i,1:;:rr,l.:i :;;.:t: :1
E-.Besic properties
of Baire
Nowhere clensc sets ). D.
2. Baire category theorem 3. CompLete type properties which imply Baile 4. Minimal spaces
lo lo trl
of Baire spaces
The clynanics of Baire
Images ancl inverse images of Baire spaces
2. Baire space extensions
F:::?roilucts of Baire
1. Finite produots ?. Infinite proclucts 3. ft-Baire spaoes 4. Protluet oounterexamPles
spaces 38 4L
3. llyperspaocs and functions
2. Covering ancl filter aharaoterizations 3, Characterizatiors of Baire spaces involving pseuilo-complete 4. The Banach-l{azul Eame 5. Countabiy-Baire spaces
,. :.1 , ':::
to Baire $paces 1. Baire spaces in the strong sense.
1. Blumberg type
l'oncepts relateci
First and- second oategorY sets Baire spaoes Isolatecl points and Baire spaces
44 4S
56 I}()
60 o+
69 12
ir 'iri
i ;'
I g
the Baire Category Theorem, versions of which were first
proved in 1897 aniL 1899 by Osgoocl [51] antL Baire l5l, respectively, &at every cornplete metric space is a Baire space (the term Baire I was introd.ucted. by Bourbaki). This theorem is one of the principle thlough which applications of completeness are made in analysis. ({completett space only 1e lr*" ,i*stances one needs to have a m such as the Baire Category Theorem, so that being a Baire lrilr,all that is really necessary. This is tho case in such weli-knorrn as the Closecl Graph Theorem, the Open Mapping Theorem ancl Bound.edness Theorem. llhe Baire Category Theorem is useil to obtain certain topoiogical results'suc]r as establishing that ,*i-dimensional soparable metric space can be embeclde cl in Euclid-
Uhe tnown results concerning Baire spaces and relatecl topics aro in variety of papers and books. ft is the purpose of this tract anil organize most of these resu].ts. We have attempterl to inclithe various theorems have occured.. however a number of the t'heorems can be found. in a number of sources, so that we have a reference for every theorem. AIso some of the theorems are ,' have never occured. in a published paper before. ce letters N, Q, and. J will represent the natural numbers, the :sulnbersr and the irrational numbers, respectively. Euclidean eill be d.enoted by 8". If l" is a subset of the space X, then the cLosure of -4 relative to the space Z will be abbreviated- as gLxA, respectively, or just int,4 ancl cll- where there is no
I. Basic properties of Baire
In. this chapter we cliscuss the notions of nowhere d.ense sets. first and. second. category sets and Baire spaces. lVlany of their basic properties are revealed, ancl different characterizations of each are given. Some of the propositions and. their proofs can be found. in l13l or [4]. In conclusion we d.evelop a relationship between isolated" points and. Baire $paces, The results of this chapter will be significant throughout the d.evelopment
of this
J^T Bd.c
ffi .:
l': il
Nowhere dense sets
Let A be a subset of a topologicat space Z. Then A is d'en'se i?z X if cIA : X, and A is somewhere d'ense in X rf intcl, + g. Tt .4 is not somewhere d-ense in X then it is callecl nouhere d'ense'in X. PnoposrrroN 1.1. Let N be a snbset, of a space X. Th'en tlue followi'tt'g are
(i) rY os nowlt'era d'en'se 'in X. (ii) X - cl-I[ is dense i,n X.
(i;ll) Ior each nonempty open set U i,n X there en'ists a nonempty open' set V i,n X such that V c. U and' V aN :6. Proof. (1) imgilies (ii): I-.,et T& be any open subset of X. Since intcl-ll :8, W intersects X- c1rY. {ii) i,mpl,i,es (iii): By letting V : an(X-cl-l[), we have the clesirecl result. (iil) impli,es (i): If intcl-l[ *A, tlrcn any nonempty open subset of intcl,ltr would. intersect -Iy'. PnoposrrroN 1.2. Let -{ be a fami,tE of nouhere d,ense subsets of X. If LI i,s lacallg fi,ni'te o,t a d,ense set of poi'nts of X, then U.f i,s +towlwre dense 'itr' X. Proof. Let -{: {lf,l aeA)} be a family of nowhere d.ense subsets of X which is locally finite at a clense set of points of X. Let tr be an arbitrary nonempty open subset of X. Since {c1-}["] ae A] must also be
@ :7 'r
E{ *l
tr :'i
# &*
Basic properties
y i*ea,tty firite at a d-ense set of points, there exists a nonenpty open set r*ntajaed. in I/ which intersects only f initely many membels of {cl-M" I rt e A}, s*y {ci-}I..}zl : 1 ,2,..., n}. Since each .X-cllY". is a clense open sub'qet n tX-c1]ro)] +6.8y the choice of 8f X, we can see that W :Vo[ i:I -fi2 is open' W c XF, *.2(X-c1-I{") - X- [-l cl-Ar"' Since 1L
X-cI(Ul|')' PnoposrtroN 1.3. Let Y be a subspace of x, ancllet N be a su,bset of T. in, x. cott'lersely, i,f Y .IJ.:_\r ds ttowhera d,ense,in I, th,en N,is,tzowheye dense i., opu* (or itrense) 'itt, x and N 'is itowltere de+rse 'in x, then N 'is ftou;here
t" ;j.
.+-p*{++4 :
must intersect
'in Y. Proof. suppose that,l[ is nor'here d.ense in Y. Iret u be a nonerirpt}r opel subset of x that intersects Y. Then there exists a nonempty set Tr, is a set 17, *-pen in Y, such t]ILat v c. utY antl 7n-li:o. Now there :6' ojren,in X, such tinat' V : Tf nY. Thus, W c U and' T{n-N lsow suppose that Y is open in x ancl that -M is nowhere d-ense in 5. I,et T/ be a nonernpty open set in Y. Then 7 is open in x. Therefole2 ilrere exists a nonenlpt)- set U, open in -tr, such that TJ c Y ancl [inlY :0. Thus, -M is nowhere clen"qe in Y since t/ is also open in Y' A siuriltlr proof rvould work il the case where I is d'ense in X'
Th" next proposition ([3G], p. 154) points out that the finite procluct al subsets is nowhere d.ense if and only if at least one of the subsets is itrelf nowhere d-ense. I{otvever, this is not necessaril;' 111r" for infinite prod-ucts as the following example iliustrates. For each positive integel ti, let x, : [0,1] ancl -l7o : [0,1i2]. rnen fr -N; is nowhere d,ense irr -fi xu 'j:1
while for any fixecl i, il,, PnoposmoN 1.4. 7or eaclt ae A
in X6' let N" be a su,bsel, of the
is sotnervhere tlense
I "1f3t{i+
Yhrcn, 17 N,'is nomhere dense'in' n X"if u'tt'd' otr'l'11 i'f for som'e Be A, f o€-{
itt Xu or cINo + X"lor infitzi'telg mMLy a'e A' Proof. suppose that for each sey', iTo is somewhere Then read. that cl-l[": X" for all but finitely nranX a'-4'
intcL(l/r\'") oe .l
siF i"*f&.f;:s
[1.Ff*gj ,u",*ri
wsnhero d,ense {rFFt'-i.
in x"
fJ{iot"tr'") +s' d<
rvoulcl be sornewhere clense Ln.l-l
ff-Sr some p eA, Np is nor.hele clense iu XBt then{Ji'" is nowJrere c fJint,cl-lro. Now suppose that cl-I'" **Il,:e in fJX" since intcl(IIf") ,irl ueA. : I, tor Lfinitely rnan-v 4.,4, ancl 1et Lr ire any basic open sgbset of
a peA
that *t(A)
-X* and*I-*iu * Xr. Defiue a sutrset V of U by np(V):Xp-cl-l[, and, o..Jrlr:*"{S;tor att other oe y'. Then V n fl N. : @. n X". Then therelexists
s.ff -S
2. First and second category sets A subset Y of a space X is of first crtegory (also called.
in X if it is the union of a countable family of nowhere dense subsets of X. \Ye rvill say that T is of first category if Y is of first category in itself. A subset Y of a space .X is of second category (a1so called- manmeager) in X if it is not of first category in .X. Tfe will say that -r- is of second category if Y is ef seconcl category in itself. Proposiiion 1.3 poirits out that if Y is an open or d.ense subset of a space -X, and if -4- c Y, then the eategor-r- of .4 rela,tive to Y is the same as the categor-v of -1- relative to X. PnoposruoN 1.5. Eaery den,se Go-stftset of a, spdce of second, catagorg is of secand category.
ie j*
X be a space of seconct category and let O Uo ]re a clense of X. Now .X- n Ur: l) (X-U) is of first category in .x.
Proof. Gr-subset
Ut were of
filst categorl, then X
7": U X",r. For eachz,let-llo : [J tl i:l in X by Propositiort I.2. Thus, say
l)et c. lct(L)o/)
U r'") : -U /:lui aeA
that Nal is of filst category in X.
*l) rrl" ( i i,:I
-d. "
*:i -, &i
;su :.1:'::
E'W: ' *{ s{tl l::,:.
woulcl be of first category.
Eitirer of the fo1lo'rving two theorems ([53], p. 62; [51]) can be referrecl to as the Banach Ca,tegor-v Theorem. Tnpomlr 7.6, In a toytological space X, the qln'ion of aW fam,itg of open. sets of fi,rst category 'is of first categor'y. Proof. Let Ql be a family of nonempty open sets of first category. I-ret B be the set of all pairwise clisjoint colleetions of nonempty open sets with the property tha't each member of each collection is contained in some member of a/. By Zortls lemma, S.has a maximal element t/' - {V"l aeA}. Thus, ct(g+tl-l)Nr is noN'here clense in X. For each O" represented as a countable union of nowhere d.ense sets, aeA, Vo
fi n i:1
as Rli
""' 15,&:;
@ ..
t,lr.3 rri.i::i
rqq,ts .,:.,: trr,)
It also follows frorn Proposition. 1.2 that the union of a farnily of first category subsets of X s'hich is locally finite at a d.ense set of points of X is of first categorJ' in X.
Try @ry
Basic properties
T$eonsM I.7. Let A be a sttbset of the space X, and sttlrytose that for g xonetnpty oyten set U, there e*'ists a nonenxpty'open set V conta'ineil' :',srleh, that V nA i,s oJ fi'rst c*tegory dn X. Then A i,s of fi'rst category
, Froof. If /- is nowhere d.ense in X we are through. So suppose that iintcta #fr. T-'et' {Uel 0eB} be the famil;' of all open subsets of X contained in U and whose intersection with /- is of first category Therefore, for each B<8, Aual- is of first category in U, so that |bf first category in cll-, and. thus of first category in -4. By Theorem .$ {Cunl-) is of first category in -4 ancl, therefore, of first category '&tB (.4 n U) , lf ow l) (U uaA) is a d.ense open subset' of An f/. Therefore' FeB in XtUEnA) is nowhere d.ense in /-nU and', thus, nowhere dense
U is nowhere dense in X. Thus, -4 is of first category in X. 1.8. .4 sqtaca X 'is of second, category i,f and, on'ty i,J the 'inter${;rrl o/ any (monototto deuoasi'ttg) segtence of den'se opem subsets 'is non-
, -{' 'Treonpu
f i'*oot.
that {Uo} is a sequence of dense open mrc
an empty intersection. Then
*f tiist category.
X : X.')
can be represented
*'s-fo) - X-l) Io:6.
| | m rr^* X : tJ "Fo. Now t:I Therefore, by Proposition 1.2, {X-Pr}
.,r-.--1 -^^-r-^--^ -r^-^^ sets, -r closed" ^^-- v nowhere d-ense ^^a* say union- of
Ur: U (.X - U). Thus, i:7
:.,,,lfow suppose t.inat X is of first category. Then ii:,,:;, :.?j.::. ,a.conntable
subsets of
*:':*lonotone d.ecreasing seqlience of dense open sets with an empty lr:?noposnroN 1.9. Eaery Tr-space w'ith no'isolated, poi,tr,ts haa'ing a o-lofinite base has a iletzse subspace whi'clt i's of Jirst categorll.
# : l)
Bo be
a o-locally finite base for X with
o./-i}. tr'or eachi, and ae -4-,', let fiio, Uio and" let ff, : {rl,l ae A;}. X and. each'i, there exists an open set 7 containing r which xsects only firitely nran-v tletnbers of Bt, sa.y a'"rr..., U!n. Now j : 1 , ...,1i there exists an open set TZ"- containing r but not fu:.Gq{.h k ing'*rir. Therefore, 1t^(,V I/"r)is an open set containing n ancl conj:r than possibly r' fhus, -]Io has no limit other of no element -l[, {.|,tr1|
'esrh +e
is closecl. that there exists a nonemptlr open set O eontained. itr ff,. n't-bere is a nonernpty open set 7 contained in U which intersects :.itriit"tl many rnembers of B,' Thus, 7 is a finite set which means and, so
$i*l ii:
Baile each point
of 7 is isolated. This contradiction yielils th*t
[] i[, is a d.ense subspace of -I
-]=u i.s
is *f
whicii js ot' first
arlJi €
category. To obtain a product theorem for first category, oxtobl' [b2] introducetl the notion of a localiy countable pseuclo-base. A collection I of nonempty open sets in a space .X is a pseud,o-base for X if every nonempty open subset of I contains at least one nenber of 9. A pseudo-base I is saicl to bel,ocall,E countable if each rnemller of I contains only countably many members ol 4. Let A be a subset of ZxT. Tt n, X, then .4, will denote the set y u | {n, ll)e /.}, and if g e T, th.en Au will denote the set {n e Xl (n, 1y) e A}. {U Laltrra 7.t.0. Let X and, Y be spaees with Y haaing a countable Tiseudobase. If N ,is ,ttowltore dense (of fi,rst categor'y, resp.) i,n XxY, th,en N,'is nornhere d,ensa (of fi,rst category, resp.) i,nY for all, n encept u sot of fi,rst cntegorg in X. Pr o of . II'e will prove only the case where -lI is nowhere d"ense in X x Y since the first category case woulcl immediately follow from this. Let {Ur} be a countable pseud.o-base for Y, and tet G : (X x Y)-cl-A' which is a dense open subset of X x/. X'or eae.h,i, Let Go: jlxl(Xxu)nflf.
hele d.ense in .X. Clearfy,
X.It )-Gr:fr, t]nen X rvoulcl be of filst category by Theorem l.S; ancL *" i"iota be through. If re ) G.;, Thus, Gt is a d"ense open subset of
tlren one can easily
that G"nUo
open subset of Y. Thus, for
6 tor all z so that,
nehgo, T-G*is i:t
i* p#, ** 3
ca'try prsE'*
aqd x a}l .{rii **o-&
G*woulc1 be a clense
nowhere clense
c {## Se.e,*mt
in I. But
4F** :'
4*- t-G,. fherefore, {ne Xl -l/" is somewhere d.ense in Y} c - ),'*o " : y_r(" -G1) which is of first category in X. Tn-nonp1r a.LL. Let x amcl, Y be spaces wd,th at |,east one of tlr,ent, lrau,ing alooall,g countable pseudo-baso. Let Ac. X anrl B c. T. Then AxB is of fi,rst categorg ,in, X xY il *nd only i,f A i,s of first categorly ,in X or B ,is of f,irsl category i,n L Proof. IVithout lorss of generality assume that Y has a locall5. cotntable pseud.o-base9. Thus, eadn fJ, CI has a countable pseudo-base. Assume tbat, A x B is of first category in 'f x y. If A is of fjrst categorl,' in ,f rve are throug'h, so suppose that -4 is of second. categorS' in X. tr'or each ti e P,
(Xxu)n(,4 xB) : Ax(B^U) is of first category in Xx I/. By tire I-.,emma, there exists an r in /. such that [-4x(Bou))r:BaA is of first category in f/ ancl therefore in I. Thus, by TheoremlT, Bis of firr,tcategoly in Y. Clearly, if B cloes not intersect l)9, tt.en B is nowhere clense in Y. Conversely, it is easil;' seen that if C is of first category in X, or if B
SSe&.l .:
4. 'E:,
*t@ €ees*
fir.st category in Y, then axB is of first category in x x I, without 'restrictions on X or Y. ConOr,rl63y L.12. Let X and, Y ba spaces with ut laast one of t'hem h'aai'ng t,g cou,ntable ytsaud'o-baso. Let Ac X and, B c T' Ih'eto AxB i's of iategorg i,n X xY i'f an'd, only i,f A i,s of sacond' categorg i'n X und B
categorg in Yf1.*g above theorem easily extend.s to prod,ucts of finitel)' many spaces' db..ot which has a locally countable pseud.o-basel but, it d-oes not gento inlinite prod.ucts, even when each space is second. countable.
second, : of -
Countability is an essentia,l part of the d'efinition of first and seconcl fcgorv. In ord.er to rid- himself of this notion but stili retain the d-esirable oirti.*, d-e Groot [26] generalizecL the d.efinitions of nowhere clense rcl-second.categoryb)'definingforanycardi:ralrn'ran'rz-thinsetancl ne,-Baire *p**. r\s-thin sets coincitLe with nowhere d.ense sets, and ,-Baire coincid-es with second- category'
3. Baire
Bai,re sltuce is a topological space such is of seconcl categorY.
that eve )/ nonempt;' open
oap r 1,.1'3. Ihe followi'tug are equ,'iaalent for a space X: (i) X 'is a Ba'ire lgace. ,intersection of any (monotone d,eereas,ing) sequo'tbce {11) The
sots 'is d'emse'in
of any sot of Jirst eategory i,n x is d,ense i,n x. (iv) EaerE countubl,o union of closod, sets wi,th no 'irrteri,or poi'nts i.tt x no'interior poitr't i.n X. proof. (I) im,plies (ii): suppose that {un} fu a sequence of tlense {nt)
Th,a comTtlement
sets,ancl '-@
thatu isan opensubsetof xthat d-oesnotintersect )at.
u:u-)uo: i:r
nowhere dense in x. Therefore, u is of first category. a closed nowhere d.ense subset = tol im,pties (iii): For each ir let -fr be tx, ancl let, U be a nonempty open set that does not intersect -x-[J -rYa
Vn: i:r )
(X.-ffc)'Then {I/"} is a monfr tX-Xc). n'or *-i' pffi- d".tuasing sequence of dense open sets whose intersection is not =
each ra
(iii) i'mplies (iv): I-iet L be the countable union of closecl interior points. ff 1 contained a,n interior point, then x-,{ be dense in -X. (iv) i,mpl'ies (i): suppose tbat for each z, -ry', is nowhere
Tiith no rsould. not
h x,
and (-J-lr; is open' Then each cr-r[, has no interior point, but rj d]ro d.oes have an interior point. 1; PnoposrrroN 1.14. EaerE olten subsgtace of a Bai,re sgtaee is a Ba,ire
llrOFd *-i
Proof. Let
let u be open in x. The conclusion is immecliate since an open subset of U is also open in -f,. rn contrast, not eyery closed. subspace of a Baire space is a Baire space, as carl be seen by taking the space Er-{(r,0)l ne{. The closecL subspace {(r, 0)l rrQ} is clearly of first category. Trlronpu r.75. Eaery spaca whi,eh conta,ins a dense Bai,re subsytace ,is a Bai,re spa,ce. Proof. Let Y be a d.ense sutrset of r, and suppose tbat x is not a Baire space. Then there_exists a nonempty open first category subset of x, say y. Thus, Y nu is a nonempty open first category subset of y. Pnoposnron 1.16. x'is a Bai,re space,i,f and, otr,ly i,f the comgtleme*
be a Baire space, and
nonempty st+bset of fdrst category i,n X i,s a Bai,ra iporr. P'oof. rLet a be a nonempty subset of first category in the Baire space Jf. By Theorem 1.13, x a is d_ense in x. rf l3 is of first category in x-A, then B is of first category in x. Tirus, avB is of first "ate!.ory, in X so that .x- (AvB) : (X-A)-B is den"qe in X_e. rf there are no nonempty sets of first categorv in x, then -x is clearly a Baire space by clefinition. ff ,lI is a nonempty nowhere dense subset of x, then x N is a dense Baire sutrspace of x, making z a Baire space by Theorem 1.15. The next proposition ([dB], p. 4L) characberizes ail subsets of first category in a Baire space. eue41
Pnoposruon 1.17. Let, y be a subspace of the Ba,iro sgtace x. Then T is of .first category i,n x i,f and, onry i,f x-T conta'ins a d,enieGysubset of x. Proof. suppose that {lrr} is a seq'ence of nowhere clense subsets
of ,x such tirrat, Y:oVUto. Since
Z is a Baire space, ..i,t-clxllz) is a clense G6-subset of X contained in X-y. Now suppose that fr *,, t* a d.ense Gr-subset of x contained in x- y€ i:7 ?hen fl (X-G) is of first category in .X anct contains y. i:L
Pnoposmron 1'18. rn a togtorogi,car, spaco of open Bai,ye subspaces i,s a Ba,,ire spa,ce.
tho union of any fami,ry
df E#
tr -r.j
IS e&
rs*.I :.4.
isaS { 13
*€* #
aS #
tbee',& the, r.*i be *,;3
ro*&*'. a 6*'t€
;ft s:?sry1,
be a family of open Baire subspaces of X. Suppose first category subset ot" l)a/.ILet U be a member ot Ql intersects I/. Then U nY is open and" of first category in U.
a* l&€, e*t ryg&fu
Basic properties
F is an
TLet alt
, Clearly, the arbitrary union of Baire subspaces need- not be a Baire si.nce a singleton set is always a Baire space. But as the following l:i#** ' proposition states, it is true for finite unions. r.,
$ *{3j il,
*r.@* #!g#.&;3
iry ]..:,,'
*.F**e ,-S :f,-
Proof. \Yithout loss of generality'we can let X:TvZ where Y end Z areBaire spaces. It is now sufficient to show tlnat X is a Baire space. -X-clY and. X-cl Z are open in Z and. Y, respectively, and. hence are ;..futh Baire spaces. By Proposition 1.18 B : (X -clY)v(X-clZ) : X-(cl TacIZ) '.;.,,, is an open Baire subspace of X. Since X-clB is an open subset of the
. I
is a d.ense Baire subspace of .X. Actually Proposition 1.19 is true for a locaily finite collection of Baire
PnoposntoN 1.20. Eaery
Proof. Let X :
"1,o ""be
topologi,cal sum
of Ba,ire spa,cas
the d"isjoint topological sum of Baire spaces,
S*w :F
esj"$ :l :,'., ,
'kw.a neighborhood, whi,ch 'is u Ba'ire sp{r,ce. : .._ IYe have alread.y notecL that if a sp&ce contains a clense Baire subspace, ',,' then it itself is a Baire space. The rationals consid"ered. as a subspace of ,. , * *berea,ls point out that a d.ense subspace of a Baire space need not aiways , , .be a Baire space. We will now discuss some ad"d.ed. cond.itions that will 'i : '" 'naske a d.ense subspace of a Baire space a Baire space. The notion of '." * #.-subset will be fundamental in this discussion. ,:' ltoposrtron 1.23. Euery d,ense G6-stcbspace of a Bai're space'is a Ba'ire .1,,,,.:.
