AMERICAN EAGLES ircraft of the same modet alld conflguratioll are ollly visually dlstillgulshable by Ihe markillgs carried, this pailltwork servillg to provide
individual/dent/lies and, in
tbe case oJ 111illtary ",aeb/lles, oftell ullil asslgllmellt alld lactical markillgs, Additiollalf.n unofficial adornments are also sometimes applied by ANOI'E' Only a handl'ulo(MlftWlp.., I~ j5.\nl FG ~co;I:t.m ~ p>.inl.~'I\iIlWnbnna"~ P-510 Pnulnlff ·'b(~"'~2111 Ul.() bnnIt_ operatillg personnel. The MlChaircran_hMd
The Author wishes to thank the (ollowing individuals for their generous help in prOVIding material, information and other assistance for this monograph: T Bell, Marl< Copeland, Graham Cross, R Gorsline, Steve Gotts, Marc Hamel, M Havelaar, Bill Hess, A Krieger, R Kuhnert, Ian Mactaggart, Dick Martin, Merle Olmsted, Michael O'Leary, Peter Randall, Bruce Robertson, R Saffro, T Smith, Sam Sox Jr, G Weckbacher, J Weidmann, R Williams
Anyone seeking further information on Individual Eighth Air Force P·51 identities IS recommended to visit Peter Randall's website: www.UWeFriends.co.uk First pt.Clbhed 2003 LSBH l903223199
rn.''4d. No ~1 01 thts book may be reproctuoed 0( transmltteclln any fOfm Of by ant means. electTonc Of rnec:MnalI ~ ~ (W by any InformatJon ltora&e and retrieval system wtthout tram the Pubbhef Itl wrtm&.
o Aoter Fr.,..,..., 2003 o ~ Ntwotk ....., I.aa1ref 2003 Proo.ced bJ Owwon ~ l.JmIted Prc,ea EdIlDr. TOI"IY Hc*nes
e- ........ _""CoIon_oes.cn
. , ~ of len ~ ~ Ud. Hetsharn. &Krey KT12 4RG
Pr'wQd by .... Alan
VIM . .
Pr1rlbn& ltd.
~. Sw"rey KT12 ARC
a..c ~ webMe. www.eJaI,~.co.uk
Roger A Freeman, Janua~,' 2003
2 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the ElgJlth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives
nauonal InSignia on USMF" Merl~ MustangS was cons,slent lhrCll.JChout the proctuctJon runs at both North Arl"IeOcan Avlauon taetOfIes prodUCII''I P-51s. apart Irom the odd deYlalIOn In apphcatlon. The standard InSignia Blue (Shade 47) was noueeably l.ghter on some alrcratt. and
Mustq. lOdi5PUtably one of the most successful aircraft of the 5econd WOf1d War,
this was believed due to a V8I1atJOl"l In paint manufaeture. Individual &lrcraft data - model. serial number. crew weight and fuel-serVICmg - was applied In black 1 112'1nch and Inch high block characters on the lett side of the tuselage Just forward ot
was ~ as a ~ sl~seat fighter. The deSign originated 'rom an approach In 1940 by the Bntlsh Purchasing CommIssion to NOfth American Aviation Inc 10 build Curtlss P-40s under licence. North Amcncan, offenng to produce 8 boner design WithIn an
the cockpit as standard USAAF practice, The sertal number. less the leading 4 and hyphen, was repeated on both sides of the fin and rudder. Originally known as the 'radio call' numbel'. and providing a more visual version of the serlal. It later became generally known sImply as the 'lall
eltCepOOnally shaft lime span, completed the prOtotype (designated the NA-73) in just 100 days. \'uth fiJ"o'OUf8tlk! approval 'rom the BrItish purchasers. the NA-73 was put Into production 8S the Mustang I. the first productJon dehvenes betng made late tn 1941.
As the US Army A4r Corps considered production of the Mustang .foreign buslI"less'. I we IftteteSt was sho¥on. apart from the 8CQUISllJOn of two expenmental exarn!*s that were gM!n the ~ XP-51. Ent~ Royal Au Force (RAF) serw::e earty ~n 1942. the Mustar'l& ....as employed as a tactJcaf re<:onnalssance figtltef tOt direct support of Wound forces. AIthol.Ch the type I'\ed an ~ t bfHevel perf~. Its AIlI$Ol"l et'lI'ne lacked the necessary suPerChat~ tot ma.n~ tun powet' at tugh allrtUdes. As good hlgr..altltude performance "as 1JTIC)er8lM! for successful COl'T'lbat WIth the current enemy rCJ'lter types encountered OYer north-west Europe 8t this date. the Mustang was rele&8ted to the kJw.4evel taetic81 role, where ItS exceplJonaI endUrance prayed a boon.
AIthou&7l the RAF had no pressing requirement for a !onC.f8nge fighter In
1942. primarlly at the lnSbg8l1on of ROIls-Royce. a handful of Mustang Is had Merlin efl&lnes Installed for ~tal purposes. With the Merlin
60 seoes ~ne. the Mustana's hlgtHlttltude performance pr~ outstandtng. Ieacbng to the Installauon of similar model Packard-buitt o\1ertIns on the Muslq produc;tJon lIneS durlng 1943. To keep the productJon hne5 open after the first BnUSh purehases of Mus~ had been 5UPI)&ed. the UnIted States Atmy AM Forces (USMF) placed Ofder$ tOf IIJTlIted numbers ot ~ P-Sl models, notabfy the P-51A and A-36A. the latter be... a dfYe.bOmber ~ at the former. Influenced by RAF~. the USMF consKIered the type a laCtJCal fiCt4et that was to be em~ Il'I fChtef-bornber Of tighter-i'econnalSsante r~, The flf'St prodlcbon Merlln·powered Muslar'CS. desCnated the P·51B. were also to be assigned to taet.lCal fet'Jtef unrts when sent to the UK Il'I the auturM ot 1943 At thts time. WIth the EJghth AJr Force's daylrght bombing C¥I'lpalgn ~n trlsls due to heavy 1OS:56. the need fOf a lOng-nJnge fighter escort was ImperatNe. However. the first P·51Bs had been sent to the N,nth Alr Force. tasked 'WIth givl:ng t8CtJCal air support to the tand fOfces in the forthcomlllC Ctou-Channel ~1On of Europe, As soon as the Eighth Alr Force became 8W8Ie of the MuSt8nC's potentJal as alOrl&~ fighter. It was wven prIorlty tOf the type. .... Ith Internal fuet tankaee IMf1I the P-518 a 4OOml5e radIus of 8CUOrl. and 'WIth lIUJUlllVy ·drop· tanks extendInI lhls to rNfI( 600 tTltJes. the MustarC at last offered the means of prowlnC escorl tor EH 7s and 8-24s to and from IJt'rY contlnerlt8t weat lhey m'iM attlleX. Of the NIl"Ith Ail Force's three P·S18I1QUPS. one was uaotSferred to the ElItlth In exchan&e for • P-47 &rOUP and the OCher two flew l.Wlder vm F'Chter Convnanc:I conl101 tor some months By Febr'*Y 1944 VIII fi&tlter Command had plans to COf'IIIel't 811 of Its P·38lChtnIrC and P47 ThLIl'Ic:lerbolt lTou~ to P·5ls. but the prOCfaTme toc* 11 months to complete. such was the detMnd from 0Chet theatres of "'1It for the Mustane-
number'. Painted In k:\entlflC8tlOO YellOw (shade 48). the numerals were elghllncheS high.....Ith two-lnch spacing. With fTv&
1UG1".t.\OIJELQil ThroM -.kit,oorW
two Inches belOw 8 line taken Irom the bottom of the rudder trim tab. The mstonty of Instruc:tlOr\al rnarturcs were In black inch hegh characters. a notable the No Step WIth the redl-shaped device on the uppersurtace of the left flap by the WIng root faln~
excep{1Ofl being
Ow ~"uh K. bri>n:' ,,~
r>pc1'Iuor.....'C'R' .....)IIOIoqU3Oron
l'OOJn.'fh<'w ..·... R' .. hue: ~,.u 2' lndK~ ~ ... llhlhc:..qUJ01ron
wdc:r.--udof'hc: --.wW ilbqll\d mil lbc:inlll.khUlpllnC'-m"'fUoIdNnlo:un-litThc: -naa~InGQo.\1
The 354th Fighter Group The first of the three Ninth Alr Force groups to be eQuipped wrtll the P·51B. the 354th Fighter Group (FG) arrived In the UK at the begmning of November 1943, Its personnel had trained mostly on P-39 Alracobras. and few If any had flown P-51s In the USA, as had the ptlolS of the fOllowlO& &1oups, the 357th and 363rd. wtllch arrived at the end of the year, The 354tJ'1. upon receiving its first aircraft crt Greentlam Common. In BerkShlfe. rTlOYed dunng the second week of November to Boxted. near Colchester In Es5eJl. 'Ntuch became rts combat statton.
c"v .."hc:nthu f'hoXOlcnph"bu.l.", on lbc: BIUIN nYm nlCI"7\ on 1'\ l)c:oc:c:mbC'f
19-t ~ 1lJu
"''\I'' ..,»lhc'~
.-om of U ctunn
(oUmm, .. holhc:~
.. uuldJ'ftl'Cblm:Ulhc: 1lN\llbl<&~lII«lnlhc:
\Io.o.to(hb .w;torio "'n'C' obUlnc:d tn,bln~ .arcntt~C'\J(OQ-\
nJlC"Idc:nt'll~ "'n'C' hUlTilc:dl) Mldtd,
lbc'pbot."ptItlllhr UtI'oho-"hr
oIomcn... ~of~ l'riIoQ .. 'tR'not;ahl7)~ lI\lc:Wlbrdt~u.'C'
By mid-NoYemt>er
The first UK arrivals Eatty prodt.Jct)on P·S1Bs were Inttlally shipped 10 the UK dunn& 5ePlember.october 1943. and -ete ~ to eQt,lIP Ihtee Ninth AJr Force fChter aroups. As receiVed. the MustanCS were pcwtted In the then .tandard USMF
scheme of Dark OlIVe Drab (shade 41)
uppetSUftacn WId Gllrf (Made 43) Irtdet'SUffacn. The .ptMer was o.n OlIVe Drab. £Mfy producbon ..,Ctal'l featuted the fll'lt vefSlOtl at the '.tat WId bet· Muon" IMcnaa with • ted surrCU'ld. but most ..rcraft thM reached the UK had the blue SUfround. Of had th.. ~
e-nted befOl'e rNChll'll ~OM. On the fusetaIe. the dlImelef of the central btue dlK w,th the wt'lrte ~ was JO 1I"IChes. centred 36 ItlCI'IeS for..-ard of .tatlOtl 248 {reat of the tad'atOf MdIOfl On the UOP8f 'eft WId lower SUffacet the naflOt"l8llOSll"" 'Wat centred on .ut.lOl"l 186. klcM.ed .. the outwatd end of the tnm tab. and approXImately 55 1111nChe. from the oP The ~ of the centr81 ckMce 'Was 35 Inche•. The ~ttIOntnc and .Ile of the
rem" rc
syslem of uM mat1lings had been
devlsed whereby the 8Ircraft of the group's 353l'd. 355tJ'1 Mld 356th FSs would be ldentlfte
the 355th', GQ and the 356th's AJ.
4 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
As WIth the USAAf"s 11-47 Thunderbolts lIlat were alread)' operatIng In the UK, the Mustang'S
t\l£h block caPItals forward of the natlonallnsrg,n18 on both SIdes of the fusetaee. On Mis. the honzontal panel line above the bat of the natlOtlal lI'\SCnt8. and extendu'l& forward belOw the cockpit edie. 'Was used as the upPer limit in the ~ 01 the squadron letters. The indMc:tlJlW P!8ne-4n-sQUaC!ron letter was usually placed wnh the forward edge dose to 'tabOo 248 on both ~s ot the fuselage. Uf\It letters were pcl.Itlted If'I white 24-4nch
M,r~ the concern that the Thundefbott would be mIStaken rot the Fw 190 because of ,ts radaaI~. there was a belief that a ft&tltet' WIth SQU8fft cut Wing tips migJ\t be erroneously ldenllfied as a Bf 109. ~ e number of lnterQepllons of P·S1s by P-47 and P-38 ptlots in the ~ foItowvc the 354th's ....lrOduc:tJon to combat operaUOtlS Oller enemy tefntory. type ldentJty ~s 'lIlefe lntIoduced !WI'lIl.ar to those used by AM Mustqs In 1942. As ....Ith ThundetboIls. 'NhIte bandIrc was applied to nose and tal swfaces. and addIttonalIy .-olrId each 'lfWY'C. Issued on 20 Dec:etnber 1943. the ordef specified the fOl~ apphcatJon In wtvte: IX'opeIet $pIl"net and a l2tnch wide bend ~ the nose dtre<:tIy aft; a 12.ft:h -:Ie hOrUontaI bind IWOU'W:t the !'in and f1.Iddet. ""M the toP edge 18 InCheS below the l'in tip: a 15-rch "". . band MOU'ld each tal/ptane, centred 33 n::hes from the lIPS: and a 1~ ww:te band around each ""... ~ 15 tt from the tips, ""lth the IMef edIe n.rwq 8fC8In$t the tnalI"l 'Nheel ~. some at the appIcatJon WOl1I was performed '1')o(he.1'leld' by seMOe squadrons, most was ca-ned C)U( 8( Base AN Depots before the am::taft 'IrI'ere I$sued to front line lrits.
Silver Mustangs
~ USMF dirlllCtNe to manufacturers to dlSCOfltJnue eatr'IOUfIaee PBlnt was effected on the 770th P-518 IWtrame (senaJ 43-7083) at In&Jewood. C8l1fomUt, in December 1943. On thiS and 8fI ~ atrcnlft, the \all number was painted In black. An area forward 01 the wtndstueld ~ forward to the SJ)llYIel" was paIfIted oIr.oe drab as an anti-glare measure. A second source of Mer1Ln Mu5tane production, astebllshed in Dallas, Texas, In 1943,
cornrnenced delNel1es of P-51C models, whICh ......ere VIrtually IdentJcal to P·51Bs, In November
IJEJ..fA ..'DULffr
lIn.-J"*In ......h
-.J bl'm d••uJft-.nl
bid dim: l'IftLwn on Ihc I\Mkr MXI 6Jur on
QPL"'"-lIliIlhltlbt dilltl'CDC~_
-.J .....krnt~ "'''hlhrw~
... _'" takd
mum '"-
9ltR I'HI
of that year. The first 200 P·SICs were accePted by the USAAF In a camouflage finiSh Dar1l ()INe Ofeb uppersurfaces and Neutral Gray undersurfaces, WIth tail numbers in yellOw, With the delivery of Blrcraft senal 42-103179, camoutJaee finish was ab8ndoned and tall numbers were applied in black.
effect when painted onto a 'silver' P-Sl. Code letters were also paInted In black on bare metal finishes when these aIrcraft reached squadrons The first 'silver' Mustang to reach a combat unit In the UK was P·51B-l senal 43-12437. 'fttlJch was declared unsUItable for combat use, and thereafter used for operational tr8lmr~ by the 354th FG at Boxted. thIS parbC\Jlar Mustenc'S camouflage pCMt had been ren'lOY'e(j by groundcrewmen of the 356th FS at the filhter station early In February 1944, but shortly afterwards, on 10 March, the war-weary mactllne was destroyed In a fatal crash.
nt L()III.
.~'nh f(,
.~~ppnI.1lh \l~ ... bik
The First Eighth Air Force Mustangs
)UlJllnnl.u Ib>don in "utIoIk. ... IltlIfUtft-ol
The first Mustang obtalfle(l by the EIghth AIr Force was an RAf Mar1l; I In 'IWtl1Ch Rolls-Royce had ~nst8l1ed a Mertln er"C.Ine, 5eflt to Bovlngdon, in Hertfordshlre. for evaluatIOn by VIII fi&11ter Commaf1cfs ";r TechniCal SectJon, It was given a standard USAAf camouf\age scheme of ()1M! Drab and NewaI Grey and later the white type ICIentJty bands as well. Powered by a Mer11n 65 and deslgl\ated 8 Mustane X, the (ehter's RAf seoaI (AM121) was painted on the fin In USMF fashIOn, and the code VQ-R was applied on the fuselage In wt\lte. The first EIghth Air Force P·51B fJ&hter group, the 357th, was obt81ned from the Nlflth Air Force in an excharCe for the P-47'-8q\,lIpped 3S8th FGthe two groups exchan&ed bases at the end of January 1944, the 357th mcMn& trom R8)'don to Lelston (both In Suffolk) and the 358th the reverse. At this time, the 354th FG. wtllch had flown Its first combat mISSion on 1 December
fromlhtU41hf(. P'i18 n'('~\1 ...~ vi the' tina rndonI
1943, was stdl operatll'\& under VUl AiNer Command control, and continued to do so for
some time
to come. The 357th FG Mustangs did not join the 354th on combat mIssions until 11 February 1944.
The tad numberS of the first three blocks of P-SICs were of seven dl<s. four being painted on the fin and three on the rudder. SpacIng between the numerals was one Inch. With a later batch of P-51Bs havitlf, seveo-dtglt tall number$ (althou&h four fieures were painted on the fin
and three on the rudder, as ""rth the p-Sle). the spaclna between the figures was two Inches. As P-SICs had a dc:M'rwated en&Ine, most of the Dallas-be,1I1t aIrcraft were supplied to taetkal reconf\8lssance unrt.s
The 8trtval of P-51Bs In natural metaJ finish in Februaty 1944 led to type identity martlll"llS be.,.. ordered In black. Meanwhile. adverse reports 01 the wMe band bteakltlC up the dlstlnctMl 1qU8(&<:ut Shape of the Mustane's tad - an Important recocrllUOfl feature - led to an order iSsued on 23 MarCh 1944 requu'N'C the rerno¥8l of \his band. However, thtS only applied 10 Musuncs ll"I canounace (1I\l$h. and the bt8ck band contItlUed to be applied to the fin and rudder of ur'lp8Inted ..retatL It IS asSl.med that thts rner1unC did not have the same Visually dlS{up\Ne
.&ppnr> to MT Iud
.~'~Ih K.;."~
ph<)lOIU'l'~m ~bnu.., I~'
~vllt."JMI'II"tt f\lllllc."IJbbo..ll~
etu..month-e-"n1I flP\to:r..qwoJn",.
UfU.f'Pr'."NI'lO.l'(" ~"'---.moJtM
poarU("ubl"UlUIb Iq'I(InN til lu.TluoJ
....Ih,TGo.l'IlIlO'C'" ... h&k ....-....Irl ~wth<.lI-
......... The 3S7ttf, trio of
squadron, - the
362nd, 363n:1 and 364th FSs -
were ident1f\ed by the
c:odes G4, B6 and CS respectrvety. TheM loWlltS were amc:lfC the first USAAf squadrons to be issued ....,th SO 110 ~r Mlnl!WY c:odeS ¥Itl1Ch It'lOOl"POftlted • numeral and • letter Ir'\Stead of two letters. Thl' ehqe .....s brooCht 8bovt by the Iar&& I'lUT\bef of ne'tfIt squadrons enter-. semoe ""Ith both the RN and USAAf In the UK, e.tJ\8USllnC the ~18bIe tweHe.ttef comblnatl(M"ls. The 3S7th FG', squadron. parnted u..r codes and lndMduel ..rcqft letters If'l slInder we and p1ecemeot to 3~th FG Mint.,....
MU't8t'C'""th unit
.sscnment In the ETO.
the process estebltShed • •tandard
tor ...
P·51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
'lImL nOABOI"l"
Comtlk .1'b.mbo,'2f\th ,k,,-unlro p..~IB
p..,sl8-5-HA 43-6437 of the 335th FS/4th FG, DebcMn, M.,ch 1944 Painted In the standalrd ftnish for P..si1.s priof to the InttoductJon of briCht cokHlr maritJncs. tNs akcraft was one of the orf&lnal complement Merlin Mustane- received by the 4th FG • Debden In lata February 1944. Upon Its .nh·... 43-6437 was Immedlate'Y Kqulred by the croup commandlnc offker. U Col Donald Blakeslee. a. hi. petS0n.8l al,craft. It wa. ~ his favoured code mattdn&s wo.c. the C standlnl for 'ChJef CooJ\', taken from the )oYlaf KCoIade bestowed by the RAF on someone who was InYOfved In all matte,. or , ..ponslbillty. 'chlef cook and bottle washer'. Don Blakeslee t.ptac:ed thl. aircraft with new rnetaI f'lnWl P-518 42-106726 In m~Apftl1944. and 43-6437 wa. In tum ,e-eoded WD-V end used by other pikJU. It crashed In France att., beln, hit by &round tit. whilst sttaftnc on 7 AUCUSt that NIne )'Ut. pilot Sydney Wadsworth belnc mlKkl _ PoW.
By February 1944 the EJgtnh An Force. havlng secured pnOflty lOf Merlln-po'WCred P-Sls, 'lfWas pr~parlng to convert frve P-47 groups to the type, st8ftlng 'WIth the 4th FG at Debden, The
elM Jltht
group's CO. It Col Don BlaJteslee. t\ad been loaned to the 354th FG to lead Its introductory
mlSS!OM. He t\ad been so taken 'lfWlth the Mustanl', potential that he persuaded Maj Gen
fV~'\'kh f(, ttM .-cntt r.u-.nl nw
shed Its P-47"Of P·5ls
""""''P .... npr.J11 .Ibutoclbrntu. . ..._ . . MO _ _
ttl .. d'lc 11111,111.11
.......... M
-_ ---
lJwaJf"nl .. o..- uI I"~""'"
from.l 8nCWI
\Iafdm Tk
~ bit ...
. . .I....-c;~
Ildirwd to be' rnI 111;0
....... ...
.unnJ 1obru'lR.... W_1I twnnl ~ blod 01 rnJ -.l.tIoI~ tbr,;~unhoth
....... llIlbir noM: tono .... tbc'alulroC lIWu. .d juhn (iodfft') .ooulknl\nr, u (oC'fllok).I1lpIWI,1ud J"'rrubr~
In bl..'
<Ju!'k...1_0CI""-.u ~'l)llulbotb
-_. --
.......... cr--..II
pInI 1.fllobntal..-.
to let the
4th FG be the first to
th.. ~mhdll..hmcnl "''"
I"kr;llt'db)-hlll.hn ,"nlnWld TI'C' bo:dlljt n~IIl(I("'.;o,,'lhc
uo"ffltbJ cmbkm of tbc' IIh H,
A vahd point II'l 01 the 4th was that M\"eral of Its PI'ots were ex-RAF 'Eagle SQuadron' men ....00 h«I Mef11n efl&IOe ~xpenence tlylnc $pItfires (see Atnonc8n flWles 1: American
~teetS II'l the RAT 1937-1943). ~ flChter &roup undeft()()t( lts first operatIOn WItll Mustangs on 25 February 1944 ~ron code mar1on&S rema.ned as C8fned on the P-47s. With the 334th we and the 336th VF. The second Thu'1derbott group to convert to the Mustanc.. the 355th FG. became operaoonllin Mowetl1944 Its UVee t!ylng UI'\Its wer~ the 354th. 351lh and 358th FSs. 'IfW th codes WR. OS and YF respec1Nery.
FS UWC QP. the 335ttl
II/C.'" Thnc bbo.k . . . . tul~)""";l.-e.u .,mhlohMIImal Itl"'LIlI ...C'lJc-.uI )Mw...
1\-()'WlIIQP-\1i ullhe ,HlhtVitb tf. - tbc' bthnS ."" ......u
.,th ~he,
pl. .. Tbr,.ldc 1C'1Icn
IZ Dn:..-.n I'HI
Commanding General of VIII F'tChter Command,
"ArVI durll'llt lhe t>nl ,,!'NIlIe' 'urpci"njU)
.am Kepner.
to paint the noses
IOtW In fOOOYwlfl,
surt. end by earty March the 4th Fe 'Was palrrure the spuv'Ier$ end nose band or Its Mustangs
'1o'dl .... _ . . . , ""'II:bff.Io
of ItS aircraft In a different colour for each SQUIldron. Other f.ghter Units were not
lIb 1<•
JII.... Nulodn..t) 'doul!) Ih~ 0lMn
Early ... February 1944. the P-4 7~Ipped 56th FG had recerved
~\hcb ~
• . . . . ~I0 .... C'1,..,t) _lh.. ~ntIlu.C' 1IocnI,.....LNlIut.llh Nk.. \l,N.I,,«
... IoO\CI"nu ..." \Uo.LtkI.l..lt1\rld.ln
"'obnd on
~ \~
flo ... " I"l JIll'lIUOd ltnIInttao;rLl'nnk
scarleL A few 357th FG P·S1s were also reported .... Ith yenow noses and bright coklurs SUTIllar In style to the mar1
P'i18IW>l419QPUul the- \.~llh Nlth F(. • .... ptlolollnf'hcd .II 1)ChdC'nlon 1~,"'rwt1 19-Illlx- -m;ill.hllC' «to\) ... ho\T lhe "'lflS. ruolintht':llntlullhe .l1n.l':Iflll.l.'lutI .. ru-'C'l.qtC'l.InL in".lllnl
if 8 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives • un
........ -~
"tr:.'WlID..oo..'('dup .riI~\Cd'C'du\
olt\ToJnbUknlhi, rnoc/JfV~tI''''\11t
-4\-().Il)l1lw:.hilcl'\n mdNdok'rual baIlrJ ~nt.bttnJWIICN
OUIdnt*,..",t'lnnIt \b\19-IIAnI~
p1mo-.lfootht ....looo:
Iud.ullwhc' eumpk11'4.
("ITnCWlh ITtn\Tlht
!UmC'.a.. _/"-r 1lw:t"Oi.klnlltnn [ ~Tbbd.OlA
1bo:'onhl"n .. 1lh OmnIlC.Mn;udx' ttlnltUh on t}unt
N l..l()..frilA 42-1"72 of the 504th FS/339th Fa, Fowlmer., M.y 1944 Ap,trt from . . . . . .tty Ollv. er.b P-S18. used fOf tllllnlnc. the 339th FG was the ft,.t metat "nWl Motanp. to Luther L COfbin. 42·106672 anio,-d onty • Iohort In the front line. On 18 May 1.944. Harvey R Waymlr• •at flr'nc It when the lI&1It.". encJne r.lled. fofclnc him to belly land In a whut nea, Chedbu,.,.. airfield. Suftotk - ... the cent,. photocraPfl on ~. 8. The PS1 wu so bIlclly damaced In the lMdlnc tMt It wa. dec.larod tit only fof ..tv. . . .
croup to be completely equipped wtth
so the blue palntwork was extended back to a pc>lnt approXimately half\o.ay below the el\l\aUSt stackS and then swept up M(I back to the alrcraft·s wIndshield. Must~s of the 352ncl FG "",ere first used on a combat miSSion on 8 Apnl1944 Squadron COCIes were PE for the 328th FS. PZ for the 486th and HO lor the 487th.
'~I I'D/JET 'houH'J!hl(.P'Iltk Ih.ottwlo~bdwdln \l~ur
The 359th Fe at East Wrethem.ln Norfolk. ~",U8Uy used 8 bnght apple ween for the sPinner and nose band 8S hed been previously employed on tts p·.Us. However. 'NhCn the SQuadron's complement of aircraft 'NBS predOOllnently In bare melal finIsh, a dar1ler shade 01 green carne Into use. The 36l$t and 339th FG, conformed to the nose colour d,rectlOns. With the laltQf haw." en o'iht-lnch wide fed band cnclTchna the spmner approXImately an Inch forward of the propel!ef bl8des. The rem8ll''lder of the spinner wa, paInted wtute. The 3S9th FG fJew Its first P·S1 mlssiOO on 5 May. and the COOIng of Its 368th. 369th and 370lh FSs was tv. rv and CS. respcctrvely. The 3615t FG. based at Bolh5ham. In Carnbf1Cllestllre, became operational with Mustangs on 12 May. and Its 374th. 375th and 376th FSs were ldefltlf.ed by codes B7. E2 and E9 respectNety. AU frve groups COl"IYf!f"tirc to P-51s in the first half of 1944 used the seme squadron codes as had been earned on their P-47,. The 339th FG, compnsed of the 503rd. 504th and 50Sth FS """th SO 110 codes 07. SQ and 6N. respectively. flew Its first miSSfOn from Fo¥I1mere. In carntlnd&eShire. on 30 Apnl 1944
«...:in Ir" u l()(...,..l ..... II'{_'tIc' "-IWf'md1Qq tl-IIIt'('~l''''... 1ht 'WIIIII f 1lw: lwld qI m1.-l.tw,.. 1l'w'l;~"M1r'dlnplknJW1ll'''' _ _ D"
.......nhr·.. ~I,.."h.".I1:.J ~ planJ4Itnut In ,,,... ofthe' " ' - . . . . ~.hl... '\QQhaothr"oin tin,,""", mS.-d~ _hto(
HI UN In I.li... \tn l"hllhrfIN '''11)
Il'IIlI.k'h ,,~d'l
IhrlTO \u,,-nt" lkU'l'ftnl on lUlunl mon.aI fin."'" hul neh -b..... 'nS\MUhIW'lUl ~ ~ I.....
thc- .....II\"IJ'II.........lIlht" ............ U>C"l11lM'JWW'I ~_
Concern IIbout the consptCUOUsneu of unplllnted &i1craft led VIII Fllf'lt~ Command to edv1se Its fChtef IfOUPi Itl May 1944 to ~ patt1{J;
c.novftIrCe 'ChtefS
to the uPOef$Uflaces of front line
It WM entJOpeted that 100kM-Irc the 'orthcomtt'C CI'Oh-ChaMet IO\Ih6On of the Continent. ft&htefS \IIIOUI(J be moved to 81rltekJs III llbef"8ted atQ$
su-rcety. the N.nth AIr Force. whoM r'Ct1tefS It ""a. pi.",. 'WOUI(J optfal. f,om the bndCehNd es IOOt"I .s possible. did not Issw ",nm. edVtce to It. Unltt. Whit. no orders er. recelled .peofally directltW certain IfOUI» 10 carry out
...mAnlJlh... """....... ,d.v\CTbur- ...
'In-the-fleld' c8mouflqe
<J..... n
10 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
P-41.D-lo-HA ~14660 of tIM 364th B/U7th fO, .....ton. Au",.t 1144
....1E»4\1A 44-1318 of the 375th FI/38bt FG. Bottlsham, Au....t 1944
~ to ~ E Tytef In 5eptembef 1944. 4+1.4680 boMted PMn and IN, ~ ~ ~. by the 357Ul FG at Ita L.efston . . . L1kelY*'. P-&C (434376 C5-J) that this .mraft ItIpIac.ct. the _ _ t..mu DuclvIlo, was peinted on both . . . . of the ...... c:owtre. T)oIef ~ tot' .c. statw. but l'IOnII of his MWn YIc"todn . . obUMed wtth ttIIs *craft.
