and techniques
Techniquesbased on X-rays The production and nature of X-rays 13 Interactions of X-rays with matter 15 Conventional imaging with X-rays 18 Digital radiography 21 Computed X-ray tomography 22 X-ray contrast enhancing media 25
Techniquesbasedon nuclear magnetic resonance Principlesof MR-scanning 28 MR-imaging modes and pulse sequences 38
Techniquesbased on ultrasoundreflection The production and nature of ultrasound 41 Interactionsof ultrasoundwith tissues 43 Ultrasoundimaging modes 44 The Doppler effect and Doppler imaging 46
Techniquesbased on radioisotopeemissions Scintigraphy 47 Single photon emissioncomputed tomography (SPECT) and positron emissiontomography (PET) 49
Principlesof nomenclatureand positioning 50
Forearm, supinated, middle, axial CT 66 Forearm,pronated,middle, axial MR 66
Wrist and hand Wrist, dorso-volarX-ray 67 Wrist, lateral X-ray 67 Wrist and hand, axial CT:series 68-71 Metacarpus and fingers, axial CT 71 Wrist, coronalMR 72 Wrist, carpaltunnel, coronalMR 72 Hand, a-p X-ray 73 Skeletal age of hand 73 Hand development, male 74-77 Hand development,female 78-81 Hand, senescent,dorso-volarX-ray 82 Hand, dorso-volar,99mTc-DMB scintigraphy, child 12 years 82
Arteries and veins Shoulder, a-p X-ray, arteriography (digital subtraction) 83 Forearm, a-p X-ray, arteriography 83 Hand, dorso-volarX-ray, arteriography 84 Shoulder,a-p X-ray, phlebography 85
Lower limb Pelvis
Upper limb Shoulderand arm Shoulder,a-p X-ray 55 Shoulder,axial X-ray 55 Clavicle,a-p X-ray 56 Scapula,oblique X-ray 56 Shoulder and arm, a-p X-ray, child one year 56 Shoulderand arm, a-pX-ray, child 5 years 57 Shoulder and arm, 99m1i-14pp, scintigraphy, child 12 years 57 Shoulder,axial CT 58 Shoulder,coronalMR 58 Shoulder,axial MR 59 Arm, upper third, axial MR 60 Arm. middle. axial MR 60
Elbow Elbow, axial CT 61 Elbow, a-p X-ray 62 Elbow lar.eralX-ray 62 Elbow coronalMR 63 Elbow, humeroradialjoint, sagittalMR 63
Forearm Forearm, a-p X-ray 64 Forearm, a-p X-ray, child 2 years 65
Pelvis, female, a-p X-ray, tilted 88 Pelvis, male, a-p X-ray, tilted 88 Sacro-iliacjoints, axial CT (bone settings) 89 Pelvis, 99mfi-\,{PP scintigraphy 89
Hip and thigh Hip, a-pX-ray 90 Hip, Lauenstein,X-ray 90 Pelvis, a-p X-ray, child 3 months 91 Pelvis, X-ray, child 7 years 9l Hip, axial CT 92 Hip, sagittalMR 93 Hip, child, 3 months, coronalUS 93 Thigh, axial MR 94-95
Knee Knee, a-p X-ray 96 Knee, flexed, lateral X-ray 96 Knee, half flexed, tilted X-ray ("intercondylar notch projection") 97 Knee, flexed, axtal X-ray 97 Patella variation (2%), a-V X-ray 97 Knee, flexed, lateral X-ray, old age 98 Knee, child 11 years,lateralX-ray 98 Knee and leg, newborn, a-p X-ray 99 Knee, 99mTc-MDB a-p scintigraphy,child l2 years 99 Knee, axial CT 100-102
SHOULDER Scoutview
process 1: Coracoid 2: Righthumeral head,inwardrotated 3: Sternal endof clavicle 4: Lefthumeral head,outwardrotated 5: Planeof section
Shoulder,axialCT 1: Greater tubercle process 2: Coracoid 3: Neckof scapula 4: Spineof scapula 5: Apexof lung
6: Sternal endof clavicle 7: Lesser tubercle groove 8: Intertubercular 9: Greater tubercle 10:Humeral head
1l: Glenoid cavity 12: Firstrib 13:Second rib
Shoulder,coronal MR Planeof sectioningindicatedon sectionB 1: Acromial endof clavicle jointwithdiscus 2: Acromioclavicular 3: Acromion 4: Articular cartilage of humeral head
B: Compact boneof humeral shaft 9: Subscapularis 10:Trapezius l1: Apexof axillawithfat andvessels pvalnr qnrnrl:p
15:Scalenus medius 16:Apexof lung 17:Firstrib 18:Second rib
{ 4
13 I4
8 9
Shoulder,axialMR indicated on sectionA Planeof sectioning )ectoralis minor shorthead andbiceps, 3oracobrachialis, Lesser tubercle R inonc ,,vvPvr
l n n' sb h pad ' 'vvv 'v'
Deltoideus Greater tubercle
7: Articular cartilage bursa 8: Subdeltoid 9: Infraspinatus fat 10: Subcutaneous 11:Clavicle andnerves 12:Apexof axillawithfat,vessels
13:Subclavius 14:Subscapularis medius 15:Scalenus 16: Neckof scapula page A-A:Planeof section(A)on previous
8 9 10 11 I2 13 I4 15
Shoulder,axialMR Planeof sectioningindicatedon sectionA Coracobrachialis, andshortheadof biceps Brceps, longhead Deltoideus neckof humerus Surgical Triceps, longhead
major 6: Pectoralis 7: Clavicle minor B: Pectoralis plexus arteryandbrachial 9: Axillary 10:Apexof lung
medius 11:Scalenus 12: Subscapularis 13:Scapula 14:Serratus anterior 15:Infraspinatus
Arm,upperthird,axialMR 1: Biceps brachii, shorthead 2: Bicepsbrachii, longhead 3: Cephalic vein 4: Coracobrachialis 5: Deltoid muscle 6: Shaftof humerus
7: Radial nerve B: Profunda brachiiartery 9: Triceps lateral brachii, head 10: Median andmusculocutaneus nerve l1: Brachial vein 12:Basilic vein
13: Ulnarnerve 14: Brachial artery 15:Triceps brachii, medial head 16:Triceps brachii, longhead
7 8 9 10 11 I2 1 ? I J
Arm, middle,axialMR 1: Biceps brachii 2: Cephalic vein 3: Brachialis muscle 4: Shaftof humerus 5: Radial nerveandprofunda brachii artery
6: Triceps brachii, lateral head 7: Median nerve B: Brachial arteryandveins 9: Basilic veins 10: Musculocutaneous nerve
11:Ulnar nerve 12:Triceps medial brachii, head 13:Triceps brachii, longhead l4: Internal aponeurosis of tricepsbrac
I4 15 A
7 I7 8
Elbow,axialCT vein Vledian cubital 3rachial artery liceps(tendon) lrachialis ladialnerve Srachioradialis Articular capsule
longus carpiradialis 8: Extensor extensor tendon 9: Common 10:Anconeus teres 11: Pronator nerve 12:Median flexortendon 13: Common 14:Medial epicondyle
15:Ulnarnerve ligament l6: Medial collateral 17:Trochlea 18:Capitulum 19:Olecranon
Scoutviewfor elbow,axialCT
10 11 I2 13 I4 15 16 17 18
7 B 9
Elbow,axialCT vein Median cubital
8: Headof radius
palmaris longus, carpiradialis, I4: Extensor
Elbow,a-pX-ray 1: Shaftof humerus 2: Olecranon fossa,and fossa(superimposed) coronoid 3: Lateral epicondyle 4: Capitulum joint 5: Humeroradial
6: Headof radius 7: Neckof radius B: Shaftof radius ridge 9: Medial supracondylar 10:Medial epicondyle 11:Olecranon
l2: Trochlea process 13:Coronoid 14:Articular of radius circumference 15:Radial tuberosity 16:Shaftof ulna
Elbow,lateralX-ray 1: Capitulum
7: Shaftof radius
13:Coronoid fossa
13 3
8 9 10 1i
Elbow,coronal MR umeral shaft lecranon fossa apitulum joint umeroradial eadof radius rachioradialis
7: Neckof radius 8: Supinator 9: Radial tuberosity 10:Yellow bonemarrow 11: Compact bone 12:Triceps brachii
13: Medial epicondyle 14:Trochlea 15: Medial collateral ligament joint 16: Proximal radio-ulnar 1 7 :U l n a muscles 18: Flexor of forearm
13 I4 15
joint,sagittal Elbow,humeroradial MR 'achioradialis
7: Anular lrgament of radius
Forearm,a-pX-ray 1: Lateral epicondyle 2: Articular foveaof radius 3: Headof radius 4: Neckof radius 5: Tuberosity of radius 6: Shaftof radius
7: Distalendof radius B: Carpal articular surface of radius process 9: Styloid of radius 10:Scaphoid bone 1l: Medial epicondyle 12:Olecranon
process 13: Coronoid l4: Shaftof ulna 15:Neckof ulna 16:Headof ulna process 17:Styloid of ulna 1B:Lunate bone
Forearm,a-pX-ray, child2 years l: Diaphysis of humerus (ossification 2:Capitulum center) 3:Tuberosity of radius 4:Diaphysis of radius
5: Distalepiphysis of radius (ossification center) 6: Firstmetacaroal bone 7: Olecranon B: Coronoid orocess of ulna
9: Diaphysis of ulna 10:Capitate bone(ossification center) 11: Hamate bone(ossification center) 12: Fifthmetacaroal bone
Forearm, supinated, middle,axialCT 1: Subcutaneous vein 2: Brachioradialis 3: Radial artery 4: Pronator teres 5: Radius
6: Extensor carpiradialis longus, andbrevis 7: Suoinator 8: Extensor digitorum 9: Extensor caroiulnaris 10: Flexor carpiradialis, andpalmaris longus
1l: Flexor digitorum superficialis 12:Median nerve 13:Flexor carpiulnaris profundus 14:Flexor digitorum 1 5 :U l n a
Forearm,pronated, middle,axialMR 1: Cephalic vein 2: Brachioradialis
pollicis 7: Abductor longus 8: Extensor oollicis brevis
14: Palmaris longus 15: Flexor digitorum superficialis
X-ray Wrist,dorso-volar bone 1:Firstmetacarpal bone 2:Capitate bone 3:Trapezoid 4:Trapezium of trapezium 5:Tubercle bone 6:Tubercle of scaphoid
(navicular) bone 7: Scaphoid process of radius Styloid 8: surface of radius articular 9: Carpal bone 10: Fifthmetacarpal bone 11:Hookof hamate bone 12:Hamate
bone l3: Triquetrum bone i4: Pisrform bone 15:Lunate process of ulna 16:Styloid
Wrist,lateralX-ray metacarpal bone 1:First 2:Trapezium
process of radius 6: Stylord of radius surface articular 7'.Carpal bone 8: Hookof hamate
bone 11:Triquetrum bone 12:Lunate process of ulna 13:Styloid
WRIST andHAND.axialCT-series
68 3 5 7 12 4 6 8
4 5 6 7 8 9
io Scoutview of wrist and hand
(1.5mmthick)in thefollowing position indicatt l Arrows €, e, ?nd<+ in thelegends CT-series. of sections Lines# 1-11indicate previous or both. section, or following structure canbe seenon a 1: Trapezium 2: Trapezoid bone 3: Capitate bone 4: Hamate bone
process of ulna 9: Styloid 10: Hookof hamate bone
5: Scaphoid bone 6: Lunate bone 7: Pisiform bone 8: Triquetrum bone 1 Z
Wrist,axialCT -+ pollicis longus(tendon) 1: Extensor 2: Dorsal tubercle of radius -+ 3: Extensor carpiradialis brevis(tendon) -+ longus(tendon) 4: Extensor carpiradialis vein-+ 5: Cephalic -+ pollicis 6: Extensor brevis(tendon) -+ (tendon) pollicis longus 7: Abductor 8: Radial arteryandveins-+ nerve-+ 9: Median 10: Distaledgeof radius
process 12: Styloid of radius withpalmarradiocarpal 13:Jointcapsule ligament pollicis longus(tendon) e> 14: Flexor (tendon) <+ 15: Flexor carpiradialis (tendon) longus <-> 16: Palmaris -+ (tendon) indicis l7: Extensor -+ (tendons) 18: Extensor digitorum -+ (tendon) 19: Extensor digitiminimi -+ (tendon) 20: Extensor carpiulnaris
joinl 22: Distalradio-ulnar -) 23: Ulnarnerve 24: Ulnararteryandveins-+ vein<-> 25: Basilic 26: Articular disc process 27: Styloid of ulna 28: Lunate bone-+ (tendon profundus 29: Flexordigitorum (tendon) <+ 30: Flexor carpiulnaris (tendo superficialis 31: Flexor digitorum
axialCT-sertes WRIST andHAND,
t5 16 I7 18 19
Wrist,axialCT <-> brevis(tendon) carpiradialis i: Extensor (tendon) pollicis <-> longus 2: Extensor e> longus(tendon) carpiradialis 3: Extensor 4:Articular capsule pollicis <> brevis(tendon) 5: Extensor pollicis e+ longus(tendon) 6:Abductor arteryandveins<-> 7: Radial polltcts brevis-+ B:Abductor vein<-> 9: Cephalic (tendon) pollicis <+ longus l0: Flexor (tendon) <-> 11:Flexor carpiradialis bone of scaphoid 12:Tubercle (tendon) <13:Palmaris longus bone-+ 14:Trapezoid bone 15:Baseof firstmetacarpal
page Scoutviewon previous -+ 16:Trapezium nerve<-) 17: Median pollicis brevis-+ 1B:Flexor -> aponeurosis 19: Palmar retinacle 20: Extensor vein<-> 21: Basilic 22: LunaIebone
25: Scaphoid bone-> 26: Pisiform 27: Ulnararteryandveins<-> indicis 28: Extensor anddigitorum(tendond<-> (tendon) <-> digitiminimi 29: Extensor
(tendon) e> carpiulnaris 30: Extensor bone-+ 31: Hamate (tendon profundus digitorum 32: Flexor (tendo superficialis digitorum 33: Flexor (insertion) retinacle 37: Flexor --> digitiminimt 38: Abductor -+ digitiminimi 39: Flexor -+ ligament 40: Pisometacarpeal ligament 41: Pisohamate
WRIST andHAND,axialCT-series
15 16 I7
t8 19
20 2T
Wrist,axialCT Scoutviewon page 68 process 1: Styloid of thirdmetacarpal bone 2: frapezoidbone<3: Traoezium <4: Baseof first metacaroal bone<-> 5: Tubercle of traoezium 6: Flexorretinacle <-> 7: Extensor carpiradialis brevis(insertion) <(insertion) B: Extensor carpiradialis longus <pollicis 9: Extensor longus(tendon) <-> 10: Radial artery<-> pollicis 1l: Extensor brevis(tendon) <-> (tendon) 12: Flexor carpiradialis <13:Abductor oollicis brevis<+ 14: Flexor oollicis brevis.-
15: Radial artery(turning intodeeppalmar arch)<-> 16: Firstdorsalinterosseus muscle pollicis 17: Flexor brevis, deephead 1B:Shaftof firstmetacarpeal bone<-> -+ pollicis 19:Adductor pollicis 20: Opponens <21: Flexorpollicis longus(tendon) <-> 22: CapiIaIebone<-+ 23: Hamate bone<-> 24: Hookof hamatebone 25: Ulnarnerve<-> 26: Ulnarartery<+ 27: Median nerve<-> (tendons) 28: Extensor indicis anddigitorum <-+
(tendon) 29: Extensor <+ digitiminimi (tendon) 30: Extensor carpiulnaris <<+ 31: Abductor digitiminimi 32: Pisometacarpeal ligament <33: Flexor digitiminimi <+ 34: Palmar carpometacarpeal ligament 35: Palmar <-+ aooneurosis 36: Baseof second metacarpal bone-+ 37: Baseof thirdmetacaroal bone-+ 38: Baseof fourthmetacaroal bone 39: Baseof fifthmetacaroal bone (tendons profundus 40: Flexor digitorum < (tendon 41: Flexor digitorum superficialis 42: Opponens
axialCT-series WRIST andHAND,
andfingers,axialCT Metacarpus Scoutviewon page 68 <muscle 1:Second dorsalinterosseus metacarpal bone<2:Shaft of second muscle longus 4: Extensor pollicis
platesof palmar 10: Fibrocartilaginous ligament (insertion) pollicis
muscles 19:Lumbrical (tendon) e> digitorum 20: Extensor bone 2I: Headof thirdmetacarpal phalanx of fourthfir 22: Baseof oroximal proximal phalanx of fifthfing 23: Shaftof profundus <+ 24: Flexordigitorum <+ superficialis 25: Flexor digitorum phalanges of sec 26: Shaftsof proximal thirdandfourthfinger of fifthfinge 27'.Baseof middlephalanx
MR Wrist,coronal 1: Interossei muscles 2: Baseof fourthmetacaroal bone bone 3: Baseof thirdmetacaroal 4: Baseof secondmetacarpal bone ligaments 5: Interosseous 6: Trapezoid bone
7' Canit:tp hnnp
8: Scaphoid bone process 9: Styloid of radius 10: Baseof fifthmetacarpal bone 1 1 :H a m a tbeo n e 12:Triquetrum bone
process 13:Styloid of ulna 14:Articular disc 15:Headof ulna joint I6: Distal radio-ulnar 17:Lunate bone joint 18:Radiocarpal
7 8 I 10 11 II
Wrist,carpaltunnel,coronal MR 1: Lumbricals 2: Headof firstmetacarpal bone pollrcis 3: Flexor brevis, and addrretnr nnllinic
pollicis 4: Flexor longus(tendon)
bone 5: Baseof firstmetacarpal 6: Traoezium phalanx 7: Proximal of fifthfinger 8: Headof fifthmetacarpal bone 9: Flexor digitiminimi
10:Abductor digitiminimi in canalis 11:Longflexortendons carpi 12:Pisiform bone fat 13: Subcutaneous 14:Shaftof ulna
r0 11 T2 13 I4 15 16 I7 18
6 7 8 9 10 11
Hand,left,dorso-volar X-ray 1:Tuberosity of distalphalanx phalanx 2: Distal phalanx 3: Middle phalanx 4: Proximal joint 5: Carpometacarpeal 6: Hamate bone 7: Triquetrum bone 8: Pisiform bone 9: Lunate bone
process 10: Styloid of ulna 11:Headof ulna joint'DlP 12: Distalinterphalangeal joint'PlP' 13: Proximal interphalangeal joint'MCP 14:Metacarpophalangeal 15: Distalphalanx of thumb 16: Proximal ohalanx of thumb 17:Sesamoid bones 1B:Headof firstmetacaroal bone
19:Shaftof firstmetacarpal bon 20: Baseof firstmetacarpal bon 21: Trapezoid bone 22: Trapezium 23: Scaphoid bone process 24: Styloid of radius 25: Capitate bone joint 26: Distalradio-ulnar
S,keletalage of hand The skeletaldevelopment of the handof boys and girls is displayedon the followingpages74-81
(bone) Theskeletal ageof eachhand(left)is givenaccording to the20 bonescoring sy to Greulich andPyle(1)(upperline),andaccording (lowerline). Tanner et al.(2)followed by the 10 to 90 centile interval of variation
t : a
(1)W.W. Greulich andS.J.Pyle:Radiographic University Press1959. atlasof skeletal development of thehandandwrist.Stanford
(2)J.M.Tanner, R.H.Whitehouse, N. Cameron, W.A.Marshall, M.J.R. HealyandH. Goldstein: Assessment of skeletal maturity andpredicti (TW2method). height Academic Press1983.
Boy,newborn 0 years
Boy,1r/zyear I 7Azyear(1 - 25Az)
Boy,2 years 2 years(I 5Az- 2 eAz)
Boy,1 year
Boy,3 years 3 6Azyears(2 BAz- 4 7Az
Boy,7 years 7 eAzyears(6 6/tz- 9 +Az)
Boy,8 years 8 2Azyears(6 10Az- 9 8Az)
Boy,9 years 9 years(7 7Az- I0 5Az)
Boy,10years I0 6Azyears(9 l/tz- 7I IInz)
Boy,11 years LI 2Azyears(9 eAz- 12 64z)
Boy,13 years
Boy,12 years years(I0 5Az- 13 rAz) II 10Az
Boy,14 years
Boy,15 years 15 rAzyears(I3 enz- 16 64z)
Boy,16 years 15 BAzyears(I4 5Az- 17 rAz)
0 years Girl,newborn
Girl,1 r/zyear I 5Azyear(I - 2)
Gil, r/z year
Girl,2 years I I0Azyears(I 3Az- 2 6Az)
Girl,3 years 3 eAzyears(2 t)nz- 5)
Girl,7 years 7 2Azyears(6 lnz - 8 7Az)
Girl,8 years 7 IIAzyears(6 l)ltz - 9 lhz)
Girl,9 years 9 6Azyears(8 6Az- I0 tAz)
Girl,10 years 9 IIAz years(8 tjnz - LI)
G i r l1 , 1years I0 6Azyears(9 3/tz- II thz)
Girl,13 years
Girl,12 years I I 3 A zy e a r (s1 0- 1 2a A z )
Girl,14 years
Girl,15 years 14 5Azyears(13- 15 7Az)
Girl,16 years 15 IIAz years(I4 7nz_ 17 tAz)
X-ray Hand,senescent,dorso-volar 1:Osteophytes 2: Subluxation of joint metacarpophalangeal 3: Softtissuecalcification
joint 4: Firstcarpometacarpeal (narrowed) sclerosis 5: Subchondral (signof arthrosis) joint(narrowed) 6: Radiocarpal
7: Periosteal calcifications 8: Osteophytes joint(arthrosis) 9: Interphalangeal 10:Cystsin carpalbones
1 3 + 5 6
8 ']t.-)-''t"i .r, '..,t
t,rr .irr
1.., . , . , . ,,,,....,.,, , ' , r , , . .
ee'Tc-DMP, child12 years scintigraphy, Hand,dorso-volar, 1: Growthplateof lV distalphalanx
4: Growthplateof fourthmetacarpal bone
7: Growthplateof of ulna distalepiphysis
7 8 I
(digital subtraction) arteriography Shoulder,a-pX-ray, 1:Axillary artery humeral artery 2:Posterior circumflex artery 3:Profunda brachii
4: Brachial artery artery 5: Thoraco-acromial arterv thoracic 6: Lateral
artery 7: Subscapular artery scapular B: Circumflex artery 9: Thoracodorsal
4 6
Forearm,a-pX-ray,arteriography 1:Brachial artery
4: Ulnarartery
interosseous artery 7: Posterior
X-ray, arteriography Hand,dorso-volar 4: Properpalmardigitalarteries palmar 5: Common digitalarteries palmararch(incomplete) 6: Superficial
pollicis princeps 1: Arteria 2: Deeppalmar arch 3: Radial artery
7: Ulnarartery
6 7 8
(digital X-ray, subtraction) Hand,dorso-volar arteriography Radialdominance indicis 1: Radialls artery pollicis artery 2: Princeps artery 3: Metacarpeal palmar branchof radialarterv 4: Superficial
artery 5: Radial 6: Properpalmar digitalarteries palmar 7: Common digitalartery palmar 8: Superficial arch
arch 9: Deeppalmar 10:Ulnar artery
I 2
3 A
phlebography Shoulder,a-pX-ray, jugular 1:Right internal vein(termination) 2:Subclavian vein vein 3:Cephalic 4: Brachial vein
vein 5: Basilic vein 6: Axillary 7: Rightbrachiocephalic vern 8: Suoerior cavalvein
9: Rightatrium jugular vein(terminatio 10:Leftinternal vein l1: Leftbrachiocephalic
Pelvis,female,a-pX-ray,tilted 1: lliaccrest 2: Posterior superior iliacsprne 3: Wingof ilium 4: Posterior inferior iliacspine 5: Anterior superior iliacspine 6: Arcuate lineof ilium 7: Acetabular rim
8: Acetabular fossa 9: lschial spine 10: lschial tuberosity 11:Superior ramusof pubis 12:Inferior ramusof pubis 13:Alaof sacrum 14: Pelvic sacralforamina
joint 15: Sacro-iliac (lUD) 16:Intrauterine contraceptive devlce 17: Lunate surface of acetabulum 18:Coccyx 19:Obturator foramen 20: Bodyof pubis 2l: Pubic symphysis
Pelvis,male, a-pX-ray,tilted (facet) jointL VS I 1: Zygapophysial process 2: Spinous of L V 3: Promontory 4: Median sacralcrest
5: Anterior superior iliacspine 6: Anterior inferior iliacspine 7: lschial spine 8: Subpubic angle
process 9: Transverse of L V 10:llioischial line(radiology term) l1: Femoral head
joints,axialCT(bonesettings) Sacro-iliac 2:Interosseous ligament sacro-iliac
5: Alaof sacrum
3: Sacralcanal 4: Alaof ilium
I z
3 4 6
Pelvis,oom L-1Y1PP scintigraphy A: Anteriorview.B: Posteriorview l: Bodyof fourthlumbarvertebra 2:Femoral head 3:Urinary bladder 4:Tubercle of ilium 5:Pubic symphysis
ramusof pubis 6: Inferior 7: Rightkidney process L lV 8: Spinous joint 9: Sacro-iliac 10:Sacrum
11: lschial spine 12: Bodyof ischium 13: lschial tuberosity
Hip, a-pX-ray rim 1: Acetabular head 2: Femoral neck 3: Femoral 4: Greater trochanter trochanter 5: Lesser
surface 6: Lunate fossa 7: Acetabular term) line(radiology B: llio-ischial head 9: Fovea of femoral lip) rim(anterior 1O:Acetabular
rim(Posterior) 11:Acetabular notch 12:Acetabular term) line(radiology 13:Shenton's
& Hip,X-ray (abduced, projection rotatedhipjoint) outward Lauenstein head i: Femoral
4: Greater trochanter
7 : l s c h i asl p i n e
child3 months Pelvis,a-pX-ray, projection Lauenstein 4: Pubis I vertebra 5: Sacral V vertebra 6: Sacral
7: Penis leadshield B: Gonadal
child7 years Pelvis,X-ray, Lauensteinprojection joint l: Sacro-iliac head(epiphysis) 2:Femoral groMhplate 3:Epiphyseal neck 4: Femoral
trochanter 5: Greater 6: Pubicsymphysis leadshield 7: Gonadal 8: Bodyof ilium
of acetabulum 9: Synchondrosis 10:Bodyof pubis 11:Bodyof ischium
Hip,axialCT 1: Acetabular fossa 2: Femoral head
3: Foveaof femoralheao 4: lschial spine
5: Lunate surface of acetabulum
Hip,axialCT I: Pubicsymphysis 2: Pubic tubercle 3: Obturator canal 4: Acetabular notch
5: Acetabular fossa 6: Lunate surface 7: Bodyof ischium B: Femoral head
9: Femoral neck 10:Greater trochanter I 1: Trochanteric fossa
MR Hip,sagittal wallmuscles l: Abdominal 2:lliopsoas (redbonemarrow) 3:llium surface 4:Lunate
cartilage 5: Articular head 6: Femoral externus 7: Obturatorius medius 8: Gluteus
maximus 9: Gluteus rim(Posteriorly) 10:Acetabular fat of nates 11:Subcutaneous
3 4 5 6 7 of section
US coronal 3 months, Hip,child, Planeof sectionshownon drawing laiae fasciae l: Tensor medius 2:Gluieus minimus 3:Gluteus labrum 4:Acetabular surface 5:Lunate
of headof femur 6: Ligament fat pad 7: Acetabular cartilage 8: Triradiate fat 9: Subcutaneous trochanter 10: Greater
neckand deepin femural 11: Ossification shaft 12: Headof femur shadow 13:Acoustic
Thigh,axialMR -+ femoris 1: Rectus fasciae latae 2: Tensor 3: Femoral artery-+ 4: Deeparteryof thigh -+ medialis 5: Vastus -+ lateralis 6: Vastus maximus in gluteal 7: Insertion of gluteus tuberosity
in iliotibial maximus 8: Insertion of gluteus tract 9: Sciaticnerve-) femoris(longhead)-+ 10: Biceps layerol lata,deepandsuperficial 11:Fascia femoral triangle --> 12: Sartorius vein--+ 13:Accessory saphenous vein-+ 14:Greatsaphenous
vein-+ 15: Femoral longus-+ 16:Adductor 17:Adductor brevis -+ 1B:Gracilis --) magnus 19:Adductor --+ 20: Semimembranosus 2 l : S e m i t e n d i n o- s+u s maximus 22: Gluteus
Thigh,axialMR <-> 1: Vastus medialis -+ 2: Vastus intermedius
8: Fascialata-+ 9: Rectusfemoris<->
<-> 15:Gracilis 16:Adductor longus <-
13 I4
15 16
Thigh,axialMR 1:Vastus lateralis <-> 2:lnternal aponeurosis of vastuslateralis 3:lliotibial tract<-> (shorthead) 4:Biceps femoris 5:Sciatic nerve<6: Biceps femoris(longhead)<-+ 7:Semitendinosus <-> B:Rectus femoris <>
9: Vastus medialis <+ 10:Vastus intermedius e> 1l: Shaftof femur 12:Adductor magnus e 13: Femoral,/popliteal veinin adductor hiatus
15:Sartorius <-+ (tendon) <+ 16:Adductor magnus 17:Great saphenous vein<+ <-+ 1B:Gracilis 19:Semimembranosus e+ 20: Fascia lata<-+
14: Femoral/popliteal arteryin adductor N I A T UO S
Thigh,axialMR 1:Vastus lateralis e2: Suprapatellar bursa
7: Bellyof shortheadof bicepsfemoris
13:Vastus medialis
Knee,a-pX-ray 1: Patella 2'Fninhvqo:l
3: Fabella 4: Insertion tendon of popliteus 5: Lateral condyle of femur 6: Lateral condyle of tibia
7: Apexof fibula 8: Headof fibula 9: Neckof fibula 10:Adductor tubercle l1: Intercondylar eminence I2: Medial condyle of femur
margin 13: Medial of tibia(anterior condyle 14: Medial margi condyle of tibia(posterior 15: Medial intercondylar tubercle 16: Lateral intercondylar tubercle 17:Epiphyseal scar 18: Bodyof tibia
Knee,flexed,lateral 1: Baseof patella
6: Tibialtuberosity
1 1 :F a b e l l a
7 8
notchprojection") Knee,half flexed,tiltedX-ray("intercondylar 1: Intercondylar fossa 2: Insertion of popliteus tendon 3: Fabella joint 4: Lateral femurotibial
joint 5: Tibiofibular 6: Lateral intercondylar tubercle 7: Medial intercondylar tubercle femurotibial B: Medial ioint
9: Intercondylar eminence 10: Epiphyseal scar
Knee,flexed, axialX-ray 'Sunrise or skyviewof patella 1:Patella joint 2: Femuropatellar 3: Articular surface of femur 4: Siteof insertion muscle of popliteus
5: Lateral condyle of femur 6: Lateral condyle of tibia joint 7: Tibiofibular B: Apexof fibula
Q' Anov J .
