamine catabolism and amino acid metabolism is eueorja] for rationaldesign offeed and control stntegies in productioo .processes.
21.7 I large-seale eultivation 01 mammalian eells 21.7. 1 General conditions Many mammaüan celllines can be cultivated in suspension culture in the same way as rnicro-organisms. However. sorne ceH types. typically normal diploid cells, are anchorage dependent. requiring a surface to grow oo. These cells may be grown on the io's ide surfuce of plastic or glass bottles or on the sUJface ofmicl'Ocamers. Microcarners are small solid spherical particles (diamerer 100-200 jAom) whicll can be suspended in liquid cu lture medium. Porous micro(anjer beads arcan a lternative to obtaill a high surface area to volume ratio. Cellsgrowing in these carrien are prorected againsr sheal' damage. bur as they grow inm layers. diffusion limitations of nurrients and (by-)products will devclop. Mammalian cells originare n'om the body of an organism and are collsequently adapted to an environment that is kepr in homeostasis. An artificial culture environment should therefore maintain iu pH, dissolved 0 l and remperature within narrow limits. The pH optimum (pH 6.7 to 7.9) and tolerance (0.0 5 to 0.9 pH uni tsl are dependent on {he ceH lineoThe range for [he opti.mal dissolved O~ cOllcentrations is usually quite large: concentrationS between 20-80% being appropriare. In genernl. growtb maybe negative1y affected bclow 20% ofairsaruration; aboye 80% the 01 concentration becomes {oxic. As mammalian ceHs lack the rigid cell wall tha{ bacteria havc. they are sensitive to shear forces. Shear occurs nOlonly beca use ofstirring but also as a result of s.p arging. CeUs attached to ait bubbles are exposed {O enomlOUS forces when these bubblcs leave the bulle liquid at me surface and butS[due to decompression. Cells in sparged cultures can be protected from shear forces by using a medium witb a high viscosiEy. This can be achieved through high ceIl densities (> 10' cells ml - I ), addition ofextra scrum or components like Pluronic PF68. The main effecr ofsul'faceactive agents, such as PluTOnic. is via the coating of rising air bubbles. Cells do not.. atlach to bubbles coatcd with Pluronic to the same ex:tent as ro Daked bubbles and tllereby do not foUow the bubble to the surface and to the deadly bursting ZODe.
Cultiw.tion ml.'thodi fer mamm~IJan u lls. Open ~lTews indiQt~ a fIow of me
Roller bottle
In situ cell separation
Exte rnal
Hollow fibre reactor
call separatlon
Like micro-organis-m s, mammalian cclls: can be cultivated in batch, fed·batch or contiuuous mode . Cominuoos processes can be CUIl as a chemostat, or as a pcrfusion cutrure. Perfusion systcms are a specitic mode of continuolls cultivation in which the biomass i.s reuined in rhe reactor whilst ceU-free culture liquid is removed.
21.7.2 Batch Tn batch cultures, the inocuJum ofcells is added to th e total volume of medium to be-used (Fig. 21.5). During growth.cellsdeplete t he nutrients in the medium and excrete by-pl'ocIucts (Fig. 21.6). Gl'owth stops whcn a SUbstr.lfe is depleted or :J by-product b.1S re .. ched inhíbitory levels. However, in many cases it iJ¡ not obvious why gl'owth. ceases. Mammalian cells are routine1y maimained in the laboralOrybysucccssivc sub-cuItures in stationary flat·bottomed plastic Ilasks, called T· fLasks 01' Roux bottles. cODtaining 10-100 mi medium, with él largc surface·to·volume ratio. Anchornge-depcndeflt cells will attach 10 tb.e bottom of the flask so that further passages require that cells are
hybrl~ Cll\~,
culeureof (a) locrease In
toco! "nd vl:lble cel1 conceotratioo, The lnoculum ce\\ dellsi't)' is 3bout
0.2 x 10' cel\, mi- I an d th~ final c.~
Total ce ll co n cen tratlo nlb~.......
deo"t)' aboUl: \.5 x lO' c",lI$
mi - l. (b) Co ntentn.tion profíles 01
gluco,e, glutamlne, b.c;ute. '¡Ibnine
and ammonium lons. The Illltial
concentrltkm of gll.ltO$e b
typially 5-25 mM and (lf gtutllmlne 2-6 mM. The f1f'\Ol1conctwltnltlon of lactat e is typlcaHy 1.7 lin\OH me
ilirial glurose concentratlon.
1 (b)
Ablline aOO "mlnon;u.... ions amoum: a:I 2-4 mM.. depi,lndlng 0 0 roe ili:ial gluColmioe concl!lItf1.tIon.
.; c
'E +oot ",I -z
" . c "''' ~ c
8 ~
~_ _- L_ __ _~_ _~_ __ _~
40 Time (h)
detached by using trypsin. a pcmease that 'dissolves' blidging proteins. Suspension cells will attach more loosely and can onen be removed by shaking the Oask. lt is essential that tbe inoculum size is [loe too sMall. Abou[ 2 X I0s cel1s mr ', oc mOTe. are often used togcrher with sorne spent medium which may contain secreted factors chal stimulate the censo own growth.Alternatively, the spentmedium mustberemoved by centrif\lgation to dispose ofinhibitory by-products. For large-scale cultures ofmammalian cens, 200 litres or len is often suf6cient to satisfy the demand for high-value therapeutic proteins. Even so, scaling·up requires severa! intermediate steps, the tirst being the transfer of cells from stationary culture to sbake flasks or spinner flasks . The spinner fJask. equippoo with a magnerically driven impeller hanging clown from the lid without tou ching the honom. was origí· naUy developed ro provide gentil". SriTring of microcarrier cultures, but is now used for suspensioo cultures as weU. The scale-up factor from sta· tion ary c ultures. or sbake fla sks without pH control. is Dor more than five. afien less, meaning that an inoculum volume of at least 20% must be used. In, where higber cell densities a re obtained. the scaJe-up faemc can be up ro 10 (Le. me inoculum is 10%vfv OT less). In a bioreactor.a r;ypical batch culture ofhybridomacells ¡am 3 ro 5 days and reaches a cell density of2~5 X 106 cells rnl- 1 tcorresponding to ea. l g dry wtcells 1 ~1 ). The maximum specificgrowth ratc (p.) ofhybrid·
ama and myeloma cells i5 aboue 0.05 h- I • 111e amount of monoc1onal antibodies produced in a bacch culture ofhybridoma ceUs l'anges rrom 10 to 100 mg of protein 1- 1• A large-scale , batch production of mono-donal antibodies has been described with a 1 rn 3 stirred tank reactor. in \vhich cell densities of up to 5 X 101'> cells ml- I obtained over 3.5 days. Early commercialproduction with anchorage-depe.ndent (ell! was oflen pcr:ronned in roUer bottles (Fig. 2 1.5). Rollcr bonles are kept in cODStantmotion byrotarion and anchorage-dependent cells grow on the bottIe surface. Typically a surface of750-15oo cm1 witb 200-500 mi medium will yield 1-2 x 1()A cells. A larger surface area is obtained by the use ofmicrocartiers in stirred tank reactors.
21.7.3 Fed-batch A fed-batch culture is . in the strict sense, colltrotled in [he same way as a rnemostat. i.e, the cellular growth rate is restricted by tIle dilution rate a nd the growth limiting substrate. 'lbe reasens for using the (substr:at~limited)fed·ba!ch tedmique in.microbial processes is chat01lim· jtatioD and overflow metabolism are avojded, resulting in much higher ceU densities than batch cuLtures. Although a glucose- aud glutaminelimited fed-batch culture also solves me probJem of overflow metabolism in mammalian eells, it is not enough te bring abour a substantial uH.:rease in ceU density. By feeding a balanced mixture of uutrirots. borh me cell density .md the product titre can be improved more tban lo-fuld as compared ro batch cultivation. Fed·batch cultivations can last up ro a month. Processes upto 15 m 3 have been described. Cell densities ofaround 1 rolA x lO'viablecells ml- I have been reportedforfed'batch processcs (see aIso Section 21.7.6).
21.7.4 Chemosrat Continuous. chemosrat cultivatioo is characterised by tbe continuous addidonoffresh medium and witbdrawaJ ofcuJtu re Buid. keeping the culture volume coru tant (Eig. 2 1.5), as described eJsewbere in chis volume (see also Otapter 6).10 steady-state microbial cuIHlTes tbe reja· tionship between the dilution rate (D) and the specific growth rate (~) is expressed as Il.""'D. However, in marnmalian cel] cultures, the viability ofthe culture must be talcen into aecount. Proliferating ceUs not only replace rhe viable ce11s in the effluent srream, but also the cells that die within the cul ture. TItis leads to a steady state desc:ription fur the growth rate: Il.=D(NtXN;I),
in whichN t is tbe total cel1 concentradon (viable plus deadcells) and N" is m e viable cell concentratioo. from this relaoonship it foUows that J.I. is grea{er than D wben cell death occurs in che. system. Generally, in microbial cbemostat cultures a.single nutrient is growth·Limiting and the concentration ofrhe growth·limiting s ubstrate in the feed medium dictates the maximal biomass concentradon in the culture. Furthe r. che spedfic consumption r.nes of other nutrients aTe iDdependent of the concentratioD of the limiting substrate in the feed medium ,
Inmammalian cell cultures, whkh contain multiple carbQn andrritcogen sources, itis difficult ro establish steady-state growth limited by a single nuuient. Although one ofthe energy sources. glucose or glutamine. can limit the biomass yield in a steady state culture, the specifk consumption rates of other nutrients may, nevertbeless, depend on the reservoirconcentration ofthe enel·gysonrce. or on the concentration of the individual nutrient. Growth ofmammaliancells in chemostat cultures fed with complex media is therefare likely to result in multiple nlltrient limitatian. Many aspects of mammalian cell physialagy and medium optimisation, such as the intluence of p.. on product fonnation and the effects of dissolved 1 ~oncentration, pH. glucose and gluramine concentration, and amino acid and vitamin concentrations on growth and product formation. have heen investigated using chemostat cultures. Chemostat production processes with up to 2 m3 reactor volume have been described. Chernostat cul tivarion for production purposes has sorne di 5advantages. The long duration of a culture, at least five weeks. creares a marked increase in contamination risk, and tbe time needed ro re-establish a stcady-state culture aftel' contamination has occurrcd is longer than forre-startingfed-batch or batch processes.Moreover. validation of a process based on a continuous cultivation has to inelude proofthat the cellline used is stable over the cuJtivation periodo
21.7.5 Perfusion In perfusion cultures. biomass is accumulated as the ceUs are retalled
w:ithin the reactorvia a retention device. while fresh medium is introduced and spent medium removed. In this way, cell densities up to 3 X 10 7 cells ml- l and producttitres an arder of magnirude higher than in batch cultures can be achieved. Devices to separate cells from the culture fluid can be placed inside 01' outside the reactOl' (Fig. 21.5). The latter option.has the disadvantage that a substantial part ofthe culture. is notin the controlled environmentofthe culnlrewssel itself. Severa! perfusion systems can be distinguished , bascd on the method used to separate cells and medium. Spin-filter devices make use of a rotating cage of wire mesh with pores of 5 lo 75 ¡.lill. Spin-filters are prone to fouling. leading to a diminished flow rate t hrough the filter ¡¡nd ultimately to a total clogging of the filter mesh. Alternatively, membrane fIlters (hoUowfibres) can be used for separation oí cells from the culture fluid. Fouling of such filters can occur too but may be remediated by back-f1ushing. Settling devices, utilising the slightly higher density of cells (compared to the mediurn) to separate cells froro the culture fluid, have been developed. A specific device thaI uses grilvity te kl.'-ep cellsin the reactor is the aconstic filter. This sysIem uses static acoustie waves ro concentrare cells in tbe cHLllent stream. CeLLs accumulate in the nodes of the wave and sedimenr back into the culture. against the upo flowing ..ffiuent stream. Finally. centrifugarion as a means ofcell rctention has been applied ro large-scale processes. HoUow'fibre culture systems can be considered a spedal type of perfusion culture in which tbe cells are physically separated Erom the
medium flow (Fig. 21.5). Ce.l1s are grown in the extra capilbry space of (he unit. while fresh medium is fed through a targc number ofhollow membrane libres. tbat pass through the unit. Ceu deruities of up to 10 8 ceUs per mi of extra-capiUary space can be acllieved and me effluent medium ftom this space contains a high product concentration.. However, concentration gradients of nutrieots and (by-)products are form ed over the fibres_ TI1ese gradients lirnit the possibiUties ofscalingup hollow tibre units to large production reactors. Nevertheless, hollow tlbre units are easy to useand have been successfuUy applied ro cornmercial production processes (see Section 21.7.6).
21.7.6 Product quality and quantity A product purifled from a mammalian ceU cuJturc may notbe 100%biologically active depending on variations in me glycosylation pattern or
on proteolytic degradatíon . Boro these parameters are i.nfluenced by the environmental conditions. The glycosylation partern changes in response ro many (actors such as the mode of cultivation. the growth pbaseo[a ba.rffi culture, whethercells are grov.rn on microcarri.ersorin suspension , me glucose concentration, the.ammonium concentration. the availability ofhomlones in tbe medium, the presence o[serum, the protein and lipid OODlent ohhe medium. pH and the 02concentration. Thus. chooring the appropriate physiological cooditioos in a production process is important fur obraining the correct glycosylation of a pharmaceutical proteio . Notoolythe qualityofmammalian teH prodllcts but also the ovcrall productivityofmammaliao ceH cultures is iofluenced by manyparameteRsuch as pH, ammonia(ammonium ion and lactate concentrations. serum concentradon. cultivatioo method, culture age, inocuJurn s[ze a nd medium campesitioD . Due lo the complexity of mammalian c~ physiology, in combination with different media and cultivadon methods that are used, itis often difficuJt to single out m e influenceof one specific factor. However, a parameter thar dearlyhas a major effect on the speci1lc productiviry ofmarnmalian ceH products is the growth rateo 80th growth-associated and non-growth associated proouction kinetics occur, Tbe specific productivily may .1150 be enhanced by compounds that are not normal campo nents ofcell culture media. Several mammalian ceHlines show a higher specific productivity io media wbere the asOlOlarity is increased from the normal 330 mOsmol to aboYe 400 mosmo!. Although no! completelyunderstood, lhis effect is, however. dependent 00 the cell line aod basal medium used. Interestingly. addition of butydc acid has been reported to enhance productivityil1 mammalian cells. Thi.s m3y depend on the ability ofbutyric.acid to arrest cells in the Gl phaseofrhe cell cyde. Conseque.ntly, for those products that exbibit non-growth associated production Jdnetics. growth arrest willlead to increased productivil)'. Thc amount ofproduct made by a culture can be expressed as me percentage of the total amollntof protein produced. With noo-growth associated production, a large fall in thls percentage occurs with
increasing growth rateo For example, the specific rate afprotcin praductian in a hybridoma cellline was reported as 1.5 mg (10 9 cells)-l·h at a specific growth rate of 0.02 h - 1_The amount of product made corresponds to 28% ofthe total protein. The same celllinehad a muc:h lower specific production rate [0.2 mg (10 9 ceHsj-l.hl at a growth rate of 0.058 h- 1 • i.e. only 1% ofthe total protein production went towards the praduct dmingthese conditians. On the orber hand. in a rnyelama cell line producing a recombinant antibody with growth-associated kinetics, an increase in the percentage of product pratein from 18% to 29% was ob5erved as the growth:rate increased from 0.016h- 1 to 0.042 h- I • The protein production in marnmalian ceH cultures can be as high as in micro-organisms, as i5 cvident from the following comparison. Filamentous fungi are gen~ally regarded as very good producers of excreted proteins (see Chapter 4). Far example, an AspergiUus oryzae strain with a growth rate ofO.09 h-¡ and a.protein cantent of40% produces OA g biomass protein per hollt. The specific productivity of a-arnylase is 0.15 g (g dry biomass)-I·h. The amount of excreted product therefore amounts tú 27% ofthe total protein production. The type ofmammalian cell process thathas been mostsuccessful so far, with respect toprbduct concentration and productivity, is monoclona] anribody production witb hybridoma or myeloma ceUs. Al> shown aboye, the production potential ofrnanmlalian cens is not the lirniting factor but ratheritis the attainable biomass concentration. To meet this demand, fed-barch culture.s andhollow fibre reactors have been used to obtain high eell deruity cultures of hybridoma and rnyeloma cells. Glucose and gl utamine Iimitatíon has been combined wi(h feeding of amino acids and serum. resulting in a total eell concentration of approximately 5 X 107 eells ml-! (ofwhichless thanhalfwasviable)over 550 b. and a:final antibody concentration of2A g 1- 1 , i.e. giving a vol umetric productivity ofO.l g 1-1·day. Commercial production of monodonal antibodies in hollow:fibre reactors can yield about 700 g product per month at abont 2 g 1- 1 • Each ron Jasts foe abont (hree months but tbe first [un 15 nor productive sinee time is required for building U]) tbe biornass in the extra capi1lary space. TIIe productivity in this system 15 0.3 g during the harvest periodo
I Genetic engineering of mammalian cells
Geneticmodificationofmammaliancclls can be used to introduce the genetic information needed for production of a specific protein or to improve the characteristics of a production ceU lineoThere are many methods thatcan be used to introduce fore.ign DNA.into a mammalian cell. amongstothers are: electroporation, lipofeetion in whlch the DNA 15 introduced via liposomes. micro-injection of the ONA directly into the ceno fusion of the manunalian cell with a bacterial protoplast containing the DNA or viral vector systems. A transfected ceH tine will express tbeintroduced DNA stablyonly ifitis integrated in the genome. In contrast to micro-organisms. lilce S. cerevisiae and E.coH. the integra-
tion ofthe introduced DNA is ltlostly non·bomologous. The.gene eneod· ing a protein product m ay the.refore be integrated into regions of the genome thar are not favourable for efficient expression of the gene. Selection forthe best producing tr.msrenants is therefore always necessary. SevffaI selectablt ruarkers for marnmalian eel1lines are available. Dominan( markel'S thatean be used irrespective ofthe host ce11 line are mostly concemed with drug resisrance. Recessive markers, tbar are used in combinarion with a specmc hosr ceO genetic background, can involve enzyme5 ofme salvage patbways afthe purioe md pyrimidioe metabolismodrug resistance or amina acid merabolism. The two mos( successful systems are tbe glutamine synthetase (GS) system and tbe dibydrofulate: reductase (dhfr) system. The enzyme glutamine synthetase catalyses the furmation ofglura· mine from glutamare and ammonium iom. The GS gene can be used as a selectable marker in hybridoma and myeloma cells and other cells thatdo not possess GS. Stable transfected cells will express the GS gene and are therefure able ro growin gluramine-free media.As with the dhfr system (see below) the GS system can be used ta amplifY the product gene, a procedure aiso leading to amplification of the es gene. The me tabolicconsequence ofthis situation would be thar tbe ce.ll aculaUy overproduces glutamine. Thedhfr syS(e.m is mostlyused in combinanoo with a clhfr- CHO cell line, A dhfr- cellline is unable to synthesise tetrabydrofotate wbkh is an essential cornctor in the one-carbon metabolismoDhfr- cell Lines are only abie to grow inmedia containing thymidine. glycine and bypoxantbine, precurson and building blocks necessary to ovcrcome chis defi. ciency. Srable, trao.sfected cells that t'..'l:press tbe dhfrgene are capable of growth in unsupplemented medium. MethotTexate (MTX) can be used 10 ampli1Y rhe dhfr gene. Ibis folate anaJogue inhibits the dhfr gene producto By selecting for cells capable of growth in a medium witb increasing concentr.ttions ofMIX, cells with an increased numher of gene copies. and th~eby with enhanced expression of (he dhfr gene product. are obtained. An enhanced expression ofthe produce protein is obtained at tbe same time. A disadvantage ofilie dhfr system is rhar MTX resistance can develop that is ¡ndependent oí dhfr expression. TIte introduction of foreign genes into marnmalian eells 1S quite common, while the deletion of specific genes is notoAs mammalian cells sbow heterologous recombination, the opporrunities for sitespecific insertions and deletions are lacking as is possible in yeasts and E.. coli. Mutations ro prewnr expression of genes can be made by less specific dassical methods, like UV treatment of ceUs , combined with selection for tbe desired phenotype as has been done for the generation ofglycosylation muta.nts. A more recentapproach togene 'knock-out' is che use oí antisense oligo nudeotides that hybridise with a specific mKNA. thereby preventing its transtation Lnto roa,t un: protein. Genetic modification ofmammalian cells fal" cellline improvement is notyetwide-sprea.d but is increasing in importance. Ateas ofintetest are the prolongationofproductive ceH life,growth in serum·free media.,
the decrease ofby-product formarion and glycosylarion characteristics. Apoptosis , that oecurs in most rnammalian c:ell cultures, can be influenced by introducing the bd2 gene. an anti-apoprotic gene. TIlÍs prolongs cell life, and thereby tbe productive phase of a process. An example of decreasing by-produ ct formiltion is the introrluction ofrhe GS gene. Cells with GS produce less ammonia/ammonium as they can be cultivated in media without glutamlne. As a resultof tbis . the production ofMAbsinhybridoma celis i5 increased . CHO ceHUnes with gly-
cosylanon mutations have beeo developed with the aim of generating a less heterogeneous glycosylation ofthe product formed by tbese ceUs .
Fu rther reading
Butler, M. (ed.) (1991). Mn!llnwlfan Cdl BiotrdmoJogy. A Practical ApprtXlrh, Oxford Univeni.ty Press. NewYork. Spier. R. E. (ed.) (2000). Tht F.m:ydopedia ofC.ell TrdInDlo.¡;y. John Wiley. New York.
Chapter 22
Biotransformations Joaquim M. S. Cabral Introduction Biocatalyst selection BiocataIyst irnmobllisaüon aud perfurmallce lmmobilised enzyme reactors BiocataIysis in non-conventional media Conducling remarks
I Introduction
Biotransformation deals with fue USe ofbiological cataIysts to convert a ~ubstrate iTIto a product in a limited llumber of enzymatic steps. The establishment of an efficieflt biotransfonnation process requires the extensive examinarían offactors affecting tbe development of oprimal biocata1ysts. reaction media and bioreactors (Fig. 22.1). There are many opportunities for industrial us~of biological cata1ysts for biotransformations. These ¡nelude not ooly the tl'aditional bydrolytk (e.g. starch and protein hydrolysisj and isomerisation (e.g. glucose conversioll to fructose) reactions bur, more recently, synthesis of chiral compounds. reversal of hydrolytic reactions. complex synthetic reactiolls suenas aromatic hydroxylations and enzymatic grOllp protection chemistry and degradation of toxic and environmentally hannful compotmds. Biological cata1ysts when compared with chemical catalysts have the advantages of their n ..gioselectivi ty and srereospecifid ty wh ich lead to single enantiomeric products witb regulatory requisites for phannaceutical, fuod and agricultural use. They are also energy effective catalysts working armoderare temperarures. presslIres and pHvalues. Hiotransfonnations have been perforrned by a variety of biological catalysts, such as isolated enzymes. cells. irnmobilised enzymes and celIs. lhe dcvelopments of recombinant DNA technology have led to improvements in the enzyme production in different host org;ulisffi.S giving the bioprocess en.g:ineer a greater choice ofbiociltalyst option. The optimal biocatalyst must be selective. active and stable under
Ovarall volumatric
Product concentration
• Ouality • Purity
• Scale
operational conditions in the bioreactor, which may nor be necessarily conveotional in terms of composition, concentratioo, pressure arrd temperature. lo particular ir is necessary ro evaluare rhe biocatalyst performance in non-conventional media (e.g. organic solvents arrd supercritical fluids) . A l<ey issue is the availability of suitable biocatalysts. More rarional screening and selectioD techniques are required to: (aJ isolate biocatalysts. e.g. enzymes and cells, able to cata1yse novel reactioos ofindustrial interest. and (b) select aod design catalysts suitable fur industrial use wirh improved operational stabilities and kinetic properties. This requires a much greater understanding of rhe mechanisms of protein deoaturation aod decay of catalytic activities under process conditions and an evaluatioo of methods to maiotain aod improve biocatalysr stability. e.g. chemical modification. immobilisation aod protein engineering. In the optimisation of the overall process it is also importanr to ellhance the predictability and performance oC the biocatalyst in the reaction medi9. in particular io multiphasic media fu! example iovolviog a solid phase. e.g. immobilised biocataIyst. aod one (aqueous) or two (aqueous aod organic) liquid phases. It is very imporrant to obtain reliable data and models 00 physicalfchemicaL transport and interfacial phenomena. Medium engineering plays an importantTole in the definition of the optimal biocatalyst oper.ation and to evaluare rhe effect of medium cOloposition 011 the biocatalyst. The optimal bioreactor should be simple. safe. well conttolled. easy ro design and flexible. The design ofbioreactors requires knowledge of reaction kinetics as well a1i fluid dynamics, substrate dispersion and
mass transfer.ln addition ror multiphase bioreacrions, interfac:ial pitenomena, substrate and praduct partitioning, and separatioo of two Iiquid pbasesshould also be taken into account.
22.2 I Biocatalyst selection After selecting anapPl'Opriate.startillg material to be conVH'ted into the productoit is necessal')' te select the appropriate biocatalysr with suitablc: activiry, seJeetivity and stability 10 work under the requil'ed operarional conditions (temperature, salt concentranon, pH. organjc solvents. substrate and product concencrations). Several strategies can be followed ro obtain rhe biocatalyst for the pertinenc biotr.msformation: (a) screening for novel bioca{alysts; (b) use ofexisting biocatalyru; and (e) genetic modificatioo of existing biocatalysrs.
22.2.1 Screening for novel biocatalysts Se1ection of new micrO
22.2.2 Use of existing biocatalysts A well-known way to acrompJish a desired biotransformation is the USe of existing biocatalysts (e.g. comrnerciaJ enzymesJ on natural and unnatural substrateS. The substrate specificities ofUpases and proteases are currentLy under intense investigations. The hydrolytic capacity of lipases is not Testricted only to triacylglyt:erols. This type of enzyme is
Simple Star1ing compounds
c:?l Naphthalene dloxygonase
• oxidation
1 Sponlaneous elirnlnatlon
01 water indigo
Indoxy! cis-lndole-2,3-dihydnxliol
M.tibcllC pathway tngineering for Indi,c bloJ)'nthesls.
al50 able to.hydrolyse mono-. di- and triacyI esten with differeot cbain Iengths ofthevarious aeyl groups. Tb.e exploitatioo ofexisting enzymes underdifferent reactioncooditions could lead to the tindingof a biocata1yst for thedesired biotransfunnation. Fa. example. Lipases been used ro perform synthetic reaetions in media under controlled water activity. e.g. esterificatioo. inteN:sterification and trans-esterifi.cation reactions. Metbods te optimise the enantioselectivity of lipases have been reported. namely tbe non-covalent modificatioo oflipase and tbe control of me surface tension ofan emulsiono
22.2.3 Genetic modification of existing biocatalysu A distinct way to obtaio a biocata.lyst is by ill vivo (metabolic pathway engin~ring) and in vltro (protein engineering) construction of a novel biocatalyst. In vivo genetieenginee.ring bas been applied in large scale [O obtain a reoombinant organism with (he desired enzymanc acti.vity. MutationaJ eveots leading lO tbe novel ffiZ)'Dle acti.vities indude transfer of genes. gene duplication, gene fusiono recombination between genes. delction or insertion of gene segments. and one or more single site mutations, or combinarlon of [hese activities. An example ofthis metabolic pa[hway engineering is me productioo of dyes. sueh as the indigo biosynthesis in E. mil (Fig. 22.2). By assembling, 00 a single operon. genes eneoding for tryptophan formation , the gene specifying tryptophanase and a fragrnent of the NAH plasmid of a Pseudomonas encoding {he naphthatene dioxygenase. a re<:ombin;ant E. co!i was obtained wruch was able to synthesise indigo from simple starting compounds . Another approach is the use of proteio engineering to modilY an existing protcin/enzyme orerente de nQ\'O a protejn ofprt'-Spedfied praperties. The protein engineering process can be viewed as an interactive cyde af several inrercounected steps (protein engineenng eycle). The
airn of protein
has bee.n to eluddate tbe strocrul'C-
function re1ationship ofproteills and to use this information to develop novel/modified proreins (enzymesl with impraved charactenstics for process applications. An elucidative example is the design of subtilisin ffilltants with altered properties (substrate specificity and pH activity profile)and improved lhermal and oridatiVl!stabilities. For example in subtiliSln OPN' . two methionines. Metl~ and MerIn• are especially sus· ceptible to oxidation. To preven! the negative influence caused by tbe funnation oC methionine sulpboxide. Met can be replaced. using siredirected mutagenesis, by a non-oxidativeaminoarid.sllch as Ala, Secor !.eu, withour losiog more than 12- 53% oftheinitial activity. Themutant Met lll - Ala m 15 currently in use as a rommercial deterge:ot eozyme: 'Durnzyme'.