Dell¥eNd to the 361tt FG's eow.n.am baM In Jut)' 1944. thts Must.nC has been IdltntJfted with Abe P AOMftbe'Cer. 8IthouCh several othe, ptIots .,. known to hrtti flown It. The ftChte, enIor-d • fTont Nne 1"- of )ust ....., • month. rot on 9 AUCUSt 1944 It c.rashed 60 mJ... from BottSaMm duline • tralnlne flllht. kllIl", pltot Donald o.nltlC~ - the latter had been with the rot Just. matte, of days. The MustanC's creen ~ e on tt. uppersur-" was 'Ino~' (Me pee. 16 tor photocraphs showtnc both aIdn of
lhd \IIIClrit. It IS • fact thaC 'lll'tI1fe some lidded
to wtuliJy all thest asscned 1WCr1Ift. others onJy PiWlted up the odd tnKtwle. ~ MUStllnt«lUipped Ints. the 357m fG ....-as the prwne ~ oIlhe fOI'met' measure. wtlie the 355th and 361st had ~ ""th canou1IaCe added end the 4th. 339th. 352nd end 359th ro, had none. 0( j\3t the odd exampHt. In the 357th, many P-SIBs had only the upper deck.,.. of the fusel. painted erthef in Bnll.....source
undetsur'acn of the .... nc.s end A turthef
- ---__......... ---... ~'''l. •.J.tofo+....... a:.p
L ........IdI. ulpnw_ ",-Ip(WMWd . .
.............. at. ..-or.,.. end""'.",
brr:rbvldw t6td1, . . . . . . crI_
Ndtl'le ~racaottN-.s.~enduepeJ~~ .... ~cs.tt"""end IFle ~ of tne .etlll'l. ~ the end l'\oIddIt.1ef" ~ed ~.~ • .....,. .", . . . ... bite meuI f!f'lSh ~ ... the othlk SQl*)'OnS U* recerwed no untl~ ~ 'The 361.1 FG had onty • "",,ted nurntlef of
UIi'~ end fuse'. deC; nc. ....eund lilt' 8dI*t of the tin Ill1d ~"ChIJnCI' ...
At •
Ie... two Jelst MuslMp hIId
. . . . of~8JueonUlt'f ~ InSI.eeI of -"'.,~
No ~ of tnt~
camouf'IaCe ate kno¥on fat 339lh. 352nd WId 359th FG ~,
ercaee Il'l thlS practlCe pnor to [).()ey eMer. two of ItS wetafl did rec:eNe
0(1"'-" \61""(' I'-\le
WId..tlde the 4th fG did not
Tlv hUri. br.al'\Id Iu.,
camou1'IICe PGlnt et.laterdate. but on the...mmof. set'IIOl'offioer. The fil'stexarnplewas U Co(
~rnno"'C"d'"omtht fIn-.l~;Utd1n
"" duqa IU" utihe' P'\Il'«'numbr,(H~
.abo hrnl
... ~
-nT,J!'f'bnf.u I '
raodoIk .... .onenK,,"01'
pnIdul.1•• plan"
to &tve •
CC*"'C IIIon& tN l-.s of thM ~ • the IIlCtOnes before ewnoutlI&e pe.nt " ' ~ U~f«:es 'Iliete Dwk Gt.." end the undeI"Iurl-=-- USUIIIly Sky a ~ey Bntstl shade, ~ ey The 356th fG UMd...,.... sdwnes 10 the ~7th.....>VI PSIS/C. Il"I the 354th F5 ~ ~ It"etn l.q)ef undIt'Iwt.... YrhlIe OCherS. e-bC:UIa'ty eft.eJ [).{My. ~
Musl.JnCs 'etn8ItMf1C Sllvet' ~ Ifeen was .ppl $d to lhoe uppetlU,fec8S of 1M ....mp.
this P-51D In ructrt).
t(7UWl~ • • W
CIaIbOme KlMatd·S P·5H).10 44-14292 QP-A. whic:h he new after assunqoorrmand of the Group 'wi Nc:Mmber 1944, Thts hed e S'Mf1 of csartt ween a~ the top of the WId a dIsnJ~ pattern of the same cokIur on the bare metal uppersu-fac:es of the 'tJWW'Cs WId tallplane. The pattern was made up 01 narrow WfNY banl:1s ~ out lrom the Ieadlrc to tntlllfC edges. later lfl January 1945. the CO Of the 334th FS, Mill HowM:l 'Deacon' HM!Iy. had the u~rsurfecesof his P.51().15 44-15347 QP-J plllnle
IronICally. when two Ec.hth Air Force Mustanc aroups wefe detached to operfIte hom contJt'lenlal bases In December 1944. those selected "IiI'I!re the 352nd ro. wtnCh hIId not lnduf&eC' In
.en. putJI.""",
~ camout\Ii&e p8
OnP'\IIk.-noJDo lhn
-.. .............
and the 3611t FG. whIctI by that tame .....as equ pped almost enbfely
~"Itbt~ II.Iupand_~
DoD8)' stripeS OlflCl8lty known as the Alloed EJ(pe
The .pprlCllbon InstructlOl'l for slrc1tH!f1&lned elr'Creft reQUired tIYe enemattr'C 18 Inch stripeS - wtulO. black. IIItlite. b18dc. Mite - around the rGltl' NsellCfI and each On the litter, the edle 01 the Mer wt'litl strlpe '" s to be I'. lnchel from the netlOO8llnscn.e, On the tuMI. .e the edle of the rt!armost Mile Itnpo ....... to be 18 lncMS from the leeell'" ~e of the ~l~. but the stnpes ihOuld nol obKUte the natlOMll1\8Jrklf'C.
H 12 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
P-.518-5-HA 43-6754 of the "7th FS/352nd FG, Bodney, 6 June 1944 The camouftaced P·518s reeetved .. ortCl~ equipment by the 352nd FG wore a llCt!t.,. brit,tlter shade of bhHl for the now famou. nose mIIltdn&- AlthouCh the per'SOMl Mustane of Ralph Hamilton from Apf11 thfOUCh to september 1944. the four enemy alrcrllft known to "-\I. been shot down by 43-6754 were all cl-'med by other pUots. In september 1944, Hamltton reeelYed • P.51O, but 43-6754 remained with the 352nd FG until wrtttenoff wtliist sentnc a. a tralnJnc "rcraft In Febr\Ulry 1945.
6.1(.1(flnl.hc \"~F<"l.hc"q~
'*""'Ift'tI .. hnll).lu, ... nJl'C""~"pptini P"lhH,Ml\H·! UITW'I'\K ...
These &enenW mtructJons could not be IIdhered 10 exactty on dIfferent a,rcraft types. TlOuIt'" on ~ P-518/C the \t8riatJon onty amounted to en Mlch Of' two. On the ""mes. the lnl"Iel'l'I"IMt ""'Me Stripe ...as US4Ja11y placed on the type M:SenlJty band. and 8Ctua1ty made use of u.s I1lhe ..,craft had ~ finosn. On the the ,eNmosl edle of the Sltlpes was
otten UI'lder 18 InChes from the tallptane. but ...,.,. only by an Inch Ol' 1I/l1O. The OUler ....hlt. ~ str'j)es OC)llerated most at the IndMduel8llcra1't lettet end the MCOnd character of the
~on COde In 50lTIe cases these were pewt(ed erCU"ld. and In Olhets reinstated. On some t....-.ouftaced _craft where eharacteB h8d been P8Itlted Il"I WhIte. this resulted in letters be:1flC .,.n '. and pert ~, 01 sornewnes just • ~ outline 0' lhM ,*1 on the wMe stnpe. E.aetl Cfouo had ItS own ICIen 8bout 'e""lMJr'lC the ur"Ia tMl'Iunp. etthotCh there were etCe1lCJOnS In the 4th FG the cMracters wete 'ell"tSr.ted Il"l the OfC/flal colour. or pe.nted .~ ....... 339th FG P SiS were In nMurai met8l fnsh. the . . II)' I*nted-out codes end If"drvtduIlI JeottMs ....... r~ Il"IIMcIl: The 352nd FG retnllafed lhe ~on «lCIe ., ~k on the """ ~. but not the WldMduaI ....craft le'lter, In tne 328th .-c:I 487th FS. the 6ettet
---, - .. l~
"" • •
n. ........... .....
....... ........,.., ....... .~..'hlUO
1>< _ _
ol\615lf(.twthnrCUIk ""IC'.... quk.Uj rrin~l('lJannl).lH)
lo(nfJ"_-nT,1l'fl'tiai 'dftNo""'C'df'.'H
U 1066\$ H· U
"".to.lIW)knl.tu.kd.11 '.A~Jl'1oI (turk> 8Lljr'lYIl~ in utl'lnaln.,.,aft100
TllC'A,!ht« ..";l..k.... .. t\h~hcTplkJCun IIiJUlWI'hl
lhr '·111\ '" II .. ~}
r",""'w,ao"n'C'hn ochtr~ ... JUnl'
"flw,1\oOmIor"'",• • Inrnl lIItlru.1ht
"nlhol ••'OCnw..*donin lnoulnl
nl ....
tot... f ......p.lmnJ
till' ''bnIl)·I.... otnrr'
~""""''''''"ftftlrtlC'T''''' ~.NjuoI&fl ..flhlr
- - . ...... r
__ .dr.., ....
...._ ••
r.... h
hnaNtohIIl"no._nwt.. IhI' ''In.,lH.
* 14 •
poSl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·Sl Mustang and Derivatives • 15
was painted on the tail fin Instead. while the 486th FS placed It on the forward fuselage Just art of the exhaust stacks. These letters were 24 inches high _ the same as those covered by the [).Oay stnpes. later, the 486th FS also placed the IndIVidual letter on the fin.
The 355th FG did not pamt OYer the squadron code
aircraft leuer when applying the
stnpes. v.hlle the squadrons of the 357m FG generally favoured different ways to reinstate the
codes. The 362nd FS tended to repamt the characters in the original colour. The 363rd FS. wtuch had mostly e<mouflaged aIrcraft, paInted the obliterated characters 00 the white stripe in black, thus haYIng one letter of the code In wMe and the other in black. However, several aircraft of thiS SQuadron had the B6 code P~lInted afresh forward of the D-Day stripes. The 364m FS. also t\a\1ng camou1Iaged aircraft, had one letter of the code In wtllte and the other In black as an almost standard feature foiloYomg the application oflhe stripes. FInally, WIthin the 359tt1 end 3615t FGs. the code and Individual letters that were originally oblJterated by D-Day stnpes were e"o'entualty reinstated In the appropriate coloor. Soon after the Invasion..... Ittl many Ninth AJr Force fighters operating from advanced landing
grounds In the Normandy beachhead area. the D-Day stripes .....ere considered to compt"omlse camouftage. so a general trlStnJctJon was issued. effectNe 4 July, that the stripes were to be removed from the uppersurfaces of WIngS and fuselage, It took some days for aU EJghth AIr
Force fighters to have these removed - partICularly those WIth bare metal finish. where paInt Stripper had to be used, Another InstructIOn required the Underwing stripes to be removed betvoeen 25 August and 10 September. Finally. In early December. the remalOlng portion of the If'l\taslOO martung on the underside of the fuselage was ordered to be deleted by the last day of the year. In practICe. the underfuselage stripes were still to be seen on some aircraft several ....eeks IOto 1945.
RIGHT 'T1tU ffiJtlllor ~4"th}'S \lu,ullp, pho<J(o,uaphc<J in l:l.tc
Jul\ 19\I.nhlblla .."'rict)·of m.u1uOl'_l1ll:I,,'OJ>.51& (I! 1Il69-11; 8 4 ·II;1;nd 11;·106839 8 4 E') tuu: unll
.u.pn :1ft' on!) lTUinnJ on ll'lt' _lJlItlndl\bcb8C'u.ndtnidcs.. Tho: 1_1,1 P-511A{
-,n,: urr'._oftid\ .."-C1'C lpplkd ~ l
r-.rll colour lbc forma lOO ' - a hhx' Inm ub 8-·R.l\;I;mn! nKA '" .-i ~ MJl: 'iclorr ~-mbob. _';1.< thot 1ln:nfl: :l.~1Ult'd 10 \'anon ....Iw\b P.'S18 oIl·I068.w tr·E ''''UJCAGL£I/I~1T\Ol.bl) ~lolhot~n;tttll.btIllus
M\ -UlA up:.:Ind lrim ub.)lript'd blue md)'rllo\o The an;:I Ixt..-C'a! thot;&/\tJ~p;uiC'lmdlhce~
otuu:>lm:onifuld'l\""abo lk't..lr.llnJ"'th rl:llovo and blue "nplnJl:
LF.F1'. \Illlloplr.ln) rcP~n1 Ill(' P.518illU)lralnlonJl.1Jl1l'IZ"""lb" lUJYIC(IF<:nxifmsl'r'(mk/l·lll('runl('w;a._ pa;n1nl in l>bck and the 'lclofl nun.,Oj;< .... ert"McocUktlOfllo~ lTd band The ~in:r~fl "';I;) :tho codtd II-·U
12·106809 CV·II )r>OfU ~ JUn'n ~ Vld ruJlI).I>"~)· \lripe).ThI) phOI0\U3ph w;I.) I~keoon,or )hortt)·aftcr.6Junc 19-H.~nd boefoR'rode kllo;'t') Iw boeco R"n)I;l;lcd.CV·II ...a... I~lcr lUtflCdUtffellfl"flJilto"and n'mll..I31t) R'ktplnl for u,.;-In lrainlfllt (codnl CV.(».oolr 10 boe kl!iIil In Ilk Nonh !'non
., fdKuM) 19-15
RIC,If, Atno.1I\46chf\ '01"""", 8
0.... olnpnTlltCn'llR".wcnft IIIIIW'dF~"
dn:unuulIlAmWnll.WlC""",",,, P A.. .onhAlrk.l.ll'ld Ouru ~1~~.lo6lqf(,.w'l;r2h
HfJ,O\l' A.IIother rl,h l'\I>·'S\l) ",'h a )C'lh'" mm I~h oUllloo;'dwllhblack~olallalrcrafl:l!>. ... Jl,ll<"dIOthl,-q\Udron
'~Cd'-nllhc'nlj.:tllcolour_~_llll'''-:l..n\OJlTaJUl)ll'ldcTcv. faroon
lhanan oflkb.l R"qUlrcOltni 0/'011_,"01".1\/1-417:\\ lJ)uall') flo.... nb) Iltol") I..o:dcrcr
16 •
P·51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives. 17
U::fT P.'\ILl U-IlJ69.il E9-A Hyl'Wfttmll'1II of lhc r6l:h 1~36I~ fG. CIUIChl/lJ{ '10m "h~r 110 C\ jl;lIlon drop I:lnb,~ dUI ib .."OnlllOlk..... illll 1).1),1) ... nJK"'> tu\T bcTn OtJIHnn1to ~Lc them mo~ \islbk The aln::n.ft ..;u
~~~~::~:~f:~r~~~':~~:..~ l:alrn .. hrn h ..~ ~11(lI down bl
HOO""- \-'ith ~-:. p.'ill) iH~56ij E2·A~·&m"crrtu)!IoImdMIll3tLn/ot> to l~ ""'OnllJ)· fC'Uovo ."61-. FG \1U!l1m~ l1y"'Rp",1' JII_lndud~ the' bbl;l I) IX" klmtl" Il
P·51B-IG-NA 42·106702 of the 368th FS/359th FG, East Wretham, July 1944 One of the complement of P·51B$ uHd to r&-equlp the 359th FG In May 1944, CV-X was first assigned to Robert V Beaupre and then John B Hunter. This aircraft was lost during a dIve-bombing attack on the marshamnt yard at Bllhwlller, In France. on 10 August 1944, Its pilot, Lester Hovden, being killed when he made a sharp 45-degree tum to line up on hll target and overstressed the Mustang's bomtHaden airframe. 80th wings folded up and then separated from the luselage. the wingless fighter hitting the ground and exploding moments later. Bright. grau t,een paInt was used tor the group marking on the first 359th Mustangs, but later aircraft In metal "nlsh featured dartlor shado•.
IIllAJ 1\lJ/lJ(.," A ....ldnMnr>k lilt unM.lJ>rl>c>J un"JUfU. '" th.d W'O'l ,IIW2t'oU\ phol<)fD"'llj"hnJ
"'Juh I'HI'II\hml)'lm\lnpnh.ld
.1101'1;; A 'DAllal?: RIGIfT' RlNC'll \lcN:ill) • ""IK ..ou H-6ItI5VF-O. which "';0 llptW"('nll)
hc"ntl'nlW...:.Jr",mlhc'~~ 11 AftiN ("Id1k1"O The' p.unt ... bdoc'1'«l 10 hoOT httn 8nl""""'ounnl Out<
\10k lhe' ll,tcr.lft. JtI''C'n lWtlC' ..ou "ORPIII'" H F. lO'lltthcT ",Ih 11 jtirhc tnOIifThC' r$hltt RUIn.' the 1).1),",".ul1lC' undct" the' ","jei md rnt f~b#" In "f'ttU1ct":md nooc b.Jnd ..'C'ft' .. hile... hlch .. :lI, lhe \"~lh FG, otJkUll'f'COltl\.tion coIouf'o.
1>arL C~ l>nb I
nlknurbcn ~
.... ".U'C:M.~lhr,lJ'W'b..... ~Id1.u ban;mcut lllObdoo:'1«lltul~
......-w .. lC,.ftoi ~hl fe.
rndonJ II\-Chc'.fkld c~ The' plio.. of E!" .. hm lho:'oc phU('''IO''l'rh' UU'n ..... I man ~ .. hu
1911 On Ihc nll1n ~kk otlhc
nmro 11
I.JI-T An>U"lUn uU"oC'drml(:h~
(l\.l'....X.(.,.()I 0' onl~ •• lhe .. lJlII'C'd 8 ..n lhe' ron intJocahntt 1l1l1l'lttllllU\Tll1\ul
the "oI:Klh ,
18 •
P·Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·Sl Mustang and Derivatives •
Conversion of the P-38 groups
In a
A rT'l()(lth after
D-Day, VIII F"rghter Command resumed the programme of convertmg its groups to
that on the fuselage. The 55th FG, setMg out to apply Similar style markings to its Mustang as carried by ItS
tnlInl1l& on Mustangs at around about the same tmle, and they duty became operatJonal on the
new ftghter ",.thm a maner of days of each other - the 55th first on 19 July and the 20th the very next day
Lightnings. had the fin and ruckler sprayed Dark Green and the SQuadron geometriC shape painted thereon In wtllte. These were a triangle. Circle (diSC) and SQuare for the 38th. 338th and 343rd FSs respectIVely. Most Mustangs also had the uppersurface of the tallplane and about I.JIT lJ\unl:nullurJ nu'·... >tI.I··~I' ..(I~ ~hl"fUo-•• t1IC'MnIt' CW'k ...>rtlrt ....""' .... l).ui, Wttrt UlUIJf'PIon! (::.o.n,.lUtb~,>tItI....
..~uptllC'tin:.tn<.l tuddo:r.IC'a\lf1Jl.&n Wlf\Wllo:d.,lI't"J Jrt........
UiF1' \OUletlot$l'IQC :al..~,.)1lQv, up clnm in rnonodlromc photognph.~.bul lhC' lOch fG's hbd: 3nd "hile ~ l~ pbJn I.
lhC'pnlfTlC'1no.:w,...T;ul numtx-........... rr u.w.lh IC'11lIl"nJ.on
-«(Jr'Ilhloip.;uro( "'9lhF"'~5IDs.
hu~11Jt 108 gallon IQptt'drop t;mb The 20lh cvnlllllX'd 10 UK lhC'(tIe'OnlC'tric>h
-q1Udron ldC'nturofll, p.j& The IndMdw.1 pblK'ln.oqw.dron leu..., ..o;a, IQlnlC'don Ihls bbd:~lupo:.a)wo:lIa~
In 1/10: 'I:.trw,bnl p
Robo:R MqTt3n<J 11·1.~20'\\Clllo
...Rljurl ....lt.Io:n
P·51D-~A 44-.14337 of the 77th FS/2Oth FO, Kin,. CUffe, AuCu•• 1944 This alrcr.ft was chosen by Col Harold J Rau .s his personal mount upon retumln, from Ie....e In the USA, and prior to \akin, command of the 20th FO in late Autust 1944, As with the pre't1ous P-38 UChtnlngs that he had "own durtn, his command or this Croup between March and June 1944, Rau named the P·S1 -GENTLE ANNIE- and had the codes MC-R aP91led to Its flanks. When he ..ft the llouP In Dec.mber 1944, the aircraft wa. tak.n o....r by Oan.1I BeKhen and r.named Wlldarellff IfI/Brldl.t'a Bunion.
on the black geometric shape earned 00
the vertical tail sur laces. Painted in white, this letter was the same size - 24 IncheS high - as
Mustangs, the foul P-38 llghllMg groups beIng next In hne. The 20th and 55th FGs began
The lalter group had used yellO\lll' as Its group IdentlficatJon colour while flying P.38s, but thIS VIlas aJreaety the haHmartl of 361st FG Mustangs. Therefore, although the 20th FG used the same COdes 8S earned by Its lightningS - KI tor the 55th FS, lC tOf the 77th and Me for the 79th. as wetl as the same tatl Shapes (a tnangle. Circle and square for the 55th. 77th and 79th respec:tNeIyJ - a new nose marking had to be CIevlsed. 1000lally. (hIS slmpfy entailed painting part of the type ~tJty nose marking ....tllte (the front 12 Inches of the spinner and a flve4nch wkSe band backing the black nose band). There "'as some variation In the width of the nose bands. but thIS remalOed the group mal1l.,ng unbl November 1944. when a senes of alternatmg black and te stnpes were added. extending back towards the coc:Xptt to 8 POInt above the wmg leadlfC edge
U"hrn the
~'\4h f(. rornm<;'1'ICC'dl~
(: WI\'C'f'OfOrt to
onL1t... Juno: 1911.1hC' 1E"'>nlC"lnc"""po "",,,"'>U~ U!o\"'dlbC'tlon tllC"t... inl:.tllJofh~I"3& "'fft';o.1-o p:aintl'd on Ihe ,,",I) urhTdl'-ShfO!'" "'lUJdmnllknllfbtJOfl _~Th<
IlI'Jl\".....urbo:nofthtl:ll1 "'tft>p:almto;ld;l.n:JC!'C'o:n Jl'\IJ 1110: "1lllldrnn rn:.o.r\;nlt
.. hi'.... n on Ihls
In l'-~ III
(~II \~>I't)Oflh...
" ... hkh 'oOQI1('2nlo:lo Jtt'lC"fn.c "hllO: nose llU\ plNolhl) h~\"(," bo:o:n J N\oC'colour for tht .tU.... :utd "hilt (.1tc't~trboanJ oriltullIlI)
.l1Io>tlro 10 Iho:
~5th 3.>
!P"oup nuBUlIt on
P '"s,but OC'\'CCru)Ctl RILfIQ ... ~ 3nd )Tllo.. chccLC'rl:>oQnl rt
.lnlltlfl.' ~I"'nc" brrAb .... \"R' 'TIl o:,KJcnt on lhe nl"'t ~Slh \I~~ 10 rr.... o:i'T ... ,Jdr"VSIJ) I'·II~SI bdn(l.3mortjtSt the nth 3lrrraft ...."loi~ .... Ihe unll
:r 20 •
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
;UJ:u1"IJI\111 ~l#lln
Cortumnd IIQ 3dopc('(1 b). the'
~'1lh 1(,
3ndJppUnllO~n;aJ ~ ,t..\l~d\lfUl¥
19-11 It ron","all,ll'
1.1,.7 ...... c-lhc .. '1I1)o, oIthC'l,6\njF lht'
v>-.!h.m<...ch Iud c:un>1'>II:U· "II!. uf umlluo..llC lb.tIo.
1l'T"'....llhth.. ~1''Of\ICT1tUtI.It'''-.
IM ... UlItI~~
24 IOChes of the tuseiage
dedurC JUSt
forward of the fm also paInted WIth camouflage green.
Unl:ke the 20th FG. the 55th FG did not have IndlVKtual aircraft letters pamted on the geometric
snape. F"lMIty. squadron codes fem&ned as lhey wefe for the P·38 - eG. Cl and CV for the 38th. 338lh and 343n:l FSs resPKtt'o'eIy. In March 1944 the 55th had been asscned )'eflow and wMe check.erboatds as a t/(lUP ~ btJt u.s ..... as ne'o'ef appbed p r ~ because of the WOft( IfI'oIOt'o'ed lI"I physICally PiWlw-e t onto the P-38. and the wouP"s sehe
preparatory to recetV'irll yelkMt and
....tr..e ~ds IS not knOwn. In ant case, these earty ~ on the group's MustafC$ ....oete shOf(~iW!d tor the tad ShaPes were pa.nted out and green end yellOw ched<erboatcls adoPted as the 55th·s dent!'l)', In hne \JIIlth other unsts controlled by the 66th F'tghter Wire. The green used by the 55th \JIIas appatenUy the same carnoufIage dark green as applied to the P·5h· taliS. In fact. It was
eheckefbOard appealed
so darX
v_~ 1+1\...b('\-1l.
.. 1l"IlWurid1bc'tall numbcT ...'D~ notl'C'UbUtt'd.~on p..SIDHI\~". ;a,~IOJohn
\'('('llUllt ..'b~
no...""flb)-..unurl ("oC"IUflwl .. hn1 it
that from only a hundred yards in bright condlllons the
black and yellow. rather than green and yellow, The spmner was
drwlded Into three enclrchrc bands of yellow, green and yellow. In mid-July 1944. an ar-llst at VIII F'rghter Command HQ devised a paint scheme fO( 55th FG Mustangs. and part of thiS was adoPted but probably not applied to more than a
score of the
Group's aIrcraft. It ConSisted of spr8)'lng the uppersurface of the empennage and rear fuselage camounage green. The scheme was extended forward to the trailing edge of the Wing. then swept up to merge with the antKIaule panel .n front 01 the cockpIt. A slx·inch Wide red band edged the darj< green. On the tall. type ldenllty bands were reinstated in white.
P-61D-ll)..HA 44-14561 of the 343rd FS/55lh FQ, WOf'mlntfOf'd, septembeor 1944 ThhI aircraft f.atured the PHudo-camoufta,e ~lnt SC:Mme that was appUed to a handful of tM 55th FO·. al,craft In the lata .ummer of 1944. A.. to crouncktraftnc ace (and 121. mlsskN't veteran) Frank 8lrtcle'. 44-14561 was ~ for hi. Mu'a wtfe. The aircraft wa. nottfted .. aalvaced on 3 October 1944. 8lrtclel replaclnc tt wtth p.51D 44-13350 CY·.... which he abo named MISS VELMA.
.Hrll/, 1Ih')I/ N/GIIT ..I \I)NfG1IT lnlhc'fkkl un>OUfl;q:r: 00 .\61nd"'" \".....IlIC-. ...I>u-u;.lI" ...v ntlnc-dlO.hc ...1"P'""... tf~"rlhe .. U1lt .. nd t.llll'bn<'.lhe fln ~nd rodoJo:'r Ind the" tOf' dn"ll1llc-,{Ihc'Ul
...~0~10l.1"TIntu."0Il~'W,,·'nch -'c' b.ln<.I,-,{ doll" ~ hxloOll the .,.JtJf'tnlmtl,TlloJ\lo d'lC'<."rtnlnl>'< r\1n,;1llC'~nttorlhi .. ~
lu.n"chrnl.l.,","lmal.buc I""Ul'Uhh pIIoII OI'Il"JOC.lOlkn:'" ....... ·n"lr.l1.. llhcch.... ~' ... c.. rn..n .. hrt'.. thc-rc",.k1l'ortu'1olhc
nhMN .. uh-Ilc'ft,""hc-rn,;kNoo \llllnnsmrr I'HI,Itu.~.. tql<,.,al ... tu..., ..,..nnllhc I'UJIl< Pm~ 1'W \.,""IIt'k>IIl(til,~~( •• tn • • I!IC'~"ln.nll.... tl1nT'l
\4"ct .. hoklht~plncol(,II 11HHUllll/tJ)/t .....' <;.ahTn an.! lhe: far J'''II) III \~...." G4 ","rJ, .. ,.II...".. "nltm olnUWll \11 ~ 'W!ln .....rc [QU'lIN un iJI mJ
22 •
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The 364m FG was the next to shed Its P-38 lightnu'lg5 for P-Sls. becoming operatIOnal on the type In late July 1944. As .... Ith the prevIOUS two eJl·Ug.hltllng groups, the 364lh used the
Whereas the 20th FG's geometric devices on the tail were a falrty staod8fd 30 Inches at the widest or highest point. those on 364lh FG aircraft varied considerably. for example. on the
same geometnc shapes on the fins and rudders of Its PoSts for squadron identJflCatiOrl - the
tails of 383rd FS p·Sts. the diSC was 40 inches in diameter, WIth the letter thereoo being about 30 inches high. The 384m's square was much smaller WIth only 24-tnch sides. wtllist the letter
383rd. 384lt'1 and 385th FSs were idenbfte
was about 18 Inches hIgh. The 385th's triangle was 36 inches hIgh with a 28-1nch base, and
the 20th FG. the 364th had indrvlduailettCfS applied to Its fChtefs In white over the tail mar1l.ing, but unlike the IOfmet'. no indIVIdual aircraft letter was earned on the fuselage. Only the SQuadron codes were paInted on the fuselage. and alWays aft of the natlOl'lsl insignia. These were N2 tOf the 383rd FS. SY for the 384th and SE the 385m.
the letters thereon were approltimately 24 inches high. However, smaller Circles and triangles were 10 be seen. As With the 20th FG, the 364th·s geometric shapes mostly obsctJred tall
numbers. although In some cases these were repainted. Like the 20th FG. the 364th had 10 find new group mal1dngs, as wtllte. used
Its P·38s,
was the Identification colour for 355th FG Mustangs. The spinner and nose band were painted
AIJC\'EA\/)H/.LOII RO) o-bomromnundo:tlIMj60ilhfG"'hmil('Qn\ntnl from f><.j& 10 P·'h It~, P'""'IImI \ltN'''~''"1) ~nknl b) 1M M1.\nl f!, and oo;bl '\l.Q.IM () .... ndilllC ~ (N)om Tho;- fUme' HlJJy's &1)' "'''U p3.inu:d in ~~
BI LQU AM) RIGUr Th<' jgjnll'S"~ bbd: dbc on •• ,,~ wb ..~ 3ppro~lm;lld)' 10 inchon in ~nonlhtflnl P.SI~r«d.-ro..and 1M klln ~j()ltKho:-otugh.\\o$IoI'!he'ulInurnlxr
"n ob!ocurrd and
no( rcpalnlc:dTlIC"'C 1"--0 •__~ ~ Il"\}~O~ 'l'E~!he'typekknlll)" nw\ 1n1P on!he'''Ulp;and l:llI~ and lhe rrnuunb of
[).!b\ '-Irlpa... hkh .. \'ft onl'\ ..",uinnJ on 1M ..xr...kol'IMf~:lfinA~I?-tl
,-.~ 10 johtl Hunl«, 1lK':Urcnft ""1) IllolC'd '"
\"lIIlc."f"'l"D".uldhfuc'.uld .. lIn~ ..__ bmd,dml.ltinl"6-IIhFC,
~Tloc..lf'Pbl"'OOQI~lhehfuc'md .. tlll~~ .."U~1)
.ufuraI w«h .. bfuc
muntlhu( ......... wl'"-ltKnu.tbn/Co(intl.. klw.lcnpl'K
~ orido IhI: b.~ ~~ ' ... btr t1«rl' olltK "C'rW numbn'TtI.. number ..... .IpP11td 1"C11~ WI .. hen nnnh "CfT pcu1.1N.l in t:kl"C plUlIilm,'y untkr~O)mj( 1C1Ufk~ ,he C'fOlll.OC' p..r.d... .,ukl nut lli'M RUXC'd up .... llho''''Ilh;a nu...... ;on.d:ur..nl ~,nnh.ltocn- "1~ ..nC'n .. \hll,hl \OIrblOon In the ~mblyolllK C' <;OIIlpMtrnnOi tf.lll\tn/C and p;uloC'l\
P·51o-2o-HA 4+63263 of the 384th FS/384th FG, Honln~on, February 1945 This aircraft was auigned to 7,S-klll ace John H Lowell, who served both as CO of the 384th FS and then Deputy CO of the 364th FG. It ,ep(aced his pt'e~lovs P·51D (44-14992 5Y-l P«Ifly 3), which was shot !SOwn by ftak near Umburt, In Germany, whilst betnc ftown by Capt Jack Y JohMOn on 12 DKember 1.944, the pilot belnl killed. Carrylna: the Mme P~y 4 on Its pof1 side, 44-63263 pt'oved unlucky In aerial comtm. for 1S7-m1ss5on veteran Lowetl failed to claim e slncJe ael1al !dtl wtth It. For some unexplained reason, the flChte"S repiacefMnt rudcMr wes Homed onty wtth the 384th's L-5quare maritJnC and not Its complete ""al.
fI't-....... ,Ut ..nothc'r pilot
on 26
Ph Ihnl II arrlC'd the IWlK Ludy Durotb)' fl' on
W k/l}kko(lhe
24 •
P-S1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives • 25
}ustPk,j"J ,lI'IOlhcr .\!4llhf\""n.DJI J,l ... ,
~IKJt f The' 1rUn$tk' on j8~th f-1o \l~ ..;u lI'>WJ~ clnr 0( I~ ull nurnbn Thh P-SIIl ( ...-1 \99-! S£-~~;)-.hl:no.~~olp;l"l1 tu,~bo:'nl l'r1nO\-n! rrum It_ n(loo<''«'uon.l~ rq;ttll('rh.n~ ~io
ptIuc,l«l,.(-h~"'>r "1mC'~"''''II",P-SIU lud~_l)fll\t;W
numbn.JllhclUlth 11\ L.,IL......,'oC'C'ffijhk
UfT 'Thct:gll~m;J.IlINUdO(IlofWd~~P-SII) 1 1.IIl~S5(; f"C'\C':lbllUl lho: InICTCO ..~ lxuma! In l't't1.andllullhc fUl (illn and l:liltrim l;a"';on: n:d OIl IIh tbtl. bl~ -..:ripn AI IQo.l I.Ilttt od~r :alfCntl in th", "
tROll (reulnjol3 n..fn'llkucrlnluth... l ..,... h~IUn:IL-nlbl lM \IUthP,didrnx kuC'muc:hfUOm (.;llT)lnJlJ""rrnlV Illi21O"-n
r. UrrA,\I)A8QW PSIIHII¥)9j SlJ JIIG()"j \()O/O' Jl(X'''T
lhu """-.11...., Lohr.l:aln:nft 1bc aolour
RI(.I" Inlhc~\N 1h.1rralInICT'O"'~
prnmttdUlthc:form "tl... tl'llU.llhlod.~tJn
....... h'ldtI ... Ihc:k1t ...,. 1Il.... ,th t\o2".166 ' 2 ' "'-tn. lhe' 'QWdn.ln ll!lk._.InJ''''Ihe' lUl".IN.lIn>qVlU"'-a...