r H v . \
nf natolla
10:Articular surface of patella 11:Medial of femur condyle 12:Medial condyle of tibia
Knee,flexed,lateralX-ray,old age Withsignsof arthrosis 1: Subchondral sclerosis of patella joint(narrow) 2: Femuropatellar
3: Osteophytes in anterior intercondylar area 4: Osteophytes
5: Fabella joint 6: Tibiofibular
6 7 8 9 10
Knee,child 11 years,lateralX-ray 1: Patella 2: Metaphysis of tibia 3: Metaphysis of femur
5: Epiphysis of femur 6: Epiphysis of tibia plate 7: Growth
plate 9: Growth 10: Metaphysis of fibula
Kneeand leg, newborn,a-PX-raY of femur metaphysis 1: Distal center, of femur(ossification 2: Epiphysis B6clard) of fibula metaphysis 3: Proximal
of fibula 4: Diaphysis of fibula 5: Distalmetaphysis (ossification center) 6: Calcaneus of tibia metaphysis 7: Proximal
of tibia 8: Diaphysis of tibia 9: Distalmetaphysis center) 10:Talus(ossification
child12 years a-pscintigraphy, Knee 0omL-1ypp, of femur l: GroMhplateof distalepiphysis
plateof proximal of tibia epiphysis 2: Growth
of fibu plateof proximal epiphysis 3: Growth
Knee,scoutviews planesof sectioning fivetomograms for thefollowing A to E indicate
Knee,axialCT Levelof sectionindicatedon scoutview 1: Patella joint of femuropatellar 2: Articular cartilage patellar withlateral capsule 3: Articular retinaculum 4: lliotibial tract of femur 5: Lateral epicondyle arterv Pooliteal
femoris 8: Biceps head,andplantaris lateral 9: Gastrocnemius, peroneal nerve 10:Common n le r v e 11:Tibia vein 12:Popliteal (insertion) medialis 13:Vastus capsule 14:Articular
condyle of femur 16: Medial head medial 17;Gastrocnemius, 18:Semimembranosus 19:Sartorius vein 20: GreaIsaphenous (tendon) 21:Gracilis (tendon) 22: Semitendinosus
Knee,axialCT Levelof sectionsindicatedon scoutview ligament l: Patellar retinaculum 2: Laleralpatellar tract 3: lliotibial (insertion) 4: Popliteus ligament cruciate 5: Anterior ligament cruciate 6: Posterior ligament 7: Fibular collateral
meniscus 14:Lateral wtthcapsule of meniscus 15:Connection condyle of femural cartilage 16:Articular condyle 17:Boneof Jemural (tendon) 1B:Popliteus fat pad 19: Infrapatellar patellar retinaculum 20: Medial
head medial 27:Gastrocnemius, nerve 28:Tibial rim of tibia,anterior condyle 29: Medial capsule 30:Articular condyle 31: Boneof femural condyle of femural cartilage 32: Articular meniscus Medial 33:
Knee,axialCT Levelof sectionsindicated on scoutviewpage1 0 0 ligament 1: Patellar patellar retinaculum 2. Laleral patellar retinaculum 3: Medial popliteal 4: Arcuate ligament ligament 5: Fibular collateral (insertion) femoris 6: Biceps 7: Popliteus
lateralhead 8: Gastrocnemius, 9: Popliteal arteryandvein 10:Tibial tuberosity j ol a i nrt 11:Tibiofibu (insertion) ligament 12:Fibular collateral 13:Headof fibula peroneal 14:Common nerve
ligament 15:Tibial collateral (insertion) 16:Semimembranosus 17' Greatsanhenous vein 18:Pesanserinus (tendon) l9: Semitendinosus 20 Gastrn.ncmirrs head medial vein 21:Smallsaphenous
11 I2
13 I4
27 28
MR Knee,coronal on sectionC (nextpage) is indicated Planeof sectioning lateralis 1:Vastus 2: lliotibial tract of femur 3: Lateral condyle fossa 4: Intercondylar meniscus 5: Lateral of tibia 6: Lateral condyle ligament 7: Anterior cruciate
lateral head 12: Gastrocnemius, ligament 13:Anterior cruciate (tendon) 14: Popliteus meniscus 15: Lateral 16: Articular cartilage medialis i7: Vastus (origin) ligament cruciate 18: Posterior
of tibia 23: Medial condyle medial head 24: Gastrocnemius, fossa 25: Fatin intercondylar ligament cruciate 26: Posterior capsule 27: Arlicular 28: Medial meniscus intercondylar tubercle 29: Medial
Knee,sagittal MR page) C: Through lateralcondyles. D: Throughintercondylar fossa.Planeof sectioning indicated on sectionA (previous i: Quadriceps femoris 2: Compact boneof femur 3: Cancellous boneandbonemarrow 4: Articular cartilage of patella ligament 5: Patellar 6: Infrapatellar fat pad
11:Infrapatellar synovial fold 12:Biceps femoris, longhead 13:Biceps femoris, shorthead 14:Epiphyseal scar 15:Articular cartilage of lateral condyle of femur
19:Epiphyseal scar 20: Semimembranosus 21: Posterior cruciate ligament 22: lnler condylar eminence 23: Popliteus 24: Compact boneof tibia
MR Knee,sagittal A (page103) indicated on section medial Plane of section E: Through condyles. 1:Quadriceps femoris 2: Suprapatellar bursa 3:Articular cartilage of patella patellar 4: Medial retinaculum 5: Infrapatellar fat pad
6: Medial meniscus 7: Semimembranosus fossa 8: Fatin popliteal scar 9: Epiphyseal (tendon) I0: Semitendinosus
11:Articular cartilage of femur of tibia 12:Articular cartilage l3: Fibrous articular capsule medial head 14:Gastrocnemius, 15:Epiphyseal scar
rotational sequence X-ray, Knee,medialmeniscus, arthrography, A: anterior. B: middle.C: posterior 1:Patella 2: Lateral condyle of femur 3: Medial of femur condyle jointcavitywithair 4: Femuropatellar 5:lnfrapatellar fat pad fold 6: Infrapatellar synovial
(anterior 7: Medial meniscus horn) femural of medial B: Articular cartilage condyle jointcavitywithair 9: Femurotibial (middle 10:Medial meniscus section) l1: Medial condyle of femur
(posterior horn) 12: Medial meniscus joint 13: Meniscotibial cavity 14:Articular cartilage 15:Medial condyle of tibia
t7 18
Leg, a-PX-raY of femur condyle 1: Lateral 2: Laleralcondyleof tibia 3: Apexof fibula 4: Headof fibula 5: Neckof fibula 6: Shaftof fibula
canal 7: Nutrient boneof tibialshaft 8: Compact cavityof tibia 9: Medullary notchof tibia(syndesmosis) 10:Fibular malleolus I1: Lateral of femur condyle 12:Medial
of tibia surface articular 13: Superior of tibia condyle 14:Medial tubercle andlateral 15:Medial 16: Shaftof tibia malleolus I /: lvledral of talus l8: Trochlea
7 8 9 1n
Leg, child 6 years, a-PX-raY plate 1: Grov'tth of femur epiphysis 2: Distal of fibula epiphysis 3: Proximal of fibula epiphysis 4: Distal
of tibia epiphysis 5: Proximal 6: Growthplate growth 7: Harrislines(signsof temporary arrest)
B: Growthplate of tibia 9: Distalepiphysis 10:Talus
Leg, a-pX-ray,child1 year 1: Metaphysis of femur plate 2: Growth 3: Distal epiphysis of femur
4: Diaphysis of fibula 5: Proximal epiphysis of tibia 6: Metaphysis of tibia
7: Diaphysis of tibia B: Distalepiphysis of tibia
3 4
,@ ,$,h;
w ,{i.
Leg, eem L- MDP,scintigraphy, c h i l d1 2 years 1: Distal epiphysis of femur 2: Proximal epiphysis of tibia 3: Proximal epiphysis of fibula 4: Diaphysis of tibia
5: Diaphysis of fibula 6: Distalepiphysis of fibula 7: Talus 8: Calcaneus
9: DistalgroMhplateof femur growthplatesof tibiaandfibula 10: Proximal 11: DistalgroMhplatesof tibiaandfibula 12:Tarsal bones
Leg, middle,axialMR longus withtendon 1:Extensor digitorum 2:Anterior tibialartery,and nerve oeepperoneal longus hallucis 3:Extensor 4: Fibula (tendon) longus 5: Peroneus 6: Peroneus brevis
withtendon hallucis longus 7: Flexor 8: Soleus vein 9: Smallsaphenous (tendon) 10: Gastrocnemius (withtendon) 11:Tibialis anterior 12:Comoact boneof tibia (yellow) 13: Bonemarrow
membrane 14:lnterosseus vein l5: Greatsaphenous (withtendon) posterior 16:Tibialis (withtendon) longus l7: Flexor digitorum 1B:Posterior tibialartery, tibialnerve,andveins fat 19: Subcutaneous
Leg, lowerfourth,axialMR 1: Tibialis anterior hallucis longus 2: Extensor
(tendon) longus 8: Peroneus brevis 9: Peroneus
tibialveins l5: Posterior l6: Posterior tibialartery
Ankle,a-pX-ray 1: Fibula 2: Tibiofibular syndesmosis 3: Lateral malleolus
4: Trochlea of talus process 5: Lateral of talus 6: Calcaneus
7: Tibia malleolus 8: Medial 9: Talocrural loint
8 9 10 11 I2 13 I4
Ankle,lateral X-ray l: lnferror articular surface of tibia
6: Tuberositvnavicular
FOOT 13 I4 15
X-ray Foot,dorso-plantar phalanx 1: Distal of greattoe phalanx 2: Proximal of greattoe bone 3: Headof firstmetatarsal 4: Sesamoid bones 5: Shaftof firstmetatarsal bone 6: Baseof firstmetatarsal bone 7: Navicular bone joint B:Talonavicular 9: Tuberosity of navicular bone
10: Sesamoid bonein tendon longus of flexordigitorum 11:Headof talus 12:Medial malleolus 13:Tuberosity of distalphalanx 14: Distalohalanx 15:Middle ohalanx phalanx 16:Proximal joint("DlP") 17: Distalinterphalangeal joint("PlP") 1B:Proximal interphalangeal
joint("MTP") 19: Metatarsophalangeal bone 20: Medial cuneiform cuneiform bone 21: lntermediate bone 22: Laleralcuneiform 23: Cuboid bone 24: Tuberosity of fifthmetatarsai joint 25:Calcaneocuboideal 26: Calcaneus 27: Laleralmalleolus
9 10
11 4
7 8
15 16
Foot,lateralX-ray 1: Headof talus 2: Navicular bone cuneiform bone 3: Medial joint 4: Firsttarsometatarseal joints 5: Second andthirdtarsometatarseal phalanx 6: Distal of greattoe
phalanx 7: Proximal of greattoe B: Sesamoid bones malleolus 9: Lateral malleolus 10:Medial joint 11:Subtalar 12:Tuberosity of navicular bone
13:Sustentaculum tali 14:Tuberosity of cuboidbone 15:Tuber calcanei 16: Tuberosity of fifthmetatarseal
1 I
6 7
3 4
B 9 10 11
Foot,oblique X-ray i: Growtholateof first metatarseal
plateof second bone 4 Growth metatarsal
bone B: lntermediate cuneiform
child3 months X-raY, Foot,oblique of tibia 1: Diaphysis of tibia metaphysis 2: Distal of tibia ePiPhYsis 3: Distal (ossification center)
bone cuneiform 4: Lateral (ossification center) bone of first metatarsal 5: Diaphysis phalanx of greattoe of proximal 6: Diaphysis fibula of 7: Diaphysis
of fibula B: DistalmetaPhYsis (ossification center) Talus 9: (ossification center) 10:Calcaneus center) bone(ossification 11: Cuboid
1 L
3 4 6
6 B 9 10
11 74 15
child5 years X-ray, Foot,dorso-plantar of distalPhalanx 1: Diaphysis of distalPhalanx 2: Epiphysis of Proximal Phalanx 3: Diaphysis of Proximal 4: Epiphysis Phalanx
bone metatarsal of second 6: Diaphysis bone of firstmetatarsal 7: Diaphysis bone of firstmetatarsal 8: Epiphysis bone cuneiforme 9: Medial bone cuneiforme
bone i1: Navicular 12: Headof talus bone cuneiforme 13: Lateral bone 14:Cuboid 15:Calcaneus
MR Ankleand foot, sagittal plateof tibia l: Growth 2: Articular capsule (tendon) anterior 3: Tibialis bone 4: Navicular bone cuneiform 5: lntermediate bone cuneiform 6: Medial (tendon) longus hallucis 7: Extensor plateof firsimetatarsal bone B: Growth
brevis 9: Flexorhallucis phalanx plateof proximal l0: Growth longus hallucis l1: Flexor (Achillis) tendon l2: Calcaneal joint Talocrural 13: joint l4: Subtalar tarsi l5: Sinus joint talocalcanean 16:Anterior
plantae 17:Quadratus plantar artery 18: Lateral brevis digitorum 19: Flexor aponeurosis 20: Plantar (tendon) longus hallucis 2l: Flexor positions DottedlinesB, C, D andE indicate sections, of followrng
Ankle,coronalMR on sectionA (above) Planeof sectionB indicated plateof tibia 1: Growth plateof fibula 2: Growth malleolus 3: Lateral
ligament 9: Longplantar of heel 10:Subcutis joint 1i : Talocrural
longus hallucis l7: Flexor hallucis l8: Abductor plantae 19:Quadratus
8 9 10
Ankle,axialMR page) A (opposite on section Planeof sectionC indicated longus(tendon) hallucis 1: Extensor longus(tendon) digitorum 2: Extensor 3: Tibia malleolus 4: Lateral syndesmosis 5: Tibiofibular ligament talofibular 6: Posterior
longus(tendon) 7: Peroneus andtendon) brevis(muscle B: Peroneus vein 9: Smallsaphenous calcanei 10:Tendo (tendon) anterior 11:Tibialis vein 12:Greatsaphenous
(tendon) posterior 13:Tibialis (tendon) longus digitorum l4: Flexor andnerve tibialvessels 15: Posterior (tendon) longus hallucis 16:Flexor
11 I2 13 14 1 5
16 6
20 2I tz
9 10
axialMR Tarsus, page) A (opposite on section Planeof sectionD indicated brevis digitorum 1: Extensor (tendons) longus drgitorum 2: Extensor tertius 3: Peroneus
9: Tubercalcanei calcanei l0: Tendo pedisartery 11:Dorsalis
(tendon) posterior 17:Tibialis joint talocalcanean 18:Anterior (iendon) longus digitorum 19: Flexor (tendon)
MR Metatarsus, crosssection on sectionA (page11 4 ) Planeof sectionE indicated 6: Plantar aooneurosis longus(tendon) 7: Extensor hallucis 8: Medial cuneiform bone (insertion) anterior 9: Tibialis joint 10: Firsttarsometatarsal 11:Firstmetatarsal bone
1: Extensor digitorum longus, and (tendons) brevis 2: Interossei muscles hallucis, oblique head 3: Adductor 4: Fifthmetatarsal bone 5: Flexor digitiminimi
12:Abductor hallucis (tendon) 13: Flexor hallucis longus l4: Flexor hallucis brevis longus, andlumbricals 15: Flexor digitorum 16: Flexor digitorum brevis
1 a L
& ,b";
4 5
6 7
Foot.eemL-MDP,scintigraphy, child14 years plateof distalphalanx 1: Growth of hallux plateof proximal phalanx 2: Growth of hallux 3: GroMholateof second metatarsal bone
4: Growthplateof firstmetatarsal bone 5: Tarsal bones plateof distalepiphysis 6: Growth of fibula
7: GroMhplateof distalepiphysis of tibia
3 4 5 6
9 10 11
arteriography lliac andfemoralarteries,a-pX-ray, iliacartery 1: Common 2: External iliacartery iliacartery 3: Internal 4: Lateral sacralartery gluteal 5: Superior artery
iliacartery 6: Deepcircumflex gluteal 7: Inferior artery 8: Femoral artery femoral artery circumflex 9: Medial femoral arterv 10: Lateral circumflex
femorisartery 11: Profunda 12:Catheter l3: Perforating arteries pudendal artery 14: Internal 15:Obturator artery
Poplitealartery, lateralX-ray,arteriography
Deepveinsof lowerlimb,slightly rotated, a-pX-ray 1: External iliacvein 2: Femoral vein 3: Deepfemoral vein
popliteal 5: Accessory vein 6: Peroneal vein
9: Popliteal vein 10:Posterior tibialveins
::::]::.:':t; r:t: rr]]lil:i:li: , : !
ry !r.l '! ,r,t,
series rotational Deepveinsof leg, a-pX-ray, c: Max.inwardrotation inwardrotation. B: Medium rotation. A: Outward vein 1: Popliteal tibialveins 2:Anterior vetn saphenous 3: Small veins 4: Peroneal
tibialveins 5: Posterior tibialveins andanterior 6: Peroneal superpositioned veins 7: Perforant
tibialveins 8: Anterior vein saphenous 9: Great medial tibialveinsbehind 10:Posterior malleolus
Lymphaticsof lower limb, a-pX-ray,lymphography infused in lymphatic vesselof firstinterdigital space Contrast (distal
Gervicalspine,a-pX-ray (calcified) cartilage 15:Lamina of thyroid joint(Luschka) 16:Uncovertebral process 17:Spinous of C Vl 18:Intervertebral discC Vl-C Vll archC Vll 19:Lamina of vertebral
process of C Vll B: Transverse 9: Pedicle of C Vll process of Th I 10:Transverse I1:Tubercle of firstrib 12: Headof firstrib CV l3: Bodyof vertebra (lip)of C V 14:Uncus
of C lll 1: Foramen transversarium process of C lll 2: Spinous arch 3: Pedicle of vertebral 4: Foramen transversarium of C lV process of C V 5: Superior articular of C V 6: Inferior articular orocess 7: Anterior tubercle of C Vl
throughopenmouth Atlas and axis, a-pX-ray, 1: Densaxis 2: Laleralmassof atlas facetof atlas articular 3: Inferior
joint 4: Lateral atlanto-axial process of axis 5: Superior articular process of axis(bifid) 6: Spinous
archof atlas 7: Anterior andposterior Lower incisor teeth B:
X-raY Cervicalspine,lateral archof atlas 1:Anterior 2: Densaxis facetof axis articular 3: Superior of axis transversarium 4: Foramen processof axis 5: Transverse 6: Bodyof C lll of C lV 7: Uncus
process of transverse tubercle B: Anterior process transverse of tubercle Posterior 9: jointC lV- C V (facet) 10:Zygapophysial massof atlas i1: Lateral archof atlas 12: Posterior process of axis t3: Spinous process of axis articular 14: lnferior
process of C lll articular 15: Superior process of C lll articular 16: Inferior archC lV of vertebral 17: Lamina process of C lV 1B:Spinous canal wallof vertebral 19: Posterior discC Vl- C Vll 20: Intervertebral
11 T2 13 I4 15
X-raY Cervicalspine,oblique for sixthcervical foramen 6: lntervertebral
C lllandC lV arches of vertebral 11: Laminae
Scoutview position sections of following LinesA to E indicate
I z
4 5
11 I2
Atlas and axis. axialCT Positionof sectionA indicatedon scoutview nasalpart 1: Pharynx, of atlas 2: Anterior tubercle 3: Anterior archof atlas 4: Densaxis
ligament of atlas 5: Transverse space 6: Subarachnoid 7: Spinal cord archof atlas B: Posterior
condyle 9: Occipital process of atlas 10:Transverse of atlas 11: Foramen transversarium 12: Laleralmassof atlas
2 4
Atlas and axis. coronalCT on scoutview Position of sectionB indicated
SPINE CERVICAL 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cervicalspine,axialCT Positionof sectionC indicatedon scoutview 1: Pharynx 2: Bodyof vertebra tubercle 3: Anterior 4: Foramen transversarium
tubercle 5: Posterior process articular 6: Superior process 7: Transverse arch of vertebral B: Pedicle
arch of vertebral 9: Lamina process of axis 10: Spinous
4 5 6
Cervicalspine,axialCT Positionof sectionD indicatedon scoutview 1: lntervertebral disc (lip)of bodyof C lV 2: Uncus for spinalnerve 3: Groove
process of C lV 4: Superior articular of C lll 5: lnferror articular orocess archC lll of vertebral 6: Lamina
3 4
5 6
process of C lll(bifid) 7: Spinous canal 8: Vertebral archC lV of vertebral 9: Pedicle:
X-ray, myelography Cervicalspine,lateral 1: Anterior archof atlas 2: Densaxis space 3: Subarachnoid
4: Soinal cord magnum edgeof foramen 5: Posterior 6: Posterior archof atlas
arches of vertebral 7: Laminae Clll,ClVandCV
myelography X-ray, Cervicalspane,oblique
CERVICAL SPINE T4 15 16 I7 l8 19
MR Cervicalspine,median l: Mesencephalon 2: Pons 3: Medulla oblongata 4: Anterior archof atlas 5: Nasalpartof pharynx 6: Densaxis 7: Oralpartof pharynx 8: Mandible
9: Bodyof hyoidbone 10:Arythenoid cartilage 11:Thyroid cartilage l2: Lamina of cricoidcartilage 13: Intervertebral discTh I Th ll l4: Fourth ventricle 15: Cerebello-medullary cistern partof occipital 16: Squamous bone
17:Lig.nuchae 18:Posterior archof atlas 19: Lamina of vertebral archC ll 20: Spinal cord process 21: Spinous of C Vll 22: Subarachnoid space 23: FaIin epidural space
10 II I2 13 T4 l5 16 I7 18 19 20
MR Cervicalspine,para-median 1:Tongue 2: Upper incisive tooth 3: Superior articular facetof axis
lobe 9: Occipital l0: Cerebellum l1: Transverse sinus
foramen withfifthcervica 17:lntervertebral vessels spinalnerve, andfat process 18: Inferiorarticular of C Vll
Thoracicspine,a-pX-ray 1: Transverse Drocess 2: Firstrib archTh lll of vertebral 3: Pedicle 4: Headof sixthrib process of ThVll articular 5: Superior processof Th Vll 6: Transverse
archTh Vll 7: Laminaof vertebral processof ThVll B: Inferiorarticular process of ThVll 9: Spinous archThVll 10: Pedicle of vertebral discThVlll- Th lX 11: lntervertebral process of Th lX 12: Spinous
bodyof ThXl 13: Endplateof vertebral ThXl 14: Bodyof vertebra process of ThXl 15: Transverse archThXl of vertebral 16:Pedicle process of ThXl 17:Spinous 18: 12thrib
9 10 1i I2 13
:6lli ,lr,iliill iiili
Thoracicspine,lateral X-ray 1: Sixthrib 2: Pedicle of vertebral arch foramen 3: Interveriebral 4: Bodyof vertebra 5: Lowerendplateof Th Xl
6: Upperendplateof ThXll 7: Diaphragm B: Transverse orocessof Th Vl process articular 9: Superior 10:Transverse Drocess
11: Lamina of vertebral arch 12: lnferior articular Drocess process 13: Spinous 14: lntervertebral discThXl- ThXll
Thoracicspine,axialCT discTh X - Th Xl Levelof intervertebral 1: Intervertebral discTh X - ThXl foramen 2: lntervertebral process Th Xl 3: Superior articular
ThX 4: lnferior articular orocess arch 5: Lamina of vertebral
process of ThX 6 : Spinous 7 : Thoracic aorta
Thoracicspine,axialCT Levelof vertebralbodvTh Xl Th Xl 1: Bodyof vertebra joint 2: Costovertebral 3: Headof 1lth rib 4: Neckof 11thrib
of 11thrib 5: Tubercle join! 6: Costotransverse 7: Transverse orocessTh Xl foramen 8: Vertebral
arch of vertebral 9: Pedicle arch 10: Lamina of vertebral process of ThXl 11: Spinous
x,{:l littt
Lumbarspine,a-pX-ray Th Xll 1: Bodyof vertebra 2: Headof l2th rib process of Th Xll 3: Spinous eminens of L I 4: Upper andlowerambitus process articular of L ll 5: Superior of vertebral archL ll 6: Pedicle
L ll 7: Transverse orocess of vertebral archL ll B: Lamina jointL ll - L lll (facet) 9: Zygapophysial l0: Inferior of L ll articular orocess of L lll l1: Inferior articular orocess process of L lV l2: Superior articular
process of L I 13:Spinous process of L V 14: Spinous process of L V 15:Transverse 16: Intervertebral discL lV- L V 17:Baseof sacrum
Lumbarspine,lateralX-ray 1: Bodyof vertebra foramen 2: Intervertebral 3: Lowerendplateof L ll discL lll - L lV 4: Intervertebral eminens andlowerambitus 5: Upper
6: lliaccrests 7: I2th nb process articular 8: Superior of vertebral arch 9: Pedicle arch 10: Lamina of vertebral
process I 1: Spinous process l2: Inferior articular (costal) process l3: Transverse 14:Sacrum
I j
X-ray Lumbarspine,oblique The 1: 12thrib (facet) jointL | - L ll 2: Zygapophysial process articular of L lll 3: Superior 4: Pedicle archL lll of vertebral (eyeof "Scottiedog")
"Scottie dog" projection
5: Transverse orocess of L lll (snoutof "Scottiedog") process of sacrum 6: Superior articular 7: lnferior articular orocess of L ll 8: Transverse orocessof L lll
(facet) jointL ll - L lll 9: Zygapophysial 10: Lamina of vertebral archL lV
Sacrum,lateralX-ray 1: Intervertebral discL V - S I
4: Coccyx
7: Sacralhiatus
3 4 5 6
Levelof sectionA indicated on scoutviewon oppositepage I Annu usfibrosus of ntervertebral disc p su i p o s u s ) Nucieu
process 6: Inferior articular of L li 7: Lamina of vertebral arch B: Spinoup s r o c e s so f L l 9 : I n f e r i ocr a v a vl e i n 1 0 : A b d o m r na o l rta
i n t e r v e r t e bfroarla m e nf o r s p i n anl e r v eL l l S u p e r i oarr t i c u l aprr o c e s so f L l l l . l y g a p o p h y s (i af al c e tj)o i n t l
(with 11:Leftureter/pelvis med:umr contrast 1 2 :P s o am s alor 13:Leftkrdney 14:Quadratus lumborum 15:Erector spinae
Y .':f
'. 1
2 3 - 9
5 6 1
,d -#
Lumbarspine,axralCT c,ertinn
Lumbarspine,CTscoutview A B D
1 L
3 4 5
Lumbarspine,axialCT on scoutview Levelof sectionC indicated veins 1: Basivertebral arch 2: Pedicle of vertebral
process 5: Accessory process 6: Spinous
arch of vertebral 3: Lamina (costal) process 4: Transverse
Lumbarspine,axialCT view
Lurnbarspine,L5/S1,tiltedaxialMR vertebra L5 1: Bodyof lumbar 2: Branch fromspinal nerveL4 to lumbosacral trunk 3: lliolumbar artery 4: Motorrootof spinalnerveL5 ganglion L5 5: Spinal process 6: Inferior articular of L4 7: Lig.flavum process 8: Spinous of L4 ligament 9: Supraspinal 10:Thoracolumbar fascia 11:Spinal nerveL5
16: Intervertebral discL5lS1 17:Alaof sacrum process 1B:Superior articular of Sl jointL5lSl 19: Zygapophysial process 20: Inferior of L5 articular 21: Common iliacartery iliacvein 22:Common 23:Cauda equina in duralsac 24: Pedicle of vertebra L5 25'Transvcrse nrocess of L5 ligament 26:lliolumbar muscle 27: Longissimus
32:Lig.flavum process of L5 33: Spinous process of L4 34:Spinous arlery/uein 35: Spinal
29 I4
15 I6
LumbarspineL5lSl,tiltedaxialMR page Scoutviewon previous 1: Intervertebral discL5lS1 in duralsac 2. Cauda equina 3: Alaof sacrum ligament 4: Interosseous sacroiliac 5: lliacbone Iigament 6: Supraspinal fascia 7: Thoracolumbar 8: Bodyof vertebra 51 9: Lumbosacral trunk process of Sl l0: Superior articular
archL5 13:Lamina of vertebral 14: Lateral sacralartery joint 15:Sacroiliac i6: Alaof sacrum iliacspine 17:Posterior superior iliacartery 18: External iliacartery 19: Internal iliacvein 20: Common trunk 21: Lumbosacral process of S1 22:Superior articular
process of L5 25:Spinous muscle 26: Longissimus muscle 27:Multifidus 28: Lig.flavum iliacarterybranches 29: lnlernal iliacvein 30: External 3 1 : l n t e r ni al i la cv e i n trunk 32: Lumbosacral 33: Lig.flavum process of L5 34:Spinous
6 7 8
myelography Lumbarspine,a-pX-ray, of levelof injection 1: Marker archL lll of vertebral 2: Pedicle nerveL lll 3: Soinal archL lV of vertebral 4: Pedicle
nerveL lV 5: Soinal nerveL V 6: Spinal nerveS I 7: Soinal space of subarachnoid termination 8: Caudal
equina 9: Cauda nerveL lV 10: Rootpouchof sPinal LV nerve 11: Rootpouchof sPinal
myelography X-ray, Lumbarspine,lateral
Thoracicspine,axialCT,myelography Th 11 (lower vertebra 1: Bodyof thoracic en0l foramen 2: Intervertebral 3: Lig.flavum
arch of vertebral 4: Lamina process 5: Spinous 6: Aorta cord 7: Soinal
agent spacewithcontrast 8 : Subarachnoid in duralpouch nerveandganglion 9 : Spinal spacewithfat 1 0 :Eoidural
2 3 4 5
Lumbarspine,axialCT,myelography L3 1: Bodyof vertebra space 2: Epidural equina 3: Cauda
6: Aorta(withcalcificatton) major 7: Psoas arch of vertebral 8: Pedicle
process 11:Mamillary jointL2l13 72: Zygapophysial process of L2 articular 13:Inferior
8 I 10 11 I2
i3 I4
Lumbarspine,median MR,T1weightedrecording 1: Bodyof 12ththoracic vertebra 2: Basivertebral vein 3; Lumbar arteryandvein 4: Cauda equina 5: Intervertebral discL ll - L lll
6: Subarachnoid soace 7: Spinal cord 8: Conus medullaris 9: Epidural fat process 10: Spinous of L ll
11:Lig.flavum 12: Supraspinous ligament 13:Caudal termination of subarachnoid soac 14:Sacral canal
7 B I 10 ll
I2 13 / ' " 3
Lumbarspine,para-median MR,T1 weighted recording
newborn X-ray, spine,lateral Thoracolumbar fusionof ossification Yetincomplete bodY in vertebral centers
archandbodyof between 2: Synchondrosis synchondrosis) vertebra(neurocentral
child12 years X-ray, spine,lateral Thoracolumbar Th lX.Annular 1: Bodyof vertebra centerof endplatehasnot ossification yetappeared.