22.3 I Biocatalyst immobilisation and performance 22,3. I Biocatalyst immobilisation The immobilisarion of bioca talysts fue laboratory studies, :lnalytical anel medical applications and large-scale industrial processes is preso ently a widespread technique. Irnmobilisation can be dellned as the con· flnement ora biocatalyst inside a bjoreaction system, with retention of its caralytic activityand stability, and whicb can be used and c.:ontinuously. Table 22.1 lists sorne advantages and limitations whieb can arise from the use ofirnmobiliseO biocatalysts. The biocatalysts whicb can be immobilised rauge fi:om pul'ified enzymes (O viable microbial cells, animal aod plant tissues. Isolatcd c:nzymes can give bigh ac:tivities perunitmass or mole, high specificity anel minimnm side reactions. They are, bowever. ofien difficult and conly ro prepare. in addition. they are frequentlyunstable and, in maoy cases, require parallel co-factor regenerating systems. Due to Uleir l'ela· tiveJy simple chemical natu re, as compared (O orga nelles or whole cells. isolatcd 01" partially purified enzymes are the biocata)ysrs most exten· sively studied in relatian ro immobilisation. Immobilised, puri6ed enzy¡ues find sUltable appLications in developing biosensors and preparing high added-value substances, suro aschiraJ compounds. ln more crude forms, immobilised enzymes are also used in large-scale apptica· tions in the carbohydrate. 1000 and phacmaceutical industries. Multi-enzyme syst~, such as organelles, whole cells orce]) tiS5Ues. have sorne c1ear advantages fur irnmobilüation over isolated enzymes. They can be effidently retained by mildo physical means. preserving, in adequate conditioDS, tbe enzyme-synthesising and co-iactor regenerat· ing capabilities and producing a su irable micro-environment for single and multiple enzymatic activitieS.l:Iowevel', the efficient use of immobilisedcells rcHes on the control ofmetabolic and pbysiologkal altera· tions throughout the retention procedure and the subsquent catalytic PYocess, The majorlarge-scale utiUsations ofinunobilised cell systems talce advantage of the natural tcndency of many microbial species to f10cculate or to ad here ro salid surfaces. Other apptications are
Specific aspects
General aspero
Advontoges Possible biocatalyst re-use Product contamination avoided High dilution rates a1lowed wfthout bklcatalyst wash-out
Retention of!he biocata./yst in !he bioreactor
High biocatalyst concentration
Control of biocataJyst micro-environment
Facilitated separation of me biocatatys1: from the product UmitoVons Increased costs of bíocatalyst production
Loss of biocataJyst activity during immobilisation
Increased volumetric producüvrty Rapid conversion of unstable substrates Minimised side-reacti0f15 Manipulation of biocatalyst activity and specificity StabiJisation of biocatalyst activity Protecnon of snear-sensftlVe brocatatyru: Precise control of bioreaction time Minimisation of furth er product transformation lncreased requirements of materials and equipment Need forspecific r-eactor conflgurations
Micro-environment related
Exposure to pH and temperature extreme5 Exposure to toxic reactants Exposure to high shear or mechanical straill Exclusion of macromolecular subrtrate.s Blocking of the enzymatic active site local pH shifts
Mass transf'er fimitations Matnx erosion or solubilisation
Leakage of Loss of biocatalyst activhy biocatalyst during bioreactor oper.rlion
5mall support particles carried in the outflow Cell growth inside the matrix
Matrix poisoning or fouling
Broad pore-size range Build-up orinhibitors in !he micro-environment Retention of suspended solids Growth of contaminating species (biofilms) Need far a stricter control of feed composition
Need for case specific. mutti-parameter optimlsation Difficult process modelling and control
res tricted to single-en zyme tranSform3tions with non-growing ceUs in the ma.nufacture ofpbarmaceuticals and amino adds.
22.3.2 Methods tor biocatalyst immobilisation A wide mnge of basic ¡mmobilisation procedures with their specific variations hasbeen descnbedin a largenumberofreviews. Several das· sification schetnes have also been proposed. one ofwhich is given in Fig.
I ~;¡¡¡i¡;l!iiij!l""
I Jtl
Cava/ent Non-cova/fmt
In s/tu polymerillltion Pol~ondensatio n
Natural t crossJjnking
Crosslinklng Gel fonnlltion
Predpitation Drying
MatriCfl ofganic/inor(J.wlc neruff/¡)ynrhelic
parou$/nQn ·porOIl'
Particles Fibres She~ts
SoIld membrana
m ictoupsutes
rll;JCro¡ctld6prer;J m(tm~IInes
IlIngflntl,l-flow fi/frntlon dtlvlces
Uquid Intertace
t ""'0""''''
/WQ-phase polymlK s yslems !ipiel bllayllf systems
l/quld Cl)'3111ls water-Immiscible orgenic: phllss
bipha.;t SYS¡,1ms defllf'(Jfln Hllllbiliud emulsions
or micell«J
Cross-li.nkingwith bi-functioDal reagents 80th cells and enzym es can be coval ently cross-linked with bi- or multifum:tionaJ reagenCS, such as aldehydes or amines. However the toxicily oftbesc reagencs limits tbe.i r applicabiliry to lhe i1nmobilisation ofnonviable ce11s and enzymes. This rnc thad produces three-dirnensional, crossliriked e nzyme aggregates, which are then insoluble in water. Glutaraldehyde has been m e most extensively used cmsslinking reagent which reacU wi th the Iysyl residues of me enzyme fonning a Schiff'sbase: Enzyme-NH1 + OHC(CH.hCHO + H:zN-Enzyme --¡. Enzyme-N=CH{CH2 IJ D1=N-Enzyme 'Ole linkages formed betwcen enzyme and glutaraldehyde are irreversible and slllViveextreme values ofpH and tempera tu re, which suggests that the aldimine bond is stabilised. BiocataJyst crosslinking with glutarald ehyde is critically dependent on adelicate balance offdctors such as the concentration ofthe biocatalyst and reagent. pH and ionie strength ofthe aqueous solution, tempcrature and time oC. eaction_The man important advantage ofthis mechad is tbar onIy ¡¡ single reagent is rcquired and the reaction is easy to carry OUt_ This me thad has been used successfully te immobilise industrial biociltalysrs sucb as gluoose isomerase and peniruJin ¡¡midase. Supported inuoohilisation methods TIle available methods for biocatalyst immobilisatioD. involving salid supports, fall inta two general categories: surface attachment and
BiocataJyst cel! hSSUC~ v;abl.: cclls wholc non· viable ce l1~ penneabili~ ceHs teU debris procopllb1S
SyOlhelic polymers
oq:auelJes high Tllo lC1.!u t!lf w ~ighl ~n zyme ~
acry ltl!nide~
acrylalH ~jliC'Oflc.s
polyurethllnes \'inyl ak:chols
Lattice formation method
Matrix shaping
\'llIyl pyrrolidoDC
epoxy IeSim n)'km PQlyw;c haride,~
starch dtxtr.m UIIHr ¡¡g atu~e
a!gin .\le~
cru'rageenans GCl!an
cat:i1ysl-induced (redox .:-ouplc) rooiruion-,ndoccd Crus ~li nking
in un
linre W~I-~J'!i1ltIiJlg b)<x:~/8heel
mould ln¡¡;
Q lrusj(!f1
bi ~acrylale>
umíll<' ~
di i.\,lI.!yanal~'
Wnnir1 diaw ~-ompou!lds pn!y~~L"I!haride~ (nal;Ur:ll pul yel e<:trol rte.,
im¡"'::lInJlion ()f ~ parou~
lOnolropic gel fomlll.tiull Protcins
g.::l ~tiJl
alhumin ,,(lll all~n
i@!il Ovenlewofsurlacc I tttadvnem of bioatalysts.
lattice entrapment. By surlace attachmeDl. the enzyme, organe Ue or cell is bound ro a salid interface through i.nteractions wruch rauge from weak van derWaals Corees to essentially irreversible, covalent bonding, The miJder interactions can .result.from direct contact, in suirable con· didollS, betweell the biocatalyst alld a natural, unmodified mrf.:¡ce. However, the versatility and effectiveness of surface immobilisation h ave been greatly increased by introducing synthetic carnCTs and chcmica.l modifications to natural and fubricated.m.arrices , In lattice entrapment, a chemical or physical solidification process is induced in a soludon comaining the biocatalyst. ideally resultingin a water-insolo uble latrice rctaining the biocaralyst in its active or viable form o MechaniSlllS lUre polymerisation . thenllal gelation or predpitatioD can be employed in this type of procedure. Figures 22.4 and 22,5 give a general overvicw ofbioc3ralysts. supports and retention methods used in surfaceattachment and entrapment.
Supports for biocatalyst hnmobili sation The developmen t of a useful. su pport-immobilised bjocata.lyst necessarily Involves a choice.ofa solid support.ldeally. this sclectioo uep should be based 00 establisbed struclllral and act'ivitydata for the biocatllyst
Biocatalyst ccll ti!SllCll ~'¡~blc~l1s
wholl' non·viable ctlls ¡>ermeabiliscd cells mulll-6!Y"'yme cuml'lcxe~ ':lll)me-<:QIactor ¡¡:Un
Organic Natural polyme-rs
pol )'sac~harides
;solKted ~zlmC$
Synthctic polyslyrencs polyacrylntes
('l('lyurelhanes 11\u]~k ¡,c"id anllydride poI yme¡s poIypcp!ide~
viny l ao(] allyl pol)'mcno (lOl ya!T1¡de~
lnorganic Minerals suppons
bydroplJobic imcmc:tion U"IInsitiOlllllctal comple>. polyphen ..'¡-pwl.<:'in ll"Ctin...;arlJobydl'lltc
/ltlllpuJGitc c\ay~
bC/l!Ollite k ic.\Clgullr
["UmiL1:- ~Ionc
Covalent dilV.Olisnlion
FabricAh,:d oon-poroü.'J gl;4SS Illateri a l ~
frcc-energy reduclion imh.ll."t'u dip<J1e intc rnction ¡onie inltnlCtioll
conlfulkd p<J~ gJa~ s nletal o¡¡idcs ~ilicatc !O
mcta ts
amide (pcpt idc) bolld formalion alkymlion and al'}'I:,¡ion SCh,fl-s b
and tbe general immobilisationmetbod (O be used. and process conditioos. The imporrant Factors fuI" examining a broad r.lOge of possible supports are summansed in Tables 22,2 ilnd 22.3. Because several Factors have usually to be considered when integrating biot:.1talyst irnmobilisation in a process. the oprima! solutian is frequently a compromise.ln viewoftbis, a support with a morc fl exible character is most ofien used_ For cx.,mple. a pOTOUS supporc can irnmobilise large biocatalyst loads, bowever to avoid diffusional limitations. this same support should be used as very smalJ particles (see Sectioo 22..3.3). In other cases, a single or Few Factors determine (be choice ofthe support. Such is the case oF systeIru-where (he aim is to preserve biocata.lytic activity io the prcsence of aggressive romponents in the reaclion medium, such as toxic species, organic 50lvents or strong inhibitors, With these systems, a porous matrix cntrapping the biocatalysr and exduding (he inhibitor is ofien the only efficientchoice. regardless of me diffusional hindrances slowing down the reaction. Hete, the possibility of ch.anging the sbape. porosity or hydrophobicity of the support can be advanr.ageous in fine-tuning substrate or non·substrnte size exclusion an(l externa] and internal mass transfer rates. Org;lnic polyroen; are rhe most widely employed supports for biocatatyst immobilisation (forexamples, see Figs. 22.4 and 22.5). This preference
Overvlew ef lattlc:.
Chemical nature I Ongin Il"lOrganic
Usable with large variety of biocatalysts Wide range of techniques ro.- surtace activation Commercially available pre-activ.rted supports Usable wilh lattice fermation techniques
++ ++ ++ + +++
+++ + ++ ++ +++
+ +
+ + +
Possibllity o(odjusting hydroph'¡idhydrophobic choroccer
+ ++
+++ + ++
++ + + ++
+ ++
Avollobillty o( reactive (uncdonol groups
S~lJvity (O
physical. chemicol ond microbiol ogents Resistance to changes in reaction medium composltion (pH, ionic rtrength, organicmedia) Res;stance10 high temperatures Reststance te large hydresratic or hydrodynamic pressures Regenerability
Lew cest I availobiliry
+ ++
++ +
Obtamoble support InOrpho logy Usable diameter or"lhickness ranges Available porosity ranges Obtainable shapes
++ +
+++ ++
+ ++
+++ ++
++ ++ ++
++ +++ + ++
Sphere Fibre Sheet I membrane NQm: -. ill.l.d.equ.:It.e; +. poor;
+ ++ + ++ +++
++. r.. lr; +++. good.
derives from the adaptabiliry of these supports ro nearly an kinds of suñace-binding or entrapment techn¡ques and [O the broad variety of theirchemical and physical charac.teristics_Their major drawbacks come frominsuflicient mechanieal and chemical resistances. wbich limit both their use under harsher conditions and their rege.nerability. Adsorption and ioroe binding Adsorption on ti support 1S the oldest and simplestretenrion method foc biocatalyrts, involving no previous modification ofthe solid surf.:¡ce and relaying on weak interactions ofvan del' Waals. electrostatic. hydrophobic or hydrogen·bond r;ypes. This is a low-cost procedure lacgely rebrining the native conformation ofan immobilised enzyme and iu intrinsic catalytie activity. The general application of physical adsorption metbods is. however. severely limited by the reversible nature ofthe biocatalyst-support bond. which i5 critically depende.nt on process conditions. such as rempcrature. pH. ¡onie strengtb and dielectric constant.
~t.~1E~~f~~8t~~p]~~:?!;~~€~~€~fm~ji*~@m~li:jfif~Fmg Morphology Characteristics
Total 5urfaCE: area available pe!" unit vveight low incidence of dilfusional limitations Attainable biocatalyst load Biocatalyst protecUon from external aggressions Usable with macromoleculllr substrates
++ + + +++ ++ +
+ + ++ + + +++
Pore size uniformity Pore size stability
lowcost "'~
- . in;!deqll~te: +, pour. +
+ ++ +++
++ + ++ +
++ + ++
+. f:u;r: ++ ~ gcod.
rus factor makes it difficult to operate large scale bioreactors without significantbiocatalyst Icakage which then resultin loss ofproductivity aud product contamination. On the orher hand. reversible adsorptioo methods allow straightforward regeneration of [he supports. Afier adsorption. the enzyme may be cross·linked. however. this lim.its dIe possibility of reusing the support. A growing field fur applying physically adsorbed ellzymes is oonaqueous bioc:ara1ysis. By using ao organic solvt'otin which tbe protein is insoluble, an e nzyme bound to a carder by simple adsorption undeegoes virtually no desorption in prolonged processes. A I¡pase from Rhízomuror mlellej was adsorbed on a polyacrylate support witb a ve ry high activity retention (90%) and used in bydrolytic and synchetic reactions. An industrial example is the use ofa Rhizopus lipase adsorbed on to Celüe for tbe continuous production ofcocoa butter-like fats in organie media. A slightly stronger biocatalysf-Suppon linkage can be achieved by the use ofionic supports. Their advanrnges and Iimitations are mosely the same as tbose ofphysical adsorption. The stability oftheescabtishoo ioDie bonds is partieularly sensitive to pH and ionie strength. Glucose isomerase from strepromycts nlbiginO\l.s wa.s adsorbed anta an anionexchange resin consisting of DEAE-cel1ulose agglome.rated with polystyrene and TiO~. This process was industrially implemented for the isomerisation of glucose into fr uctase. <:ovalent roupling of enzymes Probably the most tbroughly investigated approach to enzyme UnIDObilisation involves covalen! binding of amino acid residues in tbe. protein to reactive groups in the suppon.ln principie. tbe widevariety
not applicable no! applicable
++ +
o[sunace activation a nd coupling reactions available ma.kes ir a generally applicable m ethod. However. the high cos[ ofmaterials, the often complica red procedures and the almost unavoidable loss ofpartofthe catalytic activity, restdct practical applications of covalent surface irnmobilisation to specific cases with outstanding ndvantages. Covalent coupling of enzymes to supports produces highty stable conjugates witb no protein leakage OYer a wide rangc of operational ronditioflS. Trypsin. penicillin acylase and lipases immobilised by multipoint covalent attachment onto CNBr-activated ag:1rose yielded derivatives much more stable (300. ro 500000fold) than thcir free counterparts. [deally, the binding reaction should llar interfere with thc amino acids residues at the activesite ofthe enzyme and should Ilot significantly diston the native protein conformation nor alter its flexo ibility, either as a result of single or multipoint linkages. To m eet these requirements. methods include multi·stage activation sreps. Although ten different amino acids residues from enzymes can. in prindple. be used fur covalent ('oupling. most procedures are targered ar amino. thiol, phenolic and hydroxyl groups. Sorne ofthe basic coupli ng reac· tiaus are presented in Fig. 22.6. Lattice e.ntrapment lbe immobilisation ofbiocatalysts within me lattÍces ofsolid matrices aims to cake the advantage ofilie size difference between che substnnes. or products. and the biocatalyst so as to achieve tOGI retentíon ofthe latter whiJe the forrner move freely bel:'A'eeo me bulk rnedium aod (he catalytic site. In lanice entrapment, tbe biocatalyst is nol genernlly rubject to sb"Ong bioding forces; no structure distortÍon or active sjte blocking take place. Sorne deactivation can, neverthe1ess, occur during the im,mobiLisation process due to pH and remperature changes and contact with aggressive rnooomers or solve.nts. Marcices are fonned in the presence ofthe biocatalyst by in siru polyrnerisatioll, starting from the appropriate monomers. or by solidif}'iog polymer solutions throug h iooie (alginates) or covaJent (polYl.I.rethanes) crosslinking, cooling (agarose, gelatin). drying or induced (carrageen;m) precipitation (Fig. 22.7). Critica) parameters in such processes are always relate
r-- Peptida bond ~NH ~
amine - CO-NH-
HP ~
- o - N2'CI- diazonlum salt
- CH: -CON3 acylazlde
Peprlde bond O
- O-CH - eHl
O opoxid!!
-0- CHr-CHz- SOr-CH = CH2 vinylsulphonyl
\ O I
acid anhydride
- e ~
, el
triatlny l
~R - NCO
\ C=HN I
\ C=O I
cyclic carbonate
el F
NO ,
NO: m-fluo rodlnltroanalide
R' NH 11
1 NH
~ C-OC2 H ,
NH' 1
acyl chlorlde
Schlffs base ~CHO
. Ex.:ampln of CQV~ll!nt
Crosslinking 'C''"t~
- - - ---l- --l- PotassJum persvlphate --1-1--N N'-m"h'y','n,--I~ bis8crylamlde ["gd/alian -----+-J-~
Solubilised or meftBd oligamer/pre-polymer
Condensing agent
- - - -+--c=*= '"lIdiarion
Difunctio na/ocrylf1feS (po/yglycofs: polybutadienes)
Di-a/dehydes HardBning agent
Di-epo)(ides PolyaeryIJJmid8-hydra~ide _-II-~
Di·lsocya nares
POfyamines 'mo'"';m')----j-l
Watel, afcahols, amines
+--" SifiJStie - - - ---- --+---'
Stennous octenoate
Pofyurethafle - --
_ _
lonle po'y<.~~.rid,,----t--'
Gefling agent
Drying - ---- - - --1-1-_1_ Cooling Ceflulose/cef/ulose d,,"v,"; '"'' -1--'=4= P,,>dI",'U.n - - - ] -P"''';n'
Examples el bttice.
!orm¡nlon HI"llIt!gles 10r t!nlr.lflping blOCiltaljlsLli.
Di-8ldehydes Di·amlnes
period oftime. biocatalysts have been contined semipennenbJe memhraues in !he form of hoUow libres or fiar sheet ultrafiJtration membranc reac[Ors (Fig. 22.8). lbe membratle retams the biocatalyn but ís permeable ro che products aOO sometirncs to tbe substrates. This method offers sevtT.lJ advantages relarive to other immobilisation methods. Chemkal modificanoll ofthe biocatalyst is not necessa.ry and the biocatalyst rerain its kinetic properties. TItis method is partil"ularJy suired forconversion ofhigh molecular weighl or insoluble rubstrates. slIch as starch . cellulose and protelns. as it a110m the intimare contact of the biocatalyst with (he subsu-ate achieving an cfficient conversion of!he substrates. Howcver sorne disadvantages are inherent in the metbod: the possible decrease in tbe reaction ratc as a res ul t ofthe permea bi lity resistance oftbe mem brane; and the adsorptionoftbe biocatalyst andlor substratcs and products on the me mbrane surfacc. This typt' ofimmobilisation has found applicanons on the modificatioo of fats and oils (e.g. olive oi1. palm oil) by lipa~es and dipeptide synthesis (acetylpbcnylalaninc·leucinamide) by proteases in orga nic media.
Enzyme reacton.: (a) contlnuous stirr.d t:onk reactor .....ith recin:ubtlon: (b) dcad-end cel~ and (e) tubular.
1-+ product
cb ¡
= (,)
Immobilisation ofmuld~nzyme systems and cells One of the strong disadvantages of single enzyme systems, free or immobiJisoo. is me;r limitation to single step tr.Insfonnations. This tiro¡(ation is particular!y acutewith thermodynamically unfavourableconversions and those requiring the regeneration of enzyrne co-factors. such as redox reactions oc phosphorylations. Among the possible soll!tioos is coupling (he intended cnzymatic reactioo ro a chemica! one or to a secolld enzymatic reactiOD_The latter alternative has bcen investigated for several NAD(P)- or ATP-dependent sysrems. using a pair of enzyrnes and two substcate5with theco-factorsbuttlingberween them. When two or more biotraruformations are c:arried out simult'aneously in me same vessel - ro regenerare co-factors. [ O shift thermodynamic equilibria. oc to favoul' process ec::onom ics - the intermediate produCLS should be rapidly convel'ted. ln this contexto co-immobilisation oft'he involved enzymes is likely te mínimise tbe diffusion paths of me intermediares between active sites. rhus acceJerating the potential ralelimiting sreps. Howevey. such systems suffer from severe problems related lO the correet relative positioning ofrhe imrnobilised enzymes and co-factor which are extremely difficult to achieve in practice. An example ofthis lypeofimmobilisation method i5 the synthesis ofL-tertiary leucine (Fig. 22.9), a chita} intennediate for chemicals. The immobiHsa.tionofthe multienzymesystemscontained in whole cell5 or cell particles can lcad to marked improvemenrs in a process wben compared to using free ceUs or immobilised single or multiple enzymes. However. a clcar distinction should be madI" between me cases in whic:h cell viability is indispensable and those employingwhole :~I:;~ II F"''"s n,on,-'; "'(e, "ude prepilrations ofsingle-activity bi(T thefirst situation, one deals with sensitive catalytic forms which very mild immobilisation and close control of operating condi""'. in o,rd,,, thatceU viability 15 preserved.1his situarian corresponds.
S¡mlhesls ofl-t.ertiary
l..cuáne dehydrogefl:!sc
leodne from trlmethylpyrIlYa[C¡¡nd
7 '\'
o 11 (CHJ), - C - C -
CH) ,
cs /' A"- COOH , H NH
L-tertiary leudne
Formale dehydm,gcflase
ror example. to the irnmobilised ceH Cermentatioos and the culture of anchocagNlependent marnmalian cells. lmmobilised. non-viable c eJ] systems are sometimes prefcrred to imrnobjlised single c.nzyme:s to alfOid costly purification processe:s, Oí ro increase catalytic stabiliIY aud ro retain lattice-entrapped enzymes more efficiently without the needfor tight control oC matrix porosities. With this type of biocaraJysr, entrapment ot attachment procedures designe
22.3.3 Effect of immobilisation on the enzyme kinetics and properties Although enzyme immobilisation can be very useful, inunobilisation m
Microbial biocatalyst
Immobilisation method
Esc:herichia coN
L-Tryptophan production from Indole and
Bacteria and yeasts
Eschenchio colí
L-Aspartic aeid production from fumarie acid and ammonia
AT1:hrobaaer simplex
Prednisolone production from hydrocortisone rhodocrous Pseudomonas chlororophis
Acrylamide production from aerylonitrile
Socr.haromyces cerevisiae
Sumce attachment
Suerose hydrolysis
Humicola sp.
Conversion of Rifamycin B to Rifurnycin S
Zymomonas mobllis
Pseudomonos AM I
Sorbital and gluconic acid productian from glucose and fru ctose L~S erine production from g1ycine and methaliOl
and tbe matrix can stretcb m e enzyme moJecule and tbus tbe threedimensional structure al lhe active si te. Oe.naturatio n oftbe enzynte can arise by t he Olction of reagents use
The main consequences ofthese partition eff'ects ¡s a shift in the optimum pH, with a displacemem of the pH-activily profile of the immobiHsed enzyme towacds more aikaline or acidic pH values for negatively or positively charge carriers. respective1y. For example, chyml>" trypsin immobilised on a polyanionic support - ethylene/maleic anhydride co-polymer - shifted 1 pH unir to the aJkaline side, while immobilised on a polycationic support. polyornithine. a shiftofl.5 pH uruts to the acid side DCCW"Ted. By similar coruiderations, the partitioning of charged campounds. substrate or producto between a cbarged enzyme partide and the bulk solution can ¡¡Iso be evalu ated. Far a positively charged substrate. when using a negative1y charged immobilised enzyme. a higher concentra· tion of substrate is obtained in che local environment or microenvironment than in the bulk solution, and a hjgher value ofrelative activity is obtained chal} with a neutrally charged matrix. Howevcr. when effects other thao partitioning are presenl. it is possible to have no shift oftheenzyme's pH optimum on charged supports.
Mass transfer effects Wheo ao enzyme is lrnmobilised on orwithin a solid matrix. mass transo fer effects may exist because: the substrate musr diffuse from the bulk solution to [he active site ofthe irnmobilised enzyme.1fthe enzyme is :Htached to non·porous supports there are only external mass ttansfer effects on tbe caralytically activeouter surface: in the reactioD solution. being surrounded by a stagnant film. substra(e and ptoduct are transportee! across the Nernst layer bydiffusion. The driving force rOT this díffusio n is the concentration difference between the surface and the bulk concentranon ofsubstrate and product When an enzyme is immobilised within a-parous support. in addi· tion ro possible external mass rransfer effects. there could also be resiso tance to me internal diffusion of tbe substrate (as i{ must diffuse through the pores in order to reach the enzyme) and resistance of product foc its diffusion into me bulk solution. Consequently, a substrate concentrarion gradient is establlshed within fue pores. resultillg in a cancentr.l.tion decreasing with increased distance (in depth) from the sumce of immobilised enzyme preparation. A corresponding product concentratior! gradíent ¡s obtained in the opposite direction. Unlike external diffusion. internal mass transfer proceeds in parallel with che enzyme reaction and takes into account fue depletion of substr.!.[e within fue pores wifu increasing distance from tbe surface of tbe enzym.e support. The rate ofreaction will alsodecrease. for the same reason. lbe overall reamon i5 dependent on the substTate concentra· tion and tbe distance frem che outside supportsurface. Mlscel1aneous effects Other properdes of [he enzyme can change upon immobilisation. Tbe subsll'ate specificity altees, particularly whe.n using a substrate ofhigh molecuJarweightby the e.ffect of steric hindrance and dlffusional resiso tances. The kinetics constants ~ and Vm oftbeimmobilised e:nzyme are
Modeof operation
FIow pattem
Type of reactor
Well mixed P1ug flQ'N
Batch rurred taflkreactor (BSTR) Total recyd e reactor
Well mixed
Continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) CSTR.........n:h ultraflltration membrane Packed bed reactor (PBR) Fluidtsed bed reactor (FBR) Tubular reactor (other) Holla.v fibre reactor
Plug flow
differeTlt from the free enzytlle as a consequence of confonnational changes of the immobilised fono, which aIrect the affinicy between enzyme and substrale, The increase oE activity energy for sorne immobilised enzymes may be artributed ro diffusional resistances . mainly in pomus supports,
I Immobilised enzyme reactors
22.4.1 Classification of enzyme reactors Among the applications ofimmobilised enzymes. lheir utilisation in industry is perhaps tbe mase important and consequently the most freqUE'l1t1y discussed. The use of immobilised enzymes in industrial processes is performed in basic chemical reactors. A classification of enzyrne 'reactol' based on the mocil." of operation and the tlow charactel"istics ofsubstr.lte and product is prese.nted in Table 22.5 . The configurations orthe. different reactor type:s al-e shown in Fig. 22.10.
22.4.2 Batch reactors Batch reactors aremost commonlyused when soluble en~les are use
Batch st!rred !ank reactor
-.l o,
Continuous slirred lank
Packed be(! reactor
Fluidlsed bad raactof
-to{"--- - - -- -- . -"1- - ---- -- --"
Membrana reactor
Continuous membrana
.. ..
r--l---.} '---.
---1>- - -
Anorher altemative is ro d1311gC Che flow pattero. using a plug f]ow r:ype of reactor: the total recycle reactor ar batch rerurulation reactor, which may be a packed bed or Ouidised bed reactor, or even a coated tubular reactor. This type of reactor may be useful where a single pass gives inadc.quate conversioas. However, ie has found greatest applica· tion in me laboratory for the acquisition of kinetic data, when tbe recyde rate is adjusted so thar tbe con version in me reactor is low and it can be considered as a differential reactor. One advantageofthis cype ofreactor is that the externa! mass transfec.effects can be reduced bythe operational high fluid velocitics.
22.4.3 Continuous reactors The continuous operation of immobilised cnzymes has sorne advan·
rages when compared witb batch processes, such
In {he ideal CSTR the d e~ of conversion is jndependent of the position in the vessel. as a complete mixing is obtained ""ilh stircmg aud the conditioos within [he CSTR are the same as tbe outlet stream. that iS. low substf<¡te and bigh product concentrations. With tbe ideal PFR, [he ronV\!Tsion degree is dependent on the lellgtb ofme reactor as no mixing device ar all exists and the conditions wilhill rhe reactor are never uniformo While a nearly ideal CSTR is ceadily obtained (since it is only hecessary to bave good stirring to abtain complete mixing). aD ideal PFR is verydifficuJtto obtain. Several adverse faeton to obtainingan ideal PFR onen occur. such as tcmperature and velocity gradicllts normal to lhe fiow direction and axial dispersion ofsubstrate. Several considerarions influence the type of continuous r~actor to be chosen for a particular application. Orre orthe most important eriteria is based on kinetic considerations. For Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the PFR is preEerable to the CSTR as the CSTR requires more enzyrne to obtaLn the same degree oE conversiofl as a PFR. lE product inhibitíon QCcurs. this problem is accentuated, as in a CSTR high product roncentration is always in direct contact with aU ofthe catalyst. TIlere is only one situation where a CSTR may be kinetically more favourab Je than a PFR, oamely, when substtate inhibition oecurs. The fonu and charactecistics ofthe immobiLised enzyme preparations also influence the choice orre
I Biocatalysis in non-conventional media
Water as an esscntial reacrion medium forbiocatalyslS has becn advocated fur many years as Qne ofthe major advantages ofbiotransformations. Howeve r, mis so-called advantage has proved to be one of the severest limitations foc broadening the scope of applicatioru of
ti~a-~~1~~iiittrÓi¡;if¡~f~~irutii1tli~~ikJJ~.~&i:!i~W$H,::~~ ;:=-. ""' ~ ' '''.• ' •• ;;.';' ' ' - '"'' ' ' ' ' , ' ~
_ •••••••• • ! ··,_. . . . . . . .·~· ··............. _- ~~~t ::
Potenuo/ adronroges High substrate and product solubilities Reduction in slJbstrate and product inhibition Facilitated recovery of pr'Oduct and biocatalyst High gas solubllity in organic solvents Shift of reaction eqlJilibrium
Potenool djsadvantog~s Biocatalyst denaturation and/or inhibition by organic solvent
Increasing complexity afthe reactian
biocatalysts, especiaHy when the reactants are poorly soluble in water, Non-conventional media rhatbave been used indude organic solvents. some gasesand superClirical fluids. Th l! scopes and limitations afthese differenl systems :lre described bclow.