""">mmunun loft-llhl{.\Iu,u.~.
26 •
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
P·51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
was reinstated In black or white as appmprlato. Black type Identity bands were also removed from 479th P-51s. There ....ere. as usual wIth aircraft markings, exccptlons to the rule.
Further P-47 group conversions Although the supply of new P·51s was lImfled during the autumn of 1944, conversion of the remaining P-47-equlpped groups got underway In september 1944. with the 353rd FG at Raydon, In Suffolk, performing Its flrsl mission with the typo on 2 October. The Group's ~ catching yellow and black aroup manl.lng was also applied to fts new Mustangs. spinners being dMde
....n.te. but medIUm blue stllpes. sa incheS wide. were painted thereon WIth Silt to etght IncheS separatIOn. Only an odd exam~ of 'In-the-f'iekf camouflage was seen on 364th FG Mustangs at HoI\Jngton. In SuffOlk. and these aircraft may have been inhenled 'rom another group. A shol'tage of P.51Ds delayed the conversion of the 479th FG from the P..:38 until
AB(Wf;WTA.'n AHOI'I:' 'I:any hhfC, P.51Dlo hMJ no tbmborMlI pcnorul nu.ridnlt"durl~lhc
RIL,rrA'IJR£.LQ'I1 (1rnc'oflht' flnt('l,)l1\/JQ1
'11N;I1lA·tt'CT!''Nh) I1M.' ~5\f\l1(; ....1 Ib)don 'Ilmt10 \,\lnd ..) ,(O
sePtember 1944. The group'S form of IdenlJfk:atlon wIth the Ughtnlng was simply no spinner or badung cobIt band, and ttus was also the case with Its Mustanas. Beln. devoid of camounage pattlt. they 'N@te seen w,th bare metal spumers and ~ne COWhngs. The same squadron code
)unUT\('ro( 194-'.....00 bbck Il'PC Itknlll) ba1xhon ItIt' .-nt1caJ
letters used on P-38s were also earned on the P-51s, these being L2 for the 434th fS. J2 for the 435th and 9B for the 436th. In August the 479th Fa had adoPted COlOured rudders for extra squadron ldeflt,flCoUon in
Place of geometnc Shapes. and these coloured rudOers were also used on lho Mustangs. The 434th used red and the 435th yellow. but whereas the 436th had previously been identified 85 the squadron of the Gfoup WIthout a rudder CC)k)ur when eqUipped wlth P-38s, It started 10 use
K'COndI)('I~li.lil«l.... m~~ln;K'tlonon
1lJOUJ).il W.~
g 'Q\Tmbn' 19-t1
8 black and white checkefboafd on Its Mustangs. The contIaslJng SQUares were 12 Il"lches square. but It IS doubtfullhat all the Squadron's aircraft were so paInted befOl'e thiS design was abandoned In fB\lOUr of aU·black rudders. In painting the r\Jldders. part of the tall number was obscured. and on the majoflty of the Gtoup's MustangS. the remall'lder of the number on tho fin was removed. On a few. the number
P-61D-l~A 44-14354
of tIM 435th FI/47Mh FO, Watt.........,
J......,. 1 ....
Amon&st the flf'St ~ch of P-S1Ds r.eelved by the 435th FS .. replacements fof Its P-38J. In late s.ptember 1944. tht. IIlrcraft w. . . .sJCMd to PhIllip D Gosurd until he returned to the U5A. t
u".wrf.tl;n ..-cc~ 1+1~\06QP.FlInd
U·I:\961 Vl'-LltIt' fint
bt-itlft ..'fiumofY"ln ....n
lloJIuml\.;tII(')'·lo«n ~,,"hbb
1UOOo.","" ;mdhi) "Il M ,,"hbl!>udK-r 6totht",ltu~,",,511)
'llIIlUlhtn'""""'u/ L\1ntb "QUUn,;md
thr.plnIKT ...... I1/'ilkd IlIlo .... ppruJilm;llrl)' ""('~lrIl;hh:tnd.or
,('\low lII<J bbck plll> .... ....." IIp 1lu~ ;Un:nt't 'Il .... k>sl ... ,tb:anottw:r pdoll.on,r~
l~n1lJC''''''Tr j'hllt",",ph~~
'dlwn ""Ik)
28 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
IlKd'T ~ .~>Hlh !'-'S ""b unlL\WJ 1lI1~llherudo:krlrlml:illl&olll)
\I ... ~"o:-n.-p:&imt"'dgrttn
dunnx the ,u.nImcJ' 01 19 f1
~ 11\
tn"OllJl.I"'" J'.~IJ) H-I3669 C\,·I Ihntu.l'bn~-~/,,
"""",,",mlCfCT'l.:U""~tho: 1our-k;af,1oJ;oTr A....- .gr>cd10
loknn tiM."h. II ....nil 1IlL_1\lt ... th ...hcTpdollonSCk'tobl:r 194-1
6/GJrr (lnc'ullhc' GnI"~'~ll')o,."
Ql-1 ....M"n'III.....
(IN \1lNMlfC' ~-[U1C'd 10 lhe \\i,hR.ItlI9-Hllt""'I.:mlWl)..... ", ..~ 10 the JS9th:afl(l'
....... lfl't"plJl'.;oOOwni'~
lIf't:1'I'uom 10 be co,wntC'd mlO .. ,.>-O(':lll ll':ld"ln.. coded c:.....f
dw~bad'~10 ~tbt
........ J'b,.c-
~ tn Novembet the 356th FG at Martlesham Heath. In SUffOlk, became the next fighter group to 5"'" tch to MustangS. Its P-47s had pre'\tlOu$ly been recog.rused by not havlng any coloured
new group marJIlng had to be found. The 356m Chose blue and red tOf Its new group manung. the P-51's spinner beIng enorcled "",m bands In these COlours. The rear portlorl. nine IncheS YI'Ide, was applied in blue. fotloJo,'ed by Sill two-Inch ¥\oiCle altematmg bands of red and blue. With a ted t.p. The red cowling band backing the sptnner was extended up and back Just under the eXhaust marufold and then up and back to the cockpit. the anti-glare panel being Incorporated in thiS red cover. nose mar1ongs. but as 479th FG P·51s were ldenllfled by thiS means. 8
P-51t>.lO-NA 44-14610 of the 3Sht FS/353rd FQ, R.ydon, J.nu.,y 1945 One of the ",.1 P-51.Ds obtained by the 351.11 FS at Raydon In November 1944, 44-14610 was assigned to Capt H8,~d Chase. 2Lt JotIn G 'Billy' Lancaster was nylng It when he was forced to make a crastHandlng In bad weather on 15 February 1945 upon returning 'rom a bomber escort mission to Germany. Flying Into thick cloud over the contlnent. which caused his squadron to spilt up. lancaster asked lor a homing whilst over the Thames &tuary. BrOUght In over lanet, his engine cllt through fuel sta",atlon before he could be brought dOwn safely. and lancaster was lett with little option but to crastHand at Church Farm. near Stockbury. Kent. Suf'erlna: sl,"lftcant damace In the Incident. 44-14610 w.. nevertheless InltJa.,y considered wOfthy of repair. for It wa. not declared salvaced until atter VUay. Offlclally. the cause of the acckSent was blamed on poor weather and poor ftyfnc technique on 2lt Lancntef. part. as It wu dllCovered that he did not switch from his empt}' rlght fuel tank to a new fuel tank In tJme to prevent the enelne qulttlne-
AlJOn:' AAfJAIJOVP. RIGHT' A <:Lllllnhh P,S 11>- n( the .\S9th 1(; lIunlllt Ihe 'ummo:-r or I?-II CS-K 11·IJ966 "." .1c,'Oid oI'pcr-.:"uJ 1n.,IJotllU when."'..1~ nl..ln) \llL,t..lll» or the IUOUP Iud ,"crl ftImbo):ml decor (lriWlUlh
1111 \\Mnl .... .\ ..<;lthl(,~\,,~
.adut.erlCfCT'lIt. lhc Jll'.Jptlo~~1b l.."",tr:;l-e .. ,lhu/ne
lInh .. ..I' nne ..,
In&tl.al..l'dnrh oJIo... n .... ,lb h"P"IR mhcrilal'n anocba' untI uorP.t\7\tl'C"d 1eI1", .. 11th lncontpk1e .. 1\1I0:-
."""1""",, .. ~~
1\'(_I(~ .. hktI
-.Jtn .. C\lmoo 1\~I'H' ...... Ih,rb<1It
I"',"" \"'lid'Il-t:.
-.tIIrIc'olfYl _ _
""",,",'nnlIW 1Il1~
30 •
P·S1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·S1 Mustang and Derivatives • 31
Supenmposed on the red base were IongItudHlsJ rows of blue diamonds. apprOXImately el&.ht IncheS Ioog by four IJlChes high. The number and !:iacement of the
Fit' nWCIlt/HIB ,"-..rnnJ~"k~~
~,.,bI ~
ob....aa,: .... r:alrnftk Ill~lbr;:n:.. n'('
ncbI,,.-.;u "''1Ilhoh
01 ~~
_nw..-..o.-'\:nftllll tbt_-.J
""~"""" .. c!ltk kbl
lbn"·uo ..",
boI ... ttw~ot .moltwTpoI
dlatnonds vaned from aircraft to aircraft. Mostly, there '*85 a ~ cham of diamonds enarch,. the COWlllll du"ectty aft of the ~ . and five I'O'WS of diamonds over the top of the CO'Nhrc from above one mar-ufold to the other. SQuadron codes were as earned on the P-47s - DC. PI and Qt fOt the 359th. 360th and 3615t fSs ~.
The last of the 14 EIghth Au' Force rlg1ltet' IfOUps to be eQUIpped .... ,th the Mustq was the 78th FG at Ouxford. In Cambndgeshlre. Cooverslon Stat"l@CIlfI December 1944. and the Gtoup's last Thunderbolt operatlOtl was flown the rouowmg ~. The bladt and wMe checkerboard synonymous WIth the 78th's P-47s was perpetuated as the &rClUp recOIMJOn If'Ilba/1y with eCf'lt-tneh squafes. sa per hOnzontai hne on the front of the etCJne CO'IIoIIf'C. These were stybsed ""'th a (ear hne sweep do¥m and forward from the .-.b-g)are panel. 'I'd'Iich ebrrllnated the number of squares per IOwef hne to flYe.
Horwe.e. YefY few 8lfcrat\ ~ this form of nose ~ befote it was replaced by one ~ ectlt sa.-tnCh SQUIII'eS per honzontal bne. 8$ With the 353rd FG's ehedterboan:I. thiS ~ was hlthief embelItshed by a two-inCh 'Mde ~ border badU~ the rear 01 the ched\.efboatd and ~. tlad< low dOwn to the wl~ root. Ftrther checkers ¥were added WIth the sweep back. and there were usually 12 squares per lOf'C,Itudtnal rr:NI between the
splMer and ..unC root. Instead of the appropnate cokxJr bands 'Which
Mustangs wore on theIr splOners. the
b-8lhFG"~ _'brom~Q/
lhh_'bqu'dl) ~b)~mon:'
-...",. ...... ClI1~'T!IUl-tndl
VillColntht pl'lolOllnph_'n'o:'10 ~ pllob·
IOtorw.. ~ 14-)""" P·Sh
P..slD-6-HT 44-11113 of the 3SOth FS/353fd ro, Raydon. April 1945 this Mu.tarlC w.. deUvered to the 350th FS In November 1944 and first • ..,I&ned to EdWard H Duke, who named It My FraM. Duke was pMted Mlssl". In Action (he was Initially captured and then escaped 1.1. dalys later, retumlnc to Raydon on 12 April) In Mustang 44-14974 lH-Z over Germany on 17 March 1945. and Geerce W Robison took over 44-1.1.193 and renamed It Marilyn II. The flChter's final pltat In the ETO was Howard H Hakonen. who chanced the aircraft's name to haut",,' 00,».
paInted the spinner half 'Nhtte and hatf black
dl«..nbou\l ,,""bnJ
a IongIludmal axiS. When the SPInner
turned. It produced a pronounced nlCkenng
Rudder colour. In October 1944 the EIghth Air Force e
eflect, although this appeared to the eye as a
far slOwer rotation than was actually the case.
IdentifICation. having seen that they had proved a
Code letters catned 'Were IdentJcal 10 those used on the group'S P-47s - MX for the 82nd FS. Hl for the 83rd and WI for the 84th. all painted In black ~n the standard size,
useful aid within the 56th and 479th FGs, These
colours, given respectively for the SQuadrons of
group, were as follows: 4lh FG. red, white and blue for Its 334th, 335th and 336th FS: 55th FG, no colour, green and yellow for the 38th, 338th and 343rd FSs:
P·51o..2~A 44-63820 of the 83fd FS/78th FQ. Duxford. AprIl 1"" ThIa .rcraft w. . aulCJMK1IO John A Klrtc III when the croup transltJoned from p~ 70s to p.51£)a In December 1944, the flChter boutlna: ten 'l"kIOfY symbols kif Its pltot's tour aerla' clalms 8Il"Id ah stratlnc kills (not ." obtained In thl. aJrcraft) Just fOfwerd of the cockpit. 44-63620 was ..rttten off In a crasMandlna: at Du.lklfd In May 1945. The red outline to the checkerboard .... common to aJl 78ttl FG Musunca by the sprlna: of 1.945. Black 8Il"Id whtta wtnt tips were a pofIUlar actditJon, but not command authOftMd,
339m FG. red. dal1t green and no colour for Its 5OJrd. 504th and 505th FSs: 352nd FG. red. yellow and blue for Its 328th.
486th and 487th FSs: 35Jrd ro. yellow,
colour and black for Its 35Oth, 351st and 352nd
FSs: 355th
ro. red. blue and yellow for Its 354th.
357th and 358th FSs: 356th FG. yellow. red
and blue for Its 359th, 360th and 361st FSs: 357th
ro. no colOur. red and yellow for the 362nd. for Its 368th, 369th and 37Ot.h FSs: and
363rd and 364th FSs: 359th FG. yellow, red and blue
the 361st ro, red, blue and yellow for the 374th. 375th and 376th FSs. The 20th and 364th ro, retaIned their aeornettlC Shapes as aclChtlOr'lal SQuadron maoongs on Mustane tails
"l"utar. the blue
used by the 487th FS dar1t shade as used In the IfOUP nose coklur. O!hel' ""Its WIth blue tatls usedliChter shades.
Wtllle Itl 8/1 l.I'\ItS the reel and )'eI1ow shades used wen!
Development of unit Identity marking. several uMS m8f1iIlng. were Changed as the weeks passed. some oa:aslOned by a need kw better recognitIOn. wtlile others were the result of fancy. The 4th FG ¥taS la r1y consistent ¥tlth lU marklncS until December 1944, ¥then an acId.tlOn8l 12 inches 'Was added to the red nose band. reputedly to dlStlncUlsh the IfOUP's alrcran from those of N,nth Au Force PoS1 SQUadrons that also t\.:I red noses. ThtS development ¥tas sttorHfYed If'l that the follo'W1n& month the red pe'l'Itworfil ""a, extended back ~ do>orn In a stylised sweep. Around the same time the 334th In
1'bt UlIn.ll.Iuc.11l.'tnr:rt
funhn"lJl("lrnul ..qwdI'\Jll;,Jmltf.. lIlton Iho.l~IVi
nla>...onolthtml "'~ bmoJ un -tth f(; 'hl'>u~.lh.~ l\c'i(\tl
1nl."ft;I.>on!h' ~M""IIJ.VTUld.
Il'unIn1'u.t'i!t\lll!n ..."II)-tHt.Nll\loJ
QP--\.tu_hn1lht llf'\lIf'COH.ll'.. l"l'<..~-.JnlQf'q
1llc'1laLht ..nc.r\ .... lhc'InI''''~I'1 1I\.O.~1lIllUf'C'
32 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·S1 Mustang and Derivatives •
6IGHT Tbc' ICftdnj flnS ....--
-.tt.: waP'*M
1J.FrIl.\OBI;LQU Inluck\ 0 p.~1D H·I~\'f·O ... uJ'OOt''lt"'f'hnl1n
.......,.._. ".I aIpo."TIIIlDdliC'
" ... lbrC_ _
'.o,()(hf, .ltlXbdmTlM:ruo.kkYtuoJ bca! purllN ..." hiUC' bul lhe' m;I no ..... ~ tud)~ 10 tit nlmdc'd nu. \tU!lUtl;fl ..."U~ ... tlh" • .I.~ pUoc. DOlI EmtTJon. Of! Olml:fDD l'b>
P>paW"C'" ......-a.aI c-._"ID
19-11 Rcpbttnxnl P·51D
FS out lII"led Its code ~ers on the
... J.'
k-..c ... Ilh~f'6ocOf!II~
lfOUP"s ...craft t\ad the Iowet canopy frame painted ll"I the squadron COlour. although this appears to haYe been at the wtlll'n of the 8SScne
The 20th FG also 9tended Its nose marIu~ In November 1944, when alternate black and 'M14e bar5 ~e added &long the SM:IeS of the cowl~ to a potnt above the leading edge of the ....U'l&- The 12-mc:h ... ode black type lderllity band was retamed. fOllOwed by seven wMe and eigtlt biack bats. each SUI II"ICheS .....Ide. A black bofCler hne of the same 'Width extended back under the bars. QJl'W11 up from k7N down on the leadtllC black bar. There .....as no black band bofdenng the ano-gJ.afe panel.....inch remained In factory 01rve Drab. Several 20th FG P-Sts appeared .... ,th on!)' the btack bars on the CO'Ilr11nc mmus the while, probabfy In the cause of expediency. Some so painted 8re known to have had the white added at 8 later date. As menlloned eartler In thiS book. some 20 55th FG P·SIDs recewee:l Quask:amounage on the fear fuselage and upper tad surfaces, A red band was pU,nled as the demarcalJon between the dar1l g,een and the nalural motal firush. Palntlng Mustangs In lhls way was soon dlSCOf1lJnued. but the red band was then 8doPted - thIS lime two IncheS Wide - as a border 10 the an~are panel. being COI'llJnoed rearwards below and nght atOUnd the COCkPlI canopy. this became a featute 01 all the group's P·515 Itom Match 1945.
Iud .. -..rnWr wpcd kllC'f I) md rwnnl/nkJ' sl)tnlt)' r...1.~ J"lI<"
fusetaee ","Ilh red. 81t.holJ&tl ttus practICe had been seen on
a ~ MU5~ cb1r« the Pfew:lUS sa: months. The 336th FS also dePth-edged the code letters on most of ItS aorctaft WIth red palIlt dunrC the final months of the war. Finally, some of the
/I. UK TlM: 'lhf(;Iud"clullnnn~ ...~·otlJlf>t)~ ban Itw lndOc:IlN WI Ihe"'"UfV"'":I) the' loC'COnd raft In (he' unll 10 bnt such an idnIlif)"Itljt II:ItC'f For ,pk,P--'iIOWD-\t. h3Id the b;lrpbad:al\c:rlhe' I." "'100 lIun titloW, I.) ..--n common In moM EltUlih \ hll'ttWlil ..
P..$1~15-HA .....15326 of the 334th FS/4th FO, D4tbden, o.c.mber 1944 A repI.Kement lor .traftne aee Oetakl E MonteonHlry'. P·51D 44.14119 SIU1»I' UZ, which .... shot down by. Bf 109 whilst betnc fktwn by It Carmen Delnero (who .as killed) on 21 No¥embet 1.944. this aftcraft .porta the e.tended Jr'oup noM markln&- 44.15326 . . . fk)wn by Mont&omery untJl Match 1945. when It .as replaced by P-.510 44-72382, which hrI also nIlmlId 5azut. UL
l.Fn.nl) ....ROU
(1" hnnt
"1C"If1.l/'RrI'IIIInIbltP."IO \,.."" 1/11"""'" tht..-uttn"l ho:1...'('ftIthc"'" hlutu.n!f.... lhe' ruo.kkY \,*-:I1ld dirt..
hi.., ullhe' n.aUoNJ ....... Tbc 'toIII'IC".tu.,k'IJ"J'bNlQtlxnaldC'f
.. ~.aJ ..l'"
1"1"C"f"*1 ,htaflli.
framrThl.aJn:nft .. ~ .. ft'<- rd lnan ......-..k1M..,\U> I~'
....C"""an.rol'\I\'l't.... IU 'I~l.!ltl}
34 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·Sl Mustang and Derivatives •
e.;,rf llfro- ra.u em .~_).--a,. o.:.te' :>f~nallftdl>.~ .. lb.u.~'O~ llIt "'~~"Tn,""nnJ_olthr'UIl
Il1ltJIIJ l..wh an.nn lWDC""nT punlN N:low. w puup .."'C ~
'".'wMJ .......
nbrn:'un\~(.oZtlnt' ••• 11t,,,,I!!L( "'1 'C"mhcft"tk-pm""ll IU.1,'lur\ C7.1ft1..~n '"'" C' The c'Umr.l... . ~C"nI(h<- .. t\llC'luroullhc-ll"lUp 1lU/LQIl.ulld lhc b.ln.- mc1.LI f\n~-h ,,(the .&U\-nft~. Uf'''~..n. Irlltu.. ~''fU''Irh
Till' "I{," A, '"'0 ",. Iix' ~<;th R. !'"ill) on p;lll'" ~ I. I mu!>t~ mohf ...... ;o.ppUnt '"
'C."\-.;nl JHnll ;l,n:nfl dunnso: tN' ,.mlr, of 1')41-1<; 1br );In'ooCC )oIC11Ctl "'";I., .-.d til neh ca:lC' -' hut the' cuklour ;and Ioo.uon '"linn! II .. ~. pa,ntC'<J ,n bUd. on the' }Tlio'o rutkkTolRktu.nlO1lnp.n\1 lIln IIl1ri1)w 1I... tudl tgd lhc lbrl. pn1l \Itblorm.,lhft'dtw'loJfnturn.lon"'>rror'"t the fIN "i"ith 1(. \lU>Ullp On R.>htn Ruelle', ~ul/full,u,",/aC\-F: thr ..."ut ,,'1)n:donlhc'ruddcTTl1C'udl'l~""" (lhllln':llt'dflnhothtlithoo:~fo.u,(h
\uw."C'fl1 (..onJ,on. C\-P Wdl' l
~1lJ{ nwnlnuntt In
the opm dun"" the ~ ...mln "'l':IlhC't of 1?-lJ.1S Uke: ~ numhc:'t ofochrr SSth f(.l' Sh lUlhl!llllJll",l1 ~ 3 rnI mU)I.:lIIIl oro II' tvtJdcTThc: bJlht bilnd !QcklnJlthc: nc.choc:ckc:n b bc:1/c>Tt.lI(1 h;l\e: hcoc:n awed lJy ~»'II1tt upc: lpplle:tJ .,.,....n the: e:h«kcrboolnJ ...~ Jl:&lntc:d onlo the: nplICt
41tf1U TbrMkadlilo;OIIIIlbrl.lllul -dlf"C. . . . . . . . . .....,.lltlllJfl
IaI:bn In cIMwt.., MMJ
~,.,. ..
dwuilllUlllbn"~lJ'.. II...l ' l ( •
'luI Ww",I_ ......tJ to IkplJ-....\
rnl hlInd II"","~ the;m~ puocl and uound thor codfl'll eanop> T,til numho;T tlt\UI .....' (QmlalOtiI on the' no<.Idcr
36 •
P-Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-Sl Mustang and Derivatives •
nlJ\PIG/,,'IJOI'PO\!1T ';lIUIK)C»o(\l~nJf'lTU11J ... ;a..1(),c nn loAp,,1191S nil. k~ the ~ th!'n'" on Ihckfl )kko(ll~ nKkk'rl'lUl n:uJOn.l (XI" (>(thc: I)(X' ldmUI) "n~()I'I1hc fin 1kl111c:,loC'C'OOd IlfiwtfjllJ UIf'l'"kl (1111o(11'i ("''If) ~ ~md.. r It'tIIlltlCnl • the fh~ 'ict~ adl,nllnJl the rqchlc:r "'eTC' AU nl)(A.OC<J 1'1) the' pil(l( on hi., tint lout ftpnitt>,j& IllUoll)·.W....'lIN (.l1k'r. b" Tbr IIl11ff'GCII-6UO-1 CI:<.)... hldl",-..-, ...·rinm off," .hl> Kdtkm on II "'cJMc:mlX'r 1'11'i.1ud thot (uJll"d num~ 1'hrcT of the 'lI1n:n!1 In tht• ...::rir
38 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
Soon after rudder COlours were Introduced, the 55th FG's 338th FS started backing the geen and yellow nose chedl.erboard band with 8 six-inch ..... Ide green band in the same dam
~ numbcT of \lu~., md ~ ~ pankulv "-SID InApnll?45 to cWm IIKbt ufM pound kills.. which "'f:I'lIuill) t ~ 2S and ~ WrnS Thut} .alto h.ad t ...'O and ~ WK'd MTUI \1c'Iorin PuuJln.. (JWfltN In bbd:) h.ad ~ rq>bcnncnl rudder ... ,th.a h,utl jtn1 linlth
UPT' Au JtxllllU) fkv.
Shade as used In the Checkefboan:l. and thlS became 8 feature 00 all squadron aircraft. A few 343M:! FS P-51s also had their rudders embelliShed ....lth a red rampant mustang motIf dUring
the autumn and WInter of 1944. thiS destgn also app(!anng on the fin of another squadron au-craft IJl black. In ear1y March 1945 the 38th FS. YotIk:h was formerly identltled by having no special ruddef colour. started to pamt them red. As the last &rouP to convert to P-51s. the 78th FG had no m8lOf rnarl!.!ngs changes dunng the fow tT'IOf1thS that It flew the type on opefallOnS. One embellishment that appeared Ofl some c:ommancIers"llSSlgned arctaft were $ll.....-.ch altefl'\CIDl"C black and white bars on the ....mg tips. Post........ group CO Col John l.andets also had 8 black and wMe checkert>oard rudder on hiS personal Mustare-
urulldcnullotion ".,,,,rlum'(JUonIN on bbck) _-::0., P·~ID ""-140516.'·..... hlch fatun:d thl'« \1C11lr} ~\mbut. w...~ the'
11ll1l-1; ~'~f'cornlnUC'dI()"""'IUl-tnctl~baod
....l,_.hit ~ c.htttt'1bocud on aD of,~ 3ttenfl. On John \ld _ ,
j I- ~1196 eLI':.he
ud nWDbt;r _
Idl 011 an unpaimw
IlInp T'_MIb Ilk nld of IIv ... :u;oLll ull nu~ ..~ rriJuulal Ir4.N'rl\td_'\'~~c:hml:cnrdDuQuw.in
l'dnnac: ,,, \ k ( _ .1Ut!m;mx Llrthqu:lk ."f}lI.' Anochcr~fulpuuIK""I,.,.f11l¥
f'lklt In IIII'
rs ...~Atchk
Ih,lL"l: 'f~j(lIY Boy' (p;tlnt~ In blKk) "-:u II ~\()"". 6N-O.and II dbpb)'cd a n'd blocL
_"h'''''Ol.\lJ1..lo m:&o1
«N.," "'P**'d
Oaochn',\MIhf \l..unplbcu.lnumbt:>'liIf1\ III rdk- on Ibc IVttft tudOn. - ' IhD oundm:l UTTlJ T1UXIT (];(" tu~ 1M IftI t..r .... 1Iw ~k 1JI3'lC1-.J rowxt tht QIII'M''''' ~..-. ~ 10 CMroIlknry
N/G/rr }oc'Thut). +4·Ii656 6"i-C pboll''Ill''l'pl'lnIln ble I'c'bru:ar} 19--lS ... llh 11 ... t'Jl1n rn:onlcd AppUnl on 'C\Tr.l1
~ ~
\Wlh fC. \l~lllc-c' 'ul ~"'Tn: on md Y1rI\lthcd 0\Tl"
pnntnJ. AluN
It H~,,"(,L.K.f)r,..rWIy kah.onJ IkTbot did nut hn'C" the' UIJ numhn rq>btN tin the' .a~ I<J
• .a. kooc .Ilh -..Ihcr (l'1oi tin 18 \Un;h I'fn ll-"~, •
Prl,1('nS1\I1("III\lSO~K)... :a.