2: Ninthrib
3: Diaphragm
Thoracolumbar spine,lateral X-ray, oldage 1: Trachea withcalcified cartilages 2: Intervertebral disc(reduced thickness) 3: Esophagus withair 4: Osteophytes 5: Collaosed
6: Vertebral bodies withcentral compression/racture 7: Calcified costalcartilage 8: Abdominal aorta(calcified)
11;Thoracic aorta(posterior wall), elongat i2: Rib (narrowed) i3: lntervertebral foramen (facet) jointswith 14: Zygapophysial
Skull,a-pX-ray 1: Sagittal suture 2: Lambdoid suture 3: Supra-orbital margin 4: Lesser wingof sphenoid bone 5: Hypophysial fossa (upperedgeof petrous 6: Cristapyramidis bone) 7: Headof mandible
joint 8: Atlanto-occipital joint 9: Lateral atlanto-axial l0: Squama occipitalis 11:Granular foveola I2: Frontal sinus 13:Jugum sphenoidale l4: Innominate line(radiology term)(tangential viewof greater wingof sphenoid bone)
15: Superior orbital fissure 16:Ethmoidal aircells 17:Maxillary sinus 18: Inferior nasalconcha 19:Nasal septum 20: Densaxis
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T2 13 I4 15 16
Skull,lateral X-ray 1: Coronal suture 2: Frontal bone 3: Outertableof calvaria 4: Diplod 5: Innertableof calvaria 6: Frontal sinus plate 7: Cribriform 8: Nasal bone
12:Anterior nasalspine 13: Hardpalate 14:Uvula protuberance I5: Mental 16:Angleof mandible l7: Parietal bone l8: 0rbitalplatesof frontalbone 19:Greater wingsof sphenoid bone
23:Sphenoidal sinus 24: Lambdoid suture 25: Occipitomastoid suture partof occipital 26: Squamous bone 27: Mastoid aircells 28: External acoustic meatus 29:Clivus 30: Mandibular neck
9 10 11
' L
projection Towne's Skull,X-ray, 1: Sagittal suture 2: Parietal bone suture 3: Lambdoid partof occipital bone 4: Squamous gland(calcified) 5: Pineal
partof temporal bone 6: Petrous 7: Mastoid orocess B: Nasalseotum suture 9: Souamosal 10: Occioitomastoid suture
magnum 11:Foramen sinus 12:Sohenoidal neck 13:Mandibular
Skull,lateralX-ray,old age foveolae 1: Granular 2: Grooves for branches of meningeal artery middle
veins 3: Dioloic gland(calcified) 4: Pineal suture 5: Lambdoid
protuberance occipital 6: Internal bone 7: Aircellsin temooral
Skull,a-pX-ray l
S a o i f t : l s r r t rr r p
2: Lambdoid suture 3: Supra-orbital margin 4: Lesser wingof sphenoid bone 5: Hypophysial fossa (upperedgeof petrous 6: Cristapyramidis DONCJ
7 : H e a do f m a n d i b l e
joint 8: Atlanto-occipital joint 9: Lateral atlanto-axial 10:Squama occipitalis 11:Granular foveola l2: Frontal sinus 13:Jugum sphenoidale 14:Innominate line(radiology term)(tangential viewof greater wingof sphenoid bone)
15:Superior fissure orbital 16:Ethmoidal aircells 17:Maxillary sinus 18:Inferior nasal concha 19:Nasal septum 20: Densaxis
I 2 3 4 5 o
7 B 9 l0 11 I2 13 t4 15 t6
Skull,lateral X-ray 1: Coronal suture 2: Frontal bone 3: Outertableof calvaria 4: Diplod 5: Inner tableof calvaria 6: Frontal sinus plate 7: Cribriform B: Nasal bone
12:Anterior nasalspine l3: Hardpalate 14:Uvula protuberance 15:Mental 16:Angle of mandible l7: Parietal bone platesof frontalbone l8: Orbital l9: Greater wingsof sphenoid bone
23:Sphenoidal sinus 24: Lambdoid suture 25: Occipitomastoid suture partof occipital 26: Squamous bone 27: Mastoid aircells 28: External acoustic meatus 29:Clivus 30: Mandibular neck
9 10 11 I2 13
projection Towne's Skull,X-ray, l: Sagittal suture 2:Parietal bone 3:Lambdoid suture partof occipital 1:Squamous bone gland(calcified) i: Pineal
partof temporal 6: Petrous bone process 7: Mastoid B: Nasalseotum 9: Squamosal suture 10: Occioitomastoid suture
11:Foramen magnum 12:Sphenoidal sinus 13:Mandibular neck
Skull,lateralX-ray,old age 1:Granular foveolae 2: Grooves for branches of middle meningeal artery
veins 3: Dioloic gland(calcified) 4: Pineal 5: Lambdoid suture
protuberance 6: Internal occipital 7: Aircellsin temooral bone
Skull,a-p,tiltedX-ray, child5 months 1: Interparietal bone(lncabone) 2: Anterior fontanelle 3: Lambdoid suture
4: Sagittal suture 5: Mastoid fontanelle
(Wormian) 6: Sutural bonesin lambdoid SUTUTE
7: Coronal suture
Skull,lateralX-ray, child5 months 1: Anterior fontanelle 2: Coronal suture 3: Frontal bone (sphenoidal 4: Pterion fontanelle) 5: Greater wingof sphenoid bone
6: Deciduous teeth 7: Anterior archof atlas 8: Densaxis 9: Parietal bone 10: Souamosal sutures
I 1: Mastoid fontanelles 12: Lambdoid suture 13:Sutural bone 14:0ccipitomastoid suture 15:Posterior archof atlas
9 l0 11
view,ee*MDP,scintigraphy Skull,lateralandposterior 1: Calvaria 2: Baseof skull skeleton 3: Facial process andalveolar of maxilla 4: Alveolar partof mandible
5: Hyoidbone process 6: Coracoid 7: Clavicle sinus andsigmoid 8: Transverse vertebra 9: Cervical
angleof scaPula 10:Superior 11:Acromion vertebra 12:Thoracic
t7 18 i9
Baseof skull,axialCT spineof frontalbone 1: Nasal 2: Eyeball process bone of zygomatic 3: Frontal aircells 4: Ethmoidal fossa 5: Temporal bone wingof sphenotd 6: Greater sinus
posterior to intrajugular foramen, 11:Jugular Dr0cess foramen borderof iugular 12: Posterior sinus 13:Sigmoid partof occiPital bone 14: Lateral canal 15: Hypoglossal magnum 16: Foramen
lacerum 20: Foramen ovale 21: Foramen spinosum 22'.Foramen tube fissure/Eustachian 23: Sphenopetrous canal,second 24: Carotid Part bone 25:Ai cellsin temporal bone 26: Apexof petrous
HEAD, coronal CT-series
. l
i t l j
Scoutview 5: Oralpartof pharynx 6: Epiglottis process 7: Frontal of maxilla 8: Hardpalate
1: Frontal sinus 2: Maxillary sinus 3; Sphenoidal sinus 4: Nasalpartof pharynx
positions Lines#1-10indicate of sections in thefollowing CT senes. Consecutive sections, 10 mmthick.Proneposition with hyperextended neck.
4 6
6 7 8 9 10
9: Softpalate l0: Hyoidbone
CT-sertes coronal HEAD.
T1 18 19
20 2I
23 24
25 26 27 I2
13 I4 15 16
CT Head,coronal Scoutvrewon oppositepage. 1: Scalp partcf frontalbone 2: Squamous lobe 3: Frontal 4: Orbitalplateof frontalbone processof frontalbone 5: Zygomatic of frontalbone Nasal spine 6: process of maxilla 7: Frontal
10:Sclera body 11:Vitreous l2: Bodyof maxilla of mouth 13:Airin vestibule oris 14:Orbicularis teeth 15: Upperincisor 16:Chin
19:Lens labiisuperioris 20: Levator lip 21:Upper 22: Cristagalli plate 23: Cribriform plateof ethmoid bone 24: Perpendicular of nasalseptum 25: Cartilage
CT-series coronal HEAD,
18 19
CT Head,coronal Scoutveiwon page148 partof frontalbone 1: Squamous Iobe 2: Frontal superior 3: Obliquus palpebrae andlevator 4: Rectus superior, orbitalvein artery,or superior 5: Ophthalmic lateralis 6: Rectus
l0: Apexof tongue plate l1: Cribriform l2: Opticnerve nasalconcha 13:Middle nasalconcha 14:lnferior 15: Hardpalate
cavityof mandible 19: Marrow 20: Cristagalli plateof frontalbone 21: Orbital muscle 22: femporalis )?'
Tvonmzlin 6ono
sinus 24: Maxillary
HEAD. coronal CT-series
20 21 22 23 24 25
27 28 29 30 31
t6 t7 18
Head,coronal CT Scoutviewon page148 1: Apexof orbita 2: lnferior nasalcc.rncha 3: Maxillary sinus 4: HardPalate 5: Buccinator 6: Sublingual region 7: Geniohyoideus
12: Oralcavity 13:Tongue 14:Uppermolartooth 15: Lowermolartooth 16:Mylohyoideus 17:Genioglossus 18: Marrow cavityof mandible/
22' fomnarel
23: Galea aponeurotica 2L'
25: Masseter 26: Sphenoidal sinus process 27: Anlerior clinoid 28: Vomer
HEAD, coronal CT-series
Head,coronal CT Scoutviewon page148 1: Lateral ventricle of brain 2: Galea aponeurotica 3: Temporal lobe (tendon) 4: Temporalis \'
6: Masseter 7: Parotid duct
1 1 :G e n i o g l o s s u s 12:Hyoglossus 13:Mylohyoideus 14: Digastricus, anterior belly 15:Geniohyoideus 16:Hypophyseal fossa l7: Sphenoidal sinus
plate 2I'. Laleralpterygoid 22: Lateralpterygoid muscle 23: Softpalate 24 1onqrrc.:nitis
pterygoid 25: Medial muscle parotid gland 26:Accessory 27: Levator velipalatini
CT-series coronal HEAD,
24 25 26
27 28 29 30
t5 16 I7 18 19
CT Head,coronal Scoutviewon page148 1:Thirdventricle artery 2: Basilary bone 3: Bodyof sphenoid partof temPoral bone 4: Petrous tube 5: Auditory bone of sphenoid 6: Spine 7: Headof mandtble B:Neckof mandible
12:Hyoglossus belly anterior 13: Digastricus, 14:Geniohyoideus 15:Brainstem partof occipital bone 16:Basilar fissure 17: Petro-occipital meatus acoustic 18: External partof temPoral bone 19:Tympanic
23: Platysma capitis 24: Longus 25: Nasalpartof pharynx 26: Uvula muscle 27'.tateralpterygoid pterygoid muscle 28: Medial gland 29: Parotid 30: Masseter '
9 10 11
I4 13 t2 11 10 9 8
T4 13 I2 11 10 9 8 7
5 4
6 5 4
Petrousbone,CT series,diagrammatic scoutview positions sections,3 mmthick Lines#1-14indicate of sections in thefollowing CTseries. Consecutive 1 :Anterror semicircular canal vestibuli Fenestra 3 :Cochlea Auditory tube L.
5: Carotid canal 6: Mastoid antrum 7: Posterior semicircular canal 8: Lateral semicircular canal
process 9: Pyramidal 10: Fenestra cochleae 11:Facial canal
9 10
Ear,axialCT Positions of sections areindicated above 1: Headof mandible
5: External acoustic meatus
process 9: Intrajugular
I2 13 I4
Ear,axialCT page Positions of section #3-5areindicated on opposite 1: Head of mandible part(plate) 2: Tympanic of temporal bone 3: External meatus audrtory 4: Auricle
process 7: Mastoid withair cells 8: Middle cranial fossa joint 9: Articular discof temporomandibular l0: Auditory tube
process 13:Intrajugular jugular 14:Bulbof internal vein 15:Sigmoid sinus i6: Tympanic ostiumof auditory tube
15 16 I7 18 l9
11 L2 13
23 24 25
Ear,axialCT Positionsof section#6-8 are indicatedon page t54 muscle tympani 1: Tensor tube 2: Tympanic ostiumof auditory of malleus 3: Manubrium 4: Facial canal process 5: Aircellsin mastoid sinus Sigmoid 6:
10:Auricle vestibuli 11: Baseof stapesin fenestra 12:Headof malleus 13:Bodyof incus 14: Pyramidal eminence 15:Carotid canal
19:Sinus tympani cochleae 20: Fenestra fossa 21: Middle cranial meatus acoustic 22: lnternal 23: Vestibulum canal semicircular of posterior 24: Ampulla
EAR, axialCT-series
Ear,axialCT Positions of section #I2-I4 areindicated on pager54 1: Epitympanic recess 2: Mastoid antrum process 3: Aircellsin mastoid
4: Auricle 5: Tegmen tympani 6: Anterior semicircular canal
7: Superior margin of petrous B: Sigmoid sinus
Lacrimalducts,a-pX-ray,dacryography lacrimalia inserted in puncta l: Catheters lacrimal canaliculus 2: Suoerior lacrimal canaliculus 3: Inferior sac 4: Lacrimal
duct 5: Nasolacrimal sinus 6: Maxillary intonasalcavity medium flowing 7: Contrast nasalconcha 8: lnferior
9: Nasalseptum 10: Hardpalate
CT Orbita,sagittal 1:Parssquamosa of frontalbone 2: Superciliary arch margin 3: Supra-orbital 4: Upper eyelid 5: Cornea
margin B: Infra-orbital sinus 9: Maxillary 10:Mandible plateof frontalbone 11: Orbital palpebrae 12: Levator
15: Opticnerve process clinoid 16:Anterior orbitalfissure 17: Superior orbitalfissure 18: Inferior fossa 19: Pterygopalaiine
Paranasalsinuses,a-pX-ray (calcified) 1: Falxcerebri 2: Frontal sinus 3: 0rbita 4: Ethmoidal aircells
5: Superior orbitalfissure sinus 6: Maxillary 7: Sagittal suture
line(radiology term,tangential 8: Innominate greater wingof sphenoid bone) viewof fossa(bottom) 9: Hypophyseal l0: Nasal septum
14 15 16
Paranasalsinuses,a-p,tiltedX-ray 1: Frontal sinus 2: Septum of frontalsinus 3: Anterior ethmoidal aircells 4: Maxillary sinus 5: Posterior ethmoidal aircells
7: Mastoid aircells B: Orbita rotundum 9: Foramen foramen 10:lnfra-orbital Iine(radiology term) 11:Innominate
1?' Tvoamatir zrrh
14;Ovalforamen 15:Headof mandible nasal 16:lnferior concha
8 I 10 11
X-ray lateral Paranasal sinuses, 1: Frontal bone platesof frontalbone 2: Orbital 3: Frontal sinus 4: Orbita aircells 5: Ethmoidal
sinus 6: Maxillary 7: Hardoalate process clinoid 8: Anterior process 9: Posterior clinoid fossa I0: Hypophyseal
11:Sphenoidal sinus process 12: Pterygoid 13:Thirduppermolar(impacted) uppermolar 14:Second
12 t l
L4 16
T7 18
CT(bonesettings) sinus,coronal Maxillary 1: Skin 2: Frontal bone 3: Apexof orbita fissure 4: lnferior orbital 5: Maxillary sinus arch 6: Zygomatic
7: Rootof uppermolar of maxilla 8: Alveolar orocess 9: Crownof lowermolar 10: Bodyof mandible sphenoidale 11:Jugum wingof sphenoid bone 12: Lesser
aircells 13:Ethmoidal nasalconcha 14:Superior 15:Middle nasal concha nasalconcha 16:lnferior septum 17:Nasal 1B:Hardpalate
scoutview Paranasal sinuses, neck. withhyperextended positions are 1 mmthick.Proneposition in thefollowing CTseries.Sections Lines#1-7indicate of sections process, hiatus uncinate sinusostium,infundibulum, the maxillary comprising compleVunit' #2-6display the ostiomeatal Sections canbe seenona thata structure Arrows €, i and<+ indicate meatus. concha andmiddle bulla,middle semilunaris, ethmoidal previous sectionor both. or following
7 8 9 10 11 T2
CT coronal Paranasal sinuses, 1: Frontal sinus-+ 2: Orbitalpartof frontalbone-+
foramen 5: lnfraorbital -+ nasalconcha 6: lnferior
duct 9: Nasolacrimal -+ partof nasalseptum 10:Cartilaginous
coronal CT-series PARANASAL SINUSES,
coronal CT sinuses, Paranasal 1: Frontal sinus<+ galli-+ 2: Crista plate-+ 3: Cribriform aircells<+ 4: Anterior ethmoidal -+ process 5: Uncinate -+ nasalconcha 6: Middle
7: lnfraorbital canal-> sinus<-> B: Maxillary <-> nasalconcha 9: lnferior partof frontalbonee> 10: Orbital (concha nasalconcha 11:Aircellin middle -+ bullosa)
plateof ethmoidal bone<+ 12: Perpendicular partof nasalseptum <+ 13: Cartilaginous 14:Vomer<-> 15: Hardoalate-+
10 11 T2 13 I4
CT coronal Paranasal sinuses, 1: Frontal sinus<+ 2: Cristagalli<-+ <->
process <+ 6: Uncinate sinus<-> 7: Maxillary <-> nasalconcha 8: lnferior
maxillary sinusandnasal 1l: Ductbetween cavrty--) partof nasalseptum <-+ 12: Cartilaginous
I 8 9 4
5 11 I2
CT coronal sinuses, Paranasal partof frontalbone<1: Orbital galli 2: Crista
Positionof sectionsis indicatedon scoutviewon page r o z nasalconcha 9: Superior bone
6 1
8 9 l0
CT coronal sinuses, Paranasal sulcus 1: Prechiasmic clinoidProcess 2: Anterior rotundum 3: Foramen canal 4: Pterygoid
process 5: Pterygoid sinus 6: Sohenoidal sinus of sphenoidal 7: Septum arch 8: Zygomatic
9: Vomer<10:Choanae
% M
joint,oblique X-ray, Temporomandibular transmaxillary 1: Articular tubercle 2: Headof mandible process 3: Mastoid
4: Styloidprocess 5: Orbita joint(withdisc) 6: Temporomandibular
7: Maxillary sinus 8: Neckof mandible 9: Hardpalate
I 2 4
joint,oblique X-ray Temporomandibular B: mouthopen A: mouthclosed. 1: Zygomatic arch joint(withdisc) 2: Temporomandibular 3: Headof mandible
4: Neckof mandible fossa 5: Mandibular 6: Articular tubercle
meatus 7: External auditorv
joint, lateral tomography X-ray, Temporomandibular fossa 1: Mandibular disc 2: Articular tubercle 3: Articular 4: Headof mandible
process 5: Coronoid 6: Neckof mandible incisure 7: Mandibular meatus acoustic 8: External
part(plate) bone of temporal 9: Tympanic (rooi) process 10: Styloid process 11:Mastoid
joint,coronal CT(bonesettings) Temporomandibular foveola 1: Granular partof temporal bone 2: Squamous joint 3: Temporomandibular 4: Headof mandible 5: Neckof mandible
of mandible 6: Ramus bend canal,anterior 7: Carotid fissure 8: Petro-occipital bone 9: Arrcellin petrous fissure l0: Sphenopetrous
fossa 11:Mandibular bone of sphenoid 12:Spine bone 13:Apexof petrous
7 8 9 10
panoramic X-ray Teeth,adult,rotational (FDl) Internationale Dentaire to theTwoDigitSystemof the Federation Teetharenumbered according 1: Maxillary sinus 2: Hardpalate 3: Styloidprocess 4: Mandibular canal
5: Greathornof hyoidbone arch 6: Zygomatic 7: Articular tubercle fossa B: Mandibular
9: Headof mandible of mandible 10:Coronoid Drocess
panoramic X-ray Teeth,child5 years,rotational (FDl) Internationale Dentaire according to theTwoDigitSystemof the Federation Teetharenumbered lamina 1: Periodontoblastic 2: Dental sac
incisor tooth 11: Firstoermanent permanent incisor tooth 12: Second 13: Permanent canine tooth premolar 14: Firstpermanent tooth permanent premolar tooth 15: Second molartooth 16: Firstoermanent permanent molartooth 17: Second
molartooth(wisdom 48: ThirdDermanent tooth) incisor tooth 51: Firstdeciduous incisor tooth deciduous 52: Second canine tooth 53: Deciduous molartooth 54: Firstdeciduous molartooth deciduous 55: Second
G*GT lsr'*r,-
I a L
rc m
(including X-ray four"bite-wings"), Teeth,fullmouthsurvey formula to the Haderup according Teetharenumbered 1: Apexof root 2: Radix dentis(root) margin 3: Cervical 4: Crown
5: Pulpchamber 6: Pulpcanal sinus 7: Maxillary septum B: Interalveolar
septum 9: Interradicular duraof dentalalveolus l0: Lamina bone l1: Cancellous
5 6 7 1 a L
8 9
11 I2
X-ray Tooth,first premolar, space ligament 1: Periodontal 2: Lamina dura septum 3: Interalveolar septum 4: Interradicular
5: Enamel 6: Dentine 7: Crown 8: Neck
9: Pulpcavityof crown l0: Rootcanal 11: Root 12:Rootapex
Parotidgland,oblique X-ray, sialography 1: Orifice of parotid duct 2: Cannula (contralateral) 3: Angle of mandible
process 4: Styloid process 5: Mastoid 6: Parotid duct
7: Intraglandular ducts (ipsilateral) 8: Angleof mandible 9: Baseof mandible
ff'v 1q& *
Submandibular gland,lateralX-ray, sialography l: Cannula 2: Submandibular duct
3: Contrast medium in mouth 4: Angleof mandible
gland 5: Submandibular
X-ray, arteriography Carotidarteries,lateral 1: Middle meningeal artery 2: Maxillary artery artery 3: Inferior alveolar 4: External carotidartery
5: Facial artery 6: Lingual artery 7: Superior artery thyroid temporal artery B: Superficial
artery 9: Occipital l0: Internal carotid artery
8 9 IO
arteriography Carotid arteries,lateralX-ray,digitalsubtraction "syphon" 1: Carotid temporal artery 2: Superficial 3: Maxillary artery 4: Facialartery 5: Lingual artery
6: Carotid bifurcation 7: Superior thyroid artery 8: Internal carotidartery meningeal artery 9: Middle 10:Occipital artery
artery I 1: External carotid 12:Carotid sinus artery 13:Common carotid l4: Catheter
BRAIN. axialCT-series
1 Z
Scoutview wingof sphenoid bone 1: Lesser plate 2: Cribriform 3: Frontal sinus
4: Clivus 5: Sphenoidal sinus process 6: Anterior clinoid
positions in thefollowing I 4 of axialsections Lines#1-15indicate CTseries. 13 at intervals of 5 mm, I 2 #I-6 are3 mm thick,recorded Sections 11 i.e.with2 mm spacing. 10 mm sections. #7-I5 areconsecutive Sections Notechangeof anglebetween section#6 and#7.
10 9 5 3 1
fossa 7: Hypophysial process clinoid 8: Posterior bone 9: Aircellsin temporal
BRAIN, axialCT-series
Brain,axialCT 1:Frontal sinus 2: Eyeball 3: Opticnerve 4: Rectus lateralis medialis 5: Rectus fissure 6: Superior orbital 7: Clivus 8: Jugular tubercle 9: Artefacts
page Scoutviewon opposite galli l0: Crista l 1 : L a c r i m agl l a n d l2: Temporalis 1 3 : T e m p o r al ol b e i 4 : M e d u l loab l o n g a t a h re m i s p h e r e s 15:Cerebella 16:Trapezius 1 7 : E t h m o i d a li r c e l l s lB: Auditorytube
cavity 19:Tympanic meatus 20: External auditory 21:Auricle aircells 22:Mastoid artery 23: Ophthalmic 24:Sigmoid sinus capitis 25:Splenius
BRAIN, axialCT-series
ti ,? a 4,:a/@).','
W 1 '
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon page 174 galli 1: Crista palpebrae 2: Rectus superior andlevator 3: Sphenoidal sinus 4: Basilar artery 5: Pons peduncle 6: Middle cerebellar 7: Fourth ventricle B: Cerebello-medullary cistern 9: Frontal sinus 10:Frontal lobe
1l: Temporalis muscle 12: Galea aponeurotica 13:Temporal lobe 14: Internal carotidartery 15:Basilary artery 16:Artefacts 17:Trapezius 18:Superior orbital fissure 19:Opticcanal 20: Internal carotid arteryin cavernous sinus
21: Tympanic cavity 22: Aditusad antrum 23: Mastoid arrcells 24: Cerebellar hemisphere 25: Hypophysis 26: Cerebellopontine cistern 27: Superficial temporal arteryandvein 28:Auricle 29. lnlernal acoustic meatus
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon page 174 Frontal sinus Frontal lobe Opticcanal Opticchiasma Dorsum sellae Aircellsanteriorly in petrous bone Artefacts
8: Fourth ventricle 9: Cerebello-medullary cistern 10:Auricle 11:Vermis of cerebellum 12:Jugum sphenoidale 13:Temporal lobe l4: lnternal carotid arteryin cavernous sinus
15:Trigeminal impression 16:Superior peouncte cerebellar 17:Lesser wingof sphenoid bone 18:Anterior process clinoid 19:Posterior process clinoid 20: Pons 27: Cerebellar hemisphere
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon Page174 sinus 1: Frontal galli 2: Crista sinus 3: Sphenoidal 4: 0pticcanal process clinoid 5: Anterior 6: Hypophysis sellae 7: Dorsum 8: Artefacts protuberance occipical 9: lnternal
of cerebrum fissure 10:Longitudinal gYri of cerebral 11:lmpressions (Sylvian) Lateral sulcus I2'. 13:Hypothalamus cistern 14:Interpeduncular ambiens 15:Cisterna of cerebellum 16:Vermis cerebelli 17:Tentorium plateof frontalbone 18: Orbital
bone wingof sPhenoid 19:Lesser partof temPoral bone 20: Petrous 21:Thirdventricle horn temporal ventricle, 22: Laleral peduncle 23:Cerebral 24'.lnfertorcolliculus 25:Cerebellum lobe 26:Occrpital
BRAIN. axialCT-series
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon page174 1: Longitudinal fissure 2:Lateral ventricle, frontalhorn (Sylvian) 3: Lateral sulcus (Monroi) 4: Interventricular foramen 5: Third ventricle posterior 6: Internal capsule, limb 7:Superior colliculus 8: Cisterna ambiens 9: Headof caudate nucleus 0: lnsula
l1: Lentiform nucleus l2: Thalamus plexus 13:Choroid 14: Lateral ventricle 15:Genuof corpus callosum 16:Headof caudate nucleus, contiguous withlentiform nucleus pellucidum 17:Septum 18:Column of fornix 19:Subthalamus
20: Lateralventricle, temporal horn quadrangular 2l: Cerebellum, lobe 22: Frontal lobe 23: Internal capsule, anterior limb genu 24, lnlernal capsule, posterior 25: Internal capsule, limb 26: Pineal recessof thirdventricle 27. Pinealgland 28: Lateralventricle, horn occipital 29: Occipital lobe
BRAIN, axialCT-series
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon page174 1: Longitudinal fissure of brain 2: Genu of corpus callosum nucleus 3: Bodyof caudate 4: Internal capsule pellucidum 5: Septum
6: Splenium of corpus callosum 7: Falxcerebri cortex 8: Sulciof cerebral 9: Gvrrrs of cerehral cortex 10:Corpus callosum
ventricle, frontalhorn I 1: Lateral part 72: Lateral ventricle, central horn 13:Lateral ventricle, occipital I4. Coronaradiata
BRAIN, axialCT-series
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon page174 3: Gyrionmedial aspect of cerebral hemisphere gyrus 4: Cingulate
5: Gyri 6: Sulci 7: Calvaria
BRAIN. axialCT-series
Brain,axialCT Scoutviewon page174 1 :S u l c i 2: Gyri
3: Falxcerebri
4: Calvaria
Brain,atrophic,axialCT l'
Crorr mafipr
2: Whitematter 3: Gyri(atrophic) 4: Sulci(widened)
6' Prpnonfr:l
6: Central sulcus 7: Corona radiata R' Pncinontr:l
9: Falxcerebri 10:Calvaria i l: Galea aponeurotica
BRAIN. axialMR-series
Scoutviewsof axialMR-series Line#1-20indicatepositions MR-series. of axialsectionsin the following lnterpretations of thescoutimages arefoundon page234 andpage218 in thecorresponding sagittal andcoronal series. Allsections are5 mmthickandarespacedby 0.5 mm. Each is displayed section in bothT2 (above) andT1 (below) weighted imaging. Bone structures aredelineated by yellowlineson theT2 weighted images. Arrows <-,-+ and<+ indicate thata structure canbe seenon a previous or following section, or both.
BRAIN, axialMR-series
t0 11
T2 13 I4 15 16 I7
Brain,axialMR 1: Orbicularrs oris-+ -+ 2: Incisive foramen 3: Rrsorrus parotid gland-+ 4: Accessory -+ 5: Buccinator hamulus 6: Pterygoid -+ 7: Masseter gland-> B: Parotid vein-+ Retromandibular 9: fromexternal arterybranching 10:Maxillary carotidartery -) process 11:Mastoid
Scoutviewon previouspage l3: Splenius capitis-> minor l4: Rectus capitisposterior -+ i5: Semispinalis capitrs -+ 16:Trapezius -+ ligament 17:Nuchal -+ l8: Facialarlery/vein -+ (insertion) 19:Temporalis muscle -> pterygoid muscle 20: Lateral -> pterygoid muscle 21: Medial ---; 22: Ramus of mandible -> velipalatini 23:Tensor -+ 24: Levator velipalatini
jugular vein-+ 26: Internal 27: lnlernal carotidartery-+ lateralis 2B:Rectus capitis -+ anterior 29: Rectus capitis -+ capitis 30: Longus 31:Alarligament ?)'
