Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM)
Editors W. Schröder/Aachen B.J. Boersma/Delft K. Fujii/Kanagawa W. Haase/München M.A. Leschziner/London J. Periaux/Paris S. Pirozzoli/Rome A. Rizzi/Stockholm B. Roux/Marseille Y. Shokin/Novosibirsk
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Active Flow Control II Papers Contributed to the Conference “Active Flow Control II 2010”, Berlin, Germany, May 26–28, 2010
Rudibert King (Editor)
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Rudibert King Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik Sekr. P 2-1 Hardenbergstr. 36a 10623 Berlin Germany E-mail:
[email protected]
ISBN 978-3-642-11734-3
e-ISBN 978-3-642-11735-0
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-11735-0 Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design
ISSN 1612-2909
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010922461 c 2010
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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NNFM Editor Addresses
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schröder (General Editor) RWTH Aachen Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre und Aerodynamisches Institut Wüllnerstr. zw. 5 u. 7 52062 Aachen Germany E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Kozo Fujii Space Transportation Research Division The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science 3-1-1, Yoshinodai, Sagamihara Kanagawa, 229-8510 Japan E-mail:
[email protected] Dr. Werner Haase Höhenkirchener Str. 19d D-85662 Hohenbrunn Germany E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (Former General Editor) Herzog-Heinrich-Weg 6 D-85604 Zorneding Germany E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Bram van Leer Department of Aerospace Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140 USA E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Michael A. Leschziner Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine Aeronautics Department Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BY U.K. E-mail:
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Maurizio Pandolfi Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 I-10129 Torino Italy E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Jacques Periaux 38, Boulevard de Reuilly F-75012 Paris France E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Arthur Rizzi Department of Aeronautics KTH Royal Institute of Technology Teknikringen 8 S-10044 Stockholm Sweden E-mail:
[email protected] Dr. Bernard Roux L3M – IMT La Jetée Technopole de Chateau-Gombert F-13451 Marseille Cedex 20 France E-mail:
[email protected] Prof. Dr. Yurii I. Shokin Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Computational Technologies Ac. Lavrentyeva Ave. 6 630090 Novosibirsk Russia E-mail:
[email protected]
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The interest in the field of active flow control (AFC) is steadily increasing. In recent years the number of conferences and special sessions devoted to AFC organized by various institutions around the world continuously rises. New advanced courses for AFC are offered by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC), the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), to name just a few. New books on AFC are published by prominent colleagues of our field and even a new periodical, the ‘International Journal of Flow Control’, appeared. Despite these many activities in AFC it was felt that a follow-up of the highly successful ‘ACTIVE FLOW CONTROL’ Conference held in Berlin in 2006 was appropriate. As in 2006, ‘ACTIVE FLOW CONTROL II’ consisted only of invited lectures. To stimulate multidisciplinary discussions between experimental, theoretical and numerical fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, turbomachinary, mathematics, control engineering, metrology and computer science parallel sessions were excluded. Unfortunately, not all of the presented papers made it into this volume. As the preparation and printing of a book takes time and as this volume should be available at the conference, the Local Organizing Committee had to set up a very ambitious time schedule which could not be met by all contributors. This conference was organized again by the Collaborative Research Center on ‘CONTROL OF COMPLEX TURBULENT SHEAR FLOWS’ (CRC 557). In 2010, CRC 557 looked back to a 12 year long highly stimulating and successful research period funded to a great part by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). This financial support is greatly acknowledged. As the maximal funding period of a CRC is limited to this length, the conference ACTIVE FLOW CONTROL II marked as well the end of this initiative. Hence, it was used likewise to present newest results to an international audience and to the reviewers of CRC 557. Their critical monitoring and continuous help over the years is acknowledged here as well. From the very beginning, CRC 557 focused on three effects from flow physics, namely flow separation, flow induced noise and mixing. The idea was to widen the knowledge about these effects and build up methods to fight negative consequences. Examples are a reduced stability in a burner or reduced lift of an airfoil, an increased noise emission of a turbomachine or an increased drag of a vehicle. With very few exceptions the main emphasis had always been on active methods
of AFC exploiting the benefits of closed-loop control at a very early stage. As a powerful AFC relies on the input of various disciplines mentioned above, CRC 557 combined the necessary expertise. All were and are located in Berlin, mainly at the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), with additional contributions by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) situated on the campus of TU Berlin, the Freie Universität (FU Berlin) and Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) which are in close proximity to other groups. Positions for PhD-students funded by the German Research Foundation were at least doubled by the same number of PhD-positions provided by these organizations so that continuously, including individual group leaders, around 60 researchers had been active in and around CRC 557. Strong collaborations among these groups have been established over the years which will continue in future projects. CRC 557 started in 1998 with a first three years funding period. These first years were characterized by setting up different experiments, numerical codes, sensors and methods. With the exception of the project headed by the control group, looking at the flow over a backward-facing step, all other groups used open-loop AFC at the beginning. All individual projects considered simple configurations such as planar or axisymmetric diffusors, 2D high-lift airfoils or a simple compressor. These first years were used as well to learn each others languages. This was most important as, for example, the fluid mechanic community and closed-loop control had almost no contacts at all before. Different disciplinary views on the same technical subject revealed new insights, however, often only after a rather lengthy discussion needed to understand even a question the other discipline formulated in the first place. After a successful review of the accomplishments the second period from the years 2001 to 2004 was used for a consolidation of the cooperations and numerous experimental and numerical investigations for the aforementioned configurations. In contrast to the first period, more and more closed-loop active flow control results could be produced. Not unexpectedly to every one, closed-loop control gave better results compared to open-loop approaches even in a well defined environment of a wind tunnel. The main idea of a DFG funded CRC resides in the first ‘C’, i.e. in ‘collaborative’ research. A statement such as ‘I see the better results of closed-loop control, but the fluid mechanical reasons for it is unclear’ exemplifies how such a cooperation provokes new questions and, in the end, new insights. When running for the third three years funding period the members of CRC 557 decided in 2004 to look on more complex geometries and to control 3D flow effects as well. This, however, ruled out that so many different configurations could be handled as in the first six years. As a result the focus was set on four main setups, namely a 3D high-lift airfoil with a flat and a flap, an Ahmed body as a prototype bluff body, a single burner and a compressor. For all configurations highly interlinked projects were formulated consisting each of at least one individual project coming from fluid mechanics/acoustics, computational fluid dynamics and closed-loop control. Some were strengthened by additional inputs from mathematics, optimization theory, sensorics and visualization technologies. Significant help could be drawn from new results obtained in reduced-order modeling. This concentration of forces paid off significantly and was continued in the last funding
period from 2007-2010. Here, an even higher complexity was addressed by bringing the four main setups to more realistic flow situations. The methods for an increase in the lift of a high-lift configuration by AFC was further developed so that it can be shown in real flight on a motor glider. Bluff body studies were extended to different geometries and higher Reynolds numbers including a model of sports utility vehicle (SUV) supplied by an industrial partner. Instead of looking at a single burner, an annulus-type burner is controlled now, and, finally, a fan is considered at DLR for an ultra-high bypass ratio setup. All projects funded by DFG, such as a CRC, are devoted to fundamental research. However, since a couple of years, DFG offers the opportunity to bridge the gap between basic research and industry by so-called transfer projects. CRC 557 took this chance and started six more projects with Airbus GmbH, Germany, and Rolls Royce Ltd, Germany. Again, the combination of an experimental, numerical and closed-loop control oriented project proved to be very fruitful. In this volume, besides international contributions, some of the accomplishments obtained in the last funding period of the CRC 557 of the participating groups are documented as well. All papers of this volume had been subjected to an international review process. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all reviewers involved: D. Abel, L. Cordier, K. Cohen, A. Gross, C. Hege, A. Glezer, R. Klein, V. Mehrmann, U. Michel, W. Neise, W. Nitsche, B. Noack, C. Paschereit, C. Rowley, M. Samimy, J. Sesterhenn, S. Siegel, G. Tadmor, F. Thiele, F. Tröltzsch, C. Tropea, E. Wassen, D. Williams. Finally, the members of CRC 557 are indebted to their respective hosting organizations TU Berlin, FU Berlin, DLR and ZIB for the continuous support and to Springer and the editor of the series ‘Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design’, W. Schröder, for handling this volume. Last but not least we are indebted to Mrs. Stehr for the significant help in administrating CRC 557, organizing the conference and compiling this volume.
Berlin, January 2010
Rudibert King (Chairman of AFC II and CRC 557)
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Part I : Airfoils Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil . . . George T.K. Woo, Ari Glezer Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Williams, Wesley Kerstens, Jens Pfeiffer, Rudibert King, Tim Colonius Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Grund, Wolfgang Nitsche Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Applied to an Airfoil with a Camber Flap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert G¨ unther, Angelo Carnarius, Frank Thiele On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control . . . . . . . . . Oksana Stalnov, Avraham Seifert
45 63
Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing in a Three-Dimensional Wake Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kunihiko Taira, Clarence W. Rowley, Tim Colonius
Active Flow Control on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matthias Bauer, Inken Peltzer, Wolfgang Nitsche, Burkhard G¨ olling
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation on a Three-Element High-Lift Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Tobias H¨ oll, Erik Wassen, Frank Thiele
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, Burkhard G¨ olling Part II: Turbomachines Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines by Flow Induced Secondary Sources in the Blade Tip Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Olaf Lemke, Wolfgang Neise, Lars Enghardt, Rudibert King, Rifet Muminovic, and Michael M¨ oser Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Mathias Steger, Ulf Michel, Graham Ashcroft, Frank Thiele Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Martin Hecklau, Vincent Zander, Inken Peltzer, Wolfgang Nitsche, Andre Huppertz, Marius Swoboda Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations . . . . . . . . . . 187 Olaf Wiederhold, Rudibert King, Bernd R. Noack URANS Simulations of Active Flow Control on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Christoph Gmelin, Mathias Steger, Erik Wassen, Frank Thiele, Andre Huppertz, Marius Swoboda Part III: Bluff Bodies Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Daniel Krentel, Rifet Muminovic, Andr´e Brunn, Wolfgang Nitsche, Rudibert King Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Erik Wassen, S´ andor Eichinger, Frank Thiele Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body under Disturbed Flow Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Rifet Muminovic, Jens Pfeiffer, Nico Werner, Rudibert King
Part IV: Burner and Cavities Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Denis Sipp, Alexandre Barbagallo, Peter Schmid A Zero-Mach Solver and Reduced Order Acoustic Representations for Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Jonas P. Moeck, Carsten Scharfenberg, Oliver Paschereit, Rupert Klein Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations and NOx Emissions in a Lean Premixed Combustor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Arnaud Lacarelle, Jonas P. Moeck, Christian O. Paschereit, Gregor Gelbert, Rudibert King, Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Bernd R. Noack, Jens Kasten, Hans-Christian Hege Part V: Model Reduction and Feature Extraction Reduced Order Modeling Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Wavenet System Identification of a Free Shear Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Casey Fagley, J¨ urgen Seidel, Stefan Siegel, Thomas McLaughlin Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models and Nonlinear Control Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Katarina Aleksi´c, Michael Schlegel, Bernd R. Noack, Rudibert King, Gilead Tadmor, Bert G¨ unther, Frank Thiele A New Discretization Framework for Input/Output Maps and Its Application to Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Jan Heiland, Volker Mehrmann, Michael Schmidt Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Jens Kasten, Tino Weinkauf, Christoph Petz, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd R. Noack, Hans-Christian Hege Part VI: Optimal Flow Control Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Won Tae Joe, Tim Colonius, Douglas G. MacMynowski
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Christian John, Bernd R. Noack, Michael Schlegel, Fredi Tr¨ oltzsch, Daniel Wachsmuth Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Keyword Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Part I Airfoils
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Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil George T.K. Woo and Ari Glezer*
Summary. Transitory attachment of the flow over a stalled, 2-D airfoil is investigated in wind tunnel experiments using pulsed actuation. Actuation is provided by a spanwise array of momentary, combustion-based actuator jets having a characteristic time scale O[1 ms] that is an order of magnitude shorter than the convective time scale of the flow. It is shown that a single actuation pulse results in transitory flow attachment that is manifested by rapid increase in the global circulation and aerodynamic forces and persists for about ten convective time scales before the flow becomes fully stalled again. Large-scale changes in vorticity accumulation that are associated with repetitive, burst-modulated actuation pulses are exploited for significant extension of the streamwise domain and duration of the attached flow with a corresponding increase in circulation. The effects of the transitory actuation are further amplified when the airfoil is mounted on a dynamic 2DOF (pitch and plunge) traversing mechanism and the actuation is tested with pitch oscillations beyond the stall limit. In this configuration, the actuation is nominally two-dimensional within a spanwise domain measuring 0.21S that is bounded by end fences. It is shown that pulse actuation significantly increases the lift not only at post-stall but also at angles of attack that are below stall (ostensibly by trapping vorticity over the entire oscillation cycle).
1 Introduction Traditional aerodynamic flow-control techniques for suppressing flow separation over airfoils have relied on the flow receptivity to actuation within a narrow-band of frequencies close to the unstable frequencies of the near wake. In these techniques, the actuation period scales with the advection time over the length of the separated flow domain or Stact ~ O(1). Lift enhancement is achieved by Coanda-like deflection of the separated shear layer towards the surface (e.g., Ahuja and Burrin 1984, Neuburger and Wygnanski, 1987, Seifert et al., 1996, Tuck and Soria 2004, and Sosa et al., 2006). A number of numerical (Wu et al., 1998, Wake and Lurie, 2001, Duraisamy and Baeder, 2002, and Florea and Wake, 2003) and experimental (Lorber et al., 2000, 2002, and Greenblatt and Wygnanski, 2001) investigations used George T.K. Woo . Ari Glezer
The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 3–18. springerlink.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
G.T.K. Woo and A. Glezer
time-periodic jet actuation for mitigation of dynamic stall on oscillating airfoils. These investigations indicated that periodic excitation can increase the steady and unsteady stall angles, increase the post-stall lift, and reduce the unfavorable nosedown pitching moment. Similar, albeit weaker, effects were recently reported by Post and Corke (2004 and 2006) using steady and unsteady plasma actuation. A different approach to reduce flow separation, which is decoupled from the global flow (wake) instabilities, modifies the apparent aerodynamic shape of the surface and thereby the streamwise pressure gradient upstream of separation. Actuation is effected by forming a controlled interaction domain of trapped vorticity between a surface-mounted fluidic actuator (e.g., a synthetic jet, Smith and Glezer, 1998) and the cross flow above the surface (e.g., Honohan et al., 2000). Broadband control is attained at actuation frequencies that are at least an order-ofmagnitude higher than the characteristic wake frequency [i.e., Stact ~ O(10)] and are therefore decoupled from global flow instabilities (Amitay et al., 2001, Amitay and Glezer, 2002, and Glezer et al., 2005). High-frequency actuation can be used to affect quasi-steady or transitory aerodynamic forces by exploiting the unsteadiness of a separated flow domain and using temporally-modulated actuation to control the rate of vorticity shedding into the wake. Amitay and Glezer (1999, 2002, 2006) investigated flow transients associated with the onset and termination of the actuation that leads to flow attachment over a stalled airfoil, and noted the similarity to the transients that accompany separation and attachment during dynamic stall (such transients were also observed on an inclined flat plate by Darabi and Wygnanski, 2004). The work of Amitay and Glezer (2006) demonstrated that the separated flow is extremely susceptible to transitory actuation. It was shown that when the actuation input was applied with time scales that are significantly shorter than the characteristic advection time over the separated flow domain, the resulting aerodynamic forces are much higher than the forces realized by conventional, continuous time-harmonic actuation. The utility of pulsed actuation by a time-periodic train of brief, O(1 ms), pulsed jets for effective separation control was demonstrated by Crittenden et al. (2001) and Funk et al. (2002). Highimpulse jets were produced using combustion-powered actuation (COMPACT). Brzozowski and Glezer (2006) and Woo et al. (2008) showed that the receptivity of the separated flow over a stalled airfoil is such that a single actuation COMPACT pulse having a characteristic time scale of 0.05Tconv can lead to brief, partial collapse of the separated flow domain, coupled with a momentary increase in circulation on a time scale that is nearly 200 times longer (about 10Tconv). The work of Woo et al. (2008, 2009) has indicated that repetitive actuation by single pulse or short actuation bursts results in rapid (10-20Tconv) lift enhancement that can be maintained by successive actuation pulses that extend the streamwise domain of the attached vorticity layer towards the trailing edge. This leads to a cumulative increase in the transitory circulation with successive pulses. The fast dynamic response associated with the reattachment process, combined with the relatively long relaxation process, allows low duty cycle pulsed actuation bursts to prevent full stall between bursts. The present paper builds on the earlier results of Woo et al. (2008, 2009) and extends the investigation of the pulsed actuation for control of flow separation to a dynamic airfoil undergoing time-periodic pitch oscillations beyond the static stall margin using nominally 2-D actuation within a spanwise-bounded domain. The
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil
control approach is tailored to amplify the effects of transitory actuation on a statically stalled airfoil. The utility of pulsed actuation in a 3-D configuration where the actuation is applied over nominally 20% of the entire span of a dynamically stalled oscillating airfoil was investigated separately by Woo and Glezer (2010).
2 Experimental Setup and Procedures The present experiments use a 2-D airfoil model with a fixed cross section that is based on a NACA 4415 configuration (c = 457 mm, S = 1 m) as shown in Figure 1. The model is comprised of three spanwise segments where the center segment (0.21S) is instrumented with a spanwise array of seven combustion-based jet actuators and is bounded by transparent streamwise fences to maintain a nominally two-dimensional flow over the controlled section of the airfoil. The two outboard segments are unactuated. The centre section is instrumented with 75 static pressure ports located circumferentially at mid-span, with closely-spaced pressure ports near the leading edge, and with 6 high-frequency response bidifferential pressure sensors as indicated by the closed circles in Figure 1a. Each port is connected to an external high-speed pressure measurement system. The experiments are conducted in an open return wind tunnel with a test section measuring 1 x 1 m and with a free stream velocity, U0 = 20 m/s (Rec = 570,000 based on the chord length) where the static airfoil stalls at α > 17°(Figure 1c, computed from pressure distribution) in the absence of actuation and the convective time scale of the flow over the airfoil is Tconv = 25 ms. The flow over the airfoil is characterized using phase-locked, high-speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) in the cross-stream plane z = 0. For each view, sets of PIV images are captured at a sequence of predetermined time delays relative to the actuation signal. Velocity data within the domain that includes the actuators and the separation point above the airfoil (0.05 < x/c < 0.55 and 0 < y/c < 0.17) are collected at 218 μm/pixel. The time-dependent circulation about the airfoil is assessed from measurements within three overlapping domains at 212 μm/pixel in the near wake. For dynamic experiments, the wing model is mounted on a 2-DOF traverse, which allows for pitch, roll and plunge motions while the model is trimmed and compensated for moment of inertia via a feedback-controlled torque motor. The traverse allows for the controller to prescribe arbitrary aerodynamic stability characteristics for the model. In the present experiments, a protocol is implemented 1.6
b -0.1
0.4 0
Fig. 1 a) The NACA 4415 airfoil model showing integrated combustion actuators (xa/c = 0.15, ▲), high-frequency pressure transducers (•), and PIV measurement domains. b) The airfoil model. c) Static baseline CL (○) and CM,c/4 (•).
G.T.K. Woo and A. Glezer
Wind tunnel model Flow control actuator
AC Servo Motor
Signal Conditioning, Processing, and Synthesis
Angular position
Servo Amp
LQR Based Attitude Controller Using Feedback Inversion
Torque command
Fig. 2 Schematic of closed-loop operation of pitch axis of the traverse
to maintain the model in a desired equilibrium base state in which all the forces are balanced in the absence of flow control while the tunnel is running so that the transient effects of the induced aerodynamic forces and moments can be independently assessed. The control hardware is shown schematically in Figure 2. As noted above, actuation is provided by momentary [O(1 ms)] pulsed jets that are generated by seven nominally 1 cm3 combustion-based actuators integrated span-wise in the center section of the airfoil. Each jet emanates from a rectangular orifice measuring 19 x 0.18 mm and the spacing between adjacent orifices is 3.2 mm. The non-premixed mixture of air and hydrogen is ignited using miniature sparks driven by a computer-controlled electronic ignition system to produce supersonic pulsed jets at the orifices. The actuation is typically characterized by the repetition time between pulses Tpulse, the number of pulses within a “burst” N, and the delay between successive bursts Tdelay (Figure 3a). Figure 3b shows phaseaveraged measurements of the chamber pressure, pr = p/patm, following ignition. The combustion leads to a sharp pressure peak and then decreases to atmospheric pressure within 2 – 3 msec following ignition. The development and characterization of these actuators is described in detail by Crittenden et al. (2006). b 3
a Tpulse Tdelay t=0
N 1
0 0
t (msec)
Fig. 3 a) Actuation timing. b) Phase-averaged chamber pressure following ignition at t = 0 msec; Tpulse = 1000 (■), 100 (□), 50 (●), 33 (○) and 25 (▲) msec.
3 Results 3.1 Circulation and Pressure Recovery by Successively Pulsed Actuation As first demonstrated by Brzozowski et al. (2006) and further investigated by Woo et al. (2008 and 2009), single pulse actuation leads to transitory flow attachment
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil
-1.2 -0.2
-0.8 -0.4
0 0.2
0 0
x/c ≈ 0
0.68 -0.4
0.50 0 0
0.1 0
Fig. 4 Instantaneous pressure distributions around the airfoil (α = 19°) at selected locations following actuation for N = 1, 5, 10 and 25 pulses at St = 1
over a stalled airfoil that is characterized by a disparity between a rapid rise followed by a considerably longer fall (or relaxation) in circulation. These authors showed that the actuation results in the severing of the separated shear layer and the collapse of the separated flow domain followed by gradual attachment of the upstream boundary layer on the pressure side of the airfoil. The disparity in the flow’s attachment and separation time scales is exploited here for the statically stalled airfoil at α = 19° using repetitious (burst modulated) single-pulse actuation. Actuation at a constant repetition St = Tconv/Tpulse = 1 is applied with increasing number of pulses, N = 1, 5, 10 and 25 to investigate the transients of the attachment and relaxation on a static airfoil using dynamic pressure measurements and highspeed, phase-locked PIV within the near-wake. The flow transients associated with the actuation are also observed in instantaneous pressure distributions around the airfoil. Figure 4 shows the pressure coefficients at five locations around the airfoil for N = 1, 5, 10 and 25 following actuation at t = 0. It is evident that upon actuation, the flow above the airfoil is significantly altered by the severing of separated shear layer (cf. Brzozowski et al., 2006). The transitory pressure recovery on the suction side for a single pulse is indicative of the flow attachment in agreement with the increased circulation. Substantial suction pressure is recovered when the number of pulses is increased for N = 5, 10 and 25, corresponding to extending attachment and to increase in flow velocity over the suction surface. It is also evident that the pressure measurements capture changes in pressure that are associated with the shedding of CW and CCW vorticity concentrations as a result of the induced changes in the circulation about the airfoil. Also, it should be noted that the extent of suction pressure recovery is greatest near the leading edge as measured by the pressure sensors at x/c ≈ 0 and 0.24 (downstream of the actuators) compared to the transducers further downstream at x/c ≈ 0.45 and 0.68. In addition to the rapid attachment, the asymptotic variation of the pressure distribution with increased number of pulses (as evident for N = 25),
G.T.K. Woo and A. Glezer 0.2
Baseline 35
5 10
15 25
-0.3 -0.4
1 -10
Fig. 5 Cross-stream, phase-averaged distributions (α = 19°) in the near wake: a) streamwise velocity, b) spanwise vorticity, and c) vorticity flux during burst-modulated actuation (N = 25 and Tpulse = Tconv). The delays following actuation are: t/Tconv = 0 (baseline), 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, and 35.
the transients associated with the relaxation upon termination of actuation, and the oscillations associated with vortex shedding are in good agreement with measured changes in circulation as discussed in connection with Figure 7 below. The asymptotic nature of the transients is also observed in the cross stream distributions of the streamwise velocity, the spanwise vorticity and the vorticity flux in the near wake measured phase-locked to the actuation (Figure 5). The distributions of the streamwise velocity (Figure 5a) show that as successive actuation pulses within the burst are applied, the cross stream width of the wake decreases as the flow becomes more attached to the suction surface of the airfoil. In fact, when t/Tconv > 15, i.e. after the 14th pulse, the velocity distributions become indistinguishable from each other indicating that the flow has reached some “attachment limit”, the degree of which probably depends on secondary details including the actuation waveform and impulse, angle of attack, and boundary layer thickness. As the burst is terminated, the flow begins to separate again, although it is clear that the fully stalled state is not reached even after 10Tconv (i.e. t/Tconv = 35). The corresponding cross-stream distributions of the spanwise vorticity (Figure 5b) show that as the flow attachment progresses, the clockwise (CW) vorticity layer on the suction surface becomes concentrated within the near wake and is confined to approximately -0.35 < y/c < -0.15 while the corresponding changes in the counterclockwise (CCW) vorticity layer are far less pronounced. Perhaps most importantly, the cross stream distributions of the vorticity flux (Figure 5c) show that the flux of CW vorticity diminishes as the separated flow domain collapses and the flow is more attached to the suction surface. This clearly indicates accumulation of CW vorticity and as a result an increase in circulation as discussed in connection with Figure 7 below. The dynamics of the interaction between the actuation jets and the cross flow is further investigated for N = 25 using phase-averaged PIV measurements within the interaction domain (Figures 6a – h). The separated baseline flow and the actuator location (solid triangle) are shown in Figure 6a. The initial formation of a
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil
Fig. 6 Phase-averaged raster plots of spanwise vorticity and velocity fields showing the formation of a vortex pair following the first of N = 25 pulses at t/Tconv = 0 (a), 0.2 (b), 0.24 (c), 0.28 (d), 0.32 (e), 0.36 (f), 0.52 (g), and 0.8 (h)
vortex pair is shown in Figure 6b at t/Tconv = 0.2 following the actuation pulse (part of the delay is associated with the timing of the combustion process). It is apparent that the impulse of the jet is sufficiently strong so that the jet formation vortices penetrate the boundary layer and interact with the separating shear layer. Note the significant spreading of the CW vorticity within the embedding CW vorticity in the boundary layer, while the CCW vorticity remains concentrated near the orifice (Figure 6c). In Figure 6d, the rollup of a new large-scale CW vortex as it is advected downstream results from the discontinuity in the vorticity layer (at x/c = 0.2, t/Tconv = 0.28). At the same time, the jet's small CCW vortex remains coherent and is advected downstream above the shear layer. By t/Tconv = 0.52 following actuation (Figure 6g), the CCW vortex has moved out of the measurement domain. As the induced CW vortex is advected downstream, the upstream attached boundary layer continues to move along the surface. The front of this new boundary layer begins to move towards the trailing edge (Figures 6e - h), creating a region of attached flow above the airfoil (cf. Figures 6a and h). Similar interactions between the jet and the flow are observed for subsequent pulses, however, with increasing reattachment. An x-t diagram of evolution of the phase-averaged vorticity flux through vertical cross-stream sections of the measurement domain (not shown here) shows faster propagation speeds for the different structures, resulting in interaction between successive pulses. The time rate of change of the circulation is computed by integrating the vorticity flux across the wake dΓ/dt = ∫uωdy, and the change in circulation relative to the baseline (unforced) flow, -ΔΓ(t)/Γ0, is computed by integration, where Γ0 is the baseline circulation. The results for the different actuation cases are shown in Figure 7. For N = 1, the shedding of a starting CCW vortex results in a brief increase in circulation and is followed by a decrease when a concentration of CW vorticity is shed as result of the collapse of the separated flow domain following actuation. The global circulation decreases by 15% at t/Tconv ≈ 1.1 and then increases as a result of accumulation within the attaching boundary layer to about 22% above baseline at t/Tconv ≈ 1.8 before the flow slowly relaxes to the stalled state where the circulation gradually returns to the baseline level. This relaxation process exceeds 9Tconv compared to 2Tconv for attachment.
G.T.K. Woo and A. Glezer
0.6 0.5 N
0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0
24 t/Tconv
Fig. 7 Time-dependent incremental change in circulation around the static airfoil (α = 19°) , and 25 pulses at St = 1 following N = 1 , 5 , 10
The changes in circulation for N = 5 and 10 demonstrate that the severing of the separated vorticity layer and the subsequent shedding of vorticity concentrations during successive actuation pulses as measured in the near wake significantly enhances the accumulation of circulation around the airfoil. Given that the flow begins to relax for t/Tconv > 2 following single-pulse actuation, the relaxation is averted when successive pulses are applied at shorter delays. Although there still is some shedding of CCW vorticity (as is evident by the periodic local minima), there is a net accumulation of vorticity as the boundary layer that is severed by the initial pulse continues to attach to the surface of the airfoil. The peak increase in circulation (relative to the baseline) that is achieved by exploiting the transients for N = 5 and 10 is about 41% at t/Tconv = 5.9 and 52% at t/Tconv = 10.7, respectively. The circulation begins to decrease monotonically thereafter as the flow begins to relax following the shedding of the last CCW vortex. A further increase in N leads to an extended flow attachment, however, the circulation ultimately saturates and become “quasi-steady” as reaching a saturation level of 58% above baseline for N = 25 at t/Tconv > 18. This indicates that additional actuation only regulates the trapped vorticity and maintains attachment.
3.2 Transitory Flow Control on a Dynamically Oscillating Airfoil For the dynamic experiments, the aerodynamic characteristic of the model are first documented in the absence of actuation. The model is oscillating about its pitch axis with an angular motion that is defined by α(t) = α0 + αP sin( ωt) where αo is the nominal average angle of attack, αP is the oscillation amplitude, and k = ωc/2U∞ is the reduced frequency (in the present paper, αP = 4o and α0 = 19o). Figure 8 shows a schematic representation of the oscillatory motion and the general actuation timing used for the control experiments. The 2DOF traverse system provides the pitch and plunge displacements and time-resolved aerodynamic forces and moment. The observed stall cycle is here decomposed into three unsteady events: the formation of the dynamic stall vortex, the shedding of the vortical structure over the suction surface of the airfoil, and the subsequent reattachment of the separated layer.
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil
α(t) = α0 + αP sin(ωt) k = ωc/(2U∞)
Tpulse Tdelay
Fig. 8 Parameters of the airfoil model pitch motion and the actuation timing
1.6 Static k = 0.018 0.036 0.072
-0.12 Static k = 0.036 0.072
1.4 14
Fig. 9 Variation of the dynamic lift, CL (a), and pitching moment, CM,c/4 (b): static reduced frequency k = 0.006 , 0.018 , 0.036 , and 0.072
Hysteretic effects due to the formation and shedding of the dynamic stall vortex during the up- and down-strokes of the oscillation cycle are evident from the lift and moment loops in Figure 9 and appear to increase with pitching frequency. When k = 0.072, the overshoot of CL above its static values is caused by the rapid pitch-up motion of the airfoil beyond the static stall angle α(t) > 19o. Corresponding to the large transitory increase in lift, the airfoil experiences a monotonic decrease in CM,c/4 (note that for α > 15o, the static CM,c/4 also decreases with α cf. Figure 1c). It is speculated that for the majority of the upstroke process exceeding the static stall angle, the flow over the airfoil remains attached with only a thin layer of reversed flow on the pressure side (Carr, 1988 and Wernert et al., 1996) and therefore CL increases in Figure 9a, while the stall vortex continues to grow at the leading edge. As the airfoil continues to pitch up through α ≈ 22o, the lift begins to decrease which is indicative of the onset of lift-stall. However, the aerodynamic moment on the airfoil continues to decrease and eventually falls below the corresponding static levels. The lift continues to decrease as the airfoil begins to pitch down from the maximum angle. It is noteworthy that the pitching moment increases during this time after the trapped vortex is shed from the leading edge. It appears that the reduction in lift is associated with changes in the pressure distribution on the suction surface as the vortex is advected downstream for α < αmax (αmax = 23o). The flow begins to separate (decreasing CL and increasing CM,c/4) once the vortex moves past the trailing edge (at α < 22o) until stall is established over a large extent of the airfoil suction surface. Flow reattachment begins at low angles of attack (α < 17o) as lift slowly
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increases on the latter part of the downstroke process. At this point, the lift is below the level at the corresponding static angles, and the pitching moment decreases again. Eventually, the flow returns to unstalled conditions as the airfoil pitches up as both CL and CM,c/4 increase rapidly, and the cycle repeats itself thereafter (similar dynamic effects for a ramp change in angle of attack were also reported by Ericsson and Reding, 1988). While the strong changes in dynamic lift induced by the formation and shedding of the dynamic stall vortex are most prominent at k = 0.072, similar transients in CL and CM,c/4 are also observed at other pitch rates through sufficiently high enough angles (combinations of α0 and αP) beyond static stall values. The measure of stability in pitch as the angle of attack varies in the presence and absence of actuation can be inferred from the corresponding cyclical changes in the pitching moment. These changes can be related to aerodynamic damping of angular motion about the pitching axis. If this aerodynamic damping is negative during the pitch cycle, these angular oscillations can increase and contribute to undesirable torsion. Therefore, it is important that the net aerodynamic damping over the cycle is positive to ensure that the pitching airfoil is dynamically stable. As is evident from Figure 9c, the net damping during the pitching cycle is positive and the motion is dynamically stable. The effects of transitory pulsed actuation are amplified on an oscillating airfoil. The present experiments focus on pitch oscillations at k = 0.072 which, as noted above, begins to stall at α > 20o in the absence of actuation. It is important to note that the measured changes in instantaneous lift and pitching moment as a result of the actuation are effected only on the partitioned spanwise segment (0.21S) while the flow over the outboard sections is not actuated. To begin with, a single actuation pulse (N = 1) is applied once per oscillation cycle when the airfoil pitches up through α = 19o and the variation of CL and CM,c/4 through the cycle are shown in Figure 10. Perhaps the most prominent feature of these data is that single pulse actuation not only significantly increases the lift at post stall angles of attack, but also results in lift increase over the entire oscillation period even at angles of attack that are below stall (ostensibly by trapping vorticity over the entire oscillation cycle). This is evident from the vertical shift in the lift curves in Figure 10a and b for the single pulsed actuation from that of the baseline. These effects are somewhat amplified when the number of actuation pulses through the cycle is increased (N = 10, 30, and 50) such that these pulses equally distributed through the oscillation period. However, it is evident from Figures 10a and b that a single a
1.4 0
Baseline N=1 10 30 50 8
40 14
Baseline N=1 50 16
Fig. 10 Effects of repeated pulsed actuation on CL (a, b) and CM,c/4 (c) during pitching cycle. The number of actuation pulses is varied from N = 1 to 50.
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil 2
225 -0.07
1.5 1.4 0
t = 0 ms
Baseline N = 10 15 20 60
40 14
Baseline N = 15 60 16 18
Fig. 11 Effects of actuation bursts on CL (a, b) and CM,c/4 (c) during the pitching cycle. The number of actuation pulses per burst, commencing at t/Tconv = 0, is varied from N = 10 to 60 with Tpulse = 0.67Tconv. Reference times are shown in (b).
actuation pulse results in the bulk of the increase in CL. The data in Figure 10 also indicate that the changes in lift are accompanied by significant changes in the pitching moment (Figure 10c), and can even result in momentary decrease in stability. These effects were discussed by McCroskey (1982) who noted that “negative damping” over part of oscillation the cycle is undesirable because it may result in flutter and consequently in increased oscillation amplitude. Although the data in Figure 10 indicates significant control authority over the lift, the dynamic of the trapped, dynamic stall vorticity concentration can result in "unstable" CM,c/4 during the oscillation cycle. It is therefore desirable to investigate pulsed actuation approaches that take advantage of the transitory flow response for controlling CL during a prescribed airfoil motion while minimizing the effects of “negative damping” of CM,c/4. In what follows, the flow response to several variants of the actuation including bursts with different number of pulses, delays, and repetition rates during the oscillation cycle are explored. The cyclical transient responses to actuation bursts with varying number of pulses N (commencing at t/Tconv = 0 with Tpulse = 0.67Tconv, cf. Figure 7) are shown in Figure 11. As a result of the actuation, the lift rapidly increases above the baseline (0 < t/Tconv < 6.7, 10, 13.4, and 40 for N = 10, 15, 20 and 60, respectively), but the relaxation in lift upon termination of actuation is even faster. It appears that the rapid increase in lift may be due to faster, perhaps more efficient trapping of the dynamic stall vortex at the leading edge. The flow over the remainder of the suction surface is better controlled with actuation by preventing the trapped vortex from being shed and thereby suppressing separation. The present experiments show that the increase in lift can be extended with longer duration bursts (i.e. with increased number of pulses). A noteworthy feature is that for N = 10, the lift on the airfoil returns to the baseline level within 4Tconv after actuation and does not undershoot. However, for N = 15 and 20, the lift undershoots the baseline level such that lift on the airfoil is momentarily lower than at baseline (16 ≤ t/Tconv ≤ 24). The lift coefficient returns to baseline soon thereafter (t/Tconv ≥ 21 and 24, for N = 15 and 20 respectively), resulting in a longer relaxation process, that is considerably shorter than for the static airfoil (cf. Figure 7). This deficit in lift may be due to the abrupt shedding of a trapped dynamic stall vortex that is considerably larger than in the baseline flow and whose dynamics are coupled to the motion of the airfoil. As the number of pulses is increased to
G.T.K. Woo and A. Glezer
N = 60, the lift increases above the baseline over the entire cycle. However, it is remarkable that as the airfoil pitches through the highest angles, the lift is actually lower than for the shorter bursts indicating that there is an optimal magnitude of actuation-induced trapped vorticity for a given pitch rate. As noted in connection with Figure 10c, the effect of the actuation on the pitching moment can lead to reduced stability. For N = 10 and 15, there are significant reductions in the pitching moment (CM,c/4,min ≈ -0.140 both at α ≈ 22.5° compared to CM,c/4,min ≈ -0.127 at α ≈ 23° for the baseline) and large hysteretic effects over the large pitch angles (only N = 15 is shown in Figure 11c). It is noteworthy that although these two actuation schemes resulted in transitory lift enhancements by controlling dynamic lift stall over large pitch angles, the large abrupt decrease in pitching moment as seen from α > 22° suggests that dynamic moment stall is amplified (McCroskey, 1982). However, these effects may be controlled by staged actuation (Figure 11c). The increases in burst duration with N = 20 and 60 are accompanied by an increase in the minimum pitching moment (CM,c/4,min ≈ -0.129 and -0.126 at α ≈ 22° and 23°, respectively). Note that only N = 60 is shown in Figure 11c. In addition, the reduced hysteretic effects as evident from the smaller CM,c/4 loops at high angles and the now more gradual decrease in CM,c/4 (α > 22°) may indicate better suppression of the dynamic moment stall phenomenon (cf. Figure 10c). The onset of the actuation burst relative to the oscillation cycle is varied with Tstart (cf. Figure 7). These effects are investigated using a burst with N = 20 and Tpulse = 0.67Tconv (Figure 12). Four actuation delays which are measured relative to t = 0 (when the airfoil pitches up through α0 = 19°) are considered: Tstart = 0, 5, 10, and 15Tconv (or 0, 125, 250, and 375 msec). These data show that a significant increase in lift above baseline is attained momentarily at t/Tconv ≈ 5 msec following the onset of actuation for all the four cases. The peak increase is higher for actuation that is applied on the upstroke segment of the airfoil’s pitching cycle, i.e. for Tstart = 0 and 5Tconv. This may be due to the larger pitch angles that are realized during the actuation bursts. Upon the termination of the actuation, the lift decreases rapidly but undershoots past the baseline level before returning to the unforced level when Tstart = 0 and 5Tconv. As noted above, the undershoot in CL indicates the sudden shedding of the dynamic stall vortex. When Tstart = 10 and 15Tconv, the actuation is carried over to the upstroke part of the cycle, therefore lift increases for the duration of actuation when the airfoil pitches back up through its
Baseline Tstart/Tconv = 0
Tstart = 0 ms
5 10 15
Baseline T /T
1.4 0
40 14
10 16
Fig. 12 Effects of actuation delay on CL (a, b) and CM,c/4 (c) during the pitching cycle. The delay of actuation pulses of N = 20 with Tpulse = 0.67Tconv, is varied from Tstart/Tconv = 0 to 15. Corresponding actuation start times are shown in (b).
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil
Baseline N = 10, T
N = 5, T
15 c
b -0.07
= 3.5
1.8 -0.1
1.5 1.4 0
40 14
Fig. 13 Effects of burst-modulated actuation on CL (a, b) and CM,c/4 (c) during the pitching cycle. The number of pulses with Tpulse = 0.67Tconv is varied from 5 to 10 while keeping a constant duty cycle of 50%.
minimum angle of attack. That there is little or no undershoot in CL below the baseline upon termination of actuation is in agreement with the assertion that the dynamic stall vortex is already shed from the leading edge at this time. The traces of CM,c/4(α) in Figure 12c exhibit “negative damping” when Tstart = 0 as is evidenced by the loop at high α, and the reduced minimum pitching moment, CM,c/4,min ≈ -0.132. However, the same burst actuation with delays of Tstart = 5, 10 and 15Tconv (only Tstart = 10 is shown in Figure 12c) results in significant net “positive damping” as can be seen from the increasing positive hysteretic loops as the airfoil pitches down and then up through the low α, and from the diminished negative damping loops. These changes appear to be associated with the changes in the pressure distribution on the suction side as the motion and shedding of the dynamic stall vortex are altered by the delayed actuation. These data indicate that proper delay of the actuation relative to the oscillation cycle can lead to both desirable effects on the dynamic lift stall while improving the airfoil's stability. Finally, the effects of control using multiple bursts (Tpulse = 0.67 Tconv) that are evenly spaced throughout the oscillation cycle of the airfoil with 50% duty cycle are shown in Figure 13. The two cases investigated here are for N = 5 and 10, hence the number of bursts during the oscillation cycle is eight and four, respectively. The lift curves in Figures 13a and b show that the two actuation schemes result in significantly different flow responses. Bursts of N = 5 result in lift that is consistently maintained above the baseline, while bursts of N = 10 lead to timeperiodic fluctuations in CL and therefore in unsteady aerodynamic loading on frequencies that are multiples of the fundamental oscillation frequency. These fluctuations in lift that are accompanied by overshoots relative to the baseline level, suggest that in addition to the primary (baseline) dynamic stall vortex, secondary trapped vortices are formed by the interaction of the actuation with the dynamic motion of the airfoil and are abruptly shed from the airfoil leading to strong fluctuations in lift. It is remarkable that the shedding of these vortices is also associated with fluctuations in the pitching moment and in “negative damping” as is evidenced by hysteresis loop for high pitch angles (Figure 13c). With these two multiple-burst actuation schemes, the minimum pitching moment is reduced below the level of the baseline (CM,c/4,min ≈ -0.139 at α ≈ 23°) with slight increases in the net "negative damping". However, there are corresponding increases in "positive
G.T.K. Woo and A. Glezer
damping" of CM,c/4 due to actuation while the airfoil is pitching through the low pitch angles. These data indicate that with increased pulse durations, the trapping of the dynamic vortices are momentarily extended thus increases the transitory lift above baseline. Similar, but less dramatic effects on the pitching moment are observed. However, with increased size and strength of the dynamic stall vortices (as a result of longer burst actuation), their shedding at the termination of actuation may induce significant and abrupt CL and CM,c/4 fluctuations.
4 Conclusions Transitory control of the flow over a stalled, 2-D airfoil is investigated in wind tunnel experiments using high impulse and short duration actuation jets that are on time scales that are at least an order of magnitude shorter than the convective time scale of the flow. The dynamic response of the stalled flow over a static airfoil to a single-pulse actuation is rather remarkable, with momentary attachment of the flow (rise time of 2 – 3 Tconv) followed by detachment that is considerably slower (up to 10Tconv) before the flow becomes fully stalled again. The attachment is manifested by rapid changes in the global circulation and aerodynamic forces. The flow transients associated with the onset of single-pulse actuation can be exploited to enhance the actuation effectiveness and hence the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil beyond the effects of conventional, time-periodic actuation. In repeated actuation of a single pulse on the convective time scale the circulation saturates within 14Tconv at a level that is 58% higher than that of the stalled baseline. High-resolution PIV measurements show that the large-scale changes in vorticity accumulation that are associated with repetitive actuation can be exploited for significant "progressive" extension of the streamwise domain and duration of the attached flow with a corresponding increase in the peak circulation. The effects of transitory actuation (over a spanwise bounded flow domain measuring 0.21S) are significantly amplified when the airfoil is undergoing timeperiodic oscillations in pitch (at a reduced frequency of k = 0.072) where the oscillatory motion induces the formation of a dynamic stall vortex near the leading edge. It is shown that a single pulse actuation which is applied once per oscillation cycle not only significantly increases the lift at post stall angles of attack, but also results in lift increase over the entire oscillation period even at angles of attack that are below stall. These changes are attributed to enhancing the strength of the leading edge vortex and trapping vorticity over the entire oscillation cycle. While these effects are somewhat amplified when multiple actuation pulses (equally distributed through the oscillation period) are used, the single actuation pulse results in the bulk of the increase in CL. It is noteworthy that the flow attachment and the resulting changes in lift are accompanied by significant changes in the pitching moment, and can result in momentary decrease in stability (“negative damping”) over part of oscillation the cycle. The present work has demonstrated that the dynamic stall vortex can be manipulated using variants of the pulsed actuation scheme to regulate the size and strength of the vortex, and to control its shedding over the suction side of the airfoil. These variants include "burst"
Transitory Control of Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Airfoil
of multiple actuation pulses with varying phase and repetition delays relative to the oscillation cycle which can enhance both the lift and pitching moment on the airfoil with minimal negative damping. Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by NASA's Subsonic Rotary Wing Program monitored by Dr. Norman W. Schaeffler.
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Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller David Williams, Wesley Kerstens, Jens Pfeiffer, Rudibert King, and Tim Colonius*
Summary. The ability to control lift in unsteady flows using active flow control is examined experimentally with a three-dimensional, low-aspect-ratio wing and pulsed-blowing actuators as the test article. An unsteady flow wind tunnel is used to generate step-like and harmonic oscillations in flow speed and the corresponding fluctuating lift force on the wing. A ‘black box’ model of the wing response to actuation is obtained using conventional system identification techniques. A robust H∞ controller is designed with a mixed sensitivity loop-shaping technique, whose objective was to maintain a constant lift in the unsteady flow. The controller is shown to be capable of significant reductions in lift fluctuations given step, harmonic and random input disturbance conditions.
1 Introduction Dynamic control of lift is a requirement for maneuvering aircraft, whether the control is done with conventional control surfaces or with modern active flow control actuators. Modern active flow control (AFC) offers the advantage of lift enhancement and the delay of stall, but the demonstrations of AFC have been done almost exclusively under steady state conditions, i.e., constant flow speed and constant (periodic) actuation, e.g. Neuberger & Wygnanski [1] and Seifert, et al. [2,3]. Enabling AFC techniques to be useful for aircraft maneuvering requires an understanding of the performance of both the AFC actuator and the flow over the flight vehicle in unsteady flow environments. David Williams . Wesley Kerstens Fluid Dynamics Research Center, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL 60616 USA
[email protected] *
Jens Pfeiffer . Rudibert King Measurement and Control Group, Technische Universität Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36a, 10623 Berlin, Germany
[email protected] Tim Colonius Mechanical Engineering Department, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA 91125
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 19–30. springerlink.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
D. Williams et al.
The challenge in using AFC to enhance aircraft maneuverability comes from the effects of unsteady aerodynamics and the substantial time delays in the flow response to actuation. A quasi-steady control approach only works at very slow maneuvering speeds, because the static response maps become highly inaccurate in dynamic situations for both the aerodynamic loads and the response to actuation. For example, the time delays in the lift response to actuator transients was found to be quite long in the experiments by Amitay & Glezer [4,5] on a 2D wing, Darabi & Wygnanski [6,7] on a 2D wing flap, and Williams, et al.[8] on a 3D wing. Relaxation times of the flow from the actuator’s initial transient to the final steady state were found to be on the order of O(5-10 t+), where t+ is the convective time scale, which is time normalized by the external flow speed, U, and the chord length of the wing or flap model, c. This means that a wing will travel 5 – 10 chord lengths before its response to a change in actuator settings is complete. A benchmark experiment was designed to explore the challenges of using AFC in an unsteady flow [9]. The basic idea was to superpose flow speed oscillations on a mean flow to create unsteady lift oscillations from a wing, simulating the effects of a longitudinal gusting flow. A phase-cancellation control system was designed around pulsed-blowing AFC actuators to modulate the lift coefficient, so that the lift oscillations would be suppressed. The first attempts by Williams, et al. [9] at suppressing lift fluctuations in an oscillating flow used a controller based on a quasi-steady model of the aerodynamics and actuator response. The actuators used a pulse-widthmodulation approach to modify the lift coefficient. The approach was effective at suppressing harmonic disturbances at the fundamental frequency of 0.2Hz, but introduced a large amount of noise at higher harmonics. The quasi-steady models for the actuator and aerodynamics were the limiting factor in the design. An improved version of the phase-cancellation approach was demonstrated by Williams, et al. [10]. The improvement accounted for the time delays associated with the unsteady aerodynamics and the actuation. Experimental measurements of the time delays at different flow oscillation frequencies were obtained, and a phase cancelling feed forward controller was designed to suppress lift oscillations at a fixed frequency (1 Hz). Good suppression of the lift oscillations (typically ~ 10 – 12dB) was demonstrated at the design frequency, but only at the design point. If the disturbance frequency or amplitude was changed, then the controller would quickly lose effectiveness. Despite the limited bandwidth, the concept of suppressing unsteady lift oscillations with a controller that was correctly tuned for the unsteady aerodynamic effects and the time delays associated with actuation was proved. Broader bandwidth control is necessary to achieve enhanced maneuverability and gust suppression in actual flight conditions. The objective of the work described in this paper is to use the techniques of modern system identification and control theory to increase the bandwidth of the controller. In particular, the approach developed by Henning, et al. [11] provides a template for designing a modern controller capable of suppressing lift oscillations in the unsteady flow problem. Experiments were conducted at Illinois Institute of Technology and the controllers were designed at Technische Universität Berlin. The methodology and results of the joint effort are described below. The experimental setup and flow configuration are described in Sec.2. Openloop forcing results and the static response to actuation are discussed in Sec. 3.
Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller
The closed-loop controller design and experimental results are provided in Sec.4. Finally, the conclusions of the experiment are presented in Sec. 5.
2 Flow Configuration The model used in this study was a low-aspect-ratio, low Reynolds number wing mounted on a vertical sting in a wind tunnel. The wing was fixed at α=20deg, which without flow control was in a stalled state. The wind tunnel was equipped with a computer controlled shutter mechanism that changes the resistance to the flow in the wind tunnel. Different waveforms of velocity disturbances can be created, but for this work step-type and harmonic oscillations were used. Oscillation amplitudes up to 10 percent of the mean speed and frequencies up to 3 Hz were achievable. 2.1 Experimental Setup The test article for the experiment was a semi-circular planform wing. The semicircular planform was chosen because earlier experiments documented the ability of pulsed-blowing actuators to stabilize and modulate the strength of the leading edge vortex and lift, Williams, et al.[12]. The model was constructed from Duraform™ nylon with a selective laser sintering rapid prototyping system. The 3D rapid prototyping system allowed the micro-valve actuators to be embedded inside the model, close to the leading edge. The midspan chord = 0.203m, and the span=.406m. The leading-edge was rounded with a 5:1 elliptic shape, and the thickness to chord ratio was t/c=0.069. The model chord Reynolds numbers ranged from Rec = 47,000 to 109,000. The experiments were conducted in the Andrew Fejer Unsteady Flow wind tunnel. The wind tunnel is a closed-return type powered by a 40 HP motor with vector drive controller. The maximum speed of the wind tunnel is 30 m/s, but ranged between 3 m/s and 9 m/s for the data presented here. At 3 m/s freestream speed the turbulence level is 0.6 percent over the frequency band from 0.1Hz to 30Hz. The test section dimensions are 0.6 m by 0.6 m by 3.1m long. The coordinate system was defined relative to the force and moment transducer located inside the model. The x-axis is aligned with the streamwise direction, the
Fig. 1 Drawing of wind tunnel test section showing the model and shutter arrangements. The actuator orientation along the leading edge is shown on the right.
D. Williams et al.
y-axis is in the spanwise direction, and the z-axis is in the vertical direction relative to the flow in the wind tunnel. The forces and moments about the three principle axes were acquired with a 6-component balance (ATI, Inc. model Nano-17). The angle of attack of the wing was fixed at α=20 deg., which corresponds to an area ratio blockage of 6 percent. The unsteady nature of the experiments makes it unclear how blockage corrections should be applied; therefore, no blockage corrections were made to the data. The actuation system was a pulsed-blowing type with variable pressure amplitude. The actuator pressure amplitude was controlled by a Fairchild TA6000 pneumatic transducer, which had an approximate bandwidth of 2Hz. The flow from the pneumatic transducer supplied a plenum inside the wing. The 16 micro valve (Lee, Inc. model LHDA00102) actuators were positioned radially outward along the leading edge of the wing. In typical open-loop actuation the valves are pulsed continuously at 29Hz (St = 1.2 at U = 5m/s).
3 Open-Loop Control Maps of the steady state lift response to actuation were obtained as a first step in the controller design. The steady lift (with and without actuation) and the dependence on actuator pressure are described in this section. 3.1 Baseline Flow with and without Actuation The smoke wire technique was used to visualize the flow over the mid-span of the wing. The baseline flow without actuation is shown in Fig. 2a and the open-loop, continuous forcing case is shown in Fig. 2b. Both cases correspond to a steady freestream speed at 5 m/s.
Fig. 2 Smoke wire visualization of flow over the mid-span of the wing at U=5m/s. (a) no forcing. (b) continuous pulsed-jet actuation at 29 Hz, 5psig.
Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller
The smoke visualization photograph in Fig. 2b shows the reattached flow pattern that produces a high lift state when the actuators are running continuously at 29Hz. The effect of continuous actuation can be seen in the lift curves shown in Fig.3. for a flow speed of 5 m/s. The solid black line shows the lift dependence on angle of attack, α, without actuation. The wing stalls at α = 14 degrees, and at α = 20 degrees the lift decreases to 0.8N, which is the lower lift limit. The upper lift limit is obtained with the actuators pulsing continuously at 25 Hz. The stall is delayed, and the upper lift value (L = 1.2N) is reached. The basic control strategy is to fix the wing at α = 20 degrees, and to change the lift force between the upper and lower limits by changing the supply pressure to the actuators.
Continuous actuation
No actuation
Fig. 3 Lift curve dependence on actuation at U = 5 m/s, Rec = 78,000. The black line is the baseline case without forcing. The gray line is the lift with continuous actuation.
3.2 Description of Actuated Flow – Static Map The static lift response of the wing to continuously pulsed (steady-state) actuation is shown in Fig. 4. The data were found to scale well when the lift coefficient was plotted against the square-root of the actuator supply pressure coefficient. The supply pressure coefficient is defined as C = p jet − p∞ , where pjet is the actuator pj 0.5ρU 2 supply pressure and p∞ is the freestream static pressure. The square-root dependence on Cpj is modeled as a static input nonlinearity in the plant model. Details are given in Sec. 4.1.
D. Williams et al.
Fig. 4 Lift coefficient dependence on the actuator supply pressure. The angle of attack is fixed at α=20deg. The actuators are pulsed continuously at 29Hz.
4 Feedback Control The controller and the design procedure used by Henning, et al. [11] provided a template for the design of the controller used in the current experiment. A modelbased robust controller was designed using the mixed-sensitivity H∞ control method [14]. The control architecture, system identification, and performance in unsteady flow experiments are described in the following. 4.1 Robust Control The schematic in Fig. 5 shows the control loop architecture used to regulate the lift of the wing. The steady-state map obtained from open-loop experiments plotted in Fig. 4 reveals an approximately linear relationship between the lift coefficient CL and the square root of the jet pressure coefficient Cpj. Hence the plant with input u = Cpj and output y = CL can be modeled as a nonlinear system consisting of a linear dynamic part Gp(s) and a static input nonlinearity f(u) = Cpj1/2. Its inverse
Kff (s)
qS Nonlinear Plant
÷ Lref
F(s) r = CL,ref
y = CL
K(s) u*
f(u) u = Cpj
Gp(s) v
Fig. 5 Control loop architecture used for suppression of the oscillating lift
Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller
is used as a pre-compensator f(u*)-1= u*2, resulting in a plant which is linear with respect to u* and y. The plant transfer function Gp(s) is a ‘black-box’ model obtained from a system identification based on experimental data. Since the plant is modeled with respect to the nondimensional coefficients Cpj and CL, the desired lift Lref has to be converted to a reference value for the lift coefficient r = CL,ref based on the measured free-stream dynamic pressure q and the wing surface S. A model-based dynamic feed forward controller Kff(s) = F(s)Gn(s)-1 is used to speed up the reference tracking. Herein Gn(s) -1 denotes the inverse of the linear transfer function of a nominal plant model and F(s) denotes a PT1 reference filter needed to obtain a causal transfer function for Kff(s). A robust H∞ controller K(s) designed by loop-shaping compensates for tracking errors caused by disturbances and modeling errors. In order to account for actuator saturation the control loop is augmented by a dynamic Anti-windup compensator based on a method suggested by Park [13]. It is not shown in Fig. 5 for the sake of conciseness. 4.1.1 Identification of the Plant Model The lift coefficient response to the actuator shown in Fig. 4 is only valid for the static response. A dynamic model Gp(s) of the plant is needed for the controller, which can be obtained from experimental data using conventional system identification methods. In this case the compensated input u*(t) corresponding to the square root supply pressure coefficient (Cpj1/2) provided to the actuators is varied as a pseudo-random binary signal (PRBS). The output is the measured lift coefficient. Based on the output response to different amplitudes of the input signals at three different flow speeds U = 5 m/s, U = 7 m/s and U = 9 m/s a family of 33 ‘black box’ models is identified using the Prediction-Error-Method. A comparison between the measured response and the simulated output for one identified model for a sample of the pseudo-random input data at one supply pressure condition is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 Example of pseudo-random input data used to obtain a ‘black box’ model of the wing’s lift response
D. Williams et al.
A PT1 structure for the model identification yields a reasonable fit of the measured plant output and was therefore used in the identification and control design process. However, recent experiments not shown here suggest that considering a time delay or a higher model order could improve the data fit and control performance. A nominal model Gn(s) is obtained by calculating the mean values of the parameters from all models. The Bode plot of all 33 models and the nominal model shown in figure 7 reveals a small variation in the frequency response of the models. The deviation from the nominal model's frequency response is described by a multiplicative uncertainty
Π I : G p ( s) = Gn ( s)(1 + wI ( s )Δ I ( s)),
Δ I ( jω ) ≤ 1, ∀ω ,
wherein ΔI(s) denotes a normalized uncertainty with a frequency dependent weight wI(s) comprising all identified transfer functions.
Fig. 7 Bode plots of the models identified from experiment (gray) and nominal model (dashed)
4.1.2 Mixed Sensitivity Method of Controller Design The mixed-sensitivity method of loop-shaping is used to tune the controller performance, so that robust stability and performance are guaranteed for all models identified over the range of flow speeds from 5 m/s to 9 m/s. In this approach, the loop transfer functions for the sensitivity S = (1-GnK)-1, the complementary sensitivity T = 1 - S, and KS as a measure for the magnitude of the input signals are
weighted with wP(s), wT(s) and wu(s), respectively, to combine several specifications for the controller to be synthesized. Here, 1/|wP(s)| is used to put a lower
Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller
bound on the bandwidth to suppress disturbances at low frequencies. The weight wT(s) ensures that the magnitude of T rolls off fast enough at high frequencies to avoid transmission of measurement noise. Furthermore, it is chosen such that T ( jω ) < 1 / wI ( jω ) , ∀ω , in order to guarantee robust stability [14]. Since the magnitude of the uncertainty wI is smaller than unity at all frequencies ω, no limitations on the control design arise from the uncertainty. Finally, 1/|wu(s)| places an upper bound on the magnitude of the control effort. The Bode plots of these transfer functions are shown in Fig. 8. In order to obtain the controller a cost functional min N ( K ( s)) ∞ , with N = [wP S K
wT T
wu KS ] , T
has to be minimized, wherein K(s) denotes the optimal controller [14].
Fig. 8 Bode plots of the shaped transfer functions used in the design of the controller. Refer to text for details.
4.2 Controller Performance in Experiments
Step input changes in the freestream speed were used to test the controller. The wing was subjected to a periodic step decrease in velocity from approximately 7.1 m/s to 6.3 m/s, while the controller attempted to maintain a constant reference lift value of 1.4N. Figure 9 shows the phase-averaged lift response over 50 cycles of the controlled case along with the uncontrolled lift. Oscillations in lift occur when the flow speed transient occurs, but these oscillations are damped over time. The controller is successful in maintaining a constant lift near the reference value 1.4 ±0.05N.
D. Williams et al.
Fig. 9 Step response of lift at U = 7 m/s with and without control (left). Phase averaged velocity 1/ 2
signal (top right) and control input signal, C pj , (bottom right).
The wing was also subjected to a 0.2Hz sinusoidal velocity variation with a mean flow speed of 6.7m/s and amplitude of 0.25m/s. Again the controller attempts to maintain a constant lift. Figure 10 shows the power spectral density of the controlled and uncontrolled fluctuating lift.
Fig. 10 Comparison of fluctuating lift signal with and without control (left), and the power spectra of both signals (right). A 13 dB suppression of the lift oscillation is obtained at the fundamental frequency with only a slight increase at the harmonic.
The ability of the controller to maintain a constant lift given a pseudo-random input velocity signal is shown in Fig. 11. Without control, the lift varies from 0.9 N to 1.4 N. With the controller activated, the lift fluctuation amplitude is significantly reduced. The root mean square value of the fluctuating lift is reduced from 0.14 N without control to 0.028 N with control. The ability to control random inputs is an important step toward developing gust suppression controllers.
Unsteady Lift Suppression with a Robust Closed Loop Controller
Fig. 11 Randomized input velocity. The lift response with and without control (top) shows suppression of the lift fluctuations. The corresponding freestream velocity signal (bottom left) and the control input signal
C 1pj/ 2
(bottom right) are shown.
5 Conclusions A robust controller was designed with the objective of suppressing freestream flow oscillations over a wide range of unsteady flow conditions in benchmark experiment with a 3D wing. Previous controllers used at IIT were only effective at their design point or under quasi-steady conditions. The controller design procedure used by Henning, et al. [11] for controlling bluff body drag, also proved to be effective for constructing a controller capable of modulating the lift in an unsteady flow situation. A family of ‘black box’ models was identified using experimental measurements, and a robust H∞ controller coupled with dynamic feed forward control worked well. The controller presented in this paper was shown to be effective in compensating for step, harmonic, and random input changes in flow speed.
D. Williams et al.
Acknowledgements. The support for this work by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research MURI (FA9550-05-0369) with program manager Dr. Fariba Fahroo is gratefully appreciated. David Williams gratefully acknowledges the partial support of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. We also acknowledge the support from the Illinois NASA Space Grant Consortium for Wesley Kerstens.
References [1] Neuberger, D., Wygnanski, I.: The use of a vibrating ribbon to delay separation on two-dimensional airfoils. In: Seiler, F.J. (ed.) Proc. of Air Force Academy Workshop in Unsteady Separated Flow (1987), Report TR-88-0004 [2] Seifert, A., Bachar, T., Koss, D., Shepshelovic, M., Wygnanski, I.: Oscillatory blowing: a tool to delay boundary layer separation. AIAA J. 34, 2052–2060 (1993) [3] Seifert, A., Darabi, A., Wygnanski, I.: Delay of airfoil stall by periodic excitation. J. Aircraft 33, 691–698 (1996) [4] Amitay, M., Glezer, A.: Controlled Transients of Flow Reattachment over Stalled Airfoils. Int. J. of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 23, 690–699 (2002) [5] Amitay, M., Glezer, A.: Flow Transients Induced on a 2D Airfoil by Pulse-Modulated Actuation. Experiments in Fluids 240, 329–331 (2006) [6] Darabi, A., Wygnanski, I.: Active management of naturally separated flow over a solid surface. Part 1. The forced reattachment process. J. Fluid Mech. 510, 105–129 (2004) [7] Darabi, A., Wygnanski, I.: Active management of naturally separated flow over a solid surface. Part 2. The separation process. J. Fluid Mech. 510, 131–144 (2004) [8] Williams, D.R., Tadmor, G., Colonius, T., Kerstens, W., Quach, V., Buntain, S.: The lift response of a stalled wing to pulsatile disturbances. AIAA J. 47 (2009) [9] Williams, D., Collins, J., Tadmor, G., Colonius, T.: Control of a Semi-Circular Planform Wing in a “Gusting” Unsteady Freestream Flow: I-Experimental Issues. AIAA Paper 2008-3976 (2008) [10] Williams, D.R., Quach, V., Kerstens, W., Buntain, S., Tadmor, G., Rowley, C., Colonius, T.: Low-Reynolds Number Wing Response to an Oscillating Freestream with and without Feed Forward Control. AIAA Paper 2009-143 (2009) [11] Henning, L., Pastoor, M., King, R., Noack, B., Tadmor, G.: Feedback Control Applied to the Bluff Body Wake. In: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control. NNFM 95, pp. 369–390. Springer, Heidelberg (2007) [12] Williams, D., Collins, J., Jankhot, C., Colonius, T., Tadmor, G.: Control of Flow Structure on a Semi-Circular Planform Wing. AIAA Paper 2008-597 (2008) [13] Park, J.-K., Choi, C.-H.: Dynamic compensation method for multivariable control systems with saturating actuators. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 40, 1635–1640 (1995) [14] Skogestad, S., Postlethwaite, I.: Multivariable feedback control – Analysis and design. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (1996)
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration Thomas Grund and Wolfgang Nitsche
Abstract. This paper presents active flow control results using periodic excitation on a wing section with a plain flap of a Stemme S10 glider configuration. The experiments were carried out in a closed loop wind tunnel at a Reynolds number of Rec = 1.75 ·106. A periodic pulsating jet, introduced from the suction side of the flap near the separation area, was used to delay flow separation for a flap angle greater than 16◦ . The control of the detached flow on the flap leads to an increase in lift and a reduction in drag, resulting in an improvement of the lift-to-drag ratio of up to 25 percent. The aerodynamic forces and torques were determined by a six-component balance. In addition, pressure measurements in the middle section of the model as well as TR-PIV measurements were carried out. All experiments were conducted in the Collaborative Research Centre 557 Control of Complex Shear Flows set up at the Berlin University of Technology. Nomenclature b cflap c m˙ ·u¯ cμ = qjet∞ ·Sjet cp CD CL DC f ·c F + = u∞flap Rec t
span width u¯jet flap chord length u∞ mean chord length V˙N momentum coefficient pressure coefficient α drag coefficient β lift coefficient δf duty cycle of excitation dimensionless frequency chord Reynolds number time
mean velocity of pulsed jet incident velocity normalized volume flow rate angle of attack blowing angle flap deflection angle
Thomas Grund · Wolfgang Nitsche Technische Universitaet Berlin, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chair of Aerodynamics, Marchstr. 12, 10587 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 31–43. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
T. Grund and W. Nitsche
1 Introduction Effective high lift configurations play an increasingly important role due to the growing air traffic as well as from an economic point of view. Here, active flow control has been an important research area within the field of aerodynamics in the last few years [3]. The goal is to avoid flow separation occurring at high flap deflection angles to further increase the lift. This can lead to a reduction of the mechanical complexity of high-lift configurations. Many of the flow control experiments carried out in the past show that periodic excitation is an effective instrument for delaying flow separation. Most of the models used are single slotted high-lift configurations and generic test models [7, 8], which have been investigated for different Reynolds numbers including flight Reynolds numbers [11]. The excitation, in most cases an alternation of the blowing and sucking phase, is coupled in through a small slot in the separation area. This results in an improved transport of high momentum fluid from the shear layer to the lower momentum fluid in the near wall region and causes a delay of flow separation on the flap. In this context the position of the slots is crucial [12]. The best results were achieved when the slot was located just before the separation area or, if possible, directly at the separation position. In addition to the periodic excitation frequency and the amplitude of the wall jet, the jet direction [4, 13] is also of great importance. Many experiments show that an excitation frequency around the natural instability frequency of the separated shear layer is most effective. Different types of actuators were tested for separation control on high-lift configurations. Melton et al. [6] carried out investigations with a piezoelectric actuator with a zero-net-mass-flux excitation on the flap shoulder. Petz et al. [9, 10] used a periodic pulsed jet, without a suction phase, to successfully control the flow separation on the trailing edge flap. An enhancement of the lift-to-drag ratio of up to 25 percent was achieved with the generic two- dimensional high-lift configuration, which consisted of two different NACA profiles. A further increase in the aerodynamic performance was achieved by the use of a closed-loop control [2]. The experimental investigation presented here was conducted in preparation for flight tests with a motor glider, the Stemme S10. In addition to the design of a robust active flow control system, the investigations focused on the identification of possible effective parameters, such as excitation frequency and amplitude for the flight test. Unlike other high-lift configurations, the examined profile, HQ41, has no gap between the main profile and plain flap. That means no jet flow between the elements is generated. Due to the absence of this jet, the flow separation on the flap already starts at a flap deflection angle of 16◦ , which leads to a degradation of the aerodynamic performance.
2 Experimental Set-Up The wind tunnel tests were carried out in preparation for in-flight experiments. All investigations were conducted in a closed-loop wind-tunnel with a low degree of turbulence of 0.3%. Most results presented here were obtained at a freestream
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration
velocity of 31m/s corresponding to a Reynolds number of Rec = 1.75 · 106, so that the flight velocities of the motor glider S10 are covered.
2.1 Wind Tunnel Model The experiments were executed with an HQ41-airfoil, of the outboard wing section of the Stemme S10 motor glider, as show in Fig. 1. This wing section has a middle chord of 0.83 m and a span of b = 1.55m. The laminar airfoil has a 14.5% chord plain flap and a low taper ratio. The angle of attack α can be controlled remotely.
800 mm
867 mm
wind tunnel model
Stemme S10 HQ 41 - profile actuator
plain flap
Fig. 1 Stemme S10
The flap deflection angle was adjusted manually. The experiments were carried out with a flap deflection angle up to δ f = 21◦ . Most results presented here were obtained at a deflection angle of δ f = 16◦ , since this particular set-up is relevant for in-flight experiments. The HQ41 - model is placed inside the test section, which has a cross section of 2000mm x 1400mm (see Fig. 2). Forces and torques were measured with a six-component balance, which is assembled underneath the test section. The test model is connected to the balance over a very stiff beam construction, which is aerodynamically encased by two sidewalls inside the test section. To minimize the pressure compensation between suction and pressure side, the gap between the sidewall and the model was minimized to guarantee a free angle of attack variation for the model. The forces and torques were corrected using a standard wind tunnel wall correction method [1]. The model is equipped with 43 pressure taps, partitioned on the suction and pressure side of the main foil and the plain flap, at a spanwise (y/b) location of 0.5 with an angle of seven degrees in streamwise direction. The pressure transducers are installed inside the main profile. The stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tests were performed with a high-speed Time Resolved-PIV system (TR-PIV), which can be operated in single exposure mode at a maximum sampling frequency of 5kHz. The system consists of a frequency-doubled Nd:YLF
T. Grund and W. Nitsche test section sidewalls
Nd:YLF laser 8
high-speed CMOS cameras
beam construction 6- component balance
Fig. 2 Test section with PIV system and test model
laser, two high-speed CMOS cameras and a synchronization unit, see Fig. 2. The measurement plane for all PIV images was located at a position of y/b = 0.4, centred directly above an actuator chamber.
2.2 Excitation System The excitation system is divided in 14 actuator segments arranged in spanwise direction. The actuator segments are placed inside the flap and are connected to a fast switching solenoid valve with compressed air supply. The compressed air inlet is located in the main profile. The compressed air and thereby the amplitude of the jet velocity of the actuator can be regulated with an electronic proportional pressure regulator outside the test section. The frequency and duty cycle could be varied for the fast switching valves. A square wave signal opens and closes the valve and generates a pulsating jet at the outlet of the actuator. Figure 3 shows the actuator set-up 6 1
plane 2 plane 1
27mm 17
70 mm
slot area 66mm x 0.3mm
switching solenoid valve
0 2
t [ms]
Fig. 3 Actuator set-up
= 40°
u /u
compressed air duct
trigger [V]
actuator chamber
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration
for the wind tunnel experiments. The plot on the right presents the trigger signal and the actuator jet velocity. A constant delay could be observed, due to the inertia of the system. The layout of the actuator chambers for the active flow control experiments is a critical factor. In addition to a homogeneous velocity distribution over the slot, the pressure loss should be minimal. For this reason, the actuator chambers were produced by means of a stereolithography method. The application of this method allows the use of complex inside contours for the actuators. One segment is 27 mm high, 17 mm wide and 70 mm long, see Fig. 3 (left). The location and direction of the excitation is fixed for the flap and was determined in a numerical partner project [5]. The jet exits the flap at x/cflap = 15% through a 0.3 mm wide slot with an exit angle of 40◦ in respect of the flap’s surface. The contour plots (see Fig. 4) show a snapshot of a velocity distribution over the actuator exit measured by a moveable single hot wire. The measurements were carried out at a height of a few tenths of a millimetre over the actuator exit at an duty cycle of DC = 50% and a frequency of f = 120Hz. A uniform velocity profile could be observed at the actuator exit (not shown). Figure 4 shows a measurement of the actuator jet velocity for two different planes, see Fig. 3 (left). Plane 1 is located on the edge of the actuator slot and
plane 1, t = 4ms
Y [mm]
Y [mm]
plane 2, t = 4ms
X [mm]
plane 1, t = 4.5ms
plane 2, t = 4.5ms
Y [mm]
1 0.5 0
Y [mm]
Y [mm]
X [mm]
0.6 8
X [mm] 0.4
X [mm]
X [mm]
Fig. 4 Hot-wire measurements over the actuator exit for two different planes
T. Grund and W. Nitsche
plane 2 in the middle of the slot. The hot-wire measurements show that the exit angle of jet is smaller in the middle of the actuator (plane 2) compared to plane 1. Here, the geometrical outlet angle of the actuator contour could be found again in the measurement results.
3 Results The results represent a summary of the previous measurements with actuation. In the initial attempts, all actuators were activated with the same signal. A variation of the mass flow rate as well as the frequency was carried out for a flap deflection angle of 16◦ to 21◦ . Most results in this report, refer to a flap deflection angle of 16◦ and 21◦ .
3.1 Unexcited Flow In preparation for the tests with active flow control, the base flow without excitation was investigated for different flap deflection angles. These studies provide information about the flap angle at which flow separation occurs on the flap. Figure 5 shows the lift (left diagram) and drag (right diagram) coefficients versus the angle of attack for different flap deflection angles. It can be seen that a magnification of the flap angle and thereby a magnification of the camber of the profile leads to an increased lift coefficient. The increment of the lift coefficient decreases for flap angles of 16◦ and higher. This smaller increase in the lift coefficient indicates a partial or complete separation of the flap. The incipient separation of the flap at δ f = 16◦ is reflected in a lower lift gradient compared to a 10◦ flap deflection angle. This indicates that the flow on the flap is only partially detached for small angles of attack. A complete flow separation occurs only at larger angles. The right diagram of Fig. 5 shows the drag coefficients for the same configurations. These results show a good correlation with the lift coefficients. The increasing separation on
δ =5° f
δf =10° δf =16°
δf =18° δf =21°
δf =5°
C [-]
C [-]
δf =10° δf =16°
δf =18° δf =21°
0 -6
α [°]
0.01 -6
α [°]
Fig. 5 Lift and drag coefficients at different flap deflection without excitation
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration
y [mm]
Fig. 6 Snapshot of u- velocity; PIV data for an unexcited flow α = 2, δ f = 21◦ , Rec = 1.75 · 106
velocity u [m/s]: 0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
x [mm]
the flap is characterized by the abrupt increase (small angle) of the drag coefficients at a flap deflection angle of 16◦ . For an angle of attack of 2◦ and a flap deflection angle of δ f = 21◦ , a detailed examination of the unexcited flow field of the plain flap was accomplished using a stereo TR-PIV system. The temporal resolution of the flow field for this case was 1.2 kHz, the pulse distance 17 μs. The velocity contours with streamlines from the PIV measurement are presented in Fig. 6. The coordinate origin is located at the top of the plain flap. The figure shows a snapshot of the u- velocity component. The flow separation can be clearly identified bounded by a region of high-velocity differences in the wake of the main profile. In the rear of the flap a vortex is formed, clearly visible in the streamlines, which is characteristic for a separated flow. The image clearly shows that the flow field is dominated by a large separated area.
3.2 Excited Flow A variety of parameters has an influence on active flow control experiments. In addition to the position and the jet angle of the excitation, the frequency and the amplitude of the excitation play an important role. For this reason, these two parameters were varied, to find an optimal set-up for the flight tests. For this purpose it is necessary to find the best operating frequency and amplitude to increase the lift while simultaneously decreasing the drag, which is equivalent to maximizing the aerodynamic quality of the wing, expressed by the lift-to-drag ratio (L/D). Figure 7 shows the lift (left diagrams) and drag (right diagrams) coefficients versus the angle of attack for a flap deflection angle of 16◦ (top row of figure) and 21◦ (bottom row of figure). A comparison between the unexcited and the actuated flow is given for different mass flow rates at a fixed actuation frequency. A gain in lift is recognizable in the linear regime of the lift polar for pulsed excitation for both flap angles. For small angles of attack at a flap angle of δ f = 16◦ , only a small lift enhancement can be identified. This indicates a partially detached flap. However, the
T. Grund and W. Nitsche 2
0.08 no excitation c = 0.00022
δf =16°, F+= 0.5
c = 0.00078 0.06
c = 0.00143
C [-]
C [-]
c = 0.00078
δf =16°, F+= 0.5 0.5 -6
no excitation c = 0.00022
c = 0.00143 2
α [°]
α [°]
0.08 no excitation c = 0.00022 c = 0.00078 0.06
c = 0.00143
C [-]
C [-]
δf =21°, F = 0.5
c = 0.00078
δf =21°, F+= 0.5 0.5 -6
no excitation c = 0.00022
α [°]
c = 0.00143 2
0.02 -6
α [°]
Fig. 7 Lift and drag coefficients for a flap deflection angle of 16◦ (top row) and 21◦ (bottom row) with different momentum coefficients
significant increase in lift for a flap angle of δ f = 21◦ is caused by the completely detached flow without excitation over the entire angle of attack. Furthermore, the lift can be magnified through a concurrent increase in the momentum coefficients c μ (increase in the mass flow rate) shown in Fig. 7. However, a further increase in the momentum coefficient, at values greater than approximately 0.9%, only leads to a small increase in lift. An enhancement of the flow rate by 80% merely leads to an increase in the lift coefficient of 1.5%. A reduction in drag is recognizable in the diagram on the right (Fig.7) for negative angles of attack. For α > 1◦ and a flap deflection angle of 16◦ , the drag coefficient increases compared to the unexcited flow. For δ f = 21◦ this drag increase already starts for angles of attack α > 0◦ , reflecting the influence of induced drag, due to the fact that the lift coefficient enters with the power of two in the equation of induced drag. This results in a significant increase in the total drag. Due to the small area ratio of the flap to the entire wing, the possible drag reduction is low. Figure 8 shows the pressure distribution of the wing section for an angle of attack of α = 0◦ with and without excitation for different momentum coefficients. As illustrated in the figure, the enhancement of the lift is not only caused by delaying the separation on the flap, which is characterized by the increase in the trailing edge pressure of the flap. A large proportion of this gain is achieved by changing the flow
c [-]
c [-]
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration
0 α= 0°, δf = 16°
α= 0°, δf = 21°
x/c [-]
x/c [-] c =0.0008
no excitation
c =0.0014
Fig. 8 Static pressure distribution for α = 0◦ and δ f = 16◦ (left) and δ f = 21◦ (right)
field around the entire configuration. This change of the flow field around the main wing through the excitation is responsible for the increase in lift for angles of attack greater than 4◦ , since the flap is already separating again (not shown here). Figure 9 shows a comparison of the flow fields between the unexcited (left-hand-side picture) and excited case (right-hand-side picture) for an angle of attack of α = 2◦ and a flap angle of δ f = 21◦ . The experiments with excitation were carried out with a momentum coefficient of cμ ≈ 0.08% and a dimensionless frequency of F + ≈ 0.45%. The unexcited flow is dominated by a large separation area. The picture on the right shows that the flow separation on the flap can be eliminated by pulsed excitation. As already mentioned, a set of effective flow control parameters has to be identified in preparation for the flight tests. The goal is to minimize the amount of energy used to delay the flow separation and thus to increase the lift-to-drag ratio. In this context, the actuation efficiency is displayed versus the momentum coefficient for angles of
y [mm]
y [mm]
absolut velocity [m/s]: 0
x [mm]
5 10 15 20 25
absolut velocity [m/s]: 0
5 10 15 20 25
x [mm]
Fig. 9 Absolute velocities PIV data for an unexcited flow (time averaged, left) and an excited flow (phase averaged, right), α = 2◦ , δ f = 21◦ , Rec = 1.75 · 106
T. Grund and W. Nitsche
α=−4° α=−2° α=0° α=2° α=4° α=6°
Δ CL/cμ [−]
0 0
Fig. 10 Actuator efficiency for different angles of attack
c [%] μ
attack between α = −4◦ and α = 6◦ (see Fig. 10). The highest value for the actuator efficiency was obtained for an angle of attack of α = 2◦ . Furthermore, the efficiency is reduced considerably for α = 4◦ . The reason for this can be seen in the reduction in lift for an angle of attack greater than approximately 3◦ , see Fig. 7. In addition to the amplitude of excitation, the effect of the frequency on the flow field was investigated. Figure 11 shows a contour plot of Δ C¯L (left) and a plot of Δ C¯D (right) as a function of the dimensionless frequency and the momentum coefficient. The values are averaged over angles of attack from −1◦ to 2◦ . The left plot of Fig. 11 shows two extremes for a dimensionless frequency of F + ≈ 0.5, one for the maximum cμ = 0.14% and a second maximum for cμ ≈ 0.08%. A similar frequency dependence is also reflected for Δ C¯D . In this case, a maximum for a frequency range of 0.5 could be detected as well, but it is shifted to slightly higher momentum coefficients. Considering the lift-to-drag ratio a clear optimum could be identified for a dimensionless frequency of F + = 0.5 in comparison to other frequencies, as presented in Fig. 12. For small momentum coefficients the influence of the frequency is not that pronounced. For cμ ≈ 0.05%, a clear difference of up to 6% in the lift-to-drag ratio
x 10 5
0.13 0.8
0.8 0
0.12 0.7
0.11 0.6
F [−]
F [−]
−15 0.04
cμ [%]
cμ [%]
Fig. 11 Δ C¯L (left) and Δ C¯D (right) for an AoA from α = −1◦ to α = 2◦ , Rec = 1.75 · 106
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration
Δ L/D [%]
10 + e + F =0.5 e F+=0.9 e
F =0.3 5 α = −1°, δ = 16° f
0 0
35 δf = 16°
δf = 21°
no excitation
F = 0.5, c = 0.08% -4
α [°]
no excitation 25 -6
0.1 μ
c [%]
L/D [-]
L/D [-]
Fig. 12 L/D ratio for different dimensionless frequencies, α = −1◦
F = 0.5, c = 0.08% 4
20 -6
α [°]
Fig. 13 Benefit of L/D ratio for a flap angle of δ f = 16◦ (left) and δ f = 21◦ (right)
is visible. The values undoubtedly reach a maximum at a momentum coefficient of approximately 0.1%. For cμ > 0.1% L/D stagnates or decreases slightly. Figure 13 shows the gain of the pulsed excitation in the lift-to-drag ratio for a variation of the angle of attack for these two parameters. The left image represents the ratio for a flap deflection angle of 16◦ . The increase in lift as well as the reduction of drag lead to a benefit of up to 20% in the lift-to-drag ratio. The gain decreases dramatically for an angle of attack greater than 3◦ , because at this angle the separation of the flap starts again. A similar behavior of the lift-to-drag ratio could be observed for a flap angle of 21◦ (right-hand-side picture). For this case a benefit in the aerodynamic quality of up to 25% was achieved. The larger gain for smaller angles of attack as compared to 16◦ reflects the already completely detached flap for these angles of attack.
4 Conclusion In preparation for flight tests wind tunnel experiments with active flow control were conducted on an HQ41-profile with a plain flap. The focus of the investigations was on the design of a robust excitation system and the identification of possible effective
T. Grund and W. Nitsche
parameters, such as frequency or amplitude for excitation during the flight test. The actuator system deployed consists of three main components, a pressure supply, fast switching solenoid valves and actuator chambers produced by means of rapid prototyping. The experiments were performed for flap angles greater than 16◦ and a Reynolds number of Rec = 1.75 · 106. The position of the excitation slot on the flap was established in collaboration with the numerical project partners. The pulsating jet injected through the actuator slots leads to an increased mixing of the turbulent flow near the wall, therefore delaying the separation on the flap. This local periodic excitation affects not only the separated flow on the flap. It has an impact on the entire flow field around the profile. An increase in lift together with a reduction of drag, resulting from the delayed flow separation on the flap, was achieved. For these studies, the best results were obtained for a momentum coefficient of approximately 0.1% and a dimensionless frequency in the range of 0.5. Using these excitation parameter an increase in the lift-to-drag ratio of up to 25% was achieved. In future wind tunnel experiments control, strategies will be designed with the support of the SFB collaboration partners to allow efficient flow actuation under flight conditions. Acknowledgements. This research was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) within the scope of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 557 Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows. A special thanks go to Stemme AG for their support and cooperation. Martin Hecklau, Matthias Bauer and Holger Nawroth are gratefully acknowledged for their comments and advices on the experiments.
References [1] Barlow, J.B., Rae, W.H., Pope, A.: Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, 3rd edn. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chichester (1999) [2] Becker, R., King, R., Petz, R., Nitsche, W.: Adaptive Closed-Loop Separation Control on a High-Lift Configuration Using Extremum Seeking. AIAA Journal 44(6), 1382– 1392 (2007) [3] Gad-el-Hak, M.: Flow Control: Passive, Active, and Reactive Flow Management, vol. 135. Cambridge University Press, Hallo (2000) [4] Greenblatt, D., Wygnanski, I.: Effect of leading-edge curvature on airfoil separation control. Journal of Aircraft 40, 473–481 (2003) [5] Guenther, B., Canarius, A., Thiele, F.: Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Applied to an Airfoil with a Camber Flap. In: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control II NNFM. NNFM. Springer, Heidelberg (2010) [6] Melton, L.P., Yao, C.S., Seifert, A.: Active Control of Separation from the Flap of a Supercritical Airfoil. AIAA Journal 44, 34–41 (2006) [7] Nishri, A., Wygnanski, I.: Effects of Periodic Excitation on Turbulent Flow Separation from a Flap. AIAA Journal 36, 547–556 (1998) [8] Pack, L.G., Seifert, A.: Dynamics of Active Separation Control at High Reynolds Numbers. AIAA Paper 0409 (2000) [9] Petz, R., Nitsche, W.: Active Control of Flow Separation on a Swept Constant Chord Half-Model in High-Lift Configuration. In: 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conference, AIAA2006-3505 (2006)
Active Flow Control on a S10 Glider Configuration
[10] Petz, R., Nitsche, W.: Active Separation Control on the Flap of a Two-Dimensional Generic High-Lift Configuration. Journal of Aircraft 44(3), 865–874 (2007) [11] Seifert, A., Pack, L.G.: Oscillatory control of separation and High Reynolds numbers. AIAA Journal 37, 1062–1071 (1999) [12] Seifert, A., Pack, L.G.: Compressibility and Excitation Location Effects on High Reynolds Numbers Active Separation Control. Journal of Aircraft 40, 110–126 (2003) [13] Yehoshua, T., Seifert, A.: Boundary Condition Effects on Oscillatory Momentum Generators. AIAA 03-3710 (2003)
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Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Applied to an Airfoil with a Camber Flap Bert G¨unther, Angelo Carnarius, and Frank Thiele
Abstract. This paper gives an overview of numerical flow control investigations for a high-lift airfoil. The flow around a real glider airfoil with a deflected camber flap at stall conditions was simulated with the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in combination with the LLR-k-ω turbulence model. For this configuration flow separation can be delayed by periodic excitation through a slot close to the leading edge of the camber flap. By simulating different excitation positions, modes, frequencies, intensities and blow-out directions, a set of control parameters suitable for delaying separation and enhancing the lift could be identified.