22.5.1 Biocatalysis in organic media The first examples ofbiocatalyst/enzyme use in organic solvents for th e conversion of bydrophobic compounds were presented over 20 years ago. Severa! examples showthe synthesis ofpeptides(e.g. AcPhl:AlaN~) from amino acids catalysed by proteases. the production oftbe sweetenero Asparr.. me (L-asp
Selection of so)vent Two oE the most imporrant technical criteria for solvent selecnon are high product recovery and biocompatibility, although otber character¡mes Iike chemical and thermal stability, law rendency to Eorm emulsioos with water media, non-biodegradability. noo-hazardous nature and low market priceare desiTable. Whereas the other desirabJe solvent a ttribu[E.'S are relatively mild conditions, the requirement ofbiocompatibility is a particu!arly restrictive criterion. Seveta! attempts have been made to associate the tOl.:icity ofdlfferent solvents to sorne oftheir physico-ch.emical properties. The parameters used to classify solvents in temIS ofbiocompatibility bave beeo related to the polarity ofthe solvent. Laane and coworkers from Wageningen Agriculture University have described a oorrelation between bioactivity ;lnd the logal'ithm ofthe partitionooeffkiem ofthe salvent ln the octanol/water rwo-phase systern (Iog Pon)' known as the Hansch parameteJ'. Lag Poo deJlotes hydrophobicity, which is 001 exacdy thesame as polar.ity, butitshows a much betrer correladon witb t.he biocata1ytic rates than other mooels based on solvent polarit)'_ The Hanscb paramete.rhas currently beeo used in [he pharmaceutical and medical fields as a part ofdrug activity studies and can be determi.ned experimentallyor calculated by Re:kker's hydrophobic fragmental constaor approach. Manyattempts have been made to explain m e empirical cOlTe1ation between lag PO<"1 and me activity retention of celJuJar biocatalysts bul so far the mechanisms of solvent-<:aused loxlcity are poorly understood. laane and coworken; observed thar a corre1ation exists bctwee.n log Poc! and the epoxidising reacdon activity ofimmobilised cells and tbe gas·producing activity of anaerobic ceHs in various water-saru.rated organíc solvents. When plotting tbe cellular activity retention against log Poc< sigmoidal CUf'Ve5 are obtained (flig. 22.I1I_AsolveJlt with a 10gP0Ct vóllue lower than theinDection point is usuaUy toxicand onewith a log POd. value higher than the inDection point is biocompau"ble. The inflection point of these curves depends on tbe micro-organism studied. In general, sol~nts having a log PD<1" 10\'.-'er than 2 are re.latively 'polar solven.ts not suitable forbiocatalyticsystem s. and biological activities vary in solvents having a lag Poct between 2 and 4, being high in apolar 501vents having logP 0(1 values above4 (rabIe 22.7). Similac s¡gmoida.l shapes were observed for the cl'fect ofsolvents on micro-ooganisnls. howevt [" diffel'e n tinílection poi n lS were obta ¡nei! tor different micro-organisms which could be due to diffe.rences in the characteristics of their celIular membranes. ft has also been obser....ed thar increa!ting the.agitati on rate caused rhe log PI><, curve to shift to the right. Agood correlation between m e metabolic activity ofArthrobarta-, Acinetobacur,Nocardia and Pseudomorza3¡¡ud tbe 10g PO
Retffloon of enzyme actl'l'ity versus lag P. P, p:artltlon
logP 0<1 value, aboYe which all solvents are non-toxic, is different fordifferent homologous series: e.g. Arr/¡rooocter and Noctlrdla tolerare alkanols with lag Poc! above 4 but are only able ro tolerare phtbalates a logP
Hansch parameter logP
Alcohol> Decanol Undecanol Dodeeanol O leyl alcohol
4.0 4.5 5.0 7.0
Ethers Diphenyl ether
Carboxylic ocids O lele acid
Euer:; PentyJ benzoate Ethyl decanoate Butyl oleate DibL1ty1ph1halate Dipenty1phthaJate Dihexylphthalate Dioctylphthalate Didecylphthalate
Hydrrxarbons Heptane O_e Nonane
De""'" Undecane Dodecane Tetradecane Hexadecane
4.2 4.9 9.8 5.4 65
75 9.6 11.7 4.0 4.5 5. 1 5.6 6.1 6.6 8.8 9.6
Claujfication of organic reactioD systcms Biocatalysts can be used in differentways inrombinatioD with organic so lvents: (a) homogeneous mixture ofwater and water-m iscible solvcnt; (bJ aqueo1Js/organic two-Hquid phase systems; fe) rnicroheterogeneous systems (mkro-emll lsions and rever.;ed micclles); (d) enzyme powder and immobilised biocatalysts suspended in solvent wic.hout aqueous pb.ase; and {e)eovalently modified enzymes dissolved in organk solvent (Fig. :¿2.12a-g). Romoge.neous mixtu.rcoCwater and water-miscible salvent An easy way ro inerease rhe soJubillty of:l bydrophobic substrate is to
add a water-miscible organic solventosuch as methanol, acetone. c rhyl atetate, dimethyl (onnarnide. dimethylsulphoxide ere_o to the reaction med ium. These &ystems llave the adV
bioal3tysls In orpnie me
CiJ ~ powder
slJspended in organi<: medb.
Organic phase
Aqueous phase
~ Support materia l
® (1)
mass transfer limitations as they are homogeneous systems . However. me biocatalyst.i.n tbe presencc ofthese systems urual1y has )Xlor operatianal stability, particuJarJy i.f a high cancentration of solvent is nceded. Tbis results from the facr that water-miscible solvents are polar compounds with lag P valucs lower than 2. being considered as toxic sol· vents. For example. ribonucleasedissolved in increasing concentrations of2-ch1oroethanol undergoes a traruition from the native state lo an unfolded form. AqueousJorgaruc two-phase systems Two-liquid (aqueous/organicl pbnse systems are useful w hen reactants ofpoorwater solubiLity have to be employed. The organic solventmay be the substrate itself(e.g. olive oil) to be convtrted or may servt as a reser· voir (a hydrocarbon) for 5ubstrate{s) andlor product(s) (Figs. 22.12a,b.c and 22.13). These systems can also be used to contlne (immobilise) tbe biocatalyst physically in the aqueous phase whilst the organic phnse is being.renewed.IIl these systems, it is importalltthat the interfacial atea is large enough ro improve mass tr:lIlsfer. The partitioning ofthe and product(s) in tlle pIlases can be eontrolled by choosing a suitable soJvent andoin certain cases,such as those involving ionie s.pecies (e.g. organic acids), [he pH (which shou.ld be lower than the p~ of those lonic species in order to get tbe unprotonated campound. whichis tbe one readilyto be exttacted) oftbe water phase. ln the latler
case, rhe pH select:ed should also be compatible witb tbe enzymatic activity. The partitioning of substrate(s) and ptoduct(s) is particulady suited wben oneorboth ofthesecompounds is an inhibitorofthc enzy' matle: activity. Its ae:cumulatjon in the organie phase will alleviate this inhibition. The overall displaeementofreaction equilibrium by extraebon of the products is also an advantage of this type ofsystems, The phase ratio can be vaded o\.'et" a wide range leading to an optimisation of reactor capacity. Applicalions of two-Liquid phase systems indude: olive oil hydrolysis by lipases, peptide synthesis. extrac~edlano l fer· mentatlans by coupling an extractant (e.g. dodecanol) with fermenta· tion step, steraid transformations (e.g. prednisolone dehydrogenaboll by adsorbed and gel~nttapped Arthrobacter simplex celis, etc.). Mfcro-heterogeneous systems Micro-emnlsions aud reversed mkelles re present a spedal case oftwoliquid phase systems in wruch the aqueou$ phase is no looger macroscopically distinguishable from the continuous organic phase. Th~ systems usually contain surfactants to stabilise che distlibution of wclter and its contents in rhe contlnuous organicphase. Reversed miceUelI are aggregates forrned by surfacta.nts in apolar solvents. Surfuctaots are amphipathic molecules thal possess bol:h a hydrophilk and a hydrophobic part (Fig. 22.12d). The hyelropbobic tails of the surfactant molecules are in contact witb tht! apolar bulk solution; the Jlolar head brroups are turned towards the interioroftheaggregate.forming a potarcore. core can solubilise water(waterpool) and hostrnacro-moleculessuch as proteins. The group ofamphipathic mole· cules used in the forma b an of reversed mícelles in hydrocarbon sol· vents indude both natural membrane lipids and artificial surfactants (Table 22.8), The amount ofwater solubilised in the rev~sed micellarsystems is commonlyreferred to aswo' the molar ratio ofsurfact311t towater(w~ = ~O{surfdctant) . This i.s 311extl'eme1y importantparameter. sinceitwill determine the number ofsurfactant molecwes p~ micelle. the avaiJabiLityofwatermolecules forpro{ein hyd.r.ltion aud biocatalysis, and is me mm facto r affecting tbe rnkelJe size. 111e formaban ofreversed micelles depends largely on the energy change due to dipole-dipole interactions between rhe polar head groups ofrhe slImctant moleclIles. The sol ubilisatian properties ofsurfactants are afien expressed by a three or four component phase diag"íam. the reversed mícel1es being identified by the regioos of optlcal transpa· rengoMost ofthe wQ[k peñormed with reversed miceUes in bioLogical systems uses AOT (sodium dioctyl suJphosuccinate). an anionic sume· tant.AOT forros stable mieellar aggregates inorganíc solvents. the most used being isooctane. The maximum amount ofsolubilised water for an AOTfiso-octanefHp system is around w o= 60.Above this value the transparent reversed micelle solution becomes a turbid emulsion and phase separadon occurs. Biocatalysis in reversed lles was lirst reported in 1978 since when severa! majar studies a DeI biOC
organic phase
E p --. aqueolls phase
Schematic: pre$(!Ilt:iltion of an enzyrmtlc: comoerslon In a ~ 1)'5ten'l. S. ~ ubw.tI:·; Po product; E, .ntyme.
~l" '~: a :;::;;;;;-;¡ -...... 1!:··;;f·ililá;;;~·~···;:~!·;::·¡::.::-;;:;;E:;!:;:-;::';.r
¡:::l!i~~R~~.!~~~ff!!{~~lij(,1~........ !lJf~~~P.lh~.!f.l:1::m ;;;::;;;!i' Surfactant Sodium dioctyl sulphosuccinate (AOT)
n·Hydrocarbon (C¡;-C1J Iso-octane Cyclohexane Camon tetrachlo ride
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
(CTAS) Methyttrioctylammonium chlonde (TOI1AC)
Boj 60 Triton X Phosphatidykholine Phosphatidylethanolamine
Benzene Hexanoll iso--octane Hexanoll octane Chloroform loctane CyeJohexane Octane HeY.anol l cydohexane Benzene He ptane
Benzene Heptane
described in the literature. Examples indude the controlled bydrolysis of lipids and vegetable oils. the esterification and ttans-esterifieation reactiom catalysed by lipases, and pepodes syntbesis by proteases. The optimum water level can be controUed by the W ovalue, (his value being greater (han 10 forsynthesis reactions. Cunently importantaspects of researc h on these sysleIll5 indude lb!! stabilisation ofbiocatalysts and the developmenr of appropriate reaccors te accomplish enzyme reteu' cion, product scparationand avoid productcontamination with the sur· factant molecules. Verylowwater systems For many biotransformations it is advantageous ro decrease conside ro ably me amount of water in me reactiOIl medium. The first studies in this area were perforrned in 1966 and since t he n exlensive research has becn carried out. h is believed that retentioD of enzyme activity is due to the minimum essential water necessilry to maintain the protein structure and che enzymatic function . The selection of the organic solvent is critical as hydrophilic solvents strip the essential hydration shell from the cnzyme rnolecule. 111(' amount ofwater bound ro th e enzyme decreases dramatically with the increasing hydruphilicity of the solvent. For example the reactivity oC a
nanuc water arnVlty, aw' as parameter, TItis parameter, which is a measurc ofthe amOU.Dr of water in the system, determines directly tbe e.ffects of water on the chemical equilibrium. During tbe rcaction the water activity may c.:hange, espedally if water is forme
enzyme are inactivation ofthe enzyme that may occur during cbe den· vatisationprocedure and that the enzyme preparations are soluble only in a Limited number of solventli. like aromanc and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
22.5.2 Gas-phase reaction media It is possible lO perform biotrnnsformations with a salid biocatalyst pl'epaT
22.5.3 5upercritical fluids as bioreaction media Ellzymatic reactions in supercritical and oear critica! fluids l'equire pressurised systems . Such systems pC.'nnithigb mass transferrates and easy separation oft"e;lction products. Due [O its non-(OxlC character and its re.Jatively lowcritical teJnperature (31 ~q COl has been the mostused Buid. In sorne aspects . supercritical fluids have properties resembling tbose of non-polar solvents being adequate for biotransfonnations oC hydrophobic compounds. TIle oxic1ation of cbolesterol by cholesreJ'ol oxidase and the stcreoselective hydrolysis ofracemic glycidyl butyrate by lollllobilised RhizottUICOT' miehet lipase yie1ding che homochiral Rj-)glycidyl butyrate haVC": been ::lchieved in the presence.ofsupercritical CO 2 • Thesolubilityoftbese compounds may also he improved by the addition ofsmall amoums ofco-solvents k'nown as eotraillers. For example methanal {3.5% mol} was used as an entrainer to enbancc che solubility of cholesterol in superc:ritical earboo dioxide. The majar drawback ofthis reaction system is [he high energy and equipment costs due te the use ofrugh pressures.
22.6 I Concluding remarks This chapter described the use and performance ofbiocatalysts in biotransformations relevant [O industrial, analyticaJ and biomedical appücatioru and environmentbioremediation. Prom a process pointofview, chere are advantages and Hmirations for both cbemical and biochemical routes. Part ofthe Hmitations ofthe biocaralytic route has beco soLved through che new developments in the areas of biology, chernistry and process eogineering. The recent advances in recorobinant DNA technology. metabolic engineering, ferm entation and biocata!ysis in non-convendoual media have also broaden tbe applications of biocatalysts ro synthetic and oxida· tive/reductive biotransformations.ILis a1so imporrant ro emphasise the
integration ofboth processes and disciplines tengineering. biology ancl chemistry) which is a. key feat-ure for the development of compctitivc biocatalytic routes. New applka tions ofbiocatalysts (native or modifiedl in che fieJds ofchemical synthesis. analysis (biosenso.rsl. biomedical and environmenr are fOl"eseen .
22.7 I Further reading Blanch, H.W. and Clark. D. S.leds.) (1991).Applied Bi(laltalysis. Val. J, Mareel Dekker Ine .. N~w York. Cabral.J. M. S., Ikrt, D.. Boross, L. and Tramper,j. (eds.) (1994).Applied BJocatalys"is. Harwood Acadel11ic l'ress. Switzerland. JCclly, D. R. (voLed.) (1998). Blot~,ltnology Sf7ic•. (H.·J. Rehm and G. Reed. eds.). Vol. Ba, BlotrtllU"formtltions r, Znd Edldon. Wiley-VOiVerlag Gmb A,¡eim. lilIy, M. D. (1992). The design and operation ofbioU':lIlsformation processes.ln ~ccntAdwnres in BiolerlmoWgy(F. Vantar-Sukan and S.S. SUkan, eds.). pp. 4 7-(j8. XIuwer Academic. Amsteroam. Straathof, AJJ. and Adlen:reUI"Z. P.(eds.)(2000).AppUed Bioaualy$is, 2nd &litiun. Harwood Al:ademic Press, Swilzerland. Tallaka, A. Tosa, T. and KobaYilshi. T. (005., (1993).lndustriaIApplf(¿¡ tiollS 11 lmmo/7ilized Biocatalyns. Mareel De-kker.lnc.. NewYork. Tramper.J .• Vermüe, M.• Beeftink. H.H. and van Stocksar, U. (eds.111992) . ./)iocatalysis In nan·!I)/IYt!!ltiun.a1 media. Else-vier, Anuterdam. Wells.J. A. and Euell. D. A.l1988). Subtilisill: an enzyme d!!signed to be engi. !leered. TIBS13. 291-297. Wlngard.L. B.• Katchals1d·K.:lttir, "E. attd Galdstein. L (eds.) (1976).lmmabiUud Enzyml.' I'rinriplts. AcadW\1c Press, NewYork..
Chapter 23
Immunochemical applications Mike Clark Gtossary focroductiOD Antibodystructml' and runc¡ions An ubody protein fra gments AnUOodyaffinity Antibody specificity lmmunisatioD and productionofpolydonaJ aumera Monoclonal antibodies
Antibodyengineering Combinatorial and phage displa.y libraries In vfrm lL~es of recombinant and monodena] antibodies In vlW uses ofrecombinant and monodonal antibodil!S
Further reading
I Glossary Adjwunts Sub.'ltances whlch when mixOO witb an antigen will make rhem more immunogenic. i.e. th ey enhance the immunl' response. AdjuVilll1:5 cause inflammation and Irrltltion ilod help to activate cens ofthe immune system. AffinityThe measured blnding mrutant ofan antibody tol' its antige n ar equilibLiulll. AlkHmmunLsudon [mrnun~tion ofan animal with ce11s al' dnues derived from another anlllw ofthe same spmes whel'e there are allellc differences in their gelles. Anlibudy Adaptive prolciru in the plasm. ofan imnlune individual with binding speci.fidty for antigensld immunoglobulin). AnNgen A moLecule orcomplex ormolecules which is recognised by an anribody (immunoglobulin) by billding to tM antibody's variable or V~ons. APC An ilntigen prcsenting ceU is a speci;tlised ce U (dendriticcells and m acrophages) which can ingest, degrade and then present o n ilS ct'1l surlace, fragmenti ofpathogens and otller antlgens, to othercdls ofthe immune sysb.'m (e.g. Ikel1s and T-cells) . .....utoimmune Immunity to molecules (antigens) wllhic 3U ilni.lllal's own body which cnn Jead to a di$e'ilse e.g. rheumatoid art htitis. 01' some forms of diabetes.
Avldlly Anribodii'5 :frequent!y inti'l"actwith antigen using muitiple antigen
binding sites alld thu~ they have a functionaJ affinity rermed aviditywhich is a complex funcrion oftbe individual bínding affinities. Ikells A subset ofwhite ceJJs (lymphocyresJ in tbe bJood wltich produce antibodies. CDR (1,2,63) The three <:omplemen/:a1:ity determining regians ofIbe irnmunoglabuJiIl variable regian domains whlmfurm me majar inte.raction with antigell. Structurally me complemenrarityderermining regions JOrm the loops at one end ofthe globular domain. Chlmaerlc nntibady R&'ombinantDNA rechnology alJows artificial antibodies ro be prepared in wbich domairu frorn one antibody are substiruted by domains from another antibodyor protein. aa.u TIte major type ordassifica[ion ol.:zn irnmunogIobulin e.g. 18M. IgC.lgA or 19B. Cornpl~rnentAn auro-.caralytic enzyme cascade faund in the plasma which can be triggered by andbody·antigen complexes and which canjead ro antigen destrucdon and rernúv:al. IJ.segmentThe diversiry segmento a gene segment found in irnmunogIobulin beavy cllains wruch is r~arranged between the V-segmenr and theJ-segmenr.. Effietorfimctions Imrnune funcdons triggered rbrúugb spedtic binding of antibody to antígen. These indude complement in the plasma and Fe receproI'S on.many diffffenr cell types. EpitoPt' The epi tope is a single ant1body bJnding 51fe on an antigen. Any glven antigen may bind different antJbodles through difJerent epitopes. EUSAAn emyme--iJnked, lmmunoadsorbent aS5ay is a cornmon1y used assay sysrem in which antibody is covaiently linked to .ln enzyrne so that conversion ofa subsrrare c.'Ul be used ro quantifj.r [he amount ofantibody bound. Fah Tl1e antigen binding pro[eolyric fragment Ofan irnrnunoglobulin. F(ab'); A proteolytíc fragment of an irnmunoglobulin in whicb rhe two antigen binding 'fab' fragmeJll:S Mi' still anadled al' rhe hlnge. FeThe cry:>tallisable proteolytíc frngmenr immtrnoglobulin. Thisfragmi'!ntalso contaim the sequences needed fur interaclingwitll and triggering ef'fector functlons. Fe rec~ptor A protein molecular complex e){pre5sed on a ceJl which is able lO spedJkally bind to and r",cogni~e sequences withiIJ the Fe fragment ofan immunoglobulin. FR (1,2,3 &-4) The fi-amevrork regions are four partially consen'ed (¡ess variable) teg'ions ofsequence within the immunoglobulin variable region dornaios. Structurally the frarnework regions form the conserved anti-parallel p. strands oftite protein domains. p,¡ fragments The minimal component ofan immunoglobulin stil1 capable of binding lO antigen. ltconsists ofthe heavy- and light-chain variable--domains. HaptrnA hapten is a small molecule which can be recognised by antibodies but which is not immunogenicin iuelf. They tbus must be ooupled covalently ro caJ:ri~ proteins in C1rder 10 use tbem.for 1mmunisation. Humanised IlntiboJieslnorder to reduce the immunogenidty ofmonodonal antib{)(H~s inhuman patients.many ofthe rodent-derlved sequences are substituted.with homologous human sequences. This can abo be done fur the framcwmk regioD.'i within the ro gi~ a 'fuJIy humanised' or'r~shaped ' antibody. Hyl7ridoma cdls In ord~r to produce long-{erm cell1ines secreting a single specific ann1>od.y. B-<:ells from the spleens ofimmunised animals are fused with myeloma celb adapted to growth in cell culture. The~e hybrid celllines made 'w ith myeloma cells aTe called bybridomas.
AVI'dlty •.o\nLibodies frequently mteract with antigen using multiple antIgen binding sites and lhus they have a functional aftlnity tenned avidity which is a coJ11plex: fimction af the individual blndiug-afflnities. B-cdls A subsetofwhile cells (Iyrophocytes) in the blood which produ ce anri· bodies. CDR (1,2,& 3) The th-ree complementarity derennining regions ofrhe immunoglobultn variable region domains which farOl tlle major inte:raction with antigen. Structurally the oomplementarity determining regioo s rorto the loops atone end oftheglobular do rruin. a.imul.'!"i~ antibody Recombinant DNA tecb.nology allows artificial antibod ies to be preparel!s. EUSA An enzyme-linked, imm unoadsorbent anay is a commonly us.W ass¡"¡y system in which anrfbody is covahmtly linked to an enZyTlle so mat conversioo ofa substrilte can be used to quantifY the.amountof.-.ntibody bound. I'a blhe anrigen binding proteolytiefTilgmeot ofan immunoglobulin. F(ab'J. A prolco!ytic mgment oran immllnoglobulin in whicb lile lWO ilntigen binding 'Fab' fugme nts are still attached at the hinge. f( The crystallisable prot.e.olytic fragment ofan immunoglobulin. Thls Crag. meo l also ~ n tains the sequences needed fur inleractingwith and triggering eff«tor functions. Fe R'a'ptor" ApIOtein molecular comple:x expressed on a 001which i5 able to spedfkally bind 10 and recognisesequences wimin!he Fe fragmentofan immunoglobulin. FR (J.l,3 & -IJThe fr"amework regions are fout partially Cúnserwd (less variablel regieos ofsequeru.-e wirhin me immufloglobulin variable region domailLS. Structlll"3.Uy [he framework regioru form the conserved anti-paraUel fJsttands of lhe domaj ns. Pv fragmentsThe minima! componeu1 ofan.immunoglobulin still capable of binding to antígenott consists of lhe heavy· aud light<.hain v:¡riable-domains. HaptrnA bapten is a small molecule which can be recognised by antibodles but whkbls 001 immunogenic in itself. Tbey Ihus muse be coupled COValefltly to COlTrier proteins In order to use íbem for inununisation. Hwna"i.s~d antíllQdies In order lo reduce me immunogenicity of mOlloclona! antibodies in human piltients many ofthe rooent-derivt!d sequc.nces are substitule
ImmwloodJltsins Fusion proteins, generated using recolllbinaotONA techno108)', in whlch a~l1ular adllesion molecules are made as a chimaeric hybrid molecule witb an immunoglobulin Fe region. Im mu1U' rompkx A complex ofantibodies bound 10 their ¡lJ¡[igeos. lmmwwgrnUA forro o fan antigen which is capable orgeoerari.oganimmune responst' when Ílljt'Cted or administered 10 au olllimal. lmmu1Ioglobulin Aglobulin ftacrion ofplasOla whicil conrains rne spccific immune pToceins mmed antibodies. lmmu1I()predpHali01l The use ofantibodies to remove .ln antiglm. from solutioll through tbe fonnatlon o ran insoluble or innnobiliscd immune compleXo ImmunosuppreJS To lower, or suppress. tbe ability ofan animal ro make an active. immune response. ni! may be desired, and can be adtieved using drugs. or antibodles,specifk for reguJatory ceUs ofthe immwle ColO aJso OCCUT as .ln unwan~d effect in sorne diseases such as in ArDS resulting from HIY ¡nfcetion. }-chain TheJ-chain is a 'joining' protdn subunit which is found covait'.nlly ass(')riated. through dbulphide bonds. with multimelic immunaglobulins !uch as IgAdimers and IgM pentamers. The J-chain should Dor be confiucd with lbe similar sounding 'J-segment' (see below). }segmentj-segment is thejunctional or joiniog DNA segmentwhich i.!; ~ aTraoged wilh the V.segmenr for immunogtobulin ligbt chairu, or the V and the D-segruents for lmmunoglobulin heavy chains, togM! a fully fonned immulloglobulin variable (V.) reglon. MflC (km I (lnd class IJ Major hutocompatibility locus class-l and c1as:HJ mojecules aTe tite moleculcs on a ceU smface used lO pRsent peptide fragmellts of an antigen ro theT«1I re<eptor. Monoclonal amiOOdy 1bis {erm is applied to an antibody produced from a dona} cellline in tissue cullure. Ir is a well de:fined aOlibodyof predictable chafaetensties unlike the complex mixtures ofantibodit'S found in aD a nimar s plasm .. , Pu/yelonal Ilntisera This tel'm is used to dininguisb the inhcrently heterogeneous mixture of antibodies fOUlld io me sera derived from an lmrnUllised animal, from the laborarory prepared monodoDal antibodies. Sub·clus5 Asub·c]assification of an irnmunogiobuliD withln 3 given class e.g. IgG1. IgG2. IgG3 and 19G4 are alllgG antibodies. ScFv A single chain Pv fragment is an artificial genetir: construct in which a polypeptlde linker has been inserted between the N-tel' afone variablereglon dornaln and rh e Ctenninus ofthe othervariable-region domnln. Spt'dftdtyThe specilidty ofan antibody is tite abilityto show a lew!l ofdiscrimi· oadon In bi.ndlng avidities ~tween different antigeru. tus thus in a !t!nse a relath'e U!.rrn Le. (he antibody is 5pecific fur 'anngen A' but DOt tor 'nntigell S'. TIlis would then be termed aJlIV¡.ti-A ant'ibady. T-cefb A subset orwbite eells (lymphocyres)in the blood either directly kili in.fected cells or help orner cells s uch as B-celis 10 respond lO ~Il an tígeno V'f<'gion Variable region of 3n immunoglobulin. VH The variable region domain ofthe immunogJobulin heavy ehain. Vl The variable ~on domainoflhe immunoglobulin ligill chaio. V-srgmenl A gene segmeotwhkh is re-arranged lo givoea functional inunun&globulin variable ugion. XtTIO-fmmunisation 1mmunisation ofone spedes with cclls Of tissues oCa different species.
23.1 I Introduction This c::b.apter wilJ discuss immunochemic.ll applications in hasic biotechnology and mus will mainly concentrate: on the derivation and applications ofann"bodies otherwise known as .im.munoglobnlim (Ig). These proteins are so name
23.2 I Antibody structure and functions Ant1bodies are proreiru made as pan afthe humoral irnmune response ro immunagenic substances and infectious agents, They serve as key adaprer molecules within the irnmune system enabling tIle bast's inherited effector functions to recognise the many unpredictable, diverse and varied antigen structures which might be encountered during an animal's lifetime. 'Ihese efIectof functioos are inh erited mechanisms ofinactivating or killing infecti aus pathogens and then ca using their breakdown and removal from the body, Howevcr, thcse effector systems do not have !he ability to easily recognise the infec· tious agcnts in all oftbeirmanydiverseforms. recognition. or targeting, of the effector syste:ms 15, in part, dependent upon the antibody's ability to intl'rfuce between antigens on the infectio us agent and also the body's effector sys[ems. Tbe effecwr syste ms aTe inherited within the germ Hne genes of an individual bU( the antibody specificitles are derived by camplex sornatic re-arrangements of the genes encoding immunoglobulins within the so-olled lk:ells (a sui}-popula· tion oftbe white bJood ce.]Js or lymphocytes). This means thateven two ¡dentical twins, or [W() mice from the same labor.:lwry strain, wiII have different irnmunoglobulin sequences expressed at any one time.