\ l a r l !ov vh, r eul ,
a r f( ov ' r r i :
membrane 33: Tectorial condyle 34: Occipital --> oblongata 35: Medulla 36: Cerebellar tonsil
BRAIN, axialMR-series
16 I7
Brain,axialMR-series Scoutviewon page183 1: Orbicularis oris<2: Maxillary sinus-+ --> 3: Zygomaticus majormuscle process 4: Pterygoid <+ pterygoid 5: Lateral muscle<-> pterygoid 6: Medial muscle <7: Internal carotid artery<+ jugular B:Internal vein(bulb) e>
9: Hypoglossal canal 10:Sigmoid sinus+ 11:Vertebral artery<> 12: lnternal occipital crest-+ 13:Semispinalis capitis 14:Trapezius <15:Nuchal ligament <-> 16:Pyramis
17: Medulla oblongata <-> 18:Hardpalate 19:Tensor velipalatini <-> 20: Levator velipalatini <-> (root)<process 21: Styloid 22: Central canalof medulla oblongata partof occipital 23: Squamous bone 24: Foliaof cerebellum
BRAIN. axialMR-series
T7 18
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 nasalspine 1: Anterior 2: Maxillary sinus<-> majormuscle <-> 3: Zygomaticus 4: Masseter <-> muscle <+ 5: Temporalis pterygoid muscle <-> 6: Lateral gland<-> 7: Parotid partof temporal bone B: Tympanrc meatus 9: External acoustic jugular <10:Internal vein(bulb)
l 1 : S i g m o i ds i n u s< - > l2: Petro-occipital fissure-+ I ?' \/prtahrel
'+ 14:Fourth ventricle protuberance l5: Internal occipital protuberance I6: External occipital 17: Pyramis <-> 1B:Oliva 19:Cerebellar hemisphere 20:Vomer-+
21: Toruslevatorius process<22: Plerygoid .23: Tensor velipalatini <24: Levalorvelipalatini arteryin carotid cana< 25: Internal carotid 26:Auditory tube <27: Longus capitis 30: Vermrs of cerebellum
BRAIN, axialMR-series
23 L+
13 I4 15 16
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 .: Bodyof zygomatic bone-+ l: Maxillary sinus<+ <): Masseter (tip)withintemporalis process [: Coronoid muscle
9: Vertebral artery<10:Transverse sinus<-> -+ 11:Confluence of sinuses 12: Pyramis <-+ i3: Medial lemniscus 14:Flocculus peduncle 15: Inferior cerebellar <16:Vermis of cerebellum <17: Zygomaticus majormuscle
fossa-+ 18: Pterygopalatine lacerum 19:Foramen fissure 20: Sphenopetrous -+ 2I: Headof mandible 22: Petro-occipital fissure 23: Posterior semicircular canal <-> 24: FourIhventricle
BRAIN. axialMR-series
I4 15 16 I7 18
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page 183 1: Maxillary sinus<-+ 2: Temporalis muscle <+ ?' Tvonmatin
4: Pterygopalatine fossa<-> 5: Sphenoidal sinus-+ 6: Carotid canal<-+ 7: Headof mandible in mandibular fossa<8: Cochlea 9: Lateral semicircular canal 10:Vestibule
11:Perilymphatic duct poruswithfacialand 12: Internal acoustic vestibulocochlear nerve 13:Asterion 14:Pons-+ 15: Corticospinal tract-+ 16:Medial lemniscus <-> peduncle 17:Middle cerebellar 18:Olivary nucleus 19:Horizontal fissure
20: Facialarlery/vein 21: Vomer<-> 22: Cerebellopontine cistern 23: Superficial temporal artery-+ 24: FourIhventricle <+ 25: Transverse sinus<)6'
cinrrc -
27: Confluence of sinuses <-
BRAIN. axialMR-series
24 25
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewof page183 Nasolacrimal duct-+ Maxillary sinus<+ Bodyof zygomatic bone<-> Foramen sphenopalatinun' fossa<-> Pterygopalatine canal<-> Internal carotid arteryin carotid Trigeminal cave Basilar artery<-> canal Anterior semicircular
ganglion 10:Trigeminal 1 1 : T r i g e m innearl v e 12:Corticospinal tract<> <-> 13:Medial lemniscus --> peduncle 14: Superior cerebellar 15:lnfraorbital canal muscle <-> 16:Temporalis fascia 17:Temporal 18: Superficial temporal arlery<-
bone 19: Superior margin of petrous <-> 20: Fourth ventricle 2l'
Q t r a i o h tq i n r r q^
22: Falxcerebri 23: Superior sagittal sinus+ poleof temporal lobe 24: Anterior 25: Pons<-> e> 26: Cerebellum
BRAIN. axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 1: Nasolacrimal duct<2: Orbita 3: Maxillary sinus<4: Pterygopalatine fossa<5: Sphenoidal sinus<-> 6: Internal carotidartery Incavernous srnus o process 7: Posterior clinoid gyrus B: Lateral occipitotemporal
<-> 9: Culmen of cerebellunr l0: Visual cortexaround calcarine sulcus poleof brain l1: Occipital l2: Vomer<-> l3: Bodyof zygomatic bone<-+ l4: Temporalis muscle <-+ 15:Temporal fascia<+ 16:Basilar artery<+ 17: Fourth ventricle <-+
-; 18:Tentorium cerebelli 19:Straight <+ sinus 20: Falxcerebri<+ 2l: Superior sagrttal sinus<-+ 22. Pons<23: Corticospinal tract<-+ 24: I,lledial lemniscus <-+ peduncle 25: Superior
BRAIN, axialMR-series
16 I7
19 20 2I 22
23 24
29 30
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 process bone-+ : Frontal of zygomatic muscle l: Rectus inferior l: Ethmoidal aircells-+ f: Sphenoidal sinus<process i: Anierior clinoid i: Internal carotidartery<-+ r: Dorsum sellae cerebellar arteryin cisterna |: Superior ambrens pontina <): Basilar arteryin cisterna suturee+ ): Lambdoid i: Hypophysis
1 2 :U n c u s gyrus 13:Parahippocampal -> 14:Hippocampus gyrus occipitotemporal 15:Medial I 6 ' I a r ^ r i m a lo r n n r i p
17:Eyeball 18:Orbicularis oculi muscle <> 19:Temporalis -+ fissure 20: Superior orbital
2 l ' I e s s e r w i n p o f s n h e n o i db o n e
fossa 22: Hypophysial horn-> ventricle, temporal 23: Lateral
-+ aqueduct 24: Cerebral horn-+ ventricle occipital 25: Laleral -+ 26: Mesencephalon tract-+ 27: Corticospinal cerebellar of superior 28: Decussation pe0uncles -+ lemniscus 29: Medial colliculus of inferior 30: Nucleus <31:Culmen 32: Opticradiation
BRAIN, axialMR-series
8 9
10 t1 t2 13 T4
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 1: Lens -> lateralis 2: Rectus -+ medialis 3: Rectus fissure<4: Superior orbital 5: Opticnervein opticcanal tractin cerebral 10:Corticospinal nigra 11:Substantia
14: Opticradiation aircells<-> 15: Ethmoidal process bone<-> of zygomatic 16: Frontal <-> muscle 17:Temporalis fascia<-> 1B:Temporal artery-+ 19:Ophthalmic artery< 20: Internal carotid artery cerebral 21: Posterior horn
horn--> occipital 24: Lateralventricle, sinus<-> 25: Straight 26: Falxcerebri<+ sinus<-> sagittal 27: Superior in ciste of hypophysis 28: Infundibulum suprasellaris body 29: Amygdaloid <30: Hippocampus greatcerebral vei 31: Piamateraround sulc calcarine cortexaround 32: Visual
BRAIN. axialMR-series
193 I7 18
20 2I tt
23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 gland-+ Lacrimal Obliquus muscle superior Temporalis muscle <+ -+ Thirdventricle Squamous suture 0lfactory trigone Optictract
geniculate 13: Lateral body part 14:Opticradiation, sublentiform 15:Pineal body 16: Opticradiation <-> plate 17:Cribriform galli 18:Crista 19:Ophthalmic artery+20: Lesser wingof sphenoid bone<21:Middle cerebral artery-+ 22: Anlerior choroidartery 23: Interpeduncular cistern 24: Posterior cerebral artery<-
25: Transverse fissure cerebral plexus 26: Choroid of lateral ventricle <+ poleof temporal 27. Anlerior lobe 28: Limen of insula 29: Hypothalamus peduncle 30:Cerebral 31: Rednucleus <32: Posterior commissure 33: Crusof fornix-->ftimbria of hippocampus -+ 34: Corpus callosum, splenium
axialMR-series BRAIN,
10 11 12
13 I4
Brain,axialMR oculi 1: Orbicularis glande 2: Lacrimal <3: Eyeball palpebrae superiorAevator 4: Rectus supen0rls veincerebral 5: Internal <> 6: Falxcerebri sinus<-> sagittal 7: Superior -> (SYlvian) sulcus B: Lateral -+ head nucleus, Caudate 9: -+ l0: Putamen
Scoutviewon Page183 -+ column l1: Fornix, <-> 12:Thalamus tail-+ nucleus 13:Caudate 14:Crusof fornix-+ sulcus cortexin calcarlne 15:Visual <-> 16: Falxcerebri <+ muscle 17:Temporalis fascia<-> 18:Temporal arteryin Iongitudinal cerebral 19:Anterior of brain+ fissure <artery,branch cerebral 20: Middle
<-+ 21: Thirdventricle -+ plexusof thirdventricle 22: Choroid <+ plexus ventricle of lateral 23: Choroid 24'.lnferiorsagittalsinus-+ horn-+ occipital ventricle, 25, Lateral gyrus26: Areasubcallosa/Paratermina commtssure 27. Anlenor <+ 28: Insula radiation 29: Acoustic <30: Opticradiation -> forceps 31: Occipital
BRAIN. axialMR-series
I4 1
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 1: Falxcerebri <-> 2: Anterior cerebral artery
9: Interthalamic adhesion 10:Thalamus <-> 11:Corpus <-+ callosum, splenium 12:Occipital forceps<-> 13:Frontal sinus l4: Superficial temporal artery ventricle 15: Lateral <-> (Monroi) 16: Interventricular foramen
l7: Thirdventricle
axialMR-series BRAIN,
10 11 I2
13 14 15
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon Page183 sinus<-> sagittal 1: Superior <-> 2: Falxcerebri artery-+ 3: Callosomarginal ariery-+ 4: Pericallosal fascia<-> 5: Temporal <+ muscle 6: Temporalis -+ pelluctdum 7: Septum <+ 8: Falxcerebri sinus<-+ sagittal 9: Superior -+ (Roland) sulcus 10:Central
limb<+ anterior capsule, 11:Internal <-+ 12:Insula posterior limb<-> capsule, 13: lnternal <-> splenium callosum, 14:Corpus forceps <'> 15:Occipital frontalhorn-> ventricle, 16: Lateral part-+ ventricle, central Lateral 17: plexus
BRAIN, axialMR-series
8 9 l0
Brain,AxialMR Scoutviewon page183 part<+ Lateral ventricle, central gyrus-+ Cingulate Caudate nucleus, body
5: Caudate nucleus, tail<6: Parieto-occipital sulcus <-> 7: Coronal suture--> 8: Corpus callosum, body-+
<-> 9: Central sulcus(Roland) l0: Internal
BRAIN, axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 muscle <+ 1: Temporalis centralpart<2: Lateral ventricle, sagittal sinus 3: Inferior <-+ 4: Falxcerebri
sinus<-> sagittal 5: Superior 6: Sagittalsuture<-> body<7: Corpus callosum, <-> sulcus(Roland) 8: Central
<-> suture 9: Coronal gyrus<-> 10:Cingulate <sulcus 11: Parieto-occipital
BRAIN. axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 : Central <-> sulcus gyrus<: Cingulate part<-> : Frontal bone,squamous
4: Coronal suture<-+ 5: Parietal bone<-> 6'
Qaoifiel crrfirro a
7: Coronaradiata/centrum semiovale (radiology term)-+
BRAIN, axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 1: Falxcerebri <+ 2: Temporalis muscle <sagittal sinus<-> 3: Superior <-+ 4: Central sulcus(Roland)
lamina bone,external 5: Frontal lamina bone,internal 6: Frontal 7: Frontal bone,diploe <-> coronalis B: Sutura
<-> 9: Suturasagittalis l0: Coronaradiala<-
BRAIN. axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 Superior sagittal sinus<+ Parietal bone<-> Frontal lobe<->
4: Central sulcus <-+ 5: Parietal lobe<-+ part<6: Frontal bone, squamous
7: Superior cerebral vein-+
BRAIN. axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 l: Central sulcus(Roland) <-> part<-> 2: Frontal bone,squamous
3: Coronal suture <-> 4: Parietal bone<->
qrrfirrp a
6: Longitudrnal fissure of brain<-+
BRAIN. axialMR-series
Brain,axialMR Scoutviewon page183 irae<* 1:Vena veincerebral 2:Superior e3:Falxcerebri
veins <4: Scalp cortex 5: Sulcus of cerebral sinus <6: Superior sagittal
gyrus 7: Whitematterof cerebral gyrus 8: Greymatterof cerebral
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
2 4 6 8 10 I2 I4 16 18 20 ZZ
24 26 28
Scoutviewsof coronalMR-series
Line#1-28indicatepositions of coronalsectionsin the fo MR-series. lnterpretation of thescoutimages arefoundon pagesI84, I94 234 in thecorresponding axialandsagittal series. Allsections are5 mmthickandarespacedby 0.5 mm.
Eachsection is displayed in bothT2 (above) weig andTl (below) imaging.
Bonestructures aredelineated by yellowlineson theT2 weight tmages. Arrows<-, + and<+ indicate thata structure canbe seen0n a previous or following section, or both.
MR-series BRAIN. coronal
I4 l5 16 I7 18
Brain,coronal MR page Scoutviewon previous : Diploic vein-+ part-+ l: Frontal bone,squamous l: Frontal crest margin f: Supraorbital of frontalbone-+ plateof ethmoidal i: Perpendicular bone-+ --> i: Infraorbital margin of maxilla r: Median palatine suture-+ -+ palate f: Hard --> ): Buccinator
-+ 10:Genioglossus -+ 11:Geniohyoideus -+ 12:Mylohyoideus 13: Digastricus, anterior belly-+ poleof brain 14: Frontal 15:Obliquus superior muscle in trochlea> l6: Lacrimal sac 1 7 :L e n s 18: Palpebral fissure
19: Frontal sinus partof frontalbone-+ 20: Orbital -+ partof nasalseptum 21: Cartilaginous -+ part 22: Alveolar of maxilla 23: Second upperpremolar tooth -+ partof mandible 24: Alveolar -+ 25: Platysma 26:Eyelids
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
Brain,coronalMR Scoutviewon page 204 1: Diploic vein<-> 2: Superior sagittal sinus-+ -+ 3: Falxcerebri 4: Orbitalpartof frontalbone<-> 5: Supra-orbital marginof frontalbone --> 7: Middle concha 8: Infra-orbital margin of maxilla <9: Inferior choncha <-+ 10: Hardpalate<-+ 11;Buccinator <+
12:Genioglossus <+ gland-+ 13:Sublingual l4: Mylohyoideus <-> 15: Platysma <-> partof frontalbone<-> 16: Squamous 17:Cristagalli--> 18: Ethmoidal air cells-+ 19: Maxillary sinus-+ 20:Vomer-+ partof maxilla 21: Alveolar <+ 22'.FksIuppermolartooth
partof mandibula 23: Alveolar <-> 24: Platysma <+ 25: Geniohyoideus <+ 26: Digastricus, anterior belly<-> 27: Frontal lobe<+ 2R' Qtreioht
o\/nre r
29: Obliquus muscle <-> superior 30: Eyeball <+ --> inferior 31: Obliquus muscle
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
L1 I2
r3 I4 15 t6 t7
Brain,coronalMR Scoutviewon page204 plateof maxilla Orbital <-+ Maxillary sinus<+(with oedematous mucous membrane) Bodyof zygomatic bone-+ Tongue <,> Submandibular duct-+
6: Longitudinal fissureof braine> gyrus<+> 7: Straight gyri + 8: Orbital gland-+ 9: Lacrimal 10: Facialarlery/uein 11:0bliquus <-> superior
palpebrae l2: Levator superioris <> l3: Rectus superior <+ l4: Rectus medialis <-+ 15: Rectus lateralis <+ 16: Rectus inferior <-> 17:Obliquus inferior <-
BRAIN. MR-series coronal
15 16 I I
t9 20 2I ll
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 l: Superior sagittal sinus<+ partof frontalbone<> 2: Squamous partof frontalbone<> 3: Orbital 4: Temporal fascia--> -+ 5: Temporalrs muscle process 6: Frontal of zygomatic bone 7: Greater wingof sphenoid bonein lateral wallof orbita-+ 8: Bodyof zygomatic bone<9: Masseter l0: Parotid duct--> l1: Buccinator <->
l3: Submandibular ductsurrounded bydeep partof gland<+ 14: Platysma <-+ 15: Longitudinal fissureof brain<-+ palpebrae l6: Levator <-> superioris 17: Rectus superior <-> gland<18:Lacrimal 19: Rectus lateralis <+ 20: Obliquus superior <-+ 21: Rectus medialis <+ 22: Rectus inferior <-+ 23: Cristagalli<->
26.lnferior concha <+ 27: Hardpalate <+ 28: Second uppermolartooth 29: Genioglossus <-> <-+ 30: Mylohyoideus 31:Geniohyoideus <+ 32: Digaskicus, anterior belly<+ gyrus-+ 33: Superior frontal 34: Middle frontalgyrus-+ 35: Inferior frontalgyrus-+ 36: Orbitalgyri<+ gyrus<+ 37: Straight
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
I4 15 16 I7
19 20 a1 L L
Brain,coronalMR Scoutviewon page204 Falxcerebri<,> Temporalis muscle<-> Ethmoid sinus<> Maxillary sinus<,> -+ lnfra-orbital fissure -+ Zygomatic arch Masseter <->
8: Buccinator <+ 9: Tongue <+ 10:Submandibular ductgland<11:Submandibular 12: Digastncus, anterior belly<-> 13:Opticnerve-) i4: Thirduppermolartooth
I 5 ' I i n o r r a lq p n i r r m
-+ 16: Hyoglossus 17: Mylohyoideus <-> 1B:Geniohyoideus <+ 19:Outerlamina of frontalbone 20: Diploe of frontalbone 2I: lnnerlamina of frontalbone
MR-series coronal BRAIN,
13 I4 15 I6 T7
Brain,coronalMR sinus<+ 1: Superior sagittal <-> 2: Falxcerebri partof frontalbone<-> 3: Squamous partof frontalbone<+ 4: Orbital <-> muscle 5: Temporalis fascra<-> 6: Temporal arch<-> 7. Zygomatic parotid gland 8: Accessory <> Parotid duct 9: <> l0: Masseter -+ of mandible 11:Ramus <12:Platysma
Scoutviewon page 204 gyrus-) 13:Cingulate frontalgyrus<-> 14: Middle frontalgyrus<-> 15: Inferior artery<16: Ophthalmic gyrus<-> 17: Straight sinus<-> 18: Ethmoid bone<+ 19:Greater wingof sphenoid 20: Infra-orbital fissure<+ oedematous sinus<-(with 21: Maxillary membrane) mucous <22: Buccinator <+ 23: Tongue
<+ 24: Mylohyoideus <-> 25: Hyoglossus <26: Geniohyoideus belly frontal 28: Middle palpebrae <-+ superior 29'.Levator <-+ superior 30: Rectus <-+ medialis 3l: Rectus lateralis <+ 32: Rectus 33: Opticnervee <-> inferior 34: Rectus
BRAIN. coronalMR-series
T2 l3 I4
15 16
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page 204 : Superior fissure <-> orbital : Temporalis muscle <-> : Foramen sphenopalatinum : Pterygopalatine fossa -+ : Pterygoideus lateralis muscle -+ : Pterygoideus medialis muscle
7: Middle frontalgyrus 8: Cingulate 9: Inferior frontalgyrus<-> poleof temporal lobe-+ l0: Anterior l1: Lateral ventricle, frontalhorn-+ l2: Ethmoidal sinus<-
13: Sphenoidal sinus-+ plateof palatine 14: Perpendicular bone 15:Vomer process 16: Pterygoid genu-+ l7: Corpus callosum,
MR-series coronal BRAIN,
MR Brain,Coronal sinus<-> sagittal 1: Superior partof frontalbone<+ 2: Squamous <-> 3: Falxcerebri <-+ muscle 4: Temporalis fascia<-> 5: Temporal sinus<-> 6: Sphenoidal arch<+ 7: Zygomatic bone of mandible 11:Ramus
Scoutviewon page204 12: Softpalate--> <13:Tongue gyrus<_> i4: Cingulate genu<-> callosum, 15:Corpus -+ head nucleus, 16:Caudate 17: Opticnerve<-> artery<-+ 18: Pericallosal artery+ cerebral 19:Anterior 20:0pticcanal 21: Apexof orbita nerve withmaxillary rotundum 22'.Foramen
muscle<-> 23: Laleralpterygoid <-> 24: Masseter proces 25: Lalerallaminaof pterygold proces of pterygoid lamina 26: Medial <+ muscle medialis 27: Pterygoideus frontalgyrus<-+ 28: Superior gyrusfrontal 29: Middle frontalgyrus<'-> 30: Inferior +31: Gyriorbrtales gyrus<-> 32: Straight lobee> 33: Temporal
BRAIN. MR-series coronal
l5 i6 I7
19 20 tl
22 23
24 25 26 27
28 29
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 -+ process Anterior clinoid Torus tubarius Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube Tensor velipalatini -+ Levator velipalatini -> andstyloglossus Stylohyoideus posterior Digastricus, belly'+ Vallecula epiglottica Longitudinal fissure of brain<+ Corpus callosum <->
--> pellucidum 11:Septum -+ 12:Corpus rostrum callosum, gyrus<13: Straight 14:Opticnerve<15:Opticnerve<16: Middle cerebral artery'+ 17:Cavernous sinus--> pterygoid 18: Lateral muscle e> pterygoid 19: Medial muscle <-> --> 20: Superror constrictor
21: Palatine tonsil 22: Softpalate<23: Palatopharyngeal arch gyruse 24: Cingulate 25: Caudate nucleus, head<> -+ 26: Putamen gyrus-+ 27: Superior temporal -) gyrus 28: Middle temporal gyrus-, 29: lnferiortemporal gyrus30: Lateral occipitotemporal
BRAIN. coronalMR-series
I4 15 16 I7 18 19
Brain,coronal MR
I : Sunerior sasiftal sinus<-> 2: Falxcerebri <-> 3: Coronal suture--; 4: Temporalis muscle <+ 5: Pterron 6: Middle cerebral artery<> 7: Temporal fascia<-> 8: Sphenoidal sinus<-> 9: Lateral ntervsoid muscle10: Masseter 15:Seotum oellucidum<->
Scoutviewon page 204 gyrus/Area 17: Paraterminal subcallosa 18:0pticchiasm l9: Hypophysis gyrus-) 20: Parahippocampal 21. Laleral ventricle, frontalhorn<> 22: Anlerior clinoidprocess<23: lnternal carotidarteryin cavernous sinus--+ 24: Cavernous sinus<25: Auditory tube,+ 26: Levator velipalatini <-> 27:Nasopharynx 28: Superior constrictor 2Q:
posterior 30: Digastricus, belly<+ gyrus<-> 3l: Cingulate 32: Caudate nucleus, heade+ 33: Internal capsule, anterior limb<+ 34: Putamen <-> 35;Limen insulae 36: Operculum frontale 37: Lateral sulcus of brain-->(Sylvius) gyrus<-> 38: Superior temporal gyrus<-) 39: Middle temporal gyruse 40: Inferior temporal -+ perforated 41: Anterior substance
42' lefaral nnni^;+^+o-^^"^l^.,",,. .
BRAIN. coronalMR-series
19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26
28 29
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 Hypophysial fossa,floor Foramen lacerum Articular tubercle pterygoid Lateral muscle <-> gland<-> Parotid Auditory tube<> Levator velipalatini <> Superior constrictor andlongus -+ colli/capitis Retromandibular vern-> nucleus, Caudate body-+
1i: Internal limbe> capsule, anterior -+ pallidus 12:Globus -+ 13: Putamen --> 14:Areasubcallosa <-/hypothalamus -+ 15:Uncus 16:Infundibulum of hypophysis perforated 17:Anterior substance < -+ 18:Thirdventricle 19: Internal carotidartery<> 2O
Triopminel c:rro -
2L Foramen withmiddlemeningeal spinosum arrery 22. Foramen ovale 23: Maxillary artery-+ 24: Stylomuscles" <-> 25: [xternalcarotidartery posterior 26: Digastricus, belly<+ 27: Column of fornix--> 28: Anterior commissure 29:Amygdaloid body-+ -+ ganglion 30: Trigeminal
MR-series BRAIN. coronal
T2 13 I4 15 16 I7 18
MR Brain,coronal
1: Coronal suture<artery-+ 2: Posterior cerebral artery-+ cerebellar 3: Superior cistern-+ 4: Basilar arteryin pontine 5: Headof mandible pterygoid <- (insertion) muscle 6: Lateral artery7: Internal carotid "Stylo-muscles" <-> 8: carotidartery<9: External posterior belly<-> i0: Digastricus, -+ i1: Sternocleidomastoideus <+ capsule 12: Internal 13:Putamen <+
Scoutview on page204 <-> 15:Insula -+ capsule 16:External -+ l7: Claustrum 18:Optictract-+ granulation 19:Arachnoid <-> 20. Laleralventricle (Monroi) foramen 21: Interventricular -+ 22'.Ihudventricle horn+ 23: Lateral ventricle, temporal 24:Trigeminal cave<-canal<-+ 25: lnternal carotidarteryin carotid 26:Auditory tube<
29: Parotidgland<-> vein<30: Retromandibular gyruse 31: Cingulate body<-> callosum, 32: Corpus of fornix<+ 33: Column nucleus, body<+ 34: Caudate 35:Thalamus -+ 36: Hypothalamus body<37: Amygdaloid gyruse 38: Parahippocampal ganglion 39: Trigeminal nerve 40: 0culomotor
BRAIN, coronal MR-series
25 26
27 28
29 30
Brain,coronalMR Scoutviewon page204 Superior sagittal sinus Squamous suture-+ Petro-occipital fissure Atlas,lateral mass-) Stylo-muscles' <-> Dens-+ posterior Digastricus, belly<> Sternocleidomastoideus <,> --Bodyof thirdcervical vertebra
11:Caudate nucleus, body<+ 12: Internal posterior capsule, limb<-> 13:Interthalamic adhesion 14:Caudate nucleus, tail -> 15:Hippocampus 16: Parahippocampal gyrus<+> 17:Trigeminal nerve-+ 18: Pons--> 19:Thrrdventricle <-> 20: Interpeduncular cistern-+
--+ 21: Tentorium cerebelli 22: lnternal carotidarteryin carotidcanal<23: External auditory meatus-> jugularvein-+ 24: lnternal pellucidum 25: Septum <,; plexus 26: Choroid of lateral ventricle <+ 27. taleralsulcus(Sylvius) <> plexus 28: Choroid in temporal horn<-> 29: Hypothalamus <30; Mammillary body(posterior edge)
MR-series BRAIN, coronal
9 10 11 IZ
13 I4
15 16 I7
Brain,coronal MR Scoutview on page204 'l '
S a o i f f : l q r r t r r r pa
2: Superior sagittal sinus<-> <+ 3: Falxcerebri 4: Squamous suture
14: Lateral massof atlaspeduncle 15:Corticospinal tractin cerebral cistern<16:Trigeminal nervein ambient 1 7 :P o n s< + part<-> ventricle, 18: Lateral central <-+ 19:Thrrdventricle 20: Interpeduncular cistern<artery 21: Anterior choroid 22: Posterior cerebral artery<-+ 23: Superior artery
gland<27, Parotid posterior belly<-> 28: Digastricus, <-+ 29: Sternocleidomastoideus arlery-+ 30: Vertebral gyruse 31:Cingulate body<+ collosum, 32:Corpus 33: Bodyof fornix<-> -+ 34: Rednucleus 35: Optictract
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
16 T7 18 19
20 2I 22
23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Brain,coronal MR l Tentorium cerebelli <-> Vestibule of bonylabyrinth sinus-> I Sigmoid artery<-> I Vertebral joint Atlanto-occipital Archof axis nucleus, bodye> Caudate Thalamus <+ (Sylvian) Lateral sulcus Insula <+ geniculate Lateral body nucteus e
Scoutviewon page204 -+ peduncle 13:Middle cerebellar 14:Flocculus 15:Pedunculus cerebri <-+ process 16: Mastoid 17:Occipital -+ 22: Scalenus muscles pellucidum 23: Septum
plexus ventricle, 24: Choroid of lateral central part <-> plexus 25: Choroid of thirdventricle plexus ventricle, 26: Choroid of lateral horn-+ temporal <-> 27: Hippocampus gyrus<+ 28: Parahippocampal 29: Olive <-> oblongata 30: Medulla 31:Spinal cord-+ cervical spinalnerve 32: Second
BRAIN, coronal MR-series
10 11 I2
Brain,coronal MR
1: Superior sagittal sinus<-+ 2: Falxcerebri <-> 3: Tentorium cerebelli <> 4: Lateral massof atlas(posterior edge)<posterior 5: Digastricus, belly(insertion) <6: Sternocleidomastoideus <> 7: Scalenus muscles <8: Vertebral artery<> 9: Caudate nucleus, body<+ (puivinar) 10:Thalamus <+ (Sylvian) 11:Lateral sulcus <-> 12:Operculum frontoparietale 13:Caudate nucleus. tail<+
Scoutviewon page204 peduncle 15:Middle cerebellar <16:Cerebellar tonsil-+ .l7: Medulla oblongata 18:Spinal cord<part<19: Lateral ventricle, central 20: Internal cerebral vein--> 21: Lateral ventricle, temporal horn<,> 22: Posterior cerebral arteryin ambient ctstern <) -+ 23: Fourth ventricle /Fossarhomboidea 24: Sigmoid sinus--> --> 25: Obliquus capitis superior 26: Obilouus capitisinferror <->
28: Corpus callosum, body<-> 29: Crusof fornix-> 30:Fimbria hippocampi gyruse 31: Superior temporal gyrus<+ 32: Middle temporal 33:Hippocampus e gyruse 34: Inferior temporal gyrus<-> 35: Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus<-> 36: Parahippocampal 37: Pineal body-+ 38: Superior colliculus 39:Inferior colliculus
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
13 I4
I7 18
19 20 2T 22 23 24 25
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 : Sagittal suture<-+ : Temporalis muscle <: Sigmoid sinus<-> : 0bliquus capitis superior -+ r Splenius capitis r Sternocleidomastoideus <-> r Longissrmus capitis+ r 0bliquus caprtis inferior <+ plexus Choroid in atriumof lateral ventricle <->
I0: Cerebellar hemisphere <-> 11:Cerebellar tonsil<+ 12: lnternal cerebral vein<-+ 13: Posterior cerebral arteryin quadrigemrnal cistern<-> 14:Fourth ventricle <15:Tectorial membrane and cerebellomedullary cistern 16:Vertebral artery<17: Posterior archof atlas->
lB: Archof axis l9: Habenula 20: Pineal body<21: Crusof fornix<pole<22: fhalamus,posterior 23: Lateral sulcus(Sylvran)e+ --> 24: OpIicradiation 2 5 ' H i n n n n : m n r r ca
26: Culmen
BRAIN, MR-series coronal
MR Brain,coronal Scoutviewon page 204 I'
q r r f rr r p +
2: Superior sagittal sinus<-+ 3: Falxcerebri <-> <-> 4: Tentorium cerebelli partof occipital bone-+ 5: Squamous 6: Posterior archof atlas<> process 7: Spinous of axisplexus in atriumof lateral B: Choroid ventricle <<-> 9: Opticradiation hemisphere <> 10:Cerebellar
11: Lateral ventricle, atrium<-> vein<12: lnternal cerebral 13: Posterior cerebral artery14:Sigmoid sinus<15: Splenius capitis<-+ (insertion) <16: Longissimus caprtis posterior majorl7: Rectus capitis <-> 1B:Obliquus capitisinferior <19: Sternocleidomastoideus 20:Semispinalis cervicis yru< s2 l : C i n g u l agt e
<splenium 22:Corpus callosum, -+ gyrus,isthmus 23: Cingulate e> 24: Lateralsulcus(Sylvian) gyrus<-+ 25: Superior temporal gyruse 26: [/iddletemporal gyrus<+ 27. lnferiortemporal gyrus< 28: Laleraloccipitotemporal gyruse 29: Medial occipitotemporal nucleus 30: Dentate 31:Cerebellar tonsil<-
BRAIN. coronalMR-series
1 )
Brain,coronalMR Scoutviewon page 204 Sagittal suture <> Superior cerebral vein-+ Superior sagittal sinus<-> <+ Falxcerebri Straight sinus-+ Tentorium <-> cerebelli
7: Transverse sinus-+ of atlas
Q n l o n i r r cn : n i f i q -
13:Splenius cervicis gyrus,isthmus i4: Cingulate 16: Medial occipitotemporal --+ 17:Vermis of cerebellum
BRAIN. coronal MR-series
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 1 : S a g i t tsaul t u r<e+ 2: Superior cerebral vein<3: Superior sagittal sinus4: Falxcerebri <-+ 5: Straight sinus<+ 6: Tentorium cerebelli <-> 7: Asterion
B: Transverse sinus<> 9: Occipital forceps<10:Opticradiation <> 11:Lateral ventricle, occipital horn-+ l2: Rectus capitisposterior minor<-+ (insertion) l3: 0bliquus capitis superior <posterior l4: Rectus caprtis major<>
15:Splenius capitis <+ -+ 16:Semispinalis capitis (Sylvian) I7: Lateral sulcus <18:Calcarine sulcus <-> gyrus<+ 19:Medial occipitotemporal gyrus 20: LaIer al occipitotemporal 21: Vermis of cerebellum <->
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 Lambdoid suture-+ nternal occipital crest-+ Longitudinal fissure of brain<+
4: Semispinalis capitis <-> -+ ligament 5: Nuchal --> fissure 6: Horizontal of cerebellum
7: Posterolateral fissureof cerebellum
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
11 I2 13 14 l5
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 'I'
S a o i f t a l q r r t r r r oa
granulation 2: Arachnoid 3: Superior sagittal sinus<--> 4: Falxcerebri <-+ 5: Straight sinus<> 6: Tentorium cerebelli <> 7: Transverse sinus<-> 8: Lambdoid suture<->
occipital crest<9: Internal l0: Rectus capitisposterior minor -+ 12:Cuneus gyrus<-> 13: Medial occipitotemporal 14:Vermis 16: Lateral ventricle, horn<+ occipital
17:Splenius capitis < 1B:Semispinalis capitis <> 19:Parieto-occipital sulcus <+ 20:Calcarine sulcus e> fissure 2J.:Primary of cerebellum 22: Horizonlal fissure<-+
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon nase 2O4 Superior cerebral vein Straight sinus protuberance Internal occipital
5: Precuneus <-> 6: Cuneus <-> 7: Medial gyrus
9: Parretal bone<-> partof occipital 10: Squamous bone<-+ I1: Semispinalis capitis <-> 12:Calcarine sulcus <->
BRAIN. coronalMR-series
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 I
S a o i t t a l s r r t r r r pa
2: Superior sagittal sinus<-> 3: Falxcerebri <> --> 4: Confluence of sinuses
5: Transverse sinus<6: Semispinalis capitis<-> 7: Parieto-occipital sulcus<8: Cuneus <+
<+ 9: Calcarine sulcus 10: Parietal bone<-> 11:Lambdoid suture <+ partof occipital 12:Squamous bone<+
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
2 3 A a
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon oase 204 Confluence of sinuses <External occipital crest-+ Semispinalis capitis <-
-+ 4: Nuchal ligament 5: Calcarine sulcus <> 6: Whitematter
7: Greymatter
BRAIN. MR-series coronal
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 1 ' S : q i f t a l q r r t r r r po
2: Superior sagittal sinus<-; 3: Lambdoid suture<-> 4: Trapezius
5: Nuchal ligament <6: Longitudinal fissureof brain<7: Superior cerebral vein 8: Falxcerebri <-
crest 9: External occipital <+ 10:Calcarine sulcus gyrus<11: Medial occipitotemporal gyrus<12: Laleral occipitotemporal
MR-series BRAIN, coronal
Brain,coronalMR sagittal sinus<Superior vern Scalp
Scoutviewon page204 protuberance 3: External occipital <4: Calcarine sulcus
BRAIN, coronalMR-series
Brain,coronal MR Scoutviewon page204 1: Sagittal suture<2: Lambda
suture <3: Lambdoid 4: Scalp
poleof brain 5: Occipital
BRAIN, sagittal MR-series
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
78 9 1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
Scoutviewsof sagittalMR-series
Line#1-10indicatepositions of sagittalsectionsin the following MR-series. Interpretation of thescoutimages arefoundon pages194,184and 2lB in thecorresponding axialandcoronal series. Allsections are5 mmthickandarespacedby 1.5mm. Eachsection is displayed in bothT2 (above) andT1 (below) weighted rmagrng. Bonestructures aredelineated by yellowlineson theT2 weighted rmages. Arrows<-, -+ dfld<+ in thelegends indicate thata structure canbe seenon a previous or following section, or both.