1 Introduction Modern airplanes make use of complex multi-element high-lift devices consisting of slat and single or multiple flaps to generate the very high lift required during take-off and landing in order to reduce ground speeds and runway lengths. Many experimental and numerical studies have shown that the efficiency of the high-lift system can be significantly improved by delaying separation on the flap at high deflection angles. One possibility to achieve this is active flow control, which can be defined as a mechanism to manipulate the flow by adding or removing energy from the fluid. For an extensive overview of commonly used control techniques, see e.g. [18; 4; 5]. In many previous numerical and experimental studies [17; 13; 14; 10; 3] of the flow around multi-element high-lift configurations with fowler-flaps, oscillatory Bert G¨unther Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, M¨uller-Breslau-Str. 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Angelo Carnarius · Frank Thiele Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, M¨uller-Breslau-Str. 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 45–61. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele
blowing and/or suction has proved to be particularly suitable for delaying separation on the flap of an airfoil and can thus be seen as a mature flow control technique. In present studies, periodic control is applied to an HQ41-profile, which is nearly identical to the HQ17, except for the camber flap. This work is part of a collaborative project, including numerical as well as experimental investigations, which aims at designing an efficient flow control for a configuration with practical relevance and at demonstrating the usability in a free-flight experiment at the end of the project. The present paper summarizes the results of extensive numerical computations, which were performed to investigate the influence of different control parameters such as amplitude, frequency, blowing angle or duty cylce. The paper is concluded by recent numerical results of the validation of a continuous adjoint approach for unsteady flows, which will be used for an optimization of the control in future studies.
2 Test Configuration The study is related to experiments carried out by Grund et al. [6] of the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Technische Universit¨at Berlin in cooperation with the company STEMME AG. The experimental investigations have been conducted with a full-scaled wing section of the motor glider STEMME S10-VT in a G¨ottingen-type wind tunnel. Test Model. The test model is a section of a real glider wing and based on the HQ41 airfoil, which was designed by K.-H. Horstmann and A. Quast from DLR Braunschweig [7]. The HQ41 is a laminar glider airfoil and consists of a main element and a gapless camber flap with ck /c = 0.17819 relative chord length. The flap has only one degree of freedom, which is the deflection angle δk . With the variation of this deflection angle the glider is able to manage different high-lift situations, e.g. start, landing and climb. The profile has a thin bluff trailing edge with a height of 0.004 c. A previous study [14] of a similar test case showed that the effect of the tunnel walls is very important due to strong blockage and needs to be taken into account. The main airfoil is mounted at 48% (h1 = 0.816 c) of the tunnel height (h = 1.7 c) (see Fig. 1). Flow Configuration. In the numerical study, the angle of attack was fixed at α = 0◦ for the main airfoil and the deflection angle for the camber flap was set to δk = 16◦ . Under this condition the flow is characterized by the onset of stall on the flap. This flow condition is suitable for demonstrating the improvement by means of active separation control. According to the experiments the freestream velocity corresponds to a ReynoldsNumber of Re = u∞ν·c = 1.75 · 106 based on the clean airfoil chord. The transition locations of xtr,up = 68% c on the suction side and xtr,lo = 64% c on the pressure side were obtained by simulations of the unforced case and were kept fixed for all subsequent computations (see sec. 3 for details). In the experiments periodic pressure pulses were generated by electrodynamic valves and a pressure reservoir [6]. This results in a pulsed jet emanating at an angle
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
upper tunnel−wall csep 2
x tr,up
α =0
c h1
δ k =16
x tr,lo lower tunnel−wall
Fig. 1 Sketch of the test configuration in the wind tunnel with flow control by periodic suction and blowing through a slot on the flap leading edge
of 40 degrees relative to the chord from a narrow slot, which is located at 15% chord behind the flap leading edge and has a width of H = 0.00203 ck. As the flow in the experimental test section is almost two-dimensional, all computations were conducted with a 2d-configuration.
3 Computational Method All numerical investigations are based on the ELAN code that was developed at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engeneering Acoustics at the Technische Universit¨at Berlin. The applied numerical method is based on a two-dimensional incompressible Finite-Volume scheme to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS). The method is fully implicit and of second order accuracy in space and time. Based on the SIMPLE pressure correction algorithm, a collocated storage arrangement for all quantities is applied. Convective fluxes are approximated by a TVD-MUSCL-scheme. The simulation program can be run in URANS mode, solving the Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using statistical turbulence models as well as in a mode for Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) or combinations of both. In preliminary URANS investigations of the natural flow, a variety of different oneand two-equation turbulence models were applied. The LLR k-ω model developed by Rung [12] exhibited thereby the best overall performance for this unsteady airfoil flow with a large separation. The model represents an improved two-equation eddy-viscosity model formulated with respect to realizability constraints. Grid. The computational domain starts 11 chords upstream and ends 10 chords downstream of the configuration. The computational c-type mesh consists of 552 chordwise cells around the airfoil with camber flap resulting in 143,644 cells in total. The non-dimensional wall-distance of the first cell center remains below Y + = 1 over the entire surface. The mesh is refined in the vicinity of the slot, with the slot
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele
itself being resolved with 20 control volumes. The non-dimensional wall-distance of the grid at the wind tunnel walls remains in the range of the log-layer (Y + = 20). Time step size. A separate study of the influence of the time step size indicated that a typical time step of Δ t = 1.782 × 10−3 c/u∞ is sufficient to resolve the important flow structures. All computations presented here are based on Δ t = 1.26× 10−3 c/u∞ corresponding to a resolution of 100 time steps per duration cycle at the maximum excitation frequency of F + = 1.4. This time step size allows a resolution of 134 time steps per duration cycle of vortex-shedding in the unexcited case. Boundary Conditions. The velocity components and turbulent properties were prescribed at the inlet. This data has been generated in a separate simulation of a channel inlet flow to account for the development of the boundary layers at the wind tunnel entry. The level of turbulence at the inflow was set to Tu = u1∞ ( 23 k)1/2 = 0.3% and the turbulent viscosity was μt / μ = 10.0. At the outflow a convective boundary condition is used that allows unsteady flow structures to be transported outside the domain. All surfaces of the airfoil including the camber flap were modeled as non-slip walls. While the fine wall-normal grid at the airfoil surface allows the usage of a low-Re boundary condition, the coarse grid at the wind tunnel walls requires the use of a high-Re formulation. The blending between the high- and low-Re approach is realized by a hybrid wall method [11]. Excitation model. To model the excitation apparatus, a suction/blowing type boundary condition is used. The perturbation of the flow is introduced through the inlet velocity on a small wall segment representing the excitation slot. With this excitation model the code is able to simulate different excitation modes, such as steady excitation (time-invariant), oscillating zero-net-massflux (ZNMF) excitation (‘synthetic jet’) and pulsed excitation. For spatially constant zero-net-massflux excitation, the instantaneous inlet velocity uexc is given by: c ck u∞ uexc (t) = ua · sin 2π · · F + · τ with F + = f per · τ =t· ck u∞ c 2 H ue f f ua Cμ = 2 · · ue f f = √ c u∞ 2 where ua is the amplitude velocity of the oscillation (Fig. 2(c)), F + is the nondimensional frequency, τ is the dimensionless time given in convective units of the clean configuration, H is the slot width (H = 0.00203 ck ) and Cμ is the nondimensional momentum coefficient. The pulsed excitation is modeled by: τp τ p − DC · T 1 1 1 1 uexc (x,t) = ua (x) · · tanh − · tanh + · 2 ts99 2 2 2 ts99 ck u∞ with T = + ts99 = f (sc , DC, T ) τ p = t p · t p ∈ [0, T ] F · u∞ c
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
where T is the cycle duration of the pulse (Fig. 2), t99 is the time in which u jet increases to its maximum value (Fig. 2(a)), sc ist the smoothing parameter of the pulse-flank (Fig. 2(b)), DC = TTon is the duty cycle of the pulse (Fig. 2(a)), τ p is the dimensionless pulse time given in convective units and t p is the pulse time, which is limited by the cycle duration. The pulse time is reset after each cycle duration so that a periodic behavior is generated. The above definition aims at modeling a realistic experimental jet pulse, which has a smooth temporal evolution. In addition to the enhanced realism, such smoothed pulses have the additional benefit of improving numerical stability. Three different locations of the slot have been used in the simulations: 9.7% ck , 11.1% ck (which is the mean separation position of the natural flow) and 12.5% ck flap chord behind the axis of rotation (see Fig. 1). If not stated otherwise the jet is emitted perpendicular to the wall segment of the slot.
2.0 1.5
DC 0.5
sc 0
(a) Duty cycle
ua 0
(b) Flank value
Ton t
(c) Jet velocity
Fig. 2 Definitions of the pulse parameters
Transition. The investigated HQ41 airfoil of Horstmann and Quast [7] is a laminar profile. As laminar flow extends over a large part of the airfoil, a correct prediction of the transition plays an important role for an accurate computational representation of the flow. Experimental investigations by Meyer [9] have shown that the transition mechanism on the HQ41 airfoil is based on a laminar separation bubble. Therefore, transition is fixed by Krumbein’s iterative procedure based on the detection of a laminar separation bubble [8]. In the laminar region the source terms in the turbulence model are switched off and the inflow conditions are convected down to the transition position.
(a) fully turbulent
(b) with transition
Fig. 3 Visualisation of the effect of transition represented by the turbulent energy (natural flow)
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele
4 Unexcited Flow As a first step, two-dimensional, unsteady investigations without excitation have been carried out. The unforced flow field of the HQ41 airfoil is characterised by massive separation above the upper surface of the flap which is predicted well by all turbulence models. The mean separation point is located at 11.1% flap chord behind the axis of rotation and a large recirculation region with a quasi-stationary characteristic occurs downstream of the separation. The unsteady behaviour of the separated flow is mainly governed by large vortices shed from the flap trailing edge which interact with the free shear-layer between the recirculation region and the undisturbed far-field (Fig. 5(a)) and form a very regular vortex street in the wake. Thereby the simulated flow strongly depends on the transition position as well as on the turbulence model. In a previous study, convincing results could be obtained with the LLR k-ω model of Rung and Thiele [12]. The position of transition in the simulation was determined by the Krummbein algorithm (see section 3), which can be applied as a steady as well as unsteady detection. As the steady detection exhibited a stable computational solution, the transition position for the investigated setup is fixed in all unsteady simulations (see section 2). As depicted in the pressure distribution in Fig. 4(a) the prediction of the pressure shows a poor correspondence between the simulation and the experiment [6]. Although the computed lift of the natural flow case (cl = 1.32) exhibits only minor deviations from the measured lift (cL = 1.379) the computed pressure distribution for both airfoil sides shows significantly lower values compared to the experiment. As there exists no experimental data of the boundary layer at the wind tunnel walls, differences in the numerical prediction of these boundary layers are supposed to be the main reasons for these deviations, as this would had to an incorrect reproduction of the strong blocking effects of the tunnel walls. The mismatch between numerical and experimental results will be investigated in future studies. 1e-01
exp. Grund, 2009 sim. LLR k-ω
amplitude of cl
0 0.5 1.0
1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06
(a) mean c p -distribution
1e-07 0
(b) cl -spectrum
Fig. 4 c p -distribution in comparison to the experiment and the lift spectrum of the natural flow
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
The spectrum of the lift coefficient in Fig. 4(b) shows a dominant amplitude at a Strouhal number of Stn = f uc∞k = 1.06, which is mainly produced by the vortex shedding described above. The massive separation apparent in the base flow is undesirable, and the goal is to improve this using active flow control.
5 Excited Flow After the base flow investigations, flow control mechanisms have been applied. All flow control computations use the natural case solution as an initial flow condition. In order to find an optimum excitation, simulations with different excitation parameters, such as excitation mode, frequency, intensity (jet velocity), blowing angle or duty cycle were performed. The numerical investigations employed sinusoidal suction and blowing (ZNMF) as well as pulsed blowing corresponding to the experimental excitation mode [6]. The gain in lift obtained by the excitation is mainly based on a change of flow direction at the trailing edge of the airfoil. With the flow above the flap excited, the trailing edge departure angle is increased and the pressure distribution above the airfoil is enhanced. The natural flow above the flap is mainly governed by a large recirculation region followed by large-scale vortex shedding at the flap trailing edge. The flow separation is nearly eliminated in the optimal excited flow (see Fig. 5). Small-scale vortices generated by periodic suction and blowing above the perturbation slit destroy the steady state shear-layer above the recirculation, generate vortex structures and enable the transport of energy from the main flow to the recirculation near the wall. Thereby the time-averaged detachment position moves from less than 11% flap chord downstream to more than 17%, the recirculation area is reduced and the downflow condition is modified. Actuation position. In order to find a suitable location of the perturbation, 3 different actuation positions were investigated by means of sinusoidal blowing and suction as well as pulsed blowing. Starting from the separation position (pos.2 : 11.1% ck ) of the natural flow case a position upstream (pos1 : 9.7% ck ) and a position downstream (pos.3 : 12.5% ck ) have been chosen. Simulations with different excitation frequencies at a jet velocity of ua = 2.0 u∞ have been carried out on all 3 positions. It appears that the best position to excite the separated flow by means of sinusoidal blowing and suction is located downstream of the detachment position
(a) natural flow
(b) excited flow
Fig. 5 Flow visualisation represented by vorticity distribution
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele 400%
pos1 pos2 pos3
(a) 0.4
(b) 1.2
Fig. 6 Dependency on the excitation frequency and the actuation position
pos.2. In contrast, the best actuation position for pulsed blowing is located upstream of the detachment position (Fig. 6). The effect of different actuation positions is seen to be of minor influence compared to the effect of the excitation frequency. Excitation modes. Figure 7 gives an overview of the investigated excitation modes. The plot displays the change in lift in combination with the change in amplitudes represented by the rms-value of the lift coefficient. For all excitation modes the blowing
200% rms
-5% -10%
suction 300%
steady blowing
pulsed blowing
excitation mode Fig. 7 Influence by excitation mode
pulsed suction
steady suction
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
blowing and/or suction jet velocity is set to ua = 2.0 u∞ and in the cases of pulsed excitation the duty cycle is set to DC = 0.5 at a flank value of sc = 0.3. The results indicate that steady suction is most effective. Flap separation can be delayed and the lift increases by 16% while the amplitude of the lift coefficient drops by 96%. In the case of pulsed suction the gain in lift still reaches a value of 9.3%. However, the lift amplitude increases by 59% at the same time. While the results of the sinusoidal excitation are very similar to the pulsed suction, the pulsed blowing is much less efficient in terms of lift gain. It is notable that a significant increase of the lift coefficient can only be obtained by excitation modes that represent a kind of suction, as this causes the free shear layer to move closer to the flap surface and leads to a reduction of the recirculation. Steady blowing does not give any positive effect. On the contrary, the lift coefficient falls by 9% while the amplitude increases significantly by 292%. Periodic Excitation with different frequencies. Experimental investigations show that different excitation frequencies require different intensities to get the same kind of flow control in post-stall cases [16; 15]. This can be also seen in Fig. 9. Fig. 8 presents results of the excitation with different frequencies at a jet velocity of ua = 2.0 u∞ compared between 3 excitation modes: sinusoidal, pulsed blowing (pb) and pulsed suction (ps). The diagram shows the gain in lift over excitation frequency. The largest lift of the harmonically perturbed flow (Δ cl ≈ 14%) can be found at a frequency of F + = 0.3, but the largest lift with the lowest amplitudes can be found at F + = 1.2. In this case the lift coefficient can be enhanced by 9% compared to the baseline simulation. Computations with pulsed blowing show a similar behavior, although the optimum frequencies are found to be lower (F + = 0.2 and F + = 1.1) and the gain in lift is lower compared to harmonic excitation (Δ cl ≈ 8.5% and 2.5%). While the harmonic excitation only shows a loss in lift at frequencies higher than F + = 1.4, the pulsed blowing is only effective at frequencies between F + = 0.2...0.4 and F + = 0.9...1.2. The reason for the smaller enhancement of the pulsed blowing mode is the missing suction phase in the temporal course of the per-
pb ps sinusoidal
400% 300%
Δc l
-3% -6%
-9% 0
(b) 0.6
Fig. 8 Variation of the excitation frequency F + for different excitation modes
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele
turbation. The optimal excitation frequency is near the frequency of detaching vortices of the unforced flow (Stn = 1.06). The effect of flow control by periodic suction is different. The computed results show more frequency-independent behavior of the change in lift. A small optimum is visible at a frequency of F + = 0.8. Thereby the gain in lift can be found in a range from 5% to 13%. The rms-value of the lift coefficient obtained by pulsed suction also show a more frequency-independent behavior compared to the sinusoidal and the pulsed blowing excitation. While the amplitudes generated by sinusoidal blowing and suction as well as pulsed blowing continuously fall from 500% to −40% at increasing frequencies, the amplitudes of the lift coefficient by means of pulsed suction can be found in the range from −10% to 80%. Periodic Excitation with different intensities. The influence of the excitation intensity was investigated for two different excitation modes at jet velocities between ua = 0.1 u∞ and ua = 3.5 u∞, which corresponds to jet Mach numbers of Ma = 0.0095...0.33. It should be noted that higher intensities would have required compressible simulations, which was beyond the scope of this project. Sinusoidal blowing and suction was applied with frequencies of F + = 1.06 and F + = 1.3 and pulsed blowing was used with duty cycles of DC = 0.3 and DC = 0.5 at an excitation frequency of F + = 1.06 and a flank value of sc = 0.3. It can be clearly seen that the gain in lift at variable jet intensity indicates a strong dependence on the excitation frequency (Fig. 9(a)) as well as on the duty cycle (Fig. 9(b)). In the case of sinusoidal blowing and suction the gain in lift grows constantly at rising intensity until a saturation is reached at a jet velocity of ua = 3.0 u∞. At low intensities, excitation with a frequency of F + = 1.3 is less effective compared to F + = 1.06 and even leads to a loss in lift at ua = 0.1...0.4 u∞ . However, conditions are reversed at higher intensities with excitation at F + = 1.3 being more effective and
Cμ 0.326%
0.304% Majet = 0.3
6% 4% +
F = 1.06 + F = 1.30
Majet = 0.3
DC = 0.3 DC = 0.5
-4% 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
ua / u∞
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
ua / u∞
Fig. 9 Dependency on the excitation intensity (jet velocity) in the case of sinusoidal blowing and suction (a) and pulsed blowing (b)
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
resulting in a maximum lift-gain of Δ cl ≈ 9% at ua = 3.0 u∞ (Cμ = 0.326%). In contrast to the sinusoidal excitation there is no saturation at high intensities in the case of pulsed blowing perturbation. Excitation with a low intensity leads to a significant increase in lift with both duty cycles. The local optimum is reached at ua = 2.25 u∞ (Cμ = 0.177%) for DC = 0.3 and ua = 1.3 u∞ (Cμ = 0.057%) for DC = 0.5, with the latter being much more prominent. At intensities which exceed the optimum the gain in lift decreases again, at a duty cycle of DC = 0.5 stronger than at DC = 0.3. In general, harmonic excitation results in a higher change in lift compared to the pulsed blowing excitation mode. Periodic Excitation with different blow-out directions. Another excitation parameter which was investigated by means of sinusoidal suction and blowing is the angle of blow out. It is defined such that the flow is perturbed perpendicular to the surface at an angle of β = 90◦ and tangential in the upstream direction at β = 180◦ . The mass flow through the perturbation slit was fixed to a constant value, which then allows two different ways of realising the variation of the blow-out angle. If the slit width H on the surface is kept constant, the normal component of the velocity vector must also be constant in order to maintain a fixed mass flow, see figure 10(a). The blow-out angle is modified by changing the tangential velocity component, resulting in a variation of the magnitude of the perturbation velocity vector. The tip of this vector then moves along the dotted line of constant mass flux shown in figure 10(a) and the diameter k of the slot changes with β . The second possibility illustrated in figure 10(b) is to keep constant the slot diameter k, which is the way a variation of the angle would be realised experimentally. This leads to a change of the slit width H on the surface with β . The magnitude of the perturbation velocity vector has to be constant to maintain a constant mass flow. The tip of the velocity vector then moves in the dotted semicircle shown in figure 10(b). Both methods result in an increasing momentum coefficient Cμ if the angle β deviates from 90◦ . Figure 11 shows the effects of these alternatives on the gain in lift. The left diagram represents the change in lift and the right diagram the change in amplitudes of the lift coefficient compared to the natural flow. In the case of variable slit width an optimum is found at an angle of β = 30◦ (Δ cl = 11.6%). Excitation with this optimal blow-out angle shows a half-sized amplitude of the lift coefficient compared to the unexcited case. If β becomes larger, however, the lift decreases continuously. The investigated range of β is limited by the width of the perturbation slit. In this way the slit width expands from H = 0.00203 ck at β = 90◦ to H = 0.01170 ck at β = 10◦ or 170◦ . The case of variable jet velocity shows the same behavior in the range from β = 70◦ to β = 140◦ . At smaller blow-out angles (i.e. in the downstream o
u exc 2 β
Fig. 10 Theory of the blow-out direction
k1 > k 2 uexc < u exc
u exc1
H1 < H 2
u exc
H1 k
u exc
H2 k
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele 100%
var width var velo
50% rms
12% 0%
6% 3%
0% -3% 0°
120° 150°
120° 150°
Fig. 11 Influence of the blow-out angle of harmonic excitation
direction), the gain in lift increases more strongly compared to the case with variable width and reaches a change in lift of 17.8%. On the other hand, the gain in lift drops more rapidly compared to the variable width case at high angles.1 In general, the gain in lift generated by an excitation with variable blow-out angle realised by variable jet velocity is caused by a change of the jet direction together with a change of the absolute jet velocity. Pulsed Excitation with different duty cycles. The change in lift from excitation by means of pulsed blowing is dependent on the duty cycle used (see Fig. 12 (a)). The duty cycle is defined as the ratio of the blowing duration to the cycle duration of the excitation. All computations with different duty cycles have been carried out at an excitation frequency of F + = 1.06 and at an excitation jet velocity of ua = 2.0 u∞ . For a better evaluation and comparison of the effect of a variable duty cycle on the gain in lift, the flank value of the pulse has been adjusted such that the same flank increase and slope results in each case. This is achieved by: 1 · sc 2 DC 0.5 1 sc = · sc 2 (1 − DC) 0.5 sc =
DC = 0.2...0.5
DC = 0.5...0.8
where sc0.5 is the flank value of a pulse at a duty cycle of DC = 0.5. According to time resolution constraints at the time section of the flank, only duty cycles between DC = 0.2 and DC = 0.8 could be investigated. Only a duty cycle between 20% (Δ cl ≈ 2.3%) and 40% (Δ cl ≈ 2.1%) ensures an obvious gain in lift. Thereby the optimum is found at a duty cycle of 30% (Δ cl ≈ 1
Note that the jet Mach number exceeds Ma = 0.3 for β < 40◦ and β > 140◦ , which is the limit for the use of the incompressible flow solver applied here. For this reason, the results in this range are represented by dashed lines in figure 11.
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
2.7%). At larger duty cycles the gain in lift drops continuously. The effect of a variable flank value sc on the change in lift is shown in Fig. 12 (b). This variation was studied at a duty cycle of DC = 0.5 (F + = 1.06 , ua = 2.0 u∞ ). The gain in lift indicates a very small dependence on the flank value. In this case the lift coefficient can be enhanced by ≈ 2%. Only values larger than sc = 0.6 show a decreasing gain in lift, because the width of the pulse plateau is scaled down strongly in these cases.
mean rms
mean rms
-1% 0.4
Fig. 12 Dependency on the duty cycle and on the puls flank
Continuous Adjoint Approach for Optimal Flow Control. In previous studies a continuous adjoint method for optimizing flow control was implemented in the flow solver ELAN and was successfully applied to steady flows [1; 2]. For the present paper, this approach was extended to unsteady flows by using the unsteady Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. With the lift force beeing the object function, the adjoint system reads in non-dimensional form
∂ wi ∂ wi u j ∂ q ∂ 1 − − + − ∂t ∂xj ∂ xi ∂ x j Ree f f
∂ wi = 0 in Ω ,t < T ∂ xi ∂uj ∂ wi ∂ w j + + wj = 0 in Ω ,t < T ∂xj ∂ xi ∂ xi
with the boundary conditions
1 Ree f f
∂ wi ∂ w j + ∂xj ∂ xi
wi = 0
on Γw , Γi ,t < T
wi = ei /T
on Γb , Γc ,t < T
n j − qni + u j n j wi = 0
on Γo ,t < T
wi = 0
in Ω ,t = T
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele
In the above equations the effective viscosity is taken from the URANS-solution, known as the ‘frozen-turbulence’ approach. The derivative of the object function with respect to any control parameter φ can be written as ∂J 1 ∂ wi ∂ w j ∂ ui,exc = − + n j + qni − u j,exc n j wi − u j,exc w j ni dA dt ∂φ Ree f f ∂ x j ∂ xi ∂φ T Γc
In initial simulations of the harmonic excitation performed on the original numerical mesh, the adjoint solution showed a temporal instability as can be seen from the adjoint lift in Fig. 13. 500
Fig. 13 Results of adjoint computations
It is assumed that this was primarily caused by an unsufficient reproduction of the velocity gradients of the RANS solution, which appear as a dominant source term in the adjoint equations. On a slightly modified grid the adoint solution turned out to be stable, thus all subsequent simulations in the context of optimal flow control have been conducted on the modified grid. As shown in Fig. 14 the lift coefficient calculated on the two grids is very similar with a maximum difference of approx. 0.5%. As the flow is very sensitive to the prediction of the transition, the minor differences in the lift are presumably caused by a slight shift in the transition position. Fig. 13 renders first results of a comparision of the gradient ∂∂ucal obtained with finite differences and with the adjoint approach. The results agree well in the shown range and indicate that the method used is able to predict the correct gradient of the object function for unsteady flows. In future computations the comparison of the gradient will be extended to more excitation parameters for a more thorough validation. Afterwards, the method will be applied to the optimization of the flow control on the HQ41 airfoil.
Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
original grid modified grid
ua/u∞ Fig. 14 cl depending on amplitude on the two different grids
6 Conclusion Active flow control by means of different excitation modes, e.g. sinusoidal suction and blowing (ZNMF) or pulsed blowing, into the flap boundary layer has been applied to a glider airfoil HQ41 by two-dimensional unsteady RANS simulations. At the chosen flap angle of δk = 16◦ (α = 6◦ ) the flow is almost fully detached on the flap. This flow condition is ideally suited to demonstrate the efficiency of flow control. For the baseline simulation without excitation, the influence of mesh resolution and time-stepping was studied and reasonable results could be obtained with the LLR k-ω turbulence model. The transition position was determined by a detection algorithm for laminar separation bubbles. For the active control cases, steady suction is most effective (Δ cl ≈ 16%) and steady blowing does not show satisfactory effects. The results thereby demonstrate that a significant gain in lift is driven by excitation modes which include a kind of periodic suction. To study flow control by periodic excitation, different excitation parameters were investigated. It appears that the largest gain in lift in the case of sinusoidal blowing and suction could be obtained at an actuation position located slightly downstream of the detachment position of the natural flow. Optimal results (i.e. high gain in lift and low lift amplitude simultaneously) could be found at a frequency of F + ≈ 1.2, a jet intensity of ua = 3.0 u∞ (Cμ = 0.326%) and a blow-out angle of β = 30◦ . For these parameters the lift coefficient increases by up to 11% compared to the natural flow. In contrast, in the case of pulsed blowing the best actuation position is located slightly upstream from the detachment position of the baseline case. The pulsed blowing excitation is only effective at frequencies between F + = 0.2...0.4 and F + = 0.9...1.2 at an optimum jet velocity of ua = 1.3 u∞ (Cμ = 0.057%) and a duty cycle of DC = 0.3. In this way a gain in lift of Δ cl ≈ 3% is achieved. The study has shown that the total gain in lift is caused by the enhanced circulation around the airfoil generated by reduced flow separation on the upper flap surface. As the natural flow above the
B. G¨unther, A. Carnarius, and F. Thiele
flap is mainly governed by large-scale vortex shedding from the flap trailing edge, small-scale vortices generated by periodic excitation enable the transport of energy from the main flow to the recirculation near the wall. Acknowledgements. This research is funded by the German National Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) under the umbrella of the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich, Sfb 557, ‘Kontrolle komplexer turbulenter Scherstr¨omungen’) at the Technische Universit¨at Berlin. The simulations were performed on the SGI HLRN-II supercomputer system at the North German Cooperation for High-Performance Computing (HLRN) as well as on in-house PC-clusters. This support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
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Numerical Investigation of AFC Applied to an Airfoil
[16] Tinapp, F., Nitsche, W.: On active control of high-lift flow. In: Rodi, W., Laurence, D. (eds.) Proc. 4th Int. Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Corsica. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (1999) [17] Tinapp, F.: Aktive Kontrolle der Str¨omungsabl¨osung an einer HochauftriebsKonfiguration. Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universit¨at Berlin (2001) [18] Wygnanski, I.: The variables affecting the control separation by periodic excitation. AIAA Paper, 2004-2505, Portland, USA (2004)
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On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control Oksana Stalnov and Avraham Seifert*
Abstract. Various scaling options for the effects of excitation magnitude on the lift alternation due to zero-mass-flux periodic excitation for boundary layer separation control are examined. Physical scaling analysis leads to five amplitude parameters. The different scaling laws are examined using experimental data acquired at low Reynolds numbers and various angles of attack. The results indicate that both the velocity ratio and the momentum coefficient, commonly used for amplitude scaling of separation control applications, do not scale the current dataset. For 2D excitation with a Strouhal number of order unity, a Reynolds weighted momentum coefficient provides reasonable scaling. For 3D excitation with a Strouhal number greater than 10, the Reynolds scaled momentum coefficient, the Strouhal scaled velocity ratio and the newly defined vorticity-flux coefficient, all provide good scaling. The airfoil incidence variations are accounted for by using the velocity at the boundary layer edge at the actuation location, rather than the fixed free-stream velocity as a velocity scale. The main finding of this study is that the Reynolds number scaled momentum coefficient provides good amplitude scaling for the entire current data set.
1 Introduction One of the major benefits of active flow control is the proportionality of the controlled parameter (“output”) to the magnitude of the control authority (“input”). At incipiently to massively separated flow conditions, the potential for aerodynamic performance alternation is large. However, the complexity and the non-linearity of the flow response to the excitation, render linear response rare, certainly over a useful parameter range. In most common aerodynamic problems, Reynolds and Mach numbers dictate the flow response, over a given geometry. At low Mach numbers, where shock waves do not exist, the Reynolds number and pressure gradient history dictate the boundary layer development. While the prediction of laminar boundary layer separation is well established [1, 2] its effect on airfoil aerodynamics is complex. This complexity is related to the formation of laminar separation bubbles [3]. There are several known scenarios of laminar separation and turbulent reattachment or a catastrophic laminar burst (leading edge stall). At high Reynolds numbers, typically more than one million, transition to turbulence takes place without laminar Oksana Stalnov . Avraham Seifert School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel *
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 63–80. springerlink.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert
separation and closer to the leading edge, but still the aerodynamic parameters are sensitive to the Reynolds number due to the viscous transition process. It was shown [4] that at high Reynolds numbers, the momentum coefficient is a suitable amplitude scaling option; however, at Reynolds numbers below one million, the validity of this scaling has not been put to the test. When we consider the many options to scale the magnitude of the excitation, we could first refer to the linear stability analysis of the Orr-Sommerfeld equations [5] and find the trivial option of scaling the perturbation velocity by an external velocity. This scaling has also been applied to much larger excitation magnitudes for steady and even pulsed vortex generator jets [6, 7]. More recently, Nagib et al. [8] noticed that the traditional momentum coefficient does not successfully scale the maximum lift increment in their experiments, containing massive separation. They found a certain combination of amplitude and frequency that scaled their data somewhat better than the momentum coefficient. No physical reasoning for this choice was provided. The purpose of the current study is to examine the different options of amplitude scaling, taking into account Reynolds number effects. Several scaling options, based on physical arguments, will be developed and examined using a new data set obtained on an airfoil at large incidence with turbulent trailing edge separation. The study initially focuses on one incidence angle due to the meandering of the separation region while the actuation location was fixed. Subsequently, also the airfoil incidence is taken into account. In Section 2, we present the scaling options. In Section 3, we provide a description of the experiment. In Section 4, we examine the relevance of the scaling parameters, and in Section 5, we provide conclusions and recommendations.
2 Scaling Analysis The various non-dimensional scaling parameters used for the analysis in Section 4 are defined in this section:
2.1 The Velocity Ratio ( VR ) A straightforward scaling of the excitation amplitude is with the local velocity at the edge of the boundary layer. Physically it is relevant to scale the excitation RMS or peak excitation velocity, U p , by the velocity at the boundary layer edge, U e , in the form: VR ≡ U p / U e ≈ U p / U ∞ . For practical purposes, it is more con-
venient to replace the local velocity at the edge of the boundary layer with the free-stream velocity, U ∞ , as done here. When comparing similar pressure gradient flows, this simplification will be of secondary importance. However, a more elaborate scaling approach will be required to take into account the local pressure gradient and the boundary layer history. The VR was traditionally used in linear stability analysis, asymptotically distributed suction [9] and vortex generator jets [10] with various levels of success.
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
2.2 Frequency Corrected Velocity Ratio Attempting to scale lift increment with excitation magnitude and frequency, Nagib et al. [8] suggested a frequency corrected velocity ratio (in our terminology) in the form: H ≡ (U p / U ∞ )/ fc U ∞ = (VR )/ S t (where f is frequency, c is airfoil chord and S t is Strouhal number). Please note that this scaling inherently assumes that for a given VR and Reynolds number, lower frequencies will result in larger flow control effectiveness. This certainly could not be valid down to the limit of very low frequencies, since it is well known that unsteady excitation is significantly superior to steady blowing [11] and that there is an optimal St number of order unity.
2.3 The Momentum Coefficient In considering the effectiveness of the separation control magnitude parameter, relating it to a physical property in terms of cause and effect is always warranted. The mechanism of boundary layer separation is related to the momentum loss of the nearwall fluid. The momentum injected by the actuator through the excitation slot during the blowing part of the cycle, in incompressible, isothermal flow is of order hρU 2p , with h being the slot width. The reference free-stream momentum, cρU ∞2 , is used to scale the excitation momentum, resulting in the excitation momentum coefficient, defined as C μ ≡ (h / c )(U p / U ∞ )2 = (h / c )(VR )2 , which is directly related to the momentum coefficient used for surface tangential steady blowing [12], suggested for use also for unsteady pulsed or zero-mass-flux excitation by Seifert et al.[4].
2.4 Reynolds Corrected Momentum Coefficient It is suggested that a meaningful scaling of the periodic excitation input momentum should take into account the features of the separating boundary layer and its Reynolds number dependency, absent from Cμ . Such a scaling could be developed when relating to the boundary layer momentum thickness, directly connected to its momentum loss. Using the differential and integral boundary layer equations, it has been shown [9] that in laminar flow, the momentum thickness is related to the Reynolds number in the form (θ Lam ) / c ≈ Re−0.5 , while in fully turbulent flow (θTurb ) / c ≈ Re −0.2 . Therefore, the momentum thickness, θ could be written in terms
of the Reynolds number in the form θ ≈ c Re − m . With the boundary layer momentum loss defined as θρU ∞2 and normalized by the free-stream reference momentum, the following relation is derived: C μ , Re ≡
2 h Up
U ∞2
h(VR )2
c Re − m
h (VR )2 Re m = Cμ Re m , c
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert
with m=0.5 for laminar flow and m=0.2 for turbulent flow conditions. Note that the above scaling indicates that at larger Reynolds numbers, active flow control should become more effective, in agreement with reduced Reynolds number effects and experimental findings [14].
2.5 Vorticity-Flux Coefficient Periodic excitation actuators not only create unsteady perturbations in the boundary layer, but they also create vorticity flux, as shown by Didden [15] for vortex rings and by Yehoshua and Seifert [16, 17, 18] for zero-mass-flux excitation. In assessing the relative importance of the actuator as a source of vorticity, in comparison to its function as a momentum source, we shall normalize the actuator vor⎡
ticity flux, which is of the order ⎢U p ( y, t ) ⎣
dU p ( y , t ) ⎤ U 2p , by the boundary ≈ ⎥ dy ⎦ max h 2
layer vorticity flux, which is of the order ⎢U BL ( y , t ) ⎣
dU BL ( y, t ) ⎤ U2 ≈ e . A vortic⎥ dy θ ⎦ max
ity flux ratio is defined as the ratio of the above, in the form VFR ≡
U 2p θ 2θ ≈ 2 h 2 Ue h
⎛Up ⎜ ⎜U ⎝ ∞
⎞ ⎟ . One would find, for most common cases, that ⎟ ⎠ VFR C μ , for a typical slot-width to chord ratio, h c = 0.005 , and typical momen2 VFR U p θ ≡ Cμ h 2 U e2
h ⎛Up ⎜ c ⎜⎝ U ∞
θ c = 0.005 ,
( )
⎞ θ c ⎟ ≈ = O 102 . The very large ratio indicates that a di⎟ hh ⎠
mensionless number based on the vorticity flux emanating from the excitation slot might scale flow control data. The vorticity flux (defined as VF) from the actuator during the blowing phase of the excitation cycle can be approximated by h/2T / 2
VF ≡
∫ ∫U 0
p (t , y )
dUp(t , y ) dtdy , where T is the excitation period. The order of dy
magnitude of the vorticity flux is VF ≈
U p2 hT U 2p T U 2p ≈ ≈ . The slot-exit time 4 4f h 4
integrated VF directly alters the airfoil circulation. To normalize the actuator vorticity flux, we refer to the airfoil circulation, related to its baseline ρ U Γ (uncontrolled) lift coefficient in the form C L = ∞ ∞ 2 , while the airfoil lift is 1 2 ρ ∞U ∞ c deduced from the Kutta-Zhoukovski term, in the form Γ = cC LU ∞ . The above arguments allow us to define the vorticity flux coefficient, in the form: CΓ ≡
U 2p T VF 1 ⎛⎜ U p ≈ = cC LU ∞ C L ⎜⎝ U ∞ Γ
⎞ 1 (VR )2 ⎟ ⎟ S = C S . L t ⎠ t 2
This scaling of the excitation
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
magnitude suggest enhanced effectiveness for low frequencies and the trivial interpretation that larger circulation change will be required to alter a high-lift case.
2.6 Considering the Effect of the Airfoil Incidence The parameters mentioned in Sections 2.1 through 2.5 were defined without taking into account possible variations in the external velocity (as indicated by the local pressure coefficient) or the pressure gradient, both at the actuator's slot location and the distance between the actuator and boundary layer separation location, that are associated with the angle of attack. It is well known that increasing the angle of attack, for a thick airfoil as considered in this study, results in a smaller separation bubble that is located closer to the leading edge, higher suction peak at the vicinity of the leading edge, stronger adverse pressure gradient (if the flow remains fully attached) and slowly crawling upstream trailing edge separation (once the turbulent boundary layer starts separating from the trailing edge). Therefore, it is essential to define an appropriate scaling parameter which takes these changes into account. We have calculated the external velocity variations, pressure gradient and distance between actuator and separation for the baseline data, shown in Fig. 3d. After careful examination of the various effects, it appears that it is sufficient to consider the local free-stream velocity instead of using the free-stream velocity in the above mentioned amplitude scaling parameters to account for variations in the airfoil incidence. Hence, we suggest using a local pressure (or its square root for the velocity ratio) correction coefficient, in the form: C B.P. = (1 − C p ) . This scaling parameter never stands-alone, but rather accomBase
panies the previously defined parameters (sec. 2.1-2.5). For example, Reynolds corrected momentum coefficient should also be scaled with the local baseline pressure at the actuator location, in the form: C μ Re m (1 − C p ) . With this defiBase
nition, not only the Reynolds number is taken into account, but also the angle of attack variation is accounted for, as affecting the local velocity at the boundary layer’s edge. In the following sections of the paper, we examine the relevance of the six different scaling options noted in Section 2 for scaling the amplitude response of an airfoil at high incidence that is subjected to periodic excitation. First, a description of the experimental set-up is presented.
3 Experimental Set-Up Experiments were performed in order to obtain lift data that can assist in evaluating the relevance of the various amplitude scaling options that were discussed in Section 2. The experiments were performed in the Meadow-Knapp subsonic, closed-loop wind tunnel at the Meadow aerodynamics laboratory, Tel Aviv University. The test section is 1.5m high, 0.609m wide and 4.25m long. The velocity range of the
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert
wind tunnel is 4 to 65m/s. The turbulence level is in the range 0.1 to 0.2%, with the lower value more relevant to the current velocity range. The free-stream velocity and temperature are uniform to within 1% and 1°C, respectively. The Reynolds number is controlled to 1% and the temperature in the experiments was 24±0.5°C. The experiments were performed on a modified IAI-Pr8-SE airfoil [19]. It was previously used [11] for flow control experiments using its slotted flap configuration and again [14], with surface mounted Piezo benders. Currently, the Piezo fluidic actuators that were previously used in [20] were installed at x/c=0.375, directing the excitation downstream at an angle of 45°. The fourteen (14) individually controlled and operated actuators were first calibrated on a dedicated test rig. Figure 1a shows the airfoil installed on the bench-top setup to measure its output using a hot wire. Figure 1b shows a cross-section of the airfoil, with the 31 pressure taps and actuator locations shown. The frequency response of the 14 actuators was tested using a calibrated hotwire located at each actuator exit slot, measuring 0.9mm wide and 39mm long. The hot-wire was calibrated in a free-jet from 1 to 80m/s with velocity uncertainty of 2% that increases to 5% below 5m/s. The results of Fig. 2a show that the Helmholtz resonance frequency of all the actuators is 1.48kHz±10Hz with very small scatter in amplitude (mean peak velocity 21.3 ± 0.5 m/s for 30 volts RMS input). It is advisable to operate the actuators somewhat below the Helmholtz resonance, therefore the amplitude response was tested with the actuators operating at 1.46 kHz, the carrier frequency chosen for operation in the entire study. The amplitude response was tested over a range of voltages. The resulting peak slot velocities are shown in Fig. 2b. The airfoil surface pressures were measured by a pressure scanner, with uncertainty of 0.001PSI. Airfoil angle of attack was controlled by an automated traverse system and monitored to ±0.2°. Lift coefficient was calculated from the measured pressures using the trapezoidal rule, resulting in lift coefficient uncertainty of ±0.02 below Re=0.3x106 and half that for larger Re.
Fig. 1 (a) The IAI-pr8-SE airfoil, with the 14 actuator slots at x/c=0.375 positioned on the calibration rig. A hot wire is positioned in actuator slot # 14. (b) A cross-section of the IAIpr8-SE airfoil (dimensions are in mm.). The dots on the contour indicate pressure port locations. The actuator slot is located at x/c=0.375.
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
25 #2 #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 #14
-6 3
-3 2
y=3.98*10 x -8.142*10 x +0.902x
#1 #3 #5 #7 #9 #11 #13
0 1000
30 #1 #3 #5 #7 #9 #11 #13 Cal.
Frequency [Hz]
#2 #4 #6 #8 #10 #12 #14
Amplitude [ACV]
Fig. 2 (a) Frequency test of the 14 actuators showing excitation peak velocity vs. the excitation frequency using 30 AC volts. (b) Amplitude test of the 14 actuators showing excitation peak velocity vs. the excitation AC voltage at 1460Hz. The cubic trend line was used for calculating Up for each test case.
4 Scaling of Lift Data 4.1 Baseline Airfoil Performance Before examining the controlled test data, it is imperative to examine the baseline flow conditions and select a working point, such that Reynolds number effects will only minimally change the flow field and the flow conditions will indicate boundary layer separation slightly downstream of the excitation slot. Figure 3a shows the baseline lift data plotted against the airfoil angle of attack (α). The data was acquired with the excitation slot open, but passive. A very small Reynolds number effect can be seen in this mild trailing edge separating airfoil data. Stronger Reynolds number effects were identified at very low and very high incidence. For α<-7º, inverted stall takes place, with increasing severity and at less negative incidence as the Reynolds number decreases. To reduce Reynolds number effect on the data, laminar turbulent transition was stimulated by placing a roughness strip (grit # 150 mounted on 20mm wide double-back tape, thickness 0.05mm) between 0.09 > x/c > 0.15 before taking the baseline data at Re=0.2x106 again. This data is marked “Trip” in Fig. 3a. A slight reduction in lift prior to stall that takes place now at α=21° can be noted. However, there is a desirable effect on the pressure distributions shown in Fig. 3b, while we initially acquired the lift alte nation scans (lift amplitude response) at α=16°, where the lift data is not sensitive to the Reynolds number or to the presence of the roughness. Figure 3b presents the pressure distributions at an incidence angle of α=16° corresponding to the data of Fig. 3a. The positive Cp at the trailing edge is indicative of trailing edge boundary layer separation that is typical for this airfoil,
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert -4
CP 1.5
Re=0.6M -3
Re=0.4M Re=0.3M
Re=0.6M Re=0.4M
Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
Slot 0
Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
-0.5 -10
(b) 8
AoA=16 deg
AoA=18 deg
AoA=20 deg
AoA=22 deg
Actuator X/C
-1.5 6
-1.0 -0.5
0.0 0.5
1.4 15
1.0 0
AoA [deg]
Fig. 3 (a) Airfoil lift coefficient for a range of Reynolds numbers as indicated in the legend. For all cases the actuator slot is open. “M” stands for million. “Trip” stands for roughness. (b) Airfoil pressure distributions at α=16°. Same Re and conditions as in Fig. 3a. (c) Baseline pressure distributions at different angles of attack, Re=0.4x106. (d) Baseline pressure gradient (left ordinate) and local free-stream velocity (right ordinate) at X/C=0.375 vs. the angle of attack, of the data shown in Fig. 3c. Re=0.4x106.
incidence range and Reynolds numbers. It is difficult to indicate exactly where the boundary layer separates, but it is clearly somewhat downstream of the actuator location, positioned at x/c≈0.375 (indicated by the vertical arrow on Fig. 3c). It is also highly possible that the separation line oscillates in time and smears the separation pressure gradient. The laminar separation bubble, located around x/c=0.25 clearly reattaches to form a turbulent boundary layer at the actuator location. The bubble becomes smaller at Re=0.8x106 and much larger at Re=0.2 x106. By placing the roughness close to the leading edge, the size of the bubble decreased at Re=0.2 x106, bringing the Cp much closer to those associated with higher Reynolds numbers (Fig. 3b). For all the cases presented, turbulent boundary layer prevails at the actuator location, and the boundary layer is still attached. Figure 3c presents baseline pressure distributions, measured at Re=0.4x106, for different post-stall α. For this Re, the baseline pressure distributions, with increasing
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
α, indicate the formation of a stronger suction peak at the vicinity of the leading edge, a smaller bubble that is also located closer to the leading edge, and a gradual upstream creeping trailing edge separation. The results of a careful analysis of the baseline pressure distributions that were presented in Fig. 3c, are presented in Fig. 3d. It indicates that the non-dimensional adverse pressure gradient, dC p / d ( X / C ) , increases almost linearly from 5.7 at α=16° to 7.7 at α=22°. The distance between the actuator (located at X/C=0.375) and the separation location (determined according to dC p / d ( X / C ) =1) decreases, almost linearly, from about 0.35C at α=16° to about 0.15C at α=22° (not shown). The normalized velocity at the boundary layer edge, calculated from the Cp at X/C=0.375 (interpolated), is also shown in Fig. 3d. The local velocity at the actuator location decreases from about 1.6 U ∞ at α=16° to about 1.48 U ∞ at α=22°. These variations encouraged us to initially focus our attention on one particular incidence, α=16°. Their incidence effect on the amplitude scaling will be discussed later in the paper. Subsequently we also increased the incidence up to α=22° and repeated the experiments. However, as will be shown, the strongest effect is due to the Reynolds number and not due to variations in α, so we treat the Reynolds number effect first. For that purpose, we have chosen to remain in the same adverse pressure gradient and at the same distance between actuation and separation, as a first step in a more general effort that will also include variation in the airfoil incidence and subsequently, in the actuation location.
4.2 Control Modes Two control modes were applied to the airfoil, in order to delay boundary layer separation. First, the actuators were operated slightly below their Helmholtz resonance frequency, at 1.46 kHz, and in uniform amplitude across the span but with the phase reversed between each actuator pair, resulting in 3D excitation. This mode of excitation was proven in earlier studies by our group to be more effective than 2D excitation when using high frequency (with Strouhal numbers larger than 5 or 10) due to the interaction of 2D and 3D excitation modes downstream of the actuators [20, 21, 22]. This excitation mode generates both spanwise and wallnormal vorticity components, with alternating sign every half cycle. The wallnormal vorticity very quickly tilts downstream, due to the boundary layer shear, to generate streamwise vortices. Both vorticity components are known to be very effective in mixing across the separating boundary layer, energizing it and increasing its resistance to detachment. The above mentioned excitation mode is termed hereafter PS (for pure sine; its waveform for one actuator is shown in Fig. 4a). The second excitation mode was aimed at generating Strouhal numbers (based on the modulation frequency fm, the distance between the actuator and the trailing edge, X TE =0.625c, and the free-stream velocity) of order unity. Here the low frequency, fm, is generated by amplitude modulation with Amp=0.8 and a sine shaped envelope. The resulting signal is shown in Fig. 4b. This concept [23, 24, 25, 26],is using high frequency actuators to generate low frequency excitation.
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert -4
Baseline -3
CLp C -1
Fig. 4 (a) Pure sine (PS) mode, where actuation frequency is actuators Helmholtz resonance [26]. (b) Amplitude modulation (AM) mode, where effective excitation frequency fm is aimed at generating Strouhal number of order unity [26].
Fig. 5 Pressure distributions, Re=0.3x106 α=16° showing baseline and controlled data for PS ( F + ~25, Cμ=0.037) and AM ( F + ~1, Cμ=0.012) excitation modes.
The phase was uniform across the span for the AM excitation mode. Frequency scans were performed to determine the low frequency suitable to generate St≈1 and provide optimum lift increment at this frequency range. In both modes of excitation, a baseline data was acquired, to be followed by a series of tests at increasing excitation magnitude, with all other parameters fixed. The calibration data from Fig. 2b was used to convert peak voltage to peak velocity that is used to determine the amplitude scaling parameter for all the data to be presented. All the lift data is presented in normalized form, i.e., lift alternation with respect to the baseline lift at α=16° (Figs. 6 and 7) and at the same Reynolds number. In several tests, the excitation voltage slightly exceeded the maximum calibration voltages. In those cases, a cubic fit was used to estimate the expected excitation peak velocity. Figure 2b shows all the calibration data and the curve fit used to translate the voltages to peak velocities. Note that the actuators reach U p ≈50 m/s for ACV=100. Figure 5 shows pressure distributions for the baseline and controlled data at the conditions indicated in the legend and caption. It could be noted that the controlled data for the PS excitation significantly alters the Cp both downstream and upstream of the actuator. The flow is more (though not fully) attached in the mean sense and accelerates upstream of the actuator. The separation bubble is clearly smaller and might have been completely eliminated by the high-frequency excitation. The pressure recovery downstream of the actuator is stronger and the trailing edge pressure is higher than that of the baseline. The AM excitation is more effective than the PS excitation closer to the slot, especially downstream, as it generates a stronger pressure gradient. However, it loses its efficiency approaching the trailing edge, and the flow separates more abruptly than in the baseline. The AM excitation generates scales that interact with the vortex shedding process and ties the excitation to a known instability mechanism [11]. Note the difference between the excitation magnitudes of both controlled pressure distributions, as expressed by
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
the momentum coefficient, while the peak excitation velocity and the resulting VR are similar for both excitation modes.
4.3 Controlled Data The lift alternation data for the AM excitation, St≈1 and α=16°, and a range of Reynolds numbers are discussed first. The baseline lift was subtracted from the controlled lift and it was also used to normalize the lift variation due to the excitation. Figures 6 a-e present the five different scaling options for the excitation amplitude with the same lift increment in the ordinate. The lift alternation data at α=16° seems to scale only with the Reynolds-corrected-momentum coefficient ( C μ Re m , with m=1), and moreover, that happens only at positive lift increment. The dashed thick line plotted in Fig. 6d is our interpretation of the trend line that best describes the lift increment data. The initial reduction in the lift results from reducing the size and eventually eliminating the laminar separation bubble, residing upstream of the slot (as shown in Figures 3b and 5) before the reattachment downstream of the actuator is being controlled using larger control authority and the lift increases. The promoted transition and thicker turbulent boundary layer also causes premature separation. This effect is stronger as the Reynolds number decreases, as expected. It is suggested that for Reynolds numbers greater than Re=0.5x106, C μ Re is the relevant amplitude scaling. Clearly the velocity ratio (VR) and the traditional momentum coefficient (Cμ ) do not scale the entire lift increment data over the Reynolds number range, while the Reynolds corrected momentum coefficient ( C μ Re ) scales the positive lift increment data quite well. The lift alternation data for the harmonic, pure sine (PS) excitation at α=16° and the range of Reynolds numbers is discussed next. Note the high frequency 3D nature of the PS excitation mode. The data shown in Figures 7 a-e indicate that for the PS excitation, the lift increment data scales with three of the amplitude scaling options. It is not possible, based on the current data set (acquired with a single slot width and a single physical excitation frequency) to indicate which of the three is the most physically relevant parameter. Still, this finding is encouraging. Perhaps, since the excitation frequency is of lesser importance for such high-frequency 3D actuation mode, the Reynolds scaled momentum coefficient should be the preferred amplitude parameter. Moreover, scaling ΔCl with Cμ Re as an amplitude parameter would allow using a single amplitude parameter for low ( S t ≈ 1 ) and high ( S t > 10 ) frequency excitation, regardless of the 2D or 3D nature of the excitation. Also, note that there is almost no decrease in lift prior to its enhancement by the PS excitation. This effect is probably found because the PS excitation enhances the skin friction (by promoting small scale and streamwise vortex generation) more successfully than the AM excitation (which is 2D and generates mainly large vortical structures that scale with the boundary layer thickness and more effectively interact with the external parts of the boundary layer) while having the same effect in reducing the size of the laminar separation bubble (as seen in Figs. 3b and 5).
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert 0.12
Re=0.3M Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
-0.04 0.000
-0.04 0
Re=0.8M Re=0.6M
Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
-0.04 0.00
0.12 Re=0.8M
-0.04 0.05
0.12 Re=0.8M Re=0.6M
Re=0.4M Re=0.3M Re=0.2M Trip x/c=0.1
ΔCL 0.00
-0.04 0.0
Fig. 6 The different amplitude scaling options for the AM excitation at F+≈1, α=16°, showing lift variation vs. amplitude parameter. (a) velocity ratio, (b) momentum coefficient, (c) frequency scaled velocity ratio, (d) Reynolds scaled momentum coefficient and (e) vorticity flux coefficient (all defined in the text).
In the following, we examine the effect of the airfoil incidence on the amplitude scaling parameters. Following the baseline data acquisition, lift increment data with pure sine (PS, F + >10) and amplitude modulated (AM, F + ~1) excitation was acquired for several post-stall α for Re=0.3x106 to Re=0.6x106. Please note that we have not applied the amplitude scaling options on other data sets besides our own, but we strongly encourage other researchers to attempt scaling their data using the different scaling options and to publish their data.
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
The data presented in Fig. 8a shows lift increment due to 3D PS excitation at four α’s. We chose to present the data versus the momentum coefficient since we present here a single Reynolds number, so this is equivalent to presenting C μ Re . The trend of increasing lift as the excitation magnitude increases is clear.
Re=0.6M 0.18
Re=0.4M Re=0.3M
Re=0.8M 0.13
Re=0.2M Trip x/c~0.1
Re=0.4M Re=0.3M
-0.02 0
Re=0.2M Trip x/c~0.1
Re=0.6M 0.18
Re=0.3M 0.13
0.13 Re=0.2M Trip x/c~0.1
Re=0.4M Re=0.3M
-0.02 0.000
Re=0.2M Trip x/c~0.1
-0.02 0.005
0.18 Re=0.8M 0.13
Re=0.3M Re=0.2M Trip x/c~0.1
-0.02 0.00
Fig. 7 The different amplitude scaling options for the pure sine (PS) excitation at F+>10, α=16°. Phase of every other actuator reversed showing lift variation vs. amplitude parameter. (a) velocity ratio, (b) momentum coefficient, (c) frequency scaled velocity ratio, (d) Reynolds scaled momentum coefficient and (e) vorticity flux coefficient (as defined in the text).
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert Re=400k
AoA=18 0.02
AoA=18 AoA=20
AoA=16 0.02
AoA=20 AoA=22
AoA=22 0.00
-0.01 0.0000
-0.01 0.0000
Fig. 8 (a) The effect of the airfoil incidence on lift increment due to pure sine (PS) excitation at F + >10, plotted vs. the momentum coefficient. Phase of every other actuator is reversed. Re=0.4x106 (b) The lift increment data of Fig. 8a, plotted vs. the external velocity corrected momentum coefficient. Re=0.4x106. 0.11
0.08 0.07
Re=400k AoA=16
Re=400k AoA=20
Re=400k AoA=22
Re=600k AoA=16
Re=0.3M AOA=16 Re=0.3M AOA=20 Re=0.3M AOA=22 Re=0.4M AOA=16 Re=0.4M AOA=18 Re=0.4M AOA=20 Re=0.4M AOA=22 Re=0.6M AOA=16 Re=0.6M AOA=20 Re=0.6M AOA=22
Re=600k AoA=20
Re=600k AoA=22
Re=300k AoA=16
Re=300k AoA=20
-0.01 -0.02 0.000
Re=300k AoA=22
-0.02 0.002
Fig. 9 (a) The different amplitude scaling options for the pure sine (PS) excitation at F + >10. Phase of every other actuator reversed showing lift variation vs. Reynolds scaled momentum coefficient. (b) The different amplitude scaling options for the pure sine (PS) excitation at F + >10. Phase of every other actuator reversed showing lift variation vs. Reynolds and local velocity scaled momentum coefficient.
However, the scatter due to the different incidence is also evident. Figure 8b presents the same lift increment data of Fig. 8a, now presented versus the momentum coefficient corrected by the local velocity squared. It is evident that the scatter of the data is significantly smaller. It also makes better sense to physically scale the excitation magnitude by the local velocity at the edge of the boundary layer. Following the demonstration that taking the local pressure at the actuation location into account improves the amplitude scaling, we now present test results from a range of Reynolds numbers and incidence angles. Figures 9a and 9b present a
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
comparison between the Reynolds number corrected momentum coefficient lift increment data (Fig. 9a) and the same lift data plotted against the corrected, by local velocity and Reynolds number, momentum coefficient (Fig. 9b). It is evident that scaling the lift increment data by the Reynolds number and local velocity at the boundary layer edge provides a significant improvement over the accepted momentum coefficient for amplitude scaling of the lift increment data. While the data of Figure 9b clearly indicates that a proper amplitude scaling parameter was found for the high frequency ( F + >10) three-dimensional excitation, this parameter should also be tested for low frequency 2D excitation with F + ~1 data. In Figure 10a we present a collection of lift increment data due to several AM excitation cases, with F + and Re indicated in the legend. When plotted against the Re=300k AOA=16 F=1
Re=300k AOA=16 F=1 Re=300k AOA=16 F=0.7
Re=300k AOA=16 F=1 Re=300k AOA=20 F=0.7 Re=300k AOA=20 F=1
Re=300k AOA=16 F=1 Re=300k AOA=20 F=0.7 Re=300k AOA=20 F=1 Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.5 Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.7
Re=300k AOA=16 F=0.7
Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.7 Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.5 Re=400k AOA=18 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=18 F=0.5 Re=400k AOA=20 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=20 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=22 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=22 F=0.5 Re=400k AOA=22 F=0.7
Re=400k AOA=22 F=0.7
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.3
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.3 Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=600 AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.7
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.7 Re=600k AOA=20 F=0.3
Re=600k AOA=20 F=0.3 Re=600k AOA=20 F=0.5
Re=600k AOA=20 F=0.5 Re=600k AOA=22 F=0.7
-0.02 0.00
Re=600k AOA=22 F=0.7
-0.020 0.01
Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=18 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=16 Re=400k AOA=16 Re=400k AOA=18 Re=400k AOA=20 Re=400k AOA=22 Re=600k AOA=16 Re=600 AOA=16 Re=600k AOA=20
ΔCL 0.070
Re=400k AOA=20 F=0.5
(b) Re=400k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=400k AOA=22 F=0.5
Re=600k AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=600 AOA=16 F=0.5
Re=600 AOA=20 F=0.5
-0.020 0
8000 10000 12000
(c) (d) Fig. 10 (a) The effect of the airfoil incidence on lift increment. 2D amplitude modulated (AM) excitation at various F + (of order 1). Lift variation is plotted vs. the momentum coefficient. Re=0.3x106 to 0.6x106. (b) The lift alternation data of Fig. 10a, plotted vs the external velocity corrected momentum coefficient. A range of Re, incidence and F + is considered, AM excitation. (c) The lift increment data vs. the Reynolds number scaled momentum coefficient for the amplitude modulation (AM) excitation at F + =0.5. Uniform phase actuation. Re indicated in the legend. (d) The different amplitude scaling options for the amplitude modulated (AM) excitation at F + =0.5. Uniform phase actuation, showing lift variation vs. Reynolds and local velocity scaled momentum coefficient.
O. Stalnov and A. Seifert
traditional momentum coefficient, the data shows quite a large scatter. A significant improvement in the collapse of the data to a single curve can be seen in Fig. 10b which shows a plot of the same data vs. C μ Re (1 − Cp ) . To examine if the
addition of only (1 − Cp ) to the scaling improves the collapse, we can examine the data shown in Figs. 10c and 10d. In Fig. 10c, we present lift increment data only for F+=0.5 plotted vs. C μ Re . When the same data is plotted vs. C μ Re (1 − Cp ) (in Fig. 10d), the collapse of the data somewhat improves. The improvement is marginal since the stronger dependence is on the Reynolds number, as indicated previously. However, it is encouraging that a single amplitude scaling parameter, C μ Re (1 − Cp ) , is capable of accounting for both Reynolds number and incidence effects for the two excitation modes and frequency ranges.
5 Conclusions Various existing options for scaling the magnitude of the periodic excitation used for active separation control at Reynolds numbers below one million were reviewed and three new scaling options were proposed. The physical background for the various scaling options was discussed and their relevance was evaluated using three different sets of experimental data. Based on the current data set and its analysis we conclude that for 2D excitation with Strouhal numbers of order unity, only the Reynolds corrected momentum coefficient is a valid amplitude scaling option, and this conclusion is also limited for positive lift increment. The Reynolds corrected momentum coefficient was further scaled by the local, velocity boundary layer’s edge at the actuator's exit slot. For high frequency (Strouhal numbers greater than 10), alternating phase 3D excitation, the Re corrected Cμ, the St corrected velocity ratio and the vorticity flux coefficient, all scale the amplitudes equally well. The use of the velocity external to the boundary layer at the actuator location is also needed here to account for the incidence variations. The combined findings for the two excitation modes indicate that choosing the Reynolds corrected Cμ (based on the cross-flow velocity external to the actuator) is probably the preferred choice for amplitude scaling. Further study is required, with additional parameter variations, such as slot width and location and also other airfoil types, as well as higher and lower Reynolds numbers, in order to examine the universality of the current findings. Acknowledgement. The authors would like to acknowledge the technical assistance of Issac Dayan and Shlomo Pasteur. The IAI-Pr8 airfoil was designed by an IAI team led by M. Shepshelovich, and the authors appreciate the approval of IAI to modify and use the airfoil. Partial funding for this project was provided by the Gordon fund.
On Amplitude Scaling of Active Separation Control
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O. Stalnov and A. Seifert
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Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing in a Three-Dimensional Wake Flow Kunihiko Taira, Clarence W. Rowley, and Tim Colonius
Abstract. Flow control is applied to a three-dimensional post-stall flow around a rectangular low-aspect-ratio wing. Steady actuation is used to examine effective flow control setups that modify the vortex dynamics in the wake and achieve increase in lift. For one of the setups, oscillatory forcing is then used to examine the influence of actuation frequency. It is found that sinusoidal actuation requires less momentum to the flow field to achieve lift increase compared to steady momentum injection. There are two observed ranges of forcing frequency at which the flow locks onto period-one and period-two high-lift states. Discussions of the ongoing work on stabilizing separated flow about these periodic high-lift states are offered.
1 Introduction Recent research efforts in unmanned aerial vehicles have focused on reducing the size of the airframe to allow their operations in confined spaces, such as urban environments. These miniature airplanes are referred to as micro air vehicles (MAVs). Currently the operational Reynolds number of MAVs has reached 104 , and with further advances in miniaturization this is expected to become smaller. The aerodynamics at these low Reynolds numbers is vastly different from the conventional aerodynamic theories that are mainly concerned with high-aspect-ratio wings and high Reynolds numbers. Since the Reynolds number at which insects and birds use their wings overlaps with the operational Reynolds number of MAVs, it is thought that understanding the unsteady flight mechanism of stationary and flapping wings can be beneficial in Kunihiko Taira · Clarence W. Rowley Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Tim Colonius California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 81–93. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
K. Taira, C.W. Rowley, and T. Colonius
designing highly maneuverable and energy-efficient MAVs [15, 16, 11]. In order to realize such aerodynamic performance, we require the understanding of not only the conventional aerodynamic theories but also the unsteady vortex dynamics resulting from the fully separated flow, such as those observed in flapping flight [18, 7, 8, 4, 5, 19]. In the present work, we investigate the low-Reynolds-number aerodynamics around low-aspect-ratio wings, which are often employed in the design of MAVs, for pure translation [25]. Basic understanding of the aerodynamic performance of low-aspect-ratio wings in these environments is crucial in unsteady operations at high angles of attack with full separation and under relatively large unsteadiness in the atmosphere [28]. Furthermore, the application of active flow control is explored in an effort to enhance and to achieve stable aerodynamic performance of the low-aspect-ratio wings. Past flow control studies have investigated the use of periodic excitation to delay separation and reattaching separation for lift enhancement [21, 10, 2, 22]. Modification of the flow around the trailing edge by the use of Coanda effect to increase the spanwise circulation for enhance lift has also been considered [13]. These studies have mostly relied on two-dimensional arguments and are used for lower angles of attack than what is considered in the current investigation. The control objective here is not to reattach the flow, but rather to modify the three-dimensional vortex dynamics to enhance lift. Both steady and oscillatory force inputs are applied to alter the wake dynamics and the corresponding vortical forces [24, 27]. Concurrent studies have looked into the use of feedback control in stabilizing the separated flow around a two-dimensional airfoil about an unstable steady state [1], and locking the von K´arm´an shedding on a periodic high-lift state [12]. Understanding from these flow control studies are to be combined with the present three-dimensional investigation in the course to design a three-dimensional feedback controller about a state with enhanced aerodynamics performance. The nature of the present flow control investigation is exploratory and is intended to uncover novel lift enhancement mechanisms for separated flows around lowaspect-ratio wings. Modest actuation inputs realizable with the use of synthetic or plasma actuators are considered, in hopes to expand the operational envelop and to pursue agile maneuvers of MAVs in environments with external perturbations. Focus is placed on achieving significant lift increase with actuation at post-stall angles of attack in the time-average sense.
2 Simulation Method Three-dimensional incompressible flow around a rectangular low-aspect-ratio wing is simulated with the immersed boundary projection method [23]. The flow field is represented by a Cartesian grid while the rectangular wing is represented by a set of Lagrangian points, where regularized boundary forces are applied to counteract the flow such that the no-slip condition is satisfied. Spatial discretization is based on the second-order staggered-grid finite-volume formulation and the time
Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing
integration is performed with the Crank–Nicolson and the second-order Adams– Bashforth schemes for the viscous and convective terms, respectively. Further details on the numerical approach can be found in [23, 6]. Simulations are performed in a box with dimension [−4, 6.1] × [−5, 5] × [−6, 6] in the x (streamwise), y (vertical), and z (spanwise) directions normalized by the chord length c of the wing. A typical grid size of 150 × 66 × 156 is used, with grid stretching away from the wing. A uniform flow of (U∞ , 0, 0) is prescribed for the boundary condition except for at the outflow boundary, where a convective boundary condition is specified. The wing is infinitely thin in the limit of Δ x → 0 but, with finite resolution, the wing thickness is about one cell-width after discretization, because of the regularized delta function used in the immersed boundary method. In the computations, the low-aspect-ratio wing is instantaneously materialized at t = 0+ in an initially uniform flow field. This initial condition corresponds to an impulsive translation. In this paper, the temporal variable t is taken to be nondimensionalized by the free stream velocity U∞ and the chord c. Numerical integration is performed with a time step of U∞ Δ t/Δ x ≤ 0.5. Extensively validation has been performed in the works of [25, 24, 1, 27]. Throughout this paper, we consider a Reynolds number of Re ≡ U∞ c/ν = 300, which is above the critical Reynolds number for shedding yet low enough to consider separation in the laminar regime. The lift and drag coefficients are defined as CL ≡ Fy / 12 ρ U∞2 bc and CD ≡ Fx / 12 ρ U∞2 bc, respectively, where b is the wing span. The aspect ratio of the rectangular wing is defined as AR = b/c.
3 Vortex Dynamics Simulations are performed to investigate the unsteady nature of separated flow and vortex dynamics around low-aspect-ratio flat-plate wings. The influence of angle of attack (α ) and aspect ratio (AR) on the stability of the wake and the force experienced by the wing is studied at Re = 300. Immediately after the impulsive start of the wings, topologies of the wake vortices are found to be similar across different aspect ratios and angles of attack. Behind low-aspect-ratio rectangular plates, the initial leading-edge vortex is found to form and eventually separate as a hairpin vortex. This phenomenon is similar to dynamic stall observed behind pitching wings. The detached structure then interacts with the tip vortices, reducing the downward velocity induced by the tip vortices acting upon the leading-edge vortex. This phenomenon results in a large transient lift immediately after the start with significant decrease in lift later in time due to the pinch off of the leading-edge vortices. At large time, three-dimensional separated flows behind low-aspect-ratio plates reach one of the three states: (i) a steady state, (ii) a periodic unsteady state, or (iii) an aperiodic unsteady state as illustrated in Figure 1. Stability boundaries in the figure are approximate and are based on a number of simulations performed where represented by the symbols. Classification of states is based on whether the power spectrum of lift history exhibits a dominant shedding frequency. In the case
K. Taira, C.W. Rowley, and T. Colonius
Fig. 1 Wake stability at large time and representative snapshots of the wake vortices for various α and AR at Re = 300. Shown are the vorticity (gray) and Q-criteria (aquamarine) iso-surfaces.
of periodic flows, it is observed that the Strouhal number for the shedding St ≡ c sin α fn /U∞ ≈ 0.12 is uniform for the angles of attack and aspect ratios presented in Figure 1. These three-dimensional flows are vastly different from the analogous twodimensional flows. We have observed that the tip effects in three-dimensional flows can stabilize the flow and also exhibit nonlinear interaction with the other shedding vortices. Even when the aspect ratio is increased to 4, the flow along the mid-span does not approach the two-dimensional von K´arm´an vortex shedding since spanwise cellular structures emerge. Asymmetric wakes about the mid-span are also observed for aperiodic flows around rectangular wings at high angles of attack. While only a brief overview is provided here, a detailed description of the vortex dynamics can be found in [25]. For the flow control studies presented later in the present paper, we consider the case of AR = 2 and at a post-stall angle of attack at α = 30◦ , since the wake exhibits interesting unsteady vortex dynamics amongst the leading-edge, trailing-edge, and tip vortices.
4 Active Flow Control The current objective of flow control is to enhance lift at post-stall angles of attack by modifying the dynamics of the three-dimensional wake vortices. Unlike most other investigations, the goal here is not to reattach the flow or delay separation but to utilize the change in vortical forces generated by the modified vortex dynamics. In what follows, the actuator model used in the computation is described. We then discuss the effect of using steady blowing around the low-aspect-ratio wing and describe the three-dimensional mechanism for lift enhancement. Based on this understanding of how wake dynamics can be altered in a favorable manner,
Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing
oscillatory forcing is considered as an alternative to steady blowing with less momentum injection. At last, ongoing work on feedback control to maintain the highlift state observed from the open-loop study is presented.
4.1 Actuator Model In the simulations, the actuators are modeled as external force added to the momentum equation. Steady and oscillatory forcing are introduced in the following manner: fact = ˆfact , fact = ˆfact [1 − cos(2π f t)] /2,
(steady forcing) (oscillatory forcing)
(1) (2)
where the control input is prescribed with a factor ˆfact and a frequency f . In this actuator model, momentum injection to the fluid is emphasized while the effect of mass injection is not included. Oscillatory forcing is provided here as a model for the zero-net-mass-flux actuator (synthetic jet), which has be used in past control studies to effectively enhance the aerodynamic performance of airfoils [21, 9]. To describe the amount of forcing input required in each flow control case, we define the momentum added to the flow relative to the free-stream momentum as the steady and oscillatory momentum coefficients: Cμ ≡
ρ u2act σ b 1 2 2 U∞ bc
ρ uact 2 σ b Cμ ≡ 1 2 , 2 U∞ bc
respectively, where the quantities with over bar and represent time-average and root-mean-square values. The slot width σ is set to be the effective width of the regularized delta function [20] that is used to represent the actuator and is σ /c = Δ x/c = 0.04. To characterize the actuator velocity uact , a simulation is performed with blowing around the wing in quiescent free space with a prescribed force amplitude. The center of forcing is selected for sampling this characteristic velocity. The actuator is placed three grid cells (3Δ x/c = 0.12) from the top surface of the wing to avoid numerical interference between the actuator and the immersed boundary force. A schematic of the actuator setup is presented in Figure 2.
U∞ α
f act
Fig. 2 Schematic of the flow control setup along the trailing edge
K. Taira, C.W. Rowley, and T. Colonius
Momentum coefficients are chosen to be O(1%), which are larger than what typical values are in past experimental studies. The model slot width is limited by the grid resolution and hence results in larger coefficients. The present choice of Reynolds number also increases the required momentum for altering the flow physics since viscous effect inhibits the control effort.
4.2 Steady Forcing As an example, post-stall flow around a rectangular wing of AR = 2 at α = 30◦ is selected. Steady actuation modeled by Eq. 1 is introduced along the entire the leading edge, midchord, or trailing edge and is directed upstream, sideways (spanwise outward), or downstream all parallel to the surface of the wing. The steady momentum coefficient is set to C μ = 1% (and Cμ = 0). The change in lift coefficient with the steady momentum injection is shown in Figure 3. The controlled case with upstream blowing has been found to decrease lift while downstream blowing has been observed to increase lift for the three actuator
Fig. 3 The change in lift coefficient with steady forcing applied along different chord-wise positions with C μ = 1% for Re = 300, α = 30◦ , and AR = 2. Shown are lift without control and with control in the downstream, sideways/outward, and upstream directions.
Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing
No Control
Steady Forcing
Oscillatory Forcing
Fig. 4 Wake vortices without control and with control applied along the trailing edge in the downstream direction for Re = 300, α = 30 deg, andAR = 2. Momentum coefficients of C μ = 1% for steady forcing and C μ = 0.5% and Cμ = 0.25% for oscillatory forcing are selected. Shown are the vorticity (gray) and Q-criteria (aquamarine) iso-surfaces. Arrows indicate the flow direction.
positions shown. Interestingly, the momentum injection in the downstream direction along the midchord and trailing edge has been effective in enhancing the lift by nearly double compared to the case without any flow control. In the case of midchord actuation (downstream blowing), the separated flow reaches a steady state. At higher Reynolds number, reduced viscous effect would however make this forced flow prone to shedding. We chose to further investigate the controlled case of downstream blowing applied along the trailing edge, which achieves the most amount of increase in lift. It should be noted that lift is doubled although the flow is fully separated with leadingedge vortices constantly shedding. Representative snapshots of the flow fields are presented in Figure 4. Compared to the uncontrolled wake, the forced flow exhibits formation of stronger tip vortices. The momentum injected downstream along the trailing edge pushes the trailing-edge vortex sheet away from the wing avoiding interactions with the leading-edge vortices. As the vortex sheet convects, it is rolled into the tip vortices strengthening them. This in turn induces larger downward induced velocity allowing for the low-pressure core of the leading-edge vortex to reposition directly above the top surface of the wing and enhance lift in a significant manner. The lift enhancement mechanism by the change in vortex dynamics is illustrated in Figure 5. This control setup has also been found to greatly enhance lift and lift-to-drag ratio for a wide range of aspect ratios and angles of attack (i.e., 1 ≤ AR ≤ 4 and 10◦ ≤ α ≤ 40◦ ).
K. Taira, C.W. Rowley, and T. Colonius
[1] Trailing-edge vortex sheet is pushed away from the wing and rolled into the tip vortices [2] Stronger and longer formation of tip vortices [3] Stronger downward induced velocity by the tip vortices
[4] Leading-edge vortex and its low pressure core form closer to the wing surface
Fig. 5 Illustration of lift enhancement mechanism by wake modification
4.3 Oscillatory Forcing Since the leading-edge vortices are observed to shed for the steadily forced flows that achieve high lift, it is reasonable to question whether momentum needs to be injected in a steady manner to an unsteady flow field. Here we continue to examine the base case of flow around a wing of AR = 2 at α = 30◦ but with oscillatory forcing. The frequency of actuation f is normalized in terms of the uniform natural shedding frequency fn for the periodic regime as discussed in Section 3 (St ≡ c sin α fn /U∞ ≈ 0.12). The wing experiences lift enhancement with oscillatory forcing (Eq. 2) as shown in Figure 7 for actuation frequency f /fn = 1. The momentum coefficients are selected here to be C μ = 0.5% and Cμ = 0.25% for the oscillatory forcing and is compared to cases with those using steady actuation with the same and double of the of the momentum injection (Cμ = 1% and 0.5%, respectively).
◦ Fig. 6 Lift history with and without control for AR = 2 and α = 30 . Shown are the cases with oscillatory forcing (C μ = 0.5% and Cμ = 0.25%) and steady forcing with (a) C μ = 1% and (b) C μ = 0.5% applied along the trailing edge in the downstream direction. The baseline case without forcing is also presented.
Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing
0 −1 10
10 f / fn
Fig. 7 Lift coefficients with oscillatory forcing for a range of actuation frequency (C μ = 0.5% and Cμ = 0.25%). The average lift is represented by • shown between the maximum and minimum values denoted by and , respectively. Shaded region represents the range of oscillation. The uncontrolled lift value is shown with the horizontal straight line with its corresponding range of fluctuation in shade.
The oscillatory actuation essentially injects momentum to let the trailing-edge vortex sheet roll into the tip vortices while the leading-edge vortex is growing. As the leading-edge vortex starts to pinch off, the actuator eases off hence saving up on the necessary momentum input. Since the tip vortices retains their strengths even when the actuator is winding down the trailing-edge vortex sheet is still rolled into the tip vortices. Hence we still observe strong formation of tip vortices with oscillatory forcing (Figure 4). The influence of actuation frequency is examined in the range of 0.1 ≤ f / fn ≤ 10. The resulting lift increase from the application of oscillatory forcing is summarized in Figure 7. Substantial increase in lift is indeed observed for all forcing frequencies considered here. There are two ranges of frequency that exhibit further increase in lift, namely near f / fn ≈ 0.75 and f / fn ≈ 1.1. The lift signal locks onto f / fn = 0.75 and results in a high-lift state with periodicity T . In the case of f / fn = 1.1, the flow locks onto a state with periodic doubling. The lift history is plotted against its own signal that is shifted in time by the actuation period T . Three representative cases are presented in Figure 8. Lock-on to a periodic orbit seems to be the key in achieving a high-lift state with oscillatory forcing. When the flow field is not locked onto a periodic orbit, such as in the case of f / fn = 1.5 of Figure 8, the average lift takes values less than those realized by the locked cases. Hence it would be of interest to apply oscillatory forcing with frequency that allows for the flow to lock onto periodic high-lift states with period T or 2T . At the moment, the exact physics of how external forcing influences the wake dynamics to result in a periodic state is not well understood, especially under the influence of three-dimensional nonlinear vortex dynamics. The next step in research is to study
K. Taira, C.W. Rowley, and T. Colonius
f / f =0.75 0.5 0.5
f / f =1.1
1 C (t)
1.5 CL(t+T)
1.5 C (t+T)
0.5 0.5
f / f =1.5
1 C (t) L
0.5 0.5
1 C (t)
Fig. 8 Lift trace plotted against it own signal shifted in time by the actuation period, T . The three cases exhibit (left) lock-on with periodicity 1, (middle) lock-on with periodicity 2, and (right) no lock-on. Black lines represent the lift history and gray circles are tracers plotted every period T in time.
the mechanism of how lock-on to these favorable periodic orbits can be attained as well as how the forcing frequency and amplitude may affect the periodic states themselves.
4.4 Towards Feedback Stabilization The above results indicate that oscillatory forcing can provide a substantial increase in lift, but that the effects can be very sensitive to parameters such as the frequency and amplitude of the forcing. In order to achieve these effects more reliably, and over a wider range of parameter values, feedback control is an attractive option. For instance, one might embed a pressure sensor or shear-stress sensor in a wing, and use this signal to “synchronize” the oscillatory forcing to lock on to a particularly beneficial (e.g. high-lift) vortex shedding cycle. For instance, this idea has been pursued in [12] to enhance lift for a two-dimensional flow over a flat plate, and actually demonstrated in experiments for drag reduction of the flow behind a bluff body in [17]. Currently a feedback control investigation is being undertaken to utilize an extremum seeking algorithm [3] to find the optimal forcing frequency such that the time-average lift is maximized [26]. The advantage of this approach is that the nonlinear Navier-Stokes solver is treated as a black box and no model is required in the design of the controller (although if information is available, for instance about the timescales of the relevant physics, it may be incorporated). A disadvantage is that the controller can converge to a local optimum, and miss a higher-lift state, if it exists. Preliminary results indicate that the closed-loop controller is able to estimate the optimal forcing frequency ( fˆ/ fn ≈ 0.8) and enhance lift in a similar manner to the case of open-loop control. Further studies are underway to design controllers with better performance and with the capability to operate under freestream perturbations. Another reasonable control objective is then to identify a desirable (e.g., highlift) unstable periodic orbit that is present in the flow with open-loop oscillatory
Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing
forcing, and then to design a feedback controller to stabilize that periodic orbit. If one wishes to use the flow physics to inform the control design, then reducedorder modeling plays an important role, as the full state (flow variables at every grid point) is too high-dimensional to be used with existing tools for control synthesis. One approach to deriving reduced-order models in such a situation is discussed in [14]: in this method, one first linearizes about a periodic orbit, and then forms a reduced-order model using an approximate version of balanced truncation. Once a tractable model is known for the flow in the vicinity of the desired periodic orbit, standard control techniques can be used to obtain a stabilizing controller. Note that the problem of stabilizing a periodic orbit, as discussed here, is more challenging than that of stabilizing a steady state, for instance as done in [1]. While such a control design is beyond the scope of the present paper, the results found here suggest that this may be a fruitful area for further study.
5 Summary Applications of flow control were considered for three-dimensional post-stall flow around a rectangular low-aspect-ratio wing at a low Reynolds number. Steady actuation modeled by momentum injection was introduced along the trailing edge in the downstream direction to modify the vortex dynamics and enhance lift by utilizing the resulting unsteady vortical forces. Oscillatory forcing is also considered as the actuation input to the wake. It is demonstrated that sinusoidal actuation can achieve increase in lift with reduced level of momentum injection. The controlled flow locks onto periodic high-lift states for selected ranges of frequency. Lock-ons to period-one and period-two orbits were observed with both states yielding high lift. Ongoing work on stabilizing separated flow about such periodic high-lift states was briefly discussed. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-05-1-0369 and FA9550-07-1-0127) with some of the computations made possible by the US Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program. The authors thank Professor Philip Holmes and Professor David Williams for enlightening discussions.
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Lock-On to a High-Lift State with Oscillatory Forcing
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Active Flow Control on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model Matthias Bauer, Inken Peltzer, Wolfgang Nitsche, and Burkhard G¨olling
Abstract. The article presented describes an approach to active flow control by means of pulsed blowing from the flap shoulder in order to delay turbulent flow separation in low-speed flows. The experiments were carried out on an industrial lowscale high-lift wind tunnel model, a specific landing configuration model employed in the industrial aircraft design process. The results verified the concept of pulsed blowing as a suitable tool for separation control on a complex model at a Mach Number relevant for take-off and landing (Ma = 0.2) and a reasonable Reynolds Number (Re = 1.6 · 106 ). Lift was increased significantly over a broad range of angles of attack with only moderate energy input necessary. Nomenclature l cflap A cμ = cp CD CL DC a/c Re f
m· ˙ u¯jet q∞ ·Are f
semi-span u∞ incidence velocity flap chord length m˙ mass flow rate area V˙N volume flow rate momentum coefficient pressure coefficient α angle of attack drag coefficient δf flap deflection angle lift coefficient x coordinate in streamwise direction duty cycle y coordinate in spanwise direction actuator chamber BLSWT Bremen Low Speed Wind Tunnel Reynolds number Ma Mach number actuation frequency ε efficiency of actuation
Matthias Bauer · Inken Peltzer · Wolfgang Nitsche Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Marchstrasse 12-14, 10587 Berlin e-mail:
[email protected] Burkhard G¨olling Airbus, High Lift Device, Airbus-Allee 1, 28199 Bremen, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 95–107. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
M. Bauer et al.
1 Introduction While the need for increasing lift of civil transport aircrafts during take-off and landing was countered by increasing the complexity of the high-lift system in the past, e.g. by employing multi-slotted instead of single-slotted flaps, recent research has proven active flow control (AFC) by means of pulsed blowing from the flap shoulder to be an effective and efficient way to realize the lift requirements. This AFC method forces the flow to stay attached to the flap at flap deflection angles, at which the flow would separate without active intervention. Therefore this technique enables the design of high-lift systems of reduced complexity while providing the same lift as a multi-slotted flap system. Tinnap et al. [1, 2, 3] have proven the feasibility of this flow control concept in low Reynolds number, low-speed flows. Petz et al. [4, 5, 6] investigated the influence of exitation parameters on the effectivity of AFC on a 2D configuration consisting of two NACA airfoils and Becker et al. [7] contributed control strategies to these AFC attempts. More recently, Haucke et al. [8, 9, 10, 11] have demonstrated the capability of this AFC strategy to increase the lift of a slatless two-dimensional (2D) high-lift configuration by 50 lift counts at Reynolds numbers of up to 2 · 106. This article describes the implementation of active flow control on an industryrelevant three-dimensional (3D) civil aircraft half model and discusses the results obtained for experiments conducted at Ma = 0.2 and Re = 1.6 · 106.
2 Experimental Setup The following section gives an overview of the experimental setup, including the actuator system employed, the wind tunnel model and the test facility (see figure 1). Additionally the actuator performance parameters are presented in section 2.3 based on measurements of static pressure in different actuator chambers.
2.1 Wind Tunnel Model and Test Facility The experiments were conducted on an industrial low-scale high-lift wind tunnel model provided by Airbus. It is a 3D half model with a swept and tapered wing. The model’s scale is 1:12.6 with a semi-span of 1200 mm. The model installed in the wind tunnel is displayed in figure 1. The high-lift system consists of a slat and a single slotted flap system, which is divided into an inboard and an outboard section. A total of 21 actuator segments, as described in section 2.2, are integrated into the flaps and cover approximately 80% of the flap’s span. To account for the highly three-dimensional nature of the flow around the model, five macro-segments - consisting of two to five actuator segments each - were defined, and separated pressure supplies made it possible to set the actuation amplitude for these macro-segments independently from each other. The system installed allowed varying four important actuation parameters: amplitude, frequency, duty cycle and phasing of two neighboring excitation locations. As a means to detect the state of the flow (separated or
AFC on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model
Fig. 1 Employed model installed in Bremen Low Speed Wind Tunnel (B-LSWT)
attached) above the flap, the differential pressure between two streamwise positions was measured at seven spanwise positions. These differential pressures are used as the controlled variable in closed-loop active flow control experiments conducted jointly within the framework of this research project. Results from these experiments are contributed by Heinz et. al. [18] in an article in this publication in hand. The system as integrated into the model is sketched in figure 2. The limited installation space in the model’s flaps required the integration of all valves into the nacelle. Tubing was used to route the pulsed air-flow from the valves to the actuator chambers in the flaps. This rather long transmission distance results in an equalization of the exiting jet’s profile in time, which is an undesirable but unavoidable consequence of the model’s scale. Details of the actuator’s performance parameters are presented in section 2.3. All experiments were conducted in the Bremen Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Facility (B-LSWT) operated by Airbus Germany. This facility’s test section measures 2.1m x 2.1m x 4.3m. Forces and moments are acquired using a six-component balance and are corrected for wind tunnel influences. From that, the aerodynamic coefficients are calculated. All tests were conducted at Mach numbers of Ma = 0.2 and Reynolds numbers of Re = 1.6 · 106.