The basic schematic representation of an antibody is tbe familiar Y·shaped structure of an IgG with two idclltical Fab (aotigen binding) arms and a single f-c (crystaWsable) region joined by a more flexible hinge region (see Fig. 23.1). Again. mese temlS come about from the original protein chemistry in which the whole molecule was fragmente(! by cleavage with proteolytic enzymes and different properties were then assigned (O (he different isolated fragments. This basic molecular (ar subunit) is made up of two identica! heavy (H) chains and [WO identicaJ light (J,) chaios. based upon their molecular size, aod each chalo contains repeated immunoglobulin type globular domains witb a conserved structure. In protein stnlctura l terms the domains have anti-parallel strands which loop back on thernselves to fOlm ,&sheets and these sheets are then rolled up into a barrel-like struccure (see Fig. 23 .2). Ughr cbains have two of these globular domains whereas heavy chains have foul' or more (depending upon their 'dass·. see below). The heavy and lighr chains come inseveral different forms which give rise to the concept of immunoglobulin dasses and subclasses. and. for example in man (and most other mammals). we have heavy chain rypes Jl. 'Y. B and a giving. rcspectively. tbe c1as5es of antibodyIgM, IgG, IgE and 19A. Eachofthese classes can have lightchains of either the K or tbe Á type. The proportion ofimmunoglobulins in the plasma with each lighr chain type varles between spedcs ""ith man having a K:A ratio of approximately 60:40 whereas mouse has a ratio of abollr 90:10. In mano the IgG c1as5 has four sulxlasses called IgG l. 19C2. IgG3 and IgG4 using '}'1 . '}'2. y3and y4 chainswhilstthelgAclasshas rwo sub-classes 19A1 andlgA2 using al and a2 ebains. Someoftbesedasses of immunoglabulin are secreted into plasma in the forOl of more I.:omplex oligomerised StructllreS of subunits ofien assodated w:ith a molecule calledJ-chain. Thus IgM is a peotameroffive ide ntical protein subunits. and 19A is frequentlyfound asdimers and [rimen ofidentical protein subunits. again associated with } chain (see Fig. 23.3). It is the heavy cbain which is largely respoosible for the 'effector Cunetioos' (antigen destruction and removaJ) triggered lhrough ínteractions with cells of the immune system by figanon (binding ro and cross-linking) ofceJ1surface receptors {called Fcreceptors beca use they require tbe Fe fragment oftbe antl.1>ody)or. alternatively, through activatioo of the complement cascade and the binding to complement recepcors_ComplemeJlt is another family ofproteins found in the blood and whjch ate involved in immllll..e reactions. The components of complemenc are mainIy specific proteolytie enzy¡ues whose Sllbstrates are lhemselves otba complement components which are activated by proteolysis. Tbis gives rise to a classical biochemical amplification of an inidal small activation step. Once activated sorne ofthese compleroenl components also rapidly fonu covalent chemica! bonds witb antigen, thus marking tbem rOl' c1earance by complement receptors of the immune system. whilst ochers are able. ro creare pores in ceU or viral memb[anes ofinfectiou s organisms and thus kili the (elis orviruses. Each of!he different immunoglobulin (antibody) classes and also sub-elasscs exhibit a different pattern of effector functions sorne af
F, The bask; IgG invnunoglobtln smKture of 'MO heavy chalM (bla<:k) Mld twO light chalns (whlte). The ['NO heilY)' c.haJns are dlsulphlcle-bonded togemer and each nght chaW¡11 dlsulphide-bonded te ¡ heavy chall\. TheantibodyaJsohutwo antigen bindlng Fa.b regions and ¡ slngle Fc region.
$cMlNdc ef al! 19G srruew.... E.h ¡Iobu'u- dolNln af [he molecu!. iI "Iunl":l.~ as 11\ tll pse. Tl\e t-II)' chalo dornaJns an! s/¡own in cbriulr JIIadeJ ind the Iltht cll1ln dcmalnl In li&bttr ~des. 11Ie h9V)' and 1I¡ tII chain yariablo d~ns YMand VL :1rI! ¡Iso Indlaled a1oo.!! wlth die pmltlon 01 antJ&M blndln{ ~te al me ext/'flll.o'H of exh Fab. Each <;.2 d()l'l1~n b ,lycosybted Uld thear"bo/lydr:lle llts in me
5pl!(e ~en me twC he
DI$u'JIhldl' bridees bort_en che chains are tndlc.lted u blKk dou withln the flexl,*, /lln,1
l ile orl,ins 01 ImmllnoglobullnL Oifferent cbw.e:s of ~noglob\lfin ;ve built Uf' I'n:Im tlw. same ba5le StnlC'lurt. n.e top shows llG wOich can be ccmpued wilh Fig. 13.2..1n IKI'elOry I¡A. ['floJO w~its of Iv.. uch ol......tlidt 1I ,lmilar lO I¡G.. are Jo~d togethar by (ovalent d ~ulphid. bf-Id¡es and uU'UUlh a wbunit known :n a }
"aedon ofl'" ICI"OiS me ¡lit r.nlng. 'l fe<:ond 01 suIlunlu., wIIlth are dertveod (rom tM tn"~ reapwr, Iho becoll'Wl assodued. Th~ elr;tn subuniu fgund on!y on secreteo ItA u. koownas 'slIcrClory compor.enu· (bla<:k). I¡M "as I perrwneric $UUtOJn! al fIooe suMiD coVJ.lemly bood~ totethu by dlsulpnlde bonds and assoclau:d
~kt "" with I $in,l. wbunlt oJJ' dl¡ln (~'*3"!'I'1.
whkh may ~ mol't" appropriat~ in dealing with certain types of a nti· gens or infectious ag~nts. Each afthe differe.nt dasses ofimmunoglobltliD has their own dan ofFc effector function s. Thus there are wcll characterised Fe receptars for the IgG dass (FeyRJ. FC')'RlI. FcyRUJ). the IgA class (FeaR) and the IgE dass (FceRJ and Fct:Rl1) which have differenl cellular distributioDs, affinities fur Fctype andsub-class.:md which also mediate different signals and thus trigger difl'erent eff~ctor functions . In addition fur sorne of these dasses. there are transport receptors which enable. for example, 19A to be secreted iDto the gut. the tuinary tracr, the respiratory tracto into teaes and saliva ¡¡nd ¡¡lso iuto milk and colostrum. The [eceptor for transport oflgA is the poly Ig receptor ando during the rransportofthe IgA. the receptoris deaved leaving a fragment ofthe receptor termed secretory componeDt (beca use it was initially characterised on secreted bumot plasma IgA) associated with secreted JgA(see Fig. 23.3). In humans, IgG is 3ctively transported across the placenta during the late stages of pregnancy 1'0 provide the oeonate with a primary immune defence whilst in other animals. such as todents. the IgG is transported across the gut frorn colostrum during the flrst few hours aftee birth. The receptor whlch transports IgG is ealled FcR.n (tlte neonatal Fe reeepror). rcRn is also responsible for protecting JgG from catabolism and is thusTesponsible forextending the plasma of IgG froro days ro weeks. FcRn achieves this by binding at low pR to the Fe region ofIgG which is within intracellular endosomal vesides cootaining proteins desrined for degradadon. TIte bound IgG is then recyc1ed backtothe plasma before iris degraded. wbereuponitisre1eased under theneutral pH concütions encountcred Olt the plasma membrane. This has consider,.¡ble importante and consequences with regard to pharmaceutical applications ofIge Olntibodies in vi\·o. A loog antibody half-Jjfe in tbe plasma means thar a smaller amount of antibody i.s oeeded at 1e>S frequen t iutervals ro maintain a required plasma concentration.1beextent ofthe balf·ljfe is a functioo ofthc specific binding of re<:eptor FcRn ro the Fe region oflgG and is thus los[ in fragments ofantibodies such as Fab fragmeols. Obviously. beca use FcRn is aD IgG-specific re<eptor. {hese properties of placen tal transfer and extended half·Jife are unique to thisc1ass ofimmunoglobulins. The name EcRn bad originally beeo applied tojusr the form ofrecepror found in the gut ofneonatal rats. but in a earlierseriesofpapees. publjshed by Professor BrambeJl in lhe mid 196Os. the existe nce ofhotb forms of receptor bad been predicted , and tnus sorne now refer to hothfuncuons oftbe receptor under the unified name ofFcR8. As all'eady mentioned. tbe .mugen specificit:y of the antibody is a propt:rty ofthe Fab fragment ofthe molecule. 5pecificity is the res ult of variaríon in pares of{be sequences ofthe Fab. The N-terminaJ domainof hoth the heavy and light chain is called lhe variable region (VH and VL domains). Sequence analysis ofamino acids onarge-numbers ofvanable regioos for both VHan d Vl has allowed three small regions ofhypervarj· ability to be defined within four more consetved framework regions (FR1. FR2, FR3 and FR4). In tbe three-dimensional structures, the
Disulphide bridges
c,' ---+
Region501 [he .. ariable doollil15 01 I¡G. The ofthese dom¡Jns are eilher lr.IIT1eworlo. region sequencu (fR l. FR2, FRl md FR4), oc complernentarity detflMniNn¡ re¡lOIlS (CORI. COR21n d CORJ). Fnmeworkreglon sequences are sflquences whlch ro to makt up me cooserYed ~eared stnmds which form Ule globular barrel shapt cime domaln StrucN~. The cOfT1'lemenwity determinlng regtoru. lorm!hfl "'lIriable loop SD'"UCNt"ti wfllch mm me antigen binding slrlU. There are rhrH CDR.loops ln:Im &:len hRY)' cmlo and three CDIl loops lrorn eadl Jlght dW'l. Thes. ¡be Ioops att togeth ... lO form the ¡ndgen bindll1& sitie 01 the antibody. c l lulf~ as
hypervariable regions form loops which combine together 00 form the principle antigen binding surfaces and thus tbese sequences have also been named the com-plementarity determlning regions or CDRs (CORt, CDR2 and CDRJ) (see Fig. 23.4.). In temu; of the geneticsof immunoglobulin expression, tbe unique sequences ofeach different antibody are the direct res ultof sornati, rearrangements of different gene segments during B-cell deveLopment (see Fig. 23.5). In the case ofthe heavychain. three Scgments, V, O andJ are reacranged andin me caseofligbtchains. two segments. Vand J.are rearranged. These gene rearcangewents lead to expression of a surface i.mmunoglobulin..receptor and tbis is followed by selection of individual Ikell dones based on th.eir binding to antigen. Furth.erdiffcrentiation can resu1t in sornatic mutadons of th.e V-region sequences and/or furrher sornadc cell cearrangements to bring (he constant regioll segments for diffcrent heavy , h ain rub-c:Jasscs adj acent to the variable domain encoding gene segments.
Antibody protein fragments
Various protein fragments ofantibodies can be produced individuaUy and sepacately from the other protein components which may be of
'. '.
" .
.,-. .~. ' ,-
Gene rearrangements
Rearranged VH
gene In B-cell
RNA 8pllcing
Tran&cribed and
spliced Ig heavy chainmANA
practical use in differentcircumsfal1ces(see Fig, 23.6). These fragmenrs can conveniently be de.nved by enzyme proteolysis. In general tbe Fab region is relatively resistant to proteolysis wbereas the Pc region, and, partic.ulady, the hinge rebrion are comparatively susceptible. Depending upon which protease is used aud the particular antibody isotype under examination (and the animal species froro whicb the antibody is derived), the proteolytic deavage may occur at tbe binge region. If it dUC5, ilnd the cJeavage site is on the C-tenrunal side oftbe. inter-cbain disulphide. bridges, then F(ab')l fragments are generated; if clcilvagc 15 on the N-termina l sid e, Pab fragments are generare
Germlm genomic ourio¡ 8-
~ re-MI'"lIogements.
cell differenti:Uion me genomlc Immunoglobulin segment sequoences;are rearnllged to gtve a single funct:ionaJ ImmunoglobtAin he¡vy chun encodi~ gene and ¡ single funct:ion¡J light chaln encodinggene In each done 01 Bcells. Th ese reunnged gen~ rol Indude IntrOfls which mllst be spliced out ofthe transcribe
Fab Frllgment
antibodyrnay be critical forits functiOllS. Antibodies ofdifferent c1asses and sub-dasses show conserved sites fOI bothN- and o-linked sugars. lo IgG, the conserved N-linked glyeosylation ofthe CR 2 region is essential for many of the moll"cule's effector fllnctions (i.e. binding to sorne Fe receI!tors and also activatíon of complement is dependent upon the eOlTect glycosylatioo). Similarly. the intra- and inter-c.hain disulphide bridges are .importantfor th~overaU structure and function ofthe antibody. Thus the manner in which antibodies are produced. as wcl1 as the particular methods of purification are important issues to considero This is the case particularly witb recombinantLy produced immunoglobulins. for example where the inability ofbactena ro glycosylate or reliably assemble and disulphide bond complex proteins must be taken into account.
FUllctional rublragrnenu 01 IgG moleru!e. The~e can b
The concept ofthe affinity, 01" more correetly the avidity. ofanantibody for antigen is important. For many uses. both t/l vlVll and 1/1 v/tro. the affinityofthe antibody fur antigen is an important fuctor in detennining not only the utility bU[ also the cornmercial success of a product. Strictly. the affinity of an antibody for its antigen (association constant 01" Ka expl"essed in units ofM- 1) is a measure ofthe Tatio ofthe conc:entrations ofbound antibody-antigen complex to free arrtlbody and free antigen at a thennodynamic equilibrium. It assumcs that the interaction with bound antigen is ofsingle valency. which is more likely ro be the case only for very simple antigens or fOI antibody Fab or F. fragments.ln the pasto antibody affinitieswere ofien determined byequilibrium dialysis or by measuring radiolabelled antibody binding to antigens under conditions near to eguilibrium. It is quite common today. bowever. [O carry out direct determmation of perCf~ntage of antibody association and disassociation using rechnigues such as plasma resonance. HoweveI. it is worth I'cmembering that a good approximation to the affinity of an antibody for an antigen can be estimated by measuring the concentration oí antibody needed to give halfmaximal binding ro the antigen. This gives che dissodation constant. Kit. expressed in units ofM whichis, in Cact, the reciprocal ofthe association constantK~ (i.e. Kit = 1fKa)' It must be remembered that a.ntibodies usually have two or more identical binding sites fur an antigen. Ofien the intel
IAbl + IAgl .
' IAbAgl
K ~~~ IAbAgI • K" IAbl·1Ag1 Two antlbodies can have a similaT affinity rOl" antigen measured at equilibrium but one may have a much slower on-raJe (~.w) ando of course, a proportionally slower off-rate (k".dI;)' For many uses. me antibodywill not be used under conditions oftbermodynamicequilibrium: for exalllple, when using an antibody to affinity purify an antigen or whe.n using antibodies in immunoroetrk assays. tn such situations. lbe antibody is usually in excess ami a faster rate of rhe forward reaction (k[Orwlld) maythen be des.irable, In a different example. 5uch as rhe use of radiolabelled antibodies rol' tlle radio-imaging of tumours In vtVt'l, che antibody needs first to cÜ'culate through the body and then to diffuse and penetrate tltrough thft tissues before it cvcn has a chance to interad with the antigen. The stability ofantibody on the tumour once ir is bollnd (affinity and off-rate) as well as che diffusion rates ofthc antibody in tissues (a product afme antibody or fragment size) are both factors which detennine the suitability ofone antibody versus
23 .5 I Antibody specificity Tbe speriflcity of an antibody is another jmportant conce~)t and oue wruchis often highlyconfused with the.conceptofaffinity. lna practical thespecifidlyofan antibody for its antigen is only, in parto related [O its is highly likely thatan antibodywill have a spectrum ofaffinides for a muge ofdifferen[ amigens. Sometimes these anugens IDa)' be. completely unrelated whilst more often they may share related structuraJ features (for exampte many differenr complex carbobydrate structures share features in cornmon). Different antJ.bodies to tbe same andgen may tberefure show different functional IToss-.reacdons on other antigens. OearJy. i.( me imeuded use orthe antibody is to discriminare be~ differenr antigens in a complex mixture then the cross·reacdons ofthe antibody are as critica! as tbe avidity lar the correct anrigen. For an antibady which i.s 10 be used in a situation where the 'alternative' antigens are nor likely lO be enoounrered. forexamplein me affinity purification of an antigen product from a batch culture process. any cross-reactions may be considered as irrelevan.L In tbe use ofantibodies Cor In vivo therapy Oi diagnostics. tbere are so many diff'erem tissue an tigens tita t unexpected cross-reactions ofthe antibody on tissues omer than the ¡ntended target may frequently be a complicating factor in the developmenr oI ao antibody-based product. The observation ofthe CI'OSSreaction of 3n antibody on a second antigen. is of oourse. related to the avidity of the antibody for: IDat andgen and the sensitivity of the assay
TIIe T.cel'¡ndependenl
8-cell re~onse. Sorne ke~ !tep) in
B-cell precursor (B-l)
tIle produaJon of Slcre1ed I¡M by 1. so-an ed T-cell-lncMpencHnt Scell re¡.poru. aIllIllUstraf~. The
cr1dul feawllIls lhat the antigon is usulJly 1I multlmerlc reptadn,
SU"'lce Antlbody
strUC'tIIR (e., . bacurlal carbohyclrate) and Is c.apable 01
OO'Ss-I!n!llng me surne. andbody 0 0 t he B-ulls whith have spec:lfidfyfor dllsantlgcn. Th.s. B.-cds are men aW'IlIted by m is eyetlt and ga en to dllftlllflÓiltt
["tO pluma (tlIs
staed"g ~ riM.
Secreled Anllbody IgM
beiug used [O measure me ¡nteractiOIl. This can ¡ead to !he situation where 3n apparent improvemenr in the seruitivity ofan assay ¡cads to a deterioration in the specificity of me assay.
23 _6
Immunisation and production 01 polyclonal
antisera The earliesr but still a widely used wayto exploit tlle immune system is toimrnunisean animal witb an Immunogenicformoftbesubstanceor a pathogen of interesr (perhaps repeatedJy OveT rnonths) and then , sorne weeks after the final immunisatioLl, to collect the blood plasma or scrum and use ir whole or fractionataJ . It is necessaly to understand sorne ofthe complexity oftbe immune response in order [O appreciate SOlDe ofthe problems associated with derivation of antisera [O diffuren t cypes of antigen , Figures 23.7 and 23.8 show;) highly sebematlc an d simplified vicw of two different types ofB-ttll r esponse to antigen. T·ceU tndependeot (l1ig. 23.7) alld T-cell dependent (Fig. 23,8)
T-cell preCurliOr
B-cell precursor
e_ o.
I \~
:r'''' ~
i ~. ~
CD4 T-c:eI1
r, ~ .' \, :,~;
Proteln Antlgen
SOmatlc:: Mutation CIa.. Swltchlng
Secroted Anllbody
IgM, IgG, IgA an d IgE
Mi•.• The T-<:eII
dependent B..:aU response. Antibody prodllC rk>rl res ultingfrom ~ T..:e11dependern B-eeU respon,alrwolyes ancErn r6
mole<:ula, a ca-receptor far HHC C lus 11) and so-aUed anvptl presentiog ee h or APC5 (macroplla~ and dendrltlc ceh). Antlgen pt"tiIIntingeeh are c.altd tNl beQuse lhey p~1 on Ihlr (4 posltive, T-he!per cel. For thl"crfvatiQn m il' CD'I posltl.... 'f.h
responses to antigen. The T-celJ independenr, Ikell response is largcly the resul[ oftriggering lhe surface.immulloglobulin on the B-ceUs by cross-linkingwitb an a ntigen ofa highly repetitive rtructure. Such a ntigens iDelude carbohydra t~_ glycolipids. phospholipids ilnd nucleic acids. The B-cells are driven into .proliferation and differentiate into plasma cells which secrete large amOUllts ofimmunoglohulin (mainly ofthe IgMclass). Lrnmune responses ofthis type indude the human a nti-bloodgroupAand anti-bload group B responses whichare thought [O be triggered by ro bacterial carbo hydrat~ and which rhen cross-reactwith the blood group antigens from other individuals . is an excellentexample ofnatural cross-reactions ofantibodies beca use. except for individuals who have been transfused with misma tched blood or women fo llowing pregnancy. a majority of individuals wilh such antibodIes are unlikel)' to have encountered blood ceUs ofthese other blood groups. Anti-blood group A and B antibod.ies. as weU as
s 15
being principalJ:y afthe IgM class, are also generaI1y oflow affinity but. because of the valem.y of IgM (five subunits and thus ten possible binding sites per molecule) and the repetitive structures within the antigeu, they may interact with a high avidity. In contrasto irnmune responses to T-cell dependent antigens seem more comple."( andinvolve several stepswhereby differellt cell types are required lo iuteract in an antigen specifk way thus allowing for complex regulatioo (see Fig. 23.5). Proteins are taken up by specialist antigen-presenting cells (APes) aod are broken down into peptides. Sorne ofthese peptides are capabte ofbinding to MHC Classll molecules and are presenred as a complex on the APCs cell surface. CD4-positive. Class TI restricted T-ce11s are able to bind the MHC peptide complex and can be aetivated by the APes. B-cells are a150 capable of taking up antigen tbrough their specific receptor, which i5 the surface immunoglobulin, and as a consequence they too can present peptides in tlle context ofMHC Class II, If an activated CD4 T-cell intNacts with such an antigen-presenring B-<:ell it is able to help thE' B-cell by providing signals which activare the B·cen to diviae, differentiate and secrete its :mtibody. During several such rounds ofspeci1icT- and B-cell co-operation the B-cell may switch to proouce other antibodies such as IgG, IgA and IgE and it may also ulldcrga somatic. mutation and be Selected for higher affinity binding to the antigen. Thus, in general, T-cell dependent B-cell antigens should be proteins or protein-associated. There is an important feature which is common to both T-cell independent. and T-cell dependent B-<:ells and that is the concept of selftoleranCl~. In general, the irnmune system bas c::hecl<s and controls whicb act to the chances of an irnmunoglobulin recognising a scJf-antigcn bcingmade in quantity. Such auto-reactive B-cells are generally eliminated. ln extreme situations a breakdown oftolerance can occur and, in suc.h cases, pathologycan result from Ihis so cal1ed autoinunune response. Self-tolerance means tbat it is again. in general, easier to generate anbbodyTesponses to antigens which are unrelated to any self antigens -within the animaJ being irnmunised.. For example. there are morelikely to be many differences ifhuman-derived pl'Otems are used to irnmunise a mouse (xeno-immll1lisation) than if mouse-derived pToteins are used to immunise a different strain of mouse lallo·immunisation). The dif· ferent regioos on the antigen recognised by antibodies are ealled autigenic epitopes and tbus a xeno-immunisation is likely to raise antibodies ro moreepitopes ofan antigcn than an allo-irnmunisation. This may be important and will be disCllssed larer because simultaneous recognition ofan antigen byseveral antibodies to differcnt epi tapes may result in apparently impTOved affinity (avidity) and specificity of reaction. Another important fdt:tor of immunisation is that sorne antigeru are more immunogenic than otbers. Partly this may relate to self-toleranee but it is also now thougbt tbat an important component of an irnmune response is the activation of the immune systern by danger
Myeloma cells
Immunised rodent
~I!l~ I!l
re5ulting hybridoma cillls al"\.' 5elected fOl" growth in media which is toX!c to the parental myeloma
Cell Fusion
~ ~Ii) ~ (j Ii)
Drug Seleclion Cell Cloning
signals. Thus an antigen can be cambined with other substances, such as mineral oils and components derived from micro-organisms. which can act as adjuvants and activate the immune system and improve anrigen processing and 'presentation bythe APCs. Fol1owingproduction, the antisera can be used in ve!.}' many systems as a specific tool for detection of antigen. The immunoglobulin fraction ofthe antisera can be purified and then used in severa! assay and detection systems. ror example, it can be labeUed by covalent conjugation with fiuorescent dyes and used in milToscopy or flow cytometry for detecting antigen bindiog 00 or in ceUs. Equally, the antibody could be labelled em:yme and used in histologyor in an enzyme-linked, immunosorbentassay(EIlSA) (see Section 23.10.2) again fur detection of the speci.fic.antigen.
PI'odl.lction of rnonodonal antibodies. This Involves fusio~ of sp1ilen cen~ fmm irnmun15ed rodilnt5, Wlth mYilloma cells adilpted lO cell cultul"\.'. The
Monoclonal antibodies
Conventianally, ce1llines secreting monodanal antibodies have been derived bytaking irnmune B-<:elli, w.hich have a limited capadty ro proliferate In lfitro, and then immortalising them by somarle eell fusion with a suitable tissue culture cellline (see Fig. 23.9). Far reasans that are most likely to be related to the complex interactions of regulatory genes (e.g. transcriptian factors) encoded on different crnomosomes in differentspecies, this technique has praved to be mas!: successful fur a limited
(ells and merare then cloned. úch done produces a single moooclonll antlbody.
v v
~~ 11
I'3nge ofspecies, particularly for mOnoclonal antibodics ofthe IgM and IgG classes derived from rae and mice, ahhough other species sueh as sheep, hamstcrs and human have been use
23.8 I Antibody engineering Chlmaeric
ChilT)3fl"lc antibodies. Through the_use ollllcombll'l:u1t DNA te.chnQlagy le Is poulble to eogioeer alltibodles with no... eI
properties. Dne "mple n.p Is to make chlrnaeric antibod\eJ. n wtllch me v,l1iable reglOfU fTc,m" rodem:
aoobody (whlu) ar. combln~ wim me c.onstan:: regiolu of a humananribody (bladt). A 1~
further In &:he technology is tO combine ¡Ust me. compl~tarlty o.te.rminlng reglan (CDR)
.ncodlng DNA lequences of lo rod.nt antibody with fnmework IIIglon (FR) encodlng DNA sequences oh human antibody. 10 ¡ive a fully numilllised l.ntibody.
lt isnow possible (O genetically engineer and express a whole r.mge of diffeling novel antibody consaucts thus :freeing biotechnologists from tbe constraints imposed by tlle naturnl biology ofthe immune system. It is the modular structure of antibody molecuJe:s which are composed ofa collection of discrete globular dornaios, eneoded by genes with a similar modular structure whereby eac.'h domain is coded in a separate exon. which makes the manipulation ofimmunoglobulin genes a [elativcly straightforward proposition (see Fig. 23.5). There are several obvious advantages of recombinant antibodies over eonventionally derived monodonal antibodies. It is technically feasible, through the use. of appropriale doning strategies, to isolatc the genes e ncoding any antibody made from any i.mmunised species a nd so furure applications need not be restricted to tbe derivation oftbe mouse. rat and human antibody classes . Often monodonal antibodies can be derived with the cotrect spedficity but they may exhibit the wrong effector functions beca use tbey are Dot of the desired SpedCli, class or su1xlass of immunoglobulin. Obviously, using recombinant DNA technology any V-regions can be expressed in combination with anyconstant regioos selected for desirable properties. TIlese antibodies are called chi.m.aeric antibodies (see Fig. 23.10), Thus variable regions from rodent antibodies speciBc for chosen antigens can be eombined with OODStant regions encoding human iromunoglobulin classes/sub-cl:.sses. the final product having potential in vivo tberapeutic uses in mano lt is abo possible lO introduee
furtber mutations into the Pc regíons to rnodify the properties lO suir the proposed applications of the antibody, for example to remove the ability to bind to sorne Fc receptors or to activare complement, Where in vivo therapeutic applications a re concerned, rodent a udbocHes ofien are limic.ed beca use they provoke an irnmune response in che patientto tbe antibody usuallywithin a weekof theirfirst use. This .pl'edudes any further rreaDllent beyond this time. As described aboYe. useful rodent monodona! antibodies can be partiaJly ' humanised ' by making chimenc antibodi es by combining the rodent variable-regioos with human consrant-regioos, tbus introdud ng the effecror mechanisms ofth e human whilst at the sarne time minimising me number of potential immunogenicepitopes. For irnmunotherapy, there are several leey fcatures Chal 3n antibody should h ave ifit is to be successfuUy usro. Obviously, the antibody mustpossess a de5ired spec:ificity to bind lO a relevant anrigen, 5uth <15, fur example an antigen expressed on a tumour ceU surfaee, a viral antigcn or perhaps a bacteria! toxin. Once bound to that antigen, the antibody isthen nonnallyrequired to carry out a functi on. The antibody CQuld be lIsed for targeting of a radioiruaging labeJ er used for the destruction ofa tumour cell or of a virus. Alternatively, theantibody migb.tbe \Ised forneutralisation ofa virusor toxiD. The production ofa chimaerie antibody and the selection ofthe mest appropriare human immunogolobulin class/sub-dass. alloW$ for the retention or addition of desirable functions but, at the same time, reduces the 'foreignness' oftbe antibodyto the patient (see Fig. 23.10). As a further step in lessening lhe immunogenicityor 'foreignness', rodenr monoclena! antibodies can also be fully 'humanised' or ' reshaped', to produce hum.m ólntibodies that conrain only those kcy residues from the rodent variable regioos responsible for anligen binding combioed with framework regioos from hllman variable regions (see Fig. 23.10). After manipulation of t he antibody genes, they can be expressed in a numbcr of different CJLpression systems. Transfeetion of antibody genes cloned in suitable veclOrs ioto myeloma ccllsmay result in expreso sion oftheantibody molecules which are processed and glycosylated in a manne r which is chara.cteristic of i.mmunoglobul in produced by hyblidoma ceUs and Dormal8<ells. lt is alsopossible toexpress antibod¡es in orher rnammalian cel! types such as Chinese HamsterOvary(OJO) ce lls. Antibodies have also been expre5sed io a numbetof other eubr· yotie and also prokaryotic expression systems including pIant cells, yeast and bacteria. Howeve.r there are certaio problems which are encountered in sorne ofthese different expression systems chieflywith regard (O glycosylation and to disulphide bonding wh ich precIude expL't~ssio n of complete mo]ecules or complicate [he purification ofthe antibody product. Natural antibodies h ave multiple domains per cbain and mulriple chains per molecule and these chains haveintra-domain disulphide bonds as we11 as i ntel'-chain disulprude bonds. TItus the celJs used for antibody expression must be capable of correctly assembling the melecule. In addjtion far mas! of the IgG .mtibody effector functiOIlS the appropriate N·linked g!yeosylation is required. Bacteria are.
thus only reaUy appropriate for the expression oC slllaLler fragments from antibodies such as Fab or Pv fragments. Ar presenr mosr comm.e.rda] large-scale production of recombinant antibody moterules, pardeuJady for therapeutic applications is caroed out using eithcr B-lymphoid ceH tineSor CHO cells.