Proof. Let G be a dense Gr-subspace of the Baire spa,ee 'E. By proposition 7.17, x-G is of first category in x. Thus, G is a Baire space by Proposition 1.16. Parts of the. next theorem appeared in [3]. TunopBr11 7.24. Let X be a dense subspace of the Baire space T. (i) X r,s a Ba,ire space if and, o,nly ,if eaery som.ewh,ere d,ense Go-sttbset of T inl,ersects X. (ii) x is a Baire space 'if and onLy i,f eaery Go-subset of r corttuitrcd,
i,n Y
,is nowhara d,ense i,n Y. (iii) I/ euery Go-subset af Y contuiyted, X, then X 'is a Baire sp&ce.
ff y-X,is
ersery Gu-su,bset
of Y
dense,in Y, then contuined,
mowhere tlettse
X'is a Ba'ire space if i,s noc,uhere d,e,nse'in
and, onty
Proof. (i) Suppose lhat H: A O, is 'a somewhere dense Gr-subset of r contained in y-x. Let Y il'on",' in Y and eontained in cir-B. Then VnZnU, is open in VnX, fr VnXnUt:6, and VnX is open i:1 in X. To see t]nat VnXnUo is dense in I.rnX, Iet, neVnX, ancl let U be an open subset ot v nx that contains :r. Then there exists a set G.
in r,
Gnv contains r and is open in Y. Thus, Gnvnun is a nonempty open sub-set of r. since x is dense in Y, GnVnaonX is nonempty. Thus, UnVnAonX is nonempty, which gives us t'hat vnuonx is dense in ]rnx. Tirerefor.eo x coulcl not open
such that'
be a Baire space. Now suppose that z is not a Baire space. Then there exists a set -8, open in x, and a sequence {uo} of clense open subsets of -E such flrab
O Ue : A. Let T/o and -K be open in Y such that (J, : V,nX and" E : KnX. F,ac]n Zu is open and dense in the Baire space -K. Therefore, n T/o is d,ense fu K. Thn'qr ) vo is a somewhere d.ense G6-subset of y i--r i:r contained. in Y-X. To see that (ii), (iii), and (iv) are true, consider the following three statements: (1) Every somewhere d,ense Gu-subset of Y intersects X. (2) Every G6-subset of Y containecl in y-X is nowhere d.ense in Y. (3) Every Gr-subset of I contained in y-X is nowhere d"ense in y-X. The desired" conclusions are immediate when we realize that with just 2t containecl in Y, we can get that (1) is equivalent to (2), (B) implies (1), and, with the added, hypothesis tltat Y-X is d.ense in y, we get that (1) is equivalent to (3).
:,**li * ,
s, 1*{ {re
s E:i-I,i
r- - ^-^^:!r^^r f from ,;,,..",,,r;i"=*,,...Ehe hypothesis tha't Y-X is clense in f cannot be omitted' {irj of the above theorem. This can be seen by consid"ering Y to be re&ls ancl X to be the reais with the nurnber 1 cleleted'' trIie no.w' wish to characterize spaces of seconcl categoly in terms of .i{ai.iir,.j .t t
i# tt',: ir:-+.t*i:,i*f .
r#{mr.;rrr€ t,
he'er aet;i
4 i:
spaces. . r ,-:i:.e.'
pe"oposrrroN 1.25. In eoerg topotogical sp&ce X there are open (possibl'y) *.,-".,.,i.,"'i;-. ' : a rt. -f ieg-Fyr subspaces Xu and X" srt'clt' tlt'at ,' 'ti| XunXo:bt and' XuvX' i's dense in' X; : -', Ir",,:r . {ii) Xo i,s a Ba'ire sqaco) liii I artd X, is of fi,rst categot'Y' proof. I-tet Xs be the union of aII open first'category subsets of X. .t,. .,t
i,re3-u:et ;,
Trreonnu 1.26. A sqtace x i,s of second, category i'f and only i,f it co'n'ta'i+1's e rianenpty oltett, Bai're subspuce' proof. If x is of second category, then xr in Proposition 1.25 is &flEenlpty. conversely, if x contains an open Baire subspace, it mu'st'
*:3t--&. .",1
:. *gog!:
:, ..
i?*e f
l'.!d *. S eTl,f*
seconc[ eategor)'.
Though the concepts of spaces of second- category ancl Baire spaces
$', there exists an g
*Sli{F, .g,e+€'g. '.
.!" '
pnoposrrrox 1.27. Eaery "Bct'irely"
:; rd T-
: I-3Yali
be any open sub:et of
Then, there exists an #e
Berre.iubspace of tr. Thus, f (U)nlr is a nonempt)'leconcl category subset {it l- rliricir gives us tirat T/ is of second category i1 f,' Thus, in such -\ homeogeneous space is "Bairel;"' homeogeneous. i?il-.ffr1le.i as topological groups, Baire space.c. and spaces of second- category Rre er.luiralent concepts. In connection with this Bourbalii ([13]' p' 257) sr*.tes that a colntable topological grotlp v'hich is a llausclorff Bajre space l* fll:CT€IP.
honteogeneotts second, categoTy
is a Baire s\a(e'
5- -.*:- I:. Iret
-X such hhatf (n)< V
' -*!
in U ancl aflnction/trom X into
4.' Isolated points and Baire spac€s
The existence of isolatecl points pla5rs 2 funclamental role in the study
r:s.t.*ffi ;...
.,-C'h'. r'r.r*.
Baire. spaces
FnoposrfioN 1.28.
In oaery toTtologi,eat space X tlwe
Xp suclz thai (i) XunXo:frt and, XuvXy,'is dense i,n X; (ii) .xB is a Bai,re space; (iii) and, eaery si,ngl,eto+t subsot of Xp is tr,ornltere d,ense ,in, Xu. Eurthermora, X is a Baire space i,f and, only +f Xu i.s a Baire spece. Proof. Let B : {ne Xl intcl{r} +g}. If n< A c B, flren g fintcl{n} c intcl-4. Thus, every nonernpt}' subset of B is .qomewhere dense in x. Therefore, eyery nonempty subset of 3 is somewhe.re clense in 3. This means that B must be a Baire space. Consequentl-r., intclB is a Baire space. The first part of the proposition now follows by cle,fining Xn: intclB and. Xu - X-clB. The last statement follows from Propempty) subspaces
5,**e ,_
Proof. Suppose
G: h
is a countable somewhere d.ense ", Go-subset of Z. Then there exists l,loou*nr, open set U such that U c clG. Now every singleton subsetof xis nowhere dense inx. Thus, Gnu is of that,
t; _
: (cnu)uI u -(Gnu]l : (Gnu)u(u - fl ar) :
Therefore, u is of first category in
Gnr)"lLt (J -
-i:i i:r This, however, contraclicts
{d -gR
first category in X. tr'or each 'irIet Uo : VtAU. Now (A A)nG : 0. Thus, since u-uacclG, u- c'; contains no open subset of. x. To see that, U*Uo is nowhere dense in Xrlet V be any open subset of .X. If ynU :4, we are through. If. Vn{J #6, then W :(V^U)nUo #0 since U-Uu constains no open subset of X. Now W is open in _f,, W cV, ancl T{n( O - r) : O. Thus , U Oo is nowhere dense in X. No.ry U -
a Baire
ositions 1.14, 1.18, and Theorem 1.15. Pnoposrrrou 1.29. Let X be a Ba,ire Tr-space wi,th no isolated, pto'ints, and let G be a countable Gu-su,bset of x. Then G ,is notnlrere d"ense ,i,n
*i 5..s
.E$. EE
u)1. being
Pnoposrrron 1.30. rf x i,s a countablo Buire Tr-space, then, the set of isol'ated' poi,nts of x i,s d,ense in x. rurthermore,,if x ,is coutztabty i,nfi,ni,te, then the set of i,sol,ated, gtoints of X i,s ulso 'infi,nite.
Proof. Every nonempty open subset of" X is a countable Baire fr-space, and", therefore, by Proposition I.29, contains an isoiatecl point. Suppose that X is countably infinite, and let ,4 be the set of all isolated points of. X. ff ,4 is finite tb,en X-A would_ be open, and, therefore. contain an isolated. point. PnopostrroN 1.31. Let X be a Baire Tr-space ai,th, no ,isalated, pto,imtrs, and' let G be a somewhere d,ense Go-subset of x. rf 0 is a cou,ntable subset of G, then G-C is a somewhere dense Go-subset af X. 2
', ;:rri
I. :' Proof. NowG
a countable
: f\ i:l
Basic properties
AtisaGu-subsst of
of G. Thus; G-
XanilC : {rtl'i:t,2,...} 6 O (Ao-{n}) is a Gu-subset
Suppose tt:at G - C is nowhere d.ense in X. Since G is some*-hore in -X, there exists a nonempty open set U such that U c. cl&. Let
: UnlX-cl(G-C)1.
that V is nonempty since G-C is nowhere depse .*1(7nG), so that VnG is somewhere dense in X. Also
in X. Now Iz
VnG : anlX-ol(G -C)lnG - [X-{G-C)]nG : C. trnG is a countabie somewhere d-ense G5-subset of X. This, , is a contradiction to Proposition 1'29.
PnoposruoN 1.32. Let X bo a Ba'ire Tt-space ui'th no i'solated' Ttoi'nts,t Iet G be a sotnemhere d'ensa Gu-sttbset of X. If D i's a d'ense fi'rst categorg
of X, than G n(X - D) 'is wn'coantabla. Proof. Suppose that Gn(X-D) is countable. By Proposition 1'31, 'l1en(,X-r)l :Gn,D is a somewhere d-ense Go-sutrset of -X. Thus inD is somewhere d.ense in ,. Now X - D is a dense Bairo subspace Xby tneorem 1.13 anil Propo.sition 1.16. This, however, is a contraclition
t, $'
il F.
Theorem 1.24. :
Dissertationes Mathematicae C:
rI." Concepts related to Baire
In the filst three sections of tlris chapter we introcluce and. rliscuss ser-eral classes of topological spaees that conlain the Baire spaces. Each of th.ese classes will be of importance in later clevelopment. of course,
the rnain result is the Baire Categor;' Theorem which is the fouaclation of the original interest in Baire spa*u*. The last section of this cha,pter is concernecl with the impact that the notion of a Baire space has on minimal ?t (resp. rrausclorff, rrrysohn, regurar- rrausclorff) s-paces. rn conclusion \ye see that everv Baire-closecl space is tinite.
Baire spaees rn the ,tuong
The concept of Baire space in the strong sense ([20]; [13], p. ZbZ; [28], p. 165) is probably the most natural concept to introduce of all those which imply the concept of Bair.e space. A space x is a Baite space i,,tr, tlze strong serzse (aIso callecl totall,y nonmeugei') if every nonempty closed subspace is of second. category in itself. The next proposition clearlv inclicates flrat every Baire space in the strong sense is a Baire space. The example given after proposition 1.14 is a metric Baire spa,ce that is not a Baire r pace in the strting sense. Pnoposrrrox 2.1. x i,s a Ba,ire sltaee 'in, the strong sense i,f and, only i,f eaery nonentTtty closed, su,bsqtace ,;s i Baire spa,ce, Proof. suppose ura,t x is a Baire space in the strong sense. Let l? be a none{npty closecl subspace of x, ancl let u he a nonenrpty open "subspace of -F. clearly,3 is a Baile space in the strong sense. Therefore, clp' [/ i.r of second. category in itse]f. Now U is a d"ense open subset of crv[l. Thus, by Proposition 1.5, u is of seconcl category. conversery, every Baire space is of second category in itself. Pnoposnros 2.2. Etsery Gu-su,bspace of a Bai,re space ,in, tlte str"ong
X i,s a Bai,re space ,[,tz th,e strong sense. Proof. I,et G be a nonemptS'Gr-subspace of .T, and. let ? be a non_ empty closed sutrset of G. It can easil;' be seen that n: Gnclr_F. Therefore, ?.is a d,ense Gu-subspace of the Baire space clr?. By propsense
osition 1.23, I is a Baire space.
Concepts relatecl
to Baire spaces
2. Baire Category
I-:ocall}' compact Ifausclorff spaces anal completely metrizable spaces important classes of topological spaces wirich are of a totally rwo i;*re ; 'r1:' .:':. dfrferent nature. One reason for the abstraction ancl inclependent studv I i,,.,"=.".. *f Baire spaces is that botir of these classes are contained" in the class of ,' ' I Baue sJraces ([]31, p. 193). Tirponnlt 2.3. Eaerg locally co'mltact Eazt'sd,orJf space X 'is a Ba'ire .'.,. ,:_ ... l_ anil ltence i,s a Baire space'itt, the strong selLse. ' r1r*re. ttl' of Oense sequence oI dense open SubSetS subsets oI of X, ancllet L', De a Sequence Ul Ploof. Let IDit Pr'oOL ,., ,' . -{-r andlet {-Dr} be .,.:.i,:..-: t'. ' is of .X. Since X localiy and regular, cornpact nonernptlr open subset :lt.t . tre ativ nonemptlr "ovexists a nonemptS' set Ul open in X, whose closure is compact '. +here ,''i l'. . ' a:rr-[. eontained- in TiroDr. In this manne 'we can define, for each i,] 7, .'E uouernpty set Ua, open in .X, wliose closure is compact ancl contained:., -. Norr {c|Uol i>2\ is a decreasing sequence of nonemptSr .l:. ;.. , ..t in C -'ADi-'. , rlsserl iubsets in the compact space cIUr. Therefore, )cltlo 4 A. -. .
*+.l;rtion *4?Ailter ''&:&i O11 e.*;19-+-
p.- 9;13;
* *f ail
f is uow a Baire space since (-l clfiu : (\tit - U'n (n ,r).
The T{ausd,orff hypothesis in Theorern 2.3 cannot be omittecl since ' ; ' ,1., , * *ouutably infinite set 'with the finite complement topology is a compact .. ?r-sperce which is of first categor;'. Also the converse of Theorem 2.3 . l i. f:rlse as .El with the lower-limit topology d.emonstrates. ' ' a Brtire sp&ce, a'n'd h,ertne i,s a Ba'ire space 'in th,e sh'ott'g selxse. -I Proof. ILet, {Do} be a sequence of d.ense open subsets of X, ancl let U, ,a ' t-re rlonempt)' open subset of X. Since X is a rnetric space, flrfiD, cont;:il. i1 closed. ba,Il TI, of raclius r'r.In this manne \Ye can d.efine, for each :. .
$lg t**r;-
it*rda titli;{ }.'
. .t-ili:,' J:.
\ !, . :
< r, < r;r12. Thus, {Aii'>2} is a d.ecreasing sequence ot nonempty closecl *ets whose cliarneters converge to zero. ft is well linown that in a complete .,,,.., ;r:etlic space, such a sequence has a nonernpty intersection. -X is now rr). & g,i1i1s space since O Ilt: 1-l int {Iuc (}na .{t
:, ,' ,r r*€S{riqf
li{* X1{.1{}-
I r?rri*
,: I
Yan Doren [6?] has shown that the closed- continuous inage of a comgrletr rnetric space contains a dense comp1etel1. metrizable subspace. g'fur,*. the Baire Ca,tegory Theorem is valicl for every closed- continuous ia:rlge of a complete metric space (see Theorein 4'10). the esample given after Proposition 1.14 is a metrizable Baire space qhss ir neither topologically complete nor locall5r compact.
imply Baire E\, e n-ill now clefine some cotnpleteness properties that have been stud.i{14 in er-rrrnection with Baire spaces (see 14] for a stucly of these properties). Qernplete type properties which
A Tyghsr.ff space x is complete 'in the sense of dech if there eriists a sequence {4to} of open coyerings of x such that for every famill- of ciosecl sets {-F"l aeA} which has the finite intersection property, and which lras the property that for each ,i,, there exists an Fo contained. in some fieQl;;
if;; i g.E-:if
rt is weli known that for a metric space complete in the sense of decir is equivalent to being topologicall)' complete. There are many equivalent definitions of spaces that are compiete in the sense of (iech including, foi: example, a Gu in any rlausilorff compactification. The above clefinition [17, p. 143] was chosen so that one could. easily see that the dech complete spaces contain the almost countably complete spaces 1201. A space is quasi-regular tf every nonempty open set contains the closure of sorne nonempty open set. A quasi-regular space X is almost countably cotnyilete if there exists a sequence {9*} ot pseud,o-bases for -X ,such that for every sequence of sets {Qt,,r} wbidn iras the finite intersection propert}
ffi*:E d*4.*
EAJ-ti r
i-r* i
fl,oeT"ni |1-clU,r+9. A space X is pseu,clo-cotttgilete if it is quasiregular and. if there exists a sequence {3} of pseudo-bases for x snch that for every sequence of sets {I/,'} with Uirgi ancl cl Ut+r= U, for each z;
2r,*r. Pseud.o-complete spaces were introduced in
lbzl after.which an irr clepth stud.y of the concept was d.one in [3]. clearly, every almost countably cornplete space is pseud.o-cornplete. Aarts and Lutzer l3l show that a metrizable space, in fact a Mosre space, is pseud.o-complete if ancl onl.v if it contains a clense completely metrizable subspace. Pseud"o-compieteness has an interesting generalization called weakr'11 a-farsorable (originally defined in [?0]) which utilizes ideas from game theory. The definition is given in the following paragraph, ancl a discussion of the relatecl concept of a-favorable can be found in i16l (also see the section on the Banach-Mazur game). I-'et (X,f) be a topological space, and let {* : {Urgl U +fr). (x , g) is taeakly a-fauorable if there exists a sequence {/';} of functions such that the following hold: (i) For
'i, ilre range
f o is
d#., :'k
t:/ ll
*e***ag :-,sgl
--*; :.,
(ii) The domain of /, is g" and. fr(U) - U for each (J e{*1 (iii) tr'or ezch,i, the domain of /o*, is
d@i t
{(Uy Ur, ..., Uiar)l U1,9* and. ap, - f rc(Ur, ...., UN) for all i:L,...,d*1 and" Jt,:!,...,i);
dtr g.$,
ffi@ ,t ,:l!ir.r' I . .:,-
11. Concepts relatetl
f ,-'(Ut,
r*r) c
' ,,,
l:ient *-!!9, $tian p.}ete
Irl ;inl!]'e
thet i.*rt.r 3l1$rii-
(v) If {I/r} is a sequence i'€cr each i, then A U; *6.
is in
the d.omain
that (Ur'...,
Uo) is
of -fi+t, then
in the d.omain
that every pseuclo-complete space is x'eakl;' a-favor, .*,$1e. \Yhite [?0] shows t]rat the concepts of weakly a-favorabie ancl p-*euc1o-complete coincid.e for the class of quasi-regular spaces whicir have metrizable subsPaces' ,,,: *€nse I Tnnonnn 2.5. Eaery weahlE a-fuuorabl,e spa,ces x i,s a .Bai're space. :: Proof. supposethat x is not a Baire space. Then thele exists a nona countable . enrptl' open set U that' can be representecl as the union of m Io' Leh {fu} fumilv of elosecl nowhere dense subsets of X, szr'y U : U i:1 r,' }e the sequence of functions gualanteeci by the definition of weakly ','l',s-fayorable. We construct the sequence {Ui} of open sets as fo}lows' '''jf,*et Ut: U antlr assuming that U,, has beer-i d'efined, let arr+,
',, :
if (U1,'..,
(iv) For arry 'i)
to Baile spaces
It, is easy to
yn1Ur,, S@
) i:l
-_Frr. Now
ft(ut, .'., In i:r
*{l i:t i{al:t-
'' This, however, is a contrad.iction to part (v) of the definition of weakly , a-tarorable. ,. The example given after Proposition 1.14 is metrizable and contains iA I dense completely metrizable subspace' Therefore, it is pseud'o-complete ,. *nd., thus, weakly o-favorable. Ilowever, it is not a Baire space in the ,,.: ,g6,s1g sense. The next theorem uSeS a construction d.ue to BernStein
r?iei a es:rtr5
rec3!e rii*.ASi;
p. 514), and gives us a wa-\. to construct a Baire space in the strong ,. ,Lr-ellse that is not weakly o-favorable. ' TqnoREn 2.6. If (X,{),is a septarabl,e conrpletely metri,zabla space wi'tk t" p* isolated, ytoints, then there an'ists a subset Z of Xwi,ththe followi'ng prop-
. : e$*es:
: t,:
li) Both Z and' X-Z aTe d'anse'i't'L' X, haue card'i'n'ali'ty c, and' are Bu'be bpa#s in the strong sense; point) tii) z/ T i,s a su,bsgtaaa of z or x - z th,at d,oes not haae an 'isolated, fSaru f is ttot weaA'Ly a-fuaorable. Proof. It is easy to see that lXl :lg-l: c' Thus' each Gd-subset sf J without any isolated- points has cardinality c, and there are exactly e r:f them. Lrct {n"l a < c} ancl {D" I a < a} be well orclerings of x and- the gslleetion of Gl-subsets of X without any isolated- points, respectiYely.
We shali use transfinite induction to d,efine {p"l o 1 c} = {n,! a < c} ancl {q"l o
and" goe ,"- (u\fue, P, &0, e,.j
Let, y6 be the first orclinal such t\tat mroe Do, and, define ?o : fiyo. let do be the first orclinal such t'hat nuoe Ji and fiao * ?to, a..d tlefine let and suppose T4ct and {pel|
r, -(p- {?e, 4e}u{pd}) for errery 6 < y. Let yr.be the fiJJuo"clinat B<6
Dr- Ur{g o, qu} (such an element exists since the carclinality of U {pe, q* is less than e). Define ?y: nyy. Let Ay be the first orclinal such that nou, Dr-(p^,{ge,g,,}_{pr}), ancl define gy: n5,. Ltet Z:{p"L o
i., ,e --,':l .
iF;'= a.: ..
is nowhere dense in -F. Let H : etxF ancl Hu : cl,Fifor each .d. N"orv E is a completely metrizable G6-subset of x that d-oes not contain an clense
in -8. Therefore,
:: rr'l
I i-7
E, is nowhere
rt z is not a Baire space in the strong sense then there exists a set -F, closed inZ,w]nicinis of first eategory in itseif. Thus, F : _Fo wher.e ?,.
isolatecl point and eacb'
S, ....-
n. () go
:.O (lT-Er) is a dense Gr-subset of -H. Th's ) E3 Uris a Gr-sFiset i -t x:l of x that cloes not contain an isolated. point. since- -F is closed in z. H-U Euc. H-n c. X-2. This, however, is inconsistent with the con_ i:1 struction af x-2. similarly, x-z is a Baire space in the strong sense. suppose that Y is a 'iveakly a-favorable subspace of z or x z tbnt does not contain an isolatecl point. Then firere
er:ists a aompletely metrizable dense subspace of u, say D, which, in this case, cloes not contain an isolated point. D is a Gu-subset of x since the complet'el5' p"1"rable subsets of x are precisely the G5-subsets of x. This, however, is inconsistent with the construction of Z or X-2. The countable intersection of dense Go-subsets of a Baire space is a d.ense G6-subset and a clense G6-subspace of a Baire iipace ii a Baire space; this suggests consid.ering countable intersections of dense Baire subspaces of a Baire space. rlowever, with a proof similar to that of this previous theorem, a monotone sequence of dense Baire subspaces may be constructecl in any separable completel5' metrizable space with no isolatecl points in such a way that its intersection is empr;,.