2.2 Actuator System The AFC strategy is based on the pulsed discharge of a fast jet from the flaps’ shoulders into the ambient flow. Thereby a periodic perturbation is introduced into
M. Bauer et al.
proportional control valves
supply of pressurized air
i\b flap
valve manifold blocks
set p1
4 valves
set p2
2 valves
set p3
5 valves
set p4
5 valves
set p5
5 valves
pressure sensors amplifier
pressure sensors o\b flap
actuator outlet pressure tap air flow pulsed air flow electrical signal
Fig. 2 Sketch of the actuator system employed
the flow, which increases turbulent mixing and consequently the flow’s ability to stay attached to the flap even in the presence of massive positive pressure gradients. Pulsed blowing is preferred to continuous blowing, as it has already been shown [12, 17, 19, 13] to be significantly more efficient. In the experiments presented, the exiting pulsed jets are generated from pressurized air using fast switching solenoid valves. For this realization the AFC-system consists of three major components: the pressurized air supply, the fast switching solenoid valve mentioned to generate the pulsed flow and an actuator chamber, in which the flow passage widens in the spanwise direction. The jet enters the ambient flow through an orifice in the flap’s surface. All actuator slots have a constant width of 0.3mm. Their length vary depending on their location in the flap. A schematic of those components is displayed in figure 3. Critical to the success of this AFC concept is the correct location and orientation of the jets’ exits. Therefore preliminary tests were carried out to determine the location of the separation line of the flow on the flap. Due to the low Reynolds number it was necessary to apply boundary layer tripping (the application of artificial roughness to the model in order to force the transition of the flow from the laminar to the turbulent state) to the leading edges of the flaps to ensure turbulent flow separation
AFC on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model exiting jet
actuator chamber (section view)
fast switching valve
pressurized air inlet
a a
a a
pressure coefficient cp [-]
pressure coefficient cp [-]
Fig. 3 Sketch of one actuator segment, consisting of pressurized air supply, a fast switching solenoid valve and an actuator chamber; 21 such segments were integrated into the model
chord position x/cflap [-]
chord position x/cflap [-]
Fig. 4 Curves of the pressure coefficient for different angles of attack; left: inboard flap at y y l = 0.2, right: outboard flap at l = 0.4
and to avoid laminar separation bubbles. A 20μ m thick and 1mm wide tape was used for tripping. Figure 4 shows the curves of the pressure coefficient for different angles of attack (with: α1 < α2 < α3 < α4 ) at two different spanwise positions. The flow separates turbulently on the inboard and outboard flap. The actuator orifices are integrated right upstream of the separation line in the area of recompression.
2.3 Actuator Performance Parameters Figure 5 illustrates the time courses of the (normalized) static pressure within different actuator chambers, which correlates with the respective jet’s exiting velocity. This data was recorded during bench-top experiments and there was no external flow present. It was obtained using ’XT-140’ Kulite pressure transducers at a sampling rate of 50 kHz. However, the displayed time-courses of the static pressure are phase-averaged data. Position ’1’ specifies an actuator chamber in the inboard flap, while positions ’2’ and ’3’ refer to actuator chambers in the outboard flap. For all three cases, it is notable, that the originally almost ideal square wave shape of the pressure’s time course directly at the exit of the solenoid valves (not shown) has decayed and that there is a phase-shift between the electrical control signal used to drive the valves and the course of the pressure in the chambers. The phase shift
M. Bauer et al. outboard flap: position 2
nolmalized static pressure in a/c
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
control signal pressure in a/c
1.2 nolmalized static pressure in a/c
control signal pressure in a/c
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
0.01 0.015 time [s]
control signal pressure in a/c
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
0 0
outboard flap: position 3
nolmalized static pressure in a/c
inboard flap: position 1
0.01 0.015 time [s]
0.01 0.015 time [s]
Fig. 5 Normalized static pressure measured in different actuator chambers and corresponding electrical control signal from a function generator. Data is given for a pressure of 8bar pressure applied to the valves working with a duty cycle of DC = 0.5 and a frequency of 200Hz (∼ = cμ = 0.79%). Pressure is normalized with its respective maximum value.
increases with increasing tubing length. The tubing length for neighboring actuator chambers varies only slightly. Therefore this phase-shift can be neglected for the experiments presented in section 3.4, as only the phase relation of neighboring chambers relative to each other is of interest. For the outboard actuator chambers there is also an offset to the fluctuating pressure, implying that the jet velocity at the orifice does not reach zero completely during any one period. The power of a jet can be calculated (using equation 1) from the static pressure in the actuator chambers and the flow through them. Pjet = Δ p jet · V˙
However, the loss factor ξV has to be considered for a flow with a sudden narrowing of the flow’s cross-section (with: cross-section A1 > cross-section A2 ). For a contraction number of μ = AA21 = 0.1 and a flow channel of rectangular shape, as is the case for the present actuator chambers, this loss factor was determined in experiments [16] to be approximately ξV = 0.58. With the known static pressure, the loss factor and the mass flow rate measured for the actuator chambers, the correlation between the momentum coefficient cμ and the jet’s output power results are displayed in figure 6. The maximum power input of the entire AFC system into the flow is Fig. 6 The jet power output correlated with the momentum coefficient pjet [W]
500 375
250 125 0 0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 actuation intensity cµ [%]
AFC on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model
found to be approximately 500W, which is moderate considering the flow speed of the oncoming flow, which is u∞ = 70 ms .
3 Results and Discussion The results of the experiments are presented in the following section. Although experiments were also conducted at other flap deflection angles, the focal point of the discussion is - unless noted otherwise - on the results for the flap deflection angle of δ f = 50◦ . At that angle the flow is, naturally, fully separated. The first part of this section concentrates on lift gain and actuation efficiency as a function of actuation intensity expressed by the momentum coefficient cμ . In the subsequent part, the influence of the different actuation parameters ’duty cycle’ and ’phasing’ is evaluated. The effect of the parameter ’frequency’ could not be evaluated, because for systematic reasons it was not possible to vary it without affecting the actuation amplitude at the same time. Finally, the ability of the AFC system, to increase lift to values higher than those achievable by passive optimization, is illustrated.
3.1 Definition of Relevant Quantities Prior to presentation of the results, the definition of the momentum coefficient cμ , the actuation efficiency ε and the duty cycle DC are given. The momentum coefficient is defined as the ratio of the specific momentum of the jet’s fluid and the specific momentum of the fluid in free stream. It can be written as: cμ =
m˙ · u¯ jet q · Are f
For an actuation system of constant geometry and constant free stream conditions, this coefficient also correlates linearly with the necessary energy input of the actuation. To assess the efficiency of the actuation, the lift gain is related to the momentum coefficient. Therefore the efficiency is defined as:
Δ CL cμ
The duty cycle is one of the actuation parameters varied during the AFC experiments. It is defined as the fraction of time the valve is in the open state during any one period: topen DC = (4) T
3.2 Impact of Actuation Intensity on Lift Gain and Efficiency For the δ f = 50◦ configuration, the flow on the flap, naturally, is fully separated for all angles of attack. For the results presented in figure 7, the duty cycle was
M. Bauer et al.
cµ = 0.41 % cµ = 0.79 %
DCD = 0.05
DCL = 0.2
lift coefficient CL [-]
drag coefficient CD [-]
AFC off cµ = 0.17 %
Da = 5°
AoA [°]
Da = 5°
AoA [°]
Fig. 7 Lift (left) and drag (right) polars for different actuation intensities. All other actuation parameters are kept constant: DC = 0.5, f = 200Hz, anti-phasic actuation.
kept at DC = 0.5 and the actuation frequency was set to 200Hz. With increasing pressure applied to the valves, both, the mean and the peak exit velocity of the jets increase, which also correlates with an increase in the mass flow and therefore the momentum coefficient. For increasing actuation amplitudes, the lift increases over the whole range of the angles of attack tested. This rise in lift is displayed in figure 8 on the left hand side for angles chosen (with: α1 < α2 < α3 < α4 ) as a function of the momentum coefficient. The lift gain for any given value of cμ varies for different angles - the slope of the curve, however, is similar for all angles of attack. The curve is steep for low momentum coefficients, implying that a small change in actuation amplitude results in a substantial change in lift. The slope flattens significantly for increased actuation amplitudes. Although the change in slope is continous, a momentum coefficient in the range of 0.2% ≤ c μ ≤ 0.3% appears to separate the two regimes of steep and flat slope. Within the range of actuation amplitudes tested no saturation in terms of lift gain was found. It is noteworthy that very low momentum coefficients (O(10−3)) lead to a decrease in lift. This implies that there are minimum requirements with respect to the physical parameters ’jet velocity’ and ’mass flow rate’ in order to achieve lift gain. While increasing the momentum coefficient leads to increased lift, the actuation efficiency, as defined in equation 3, decreases as ilustrated in figure 8 on the right hand side. For the relevant angles of attack - e.g. for α = 5◦ during landing - it is highest for low momentum coefficients. However, at low values for cμ , the efficiency strongly varies for different angles of attack. The curves for the different angles converge towards each other for higher actuation amplitudes.
3.3 Impact of Duty Cycle on Lift Gain After assessing the influence of actuation intensity on the flow control attempts, the influence of the duty cycle and phasing are evaluated in the following two sections. As the jet exit velocity still only depends on the pressure applied to the valves,
AFC on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model
200 0.3
lift gain DCL [-]
0.2 0.15 0.1
lift gain @AoA a1 lift gain @AoA a2 lift gain @AoA a3 lift gain @AoA a4
0.05 0 -0.05
actuation efficiency e [-]
efficiency @AoA a1 efficiency @AoA a2 efficiency @AoA a3 efficiency @AoA a4
-100 0
actuation intensity cµ [%]
actuation intensity cµ [%]
lift coefficient CL [-]
Fig. 8 Gain in lift (left) and efficiency (right) for different actuation intensities
AFC off DC = 0.5, cµ DC = 0.3, cµ DC = 0.4, cµ DC = 0.6, cµ
DCL = 0.2
Fig. 9 Polars illustrating lift gain for different duty cycles. All other actuation parameters are kept constant: pvalve = 8bar, f = 200Hz, anti-phasic actuation.
Da = 5°
= = = =
0.79 % 0.44 % 0.64 % 0.97 %
AoA [°]
changing the duty cycle is a means to varying the momentum coefficient independently of the jet velocity. Lift polars for different duty cycles but identical jet velocities, frequency and phasing are illustrated in figure 9. As can be inferred from the polars, the lift increase is non-monotonic for increasing duty cycles. It is at its highest for DC = 0.4, with an additional lift gain of four lift counts with regard to the reference duty cycle employed for most cases of DC = 0.5. Neither decreasing nor increasing the duty cycle leads to a further increase in lift. For DC = 0.3 the lift gain is reduced to less than half of that obtained for the optimum duty cycle.
3.4 Impact of Phasing on Lift Gain Two different settings for phasing were tested during this campaign: All actuators in phase and a 180◦ phase shift between two neighbouring actuator locations. The
M. Bauer et al.
Fig. 10 Polars illustrating lift gain for different phasings. All other actuation parameters are kept constant: pvalve = 8bar, f = 200Hz, DC = 0.5.
DCL = 0.03
DcL = 0.2
lift coefficient CL [-]
AFC off cµ = 0.86 % cµ = 0.79 % Da = 5°
AoA [°]
results are displayed in figure 10. Due to the additional generation of vortex viscosity, primarily as a consequence of the formation of longitudinal vortices in the spacing between two actuator chambers, the lift for the anti-phased setting is increased for an additional three lift counts (≈ 10%) compared to the in-phase actuation. In addition, calibration of the actuation system after the experiments identified the momentum coefficient for the anti-phasic excitation to be approximately 8% lower than for the in-phase case. Therefore, the efficiency for the anti-phased excitation excels the one in the in-phase case. These results are in accordance with a numerical study by H¨oll et. al. [14, 15] conducted within this collaborative research project, who found that the formation of longitudinal vortices is beneficial for a gain in lift.
3.5 Superposition of Lift Gain The highly complex and three-dimensional character of the flow might suggest that different actuator segments do not only affect the immediate region trailing them, but interact with one another. To test this assumption, two test runs were conducted. In one case, merely the inboard flap was actuated and in the other case, flow control was applied to the outboard flap only. The results of these two actuated cases are displayed together with their respective baseline in figure 11 on the left hand side. To verify whether the actuation at different locations interacts strongly, the lift gain for those two cases is added up and compared to the case where in- and outboard flaps are actuated simultaneously (see figure 11 on the right hand side). This comparison shows a very close resemblance to the superposition of the two separately actuated cases and the jointly actuated case for most of the angles of attack tested. Thus, it can be assumed, that only very little interaction between different actuator segments takes place and that the total lift gain is the superposition of the lift gain due to the individual actuator segments.
AFC off i/b only (cµ = 0.36 %) o/b only (cµ = 0.43 %) Da = 5°
DCL = 0.2
DCL = 0.2
lift coefficient CL [-]
lift coefficient CL [-]
AFC on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model
AFC off superposition cµ = 0.79 % Da = 5°
AoA [°]
AoA [°]
Fig. 11 Left: Sole actuation of inboard and outboard flaps respectively; right: superposition of the resulting lift gain
From an industry point of view, this observation is of relevance, because it suggests that the loss of lift due to the failure of a single actuator segment is easily assessable. Therefore the reliability of the overall system is not dependent on one single actuator element, which is important for certification.
3.6 Comparison of Passive and Active Lift Maximization Up to now, the unactuated δ f = 50◦ configuration has served as a baseline to compare the actuated cases to. More relevant from an industry point of view is the comparison of the obtainable lift using AFC with the maximum achievable lift through passive optimization. Here, ’passive optimization’ refers to the maximization of lift, using the classical approach of optimizing geometrical parameters such as ’flap deflection angle’, ’flap overlap’ and ’flap gap’ without the use of any method which requires energy input. Figure 12 shows lift polars for the passively optimized configuration at
lift coefficient C [-]
DCL = 0.14
DCL = 0.2
Fig. 12 Lift and polars to illustrate the potential of AFC to improve lift above the level obtainable by passive optimization
DCL = 0.25
passive optimization δf = 45° (AFC off) reference δf = 50° (AFC off) cµ = 0.84 % δf = 50° (AFC on) Da = 5°
AoA [°]
M. Bauer et al.
δ f = 45◦ , the baseline for AFC configuration at δ f = 50◦ and the configuration with the optimized AFC parameters setting at δ f = 50◦ in order to illustrate the potential of active flow control. In terms of lift, the ’AFC on’ configuration supersedes the passively optimized configuration by 25 lift counts in the linear region and still by 14 lift counts in the CL,max region. This opens up perspectives for alternative high-lift concepts, which already take into account the possibilies of active flow control during the design process.
4 Conclusion Active flow control experiments were carried out successfully on an industrial lowscale high-lift wind tunnel model. The tests were conducted at Ma = 0.2, the landing speed of an aircraft, and Re = 1.6 · 106 to prove the concept of pulsed blowing from the flap shoulder as a suitable tool for delaying or avoiding flow separation. Depending on the configuration, the lift was increased by up to 30 lift counts with only moderate energy input required. For the case of an actuated flow and a flap incidence angle of δ f = 50◦ , the lift was increased significantly above the values achievable by passive optimization over the whole range of angles of attack tested. The benefit was 25 lift counts in the linear regime and about 14 lift counts in the non-linear regime in comparison to the optimized high-lift flap setting without active flow control and attached flap flow. Additionally, it was shown that the interaction of different actuation segments is negligible, which implies that superposition of lift gain obtained by individual actuator segments is possible. Acknowledgements. This work was conducted within the framework of the SFB557 programme ’Control of complex turbulent shear flows’, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and in parts by Airbus Germany, whose financial support is highly appreciated. The planning, conduction and analysis of the wind tunnel tests were kindly carried out by the model and test engineering teams around Iris Goldhahn, Martin Dreyer, Klaus-Peter Neitzke and Thomas Kuhlmann. Thank you very much for your excellent support and your contributions to the success of these active flow control wind tunnel tests on this industrial high-lift wind tunnel model in the Bremen Low-Speed Wind Tunnel test facility.
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Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation on a Three-Element High-Lift Configuration Tobias H¨oll, Erik Wassen, and Frank Thiele
Abstract. This paper presents a numerical investigation of active flow control cases conducted on the flap leading edge of a three-component high-lift configuration. A numerical method solving the unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations (URANS) is applied, combined with a numerical actuation boundary condition. Based on previous results, which have shown that the lift can be significantly enhanced by synthetic jet excitation, the effects of three-dimensionality are assessed. The influence of the spanwise width of the actuation segments is investigated, as well as the effect of varying the actuation angle. The active flow control mechanism is applied at a Reynolds number of Re = 750 000. As a test model, the industrially relevant Swept Constant Chord Half Model is used.
1 Introduction High-lift devices are designed to provide the required gain in lift during low-speed phases of the flight, such as take-off and landing. They are needed to decrease takeoff and landing speeds and, as a consequence, reduce runway lengths. In order to provide such a large amount of lift, complex systems are needed, consisting of sophisticated slat and flap configurations. Because of the cost, complexity and weight of these devices, aerodynamics research and development aims at simplification of these whilst maintaining their effectiveness [5]. Currently it is not possible to achieve further improvement using conventional methods. As an alternative, one promising means to enhance the effectiveness of a high-lift system is to reduce flow separation through active flow control methods. Previous studies have produced a large number of experimental and numerical results, which have shown the effectiveness of active flow control for single airfoils Tobias H¨oll · Erik Wassen · Frank Thiele Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, Berlin University of Technology, M¨uller-Breslau-Str. 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected]
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 109–123. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
[18, 15, 12]. These flow control methods are characterized by an excitation mechanism that inserts external energy into the flow or extracts low energetic flow from it by suction (see figure 1). At present, the focus lies on application of active flow control to three-dimensional configurations in combination with closed-loop control, conducted within this collaborative research project [1, 6]. Further investigations have proven that oscillatory suction and blowing (zeronet-mass-flow actuation) is more efficient with respect to the gain in lift than steady blowing [16, 4]. The effectiveness of this method can be increased if the excitation frequency corresponds to the most unstable frequencies of the free shear layer, generating arrays of spanwise vortices that are convected downstream and continue to mix across the shear layer [5]. The excitation can be applied tangentially to the airfoil surface [13], perpendicular [2] or with cyclic vortical oscillation. This paper describes a numerical investigation of the control of the flow over the flap of a three-element high-lift configuration by means of periodic excitation [11]. An unsteady wall jet emanating from the single slotted flap shoulder close to the leading edge is used to excite the flow and thus provoke either delay of separation or reattachment [17]. The test model consists of a swept wing with an extended slat and a single slotted Fowler flap. Previous investigations were focused on a comparison between the use of continuous and segmented excitation slots in the spanwise direction [7]. It has been shown that dividing the actuation slot into two segments provides an extra gain in lift compared to a continuous slot. Further delay of flow separation could be obtained together with enhanced mixing of the flow. In the following, the focus lies on influencing the flow over the flap using parameters especially applicable for threedimensional configurations. At first, the impact on the gain in lift of different spanwise widths of the two actuation segments is presented. Furthermore, the direction of actuation is varied from a streamwise jet to an excitation in the direction of the actuation slots. It is assessed whether the strong cross flow generated by the sweep of the wing segment can be influenced in a positive way. Fig. 1 Excitation mechanism on the flap of a high-lift configuration, depicted in streamwise (top) and spanwise (bottom) direction
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation
2 Swept Constant Chord Half Model The numerical test model represents the practically-relevant SCCH (Swept Constant Chord Half model) high-lift configuration that has already been used for several experimental studies targeting passive and active flow and noise control concepts [8, 12, 9]. The three-dimensional wing has a sweep angle of Φ = 30◦ and a constant chord length in the spanwise direction. The numerical investigation realizes a wing with infinite span in order to reduce the computational costs. c
SCCH δS = 26.5°
δ F = 37°
Fig. 2 Airfoil section of the original SCCH high-lift configuration
The typical three-component setup consists of a main airfoil equipped with deployed slat and flap with relative chord lengths of cs = 0.158 c and ck = 0.254 c, respectively (figure 2). All profiles have blunt trailing edges. The separation position of the flow on the upper flap surface reaches its most upstream position at a flap deflection angle of δ f = 37◦ [3]. The angle of attack is fixed at α = 6◦ for the whole configuration, which is situated in the typical range of approach for civil aircraft. In addition, the flow over the flap is detached whereas the flow over the slat and the main wing are still fully attached. With these settings, the area of separated flow above the flap is maximized and better suited to the application of active flow control. In all numerical investigations the freestream velocity corresponds to a Reynolds number of Re = 750 000, based on the chord of the clean configuration (with retracted high-lift devices).
3 Numerical Method The numerical method applied is based on a three-dimensional incompressible finite-volume scheme for the solution of the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The three-dimensional method is fully implicit and of second order accuracy in space and time. Based on the SIMPLE pressure correction algorithm, a co-located storage arrangement for all quantities is applied. Convective fluxes are approximated by a TVD scheme. The flow solver is parallelized by domain decomposition and uses MPI for the communication between the nodes of the supercomputer. For modeling of the turbulent fluid motion, the Local Linear Realizable k-ω -model (LLR) by Rung and Thiele [14] is used, which takes into account nonequilibrium conditions and realizability constraints. In previous investigations of unsteady turbulent flows, it exhibited the best performance for separated flows.
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
Fig. 3 Block-structured surface mesh of the computed wing segment and 2D slice detail views of slat and flap
Figure 3 shows the mesh around the slat, the main airfoil and the flap, consisting of approximately 4, 000, 000 cells in total. The non-dimensional wall distance of the first cell center remains below y+ = 1 on the entire surface. For consideration of an infinite swept wing and sufficient resolution of the actuation segmens, 40 grid layers are used in the spanwise direction. The infinite character is simulated by means of periodic boundary conditions. For all unsteady computations a time step size of Δ t = 2.1 · 10−3 c/u∞ is chosen, which allows a resolution of around 100 time steps per actuation cycle for a nondimensional excitation frequency of F + = 0.6. At the wind tunnel entry all flow quantities including the velocity components and turbulent properties are prescribed. The level of turbulence at the inflow is set to Tu = u1∞ ( 23 k)1/2 = 0.1% and the turbulent viscosity μt / μ = 0.1. At the outflow a convective boundary condition is used that allows unsteady flow structures to be transported outside the domain. The complete airfoil and flap surface is modeled as a non-slip boundary condition. As the grid resolution is very fine, a low-Re formulation is applied. The wind tunnel walls are neglected in the far field. To model the excitation apparatus, a periodic suction/blowing type boundary condition is used. The perturbation to the flow field is introduced through the inlet velocity on two small wall sections, arranged in spanwise direction, representing the excitation slots: nz − 1 c + uexc (τ , nz ) = ua · sin ·π · sin 2π · · F · τ (1) nz,max − 1 ck
spatial velocity distribution time dependency where ua is the amplitude of the perturbation velocity, F + is the non-dimensional perturbation frequency, τ = t · u∞ /c is the dimensionless time given in convective units of the whole configuration, H is the slot width (H = 0.00186 ck ) and nz is the actual grid layer of each actuation slot (1 ≤ nz ≤ nz,max with nz,max = 40 grid
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation
layers). Both intensity Cμ and excitation frequency F + can be chosen individually for each slot. Furthermore, it is possible to apply a phase shift in the actuation on both segments (see figure 1). The actuation segments are located at 6% chord behind the flap leading edge due to the separation of the unexcited flow at this position. This proved to be most suitable in previous investigations [5].
4 Results In the following, the methods described above are applied in order to assess the influence of the parameters spanwise actuation segment width and blow out direction on the actively controlled flow. These parameters apply especially to three-dimensional geometries and configurations. Hence, they are relevant for practical/industrial control cases. The gain in lift achieved and the impact on the vortices on the upper surface on the flap are presented. At first, a basic description of the flow physics for the unexcited case is given, followed by the results of the excited cases.
4.1 Unexcited Flow As a baseline comparison case for all controlled simulations, the unsteady natural flow is used. The sweep angle of Φ = 30◦ was found to generate a strong crossflow on the main wing and on the flap. The unexcited flow field is characterized by a pressure-driven separation on the upper surface of the flap at 6% chord length behind the leading edge. Combined with massive separation, distinct vortex shedding and a large recirculation region occurs downstream. These findings are supported by the experimental results of Petz et al. [12]. The spectrum of the global lift coefficient (see figure 5) shows a dominant amplitude at a Strouhal number of St = 0.3 (based on the flap chord length), which is produced by the unsteady vortex shedding. Due to these characteristics, this configuration regarding angle of attack and flap deflection angle is most suitable for the application of an active separation control mechanism
(a) Isosurfaces of the time-averaged unexcited flow at λ2 = −15 1/s2 .
(b) Time-averaged streamlines visualizing the crossflow generated by the sweep.
Fig. 4 Visualization of the unexcited flow calculated with the LLR k-ω -model
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
Fig. 5 Spectrum of the global lift coefficient for the unexcited flow, depicting a dominant amplitude at St = 0.3 produced by the unsteady vortex shedding
in order to reattach the flow on the flap. More details of the unexcited flow are given by H¨oll and G¨unther [7, 3].
4.2 Excited Flow On the basis of the unexcited flow, the influence of the aforementioned parameters is investigated. As the SCCH configuration is three-dimensional, comprising a wing segment with a spanwise width of s = 0.4 c, a variation of the spanwise extent of the two actuation segments can be carried out. Furthermore, an assessment of different actuation directions is conducted. Based on a blow-out angle of 45 degrees the actuation direction is varied. The simulations are performed for different intensities at a constant excitation frequency of F + = 0.6, which has proven to be optimal in previous investigations by G¨unther et al. [3]. In addition, excitation cases are conducted at F + = 0.3 as this is the dominant Strouhal number of the vortex shedding of the unexcited flow. The excitation mode is equal to sinusoidal blowing and suction, as previously mentioned. Two different excitation intensities are compared for the cases with varying spanwise actuation segment width. 4.2.1
Variation of the Spanwise Segment Width
Six setups, with different spanwise segmentation widths (see figure 6) are compared at momentum coefficients of Cμ = 150 · 10−5 = 0.15% and Cμ = 300 · 10−5 = 0.3%. Additionally, a continuous case is calculated at both intensities, i.e. one single actuation slot along the whole wing span is used. In order to provide the same momentum coefficient in all cases, the velocity amplitude must be increased the narrower the actuation segment. This is due to the fact that a three-dimensional formulation of the momentum coefficient Cμ is used, which considers the spanwise segment width bs . As a result, for smaller spanwise width bs a highter amplitude ua is used: Cμ =
H · bs c·s
ua u∞
2 (2)
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation
Fig. 6 Overview of all cases with variation of the spanwise actuation segment width (detailed view of the flap). Depicted is a blowing situation of the periodic suction and blowing type actuation (ZNMF).
Table 1 Overview of the spanwise width per actuation segment and the number of grid layers in the spanwise direction for all cases Case
1 2 3 4 5 6
0.2 0.168 0.147 0.126 0.105 0.084
20 17 15 13 11 9
For Cμ = 150 ·10−5 the amplitude ranges from ua = 2.5 u∞ for the wide segments (case 1) to ua = 3.9 u∞ for the narrowest segments (case 6). For Cμ = 300 · 10−5 the range is ua = 3.6 u∞ to ua = 5.5 u∞ , respectively. Since the simulation code is a pressure-based solver for incompressible flow, it must be ensured that the jet actuation remains below a maximum velocity of Ma = 0.3. In the latter case a maximum jet Mach number of Ma = 0.205 is reached. Table 1 gives an overview of the realized segments widths for each case. Moreover, the number of grid layers in the spanwise direction for each slot is given. Case 1 uses all 40 grid layers of the infinite wing segment. All other cases consider a strip between the segments where the actuation velocity uexc is set to zero. The slots are resolved in the streamwise direction with 6 grid cells. For selected cases at Cμ = 150 · 10−5 the behavior of the global lift coefficient is plotted in figure 7. The best gain in lift is reached for case 4 (around 25% compared to the undisturbed flow), the lowest gain in lift is provided by case 6 (approximately 14%), representing the actuation with the narrowest segments. The same trend can be observed for the higher momentum coefficient of Cμ = 300 · 10−5: A distinct maximum in lift is reached for the third and the fourth case. Both show a mean global lift coefficient of CL,mean = 2.07. Case 6 provides the lowest gain in lift
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
Fig. 7 Time dependent characteristics of the global lift coefficient at Cμ = 150 · 10−5 (top) and Cμ = 300 · 10−5 (bottom) for selected cases (running averages)
(CL,mean = 1.86). In addition, it can be noted that case 3 and case 4 provide a significantly low oscillation in lift for the higher momentum coefficient (see figure 7). Whereas all other cases oscillate quite heavily around the mean value. It should be taken into account that not only a high mean lift coefficient is important, rather low oscillations around this value are also favourable. This hence represents a further advantage of those cases with intermediate segment width at Cμ = 300 · 10−5. Thus, it cannot be concluded that the wider the actuation segment the higher the lift coefficient. In fact, the case with segments of large spanwise extension (case 1) provides a gain in lift of around 22%, which is smaller than the enhancement of case 4. The latter case features a significantly smaller segment, i.e. a spanwise width of bs = 0.126 per segment in contrast to bs = 0.2 of case 1. For an overview of the trends of the gain in lift for both momentum coefficients, see figure 8. It is clearly depicted that for intermediate segments widths a maximum lift gain exists, especially for Cμ = 300 · 10−5. This suggests that the vortex structures generated by those cases with a certain optimum segment width are responsible for the high gain in lift. For the low momentum coefficient of Cμ = 150 · 10−5 case 4 shows large longitudinal vortex structures between the actuation segments, visualized with the λ2 vortex core criterion (figure 9(e)). Case 3 and case 4 for the high excitation intensity Cμ = 300 · 10−5 show a formation of longitudinal vortex structures in the same manner (figures 9(d) and 9(f)). Thus, all cases that show a high lift gain (figure 8) involve such longitudinal
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation
Fig. 8 Overview of all global lift coefficients for all segmented cases, Cμ = 150 · 10−5 and Cμ = 300 · 10−5 , marking the continuous excitation for both momentum coefficients with a dotted line
vortices, which attach the flow to the upper surface of the flap. This represents an effective means of transporting the actuation energy into the flow and suppressing separation efficiently. In contrast, the cases with narrow slots only generate smaller longitudinal vortex structures (figures 9(h) and 9(g)), resulting in a lower global lift coefficient. In comparison to the segmented actuation, the spanwise continuous excitation provides a gain in lift of around 19.5% (for both momentum coefficients), which is lower than for all segmented cases except case 6 for both intensities and case 5 for the lower momentum coefficient of Cμ = 150 · 10−5. This entails that the continuous excitation reaches saturation at a certain intensity, which is supported by the results of G¨unther [3], whereas a segmentation of the actuation yields a further gain in lift. As depicted in figures 9(a) and 9(b), no longitudinal vortex structures form for the continuous excitation. Hence, a continuous slot over the whole span is not only impossible to implement on either wind tunnel models or real aircraft, but also suffers from lower gain in lift than the segmented actuation. It has to be noted that providing a constant excitation intensity for all cases results in a smaller mass flux for the cases with narrower segments due to the formulation of the momentum coefficient Cμ . According to m˙ = ρ · ua,RMS · Asegment = ρ · ua,RMS · bs H,
the mass flow is reduced by 14% and 20% for case 3 and 4 compared to the continuous actuation and even 35% for case 6. Hence, only the realization of a simulation providing the same mass flux at constant momentum coefficient can reveal the absolute influence of the actuation segment width. One can expect that the effect is enhanced, as higher excitation mass flux into the main flow usually means increased gain in lift. One possible solution is to increase the streamwise segment width H, resulting in a constant actuation segment area Asegment = bs ·H for all cases. Therefore, the velocity amplitude does not have to be increased with a wider segment. This will be realized in future investigations to separate the influences of the segment width and the mass flow.
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
(a) Continuous Excitation, Cμ = 150 · 10−5 .
(b) Continuous Excitation, Cμ = 300 · 10−5 .
(c) Segmented Excitation, case 3, Cμ = 150 · 10−5 .
(d) Segmented Excitation, case 3, Cμ = 300 · 10−5 .
(e) Segmented Excitation, case 4, Cμ = 150 · 10−5 .
(f) Segmented Excitation, case 4, Cμ = 300 · 10−5 .
(g) Segmented Excitation, case 6, Cμ = 150 · 10−5 .
(h) Segmented Excitation, case 6, Cμ = 300 · 10−5 .
Fig. 9 Time-averaged isosurfaces of the λ2 -vortex core criterion at a value of λ2 = −100 1/s2
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation
(a) Unsteady unexcited flow.
(b) Unsteady excited flow (case 3).
Fig. 10 Snapshots of the isosurfaces of the λ2 -criterion at a value of −100 1/s2 at Cμ = 150 · 10−5
In addition to the positive effect of the formation of longitudinal vortices, further improvement of the flow can be noted. Figure 10 shows a comparison of the instantanous flow field of the unexcited flow and case 3. It can be seen that the separation is relocated further downstream and a higher degree of three-dimensionality of the flow is apparent on the upper surface on the flap. The latter effect results in enhanced mixture of the vortices and therefore an improved interaction between them. As a result, the formation of large coherent structures is suppressed, which is favourable for the gain in lift [7]. 4.2.2
Excitation at F + = 0.3
As mentioned, previous investigations have shown that the most efficient excitation frequency can be found at F + = 0.6 yielding the highest gain in lift [3]. However, as already shown in section 4.1, the Strouhal number of the dominant frequency of the natural flow lies at St = 0.3 produced by the distinct vortex shedding. Therefore, selected cases at the lower excitation intensity Cμ = 150 · 10−5 were conducted at a non-dimensional excitation frequency equal to the dominant frequency of the undisturbed flow. As shown in figure 11 the gain in lift of these cases is significantly lower than the lift increase yielded by the previous simulations. Case 1 and case 3 both feature a global mean lift coefficient of around 1.73, representing a gain in lift of approximately 9% with respect to the unexcited flow. Just like the actuation at F + = 0.6 both cases do not differ strongly. However, a considerable difference in benefit can be noted compared to the higher frequency: The corresponding cases at F + = 0.6 reach lift coefficients of CL,mean = 1.96 and CL,mean = 1.94, which represents a gain in lift of more than 20%. Thus, an actuation with twice the dominant frequency of the unsteady vortex shedding is much more efficient. Yet, it can be seen that at this low excitation frequency the best gain in lift is reached by case 6. This stands in contrast to the variation of the actuation segment width at F + = 0.6, where case 6 represents the lowest gain. It can be concluded that for each combination of the actuation parameters momentum coefficient and non-dimensional excitation frequency the optimum segment width has to be found and vice versa.
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
Fig. 11 Time-dependent characteristics of the global lift coefficient at Cμ = 150 · 10−5 and F + = 0.3 for selected cases
Variation of the Actuation Direction
Another important parameter which has a strong influence on the excitation of threedimensional configurations is the blow-out angle. Because of the sweep angle of Φ = 30◦ a strong cross flow develops on the flap (see section 4.1). Therefore, two actuation cases are investigated using an actuation direction of 30◦ with and against the pressure gradient generated by the sweep. In both cases the jet is inclined by 45◦ . As excitation parameters, a momentum coefficient of Cμ = 150 · 10−5 and a frequency of F + = 0.6 are used. Both cases are depicted in figure 12. The left case is denoted as case A, the case on the right hand side is denoted as case B.
Fig. 12 View from the rear (top) and plan view (bottom) for the 30◦ actuation cases, left: case A, right: case B
Numerical Investigation of Spatially Distributed Actuation
Fig. 13 Plan view of time-averaged λ2 -isosurfaces for case A (left), case B (middle) and case 3 (right) at Cμ = 150 · 10−5
Fig. 14 Time dependent characteristics of the global lift coefficient at Cμ = 150 · 10−5 for cases A and B and case 3
As shown in figure 13 a variation of the actuation direction has a strong impact on the flow on the upper surface of the flap and a significant influence on the global lift is seen (figure 14). Exciting the flow in slot direction against the sweep (case B) appears to be much more efficient than an actuation with the sweep angle (case A). The latter case does not improve the formation of the longitudinal vortices (figure 13, left) compared to an actuation in the streamwise direction (figure 13, right). The gain in lift cannot be improved as well: Only a mean lift coefficient of CL,mean = 1.82 is reached, in combination with strong oscillations (figure 14). In contrast, case B provides a significant improvement. As depicted in the middle picture of figure 13, the longitudinal vortex on the right hand side is shifted into a direction almost parallel to the x-axis. The left hand vortex turns out to be longer and with a smaller diameter. This results in a very high gain in lift (see figure 14). A mean global lift coefficient of CL,mean = 2.05 is yielded which represents a gain in lift of approximately 29% compared to the unexcited case. Furthermore, the course of the curve is very regular with low oscillations.
T. H¨oll, E. Wassen, and F. Thiele
Hence, varying the actuation direction instead of applying the excitation perpendicular to the wall and in the streamwise direction provides a powerful means to create a very efficient three-dimensional excitation mode.
5 Conclusion and Outlook Active separation control of a high-lift configuration by means of periodic suction and blowing through two actuation segments was studied numerically. The spanwise width of the actuation segments was varied for momentum coefficients of Cμ = 150 · 10−5 and Cμ = 300 · 10−5 at a non-dimensional excitation frequency of F + = 0.6. A distinct optimum in the gain in lift was yielded at intermediate segment widths. Longitudinal vortex structures are formed, which redirect the flow closer to the upper surface of the flap and suppress separation. However, as a consequence of the different spanwise segment width bs at constant streamwise segment width H, the mass flow reduces for the narrower segments. In the future, further simulations will be conducted using different slot widths H ensuring the same mass flow for all excitation cases. In addition, the direction of actuation was varied. Compared to streamwise suction and blowing, two cases were performed actuating in the slot direction, at a 30◦ angle. Significant influence on the vortex structures and on the lift was obtained. A gain in lift of 29% with respect to the unexcited flow was yielded with the actuation against the pressure gradient of the sweep. In general, it can be said that both parameters that were investigated in this paper have a significant impact on active separation control of three-dimensional configurations. An optimum choice of these parameters has to be ensured for industrial applications. Acknowledgements. The research project is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) as part of the Collaborative Research Center 557 Complex turbulent shear flows at TU Berlin. The simulations were performed on the SGI HLRN-II supercomputer system at the North German Cooperation for High-Performance Computing (HLRN). This support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
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Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control on an Industry-Relevant Civil Aircraft Half Model Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
Abstract. This work shows the design and application of closed-loop flow control on a 1 : 12.6 model of an industry-relevant civil aircraft half-model wing with highlift devices. A robust closed-loop controller was designed to control the lift generated by the airfoil. Pressure sensor data from the flap were used by the controller to drive fast solenoid valves which generate periodically pulsed jet flows into the flap flow to manipulate the separated flow. The controller was in charge of two separate segments, the in-board and out-board flap, which were actuated separately to meet a commanded lift coefficient value for the wing. By this closed-loop actuation concept, completely new flight paths are possible unseen with current technology besides the more simple delay and avoidance of separation.
1 Introduction Wings of modern passenger airplanes are designed with two very distinct application scenarios in mind: On the one hand, they have to provide a certain lift while producing low drag for the majority of the flight in cruise mode. On the other hand they have to provide a high lift with little regard to drag during the take-off and landing phases. To meet these requirements, the wings are equipped with retractable leading- and trailing-edge flaps and further devices. These are heavy, expensive, require maintenance and deteriorate flight performance, as a hybrid design usually does. Notger Heinz · Rudibert King Berlin Institute of Technology, Chair of Measurement and Control, Department of Process and Plant Technology, Hardenbergstr. 36a, 10623 Berlin e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Burkhard G¨olling Airbus, High lift device, Airbusallee 1, 28199 Bremen e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 125–139. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
This work examines the possibility of realising a closed-loop active flow control system at a small-scale model of an industrial configuration in a low speed wind tunnel test facility of Airbus in Bremen. There, the flap deflection angle has been chosen such that the unactuated flow would separate even in the linear polar region. Gain in lift by the actuation would be influenced by the controller such that a desired lift will be achieved by reattaching the flow as necessary. This opens up new degrees of freedom in airfoil design, enabling smaller flaps, higher flap angles, smaller number of total flaps, even totally new flap or airfoil types [1] and, finally, new flight paths as seen below. For this, closed-loop control is essential, since in a real-world environment, such an active flow-control system would have to work self-sustained and autonomously. It will be subject to disturbances (gusts), uncertainties (flow behaviour not precisely known, aging) and varying environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, surrounding pressure). While in the well-defined environments given in laboratories, open-loop has its merits, in a real-world environment a closed-loop concept to counteract these factors is needed. Closed-loop systems can change the actuation in realtime such that disturbances are rejected and uncertainties and varying environmental conditions can be compensated for [2]. Whereas traditionally the majority of the experiments were done in an openloop fashion, feed-back approaches remained the rare exception until recently. King et al. [2] as well as Becker et al. [3] and Henning et al. [4] showed that modelfree slope-seeking controllers could enhance the perfomance of airfoils even beyond what open-loop could achieve. Tian et al. [5] showed that an adaptive online identification of an ARMARKOV-model could be used to suppress disturbances at a 2D-airfoil. Ciuryla et al. [1] implemented the black-box model-based closedloop approach to achieve a flight trajectory control by means of wingtip actuation. Tchieu et al. [6] used a vortex-based model to control lift, pitch and plunge of an airfoil in experiment and simulation. Ausseur et al. [7] exploited a mode amplitude of a Galerkin system as a surrogate value for lift control. Robust control techniques were applied in the experimental control of unsteady lift by Williams et al. [8] and in a simulation study in Heinz et al. [9]. This work expands along the line of linear black-box modeling and robust control. A controller is designed that instead of aiming at achieving the maximum lift possible at a given angle, aims at providing a commanded lift, commandable within the limits of the aerodynamical properties of the system. This commandable value thus includes any lift between the worst-case lift for complete separation and the best-case lift for a mostly attached flap flow. Though the underlying problem is inherently non-linear in nature, a linear approach will be pursued and shown to be sufficient to achieve a good performance and disturbance suppression. The paper is organised as follows: After a short note to the experimental set-up in section 2, section 3 will show the system identification and black-box modeling of the plant, followed by the controller synthesis in section 4. Section 5 shows the validation of the controller in experiments. Finally, section 6 will feature a summary of our findings and an outlook into further work.
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control
2 Experimental Set-Up A sketch of the set-up is given in figure 1.
Fig. 1 Schematic block diagram of the experimental set-up. Seven differential pressure sensors distributed over the two flaps and used by the controller to calculate the actuator signals. To prevent wind-up, an anti-reset-wind-up structure as outlined by Park and Choi [10] is used. The actuator signal drives five pressure valves which feed 21 fast solenoid valves. The solenoid valves alternate between open and closed states and operate at 200Hz and 50% dutycycle to generate a pulsed periodical actuation on the flow on the suction side of the flap. They feed actuator chambers inside the flaps, which are connected to slots on the flap shoulders.
For more details concerning the experimental set-up, static polar diagrams and details on the physics of the flow, please refer to Bauer et al. [11].
3 Plant Modeling The first step in designing a controller is gaining insight into the system dynamics of the plant, where plant here designates anything between the output signal u of the digital signal processor (DSP) and the input signal y into the DSP. In this case, the dynamics of the plant is comprised of the actuator dynamics, the dynamics of the feeding channels and the actuator chambers in the flap, the aerodynamic behaviour of the wing itself, the mechanical behaviour of the wing affecting aerodynamics, the sensor dynamics and the sensor filter to suppress aliasing. To design a controller, a sufficiently precise dynamic model of this train has to be derived. Ideally, this description would be an analytical one, comprising the NavierStokes equation for the flow in the actuation system and the flow around the air foil coupled with the mechanical behaviour of the wing, the half-model body, the balance and the wind-tunnel. Since this description is not realisable and certainly not solvable in real-time, a black-box approach is chosen. This model has to be able to describe the behaviour of y with respect to u sufficiently precise, where in this case u = [ u1 , u2 ] is the voltage signal fed into the actuators, u1 driving
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
the inboard actuators, u2 the outboard actuators. Since this voltage signal directly translates into the actuation pressure and thus into the momentum coefficient cμ , a monotone steady-state relation is assumed between u and cμ , denoted here by u ∝ cμ . Since the aim of the experiment is in controlling the lift the airfoil generates, the system output y has to be defined in a way, that one can deduce the lift force from the knowledge of y. A direct measurement of the lift force will be impossible in a future application on an airplane. Δp 1 in mbar
Δp 2 20
Δp 3 0
5 10
Δp 4 5
Δp 5
Δp 6
Δp 7 50
40 −10
−20 −30 0
0.3 0.6 0.85 cμ in %
0 0
0.3 0.6 0.85 cμ in %
0.3 0.6 0.85 cμ in %
0.3 0.6 0.85 cμ in %
Fig. 2 Sensor responses and lift coefficient at different operation points, lines differing in angle of attack α with α = 4◦ (-), α = 5◦ (- -), α = 6◦ (· ·), α = 7◦ (-·-) and α = 8◦ (-)
Fig. 2 shows the responses of pressure transducers (see as well fig. 1) and the lift coefficient cL as a function of c μ . As seen in the cL -plot in the lower row, the lift coefficient at a given α is minimal for an actuation with cμ = 0.04%, corresponding to u = 1V . From there on it increases monotonuously. Our first design decision therefore was to limit the actuation to u ∈ (1, 8)V , so that cL ↔ u. However, fig. 2 shows as well that there is a relation between pressure readings and lift for some sensor positions. Hence, the next design decision was to only include sensors 1, 6 and 7 for system identification, because only they show Δ pi ↔ u and therefore Δ pi ↔ cL . Sensors 2 to 5 all exhibit a non-uniform behaviour over the course of rising u, which makes them useless for linear control theory and black-box modeling of the plant.
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control
u1 , u2 in V
Though not linear, with the help of look-up-tables or a non-linear compensation, sensors 6 and 7 are still useful for linear control purposes. The fact that they show a saturation at cμ > 0.3% is a hint that their position was not optimal, because cL is not saturated (fig. 2). Therefore, the additional lift is possibly generated by partly or fully reattaching the flap flow downstream of the pressure sensors and could be estimated with a better sensor placement or more sensors. By such sensors, a partly separated flow in this region could be detected. From the three sensors two control variables were defined, one for each segment (in-board and out-board), i.e. y1 = Δ p1 and y2 = Δ p6 + Δ p7 . To estimate the input-output behaviour, the actuating variables were changed instantaneously in a pseudo-random binary fashion and the response of the control variables was recorded. Fig. 3 shows one exemplary response.
6 4 2
y1 in mbar
30 20 10 0 −10
y2 in mbar
100 50 0 0
15 Time t in s
Fig. 3 Exemplary responses of y1 and y2 to changes in u1 and u2 from u− = 2V to u+ = 6V
First, the input variable u1 is changed from u− to u+ while u2 remains unchanged, then, in the second half of the experiment (t > 15s), u2 is changed accordingly while u1 remains unchanged. This experiment has been repeated for different combinations of α , u− and u+ . Fig. 3 shows that the system responds to the actuation and that the response is strongest from ui to yi , while the coupling between the segments seems to be very weak. This coupling has been found to be weak in all experiments and where there seems to be a sort of coupling, it was not reproducable, i.e. sometimes yi would
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
react to u j (i = j) and sometimes not. A correlation analysis yields the correlation coefficients listed in table 1. Table 1 Correlation coefficients for segments out of PRBS experiment y2 y1 u1 0.751 0.063 u2 0.015 0.625
Therefore any coupling effects are neglected for further system identification and coupling is treated as a disturbance on the respective yi . It is possible, though, that coupling effects for sensors not used for y would be stronger, but they did not provide a good measure of the lift coefficient, as shown in fig. 2. Based on a series of pulse train experiments outlined above, a system identification was performed, which aimed at gaining a differential equation to relate yi to ui . Three standard methods (sub-space [12], prediction error method, ARX model [13]) were used. The best fit was chosen as a representative plant model for the respective experiment and, hence, operating point, being characterised by (α , u− , u+ ). As an example, fig. 4 shows one cut-out of the fit for the experiment shown in fig. 3. For this specific experiment a model with a higher model order including a fast and slow dynamic gave the best fit. The fast part is responsible for the wiggle seen the simulated response.
120 y2 and y2,model in mbar
Fig. 4 System identification on the experiment shown in fig. 3. The measured signal is depicted in grey whereas the simulated response is given in black.
100 80 60 40 20
24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 24.9 Time t in s
The different models found comprise a model family, for which a robust controller will be designed. Fig. 5 shows the singular values of the identified models for each control variable and the nominal value chosen as a representative model P for the model family. The P chosen was not only able to predict the dynamics of the plant at its respective operating point but also is a good candidate of a mean dynamic behaviour over all operating points examined with the experiments outlined above.
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control 1
σ ¯ (y1 )
Fig. 5 Singular values of the frequency response of the model family identified (grey) and the nominal model chosen for controller design (black)
σ ¯ (y2 )
10 10 Frequency in rad/s
4 Controller Design and Robustness Analysis Controller Design Based on the nominal plant model P, a H∞ -controller was designed, without explicitly accounting for robustness in the first place. A H∞ -controller is the stabilising controller C that minimises the H∞ -norm of the weighted mixed sensitivity
Wp (I + PC)−1
−1 C = argC min (1)
WuC(I + PC)
Wt PC(I + PC)−1 ∞
with Wp , Wu and Wt being the weighting functions for the sensitivity S = (I + PC)−1 , the transfer function determining the size of the control input CS and the complementary sensitivity function PCS respectively [14]. A controller C that solves the problem above ensures that the singular values of the transfer functions weighted above remain below the singular values of the inverse weights, multiplied by a compliance factor γ . Hence, the singular values of the inverse weights can be seen as frequency dependent specification bounds. The following inequalities are then satisfied: σ (I + PC)−1 ≤ γσ Wp−1
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
σ C(I + PC)−1 ≤ γσ Wu−1
σ PC(I + PC)−1 ≤ γσ Wt−1 .
Fig. 6 shows two of the weights chosen and the results of the H∞ -synthesis. Please note that the weights are multiplied by the compliance parameter γ = 1.15. A γ > 1 means that not all demands originally formulated could be met and at the worst case, the demands were exceeded by a factor of 1.15. Fig. 6(a) indicates that the demand on the sensitivity function was limiting the compliance factor in this case: At a −1 = γσ W −1 . Fig. 5 shows that frequency of around 70 rad p s we find σ (I + PC) at this frequency σ (y2 ) shows the steepest decline, indicating the largest phase delay of input signals andthus the most critial point for stability and the most probable area for a peak in σ (I + PC)−1 . Fig. 6(b) furthermore shows that the restriction imposed upon the controller by the sensitivity in fig. 6(a) and the behaviour at higher frequencies leads to a tracking behaviour that is slightly slower than originally stated with the choice of Wp . Instead rad of a bandwith of around 30 rad s , the closed-loop will only achieve around 20 s , assuming the system behaves according to the nominal model.
(a) 0
σ ¯
(b) 0
σ ¯
Fig. 6 Weighted mixed synthesis results: Singular values σ of frequency responses of (a) Sensitivity (I + PC)−1 and γWp−1 (−−) and (b) Tracking function PC(I + PC)−1 and γ Wt−1 (−−)
10 10 Frequency in rad/s
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control
The controller synthesised is of 10th order. Any order reduction led to a deterioration of the behaviour around the sensitivity peak, so the controller was unchanged after the synthesis.
Robustness Analysis Based on the model family shown in fig. 5, a robustness analysis was conducted. For this analysis, a mean frequency response was calculated from the model family to which a nominal plant model P was fitted, as shown in fig. 7. This is in contrast to the controller design step, where an actual member of the identified model family was chosen as a reference plant for reasons of speed and simplicity. Note that the frequency response of P is not always the correct mean between the two worst-cases. Especially the fit in the lower graph, around a frequency of 200 rad s seems to be biased towards the upper limit. This is not grave, however, since every error made here will be made up for with the uncertainty modeling. Fig. 7 Frequency response of mean model P and worst case models calculated from the model family
σ(y1 )
σ(y2 )
10 10 Frequency in rad/s
An uncertain plant with multiplicative output uncertainty Pu = (1 + wo Δ )P was generated with ||Δ ||∞ ≤ 1 and wo being chosen such that the frequency responses of the upper and lower worst-cases are within the bounds of the frequency response of Pu . The uncertainty element Δ is allowed to have any phase shift. This very conservative modeling approach ensures that even plant behaviours at intermediate operating points where no identification experiments where conducted are included in the robustness analysis, as well as a lot of cases that will never come up in reality, since
10 ||wo ||2
Fig. 8 Frequencydependent maximum value of k(ω ) before onset of instability, indicating sufficient robustness and stability reserves
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
10 10 Frequency in rad/s
Δ allows phase shifts that the plant would never show. For robustness analysis concerning stability the question is answered which additional factor k(ω ) (inverse of the structured singular value) can be included in Pu = (1 + kw0 Δ )P before instability occurs. A robustness analysis shows that the maximum value of k(ω ) before instability sets in is ||k|| = 1.14, meaning a stability reserve of 14% over the worst-case assumed, cf. fig. 8. This margin grows with frequency, indicating that the stability depends more on accurate plant modeling at low frequences, whereas at higher frequencies, the accuracy grows less and less important as we gain more and more leeway for uncertainty. While 14% does not sound much as a safety margin for engineering purposes, a closer look at kwo reveals that more than the additional 14% uncertainty would in this case mean that we lose even the information about the sign of the plant’s frequency response and thus would have total uncertainty about the plant’s response. We could not be sure whether an increase in actuation pressure would lead to an increase or a decrease in the lift coefficient. This is physically unrealistic, since the plant behaves – bar local disturbances – reliably as shown in fig. 2. In fact, with the limitation on our control variable as discussed in section 3, we ruled out any uncertainty on the direction of the plant’s response. The closed-loop therefore can be considered robustly stable. Fig. 9 compares the step responses of the closed-loop with nominal plant to the responses of the closed-loop with the worst-case performance. In this worst-case, the closed-loop shows a stable and damped oscillation around the target value with about 17% peak deviation in the second output channel. This output channel is the one most likely to show this deviation, since being the slower output channel its controller component needs to be more aggressive to achieve the same bandwidth as the faster output channel. Given further knowledge about the system, a non-linear compensation can be calculated, that reduces the uncertainty in the model family, as shown in fig. 10, where a Wiener compensation [15] of the output values has been used to reduce uncertainty in the static gains (comp. to fig. 7). With this compensation and an uncertainy modeling as described above, the robust stability margin rises to 58%, again marking the point where any knowledge
1.094 1
1.174 1
0.5 1 1.5 Time t in s
0.5 1 1.5 Time t in s
10 σ(y1 )
Fig. 10 Frequecy response of mean model P and worst case models calculated from the model family and compensated by a Wiener output compensation
y2 /y2,ref
Fig. 9 Worst-case performance (- -) on the tracking response of the closed loop, compared to the nominal performance (-). yi /yi,re f = 1 means ideal set-point tracking.
y1 /y1,ref
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control
σ(y2 )
10 10 Frequency in rad/s
about the sign of the plant’s response is lost. As before, the robust stability margin rises with frequency, indicating that the accuracy of identification is most important at lower frequencies.
5 Experimental Validation of Closed-Loop-Control The controller found and evaluated in section 4 was tested in a wind-tunnel experiment. A series of tests where conducted, where the angle of attack α was varied, while the controller had the task of holding a prescribed lift coefficent value. Since the plant was not identified on the lift coefficient but on the differential pressure values, a look-up-table was used to derive the target values of y1 and y2 as
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
a function of α and the prescribed cL . This look-up-table was gained by numerically inverting measurements where the actuating variables were constant and the same for both segments (u1 = u2 ), which yielded cL and the corresponding y1 and y2 as a function of α . The lift coefficient cL and (y1 ,y2 ) were then linked and inverted, so that for a given cL , y1 and y2 were attained, assuming that both segments were actuated with the same u. For values of cL not explicitly measured, linear interpolation was used. 20
y2 , y2,ref in mbar
y1 , y1,ref in mbar
75 70 65 60 55
50 183.5
5 u2 in V
u1 in V
0 183.5
1 184
184.5 185 Time t in s
184.5 185 Time t in s
0 183.5
0 183.5
Fig. 11 Time plots of y1 and y2 (grey) with their respective commanded values y1,re f and y2,re f and the resulting actuating variables u1 and u2
Fig. 11 shows part of one experimental run. The cL was commanded to be constant, while α was driven in 1◦ -steps from 7◦ geometric angle of attack down to 4◦ . Since different yi are necessary to provide a constant cL over different α , the target values for y1 and y2 are changed accordingly, in this example at around t = 184.2s. Since the experimental set-up did not allow for a measurement of α while α was
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control
changed, so the knowledge of the change was not available until the change was completed. This lead to instantaneous changes in the target values for y1 and y2 . The controller immediately reacts and tries to readjust actuation accordingly, leading y1 and y2 to the new commanded values. This process takes roughly 0.1s, which in good agreement with the bandwidth found in controller synthesis. Considering that a real plane has a high inertial mass and does not react to very fast changes in the lift, this is fast enough to suppress possible disturbances and enhance flight dynamics. Moreover, typical disturbance patterns interesting for flight conditions lie on time-scales longer than that [16]. The two lower graphs of fig. 11 show the actuating variables. Especially u1 shows that at t = 184.2s the plant seems to suffer from a disturbance which makes it necessary for the controller to temporarily actuate stronger. This is a good example of the initially mentioned case of why a controller is useful: Without feedback control, the commanded level for y1 would not have been achieved during the duration of the disturbance. Only the feedback-controller was able to attenuate the disturbance and hold the commanded level for y1 . As soon as the disturbance is gone, the controller reverts to the appropriate actuation levels for the undisturbed case. The second segment shows a cleaner trajectory with only a short overburst in actuation. The difference in the variation of u1 and u2 has several reasons: First, y1 uses the sensor data from only one sensor, y2 uses two, thus sensor noise is somewhat reduced. Second, the absolute noise level of different sensors of the same type still differs significantly. Third, even if the absolute noise level was nearly the same for all sensors, the signal level of the sensor that constitutes y1 would still be much lower than that of the sensors that constitute y2 , thus its signal-to-noise-ratio is worse. The controller controlling the first output channel therefore is stronger affected by the sensor noise than the one controlling the second output channel. Fig. 12 shows polar plots generated with a variation of α (left) as well as α and cL,re f simultaneously (right). The mean cL -value was determined by averaging a balance signal over 20s. Absolute cL -values have been omitted for reasons of confidentiality. In all steps of the experiment, the error was below 0.75%. This was the case over several experiments conducted, where α was variated while cL,re f was kept constant. Each time the cL curve showed the same slightly convex shape. This indicates, that the look-up-table used for assigning the target values was the source of error. To circumvent this, one could avoid the look-up-table altogether by applying more sensors to the flap and gaining a more direct measure for the lift. Testing at 2D-wings has shown, that even four sensors on the main wing can provide a sufficiently good estimate on the lift the airfoil generates [17]. Since this would have meant to build a new wing model, it was out of question in this experiment. But it remains one of the focal points when thinking about an industrial application. The right column of fig. 12 shows that in principle every physically achievable target value for the lift coefficient can be achieved. Again, within restrictions imposed by the imperfect sensor set-up, the controller is able to meet the target values with high accuracy. Hence, it has to be pointed out that by this method completely new gilde paths can be exploited which are out of reach with convential techniques.
Notger Heinz, Rudibert King, and Burkhard G¨olling
0.6 0.4 0.2 0
0.8 Error |Δc L /cL,ref | in %
Error |Δc L /cL,ref | in %
6 α in
0.6 0.4 0.2 0
5 α in
Fig. 12 Polar diagram showing mean cL (x) to be held constant (-.-) over variation of α (left) and cL following an arbitrary trajectory by varying α and cL,re f simultaneously (right). cL (- -) for cμ = 0 and cμ = 8.5 · 10−3 are shown for comparison. The error between cL and cL,re f is given in the bottom row with Δ cL = cL,re f − cL .
By breaking up the strong link between α and cL , α can be varied freely within limits to meet other demands. A landing approach could therefore be achieved with a whole set of different α -values.
6 Conclusion This work shows that for a complex three-dimensional shear layer existing over an industrial high-lift configuration, a simple linear black-box model can be sufficient to describe the system dynamics if one wants to control the lift generated. Based on this modelling, robust closed-loop flow control has been shown to be applicable on an industrial configuration and to be useful to suppress disturbances and guarantee a constant, stable and arbitrarily commandable lift generated. This enables smaller, lighter and cheaper high-lift devices or wings with a higher overall lift. Suppression of lift disturbances generated by gusts is possible as well. Moreover, α and cL can be set individually.
Robust Closed-Loop Lift Control
Compared to a classical high-lift configuration approach, it is possible to reduce the angle-of-attack necessary for a certain lift force and thus the rotation phase in the end phase of the landing approach. Then, when changing the flap angle, the lift can be held constant without having to adjust the engine thrust. Finally, with the increased lift coefficient, a decreased approach speed is possible, enabling steeper approach capabilities. This in turn reduces noise emission and the necessary runway length for take-off and landing. Further experiments will focus on enhancing the sensor placement and choice and testing models of a larger scale to ensure ready-to-flight capability for flightrelevant Re-numbers. Acknowledgements. The research project is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) as part of the Collaborative Research Centre 557 Control of complex turbulent shear flows at TU Berlin in cooperation with Airbus Bremen, Germany. The experiments were conducted at the Low-Speed-Wind-Tunnel at Airbus Bremen.
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Part II Turbomachines
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Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines by Flow Induced Secondary Sources in the Blade Tip Regime Olaf Lemke, Wolfgang Neise, Lars Enghardt, Rudibert King, Rifet Muminovic, and Michael Möser*
Abstract. To reduce the tonal noise of axial fans loudspeakers are typically used to generate the required anti-phase sound field. The space requirement and the weight of the loudspeakers inhibit practical application of this method. In the present study the secondary sound field is generated by injecting high speed air jets into the rotor blade tip regime. The air jets set up additional periodic forces on the blade tips which in turn form the required secondary acoustic sources. The jets are driven by a compressed air supply through small nozzles mounted flush with the inner casing wall. It has been shown, that this approach is very effective in controlling higher order mode sound fields at blade passage frequency and its harmonics. The main goal of the present work is to introduce fast feedback control to this application.
1 Introduction The primary acoustic field of axial turbomachines is typically dominated by discrete tones at the blade passing frequency (BPF) and its harmonics if subsonic blade tip speeds are considered. As shown by Tyler and Sofrin [1], the interaction between the rotor and inlet flow distortions and the interaction of the wake flow of the impeller blades with the downstream stator vanes as well are the dominant noise source mechanisms of these fan tone components. In contrast to conventional active noise control (ANC) attempts, in which loudspeakers are Olaf Lemke
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, Berlin University of Technology, Müller-Breslau-Straße 12, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Wolfgang Neise . Lars Enghardt Institute of Propulsion Technology, Department of Engine Acoustics, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Müller-Breslau-Straße 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Rudibert King . Rifet Muminovic Institute of Process Engineering, Berlin University of Technology, Hardenbergstraße 36a, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Michael Möser Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, Berlin University of Technology, Einsteinufer 25, 10587 Berlin, Germany R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 143–156. springerlink.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
O. Lemke et al.
Fig. 1 Sketch of fan configuration with high speed air jet actuation for tonal noise reduction
typically used to generate an anti-phase sound field, the secondary sound field in the present experiments is generated by perturbing the flow near the outer casing using high speed air jets, compare Figure 1. The potential of this ANC approach was demonstrated by Schulz et al. [2] and [3]. In their experiments, sound pressure level reductions of up to 20 dB at the blade passing frequency were achieved for both plane-wave and higher-order mode sound propagation in the fan ducts. Lemke et al. [4] showed that this method can be successfully extended to the reduction of BPF harmonics as well. In a very recent paper by Lemke et al. [5], which is part of the current project phase, the effects of the nozzle cross-sectional shape and the direction of the air jets relative to the casing wall and the main flow on the generated secondary sound field were studied in great detail. The high speed air jets are generated by steady injection of compressed air via wall flush mounted nozzles into the rotor blade tip region between rotor and stator. This leads to local flow distortions which generate additional forces on the rotor blades that can be used as secondary sound sources. Numerical investigations done by Ashcroft et al. [6] indicate that it is the interaction of the potential fields of the air jets and the rotor blades that produces the secondary sound source mechanism. For effective active noise control, the azimuthal mode structure of the primary blade tone spectrum has to be matched by the secondary sound field. This is achieved by making the number of injection nozzles equal to the number of stator vanes. Because of the impeller rotation, the forces on the rotor blades are unsteady even when the flow distortions generated by air injection in the stationary reference frame are steady. The resulting aerodynamic sound sources can be adjusted in both amplitude and phase by controlling the injected mass flow and the circumferential nozzle position. Note that this active flow control technique to reduce the blade tone noise is fundamentally different from the rotor wake filling concept presented by, e.g., Fitel et al. [7]. In this paper results are presented for applying fast feedback control to this novel active noise control method which is based on a linear phase relationship
Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines
between the primary and the secondary sound fields. In a former publication by Gawron et al. [8] an extremum seeking controller was used to adjust the optimal flow injection rate necessary for sound pressure level minimization at a given optimal circumferential nozzle position which was found before in a prior experimental step. In subsequent papers Lemke et al. [9] and [10] extended this technique to simultaneous control of both injection rate and circumferential nozzle position.
2 Theoretical Background The tonal noise of axial turbomachines is due to unsteady periodic blade forces which are generated by the interactions between the non uniform inflow and the rotor and/or between the rotor and the stator. Each of the blade tone harmonics consists of a series of azimuthal duct modes the order of which are governed by the well known equation derived by Tyler and Sofrin [1]:
m = h ⋅ Z + s ⋅V
Here Z and V are the number of rotor blades and stator vanes, h = 1, 2, 3, …denote the blade passing frequency component and its harmonics, and s is an integer variable in the range -∞ ≤ s ≤ +∞. Equation (1) also holds for the interaction of the rotor blades with the injected air jets when the number of stator vanes is replaced by the number of injection nozzles ZNozzle. For effective active noise control, the azimuthal mode structure of the primary blade tone spectrum has to be matched by the secondary sound field. This is achieved by making the number of injection nozzles equal to the number of stator vanes. Assuming that the present method of active noise control is based on the linear superposition of the primary and secondary sound fields, the following linear relationship must exist:
ˆp ANC( m ,n ) = ˆpPr im( m ,n ) + ˆpSec( m ,n ) ,
in which ˆp Pr im( m ,n ) and ˆp Sec( m ,n ) are the complex sound pressures of the primary (baseline) and secondary acoustic modes (m,n), respectively, and ˆp ANC ( m ,n ) is the resultant controlled sound field. Rearranging terms leads to the following expression for the secondary sound field:
ˆpSec( m ,n ) = ˆp ANC( m ,n ) − ˆpPr im( m ,n ) .
Amplitude ASec( m ,n ) and phase angle φ Sec( m ,n ) of each secondary acoustic mode (m,n) can be calculated from the complex pressure of the secondary sound field:
ASec( m ,n ) = ˆp Sec( m ,n ) ⎛ ℑm( ˆpSec( m ,n ) ) ⎞ ⎟. ⎜ ℜe( ˆpSec( m ,n ) ) ⎟ ⎝ ⎠
φSec( m ,n ) = arctan⎜
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Amplitude and phase of the secondary sound field as described by equations (4) and (5) depend on injection parameters like circumferential nozzle position, injection mass flow rate, injection angle relative to the casing wall, injection direction relative to the main flow and nozzle geometry. Both amplitude and phase can be obtained by suitable experiments.
3 Experimental Facility The experiments were performed with a low-speed high-pressure axial fan with outlet guide vanes in a ducted inlet/ducted outlet configuration, see the schematic of the experimental rig in Figure 2. The impeller diameter is D = 357.4 mm, the casing diameter DC = 358 mm, and the hub-to-tip ratio ε = 0.62. The rotor has Z = 18 blades with NACA 5-63-(10) profiles. Chord length and blade stagger angle at the tip are c = 53.6 mm and ν = 30°, respectively. The tip clearance gap is s = 0.3 mm wide (ζ = s/c = 0.6%). V = 16 unprofiled stator vanes are mounted downstream of the rotor (stator vane pitch ΔΘ = 22.5°). A throttle is placed at the end of the outlet duct to control the fan operating condition. All measurements were made at the operating condition of optimum efficiency ϕ = 0.260 and a rotor speed of n = 4000/min. The flow coefficient is defined as ϕ = 4QFan/(πD2U) with QFan = volume flow and U = tip speed of the fan. The sound fields in the anechoic inlet and outlet duct are monitored by using 80 wall-flush mounted 1/4-inch microphones, arranged in four equally spaced axial rings to avoid disturbance in the fan flow. This paper presents results for measurements in the outlet duct. Three of the rings consist of 16 microphones and one ring of 32 microphones. All microphone signals are recorded simultaneously. In the postprocessing analysis, the duct wall sound pressure distribution is resolved into azimuthal and radial acoustic duct modes (m,n). This measurement technique and analysis method has been developed and tested by the Engine Acoustics Department of the DLR-Institute of Propulsion Technology, see Enghardt et al. [11]. For air injection, 16 nozzles are used inside the fan stage mounted on a rotatable duct section depicted in Figure 3a. This casing section is used to move
Fig. 2 Experimental setup
Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines
Fig. 3 a) Rotatable duct section; b) Positions of the injection nozzles in the rotor blade tip regime and cross sectional view of the cylindrical injection nozzles
the nozzles in circumferential direction i, compare Figure 3b. It is also used as actuator for the feedback controller. The cylindrical nozzle diameter is dNozzle = 1.5 mm. The injection angles relative to the casing wall are α = 90° and α = 45°. In case of the α = 45° nozzle, the direction of air injection β relative to the main flow direction is chosen to β = 117°, which is in the rotor blade chord direction. For all measurements the axial distance between the trailing edge of the rotor blade tip and the center line of the nozzle element is kept constant at Δx/c = 0.13.
4 Experimental Results The presentation of experimental results begins with a short introduction and a summary of fundamental results taken from Schulz et al. [2], [3] and Lemke et al. [4], [5], which are useful for the further discussion. Figure 4a presents a typical sound pressure spectrum obtained with and without active control in the outlet duct for maximum BPF level reduction of ΔLp = 13.5 dB. This result was obtained at a circumferential nozzle position of i/ΔΘ = 0.22 and a mass flow rate of MJets/MFan = 0.68% where MFan is the main mass flow rate delivered by the fan without air injection. The air is blown into the rotor blade tip region with an injection angle of α = 90°. A sketch of the nozzle configuration is depicted in Figure 4c. The azimuthal mode spectra at BPF f = 1200 Hz with and without steady air injection are plotted in Figure 4b. With air injection, the dominant rotor-statorinteraction mode m = 2 is reduced remarkably, and in consequence the BPF level decreases. The reduction of the BPF level is accompanied by small increases of the broadband noise level at higher frequencies, which is due to the noise of the jets themselves. The higher BPF-harmonic levels are not reduced but somewhat increased. These level increases can be explained by the fact that - with the selected injection parameters - the interaction of the rotor exit flow with the air
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Fig. 4 a) Sound pressure spectra with and without steady air injection for optimal BPF level reduction in the fan outlet duct; circumferential injection position i/ΔΘ = 0.22, injection rate MJets/MFan = 0.68%; b) azimuthal mode spectrum; c) sketch of the nozzle configuration. (From Lemke et al. [4]).
jets leads to the desired antiphase secondary sound field at BPF but not at its higher harmonics. As a result the higher blade tone harmonics are increased in level. In the papers [4] and [5] it was shown that level reductions can be achieved also for the higher blade tone harmonics, by setting different circumferential nozzle positions and injection rates to establish the required phase and amplitude conditions for the reduction of those components.
5 Closed Loop Control In this chapter a feedback control approach to find the optimal circumferential nozzle position as fast as possible will be introduced. Earlier experiments described by Lemke et al. [9], [10] used an extremum seeking control technique to achieve the optimum BPF level reduction. However, the convergence time of this controller was about 50 s. A significant reduction of this convergence time would be possible, though, by employing the extension of the extremum seeking control technique presented by Henning et al. [12]. The main advantage of this control technique is that no plant model is needed for the controller design. To cut the convergence time down to an acceptable value without using the method of Henning et al. [12], basic system information has to be considered in the controller design process.
5.1 Modeling the Effect of Air Jet Actuation In the present active noise control technique the secondary sound sources are generated by injecting air jets into the blade tip flow region. Hence, the secondary sources cannot be operated without the fan running, i.e., without the primary sources being present at the same time. For the further considerations, it is assumed that the controlled sound field is given by the linear superposition of the
Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines
primary and the unknown secondary sound field as described in equation (2). From the quantities in equation (3), the complex pressures of the primary sound field ˆp Pr im( m ,n ) and the controlled field ˆp ANC ( m ,n ) can be measured directly to give the complex pressure of the secondary field ˆpSec( m ,n ) ; amplitude ASec,(m,n) and phase φSec(m,n) can be calculated using equations (4) and (5). The phase difference between primary and secondary field follows from:
ΔΦ( m ,n ) = φSec( m ,n ) − φPr im( m ,n )
Figure 5 shows the experimental results for the phase difference ΔΦ(m,n) (black curves) and the sound power level reduction ΔLW (grey curves) of the dominant rotor-stator-interaction modes (m,n) = (2,0) at BPF (Figure 5a) and (m,n) = (4,0) at 2·BPF (Figure 5b) for different injection rates. The nozzle configuration depicted in Figure 4 was used for these experiments. The circumferential nozzle position i/ΔΘ = 0 corresponds to the position of the vane leading edge on the suction side and i/ΔΘ = 1 to the next vane leading edge on the pressure side. The data were measured by traversing the injection nozzles in 46 incremental steps over a full stator vane pitch ΔΘ = 22.5° to give a circumferential resolution of Δi = 0.5°. At each angular position the injected mass flow rate was varied in 26 nearly equidistant steps over the range MJets/MFan = 0.05 to 0.7%. For each of these 1196 experimental injection conditions the sound pressure signals of the 80 microphones in the outlet duct were recorded for subsequent decomposition into the sound power levels of azimuthal and radial duct modes. In a second step all sound power levels of the dominant rotor-stator-interaction modes at BPF and 2·BPF were extracted from the data.
Fig. 5 Measured phase (black) and sound power level reduction (grey) of the dominant modes a) (m,n) = (2,0) at BPF and b) (m,n) = (4,0) at 2·BPF, as function of the circumferential nozzle position i/ΔΘ within a full stator passage for different injection rates MJets/MFan.
When complete destructive interference is reached, the phase difference between the secondary and primary sound field must be equal to ΔΦ = ±180° and the primary and secondary mode amplitudes must be the same. In both diagrams of Figure 5, the phase difference becomes in fact ΔΦ(m,n) = 180° when a sound power level minimum of the dominant modes
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(m,n) = (2,0) at BPF or (m,n) = (4,0) at 2·BPF is reached. In the case of BPF, the phase angle difference ΔΦ ranges over 2π within a full stator passage (Figure 5a), and a range of 4π is encompassed in the case 2·BPF. Since the phase difference varies linearly with the angular nozzle position, the slope of the phase curves can be expressed as h·2π/ΔΘ, where 2π/ΔΘ is equal to the number of stator vanes V and h is the blade tone harmonic number. Hence, the phase angle difference can be expressed as a function of the circumferential nozzle position by the following equation:
ΔΦ( m ,n ) = h ⋅ V ⋅ i + ΔΦ0( m ,n ) .
Combining equations (6) and (7) and considering that the phase of the primary field is constant, the phase of the secondary sound field can be expressed as:
φSec( m ,n ) = h ⋅ V ⋅ i + φSec0( m ,n ) .
Here, the constant φSec0(m,n) depends on the injection angle relative to the casing wall α, the injection direction relative to the main flow β and the injection mass flow rate MJets/MFan. In the first step φSec0(m,n) must be determined by a calibration measurement of the system, e. g., at a constant circumferential nozzle position by varying the injection rate. It is further assumed that the amplitude of the secondary sound field depends only on the injection rate and is independent of the circumferential nozzle position. When the complex primary sound pressure is known, the total sound pressure at each circumferential nozzle position and injection rate can be calculated with equation (2) in the following form:
ˆp ANC ( m ,n ) ( i , M Jets ) = Aprim ( m ,n ) ⋅ e j⋅φ
Pr im ( m ,n )
+ ASec( m ,n ) ( M Jets ) ⋅ e
j⋅( h⋅V ⋅i +φSec 0 ( m ,n ) )
Figure 6 shows the sound power level reductions and phase differences between primary and secondary sound field predicted by equation (9) for the dominant rotor-stator-interaction modes at BPF and 2·BPF for different injection rates
Fig. 6 Predicted phase difference (black) and sound power level reduction (grey) of the dominant modes a) (m,n) = (2,0) at BPF and b) (m,n) = (4,0) at 2·BPF, as functions of the circumferential nozzle position i/ΔΘ within a stator passage for different injection rates MJets/MFan.
Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines
MJets/MFan. The predicted phase and sound power level curves resemble the measured ones in Figure 5 very well. The data to calibrate the system were taken at a circumferential nozzle position of i/ΔΘ = 0.2. The sound power minima of the dominant modes are located at the same circumferential positions as in the measured case. For the controller design the phase difference ΔΦ(m,n) = 180° turns out to be the command variable. In the following section a short description of the plant modeling and the controller design is given.
5.2 Model Identification and Controller Design In order to control the phase difference ΔΦ(m,n) it is necessary to know the current phases of the sound fields for the subsequent calculation. Since the phases of the primary and controlled sound field are not directly measurable there are estimated via an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). An EKF estimates, based on a measurement, the state of a process while minimizing the estimated error covariance. For more information see Gelb [13]. Before designing a model-based controller, a mathematical description of the process is needed. Therefore, the control variable uc, corresponding to the circumferential nozzle position i, is varied as a pseudo-random binary signal between different nozzle positions i. A family Π of linear models of 1st order which describe the behavior between the control variable uc and the plant output ΔΦ(m,n) are fitted to the measured data by application of the prediction error method by Ljung [14]. Based on the model family G P ( s ) ∈ Π in Figure 7a a nominal model Gn(s) and a multiplicative uncertainty description
w1 ( jω ) ≥ l M ( ω ) = max GP∈Π
GP ( jω ) − Gn ( jω ) Gn ( jω )
for the neglected or non-modeled dynamics are derived. The nominal model Gn(s) and the multiplicative uncertainty w1(s) are used for the controller design. To keep the control simple an integral controller K = −0.06 1/s was chosen. As can be seen in figure 7b the complementary sensitivity function and the inverse multiplicative uncertainty description indicate that robust stability is guaranteed, i.e. the confidence is high that the controller stabilizes the system for all practical operating points and possible linear models. For more information compare Skogestad and Postlethwaite [15]. 5.2.1 Signal Analysis The EKF has to estimate the amplitude and phase of the dominant rotor-statorinteraction mode (m,n) for a given BPF harmonic with or without air jet actuation. For the present experiments only the azimuthal mode order m is considered which must be known a priori, i.e., from the Tyler & Sofrin [1] model in equation (1). Basically, the azimuthal mode order m gives the number of sound pressure cycles over a full duct circumference at any given frequency. The signals of eight of the
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Fig. 7 a) Frequency response for all identified linear black-box models (grey curve) and the nominal model (black curve). b) Singular values of the complementary sensitivity function (dashed curve) and the inverse multiplicative uncertainty (solid curve).
equally spaced wall-flush mounted microphones in the outlet duct are input to the EKF, so that, for example, four microphones per wavelength are available when the azimuthal mode order m = 2 is to be analyzed. Programming and implementation of the controller were performed with MATLAB-Simulink using a dSpace 8-channel DSP-system. In the first step the microphone signals are fed through a narrow band filter centered on the BPF. One trigger pulse per rotor blade passage is recorded simultaneously as a reference signal. The controller samples the pressure fluctuation whenever a trigger pulse occurs and takes the average over 10 trigger pulses for each microphone channel. These short-time averages together with the individual microphone positions in the duct wall are then used as input to the EKF based on the knowledge of the azimuthal mode order m. Finally amplitude and phase of the dominant azimuthal mode is updated by the EKF after 10 rotor blade passages.
5.3 Experimental Results In the first step of the closed loop control approach of this study, only the phase difference between primary and secondary sound fields is input to the controller, i.e., the air injection rate was kept constant. In further controller design concepts the amplitude of the secondary field will also be considered. The tests were made with cylindrical nozzles with an injection angle α =45° relative to the casing wall and an injection direction of β = 117° relative to the main flow which is in rotor blade chord direction. In this case the optimal circumferential nozzle position and the required injection rate are quite different from the case discussed above, compare the results presented by Lemke et al. [5]. This change in injection configuration was purposely made to show that the linear phase model is applicable also to other nozzle configurations.
Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines
Figure 8 depicts the changes in the phase difference ΔΦ and the modal sound pressure level Lp(2,0) of the mode m = 2 at BPF when the injection nozzles are traversed over a full stator vane passage ΔΘ with the air injection rate kept constant at MJets/MFan = 0.46%. The black curve is for the measured data and the grey curve for the EKF-estimated data. Very good agreement between measured and estimated data is observed. With this nozzle configuration the desired phase difference ΔΦ = 180° between the primary and secondary sound fields is observed at the circumferential nozzle position i/ΔΘ = 0.41. The modal sound pressure level Lp(2,0) is diminished from 108.5 dB to about 98.0 dB, i.e., a reduction of about 10.5 dB is achieved.
Fig. 8 a) Phase difference between primary and secondary sound fields and level of the dominant azimuthal mode m = 2 at BPF as functions of the circumferential nozzle position i/ΔΘ at constant air injection rate (MJets/MFan = 0.46%); black curve: measurement data, grey curve: EKF-estimates; b) Sketch of the nozzle configuration.
In the next step the controller was employed to find automatically the circumferential nozzle position at which the minimum of the sound pressure occurs. Again, the air injection rate was kept constant at MJets/MFan = 0.46%. The top diagram of Figure 9a shows how the circumferential nozzle position i was changed by the controller over a time span of 20 s after start (t = 0). The resultant changes of the phase difference ΔΦ and the modal sound pressure level Lp(2,0) of the azimuthal mode m = 2 are plotted in the two diagrams below. The initial circumferential nozzle position is i/ΔΘ = 0.88. When the loop is closed at t = 0 the controller needs only 3 s to find the optimum condition at i/ΔΘ = 0.41 where the required phase difference ΔΦ = 180° exists. This final circumferential nozzle position is maintained by the controller with negligible oscillations. The sound pressure level of the dominant mode m = 2 is suppressed by about 9.3 dB which is quite close to the level reduction obtained before with manual control, compare Figure 8. Figure 9b shows the azimuthal mode spectrum at BPF after the optimum condition was adjusted by the controller.
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Fig. 9 a) Time histories of circumferential nozzle position, phase difference between primary and secondary sound fields and level of the dominant azimuthal mode m = 2 at BPF; constant injection rate MJets/MFan = 0.46%; b) azimuthal mode spectrum at BPF in the optimal control state.
Note that the phase controller developed in the present study is approximately 15 times faster than the extremum seeking controller used in the previous work by Lemke et al. [9], [10]. In the present case, no oscillations of the circumferential nozzle position i nor the sound pressure level Lp are observed because no input perturbation of the driving actuator is needed like in case of extremum seeking control attempts. A convergence time even shorter than achieved in the experiments described above seems possible when the overall mechanical properties of the present control system are considered. The response characteristics of the present plant is limited by the large inertial mass of the rotatable casing segment, which prevents fast changes in circumferential nozzle position. A further limitation is given by the friction type bearing of that casing segment in which abrupt changes from static to dynamic friction take place.
6 Conclusions An alternative approach for active tonal noise control in axial turbomachines is presented which is based on air jet actuation. At subsonic blade tip speeds the tonal noise of axial turbomachines is caused by the interactions between nonuniform inflow conditions and the rotor or between the rotor exit flow with the downstream stator row. It has been shown that by producing additional interactions of the rotor flow with steady air jets injected into the rotor blade tip regime, secondary sources can be generated which have the required sound power to cancel the primary tone components of an axial fan. While conventional
Closed Loop Blade Tone Control in Axial Turbomachines
methods use loudspeakers in complex arrangements as secondary sources, the actuator nozzles used in the present study are compact, small, lightweight and easy to install. To ensure that the secondary sound field has an azimuthal mode structure equal to the primary field, the number of injection nozzles has to be equal to the number of stator vanes. For a defined nozzle configuration the control parameters for changing amplitude and phase of the secondary sound field are the injection mass flow rate and the circumferential nozzle positions relative to the stator vanes. The flow-induced secondary sound sources can not be operated independently of the primary ones and, therefore, measurements of transfer functions between sensors and actuators which are common place in conventional active noise control experiments are not feasible. In the present approach it is assumed that the controlled sound field results from a linear superposition of the primary sound field with the unknown secondary sound field generated by air jet actuation. With this condition, a linear relationship can be extracted from experimental data for the phase difference between the primary and the secondary sound field, separately for each dominant inflow-rotor- or rotor-statorinteraction mode. This phase difference is a linear function of the circumferential nozzle position with its slope depending on the number of stator vanes and the blade tone harmonic number. A calibration type measurement at one point is necessary. The phase difference of 180° between the primary and secondary sound field forms the command value for the control circuit. Based on this phase relation, a PI-controller was designed to adjust the control parameters for minimal sound pressure level of the dominant azimuthal duct mode at the blade passing frequency (BPF). The detection of the current phase and amplitude of the sound field to calculate the controller input an extended Kalman Filter (EKF) was used. A convergence time period of only 3 s is needed for the controller to reach optimum tone control. The control technique developed in the present study is also applicable to other interaction modes at higher blade tone harmonics. For the remainder of the present project phase, automatic control of the amplitude of the secondary sound field, i.e. the air injection rate, will be included in the controller design process as well. Also, the ANC method based on flow control is to be extended to directly controlling more than one modal component, i.e., to reduce the BPF- and the 2·BPF-tone levels simultaneously. This involves an injection configuration consisting of two independent rings of injection nozzles at an axial distance as small as possible, each comprising 16 nozzles. Finally, this new ANC method is to be tested on a model fan stage of a modern high bypass ratio aircraft engine. Acknowledgments. The investigations are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German National Science Foundation) as part of the Sonderforschungsbereich (Collaborative Research Center) 557 “Beeinflussung komplexer turbulenter Scherströmungen” (Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows) conducted at the Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin University of Technology).
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Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces Mathias Steger, Ulf Michel, Graham Ashcroft, and Frank Thiele
Abstract. It is shown in a numerical simulation that the rotor-stator interaction tones radiated by an ultra-high-bypass ratio turbofan in the upstream direction can be modified substantially by disturbing the flow near the trailing edge of the rotor blades with the aid of jets emanating from nozzles in the fan casing. The interaction between the rotor blades and these jets causes an additional sound field. The number of nozzles is identical to the number of vanes in the stator in order to generate the same azimuthal modes as the stator. By varying the azimuthal location of the nozzles the phase relationship between the primary sound field of rotor-stator and the secondary field of rotor-jet interaction is changed. The optimum position yields a noise reduction of up 13 dB for the first radial mode but higher order modes are increased. This result is expected to improve after the axial location, diameter and flow rate of the jets are included in the optimization process. The unsteady turbomachinery flow solver TRACE was enhanced to cope with the extreme requirements of the unsteady flow field near the trailing edge of the rotor of an ultra-highbypass-ratio turbofan. The quality of the numerical results is compared with experimental data from the baseline case with no flow control and shows excellent agreement.