MR-series BRAIN, sagittal
14 15
16 I7
t8 L9
20 2I
Brain,sagittal MR page Scoutviewon previous 1: Coronal suture-+ 2: Anterior cerebral arteries 3: Sphenoidal sinus+ 4: Nasal bone+ fossa 5: Hypophysial artery 6: Basilar 7: Vomer nasalspine B: Anterior -+ 9: Uvula -+ l0: Geniohyoideus 11:Genioglossus -+ 12:Mylohyoideus belly > 13:Digastricus, anterior body > 14:Corpus callosum, genu-+ 15:Corpus callosum, rostrum 16:Corpus callosum,
1B:Opticchiasm (anterior lobe) 19: Hypophysis andposterior 20: Mammillary body -> 21: Medulla oblongata 22: Spinal cord-+ 23: Sagittal suture 24: Superior sagittal sinus-+ 25: Lambda vein--+ 26: lnternal cerebral 27: Greatcerebral vein -> 2R Siraioht cinrrs
-+ 29:Confluence of sinuses -+ aqueduct andfourthventricle 30: Cerebral -+ 31:Semispinalis capitis minor-+ 32: Rectus capitisposterior 33:Transverse ligament of atlas-+
cervicis 35:Semispinalis -+ membrane 36: Tectorial pellucidum 37: Septum foramen 38: lnterventricular 39: Bodyof fornix'+ -+ 40: Hypothalamus -+ 41:Thalamus 42: Pineal body 43: Corpus callosum splenium 44: Mesencephalon, tectum--> quadrangu lobulus 45: Cerebellum, 46: Rednucleus -+ lobulus simplex 47: Cerebellum, 48: Pons 49: Cerebellum, uvulavermis 50: Cerebellum, tonsil-+
MR-series BRAIN, sagittal
26 27 28
29 10
11 T2
31 32
I4 15
34 35
16 I7
36 37
39 40 4T
Brain,sagittal MR granulation \rachnoid part-+ -ateral ventricle, central < )orsum sellae sinus <> iphenoidal rrontal sinus-+ plate )ribriform -thmoidal aircells > t4iddle concha nferior concha Jrbicularis oris-+ -ongus capitis> ?onirrc nenitic :ntorinr
- o n g u sc o l l i :piglottts
Scoutviewon page233 gyrus-+ 15: Precentral (Roland) > 16:Central sulcus 17: Bodyof fornix<-> <> 18:Anterior commissure 19:Areasubcallosa 20: Optictract-+ nerve 21:Oculomotor 22'.Pons+ 23: Olive 24. Pyramis <25: Quadrigeminal cistern vein.26. GreaIcerebral artery> 27: Posterior cerebral 28:Superior cerebellar artery-+
29: Anterior archof atlas< ?O
31;Alarligament archof atlas<+ 32: Posterior 33. Dens 34. Postcentral gyrus-+ 35: Cingulate -+ 36. Precuneus sulcus-+ Parieto-occipital 37: superior andinferior 3B:Colliculus -+ 39;Cuneus <+ 40: Calcarine sulcus peduncle > 41: SLrperior cerebellar 42. Cerebellar tonsil<-
BRAIN, sagittal MR-series
10 11 I2 13 I4 15
Brain,sagittal MR Scoutviewon nase 23i 1: Coronal e> suture part<+ 2'.Laleral ventricle, central 3: Frontal sinus< 4: Superciliary arch > 5: Mrddle cerebral artery-+ 6: Opticcanalwithopticnerve 7: Ethmoidal aircells<8 : S p h e n o i sdianlu < s> 9: Pharyngeal recess L0:Palatine tonsil l1: Orbicularis oris 14:Digastricus, anterior belly<+ l 5 : L o n g ucsa p i t i<s>
16:Frontal lobe<> 17:Caudate nucleus, body<-+ 18:Internal capsule -+ i9: Putamen 20: Opticnerve) 21: Anterior commissure <--> 22. Thalamus <> 23:Crusof fornix<> peduncle 24. Cerebral 25: Pons<26: Lambdoid suture e+ 27: Posterior cerebral arlery<28: Cavernous sinusr/Trigeminal cave ,,> 29: Tentorium cerebelli 30:Vertebral artery-+
31: Posterior archof atlas< posterior 32:Rectus capitis minor.posterior 33;Rectus capitis major34:Obliquus capitis inferior -+ 35: Occipital condyle 36; Lateral massof atlas+ 37: Central sulcus <-> 38:Cingulate sulcus 39:Parietal lobe<> 40: Occipital lobe<+ 47:Calcarine sulcus <> 42: Dentate nucleus peduncle 43: Superior cerebellar
MR-series BRAIN, sagittal
20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
LO L1 I2
31 32
35 36
1 ?
MR Brain,sagittal Scoutviewon page233 process rnterior clinoid 'siphon" -+ rternal carotid artery, palpebrae iectussuperior /levalor ) ;upen0ns )bliquus superior -+ lectusinferior /axillary artery ' terygopalatine fossa+ oedematous /laxillary sinus-+(with lucosa) \uditory tube )terygoid hamulus fensor velipalatini
velipalatini 12:Levator <-+ 13:Internal capsule <14:Corpus callosum 15:Putamen <-+ pallidus l6: Global 17:Anterior commissure nerve 1B:Trigeminal vein+ 19:Superior cerebral artery<+ 20: Middle cerebral sinus arteryin cavernous 2l: Internal carotid 22: lnlernal carotidarteryin carotidcanal<-+ lacerum 23: Foramen fissure--> 24: Petro-occipital
canal-+ 25: Hypoglossal sinus<-> 26: Transverse <> 27'.Irapeztus <+ capitis 28: Semispinalis artery<; 29. Verlebral <> sulcus 30:Central
BRAIN, sagittal MR-series
10 11 T2 13 I4
16 77 18
19 20 2I 22
23 24
Brain,sagittal MR Scoutviewon page233 1: Coronal suture <> 2: Middle cerebral artery<> wingof sphenoidal 3: Lesser bone+ 4: Superior orbital fissure palpabrae .> 5: Levator superioris 6: Rectus inferior <7: Oblrquus inferior + fossa< B: Pterygopalatine 9: Maxillary sinus<> 1O:Sphenoidal sinus
-+ pterygoid 12:Medial muscle 13:lnternal carotid artery<-> i4: Hypoglossal canal15: Lateral massof atlas< pallidus 16:Globus <-
l7: Putamen <18:Insula, limen-+ 28: Petro-occipital fissure<29: Lambdoid suture<-+ 30: Tentorium cerebelli <-> 31: Transverse sinus<,+
32: Trapezius <33: Semispinalis caprtis posterior major<-+ 34: Rectus capitis ?5
erlorv a
capitis inferior <> 36:0bliquus sulcus <+ 37:Central posterior limb
T4 15 16 I7 18
19 20 2I 22 23 24
26 10
I2 13
Brain,sagittal MR Scoutviewon page233 lectuslateralis> pterygoid -ateral muscle> :oramen spinosum -emporalis muscle> /asseter+ /edialpterygoid muscle <+ + Styio-muscles' posterior )igastricus, belly > nsula e Jncinate fasciculus
l1: Hippocamp < u- s gyrus-+ l2: Lateral occipitoiemporal l3: lVandibular nerve i4: Lateral ventricle, temporal horn-+ 15:Lateral ventricle, occipital horn 16:Internal acoustic opening 17:Perilymphatic duct 18:Sigmoid sinus-+ jugular 19:lnternal vein-+ 20:Vertebral artery<
21: Internal carotid artery< 22. Exlernal carotidartery 23: Common carotidartery 24. Cenlral sulcus<> (arcuatus) 25: Superior longitudinal fasciculus plexus 26: Choroid of lateral ventricle 27'.lnlerior longitudinal fasciculus 28:Calcarine sulcus <; 29'.Horizontal fissureof cerebellum <+
MR-series BRAIN, sagittal
MR Brain,sagittal Scoutviewon page233 1: Coronal suture<-> vein<> 2: Superior cerebral artery branches of middlecerebral 3: Insular <-
bone<4: Lesser wingof sphenoidal gland 5: Lacrimal 9: Temporalis pterygoid muscle <-> I0: Lateral
11:Masseter <> 12: Maxillary artery<+ pterygoid muscle <> 13:Medial 14: Stylomuscles' <+ jugular vein 15:Internal lobe<+ 16:Frontal gyri+17:Insular 1B:Temporal lobe<-> horn<19: Lateral ventricle, temporal 20:Cochlea 21:Vestibule
22: Transverse sinus<+ 23:Sigmoid sinus<+ <24: Obliquus capitisinferror --+ 25: Obliquus capitissuperior -+ 26:Splenius capitis 27: Levator scapulae <+ 28: Central sulcus 29: Parietallobe<-+ (Sylvian) sulcus 30: Lateral lobe<+ 31:Occipital <+ 32: Cerebellum
BRAIN, sagittal MR-series
13 T4 15 16 T7 18 19
Brain,sagittal MR Scoutviewon page 233 Iemporalis muscle <+ :rontal process of zygomatic bone+ -> Jeadof mandible --> pterygoid -ateral muscle Vlaxillary artery
gland-+ 9: Parotid jugular 1O:Internal vein<11: Lateral sulcus(Sylvian) +> 12:Tegmen tympani 13:Tentorium cerebelli <--> process 14:Styloid l5: Foramen stylomastoideum withfacialnerve l6: Splenius capitis <->
l7: Obliquus capitissuperior <posterior 18: Digastricus, belly<-, I Q
20: Central sulcus<-> 2I'. Horizonlal fissureof cerebellum <22: Cerebellar hemisphere <->
MR-series BRAIN, sagittal
Brain,sagitlalMR Scoutviewon page 233 1: Coronal suture<muscle <-> 2: Temporalis process bone
8: Auditory cortex 9: Middle ear
gland<-> 15: Parotid vein-+ 16: Retromandibular <-> 17:Central sulcus <1B:Parieto-occipital sulcus gyrus temporal 19:Superior gyrus 20: Middle temporal gyrus lnferior temporal 27:
BRAIN, sagittalMR-series
Brain,sagittal MR Scoutviewon page233 Temporalis muscle
6: Masseter
11:Mastoid aircells process 12: Mastoid I 3: Sternocleidomastoideus
series MRangiography ARTERIES, BRAIN,
series Scoutviewfor MRangiography
setof ce seriesshowsthebilateral MRangiography Thefollowing andposterior arteriesin a volumeof brain,limitedanteriorly by theframeon thescout as indicated andcaudally cranially projected viewsperpendic the A-E are images Theindividual by A-Eon the scoutview. the planesindicated ' serieson pages246-247 Seecorresponding
6 7 B 9 13 11
B 11
10 I2
circleof Willis Cerebralarteries,MRangiography, "siphon" carotidartery, 1: lnternal stnus carotidarteryin cavernous 2: Internal carotidarteryin carotidcanal 3: lnternal artery of middlecerebral branches 4: Insular arterY communicating 5: Posterior
arterY communicating 6: Anterior artery cerebral 7: Anterior artery cerebral 8: Middle artery 9: Basilar artery cerebellar 10:Superior
arterY cerebral 11: Posterior artery6l( cerebellar inferior 12:Anterior artery 13:Vertebral
BRAIN, ARTERIES, MRangiography series
6 4 I
10 I2
3 10 I2
9 13
4 11 z
1 3 I2
Gerebralarteries,MRangiography, circleof Wllis carotid artery,'siphon' carotid arteryin cavernous sinus carotid arteryin carotidcanal branches of middlecerebral arterv 'communicating artery
6: Anterior communicating artery 7: Anteriorcerebral artery B: Middle cerebral arterv 9: Basilar artery 10: Superior cerebellar artery
I 1: Posterior cerebral artery 12: Anteriorinferiorcerebellar artery(AICA) 13:Vertebral arterv
series ARTERIES, MRangiography BRAIN,
serie Scoutviewfor MR angiography
arterie MRangiography seriesshowsthecerebral Thefollowing justacrossthemid reaching volume of the lefthemisphere, as in medially andlaterally andposteriorly, limited anteriorly by theframeon the scoutview. pages. serieson theprevious Seecorresponding
1 z
9 10
8 4
circleof Willis Cerebralarteries,MRangiography, 1: Posterior artery communicating 2: Middle artery cerebral 3: Rightanteriorcerebralartery 4: Leftanteriorcerebralartery 5: Internal carotidartery('siphon')
sinus 6: Internal carotidarteryin cavernous 7: Internal carotidarteryin carotidcanal artery B: Posterior cerebral cerebellar artery 9: Superior 10: Basilar arterv
inferior cerebellar artery(A 11:Anterior of middle cerebr 12: Insular branches 13:Vertebral artery
BRAIN, ARTERIES, MRangiography series
8 4
6 7
11 13
T2 4 8 9
Cerebralarteries,MRangiography, circleof Willis communicating artery cerebral artery anterior cerebral arterv anterior cerebral artery carotid artery("siphon' )
6: Internal carotidarteryin cavernous sinus 7: Internal carotidarteryin carotidcanar 8: Posterior cerebralartery 9: Superior cerebellar artery 10: Basilar arterv
11:Anterior inferior cerebellar artery(AICA) 12: Insular branches of middlecerebral arterv 13: Vertebral artery
Internalcarotid artery, a-pX-ray,arteriography X-ray. B: Afterdigitalsubtraction A: Unprocessed artery 1: Middle cerebral arteries 2: Insular arteries thalamostriate 3: Lateral
artery 4: Ophthalmic carotidarteryin carotidcanal 5: Internal artery cerebral 6: Anterior
"syphon" 7: Carotid
I \
(digital subtraction) venousphaseof arteriography Cerebralveins,a-pX-ray, veins 1: Superior cerebral sinus 2: Transverse
sinus 3: Sigmoid sinus 4: Superior sagittal
of sinuses 5: Confluens petrous sinus 6: Inferior
1'"""'; -l,l ;*3
5 I4
7 8 Y
A: Unprocessed X-ray. B:Afterdigital subtraction lnternal carotid artery, lateralX-ray,arteriography artery Callosomarginal Pericallosal artery Middle cerebral artery Frontopolar artery Anterior cerebral artery 0phthalmic artery
"syphon" 7: Carotid carotidarteryin carotidcanal B: Internal 9: Middle meningeal artery 10: Maxillary artery 11:Insular arteries 12: Middle cerebral artery,parietal branches
l3: Anterior choroid artery artery 14: Posterior cerebral g arlery 15: Posterior communicatin 16:Occipital artery
9 10 11
3 4 5
6 7
subtraction) venousphaseof arteriography Cerebralveins,lateralX-ray, tOigital Superior sagiital sinus veins Superior cerebral vein(Galen) Greatcerebral Basalvein(Rosenthal) petrous Superior sinus
6: Cavernous sinus petrous 7: Inferior sinus jugular 8: Bulbof internal vein vein 9: Thalamostriate 10: Internal vein cerebral
11:Straight sinus 12:Transverse sinus 13:Sigmoid sinus
B Vertebralartery,a-pX-ray, arteriography A: Unprocessed X-ray.B: After digitalsubtraction 1: Posterior cerebral artery 2: Basilar artery 3: Vertebral artery
4: Superior cerebellar arteries ('AICA') inferior 5: Anterior cerebellar arteries in vertebral 6: Overflow contralateral arterv
7: Posterior inferior cerebellar arter ("PICA')
7 8 9 IO
Cerebralveins,a-pX-ray, venousphaseof arteriography subtraction) {Oigitat 1: Superior sagittal sinus 2: Transverse sinus petrous 3: Superior sinus jugular 4: Bulbof internal vein
jugular 5: Internal vein 6: Confluence of sinuses 7: Sigmoid sinus 8: Inferior veinsof cerebellar hemisphere
vermis 9: Inferior vein petrous 10: Inferior sinus
\B Vertebralartery, lateralX-ray,arteriography A: Unprocessed X-ray. B: Afterdigitalsubtraction 1:Posterior communicating arteries 2:Basilar artery 3:Veriebral arteries
4: Posterior cerebral arteries 5: Superior cerebellar arteries
('AICA') inferior cerebellar arteries 6: Anterior 7: Posterior inferior cerebellar artery("PICA")
I 2
l0 4
1 a I L
6 7
(digital venousphaseof arteriography Cerebralveins,lateralX-ray, subtraction) : Great vein cerebral Basal vein(Rosenthal) Superior cerebellar veins petrous : Superior sinus
5: Sigmoid sinus jugular 6: Bulbof theinternal vein 7: Internal vein lugular 8: Superior sagittal sinus
9: Straight sinus 10:Transverse sinus 11:Confluence of sinuses veins I2',lnferior cerebellar
LJ | \nr
I r t
1 1 I I
18 19 20 2I
16 1 1
18 19 22 20 2T
16 5 6 7 8 2
t9 18
Brain,child,CTangiography arteriesis markedon ihe lefthemisphere patternof the cerebral Thetypicaldistribution artery 1: Basilar ventricle 2: Fourth carotidarterY 3: Internal artery cerebellar inferior 4: Anterior arterY cerebral 5: Anterior arterY cerebral 6: Middle arterY communicating 7: Posterior arterY cerebral Posterior B:
horn anterior ventricle, 9: Lateral nucleus 10:Caudate nucleus 11: Lentiform 12:Thirdventricle horn temporal ventricle, 13: Lateral collicle 14:Superior 15:Cerebellum arterY cerebral 16:Anterior
arterY cerebral 17: Middle arterY cerebral 1B:Posterior
arterY cerebellar 22: Superior
BRAIN, ARTERIES, CTangiography
l0 11 I2
13 t4 15
18 22
5 9 10 11 25 26
24 I7
I7 24 30 18
27 28
16 I7
Brain,child,CTangiography patternof the cerebral arteriesis markedon the lefthemisphere Thetypicaldistribution page is transferred fromthe previous Numbering cerebral artery Striate branches of anterior of middle Striato]enticular branches
ventricle, atrium 26.Lateral part central 27:laleralventricle,
cerebral artery Thalamus
28: Occipital forceps 29: Corona radiata
of posterior cerebral branches 30:Thalamic artery
BRAIN. newborn
Brain,newborn, US
LinesA-Eindicate the positions of tiltedcoronal sectio following ultrasonographic series,recorded through the fontanelle
Brain,newborn, US 1: Anterior fontanelle 2: Superior sagittal sinus 3: Frontal lobe
4: Orbital oartof frontalbone 5: Orbita 6: Longitudinal fissureof brain
gyrus/olfactory 7: Straight bulb B: Nasalcavitv
Brain,newborn, US 1: Corpus callosum 2: Caudate nucleus pellucidum 3: Caveof septum 4: Thirdventricle
lobe 5: Temporal 6: Internal caosule 7: Lentiform nucleus (Sylvian) 8: Laieral sulcus
9: Insula 10:Internal carotid artery 11: Hypophysis 12:Bodyof sphenoidal bone
newborn BRAIN, I Z
7 8
Brain,newborn, US sagittal sinus fissure of brain callosum ventricle, centralpart pellucidum ofseptum
6: Thirdventricle fossa 7: lnteroeduncular 8: Mesenceohalon 9: Cerebellum 10:Anterior fontanelle
11: Lateral sulcus(Sylvian) 12:Insula nucleus capsule 13: Lentiform andinternal i4: Thalamus 15:Hippocampus
Brain,newborn, US callosum ventricle plexus in atriumof lateralventricle
4: Frontal lobe lobe 5: Parietal lobe 6: Temporal
Brain,newborn, US 2: Occioital lobe
7: Cerebellum
BRAIN, newborn
US Brain,newborn,
in thefol of sections LinesA-Cindicate the positions fo through the anterior series,recorded ultrasonographic
median, US Brain,newborn, 1: Corpus callosum (withcave) pellucidum 2: Septum 3: Thirdventricle 4: Hypophysis 5: Mesencephalon
6: Pons 7: Medulla oblongata fontanelle B: Anterior 9: Thalamus 10:Tectum of mesencephalon
aqueduct 11:Cerebral 12: Fourth ventricle 13:Cerebellum
US Brain,newborn, 1: Corpus callosum 2: Lateral ventricle capsule 3: Internal lobe 4: Uncusof temporal
5: Hippocampus gyrus 6: Parahippocampal 7: Thalamus ventricle in atriumof lateral B: Choroid olexus
lobe 9: 0ccipital l0: Temporal lobe
BRAIN, newborn
Brain,newborn,US :rontallobe loronaradiata nsuta
4: Operculum frontale 5: 0perculum temporale belowlateral sulcus 6: Parietal lobe
7: Occipital lobe lobe 8: Temporal
Larynx,a-pX-ray 1: Vestibule of larynx of thelarynx 2: Sinus(ventricle) 3: Rimaglottidis
cavity 4: Infraglottic 5: Trachea fossa 6: Piriform
fold 7: Vestibular B: Vocalfold
Larynx,lateralX-ray 1: Oralcavity 2: Uvula 3: Rootof tongue 4: Angleof mandible .