Y34 ]J--
'1eq. lr r
,:.,. i -i- *;
;,;.:&&*e ES.s
,.,sf*u ..:... I
"ry =fl #f* ..
.-. ,
Concepts relatetl
to Baire
,-.,. \ye now give a rnore general r.elsion of the Baire Categoly Theorern ,i:*hen statecl in fheorem 2.4. tr'irst rve neecl some clefinitions. , A ytseud,o=serni-mett'ic for a topological spa,ce (X, {) is a function d -,:tn XXX to the nonnegative reals such that fol all points r ancl y of 'f
d *ny subset A of X, .,',: {1) tl(n,Y) :0 it r :'l|i ,'., (ll) d'(n, A) : d(Y, n); i,,'.i (iii) and u.d.A if and ",'d
kfine *r:ld" "..
if d.(n,A) -.:inf{d(n,a)11 a<.4} :0.
-..g,space (X,{)isacompleteTtseud,o-sem,i-tn,etricspaceif thereexistsapseucLo:,,&,mi-metric for (X,.n such that eYery Cauchy sequence in X converges
fo a point in X'
: ,,
: '.agtuce
T'V &-zr
#t, F;
ip *n *
'is psetrdo-compflete.
..',:: Proof. I'et' d, be a pseudo-setni-metric for (X,f)'tr'or r'I , ,a) 0 let
" L€t
PnopOSrrrox 2.7. Epery conryflete pseu'do-sern'i-metric quas'i-regular
:Kow {- For each i' 1et {tl(u,7li,)l n<X ancl i :I,2,...) is a base totgoi-t a pseuclo-irase ,Et.-- {u(n, e)l nex ancl 0 < e < 1la}. clearly, each ,,f*r f . I-.,et {t}i@,t, e1)) be a lequence of sets rvith Uo(no, el-)r 9, ttncl -,,xlliiat(#*r, u.i+r) c. (In(n;, er) for each i. Now {rol i' :1,2,...} is a Caupoint !/, X- Thus, ,. *lrr sequence in X ancl, therefore, co\-erges to a .S6
,--, di e+3:
ir, 7
i.: i 4:{F:Lt-*gC*e.
k+€6q si, xbe; 1,. xYE**e-
Two other related- properties, cocompactness 11] ancl colntable
sab.ompactness [26] hacl their origins in a,n anal-l'gig of the Baire Category lsheore-. The clefinition of cocompacl,ness uses closeil bases whereas the ,,, ,*e.finition of countable subcompactness uses regular filter bases. Both : {l6ncepts are equivalent to completeness in rnetrizable s]laces. ' A closed basa for a space (x,{) is a famil5' fi of c'losed subsets of 'tx,{\ such that for each point rcx ancl each set ur{ containing r there exists some Brfi;;ucin that;e intB c.Bc.cIU. x together witll I €.he topolog;' generated- }:y the ,qubbase {X B i B e fi}t will ]:e called,x. cosp&ce of (x,{). A space rs co^onxpact if -it' has a compact cospace.
. emptS open sutrsets of -X such that whenever U and. 7 are rnembers of '-2, *a"" tft""" exists a member W of F with lTr c U alr.9 isregtr,lar" if, wheneFer t is a mem]:er of F, t]nen there exists a 11e111ber 7 of F wibh' clY c f. A space (x ,t) is cortnlably sttbcontpact it tirere exists an open base # fol (x,g) such that whener.er {un} is a countab}e regular filter base tl o + g. **ntairred" in 0,
Tneonnm 2.8. Eoerg qu,as'i-regula,r conntably subcom,pact sgtaae i,s a Ba,ire sp&ce.
be the open base for.ll guaranteed b)'the d.efinition of countably subcompact, {D} a sequenco of dense open subsets of X and O1 any nonempty open subset of X. Since -tr is quasi-regular, there exists a nonempty set Ur< I such that clUrc UroDr. fn this m&nnex.w-e can d.efine, for each i)1, a nonemptj set Uae @ witin clUnc. Uo_rnDo_r. Now { u1 | i > 2} is a countable regular filter base contained, in 4. Therefore
+9. X is now a Baire space since ff orc i:2
(fr lr1. 'i,:1
With only slight moclifications of the above proof we obtain the following theorem. T onpu 2.9. Eaerg guasi,-regul,a,r' coco,nlpa,ct space i,s a Baire spa,ce. The example given after Proposition 1.14 is a metric Baire space that is neither cocompact nor countably sutrcompact. Becalling that the original interest in Baire spaces was sparked. try the Baire category Theorem, it should. be notecl that both the class of locally compact rlausd-orff spaces and the class of completely metrizable spaces include the Baire spaces in the strong sense, the spaces that are semplete in the sense of dech, the quasi-regular almost countably complete spaces, the pseudo-cornplete spaces, the weahly cr-favorable spaces, the quasi-regular cocompact spaces, and the quasi-regular countatrly subcompact spaces. of course, each one of these classes contains the Baire spaces. For additional properties that imply Baire see [?3], p. S3B.
.sF 'ii
3:, t;
P gtr
s i,i
'.: ll:
a+ iFr
€3 3*
4. Minimal
Minimal topological spaces haye been investigated for a variety of properties. rt is our intention to see where the notion of Baire space fits into this area. clearry, (x,{) is a minimal Baire space if ancr onry ttg is the ind.iscrete topology. rlere rve will stud.y the Baire spaces that also have one of the following separation properties: ?r, Ilausdorff , Urysohn, and, regulal llausd.orff. IMe confine ourselves to these four classes because minimai P is equivalent to compact Ilausdorff when P is equal to such properties as completely regular Ifausd.or.ff, normal llatsdorff, paracompact llausd-orff, rnetric, completely normal llausdorff, locally compact lfausd.orff, or zero-d.imensional llausd.orff. tr'or an in depth stucly of minimal topologtcal spaces see [g]. Given a topological property P, a P-space (X,f) is mi,ni,mal P i!., und.er the partiat orcleri-ng of inclusion, g is a minimal element in the se6 of all topologies on .X with property P.
fs ..:
#r ES
es l',:
.:€, .,;.
l:i.,n of nztl U, .!,.
--: i rl.IiLn
.a J/.. ,. ,rieiOr'e
.. iltJ-C€.
l-+,'i hr.i-::
;.: i:ilble
-ir *tlll1:|It{-'€S.
lrinLlI .:.1:: thg
to Baire
is not clifficult to see that a spauce {X,g) is minimalf Lif. and.only if. { ts the finite completnent topology. It (X,9-) is a colntably infinite space with the finite complement topology, then (X,f) is a minimal ?r-space that is of first category. The following proposition gives a criterion lor cletermining when a minimal ?r-space is a Baire space' PnoposnroN 2.10, A m'ininzal, Tr-space (X,,q) 'is q, Baire space i'f ctncl only if X i,s fi'nite or u,ncorttt'table. Proof. Suppose lbat (X,{) is a countably infinite Baire space. Since.r' is the finite complement topolog;', (X,{) wo1lc1 contain no isolated points. This, hon'eYet, is inconsistent with Proposition 1.30. Clearly, ever}i finite space is a Baire space' So, suppose that X is an lncountable set. Let {-4;} be a countable familv of finite subsets of X. N : X-l) Au which is an unco*ntable set anc1, therefo'e, n (X
i;i44:t X
Concepts related
l: r
deniie in (X,9). Thus, (X,g') is a Baire space. PnoposrrroN 2.11. Let (X,{) be a Ba,ire sgtace and,let.{" be atoytology on, X contained, i.n,q. If there eri'sts a' pe X str'clt th,at {U,{l 7t1U} c{*,
(X,{*1 is a Bu"i,re spctce. Ploof. Suppose lilrut (X,.{*) is not a Baire space. Then theTe exists a nonempty set U ,gu thatis of fir"st category in (X,f*). So t/ : Ll tr, i:r rvlrele each J, is clonecl ancl nonhele d.ense in t.X.{*).It p( T, then each i-o is nowhere clense in (X,.V), so that U wouicl be of first categoly in (X,9-). Tf gte U, then pe -A',, for some ?1' fn this case each Noo(tl -ffr) is no'r,here clense irt (X,{), so that U _ N,: i 1ratu.,(U-If,,)l woulcl i:r be of first categor-v in (X,9). PnoposrtroN 2.\2. Eaer31 m,ilti,mal (7, Ba'ire)-space is fi,ni'te ot' /tL?I,-
I-rct (X,,,r') be a countably infinite Baire ?r-space. By Proposition 7.30, (X)9-) contains an isolated, point p. Define
-:_tr- :f--{.
7" :.L''r( U{r',1 y, x - {ilil, where l'r, : {A c. Xl p, A and' X -/" is finite} ancl J[o : {t}e{l :J, U ancl pg C), for an)'y€ X-{p}.To see that{" is a topolog)' on X, Iet Ae Nn ancl let (J, Nofor some y, X - {p}. Nox' Av.U e 1Y*' and" lt ze AnIJ, tlren ,4ntr.-V,. Since p is an isolatecl point, {" is properi}' containecl in{. (X,.fo; is a ?r-space "qince each point of X-{tt} is closecl ancl X-{p\e if, for an.v lJe X {p}. (X,{*) is a Baire space by Proposition 2.11. Thus, (X,{) is not a minimal (?t Baire)-space. Tmonuu 2.73. 6,f) is a rttini,m,al (T, Baire)-sgtoce i'J and' on'ly i'f (X,f ) i,s a. Ba'ire m,'itt'imal Tr-space.
J3airc spaces
Proof. Suppose that (Xrf) is a rninimal (?l Baire)-space. Br. prop_ osition 2.12, x is either tinite or uncountable. rf .z* represents ille finite complement topology on x, t'bala (x,f*) is a Baire space by proposition 2.10. Now.V* cf since (X,f) is a ?r-space. Thus, f :f* "since (-{,/) is a minima'r (7, Baire)-space. conversely, if (x,g) is a Baire rninimal ?r-space, it is surely a minimal (?, Baire)-space. There are theorems for rfausd-orff, urysohn, and regular Harisclorff spaces that are analogous to Theorem 2.18. since the proofs of all are similar we will give a proof only for the case of a regular rlausclorff space. This case has an adtled. strength that d-oes not carry over to {Jrysohn spaces or Elausd.orff spaces since rlerrlich [30] has given an example of a minimal rlausdorff space that is of first category, and stepherlson [62] has given an example of a minimal urysohn space that is of first aategory. Let F be an open filter base on a space x. A point e;e x is an adlrere,trt poi'nt of.F tf ne cl? for each Fe g. g conaorges to r if every open set about r contains some member of g. g is urysohn provid.ed" that for eyery grx, if gr is not an aclherent point of g,t]nen there is an open set r/ containing u anil a set Ve7 such that clUnclV :fr. Many characterizations of certain minimal topological spaces have treen discoverecl. Among these is that {x,{) is a minimal rlausdorff (resp. urysohn, r:egular rlausdorff) spaee if ancl only if every open (resp. lJrysohn, regular) filter base with a uniclue ad.herent point is conyergent [68]. This fact inspires the next two propositions that will give us a methocl tor constructing a strici;I5. $'eaker topology on certai:r kincls of spaces. PnoposrrroN 2.14. Let (x,f) ba a Eausd,orff (resp. arysoltn, regu,lar" Eau'sd'orff) Ba'ire spa,ce, and, let F be a norlcow)ergent open (resqt. (Irysohtt,, regular) fdlter base wi,tlt' a unique adherent poi,nt 7t. rf g*: where // : {Uef I ptU} antl "tr : {UvVl TteUe{ and, VeF},"//vJr, th,en {* ,is a Hau'sd'orff (resp. urysolm,, regular H*u,sd,orff) Rai,re topotogy on x tha.t i,s
properly {. Proof. {* is a Baire topology on -x by proposition 2.11. To coinplete the proof refer to l8l ancl lb9l. Pnoposrrrox 2.15. Let (x,t) bo a regular Hau,sd,orff Bai,re space, q'ncl let F be a nonconaergant, open (rospt. urgsohn, regul,ar) Ji,ttey base wi,th a u,n'iqu,e adh,erent poi,nt p. If g :.1/v-{, wh,ere .,V7 : {U
Fe, es,?s
I t
i i$
.a,, . ,t,
f** &&g '.1 ..:.
*s*&.* +l
SI}H -as
': tmffi $s}ry
t.s t f**r#
L 4 *:{
&?Stt€q,,1 ,i.
Concepts lelated.
to Baire
@r .:,
U is a member of the topology on X generated- by the subbase {X - cl U l U e 0\. This topology is now a Baire topology by Proposition 2.11. To complete the Proof see 1681. The proofs of the next two theorems are omitted, since the;' e,1u similar to the proof of Theorem 2'19. Tnnonnu 2.1,6. (X,g) i's a mi'ni,mal' (Hausd'orff Baire)-spa'ce i,f an'd, only i,f (X,g) i,s a Bai,re mi'ni'mal' Euusd'orff spa'ce. Tirrronovr 2.1?. (X,f ) 'is a m'ict;imal' (Urgsoir'* Bai're)-space i,f attd' only if (X,9-) is a Baire m'inimul, Urysolt'n sf)s'ce. PnoposttroN 2.18. Eaerg mi,wimal, (regular Hausd'orff)-sp&ce (X,9) is countably sztbcomPact. Proof. I-.,et {I/;} be a countable regular filter base on (X,{)- Berti and" Songenfrey l10l have shown that in a minimal (r'egular Elausd.orff)-
spase, every regular
Since {U;} is a reg'u1ar fiiter base, h Ao +A. d:7 innonpm 2.19. (X,g) is a'mi,ni,mal' (regular Hausclorff Ba,i,re)-space i,f and, o'nlg1 if (X,g)'is a mi'nimal' (regular Hau'srlorff)-spa'ce' Proof. suppose t]na,t (x,r) in a regular llausclorff Baire space that is not minimal (regular llausd.orff). Then there exists a nonconYergent regular filter base on (x,{) that has a unique cluster point. By Proposition 2.74, there exists a regular Ilausclorff Baire topology on X properly contained. in.T. Conversely, If (X).9-) is a minimal (regular Ilausclorff)space, then it is a minimal (regular llausclorff Baire)-space by Proposition 2.18 ancl Theorem 2.8. Thi: next proposition tells us that one needs only to check a particular class of Baire spaces to d.etermine the minimality of certain spaces. Pnoposrtron 2.20. If (X,.q) 'is a regular Eausd,orff Bai're spa,ce, lhen the following are equ'iaalent: (i) (Xrg) 'is a rn'i'tt'imal, Eau,sdorff (resp. []rysohn, regular Haasdorff)'
i;s: imea*l
w I*-*
t,*t $*&
flq5 *#i-
M wg* !#,F w$d,
${rs ,lr:
l. ,
base has an adherent
point. Thus,
L cla; r
(i1) Let @ be any o,penbase for{ and,Iat {* be the toptologSl ott x generatad, by the subbase {X-clUl Ue g}. If {* 'is a Eausd,orff ('esp. Urgsoh'n, regular Eaztsd,orJf) Bai,re togtology, thett',f* :7. Proot. suppose t]nat (x r7) is not a minimal Ilausd.orff (resp. urysohn, regular lrausd"orff) space. Then there exists a nonconYergent open (Iesp' Grysohn, regular) filter base on (X,-f ) that has a unique cluster point' Proposition 2.15 now gives us the method. of construction necessary to eee that (ii) irnplies (i). To see that (i) implies (ii) see [68]. An investigation of minimal spaces cannot be cond"ucted. "without eonsiclering P-closed. spaces for sorne topological propertl P. lVe wiii
t ..
finite. If some separation property is tacked. onto Baire, then results similar to those produced in our minimal investigation would. appear. Given a topological property P, a P-space {X,9) is ?-closed if its image is closed. in every P-space in which it can be embed.ded. PnoposmroN 2.21. Everg Ba'ire-closed, space 'is fi,ni,te. Proof. Suppose tbat (X,f) is a finite Baire space and. that p is a, point not in X. TLet, X*:Xu{p}, and let 9* :{U cX8l anXef, and if p" fJ, then .X*- U is finite). (X,g) is a Baire space try Theorem 1.15, btnt (X,{) is clearly not a closed. sutrspace of 1X* , 9-*7. see
that eyery
Baire-ciosed. space is
t. i..
i _11
{Le ir t$m*l
ffiint tr* ii ::,. &*.5.
of Baire
present certain interesting characterizations of Baire spaces. Among these will be characterizations centered" around. special types of functions, a covering characterization and- a filter characterization. We discuss the Banach-Mazul game which leniLs itseU to a characteriaation of Baire spaces in terms of pseutlo-bases. In conclusion we introd.uce and. investigate the notion of a countably-Baire space which is'equivalent to the concept of Baire space for spaces having the countable chain condition. Charac,terizations of Baire spaces in linear topological $paces can be founcl in l5?1, [58], and. [66].
fn this chapter we will
Blumberg type theorerns
Blumberg [11] showecl that for every real valued- function / defined on the real line -O1, there exists a d.ense subset D of. EI such that "f l.a is continuous. We will say that space X kas Blumberg's property with, respect to Y if for every function f : X-->Y, there exists a dense subset D of- X such that -f In is continuous. It is known [14] that for a metric space X, .X is a Baire space if anci only if X has Blumberg's property with respect to the reals. In fact much more general versions are known (see for example Theorem 3.7). In the next two theorems, we give the proof of a version of Blumberg's Theorem which at the same time incorporates W-hite's result [71] that every semi-metrizable Baire spa,ce contains a dense metrizable subspace. TrrsonnM 3.1. Let Y conta'in an i,n'fi,nite d'i,screte su,bset. Ihen if X has Bl,umbarg's property wi'th respect to T, X i,s a Bai're spaoe. Proof. Let {ys,1J,....} be an infinite d-iscrete subset of Y. If X is not a Baire space then there exists a set U, open in X, which can be represented as the countable union of nowhere dense subsets of X, say U
from -X into Y as follows: let f (n) :"t/o for each ue X- U, and let' f (n) :'Y^ for each rue U where i,k -- rnin{il *e Naj. Thus, for any dense subset D of X, Jlp is not continuous. LJ
Define a function
Tsnonnu 3.2. Lat X ba a pseud,o-semi,-motri,zable Baire spaee, let T be a second, cou,mtable spa,ce, ancl, tet f : X-->Y be a ftr,netio,tt,. Tlten, thete
a clense rnetyizable su,bsgtace D oJ x such, th,at f lo is cottt'irtuotrc. Proof. ILet d, be a pseudo-seni-rnetric tor (X,g). tr'or each rle .X ancl e ) 0 let U(r, e) : int{ae Xl d,(*, z) < e}. Now {U(x, e)l ne X and. e> 0) is a base forV.It Ac. X ancl neX, then we will say that u is. a heauy poi'n't relat'ive to I if there exists a,n € > 0 such that for every ae IJ(r, e) ancl d ) 0, AotI(2, d) is a nonenrptv set of second categ.ory in -X. L,et Z be tb.e set of all points re X such that for errer.y open set G containing / (n), n is a heavy point relative to /- G). L,et, {G *}ir tre a counten'ists
able base {or Y, and- let E,,be the set of all points in/-1(G*)whieh are not hear'\' points relative to f-t (G"). To see that -tr, is of first category in X let An be the set of all points rrf-t (G,) such that there exists an e> 0 is of first category in X. By Theorem 7.7, An so tlrat U (r:, e) ^f-'(G,") in X. L,et, Bn be the set of all points in f-r(G)-An is of first category that, are not heavy points relative to f-1(G,). Now .B,, is a nowhere d.ense snbset of X. Ilence, -8,, is of first category in X since 8,, - Anu Bn.
Thus, X-Z is of first category in X since X-Z - j U*. Since X is i':r a Baire space, Z is dense in X. For each !/u Y,let {G"(y)}ff:, be a countable base at g x,ith G**r(U) fol each rz. Also for ever;r se Z and. ne N,let W,(a) : f-t[G"(1q2111. G,,(y) BJ' Zoln's lemma, there exists a maximal pairwise disjoint colrectinn %, of sets of the torm U(2, sr(a)) where bhe iollowing are true: (a,)
(b) e'(z) < $., (c) if re Ulz, er(e)) and d > 0, tiren tI(n, 6)nT{/r(a) is of category
in X.
:7r,..rf;: (i) Z" c. Z. (ii) 2,,-r = Zn. (iii) e,, is a function trom Zn into the positive reals. (iv) For eaclt ze Zn, e,,(z) <712n. ft) a/. : {U(2, e,,(z}l ze Zn).
i i
I'et Zr: {rt U(2, er(z))rQtrl and for each zeZ,Iet Vr(z) : Iyr(z)a au\2, er(z))oz.lf ne ulz, er(z)), andBis anyneigh'borhooclof rcontainecl in U(a, er(z)), then BnTIrr(a) is of second. category in .X. Slnce X_Z is of first category in x, Bavr(z) is of seconcl categor-r- in x. Trenee, frr(a) is dense in LI(2, ur(z)).T,tet {'r: {Vr(z)l ze Zr}. T_tet Zo:fr, and. {s : -x. Proceeding by induction suppose that the finite sequences {2,,i n - 1,...,k}, {t,"1 n - 1,...,k}, {q/*l n -7,...,k}, and {7.*l ,L : L, .. ., k\ have been so definecl that the following are true for each 'tt
li P*
i:t 1..
il' '5:.",.
cf Baire
(vi) Ut*is Pairwise clisjoint' (n, \)q/". is dense in X. (vrr') {'* : {V^{a)l ae Zn} such that
$.. r'..
IJ (z
SS" i,w.g.y
!ffpry itet a sffistfusaot
* -4o
dtd" Sense
fix i*
, e,,(z)\ oW *(z) . (ix) For each 2e
Zn-t- \)f
ze Vn(z)
2,,, Zo(a) is dense in (Iiz, t,('))' n.