23 .9
Combinatorial and phage display libraries
Rf'cem advallces in molecular biology mean tbatmammaUau genes can be rapidly clooed a nd expressed in bacteria. LLsually using p hage vector systems (see Chapte.r 4). In phage display, genes encoding variable regions of iOlOlunoglobu.liru are d oned into the phage vectors (see Eg. 23.11). These modified bacteriophage vectDrs are.then used ro transform
baderia and, during
Cloned V-reglons
Fllamentous phage
Vector ONA Express In bacteria
Fv eyele
Unbound phage washed away
Iso late DNA 1rom bound phage
Immoblllsed enligon
response to 'foreign' antigcns and ro preven[ cros<;·reactions ro seJf. antigens. Thus. certam combinations orheavy and Lighr cha.ins m ay be generared an d selected fOI in combinatorial Librarles which would be se lectcd against in a normal immune response. Phage display can also be used ro mimicthe irnmune response by generating an artificial, ,.1 0 domised Iibrary of synthetic genes with random complementarity de termining sequences (see. Section 23.2) (Le. nor derived by c.loning genes from Ikells). Such IWta ries have been used successfully to screen ror a Rumber of different s pedficides. A majar disadvantage orphage display Iibraries is thar the only a ntibody function being ~[ed is antigen binding and tbis may Dot be [he cructal function fur the final appHcation. Althougb tbe genes once ¡so¡ated can be expressed along with any immunoglobulin connant regions. assays which are dependent upon the effecror function cannor be used fo r the detection and ¡solarion afthe phage antibodies with appropriate specificity. Addirionally, it is reJatively easy to screen phage librarles on purified and homogeneous antigen preparations but it is very difficult to screenfur spedfic binding (O complex mixtures. such as cell surface antigens, where tbe requircd antigen may be a minor componentofthe mixture.
dUplq ibrary.: Antibody f~flts can be expreMed on the $1,If'bce of ~ baa.eriopllage in whlch the antibody wriabJe regions are eocoded wlmn me DNA which it paclcaged mslde m e phage. Thl,ls by $elecdng for anti¡en binding ph~, 1, I:!. pmsJbl e to Isolate che DNA which In 'CUrn encodas tl\e ~ntllen bindingantibody V·rt¡ionJ. The cyde C3i1 be rwputed 10 Improve enrlchment and 10 Jeten for phage wIIich blnd wlth hI¡her afflnity.
23. 10
In vitro uses of recombinant and monoc1onal antibodies
23.10.1 Affinity purification Major ust!s of antibodies inelude roles in the pu rükation of other molecules uSillg affinity binding procedures, afien in single step. 1his reLies on the ability to der.ive antibodies and, in particular. monoclonal or re<:ombinant antibodies, which have a unique and discriminating specificity fOf the chasen antigen. To raise usefu l annsera fOT affinitypurifi.. carian of an anrigen ir is usually necessary (O have a highly purified antigen tostart with.1bis is because tbeantisera willcontain many differcnt antibodies. i.e. it will be poly"donal. and tbus m e required antjbodies muS( be affinity purified in sorne way. However. during the process ofderivation afthe monodonal antibodies ir is possible to work with impure mixtures of antigens and yet sti11 obtain a useful reagent for the affinity purification of the antigen. 111i5 is bcca use when the animal is immunised wi tb 3n impute antigen m ere will be antibodies made against a1l ofthe differentantigeru present so the antiserd from the animal wiJl contain a complete mixture of antibodies. However, when the individual B'celJ hybri domas are cloned in culture, aU oftb ese different antibody specitkities are separated and th e dones secreting antibody specific fol' a chosen antigen can be selected and large amounts of rhe antibody produced. Similady, recombinant antibodies allow single, pure a ntibodies of defined spedficity and affinity (O be produced . The affinity of al) antibody for its antigen and ¡a selectivity in binding can be uploired in techuiques such asirnmunoprecipitation. The antibody is mixed with the antigen and ir fonns irnmune complexes, The bilSis for these immune co mplexes is that an antibody normally has atleasttwo binding sitcs and so can. in theory, billd to at least two identical 311tigcns, Ifthe anrigen, in turn, has more th an one a ntigenic binding site (or epiropes) then tbe alltigens and antibodies can form chains 01' higher order aggregates (i.mmune complexes). Sometimes large immune complexes are fonned and tbese titen becOffie insoluble and wiU form a precipitate. This insoluble irnmune precipitate can be separated aw ay from tbe other 3migens in SOIUtiOD by centrifugation and wasbing of tbe precipitate and, finally. ir will oon(ain a .re1atively purc mixture of the mosen al1tigen and its anti· body. There are severa! problems associated witb immunoprecipitation reactions ofthis type. First, because t hey rely heavily on the valency of the antigen-antibody interactions in the immune complex. they do not work well using single monodonal antibod ies and they tend to wor.k better with mixtures ofmonodonal antibodieSorwith polyclonal antisera. Abo, the immunoprecipitation reaction worksbest over a narrow concentration range where che antibody and antigen are said ro be al equivalence. Either side of this range either the antigen or tbe antibody are in cxcess and onlysmaU soluble immune complexes are likely to be
Anligen excess
Antibcdy exooss
sok.Jble fmmune CClmplex
Immune precipitare
soluble Imrnune complex
o o
o forrned. This principle is exploited in immunodiffusion reacaons where ann"body and antigen are aUowed to dilfuse towards each other in a semi-solid agarose layer. Tnununoprecipitin Iines can seen by eye where the points ofequivalence have been reached (see Fig. 23.12). Wilh appropriate standards and controls it is possible ro adapr this techn..ique ro estimare the cOlJcentrations of antigen or antibody in mixtures and even to assess tbe purityof tbem. An alternative strategy is ro immobilise the antibody on lo a solid matrix support such as on Sepharose beads t1sing a covalent chemical reaction. The beads can chen be packed into acolumn and solutions con· taining che antigen passed througl1 (see Fig. 23.13). The antibody wiJl remove tbeantigen from rhe restofthe mixture by a pracess ofaffinity chl"OlDatography, This process can be of dire<:t U5e, for example in the removal of a contaminant such as a toxin from another protein, when anantibody or antisera specific forthe torin exiSlS.lfche antigen which is adsorbed (O the antibody on che matrix is required, it is necessaryto find conditions which dlsrupt the affinity ofbinding. Several methods are appropriate under different condhions.For some low a[finjty anti· body-anrigen inte.ractioDs it may be achieved by competition witb an alternative ligando For higher affinity mteractions, it is usually neces' sary to use partially denaturing conditions and chaotropic agents or extremes of pRo Tbere is often a compromise which has to be taken
Formulon 01 immunopreciplt3te$. Arttibodies amI antigens un combln! lO form insoluble 1mITIun. ~omplel<ei. Thus che intl&en b Irnmunoprecipiuted by the ~ndbody. Rlr thÍ$ lO Q«\Ir. che antibody amI anrigen must be lIe appropriaU! concentratÍQns owrwise smal, soluble. comple:xes 1ft forme
® O
® @
®O @ @)
Unbound antlgens Afflnlty chl"O!TlltoJraphy wln¡ an íml'l'lObiHstd antlbody. Purlfk.::r.tion bastd on th, antlbody', ~ff1nlt)' for antigan ~n be nllly tilrrl.d out .wng anlibody imrnobl~ltd on a
column m~trix. In Icmm;¡tk sOOwn dIt anrlbody 1I ~ovil1g dlt ..... traandfen from che grey antipn. lhus che fluid whio;;h fIows dlrough che cotumn should be depleted ot antl¡en tO whleh me antibody If spedfk wherns th
betwee:n tbe ease ofelution afthe a.ntigen and the long-term stability of the antibody on the column (if itis to be re-used) orofthe anrigen (ifir is required intact and functional). Immuooprecipitation feactions are ofien used in experimental situations wbere tbe antigenmix[Ure is radiolabelled and then fUn in gel eJecttophoresis. hnmunoprecipjtating the antigen, ol' purifying ir on an antibody-affinicy column, allows lhe individual radiolabelled components ro be separated and identifled by their reactivitywith the antibody.As dcscl'ibed ahove, afflnirypurification on antibodycolumns can be used either to reIDove contamioallts from a mixture e.g. toxins or alternatively to purify 3n antigen out of a mixtmt'. lbese affinity columns telld to work best when ics antibody is in excess over t heanrige n, whereas direct precipitation reHes on a.ntibody-antigen equivalenee. Irche colwnn is to berecyde
23. 10.2 Diagnostics An important use ofantibodies and, in particular, monoclonal antibodies is in diagnostic applicatioDS. The specificity of antibodies aUows them to be used fur the direct. determination ef lhe anrigen even in
complex mixtures. For example they can be use
the conversioll ofa substrate t.o a product by che em.yme. This is stoichtometric but also ineludes an amplification of the slgnal because one molcculc of enzyme can convert many molecules of substrate over a given time. lE coloU1'cd substrates are used or coloured products are formed a simple. photomctric adsorbancy measuremeutwill qualltify the enZ)'llle reaction.It i.s also possible ro make t.ItU measuremcnt as a real time determination of the rateofthe reaction. There are many subrle variations on m e basic EiLlSA systcm. In its simplest foon, ao alltigen is adsorbed o n to a solid surface. eicher nonspecifically, OL through an affinity ligand orcovalent chemical bond, An enzyme-labelled antibody is then added in exeess to the system and sorne ofitbinds to the immobilised antigen, Excess antibody is removed by washing and then substrate is added. The amount of enzyme, and hence amouDtofantibody-antigen complex in the system. is estimated from the amount ofsubstt-ate it converts. More usually, EUSA involves a two siterecognition with two differentantibodi~ oran indirect deu~c tion (see Fig. 23.14). Por ~ample. one antibody may be immobilised on a solid matrix and used to capture ('affinjty adsorb') the antigen. The a mOllar of antigen captured. ean be determined by a Second antibody coupled toenzymewhich rffognises a differentsiteon the antigen and so does ooteompete witb rhe firse ;muoody. Indirectdetfftion sy!items can employ multiple layers of.:mti-antibodies orofbiotin·avidin layers giving even gre:01ler amplification in the systelll_ A1ternatively, tbe systems can be designed to determine the quantity ofunknown antigen in the system thcough competition with binding a known amoullt oEa labclled and pure form ofthe same :\Otigen (a method ociginaLly widely employed in radioimmunoassays). The maximum binding oflabelled antigen is seen when mere is no competitor antigen in the (est sample and the minimum binding of labelled antigen is seen when thece is a huge e.xcess ofcompetitor antigen in the test sample. Enzyme-I:lbelled antibodies are O1lso employed in immunocytochemistry. Tissue sections oc eell cytosmears are prepared on glass microscope slides. These are then incubated with antibodics specific for different fume antigens and coupled with enzymes. Meer washing away excess anribody, the enzyme substrates are added. Substrates are masen such that insohtble. ooloured prorlucts are deposited in the seetian and thesc can be visualised in light microscopy and, along with suitable counter staining. may allow fur vely detailed c1assification of the eells stained, Using appropnate counter stains and, through c.:olocalisation oftestantibodies with known markers. ir is possible to identifY which pans ofthecel1, e.g, surface. cytoplasmic or nudearstainin g. contain the antigen recognised by the antibody. Again, as described above for the EUSA system, the techniques GlD be modified ro use multipIe layers ofantibody and anti-antibodyin orderto amplify the staining, As well as c.nzyme-lahelled anrlbodies, it i.s possible to use antibodies eoupled ro fluorescent dycs (fluorophores) and to use them in fluores· cent microscopy. Fluorescently conjugated antibodies can be used in the powerful technique of confocaJ mícroscopy which allows the precise localisation ofthe Ouorescence on. orin. tbeceJl lo bevisualised
-t,9$sZ two-site
In lbe lint wep antlbo~ ~lch islrnmob1ised OfllO 1 surfact 15 lISed U) C3ptUre th ~ ¡ntlgen from ~ olution , The excen ami therefCll't unbound amigen Is then w.uh. d away, In a second sttp an entyf!'le'bbelle<:l ;u¡tibody speclflc (O iI $«orod site.on the anlipn is added Ag'ain me e¡((US labelled lnllbody whidl does not blnd (O me antigen is then w.uhe
dlante ,..wl!ing 'roro fonmcion of ¡ coloul'..t product is; monltored iI ¡,pecvophotomet~,
""O < it U 2:
'"e O e o V>
" W
Z ::J
in a timNlepcndentway.ln canfocal m icroscapy im.:¡ges coUectcd in a precise focal plome are digitised and tbcn starro in a camputer. These digitised images, whieh thus represent 'slkes' thraugh the cen. can th~n be buile up into a three-dilllensianaJ representadon ofthe inteo· sit}'oftluorescence chroughout theceU and a modeJ.can be djsplayed on a high resolution graph ics moniror.lfimages are collected atintClVa ls over a gíwn time, then thecompule rcan abo be used lO generare a tim ~ lapse movie afthe moveDlent offluorescencewithin lhe ceU. Pluorcsceot antlbody ceJI sor ting and analysis have d~oped in parallel with deve.lopment of tbe monoclonnl 3.n tibody technology. Again, the principies ofthe tedmiqueare simple. Monoc.lonal antibodies are labeJled w:itb a fluorochrome and used 10 stain cell!. lbcse cclls are then passed at high velocity thJ:Ough a nozz.le in a stream of tiquid droplels such thar me cells pass oneal a rime tbrough a laser Hght beam wruch excites the tluorophore. Detecton theo measure the fluorcscencc curput from eaeh ceU on an indjvidual oosis. At the same time, other properties ofrhe cells can be measurro through their abitities to scatrer the Iight bcam !size and g rnnularity ofthe ceUs). Abo, different fluor~ phores wirh differentemission spcctra can be used to tag different anriboches. Thus, a very sophisticated analysis of cells evcn in a complex mixture can be carried out: for example human bJood cells {AlQ ~ se~ aratcd ioto tbeir vanous types and sub-types. The wholedassification of human (ano now other a nimal) cell rurface antigens using the ·CO" which stands ror cluster designa don, nomenclalure has relied very heavily on the use of ftuores cellt celJ malysis. !he resulrs froro the ana.lysis, carried out in.many laboratories. on panels of monclonal anobad ies are used tu duS[er these antibodies in [O grou ps with similar reactivities. and provided thisdusteringseerru [O be statistically robust, an internacional cornmittee author1ses thedesignation ofa c1usterwith a new sequential numbe¡' in the CD series !e.g, COl , CD2, CD3 etc.), Although many peopLe no..... com.monJy rerer to the antigcns by the en n:une, the original designadon was ofgroups ofantibodies. Thus 'antiCOI antibodics', for examplc. is Ilonsensical in !he purest sense since t be cluster ofantibodies iseD', and the antigen ¡s thatwhich is recognised by the COl c:Iuster ofantibodies.
In vivo uses of recombinant and monoclonal
anti bodies Again, the uses of antibodies iti vÍ\'O rely heavi1y on thei}" great spedficity for antigen. lt is sometimes easy to forgerwhen dealing wich uses of monoc.Jonal antibodies in víva thatourown antibodies playa major role in our natural immunesystem in protecting us fromlnfectionby killing pathogens and by removing barmful antigens from our system. Hov.'Cve.r, despite this obvious role fur antibodies, there are. in fact, only a few therapies currendy in use whicb exploit mOlloclonal antibodies ror these properries. This is largelydue to fue commerdal. practical ano also eth ical considerations ¡nvolved in developing antibody therapies.
Itis an enormous ly expemive a,ud also a time-consuming undertaldng' ro get even a single antibody through clinical trials and regulatory approval for wide..pread commercial sale and use. The situation is ñn:ther coruplicated ifaccepted, cxistingtreatments are a lready in use. Thus, polyclonal human IgG is manufacture
torso a three-dimensional image can be buill up as a computer roodel showing exactIy where the labelled antibodies are sequestered. There are many problems with this tcChuoLogy: for example. ror antibodies of moderate affinity only a fraction will bcCOffif: localised lo antigen with therest remaining llnbollnd. Abo, sorne 3ntibody will bf: taken IIp non· specifieally by so m e tissues or ('ven speci.fica lly through Fe receptors and also receptors for carbohydrate. Qne way rouad this is ro image two anobodies with different isotopes. Que antibody will be choscn to be spedfic for a.l1tigen, for examplc a rumour·associated antigen, the other antibody wiU be a matched contl'ol bUl with no specifidey fur the antigen. The two images can be subtracted one from the other leaving jusI the image ofthe specific binding. ln mis way. the antibody appears 10 be more specüic tban it really is but it does provide a uscful diagnostic tool in lookingfor tUlllOllT melastasis and similólr malignandes. Cancer therapy is one applicóltion where rnost people a re fami.liar with the concept ofanlibodies as so-caUed 'magic bullets', aterro used to describe them by me popuJar press and on broadcastnews iteros. The idea is that the speci fici1:y ofthe a ntibody al lows ir ro target tumour ceLls for destruction. The problems hefe are two-fold : first, it is necessary to identify a suitable spedtioey associared wilh the tumour; second. the antibody must be Glpable ofdeliveringsome kind of destructive effeelar mechanism te tbe tumour ceLls. Tumour-assodated or romouespecific antigens are not easy to identify and the examples where rhey can be found are usually such thar a new anribody would have ro be made for each panent. lt is theo often the case that tumOUt cells are resL~tant tO killing by natural antibody-effecror mechanisms, such as through complementar processe'> tba l are triggered by cross·linking of Fe receptors . There have been sorne examplt!S where antibodies; seem lO be effec::tive al ¡casr in a proportion of patients with sorne types of tumoure.g. leukaemias ólDd Iymphomas bue there have been many fuilures in c1lnical trials. As an a]ternative ro natural effector rnechanism s in tumour ceJl targeting aud destruction sorne scientists have tried coupling other rox..ic agents to antibodies. Obviously. radioisotopes may deliver a lethal radjation dose lO the tumour lissue providiug there is a higb enough degree of spedtk localisation of rhe antibody (a function of the antibodies' affinity, half-life and case oftissue pe.netration). Qtbers have tried coupLing highly active [oxins to antibodies, sucb as m e plant toxins ricin, abl"in and gelonin. These work very well against sorne tatget antigens andforsorne cell types butrhere are still problems wirh non-spedfic taxicity ro the parie.nt versus tbe deg~ of turnour cell lci11. The other aspect is that the toxins seern to be bighly irnmunogen.ic and, in the medium to long termo provo~ a srrong antiglobulin response ro the antibody·toxin conjugate. As another a lternativc approach, enzymes can be coupled to antibodics which will convert non-toxico pro-drugs to higWy toxic. bu [ short·lived active drugs at the site ofturnour localisation.1 would .legue this is reminiscent ofhow the n.1tural complement system works. One problem with aH mese stratcgies is thar lhe degree. ofrumou!" localisation is critica!. lt is undesirable to have too much auli·
body circulating round me body and ttiggering non-specific toxicity in other tissues. lronica1Jy. natur.11 effector mechanisms have evolved to work under predsely tbeseconditions. ¡.c. an antibody excess. They rely mainly 00 a succession oflow affinity. but highcr avidity. steps to distinguish i.mmune complexes from free antibody. One arca where antibody-based therapics have had sorne suecess is in specifieally targetingeells involved in i.mmune fune tions and mus creating a state ofi.mmunosllppression. Antibodies have been targetcd at wbole populations ofeells. sucb as aJl Iymphocytes. at specifie lineages. sueh asT-IymphoC)'t5, 0 1' at activation-antigens expressed only by smalJersu~populations ofceUs. e.g.lhose expressing eerrain cytokine .receptors . EarUer strategies were aimed .le kiUing these cells eitber using natural a ntibody clfectormechallisms or through use ofi mmun¡; toxins. More recently, there has been a sbift in antibody therapy towards the use of non-depleting blocking anribodies. This comes frOI11 rhe real· isation thatcells respond to different signals and that the very nature ofme signals, e.g. whetherthey are linked [ogetherorindependent. can either resu lt in cells wh.ich participare in an inflammatoI}' reacrion or. altematively. reguJatory ceUs which can attenuate a response. Through !he use ofantibodies which are able to block normal ceUularprocesses, ir is hoped {hateens can be re·programmed in autoimmunereactions to stop reacting against selfand. similarly. che immune system might be taughtto accept foreign·grafted tissues. These blocking functions of a.ntibodies l"equire tbat they still are a.ble to bind to antigen but lhat they shou Ld nor activate complemeot or crigger Fe receptors on effec[Or cells. 5uch properties can be achieved by modit'ying sequences within {he eonstan[ regions of antibodies knowo to be criticaJ for individual antibody funetions.As .lO additional step 00 from [hese srrntegies. chimaeoc molecules are being construeted in which the genes eocoding Fe regiaDs of antibodies are combined witb genes enrodingdomamsofcylOkine receptors ar adbesion moleeules ro create immunoadhesins. These domains replace the antibodyvariable regian but stiU provide a highly specific recognition of a Iigand . The Fe regian provides the whole molecule with a multiple valency and .lIso a longer half-life. As mentioned above the problems with use ofantibodies in vivo is that [he developmenttimeand clinical trials are: procedures chatlastCor many years. lbus. many ofthe antibodies in !he finaL stages of dinical trials today are based on scientific ideas oC perhaps ten or more years ago. Equally. it will be many years before sorne of the newest ideas in labora· tary science today find theirway into me: ne:xt generation ofdinical trials.
23.12 I Further reading B¡rch.J. R. and
E. S. (cds.) (1995). Monoc!onolAntíboajes, PrfndpJe.~ ona
Appliclltions.JOhn Wiley, New York Capl'iI.J.D. (ed.) (1997). Antlbody Engirlooing. Vol. 65. ChtmicallmmunoJogy, Kargt!r. Base!'
Goldsby, R.A. , Xindt, TJ. and OSbome, BA, (2000). Kuby Immuoology. 4th Editúm . W1i. Freeman and Company, New York. ja.neway. C,A. and Traven. P. (1 999). lmmu.nobiology, 4th Edltion. <JlUrchill
Uvi ngston, Edinburgb. Harris, W, j. and Ada ir,J. K. (eds.) (1997).AntiPudy Th tTV~tks. CRC Press, New York. King, D.) ,II998). ApplicatiOIU und Engillecrlng ofMonodonal Antibodies, Taylo r and
frands, London. Male. D.. Cooke , A., Owen. M.oTrowsdale.J. ¡¡nd O lampioll. B, ( 1996).Admnced l",mwlOlvg}', Jrd Edltloo. Mosby. w ndoD,
Chapter 24
Environmental applications Philippe Vandevivere and Wi lly Verstraet e Inrroduction Treatment oí waste water Digestioil ofOJganlc slurries Trearmentofsolid W3$WS Treatment ofwaste gases Soil remediation Treatmentofgroundwale r Furtber reading
24. 1 I Int roduction Until recenUy. sanitacy engineering mOl1opolised environmental related industrial actiyities. Because sanitary engineermg gradually developed aS an offshoot of civil engineenng during the past century. emphasis has been on c:onventional engineering remnlques in which the 'bio' component ¡s Jargely ignored and dealt with.scochastically rath~ than mechanistically. S.mitary engineering ¡s weU established foro • the catchment. treatmentand distrlbution ofdrinllig water: • the treatment ofwaste water; • the treaonentand disposaJ ofsolid wastes (e.g. municipal); • the treatIDentofindustrial off-gases, Many of the conventional technologies used in sanítary engineering are, however. perfect illustrations ofMurphy's Jaw in roar tbey transform one problem ioto another ofien more intrattable one, as when water poUutanrs are nripped into the air or concentrated and dumped in tbe soil. EOv1ronmental strategies have to be conceived with respect to the <whoJe' oftbe euyironrnent in a long-rerm perspective. This integrated holistic approacb requires a detailed knowledge of environmental biology and, more particularly, of roe functioning of complex mkrobial communities .1he new focus on the environment as a whole and on [he deta.iled fu n ctioningoftbe 'bio' componenthas le
• acid rain and ozone depterion; • enrichment ofground and surface waters with nutrients and recal· citrant pesticides; • recove.ry ofreusable producrs and energy from wastes; • soil remediation ; • disposaJ ofanimal maDures. WhiJe industrial biotechnologisrs use we]l-defined rnkl'o-organisms to make products of pl'edicrable composiLioll and quality such as tactic aeid. beero!' monosodium gLutamate. enviIOnmental biotechnologists. on me other hand. stan with poody define
24.2 I Treatment of waste water 24.2. 1 Aerobic treatment by the activated sludge system The most widely used process to purify waste water is via aerabie biodegradation with the activatcd siudge system (sce Rox 24.1 for defini· tioos). TIte waste water flows through an aerated tank where tbe dissolved organic matter is mineralised . Le. oxidised to carbon dioxide. nitrare and phosphate: dissolved organk matter + 0 2""'+ newbiomass + COl + HNO J + H¡PO.. This reaetion i5 carried out mostly by bacteria whieh are aggregated in fI.ocs, abaut 0.1 mm in diameter. Mter areaction time oF several hours (municipal sewage) up [O several days (more concentr.lted indusuial cffluents). tbe mixed tiquor flows through a settling tank wherc tbe 00e5 are separated by gravity from thedean effLuent (Fig. 24 .1l. The con· centration offlocs in the aerated tank should not eJ(ceed '" g 1- 1 in order lO ensllre propersettling. Thesettled flocs (called [he sludge) are partly
¡¡floxJe tank
aeratad tank
settJing tank
wa&e_--lRr1~j[~t-"i----~j:~----tl-tr==t--,J water
__• effluent
al~,:::t::::~C--J nitrare lecycling
waste sludge
sludge recycling
dia¡ram oIan ~ujo.... ted slud~ planr ., bloIogi(;l.l ~itrogen Proceu relf'l(W¡j, Since thf rol'$( tllIk lunoxle (oxyrn-fr..), mk;m.orpnlsms use nlmaw Ul 0)(1di5e die orpnlc INtur te urbon dlo)(ide and ;ammonlum, Iflveby¡ nitraUl ro dinitrogengu (denitriflaltlon). ln me subsequentHDld tank. rasldual organk mauer ¡! o)(idi$ed with oxygen a.5 fle«ron aoceptDr. sm.,.lQ,neous!y, ammonlum;1 oxidise.d Ul nlrr.ate (nltriflGltion) whlch 1, thsl recyded 10 theMlOXlc tank. 1M miuo-organisms a .... sepaDIllcl (rom Ihe clean effluenl in lhe sett9f"\11: ank.
re-injected in the aerated tank and partly w3Sred. Good performance depends on the rightchoice ofvolumetric loadingrate, which sbould He in the range 0.5-1.5 g BOO, per litre mixed ljquor per day in order to ensure proper floc formacion and obtain 90+% remova) of dissolved organic matter. As one inhabitanr equivaJent produces 30 g BOO, per day 00 the average. witb peak vaJues ofloo g per day, aer.:Jted tanks are designed to haVl! 100 litres mixed llquorforeach.inbabitantequivaJent.
Aerobic treatment
Residual BOD Residual N, P Sludge production
Energy Aoorarea Reliability
Activated sludge
low low
very Iow
high high
high high large
very low high verysmall
sludge bullcing
verylow low
very small granule flotation
MaR, m~¡nbr.n~ biMtanOr, UASB . upJluw ;¡n;¡erobicj]udge bJankel ",anor.
The primary advantage of tbe aetivated sludge proc:ess, relative [O otber typeS oftreatment. is a good effluent quality. witb little BODs «20 rng ] - 1) and little nutrients «15 mg N 1- ') rem.aining after treatmento The precess sutrers bowever several drawbacks (Table 24.1). The biggest drawbackis tbe large production of excess sludge sinee eaeh kg ofBOD§ produces aboutO.3 kgofexcess sludge 5OHd$. This excess sludge is usuaUy stabilised in anauobic digesters. debydrated, and finally disposed on agriculturalland or landfilled. Disposal on land or in landfills is however becoming increasingly restricted in Europe and sludge dis· posa! is becoming problematic. Production ofexcess sludgecan be somewhat lessened by i.ncluding a carrier material in the aerated tank. In such reactors, tbe microorganisms will no[ form suspended flocs as in the acuvated sludge syslem butratherfonn a film on the surf;1ceofthecarrier mater¡al. lbe latter can be stones. in which case me aerare
flr;>c of mlO"Q_ org¡nlsms as they O-CCur In me mbced Hquor of actlvated lludgtl tanks . Note the prlilsetlce of l worm (Na& elingui5). which gr¡u;1!$ the f1ocf.Ctlvely. ThMe wonns could offer a vel")' simple and clepnl solutlon te me problam of slo.ldge disposaJ (cOlIneS)' of Prof.
frorn the treated effluent. In such asystem. separared sludge can be recirculated almost indefinitely in the aerated tank and, under tbese circumstances, sludge age i5 very long and exCes5 sludge production ve!}' low «0.1 kg per kg Bon removed). A second majar advantage of MBRis thata veryhigh Sllldge concentration i5 attained (up to 30 g 1- 1) which allows murn larger volumetric loading rates ro be used man in tbe activated Sllldge system.As a consequence, very compact MBR insta]· lations can be bui)t on a sma11 fraetion oftbe spa.ce required by an aeti· vated 5ludge planto This small footprint is very attractive to industries producing concentrated waste waters (BODs >2- 3 g l-I).
24.2.2 Anaerobic treatment of waste water Un til recendy. anaerobicdigestion was only appl iedfor the stabilisatiOD of concentcated organic slllrries such as animal manures and waste sewage sludge. The consensus was that anaerobic W
polYIIKdarldef, protdllJ, .••
biochemial rtattionl taking pbte in al'! ana.robIe: s~ ¡nnule. e.g.
In an IIpf10w anaeroblc sltldge blankl'll rucIO/' ueatinc wane watll!r. Thll "qut~ce ofrnaions Í5 thermQdynamically bvourable only na narrow ranCI! afv.:ry low H¡ ~rtlal
pn!uures. Growth closely
oopU!er of ¡cetollenlc and memanogenlc baC'l:erl. In a pilcktd granule make traflsfer of Hzllt
Iow partlaJ presSIXtS muen more effkient. SA8, syntI"!:Iphic lcetogenic !¡gneri~ MP8.. meth;ane-producing b:loClena.