...h the' \ "Jlh IC.
'ote- the f'nJ rudtlc'r
lIdo.,....nltrythc~J\nJl A..~tO
.....p l'nrIl lhe- amraft. fltnron b1 ilnl.hcr J'lIIIl ...... \hie Iok.-n b).an C1"I2llI ,,"I~ awvlCTon
~ A,.ro
40 •
P.s1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·S1 Mustang and Derivatives •
IL""?' 11~ 1111 number ..;u I»U1lIy rnluulC"'d III hbd::on tbctcdrnddC"Tol.\l8tll F"l,,~
.. hallh.. rnartl~ "'U imt'OdutTd in '<1'onnbcr 194-4 Due 10 11K ~ COflu:a... II doc"J I)UI ~ dC"1riylllftUn)
pho!oJItnrN a.hcTC"oo-tlll%8
PErTA...~tO~tdclm.lhC"1W!IC 'I(""lto
..;uOlnC"doothekft "'lkolthu
8EL~ P.~IJ) -11-631""9 PE.-R ..;u dtn>nIC"'d ",Ih rnI and ..1\o1e tMrtlC"r 1U1P'C'" on 1hC" tnm uM .and had a barber pole JWflIC"'d on 11K r¢1 ...,Jo:- at tbt ~ _ Qcrn. dUdtudbC"'m a brarbc1" mCl'l.... hk'lbc \l1aUnft. wuaI plooc ..;uJohn Ranoen "·00 had the WllpII Otub ... LWt al'Jlbnllu lhC" kft ~oIlhC"noK
P-61D-2o.fr(A 44-64148 of tIM 504th FS/339th rG, Fowlmef., Mwch 1945 Group CO WOllam C Cbtt( took this aircraft as a r.peacement In late Match 1945 followln.c the lou tit his PJeYiousfy nsJcned P-5J.X 44-ll745 Happy'" on 22 February 1945. The latter .,craft hM:I taIJen to flak near eoourc. In Germany, whilst belnc f\own by Capt Ray F Hemnann. who was kJ8ed In the Incident. As wtth Cl.rtc'. other pe..-onllJ Mustanp. 44-64148 was Mso named Happy. Oottyon the canopy fnme was hi. wtfe'. name. Apart from personal adorrment. 339th FG Musl.afC$ also had no markings changes other
than the IOttoc:luet.ton of rudder cob.us during October-November 1944. Similarly, the tor the group mar1lJflg. ThlS came IntO use dunng the late summer or autumn of 1944 when few carnoutIar&ed altCtalt were stIli in serVICe. The shade used was probably Bntlsh Deep Sky Blue, \/Iokh ""CtS s.mllar to Inslgrua Blue. 352ncJ FG's ~ remained little altered apart from the use of II dar1( shade of blue
AJthou&tI the 353td FG had added another r(Nf of checkers to the standard twCH'OW P-S1 I1fOUp nose markinlS upon receIVIng the type, this was consIdered Insufficient. as the ne.gl'lbounng 55th ro's green and yellow checkerboard also appeared to be black and yellow In
P-41J>.~A 44-14882 of the 328th FS/352nd FO, AKhe, J....... y 1MI Ort,.,...., ~CJNId to lothar Ret In OCtober 1944 (e. e replacement for P·S1D 44-13801) and named K.tydld. this Mustanc dl.pter- the darker .hade of bfu. IntrOduced by the GrOUp lot Ita now martlJnc durtnc the summer of that y"r. 44-1A882 we. r....lcned to enother pUot when 66-fTUssJon vet.ran Ree retllrned to the US tour..ltplr" In ea"y March 1945. It did not auntve lot tone foIJow1ne departur., how... r. the flthter belnt lost n"r OkIenbur' In Germany. throuth enclne hlllilr. on 30 March. at whkh tlme It was catryfnc the rathef strllnt. moniker 3rd &HI the S«ond. The pilot, It Frenc.. J McCarthy. w.. kJlIsld In the cruh.
\H(Wr 1>00. fnnk Kdxlrrwl had a "'''lUI'ile: R'\I KMf .... itll while polla 1\,aOO hC" had 1hC" rnddC"T ofhb
uWty ~1C"'d Thb aln:nfl .... ~ .... tubt no..·n b)' anothC"rpllol: on \11kl..~bnl9-t"'lioccllutthebl~
IIJOIoc 1TUr\tn1t11:u b«n exlel1lkd IIJUnd Ihe canop) fl'1lllt
Hlnd H, tud lit.. j'IC"~ ~n"\f\"'In~po
""' Thtuuu~t'l (1'·'\11) H I t911 PI ... , ...", ,"'-............ nll\"t1'
42 •
P-Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-Sl Mustang and Derivatives •
U~T The' }~lth ~\ 1'·110 .....~~ 1<) ""mun fonln" oJunnll h~, 'IC'(1)n<111}Uf. d''''PUlffiM'' .. IUle -'Jl'irll"lC"l""OO rnI no'>.(' lun<J;and rud
n::pn::">.Cfllllqt ..
Wfnl ....... r·11
Rnw 1llt bllJC' Inn! on V'-th f\ ;uru;lfl ..... ;a l(p.htcr -Juok ltun the Nuc 01 the" rutK""" ~ 1-1> C'idrnt III thl' ptw'b"lll'llJ"h 01 R"hen ( •.utKh ~ ·41·1 .966 lUSlrl"u.s I u
nll\l"iGT Ih l'}t~ thtbbd:md,~dwd~on\'HnlR,
...":nft "-,,,'...-bm 1Il.&D ~ .."llh l'OoO IU'I" 0IDd1~ bdoooo cuu......u,,;\., ",bm;l1WlK' Of ~ _"b 10 be' pamtn!1\-plCIl
1t-1"<;19UIII hfI .. .!rtd ."'Ilhtbr,~ niddo:rollhc _~5Olh F\ '''110 ... 11-'''' 'J-t 'lJnof llrirot·ullhe ;\51)1 '" .1th.ll pb.m ruddrr. .anoJ P\II\. 1111(>lI"X~Drwt_it"_"-llhthtbbd.nodokToIlho:' \'!qd f
P...sl~~A 44-13354 of the 358th FS/355th fG, StlMple Morden, December 1944 The personal P·51D of the 358th FS'a commaooinc ottlce" It Col Emlll Sluga. for el&ht months,
this aI,craft was lost on 21 March 1945. Hit by pound fire whilst Itraftne an airfield near Horsten, In Germany. Slu&a was forced to bale out and become a PoW. The aircraft was gJven the Group'. white noN marklnc when "Nt rocelved In July 1944, the ydow squadron colours bel"C .oded In November of that year. Tho flChte,'. name was derived from tho .ulened pllot'. surname, and It was also Sluta'. nickname.
f1cJ'1t In Decetnbet 1944 the ~ d was extended from th,ee to etght square, per ICln&Jt.udInaJ raw. thus plainly dlStlngulShll'll 353l'd from 55th Fe Mustancs. Apart 'rom the 350th FS's PfaetJCe of OUUltWli code letters ¥l'rth yellOw. whICh became common to all aquadton .r(taft dunnI the ranal ¥l'eeKs of the ¥I'M. end the 352nd FS fOllO'orr11'll surt. thete were no further notable e:t\aIlleS WI U\ls &rOUp. ~ ~on COlOurS were Introduced on the (aIlS of 355th FG Mustar'\&S. the Group also pawned 0I0'ef the 120f0Ch ¥l'1de ",tllte nose band In the SCIuadron colour. nus len only the Spinner WI the wNte &roup recoerwtJOn CObK. Howeo.er. the .teran aSSigned to the Group CO. Lt Col Ev Slew.l. retained an alJ.¥wtJrte C(MoI I'll tnIO::lnc. down end back to the .....mg root, end bOrder" by,. "llC"lCtl WIde ted band. The Mustq fIow'n by Sl~.rs replacement, It Col Clay KJonaro. &IsO had lin extended Wfttte C(Mo I'll tr\8riI:1t'IC (see the co4our profile on pa&e 44).
1\\lT4.\I)HUCWo v.nm E\'C"rC1t <,("'~ ......... CO olthe .'S~h Fc;,.hi.. P-111) SIt" ..... l"//(-U .IS2S1WR-S> .......... n:'CO[t:I\iliC'd ~ the (t,,,Up romffUnlkt'·, bMN.lUut ..~ o:t~ do",n..oo blCk to the: .. Ulft .... ;and alP "uh;a .u-indl ..itk rnI band v,1lC"n ... "'~ 1T1(I'-nl IU ('tJIbIlUrlI1thC" ImfG.thD""rrntft ..;uuLc:nO'lC1'b'I.n·lthf\U>(.or'dQn t.rMwn . ..oo Jtl''C"fl:an IndhidwllC"ttcrdwlp: to f 1I<)9lT\"". II rtUlnC"d the \lIC",..~ llW'LnA.~ ('all be: 'oC'C"I\ in the" 1Dc••p'uund (,( the phtM......J"h
lor tu.ltlIt .... tute: rlO5C"
c::ItmtJnl .. rule:
rn<Jrt.I'1¥ 2ntl no roloumJ rudder
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
ItuuuJ:hOuI ho-tlhlio In Ihb
rt>()lOfV:ilph.l~lenInJ:lIlUM)' I'}l~.
the fkkJ.
P.SIOG-t,S H-IS6O"" eatT'in the IWIlC' Tk.t Tt, LiKrlltlf' bc'nnlh the ntuU!'.l nund'ok! tn ~_P.'IKGI.(; ·t4-II611.' b U""..(Jo.Il",.:andGlloi. .~.\I';X b 1I(l"''''(l('lbc: \.ut kknull..bIoe;llrcnl' tn Ihcfl,j,:.ht ~Gt·X ..-U:dl9l} TOOU\ FOOU'/lEl'EACE
P-6.1C>-25-NA 44-73.144 of the 354th FS/355th Fa, St. .pI. Morden, April .1945 E1Cht«JI1
Claiborne H KJnnard·. Immaculate MustanC was martted wtth a distinctive white
paint sc::hoeme on the nose to dlstJn&U'sh It as the mount of the 355th FG·. commandlnc: officer,
ThIs was KJnnard's fifth personal P-51 whilst "ylnc wtth the Steepte Morden--based Coup. all of wtlich featured the WR·... code and were named Man O·W.f.
Tbt '\f,(tl F<.
.... D.....,..
Jdk-_Nwbar nctI~'J"nhlU
rra- carnn the pdol • _1II,-cDo...
~"'''''''''Itkl B/UN RJ(;In Itn."'~' '''10 U·I~"JQIB
.. l*KnooJdcT.arad Wuc tpinnn 0I'i
. .ntt .... lan
C A.ght "'Ithlll the 355th FG's 354th FS had alYIays made a POint of marXm@; Its 8$SCf'1ed alteraft With the Iener C near the toP of the tudder. On illferaft weanng camouflage rml$h. the C....-as pamted in white. whilst natural metal mact'llnes saw the letter applied In black. With the introduction of red rudders. the C was maf1(e(l n,ght...... tde in white. The other nights YIlthln the Squadron also intermittently made
use of coloured t11m tabs for identification, and after coloured rudders were introduced, there was some use of the letter A by thal flight on Its aircraft. like the 355th. the 356th FG also earned its SQuadron colours OIl the noses of Its MustangS during the final months of the ....-ar. but in this case OIl the sPinners. lhe alternating
red and ~ue bands on the spinner too+< some time to appty. and this may have been one of the reasons tor IOtnI to a Single sptnner COlOur - sqvadrOll CC)k)urs on spjnners were Introduced in
camourbjlC 10 3551h 1'(.a<X 1l~1U')
Febfuary 1945. An excePbOO
the P-510 flown by group CO. Col Philip lUket)'. which had its spinner decorated With a red. yellow and blue sptral. Following the Introduction of squadton colours. these were also applied to the lower canopy frame on some alter8ft, but by March 1945 U1is had become COflVI'IOf'I 10 all P-51s In the 356th,
r....ms T/"I"1JH'
ldrnll/lnlll! a.~II()Anqchl
o(!hc"U"-lhf", UJI'I'I .t\IJRJGlfr p·'Slo-tM.\I';X
It"....."'... b I»ITI) 'L"'bIoe, h;:I\'nl/. bc'tn ~Prlocd ~n rt'\I bd,,... lhe- oJuU)l tlWUIl*l A bin- pbot'"I(lnpn
W""I~ ~mnpdJ
46 •
P·Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·Sl Mustang and Derivatives. 47
u rr
The .106,\nJ f' 3dopIrd;a rnl nKkk. lOr :>dd1l"'lfVJ
io,knutloli.lfl\ pbl 0( h#ll ftI'n I ....U qUlIC: •.lofft"lYf'Il ~1n1~phoc~phb""lhcrnl .. uthc~mJ (~
t1ntL-h Rnundd Red);a.. u."C:'l.l til the (.roup n"w m;a.... Ill¥.-~I.... 'II)"'--21!r_;l)..~I<)Ed(.1IT . .and fl6.1l,. 111''\.!9.fUmC'dAml"sF..rprru~plk>t fr:anl ,""lie lOr h" ""k'
John 1>unarl.(.I/ II H6I2 nrntd It\(' twnc 1IQ1..'Jbf" 00 In,. 1dl:'\Mk(r(II\nlN'
U,ot, Thr- \6-hh 1"'~lcd'~ ruddn'\)~ rnwn 'O\nnho:1' 19-11,lhc UJJ numbn-bnnAKUl"utcdtn l
P·'II)"II~ll C~XPIIJUI;DI1.lln "'';L.tht~ \(cnIo1\1qlhm~I.Mt)"
un I"'dl) 11.(•• 1')<) tA" ..... \\.'TKUllIJN ..... Tum \dim_ ;am,nh"htM>ujth1l utnt"oli'''' ....
t<>ur,.ml ",-lurnl ,n ,he J"TIl("('tIlk("II," plOnl .. '~
INltl "'0 RIC,'" '.r.mnJjl4ttJ,,,. I//JllIII'l..1 'l(,~"').;a. O' .... n tt\ (.k1\fI ,....u Itbll .... II"'" 'C'","" ~"CT&I",">t. and \Unl'~ hI... ,bt~ I."th thrntllllK1J '" U'O(.hoc ~ ocnkd'''"nQ ~."n .., I' tud dune In II' ~ w" nf l'fl"'l'I"-"'" In IhI' I nl
48 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
The 357th FG was another group that had no m8f1unCs changes to Its P-51s olhet than the appIlCBbOn of squadron colours to rudders
An extended nose trouP matklrc was 8 feature of 359th FG Mustangs from November
1944. The shade of green used In the apphcetlOfl of th.s mar1urt& ....as 81so changed. for initially .t had beert BICht grass green. Howevet. with the InttoduetJOn of natural metal finishes. 8 darker shade ....as use
,t<.11T In lhe: W)ltl '" wi numtKn .. 01' tnrl-'oUlrdor
Ln! uuundon .J~P,'I1l>
I ''IHI\' .....'U nUJU{"\"'T(lnrnl 1l .. 1u1C'<)UtI....C').
"1he:0Ihn" .wnc:d:urcraf\.m:
IH91l\1),1hC'b)t hr.'nj(k""on II \bn.h 1').1'1
370th FS Mustang also had the lOwer canopy frame painted In the squadron colour. Yellow patntworl<: on the noses of ~lst FG Mustangs was elCtencled rearwards in late July/early August 1944. being taken back over the anti-glare Olive Drab to the end of the engine
bay. and then down to a panel line running to the eJffiaust stack. At the eKhaust stack the yellow 'Was taken down and forward under the nose at a point roughly In line With the halfway marit of
the exhaust stack. H~. the 375th FS went even further by taking the rear part of the yellow marlC1ng do¥m to the lower edge of the second long ,nspectlon panel. In the final weeks of the ....iIl'
,t became convnon pracbce for WIng tips to be painted In the squadron colour. although
examples of thls were to be seen dunng 1944 Apart from deootatJOn of fin fillets and 10m tabs ,n the 385th FS to dlstlngu.sh fhg1lt
1eadet'Sh.p. the 364th FG's rema'ned httle changed. The 479th FG also had no S'if\lfcant ~ t to authonsecl marlmlgs Shortly after VE.()ay In May 1945. the
EcJ'1th AJJ FOfce
ordered that all ,ts aircraft were to
cal'r)' IdenllflC8tJOn manongs on the underside of the Ieft .... ~ The reason was the uncautloned e.J.l..ltlefante of)'OU'l& PilOts an ultra-low Ity\r«. bnrClng an upsurge ,n accidents and also causing ftCht and amoyance to many members of the BntJsh publIC. and the,r Il'Ye$tock. On Mustangs. the 'bull:' tJ'\Crtl'CS COl'\S.lsted of the squadron code. a hyphen and the IndIVidual Iener of the .rcraft. Painted 1I1 black on metal fimsh and yellow on camouflage greys. the chatacters were 36 mches h.gh. On those aircraft belonging to units that had not been Issued ....lth SO 110 codes. the mar1tJngs were usually an abbrevtated form of the unit designation. followed by a number
or letter. IH<')I'I' TIl;) [toe-up ..t>Ol ot'
P·S1D-1.5-NA 44-15007 of the 369th FS/359th FO, Ea.t Wr.tham, December 1944
DLlck t)ll'C'
Deltwlr~ to the 359th FG at Ent Wretham •• an attrttlon reptacement In November 1.944. this .rc,aft featured the ,wept back .nd down medium tteen nose martdnC and the red rud08r that IdentHled thlI 369th FS from tM middle of tNt. month until end. It. recular pilot wa. J 1Oem.
'lu",-~ .. ~t E;a.~ ~m~ ~"Ih ..ll
1dC'n111~ b;md.... C'I'I' ",UiflC'd
"n horUonuJ t
DlU·,T-tHl.£on UrI1O"C'(m .. hll(')
.KdlT TllC'Jftt'II lIl>OCot'\Wth \I~....."J..\
nl.. ndnl 1'fiI"" .. nlo
..fltIhC'f 1911 ... lth ..
"''"1I tIc... nmlhc !':"~r "htlC' nluu~ ""'rnI"Id ..nd .hen H' 1h(' ... 11lJt"...1I1"hC'b1ut' U'lCd
f"r lIIe nKkIcr
,d"UfUr \~C)(h"
.'fltlft .. ~o InolllJlll 11lUC'lIr~nl'(llIlHkn1
11 "',. \1ou;l1 nut en ,.. C'rp.tlnt the c;lll numhC'r;L,,,,,m,,,1 II I \H
.... bellhoM' on 1j..119~ Q..II ...'C'1't" llUlltncd 111 t'C'd lbco &ll'I."l'1J1 ..... 1I.ImC'II Ill/It I)t.:rlt (In \t:"lkrA') ~n<.l lhe: IIC1.IIn bl'lC'. .l 1-~l.lOa 0i-(:,C3tT1C."'>,M IUIDC'
50 •
P-S1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
/lIltlQ Jlt,'l ~~('>(h t.... \t~ .. ,(h,~wo. ru.kk.... ~m(hc-('1..... orthc P."II) ~ ,clio..... 'M>l'f" Ir..urxllW" .... It m.ut.('IJ"'~ (U""''''~I) .moJ thu:.un8I loll' NnIlcT n'mt...n 1".1 Ir:a.... 'fllt .l1n:l':afl Tbc' Ull numl'1c'1' on (he' lin /u.' t>«n ~.c.J ...... WM
IOlno.tudr the' fuI1~. I\.!~I
LadIrl:I ·!o.ro .''-'Ift'(I .. II''i.!tll~\).. uh1C'Cltournltnm bib ..... I."~IE')\ c.,nq.U) &1t'rU h.uftd\ 1"-"18 t_ .. t'9' .. IIJl.aNao.'" o:llhcr",.nd..:~Uftltthll'I""-~.lt,....,.... Tbb .......... nI: .. ~ 0Ik'C ...-ann!to .... 'C D;ok "pmcn
\\J" InlnxllKTd In 111t" Jut) l').t l, "'lu:ldron cul"ur, un rudtk,... In Nmt"mbc'"' 1nl! on ,,111J\llp'.lnd ("".I'''Jlll fr.ame-. ,J"linll)Jnu;ar)-lcbrtl:ltl 19j~ TIl., lTllulnlnjl. hbd. 'ypc IOrntl,) lJ' JJr<:l'1Irt b)llle (,,110""'1( ~prinR 1'·'\Il) 41.ISO't(, h,,_ "n R"l." o( n)(Mifon a luwer no'l(' ""nC't.JC'romC' \1'101\" \\~~ lI,u..11) .. _'>OClaled \\'lh lbb \hN~~ UUrlll~ ....MjIlK. but anothcr plk'l .. :I_ In IhC' olll.pll \\hen II .. ~~ lk_ln'lt"tl "' .. !J'O'l'"'''' 'KCkIC'n1 ThC' lillluer b '<'<:"Tl In fQmUllon "'Ill llle )tl't>up'~ Vuh«\e"l\Jott"'Il1ce Iud
The _Wihll'<j·~ l'):1O;'OOCU )dlu" 1l(1'ol" nlJ.ndnjl.
IIItAI hmlfwm,l I'd .rld'lf ",nil .. '-nd'-.I.,1rft
IMI&MCd trO ....I ..."'1J.IRU\ IJlHlI'"
-~ lI'Ilctw:::nJby a
• IGJ" _ _ lbC'?do-
I I r > l l l n ' ~ .
j'..,ll?-l)nkadnf UdliErdr.. a
P·51D-l~A 44-15031 of the 374th FS/3Ilat FQ, Chl.vr••, March 1945 A replacement aircraft received by the 374th FS In November 1944, thl, Mu,tane wa, Involved In a 'atal accident on 4 January 1945, the pilot. It John R Wll,on, beinc killed.
52 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
VQ" ,,"""'ot 1\1l!:l"I~
wtblbtirtal....w.rr~ \ l. .
-..aI .. tlwl'ilul eJIIl!:a",fdw_ .. _~
"'.lnklD _tJw-m • •
I II/G'"iM) 8Haw Th" ,Ii phucOfO"'l~fnlUftlllt othn
.lIJHlA \G'}Il",;uAnhur}ril"nin ntl''111> U~2H6LlIt:w,,,,,1u 1.~;l'~lol>orukiPio:'fn'
p \'1) ~ IIIK-16 Ll"/buli"~."D
nb) l)un;ak!'>lOlI*thh ...outhlUO(' ur the' trio 10 ~uln ib u.l
"" I.IJ7 1>,~Jl)~111"HI.l"n",)A""UChlrf .......~ 1<1 lbrokl "'IXI'. Iu~ '!dlW Iu\<." lh wl nW1lbl-r~imt.llc:d
.lGIfT ''IIO •• IH\''
..... l k t"'WtJG.
_~~I9i' ~lDf.llilft'
. _ - . a l e ....... • flnlBiPI k-aIn'.t.-t -..I1hr .........
54 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
Operational Training Units In January 1944 the 555lh Fighter Training Squadron (FTS) came into bell"lg at Goxhill, ,n lmcolnshlre, 85 the operatlooal tnMing unIt for Pilots arovlng In the ETO. Mustangs being ,n
IMMTltNT Vlll61N
lNAZt.\DtIJtAZ./(.lfT \"P""''iuoBh -...nllbtano'P' 1,.... ..;L.. ~f,o.'JUft'dpl.ATlnrtull:liC"tlnl,",thf'\I~
couWbc~lOlrqakT1lllC'1ll_\:nfl.mu..nuidlnlllhc'llIr'nll.. rqo.wxlhc'll.OfM1bc'JI'PlnE'TI/R(,'\·JJX'C"d
I_Z ..... ,- .t.dIo ....... _t.-.K.......,.,roI.. '~~lnl£rfrj~I)(TCJlll.t\.I.~onllw:'flll,hlw.kot ..·6 t- .. -..:JP!"'tbb"ft'tIDtIoutcAIIlD.,,""oll.!llrl.-untnMllllhrtundpoirltNu~
UIT A U'"III ,flluoa-Nddnnl I ,5th '" "'~II> JZ-(• • 1-1'!6'~kN'I..UUn~curnpktC'''
....... Jl':&ndJlJIu.l:"ontolhrb.~I/'un'dw'-· Idi~I"o~"I-lll,rmd
N,,,,rl" R,_ ~'"lC(·U''C'''
snort suppty. the uM was the recipient of casl-offs ftom operatJOnal units. Issued the SO 110 code combInatIOn C7. the unit pcllnted thIS marking in the standard sIze and lOCatIOn on the fuselages of ItS aIrcraft. \Nt'ute on camovflage finish and black on Il&tural metal. Type identIty bands YI'1!re earned. and where these had been removed by operatIOnal unitS they were often repaInted. Allied ExpeditIOnary AJr Force (AEAF) stnpes were not earned. and were ren'lO'led Irom aircraft received ....Ith these martongs In place. 555th FTS MUSlangs were to be seen ....Ith a vanety or nose markings. Inc1udlf'C checkerboards. POSSibly retamed from their prt:\'lOUS aperatJOnal units. In the autumn or 1944 It was decided to form an OperatKlflal Tralnlf'C Unit (OTU) In eaetl operatlon8l fctlter group. The reason.ng behInd thiS IT'IO'Wl was that eaetl combat !Voup had Jts own IndMd\JaI procedures. and replacement PIlots would be better 5efved learning these trom the outset of their comtmtment to flying In the ETO. As a resUlt. In OCtobef 1944 each fighter squadron was ISSued With three war·weary aircraft of the type bTl. although the number on hand appears to have nuctuated between three and flYe Most !Voups gave the,r OTU aircraft specIal manu"l$. For example. 4th FG OTU .rcraft had their rudders painted red, wfllte and blue In three roughly equal hOnlOntal sectJonS. red at the top and blue at the bottom. AdditIOnally. the indMduaI ldentltles 01 these 81fcraft were rnante
\t~"C'lT""".i:.llh~",Ih thr~mc ~lh,,
bbl."loo .. rutccl'l«kcrbo;udruoJl.kr"'';I.'ohtlft
lnOlwt. n.~non IUlur,almruJ l\-I!1'J\ " ; I.. ("\ .. nl ..... lh "'ruonlnllnllhl(, 1'C'tl"...r,a1l "nllth.. ;I,n.nfl .. nodr-;Ioo \\,\\ nur\onjl,;Il"J'loro 'nthl· ... nlC.JU\.k." Nu.-".. IIll'IU'''wuJ ,n...,w.antl ,tl<' ruti.k-f
ll.n.I_~u"""1) lko'OJllTpl.;l(:wh) a-olldhl:Kk .. h",h ... ~. k
JlU,r\U~"'I"'I"".u \~h"'J"II"1I
H\\,dlwnl .......u"P "lTI\tKT<"plOin.ll"" h Iht\'('ttTaJl¥I..,
56 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P-51 Mustang and Derivatives •
PlJUP" tud;ll ""O
tht.MP·'\IB 11·1l~16.'Z!o;ll
lkttr'4:,nln\'n'oOn WI"'1\;IIt (lr't p.umC'dO\cnJl rN ;aJ~t1 .....~
geometric: ~ on the lall. Otherwise. tn8ft(tng.s were 8S worn by the Group's combat MustangS
In the 55th FG. groundCrews had 8 much more demanding scheme to apply to the group's ",'craft - the MustangS' n..KSders were COYefed WIth SI,Il-lnctl squares of green and yellow
'II Ir'I th.. cft.-,.h-bnding •
AIIOI'I. ern 31n;rall In thI: If)lh t(, bu.t.... t ;IIU hOck ~prnlXn ~ COfiIn.'tIOlll('lVIlUl'
8 for the 338th and 9 to 12 for the 3431d. 81thOU11l follo'Nlng lOSses. the numbers used appear
"*""CThe 353rd Fa's lnO of SQuadrons eactl had OTU ..rcraft mar1<ed .... th numeralS 'l8l"lInC WIth ~s tha1 repl.acement.s were ~n 8 h~ number, ~r, as the 350lh FS Is known had PSI. mar1<ed UH. lJi.8 and lH-9ll'1 tervite f'l~r VEOey The 35Sth FG'. OTU itII4<JSta"CI were at one time ICIentJfl8d by ha'vJOC lhelr 'nclrvlduel 11M framed by 8 recta"lgull!tl" bell: outtlf\C Later, OTU 80Iuaft had U'lell' r~ painted btac:k No .pedal fn8(1(lngs hiM! corne 10 tor tM 356th FO', tta.neB ot1lef thMl the WIN IUffl. or pre(l. 10 the taU number. The 357 FG. OTU MlAlanp ~ numeral IdentlfQllOl'I. With the run of numbers belf"C 2
phol'''ItnIJ'h .....''''..m
blr-",11o¢n P.~ID Hlll\ll ..........nltm
c:hecI<erboard. Again, numerals wefe used for fndMdualldentlt~l, 1 to 4 for the 38th FS, 5 to
to have been asSigned WIthout regard to squadron order. As ""ell 8' betng painted In the usual If1dMdual 8lfcraft identity pos,tIOn aft of the natlONl inSti/lia. the nt.mber was 8150 applied forwald of the codo'prt to the rear of the ef'CN'l8 bay on the fuselage IICIe By contrast. 78th Fa OTU CMfCtatl. featured no lpecutl matlUfliS other than the WW on the to1iI (If'!. ~ Ietlers were both batred and unbarred. and asslCfled ...mere needed. like the 4tr1 ro. the 78th had a two-seat P·SIS ~ . wtllCtl was paollted red oo.oefailin the (mal montns of the WIll If'! the ETO. All three of the SQUadtons Within the 339lh Fa palmed the rudders of thelr OTU 8I/Cfaft)'8lo¥ro', Random Ie'lter1 'fIIlefe used and the WIN marluna earned on (InS or rudclets The 35200 Fa OTU ..rcraft. were ICIen1rf>ed by numcull. 2, 3 and 4 paInted on their fm '" the 486Ul FS. Whereas the C1the'r two lQU8drons used barred Ie1ter. and the WIN
rt"PUIC'dh <J\n2Dbtur b\ IMIII'hC" 0'1",
."»the: IIUIn Idrnhr}'"Il lrWLnll: lQr
The OTU ClIfc:raft employed by the 20th FG .."ere less dl$tlllgUJshed. Whereas the Gfoup's combat 81rcraft had the front potbOn of theIr Spu'lOet5 pattlte
mcul "',tc'lhe:
"u"-nr) nwit..lnft ..nmn tMe,"",!" daotltK.1f''t"llI"omctno.