A. \/:llocrrle
6: Bodyof hyoidbone cornuof hyoidbone 7: Greater 8: Epiglottis (calcified) of cricoidcartilage 9: Lamina 10: NaSalOart Of
1l: Oralpartof pharynx partof pharynx 12: Laryngeal l3: Entrance to oesophagus l4: Oesophagus
4 6
swallow Pharynx,a-pX-ray, barium Vestibule of themouth Epiglottis glossoepiglottic fold Median
5: Vallecula fossa 6: Piriform 7: Contour of lamina of cricoidcartilage tongueandpalate B: Airbetween
in mouthandpharynx 9: Barium fold I 0: Ary-epiglottic notch 11: Interarytenoid 12:Oesophagus
3 4 5 6
Pharynx,lateralX-ray,bariumswallow : Uvula 0ralcavity Vallecula : Hyoid bone
5: Epiglottis fossa 6: Piriform (nasopharynx) 7: Nasalpartof pharynx (oropharynx) 8: Oralpartof pharynx
(laryngopharynx partof pharynx 9: Laryngeal 10: Retropharyngeal space muscle 1l: lmpression of cricopharyngeus 12:0esophagus
3 4 tr
Scoutview 1: Mandible 2: Epiglottis 3: Uvula
4: Anterior archof atlas 5: Densaxis 6: Hyoidbone
7: Thyroid cartilage B: Trachea
9 101112131415
Scoutview positions Lines#1-15indicate of sections in thefollowing CT-series. Consecutive sections, 10 mmthicx
9 1 0 1 1I 2 r 3 1 4 1 5
NECK, axialCT-series
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon oppositepage 1:Masseter pterygoid 2:Medial muscle of mandible 3:Ramus gland 4:Parotid 6 . Q h r l n i dn r n . t r c a
6:Posterior bellyof digastricus 7:Sternocleidomastoid inferior 8:Obliquus capitis capitis 9:Longissimus 10:Solenius capitis posterior major 11:Rectus capitis i2:Semispinalis capitis
I3: Genioglossus 14:Angle of mandible vein 15:Retromandibular artery 16: Internal carotid jugular vein 17:Internal 18:Vertebral artery 19:Spinal cord 20:Trapezius fromdental filling 21:Artefacts 2?'.fongue 23:Uvula 24:Longus colli
25:Longus capitis of atlas 26: Foramen transversarium 27:Densaxis 28: Posterior archof atlas 29: Mylohyoideus 30: Hyoglossus gland 31:Submandibular 32. Oralpartof pharynx space 33: Lateropharyngeal cervicis 34:Levator scapulae, andsplenius inferior capitis 35:Obliquus 36:Lig.nuchae
NECK, axialCT-series
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 1: Geniohyoideus 2: Submandibular lymphnode 3: Mylohyoideus 4: Hyoglossus gland 5: Submandibular 6: Digastricus andstylohyoideus 7: External carotidartery(branching) 8: Internal carotidartery jugular vein 9: Internal 10:Vertebral artery foramen withspinal nerve 11:Intervertebral 12:Spinal cord
13:Lig"nuchae belly 14:Digastricus, anterior 15:Platysma 16:Greater cornuof hyoidbone jugular 17:External vein 18: Sternocleidomastoid 19:Longissimus capitis 20: Semispinalis capitis 21: Splenius capitis fascia 22: Superficial lamina of deepcervical 23:Trapezius 24
Rnnt nf tnnorrp
25: Oralpartof pharynx jugular lymphnodes 26: External 27: Laleropharyngeal spacewithvesse jugular nc lymph nerves andinternal andlevator scap 28: Splenius cervrcis, inferior 29: Obliquus capitis ? O ' R o r t r r c n a n i t i c n n c t p r lormaJ0r 31: Mental tuberosity 32: Lingual tonsil 33: Epiglottis capitis 34: Longus colli,andlongus process 35:Spinous of C ll
t6 I7 L8
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 Body of hyoid bone glosso-epiglottic Median fold Vallecula gland : Submandibular Epiglottis External carotidartery : Carotid sinus jugularvein lniernal Longissimus capitis Semispinalis capitis
11:Semispinalis cervicis 12:Splenius capitis 13:Trapezius 14: Platysma 15:Carotid bifurcation I A
\ / o r iLov hv , r eul ,
rrto ( vr , v
17:Longissimus cervicis iB: Rotator muscles andmultifidus IQ
cr v n a n r r' vl l vo e vu
20: Lateropharyngeal space
jugular vein 2i: External 22: Sternocleidomastoid 23: Lig.nuchae muscles 24. lnlrahyoid 25: Laryngeal fat pad 26:Ary-epiglottic fold 27: Piriform fossa 28: Superior cornuof thyroid cartilage 29: Spinal cord
axialCT-series NECK,
I2 i3 14
16 T7
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 1: Thyroid notch muscles 2: Infrahyoid 3: Platysma 4: Vestibule of larynx 5: Sternocleidomastoid jugular vein 6: External node 7: Lymph muscles andmultifidi 8: Rotatores capitis 9: Semispinalis cervicis i0: Semispinalis 11:Splenius capitis
prominence l2: Laryngeal by vocalmuscle bordered l3: Rimaglottidis carotidartery 14:Common jugular vein 15:Internal process of transverse tubercle 16:Anterior artery l7: Vertebral 18:Trapezius rhomboideum 19:Speculum 2O l zrvnooal fal nad'
21: Epiglottis cartilage 22. Lamina of thyroid
fossa 23: Piriform medius 24:Scalenus cervicis 25:Longissimus 26. Leualor scapulae 27: Lig.nuchae of cricoidcartilage 28: Lamina cartilage 29: Arythenoid partof pharynx 30: Laryngeal capitis colliandlongus 31: Longus
NECK, axialCT-series
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 l: Lamina of thyroid cartrlage elasticus 2:Conus 3:Lamina of cricoid cartilage partof pharynx [: Laryngeal cervical lymphnodes F:Superficial pvatnr s.:nrrl.ap h l-"'"'" r' fl:Splenius Trapezius
9: Rhomboideus l0: Speculum rhomboideum l1: Infrahyoid muscles 12. Archof cricoidcartilage gland 13:Thyroid 14:Common carotid artery jugular 15:Internal vein 16:Scalenus anterior
l 7 : S c a l e nm u se d i u s infraglottica I8: Cavitas 19:Omohyoideus, superior belly 20: Sternocleidomastoid 21: Longus capitis colliandlongus 22: Spinal cord 23: Vertebral arteryandvein ?4. I ateralcervical resion
NECK. axialCT-series
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 1: Sternohyoid, and muscles sternothyroid gland 2: Rightlobeof thyroid belly superior 3: Omohyoideus, 4: Common carotidartery jugular vein 5: Internal jugular vein 6: External plexus 7: Rootsof brachial 8: Levator scapulae
9: Sternoclerdomastoid l0: Scalenus anterior i 1 : S c a l e nm u se d i u s 12:Neckof firstrib nerve spinal 13:Firstthoracic rib l4: Second 15:Rhomboideus 16:Trapezius 17:Trachea
iB: Oesophagus 19:Longus colli 20: Vertebral arteryandvein 21:Tubercle of firstrib 22'francverce nrocess of Th I r v
Y ,
v v v v v
23: Left lobeof thyrotdgland 24. lnferiorthyroidartery
NECK. axialCT-series
10 11 I2
dQ;;r%e @4
o** *,
* t
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 head Sternal of sternocleidomastoid Right common carotid artery jugularveinjoiningwith right internal Right subclavian vein head Clavicular of sternocleidomastoid Right scalenus anterior vertebral Right artery medius Scalenus Longus colli Head of second rib
10:Rightsubclavian vein 11:Right vertebral vein 12:Rightsubclavian artery 13:Firstrib 14:Second rib 15:Thirdrib 16: Leftcommon carotidartery l7: Leftinternaljugular vein 18: Leftsubclavian artery 19:Leftscalenus anterior
20: Firstrib 21:Apexof lung 22. frachea 23:Clavicle 24: LefIsubclavian vein 25: Leftvertebral vein 26. lnlernal thoracicartery 27: Leftsubclavian artery 28: Oesophagus
Neck,axialCT Scoutviewon page262 1: Clavicle 2: lnfrahyoid muscles 3: Rightsubclavian vein 4: Rightcommon carotidartery
5: Brachiocephalic trunk 6: Trachea 7: Leftsubclavian vein 8: Internal thoracic artery
9: Firstrib 10: Leftcommon carotid artery l1: Leftsubclavian artery l2: Oesophagus
Thyrocervical trunk,X-ray, arteriograpny 1: Firstrib 2: Transverse cervical artery 3: Suprascapular arlery
4: Thyrocervical trunk 5: Axillary artery 6: Ascending cervical artery
7: lnferiorthyroidartery 8: Subclavian artery 9: Internal thoracic artery
5 6
US section, Thyroidgland,transverse Skin gland lsthmus ofthyroid Sternocleidomastoid gland Right lobeof thyroid
jugular vein 5: Internal carotidartery 6: Common 7: Trachea "shadow" 8: Acoustic
skinand 9: Gelspacerbetween transducer ultrasound
I z
+ 6
view,131J-scintigraphy Thyroidgland,anterior (Note:salivary glands iodine) glands of thenoseexcrete andmucous
gland gran0 dibular
gland 5: Rightlobeof thyroid gland of thyroid 6: lsthmus andon incisure 7: Marker at jugular (above) prominence laryngeal
gland lobeof thyroid 8: Pyramidal gland 9: Leftlobeof thyroid
7 8 9
X-ray Sternum, oblique 1: Bodyof clavicle 2: Firstrib rib 3: Second rib 4: Seventh
incisure 5: Jugular 6: Sternal endof clavicle 7: Manubrium of sternum angle 8: Sternal
9: Bodyof sternum process 10:Xiphoid 11:Calcified costalcartilage
Thoraciccage, a-pX-ray 1: Headof firstrib rib 2: Neckof second 3: Shaftof firstrib junction 4: Osteochondral
6: Headof sixthrib 7: Shaftof sixthrib 8: 12thrib 9: Mamma
11: Inferior angleof scapula 12: Diaphragm l3: Gastric air
'& .,M
4 5
6 7
B L-1Y1PP, scintigraphy Thorax,oom A: Anteriorview.B: Posteriorview : Sternal endof clavicle Manubrium of sternum Body ofsternum (5thrib) 0steochondral lunction Body ofthoracic vertebra [h X)
6: Ninthrib 7: Rightkidney B: Fourthrib angleof scapula 9: Inferior (ThX) vertebra 10: Bodyof thoracic
process of vertebra, 11:Transverse andneckof rib 1 2 :1 1 t hr i b 13:Rightkidney process vertebra of lumbar 14: Spinous
1 I
Thorax,a-pX-ray,child1 month headbssificationcenter)
4: Firstrib 5: Thymus 6: Rightatrium
7: Liver B: Leftventricle
deepinspiration Thorax,p-aX-ray, 7: Rightatrium 8: Lungvessels angle cavalveinin cardiophrenic 9: Inferior sulcus I 0: Costodiaphragmatic I 1: Trachea 12:Aorticarch
1: Headof firstrib 2: Apexof lung 3: Clavicle (longitudinal view) 4: Bronchus view) 5: Lungvessel(longitudinal 6: Superior cavalvein
trunk 13:Pulmonary 14: Leftauricle 15: Leftventricle 16:Apexof heart
"7&2.,. :,,{tl' .+,:
5 6
7 8
scintigraphy Lungs,133 X. inhalation, A: Anteriorview.B: Posteriorview l: Apexof rightlung lobeof rightlung 2: Superior lobeof rightlung 3: Middle 4: Inferior lobeof rightlung 5' Racp nf rioht lrrns
fromaorta 6: lmpression 7: Superior lobeof leftlung incisure B: Cardiac 9: Apexof rightlung 10: Superior lobeof rightlung
11:Inferior lobeof rightlung 12:Mediastinum lobeof leftlung l3: Superior lobeof leftlung 14:Inferior
10 11 I2 13
Thorax,lateral X-ray 1:Manubrium of sternum 2:Angle of sternum 3:Body of sternum 4:Horizontal fissure of rightlung 5:Bronchus
fissureof lung 6: Oblique 7: Diaphragm, rightdome 8: Diaphragm, leftdome 9: Airin fundusof stomach l0: Scaoula
11:Aorticarch (withair) 12:Oesophagus 13:Trachea I4: Leftatrium 15:Costodiaphragmatic sulcus
t\ .ir! r.,li$
Thoraxof old age, lateralX-ray : Trachea withcalcified cartilage Principal bronchi Pulmonarv arteries (enlarged) Leftventricle costalcartilage
(relaxed) 6: Rightdomeof diaphragm 7: Liver 8: Leftdomeof diaphragm 9: Gastric air 10:Aorticarch(dilated)
(collapsed) 11:Bodyof vertebra I 2' Oqtonnhvtoq
13:Calcification of aorticwall
axialCT-series THORAX.
I 3
2 4
8 9 10 I2 I4 16 18 20
11 13 15 T7 19 21
22 24 26 28
23 25 27 29
20 22
Scoutviewsof axialCT-series Line#1-32 indicatepositionsof axialsectionsin the followingCT-series. Allsections are5 mmthickandarespacedby 5-20mm.
(below). (middle), Intrave (above), Armsareraisedabovehead. andlungsettings softtissuesettings withbonesettings is displayed Eachsection vein. wasgivenin therightcubital contrast on theboneimage. withromans andcostaewitharabics Vertebrae arenumbered witharabics on thelungimage. arenumbered Lungsegments Rightlung segments
Left lung segments
Superiorlobe: # 1: Apicalsegment # 2: Posterior segment # 3: Anterior segment
Superiorlobe: # 1: Apicalsegment segment # 2: Posterior segment # 3: Anterior lingular segment # 4: Superior lingular segment # 5: lnferior
Middlelobe: # 4: Lateral segment # 5: Medial segment lnferiorlobe: # 6: Superior segment # 7: Medial basalsegment # B: Anterior basalsegment # 9: Lateral basalsegment #10:Posterior basalsegment
InferiorLobe: segment # 6: Superior basalsegment # 7: Medial basalsegment # 8: Anterior basalsegment # 9: Lateral #10:Posterior basalsegment
bronchus. segmental apicoposterior arisefroma common #1 and#2 of leftlungusually volume effectin CTimaging. verynarrowin thelungimagedueto the partial appear of bronchi Notethatthediameter section, or both. or following canbe seenon a previous indicate thata structure <-, --; and<+ in thelegends Arrows
THORAX, axialCT-series
-+ : Greater tubercle of humerus jugular : Anterior vein Right common carotid artery-+ jugular : Internal vein(withcontrast) Right subclavian artery-> -+ Axillary vein(withcontrast) : Axillary artery-+ poleof thyroid Lower lobe -+ 0esophagus Leftinternal carotidartery-+ : Lymphnode
--> Scalenus anterior muscle
page) Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon previous -+ 14: Rhomboideus -+ 15:Trachea 16:Apexof lung,+ -+ 17: Sternal endof clavicle -) process 1B:Coracoid -+ 19: Headof humerus 20: Glenoid cavity-+ --> 21: Acromion process 22: Transverse of Th ll 23: Lamina of vertebral arch process 24: Spinous of Th I 25: Sternocleidomastoideus, sternal head-->
27: Pectoralis major-+ -+ 28: Subclavius muscle 29: Pectoralis minor--> 30: Axillary fossa-+ 31: Teresmajor-+ 32: Biceps brachii, shorthead -+ 33: Subscapularis muscle --> 34: lliocostalis cervicis -+ 35: Supraspinatus -+ 36: Trapezius -+ 37: Longissimus -+ 38:Levator scapulae
THORAX. axialCT-series
13 I4
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278)
\ i
1: Processus coracoideus e<2: Greater tubercle of humerus 3: Rightcommon carotidartery<jugular vein, 4: Subclavian andinternal confluence <-+ artery-> 5: Internal thoracic (insertion) <6: Scalenus anierior <-> 7: Axillary vein(withcontrasD artery<+ B: Axillary
10: Leftcommoncarotidartery<-> <-> 11:Oesophagus 12: Leftsubclavian arterv<+ 13:Trachea <-> 14:Apexof lung<15: Sternal <+ endof clavicle 16: Headof humerus <-> joint<-> 17:Glenohumeral head<+ 18:Sternocleidomastoideus, sternal
jt 20: Articular discof sternoclavicu mu 2l: Sternohyoid andsternothyroid muscle <22: Subclavius 23: Pectoralis maior<--> 24: Pectoralis minor<-> 25: Teresmajor<-> 26: Subscapularis <-+ 27: Serratus anterior 28: Supraspinatus <+
THORAX. axialCT-series
1 . LI
It 1 It
Thorax,axialCT (scoutviewon page278) andinternal Confluence of subclavian jugular veins<<-> Axillary vein(withcontrast) Division of brachiocephalic trunk-+ Thoracic duct-+ Leftsubclavian artery<+ <-> Transversospinal muscles
<-; 7: Rhomboideus -+ of sternum 8: Manubrium
vein<+ 14: Rightaxillary 15: Rightaxillary artery<-> inferior belly<16:Omohyoideus, <+ l7: lliocostalis <> 18:Longissimus <+ l9: Levator scapulae
THORAX. axialCT-series
VIEW on page278) Thorax,axialCT(scout 1: Rightaxillary veinwithcontrast <-> 2: Axillary artery<3: Oesophagus <> 4: Thoracic duct<+ 5: Trachea <-> <-> 6: Manubrium of sternunr 7: Synchondrosis of firstrib 8: Neckof scapula
--> 'l9: Spineof scapula 0' Transvprse nrocess of Th ill process 11:Spinous of Th t l J v
y '
v \
1 2' Pectoralismainr <-+
13: Intercostal muscles <-+ 14: Pectoralis minor<+ 15: Leftaxillary vein<16:Subscapularis <-+
17:Teresmajor<+ 18:Teresminor-+ 19:Omohyoideus, inferior belly<20: Serratus <-> anterior -+ 21: Infraspinatus 22: Supraspinatus <-> 23: Trapezius <->
THORAX, axialCT-series
4 5 6 7
ffi Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page) 7 4 \ brachiocephalic vein<-+ brachiocephailc vein<-+ axillary vein-->
trunk<-> e
7: Transversosoinal muscles <-+ 8: Internal thoracic artery<+ 9: Leftphrenic nerve-+ 10: Leftvagusnerve-+ 11:Axillary fossawithnerves, vessels and lvmohnodes<-,>
12: Leftsubclavian arlery<13:Deltoideus <+ l 4: I evatorscanulae <> 15:Rhomboideus <-+
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Leftbrachiocephalic vein<-> 2: Rightbrachiocephalic veine; 3: Rightaxillary vein<4: Oesophagus <-> 5: Thoracic duct<+ 6: Trachea <+ <-> 7: Manubrium of sternum <-> 8: Costalcartilage margin of scapula 9: Lateral
11:Medial margin of scapula jointTh lll-l\i 12. Zygapophyseal 13:Brachiocephalic trunk<14: Leftcommon carotidariery<15: Leftsubclavian artery<16: Pectoralis malor<+ 17: Pectoralis minor<-> 18:Intercostal muscles <+ 19:Axillary fossawithnerves, vessels and
20: Latissimus dorsi-+ 21: Teresmajor<-> 22: feresminor<-> 23: Subscapularis <-> 24: Serratus <-> anterior 25: Infrasprnatus <-+ 26: Deltordeus <27: Supraspinatus <-> 28:Trapezius <>
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) thoracic arteryandvein<-+ of rightandleft velns<-
muscles <+
<-> 4: lliocostalis <-> 5: Longissimus <-> muscles 6: Transversosoinal 7: Rhomboideus <->
<+ 8: Levator scapulae 9: Aorticarch-+ 10:Leftphrenic nerve<-+ 11: Leftvagusnerve<-->
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: lnternal thoracic arteryandvein<+ 2: Superior cavalvein-+ 3: Aorticarch<4: Oesophagus <-> vein(rightsuperior 5: Azygos rntercostal vern)-) 6: Thoracic duct<+
-+ B: Bodyof sternum 9: Sternocostal rib lointof second 10: Pectoralis major<-> 11:Pectoralis minor<-> 12: Leftohrenic nerve<> 13:Leftvagusnerve<-+ 14: Latissimus dorsi<+
7' Trachpa a
1 5' Tprps
16:Teresminor<-> 17:Subscapularis <-> 18:Infraspinatus <-> 19:Serratus <-+ anterior 20: Supraspinatus <-> 21: Oblique fissure of leftlung-+
THORAX, axialCT-series
5 6 7 B
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) : Internal thoracic arteryandvein<-+ : Ascending aorta-+ Superior cavalvein<-+ : Azygos vein(arch)-+ <+ Oesophagus Thoracic duct<-> : Descending aorta-+
9: Transversosoinal muscles <> 10:Longissimus <> 1 1 :R h o m b o i dee u s 12: Branch of anterior segmental bronchus B lll + 13:Branches of posterior segmental bronchus B ll
15:Costal sulcus process l6: Spinous of ThlV 1 t /- .7
1 l nhronin L gatf L v|tgiltu
inl ogrt\ vt ot
L -
1B:Lateral artery-+ thoracic 19:Axillary fossa<-> 20; Levator scapulae <-> <+ 2J.:frapezius 22: Aoic.alsesmental bronchus B I
THORAX. axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Internal thoracic arteryandvein<-> 2: Ascendrng aorta<-> 3: Superior cavalvein<+ (ductus 4: Ligamentum arteriosum "aortopulmonary in window" arteriosus) <+ 5: Oesophagus vein<+ 6: Azygos 7: Descending aorta<-> vein-+ B: Hemiazygos <+ 9: Trachea
10: Branches of anterior segmental B lll --+ bronchus ll: Anical sesmental B l <> bronchus 12:Bodyof sternum <-> jointof thirdrib 13:Sternocostal process 14: Superior of ThVl articular 15: Inferior of ThV articular Drocess 16: Pectoralis major<-+ 17: Pectoralis minor<-> 18:Intercostal muscles <+
20:Axillary fossa<+ 2l: Latissimus dorsie 22: feresmajor<-> 23: Teresminor<-> 24: Subscapularis <--> 25: Infrasninatus <-+ 26: Serratus <+ anterior 27: Common bronchus o segmental B ll of leftlung--> 28: Oblique fissure -
THORAX. axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) lymph node duct<+ e
muscles <+ e
(Bifurcatio -+ tracheae)
8: Oblique fissure of rightlung<+ jointIhVNI 9: Zygapophyseal process 10:Transverse of ThVl process 11:Spinous of ThV 12: Pulmonary trunk-+ 13: Leftohrenic nerve-+ 14:Leftpulmonary artery->
i5: Intercostal muscles <-+ 16:Trapezius e> --+ 17:Anterior mediastinum -> 18: Middle mediastinum --> 19:Posterior mediastinum
THORAX. axialCT-series
7 x
9 t0
I2 13 I4 15
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Internal thoracic arteryandvein<-> 2: Ascending aorta<-> 3: Superior cavalvein<+ 4: Superior lobalbranch of rightpulmonary artery-+ 6
6: Azygosvein<-> 7: Thoracic duct<-> 8: Descending aorta<-> 9: Hemiazygos vein<->
<11:Carina B lll of right 12:Anterior bronchus segmental upperlobe B I of right l3: Apicalsegmental bronchus upperlobe 16: of sternum process 17:Spinous of ThV
minor<+ 19:Pectoralis 20: Pulmonary trunk<-> 21. I eft nhrenic nerve<+ 22: Laleralthoracicarteryandveine 23: Branches of upperleftpulmona 24: Leftpulmonary artery<+ 25' Anterior sesmental B lll bronchus upperlobe<26: Apicoposterior segmental bronc of leftupperlobe
1 71 1
2( 21
Thorax,axialCT(scoutV I C Won page278)
phrenic Right nerve-+ Superior lobarbranch of rightpulmonary anery pulmonary Right artery-+ Transversospinal muscles <+ Longissimus <-> lliocostalis <-> -+ Leftmainbronchus -+ Right mainbronchus
9: Rightsuperior lobarbronchus l1: Lateral margin of scapula <+ l2: Medial margin of scapula <+ 13: Serratus anterior <+ 14: Branches of leftupperpulmonary vein 15: Latissimus dorsi<-> 16:Teresmajor<+ 17:Teresminor<->
18:Subscapularis <+ 19: Infraspinatus <-> 20: Rhomboideus e 21:Trapezius <-> 22: Anlerior mediastinum e: 23: Middle mediastinum <24: Posterior mediastinum <+
THORAX. axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page)79.\ 1: Internal thoracic arteryandvein 2 Accondino 2nri2 ..
3: Superior cavalvein<-+ 4: Rightpulmonary artery<-> (bifurcal) 5: Subcarinal lymphnode 6: Thoracic duct<-> 7
<--> 8: Leftmainbronchus
9: Rightmainbronchus <-+ 10:Oblique fissureof rightlung<-+ I I: Bodvof sternrrm <> 1 2 :S c a p u process 13:Spinous of ThVl 14: Pectoralis major<-> 15:Pectoralis minor<+ 16:Serratus <-+ anterior
17:lntercostal muscles 18:Latissimus dorsi<--r 19:Teres major<> 20:Teres minor<> 21:Subscapularis <+ 22: Infrasprnatus <-> 23:Upper leftlobarbronchus, super 24: Oblique fissure of leftlung<>
axialCT-series THORAX,
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon Page278) phrenic nervee Right pulmonary vein-+ Right superior <-+ 0esophagus vern<-> Arygos Hemiazygos vein<-) .-+ muscles Transversospinal lobarbronchus upper
<9: Leftmatnbronchus <10: Rightmainbronchus (inplaneof sectioning) fissure 11:Horizontal fissure of rightlung<-+ 12: Oblique 13: Sternocostal iointof fourthrib trunk<> 14:Pulmonary nervee 15: Leftphrenic -+ 16: Leftauricle
vein-> 17: LeftupperpulmonarY artery-+ of leftpulmonary branch 18: Inferior <+ 19: lliocostalis <-> 20: Longissimus B lV bronchus lingular segmental 21: Superior lobar of leftsuperior division 22: Lingular bronchus
THORAX. axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Internal thoracic arteryandvein 2: Ascending aortae<-> 3: Superior cavalvein<> pulmonary 4: Rightsuperior vein<5: Rightpulmonary artery<6: Oesophagus <-+ 7: Descending aorta<-+ fissureof rightlung<+ B: Horizontal fissure 9: Oblique of rightlung+> 10:Bodyof sternum <-+
11:Sternocostaljoint of fourthrib l2: Costal cartilage 13: Costovertebral loint 14:Costotransverse ioint 15:Scaoula <-> 16: Pulmonary trunk<-> 17:Leftauricle <-> 18: Leftphrenic nerve<-> pulmonary l9: Leftsuperior vein<+ 20: Inferior artery<+ branch of leftpulmonary
21:Serratus anterior <> 22: Latissimus dorsi<+ 23: Teresmajor<+ 24: Subscapularis <-> 25: Infraspinatus <-+ <--> 26: lntercostal muscles 27: Rhomboideus <+ 28: Trapezius <-> 29. lnf. lingular BV segmental bronchus 30: Oblique fissure of leftlung++
THORAX, axialCT-series
7 8 9
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) Superior cavalvein
<-+ 8: Longissimus <-> 9: lliocostalis fissure <-> 10: Horizontal fissure of rightlung<-> 11:Oblique -> artery(calcified) 12: Leftcoronary <-> 13: Leftauricle
pulmonary vein 14: Entrance of leftsuperior in left atrium<arterye> branch of leftpulmonary 15:Inferior B V <-> bronchus segmental 16:Inf.lingular fissure of leftlung<-> 17:Oblique of leftlower bronchus 1B:Superior segmental lobeB Vl
-+ 1: Right auricle 2: Ascending aorta(bulb) <3: Entrance of superior cavalveinin right atrium<4: Leftatrium-+ 5: Inf.branch of rightpulmonary artery<-+ 6: Azygosvein<-> 7: Hemiazygos veine+ B: Horizontal fissure<-> 9: Middle lobarbronchus
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutview viewon page278) l0: Inferior lobarbronchus I 1: Superior segmental bronchus B Vl of right lowerlobe 12: Bodyof sternum <-+ 13: Scapula <-> process 14: Upperarticular of ThVlll 15: Lamina of vertebral archThVll 16: Pulmonary trunk<17: Leftcoronary artery<18: Leftauricle <-
i9: Lateralthoracicarlery<+ 20: Serratus anterior <-+ 2i: Latissimus dorsi<+ 22: feresmajor<+ 23: Subscapularis <> 24: Infraspinatus e> 25: Latissimus dorsi<+ 26: Rhomboideus <+ 27: frapezius<+ 28: lnf. lingular segmental bronchus B\
axialCT-series THORAX.
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) Internal thoracicarteryandvein<-> Right auricle <+ . branch of rightpulmonaryartery<-+ Thoracic duct<+
B V of middle 7: Medial segmental bronchus lo0e
B lVof bronchus 8: Lateral segmental middlelobe B Vl of bronchus 9: Superior segmental lowerlobe 10: Costalcartilage
process of ThVlll 11:Transverse process of ThVll 12: Spinous major<-> 13: Pectoralis --> 14:Conusarteriosus <-> 15:Aortrcbulb a. -+ branch of leftcoronary 16: Circumflex fissure of leftlung<-> i7: Oblique
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Internal thoracic arteryandvein<-> 2: Rightauricle <-+ 3: Aorticbulb+> 4: Rightcoronary artery-+ pulmonary vein<5: Rightsuperior 6: Inferior branch of rightpulmonary artery-+ 7
8: Descending aorta<+ 9: Bodyof sternum<-> 10: Scapulae <->
process 1l: Spinous of ThVll 12:Conusarteriosus <-> 13:Anterior interventricular branchof left coronary arlery-+ (grazing 14: Leftventricle section) 15:Circumflex branch of leftcoronary a. <-> pulmonary 16: Leftinferior vein-+ 17: Serratus anterior <-> 1B:Latissimus dorsr<-> 19: Teresmajor<->
20: Subscapularis <2l: Infraspinatus <+ 22: Rhomboideus €t 23: Latissimus dorsi<-> 24: Trapezius e> 25: Anteromedial segmental bronc B Vlllof leftlowerlobe-+ 26: Basolateral segmental bronch B X of left lowerlobe-+
THORAX. axialCT-series
3 4
5 6 7 8
10 11
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) : Rightakium<->
Leftatrium<+ arteryto right Branches of pulmonary lower lobe<-> duct Longissimus <-> lliocostalis bronchus segmental andanterior
fissure of rightlung<-> l1: Oblique bronchus segmental andposterior 12: Laleral B lX + B X of riehtlowerlobe costae 13:Sulcus major<+ 14:Pectoralis vein l5: Great cardiac of left interventricular branch 16:Anterior coronary arlerye -> section) lumen(grazing 17: Leftventricular muscles e> lntercostal 1B:
pulmonary vein<20: Leftinferior arteryto of leftpulmonary 21: Branches lowerlobe<+ fissureof left lung<'> 22: Oblique B Vllbronchus segmental 23: Anteromedial B Vlllof leftlowerlobe<> B lX of left bronchus 24: Lateralsegmental lowerlobee+ B X of left bronchus segmental 25: Posterior lowerlobe<->
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) (osteophyte) 1: Calcificatron 2: Internal thoracic arteryandvein<-> <- 4: Rightatrium<-> 3: Rightauricle 5: Aorticsinuses 6: Leftatrium<-> 7: Oesophagus <-> 8: Descending aorta<+ 9: Transversospinal muscles <+ 10:Longissimus <-> 11: Bodyof sternum <-
13: Pectoralis major<14:Conus arteriosus <> 15:Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary arterye 16:Leftventricle <-> 17: Interventricular <+ septum 1B:Anterior cuspof mitralvalve 19: Posterior cusoof mitralvalve 20: Serratus anterior <-> 2l: Latissimus dorsi<-+
23: Rhomboideus <-> 24: lliocostalis <+ 25.Trapezius <+ 26: Medial bronchus B Vl segmental t00e <-
27: Anlerior bronchus B\ segmental .lowerlobe(branch) 28: Laleralsegmental B lX bronchus tooe<29: Posterior segmental bronchus B lowerlobe<-
THORAX, axialCT-senes
-+ : Transversus thoracis muscle Right atrium <+ Semilunar valves of aorticvalve(closed) Leftatrium<-> Azygos vein<+ Thoracic duct<+ : Hemiazygos veine>
0blique fissure of rightlung<+
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) process) 9: Xiphoid 10: lnferior angleof scapula <process 11:Spinous of ThVlll l2: Conus arteriosus <-13:Anterror interventricular branch of left Coronary artery<-) 14: Leftventricle e> 15: Interventricular septum <->
16:Leftsemilunar valveattaching to upper edgeof membranous partof interventricular septum 77: Coronary sulcus withcircumflex branch andfat <> 18:Oblique tissure of leftlung<->
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Internal thoracic arteryandvein<+ muscle <-> 2: Transversus thoracis arteryandgreatcardiac 3: Rightcoronary VCIN E
4: Rightatrium<+ 5: Leftatrium<> pulmonary vein-+ 6: Rightinferior <-> 7: Oesophagus
aorta<+ 8: Descending fissure 9: Oblique of rightlung<-> 10: Fusedcostalcartilages 1 1 : X i o h oor rdo c e ses process 12:Spinous of ThVlll 13:Fibrous oericardium of left 14:Anterior interventricular branch coronary arterye
15:Rightventricle 16:Leftventricle <-> muscle of leftvent 17: Post.papillary tract-+ 18:Leftventricular outflow 19:Anterior cuspof mitralvalve<+ 2C:Posterior cuspof mitralvalve<+ 21: Circumflex branch of leftcoronarz 22: Oblique fissureof leftlung<->
THORAX. axialCT-series
3 4 5 6
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) Interventricular <> septum partof interventricular Membranous seplum e pulmonary vein
duct<-> 5: Thoracic vein<> 6: Hemiazygos vein 7: Basivertebral <-> 8: Serratus anterior dorsie+ 9: Latissimus
muscles <+ 10:Transversospinal <-+ 1l: Longissimus <-> 12: lliocostalis 13:Trapezius <->
THORAX. axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Rightventricle <-> <-> 2: Leftventricle 3: Rightatrium<-> 4: Leftatrium<S Opcnnh:srrs a
6: Descending aorta<> 7: Oblique fissure of rightlung<+ <-+ 8: Fusedcostalcartilages <-> 9: Xiohoid Drocess l0: Intervertebral discTh lX- ThX
jointThlX- ThX 11:Zygopophysial ofleft interventricular branch l2: Anterior coronary arlerye fissure of leftlung<+ l3: Oblique /
THORAX, axialCT-series
1 1 1 1
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) phrenic : Right nerve(J
Inferior cavalvein,inletin rightatrium Coronary sinus Azygos vein<-> Thoracic duct<->
vein<+ 6: Hemiazygos 7: Leftohrenic nerve<+ anterior <-> 8: Serratus 9: Latissimus dorsi<+ muscles <-> 10:Transversosoinal
<-+ 11:Longissimus <-+ 12:lliocostalis <-+ l3: Trapezius
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Internal thoracic artery<,> 2: Transversus muscle <-> thoracis 3: Rightventricle <-+ 4: Rightatrium<S
Riohi nhrpnin
nar\/a .-
6' lnfpriorcaval vein <+
7: Coronary sinus<8: Oesophagus <+ 9: Descending aorta<+ 10: Bullae li: Diaphragm
--> 13:Rectus abdominrs 14:Leftventricle <+ 15:Leftphrenic nerve<16: Serratus anterior <--> 17:Latissimus dorsr<->
1 2: Xinhoid
1 Q' Tranozi,,c
, .