For eaclr a e Zptheteexists a 6*(z) > 0 such that for eYer)' n ',U (z'' 6a@)\, and d > 0, fl(n,6)nW*{z) is of second- category it X' Let e3*t(ql (z))tr < min{dr(a ), ex@), 1l(2i{+2)}. If Bo*,(a) lU {:, 'n(a)) - clU 8, "*+'
i*oonempty,thenbyZorn'slemmathereexistsamaximalpairwisethe where disjoint coliection Un*r@) of sets of the form U(n, e*r(n)) following are tt'ue: (1) re V*(z); q\ U(r, ur+r(r)) c Bapl(a)i (3) e1*r(r) < 7l{zlt 12) ; (4) if s , U{*,r7,1r(r)), and- d > 0, t'hen U(s, category in X;
nW*a@) is of
&l!i{sl H;.{s} qn'rll.
for all
: l*l
and for each o< Z**r(z)
(I(n, ur+'(tr))
V t *r(n) :
in u{nr"r+r(#))' I-'et {*+J4 l),Zn+t@) and 9{o*r@), Zx+r 7 z"Zk nr4k
W r,+r(n)
(n, en+t@)\ n
As before we can see that lro*r(n) is d.ense
| ueZ1,*r{z)),
g lwo*r{a}vl(Io*r(2, +t: seZ4
therefore have ind.uctivell' d-efinecl seq'nences {Z,rl ne X}' {t"l neN), {Unl n.-}r}, and {f,,1 n',-47} so that for eacln n'-tY, properties (i) thr;ough (x) iisted above ate true' I'et D : \){Z*l *re t[]' It can tre a Baire space' seen that D is clense in f-jle)ot,"l ??'€^7)' Since X.is *" frroo the.t (l ll)qr; ri,. -l/fis dense il-X, so that -D is dense in '(' 11re
i $i 1,.
i'ui irii'':; 1$l
: ll zeZil,
ii-. i .il
,,.,,+& ;;rsii
for each (h, fr)e D xD. rt is easy to see tb,ah gn is a continuous pseud.ometric on -D bouncled by 1. -D is a llausdorff space since Zn< Zrr*, for each n e -lr. r,,et ze D and., be any nonempty closed subset of -D such that zS A. Then there exists a positive integer k such that, U(a, eo@)\nA : @. Thus, tor each ae A, Qr,@, a)
: )
rfence, int
pfr(a)l >- lp'n@)
> 0. Now g(r, 4
metric on D.
- sf,@)l :
*!g eo@)
n*ro,a) is a cornpatibie
Cono:,r,Eny 3.3. tret X be a pseu,d,o-semi,-metrizable sgtace, antl let y ba a second' cauntable space whi,clr, contains an i,nfi,nite d,isu.ate su,bset. rken x 'is a Badre space if and, onlg i,f i.t has Bl,umberg's property wi,ilt, respseot to Y. conor,r,Env 3.4. Eaary pseud,o-sent'i-metri,zable Bai,re spoce conta,ins
*Iq i*e
iis -j
effi Fsq ilTi
d,ense metri,zable subspaae,
Many interesting.spaces have a pseudo-base that is the countable union of disjoint families. The next theorem [?1] gives a Blurnberg type theorem for such spaces. Trrnonnu 3.5. Let x haae a o-d,i,sjoint psaudo-base, and,l,et T be a second, countable space wh'ich conta,ins an i,nfi,nite d,i,suete subsat. rhen x is n, Baire space i,f and, onlg if i,thas Blu,mberg,s property w,ith respectto T.
Proof. I-tet g : ()
{*,,1 m<-l[] be a pseudo-base for -ltl, where aach 9n is a disjoint famiiy, and. let Mo : g. By Zorn's lernrna there exists a maximal pairwise d-isjoint collection -//, of elements in e s.ucih that' 9r - flr. Suppose that for each n,: 1r . .., k a family tt,,]nas been so defined that the following are true: (i) .t//,, is a pairwise rlisjoint family of open sets; (iL) U-//" is dense in X;
some element, of ur'ln. each MTre-//a let Mf+t - {.Il^npo*rl pt+rrgr,+r}. Again by Zorn's lemma there exists a maximal pailwise d.isjoint collection eernl of elenrents in I such that MI*' - QQI,) and" [J (Mn) = trI*. Let .//r*, U QQIil.8y the principle of finite induction we have a seouence
(iii) "//n refines jln_ri (iv) each Pne 9n contains
w t.
p<. // 1,
such that for each ize-tr7 properties (i) through (iv) listed above
are true, an.d
.// :
IF; g€'
fl" is a pseuclo-base for X.
III. 6
IretZ:) }rret .l/(Z) : {lIoZl
! g'.
,f is a Baire space' Z is clense in X.
to Y.
white gives the following example of a Tychonoffr cocompact, pseud.oBlumbelg's complete space (anil hence Baire space) which d.oes not have measllr.e Lebesgue p d-enote T-'et reals [?1]. property with respect to the if [/ only TJe{ if and. follows. io n', and. clefine a topology { on -81 as re U, each is a l-rebesgue measurable subset of frL, and for
otT FRevl
i ,rg,elfS i
ter, 0< p(r). +] *1 :limsup pQ) lrrru,closeclinterval, ;;; -t[_jLa?ll | "t
**&1e F-x'Ee
*$$d 'ij.. .
r'i' !.8{,}.
interval, * e I, 0 < l.I(I) a ll' nJ'
is possible to eliminate all hypotheses on the d'omain in a Blumberg type theorem by restricting the range. The foilowing theorem suDrmarizes
Mfle ..1
in(Z,Z).ByTheoremS-2(2,7)hasBlumberg'spropertywithrespect Thus X has Blumberg's property with respect to I'
of Baire
topology on X) and' 1et V (Z) M€ -//}. L,et ,z lr be the relative topology on Z. Tber- "// (Z) is a pseud-o -base for { (Z) on Z ' Now .t// {Z)is a base for a topolog.v 7 on Z. Flor each -L1. i//, nf oZ is both open and. closed in {2,7). Ilence, (2, il is a regnlal space with o-rliscrete base ..// (Z). Thus, \Z , il is pseud'o-metrizable' Xo.\r (Z ,{ 121\ is a Baire space since its complement is. of first category in x. Therefore, (2, y) is a Baire space since a. set is d"ense in (Z ,{ {Z)) if an6 onl;r i1 it is clense
some of the results ([71]' [39]) along this line' Trrnoaniu 3.6. The .fottowi,ng statements nre egu'ioalent for a toltological space X: (i) .X is a Baire space. (ii) ry Y ,i,s a coumtable sltace and f ; x-->Y, th,enthare'is a d,ense subset D oJ X such that Jlp is cont'inuous. (iii) ry f: X->EL and' lf(X)l-{l{o, than' tlzere i,s a d'ense subsoL D of X such thut f lo is cont'inwous. (iv) I/ f i,s a functi,on from X i'nto the 't1'at'ural' mumbers, the'n thare 'is a d,ense subset D of X such, tkat f lp ds cont'inttous' (v) I/ Y i,s a seqtarabl,a motrio sqtaca and' f: X-->Y, then for eaerg me D(e)' e ) 0, tneie ts u d,ense sttbset D(e) of X s'tt'clt' tltat for each
int{diam{/lqE(u))l u is an open set in,x containing r} <e
TT_ Proof. (l) i,m'qtti,as (ii): I-ret U bo any open sutrset of X' Now point there exists a U{Unl-t(U)lU, Y}. Since .x is a Baire space,dense in x' r-,et Bbe : (y) is somewhere tl g-. i such t'nat, x(a)
I - Dissertation3s &Sathematicae CXLI
the set of all pairwise disjoint subfamilies of {UnintcIK(U)l U is open in -x), and consider S as partially ordered by set inclusion. 3y Zorn's Iemrna, S has a.maximal element Qt. Let /' : {K(U)nintcl-K(U)lUn nintcl-K(U)ealj ancl let D:U/. Norv D is dense in -X and K(U) nintclJ((U): DnUnintcl-K(U) for each member of 7.. Therefore, each member of Ir is an open set in D. Clearly, / restricted to any member of Iz is continuous. Thus, _f lz is continuous. (iv) i,mpties (v): I-,et 4 be a countable base for Y such that diam(B) { e for each Be9. Pat' the cliscrete topology on fr and. define g: X--># so that f (n)e g(n) for each ne X. By our hypothesis. there is a d.ense subset D(e) of X such that g l-aro is continuous. ft is easy to see that -D(e) is our d.esired- set.
(i): Let {ffi} be a countable pairwise rlisjoint family of X, and. let -lI be the nonnegative integers with
nowhere d.ense subsets of
Z into -l[ as foilows: let /(r) :i it neN4, and let f(n) :0 if n<X- i +. By hypothesis, there d:1
the trivial metric. Define a function from
D of. X such that for eat:b ne D inf{diam{/1"(U))l U is an open set in X which contains #}<+.
is a dense subset
Therefore, .f la is continuous. Norv DnNo : A fot every i. fhus, Lj t, i:l is not a open subset of X. The following theorem due to Schaerf [60] illustrates a strong generalization of Blumberg's Theorem in other directions. The concepb of a proper fi'rst coantnble space is usecl in the theorem. such a space is one where eaclr point r has a countable base {B*{r)} such th.at B,,*r{n)nBn*r(U) t'6 implies that weBn(y). Tmonnm 3.7. Let X be u propzr f,irst oountnble Baira spa,ce, let {W*} and, {7"} bo soquences of socond, countabl,a spa,les) and, Let {gn: W*-->X} and' {f": x-->Tn} be seqtr.ences of funct'ions. rhen, there er'ists a d,ense subspace D of X such that
f*lo is conti,nttous,
(ii) for each open subset U of Wn, g"(U) ,is optett, 'i,n D. Blumberg type theorems may arise while stud,ying special types of functions. This has been the case for c-continuous functions [22], semi-continuous functions ([16], pp. 111, 1-1-4), ancl functions for which the inverse image of open sets are Jf" ([16], p. 110). L,evy l38l has introduced the notion of strongly non-Biumberg spaces and- investigated. its relation with Baire spaces. An interesting strengthened. form of Blumberg's Theorem can be found. in [15]. lTeiss [69] has recentl;' found. a compact rlausd.orff space N'hich d-oes not have Blumbergts property with respect to
i.,, :.r,i-r .1.-
:',.. , r,,,,
tr€rsre, Sa*aber
",,549 Lfu our
oi #€:with
's o'U irr' ,.,
@"t&e *:S
%*xi @*p{&ca .,
!:':i,,,, .:,.'
ec tr
' &tion #*
to '
aBa,ire sllace
-F"bot. o-]fandlet/treanylowersemi-continuousfunctiond.e{inedcinU.For r}. since / is lower semieach rational number r Let G,: {ne ul f (n) > in I/' If r is a point of [/ continuous, each cIryG,-G' is nowhere dense p > 0 such for which J is not cintinuous, then there exists a real number for,any *hat VnG, #@ for any rational number r'(f(n),f(a)*p)-and be must there open set Iz eontaining r' Since U is of second' category' some point of U for which / is continuous' Nowsupposethat.IisnotaBairespace.Thenthereexistsanopen s"t u whicS^ia' be represented as the countableunion of nowhere dense inf{zl r'Nt}' snbsets of X, say U: tJ to' For each neU Iet f(u):
und, on|g iJ for eac|t' (bou,nded) sam'i,of conti,nui,tu of f is d"ansoi'n x' points conl,,itnrows functio+r,f onx,the setof s_ubset suppose that x is a Baire space. I'et tl be any oPen
15, .
of Baire spaces
functions' Baire [6] was the first to d.efine antl stud.y semi-continuous properties using spaces Baire we will now give two characterizations of of serni-continuous functions [20]' A real valued. function / on a topological space x is called LLppera tt for each real number sem,,i-continuous (retp. lower sem,i-cont'inuous) is open in X' a}) the set {n,Xl f(r)
ry *)Fen
Theng:t-l"lfisabounded'lowersemi-continuousfunctiononU vn x, g carr easily which is continuous at no point of u. since u is open on x' be extended- to a bou-nd-ed- lower semi-conJinuous funetion Trnox,Eilr 3.9. The folloni'ng are equ'iaalent for a space X: (i) X as a Bai're sp&ee.
(ii)IfCisafami'lgofl'oaersenai.comt,ilt,uotlsfunct,ionsonXsuclt'that i, x tha ia {f tnli f , c} i,s bound,ed aboao, then for eaarg nonem'pty u of x tltero enists a nonamTtty o?ten subset Y of u and, a pos'i' tiue i,nteger k such that i'f y
oaclt, Jor "open sctbset
x,tcaneasilylreextended.toalowersemi.continuousfunctiononX. It should" be noted. that results similar to fheorem 3'8 and' Theorem ',: 3.9 holtL for spaces of second category'
2. Covering anil filter charaeterizations The concept of semi-continuous functions rvill now be
a covering eharacterizdtion of Baire spaces (1401, [18]). Trrnonnm 3.10. Ilte foll,owi,ng nra egu,iaal,ant for a, spaca X:
(i) X zs a Ba,ire spa,ce. (il) Eoerg poi,nt fi,ni,te open
i,s locallg fi,nite
nt a
dense set
i,s Local,Ly J,inite at
i,mpli,es (ii): Suppose that X is a Baire space and.Iet 6 point finite open co\rer of X. tr'or each r e X,let f (u) be the cardinality be a of the set consisting of all members of € wbicn- contain r. Now / is a lower semi-continuous function defined. on X since, for each real number o,
of poi,nts.
(ili) Eaery
aowntable poi.nl
fi,nite open coaer of
a, densa set of ptoi,nts.
Proof. (i)
{ne Xl f (a) > o} :
ne C}l f (n)
"1. Let p be a point of continuity of /. Then there exists an open set I/ containing p such that/(Iz) is contained in the open inrerv^t (I@)-i,f@)+t). Therefore, U: (n {Ce6l pr}})n7 is an open subset of X containing p. Now any member of € that d.oes not contain ? cannot intersect U. Therefore, U intersects only the members of V which contain p. Ilence, {4 is 1oca1l5' finite at p.By Theorem 3.8, the set of points of continuity of / is dense in X. (Lii) i,m,pli,es (i): Suppose X is not a Baire space. Then there is an open set U which can be expressed as the countable union of nowhere
of X, say U : ,j ,0,. For each i,,let Ui : C[- U cMfi. j:t i:r Now any open subset ol X contained. in U must intersect each Ui. Therefore,{X,U'Urr...}isacountable point finite open cover of Xwhich is not locally finite at any point of Lj Or. d:r As is often the case for characterizations of Baire spaces, Theorem 3.10 has an analog for spaces of second. category which can tre proved. in a similar manner'. Trnonsu 3.I7. Ihe followi,ng are equ'iaalent for a space X: (i) X os of socond, categorg. (IiJ Eoery poi,nt fi,ni,te open coaer of X is locall,y fi'ni,te somewh'ere. {iii) Eaery countable poi,nt fi,ni,ta open caaer of X i,s locally fi'ni'ta some-
dense subsebs
Many topological properties are d.efined. or characterizecl in terms of a filter characterization of quasi-regular Baire spaces [42].
filters. lYe now giv:
ffi w
Characterizations of ,Baiie
space X is li,ghtly com,pa,ct (also callecl feeblg compact ot weakly if every locally finite collection of open sets of X is finite. fs6ki i32l has shown that a space is iightly compact O ** only if for every /.A. Thus, d.ecreasing sequence of nonempty open sets {Ar},
f ir
E$e aJ
we can -qee that every quasi-reguiar lightly compact space ('Y,9-) is pseudocornplete by letting 9t :{ for each z. Tnnonuu 3.12. I.f X 'is a quasi'-regu'la1' spece, then tlrc follomitzg are equi,rale,nt:
tit X is a Baire sqa,cc'
(i1) Et:erg poi1fi fitti,te open fi'ltar basa F on
*i'g :*3ity i{,?F€.i
*g .J,
!-+t. i+lt]ct ,ffi€€,.
ss*tF t'
sft*?e s.''3
i's locally
fi'ttite at a d'ense
of lF. (ii|) Eaery countable, poi,nt fi,n'i,to, regular open fiLter buse I on' X 'is tocatly fi,n,ite atr a d'ense set of ltoi'nts of I F. (iy) Euery cotmtable, poi'nt fi,'tt'ite, regu,lar open, fitter base F wltliclu ,is not local,lg fi,nite at any pai'nt of l)F has an ad'herent point. Proof. It follows from Theorem 3.10 tiia,t (i) implies (ii) since [J.F is a Baire space. Clearly, (ii) implies (iii) and (iii) implies (iv). To see that (iv) implies (i) suppose that X is not a Baile space. Then there exists a set O, open in X, which is of first category. Therefore U is nol, lightlv compact. Let {Wr} be a countably infinite, locally finite coilection of nonemlity open subsets of U. Now each W1 is of first category in X. For be a sequence of nowhere clense subsets of X such that eac r il, lut {ffu,r} Wr: \)Wtii also let Wrp:0. lSow, for each z, there is a sequence
set of Ttoi.nts
{70.1} of nonempty open subsets of X such j, cl I/;.;, i c VLj. For each i, and j, clefine
*scrn r*v*d.
(Jr,j I-,et
7 : {Ut,il i2
Wi and', for
:( rj r*,,)-( n:0 a k:O U crw;ai-,,,p). k:7 j > 0\. 7 is
acountable, point finite, regular open l)F and has no ad-
filter base which is not locaily finite at anypoint of
herent, points. , Another characterization of Baire spaces in terms of fiiters is that the set of adherent points of every countable (or point finite) open filter base ri-ith empty intersection is nowhere cLense (see [4?])' r,*g.rs. &el$iaa-
at S*ire
of Baire spaces involving pseuilo-complete spaces To see if a space is a Baile space, it is sometilnes convenient to check
oniy certain subspaces. Proposition 1.28 gave the following ProPosit'ion [3].
u.s such s, sub"space as does
Ba,ilo spaccs
Pnoposrtrorq 3,13. In eaery qx{a's'i-regula'r space X thore a're open (possemply) subspaces Xo and Xn such that
(i) X"nXn:6, and, XuvXa'is d'anse in X; (ii) .Xp 'is pseu,do-complete; (iii) and, oaerE pseud,o-compilete su,bspace of Xo'is ttowhere rtrense in Xo. Iu,rtrhermoro, X i,s a Baire space 'i,f and, only tf Xe i.s a Batre s'pa,ce. Proof. Let Xp be the union of all open pseud.o-complete subspnces of X and let Xn - X-clX". Conor,r,mn 3.I4. Let
com,yi,ete sflaces. Then
a qu,asi-regular
cou'n'table tr'mion of psetttloif X i,s a pseud'o-cctntplete
i,s a Bai,re space i,f un'd only
Proof. Suppose t'}l.at' X is a Baire space. Then X2 is a quasi-regular Baire space@which is the countable union of pseudo-complete spaces, say X, : p, Xn.If there is an'i such that intclXt *@, then intclXn is
{:: .{J'
pseud.o-complete since clXo is pseud"o-complete. This contradicts part (iii) of
Proposition 3.13. Therefore, intclX n: fr for eachn.Ilencc fi tt, - e1,T,,) is an empty d-ense subset of Xo, so that .X, is empty. 'L:7 Tlreorem 1.24 gave necessar), ancl sufficient cond.itions for a dense subspace of a Baire space to b; a Baire space. The next proposition [3], whiclr follows frorn Theorent 7,24, characterizes certain Baire r{paces in terms of pseud.o-compiete extensions. PnoposrnoN 3.15. Let X be a guas'i-regal,ar space sttch tltat any psendocomplote sabspace of X i's mowhere d,ense in X. The followi'ng properties are equ'hailent: (i) X zs a Ba'ire sp&ce. $\ nor eaery pseu,d,o-complete space Y suclt, tlrat X i,s d,ense in, Y, each Gu-subset of Y which, is conta'ined in Y -X'is nowhere d,ense,i,tl, T -X. (iii) 7or some psendo-complete space Y such, th,at X,is dense itt Y, each,Go-snbset of Y wh,i.clt, 'is co'nta'ined'in Y -X i,s nowhere d,ense,in y-.f. Proof. For any pseud.o-complete space Y such t1a.at X is d"ense in Y, the set y-X is d,ense in Y, since X contains no open pseud.o-complete subspaces. The proposition now follows immediatel;' from Theoretn
1t.i1, 0,1
4. The Banach-Mazur
Arouncl 1928, the Polish rnathematician, S. llazur inventecl a rnatirematical game nolv known as the Banaeh-Ma"z'tu' ga,nxe [53]. Originalll' this game was to be played" on a closecl interval in the real line. The cLe-
Ej. H+ff. &,a€$
Srfs il
tr'l'al &g.es,
[f0,] #n$e t9l
i'r..!r &&4*"i ::
sr'' _a
sT, _d
f.' {s t', E l€te *tr*lx1
les:lr S:r$e-
of Baire spaces
.qcription of the game that will be giYen here is generalized liy playing on any topological space. TLet x be an arbitrary topological space, and. Iet %be a collection of subsets of X such that for each Ue Q/,int'U +=6, c ]2. and. for each open v in x,,there exists an element u e Ql suehthat [/ game B) G(C, x. The is union whose of x T.tet A and. B be disjoint subsets Ut choose sSs (B) alternatelS' is played as follows. Two pla5'ers (l-) ancl
fram,2/ such that
Uafor each
Player (-4) wins
if -an{f^) Ut)
* 6i
othetwise PIaYer (B) wins. The immediate question is whether or not one player, by choosing his intervals jucliciously, can insure that he will win no uretter hox- his opponent plays. The answer to this question gives us a nice wa-l of charactertzing spaces of second, category [26] and. Raire spaces t34l' 135] through the use of game theory terminology' A svtaco X i,s of second, category i,f and, onlg i,f player (6) does mot hat:e a winn'ing strategg for the game G(X,6) ooith (X) plnEi'rt'g first' x i,s a Baira sTtuce if and onlg i,f plnyer (6) does not haae a u'itttt'irt'g strategg Jor the game G(X,@) wi,th (6) plal1i'ng fi'rst' \trre night point out tbat' X is o-favorable if and. onl;' if player (X) has a winning strategy for the game G(X, O) rvith (CI) playing first. Thus, being a-favorable obviously implies being a Baire spaee in this setting. To translate and. ploYe the above st'atement we need- to introdnce some notation similar to that used. in [34]' If I is a pseud-o-base for a space
X, Iet g(g):{f: 9-91 f(P) eP for each Pe7} ancl let g"(g) : l/, U 9"-->9i /((P.,..'.,P,,)) c Pn for every €,,"',P,,)eQ" ancl IL:7 for every n|. For PeQ arLil f, ge9(9) let [P, f ,97r: g(P)' X'or i]'I, let [P, f ,g)rbe f (lP,f ,g];-r) if t' is even ancl g(lP, f ,7f*t) if t' is od'cl' For P : (Pt,...,P,,)r3n a,nd. /, ge9*(9) let LP,f ,gltr: g{P)' For 'i)1, tet [F, f ,tJli be /((Pr, -..,P,,,|P,f ,g]:'' "',lP,f , gf-r)) if rl is even and g((Pr, ..., Pn,lP, f , gl\, "', LP, f , il;-)J if r' is ocld' frrp'.sRp11 3.L6. Tlto fol,lotoi,tzg aro egu"iaalent
for a
(i) X zs a Bai're spa,ce' (il) There en,ists aTtseudo-bctse S for x suchtltatfor
aatE ue@ (Lf ,9", a fu'nct'iotr' ge 9{4} (]lU,f ,sl; +6, r'esp')' (ge9*(9J,resyt.) sttch that ?rlr,f ,lfr*, (iti) Let I be attpl lsseud'o-base for X' The+t' for *n'g U e I (U e 9n, resp') g'9(9) (oe9+(8)' and, f eg(g) (f ,9*{9}, r'esp.) tlt'ot'e enists a functi'ort' (! lU,f ,{t1; +@, resp')' resyt.) such that.Q tU,f ,ili*O
t'esp,) and f , g(g)
(f , g.Y)
resp'J there enists
(iv) There en'ists a pseudo-base Q Jor X su,clr, that aaery point fi,tr,ite of X conXa'ined, 'in I is locnl,l,y fi,tr,i,te at a clemse set of poi,+tts
,in X. (v) Let I of
: U l-r. lYell-order g ancl define a rnember f of 9(9) as d:T foilows. Tor P e I stitih P nLI : A l,et' f(P) :?. 3or P e Q tvit]n P nU + O let,/(P) be thefirst mernbei of g containecl inP-{, where n, is the least integelsuchthat PnNn *0. Nox A t,,-i-u) :0. Uence, fl lU,f ,glt r':i i-t .f,
be any psettdo-baso for X. Tlten, any poi,nt fdni,te pseud,o-coaer i,s locally fi,ttite at et clense set of poi,nts i,tr, X.