IInkt un til< ""II uI lila.' u/Td P11B
Il\c'plrnlbn' 1941
43-1921 of the 343rd Fa/55th FQ Group OTU, WOfmlngt'Ofd, April 1945
FQtlowlnc operetlonal service with the 355th FO (where It wa. a..lened to 11.5-k1ll ace WIlliam Hovde of the 358th FS), thl. P·518 wa. pa.sed on to the 496th FlO before belna: I••ued to the 55th FG fof opefllUonel tra1nlnc purposes. It wa. demaged In a tulln, accident In April 1945 but we. epparently repaired, a. It we. not declared .alva,e until aher the .ummer of thet year. Orletnally flown In camouflace flnl.h, all Pfllnt wa. removed at ~nt In the elrc,.h'. lone: cereer In the ETO, Note tMt the flettter'••erlal number wa. reapplIed Inconectly on the tall a. 36529 In.teacl of 369281
58 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
allotted on 8 group rather than squadron
A In! ~P'/U)(T, ",IUI(Cn...... h;tOOmol mlbonk"rlolM
baSIS. and no du~icauons_ The 359th FG "",as another outfit that had no special mattwes other than the WW letters on the tall. However. ItS om aircraft _'ere mostly. " not all. identified by barred letters. The 361,t FG also had no special d'Sllngl..llstli~ ~s tor ItS ttaaners other than ww. NumeraLs were used by the 364th FG apparently on a group basts, as high numbers ~e to be seen serVing In each squadron. SClf'ne
cmpnuu.- nutLnl I'" O.,:'1IUII", 1'<11\.'(" 111" Unit tud
!lo«,Wl1(" lhe' f1~-lh 8umb <"q\&alJn.... t,. 1M
IlInC'lhl'lpbo!CUltJ;llph ..t9tI,'.,-r:N'l-bndN~ tb..,~""",
reachrc to the twentIeS. As ..,th Its letters. the unlt"s numbers were painted In \/ltute on geometnc tatl devices. While It is known that the 434th FS of the 479th
the 364ttfs dIStinctIVe
FG used f"UTlef8Is (2. 3 and 4
bev-c noted): the 435th and 436th FSs appear to have preferred
the use of batre
Scouting Force Mustangs
.\S-lh f(, .. ~
"umn'abbpWx' ~klmlofOO,;"",
bId .......1Ul1Jlll1'orc'<'
..... """'"
--,nll'tclc,.lhc oqwo!nlfl C'O<Jc.u 00
un-O'nr-ll Uln...."flUlIllll~
lIWounlt'haLllhe'bM ~ lhe' C\Xk,;l.~ .. ,Ih n\& 1l1~?1 UI 'tRR')JI"Tht~
CommanOer Eighth AIr Force, authorised the each of the Uvee bomb dlVlsl(l(ls. EqUipped ....,th
In August 1944 It Gen James H Oootrttle.
01 weather scoutmg Uf'\Jl5
Musta'W$. these uruts were speclrlCalty tasked ",lh ft)1OC ahead of a bomber task fwee and reporlJllC up.to-the-rnll'MJte Ioc8I weather COl"l("t)4)nS back to the 'heavies' by radIO. The 8'fC18ft
used for these "'Chts were ptCMded by the resident fighter group on whose station the weather unit ""as based. namely the 364th FG at Honlflgton for the 1st DivISion. the 3SSth FG at Steepfe Morden for the 2nd and the 55th FG at Wormingford for the 3l'd. Prlot strength for each urwt ""as e'lVll, and eventually the fighter groups Irwolved re<:etved an additional SIX Mustares 10 add to their normal complement. The weather aircraft "".thln each fiaNer group ~e distinguIShed by SpeclaJ marj(lngs additional to the group's normal maoongs. MustangS of the 151 SCOtlt1fl1 Force were attached to the 385th FS at Horllflgton. and each earned the SE code of that unit on the tear fuselage, The indIVIdual plane-IO-Unll leiter was eatned on the tin In black. the squadron's tllanile marj(lfl8 not being applicable to these alretaft. In september 1944, a few weeks after the unIt had been established at Hanington, addlttonaJ marj(lngs were authorlsed. The SPinner was painted ted and a 12-lnch wide While nose band applied directly aft of 11.. A three-Inch wt
P-61D-lo-HA 44-14375 of the 1st Seoutln. Fore., Honlneton, December IM4 AIthouIh the 1St ScoutJnc Forc. was alloeatH a dlstlnctlv. maritlnc consl.tlne of • red splnner and whit. nose band, soma of the aircraft obtained trom the 364th FQ continued to carry tMt untt's blue and whlta nose bane:!. Dec:~red salvae_ an emere_ncy ~ndlne at a Cont.IMntaI airfield In December 1.944. thl. Mustane wa. sttahKl by Luttw.tt. "Cht.... on Hew V• .,'s Day 1.945 wtMlst awaltJne "M1 dlspoul.
IJTIUIII.JJ-THI) ./{,1I1 hpnunmul
. ~ .. lul(c
"','Olllln.'oIII)lho:' brWlC~UMdtly
In MarCh 1945 the 1st SCoutu" Force became regulatised as the 857th 85. a deslgnatJOn that had become vacant when the former carpetbagger 8-24 uM had been disbanded. The colour markings remamed unchanged. although the UOlt"S 5E code was replaced by the 857\h's 9H code. painted In black end posluoned In the same location as the former 5E. When the 2nd SCoutIng Force was establiShed at Steeple Morden In August 1944. Its assIgned P-S1Ds. dlstnbuted among the three fighter SQuadrons for maintenance, ....ere wven
code letters appropnate to the SQuadton maintaining them. Their only dlStlncbon from the fighter Mustangs of the same SQuadron was a bar painted under the SQuadton code letters,
P·S1~ ~11341
of the 2nd Scoutln. Force, St. .ple Morden, December 1944
2nd Scoutlna: Forc. aircraft ......r. drstlna:ulsh.d fTom oth., St•• p1. Mord.n-baled Musta",. by the black ba, paInted above or below the aquadrGrl t.....o-l.tter cod. of the unIt to which they were • ..llned for malnt.nanc•• Orle:lnally, the bar wa. paInted below the code. but most alrcr8ft lubMquently had It applIed above the code It was more ea.lly leen. When the 355th FQ adopted coloured rudders and no.. bands as additional means of squadron ldenttftcatlon, the Scoutlne Forc. aircraft became visually more dlstlntulshable In that they retaIned the alI-white CeliarskJ. SWEET STUFFwa. no.. marj(lnes and had no coloured rudde.... Aulened to damqed In a belry..t.ndlne on 26 Nov.mber 1944, and althouCh repaired. It wa. w.ll and truly wrecked In another accident at Steeple Morden on 8 January 1945.
60 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
."''''7 \ldxout-.:
.......... <\\cbF<.lin:o.. :aponm-tbltOTftll.-;a! uilllKftntD.1;1rnl InoIrlll:cdIIl';andtblt Nddn';I rnl.uxJ.hIk
The P·51 Mustang and Derivatives •
mdlC8lJrc the sec:ond umt In much the same w
PAS aircraft. dat1l. green fO( those of the 14th, White for the 22nd and blue fOf the 27th. No fuselage code letters were carried. The three fighter wlngs also maintained small flIghts of aircraft to( use by headQuarters
When the 355th FG commenced palnt'ne the rudclers of Its Mustanes wfth squadron colours (nose bands were aJso applied) In October 1944, the SCOUling force aircraft retalne
offlcers. and these Included Mustangs WIthin their ranks. The 65th FIghter wing IFW), which staUoned Its night at Debder'l. had a nose marking of three wtllte and two red encircling bands.
spinners and nose bands and COIOur1ess rudders. Around the same time the black bar was parnted abo'o'e the squadron code on replacement aircraft. where It was rTl()(e VIsible than wtlen applied below. At first. the PoSIOs provided for 3fd SCouting Force use had no special ldenllfylng markings. Uke the 2nd Scouting Force machines, these aircraft were distributed among the three fl(hter squadrons .....,th!n the 55th FG. In December 1944 identIfying mar10rCs were applied to the tails of the Mustal'l&S. these taklng the form of a red CheCkerboard made up of Sut-mch squares palnted directJy onto the &lUSlIng finiSh or a white ground. Addl\JOnally. a four-lnctl wtde stripe was painted down the Ieadm& edge of the fin so that two Inches were Visible on each sde of the verbCal surface when VIeWed ,n profile. In mlcl-Febfuary 1945 the 3rd SCoutlng Force was grven squadron status as the 862nd 85. However. there was no change In markings to ~ e thts developmenL
The P-518 operated by this Unit - 43-6542 - had aU of Its camouflage removed and the letters J.A applied on the fuselage. It Is not known if this was an SO 110 code spht either side of the national Instgnia or the lortlal letters of the Wing's commanding general. Jesse Auton. All 65th
Special Mustang Assignments The wlnerabillty
unarmed. camera-carrylng 1'5 Ug,httllng reconnaissance aircraft to
InterceptIOn by enemy fighters. partkularty jets, led to the 7th Photographic Reconnaissance Group (PRG) being g,ven a number of P--51D/Ks to( escort duties. Arst received In January 1945. these Mustangs ....ere adorned WIth the group colours - a dat1l. blue spinner and a 63-lnch by 12-1nch red band painted under the engine exhaust stsckS. Each of the photographic squadrons had four aIrcraft. and they applied a particular colour to rUdders: red for the 13th
P-61o-2~A 4+72419 of the lAth PhotoJlr8ph1c RKonrNtI-....nc. 7th PhotoFaPhlc R~IUMM:. Group, C.....,ov•• Apri11M5 ThIs was one of • handful of Mutt.8np a1kH:ated to the 7th PRO In M.,.ch 1945 for UN .. ftCtrte.. KCOr1S for the CouP'. c..".r.equJ~F.5 UChtn'ncs. otven slmller colour ITI8f1dnp to those then In UN on the F.5a, no IndMdu.! .bcreft _re dlspl.yed other then the t811 1'IUmblt~.
fIN fighter types earned this marking. The Mustang'S spinner was painted wtlfte. WIth a
red sPiral thereon. The WIdth of the red and white nose bands was approKimately eight Inches. The 66th fIN marklng on ItS alretaft. stationed at DuxfOfd 0( nearby FowImere. was
based on Its groups' widespread use of the checkertloard. A most elaborate design. the engine cow1lng was covered WIth varying rows of red. white. green. yellow and black six-lnch squares. This decor was worn by P-SI0 44-13590. named Picca<1IIfy Pnnce III, and later by P-51K 44-11660 R3Che1-H 2nd. No fusel8&e codes were carried. Single Mustangs were also operated by other Eighth Air Force organisations. The 49Sth FIghter Training Group had a P-518 In silver finish. WIth a green spinner and nose band. for use by Maj Gen Bill Kepner. Commander of VIII FIghter Command. The Air TechniCal section of VIII Figtlter Command at BovIngoon had several Mustangs for experimental purposes. including assigned P·518 43-12425 V(}C. whiCh was In hand for several months. Its codes conformed to the norm for Mustang sizes and colours. P-SI0 44-13730 was also among the several different types operated by 'A' Aight of the Eighth Air Force HeadQuarters SQuadron. A bare metal machine. It boasted a black E aft of the fuselage national Insignia. this Mustang was at times flown by Gen Doolittle. Following the end of hosUhtles. several other headquarters gained the use of the odd Mustang, and by far the most colourful of these was War·Weary P·SI0 44-13885, flown by Ihe 4th Combat Bomb Wing al Bury St Edmunds. Modified to take a passenger. It had an all-yeJlow empennage In line wlth the wing's 8-17s. end a red spinner backed by broad cowling bands of red. white and blue.
Auxiliary Fuel Tanks During the sprlng of 1944 the Allied fighter force achieYed air supremacy In the sky over NorthWest Europe. VIII FIghter Command Mustangs were the primary force reSpOnsible for thiS achievement through this fighler having a radiUS of action of nearty 400 miles on Its internal
fuel tanks. With the addttlon of disposable auxiliary fuel tanks. cornmonly called drop tanks. the P·51s could escort the bombers 10 any largel In Europe. Drop tanks soon became a familiar appendage under Mustang WInes. The first type used was a tank qlnally desi,£ned for fitment to the P-39 Airac0br8. Known as a 75-ga11on tank. It wes taardrop Shaped and paInted overall Neutral Gray, ""Ith the filler cap In red and Instrucoonal details in black. This became the mam tank used by P-515 until the sprine 01 1944. when BntlstKnade Sheet metal f8bncabons In a agar shape, known as lO&pllon tanks. came Into use. These were painted hght grey or medIum grey overall. dependlna on supplieS. to accord ""Ith aln:reft undersurface COlOurs. On some later' produeoon metal tanb the support bands at the attachment points were also pamted red. Dur1~ 1944 sheet metal tanks. rated as 110 pllons. antved from the USA. and these were used exctvslYely by P·51s wt1lle supplies lasted, "Cam. these were teardrop ShaPed and
finiShed In SI!Yer. 'Mth red filler points. The most used tank by VIII FIChter Command ""as the SCM:8l1ed 'paper' tanK. a hChtwelCtlt p1asuc/paper compoSition tank rated as 108 pl'ons and shaped muctl as the steel tanu of ttus cttPKlty. These were Sliver finiShed. ""Ith the bands at anaetvnent pc:llnts patnted red.
A8(1l'C lbIt~ln .~ hc'Mlqwnc:f'" Iud ;lfIt,o.~~
bollittru"l' lnd~P-~I" ~
1-11660, .. hkt\
66thflghln'll in ll: 1llItfi.lthlltr .."" adorT\cod."h;l
rornpoKtloirro ITlJ""",h'IIt.~
;Ifl4lbbd-quun1lllt I'U
........ Ihcrumc NI,cbrl,II~,1d
62 •
The P-S1 Mustang and Derivatives •
P-S1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
I.E.I-T Anc.-.. ~ .\5-lh
II n 1) pluJ ("uml'k~ ufJl'C"1"'O'UJfu'oC'LJp:-lM
))mbot. - m uncomlllOfl pr.K11ct on \llbl:lJltt' The' uPJX"r IuIf of the 1).1n~ Mri~ on Ihlt' fl~'ClIpr h.nr httn pw11~ OUI "'uh d&.... ~n iln.J Iht" code: ktlcn rdrnhal Drop I;In~ tJonK-
" ..nM\C("fIOn 1.1 Il.IIl'h IlnfC"r ~ I'-~ I R IlIU('o'}!IQ.,1 ,,, fr-C"r I.... n I~ N.o;l
to IUrold Iloffnun bm "'b IoeoI .. hlbl bnlijl flo b} MlOIOOpUocon 2AlJI;\.l't 19-1'
;ano.l ... h"C"lull'HlrC" l-n"-~lU""ln;rndI""
.....lJ.ntl""ll'l... nurlC'donhlUIC" \lu'>U~dC"no>l'1\Jt
ItIC"(TIn1l1In WI"-Il
l'hC" ...In1,'NtI"",
/l,.,.,,·..·nl"m.· ..
IWl-Vp b} ItHTnl chiri For ~pnloc'l1C).on .... ..lrcoo -Il'u-.~ roramlplc· .. ,U\l1I the lUlh tht" .. hil(" ofthc flNUPnur1.'Iijt"'';I)l,II'J'\JunJ,the """,mn;aJ bnnI!.",ro l/bl:od for rotlln..ol
Personal Markings A feature of many Eighth Air Force fighters were the motlls, nicknames and other Inscriptions
P·51D-~A 44-13692
of the 77th FS/2oth FO, Klnt. Cliffe, December 1944
This aircraft featule. the distinctive, extended 20th FG Croup nose marking of black and White bars as applied In October 1944. Dellvefed to the Squadron In Jul)' 1944, this MLntanC was aulcne
...p..rtnlh ll"J"ltniUl \("110 ... ' ..... hOC'\l .. lIh
painted on the forward fuselage by pilots or grouodcrews. In most cases the aircraft was gIVen a name by the pllot, although occasionally the name was suggested by the crew chief or another mechanic. Sometimes two names were applied, contnbuled by both pilot and groundcrew Popular were the first names of WiveS or sweethearts so that a photograph of thiS Inscflptlon could be taken and sent to the lady concerned. There were cases of a pilot having one female name on the left side 01 the fuselage and another female name on the nght side! SometImes the pilot permItted the crew chIef or his assistant to apply the name of their Wife or glrlfnend. Normally. there were more pllots than aircraft In a squadron, whICh led to aircraft assl&nments beIng shared. and to dIfferent names appeanng on each SIde 01 the fuselage. When a pilot finished hIs tour and the fighter was assigned to a replacement pilOt the names and personal decorations were usually Changed. AlthOugh the assIgned PIlOt had first say In the matter of personal decor. groundcrews were usually responsIble for the mmor embellishments. A tally of the sorties nown by the elrcraft ....as kept by some crews on their charges. each mlssKH'l being represented by either a broom (for fighler sweeps), an umbrella (for escort top COYer) or a vertiCal bomb SilhOuette (for rJitlter bomber W()f\( or general miSSIons). each of these symbols usually belrc apphed In black. However. thiS torm of record became very rare orl Mustangs from the spnng of 1944 OIWwards. A PIlot's 'nCtones were recorded as swastikas. crosses or Nazi nags. usually l)l;ow the left side of tho cockPIt After Eighth Air Force HQ decreed that ground-slrafing 'ftCtones shOuld rate E!CIuei to thOse obtained In air combat due to the great danger faced In obta,nll'. the former. there was generally no dlStlflCtlQl"l made between ground and 8lf credits as painted orl lllfCfaft.
On most assla,ned fighters It was usual to hewt the pllOt's name and rank. end that of the groundc:rew. on a small paInted panel forward of tho cockpit on the left side. W,th the P-510 and K models, these detells IIl'ere often painted on the cockPIt canopy freme Itself
64 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 65
The Aces
O;noho)\IC'ft\lr.1' P.'IKot\.()6.\61lu.
llh FGa'rtnft .. ,. .... IOConnwl
nn. .....
9 'b) I ~-4 dwvqt ,
n;epr::bS: u=~~:: ':Sco;;:: ~t:rU:~~tsbuth:
acknowledged, being In the right place at the right Ume is crucial to success. and that surpnse
is p.8(8ITIOUnl. The speculation that only one out of every ten enemy fighter PIlots shot down
knew that he was about to be attacked Is also valid. Moreover. It seems grossly unfair to label
a pilot ....Ith rtYe aerial victorles an ace.....tule one WIth tour has no such accolade. Yet ace status
The Eighth AIr fo(ce had lTlOfe fl&hter aces than any other branch of the United States military durtng the 5econd Wof1d War. and most achieved this fame flying MustangS. Shoaling down an enemy aIrcraft was often far from a precIse buslt'less. and In many tnstances the evidence available - pllots" repOrts and gun camera film - was not always concluSIVe. The scores of individual pilots, and the overall totals of the fighter Ufllts. were sub1eCt to revM!W at different convnand IeYels throughout the operational penod and Since. resu1tJ~ In Yar)1ng figures being publiShed. Those
now generally accepted were contaIned In the 1985 USAF Offlce
of History Study No 85, WIth some more recent amendments.
c1Unctl"A 10 fh .. nh '111 rqUllC'r<:ntnmand "'D bJph H<>fa, "hojOUlC'dtheR",;aj
poor tQAmc'nCI, mtrotnlothc .. ..,Uc "b~lhc'fiN
Ilh fC", pUou 10 aW..C" lhe 'lu
:I('(' . . -.th
In 11K £nl,K--ortrI$:
......., ...... 1l~1"I!I
honour 01 h.., ht_ I,,",ntn'k~-.uun
The Eighth Air Force is cre
W't'nheA:'''lIhlhc" H-llhf"<.Jfl'Iwldo.'lt ~r' .. ha,:h.odo.'Pn.l
110m- 'ooc('W-KT'
WIth 25. the 352nd WIth 22. the 355th WIth 17. the 55th and 339th both W1th ten. the 359th
nOIH'('ltu111 >
With nine. the 364th with seven. the 361st With six. 353rd WIth fIVe. 479th With four and the
Iwr md Iud... c.>lk'pr ~1C1"C", .. tue:h
20th and 356th W1th three each. The 78th FG. being the last to convert to the Mustang. had no pilots achieve fIVe Ylctones while flying the type. Although not having an Interceptor mISSion. the
1KA:'~"1,)n:'<Xl C"TI")\OI1OC'l'hn
officuJ I
2nd ScoutJng Force produced one Mustang ace. In the following listings the P-515 quoted are those known to have been assigned to ace pilots. although many other aircraft remain unldenlJfied. The names given are the main names
ptxwOjtr~ph '""'" l.ll.cn 11
0rlJdm on
worn by these machines where more than one was carried. Date abbravlatlons are In the international form of day. month, year as used In wartime.
4th FG The 4th FG's most successful P·51 pilot was Relph K Hofer WhO Is Cfedlted with 14 aerial victories. He also scored one lull flying a P-4 7, and had 14 strafing credits for enemy alrCf1lft destroyed on the ground. A former RAF pilot. Hofer wos the only hlgh-scorlng ace In the Eighth Air Force to be ShOt down and killed In air combat. the ace meeting his demise over Mostar. in Yugoslavia. on 2 July 1944. His personal P·51Bs were 43-6946 QP-l
and 42·106924 QP.l. named 5aIem RepresenratJve.
LF.J-T A"" HliIlh'
pdoL. (rom the Hbth ...... Tn:'
'\\ortd ....u_"tMltMfow~"l.""""').I'('AII'<'n1tn lh~JlO!'C'dJVOUfl~.w.nlin'b.n.it I~. \1 1M ~!R'ftl(' lrlll')uhnm (iooo.Urn .. h o ~ 1(1 ,\_H \.iUs,lhmCl.'lmC"I)oo(oC1\lik'''lthII ll\'oc '1n~ ..T f t ' ,..lft'd"lththc"''\fl !Iohom!" ":1('1' l.clurwvt ...In Illlkrtw:'n lc'hnwul 1>u'«1.. ullhc" 1'()C",..('(lI~ad.wrlan.l'wnlCT( ...... 'CTft<W'l" '\"',<'II\.lrluN.nn;una.......~.UJlnl\lII \I '1.ln.tt .. hen h,~ ...... 18 -run In I!win«' Io.........ri ..."<
C..,lP'J"hn 1D1Kn ............ ,...~ TlIomc'U Jlf~ to1th hn("~dut1
~ C.A \kll)do:"".~ Ihtv '~I8-I" i2-I06H""lotlhe tlMlh ' ..... '''ltMl H.1n lIW"junr 1911 Tb"nwl oc.(omJ 141"~,"k1'oncotx1 ..""n Wl)l.nw.rr~
;:L._ _...o=o_ _
11""1911 'lMmInlI ..... halJun II"theo<~"lnlh"'('fJ'h~ . . . . . .,l.rniIIIC"d .."hlJ"umICUlC'... Q.&lI'CnI\&nl!dr'otn" ..... ' .."ln ..l2llntt ..... b 1K1hc:~."~J'fV.t'd""tfirt't('M'"lr'wlllir"'rltullKlpt\I t<""'fJI:"_ the" 8-_,dd. a.k of rnra--lnJ o1IootIlbIt
«ntA:' ,II ,n'" dunftr' .. ttm ,he Iud Io.-.J III II' to\pD.", uJ"'WM uN. ......adml) ~tfln.l due '0 lhc" J'ik\t'
( .......'lo.bt.-.n, .. ht.....- urN I t~,
11.1l..citrnMlnt:!o-"-,, md tA.oN \t l1.l
66 •
P·Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
~/" Jo/'IIl (;oot1'C" ~nIh b.aoJtbr~"T'lIlltbl:
..tbk... t.:h(llOC"'I
U:I-T' "'~ hl~ autnpInJ '10 ~cruN1'Cb.."AOIp
........... to
.. hilt chttkom 10 ald In up .. hm aItbomc TlIcV
4J0000>........ ""(Oodlft,.b
proaucu.T In W Ittl ro, , .. 8 \brdllhc') C'bomnl JoU 8/ 1ft 1oDowo'ftlb)'l.tun'_onltlo'
... ~&o.bo:;
2Jn!oIlMmonlhand I \\\ (lhrtth 1'JOJ,:a81I09an.J
... bll:btfld..bG ...'lD . . ~.~I....
.H-flh FS/4th f{j \la.tch 19-f1
dwl KOnJltl tk-rnm... nh
Godfrq "-I hb \l~
. . . .l'JIn~ . . .~br!>~
....,. ...
"~.ol.o~"-.htN ~ull~66b~on _~Vld t ...... \lU
b~thII'~P' __
ILJ johnTCoOdfrq polin on "'l1\Sto(hb P-51B-S(H~-MI 1VIUl hi_~' chid aJlIJ tu.\ ....
n.~ba.~~IIlX'llOftIll 1~1~-t
The Aces. 67
e-arn ...., """N bw
O.\j30h 11('
Ju'\!J-" • • MI1!rid ...
Pauu:.11 the momrotl1lc on1) robJ~
lhe best thing 10 ~l on
Lde<> pWn common sr:;n.'oC 10 :lPP~
IXI~ b
ltul lhe)- do aller, and depend m~lr on e:tCh ~IIWOOrt ~ II ttul ClIl Ix bid OUI for :W:U,W combat an:: Pl"C1I}" ~. and II ju.-.r: 1M- righl lime
1 lhink INt the most imporunt one thins 10 a fljthler pilOt III l>pccd'l1lc bsIer an aircraft ls rTlO\ in~ .hm M- l>p0t5 an rnatl}- ain:Taft,lhc ~ M- wlil Ix able 10 taLc lhc bouocc and ~ to the lIun And II 10 h.udcT lOr him 10 bout\« }"OU if)'OU are p:oIng f:l.SC Of~. k~in~ :I high ~ in f0mt:2Uotb bi 'on)
Iwd b«aw.c Ihc formalion &lb apan.a.nd aJso lxausc ollr)ins 10 ~,'t"~. Built is an Ifl)porunllhln~ • • .11
piIoC to ~whcn M- ~ ~lcd from
hl~Itf"OUP.Of""hcn~pht up mlo~1J Unlb_Aho, when
bouncill8 a Hun il i! JtOOd 10 tu\'t" :b much l>pecd :b ~blc l1lc ainnft WI !wi spttd lw the ....-:.maw: on the 00t" WI h1s.nlllc tus lhe Initi:llh-c b«ausc 5pccd ClIl a1w:n"$ Ix cOl1\-.:rtcd inlOalUludc ~w1h
l1lc problem olo·..cnllOOllJqt a Uoo coma up qullc otIcn In both lhc P..i- and 1M- P·SI hcaw.c oflhe Jotw1 T Godfrey sho( down 13 and shared in the desuUCbOn of two other enemy 8lrctaf\ ..tIIIe f')q Mustq.S. He had two VlCtones and 8 sheted ft)'Inc P47s and 12 plus a shared whale lUound-sttaf. .... HIS asscned Must8f'C.S were 43-6765 Vf.P and 42·106730 Vf.P Reggte'S Reply duM& hI$ rllSt tour. On 24 AiJlust 1944, wtllist on his second tour, Godfrey was ac:adentaOy shot down by I\Is
\n")' ~ 0\"'etUking spn'd lhe)' pkk up in the dl\'t".And -.ornctimo pik)U report after a combat tNt lhe) cuukln't ~ the Ilun~' ~ 1IIUCkiOf{ bcaU!\C (he) .O\~ him-.And the qUt":SliOn i5:bked. 110'" do }UU ;I\"okl O\~~'
'WIrwnan dunrC a stratirC attack on Nordhausen airfield. He was
~ eapc:uted. and retl"laJlled 8 PoW untll wal"S end.
Don 5 GentlJe earned much wartJme lame as the 4th ro's most successful ace. dalmlng 21 and two shared 1IICtOrie5. Of these. 13 and 8 shared weft! obtained In the P·SlS. four and
a Shared ....Ith the P-47 and two .... Ith the Spttfire V whilst Gentile was serving WIth the
AM. He
also had sa sttafane credits, Gentile's M18. 43-6913 VF-T Sharlgrl-U, earned a block of red and whrte checkefOOafd below the e'"CIne exhaust stacks. as did John Godfrey's P·S1B when tI'Ie5e plOtS new as IeClCler and WIngman.