The cwo LaUer groups are nonnal1y striclly dependent on one another (due to H'l cransfer) and are therefore refened tO as the metbanogenic association. Their metabolism 1S greatJy ennaoced by growing the anaerobk sludge in the form of densely packed granules which facilitare the transfer of ~ and other intermediare degradation products (Fig. 24 .3). The understanding ofsyntrophi5m. where sevcral anaerohic micro-otganisms can share the energy available in the bioconversion of amolecule to CH ~ and C0 2 and thus can achieve intermediatereactioru which are endergonic under standard conditioos. has be:en essentialin the rather striking development ofanaerobic digestion during the last has beell postulated that the minimum energy quantum fo[ life is about - 21 kJ per mol product formed or substrate converted. Applying tbe concept of minimal energy lO tbe femtentation of propioDare [O methane suggests that both syntrophs have to operare in a very nafTQW regioo ofH¡ partial pressure, pHl (Fig. 24.4). The conversioo ofone mole propionateyields > 21 kJ onlywhen pH~ < 10- u atIn, while the mi.nimum pHl value allowing the production of one mol melhane to generate - 21 kJ is also in the range 1O-~ atIn. Thus only when pR,t lies around 10- 5 atlll is the sequential conversion ofpropionate to acerate and acetare ro ntethRDe possíble. Similar conc1usions can be draWIl fur tbe conversion ofbutyrate to methane and also wjth formate instead of H2 as intermediate. The understanding ofthe nature ofthe 'symbiosis' amang synrrophk o rganisms is a challenging task and essential 10 the optimisation of anaerobic biotedmology. Mast anaerobic reactors treatingwastewaten are upflow anaerobic sludge blanket, or UASB, reac[Ors (Pig. 24.5). Tbe waste water eoters the reactor at the bottom via a specia1ly designed influent distribution system and subsequently flows through a sludge hed cansisting of anaerobic bacteria growing In the fonn of granuLes which set'tle very well (50-SO m h - I ). The mixture ofsludge, biogas and water is separated in the three phase separatorsituated in the top ofthe reactor. The major advantages of anerobic waste water lreatIOeot over aerobic.: treatment are tbe sma lJ sludge production (0.1 kg per kg BODJ, tbe low energyconsumptioJl sin ce 00 aeration is required and tb e small f1oorarea, typicallyO.Ol mI perinJlabitant compared ro 0.05 rol for acdvated sludge planls (Table 24.1). Moreover.. energy is reoovered in the fonn ofbiogas (0.35 1IT1ethane per g BODs)' The rateofBOD removal in 2 g BOO s 1- 1 ) since the large production of biogas can be used to warm up the reactor. A new reactor design has recently been deve10ped which ,permits sufficiently high tares to be attained even at 10 oc. This so-called expanded granulated sludge blanket (EGSB) reactor maximises mass transfer rates ofnutrients with more intensive hydraulic mixing and makes it possible to treat sewage anaerobicallyevenin temperate regions. The major disadvantage of anae robic digestioD is that on1y neglj-
gíble portions of the nutrients (N. P) are removed. due ro tbe small e.xcess sludge production. ltis therefore necessary to apply a_ post-tr~[ ment step in order to further remove these nutrients. e.g. via the sequence nitrification(denitrific3tion. The aerobic post-treatment stcp is IDO necessary to reOlOW the residual 8005 remaining in the UASB cfflu ent. bccause a naerobic. bacteria do not easily scavenge substrates presenr a t less rhan 50 mg 1-' while aerobic bacteria can easily lower BOD under lOmg ' - ' , The fact that nitrification requires costly aeration and that denitrrncarion requires axidisable arganic matter (which is degraded in the prior anaerobic step!) has spurred the search far aHernatiYl."! types ofpost-treatmencs. A very inreresting alternative. current1y under devela pment. uses [he Anammox reaetion (anaerabic amrnonium ox.idation). It was found that NHt was oxidised anaerobical1y Ca N l in the preseoce ofN Oi aeeordiug ro: AG0
- 358kJpermolofNH:
Thus by splitting the ammonium-laden anae robic efOuentinto two substreams, nitrifying partialIy one sub-stream to nitrite. an d mixing again the two mearos in a reactor where che Anammax reaetion would aceur. much less aeratioll would be required tor the nin'ification and no oxidisable organic matterwould have ro be added. The ful1 seale implementation of the Anarnmox reaman wOlud apen new doors rOT allaerobic digernoll because it would enable a cohereot sequence of orgaojc carbon to methane and organic N vía ammanium and nitrite ro N1 , Using this scenario, even N-rich waste water could be O'cated anaerobio cally at low eost. Direct: anaerobic treatmem of domestic sewage. either in t1te sewer or in low-capital anaerobic-aerobic combined plants, \ViII onJyattraa tbe inten~s[oftheenvironmenta1 indusuy provided ir offers adequate profit m;¡rgim. Hence. tbe cballenge is 00 locate in anaerobic sewagc treatmentopportunities for high-tech added-value engi neering. Two possibitities are discussed be1ow. Developmeotofengineered anaerobic graou1ated sludges (biocatalyst) Ccr tain organic compounds produced by the chemica1 industry (xenobiotics) are not degraded in eitber aerobic or anaerobic digesters blH are degraded in a sequential anaerobic/aerobic treatmenL Examples are organic compounds w:itb halo. nitro. or azo substituents. Ir may cake however several montbs and even up to a year in sorne cases before [he sludge becomes adapte
I'll"'ct!on A: proplooato + 2
H ~O
___ 3 H2 + ac:elale
+ C(h
reaction B: 4 H2 + CO 2
___ CH. + 2 H20
pressure H2
Interval whera l>olh rsoctiOlls yiHkl > 21 I<.J mor'
Effett of Hz p3rt1aJ the frH energy of tonverslon of propionate by ;U:~ (reattion Al and of the ,ubsequent tranúonnaóon by methanogens ofH 1 in':o metrune (rNcóon 8). Only In a YIIry rurrow rangl! of ti¡ pattI)1prtiSUnI (arotRl 10- 5 um) anl both r.) ctions • mermodyrumlClll1y bvollr.llb~e, i.e. Ihey bod! yh!kI :> 1 1 kJ mol- ' tr.mslormed. preuure
Sdlematic diagram 01 me upnow anaerobie sJudxe bI~nkl,ll re.ct.Or ext_ i~ely for
(UASB) Ulld
the trutn'Hlnt of tontentnted ....ute watlml in lempente regions and also Ior the IreU!TM!nt 01 Ul ..... (dilUUl ....aste wUflr) In trOpical ..-t¡lOIIl.
obtained. Becauseadapration ofthe association is probably a1so based on the proliferatioo of tbe right plasmids. tbere is clearly a nee;d for bctter insight in genetic evolution. plasmid transfer and species interaction in anaerohic communities dealing with xellobiotics, Another potential benefit associated with the largc-scale availabiüty of~pecial ised microbialconsortia i5 'biochemical re-routing'. Le. the inc\uction of desicable biorne.mical pathways. as fur example the dcgl'adadon ofmal· odol"Ous primary amines. anaerobic arnmonium oxidation or horno· acetogenesis. Deve10pment oC perfonnance-enhancing additives Biomass rNention through adequate granulation is of utmost importance in UASB [echnology. first in moer [O obtain a good eftIuenr quality andsecond. in order to ensure a mínimal ceH residence time of7 to 12 days wh.ich is required to avaid the wash-out of [he slov.¡est-growing anaerobic bacteria . Dile way to foster granular growtb is lO add palymees. cLay oc surfactants whkh llave aphysico-
24.2.3 Water recycling In view ofthe stead ily incrcasing shorrage ofwaterworldwide. me use
ofreclaimed wastewaterwill be all issueofgrowingconcernin the next decade. Since rwo·thirds ofthe world waterconsumption i5 used to irrigate cropland, thete are several illstances in developing countries where raw domestic sewage of very large dtjes is directly l'e-used to i.rrigate foad crops. Such a closed loop system brings about the possibility ofcontaminating the food crops witb pathogenic viruses orpriollS. Tris a majar challenge to work out coSt-effective technologies ro produce hygienically safe irrigation water wilhout removjng the fertiliscrs N and P. Anaerobic digest10n míght, in this respect. offer certain possibilitics. The second main consumer ofwater is industry. such aS the food. metal, textile and paper SectOR. These 5eCtOn ate cutrently developing new treatmenl systems enabling them to recyde thm waste waters in a dose
Waste WClter
lhe making of one toone of steel rcquires 280 lOanes of w"tcr, Efforts to recyde this water in coke plants via acoVdted sludge trea(meot \~re confrontcd by rdpid sludge intoxication wht>o m01'e than 50% ofthe process waterwas re-usoo _Thiswa.s due ro the accumulatioo of highly toxie ol'ganic compollnds, indicating the need for careful researeh on residual organics and e\ren micl'obial producUl givingrise to abortive metabolismo A great many textile wet-processillg plan ts are currently upgradiug thcir waste water tl'entment systems in order to recyde water. Because ofilie greatlyvariable chemicaJ eomposition of the liquid effluenUl, depending on the types offabrics aud dyes being processed, 110 two textilefactaries applythe same treatmentscheme to treat thcir effluenr (Flg. 24.6).
eoagu IBtlonlflocc ulation
24.2.4 Automatisation of waste water rreament plants Ar presento mOSl biological waslc trcatml!nt systems, eveu multimiWon dollarplanrs, genera1ly are operared 00. {he basis ofa few rudimemarYl'hysical pa'.imeters such as pH. d¡~solved oxygen (00) or redox potential. DO probes are used in activated sludge plants to ruinimise energyexpenditure tothatjustnecessaryro rnnintain a DO levelaround 2 mg 1- 1 in the acr-clted basin.Redox probes are used to monitor aounoniurn o.x.idacion aud nitratc removal in sequencillg batch real:tofS_ These control strategies fail bowever to ensureconstanteftlue.ntquaJity because rhey do nor detect yariations in load. !:Oxic shocks or process perfonnance. !be current control strategies muS[ rbereforc be supplemented with dynamic rnathematicaJmode1s, Le. which can siroulatc and predkl ttansient responses thus providiog flexible aufomatic control srr.ltegies. The u se ofdynamic requires chc continuous iuputofdata collected with oo-linesensors. On·line biomonj(Oting deviccs capable of quantifying tbe incoming load aud effluent quaHty. aod continuollsly transfcrrlng this information to the operation control system are currcntly being developed. One newly developed on-Une biosensor measures the BOD of rhe illcoming waste water and in poteJItia! toxicitytoward differentgroups ofmicroorganisms presenr in lhe aetivated sludge (Flg. 24.7). The development of other typeS ofbiosensorswould help lo ensure a more stable biological activity and therefore a more reliable [reatmento For example. it was mentioned above mar the occasional appearanee ofsmaU worms in acriv3red sludge ~LanUl ...vas very beneficial ro decrease sludge produetian (Fig. 24.2). These WOfInS do bowever disappear as inexplicably as they appear and very variable process performance cnmes. On-Line biosensors capable of following and predicting the popula tion size of these wOI'ms may help ro maintain their profitable activity. TIle samc strategyl:ould beemployed ro !>tabUise the populations of other very valuable wicro-organisms. 5Uth as bactivorous protozoa which are esscntial to obtain good qualityeffluents, orto show rile development oE detrimental micro-organisms, such as the filamcntaus bacteria which cause sludge bulking,
elean procoss water Thls
process flcw
diagram iUl,.I$lt1.tU tht state-of-me-
art technology cmplcytd In the textile industry lO c.onven la rge vol~m es 01 wastt W,ter Inte higl!-
qlJ;lWty proce.» wnerus,d for w,15l!ill&- ¡cuuri.", blnching. dyelng and prillt~. Biologkal tre.1tmenlS are cOfl,bined with physlcCKhemital treaunet1lf In orde r te achleve tlle requlnu:! purlty. Th e final biof¡ltnticm step 011
actiV;!.ted arbon. tombinlng
, physical sorptlon with in S1W necen;¡,ry to remove texic compoonds produc.ed durlng the ozoni$ation uep.
Slope measures aClivity
x mg acetate
Time jmin)
Respirogr.lm obalned wlth a biosensor useO to mearure on·n~e BOO and potentilll to,oclty ofWUle water befort II tllu,r$ lo treatrnent TIle addltlor. of ac6elte to an aenteCe o ra toxic oompound in the wau.t waler sampJe added in B. Passlble remedial actioos are (1) me additicn cf tcXlcanl-ntutralbing additlves In lhe nuln flcwlo me pblnt, e,g, powder activate
Digestion of organic slurries
Production oforganic s lllrries. e.g. sewage sludge or animal manures, is increasing in IUany parts ofthe world causing the traditional disposal schemes, 5uch as their appliGltion onto agricultural land. to become saturated. An increasing number of counmes are evenbanning these disposal schemes due to contamination ofground water. More environmcntally friendly treatment processes fOI: organic slurries suffer high cost and/or poOl" efficiency. A weU-known treatment process for sewage sludge and animal maDures is anaerobic digestion in completely-mixed anaerobic reaetorso During this process. about 50% of the solids are converted ro biogas. whlle che remainder is more or less stabUised. The performance. profitabiliey and biogas output of anaetobic digesters can be increased by co-d.igesting animal manure oc waSfC sewagc sludge with 10-20% solid wastes from me agro- and food-industry such as slaughterhouse. pharmaceutical, kitchen. fermentanoo ormunicipaJ wastes. Manyru llscale installations lIsing this co-digestion approach have recently be:en built in severa.1 European countries.
¡''!i .;. ·'··¡
I, ..
UAS8 reactor
mixed reactor
Effiuerrt treated
Organic slurry
Solid WdStes
Solid concentration in reactor(g 1- 1) Loading me (kg organics m - J'day)
50-100 2- 5 20-40 20-40
200-'I00 20-40 10-20 10-20
Hydrau1ic retention time (days) Salid retention time (days)
10-30 0.3- 1 >20
UASR, upDow anacrobic tlud!.~ bl;;.nUl.
The completely mixed reactors treating organic slumes are operilted at low volumetri<: loading rates, ¡.e. 2 to 5 kg organics m- l'day . because the pal't kulate organics must besolubilised befare theycan be subjected to anaerobic conve.rsions (Table 24.2). The tate of solubiUsation ofparticulate orga nics may be rather slow as in the case ofwastc activated sludge which takes 15 days to reach 90% hydrolysis. As a consequence, retention rimes ofar least 20 days and up ro 60 days or looger are used. Severa! new developments increase me performance ofanaerobicdigesters. Por exam ple. che hydraulic retention time in rhe reacmr caD be uDcoupled from thesolid retention fil U~riDg che treated efftuent and re-injecting m e salid ... in the reactor until the hydrolysis products pass through che membrane. Th is reactor design removes a greatcr proportion of soLids due tO th.e longer solid retention time and achieves this in a smaller(cheaper) reactol"'due to tbe smalIer hydraulic retention time. Improved performance can also be obtalned by running me diges· rion at higher temperatures nnce the rate of hydrolysis ofparticulate mattee íncreases with temperaNre. New insights in thennophilic diges. t ion resulte
Completely mixed reactor
Salid state reactor
Organic slúrry
50-100 2-5 20-40 20-40
Solid wastes 200-400
UASB reactor Effluent treated So/id COl1(entration in reactor (g 1l oading rate (kg organics m- J'day) Hydraulic retention time (days) Solid retention time (days)
1 )
10-30 0.3-1
UASB. upfil7lO/ ~bi<: 01udge bbnkel.
The rompletcly mücro reactors tteating organic slurries are operarro. at low volumctric loading rates. i.c. 2 ro S kg organics m-l' day because me particulate organics musr be solubilised befure they can be subjecced to anaerobic conversions [rabie 24.2). The rare ofsolubilisation of particulate organics may be rather slow as in the case of waste actlvated sludge which takes 1S days ro reach 90% hydrolysis. As a consequence, retention times ofat (east 20 days and up ro 60 days or (onger are usecl. Several new developmentsincrease the performallceofanaerobic digesters. For example, rhe hydraulic rercnDon time in che reactor can be uncoupled from tbe solid retention time by filtenng the treated effluent and re·injecting the solids in [he reactor until the hydrolysis products pass througb the membrane, This reactor design removes a greater proportion of sotids due to tbe Jonger solid retention time and achieves this in a srnaller (cheapel') reactor due to the smaller hydraulíc Tetentioll time. Improved performance can al50 be obtained by runoing the digestion at higher temperatures since the rate ofhydrolysis ofparticulate matter increases with temperarure. Ncw insigbts in thermophilic digestion rcsulted in the construction in Dcnmark of several large-scale therrnopbilic digesrors to treat farm manure. Being rnn at higher temperatures. these reactors yield a pathogen-free efftuent, unlike the mesophilic digesters which ofien fail to meet che reguJations in terms of faeca l pathogens (Fíg. 24.8). Several drawbacks llave, in the past, kept thermophilic digestion from becoming popular, for example the difficulty o( start-up and rhe sensitivity to certain stress factors such as NH 3 and H1S. 8entonite ciay can be used to rernO'ft NH 3 illhibiriOll. H1S, on the other band , can be descroyed by inj ecting electron acceptors, e.g. oxygen or nitrare in the reactor. Perhaps the major problem, at least-for sewage 5ludge digesters, is to minimise the massof N and Pbeing recycled to the main planrflowvia tbe so-called 'sJudge water'. Indeed. more tban 50% of the sludge N is hyd rolysed during digestion aud che resul ting recyde load con tains typically about 1 g NH: 1- 1 and mayrontribute 20% ofthe infiuentN load.
20-40 10-20 10-20
- -
---------- -
;"¡;;;;P"ho,,,' ,;~ M¡:ani!ms lIpan contillUOus
uposure to dUl'erellt temptr.1turel. l'1esaphnic reactol"l. trutiflg ."Ima/ rNnllf'eS or ~ i/udg« u 20-30 ·C ....ith retentlon of ont mOl'lm do na{
• ••
. Iimlnare me SalonM~ completely. TIt, tlItrmophilic
Víbrio cho/ent8
reacton, ron at 5S ·C, ,uccud ¡n IúIIIng 111 pathozens after 1 ft:w days' re~nóon lime.
1 dav
1 week 1 monlh
This extra nutrient load may cause problem s in view ofthe ncw, more
stringent. standards concerning the nutrient content of discharged efflu t!lln. This may also be the case for P as sorne investigators have found tbar up to 60% of the sludge-bou nd P may be rcleased during anaerobic digestion. Various treatments llave in the past been opurnise-d lO precipitare P chemica.l1y. The cost of mese treatmellts ha\le. however. prevenled lhem from bcing used in practice. 111e pH-controlled precipitation with lime sceros attrdctive bccause the tllgh pH may a lso serve tO removí'. me ammoruum by sttipping. TIle con auociatcd witb mE' lime addition can be greatly reduced by pre-aetatiog the effluene in ordE'r to fE'move the buffering capacity assodaled with [he alkalin¡ty. method can al50 be combined with dlE'additiODof Al or Fe salrs. preferably from a cheap souece suc.b as AlfFe-rich sludge ITom drinldng water production p lants. Still olnother metho
Treatment of solid wastes
Solid waste treatment js at present donünated by landfilling and incineration. Land.6Us are be<:oming less and less viewed as an oprion
SurvlYal tI~s of 'nriOUJ ~tI'Iog~nic: micro-
organÍlm$ ~ COlltlnocUS vtpoJlI~ (O difl'erern umper.illllres. MHOphllic tnClClrt, ~atlllg ~mill m:mlJreJ or ~e 1ludge al 20-30 · C wlln ~telltlo n tll'ne$ 0 1one month do "ot elimloale me Scfmontllo completely. TIle thermopnillc teactOrt. run al SS·C. $1I«;eed In
Enteric v iruslls
V/brfo chO/9ra9
ki'~ng d~ys'
all P~thOl_ alter ¡ lew relention time. 1 day
Asaaris. Salmon9//8
1 week 1 momh
This extrd. nument load may cause problems in vie.w of tbe new. more stringent. standards concenling tbe nutDellt cantent of discharged efflucnts. Th1S may aJsa be. rhe case for P a.s sorne lnvt!stigators have Found tbat up [O 60% of the sludge-bound P may be release
24.4 I Treatment of solid wastes Solid waste treatmeutis atpresent dominated by landfillingand incinerarían. LandfilIs are becoming less and less viewed M an opcion
because theYPl'eventtbe recycling ofre-usable products (plastics. paper. constnlcnon materials ... 1and theyare inefficient in terms of energy (biogas) recuperatioo. Moreover, landfill leachates and gas emissions pollute the environment. Likewise. incinerators do not allow material recovery though they may be designea to recover energy from waste. Incinerators suffer the d:rawbacks oC high costs (ca. 100-250 euros per tanne municipal waste incinerated) and moreover require very sophisticated and costIyflue gas purification systems to avoid environmental harm. An elegant alternati ve for the trea tment of municipal and industrial solid waste is currently makingits wayto themarket place. the so-<:alled separation and composting planto These are very large and sophisticated plants. working at high capacities (100000 to 300000 tonnes of waste per year). and wherein a bartery-of physical separation units recover tbe following materials from rubbish: • sand and gravel sold as construction material; • iron sold to metallurgic indl15try; • aluminium and other Ilon-ferrous metals with high re-sale value; • cardboard and paper sold to paper industry: • hard and soft plastics re-used ar incinerated ; • biodegradable organics transformed into compost and biogas. Thephilosopby oftrus new type ofmunicipal waste treatmentplant. of which tbe first are being operated in Germany. Ihe Netberlands arrd Belgium, is to minimise tbe non-reusable residual fractions which have to be land1l11ed or incinerated (Fig. 24.9). Since the biodegradable organ¡cs constitute ca. 60% of municipal salid wastes, tbe last item in the aboye list deserves special attcntion. The composting of these biade-grada_ble organics is alreadywidely applied in regioTIS where this waste fractiol1 (the vegetable. fruit, and garden waste al" bio-waste) is selectively callected. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste is composted ei!her ae:robica11y or anaerobically. While aerobic composting is a well-knOWIl technology arrd has traditionally been applied. recent developments in anacrobic composting are conferring severa\ advantagcs to this ncw tecimol agy. making it increasingly attractive and increasing steadily i [S market share (Table 24.3). Different environmenta! companies cornmerdalise various designs of anaerobic digesters ofsolid waste. differing in terms of: • solids concentration in the reactor (from 50 to 400 g \-1): • temperature {from mesophilic, at35 ~C . to thermophilic, at 55 oC): • l1umber 011 stages (olle or two). One roch design, tbe DRANCO process (Dry Anaerobic Composting), uses thermophilic temperature (55 °q at high solid concentration (200-400 g 1- 1) in a one-stage fermentatiOll. It is in faet a similar process ro that taking place in landfills, with the difference that it is carried out in a dosed reactor under wcll-controlled conditions and at a rnuch greater reactionrate. The very high reactionrates attained make itpossibIl" to complete !he digestian process in two weeks (Table 24.2) instead of20 years as in landfills ..Key to tbe process is the high temperature and
Oostd ,..a.c::wr uscd fortllt an.atrobic bIoIogical COM'lM'slon of ¡'uo blogas (mbC!urt ofme.thanc and
.. - ~-~_:'"~:!-~~l~~~~f~~~ ···;;:~m~ ~.
carboo dloxldc). Blogu 11 conven:ed rnw ctcctrlcal power whlch ls sakl10 [he nctWOrk. Th e plcwre Ill.Ktr;¡tcs a p/lInt in Salzburg. Al.KtrIa, trenlng 20000 wnncs blcwastc annuaRy "";th ~ single-phue them'ophlW c so lid SQce fennen!;lltion process. T he con~yor bek In che roreground transpon! the shred
intense mixing through reciTCUlation aUowing much higher reaction rates and the feeding of [be solids directly in the reactor without addi· tion of dilution w;:¡ter (Fig. 24.101_ Wet processes, on the other hand, require dilution wa ter in arder to feed a slurry in the reactor. This has the drawbacks ofhigher water usage and much larger reactor volumes. Because mechanical agitation is nor possible in the dry process, [he outpur of the reactor is recyded several times, with additiOD of fres h feed materia) ar eac.h passage (Fig. 24_10). This recyde loop ensures adequate mixing and inoculation ofthe feed material. lbe humus end-product has proven an excellenr soil condirioner, superior to conven.rional aerobic composts in terms ofplant germination and yield. The reason is that aerobic composts may be phytotoxic due to their high sa1tcontent. while anaerobic composts contain much
Floorarea Energy balance Odours
Aerobic composting
Anaerobic compostlng
60 € /tonne wet large consumes energy
€ftorm~ wet small produces energr' noproblem
Quality frnol composr Salt corrtent
high (toxi<:)
p re~t
.'ro'ortS; • 600 kWh ~nergy '" produceod in (h~ fonn Ofbi<Jt(.l! ~r tonn~ """" bin-w:..,¡o.'; UPQt\. ooOlbaflion in a gas motor with Jl'l'. cl<'Ctrical O(lI\V<1~!OIl. j( produces 200 kWh elecoidty.
less salts due ro the fact thatabout half ofthese are eliminated with the water in tbe filter press (Fig. 24.10). Morcover. anaerobic composts confain ful' few~r weed seeds and microbia! patbogens compared to aerobic composts. TIle market value of composts is however low and special post-treattnents should be sought for targered <tpplications. The latter can be achieved by adding beneficia! m:iaCKIl'ganisms such as Nfixing and planr gtOwth-promoting bacteria, mycorrruzae or biocontrol The restoration ofpolluted soils can abo benefit frOID compost addition as this can se~ eithe.r as a source of inoculum and nuttients for the degradation ofxenobiotic compoundsor as an org.mic matrix promotingthe binding ofxellobiotics.
24.5 I Treatment 01 waste gases Waste gases poUuted witb a wide variety oforganics - most ofthem at the ¡..¡.g m- J level or below - are ¡nherent to domestic and industlial activities. In tbe coming years. air pollution control in general, and odour abatement in particular, will become ofincreasing importance. BiotechnologicaJ cleanup ofwastegases, of odoucs and of¡n·houseair is an area undergoingfuU development. The focal pointofthis technology is the possibitity of growing and maimaining organisms capable of removing a wide spectrum ofpollutants even at the extr'enlely low concentrations atwhich theyoccur in tbe gas phase.
24.5.1 Removal of volatile organic compounds (YOCS) Conventional physiro
Land 11 gas Dranco digester
Pratraated biowaste
." ...~ Electricity
2450 m3
¡ Waste heat
Aeroblc maturation
Filter prass
Biofilter Centrifuge
l.... -
C.leaned !alr
[--- Polluted air
Steam 10 pump
Waste heat Process f10w dlagro.m ohhe aOilerobic: composting plant tTe3ting 20000 tonnes biowaste per year in Kaisen;lautern, Austria. Thewa.'lte isdirectJy fed in 'solK:! ~tate' (3OOg so&ds 1- 1) one-stageanaerobic digester, maintainedu55 oC, wherein eaeh tonnewetW'aSte prodIKes ca. 150m3 biogas{60%methane). The biogOlS i:; converted tosteam towarm upthe digester ;¡ndto electriclty In a ea.s englne. Waste hllat from the motors i~ re-u:>ed to evapor.lte tha waste water generated during the mechanical dewatering ofthe digested p3.!>"te. Dewnered paste (500IlS0\ids 1- 1) i:; subjected toa short( 1-2 weeks) aerobk pon-treaonent ylel dlng a humus-like material The varlous points where odours are produced. e.g. the aerobic post_componing. are ventilated and the wane air Is treated In a biofilter where vol~tile organic co mpounds are renK.>ved.
to waste a lOlor energy and creare secondary pollution. Pollutant concentrations in industrial emissions, for example. are. of the order of 100 ml m-O. To burn these gases in an incinerator. at least 50 litres methane need to be added per m l in order to ensure complete destruction. A bioreattor mayo in most tases. achieve the same oxidation provided thc VOCs are brougbt in close contact witb degradative microbes. 0l' lizO and nutrients. Biodegradation. rates vary with me pollutant being degraded: • quicldybiodegraded: aleaboIs. ketones. aldehydes. organic acids. organo-N: • slowlybiodegTdded: phenols. hydrocarbons. soIvents (e.g. chIoroethene): • very sIowlybiodegraded: poly-halogenated and poly-aromatic hydrocarbons.
r--- Wate~
Support material
Wasteair -
- jU Humldlflor
Bioscrubber Clesn sir
Nutrients. pH control l
Activated s tudge
t t
Waste al r Spray chamber
Compact wast e wate r treatment
""" Despite [he broad spectrum ofairpolluta.nts amenable to biofiJter [reatment, the introduction ofthis new technology is slow. perhaps because its low cost does not ensure h.igh profit margins and because m e physico-chemical air pollution conu"Ol indu stry is well entrenchcd. Various types ofreactor designs are used to treat air biologically (Fig. 24.11).ln biofilters, contaminated air flows slowly tbrougb a "Wetporous medium - compost, peat. orwood chips - which support Jo degl
Blofilters and are use<:! lO remove volatl1e orgJnic tompounds (VOCs) from w¡u;te g¡¡se~ via blo!ogltal meólns. Blofilters ;are simple. robusto 3nd cheap. bue ~qul~ llarge fIoor arel. B-iosc rubberl rely on dasskal waste water treaonent proce$ser ("ttva«d sludg,e or trickling filter) after ~avtng tTlnsf~rred th~ polluunu from a gllseoU$ 51ream te in aqueous phue In a Krubl>er. Bioscrubben lre mo~ I~ble lO proc:en opt!n,isulon ilIld requlrt ~u floor arel than blofllters. They are h~r more cosdy an d are len effidem al rerr.ovlnl poorty ,oIl1ble VOC~ e.l. h)odroarbom. bios~ru bbers
Scr ul)ber
EHltloIint ¡II.
gaseous stream to a liquid stre.un by spraying a liquid in a chamber lhough which the gas is a bio-scrubber. the sprayed liquid i.s a suspension of micro-organisms which cyclcs back and fortb between thespray chamber and a waste water treatment unit where biodegrada· tion takes place. !b(> process parameters 5uch as adequate nutrient supply aod pH are muen more easi ly controlled (in tbe circulating Uquid) than in a biofilter, leading to fast reaction rates, While biofilters require alarge footprin t since their heignt preferably should not exceed 1 m in order to avoid clogging, bioscrubbers require muen less space because the tank where biodegradation takes place can be severa] metres high. Bioscruhbers appear best suited for large air f10ws because oftheir low bade pressure and small size. They however can be employed onIy for che removal ofgases which aresufficiendysoluble because the mass transfer rate in a spray chamber is less man thatattainable ina biofilter unit. lo case the obtained contaminant concentration in the outler gas is too bign, a second bioscnlbbcr inoculate
24.5.2 Biological removal of sulphur and n¡rrogen compounds from flue gases .. SotlO;! elemenml S
A newly develope d bloprocess Ior the t.imultancoul desulpt.....ri~don iUl
produce, Th. s~u'mtlal
from flue gases
neps al"fl solubilisatÍOll In a scrubber, N ren'l0V31 ina tlloreactor. w lphite reducrlon to
sulphide in a UASB reilctor. sulptllde partial ox1datlon 10 eI~en~1
S'ln a submerged oltic
atLlched biofllm reacto r and Il'lcavery of solid sulphur, The l;quld phne ts contll'llJOYSly ~",,",.