Mathias Steger · Frank Thiele Berlin University of Technology, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, M¨uller-Breslau-Strasse 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Ulf Michel German Aerospace Center, Institute of Propulsion Technology, Engine Acoustics Department, M¨uller-Breslau-Str. 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany Graham Ashcroft German Aerospace Center, Institute of Propulsion Technology, Numerical Methods Department, Linder H¨ohe, 51147 Cologne, Germany R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 157–170. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
M. Steger et al.
1 Introduction A major contribution to the overall noise generated by modern high-bypass-ratio turbofan engines is fan noise. This noise source comprises both tonal and broadband components and arises due to a variety of mechanisms. For subsonic blade tip speeds, which are typical for approach power settings, the radiated acoustic field is dominated by the interaction of the rotor wakes with the downstream stator blades [6]. An overview of possible noise control opportunities in turbomachines is given by Neise and Enghardt [9]. The focus of this work is to investigate the active control of tonal noise (ANC) generated by rotor-stator interactions by perturbing the flow near the outer casing using high-speed air jets. In the strategy followed here, air blowing nozzles are mounted in the rotor casing downstream of the rotor between the rotor and stator blades. With such a configuration an additional secondary sound field is generated by the periodic interaction of the rotor field with the high-speed air jets. Under certain conditions, this secondary sound field may offset the primary sound field as was shown experimentally for a low-speed fan by Schulz et al. [13] and numerically by Ashcroft and Schulz [1]. This approach is now applied numerically to the fan of an aeroengine with the objective to demonstrate that ANC is possible and to find the optimum position for the nozzles and the required flow rate. The test case investigated comprises an advanced ultra-high-bypass-ratio fan (DLR UHBR-Fan) whose rotor and stator (also called “outlet guide vanes”, OGV) are enclosed by a circular duct [8, 14]. Numerical simulations are performed using the non-linear, compressible, three-dimensional, Unsteady-Reynolds-AveragedNavier-Stokes (URANS) flow solver TRACE [10, 17]. Previous numerical studies using the solver have demonstrated its capability to predict the tonal sound field downstream of a transonic fan-stage with arbitrary blade counts, which are essential for the analysis of tonal noise in turbomachines [12]. The solver is now applied to the tonal noise radiation in the upstream direction, because experimental data are already available for this side for the baseline case without ANC and are planned with ANC. The upstream radiation problem is numerically more demanding because the wavelengths are much shorter when the sound waves propagate against the mean flow. The benefit of ANC is judged via the sound power radiated into the inlet. The rotor-stator interaction generates azimuthal duct modes m at the blade passing frequency (BPF) of the rotor and harmonics thereof (2BPF, 3BPF, etc). The possible azimuthal modes can be determined with the theory developed by Tyler & Sofrin [15]. Each azimuthal mode m can be subdivided into radial modes (m, n). The overall sound power radiated by a turbomachine can be described as the sum over the sound powers of all radial modes. The computation of these sound powers is carried out following the procedure of Holste & Neise [7]. The pressure fluctuation field propagating upstream of the rotor is decomposed into radial modes with the triple-plane mode-matching method of Ovenden & Rienstra [11], which is based on the pressure perturbations in three axial cross sections of a slowly varying duct.
Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces
Fig. 1 Fan active flow noise control concept
Fig. 2 Overview of geometrical fan parameters on the outer circumference of the fan. The nozzles are located close to the trailing edge of the fan rotor.
2 Testcase Description The test-case investigated comprises a DLR variant of an ultra-high bypass ratio (UHBR) engine that was originally optimized aerodynamically and acoustically within the 5th EU Framework Program SILENCE(R) [8]. The adopted DLR model is characterized by a smaller OGV count (V = 38) in comparison to the original design with V = 68 and the absence of a core stream while the number of fan blades (B = 22) is kept unaltered. Objective of this change was to make the first harmonic of the blade-passing frequency (2BPF) cut-on, which simplifies experimental studies of active noise control. For the blade count used here all modes m related to the BPF are cut-off, which means that they do not radiate into the acoustic far field. Subsequent harmonic frequencies are dominated according to Tyler & Sofrin [15] by the azimuthal mode order m = +6 at the 2BPF and by m = −10 at the 3BPF, respectively. The minus sign indicates that the sound field is spinning in the opposite direction of the rotor rotation. The number of nozzles (N = 38) mounted at the casing equals the number of OGV blades in order to generate the same dominant azimuthal modes through rotor-jet interaction as those referred to rotor-stator interaction. Results are reported here for an operating condition that was tested experimentally to allow comparison with experimental results. It is an approach operation condition, where the flow field is characterized by a fan chord c based Reynolds number of Re = 1.5 · 106 and a relative Mach number of Ma = 0.45 at the fan tips within the rotating frame of reference. Fig. 2 shows the numerical setup along with major geometrical data. Operating figures are summarized in table 1. Further details concerning the fan rig can be found in [8].
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3 Numerical Approach Numerical simulations are performed using the CFD code TRACE developed at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Cologne to investigate turbomachinery aerodynamics and related phenomena [10, 12, 17]. As a component of the TRACE-package, G3DMESH [16] is applied for the generation of all block-structured meshes used in the present study. Flow Solver. TRACE is a cell-centred finite-volume RANS-solver (Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes Equations) for mixed structured and unstructured multi-block meshes. In order to couple moving and stationary blade rows a fully conservative zonal approach is available [17]. In the present investigation a k − ω based model is used for turbulence closure. A standard MUSCL (Monotone Upstream-centred Scheme for Conservation Laws) approach in combination with a Roe upwind based convective flux-difference splitting and a central discretization of viscous terms provide second order space accuracy. Time integration is implemented via an implicit dual-time stepping predictor-corrector algorithm ensuring second order time accuracy. In the context of computational aeroacoustics artificial reflections at the inlet and outlet boundaries are minimized by applying non-reflecting boundary conditions [5] and sponge zones at the boundaries. In order to enable single passage calculations of an engine with realistic (arbitrary) blade counts a time-lag boundary condition [4], often also referred to phaselag boundary condition, is used at periodic boundaries and at interfaces between rows with relative movement [12]. TRACE has the capability of including the effects of casing treatments, which are modifications of the casing geometry, including groves or internal ducts. Objective of these treatments is the increase of the compressor surge margin at off-design points. This capability was enhanced in the course of the current investigation to model the flow in the actuator nozzles. Mode matching strategy. To investigate the radiated acoustic field propagating upstream from the fan, the acoustic radial duct modes are extracted from the CFD solution in three planes with constant axial positions, following a mode-matching strategy developed by Ovenden and Rienstra [11]. The upstream and downstream propagating radial modes in a slowly varying duct are determined from the pressure perturbation field. In the semi-analytical extraction process a plug-meanflow without any swirl is assumed. Mesh topology and quality. The mesh used for the numerical simulations consists of approximately 4.2 million cells with 91 cells in the radial direction and nine cells inside the fan tip clearance gap of 0.4 % of the blade length. By using the phase-lag approach [4, 12] provided by the flow-solver TRACE only a single fan- and OGVsection must be resolved, as well as only a single nozzle, see figure 3. The inlet and outlet of the computed domain are located ten fan chord lengths upstream of the fan blade and ten chord lengths downstream of the OGV blade, respectively, see figure 3.
Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces
Fig. 3 Block structure of simulated domain
Fig. 4 Interfaces of the fan mesh refinement
Fig. 5 Fan mesh at the casing wall. Every Fig. 6 OGV mesh at the casing wall. Every second mesh point is shown only. fourth mesh point is shown only.
Non-dimensional wall-distances of the first grid point are adjusted with magnitudes of y+ ≈ O(1) at the blades and within the range of 30 < y+ < 60 at hub and casing. In order to spatially resolve small flow scales in the vicinity of the jets, a local mesh refinement is accomplished at the fan tip region, see figure 4. The spatial resolution of the non-matching zonal-mixed interface between stationary nozzles and rotating fan has to be sufficient in order to capture the local small-scale flow features in the presence of the nozzle-imposed jets. These constraints lead to a fan mesh with a significantly higher spatial resolution than the OGV mesh, see figure 5 and figure 6.
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Boundary Conditions. At the inlet plane the quantities of total pressure pt , turbulent kinetic energy k and turbulent length scales l are imposed as function of radial position. These quantities are taken from a preceding channel flow simulation. In addition, an axial meanflow and a constant total temperature are assumed. At the outlet plane a radially constant static pressure is chosen such that the reduced mass flow rate of m˙ = 49.5 kg/s of the desired working point at a reduced shaft-speed of Ω = 3151 1/min is achieved. Wall functions are used only at the hub and tip walls of the casing in order to limit the required number of points next to these surfaces. A redistribution of the points allows a generally improved spatial resolution of the propagating acoustic waves throughout the entire simulated domain. The boundary conditions used are summarized in table 2. Table 1 DLR UHBR-Fan parameters Table 2 Flow conditions of the numerical setup Parameter Variable Value Fan blades B 22 OGV blades V 38 Fan tip stagger γ 45 Fan tip chord c 0.159 Fan diameter Dtip 0.8 h/c Aspect ratio 1.64 s/h Fan tip clearance 0.004 Hub-to-tip ratio μ 0.275 Fan/OGV clearance d/c 0.689
Unit − − deg m m − − − −
Pos. Parameter Variable Value Unit General Perfect gas, compr. Reynolds number Re 1.5 · 106 − Mach number Ma 0.45 − Shaft speed Ω 3151 1/min Inlet Axial flow cond. α1 0 deg Total temperature Tt 293.15 K Profiles of pt , k & l Outlet Static pressure p const Pa Walls No slip, adiabatic
Nozzle implementation. Wall flush mounted nozzles are placed near the trailing edge of the fan blades with a distance of 6 % of the chord length downstream in axial direction, see figure 7. The number of nozzles N equals the number of stator vanes V (N = V = 38). Each nozzle is modelled by a circular cylinder inside the casing with a diameter of d = 6 mm. Axial position and diameter are free variables but have not yet been modified in this study. The axis of the cylinder is directed radially inward. A zonal-mixed interface is used to connect the nozzle exit in the stationary casing with the corresponding rotating flow field in the rotor. The interface is designed to ensure mass conservation. While total pressure and total temperature are kept constant on the inlet boundary of the nozzle, the mass flow (≈ 0.69 % of total mass flow) and Mach number (≈ 0.73) varies as a function of time at the interface on the nozzle exit by less than ±0.5 % as a result of the blades passing by. This is shown in figure 8, where the mass flow and Mach number across the nozzle interface is exemplarily depicted over a time span of three cycle periods. Each cycle period is resolved with 256 time steps and 20 sub-iterations per single time step accordingly. A proper periodicity in time is reached after the calculation of at least 40 − 50 cycle periods.
Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces
Fig. 7 Implementation of the nozzle actuators
Fig. 8 Mass flow (in % of inlet flow) and flow Mach number in nozzle interface as function of time
4 Results 4.1 Mode Content In table 3 the azimuthal modes according to Tyler & Sofrin [15] are depicted for the BPF, 2BPF and 3BPF and the associated highest radial mode orders n that are cut-on according to Holste & Neise [7]. It turns out, that at the BPF all modes are cut-off. At 2BPF only three radial modes (m, n) = (+6, 1), (+6, 2) and (+6, 3) are cuton. At 3BPF the number of cut-on modes has increased to four, (m, n) = (+10, 1), (+10, 2), (+10, 3) and (+10, 4).
Table 3 Azimuthal mode order m referred to “Tyler-Sofrin Modes” for B = 22 and V = 38; numbers in parenthesis denote highest order n of cut-on radial modes for the corresponding azimuthal mode order m and the specific harmonic h of the blade passing frequency (BPF) m = hB − kV h = 1 (BPF) h = 2 (2BPF) h = 2 (3BPF)
k=0 +22 (-) +44 (-) +66 (-)
k=1 -16 (-) +6 (3) +28 (-)
k=2 -54 (-) -32 (-) -10 (4)
k=3 -92 (-) -70 (-) -48 (-)
4.2 Numerical Results for the Unsteady Pressure Field In figure 9 instantaneous pressure fluctuation contours of the baseline case without ANC are shown near the casing wall at a constant radius of 95 % span. The pressure fluctuations shown are referred to the fraction of the instantaneous pressure minus its time-averaged local mean value. Discontinuities of the pressure
Fig. 9 Pressure fluctuations close to the casing wall at a given time-step without ANC; azimuthal mode m = +6 visible upstream the fan on left hand side
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Fig. 10 Pressure fluctuations close to the casing wall at a given time-step with ANC
fluctuations across the rotor-stator interface are caused by different modes of calculations of the local pressure mean value, namely within the rotating frame of reference of the rotor, and within the stationary frame of reference of the stator, respectively. It is obvious, that the stationary pressure field of the rotor (left side) causes no pressure fluctuations within its rotating frame of reference, but in contrast it certainly does within the stationary frame of reference of the stator (right side). Therefore, the rotor related wakes are clearly observable within the pressure fluctuation field downstream the rotor-stator interface (stator domain), but only small disturbances are visible upstream the interface (rotor domain), accordingly. Upstream of the sliding interface the acoustic mode with the azimuthal mode order m = 6 is clearly visible. Strong pressure amplitudes can be observed within neighbouring passages in the OGV. They are caused by an azimuthal mode m = −16, which is cut-off according to table 3 but trapped inside the stator passages and causes strong unsteady forces on the stator vanes with BPF. Instantaneous pressure fluctuation contours of the ANC case with steady blowing nozzles are depicted in figure 10. As already mentioned, in the vicinity of the nozzle imposed jets, very strong fluctuations reflect the expected inherent unsteadiness of the rotor-nozzle interaction. The m = −16 mode is still existent within the stator. The m = 6 mode upstream is no longer discernible. It is replaced by smaller scale perturbations with higher frequencies. Highly unsteady aerodynamic blade loadings are the main sources of the sound field generated by turbomachines [2]. The primary sound field is caused by the rotor wakes interacting with the stator vanes. Additional periodic unsteady loadings at the fan-blade surface are generated by the interaction with the nozzle-jets, yielding a secondary sound field. If the secondary sound field is well adjusted in amplitude and phase, it may lead to a cancellation of the primary sound field through interference. To illustrate these forces, the amplitudes of the pressure fluctuations at the 2BPF are
Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces
Fig. 11 Fan: blade pressure fluctuations at the pressure side (PS), amplitude 2BPF, Pa. Strong influence of ANC visible.
Fig. 12 OGV: blade pressure fluctuations at the pressure side (PS), amplitude 2BPF, Pa. Influence of ANC weak.
Fig. 13 Fan: blade pressure fluctuations at the suction side (SS), amplitude 2BPF, Pa. Strong influence of ANC visible.
Fig. 14 OGV: blade pressure fluctuations at the suction side (SS), amplitude 2BPF, Pa. Influence of ANC weak.
shown in figure 12 for the OGV pressure side with and without ANC, respectively, and in figure 14 for the suction side. In both cases (no ANC and ANC) the patterns remain mainly unchanged while the amplitudes are increased at the OGV tips in the ANC case. It can be seen from figures 11 and 13 that the situation is different for the fan blades. Additional sources with strong pressure amplitudes at the 2BPF can be seen at the fan tip trailing edge caused by the interaction with the jets of the nozzles placed nearby. Analogous observations can be made at the 3BPF, as illustrated in figures 16 and 18 for the OGV, and in figures 15 and 17 for the rotor. It can be concluded that the jets change the surface pressures on the rotor blades but leave the stator vanes almost unchanged.
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Fig. 15 Fan: blade pressure fluctuations at the pressure side (PS), amplitude 3BPF, Pa. Strong influence of ANC visible.
Fig. 16 OGV: blade pressure fluctuations at the pressure side (PS), amplitude 3BPF, Pa. Influence of ANC weak.
Fig. 17 Fan: blade pressure fluctuations at the pressure side (SS), amplitude 3BPF, Pa. Strong influence of ANC visible.
Fig. 18 OGV: blade pressure fluctuations at the pressure side (SS), amplitude 3BPF, Pa. Influence of ANC weak.
4.3 Sound Radiation of the Baseline Case The baseline case was studied experimentally without ANC. The experimental results shall be compared in the following with the numerical predictions based on the sound power associated with each of the radial modes [7]. The radial duct modes in the experiment were determined by Tapken et al. ([14]). The modes of the numerical simulation are extracted from the unsteady pressures at three constant axial positions (Δ x/c ≈ 1) upstream of the Fan with the method of Ovenden & Rienstra [11]. The sound powers of all cut-on radial modes are compared in figure 19 for 2BPF and in figure 20 for 3BPF. At 2BPF (m = +6) the sound power level is only slightly
Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces
Fig. 19 Comparison between measured and simulated sound powers of the radial modes for m = 6 at 2BPF transmitted in upstream direction
Fig. 20 Comparison between measured and simulated sound powers of the radial modes for m = −10 at 3BPF transmitted in upstream direction
overpredicted by the numerical results by about +2 dB. This difference increases to a maximum of +3 dB at 3BPF. The sums of the radial modes are added up for each azimuthal mode m in figure 21. The overall sound power levels for m = +6 at 2BPF, m = −10 at 3BPF and the sum of both azimuthal modes at the two frequencies are only slightly overpredicted by +2 dB and meet the requirements of accuracy within an engineering design environment [3]. It can also be observed that the sound power level for 3BPF is more than 20 dB lower than the sound power for 2BPF.
Fig. 21 Comparison between measured and simulated sound powers of the azimuthal modes m = 6 and m = −10 and their sum transmitted in upstream direction
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4.4 Influence of ANC on Radiated Sound Power The changes of the sound power levels due to ANC for all radial modes are plotted as function of azimuthal injection position ϕ in figure 22 for 2BPF and in figure 23 for 3BPF.
Fig. 22 ANC: Gain and loss of the modal sound power level of the upstream propagating acoustic mode (m, n) = (+6, n) at 2BPF over a variation of the azimuthal injection position
Fig. 23 ANC: Gain and loss of the modal sound power level of the upstream propagating acoustic mode (m, n) = (−10, n) at 3BPF over a variation of the azimuthal injection position
It can be seen that the sound power of the (+6, 1) mode at 2BPF is reduced by about −13 dB for ϕ = 0.5. However, the powers of the (+6, 2) and (+6, 3) modes are increased for that angle. While the (+6, 2) mode reaches a minimum for ϕ = 0.25 the power of the (+6, 3) mode is increased for all angles. The situation for 3BPF is similar. Here, the power of the (−10, 4) mode is reduced by 13 dB for an angle of ϕ = 0.875, the (−10, 2) mode is reduced by 2 dB at ϕ = 0.375. The two other modes have increased power for all angles. As can be deduced from figure 19 and figure 20, most acoustic power is contributed to the overall sound power by the radial mode (m, n) = (+6, 1). A significant power reduction of this major contributor could still lead to a reduction of the overall sound power of both tones 2BPF and 3BPF. This is in fact the case as can be seen in figure 24, where the overall sound power is plotted as a solid line. However, the resulting net reduction is less than 1 dB for an injection position of ϕ = 0.5. One must note, however, that the current optimization was performed for a single axial jet position, a single jet diameter, and a single jet mass flow rate. It is very likely that a higher sound power reduction can be achieved when these parameters are included in an optimization process. For example, the large increase of the sound power of the higher order radial modes (6, 2) and (6, 3) and the increased sound power at
Turbofan Tone Noise Reduction by Flow-Induced Unsteady Blade Forces
Fig. 24 ANC: Gain and loss of the modal sound power level of the upstream propagating acoustic mode m = +6 at 2BPF, m = −10 at 3BPF and the sum of m = +6 and m = −10 over a variation of the azimuthal injection position
3BPF may be caused by a jet position that is too close to the trailing edge of the rotor blades.
5 Conclusion The investigation has demonstrated that flow control concepts on turbomachinery components can be investigated by numerical methods based on URANS simulations. It can be concluded that the sound field upstream of the fan rotor of a large modern UHBR turbofan can be changed substantially by the influence of radial jets emanating from nozzles positioned downstream of the rotor. This is mainly the result of a changed pressure distribution on the surface of the rotor blades. A small reduction of the overall sound power was achieved in a first optimization attempt, by varying the azimuthal jet location relative to the stator vane. It is very likely that an optimization with respect to the axial position, nozzle diameter, and mass-flow rate of the jet will yield a substantial reduction of the primary noise field from the rotor-stator interaction. This optimization is currently under way and shall yield a proposal for the manufacture of the hardware needed for the experimental validation of the concept, which will be carried out in an accompanying experimental project. One problem of this active noise control method is that the optimum position of the ANC jets depends on the radial mode number. A possible benefit depends on the condition that one radial mode dominates the sound radiation, which is actually the case in the current investigation. The optimum position will likely also be different for the upstream and downstream radiation direction. The mass flow rate required for the ANC of this first attempt is less than one percent of the total flow. Such mass flows are available during the landing approach of an aircraft due to the requirement of bleeding off air from the compressor for its stable operation at part load.
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Acknowledgements. The work was supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG) in the context of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 557 “Control of complex turbulent shear flows”. The simulations were performed on a SGI Altix ICE 8200 Plus series supercomputer at the North German Cooperation for High-Performance Computing (HLRN).
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Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade Martin Hecklau, Vincent Zander, Inken Peltzer, Wolfgang Nitsche, Andr´e Huppertz, and Marius Swoboda
Abstract. This paper describes the impact of active separation control by means of pulsed blowing in a highly loaded compressor cascade. Experimental investigations with AFC were undertaken in order to increase the performance of the stator cascade. Two different concepts of actuation were tried. At first, pulsed blowing out of the casing was used to reduce the secondary flow structures. Secondly, the flow was excited with actuators mounted on the blade’s suction side, suppressing the pressureinduced flow separation. In a final step, both actuator concepts were combined with selected excitation amplitudes and frequencies. These demonstrations show that the gain achieved in both actuator concepts can be combined, using certain excitation parameters and no interaction with negative effects occur.
1 Introduction Active flow control (AFC) concepts are important for an increasing number of aerodynamic applications. Therefore, some key-configurations in external and internal aerodynamics became the subject of the Collaborative Research Centre 557 at TU Berlin. It has been well demonstrated that pulsed blowing is an effective method of AFC, delaying boundary layer separation. Out of these fundamental configurations, AFC concepts were transferred to a highly loaded compressor cascade. In cooperation with Rolls-Royce Deutschland, the TFB-RR was founded at TU Berlin. This paper summarizes and discusses the transferability of actuator concepts and the main experimental results of this project. Martin Hecklau · Vincent Zander · Inken Peltzer · Wolfgang Nitsche Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Institut f¨ur Luft- und Raumfahrt Marchstraße 12, 10587 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Andr´e Huppertz · Marius Swoboda Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG Eschenweg 11, 15827 Dahlewitz, Germany R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 171–186. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
M. Hecklau et al.
A compressor cascade with aerodynamic highly loaded compressor blades was used for the present investigations. Interferences between the boundary layer of the sidewalls and the blades, as well as the low aspect ratio of the stator blades cause strong secondary flow structures [1]. Regions of three-dimensional separation on the suction surface and the end-walls contribute greatly to a blockage of the passage and limit the static pressure rise [2]. By suppressing flow separation and secondary flow structures on the suction surface of the stator blades by means of periodic excitation, the passage flow can withstand a more adverse pressure gradient. Thus the pressure ratio can be increased for the single compressor stage. By reaching the same overall pressure ratio of the compressor, the number of stages of axial compressors can be reduced. This leads to a reduction in weight and size of the compressor, which could be one way to decrease manufacturing and operational costs of axial turbomachinery in the future [3]. An outline of possible flow control opportunities in turbomachinery is given by Lord et al. [4]. In the past, some of these AFC methods have been investigated in axial compressors with the focus on rotor instabilities and boundary layer separation on the rotor blades [5]. Passive and active flow control applications, with the focus on boundary layer separation and secondary flow structures were tested in several ways, mostly on linear stator cascades [6, 7]. Experimental and numerical investigations of steady state methods for controlling strong secondary flow structures, as well as boundary layer separation were presented by Nerger [8]. The pressure rise across the stator passage was significantly increased and the total pressure loss reduced. In order to achieve this, a mass flow of up to 3% of the passage flow was required. With periodical addition of momentum the cost could be decreased by an order of magnitude compared to steady blowing [9]. For the project presented, actuator concepts with periodic excitation were adapted from external aerodynamic applications, e.g. [10], to the complex inner flow of the stator cascade. One of the foci was on the reduction in the required mass flow, to bring it to a more industrial application. Two different concepts of actuators were used. At first, pulsed blowing out of the sidewalls was employed to reduce the secondary flow structures [11, 12]. Secondly, the flow was excited with actuators mounted on the suction side. In a final step, both actuator concepts were operated simultaneously with selected amplitudes and frequencies.
2 Experimental Set-Up The experimental investigations were performed on a stator compressor cascade in a low-speed cascade test rig. Rolls-Royce Deutschland as the industrial partner provided the cascade and stator blade geometry. As shown in Fig. 1, the cascade consists of seven blades. The blade carriers are mounted on rotatable disks, which enables a continuous change of the inflow angle in a range of β1 = ±5◦ . Depending on the inflow angle, the vertical height of the test section can be changed by adjustable end-walls at the top and bottom. For the design point of β1 = 60◦ the test section dimension of the inlet are 525 mm by 300 mm. A homogeneous cascade inlet
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade a)
b) Adjustable Wall
Boundary Layer Suction L
Measurement Blade Tailboard u1
β1 Static Pressure Taps
Inflow Angle Adjustment
s L/3 Static Pressure Taps
Fig. 1 (a) Cascade test rig (b) Stator blade geometry Table 1 Stator blade geometry data Parameter
Chord length Total length of suction side Blade pitch Blade height Inflow angle Stagger angle Turning De Haller number (u2 /u1 )
L S τ h β1 γ Δβ DH
375 mm 420 mm 150 mm 300 mm 60◦ 20◦ 60◦ 0.5
flow is achieved by two additional tailboards and boundary layer suction at the end of the horizontal end-walls. At each sidewall 14 static pressure tabs are installed for monitoring the inlet flow uniformity. In order to obtain a sufficient thickness of the blade for the integration of active flow control devices inside the blade, the geometry of the cascade is scaled up to a blade height of h = 300 mm. Table 1 summarizes the cascade geometry used in the present study. The cascade test rig is operated in an open wind tunnel. The design inlet flow speed of u1 = 34 m/s is used for this investigation. Controlling the air temperature (T1 = 294 K) at the inlet of the test section, the corresponding Mach number for the design case is Ma = 0.1. Based on the blade chord length, the Reynolds number is ReL = 8.4 · 105. For the following definitions, the subscript “1” indicates the inlet plane and subscript “2” the outlet plane of the cascade.
2.1 Actuator Concepts Sidewall Actuator As shown in Fig. 2(a), pulsed blowing of compressed air out of the cascade sidewalls is used to control the dominant secondary flow structures. Therefore, the air is blown through rectangular slots. The slot in the experiment has a height of 20 mm and a
M. Hecklau et al.
Pulsed Wall Jet
St ato
Excitation Slots
Sidewall Actuator
(a) Sideview of the stator cascade with both actuator concepts
(b) Excitation Slots integrated into the stator blade
Fig. 2 Actuator Concepts: Sidewall Actuator (SW) and Blade Actuator (BA)
width of 0.4 mm. In numerical investigations [13, 14] several parameters for steady blowing have been studied, such as the injection angle, the injection mass flow and the actuator position. In the experiment the injection angle to the sidewall in the main flow direction is mounted at ϕ =15◦ and the actuator is located at 10% of the blade’s chord length. For symmetrical flow conditions during actuation, all passages of the cascade are equipped with actuators on both sidewalls. Blade Actuator The flow separation in the rear part of the blade is suppressed by actuators installed inside each of the stator blades. The actuator system consists of three slot-segments, which can be operated individually (Figure 2(b)). Between the segments the distance is kept as small as possible, resulting in a separation of 2 mm. The slots are orientated in spanwise direction with a geometry of 50 mm in length and 0.4 mm in width. The wall jet has an angle of 45◦ to the local blade surface. The actuator block with its three slot segments is produced by rapid prototyping. This method enables the design of complex and three-dimensional constructions without the limitation of conventional manufacturing techniques. Due to the shape of the actuator cavity, an almost uniform velocity distribution in spanwise direction was reached. Fast switching valves are used for pulsing the compressed air in both actuator concepts by varying the frequency, the duty cycle and the amplitude. They are positioned directly at the actuator chamber, thus reducing the pressure loss of long pressure lines.
2.2 Measurement Systems A mixture of coloured dye, linseed oil and petroleum on the suction side of the stator blade is used for visualization. The oil flow visualization is a well-suited method for qualitative flow analysis and gives information on the three-dimensional flow structures affecting the model’s surface. These visualizations are used to prove the
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade Fig. 3 Wake flow (left) and PIV measurement plane (right)
Wake Measurement Plane
PIV Measurement Plane
Plane Y
Field of View
Wall Jet
β1 u1
u1 β1
flow symmetry in the cascade and provided useful information on the separated flow on the suction surface. The profile pressure distribution measurement is performed with fast responding miniature pressure sensors directly below the blade’s surface. 44 pressure taps are installed along the profile, 27 taps placed on the suction side and 17 on the pressure side of the blade. A traversable 5-hole probe is used for wake flow measurements at the cascade outlet (cf. Fig. 3-left). These data reveal the cascade characteristics, such as total pressure loss and static pressure rise. Also, a time resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system is used in a standard 2C-setup (two-component) for measurements at midspan of the stator blade suction surface and in a 3C-set-up (stereoscopic) for measurements of the secondary flow structures. A more detailed description of the measurement techniques used during this project can be found in previous publications [11, 12, 15]. Two measurement positions for the wake flow plane and PIV, used in this report, are shown in Fig. 3. The wake flow measurement plane is L/3 behind the trailing edge of the stator blades. The field of view for the PIV measurement presented is in the region of the blade actuator. For a better interpretation, the PIV results are rotated as shown in Fig. 3 (right).
3 Results 3.1 Base Flow The high turning of the stator blade in combination with a very low De Haller number and a small blade aspect ratio causes a complex flow structure in the cascade passage. To inspect these complex flow structures, qualitative and quantitative measurement techniques are employed. Figure 4(a) shows a combination of PIV measurements and an oil flow visualization. The oil flow visualization provides an actual analysis of the three-dimensional flow structures affecting the suction surface of the stator blade. Beginning at the leading edge, laminar flow can be observed, followed by a laminar separation bubble (LSB). The LSB results in a turbulent reattachment of the passage flow. A well-defined three-dimensional separation line starts at the position of the suction peak. It is caused by secondary flow structures, which
M. Hecklau et al.
80% 70% 60% x/L=50%
90% 100% X Y Z
1 0.9
uabs / uinf [-]
Y [mm]
Laminar separation bubble
ne Cor
rtex r vo
0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
75% s/S max
0.2 0.1
X [mm]
(a) Laminar separation bubble and secondary (b) Pressure-induced flow structures on the suction surface midspan of the blade
Fig. 4 PIV measurements and oil flow visualization of the dominant flow features in the passage flow field
constrict the passage flow downstream. The corner vortices, as part of the secondary flow in the passage flow field, are located at the intersection of the blade and the sidewall. The spatial expansion of the corner vortex in pitchwise direction is clearly visible in the velocity field of the PIV measurements. The corner vortex is shown in cross planes at different blade chord positions. A region of recirculation is indicated by the accumulation of oil paint between the separation line and the corner vortex. Figure 4(b) illustrates the pressure-induced boundary layer separation, observed by PIV measurements at midspan of the stator blade. The region of this flow separation is well defined between 70% and 75% of the blade chord length. The pressure distribution is an essential method to estimate the aerodynamic performance of the stator blade profile. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the pressure coefficient cp for the base flow (•) at midspan. Typically for a controlled diffusion airfoil, the suction peak is followed by a separation bubble with laminar-turbulent transition. Due to the displacement height of the LSB, it is indicated as a plateau in the pressure distribution. In addition to pressure measurements of the LSB, investigations by means of PIV were carried out for the purpose of analysing the LSB geometry in pitchwise direction and for comparison with numerical results [15]. The turbulent reattachment is indicated by an increasing pressure gradient and high pressure fluctuation. Due to the diffusion of the stator passage, the pressure rises in downstream direction. The turbulent boundary layer runs against the positive pressure gradient, which results in a pressure-induced boundary layer separation, as mentioned above. The diffusion of the stator passage is limited by this flow separation and secondary flow structures, resulting in a reduced static pressure rise and increased total pressure loss. The pressure distribution along the blade height was observed using a traversable stator blade, equipped with static pressure taps. This method is well described by
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade Fig. 5 Pressure distribution at midspan for different flow/actuator conditions
Base Flow Sidewall Actuator Sidewall + Blade Actuator
cp [-]
-0.2 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0
chord [%]
Zander et al. [11]. In comparison with the oil flow visualization, the reconstructed pressure fluctuations on the blade surface are a well-suited parameter to describe the flow structures of the blade. Wake flow measurements are used to determine the cascade characteristics, such as the total pressure loss ζq1 = (pt1 − pt2 )/q1 and the rise in static pressure Δ p/q1 = (p2 − p1 )/q1 , both normalized with the inlet dynamic pressure q1 . Figure 6 shows the wake flow at L/3 behind the cascade outlet plane (cf. Fig. 3). In diagram 6(a) the total pressure loss is colour coded and the velocity in the yzplane is indicated by vectors. Initially, the symmetry of the wake flow field is clearly visible. The pitchwise pressure gradient in the cascade passage between the pressure and suction side of the blade causes the secondary flow. The resulting vortex structures of two counter-rotating vortices can be clearly identified in the wake plane by the velocity vectors. Also a high velocity component in z-direction along the trailing edge can be observed, caused by a decreased turning of the stator blade. This deficit in turning is largely due to the separated flow on the surface of the suction side. The secondary flow structures coincide with high total pressure losses. In the region of the corner vortex and the separated flow, peak values of the total pressure loss occur. About half of the passage flow field is blocked by these adverse flow structures. The pitchwise average of the total pressure loss and the rise in static pressure along the blade height is depicted in diagram 6(b). The rise in static pressure Δ p/q1 is area-averaged and the total pressure losses ζq1 are mass-averaged [16, 17]. Averaging the entire wake plane results in a total pressure loss of ζq1 = 0.106 and a rise in static pressure of Δ p/q1 = 0.565. These averaged values also correspond with the numerical simulations, performed by our project partner [14]. As already mentioned above, the highest pressure losses occur in the region of the corner vortices, indicated by (A) in Fig. 6(b). The effect of the sidewall boundary layer can be observed in region (B), by an increasing pressure loss directly at the sidewall. In the region of the cascade centreline (C), the pressure losses reach their lowest values, affected mainly by the flow separation on the suction side surface. The rise in static pressure varies along the blade height. The reduced rise in pressure in the centre of the stator blade is caused by a decreased turning of the flow. Also, the blockage of the secondary flow structures precludes a better rise in pressure.
M. Hecklau et al.
50 50
blade height [%]
Total Pressure Loss [-] Static Pressure Rise [-]
0.6 0.05
Static Pressure Rise [-]
Pressure Side Suction Side
Total Pressure Loss [-]
pitch [%]
pitchwise average
0.42 0.38 0.34 0.3 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.1 0.06 0.02
Total Pressure Loss [-]
0.2 -50
0.55 0 -50
blade height [%]
(a) Total pressure loss behind one cascade (b) Pitchwise average of the total pressure passage loss and the rise in static pressure Fig. 6 Wake flow measurements L/3 behind outlet plane of the cascade
The cascade characteristics for partly loaded and overloaded flow conditions are summarized by Zander et al. [11]. The inflow angle of the cascade was varied between β1 = 56◦ − 64◦. It is evident that the total pressure loss increases with an inflow angle of β1 > 60◦ and the highest rise in pressure was reached at the design inflow angle of β1 = 60◦ .
3.2 Excited Flow: Sidewall Actuator The secondary flow structures can be controlled by pulsed blowing out of the sidewalls. Therefore, an actuator system, as described in Sect. 2.1, was employed. In order to control the mass flow of each actuator separately, it is equipped with a pressure transducer at the actuator chamber. The calibration of each actuator was achieved by creating a look-up table with the mass flow used and the corresponding pressure inside the actuator chamber for different excitation parameters. The actuator performance was tested by hot-wire measurements of the jet velocity along the actuator slot. The tests were carried out for different amplitudes and frequencies. In Fig. 7 on the left-hand side, the velocity distribution along the slot length is plotted for different pressure supplies. The velocity differs by less than 10% from the mean value. The jet amplitude is in direct correlation to the pressure supply. Because of the small geometrical blowing angle of 15◦ , the jet is attached to the wall. The hot-wire signal is plotted on the right-hand side in Fig. 7. The measured velocity depends on the trigger signal of the fast switching valves. The excitation frequency stays constant at f = 50 Hz for all three amplitudes. The response of the jet to the trigger signal is quite good. The jet velocity has a steep rising and falling edge. The response time can be calculated to 2 ms from the phase shift between the trigger and the hot-wire signal. Depending on the pressure supply, the jet velocity increases during the blowing period, until it breaks down because of the closing valve. The effect of the sidewall actuators on the secondary flow structures has already been discussed in [12, 15]. The blockage of the passage flow is reduced by repositioning the corner vortex towards the sidewall. At low forcing frequencies this causes a very unsteady behaviour of the passage flow. Using higher frequencies, the
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade
trigger signal
jet velocity [m/s]
jet velocity [m/s]
Pressure: 3bar Pressure: 2bar Pressure: 1bar
actuator length [mm]
60 2bar
40 1bar
excitation period [1]
Fig. 7 Sidewall actuator – left: velocity distribution along the slot length (20 mm) for three different pressure supplies, right: hot-wire signal of jet velocity averaged along the slot ( f = 50 Hz)
corner vortex position is more stationary. The reduced blockage of the passage flow field can be observed from the pressure rise at the trailing edge (cf. Fig. 5). In Fig. 8 this pressure rise Δ cp,TE is plotted against the momentum coefficient for different excitation frequencies of the sidewall actuator. With the momentum coefficient cμ the momentum of the actuator is in relation to the momentum of the passage flow field. It represents the amplitude of the actuator with the injected mass flow ma , the mean actuator jet velocity ujet , the dynamic pressure at the cascade inlet q1 and the area of the cascade inlet plane F1 : cμ =
m˙ a · u jet q1 · F1
For comparison, the pressure rise for steady blowing is also shown in this plot. Using low frequencies, the best gain in Δ cp,TE can be reached at low amplitudes (cμ < 0.003). For higher amplitudes, at low frequencies, the mean rise in pressure stagnates on a constant level. Only at higher frequencies ( f > 100 Hz) a rise in 0.035 Δ cp for stat. blowing
Fig. 8 Sidewall actuator: Rise in pressure at midspan of the trailing edge depending on the amplitude for different frequencies and a fixed duty cycle of DC = 50%
Δ cp for f=150Hz
0.02 0.015 DC:050% f: 40Hz DC:050% f: 80Hz DC:050% f:120Hz DC:050% f:150Hz DC:050% f:200Hz steady blowing
0.01 0.005 0 0
0.006 c [−] μ
M. Hecklau et al.
0 -50
2 actuator segment 0 50
actuator length [mm]
60 25Hz
25Hz 80Hz 150Hz
trigger signal
jet velocity [m/s]
jet velocity [m/s]
3 100
excitation period [1]
Fig. 9 Blade actuator – left: Velocity distribution along all three actuator segments ( f = 80 Hz and pressure supply 2 bar) right: hot-wire signal of the jet velocity, averaged along the slot for three different excitation frequencies (pressure supply 2 bar)
pressure can be reached with increased amplitudes. Up to a momentum coefficient of cμ < 0.006 (mass flow ratio ma /mp < 0.15%) and forcing frequencies of f > 100 Hz, a higher gain in the rise in pressure at the trailing edge can be reached by pulsed blowing, than with steady actuation. Compared to steady blowing, the injected mass can be significantly reduced by pulsed excitation while the same rise in pressure is achieved.
3.3 Excited Flow: Blade Actuator With the actuator system, integrated into the stator blade, the pressure-induced flow separation is delayed. The actuator orifice is positioned at the separation line, i.e. at 70% of the blade’s chord length. It is divided into three segments, as already described in Sect. 2.1. The design of the actuator is aimed at achieving a uniform velocity distribution along the slot. The jet velocity of all three actuator segments is plotted on the left-hand side of Fig. 9. All three actuator segments have the same exit velocity profile. In the middle of each segment there is a velocity peak, caused by the connected plumbing at the segment’s centre line. This high divergence of about 25% along the slot, can be reduced by further improvements of the actuator design. Between the segments, the wall jets are clearly separated. The hot-wire signal is plotted for different excitation frequencies and a constant pressure supply on the right-hand side of Fig. 9. The velocity response of the jet to the trigger signal is best for low frequencies. Increasing the forcing frequency, the rising edge of the velocity signal is always quite steep, but the falling edge becomes more slanted. The phase shift between the rising edge of the trigger and the velocity signal stays constant at 1.6 ms, irrespective of the forcing frequency. At the initial start-up of the jet, an overshoot can be observed, which rises with increased frequency. This overshoot is followed by an almost constant blowing out of the actuator orifice.
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade
y [mm]
y [mm]
y [mm]
t = - 0.0012s
(a) 0
x [mm]
Actuator t = 0.00005s
x [mm]
t = 0.0013s
x [mm]
0.4 0 -0.4 -0.8
Actuator -10
y [mm]
y [mm]
y [mm]
-1.6 10
t = 0.00255s 0
(d) 10
x [mm]
t = 0.00505s
(e) 0
x [mm]
t = 0.00755s
(f) 0
x [mm]
Fig. 10 Phase-averaged PIV measurement of the blade actuator excitation cycle
The forcing mechanism of the actuator with cross flow is illustrated by PIV measurements, as presented in Fig. 10. Six time steps of the phase-averaged velocity field are shown in the region of the excitation slot at midspan of the stator blade (cf. Fig. 3). The excitation frequency was kept constant at f = 80 Hz and the actuator cycle is divided into 10 time steps (tstep = 1.25 · 10−3 s). The spatial mean velocity is subtracted from the vector field (u − u¯ ) for a better identification of the flow structures. Vortices are emphasized by the vorticity and plotted with colour codes. For clarity every second velocity vector is shown and streamlines are indicated. During the blowing pause, a dominant clockwise rotating flow structure develops (cf. Fig. 10(a)). It indicates the beginning of a boundary layer detachment in this near-wall region. At the start-up of the jet, an initial vortex is formed (b). This counter-clockwise rotating vortex moves downstream with the actuator jet (c–d) and deforms the existing dominant structures. This counter-rotating vortex, causes high momentum fluid to move to the blade surface. Finally the jet is attached to the wall and the complete rotating direction changes (e) compared to case (a). Along the whole region, the main flow is directed to the wall, resulting in a completely attached boundary layer. Shortly after the jet stops, the counter-clockwise rotating structure rolls up and moves downstream (f). The flow structure then switches back to case (a) and the actuator cycle starts again. The time-averaged velocity profiles of the base flow and the forced flow are compared in Fig. 11. It can be clearly seen, that the boundary layer is attached, using active flow control (cf. Fig. 11(b)). This clarifies that the unsteady forcing mechanism results in a time-averaged attached flow field. In the forced case, the actuator jet causes a turning point of the velocity profile close to the wall.
M. Hecklau et al.
y [mm]
y [mm]
0 −10
10 L [mm]
0 −10
(a) Base flow with boundary layer separation
10 L [mm]
(b) Forced flow with the blade actuator running at 80 Hz and DC=50%
Fig. 11 Velocity profiles obtained by PIV measurements and transferred to a plane (actuator position: L = 0 mm)
The rise in pressure at the trailing edge is plotted for different frequencies in Fig. 12, using the centre and outer segments of the blade actuator. By activating the centre actuator segment (BA2, cf. Fig. 2), the pressure-induced flow separation at the centreline of the stator blade is forced to reattach. The sensitivity of the reattachment process to a certain forcing frequency using the centre slot (BA2), becomes apparent as the highest rise in pressure is obtained by f = 40 Hz at low amplitudes. Since only one segment is active, a maximum amplitude of cμ = 0.006 (ma /mp = 0.16%) can be reached. Activating the outer slots only (BA13), results in an increased amplitude, since the mass flow is doubled. The actuator segments at the outer position affect the separated flow in a region of highly three-dimensional flow structures on the suction surface of the blade. This forcing mechanism and interaction with the corner vortices will have to be identified in further PIV investigations. With the outer segments a rise in pressure of up to Δ cp,TE = 0.075 can be reached by using high amplitudes of up to cμ = 0.012 (ma /mp = 0.34%). Compared to the case of steady blowing, pulsed forcing leads to a significant gain in the rise in pressure, using the centre and outer segments, respectively.
Fig. 12 Blade actuator: Rise in pressure at midspan of the trailing edge for different frequencies and a fixed duty cycle of DC=50% (outer segments (no. 1&3) are indicated by BA13 and the centre segment (no. 2) by BA2)
0.04 BA13 f: 40Hz BA13 f:100Hz BA13 steady blowing BA2 f: 40Hz BA2 f:100Hz BA2 steady blowing
0 0
0.01 c [−] μ
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade
3.4 Excited Flow: Combination of Both Actuator Concepts Using both actuator concepts in combination, the secondary flow structures and the pressure-induced boundary layer separation can be suppressed selectively. This results in a maximized rise in pressure at the trailing edge of up to Δ cp,TE = 0.1, which is illustrated in the pressure distribution in Fig. 5. Figure 13 shows the pressure at the trailing edge for three different cases of excitation: Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Pulsed and steady blowing out of the three segments (BA123) of the blade actuator. Pulsed blowing out of the sidewalls at a forcing frequency of f = 150 Hz and an amplitude of cμ = 0.0052, added to case 1. Steady blowing out of the sidewalls with an amplitude of cμ = 0.0093, added to case 1.
In case 1, using all three blade actuator segments, the pressure at the trailing edge rises with increasing amplitude. As described above, the rise in pressure achieved by steady blowing is significantly lower compared to pulsed excitation. Adding the sidewall actuator (case 2), the rise in pressure increases. The whole distribution of Δ cp,TE is parallel translated to higher rises in pressure. The gain achieved by adding the sidewall actuation is nearly independent of the amplitude at about Δ cp,TE = 0.03. Comparing the rise in pressure using the sidewall actuator in single operation with the parameter of case 2 (cf. Fig. 8), only a Δ cp,TE = 0.025 can be reached. This shows that the rise in pressure of both concepts does not simply add up, but that a certain gain can be reached due to the interaction of both excitation mechanisms. This tendency was confirmed by raising the amplitude and using steady blowing (case 3). Here, a rise in pressure of Δ cp,TE = 0.042 faces a value of 0.032 when running the sidewall actuator in single operation. For steady blowing the distribution of the rise in pressure is negligible, but the gain in using both concepts becomes evident. Using active flow control methods on a stator cascade, the losses of the total pressure should be reduced and the rise in pressure should be increased. As described in Sect. 3.1, this can be achieved by obtaining these parameters in 5-hole probe 0.1
Fig. 13 Rise in pressure at midspan of the trailing edge with both actuator concepts in combination (sidewall actuator: SW, blade actuator: BA), using different excitation parameters
0.04 Case 3 with BA: 40Hz Case 3 with BA:steady Case 2 with BA: 40Hz Case 2 with BA:steady Case 1 with BA: 40Hz Case 1 with BA:steady
0 0
0.01 c [−] of BA μ
Total Pressure Loss: SW steady blowing Total Pressure Loss: SW 150Hz Pressure Rise: SW steady blowing Pressure Rise: SW 150Hz
Gain of Pressure Rise [%]
Fig. 14 Reduction in total pressure loss and gain in rise in pressure of both actuator concepts in combination (based on base flow conditions: total pressure loss ζ = 0.106 and total rise in pressure δ = 0.564)
M. Hecklau et al.
Reduction of Total Pressure Loss [%]
Frequency of Blade Actuator [Hz]
measurements (cf. Fig. 3). Because of the additional injected mass through the actuators into the passage flow, the total pressure loss has to be corrected. Therefore, the correction method described by Hartsel [18] was used. The results of both actuator concepts used in combination are shown in Fig. 14 for selected actuator parameters. Here the amplitude of the sidewall actuator was held constant at cμ = 0.006. The amplitude of the blade actuator was at cμ = 0.0085 and the data points are plotted against its excitation frequency. Steady blowing out of the blade actuators is indicated with a frequency of f = 0 Hz. In this actuator mode in combination with steady blowing out of the sidewalls (◦), a reduction in the pressure loss of 8% and a gain in the rise in pressure of 5% can be reached. A dramatic increase in losses was observed by switching the sidewall actuator mode to pulsed blowing () in combination with the steady state mode of the blade actuators ( f = 0 Hz). Using pulsed blowing at the blade actuator, the reduction in the pressure loss is lower, but the rise in pressure is increased by up to 8%. For this case, the gain is nearly independent of the blowing mode of the sidewall actuator. The best reduction in losses, i.e. up to 13% (), can be obtained with the combination of fSW = 150 Hz and fBA = 120 Hz. Here the total pressure loss depends on the actuation mode at the sidewall. The gain in rise in pressure (blue symbols) is more or less constant at about 8%.
4 Conclusion and Outlook Within the TFB-RR project state of the art actuator systems were transferred from the Collaborative Research Centre 557 to a highly loaded compressor cascade. Due to the overcritical turning of the stator blades, a complex and highly threedimensional passage flow field developed. Two actuator concepts were adapted and used in order to reduce the secondary flow structures and to suppress the pressureinduced flow separation. Pulsed excitation of compressed air out of the actuator orifices was used in both concepts. With the sidewall actuators the secondary flow was
Experimental AFC Approaches on a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade
successfully reduced, resulting in a decreased total pressure loss. Increasing the rise in static pressure of the stator cascade, two different actuator effects were utilized. The blockage of the passage flow was reduced by repositioning the corner vortex towards the sidewall, using the sidewall actuator. By suppressing the pressure-induced boundary layer separation with the blade actuator, the turning was increased, which resulted in a rise in static pressure. Combining both actuator concepts and choosing suitable actuator parameters, a rise in pressure of 8–9% and a reduction in pressure losses of up to 13% was reached. The required mass flow for both actuator concepts in this combination was about ma /mp = 0.5% of the passage mass flow. Compared to steady state blowing a distinct increase in the cascade performance was reached by pulsed excitation. Finding the best combination of the actuator parameters of both actuator concepts, AFC with a MIMO controller will be implemented by our project partner at the Chair of Measurement and Control at TU Berlin [19]. Transferring these actuator concepts to industrial turbomachinery, different aspects have to be taken into account. Possible areas of application in an aircraft engine could be the struts and end-walls of the fan or the stator blades and end-walls in the high-pressure compressor (HPC). In addition to the increase in the rise of the static pressure of a single stage, pulsed actuation can be used for controlled loadcycle changes, e.g. start or reverse thrust. The limit of 1% bleed air during critical operation states was maintained for all actuator parameters tested. All investigations during this project were undertaken at low speed (Ma = 0.1). A further step, i.e. transferring these AFC concepts to aero engines, will be taken in an additional project within the TFB-RR at more realistic Mach numbers of up to Ma = 0.8. Here the focus will be on the sensitivity of the excitation amplitude and frequency to the Mach number. Also the actuator concepts have to be scaled down to a more realistic geometry. If the results obtained from the project presented can be successfully confirmed at high Mach numbers, these AFC concepts will come closer to a higher level of availability for use in turbomachinery. Acknowledgements. The results presented were achieved in cooperation with Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG as part of the Collaborative Research Center 557, Control of turbulent shear flows, at TU Berlin. The project is funded by the DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). The close cooperation with our numerical partner, C. Gmelin, as well as with our partner in control technology, O. Wiederhold, is gratefully acknowledged.
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Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations Olaf Wiederhold, Rudibert King, and Bernd R. Noack*
Abstract. An experimental study of two different robust control approaches, namely H∞- and an improved slope-seeking control is presented. The H∞-control is used within an axial turbomachine and a highly loaded compressor cascade. The flow field within both configurations can be stabilized whereby the pressure at the trailing edge of the compressor cascade can be controlled to prespecified values and disturbances are suppressed. Within the axial turbomachine stall can be prevented. The applied robust controller is capable of effectively rejecting large ambient disturbances while driving the plant to different operating points at the same time. By this, the usable aerodynamic range can be extended, concomitantly with an increase of performance. In both configurations, a higher pressure increase is attained by this closed-loop active flow control. Moreover, the H∞-controller is compared for the axial fan case to an improved version of an adaptive controller, a so called slope-seeking controller exploiting an extended Kalman filter for accelerated estimation of a gradient.
1 Introduction Active flow control within turbomachine technology has proven its significance by satisfying continuously rising standards. An intelligent combustion control [1] to burn fuel as efficiently as possible is highly desirable and noise is significantly reducible, see [2, 3, 4]. The efficiency of a turbomachine is particularly limited by the occurrence of instabilities like stall and surge [5] and, therefore, the engines often have to be run far away from their optimal operating point. In order to face this major problem, a lot of work has been done in this respect, see e.g. [6, 7, 8]. The optimization potential seems significant in turbomachinery technology as analyzed by Lord et al. [9]. The investigated systems (engines) reach from gas turbines [9], helicopter engines [3], multiple [10] and single stage compressors [11] to commercial Olaf Wiederhold . Rudibert King Chair of Measurement and Control, Berlin Institute of Technology, Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] *
Bernd R. Noack Institut Pprime, CNRS - Université de Poitiers – ENSMA, UPR 3346, Département Fluides, Thermique, Combustion, CEAT, Poitiers, France e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 187–201. springerlink.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
O. Wiederhold, R. King, and B.R. Noack
high-speed compressors [12]. Different actuator concepts are proposed as well, comprising classical bleed valves [8, 10], variable inlet guide vanes [13], steady and pulsating blowing jets [14] to movable magnetic bearings of the rotor shaft [15]. While the majority of research so far is done on rotating systems, thereby considering the overall behaviour, approaches focusing on the individual control of flow separation at the stator vanes are rather rare. Zander et al. [16] and Hecklau et al. [17] use steady respectively pulsating jets while Braunscheidel et al. [18] apply synthetic jets to influence dominating secondary flow field structures at the stator vanes to avoid separation. Culley et al. [14] are able to increase the blade stagger angle by 3° with active flow control. Bright et al. [6] analyse separation detection methods and propose a proportional control algorithm to mitigate stall. In this context, it has to be pointed out that closed-loop control has the major advantage to react upon sudden changes in the operating conditions and compensate for unexpected disturbances immediately, in contrast to open-loop concepts or passive means. One of the first feedback control systems to stabilize instabilities is proposed by Epstein et al. [19]. Prominent linear and nonlinear control approaches based on the Moore-Greitzer model [20] suffer from an appropriate interpretation of the actuation and are usually only applied in simulation studies. As an alternative, adaptive control methods [21, 22, 23] seem beneficial. Especially model-free methods, so called extremum- or slope seekers, are advantageous and are used to reduce noise [2] or to control instabilities [24] within turbomachines. Moreover, methods exist which are capable of accelerating the usually rather slow control performance of such extremum-seeking controllers significantly [25]. With the publication of Zames [26] in 1979 a quite promising control approach, namely H∞-optimization, became a wide field of research and found applications in numerous disciplines. Applications within turbomachines can be found in Nelson et al. [15] or Weigl and Paduano [11]. In this paper, an experimental study of H∞-control is given first with a special focus on a highly loaded compressor cascade. The long-term goal of this project is an increase of the pressure gain within single compressor stages using new blades of an industrial partner. This will only be possible if flow separation can be avoided by the exploitation of active flow control. Meeting this goal, the necessary number of stages in a commercial jet engine could be reduced. The engine could become smaller while providing the same amount of pressure increase. This would be accompanied by a significant improvement of efficiency as a lighter wing supporting the engine could be used as well which decrease fuel consumption even more. As the first experiments using the highly loaded blades are performed in a stationary cascade, the control methods proposed are tested as well in a rotating system, i.e. a low-speed high-pressure axial fan. This system, however, does not exploit the highly loaded blades yet. For reasons of space, the slope-seeking controller is presented and compared only for the axial fan. The manuscript is organized as follows: Sec. 2 summarizes the experimental setup and three different control architectures. As H∞-control is well known and the improved version of the slope-seeking control can be found in literature, Sec. 3 gives only a short introduction of the control methods used. Experimental results are outlined in Sec. 4 followed by a conclusion and an outlook in Sec. 5.
Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
2 Experimental Facilities The control experiments are conducted at two elementary configurations, namely an axial fan and a compressor cascade as indicated in Fig. 1. Detailed information about the test rigs as well as the used actuator and sensor concepts can be found in Hecklau et al. [27] for the compressor cascade and in Neuhaus et al. [28] for the axial fan.
Fig. 1 Schematic view of a compressor cascade and an axial fan composing two simplified configurations representing elementary components of a compressor stage of a turbofan engine. The grey rectangle in the sketch of the compressor cascade depicts one of the used side walls
2.1 Control Setups Three different control architectures are considered. The block diagram in Fig. 2 schematically indicates the control setup at the compressor cascade with disturbances d and controller C(s). The goal is to control the gain of the pressure coeffi, with the measured cient at the trailing edge of a stator cascade blade static pressure value and being the dynamic pressure of the inflow. This is realized by injecting air into the flow with actuators mounted flush to the side walls. The actuator position is 10 % downstream in chord length direction and the injection angle is 15° in main flow direction. Details can be found in [17]. The amount of injected air can be varied by adjusting the duty cycle (dc) of the applied valves from 0-100 % (closed to completely open). The actuation frequency is chosen to be 80 Hz. As the relation between the duty cycle of the valves and the corresponding injected mass flow shows a nonlinear behaviour, a nonlinear precompensation is included into the closed control loop, see Fig. 2 and Fig. 5.
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Fig. 2 Control loop at the compressor cascade with compensation of nonlinear static gain
At the axial fan another control setup is realized as shown in the block diagram in Fig. 3. A nested control loop architecture is chosen in this model-based approach in order to control the pressure coefficient as a measure for the capability of the fan to build up pressure: (1) is determined between the inlet Here the measured total pressure difference and the outlet side of the fan, air density is and blade tip speed . The -value is a function of the operating point which is expressed by the nondimensional flow coefficient (2) with the volumetric flow of the fan
and impeller diameter
Fig. 3 Cascaded control structure at the axial fan
In order to influence the flow field at the tip of the rotor blades, air is injected through 24 nozzles, for details see Neuhaus et al. [28]. The amplitude of actuation is regulated by adapting the pressure level in a pressure distributor which is located in front of the valves to provide air. The actuation frequency is 70 Hz and a fixed duty cycle of 50 % is used. To adjust the desired pressure level a PI-controller is chosen. The control task to suppress disturbances and to folat the axial fan low a desired reference value of the pressure coefficient is realized by a robust controller in the outer loop. This approach
Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
provides a higher bandwidth than the setup in Fig. 2 and avoids a nonlinear precompensation, for which reason it is applied in ongoing research at the compressor cascade as well. Finally, an alternative control architecture is addressed. In an adaptive control, namely slope-seeking control, the pressure coefficient of the axial fan is controlled again. In this case, however, the inner control is not used. Instead, the duty . In slopecycle of the valves is chosen as the control variable, seeking control the reference slope indicates a set-point just in front of an extremum. To speed up the estimation of the gradient a new version of slope-seeking control as proposed by Henning et al. [29] is exploited, see below as well. The block diagram is given in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 Block diagram of a slope seeking controller with an extended Kalman filter (EKF)
The steady-state relations between the chosen input variables and the corresponding plant outputs are shown in Fig. 5, 6 and 7, respectively. is At the compressor cascade the pressure coefficient at the trailing edge controlled by varying the duty cycle of the applied valves, see in Fig. 5. The relaand the plant output at the tion between the control output of the inner loop axial fan is shown in Fig. 6 as a function of the flow coefficient . A movable throttle at the outlet of the fan provides the capability of shifting the operating point and serves as a possibility to bring large amplitude transient disturbances to the system. As the flow coefficient is influenced by the actuation, the values shown in Fig. 6 refer to the unactuated case. All shown operating points are stalled, indicated by values of . Above that level the flow reattaches is necagain. The lower the flow coefficient gets, the more supply pressure essary in order to hold the value of at a constant level. For the experiment done with the slope-seeking controller at the axial fan the control setup still resembled the one at the stator cascade. Therefore, the pressure value is shown over the duty cycle of the applied valves in Fig. 7. The very essence of slope-seeking control is the missing knowledge of such steady-state maps. Therefore, the information
Fig. 5 Steady-state map:
O. Wiederhold, R. King, and B.R. Noack
Fig. 6 Steady-state map:
Fig. 7 Steady-state map:
given in Fig. 7 is just for reference, but unknown to the controller. Likewise, any information about the dependence on the flow coefficient as exemplified in the case of Fig. 6 cannot be exploited in a slope-seeker.
3 Robust H∞- and Slope-Seeking Control Control always has to deal with uncertainties like unknown or immeasurable disturbances affecting the sensors or the plant and the limited information contained in a derived model, which cannot cover the physics of a complex process completely. Additionally, a simple model is often preferred over a complex one in order to avoid an unnecessary complex model-based control law which might result in a high sensitivity of the control performance. Hence, a robust control law is required which guarantees stability under all uncertainties considered. Moreover, if linear models are used for controller synthesis, these are only valid locally at the corresponding operating points of a plant. If different operation points are handled with a fixed control law, it has to be robust. This means that the closed-loop, consisting of the controller and the plant, has to be asymptotically stable for all considered operating points. As a result of this requirement the controller design is rather conservative. Yet, robust performance with respect to setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection is desirable, too. In this contribution two robust controller approaches, namely H∞-control and slope-seeking, are used. H∞-control guarantees stability even for the ´worst´ identified plant model. Performance criteria can be included readily. For the classical slope-seeking control using no plant model at all stability is given for carefully chosen control parameters, see [30]. Performance, however, is not addressed. To improve performance, an ad-hoc extension is proposed in [29]. A rigorous proof of stability of this extension, however, is still an open question. As the controller layout process functions analogously for the compressor cascade it is sketched only once by means of the axial fan in the following.
Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
3.1 H∞-Control of the Axial Fan As the basic approach for H∞-control is very well known, see for example [31], [32], only very few details concerning the axial fan are given here. A family of linear black-box models of first and second order is build up exploiting a sub-space identification method [33] to describe the fan’s behavior in the vicinity of different operating points. A multiplicative uncertainty description is derived and used for the proof of robust stability. The controller design follows the so-called mixed sensitivity approach. Weights WS, WCS and WT are chosen to specify certain demands with respect to performance, magnitude of the plant input and the robustness related to the complementary sensitivity, respectively. The weights chosen are given in Fig. 8, whereas the frequency dependent gains of various open- and closed-loop transfer functions obtained are depicted in Fig. 9. In this single-inputsingle-output (SISO) setup the inverse of the weights can be interpreted as design limits for their respective loop transfer functions. The sensitivity function S indicates a bandwidth of around 1 Hz with only a slight overshoot over a limited frequency region.
Fig. 8 Frequency dependent gains of the weights WS, WCS and WT for the mixedsensitivity controller synthesis
Fig. 9 Gain functions of the synthesized open loop L, H∞-controller C, sensitivity S and complementary sensitivity T
3.2 Accelerated Slope-Seeking Control of the Axial Fan An analysis of the output of a general plant reveals that for a small enough perturbation frequency , see Fig. 4, the output reads (3) with an actual steady-state output , an actual gradient of that steady-state input-output map and a control input u0 necessary to be in a sensitive region of the map. The derivation of eq. (3) can be found in [29]. For the axial fan the plant
O. Wiederhold, R. King, and B.R. Noack
output equals the pressure coefficient, i.e. . In extremum-seeking control, problems are addressed for which the input-output map is completely unknown while the control goal is to bring the process to its (unknown) extremum. To handle plateau-type input-output maps, a slope-seeker drives the process to an operating point where the gradient marks a position just in front of the plateau. In classical extremum- or slope-seeking control a set of high- and low-pass filters are designed to extract the unknown gradient information from the measured output . This process can be significantly accelerated by estimating the gradient with an extended Kalman filter (EKF). To do this, eq. (3) is interpreted as the outequals put equation of a dynamical system for which the second state variable the unknown gradient, i.e. , and comprises the remaining terms. Hence, the output equation can be rewritten as (4) For a small time frame, both ‘states’ will be almost constant. A very simplistic model then reads
To enable Kalman filtering this dynamical model is extended with zero-mean white noise processes (5) telling the EKF that although both states are constants there is a likelihood that they change. An observability analysis of Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) reveals that and cannot be recovered from the measurement . However, when additionally a delayed output measurement is used observability is obtained. For the is set to 0.0625 s. More details can be found in [29]. The axial fan the delay estimate will then be the unknown gradient. The difference of this gradient to a value is finally used as the input of an integral controller which reference modifies a constant offset of the plant input to bring the plant to the desired reference value.
4 Results Fig. 10 shows a SISO closed-loop control experiment at the compressor cascade at a Reynolds number of Re = 840000, obtained with a H∞-controller. All four different values of the reference command are followed within less than 2 s without persisting tracking error or an overshooting response. The main limiter of the bandwidth is an air tank, which is applied to dampen the actuation oscillations in the supply line in order to enable a correct measurement of the injected mass flow of the valves. At t = 24 s the system gets massively disturbed, the value of the
Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
Fig. 10 Closed-loop control experiment at the compressor cascade
Fig. 11 Closed-loop control experiment at the axial fan
pressure suddenly rises over 60 % as denoted by the left black arrow in Fig. 10. The controller immediately reacts by closing the valves until the disturbance is rejected about 1.5 s later. Then, another disturbance is introduced in the opposite direction, the pressure coefficient suddenly drops, denoted by the right black arrow. Again the controller reacts immediately and opens up the valves to suppress the disturbance. The results of a similar experiment at the axial fan can be found in Fig. 11. First, setpoint tracking for low -values is considered. This resembles one possibility of thrust control for fixed . In Fig. 11 the throttle position is chosen to be at . The reference command is indicated with a dashed line. The controller output signal of the inner control loop is normalized by a maximal pressure value of shown in the lower panel of Fig. 11. Higher values of the pressure with corresponding higher injected mass flows seem to have a negative effect on the total pressure loss of the compressor cascade, as numerical investigations indicate, see Gmelin et al. [34]. All given reference values are reached within 1.5 s or less in accordance to the bandwidth given in the design step above. Hardly any overshoots are observable. To reach the level of where the stalled flow reattaches completely about 60 % of the maximal pressure is necessary. At t = 40 s, an interesting flow phenomena is observed. While the , the controller minimizes the applied reference command is set to pressure. Yet the pressure coefficient remains unaffected for about 1.5 s.
O. Wiederhold, R. King, and B.R. Noack
Evidently, the flow is capable of stabilizing itself by a hysteresis effect. Only then the pressure value drops. The controller reacts immediately and corrects this disturbance in less than a second to follow the actual reference command. After this first test, the controller is examined while massive disturbances are imposed on the system. They are realized by moving the throttle and thereby shifting the operating point as quickly as possible with the maximal throttle speed. As a result the value of is changed as indicated in the lowest panel in Fig. 12. With the experiment in Fig. 12 the robustness of the applied control algorithm is evaluated. The upper panel shows the reference command and the system output.
Fig. 12 Closed-loop control experiment at the axial fan with a varying operating point
Three different reference values are given, each lasting for 50 s. The first two of them are within the partially stalled area, the third one yields a complete reat. The reaction of the applied robust controller, tachment of the flow at thus the adjustment of the pressure level , can be seen in the middle panel. The proposed H∞-controller is capable of rejecting the massive disturbances and holding every single desired value of the reference command. About 1.5 s or less is necessary to follow the tracking command, no overshoots are observable. During a period of a constant reference value, the controller reduces the pressure level when the operating point is shifted to higher -values. In contrast, the control algorithm raises the pressure when the throttle is driven to lower values of the flow coefficient to hold the pressure coefficient at the desired level. Stall can be successfully prevented by setting the reference value to to . as it is demonstrated in the period from
Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
Fig. 13 Adaptive controller for active stall avoidance in the axial fan
A similar experiment was conducted with a slope-seeking control in earlier measurements, as mentioned in Sec. 2. It has to be noted that at that time the control setup still resembled the one at the compressor cascade, cf. Fig. 2, i.e. without an inner loop for the control of the supply pressure . In the experiment given in Fig. 13 the operating point is continuously shifted to lower values of the flow coefficient while the pressure coefficient is supposed to remain at a value indicating unstalled behaviour. The reaction of the adaptive controller is to open up the valves in order to provide continuously more injected air and thereby preventing stall. Stall occurs only, when even completely opened valves are no longer capable of holding the flow attached. As a result, it is demonstrated that not only model-based controllers are capable of avoiding stall. The reason for using this adaptive control approach is a practical one. The identification process and the derivation of a controller model might be a very time consuming task. In contrast, an extremum- or slope-seeking control algorithm works for all plants which are characterized by an extremum or plateau-type behaviour in the steady-state input-output map. The fine tuning of this controller is rather easy to handle. For a complex setup like a turbomachine, this is a great advantage.
5 Conclusion and Outlook The work presented here shows an application of H∞-control for a highly loaded compressor cascade as well as for a low-speed high-pressure axial fan. In both configurations, a good tracking performance is achieved while disturbances can be rejected. Flow separation can be mitigated as well for the highly loaded blades opening a route to smaller engines. At the axial fan separation can be avoided in
Fig. 14 Qualitative cp-contribution on the suction side of a stator blade from [35]
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Fig. 15 Pressure difference criterion for a direct detection of the corner vortices
the whole range of elsewise stalled operating points. An alternative quick, adaptive, model-free control method is applied being capable of avoiding stall as well. In ongoing research, the combined control of both occurring separation phenomena, namely the corner vortices and the separation at the trailing edge of the stator blades, is focused. Therefore, additional pressure sensors close to the sidewalls and blade actuators are applied. For details see Hecklau et al. [27]. The combined control of both separation phenomena leads to a more challenging multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) control task. To solve this, at first a suitable, measurable variable has to be found in order to detect the corner vortices separately. In Fig. 14 a qualitative cp-distribution on the suction side of a stator blade is shown for the unactuated case drawn from [36]. Spanwise pressure sensors at 60 % of the chord length, indicated by black arrows, allow to trace the corner vortices directly. The measured pressure difference between the sensor closest to the wall and the inner sensors is unambiguously connected to the occurrence of the corner separation. By the side wall actuators (SW) used in this contribution as well, see [27], the corner vortices get pushed outwards. Thereby the spanwise pressure distribution gets more even and the pressure difference decreases. PIV measurements confirm this, cf. Hecklau et al. [17]. Fig. 15 shows the percentaged decrease of the spanwise pressure , referred to the unactuated case, for the case actuated by the sidedifference wall actuators or by three spanwise slot actuators at 70 % of the chord length at the rear part of the blade (BA2: blade actuator middle, BA13: blade actuators outside, cf. [27]). While the former has a significant impact on the spanwise pressure difference, the latter ones hardly influence it. As a result, a variable is defined for a direct influence and control of the corner vortices. However, the pressure coefficient at the trailing edge , used as the second output, gets influenced by all actuators at the same time. As a result a coupled control task has to be mastered. Acknowledgments. This work is funded by the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG) and by the industrial partner Rolls Royce Deutschland as a part of the transfer project: “DFG-TFB Rolls Royce: Smart Active Control for Turbomachinery Blades”.
Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
We acknowledge M. Hecklau and W. Nitsche from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics as well as L. Neuhaus, W. Neise and L. Enghardt from the German Aerospace Center for providing the test rigs. Moreover we thank C. Gmelin, M. Steger and F. Thiele from the Department of Fluid Dynamics and Aeroacoustics for their numerical support as well as M. Swoboda and A. Huppertz from Rolls Royce Germany for guidance.
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Robust Control in Turbomachinery Configurations
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URANS Simulations of Active Flow Control on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades Christoph Gmelin, Mathias Steger, Erik Wassen, Frank Thiele, Andr´e Huppertz, and Marius Swoboda
Abstract. Active flow control is applied on highly loaded turbomachinery blades in order to delay separation, diminish secondary flow effects, and thus increase their efficiency. The impact is investigated separately in the context of two key configurations, i.e. a compressor cascade and an axial fan. Unsteady Reynolds–Averaged Navier–Stokes simulations are performed to determine beneficial flow control parameters. The results are backed up by autonomous experiments. The work concentrates on the numerical feasibility and the correct prediction of the flow control impact without claiming to present a complete analysis of the complex flow phenomena involved.
1 Introduction For safety and reliability reasons today’s gas turbine engines often have to run far away from their optimal operating point in order to prevent instabilities like stall and surge whose consequences can impair or even destroy the whole engine [1]. Increasing the maximum load per stage whilst maintaining the reliability offers the potential to build jet engines more compact, with reduced weight, and thus more efficient [20]. Flow control has the potential to delay separation, enhance the mixing of fluids, and modify the wake behaviour and has therefore been considered in many studies with respect to increasing the pressure ratio or extending the working range. Christoph Gmelin · Mathias Steger · Erik Wassen · Frank Thiele Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Institut f¨ur Str¨omungsmechanik und Technische Akustik, M¨uller-Breslau-Strasse 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Andr´e Huppertz · Marius Swoboda Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG, Eschenweg 11, 15827 Blankenfelde–Mahlow, Germany e-mail:
[email protected]
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 203–219. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
C. Gmelin et al.
For many years the suppression of boundary layer separation has been attempted by means of passive flow control including blade sweep [3], three–dimensional airfoil designs [18], and vortex generators at the side walls [8]. Recently, active flow control methods are considered in turbomachinery application. An overview of possible flow control opportunities in gas turbine engines is given by Lord et al. [10]. General aspects of active flow control of boundary layer separation are investigated by Wygnanski [21] [22], Greenblatt and Wygnanski [5], and Gad-el-Hak [2]. A numerical investigation of active flow control (AFC) on turbomachinery blades is performed. With respect to active flow control being more efficient if the energy input and the injected momentum are diminished [5] periodic excitation in form of a pulse is investigated. These pulsed jets are characterized by their duty cycle which specifies the fraction of one period that the actuation is active, the frequency of the excitation, and the amplitude of the jet. The results presented are part of the transfer project TFB–RR in cooperation with Rolls–Royce Deutschland within the Collaborative Research Center 557 at the Technische Universit¨at Berlin. The particular project covers active flow control on two key configurations of a jet engine, i.e. a stator in the form of a compressor cascade and a rotor in terms of an axial fan. Having a relatively small pitch to chord ratio, a high turning angle, and a low aspect ratio the compressor cascade is designed to be highly loaded. In case of the axial fan the strong secondary flow results from the heavy loaded operation point being investigated.
2 Compressor Cascade First, the 3D compressor cascade configuration will be presented. The objective is to analyze the effect of active flow control with respect to the efficiency of the cascade. The analysis is performed by means of Reynolds–Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations using the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model (SA model) [17] in combination with fixed transition on the blade surfaces. The geometry of the stator cascade is in accordance with the low speed cascade test section at the Chair of Aerodynamics of the Berlin Institute of Technology [6] [7] [24]. The cascade stagger angle is γ = 20 ◦ . The highly loaded controlled diffusion airfoil (CDA) has a chord length of l = 0.375 m. Due to the relatively small pitch to chord ratio of t/l = 0.4, the high turning angle of up to Δ β = 60 ◦ , and the low aspect ratio of h/l = 0.8, strong secondary flow structures can be expected. An overview of the stator cascade parameters is shown in Fig. 3. Further information can be found in [7]. For the design point of β1 = 60 ◦ , the inflow velocity is V1 = 34 m/s. With a constant total temperature of Tt,1 = 294 K at the inlet, the corresponding chord Reynolds number is Rel = 840, 000 and the resulting inflow Mach number is Ma1 = 0.1. The base flow without AFC is simulated and validated against experimental data. At first, general flow characteristics will be discussed with the help of Fig. 1 showing an oil flow visualization of the base flow provided by the experimental partner [6]. Flow direction is from the left to the right side. The incoming flow undergoes laminar separation. Transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs within the
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
Fig. 1 Flow pattern of the base flow – sketch on oil flow visualization taken from [6]
Fig. 2 Active flow control concepts and sketch of desired effects on the flow pattern
subsequent separation bubble. At the streamwise position of the turbulent reattachment secondary flows caused by the endwalls come into effect. The main flow is narrowed in streamwise direction. Between the secondary and the main flow a 3D separation line is formed ending up at mid span where separation nearly perpendicular to the main flow direction occurs. Analyzing the pattern of the secondary flow leads to two different flow control concepts. One aims to diminish the corner vortices emerging from the endwalls via actuators at the cascade casing. The other is meant to reattach the separation at mid span next to the trailing edge by actuation at the blade suction side. In this paper the attention is turned to the pulsed excitation at the cascade side walls. The aim of flow control is to diminish the secondary flow effects of the cascade. Thereby the blockage of the mean flow shall be reduced. The result is an increase of pressure rise, a decrease of pressure loss and a higher mass flow rate. Figure 2 illustrates these desired effects by showing the oil flow visualization of the base flow superimposed with a schematic draft of the expected flow pattern with AFC.
2.1 Numerical Setup The flow solver used is part of the software package FINE T M Turbo v.8.6 − 1 from NUMECA International. Grid generation is performed with G3DMESH [19] , a tool developed at DLR Cologne. Grid pre–processing as well as local refinements and modifications for nozzle attachments are realized within IGG , a structured grid generator from NUMECA International. Flow Solver. The flow solver EURANUS solves the compressible 3D RANS equations on structured multiblock grids. The discretization in space is based on a second order cell–centered control volume approach with fourth order artificial dissipation. An explicit four–stage Runge–Kutta scheme is used. Time discretization is of second order accurate. For convergence acceleration EURANUS offers a full multigrid algorithm, dual time stepping, and implicit residual smoothing. If transition is taken
Fig. 3 Overview of the stator cascade parameters
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Fig. 4 Block structure of grid showing every second grid cell and nozzle detail showing every grid cell
into account, the flow solver implies the use of the low Reynolds turbulence model of Spalart and Allmaras. Thus a grid with y+ ≈ O(1) for the first grid cells next to the walls is necessary. The position of transition is fixed at both pressure and suction side. For this, the production term of the turbulence model is triggered by an intermittency parameter, which is zero within the laminar and one within the turbulent flow regime. Grid Topology and Quality. According to the flow solver and the applied turbulence model the grids are block–structured (cf. Fig. 4), and approximately 20 grid lines resolve the boundary layer down to the viscous sublayer in the vicinity of the laminar separation bubble. All grids generated provide three full multigrid levels. To ensure sufficient resolution 2.0 million grid cells are used in total. The span is resolved with 97 points. All grid cells have an aspect ratio below 1424 and an expansion ratio below two. The maximum dimensionless wall distance is y+ max = 2.3. Boundary Conditions. Geometry and flow conditions at the inlet plane of simulation and experiment are consistent. The applied velocity ratios Vx,1/|V | and Vy,1/|V | are equivalent to the design inlet angle β1 of the blade. Total conditions are kept constant. The boundary layer of the incoming flow is accounted for by means of a measured spanwise profile of the total pressure pt,1 (z) at a plane corresponding to the inlet of the computational domain. The value of the turbulent viscosity νt,1 = 7.154 · 10−5 m2/s corresponds to an eddy viscosity ratio of 5. The desired inlet flow conditions Ma1 and β1 , given by the experiment, are achieved by variation of the constant static pressure p2 imposed at the outlet boundary located 2.4 times the chord length downstream of the blade. Active Flow Control. Position and geometry of the actuators have been planned in close cooperation with the experimental partner [6] [24]. The position has been
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
determined in preliminary studies using steady jets [11]. The actuator at the casing position is located at 10% chord length. The slot is perpendicular to the suction side. The actuators at both casing side walls are modeled as cuboids with a width of wa = 0.4 mm. Therefore the actual orifice width on the casing depends on the injection angle ϕ . The actuators have a depth of da = 30 mm, measured from the external boundary to the entrance face into the cascade mean flow and a length of la = 20 mm, measured perpendicular from the suction side surface along the actuator slot. In order to guarantee a neat momentum transfer from the actuator into the main flow region the grid cells of the main computational domain are refined in the vicinity of the nozzle and adapted to the slot. Position and implementation of the nozzle block is exemplarily shown in Fig. 4 for an injection angle of ϕ = 15 ◦ with the grid refinement visible in the detail view. The pulsed jets are modeled by applying periodically pulsed velocities with respect to time at the external faces of the nozzle actuators. As the density and the nozzle aperture area are constant values, the applied velocity is directly proportional to the mass flow rate. Each period of a pulse is resolved by 20 time steps and for each time step 30 internal iterations are accomplished. On the whole enough periods are simulated to guarantee periodicity in time. A proper time– and phase–average is reached over a sample of the last 20 actuation cycles. The computations with active flow control are performed with a systematical parameter variation of the injection angle, the excitation frequency and the jet amplitude. The momentum addition of the AFC is quantified by the dimensionless momentum coefficient cμ defined as cμ =
m˙ a ·V jet q1 ·F1
m˙ a ·V jet ρ1 2 2 V1 ·h·t·cos(β1 )
where m˙ a is the injected mass flow rate per passage and V jet is the time–averaged mean jet velocity. In order to determine the effectiveness of the flow control the time–averaged integral values of the total pressure loss and the pressure rise are referred to the base flow without active flow control. Hereby, the total pressure loss and the pressure rise are analyzed at measurement planes one third of the chord length upstream of the leading edge and one third of the chord length downstream of the trailing edge. The total pressure loss ζq1 is defined as
ζq1 =
and the pressure rise Δ p/q1 as
pt,1 −pt,2 q1
Δp q1
p2 −p1 q1
where subscript “1” indicates the inlet measurement plane and subscript “2” indicates the outlet measurement plane as depicted in Fig. 3. In cases with active flow control the increase of the total pressure by the added fluid is accounted for by means of a modified total pressure loss ζq1 ,corr defined as
ζq1 ,corr =
pt,1 −pt,2 q1
pt,1 =
m˙ 1 pt,1 +m˙ a pt, jet m˙ 1 +m˙ a
where the total pressure of the jet pt, jet is determined at the actuator slot [13].
Fig. 5 Front: wall streamlines of base flow computation back: experimental oil flow visualization
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Fig. 6 Total pressure loss at outlet plane left: simulation right: experiment
2.2 Base Flow Simulation Simulations without active flow control are performed and compared to experimental oil flow visualizations, time–resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) data, and pressure measurements [6] in order to validate the computations. The relevant flow effects of the secondary flow can be seen in the pattern of the blade suction side. Therefore, numerically calculated wall streamlines defined by wall–shear stresses are compared to the underlying oil flow visualization in Fig. 5. The above described flow phenomena are well captured by the simulation. The position of the laminar separation is achieved by a variation of the transition onset forced by the intermittency step function. Bubble size and position are well predicted by the flow solver. A distinct discrepancy is found in the area where the main flow intersects the secondary flow from the endwalls. In both cases the main flow is narrowed but in the experiment the separation line is shaped convex and in the simulation concave. As a consequence the pressure induced separation is delayed to 82% suction side length for the computed case. The discrepancy of the flow pattern would lead one to assume an overprediction of the corner vortices in the numerical solution. As the secondary flow is a major cause of the total pressure loss, expanded corner vortices implicate an increase of the losses. The total pressure loss at the outlet measurement plane is depicted in Fig. 6 for the simulation on the left hand and the experimental data on the right hand. Qualitatively the distribution of simulation and measurement show a similar shape. The simulated values of the total pressure loss are increased over the whole area compared to the experimental data. This corresponds to the flow pattern on the suction side and the assumption of numerically overestimated corner vortices. The mass–averaged integration of the total pressure loss yields to ζq1 ,base = 0.107. Compared to the experimental value [7] the losses are overpredicted by less than 1% in total. The area–averaged integral value of the pressure rise Δ p/q1 ,base = 0.554 differs by less than 2% to the experimental result. Overall the pattern of the secondary flow effects is very well captured by the base flow simulation.
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
2.3 Active Flow Control at the Side Walls Beneficial parameters for the pulsed excitation at the side walls are determined via a systematic variation of the injection angle, of the jet amplitude, and of the excitation frequency. Comparing the quantitative outcome to the base flow yields to a relative reduction of the total pressure loss and a relative gain of pressure rise, respectively. All simulations for the parameter variation are accomplished with a duty cycle of 50%. The results are depicted in Fig. 7. In order to clarify the extent of the total pressure increase by the added fluid itself the uncorrected curve of the total pressure loss reduction is shown additionally. The results of pulsed excitation at a frequency of f = 80 Hz with a momentum coefficient of c μ = 0.0032 (m˙ a/m˙ 1 = 0.11%) for various injection angles are depicted in Fig. 7(a). The benefit of shallower jet angles is clearly visible. Reducing the angle from 60 ◦ over 45 ◦ to 30 ◦ the gain of pressure rise increases from less than 4% to nearly 8% and the total pressure loss reduction can be increased from 3% to more
(a) Injection angle
(b) Jet amplitude
(c) Excitation frequency Fig. 7 Parameter variation of the pulsed actuation at the casing side walls
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than 8%. Further decrease of the jet angle to 15 ◦ has no effect on the pressure rise but increases the reduction of total pressure loss to 9.5%. As the variation of the injection angle is accomplished with a constant momentum coefficient the uncorrected curve of the total pressure loss reduction is offset to higher reductions with respect to the corrected one. For further investigations and the experimental setup the injection angle is chosen to ϕ = 15 ◦ . The variation of the jet amplitude shown in Fig. 7(b) at a constant frequency of f = 100 Hz is realized by increasing the jet velocity V jet and therefore the mass flow rate of the actuation m˙ a . Regarding the gain of pressure rise and the uncorrected reduction of total pressure loss, higher beneficial effects of the actuation are observed for increasing jet amplitudes. For a momentum coefficient of cμ = 0.005 (m˙ a/m˙ 1 = 0.13%) this increase reaches saturation. Even if the jet amplitude is more than doubled to cμ = 0.012 (m˙ a/m˙ 1 = 0.2%) no additional gain is achieved. The benefit rather decreases slightly. If the correction of the losses is taken into account the maximum reduction of total pressure loss, i.e. more than 8%, is achieved with a momentum coefficient of cμ = 0.003 (m˙ a/m˙ 1 = 0.10%). For higher amplitudes the AFC–corrected reduction of total pressure loss decreases. If amplitudes above cμ = 0.0075 are applied the total pressure loss is no longer reduced and thus the effect is not worth the effort. Pulsed actuation with a momentum coefficient between cμ = 0.003 and cμ = 0.005 is beneficial in respect to minimal total pressure loss and maximal pressure rise, respectively. Pulsed excitation at the side walls with a momentum coefficient of cμ = 0.0062 (m˙ a/m˙ 1 = 0.14%) is shown in Fig. 7(c) for various frequencies from f = 40 Hz to f = 200 Hz. It can be seen that the gain of pressure rise is nearly constant for all frequencies investigated, i.e. approx. 6.5%. Only at a frequency of f = 80 Hz the curve shows a small peak and the gain increases to 8.5%. The reduction of total pressure loss on the other hand decreases from f = 40 Hz to f = 80 Hz from over 5% to less than 2%. At f = 120 Hz the losses are again reduced by more than five percentage points and the reduction increases nearly linear for higher frequencies. Considering these results and regarding available actuators, excitation frequencies around f = 150 Hz are applicable. Concerning the influence of the jet amplitude and the excitation frequency on the actuation at the side walls, similar tendencies are shown by the experimental parameter variation with regard to the pressure rise at the trailing edge (cf. Hecklau et al. [7]).
3 Axial Fan Clearance gaps are an unavoidable design feature of turbomachines. The corresponding clearance flow is mainly driven by pressure differences between the blade pressure and suction side. In combination with the emerging tip vortex a secondary flow evolves which is primarily responsible for the fan stall behaviour at highly loaded working points [9]. By influencing the secondary flow via wall flush mounted nozzles at the fan casing, one aims to extend the stable operational range of axial
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
Fig. 8 Fan active flow control concept, freely adapted from [9]
Fig. 9 Block topology and blade count of the simulated domain
turbomachines, see Fig. 8. Previous experimental studies conducted by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) can be found in [14]. Also the numerical investigation of [12] should be mentioned in this context. The analysis of different injection angles presented here is performed by means of Unsteady Reynolds–Averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) simulations with the flow field assumed to being fully turbulent. The test fan investigated comprises a low–speed high–pressure axial fan with outlet guide vanes in a ducted–inlet/ducted–outlet configuration. The fan blades have been designed by J. M. Voith GmbH, Heidenheim, Germany (now Howden Ventilatoren GmbH) based on modified NACA–65 four–digit–series airfoils. The stator row comprises non–profiled vanes. The flow field is characterized by a fan chord based Reynolds number of Re = 1.2 · 106 and a Mach number of Ma = 0.2 at the fan tips. Operating figures are summarized in Tab. 1. Numerical Setup. Numerical simulations are performed using the CFD code TRACE developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne in order to investigate turbomachinery aerodynamics and related phenomena [15] [23] [16]. As part of the tool chain of TRACE, G3DMESH [19] is applied for generation of all block– structured meshes used in the present work. Flow Solver. TRACE comprises a cell–centered finite–volume RANS–solver applicable for, in general, structured, multi–block meshes. In the present investigation a k − ω based model is used for turbulence closure. A standard MUSCL approach in combination with a Roe upwind–based convective flux–difference splitting and a central discretization of viscous terms provide second order space accuracy. Time integration is implemented via an implicit dual–time stepping predictor–corrector algorithm ensuring second order time accuracy. At the inlet and outlet plane non–reflecting boundary conditions [4] are applied. In order to couple
Fig. 10 Rotor mesh at the casing wall. Every second mesh point is shown only.