Proof. \\te will prove only the case involving 9{9). All irnplications will be establishecl by the contrapositive. Clearly, (iii) implies (ii) and (v) irnplies (iv). To see that (ii) impli:s (i), suppose tll.at X is not a Baire space ancl let Q be any pseuclo-base for f. Then there exists a membel a of I wirich can be expressecl a-q the countable union of nowhere dense subsets of
sa;' U
for each g e g(9). (r) intplies (iii): Suppose that' (iii) is false. Let
be a pseudo-base
9(9). Brt- znf-clmi.tt, of ord,er n rve shall rnean a nested seqr.ience Gr - G, = ... = Gr," of 2rr, sets belonging to I sr-Lch that G, c I/ ancl f (Grr-,.) : Grr for each
such that
{l lLr,f ,lli:A
each ge
7, 2, ...,'u'. -Lt/-chain of orcler ii f ft is a continuation of one of ord.e:: 2m terms of both chains are the same. Let Y, be the set of all families of /-chains of ord.er one such that if '!lu T' then the collection of all.qeconcl elements of the/-chains in y is pairwise disjoint. Y, is partially orclerecl by set inclusion. Bv Zorn's lemma Y, contains a maximal element, sa--v firr. Let U, be the union of all the second. elements of members of .FIr. Then [/, is a dense open slLbset of [i. Proceerling by inil"uction, suppose a farnil; Xn of /-chains of ord-er ri has been so clefinecl that the set of all 2rz terms of elements of In is pairsise clisjoint and. their union is a d-ense open subset of U. Iret Y,, , , be the set of all families of /-chains of ord.er iz *1 which are continuations of /-chains in ?,0 such that, tt y e Yn*r, then tlre collection of all 2n+2 elements of the/-chains in gr is pairn'ise disjoint. Y,,-, is partiall;r orderecl b-V set incllsion. Again by Zorn's lemma Y,*, contains a maximal element, sa; ?r,+r. Tnt U,ra1 be the union of all the 2tt,+2 elenents of mernbers of 1r,,1. Then Ur+, i"* a d.ense open subset rr,
if the first
n is containecl in f] Ut Then there is a monotone clecleasing sequence {Gr} of elements of / containing r such that G, c L- ancl j(Gu) : Gz; for eacb 'i. Define an element g at 9(9) as foiiows. Let g(U) : Gt ancl g(G";) - Gzt+r for each al
of ['. To
{l Ut:6
suppose that
f*le #l**s
i {s} reee
Fg9 6st* 1! a.c
*8 ffisE
isl ',,.
of Baire
otherwise let g be the iclentity function on 9. Therefore, r is contained€ in O lU , f , gla which contraclicts our original supposition'
each n,,let, Qnbe the collection
of all2l?, terms of eiements ot Pn.
Q, is a pseuclo-cover fol f/ sinee each Q, is a pseud.opn+t is a concover for u. Note tbat un : l) Qr, Since each member of tinuation of some member of nr, Urr+tc U*fot eachn' Thus, Z is point finite. Ilence, any open set that intersects f/, intersects infinitely manJr point of U' Note menrlrers of 4/. Therefor:e, [/ is not locaily finite at any (ii)' (iv) implies that a sirnilar argument will show that (i) imltli,es (v): Suppose that (v) is false, I,et 9 be a pseuclo-base for j and let ,2/ be a point finite pseudo-cover for X containecl in Q which is not locaily finite at an-t point of the nonempty open set J/. Thus, uu{r} is a point finite open coYer of x which is not locally finite at any point of I/. By Theorem 3.70, X is not a Baire space' A theorem analogous to Theorem 3.16 can be stateci tor spaces of seccncl category ra,ther than Baire spaces (see [42])' clearly, ,//
: l) n:l
ipi. f;_ '-:11
seh nd,er
e$5 S*jo
f *i] &se
&,ea ,ti, .
i'*., t*&e
h'**t ),
, Lr;.
iS4 i,'Sn
5. CountablY'Baire
Theorem 3.10 together with Theorem 3.16 suggest an ir:vestigation of the foliowing notion. A space X is a cou'ntablg-Ba'ire'space i{ there point finite pseudoexists a pseud.o-b ase I for x such that evely countable ofx eontainecl i'. I is localiy finite at a d.ense set of points in X' "oo."B-r* Theorem 3.16, eyer-]. Baire space is a countably-Baire space. conve}.se is not l\/-e rrill now present an example to illustrate that the rationals Q with the usual true. L,,et X : n Q", where Q" is a copy of the o<sl open sets topolog3.. L,et *'have the bio-procluct topology; that is, basic where U" form n;t(U"), arl the countable inter.cections of the sets of the knorvn that the is open in Q" ancl z" d-enotes the ath projection. It is well opeir continuous image of a space of seconcl categor;r is a space of second.i,t"go11- (Theorem 4.1). Since the projection maps, even for an lto-prod'uct ]-'s6 *p*Ju, are continuous ancl open, it follows lhat' X is of first categor5r' intercountabie all taking 0 clenote the pseuclo-base for x clefinecl by leait one of these Uois the sections of eets of the form z;t(U"), where at subfamily of 4' Define interTal (0, 1). \'ow suppose that Q/ is a cou-ntal:le for all the members ind"ices cogrclina,te all the of 6 < **, to be the supr.emum all of Q' Then let P is not factor of ?z such that the projection into that : a{ p' and ever'r' for (1,2) be the basic open set d-efined' by: z"(P)
of q/) so th.at al could not be a pseud.o-cover of x. Thus, g does not contain a countable pseud"o-cover, so that x is a countably-Baire space. Without adclitional properties there is no relationship betrveen the notions of counJably-Baire and seconcl category since the disjoint topoIogical sum of the rationals ancl a space consisting of a single point is of second. category but not a countably-Baire space. The above example also shows that the irnage of a countably-Baire space und.er a continlols open Inap need" not be a countably-Baire space even if this image is a separable metric space. This is because Q is not a countab])--Baire space. Now let Y be the ilisjoint topological sum of Q and x (definecl in the previous para,graph). Then Y is a countabl5.-Baire space for the same reason t'},.at x is - no countable subfamily of gqv7 coulcl be a pseucLocover of Y, where 9q is any pseud.o-base for Q, and g was clefinecl in the previous paragraph. This example shows that an open subspace of a countab15'-3*ir" space neecl not be a countably-Baire space. lYe rvill now investigate when the concepts of Baire spaces ancl countably-Baire spaces are ecluivalent ancl list some of the '(Baire like" properties of countabl5.-Baire spaces. A space is saicl to have tlne cou,ntabla cha,itt conili,tion if eveq' clisjoint family of nonempty open subsets of -{ is countable. Pnoposnrox 3.17. rf eoery pseu,clo-base for x conta,ins a cortn,table
pseud,o-coaer, then
ltas th,e countuble ch,a'in canclition. Proof. srippose t'hat' Ql is an uncountabre collection of pairwise clisjoint open su'bsets of X. ILet -:// be the set of all pairwise clisjoint farnilies of open subsets of X which contain oil, and. consid.er -r'l as partial\. orrlerecl b)'set inclusion. By Zornts lernma, //lnas a rnaximal element {LT":a, A}. For each ae a, let %obe the famiiy of all open subsets of f/o. clearlj, \-)q/" is a pseuclo-base for x, ancl every pseud"o-cover of x containecl
i !.
'i $
Ql"would. be uncountable.
PnoposrrroN 3.18. Eaer1tr pseu,do-base el'isjoint pseudo-coz,er of th,e space.
# for a space cotttcr,i,n.s a prtir,u:ise
Proof. Let' I be a pseud-o-base for the space x. r-rct .,// he the set of all pairwise disjoint subfamilies of 9, and. consider .// as partially st6.r..t by set inclusion. By Zorn's lemma, ./,/ ]nas a naximal element ?/. Suppose Ql is not a pseud.o-cover of x. Then there exists a set 7, open in x, suLch that Vn{l)"U): O. Therefore, there is a set Pe7 w]nich is conra,inecl in T/ and., hence, intersects no eiements of Qt. But this means that elv{p} is a member of '// which is strictly larger lhan 0// a contradiction of tiie rnaximality of 42. The next proposition follorrs imrnecliateh. flom propositions ancl 3.18.
q'l 5:
III. 53n&t'F.
rthe lsKr-
its r3rle j.i311X
$ge eire I ilt. iT}}A
.$tt -
.,. *&fe s'"€se
ffiw. *l s!.
ffir1 ::::
$s;e +€{:i1
i,fP] i.. ,*re
;F-lr :.: .,
of Baire
PnoposruoN 3.19. The followi'ng a're equ'iDa'le'n't: (iJ X has the cou,n'table cha'i'n condit'ion' (i|)Eaeryltseud,o-basoforXcontainsacountablaTtseud'o.couerforX. pa'i'rwi,se d'i,sjoitt't (111) Eaerg ltseud,o-base for x conta'ins a cou,ntable pseud'o-couer for X. Trrnonpu 3.20. x ,is a countublg-Bai,re spaca i,J and, only i'f at I'oust one of the fot'lorni'ng two proporti,es hol'd'z
(i) X is a Baire spu'ce. (ii) X d,oes not haae the coumtable
chai'n cond'i'ti'on'
Since the propert)' of having the countable chain conciition proof of (iv) is an open hered-itary f"op*"ty, a slight mod.ification of the space' ConBaire g'fO is a rrouta show that 'X implies (ii) in theorem 6y Propcondition, veisely, if X cLoes not have the counta,ble chain satisfiecl' osition 3.17, the d.efinition of countably-Baire space is vacuously The next propositions follow from Theorem 3'20' PnoposrrroN 3'21. Eaerg d"i,sjoi,trt topologi,cal, sum of countablll.Ba,it'e
spaces 'is
cou,ntabl'g-Bai're sPacl'
i,s a cogrztablg-Baire sgtuce wlt'iclt is tt'ot a Ba'ire i,s a coun'tably-Ba'ir'e space. sq)(rco, th,en atsery dense subsgtace of.
PnoposrrroN 3.22.
If x
PnoposrTrol{ 3,23. Eaery sltace uh'ich conta'ins a d"ense cou'ntablg-Baire subsltace'is a cou,ntablg -Baire spa'ce' For more information concerning the relation of the countable chain condition to Baire spaces and- the effect of replacing the continuum hypothesis by Martin's axiom, see [63]' we end" this chapter by giving an application of Theorem 3.10, which can be found. in [63]. Tmonuu 3.24. Eaerg ltoi,nt finite open coael' of a Ba'i,re space h'au'itt'g the countable chai'n cand,i,ti'on'is countable' Proo{. Ltet xbe a Baire space having the countatrle chainqlcond-ition, is locally 3.70, and- Iet ?/ be.a point finite open coYel of x. B;r Theorem open ancl : finite at a dense set of points. Thus 9Z {u I u is nonemptjr pseud-o-base in x and- intersects only finitely rnany members of 4t\ is a for x. By Proposition 3.18, I contains a pairwise d.isjoint pseudo-cover g, of x. since x has the countable chain condition, 4' is countable' member Now each member of 4/ intersects some member of I' and' each countmust be Ql t]nat' of 9' intersects only finitely rnah;' members of 4/ ' so able. cott'n'table Conor,r,my 3.25. flaery meta,comylact Bai,t,e space hao,ing the cha'in, comd,i'tion i,s a Lind,elif spa'ce'
IV. The dynamies of Baire spaces fn the first part of this chapter we cliscuss different types of functions tha,t preserve Baire spaces and give sufficient conclitions for the inverse image of a Baire space to be a Baire space. fhen our attention turns to certain filter extensions of spa,ces. tr'or example, it will be shown that every topological space is a dense subspace of some compact Baire space in the strong sense. The last section contains a cliscussion of the behavior of Baire spaces under the formation of hyperspaces and function spaces. 1. fmages and inverse images of Baire
\lrhen stutlying a basic topological concept it is ahvaS,s of interest to known rvhat types of functions preserve that property. \r'e will now see that Baire spaces are preseryecl by both almost continuous feebly open surjections [21] and feeb]y continuous d-open surjections. T-'et f be a function from a space x into a space y. Function / will be called alnt'ost cont'inuous if, for ever-y open subset v of, y, i-rI, c clint/-.(o). Also / will be called feebly continuous if for opuo "oury subset Tz of I with/-r(v) +9, there is a nonempty open subset u oi x such tlrat u - f-'(7). tr'inally, / will ha feebly oTtetr, i$ for every nonempty open subset u of x, there is a nonempty open subset v ot r such that Y = f (tr). A feeble h,omeomor'Tthism is a feebly continuous feebly open
rt is easy to see that a function is feebly contiuous' if and. only if preserves dense subsets. Also a function is feebly open if ancl only if the fn-r'erse image of every d.ense subset is dense. Every almost continuous it
iunction is feebl5' continuous. Tlrsonnm 4.1- rf f is an almost continu,ou,s feebty open fu,ncti,on frorn a Ba,ire space X o+tlo a space T, thett, Y ,is a Bai,re spnce. Proof. T'et, {va} tre a sequence of d.ense open subsets of y, and for each i let Un: int/-l(Zo). Since / is feebly open, each f-r(vt) is dense in x. since / is almost continuous, % is dense in f-1(v1), ancl, therefore, is d.ense in x. rlence, Q uois d.ense in x since x is a Baire space. Again,
lr/. Tho dylamics ol
Baii'e spaccs
ot f, f (i Or) is clense in Y' Thus' O by the almost continuity dFi:l
f (?.Ut' ?r,u' Conor,r,my 4,2. TtL,e image of a Bai,re space under a cont,inttoxes Ju,neti,oat is a Bai're sPece. is dense
in f
PnoposrtroN 4.3. i,s a Bai're spa'ce.
If X
spuce, t|rcn' foebly h'omeomorp|l'i,c to a Ba,ire
S**ns se'rs9
ax to 3,5ery
*h* 1rI
;sgtol ic*{eE,
kvest i asw eebly
f :.r: 'will **{t} {3Ser}
:*f -E tt:$t\I €hat
qb if :S
R&SAS ,.,
. #*tlt 3&
,'$ xse
morphism, and every feeble homeornorphism is almost continuous' Y' Then / wili be Let, f be a function from a spaco .X into a spa'ce (]t) is a nowhere callecl |-ogtenif for every nowhere clense subset -l[ of Y, -f-t ilense sirbset -4 every.somewhere for dense subset of X, or Lquivalently Y' ot X, f (A) is a somewhere d-ense subset of one of th'e PnoposruoN 4.4. A functi'on f : X">T 'is 6'open' if an'y Jollowi+r,g 'is true: of X (i) / r;s cont'intt'ous and, tho 'i'mage oJ oach nonemptg oyten subset ,i,s somezultere d,ense 'in Y,
(ii) / r;s con't'inuous and, feeblE opan, (iii) / i's a feobla lt'omeomorph'ism' Proof. Assume that (i) holcls and.let /- be a somewhere d.ense subset continuous' of. X. Then intcl/(intcl'4) c intc$(clA) +A' Since / is (ii) is that so / f-open' Since J{clA) + clf(A}. Ifence, intcl/(-4) lA, impties (i), we have that if (ii) holds, / is d-open'
Nowassumethat(iii)hold.sand'let.llbeanowheretlensesubset d"ense of Y. For any set U, open in X, int/(U) +A' Since -l[-.is nowhere : fr' nN in Y, there is a set T[, open in Y, such that Tf c int/( U) and W :O' But No*, iotl-'(w) +6'. Since / is injective, int/-i(17)n/-t($) int/-r(Wj - U. Ilence, /-'(-}[) is nowhere dense in X'
a' spa'co conor,r,A3v 4.5. LetJbe a continuous functi,on fronl a spa,ca x ittto Y. Ttten ! is 6-o7ten i,f and, only if tke i'maga of each nonemgfiy open subset of X i,s somewhera d,ense 'i'n T. ' The class of all open function d"oes not contain eYely d-open function' function nor does the class oi ail d-open functions contain eve y open,numbers' real of set as the following example wi1l illustrate. I-.,et X be the topology o' on x be generated ancl let g be lhausualiopology on x. Letthe is not a Baire ltyf v{AnQl a-ril. rqow &,r) is a Baire spacet (X'o} open' To see hbat i' space, and the iaeniity function i': (X',f)-->{X'6)-is tret,ween 0 ancl 1' is not d-open, let .4 be the set of irrational numbers (x, o). rlowevert of Then ciol" : _4. so t;nat, A is a nowhere d"ense subset subset ot (X'{)' intvclrA: (0r 1) 'qo t'hat' A is a sornewhere dense not feebly open' If T5us, z is not d-;p;;. Cf.*"fy, r:-1 is contin*ous but
3 is a nowhere dense subset of, (x,gl, then cruB d,oes not contain e n(*, b| for any a, beX. Since cloB c. elrB, intocloB :0. Thusr B is a nowhere d.ense subset of (X, o) so that a-t is d-open. \Ye will now see how Baire spaces and s,paces of second. category
behave und.er d-open functions. Pnoposrrro* 4.6. rf f is a 6-open function from a sgtaco of second, category X onto a space Y, then T ,is a sgtace of seconr| catigor.,g. Proof. suppose that' T can be representecl as the countable union
of nowhere
clense subsets, sa.v
: f-'(y) :
f : iifr. i:7
f-,t 0ar,t :
c! E t,'
Jf-'tr,t. :t
X: {(u,U)rE,l g +O}v{(n,0),Ezl n.e} with the topology inherited from 82, and ret y tre the disjoint topological sum of {(n,g), E'l u ;e 0} ancl {@, V, Ezl n,0}. rt is easy to see that x is a Baire space, Y is not a Baire space, and the identity function from.x d-open.
TrrnoRnm 4.7. rf f i,s a Jeebtg continuous 6-oTtetz fnncti,on from a Bai,ro X onto a, spaca Y, then T i,s a, Ba,it.e space.
Proof. suppose tb,at v is an open first category s*bset of y. since / f-t (Y) is of first category in x. since / is feebt_1' continuo*s, there is a set U, open in X, such that U.,f-r(Tzj. fnus, U is an open first category subset of X. rn view of the similarities of pseud-o-complete spaces and Baire spacesr one is tempted to try to characterize Baire spaces as some type of continuous images of pseudo-complete spaces. we witi now see that there is no such charactefization using continu.ous d-open functions. Pnoposrrrox 4.8. Let f: x-->y and, g: B-+? be continuous 6-o7ten is
Thus, X is of first category since f ,lt, "n"". Baire spaces. tror example, rrowever, d-open functions d.o not preserve Iet
into T is
furct'ions, and, d,efi'ne E: x x8+y xT bE x(n,il:(f(*),g(s)) for ;a,ctl ne X and, se B. Ihen, F ,is a continuous 6-oTtenfu,nction'. Proof. T-let B c f xT, and suppose that intclJ'-l(B) +g. Then, there exist sets u and. 7, open in -E a,nd B, respectively, such fiiat u xv c intsl-tr'-1(B). Since/ and g are d-open, intcf(Tl) +g, and intclg(Z) *@. Let (y,t), [intcl/(U)] x fintctg(V)J, anil ]et M atd. -U be open in 7 and. ?, respectively, such that (g,t)e M x-tr[. Since yeclf(U) anct teclg(V), Mof{U) +9, and" -lln SVI +fr. Let ueTJ and. se I/ so that E(n, s) : (tt*1, g(s)) , M xN. Since / is continuous, U xV c. cl_F-1(B) c
& ::
IV, The clynamics of Baire spaces
.l t::
ffqlF raf*
:. .!.
$*al M.-$.
suX :' :.
Xi*A's l:1"
'tr:t: ;"ir'
ry ffF$' &Ka ir.
W* a$pe &en w@s" jl q*!*g+'
sdftrl :ij'' t''t'
- ii'F,
lsF sgl F$erl
!T{* &st' Et\ srL-
clF-1(clB). Ilence, I{n,s)€clB^(Xt x-l[) so tb'at {y,t)ecIB. Therefore, tintcU(U)lfintctg(7)l - clB. E is d-open since int cIB +6. Cleatly, I is continuous. Pnopgsrrrorv 4.9. Not etserg metr,ic Baire space 'is the cont'intr'otts \-ogtetr, i'm,age of a pseu'd'o-comgtl'ote space. Proof. Krom [34] shows the existence of a metric Baire space -x such that XxX is not a Baire space. Suppose ihat there is a pseud.ocomplete space Y aniL a eonti:ruous d-open function f: Y-->x. Define n: TxY->XxXby n@,U):(f(n),f@)J for each n,!eY' Now YxY
is a pseud.o-complete space [52], anii hence, a Baire space. By Proposition 4.8, F is a continuous d-open tunction so that X xX would. be a Baire space. This contrad.iction completes our proof. Closed. continuous functions in general do not pleselve the Baire space property. Such an example is a closed map on the countable closedspace which is discussed in l4l (also see 1131, exercise 14, P. 253). Tliis space consists of {(a;,0)l re Q}u{(plq",Llq)l plq,Q} with the topology inherited from the lrsrr&I topology of the plane. The map is the natulal projection onto {(4,0)l ioe Q}. On the other hand, closed irred.ueible (i.e., the image of a prope closecl subset is a proper subset) continuous functions preselve Baire spaces [a]. In fact the following results are true. Trrsonnlvr 4.10. (i) Am 'irred,uci,ble closed funct'ion i's feebl'y ope+t' (ii) Tha i,rred,ucible closed comt'i,ttuous i,rnage of a Bai're space is a Ba'ire spa,ce.