Ni trogen oxides (NO.el and sulphur d ioxide fS02) are majar aiT poll utants tbrmed during tbecombustion ofroal and oil and released in flue gases. 1'here is considerable mterest in tbe development of an ef:ficienl and low-cost biotechnologyfor the simultaneous reruqval ofthese ah pollutanu. since convcntional physico-chemical technologies areeitbervery expensive or inefficie nt. Anew system is currently being propase95% S02 and > 80% NO" dissolve in a solution of NaHC03 and Fe{II}-EDTA (tbe ¡attce compound seems to raise m e solubilit:y of NO". me bottleneck of tbe process). The S- and N·laden solution is regenera~d in tbrce sequential biological stcps (Fig. 24.12). TIle first step consists ofan anoxic reactor wherein NO i.s ronvetted toinertN~ gas via biological denitrification:
2 Fell{ED'TA) (NO) + electron donar -. 2 Fell(EDTA) + Nz + COl + H ~O Anelectron donar. e.g. methanol oretbanol. needs to be added inomer to sustain the reaction. In tbe two following Steps. fl:¡SOJ is sequentially
reduced biologically to ~S and finally partially re-oxidized to solid ejemental sulpbur: ~SO,+3~ --+ ~S+
H2S+3 ~O
YI O~ --+ So + HzO
The rrouction ofH~SOJ takes phlce in a UASB reactor (Fig. 24.5) seeded with sulphale-reducing bacteria. Rocculant polymers are added, logether with fue necessary nuttients a nd reducing equivalenu (ethanol or 1\) to adj ust tbe (BOD ¡ HZSOJ) molar ratio at a value of one. lo the third bioreactor, ¡¡erobie bacteria oxidisesulphide back tosolid SO (end-product). TIte further oxldation of S ~ lo A!S03 and H]S04 is prevente 99%)via sulphide precipitation.
I Soil remediation
Oneofthe major problems facing tbe indusmalised world roday is !he contaminalion of solls, groundwater and sediments. The total world hazardous wasre remediation market i5 approximarcly US $16 billion pe.r year. Thcre are al least 350000 concaminated sites in Westeru Europe a lone and ir may cost as much as US $400 billion to dean jUSt rhe riskiest ofthese sjtes O\'er rhe next 20--25 years . The mast COffimon contaminants are chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons. polychlorobiphenyls and metals. BioremediatioD, i.c. the use ofmicrO-Ol'ganisms ro degrade or detoxifY poUurants. is becoming incrcasingly lLsed mostly in cases ofhydrocarbons pollurions. However, bioremediatiOll is nor yet universaUy undcl'stood 01' trustcd by those who must approve ofits use and its suocess is stil1 3n intensively debated issue. Qne reason is the 1ack of predictability of bioremediation, due to insufficient information on: • bioavallability. Le. how ro obtain good (ontact between contaminanf molec::uJes .:md micrO
The kinetics of biodlgndulon 01 pollu&lf\tS 111 wil S)'stems are lGually firn: order. wt1lch mfltnS th31 ¡he rate of
wbstnU! dJ~e Is proportion:.d to the substntll! COl1CfllltnTion (curre AJ. Wich fint order Idnetics, the h¡lf·flfe defines the time duringwhich half of ttHI! subscratt is de&r.K!ed. Flrst order kineóo:., o«ur when me substrau t:onC:Cflll"
che affll"l
........ ; ... '11(
A: first order kinetics B: zero growth C: g rowth-linked
Bio-stimulot!on, I.e. to stimulate the mkn:rorganisms a/ready present Add nutnents N, P Optimise the chemical make-up for 'Fertilise' o il slicks at sea (EXxon Valdez balanced growth spill in AIaska)
Add co-substrates
Pollutant 15 degraded by an enzyme InJed methane lo degrade intended 10 process the co·substrate trichloroethyjene in aquifers
Add e lectron
Oxidation o f organics in graundwater typically ¡imited by poor solubility of
Bioventing of aquifers (air injection) or addition o f nitrate
0, Add sunactants
H)'drocarbons and norKlqueous phase liquids (NAPls) are not available to micro-ol'ganisms
Bio-ougmemC1lion, Le. ro (re)imroduce microbiol cultures grown in Add a pre-adapted Certain sites ma)' not cOntain strain adequate micro-organisms to degrade pollutants
Add pre-adapted consortia Add geneticalty optimised strains
Adding o;urfactants will disperse the hydrophobk compounds in the water phase
me labaratory Inoculation of soils and waste water treatment plants YJith c:hloroaromatic degrade rs
The presence o f the right combination of micro-organisms is ensured
Seed sediments with PCB-dechlorinating enrichment cultures
Exlsting degradation pathways may
ConstnJetion of sirains effecting complete simultaneous oxidatioo o f chloro- and methyl-aromatlcs
release dead-end 01' toxic intermediates
Add genes packaged Genes encoding fo.- desirable in a 'leCtor functions are transferred into mi(T'l'".).-organism5 already present
Degradation of PCBs or pesticides
24.6. 1 Biostimulation and bioaugmentat ion tbe micro-organisms capable of biodegrading pollutants are usua lIy already present in cootaminatoo soils and groundwater. Thus, in the vast majority of cases. bioremediation of soils 01' groundwater will occlttsa tisfactorily by stimulating the micro-organisms already in place with the required nutnents or other fdctors(biostimu1ation). Thu5, oil spills
any advamage from the breakdown of (he pollutant. tbjs ructian is caUed co-metabolism. lnoculatiOD witb specific populations af mÍ([(X)rgarusms (bloaug· mentation) may be advantageous in cenain poUuted ~;tes. for example wh en the pollutant is a complex tDolerule which can be broken down only by a particular combination of very sped6.c micro-organisms (caUed a consortium). Such pollutants indude polyaromatic hydrocarbom (pAHs). halogenated organic compounds, certain pesticidcs. explosives such as trinitrotoluene (TNT). polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs). e tc. Proper conditions and appropriate microbial strains have been fuund that affect biodegradation of these compounds in laboratory setups. For exalllple, the degradation ofsimple chlorinated aromatics in soils and waste water treatmem plants can be accelerated by inocuo lating purecultures ofmicrrganisms sclccted in fue lahoratory. More eomplex pollutants. e.g. peB. may require the concerted Olctíon of severa! microbial strains. For this particular case, dech10rinating con· sorUa develope
24.6.2 Sail remediarian techniques A great vat:íety ofbiotechnologies are being used to treat polluted soil. In increasing degrec of complcxity ¡¡nd cost"o the most commonly used techn:iques indude: • in situ bioremediation; • landfarming: • slurry-phase bioreaetors. Insitu bioremediation relies on bjological c1ean-up withoutexcavation. It is usuaUy applied in situations where contamination is deep in tbe sub-surface or uruler buildings. roadways. etc. In situ biorestoration of pollutants is gaining interest since it avoids excavation costs and
produces no toxic by·products as is the case wirh tx slru physico-chemical o-eatment. Water is cycled through rhe sub-surface using a series of recovery and recharge trenches or wells. Water may be oxygenated by spargingwitll aiJ.' orvia addition of~O~ _ Microbi.. }c1ean·up by enhancernentofanaerobicdegradative activityin situ has received less srudy. The obvious drawback ofin situ bioremediation is tha t ir is difficult to stimuJate microbial activity throughour rhe contaminated soil volllme becallse the injecred watercarryingthe necessarynutrientsand microorganisms tends to flow through larger sail interstices . leaving substan· tia] 97%) can be obtaincd for soluble paraffins «C16) and poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) after several years opeJ-ation. Bioventing is however limited to homogencou5 sub-surface formations since heterogencities would ause the. alr to move through the mos! penneable. areas causing trentmenI to occur ouly in Umited areas. Another success stot)' of In situ soil bioremediation is phytoremed.iation.. Here specific p13nts are cultivated which accumulale heavy metals in the above-ground plant msue m: sfunuJate organic breakdown in their rhizosph ere(tbe zonc immediatelyadjacent lO the I'oots). While phytoremediation is clegant. -dean' and cheap, ils main drawbacks are that oo1y (be surface layerofsoil (O-SO cm) can be. tre.ned and rbat the treatment ralces several years and leaves substantial residual levels ofrontaminants in lhe sollo Pbytoremediationis however undergoing fuU development at present. Rcmoval of oil slicks by so-called landfarnling is 3n established method based on microbial degradation (Fig. 24:14)_ Given half·livcs of the arder ofone year, it would takc abour 7years oftreannent to remove 6.4 g hydrocarbon per kg soU down to the dean-up goal of 50 mg kg' l . This low-tecll technology can be.somewhatupgraded bymixing thesoj] witb freID organic residues (compost). Elev3ted tempE'Tatures and increased microbial diversity and activity iDcrease reamoD rates. Moreover speci.fic co-substrates favour co-mctabolism. Landfarming systems can be upgraded by including anaerobic prelreaunent_ For example, anaerobic tunnels are used [O reduce rompounds such iIS by adding numents and co-substrates forthe indigenous bacteria. In a second aerobic srage, che reduced metabolites are eithe.r completely mineralised orpolymerised and irreve.rsibly im.mobilised in lhe soil matrix. lbis approach has also been used sllccelisfullyto decon· taminate soils polluted with chloroethene and BTX aromatics (mix· tures ofbenzene. toluene and x.ylene). Sluny-phase bioreactors may achievc the sarue dean-up levels in
IIn., CroU41!(:DoRal view
of:l solid-pkue soIl'reKU)r', or landfarming system. The sol! is eX('aYOItoo. mixed with nuuients
aOO and evenfy sprud Out on a Uner: Wtth regular plOI.Ilhil"lg tO tmJt¡r milling UId .e<·uion. mlnerarrsadon of pecroleum hydrocarbons present al .,rtl:al concentradons af ten~ 01 I k¡- I folloWJ flrn arder klnetics
wltll a half·Ufe of ca. 2 )'Urs. umdnrmlng 1$ In IIStllblislled ~chnlque far me remedjation of hydroc.arbon.con¡amlnated 1.011.
considerabJy less time. In [bis case. e:'(caV
I Treatment of groundwater
24.7. 1 Active remediation 'Tbe predominant groundwater remediation sO'ategy in rhe US and has been the application ofrhe so-called 'pump-anCJ·tI'eat' tech· Dology. This approach uses malnJy physico-chemical techniques to remare tbe polJutants in tbe above-ground treatment units, via [or exampfe air stripping and activa te99%) dechIorina te tetrachJoroethylene present ar" mg 1- 1 in poUUled groundwater. Acetare was used as earbon source and electron donor and process costs were competitive (US $1 .2 per m l treated), !he UASB reactor technology is abo bcing upgraded wich granular sJudge combining both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. TI}e ·pump·and·treat' sU'ategy fails however to nchieve c1eanup targets in most cases and moreover I'equires long deanup times. Ofthe 77 pUID]>and·treat sites cvaluate-d by a committce under the auspicesof the US Nationa! Researcb Council (NRq in 1992. only eight had reportedly reached the cleanup goals, which in aH cases were the maximum contaminantlevels for constituents regulared under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Of the eight successful sites. six were polluted with petro/eum hydrocarbons which would also have becn elinlinated via naturnJ attenuation. 'Ole NRe CommiUee concluded tbat pump-and·trear me thods Wtle quire Jimited in theil' abilityto remove contaminallt mass fiom rbe subsurface because of sub-surface heterogeneities, prescnce offractu res, low·permeability !ayers. stTangly adsorbed compounds, and slow mass transfer in the sub-surl'ace. Even with the best extraction 'metbocls, very afien only a small fraction of soil·bound contami.nants can be mobi1· Euro~
Pump-a nd-treat
Th Il'puI"p-and-
treat' r"em
uses recovery amI I"IKhar¡e weJls
tnat 'wash' the &ro..aldwater tO tIle
activated carbon
ground su/"Úce whel'! k i l treate!!
strip colurnn
by ~ combmtlon of variOU\
physico-chemial ~d biological
teehnlquei.. Trealed water is reInlet:ted several time:¡ tO imFrov~ polutant recovery. Bio.1enclni. on che other on!y a contain ~nt techniql,lll. lt ~C)fls lsu
.Ir _ _ _
InJectlon well
recovery wall
water tabla
of settlng up ¡
ZOf\e, oontamin:mts are blodegraded.
zone I t
me down-gn.dient edge 01 a conClminate d groondw.llter area via ntJU1 ent ~i«lion. As impa.«ed groundw,uer ente("l the bioaa:r..e
... Z O
V> a w
InJection well
waler la~
direction offlow
olean groundwater
I polluted groundwater I ¡sed. leaving a large residual fraetion in the seU. As a result of this failure. remediarlon policy and technical developments are shifting towards íncreased lIse oflTlsltl/ containment practices. e.g. biofencing (Fig. 24.15), ratber than filU treatment scenarios. In cases where full treatment is necessary. less stringent cleanup goals are seto based on risk assessment taking ioto account typeofland use. Aside frem the much-studied genericcompounds discussed a bove in mis cbapter. there is a hoS{ oftoxic compOunds usually present ar U"3ce level and whose fate remains poorly studied. One example a re !he polych10rinated dioxins and finans which are fOroled as by-products of chemical syntbesis processes. ThE1 are alsoproduced by combustion of
garbage. waste oils, soils pollmed wüb oils, chemical wastes containing PCBs, and by vmous oUler high temperatl1re prcx:esses. Because of the high toxicity ofsome diorins andfurans, thesecompounds are ofmajor eco-toxicological concern. Ongo¡ng research and development has attempted to minimise theirfonnationin inr.:tner.nors and emission via tiy ashes. Yet, the biological breakdown ofUlese compounds in theenvi· ronment is of considerable importance. tndeed. they are often present in wastcs which are extreme1y difficult to t:reat properly by incineration (e.g. pollured soils and riversediments). Theyarealso ptesent in Oyashes ofincinerators which are depositcd in landfills and, notwithstanding aB precautions, can contaminare landfillleachates.
24.7.2 Natural attenuation and monitoring Several factors have recently generaroo a lot ofinterest in rrew monüor· ing techniques. Ofie such factor is the ract that remediatían tecbnolo-gies are ofien insuffident te meet stringent c1eanup targets. This limitation is making legislators reassess che target pollutant levels and making them consider the use ofrisk-based end-points in place of abso· luteend·pointvalues. 111e newconcept ofrisk·based end·points requires the development ofnew a.n..a.Iytical tools which assess the bioavailable rath~ th3.l1 the total poUulant concentration. These new rools typical1y relyon bioassays beca use the traditional analyticalmethods c;:muot dis· tinguish polJutants that are :'lva.i lable to biological systems from those thar ex:ist in ¡nerl. or complexed, unavailable ronns. Subjecting a poi· luted soil to a perlod ofinrensive microbial activity can reduce the toxicityby a factor of5 to 10. ThisecotOJCicological informatian can be easily deduced by a simple bioassay with soil leachatcs. One type of bioassay is based on me inhibitian ofthe natural bioluminescence of tbe marine organism Phorobacreriurn pllOS"pl!orezmz, which is med , for example. in the Microtox, Lurnistox and Biotox tests . Thcse assays are, howevec, not specifk since light inhibition will occur upon exposure to any toxicant. This li.m.itation is circumvented in a new class ofbacterial biosensors which are spec:i..fI.c ro certain types oftaxicants. Forexample. biosensors able to detect bioava.ilable mecals, were conSITl1cted by pladng lu¡¡- genes ofVibrlo fischeri as reporter genes under rhe control of genes ¡nvolved in the regulation ofheavy metal resistance in the bacte-rium Alall1gC'"l'S eurrophus. Theo recombinant strains. upon mixing with metal·poIJuted soi ls orwater. emit Iight in proportion [ O the COUceD.IT"d· tion ofspecific bioavailable nletals. Light emission is easily measure
pollution does not pose a threat to human heallh, mE' environmE'ntal reguJating agency may grant thar sHe 'monitoring onIy' status. This strategy sirnply requires .remate monitoring in order to foJlow subsurface contaminantconcentrations In situ. Remote mo nitoring can be carried out with a ground·penetrating radar which mouilors contaminant breakdown in the 5ub-surface based 00 lhe increase of solution conductaoce which accompanies the breakdov.'Tl of hydrocarboru or chJorinated solvents . Another technique used in remote mo ni(Oring uses genetically engineered micro-organisms which produce light in response to the presence of spedfic contaminants. As fuese microorganisms are a.ttached on a pbotocell connected ro a radio chip, the light signals are converted into radio waves which are detectfd ata distance. These semors can b4": scartered throughout polluted sites ro monitor tbe progress of pollu[3m breakdOWlL
I Further reading
Alexander. M.. (1994). Blod.cgrilrlatínn lI1\d .BÚIR'mediiltion. AGtdemic Press. Sao
Diego. Raveye, Ph., Block.J..c. alld Goncharuk, V. V. (1999). mOOI'llI!
Academic Publil¡:hen, DordrechL Haug. R. T. (1993). The I'nlctfcal Hundbook uJCompost Bngülurlng. Lewis
Boca Raton, Florida . HUTSt. C_ Knudslm , G, R" Mdncercy. M.J., Stetzenbach.. L O.and Wa ller. M. V. (1997). Manual ofE1\vtrolmil'l1taf Microbiolog. Amerkan Sodety for Microbiology. Washington. oc. Grady. L C.P_ Daigger. G. T. and Um, H. C.(1999).Biological w.1St~WuterTreat·
ment, 2nd OOUtan.Mareel Dekker Inc., New York.
Sayler, G. S.. Sarueve.rino, J. and Davis, K. L (1997). Blor;:dmoJogy i1\ tn .. SU5lacnobl~ Envlrunmetll Ple:num Press. NewYork.. Versuaete. de Beer. D .. Pena. M.. Leltinga., G. a nd P. (1996). Anaembic
bioproces.sing of organic wa~tes. WnidJ. Microbio/. Biotedmol. 12 , Z21- 23B.
Acetobacrerxylinllm. 322. 426
A,etone,34 A,mnon;um chrysogenum. 121 Acrylamide,-1S7 Adenosine tríphosphate (AIP). 20 Aerobic m icro-organisms. 29-32 ellergy production, 29 Aflinity d lJ"Omatography using
antHrodies.524 A!roligencr lall/5 PHA, 328
Aldolases. 423, 424 l -Amino acid dehydrogeuase. 421 Amino acids. see ¡¡1m ~p~,!jir names L-aspart;He,300-1
immobifued cells for 'producrion af. 301 biatin, use Dr. 287 enzyTIles use or, 426-7 flux analJ5u;. 2S5 fl1nctionrugenomiCS . 285 L-gltltarnate. 284. 285-9 prududiun plant, 288 prod lIctian proces~. 287 procluctlon straim. 286 l-lysinc. 283. 289- 93 ¡)"Sine blosynthcsis. 289 Iysine e;'(porter, 291 Iysiue synthesis, 290
production prOCess. 293 production strnins. 292 ul,ukets, 282 L-phellylalalline, 296-8 production :2roc~s, 297-1! production straJnS, 297 recombinant te<:hniques. 284 strain developml'nt, 284 L-threornne, 294-6 produ~tion
pruce5s, 296
pnxiU~l'r strains, 294-5 rubstr.ate uptlke , 295 L-tryptophan, 298-300 produ~tion from precw:rors, 299 tryptophan synthase, 299, 300 tUleS of, 282--4 6-Aminopenicillanic acid, penicillin, 366-7 rr-1'un.ylas<'!s,88 Amylasl"!i, 409, 41 3 Anabolk pathways.22 processcs, 18-20 Anabolism. 18, 46 Anacrobk mt'1:ilbolism, 32 Anaplerotic reactlon, 25 AntibiQtics aminoglycosldcs.370-2 amikacin, 370 butirosin, 370
gentamicin,371 kanamycin, ]70, 371 netilimicin,371 sisomicin, 370 streptnmycin,371 tobraycin, 370, 371 analysis, 354 birn.:hemistry and fennentatia n, 363 biasynthesU:.351 cl'phalasporins. 364. 367-8, 369 culture preseIV
media farcell gl:Owth, 357 oils as s:ubStr.llH, 359 penicillin, 361-3, 366-70 amoxicillin,363 biosynthesis of ¡J-lactams, 365 ceEhalosporins, 363, 364, 367 biosynthesis and fermentatian, 367 enzyme hydrolf5is or, 366 pencillin G and V, 363. 365 penicillin fermentation improvements,364 penicillin tl"COVl'ry, 363 I'rnjdltium
chrysvynum. 363
prod uction of 7·aminocephalospor;¡nic acid, 368 production of6·am.inopenicillanic acid,366 raw mater:ials of carbono 360 r.lW materials ofnürogen, 358 resistance marker genes, U sales. 350 sca le-up, 355-6 st'rain impro\'~mt:nt, 351-3 tetraQ'Clines, 372-3
ArHíbodies affinity.512-13 chimaeric antibodies, 518 rnmbinatoriallibraries.520-2 engineering, 518-20 genes, 519 immunisation polyrlonal ;mtisera, 514- 17 adjuvants, 517 allo-immunisation, 516 antigen-prt'!;enting ceJls, 516 3ntigenic epitopes. 516 aUlo-immune response, 516 xeno-il11munisation, 516
Andbodie$ ({(lIIt.) monodonal, 511- 18. 522, 526 artlnity chromatography us ing immobHised illltíbody, 524 af6nity puritkation, 521
caneer thtrapy, 528 confocall1lieros(opy, 52.5 diilgnostic.~, 524 enzyme.J.inkedirnmUDoso!'bent
auay (01· EUSA), 524 Ouorescent antibodycell !iOl"ting,
S26 imaging.527 immunQ,ildh~s. 529 immunocytOChernistJy.525
inlnlUnoprtcipitation.522 imnlUllOSUppre5iion.529 phage display librarles, 520-2 (ombinatoriallíbrariE".'ó. S20
prorein fl'~ments, 510-12 Pv fragments, 511 remmbinant. ill vitrofinlli'w uses. 522-9 spedlicily.513- 14
T<el \.independent Ik:eU response. S 14. 515 structureJnd functiuIlS antigen !pI!Cifictty. 509. 512 (umpl~ment ~ceptor5. 507 (omplementarlty determinillg rrglons.510 cfJector runctiom;, 506 efl«tor syste:m$. 506 Fah(anrigen b in d i ng). 507 Fc (crySlallis.1bJe regíon). 507
Fr receplOrs. 507 h inge region. 507
cransvort receptars, 509 Antisense RNA rrauscrípts , l12 Aplotrlclliurn CUtmhlrn. 342, 346 AqU.;¡.pll il icity.499 ArdtlleogloblUfu!gidus.61 Ararhidonie acid, J.40, 347 ~-Ascorbic acid (vi lamin Cj, 322-3
Aspal"t;une,282 L-Aspartate. 300-1 L-Aspartic acid. 487 rupe:rSllhu ji_morí. 107 ¡\s~r¡:mllJ IrawnlC'll5, 321 AspEr¡WU5 l'!!dulaI'!5, 98. 100, 108 ÑJ'I!I'J'ÍUUJ nlger, 98. 104.. 120. 306 J\..5pergil!USOryzlU,140
Mpergillus Spp .. 315 Aspergfllus ftm!US.l20
Asptoglllus wrofil. 32..
ATPyields.32 Awwtroph ic mu tation. 95, 100 Bllcl!hls Ilmyloljlf¡¡~fadl'rts, 88 BIlclUus !fm~nifOT7l'l¡5. 88 BaCIll!'5 I'I1rg\l rmum. 321 BIldllu5 JtCurorhermoj'lhIJus, 88 Badil!'! subtllls enzymes.396 prokaryotes. 6 1. 87 Bacterial geDomcs bioin.fu[()]3tics,92
dat:tbascs (FIISTA and BLAST). 93 il'! $//lfO analysis. 92- 3 o~n readingframes, 92 B;!'(1.eriophagcs, 60, 63 Bak~r's yeast aeroble l'th anol formation, 31t1 - 4 ¡¡ir process, 378 bolrlc-ol'Ck moclel
dough raisi ng, 379 382-3
~rhanol .
rcd-b.1lch tech niqne5, 384- 6 knnenlatio n proces5. 382- 9 fiow scheme, 388 industrial pnxPois control, 386 medium.380-1 overflow metabolism, 382 pJ'OCe5S outline, 387-8 qualityparametel'li,389 si mu latioll offennentation proc~.382
sugar u tiJ iSed. 379 Vienna pl'OCeSs. 378 yield coefficients, 380 Olackbox.mlXh.'ls. 133- 7 Dio--detergents.409 Oiore~cto[s
airlill. 154-6. 180 bubble l'O lums. 154,180
design f('atures, 158-62 encrgyl nput, 170 l.Iuldised beds. 156- 7 ideal. 141-9
models, 129 packed bed CO huIlns. 157 photo, 1(;2 "1 sheareffects, 168-70 srelile operation 159 clc.;¡.n·ín·p I3ce. 160 d es ign a:spec1S, 16"1 GrashofDumbcr.165 heatI1!moval,l64
h~ 1::l'aIlsiB.
164-8 he.a t transferL'Oefiiclent, 166. 167 Nusselt numbc r, 165 powernUIJlbt>r.170 PlOlndtl number. 165 Reynoldsnumbc:!r, 165, 181 sterilisation·in·pl ace, 159- 60 stirred tank, 153-1, HIQ- l Bíosensors. "133. 434
Biosyntbesi:! pLimary membolism, 3H secundar)' metabolism, 35, 36-7 Biottan1formalions.471- S01 b iocatalysis in org¡lDic medi.l. 492 aqueouslorgan ic tv.'Oopnase system s. 496, 497
emulsions, 496 micro--ernulsions, "197 reversed miccl.les, 497, 498 very lowwater systelTU, "1 98 gas1,lb.ue n'.
confurmation¡11and srmc
= 5 transter ct'f'cct!, 488 pólrtition effi>cts. 487 enzyme mem brane reaetors. 485, 489-91
enZ)'mc reaetors. 489 ba.tch reaetors. 4 89 oontiouous reaCIOl'li, 490
plug Oow reacto"" 490 sUrre
481.483 crosTlinldngwil h bl·
functional reagents, 471
m uLti-enzynle 5ynems and ce1Ls, 485
5Upported mer.hCKb. 477 s upports, 478, 480. 4&1 useof1mmobilbed biocatalysts.
immobUised uon-viable cell systerru. 486 immobiUsed so lubl e enzyrue and suspended cell methods. 4.82 immnuilisf:d whole cdls. 487 lamee entrapmen I orbioCaLalysts, 479. '¡&2.484 screening ror n~l biocoiltaJ)'St. 473 metabolic pathway ~ngilleering.
47' protein e ngineering. 4 74 twcHiqujd phase bioconversion, 491 Biotedlnology
appl icuions food and agriculrure. 259-60 i:r.m5genk animals. 259 tr.Irugenic plant!o 259 medicine. 255-9 medical diagnostics. 258 othecind ustries.260 poly-bydroxylakalloall'S.260 lIantbau gu ms. 260 rompanies altitudes/c ulture, 26Z- 3 basic cowponent'l. 261 business p lan. 266-7 funding for Slart-ups. 269-75 management. 275-8 mar:ket needs. 261 patents, 278-9 plalform technology. J61 prod uClcompan.y.264 scientiliccreallvity.261 people,262 mategy. .263- 8 solulion pnwiders. 264tools company.;¿6t, drugdiscO"\'l'ry path. 257
eurobarometer 5Ul'V'f'yS. 5-6 investmenl corporale partners. 272 funding stages. 271 grants.172-3 private funding. 269- 73 pnvatein ve5tors,269 regional developmcul s upport. 273
R.eturo on Investmenl (ROL). 271
seeCl lnvestment. 269 mia U eompany su pportKhemes.
m stock mad<etand biott!Chnology. 273-4 tec:h nology transfersdlemes. 273 ~nture("",¡pitalists.
publieperce ption . I- 16 altitudes. 6 Borre¡iob~rftri.
2.3-lJ utanecUo l. 34 Ilutanol. 34 Campylobam:r jcjlmi. 61 CIIn4lrla anwrrtiCtI • •no
üllldlda WTellllla. 306 Candida Impkal!s, 306 Galldida ulilis, 43 Otrbon conllenlon coeftIciem. 43 Carboxype.ptídases.435 Catabolic palhways. 21-8 anap letotic rt3c[ion, 25 effcctOIs.24-S ¡lu("OSe degradation general eonsider¡¡tioru.1J -2 glyoxyiate by-pasli. 25 tJiearboxylic acid cyde,13-5 Catabalie reprt'5síon catabalilE actillatorprote:Jn. 40 utabolite l'eCeptor p rotein, 40 carabolite reprcssion. 38, 39 diauxiegrowth,39 CataboUsm.1 8.-46 and enelm'. 20 cONA. 95. 115 CeJ Jobiohydrolast. U5 Ge.Uulases. 409, 4t3 CentrifUg'J lÍo tl , .190-2: SI'~ abo Downstream processlnlo: Chaperone, 95. 12-4 ChloreUo pyrmoidom. 163 Cho/esterol oxidase. 431 Chromatin. 95. 99 Chromatograpby. SI't tllSO Downstream prcx:essillg adsorption., 206 affi llity. 206. 297 Oow.(h rough orped'usion. 204 bydrophobic interaction . 206 ion excttan¡.;e. 206 large-$calc.205 product fonnulation. 20'7 prote:i n $f'paration, 205 radial ftow. 2(H
size-exclw:ion.205 Chro.mosomes. 59-1>l. 95. 97 artiftdaJ. 120 bacterial.6O.61 replicatian fork. 62 bacto:!rial artillela!. 78 fungal.61 vira!. 61 Cbylllooln, 11, 125 Cit:ricacid. 306-1:S Clollil\g(DNA) lib¡·arles,76-81.H17- 15 Qoningve<:lDrs bacteriopbageveclolS. 77 c1nniog vecIOl'5 . ?ti eDslRld vector!;; 77-8 upression wctors. 78-9 general purpase plaliomid vectors. 76-7, 103 integration YeClors. 81 multiplecloningsite. 76. 77 pbagc ~tors. 77 ph a~mids,
M'Cre don ve<:lors. 80 shuttle or bifunctionalvectors. 80 singlestranded phagelphagemids \'l'cton.81 Qo:rtrtdium ucelcllldylldllfll. 8 7 Coagulation factor. 437 Codonbias.9 1 Cumamona~ IIdddoYomns PHA, 318 Coustanl volum etricg:rowth rate o148 Co","~OOcrrrlllmglutam¡tum.