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Fig. 11 Stator mesh at the casing wall. Every second mesh point is shown only.
moving and stationary blade rows and to combine non–matching block–boundaries inside the domain a fully zonal approach is available [23]. Grid topology and quality. The mesh used for the numerical simulations consists of approximately 6.3 mio. cells, with 90 cells in radial direction and nine cells inside the fan clearance gap. It has been shown, that at least 90 cells in radial direction are necessary to capture the strong three–dimensional flow features typically observable at highly loaded working points. Previously conducted mesh studies have also shown that it has to be ensured that the strong recirculation regions at the rotor tips are not affected by the imposed inlet boundary conditions, namely axial flow angles. Therefore, in the presented study, the inlet is placed ten rotor chords upstream the fan leading edge. The outlet is located 1.5 stator chords downstream the stator trailing edge, see Fig. 9. To ensure circumferential periodicity of B = 24 fan blades and V = 16 outlet vanes B/V = 3/2 blade passages are considered, see Fig. 9. At the fan tip region, the spatial resolution of the non–matching zonal–mixed interface between stationary nozzles and rotating fan has to be sufficient to capture local, small scale flow phenomena affected by the injection. In addition a step with a height of approximately 5% span, located at the fan hub section 1/6 chord downstream the fan blades, also has to be sufficiently resolved. These geometrical constraints lead to a fan–mesh of correspondingly higher spatial resolution than the stator mesh, see Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. Non–dimensional wall–distances are kept constant within the order of y+ ≈ O(1) at the blades and within the range of y+ ≈ 30 − 60 at hub and casing. Boundary Conditions. Spanwise distributed quantities of total pressure, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent length scales are imposed at the inlet plane. These quantities are taken from a previously conducted channel flow simulation. In addition, an axial meanflow and a constant total temperature are assumed. At the outlet plane the radial equilibrium of the static pressure is adjusted to meet the mass–flow rate of the desired working point. Wall functions are used at hub and casing walls in order
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades Table 1 Axial fan parameters Parameter Variable Value Rotor blades B 24 Stator vanes V 16 Rotor tip stagger γ 27 Rotor chord l 43.5 Rotor diamter Dtip 452.4 h/l Aspect ratio 1.93 s/h Rotor clearance 0.007 Dhub/Dtip 0.62 Hub-to-tip ratio d/l Hub rotor/stator gap 1.23
Table 2 Flow conditions of the numerical setup Unit 1 1 deg mm mm 1 1 1 1
Pos. Parameter Variable Value General Perfect gas compressible Reynolds number Re 1.2 · 106 Mach number Ma 0.23 Inlet Axial flow cond. α1 0 Total temperature Tt 293.15 Profiles of pt , k & l – – Outlet Static pressure p depends Walls No slip, adiabatic
1 1 deg K – Pa
to improve the general spatial resolution in spanwise direction at the cost of wall resolution. The boundary conditions are summarized in Tab. 2. Active Flow Control Approach. Position and geometry of the nozzle actuators are adopted from the experimental partner [14]. Wall flush mounted nozzles are placed at the axial position of the fan profile’s maximum thickness defined at 30% chord length, see Fig. 12. In order to ensure symmetry in circumferential direction, the number of nozzles N equals the number of rotor blades B (N = B = 24). The actuators are modeled as cuboids with a length of 20 mm and a width of 1 mm. The actual aperture width on the casing depends on the injection angle ϕ . Measured from the nozzle inlet up to the zonal–mixed interface at the casing wall, the actuators have a depth of 50 mm. The zonal–mixed interface used to connect the nozzle–out with the corresponding partly permeable casing wall is originally designed to ensure mass conservation. In combination with the unavoidable non–matching boundary between nozzle and casing, it is obvious to earn, in return, a velocity and momentum deficit, respectively. The deficit depends on local mesh resolution of the zonal– mixed interface and the according captured nozzle geometry. In Fig. 13 the mass flow and Mach number across the zonal–mixed interface are exemplarily depicted for the γ = 30 deg case over a time span of three cycle periods. As assumed, no mass flow deficit can be observed. Because of a mass flow deficit not worth mentioning, only one curve is plotted here. But, in return, a velocity deficit of approximately 10% represented by the Mach number is visible in total. Each cycle period is resolved with 170 time steps and 20 sub–iterations per single time step. A proper periodicity in time is reached after the calculation of at least 15 cycle periods. Base Flow Simulation. Simulations without flow control are performed and compared to hot–wire measurements conducted by the DLR at an axial plane inside the rotor–stator gap. Detailed measurements are available for a shaft speed of 3150 RPM and a working point at peak efficiency which is represented by a mass flow rate of m˙ = 3.46 kg/s. Inlet boundary conditions of total pressure and turbulence quantities, by means of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent length scale, are taken from a previously conducted channel flow simulation. At the outlet, the static pressure is
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Fig. 12 Implementation of the nozzle actuators
Fig. 13 Numerical realization of the jets
adopted to meet the required mass flow rate. Snap–shots of pitchwise distributions of axial velocity, pitchwise velocity, and pitchwise flow angle at various spanwise positions are depicted in Fig. 14, Fig. 15, and Fig. 16, respectively. The error bars of the measurements represent the standard deviation σ of the phase locked flow field ξi and its mean value ξ¯ which is affected by every single blade. 2 ¯ 1 B σ = B1 ∑Bi=1 ξi − ξ¯ ξ = B ∑i=1 ξi At the hub section the axial velocity is slightly underpredicted in comparison to the experiments. The standard deviation reaches its highest levels at hub and may be caused by geometrical differences between every single blade. Also insufficient measurement time or unknown transitional effects may be responsible for the measured pitchwise deviations at the annulus. As a result, the wake measurements reveal a perceptible higher mass flow rate straight at the hub section than observed in the simulations. Combined with the well predicted pitchwise velocity it leads to a slight overprediction of the absolute pitchwise angle. Active Flow Control Simualtions. An injection angle variation of the nozzle imposed jets ranging from 30 deg, 45 deg, and 90 deg is accomplished via steady blowing at constant mass flow rates of approximately 1.2%. The injected mass flow rate is referred to the mean mass flow of m˙ = 2.23 kg/s measured at the stage inlet. The shaft–speed is set to 3000 RPM. Inlet boundary conditions of total pressure and turbulence quantities are taken from a previously conducted channel flow simulation. Static pressure at the outlet is adopted to get the mass flow rate of the desired highly loaded operation point taken from the experiments [14]. In comparison to the unaffected flow a reasonable gain of pressure coefficient Ψ and isentropic efficiency η is achived for the whole range of injection angles investigated.
2Δ pt ρt U 2
1−Tt2/Tt1 1− pt2/pt1 (γ −1)/γ
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
Fig. 14 Pitchwise distribution of axial meanflow velocity V2X at different spanwise positions
Fig. 15 Pitchwise distribution of absolute pitchwise velocity U2t at different spanwise positions
Fig. 16 Pitchwise distribution of absolute pitchwise flow angle α2 at different spanwise positions
Results are depicted in Fig. 17 and Fig. 18, respectively. Small injection angles, namely γ = 30 deg and γ = 45 deg are more beneficial referring to pressure coefficient Ψ and isentropic efficiency η than an injection angle of γ = 90 deg. Best results of +9% efficiency gain and an increase of the pressure coefficient from Ψ = 0.38 to Ψ = 0.45 are obtained with an injection angle of γ = 30 deg. These are just small additional gains in comparison to an injection angle of γ = 45 deg. In order to show the beneficial effects of different injection angles, absolute pitchweise flow angles α2 at various spanwise positions are shown in Fig. 19, Fig. 20, and Fig. 21, respectively. Without AFC, in the vicinity of the casing and within an extension of 20% span, an absolute pitchwise flow angle of approximately 90 deg can be observed. Thus, in axial direction no mass flow is conveyed here and the flow field of the downstream located stator vanes fully separates at the leading edge. These conditions lead to a pressure and efficiency drop of the entire fan stage. With AFC, additional mass flow is injected at the fan tip section and a more regular flow field can be established yielding to absolute pitchwise flow angles convenient to prevent the stator vane leading edge separation. The result is an increased efficiency and pressure raise. With decreasing injection angles, decreasing absolute pitchwise flow angles are observed. Decreasing the absolute pitchwise flow angle leads to an improvement of the stator–tip incident flow field. Best results may be reached for an absolute pitchweise flow angle approaching the design inflow angle of the stator–tips α2 ≈ 41 deg. Referring to the cases with AFC the numerical results are in fairly good agreement with the experiments, by means of efficiency with a maximum of +3% in total and of pressure coefficient with ±1% in total. Without AFC, the difference in the efficiency predictions increases to approximately −6%. The accuracy of predicting the pressure coefficient remains unaltered by −1%. The heavy loaded working point
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Fig. 17 Isentropic Efficiency over a variation of injection angles
Fig. 19 Pitchwise distribution of absolute pitchwise flow angle at different spanwise positions. Injection angle γ = 30 deg.
Fig. 18 Pressure Coefficient over a variation of injection angles
Fig. 20 Pitchwise distribution of absolute pitchwise flow angle at different spanwise positions. Injection angle γ = 45 deg.
Fig. 21 Pitchwise distribution of absolute pitchwise flow angle at different spanwise positions. Injection angle γ = 90 deg.
investigated here is characterized by strong three dimensional flow field effects accompanied by a high degree of unsteadyness. These, in detail very complex flow conditions may mark the border of applicability of statistical turbulence modeling based on linear eddy viscosity models. With AFC the flow conditions recover to a more regular flow field and thus to the area of validity of turbulence modeling used in the present investigation.
URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
4 Conclusion and Outlook Active flow control has the ability to extend the physically limited operating range of turbomachinery components and thus offers the possibility to improve the performance of jet engines. Future engines incorporating a range of flow control technologies may break fundamental barriers limiting today’s performance. The question if a flow control concept is finally implemented is dominated by three aspects. The first is based on the impact and the technical risk of the concept. Secondly, the benefits and the costs have to be considered. The third is that the value of the concept depends on the aircraft, engine combination, or flight mission. Furthermore, there is a perception of a lack of reliability that has to be overcome first. The conclusion drawn from the results presented is that flow control concepts on turbomachinery components can be investigated by numerical methods with satisfying results using URANS simulations. Hereby, the decisive parameters of the actuation, i.e. the injection angle, the excitation frequency, and the jet amplitude, can be analyzed separately resulting in the same tendencies as the experimental exploration. Hence, an important first step for the design process of active flow control concepts is achieved. Considering only low–speed cases within the work presented, the question arises of how the beneficial parameters of the control concepts scale with increasing inflow velocities. Additionally, the incoming flow would be of unsteady nature within a real turbomachinery configuration. Therefore, high–speed cases have to be considered within future investigations in order to further estimate the portability to a real aero engine. Finally, the robustness of high–speed and high–frequency actuators has to be secured before flow control devices will ultimately be used in aero engines. Acknowledgements. The results presented are achieved in cooperation with Rolls–Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG (RRD) as part of the Collaborative Research Center 557 ”Control of complex turbulent shear flows” at the Technische Universit¨at Berlin (TUB). The work is funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) and RRD. The close cooperation with the experimental partners M. Hecklau (TUB), and L. Neuhaus (German Aerospace Center, DLR), as well as O. Wiederhold (TUB) responsible for the final realization of closed–loop control techniques is acknowledged.
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URANS Simulations of AFC on Highly Loaded Turbomachinery Blades
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Part III Bluff Bodies
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Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models Daniel Krentel , Rifet Muminovic, Andr´e Brunn, Wolfgang Nitsche and Rudibert King
Abstract. The experimental investigations presented in this paper deal with an active flow control approach at the rear end of two different three-dimensional generic car configurations. Periodic forcing is used to influence the recirculation area behind these models based on the Ahmed body geometry with slant angles of 25◦ and 90◦ and hence to achieve a reduction in the total drag. Several forcing parameters (jet angle, forcing frequency and intensity) and their influence on the static pressure distribution at the rear end of the models and the total drag are examined. A model predictive closed-loop actuation approach is presented for one steady blowing excitation configuration. The interaction between the periodic compressed air actuator jet and the shear layer is depicted by means of stereo time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. The different actuation concepts lead to a drag reduction of up to 5.7% and demonstrate a good correlation with the static pressure distribution at the rear end of the model.
1 Introduction The total drag of bluff bodies like car and truck configurations is dominated by the pressure drag caused by the static pressure difference between the front and the rear end of these bodies. The main contributor to this pressure difference is the flow separation at the rear end caused by the geometry (e.g. edges) or positive pressure gradients Daniel Krentel · Andr´e Brunn · Wolfgang Nitsche Technische Universitaet Berlin, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chair of Aerodynamics, Marchstr. 12, D-10587 Berlin e-mail:
[email protected] Rifet Muminovic · Rudibert King Technische Universitaet Berlin, Department of Process Engineering, Chair of Measurement and Control, Hardenbergstr. 36a, D-10623 Berlin e-mail:
[email protected]
Corresponding authors.
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 223–239. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
D. Krentel et al.
[1]. The flow field in the recirculation area behind those models is highly complex, unsteady and three-dimensional. Generic car configurations like the Ahmed body introduced by S. R. Ahmed [2] are a common and suitable model for comparative aerodynamical studies. The configuration of the flow field in the recirculation area and consequently the total drag of the Ahmed body strongly depend on the rear slant angle φ ([2, 3], Fig. 1). Up to a slant angle of approximately 30◦ large longitudinal vortex structures occur, which lead to a considerable increase in pressure drag with rising slant angle. These dominating longitudinal vortices burst up at slant angles exceeding φ = 30◦ , and consequently lateral vortex structures dominate the flow field in the recirculation region and the pressure drag decreases as is shown in Fig. 1(b). The application of active flow control on selected positions is a possible measure to reduce this dominating influence of the separation area on the total drag. The effective implementation of active flow control using compressed air actuators was demonstrated on different bluff body configurations in the past. Brunn et al. [4] demonstrated the influence of active flow control on the pressure drag and the configuration of the recirculation area using Ahmed body models with two different slant angles (φ = 25◦ and φ = 35◦ ). For the 35◦ configuration a considerable decrease in the turbulent car wake separation length was achieved using oscillating wall jets without net mass flux. The best results were obtained by the excitation of large-scale vortex structures with actuation frequencies according to characteristic shear layer frequencies. For the 25◦ case Brunn et al. [4] achieved a total drag reduction of up to 2.5% using steady blowing near the slant corners by weakening the longitudinal vortices originating at these corners in a combined numerical (Large Eddy Simulation, LES) and experimental investigation. Brunn et al. [5] demonstrated the functionality of active flow control on a half plane diffuser with a slant angle of 25◦ and a 35◦ Ahmed body configuration. Actuators generating periodic perturbations were used to excite the separated shear layer and to amplify large-scale vortex structures. These vortex structures significantly increase the velocity fluctuations in the shear layer and lead to an intensified momentum transfer between the recirculation area and the outer flow. The best results were obtained with actuator frequencies in the range of the vortex-shedding frequency (Strouhal number Sr = f × h/u∞ = 0.1). Considering square-back geometries (bluff bodies with a slant angle of φ = 90◦ ), Roum´eas et al. [6] implemented an open-loop active flow control using steady blowing devices at the edges of the back of the body. In this 3D numerical simulation using the Lattice Boltzmann method a total drag reduction of up to 29% was obtained with a jet speed of cs = 1.5u∞. The possible drag reduction depends on the jet angle relative to the base. This paper presents further approaches of implementing active flow control on two different bluff body configurations with slant angles of φ = 25◦ and φ = 90◦ for increased Reynolds numbers Re. Periodically-blowing actuators were installed at different positions of the rear end of full-scale Ahmed body models [2]. In an experimental investigation, the effectiveness of this periodic forcing was examined using force, static pressure and time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry measurements.
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
(a) General flow configuration
(b) Drag coefficient cD
Fig. 1 Ahmed body [4]
2 First Configuration: Ahmed Body with 25◦ Slant Angle This chapter describes the experiments carried out with a full-scale model of the Ahmed body as introduced by S. R. Ahmed et al. [2] with a slant angle of 25◦ at the rear end. The dimensions of this Ahmed body model are comparable to a 1:4 scaled real car. Different compressed air actuators were used to implement an active flow control reducing the impact of the wake region on the total drag. Detailed information about the base flow can be found in [2, 4, 7, 8].
2.1 Experimental Set-Up The experiments took place in the closed test section (height hTS = 1.41 m, width wTS = 2.00 m) of a low-speed wind tunnel at a model-length based Reynolds number of Re = 1.0 × 106. A 1:1 model of the three-dimensional Ahmed body (Fig. 2(a), length l = 1.044 m, width b = 0.389 m, height h = 0.288 m) with a slant angle of φ = 25◦ at the rear end was used during the experiments. The distance between the model and the test section floor was 50 mm. The body was mounted with four struts on a 6-component balance measuring the relevant forces (lift, drag and lateral force) and torques (pitch, yaw and roll torque) as integral values. Additionally, the local static pressure on the 25◦ slant and the base of the Ahmed body model was measured on 27 (slant) and 9 (base) different positions respectively on one half of the rear end using amplified differential pressure sensors on a piezo-resistive base and a pressure measurement system. The signals from the balance and the pressure sensors were averaged over a testing time of 4 s (balance, analogue integrator) and 10 s respectively (pressure sensors, sampling rate fS = 200 Hz). To identify the real effect of the actuation on the flow, the impact of the actuators on the thrust and the lift forces has been removed from the measured balance data. The correction of the blockage effect of the model due to the closed test section was accomplished according to the method of Mercker described in [9]. For the first
D. Krentel et al.
S1 S1
Sla nt
Ac tu at or je t
P2 P3 P4
(a) Actuator systems installed
(b) Configuration of the rear end
Fig. 2 Ahmed body model with a slant angle of 25◦ (configuration 1)
configuration an overall blockage factor of ε = 1.053 resulted covering the effect of solid and wake blockage. Figure 2 shows the configuration of the Ahmed body model used for the experiments. Four actuator systems were installed at the rear end constisting of the slant and the base. Near the slant corners two actuator chambers (S1) for steady blowing perpendicular to the direction of the undisturbed flow u∞ were integrated into the model (see Sect. 2.3). The three edges of the rear end (upper edge of the slant, upper and lower edge of the base) each had a slot actuator row (P2, P3 and P4) consisting of five actuator chambers with a jet angle of Θ = 45◦ relative to the direction of the undisturbed flow u∞ (Fig. 2(b)). The slot of each actuator chamber had a dimension of ls × bs = 68.0 mm × 0.5 mm. The pressure airflow to every slot actuator row was controlled by fast switching solenoid valves regulating the jet frequency and duty cycle (used here: 50%). The primary pressure pampl and hence the forcing intensity cμ was regulated by one proportional pressure regulator for each actuator row. As a suitable parameter describing the forcing intensity induced by the actuators the definition of the momentum coefficient cμ of the form cμ =
¯ 2 Aact c act × , Am u∞
is used with the active actuator area Aact , the area cross-section of the model Am = b × h, the mean perturbation velocity at the actuator slot exhaust c¯ act and the average velocity of the undisturbed flow u∞ . The pertubation velocity of the actuator jet c¯ act corresponding to a specific primary pressure pampl was measured using a hot wire probe and Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA).
2.2 Results for the Forced Flow In the following chapters the Strouhal number Sr will be used based on the height of the bluff body h as a characteristic length for the recirculation region: Sr =
f ×h . u∞
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
Fig. 3 Development of the relative total drag coefficient cD cD0 for different Strouhal numbers Sr, actuation at the upper edge of the base (actuator row P3)
For this bluff body configuration two periodic actuation cases were examined: The first case only used the upper base row P3, for the second case the flow was forced by using a combination of the two base rows (P3 and P4) actuating in phase. The first case depicted in Fig. 3 shows a considerable drag reduction of up to 5.7% compared to the base flow (depicted as Sr = 0) and a very strong dependency on the actuator frequency with a total momentum coefficient in the range of cμ = 3.6 × 10−3 . For small Strouhal numbers in the optimum range (Sr = 0.148) and for higher Strouhal numbers (Sr > 0.4) the drag reaches a local minimum. A characteristic narrow peak can be found for Strouhal numbers Sr = 0.304; here the total drag even exceeds the base flow case. The mean static pressure distribution on the rear end of the Ahmed body model (Fig. 4) is consistent with the development of the total drag. It is remarkable that the mean pressure on the base cannot be increased by the actuation; the peak in the drag distribution appears here in the form of a minimal base pressure (decrease of up to 15.3%). The mean slant pressure is rather unsusceptible concerning a Strouhal number variation and could be raised by approximately 8.5%. In the second case depicted in Fig. 5 the actuator rows P3 and P4 at the upper and lower base edge were used in an in-phase combination with a total momentum coefficient in the range of cμ = 7.2 × 10−3. For this configuration the higher Strouhal numbers are also depicted. Again, a total drag reduction of approximately 4.9% compared to the base flow (depicted as Sr = 0) can be achieved, in this case with relatively high Strouhal numbers around 1.8 and thus beyond the characteristic shear layer frequencies. Similar to the first case a characteristic Strouhal number (in the range of Sr = 0.56) can be identified that increases the total drag compared to the base flow. The mean static pressure shows an analogue development as seen in the first case. The mean static pressure of the rear end is increased for almost all Strouhal numbers examined. The mean static pressure on the base shows a characteristic minimum for Sr = 0.56. The sensitivity of the slant pressure concerning a Strouhal number variation is not very distinctive analogue to the first actuation configuration.
D. Krentel et al.
Fig. 4 Development of the relative mean pressure coc efficient cp0p for different Strouhal numbers Sr, actuation at the upper edge of the base (actuator row P3)
cp/cp0 [-]
cD/cD0 [-]
Slant mean Base mean Entire rear end mean
0.94 0.0
Sr [-]
Sr [-]
(a) Relative total drag coefficient
cD cD0
(b) Relative mean pressure coefficient
cp cp0
Fig. 5 Combined in-phase actuation at the upper and lower edge of the base for different Strouhal numbers Sr, actuator rows P3 and P4
An overall static pressure increase of up to 6.9% is achieved using the combined inphase actuation. The combined actuation described with the actuator rows P3 and P4 does not facilitate any further decrease in drag compared to the first case, but identifies further relevant Strouhal numbers Sr for the periodic forcing. The drag reduction achieved by the actuation corresponds to a reduced propulsion power that has to be provided by the car engine. The propulsion power saved by the actuation is compared to the amount of power needed for the periodic blowing by the following estimation analogue to the method used by the numerical partner project [10] in order to evaluate the efficiency of the active flow control concept. The propulsion power caused by the aerodynamic drag of the model is 1 PD0 = FD u∞ = cD0 ρ bhu3∞ . 2
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
The power needed for the actuator jets results to 1 1 2 3 Pslit = m˙ c¯ act = ρ Aact c¯ act , 2 2
and the resultant net power balance is ΔPnet ΔcD Pslit = − . PD0 cD0 PD0
In the first case examined (actuator row P3) the relative power needed for the actuation with a maximum drag reduction of 5.7% results to Pslit /PD0 = 3.1% (with cμ = 3.6 × 10−3 ). Thus the net power balance is positive (ΔPnet /PD0 = 2.6%). In the second case the power balance is negative (ΔPnet /PD0 = −1.3%), the power needed for the actuation is much higher due to the use of the two actuator rows P3 and P4 (with cμ = 7.2 × 10−3, Pslit /PD0 = 6.2%).
2.3 Closed-Loop Control In this section a model predictive control (MPC) scheme is proposed for drag reduction of the Ahmed body with a slant angle of 25◦ . The drag reduction is achieved by mitigating the longitudinal vortices by steady blowing with the actuators S1 (see Fig. 2). The closed-loop experiments were conducted on an Ahmed body scaled to one quarter of its original size. The focus is on illustrating the performance of the closed-loop control scheme implemented and the advantages of closed-loop control in contrast to open-loop control. Especially outside the well-defined conditions of a wind tunnel, the open-loop control approaches lack the possibility of compensation for uncertainties, such as uncertain flow conditions and external disturbances. A remedy would be the application of closed-loop control in order to exploit the full benefits of active flow control. 2.3.1
Model Identification and Controller Synthesis
Most real systems can be described in an approximate manner by mathematical models. In this investigation the MPC utilizes linear black-box models based on the measurements of open-loop forcing experiments. The control variable uc , corresponding to the applied primary pressure on the actuator pampl , is varied as a pseudo-random binary signal for different operating points. The pressure coefficient cp in the middle of the base is used as a surrogate control variable since the drag cannot be measured in a real application, e.g. a car. A family of linear models of 1st order is fitted to the measured data by application of the prediction error method [11]. From all identified models a nominal model, which is a mean model of the model family, is identified. The implemented MPC is based on the identified nominal model, which is described as a linear discrete-time state-space model of the form x(k + 1) = A x(k) + B uc (k),
D. Krentel et al.
y(k) = C x(k),
where x, uc and y represent the internal state of the process, the control input and the process output, respectively. The MPC solves at each time step the quadratic programming problem min J uc
= Hp −1 ∑i=0
s. t.
min [ xT (k + Hp|k) P x(k + Hp |k) + uc
xT (k + i|k) Q x(k + i|k) + uTc (k + i|k) R uc (k + i|k)],
uc (k + i) ≤ uc,max ,
i = 1, ..., H p ,
and equations (6), (7) hold. Hp denotes the prediction horizon, Q and R are symmetric positive definite weighting matrices. The matrix P is found by solving the unconstrained, infinite-horizon linear quadratic regulation problem. Furthermore, the MPC was extended by an integrator in order to reduce the steady-state error, for more details see [12, 13]. In the experiments the optimisation problem was solved by qpOASES [14] with a sampling time of 0.01 s. 2.3.2
The goal of this investigation is the reduction of the drag of the Ahmed body. However, good set-point tracking as well as good disturbance rejection are also desirable qualities. The following section shows results addressing these goals. First of all, steps in the reference signal are considered. The Reynolds number was held constant at Re = 0.45 × 106. As can be seen in Fig. 6 the actuation was turned on at t = 6 s. The controller reacts immediately and increases the control variable. Within 1 s the pressure coefficient cp reaches the desired set point r = −0.195 while the drag coefficient is reduced by 2%. After 20.5 s the set point is changed stepwise from r = −0.195 to r = −0.185. The controller reacts immediately and no steady-state error is visible again after approximately 1 s. The drag coefficient is further reduced to 2.5%. After 33 s the set point is changed back stepwise from r = −0.185 to r = −0.195. As before the controller reacts immediately and no steady-state error is visible after approximately 1 s. Finally, the actuation is turned off after 41.5 s. The system returns to its initial state. The rather slow response is the result of the pressure regulator used in this experiment. With a faster regulator a significantly increased bandwidth could be realized. A second experiment was conducted to show the disturbance rejection of the controller. As can be seen in Fig. 7 the actuation is turned on after 7 s. The controller the pressure coefficient within 1 s to the desired set point r = −0.185. After 24 s the Reynolds number was decreased from Re = 0.45 × 106 to Re = 0.35 × 106 resulting in a sudden increase of the pressure coefficient. The controller, unaware of this disturbance, reacts immediately and drives the system to the set point within 1.5 s. After 39 s the Reynolds number is increased back again to Re = 0.45 × 106 . The controller drives the system within 1 s back to the desired set point.
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
Fig. 6 Set-point tracking results. Upper plot shows the measurement of the pressure coefficient (solid), the setpoint (dotted) and the time when the actuation is turned on and off (dashed). Middle plot shows the relative drag coefficient (solid). The lower plot shows the control variable (solid).
The implemented controller shows a satisfactory performance in terms of setpoint tracking, steady-state error and disturbance rejection. Disturbances are rejected within less than 1.5 s and stepwise changes in the set point are compensated for in approximately 1 s. As pointed out before, a significant acceleration would be possible by applying a faster pressure regulator.
2.4 Combination of Actuator Systems Concluding, a combined actuation of different actuator systems (e.g. S1, P3 and P4) leading to a further and additive drag reduction can be examined (not presented here, see Henning [15]). The preceding mitigation of the dominating longitudinal vortices by the steady blowing actuators S1 (see Sect. 2.3) increases the effectiveness of the subsequent activated slot actuator rows (see Sect. 2.2). The slot actuators
Fig. 7 Disturbance rejection results. Upper plot shows the measurement of the pressure coefficient (solid), the set point (dotted) and the time when the actuation is turned on and off (dashed). Middle plot shows the Reynolds number (solid). The lower plot shows the control variable (solid).
D. Krentel et al.
have a stronger impact on the recirculation region and the total drag when the occupying corner vortices are attenuated before, so that the wake region resembles the φ = 35◦ slant Ahmed body configuration. Thus, the starting sequence of the different actuators is the crucial parameter for these experiments.
3 Second Configuration: Ahmed Body with 90◦ Slant Angle This chapter describes the experiments carried out with a full-scale model of the Ahmed body with a slant angle of 90◦ at the rear end. Periodically-blowing actuators were used to implement active flow control reducing the impact of the wake region on the total drag. The interaction between the actuator jet and the shear layer was examined using time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (TR-PIV) measurements.
3.1 Experimental Set-up The general set-up used for the three-dimensional full-scale Ahmed body model with a slant angle of 90◦ and the overall model dimensions were analogue to the experimental set-up of the first configuration described in Sect. 2.1. The modellength based Reynolds number used here was Re = 2.0 × 106. At the rear end of the model 16 actuator chambers and 32 pressure taps were installed (Fig. 8). The actuators were manufactured from Accura 60, a plastic similar to polycarbonate, using a rapid prototyping method (stereolithography, STL). The use of STL manufacturing made it possible to design an optimised flow duct geometry depicted in Fig. 9 that reduces the total pressure loss and provides a very uniform and homogeneous jet speed distribution over the complete slot length. Figure 10 shows the velocity distribution of the actuator jet for the steady blowing case for three different primary pressures pampl , measured using a hot wire probe and Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA). The small discontinuity in the velocity profile of the examined actuator prototype in the range of xact = 61 mm can be traced back to small contaminants in the slot or manufacturing tolerance problems. Plane C
Plane D
P3 P2
Row 1
P3 Row 5
Row 8
(a) Actuator rows installed
(b) Static pressure taps at rear end
Fig. 8 Ahmed body model with a slant angle of 90◦ (configuration 2)
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models pampl
(a) STL actuator chamber
233 pampl
(b) Top and side view of basic geometry
Fig. 9 STL actuator chamber with a jet angle of Θ = 0◦ for actuator rows P1 to P4
Fig. 10 Velocity distribution cact,static of STL actuator chamber (prototype) over slot length xact for different primary pressures pampl , steady blowing, distance to slot 1.0 mm
The slot of one actuator chamber had a dimension of ls × bs = 76 mm× 0.4 mm. The angle of the jet ejected by the actuators depicted in Fig. 9 relative to the direction of the undisturbed flow u∞ was Θ = 0◦ . Next to this case a small turning vane attached to the actuator chambers was used to create an inward blowing actuator jet (with Θ ≈ −45◦ ) due to the Coanda effect comparable to the experiments of Englar [16]. For the wind tunnel correction the methodology according to Mercker described in [9], analogue to the first configuration (Sect. 2.1), was used. For this model an overall blockage factor of ε = 1.054 resulted. The primary pressure behind four proportional pressure regulators (one for each actuator row P1 to P4) is proportional to the momentum coefficient cμ of the actuator jets. Every actuator chamber was connected to a fast switching solenoid valve that opened the two pressure lines connected to the actuator with a preset frequency and duty cycle (used here: 50%). A detailed examination of the wake region around the upper edge in plane D of the Ahmed body base shown in Fig. 8(b) was accomplished using a stereo timeresolved Particle Image Velocimetry (TR-PIV) system. The temporal resolution of the flow field for this case was 0.54 kHz, the pulse distance between the two laser pulses 20 μs. In addition, TR-PIV measurements covered the complete wake region in the symmetry plane (plane C, see Fig. 8(b)) of a 1:4 scaled Ahmed body model for a Reynolds number of Re = 0.5 × 106 in a water tunnel experiment. For this
D. Krentel et al.
Fig. 11 Turning vane attached to actuator chamber
experiment a temporal resolution of the flow field of 0.5 kHz and a pulse distance of 350 μs was chosen. The TR-PIV system consisted of a frequency-doubled Nd:YLF laser, two high-speed CMOS cameras and a synchronization unit.
3.2 Results 3.2.1
Base Flow
The base flow in the near wake region of the Ahmed body model for a Reynolds number of Re = 0.5 × 106 represented by the two exemplary instantaneous PIV snapshots (Fig. 12) in the symmetry plane (plane C, Fig. 8(b)) shows the expected results known from different bluff body problems. Discrete small lateral vortex structures can be identified resulting from the flow separation at the upper and lower edge of the base. In a time-averaged velocity field these structures melt to two large counter-rotating vortex structures forming the wake region. 3.2.2
Forced Flow
For the forced flow several parameters of the actuation could be varied: the jet angle Θ relative to the undisturbed flow u∞ , the primary pressure pampl applied to the actuators and the Strouhal number Sr of the periodically-blowing actuator jets.
(a) t = t0
(b) t = t0 + 0.02s
Fig. 12 Instantaneous velocity field behind 1:4 scaled Ahmed body model with lateral vortices, base flow, Re = 0.5 × 106 , symmetry plane (plane C)
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
1.04 1.1
cp/cp0 [-]
cD/cD0 [-]
0.9 Row 1 Row 5 Row 8
0.96 0
Primary pressure pampl [bar]
Primary pressure pampl [bar]
(a) Relative total drag coefficient
cD cD0
(b) Relative mean pressure coefficient
cp cp0
Fig. 13 Actuation at the upper edge of the base for different primary pressures pampl , jet angle Θ = 0◦ , Strouhal number Sr = 0.173, actuator row P1
Row 1, 0° actuation Row 8, 0° actuation Row 1, - 45° actuation (inward) Row 8, - 45° actuation (inward)
cp/cp0 [-]
cD /cD0 [-]
0.98 0.95
0° actuation - 45° actuation (inward) 0
Sr [-]
(a) Relative total drag coefficient
Sr [-]
cD cD0
(b) Relative mean pressure coefficient
cp cp0
Fig. 14 Actuation at the upper and lower edge of the base for different Strouhal numbers Sr using two different jet angles Θ, actuator rows P1 and P4
Figure 14 shows the influence of the actuation at the upper (actuator row P1) and lower edge (actuator row P4) for different Strouhal numbers on the mean relative pressure coefficient for two different rows on the base and the relative drag coefficient. In the first case an actuation with a jet angle of Θ = 0◦ and a total momentum coefficient in the range of cμ = 2.3 × 10−3 was utilized, in the second case the turning vane described above was attached to the actuator row to create an inward blowing actuator jet. For small Strouhal numbers Sr < 0.2 a drag reduction of up to 1.85% (Θ = 0◦ ) and 2.2% (inward actuation using the turning vane) compared to the base flow (depicted as Sr = 0) can be achieved. The drag reduction correlates to the increased mean base pressure at the lower edge of the Ahmed body model
D. Krentel et al.
y [mm]
y [mm]
x [mm]
(a) Phase 0 × T
(b) Phase
y [mm]
y [mm]
x [mm]
1 30
x [mm]
(c) Phase
2 30
x [mm]
(d) Phase
3 30
Fig. 15 Phase-averaged flow field behind the full-scale Ahmed body model due to actuating at the upper edge, Sr = 0.176, Re = 2.0 × 106 , plane D, jet angle Θ = 0◦ , actuator row P1
(row 8). At the upper edge near the actuator (row 1), the actuation causes a considerable decrease in pressure compared to the base flow (Fig. 14(b), row 1). The inward actuation achieves a higher drag reduction with a smaller total momentum coefficient cμ = 4.7 × 10−4 and covers a broader actuation frequency spectrum. A variation of the primary pressure pampl for a constant Strouhal number of Sr = 0.173 and a jet angle of Θ = 0◦ shows the considerable influence of the momentum coefficient cμ on the effectiveness of the actuation. Only an optimal amplitude (here pampl = 2.0 bar equivalent to a momentum coefficient in the range of cμ = 1.2 × 10−3 ) leads to a drag reduction of approximately 2% compared to the base flow (depicted as pampl = 0 bar in Fig. 14) in combination with an increased static pressure on the lower base section of the model (row 5: +2.9%; row 8: +9.7%). There was no saturation effect for the decreasing static pressure on the upper part of the base (row 1) with increasing primary pressure observed. The phase-averaged velocity fields given in Fig. 15 show the interaction between the actuator jet (row P1, Θ = 0◦ ) and the wake region around the upper edge of
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
the base in plane D (Fig. 8(b)) for four exemplary phases. The large-scale vortex structures induced by the actuator jet move convectively with the outer flow and do not dissipate until they leave the area observed. They are responsible for the intensified momentum transfer between the recirculation area and the outer flow described by Brunn et. al [5]. These amplified large-scale vortex structures depicted in Fig. 15 are the mechanism facilitating the influence on the wake region, the static pressure affecting the rear end and thus the total drag. Concluding, also for this configuration analogue to Sect. 2.2 and the numerical partner project [10] the power balance is examined. The two cases depicted in Fig. 14 have a positive net power balance. For the actuation with a jet angle of Θ = 0◦ and a total momentum coefficient of cμ = 2.3 × 10−3 the power balance results to delta Pnet /PD0 = 0.65% with a relative power needed for the actuation of Pslit /PD0 = 1.2%. For the inward actuation configuration, the momentum coefficient is very small and thus the actuation power is nearly negligible compared to the required propulsion power PD0 . Here the net power balance is ΔPnet /PD0 = 2.1% with a total drag reduction of 2.2%.
4 Conclusion The current study presents experimental results on active flow control with periodically-blowing compressed air actuators at the rear end of two three-dimensional bluff body configurations for increased Reynolds numbers compared to preceding studies. For the first configuration (full-scale Ahmed body model with a slant angle of 25◦ ) a total drag reduction of 5.7% was achieved using a slot actuator row at the upper edge of the base. The potential drag reduction showed a very distinctive receptivity to a variation of the forcing Strouhal number Sr. The variation of the total drag caused by periodic forcing demonstrated a good correlation with the static pressure distribution at the rear end of the model. A model predictive closed-loop control scheme was applied in order to mitigate the longitudinal corner vortices at the rear end of the Ahmed body model. The controller was able to adjust the desired pressure coefficient in the middle of the base and thereby to reduce the drag by 2.5%. Moreover, the controller showed a good performance in terms of disturbance rejection. The combination of different actuator systems influencing the different vortex systems at the rear end of the model is a possible measure to achieve further drag reductions, especially in combination with closed-loop control; here the starting sequence of the different actuators is a crucial parameter. In the second configuration (full-scale Ahmed body model with a slant angle of 90◦ ) periodic forcing at the upper and lower edge of the base with different excitation parameters (forcing intensity, jet angle and Strouhal number) and a new, optimised actuator geometry was examined. With regard to an effective and economical actuation, the inward actuation using small turning vanes to assure an actuator jet pointing into the wake region (Θ = −45◦ ) was the preferred forcing method and generated a drag reduction of up to 2.2% with a momentum coefficient
D. Krentel et al.
of cμ = 4.7 × 10−4. By means of stereo time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry measurements it could be proven that the periodic forcing induced stable large-scale vortex structures amplifying the momentum transfer between the outer flow and the recirculation area described by preceding studies. For three of the presented periodic actuation cases the net power balance is considerable positive, so that the power gained by the active drag control approaches is higher than the power input needed for the actuation. Acknowledgements. This research was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) within the scope of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 557 “Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows”. This support is thankfully acknowledged by the authors. Martin Hecklau, Matthias Bauer and Steffen Kunze are gratefully acknowledged for their comments and advices on the experiments.
References 1. Hucho, W.H.: Aerodynamik der stumpfen Koerper. Physikalische Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Praxis. Vieweg (2002) 2. Ahmed, S.R., Ramm, G.: Some Salient Features of the Time-Averaged Ground Vehicle Wake. SAE Technical Paper Series 840300, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE (1984) 3. Lienhart, H., Stoots, C., Becker, S.: Flow and Turbulence Structures in the Wake of a Simplified Car Model (Ahmed Model). In: Wagner, S., Rist, U., Heinemann, H.J., Hilbig, R. (eds.) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics III. NNFM, vol. 77, pp. 323–330. Springer, Heidelberg (2002) 4. Brunn, A., Wassen, E., Sperber, D., Nitsche, W., Thiele, F.: Active Drag Control for a Generic Car Model. In: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control. NNFM, vol. 95, pp. 247– 259. Springer, Heidelberg (2007) 5. Brunn, A., Nitsche, W.: Active control of turbulent separated flows over slanted surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 27, 748–755 (2006) 6. Roum´eas, M., Gilli´eron, P., Kourta, A.: Analysis and Control of the Near-wake Flow over a Square-back Geometry. Computers & Fluids 38, 60–70 (2009) 7. Yunlong, L., Moser, A.: Numerical Modeling of Airflow over the Ahmed Body. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, pp. 507–512 (2003) 8. Lienhart, H.: Flow and Turbulence Structure in the Wake of a Simplified Car Model. SAE Technical Paper Series 2003-01-0656, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE (2003) 9. Cooper, K.R.: Closed-test-section Wind Tunnel Blockage Corrections for Road Vehicles. Special Publication SAE SP1176, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE (1996) 10. Wassen, E., Eichinger, S., Thiele, F.: Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Squareback Vehicle. In: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control II. NNFM, vol. 108, pp. 241–256. Springer, Heidelberg (2010) 11. Ljung, L.: System Identification: Theory for the User, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (1999) 12. Maciejowski, J.M.: Predictive Control with Constraints. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River (2002) 13. Mayne, D.Q., Rawlings, J.B., Rao, C.V., Scokaert, P.O.M.: Constrained Model Predictive Control: Stability and Optimality. Automatica 36, 789–814 (2000)
Application of Active Flow Control on Generic 3D Car Models
14. Ferreau, H.J., Bock, H.G., Diehl, M.: An Online Active Set Strategy to Overcome the Limitations of Explicit MPC. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 18, 816–830 (2008) 15. Henning, L.: Regelung abgeloester Scherschichten durch aktive Beeinflussung. PhD thesis, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Department of Process Engineering (2008) 16. Englar, R.: Advanced Aerodynamic Devices to Improve the Performance, Economics, Handling and Safety of Heavy Vehicles. SAE Technical Paper Series 2001-01-2072, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE (2001)
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Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle Erik Wassen, S´andor Eichinger, and Frank Thiele
Abstract. An active flow control approach was investigated in order to reduce the aerodynamic drag of a generic square-back vehicle. Using Large Eddy Simulations, it could be shown that steady blowing along the rear edges of the vehicle can reduce the drag by more than 10%. The blowing angle was varied, and a most effective angle of 45◦ was found. The control method leads to a delay of shear layer vortex generation and to changes in the wake structure that cause a pressure increase on the rear surface of the vehicle. A simple estimation of the energy balance showed that the energy input needed for the active control is relatively large. Only for one case investigated in this study a small net power gain was found.
1 Introduction The aerodynamic drag of road vehicles is dominated by the pressure drag due to the flow separation at the rear end of the body [12]. Additionally, the flow field in the wake of the body is highly three-dimensional and unsteady. Considering today’s extensive use of road vehicles for the transport of passengers and goods, reducing the drag of these vehicles can make a major contribution to reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This is the motivation for the present study. Generic car models were introduced by Morel [12] and later by Ahmed et al. [1] in order to investigate the relation between the shape of a vehicles rear end and the
Erik Wassen Berlin Institute of Technology, Department of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Acoustics, Sek. MB 1, Mueller-Breslau-Str. 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] S´andor Eichinger e-mail:
[email protected] Frank Thiele e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 241–255. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
aerodynamic drag. The wake topology and the amount of drag depends strongly on the rear slant angle ϕ . There exists a critical angle of ϕ ≈ 30◦ below which the flow first separates from the roof of the body, then re-attaches on the slanted surface, and then separates again at the rear end of the model. For angles larger than 30◦ the wake is completely separated. As the slant angle increases and approaches 30◦ the pressure drag of the vehicle increases sharply. For larger angles the drag drops again, and it remains almost constant with further increase in ϕ . The present paper focuses on the slant angle of 90◦ , i.e. a square-back geometry, which is typical for coaches or trucks. Especially for the latter a number of passive drag reduction devices have been developed in the past decades, such as front shaping, cab-mounted deflectors, trailer front-end fairings, gap seals, side skirts, and rear boat-tailing [5]. With the progress in active flow control research in recent years new approaches have become possible to change the wake structure and reduce the drag even further. The advantage of active methods is that they can be adjusted to changing flow conditions such that an optimum effect can be achieved even in off-design conditions (e.g. gusty wind, cross-wind). Most studies on active drag control for the Ahmed model have focused on the slant angles of 25◦ and 35◦ which are more typical for passenger cars [7, 13, 3, 17, 18, 19, 15]. In all studies so far the control method was active blowing and/or suction, either steady or periodic. Steady blowing was applied on a square-back model by Roum´eas et al. [14] using a slit along the rear edges of the model. With Lattice Boltzmann simulations they calculated the drag reduction for various blowing angles. The maximum reduction of about 29% was achieved for a blowing angle of 45◦ at a blowing velocity of 1.5 times the inflow velocity. In the present paper results of a numerical study are shown for an active flow control approach using steady blowing on the square-back Ahmed body. The control setup is similar to the one used by Roum´eas et al. [14]. However, in the present investigation a smaller slit has been used, and the flow has been calculated by Large Eddy Simulation (LES). LES has been used by the authors in previous studies on the hatch-back models of ϕ = 25◦ and ϕ = 35◦ [17, 18, 19]. Especially for ϕ = 25◦ it has been demonstrated in the past that the flow is very difficult to predict in numerical simulations as the wake exhibits separation and re-attachment on the slant. Up to now, only LES has been able to calculate the characteristic features for this slant angle. This was first demonstrated by Krajnovi´c and Davidson [9, 10] who gave a detailed analysis of the flow topology and a comparison with experimental results [11]. Therefore, in order to have consistent and comparable results to these previous studies LES was also used for the present case of ϕ = 90◦ . The paper is organised as follows. In Sect. 2 the setup of the numerical simulation and the solution procedure are described. A brief review of the flow features of the reference flow without control is given in Sect. 3, including a discussion of the influence of the floor motion relative to the vehicle. The details of the active flow control approach are shown in Sect. 4. Finally, in Sect. 5 results are presented for various control cases, and the efficiency of the control method is discussed.
Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
2 Numerical Setup The size and geometry of the vehicle investigated here were identical to those of the original model introduced by Ahmed et al. [1]. While these authors conducted experiments for different slant angles, in the present work only the slant angle of ϕ = 90◦ was studied. The model is shown in Fig. 1. It has a height of H/L = 0.276, a width of B/L = 0.373, a distance from the floor of h/L = 0.048, and a radius of the rounded front of R/L = 0.096. The present investigations were carried out at a Reynolds number of ReL = U0 L/ν = 500, 000, where U0 is the inflow velocity and ν the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. This Reynolds number is more than one order of magnitude smaller than the one of a real truck, and it is in a range where the drag still exhibits some Reynolds number dependence [4]. However, the wake topology is fairly independent of the Reynolds number since the flow separation there is induced by the sharp edges. To calculate the flow around the car model, Large Eddy Simulations were performed. The computational domain and the coordinate system for the simulations is shown in Fig. 3. At the inflow boundary a constant velocity of U0 was imposed. The sides and the top of the flow domain were treated with a symmetry boundary condition (“slip wall”). At the outflow a convective boundary condition was used, and all solid walls were treated with a no-slip Stokes condition.
Fig. 1 Geometry of the square-back Ahmed Fig. 2 Numerical grid in the symmetry body plane (only every second grid point is shown)
Fig. 3 Computational domain and coordinate system
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
The solution algorithm for the simulations is based on a central-difference finitevolume discretisation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and an implicit discretisation in time. The algorithm is of second order accuracy both in space and time. Pressure-velocity coupling is realised employing a SIMPLE method. For the LES implicit spacial filtering is used. The subgrid stresses are modelled using a Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model [16] with a model constant of 0.1, and van Driest wall damping is used. The numerical grid in the symmetry plane in the vicinity of the body is shown in Fig. 2. It consisted of about 25 million cells, and local grid refinement was applied near the body surface and in the wake region.
3 Reference Flow In this section a brief overview of the main features of the uncontrolled reference flow shall be given. In addition to the standard setup with a stationary floor, the influence of the floor moving relative to the vehicle is discussed. The latter case is obviously closer to realistic driving conditions. A more detailed comparison of these two cases without flow control can be found in [6]. The overall drag of the model vehicle consists of two components, the friction drag, cF , due to the friction between the fluid and the solid surface, and the pressure drag due to flow separation. The latter has in turn two components, coming from the rounded head of the vehicle, cH , and from the vertical base, cB . The respective drag coefficients for all cases presented in this paper are summarized in Table 1. The total drag coefficient for the natural flow with stationary floor is cD = 2FD/(ρ U02 BH) = 0.279, where FD is the total drag force and ρ the fluid density. This drag coefficient is higher than that originally measured by Ahmed et al. [1], which was cD = 0.250. This is to be expected since the blockage ratio in the present
Table 1 Total drag coefficient (cD ) and the respective contributions from pressure drag (base – cB , head – cH ) and friction drag (cF )
reference flow
Δ cD cD,re f
0.261 -0.017 0.035
0◦ 0.271 -2.9% 0.252 -0.017 0.036 stationary floor
continuous slit
20◦ 0.260 -6.8% 0.241 -0.017 0.036 45◦ 0.248 -11.1% 0.228 -0.017 0.037 60◦ 0.250 -10.4% 0.230 -0.017 0.037
without corners moving floor
45◦ 0.263 -6.1% 0.243 -0.017 0.037
reference flow
continuous slit
0.250 -0.017 0.035
0.239 -10.8% 0.220 -0.018 0.037
Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
study is higher (4.3% compared to 1.2% in Ahmed et al.). Furthermore, Ahmed et al. used a wind tunnel with an open test section, whereas in the present simulation a closed test section was used. In addition, the current Reynolds number of ReL = 500, 000 is significantly lower than that in the wind tunnel experiments of Ahmed et al. who used ReL = 4.3 · 106 . The present Reynolds number is in the subcritical range where the flow around the rounded front is partly laminar, and where the drag is somewhat higher than in the super-critical range [4]. Because of the high demand on computational resources it is not feasible to perform an LES at a much higher Reynolds number. However, as mentioned in Sect. 2 the topology of the wake is mostly independent of the Reynolds number. Looking at the individual drag components of the stationary floor reference flow in Table 1, one can see that the drag coefficient of the front part is negative. This is a low-Reynolds number effect as indicated above. By far the biggest contribution to the total drag comes from the pressure drag on the vertical base, cB = 0.261. This is the reason why the most promising approach to reducing the aerodynamic drag of this vehicle model is the modification of the wake flow in order to increase the base pressure. The relative motion of the floor leads to a total drag coefficient of cD = 0.268 which is 4% smaller than for the stationary floor. The only drag component that is affected by the floor motion is the pressure drag on the vertical base. The pressure drag on the front and the friction drag remain unchanged. While the effect of the floor motion on the drag is moderate, a much larger effect was observed on the lift force which is more than 20% smaller with a moving floor (not shown in Table 1, see [6]). The time-averaged flow in the near wake of the square-back vehicle resembles a distorted ring vortex. This can seen in Fig. 4 where streamlines are shown in two different planes for the case of stationary floor. In the left part of the figure the flow in the symmetry plane, y = 0, is displayed. Two counter-rotating vortices can be observed, a bigger upper vortex and a smaller lower vortex. In the horizontal plane, z/L = 0.197, which is shown in the right part of the figure there are two equally sized vortices visible. Even though the time-averaging in the numerical simulation
0.2 0.1
0.3 y/L
0.1 0
-0.2 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 x/L
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 x/L
Fig. 4 Streamlines of the time-averaged reference flow in the wake of the model (stationary floor); left: symmetry plane, y = 0; right: horizontal plane, z/L = 0.197
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
Fig. 5 Time-averaged pressure distribution and surface streamlines on the rear surface; left: stationary floor; right: moving floor
was carried out over a relatively long time period of Δ Tavg = 20L/U0 , one can still observe some asymmetry in the wake structure. The reason is that the wake exhibits a low-frequency lateral motion which is caused by a small separation bubble on the floor downstream of the model [6]. Therefore, very long averaging times are needed to achieve a symmetric mean flow. The pressure on the rear surface is responsible for most of the aerodynamic drag. Because of the vortical structure of the wake the pressure is not distributed homogeneously on this surface. In Fig. 5 the distribution of the pressure coefficient, c p = 2(p− p0 )/(ρ U02 ), is shown for the two reference cases. In addition, streamlines are displayed that indicate the direction of the near-surface flow. For the stationary floor case (left) the highest pressure is observed in the vicinity of the stagnation point at the center bottom of the surface. The lowest pressure is found in the upper part to both sides of the symmetry plane. The streamlines demonstrate that the flow moves radially away from the stagnation point which is consistent with the ring-like nature of the wake vortex. Further towards the roof and the sides of the vehicle a separation line can be seen. Close to the edges a small secondary vortical motion is present which is also visible in Fig. 4, right. When the floor moves relative to the vehicle the stagnation point on the vertical surface moves upward (Fig. 5, right). At the same time the size of the area of higher pressure around the stagnation point increases, and also the low-pressure regions in the upper part show – on average – higher pressure levels. The latter effects are responsible for the lower drag for this case compared to the stationary floor. Consistent to the statements made above, both cases show some asymmetry in the pressure distributions despite relatively long time-averaging intervals.
4 Control Approach In order to modify the wake and reduce the pressure drag, an active flow control approach was applied using steady blowing through a small continuous slit along
Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
Fig. 6 Slit geometry and blowing direction
the rear edges of the model. The effect of this approach can be twofold. On the one hand the steady blowing can emulate the effect of passive boat tail plates that have been shown to reduce the drag by delaying the generation of vortices in the separating shear layers [5]. On the other hand the form of the wake can be modified to a certain extent by changing the blowing angle. A similar control approach has been investigated successfully in [14], but at a higher Reynolds number of ReL = 2.8 · 106 and using a Lattice Boltzmann method. The control principle is shown schematically in Fig. 6. The slit was located on the rear surface at a distance of b/L = 0.0048 from the edges, and it had a width of b/L = 0.0048. The direction of blowing was varied from Θ = 0◦ , i.e. horizontal blowing, up to Θ = 60◦ inward, as displayed in the right part of Fig. 6. The blowing velocity was equal to the inflow velocity, vslit = U0 , for all cases. As a consequence, the resulting momentum coefficient, cμ =
2 b (B + H − 6b) BH
vslit U0
cos Θ ,
is different for all cases. The momentum coefficient and the related energetical efficiency is discussed in Sect. 5.4.
5 Flow Control Results 5.1 Drag Reduction In the present paper results are presented for six different control scenarios. For the reference case of the stationary floor four different blowing angles were investigated. The most effective blowing angle was then applied to the case of the moving floor. In addition to the control setup described in Sect. 4, a slightly modified setup was investigated. The latter is discussed separately in Sect. 5.3. The drag reduction results and the contributions of the individual components are summarised in Table 1. Steady blowing in horizontal direction, Θ = 0◦ , achieves a drag reduction of almost 3%. When the blowing angle is increased the drag reduction becomes larger,
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
up to 11.1% for an angle of Θ = 45◦ . As the angle is increased further to Θ = 60◦ , the effect becomes smaller again, but still reducing the total drag by 10.4%. This trend is consistent with the results of Roum´eas et al. [14] who also found the most effective blowing angle at 45◦ . They even achieved a maximum drag reduction of almost 29%. However, in their simulation the slit was two times bigger and the blowing velocity was vslit = 1.5U0 , leading to a momentum coefficient that is 4.5 times larger than that in the present study. The most successful blowing angle of 45◦ was also applied to the moving floor case. Even though this case already has a lower drag for the uncontrolled flow (compared to the staionary floor), an additional drag reduction of 10.8% could be reached. For all these control cases the changes in drag are almost completely attributed to changes in the base pressure. There are only very minor effects on the head pressure and on the friction drag. Interestingly, this is in contrast to the Ahmed model with a slanted rear end. For this geometry it has been shown in previous studies that changes in the wake structure and related decreases in drag have strong upstream effects [19, 20].
5.2 Wake Structure The changes in the drag coefficients are caused by changes in the structure of the wake which in turn affects the pressure distribution on the rear vehicle surface. In Fig. 7 the pressure distribution and the surface streamlines are shown for the four stationary floor control cases. Three of these cases, Θ = 0◦ , 45◦ and 60◦ , exhibit a strong asymmetry despite the fact that the results have been averaged over a relatively long time period of Δ Tavg = 20L/U0. As mentioned in Sect. 3, the uncontrolled wake shows a low-frequency lateral oscillation, resulting in a symmetric wake structure if averaging is performed over a sufficient amount of time. Apparently, the present flow control approach disrupts the wake oscillation and stabilises the wake in its position at the onset of blowing. Therefore, the time-averaged wake is not symmetric for most cases. As an example the streamlines of the time-averaged flow for Θ = 45◦ in a horizontal plane at y/L = 0.197 can be seen in Fig. 8. In contrast to the reference flow (Fig. 4) the two counter-rotating vortices are not equally big, but one is significantly larger than the other. This effect of stabilising the wake in an asymmetric state needs further investigation, especially since it has been observed only for three of the stationary floor control cases while the fourth case, Θ = 20◦ shows a fair amount of symmetry (Fig. 7, b). Looking at the pressure distributions in Fig. 7 it can be seen that all control cases have larger areas of high pressure compared to the reference flow (Fig. 5, left). These high-pressure areas are located in the vicinity of the respective stagnation points. This point is moved upward for all cases, and in addition it is moved to the right half of the surface for the three cases that show an asymmetric time-averaged topology. For Θ = 0◦ there is also a large region of very low pressure in the left part of the surface. For all other cases the sizes and the strengths of the low-pressure regions are clearly reduced in comparison to the reference flow.
Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
Fig. 7 Time-averaged pressure distribution and surface streamlines on the rear surface for stationary floor control cases: a) Θ = 0◦ , b) Θ = 20◦ , c) Θ = 45◦ , d) Θ = 60◦
Fig. 8 Streamlines of the time-averaged flow at a horizontal plane, z/L = 0.197, for Θ = 45◦ (stationary floor)
-0.1 -0.2 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 x/L
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
Fig. 9 Time-averaged pressure distribution and surface streamlines for moving floor control case, Θ = 45◦
The pressure distribution and surface streamlines for the moving floor control case is given in Fig. 9. Again, the size of the high-pressure region has been increased, and there are no areas of significantly low pressure compared to the uncontrolled reference flow (Fig. 5, right). In this case the time-averaged wake is more symmetric since the reference flow with moving floor does not show the same oscillative behaviour [6] as the stationary case. One idea of the present control approach of steady blowing was that this method could emulate the effect of boat tail plates, namely the delay of shear layer vortex generation further downstream. In Fig. 10 instantaneous snapshots of shear layer vortices are shown for three different cases. The vortices are visualised using isosurfaces of λ2 [8]. In addition, they are coloured by the local u-velocity component. For the reference case in the upper right part of the figure it can be seen that the generation of vortices starts immediately downstream of the rear edges, and that the vortices are parallel to the edges. The blowing angle of Θ = 0◦ is shown in the bottom left part of the figure. Here the onset of vortex generation already appears to be somewhat attenuated. This effect is even more pronounced for Θ = 45◦ , shown on the bottom right. The vortices are clearly generated further downstream, and also the number of vortex structures in the near wake has obviously been reduced.
5.3 Alternative Control Approach A close inspection of the pressure distributions on the rear surface for the reference cases (Fig. 5) as well as for the control cases (Fig. 7 and 9) reveals that in almost all cases a pressure increase towards the corners can be observed. This fact gives rise to the idea that it might not be necessary to have a continuous slit. Instead, the same effect could possibly be achieved by placing a slit only along the edges, but omitting blowing at the corners. This way a smaller mass flow would be injected into the flow, and the energy input would be smaller. Additionally, from a practical point of view it would be easier to build such a control system and implement it in a real vehicle.
Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
Fig. 10 Shear layer vortices (iso-surface of λ2 = −500U02 /L2 ) in the wake of the vehicle model, coloured by local u-velocity (red: u/U0 = 1.1, blue: u/U0 = 0); right: reference flow (stationary floor), bottom left: Θ = 0◦ , bottom right: Θ = 45◦ .
A simple test was performed to check for differences in drag reduction performance when the control at the corners is omitted. The blowing was turned of in the four corner blocks of the numerical grid, resulting in a modified slit geometry that is displayed in figure 11 (left). The slits on the upper and lower edges of the model end at a distance of d2 /L = 0.034 from the corner, and the slits on the side edges end at a distance of d1 /L = 0.014. Even though these changes are rather small they have a significant detrimental effect on the performance. The drag reduction is diminished from 11.1% for the continuous slit to only 6.1% for the modified slit. The effect on the pressure and on the surface streamlines is shown in Fig. 11 (right). The near-wall flow pattern is very similar to the one for the continuous slit (compare Fig. 7, bottom left), indicating that the structure of the near-wake is very similar. Also, the size and strength of the high-pressure area in the right part of the rear surface is not changed significantly. In contrast, the low-pressure region in the left part of the surface has clearly increased in strength. Since this region of low pressure is the “footprint” of the related wake vortex this indicates that also this vortex has become stronger.
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
Fig. 11 Left: Modified slit geometry; right: time-averaged pressure distribution and surface streamlines for modified slit, Θ = 45◦ , stationary floor
5.4 Efficiency The maximum amount of drag reduction achieved in the present study is 11.1% for a stationary floor and 10.8% for a moving floor. This is considerable since it is equivalent to an identical amount of reduction of propulsion power for a the vehicle. However, since the present flow control approach is an active one, some energy input is necessary. In order to assess the efficiency of the approach, a simple estimation is done in the following. The propulsion power to overcome the aerodynamic drag for the natural flow is 1 PD = FD U0 = cD ρ B H U03 , 2 and the power of the blowing fluid can be calculated (for the continuous slit geometry) as 1 1 Pslit = m˙ slit v2slit = ρ 2 b (B + H − 6b) cos Θ v3slit , 2 2 and the resulting relative net power balance is
Δ Pnet Δ cD Pslit = + . PD cD,re f PD In Table 2 an overview is given of the momentum coefficients, the relative power input and the power balance of the different actuation cases. It can be seen that the power needed for the actuation varies between about 10% and 21% of the propulsive power for the uncontrolled reference case. Since the blowing velocity and the slit width are the same for all control cases, the mass flow and hence the momentum coefficient and the energy of the fluid jet get smaller with increasing blowing angle Θ . Therefore, the smallest relative energy input is necessary for an angle of 45◦ , and the highest energy input for the blowing angle of 0◦ .
Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
Table 2 Momentum coefficient, relative actuation power and relative net power balance
Pslit /PD Δ Pnet /PD
0◦ 0.058 20.7%
0.054 19.5%
0.041 14.6%
0.029 10.3%
without corners
0.051 18.4%
continuous slit
45◦ 0.041 15.2%
continuous slit stationary floor
moving floor
The last column in Table 2 gives the resulting power balance, i.e. the sum of the additional power input due to the actuation and the power reduction due to reduced aerodynamic drag. For almost all cases the power balance is positive, meaning that more additional power needs to be put in than what is gained. Only for one case, Θ = 60◦ , a very small net power gain of 0.1% is achieved. This shows that even though the present control approach is rather effective, it is not efficient. There are several possible ways to improve the efficiency, e.g. by reducing the width of the blowing slit, by reducing the blowing velocity, or by applying some sort of unsteady actuation (sinusoidal or pulsed). The effect of these measures is that the time-averaged mass flux is reduced, which in turn leads to smaller momentum coefficients and energy levels. It has to be investigated in the future whether these modifications still achieve a comparable effectivity.
6 Conclusion Active drag reduction for a generic square-back vehicle was investigated using LES. The control method consisted of a small slit along the rear edges of the model, and steady blowing was applied. The blowing angle was varied, and a maximum drag reduction of 11.1% was achieved for an angle of Θ = 45◦ . The reduction in drag is caused by an increase in pressure levels on the rear vehicle surface. At the same time it was observed that the application of steady blowing stabilises the wake in the current position that it has when the blowing is started. As a result, the time-averaged wake exhibits a significant degree of asymmetry for almost all control cases. When the relative motion of the floor is taken into account the aerodynamic drag of the uncontrolled vehicle is 4% smaller than with a stationary floor. The application of active control has been found to be able to achieve an additional amount of drag reduction of 10.8% which is comparable to the stationary floor case. A modified slit geometry was investigated that omitted blowing in the vicinity of the vehicle corners. This rather small modification caused a significant deterioration of the drag
E. Wassen, S. Eichinger, and F. Thiele
reducing effect. An estimation of the efficiency of the investigated active control approach showed that despite its good effectivity the power input is higher than the power gained by reducing the total drag. Further research is needed to increase the efficiency by modifying the approach. Acknowledgements. This research was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) within the scope of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 557. The simulations were performed on the IBM pSeries 690 supercomputer at the North German Cooperation for High-Performance Computing (HLRN). The authors are also grateful to Sinisa Krajnovi´c, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, who provided a geometry and topology of a numerical grid, which was the basis for the grid used in this study.
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Simulation of Active Drag Reduction for a Square-Back Vehicle
16. Smagorinsky, J.: General circulation experiments with the primitive equations. Monthly Weather Review 91, 99–164 (1963) 17. Wassen, E., Thiele, F.: LES of wake control for a generic fastback vehicle, AIAA Paper 2007-4504 (2007) 18. Wassen, E., Thiele, F.: Drag reduction for a generic car model using steady blowing, AIAA Paper 2008–3771 (2008) 19. Wassen, E., Thiele, F.: Road vehicle drag reduction by combined steady blowing and suction, AIAA Paper 2009–4174 (2009) 20. Wassen, E., Thiele, F.: Simulation of active separation control on a generic vehicle. Accepted for publication at: 5th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Chicago, USA (2010)
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Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions Rifet Muminovic, Jens Pfeiffer, Nico Werner, and Rudibert King
Abstract. Experimental investigations aiming at the reduction of the aerodynamic drag of a 2D bluff body by closed-loop flow control are conducted. Pulsed suction at the rear end of the body has been applied. The controllers exploit measurements of the base pressure of the body since the base pressure correlates well with the drag. Disturbances in terms of changed oncoming flow conditions have been examined. Furthermore, a second 2D bluff body appearing in the wake of the first body disturbs the flow field. A model predictive and a robust model predictive controller have been tested successfully in experiments and are compared.
1 Introduction The manipulation of separated flows behind bluff bodies has been an ongoing research topic for many decades. Flow separation around bluff bodies occurs quite often in industrial applications, such as automobiles or heavy vehicles. Benefits of applying flow control are for instance improved driving characteristics in terms of fuel consumption, pollution and noise control. Starting from the well known advantages of active flow control (AFC), this contribution focuses on closed-loop active flow control. Closed-loop control design, however, based on a mathematical model of the process is hindered by the complexity of the flows encountered. Solving the Navier-Stokes equation for control design or within the control algorithm is not possible for practical reasons. Another approach which is directly based on the Navier-Stokes equation is the use of lowdimensional models for the controller synthesis, i.e. Galerkin or vortex models (e.g. [1]). A nonlinear controller based on a Galerkin model for the same bluff body considered here is applied in experiments and is shown in a companion paper [2]. On the other hand, model-free adaptive control methods can be exploited, i.e. extremumand slope-seeking controllers. These methods have been applied successfully in Rifet Muminovic · Jens Pfeiffer · Nico Werner · Rudibert King Berlin Institute of Technology, Department of Process Engineering, Chair of Measurement and Control, Hardenbergstr. 36a, D-10623 Berlin e-mail:
[email protected]
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 257–272. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
R. Muminovic et al.
numerous experimental applications (e.g. [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]). Irrespective of a significant acceleration of the original algorithm [6], the performance of these controllers suffers from relatively slow dynamics since the time constant of the process is limiting the dynamics of the closed-loop. This investigation focuses on control design based on black-box models derived for a 2D bluff body with disturbed flow conditions. As a disturbance, besides a change in Reynolds number, a second 2D bluff body appears in the wake of the first one. This mimics the situation where a second car closes up to a leading one. A model predictive and a robust model predictive controller have been implemented. The model predictive controller (MPC) utilizes a single nominal model whereas the robust model predictive controller takes the uncertainty into account by including an identified model family for predicting the future behavior and calculating an optimal future control input. Some examples of MPC applied in experiments for simpler flow configurations are found in [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. As an optimization-based approach model predictive control is computationally demanding, especially when states or input constraints and/or many models have to be considered. Therefore, model predictive and robust model predictive control has been applied mainly for rather slow processes with time scales of minutes to hours (e.g [14, 15]). The main challenge for an application in flow control is thus the extremely fast dynamics of such processes. This paper is organized as follows: The flow characteristics as well as the experimental setup of the 2D bluff body arrangement are presented in Sec. 2. Sec. 3 describes the process of model identification and the identified models. The controller design is presented in Sec. 4. The result of the investigation are shown in Sec. 5. Finally, the findings of this research study are summarized in Sec. 6.
2 Experimental Setup and Flow Characteristics 2.1 Experimental Setup The experiments are conducted in an Eiffel-type wind tunnel with a maximum free speed velocity of 20 m s and a turbulence level of less than 0.5%. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The closed test section has a dimension of lts = 2500 mm, hts = 545 mm and wts = 490 mm in x, y and z directions, respectively. A 2 dimensional bluff body equipped with actuation slots along the trailing edges for active flow control is located 727 mm downstream of the test section entrance. The body has a chord length l = 181 mm, body height h = 50 mm and spanwise width w = 474 mm. Trip tapes are placed 20 mm downstream of the rounded nose to trigger transition from laminar to turbulent boundary layer. A second bluff body with an identical geometry can be placed at a variable distance d behind the leading bluff body, forming a tandem configuration. A Prandtl tube located 200 mm downstream of the test section entrance monitors dynamic pressure pdyn to calculate the uncorthe free-stream static pressure p∞ and rected free-stream velocity u∞,u = 2/ρ · pdyn. Herein ρ denotes the density of the
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
trip tapes pressure sensors
free stream z1 y1
Prandtl tube
y2 x2
actuators body 1 body 2
strain gauges d
h l
Fig. 1 Experimental setup with a pair of two 2D bluff bodies in a tandem arrangement
fluid. Since the geometric blockage of the model in the wind tunnel is rather large a blockage correction method proposed by Mercker [16] is used to compute a cor√ rected free stream velocity u∞ = Bc u∞,u . For the experimental setup with a single bluff body Bc,1 = 1.16 was determined, whereas a slightly higher factor Bc,2 = 1.18 is needed to correct for blockage effects for the tandem configuration. The Reynolds and Strouhal numbers are given with respect to body height h and corrected free stream velocity u∞ by Reh = u∞ν h and Sth = uf ∞h , respectively. Herein ν denotes the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and f represents the frequency. The experiments are conducted within a Reynolds number range from 16200 to 38000. The pressure on the bodies’ surfaces is monitored with several pressure taps by difference pressure gauges (PascaLine PCLA02X5D1) which are temperature compensated and calibrated. The corrected pressure coefficients are calculated by cp = 1 −
1 − cp,u Bc
with cp,u =
pi − p ∞ , ρ /2u2∞,u
wherein cp,u denotes the uncorrected pressure coefficient for the pressure pi measured at pressure tap i. The base pressures cp,b1 and cp,b2 for the first and second body are calculated by a spatial average over the pressure readings from an array of nine taps located at the leading and rear bluff body’s stern, respectively. In order to measure the drag force Fx , two strain gauges (HBM 6/350LY13) are applied to the mounting beam of each bluff body. The strain gauge signals are amplified with a power amplifier (HBM ML55b). The nondimensional drag coefficient is calculated based on Mercker’s blockage correction by cd =
cd,u − 14 CS c2d,u Bc
cd,u =
Fx . ρ /2u2∞,uhw
R. Muminovic et al.
Herein cd,u represents the uncorrected drag coefficient. S = 2wh denotes the duplex model frontal area and C = 2wts hts the duplex tunnel cross-sectional area. Five actuator slots with a slot width of ws = 1 mm and a slot length of ls = 85 mm are located along each trailing edge of the first bluff body. Only three of them are used on each side, see below. A pulsed suction actuation is effected by solenoid actuated switching valves (Festo MHE4-MS1H). The vacuum necessary to create suction is generated by a venturi nozzle (Festo VN-30-L-T6). In order to change the actuation amplitude the supply pressure of the venturi nozzle is controlled by a pressure regulator (Hoerbiger tecno plus PRE-U2). The actuation effort is characterized by the nondimensional momentum coefficient cμ = 2 ·
6ls ws hw
q¯eff u∞
2 ,
with q¯eff denoting the r.m.s value of the velocity generated by the actuation at the exit of the slot. The factor 6 corresponds to the number of actuation slots used.
2.2 Characteristics of Natural Flow The natural flow around a 2-dimensional D-shaped bluff body is characterized by an absolute wake instability [17]. This results in a two-dimensional vortex shedding which is only weakly disturbed by three-dimensional fluctuations [18]. Due to the absolute wake instability, any perturbation of the symmetry between both shear layers is amplified, which causes alternating large-scale vortices that form a von K´arm´an vortex street [19]. As depicted in the smoke wire visualization shown in Fig. 2 the vortices shedding with a characteristic frequency Stnat,1 = 0.21 from the trailing edges evolve into large-scale alternating structures that reach close to the base and induce a low mean pressure of about c¯p,b1 = −0.46 on the stern. The alternating vortices cause large fluctuations with a phase shift of approximately 180◦ in the instantanious pressure readings for the two sensor positions located at the stern close to the trailing edges. As the aerodynamic resistance of bluff bodies is mainly caused by pressure drag [20], the low mean pressure at the stern results in a high drag coefficient c¯d,1 = 0.98. When a second bluff body is installed behind the leading one, a slipstream effect is observed that becomes stronger the closer the two bodies are to each other. Table 1 gives an overview of the time averaged values of pressure and drag coefficients. At large distances such as d = 7h pressure readings at the base indicate that the wake of the leading bluff body exhibits the same absolute instability with alternating large scale vortices as the wake of the single bluff body. This results in a drag coefficient similar to a single bluff body. However, the rear body profits from a slipstream effect because it is located in the wake of the leading body, which lowers its drag coefficient to c¯d,2 = 0.36. At smaller distances d the pressure in the wake behind the leading body is increased, which mostly reduces the drag coefficient of the leading body while the aerodynamic resistance of the rear body is raised slightly. When the rear body is
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
S1 S3
−1 0
t∗ = tu∞ /h Fig. 2 Smoke wire visualization of the natural flow for a single bluff body at Reh = 16200 (left) and typical time series of pressure readings cp at sensor positions S1 and S3 (right)
Table 1 Time averaged drag cofficients and mean pressure coefficients for the single bluff body and for the tandem arrangement at different distances d at Reh = 32600. Refer to text for details. d Single body 7h 5h 3h 2.5h 2.25h 2h c¯d,1 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.94 0.89 0.84 0.66 c¯ p,b1 -0.46 -0.42 -0.39 -0.36 -0.32 -0.27 -0.08 c¯d,2 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.4 c¯ p,b2 -0.32 -0.31 -0.32 -0.31 -0.29 -0.35
moved to a very small distance of d ≤ 2h to the leading body, no large alternating vortices develop in the wake between the two bodies anymore. This leads to a large decrease of the leading body’s drag to c¯d,1 = 0.66, while the base pressure c¯p,b1 = −0.08 is increased to values close to zero.
2.3 Characteristics of the Flow with Pulsed Suction In order to reduce the aerodynamic resistance of a bluff body the wake instability needs to be mitigated [19]. Earlier results prove a successful drag reduction of a single bluff body by sinusoidal zero-net-mass-flux actuation through slots located along the trailing edges, leading to a synchronisation of the shear layer vortices with an elongated dead water zone [19]. Within the scope of this paper we study a new actuation mechanism using pulsed suction through slots located along the leading bluff body’s trailing edges. We first focus on a single bluff body and then consider the effects when a second, rear body is inserted. Several parameter variations were undertaken to study the effects of open-loop forcing. Tests with steady and pulsed blowing showed no beneficial effects, whereas pulsed suction leads to a significant drag reduction. For the given actuator geometry we found a spanwise distributed actuation to be the most effective using pulsed inphase suction at only three of five slots located along each trailing edge. Varying the pulsation frequency in the range of 0 < Sth,a < 0.3 yields a drag reduction for
R. Muminovic et al.
−0.5 S1 S3
−1 0
t∗ = tu∞/h Fig. 3 Smoke wire visualization of pulsed suction actuated flow for a single bluff body with Sth,a = 0.15 and cμ = 1.4 · 10−2 at Reh = 16200 (left) and typical time series of pressure readings cp at sensor positions S1 and S3 (right).
frequencies Sth,a < Sth,nat1 = 0.21 with an optimal actuation frequency of Sth,a = 0.17. This is slightly higher than the optimal forcing frequency Sth,a = 0.15 found for a sinusoidal zero-net-mass-flux actuation applied to a larger bluff body [19]. Figure 3 shows a smoke wire visualization of a section at z1 = 0 where the flow is forced by the two middle actuators. It is observed that the wake instability is successfully suppressed and no large alternating vortices evolve close to the stern of the bluff body. The pressure readings at the stern plotted in Fig. 3 on the right side reveal a mean pressure increase to approximately c¯p,b1 ≈ −0.25 with synchronized fluctuations corresponding to the actuation frequency. The steady-state maps for a parameter variation of the amplitude of the pulsed suction actuation at Reh = 32300 at several distances d are shown in Fig. 4. Experiments at other Reynolds numbers in a range of 26900 < Reh < 37600 reveal only very small changes of the steady-state maps with changes in flow speed. Therefore, these results are not shown here. The plots indicate a good correlation between the base pressure c¯p,b1 and the drag coefficient c¯d,1 . This is important, as cd,1 cannot be measured in an application of closed-loop flow control with a real car outside of a wind tunnel. Hence, we can use the pressure coefficient at the leadings body’s base as surrogate controlled variable. In the undisturbed case with a single bluff body a very low actuation amplitude of about cμ = 0.2 · 10−3 leads to a small pressure decrease of c¯p,b1 and a slight degradation of c¯d,1 . With an increasing amplitude we observe a pressure increase until a saturation at about c¯p,1 = −0.25 is reached for cμ > 0.8 · 10−3. This corresponds to a drag reduction for the leading body of about 15%. A second body inserted behind the first bluff body at distances d ≥ 7h has only very little impact on the leading body’s wake. The steady-state map looks almost identical to the case with a single bluff body and, therefore, is not shown in Fig. 4. Moving the rear body closer to distances d = 5h or even d = 2.5h intensifies the slipstream effect and leads to a higher mean pressure in the wake behind the leading body, shifting the base pressure steady-state map upwards. Actuating with amplitudes cμ ≥ 0.2 · 10−3 creates a further pressure rise at the leading body’s stern. For
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
cp,b1 ¯
0 −0.2 −0.4 0
1 −3
x 10
1 0.8 0.6 0
cμ ¯cd,1 + c¯d,2
Fig. 4 Steady-state maps for a variation of the actuation amplitude cμ and a constant actuation frequency Sth,a = 0.17 for a single bluff body (•) and a tandem arrangement at distances 5h (×), 2.5h () and 2h (◦) at Reh = 32300. The plots show the time averaged values for the leadings body’s base pressure (top) and drag coefficient (middle), as well as the sum of the drag coefficients of the tandem arrangement (bottom).
1 −3
x 10
1.3 1.2 1.1 0
1 −3
x 10
amplitudes cμ ≥ 0.4 · 10−3 the absolute wake instability is successfully suppressed and the mean base pressure c¯p,b1 , the drag of the leading body c¯d,1 and the sum of both bodies’ drag coefficients reach a saturation whose level depends on the distance between the bodies. The actuation level at which the saturation is reached is significantly lower than in the case where only a single body is considered. Furthermore the steady-state maps show a larger slope for smaller distances such as d = 2.5h, indicating that the flow becomes more sensitive to the actuation mechanism. The pressure increase in the wake behind the leading body created by the openloop flow control also leads to a slight increase of the rear body’s aerodynamic resistance. However, the lower plot shown in Fig. 4 proves that the sum of both bodies’ drag coefficients can be reduced by approximately 5% to 8%, depending on d. When the rear body is moved very close to the first body at distances d ≤ 2h no alternating vortices develop in the wake between the bodies for the natural flow, leading to a very high base pressure c¯p,b1 ≈ −0.08. In this case the actuation is ineffective in reducing the drag of the leading bluff body and even increases the drag of the rear body. The effects and disturbances created by a second, rear body on the leading body’s wake point out the need to be able to adapt to a change in operating conditions. This can be accounted for by closed-loop flow control.
3 Model Identification Based on the results from open-loop forcing an identification of linear black-box models is performed for the experimental setup with a single bluff body. The input
R. Muminovic et al. linear system with respect to u∗ nonlinear system
u∗ -
6 -
u -
v -
Fig. 5 Model of a nonlinear system with linear dynamics and a static nonlinearity at the input that can be pre-compensated by its inverse
variable u(t) = cμ is varied as a pseudo-random binary signal (PRBS) while keeping the actuation frequency constant at the optimal value of Sth,a = 0.17. For different excitation levels in the range of 0 < cμ < 1 · 10−3 at three Reynolds numbers Reh = 26900, 32300 and 37600 the plant output signal y = cp,b1 is recorded. Although the influence of the rear bluff body is not taken into account in the model identification, the experimental results prove that the model predictive controllers examined in this paper can handle such disturbances. The steady-state map shown in Fig. 4 obtained from experiments with open-loop control for the single bluff body exhibits a nonlinear relationship between actuation amplitude cμ and mean base pressure c¯p,b1 which can be fitted by a static map f (u). It is assumed that this static map can be used as well for a variable base pressure, i.e. f = f (u).The nonlinear system is thus approximated by a model consisting of a static input nonlinearity and linear dynamics shown in Fig. 5. The static map can be inverted and used as a pre-compensator f (u∗ )−1 , resulting in a plant which is almost linear with respect to u∗ (t). A total of 85 linear black-box models are identified using the Prediction-ErrorMethod from the MATLAB-routine [21]. For each identification experiment a first order model yields a good fit of the measured plant output. In the Laplace domain such models are given by Kp y(s) = u(s) (4) T1 s + 1 with the Laplace-transformed output and input y(s) and u(s), respectively, and the Laplace variable s. Higher model orders did not improve the model fit. The frequency response for the complete identified model family is plotted in Fig. 6. The pre-compensator reduces the uncertainty of the identified models’ gain. Hence, the spread of the amplitude for f → 0 Hz is significantly smaller than without precompensation. The design of the model predictive controller (MPC) requires a nominal model which is obtained by taking the mean values of the parameters Kp and T1 from the complete model family. Since this control method does not take the uncertainty in the plant transfer function into account we also implemented a robust model predictive controller (RMPC). In order to ensure real-time capability of the RMPC 7 models are chosen which constitute the outer limits of the amplitude and phase responses of the model family. They represent the worst-case scenarios which are considered in the optimization problem solved by the RMPC.
Phase [◦ ]
Fig. 6 Frequency response for all identified linear black-box models (grey) and the nominal model (dashed in black)
Amplitude [dB]
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
20 0 −20 −40 −2 10
10 f [Hz]
0 −20 −40 −60 −80 −2
10 f [Hz]
4 Controller Design This investigation focuses on active closed-loop control of a 2D bluff body with and without a second body in the vicinity of the first body. A model predictive and a robust model predictive controller have been implemented and are tested in experiments. The implemented closed-loop control scheme for both controllers is given in Fig. 7. As described in Sec. 3 the plant behaves linearly with respect to Plant r- e eController
6 -
- v-
Fig. 7 Control-loop (r - reference input, e - error, u - plant input, u∗ - compensated plant input , y - plant output)
the compensated plant input u∗ . Thus, both controllers utilize black-box models describing the behavior of the plant output y to the plant input u∗ . In the following, a short description of the two design methods is presented.
4.1 Model Predictive Control The main idea of model predictive control is to repeatedly calculate control moves, i.e. changes in u(t), based on a mathematical model of the process, such that a cost functional is minimized. The minimization is achieved by solving online a finite horizon open-loop optimal control problem. Thereby the current state of the plant is used as initial state for the optimization. The optimized control move is applied to the process until the next sampling instant. Based on the new process state a
R. Muminovic et al.
new minimization of the cost functional is conducted, resulting in a new optimal control move, and so forth. A short description of the implemented model predictive controller will be given. For a more detailed description see [12, 22, 23]. The implemented model predictive controller is based on the identified nominal model described in Sec. 3, which is given as a linear discrete-time state-space model x(k + 1) = A x(k) + B u∗ (k), y(k) = C x(k),
(5) (6)
where k denotes the discrete time step, x(k) ∈ ℜnx the state of the plant, y(k) ∈ ℜny the plant output, u∗ (k) ∈ ℜnu the plant input, A the dynamic, B the input and C the output matrix. The model predictive controller minimizes at each sampling instant the cost functional min J = min 1/2 [xT (k + Hp |k) P x(k + Hp |k) + ∗ ∗ u
Hp −1
xT (k + i|k) Q x(k + i|k) + u∗T (k + i|k) R u∗ (k + i|k)],
such that
u∗min ≤ u∗ (k + i) ≤ u∗max ,
i = 1, ..., H p ,
in which equations (5) and (6) hold. Hp denotes the prediction horizon, Q and R are symmetric positive definite weighting matrices, x(k + i|k) denotes the future state and u∗ (k + i|k) the future plant input predicted at time k. The terminal cost 1/2 xT (k + Hp |k) P x(k + Hp |k)
in which matrix P is found by solving the unconstrained, infinite-horizon linear quadratic regulation problem, ensures closed-loop asymptotical stability for linear, constrained and stable open-loop systems, see [23]. Concatenating future states into xp = (x(k + 1|k)) · · · x(k + Hp |k))T , future control moves into u∗p = (u∗ (k + 1|k)) · · · u∗ (k + Hp |k))T and defining ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ Qp = ⎜ ⎝
Q ..
⎟ ⎟ ⎟, ⎠
. Q
⎛ ⎜ ⎜ Rp = ⎜ ⎝
R ..
⎟ ⎟ ⎟, ⎠
. R
allows us to write the finite horizon open-loop optimal control problem in the compact form min 1/2 xTp Qp xp + u∗T p Rp up ∗
s. t.
u∗min ≤ u∗ (k + i) ≤ u∗max ,
i = 1, ..., H p
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
Substituting equation (5) into equation (11) and defining ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ A B 0 ··· 0 ⎜ A2 ⎟ ⎜ AB B 0⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ .. ⎟ ⎜ . .. ⎟ , . .. .. Ap = ⎜ . ⎟ , Bp = ⎜ .⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ AHp −1 ⎠ ⎝ AHp −2 B · · · AB B 0 ⎠ AHp AHp −1 B AHp −2 B · · · AB B
leads to a quadratic programming problem of the form min 1/2 u∗T H u∗ + u∗T g x(k), ∗
where H = BTp Qp Bp + Rp is called the Hessian matrix and g = BTp Qp Ap the gradient vector. One particular suitable solver developed for the needs of fast constrained model predictive control, called qpOASES [24], has been used in this investigation. In the experiments the prediction horizon Hp has been set to 50 and the sampling frequency to 50 Hz on a dSpace (DS 1005 PPC) real time system.