(ii|) The elosed,
cont,imuous ,image oJ a paraconlpa,ct Ba'ire space
strong semse 'is a paracornpact Ba'ire spaca 'in the strong sense' Proof. (i) Let u be a nonempty open subset of x. since / is irreducible, there exists ageY such that f-'(y) c [/. Since/is closed, f(X-Ul is closed in Y. But g e T -f (X - U) = /(U), so that / is feebly open' (ii) This part now foliows from part (i) and Theorem 4.1. (iii) The paracompactness is preserved. by closecl continuous functions a result in [37] 1481. Now let C be a closed. subset of Y. It follos's from that there exists a closed subset A otf-l(C) such that' f (A) : C andllA is irreducible. Therefore C is a Baire space' so that Y is Baire in the strong sense.
The last part of Theorem 4.10 is a generalization of corollary 1 in of a complete metric 16?l which says that every closed. continuous image space is a Baire space. The inverse image of a Baire space need not tre a Baire space even if the function is continuous, open, and" has each point inverse a Baire spa,ce. tr'or example, Krom [34] shows the existence of a metric Baire space X such tinak XxX is of first category. The projectionmap
from .X xX onto X is continuous, openr and has each point inverse a Baire space. The next two re:rults [21] illustrate the role playecl by the notion of eountable pseudo-base in connection with inverse images. Turonpu 4.11. Let f be a comt'inuous open' function from a spuce X w,ith a pgu,ntable pseud,o-base onto a space of second categorg y. If there is a, subset Z of T sueh that y - Z i,s of first category 'i,n T and f-r {z) i,s of second, categorg in itself fot' eaclt, ze Z, tlten X i's of second'.category. Proof. Suppose trlnat, X is of first category. Then there is a sequence {Enl tr,*:7,2,...} of closecl nowhere d-ense subsets of X such iha1,
: "
For each
ext*b he'e*.
; S;*ry.
sI,@ be *a ac{e
ra le,t
th** ibe $
M(I,): {uuy 1 intl_r1y;l.f-'(ilnn,f +o}. I-./et {al a,nd d let
be a countable
* de*
for X. For each ra
: {yuYl g +J-'.(y)oUoc 3.n\. Since / is an open fu:rcbion, M! :f (Uo)-fLU$(X*8")l is a closecl set in f (U). Tf. in.tM| +6, then O 1f-r(intMi)nUac. -F,,. Ilowever, this would" contra&ict ?,, being nowhere d"ense in X since / is continuous. Thus, Mii is a nowhere d.ense subset of Y. Cleafly, M(I*) - f;,lf; to, ti:7 .each n.. Therefore, for each n, M(Fn) is of first category in Y. I-.iet ilI : l) M (F"). Then M is of first category in I.
-M) nZ. lTow is a closed" cover for n Since f-t(z). /-r(e) is tE*of-L(z)l =7,2,...) .of second. category in itself, there is a positive integer k snch that
LFk^f-r(z)l # O. Thus,
,.i , '.'' *!@ :
".ry #:l
Since Y is o{ second" category, there is a point ze (T
IL This contrad,iction completes the
Conor.r,Ea,-y 4.72. I'et f ba a conX,itr,tr,ous open fu,nction fro*r, a, spa,co X wi,th a cauntable psattd,a-base onto a Bai,re space Y. If there'i,s u subset Z of Y such tkat y - Z i,s of first category i,n T and, f-'(r) 'is a Baire space Jor each ze Z, then X is cr, Bai,re space.
ft is shown in [46] that the converses to Theorem 4.11 and Corollary 4.72 ate false. That is, an example is constructed- (nsing the continuum hypothesis or Martin's axiorn) of a separable metrizable Baire s:pace X which has a d.ecomposition into closed" subspaces each of whieh is of first category. The natural projeotion / onto the cluotient space Y formed" b1' this d.ecomposition turns ou.t to be open map. Therefore Y is a Baire space, but /-r(g) is of first category for every y in T.
,:: '::ri
s{s ,
ryry Flr.:gf
-* '.. .' ',
IY. The tl.ynamics of tsaire
2. Baire
*{re fi*::r i,
9,t-$ i*r sJ
gsfe '**r*t
::: .l
j ror i,,
F: l
g, i; *k:rt r the wqee W&ret
$br.I €3El3il
.t &bs ry€.
space extensions
By using certain collections of open filters on a spacer lnany diffslsnS extensions of that space can tre obtained.. we will restrict our attention bere to what is normally called. the strict extension [9]' If -x is a topological space, an open filter base F on x is an open of X containing U, t'hen fiker on X if whenever A e F antl 7 is an subset : an opett u'ltraf iltet" is an a. if. be to said. be will free )g v e F. .Ltso F of all open filters. f:et J7 coilection in the open filtel which is maximal disjoint union of x the let x(3) be be any set of open filters oL x,'and : Uv{FeFl UcF}' Note and. -F. tr'or each set U, open in X, let U* that (u nv)* : uo ^v* for every open u aytd Y in x. T"iet z(J?) have the topology generated- by the trase {A*IU is open in X}' Now X is a dense subsPace of X(.nr). clearly, lt x ana Y aye homeomorphic and" -E and. G are the sets of open ultratilters on x and. Y, respectively, then x(7) and Y(G) are homeoriorphic. In fact, if / is an open continuous function from X into Y, then there is an open continuous function g from X@) into Y(G) such that
slx **ed
: f'
PnoposilroN 4.13.
free open u'ltrafi'lters on a space
X i.s a Bai,ra sPaae. proof. Il x is not a Baire space, then there is a set u, open in x, '@ such that U: U-rYa, where for each i,, I{ac X"'+r and lfo is a nowhere g be an open dense subset of" u. For each i,, Iel aa : u -clu'-lra. Let ultra,filter on X containing the point finite open filter fuase {Uul 'i : L,2, '..\. Clearl;', I is free' fthe proof the next theorem (see [40] and" [35]) is omitted. since the proof of Theorem 4.15 uses a similar technique. IVe will say that a set tlr,en
of op"ofilters ? on a space X is
of open subsets of
x with ut+r-
if for every collectiott
{Ur}Et t}ten there exists
such tbat Qt c -F. Aclmisible sets of filters include all openfill,erst all open uitrafilters, and- all free open ultrafilters' Tmonn r 4.7+. p,is an adrnisible set of open fi,lters on x, then, x(F) 'is a Bai,ro sgtuce (i,n fad X@) i's a-farsorabl'a)' Tsnonna,r 4-t5. If I i,s the set of all open' filters on the space x, then X(n) ds a Ba'ire space 'i'tt' tho stron'g sense' Proof. suppose that -E is a closecl subset of x(") that is of first category in itself. By Theorem 3.1J-, there exists a countable point finite coliection {vtl i,:L,2,...} of open stbsets of l7 which coYeIS l7 and is locally finite at no point of E.. Norv {t}* nE I u is open in x} is 4 base for the topoiogy oo p-. I-,et I/, tre open in X such t]1'at tllng - Vr.There
Dissertationes Matbematicae ct
exists an integel
i, such tlnat UinHAIr,, + 6. Let U, be open in X sucli
i:t t
that I/inE c (J*nH^rl/or.
by incluction, suppose there are clistinct ,ir, .. ., ,i,,_, ,ant1" ,rtt.f Ur,..., Un\ of open sets in,Ysuch that Uin-E - (Ui,-,n-A)n (avo,) j:r for er.ery 2 < /r(ri. Since {Vti'i :7,2,...} is not locally finite at any Proceeding
iJr :, ;!:);
clistinct form the elements of {i,r, ... Un*, be open in X such that such tha;t TJl,aHolrt, [email protected],
poin1, of -H, there exists an
..., i,*r] t,r) so that II,i.,^ H c {iiol/AIrt,,. Thus. Ui*,n H . (AiaH)^ !Q {I,-,}1, i.q, therefore, clefirrecl by intluction. \ow fl (UinH): O since {l'; j :7,2,...} ir point finite. Also {U,) i:7,2,...} has the finite
.::'+i. .i.:r:rl,
i:. -::'ii::
intelsection proper't'1- since {Ui' i, :7,2,...} c1oes. I-tet fro be the open filtel on f generatecl b5- the opel filtei snbbase {Uti i :1,2,...}, ancl iet [-n be any open subset of -T suc]r that Fs, U';. Therefore. there is
a f iuite
Uo' rlence, , ,,"} such thal, lr'',,- (f-l LI,..)* c t-f so that Ui'nX =G. I'o is, therefore, a limit of. H. Tlrns, ,0,,=](Ltin11) since -E is closecl. This contradiction establishes tlN
sequence {U,,
:r:.::, .l
thrri. *X(F) is a Baire space in the strong sense. Conor,r,lnv 4.76. E'r;ery to,pological space X i,s a dense subspace of sone colnpact Bai,t"e sltace itt, tlte strong sense. Proof. Let Y be the one-point compactification of X(!), where 3 ir the set, of all open filters on -I. Let -EI be any clo"\ec1 subset of I. Sirice X(7) is a Baire space in the stlong $ense, HnX(I) is a Baire space b1' Ploposition 2.1. There{ore, -H is a Baire space by Proposition 1.19, so th:r,t f rnust be a Baire space i.r th..' stro:o- ser s-.. It is eas-1. to see that it -F is the set of all open filters or the set of all oiren nltrafilters on a "qlrace X, then ,T (3) is a gerLeral,ized, absolu,tely closecl spa.ce; that is, erler) open filter on -f(-F') iras an aclherent point. Tnoonnu 4.77. Erery toytologicttl sgtace X ,is ct, closed nortthere dense subset of some general'iaed absol'utely closed Bctire space. Proof. L,et rY(r,r) : i\ru{ro} be the one-point compactification of N. Sets of the form tlx{ri} ol t'x [], r,..,] where u- i-s open in X, n,r -lf, and Itt. r,;l : {n,,n,1'1,..., (r} comprise an open base for the product topology on Z : X x'\'I(ro). I-.,et ? be tlie set of all open ultrafilters on Z. B-:: Theorem +.1+, Z(I) is a Baire space, Noir (-fx-lf)" : (Xx-Ar)u-F is an open clense snbset of Z(?). Therefole -{ x {o} is a closecl nowhere clense ,.:ribset of Z (P).Since the natural function frotn ,I onto X x {c'r} is a homeomorphism, ,Y is a ciosecl nowhere d-ense sui;set of. Z(I). Ilelrlich [30] gives an example of a llausclorff-closecl space w]rich
if.;., i;l&ai ..
r;'*+.t: t!,i.{,]:i .ii:t-irlr
IV. The ,:iaelr
ir r I I tjl
i'*ay {ec'..
,tha* :.$Aat ,'. *
.$3ece .:., ,
f.t*ite .*3:en
P,Fe rs g.
aY rll - li.r *
#{ -9. :
ffi{shq$ fl rl.
.t '
mr of s{l€re
wr. i: l
.*.I}aCe .,ir$-19,, tl:
ali '..sased ;.:,.,..
iatr*exe i.
:M lr. -. Ellld. rr *qltGc.q
qqfsm '*lense
66* of +&r'tul. rii: !
.. ..
of Baire
is not a Baire space. Such an exanrple can be obtainecl by taking the unit interval and furstead. of the usual topology f , giving in the topology {v{LrnQl a,9-}. This space cannot be a d.ense subspace of any Ilausd,orff Baire space. Note that X could- neYel be regular Since a reguiar Ilausdorff-closed. space must be compact, and., hence, a Saire space. It is still unknown if every regular space is a dense subspace oJ some regular Baire space, though Krom l35l has demonstrated. that-evely normal regular space is a tlense subspaee of some regular Baire spa,ce. Of co6rse, el'ery T)'chonoff space is a d.ense subspace of some ilychonoff Baire space. In la?] it is shown that every regular (not necessarily ?r) space has a regular Baire space extension if anil on1;r if eYery ?, space has a ?, Baire space extension. Afso eYery completely regular (not necessarily ?') space has a completely regular Baire space extension, ancl every 7r space has a ?, Baire space extension. This paper also gives necessa y ancl sufficient cond-itions for a flausd"orff space to have a Ilausdorff Baire space extension. Reeei 155] gives necessary ancl sufficient cond.itions for a Moore space . to be tlensely embed"d.ed in a Moore Baire space, and" to be clensely embecld.ed. in a elevelopable llausd.orff Baire space. Aarts and" Lutzer ploYe a pseud.ocomplete extension theorem in [3] which is analogous to Theorem 4.14. \Ye give the following version of it. Tsnonnrvr 4.\8. If F is an ad,mi,si'bl'e set of open ultraJi'ltrers on the qu'as'i' fbgular space X, then X(n) 'is pseudo-complote. Conor,r,lnv 4.19. Eaerg quas'i-regu,l'ar spa,ce 'is a d,ense su'bspace of some pseud,o-comPlete speco.
Clonor,r,aav 4,20. Eoerg tluasi,-regul&r space i,s subset of .some pseud,o-complete space.
a closed, nowhero
If X is a topoiogical space, define sX : X@), where -F is the smallest admisible open filters on X, or equivalently, -Fr is tire set of open of set filters on X generated. by the countably infinite point finite monotone d.ecreasing open filter bases on X. By Propo'sition 4.I4, sX is always a Baire space. In fact it can be shown that' fl"sX" is a Baire space for any famill. of spaces {X"}. I'et X be a subset of the topological space Y. We say that T is fdrst coumtable outs,ide of X rt for each point r< y - X there is a countable collection 0 of open subsets of Y containing r such that eYery open sub.ret of Y containing r contains sone element' of. 0. l.et A and B be sutrsets of the topological space x. \\re say that .4 is Ttoint segtcu'ated from B if for each a.A and. be B there is an open set containing a tbat' d.oes not contain b. TnuoS,pM 4.21,. Iot" amy toltolog'ical space x tha follaai,ng are tt'ue: (i) sX i,s first cou'ntable outsid,e of X' (ii) sX -X i's Io and, po'int separated' from X.
F x, on base filter open point finite
is generatecl by 3 countabl)'infinite say {uol i.:1t2,...}. If tr is open there is a positive integer j such that rlence, Ue -E. in X ancl F e sLi, then :L,2,..'} is a countable TJl c TJ. Therefole, fre sui c s.p-so that {sunt i, x. Now for any point, of outsirle base at .F. Thus, sx is tirst countable re ,f there is a positive integer n, such lhat n$ [r. Therefoler stl.r. contains F b11t d,oes not contain in so that sX - X is point separatecl flom 'Y' Tf F and. I are clistinct elements of sx-x, then n'ithout ioss of generality we can assume that there is a set u, open in x, su.ch that u is continue d. in g ancl not contained in 9. Therefo'e, .F e s(J ancl '9 I sU. Thus sX-X is fo. conor,lanv 4.22. Eueryf,it'stcotttztablespacais a d,ettse subspace oJ sont'e
?roof. It Fesx-x)
J,irst countable Ba'ire spfice.
A subset u of the topological space x is regular-operz if intclu : u. x i.q sem,iregmlnr rt the collection of al1 regular-open sets is a base fol the topolog-r' on X. Tnnonpu +.23. If Y i,s a sem,iregulaT entonsiott' of th,e space x s'urh that (i) Y zs fit'st eountable otLtsi'de of X, (ii) y -X is T, attil ptoitti separated from X, tlten, Y catz, be embeddetl as a su'bspace of sX corfia'in"tng X' proof. For each ,!J.Y -X there is a countable nonotone clecreasing Y, 1rase, {T/;(E)l d :1,2,...\, at y consisting of regulal-open subsets of g(y) generatecl x on filter open be the I_,et Uo1g1 : v/g)nx, ancl let b;, the open filter base {uukill i:L,2,...t\. For each re x t'he1e is a set 7, open in x, such that sTr contains F(11) b[h d.oes not contain r since Y-X is point separated from X' Ilence, n1 Y and-there is a P-ositive
k such that ti1,('y) c V. Therefore, nd Ux(U) so that ]Ort l :0. flius, {uu@}l ,i:7,2,...} i.r countably infinite and, point finite. or each nex let f {r) : r, ancl for each Y,T-x let f(u) :gQl)' To see that / is injective,let y and s be d.istinct points of I-x' Since Y-X is ?0, we ma)'assume wit'hout loss of generality that there is a set TZ, open in I, ri.hich contains y but cloes not contain s. Thele is a positiye integer j such t'h^t Vi(Y) c Ir so thah zlVi@)' n 'q\l) :g(z) there woulcl be a positive integer k such that Up(z) c llj(?l)'
"f is iniective.
tr be an open subset of X containing r, and 1et'['b: an geY-Xthentirereis apositive opensubset of Ysuch that u :vnx.If Ui(g) c T] so t'h'at' 9(y)<sU' c'[,'. Ilence, j YiQ/) iriteger snch tt.at ancl [/ be open in X such t']rat yey-X \et Therefor:e, f Jr) c. sfi. Now n .F@)rsU. Then there is a positive integer such that U,,(y) c [r' If
.# g
i; :-;1
IY. The clYnamics of Baire
t V"\U)' zeVr,{g)-X, then there is a positive integer k such tinat' Vo@) c sU so that
.PPen t''Sbat wxltrie
c. U,(3/) so ti$g(aJesU' Thus,
is continuous.
5eint x**ins .t1
{c*r. ril,
f.ryr-e ..'.
W t*.e ,l
is a posiIet U :VoX.Tf n
anil functicn
iws {6*ia
,ryt" s3-
liffFere ,
i.,4qEi. Ni t'bftt
present formation of hyperspr""I* "url be found in [a1]' \{e wili now is a topological spacet some o{ tne resutts obtainecl in this paper' It (X ,f) X ancl 6(X) denot'e of subsets Iet 2x d"enote the set of all nonempty closett -u1,"',An'{,t'hen 1.fthe set of atl nonempty "o*pr"i subsets of X' and AaAo t'A for each i' : A(ar,..., Un) :
topThe finite topology (or Vietoris topology) on 2x is the' :.L, "'' rz}'-fhe ology generated by th; ba;; {(Ur, ..., Un)l aaef ; 'i base {(U1' "'' An)n topology on 6(X) is the topology generatect by the UaeV, i' : 7, ..', n\' ^g(X)l Tsnosnu 4'24. If G(X) i,s a Ba'i're space (sytace of second' categorg' resp')' resgt.), then X i,s a Bu'ire sytuce (sYtaca of socond' category, o'^ T onnm 4.25. If X i,s a Ir-sgtace and' 2x i's a Bui're space (space categorEf second' of (sytace seeo'pd, eatregory, ,rr1,.i, then X i i nn;'re sgtace
Proof.If-XisnotaBairespacethenthereisasetU,openinXand Uul : A' a sequence {U} ot dense open subsets of X such that O^fl T-'et X 1 e V nU n of . . ., Y n)be a bt'sic open subset T/Jt k e-l[ and- let ( ?"'2x' It can easily is a ?r-spaZe, {nr, "', %}' ''1, for each j : 1, ...,il.Since'X that so ;; ;;;; tbat {n'i...,uo} is cont'ainedin (u*)n(Y""''vn) (U*) is dense in 2x. Clearly, (U)n (h<arr:A so that' 2x could" n
$u,€rt an
g*xi*he $lp'" *U. p,& tJrat F..
f. rf
not bo a Baire
Baire splc,rs
topology {" ott the s.t X' is definecl in [41] which lies strictly between the Tychonoff piocluct topologS' ancl t'he box topology. Using method.s similar to those used in proving Theorem 3.16? it is shown that if X is quasi-regular ancl (X' ,7u) is a Baile space, then 9x i.q a Baire space. It is also shoryn that if .I is quasi-regular and. C(X) is a Baire space, then (X',{"} is a Baire spa,ce. ft is easy to see that for a ?r-space X, if either 2x or C{X) i,s a Baire sllace in the strong sen\e, then so is X. ft can also be shorvn that if X is pseuclo-cornplete, then so is Jr. Function space-q are not so well behaved. rvith respect to the property of being a Baire space. ff X and Y are topological spaces, the set of all continnous {unctions frorn -X into Y rvill be d.enoted by C(X, Y). In tlre case that (Y, d) is a bounclecl metric, Cu(X, Y) witl represent' tire rnetric space (C(X,y),A), where a it th* supremun metric on C(X, Y) inclucecl b-v d. Also C(X, Y) uncler the compact-open topolog.v (resp. the topology of pointwise conlrerg'ence) will be clenoted by Cn(,ll, Y) (resp. Cu(X, Y)). fake -I to be the closed- interval from 0 to 1 n'itir the nsual topology, Iet I() be the rationals in f, ancl let In be the irrationals in f. Define Z to be the set (frxl)u(foxlB) rvith the topoiogJ'inheritecl from the usual topolog;- on -f x1. Now Z is a pseudo-complete, separable nretric space, but Cs(I, Z), CkG, Z), and Cp{I1Z} are all of first categor;' (see [43] ancl l44l). On the other hancl,if f," : Z witlt the topology generatecl from the same topolog;' xo6 the addition of 1nx16 as an open subset, t]nen Z* is of first categorJ. while Cu(f ,Z*) and. C,(I,Z") are of second- category. But Co(Ir Zu1 is of first category. Thus to get a similar example for the topology of pointwise convergence, let I"be I with the countable cornplement topology and. let Zi be (InxI")u(IBxlo) with the topology inherited" from 1 x f" and" the ad.dition of /n'x fo as an open set. Then Zi is of. first categorS', while Cn(I", Zll can be shown to be of seconcl categorS.. tr'or an arbitrar.v interval 1, cond"itions which guarantee tbat CrQ, Y) is pseud.o-cornplete may be found- in [a5]. lVe also find that for any locall5' pathwise connected. metric space Y, if" CkQ, Y) is pseudo-complete, then T is pseud.o-complete. Sufficient conclitions for Cn(X, Y) to be of first categorS' can be found in [aa]. \Ye state two such conclition-q antl indicate the proof of the sirnplest. A topological space X ls saicl to be completely Eau,sclorff tai,th, respect to Y provicled. that for eyery finite set {nr, . . ., nn) of distinct points of X and every finite set {Vr,...,YnI of nonempty open subsets of Y, thele exists a continuous function f : X-->Y such that f(n1)
i,:1t...t11. 'Irmonnu 1.26. If X is completely Hausd,orJf with respect to Y Cn(X, Y7 ,is a Bai,re space, th,en Y is a Baire spaae.