Cosmid. 95. 120 Coupled. em.ymaticauay sy:stfm, 432 Crea tin ase. 431 Creatinlnase.431 Critica.) glucme uplake rat eo 139 CryplhaOOlllillm ro/Hui. 346 ON." chip. 87
DNA ligases. 67 DNA ~nger. 66, 68-9
DNA polymer.\se. 61. 64, 7S. 85 DNA shuffling. 88
DNA ternnolagy. Sl't.' Ce netie englneering rurtíng moLecules, 67 fingerplintingfpuised-field gel electrophoresis.82 fr;\,I\ment jolning, 67-9 nude:ie add proiles. 73-4 polymerase cbain reaedon (PCR), 69- 70 recombinant 65, 89
DNA tech nology(rom.. ) !K"lectio n and screening reco mbinants, 72-3 sequence ladder, 84 5cquencing, 74-6 Sanger procedure (Klenow fi..,gmenIJ.74 site-direc~ m utagenesis. 75 S6ual PCR. 88 transfornlation.7{)-2 Vl!ctors.76- 81 Dilllorphism, 95, 97 Docosahexaenoicndd. 34. 340 Dow1)5tn!am processwg.. 185 adsorptio n 10 chromogra phlc pmides. 203 centrifugad on. 1911-2 decanteror st'l'OU centrifuge, 191 disc stac.k cenuifugl'. 191 lllulti~hamber bowl type. 191 t ubul;rr bowl typc. 191 chromarography adsorption. 206 affinity. 206. 297 f1ow-through or pc1"fu~ion. 204 hydrophobic lnleractioll , 206 ioo elOChange. 206 ¡,ugl'-s<:ale. Z05 prod\lCl formul,aciOIl. 207 protein separalio n. u>s radial fIow. :t04 sizc-exclusion,205 ~'onccncration ofproducu, 195 evaporation, 195 cl'ntrlfugal force
CO nlilC[..¡:oDvcction.21)3
drum deyer. 208 Huid.i!ed b<.'t! dlyel·. 208 fre~z~ dryl'r. 208, 209 r.Jdiation dryer. 208 !iprayd~c. 208
[~ne micell~s,
sl¡e.ofcells.189 SOlid-liquid sepacation, 188 Doubli ng time ofU'lb. 132 Drying metbods. 208-9
filteraid . 192
Iiltr.uion.. 188-90 fiherpn.'ss. 189 membrane Il!ter presses. 190 rota.ry dnlm vacuum filt~r. 189. 190
vacuum filIen; , l89{lng agel\l~. 192
f10t.,tiOD .. 1'}2 bomogenisation oranimalfplilnt li5sue.I94- 5 ad~oroer5. 200 membrane tlluat ion cross ..tlow or tangential flow mtratioll,200 dead-end fil tr.U.iOll. 199 Ilollow-fibre sysrem. 200
bypcrfil tration , t 99 mlcrofilo-ation,l99 mode!i of pmtein precipitation. ZO:!
perslTaction. 201 pel'V3poration, 200. 201. pred pita tion.. 201 aftInity precipital.ioll. 202 heterobi functional Hg~ nd s. :ro:! homobifunLuonalligand$,202 Te\'el'lit osmosis. 199 ultraflltrolllion, l99 melhods (o"disruption of rells. 193 deying. l 94 heat shock. 194 high-pre:uuce homog"nlsa tion, 193 mech anical disruption. 193 l11i crofluidisation, 194 non·mechanical dis rupdon, 194 orga nic solV\!Dts ;wd delergen ls. 194 o,<;nlOtic shock. 194 ulu·asonication . 193 vigorous agitation witlt al.lI'aSiVl!5. 193 ofdownstreanl processing. 209 proce5$i n ~l'".U ion. 210 rclea~(' of intr.u:ellular compo nents.193
Etrecton positive. 24- 5 Electroll transport chain . 30 EleClrOIl·transpOrHOU pled phosphorylallon (IDl. 31 ELlSA technology. 524-5 Embden-Meyemol:"'Parn as (EMP) parhway. 21 Endoge nous metabolisl1\, 137 Endoplasmic rcticulum. 95, 97 En lller-Doudoroffpa~hway.
22, 25.
Environmental biotechnologies (l11'~1nic slu rrles, S4{)-2 anaerobic digc$lers. S40 a oa~robic reaClOrs, 541 sewage sludge digeSter5. S"II surviV'.d timesof microorganisms.5 42 sanitill')' t'Dgineering, 531 soil rem~ialÍon bioa ugmcDtation. 549, 551 bioavail.,bility.549 biodegr.¡dation ofpollurants, 550 bioremedlatioD, 549. 55 1 bioremt>diation of soiIs aud groundwateI~ 551 biostimul;.¡tion. 549, 551 te<:hniqucs.552 bioventlng. 553 In siro biorcmedialioll. 552 landf.muJng.553 phywremcdiation, 553 slutTy-phase bioreactors, 553 solid w~ncs aero bk oompostiug, 545 ¡m"'t'robk bio1ogical lDoversioD or biowasfeoi. S44 blog:u. 543. 544 Ofy Nlaerobic Com portlng. 513,
lalldllJls. 54:! scparation and composting plalll. 543
trcal meot of gro undwatcr adi ve remediarlon. 554 intrinsic biorewt'diation, 556 Lumisro:oc: te8U, 556 Microrox tests. 556
MonirolÍn)\ techlliques. 556 llarut31 a n e nuatioll, 556 polluted g roundwate¡ ·. 555 p um p·antl·ueat remedlalion lechnology.SSS ue:;¡ m l enU oEWlI5te water. 532. 534 aerobic !rcatm ent activatcd sludge sy~1:em. 53 2. 533 ~n aerOOjc. gr.mulated s ludgcs. 537 anilerob ic sludge b la ll keT IX'aClOr, 5J7 an aembic slud ge g romule. 536 an aemb ic m'al'm en! , 535 biosensol'5. 539 expa nde
BODs. 533 denitrifu:¡¡tion, 533 llitrílll"iltion, 533 m em brane bioreacmr. 534 wastegaK"S. 545-8 b io tlltm .547 bi ot1l 1ers and bioscrubbers. 547 biologíC"31 reman l Clfnitrogeu,
volatile o rgan ic comJlQunds (VOCs). 545 Enzymesynl hcsis. tli.'gt'ildatinn. 42-) dN~pressed , 39 ccllu lase5.409 induc tion.39 modificaooll ofcnzyme a c ltvity. 40-2 ac tiun ofeffecrors, 42 1<: ~'Il.backinhibitlon , ",,2 pos¡·tr.mscrip tiona l. 41 repfl'ssion,39 En zymes aClive sh c, 410 anim;¡] and pl;wt 1011rces, 393-5
fu ndamcn ta1.5, 398-400 fttdhack l1.'.press ion , 399 Imluction.l9!1 nutrient rep ression. 399 blLll(. =zym e.~ by vah ll'. 392 cJ¡(!ffiic¡u synrh es is. as p;u!ame ~yntll e5ls. 428 asymmelric,415 hydrolytic. 411.- 18 peptide syn lhe~ i s. 427-8 prodllction oh min o ~ d d ~ . 4 26- 7 p rodu lt ion ofhig h tnlt"t05e com syrup.426 p roducti.nn ofvi tant{n C. 426 sug~rcbt'misby. " 22~
dcrivati satio n ofsug:m. 42 2 syn th~sis of oligO'iilccharides. 424-6 Syn thL'Sis Ofsng3 r'$. 4 22 chi l'.il building blocks fo rsynlb es:is. 414
asymmctric 'yn theo;:is, 415 enantiom;"ric V«:e5~, 415, 417- 19 enantlose IL"Ctive, 41 5. 110 p rochi ral. "15 l'aCelll Ít: mixture. 415 res n lutio n by hydrolY!i is: irreV("rs.ible reanio ns. 415 n~so¡ lllion in organ ic so mln t:i; r~l"íI ibll' reaaions, 416 das~i lkalion . "11 enantiopurc compoullds, 4 U . 4.13 ~ter synthesil and lr olnsCSler:i6cation , 414 ft'rmt'ot:uio n prOCt'Ss, 396-400 fuod enzylll es by vallle, 392 [rom recotllbinantE. col!, 397 fllngal fermenlation. 397 gmetic eng¡n, <100-2 hyd mlytic.412 hydrolysi ~,4 13
hydrolytic en ~ml's in a rpn íe SOlvenl~. 414
immobili$a.tinn, 406-1 safety aspects , 407 s upports.406 techniques.4M L'>O la tion oE soluble el12ymes. 403 Iiltration, oI04 Ul trafil tratiou. 4()4 la rge-scalt' production. 396 Jegisl:lI:ive/sMt'ty, 401- 8 m anUÍilctU n:! rs of, 392
microbiaJ enzytnl'S rl'placing p lanl enzym e~. 398 micrubial soul'ccs. 395 prim'lI'ys tru cturC . 410 prod uced by Aspagíl1us"'S..... 396 p urific ~tion, 404-6 precipita tion, 104 separation by cltromatogr.lphy, 405.524 rt'COYely. 402-3 t'-" tracellular. 402 intrllcellu lar.40'2 N ductiOIlS and o xida tions. 419-:12 monlHJJo/gen ases. 4.20, 421 n ·ge ner.ltio n n t' co-lilL1urs, 4'2 \ $t'condary structure. 410 $lllLdirected mutag(!]l~ S, 4{1J sourccs of ...amylasc, 396 sou n:es of glucose homer~ e, 396 'pt!ci~lity. 393 Ll'rtiary structurc, 0110 tOlal turnO'o'ern umber (fCNI, 421 F.rythrupoieti n, 437
F,smtrlchiu ro!! c hro mosomes.59- 62 ft' rmeutltion , .ICCI/n _leTEnzymf'l¡ growt:b yield, aerobic/ana.erobic, 43 Ethanol.3
ultraflltrat:inn.199-201 Flo tatiOIl,I92-3 Formare dchydrogenase, 4 21 Fonnic arid, 34 Fu nga l gelloml'll. 99 Fun,gal a'lIls formanl$, 113 fungal n-an5form;atio n, 100, 102 ,lJGal actosid ase, 431 Galactosyl trllIlSfI'rase-, 425
Gt!neral mass bal;l.fice equatioru. '141- 3 GeneJ;, Sl:L abc DNA tecllnologyllnd Genetk mgineering doning, 107- 8 ~res~ion, 83- 7 fusioll k<:hnoLogy. 85-7 indlls!on bodil's. 91-2 i5oiation,111-14 database methuds, 114 mutant compiementation, 109-11 i5olation. 108-9 I:r.I.nsfer.70-2 bacterlal. 62-5 conjugatlon, 63-4 pbenotypes.62 transductioll,63 tran~formation, 63, 70-2 synthesis technology, 91 transcription.90 trauslation,91 Cenetie engineering, 4 basic to01o; cuttingDNA I110lecu1es, 67 joining DNA f;;¡gments, 67--9 ligation, 68--9 I't'ctors, 66
filam=-tous fungi, biotechnological 3ppl.icatiOns, 120-6
DNA introduction, 100 exprt'S$ion doniDg , 114--15 methodologies, 119-20 structUl'e,116-19 transfurmation protDcOls, 100-1 tnmsfurmation vectoI"S .10J-7 marnmali:an U'lls. 468-7() prokaryotes, 59-92 re5trktiolll'ndonuclease5. 65. 67. GB
C<:netlcally engin~red foods labclling (offood produru). lO-U palicy making. U-U publll' aw~~ncss.1 -1 regulatory requlrements. 1- 9 Genelkally modified (rops, 9 Genetkally mod itie
food allergies. 12-13 pollcn transEer (rom geneticalJy modlfied plants, 13 publleconcern, 12-16 sodal. mora l a nd ethieal issuei, 13-16 bJopharmaceudcals,14 transgenic animal5, 14 xenotral\~plantatioll , 14
Genotne,60, 81 -3,91 Genome fillgerprinting methods, 82 Genome n\anagem ent (proknryotes), 59-93 Genomes/proteomes an¡¡lysi5, 81 Genomic Jibrari es, 81 Genotypic methods, 97 Germline genomic gene rearr.mgemenUi. SU Gibbs energ}", 46, 52- 5 heat aspects, 55 neoedoo fur growth, 53 Glucoamylase, 125 Glm:ooeogeoesis, 29 , 30 Gluconic acid, 315-17, 487 GJuronobacreroxydons, '175 Glu rnse isomerase, 426 GluCDSf' oxidase, 431 Glucme-6-phmphate dl.'hydrogenasc. 431
o-GluCO'lidase. 431 Glutam.1te,283 L-Glutamate. 28... 285-9 Glutamic :u:id , 279 Clurathione S-transr~rase ¡Gsn. 79 Glyct'1'Ol34 GI}'I:erol'3-phosphate arldase, 431 Glycofurms. 453 GIy¡.:oprotcins.453 Glycmidascs.435
GI)"cosyl t:ransferases. 424 Glyco5ytation .452 N-Gly<:osylation pathway, 154 Glyoxyla te by-pass, 25 Golgi body, 1M Green't'.SCentprote:in, 88 Growl h yie1ds or m icroorgan isms, 43, 48-52 HoltlllOjlhibu Influeru:De, 363
Hansdl parameter. 493 Hepa titis Bvaccill l.', 437 Heterologous gene probes. 11.4 Heterologolls productS. 89 lielt'rologollS proleins
--- - - -
from fil~mentOUS fu ngi. 12-4 from yeasts, U2 Heter(Jlogous transfumlation, 103 H~xokinase, 431
Hexose mODophosphate pathway, 22 BomologoUJi n'l.'Omblnadon, 96, 103 Human ¡¡:rowth hormone (somatotropil1), 49, 436, 437 Hum¡1tl sc:rum albumin, 123 Hybridbation array technology, 87
Idl'aJ bloreactors. S« /I!S(! Bioreactors, 141 b'llch.143- 4 chemostat, 144 lim.lting s ubstrate, 144 pH-sta l,l04-4 t urbidosta.t, 1'15 eontinuoU5, 141 ti:d-batch. 146-9 constan l volumetric growth rate,
148 genera l mass balance equatioll$. 1<1
dilution rat.!!', 142 Idlopbase, 36, 37 lmmunoadhesi ns, 529 Immu Jloc:yt:odlemis uy, 525 lmmunoglo bulins. 508 lrnruunology, 506- 29 Immunm uppression , S29 lmpellel"$. l 53 IDdusion bodies,91 Ins~LionaJ ioactivatinn , 108 lnsulin, 11 , 89 , 123, 436.. <137 loterrertlll.89 lnterl"eron-:.Llpha, 437 ln terfuon-garnma, 437 loterJeukin·l0. 437 Inrrons. 96, 99 lsopropanol. 34 U
Kl'filtinocytes, -459 Kinetiogmwth and producr formation. 132 mass balances. Hl-9 mode1 structure and model complexlty,131-2,135 struclured models, 131 unstrocrured mode.b, 131 modellin¡-ofcell gmwth.13O--1 pA efTects on growth, 139-40
plhul.l44 t1!ffiperature \![fects on growth. 139-40 yield coeffidents. 138 Kin~ti cs assays. 433 Kkllsitl1o. pntUmonilll". 43. 147 Kle now fr.¡gm ent. 14 ~1u)l\~'~es lacris. lQ.4
lactlc acid. 34. 317-19 I..a.c!oroum wsei. 87 Leurononoc: rr.esenttft)jde3". 315 Linearr4te equadollS. 137 ,.Linohmic acid. 340 Linkage g roupa. 98 Up.ascs. 4'13. 473 L~,in{'.283.289-93
Mammalian « JI cult~. cel! Hnes aJ>Opt05¡~, 450 artifically constlllctl!d hyblidom:\ cdls. 4:S I cancer cells. 1 50 c<,U cyde. ,\;50 cpitbeli al cdls, 450
IIbrobJ ast5.450 cell45't commercia1 p rodllct.'i. 152-3 dlagnostics, 452 mo noclonal alllibodies fMAbs). 452 ion blood !erum. 457 large-scale.. -l(i'2-8 batch cultures. 463, 464 chemoslar.465 fed--batc]¡. 465 ~otna
hollaw-fi l>r~
culture syuems,
466 microc;l rri<'tll,462 fWrfusion cul tures. 466 at.'Uustic lllt\!r.466 mem brane tilten. <166 spin·filtet· dl'YÍces. 466 porous nlicrocarrier beads. 462 media, 4SrS mcdium composition. 456 !u'Od uct quality. 467 genetic engineering. antist'nre oligonucleotides. 469 dhfr sJ'teol.469 heterologous re~ombillation . 469 selectable markers. 469
n\l! la bolisrn in. 45&-62 ~uOOlle.158
gl utamine.458 in hibiti on by by-products.of61 llI<'tabolic cOlllpanmentarlon. 460 ove rflow metabolism o·!61 s loichiometry o r metal>olism and e nel.'gyyields.460 pharm;IC1!utic.a1 pro teiru, 452 prorcW glymsytlllion. 453-5 Malllmalilln ce lls. 437 MaS51ransfer coefftclenl.!, I83-5 equations. 177-83 Fickequation. t77 gas tliJn tr.msport. 178 liquld film transport, 178 gas-liquid. 180 Iiquid-solid. 183 axygen trarufer measurement. 184 srne down. 186 s(al e up a nd mass transfer 1116 rramfcr across lile ccll envelopc. 176--'7 Il'ilnsfer berween pbaJies, 176 traJlsfer insidea single phase. 176 rwo.fllm theOll', 178 volu mdric mas~ tr:m sfer coefficie ntS. 183-"¡ Measure ment ,llld control adaptlvc cono·ol. 235 advanced modelJing consideratiollS.222 arti.tlclal nl'm:al ne t:works. 223 ITO$$·validation Itthni que. 227 fu~zy expert sys tems. 225 fu~1.y rule system s. 22ol. 225 model parnmeters. 225 model validatíon. 2.27 off-limomeasul'li!ment. 226 olJoline measuremenu, 226. :.12 8-9
spedficO. t.'Un.mmption rate. 222 b;,liUlce dom ain, 216 Cilrbon balallce. 219 dosro.loopCllntroJ. 23 1 proportional in.tegral derivative (PIO) contro1lers, 231. 232. 234 kinetic ralc express¡ons. 216-22 Ziegll'rfNirolJi proredurc. 232 opt'n-loop ~ontroJ. 214. 230-1 performance measun:lllenf. 230
mass bala.llCC' equatioD., 2"16 model pred i ctj~ control. 235. 237 time hori'.!:on. 236 prOCe5s iden tificadon. 215 proce5s ¡node~. 215-16 process $upervisi on. 228 rtac:tion equatiom , 216 spcci.fic by-prod u ct COIl$Umptioll rate.220 specific by-productgeneratioD rene.
sJX'Cific growth rJte, 220 spo;.o<:ilic product developmell t
specilic 5ubstrate com ulIlpLIDn tare , 219 state e5timation. 229 5toichioffie-Uy.2J6-22 McssengC"r RNII (mKNA). 40-1. 83-5,
Mccaoolü: ftuxes. 1.13 Mela boLic processes. 20 control cilt:lbolic reprl!Ssion, 39--40 COUlpartmentalism,39 emyme ~Dthe5is. 3<}-43 meD.bol i~ !lux. 38 nutrient uptake. 38 Metaboli5m anal'robic, 32-4. 35 biosynthesis.35- 7 cal:\bolk path.....,q!. 21 cuaboLism alld enf'IV. lO deLlnitions. UI-20 g1l1coneogenes is, 29. 30 glyaxylate by-paH. 25 proces5es. 38-43 tricarboxyLicadd cyde, 23- 5. 26 J\ffI/¡ywmcnas spp.. 43 M~lhunOCOl:rus jannasditi, 61 Microbial growth. carbon conversion roefficient, 43 e.ffideuey. 43-4 molargrowth yie ld. 43 Mi cl'o biallipids ATP :d trate lyase. 344 biochemistry of oleaginicity. 343.
celluJar role, 342- 3 eiCOSarlolds.34 3 mttyacids de5aturaw.340 40 no me ndature.339-41
Mic:\'obial lipid s(cont.) fanY;H:if.Js (ccnt.) 5 polyl.lIl.'lalUrated (rufAs). 345- 8 pmtilcs.341> s ingle <.:dloí1s. 3-47
synthó\$c.343 unU lO ra ted, 341-2 lipid a t'C"U blu latioil.. 342 m a.liC"en :¿yme-.344
m iCJ"O-()rga nisnu as oil f./cturks. J.45 n u triúon al im por tance uf polyunsalul"ated fatly actds. 3<5
MicfObi;o1yi ....ld coeffkienh. 1311
Microfilll'3tion, 199- 201 Modclllng cyc.le. 1.29 Molar growth yie ld . Y., 43 MonOOonal an li bodies. 522--1 Monad t'qulI tion, 219 Monvd modeJ, 134. 137.145. 146. 384- 5 Mllml.'fdlo ,¡lpll1il. 346
m RNA.4o-l . S)- S, 112 Mntanll"OmpleruentalioD. 109 Mu tan l isoladon. 108 M,vroplusmllgnital!um,61 Mywrort11S ....arrtll ll5. 6"1
phosphoJipidll". 342. 3~ mle o flipid,J42 ~truC"rure, :!39 tri;lcylglyce r(lIs.342 Mi<.:robl;¡! polyhydrnxyalk.anoate:s (PHAI,323- 33
.!liOllOl. 330 biosynthe.'i is ofPHru. 3J0 bjosy n r hesis of PHB. 328 biosyn dll~!'iis ofPHUJV. 330 t"Ompvsir ion ofPHi\, 328 l"Onrinuom nutrientlim.ltation, 327 medica! appliCl lions ofPHIl, 3J1 nUl rient Ii mi tatiun. 326 PHA 1"l5eI"VI!" maler ials, 326 PHB gr.u m les. 332 physical pmperties ufPFlA. 3:.17 p la n ts a5 pros~di\IC so u rce$ of PHA.323 )lotyhydroxybutyf""te.326 productioo ofl'HA by rcco\nbin allt bacteria. 332 regula lion ofl'HB miltaooli slIl, 329 Mic :obia l polys..1tcharld cs a lg illate, 337-8 biosynlhesis.338 curdlan. JJG dextran, 335-6 exo·polysa<.:charld ... ~ (F.PSj. 323 gellan. 336 p rod uC"tion.338 pull ulnn. J37 sderoglucan. 336 xant han ,335.JJS-9 Microbial proresses kiuetio. 125-49 biocaU1yrt.486 e nzym e immobltis.ation, Jft I.lllrl~r .li.nlymCS rate t'xprcsslons, "l1&-24
Nested prim e!' PCR, U2 Neurusparu musc, 100. 108
Nk"l>llna lllide aden ine din uc1eotide (liAD). 20 rt'clu red NAD. 20 Northcrn blotting, 73. 8.J Nudcic acid p l"obe ~. 73- 4 NudoosoOle.~ . 99 N~t a tin . 352
O¡ tr..lnsfct, 1111,182 Ope.n re.l cl ing frame (OlU<). ?6 Opi'rOns. 61,99 b3ctcnéll ribosom e binding site. 62 kNA po lynlel
commen::ial applic.ations, 3 17 product r~:overy. 317
proouction. 316 itacon..icacid.320
koj !c acid. 3!4 lllcticacid.317 ;¡pplica.tiarn.319 !>acterial. 318 biochenlkil1 P;¡tllWa:yS. 317- 19 production o rg:mis1ns. 317-19 USe!ó ,321
mali c acid , 32" manganl'!"e and cilricadd pl"oom:tlon. :no
sucdnk acid. 324 tartarie acid . 3 24 ¡3-Oxid.ation cyd~. 23 Ol'idative phosphorylatiOI1 , 30 Orldo-reduClilses. 419 Oxygen. stt "IInd~r Mass m nsfe.r
l'alm il ic acid, 340 PrnlriU!¡¡m mlJlWJ!,cnwm. 43. 120 Pi:nldllhml spp.. 315 l'enLOSe phosph ate p,lthway, 22 Perux ldase.431 pll mcmory.499 I'hagcdis play libr::.ries. 520-1 I'haxclp ha.genlidll. S« uooerCl onin g Vecto rs Phenotypc.96, 99 L·Pht:n)ll alan ine , 296-8 f'!d¡ía mtmlmmatfadrns, 109 Plas mids. 60. 63. 110 cooju!(.llivc.64 m obiliS41blc,64 Ti, 65 veu),)rs. 104 PlaSmlds DN..... 64, 96.100 Plasnllooge n ... 37 r loidy. 96 Poly·hydroxylakanoates. 260 PolyA mRNA tai.!s . l iS PQlymcras~ chalo n'
I'ron'Sses eronomics o."'3lculated proces5 dctails drylng.147 medium prepar:ation. ~46 prnduct iso lation. 246 prnd uct purlf1c:atioo . 24.7
------- - - - -
vnys ot'applka tio n. 440 erythropoietin. 443. 436, 443 expression sys teou, 436-9 b acu:ria., ... 38
uLi litie$,246 capita l (mu. 241-2, 2"17. 249 labou rcost:J¡ 249
profitability ana lys is. 250
huma llc~ I$. 437
IdW m'ateri al5, 241
insect cells . .j38 mam m alJ an cl'lli.,437 p rotei n tQld iug from inclusion
utilities. 249 waste tt'I.!.'umen t. 249 cost aSC.250-2 tOS! esrima tes.140- 1, 244
costsenshivity ilOa.IyS[S. 251 design exerds~. 242-4
equipment p urch~cosls. 2<19 opera tingCOSts, 242, 247,l5O prOCe5i
del;alls. 2"''''--6
reactol's. 246 Jdne l1 CS, 127
t>.o: pressio ns, 129 m odl'h advillll:ed consldenttio D. 222- 8 stru ctul'e, 215-16
sUpelvision and rontrol.
228-36 Pl'oduct ronnation . 207-9 Produn finmatio n 1'lI le. 132 Promot~ (fur ONAI. 96. 99 Pro pano!. 34
l'''opha~. 60
regulon ~.
Slilll Ulollli. 82
413. 43 5 Proreln kill
analytic;:u enlYrn eS and a nti bod ies. 429. 430 enzymaticend·point as5ay, 431 enz}'mes as tool, [n Iri.ochemkal :mnlysu. 434. 435 eozymes in d i3g nosticassays, 0130.431
ge netic I'ngineering Il-chnology, 420 ~rotcln
structure and modi.lka.tion. 431 re<¡ui reml'nts fu!' analyti cal em:ymes, 4 35 recombinam imm unotoxins, 445 dlerapcu til: applica tion of, 4-<10 imm unogenicity of rureiSlI p rOfei.ns.. 441 slabili ly,44O
Pt'OlDplaslS. 100
Pseudl:lgluamoban:er sarrnarubro8l.'Hc.I, 323
P=¡domoml$ arruginmll and PHA, 32~ PMndomonas u!eQ1o'DnJ/1$ and PHA, 327.
3'" Pwid(Jmunas sav.:ufanoi. 315 PlIl$(!(J-llcld gel e lecnuphoresis (PPCI:!).8 t ,S;¿ Pyruv.J.t<.', 32, 37 Pyruvate oJlld as e. 431 Rau!tlnill etltrupha 1'HA, 328-9
Ran dom l:lasmid integration, t06 Rfogulatil'1l oftran~cripti OIl . JI7 Reporter gen" teclmology. 85 Keporter gen('~. 85. 86- 7 Kestriction enzyrn e, 96 Ke~'t1ictioll Enzym e·Mediated Inregrution (REMI). 105. 107 Reverse transcri p t
baker 's )'e;lSt, 378 cilrom osomes. 61 ñ m ga ll r,m sfunnadon, IDO genedele tiun , I05 growt b yi ..ld, nerobic/anae rob ic,
mu t~ns.44 4
Propiook acid, 34 Pl"Oleas~.
S'acdulIUfI1YCN fercv jslat
m u tan! isola tion. 108 yeast.98. 104 Sanger proccdure, 74 Sarcosille oxidase, 43 \
PrOlein gel e lecttaph oflOS is. 83 PrO leom c . 82-3
RNA/DNA hjbcid. 84 RNA polyrncriiSe,62
bod ies. 439. 441 tran sgen k anim a/5 and plan l!. 4 39 yeasl.438 gran uJocteoCOlony s tim ulatlng factor (G-CSl·). 443-4 insuJin. 436.437, 44 2 in slIlin lis pTO. 4'1 4
plasminogen.415 pMwn engi n eerin g. 444 regu lalOry a specU. 446 safCty. 446 ~om:notropin (h uman gmwth hurmone~ 436. 'l37 tiss ue plarnlÍllogen OIL'tivatol'S.
43 Illeasu rcme n t;md control. 217.
61,109 [-Serine, '187 Shuld e el! prcSSÍl1U v«tor,103 Shuttl~ ~tor, %,100 sinSle-suandCd DNA (ssDNA), 84 Sitl"di recre.;J m utagl'nesis, 88 Surbitol. 487 SOllIhem blotling. 73 Specific se ne d eletion, t08 Specilicgrowth r..tte , 132,134 SptrullllD, 162 Splicingjgen eS), 1\8 SlaphylOCllC.Clls (l1IR'W. 362 Stoichillll1 etry caIcu lation s. 46-56 degref: ofredu ctioll. 49-50 growth sy5rem, '16- 7. 48 maintcnance.47~8
yield coellldents, 47 coefficiell t. 48, 217- 19 cons iderations , 21 6-22 Gibbs energy, 46 , 52-5 bea.raspects.55 n eeded rol' growtb, 53 kinetics growtlt. 56- 7 predictiolls.52 StreplororcuJ sp.33S SrreplDm)'l'lS, 160 Substr..t te level pbosphorylation.31 Substtate u pt.Ike rateo 132 Synl(' ny, U4
TAT....-bo.oc. UG Tl' rm in:ltofS, 'L16 Thermodyn;uni a , groWlh 1cin~tia,
1l1er molysin. 4 28 t-1'hreoninl', 294~6
--- - - -- - - - - -
TranKriplion,97 Tr~n.~ription
tacto". 99
Tr.mscripl ion lermi niltioIl dements, 90 Transrnplional start poim . 116 Transcripteme,81 l'r:ln.~estetific.l lion. Tr.ln~(ms,
35. 37 t.-Trypto phan, 298- 300. 487 Two-film theory. 178
Xan¡!wmonasmmpestris, 338-9
Ultra.filtra tio Q. 199-201 UpSlTe;un repressioo sequence!. 116
Yarruwia (Candilla} lipólytlCCi. 43. 109.
Urcue.43 1 Uricilse. 431
Yeast Cenome SCquencing Projt'Cl, lCH YeaH ollHlybcid !yste!ll, 120 Yeut two-hybl'id i)'Stem . U9 Yie1d coefIicients, 138
1ñraurtocbytTillm aUfeum, 316
TricilrbolC)'lic ;\cid ~Ie, 23. 26
Xilnthan, 338 Xantban gum~. 260
Vector. 66. 97. S(e a/so Clonlng,
ISBN 0-521-77917-0