4.2 Robust Model Predictive Control In the following, a brief description of the implemented robust model predictive controller will be given. More detailed explanations can be found in [14, 25, 26]. The implemented robust model predictive controller starts from a discrete linear time varying system x(k + 1) = A(k)x(k) + B(k)u∗ (k) y(k) = Cx(k) [A(k)
B(k)] ∈ Ω
(15) (16) (17)
The model description is similar to the one used for model predictive control in Sec. 4.1, except for an uncertainty which is assumed polytopic, i.e. Ω describes a polytope Co{[A1 B1 ], ..., [AL BL ]} where Co describes the convex hull. [Ai Bi ] are vertices of the convex hull and L denotes the number of vertices. Vertices of a polytope are points that do not lie on a straight line between two other points in the set. The defined polytopic uncertainty has the characteristic that any [A B] within the convex hull Ω is a linear combination of the vertices, i.e. L
∑ αj Aj ,
∑ αj Bj , ∑ αj = 1,
0 ≤ α ≤ 1.
If for the nonlinear system x˙ = f (x, u∗ ) the Jacobians are included in the convex hull, ∂f
i.e. [ ∂ x , ∂ u∗ ] ∈ Ω , then equations (15, 16) represent a differential inclusion of the
R. Muminovic et al.
nonlinear process. It can be shown that the original nonlinear system is equivalent to a linear time varying system with matrices A(k), B(k) from the same convex hull. The robust model predictive controller minimizes the worst case infinite horizon objective function min max J∞ (k) (19) u∗ (k+i|k)
subject to
[A(k+i) B(k+i)]∈Ω
|u∗ (k + i|k)| ≤ u∗max ,
u∗ (k + i|k)
where denotes the future plant input for time k + i calculated at time k. The constraint on the plant input, equation (20), is evaluated element-wise. The objective function is defined as ∞
J∞ (k) = ∑ [x(k + i|k)T Qx(k + i|k) + u∗ (k + i|k)T Ru∗ (k + i|k)]
where x(k + i|k) denotes the future state predicted at time k and Q > 0, R > 0. In [26] an upper bound V (k) for the cost function J∞ (k) has been derived. By this, the presented controller can be formulated as a state controller, i.e. the resulting control input is defined as u∗ (k + i|k) = K(k)x(k + i|k). Hence, the robust model predictive controller recalculates the matrix K(k) at every time instant. The optimization problem is reduced to a convex optimization problem, i.e. it is formulated as an optimization of a linear objective function subject to linear matrix inequalities. The linear matrix inequalities guarantee that the derived upper bound V (k) is indeed a valid upper bound and that the constraints equation (20) are not violated. At every time instant k the algorithm tries to minimize the upper bound over all possible future control inputs u∗ (k + i|k). The result of the optimization is the matrix K(k). More details can be found in [14, 25, 26]. A convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequalities can be solved computationally very efficiently by semidefinite programming. In this investigation the optimization problem is solved with the C-library CSDP (C Library for Semidefinite Programming) [27, 28]. Constrained optimization, however, necessitates a rather high computational burden. For that reason the sampling frequency had to be reduced to 20 Hz on a dSpace (DS 1005 PPC) real time system.
5 Results The primary goal of this investigation is to reduce the drag of the body upstream. However, it is also desired to achieve good setpoint tracking, i.e. to adjust a certain flow state. Furthermore, the controller should show good performance with respect to disturbance rejection. This section shows results addressing these goals. For a constant free stream velocity steps in the reference signal r are considered first. The Reynolds number based on the height of the bluff body is set to Reh ≈ 32300. In these experiments a second 2D bluff body is placed 2.5 body-heights behind the first one. Thus, the steady-state map is severely disturbed, as shown in
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
Fig. 8 Setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection experiment conducted with the model predictive controller at a constant Reynolds number Reh = 32300. Upper plot: Black line represents the reference point, the grey line shows the measurement of the mean base pressure coefficient of the body upstream. Middle plot: Drag coefficient of the body upstream. Lower plot: Control input, i.e. impulse coefficient.
Fig. 9 Setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection experiment conducted with the robust model predictive controller at a constant Reynolds number Reh = 32300. Plots as in Fig. 8.
Sec. 2, since both control strategies utilize the steady-state map for only one body. The results for the model predictive and the robust model predictive controllers can be seen in Fig. 8 and 9, respectively. Both controllers react immediately to steps in the reference signal and no steady-state error is visible. The drag coefficient is decreased in both cases by approximately 16%. A closer look at the plant input cμ between the convective time units t ∗ ≈ 2000 and t ∗ ≈ 3000 reveals that the robust version of the model predictive controller is less aggressive. This can be explained by the more conservative nature of robust controllers because of the uncertainties that have to be taken into account. A second experiment aiming at the disturbance rejection was conducted with both controllers. This time only one bluff body was placed in the flow. The results of the robust model predictive controller are shown as an example. As can be seen in Fig. 10 a wind gust was simulated by reducing the Reynolds number from a value
R. Muminovic et al.
Fig. 10 Disturbance rejection experiment conducted with the robust model predictive controller. Upper and lower plots as in Fig.8. Middle plot: Reynolds number based on the height of the body.
Reh = 38000 to Reh = 28000 and raising it later back to its initial value. Fig. 10 shows that the reference was held constant at a value of r = −0.24 during the simulated wind gust. Only slight deviations from the reference value are visible except for the times when the oncoming flow speed changes. The disturbance at t ∗ ≈ 2200 leads to a decrease in the plant input whereas the one at t ∗ ≈ 4500 produces a clear increase in order to counteract the deviation of the reference signal. Both times the controller counteracts the disturbance quite fast. Overall the implemented controllers show good performance in terms of setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection. In both cases the controllers act almost immediately and no steady-state errors are visible.
6 Conclusions This investigation shows a successful approach of drag reduction by closed-loop control for a 2D bluff body with disturbances in terms of transient flow speeds and changed flow conditions behind the body. Pulsed suction on the rear edge of the body was used for actuation. A model predictive controller and a robust model predictive controller have been implemented. The model predictive controller uses a nominal model and the robust model predictive controller a whole model family to solve an online optimization problem in order to determine the next plant input. The results show for both controllers satisfactory performance in terms of setpoint tracking as well as disturbance rejection. For more complex flows it is speculated that the RMPC might outperform the MPC with respect to allowable disturbances. For this simple configuration, though, no differences are found. In the future, mainly two task will be addressed. On the one hand, it will be investigated how to accelerate the control schemes and how to reduce conservatism of the robust control strategy. On the other hand, it will be examined how the body downstream can be actuated as well in order to further improve the drag reduction.
Model Predictive Control for a 2D Bluff Body Under Disturbed Flow Conditions
This enhancement will also allow to use a MIMO (multiple input multiple output) controller where the second bluff body uses information from the first. Furthermore, cross-wind gusts for a single 2D bluff body will be investigated. Finally, the control schemes will be transferred to 3D bluff bodies. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Science Foundation) in the context of the Collaborative Research Centre (Sfb) 557 ‘Control of complex turbulent shear flows’. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank Mr. Ferreau for the help and support with the online solver qpOASES.
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Part IV Burner and Cavities
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Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity Denis Sipp, Alexandre Barbagallo, and Peter Schmid
Abstract. A closed loop control approach has been implemented for the case of an unstable open cavity flow. Model reduction techniques and Linear-QuadraticGaussian (LQG) control have been combined to stabilize the flow. A blowing/suction actuator has been placed upstream of the cavity and a skin friction sensor downstream of it. Reduced-order models based on global modes and balanced modes have been tested. We show that a reduced-order model based on the unstable global modes (to represent the unstable dynamics) and a few balanced modes (to capture the input-output dynamics of the stable sub-space between the actuator and the sensor) is optimal to stabilize the compensated system. On the other hand, it is shown that the direct and adjoint stable global modes are not appropriate to model the stable subspace due to their strong non-normality.
1 Introduction In this article, we consider closed-loop control approaches to stabilize a linearly unstable flow. We focus on the linear control tools that were introduced by automatic control engineers, for example, the H2 and H∞ control frameworks presented in Burl [10] and Zhou et al. [27]. These techniques were introduced into fluid mechanics by Joshi et al. [16], Bewley et al. [9] and H¨ogberg et al. [13] for the Denis Sipp ONERA DAFE, 8 rue des Vertugadins, 92190 Meudon, France e-mail:
[email protected] Alexandre Barbagallo ONERA DAFE, 8 rue des Vertugadins, 92190 Meudon, France e-mail:
[email protected] Ladhyx CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France Peter Schmid Ladhyx CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 275–289. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
closed-loop control of transition in channel flow. The control of a spatially developing boundary layer was tackled by H¨ogberg et al. [14] (in full-state information framework) and, using an estimator, by Chevalier et al. [11]. A summary of these results can be found in Bewley [8] and Kim et al. [17]. In a global approach, an additional difficulty arises. The large number of degrees of freedom of the system prevents the direct implementation of the H2 and H∞ control strategies. For example, Riccati equations cannot be solved for degrees of freedom greater than about 2000. Not only do the required memory resources become prohibitive, the precision of the calculations is severely compromised as well. For example, Lauga et al. [19] used a one-dimensional model representing an open flow and showed that the Riccati equations could not be solved accurately when using a finite-precision arithmetic where real numbers are coded on only 8 bytes. Akervik et al. [2] implemented a compensator for the first time in a global framework: considering a reduced-order model based on unstable global modes and a few stable global modes, they implemented a H2 control to stabilize an unstable shallow cavity flow. Global modes thus seem to constitute a first option for model reduction [12]. Antoulas [3] has noted, however, that the less damped eigenvectors do not generally constitute a sound basis for model reduction. For flow control applications, a proper reduced-order model is one which best reproduces the input-output transfer function of the full system. Moore [22] has shown how to compute such model-reduction bases. After defining the controllability and observability Gramians (which yield a measure of controllability and observability of the system), he showed that the eigenvectors related to the product of these two Gramians constitute a quasi-optimal basis in terms of the previously defined criterion. This basis contains balanced modes that are equally controllable and observable. Laub et al. [18] presented an algorithm for the calculation of this basis; however, these algorithms fail to provide solutions for largescale systems. It was Willcox et al. [26], and particularly Rowley [23], who would overcome this difficulty: they showed that (a) the Gramians can be approximated using sequences of snapshots resulting from two different numerical simulations and (b) the algorithm of Laub et al. [18] can be generalized to accommodate these approximate Gramians. Due to the use of snapshots, this technique is referred to as ”Balanced POD” to highlight the analogies of the algorithm of Rowley [23] with the snapshot technique for POD (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, see [21]). The technique of Rowley [23] has since been evaluated for several stable flows: Ilak et al. [15] dealt with the case of channel flow; Bagheri et al. considered a onedimensional model equation simulating an open flow [5] and the case of boundary layer flow [4]; Ahuja et al. [1] have looked at an unstable case corresponding to a flat plate with an angle of attack of 35◦ . In general, several bases for model reduction are conceivable. Balanced modes constitute the best basis to reproduce the input-output dynamics of a system. However, the more common modal basis is also possible. One of the objectives of this article is to evaluate the performance of different bases for a linear fluid-dynamics system — described by the system operator A , the measurement operator M and the control operator C . As far as the stability of reduced-order models is concerned, one observes that, within a linearized framework, a stable operator A yields a stable
Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity
reduced-order model if the latter is based on global modes or balanced modes, independent of the dimension of the reduced-order model. This remarkable property does not exist within a non-linear framework. Artificial effects, such as turbulent viscosity, may then be used to stabilize the reduced-order models [7]. A group of fluid mechanics researchers working with automatic control engineers are currently attempting to use non-linear reduced-order models based on POD structures to control complex fluid systems by closed-loop feedback techniques [20]. Along this line, Samimy et al. [24] recently succeeded in experimentally controlling the unsteadiness of cavity flow. In this article, we implement a closed-loop control scheme to stabilize a linearly unstable open cavity flow. An actuator triggers the perturbations; the control law is thus by nature unsteady and consists of an opposite control strategy where structures are generated to suppress the unstable disturbance that would otherwise develop. A measurement of the flow is necessary to estimate the phase and the amplitude of the disturbance. Within this framework, we then build a control law linking the measurements to the control action. This control law must be simple and designed for real-time application in an experiment, and its number of degrees of freedom must be reasonable, at most on the order of a few tens. The control law is obtained using the Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control framework which requires the implementation of an estimator. The controller and the estimator are both based on a model of the flow that must be low-dimensional and must reproduce certain properties of the flow that will be specified below. This model reduction effort requires a judicious choice of basis (such as POD, balanced truncation or global modes) combined with Petrov-Galerkin projections. Of particular importance is the concept of robustness of the reduced-order model: once configured for a specific parameter combination, the model must remain valid for operating ranges that have not necessarily been considered in the design process. Following the outline of this article, the studied configuration of open cavity flow is first described (§2). The parameters are chosen such that the flow is globally unstable, and a reduced-order model of the unstable subspace based on the unstable global modes is presented. Next, we concentrate on the stable subspace and show why and how to model it (§3). Finally (§4) a closed-loop control scheme employing the LQG control framework is implemented, and the various model reduction bases (global modes and balanced modes) are evaluated.
2 Configuration and Reduced-Order Model for the Unstable Subspace The flow over an open cavity is represented schematically in figure 1. For a sufficiently large Reynolds number, this system is unstable. The control action is located upstream of the cavity and consists of time-dependent blowing/suction at the wall governed by the law ρ (t). The measurement m(t) comes from a sensor situated downstream of the cavity and consists of the wall shear-stress integrated over a small spatial domain. For more details, see Ref. [6].
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
Fig. 1 Cavity flow. Configuration and location of the actuator and the sensor.
The equations governing the dynamics of the flow are the incompressible NavierStokes equations. They will be written in the form dqT = R(qT ) dt
where qT represents the divergence-free velocity field and R(qT ) denotes the residual. A base flow q0 , or equilibrium point of the equations (1), is defined by R(q0 ) = 0,
and the dynamics of small perturbations q in the vicinity of this field are governed by dq = A q. (3) dt Here A represents the Navier-Stokes operator linearized about the base flow q0 , A = ∂ R/∂ q. The linear dynamics of the flow can be studied by analyzing the eigenvalues of the eigen-problem ˆ A qˆ = (σ + iω )q. (4) The present flow is subject to a first Hopf bifurcation at a Reynolds number of Rec = 4140 [25]. For the super-critical Reynolds number Re = 7500, the spectrum of the flow, which can be seen in figure 2(a), displays four unstable global modes (eight, if the complex conjugates are considered as well). The spatial structure of the most unstable global mode is shown in figure 2(b). This structure, visualized by the stream-wise velocity component, corresponds to Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities located atop the shear-layer. Following standard flow-control protocol, we now add the measurement and the control action by introducing the operators M and C . These operators model, respectively, the wall-shear stress sensor and the blowing/suction actuator. The perturbation q is thus governed by dq = A q + C c, dt
Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity
ω (b)
Fig. 2 Flow over an open cavity at Re = 7500. (a): spectrum of the operator A , (b): real part of the stream-wise velocity for the most unstable global mode, (c) likewise, for the most unstable adjoint global mode.
m = M q.
We note that the control operator C is obtained by a lifting procedure since the control effort consists in blowing/suction at the wall. It satisfies A C = 0 and is related to a unitary and constant blowing ρ (t) = 1 imposed on the control segment. The control function c(t) in equation (5) is then equal to the negative derivative of the blowing/suction function ρ (t). A reduced-order model of these equations is obtained by a Petrov-Galerkin pro jection onto a bi-orthogonal basis (W , V ), such that Wi , V j = δi, j where ·, · denotes a scalar product and δi, j stands for the Kronecker symbol. Here, Wi and V j are, respectively, the ith and jth vectors of the basis (W , V ). By introducing the reduced coordinates qri = Wi , q (or, equivalently, q = ∑i Vi qri ), we obtain dqr = A r qr + C r c dt m = M r qr
(8) r = Wi , A V j , Ci,1 = Wi , C and
where the reduced operators are defined by: Ai,rj M1,r j = M V j . At this point, the following important questions may be raised: which basis should be chosen and what is the dimension of the selected basis? A natural choice within a linearized framework is to consider the bi-orthogonal basis formed by the direct global modes qˆ j and the adjoint global modes q˜ j . These are associated with the eigenvalue λ j via
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
A qˆ j = λ j qˆ j , A ∗ q˜ j = λ j∗ q˜ j
(9) (10)
∗ where A ∗ is the adjoint operator satisfying qA , A qB = A qA , qB for all vectors qA and qB . These structures satisfy q˜ i , qˆ j = δi j and thus form a bi-orthogonal basis. The adjoint eigen-mode associated with the most unstable direct global mode is seen in figure 2(c). This mode is located near the upstream edge of the cavity which is consistent with the fact that the adjoint equations advect the perturbations upstream. The direct qˆ j and adjoint q˜ j global modes are grouped in the matrices V and W , respectively, and are arranged by decreasing amplification rate. The matrix A r is then diagonal, and the values in the latter coincide with the eigenvalues of the matrix A . The four unstable global modes (direct and adjoint) constitute the core of the reduced-order model. The unstable subspace of the operator A is thus modeled exactly from its dynamic features. This model describes, accurately and with a very reduced number of degrees of freedom, a rich and complex dynamics. The locations of the actuator and the sensor have been chosen such that the conr and the measurement coefficients M r are large for the trollability coefficients Ci,1 1, j unstable global modes. This is the reason for taking measurements downstream of the cavity where the direct global modes have significant amplitudes; analogously, the actuator is located upstream of the cavity where the control operator C and the adjoints of the unstable modes show significant amplitudes. We recall that figure 2(b) represents the most unstable global mode and figure 2(c) displays the associated adjoint global. The coefficient M1,r j corresponds to the measurement of the jth r corresponds to the scalar product of the direct global mode, and the coefficient Ci,1 ith adjoint global mode with the control operator.
3 Modeling the Stable Subspace We will now explain why a reduced-order model solely based on unstable global modes may not work to stabilize the compensated system. The answer to this question can be formulated as follows. An action at the upstream edge of the cavity certainly acts on the unstable global modes but also excites the stable global modes. Because of their stability, the excitation of these modes is not problematic in itself. The problem arises from the fact that these stable modes corrupt the measurement: the measurement obtained at the downstream edge of the cavity certainly includes the useful measurement, that is, the measurement associated with the unstable global modes, but also the measurement associated with the stable global modes excited by the action. Even though a global mode may be damped, it may significantly contribute to the input-output dynamics of the system. If the estimator is based on a reduced-order model incorporating solely features from the unstable subspace, it does not manage to identify from the measurement the part associated only with the unstable dynamics. Hence, the estimator is given a corrupted measurement (with respect to a model based only on the unstable subspace) and does not manage to
Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity
estimate properly the flow field. This may lead to instability of the compensated system. To overcome this difficulty, the idea is to incorporate components from the stable subspace into the reduced-order model. In other words, the reduced-order model should be built on the unstable modes, plus a certain number of stable modes. But what criterion should be adopted to select them? A naive approach would consist in retaining only the p least stable global modes, since the other modes are too damped to participate in the dynamics. Although this strategy has been pursued successfully by Akervik et al. [2], in general, it appears to be erroneous. Indeed, as suggested in the preceding paragraph, it is necessary to select the stable global modes based on their contribution to the system’s input-output relation. To identify these modes, Barbagallo et al. [6] introduced the following quantity: r r C j,1 M1, j Γj = (11) ℜ(A j,r j ) which is defined for each global mode j. With |ℜ(A j,r j )| denoting the damping rate of the jth eigenvector, this criterion selects modes which are highly controlr lable (|C j,1 | large), highly observable (|M1,r j | large) and weakly damped (|ℜ(A j,r j )| small). It can be shown that this criterion constitutes a good measure of the importance of the jth global mode in the system input-output dynamics. In figure 3, the value of Γj is displayed, for the stable global modes, using a coloring scheme for each eigenvalue. The warmer the color, the larger the contribution of the specific eigenvalue to the system input-output dynamics. The results clearly demonstrate that: 1. the eigenvalues that contribute most to the input-output dynamics are highly damped modes; 2. the higher the damping rate, the more modes contribute to the input-output dynamics. This finding categorically rules out the original idea of a reduced-order model solely based on global modes. A thorough analysis of the problem shows that almost all stable global modes (except those which represent the dynamics inside the cavity) are located near the downstream boundary of the computational domain whereas their corresponding adjoints show their largest amplitude near the upstream boundary. These modes belong to the continuous spectrum of the operator and represent the advection of the perturbations by the base flow q0 . Taken individually, these modes have no dynamic meaning; only the superposition of a great number of them produces dynamically significant features. These observations reflect from the strong convective non-normality of the stable global modes. In conclusion, this analysis has shown the need to model the stable subspace. In addition, the selection criterion defined by Γj highlighted the importance of the input-output dynamics for this modeling, in particular, the concepts of controllability and observability. As far as the the basis for a successful model reduction
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
Fig. 3 Cavity flow at Re = 7500. Spectrum of the flow with the stable eigenvalues colored according to the criterion Γj .
effort is concerned, we have found that the modeling of the unstable subspace with global modes appears justified and efficient; the same is not true for modeling the stable subspace: stable global modes constitute an ineffective and ill-posed basis to reproduce the input-output dynamics. The properties of a basis suitable for the representation of the stable subspace of A will now be defined. Let us consider the dynamics restricted to the stable subspace of A : dq = A q + Ps C c dt m = Mq
(12) (13)
where Ps is the projection operator onto the stable subspace. The initial condition for this simulation is chosen in the stable subspace. The input-output dynamics in this subspace is characterized by the impulse response given as H(t) = M eA t Ps C . In an equivalent manner, it can be defined by the transfer function, which is ∞ ˆ ω ) = −∞ the Fourier transform of H(t), that is, H(i H(t)e−iω t dt. 1 The modulus ˆ ω ) is presented in figure 4(a) for our flow configuration. We observe a of H(i strong response for an oscillatory forcing at a frequency ω = 4.6. An effective reduced-order basis of the stable subspace is characterized by an associated reduced transfer function Hˆ r (iω ) which accurately reproduces that of the initial sysˆ ω ). The quantification of the difference between the two transfer functions is tem H(i 1
ˆ ω ) = M (iω − A )−1 Ps C . It can be shown that this function is also equal to H(i
Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity
Σ j, j
ˆ ω )| representating the inputFig. 4 Cavity flow at Re = 7500. (a): Transfer function |H(i output dynamics of the stable subspace. (b): Singular values of the Hankel operator.
ˆ ω ), due to the existence ˆ ∞ = supω H(i preferably accomplished using the norm ||H|| of theoretical results for this norm. The theory of balanced truncation introduced by Moore [22] contains an algorithm to build a quasi-optimal basis in the sense of the || · ||∞ norm. First, we recall that the input-output dynamics in the stable subspace is characterized by the matrices (A , Ps C , M ). The controllability and observability Gramians are defined as
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
Gc = Go =
∞ 0 ∞ 0
eA t Ps C C ∗ Ps∗ eA t dt, ∗
eA t Ps∗ M ∗ M Ps eA t dt.
(14) (15)
These integrals are convergent because of the restriction of these calculations to the stable subspaces of A and A ∗ . The above two operators respectively define the concept of controllability and observability of a structure q of the stable subspace. Thus, q∗ Gc−1 q corresponds to the minimum energy 0∞ c2 (t)dt that has to be expended to drive the system from state q to 0 whereas q∗ Go q is equal to the maximum measurement 0∞ m2 (t)dt induced by the system given that the system dynamics is initialized by q. It is then possible to show that a reduced-order basis (Ws , Vs ) of the stable subspace of A can be obtained by solving the following eigenvalue problems G c G o Vs = Vs Σ 2 ,
Go Gc Ws = Ws Σ 2 .
Theory shows that the values given by Σ are also the singular values of the Hankel operator associated with the linear system (12,13). The transfer function Hˆ r related to the reduced-order model of dimension p satisfies [3]: ˆ ∞≤2 ||Hˆ r − H||
Σ j, j
where n is the dimension of the stable subspace of A . This basis is often close to the optimum, since, for any basis of order p, the following relation is fulfilled ˆ ∞ > Σ p+1,p+1 ||Hˆ r − H||
Laub et al. [18] introduced an efficient algorithm to solve the eigenvalue problems (16,17) for systems of low dimension. Willcox et al. [26] and Rowley [23] introduced a POD-type technique to treat large-scale problems. For this, two series of snapshots, obtained respectively with a simulation in time of the direct problem and a simulation in time of the adjoint problem, are used to approximate the controllability and observability Gramians. The eigenvalue problems (16,17) are then reformulated into a singular value problem whose dimension is equal to the number of snapshots. These calculations are not detailed here; we only describe some of the results. The largest singular values Σ , obtained for our case, are presented in Fig. 4(b). The properties of the singular values directly determines the dimension of our reduced basis. For a chosen error threshold, the upper limit of the error bound given in (18) straightforwardly yields the dimension of the reduced model. This means that the scalar products of the unstable adjoint global modes (see figures 2(d,e)) and the balanced structures are zero. Once the bases Vs and Ws have been determined, the reduced matrices A r , C r and M r are calculated and the associated transfer ˆ ∞ /||H|| ˆ ∞ is represented in function Hˆ r is determined. The relative error ||Hˆ r − H|| figure 5(a) as a function of the number p of balanced modes considered. In this
Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity
figure, the upper and lower bounds for the error defined in (18) and (19) have also been included. As required, the error related to the reduced-order model of order p falls within these two bounds. We also observe that taking ten balanced modes (p ≈ 10) yields a nearly perfect approximation of the input-output dynamics of the stable part of the system. For comparison, we also give in figure 5(b) the results pertaining to the modal basis, discussed in §3. We observe a decreasing error for the first thousand global modes, then the curve becomes erratic and the error grows again for p > 3000. Whatever the number of considered global modes, the reducedorder models based on these structures do not manage to approximate the transfer function of the full system. This result corroborates the conclusions drawn in §3.
4 Closed Loop Control: Analysis of the Compensated System The objective of this section is to analyze the compensated systems. For this, we couple a direct numerical simulation of the large-scale dynamical problem with an estimator and a controller, both of which are based on the reduced-order models built previously. We know (see last section) that the reduced-order models based on balanced modes reproduce the unstable dynamics as well as the input-output dynamics of the stable subspace, given that a sufficient number of balanced modes are taken into account. The number of modes that will stabilize the compensated system cannot be predicted a priori. For example, a threshold, below which the compensated system would be stable, cannot be given for the approximation error ˆ ∞ /||H|| ˆ ∞ . The construction of the estimator and of the transfer function ||Hˆ r − H|| the controller now can be finalized. For this, controller gains for the controller and Kalman gains for the estimator are calculated using the LQG framework [10]. As was explained previously, a reduced-order model based on unstable global modes was chosen, augmented by a series of p balanced modes. The computation of the gains by solving the Riccati equations is performed within the small gain limit [10]. This means that the control cost is infinite and that the measurement errors are infinitely larger than the model errors (which seems reasonable for our case since the models are obtained by a very accurate Petrov-Galerkin projection). In this case, it is not necessary to model the operator defining the cost functional to be minimized (the energy of the perturbations, for example), or the structure of the noise associated with the model. Moreover, the gains are the smallest possible and are non-zero only for the unstable structures of the reduced-order model. Thus, the controller specifies the smallest possible values for the control law c(t) (in agreement with the infinite control cost), and the estimator is minimally readjusted by the measurements since we are more confident in the validity of the model than in the measurements (the measurement errors are infinitely larger than the errors due to the model). In this case, according to Burl [10], the eigenvalues of the compensated system are equal to the union of the stable eigenvalues of the reduced-order model and its unstable eigenvalues reflected about the imaginary axis σ = 0. Finally, a numerical simulation code solving equations (5) is coupled with the controller and the estimator that have been defined above. The estimator takes as
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
= (b)
Fig. 5 Cavity flow at Re = 7500. Approximation error of reduced-order models as a function of their dimension. (a): balanced modes, (b): global modes. In figure (a), the continuous curves represent the lower and upper bounds of the error (19,18).
Energy of perturbations
Closed-Loop Control of an Unstable Open Cavity
Fig. 6 Cavity flow at Re = 7500. Linearized direct numerical simulations with a controller and an estimator obtained by the LQG approach. The reduced-order model consists of 8 unstable global modes and p balanced modes.
input the measurements m(t) of the direct simulation. The reduced-order model of the flow is integrated in time and readjusted in real-time using the Kalman gains and the measurement m(t) of the simulation. It then provides the controller with an estimate of the real state of the flow, which is used by the controller to generate a control law c(t) via the control gains. The results for the compensated simulations are presented in figure 6. This figure shows simulations with a reduced-order model based on balanced modes. The x-axis denotes time while the y-axis displays the energy of the perturbation q. The curve with the label p = 0 represents a reduced-order model with only the 8 unstable global modes. As already mentioned, we see that this simulation diverges, confirming that modeling the stable subspace is mandatory. As the number of balanced modes taken into account in the reduced-order model increases, the compensated system is seen to gradually stabilize. For p = 7, the energy of the perturbations remains bounded; for p > 7, it decreases. The curve with a thicker line represents the best possible control, towards which the curves converge as p increases. The best control is obtained when the reduced-order model reproduces exactly the transfer function of the full system. The present control strategy has been evaluated in the case of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations (5). This is strictly valid only if the initial perturbation given to the simulation is sufficiently small so that the perturbation remains small (in the linear regime) during the whole simulation. If not, the non-linear term is not negligible anymore and there is no guarantee that the linear LQG compensator will work. Preliminary non-linear simulations effectively show that the performance of this compensator deteriorates when the amplitude of the initial condition increases.
D. Sipp, A. Barbagallo, and P. Schmid
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A Zero-Mach Solver and Reduced Order Acoustic Representations for Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities Jonas P. Moeck, Carsten Scharfenberg, Oliver Paschereit, and Rupert Klein
Abstract. Thermoacoustic instabilities are a serious problem for lean premixed combustion systems. Due to different time and length scales associated with the flow field, combustion, and acoustics, numerical computations of thermoacoustic phenomena are conceptually challenging. Using these methods to successfully design active control strategies is therefore difficult. This work presents a coupled method for the simulation of thermoacoustic instabilities in low Mach number reacting flows. The acoustics are represented by an experimentally identified reduced order model. A zero-Mach solver is used for the flame dynamics on the hydrodynamic scale. Two control schemes are employed to suppress thermoacoustic oscillations, equivalence ratio modulation and control of the acoustic boundary conditions. Both methods are shown to be capable of effectively diminishing the instability.
1 Introduction One of the main issues for the design of low-emission aero-engines, stationary gas turbines, industrial boilers and furnaces, and household burners is the noise associated with enclosed flames [1, 2]. Fluctuating heat release interacts with resonant acoustic modes of the combustion chamber and may lead to exceptionally high pressure oscillations. If certain phase relationships between the acoustic waves and the unsteady heat release prevail, the thermoacoustic system exhibits unstable modes, which grow in amplitude until limited by nonlinear mechanisms. Mitigating these so-called thermoacoustic instabilities has been achieved by passive and active means. While passive means, such as Helmholtz resonators, are often applied in actual engines, reservations about the implementation of active control schemes Jonas P. Moeck · Oliver Paschereit Institut f¨ur Str¨omungsmechanik und Technische Akustik, Technische Universit¨at Berlin Carsten Scharfenberg · Rupert Klein Fachbereich Mathematik & Informatik, Freie Universit¨at Berlin
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 291–306. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
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are still prevalent. Computational modeling of thermoacoustic processes in combustion chambers in order to predict unstable operating regimes and to develop and test control methods is, therefore, highly desirable.
1.1 Background and Motivation for the Present Work As shown recently, fully compressible reacting flow computations based on largeeddy simulations manage to accurately capture the essential thermoacoustic interaction mechanisms in realistic configurations and bear quantitative comparison with experimental data [3]. The computational effort is, however, still exceedingly high. Also, it is far from trivial to impose the proper acoustic boundary conditions, represented by frequency dependent impedances or reflection coefficients, in a compressible CFD simulation. Various modeling approaches of lower complexity (and, therefore, less computational demand) have been proposed in the literature. So-called network models divide the thermoacoustic system under investigation in several elements, each being represented by acoustic frequency response functions for plane wave (and possibly azimuthal) modes [2]. Coupling of the acoustic field with the flame is incorporated by means of a flame transfer function/matrix. Such models have shown to agree reasonably well with measured instability regimes and oscillation frequencies [2]. The major weakness of the network approach is that the flame dynamics still need to be determined by experiment or by CFD (see, e.g., [4, 5]). Also, taking into account nonlinearities in the thermoacoustic flame response is not straightforward. Accordingly, the prediction of the oscillation amplitude under unstable conditions or capturing inherently nonlinear phenomena such as hysteretic dependencies of the pulsation amplitude on system parameters (see, e.g., [6, 7]), is difficult. An approach similar to the one proposed in the present work was introduced in [8]. A G-equation model of a premixed flame was combined with a wave-amplitudebased representation of the plane mode acoustics for the computation of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations. Fluctuations in heat release were obtained from the kinematic evolution of the flame surface area, while assuming a constant burning velocity. A coupled model based on separate representations for the combustion zone and the acoustics was proposed in [9]. The method was applied to a generic configuration with a ducted non-premixed flame described by a global one-step reaction as well as infinite rate chemistry. A Galerkin method was used to model the one-dimensional acoustic field. The present work is based on a two-way coupling of the hydrodynamic and the acoustic zone, where, for reasons of efficiency and accuracy, both domains are represented by methods optimal for the particular application. The hydrodynamic zone, which comprises the flame, is computed with a zero-Mach flow solver, and the acoustic domain is modeled by common network techniques [2]. A schematic representation of the configuration we consider in this work, with the spatial decomposition into hydrodynamic and acoustic domains, is shown in Fig. 1. The acoustic domain is only shown schematically and not as simplistic as suggested in Fig. 1. In
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the spatial decomposition into hydrodynamic and acoustic domains
acoustic field
acoustic field
hydrodynamic domain
fact, the acoustic model we use in the present work represents the acoustic environment of an experimental combustor test-rig. In [10] we presented a similar method for the efficient simulation of thermoacoustic instabilities in a flat flame Rijke tube. The flame was considered one-dimensional and represented by a zero-Mach finite difference scheme with a skeletal reaction mechanism. Comparison with experimental data showed good agreement, not only with respect to the unstable mode frequency but also comparing the oscillation amplitudes. A strong subharmonic response of the flame, observed in the experiment, could also be recovered in the coupled simulation. However, control of the instability was not considered in this work. Here, we extend the approach in [10] to a multi-dimensional representation of the flame and also include control schemes for the suppression of the self-excited oscillations that develop in the nominal case. Two types of control approaches are used, equivalence ratio modulation and control of the acoustic boundary conditions. Both types of control were applied in an experimental combustor by the authors (see, e.g., [11–13]) and proved to be able to suppress the instability to a significant degree (up to 35 dB peak reduction in combustor pressure). While actuation through equivalence ratio modulation is of practical importance, since it can be applied in realistic combustors, even full scale engines [14], due to the high control authority, acoustic actuation has a most favorable forcing response and thereby allows the application of advanced control strategies, such as, e.g., model predictive control [15, 16] or adaptive schemes [17] without having to deal with actuator issues (bandwidth, linearity).
1.2 Rationale for Coupled Zero-Mach–Network Approach The typical fluid velocities in gas turbine combustion chambers correspond to Mach numbers < 0.1. This encourages the use of incompressible schemes for a numerical solution of these combustion processes. But when dealing with flame–acoustics interaction, the speed of sound becomes important. If the fluid solver now is required to deal with sound waves, the use of a compressible scheme becomes inevitable. This in turn introduces two time (and also length) scales in the solver which makes the solution more difficult and time consuming. To benefit from the simplicity of an incompressible fluid solver and still retain the influence from the acoustics – without resolving the sound waves in the solver – [18] introduces an asymptotic expansion of the compressible Euler equations in the zero-Mach limit. Several pressure variables are introduced: the background pressure p(0) which is constant in space, the acoustic pressure p(1) , which varies only on
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the long acoustic wavelength and is therefore asymptotically constant on the spatial scale of the combustion solver (see also the remark below Eq. (1)), and the hydrodynamic pressure p(2) . The result of this expansion is a set of incompressible Euler equations with variable density (i.e. the density can only be changed by heating or cooling, not by mechanical compression or decompression). The pressure p(2) takes the role of the incompressible pressure in the momentum equations, whereas the energy equation turns from an evolution equation into a divergence constraint: div (hv) = −
∂ (ρe) 1 ∂p(0) + S c QY − R = − + S c Q Y − R, ∂t γ − 1 ∂t
where ρ, h, v, and e are fluid density, specific enthalpy, velocity, and specific internal energy, respectively, and S c denotes the reaction rate, Q the enthalpy of reaction and Y the species mass fraction; γ is the ratio of specific heats and R represents residual terms related to turbulence, heat conduction, and energy diffusion due to non-constant enthalpies. The temporal variation of the thermodynamic pressure p(0) vanishes in our case. Remark: The momentum equation retains an influence from the acoustic pressure p(1) : its gradient becomes a momentum source term. This allows for a coupling to some externally solved acoustics. In the case of a one-dimensional acoustic field (i.e. the computational domain has only one direction in which its size is comparable to the acoustic length scale) a simpler form of acoustic coupling can be used: a fluctuation of the inflow velocity. Special treatment of grad p(1) is not necessary as changes of the inflow velocity directly induce a gradient in p(2) (as the fluid cannot “escape” to either side) which has the same effect.
2 Zero-Mach Solver The numerical solution of the flow field is computed by a CFD solver called MOLOCH (see [19]) that is developed at Freie Universit¨at Berlin. The governing equations that are implemented in this solver consist of: • the zero-Mach equations as described earlier, • the standard k–ε equation to account for turbulence, • an additional advection–diffusion equation for a turbulent reaction progress variable1 c, and • an additional advection–diffusion equation for the unburnt equivalence ratio φ. MOLOCH uses a second order cartesian projection-type scheme as outlined in [20]. This scheme is split into a predictor that solves an auxiliary system that is based on the compressible Euler Equations with reduced speed of sound and into two projections steps, which solve the Pressure-Poisson equation. It is the task of the first projection to remove the fake compressibility from the predictor solution by 1
The progress variable is zero in unburnt regions of the flow and one in burnt regions – values in between denote a “burning” cell.
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities
correcting the fluxes across cell boundaries, whereas the second projection ensures a divergence-free cell-centered velocity field. The predictor uses a splitting approach (introduced in [21]) to deal with each operator separately. The operators involved are: • the one-dimensional Euler-type equations of the auxiliary system in each direction of space (for density, momentum and energy density) and additional upwindbased advection operators for all other quantities (k, ε, the reaction progress variable c, and the equivalence ratio φ), • the turbulent diffusion operators for all quantities (including viscosity, heat conduction, and energy diffusion due to different enthalpies of the species involved) • source terms for k and ε, and • combustion source terms for the progress variable c (→ the reaction rate) and for the energy density (→ the heat release rate). As the predictor solves the full set of compressible equations, it also integrates the energy density – which would not be strictly necessary for an incompressible scheme. But this procedure has many advantages: it eases the use of open boundaries, it allows the computation of flows with high density jumps (e.g. combustion cases), and it offers the chance to advance to low-Mach flows in a later development step. Also it helps to circumvent certain other problems: e.g. when computing the fluid temperature inside the predictor, we need to make sure that no temperature fluctuations due to compressibility effects are included. So we cannot use the density for this purpose. From the transport equation for the enthalpy density ∂ (h) ∂p(0) + div (vh) − S c Q Y + R = =0 ∂t ∂t
can be deduced that the enthalpy is a transported quantity (refer to [22], Appendix A1) and thus not affected by density fluctuations2. This also holds true for the temperature, so we compute the temperature from the enthalpy which in turn can be calculated from the energy density update of the predictor (as the updates for the energy density and enthalpy density are identical in the present setting where ∂p(0) /∂t ≡ 0). The predictor deals with the turbulent combustion by using the standard k–ε turbulence model [23, 24] and a modified Eddy-Breakup combustion model based on [25]. It is well known that the standard Eddy-Breakup term c (1 − c) allows a broad spectrum of flame velocities [26, 27]. Also, in practice, we encountered nonconstant flame velocities3 , so we further modified the model to ensure that there is only one flame velocity. The resulting source term reads √ ul ε3/4 σ 4 S c = cR Re c (1 − c), k 2 3
In Eq. (2), the pressure derivative is zero because of open boundaries that prevent from background compression. More precisely, the flame velocity tended to make “jumps” in certain scenarios.
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where cR = 0.5 is a model constant, and Re denotes the Reynolds number of the flow. σ is our own modification of the model to pin down the flame speed; we chose it to be 1.05 to remain close to the standard model. The laminar flame speed ul depends on the equivalence ratio of the unburnt mixture φ. To allow for a variable equivalence ratio, we introduced this variable as an additional transported, but non-reacting, scalar field representing the local fuel concentration prior to reaction of a gas parcel. The combustion source term is then integrated by splitting it into √ 3/4 4 Ac0.05 c (1 − c) (with A = cR Re ul ε k ) and using the analytical solution to Ac (1 − c) while iterating over c0.05 . The source terms for k and ε are integrated in a purely analytical fashion. An explicit second order Runge–Kutta scheme is used for the time integration of the diffusion operators. The particular flame considered in this work is a lean premixed methane–air flame with a mean equivalence ratio of 0.64 and an unburnt temperature of 300 K; the inlet velocity is 2.5 m/s.
3 Linear and Nonlinear Flame Response The most important modeling input for the representation of a thermoacoustic system is the so-called flame transfer function, which describes the flame’s linear response in heat release with respect to fluctuations in the approach flow velocity [2]. This transfer function contains the information on the coupling from the acoustic field to the reacting flow. Under the assumption of a compact flame, the coupling of the heat release fluctuations to the acoustic field as a monopole source can be simply obtained from the appropriate jump conditions for low Mach numbers (the Rankine–Hugoniot relations, see, e.g., [28]). The experimental determination of flame transfer functions is an elaborate, timeconsuming task and requires a dedicated experimental set-up [4]. In the simulation, however, the determination of the flame response is not that involved. Since, in our case, the reaction zone can be computed free from acoustics, we do not have to take care of spurious signals due to wave reflections at the outlet, as would be the case when using a compressible solver. The linear response of the flame can now be determined from the computation of the hydrodynamic zone by imposing perturbations (sufficiently small to comply with the assumption of linearity) in the inlet velocity, uus , and measuring the associated response in heat release. The perturbation in the approach flow velocity needs to contain frequencies which cover the range of interest. For this purpose, different input signals, such as white noise, PRBS, multi-sine, etc. can be applied. In this work, we used a Gaussian pulse with an amplitude of 10 % of the mean value, which proved to work well. Equivalence ratio fluctuations are not considered in the flame–acoustic interaction here; the reactants are assumed to be perfectly mixed. However, as mentioned above, equivalence ratio modulation will be used as one means to control the instability. To design the controller, it is therefore necessary to assess the response of the heat release rate to perturbations in the equivalence ratio, too. The same method as for the heat release response to fluctuations in approach flow velocity was used. The
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities
heat release transfer functions with respect to uus and φ perturbations are shown in Fig. 2 in terms of a normalized response, defined as Fu (iω) =
qˆ u¯ us , uˆ us q¯
Fφ (iω) =
qˆ φ¯ , φˆ q¯
¯ and where q represents the integral heat release, ω is the angular frequency, and (·) ˆ (·) denote mean and Fourier transform of a variable, respectively. Both transfer functions show low-pass character with distinct time delay, which is typical for a flame response [2]. The transfer function with respect to equivalence ratio perturbations has a significantly higher gain compared to that with respect to fluctuations in approach flow velocity. This shows that the flame is highly susceptible to fluctuations in equivalence ratio – an asset for an efficient actuation mechanism. The time lag, apparent in the phase response, is approximately 15–20 ms, so that it can be associated with the convective time from the inlet to the flame. Above 300 Hz, the phase response saturates at a constant level, but this might not be accurate since the gain is virtually zero. The transfer function Fu only characterizes the flame response to small perturbations. This is sufficient to determine linear system stability and design a control method that stabilizes the fixed point. However, the linear flame response cannot be used to calculate the limit cycle oscillation amplitude, since it contains no information on the saturation characteristics. To determine the level of the pressure oscillation, the so-called flame describing function [8, 29] can be used, which, in addition to the linear response, also holds information on the amplitude dependence. Also, knowledge on the linear flame transfer function is generally not sufficient to guarantee that a self-excited oscillation can be suppressed. A controller based on the linear model only might not be able to stabilize the system from the oscillating state if the flame response shows significant amplitude dependence. To assess the nonlinear response of the flame, simulations with the zero-Mach solver were run, in which a sinusoidal inlet velocity with varying forcing amplitude was prescribed. The maximum fluctuation amplitude considered was more
Fu Fφ
π 2
- π2
0 0
frequency in Hz
500 0
-π 500
frequency in Hz
Fig. 2 Transfer functions relating linear fluctuations in heat release to those in approach flow velocity and equivalence ratio
3π 4
π 2
π 4
0.2 0 0
arg N
Fig. 3 Amplitude dependence of the flame response at a frequency of 100 Hz. Values are normalized with the linearized response.
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0 1
normalized forcing amplitude u /¯u
than 100 % of the mean value, and although saturation set in clearly before, the flame showed no signs of blow-off. Figure 3 shows the amplitude dependence of the gain and phase response of the flame at a frequency of 100 Hz, normalized with the linearized values. (This is close to the frequency of the instability, see below.) The gain dependence clearly exhibits saturation characteristics agreeing qualitatively well with measurements of the nonlinear flame response [29, 30]. While approximately constant for small amplitudes, the gain decreases monotonically starting at relative velocity perturbations of about 40 %. A striking fact is that the phase response also shows considerable variation. In the amplitude range considered, the phase lag changes almost by π. The decrease in phase lag for high forcing amplitudes can be partially attributed to a shift in mean flame position to the inlet, so that the convective time delay decreases. As a result, a controller solely designed on the linearized system model might not be able to stabilize the oscillations at high amplitudes.
4 Acoustic Model and Coupling As mentioned above, the acoustic domain is represented by a network type model. These models are a common means for the reduced order simulation of potentially unstable thermoacoustic systems [2] and have even made it to industry practice [31]. In the present work, the primary purpose of the network model is not to represent the complete system. (Although this will be done in the next section to assess linear stability and estimate the limit cycle amplitude.) We use a network type model only to represent the acoustic environment of the flame. In principle, a vast amount of different network-based techniques is at our disposal. However, to use a real acoustic environment, we follow [7] and use acoustic boundary conditions which were measured in a combustion test-rig to set up the acoustic model. In [7], we combined the acoustic model based on measured test-rig data with an analytical nonlinear heat release model for the simulation of subcritical instabilities and associated hysteresis phenomena. Here, the flame is represented by the zero-Mach solver detailed in Sec. 2. As described in [7], application of the multi-microphone-method [32, 4] and subsequent system identification yields two linear time-invariant models for the impedance Z(iω) and the admittance A(iω) downstream respectively upstream
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities
of the flame. With the assumption that the pressure remains continuous across the flame, which holds true for low Mach numbers, these two models can be combined to obtain a relation mapping the velocity fluctuations downstream of the flame to those upstream. The time-domain model of this relation can be written in standard form, viz. x˙ = Ax + Buds , uus = Cx + Duds, (5) which is a state-space realization of the product of admittance and impedance. It is important to note here that the impedance and admittance represent the acoustic boundary conditions with reference planes directly at the flame (see Fig. 1). As such, they include the whole plane wave mode system acoustics. The same strategy was used in [10] to set up the relevant acoustic environment. In that case, however, only parts of the admittance and impedance model were experimentally identified, and they were supplemented with response functions obtained from theory and from finite element computations. In the present work, the acoustic model is completely based on test-rig measurements. In the coupled model, the upstream velocity fluctuations uus , as obtained from (5), are prescribed as a time-varying boundary condition at the inlet of the hydrodynamic zone (which is computed by the flow solver). The induced heat release fluctuations can be used in conjunction with the Rankine–Hugoniot relations to obtain the velocity fluctuations on the hot side, viz. uds = uus +
T ds q −1 u, ¯ T us q¯
where T ds and T us are temperatures on the burnt and unburnt side, respectively. Given now uds from (6), with the instantaneous heat release perturbation q obtained from the zero-Mach solver, the upstream velocity fluctuations can be computed by making use of (5). In this way, a two-way coupling between acoustic field and heat release is established. A schematic of the coupling approach is shown in Fig. 4. Our coupling scheme accounts for linear acoustics only, but the dominant nonlinearity in thermoacoustic instabilities is commonly attributed to the flame response [8], which is fully included in the approach presented here.
Fig. 4 Schematic illustration of the coupled model; p denotes the acoustic pressure.
Z(iω) uus
u flame ds
5 Linear Stability and Limit Cycle Amplitude Based on the acoustic model and the flame transfer function, linear stability of the coupled system can be determined in the following way. The frequency domain equivalent of (5) is combined with the jump conditions (6). Now instead of taking
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the heat release fluctuations from an explicit computation of the hydrodynamic zone, we substitute the flame transfer function. Then the dispersion relation takes the form 1 = (AZ)(iω) [1 + (T ds/T us − 1)Fu (iω)] ,
which has to be satisfied by the system eigenvalues. The eigenvalues for the linearized system, calculated from Eq. (7), are shown in Fig. 5. The two lower frequencies correspond to a plenum resonance at 36 Hz and a quarter wave mode in the combustion chamber at 88 Hz. These two modes are significantly destabilized through the interaction with the heat release. However, only the quarter wave mode is linearly unstable. The 3/4 wave mode at 250 Hz is essentially unaffected, a result of the strong low-pass character of the flame (see Fig. 2). With the results in Fig. 5, linear instability of the coupled model has been established. However, the final oscillation amplitude cannot be assessed from the linearized model, since it predicts exponential growth for all times. To determine the amplitude of the limit cycle oscillation – at least in an approximate way – we make use of the describing function technique [8, 29]. Since the flame response is the only source of nonlinearity in the system, it is sufficient to only take into account the fundamental component of the output. In other words, we consider the flame transfer function to have an amplitude dependent gain and phase and compute the growth rates as a function of the oscillation level. For this to work, we obviously need the oscillation amplitude to vary on a time scale distinctly larger than the oscillation period. (The results of the coupled simulation (Sec. 6) show that this assumption is justified.) With the nonlinear flame response, the dispersion relation takes the form 1 = (AZ)(iω) [1 + N(a, iω)(T ds /T us − 1)Fu (iω)] ,
Fig. 5 Eigenvalues of the linearized system model. Circles represent purely acoustic eigenvalues, triangles those including heat release feedback.
Im ω/(2π)
where N(a, iω) is the flame describing function normalized with linearized gain and phase, and a = u /u¯ denotes the normalized oscillation level. Since only information on the amplitude dependence at a frequency of 100 Hz was available from the nonlinear flame response computations (Sec. 3), N(a, iω) is approximated with the values at that forcing frequency. We conjecture that this will be reasonably accurate as long as we consider only this particular mode.
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 −2 −250−200−150−100 −50
50 100 150 200 250
Re ω/(2π)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 0
301 105 100 95 90
normalized velocity fluctuation
u /¯u
Re ω/(2π)
Fig. 6 Solutions of the nonlinear dispersion relation (8)
Im ω/(2π)
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities
85 0.7
The solution pair (a, ω) of (8) with Im ω = 0 corresponds to amplitude and frequency of the limit cycle oscillation. Figure 6 presents the complex eigenfrequencies as a function of the pulsation level. The intersection of the growth rate −Im ω with the x-axis marks the oscillation amplitude, which is determined as u /u¯ = 0.48. The associated combustor pressure can then be simply calculated from the experimentally identified admittance model A(iω), yielding an equilibrium amplitude of 1018 Pa. We also note that the oscillation frequency increases by about 7 Hz from the unstable steady state to the limit cycle.
6 Coupled Simulation and Control In this section, we first show some results of the uncontrolled instability and compare them with the predictions in the preceding section. Then we apply two types of control, that we found effective in the experiment, to mitigate the oscillations.
6.1 Uncontrolled Instability As an initial perturbation for the coupled simulation, the state vector in (5) was set to uniformly distributed random numbers of small magnitude. Figure 7 shows the temporal evolution of the acoustic pressure at the flame and the normalized heat release rate fluctuation from the coupled simulation. In agreement with the linear stability analysis in Sec. 5, the steady state of the coupled system is unstable against small perturbations. Amplitudes of pressure and heat release grow, exponentially in the linear regime, and then settle on a constant level after passing through a small overshoot. The close-up in the right frame of Fig. 7 clearly shows that Rayleigh’s criterion is satisfied. Pressure and heat release oscillations are not completely in phase, but the correlation is certainly positive so that the instability can be sustained. It can be also noted that the nonlinearity in the flame response distorts the heat release perturbations from a harmonic form to one that peaks to higher positive than negative values. This is a common characteristic of nonlinear heat release oscillations and is often observed in OH- or CH-radical chemiluminescence signals in experiments on combustion instabilities (see, e.g., [30]).
acoustic pressure, heat release
J.P. Moeck et al.
1 0.5
p/kPa q /q¯
0 −0.5 −1 0
time in seconds
time in seconds
Fig. 7 Time domain evolution of the instability. The close-up evidences positive heat release– acoustic correlation.
A time resolved frequency analysis shows that, for small amplitudes, the instability has a frequency of 86 Hz, agreeing well with the results obtained from the linearized system model (Sec. 5). Yet, while the amplitude is growing, the frequency of the instability slightly increases until reaching 92 Hz at the fully established limit cycle oscillation. This is obviously a result of the amplitude dependence of the flame response and was already predicted with the analysis based on the nonlinear flame model in the preceding section. The amplitude of the pressure pulsations also agrees well with the one computed with the describing function (cf. Sec. 5). Images of the fluctuating flame in terms of the progress variable c for one cycle of the self-excited oscillation are shown in Fig. 8. A strong distortion of the flame front can be clearly observed. For comparison, a picture of the undisturbed flame is also given.
Fig. 8 Progress variable distribution of the undisturbed (a) and the oscillating flame (b– f ) at equidistant phase angles
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities
6.2 Control by Equivalence Ratio Modulation
normalized fluctuations
Control of combustion instabilities by equivalence ratio modulation was shown to be effective in numerous experimental applications (see, e.g., [33, 34, 12]). We use this actuation method in the coupled simulation to achieve a full stabilization of the system. With reference to Fig. 2, it can be observed that, at the oscillation frequency, the heat release transfer functions Fu and Fφ are almost in antiphase. Hence, a φ feedback proportional to u will have a stabilizing effect. We have to consider, however, the amplitude dependence of the heat release response [8]. Equivalence ratio feedback with a stabilizing effect over the whole amplitude range was achieved with an additional small time-lag in the form of a Pad´e approximant. The gain had to be chosen quite small so as not to destabilize the lower frequency mode (see Fig. 5). Results from the application of the equivalence ratio controller are shown in Fig. 9(a). The control scheme is activated at t = 1 s. The heat release fluctuations are quickly diminished by the control action. Only slightly more than 10 % of the mean equivalence ratio is needed at most to suppress the instability. After 0.2 s, hardly any oscillations remain.
q /q¯ φ /φ¯
0.6 0.4
control on
0.2 0 −0.2 0.8
(a) 0.9
time in seconds
(b) 0.8
time in seconds
Fig. 9 Control of combustion instability by (a) equivalence ratio modulation and (b) tuning the downstream acoustic boundary condition
6.3 Control of the Acoustic Boundary Conditions Reflection of acoustic waves at the system boundaries are an essential part in the thermoacoustic feedback loop. For this reason, reducing the magnitude of the reflection coefficient, for instance at the combustor outlet, has a stabilizing effect. Moreover, this effect is general, since it does not depend on the particular characteristics of the flame or the burner. In addition to passive methods for the specific manipulation of combustor boundary conditions [35], active methods based on feedback control have been developed [36, 13]. While these active methods allow to prescribe a general desired impedance, reducing the reflectivity was shown to have a stabilizing influence in several experiments [13, 37]. In these cases, it was sufficient to reduce the magnitude of the reflection coefficient only in a narrow interval around the main frequency of oscillation.
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Implementing the control strategy described above in the coupled simulation is straightforward, since, effectively, the control action simply modifies the impedance of the acoustic model. Hence, instead of the nominal acoustic model (5), representing a time domain realization of the transfer function (AZ)(iω), we have one that corresponds to lower reflection on the downstream side. As in [37], we restrict the control scheme to lower the wave reflection only in a narrow band around the oscillation frequency. Results from the coupled simulation for the acoustic boundary control are presented in Fig. 9(b). To realize this type of control in the coupled simulation, the downstream impedance model Z(iω) was adapted to mimic the controlled reflection coefficient as determined in the test-rig experiments in [37]. Control is activated at t = 1 s. The heat release oscillations quickly decrease, and the system is stabilized. However, in contrast to control by equivalence ratio modulation, a low frequency oscillation, corresponding to the lower acoustic mode (see Fig. 5), diminishes only slowly. In principle, this mode could be also stabilized by the control scheme, but in a practical situation, low frequencies are difficult to actuate with acoustic drivers.
7 Summary We presented a hybrid method for the simulation of thermoacoustic instabilities and the application of control schemes. The approach is based on separate descriptions for the combustion zone and the acoustic domain. A linear reduced order model, identified from experimental combustion test-rig data, was used to represent the acoustic field. The premixed flame was modeled by a zero-Mach solver. Based on linear and nonlinear flame response calculations, linear stability characteristics as well as the limit cycle amplitude and a nonlinear frequency shift could be predicted. Two control schemes, known to work well in the experiment, were applied in the coupled simulation. Both were able to suppress the instability completely. The presented scheme for flame–acoustic computations is certainly not more accurate than an approach based on fully compressible equations. However, it is clearly more efficient for two reasons: i) detailed numerical resolution is only applied where necessary (i.e., in the combustion zone); ii) computing costs are significantly reduced by using a zero-Mach flow/combustion solver. In addition, by using reduced order acoustic models for the long wave acoustics, it is straightforward to implement accurate frequency dependent boundary conditions – a component having an essential impact on pulsation amplitudes and stability characteristics of thermoacoustic systems. In essence, we proposed a hybrid tool for modeling and control of combustion instabilities and convincingly demonstrated its effectiveness. Acknowledgements. This work has been kindly supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Collaborative Research Center 557 “Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows”. We acknowledge fruitful interaction with the combustor mixing and the control subprojects B9 and C1.
Modeling and Control of Combustion Instabilities
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Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations and NOx Emissions in a Lean Premixed Combustor Arnaud Lacarelle, Jonas P. Moeck, Christian O. Paschereit, Gregor Gelbert, Rudibert King, Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Bernd R. Noack, Jens Kasten, and Hans-Christian Hege
Abstract. This paper presents an overview of the methodology developed to predict, control and optimize the NOx emissions and stability of lean premixed combustors. Investigations are performed firstly in cold flow and are validated with reacting flow measurements. A new cold flow mixing model describes the relevant characteristics of the fuel/air mixing, i.e. the mixing quality and convective time delays, for different operating points of the system. Measurements in the combustor are performed to correct the flame position effect or calibrate the cold flow results. The model is for the first time implemented in an extremum seeking controller to optimize the emissions and pressure pulsations of the combustor by adjusting the fuel mixing profile. A further increase of the fuel/air mixing, necessary for further NOx reductions, with pulsating fuel injection, is demonstrated. At the end, the developed adaptive control strategies demonstrate opportunities for future efficiency increases in industrial combustors.
1 Introduction The control of pulsations and emissions in modern gas turbine combustors remains critical to increase the lifetime of the engine and decrease the even more stringent NOx emissions. The complete modeling of a combustor over the numerous operating parameters remains too complex to be achieved with detailed description Arnaud Lacarelle · Jonas P. Moeck · Christian O. Paschereit · Dirk M. Luchtenburg Institut f¨ur Str¨omungsmechanik und Technische Akustik, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany Gregor Gelbert · Rudibert King Institut f¨ur Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany Bernd R. Noack Institut Pprime, CNRS - Universit´e de Poitiers - ENSMA, UPR 3346, POITIERS, France Jens Kasten · Hans-Christian Hege Konrad-Zuse Institut Berlin, Germany
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 307–321. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
A. Lacarelle et al.
of the flow field, acoustics, and chemistry. Hence, low order models are developed to simplify the modeling and prediction tasks. To allow these models to be accurate, the main mechanisms responsible for pulsations and NOx emissions must be well known and (if possible) exhaustive. Indeed, during the last 20 years, numerous theoretical, experimental and numerical investigations identified the main mechanisms controlling the combustion process of premixed combustors [1, 2, 3, 4]. In the case of thermoacoustic instabilities, the complex relationship between the convective and acoustical time delays is critical for the stability of the system [5, 6, 7]. In particular, the convective time delays of the fuel/air mixture to the flame generate heat release fluctuations. If these fluctuations are in phase with acoustic pressure oscillations of the combustor (or modes), strong thermoacoustic oscillations can occur, as stated by the Rayleigh criterium. Such oscillations are responsible for increased fatigue of the combustion chamber and its related parts and lead generally to an increase of NOx emissions. Other mechanisms (like the shedding of vortices, the fuel injector impedance) play also an important role but are not considered in the present work. Regarding the NOx emissions, the influencing factors for a defined reacting mixture are primarily the adiabatic flame temperature, the residence time of the products in the flame and post flame regions, the dilution of the products with air, and the pressure. When these parameters are set by the combustor design and power output needed, an additional parameter, the mixing quality of the fuel/air mixture, reveals to be critical to decrease the NOx emissions [8]. The design of modern combustors remains a complex and iterative task. The experimental investigation generally starts with non reacting investigations to characterize the flow and additional scalar fields. Because of its good data quality, investigations in water test rigs are generally the first step of a burner development as shown in Fig. 1. The mixing quality recorded with fluorescent techniques is used to select the best fuel injection configurations. The evaluation of the convective time delays in such a setup is much more complex to obtain, but a technique is presented in this work which allows for an estimation of their values. Calibration in the reactFig. 1 Sketch of the analysis, modeling and control strategy for the premixed combustor targeting improvements in NOx and pressure pulsations. Cold and reacting flow experiments are used to elucidate different aspects of that strategy.
Concentration measurements Dynamic mixing model with recirculation zone
Mixing quality
Cold convective time delay
Transposition from cold to reacting flows Flame position correction
Flame position and shape Calibration
Effective mixing quality at the flame location
NOx Control
Effective time delays in combustor
Stability Control
Water test rig Combustion chamber
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations
ing case is still needed, and the resulting model can be used to control the stability and emissions of the combustor. The present work describes four important steps of the methodology: comparison of the water and air flows, modeling the mixing process, control of the pulsations and NOx emissions, and finally optimization of the mixing quality of the combustor. After a description of the experimental setup, these four parts are successively considered in the paper.
2 Experimental Setups The burner that is employed in this investigation is a full-size conical swirler, normally used in gas turbine engines (see Fig. 2). The burner geometry creates a high degree of swirl, which results in vortex breakdown near the burner outlet followed by a recirculation zone where the flame stabilizes. A detailed description of the burner (under running conditions) is presented in [9]. For the present investigations, two staged injection feed lines are mounted on the side of the inlet slots, just upstream of the standard fuel injection (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). Each of these staged injection lines is split in two independent injection chambers, an upstream (us) and a downstream (ds) injection. The upstream injection port has 16 injection holes of 0.7 mm diameter and the downstream one 14. The upstream injection chambers are interconnected as well as the downstream injection chambers. Thus, the fuel repartition of the burner can be controlled over 3 independent fuel injectors (baseline, upstream stage injection and downstream stage injection). This leads to two degrees of freedom, α and β , when the operating point (or fuel mass flow) is set. α describes the ratio of premix gas to overall gas mass flow, and β characterizes the ratio upstream injection to total secondary gas mass flow. They are defined as follows: m˙ pre with 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 m˙ f m˙ us β = with 0 ≤ β ≤ 1 (1 − α )m˙ f
(1) (2)
with m˙ f = m˙ pre + m˙ us + m˙ ds . When α = 0, all the fuel is injected through the staged injection line. It is totally injected through the upstream line when β = 1, and through the downstream one when β = 0. For α = 1, the value of β is not determined. The burner is fitted into a 200 mm atmospheric combustion chamber which has full optical access to the flame (Fig. 3). A resonance pipe is mounted at the outlet of the combustion chamber and an acoustically low reflecting termination can be mounted at the outlet to prevent strong combustion instabilities. The temperature of the main air flow Tpre can be increased by a preheater mounted upstream of the burner. The exhaust gas emissions are measured 660 mm from the burner outlet with a linear sampling probe. The continuously sampled exhaust gas is sent to an ABB gas analyzer where NOx emissions are measured on a wet basis. The values are then corrected to dry basis and normalized at vol. 15% O2 . An intensified CCD
A. Lacarelle et al. Sec. Inj. Pre. Inj.
Outer Recirculation Zone
NOx Linear gas sampling probe
OH* Microphones
Pre Air Fuel
Resonance Pipe
Inner Recirculation Zone Shear Layer
Low reflection end
Round silica ICCD Camera with OH* filter
Fig. 2 Sketch of the swirl inducing Fig. 3 Combustion chamber setup burner with modified injection. green: upstream stage injection, red: downstream stage injection
camera (Imager + IRO of LaVision) equipped with a narrow band pass filter centered around 312 nm, is used to record the OH* chemiluminescence of the flame. The mean flame shape recorded allows to determine the flame position, defined as the axial position of the maximum of the radially integrated OH* signal. Two photomultipliers equiped with band pass filters record the time signal of OH* and CH* chemiluminescence of the flame. 5 water-cooled microphones mounted upstream of the burner are used to monitor the pressure fluctuations in the combustor as well as to record the acoustic velocity fluctuations with the Mult-Microphone Method. The operating conditions of the burner are defined by the triplet (m˙ air , φ , Tair ). The operating point A (OPA), further used, has the parameters (220 kg/h, 0.555, 423 K). To characterize the non-reacting mixing of the fuel/air mixture, high-speed planar laser induced fluorescence (HSLIF) measurements in an axial plane at the burner outlet are performed in a water test rig. A 1 mm thick laser sheet is generated with a 4 Watt CW-Laser (532 nm) 5 mm above the burner outlet and excites a diluted rhodamine 6G solution passing through the measurement plane. The fluorescence light is filtered through an OG590 filter, and the resulting signal is recorded by a Photron Fastcam-PCI 1024 high speed camera running at 125 fps. Through an appropriate correction taking into account the absorption of the dye, the intensities of the pictures are converted into local concentrations [10].
3 Comparison: Water, Air, and Reacting Flows Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used in both test rigs to characterize the cold and reacting flow fields. The measurement plane is perpendicular to the slot plane of the burner. The laser sheet is approximately 1.5 mm thick. To increase the spatial resolution, one half plane of the flow field is recorded. Cold flow investigations are performed with approximately 500 snapshots, while only 250 snapshots are taken during reacting flow measurements because of the harsh environment. This number
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations
is still sufficient to resolve trends in both mean and coherent fields, but remains too low to obtain accurate turbulent quantities. Figure 4 confirms that the axial cold flow velocities between the two test rigs match very well. The peak velocity positions and values as well as the central recirculation zone are almost identical for the 3 cases presented (one in water, two in air). The degree of turbulence of these cold flow investigations, shown in Fig. 5, presents also strong similarities. Only the degree of turbulence of the water test rig remains higher, because of a higher turbulence level of the water test rig.
x/D = 0.25
x/D = 0.15 x/D = 0.15
x/D = 0.25
−0.4 y/D
−0.4 −0.6
0 1 u/u
0 1 u/u
Fig. 4 Half plane mean axial velocity line plots for 2 axial positions at the burner outlet. PIV measurements in water (+, Re=39062) and in air with oil seeding (×, Re=48474), with SiO2 seeding (, Re=38950).
1 Tu
1 Tu
Fig. 5Half plane degree of turbulence Tu = 1/u0 ux 2 + ur 2 /2 line plots for 2 axial positions. PIV measurements in water (+, Re=39062) and in air with oil seeding(×, Re=48474), with SiO2 seeding (, Re=38950).
In addition to the cold flow investigations, the same measurements are performed in reacting flow for different fuel injection configurations. The resulting axial and radial mean velocity fields are presented in Fig. 6. The two first reacting cases (Fig. 6(b), and Fig 6(c)) present strong similarities with the cold flow measurement (Fig. 6(a)), the major difference being higher velocities as a consequence of the heat released by the flame. When fuel is injected mainly upstream of the burner (β > 0.5 and Fig. 6(d)), the flame structure changes completely as it stabilizes inside the burner, increasing the velocities inside the burner, and leading to a wider internal recirculation zone. It is well known that swirl inducing flows exhibit strong coherent motions, and numerous works on this burner confirm the presence of a strong helical structure [11, 12]. How these structures are affected by the flame can be answered by applying the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) on the PIV snapshots. The POD principle is to project a series of snapshots on a basis of empirical spatial modes, sorted by
A. Lacarelle et al.
(a) Cold
(b) Reacting flow, (c) Reacting flow, (d) Reacting flow, (α , β ) = (1, 0) (α , β ) = (0, 0) (α , β ) = (0, 0.7)
Fig. 6 Mean velocities in m/s measured with PIV in the plane perpendicular to the slot plane for different fuel injection distributions, OP A. The velocity vectors are superposed to the color plot of the mean axial velocity.
their turbulent kinetic energy. The general decomposition of the turbulent velocity field reads then: N
u(x,t) = u(x,t) + ∑ ai (t)ui (x),
where u(x,t) denotes the ensemble average of u(x,t), ui is a mode associated with its amplitude ai , and N is the number of modes employed. The decomposition is obtained here with the method of the snapshots of Sirovich applied only on the axial velocity. Further details can be taken from [13]. The first two dominant modes of the axial velocity, which describe the helical structure, are presented in Fig. 7. The observation of the mode shapes confirms that a flame stabilized downstream of the burner has a minor impact on the cold flow coherent structure (Fig. 7(a)-7(c)), while the structure almost completely disappears
(a) Cold flow
(b) (α ,β )=(1,0)
(c) (α ,β )=(0,0)
(d) (α ,β )=(0,0.7)
Fig. 7 First (top line) and second (bottom line) POD modes of the axial velocity recorded with PIV. White and black zones indicate axial velocities of opposite signs.
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations
Fig. 8 Volume rendering of the time evolution of the coherent concentration fluctuations at the burner outlet showing the helical motion of the coherent structure. Standard injection (α , β ) = (0, 0.5). Rendering performed with AMIRA.
when the flame moves inside the burner (Fig. 7(d)). These results are important as the helical structure generates flow oscillations at the fuel injection location. These flow oscillations induce coherent fuel concentration fluctuations which can be visualized with HSLIF in the water test rig, as shown in Fig. 8. To generate this picture, the data is recorded with a frame rate of 500 Hz in a plane 5 mm above the burner outlet. To increase the quality of visualization, the data is filtered with a dynamic mode decomposition algorithm [14] and the snapshots are reconstructed using the two first dominant modes. The filtered and reconstructed structure is presented in Fig. 8 for an equally distributed fuel injection between the upstream and downstream feed lines. It shows its time evolution of over 1.5 periods. The resulting structure clearly has an helical shape, similar to the one identified in the combustion chamber from PIV data. The coherent fuel concentration fluctuations evidenced here lead to a decrease of the mixing quality which is then responsible for higher NOx emissions. In this section, the flow field investigations clearly evidence that the three configurations (water, air, and reacting flow) are very similar. This justifies the use of water experiments to model the mixing properties of the burner as explained in the next section.
4 Mixing Quality Model and NOx Emissions The mixing quality at the flame position determines the resulting NOx emissions at the burner outlet. It depends on three relevant parameters: (1) the initial unmixedness s0 , depending on the fuel injection set, (2) the decay rate Ds of the unmixedness inside and outside of the burner, which depends on flow properties like shear stress, (3) the mixing length xlm , depending on the injection location and flame position. Those three parameters allow to determine the unmixedness of the mixture s(xlm ) at any position in the burner which can be expressed as suggested by Syed [15]: s(xlm ) = s0 exp (Dx,s xlm ) .
The spatial decay rate Dx,s is assumed here as constant along the mixing path. By changing the fuel injection profile, the flame of the investigated burner changes its stabilization location. Because it is difficult to predict the flame position, it is
A. Lacarelle et al.
experimentally more suitable to measure the unmixedness at the burner outlet (x = 5 mm), and, knowing Dx,s , estimate the mixing quality at the flame location s(xfl ). It is assumed also here that Dx,s is weakly influenced by the presence of the flame. Equation 4 reads then: sfl = s5mm exp (Dx,s (xfl − 0.005)) .
An experimental model of the mixing quality at the burner outlet is developed to quantify the mixing quality sx,5mm for different operating parameters and fuel distributions. The resulting model reads: s5mm = A0 exp(A1 (Re − Reref )) + (B1 β + B2 ) Jeq + C0 β 2 + C1 β + C2
(6) f
where s5mm = σt / μ is the coefficient of variation describing the mixing quality (σt is the total standard deviation of the local concentration oscillations and μ the spatially and temporally averaged concentration), Re the Reynolds number of the burner flow, Reref a reference Reynolds number, and Jeq the equivalent jet cross flow momentum of the operating point. Ai , Bi , Ci are empirical constants of the model. f characterizes the Reynolds number dependence, which, as shown by experiments [16], remains much smaller than the contribution of the function g. Hence f is just considered as a small correction term of the main function g. Taking the flame position into account as well as the decay of the unmixedness measured at the burner outlet leads to a better correlation between the unmixedness estimated at the flame location and the measured NOx emissions, when compared to the original non-corrected data measured at 5 mm above the burner outlet (♦ for sfl and • for s5mm in Fig. 9). Differences still subsist when the emission data are split relative to their respective flame position ( and in Fig. 9). One of the reasons OPA, flame outside, Sfl OPA, flame inside, Sfl OPA, injections 0.26
30 flame oustide the burner flame inside the burner 25
8 7
ENOx measured @15% O2
NOx, dry in ppm, 15%O2
y = 0.6973e36.093x
6 y = 0.7511e 33.238x
5 4 3 2 1
20 15 10 5
y = 1.1185e
0 0
sfl, s5mm/10
−5 0
10 15 20 ENOx fit @ 15% O
Fig. 9 NOx emissions as a function of the Fig. 10 Quality of experimental fit of Eq. 7 coefficient of variation at the flame location (sfl ) and at the burner exit (s5mm ) for one operating point
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations
is certainly the simple gaussian like shape implicitly used for the probability density function (PDF) of the concentration reaching the flame. For extreme injection configurations, this assumption may not hold, and, as NOx emissions increase more than exponentially with the equivalence ratio (for φ < 0.95), higher NOx emissions will be registered if the PDF has a leaner and a richer part. That is why the model is best suited for β values in the range β ∈ [0.3...0.75]. The measured unmixedness is used in an experimental correlation inspired by the work of Lefebvre [17] or Alkabie [18]. Different operating conditions and fuel injection configurations are used for this correlation (m˙ air = [160, 200, 240] kg/h, φ = [0.5, 0.611, 0.678], Tpre = [30, 150]◦ C, 0.3 < β < 0.75). The resulting fit of the data with Eq. 7 shows that the equation allows for a quite accurate empirical NOx prediction. The constants A, B,C, D, E take the values (0.72, -2.2E-3,0.88, 10.42,40.86), respectively and correspond to values similar to those obtained by Alkabie [18]. Δp C NOx = Aexp BTpre exp (Dφ (1 − sfl ) + Esfl ) p
5 Time Delay Measurements For complex configurations, an analytical description of the flow to derive the convective time delays may be difficult to obtain. Direct measurements of the convective time delays of the burner are then necessary, as they are critical for the combustor stability. A methodology is developed to record the mixing transfer function from a step response of the fuel volume flow [10]. The difficulty is that, in combustors, fuel burns in the flame and does not accumulate in recirculation zones, as it is the case in non-reacting investigations (see Fig. 11). For that reason, a reduced model of the fuel/air mixing in the burner is developped (Fig. 12). It consists of two mixing reactors modeled with the convection-diffusion equations (R1 and R2) as well as a reactor representing the recirculation zones (RZ). 8 Unknown parameters are needed to describe the model. The response CxL ,cold is recorded at the position Fig. 11 Identification of relevant zones for the mixing model of the burner. IRZ: Internal Recirculation Zone, ERZ: External Recirculation Zone.
Laser measurement plane ERZ Flame DS inj. US inj.
R1 R2
A. Lacarelle et al.
Fig. 12 Dynamic mixing model of the burner for identification of the convective time delays
x = xL with HSLIF from a step response of the fuel injection. After parameter identification, the response CxL ,hot is extracted, which corresponds to the step response without the influence of the recirculation zones. A normalized convective time delay is then calculated with ∞ ∗ 0 1 − CxL ,hot (t) dt ∗ τxL ,Mod,Hot = , (8) τref where CxL ,hot ∗ (t) corresponds to CxL ,hot normalized to values between 0 and 1. τref = Lb /U0 is a normalized convective time delay based on the burner geometry and bulk velocity. τx∗L ,Hot is thus identical for water and air flows. The time delay obtained is used to calculate the mixing length L from the fuel injection location to the measurement plane for a mean bulk velocity U0 . To calculate the effective convective time delay τeff , the flame position (xfl , where OH*(x) is maximum) as well as the preheating of the products upstream of the chemiluminescence signal have to be taken into account. The effective convective time delay τeff is then calculated as:
τeff =
x fl −L+xL
dx , U0 (T (x))
where U0 (T (x)) is now the mean bulk velocity depending on the reactant preheating temperature T . T is assumed to be similar to the OH* signal recorded by the camera as: T (x) − Tus OH (x − x f l )/B + x f l = , x < xfl (10) Txfl − Tus OHmax The parameters Txfl = 1294 K and B =2.63 are obtained after a regression of the ∗ ) with the normalized time delays evaluated normalized effective time delays (τeff directly in the combustion chamber with flame transfer function (FTF) measure∗ ments (τeff,FTF ). The FTF is the response of flame heat release oscillations relative to acoustic perturbations upstream of the flame, the heat release fluctuations being recorded by the the OH* photomultiplier and the acoustic velocity fluctuations calculated from the Multi-Microphone Method. The values of both time delays compared in Fig. 13 present a good agreement.
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations modeled (cold flow + flame visualization) measured in the combustor with FTF
2 Nornalized time delay
1.5 1 0.5
,1 ) (0
.7 ) ,0 (0
.5 ) ,0 (0
.2 )
.3 5 ,0 (0
,0 )
,0 . .5 (0
,0 .
25 )
75 )
Injection configurations (DE)
∗ Fig. 13 Comparison of the with FTF measured effective and normalized time delays (τeff,FTF , single time lag model) with the time delays obtained from cold flow measurements with flame ∗ ) for different fuel injection configurations visualization (τeff
The time delays obtained from the water test rig measurements as well as the flame position can, thus, be used to estimate the effective time delays in the combustor. Depending on the effective time delay, the operating point and the geometry of the system, the stability of the combustor can be predicted (Thermoacoustic network).
6 Control of NOx and Pulsations First of all, conventional NOx emission sensors have a response time which is too long (dead time of 60 to 90 s) to be used for a fast control. Chemiluminescence on the contrary responds very fast to changes in the combustion zone, as shown in Fig. 14. As the over one second averaged OH* chemiluminescence signal correlates also with the NOx emissions [19], the latter can be used as a fast NOx sensor instead of using the slow conventional exhaust gas analyzer. Secondly, by using different test rigs as well as a simple time lag model, which captures one aspect of the mixing dynamics, uncertainties of the model arise. A robust controller is needed to deal with the model uncertainties. For this reason, the cold flow model is implemented in the feedback loop of a gradient based extremum seeking controller (ESC) as shown in Fig. 15. The model information allows to increase the speed of the controller and avoid local minima if better fuel injection configurations are predicted by the model. A further improvement of the controller concerns the estimation of the local gradient within the algorithm. As suggested in [20] an extended Kalman filter is used for the estimation instead of the classical high and low pass combination. That way a faster and better estimation of the gradient is possible.
A. Lacarelle et al.
The goal of the controller is to find the optimal fuel distribution minimizing a functional F by variation of the fuel distribution parameters α and β . The functional that is to be minimized contains the measured pressure pulsations, characterized by their standard deviation σp , as well as the average over 1 s of the CH* signal (CH 1 ), which is in this configuration, like OH*, a surrogate measurement of NOx emissions. Depending on the actual values of α and β in the combustor, the model adds values Smap Mixing Model
Combustion chamber
Umap CH
Valves & Massmeters
Signal Processing
CH 1 Functional
set ESC
Fig. 14 OH* and gas analyzer response Fig. 15 Modified ESC controller using the mixto a step signal of the burner fuel repar- ing model to optimize the fuel repartition of in tition at constant operating conditions SIDO case
of the unmixedness and stability maps (Umap and Smap ) to the functional in regions that should be avoided. That way, the ESC performs its gradient based optimization along a map defined by the model, and the weight of the map decreases as the controller narrows the optimal region. The functional F reads thus: F (α , β ) = aσ p + bCH 1 + cUmap (α , β ) + dSmap (α , β ) .
All the parameters (σ p , CH 1 , Umap , Smap ) are normalized to values between 0 and 1, and the relation of the positive weighting coefficients a + b + c + d = 1 is used. The values of c and d are depending on the level of confidence in the model. If the confidence on the model is high, then c and d take high values and the controller moves α and β toward the minimum of the sum of Umap and Smap . On the contrary, low values c and d means that the fuel distribution is altered mainly according to the measurement of the pressure and CH* sensors. The emission map Umap is, for the presented test, the normalized standard deviation of the temporal fluctuations of the spatially averaged concentration recorded at the burner outlet. This criterium, which correlates also with the NOx emissions [19], can be replaced by the criterium sfl when information on the flame position is available in real time. The stability map Smap is defined as the square distance of the injection (α , β ) to the point which is expected the most stable, in this case (α , β ) ≈ (0, 0), with the lowest time delay (see Fig. 13), for the operating point A (220 kg/h, 0.555, 423 K). The maps corresponding to the weighting parameters (a, b, c, d) = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4) are shown in Fig. 16. An example of instability control with transient from the operating point OPA to a second operating point is
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations aσp
0 1 0.5
0 1 0.5
0 0
0 0
cUmap 1
0.1 0 1 0.5
β 0 0
0 1
β 0 0 F function
1 0.5 0 1 0.5
Fig. 16 Weighted maps building the functional F used by the ESC controller
Fig. 17 Time signals of the SIDO controlling system showing the evolution of the system parameters with the control map F
presented in Fig. 17. The parameters of the combustor (m˙ ∗f , m˙ ∗air , α , β ), the output of the controller (αset , βset ), the measured signals (CH ∗ , σ p , NOX ) and the value of the functional F are shown. All the parameters are normalized between 0 and 1. At the beginning of the experiment, F is defined by the weighting parameters (a, b, c, d) = (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), which means that the sensor values only are used for the optimization. The system starts at the injection configuration (α , β )=(0.8,0.8). The amplitude of the perturbation is 0.05 for both parameters α and β . After 1 minute (vertical line 1), the controller is started and the system moves toward a local minimum of the pressure oscillations at (α , β ) = (1, X). After 4 minutes (vertical line 2), the weighting parameters are set to (a, b, c, d) = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4) and the functional F takes the shape of Fig. 16. The system moves then in the direction of the injection (α , β ) = (0, 0) to stabilize finally at the global minimum around (0.1, 0.25), where the combustor is stable and NOx emissions are very low. After 19 minutes, a transient to a second operating point is started, and the controller remains at the optimal point.
7 Active Optimization of Fuel Injection When a passive fuel injection arrangement is set, the question arises weather it is possible or not to further optimize the mixing quality through, for example, active pulsation of the fuel injection. Numerous experimental works conducted on single jets demonstrate the potential of single jet forcing to enhance entrainment and scalar mixing [21, 22, 23]. Therefore, similar active control method is applied on the standard 90◦ cross-flow fuel injection (α , β ) = (1, X). The tests are conducted for different forcing frequencies and duty cycles for a fully modulated mass flow.
A. Lacarelle et al.
The maximal normalized frequencies set are St=2.49, 1.91, 1.47, 0.73, for the dutycycles 20%, 35%, 50%, and 70% respectively. The concentration is measured again with HSLIF 5 mm above the burner outlet. The temporal unmixedness criterium s5mm is presented in Fig. 18 and shows that a decrease of unmixedness is possible when using high forcing frequency. A maximal decrease of 22% is obtained for a duty-cycle dc=35% and a forcing frequency St=1.91, while all the duty-cycle working with high frequency actuation are able to decrease the unmixedness criterium s5mm .
s5mm,ref dc50% dc20% dc70% dc50%, lower vol. flow dc35%
Unmixedness s5mm
Fig. 18 Temporal unmixedness s5mm for the fully modulated fuel distribution (α , β ) = (1, 0) depending on the jet to cross-flow momentum J and the forcing frequency normalized with the mean residence time in the burner St = f τre f and displayed in italic.
0.29 1.47
0.73 0.73
2.49 1.47
1.0E-01 0.0E+00 0
momentum ratio J
Adjusted to air flow conditions, the frequencies of interest should be larger than 200 Hz, which is a constraint if the pulsation should act continuously. The manufacturing of devices capable of reaching such frequencies will be the key to improve further the mixing quality of premixed burners. The implementation of such actuator is expected to reduce the unmixedness and, as a consequence, the NOx emissions.
8 Conclusion and Outlook This article presents a new methodology to model, control and optimize the emissions and pressure oscillations of a industrial lean premixed burner using data obtained from non reacting experiment. A quantitative comparison of the water, air, and reacting flows is presented and shows the strong flow field similarities, even in the presence of the flame. The flame position plays a key role to model both the unmixedness of the fuel/air mixture reaching the flame as well as the convective time delays, decisive in the occurrence of combustion instabilities. Using this parameter, NOx as well as stability of the combustion system can be predicted with more accuracy. Furthermore, the results show that a decrease of the unmixedness through active actuation of the fuel is possible and offers the possibility to further decrease the NOx emissions of the burner. The time delay models used in this work offer simplicity as well as robustness for the control algorithm. Further improvement to describe the more complex flow
Modeling the Fuel/Air Mixing to Control the Pressure Pulsations
field - flame interaction, which can not be described in cold flow investigations, are needed. Nevertheless, the investigation methodology presented here increases the physical knowledge of the burner and can be used in combination with a controller able to work with the modeling uncertainties of the method. The accuracy of the method is expected to improve with a more complex model of the scalar mixing inside the burner. Acknowledgements. We acknowledge excellent and inspiring working conditions of the collaborative research center SFB 557 “Control of complex turbulent shear flows” and associated funding by the German Research Foundation.
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Part V Model Reduction and Feature Extraction
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Reduced Order Modeling Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Wavenet System Identification of a Free Shear Layer Casey Fagley, J¨urgen Seidel, Stefan Siegel, and Thomas McLaughlin
Abstract. For the design of successful closed loop control of complex flow fields, high performing control algorithms based on low dimensional models along with accurate flow state estimation methods are needed. Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) provides a mean to reduce the order of the flow field data to a feasible dimensionality for wavelet basis network identification technique. Wavenet nonlinear autoregressive exogenous predictors (WNARX) identify and predict the time coefficients of a truncated POD model. Properly trained and formulated WNARX predictors show the capability of simulating off design flow scenarios within a parameter range, prove useful as reference signals, and are also capable of simulating closed loop dynamics for control design. These ROM methods are applied to a free shear layer behind a backward facing step serving as a model of optical turrets on air vehicles. Closed loop results show drastic reduction of the optical path difference (OPD), the performance measure for optical quality through a medium.