THORAX, axialCT-series
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) l: lnternal thoracic artery
7: Azygos vein<-+ 8: Hemiazvsos vein<-+ (forked) process 9: Xiphoid
interventricular 13:Anterior branch of left coronary arlery<14:Transversospinal muscles <-> 15:Longissimus <-+ 16:lliocostails <-+
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) 1: Livere+ <-> 2: Oesophagus cavalvein<> 3: Inferior aorta<-+ 4: Descending duct<-> 5: Thoracrc
6: Azygosveine+ <-> abdominis 7: Rectus recess-+ 8: Costodiaphragmatic -+ abdominis externus 9: Obliquus <-> anterior 10: Serratus
dorsi<+ 11:Latissimus <> 12:lliocostalis <-> 13: Longissimus <-> muscles 14:Transversospinal
axialCT-series THORAX,
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) -+ : Stomach Portal veins part chyli<+ : Thoracic ducVCisterna
jointThXl - Th Xll 9: Zygapophysial process of Th Xl 10: Spinous <-> 11:Rectus abdominis recess<12: Costodiaphramatic --> in diaphragm furrows 13: Contraction <+ abdominis externus 14: Obliouus <+ muscles 15: Intercostal : Serratus antenor<-
<-> 17: Diaphragm -+ 1B:Spleen dorsi<'> 19: Latissimus <+ muscles 20: Transversospinal <-+ 21: Longissimus <-+ 22: lliocostalis
axialCT-series THORAX,
i ^tF
Thorax,axialCT(scoutviewon page278) <1: Stomach ?'I oft oactrin:rtorv
3: Portalvein 4: lnferior cavalvein
8: Upperpoleof rightkidney discThXll- L I 9: Intervertebral process ThXll 10:Spinous <11:Rectus abdominis recess<12:Costodiaphragmatic
of colon 15: Leftflexure <16: Leftcrusof diaphragm <17:Spleen dorsi18:Latissimus muscles +19:Transversospinal 20: Longissimus 21: lliocostalis <-
4 17
5 6 7
l1 T2
. ,i ii3..
24 25
a_) Heart,axialMR,levelTh Vl,Th VllandTh Vlll T1 weightedrecording 1:Body of sternum 2:Internal thoracic arteryandvein 3:Ascending aorta 4:Superior caval vein 5:Leftatrium 6:Oesophagus 7:Azygos vein 8:Thoracic duct atrium
11:Right ventricle 12:Rightcoronary artery 13:Right atrium 14: Interatrial septum 15:Anterior mediastinum (sternopericardial ligament) 16:Pulmonary trunk 17:Leftauricle 18: Rootof leftlung
20: Conusarteriosus 21:Bulbof aorta pulmonary vein 22: LefIinferior septum 23: Interventricular 24: LefIventricle 25:Pericardial sac 26: Pericardial cavity 27: Myocardium of leftventricle 28: Leftatrium
Heart,coronal MR T1 weightedrecording 1: Rightsubclavian vein jugular 2: Rightinternal vein 3: Rightcommon carotidartery 4: Rightbrachiocephalic vein 5: Brachiocephalic trunk 6: Superior mediastinum withthymus 7: Rightatrium
8: Supraventricular crest 9: Rightventricle 10: Liver 11:Leftsubclavian vein jugular 12: Leftinternal vein 13:Trachea 14: Leftbrachiocephalic vein
15: Pulmonary trunk 16: Epicardial fat 17: Conusarteriosus 1B:Leftventricular cavity 19:Pericardial sac 20. Pericardial cavity 21: Interventricular septum
Heart,coronal MR T1 weightedrecording 1: Bodyof cervical vertebra jugular 2: Rightinternal vein 3: Rightcommon carotidartery 4: Clavicle 5: Rightsubclavian vein 6: Rightbrachiocephalic vein 7: Superior cavalvein 8: Ascending aorta
9: Aorticvalve 10: Rightatrium 11: Rightatrialwall,pericardium andpleura 12: Interventricular part septum, membranous 13: Interventricular part septum, muscular 14: Leftcommon carotidartery l5: Leftinternaljugular vein 16:Trachea
17: Leftbrachiocephalic vein 18:Brachiocephalic trunk l9: Pulmonary trunk 20: Leftauricle 27: LefIventricle 22: Myocardium of leftventricle 23: Mamma 24: RighIventricle
13 I4 4 6
6 7 B
(slightly oblique), aortography Aorticarch and greatarteries,a-pX-ray Right vertebral artery Right carotidartery common Inferior thyroidartery artery Transverse cervical artery Right subclavian Axillary artery
7: Subscapular arlery artery 8: lnternal thoracic trunk 9: Brachiocephalic 10:Aorticarch 1 1 : A s c e n d ianogr t a 72: LefIcommoncarotidartery
artery 13: Leftvertebral artery 14: Leftsubclavian artery 15:Thoraco-acromial aorta 16:Thoracic arteries 17: lntercostal
9 10 11
Aortic arch and great arteries,obliqueX-ray,aortography carotidartery t: Right common artery 2:Rightsubclavian trunk 3:Brachiocephalic thoracic artery [: Internal i: Aorticarch
aorta 6: Ascending 7: Rightcoronary artery 8: Aorticsinus artery 9: Rightvertebral i0: Leftcommoncarotidarterv
artery 11:Leftsubclavian 12: fhoracicaorta artery 13:Leftcoronary i4: Catheter
child Heart,a-p,cardiaccineangiography, sequence Sixframesof a cardiacangiography in rightatrium 1: Catheter in rightventricle 2: Tipof catheter medium outflow of contrast 3: Initial valve(closed) 4: Tricuspid (earlysystole) 5: Rightventricle carneae 6: Trabeculae trunk 7: Pulmonary artery of leftpulmonary 8: Branches
arlery 9: Leftpulmonary artery 10: Rightpulmonary papillary muscle of rightventricle 11:Anterior (systole) 12: Rightventricle 13:Diaphragm pulmonary veins 14: Superior 15: Leftatrium(diastole) pulmonary 16:Inferior veins
17:Leftatrium(systole) (diastole) 18: Leftventricle 19:Aorticarch (systole) 20: Leftventricle 21:Apexof leftventricle 22: Leftatrium(diastole) 23:Abdominal aorta
10 11 T2 13 74
20 27 ZZ
child Heart,lateral, cardiaccineangiography, sequence Sixframesof a cardiacangiography : Trachea in rightatrium Catheter in rightventricle Tipof catheter lnitial outflow of contrastmedium Diaphragm in inferior cavalvein Catheter (infundibulum) arteriosus Conus (earlysystole) Right ventricle
9: Pulmonary trunk to upperlobes 10: Pulmonary arterybranches view) artery(longitudinal 11: Rightpulmonary artery of leftpulmonary 12: Branches (systole) 13: Rightventricle 14:Trabeculae carneae pulmonary veins 15:Superior 16:Leftatrium(diastole)
pulmonary veins 17: Inferior (diastole) 1B:Leftventricle 19:Leftatrium(systole) 20:Aorticarch 21:Aorticsinus 22: Leftatrium(diastole) (systolet 23: Leftventricle 24: Descending aorla
4 5
Pulmonary arteries,a-pX-ray, arteriography 1: Leftpulmonary artery 2: Rightupperlobeartery artery 3: Rightpulmonary 4: Middle lobearterv
5: Rightlowerlobeartery 6: Leftupperlobeartery 7: Leftlowerlobeartery 8: Pulmonarv trunk
valve 9: Pulmonary l0: Catheter
1 a L
X-ray, arteriography Pulmonary arteries,lateral 1: Leftpulmonary arlery 2: Rightpulmonary artery trunk 3: Pulmonary
valve 4: Pulmonary in rightventricle 5: Catheter arlery 6: Branches of left pulmonary
arte 7: Branches of rightpulmonary
N r ' l
Left ventricle,lateralX-rays, cardiacangiography A: Diastole. B: Svstole I C n r n n . a r va r t p r i o c
2:Leftventricle 3:Trabeculae carneae 4:Apex of leftventricle
5 : A o r t i cb u l b 6 : S e m i l u n av ra l v eo f a o r t i co s t i u m 7: Mitralvalve B : T h o r a c iac o r t a
papillary muscle 9: Anterior andposterior 10;Catheter
Left coronaryartery,arteriography (RAO) A: leftlateralX+ay.B: rightanterior X+ay oblique 1: Catheter withtip in orificeof leftcoronary artery 2: Leftcoronary artery,mainstem ramus 3: Intermediate 4: Anteriorinterventricular artery (leftanterior descendent, LAD)
5: Leftdiagonal artery 6: Anterior septalrami 7: LADat apexof theheart 8: Atrialramus 9: Circumflex artery
10:Anterior leftventricular branch (anterior marginal branch) 11:Obtuse marginal branch 12:Posterior leftventricular branch (posterior marginal branch) l3: Catheter in aorta
t L
' 1 4 , r -!:-!: : - : : - :
c e :-' t ;
" '
Rightcoronaryartery,arteriography (LAO) (RAO) X-ray B: leftanterior oblique X-ray. A: rightanterior oblique : Catheter withtipinorifice of right coronary artery Rightcoronaryartery Crux of heart interventricular arterv : Posterior
5: Sinusnodeartery 6: Conusartery rami rightventricular 7: Anterior (marginal branches) ramus leftventricular 8: Terminal
nodearterv 9: Atrio-ventricular 10: Posterior seotalrami
A.B Orientation of parasternal, longaxissections A andB, parallel to axisof the heart.
4 5
15 16 I7
8 9 10
I z
I2 4
Mitralandaorticvalve,parasternal, longaxissection. US A: diastole.B: systole 1: Probeoverfourthleft intercostal space papillary 2: Anterior muscle of rightventricle (inconstant) 3: Septomarginal trabecula 4: Interventricular septum 5: Leftventricle
7: Anterior cuspof mitralvalve muscle B: Papillary 9: Chorda tendinea 10:Posterior cusoof mitralvalve 11:Rightventricle
13:Rightsemilunar cuspof aorticva 14:Posterior semilunar cusoof aor 15:Aorticsinus 16:Leftatrium 17:Fibrous annulus of mitralostium
Orientation of parasternal, shortaxissections A-D,perpendicular to axisof the heart
parasternal, Rightandleftventricle, shortaxissections, US A: diastole. B: systole Probe overthirdleft intercostal space Right ventricle (moderator Septomarginal trabecula band)
4: Interventricular seotum 5: Leftventricle papillary 6: Posterior muscle of leftventricle
papillary 7: Anterior muscle of leftventricle wallof leftventricle B: Posterior
4 5 6
US shortaxissection, Mitralvalve,parasternal, on previouspage Positionof sectionC explained space 1: Probeoverthirdintercostal 2: Rightventricle septum 3: Interventricular
tract outflow 4: Leftventricular 5: Anterior cusoof mitralvalve 6: Mitralostium
7: Posterior cuspof mitralvalve wall,and ventricular 8: Bloodbetween posterior cusp
I 9 10 4 5
I2 13
US shortaxissection, Aorticvalve,parasternal, on previouspage Positionof sectionD explained space 1: Probeoverthirdintercostal 2: Rightventricle valve 3: Tricuspid 4: Rightatrium cuspof aorticvalve 5: Rightsemilunar
cuspof aorticvalve semilunar 6: Posterior septum 7: Interatrial B: Leftatrium 9: Conusarteriosus 10: Pulmonary trunk
valve 11:Pulmonary valv cuspof aortic 12: Leftsemilunar 13: Leftauricle
1 2 5 4
Cardiacfour chambers,probeoverapex,US
1: Apexof heart 2: Interventricular septum band withmoderator 3: Rightventricle
valve 5: Tricuspid partof interventricular 6: Membraneous septum
8: Leftventricle 9: Mitralvalve 10:Interatrial septum
Oesophagus, a-pX-ray, bariumswallow : Cricoesophageal sphinchter
part 2: Oesophagus, thoracic
3: lmoression fromaorticarch
Oesophagus, lateral X-ray, bariumswallow : Trachea : Oesophagus : Leftatrium
4: Diaphragm 5: Cardia 6: Mucosal folds
(radiology phrenica" 7: "Ampulla term) partof oesophagus 8: Abdominal
*ray,mammography Breast,young, oblique 1: Pectoralis major 2: Axillary lymphnode
(Cooper) ligaments 3: Suspensory 4: Fibroglandular tissue
5: Nipple
mammography X-ray, oblique Breast,middle-age, major 1: Pectoralis process gland 2: Axillary of mammary fat 3: Retroglandular
(Cooper) 4: Suspensory ligaments tissue 5: Fibroglandular 6: Nipple
sulcus 7: Inframammary B: Vessels
mammography X-ray, oblique Breast,senescent, process of mamma 2:Axillary (Cooped ligaments 3:Suspensory
glandular tissue 4: Fatinvoluted 5: Nipple sulcus 6: Inframammarv
7: Vessels
Breast,lateral X-ray, ductography Lactifbrous duct Lactiferous sinus
4: Majorexcretory duct duct 5: Minorexcretory
filling tissuewithcontrast 6: Glandular filling contrast tissuewithout 7: Glandular
Thoracicduct,a-pX-raylymphography 1: Thoracic ductat levelof Th lV 2: Thoracic ductat levelof Th lX- Th X 3:.Cisterna chyli 4: Rightlumbar trunk
5: Archof thoracicduct 6: Jugulartrunk(overflow) 7: Opening of thoracicductintosubclavian vein
8: Firstlumbar vertebra 9: Leftlumbar trunk
AeDoMEN Axial CTlsenes Stomach Small intestine Colon and rectum 1
Llver ancl pancreas r \ l
Arteries Veins T
11 I2 13 T4 'I
16 t7
Abdomen,a-pX-ray,erect Thegastro-intestinal tractis outlined gascontent by its natural Diaphragm Costodiaphragmatic sulcus Mediastinodiaphragmatic sulcus Lowerborderof liver Hepatic flexureof colon
7: Ascending colon B: Upperpoleof rightkidney 9: Psoasmajor(lateral contour) 10:Caecum 11: Lowerborderof spleen
13:12thrib 14:Stomach 15:Descending colon 16:Jejunum 17:Lowerpoleof leftkidney
Scoutview 1: Costodiaphragmatic sulcus 2'. Liver 3: Duodenal cap 4: Hepatic flexure of colon colon 5: Ascending
6: Caecum 7: Urinary bladder pubis B: Symphysis 9: Diaphragm 10: Splenic flexure of colon
Scoutview position of sections in thefollowing Lines#1-45indicate CTseries.
I 3 5 -'l t
9 11 Thegastrointestinal tractis outlined medium. 1 3 by peroralcontrast 15 Theurinary tractis outlined by excretion of intravenous t7 watersoluble contrastmedium. 19 Residiues of contrast froman earlier lymphography arepresent 2I
Consecutive sections, 10 mmthick.
in someiliacandlumbar lymphnodes.
15 27 29 3i 33 35 37 39 4I 43 AA
l1: Curvatures of stomach 12:Transverse colon 13:Position of umbilicus l4: lliaccrest 15:Descending colon
ABDOMEN. axialCT-series
; W N
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon oppositepage i 1:Bodyof sternum costalcartilage i 2: Calcified atrium i 3: Right anterior i 4: Serratus I 5: 0esophagus 6:Azygos vern vein i 7:Hemiazygos Latissimus dorsi B: I arteryandvein thoracic i 9: lnternal [0: Diaphragm
11:Rightlobeof liver 12:lnferior cavalvein 13:lliocostalis thoracis, and longissimus thoracis muscles 14:Transversospinal process 15:Xiphoid groove 16:Costodiaphragmatic 17: lnferior cavalvein groove 18:Phrenico-mediastinal 19:Lowerlobeof rightlung
20: Rightventricle 21: Leftventricle 22: fhoracicaorla 23: Spinal cord 24: Lingulaof left lung in fundus of stomach 25: Rugae 26: Lowerlobeof left lung Ribsarenumbered.
ABDOMEN. axialCT-series
13 I4
Abdomen, axialCT Scoutviewon page330 process 1: Xiphoid 2: Transversus thoracis 3: Rightlobeof liver 4: Oesophagus vein 5: Azygos 6
groove 7: Costo-diaphragmatic withinferior margin of rightlung 8: Serratus anterior 9: Inferior cavalvein
10:Latissimus dorsi groove 11: Phrenico-mediastinal 12:Thoracolumbar fascia 13:Rectus abdominis 14:Obliquus externus abdominis 15: Caudate lobeof liver 16:Heart 17: Fundus withrugae of stomach pleura, 18:Parretal diaphragm, and parietal peritoneum
19:Thoracic aorta 20: Apexof heart part 2i: Oesophagus, abdominal 22, LefIlobeof liver 23: Oblique fissure of leftlung 24: Fundus withairand of stomach 25: Cardia 26:Spleen Ribsarenumbered.
ABDOMEN, axialCT-series
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1:Leftlobeof liver 2:Right lobeof liver lobeof liver 3:Caudate partof draphragm 4:Lumbar margin of leftlung 5:Inferior hepatis 6:Porta 7:lnferior cavalvein crusof diaphragm B:Right 9:Latissimus dorsi muscles 0:Transversospinal
11:lliocostalis andlongissimus 12:Rectus abdominis abdominis 13:Obliquus externus in fundus of stomach 14:Rugae 15: Bodyof stomach 16:Thoracic aorta 17:Spleen 18: Inferior margin of leftIung 19:Airin bodyof stomach flexure 20: Splenic of colon
vessels 21:Splenic 22: Iail of pancreas alba 23:Linea bursa 24: Omental peritoneal fat withsurrounding 25: Bodyof pancreas 26: Splenic artery Ribsarenumbered.
ABDOMEN, axialCT-series
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1: Portahepatis 2: Portalvein 3: Inferior cavalvein 4: Rightcrusof diaphragm 5: Leftcrusof diaphragm 6
l io tprps honatis
7 : G a l lb l a d d e r 8: Portalvein
9: Bileduct(choledochus) 10:Inferior cavalvein
12: Leftlobeof liver 13:Wallof gallbladder 14:Headof pancreas partof duodenum 15:Superior 16:Upperpoleof rightkidney 17:Bodyof stomach 18: Splenic flexure of colon 19:Abdominal aorta 20:Spleen 21:Splenic vessels "r-an" (hrrlhrrs)
23: Common hepatic artery 24: Coeliac trunk gland 25: Leftsuprarenal 26.Iatlof pancreas 27: Upperpoleof leftkidney pancreas 28: Portalveinbehind 29: Transverse colon ?0
Rndv nf n:nrrp:c
withairandbarium 31:Jejunum ?2'
?3' Dianhraom
13 I4 15 L6
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330
gland l: Right suprarenal crusof diaphragm i: Right /: Leftcrusof diaphragm i: Fundus of gallbladder cavalvein ): Inferior partof duodenum ): Descending
lumborum l2: Quadratus l3: Rectus abdominis 14:Transversus abdominis 15:Obliquus externus abdominis process 16:Uncinate of pancreas 17:Rightrenalvein vein 18:Portal 19:Splenic vein 20: Superior mesenteric artery gland 21:Leftsuprarenal
L' Pioht
22' Dpqccndino cnlnn
[: Leftlobeof liver flexure Z:Hepatic of colon partof duodenum 3:Superior [' Hpad nf nan.rpas
23: Sinus renalis 24: Transverse colon vein mesenteric 25:Superior flexure 26: Duodenojejunal mesenteric artery 27: Superior 28: Abdominal aorta 29: Lineaalba partof duodenum 30:Ascending 3 1 :J e j u n u m 32: Leftrenalvein
ABDOMEN. axialCT-series
13 T4
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1: Transverse colonwithair andcontrast 2: Fundus of gallbladder 3: Rightlobeof liver 4: Headof pancreas partof duodenum 5: Descending 6: Sinusrenalis dxt. 7: Pelvis of rightkidney 8: Rightrenalartery 9: Jejunum 10:Inferior cavalvein
1 1 : A s c e n d icnogl o n 72. Paraaorlic lymphnodes 13: 12thrib 14: Lateral ligament arcuate 15:Superior mesenteric vein 16: Superior mesenteric artery partof duodenum 17:Ascending 18: Leftrenalvein 1 Q' I pft ranal arlortr
20: Psoasmajor
21:Quadratus lumborum processof pancreas 22: Uncinate 23: Abdominal aorta 24: Pelvis of leftkidney 25: Descending colon fascia 26: Renal partof duodenum 27: Horizonlal 23: lnferiormesenteric vein fat 29: Retroperitoneal 30: Intervertebral discL ll - L lll
ABDOMEN, axialCT-series
13 T4
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 partof duodenum 2:Horizontal 3:Ascending colon 4:Jejunum 5:Pelvis of rightkidney renalis 6:Sinus dxt. 7:Superior mesenteric artery 8:Superior mesenteric vein 9:Abdominal aorta Inferior cavalvein
12:Rightureter 13: Lowerpoleof rightkidney 14: lntertransversarius muscle i5: Inferror mesenteric vein 16: Pelvis of leftkidney 17:Lumbar lymphnodes 1B:Tendinous intersection in rectusabdominis 19:Descending colon 20: Lowerpoleof leftkidney 21:Lumbar aponeurosis
23:Linea alba 24: Rectus abdominis 25:Obliquus externus abdominis 26:Obliquus internus abdominis 27:Transversus abdominis 28: Leftureter 29:Psoas major 30: Quadratus lumborum muscles 31:Transversospinal 32:lliocostalis lumborum, and
ABDOMEN. axialCT-series
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1' Ac.pndins .nlnn
2: Rightureter 3: Retroperitoneal fat 4: Abdominal aorta 5: Inferior cavalvein lymphnodes 6: Paraaortic 7: Umbilicus
B: Rectus abdominis 9: Obliquus externus abdominis 10: Obliquus internus abdominis I I: Transversus abdominis 12:Psoas malor 13:Quadratus lumborum 14: Erector spinae
(mostly l5: Transversospinal muscles m 16: Mesenterial fat vessels l7: Mesenterial 18:Descending colon vein 19: lnferior mesenteric 20: Leftureter 2l: Small intestinal loop
ABDOMEN, axialCT-series
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page 330 ' I'
Acnpndino nnlnn
2:Right ureter 3: Leftureter 4: lliaccrest 5:lliolumbar ligament 6' Froninr cninao
7:Small intestine withbariumandair 8: Inferior cavalvein(bifurcation)
9: lnferior cavalvein 10:Abdominal aorta 11:Descending colon 12:Psoas major 13: Rightcommon iliacartery 14:Leftcommon iliacartery 15:Cauda equina 16:Rectus abdomrnis
17:Obliquus externus abdominis 18:Obliquus internus abdominis 19:Transversus abdominis 20: lliacus 2I: Wingof ilium 22:Gluteus medius
axialCT-series ABDOMEN,
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 iliacartery 1: Leftcommon iliacartery 2: Rightcommon iliacvein common 3: Right iliacvein 4: Leftcommon 5: Leftureter 6: Rightureter scar 7: Appendectomy
trunk 8: Lumbosacral joint 9: Sacro-iliac 10: Spinal nerverootS I in sacral canal equina 11:Cauda 12:Descending colon 13:Smallintestine 14:Psoas major
15:Rectus abdominis abdominis 16:Obliquus externus abdominis internus 17:Obliquus abdominis 18:Transversus 19:lliacus medius 20:Gluteus 21:Gluteus maximus
ABDOMEN. axialCT-series
Abdomen,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1:Leftureter 2: Right external iliacartery 3: Rightinternal iliacartery 4: Right iliacvein common 5: Linea alba 6: llium(wing) 7: Spinal nerveS I in pelvicsacralforamen
8: Urinary bladder 9: lliacus l0: Psoas major 1 1 :G l u t e umsi n i m u s 12:Gluteus medius 13:Gluteus maximus (origin) 14:Erector spinae
f1 r6..