George Garpef'\ter scored 12 and two shared kills In Mustangs. plus a lone victory In the P-47, He also had four strafltl& credits. carpenter usecl P·SIB 43-6575 WD-I Virgin/a 10 echJeve elihl of his vK:torIes, and was eventually shol down and caPtured on 18 April 1944 while flying
42·106675 WD-1. Ho¥tard 0 Hrvely had 11 credItS while flying a Mustan, and one WIth a Thunclerbott. He flew
two tOUtS WIth the 334th FS and became Its CO. his assl&ned Mustan,s being 43-6898 QP.J Met 44-15347 QP-J. NIChotM Megura shot 00wn len enemy aircraft end stwed In the destrUCtJOn of roor others. malllly tIylrc P·S1B 43-6636 QP-N III Wind. HIS combat career was terminated when he had 10 seek refuee In Sweden With an 8111,. Mustane on 22 May 1944 Ffed W GkNer atso ctawned ten victotIes end a shared. as well as 12 stran,. klUs. He flew 43-12214 VF-C Rebel Queen and later 44-14787 Vf.B. Ted E Unes was ~t another to down ten enemy &dcreft. rune of wtueh wet'1t! c1auned while tIylrc hlS aSSIgned P·51D 44-13555 WD-O. Another 4th FG PlIOt WIth ten In Mustwes was Willard W M, 111ean. ¥WhO also had three credits \IIWhl1e ".,.. P-47s_ HlS personal P-518s weflt! 43-6997 VRI end, later, 43-24769 VHI M,s5OCXl Mauler. In INtMctl he was shot down on 30 May 1944 end teken pnsoner. Another P'Jot from the same squadron ...mo ended up III •
pns,on e-np as • rnut!: of strafrnc. thls tJme on 20 Jooe was James A GoocIson, ...mo hid Nne &or crfldlt. In and (r0#81l"1 P-47s. and hid alSO desttO)'ed 15 enemy _cratt on the Good~Of''I"' MustanlS were 43-6895. 43-7059, 43-24848. 44-13300 and 44-13303, .11 coded vr.fJ laud H Nor1ey also hid n.ne eeMI vtetonn In Must..... 1944,
one and. shared 'IIIhde In Thu"Idetboltt P 518. ""£I'Ied to him durinI hrs fnt lOU' .....ere 43-12416. 43-6802 and 43-6666.... coded Vf.o. P-510s In tit. second tour InCluded 44-14435 W().() and 44-15028
C'Onlanpot2tic'olnllw ~~th"".~ 'ochc eo--"bo,.-\ltll un • hlt"Iht"KkJ',~br't"II
lninc:t.l byd't" ~AnOIht"I" t"ll1orC".lrly~ "Ithlht"\l~
\'Cllun "'U crnlUN ,"llh 11l'1Hkllbalkl ~J[ ~lN~
hon.n-n , ,\l;&rCtl md 22 ~,~
19-'llIbl'f'O'l\l~tijl cambal CU"CTr "'n 1\.1
lhononlht"L1Ilt"rd.olt ..he:n hb \'INMl/l. (H'71Sll)""U~.\IfI
In t"rrur b)' :an OO't"f' ~"'\fIpIlot .. 1u!.M-~Wtl
"U'ortt'dWI'fa."" bntllnl1C'Ulnl"l.. ro
... hn't"he:WUUlI('l"lll"ld unbll8J_
\1) own Ida i1 ltgl O\-cnhoocins is a ,t'f}- JtOOd Ihinfl Speed 110 JtOOd and should ~Tr be kiost. \1;~en \'<:11..1 kcq>.1I high)p«d UP)OO can lx:!>Ore of cb\;1nft: inlO t2rlf(C bcfon- opc:mns firc.alllllhc ~ lOU fCCI, (he bnler ctuncc: }"OU tu\'t" of hlltin~ him Abo, a.nother good point to n:manbct is tNt when ,-ou an:: (~ptl>wnt"' Ike ~ cou/tho: _\_Hth ~". l't"("tlWIl..) dtuab of hl~ t'-1Unt'lns a Uoo rOll are on the offemh'c, and h;nc lhe :k!\.,nl;tgc DUI IhlflStS tuppcn in sphl '«'()(Kb up l't"<:t"T\tl) rompkttd t""'Qln ~ Ibnc. and )"OU dofI't kno... wlut m1p,h1 tuppen, 'lO tNt )"OU W11l MJddcnI) find Ihe ~me 1100, or one of hil> pountlc~mm (OUII)f.MI1 at lrit"nd..~, b.1ck on rour all 5h00c.ing :It )1)\1 And If rou arc Mill going fbler ltun he is, It is eas)- 10 pull ba.clc Ilt"hdtn In \bn.i'I 19-11 t:' lht" Kc't" t:'mblt"m 011 hi~ fhUijl; hdmt"l nrl Ihc l>tlck ;md zoom up ;tbO\-c hinl, when:- rou arc mid) 10 all:llck a~in 'C"-cr fli'c Ihc Hun an c\-cn bn:;ak If )'Ou ha.\"(," an) ;td\"nt;l,~ on him, keep il and usc il. So, ... hen i1l1Ackl~_ I ...'Ould say pb.n to O\"(,":~hoot him If ~Iblc, and hold nrc lImll ... ilhin r.J.tlf(C, Ihcn .ili00l :.Ind clobbc'r him oo.... n to thc b..'>t in'-t:.llll heforc brcakin~ ;tw"r-!t's ~:I' lil.:e l>noldng up br:hind and hilling him Wilh a bal>c:baI1 b:.lt \\ncn thl~ b oone,:.I pllOI will ha\T 10 Ix CArdul nOl I.) r.lIm lhe othcr a1rcr.U1 on Ihc bmt.k:.lWA).N. hc o\'eDhootJ and pull~ up .)h:II1'l} atxt'o"c Ihc II1In, hc an lakc a qukk look around 10 dcar hi~ t.lil ;tOO lhcn roncCnlr.lllC on hi,) IIun :lpln, nuklng:1.) m:'1l1) P;I-,,-"C) and o\eDhooL~:I..~ n«~Q.'l' to finbh him orr W1't"n the cner-Il)' i.s ttJdng viotcnl t"\.,~I\T action II b tunJ to ~ a JtOOd shot:.ll him Ifrou:.Ire ~ns tOO fJ..~I,~ ~ l""an be CUI oown.1l hllle lIN ~ IonfI as )00 an:: MUI ~ns (:I..'ilcr tJun hc b An :.tlIacl.: of thi.> I.:lnIJ pre\~1S the coml);tl lumlfijl, Imo a doftn.wll wilh botJI :tircraf't ;1.1 the ~mc ~,t"".&Ch fighullfl !Of" the ad\"nt~_lflhc Ilun 'ltt'I )"l)Ucom!nll he an tum InIO)'OII:.1OO mcct)OO -.cml·ho\k)n,!>ul }'OlII,.":.oI1l '\1m loom oocl.: up 1ntI ctlml:do....n on him 1I~1n Ileca.nt I.:~ lumlnsdrcb alllb)" - "\OOncr or b.ter he must brcU: (orlhc lkd.:,antl .... hen hcdoe\.lhb,Iw-', tetd il I"roba.bt) Ihc blAAC'1 (hlng 10 .11 fighler pilOt I~ bcIllf1 Ablc 10 'oCC thl~ - not onI) to -.cc them. hUI 10 Inl fJlrel thcnl \\ben he fijthler-.. 1110 fu aWOl) 10 f't"'COIlIli~. hc ,oould ha.\'C 11 f.1lltl) flOOIllda of wht"lhet the) arc friendl} Of" not b) the "") Ihe) aet - b) Ihe "i"~ the\ Cln:k' a hnmbcr fumullon or b)- IhC' wa) IhC')' X1 ... hen nor othcr nflhlCT:\ IIl:.II arc known to be fricndh Thil; i> ~thillflltul COOle"> pmt), much .... lIh nJ)Crkncc, bul a thln(lltut ca.n be pr.llCllloCd b jU.)1 kIoki~ allll rccottnl\ifijl wtetl )'OO-.cc The filUl thlfijlllul ma.k!'" ;I pilot decide ... tut 10 do I~ ... hen M- defirute" f'C'C."UlUlI,<,,> the other .lIteratt as c~m) or frkndl}' - and the futher a.... ':l.) il b" hcn he doo I"CCOjtru-c II, 1M- OOler chan«' M-Il ha.\T to ~ 11_ Of" to 1\'Oid buobillfllf il III a friend \1;1lcn !l)lllJLlt l\flOOd 10 bc kt<\killitcomt~ntt),and}oocan'lloooIr. bchlnd 100 often Doni lc'OL qwdJ' all Q\'n"lhe 'k> - \(.';In II -00...1), -n."tion b) 'oCC1ion \t'hcn}UU -«'>OInelhi~ltutklot...''-tr~.''«'P:an("\1:' on It till It can be kJc:nlllkd The nun ~M (lC1\:a Ilun b u'tW1) the one ... ho tu..~ -«nl( fiN '" k)( I.. hca.nJ ;lbouIthc IL-C of lhe ..un It I~ 1Nt" ltul :an ;ul"CTa.ft att:acluns UUI ot the ,un L~ \'U\ ~ hl -«._hidl nlC':lfl" 1ha.I.dckn.",-c~ ~.;I pikJI: -.houId ;II..."" "C"CIl a better IOIlL.-uu(l.I\ tNI dlrenlOl"l ltun :an~ gthcr - c~ If the ~un is :anr~ hen' ncar hl\ O~ n ul1 Rut ~ hen hounctng .\ lIun the -.un mca.n." \ f") hllk \1;'hen)1>O '<'t' allun. hit hll1l a~ fa...-.r::I..~ po:...",hk "'llh C\n'\thlnlt )uulu\1:' b('1.:.n:, he pet., ~_.11\ If)uu ~';Iit II) ~llOI"l ltJur
"'''I''Ihe: .. hH.,~_t""op_lnrM""Ik1aI.v.fJ\ho. •• 'ItRf'h"'II)c-~Inart\\Un.h IOu 11uInc'lkT-oo.'" 1"InNw-tl11't" .. ..,.lltlI "\~'kl•....-~ ,~o;/l.f\'UfWJ ~an.JIlt."'(""'hk .. 1~\1T\IiI('\l .. lIh.:!II'l" ... rU1 dt""o
68 •
P·Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces •
..uJf1'T "'Ilb.rd '1""'W1lbn.-.u~tI\U."'518-15(H ..:H-69) ..'hmhe "'"btulb) tw.-uwmn,2USun"lllW'«Jdn ...518-15 '!t-:HT~ IJl5;.\(xa 'L.f,( U.N "'"b dcconlnl "lit! II 'icIor)' C'I'OIbO,.altbol.¢ It.t pUot ~ w.maJ lj liJb(tN: Iud noprobabk'or~Cn:dilS)_\Iilhbndad.~~'n. IWO ~ on the ground, 00 pntu~ ont oIlboc ~ b«n adckd 10 til) talIJ Ik ~ "«fI 'llnJ"Ptd uno Ihc C'OCk(lOI otthi:' nn.r",", fiIVlI"":l1 Ddxlcn 'OI'Dnunc' Olfter II 'In 194.4, ... bm hi: Iud cbunnl "" l3ch ;onU.I'ic'lOO") .. tbB 'wyllUldunc IIB(~ d\id".~ 'a1 GlIbg.h¢r.b Mood on Iht"'ttl$ roue
Ubf( • • ~\l.Ij~
(.oo.d!oca p:'"<" In
. . . . . . ho ..hhl"_
..s.,.....J .. ~ coNu
The group's famous CO, Donald S Blakeslee. claimed eight end one shared aenaI vtetones ....n lle fI)'Ing Mustangs. These were added to hiS preYlOllS scores of lhfee lulls on Thundert:lotts and an ICIenLlCal number WIth the RAf In SPItfires. Blakeslee"s asStgned Mustar'CS used In these successes were 43-6437 WD-C and 42·106726 wo.e.
The remacnlng PIlots who shot cIowo (lYe
Joseph LLang
7 and 2 shared air. Known P·51Ds 44-13352 QP-Z and 44·14123 QP-Z (Killed in Action 14/10/44)
AJbert L SChlegel
7 8lr and 5 ground, P·51Ss 43-6770 WD-Q and 42·106464 and P·51D 44-14066 wo.o (Killed in Action 28/8/44)
James A Clarl<
6 air, 4 and 1 shared ground. P-518s 43-6726 QPW, 43-6560 QPW and 42-106650 QP-W 5 and 2 shared aIr, 3 ground. P·51S 43-6922 WO-Y (POW 24/4/44)
Duane W Beeson
5 and 1 shared 81r, 4 ground. P·51S 43-6819 QP-B Bee (POW 5/4/44)
Van E Chandler
5 81r and 4 ground. P·51D 44-14388 Vf.U \oVheel)'
Sidney S WOOds
5 8Jr (all In one day) P-51D 44-72251 QP....
David W Howe
5 alt. P-51S QP-C and P-51D 44·13884 QP.(; 5 air. P-51S 43-6897 WD-P and P-51O 44-13389 WD-P
Kendall E Carlson
4 and 2 snared aIr. P-SIS 43-6507 VF-E (POW 25/2/45)
more enemy 81rcraft while rtyIng
MustangS ....Ittl the 4th FG were;
Char1es F Anderson 8 and 1 Shared aircraft
.\5Sth FSI-hh FG 2 NO":'mber 1941 TIme: 121Shours l.oc'.uion ~uthoC:b( of ldp1.ig Condltlon_llo 61IOth.~ c1oudl>:lI 7,000 fl, 10/lChhs:u 5.000 fl
5 and 1 shared ground. 5 enemy 43-7181 W[).l (KIlled in Action 19/4/44) 81r.
Bernard L McGrattan 7 and 1 shared air. P-51Ss 43-6767 WD-D and 42-106576 WD-D (KIlled In ActJon 6/6/44) Pierce W McKennon 7 8nd 1 shared air, 9 and 3 shared ground. 5 enemy aircraft WIth P-S1S 43-6896 WD-A. Other assigned a/reran P-S1S 42·106911 8nd P·51Ds 44·13883, 44-63166,44-14221 and 44-72308, all WD-A, and the last four named RIDGE RUNNER
AHOI P ..., mrnlk'onnl III the OIpclon ~l1o(nT
Wllbtd \tUlk' \Ililou.
atrenl"lbnn,;tutb), MlI!oUflIl .... ~plklll
""b'llnnpcUl¥tu avoOaaMI>u""OO" Wtllmbulll on ~I ".~ 19-1-tlbr
MImbn <J}.l..-mp -.nI6J/JGI
_ ... ............-
ur group hlld rcnden-ouscd wllh Ihe bombeD and wC're llwccplnjl south of the target under :an
Ol'Ct'Calll ~ " 25,000 ft AI I·f I0 lu'S we -.;lW :a lalltC conlr.tll comlnJ( up :al :a .(eC'P :anglC' \.C't'). rotpklly (:,.I11t of lhe l:tl')tet, he:tdlnJ(ln a wC51erly dlreCllon Cal)' Glover, who \Vb le,ding the lcU'Oup,lllaned .Ifter II and managed 10 keep II in .*1" from 1:l.l.:«>IT ulllil II m:tde an allack on the bombef' and :!>1::lnC'd
abo ((0 .'ktlm 10. ""1 O\Tt (ic'mutl). h.
down a~ln. Durtl'l!t Ihls lime approxlmald)' II more of lhe'IC: conlr.tl~ c:une up, :l11 headed in the ~er.tl direction of Ihe bombers UPI Glcwer c11bC'd 011 the Ollt' he wall kttplng in ~1g1'll and t'C'COf;11bed an \Ie 163 - he llu~ledlhat we '1:.1) belo..... Ihe hue In order 10 c:uch them on thdr dncclll I v.~ leadll'l!t Caboose .sqmdron
It ~
lOt Ihe UfltCt We were lll.'il complcll~ a pon orbll w:alllnJ( for lhc tels 10 comc down \\ hc:n onc did pop rc-.... I f
OUI at 'six o'clock' 10 me, I lmmedbtd) droppcd m) u.nb. ath"ilJl('lnJ( rulll>oo:!>l and
on lhe jt:J llown-a. I wu qulle a link OUI of r.tll.'lC - aboul 1.000 )"ilrili J ~ on the ;elll tJoiI ami roUowed him down The tel simed pulllnit av."iI)' rrom inC. \() I fired, r~ shon burstll hoplll8 to nuke him tum. whcreb)' I could poosMbJ}' CUI him oITand ~ in ~~}n dKI '1m 10 k\--cl oul1nd nu1.e ;1..\ hI.' lum Incrca~ I ck)sed on him ''Cr)' r.tpidh I Wll5 USI"Illi 1<:·14 M¢'ll torlhe fiDt limc"nddoncIC rememhcropenll'l!t lheJtTollicuk~ I c~ III H.11tI'C\'Cr. I dkl gt'l :II coupk ",rikC'\ on hb u.1I, firil'l!t fn,lm UtO \'aR1.. to 'iO Il~n ~ otl
, pun tum· hI" llpcal droppcd ofr conskkr.tbl)
HI'."" "~lD ....unl r)-A
\1) pttd ""?!l lIpproxmuld) ISO mph v.h(on 1 (tQIlnlu r.lnste Ilhroukd t»d. hut ""~ un;Ibk' 10'1.l) m lht- lurn with him due 10 m) o:cC".~h--c ~pttd I menh<Jt him, pullcd up And ~>l on hh t;ullp.;lln
1Ip . ._ . ._ _I~Ap'I 1941 pmda
l'pto lhb lime lhe tel tud not: b«'n 1.1.'1"1: hb bIoW(,f,ll k.l.'" he v..l.' llt}l cnuUU'It"") bbd \mol.;e ", I d,l'oC'd on him lhe sccood time he u.\C'd hl\ hkwo-a IOf' rourlC' of "«Ond,;tnd thc:n CUi il oft ,~n
* __
-...,... ..-r_ Tk .....
....- ....... ~
Paul S Riley
Frank C Jones
I d.)Oo('(j 10 '00 \':lfd5 trom 20 dqutt<; otr hred AftoUn .uK! ....'" "'n"c, on hb wi ~ JC1 rollcd anr md umed \Ullljthl dov.-n from H.OOO t\ "",Ih fire (Uflunjl Imnnullnllh from hl' PO" .ode ;md o:tu.u.~ 11(' It'2.'hed In A.null Hll,~ aoo npkxJcd
Lou.. IIRt'dI>oM."',~ludthrunlO,lU(' o.b.a:lnetlOn\oI'ft"Oq"lth;&1l!hn:'c"
l-nlll~ daimN
- .\H
U1b .. 1\h lhe H("h tln..... ,. ,-. and lhtft ....'u.\tnh_fiNl
.M..,."... ..
1"-11\11.... MWJ lhen, lunhtT S{akhol.¢ he .. "" unh 1III1h•.-Wh '"""'t'd .. lIh.'nC' ...1.1In1 ....
""'' ' ' .mo..."t.1
the Huh r lIlJ,anwan
the- \\llb MWJ _ ......... I>IIik
,1 I rommantlnI bolth H~lhl
70 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 71
20th FG
William H Lewis was credited ....Ith seven aerial victories. fwe of them trainers caugttt near Gopplngen on 5 september 1944. HIs 8ssigned P-51D ....as 44-13907 CY-S, Donald M
Of the three Pilots who shot down t1ve Of mote enemy MerItt while fl)omg MuStangs WIth the 20th Fe. the most successful was Ernest C fiebelkorn, who claimed eight of his nine victories In a P-51. He had at least two Mustqs. the last bel'" P-SI0 44-11161 LCH named June Nlre. Flebelkom. ",no serYed ",,",tt! the 77th FS. alSO claimed two ground viCtories. He subsequently mt his hIe In an 8tt ec::c;oont ~ In Korea In 1950.
Cummings had Sill and a shared In the air. two of which were Me 262s. He had claimed hiS first kill- 8 Ju 52/3m - while flying an A-36A with Ihe 27th Fighter Bomb Group In the Mediterranean
The ret"I\CIlIUfC tVirfO Mustare aces of the 20th were Haney l Brown. WIth sill air and one &rtlUld credIt. ct&~ two of tus vctOlies ~ P-51D 44-11205 IQ.A. and Charles H Cole......Ith five lit( and so. ground w:tones. The latter pdot suv-ted off m the 77th FS WIth P.Sl0 44-11324 lCU. before ttBnSternrw. to the 55th FS and beUll asscned 44-72160 KJ.K. He was shot down
was 44-14140 CY-o. called Wings of thB Mom",. At Ihe end of March 1945 he changed to 4472138 CY-Z. welctl was killed In a POSI-wat accident wh'le nymg an F-84 Thundefjel. Bernard H Howes had sill: aer1a1v1etones. Uvee of whiCh were MJstelfw 190/Ju 88 components
... tt1lS Mustarll and taken prisoner on 25 February 1945.
Theatre of Operations. pt'lO( to joining the 38th FS In Britain. His aSSigned P-51D 'l'f8S 44-15192 CGU My Kitten. Robert E welctl was credited WIth Sill air and 12 ground viCtories. HIS first assigned P·510
He also had two sttafl~ aedrl5. On 3 March 1945 Howes attempted to rescue 8 downed COf'l"lP8tnOt In Germany but crashed hiS P-51D 4463745 CY-C U· Hooey on take-off and was taken pnsoner. The other 55th FG Must8n& aces were·
55th FG Dudley M Amos
The 2OU1 and 55th FGs convened from P-38l.i&f\~ at 8I'ound the same llme In the summer of 1944. but the Ianer
group was
to be much more successful WIth the Mustang.. The 55th's CO Elwyn G Rpm. who had seYen and one shared aerial w=tones. His
t.op.scorer was group 27 enemy auaaft de:slro)'ed by &fOUt'ld-Str1lfirc was II record number for any one rIChter pllOL Three of R!&hettl'S aenaI klllS were .~. Fw 1901Ju 88 M,stel combinatIOnS. Both his first 1P-51D 44-14223 Cl-M) and second (P-51D 44-72227 Cl-M) Mustangs were nawned Katydid. ~ _as shot down on 17 Apnl 1945 (the date of hiS 30th blrthday) in the second wt'ule StriI~ .-xi aIthougtl he was seen to get out of the Mustang. he disappeared and IS believed to howe been rrudered by arcty German CtVIhans
5 and 1 shared air, 1 and 1 shared ground. P-51D 44-15123 CG-Z (POW 21/3/45)
William HAllen.
5 a,r (all trainers 00 5/9/44). P-51D 44-14049 CV-) Pretty Patty /I
Mef'Ie M Coons
5 air. P-51D 44-14068 CG-C The Wot"ry BmJ
Russell C Haworth
4 and 2 shared 81r. P-51D 44-13642 CL-K Krary KId
Darrell S Cramer
5 and 2 shared aIr, 2 ground. P-51D 44-14121 CL-Z MICk 15. Cramel had prevIOUSly shared in shOotJrc down a Japanese bomber
while serVIng WIth Ihe 339th FS In Ihe South west PacifIC Area (SWPA)
NT ROBERT E WELCH }43td p'vsSth FG
6 Fc-bnur) 194'5 llmC'- I 2O().J S50 houn Loc:uk)n Ldpdg 10 Qu,lt:;IUtO\lX ConditioN hnvy ~-creul, r.dn lInd.snow
::u':.0::; =:~:l::::~:~ :~::;:;:I~::: :~::=~=~\'~~n~=~~~=
TudlJf l.c'ada.and knfufmcd him 1h;!1 I ",,-;u low on ~ and w:u hc-.MJI"S OUI lie acknowkdfOtd my m~w: lind Informed me: 10 wulil: nIl' w:lIr 0\11
unoJn 1M bJmbcT \l.rntn Ab
low on ox}'~n:and "'xmId tu\~ 10 (CO 10 J
brnk.., and Jl)me M05.-nc cku fur ZO milo \l(' QW lIlr.dn and proc«d«110 strM'c: II "I), NumberThn:<' nun Wb hit puunoJ tiIT.and puIkd up wllh Iu5 wangnun:tnd hodcd OUt I W;i.
r~ ~ ..nr.,. W'Ft-' of opportumty...... hich combted of four ~ lra.lru. I'lOlliltnintt our CO\IrK 10 K'.trch lor other ~\ Our tw l.ItJlIr1-.c.. a tt:lln II'l the' 'lOUlb-_nlC'111 pan oilhe' Ruhrnlkr"(' lhen cllmlxd 106.000 fl:and haded for 8ruMcb nn tnCll "c.ttbM".o1 .dJout IHO tin MJd lried 10 dunb I)\('r il 10 ~ a I1Jt 'ole rnchcd 12.000 f1 .:&nd -.~ \till on 1n... .rurocnl!i_lInd tud tnlJW.and k(' lJflthe' _ll'KWUdd r.>unntt tNt tanw: tnT wlI1(UNJ1 tud Q!kd RlpYW', ltullxll''IlIht" (01) qa.lk)n 10 a",,",,~r:.Uta nun)' :tltemp" lU eutt3I;t UlIbM" lll.o1 _ _ un B ( .and 0 dunnch JI(, rtttncd II wtd cnrH,brul(' bc-1"Il til no U,"C' 10 mt' excC'pC 10 ~OC:llc "" .:&PJ'TUXlnul(' P0'lllMln
UIt)I·t',IVt) IIIG''''' 1k1oC' phoco,;nph~
1.ar'odcrI' I
r ~12UI\li71
~"nc!14Cift1TW1TM~(~I)h;u'-l-'tJJpal1t"C"~.\I'Jlnl _ut,w TM bit" phocO[l:r'olph :ahoahooro" a Iqt.hlr:r anl~ panr:1ll<.1f\k'm.l ""Ill mJ.1b ",,,=U Ib:a promotIOn OflIM onopr fnunr:
78th FG The 78th FG may not hlMt produced a Mustarc Pilot With the necessary ftye &er1a1 viCtones 10
~ c " ten
_bidli knnrr .nhnntl_nc oIthr Ruhr.:&bo!A 60 maIn.c kt ba<.1l cJo-.-n.d«tda"fllO look fOlr
be rated an ace, but Its last warllme CO came very dose to achteYl'" thiS feat. ..10M D Lenders Claimed four and one shared kills ~ MUStanls, the first while ....Ith the 357th ro. Landers had previouSly nown P-38s WIth the 55th FG, and before that P-40s In the S'NP\I\. HIS total
~ '"" MI.ur&-Id.tnd
wartime Vlctones amounted
In rlnud
Iiimdtr ~
caIIc"d ~IC 'Jt.d1OfD conlmuowtr (' (IrelnS" tnK.1l1O '"' i( ~I ..-;uAJ1lcd (W ("cmun md m)' _mJUl'Wl bn:.unc kMl (' 0JUIdn I nubIbh n:tVoII Cflfluct W1th nc:h othc'r but :t~ If. (OOIIl'lUC our (IJILlnt' ~ "GlI'('h fnr a Add Aha a.n hcl'Un 'Ioalt.h to
lottrl&or1: J ~;I l'idd DC1t OwcaUf'OUll: md bndcd -'llh "J"prnJlI""'I('t) I' IPIkJfl, u( l'l' \1) ""'U1WfUn «WIllnucd hJ' 'Onrth. tu,Ulfl ;rnd ftnaIy b.ndtd .. ~ty.an tw.lUt' btu .-lIh ~c ~JM nt l'ucl al J,'W)
10 14 and one stlared aenal killS
umbrT1lun'.tnd ffJUt'mm _flo Iud 'tUnal OUI nrhcr ltun my -UW'Un and "'}"Ctll"Ml lnlo lhe' ... mc _other:and '!luaU,," 11K) c~ nrJC nuU CflflUct wtlh an, ~ .._ or k'x:3k .m .wfJCId ." rt-aJ mcam dUC' 10 _C.:&Ihtt' tondallOfl1 and had luck Alta II') l1lJI rn,. 1-'1) and a talfhoun tbtJ ....nDp«aJ to bod _huhdr,..,n In I .hell fidd md nrJWd up brJth ....n.raft 'umhcTThrtt m:.m bnded b«au"C' .>lh.lllk' lbnu,., and a lad, oIp ~ IImhtr fow fIUJ' ~ ~ t>l a bek of p.
Of the len 339th FG pllotl that were rated as aces. the hrctwesl scorer ..as FrWlClS R Ger.-d ....,th ectlt enemy 81tCraft shot dcWwn. InRlally ft)1tC P·SIB 42·106907 DHJ. hiS t\lIO -1liINd P·S1Ds were 44-13808 D7-U and 44-15003 D7-U, both of whd1 were nemed y,.Yr.rt. Nt i'rtfnend. Gerard brOuCht down (lYe enemy fJlhttn ""Hllt ltyw'w the first of 1hne ~
72 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 73
The other 339th FG aces were; Wilharn E Bryan
Donald A larson Robeft H Ammon
(~ in AcborI
Evan M Jotv\son
FS/jS2nd FG Mal' 19.44
5 8If and 9 grOUld. P-SID 44-14004 D1-A Annie M~
Hansema1 lester C MarSh
6 81( and 3 groond. P-SlD 44-13609 6N-8 Mary Queen of SCotS (Killed Wl Action 4/8/44)
Chnstophef J
Edvtard H
7 and 1 shared 8Jr. 2 ground. P-5t8 42-106798 07-J and P.51Ds 44-13601 07·j and 44·15074 ON Be Noise
5 au. P-51D 44-14947 D7-P (four of his victones with thiS aircraft) 5 au. P-510s 44-13980 07·Z and 44-14525 07-Z Jo8fue (KIlled In Acbon 27/11/44)
PoSIOs 44-13471 6N-J 1hct Comet and 44-15039 6N-J
PIstol Padon' Marna
aw (all f'fII' 190s in one miSSiOn). ?-SID 44-14734 6N-K SWeet'n Low Down (left side) ancI Sweet and Lowdotm (right side)
Jack 5 Dar'ueI
James R Starnes
4 and 4 Shared Blr, 6 ground. p·StS 42-106936 6N-X and P-SIDs 44-14113 6N-X. 44-14387 6N-X and 44-72152 6N-X. all called Tar
IAt_oltht~6I: \I~;ocnlnlht
pbocofo;JphnI b)'bot lht l'SAAf and lbt
Chnstophef J Ha'tseman, mentioned above, was a few days short of his 20th blrthday....nen he was shot down ...mile strafing. Frank OIyn)1l., the US ('Iflter pJot SCOfes authority. finds Hanseman the youneest Atnencan ace of the 'flooat".
t is an ok! )lor')' Wt lhc pilot "00 doesn'c Il'C' :aCTOS:llhe Clwmcl "i.Il not KC' any:lCtion.Oot' oithe bill probIC'nu in this lhl:l2\' up fur lop CO\-cr It is nece:SSltllO lu\'C' thi<> proccetlon, u:a decent bOunce cannot be' nude' when tl")'ing 10 proccet )oot o""n tlil If only 0IlC' n,(lhl 1\ an lhe vW:inity,thc SC'COIld dement :aetS u IOJ) CO\'er I(:a "urpri.'C on be nude' on '<'\~ eneml :Iircr..lft. all .ship" in lhe: fliglll C':lO pkk 0flC' Out ;and drh'C' up behind Ihcm and shoot Ihe'm down If che' lIun SC'c:S rOll coming from :l00\-c he: usualt)' suns dl\iOll; :tod cuming II b nc:ccssatl {or the wingnun to M:ll wllh hi<> lodc!',:b the lolkr canllOt follow the' Ilun chrou(lh ('\~.)j\"C ..ction lind do :a JtOOd }Db o{ ~hOoting unlC!S the' wingnun is the:~ to glW'd ag;ahUI :a1l:aC\'; b)' :another enero) aitcT:lft Should Ihe alllldang n4th1 or dement get bounced. lhe' wlngnun tums inlO che' :all:ack immedI:lCl:I)' and C".llb th(' loder When th(' loder is ptcp:lring 10 nuke a bounce', he: ,hOllklln{oml hl~ ..qu:ldron of his intentions If:l ,,'ingm;1O SttS an ene'nl) aeropbne ....hkh would ltel a,,~y if he doC'sn'l :acc Imme'dlatc!),. he: ~~ do....n on the bounce, ailing In :I.lI he doo so,ln chb C:l!iC' Ihe' lnde-r becomes Ih(' "m~ "''hen being bounced, th(' first IhlnJt Is 1I1W:l)'5 Ium Into the :l1I:lC\'; TIle Oittht 1.100 not follow the' l(';Ider inlO Ihe lum, bOl och ,hlp lUtIU into \h('all.cken If a pilot -"C;CS :to enemy aircraft behind him In flriflJ( r.tII~ he 01(1$1 t:.lke (,\';l5h'C :acclon lnuncd1;ald) lie ,HI)~ lind ,kids Ihe .ship :as much :b poMlblc, Ilhintt lhe thin mUdmum deflection, It Is a ~ Idc:I 10 cum In Ihe lhtcalon oi frit:ndl)' X'I"OPbl'lCS !O the)' can ,IIOOC or 'oCI~
and 2 ground. P·51D 44-13556 6N-H Beanor IV
352nd FG The 352nd FG's 22 Mustan& aces were headed by George E Preddy with 22 and four shared aenal vIe:tories and five by strafing. Preddy was the most successful Mustang PIlot of the Eighth Air Force. He also scored three lulls wtllle t!yl.ng P-47s. Preddy claimed rIVe aircraft shOt down 8nd two Shared de.stloyed While rtylna his first assi8f1Cd P·S18 42·106451 HQ.P Cnpes A'M'I/lty. A further 15 and two share
11lC't'C' "m be timcsmcra C'OIl1b:.1t 111.111)00 art'downon a fricnd to joln with.
Ihed«:kl()oo~;aJon('andcan'l find
10 do I.s hc:Jd for home, wlnli :ach':lnU,fIC oi for CO\"Ct If tha'c a~ 1\\"0 Of' more the)' \houkl climb l»ctupprovklingll1C'l~iU1u\'Cspt'("dand~Thc:rMIOUkJ fIlhoh C'l'Cl")1.hlnlt 10 the r~-a.ll and lC'C'P spttd In the dlmb the leader m\bl do a lot oiluntm,; in onkT to I..«p che men hc-hIncI him up Ext! nun mu.'Il. be on the JooI,:out for a bountt and .,uch c:xh 0lhcD' all If lhcrc arc on!) IWO Of' thttt of )'OU.)'OU ~ Rnd friends and jOOIlhcm A' :a conclu.\km. when ("\('(K1ing bomben it I~ a Jt<XId kka U) t:lnjCC out 10 lhe~. fmot.nd ~J.r. and hh COCITI) ftWtlC'rt bcfof'C the') can Il'C' 10 lhe' bomhct 'ornull
LootlOl"l ~b-,,",(J(ltcnnn
C\lmul~ dc>Ud
at H,OOO l't
-ir~tbraroup(an P·SIB 4Z·I()6.tSIII().p)ltut ~fCn1naun wppon 1"~":IllXlunllv:l~lJIlDrn in the\iclnICYolRcnM" .\1J'OUP(IibJUC IHa.Z."'''~La:MOUIMKI~lIlItn IhtVk:lnlt:yo(Itcn0C"l_hn111 \Ie l~madcaquuter"em;&lc...ckoothem{mm OUI 01 W tun. e hndtd t" them on tbr _ _ ~d MId tome lumnI intO m. ,,"llh Olhcn ~ lor the d«k I fu~lo9oed 4'Jnt' dOwn. Rrt"Jj; 'mill
nr-a r3IIIIl".and ~ I".• .J kw hilt and !hoe n'ICmy ~t !ott rnotl cIi Il' ~. c.JlNnll me If) fiC..infnw ~.utad "hn1 tbr pIb brain! OUI •• t1.000 f't I cbun line \Ie' H1J dNn1)cd
~ thl~
I ptillcd ~'C' him and
(oC\IIllII"~ ~,...lhteatDml~trtlroWl.' ~ d1",11
"':0. C'"l'ICmO
....,.lIlon(l~ l~~
ont m",*"lII It" \ ....,,~
.. ml(' U1<Jblid
.. hmht lit! .. hft(' 1\'lIIK).P".1IC"I*'<1111
,IUl1lnco\1om.1.h lII'IIulllcbluttl<"'Cl'II.1AulJ 1lIc' IUPltt'lll
"1f1naj ..