Casey Fagley Ph.D Candidate, University of Wyoming, Laramie WY 82071, USA e-mail:
[email protected] J¨urgen Seidel Visiting Researcher, Department of Aeronautics, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840, USA e-mail:
[email protected] Stefan Siegel Research Associate, Department of Aeronautics, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840, USA e-mail:
[email protected] Thomas McLaughlin Research Director, Department of Aeronautics, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840, USA e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 325–339. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
C. Fagley et al.
1 Introduction Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is a powerful tool for data decomposition and is widely used in aerodynamic research for data reduction. In essence, POD is a coordinate transformation in which the flow state variable, u(x,t), is linearly transformed into a new orthogonal coordinate system, separating space and time, ∞
u(x,t) =
∑ a j (t)φ j (x),
where x is the spatial domain, t is time, a j (t) are the time coefficients φ j (x) denotes the orthogonal spatial modes. Equation (1) is exact for an infinite dimensional space. The POD procedure sorts the spatial POD modes, φ j (x), of the flow variable by eigenvalue (or singular value) magnitude. This allows for a truncation based on modal eigenvalues such that m
u(x,t) ˆ =
∑ a j (t)φ j (x),
where dimension m is less than the full state dimension and uˆ is the estimated flow state based on the truncated mode set. POD thus allows for the decomposition of a high order state space system (n), usually CFD data, and truncation to much smaller dimension m n. The most dominant modes are retained, and the flow reconstruction using (2) represents the original flow field to a predetermined accuracy. Numerous variations of POD techniques exist, most of them based on the method of snapshots [1]. One line of procedures identified flow field changes on different time scales, dividing the flow into bins containing the fast but almost periodic time signals (Short time POD, [2]), and then capturing the slow changes of corresponding POD modes across the bins using a second POD (Double POD, [3], [4]). Other methods include Balanced POD [5], which combines POD with the idea of balanced truncation, and Split POD [6], which presents a method to combine open-loop controlled data with a baseline POD decomposition to capture the effect of actuation in the flow. Each of these methods has its advantages and proved useful for constructing reduced order models for different purposes. For example, the DPOD procedure is well suited for modeling the cylinder wake in which the main modes captured the mean flow and the fundamental von K´arm´an vortex modes while the shift modes (see also [7]) captured the transient flow states such as changes of the recirculation length and formation length as the vortex street develops. Perhaps the most important aspect of formulating a reduced order model is determining the model’s purpose. A model can be tailored to achieve certain goals by adjusting many design parameters, such as the numerical reduction scheme (POD, SPOD, DPOD, BPOD, etc.), the choice of dynamical model (Galerkin model, ANNARX model, etc.), and the selection of source data from experimental or computational simulations (e.g. including or excluding data from forced flow states to
Reduced Order Modeling and WNARX Identification of a Free Shear Layer
capture transients). All these parameters need to be carefully selected based on the purpose of the model. This paper describes the model building process for a closed loop flow control application. In this context, accurately modeling actuator interaction with the flow field, in addition to the unforced flow behavior, is extremely important for predicting closed loop behavior. The unforced and open loop forced data is typically provided using CFD simulations. In these simulations, open loop forcing input is typically imposed on an unforced flow using a periodic blowing/suction boundary conditions or rigid body oscillation. The resulting transient flow behavior, where the flow reacts to the actuation and then tends to lock in to the frequency of the actuator signal, provides important information about the system behavior. The actuator is then shut off in the simulations and the closing transient back to the unforced flow state is also recorded. These simulations are performed to cover a given forcing parameter space, varying frequency, amplitude, and possibly phase of the forcing signal. The range of this parameter space is one of the important choices in model design. The unforced flow is analyzed and a natural shedding frequency or resonant frequency is determined for a given flow variable. In general, frequencies near this natural frequency of the flow are of interest for closed loop model formulation. The amplitude of the forcing signal has a lower bound, above which the flow locks in, and is limited at high amplitudes due to physical realizability constraints or non-linear flow saturation. Once the open loop forcing parameter space is formulated and simulations are carried out, the numerical reduction scheme is selected. Initially, a standard POD analysis is preformed to determine spatial mode shapes and their eigenvalues to assess their overall physical relevance. The reduction scheme may then be extended to the SPOD/DPOD method so that the modes identify transient phenomena as discussed above [4]. BPOD may also be used to optimize the controllability and observability of the spatial mode domain [8]. The next step is to apply system identification techniques to the time history of the POD modes to develop a reduced order model of the flow field. This model is then used as a basis for control development. In this work, both linear and non-linear methods will be integrated into the control development, depending upon the complexity of the flow phenomena to be modeled. Compared to the CFD simulations, system identification is a computationally inexpensive process and provides many advantages for control development such as reduced model dimension, rapid simulation times, and it can be used to design reference models, analyze system stability, etc. One way to apply system identification tools is by using an autoregressive exogenous (ARX) linear system, where the regression vector (x(t)) defines the state space and is formulated by previous simulated outputs and external inputs to the system. The states are defined to be the modal amplitudes (a j (t)) of Equation 2 and the forcing input (u(t)). Current research efforts uses non-linear system identification methods such as wavelet networks. They have many industrial/research applications and are highly effective at realizing chaotic, non-linear trends, and frequency rich signals. This low dimensional, dynamic model allows for multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
C. Fagley et al.
systems with inherently fast simulation times that accurately predict closed loop dynamics of a flow field. This model also provides the ability to derive simple, yet high performing, control algorithms.
2 Optical Aberrations in a Free Shear Layer The flow field under consideration in this paper is the shear layer forming behind a backward facing step. The flow acts as a prototype of the shear layer separating from airborne turrets used for observation of airborne weapons system. In these airborne applications, the system effectiveness is severely hindered by large density variations, especially when looking back through the separated shear layer (e.g. [9, 10]). While the dynamics of coherent structures in shear layers are complex [11], from an optical point of view, the large coherent structures (Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices) are of most interest because of their reduced core pressure [12]. This pressure well, and its concomitant density well, are responsible for the optical aberrations since for air the index of refraction (n) is a linear function of the density(ρ ), n(x, y, z,t) = 1 + kGDρ (x, y, z,t),
where kGD is the Gladstone-Dale constant. From the index of refraction, the optical path length (OPL) is calculated as its path integral through the medium (see Figure 1), OPL =
To measure the wave front distortion, the optical path difference (OPD), as the difference between the OPL at one time instant and the mean OPL over the complete aperture[13], is typically computed and it is also a quantity that can be measured
Distorted Wave Front Flow Structure
x H
Optical Wave Front
Pressure Well
Fig. 1 Example of scattering of light through density fluctuations (or pressure wells) due to flow field variations.
Reduced Order Modeling and WNARX Identification of a Free Shear Layer
using wave front sensors. The origin of the coordinate system is at the step with the x-axis pointing downstream, the y-axis normal to the flow and the z-axis in the spanwise direction (see Figure 1). Assuming the light beam propagates along the y-direction, the OPD is x,z
OPD(x, z,t; y) = OPL(x, z,t; y) − OPL(x, z,t; y) .
The OPD quantifies the phase change of the wave front propagating through a medium with variable index of refraction. Usually, the metric used to assess the severity of the aberrations is the root mean square value, OPDrms . The goal of feedback flow control for this problem is to mitigate the density fluctuations and therefore the optical aberrations. Many experimental studies of aero-optics have been conducted with the geometries ranging from backwards facing ramps to round turrets (see [12], [10]). The findings of these studies suggest that open loop forcing has only a marginal effect on the optical distortions due to these complex flows. The main goal of this research is to develop an accurate low order model for feedback control design which will reduce the OPD of these flows at subsonic speeds.
2.1 3D Simulations CFD simulations have been performed using Cobalt, a commercial unstructured finite-volume code developed for the solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The basic algorithm is described in [14], although substantial improvements have been made since then. The numerical method is a cell-centered finite volume approach applicable to arbitrary cell topologies. The spatial operator uses a Riemann solver and least squares gradient calculations using QR factorization to provide second order accuracy in space. A point implicit method using analytic first-order inviscid and viscous Jacobians is used for advancement of the discretized system. Second order time accuracy is accomplished using a Newton sub-iteration scheme. For the simulations, the mean flow conditions were chosen to match the measured wind tunnel conditions at M = 0.3 and a Reynolds number based on step height of ReH = 106 with the step height H = 0.15m [15, 16, 17, 18]. The final grid for the computational domain has approximately six million cells; point clustering near the wall and in the free shear layer ensures that the dominant flow structures are resolved. A x-y grid plane of the computational domain is shown in Figure 2; this grid is duplicated to form 81 spanwise planes for the three-dimensional simulations. The complete grid extends from −4.3 < x/H < 16, −1 < y/H < 4.6, 0 < z/H < 2.6. With a natural shedding of approximately Fn = 600Hz, a time step of Δ t = 10−6s was chosen to achieve sufficient temporal resolution of all significant frequencies. For forcing input, a blowing/suction slot was introduced at the step, oriented at 45◦ to the surface and b = 1mm wide. A mass flow boundary condition was implemented at the base of the slot (see figure 2). Periodic, sinusoidal forcing was applied in this study.
C. Fagley et al.
Fig. 2 Grid of backward facing step geometry. Insert shows blowing/suction slot at the step.
A typical instantaneous results of the unforced simulations is shown in Figure 3(a)(top left), where the flow structures are visualized using the Q vortex identification criterion [19]. At this time instant, the shear layer (Kelvin-Helmholtz) vortices are visible starting approximately one step height downstream of the separation point. In addition, the OPD is plotted in color above the flow structures, showing the strong correlation of the location of the flow structures with the largest optical aberrations. The separating boundary layer has a thickness δ99 ≈ 7mm or δ99 /H = 0.047 and, for a turbulent boundary layer, the corresponding Reynolds number based on momentum thickness θ is Reθ ≈ 4500. While the unforced case provides a baseline dataset, open-loop forced simulations are necessary to provide input for the development of reduced order models (ROMs) for feedback flow control. These open-loop data have to span the range in the amplitude-frequency parameter space that will be utilized by the controller [4]. To provide these datasets, numerous simulations with different forcing parameters have been performed. For a summary of these cases, see Figure 6. Analysis of the three-dimensional density data showed that small scale, three dimensional flow features do not have a significant effect on the optical path difference (Figure 3a,c). For both the unforced and open loop forced case, the large, spanwise coherent structures have the greatest influence on the OPD. When performing POD using the density field, the fluctuating modes separate the spanwise coherent motion in one mode pair, and higher mode pairs capture the spanwise distortions (Figure 3b,d). When periodic forcing is applied, the spanwise coherence is increased and the first spatial mode pair is even more dominant as shown in Figure 3d.
2.2 2D Simulations The findings from the analysis of the three dimensional data suggest a reduction to two dimensional simulations is justifiable, although it certainly implies restrictions in the applicability of the results to three dimensional shear layers. In particular,
Reduced Order Modeling and WNARX Identification of a Free Shear Layer
Fig. 3 Analysis of 3D simulation data. a), b) unforced, c), d) Ff /Fn = 1.33, A/U∞ = 0.10. Instantaneous flow structures (Q-isosurface, grey) and OPD (color) at y/H = 0.5 (a,c). Isosurface of 3D POD mode pairs (Red Mode 1, Blue Mode 2) of density (b,d).
for the current investigation, two dimensional simulations are advantageous for a number of reasons. First, simulation times are nearly an order of magnitude less for the two dimensional flow. Second, the ’noise’ created by the three dimensional distortions in the numerical solution is reduced, thus increasing the accuracy of the POD/DPOD decomposition. And finally, the Cobalt code allows for efficient feedback simulations for two dimensional flows, which can be used to validate newly designed controllers.
Mode 3
y [m]
y [m]
Mode 1 0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 −0.04 0.05
0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 −0.04
y [m]
y [m]
0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 −0.04 0.05
0.15 0.2 x [m]
Mode 4
Mode 2
0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 −0.04 0.05
0.15 0.2 x [m]
Fig. 4 POD spatial mode set for the density field of the shear layer. ·− Negative contour levels, − Positive levels.
C. Fagley et al.
At this point a spatial domain analysis was conducted to find the best spatial window to incorporate the numerical reduction scheme. The area of interest for optical quality improvement is two step heights (2H) downstream. A total of three spatial domains were analyzed. The first was 0 ≤ x/H ≤ 4; 0 ≤ y/H ≤ 1.5; the second was 0 ≤ x/H ≤ 2.5; −0.33 ≤ y/H ≤ 0.33; and the third was 1.5 ≤ x/H ≤ 2.5; −0.33 ≤ y/H ≤ 0.33. For each of these spatial domains, a set of data was chosen for POD model formulation. The POD time coefficients and spatial modes were then computed for the corresponding spatial domain. The modes were truncated based upon an energy analysis of the singular values. Typically a 5 mode model contained 99.99% of the flow field energy which is sufficient from a modeling standpoint. The POD modes where then used to reconstruct an off design forcing case and the RMS error was computed to evaluate the performance of the truncated model. The analysis showed that with data from the intermediate spatial domain (0 ≤ x/H ≤ 2.5; −0.33 ≤ y/H ≤ 0.33), the flow field in the domain of interest could be reconstructed with the smallest error. Including flow physics not of interest, such as the small structures right behind the step, did not reduce the error. The POD reduction was breaking down, i.e. the spatial modes did not match observable flow structures, for the larger spatial domains. As emphasized above, the goal of the model is to simulate the closed loop dynamics, which makes the flow transients extremely important. The most prevalent transient effect was the vortex pairing seen just after the start up of actuation [11]. Once the flow locked in, the density structures became very periodic in the whole forcing parameter space. As the forcing was turned off, the flow field maintained this periodic behavior for a couple of shedding cycles before the vortex pairing resumed. In agreement with the published literature [20, 21, 11], lower frequency forcing also induced this vortex pairing more frequently than it occurred in the unforced state, while higher frequency forcing broke down the large coherent structures and excited the smaller structures more than other forcing cases.
3 Dynamic Model Formulation A low dimensional dynamic model is needed to accurately represent the evolution of the mode amplitudes, a j (t), of the truncated POD model for a given forcing parameter range. Previous work used artificial neural network autoregressive exogenous (ANN-ARX) systems [4] to identify the dynamical behavior of the time coefficients in the forcing parameter space. Neural networks are widely used in the scientific community for process modeling, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, etc. This non-linear system identification technique has been argued to be a universal approximator, capable of representing any type of data trend [22]. However, some inherent problem of ANN models exist. First, there is no straight forward method for determining the number of hidden neurons, number of layers, or parameters of the regression vector. Training relies heavily on trial and error to find a combination of parameters that yields acceptable results. Second, the convergence of these networks depends heavily upon the initialization of the weighting
Reduced Order Modeling and WNARX Identification of a Free Shear Layer
matrices. This can lead to drastically different results when training a single network with a given set of parameters twice because of the initial random generation of weights. Third, a properly trained network will behave as a black box in which little mathematical/physical insight can be gained. And fourth, training times are extremely long due to multimodal error surfaces which tend to trap the solution within local minima. In the current modeling approach, wavelets are combined with a neural network architecture. A wavelet basis function is used as the transfer function of a neuron to create a wavelet neural network or wavenet (WN). These wavenets were first introduced by Zhang et al. and have been applied to many areas such as functional approximation, system identification, adaptive control, and non-linear modeling and optimization.[23, 24, 25, 26] Multiple techniques exist to design the architecture of such wavenets. One technique is to replace the existing transfer function of a neural network (usually sigmoid or signum functions) with a wavelet basis function. Another approach for integrating these two ideas is to use the wavenet as a preprocessing filter for the non-linear artificial neural net (ANN) identifier. This research uses a combination of these two methods. The model structure is decomposed into three blocks, linear , a preprocessing scaling function, and a wavelet function. The model is then trained to accurately estimate the frequency rich, highly non-linear POD modal amplitudes. Moreover, for the ARX model, the regression vector x is formulated by concatenating previous modal amplitudes and actuation inputs, x ≡ [u(t) . . . u(t − nu), a1 (t − 1) . . . a1 (t − na1 ) . . . ai (t − 1), . . .ai (t − nai )].
The fundamental WN structure to model the system a j (t) = F(x) is n
aˆ j (t) = (x−r)PL+ ∑ asi f (bsi (x − r)Q − csi )+ ∑ awi g (bwi (x − r)Q − cwi )+d (7) where r is the mean regression vector, P is the linear subspace, Q is the non linear subspace, L are the linear coefficients, ani are the wavelet coefficients, bni are the wavelet dilations,cni are the wavelet translations, and f(x) is the scaling function. In this situation the scaling function is chosen to be a class of radial basis function such that 1 2 f(x) = e− 2 x2 f : Rn → R. (8) Likewise, g(x) is the wavelet basis, which is also a radial basis function in the form 1 2 g(x) = x0 − x22 e− 2 x2 g : Rn → R.
The linear and non-linear subspace matrices (P and Q, respectively, in (7)) are initialized by a principal component analysis based on an optimal representation of the system linearities in the linear block as well as the non linearity block. Given a set of initial parameters for the WN, the model simulation is performed and the global error of the training data is determined as a j (t) − aˆ j (t). The parameters of the WN are then updated via a gradient descent method to minimize the cost function
C. Fagley et al.
Jθ = a j (t) − aˆ j (t)2 .
A graphical representation of this network is shown in Figure 5. The regression vector is presented to the three blocks as discussed above. The network simulates the estimated output for the entire training set, computes the error and updates the network parameters in (7). Wavelets as a set of basis functions, represented in (7), allow for a basis which represents a variable frequency domain (by the adjustment of the dilation bwi parameter). The frequency rich, non linear limit cycle behavior of the two dimensional shear layer is accurately represented by the set of wavelet basis ([(g)(x)( f )(x)]) as seen below.
Fig. 5 Graphical representation of WNARX system which shows three corresponding blocks. Network parameters are updated via gradient descent method to minimize error output.
3.1 Parameter Selection The choice of parameters for the dynamic model is the most important step in model formulation. The number and span of training cases for the WNARX model is presented in Figure 6. A total of 12 open loop cases, all of which contained starting and ending transients to and from unforced flow state, were computed to understand the influence of actuation parameters on the flow. The results of this investigation showed that the time coefficients reacted almost linearly to the blowing/suction amplitude, i.e. the response of the mode amplitudes (a j (t)) scaled linearly with amplitude input. In contrast, the flow response was highly non-linear with respect to the frequency input parameter. Thus, the three training data sets shown in Figure 6 were chosen to provide a basis space for the WNARX model. The case Ff /Fn = 1, A/U∞ = 0.10 was chosen to be the validation case for the model. A summary of parameters for the dynamic model is presented in Table 1.
100 A/U∞
Reduced Order Modeling and WNARX Identification of a Free Shear Layer
12 10 8 6 4 2 0
600 800 Forcing frequency [Hz]
Fig. 6 Forcing parameter space for POD (o) model formulation along with WNARX training cases () and validation case (∇). Forcing frequency (Hz) on the horizontal axis with forcing amplitude ( UA∞ x100) on the vertical axis. Table 1 Summary of parameters chosen for the WNARX model Mode ai a1 a2 a3 a4
Wavelets 2 21 10 16
Regressors a1 a2
4 1 0 0
0 0 4 2
0 0 2 4
1 1 2 2
1 5 0 0
3.2 WNARX Predictor Validation and Feedback Results The WNARX model is validated for an off design flow case for which the forcing signal is turned on at t = 0s at which point the flow goes through a transient period before locking into the forcing frequency. The forcing is then turned off at t = 0.025s to re-establish the unforced flow state. As seen in Figure 7, the model captures the lock-in region of the periodic forcing very well. Once the forcing is turned off at t = 0.025s, the model accurately predicts the type of non-linear signal in the unforced flow. Expecting an exact replication of the unforced time coefficients is unrealistic since the signal is extremely non-periodic. However, the important point is that the model of the unforced flow does not decay to zero over time. This indicates that there is a periodic attractor to the non-linear function for the WNARX system. Thus, the attractor is assumed to be near the solution of the unforced state, which is seen by the similarities in periodic trends. The control goal here is to regulate all 4 mode amplitudes, by leaving the natural periodic attractor state of the flow. This will reduce OPD and thus achieve the control goal. Direct adaptive feedback control theory (see [27] for more details), was chosen to close the loop as shown below,
C. Fagley et al. Mode 1
Mode 3
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 0
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 0.025 Time(s)
Mode 2
Mode 4
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 0
0.025 Time(s)
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 0.025 Time(s)
0.025 Time(s)
Fig. 7 Off design validation of 4 mode WNARX model for flow case of F=600 hz and A = 0.1 A/U∞ . WNARX output (-), POD model (.-).
U = Ge ey G˙ e = −ey eTy γe ,
where Ge is the gain matrix, ey is the error between output and desired reference signal, γe is the adaptability aggressiveness weight. Adaptability allows for uncertainties when scaling up the controller for validation in CFD simulations and experiments. Open loop forcing was used as an initial condition for the closed loop simulation to create periodicity in the flow and to increase the efficiency of the closed loop simulation. Figure 8 shows the time coefficients for the four mode model. The periodic forcing extends from 0s < t < 0.015s, at which point the closed loop control is switched on for a time period of 0.015s < t < 0.035s, when the control is turned off and unforced flow is re-established at 0.035s < t < 0.05s. As shown in the figure, the controller does an adequate job at reducing the amplitudes of the time coefficients to approximately 35% of the unforced state. As a final step to verify the efficacy of this control approach for aero-optical problems, the closed loop simulation results of the time coefficients, shown in Figure 8, were coupled with the corresponding spatial modes (Figure 4) to reconstruct the density field of the shear layer. As a performance metric, the optical path difference (OPD) is computed using (3-5). For the 2D simulations, the aperture size is 0 ≤ x/H ≤ 4 with unit width. The OPD for our point of interest at x = 2H, y = 0 is plotted in Figure 9, which shows that the OPD is drastically reduced during the closed loop portion of the simulation, both in comparison to the periodically forced flow as well as compared to the unforced flow.
Reduced Order Modeling and WNARX Identification of a Free Shear Layer Mode 1
−0.3 −0.4 0
−0.3 0.015
Mode 2
−0.4 0
Mode 4
−0.3 −0.4 0
Mode 3
−0.3 0.015
−0.4 0
Fig. 8 Feedback results using adaptive feedback control. Periodic forcing for 0s < t < 0.015s, closed loop simulation for 0.015s < t < 0.035s, and unforced simulation for t > 0.035s.
Distance (μm)
−1.5 0
Time (s)
Fig. 9 Calculated optical path difference at x=2H; y=0 for the reconstructed flow field of the closed loop simulation. Periodic forcing for 0s < t < 0.015s, closed loop simulation for 0.015s < t < 0.035s, and unforced simulation for t > 0.035s.
4 Discussion In this paper, the approach to applying feedback flow control introduced in [4], which used the DPOD procedure to model the transient effect of the cylinder wake along with ANN-ARX dynamic modeling approach, is adapted by using direct POD for a larger forcing parameter space and implementing a more powerful system identification method, WNARX. The modeling process presented in this paper provides a method for controller development based on POD data obtained from just unforced and open loop forced flow simulations. A wavelet neural net, which is well suited to model oscillatory flow behavior including nonlinear limit cycles, is used as the underlying model structure. The model, when formulated correctly, has the ability
C. Fagley et al.
to predict closed loop dynamical behavior and is not limited to simple flow fields as seen by the current application to the free shear layer. Adaptive control of the dynamic WNARX model shows adequate reduction of the optical path difference. Further validation of this research will use the newly designed control algorithm in feedback controlled CFD simulations and eventually in experimental settings. This control design method presents an easy yet accurate way of obtaining high performing, robust control algorithms for complex flow fields. Acknowledgements. The authors acknowledge funding by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Drs. Schmisseur and Smith, and the Office of Naval Research, Dr. DeSandre. Computing resources were provided by the USAFA Modeling and Simulation Center, Dr. Bergeron, and the Maui High Performance Computing Center.
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Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models and Nonlinear Control Design Dirk M. Luchtenburg, Katarina Aleksi´c, Michael Schlegel, Bernd R. Noack, Rudibert King, Gilead Tadmor, Bert G¨unther, and Frank Thiele
Abstract. We present a closed-loop flow control strategy for experiments and simulations. This strategy is based on low-order Galerkin models and nonlinear control. One key enabler is a partitioning of the flow in low-, dominant- and high-frequency components, i.e. a base flow, coherent structures and stochastic fluctuations. Another enabler is a control design exploiting the nonlinearities distilled by the model. Examples are presented for the actuated flow around a high-lift configuration and the controlled bluff body wake.
1 Introduction Flow control has been an important task in fluid dynamics as a test-bed for physical understanding. In addition, control solutions have had important practical implications for transport vehicles, like cars, airplanes and ships, as well as internal flows, like in air conditioners, mixers and burners. In the last century, vast progress has been made in the aerodynamic design at the main operating condition, e.g. by shaping an airfoil for low drag cruise. Small passive devices, like turbulators or riblets, Dirk M. Luchtenburg · Michael Schlegel · Bert G¨unther · Frank Thiele Berlin Institute of Technology MB1, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Katarina Aleksi´c · Rudibert King Berlin Institute of Technology ER 2-1, Hardenbergstr. 36a, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Bernd R. Noack Institut Pprime, CNRS - Universit´e de Poitiers - ENSMA, UPR 3346, D´epartement Fluides, Thermique, Combustion, CEAT, 43 rue de l’A´erodrome, F-86036 Poitiers cedex, France e-mail:
[email protected] Gilead Tadmor Northeastern University, 440 Dana Building, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115-5000, USA e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 341–356. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
D.M. Luchtenburg et al.
may improve flow performance further or stretch the operating regime. These techniques are predominantly based on a quasi-steady consideration. A renaissance of flow control has started more than a decade ago, when manufactures have targeted active control solutions, like blowing and suction, to stretch the operating envelope further. Active control can mimic the effect of passive devices and, in addition, opens the path of directly manipulating the temporal dynamics. Past investigations focused on open-loop, predominantly time-periodic actuation. Meanwhile, the advantages, if not necessity, of closing the loop with flow sensors have become abundantly clear [1]. Thus, in-time reaction on flow events for disturbance rejections have become possible. Closed-loop control requires a model bridging actuation effects, sensor readings and control goal. Following Wiener [2], we discriminate between control approaches employing black-, grey- and white-box models. Black-box models reproduce well experimental data of that given configuration but do not resolve coherent structures and their nonlinear dynamics by construction. Thus, nonlinear actuation opportunities may be overseen. White-box models in the form of NavierStokes based discretizations are prohibitively expensive for any real-time application even at moderate Reynolds numbers. A compromise between both extremes are grey-box models which just represent the manipulable coherent structures of the given configuration. The resolved dynamics of these grey boxes should be significantly richer than input-output characterizations of black-box approaches. Fluid mechanics offers a rich kaleidoscope of grey-box models. Vortex models [3] are based on a Lagrangian particle view of coherent structures. They resolve robustly the convective nonlinear interactions of vortices, but the continuous injection, merging and removal of vortices make them very challenging for any control design. In contrast, Galerkin models [4] adopt an Eulerian wave view of coherent structures. Fluctuations are described as a superposition of global modes. This Eulerian approach has a narrower dynamic bandwidth as compared to vortex models, but is optimally suited for control design. In this study, we focus on an empirical Galerkin method tuned in a configuration-specific manner. The manuscript is organized as follows. The modelling and control strategy are described in Sect. 2. This strategy is translated to aerodynamical applications in Sect. 3 for which a generalized mean-field model and one possible nonlinear control approach, namely sliding mode control (SMC), is given. The mean-field model in conjunction with the SMC approach is used to demonstrate closed-loop flow control in simulation for the high-lift configuration in Sect. 4.1 and in an experiment for the bluff body in Sect. 4.2. The main findings and their implications are summarized in Sect. 5.
2 Modeling and Control Strategy This section outlines our modeling and feedback flow control strategy. Starting point of the modeling principles is the standard POD Galerkin method. We assume a simple academic flow control configuration for the sake of comprehensibility. A
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
viscous, laminar, incompressible flow in a steady domain Ω is actuated by a volume force g(x)b(t) with carrier field g and amplitude b. Here, space and time are denoted by x and t respectively, velocity by u. The pressure field p is a function of the velocity field. Following [5], unactuated flow data is assumed to be available from experiment or simulation. Then, the velocity field is approximated by a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) with mean flow u0 , N space-dependent modes ui and timedependent amplitudes ai : N
u(x) = u0 (x) + ∑ ai (t) ui (x).
A straight-forward Galerkin projection onto the Navier-Stokes equation [6] yields a system of ordinary differential equations with constant-linear-quadratic terms fi and gains gi : N
a˙i = fi + gi b,
fi := ci + ∑ li j a j + i=1
qi jk a j ak .
Here, the coefficients ci , li j , qi jk parameterize the terms associated with unactuated dynamics. State-feedback control design leading to stabilization is a doable exercise [7] under generic conditions. This simple control strategy has lead to successful skin-friction control [8] and wake stabilization [9] in Navier-Stokes simulations. In general, however, the associated control design will not work in the full plant, e.g., the simulation or the experiment. First, a robust performance requires low dimension N, just enough to resolve the coherent structures. For most flows, this requires that a large portion of the fluctuation energy in the high-frequency spectrum cannot be resolved in (1) and their energy-absorbing effect has to be modeled in (2). Second, the base-flow changes may not be resolved in the POD. This implies that the stabilized (steady) solution may not be included in the Galerkin model. Moreover, the low-frequency base-flow variations have a stabilizing effect on the fluctuations [10]. Hence, the stabilizing effects on the low- and high-frequency components are typically not adequately resolved in the Galerkin model. As a result, the dynamical system is typically fragile or may even diverge. We start control-oriented modeling by appreciating the different kinematic, dynamic, and control aspects of the dominant coherent structures at frequency ωc as well as the low-frequency base flow at ω ωc and the high-frequency small-scale fluctuations at ω ωc (see Fig. 1). The coherent structures transfer energy from the base flow to the fine-scale turbulence. These structures are manipulated by actuators and monitored by sensors. The coherent structures change the mean flow via the Reynolds stress. Aerodynamic goals, like drag reduction or lift increase, are functions of the mean flow only. Thus, forcing at frequency ω ∼ ωc effects the goal functional at ω ∼ 0. This frequency change requires a strongly non-linear mechanism, requiring a corresponding modeling and control strategy.
D.M. Luchtenburg et al.
flow component
base flow
ω ~ω c
coherent structures
evolution is described by Reynolds equation or analogs
energy levels
small−scale fluctuations energy flows
Galerkin system
turbulence cascade
affects / is affected by control
goal functional e.g lift or drag
actuation & sensing
Fig. 1 Low-, dominant- and high-frequency components of flows including their kinematic, dynamic and control aspects
These qualitative particularities are mathematically addressed in the finite-time thermodynamics (FTT) closure of the Galerkin system [11, 12]. This closure yields the first and second statistical moments of the natural or actuated dynamical systems and thus accounts — in principle — for all long-term effects of linear and nonlinear interactions. We assume that adequate data processing allows to partition N modes in lowfrequency (A-mode), dominant frequency (B-mode) and high-frequency (C-mode) bins with corresponding index sets IA , IB and IC . Let mi = ai be the lowfrequency filtered mean values of ai and Ei = (ai − mi )2 /2 the fluctuation level at dominant to high frequencies. By construction, the A-modes are parameterized by the mean values mi and vanishing levels Ei = 0, i.e. ai ≡ mi . The B-modes are timeresolved in the Galerkin system. The C-modes are assumed to fluctuate around a vanishing mean mi ≡ 0 with energy Ei > 0. Note that each mode is characterized by one state mi (A-mode), ai (B-mode) and Ei (C-mode), while the remaining quantities are functions thereof. In particular, the mean values mi and energies Ei of the B-modes are functions of the respective ai ’s as defined above. The evolution equations for the N-dimensional phase space are detailed in [12] and read N
0 = ci + ∑ li j m j + j=1 N
a˙i = ci + ∑ li j a j + j=1
E˙i = χi Ei +
j,k=1 N
qi jk m j mk + ∑ qi j j 2 E j
qi jk a j ak + αi (ai − mi ) + gi b ∀i ∈ IB ,
∀i ∈ IA ,
∀i ∈ IC ,
Tˆi jk (Ei , E j , Ek )
Z = Z (0) +
∑B Zi
ai +
∑B Zi
Ei .
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
The first equation (3a) for the A-modes represents the FTT-modeled Galerkin pendant of the Reynolds equation. The base flow, represented by the mean values mi of the A- and B-modes, is driven by the energy levels E j of the B- and C-modes via Reynolds stresses. The second equation (3b) for the B-modes generalizes (2). The dynamics of the B-modes is effected by the A-modes ai = mi via the terms ∑ li j a j and ∑ qi jk a j ak for j ∈ IA or k ∈ IA . The effect of the C-modes is encapsulated in an energy sink-source term αi (ai − mi ). Here αi is derived as a function of the energy levels based on consistency with the original FTT equations. The volume-force term gi b may manipulate the coherent structures. The third equation (3c) for the Cmodes is the FTT-modeled Galerkin pendant of the TKE equation. The first term on the right-hand side characterizes the energy flow from linear terms in the i-th mode, while the second term represents nonlinear interactions. Together, the equations (3a), (3b) and (3c) form a closed system with respect to the above classification of the A-, B- and C-modes. The last equation (3d) relates the goal functional, like drag or lift, to the B-modes which drive the mean flow and turbulence cascade. Equation (3) explicates Fig. 1 in an analytically easily penetrable form and encapsulates most of our control-oriented flow models. Examples are a mean-field model for a cylinder flow with one dominant frequency [13] and a generalized meanfield model for the airfoil with two incommensurable dominant frequencies [14]. The nonlinear subgrid turbulence representation αi (ai − mi ) enables the first ROMbased closed-loop jet control, i.e. manipulation of broad-band turbulence [15]. In addition, equation (3) allows efficient model aggregation, i.e. to lump many modes in one ’quasi-mode’. This quasi-mode has one amplitude and acts in a reduced dynamical system similar to the mode group on the remaining modes [11]. Moreover, (3b) suggests linear parameter varying models with mi of A-modes as parameters. Nonlinear control design can be derived or is enabled by insights for nonlinear interactions.
3 Modelling and Control for Aerodynamic Applications 3.1 Generalized Mean-Field Model Our general flow control strategy has been applied to several configurations from simple oscillatory flows [12] to complex broad-band turbulence [15]. Here, we elaborate that framework for flows with two dominant frequencies leading to a generalized mean-field model. This model is applied to two configurations: the (separated) flow around a high-lift configuration and a bluff body wake. Both flows are characterized by large coherent structures. In the case of the high-lift configuration, large flap deflection angles lead to a separated flow that results in loss of lift. The large vortices in the bluff body wake contribute to a significant pressure drag. These adverse effects of large coherent structures can be successfully reduced by periodic actuation. The actuator introduces new coherent structures that lock-in on the actuation frequency. These structures change the mean flow positively via the Reynolds stress. The physical mechanism how open-loop periodic actuation effects vortex
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shedding has been distilled in [14]. Based on this phenomenology of the natural and the periodically forced flow, we conclude that a least-order model should at minimum include the oscillatory fluctuations at the natural and actuation frequency, and the effected base flow changes. Therefore, the flow is partitioned in a steady base flow u0 , 2 POD modes {u1 , u2 } resolving natural shedding at frequency ω˜ I (oscillator I), 2 POD modes {u3 , u4 } for the actuated state at frequency ω˜ II (oscillator II), and 2 base flow modes {u5 , u6 } describing mean-field deformations due to both frequencies: 2
u(x,t) = u0 (x) + ∑ ai (t)ui (x) + ∑ ai (t)ui (x) + ∑ ai (t)ui (x) .
frequency ω˜ I
frequency ω˜ II
Following the assumptions of mean-field theory [13], the evolution of the temporal amplitudes is given by a dynamical system of the form ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ I ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ 0 0 a1 σ˜ −ω˜ I 0 0 0 0 a1 ⎢ a2 ⎥ ⎢ ω˜ I σ˜ I ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ a2 ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 ⎥ II II ˜ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ d ⎢ ˜ ˜ ˜ 0 σ −ω 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ a 3 ⎥ ⎢ κ −λ ⎥ ⎢ a3 ⎥ = ⎢ 0 ⎥ b, (5) ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥+⎢ ˜ ⎥ 0 ω˜ II σ˜ II 0 0 ⎥ dt ⎢ a4 ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢ a4 ⎥ ⎢ λ κ˜ ⎥ ⎣ a5 ⎦ ⎣ α1 a1 α1 a2 α2 a3 α2 a4 σ5 0 ⎦ ⎣ a5 ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 ⎦ a6 a6 α3 a1 α3 a2 α4 a3 α4 a4 0 σ6 0 0 where the state dependent coefficients are of the form
σ˜ i = σ i + β i a5 + δ i a6 , ω˜ i = ω i + γ i a5 + ε i a6 , i ∈ {I, II}.
Note that the first four equations in (5) are coupled with the last two by (6). In the absence of actuation, we have a3 = a4 = a6 = 0 and the nonlinear coupling of {a1 , a2 } with a5 leads to nonlinear saturation of the first oscillator. If the flow is forced, the mean-field deformations lead to nonlinear saturation of both oscillators. In particular, the amplitudes of oscillator II grow and the coupling implies damping of oscillator I. The actuation, which is described by the second term on the righthand side of (5) only influences the second oscillator (II) directly. These equations can be simplified by the same reasoning as for (3a); the base-flow modification described by a5 and a6 is slaved to the energy level of the coherent structures, i.e. we set d/dt(a5 ) = 0 and d/dt(a6) = 0. This implies that the evolution of a5 and a6 are given by algebraic equations. The simplified dynamical system for the first four modal amplitudes is given by [14]: ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ I ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ a1 σ˜ s −ω˜ sI 0 0 a1 0 0 I ⎥ ⎢ I ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ d ⎢ ⎢ a2 ⎥ = ⎢ ω˜ s σ˜ s 0II 0 II ⎥ ⎢ a2 ⎥ + ⎢ 0 0 ⎥ b, (7) ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ a3 κ −λ ⎦ 0 0 σ˜ s −ω˜ s dt a3 a4 0 0 ω˜ sII σ˜ sII a4 λ κ
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
where the state dependent coefficients are of the form
σ˜ si = σ i − σ i,I (AI )2 − σ i,II (AII )2 , ω˜ si = ω i − ω i,I (AI )2 − ω i,II (AII )2 ,
i ∈ {I, II}.
and AI = a21 + a22 and AII = a23 + a24 are the respective oscillation amplitudes. A key implication of this generalized mean-field model is the equilibrium con 2 2 dition d/dt(AI ) = 0 or equivalently σsI = σ I,I AI + σ I,II AII with positive coefficients σsI , σ I,I , σ I,II . This equation reveals that excitation of the (damped) oscillator II (AII > 0) reduces natural vortex shedding. We emphasize that no straightforward linear control strategy can detect and exploit such fairly common nonlinear interactions. Amplitude Model In the following, we are not interested in phase information and only consider the evolution of the oscillation amplitudes. The dynamic system for the amplitudes can be derived from (5) by introducing polar coordinates: dAI dt dAII dt da5 dt da6 dt
= σ I + β I a 5 + δ I a 6 AI ,
= σ II + β II a5 + δ II a6 AII + gB,
= ρ (AI )2 − a5 ,
= η (AII )2 − a6 ,
where g is the coefficient corresponding to the time-varying actuation input B. Note from comparison with (5) and (6) that in the last two equations for the base flow, the parameters have been constrained to: σ5 = −ρ , α1 = ρ , α2 = 0, σ6 = −η , α3 = 0 and α4 = η . The coefficients ρ and η are chosen large compared to the growth rates σ I and σ II . Hence the evolution equations (9c) and (9d) are merely dummy equations. In contrast to (7), they decouple the mean-field influence from the oscillation amplitudes and are introduced for the purpose of convenient controller design based on the standard quadratic form of a Galerkin system. The goal functional for control, see (3d), is written as a linear combination of the energy levels of both oscillators (2) 1
Z = Z (0) + Z1
(2) 1
(AI )2 + Z2
(AII )2 ,
where Z is the base pressure coefficient in the case of bluff body wake control, Z = c p , and the lift coefficient in case of the high-lift configuration, Z = cl .
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Determination of the Model Coefficients The parameters of the least-order model are identified by calibration with experimental or simulation data. The following conditions must be satisfied by the dynamical system (9). On the natural attractor (unforced flow), the amplitudes are constant, i.e. AI = AI,I , AII = AII,I = 0, a5 = aI5 , a6 = aI6 and consequently their time derivatives vanish identically: 0 = σ I + β I aI5 + δ I aI6 ,
0 = (AI,I )2 − aI5 ,
− aI6 .
0 = (A
II,I 2
Similarly, on the actuated attractor (forced flow); AI = AI,II , AII = AII,II , a5 = aII 5, a6 = aII and: 6 I II 0 = σ I + β I aII 5 + δ a6 , II II,II II II 0 = σ + β II aII + gB, 5 + δ a6 A
0= 0=
(A ) − aII 5, (AII,II )2 − aII 6. I,II 2
(12a) (12b) (12c) (12d)
We further simplify the system and set
β II = 0,
δ II = 0
(see also [14]). The coefficient σ II is negative, since the second oscillator only exists under actuation. The growth rates σ I and σ II are determined by the transient times of the system. 1 1 = σI, = −σ II . (14) T1 T2 This set of equations, together with data of the natural and forced flow is used to estimate the model parameters. Parameters ρ and η are arbitrarily set to ρ = 10σ I and η = 10σ II .
3.2 Sliding Mode Control In this section, we describe the sliding mode control (SMC) approach that will be used for feedback flow control of the bluff wake and the flow around the high-lift configuration. Sliding mode control is a nonlinear control method and a special case of variable structure control. This control method is an appropriate robust method for systems, in which model inaccuracies, parameter variations and disturbances are present. The idea is to force the trajectory of the states toward a designed attractor, the so-called sliding surface, and once reached, the states are forced to remain on that surface. The reader is referred to [16] for more details on SMC.
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
The control goal in the current study is set-point tracking of a scalar. Therefore, we select the sliding surface s = 0 such that the deviation from the set-point equals zero, i.e. s = y − yre f , (15) where yre f = clre f is the desired lift coefficient (high-lift configuration) or yre f = c pre f is the base pressure coefficient (bluff body). The measured output is given by the functional (10), i.e. y = y(AI , AII )1 . The trajectories are forced to slide along this surface, which implies that d/dt(s) = 0. From this requirement the equivalent control law is derived. Using the dynamic system (9) for the amplitudes {AI , AII }, Eq. (13), yre f = const. and setting d/dt(s) = 0, we have c1 σ I + β I a5 + δ I a6 (AI )2 + c2 AII σ II AII + gBeq = 0, (2)
where c1 = Z1 /2 and c2 = Z2 /2. Thus, the equivalent control law is c1 σ I + β I a5 + δ I a6 (AI )2 σ II AII Beq = − − . c2 AII g g
To guarantee stability of the sliding surface, a corrective control is added that will bring the system back to s = 0 whenever s = 0. Hence, the complete control law is given by s Bsm = Beq − K sat( ), (17) ψ where sat is a saturation function with boundary layer width ψ ⎧ ⎨ 1 if s > ψ s s if |s| ≤ ψ sat( ) = ⎩ ψ ψ −1 if s < ψ . Note that the full state of the model is needed for computation of the control law Bsm . However, only y = cl (high-lift configuration) or y = c p (bluff body) can be measured. Therefore, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used for state estimation. For more information about state estimation with an extended Kalman filter see [17].
4 Applications 4.1 High-Lift Configuration In this section, we highlight results for the high-lift configuration. The flow around a so-called SCCH high-lift configuration is numerically simulated using the flow solver ELAN. The coherent structure dynamics are resolved by the unsteady 1
Instead of Z we adopt the usual notation of control theory for a measured quantity, namely y.
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Fig. 2 Instantaneous flow around a high-lift configuration without actuation (a) and with high-frequency actuation (b). The flow field is visualized by streamlines.
Rey-nolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) equation. Turbulent fluctuations are incorporated by the standard k-ω model by Wilcox [18]. For further details we refer to [14]. The flow is considered at a Reynolds number of Re = U∞ c/ν = 1.75 · 106 . The slat deflection angle is set to 26.5◦, the flap deflection angle to 37◦ and the angle of attack of the main wing section is 6◦ . At these conditions, the flow remains attached over the slat and the main wing section, but is fully separated over the flap. The flow is manipulated with a periodic zero-net-mass flow actuator at high frequency at the upper part of the leading edge of the flap. Figure 2 shows how actuation mitigates separation and vortex shedding. Actuation Characterization If the flow is periodically forced, the lift can be increased significantly [19]. For the present case the nondimensional actuation frequency is fixed at F + = f a ck /U∞ = 0.6, where f a is the actuation frequency and ck the flap chord length. In Fig. 3, the change in lift coefficient for different actuator intensities c μ is shown. Figure 4 illustrates what happens when actuation is turned on. The amplitude AI , corresponding to large separation, decreases and simultaneously AII , corresponding to coherent structures introduced by actuation, increases. In these figures, time is specified in convective time units τ = tU∞ /c, where t is physical time and c the chord length of the complete configuration (with retracted devices). The actuation yields a lift increase, see Fig. 4(b) and a drag reduction. Fig. 3 Steady state map: lift coefficient as a function of the actuator momentum coefficient
2.25 2.2
2.15 2.1 2.05 2 1.95
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 cμ × 10−3
0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0
2.4 2.3 ←AI
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
2.2 2.1
2 actuation
1.9 0
Fig. 4 Flow evolution around a high-lift configuration under temporary high-frequency actuation. The controller is activated from τ = 0 to 12.5. The amplitude of forced oscillation AII increases under actuation (a), while the natural oscillation AI is mitigated (a) and the lift is increased (b). The solid (dashed) line corresponds to the URANS simulation (amplitude model).
Control Results The sliding mode controller, described in Sect. 3.2, is implemented for set-point tracking of the lift coefficient cl . The reference value for the lift coefficient, yre f = clre f , is restricted to the range: 2.08 ≤ cl ≤ 2.24, see Fig. 3. Figure 5 shows the closed-loop command tracking performance of the proposed sliding mode controller. The controlled system output cl closely follows the step input reference command clre f = 2.23. The desired lift coefficient is reached after approximately two convective time units. Note that the actuation input to the model B is simply a scaled version of the momentum coefficient cμ (compare the top and middle row of Fig. 5). The expected robustness of the sliding mode controller for different angles of attack (4◦ and 8◦ ) and for Reynolds number variations will be investigated in a future study.
4.2 Bluff Body In this section, we highlight results for the bluff body wake. The flow is experimentally investigated in an Eiffel-type wind tunnel with a maximum free speed velocity of about 20 m/s and a turbulence level of less than 0.5%. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 6. The closed test section has a dimension of lts = 2500 mm, wts = 490 mm and hts = 545 mm in x, y and z directions, respectively. A 2-dimensional bluff body with chord length l = 181 mm, body height h = 50 mm and spanwise width w = 474 mm is located in the wind tunnel at a distance of ld = 727 mm from the test section entrance. Trip tapes are placed 20 mm downstream of the rounded nose to trigger transition from laminar to turbulent boundary layer.
D.M. Luchtenburg et al. −3
x 10 cμ
2 1 0 96
1.5 96 98 control on
2 1 0 96
Fig. 5 Reference tracking test of the sliding mode control for the high-lift configuration. The controller starts at τ = 97.65. The lift coefficient (bottom), the control input to the model B (middle), and the excitation momentum coefficient cμ (top) are shown.
lts trip tapes pressure sensors
free stream z y x
Prandtl tube bluff body
hts h
ld l
strain gauges
Fig. 6 Experimental setup of the bluff body
The geometric blockage of the model in the wind tunnel is rather large with a value of approximately 8.8%. A blockage correction√method by Mercker [20] is used to compute a corrected free stream velocity U∞ = BcU∞,u , where Bc = 1.1569 for the current setup. The Reynolds and Strouhal numbers are defined by Re = U∞ h/ν and St = f h/U∞ respectively, where f represents the shedding frequency. The experiments are conducted within a Reynolds number range from 26900 to 37700. The pressure on the bluff body’s stern is monitored with 15 pressure taps by difference pressure gauges. The corresponding (averaged) base pressure coefficient is also corrected for blockage. The flow is effected by pulsed suction through six
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
symmetrically placed actuators on the two trailing edges of the body. For further details the reader is referred to [21]. Actuation Characterization If the flow is periodically forced at about 65% of the natural shedding frequency the base pressure can be significantly increased from about c p = −0.42 to −0.27. Consequently, the drag is reduced by about 15%. The corresponding momentum coefficient for maximum base pressure gain is cμ = 1.04 · 10−3. When actuation is switched on, AI decreases and AII increases (data not shown), similarly to the high-lift configuration (see Fig. 4). Control Results The proposed sliding mode controller is implemented for set-point tracking of the base pressure coefficient. The model coefficients are calibrated for a (fixed) Reynolds number of Re = 32300. The structure of the amplitude model and the measurement equation is the same as for the high-lift configuration in Sect. 4.1. In contrast to the high-lift configuration, the relationship between B and cμ is nonlinear and provided by a look-up table. Figure 7 shows the tracking response of the closed-loop system after stepwise changes of the reference command. The controlled system output c p closely follows the prescribed reference command c pre f . The corresponding reduction of the drag coefficient cD is shown in the bottom right figure. The control input to the model Bsm
−0.2 cp , c p ref
1 0.5
−0.3 −0.4 −0.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 t [s]
5 10 15 20 25 t [s]
5 10 15 20 25 t [s]
1 0.5 0
0 1.4
C μ × 10−3
1 0.8
5 10 15 20 25 t [s]
Fig. 7 Reference tracking test of the sliding mode control for the bluff body. The controller starts at t = 5 s. The base pressure coefficient (top right), the drag coefficient (bottom right), the control input to the model B (top left), and the excitation momentum coefficient cμ (bottom left) are shown.
cp , c p ref
D.M. Luchtenburg et al. 1 0.5 0 0 1.5 1 0.5 0
20 t
−0.2 −0.4
20 t
20 t
20 t
1.5 cD
C μ × 10−3
20 t
1 0.5
4 3 2
Fig. 8 Reference tracking test of the sliding mode control for the bluff body under changing operating conditions. The controller starts t = 5 s. The Reynolds number varies from 37700 to 26900, while the base pressure coefficient is held constant at c pre f = −0.34.
and the excitation momentum coefficient cμ are shown in the left plots. The clipped control input is due to saturation of the base pressure coefficient at c μ = 1.04 · 10−3. The robustness of the sliding mode controller with respect to changing operating conditions is verified by continuously varying the Reynolds number from approximately 37700 to 26900 as shown in the bottom right panel of Fig. 8, without changing the system derived controller parameters. As can be inferred from Fig. 8, despite the change in operating conditions, a good tracking performance is obtained.
5 Conclusions In this note, we outlined a nonlinear control strategy exemplified by aerodynamic applications in simulation and experiment. The strategy addresses pressing challenges of flow control in the turbulent regime: (i) turbulence cannot be tamed to a steady solution; (ii) actuation can easily excite instabilities while suppression is next to impossible; (iii) the control goal is typically related to the mean-field, i.e. outside the frequency spectrum of the manipulated coherent structures; (iv) the actuation effects the control goal over complex nonlinear interactions. Hence, a control-oriented model must take into account the nonlinear interaction between the actuation frequency, the flow frequency and the mean-field. We propose a generalized mean-field model for flows with two dominant frequencies, a natural and an actuated one, their mutual interaction, and the mean-field component. This simple paradigm example elucidates the above needs for turbulence control in the simplest, even analytically penetrable form. In terms of physics, we demonstrate how the actuation suppresses the main flow instability and thus shifts
Turbulence Control Based on Reduced-Order Models
the mean-flow to improve aerodynamic performance. The small number of tuneable parameters makes this model applicable to simulation and experimental data. The model simplicity allows to attach several nonlinear control and state estimation methods [22], although only one combination is shown here, thus enabling sensorbased control solution. Intriguingly, but not accidently, the model-based closed-loop control can reduce drag of a bluff body and increase lift of a high-lift configuration — both, in experiment and simulation. The generalized mean-field model is a corollary of a much more general framework predicting the first and second moments of a reduced-order model. This closure utilizes a finite-time thermodynamics (FTT) formalism [11] — explaining a long-searched link to statistical physics. In principle, FTT can predict the effect of actuation on the whole broad-band turbulence cascade and enable nonlinear system reduction [12]. Summarizing, we demonstrated in aerodynamic configurations, how nonlinearities can be modelled and exploited for closed-loop flow control in moderateReynolds number experiments. On a more theoretical side, we have opened a new path to turbulence control, unifying reduced-order models, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics and nonlinear control theory in a single framework. For the first time, strongly nonlinear control effects of turbulence are made mathematically accessable in a rigorous form. Hitherto, manipulation of the turbulence cascade is generally not describable by any local linearization, i.e. by conventional means. The new mathematical modelling of turbulence control is expected to have a stimulating and cross-fertilizing effect on reduced-order-modelling, turbulence theory and control theory. This path is actively pursued by the authors for broad-band turbulence control demonstrators. Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge excellent working conditions of the Collaborative Research Center (Sfb 557) “Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and hosted by the Berlin Institute of Technology. Further funding has been provided by the DFG under grants NO 258/1-1, NO 258/2-3 and SCHL 586/1-1, by the CNRS, e.g. via Invited Researcher grants, by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), and by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
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A New Discretization Framework for Input/Output Maps and Its Application to Flow Control Jan Heiland, Volker Mehrmann, and Michael Schmidt
Abstract. We discuss the direct discretization of the input/output map of linear timeinvariant systems with distributed inputs and outputs. At first, the input and output signals are discretized in space and time, resulting in a matrix representation of an approximated input/output map. Then the system dynamics is approximated, in order to calculate the matrix representation numerically. The discretization framework, corresponding error estimates, a SVD-based system reduction method and a numerical application in optimal flow control are presented.
1 Introduction The control of complex physical systems is a big challenge in many engineering applications as well as in mathematical research. Typically, these control systems are modeled by infinite-dimensional state space systems on the basis of (instationary and nonlinear) partial differential equations (PDEs). The difficulty is that on the one hand, space-discretizations resolving most of the state information typically lead to very large semi-discrete systems, on the other hand, popular design techniques for real-time controllers like robust control require linear models of very moderate size. Numerous approaches to bridge this gap are proposed in the literature, see e.g. [1, 4]. In many applications it is sufficient to approximate the high-order model by a low-order model that captures the essential state dynamics. To determine such low-order models one can use physical insight [18, 21, 22] and/or mathematical methods like proper orthogonal decomposition [5] or balanced truncation [1, 20]. In this paper we focus on the situation where for the design of appropriate controllers it Jan Heiland · Volker Mehrmann TU Berlin, Institut f¨ur Mathematik, 10623 Berlin e-mail: {heiland,mehrmann}@math.tu-berlin.de Michael Schmidt GE Global Research, 85748 Garching bei M¨unchen e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 357–372. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
/ Physical sensors @@ System ~~ @@ ~~ @@ ~ @@ ~~ ~~ @@ ~ ~
actuators @
G : u → y Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of an input/output map, corresponding to a physical system, given e.g. by a set of equations or a numerical solver (black-box approach)
is sufficient to approximate the input/output (I/O) map of the system, schematically illustrated in Figure 1. For such configurations, empirical or simulation-based black-box system identification [3, 14], and mathematical model reduction techniques like balanced truncation [12], moment matching [10] or recent variants of proper orthogonal decomposition [24] are common tools to extract appropriate low-order models. Typically, the bottleneck in these methods is the computational effort to compute the reduced order model from the semi-discretized model which often is of very high order. In contrast to this, we investigate a new and integral approach to derive directly low-order models with error estimates for the I/O behavior but instead of semidiscretizing the system in space and then reducing this large model, we focus directly on the I/O map of the original infinite-dimensional system, in the following sections denoted by G:U →Y ,
u = u(t, θ ) → y = y(t, ξ )
and we suggest a framework for its direct discretization for a general class of linear time-invariant systems (introduced in Section 2.1). Here u and y are input and output signals from Hilbert spaces U and Y , respectively, which may vary in time t and space θ ∈ Θ and ξ ∈ Ξ , with appropriate spatial domains Θ and Ξ . The framework consists of two steps. 1. Approximation of signals (cf. Section 3). We choose finite-dimensional subspaces U¯ ⊂ U and Y¯ ⊂ Y with bases {u1 , . . . , u p¯ } ⊂ U¯ and {y1 , . . . , yq¯ } ⊂ Y¯ , and denote the corresponding orthogonal projections by PU¯ and PY¯ , respectively. Then, the approximation GS = PY¯ GPU¯ ¯ p¯ . has a matrix representation G ∈ Rq× 2. Approximation of system dynamics (cf. Section 4). Frequently, G arises from a linear PDE state space model. Then the components Gi j = (yi , Gu j )Y can be approximated by numerically simulating the state space model successively for inputs u j , j = 1, . . . , p¯ and by testing the resulting outputs against all y1 , . . . , yq¯ .
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control
We discuss several features of this framework. Error estimation (cf. Section 5). The total error εDS can be estimated by the signal approximation error εS and the dynamical approximation error εD , i.e., ||G − GDS|| ≤ ||G − GS|| + ||GS − GDS || ,
where the norms still have to be specified. Here GDS denotes the numerically estimated approximation of GS . Theorem 3 shows how to choose U¯ and Y¯ and the accuracy tolerances for the numerical solutions of the underlying PDEs such that εS and εD balance and that εS + εD < tol for a given tolerance tol. Progressive reduction of the signal error. Choosing hierarchical bases in U¯ and Y¯ , the error εS can be progressively reduced by adding further basis functions u p+1 ¯ , u p+2 ¯ , . . . and yq+1 ¯ , yq+2 ¯ , . . . resulting in additional columns and rows of the matrix representation. Control Design (cf. Section 6.2). The matrix representation G = [Gi j ] may directly be used in control design, or a state realization of the I/O model GDS can be used as basis for many classical control design algorithms.
2 I/O Maps of Linear Time-Invariant Systems For Ω ⊂ Rd , d ∈ N, L2 (Ω ) denotes the usual Lebesgue space of square-integrable functions, and H α (Ω ), α ∈ N0 denotes the corresponding Sobolev spaces of α times weakly differentiable functions. We interpret functions v, which vary in space and time, optionally as classical functions v : [0, T ] × Ω → R with values v(t; x) ∈ R, or as abstract functions v : [0, T ] → X with values in a function space X such as X = H α (Ω ). Correspondingly, H α (0, T ; H β (Ω )), with α , β ∈ N0 , denotes the space of equivalence classes of functions v : [0, T ] → H β (Ω ) with t → ||v||H β (Ω ) being α times weakly differentiable; for details see e.g. [7]. We introduce Hilbert spaces H α ,β ((0, T ) × Ω ) := H α (0, T ; L2 (Ω )) ∩ L2 (0, T ; H β (Ω )),
||v||H α ,β ((0,T )×Ω ) := ||v||H α (0,T ;L2 (Ω )) + ||v||L2 (0,T ;H β (Ω )) ,
see e.g. [17]. By C([0, T ]; X) and Cα ([0, T ]; X ) we denote the space of functions v : [0, T ] → X which are continuous respectively α -times continuously differentiable. For two normed spaces X and Y , L (X ,Y ) denotes the set of bounded linear operators X → Y , and we abbreviate L (X) := L (X , X ). For α ∈ N, Lα (0, T ; L (X ,Y )) denotes the space of operator-valued functions K : [0, T ] → L (X ,Y ) with t → ||K(t)||L (X,Y ) = supx=0 ||K(t)x||Y /||x||X lying in Lα (0, T ). Vectors, often representing a discretization of a function v, are written in corresponding small bold letters v, whereas matrices, often representing a discrete version of an operator like G or G, are written in bold capital letters G. Rα ×β stands for the set of real α × β matrices, and A ⊗ B denotes the Kronecker tensor product of two matrices A and B.
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
2.1 I/O Maps of ∞-Dimensional State Space Systems We consider infinite-dimensional linear time-invariant systems of first order
∂t z(t) = Az(t) + Bu(t), t ∈ (0, T ], z(0) = z0 , y(t) = Cz(t), t ∈ [0, T ].
(4a) (4b) (4c)
Here for every time t ∈ [0, T ], the state z(t) is supposed to belong to a Hilbert space Z like Z = L2 (Ω ), where Ω is a subset of RdΩ with dΩ ∈ N. A is a densely defined unbounded operator A : Z ⊃ D(A) → Z, generating a C0 -semigroup (S(t))t≥0 on Z. The control operator B belongs to L (U, Z) and the observation operator C to L (Z,Y ), where U = L2 (Θ ) and Y = L2 (Ξ ) with subsets Θ ⊂ Rd1 and Ξ ⊂ Rd2 , d1 , d2 ∈ N. We recall how a linear bounded I/O map G ∈ L (U , Y ) with U = L2 (0, T ;U)
Y = L2 (0, T ;Y )
can be associated to (4), for details see e.g. [23, Ch. 4]. It is well-known that for initial values z0 ∈ D(A) and controls u ∈ C1 ([0, T ]; Z), a unique classical solution z ∈ C([0, T ]; Z) ∩C1 ((0, T ); Z) of (4) exists. For z0 ∈ Z and u ∈ U , one has t
z(t) = S(t)z0 +
S(t − s)Bu(s) ds,
t ∈ [0, T ],
the so called mild solution of (4). Hence, the output signal y(t) = Cz(t) is welldefined and belongs to Y ∩ C([0, T ];Y ). In particular, the output signals y(u) ∈ Y arising from input signals u ∈ U and zero initial conditions z0 ≡ 0 allow to define the linear I/O map G : U → Y of the system (4) by u → y(u). It is possible to represent G as a convolution with the kernel function K ∈ L2 (−T, T ; L (U,Y )), # CS(t)B, t ≥ 0 K(t) = . (6) 0, t<0 Then the I/O map G of (4) has the representation T
(Gu)(t) = 0
K(t − s)u(s) ds,
t ∈ [0, T ],
and belongs to L (U , Y ) ∩ L (U ,C([0, T ], Y )), c.f. [25]. To obtain error estimates we will assume additional smoothness of the input and output signals, i.e., according to definition (2) G|Us ∈ L (Us , Ys ),
with Us = H α1 ,β1 ((0, T ) × Θ ),
for some α1 , β1 , α2 , β2 ∈ N different from zero.
Ys = H α2 ,β2 ((0, T ) × Ξ ), (8)
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control
Remark 1. Assumption (8) is fulfilled by many linear time-invariant systems with distributed controls and observations, like the heat equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and more general parabolic equations, see [17] and [19]. For Stokes systems, results similar to (7) and (8) are obtained by working with appropriate subspaces of divergence-free functions, see [26]. Wave equations with second order time derivatives can be represented in form of (4) and (7) by means of an order reduction. Hyperbolic systems do not have the smoothing property of parabolic systems, such that results like (8) demand input signals of higher regularity in time, see [17, p. 95]. However, systems with boundary control or pointwise observation do not fit directly into the setting (4).
2.2 I/O Map of Linearized Navier-Stokes Systems In order to apply our concepts to flow control we consider the linear differentialalgebraic equation (DAE) system A J v(t) M 0 d v(t) f(t) + Bu(t) + = in (0, T ] (9) 0 0 dt p(t) −J T Q p(t) 0 v(0) = v0
arising from the spatial discretization of a linearized (around a steady-state solution) Navier-Stokes equation. Here v(t) ∈ Rnv and p(t) ∈ Rn p represent the spatially discretized velocity and pressure, f(t) ∈ Rnv contains the volume forces and the boundary conditions and Bu(t) ∈ Rnv stands for the discretized input function u(t) mapped into the field of volume forces via an operator B. The system is defined by constant coefficient matrices M, A, J, Q of appropriate size. A J Assume that A := is invertible which is equivalent to the unique solv−J T Q ability of the stationary problem. In addition we assume that A−1 exists, which is the case for the Stokes and other reasonably formulated linearizations. As a conclusion we have that S := Q + J T A−1 J is invertible and [I − A−1 JS−1 J T ]A−1 −A−1 JS−1 A −1 = . S−1 J T A−1 S−1 Premultiplying (9) by A −1 and setting E11 = [I − A−1 JS−1 J T ]A−1 M and E21 = S−1 J T A−1 M we get the equivalent system E11 v˙ (t) v(t) E M −1 [f(t) + Bu(t)] + = 11 −1 , in (0, T ], E21 v˙ (t) p(t) E21 M [f(t) + Bu(t)] v(0) = v0 . To express the solution of this system explicitly we introduce some terms from DAE calculus and refer e.g. to [16].
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
Consider a linear DAE initial value problem defined by its matrix pair (E , A ): E x˙ + A x = f (t), x(0) = x0 .
for t ∈ [0, T ],
Definition 1. A matrix pair (E , A ) with E , A ∈ Rn×n is regular, if det(λ E + A ) does not vanish identically for all λ ∈ C. For a regular matrix pair one has the Weierstraß canonical form. Theorem 1 (Weierstraß canonical form, [11]). Let (E , A ) be a regular matrix pair. Then, there exist nonsingular matrices P1 , P2 ∈ Rn×n such that Id 0 T 0 , (P1 E P2 , P1 A P2 ) = , 0 Ia 0 N where T is a matrix in real Jordan canonical form and N is a nilpotent matrix also in Jordan canonical form. Moreover, it is allowed that one or the other block is not present. If the index of nilpotency of N in Theorem 1 is ν , then one defines ind(E , A ) := ν , saying (E , A ) or the corresponding DAE has (differentiation) index ν . Setting ind(E ) := ind(E , I) it follows by the definition that ν = ind(E , I) is the smallest integer for which rankE ν +1 = rank E ν holds. In this case the differentiation index of E is equivalent to the matrix index, used in the following definition of a generalized inverse: Definition 2. Let E ∈ Rn,n have ind(E ) = k. A matrix X ∈ Rn,n satisfying E X = XE ,
XE X = X
and XE k+1 = E k
is called a Drazin inverse E D of E . The Drazin inverse E D is well defined and unique. By means of the introduced concepts one obtains the following solution formula: Theorem 2. Let E , A ∈ Rn,n be a commuting regular matrix pair. Furthermore, let f ∈ Cν (0, T ; Rn ) with ν = ind(E , A ). Then every solution x ∈ C1 (0, T ; Rn ) of E x˙ + A x = f (t) has the form x(t) = e−E
DA t
E D E q+ ∫ e−E 0
D A (t−s)
E D f (s)ds +
ν −1
(I − E D E ) ∑ (−E A D )i A D f (i) (t) i=0
for some q ∈ Cn .
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control
Thus, if q exists such, that ν −1
x0 = E D E q + (I − E D E ) ∑ (−E A D )i A D f (i) (0), i=0
then (11) possesses a unique solution, provided that E and A form a regular commuting matrix pair and f is sufficiently smooth. Note that for regular matrix pairs the commutativity requirement is not a restriction, see e.g.[16]. E 0 this formula simplifies. In the present case with A = I and E = E := 11 E21 0 One can show that ind(E) = 2 and ind(E11 ) ≤ 2, and thus we get the expressions D D 0 E11 E11 E11 0 D , E E= E = D D2 0 E21 E11 0 E21 E11 D D exp(−E11t) 0 exp −E t = D exp(−E D t) 0 . E21 E11 11
In addition we assume that ind(E11 ) = 1 which can be shown for the Stokes case and should be demanded of a reasonable discretization for the more general Oseen case, c.f. [8]. Thus, the explicit solution of (9) reads
D t)E D E q exp(−E11 v(t) 11 11 v (12) = D D p(t) E21 exp(−E11 t)E11 qv t D (t − τ ))E E D M −1 [f(τ ) + Bu(τ )] exp(−E11 11 11 + dτ D D 2 −1 0 E21 exp(−E11 (t − τ ))(E11 ) E11 M [f(τ ) + Bu(τ )] 0 + D E ]M −1 [f(t) + Bu(t)] , E21 [I − E11 11
if f(t) + Bu(t) is differentiable and v0 is a consistent initial value. Note that for the solution of the velocity component one only needs f(t) + Bu(t) to be integrable and Dq =v . qv such that E11 E11 v 0 Applying an output operator C to the first component in (12) one gets an explicit formula for the output y(t) ˜ = Cv(t) = Cv(t; u), depending on the input u. We will consider only the part which depends on u and define the I/O map G : U → Y via the formula t
y(t) = (Gu)(t) = C 0
D D −1 exp(−E11 (t − τ ))E11 E11 M Bu(τ )dτ .
Due to the linear character of the equations the output y˜ can be recovered by adding the response of the uncontrolled system to y. Note that G is of type (7).
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
3 Discretization of Signals In order to discretize the input signals u ∈ U and y ∈ Y in space and time, we choose four families {Uh1 }h1 >0 , {Yh2 }h2 >0 , {Rτ1 }τ1 >0 and {Sτ2 }τ2 >0 of subspaces Uh1 ⊂ U, Yh2 ⊂ Y , Rτ1 ⊂ L2 (0, T ) and Sτ2 ⊂ L2 (0, T ) of finite dimensions p(h1 ) = dim(Uh1 ), q(h2 ) = dim(Yh2 ), r(τ1 ) = dim(Rτ1 ) and s(τ2 ) = dim(Sτ2 ). We then define Uh1 ,τ1 = {u ∈ U : u(t; ·) ∈ Uh1 , u(·; θ ) ∈ Rτ1 for almost every t ∈ [0, T ], θ ∈ Θ }, Yh2 ,τ2 = {y ∈ Y : y(t; ·) ∈ Yh2 , y(·; ξ ) ∈ Sτ2 for almost every t ∈ [0, T ], ξ ∈ Ξ }. We denote the orthogonal projections onto these subspaces by PS ,τ2 ∈ L (L2 (0, T )) PU ,h1 ,τ1 ∈ L (U ) and PY ,h2 ,τ2 ∈ L (Y ). As a first step of the approximation of G, we define GS = GS (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) = PY ,h2 ,τ2 GPU ,h1 ,τ1 ∈ L (U , Y ).
In order to obtain a matrix representation of GS , we introduce families of bases {μ1 , . . . , μ p } of Uh1 , {ν1 , . . . , νq } of Yh2 , {φ1 , . . . , φr } of Rτ1 and {ψ1 , . . . , ψs } of Sτ2 and corresponding mass matrices MU,h1 ∈ R p×p , MY,h2 ∈ Rq×q , MR,τ1 ∈ Rr×r and MS ,τ2 ∈ Rs×s , for instance via [MU,h1 ]i j = (μ j , μi )U ,
i, j = 1, . . . , p.
These mass matrices induce, for instance via (v, w) p;w = vT MU,h1 w
for all v, w ∈ R p ,
weighted scalar products and corresponding norms in the respective spaces, which we indicate by a subscript w, like Rwp with (·, ·) p;w and || · || p;w , in contrast to the canonical spaces like R p with (·, ·) p and || · || p . We represent signals u ∈ Uh1 ,τ1 and y ∈ Yh2 ,τ2 as u(t; θ ) =
∑ ∑ uki φi (t)μk (θ ),
y(t; ξ ) = ∑
k=1 i=1
∑ ylj ψ j (t)νk (ξ ),
l=1 j=1
where uki are the elements of a block-structured vector u ∈ R pr with p blocks uk ∈ Rr , and the vector y ∈ Rqs is defined similarly. Then ||u||U = ||u|| pr;w ,
and ||y||Y = ||y||qs;w ,
where || · || pr;w and || · ||qs;w denote the weighted norms with respect to the mass matrices MU ,h1 ,τ1 = MU,h1 ⊗ MR,τ1 ∈ R pr×pr ,
MY ,h2 ,τ2 = MY,h2 ⊗ MS ,τ2 ∈ Rqs×qs ,
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control
i.e., the corresponding coordinate isomorphisms κU ,h1 ,τ1 ∈ L (Uh1 ,τ1 , Rwpr ) and κY ,h2 ,τ2 ∈ L (Yh2 ,τ2 , Rqs w ) are unitary. Finally, we obtain a matrix representation G of GS by setting −1 G = G(h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) = κY PY GPU κU ∈ Rqs×pr ,
where the dependencies on h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 have been partially omitted. Considering H = H(h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) := MY ,h2 ,τ2 G ∈ Rqs×pr as a block-structured matrix with q × p blocks Hkl ∈ Rs×r and block elements Hkl ij ∈ R, we obtain the representation k Hkl i j = [MY κY PY G( μl φ j )]i = (νk ψi , G( μl φ j ))Y .
To have a discrete analogon of the L (U , Y )-norm, we introduce for given Uh1 ,τ1 and Yh2 ,τ2 the weighted matrix norm ||Gu||qs;w 1/2 −1/2 = ||MY ,h2 ,τ2 GMU ,h1 ,τ1 ||qs×pr , (18) u∈R pr ||u|| pr;w
||G(h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 )||qs×pr;w := sup
and we write (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) ≤ (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) if the inequality holds component-wise. Lemma 1 ([25, p. 44]). For all (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) ∈ R4+ , we have ||G(h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 )||qs×pr;w = ||GS (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 )||L (U ,Y ) ≤ ||G||L (U ,Y ) .
If the subspaces {Uh1 ,τ1 }h1 ,τ1 >0 and {Yh2 ,τ2 }h2 ,τ2 >0 are nested in the sense that Uh1 ,τ1 ⊂ Uh ,τ , 1 1
Yh2 ,τ2 ⊂ Yh ,τ
2 2
for (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) ≤ (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ),
then ||G(h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 )||qs×pr;w monotonically grows and ||G(h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 )||qs×pr;w is convergent for (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 ) 0.
4 Approximation of System Dynamics We discuss the efficient approximation of GS respectively of its matrix representation G = M−1 Y H. For time-invariant systems with distributed control and observation, this task reduces to the approximation of the convolution kernel K ∈ L2 (0, T ; L (U,Y )).
4.1 Kernel Function Approximation We recall the notation of the general linear time-invariant system (4) for a state z(t) ∈ Z for t ∈ [0, T ],
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
∂t z(t) = Az(t) + Bu(t), t ∈ (0, T ], z(0) = z0 , y(t) = Cz(t), t ∈ [0, T ],
(21a) (21b) (21c)
that can be associated with a bounded I/O map T
G : U → Y : (Gu)(t) =
K(t − s)u(s) ds,
t ∈ [0, T ],
where U and Y denote the Hilbert spaces of the input and output signals. Inserting (22) in (17), by a change of variables we obtain Hkl ij =
T T 0
ψi (t)φ j (s)(νk , K(t − s)μl )Y ds dt =
T 0
Wi j (t)Kkl (t) dt,
with matrix-valued functions W : [0, T ] → Rs×r and K : [0, T ] → Rq×p , T −t
Wi j (t) =
ψi (t + s)φ j (s) ds,
and thus
H = MY G =
Kkl (t) = (νk , K(t)μl )Y ,
K(t) ⊗ W(t) dt.
For systems of the form (21), the matrix-valued function K is given by Kkl (t) = (νk ,CS(t)Bμl )Y = (c∗k , S(t)bl )Z , where c∗k = C∗ νk ∈ Z and bl = B μl for k = 1, . . . , q and l = 1, . . . , p. Hence, K can be calculated by solving p homogeneous systems z˙l (t) = Azl (t),
t ∈ (0, T ],
zl (0) = bl ,
(25a) (25b)
since (25) has the mild solution zl (t) = S(t)bl ∈ C([0, T ]; L2 (Ω )). We obtain an ˜ of H by replacing zl (t) by numerical approximations zl,tol (t), i.e., approximation H ˜ = H
T 0
˜ ⊗ W(t) dt, K(t)
˜ kl (t) = (νk ,Czl,tol (t))Y = (c∗ , zl,tol (t))Z . Here the subscript tol indicates with K k that the error zl − zl,tol is assumed to satisfy some tolerance criterion which will be specified later. The corresponding approximation GDS of GS is given by ˜ κ U PU , GDS = κY−1 G and depends on h1 , h2 , τ1 , τ2 and tol.
˜ = M−1 H ˜ with G Y
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control
4.2 Dynamics Approximation Error The following proposition relates the system dynamics error εD to the errors made in solving the PDE (25) for l = 1, . . . , p. Proposition 1 ([25, p. 51]). The system dynamics error εD := ||GS − GDS ||L (U ,Y ) satisfies $ √ √ λmax (MY,h2 ) ˜ 2 ˜ :,l || 2 εD ≤ T ||K − K|| q×p ≤ p T max ||K:,l − K L (0,T ;Rq ) . L (0,T ;Rw ) λmin (MU,h1 ) 1≤l≤p (28) ˜ :,l denote the lth column of K(t) and K(t), ˜ Here K:,l and K respectively, λmax (MY,h2 ) is the largest eigenvalue of MY,h2 and λmin (MU,h1 ) the smallest eigenvalue of MU,h1 . Rq×p denotes the space of real q × p-matrices equipped with the weighted matrix w norm ||M||q×p;w = supu=0 ||Mu||q;w /||u|| p;w.
4.3 Error Estimation for the Homogeneous PDE In order to approximate the system dynamics, the homogeneous PDE (25) has to be solved via a fully-discrete numerical scheme for p different initial values. A first goal is to choose the time and space grids (and possibly other discretization parameters) such that ˜ :,l ||L2 (0,T ;Rq ) < tol resp. ||Kw:,l − K ˜ w:,l ||L2 (0,T ;Rq ) < tol ||K:,l − K
is guaranteed for a given tol > 0 by means of reliable error estimators. A second goal is to achieve this accuracy in a cost-economic way. Discontinuous Galerkin time discretizations combined with standard Galerkin space discretizations provide an appropriate framework to derive corresponding error estimates, also for the case of adaptively refined grids which are in general no longer quasi-uniform, see e.g. [15]. We distinguish two types of error estimates. Global state error estimates measure the error (zl − zl,tol ) in some global norm. For parabolic problems, a priori and a posteriori estimates for the error in L∞ (0, T ; L2 (Ω )) and L∞ (0, T ; L∞ (Ω )) can be found in [9]. Such results permit to guarantee (29) in view of % ˜ :,l ||L2 (0,T ;Rq ) ≤ ||C||L (Z,Y ) ||K:,l − K
&1/2 ||νi ||Y2
||z − ztol||L2 (0,T ;Z) .
˜ :,l || 2 Goal-oriented error estimates are used to measure the error ||K:,l − K L (0,T ;Rq ) directly. This may be advantageous, since (30) may be very conservative. A general introduction to goal-oriented error estimation and strategies for mesh adaption is given in the monograph by Bangerth and Rannacher [2].
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
Assumption 1. Given a tolerance tol > 0, we can ensure (by using appropriate error estimators and mesh refinements) that the solutions zl of (25) and the solutions zl,tol calculated by means of an appropriate fully-discrete numerical scheme satisfy ˜ :,l ||L2 (0,T ;Rq ) < tol, ||K:,l − K
l = 1, . . . , p.
5 Total Error Estimates We present estimates for the total error in the approximation of G. Using generalpurpose ansatz spaces Uh1 ,τ1 and Yh2 ,τ2 for the signal approximation, we only obtain error results in a weaker L (Us , Y )-norm. Theorem 3 ([25, p. 55]). Consider the I/O map G ∈ L (U , Y ) of the infinitedimensional linear time-invariant system (7) and assume that (i) G|Us ∈ L (Us , Ys ) with spaces of higher regularity in space and time Us = H α1 ,β1 ((0, T ) × Θ ),
Ys = H α2 ,β2 ((0, T ) × Ξ ),
α1 , β1 , α2 , β2 ∈ N.
(ii) The families of subspaces {Uh1 ,τ1 }h1 ,τ1 and {Yh2 ,τ2 }h2 ,τ2 satisfy β
α ||u − PU ,h1 ,τ1 u||U ≤ (cR τ1 1 + cU h1 1 )||u||Us ,
u ∈ Us ,
β + cY h2 2 )||y||Ys ,
y ∈ Ys ,
||y − PY ,h2 ,τ2 y||Y ≤ (cS τ2α2
with positive constants cR , cS , cU and cY . (iii) The error in the solution for the state dynamics can be made arbitrarily small, i.e. for a given tolerance equation (31) holds. Let δ > 0 be given. Then one can choose subspaces Uh∗1 ,τ1∗ and Yh∗2 ,τ2∗ such that ||G − GDS ||L (Us ,Y ) < δ . Moreover, the signal error εS := ||G − GS ||L (Us ,Y ) and the system dynamics error εD := ||GS − GDS ||L (U ,Y ) are balanced in the sense that εS , εD < δ /2.
6 Application to Flow Control As a test case we present a 2D driven cavity problem modelled by linearized NavierStokes equations for the velocity v and the pressure p in Ω × I := (−1, 1)2 × (0, 0.1]. Let Ωc = (−0.2, 0.2) × (−0.7, −0.5) and and Ωm = (−0.1, 0.1) × (0, 0.6) be rectangular subsets of Ω where the control is active and the observation takes place, respectively, c.f. Figure 2. Setting U = [L2 (0, 1)]2 , we define the input operator B ∈ L (U, [L2 (Ω )]2 ) such that it maps the two input signal components homogeneously distributed in x2 direction into the control domain. The output in Y = [L2 (Ω )]2 is extracted as the
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control
369 x 1
0.6 Ω
Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of a 2D driven cavity flow and the domains of control and observation, Ωc and Ωm , respectively
−0.7 −1 −1
x −0.2
average in x1 -direction of the velocity within the observation domain, which defines C ∈ L ([L2 (Ω )]2 ,Y ). Thus the considered system reads vt + (v∗ · ∇)v + (v · ∇)v∗ + ∇p −
1 v =(v∗ · ∇)v∗ + Bu, Re ∇ · v =0, y =Cv,
with initial and boundary conditions v|t=0 = v∗ and v|∂ Ω = g. Here g defines the boundary data for the driven cavity with moving upper lid and v∗ , used as the initial condition and the reference for the linearization, denotes the steady state solution. A stabilized Q1 − P0 finite element discretization of the state space converts the above system into a DAE of type (9), see e.g. [6] for technical issues. To distinguish the spatially discretized quantities from the continuous we use bold letters, e.g. v denotes the spatially discretized velocity v. For an appropriate linearization point v∗ , c.f. [13], the obtained system meets the assumptions necessary to establish the corresponding I/O map G via (13). The considered system was investigated on a uniform rectangular 128 × 128 grid with the Reynolds number Re = 3333. For the numerical estimation of GDS on the time interval (0, 0.1] a modified projection algorithm [13] with 128 timesteps was used.
6.1 Tests of Convergence in Signal Approximation The following numerical convergence tests have all been carried out with approximations GDS (h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 , tol) of the I/O map G corresponding to the spatially discretized system (6). Hierarchical linear finite elements in Uh1 and Yh2 and Haar wavelets in Rτ1 and Sτ2 have been chosen. To check the convergence in the signal approximation numerically, we chose the testsignal u(t; ˆ θ ) = [sin(10π t) sin(10πθ ) 0]T with its numerically computed system response y = Gu. ˆ As a measure for the error the relative deviation ||y − y|| ˜ Y ||u|| ˆ U with y˜ = GDS uˆ for varying discretization parameters h1 , τ1 , h2 , τ2 was taken. Figure 3 (a) shows the evolution of the signal approximation error for a fixed
J. Heiland, V. Mehrmann, and M. Schmidt
error for τ1 = τ2 = 0.1/32 slope of quadratic convergence
slope of linear convergence
10 −2 10
error for h1 = h2 = 1/33
h =h 1
10 −3 10
τ =τ 1
ˆ U with y˜ = GDS uˆ errors for (a) varying h1 = h2 Fig. 3 Relative output errors ||y − y|| ˜ Y ||u|| and fixed τ1 = τ2 = 0.1/32 and (b) for varying τ1 = τ2 and fixed h1 = h2 = 1/33.
time discretization τ1 = τ2 = 0.1 · 2−5 and varying space resolution of the signals. In Figure 3 (b) the roles of the space and time discretization are changed. The convergence is in the region where it is assumed for approximations using piecewise constant or piecewise linear finite elements. Note that it is necessary to balance space and time resolution properly, as indicated by the breakdown of the quadratic convergence of the space discretization on the lowest level of the time approximation error as shown in Figure 3 (a).
6.2 Application to Optimal Flow Control We investigate the use of the I/O map approximation in optimization problems minJ(u, y)
subject to y = Gu,
Here, J : U × Y → R is the cost functional J(u, y) = 12 ||y − yD||2Y + α ||u||2U , yD ∈ Y is an aspired system’s output signal, and α > 0 is a regularization parameter. We define the discrete cost functional J¯h : R pr × Rqs → R,
1 J¯h (u, y) = ||y − yD||2qs;w + α ||u||2pr;w , 2
with yD = κY ,h2 ,τ2 PY ,h2 ,τ2 yD , and instead of (32) we solve min J¯h (u, y)
˜ subject to y = Gu,
u ∈ U¯
˜ T MY G ˜ + α MU )u¯ = G ˜ T MY yD . with the solution u¯ of (33) characterized by (G As the target yD we chose the output corresponding to the input u0 ≡ [1 1]T ˜ ∈ R34·16×34·16 of the driven cavity case and and solved (33) with the I/O map G −7 α = 10 . Solving the linear equation system took 0.0537 seconds on a standard desktop PC and yielded a u¯ which reduced the energy ||u||2pr;w of the input by 21.3% while causing a relative deviation in the output of 2.26%, c.f. Figure 4.
Discretization of I/O Maps and Application to Flow Control 0.016
0.016 output of optimized signal output of reference signal uncontrolled output signal
0.004 0
output of optimized signal output of reference signal uncontrolled output signal
0.004 0
˜ 0 and G ˜ u¯ and (b) Gu0 Fig. 4 Illustration of the x1 -component of (a) the output signals Gu and Gu¯ for varying t at the fixed spatial position ξ = 0.5. Here u0 and u¯ represent u0 and u¯ in the discrete and continuous input space, respectively.
7 Conclusion The presented method provides a completely algebraic representation of the input/output behavior of a linear time-invariant system, like the presented linearization of the Navier-Stokes equations. The developed error estimates guarantee a desired quality of the approximation. As illustrated by the numerical example, this I/O map also leads to useful solutions of the inverse problem of determining controls with very short calculation times. Acknowledgements. This work was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within Collaborative Research Center (Sfb) 557 Control of complex turbulent shear flows.
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9. Eriksson, K., Johnson, C.: Adaptive finite element methods for parabolic problems. II. Optimal error estimates in L∞ L2 and L∞ L∞ . SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 32, 706–740 (1995) 10. Freund, R.W.: Model reduction methods based on Krylov subspaces. Technical report, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies (2001) 11. Gantmacher, F.R.: The theory of matrices. AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence (1998) 12. Gugercin, S., Antoulas, A.C.: A survey of model reduction by balanced truncation and some new results. Internat. J. Control 77, 748–766 (2004) 13. Heiland, J.: Distributed Control of Semidiscretized Oseen Equations. Master’s thesis, TU Berlin (2009) 14. Henning, L., Kuzmin, D., Mehrmann, V., et al.: Flow control on the basis of a FeatflowMatlab coupling. In: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control. Springer, Berlin (2006) 15. Johnson, C.: Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1987) 16. Kunkel, P., Mehrmann, V.: Differential-algebraic equations. Analysis and numerical solution. European Mathematical Society Publishing House, Z¨urich (2006) 17. Lions, J.L., Magenes, E.: Non-homogeneous boundary value problems and applications, vol. II. Springer, New York (1972) 18. Luchtenburg, D.M., Gunter, B., Noack, B.R., et al.: A generalized mean-field model of the natural and actuated flows around a high-lift configuration. J. Fluid Mech. 623, 283– 316 (2009) 19. Lunardi, A.: Analytic semigroups and optimal regularity in parabolic problems. In: Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, vol. 16. Birkh¨auser, Basel (1995) 20. Mehrmann, V., Stykel, T.: Balanced truncation model reduction for large-scale systems in descriptor form. In: Benner, P., Mehrmann, V., Sorensen, D. (eds.) Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, pp. 83–115. Springer, Heidelberg (2005) 21. Noack, B.R., Schlegel, M., Ahlborn, B., et al.: A finite-time thermodynamics of unsteady fluid flows. J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 33, 103–148 (2008) 22. Pastoor, M., Henning, L., Noack, B.R., et al.: Feedback shear layer control for bluff body drag reduction. J. Fluid Mech. 608, 161–196 (2008) 23. Pazy, A.: Semigroups of linear operators and applications to partial differential equations. Springer, New York (1983) 24. Rowley, C.W.: Model reduction for fluids, using balanced proper orthogonal decomposition. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 15, 997–1013 (2005) 25. Schmidt, M.: Systematic Discretization of Input/Output Maps and other Contributions to the Control of Distributed Parameter Systems. Ph.D. thesis, TU Berlin (2007) 26. Sohr, H.: The Navier-Stokes equations. Birkh¨auser, Basel (2001)
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows Jens Kasten, Tino Weinkauf, Christoph Petz, Ingrid Hotz, Bernd R. Noack, and Hans-Christian Hege
Abstract. We present feature-extraction techniques for numerical and experimental data of complex fluid flows. Focus is placed on efficient analysis and visualization of coherent structures of snapshots, temporal evolution and parameter-dependency of coherent structures. One key enabler are Galilean invariant flow quantities based on pressure, acceleration, vorticity and velocity Jacobians. Other important catalyzers are Lagrangian filters that distill persistent strong particle-fixed features while neglecting weak and short-living ones. The proposed feature extraction framework is exemplified for the time-dependent natural and actuated flow around a high-lift airfoil, as well as other benchmark configurations of the SFB 557.