IV. The ilynamics of Baire
X is completely llausd"orff with respect to Y, Co(X, y) subspace ot,An*, where I, is a copy of Y. Therefore, by Since
is a
Th:orem 7.15, Il Y, is a Baire space so-ihat Y is a Baire space.
tre. &e.n FErer
*s*r r*1r I
'F) *rlt, *he
*e*Ls i}{e,{L
pry H€"11-
Fglea t::
*0r $A&r ;'
'*k€ #it& .:..
ryn 'e
l-tT'\ :StIT *&e:r
ies$ ;:
tur. fu F
€x *aere
Tsnonnu 4.27. If X is a n'on-d"isu'ete Tr-space whi,ch' i,s completely Hausd"orff wi,tlt, respect ta Hau;dorff space $,.then Ce(X, Y) as of f,irst i : .- r i '.:> 'z',',.;.3 : ..,. .,... ca,tegorA, Sufficient conclition f.or Cr(X, Y) to be of first categor'-1' can be founcl in [a3]. \{e state two sP:cial cases. TrTnoRpM 4.28. Let ilI be an n-manifold', ancl Let Y be an (n-7)-contzected,,localtg (tr,-7)-connected' metric spa,ce. Th'en' i'f T i,s of fi,rst categorg, so i,s Cp(M, Y). TrrsonsM 4.29. Let X be a metric,sl,&ce, and' let E be al'ocal'l,y conues: Li,near toytol,ogi,cal, sp&ce. Tluen i'f E i,s of fi'r:st catego?'g' so i's C,,(X, E).
V. Products of Baire spaces One
of the most clitficult
questions concerning Baire spaces has
been the question as to when the prod.uct of Baire spaces is a Baire space. In this chapter we iclentify several spaces whose product with a Baire space is a Ba,ire space. It is also shown that the prod.uct of any family of Baire spaces, each of which has a countable pseuclo-base is a Baire space.
The notion of a k-Baire space [63] is cliscussed. and sufficient conditions are given for a space to contain a d.ense Baire subspace whose square is of filst categor-I' in itself. \Ye then sketch Oxtoliy's example of a completely regrrlar Baire space .whose square is not a Baire space. I'inally, we show how Krom nses Oxtoby's example to construct a metriza,ble Baire ijpace whose square is not a Baile space.
Finite products It is ciear that a product space can be a Baire space only if each of its factors is a Baire space. ft is the converse of this statement that has presentecl so much difficulty. As an immecliate consequence of Corollary 4.72 we have that the product of two separable metric Baire spaces is a Baire space. Aarts and. Lutzer [2] construct a separable, pseud.ocomplete, rnetrizable Baire space in the strong sense whose product with itself is not a Baire space in the strong sense. I-.iatel on we will see that there does exist a metrizable Baire spa,ce whose square is not a Baire space, Therefore, we are concerned. with fincling the weahest possible conclitions which preserve Baire space$ under prod.ucts. One clirection is to ask which properties are such that the prod.uct of a space with one of these properties and. a Baire space is a Baire space.
Tnuonnivr 5.I. Let X and, Y be Bai,re sp&ces. Then X i,f er?,y ane of the fol,lomi,ng cowd,itions is sal,,isfiedz
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
X as fi,ni,te. X i,s toealtl,lS a-faaorable. X,is.
'is gu,asi,-regular ond, Eausd,orff-cl,osed,.
a Baire
Y, Products of Baire
(v) x 'is guasi,-regular and, Urgshon-elosed,. (vi) X i,s (regular Hausd,orff)-closed,. (vii) X has u, lacull,y countablo pseuclo-base. (viii) X ,is second, countabl,e. Proof. Ii X is finite then XxT: U({r}xy) is a Baire
::. l
4 tsaire i,f,*mily * Baire ,'
s;Ilauy, ::kieable
;$f *ach @*
pe.xclo$Eeduct l
d s'Itn uader h, procl&
m,Sa.ire 'r,
r<x by Proposition 1.19. The proof ot (ii) is due to White l?01. Let {/u} be the sequence of functions guaranteed- by the clefinition of a weakiy o-favorable space, and let {Cr} b;" a sequence of dense open subsets of X x Y. ft will suffice
to show that f^) h * 6 since both the concept of Baire space and. weakly a-favorable are hered.itarily open properties. By Zorn,s lemma there is a maximal pairwise d"isjoint coliect'ion af , of nonempty open subsets of X such that for each set He &f l there is a nonemptS'set yr(_E), open in Y, with Hxyt(H) c G1. fi \-)tr, is not d.ense in -X, then there wouldexist a set U, open in .X, such that Un(U tf r) : fr. L,et V xW be a nonempty basic open subset of XxY contained. in er;l(U)nflr. ff we let yJV) :'tr[, then V ,yr(W) - G, which contradicts the maximality of #r. Thus, Utrr is dense in Z. I-,et ff o : {)t}. Proceecling by inductiorl, suppose that the finite sequences {*tl i,- 1,... k} ancl {yol i, :I,...,1t} have been so d,efined that the following are true for each ,rb:L,...rk: (a) &" is a pairwise clisjoint collection of nonempty open subsets oI X; (b) U//" is clense in X; (c) K" refines ffn_t) (d) For eacln Ee lfnthere is a nonempty set %(E), open in y, with H xy"(E) - G,i (e) If Eietri for j : I,...,n and. Ej+r- E, for j :I,...,tu-I, tlrcn (yr(Hr), . .., y*(E,D is in the domain of fn. By Zornts lemma there exists a maximal collection ffon, of nonempty open subsets of X such that properties (a), (c), (d), and (e) iisted above holcl for n:k+1. rf l)tro*, is not dense in x, then there woulcl exist a, set U, open in X, such thah U n(Utro*r) : O. tr'or eacb 'i : 1, ..., k, there exists a set E[6eKi such that g + UnEkc. Enc. Hrr_t-... - Et. T'et V xW be a nonempty basic open subset of X xT contained. in I(u^Hilxfo(y,(E,),..., vn(Hn))lne**,. rt we let Tn+r(v) - w, then V xy**r(V) - G,,*, and (yr(E ), ..., T*(Et), yt *r(V)l is in the domain of Jx+, which contrad.icts the maximality of #**r. By the principle of finite induction we have sequences {af,nl ne N} and {ynl ne N} so that for each rae -lf properties (a) throug'h (e) listed above are true. {o* n ll)x"l tt,u Nl # 6 sinee X is a Baire space. If u. f-l lU*"| tt,u Nl, then there is a sequence {Eu} such that for each ,i, neEu and. Ea*, ;-1
Raire spaccs
c Ht.Thelefore, foi: each ,i, (yr(Hr),...,Ti(H)) is in tire dorirain of /n so tlrat Oy,(Ho) +6. It ye nyi(H), then 7:l
a).4 tt, x h(H)l- i:f; G,. i:7 r
Since e'rery pseudo-cornplete space is n-eakly a-favolable, (iii) is immecliate. Norv sullllose that 'f is cluasi-regular T{ausclorff-c1osec1, ancl let -F be the set of all nonconr-ergent open ultrafilters on X. Since .T(?) is Ilausd.orff 1331, X : X(I). Theorern 4.18 shows us that X(-F) is pser-rd.ocomplete.
For each'i,Iet 0; be the topolog_v on X.If {Ur} is a seclrience of sets rvith Uoe 9o and. cl(ii*, c Uo for each ,1, then {tlo} is a regular filter base on X. Ilerrlich l30l has shown that, in a Urygshn-closecl space, ever\ur.vsohn filter base has an aclherent point. Banaschewski l7l has shown that, in a (regular Ilausclorff)-closecl space, e\rer.-l- regular filter base has an ad.herent point. rn either case, [-) ui *a so that x is pseuclo-oo1r]-
Part (r'ii) is an immecliate consequence of Theoren 1.11. Clea,rlv, everJi seconcl countable space has a localll' countable pseud.o-base. For a procluct space to be a Baire space, it is sometirnes necessall. to initiall"v lequire the product space to possess certain properties. 1l.e will now introcluce a concept whic]r falls into this categor_l'. A space ,r will be callecl a generati,rtg Bai,re space providecl that whenever ql is a countalrle farnily of open subsets of x, then there exists a countable familj. { of open subsets of -E such that 4/ u{ generates a Baire space topology on -{. Pnoposnrou 5.2. Et:ery generat,irtg Baire
s,pace ,is
a Ba,ire space.
Proof. Suppose that (X,,7) is not a Baire space. ?hen there exists a ue{ such that u: 0/r, where eac)t anis a closed nowhere d.ense subset of X. Let ql : i;'-Anl nunflu{U}. Now let 4" tre an arbitrary each.
A,, is closed
, -.Tt (X, r) Baile
and.let z be the topologv on X generatecl by Qtv{. Since in (X, z) ancl nowhere d.ense in (X,t), and, .qince then each An is nowhere clense in (X, z). Thus since Uet, is not a Baire space. Therefore (X ,.q) is not a generating
subset of
Trrponprr 5.3. Let X be a Bo,i,re space wnd, tet T be a gen,erat'ing Ba,ire spa,ce. If XxY h,as tlte cou,ntable ch,ain, cond,ition,, then XxY zs a Bui,ro space.
V. Procluots of Bairc spaccs
Ploof. Suppose that X x Y with prod'uct topology{ were not a where O: space, so that there would' exist a U ef such that ]rn*' of XxY. ||hen for each n,
,tid ;nfl ll
jF] Ss.., @*,1 g+.
*:::,s lr' "
ryrl &as
*: .,.:..
,,F TF
n" is the projectionmapofX'xYontoY.SinceYisageneratingBaireSpace' of Y such that qt is contained. in U -A,,.1{ow 1et : {nv(Ul")l n,r,e ff},-where
there exists a countable set l. of nonempty open subsets z be the product 4/v'{ generates a Baire space topology 7Y oL T' TLet' Baire sp*3e since (Y'rv) topology on Xx(f, zv;. iVow (ixY, z) is a since each has a countable trase. For each neN, el"Anc XXn-l)rUi
tld,rr. Since 1] Ui is
in XxT-An with respect to {
dense in (X XT r)' is nowhere dense in (X x T tg)l then cl"l-, is nowhere ' (XtsY' 1) ry"q z, then of fhus since U contains a nonempty "te*bet (x xy rtr) not be a Baire space. llhis contrad-iction then estalolishes that
a Baire space. Itisnotd'ifticuitto'seethateveryopensubspaceofagenerating space Baire spa,cer is a generating Baire spacet and- also every Baire latter The space' Baire ha-ing a countabtJ pseuAo-Uase is a generating the topoiogy follows from the tact ihat tf I is a pseud.o-base for X, then if X is a B*yu on X generated. by I is aBaire space topology if anil only Spaceunclertheorigina}topology(see[4?]).Becauseoftheexamples to come in section 1, ***o*iogl th" continuum hypothesis or Martin's axiom,thereexistsaBairespacehavingthecountablechaincong"o*r^ting Baire lspace. Ilowever, the followd_ition which is not ^ ing is true.
TT{FoR,EMs.4.Euergalmostcountabl,ycornltl,etesTlacehaa,i,ngth,ecountable :fux.ts
;a &*Y .,rt""'
ffe€ @#
chain cond,iti,on 'is a generati,ng Bui're space' 'Proof. tLet {Xrtr) be an almost countably complete space having
CCCancL?et{9,}beasintheaboved'efinition'I-rctQ/:{A*ln'el{}be without a countable family of open subsets of X, which we may assume CCC' has X Since intersections' finite loss of generality io n" Jto.*"cl uncLer foreachrzthereexistsacountablefamilyg!cZ'suchthattheclosure is d"ense in U"' Set of eaclr member @
Or: U go*r";; sections
" gT.Now
is contained"
U,, and"
0r, "',4n have been d'efined"; then define interfollows. T-,et' {W*l ne N\ be the family of all finite gountable ot [nr. since x has ccc, for each n f;,.ere exists a suppose
Hr..Tlrerefore, for each i,, (yr(Er),...,Tt(E)) is
that )yo(Hn) +9. i: I
rc. A€
ln the dornairr of fi
y/E)l- .in,.
since ever5. pseud"o-complete space is rveakly a-favorable, (iii) is immediate. Norv suppose that x is quasi-regular r[ausdorff-closet1, ancl let Jfl be the set of all nonconvergent open nltrafilters on x. since x(?) is rfausdorff t33], x : x(r). Theorern 4.1g shows us that z(_E)is pr"oaocomplete. n'or each i,,Let'
gi be the topology on,x. Tt is a sequence of sets "with Uoe go and" clUi*, c. Uifor each i,, then {uc} {Ur} is a regular filter base on x. rlerrlich l30l has shown that, in a urysohn-closed, space, eyery urysohn filter base has an aclherent point. Banaschewski [?] has shown that, in a (regular Ilausd_orff)-closecl space, errer)r regular filter base has an ad.herent point.
either' .or",
Ui #@ so tirat X is
Part (vii) is an immecliate sonsequence of flreorem 1.11. clearly, €yery second countabie space has a locally countable pseud.o-base. tr'or a product space to be a Baire space, it is sornetimes necessarl, to initially require the prod.uct space to possess certain properties. 14re will now introd.uce a concept which falls into this category. A space x will be salled a generat'ing Ba,ire sytace provid.ed. that rvhenever ql is a countable family of open subsets of x, then there exists a countabie familJ, l/ of open subsets of xsuch that elvt generates a Bair.e space topology on lf. Pnoposrrrorv 5.2. Euery generati,ng Ba,ire space is a Ba,ire space. Proof. Suppose tbab (X,t) is not a Baire space. Then there exists
that A : 3 A*, wbere eaclt Anis a closed nowhere d.ense n:1 subset of X. Let oU {X-Anl nrlf}u{U}. Now let t be an arbitrary subset of f, and- let z hre the topology on X generated. by a//vf. Since eaclt An is closed in (X, r) and. nowhere d.ense in (X,{), and iiince t -9t then each An is nowhere d.ense in (X, z). Thus since Urz, {X, z) is not a Baile space. Therefore (X,{) is not a generating a,
Baire space.
T*ng*sivr 5.3. Let s?&ce. .
; :-i
If XxY
be a Bai,re space and, tet
ba a generating Bai,re
has the counlable clmin cond,,iti,on, then
zs a Baire
..:w i
,t'*& r' '
' ..i-::,
trr. Procluots
#f. :- .r?
of Baire
x Y with ploduct, topology.z were not a Baire
that there would exist a U e{ such that O : PrO", where N' eacl\ Altis a closecl nowhere dense sutrset of XxY' Then for each ne
space, so
there exist a countable number of basic open subset's {uil tt€ lr} of x xY @ such that 3 U; l* a dense subset of x x T - an and. at least one ui :
w&*. :.a
@t€ ,:
. -rI at
FfiSt -'i '::
s. -]L !,i..a' '
ffi.{c$ir$}s _
@sr a.
@t"s I
rye .l; ,
:. f#$fe *e$rs i:,.'
projectionmapofXxYontoY.SinceYisageneratingBairespace' ihere exists a countable set l' of nonempt-tr open subsets of Y such that Q/v{genelatesaBairespacetopology.CyoTlY.Letzbotheprod'uct (Y' zt) topology on Xx(Y, z"). Now (XxY, z) is a Baire spa:e since
| -l
A,,. Now let % : {o"(t}i11 tt', i'' N)1 where zv is the
$ay WF
r)' is nowhere dense in (X x y ,{)) then cI"' ,, is nowhere dense in (X xY ' would' z) (X XT , Thns since I/ contains a nonempty member of z, then (x xy,tr) that establishes then contrad-iction This not be a Baire space.
*pglr ,'kas
since each has a countable base. tr'or eaeh' meN, cT"Anc Xxy-!i.Ui a:\ @ tli, r. Since [*J Ui is dense in X x Y - An with respect to { and' An
i:r is contained. in
a Baire space.
open subspace of a generating ,Baire space, is a generating Baire space, and also eYery Baire space haYing a countabie pseud.o-base is a generating Baire space. The latter follows from the fact t'}rat tt I is a pseud-o-base for X, then the topology on x generated- by 4 is a Baire space topology if and- only if z is a Baire space und.er the original topology (see [a7]). Because of the examples to come in section 4, assuming the continuum hypothesis or Martints axiom, there exists a Baire space having the countable chain cond-ition which is not a generating Baire lspace. Ilowever, the following is true. Tn-nonnu 5.4. EaarE almost countubly comli,ete spaca hats'ing the countabtre chai,n cond'ition 'is a generati,ng Bai're spaca' space having Proof. ILet (x,{) tre an almost countably complete ql : {Unl n'< N} be CCC and Iet {9*} be as in the above definition' I,et assume without may we Z, which of a countable family of open subsets x has ccc, since intersections' loss of generality to be ciosed und.er finite
It is not cl,ifficult to see that every
foreach'r,thereexistsacountablefamily/fcg,suchthattheclosure of each member of g? is cont'ained in U,, and' l)gi is d"enso in U"' Set
frr,.'.r 0, have been tlefined'; then d"efine 41,*1'-ai follows. I.,et {W*l net[] be the family of all finite intergountable sections ot gA,. Since X has CCC, for eash n t'here exists a
4r: V gf .Now il
faririly 7T+t- 9pt1snch that the closureof each nren'lber of gt+r is contained
in f[,,
and- l)gT,+,
TIr,,. Define
iY} thus clefinecl by incluction, then take 4r
: () U*, which k:7 by Ql vf
is corintable, ancl 1et z be the topology on X generatecl . fn orcler to establish that, (X, z) is a Baire space, let {1r,rl zr,e -lI} be clense open subsets of (.X, z) ancl let' V be an arbitrary nonempty open subset of z. Since 7, is ciense, Vnlr, contains a basic open subset of z. fn fact, we ca,n fincl an tmle N and- B, e %ru, sa fhat c7, Bt c V n}.r. Now BraV, +9, so there exists't/L2e rY with nt,z> rrLt and- Bre 8nz, sttch that tT, Brc. BrnV2.In tiris mannel rre malr intrictively define a sequence {Br} sr-Lch that folnrt < rnz < ..., Bie g!*i ancl c7, Br*, c. BonVi*r.
Then since .F
(X,{) is
)Bo * 0, so that (X, z) is a Baire space, so tliat (X,7) is
almost countably complete,
V.,) * O. Therefore ""fl a generating Baire space.
2. Infinite
It is weli known that the countable
product of complete metric is a cornplete metric space. Oxtoby [52] has shown that the arbitrary procluct of pseduo-complete spaces is pseud.o-complete. Therefore, the arbitrar;' prod.rict of complete metric spaces is a Baire space even though it may fail to be a complete metric space. l'rolik [20] illustrates that the arbitrary plod"uct of cornplete metric spaces neecl not, be a Baire space in the strong sense. Ilaving a countable pseuclo-base is another property such that when the factors in an arbitrary protluct ale assumecl to have this property in adclition to being Baire ,space, then the prod.uct is a Baire space 1521. To see this we need the followinE lernrnas. ' LnlrmE 5.5. Let X and, Y bo topol,ogi,cal, spaces wi,th T h,aaing u countablo pseudo-base. If {G}'is a sequonce of clense open subsets i,n XxY, th,en, tho set of all poi.nts fre X, su,ch, that for some neN, (Gn)",is not a clense open su,bset of Y, i,s of fi,rst categot.g 'in X. Proof. Let {Pol ?€,lr-} be a countable pseuclo-base for Y. For each'd, j<-l/, let E|:ntl(XxPr)^Gjl which is a clense open su]:set of x' ff f A":6, t'.lnen -T is of first category and we are throug'h. For any spaces
point r< OE|, it is eas;'to see that, each (Gr). intersects eachPo. Theren,j fore, (Gi), is a d.ense open subset of Y for each j. Thus, the set of all points fr, X, such that for some ne N, (G,), is not a dense open subset
:r;& -j' .
V. Procluate of Baire
of y, is
category in
X : fl *r. For simplicity, i:L tation for 0(zra(ra:
s&ace '
For each positive integeli,rlet xobe a space with a countable pse'.rdo-
base and let
:,that '!, :l.l
X(n\:ltx,, TT
*ka.t' ..,'.
.t .'
.@ *&e
8$&se* ,,t l,
Meh tl:
eny &*xe-
use the following no-
A-(m.n): '
{rr} x Y(nr) c. UrxY(n') c. UnGr.
proceed.ing by incLuction, suppose that the finite sequences {nil :L,...,h\ ancl {enrl j :7,...,k} have been so clefined that the fol-
j : 1, ...,k: (i) 0:no{%t<...
lowing are true for
(ii) *1e X(n1-r,n1). (iii) {(rt, .. ., ni)} xT (ni) c. U n4i. (iv) n'or each n, (G)<*r,...,,i> i* a dense open subset' oI I(n). There is an integev nk+r ) ru* such that (G*nt) (q....,r1) contains a set of the form Ua;1 XY('nr*r), where U,,a1 is a nonempty ope!. subset of X{nr, nrr+t). Since X(ra7, , nn+t) is a Baire spacer U1,-.1 is of second- category' Appiying Iremma 5.5 to X(n*, nr,+r) xT(nn+), we get a, point fi7,-1€ U1;'1 such that, for each n, (Go)<*r,...,r/,+1) is a dense open subset of Y(n'6*1)' N-ow
eF*et tr:).
For each ,n,, N, X(,?) has a countable pseudo-base {Pf I i.lf}. ft is easy to see t]nat, {PixY(n}l n,ir-il} is a countable pseudo-base for,Y. l{ow let {G"} be a monotone d.ecreasing sequence of d.ense open subsets of X, and. let U be a nonempty open subset of X. There exists a positive integer rq, such that UnGr contains the basic open set UtxY(nrJ, where C1 is a nonempty open subset of. X(nt). Since X(rzr) is a Baire spacer U1 is of second category. Applyrng I-,emma 5.5 to X(ntlxT(nr), we get a point nreA, such that for each n, (Gn)r, is a d.ense open subset of Y(nt). Now
(n) : il ",, i:n*l
w*'v fssl.
wtrich is of first
u(x-Ei) i'i
Proof. For a finite famity of spaces it is easy to see that the plod.uct has a countable pseud.o-base a,nd is therefore a Baire space by Theorem
in the set x-nvi:
I-jslv(}rA 5.6. Ttr,e Tgchonoff prod,uct of ang countable fami'ly of spaces, eaala of whi,ch, h,as a countable pseud,o-base, has a countable pseu,do-base' Iurthormora, 'if euch space 'i,s a Bn'ire sp0,c0, th,en the prod'uct'is a Ba'ire sp&ce.
rbich .hr$
{r**r} xY(nr*r) c Ur+txY(n'r*t) c
{(nr, ...,
c Gr_rnG.
B;' the principle of finite induction we have the sequences {nr l j. ]I} ancl {rtl j.lf} so that for each jeil, 0 :1xo
"l-lX" Proof. Let {G"} be a sequence of dense open subsets of -X : IIZ". By Zorn's lemma, each Gn contains a maximal pairwise disjoint ?:*Ltty of basic open sets, {A},1 me -Ar}, which is countatrle since X has the counta-
a .!:.
ble chain condition. Therefore,
j. i:l
snb,.et of fi_
ancl, there ore, f-l G,,, is clense
$i $,.
i .ll
is a Baire space. Ilence, OH,,t
in X.