74 •
P.sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 75
In October 1944 Preddy moved from the 487th to the 328lh FS 8S CO. talong P.S10 44-14906 (v,.tuch ",as then coded PE..f and named CnpeS A'Mllhl)') WIth him. He shOt down anothef four enemy rJghter5 WIth this aIrcraft PflOf to meetmg his death In It on 25 December 1944 Preddy was shot dowon an errOl' by 8 US Army anti-aircraft battery.
kfIGHT .... ~mld.rv
t..aprl!llll'bbnnul 1 __ tbt'\~f(.,
tuut ..... ....... \0
' .....
John C Meyer. a squadron and group CO. also had an lmpt'essrve seote of 20 and two shared aenaI and 13 grotJnd..$t.ra~ kills. Meyer. like Preddy. had previoUsly shot down three enemy 8'fCf8t't WIth the P-47. F"rve and 8 shared "lCtory were obtSII"1e
44-14151 HO-M PefJe 2nd. dunng the summer of 1944 In wtuc::h he did not obtain any ail'
... ~l
bIcr . . . ....-IN ..
Win,am T WhISllef was credIted ¥WIth 14 and one sNlfed In poSts. and also had three
...... --.. ...
.... .-dla,-"II)'iO;
strafing w:tones. HIS P·51B
VlCtones were obtained ftyJnc P-51D 44-14237
H().W Moonbean ~ .
_bIoroorr ... Jftd
John F Thornell claimed 12 and two
Il ~ 1a''\ID •• It!-II~.
shared aenal VlCtones and two ground kills in Mustangs. haYine previously obtained four and a shared ftyirc Thunderbolts. Eight and
......... I'trlhn' .....
.... d \Cl(Fl"
was 42·106449
H().W PrIncess Elizabeth. but 12 of his
f t M .. ,1b l' ... .-n.ll :t.WIn
...... ."...
the shared VlClOne$ were scored ttylng P·51B 42·106872 PE·T PattJe Ann II.
I 1'\1 \!
1ST UEurENANT JOHN F TI'ORNEUJR j28th "Vj~Znd 1'(; IZJunc: 19-H 'lime
Loculon jOllthof'l 0\1;110 Conditkx\) CJoud;lt ~er ;lIHt!.Jdn
I:; =.~':':::c=::~::~~onw:t~ :::m~=I~=,::,~:70:~h~~A;'d::i:rsJ 71tw~c.~.Jlflhar UIJrit1 '
nut.,. .
~::~;I::t::::;l ::,~~:~
twAnt.C' on the' bumbC'n J vw a &-2' 1ilO do...-o. JO I immt:dUlld)' l-..Jkd the' ~Jf1 Co drup thrU' aturuJ P-' unU and atuek lhot b:andll~ .....hkll fumed our co ~ Cnl ..,. n~chC' \IC' 1l'Jl,k ...h lour or froc ,...... I~ u top CO'C'I' J puIkd up bdund OOC' UInmo atrer.lft :mel tUnaJ llnnJ 21 abool I ~ ,;,nb J ....... J kw ~ tIC' bf",kc "" fhe dedi: md I ~k,..'C'd h,m On the dC'<.k J dfl'\o«l to.abuulll.'ranh oUId h,t the' \k If19Jrl thc_mp; l'OOl.\md WJI abouc fhl"C'c fCC't on tbc cad l,J/ , . , . . . ... ~ \Un, ptC(:n .~ 11)lnf( back from fhot cnnnr IAnIt "tbDlIIrIC~c"~lfU"t'."...lhadtopuJJOUC~I.'U~bounc..C'dbt
aircnlt 'U lbD cnaDJ P'kJI
\k(.:uthy rrrnJ .... hen I puAkd up :mel hc moe, hit the me-my lbC' cnnDf .am:.nh ....\ fb.nunR f.c:fCdy.:mel kdcd.a.'t if lhe
_,l't UT"" co hUt.!Ul.(' c.kmbC'd min the' ' " 19Ot.tnd Io\t Ihcm ...,
f ~ QUI .If UI"W' hr\ .c ptI:oc.C'C'\kd fu,. hornc ....'thl'lUI funhcr tne.idC'n1 "c.cpllDUl'h fbl .-:t.,.-JUnd r,n:: Ja 10-.... .&bdudc I cbun (JfI(' \It: 1f1} dNn1)w 1IIIft'd.1rh~~fAt'lhy-
Tlw' . . to....,~on("JX}ohnThcJmdl.IlIU(of/"'lJ1 T rirrU A"" II " ...... the" 'orm .,(bUl.t.and .hllt' _ ..lt1k.l. ouprnmpr--nJ on mJ Ik-9 ( '"" fUJnt"Oo I". f't'(fOl'\Jt'd m 11I... 1'ht' \"ilnd ff,. btuc n"w~nlt'ndt\InahI t:u.......lt... '"'Jt"I"'IInd\'~Itw'~""I.du.Lk.llnTdDh
""uu/thc'~ "CUf11\lt~mthc'
lndr...d~lnt..r\I .., Ihnrl'l<'l"'">tWm.uIr. .. tu..h ......... lhc'
lrut.ullntcr ..
\kll':lnn.... P"il(
P-"11) 11111"iIIlO-\lmtlx
wnunn"f I"'li \kJnn .. .!oJ (Ml arbtt ;Wf,"I'2/llluotlth<-
buth Im.md ttl u .... .. hn't'-.... \I~ .. r .. on... 1ud!hc'\I ... llx .. ~htw:.:M1lo<"ht' ~I"("u"n"n
\"ilnd Ko .......r:Ih The' tlIUC'no-..crtl..lrl.ln iot fQI..,.. .... tht'pmt'l lint'
76 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 77
1"he other 352nd FG Mustarc aces were-
GM!mon T Moran
11 end 2 shared 81f, 3 i10und (one With 8 P-47). Ten of the vk:tones were obt811led WIth PoSIC 42·103320 HOM
R8)mOnd H lJttge
10 and 1 shared 8lf, 131fOW"lC1. P-518 42·103320 HQ.M Silver
The other 353rd FG P-St aces were: HOf8Ce Q waggoner 5 air, 7 and 1 shared groond. P·51K 44-11565 MiSS //Iin/llenel P·51D 44-14802 5X-X MISS IIltnllll Robert A Elder
Yo lliam T Halton
9 and 1 Shared SIt (Plus one ¥rlth 8 P-47), 2 ground. P.StS 42-106717 PE·T and p..slDs 44-13966 PE-T and 44-14812 HO-T. Tender lind Tall
9 SIr (3 and 3 share
Stanford K Moats
8 and 1 shared ~r. P-518 42-106751 HQ-U Kt1y and P-51D 44-14848 H()..K Kay fII
ground. P·51D 44-72736 LH-S
5 81f. P·51Ds 44-14949 YJ.Q Mr Gr8y and 44-72171 YJ.Q Mr Gflry /I
The top-scoring pilOt of the 355th FG In the Mustang was Henry W Blown. whO shot down 14 enemy 8U'Cf8n. and Shared in another. 8ro'Nn was also credIted WIth 15 and 8 Share by ground-strafing. His first vM:torles were obtained t!ying P·51S 42-106448 WR·Z Hun Hunter/Texas. Its replacement was P·510 44-13305 WR-Z WIth the same name. and he obtaIned most of his rem,Mln< viCtories WIth thIS aircraft.. Brown was shot down by nak In thIS
Cart J L..ukslc:
E Markham
355th FG
au .... Ith the name ~. Donakt S Bryan
5 air (Oil on 24/3/45). 2 MISS
Dol1M (originally G T Motan's Blrcral'l) and P-51Ds 44-13320 H().M E PIunbus Unt.m and 44-72216 HQ.M MIS.$ Helen
Mustang on 3 OCtOber 1944 and taken prisoner.
8 and 1 shared 811". 7 ground. P-StSs 43-7145 H().Z. 43·7188 HQ-Z (both named EIIy's tidy Boy, although name not applied) and
42-106788 HO-Z (POW 24/5/44)
0w1es J tesky
8 and 1 shared 8Ir. P-51Ds 44-13927 PH DIann Rut1I and 44-13401 PE-l Diann Rvth II
Henry J ~
7 and 1 shared aIr. 6 around. P-51S 42·106430 Pl-K The 5)nIcusan and P·51D 44-13690 PZ-K The SynllCUS8I1 3'J
Frank A CutIef
7 and 1 shared 8lf, 3 ground. P-518 43-6578 Pl-P SokJtef's \t>re (KilM!d mActIOfl 13/5/44)
Stephen W Andrew
7 au (Plus one .....Ith a P-47 and one In SWPA). P-518 42-106467 Pl-A (6 ~s WIth this aircraft) (POW 2/7/44)
Waner E Starck
6 8lr (Plus one with P-47). P-51S 43-24807 H().X Starck M8d and P-518 43-6929 H().X St8fC1( MMJ
Willie 0 Jackson
6 air (Plus one with P-47). P·518 42·106661 Pl·J Hor Sluff and P-51Ds 44-13398 Pl·J and 44·14709 PZ·J
Edwlrt l HeIJer
5 and 1 Shared 81r. 16.5 ground. P.518 43-6704 PZ-I::I. and P·51D 44-14696 Pl-l::l., both named H~/~, Bust
Ernest 0 Bostrom Ea1
R Lazear
AkU F Sears
Duetr H 5ct'd1 ¥t, .ern J
5 aIr. P·51D 44-13929 PZ-o UrrM MlNj~ 5
el'. P-51D 44-14877 PZ-l
5811.1 &round. P·51D 44-14788 H().E The Sheepherder 5 e.,. P-51D 44-13530 HO-A Duches.s 4 and 2 shared 8If. P·SID 44-14015 PEe SlJnky II
353rd FG The
successful pdOt wrth the MUSWlC In the 3531d FG ....as W'fM K Blickenstaff. P'kX of the Gtoup. he .....as 8bte ontt to make probllbty desttoyecl or dama&e his (an;t tow /'I)'InI ThuncSerbotts. Clunr'C Nt secxn:f lOUr. ~ In the .m.nn of 1944. 81~f new Mustanp and Jhot down ten enemy ..rct.n. HIS ess'lfled P.-510 ..... 44-72374 L.K-lI &my E. Nthur C Cu1cty h8d dWned 101 aenaI vtc:tonn dur"'C the Winter of 1944-45. but then lost hd 1e on 11 Marc:h 1945 when his M~ went down In the North Se• .ner IUftenrc en&lne UOWIe. H,. • ..,.., P-510 ....... 44-15092 SX.U ~ RM'ftmtIt JlImfnfJf n"IOSt
M ~ combat
ca.ms dl.I"lnC
IUGIfT' 'knry 8to'Ito.,,·s
FG "'510.... Ilh Unll-llppllni lb.ft
P'C'"I <'JlInOUfb~ on IlK uppcnurfattS ol""fltt'o, ulllpb.nc iltld l\I)(:"lkckl~
abo Laknl up IlK lcadil\ll cdfer: olllK fln 1'hc bbck C on IlK ruddn" klcnlUlo IlK nljthl. Tho: rumc 1br IIV,.., ftlJ,vnIN/Tl-;xA,S ~ bo;oo(n -.ldrd and ItIt vlctories dUpb)' grown 10 a Ihlnllloc b)' ItIt lime thc kUu:d t'lUIljUolt'f had h~ pholOW""ph IUt'n ....hlk adtnity c1uphlA a lund Munl Ilrvoo"o,....... ahot Ikrwo by fW; In Ihb Il\rl:ran on ~ ooobt-r 19-14 lhe' p"'lnl
Nl..100fi1A oU.IQ8.4.g of .... 3&4th Fa/SAth Fa, St-.ple MOfden, AprIl 1 ..... ~fKtly llIu.tmlnc untt-.ppUed camouflaCe, thl••Ircrllft .... the se<:ond P.51B •••Icnect to 2lt Henry W Brown, who used tt to shoot down ... "e.t three enemy .'rcraft In M.,ch .nd AprtllM4. In June of tim ,....r Brown received one of the "rst P-51Os 144-13305) I•• ued to 1M 355th FO, and 42·106448 .... In tum palled on to ottMtr pilot•. The .Irc,-.tt endured In ~ ..me. until the end of 1M ,....,. and .... event!oUtlly ply.,ed by the 4th Stmeek AI' Depot '" Febnwy 1945.
78 •
P·Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 79
John l Elder
111(,/" "lllwnlk"J\drrwnN~hn~
l'Ifthln"ro ...ncr thee f.amllgr Innl b" tu.., bthn. Ok OUIl .. :a..p.... 18 1\.69l8Yf..l,;mdIl"'bun~ noc onh u.n....,. ... I'«'Of\! 01 tbe' 1-umpk1nl b) lhc' pWlm lhr) ~nft ('C\~ ... hm ,,,,-,, pohu4.'ltDph "'''-' u.LnI).buc;at..., lIo"k. 1,\ n.... n .. P ,-. J.D R'C'UC\lnl ... ,th \TlkTabomb .,mb.,lb
7 ait (plus one wlth a P47), 13 ground. P-51B 42-106733 05-R Moon, and P·51Ds 44-63633 05-R and 44-73065 05-R
Gordon M Graham
7 air. 9 and 1 shared ground. P-51Ds 44-14275 WR·F Down For Double and P-51D 44-15255 WR-F
Ben W Marshall
7 air and 3 ground. P·51Ds 44-14293 WR·B Jane 1/. 44,14409 WR·Q Jane /If, 44-14799 WR·B Jane IV, 44-15279 WR-B, 44-72253 WR-B Jane VI and 44-72953 WR-Q Jane VII
Everett W Stewart
7 air (plus 1.5 in P47s wlth 352nd FG) and 1 and 1 shared ground. P·51Ds 44-13540 WRoS. Sunny VI and 44·15255 WRoS. Sunny VII
RObert E Woody
6 and 4 shared air, 2 ground. P-51B 436520 WRW Woody's
Fred R Haviland
6 air and 6 ground. P·51D 44-14402 05-H Batbara
Henry S Bille
6 air and 4 ground. P·51B 42·106634 05-K and P·51Ds 44-13945
RILt. Thc'titmn'Jll:.-.J""'~phoJclJltn'phoi .. olIWnl.... tk.P<;IDI ..-\I .. <;~..... IM
\k(:~'I:'h d;u1o. ~
1ht 'u>!blt >-.non ..1ZIht>t- "'!:'ft" arnt'd O(Cht 1IOUftd th.- ~ 01 01.1:. I/'Thtlhl>._'oWl~oIlkl"lk~ruolWnC hric... thrntu..... >c1.lbo> .....,.1I13opU'nl b) Ilb pantl1fWOOQ In.a ~Ilk fblt:hlto th.-l R
05-K. 44-14314 05-K and 44-72311 05-K, all of which were named Prune Face
leslie 0 MInchew
'~"Ib f(. ~
5 and 1 shared air, P·51B 43-7103 OS<> and p·510 44·14753 05-0
(umbil c..mnunok'f "f tbc' V'llfl F .. hdl tuol ... buDdo"" "JII'It\
C"IIIhktnhmo.,..n..r BIIIIJ-•• MIf.Ilbr -....hu I tdlnltunthc: ~1, .. linK
\Io.nbna ..... th.-(o. _\Ilul"'o.n.runl • ..... _crr rumtd 1f\'OIJIRJ'WtlIC'(! I).Ntf''''Ml
rtqlIlluwpnJrnl baO.JJlJI Thnpan.uwr
No other 355th FG pilot ran a score Into double figures With Mustangs. although William J Hovde came close With nine and a shale and also two strafing victories. He had previously shot down an enemy aIrcraft while flying a P-47. and In lhe Korean War he was credited with a MIG. All Hovde's aircraft were grven his 'ather's nickname. Machines known to have been assigned 10 him Included p·51B 436928 OLe II and P·51Ds 44-13531 OLe 11I,44·14541 OU IV, 44-73155 OUVI.
The rema,nlng 15 P-51 aerial aces of this i!oup were:
OUIVultutlhc: .&rn.nft.dw.ho_.... ~-",,J/r.C1' ~\lAIcukn"'ood
ClaJ/)O(ne H KInnard 8 alt (one With 4th FG), 17 ground. P-SIB 43--6431 WR·A and P·SIDs 44·13375 WR·A. 44-15625 WR·A and 44-73144 WR·A, all named Man D'War
,liAN O'WAN w~ It'! 1lOOth~t
r>ckJ' Clmoufbw;' (on the tmclaw;' ronntK"d loth~ lopd«kInll Ilk~ Klruul\l. pR"'iklU' nllhu:",wllhthb lU/1k.il~plIln..:-tIlA ... hh~on a rt"tIhulfIrti ~pcback1n1t-
tIJOI'F Capt Rohen. "'uotIy'.H-65lOWR·R "'';l,nurt.:n!wilh "UI1pk wh,te JIIl<8tlb3
AflOlT ... bl ..... rutIo.k-r an
kknlllkd .\'1-th P.o ",,...-rah ... uhontl>c
'rplltdOflIOtl>c ftdltn-',Ol..~l>n.b
~'I~ 'Mll('tJPt',,~~(lI'I
tl>ckft...x.Jlthc CUlYd ITNt.
\k"uo,'Cd f'SBfIOCh flIlZ ....prilI9H.0fIC'
'oIlI>cJll".l'lf1tla' nxdunla b nubnJt ~l>cl.dca."II('1>c
rolut. IUIM, rn:onkd In,dloa lu.wmr-V
lJJ-T \lck'olfltthtn"> "-Ithc.l..''«fW'<1l''lul. lUIM.tOOth.uoltl>c
"""'""""'-'" onll>c~1bn
AntI u'...... dud t1ofl~
80 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
'N,lham J Cullertoo
5 alf and 15 wound. P·SIOs 44·13677 os-x Miss
The Aces. 81
356th FG
44-64011 OS-X (POW 8/4/45)
James N McElroy
5 8,r and 6 ground. P.SlB 43-7023 YF-S Big Sroop and p·StO 44-14498 YF-S Big Sroop II
Norman 5 Fort>er
5 alf and 5 and 1 shared ground. Most WIth P-StS 42-106870 WR-H. and also P.SlOs 44-15373 WR·N and 44-72361 WR·N
The 356th FG's fortunes In aIr combat ImP4'oved greatly with Its conversion to the P·51. Of the three pilots who shot down five or more enemy aIrcraft With the Mustang. the leachng ace was Donald J Strait, who hed ten and one shared destroyed. He had previously claimed three aerfal kills while fly1ng Thunderbolts. Most or his P·51 victories were obtained In P-51D 44-15152 QI-T JERSEY JERK.
Charles 0 H8UVef
5 81f. P-51Ds 44-14090 WR-R Princess Pal lind 44-14704 WR·R Pnncess Par II (all kills ....,th this laner aircraft)
Royce W Pnest
5 8'f. P.SlDs 44-13764 WR·E and 44-15652 WR·E
Charies W Lenfest
4 au and 3 Shared. 2 and 1 shared ground. p·Sies 43-6948 WR-F Lone II and 42-106874 WR·F lone III end P-StD 44-14275 WR·F
The remillning two aces both scored fIVe aerial viCtories each, with Clinton 0 Burdick also sh8l1ng In the shooting down of a sixth enemy aircraft. as well as claiming a strafing credit. His P-51D was 44-15310 QI-B Do Do. Wilbur R Scheible 5CO(ed five aerial victories in Mustangs and one in a P-47. and was also credited WIth three stIafing kills in the Mustang. HIS P·510 was 44-15083 QI-Z.
Lone fV(PoW 3/19/44)
"Q....dnJnduti. . ~ C"C'On~lothc
'Fttltuu}·l9-fSOn Ut. (by the jS6ch Fe hdpN~»f
Ilcl'1- Ilombtn (rom ItI<"htAlrOivh;Qn Ont,-one jOjrd llG &'l~ ..;u 10M Ihrou,gh tl'lml)' action. and the
d.lIn1$>. Fh~ (\;I)') bIer O"n S.tllll dC'.sIl'U)nJ
'''0 Gcnmn flWlII:nI "llhlhb'T!)'mK'hIO(' "l\Ilh or Chemnll:l.
P·S1D-1I-NA ....15152 of the 3818t FI/3S6th FO, M.rtle.tt.m H••th, Febru.ry 1945 this colourful aircraft was used from November 1944 through to May 1945 by rankine croup ace, and CO of tho 361.at FS, Donald Shalt. It Is known that at least six (and po..lbly as many as 10.5) victories we,e achieved by St,alt In 44-15152, which was named for hIs home state of New JerHy. RemalnlnlC with the 356th FO until VE·Oay. the spinner of this aircraft was later painted all blue. 4f1{ftlA,'fJIlIGJ" ~"Ir."",,", (,*",on~
H-I\6()'>oX II/\S STrH
_ _
~ ... IH(J/"
l.mJ,lcd 1O.w MId p"JUnd l..-a Iht
~nt~~ ---'1ht~nI\dod ~
~C-.ukn< .......
...... ~"In_ .. htr .-n:·nftQllflApf'lll I'>-.~
82 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 83
I "QWlc.lron ancl OlJtht lcadcr.\ \\ ill u~wlt)· nukc Ihc botliXC' unllilhe} get al ~ Olle' ,-1ct0l')'. then WC IIke 10 ~ It atoUnc.I If an)' leatla r.;ub 10 '<'C' a 'called In' ail'Cr.lti, ho\\C"·cr, he wdllmmetll;l.ld) dc<>rnlch lhc Inc.II\icJWIJ who ~pob il after Ihc Clle'm\' aln;r;l(1 :and jo:.l\e 111m cO'e,
IJeule03nt Colonel E"ereu W Stewart UC'OJII\"t' OffK'tT(F1)tntO :\~~Ih
'\ If IV.O 04chl
lndh iduaJ Combat Ia
- \\c find II qUlle dlffrcull 10 fDttlhc ~1.I.1Idron, b;!d" 1~lhcr 1fter combal an IT'CCflt cnCOlJfllcn. b the (iC1'IlUtU lbW-It\ hll an
_1thP-"iI.a&n:raftJPltblfqdlla"' 1l13n."'C'nIWIO 1<'
r.nn.. I'2nIllr _uhu1 the- r:apld .xcdcnoon 01 the-
:If'ld Ihn'c" pknt) of eombal and dwllllt to I..ccp ncr)'onc~)
"'<;;1 U.-oC'1W:lln.utCnhIlrt~WO;l(lOOdda'''t'~~nnp:1IflIO 0I:qI:P:
citficulh l"lI'."&Wt\ n'IC'UUnInN In ~ 1bc'
WIJ \It 109
:u-cwn tbr \lc' 109 X.&D'< ulIu"k up 10 ~.OOO fi (pnbm;tnn- ;abo\'c
dill aIlaUIk
~"''''U (.tnt" dIfficWn
1bdiC"C"tb.K~eq'I ~cdlurTUnltl'§tbcbocC'\~,!."
acuon fur tbc P '\1 "thor C'nCm) lhcn tIf;!Itt"Ptd
;wocnft ~ ... 1lh&n
.Ill ~ ~
dd1n:'boQ~. . . . . . .
Dl'\.T.Iti b\
I \\lIen cncm) aitcnf1
fitu'$ ~ \ll'M:n the
lhc'P.~1 ~bc
I.ud.Jh I tu\'alt tud to
" p
!~lto ~.));m;bOUltoeuhcT»dt.;md:lboullSOto.\OO
'ULh .. po'ioIUOfI _!w:rt" bc:an compktdyCO\« the:'
fli u.. lrum .lilA" I do noc bkc b the .. mgrn;m to be lr)I"It 10 thooc unc dl_n _hair r.un ~ ~.oI'COUMC...~:ate in ~
me ClftCl: \1 .1fJftmm CDCDC'
tum tbc-
neu vic1Of}' ;md In
nr.Irlt' m~~ JtrlIO rlrC" II I firt. ;md they UMJOIII)
Eo' "'c",,"Vt .... onr 01 oNr.1l lwIdful 01 ~ to ~ romnu.nd po&lu., ",.h t!vn" QJht(1' ~ Itl ~ CO olthc'"ilnd F<; .. jl8th f"i upon
1M" Jll"loUp'
I W.c l'J tu,c him rty n f)C';I~ IUK: a~ a.!l 1M:' can nulnLtln If the cnemy alt<:r.lCI X1U11t) alt~d:, wc ~.lk ,tUo!pI)' Into lhc an thm I;tt the :Kh-:llll
Four-Ship F1Jghl
'Our and rlJt!u "'Ith cocnl) :.I1rt."1':l!t.:.IJlc.I hillhe tleek onl) ",hr:n clu....ingcnem) :lil'Cr,lrt.lf~blc.1II.. .Ih\~\ .. be-.I to conK: OUI \,.
cocm) IcrriIOI)':1( :.Ibcn-c I ~,OOO ft
Offensive I If I :.1m In a f,l\'Oul1ilblc f"CbIllon I \\oUl ~uJ.lll l.Ii.:c lhe RDI bounce m)M"lfAfte, llull \\111 tk"p:llch lin) nlp.hl or t'lt'mt'nl OUI Ih.l' ~pot .. encm\ all'Cr',1ti,A rule: of Ihumb c.".lInnOl IX')C1 down fo, bouncln~,:.I"c:t»lc.lltk)O~ rip.llI at Ihilllnlol.lJlt \\ i1ljtO'Tn1 IU"I ho\\o )\lU p~ '" ,Ih you' alucl.. I like to "Cnd about Ihe
p fhKht
IIJIDnIJIf'1 Mid -u, ..iD All( .aU~d[
to IJ* tm
a... k>nst a." ~"bIc
fomulion 'i. Ile usu:l1l)
hdd l''f'rtha' JUM ....i Iontl ~ ~lbk. both orlcmf'-c:t) and dcfen~"ct) 11M: lIun dc:flnltct) I'Opccb fouMhI()\ whkh will unttJ he ~ he m, "cry othe, Mh~UW. pl~ numbc-n t_-o 01' thn:c lO one: In .atUddn8 ...llh fou, .rup.. the tliRtIIln&k, ..t thc dcmcnIlacJtt tn!',",e In 10 flr"C _llh the ....lngmcn CO'Vmnjl ""lngmcn ~ 1Uy Wlth lhe ~, untU boch h,n-c:
Tht bJr
Ilh .. VI(lun
otlM:'n nul c:ontmoc 10 n:ntkz\~ After ~"OUS, wc ~t) c.lrop 1:ul-1..3 '" hen cn"11\ .all'Cr.lfl ~ an lhe
I ltadio lr;u\)tfli»ion I~ lLd lodnlWUle~"Cmhl)point fo, lhe WOUP ~tiC'f:a comb;!1 \\"c lbWlly tl'} toa»cn\bk O'T'
I'}-I" I"rtotlOhuUllK'lnthc'ETO.heh:;adalr'C"<1ld)'complnn!~lourol""",ln lhe P.acIftl.: - ..1I1Ch 1ndudn!~a1 ~ Ibrboron" lkumbn l'}-4IIAJI 01111", flUltb1X' I'I)IJlIl manl INIEv' ....IMOo"'llft plftk"lp;alcd In no ~ lh:an UI' rntwon.... loulhnft ~IO~oI'.tCkk 11mt'.o.IuttriJthc'''«ond'&Uf1IIllu
Immcdble \ldnilrT:anb an:
attkl!..s up it pl.-bk- It .u: .wL 1M
JX"C1-,..u lon and bc-!oI'C I'Cndcl\"Olb. mcm~ Jll'Cr.lfl nUl '>tArt alUC~ bc:for-c: l-.an~ al'C dropped If po»lbk.:a ..null fortt ",ill bc tk'fUotchcd
10 bl'C:&k up ~) ain:nrt
'tI"""2Ikd pnin;t ~.up I prdier to ~
a., .. e C2t1
:I dl!'Old,~nu~
from I'Cttflt C1pcri1:'nc'c.lhe,uc- ofthc mnn) ~ .1Iln:n!t fomullon Iul. not much mllucnttd OW" ~
\ On >,auf'" 11W:"'c"11J"I' .. ~todropt.ackIO;ll
t'C",u In
In :a po">llion to :uurl., ~nd v.~:;Ir"C fn:t: 10 fiJ.:,h1. "'T II'} 10 dunb up 10 CJX'fJl~ .1Iircr.lft .and C1lPIll" A... Ion(o:
bOo hip Element
udt tol tbe:
the cncm)' :lln:T.l!"l. wc do not feciliul "'c .II'C al
tM: ;abk to C'Omt mlo
:urn 1llorn.1flhortntm\ .III'cr.ltl:cil:'cutodl""n,-:r> .Ibk 10
l.. no nttd lO 'oCIIllU R#lh
On dttp pcncu:ulons thn'c
~lotor..abolUlonp.tr"".oJ.'<,.uKJso..1Ihtudt~1bc'p..~1... ill
_\ Ou,tKlk v.hcn an r:ncnt) i11n,l1ilfi tu, lht'Jc.I\":IntilJ:C h IO~u:all) hc:ad
"Wit to,hlm:md -.tilrt;ll rQthl
\\e "'I'C lL..u:alh ;thktu-.t,;n 1\~thcrk>n(o:t'1"
ror tcamv.-odr: llun lhe lIun.,1nd hc "'Ill "0011 Iol>c hh ad'":IntilttC'
1Ik.aDd dc:-.Idl doIId'II:ht In ~ deep Into C.cTnuny "I"fCI"OI lL\WDy JIIt1lhd, flfLhlin1c and firinll
~neraJ 'nlormaLion I from nxm"J' co ... ' I" rnldco01...- I ....C
1 \\c ll'} lO I..ccp ont' .1te dt->J.ro\cd OI'"v.kkt) dhpc.-nnJ - ",hcft lhe} \lrU.c In f~ohboul "hw rntwt' t-.w.ll~,d~) "'Ill ntll ",n1r: ","h !t'-.... lIun "iC1,.md '" kkMn.1I C"er.llntl
far",. crwnl»'l in a do""c 1Jnt' abf'easl bank funrullOn TIu., ~ to bcttC'f ~fwno..,"ftmdU'lJWldlWr:MCl.'.mdprnCTII~\tt:l~lflItn~I~.andindl,td~"'t~e:t.WTtoOyttu.n .. tdc~fomgtKJm,md .... a1Ionk pdlJt .-pk oppl'lf'1UMJ It) k.ltJlt UfJWld to"~
ltun one
" I \'C'f\ clfuf'l b nudc 10 t'l\Il2IOt' conn, ..In:Taft tw:fon: 1hc1 nn ~ lO the bon\bcro. If thr\ can be' c.nl¢1l lhc-n.11 I" t'.1I...1Cf 1\1 Itt" n\lOft' \11 them "', l~ Jr"C conccnll1illlnll on the bc1mlIcr-ro :and bn:on1C' fIl<\t'C Co'\l(\IIJ.'<'d '" hcn ;t1l.lcl..C"d
1 I pm mxlrnotl'ina with btJalha,
, _ _ l.1Ik the Ind tq\D(ll'l'on fJ\oC'f lhe Ind pnnklf'l oIthc: hCJmbcn, "'lIh one wcuon U(dJt.h1 Ilf'I nc.h
"'* AnIJdw,.qaaJrrJft .. cIopIIc.hcd to piKed :z .-., 10 • •• It, It tftr ~
btllh p"i"nn ckllO< ~ The top ''''C'f ~UMlnlf'l to ho'~ I" WJlch thc JPr"_h u( cnnnr a&R.nlt Cnlfn Abll'\-C: .lIKI fu I'JUI If M1 C'lUl'Cmct) b.rJtr for«' l'\ 10 the rc.v bomhC1' un,l~ 1tI the '-lf1'JC
rrwu'IC1'. .lIKI
b U) nuUJ1!lllurpl'C'>f:"l1ot;C ImmcdlJlct) i.:nt1"Iton In lhe lIon_ "'c un ....lI»C1'nlC"> 1o\"-cn tho, ~ttx:1.. C1llll'Ch And If he dot"
.I ,~
:allxl.. 1U"1lIt U!' plnm uf l'PpunUnll\ 10 plU'oc him
be' c:Jt"n"Cd ""'~ pnup the third ~Jft h thm plaaJ turlt c.k"'C' 1tI un Ih(- cmete ~>n t'llthe ~
in rccml n..on....-- , . , . , Mkl ~1Jf"" bonc qontc 'fCfJUCnr~ tl.Id l', _1ft IrKkpmdcntt,..ut"'1l hl~_ and 1M thc:irO'll>n ludfllCment
bnllO a:rtad. 1bn' Jift' ..