1 Introduction Fluid flow datasets arising from experiments and simulation increase in size and complexity. The automated analysis of numerically given fluid data therefore becomes more and more important. During the past two decades, much effort has been devoted to the development of computer graphical techniques for display of steady and unsteady flow fields – both in 2D and 3D. The resulting tools are widely used today for visualization of flow fields. However, analyzing and understanding intricate flow structures is often difficult — even with advanced visualization tools, since only raw data are displayed instead of the more interesting flow structures. Researchers and practitioners are interested in the main flow characteristics that are relevant for their specific analysis questions. Schlichting’s book ‘Boundary layer theory’ [18] and the Journal of Fluid Mechanics contain many masterpieces of handcrafted principle flow sketches — revealing the main flow characteristics in a single Jens Kasten · Christoph Petz · Ingrid Hotz · Hans-Christian Hege Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany Tino Weinkauf Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 715 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, USA Bernd R. Noack Institut Pprime, CNRS - Universit´e de Poitiers - ENSMA, UPR 3346, Poitiers, France
R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 373–387. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
J. Kasten et al.
picture. The goal of our work is to advance analysis and visualization techniques to a stage where similarly insightful features can be distilled from raw data in a semi-automatic or even automatic manner. In visual data analysis such flow structures are often called ‘features’. A feature, as used in this paper, is a mathematically defined geometric object (point, line, surface, volume) that potentially is time-dependent and represents some important flow structure, e.g., a stagnation point, vortex core line, or vortex region. Though experts in fluid dynamics have intuitive conceptions of specific flow features, unique and agreed mathematical characterizations are often missing. Even for the concept of a ‘vortex’ there is no generally accepted mathematical definition. Identifying practically interesting flow structures and finding mathematical definitions therefore is part of the research. If such a mathematical characterization is given, often it is nontrivial to extract the corresponding structures algorithmically. The development of efficient and robust algorithms for feature extraction therefore is another task. Once such features have been extracted and are represented as geometric objects, they can be used in many ways. Here, we are mainly interested in using them for creation of visualizations that provide insight. Development of perceptually effective feature visualizations therefore is also part of the research. Feature-based visualization ideally distills information which conveys (i) the coherent structures, (ii) the temporal evolution of these structures, and (iii) the structural changes due to variation of configuration parameters (configuration robustness). Furthermore, it reduces the amount of information, allowing to focus on specific aspects of the flow and providing interactive exploration. In this paper we present a short overview of feature extraction techniques that we have developed during recent years in the framework of the SFB 557, putting special emphasis on recently developed methods. Due to space limitations we do not try to present recent developments of other groups. A more complete overview over the field can be found, for example, in references [12] and [17]. After introducing basic mathematical concepts (Sect. 2.1), we discuss feature extraction algorithms for steady flows (Sect. 2.2) and unsteady flows (Sect. 2.3). Then we present some selected techniques for discrete feature extraction (Sect. 2.4) and show some applications to actuated flows (Sect. 3). Finally, we discuss the results and draw some general conclusions (Sect. 4).
2 Feature Extraction 2.1 Fundamental Concepts Notation. We consider either steady flows in a spatial domain D = Ω ⊂ Rn (n = 2, 3) or unsteady flows in a spatiotemporal domain D = Ω × [0, T ]. A flow is specified by physical fields on domain D. For incompressible flows the phase space is completely specified by velocity v : D → Rn and pressure p : D → R. These fields are typically discretely sampled in D.
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
Features. Features may either be directly based on the given flow, or on derived scalar, vector or tensor fields. Examples of derived scalar fields are the Okubo-Weiss field Q and the λ2 field. Here, Q is 12 (||A||2 − ||S||2 ) (with A = 12 (∇v − (∇v)T ) and S = 12 (∇v + (∇v)T )). λ2 is the second eigenvalue of the symmetric matrix A2 + S2 . A frequently used derived vector field is vorticity ω = ∇ × v. Considering common feature definitions, there are two re-occurring concepts, namely ridge lines and scalar/vector field topology, which will be recalled in the following. Typical features of a scalar field f are, e.g., minima, maxima, saddle points, ridge and valley lines. Ridges and valleys, as extremal structures, play a special role in flow analysis. The concept of extremal structures has been studied by Eberly [1] and Lindeberg [8] in great generality. Here we are mainly interested in one-dimensional ridge lines, which are defined as follows: For a smooth function f : U → R of an open set U ⊂ Rn let ∇x0 f = g be the derivative of f at x0 ∈ U and Hx0 ( f ) = H the Hessian of f at x0 . Further let λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn be the sorted eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix and e1 , e2 , . . . , en the corresponding unit eigenvectors. Then, a point x0 is defined as a ridge point, if λn−1 < 0 and ∇x0 f · ei = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. A valley point is a ridge point in the negative field − f . Typical features of a vector field v are integral curves (e.g., streamlines or pathlines), or components of flow topology, i.e., critical points xc with v(xc ) = 0, 1Dseparatices (= streamlines starting in a saddle point in direction of their eigenvector corresponding to the unique negative or positive eigenvalue), and 2D-separatices (= stream surfaces starting in a saddle point in the plane spanned by the two eigenvectors with matching sign). For scalar fields f , also scalar topology is considered, which is the flow topology of the gradient vector field ∇ f . The existence of a potential gives additional structure to this topology, and it can be described with more ease, as no closed integral lines (limit cycles) can occur. The so-called Morse-Smale complex of a real-valued field partitions its domain into regions having uniform gradient flow behavior. For a successful feature extraction, not only an appropriate feature definition, but also efficient and stable extraction algorithms are essential. Thereby, we differentiate discrete algorithms, which work directly with sampled data, and continuous algorithms, which require spatial or spatiotemporal interpolation.
2.2 Algorithms for Steady Data We start with feature extraction methods originally developed for steady flow fields. Typically, these methods are related to streamline analysis. Streamline-based Topology. Topological methods segment a flow field into sectors of equivalent streamline behavior by extracting critical points, separation lines and surfaces (see e.g. [23]). They are especially well suited for the analysis of flow separation. For complex 3D topologies, these separating surfaces tend to hide each other as well as other topological features. To solve this problem, the concept of saddle connectors and boundary switch connectors has been introduced [21; 27; 23].
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The main idea is to replace stream surfaces by their intersection curves, which are particular streamlines. The visualization of saddle connectors instead of the separation surfaces results in expressive visualizations even for topologically complex data sets. In addition, the integration of stream surfaces is computationally more involved and less stable than the integration of streamlines, since convergence and divergence effects on the stream surface may occur. Vortex Related Features. Complementing the topological analysis, vortices and vortex systems are the most prominent features in fluid flows. Both, the regions of influence of vortices – called vortex regions – and the locations of the vortex centers (in 2D) or center lines (in 3D) are of interest. Since, there are several characterizations of vortices, there is a wide range of algorithms to extract these. For an overview see Post et al. [13]. Vortex and Strain Skeletons Based on Scalar Identifiers. While vortex region quantities are Galilean invariant, many methods for extracting vortex cores are based on streamline analysis and thus depend on the frame of reference. Alternative approaches to extract vortex cores use Galilean invariant vortex region quantities. Besides displaying these scalar quantities (such as Okubo-Weiss and λ2 ) directly, extremum lines of the scalar fields represent vortex cores explicitly as line type features. We developed methods for their extraction based on the notion of ridges [15] and the notion of watersheds/topology [16]. For the visualization of extracted line features, an iconic representation indicating their scale and extent is used. In Section 2.4 we present two novel methods based on discrete topology that aim at extracting extremal lines in a robust manner. Hierarchical Vortex Regions. We have further complemented this set of methods by a scheme for extracting regions around a vortex core [11]. Vortex systems often consist of a spatial hierarchy of nested vortices. In this 2D streamline-based technique, a vortex region is defined by surrounding lines that intersect the velocity field in an constant angle along the lines. Clusters of homotopic lines around vortex centers define a vortex region. These regions build a spatial hierarchy of vortex regions, cf. Fig. 8. Vortex splitting and merging events can be detected and visualized with this technique.
2.3 Algorithms for Unsteady Data Principally, all methods for steady flow fields can be applied to single time steps of unsteady fields. A framework to track the temporal development of extracted structures has been developed by introducing feature flow fields [22], which was applied to topological structures as well as vortex cores [20]. Treating time as additional parameter was proposed in [28] to extract topological changes over time. While providing some interesting insight, these so-called snapshot features are not sufficient for a complete analysis of unsteady data. Most flow phenomena are unsteady in
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
nature and particle motion is described by pathlines. This generally leads to different flow patterns. The topological concept has been extended to a pathline oriented topological segmentation for periodic 2D time-dependent vector fields [19]. The approach detects critical pathlines as well as basins from which the pathlines converge to the critical ones. In the following, we describe three methods especially designed for time-dependent flows based on the analysis of pathlines. Vortex Core Detection based on Swirling Motion. One way to assess vortices in experiments is to emit particles (smoke) into the flow and to examine their behavior: patterns of swirling flow indicate vortices. For steady numerical and measured datasets, Peikert and Roth formulated the successful concept of the ‘parallel vectors’ operator and presented a fast and robust extraction technique [9]. We have extended this concept to extract the cores of swirling particle motion in unsteady flows based on the behavior of pathlines [26]. Given a time-dependent vector field v(x,t), we consider the dynamic system d T = (v(x,t), 1)T by including time as an explicit state variable at the ex(x,t) dt pense of an increase in dimension by one. Pathlines then are tangent curves of the vector field p(x,t) = (v(x,t), 1)T . In the 3D unsteady setting, the Jacobian J(p) has the eigenvalues e1 , e2 , e3 , 0 with the respective four eigenvectors (e1 , 0)T , (e2 , 0)T , (e3 , 0)T , f, where e1 , e2 , e3 are the eigenvectors of the spatial Jacobian. Under the condition that J(p) has a pair of conjugate complex eigenvalues (sorted such that e1 , e2 are complex and e3 is real), we find swirling motion around the point of interest which is a necessary condition for a swirling particle core. As we have shown in [26], a point x is on the swirling particle core if the flow vector p(x) lies in the plane of non-swirling flow spanned by the two real eigenvectors es := (e3 , 0)T and f. In other words, the swirling particle cores are at locations where
λ1 p + λ2 es + λ3f = 0 with λ12 + λ22 + λ32 > 0 ,
i.e. where the 4D vectors p, es and f are coplanar. The resulting core structures are lines sweeping over time, i.e., surfaces in the space-time domain. At a single time step, particles group around these core lines forming patterns of swirling motion. In order to extract them, we have shown how to re-formulate the problem using the parallel vectors operator [9] and applying it accordingly. Fig. 1 shows the extraction result for a flow behind a cylinder. Finite-time Topology. Critical points of the velocity field, the basic building blocks of vector field topology, are not Galilean invariant. If no preferred frame of reference is given, topological analysis appears somewhat arbitrary. Acceleration a(x,t) = ∂t v(x,t) + (v(x,t) · ∇) v(x,t), however, is a Galilean invariant property. In steady fields, particles at fixed points have zero acceleration; in unsteady fields acceleration at these points is small compared to their neighborhoods. Therefore, particles with minimal acceleration a are of interest. We call space-time points (x0 ,t0 ) where a(x0,t0 ) has a local minimum in space Lagrangian equilibrium points (LEP).
J. Kasten et al.
Fig. 1 3D unsteady flow behind a cylinder. The red lines denote swirling particle cores at a certain time step. The gray fluid particles show that the core lines are located at the centers of swirling particle motion.
Fluid dynamicists are interested in the dominant structures that influence the flow behavior. Of particular interest are long-living features. We take a Lagrangian view by considering trajectories (‘particles’) in space-time domain D and observing their properties. By measuring how much and how long particles exhibit characteristic properties, we can filter out salient, long-living structures. Let p(t; x0 ,t0 ) be the trajectory of a particle moving through point x0 at time t0 . As mentioned before, an interesting feature is ‘low acceleration magnitude’ a(x,t) = a(x,t). To evaluate this, we compute the average of a2 for particles moving through point x0 at time t0 1 A (x0 ,t0 ) = tmax (x0 ,t0 ) − tmin(x0 ,t0 )
tmax (x0 ,t0 ) tmin (x0 ,t0 )
a (p(t; x0 ,t0 ),t)2 dt
over some time span [tmin (x0 ,t0 ),tmax (x0 ,t0 )] ⊆ [t0 − τ ,t0 + τ ] with maximal width 2τ . The actual width is called ‘feature lifetime’. The parameters tmin and tmax are chosen such that along the pathline segment {p(t; x0 ,t0 ) | t ∈ [tmin ,tmax ]} two conditions are fulfilled (cf. Fig. 2): (i) the acceleration magnitude a is below some threshold athreshold and (ii) the difference between the average acceleration at spatially neighbored grid points and the acceleration at the considered points (denoted as Ca ) is greater then some threshold Cthreshold : ' ( tmin (x0 ,t0 ) = min(t ∈ [t0 − τ ,t0 ] | ∀t ∈ t ,t0 : a(p(t; x0 ,t0 ),t) < athreshold and
Ca (p(t; x0 ,t0 ),t0 ) > Cthreshold ),
Fig. 2 Definition of a feature’s lifetime along a pathline (parametrized by time). In the depicted case parameter tmin is determined by the acceleration threshold and tmax by the maximum lifetime window.
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
Fig. 3 Mixing of six Oseen vortices. The time axis is orthogonal to the texture plane. The illuminated pathline segments indicate the lifetime interval [tmax ,tmin ]. (magnify the image).
Fig. 4 Dataset of the flow behind a circular cylinder. Depicted is the simultaneous visualization of forward (red) and backward (blue) L-FTLE , integration time T = 3 periods.
and tmax equivalently. In the resulting field A the minima are searched (due to the averaging these are not exactly the LEPs). These minima are then filtered by a lifetime criterion tmax (x0 ,t0 ) − tmin (x0 ,t0 ) > tthreshold . As an example, the mixing of six Oseen vortices in 2D is depicted in Fig. 3. The lifetime and averaged squared acceleration A were computed; then the minima of A were determined and used as seed points for pathlines. Length and color coding of the pathlines indicate the lifetime. Since particles remain a long time in the vicinity of vortices, this approach is useful for extraction of time-dependent vortex cores. Localized Finite-time Lyapunov Exponent. The Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) is a measure for the rate of separation of particles in time-dependent flow fields. FTLE is typically computed by analyzing the flowmap, which maps the end points of pathlines to their starting positions. The spectral norm of the gradient of this map determines the separation of a pathline over a finite period of time. The gradient is in general approximated using finite differences. To obtain a measure for the convergence of particles, the flowmap has just to be computed for particles traced backwards in time. This standard approach assumes a linearization of the flow, which is only valid for short advection times. Furthermore, the sampling distance of the pathlines has a strong impact on the results: Large values lead to wrong results, since the particles more and more diverge from the trajectory for which the FTLE is to be measured. One remedy is a continuous renormalization of the pathlines. In [7] we presented an algorithm for measuring the separation by tracing a single pathline. We use the Jacobian matrix as a generator of the separation to measure it locally. Consider a pathline p(t) = p(x0 ,t0 ,t) for a particle started at space-time location (x0 ,t0 ). The deviation of trajectories of infinitesimally close particles started at (x0 + δ0,t0 ), with δ0 → 0, are governed by the Jacobian of the velocity field along
J. Kasten et al.
p(t). The time evolution of the deviation in a flow field v is given by the differential equation δ˙ (t) = (∇v|p(t) )δ (t), (4) with δ (0) = δ0 . For sufficiently small values of t < Δt , the gradient can be approximated by the constant matrix ∇0 = ∇v|p(0) . Solving the differential equation then yields δ (t) = exp(∇0 t)δ0 . By discretizing the total integration time T in intervals application of the previous expression results in of size Δt , a repeated δ (T ) = ∏0i=N−1 exp(∇i Δt ) δ0 , where N is the number of discretized time steps, N · Δt = T and ∇i = ∇v|p(iΔt ) . Thus, the matrix %
ΨT (p) =
& exp(∇i Δt )
is an approximate mapping of the neighborhood at the starting point p(0) to deviations at the end point p(T ) after advection, similar to the flowmap gradient. The ‘localized FTLE’ defined by L-FTLE+ (x0 ,t0 , T ) =
1 ln(||ΨT (p(x0 ,t0 , .)||λ ) T
reflects the separating behavior of infinitesimally close particles along the pathline. Analogously, the exponent L-FLTE− for backward integration is defined, describing the convergence behavior. In Fig. 4, for a 2D instationary flow behind a circular cylinder the L-FTLE is computed for three shedding periods, showing the typical pattern of the von-K´arm´an vortex street. The separation and convergence of particles is illustrated by red and blue coloring, respectively. The time-dependent Lagrangian structures emerge clearly.
2.4 Discrete Feature Extraction In this section, we present two methods for the extraction of extremal lines using scalar field topology. Due to its robustness, we use the characterization of the topological skeleton as a Morse-Smale (MS) graph on a discrete domain as introduced by Forman [4]. In this context, the grid underlying the discretized scalar field is considered as a simplicial complex. In the simplicial graph, every node corresponds to a simplex in the simplicial complex and the links represent the neighborhood of these simplices. In two dimensions, there are three types of critical points, which are nodes in the simplicial graph: minima (0-cells or vertex nodes), saddles (1-cells or edge nodes) and maxima (2-cells or face nodes). The setting is analog in three dimensions, but the saddles split up into two types: 1-saddles and 2-saddles. In this topological setting, extremal lines are found as separatrices of the MS complex, which are discrete integral lines connecting critical points. Since we are typically interested in the minimal lines of the scalar field, the connecting lines of the 0-1 edges represent the raw feature set of interest.
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
A common problem with topological methods is their sensitivity to noise: every local extremum of the scalar field is a critical point (often referred to as “oversegmentation”). Topological simplification aims at reducing this complexity by successively removing pairs of critical points (cancellation) in an order determined by some importance measure. The result is still a valid MS complex, but with less critical points. As a measure of importance, we use persistence, introduced by Edelsbrunner et al. [3; 2]: critical points with lower persistence will be removed before those with higher persistence. Loosely speaking, persistence measures how long connected components of an isocontour exist when the isovalue is increased. More precisely, persistence measures the function value difference between acts of creation (minima and splits at saddles) and acts of destruction (maxima and merges at saddles). After this brief introduction into MS simplification, we will now discuss specific problems: for 2D, we introduce an extension of the concept of persistence to separatrices, and for 3D, we deal with technical problems of the MS simplification process. Separatrix Persistence. Persistence was originally introduced for critical points. Thus, only 0-dimensional features of the topological skeleton could be organized into a hierarchy. In two dimensions, the 1-dimensional features, the separatrices, are of intereset, too. In order to measure the importance of separatrices, we propose separatrix persistence [24]: Let s denote a saddle connected to the minima mi and maxima Mi in the skeleton of the scalar field f . The persistence of a separatrix is defined for each point x ∈ as ) f (x) − max( f (mi )) , if is a maximal line (7) p (x) = min( f (Mi )) − f (x) , if is a minimal line. Separatrix persistence measures the significance of every point on a separatrix. As it is derived from classical persistence, it inherits the stability under small perturbations. Obviously, p reaches its highest value at the extremum. The point on with the lowest persistence is the saddle s. Separatrix persistence allows us to identify the most important, most salient parts of all separatrices contained within a MS complex. Fig. 5 shows an example at a flow behind a cylinder.
Fig. 5 Flow behind a cylinder. Maximal lines of forward L-FTLE, extracted using discrete topology, are shown in gray. Their thickness is scaled according to their separatrix persistence.
J. Kasten et al.
Discrete Feature Extraction in 3D. In theory, the cancellation of critical points extends from 2D to 3D without significant changes. But in praxis there evolve some problems concerning the implementation as well as the results. First, this makes an adaptation of the cancellation process necessary and, moreover, calls for an additional post processing filtering step, which will be described in the following. Extracting the extremal skeleton. The direct implementation of the cancellation algorithm in 3D leads to two problems due to the additional saddle connectors. First, the generation of multiple connections between saddles causes a memory problem. To ease this problem we adapted the concept of valences (number of links per node in the MS complex) introduced by Gyulassy [5]: Cancellation in the 1-2 layer is only performed if the number of new edges falls below some predefined thresholds. Furthermore, multiple edges between two vertices of the MS complex are stored only once. The multiplicity of those edges is counted in the edge data structure. Second, the 1-2 connections get knotty which limits the cancellation possibilities. These knotty structures remain at all persistence levels and generate a complex skeleton of minima lines. Furthermore, these knots complicate the cancellation algorithm. The cancellation in three dimensions is a non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard problem. Thus, for large data sets only heuristics can be applied. Filtering. For filtering the discrete extremal structures, we use a quantity that measures for each point in the domain of a scalar field the local ‘rigdeness’. In their work using the parallel vectors operator, Peikert and Sadlo [10] extract a set of raw feature points using the ridge condition for a scalar field f : Hg = λ g, or equiva(Hg,g) lently Hgg = 1. Measuring at a point x0 ∈ Ω to which extend g(x0 ) := ∇x0 f and Hx0 ( f )∇x0 f = Hx0 g(x0 ) are parallel, we define the ‘ridgeness’ R( f ): R( f )(x0 ) =
(Hx0 ( f ) g(x0 ) , g(x0 )) Hx0 g(x0 ) g(x0 )
This measure, applied to the results of the first step, suffices for filtering discrete extremal structures. Application. As an example, we consider a flow field behind a circular cylinder. The λ2 measure is used as an indicator for vortices. In Fig. 6(a), the raw feature skeleton resulting from the MS cancellation can be seen. The lines are color-coded with λ2 . Fig. 6(b) shows the filtering with λ2 itself. By removing every second point from the lines, a line of best fit is computed from the discrete lines, which run along the grid. The lines are scaled with negative values of λ2 . The isosurfaces of λ2 separate most parts of the lines from uninteresting structures – the vortex core lines remain. On the other side, directly behind the cylinder, the structures cannot be distinguished from each other and are still linked at some points. Thus, we use ridgeness as another filter criterion, cf. Fig. 6(c). Here, the isosurfaces of high ridgeness separate the lines much better.
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
(c) Fig. 6 Time-dependent vortex core lines of a flow behind a circular cylinder. The blue arrow is the time axis. As vortex-indicating quantity λ2 has been chosen. The lines were computed with a discrete method that extracts extremal structures (a) and then filtered with λ2 (b) as well as with ridgeness (c). The tube-like semi-transparent surfaces are isosurfaces of λ2 and ridgeness. The lines (clearly visible only with magnification) are colored according to λ2 .
3 Features of Actuated Flows – Results In this section, we present some results of our methods applied to a more complex configuration, the Swept Constant Chord Half-model (SCCH) [25], cf. Fig. 7, with flow actuation. The time-dependent, three-dimensional CFD-datasets show the simulated flow around an airfoil for different configurations of actuation. First, for one actuation state of the model, we extract the hierarchy of vortex regions. After choosing an appropriate frame of reference by subtracting the average flow of the field, the vortices behind the airfoil get clearly visible in the line integral convolution (LIC) texture. Applying hierarchical vortex extraction, cf. Fig. 8, the pairing of vortices directly behind the airfoil is clearly highlighted.
Fig. 7 Snapshot visualization of the flow around an airfoil. Illuminated streamlines illustrate the actuated flow. (magnify the image)
J. Kasten et al.
Fig. 8 Hierarchical vortex regions of the flow around an airfoil (SCCH) in a plane, after subtracting the average flow. (magnify the image)
Fig. 9 Tracking of critical points for a twodimensional instationary version of the airfoil dataset. (magnify the image 5-6 times)
For a time-dependent analysis, first we apply our tracking method to a twodimensional instationary dataset of the SCCH model. In Fig. 9, this result is displayed (red and green axes = spatial dimensions, blue axis = time). A snapshot of the flow is depicted in one LIC plane together with the critical points (gray spheres) of that time step. They serve together with fold bifurcations (births and deaths of critical points depicted as gray spheres in the spatiotemporal volume) as the starting points of the tracking. The yellow lines indicate the tracking of saddles and the green lines the center lines of vortices. In Fig. 10, the localized finite-time Lyapunov exponent (L-FTLE) is calculated for two versions of the SCCH dataset – non-actuated (a) and actuated (b). It provides provides insight into the complex nature of instationary parameter-dependent flows. Here, it is computed in backwards direction and, hence, shows the convergence of particles. The time-dependent vortices thus can be clearly seen. Furthermore, it is possible to observe the effect of the actuation. The vortex pairing behind the airfoil is not as strong in the actuated version as in the non-actuated one. In [25] (cf. also [14]), we studied the influence of the actuation parameters frequency and intensity of air injection on vortex structures and thereby, e.g., on lift. We showed, (i) how vortex structures change when actuation parameters are varied, (ii) when vortex structures are leading to more favorable situations (e.g. higher lift), and (iii) when new, detrimental vortex structures are introduced by the flow control itself. This analysis demonstrates that feature-based analysis and visualization supports the understanding of the physics behind flow actuation.
Fig. 10 L-FTLE− for two versions of the SCCH dataset - non-actuated (a) and actuated (b). The effect of the actuation parameter can be clearly seen. (magnify the images)
Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
4 Discussion and Conclusion Visualization and feature extraction comprises an astonishingly rich expertise in data analysis and is at an advanced stage in many scientific areas. In fluid dynamics, visualization has its roots in experimental techniques and therefore has a long tradition. Computer-based methods, however, offer more opportunities, particularly regarding the extraction and visual accentuation of flow structures or flow features. Regarding steady 2D flows, powerful methods for visual analysis are already available. Our aim was to significantly contribute to the extension of methods to deal with 3D, unsteady and parameter-dependent flows, cf. Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. With this generalization two major challenges are associated. First, the transition from 2D to 3D which confronts us with significantly more complex flow structures; this requires the development of suitable filtering criteria that select the really important structures. Second, the transition from steady to unsteady flows requires a switch in perspective: tracking of features in snapshots can reveal interesting information, but is not sufficient; considering pathlines instead of streamlines is another step and changing to a Lagrangian viewpoint instead of an Eulerian is a third one. We tackled these problems as follows (cf. Fig. 12): First, we developed feature extraction methods based on pathlines. These are pathline-based topology, also in combination with Galileian-invariant variables like acceleration, extraction of vortex structures based on detection of swirling motion characteristics, as well as Lagrangian analysis techniques based on FTLE. Second, we developed and adapted discrete methods to flow analysis problems, which particularly provide controlled simplification. Additionally, we introduced techniques that utilize lifetime parameters for filtering in continuous extraction methods. The developed techniques have been successfully applied to benchmark configurations of the collaborative research center SFB 557. We demonstrated that the Method Streamline-based Topology [21; 27] [22; 28] Vortex Core Lines (Ridges) [15; 16] Vortex Core Lines (Swirl) [20; 26] Hier. Vortex Regions [11] FTT [6] L-FTLE [7]
Fig. 11 Parameter dependencies of flow data sets: steady flows X, unsteady flows X+T, parameter dependent steady and unsteady flows X+P and X+T+P, resp
X X+P X+T X+T+P u
Fig. 12 Methods for feature extraction developed by the authors for the four cases of parameter dependencies depicted in Fig. 11. u: the method was used for this case; t: the method is transferable to this case.
J. Kasten et al.
feature extraction and visualization techniques aid researchers in understanding natural and actuated flows. Our flow visualizations have been awarded by the fluid dynamics community, adopted for book covers, illustrate popular science magazines and were used for many other similar purposes. Thereby, we contributed also to the outreach activities of SFB 557. Acknowledgements. The project is part of the DFG SFB 557 “Control of complex turbulent shear flows”; it is also supported by the Emmy Noether program of DFG. All visualizations have been created using Amira - a system for advanced visual data analysis (http://amira.zib.de).
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Extraction of Coherent Structures from Natural and Actuated Flows
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Part VI Optimal Flow Control
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Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding Won Tae Joe, Tim Colonius, and Douglas G. MacMynowski
Abstract. Optimal control theory is combined with the numerical simulation of an incompressible viscous flow to control vortex shedding in order to maximize lift. A two-dimensional flat plate model is considered at a high angle of attack and a Reynolds number of 300. Actuation is provided by unsteady mass injection near the trailing edge and is modeled by a compact body force. The adjoint of the linearized perturbed equations is solved backwards in time to obtain the gradient of the lift to changes in actuation (the jet velocity), and this information is used to iteratively improve the controls. The optimized control waveform is nearly periodic and locked to vortex shedding. We compare the results with sinusoidal open- and closed-loop control and observe that the optimized control is able to achieve higher lift than the sinusoidal forcing with more than 50% lower momentum coefficients. The optimized waveform is also implemented in a simple closed-loop controller where the control signal is shifted or deformed periodically to adjust to the (instantaneous) frequency of the lift fluctuations. The feedback utilizes a narrowband filter and an Extended Kalman Filter to robustly estimate the phase of vortex shedding and achieve phase-locked, high lift flow states.
1 Introduction Previous work on flow control over an airfoil has used periodic excitation, such as unsteady mass injection or synthetic jets, to show that the oscillatory addition of momentum can delay boundary layer separation and reattach the separated flow [7, 8], or delay dynamic stall on a rapidly pitching airfoil [10]. Unsteady actuation was also shown to change the global dynamics of vortex shedding of post-stall flow, leading to higher unsteady lift than the natural shedding [13, 17]. Won Tae Joe · Tim Colonius · Douglas G. MacMynowski California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, United States e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 391–404. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
In this paper, we investigate a simple model of a purely translating flat plate at high angle of attack at a Reynolds number of 300, where strong, periodic vortex shedding occurs. A small amplitude body force intended to mimic oscillatory mass injection is applied near the trailing edge in order to modulate the vortex shedding. We first consider open-loop control utilizing sinusoidal waveforms. It is observed that open-loop forcing can significantly amplify the lift, but feedback is required to tune the phase of actuation to a particular phase of the measured lift in order to lock the forcing with the phase shift associated with the highest period-averaged lift. Rather than optimizing the phase of the control relative to the lift using only sinusoidal waveform, we investigate the possibility of optimizing the lift using more general (non-sinusoidal) actuation waveforms. We utilize a gradient-based approach that has been used previously in simulations to reduce the turbulent kinetic energy and drag of a turbulent flow in a plane channel [4], or to reduce free-shear flow noise[16]. Given the DNS for a particular actuator waveform, we solve the adjoint of the perturbed linearized equations backward in time to determine the sensitivity of the lift to the actuator input, and subsequently use this information to iteratively improve control. This computed optimal control requires knowledge of the full flow state and therefore is not practical for real-time control. Instead, we use a period of the optimal waveform together with the previously developed phase-locking feedback strategy in order to provide a robust and practical approach to giving near-optimal performance. In the next section, we present the simulation methodology and the actuation scheme. Results from sinusoidal forcing will be briefly summarized in Sect. 3. Once the objective of our control is defined, we formulate an adjoint-based optimization in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5, we design a feedback algorithm where the optimized waveform is shifted or deformed periodically to adjust to the output frequency of the flow. We show that the feedback controller achieves as high lift as the optimization, and can be started from any phase of the natural shedding cycle. Then the feedback control with optimized waveform is directly compared to the sinusoidal forcing case in Sect. 6. Finally, we investigate the sensitivity of the lift to the phase shift and other features of the optimized waveform.
2 Governing Equations and Numerical Method Simulations of flow over a two-dimensional flat plate at Re = 300 and an angle of attack of 40◦ are performed with the immersed boundary projection method combined with a vorticity-streamfunction multi-domain technique.[15, 6] We model the actuation as a point body force smeared over a few grid points with its strength defined by its velocity as Ujet . This method solves the incompressible viscous flow equations, presented here in operator form by (1). The control is implemented as a velocity boundary conditions φ (x,t) applied at the actuation points C shown in figure 1. In this paper, control is a function only of time, and φ (x,t) = φ (t) = Ujet (t), which is the prescribed velocity at the actuation point. The operator form of our flow equations is then
Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding
φ Fig. 1 Schematic of upstream actuation at the trailing-edge
N (q) = Fφ (t),
where q is a vector of flow variables, q = [γ
and F = [Fγ
Ff˜]T .
γ is the discrete circulation and f˜ = [ f˜x f˜y ] is a vector of surface forces on the Lagrangian body points applied to satisfy the no-slip condition for a stationary body points or the prescribed velocity for the actuation points. The vector F allocates the control action and has a single non-zero entry that corresponds to the actuator location associated with the appropriate element of the surface force, f˜. For brevity, we do not write out the explicit form of N . Reference [6] provides the detailed equations. This method is capable of solving for incompressible flows over an arbitraryshaped body in motion and deformation. Here we employ this method with a stationary, rigid flat plate. In what follows, all velocities and length scales are nondimensionalized by the freestream velocity and the chord, U∞ and c, respectively. The numerical method utilizes a series of overlapping uniform Cartesian grids of differing resolution[6]. The finest grid, encompassing the body, is comprised of a rectangular domain exending to [−1, 4] × [−1.5, 1.5] in the streamwise (x) and vertical (y) directions with a uniform grid spacing of 0.02 units. The constant time step was 0.004. The coarsest grid extended to [−8, 32] × [−12, 12]. The boundary condition at the outermost grid was that the streamfunction corresponding to the difference between the full velocity and a uniform free stream was zero. Selected cases were run on finer grids and with larger extents to demonstrate convergence and independence to far-field boundary conditions. The lift and drag coefficient on the flat plate is defined by CL =
Fy 1 2 2 ρ U∞ c
and CD =
Fx , 1 2 2 ρ U∞ c
where ρ is the freestream density of the fluid and Fy and Fx are lift and drag on the plate, respectively, obtained by summing over surface forces in y-direction, f˜y or in x-direction, f˜x . Since the force obtained is normal to the plate and Fy is only the vertical component of the normal force, the increase of the normal force increases
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
both the lift and drag. As the angle of attack increases, the drag component of the normal force is increased while the lift component is reduced. For high angles of attack, this might result in decrease of the lift-to-drag ratio even in the presence of lift enhancement. However, for the purpose of demonstrating the control algorithm to achieve high lift, we will pay closer attention to the lift component of the normal force, CL . In defining the momentum injection added by the forcing, the width of the actuator is estimated as the grid spacing, Δ x. The momentum coefficient, defined in Eq. (4), is the ratio between the momentum injected by the forcing and that of the freestream. 2 ρ Ujet (t) Δ x ρ Ujet (t) 2 Δ x = Cμ = 1 C (4) μ 1 2 2 2 ρ U∞ c 2 ρ U∞ c The values of Cμ Cμ reported are based on the average and the root mean square of control input, Ujet (t) and Ujet (t) , respectively and the width of the actuator, Δ x = 0.02.
3 Sinusoidal Forcing For the translating flat plate at Re = 300, steady attached flow is observed for α < 10◦ . At α = 10◦ , the flow is observed to be separated but remains steady. The flow undergoes a Hopf bifurcation between angles of attack of 12◦ and 15◦ , [5] after which vortex shedding occurs with natural shedding frequency, ωn (ωn ∈ [3.65, 1.39] for α ∈ [15◦, 50◦ ]). Using the vertical projection of the plate to the freestream, we find that ωn can be scaled, for α ≥ 30◦ , to a Strouhal number of St = fn c sin(α )/U∞ ≈ 0.2, where fn = ωn /(2π ). This agrees with the wake Strouhal number for vortex shedding behind two-dimensional bluff bodies[12, 3, 9]. The unsteady shedding cycle consists of vortices of opposite signs alternately shed from the leading and trailing edges, creating periodic oscillations in the lift and drag. As α is increased, larger vortex structures are formed, inducing a larger amplitude of oscillation in the force exerted on the plate. For α ≥ 30◦ , the vortex structure on the suction side of the plate is observed to be created from the leading edge and can be viewed as a transient leading-edge vortex (LEV), or, equivalently, a dynamic stall vortex (DSV) that occurs during a rapid pitch up. Maximum lift is found when the LEV is brought down to the suction side of the plate as it grows in strength. The lift decreases as the new vortex structure of the opposite sign is formed at the trailing edge. This trailing-edge vortex (TEV) pushes up the LEV sitting on the suction side of the plate, and finally halts its growth causing it to pinch-off and shed into the wake. In order to investigate the effect of unsteady blowing on these vortex shedding cycle, we first consider sinusoidal forcing. The control is applied as a nondimen sin(ω t), where U = U = U thus C = C . sional jet velocity, φ = Ujet +Ujet μ f jet jet μ jet Since the goal is to maximize lift from shedding of the coherent vortex structures rather than the suppression of shedding or separation, the frequency, ωf , is initially
Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding
baseline - average sinusoidal forcing - average sinusoidal forcing - max, min
Fig. 2 Sinusoidal actuation at Cμ = 0.01: maximum and minimum lift () and its average over time (◦). Average of the baseline case is plotted in dashed grey and shaded region is bounded by its maximum and minimum. Actuation is applied at the natural shedding frequency, ωf = ωn . For cases where the flow is not phase locked to the forcing signal, variation in period-averaged lift over each actuation period is plotted with error bar to indicate the range of values over a subharmonic limit cycle.
chosen to be the natural shedding frequency for each angle-of-attack α . The flow is phase locked to the actuation for α ≤ 15◦ . However, for α ≥ 20◦ , a subharmonic resonance is excited and over each period of forcing there is a phase shift between the forcing and lift signals. Certain phase shifts results in very high period-averaged lifts and for α > 20◦ , this period-averages lift is greater than the maximum lift occurring in the baseline flow. If the feedback allows us to adjust the frequency of the actuation accordingly to keep the phase shift between the forcing signal and the lift constant, we should be able to reproduce the high-lift shedding cycles over a wide range of α . This feedback controller will be designed in Sect. 5 and it will be shown that the feedback can achieve the desired phase-locked shedding cycle.
4 Optimization With the sinusoidal forcing, we can only optimize the phase of the control relative to the lift. However, continuous sinusoidal forcing could be adding circulation when it is unnecessary, or undesirable. Thus we employ an adjoint-based optimization in order to find the waveform (time history of Ujet ) that maximizes the lift for a given actuation amplitude. We compute the optimal control over a time horizon, using the receding-horizon approach[4]. The procedure is simlar to previous studies [4, 16] and is only outlined briefly here.
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
To maximize lift, we define a cost functional to be minimized J =−
t1 t0
f˜y2 (φ (t), x,t) dx dt + Cw
t1 t0
φ 2 (t) dx dt
where t0 and t1 are the start and end times of the optimization horizon and Ω is surface of the body (see Fig. 1). φ is the control input, in this case φ (t) = Ujet (t). Again, f˜y is y component of forces on the plate calculated in the immersed boundary projection method. The first term is the total squared lift over the optimization horizon. The second term penalizes the actuator amplitude in order to keep Cμ to a value commensurate with the open-loop control discussed previously. The control weight, Cw , is determined by trial and error and is held fixed throughout the optimization. At each iteration of the optimization, we modify the controls according to
φ k+1 = φ k + r ∗ g(φ k ),
where g(φ ) is the gradient of the cost function with respect to the controls, and r is the generalized distance determined iteratively (using Brent’s line minimization) to minimize the cost function. g(φ ) is found by solving g(φ ) = Ff˜ · f˜∗ + 2Cw φ ,
where f˜∗ are the force unknowns in the linearized adjoint equations [1] N ∗ (q) q∗ = F∗ .
Here q∗ are the adjoint variables (discrete circulations and forces) and F∗ is given by (9) F∗ = [Fγ∗ Ff∗˜ ]T = [0 2 f˜y ]T . The adjoint operator requires the full flow field from the (forward) Navier-Stokes simulation (Eq. 1) at every time step. However, in order to save memory, we saved the flow solution only every few time steps and used a linear interpolation in time. Several test cases were done with a different number of time steps skipped, including a case where the solution was saved at every time step, and no significant differences were noted between them. All optimizations used zero control (φ = 0) for the first iteration (k = 1) on each optimization horizon. At each iteration, we required roughly ten full Navier-Stokes simulation to perform the line minimization (to find r). Optimization was done over a horizon T = [t0 ,t1 ], where the horizon, T , is long enough to overcome transient effects, but limited by the computational effort to perform all the required iterations and to tune the control weight. We found for this problem that after about two periods the controls converged to an approximately periodic signal with each period corresponding to a vortex shedding cycle. A horizon of 6 periods gave the results presented below, and tests showed that the results were not very sensitive as the horizon was varied from about 5 to 8 periods. Once the iteration of the optimization converges, the control near the end of each optimization
Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding
t1 ]
Optimization on horizon [t0 ,
Optimization on horizon [t0 + Ta ,
t1 + Ta ]
Fig. 3 Schematic of receding-horizon predictive control. First the optimization of controls are performed on horizon [t0 ,t1 ]. Each iteration of optimization gives the update on control. Once the convergence of the control on the optimization is achieved, the flow is ’advanced’ some portion Ta of the period T , and controls near the end of the optimization horizon are discarded and the optimization is begun anew on horizon [t0 + Ta ,t1 + Ta ].
horizon (transient of adjoint simulation) is discarded and the optimization is begun anew. This process is depicted in Fig. 3. Optimization results in a periodic control waveform after a couple of transient periods. As shown in Fig. 6, this periodic optimal waveform is not sinusoidal, but rather composed of two distinct pulses per shedding cycle. The larger, later pulse is roughly in phase with the maximum lift. This result will be further discussed in Sect. 6 after feedback is designed to achieve highest-lift, phase-locked shedding cycle with a given optimal or sinusoidal control waveform. Different values of control weight, Cw , results in a periodic control waveform with similar features, but with different average control input, thus different values of Cμ . For example, Cw = 0.3 gives the results shown in Fig. 6 where Cμ is about two times lower than that used for the sinusoidal forcing, but comparable lift is achieved. It should be noted that, although we cannot be assured that this is a global optimal, we observed similar results with different values of control weight and different initial controls (zero, constant, or sinusoid).
5 Feedback Optimization provides a periodic control waveform after a couple of transient periods. While it is straightforward to extract a single period of the optimal waveform, the performance can be significantly degraded if this is applied to the plate in the open loop as shown in Fig. 5. Depending on the precise state of the flow upon initiation of forcing, the flow fails to lock onto the optimal waveform or locks on with a different phase than the optimal controller. Moreover, initial transients and
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
subharmonic resonances further degrade the performance. Thus in this section, we design a practically implementable feedback algorithm to achieve phase lock between the lift and the optimal control waveform deduced from the adjoint-based algorithm in the previous section. For example, we may decompose the optimal control waveform as Nk
φoptimal (t) = A0 + ∑[Ak cos(kω t) + Bk sin(kω t)] k Nk
= A0 + ∑[Ak cos(kθ (t)) + Bk sin(kθ (t))],
where Nk is the number of harmonics retained and ω is the fundamental frequency of the optimal waveform. We used Nk = 10 which provided a reasonable representation (less than 5% deviation from the original optimized waveform). In order to implement this optimal waveform with a consistent phase difference between each of the harmonics, instantaneous phase information of the lift signal is required. The frequency of the lift signal is tracked with an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to estimate the phase, θ (t) for use in Eq. 10. To improve the EKF phase estimate, narrowband filter is first used on the lift cycle to obtain a more nearly sinusoidal signal as input to the EKF. The EKF frequency estimate is then used to tune the filter to avoid introducing phase lag. The overall feedback algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 4.
Optimized Waveform Nk ˆ − θdesired )) [Ak cos(k(θ(t) φ(t) = A0 +
ˆ − θdesired ))] +Bk sin(k(θ(t)
Phase ˆ θ(t) ωi
Extended Kalman Filter ˆ yˆ(t) = a ˆ sin(θ(t)) ˆ =ω θ(t) ˆot
Frequency ω ˆo
Fig. 4 Schematic of feedback
= 2π/Ti 2 t a1 (t) = CL (t ) cos(ωi t ) dt Ti t−Ti t 2 b1 (t) = CL (t ) sin(ωi t ) dt Ti t−Ti y(t) = a1 (t) cos(ωi t) + b1 (t) sin(ωi t)
φ = Ujet
Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding
1 0 4
3 2
1 150
Fig. 5 Comparison between open-loop control case (grey) and the feedback control case (black) with optimized waveform (Nk = 10) at α = 40◦
First, we perform a narrowband filtering of the lift according to
ωi = 2π /Ti, 2 t a1 (t) = CL (t ) cos(ωit ) dt , Ti t−Ti 2 t b1 (t) = CL (t ) sin(ωit ) dt , Ti t−Ti y(t) = a1 (t) cos(ωit) + b1 (t) sin(ωi t).
(11) (12) (13) (14)
The filtered lift, y(t) retains the dominant frequency, initially estimated as ωi , and filters out higher harmonics. Next, y(t) is modeled as a pure sinusoid y(t) ˆ = aˆ sin(θˆ (t)), θˆ (t) = ωˆ o t,
(15) (16)
where θˆ is estimated with the EKF; values for noise processes are chosen in the EKF so that the algorithm converges in a few cycles. Our implementation of the EKF follows closely the description in Tadmor[14] and Patoor et al. [11]. When computing y(t), the initial estimate for ωi is updated with the estimate ωˆ o , the frequency estimated by the EKF, and we write Nk
φoptimal (t) = A0 + ∑[Ak cos(k(θˆ (t) − θdesired (t))) + Bk sin(k(θˆ (t) − θdesired (t)))], k
(17) where θdesired is an additional (specified) phase shift relative to the lift signal. Also, note that this feedback controller can be simply implemented for the sinusoidal waveform by setting Nk = 1, A1 = 0, and A0 = B1 = 0.5 for Cμ = 0.01.
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
6 Results of Optimized Feedback Control
φ = Ujet
As shown in Fig. 5, feedback control of the optimized waveform is able to reproduce the high-lift limit cycle that the optimization achieved, but starting from an arbitrary phase of the baseline limit cycle. The feedback system converges to something very close to the previous solution after 4 to 5 periods, and is indistinguishable after about 10 cycles. Fig. 6 compares a few periods of the optimal control signal (Ujet (t)) and the resulting lift coefficient. The results are plotted against the closed-loop controlled case with a sinusoidal waveform where this compensator phase locked the flow at a limit cycle associated with the highest average lift at a given Cμ = 0.01. For both sinusoidal and optimized control, the primary effect of actuation is to create extra vorticity which is fed into the TEV as the vortices are alternately being formed and shed. After the first local minimum lift, as the new LEV is being formed, both waveforms start to feed extra circulation at the trailing edge, leading to more definite pinch off of the LEV at the following global minimum lift. The magnitude of actuation increases as the growing LEV (lift is increasing) is pulled down by the growing TEV, and finally reaches its peak near the maximum lift. The corresponding TEV is strengthened and caused to shed from the trailing edge, thereby allowing the LEV to grow larger. This results in more vertically elongated TEV that induces stronger downwash near the trailing edge, causing the LEV to sit closer to the plate, leading to higher lift compared to the baseline. The flow field for the optimized control does not look very different from the sinusoidal forcing. However, in the optimized control, the short pause between the two pulses slows down the growth of the TEV momentarily. This separates the TEV into two structures combined by a thin vortex sheet. The effect of the dip between the two pulses will be investigated further with the feedback control in section 5.
1 0 4
3 2
Fig. 6 Comparison of optimized control (solid) with closed-loop sinusoidal forcing (dashed) at α = 40◦ . Maximum and minimum lift of baseline (- - -) case is shown as a reference.
Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding
1 0
Fig. 7 Average lift of optimized control () and closed-loop sinusoidal forcing (◦) at different values of Cμ at α = 40◦
The most distinct feature of the optimized control compared to sinusoidal forcing is the gradual increase in φ during the most of the cycle followed by a more rapid decrease after its peak. A gradual addition of circulation alters the formation of the TEV such that it interferes minimally with the natural formation of LEV and only acts as a downwash to push the LEV closer to the plate. Immediately after the maximum lift, the forcing is turned off sharply. This phase of the shedding cycle is where the optimized control achieves similar magnitude of lift with minimal control input compared to the sinusoidal control. Since the shedding of the LEV is probably unavoidable in two-dimensional flow (no spanwise flux of vorticity in z-direction) after the maximum lift has been achieved, letting it shed naturally may be the most energy efficient. For the periods shown in Fig. 6, optimized control resulted in an average lift and drag coefficients of CL,ave = 2.50 and CD = 2.06, corresponding to the average lift-to-drag ratio of CL /CD =1.20 with Cμ = 0.005 and Cμ = 0.010. With sinusoidal waveform, the feedback achieved CL = 2.25 and CD = 1.83 (CL /CD = 1.20) withCμ = Cμ = 0.010. Compared to baseline flow (CL = 1.35, CD = 1.20, and CL /CD = 1.104), optimized control resulted in more than 85% increase in average lift. Fig. 7 compares the average lift values from the optimized control to the results from the feedback controlled cases with sinusoidal waveform where the compensator phase locked the flow at a limit cycle with the highest average lift at different values of Cμ . At Cμ below 0.0065, the lift performance of the sinusoidal control decreases sharply and approaches close to the average lift of the natural flow at Cμ = 0.005. However, optimized control is able to produce high lift even at low Cμ = 0.0025. The feedback controller now allows us to phase-lock an essentially arbitrary waveform, and we can utilize this fact to investigate which features of the optimized waveform are critical to high lift. In Fig. 8, we demonstrate the effect of smoothing the optimal waveform by retaining fewer harmonics in the Fourier expansion. Using Nk = 4, for example, smoothes out the dip between the two highest maxima,
φ = Ujet
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
1 0 4
3 2
Fig. 8 Comparison between feedback control cases with optimized waveform at α = 40◦ : Nk = 10 (dashed) and Nk = 4 (solid)
3 2
0 50 100 -100 -50 phase shift, θdesired [degrees]
Fig. 9 Maximum and minimum lift () and average lift (◦) of phase-locked limit cycles at different phase shift with optimized waveform (Nk = 10) at α = 40◦ . Maximum and minimum lift of baseline (- - -) case is shown as a reference.
but has little impact on the lift achieved. This indicates that, during this phase of the shedding cycle, the sensitivity of the first term (lift-maximizing term) in Eq. 5 to the change in φ is small compared to the second term (control-penalizing term). The short pause between the two pulses may be just an energy-saving feature of the optimal control. Fig. 9 investigates the sensitivity of the lift performance of the phase-locked limit cycles to the changes in the phase shift, θdesired with the optimal control (Nk = 10). Feedback is able to phase lock the flow at any desired phase shift after 3 ∼ 5 periods over a wide range of θdesired . Due to pulse-like feature of the optimal waveform, the lift is quite sensitive to changes in the phase shift, with the average lift dropping below the maximum lift of the baseline with 20◦ phase changes. Because the
Optimized Waveforms for Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding
optimized waveform rapidly decreases immediately after its peak, forcing with the peak prior to the maximum lift (at negative phase shift) impacts the lift significantly. Also, positive phase shift penalizes the lift performance since the magnitude of g(φ ) (sensitivity of the cost functional, Eq. 5 to changes in control, φ ) is small during the lift-decreasing phase; thus, control is not as effective. As phase shift approaches ±180◦ (out of phase), the forced flow results in the average lift similar to that of an unforced flow.
7 Conclusion A gradient-based (adjoint) approach was applied in a receding-horizon setting to optimize the control waveform in order to maximize the lift on a two-dimensional airfoil at α = 40◦ and Re = 300. The optimized control waveform is not sinusoidal, but rather is pulse-like, with each period composed of two distinct pulses (a primary, as well as a smaller earlier pulse). It is interesting to note that pulsatile waveforms, with pulse durations much shorter than the convective time scale, have also been shown to be effective in open-loop forcing in separation control[2]. The most distinct feature of the optimal control is a gradual increase in the forcing φ during most of the cycle, followed by a more rapid decrease after its peak. This minimal control effort after the maximum lift, combined with the short pause between the two pulses provides more energy-efficient control than sinusoidal forcing. As a result, the optimal control achieves comparable lift with 2 times lower Cμ value (CL =2.50 with Cμ = 0.005) as the sinusoidal forcing case (CL =2.25 with Cμ = 0.010). Optimal control provides a periodic control waveform. However, if applied in open loop, the flow fails to phase lock onto the optimal waveform, degrading the lift performance. We designed a feedback algorithm to obtain phase-locked limit cycles. Using a Fourier representation of the optimized waveform, φoptimal , the control parameterizes the waveform in terms of its phase θ (t), allowing the feedback to march along φoptimal with consistent phase difference between each of its modes. The control consists of the following steps : 1. A narrowband filter is used on the lift cycle to obtain a more nearly sinusoidal signal. 2. The filtered lift signal is used as input to frequency tracking Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to estimate the phase, θˆ (t) of the lift signal. 3. The EKF frequency estimate is used to tune the filter to avoid introducing phase lag. 4. Finally, the phase estimate θˆ (t) from EKF is used to march along φoptimal . Feedback control of the optimized waveform was able to reproduce the high-lift limit cycle from the optimization, but starting from an arbitrary phase of the baseline limit cycle. Also, it allowed us to phase lock an essentially arbitrary waveform, thus enabling us to investigate the sensitivity of the flow to the phase shift and other features of the optimized waveform. By using fewer harmonics in the Fourier expansion of the optimized waveform, we demonstrated that smoothing the dip between the two pulses has little impact on the lift performance; this characteristic is more of an energy-saving feature. We also showed that the phase-locked limit cycle with optimized waveform was sensitive to changes in the phase shift, θdesired from 0◦ .
W.T. Joe, T. Colonius, and D.G. MacMynowski
The sharp decrease in lift performance with negative phase shift is due to the steep drop in the optimized waveform after its peak. The lift penalty with positive phase shift indicates that the forcing is less effective after the maximum lift has occurred. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the US Air Fore Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-05-1-0369) with some of the computations made possible by the US Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program. We are thankful to Professor G. Tadmor for the enlightening discussions. Some of the work here has been presented in a preliminary form in AIAA Paper 2009-4027.
References 1. Ahuja, S., Rowley, C.W.: Low-dimensional models for feedback stabilization of unstable steady states. AIAA Paper (2008-553) 2. Amitay, M., Glezer, A.: Flow transients induced on a 2D airfoil by pulse-modulated actuation. Experiments in Fluids 40(2), 329–331 (2006) 3. Bearman, P.W.: On vortex street wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 28, 625–641 (1967) 4. Bewley, T.R., Moin, P., Temam, R.: DNS-based predictive control of turbulence: an optimal benchmark for feedback algorithms. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 447, 179–225 (2001) 5. Colonius, T., Rowley, C.W., Tadmor, G., Williams, D.R., Taira, K., Dickson, W.B., Gharib, M., Dickinson, M.: Closed-loop control of leading-edge and tip vortices for small UAV. In: Conference on Active Flow Control, DFG, Berlin, September 27-29 (2006) 6. Colonius, T., Taira, K.: A fast immersed boundary method using a nullspace approach and multi-domain far-field boundary conditions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197(25-28), 2131–2146 (2008) 7. Glezer, A., Amitay, M.: Synthetic jets. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 34, 503–529 (2002) 8. Greenblatt, D., Wygnanski, I.J.: The control of flow separation by periodic excitation. Progress in Aerospace Sciences 36(7), 487–545 (2000) 9. Griffin, O.M.: Universal Strouhal number for locking-on of vortex shedding to vibrations of bluff cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 85, 591–606 (1978) 10. Magill, J., Bachmann, M., Rixon, G., McManus, K.: Dynamic stall control using a model-based observer. Journal of Aircraft 40(2), 355–362 (2003) 11. Pastoor, M., Henning, L., Noack, B.R., King, R., Tadmor, G.: Feedback shear layer control for bluff body drag reduction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 608, 161–196 (2008) 12. Roshko, A.: Experiments on the flow past a circular cylinder at very high Reynolds number. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 10(3), 345–356 (1961) 13. Rullan, J.M., Vlachos, P.P., Telionis, D.P., Zeiger, M.D.: Post-stall flow control of sharpedged wings via unsteady blowing. Journal of Aircraft 43(6), 1738–1746 (2006) 14. Tadmor, G.: Observers and feedback control for a rotating vortex pair. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 12(1), 36–51 (2004) 15. Taira, K., Colonius, T.: The immersed boundary method: A projection approach. Journal of Computational Physics 225(2), 2118–2137 (2007) 16. Wei, M.J., Freund, J.B.: A noise-controlled free shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 546, 123–152 (2006) 17. Wu, J.Z., Lu, X.Y., Denny, A.G., Fan, M., Wu, J.M.: Post-stall flow control on an airfoil by local unsteady forcing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 371, 21–58 (1998)
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations Christian John, Bernd R. Noack, Michael Schlegel, Fredi Tr¨oltzsch, and Daniel Wachsmuth
Abstract. We investigate two control problems related to the aerodynamic optimization of flows around airfoils in high-lift configurations. The first task is the steady state maximization of lift subject to restrictions on the drag. This leads to a boundary control problem for the 2D stationary Navier-Stokes equations with constrained control functions belonging to L2 (Γ ) under an integral state constraint. We derive optimality conditions and treat the problem numerically by direct solution of the associated nonsmooth optimality system. The second part is based on a k-ω -W ILCOX 98 turbulence model. To deal with the curse of dimension and the nonlinearity of the system, we discuss a reduced-order model by adapting a small system of ODEs to solutions computed with the full model.
Christian John · Fredi Tr¨oltzsch Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Institute of Mathematics, Strasse des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Michael Schlegel Technische Universit¨at Berlin, MB1, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] Bernd R. Noack Institut Pprime, CNRS – Universit´e de Poitiers – ENSMA, UPR 3346, D´epartement Fluides, Thermique, Combustion. CEAT, 43 rue de I’A´erodrome, F-86036 POITIERS Cedex, France e-mail:
[email protected] Daniel Wachsmuth Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria e-mail:
[email protected] R. King (Ed.): Active Flow Control II, NNFM 108, pp. 405–419. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 springerlink.com
C. John et al.
1 Introduction We study some questions of numerical analysis for optimal boundary control problems to optimize the flow around airfoils. The associated background of applications in fluid mechanics, active separation control, was subject of various papers written from an engineering point of view. We only mention [5, 6, 26, 27, 28, 36], whose considerations are close to our setting. Mathematically, this class of problems belongs to the field of optimal control of Navier-Stokes equations. Starting with the paper [1], an almost countless number of associated contributions has been published. In particular, we refer to [8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 32, 34]. Optimal flow control problems with state constraints were studied in [10, 24, 25]. Our paper deals with two problems, both related to high-lift configurations, where the lift is increased by suction or blowing of flow on part of a wing. In the first part, we consider a steady state optimal boundary control problem for the twodimensional Navier-Stokes equations with low Reynolds number. Here, a linearquadratic integral functional expressing the lift is to be maximized under an integral state constraint on the drag. The control acts on a part of the boundary of the domain and is taken from the space L2 (Γ ). This raises some problems of regularity which have to be solved. After a suitable transformation of the problem, we derive first-order necessary optimality conditions. The associated nonsmooth first-order optimality system of two coupled Navier-Stokes equations is solved numerically following a method suggested by Neitzel et al. [21]. The second part of the paper deals with a nonstationary problem that accounts also for turbulence. Here, the flow is computed on the basis of a k − ω W ILCOX 98 model including the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations. The curse of dimension and the inherent nonlinearity leads to very large computing times so that a model reduction is a method of choice. To this aim, many authors have considered proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). We mention e.g. [2, 18, 19, 35]. A reduced-order model (ROM) is considered in Section 3 due to [20] and [22]. The numerical application of this technique is explained in Section 3 and first test examples are presented.
2 A Stationary Optimal Boundary Control Problem 2.1 Definition of the Problem In this section, we discuss the stationary optimal control problem to maximize the lift under a restriction on the drag. Here, we assume a low Reynolds number so that we avoid the discussion of turbulence. The computational domain, i.e. the domain of the flow field is denoted by Ω ⊂ Rn , n = 2, 3, cf. Figure 1. Its boundary Γ = ∂ Ω covers in particular the boundaries of the wings shown in the figure. These parts of the boundary, denoted by Γw , are assumed to be sufficiently smooth. The boundary Γ is the union of m connected components, Γ = mj=1 Γj . We assume for simplicity
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations
that the control g acts on a subdomain of Γw denoted by Γc . The set Γc stands for the location of the slit for suction and blowing and we avoid a precise modeling of the associated jet. The velocity field u around the wing is obtained as the solution of the stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations −νΔ u + (u · ∇)u + ∇p = 0 in Ω div u = 0 in Ω u = g on Γc , u = 0 on Γ \ Γc ,
where p denotes the pressure associated with the flow. The parameter ν = 1/Re is related to the viscosity. The admissible controls are taken from the set Gad ⊂ L2 (Γ ) defined by Gad := {g ∈ H0 (Γ ) : g(x) ∈ G almost everywhere on Γc },
where G is a bounded, convex, closed, and non-empty subset of Rn . For instance, G can be given by lower and upper bounds, G = [Ga , Gb ]. We also assume 0 ∈ G to have the option of turning off the control. The space H0 (Γ ) consists of all functions h ∈ H 0 (Γ ) with Γj h · n d γ = 0 for all j = 1, · · · , m. For a discussion of the used function spaces and such convex control constraints, we refer to [16] and [33]. The force on the wing in a direction e is given by the boundary integral F = Γw (ν∂n u − pn) · e dγ , where n is the outward normal vector and we write for short ∂n u := ∂ u/∂ n. Let the vectors el and ed indicate the directions of lift and drag. Now, we are able to formulate our optimal control problem: Find a control g ∈ Gad that maximizes the lift, i.e. minimizes the negative lift, min Fl (u) := −
(ν∂n u − pn) · el dγ
subject to (1) and, with some given constant d0 , to the integral state (drag) constraint
Fd (u) =
(ν∂n u − pn) · ed dγ ≤ d0 .
2.2 Well-Posedness and Optimality Conditions The analysis of the optimal control problem (1)-(4) was developed in [16]; the associated assumptions are satisfied by our setting. Below, we state the main conclusions for (1)-(4). The solutions of the state equations (1) are defined in the very weak sense and it follows that for every control function g ∈ H0 (Γ ) there exists a very weak solution u ∈ Y := L2n/(n−1)(Ω ) of (1), see [16], Section 2. For this result to hold, it is essential to have Γi g · ndγ = 0 for all connected components Γi of Γ . If g is small compared to ν , then the solution u is unique.
C. John et al.
The assumption of non-singularity implies that the Navier-Stokes equations are uniquely solvable in a neighborhood of the reference control and state, we refer to [7, Theorem 2.5] Notice that our optimal control problem is nonlinear and hence belongs to the field of nonconvex optimization. Therefore, we have to deal with locally optimal solutions. In what follows, g¯ is a locally optimal reference control and u¯ is the associated state. A pair (u, ¯ g) ¯ ∈ Y × H0 (Γ ) is called non-singular, if the Navier-Stokes equations linearized at u¯ admit a unique very weak solution u ∈ Y for all boundary data g ∈ H0 (Γ ) and all distributed data f ∈ H−1 (Ω ) and the solution mapping (g, f ) → u is linear and continuous. This condition is fulfilled for small u, ¯ [23, Lemma B.1]. In the cost functional Fl defined in (3) and Fd defined in (4), the normal derivative ∂n u appears; therefore we need ∂n u ∈ L1 (Γ ). For Dirichlet boundary data g ∈ L2 (Γ ) this is not true, hence Fl and Fd were reformulated in [16], Subsection 2.4, to fl (u, g) and fd (u, g) defined as
fi (u, g) =
(ν u · Δ ϕi + (u · ∇)ϕi u) dx −
(ν g∂n ϕi + (g · n)(ϕi · g))dγ ,
i ∈ {d, l}, where u ∈ Y is regular enough. This transformation is obtained by multiplying (1) with some ϕ ∈ H2 (Ω ) and integrating twice partially so that Fi (u) = fi (u, g), i ∈ {d, l}. To show the existence of an optimal solution, we have the problem that the cost functional is not bounded from below, because the solution of the state equation is not necessarily unique for large data. To resolve this problem, we modify the original cost functional to ˜ g) := m(− fl (u, g)) + αm u2 1/2 + α g2 0 . J(u, H H 2 2
where αm is a small positive parameter. The function m : R → R is assumed to be continuous, monotone increasing, and bounded from below. We have to modify also the control constraints by ˜ Gad ⊂ u ∈ Gad : (g · n)(ϕi · g)dγ = 0, i ∈ {d, l} . (7) Γw
If there is an admissible pair (u, ˜ g) ˜ ∈ H1/2 (Ω ) × G˜ ad satisfying all constraints, i.e. (1), (3) and (4), where fl and fd are substituted for Fl and Fd , respectively, then the modified problem possesses at least one solution. To avoid specific numerical difficulties and problems with traces and low state regularity, we confine ourselves to a finite-dimensional control set Gad,q := {g ∈ H1/2 (Γ ) : g = ∑li=1 qi ei , q ∈ Q} with Q ∈ Rl , [[16], Section 4]. Due to g ∈ H1/2 (Γ ), the associated state u belongs to H1 (Ω ), so we are able to reformulate Fl and Fd to: fˆi (u) := −
(ν ∇u · ∇ϕi + (u · ∇)uϕi) dx, i ∈ {d, l}.
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations
Then fˆi is twice continuously Fr´echet differentiable from H1 (Ω ) to R and it holds fˆi (u) = fi (u, g) = Fi , i ∈ {d, l}, for smooth states u associated to controls g. The following theorem holds true: Theorem 1. Let (u, ¯ g) ¯ a non-singular locally optimal solution for the modified optimal control problem. Assume that there exist g˜ close to g¯ satisfying the standard linearized Slater condition. Then there is a Lagrange multiplier ξ ≥ 0 associated with the integral state constraint (4), an adjoint state λ ∈ H10 (Ω ) ∩ W 2,r (Ω )n , and an associated adjoint pressure π ∈ W 1,r (Ω ), for all r ∈ [2, ∞), such that (λ , π ) is the weak solution of the adjoint equation −νΔ λ + (∇u) ¯ T λ − (u¯ · ∇)λ + ∇π = 0
in Ω in Ω
divλ = 0
λ = el − ξ ed λ =0
on Γw on Γ \ Γw
and the following conditions are satisfied: The variational inequality
(α g¯ − (ν∂n λ − π n)) · (g − g) ¯ ≥0
∀g ∈ Gad,q
and the complementarity condition
ξ ( fˆd (u) ¯ − d0 ) = 0, ξ ≥ 0, fˆd (u) ¯ ≤ d0 .
2.3 Numerical Solution We handle the optimal control above numerically by direct solution of the optimality system that follows from Theorem 1 and is stated below, see also [16], Section 6. Our computations are based on the following setting: The computational domain is related to a 2D generic high-lift configuration and is shown in Figure 1. The inflow u∞ acts through an inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition at the inflow boundary Γin The control boundary Γc was modeled by a nonhomoge-
Fig. 1 The generic high-lift configuration where the slit for the control function is implemented on the flap
C. John et al.
neous Dirichlet condition, where the (bounded) suction and blowing occurs by a small slot in the flap. A no-slip boundary condition, i.e. homogeneous Dirichlet condition, was used for the remaining airfoil Γw and the wall boundaries Γwall . At the outflow boundary Γout , we prescribe a so called ”do nothing” condition: ν∂n u − pn = 0. For more details of the configuration see the technical report [6]. Thanks to the do nothing boundary condition, we can abandon the constraint Γj u · ndγ = 0, which was incorporated to guarantee existence of divergence free solutions. With this simplification, the variational inequality and the complementarity condition in the optimality system given by Theorem 1 are equivalent to g¯ = PG {1/α (ν∂n λ − π n)} in Γc and
ξ = max (0, ξ + fˆd (u) ¯ − d0),
where PG is the projection of R2 to G. For G = [Ga , Gb ], P is defined by P[Ga ,Gb ] {g} := min{Gb , max{Ga , g}}. This projection permits to eliminate the control variable. Then we have to solve the following nonsmooth optimality system consisting of the state equation, the equation for the Lagrange multiplier ξ and the associated adjoint equation: −νΔ u + (u · ∇)u + ∇p = 0 div u = 0 u = PG (1/α (ν∂n λ − π n)) u=0 u = u∞ ν∂n u − pn = 0
in Ω , in Ω , on Γc , on Γwall ∪ Γw \ Γc , on Γin , on Γout ,
−νΔ λ + (∇u)T λ − (u · ∇)λ + ∇π = 0
in Ω ,
div λ = 0
in Ω ,
λ = el − ξ ed λ =0 ν∂n λ − π n + (u · n)λ = 0
on Γw , on Γin ∪ Γwall , on Γout ,
ξ = max (0, ξ + fˆd (u) − d0). We used the commercial Finite-Element code COMSOL Multiphysics with a damped Newton method to solve the nonlinear system. The partial differential equations were discretized by Taylor-Hood finite elements. The Reynolds number given by Re = 106.25 is based on the chord length Lre f = 1.275 and the free stream velocity u∞ = 1. For the uncontrolled problem, we obtained a lift coefficient of Ca = FA /(0.5u2∞Lre f ) = 1.299 and a drag coefficient of Cd = DA /(0.5u2∞Lre f ) = 0.701, where FA is the resulting lift and DA the drag. The academic choice of the low Reynolds numbers implies a steady flow without vortex sheddings.
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations
Fig. 2 Velocity field for the uncontrolled (left) and controlled case (right)
Fig. 3 Controlled case: absolute value of velocity field (left) and streamlines (right)
For the optimization process, we took the control cost parameter α = 0.001 and the control constraints as box constraints G = [−1, +1], an academic choice to test the solution method. The solution for the case without any drag constraint was maximal possible suction (i.e. g ≡ −1). The optimized lift is Ca = 1.313 and the associate drag is Cd = 0.72, which is a lift gain of 1.1%. We imposed the upper bound d0 = 0.717 on the drag, which is smaller than 0.72; hence this constraint should be active at the solution. In fact, for the computed solution we obtain Cd = 0.717. Due to this restriction, the computed lift Ca = 1.3127 is smaller than for the case without state constraints, but still better than in the uncontrolled situation.
3 The Nonstationary Case 3.1 Model Reduction In contrast to Section 2, we admit in the nonstationary situation high Reynolds numbers and consider a problem closer to the real setting of the high-lift configuration, see e.g. [6, 28, 31]. Here, we have to deal with turbulence, which is simulated by a k-ω -W ILCOX 98 model, we refer to [37]. Moreover, periodic actuation is applied.
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Due to the high dimension of the discretized equations, the computing times for any forward solution of the model are extremely large so that a mathematical optimization of the periodic actuation is fairly unrealistic. In [6], a generic high-lift configuration was investigated and one forward solution took about 48 hours. In the case of the SCCH configuration, the computation time was nearly twice that number. Therefore, model reduction is advisable. A widely used method is POD [2, 15, 18, 19]. In the case of the high-lift configuration, the application of standard POD does not align to the target of robust dynamical least-order models for the real flow. To establish the reduced-order model (ROM), the computed POD basis must be inserted as a Galerkin basis in the real W ILCOX 98 model. The associated implementation is a time consuming task. There were several approaches to deal with these problems, e.g. an extension of POD to data compression of multiple operation points, see [17] for sequential POD or [30] for DPOD. We follow an alternative approach suggested in [20, 22] of a canonical reduction with parameter identification. Here, a very small system of nonlinear ODEs is adapted to the computed flows in the actuated and non-actuated case. This small system is easily tractable by optimization and we prefer to use a model reduction that does not need full information on the original state equations. In this section, we report on first experience in a simplified two-dimensional setting. Our numerical results are promising for future optimization tasks.
3.2 Reduced-Order Model (ROM) The procedure is as follows: First, for the unactuated system, N = 567 snapshots uˆni (x) := uˆn (x,ti ) were determined at equidistant discrete times ti , i = 1, · · · , N, covering 6 convective time units. Analogously, N snapshots uˆai (x) := uˆa (x,ti ), i = 1, · · · , N, are computed for the actuated system by a URANS simulation with a W ILCOX 98 turbulence k-ω -model and a Reynolds number of 1.756 · 106. The actuation is g(t) = B cos(ω at), where B is the actuation amplitude, ω a = 2π St a the actuation frequency, and St a = f a c/U∞ the Strouhal number with actuation frequency f a ; c = 1 is the cord length of the wing and U∞ = 1 the incoming flow velocity. We chose a fairly large amplitude B to get significant differences between the frequencies of the operating conditions. Data analysis. Next, similarly to POD, all snapshots are processed. For this purpose, we consider only the velocity field u in a certain reference domain, where the actuation has the main influence on velocity and lift, see Figure 4. Therefore, the snapshot velocity data are weighted by the size of their area. We select the first two POD modes of the actuated and non-actuated system carrying the highest energy. For further details of POD see e.g. [15]. Filtering. The snapshots uˆni and uˆai are given on a time interval [0, T ]. To guarantee a multiple of the associated wavelengths, we search for the maximal ka , kn ∈ N such that the times T n = 2π kn /ω n and T a = 2π ka /ω a fulfill T n < T and T a < T . We calculate the phases φ n (t), φ a (t) and radii r˜n (t), r˜a (t) by
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations
an1 (t) + ian2(t) = aa1 (t) + iaa2(t) =
r˜n (t)eiφ a
n (t)
iφ a (t)
r˜ (t)e
, ,
where (an1 (t), an2 (t)) and (aa1 (t), aa2 (t)) are the first POD mode coefficient pairs of the natural and the actuated case, respectively. To extract the dominant harmonic oscillation from these POD coefficients, fluctuations of both, the radii r˜n (t), r˜a (t) and the phases φ n (t), φ a (t), are neglected. With the average values ω n = ∂t φ n (t), ω a = ∂t φ a (t) and rn = r˜n (t), ra = r˜a (t), we approximate our filtered coefficients n n a1 (t) + ia2 (t) = rn eiω t and a1 (t) + ia2 (t) = rn eiω t . The associated filtered modes are determined by ui (x) = (uˆn (x,t) − un0 , ai (t))T n :=
1 Tn
Tn 0
(uˆn (x,t) − un0 (x)) ai (t) dt,
ui (x) = (uˆa (x,t) − ua0 , ai (t))T a ,
i = 1, 2, i = 3, 4.
These frequency-filtered modes are orthonormalized. The expressions un0 and ua0 are the mean flows un0 (x) = 1/N ∑Ni=1 uˆni (x) in the unactuated respectively ua0 (x) = 1/N ∑Ni=1 uˆai (x) in the actuated case. Low order dynamical system. The filter modes contain significant information gained from the URANS solution by the k-ω -model. Following [20, 29], the main idea of the ROM is to set up a small size system of ODEs for (a1 (t), · · · , a4 (t))T that rebuilds the computed fluid flow best under the operating conditions. Similarly to the work of Luchtenburg et al. [20], the dynamical system comprises uniform oscillations of the mode coefficient pairs (a1 , a2 ) at natural frequency and the actuated pendant (a3 , a4 ), which are coupled through the equations for amplified saturation. The dynamical system is set up as follows:
σ˜ n a1 −ω n a2 ω n a1 +σ˜ n a2 a˙3 = σ˜ a a3 −ω a a4 + g31g + g32g˙ a˙4 = ω a a3 +σ˜ a a4 + g41g + g42g˙ a˙1 = a˙2 =
σ˜ n = σ˜ a =
σ n −β1 (An )2 − β2 (Aa )2 σa
with An = a21 + a22 , Aa = a23 + a24 and g = B cos(ω a t), where B is the amplitude of the actuation signal and ω a is the associated angular frequency. Because the snapshots do not carry transient data, we have to select the amplification rates σ n , σ a as follows: • σ n = 0.15 is an empirical value, if the cord-length of the wing is 1. Because the flap is the active part of the configuration, we choose σ n = 0.15 Uc ∞ . fl
1 • σ a = − Tcon where Tcon is the time that one vortex needs to pass the flap-length c f l . We read off this value from the snapshots.
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If the fluid flow is in the unactuated state, then we should have no energy in the coefficients a3 , a4 , i.e. a3 = a4 = 0, hence Aa = 0. Moreover, we require σ˜ n = σ n − β1 (An )2 = 0 holds for the unactuated flow dynamics. This expresses the fact that there is no additional energy contribution to the natural oscillatory behavior of a1 , a2 . Thus β1 can be determined by
β1 = σ n (A1n )2 = σ n
1 . (rn )2
In the actuated case, the energy of the modes with the natural frequency vanishes. To identify the parameter β2 , we need an additional set of snapshots with a small amplitude of actuation B where the energy A˜ n , contained in the associated filtered coefficients a˜1 , a˜2 , is not equal to zero. For this actuation amplitude, we compute the filtered coefficients and the associated energies (A˜ n )2 and (A˜ a )2 . We determine β2 by assuming that the energy in this system remains constant over all amplitudes B by σ n = β1 (A˜ n )2 + β2(A˜ a )2 ; (10) notice that (A˜ n )2 , (A˜ a )2 are associated with B. The dynamical system (9) contains free parameters g31 , g32 , g41 and g42 to calibrate the selected actuation to the dynamical system. Remind that the actuation g and its derivative g˙ are g = B cos(ω a t) and g˙ = −Bω a sin(ω a t), where the actuation amplitude B is our optimization variable. Therefore, we multiply the third and fourth equation by g and g, ˙ respectively, and integrate over [0, T a ]. This eliminates g32 , g42 and g31 , g41 , respectively. For instance
leads to
(a˙3 , g)T a = σa (a3 , g)T a − ωa (a4 , g)T a + g31 (g, g)T a
g31 = (a˙3 , g)T a − σ a (a3 , g)T a + ω a (a4 , g)T a /(g, g)T a .
Note that (g, ˙ g)T a vanishes in the long term average. Computation of lift. Based on the dynamical system (a˙i )i , the lift is obtained by the following ansatz with unknown coefficients ci j and ck 4
CL (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) = cl0 + ∑ c1i ai + c5 (An )2 + c6 (An )4 .
There is no limitation to the energy Aa of the actuated case with respect to increasing B, hence Aa is not included in (13). The ansatz (13) is motivated by a global momentum balance equation and the constant and linear term in (13) are related to this equation. The lift effect of base-flow variation can be lumped in c5 (An )2 + c6 (An )4 assuming slow transients, see [29] in this volume. The parameters ci j and ck are obtained by a least-squares fit of CL ((ani )) and CL ((aai )) to the original lift values of the URANS simulation. The (ani ) are the filtered coefficients of the unactuated case and (aai ) are the filtered coefficients of the actuated case. Our goal is to fit the parameters
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations
Fig. 4 The SCCH highlift configuration, where the periodic excitation is implemented on the flap
in the sense that the simulated lift values are reproduced by the lift formula (13) in the unactuated case CLU based on (ani ) as well as the lift values in the actuated case CLA based on (aai ). This leads to the problem min F(ci j ) = CLA (·) − CL (ci j )((aai (·)))2 + CLN (·) − CL (ci j )((ani (·)))2 . ci j
Finally, the optimization problem is formulated as max CL (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) B>0
subject to the ODE system (9). Numerical example. A high-lift configuration with observation region Ω presented in Figure 4 was considered, see [20] for details. The actuation amplitude to determine the set of the actuated snapshots was B = 3.5888, the flap-length c f l = 0.254 and we worked with the parameters σ n = 0.5906, σ a = −2.0042, g31 = 0.0284, g32 = 0.0000, g41 = 0.0000, g42 = −0.0019, ω n = 5.5407, ω a = 14.8412, β1 = 14.75 and β2 = 654.0806, calculated with an actuation amplitude of B = 1.19. An example of the phase portraits for the coefficients a1 , · · · , a4 of the dynamical system (9) is presented in Figure 5.
Fig. 5 Phase portraits of (a1 , a2 ) (left) and (a3 , a4 ) (right) of system (9) with full actuation, starting with (a1 , a2 ) on the natural limit cycle and (a3 , a4 ) = (0, 0)
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Fig. 6 Comparison of the lift values of the URANS simulation with those obtained by the lift formula based on the filtered coefficients a1 , · · · , a4 : Natural flow (left), actuated flow (right)
Calibrating the parameters of the lift formula (13) to this data, we get cl0 = 2.2238, c11 = 0.2295, c12 = −0.6858, c13 = 1.6717, c14 = −0.2963, c5 = −8.3606, c6 = 39.7410. Figure 6 shows the agreement of CL (ai ) with the lift-values of the URANS simulation, where (ai ) are the filtered coefficients. The mean values differ in both cases not more than 1%. This is negligible, because in contrast to our stationary case without turbulence, we achieve a lift gain of more than 14% in the full problem. Evaluating CL with the ai ’s as the solutions of the dynamical system, once computed with B = 0 and once with the full actuation B = 3.5888, we get mean values of around 1.96 respectively 2.24 and the results presented in Figure 7.
Fig. 7 Comparison of the lift values of the URANS simulation with those obtained by the lift formula based on a1 , · · · , a4 of the dynamical system: Natural flow (left), actuated flow (right)
Solving this dynamical system with several actuation amplitudes B = 0 to B = 3.6, we resolve the average lift values presented in Figure 8; for B = 0 an average lift of 1.96 and for B = 3.5888 an average lift of 2.22. The optimization problem (14) yields a lift gain of more than 13%. The maximal lift is achieved at an actuation amplitude of around Bopt = 2.4, agreeing with the results of the URANS simulation.
Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations
Fig. 8 Comparison of the calculated lift coefficients (continuous lines) with those obtained by the URANS simulation (dashed lines) over the actuation amplitude B
4 Conclusion We considered two settings of high-lift configurations. In the case of steady state Navier-Stokes equations with low Reynolds number, we established first-order necessary optimality conditions for a problem with integral state constraint on the drag. The main theoretical difficulty was the appearance of low regularity controls in a Dirichlet boundary condition. The optimal control is obtained by direct numerical solution of the established optimality system. An associated nonstationary case with high Reynolds number was investigated by a WILCOX98 turbulence model. To deal with the unavoidable curse of dimension, a robust reduced order model was set up that fits best to snapshots computed by the full system in the natural and the actuated state. The ROM reproduces the nonlinear behavior of the system sufficiently well so that an optimization of periodic actuation will lead to reasonable results. In particular, the application of trust-region proper orthogonal decomposition (TRPOD) should be considered to set up an improved reduced-order model. In [4] a ROM was used to minimize the total mean drag for a circular cylinder wake flow by updating the ROM during a (TRPOD) approach, we refer also to [3]. Acknowledgements. We acknowledge stimulating discussions with A. Carnarius, B. G¨unther, D. M. Luchtenburg, M. Nestler, and F. Thiele. We are grateful to the group ”Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aeroacoustics” chaired by F. Thiele, TU Berlin, for providing us with associated snapshots. The authors acknowledge the excellent working conditions and the support by the DFG funded Collaborative Research Center Sfb 557 ”Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flow” at TU Berlin.
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Author Index
Aleksi´c, Katarina Ashcroft, Graham
341 157
Barbagallo, Alexandre Bauer, Matthias 95 Brunn, Andr´e 223
Carnarius, Angelo 45 Colonius, Tim 19, 81, 391 Eichinger, S´ andor 241 Enghardt, Lars 143 Fagley, Casey
Gelbert, Gregor 307 Glezer, Ari 3 Gmelin, Christoph 203 G¨ olling, Burkhard 95, 125 Grund, Thomas 31 G¨ unther, Bert 45, 341 Hecklau, Martin 171 Hege, Hans-Christian 307, 373 Heiland, Jan 357 Heinz, Notger 125 H¨ oll, Tobias 109 Hotz, Ingrid 373 Huppertz, Andre 171, 203 Joe, Won Tae 391 John, Christian 405
Kasten, Jens 307, 373 Kerstens, Wesley 19 King, Rudibert 19, 125, 143, 187, 223, 257, 307, 341 Klein, Rupert 291 Krentel, Daniel 223 Lacarelle, Arnaud 307 Lemke, Olaf 143 Luchtenburg, Dirk M. 307, 341 MacMynowski, Douglas G. 391 McLaughlin, Thomas 325 Mehrmann, Volker 357 Michel, Ulf 157 Moeck, Jonas P. 291, 307 M¨ oser, Michael 143 Muminovic, Rifet 143, 223, 257 Neise, Wolfgang 143 Nitsche, Wolfgang 31, 95, 171, 223 Noack, Bernd R. 187, 307, 341, 373, 405 Paschereit, Christian O. Paschereit, Oliver 291 Peltzer, Inken 95, 171 Petz, Christoph 373 Pfeiffer, Jens 19, 257 Rowley, Clarence W.
Scharfenberg, Carsten 291 Schlegel, Michael 341, 405 Schmid, Peter 275
Author Index
Schmidt, Michael 357 Seidel, J¨ urgen 325 Seifert, Avraham 63 Siegel, Stefan 325 Sipp, Denis 275 Stalnov, Oksana 63 Steger, Mathias 157, 203 Swoboda, Marius 171, 203
Tadmor, Gilead Taira, Kunihiko
341 81
Thiele, Frank 45, 109, 157, 203, 241, 341 Tr¨ oltzsch, Fredi 405 Wachsmuth, Daniel 405 Wassen, Erik 109, 203, 241 Weinkauf, Tino 373 Werner, Nico 257 Wiederhold, Olaf 187 Williams, David 19 Woo, George T.K. 3 Zander, Vincent
Keyword Index
active noise control Closed Loop Blade 143 Turbofan Tone Noise 157 Ahmed body Application of Active 223,224 Simulation of Active 241 Model Predictive Control 257, 258, 265 air jet actuation Closed Loop Blade 143 Application of Active 223,224 axial turbomachines Closed Loop Blade 143 Turbofan Tone Noise 157 Experimental AFC Approaches 171 Robust Control in 187 URANS simulation of bluff body Application of Active 223,224 Simulation of Active 241 Model Predictive Control 257, 265, 267 Turbulence Control Based 341 boundary layer On Amplitude Scaling 63 bubble On Amplitude Scaling 63 cavity flow Closed-Loop Control 275, 277 closed loop control Unsteady Lift Suppression 19 Robust Closed-Loop Lift 125 Closed Loop Blade 143 Robust Control in 187 Application of Active 223, 224 Model Predictive Control 257, 265, 267, 246 Closed-Loop Control 275, 276, 277 Modeling the Fuel/Air 307
Turbulence Control Based 341 Optimized Waveforms for 391 combustion instability and control Application of Active 223, 224 A Zero-Mach Solver 291,304 Modeling the Fuel/Air 307 compressor and compressor cascade Experimental AFC Approaches 171 Robust Control in 187 data visualization Extraction of Coherent 373 descriptor system A New Discretization 357 discrete methods Extraction of Coherent 373, 375 discretization of input/output maps A New Discretization 357 dynamic stall Transitory Control of 1 feature extraction Extraction of Coherent 373, 375 flat plate Optimized Waveforms for 393, 395 glider configuration Active Flow Control 31, 32, 33 gust alleviation Unsteady Lift Suppression 19, 21 high lift Active Flow Control 31, 32, 33 Numerical Investigation of 45, 109, 111 Lock-on to a 81, 89 Active Flow Control 95, 106 Numerical Investigation of 109 Robust Closed-Loop Lift 125, 127 HQ41 Numerical Investigation of 45, 47
424 Kalman filter Closed Loop Blade 143, 145 Model Predictive Control 257, 258 large eddy simulation Simulation of Active 241, 243 micro air vehicle Unsteady Lift Suppression 19, 21 model predictive control Model Predictive Control 259, 261 model reduction Closed-Loop Control of 273, 275 Reduced Order Modeling 325 Turbulence Control Based 341, 343 A New Discretization 357 Optimal boundary Control 405, 406 nonlinear control Turbulence Control Based 341, 343 NOx emissions Modeling the Fuel/Air 307, 309 optimal control Optimized Waveforms for …393, 395 Optimal Boundary Control 405, 406 Oseen equation A New Discretization 357 particle image velocimetry Active Flow Control 31,32 Experimental AFC Approaches 171, 173 Application of Active 223, 224 Modeling the Fuel/Air 307, 309 periodic excitation On Amplitude Scaling 63, 65 Application of Active 223, 224 pitching airfoil Transitory Control of 1 pulsed actuation Transitory Control of 1
Keyword Index radial duct modes Turbofan Tone Noise 157, 159 robust control Unsteady Lift Suppression 19, 21 Robust Control in 187 Model Predictive Control 257, 258 scalar mixing control Modeling the Fuel/Air 307, 309 scaling On Amplitude Scaling 63, 65 separation control Numerical Investigation of 45, 47 On Amplitude Scaling 63 transitory flow control On Amplitude Scaling 63, 65 Transitory Control of 1 turbomachinery Closed-Loop Blade 143 Turbofan Tone Noise 157, 159 Experimental AFC Approaches 171 Robust Control in 187, 189 URANS Simulation of 203 turbulence control Turbulence Control Based 341, 343 turbulence model Optimal Boundary Control 405, 406 URANS Numerical Investigation of 45, 47 Turbofan Tone Noise 157, 159 URANS Simulation of 203 wavenet Reduced Order Modeling 325, 327 zero-mach A Zero-Mach Solver 291, 304
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design
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