A topological space X is said to have cali,ber f{, if each uncountable faniil;' of nonempty open subsets of X contains an uncoultable subfamily with a nonempty intersection. rt is easy to see every separable space has caliber ltr. and that ever;.
t'.i: jtl
At B
X". Since each -8, is dense in X, each -K, is dense in f]X".
Aftbe this tinite suiset of -4, and ]et ,B repre,sent the countable set l)A';,. Now each .E" is of the form -iK,,x Il X" where Jf,, is an open
all but finitely many
a clense open suirset of X.
"":,PrUftis Eacb Ufr is of the form 1l Uo, rvhere U o : Xofor
space having caliber ,rt. hasr the countable chain condition.
I,nulrq. 5.8. The product
oJ ang
faruily of spaces,
luhle pseud,o-base, has the cou,ntable cha'in
each of wlti,chhas a coLtrl,-
Proof. Let {X"l aeA} be an arbitrary collection of
spaces, each of which has a countable pseuelo-base. clearly, any space that has a countable pseudo-base is separable. Therefore, each X o lns caliber t{, . Sanin l58l provecl the concept of having caliber N, is prod.uctirre. Thus l/X" has caliber l{r, and. hence has the countatrle chain condition. aea Tsroa,nu 5.9. The prod,uct of ang fami,ly of Bai,re specesj each of whi,ah ltas a cou,ntabla pseud,o-base, ,is a Ba'ire sp&ce. The next proposition also follows from the argrrments used, in the prececling lemmas.
ff' f:'. 3,
Products of Baire spaces
Fr $
sd {ii)
set d
$-r" .ll
ffg". t'{
Pnoposrtron 5.10. If X i,s a Ba'ire space wi,th a cottntnbl'e pseud'o-baso, then for any card,'inal num,ber m and for anE point ne X, tke set of all,ltoi,nts (no) e X"' s,u,ch that fio : fr for all' but cou,ntably many q. < nx 'is a Buire space.
The notion of having a countable pseud.o-ba,se has playecl an important role in this chapter. Clearly, eYerli secontl countable space has a countable pseuclo-base and. every space with a countable pseudo-base is separable.
In general
these implicat'ions cannot be reversetl, although these notions are ecluivalent in a metric space. The next proposition gives a large class of spaces which d"o not have a countable p'*eud-o-base. PnopoSnrON 5.11. Euerg uncountable prod'uct of nan-i,nd,i,scr"ete spaces, each lttr,tt,ing a countable ytsau,do-baso,
f,is set ,,,,s*str ,,:,
flIr". ;fJ tF.
...s.{"' F:
not haae a o-pai'ttt cottntable psetttTo-
P1o of . For each c e -4, rvhere .4 is an nncountable set, 1et
ind,iscrete space having
a countable
pseudo-base, ancl
X" he a non-
Without loss of generalitlr, suppose that the card-inality of -4 is t{t. Since each 'll" is separable, X is separable. Ilence, Xhas caliber l{1. ff X hacl a point countable pseud,o-hase, therr it xould. be courtable. But it is easy to see that the uncountable product of non-incliscrete spaces cannot hare n countable pseuclo-base. Trtnonorvr 5.72. If the prod'ttctof generat'ittg Bai're spaces h,as the countable cha'in cond'it'ion, then''it'is a gen,erati'ng Ba'ire sp&ce. Th'us tho prod,uct of g1enerating Ba'ire sp(Lces haaing cali'ber rr*1 ds A generati'ng Baire sps'ce. Proof. I'et {Xrl y, f} be a family of generating Baire spaces and"
: [lX, with the product topology { b.aving the countable chain f condition. L'et, Qt : {U,"i n.< -47} be a countable coliection of open subsets
let -tr
rvhich we rnay assume without loss of generality to be closed uncler' finite intersections. Since X has the countable chain condition, for each rz there exists a countable familS. of basic open subsets { Uf, I z, e -lf,} of .T
that prO'" is a d.ense sub.cet of Un. Now for
5" sq;€
ff#tflt. t,
'i, Ui is of
tlre foi'tu I(rr,1:)
each n. and'
wlrere fty;(*,i) is the projection rnap from open in Xrrpr,t).Let
T' : {yi(n,'i)l
tt , t,e
onto Xvi(r;il ancl
je .lr with
For er-ely y u l'r let
Ztr: {nr(Ui,}l
tr,,,le -M}.
j < h(tt. i')}.
Since for each y, l', X, is a generating Baire space, there exists a countable set l/, of nonempty open subsets of Xrsuch that'%rv{', generates aBaire
spacetopology ry on Xr. tr'or each ye T',let {r: {nr'(V)l VeQ/rv'/'r}. L'et {' : \) {r, wliich is a countable set of nonempty open subsets of I,
andlet z be the topology on 'X generated" by 4/v"f . In ord.er to establish tlnat (X, z) is a Baire space, consid.er the prod.uct topology, call it o, on X consiclered as the product Il(X,rr); where is the ind.iscrete topology on Xr. Note that 6 c r. for each ye f -T', ", Since each 1Xr, %) is a second countable Baire space, t}len (X, o) is a Baire space. Therefore, it suffices to show t'hat' o is a pseud.o-base for (f,, z). T'et 1Y be a basic open set in (X, z), which will be of the form T{z : Unnnit (Zt)n ... nn;)(V*), where Ane Ql and- each vi€ qlyiu{y.
q.. Int' r.
$ ,
'H :l:
so that V each
:T: :':
c lV. But
(Lf q) nn,lw,)n... n n;)tv*), since
'*'. ,&,
$ $
r fl
yi1n,t1c r t,i(*,.ti
then 7<2. Therefore, o is ind"eed" a pseud.o-base for (X,r), so that (X;r) is a Baire space since (-X, o) is a Baire space. Thns (X,f) is a generating Baire space as d-esired".
3. k.Baire
each V yrp,tle
Ltet k be a cardinal number larger than l{0. The topological space (X,9') is a h-Bai,re spa,ce if the intersection of fewer than /c dense open subsets of X is d-ense in .x. A subset H of. X is a G6,,,-set if there is a set Qt c{ suchthat p/l
V. Products of Bairc
PnoposrtroN 5.14. The folloraing
i'-j't], -
lprt p: nes€ .'i;
a topol'ogi'cal, space
(i) X as a k-Bai,ro spa,ce. (ii) Eaery nonem,pty opten su,bset of X i,s of second, lt-categorg. {n\ Ihe oom,Tilement of any set oJ fi,rst h-catagorg 'in X 'is elense in X. PnoposnroN 5.15. Let X be a lt-Bai,ro Tr-space u'ith, tto isol,ated, points, and,let T be aG5,*-subset of X toi.th ly|
*r. Then there are eractllyN, strbsefs of B whiclt, haue carddnnl'ilg I,ess than *r. Conor,r,ann 5.L7. Let r1t ba u +t'onl''imit' ot'd"i+tal' and' let (X,g) be a' togtologi,cal, space ai,lh iT-l:*r. Then there are etnactl'g N,, 6;sr-s?/bsets o.f X. ft is necessary to require that p be a nonlimit orilinal in hoposition card,inali,ty
;;; f'4: x6
5.16 since a set of card.inality N. has exactl.r s*, ,, Eubsets of carclinality ' less than l*.. Tnnonpm "c.78. Let p be a nonzel'o orcl'inal, uhliclr' 'is not a li,mit ordi,'nal. Let (X,{) be a Hausd,orff space of earili,nalitg ** utlr,ich, hns no'isolated, po,ints. Btt'ltposa either I
(i) X zs an t\n-Baire sp{rce wi,th l,{l : Nr, ot (ii) eoery first *r-category subset of X is nowhere
.:i b,.!ss .i:.. ,:.,i
, .
Ttas a pseud,o-base
with l9l
Buppose furtkor tluat there enists a fi,rst category sttbset A oJ X2 sttch, X-{*u Xl X-A*i,s of fi,rst category i,n X} and, X'-{*, Xl X -A'i,s of first category i,n X\ are of fi,rst category 'in X. Th,eto tltere eu'ists a tlense subspace Y of X whi,clr, 'is an *,r-Ba'ire space and, ushose sgltcu'e i,s of first
ryf" &8BtI
.,**i FPqF
s*ts lg.ss
category i,tr, i.tself.
Proof. Let,Qt : {[]e{ I Uis nonernpty and contained. in the closnre of some first N,-category subset of X). If Qt :6,let { : g and. $r :6. On the othei hand" if. q/ + O, clefine f and, 7/r as hollows. Iret -D be the set of all pairwise d"isjoint subcollections of. t7/, partially orclered. by set inclusion. By Zorn's lemrna, -D has a maximal elernent, which is ryhat ,we take fot {. Now clefine ltr : U{Ul U€lr'}. Let Vybe the subspace
*ql+ ;wd |: .:.
topology on 7// inheritecl frolnt ,7. l;,et ae{'. }hen there exists a collection {-lI"} of fewer than N" nowhere densesubsets of f, suchthat [rc cl([J-rY,). For each a, let rY"iU)
: ]fonU. Then lf,(U) is a nowhere clense sulrset of X. Suppose there is an elemetrt r of U which is not in cl[U]f"(U)]. Then there is an open set Iz containing r such that f'^[Ufr"tUtl :O. Thnsr for each a, 7n-1tr.(U) : yn;lr onil : 6 so that Q oaln {1_.;lr") : O. Therefore,
wf #gr.
which contradicts U being a subset ot
cl([_l-rv"o). Therefore,
[U lr"(U)]. Nov'
: u{Ui Uer'}c l-l{ci[(-JJr"(u)l I a,t'l
:l:: ,
- cl(tj{Vt"(a\
ct[U (U {x"( u) | u,
By Proposition 1.2, each [J {-l[ U ,l'] is nowhere dense in X. There"(U) | fore, T : y (U {lf,( U) | U, "/.\l is of first l{r-category in X and conseqnently in '/{, since 4tr is open in X. Note that 4/" c. cIT so that ? is a d.ense first ltr-category subset of 7{. Bitce 7/r is an open subset of the Nr-Baire space X, it is an f{r-Baire space. Clearly 71. cantains no isolated points. Bj- Proposition 5.15, Wl : f{, since W is apen in X. Now 9"r. c{ so that i{y.l {lgl : Nr. Since l" is I[ausdorff, the complement of a single point is open. Therefore, l{*.l2rr** so th:art lgl:Sr. Define z - x-clfr.antl let 7"be the subspace topology of z inherited rrom{. Let B be the first lt,-categoly subset of Z. Assume that there exists a nonempty open subset v of z such that v c elsY c c158. Now Z is open in X, V is open in -X, and. rS is of the first ftr-category ii X. Therefore, VeQt.,Llso Vncl$/r:O so that VnTl:O for ali Ue /. Thus, /'v{Y} is an elernent of -Zl which is strictly larger thanf ,which cont'radicts the maximality of 7". Therefore, eyery first l{r-category subset of z is nowhere dense tn z. rt z * 6, t]nen z is a rlausd,orff space with cartlinality ltr, and contains no isolated. points. perhaps lf zl **,, llrat Z has a pseudo-trase 4 such that l4l - l{e. First, we shall with the case x'here { + g and. Z * @. Iret t( be the set of all somewhere d.ense Gr,n,-subsets of Nl.. Obviously, l#l2l{yl - f{"' sinee each G6,;.-subset' of" l/' is associated- with a corlection of fewer than elements of {rs, I,#l
and let
M : X-{n, Xl X-A, is of first categor;' in X}, Jf - X-{r. Xl X-A*'is of first category in X},
: A,-tlM x (X-")lut(-r- T)xMlvA, where A : {(rrn)l nuX}. Since -X is llausdorff, / is closed" in X2. Assume that there exists a nonempty open set of -X2 continued in /. Then there exists open seis Tz. and. F. in X such tlnat VrxV2c l. Therefore, C
7, must be the same singleton point, but this contradicts the fact
Y. Proclucts of Baire space$ €{cre, q
i t 1 ?,;
&*::ea. &ie-
cfis d the wSate"d
YCf *ii:rgle
'drn* {hat : {'l r,S. ir;ra .5. '$e 9"'. FEICN
$q-erv 5:*p&e€
F$er ,}F
i$*x of '{ ***}'
that X has no isolated points. Thus / is a nowhere dense subset of X2. By hypothesis -4, M, and.lf are of first category in X2. Therefore, -0{ x x(X-?) and 6-f) xlf are of first category in -X2. Thus, C is of first category in X2. Define B : C olX x (x-")lnl(x- r) x Xl. Sirice B is contained- in C, B is of first category in X2. We shall use transfinite induction to d.efine {n"l o
" -
Cro c.
which is of first Nr-category in X. Therefore, X-C"s is of first l{r-category in X. Now B*o C,onlX x (X - ?)l,on l(.f, - T) x Xf,o - C,oA6 - f) Thus, X - B,s : (X -C*r)vT which is of first l{r-category in X. Therefore Z - B*s : (X - B,) oZ is of first l{r-category in Z since Z is open in -T. Now Z-Br() #Z since Z is an l*r-Baire space. Similarilyr Z-B'o is of first N,-category in Z. Now Z-(B,roB"o1 : (Z-B,o)v(Z-Br0) is a first It,-category subset of Z, and., hence, is nowhere d.ense in Z. 'Therefore, G:on(B*oaB*o) +g.Letgo,Gsn(BntnBr0). Note that {{r, n) | ne6-f)} c B. Therefore, (.r0, Uo), (Uo, fio), (fry, ro), a,nd. (Uo, Uo) are all in B. Now let a
X-LXIx(X-T))" 0:X-(X-T):T
- n @ *uo B'F nB pnBa : l)l(11'-B*)v(f -B*P)v{1/r -Bru)v(1/r B
E*- As-
L Yhen sf.lore, 3se
_ BU\l
is a first l{*-category subset of "//r. Ilence, 7/rn[O"(B,unBrrnBrunBoul u F is a dense l{, Baire subspace of llr . Thtts, H oA l) tB, unn' aB, uo B' )l + A.
Let n
UtV - B*t)u -- fr
"ol1 5
(B * p^B'P oB a p^Bu P)l.
c (X-?)'
(\(B,B,rBqP^BvpnB*f aB*,oB*"\
Bai)v (Z -Bu)v(Z
Bunlv (Z
- Br")l
is nowhere d-ense irt Z' lf.lnen 'i
is a first N"-categoly subset of Z, and-, hence, e..l1n (Biuan;l.nbnunBuonBn"'AB*"11is nonempty. I,ret Eobe an element
ot tff," *"t.
Tt : {n,la { b{r} and. Y, : {g.l o a t{r} which have thus been d.efineclbytransfiniteintluction, andlet Y : YtvTr. Clearly,Y is ad*1t" ,, subspace of X. Now Y, is a dense subset of 4/r atd eacb' Eointersects Y' ; Therefore, Y is an l.tr-Baire space. Ilet V be any open set in Yr. T1"1 I , ,l is a somewhere dense sulrset of Tr. Therefore, since Y, is dense inZ, V is Ltet'
somewherec1enseinZ.Thus,r/isofsecond|{*-categoryinZsot1rat7 isofsecond|{,-categoryinY,.Therefore,Y,isanN'-BairesPace.Now
y:: Tow and- I, : TnZ which makes T, and" I', open subsets of. I Therefore, Y is an ltr-Baire space. By construction, Y2 c B. Sinc€ B
isoffirstcategoryin.k,,Y,isoffirstcategoryinX2.tr'ina1ly,sinc,eY2 is denso in X2, Y2 is of first category in itself. Tt Z :@ wetall uncLer part (i) of our hypothesis. T/'is then a rlense
X ancl the above proof suffices with only obvious alterations' : fi. l// 6 we fall und"er part {ii) of our hypothesis. z ]s then equal to X ancl the above proof suffices if we let B : C : AvU[ x(X-M\]v u[(X--Lr)x N)vA. Conor,lanv 5.19. ,4-sstlmi,ng the comtinuurn hypothesi,s, i'f (X,{) i's ,'
subspace of
countable Hausd,orJf Bui,ro space of card,i'nal,i'tg *tt'ohi'ch has no i'sol'ated,lto,ints,thanthere d,oes not e*i,sts afirst categorg subset A of Xz sttch that ': X-ln,Xl X-Asi,s of first category i,n X\ and' X-{neXlX-A" ds of '1
'i fi,rst category'i,n X) are of first categor'31 in X. proof. Since -X is lfausdorff, point complements are open. Therel f.ore, I{l}bir. Now each open set in x is associatecl- with a sequence : :l{, S*ppose ftt. that so lgl of elements of the base. Thus,lgl<2$o there d.oes exist srrch an A. Then by Theorem 5.18 there exists a clense ;; subspace T of. x which is a Baire space and. whose square is of first :nTgo:I ::; in itself. Ttrerefore, by Theorem 1.L\ y would- tre of first category in itself' " .,1
4. Product counterexamPles Tho next example [52] will illustrate that Theorems
1.1-1 ancl 5'9
cannot be proved without some restriction in the place of the countability '
V, Products of Baire
+l &e.n
**at j *cx. :t:
sF T- is
:$ j.'
i$**" ::i s"g*sl
3rs **pt f,*et Bs pJ
ryre .*1*.{]e i!: i'
€sFe !eslse
SirI E$€lI. :
*,*-9 ,$ftr5
hypothesis. This 'was the first example of two Baire spaces s'hose ploduct is not a Baire space. Other examples use this kind. of example in their constluction. In this example it was necessary to use measule theory and the continuum hypothesis. This suggests that the prod"uct question might be a set-theoretic type of question. Actuali;" Tall 164l points out thatt for oxtoby,s construction, it suffices to assume lVlartin's axiom (i'e., e1rer-y compact Ilausciorff space having the countable chain cond'ition is a 2No-Baire space) in place of the continuum hypothesis. \4re now give a brief description of Oxtoby's construction' ILet M ne tne field of L,ebesgue measurafule subsets of the unit interval, in J}{, and X the Stone space [27] associatecl -If, the coilection of a1l nuilsets with the Boolean algebra MlN. X is a compact Ifausd"orff space with no Furtherisolated- points. lxl :N, and X has a base of cartlinality t{t' oxtoby x' Ln' dense nowhere is x of subset first category more, "o""y version measule theoretic a using provecl tho following Lemma in 152] of Fubini's Theorem. I_,pmrru. 5.20. Ior X constructed, abotse, x2 conta'ins a subset a of first xcutegorE snch that x-{u, xt x-A,'is of first categorg i,n x} and' X' i'n category of are X} in X-A* i,s of fi,rst category fi'rst -{orXi Now using Theorem 5.18, one can conclud-e the existence of a clense Baire subspace of -x rn'hose square is of first category in itself. lYe now give another example of a space satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 5.18. Let Xobe the reals with the density topology (see t'he discussion after Theorem 3.5; also see [24], [61], 1651, ancl f?llforploperties of this space). The subset a of xoxxp in Theorem 5.18 can be eonstructecl in a rnanner similar to that which oxtoby used, in the proof of Lemma 5.20. tr'or a pseudo-base having cardinality ltr (assuming the continuum hypothesis) take the usual ?"-subsets of the reals having positive measure. Now let Tobe the d.ense subspace of xo which is given ty Theorem b.18. Then Y, is a Tysftsrtff Baire space having CCC whose uqorr* is of first category. An aclcled. property tlnt Yo has that Oxtoby's example did- not haYe is that YD is hered.iaril5' 3"*. since x, is' \Yhite gives a moclification of this construction in [?2], in which he constructs a d,ense subspace z of. x, whose squale is of first category is, z and. which has the further property of being a sierpinski set; that Z that has countable intersection with eYery null set. From this it follows is hered,itarily Lindeliif (see [65]). A natural question now is whether there is such an. example which is a metric space. As for being hered.itarily Baire, the answer is no because
of Proposition 1.9. we will no$' show how Krom [34]
oxtoby's examp]e to show the existence of a metrizable Baire spaee whose squale is not a Baire spa'ce' First. we need. some new nota,tion. For a topological space (Xr{), let used"
:1st N-->41 s(tz)=s(mf1) for eacion€-l[and ff,trl 4:{-{gl,-f anci ( Ur, ..., a,)- , {s. Xl s(1,) : fJt for 1< ? < rr1. tfofie-tth*t t0\, :
{(fJr,...,U,,)-l Ur,...,Un, B} is a base for X. frfisRpM 5.2L. Ior ang togtologi,cal spaces X and, y, X xy sgtace i,f ancl, onl,y if E xY i,s a Bai,re sp&ce. B
i,s a Bai,re
Proof. For convenience of notation we will only show that (x,T) is a Baire space if and" on15r lf i is a Baire space. A similar technique can be used. on the general case. Using the notation of Theorem 3.16, tet gr(h): {f. S1&11 tor each (Ur,..., Un)- , h, 111ai,..., U*)-) : (Ur,..., U,o, U*r)' for so-
one-to-one corresponclence
L)r@"-->6 by
o{(tlr: ..., Uo)) : (Ur, ...,
Un)- .Define the correspond.ence 0: g*(fi)-> g*(g) -->9(#) as follows. Tor /< and f : (ar.,..., Un), h bt p(fi@) : (Uu._.., Un,fla-t10;1;-. for 0, h d"tioe yLitt g(61--rs"(9) and. y'6: 9(0)->9*(fr) as follows. Let, f eg(g) and, V : (Vr,...,V,,)e 6*. ff there is a fi , & r1A) and, a V e fi suehthat( Zr, . . ., V *, V :lt, A, il.t ^*, ^+r) : Ynr+t; otherwise,tet yiliyd for sorne od.d z, then let yi,6)g) : i^". If !ler? T_ *- f.9r(4) and a V,,+t,g sudn that (Vr,...,V,o,vn+r) :lu'f ,filttor some even i, thenlet y?(f)(v):vm+ti otherrpise iet
* 9.
Suppose that fr. is a Baire space. Let, U ,
g"(g). By Theorem
fi.sqh) such that ff b(U), f (il,Alt *8. It can i:L beshownthat fl lU,f ,yrr(gl; t'fr.ThusXisaBaire space byTheorem i:r
3.16, there exists a 6
Let 0,6 and. i, S1n1.Vy Theorem 3.16 there exists a fieg*(#) such tiiat fr b-r(fr), yrfri), gli +g. h can tre shown that ff La,i, fi@)lt+d]'nno*, -i is a Baire i-l space by Theorem 3.16. tr'or a topological space (x,{)r -f is metrizabre since it is a subspace Now suppose that
X is a Baire
of Bairets zero-dimensional space 1491. Thus, by Theorem 5.21 and oxtoby,s exanrple d.iscussed above, it can seen be that there exists a metrizable Baire space whose square is not a Baire space. cohen [75] has recerrtly shown that only th: usual axioms of set theory are need. to prove tha existence cif a Bzr,ire space whose square is not a Baire spa:s. KLom's t:chnique above wili give such an example
which is a metric
: ,,.' ir:.: 1",.
F{#} :t
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