Qiomnirl nnlnn v,5, ',w,w uv,w,l
16: Leftexternal iliacartery fat l7: Mesenterial 18: Leftureter 19:Leftexternal iliacvein 20: Rightexternal iliacvein
MALEPELVIS, axialCT-series
Male pelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1: lnferior epigastric arteryandvein 2: Caecum 3: Rightexternal iliacartery 4: Rightexternal iliacvein 5: Rrght ureter 6: Urrnary bladder 7: Anterior superior iliacspine B: Rectum 9: Piriformis
10:Pyramidalis muscle - internus, 11:Obliquus externus, and transversus abdominis 12:Tensor fasciae latae(origin) 13:lliopsoas 14:Gluteus minimus 15:Gluteus medius 16:Gluteus maximus 1 7 :S i g m o ci do l o n
18:External iliaclymph node withcontrast medium 19:Leftureter 20: Rectus abdominis 21: Rectovesical fold (tendon) 22: Puiformis plexus 23: Sacral
MALEPELVIS. axialCT-series
13 I4 15 I6 I7
1B 19
20 2I
Male pelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 1: Pyramidalis muscle 2: lnferior arteryandvein epigastric medium nodewithcontrast 3: Lymph iliacspine 4: Anterior inferior bladder 5: Urinary 6: Rectum 7: Hiatus sacralis iliacartery B: Rightexternal iliacvein external 9: Right 10:Right ureter foramen nervein infrapiriform ll: Sciatic
l2: Sartorius l3: Tensor fasciae latae 14:lliotibial tract 15:Gluteus medius 16:Rectus femoris 17:Gluteus minimus 1B:Gluteus maximus 19:lschial spine 20:Sciatic nerve 21:Sacrospinous ligament (tendon) 22: Piriformis
23: Leftureter 24: Ductus deferens 25: Seminal vesicle 26: Rectus abdominis (aponeurosi 27:Obliquus abdominis externus vessels, 28: Inferior epigastric vessels anddeferent duct testrcular 29:Obturatorius internus ?O
Gemollrrc crrnorinr J u P v '
' v '
MALEPELVIS, axialCT-series
Male pelvis,axialCT (tendon) 1: Rectus abdominis 2: Rightexternal iliacartery 3: Rightexternal iliacvein 4: Urinary bladder 5: Prostate 6: Seminal vesicle 7: Rectum 8: Fundus of urinary bladder 9: Pectineus 10:Sartorius I 1: Tensor fasciae latae
Scoutviewon nase330 13:lliopsoas 24: ObIuraIor arteryandnervein obturato 14:Gluteus medius andminimus canal 15:Gluteus maximus plexus 25: Prostatic venous 16:Superficial (tendon) inguinal annulus 26: Obturatorius externus 17:Spermatic cord 27:Gemellus inferior 18:Deepinguinal lymph node 28: Spermatic cord(removed onrightside) 19:Headof femur 29: Obturatorius externus 20: Obturatorius partof urethra internus 30: Prostatic 21:Greater trochanter 31:Quadratus femoris 22:Gemellus superior, and 32: Levatorani obturatoriusinternus(tendon)33:Anococcyeea||isane1n
MALEPELVIS, axialCT-series
13 14
t5 16 I7 18 1q
Male pelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon page330 (origin) 1:Adductor longus 2:Femoral vein 3:Femoral artery 4:Pectineus 5:Obturatorius internus 6:Puborectalis 7:lschiorectal fossa B:Adductor longus 9:lliopsoas 10:Quadratus femoris
I2: lschial tuberosity l3: Penis i4: Sartorius 15:Tensor fasciae latae 16: Rectus femoris 17:Vastus intermedius 18:Vastus lateralis 19:Bulbof penis 20: Bulbocavernosus 21: Spermatic cord(removed on rightside) urethra
23:Analcanal 24. Obturatorius externus 25:Gracilis 26:Adductor brevis 27: Lesser trochanter (origin) 28: Biceps femoris 29:Cruspenisandischiocavernosus muscles 30: Analsphincter 3 1 :C r e naan i
PELVIS, FEMALE axialCT-series
4 5 6
Scoutview iliacspine 1: Anterior superior 2: Lineaterminalis 3: Headof femur
foramen 4: Obturator pubis 5: Symphysis ramusof pubis 6: Inferior
7: Caecum B: Urinary bladder of bladder 9: Fundus
Scoutview positions Lines#1-9indicate in thefollowing CT of sections series 10 mmthick. Consecutive sections, medium. Thegastrointestinal tractis outlined by peroralcontrast Theurinary by excretion of intravenous tractis outlined watersoluble medium, contrast
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Femalepelvis,axialCT Scoutviewabove 1: Urinary bladder 2: lliopsoas
4: Corpus uteri 5: Piriformis
7: Leftureter 8: Sigmoid colon
FEMALE PELVIS. axialCT-series
Femalepelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon oppositepage 1:Inguinal ligament 2:Urinary bladder 3:Leftureter 4: Right ureter 5:Corpus uteri 6:Sigmoid colon 7:Rectum 8:Sacrum
9: Hiatus sacralis 10: Inferior epigastric arteryandvein 11: External iliacarteryandvein 12:Rectus abdominis 13:Sartorius 14:Anterior inferior iliacspine 15:Gluteus minimus l6: Gluteus medius
17: Piriformis 18:Gluteus maximus 19:Pyramidalis muscle 20: Tensor fasciae latae 21: lliopsoas 22: Rectus femoris 23: Bodyof ilium 24: Sciaticnerve
FEMALE PELVIS, axialCT-series
I2 13 I4 15 16 1 1
1B 19
Femalepelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon page 346 1: Pyramidalis 2: Rectus abdominis iliacartery 3: External 4: External iliacvein 5: Urinary bladder 6: Rightureter 7: Parametrium 8: Cervix uteri 9: Rectum 10: Coccyx 11:Inguinal ligament 12:Deepinguinal lymphnode
13:Superior ramusof pubis 14:Acetabular fossa 15:Headof femur 16: Lunate surface 17:lschial spine 18: Coccygeus muscle 19: Sacrospinous ligament 20: Levator ani 2l: Sartorius 22: fensorfasciaelatae 23: Rectus femoris 24: Gluteus minimus
25: Gluteus medius 26: Piriformis 27: Sciatic nerve 28: Gluteus maximus 29: lliopsoas 30: lliofemoral ligament 31: lliotibial tract 32: Greater trochanter 33: Obturatorius internus plexus 34: Vaginal venous 35: Vagina
axialCT-series PELVIS, FEMALE
2I zl
28 29
1 7
Femalepelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon Page346 andpyramtdalis abdominis, l: Rectus artery 2:Femoral vein 3:Femoral ramusof pubis 4: Superror canal 5: 0bturator 6:Vagina ani 7: Levator 8: Rectum fossa 9: lschiorectal pubica 0: Symphysis lymphnodes inguinal 1: Superficial
i I
bladder of urinary 12: Fundus externus 13: Obturatorius 14: Neckof femur trochanter 15:Greaier 16: Bodyof ischium ligament 17:Anococcygeal 1B:Sartorius latae fasciae 19:Tensor femoris 20: Rectus andminimus medius 21: Gluteus al ligament 22: lliofemor
internus andtendonof obturatorius 23: Gemelli internus 24: Obturatorius maximus 25: Gluteus 26: Pectineus nerve 27: Femoral 28: lliopsoas tract 29: lliotibial ligament 30: lschiofemoral femoris 31: Quadratus nerve 32: Sciatic ligament 33: Sacrotuberal
FEMALE PELVIS. axialCT-series
11 I2 I4 15 16 I7 18 10
Femalepelvis,axialCT Scoutviewon page346 1: MonspubisUeneris) 2: Rimapudendi 3: Femoral arteryandvein 4: Subarcuate lacuna 5: Urethra feminina, and sphinchter urethrae externa 6: Vagina 7: lschial tuberosity B: Levator ani 9: Analcanal 10:Anococcygeal ligament 1 1 :G r a c i l i s 12:Clitoris
l3: Inferior ramusof pubis 14: Bulbof vestibule pudendal 15: Internal arteryandvein, andpudendal nerve 1 6 :F e m u r 17:Vestibule of vagina 1B:Crena ani 19: Subcutaneous fat 20: Adductor longus(origin) 21: Pectineus 22: Adductor brevis 23: Obturatorius externus 24: Obturatorius internus
25: Sciatic nerve 26: Gluteus maximus 27: lschiorectal fossa (tendon) 28: Adductor longus 29: Sartorius 30: Rectus femoris 31: Vastus lateralis 32: lliopsoas 33: Quadratus femoris 34: Common originof semimemb fem semitendinosus, andbiceps
T2 13 6 7 8 74 15 16
contrast meal, double X-ray, barium oblique Stomachand duodenum, 0esophagus Leftlung Cardia of stomach Lesser curvature Pyloric antrum "cap"(bulbus) Duodenal
7: Pylorrc orifice partof duodenum B: Descending part of duodenum Horizontal 9: 10: Fundus of stomach l1: Bodyof stomach gastricae 12: Rugae
of stomach curvature 13: Greater 14:Jejunum partof duodenum 15:Ascending folds(Kerckring) 16:Circular
z 4
l1 l2
contrast lateral X-ray, bariummeal,double Stomachand duodenum, 0esophagus LUng Diaphragm andgastricwall Cardia r Onntrentinn frrrrnur
"cap"(bulbus) 6: Duodenal partof duodenum 7: Descending partof duodenum 8: Horizontal 9: Fundus of stomach l0: Bodv of stomach
antrum 11:Pyloric 12:Pyloric orifice partof duodenum 13:Ascending l4: Jejunum
meal,double contrast Duodenum, a-pX-ray, barium flexure 1: Duodenojejunal partof duodenum 2: Superior 3: Duodenal cap(bulbus) 4: Pyloric canal
partof duodenum 5: Descending 6: Horizontal oartof duodenum 7: Cicularfolds(Kerckring) B: Bodvof stomach
antrum 9: Pyloric 10:Jejunum partof duodenum 11: Ascending injejunu 12: Peristaltic contraction
meal barium Jejunumandileum,a-pX-ray, in ileum 1: Peristaltic contractions 2: lleum
foldsin jejunum 3: Circular
bariumenema,singlecontrast Colon,a-pX-ray, flexure of colon 5: Solenic colon 6: Descending 7: Haustra contraction B: Peristaltic
: Hepatic flexure of colon l: Transverse colon |: Ascending colon f: Caecum
folds 9: Semilunar 10: Peristaltic contraction 11:Sigmoid colon
l*,.iJl'1r ll9l..,illl':i:iirtl:
Colon,a-pX-ray,doublecontrast flexure of colon 1: Hepatic folds 2: Semilunar 3: Haustra colon 4: Ascending
ileum 5: Terminal 6: Caecum appendix 7: Vermiform 8: Solenic flexure of colon
colon 9: Transverse l0: Descending colon I l: Sigmoid colon
4 tr
8 9
contrast Rectum,a-pX-ray, double 1: Semilunar fold 2: Ascending colon valve 3: lleocaecal 4: Caecum
5: Terminal ileum 6: Rectum 7: Transverse foldof rectum 8: Tube
9: Analcanal 10:Transverse colon 11:Sigmoid colon 12:Rectal ampulla
X-ray, Rectum,lateral doublecontrast 1: Sigmoid colon foldof rectum 2: Transverse ampulla 3: Rectal
4: Tube 5: Sacrum flexure 6: Sacral of rectum
7: Coccyx flexure of rectum B: Perineal
1 z
(ERCP) Biliarytract,a-pX-ray, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography pancreatic 5: Accessory duct(Santorini) 6: Pyloric antrum(air-filled) 7: Lessercurvature of stomach 8: Leftheoatic duct
1: Righthepatic duct 2: Cystic duct 3: Gallbladder 4: Bileduct(choledochus)
hepatic duct 9: Common 10:Greater curvature of stomach 11: Pancreatic duct(Wirsung)
5 min
5 min
1 Om i n
9 10 20min
Biliarytract, ee'Tc-HlDA, view scintigraphy, anterior Biliary excretion of HIDA, 5, IO,20 and30 minutes afteri.v.injection l: Leftlobeof liver 2: Rightlobeof liver 3: Markon rib curvature 4: Inferior margin of liver
5: Rightandleftrenalpelvis 6: Common hepatic duct 7' I off honetie
8: Righthepatic duct
9: Gallbladder l0: Bileduct(choledochus) 1 1 :D u o d e n u m
Gallbladder,subcostal sagittal section, US,deepinspiration 1:Anterior abdominal wall 2: Liuer 3: Inferior cavalvein
4: Diaphragm 5: Inferiormarginof liver 6: Fundus of gallbladder
7: Neckof gallbladder
5 6
Liver,subcostal, tiltedtransverse section, US 1: Anterior abdominal wall 2: Liver 3: Hepatic veins
4: Inferiorcavalvein 5: Hepatic arteryandbileductin portaltract 6: Connective tissueof oortaltract
7: portalvein B: Diaphragm
3 4
8 9 10 11 I2
Liver,subcostal sagittal section, US L. \-,
1: Anterior abdominal wall 2: Liver 3: Diaphragm
5: Rightatrium 6: Portaltract
9: Inferiorcavalvein 10:Orifice of heoatic veins
7: Hepaticartery proper
1 I: Rishfcrrrsnf rli:nhr^o-
7 8 9 10 11 I2
Upperabdomen, transverse section, US 1:Anterior abdominal wall 2: Right lobeof liver 3: Portal tract 4: Hepatic vein
5: Gallbladder 6: Inferiorcavalvein 7: Leftlobeof liver 8: Portalvein
9: Common hepaticartery 10:Splenic artery 1l: Coeliac trunk 12:Abdominal aorta
9 l0
Upperabdomen, vertical section, US,deepinspiration 1:Anterior abdominal wall 2: Liver 3: Hepatic arteryproperandbileduct 4: Right branch of portalvein
5: Hepatic vein 6: Portahepatis 7: Diaphragm 8: Inferior cavalvein
(pyloric 9: Stomach antrum) 10: Headof pancreas 1l: Portalvein i2: Rightrenalartery
8 9 10 11 I2
Upperabdomen,transverse section, US 1:Anterior abdominal wall 2: Inferior marginof liver 3: Gallbladder
6: Rightkidney 7: Stomach 8: Superior mesenteric arterv
11:Leftrenalvein 12: lnferiorcavalvein l3: Vertebral body(acoustic shadow)
pancreatography retrograde Pancreaticducts,a-pX-ray,endoscopic "cap"(withair) 1: Duodenal partof in descending 2: Endoscope duodenum
pancreatic 6: Accessory duct(Santo
in stomach 3: Endoscooe (inflated) 4: Bodyof stomach 5: Pancreatic duct(Wirsung)
Upperabdomenwith pancreas,axialMR 1: Duodenum 2: Bileductandhepatic arteryproper 3: lnferior cavalvein gland 4: Rightsuprarenal 5: Aortain aorticaperture of diaphragm 6: Liver
partof diaphragm 7: Lumbar B: Stomach 9: Headof oancreas 10: Portalvein 11: Bodyof pancreas 12:Solenic vein
mesenteric 13:Superior artery 14:Tailof oancreas gland 15: Leftsuprarenal 16: Upperpoleof leftkidney 17:Spleen 1B:Intervertebral discThXll- L I
Spleenand liver, a-pX-ray,spleno-portography 1: Leftbranch of portalvein 2: Right branch of portalvein 3: Portal vein
4: Superior mesenteric vein(entrance) 5: Inferior mesenteric vein(entrance) 6: Portalbranchin leftlobeof liver
7: Spleen B: Splenic vein
intercostal Spleen, sagittal section, US 1: 10thand1lth ribswithacoustic shadows 2: Spleen
3: Diaphragm
4: Leftkidney
Abdominalaorta, sagittal section, US 1: Liver 2: Coeliac trunk
3: Abdominal aorta
4: Superior mesenteric artery
Abdominalaorta, a-pX-ray,aortography 1: Common hepatic artery 2: Hepatic arteryproper 3: Gastroduodenal artery 4: Rightrenalartery 5: Middle colicartery
7: Rightcolicartery 8: Aorticbifurcation 9: lliocolic artery 10: Catheter 11:Splenic artery
13:Leftrenalartery 14:Jejunal arteries 15:llealarteries 16:Leftcommon iliacartery
(arterial phase) arteriography Coeliactrunk, a-pX-ray, 1:Catheter trunk tip in coeliac 2: Common hepatic artery 3: Leftbranch of hepatic artery 4: Right branch of hepatic artery 5: Hepatic arteryproper
artery 6: Gastroduodenal 7: Supraduodenal artery pancreatico-duodenal artery 8: Superior 9: Rightgastro-omental artery 1O l pft qacfri/' artorv
11: Leftgastro-omental artery 12: Branches of leftgastricartery 13: Splenic artery 14:Rightgastricartery (stippled) 15:Contour of ventricle
(seeabove) Portalvein,a-pX-ray, venousphaseof coeliacarteriography 1: Catheter in coeliac trunk 2: Leftbranch of portalvein 3: Rightbranch of portalvein 4: Portal vein
5: Superior mesenteric vein(entrance) 6: Lowermargin of liver 7: Spleen vein B: Splenic
9: Pelvisof left kidney 10: Gastricwall(greatercurvature)
arteriography artery,a-pX-ray, Superiormesenteric 1: Superior mesenteric artery 2: Middle colicartery 3: Rightcolicartery
4: lleocolic arterv 5: Catheter
arteries 6: Jejunal 7: llealarteries
arteriography Inferiormesentericartery, a-pX-ray, 1: Catheter 2: Inferior mesenteric artery
3: Leftcolicartery 4: Sigmoid arteries
rectalartery 5: Superior 5: Marginal arteryof colon
arteriography Coeliactrunk and superiormesentericartery,variation(15%),a-pX-ray, fromsuperior mesenteric artery Righthepatic arteryoriginating gastric 1: Rrght artery 2: Lefthepatic artery 3: Gastroduodenal artery 4: Con,mon hepatic artery 5: Coeliac trunk hepatic 6: Rrght artery pelvis 7: Renal
colicartery B: Middle 9: Rightcolicartery 10:lliocolic artery vertebra 11:Firstlumbar 12: Leftgastricartery 13:Splenic artery 14:Catheter in stomach
1 5 :G a lbl l a d d e r 16:Catheter in aorta 17:Firstlumbar vertebra lB: Superior mesenteric artery l9: Jejunal arteries
; " @* W & W
phlebography Superiormesentericvein, a-pX-ray,transhepatic of portalvein l: Leftbranch 2: Transhepatic catheter of portalvein 3: Rightbranch
4: Portalvein vein mesenteric 5: Superior colicvein 6: Middle
vein(entrance) 7: Splenic (duplex) of 8: Pelvis leftkidney veins 9: Jejunal
Inferiorcavalvein, a-pX-ray,phlebography
l: Rightatrium of rightkidney 2: Pelvrs iliacvein 3: Rightcommon
iliacvein 4: Rightexternal iliacvein 5: Rightinternal 6: lnferior cavalvein
7: Leftureter iliacvein 8: Leftcommon
first day Lumbarlymph system,a-pX-ray,lymphography, vessels on feet medium vialymphatic infusion of contrast Bilateral 1: Rightlumbar trunk iliaclymphnodes 2: External
inguinal lymphnodes 3: Superficial vessels 4: Majoriliolumbar lymphatic
vessels 5: Afferent andefferentlymphatic inguinal lymphnodes of superficial
secondday Lumbarlymph nodes,a-p,lymphography, (paraaortic) lymphnodes 1: Lumbar iliaclymphnodes 2: Common
iliaclvmohnodes 3: External
lymphnodes 4: Superficial inguinal
(second day),andintravenous urography Lumbarlymphnodes,lateralX-ray,lymphography (paraaortic) 1: Lumbar lymphnodes 2: Common iliaclymphnodes
3: Pelvis of leftkidney 4: Pelvis of rightkidney
5: Leftureter 6: lliaccrest
Lumbarlymph nodes,axialCT,afterlymphography andperoralcontrast (preaortic) 1: Lumbar lymphnode 2: lnJerior cavalvein (paraaortic) lymphnodes 3: Lumbar
4: Smallintestine 5: Horizontal oartof duodenum 6: Abdominal aorta
7: Psoasmajor 8: Leftkidney lumborum 9: Quadratus
T]ROGENITALSYSTEM Kidney lJrinary bladder and urethra Male genital organs Female genital organs Pregnancy
7 B 9 10
11 T2
Urinarytract, a-pX-ray,i.v.urography contrast 15 minafterintravenous 1: 12thrib 2: Upperpoleof rightkidney 3: Pelvis of rightkidney 4: Lowerpoleof rightkidney 5: Rightureter
6: Renalpapillae 7: Fornix of minorcalvx 8: Minorcalices 9: Majorcalices 10: Pelvis of leftkidnev
(lateral major contour) 11:Psoas 12:Leftureter 13:Urinary bladder
Renalartery, a-pX-ray,arteriography
1: Arcuate arteries arteries 2: lnterlobular arteries 3: Interlobar
artery 4: Inferior suprarenal 5: Rightrenalartery 6: Segmental arteries
7: Rightureter
Kidneys,axialCT,afterintravenous and0eroralcontrast 1: Liver partof duodenum 2: Descending 3: Inferior cavalvein 4: Abdominal aorta 5: Renal sinus
6: Renal fascia 7: I2Ih nb partof diaphragm 8: Lumbar 9: Leftrenalvein 10: Rightrenalartery
11: Leftrenalartery 12:Descending colon 13: Pelvis of leftkidney
Kidneys,coronalMR,tt weighted recording 1 :R i b s 2: Liuer partof diaphragm 3: Lumbar gland 4: Rightsuprarenal 5: Renal cortex pyramids 6: Renal 7: Renal columns B:Ascending colon 9: Psoasmaior 0: Abdominal wallmuscles
12:Subcutaneous fat 13:Quadratus lumborum 14:Transversospinal muscles 15:lliaccrest 16:Gluteus medius 17:Alaof sacrum joint 1B:Sacro-iliac I9: Gluteus maximus 20: Piriformis 21:Spleen
Porironel fat
Rnlonin flovrrro nf nnlnn
23:Renal sinus 24: Pedicle of vertebral archL ll 25: Vertebral canal 26: Lamina of vertebral archL lll 27: Descending colon process 28: Transverse of L lll (facet)joint 29: Zygapophysial L lll L lV process 30: Spinous of L lV 31:Rectum
6 -7
8 q
section, US Kidney,oblique pyramid 4: Renal 5: Portalvein 6: lnferior cavalvein
wall 1: Anterior abdominal 2: Rightlobeof liver 3: Rightkidney
7: Hilumof rightkidney (lumbar) column B: Vertebral 9: Renal sinus
4 6
US section, Kidney,longitudinal 7: Rightkidney sinus 8: Renal pyramid 9: Renal
4: I2th nb 5: Acoustic shadow of rib margin of liver 6: Inferior
1: Abdominal wall 2: Rightlobeof liver 3: Diaphragm
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(renography), posterior view Kidneys,ee'Tc-hippuran, scintigraphy of ee'Tc-hippurate indicated afteri.v.injection Foursamplings at intervals i: Liver 2: Rightkidney
3: Leftkidney (usually morecranial thantheright) 4: Renalnelvis
5: Ureter 6: Urinary bladder
Urinarybladder,male, a-p,tiltedX-ray,i.v.urography 20 min after intravenous contrast partof ureter 1:Abdominal partof ureter 2: Pelvic 3: Apexof urinary bladder partof ureter 4: Intramural
5: lmpression of prostate 6: Fundus of urinary bladder 7: Transverse orocess of L V joint 8: Sacro-iliac
9: Lineaarcuata l0: lschial spine 11:Pubic symphysis
Urinarybladder,female,a-p,tiltedX-ray,i.v.urography 1: lmpression of uterus 2: Fundus of urinary bladder
3: Contours of trabecular muscle in bladder wall
4: lschial spine 5: Pubicsymphysis
X-ray, urethrography Urethra,male,oblique 1: Urinary bladder 2: lnternal urethral orifice partof urethra 3: Prostatic medium into 4: Overflow of contrast n r nv vc\ vt Uevt i r v,
o l a n 'dv vq
partof urethra lacunae l0: Urethral 5: Membranous fossa partof urethra in navicular l1: Balloon catheter 6: Spongious (verumontanum) 7: Siteof colliculus seminalis 8: Pubicsymphysis bulb 9: Urethral
(KCU), micturating kolpo-cysto-urethrography Urethra,female,lateralX-ray, bladder 1: Apexof urinary 2: Pubicsymphysis bone 3: Femoral 4: Urethra
5: Catheter tuberosity 6: lschial 7: Internal urethral orifice of bladder B: Trigone
fornixof vagina 9: Anterior fornixof vagina l0: Posterior partof cervix uteri 11:Vaginal 12:Yagina
Malepelvis,median MR T1 weightedrecording l: Promontory 2: Sigmoid colon 3: Rectus abdominis 4: Apexof urinary bladder 5: Urinary bladder 6: Internal orificeof urethra 7: Fundiform ligament of penis B:Pubicsymphysis
9: Corpus cavernosum 10:Tunica albuginea 1 1 :B u l bo f p e n i s 12:Bulbospongiosus muscle gland(Cowper) 13: Bulbo-urethral 14:Testis 15: Rectum 16:Ampulla of deferent duct
17: Prostate 18: Levator ani 19: Retropubic Retzii) space(cavum 20: Urogenital diaphragm 21:Analcanal 22: Sphinchter aniexternus, part subcutaneous
l3 14 15
4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 I2
16 I7 18 19 20 2I IZ
23 24
Male pelvis,axialMR T1 weightedrecording 1: Sartorius 2: lliopsoas 3: Rectus femoris 4: Vastus lateralis latae 5: Tensor fasciae 6: lliotibial tract 7: Femoral bone 8: lschial tuberosity
9: Quadratus femoris l0: Sciatic nerve 11:Gluteus maximus 12: lschiorecial fossa 13:Corpus cavernosum 14: Spermatic cord 15:Pubic symphysis 16:Femoral arteryandvein
17:Pectineus 1B:Adductor longus andbrevis I 9: Obturatorius externus 20: Obturatorius internus 21: Prostate 22: Levalorani 23: Rectum 24: Crenaani
Malepelvis,coronal MR T1 weightedrecording 1: lliaccrest 2: Psoasmajor 3: lliacus 4: Gluteus minimus 5: Gluteus medius 6: Acetabular rim 7: Femoral head B:Acetabular fossa
9: Obturatorius internus 10: Obturatorius externus 11:Inferior ramusof pubis 12:Adductor muscles 13:Gracilis 14: Leftcommon iliacvein 15:Sigmoid colon l6: Urinary bladder
17: Internal orificeof urethra 18: Prostate 19:Cruspenis 20: lschiocavernosus muscle 21: Bulbof penis 22: Bulbospongiosus muscle
Penisandscrotum,coronal MR T1 weightedrecording 1: Rectus abdominis 2: Pyramidalis muscle 3: Superficial inguinal lymphnodes 4: Spermatic cord 5: Scrotum
6: Septum of scrotum 7: Superficial vessels B: Suspensory ligament of penis 9: Deepdorsalveinof penis 10:Corpus cavernosum
1l: Deepfascia of penis 12:Corpus spongiosum 13: Epididymis 14:Testis
Penis,a-pX-ray,cavernosography plexus 1: Prostatic venous 2: Deepdorsalveinof penis
3: Septum of penis 4: Coroora cavernosa
5: Injection site 6: Pubicsymphysis
Penis,lateralX-ray,cavernosography i: Corpus cavernosum 2: Femoral head
3: Pubicsymphysis 4: Deepdorsalveinof penis
5: Emissary veinsof penis
4 5
US section, Prostate,tiltedtransverse wall l: Anterior abdominal 2: Urinary bladder
5: Rectum
3: Prostate vesicle 4: Seminal
US Testes, crosssection, (ventral) 1: Scrotum 2: Testis
of scrotum 3: Seotum 4: Epididymis
3 4 5
US Penis,crosssection, penis 1: Dorsum cavernosum 2: Corous 3: Sentrrm of nenrs
4: Corpus spongiosum 5: Urethra 6: Testis
7: Septum of scrotum shadow 8: Artefactual
(HSG) Uterus,a-pX-ray, hysterosalpingography 1: Fundus of uterine cavity 2: Uterine cavity ("lower 3: lsthmus uterine segment") 4: Palmate foldsof cervix
5: Canalof cervix(dilated andstretched) 6: Infundibulum of uterine tube 7: Ampulla of uterine tube 8: lsthmus of uterine tube
9: Uterine ostiumof uterine tube I O' Ppcfpn nf nrrhic
1 1 :T u b e
Femalepelvis,median MR T1 weightedrecording 1: Intervertebral disc 2: Rectus abdominis 3: Promontory 4: Sigmoid colon 5: Uterus pouch 6: Vesico-uterine 7: Apexof urinary bladder 8: Wallof urinary bladder 9: Posterior fornixof vasina
10:Vagina 11: Internal orificeof urethra 12:Pubic symphysis 13:Urethra 14:Clitoris 15:Vaginal orifice l6: Perineum i7: Dural sacwithcauda equina 18:Sacral canal
pouch(fossaDouglasi) 19: Recto-uterine 20: Rectum 21: Lumbar aponeurosis covering sacralhiatus 22: Coccyx 23, Levatorani 24: Analcanal 25: Sphinchter aniexternus
(HSG) Uterus,a-pX-ray,hysterosalpingography 1: Fundus of uterine cavity 2: Uterine cavity ("lower 3: lsthmus uterine segment") 4: Palmate foldsof cervix
5: Canalof cervix(dilated andstretched) 6: Infundibulum of uterine tube 7: Ampulla of uterine tube 8: lsthmus of uterine tube
9: Uterine ostiumof uterine tube 10:Pecten of pubis 1 1 :T u b e
Femalepelvis,median MR T1 weightedrecording 1: Intervertebral disc 2: Rectus abdominis 3: Promontory 4: Sigmoid colon 5: Uterus pouch 6: Vesico-uterine 7: Apexof urinary bladder 8: Wallof urinary bladder 9: Posterior fornixof vasina
l0: Vagina l1: Internal orificeof urethra 12:Pubic symphysis I3: Urethra l4: Clitoris 15:Vaginal orifice 16:Perineum 17:Dural sacwithcauda equina 18:Sacral canal
pouch(fossaDouglasi) 19:Recto-uterine 20: Rectum 2I: Lumbar aponeurosis covering sacralhiatus 22: Coccyx 23: Levator ani 24: Analcanal 25: Sphinchter aniexternus
I 3 4
US section, Uterusand ovaries,transverse wal, 1: Anterior abdominal 2: Artefacts in lumenof bladder 3: Urinarv bladder
7: ]varianfollicles
4: Uterine tube uteri 5: Corous 6: Ovary
1 I
4 6
US Uterus,longitudinal section, 1: Fundus of uterus lininguterine cavity 2: Endometrium uteri 3: Corpus
4: Cervixuteri pouch(fossaDouglasi) 5: Recto-uterine 6: Urinarv bladder
7: Yagina
US Embryon,5 weeksgestationalage, transvaginal 1: Embryon 2: Yolksac
("gestation sac") 3: Extraembryonic coelom 4: Decidua
5: Probein vagina 6: Uterus
3 4
Embryon,7 weeksgestational age,transvaginal US 1: Bodystalk 2: Embryon 3:Yolksac
4: Extraembryonic coelom("gestation sac") 5: Decidua 6: Probein vagina
7: Uterus
Embryon,7 weeksgestationalage, transvaginal US 1: Myometrium 2: Decidua 3: Probe in vagina
4: Extraembryonic coelom 5: Yolksac 6: Vitello-intestinal duct
7: Embryon
4 5 6
Embryon, 8 weeksgestational age,transvaginal US 1: Headof embryon t 2: Pericardial swelling , 3' Tail
4: Amniotic cavity 5: Amniotic membrane
(CRL= 17 mm) 7: Crown-rump length
1 Z
US Embryon,8 weeksgestationalage, transvaginal 5: Neck of brain 6: Ventricles
3: Rump 4: Trunk
1: Upperlimbof embryon 2: Lowerlimbof embryon
US Fetus,12 weeksgestationalage,transabdominal 5: "Crown" (CRL= 50 mm) length 6: Crown-rump
3: Placenta 4: Faceof fetus
1: Lowerlimbof fetus 2: Rump
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US Fetus,12 weeksgestationalage,transvaginal ,'
1: Yolksac coelom 2'.Extraembryonic
cavitY 4: Amniotic of brain 5: Ventricles A.
(BPD= 17 mm) diameter /: Bioarietal
US Fetus,12 weeksgestationalage, transvaginal 1:Placenta
canal 2: Vertebral
3: Trunkof fetus
US Fetus,L2 weeksgestationalage, transvaginal 3: Head cord 4: Umbilical
US age,transabdominal Placenta,12 weeksgestational cord 1:Umbilical 2: Placenta
basalis 3: Decidua 4: Myometrium
cavity 5: Amniotic
US Fetus,18 weeksgestationalage, transabdominal 1: Falxcerebn
(BPD= 42 mm) 2: Biparietal diameter
US Fetus,18 weeksgestationalage, transabdominal i: Limbs
2: fhorax(crosssection)
3: Heart
age,transabdominal US Fetus,18 weeksgestational 1: Backof fetus 2: Vertebral canal
3: Vertebral column 4: Abdomen of fetus
US Fetus,20 weeksgestational age,transabdominal l: Nose 2: Maxilla
5: Thorax 6: Neck
3: Occiput 4: Umbilical cord
13 I4 15
r6 I7
1B 19
10 11 T2
Fetus,18 weeks,CRL= 140 mm, stillborn, a-pX-ray 1: Anterior fontanelle vertebra 2: Archof secondcervical (ossification center) vertebra 3: Bodyof second cervical (ossrfication center) 4: Fifthrib vertebra 5: Archof 12ththoracic (ossification center) \ \
vertebra 6: Bodyof 12ththoracic (ossification center) 7: llium 8: Pubis (diaphysis) 9: Femur 10:Fibula 11:Tibia(diaphysis) 12: Metatarsals
13:Clavicle process 14:Coracoid 15:Scapula (diaphysis) 16: Humerus 17:Phalanges 18: Metacarpals 19:Radius 20: Ulna
.M R . Ultrasound . Scintigraphy
22 28 4l 47
. . . .
Larynx Pharynx Axial CT:series Thyroidgland
260 261 262 271
Upper limb . . . . . . . o
Shoulderand upperarm Elbow Forearm Wrist and hand Axial CT-series Hand development,boys Hand development,girls Arteries and veins
55 6l 64 67 68 74 78 83
Lower limb . . . . ' . . .
Pelvis HiP Thigh Knee Leg Ankle and foot Arteries and veins Lymphatics
88 90 94 96 t06 il0 |7 t20
. . . . . . .
Thoraciccage Thorax Axial CT-series Heart and great vessels Coronary arteries Oesophagus Breast
274 276 278 3tl 3t8 323 324
Abdomen . . . . . . . . . . .
Axial CT-series Malepelvis Femalepelvis Stomach Smallintestine Colon and rectum Biliarytract Liverand pancreas Spleen Arteries and veins Lymphatics
329 342 346 351 352 353
35s 356 359 360 365
Spine . Cervicalspine . Thoracicspine . Lumbarspine
t22 t28
Head . . . . o . o . . .
Skull Coronal CT-series Ear,axial CT-series Orbita Paranasal sinuses Coronal CT-series joint Temporomandibular Teeth Salivaryglands Arteries of neckand face
144 t48 t54 t59 t60 162 166
r68 t7l t72
Brain . . . . . o . .
Axial CT-series Axial MR-series Coronal MR-series SagittalMR-series MR angiography series Arteries and veins CT angiography Brain.newborn
r83 204 233 244 248 252 254
Urogenital system . . . . .
Kidne)r Urinary bladderand urethra Malegenitalorgans Femalegenitalorgans Pregnancy
368 369 373 377 378