/I tho tuvc lI' Ir....-c lot .. hl---.c
.It" ~ tw..-ccJ..;md "JmCOnC cN k
.It" tnf,,'C' lrlll, lhelr un II
\lhlle tlJ
l<Wtl\,Iuon I.. I(ltlCIhc't lhl: RiP'I.md ckmt'fll k-.aoJc" nu\ 'Urt.l buuJIC'C. pnnllkd Ihc\ Ullilln IIlhe k-Jdn' oJ,;
Col1ntanUC' lhe 1"I00I'll,:1' or k-.a\C '..rnulldl'l.lhc' Ut'lrntnaJ,..l Ieh rn:.I1k'tJ .. ht'n "'t: Ut' "'Ith ttlt' homhc'r-. tbnt hht'm l'
Ill'! ~ lhern tt'nlkd
84 •
POS1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Foree
The Aces. 85
n..- rflo....
19ot1~"'lbc' ~at\.nfillltftt~ ~.Jlpioo~w.1Ill ....,,[),.....w80~
an-,lftnnl-S lobn1M~""
."1'''1 •
~D( ..........
~19.f'''' I I~f
.-1 .... "-118f>. L 0.\7.£&£1
• •'1iWI'X11
P\ILk,tI.,.. 46"""
... _....
_lftndlrirM"l'JO':lll .. ~-dat'.~
t8O''EA.\'O RiGlfr llJc: }5~m FG pn;JdtKTd mon: pUob .. ,m XT \UI~ 11wl:art) 0lhc:T Eia.hmAir Foro; "~llJ'OIIp Il~ KOtCr ........ lc:on;tnl Unott with 18:md one: ~:&oC1'UJ ''W:'Iorin lib ~ "1DUI1II"~ P-51K H·11622 G+C.\'~ HookJ' Wnw: runlc:"'U .ppljnI in lTd... ~m )'lI:1Iow ~Iigh,"" Its ClIlOpy lnM:t1phOll Wb ll.1.l KlTGtRSO'v,K11 bdng lWi ndIwnc: llJc: l'or....;anl e:1ld oIll>c: lop bile: 0( victoria w;as rot Qan.on.~ f9"0Und Mnn~ Cl'lI:d,ts.
kfttn~(Whrr ~llftctx().();rr
... .....
~ furthcr"-wantbc'
357th FG Leonard K Carson headed the hst of 42 PlIOlS who 'made ace' WIth the Mustang whilst serving ....,th the 357th FG. Dunng t"NO tours WIth the 362nd FS Carson shot down 18 enemy aircraft and shate
Next came John B E.ngIand WIth 16 and three shared In the air. His assigned aircraft. were P·S1S 42-106462 G4-H UVE HAD 1TIand P·51Ds 44-13735 G4-H U'VE HAD IT/aoo 44-14789 G4-E MISSOURI ARMADA. England lost his life In 8 crash In France 00 17 November 1954.
commonty tN:vd
8rilbh w:mlmC' CJ[~Ih3I"""
adopted bT John En,.b.ndblhclWllt: fof hb P·518 UI0b+61
G1·It, ..hkh b
hc'rein}ur'IC' 19"4 The' 1UmC'~... pp"C'd1n
rnS Mt.»lon.,'mblol~. ... hkhlndlodnJlhrn: dlldJlotlUllU" e:~ Jl""ffi1C'dlnydklooro 00
lJw:ob'TdnbThc: ¥k1oty .) mbo'"
.. e:~
appbc:dlnbbd dutttt)',,"IOIJw:ba« me:ultll~,lhc
nnqollJw:fl.l'c:bJll' 'uc:IW\k ..~patlU"" l.Il .. hlle:OIllhc ba«
RiGI" }ottll £1Wmd
<''''l, I\ldrwncd W/\.W(Ri AR.VALW 1t ..,.,onc:oIlJw: loi>lnd f!'IllI'c:rat't ",.-m 'n.... plc:te: 'lI'l-chNkkl camuutb,..:.ld>c:mc: in IJw: ble: oummnol 194I,blhbphotu dn.rty~.,
86 •
P·Sl Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
61G1" IkbdPrl"""""""!I> II I Wl'! ",...'tl'k Ihrttfiahln-.IWtlnlIllIUll Itflllf IKJ\ll aIIo' .. II ~"", ......-.Jt~T h,IWn("'" ~1Utu>",hn-tlp.uIl.n!lIlhtuc
The Aces. 87
",...itl;.I)"p<"lluJunutc \t"~IOU('hro~TI
on 10 lkcnnbn
.Jmbob:t1'C' • ...hkj\blbdov>w
.. 1IIlNuc1d
(ramo: ....."()
fJill'll:hU),vlctoric:$ . ( f t " obulOcd In lhb ...n.I2ft, .. hlch "''U .. nttnK)llln:an
"'-"e~.~I .. ,,-ho.lh
.ndrntinJ;mlW'J' PH"
thn'~,",nw..tl'l~... ...,.-tIlkt\rcodnllit,~on
lloon,. ... bLn ... VllIII£'d
_ tbI:' CIlPW ,.
JWIIhIIa ..... r.... , ....' ppllnJtIO_t
..... r.o~,t,l"UnIt'btflc;o,
... En
it/GilT AND HFJ.OW T...o 'it"Yl"' or I)un IlOchk:tl" l~~l P-Sll) (-11·-121 I), ",Ill hl. dl'>llnetr'l: win,ll(Cll :tel: o(dum mollf 1lullhtxpl)OlOllr:aph~w.,n:I:l.lcnP'J'l
'Un,. h
("\'klt:ncc1l b)' the IoqlUdnlfl
RlGlff (1Itmn' IIud' .\ak~"lIahIcn
CI:f.ta.-.lc:udrdIW. 'I'bo- ...... :a.t- 11'101)
~ " "• •.l'flf>
----.,.-N. _... ....... ..... ---III"'~ .,.....crna.~
... " - ~ r . . . . . . . 10
88 •
1"-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Ace• • 89
RICIf7' <:hvia
2nd UEl.TfE..~AJ.''TMQRRJ A STANl£Y j6.hh
b\weh 1941 1lme. 1110 hour.; Location 8n.noJmbuflt., Gnnun,
Conchltons 6
to 8110lJu doud
lhc:' dc:mmc Jed b\ FIe 00 "c~ \'IOc NJthlcd I~ \k 11& In the' \idnil)" and Inuncdi.:nd] :uud,C'd I pu1kd up dear.! ..... ..:nn II) the'.w\.Taft on lhc:' kfLAI 2SO)"2tds I opn.cd fift'.~"Ultl "'nkC"l' on me kft tIl.tntt.1cft engiM lUttlk :mdcodpit I dosc'd IQ ~.-J p,e bam.&OUthn buroI. ~"U'lg ~es on lbr ri(dlt ~ nxc:lk .\1 this time: both mpncs 3UI1cd 10 YllOkc tXldt) md thlm ~ "'c'ct1lJM 01 the' right.Vl(l:;md anop,' ""' off M I ~ finng and puDcd off 10 one ~.I sav." tht: fWnlng \Ie 110 tttt on bra&; .-J 'IWt .& 'P't2!1c) the- rqttu. ~~. out: 01 conU'oI .• .l.'
Gmrooh '"lute Four
The' tDl umt I the- cneDJ\ ~ II 'a"U ~ .lokntt, arth..'"M\b C'O\~ (rom one I':fl{OnC to the ottKt' in fb.mcs :md wnolc'0 ~C' ~",b u1.en '" the C'f1C1m aannft.:ar. ;am tunc: dunntt combl1 '100 fiTtn$ ..'U ~ (rom the rat jtWl ~tion olthC" cnmJ) ~ \Ie' 110 dolruo~
.. .am timr I claim one
AnlXhef pdo( 'l'iIlth 16 aenaI 'oictones. plus one shared. was Ctatence E 'Bud' AndeBon. vmo also had a sttar~ credIt. HI' 8lrct'aft wete P-51Bs 43-6723 9&5. 4~12454 B&S and 43-24823 B6-S and P·SI0 44·14450 B&S. all named CROW
Robert W Fat had 15 aenaI and Wee ground 'lictones, Two of hIS assigned P-510s were 44-13712 B&V Reluctant R~I and 44-63621 BSV UnJe Shrimp. Fay was k'lleclll1 a ftytng accident In 1950. RlChatd A Peterson had 14 and Wee shared aerial cre
P..1D-1I-HA .....1. . . . of the H3rd fS/3I7th Fa, Lelston, J...... y 1945
Two other PIlOtS ran ll'Jelr SCOfes Into double ("ures. namely John A Kirls wtth 11 and one Shared aeoaf kIlls In P-51Ds 44-14625 G4-H SPOOK and 44-72180 G4-H SPOOK. and Char1es E 'Chuck- Yeager, whO also had 11 and one $hated In the alf. HiS Mustanas were P,S1S 43-6763 B6-Y GLAMOROUS GLEN and P-51Ds 44-13897 B6-Y GLAMOROUS GLEN II and 44-14888 B&Y GLAMOROUS GLEN III
.t1l01£ john KlrU.
bM SPOOK.-;&.. 1.4-·lIHO (.-1 1I_""hk:h Iud noritlOl7di\fllr)
The lWI1C' W;u;&ppIitd ItlwhltC:,outUnc:d'-llh bIxt<.
11MI third. and I..t, MU.una ..~ to 1.1.5-11.111 Ke C.pt CMriu 'Chuck' Ye••er, thl. ~rcraf't . . . MfMd tor hi. wtfti. It f.ptK" P-51D 44-13897 In OCtober 1944, .nd w•• nown by YuC" until he flnlstMcl hi. tour m JMUllf)' 1945. Squedron record. f . . . .1th.t he downed tour Fw 190s (on 27 Ho¥embe'11Ind • Me; 262 (on 6 November) wtth th" P-S1D. 11MIllircreft . . . then t,.,..r.nM to MOther pltot lind renem.d Melody'. AMwttf. It . . . shot down by fWI (or ~y by • 8f 109 from JQ 301) neal' Huetoft, In Qenneny. on 2 MM'ch 1945. the 3S7th FG k*nc fI.. MlKtenp In combat on this dey. 44-1A888'. pltat, At Off Petfkk l MlltlioM, WM kJl~.
UFTA.\/JIITl(]v( A«Ono)c:nkWrwnc:tJP.'\ID '4-6\11)9 TrXJU\ F(J()I.J-If£ll£\-GE UI honour of ttlc: (rimch ttw he: tud In
the: no \idor.)c:nbm _ bDnI.-bm \I11MMttl tu\lC:k;& 11ft ...... he:.:ott dl*'ft;an c:nd 01 tour pB'Ili It:bl<Jrl on l' \b«h 11)1'\ 1"Iw 0'kWt'J' 'lmbcll• .-we: punlN WI btoc:k;and the: 1Unx' Ifl
The other successful 357th FG pllot. were:
John A Storch
9 and 5 sh8l'e
Fletcher E Adams
8 and 2 share
Otto 0 Jenll.lns
8 and 1 shered &If, 21fOUt"1d. P-518 42-106829 G4.p FJocwte and P·S1Ds 44-1424S G4P FIoocte" and ~198 G4·X TOOUN' FOOt·S REV£NGE (KiIHKlln FlyIrc Ac:ddent 24/3/45)
John l SOOIett
Cherles E 'NellYer
.,r end 1 a,round. P-51D 4.-11190 G4-Q Lard)' ~ .,r end 3 &round. P-51Ds 4463779 G4A and 44·72199 G4A
90 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
The Aces. 91
a-ntu.J"'ID H--lIW(,-i,\awt,n:l .....thm.-bbor1uC'
...... "'''"1Uf' •......, tIuI: bNrnl.l bUd. np:- \oOJJ'Iuun1C" ~,. ....--.u
t801 '£ A \'0 IUGI" 1>ak~)4.4·I~16C).l' l~Ihc'IWTlC'Clnn 'luoo Ihrkft'loidc'clIM~omd
MJr(,Ors OOW£ on the np.1 \Mk'11,,':U~,,'ilhlUloCld'lcT
Joseph E 8foadhead 8 air. P-StS 43-12227 G4-V Baby Mike and P-StD 44-14798 G4-V MasrerMlke
Dale E Karger
7 and 1 shared aIr. 4 ground. P·51Ds 44-15026 C5-U CATHY MAE and 44-72313 C5-U Cathy Moo /I
Robert M Shaw
7 and 2 shared air. P·StD 44-13875 C5-H
Thomas L Hayes
7 and! shared 81f, 2 ground. P·51D 44-13318 C~ Frenlsl
Joseph F Pierce
/III.OW ANDING"T': The rcpl,.ttnwnt ..";l.'i 11·-2jl.\ 01//)' I/ulO II II I.
and 1 grOUnd. P-StS 4J.6644 B&N (Killed In Action 21/5/44)
John B Carder
7 air. p·StS 42·106777 C5-J TtlXPByO"S oelltfll (PoW 12/5/44)
Gerald E Tyler
7 SIr. P·St8 43-6376 C5o) and P·StD 44-14660 C5-J, both named LJttJe Duckfoor
Glemon V DavIs
6 and 3 Shated 81r. p·StS 43-6867 Cs.<:I PregtllJflt Polecat
Robert H Bedtet
6 and 2 Shared 81'. P·51B 42-106783 G4-O Seb.tstlBn end P·51D 44-13517 G4-O 5ebastlBn Jr
.James W BtO¥m1llC
6 and 2 Shared aIr. P-51B 43-6563 B6-P and P-510s 44-14937 B6-P and 44-72937 B6-P. all name
(teper-led MISSIna 10 Acoon 28/4/44 but evaded)
Gllbeft M
6 and 2 Shared 81r. P·51B 43-6787 G4-Q SIIanty InS/l end P-510 44-13719 G4G
AtwJt~ J
8If and 2 llound. P-510 44-64051 G4-8
LJrrJe S~tIe 4
Alva C Murphy
6 itl, and 211ound. P·510 44-13334 G4-U B,I" M"
John F P\.ctI
6811. P-51B 42·106473 G4N GI1fOnlmo
p;llmcd In !'ttl
92 •
P·S1 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
VGHT \folth"
The Aces. 93
Raymond M Bank
5 air. P·51D 44-15266 C5-Y Are 8a/l (POW 2/3/45)
Edward W Hiro
5 air. P-51D 44-13518 B6-D Horse's Itch (Killed In Action 19/9/44)
... t'!<'n~aJon
• bm·_~
Chester K Maxwell
5 air. P-51D 44-63861 C5-H Lady Eshrer
William C Reese
5 air. P-518 43-12313 C5-F Besr R;ver Betsy (Killed in Action
Jack R Warren
5 aIr. P-518 43-12124 C5-F (Killed in Action 18/3/44)
Frank l Galler
4 and 3 .shared air. P·51C 42-103002 B6-T Jessll Pessll Monvny and P-S1D 44-11331 B6-A Expectant (pow 27/11/44)
Thomas l Harris
4 air and 2 shared. M18 43-6653 C5-S ur Red's Rocket (POW 27/5/44)
RIGI" Thb l1lplt ol lour.i~0lhl'SP.51~b
Robert G 5chmanslou 5 and 2 shared 81r, 2 ground. P·SlO 44-14334 CS-O
AtvaJ J Robef"son
5 and 1 shared 31r. 1 &round. P.S18 43-6688 G4-A and P-StD 44-13691 G4-A. both named PasSKXI WAGON
~~hFG~Capclb) "~lnhb
Ill:' bttt" rwnnl on the' kft '-Ide Duddy" Clrl torhb)~cbujthta
Paul R Hatala
5 and 1 shared
W,Diam R O'Bnen
5 and 1 shared air. p·StO 44-13522 B6-G Billy's Bitch
Letoy A Ruder
5 and 1 $hated 811. P-StS 42·106768 C5-X (KIlled in Action 6/6/44)
Robert P Wl1\k.s
5 and 1 shated
I'.... n H Dl'egne
5 aI' and 5.5 ground. P·51D 44-13408 C5-Q All rung Goo
p·StO 44-63710 C5-B
TlKOlhcr \It1!iWlpN'C'
11,'''521 c;s.A JlAt~'ER \bIm·.Rooo'llby l.ICo1DMilc1 \kKtt.
"'·H'r,\ o-G IIIdrry 1~1U#'.f\Qwnb)
P·51D 44·13576 CS.W Trusty Rusry
II and P-51K 44-11678 C5-Q Bobby Jeanne/At!
Morns A Stanley
Fung Goo
5 SIr and 1.5 grouncl. P·StD 44-13678 C5-V
lZ P.n'Ol') )Qtuuon. and 1111192 8kmll,.. II. flown by (~pt Robrn Mclnoo
F<, .a
1\nh h"
OU 'C04T, 1M bltCT bcl~ 3ppbro on
359th FG
"l\h bbd; OUlhmott
The most outstanding ace In the 359th FG was Raymond S Wetmore with over 20 victories, of which 16 and two shared were obtained whlla flying Mustangs. He had previously destroyed four enemy aircraft, and shared In the demise of another, while flying the P-47. Wetmore was also cre
A1thougtl George A Doersch had a total of 10.5 aerial victories, one of these was obtaIned whIle flying a P-47. HIS assigned P-51C during his first tour was 43-24810 C&J. Doersch spent his second tour WIth the 368th FS, 'Nhere hIS P·51K was 44·12067 CV-R OLE' GOAT. The 359th FG had seven other PIlots who qualified 8S Mustang aces: Claude J CrenShaw
7 &If end 3 ground. P·S18 42-106689 1V-5 end P-51Ds 44·13606 IV·I LOU/SlANA HEAT WAVE" and 44·15016 rv-l HEATVoAIIf
Cynl W Jones
6 aIr and 5 pOUnd. P·510 44·14071 Dora Dee (Killed In ActJon 1219/44)
94 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
Dao.'ld B ArChIbald
5 alf. All ....lth P·S1D 44-15555 CV-l on 18/12/44 (POW on thiS date too). Prev.ous P·51D 44-14652 CV·L
rvrn K Cranfill
P-S1S 42-106848 IV~ Devi/ess 2nd and P·SIOs 44-13390 1V"'l i:JeoolJeS$ 3ld. 44·15100 CV.q and 44-15717 CV-Q
The Aces. 95
5 81f.
Ralph LC<111
5 3Ir. P-51Ds 44-14979 C$.H Little DIXie and 44·72154 IV~
Paul E Olson
5 air. All 18/12/44 (PoW on thIS date too). P·SIBs 42,106917
- October 1944 TIme: 13H hours lootlon,Achmer :tlrfield COndiliofb dt'2r with (i:l'OWld
CV-J Man-He/efl end 43--6917 CV·J Man-Heten and P-51D 44-14444 CV-J Supermouse {
Ioding Deco) sqwdron (In P·S10 E2·C -jt-l-~ I{).I) whc:n I went down 10 join :a ligtll dUI w::a..~ JlOinp; on
5 air. P-SIC 42-103966 C5-K and POS10S 44-13966 C5-K and 44·14159 C$.V Rudy
It" ,....,..,rc....
r5th FS/j(jht FG
und« IhI: box of bombers hchlnd our box When I ~
IhC'fC IhI: fight Iud been dUpcrscd and I could not loclle :an)" ("I'laIl)" :ain:r:aft, 1 tud left m) Red )«don with the
bombers and I tud just OI1e 0iNl1 wllh me due 10 a numbcT of pr'C'1ouS abonlolb I couldn'l 10('::IIe our
J;ltIDLu-clc.aans. \"}Tbn_1ta
50 1 Joined up wlIh .some r1:d-t:alkd 8-1-$ ltut WC'fC .lohon 011 csconing lighten I ~:a)'Cd with them unlil bom~
..... 'IO'wbidltonr-
.- _...,1I1Inlw\
I .lopotled 1\\"0 aircraft on the :alrfield at Achmer I ....':IIChed them for awhile :and s;lW OI1e ofthC'l11.lot2n to lui The k'2d -lohip w:as In (;llic-orr posllion on Ihe cast-WCS! runw2)" lind
..... p-.
IJROIf" VC'!n;ln"loM pilolupc f.mN
1rom1bc' nr;tu..r
\6ilh fC., "",,lOOl.l
when he ...."oI.S :lboul 1,000 fl off the W'OWld I ....-:b lndlC:lllnj.: ('j() mph:and the jet :altcnfl could not h:m: bttn J{OiIlJl, O\tt
ZOO mph, I ~cd lirinj.: al :about -1.000 )':In1s, 30
t:mk lbnke, ..~~ the
kno:TL bw.d)on _UiJ . . . lCaon MkT-..nftllldM
t1')'inMlnllully""ththc J,HSth" bc:furc ITIO'IlnMIUIIl('fl1')tJ1" IlQ In I)o;-«mhcr 1911
361st FG
or the
$IX 361st FG Mustang aces. the highest scorer was Dale F Spencer WI!.h nine and one shared &enal VICtorieS. plus a share In a strafing cre
Urban l Drew had Silt air and one grouncl cre
.,.., *"
the UJding ~hlp ~ Into po.o.illon for:l fomutiofl ulie-orr, I \\'2.itcd unlillhc:r W~ both:aiJ'bomr:and lhen I rolled O\1:'r from 1'),000 ll. :and hc:kkd fot the :lIUn, with m)' nQthI behind me I C1UWll up wilh the second \Ie z6z
frQ!l1IWUlo9S ~(rul "lIl'"hll.t~nlnJol
",til the IIQ, mtI
ddkc11on.lInd:l.51 closed on him I obse:r.'Cd hil.lo all O\-n the wlflW> :md fmc~. Ju...'" ;b I (Xl'«'d him I -.::lW a ,)h«1 of name rome oul nc:ar Ihe ri#ll wing root A.~ I ~ncttI bad, I Q,W a WWlnlic explO!>lon and a sheet of rcd-ol':ln~ fhme -loIlOl OUI O\1:'r lin at'C:I. of aboul 1.000 ft
Ilrban·8cn·On:w~helJX1.lup onlO the .... ,l\Ilofhh p.~1I) 11-1 ilCH /Jt7l.vm II",~' chkf.S!l1 \<:mon 1'»,"U,ln October 19--1111 ftlmlon" nqtJ'll 1n.'>tnK1l.... I>roC'Ompklctl a -01112'1 loutW\lh the ,)6hl I'G'.lo r~lh I Ile'tud 1110(' umqur d.'>tlnCilon 01 "W.lQtinAdown 1""-0,\1(' 26'h In a -il\llk m"'-'lon.ln thi,:l!~.on ~(lrnntl('t' 19-'1,lh"k;>1 bcll\il uncqlUlJc(l dllnl\il \\'ork! w..r 2 TIIC '<"-mlh kill nuft-.11lA un 1110(' C:lllOp)' ra,l 01 VIfT1.'OJ1" Itlss W;l..' for l>rc-w', 'nl on 16Junc 1<).11)
"'J!·klU;ICC III
Miss b)'
cblmnl C'Wn W'I>Uoo
TIle oth~r jel lIlrcr'.lft W;L.' aboul SOO ~ .... rd., lIhead o( me :tlld h:ad 'l:I,n('(1 a (.;>.'1 clllllbio~ tum 10 th~ lert I \\';l~ 'Iill indlc;lllnj.: about -iOO mph and I h;ld II) h2111 bad. on the ~lId•
,t O. . .·lclOnc·)lll(' h lko(h~,",l~u.rnt' 1"1',SIl> 11-1'W19. J.ltho:",jthhl.tlIUJI"" ;J<'rbJ.~~ .. C'r't «ornl in tl'M; ImlTU('Ubu: IlIck!
...hkh,apJX"U" IU Iu.
" Is. flylnc P·51D 44-14520 (9.5, He becatne a PoW on Ctvlstmas Eve 1944
N2'O ancl
110tnS attafll1C dams, Asacned ..retaft wete P 51Ds 44-13964 5E-B. 4415019 5£ B Lucky
Lady \17 and 4413045 5E B Lucky Lady VII
on hi' tud. :II :lbout
:I ~
~ 1 clidtlOl 'ott the f'IIk"lt N.koul llK" cncm\ 2ln:nfl c,~ 't
to tN one a'ld one shared'tlCtOOeS he had til the lChtNng.. l:euflet.· MusUlnCS ..ere
In ~
Etnest £ sanlter had eC1rt a'ld a aNted aenaI w:tooes In Mustaf"CS a'ld one In • t.etnnne - he 81500
't:anc-d ,11()()(1nj.: hunl
l>tkJ. ;md n1\ bollC1." o.:rc-pt up Ihe fmt:'114oo"C' to
F Ceuliers IlCtueYed the hrghesl talty arnorc 364th FG pilOtS WIth none llef1.aI tI'ClOfleS. These """Cfe 'l'r
the rocliph Ju.'>I then I "'.... the <;'2J'IOf'I, E:O f1}il1$ off In t\\O '<'C1KK\' md the pbnc rolled O\-ct and \\Ttll InlO a fhl ~ptn lit' hll thl:
364th FG
bulla, \\~ hllli1lJllht' t:til -.c'Cl"Kl of Ihe etlCm)' 2ircr:alt I J.t'pt ho"u~ b;u,;J. OIl the'
P 51Ds 4413971 N2·0. 4472719 N2.Q Cons~.
'>Ill) .... llh
:tbout 60 ~ , dcf1CChOl1. !IOO '.... n1.-, :and
ttlree ground-stlaflllg aedrts, HIS assigned P·51Ds were 44-1468S E9-L and 44-64005 E9-Z. both named Mary Mine. The rem8lflmg ace was Wilham J Sykes WIth frYe air and frYe ground
l'rNn Ikn ~ ~ IJ/TR()ff 11I11 f~11 tl61 UU), oc;.ftb"lnl The h..rnh wpc' on lhe' ..."(' I' n:'\l.and lhe
,Ih .. hhJC'C'-'''''' nm U"",VII; 1m ''10('1'''' 1ol\b ,rik...
96 •
P-51 Mustang Units of the Eighth Air Force
~~ICAN ~CAN EAG~S ISBN H~03223-'8-0
The most comprehensive study of the
P-S1D-l()..NA 44-14423 of the 434th FSj479th FO, Wattl....m, Dec.mlMl 1944 UMd by 14-k111 ace Arthur F Jeffrey
.1 hi, pel'&Oflal aircraft from september 1944 throu(h
camouflage and markings of the
to January 1945. thl, machine wa. credited with the destruction of three Fw 190s and. fourth damaCed (all on 5 December 1944) and two Bf 109t destroyed (on 7 OCtober and 2 NOYember 1944). Jeffre, replaced the flChter wtth P-51X 44-U674. which also carrled the name IJ()OMERANG JR. P-5J.O 44-14423 was declared latyae_ In May 1945.
The other 364th FG James M
Luftwaffe fighter force ever published
aces were:
8 8i1. all obtained WIth P·SID 44-13829 SY·J Terry CIBlte 1/. Ass.gned P-51D 44-14184 SV-Q Terry Cl&re 11/
G'lbe1t L Jamison
7 alf. P·SID 44-14035 5£·A Efta Jsne
samuel J WICker
(plus 2 in P-38s). P·SIDs 44-13936 N2-W Betty Jo 1/1 and
44-14243 N2·W BetlY Jo IV
James J Pascoe
5 alf (plus 8 Shared in a P·38). All victories In P·SID 44-13890 5E·W Gteen Eyes
W Jam F W,lson
5 alf. P·SIDs 44-14258 SE·Y end 44-14838 5E·Y (K1Ik!d in Flying Accadent 1941)
ISBN Q.9526861-6-7
ISBN 0·9526861·1·5
ISBN 1·903223·()6.7
ISBN 1-903223.()1-5
479th FG The 479th FG's lOP SOOter was Raben Cl'ds 'WIth 12 aenaI ViCtOOes In P·S1s and rIVe In P-38s. around sttafltlC credits. HIS ass.ane
ISBN 1 903223.()8.3
2nd Scouting Force The lone 2nd SCoutIng Force ace 'Was W am E WhlIlen. who claImed ftve eenal VlCtone, 'W th this uM - UwM Fw 1901 on 26 November 1944 and two Bf 1095 (with a thud .. a probablel on 9 February 1945. He had $ISO downed a sotrtaty Bf 109 'Wtulst ftyIng WIth the 4th FG', 334th FS on 18 Aueust 1944 lMl.8len', Mustane dunnC hi' tm"l8 with the latter uM was P·51B 4J.6899 QP.o, and hIS P·510 'WIth the 2nd SCouting Force was 44-14300 WR·A.
ISBN , Q03223 20-2
....... .... ""'-"-.......-
IS8N I g00223 21 0
a-All.n ~ . . . .......,
goomn 9
ISBN I m12323 1
.. ..
se as examining the history of the lighter pllots, units and aircraft fonned the US EIghth AF's VIII Command and Ninth AF lighter Europe. • Of the prfmary lighter types u
the European Theatre of Ope Worfd War, the P·Sl Mustang for heavy bombers. There wer end of hostilities, the maJorf Eighth Air Force, and It Is the which this book Is prfmarfly co • Roger Freeman provides not on